Sean Michael Sealed With a Kink 4 Shaving

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A Sealed with a Kink Story

By Sean Michael

Resplendence Publishing, LLC


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Copyright © 2013 Sean Michael
Edited by Andrea Grimm and Venus Cahill
Cover Art by Les Byerley

Published by Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 N Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-713-1

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
copyrighted work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including
infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable
by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: November 2013

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product
of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
places or occurrences, is purely coincidental.

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Cord is into shaving, finding it an intimate act, especially how a sub really needs to trust him to

let him near his face and neck with a very sharp straight razor. Some years ago, Cord’s sub,

Liam, left him, not willing to even try a full-body shave. Ever since, Cord’s been spending his

Friday nights at the club, shaving subs for their Masters. It isn’t the same as having a boy of his

own, but at least he gets to work his magic with the straight razor.

One evening, Liam unexpectedly sends Cord a drink, and Cord finds himself drawn to the back

booth where his former sub is sitting. Cord never stopped caring for Liam, and now there’s

something different about Liam, something intriguing.

Could this be a new beginning for Cord and Liam?


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Chapter One

I sit back in my booth, sipping at my margarita as I watch the action at the club. I’ve had

a good evening. Three beards and two heads. The last sub, Dalton, was very grateful and making

eyes at me, but I know that Vic has his sights on the boy and that bald head is going to make

Dalton even more appealing to Vic.

I take another mouthful of the margarita, the lime and tequila perfect on my tongue. I’m

relaxed and easy as I always am after an evening of shaving. I know it’s an odd fascination, but

there’s something about baring a man, giving him nothing to hide behind that turns me on, makes

me hot. And yes, brings me peace.

What I really want is a boy of my own, someone who will let me bare every single inch

of skin. Someone who will let me expose them entirely. That trust would be…fucking amazing.

Last week, I had a pair who asked me to shave the sub’s hole. It had stunned me. The

master had MS, hands shaking too badly to do it himself, but they trusted me. It had been mind

blowing to be a part of that with them. Good for all three of us.

“How’s your drink, Cord?” Cedric grins at me, interrupting my musings, and pushes

another along my table. “This one’s from the guy who’s been watching you for days in the far


“Someone’s been watching me for days?” I haven’t noticed anyone watching. On the

other hand, while I’m shaving, I tend to get pretty wrapped up in it—there’s a lot I wouldn’t


I lean over, trying to get a look at my watcher. There’s a shadow in the back, but that’s it.

Just a shadow. It has to be a sub—a master wouldn’t be so shy. I raise my glass in his direction

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and sit back. I don’t look in his direction again, although now I can sense him, watching me.

Staring at me. It’s not exactly unnerving, but it certainly has messed with my Zen.

“Do you want me to get rid of him?” Cedric is a good man and great bartender. He’s also

a friend.

“Nah. I won’t take another drink from him through you, though.” I will consider taking

another one if it’s delivered in person, but I don’t play the kind of cat and mouse game this sub

seems to be looking for. If he won’t even show himself, how am I to know if I’m interested or


“You got it. What do you want me to tell the server to tell him?”

“That if he wants something, he should come and ask for it.” That should be clear


“You got it.”

“Thanks, Cedric.”

I relax back into my corner again and focus back on the subs I worked on earlier. I

remember shaving the second sub’s head. The man had such an interestingly shaped skull… If

he’d been mine, I would have traced it with my fingers, held it in my palms, stroked it, explored


A gentle touch to my elbow surprises me, and I come face to face with Gerry, one of the

servers. “Sir? There’s a man in the back. He asked me to give you this.” He hands me a piece of

paper, the handwriting surprisingly familiar.

The note says, You still look amazing. L.



My Liam.

My sub. My boy.

The one who got away, although maybe ran away would be more accurate. I asked too

much of him, and he left me for it. Not because I’d asked, but because he’d believed it was

something I needed, and he knew he couldn’t give it to me. I only needed him to try, for me.

But why is he here now, buying me drinks and sending me notes?

My eyes go to the back corner again. It’s him. I think it’s him. No, it is him.


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I’m up and heading right for him without even thinking about it. He’s hiding in the

corner, face down as he types on his phone. Is there even a real text, or is he just pretending to be

unaware that I’m coming to him?

I sit down across from him, and he looks up, eyes as light blue and bright as ever.

And just like that it all comes rushing back. The need to shave him, head to toe and all

points in between. The need to lay him bare before me. For him to give me that trust. I wanted it

all, and I still do. I want to shave him bald; I want to take his eyebrows and his facial hair, so

there is nowhere for him to hide.

My prick has gone hard as nails just at the thought of it, just at the sight of those beautiful

eyes. Anyone who says the sub has no power in a Dom/sub relationship has obviously never

been in one. Liam has and always has had, the most amazing power over me.

“You do, you know.” He says it as if his note has started a conversation, and he is

continuing it. “You’re still the most beautiful man I’ve ever seen.”

I shake my head because I have eyes, and he is right here in front of me. “Then you must

never look in the mirror.”

“I don’t.” Liam has a little beard, a moustache, hair curling around his ears.

My fingers itch to be holding my straight razor, to bare him for me right here and now.

Has he grown the facial hair so that I have somewhere to begin?

I lick my lips. “Why are you here, Li?”

“I still love you, and I can’t figure out how to live without you.”

The blunt words hit me like punches. They’re just like Liam, though. He thought he

needed his hair to hide behind, but with it or without it, he has always been straightforward with


Liam sits there still, in a way he’s never been before, eyes on his beer that he hasn’t even


“So what are you going to do about it, boy?” I have to ask it—he’s the one who left me,

after all.

“Do any of the other boys mean anything to you?” He still isn’t looking at me, but he

isn’t fidgeting, that lack of connection the only thing telling me how nervous he is at our


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“If any of them were special to me, I’d be sitting with them.” It’s the honest truth. I’ve

had offers, plenty of them. But I have felt a special connection—the connection I’m looking

for—with not one of them.

“That’s fair.”

“I am sitting with you.” I know my corollary is clear.

“I miss you.” So sure, so calm—my Liam isn’t calm. He never was.

“I’ve missed you, too.” Does this mean he wants to be together again? Does it mean he’s

at least willing to try for me?

I won’t put words in his mouth; my heart can’t afford for me to make assumptions over

what he’s doing here.

“I don’t have anything else planned. I was just going to sit and watch again.” Again. He’s

been here before, watching me shave.

“I imagine I’m done for the night. There’s usually not much call for me after ten.” My

shaving is more like a pre-show. The hardcore stuff tends to go down a little later in the evening,

the lighter stuff earlier. We’re in the lull period between them.

“Are you bare anywhere?” I need to know.

He shakes his head. “No. No, that was yours.”

“Was?” It still is mine, if I’m reading him correctly. But again, I need him to be explicit

about things. I want to hear from his mouth that he wants me, that he needs what only I can give


He clears his throat. “I mean, I couldn’t let anyone else touch me.”

“At all?” Dare I hope? Has he been celibate since he left me?

“At all.” He has.

I take a deep breath, my cock jerking against my pants. It’s more than I could have hoped

for, but maybe what I’ve dreamed if I’m being very honest with myself. “That’s a long time to be

without touch.”

“I didn’t want to waste anyone’s time when you were the one I needed.”

My heart begins to pound at his words. “Then why didn’t you come see me sooner?”

Why did he go in the first place? And is he really saying what I think he’s saying? Does he really

want to come back? To me? To us?

“I was ashamed. I was scared. I was stupid, prideful. Drunk. Take your pick.”


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I chuckle—I can’t help it. “You’ve been drunk for more than three years?”

“I just got out of rehab.”

Rehab? I look at the beer, but it hasn’t been touched. God, sitting in a bar has to be like

penance, and he’s come back at least twice, if not more times.

I reach over and wrap my hand around his; I need the connection of touch. “I didn’t

know.” Why didn’t I know he had a problem?

He meets my eyes, not hiding from me now. “I didn’t tell you.”

I squeeze his hand again. “Now I understand why you wouldn’t even try to let me bare

you—you had secrets.” God, my boy. My strong, brave boy. It breaks my heart and makes me

proud, all at once. He was hiding and now he’s come out into the light. “I have my razors with

me, and the small stage is still empty. I could do something about all that fuzz on your face.”

Any more than that is private, and we’ll do it at home. Oh, I want to show him off, shave him

head to toe for everyone to see. But not the first time. Not the time I make him mine for good.

I take a deep breath and force myself to be calm; I might be getting ahead of myself. Of

course, that’s what the offer of public shaving is for, isn’t it? To test the waters. To see if our

desires have a meeting place, to see if he’s here because he wants to be mine, or if I’m only a

stage in his healing.

“If you want me, I’m yours.” There isn’t a single waver in his voice; he is speaking the


“I want you.” I have no doubts about that. I wanted him years ago; I still want him now. I

nod toward the small stage. “You have five minutes to prepare and meet me there.”

Liam doesn’t reply in words, but he bobs his head, answers me in an almost forgotten


I give his hand one last squeeze and get up to get my kit, to get set up. Find the right

mindset. At the moment, excitement is rolling through me. My Liam is here, wanting me. I can’t

fucking believe it.

I grab my kit and ask Cedric for two tall glasses of water to be delivered to the small

stage. Then I hand over my ceramic bowl. It’s all I can do to keep my hands from shaking, to

keep the eagerness from bleeding through into my voice. “And I need this filled with hot water.”

“Sure, man. You got another client?”

“No. I have a Liam.”

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Cedric’s eyes went wide. “Like your Liam?”

I grin, knowing it’s more than a little wild, but the excitement needs to leak out

somewhere. “Yes. Exactly like that.”

“Oh, man. Oh, I’ll get your water and keep my fingers crossed.” Cedric is a good friend


“Thank you, Cedric, I appreciate that.” I can feel that I’m still smiling like a loon. I can’t

help myself, though. I have missed Liam with a physical pain.

We have so much to discuss, so much to deal with. So many questions to answer. But

first, we have this. I’ll shave his beard and his moustache away, reveal the pale lines I love so


And I know him; I know that he grew them for me, to give me a place to start. He’s

developed patience in our time away from each other—an intensity—and he has returned with


I make my way over to the little stage. It’s only a foot or so off the ground, and the chair I

like to use is still there, waiting for Liam to sit. There’s a much grander stage near the center of

the room, but here is where I like to ply my trade. Here is where I find a quiet peace while

shaving men for their masters. Here is where Liam and I will begin to come together again.

Liam is perfectly on time, not a moment late, not a second early. He has his button up

shirt off, just his undershirt and jeans on, his big blue eyes staring at me.

God, he looks good. He’s been working out—not bodybuilder working out or anything

like that, but his muscles are well-defined, and he’s clearly fit. There isn’t an ounce of extra

weight on him, and it pays testament to the new discipline he’s found in his life. A new

discipline that has brought him back to me.

Smiling at him, I nod toward the chair. It is time.

His motions are steady, relaxed. This calm man fascinates me. He’s both achingly

familiar and new, all at the same time.

“I’m not going to let you hide secrets from me anymore. You understand that?” I’m

going to bare him completely—and not just physically.

Liam nods once. “I understand.”

“Good boy.”


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I take my shirt off, not to titillate, but so that the material doesn’t get in the way of this

being the best experience it can be, for both of us.

Liam sits and stares at me, watches me. I had forgotten how heady it was to be the center

of his attention. I’m remembering now, and the weight of being his Dom is just what I’ve needed

for so long.

I move slowly, deliberately. I’m going to draw this out as long as I can. Not everyone

understands what I do is an element of the lifestyle, but tonight, Liam and I can show them how

intense and intimate this can be.

There’s a spotlight on us, keeping the area warm. Cedric has placed the bowl of warm

water on the table for me, and I begin to take my tools out of my bag and set them on the table

next to it. A couple of towels. My straight razor. The leather swath to sharpen it. Shaving cream.

Face cloths. And the aftershave cream I’ve made myself.

“After this, we’ll go home, boy, and finish it.”

I set up the swath and begin to run the razor along it, sharpening it. I let the sound of the

blade on leather fill the space between us. Back and forth, I drag the blade, my heartbeat

matching the shhh-shhh rasp.

Liam doesn’t look away from me. Hell, I’ve never had anyone look at me like that. Not

even Liam when were together before. He knows exactly what he wants now; I can tell. And I’m


I test the blade against my thumb and give it two more strokes. I test it again, happy with

it this time. That touch of the blade against my own skin makes me hard so fast my belly hurts.

Groaning, I spread shaving cream over Liam’s face, my fingers lingering on the shapes I can feel

beneath the hair.

Liam’s eyes don’t close, don’t look away. He sees me, and Jesus, that’s hot.

I lick my lips and place the blade against Liam’s skin, at the top of his right cheek. Here

is where we will start again. I say a little prayer that I don’t nick him, that my hands stay steady.

Ready now, I take a breath, and he matches me. So I take another, smile at him. We are

together in this, more together than we ever were before.

I make my first cut.

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His skin is perfect, the gold hairs slipping away as my blade cuts through them. I let the

fingers of my left hand slide behind the razor, touching Liam’s bared skin. Smooth, soft—he’s

addictive. Beautiful. God, I hope I’m not making a mistake in letting him back in.

It’s too late if I am; I’m all in. All of me. Mind and body and heart. He’s still my boy,

only more so now that he’s on board with it.

I keep shaving, working carefully, deliberately, slowly. Unlike most of the subs I work

with, unlike Liam’s former self, Liam isn’t hiding. Liam watches me with those quiet eyes.

I want to kiss him so very badly, but I don’t do it, and that makes things more intimate

somehow. Like the need denied is even better than need assuaged.

The beard and moustache disappear far too quickly, and there’s my boy, right there,

looking at me.

I wet the washcloth and squeeze it out, wrap it around his face. Only then do his eyes


I leave the washcloth on for a full minute then remove it and begin to work in the

aftershave cream with my fingertips. I know the aftershave is tingling, and I wait for a response,

but I don’t get one.

One of my eyebrows go up. “Are you hiding from me, boy?”

“No. I’m being good.”

I shake my head. “No, you’re being quiet. I want your noises, Liam. I want to know

you’re affected by what we’re doing. Unless you aren’t—I want to know that, too.”

Liam’s eyes look down at the obvious bulge in his jeans then one eyebrow rises.

I chuckle. “I still don’t want you to hold back if you have noises for me. Holding them in

is like keeping secrets.” I know Liam can make some amazing noises—I’ve heard a number of

them in the past. I want to know if those have changed, or if there are even more for him to share

with me.

“Yes, Master. Can I still call you master?”

“Please.” In fact, the word sends pleasure shooting through me. Every moment with my

Liam is a new joy. He’d better not be hoping to do this and go because I will fight for him this

time, with tooth and nail and every piece of my soul.

Liam moans for me, the sound deep and husky, and it goes to my balls.


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“Yes, boy. Like that.” I go back to massaging his face, enjoying the way he looks without

the beard and moustache. The smoothness of his skin is mine.

“What happens next?” I can see he’s worried about my answer, but that didn’t keep him

from asking the question. He didn’t back away from it, and that makes me smile.

As I answer, I don’t back away from the truth either. “I’d like to take you home with me

and shave you from head to toe.”

“Okay. I have to work on the docks at five in the morning. I’m working day labor.”

How many shitty things have happened to my boy?

“If you’re working on Saturday, when’s your weekend?” We won’t do the shaving when

we don’t have the time to enjoy the results.

“I do day labor. I get paid when I work. If I don’t, I don’t.”

“Don’t tell me you work seven days a week.” He must be desperate if he’s doing such

hard manual labor, day after day.

“Okay, I won’t. Can we go?”

I chuckle as his agreement not to tell me very cleverly tells me that yes, he is working

seven days a week. “Yes. Let’s go home.”

“I’ll follow you. You haven’t moved?”

“No, I haven’t moved.” I offer him my hand and help him up. “You’re beautiful,” I tell

him, cupping his cheek. He needs to know this. He’s a lovely man, but bared, bared he is

stunning and he is mine.

He holds onto my hand briefly before letting it drop. “I’ll meet you at your house.”

“It’s a deal.” I press our lips together then quickly clean and put away my equipment.

He’s gone when I look up, and I have to worry a little bit. What if this was just a con, just

bullshit? Then I have to shake my head and laugh. No fucking way. Liam wasn’t an asshole, not

even when we broke up. Scared? Sure. But never mean.

And there was a peace in him this time; like he knew what he had to do and had come to

do it.

I collect my stuff and wave at Cedric as I head out. I haven’t been so eager to leave the

club and get home on a Friday night in a long, long time.

It feels good.

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Chapter Two

I pull into the drive at my place, surprised that Liam isn’t here yet. He left before me; he

should have had plenty of time. Was I wrong? Has he chickened out?

I can’t believe that. I just can’t. Not after what went down earlier.

Maybe he had to make a stop along the way. Who knows, maybe he swung by his place

to grab his toothbrush. Or perhaps he was hungry and made a pit stop somewhere for a bite. I

firmly tell myself I’m not going to worry about it. He’ll get here when he’s ready. And if that

takes him a few minutes or even an hour or two, then so be it. The important thing is that he does

get here.

I have to decide if we’re going to simply make love tonight, or if I’m going to shave him

all over. It’ll be intense, though, extremely intimate and no doubt tiring. Is it fair to do that when

he has to work tomorrow morning? On the other hand, it doesn’t sound like he takes too many

days off. If I can convince him to spend tomorrow with me, then we can have our night of

exploration and vulnerability. Or we can do it in the morning, take our time when we’re both

fresh and have the whole day to enjoy the results.

An old car pulls up, almost passing the house, the backseat filled with things, and Liam

slips out, locking it up. I frown. Liam isn’t the hoarder type. Of course, I hadn’t known he was an

alcoholic, either.

I walk over, and Liam starts hurrying toward me. “I made it.”

“You did. What’s with the backseat of your car?”

“Huh?” He’s worried, and I can see it, sense it.


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It makes me more curious. Is he hiding something from me? After we’d agreed secrets

didn’t fit well with what we do? After we’d agreed not to keep them from each other. Now I

need him to tell me because I can see that he doesn’t want to.

“I said, ‘What’s with the backseat of your car?’”

“Nothing. It’s a backseat.” He’s trying hard to sound casual, but the look on his face

doesn’t match.

“A backseat full of stuff.” I’m not letting this go.

Liam nods, and the look of shame is sudden, sharp. “I should go. I…I told myself I’d

wait to find you until I was on my feet again.”

It hits me suddenly. Liam isn’t a hoarder; that’s all he has. I stop him from going and turn

his face up to me. “You found me when it was time.” I’m not letting the man go. Certainly not

because he’s down on his luck.

“I didn’t come because of… I came to see you. That’s all. You.”

“I know, Liam. You came because you were ready to share yourself without secrets. That

includes your living situation.” I know he isn’t here to sponge off me. The fact that he didn’t

want me to find out he was homeless is proof of that, if I needed proof.

His chin tilts back up. “It’s only until I can find a place.”

“I’d say you’ve found one.” I know it’s fast, but we’ve got several years of history

together already, and I’ve been missing him like a sore tooth, like a piece of me was lost.

“Just for tonight,” he insists. “I’m not here to take advantage of you.”

“Are you back for me or not? Is this just a one-time thing and then you plan to leave me

high and dry again?” Maybe I’m not being fair, but if he thinks I’m going to let him live in his

car, he’s got another think coming.

“What? No. No, I just…I wanted to come to you on my own two feet. I don’t want you

waking up tomorrow going ‘Liam’s taking advantage of me’.”

“You are on your own two feet, and I don’t think you’re taking advantage.” I regard him.

“You’re working, right? You can contribute to utilities, food?”

“I get minimum wage right now. I have applications in everywhere, but it’s hard without

an address or phone.”

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“So now you have an address and a phone. You can contribute monetarily what you can

and make up for any shortfalls by cleaning, cooking, doing odd jobs around the place.” This

doesn’t have to be hard, and I’m not taking no for an answer.

My proud boy. My Liam. So strong. I won’t make him feel like I’m giving him charity.

Because I’m not. Paying what he can and doing chores is a fair trade-off.

“Grab your clothes and come home, boy.”

“I…” Liam shivers, and I can tell he’s frozen, and I have to admit it’s incredibly erotic.

I grab his belt and tug him close. “Of course, if you don’t, I’ll make you go around naked,

so I’m not telling you again.”

His lips part, and a needy sound leaves him. Perfect.

I tug him slowly into the house and kiss him. I’ll deal with his car tomorrow. Tonight is


Pressing him back against the door, I slide my tongue between his lips. He pushes into

my arms, almost sobbing with it. I keep him close, devouring his mouth. God, he tastes good,

even if there is a hint of tears there.

I can remember the first time we kissed. He had five o’clock shadow, and the rough

scratching of his whiskers had my fingers itching for my razor, even as my prick began to fill.

This time, his cheeks are smooth and soft, and we’re just beginning again.

Taking his ass in my hands, I begin to walk backward. He follows me, body moving like

there’s music playing. We could stop in the living room and slow things down, but I want him,

and deep down inside me, I need him.

We go right to the bedroom.

“Mine.” I mouth the words against his lips, needing to say it, to mean it.

I finally have my boy with me. It doesn’t even matter if he safewords while we do the all-

over shave—he’s here and he’s willing to try. That’s all I ever asked for, all I ever wanted from


I deepen the kiss and move us to the bed.

“I missed you, man. More than I needed the booze.”

God, that makes me feel amazing, to hear him say it, to know he means it. “Thank you.”

I start stripping him down, looking for changes, for scars. There’s ink now that there

hadn’t been when he was mine, down on his thigh, a blade.


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I trace it, my fingers rubbing over it. “This is for me.” I don’t need him to confirm it; I

know it deep in my bones that I’m right.

“I was missing you. Missing being your sub.”

“And I was missing you.” I let my hand slide around to rub the inside of his thigh, the

skin there warm and soft. The tiny, silky hairs fascinate me, and I tug them, pull slowly. “I’m

going to shave this, shave you all over.”

“Oh…” His balls are fuzzy too, and there will be tiny hairs around his hole to remove.

I moan, utterly turned on. I want to make him totally bare, smooth for me. I push him

onto the bed and strip off my own clothing, eager to be skin to skin, even if he isn’t smooth yet.

“God, you’re still fucking amazing, man.” I love the awe in his voice.

I slow a little, letting him look his fill. Those eyes eat me up, dragging over my body. I’d

let him look longer, but I want to feel him against me. I want to touch him and hear his noises.

Climbing onto the bed, I lower myself over him. He’s fuzzy, my boy, and I’m going to

change that tomorrow in the sunlight, where I can see every inch of skin bared. Tonight, I’m

going to take him as he is and make us both come.

I plunder his lips in a sucking, wet kiss, my tongue pushing into his mouth. Liam wraps

around me with a harsh cry, fingers clinging like he’s afraid I’ll disappear on him. I’m not going

anywhere, though, and neither is he.

I tongue-fuck his lips, not a hint of hair or stubble there to scratch me, just smooth, warm

skin. He kisses me back like he’s starving for me, and I nod, needing this just as badly.

My fingers slide along his body, searching for his nipples, so I can flick and tug and twist


“Harder,” he demands.

No. No, I’m running the show.

I chuckle and back off, bending to so gently lick them. They perk up, trying to get my

attention, my touch. I circle them with my tongue, the right and then the left, then bat at the right

with my tongue-tip, teasing him.

Liam begins to pant for me, fingers opening and closing, nails scratching against the

sheets. I let my teeth graze over the hard, needy bit of flesh. My pretty little pain slut. I bite on

his other nipple, hard this time, like he wants.

“Master.” The single word is bitten out, his fingers digging into the sheets.

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“Right here. Gonna make you mine over and over.”

“Please. Missed you.”

I nod, bite at his other nipple. I know. I know now. Now isn’t for that. It’s for feeling.

“Focus, boy.” I slick up my fingers and slide one against his tight little hole. I can’t help

but wonder how long it’s been, whether he’s been fucked. He said no one, right? But that doesn’t

mean nothing. “You used anything on this sweet hole, boy?”

“No. No, that’s yours. I’m yours.” Liam meets my eyes, so serious. “I said I’d learn to be

good enough for you.”

“I’m not looking for perfection, Liam.”

“I am.”

“You’re too hard on yourself.”

I kiss him and slide my finger in and out of his body. He rocks for me, riding me. I slip

another finger in, spreading them, beginning to stretch him open. Liam’s moans are like music,

low and happy. I find his gland, pushing against it and making his noises even louder.

“Mmm. I should milk you dry, sweet boy, make you twist and need.” Make him come

with just this. I push another finger inside him, twisting the three together and concentrating on

hitting that sweet spot.

He tries to sit up, and I push him down, hold him still.

“No. You’ll let me touch, spread wide.”

His belly heaves beneath my hand, but his legs spread nice and wide for me.

Smiling, I push against his gland again. I keep the touches light, the rhythm steady,

buzzing through him. “All you have to do is lie there and feel me.”

“I’ve been practicing being still.” He gives me a half-grin, one that almost makes it to his

eyes. “It’s easier alone at night.”

I have to chuckle over that. “I imagine it is. I didn’t tell you that you had to be still,

though.” I peg his gland a few more times.

His eyes cross, and those hungry lips part for me.

“Mmm. God, I’ve missed you, missed this hunger and need.” I keep stroking his gland,

slow, careful, knowing I’m driving him out of his mind. Leaning in, I lick his sacs, tongue

sliding along the balls within.

“Making me crazy, man.”


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“I know.” That’s the point.

I keep working that little gland with my fingers. Slick wetness begins to seep from Liam,

painting his belly. He’s going to come for me. He’s going to come so hard.

“Tomorrow, boy. Tomorrow I’m going to bare you, every inch of you. There won’t be

anywhere to hide.”

His ass clenches tight, squeezes my fingers. I peg his gland in quick successive

movements, wanting that spunk from him.

“Oh. Oh. Oh, please.” He arches almost impossibly, heels digging into the mattress.

“You can come for me, boy, then I’m going to take you.”

Seed sprays over Liam’s chest, his entire focus on his climax.

Satisfied, I nod and keep pushing his gland, wanting each and every drop from Liam’s

balls. I want him empty, spent, so I can fill him up. He jerks and more spunk squirts out of him. I

don’t know that I’ve ever seen anyone so lovely.

“Sweet baby. Is there any more in there?” I push again, and Liam cries out for me.

I push two more times before letting my fingers slip away. He’s panting and staring, eyes

huge. Tomorrow, they’ll look even bigger.

I cover up my prick and push against his hole, resting at the tight opening, so he knows

I’m there. I feel his hole jerking against the tip of my cock.

“You want me, boy? Need to feel my cock filling you deep inside?”

“Always. I always have. Please.” It’s an exceptional answer.

I push, sliding into him slowly. He’s so wonderfully tight. I can’t remember the last time

I felt so good. His hole grips my shaft, holds me tight, and squeezes. Groaning, I pull out, the

squeezing getting harder as he tries to keep me in.

This is my game, though, not his. Not now.

I come all the way out before pushing myself back in deep. My hips slap against his ass,

making it burn. The pleasure builds in my balls, making them draw up tight as I continue to

thrust. He’s watching me, eyes heavy-lidded and hungry, cock limp on his belly. I watch right

back, making sure he knows that I see him.

“Feels good.”

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I know it does, I also know I’ve milked him dry, so all he has to do is focus on my cock. I

keep pushing into him, feeling every inch of him, in and out. He’s perfect and home and mine,

and I can’t help wondering if this is a dream, a fantasy.

I find a rhythm, one I can keep up for a while. I want him to feel me tomorrow, the day

after. I want him to remember how good we were together.

“Gonna do this forever.” It’s an exaggeration of course, but it feels right to say it.

“Okay. Please. I’m all yours.”

“I like the sound of that.” It’s what I’ve always wanted. It’s what I need, and I’m going to

keep him now, reward him for his courage.

I can feel my orgasm building, need getting stronger as I fuck him. He clenches around

me, driving me crazy, making the pleasure better and better.

“Need you, boy.” My voice is thick with it.

He draws his legs together, squeezing hard.

“Fuck!” I thrust a few more times and come, filling the condom. He makes me dizzy,

makes me grit my teeth.

Collapsing into him, I breathe in the scent of his skin. I wrap around him, holding him

close. I’m not sure if I’m comforting him or me. Maybe both of us.

I kiss his cheek. “I’m glad you’re here.”

“I am too. I needed you.”

“Sleep, boy.” I slide out of Liam’s body, get rid of the condom.

“Stay with me?” he asks.

“No, you’re staying with me.” Here in my bed. My boy. Here with me.

“Okay.” Sweet, sleepy baby boy.

I’m not letting him go this time.


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Chapter Three

I’m not necessarily a morning person, but I don’t dislike mornings like a lot of people do.

My Liam was always terrible early in the morning, and I’m curious if that’s still the case.

I wake up, and he’s gone, and I have a moment of panic that he’s gone to work, that he’s

gone, then fury floods me only long enough to smell coffee and toast and hear rock music

playing softly from the other room. It seems he’s turned into something of a morning person

after all.

I get up and head for the kitchen.

Liam is in the doorway doing pull-ups, fingers curled around the molding, muscles

bunching and releasing, sweat covering the man’s back. It makes me groan, to see his lovely

body, muscles working on display. He’s not noticed me; he’s singing along to the music, focused

on his workout. I lean against the wall, and keep watching, my prick slowly filling.

He pulls himself up and stays then begins doing leg lifts.

“Jesus fuck.” The words whisper out of me. He’s ripped, stunning, not an ounce of fat on


He was never out of shape or flabby, but this is just… It’s stunning, and he totally has my

attention. That ripped body with not a hair anywhere to be found on it will be a work of fucking


His legs drop then Liam reverses his grips, working his lats, his delts, making me drool.

Where has this focus come from?

I spread my legs for balance and begin to jack myself. I can imagine him, raising and

lowering over my cock, over and over.

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“Oh, fuck.” The words shoot out of me, louder this time, and I groan, my hand moving


He stops, lowers himself down.

“No, don’t stop.”

A bead of sweat travels down his chest. He looks at me then reaches for the doorframe

again, letting me see his pecs clench as he pulls up.

“Yes. Fuck. That is stunning. You are stunning.”

He looks up and keeps pulling, his prick thick, but not hard yet between his legs.

I pull on my cock in time with his exercise, my breath beginning to pant with his, as well.

His muscles are shaking, his belly like a washboard.

“I want you.” I move my hand faster, so close now.

“I’m yours.” Each pull-up is slower now.

I keep stroking quickly, my hand flying over my needy prick.

Liam’s eyes are on my cock. “Want to suck you.”

“Fuck!” I grab my balls and twist them painfully. Panting, I nod. “Do it.”

My boy comes to me, sweating and shining, staring at me, chest heaving.

“On your knees, boy, and you can have me.”

He nods, easing himself down, those worked muscles shaking the barest bit. I don’t give

him a break, though—he’d chosen his own task, asked for it, and now he’s going to get it.

He takes me in once he’s settled, mouth fiery around my cock. Damn, I should have

pulled harder on my balls—I’m going to come far too soon. He doesn’t give me any time to

catch myself, either. I’m down his throat, that tight sheath holding me.

“Fuck!” I shudder and I come, pouring into him, just like that.

He sucks and licks, drinks me down.

“You were always amazing at that.”

He moans for me, soft and low, so sweet.

I cup his cheek and stroke it, smiling at him. “Are you ready to give me every part of


“Can I have my toast first? I’m a little shaky.”

The words—so practical, so Liam—make me laugh.

“Let’s do breakfast first and then settle into our day.”


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“Thank you.” He stands, and he is a little shaky.

I slide my arm around his waist and lead him to the table.

“I’m okay, just a hard workout.”

“How long have you been doing that?”

“Nine months. It’s a way to work out toxins. It started as a way to wear myself out so I

wouldn’t go drink. Now it’s a habit.”

“Well, it looks damn good on you.”

“Thank you.” I get a warm smile, my boy pleased.

“You’ll make a beautiful model for my art.” He’ll show off the fact he’s been shaved



“Yes, boy. You.” I run my hand along his pecs, down to his cut abs. His muscles jerk and

roll, trembling for me. “You need some food. I’m pretty sure I have toast, and I know I have


“I made toast for us. Cinnamon.”

“You’re going to spoil me. Not that that’s a complaint.” I don’t mind being spoiled.

Especially by Liam.

“You didn’t have any eggs or anything. You still don’t cook much, huh?”

“Guilty as charged.” It’s not that I can’t; it’s that I don’t particularly like it.

“I do when I can.”

“I’ll be happy to let you do the cooking as much as you’d like.” Take out gets boring

after a while.

“Sure. You know I’m good at it. I…I can buy a couple of groceries by the end of the

week. I have two hundred dollars saved.”

“If you’re cooking, then I’ll supply the groceries—fair trade.”

Liam looks away, and I hate the shame in my boy’s face. “Okay.”

“Boy.” I wait until he’s looking at me. “It isn’t pity or a hand out; it’s what’s fair.”

“I’m trying to get back on my feet. Rehab took everything.”

“I’m glad you got clean, Liam.” He needs to know I’m proud of him, of what he’s done.

“I needed to. I needed to be sober.”

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I pour us both a cup of coffee, grab the cinnamon toast, and sit. Liam takes the toast and

eats eagerly, moaning over the simple food. It’s good; I enjoy my own. I enjoy watching Liam

eat more.

Liam looks better after the toast, too. There’s color in his cheeks. His eyes are sparkling

and focused.

“Are you ready to begin our session, boy?” I am. I feel like I’ve been very good, waiting

until now to do it.

“I am. I’m not scared.”

“Good. I’m not doing it to scare you.”

“Why are you doing it?” The question isn’t phrased like a challenge, just another way for

us to get into the right headspace.

“Because the act of shaving is my Zen. Because I want a sub—I want you—to be totally

bare to me.” It’s what I’ve always wanted, and we both know it. And he’s here now because he

can offer himself to me the way I need him to. The air is suddenly heavy.

“I love you. Still. I’m yours.” His words are quiet but so earnest.

“I’ve missed you all these years.” I measured everyone I met against him. And they all

came up wanting.

“Where do you want to go? Bedroom? Bathroom? Playroom?” His question reminds me

that he knows my home, knows it from when it was ours, as it is again.

“I renovated the bathroom. It’s the perfect place for us to do this.” There are heaters and

luxurious seats in the bathtub, which also doubles as a hot tub, complete with jets. It has the best

light and everything we’ll need.

“Oh? I used the facilities by the kitchen.”

“The one upstairs is the one that was done. It’s going to blow your mind.” I stand, eager

now to show him, to get started. He takes my hand, willing to come with me, walk with me.

We go upstairs, hand in hand, and I can feel the excitement building in me. He’s quiet,

self-contained, and I want to hear him cry out, need. I want him to pour himself out for me.

We make it to the top of the stairs then I turn and kiss him, focus on heating things up

between us. My fingers find his face, tracing his features as my tongue teases inside his mouth. I

could kiss him for hours, for years.


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I touch him all over, feeling the tiny hairs that I’m going to remove. Liam moans, steps

closer, cock firming against my leg. I move back slowly, bringing him with me.

“Have you ever shaved someone you thought was ugly afterward?” I know this is one of

his big worries, and I’m very happy he’s comfortable enough to voice it.

“There was a couple a few months ago, and I shaved both their heads. The master looked

exactly like a cue ball. It was not a good look for him.” I touch Liam’s head. I’ve shaved it

before, so I know how he looks without the hair on his head. “You look amazing bald, though.

And you’ll look even better with all your hair gone.”

Liam leans into my touch, so easily.

“Now, let’s go get started.” I swear my fingers are literally itching for it.

“Yes, Master.” The soft words go straight to my balls.

I lead him into the bathroom, the whole room done in blues and greens and aqua, making

it look like it’s underwater.

“Oh, look…” He spins around, admiring. “It’s amazing!”

I’m pleased at his genuine pleasure. “I like it.”

“You did a fabulous job.”

“Thank you.” I lead him over to the shower, which is separate from the tub and encased

in glass. “We’ll start in here.”

“Yeah. I probably stink.”

I chuckle. “You smell just nicely sweaty, but I’d like to start with both of us fresh.”

“I’m excited,” he admits.

“Good.” His excitement fuels my own. He’s going to be stunning, my boy, with every

single hair stripped from his body.

I get us naked and in the water, the steam filling the air immediately. I bring in my

straight razor and sharpen it, right there in the hot water. His eyes are on me, watching every

motion I make.

“I’ll soap you up first.” The anticipation will work in both of our favors.

“Yes, Master.” Liam’s prick bobs, filling and curving upward.

He’s delicious, every inch of him, and I’m going to make him even more so. I grab the

soap, rub it slowly between my fingers. His eyes watch me like a hawk, the heat between us

starting to sizzle.

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Once I’ve got lots of bubbles going, I start at his cheeks, running my hands lovingly over

his face. He’s still mostly smooth from last night’s shaving, but I’ll have to do it again this

morning as I shave the rest of him.

Tears fill his eyes, and I stop. “Boy?”

“I know that smell. It’s you.”

“The soap…” I nod; I haven’t changed it since I started using it, even before I first knew

Liam. “It’s you now, too.”

One of the tears escapes him, and I don’t say a word, just allow him to feel.

I continue my exploration of his body with my soapy fingers, lingering on the spots I

know are sensitive. His muscles fascinate my fingers, all the bumps and ridges. They tense and

relax, flex beneath my fingers and it’s like a sexy little dance. He’s so focused on me that it

steals my breath.

I play with his navel, teasing my finger in and out of it like I’m fucking it. He starts

breathing with me, body moving with me. I run my soapy hand down to his prick, wrapping

around it. He arches into me, one long, luxurious motion that screams of need.

Humming, I slide my free hand between his legs to nudge his balls and rub over his hole.

He spreads for me, letting me in. My finger pushes into him, wriggles around. My Liam

chuckles, ass gripping my finger.

“Nice and tight.” I fuck him, pushing my finger deeper.

“Do you want me to turn around?”

“No, I like the view from here.”

That earns me another pretty blush. God, that’s adorable.

I let my finger come out of him and fondle his balls. “I think you need a plug, something

to keep you open and wanting while I shave you all over.”

“Oh, Master. Please. Yes.”

I love that he’s willing to admit now what he needs, what he wants. There’s no game

playing, just him and me and needs that lie between us.

I rinse him off, the water sluicing the suds away.

“Razor time.”

Liam chuckles softly. “So eager.”

“I’ve been waiting years to shave you, boy.”


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Liam just squeezes my hand.

We exit the shower, and I grab a towel that’s been warming on a rack. I spend my time

slowly drying him off. When I’m done, he’s relaxed and blinking slowly. I set him down on the

soft cushion in the huge tub, leaving the tub empty for now.

“It’s comfortable.”

“It should be. I want to have your focus on what I’m doing and not the wood of a chair

digging into your ass or something like that.”

Liam’s laugh is easy as pie, warm. Good man.

I fill the marble bowl on the little table with warm water and take up my razor. He

watches me, relaxed and easy, cock hard already. He’s sprawled and eager, making me shiver.

For a moment, I’m not sure where to start then I put my razor down and grab the scissors.

I’ll start at the top and work my way down, and with all that hair on his head, I need to cut it

down first.

He stares at me, and for the first time, I see nerves.

“You’re going to be stunning. Simply amazing, when I’m done.”

Those pretty eyes search my face then close. I love the trust inherent in that.

I take a hank of his hair and slowly, carefully, cut it near his scalp. Liam’s breath speeds,

fingers curling into fists. I continue, cutting off one handful of hair after another. There’s no

going back now; he’ll be bald.

He’s so quiet, taking one shivery breath after another.

“Speak to me, boy.”


“Tell me how you’re feeling, what you’re thinking.”

For the first time, there is hesitation. “I’m not.”

I frown. “What do you mean, you’re not?”

“I’m not thinking. I’m just breathing.”

“Ah. And what are you feeling?”

“Nervous, happy, unnerved.”

I kiss his forehead. “Good.”

“Good?” His eyes almost open.

“They’re your feelings, and they’re honest. That makes them good.”

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He’s so fierce without the long hair protecting him, taking away from his eyes. I begin to

shave him, a rough cut that takes away the majority of what’s left on his head, leaving only a

stubble behind. He never moves, never even shivers.

“You are the best shavee I have ever known. You were made for me.”

“I try hard, Master. I want to be everything you need.”

“Your trying is all that I need. Success is measured by what you’re willing to attempt, not

what you succeed at.” That’s all I ever wanted, his effort.

“One day at a time, huh?”

I chuckle and nod. “Yes. One day at a time. One stroke of the razor at a time. Your head

first, then your eyebrows, then your cheeks, and so on.”

“Eyebrows, too?” His belly is hard as a rock.

“Yes. Everywhere.” I watch him, waiting to see if he’s going to balk again before we’ve

hardly even begun.

“I’ll be a little scary, like someone sick. You don’t mind?”

“No, you’re too healthy to look sick. You’ll look alien, though, I’ll grant you that.

Beautiful in an ethereal way.” I know he’s going to look amazing.

“Alien.” He takes a deep breath and nods then closes his eyes again.

“Beautiful, you did hear that, right?”

He shakes his head. “No. No, I didn’t. Tell me again?”

“You are going to be so beautiful when I have finished with you. More beautiful than any

man I have ever known.”

He reaches out, touches me, looking for comfort, for support. Before he would have

simply run. I press into the touches and slide my hand over his head. I have to shave it just a little

closer, but still, my hand must feel hot as a brand.

“You’re so good, so fucking amazing, boy.” I praise him, letting him know how much he

pleases me.

He relaxes, leans toward me, letting me soothe and touch. I don’t care how long this takes

us, all day, two days, a week, a month. However long he needs.

He starts breathing with me, focusing on me. I hum my approval and soap up his head.

Then I begin to shave it, taking the hair off right down to his scalp.


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God, he’s stunning. Absolutely stunning. I take a step back to get a good look, and I have

to swallow several times. He’s the most beautiful man I’ve ever known. “You already look


He just offers me his lips for a kiss. I take it, sinking my tongue between them and

exploring his mouth. I don’t pull back until he moans until I hear his need.

“Eyebrows next.” We’re going to move from top to bottom and not miss a single spot in


“Promise me you won’t think I’m ugly. I want to be beautiful for you.”

“I promise. You could never be ugly.”

“I believe you.” He doesn’t, not really, but the words are enough.

And he’ll see. Once I’ve done it, it’ll be clear that he is truly stunning. This is always the

hardest for a sub, the eyebrows. Even babies have eyebrows. I kiss his forehead and then do it,

two single strokes, one for each eyebrow.

His teeth sink into his bottom lip, but he doesn’t pull away, doesn’t cry out. I step back

once it’s done and nod.

“You look amazing. You look…like mine.” My perfect, wanton, trusting boy.

I draw him up and put him in front of the mirror, standing behind him. “Look.”

His eyes are still closed, squeezed tight.

I chuckle, the sound husky. “You have to open your eyes, boy.”

“I don’t know if I remember how.”

I rub where his eyebrows used to be, knowing the skin there is more sensitive than usual

now that it’s been bared.

He winces, eyes flying open. “Oh, God.”

“You’re stunning. Amazing.”

“That…that was the hardest part, right?”

“It was. The rest is just gravy for us both.”

Liam nods for me, relaxing back. I’m not sure he ever looked at himself. I stroke his arms

and his belly, enjoying the sight of him in my mirror. So much left to bare. Such lovely skin.

“It looks different than you’re used to, Liam, but you are indeed beautiful. I swear.” I

wouldn’t lie to him about this. He’s given me his trust, and I am honoring it with the truth.

His eyes are huge, his pale skin almost glowing.

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I’m somewhat reluctant to lead him back to his seat in the big tub, but I have a lot left to

shave, so I do. It takes me no time to clean up his face, the hint of stubble there disappearing

easily beneath my razor’s cut.

I debate whether to do his arms and legs next or his torso. I finally decide on his arms and

legs. That way I can work from the smattering of hair on his chest to his pubes and around back

to the dusting on his backside and finally, to the tiny hairs around his hole. That will make him


“Let’s get you back on the chair. Arms and legs are next.” This would take long enough

we could almost get a meditation going.

“I’ve never seen my legs without hair on them, not since I was little.”

“All this skin smooth and silky? I can’t wait to rub my hands all over your bared skin.”

I’ll show him how great being totally hairless can be.

“I like the sound of rubbing.” Liam winks at me, playing, letting this be ours, be good

and happy.

“Mmm. Me, too. Rubbing and licking and getting up close and personal.”

His laugh makes me happy—all the way down to my bones happy—and the chuckles

turn to soft hums as I rub shaving cream along his arms.

I begin shaving, taking my time, and we find a rhythm to it, breathing together as the

razor cuts the hair away from his skin. His arms are easier that his legs, which have a forest of

bright red hair on them. Neither of us talk as I shave his arms, and it seems like no time at all

before I’m done.

“They’re gonna itch, so bad.”

“I have creams.” The anticipation of being able to slather him all over makes me grin.

“And if this is as good for both of us as I think it’s going to be, we can re-shave you every week.

Show the folks at the club how it’s really done.” Now that I have my boy back, I don’t want to

shave anyone else—this is ours.

Liam nods. “I won’t have to buy drinks anymore, though, right?”

“No. We’ll be bringing them in by the dozens just to watch. There won’t be a need to pay

for our seats.” I kiss him suddenly. “You’re amazing, you know that? To sit with a drink that’s

nothing but pure temptation, just to be close to me…” No one has ever made me feel so



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“I wanted to prove to you I was worth another chance.”

I nod. “You are. You so are.” I rub cream into his arms, taking my time and enjoying the

naked flesh under my fingers.

“Mmm. Love that scent. You have the same as the soap!”

“Yep. There’s no reason for competing scents.” And shaved skin needs something fresh

and light, not heavily perfumed.

Liam looks ridiculously pleased, like this is the most wonderful surprise. It makes me

happy that such a simple thing makes him so happy.

I grab my clippers and one of his legs. “You ready?”

“No.” Liam laughs, and the sound is merry. “But it’s your decision. I’m yours.”

I put the clippers aside for a moment, so I can cup his cheeks and look into his eyes.

“You are. Every inch of you is mine.”

When he nods, I tug the curls above his cock, hard enough to sting. “These are going,


His nostrils flare, and his cock jerks, starts to fill.

I smile. “And the tiny ones around your hole. They’re as good as gone.”

The air between us is starting to burn.

I pick the shears back up and begin to cut at the hair on his legs. He watches me, breathes

with me, and I force myself to focus on him, on not irritating his skin. I’m finally done with the

initial trimming, and it’s good to pick up the straight razor again, to begin to shave him close. I

love the sound of it, the scrape of it on Liam’s pale skin.

Humming, I work from his thighs downward. I’m careful with his inner thighs, that skin

pale as milk. When I’ve done them, I lean in to lick him there. He shivers and spreads wider,

moaning softly. I spend a few moments licking and nuzzling, loving on his tender flesh.

He’s hard as nails, cock dripping, and I’m tempted to stop, take him, but it’s going to be

better when he’s totally bare. So I go back to shaving, moving from his shins down to his ankles.

He has surprisingly delicate feet, and there is no hair on his toes.

I take them in my hands, rub gently, thumbs working the arches. His groans are

rewarding, and I massage them some more, knowing how neglected most people’s feet are.

“Oh, God. Master. Sir.” Sweet baby.

I spend a few moments longer, enjoying having him groaning in pleasure.

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I want to finish, though, see this through. He’s all done now, except the bits in the

middle. I need to sharpen my razor before I cut his pubes, but it should do for his chest. I slather

the shaving cream on the skin between his nipples then I follow the treasure trail down his belly

with creamy fingertips.

I don’t linger. The real prize is still to come; this is just delaying the inevitable.

Still, he’s heavy-lidded and erect by the time I’m done with his chest, licking his lips and

watching me. This part will be pure pleasure for both of us. I’ve done this with him a hundred

times, and he loves it.

“Spread ‘em, boy.”

He stretches wide, his hips sliding on the cushion. His prick is reaching for his belly, his

ball sac beginning to pull up.

I take a moment to run my blade across the lathe, letting the back and forth of it soothe

me back to a place where I can take my time and be careful of his most delicate skin.

He keeps his legs stretched the entire time, and when I’m done sharpening my blade, I

start to spread the shaving cream over his little pubes.

“These sweet balls are going to be bare, and they’re trying to hide from me.” I nudge

them then get them covered in the shaving cream. “Ready, boy?”

“They’re very wrinkled,” he teases. “You might not get it done.”

I tease right back in return. “Well, if they’re too wrinkled, I’ll just have to get one of

those ball stretchers. That should help.”

“I think those just squish the balls in the bottom of the sac.”

“Do they? I thought they literally stretched things. We might have to investigate.” That

could be fun.

“I think so. You’re falling down on your research.”

“I needed my boy to have a reason to do it.” I smile up at him, my fingers still playing in

the shaving cream covering his pubes. I’m not stalling so much as drawing the moment out.

“We need each other, I hope.”

“I like to think we do. I missed you very much, Liam. Not just in this, but in every day.”

Sure, the shaving is a huge part of our relationship, but it isn’t everything, not by a long shot.

“I got clean. I did it. I came back to you.”


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“I’m so proud of you.” I still can’t believe I didn’t know. He’d done such a good job of

keeping his secret hidden.

“Thank you.”

I’m going to have to work on ferreting out every one of the secrets he has left so that we

can work on them together.

“Ready?” I don’t wait for an answer, using the newly sharpened razor to cut away a long

stripe of pubic hair. His skin is warm, silky soft, and I drag my fingers over it. Moaning happily,

I pull the razor again, working to get all the skin around his cock.

My beautiful boy. I love how baring the skin makes his prick look heavier, needier.

Groaning, I turn my head to lick at the hot flesh.

“Master.” Liam wiggles for me, spreading wider.

“No coming without my permission.” I don’t have to remind him, but it’s a warning that

I’m going to make it hard for him.

“I won’t.” So confident.

I love that confidence. I also love the fact that now I’ll have to test him, push hard.

I start on his balls, tugging the tight sac, stretching it. I’m very careful, honoring the trust

he’s giving me. It takes time, but finally he’s bare for me, pink sac looking a little heavier than


I’m almost done—I just have his ass and his hole to do. I almost don’t want to be

finished, and at the same time, I do. He’ll have succeeded being shaved head to toe on our very

first try, my beautiful, brave boy.

And there’s the little matter of making him lose control, so we can indulge in


I ignore his hard prick as I step back and order him to turn and lean over the side of the

tub, his legs spread. My voice is thick, and my own prick has become as hard as his is.

He assumes the position, and his ass tilts up, offered right to me. Groaning, I rub it, feel

him up with not even the shaving cream as an excuse—this is pure indulgence on my part. He

goes up on tiptoe, his leg muscles rippling.

I want to open him up with my tongue, but I will wait until he is smooth as silk before I

do it. I touch his ass and crack and hole again, this time with the shaving cream. He gasps, the

tiny ring of muscles jerking under my touch.

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“You’ll have to hold your breath when I shave you here.” I run my finger along his crack,

pushing it against his hole.

A soft moan fills the air, Liam’s ass cheeks grabbing at my hand.

“Needy boy.” I tug my fingers away and spread his cheeks to blow on his shaving cream

covered hole.

He pushes forward, moaning. My little size queen.

“I’m shaving you now.” Before I let his beautiful ass and needy hole distract me. I’m

careful not to irritate the skin, careful to protect that fuckable hole.

All too soon, I’m rinsing the excess shaving cream away and rubbing a little bit of lotion

into his skin. He pushes back, trying to get more of my touch.

“You want me, boy? Want to feel my cock filling your smooth little hole?”

“Need you. Fuck me?”

“Yes.” I lean in and lick at him, the hairless hole hot and good beneath my tongue. His

sounds are even better, though, rough and needy.

Groaning, I push my tongue harder, breaching him, and I start to fuck him with it. His

hips sway, body wanting me, wanting more. I give it to him, fingers moving to slide on his arms

and legs, his belly and the smooth, silky skin around his cock. His prick is solid and burning in

my hand. I play with the slit as my tongue wriggles inside him.

“Fuck. Fuck, Master.” The words are bitten out, sharp and hard.

Yes, that’s what we’re doing, and I squeeze the head of his cock in a silent command not

to come. He doesn’t get to do that until I tell him he can. His cry wings out, his control shaken.

I slide my tongue away and let go of his prick, gathering the slick and a condom. I love

the way his hips keep moving, rocking restlessly.

“Sexy, bare boy.”

“Yours. Please, I need you.”

“I’m right here.” I press two fingers into his hole.

His bald head pops up, spine arching. I push deeper, searching for his gland. When I find

it, he offers me a wild sound, and his body grips my fingers.

“Yes.” I push against it again, wanting him desperate for me.

Hell, I’ll admit it. I want him to come without permission, so I can tease him, punish him

the way he loves. The way we both love.


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I stretch my fingers wide, before pushing them deep once again.

“Master.” He wiggles for me, ass wagging side to side.

“Yes, boy. I’m going to make you fly.” I slip a third finger in with the first two,

stretching him further.


Fuck, he’s hot inside. Groaning, I push in deeper, crook my fingers. He jerks, dancing on

my touch. Oh, yes. Perfect. More. I grab his prick again, teasing the slit, rubbing the hot drops

gathering there around.

“I’ll come. Please. I will.”

I know.

I push harder against his gland and rub my finger against his slit. He tries to pull away

from me then he pushes back. That’s right. I keep working his gland and his slit, letting him rock

between my hands.

He’s close, and I warn him, “Don’t come, boy.” Then I bite his shoulder, let my teeth

drag, and his spunk coats my fingers.

The smell makes me moan. “You’re a very naughty boy,” I tell him. “I’m going to have

to punish you.”

“Your fault.” His asshole clenches tightly around my fingers.

I chuckle. I can’t deny I did it on purpose.

“Laughing at me!” Liam turns, my fingers sliding free as he grabs me, tickling.

It has me laughing harder, and he’s strong now, easily making me writhe. Oh, he’s going

to be a challenge, so much fun.

I give his ass a swat to get his attention. “We were in the middle of something,

remember?” And Liam got to come, but I haven’t yet.

“Are you sure?” He winks at me, teasing.

I chuckle again. “I’m very sure.”

“I love your laugh.”

“And I love you, Liam. I always have.” I can admit it now, with him here, having been so

strong for me.

“You forgive me?”

“I do.” How could I not?

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“I’m trying to forgive me too.”

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anything so honest. Ever. I kiss him hard for his confession.

His bare body presses against me, close.

“I still want your ass. I want to fuck you into the floor.”

“You owe me a punishment, too, Master.”

“That’s right, but I get your ass, first.”

“Yes. God, yes. I love your cock.” I get this smile, and Liam is flying, excited, focused.

Laughing happily, I kiss him hard before turning him around. I push him toward the door,

wanting that sweet, fine ass and wanting it on a bed.

We get distracted in the hall just before we get to the door to the bedroom, and I take his

lips again and again.

He’s so smooth, my hands fascinated by his skin. I rub against his belly, my prick leaving

a wet trail. I forget sometimes, with all the games, the scenes, how wonderful it is to have a

lover, someone touching and laughing and needing me to feel as much as they do.

I grab his hips and finally tug him into the bedroom, our mouths staying together,

lingering. He’s moaning for me, hands exploring every inch he can reach. We collapse together

onto the bed, and I grab for the condoms.

His lips are on my throat, my jaw, Liam hungry for me. I barely get the condom on I’m

so eager. But at last, it’s in place and I move between his legs. He grabs his knees, pulling them

up and back, spreading himself wide. Groaning, I get myself lined up and begin to sink into his

tight, hot hole.

He lets me in, no resistance, no worry, and a blissful smile on his smooth face. The bliss

seems more without the hair, stronger, deeper. Maybe it just turns me on more, knowing he let

me in, let me strip him to the skin. I hold his gaze while I fuck him, slow and careful, making

sure he feels every single inch. His eyes look amazingly large, and I drown in them happily.

“Going to keep you, boy. Forever.” I’m going to prove that he’s made the right choice, to

trust in us.

His body grips me tighter at my words, and I groan, punch in.


Yes. Yes, my boy. “Mine.”

I thrust, hard and wild, driving into him, loving him with all I fucking am.


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“Love you!” The words shoot out of me like bullets.

Liam nods for me, head bobbing as I fuck him. I last as long as I can, sliding into his tight

heat like it’s the last thing I’ll ever do. His eyes are huge, watching me, staring at me. He’s

beautiful and fascinating, and I’m so glad he’s mine.

Liam reaches up, touches me, holds me. That’s all I need. I thrust one more time hard and

come, buried deep inside him. It’s like coming home.

I press our foreheads together, panting.

“I’m home.”

His words echo my own thoughts so exactly.

“You are. Me, too.”

“It’s going to be okay now.” He believes it. I can tell.

I smile at him. “It already is.”

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Chapter Four

I walk into the bar with my boy on my arm. My beautiful, stunning boy. I can feel every

eye in the place on us, and it makes me proud.

Cedric already has two Cokes on the bar, without us even asking.

I smile, my hand patting Liam’s arm. “Thanks, Cedric. How’s it going?”

“Good. Good. How are you two tonight?” We get a smile, the man obviously pleased to

see us. It’s good to have friends.

“We’re good.” I turn to my beautiful, hairless boy.

He’s been going to school, learning about programming. He’s clean, happy, bare, and

mine. He looks stunning tonight; I spanked him rosy this afternoon, and he’s glowing. He keeps

touching me like he can’t bear to have us separated. It works for me. I love to be the center of his

attention, the center of his world.

I touch his scalp, watch him turn pink for me. My finger slides down to stroke over a

non-existent eyebrow then to his lips. He sucks my finger in, unashamed, eager. My strong boy.

My prick jerks in my pants, taking notice of my dear boy.

“You two are insatiable.” I get a quick grin as Cedric pushes the Cokes toward us.

“No, we’re in love.”

Liam nods, pressing close to me. “Are you hungry, lover? I’m craving nachos.”

“Then nachos you shall have.” I slide my hand down his back to his ass, give it a little


He moans, eyes crossing. “Master.”

Before I can get lost in him, Brian, a sweet little sub clears his throat. “I’m sorry to

interrupt Master, but would you be available for shaving tonight?”


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I ponder the question. I haven’t abandoned the community completely, but I have my

boy, and it never feels right to shave another, even with his blessing. I give him a look, raising an

eyebrow, letting it be his decision.

“We’re having nachos,” he replies. “Together.”

I smile at him then turn my attention back to the lad in front of me. “Some other time,


The sweet sub actually bobs his head. “Thank you, Master.” He scurries off.

“I need to find someone who can come in and do the shaving.” It doesn’t seem fair that

the people who need someone don’t have anyone anymore. They gave me their trust for all those

years, and I grew to realize over that time it was definitely a needed service.

“We’ll train someone, Master.” He offers me a grin. “You wouldn’t want another man

baring me.” It isn’t a question.

I wrap my hand around his head. “I would not.”

“I know. We’ll train someone.” So confident. So sure. So completely mine.

“Indeed, we will.” I kiss him. “Together.”

“Perfect. Now, let’s order nachos.”

That’s my boy.

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About the Author

Often referred to as “Space Cowboy” and “Gangsta of Love” while still striving for the moniker
of “Maurice”, Sean Michael spends his days surfing, smutting, organizing his immense gourd
collection and fantasizing about one day retiring on a small secluded island peopled entirely by
horseshoe crabs. While collecting vast amounts of vintage gay pulp novels and mood rings, Sean
whiles away the hours between dropping the f-bomb and pursuing the kama sutra by channeling
the long lost spirit of John Wayne and singing along with the soundtrack to Chicago.

A long-time writer of complicated haiku, currently Sean is attempting to learn the advanced arts
of plate spinning and soap carving sex toys.

Barring any of that? He’ll stick with writing his stories, thanks, and rubbing pretty bodies
together to see if they spark.

Find Sean on the web at


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Want to read more from Sean Michael’s Sealed with a Kink Series?

Now Available at Resplendence Publishing:


Sealed with a Kink Series, Book One

For a year, Blake has been working toward making love with his Master, Archer. You name it
they’ve done it, except for that one act. Tonight, the waiting is over. Blake is naked, prepared,
and waiting for his Master to take him.

When his Master arrives and finds Blake might have gone too far in preparing himself, though, a
punishment of six plugs is given before Blake can have what he so desperately wants.

Will the night end the way he’s been dreaming and bring Blake and Archer closer together, or
will one thing not lead to another?

Pushy Bottom

Sealed with a Kink Series, Book Two

Darren Black has been watching beautiful, aloof sub Nikolai for some time. Nic is the pushiest
bottom he’s ever seen. Doms don’t stick with him for long, but Darren plans on being the one
who does.

After spending a night together in one intense scene after another, Darren introduces Nic to the
pleasures of waking up with a lover.

Could Darren be the one to claim Nic?

Pony Play

Sealed with a Kink Series, Book Three

Jack’s life is typical—typical barely-there boyfriend, typical shitty job, typical tiny apartment in
the city. But when Jack is dropped off at Wellbrooke Pony Farm in the middle of nowhere, his
life goes from typical to interesting in two seconds flat. A handsome groom named Daniel
teaches Jack that it’s okay to want more, to be cared for, and that sometimes, a city boy just
needs to be stabled.

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Also Available from

Resplendence Publishing

Totally Covered by Sean Michael

Handcuffs and Lace

Mal has been Burke and Darby’s sub for many years. As an undercover cop, he needs the release
his once a quarter visits give him. Burke and Darby get a lot of out of the visits, too. Both Doms,
it’s important for them to share a sub now and then to keep them on an even keel.

All that changes, though, when Mal is shot on the job and needs to stay with Burke and Darby
during his recovery. Can his Doms bring Mal out of the funk his last undercover stint has left
him in? Or will the three of them finally go their separate ways?

This Sin Called Hope by Anna Mayle

New Reality Series, Book Seven

Hundreds of years ago, Earth as we know it was laid to waste by the war to end all wars. Hunger
and plague followed, and in the gaping wounds of a society thick with terror, greed and
corruption took strong root. It split the human race apart. Those clinging to civilization fell to
ruin, those who turned from it were left little more than cannibalistic monsters. From the
darkness, Enoch has watched as the worst traits of humanity have destroyed the world he once
knew. Denied even the mercy of a quick demise, the immortal “Angel” fills his days maintaining
the Network, if only to bring some form of connection and order to a broken world, even as he
has grown to despise the very beings left upon it.

From the unlocked backdoors and open windows of the Network, Jacobi has watched the world
with love and delight, relishing in the little human moments that remind him of why life is worth
living. The offers of kindness when there is none to be found, the small acts of charity when
there is so little to give, and the good deeds performed when all appears lost is the hope that
keeps him going—this and his unfailing belief that, perhaps, tomorrow will be a better day. The
optimistic “Hacker” does not remember Earth before the destruction, but he spends his days and
nights searching the remote recesses of a data-banked past, looking for the hope people seem to
have misplaced along the way.

When Enoch captures Jacobi’s attention, the hacker can’t help but want to learn more about the
rough-tempered Angel who has given up on humanity. Can Jacobi, with all the love he has to


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give, teach Enoch to care again? Will Jacobi be able to reach Enoch in time? Can these two
solitary watchers come together to help save a world where hope is considered a sin?

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Track Domination Series, Book Two

All work and white-hot play makes this boss very, very happy.

Collin Marshall, owner of Flash Racing hadn’t planned on jumping back into the dating pool.
He’s been burned one too many times by guys only wanting his money and relative fame. But
even the boss gets the blues and there's one man he'd like to get to know a whole lot better--Sam

Sam Richmond loves his job at Flash. Chief mechanic for both truck teams is a sweet job.
Having Collin as eye candy? Even better. When a shipment of parts derails the team’s finishes at
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Presidential son and ballsy playboy Hank McClaren isn’t going to make his dad’s reelection
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rather, that was the plan, until Secret Service agent Montegue is assigned to cover Hank’s detail.
Now, it’s all about melting Monty’s cocky resolve and making him sweat.

Montegue has worked hard to be the president’s number one security agent. Now the antics of
the president’s son have him demoted to babysitting duty. He’s not pleased. Especially since
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But Hank has an ulterior motive, and Monty’s about to get caught in the cross-fire…

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Derek Sikes has always had a nice, boring life complete with a normal office job and weekly
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family. So Derek isn't really surprised when his brother ends up engaged to a Las Vegas show
girl and begs him to come be the best man at the wedding.

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Derek's plan of flying to Nevada, watching his brother make a huge mistake, and making it back
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night in town. Falling harder and faster than he ever has before, Derek can't help but wonder
what's going to happen when he has to go home to his simple life in Nebraska. Because
unfortunately, what happens in Vegas usually stays in Vegas.


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