Phases 7 Snared Kris Norris

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A Phases Story

By Kris Norris

Resplendence Publishing, LLC

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Resplendence Publishing, LLC
2665 S Atlantic Avenue, #349
Daytona Beach, FL 32118

Snared (Phases Series, Book Seven)
Copyright © 2011 Kris Norris
Edited by Christine Allen-Riley and Jason Huffman
Cover art by Les Byerley,

Electronic format ISBN: 978-1-60735-346-1

Warning: All rights reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work
is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is
investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

Electronic Release: July 2011

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and occurrences are a product of the author’s
imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places or occurrences, is purely

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The Dedication

To all my gal pals, aka soul sisters. As the years pass, it becomes more apparent why us ladies

need each other. Here’s to riding the old biddy bus together, to aging with grace and never

forgetting why we loved each other in the first place.

To the other ladies of the Phases Collection. Hope we get to do this again. You ladies rock.

And to Chris…for your patience, compassion and ability to help me see the right path. Where

would I be without you?

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Chapter One

Tayen Locke moved along the overgrown trail, darting through the rambling underbrush as she

headed for a small knoll on the other side of the forest. A lone eagle cried out in the growing dusk, its
noble call echoing through the trees, only to be cut short when thunder rolled across the sky. She
paused, glancing at the dark clouds sweeping across the landscape and billowing up the hills.
Lightning flashed in the distance, painting the horizon in harsh relief as the silhouettes of the majestic
pines flickered in the light. She sniffed the air, noting the heady smell of summer rain amidst the usual
evergreen spice and earthy moss. It wouldn’t be long before the first drops pelted the ground, leaving
a patchwork of dark spots along the parched earth.

Tayen picked up speed, loping through a small clearing and up the adjoining ridge. It’d been an

impulsive decision to shift into her animal form and run through the forest, but one she didn’t regret.
The unexpected storm gave her a small window of opportunity to scour the area for poacher traps in
relative safety, while the hunters hid from the intense weather. She growled at the thought. While
trapping and hunting legally were one thing, doing so off-season and with illegal traps was about as
low as it got. And these poachers seemed to thrive on the most gruesome devices available.

She trotted to a stop, staring at the dense forest before her. This had become her personal war

zone—the boundary between crown land and the national animal reserve. Deadly snares and metal
foot traps hid along the narrow corridor, hoping to snag game before they reached the safety of the
park. But not today.

Tayen eased forward, sniffing the ground for the telltale scent of the bait markers. A multitude

of aromas infused her senses, each one as unique as the contours of a snowflake, and it only took a
moment to get a bead on the first trap. She padded forward, her paws stirring up small dust devils as
the wind whipped through the trees, splattering the ground with the first drops of rain. Thunder
clapped overhead and lightning forked in a nearby thicket, but nothing drew her attention away from
the small box hidden at the base of a tree. Her lips curled back in a growl as she stopped in front of
the trap, the metal edges barely discernible in the nest of leaves and moss. A low hiss rumbled from
her chest as she batted one paw, knocking a rock into the mix. The hinges released and the sides
clamped shut, catching only air in its grip. More thunder swallowed the shrill echo as the trap
clattered to a halt inside the wooden box, its prongs no longer a threat to any unsuspecting animal.

Growling with satisfaction, she continued along the route, springing holds and snares as she

went. She’d managed to dispatch nearly a dozen illegal traps before she paused at the trunk of a large

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tree. The fur along her nape tingled with awareness, and she knew she’d stumbled upon something
much larger. She inched closer, finally spying a length of rope hanging from the tree, the end buried
beneath a cover of leaves and fern. More fur prickled to life and she backed away, turning toward the
tree before leaping at the first branch. She landed silently on the rough bark, her claws leaving small
indentations as she stalked along the thick wood, her gaze settled on the knot of rope halfway along
the length. She’d hoped to simply chew through the fibers, but once she got a closer look at it, she
realized the rope was too heavily braided.

She shook her head and slowly morphed into her human form, nearly slipping off the branch as

her body weight readjusted and her balance shifted. She reacted, locking her thighs around the branch
as her hands gripped at the rope. A tumbling feeling rolled through her stomach, and she laughed at
the absurdity of the situation.

“If only bobcats had opposable thumbs.”
Another giggle bubbled free as she tugged at the strands, slowly dragging the loose end through

the knot. Just a couple more loops and the hidden net would be useless. She continued working,
listening to the wind rustle through the trees as rain splashed against her skin. The warm water felt
strangely cool, her thick fur no longer a barrier to the elements. Even the scents of the forest seemed
slightly diluted, more of a mixture of aromas than individual fragrances. It was like being caught
between two worlds, but not fully in either. Retaining traits in each state meant she often felt out of
place, which was probably the reason she was sabotaging traps during a thunderstorm instead of
curling up with someone special.

Another laugh threatened, but the harsh reality of the statement crushed the sound before it

escaped. She was about to turn thirty, and yet her hunt for a mate was at a standstill. Not that she
hadn’t dated, she had—if she could call a series of first dates dating—but her heart just wasn’t in it.

Maybe it’s because you’ve already given your heart away…to two men!
She sneered at the tiny voice in her head that refused to allow even a day to go by without

reminding her that she’d found her mate, or should she say mates. At least, she thought the sudden
fluttering of her pulse and the trembling feeling inside her whenever they were around suggested they
could be her potential mates. She just didn’t know how to take the next step, to let them in. It wasn’t
as if she didn’t know them. Hell, they’d been hired as rangers over two years ago and had spent the
last several months asking her out. But going out for coffee was a far cry from settling down in a
ménage relationship. And though she’d heard they had a reputation for sharing in the past, a quick
tumble in the sheets didn’t equate to being mates, and if her instincts were right, she’d only get one
shot at finding forever.

Tayen cursed under her breath as the rope fell from her hands. She glanced around the forest

then stared down at her naked form. Who was she kidding? She knew damn well the reason she’d
refuted their interest all this time was because she didn’t know how to explain…this. Hell, she didn’t
half understand it, herself. And somehow getting intimate with a man before telling him what she was
didn’t seem right. But it wasn’t something she could tell just anyone. It required trust, compassion…

“It requires a bloody miracle.”
She huffed as more rain soaked her skin, cooling some of the rage swirling inside her. Either

way, it was a problem that would soon resolve itself. The boys would lose interest and move on, and
she’d be left…wondering.

The subtle sound of voices drifted along the wind, the words muffled by more thunder. She

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turned to look up the path and caught a glimpse of movement at the edge of the clearing. Instinct
kicked in and she jumped off the branch, shifting in mid-air before landing with a dull thud on the pile
of leaves. Dust and debris kicked up around her face, twitching her whiskers now trembling in the
breeze. She crouched low, ready to pounce, when two men halted beside a large boulder twenty feet
away. Her fur stood up along the ridge of her back as she stared at the two faces that had haunted her
dreams for longer than she cared to admit.

Common sense told her to run, but as usual, that sense faded in the presence of these guys.

Whenever they were around, she felt tongue-tied, as if she was trapped on a ledge with no way down
but to jump.

Quinn stared at her, one hand palmed on his tranq gun, the other raised slightly in the air. He

must have mistaken her indecision for fear. He nudged Rogan with his raised hand, nodding toward
her. “I think we’re a bit too close for her comfort, buddy. Best we back up a bit and let her run off on
her own.”

Rogan held his ground for a moment, his eyes boring straight into hers. “Shame she’s not tame.

Look at those markings. There must be several shades of brown in her coat. And the way those stripes
fade into spots along her back…I bet her fur is downy soft.”

Quinn chuckled as he took a step back, tugging Rogan with him. “Okay, now I know it’s been

too long since we went out on a date. You’re starting to fall for the wildlife.”

Rogan scoffed as he retreated a few paces. “You know I didn’t mean it like that. It’s just not that

often we get to see a bobcat that hasn’t met an unfortunate end. I’ve forgotten how beautiful they are.”

“Lovely. But if we don’t back up and give this kitty a path out, it might not end the way you


Tayen listened to their conversation, Quinn’s words finally hitting home. What the hell was she

thinking? She’d never allowed any human to get this close when she was shifted. Yet, here she was,
moments away from prancing over and rubbing against their legs like a bloody house cat. She rose
from her crouch, taking a cautious step away from the men. The tension in Quinn’s body seemed to
abate ever so slightly, and she sighed inside. If he was this relieved to see her go, she could only
imagine his reaction if she ever shared her secret. And she knew she’d never be able to begin a
relationship with the truth hidden away. Pain flared in her heart and she took off running, the gathering
storm following her through the forest.

* * * *

“Come on, Tayen. We’ve been asking you out for six months straight. Surely you know we’re

serious.” Rogan James crossed his arms over his chest, hoping to use his height to his advantage.
Hell, he’d use any trick in the book if it meant Tayen would finally say yes. “You’re running out of
excuses. Either you’ll have to go to dinner with us, or move.”

Tayen laughed, her lilting voice sending shivers down his spine. God, all she had to do was

smile or talk, and his heart jackhammered in his chest followed closely by a tight feeling in his groin.
Thank God his ranger jacket hid the bulge in his pants that seemed to be a constant companion
whenever the woman was in the same room.

Tayen stopped shifting papers and turned to look at him. “It’s not that I don’t appreciate the

offer, it’s just—”

“Just what?” Rogan stepped forward, halting a couple of steps away. “You’ve got an animal in

need of your assistance? You have some lab results that will go up in flames if you don’t read them in

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the next hour?” He fisted one hand at his side. “You’re washing your hair?”

Indecision flickered in her eyes, and Rogan nearly jumped for joy.
Tayen sighed and leaned back against the counter, her fingers twitching nervously. God, she

was beautiful. With flowing, chestnut hair that cascaded down her back, and delicate features set in a
perfectly shaped face, she was more than tempting. Her petite frame was accentuated by lean muscles
and girlish curves, which gave the impression of tightly coiled strength just waiting to pounce. The
entire imagery made him feel as if he was looking at a wild animal, whose beauty and grace hid lethal
claws hidden beneath a tranquil façade.

She cleared her throat, swallowing uneasily. “You both know I’m technically on call until

midnight. If there’s an emergency, I’d have to come back immediately. And I just got back the results
from the blood samples I sent in regarding what kind of poison nearly killed the Mayor’s dog.” A
smile tugged at her lips as she looked at him. “But if it’s any consolation, I washed my hair this

Rogan heard Quinn curse under his breath as the man joined them near the back of the clinic.

His eyes were narrowed and Rogan sensed the man’s impatience.

Quinn stuffed his hands in his pockets, his gaze never leaving Tayen’s. “Okay, let’s cut through

all the bullshit and get to the bare facts. Do you really think we thrive on asking the same woman out,
month after month, only to get turned down? Do you think we’d keep asking if we didn’t believe there
was something special going on?” He strode forward, trapping her between his arms as he palmed the
counter on either side of her waist. “You can joke about this and hide from it if you like, but you can’t
deny there’s a connection between us that doesn’t come along every day.”

Rogan watched as Quinn sighed and rested his forehead on Tayen’s, his breath fluttering the

wisps of hair around her face. She closed her eyes, and for a moment, Rogan thought Quinn had
finally broken through, but she snagged her lip instead and crossed her arms over her chest.

Quinn eased back, giving Rogan a pleading look as he moved beside him. Rogan didn’t need to

say anything. He already knew what the other man was thinking. After years of fighting their desire to
share women, they’d finally come to terms with their unique situation and had thought Tayen might be
the one woman to fulfill both their needs. But her continual avoidance had just about destroyed any
hope of convincing her they were worth the risk.

Tayen looked away before taking a deep breath and meeting Quinn’s gaze. She attempted a

smile as she pushed herself off the counter and took a step toward them. “It’s not as simple as you
think it is.”

Quinn motioned to Rogan. “Is it because there are two of us? Are you too freaked out to

consider something others might consider…unorthodox?”

Tayen shook her head. “It’s not that.”
Quinn threw his hands up. “Then what?”
Tayen snorted in seeming annoyance and stomped one foot on the floor. “Let’s just say that

things aren’t always what they appear to be.”

Rogan stepped forward, knowing it was now or never. “Then let’s make it perfectly clear.

Quinn and I want to take you out to dinner. After that, we’re hoping that things will follow the natural
progression. But make no mistake. We aren’t looking for a quick threesome—fuck you one night then
forget your name the next. We want you…in our lives. Hell, after two years as friends, I’d like to
think we’ve earned a bit more respect than thinking we’re out for a one-night stand.”

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Something akin to pain flashed in her eyes, and an inkling of fear raised the hairs on the back of

his neck. He eased forward and reached for her hand, relieved when she closed her fingers over his.

He smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “We’ll take it slow, if that’s what you need.

We’re talking dinner…you know, a burger and fries. Maybe some cheesecake for dessert. Then we’ll
walk you back here, where we’ll see you safely inside before we go home. No pressure, no

Tayen pursed her lips together, and he had to will his body to stay rooted to the spot and not

leap forward to take those perfectly pouted lips with his. She must have performed some kind of
surgery on an animal this afternoon because he could still smell the light scent of soap along her arms.

He gave her his best smile. “Come on, doc. Even a vet needs to eat.”
She cocked her head, glancing at Quinn over his shoulder. A long sigh filled the room and she

shook her head, rolling her eyes in the process. “I suppose I could go for a burger and fries.” She
squeezed his hand. “Just let me get—”

Her words were cut off by a blast of static from Quinn’s radio. Rogan cursed and turned to his

friend, but Quinn’s face already spoke volumes. The man grunted then palmed the radio, speaking into
the mic with a grating tone that was impossible to miss.

Another wave of static filled the room before a voice reverberated through the device. “Sorry

to bug you boys, Quinn, but we just got a report of some explosions going off at Faller Creek. A
recreational rider out on his ATV said he saw a couple of men down at the river. He thinks they’re
setting off dynamite…in the river.”

“Oh for the love of God.” said Quinn. “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“It could be those poachers you two have been trying to track down.”
Quinn sighed and looked at Rogan. Rogan could only laugh. They finally get Tayen to say yes,

and they have to ditch her to track down a couple of wayward hunters. He gazed over at her, unsure if
it was relief or disappointment in her eyes.

She gave them a sympathetic smile and motioned toward the door with her hand. “Go. You

know your minds will be dwelling on the job if you think about doing anything else. I’ll take a rain

Quinn slammed his free hand down on the counter as he pressed the button on the mic. “We’re

on our way. Send the coordinates to the truck’s GPS and we’ll see if we can finally catch these
creeps.” He was still mumbling under his breath as he stalked toward the door, pausing when he
reached the threshold. He turned back, his gaze narrowed on Tayen. “Don’t think for one second this
changes your decision. You said ‘yes’ and we’re holding you to that…dinner for three.”

Tayen nodded, though Rogan could see the apprehension in her eyes. He knew she was

attracted to them, it was the one reason they’d kept asking her out, but there was something keeping
her from jumping in. And he’d bet a month’s worth of pay it wasn’t her fear over a threesome. It was
something much deeper…

He joined Quinn at the door, smiling back at her as he opened it. He’d already walked through

when her voice stopped him.

“Be careful.”
Quinn nudged him in the ribs as they both stared at her.
“We will,” said Rogan before adding, “is that really what you wanted to say?”
She toed the floor, looking as if she couldn’t decide whether to say more or just dart away.

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Finally, her gaze met theirs again. “I’m not what you think I am.”

“Right. You’re not smart, funny, beautiful, charming, compassionate…you’re a complete


“Not that, Rogan. I mean…I’m different.”
Rogan smiled. “Then I guess we’ll just have to discover all your secrets for ourselves.” He

saluted as he turned to leave. “Stay dry, darling. Looks like there’s another storm on the way…guess
this month is living up to its name of Thunder Moon. We’ll be by tomorrow.” He blew her a kiss as
he closed the door, the distant rumble of thunder mirroring his displeasure. He glanced at Quinn,
knowing his friend was thinking the same thing—God help the poachers if they got anywhere near
them tonight.

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Chapter Two

Tayen walked across the room and leaned against the closed door, praying her knees wouldn’t

completely buckle. The air seemed suddenly thin, leaving her feeling slightly lightheaded. What the
hell had she just done? She inhaled, instantly infused with the scent of both men. Earthy spice mixed
with a delicious male musk was clearly Rogan, where Quinn was more wintery pines and alpine
meadows enriched with a hint of summer rain. They were definitely fire and ice, alike but distinctly
different, which was probably the reason she’d never been able to choose between them, not that
they’d ever asked her to.

“Oh, my God.”
The reality of their meeting hit her, and she slid down the door, her ass skipping across the hard

wood. She’d said yes…actually accepted their invitation out to dinner, knowing full well where they
hoped it would end.

She palmed her face in her hands, wishing a hole would open up and swallow her. This was it.

Either she jumped in and revealed her unique ability, or she spent the rest of her life alone. She knew
the boys would never forgive her if she bowed out now. She’d crossed a line that had quickly
disappeared, and now she was left balancing on the edge until she found a way to tell them she wasn’t
all girl.

Right. How the hell do I tell them I can shift into a bobcat? Hey boys, do you like cats? No,

what about—kitten isn’t just a pet name…

She groaned and shook her head. It just wasn’t something that came up in idle conversation.

Hell, in any conversation. And even if she did tell them, there wasn’t any guarantee they’d believe
her. Chances were they’d either think she was joking, or more likely, that she was crazy. It was an
impossible situation with few viable solutions short of dragging them somewhere secluded and
changing in front of them.

Tayen winced. Would they still want to be with her once they’d witnessed her body change? To

her, it felt as if it only lasted a moment—human one second, cat the next. But to an onlooker, would
they see her muscles shift and her bones contract? Would fur suddenly sprout from her skin as her
ears ghosted out from her head and her nose grew into a snout? And what about her tail?

“I think that takes the meaning of getting some tail a bit far.”
A near hysterical laugh bubbled free as she pushed to her feet and headed to the back, grabbing

her keys off the hook. Though she’d been ready to lock up when the boys had arrived, the thought of

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going home now, by herself, only increased the tight feeling in her chest. She sighed, feeling
completely out of control as she checked the clinic one last time, straightening papers and stacking
some files on her desk. Time ticked away in the background, yet she found it hard to leave. Finally,
after ensuring the animals were still secure for the night, she headed for the door linking the clinic to
rest of her house. She turned the handle, wondering how she’d spend the night, when her scanner
hissed near the back of the room.

Tayen paused, glancing back at the small device as mumbled voices crackled through the air.

She turned slightly, listening closely as more intermittent words interrupted the static.

“Roger base…at…river. Suspects…run…heavy casualties…”
The words were difficult to make out, but she couldn’t miss the agitated tone in Quinn’s voice.

He clearly didn’t like what he’d found. She cursed, fisting one hand at her side when his voice broke
through again.

“Rogan’s heading east along the river…trying to head them off…”
Tayen gripped the receiver, holding it closer so she could make out more of his words.
“In pursuit…armed—”
A loud screech echoed through the scanner, making Tayen jump back. A sharp pain spiked

through her ear, but it quickly faded as the tone died, leaving an eerie silence in the room. She
dropped the small unit and began pacing, conflicting emotions warring within her. The thought of
Quinn and Rogan facing down armed poachers made her stomach roll. Though she knew they were
more than capable of handling themselves, just knowing they could get shot sent a cold shiver down
her spine.

She stopped, a deep-rooted need to protect her mates settling over her. All doubt faded into

nothing more than the constant thrumming of her pulse as she removed her clothes, folding them on a
nearby chair. She took one last breath before allowing her body to shift. Bones shortened and
thickened as she fell forward, paws hitting the cool wood. Her claws ticked against the floor as she
shook her head, ears unfurling on her head just as a stubby tail flicked to life on a gentle swoosh.
Whether she was ready to acknowledge her connection to the boys or not, her inner cat’s feelings
were clear.

Tayen dashed to the adjoining door and leaped up the stairs, heading for her bedroom. Silky

drapes billowed in the steady breeze, shading the open window. She took one last glance back before
jumping to the yard below and scenting the air. Their combined scent lit up the evening, showing her
the way as clearly as if she were staring at a map. Determination coiled tight in her belly as she gave
a quick yip and disappeared into the growing dusk.

* * * *

Quinn Harrington ran along the trail, following Rogan’s dim form. The other man was several

yards ahead of him, darting back and forth through branches and bushes that spilled over the small
path. They’d caught sight of two men at the river’s edge shortly after winding their way down to the
water, but the guys had bolted the instant Quinn and Rogan broke clear of the underbrush.

Their only choice had been to pursue the poachers and try to cut them off before they reached

their vehicle. But it wasn’t easy. The gathering storm blew branches across their path and the near
darkness made tracking next to impossible. But Rogan had somehow managed to stay with them and
Quinn could only hope the situation didn’t turn ugly.

His concern escalated when he skidded to a halt as Rogan stopped suddenly at the next bend.

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Quinn bit back the curse poised on his tongue and eased forward, joining his friend at a large tree. He
didn’t speak. He’d known Rogan long enough he could read the man’s body language.

Rogan barred his way, motioning at a series of boulders fifty yards off across a small clearing.

Quinn scanned the area, finally noting two dark silhouettes moving through the tree line before
ducking behind the rocks. He nodded and pointed at a copse off to their right. Though it’d be risky
covering the open space to reach the patch of bushes, it’d give them a clear view of the rocks once
they reached it.

Rogan grimaced but nodded, mouthing the countdown. When he reached one, they both ran,

racing for the small thicket just as the sky opened up and rain pelted the ground. They ducked into the
underbrush, water soaking through their shirts. Thunder roared overhead, followed by a streak of
light. Quinn bit back a growl. Now was not the time for another thunderstorm.

“This storm is going to ruin everything.” Rogan turned to him, wiping his hand across his face.

“The lightning’s going to set us off like a firecracker.”

“At least they can’t hide any better than us.” Quinn clenched his jaw when another round of

thunder rolled above them. “But I agree. This couldn’t get much worse.”

Rogan glanced over at the rocks, squinting against the rain. “You know I want to catch these

creeps as much as you do, but…” He looked back at Quinn. “It’s not worth making some poor
decisions over. We’ll get another chance, and I have a feeling these guys aren’t going to come along

“No kidding.” Quinn sighed. “Sorry. I just hate getting beaten. But you’re right. They’ve got at

least one rifle between them…maybe more. Considering the charges we can levy against them, it
wouldn’t surprise me if they took this pursuit up a notch.”

Rogan nodded, but Quinn saw determination set his jaw.
Rogan looked at the boulders again. “Poaching is one thing. Taking a shot at us is something

else. How about we try one last push—cut them off at that outcrop and see if they’ll come to their
senses. If not, at least we’ve got some cover.”

Quinn shrugged. “You’re the guy with the plan. Lead on. Just be careful. You’re much too heavy

to have to drag out of here.”

Rogan slapped him across the shoulder before taking one last look at where the men had taken

refuge. He motioned forward with his hand as he sprinted up the edge of the clearing, ducking into the
forest near the rocky wall. Quinn followed close behind, his heart hammering in his chest as he pulled
in behind Rogan. While Quinn thrived on the chase, knowing things could turn deadly left a lump in
his chest. He’d only ever had to pull his weapon once, and he’d hoped to never have to repeat that
scenario. Yet, he had a bad feeling these men were far more desperate than Rogan thought.

“Well, this is it.” Rogan palmed the handle of his gun, but didn’t draw it. “Once we jump out

and ask them to play nice, there won’t be any turning back.”

“Then let’s make sure we do this right.” Quinn matched Rogan’s stance, wrapping his left hand

around his weapon. “Ready?”

They moved as one, stepping out from behind the rock, hoping a streak of lightning didn’t give

them away before they were ready. They moved with steady determination, leaving room to dive back
if the situation changed. One of the men had his back pressed into the largest boulder, but the other
had seemingly disappeared.

Quinn halted and scoured the area. He’d clearly seen both men move behind the rocks, and not

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knowing where the second poacher was didn’t sit well with him. A branch cracked off to his left, and
he turned, drawing his gun only to dive for cover as the end of a rifle poked out behind one of the
rocks. Rogan shouted in the distance, and Quinn turned to see his friend rolling behind a tree on the
opposite side. A loud blast sounded above the thunder, and Quinn heard the bullet ricochet off a rock
far too close for comfort. He growled and cocked his gun when the telltale roar of a wild cat echoed
in the sudden stillness.

He pushed to one knee, still half-hidden behind a rock, his gaze snared by the lithe movement of

a bobcat as it leaped across the boulders, landing square on the shooter’s back. The force of the blow
took both the man and the cat to the ground. The poacher let out a strangled cry as the cat landed
gracefully beside him, turning instantly and sinking its teeth into his arm. The man dropped the rifle
and pulled against the cat’s hold. The bobcat growled before releasing its grip and standing over the
gun. It hissed, baring its teeth as the fur rose along its back.

The poacher cradled his arm against his chest as he stared at the bobcat for one long moment

before backing up and disappearing into the encroaching forest. Quinn pushed to his feet, glancing
over at Rogan as the man did the same, his gaze focused on the cat. Quinn looked back, stunned by the
sudden turn of events. He took a step forward and the bobcat looked back at them, its green eyes
glowing in the rising moonlight. He stopped, unsure of what to do next.

Rogan moved in beside him, his confusion clearly etched on his face. “What the hell just


“You mean besides the bad guys getting away?” Quinn shook his head, still staring at those jade

eyes. “I know it sounds crazy, but I think this cat just saved our lives.”

“If you think that sounds crazy, then you’re gonna love it when I tell you that I’m pretty damn

sure it’s the same cat we saw by those tripped snares a few days ago.”

“The same cat—”
“See the markings…they’re way too similar to chalk up to coincidence.” Rogan shook his head.

“I just don’t get it. It’s almost as if it knows us…that it’s following us.”

Quinn sighed, not sure if Rogan’s observation relieved him or scared the hell out of him. He

studied the animal, wondering why it was just standing there staring at them with the poacher’s rifle
poised beneath it when the sound of a diesel engine drifted to them on the wind.

Quinn turned to Rogan, pointing through the trees where the moonlight illuminated another

clearing. “That must be their truck. If we hurry, we might get the license number.”

“What about the bobcat?”
Quinn gave Rogan his signature look. “It’s free to follow us, I guess.”
“That’s not what I mean and you know it.” Rogan grunted. “You’re right. Let’s get those

bastards. We can figure this out later.”

Quinn nodded and gave the cat one last glance before rushing up the small incline toward the

humming sound. Just their luck the rising moon was nearly full, lighting the way like a beacon. He
crested the hill just as a truck tore down a small, dirt trail, nothing more than a splattering of mud
discernable on the tailgate.

“Damn it!” He kicked at the mud. “After all that—nothing.”
Rogan’s heavy breathing sounded beside him as the man pulled up short, staring at the retreating

vehicle. He grunted and patted Quinn on the shoulder. “Can’t win them all.”

Quinn started to speak when a dark blur dashed past them. He grabbed Rogan’s arm, not sure if

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he’d gone completely crazy. “What the?” He blinked. “Please tell me I didn’t just see that bobcat run

“I swear it’s chasing that truck.” Rogan grabbed Quinn’s shirt and tugged. “Come on. There’s

something weird going on and we’re going to get to the bottom of it.”

Quinn followed Rogan as the man ran up the trail, veering off to his left when the cat

disappeared down a small path. He didn’t know how his buddy tracked the animal with only the
moonlight to guide him, but Rogan stayed on its trail, dodging left and right as if he could sense the
cat’s movements. Quinn was just about to tell Rogan to stop when a loud snap sounded ahead of them
followed by the roar of a cat.

The men raced to the next opening, stopping short. Before them, a large net swung in the steady

wind, bouncing on a rope tied to a high branch. Inside the woven prison, the bobcat hissed, chewing
unsuccessfully at the squares. Quinn stared at the illegal contraption, a sinking feeling twisting his gut.
While the animal was likely unharmed, there wasn’t a safe way to release it without using the tranq

Rogan kicked at the mud. “Damn it. Not only did those jackasses get away, but their bloody trap

just snared our kitty.” He turned to Quinn. “You know there’s only one way to get her free.”

“It’s not like we haven’t tranquilized animals before, buddy.”
“Maybe not. But somehow this feels…”
“Wrong,” said Quinn.
Quinn scoffed and wiped the rain from his eyes. “It’s an animal, not a pet.”
“But it saved our butts back there.” Rogan sighed. “I know it sounds silly, but…I just wish there

was another option.”

Quinn patted Rogan on the back before unholstering his tranq gun. “It’ll be fine. I’ll only use

enough juice to give us time to get her out of the tree and safely out of sight in one of the caves we
passed. She’ll wake up and head home as if nothing happened.”

Rogan nodded, but Quinn could tell the man was still hesitant. Though he’d never admit it, he

felt the same way. Something about this animal seemed different—as if he knew it.

Quinn shook the thought from his head as he aimed and fired. The dart hit the bobcat square in

the flank. The animal roared and increased its efforts on the rope, only to gradually slow down until
its head finally went limp. Quinn sighed and took a step closer when his mouth hinged open in shock.
He grabbed Rogan’s arm, pointing at the net as the cat began to change. Strange popping sounds
drifted along the wind as the animal’s legs twitched in its sleep, transforming from paws into feet as
the fur receded, leaving behind silky-looking skin.

Rogan breathed in sharply, his voice higher than usual. “Holy fuck. Please tell me you saw


He didn’t wait for Quinn to answer as he ran to the net, spinning it around until a familiar face

gleamed in the moonlight. Quinn inhaled roughly as Rogan stepped back, seemingly speechless. It
wasn’t until a small moan escaped perfectly sculpted lips that Quinn found his voice.

It was all he could say…all that needed saying. He stumbled forward, tracing a finger along her

jaw as he reached the netting. Her skin felt cool and soft, like a river rock smoothed by the water.
Questions swirled in his head, but he didn’t even know where to begin.

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Rogan stood beside him, twirling a lock of hair around his finger. “This explains a lot…and

nothing at the same time.” He shook his head and crossed his arms over his chest. “My grandparents
used to tell us stories about shape-shifters…but shit. I never thought they really existed.” He turned to
Quinn. “Damn, do you think this means Bigfoot is real, too?”

“Only you could find humor in this.”
“At least now we know how all those traps got tripped, and why she didn’t want to go out with


“We’re just assuming…” Quinn waved his hand at the net. “ This…has something to do with it.

We can’t be certain.”

“I’m certain of one thing. Our little kitten here has some major talking to do once she wakes

up.” He nudged Quinn. “I have a feeling this is going to take all night. Best we get her back to our
place before she has a chance to run off.”

“Oh, she’s not going anywhere until we get some straight answers.” He smiled. “I’d say her

running days are over…in more ways than one.”

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Chapter Three

Tayen moaned, rolling to her side as she struggled to open her eyes. Her head felt heavy and it

took several tries before she was able to push onto her elbow and gaze at her surroundings. Though
she’d never seen this particular room before, she knew exactly where she was. The place was infused
with Quinn’s scent. It practically hung in the air like a sensuous fog, and it was all she could do not to
stay there, endlessly inhaling the erotic aroma. But it wasn’t only Quinn’s fragrance she smelled.
Rogan’s was entwined through the room, and while it was more diffused than Quinn’s, it had the same
affect. Her body heated in response, making her acutely aware that she was naked below the sheets.

She pulled at the blanket, trying to remember how the hell she’d gotten there. Images blurred

with flashes of light and rolls of thunder as she tried to shuffle the memories hanging just out of reach.
She replayed the previous night—the boys asking her to dinner, the emergency call that had left her
both relieved and disappointed, the radio blaring in the stillness, the poacher taking a shot at Quinn…

Tayen bolted to her feet, not caring when the sheet billowed to the floor, pooling at her feet in a

sea of white cotton. Now she understood why she was there, and why the only thing she was wearing
was the worried furrow on her brow. In her haste to get the boys off her trail, she’d gotten snared by a
poacher’s net. And with the men only moments behind her, there hadn’t been enough time to shift back
before they’d burst into the small clearing. Then Quinn had taken it upon himself to become her
savior, except that the tranq dart had resulted in her changing back…in front of both of them.

Her stomach rolled at the thought. While she knew she’d have to share her secret with them if

she ever hoped to take their relationship a step further, having it happen in the middle of a
thunderstorm while trapped in a net hadn’t exactly been the reveal she’d been hoping for. She sighed,
not sure if she should be angry or scared.

“I know what we saw, Quinn, but damn…she sure doesn’t look like a cat right now.”
Tayen turned, staring at the two men leaning against the doorframe. It was a tight fit, but

somehow they managed to share the space and still look intimidating. A tremor worked its way along
her spine as they each swept their gaze down the length of her body, lingering just long enough to
make her squeeze her thighs together.

A wicked smile curled Quinn’s lips as he reached for the buttons of his shirt. His eyes locked

on hers as he slowly flicked the first one open. Deeply tanned skin peeked at her from between the
white edges as he inched his hands down, popping the next one free. Fire erupted low in her belly as
she watched him undress, tightly banded abdominals ghosting into view when the shirt finally

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separated. She forced down a swallow as he shrugged it off his shoulders and snagged it with one
hand. His body matched his face, all firm lines and gorgeous angles. He was the epitome of a Greek
god, only there was no mistaking he was pure flesh. Her gaze shifted to Rogan, but the man merely
smiled and nodded at her.

Tayen drew in a deep breath, but it only increased her arousal as their combined scent

overwhelmed her senses. Though it’d seemed strong before, having them sharing the same room made
it feel as if the very air was part of them. She mumbled a curse. She wanted to cover up, but her inner
cat wasn’t about to back down. Instead, she raised her chin high and waited.

Quinn’s smile turned carnal as he stepped forward, his broad shoulders filling the view. A

rough chuckle rumbled through the air as he held out his hand. Tayen dragged her gaze down to the
offering, centering on the shirt draped across his forearm.

“As much as I love the view, it’s a bit too distracting for us. You see, we want answers.” Quinn

held out the shirt. “It seems you’ve been keeping a secret.”

Tayen snagged the shirt and shoved her arms in. Anger mixed with sadness shuddered through

her as she buttoned up the offering and crossed her arms over her chest, praying her expression didn’t
show her disappointment. She’d secretly hoped she’d somehow imagined the entire incident. That
they’d really gone out to dinner and the rest had been just a bad dream. But as she took a step back to
put more space between them, the jolt of pain up her thigh was more than enough proof that the dream
had been a living nightmare.

She looked down at her leg, drawing a sharp breath as she gazed at the large bruise just below

the hem of Quinn’s shirt. A tight feeling squeezed her chest, and she grabbed the footboard to keep
from losing her balance. Hurt speared through her and she glared at Quinn. “You shot me!”

A flash of pain crossed Quinn’s eyes, but he recovered quickly. “Technically, I tranquilized a

bobcat. The fact it turned out to be you was…” He looked at Rogan then back at her. “God, I don’t
even know how to finish that statement.”

Her anger faded as she stared at the pained look in both men’s eyes. Quinn obviously had a

point, but that didn’t ease the panic starting to build inside her. This was exactly why she’d never
crossed the line and let anyone get remotely close. Intimacy came at a price.

She let out a long breath, unsure how to reply, not that he’d exactly asked her a question. But the

prolonged silence only added to the tension in the room and it wasn’t long before Rogan huffed and
took a step toward her.

“Well. Aren’t you going to say something?” Rogan threw his arms up. “Jesus, Tayen. We just

spent the night watching you sleep, wondering if you might suddenly transform again, and all you can
do is stand there?”

“It’s not like that. Usually, I can control it.”
“Well, you sure as hell didn’t look like you were in control last night.”
“I only transformed because Quinn shot me with a dart. It’s a safety mechanism that kicks in

when I lose consciousness. It’s supposed to keep me from getting hurt by the wrong people.”

Rogan grunted. “So we’re the wrong people now?”
“That’s not what I said.”
“Isn’t it?”
Tayen palmed her hands on her hips. “Exactly what do you want me to say?”
“I don’t know…something…anything.”

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“Okay, how about—guess what, guys? Remember when I told you, I’m not exactly what you

think I am? Turns out, when I’m not saving animals, I change into one!”

Rogan glared at her and shook his head. “Not funny.”
“No, it’s not. But it’s the truth.”
Rogan clenched his jaw as his resolve seemed to falter. He looked at Quinn as if drawing

strength from the other man. Quinn sighed and moved in beside him, patting Rogan on the back before
stuffing his hands in his pockets. They both looked out of their element, and she could only imagine
how it must have been for them.

Her strength waned, and she sank down on the bed, thankful her legs hadn’t completely buckled.

This was definitely not going well. She closed her eyes and once again wished a hole would open up
and swallow her. She felt the bed dip on either side and knew the boys had joined her. Strong arms
wrapped around her shoulders, and she willingly laid her head on the broad shoulder. She didn’t need
to open her eyes to know it was Quinn who’d pulled her close, though she could feel Rogan hovering
beside her, his large hand reaching out to cup hers. Tears threatened, but she held them back, knowing
if she broke down now, they’d miss their best chance to finally be honest with each other.

Quinn stroked her hair, murmuring soothing words. She cuddled against him, wishing they could

just stay that way, but knowing she owed them more than she’d given. He released his hold when she
pulled back.

Rogan brushed a thumb along her cheek, frowning at the hint of wetness he found. “Sorry,

darling. We shouldn’t have pushed you like that. It wasn’t fair.”

“Yeah,” said Quinn. “I’m sure this hasn’t been easy for you to deal with on your own.” A

playful smile tugged at one corner of his mouth. “Besides, we know better than to corner a cat.”

She smiled despite the racing of her heart. Between having to reveal her deepest secret and

being sandwiched between her mates, it was all she could do to stay coherent. She all but purred
when Rogan smoothed her hair off her shoulder and dropped an open-mouthed kiss on her nape
before easing his hand down to circle her waist.

Tayen took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Before you ask, it’s not that I didn’t want to tell

you, it’s just…I didn’t know how without sounding completely crazy.”

Quinn chuckled. “Believe me, seeing you change dispels all doubt.” He threaded his fingers

through her other hand. “I just wish you’d trusted in us enough to tell us before. That was a hell of a
way to find out.”

“That wasn’t exactly how I would have chosen to do it. But it’s not the kind of thing that comes

up in idle conversation.”

“Maybe not,” said Rogan. “But we’ve been friends for two years, not to mention begging you to

go out with us for six months. You could have found a way to let us know there was a reason you
couldn’t date us.”

Tayen broke their hold and pushed to her feet, turning to face them once she’d taken several

steps away. “I’m standing here trying to explain to you that I’m a cat shifter, and all you’re curious
about is why I wouldn’t go out with you?”

Rogan stood up. “It’s not like we aren’t blown away by the discovery. We are. But let’s be

honest. Your reluctance to confide in us stems from the fact we’ve wanted to take this relationship to
the next level for a long time, and this is obviously the reason why you’ve been saying no.”

“It’s not that simple, Rogan.”

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“Then explain it to us.”
Tayen huffed and paced the room, not sure how to find the words to tell them she’d fallen for

them long before they’d ever approached her for a cup of coffee. Discovering she was a shifter was
only part of the issue. Confessing they were her destined mates might just be the straw to push them
over the edge and out of her life.

Quinn stood beside Rogan, filling her view with smooth skin and taut muscles. He studied her

face as if he was trying to read her mind. “It’s not just the shifter thing, is it?” He raised one eyebrow
at her silence. “It’s us.”

He must have noticed the slight twitch in her lips because he cursed and walked over to the

window, slamming his hands on the sill. “We’re such fools.”

Rogan looked from him back to her, his expression clearly showing his confusion. “What the

hell did I miss?”

Quinn turned and motioned toward her. “She’s a bobcat, Rogan.”
Rogan gave Quinn a strange look. “Yeah, I know. I was there when she went all Incredible

Hulk on us. So?”

Quinn scowled. “So…bobcats, like most animals, search for a mate.”
“I don’t mean to sound like an idiot but…yeah, so?”
“So, she’s not going to waste her time on someone who doesn’t fit the bill…let alone two

someones.” He stuffed his hands in his pockets again, removing all emotion from his expression.
“You said it wasn’t as simple as we thought. You were referring to the issue of us not being your

It wasn’t a question, and Tayen could only stare at him, wondering how things had gone so

completely wrong. Here she was worrying that they wouldn’t want to commit at such an early stage,
and Quinn was assuming she was the one who was backing out. She opened her mouth to reply, but
Rogan jumped in.

“We’re not mate material? Why the hell not?”
Quinn stepped beside him. “I think the key word is mate, buddy. Not mates. Besides, we’re not

shifters, and we both know that animals rarely look outside their own kind for sexual partners.”

“But…” Rogan sighed. “So the fact we didn’t run away screaming after watching you change

doesn’t mean anything?”

Tayen closed her eyes and stomped one foot on the floor. Just like them to not let her get a word

in edgewise. She opened her eyes and hoped she wasn’t making a fatal mistake. “Of course, it means
something. Hell, it means everything. And you two not being shifters has nothing to do with this. But
Quinn’s right about one thing. Me being a shifter is only part of the problem.”

Rogan’s energy dropped noticeably. “So you are looking for your mate. That’s why you

wouldn’t go out with us.”

They both took a step back, and Tayen lunged forward, letting the truth slip before she had the

good sense to crush it. “That’s not why I wouldn’t go out with the two of you.”

Quinn stopped. “But you just said—”
“I didn’t get a chance to say anything. You both just keep jumping to conclusions.” She shook

her head. “I’m still trying to come to terms with the fact you know I can shift, and you haven’t turned
me over to some military agency. I wasn’t quite prepared to confess my mating needs, as well.”

Rogan smiled. “Darling, legends about shape-shifters have been around for thousands of years.

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My grandmother was part Cherokee, and she told me more than a few stories about members of her
tribe that walked the earth as both man and animal.” He shrugged. “Now, I never really put that much
stock in it, but then, I don’t really search for aliens, though I believe life exists elsewhere.”

“So being a shifter…”
“Isn’t enough to scare us off,” said Quinn. “But not being your mates, on the other hand…”
Tayen groaned. “For God’s sake, you two have to be the most stubborn men I’ve ever met.” She

took a deep breath. “Did you ever stop to think that maybe there was another possibility?”

Quinn furrowed his brow and pursed his lips into an adorable pout. “Another possibility? I


Tayen snagged her bottom lip and worried it between her teeth as understanding dawned on

Quinn’s face. He narrowed his gaze, studying her as if he would be able to read the truth in her eyes.
His scrutiny unnerved her, and she turned away, certain she’d already said too much. She heard Quinn
mumble something to Rogan then felt his hand cup her shoulder. She tensed, knowing her life was
about to change but not sure which direction it was going to take.

Quinn’s warm breath coasted over her shoulder as his lips traced the soft hollow of her neck. “I

had it wrong, didn’t I?” His tongue followed the same path. “You aren’t running because we’re not
your mates…you’re running because we are, and that thought scares the hell out of you.”

“I’m not scared, it’s just…”
A dry feeling scorched a path down her throat, making it impossible to continue. She

swallowed, but it only made her cough as Rogan’s lips claimed her other shoulder, kissing and
nibbling at her skin as his hand snaked around her waist and snugged her close against them.

“Oh. God.” She hadn’t meant for it to come out as a moan, but that’s exactly how the raspy,

breathy words had sounded to her.

Quinn’s hand joined Rogan’s, his fingers splayed out across her stomach. “Now, now, kitten.

You aren’t going to stand here and start lying to us, are you?”

His hand drifted upwards, coasting over her ribs and between her breasts before stopping with

his fingers pinched around the top button. Her breath caught when Rogan nipped at her earlobe, his
hand claiming the second button. Neither moved, but the tips of their fingers teased the inner curve of
her breasts as her chest rose rhythmically up and down.

The tiny sensations skittered down her body, culminating between her legs. Moisture eased

along her slit and she could only hope their sense of smell didn’t detect her arousal. “I wouldn’t lie to
you, Quinn. Not now.”

“Good. Because you never answered my question.”
She sighed in defeat. “Yes.”
Quinn chuckled against her skin. “Yes, what?”
Damn him, but he could be infuriating. “Yes, I rejected you both because I believe you are my

mates. Happy?”

“Honey, you have no idea how happy Rogan and I are at this very moment.” He took a deep

breath. “I’m even more happy now that I can smell your need. God, it’s so sweet.”

She gasped as they moved together, each flicking a button open. The shirt dipped away,

revealing all but her nipples. Joint moans echoed the faint rustle of cloth as the men lowered their
hands, each seeking the next fastener.

“Quinn’s right, darling. You smell divine. But I’m a bit confused. Why did you push us away if

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you think we’re your mates? Why not pursue us?”

She wanted to answer, but her every thought was on how the next flick of their wrists would

completely open her shirt, leaving her more vulnerable then when she’d been standing before them
naked. A light nip to her shoulder gained her attention. “I wanted to but…”

“But…” said Rogan.
“But I couldn’t risk it.”
Rogan frowned against her neck. “Because of the shifter thing.”
She shook her head. “Not just that.”
Rogan shook his head. “I don’t suppose you plan on decoding your thoughts anytime soon,

because I don’t have a clue what you’re trying to say.”

Tayen huffed. “Fine. The truth is that I couldn’t take the chance you weren’t interested. Not

when I only had one shot at it.”

“One shot?” Rogan’s breath breezed over her shoulder. “So you mean our chance at a

relationship hinges completely on this one sexual experience?”

“Not exactly.” She leaned her head back on his shoulder. “It’s more a figurative statement. In

the end, I can only ever bond with one mate—or mates.” She sighed in frustration. “It’s complicated.”

Rogan paused then lowered his head, resting his forehead against her shoulder. He kissed her

tenderly on the cheek. “We’d never do anything to hurt you, darling. Never.”

“I know, but—”
“No buts.” Quinn placed a finger over her lips. “Just relax, and let us show you how serious we


Tayen nodded as Quinn lowered his hand again, working the button free but not allowing the

shirt to open farther. He waited until she shivered in anticipation before releasing his hold, humming
when the shirt slipped apart even more. He nodded at Rogan, smiling against her skin when the last
button slid through the tiny hole, and her shirt separated completely. He inhaled sharply, and more
moisture gathered along her slit, coating her inner lips. Both men groaned, and she nearly climaxed on
the spot. The world started to spin, and she gladly rested against Quinn’s strong form as he pulled her
into his chest, gently taking them both to their knees. He slipped his legs between hers then eased her
back. The hard length of his erection pressed against her lower back, making her acutely aware of the
act unfolding before her. They were transitioning from friends to lovers, and it was a step that could
never be taken back.

Quinn must have sensed the slight tension that tightened her muscles. He lowered his mouth to

her nape and trailed his lips across the soft hollow by her shoulder, dispelling any hesitations she
might have had. She relaxed against him, allowing him to splay her knees wide as Rogan stepped in
front of them. The man’s carnal look made her inner cat purr in delight.

Rogan licked his lips, kneeling down between her legs as his gaze locked on hers. “Now that’s

a beautiful sight.” He swept his tongue along his lower lip. “Maybe it’s a good thing Quinn and I
missed dinner last night. Looks like you’ve got more than enough cream for both of us. Though
Quinn’s going to have to wait his turn.” He gave her body a long look. “I suggest you get comfortable,
darling. I’ve got quite the appetite.”

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Chapter Four

Rogan stared at the green-eyed beauty before him, a predatory smile curving her luscious lips

as Quinn opened her just a bit more, exposing the tiny hood of her clitoris. Desire pounded through
his veins, humbled with a hint of apprehension. This was it. The moment he and Quinn had hungered
for—Tayen in their arms, nothing but the sweet smell of arousal between them. But knowing Tayen
considered them possible mates was more than he’d hoped for…and more stress than he’d been
prepared for.

Rogan shook the thoughts from his head, focusing on Tayen’s sensuous curves, half-hidden by

Quinn’s shirt. Though the fabric hung open, it skillfully covered the tips of her nipples, which pushed
against the cotton, begging to be sucked. He leaned forward, brushing the back of his fingers over the
peaked buds only to have to bite back a moan as the tiny points tightened further. Quinn licked
Tayen’s skin, and her body responded with a wave of goose flesh.

Rogan traced the line of bumps down her stomach, circling her navel. “God, I love that you

react so strongly to us. We haven’t even touched you yet, and I can already smell your desire coating
your silky lips and see the shivers trembling through you.” He leaned closer, tracing her full, lower
lip with his tongue. “Are you sure you’re ready for what we have in store? Because once I get a taste
of your sweet honey, I’m not going to be able to stop until you come against my mouth.”

Rogan smiled when his simple admission made her writhe in Quinn’s arms, as if his words had

been a physical caress. He watched her face, arching an eyebrow when she didn’t respond. A deep
flush laced down her cheeks and across the upper swell of her breasts. She snagged the lip he’d
licked and nodded, managing a hushed yes just as Quinn slid his hands up her ribcage, finally pulling
the white shirt down her shoulders.

Tayen’s gasp was followed by Rogan’s moan as he stared at the sexy perfection of her breasts.

The curvy mounds were firm and smooth, and the rose-colored nipples crinkled against her skin,
leaving a ring of tiny bumps around them. Every splendid detail made him want to take the soft flesh
in his hands, but Quinn beat him to it.

Tayen’s head fell back on Quinn’s shoulder as the man cupped each breast in his hand,

massaging the pale mounds in slow circles. Rogan could only watch, his cock bursting against his
zipper, as Quinn pinched the tight buds between his fingers, drawing a strangled cry from Tayen. She
arched up, and Rogan couldn’t hold back. He dove forward, capturing the nipple Quinn held out for
him. Tayen rasped his name and speared her fingers through his hair, keeping his mouth locked around

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her breast. He accepted her invitation, curling his tongue around her bud as he gently sucked it against
the roof of his mouth.

Fire swept down his spine, tingling the nerves at the base of his cock. He pulled back, giving

the tiny nipple one last lick before lifting his face to hers. A triumphant smile worked across his lips
as he stared into Tayen’s half-lidded eyes. Hell, he’d only suckled one breast, and she looked like a
woman on the verge of an orgasm.

“God, you’re beautiful.” He leaned forward, giving her ample time to prepare for his kiss.
She opened eagerly beneath his lips, thrusting her tongue in perfect opposition to his. It was as

if she could read his thoughts and knew exactly what move to make to enhance his desire. His cock
throbbed inside his pants, and he could only hope he had enough willpower to hold off his release
until he’d tasted hers.

Rogan pulled back and placed a quick kiss on her nose before nodding over her shoulder.

Tayen turned her head and smiled, more than ready for Quinn’s attack. The man’s kiss looked more
feral than Rogan’s, and Rogan knew Quinn was fulfilling his need to stake his claim. That Quinn
wouldn’t be satisfied until Tayen surrendered everything to him, and the kiss was only the first step.

When they finally parted, their rasping breath sounded loud in the stillness of the room. Tayen

glanced at Rogan, her lips slightly swollen from their kisses, her mouth still parted in anticipation of
more. He reached out a single finger and held it to her lips, waiting until she’d lightly licked it, before
trailing it down her body to the apex of her slit. He paused, loving how she wiggled with impatience,
obviously trying to push him where she wanted him to go.

He tsked at her and skirted down her inner thigh, teasing the soft skin just below her sex. “Ah,

fuck, you’re so wet even your ass is covered with your cream.” He moved his finger up the other side,
still avoiding her pussy. “I’m afraid I can’t wait any longer, darling. Quinn, think you could help me

“I know just the thing.”
Rogan chuckled at Quinn’s voice. It was strained and an octave lower than normal, a sure sign

the man was on the verge of throwing Tayen down and pounding into her. But somehow, Quinn
managed to maintain his control. He slowly inched his hand down, two fingers tracing the V of her
lips before splaying them apart. Slick moisture clung to her skin, making the closely shaved area look
shiny in the morning light. Tayen must have squeezed her muscles because the tiny nub fluttered,
sending a shockwave of need straight to Rogan’s shaft. He ignored her muffled moan when Quinn
nipped at her shoulder and lowered his head to her mound, inhaling the rich, musky scent that
reminded him of spiced apple and sun-ripened berries. She smelled exactly how he’d imagined she
would, and it was the last chink in his armor.

Rogan bent forward, parting her wet folds with the tip of his tongue. Tayen tried to roll her

hips, but Quinn’s other hand anchored her to him, allowing Rogan complete control. Rogan inched
back and blew a heated breath across her nub, groaning when she fluttered it again. He darted
forward and nipped at it, loving the raspy gasp that followed.

Rogan looked up and speared her with his gaze. “Have you always been this responsive?”
Tayen bit at her bottom lip, maintaining her silence until Rogan nipped her clit again.
She screamed this time, straining against Quinn’s hold. “No.” She seemed to push the words out

from somewhere deep inside her. “I’ve only had a few lovers, and it was never like this.”

Rogan’s smile encompassed his entire face. “That’s good to know. Now, hold on…I’m

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He moved, laying his tongue flat against her slit as he ran it up and down the length of her,

swallowing the juicy cream that eased from her core and into his mouth. It was heaven and fire all at
once, and while he longed to make the moment last—to keep her suspended on the edge of release for
hours—he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold off. The taste of her essence, the smell and feel of her
skin, swirled together into an overwhelming sensation that demanded satisfaction.

He reached one hand between her thighs, gathering her cream on his finger before slowly

dipping it inside her. Her walls clamped down on the intrusion, holding his digit captive in their
warm embrace. He moaned as a fresh wave of cream collected around his hand, and he quickly slid
another finger beside the first, pumping them both back and forth through her quivering channel.

“Bloody hell. I’ve only got two fingers inside her, and she’s clamped down tight.” Rogan

nodded at Tayen. “I can’t wait until you clasp my cock like that.”

His words seemed to push her closer to the edge. Her walls spasmed around his fingers, the

muscles in her body tensing in unison. Rogan returned to his tortuous licking, not wanting to miss the
moment when her body arched and she released, filling his mouth with more of her honeyed juice. He
didn’t have to wait long.

Rogan heard Quinn mumbling to Tayen, something about how sexy she was with Rogan’s head

buried between her thighs, and she broke, her ragged scream echoing off the walls as her body
convulsed around him. He lapped at her clit, humming at the spicy taste of her until she rolled her hips
away, and her thighs fell open in exhaustion.

Rogan dropped a gentle kiss on her nub before pushing to his feet. His cock bulged against his

jeans, so hard he wasn’t certain he’d be able to undo the zipper. But even if he had to cut the damn
things off, he wasn’t about to wait one more minute before sinking inside her wet heat. He’d held true
to his promise, and now it was time to take their encounter to the next level.

Quinn sighed as he held Tayen in his arms, her body still shaking with aftershocks. A light

sheen of sweat beaded her silky skin, and he had the sudden urge to taste every drop…to trace his
tongue over every inch of her until he’d memorized each dip and curve in his mind like a sensual map.
But as Rogan rose from between her legs, Quinn knew his plan would have to wait until the next
round. He could tell from the enormous bulge in Rogan’s jeans that the man was at the point of no
return, not that he was far off. Inhaling the sweet, earthy essence of her arousal as she came against
Rogan’s mouth had hardened his shaft until he was certain he’d have the pattern of denim etched on
his skin. Tayen seemed to sense Rogan’s urgency, her muscles tensing when he fingered the button of
his jeans.

Quinn saw her snag her lip then reach for Rogan, shaking her finger in a telltale no. Rogan

groaned, but smiled and helped her to her feet before sweeping her into his arms in an all-conquering
kiss. Quinn waited for the sudden rush of jealousy that often happened when Rogan took control, but it
never came. Instead, his need soared, and he felt a strange tightening in his chest. As if their obvious
pleasure somehow satisfied his.

He shook the thoughts away, not sure he was ready to analyze the meaning just yet. They’d

waited for months for Tayen to agree to date them, and finally having her here in their arms seemed
almost surreal. Of course, learning she wasn’t quite what they’d thought she was added to the magical
feel, but he’d take whatever he could get. They’d come close to losing her yesterday. If the poacher

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had turned sooner…fire erupted in his veins, and he pushed the image of her bleeding at his side
away. There’d be time to chastise her later, after they’d shown her she was theirs…period.

Quinn smiled as the couple paused to breathe, their bodies still entwined. Usually, he waited

until the time was right to join in, but this time, he’d never felt left out. Though he and Rogan had
shared women before, there’d always been moments of indecision, as if they were still fighting what
seemed normal to them. But not with Tayen. Whether it was her simple acceptance of the threesome
or the fact she didn’t quite fit in either, he still felt as if he was in control.

He stepped forward, drawing a finger down her silhouette until he cupped one side of her

buttocks in his hand. She tossed him a quick grin across her shoulder then palmed Rogan’s chest.
Quinn watched as she smoothed her fingers down Rogan’s shirt, finally fisting the hem and dragging it
back up. She hummed as she revealed tightly corded muscles, which gleamed with a bronze hue in the
morning light.

“You’ve been tanning,” she said, drawing small circles on his skin.
Rogan mumbled something indecipherable, the final few syllables morphing into a husky rasp

as her fingers brushed over his nipples, pausing just long enough to make the tiny buds bead hard and
firm against his chest. Her lips twitched ever so slightly, but she kept her features schooled as her
hand drifted lower, hovering over the seam of his jeans. Rogan’s breath came in shallow gasps as
they all waited to see what Tayen would do next.

Tayen didn’t waste any time as she flicked Rogan’s button open and released the zipper, the

tinny, metal sound ringing loud in the room. Rogan’s pants pushed apart, and his bulging erection
sprang forward, bobbing into place in her palm. The downward journey left a thin line of pre-cum
from his lower abdomen to his cock. The fragile strip shimmered in the air until the tension broke the
strand, leaving a shiny drop on the thin slit.

Tayen licked her lips, and Quinn knew she had every intention of taking her prize inside her

mouth. She smiled and raised her thumb, swirling the slick moisture around the head.

“You go commando.” Tayen squeezed Rogan’s shaft. “Guess that makes two of us.”
She shifted her weight, but Quinn caught her before she could go to her knees. She looked back

at him, her eyes conveying her confusion. Quinn traced her lower lip with his finger, moaning when
she snagged it and slipped it inside.

“Nothing would make Rogan come quicker than having you put that pretty little mouth around

his cock. But not this time.” He silenced her with his finger across her lips before she could protest.
“This time is about us showing you how much we adore you, sweetheart.”

He removed his finger and patted her ass as he nodded at Rogan and motioned to the bed, using

his other arm to pull her back into his chest. She grumbled as Rogan moved away, but her objections
stopped when he climbed onto the bed and motioned her to join him.

Quinn brushed his lips over the shell of her ear. “He’s so ready for you. Can you see how

excited you’ve made him?” He licked the soft skin beneath her lobe. “Do you think you can take all of
him inside you?”

Tayen glanced back at him, her eyes clearly saying that she was sure as hell willing to try.

Quinn met her gaze and couldn’t help himself. He released her ass and speared his fingers through her
hair, drawing her face in so he could plunder her mouth. She fought for control, jousting her tongue
with his. Quinn chuckled to himself, admiring her dominant traits, but she was his to tame…and he
wasn’t going to stop until she knew she belonged to both of them.

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He tilted her head back, deepening the kiss. Tayen sighed and finally relaxed, giving him

complete control. He could tell by the way her muscles stayed tense, she was fighting her natural
instincts, but that only made him want to claim her more.

She gasped in a quick breath when he finally lifted his mouth, still holding her head back, her

body pressed into his. He dipped in for one more taste then swiveled her around, pointing her at

“I think I’ve delayed you for long enough.” He paused and glanced over at the dresser. “Damn,

we forgot the condoms. Wait here.”

He shifted slightly, but Tayen reached her hands back and held him close. She darted her gaze

back and forth between them, nervously snagging one side of her lip in her teeth.

“I…um…well, you see…” She cursed quietly then raised her head high. “Due to my unique

genetics, I can’t get pregnant unless we bond as mates. I’m medically fine—”

“You certainly are,” said Quinn, drawing her attention again.
She shook her head and opened her mouth, but he caught it in a kiss that stole her words. Her

body relaxed, and he smiled when they parted.

“If you’re asking us if we want to go bareback, sweetheart, there’s no contest. I think you know

we also get checked as part of our physical. That, and we haven’t been with anyone in a couple of
years.” He cupped her face. “Not since we moved here and set our sights, and our hearts, on you.”

Tears gathered behind her green eyes, but she smiled them away, rubbing her cheek into the

palm of his hand. “I don’t want anything between us. Speaking of which…”

She held his gaze as her hands fell to his waist, her fingers quickly working the buttons of his

jeans. He fought the urge to help her strip them off, grinding his teeth together when she touched his
erection through the thin cotton of his briefs. A smug smile tilted her lips before she clasped the
waistband in her hands and tugged both pairs down his body, freeing his cock to the warm air. It
bobbed forward as she bent to remove his clothes, placing it directly at lip height. Her warm breath
coasted over his shaft a moment before her lush lips caressed the smooth skin, giving it a ghost of a
kiss. A rough growl escaped his chest, and she smiled as she rose to her feet, her fingers lightly
scratching a path across the base of his cock.

Quinn planted a quick kiss on her lips, resisting the urge to pin her to the wall and plunge

inside, then moved with her, climbing behind her on the bed as they both straddled Rogan’s thighs.
The man grunted as her sex brushed over his cock, nudging it. Quinn met Rogan’s gaze over Tayen’s
shoulder, and they both moved at once. Rogan palmed Tayen’s waist as Quinn slid his hands up her
thighs, finally cupping her buttocks. He wanted to be as close as he could without inhibiting Rogan’s

Tayen flowed between them, seamlessly countering both their actions as she lifted her hips,

resting some of her weight against Quinn’s hands. She pressed her back into his chest then smoothed
her hands up Rogan’s stomach and over his ribs until she could palm his shoulders. She waited,
suspended between the two men before slowly rotating her hips and drawing a harsh rasp from

Quinn nuzzled her neck, his hands inscribing the same circles in the air. “I suggest you don’t

tease him much longer, kitten, or you might find your positions reversed.”

A feminine chuckle resonated through the air, but she nodded and leaned back, slowly sinking

onto Rogan’s hard shaft. Quinn eased his hands out from beneath her, allowing her ass to rest on

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Rogan’s thighs. Then Quinn moved them around below Rogan’s to cradle her hips, splaying his
fingers across her lower abdomen.

Tayen pivoted upwards, sliding up Rogan’s length until the man groaned and tightened his

hands on her waist. She stayed poised above him for one more breath then descended, tossing her
head back on Quinn’s shoulder as she pressed Rogan’s cock deep inside her.

Quinn metered her weight, pressing his fingers into her skin. “Ah, fuck. I can feel him moving

inside you.”

Quinn growled as she impaled herself again, her every movement echoing through his body.

Damn, if he wasn’t careful, Rogan wouldn’t be the only man finishing.

“Oh, darling. You feel better than I dreamed possible.”
Rogan’s voice drew Quinn back from the edge just enough that he could mirror Tayen’s motion,

rising and falling with her in a sexual dance. He could tell she was getting close. The muscles in her
abdomen started tensing, tightening beneath his fingers as her breathing quickened and thinned. The
red flush on her skin deepened, and he could feel a slight spasming in her groin.

He tilted his hips, reveling in her harsh cry as his cock branded the sweet cleft of her ass,

brushing across her tight pucker with every stroke. Quinn suspected she wasn’t quite ready for the full
event, but he wanted her to get the sensation of taking two men at once.

Tayen’s pace increased, the sound of Rogan tunneling into her drowning out the erratic beating

in Quinn’s head. He wouldn’t be surprised if his heart pounded out of his chest if one of them didn’t
break soon. But both held on, Tayen straining against his hand as Rogan clenched his jaw and tipped
his head back into the pillow.

“Now, darling. I can’t…”
Rogan’s words meshed into a series of grunts as Tayen slammed down one last time then

screamed, twisting in Quinn’s hands as her release took hold of her. Rogan followed her with a shout,
and Quinn swore he could feel every pulse as Rogan stiffened on the bed, his muscles corded in

Quinn felt the telltale tingling behind his sac, but tensed his muscles, holding the feeling at bay

until the sensation passed and he relaxed. Tayen sighed and Quinn released her, watching as she
collapsed over Rogan, their bodies shuddering in sync. Another knot of emotion lodged in his chest,
and he couldn’t ignore the sense of peace he experienced watching Tayen rest as Rogan traced
patterns across her back. Everything was telling him this was where he belonged…where they all

Need flared through him, and he leaned forward, praying Tayen wasn’t too tired. He ran his

hands along her lower back, gently massaging her muscles. She sighed and gave him a half-lidded
glance. Her gaze drifted to his groin. He knew what she was staring at. His cock felt as if the head
was about to burst, and there was no hiding the smear of pre-cum dotting the slit.

Tayen made a raspy, purring sound, and his shaft flexed. Instinct took over, and he drew his

hands back, wedging them under her hips and lifting her ass toward him. Tayen moved with him,
wiggling her butt as he palmed her cheeks, exposing the tight rosette nestled between. Though he’d
taken women anally before, he’d never felt the need so strongly, as if the ultimate surrender was the
only way he could truly stake his claim.

Quinn closed his eyes, trying to still the fierce desire coursing through his veins. He didn’t want

to demand too much of Tayen on their first encounter. He was supposed to be showing her how much

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he cherished her, not how primitive his needs were.

“Quinn? You okay?” Her voice sounded soft in his head.
He opened his eyes to find her staring back at him.
He attempted a smile, still caressing her skin. “Perfect.”
“Then why did you stop?” Her eyes clouded with concern. “You’re not having second thoughts,

are you?”

He growled and gave her ass a pat. “Dangerous talk, sweetheart. Because right now, it’s taking

all my control to keep my thoughts more…tame.”

She shook her head and raised one eyebrow. “I’m far from tame, baby. I can take whatever you

have in mind.”

The acceptance shining in her eyes broke any barriers holding him back. He bent over her,

claiming her mouth with a soul-searing kiss before pulling back and returning his attention to her ass.
He heard the side-table drawer open and looked up as Rogan retrieved a tube and tossed it to him. He
caught the small offering, locking his gaze on Tayen’s as he unscrewed the cap. The cool gel soothed
his nerves as he squeezed out a generous amount and smoothed it down her cleft. Tayen tensed when
the lube touched her skin but soon relaxed as he worked it down her crease, probing just the tip of his
finger inside her.

Questions burned in the back of his mind, and he spoke them aloud before he’d had the good

thought to crush them. “Have you ever had a potential mate claim you here?” He cringed at the jealous
tone to his voice, not sure where the emotion had come from.

Tayen looked back at him, narrowing her eyes as she took a deep breath. “You’ll be my first…

in all aspects. Unless you keep me waiting and the wild side of me decides to take matters into my
own hand.”

Quinn couldn’t help but smile, her tenacious spirit warming his heart. He never dreamed he and

Rogan would find a woman that tempted both of their desires, but Tayen continued to amaze him.
“Great to know. Now relax, and I promise you won’t be disappointed.”

Quinn nodded at Rogan and the man gained Tayen’s attention, drawing her close for a kiss that

had Quinn’s cock tightening further. Damn, if he didn’t act quickly, Tayen might just have to hold true
to her threat.

He clenched his jaw and spread more lube on his fingers, working one fully inside her. He

could feel her tense at his intrusion, but the tightness slowly passed and he was able to insert a
second, gently scissoring them apart. Tayen moaned and moved into his hand, a husky plea lighting the

Rogan continued to draw circles on her back, nibbling her neck and shoulder as Quinn pulled

her cheeks apart and nudged her tiny rosette. Fire raced along his spine as the head of his cock
stopped, then popped inside, sliding smoothly past her tight ring of muscles into the snug channel.

“Damn, Tayen. You’re so tight. I’ve never felt anything like it.”
Her only reply was a sound that wasn’t quite a purr or a growl. He paused, wondering if he’d

entered her too quickly, when she levered back on him, sinking him completely inside.

“Ah, darling. You look so fucking hot with Quinn behind you, that pretty ass of yours in the air.”

Rogan’s hands smoothed down her back, squeezing each buttock. “I can’t wait until it’s my turn.”

Quinn felt Tayen respond to Rogan’s word with a hard clench of her inner muscles. The

increased pressure pushed him closer to the edge, making the room dim slightly. He lowered his head,

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dragging his length back through her passage until only the head remained inside her before pushing
back in, slapping his balls against her moist lips.

The sensation unhinged his control. He glanced at Rogan but the man was busy kissing Tayen

into submission. The sight had him moving, driving into her only to withdraw and thrust in again.
Tayen countered his pressure, keeping him perfectly aligned. The angle increased the tingling feeling
at the base of his cock, and he knew he wouldn’t last long.

Rogan seemed to sense his impending climax and whispered encouraging words into Tayen’s

ear as he reached his hand between them. Quinn could only guess he’d found her clit as Tayen’s
panting turned into a primal cry and she arched up, slamming him deep. Quinn groaned and thrust
again, not sure how he was going to hold on when Tayen broke. Her ass locked around his cock, the
rhythmic spasms sending him over the edge. He shouted her name, grinding his pelvis into her ass as
his cock erupted, sending pulse after pulse of thick fluid inside her. The room blackened at the
fringes, blurring out of focus as his release shook through him, leaving him bent over her back, his
head resting between her shoulders.

A sense of peace washed over him, the feeling accentuated by Tayen’s satisfied sigh. He smiled

against her back, easing his semi-hard cock from her ass as he collapsed to one side of the bed.
Rogan rolled her over, sandwiching her between their bodies. Tayen never opened her eyes,
burrowing into a comfortable position as her breathing deepened. Quinn gave Rogan one last look
over Tayen’s sleeping form before closing his eyes, the scent of their combined lovemaking lulling
him to sleep.

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Chapter Five

Tayen woke to the smell of coffee wafting through the room. She cracked open her eyelids,

squinting at the bright light filtering through the far window. By the length of the shadows stretching
across the floor, she guessed it was late afternoon. She smiled and closed her eyes, snuggling deeper
into the bed. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept the day away—though she couldn’t
remember the last time she’d had mind-blowing sex, either.

The thought popped into her head, along with the stark reality that she’d slept with two men…at

the same time. And not just any men—her mates.

The word resonated in the head, making the room spin. The boys’ acceptance of her shifter

abilities had humbled her, and she’d been powerless against her attraction. Now she just had to figure
out if they’d been serious about wanting her for more than just a tumble between the sheets.

She rolled onto her back, hoping the fact she was alone—again—in Quinn’s bed wasn’t the

telltale answer. Surely they’d just risen to grab something to eat. Her stomach growled its agreement
and she swung her legs over the edge, finding her balance before pushing to her feet. Her thigh
protested the first few steps, but she finally managed to make her way over to Quinn’s closet. She still
didn’t have anything to wear, and while strutting through the house naked had some advantages, she
needed to have that small barrier between her and the boys, in case the situation didn’t go as planned.

You mean in case they aren’t up for round two.
She snarled at the voice snickering away in her head and grabbed one of his shirts off the

hanger. The soft fabric caressed her skin as she slipped it on, the combined scent of Quinn and lemon
freshness only adding to the illusion of being wrapped in his arms. Damn, this was why she’d fought
her attraction to them. One taste of their skin was all it’d taken to light a fire in her soul…one only
they could put out.

Tayen grabbed the doorframe, hoping it’d give her strength. There was no turning back now.

She could already sense the changes in her body. How it was aligning itself with their unique
markers, which, once completed, would forever imprint them as her mates. If she didn’t run now,
she’d be theirs and theirs alone for the rest of her life.

Indecision swelled its ugly head, but she tapped it down and headed for the door. It opened

onto a hallway, which seemed to lead toward the coffee aroma, and what she suspected was the
kitchen. Voices drifted into range as she neared a large room, and she paused at the edge and peeked

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around the corner. What she saw took her breath away.

Quinn and Rogan sat in opposite chairs at the table, their muscular figures making the furniture

seem small. Both men sported bare chests and jean-clad legs, as they nursed a cup of coffee between
their hands. Their whispered conversation soothed her senses, and she leaned against the frame,
content to simply watch them.

She must have sighed because they stopped and turned toward her, their gaze locking on hers.

Matching brown eyes held her attention as feral smiles curved both their lips.

Rogan held up his mug. “Coffee?”
She nodded, not trusting the sound of her voice yet. Her mouth felt thick, as if her tongue had

suddenly become too large to fit. Quinn held out a seat for her, and she managed to move forward, all
but collapsing into it. He gave her a guarded nod, but she could tell he had something on his mind.
Hell, so did she, but her thoughts were all skin colored and sweaty, with equal parts moans and

She fidgeted on the seat, acutely aware of the moisture starting to line her inner lips. She felt

like a freaking cat in heat, but there was something about the way they watched her that told her sex
wasn’t foremost in their minds.

Quinn jumped up as Rogan set the coffee down. He grabbed a box of muffins off the counter and

placed them on the table then went back for some butter and a knife, offering both to her as he took his
seat again. She managed to mumble a raspy thanks to both men then found herself staring at the small
bubbles circling her coffee as the quiet tension in the room grew. No one seemed willing to break the
silence, and after what felt like an eternity, she pushed the mug and muffin away and stood up,
crossing to the other side of the kitchen. Both men followed her progression, glancing at each other
then back at her.

She sighed. “Why don’t you boys just ask me?”
Quinn raised an eyebrow as he shot Rogan a quizzical look. “Ask you what?”
“All the questions I can hear buzzing around inside those heads of yours.” She palmed her

hands on her hips. “I know there’s a lot more you want to ask me…about shifting, being mates…but
the silence is killing me.” She crossed her arms over her chest, hoping the act would still the tremors
moving through her. “So ask.”

Rogan sighed and scraped his chair back. “Okay. Let’s start with the obvious. Have you always

been able to…” He waved his hand in the air. “Shift?

Quinn huffed and rolled his eyes. “Forgive him, sweetheart. He missed the class on subtly.”
“It’s fine. I’m still not sure why you both didn’t just leave me hanging in that net, but you’ve

been more than understanding.” She toed at the floor. “As for your question…no. I didn’t have a clue
until I was nearly twenty. That’s when things got a bit…weird.”

Quinn drew his brow together. “You mean, your parents don’t share your ability?”
She shrugged. “To be honest, I don’t know. I never met my father, and my mother refused to talk

about him. All I know is that they were only together for a short time. But I think my mom must have
had an inkling about it. She used to tell me I was different than the other kids. That one day I’d
blossom into something miraculous. But she was killed in a car accident before my first change, so I
guess I’ll never know.”

Rogan rose to his feet, running a shaky hand through his cropped hair. “Sorry, darling. We

didn’t…” He looked over at Quinn. “We’re totally cool with the whole shifter thing. It just…caught

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us off guard.”

Tayen laughed. “You mean not all your dates start off as bobcats then change into naked women

while suspended in a net? Guess the rumors about you guys are way off.”

Quinn stood and leaned against the table. “I hope it wasn’t too disappointing for you.”
The gleam in his eyes raised the temperature in the room and Tayen reached behind her to grasp

the countertop. Both men seemed more at ease, but she could sense there was still something they
wanted to ask.

“Not in the least,” she said. “But that’s not what’s troubling you. Out with it.”
Quinn pouted for a moment then sighed. “We were wondering…you said you have control over

when you shift.”

She narrowed her eyes, not sure where this was headed. “Usually, unless you plan on shooting

me with another dart.”

“That’s not exactly what Rogan and I had in mind.” He took what looked like a fortifying

breath. “We were hoping you’d show us.”

Emotions collided in her chest, and she wasn’t sure if she was scared or excited. “Show you?”
“Yes…show us, as in change.” Quinn waved around the room. “Here. Now.”
Rogan took a step forward. “Yes, we’re serious. We didn’t really get to see the full effect the

other night, not with you covered in tiny, camo-colored squares. And I think it’s important we see
every side of you.”

Tayen sighed. They had a point. If this relationship was going to continue, she’d have to trust

them with every part of her, including her shifted form. But she’d never changed in front of anyone.
Ever. She looked at both of them, noting the hint of worry in their eyes. They weren’t convinced she’d
agree to their request, and that thought alone relinquished the last of her doubts.

She took a deep breath and stepped forward, fingering the buttons of Quinn’s shirt. “You’re

right. Just as long as you’re sure this is what you want.”

They both nodded then Quinn held up his hand. “You do retain your memory and stuff, right?

You were only joking about the tranq gun.”

She chuckled. “It’ll still be me, just with more fuzz.”
“Then let the show begin,” said Rogan.
“Not so fast.” Tayen opened one button, loving the response she got. “It’s less complicated if

I’m already naked.”

Rogan moaned and licked his lips. “You’re doing this just to tease us, I know it.” His lips

twitched at the second button popping open. “Don’t suppose you need any help?”

“I think I can handle it,” she said, hoping her little striptease would lighten the mood a bit.
Truth be told, she was nervous as hell. Though she’d tried to watch her body transform in a

mirror, she’d never really given the actual transition much thought. Not really knowing what the boys
were going to see unhinged her confidence slightly, and she could only pray the act didn’t change their

Her fingers shook by the time she released the final button and allowed the shirt to slide off her

shoulders and puddle on the floor. The audible rasp of the men’s intake of breath made her feel better,
and she managed to hold her head high as she took one last look at them before willing her body to

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Rogan stood in awe as he watched Tayen’s lithe body start to transform. It looked as if a ripple

raced across her, starting in the center and traveling in an ever-increasing circle outwards. Muscles
and bones twisted along the wave, shifting shapes. Arms shortened and thickened, landing on the tiled
floor as furry paws. Her back arched up, relaxing down already sheathed in a lustrous, brown coat,
covered in a striking pattern of spots and stripes. Her legs bent back, and a stubby tail flicked into
sight, swishing back and forth. He stared at her head, amazed at how her features unfurled on one,
quick shake of her head, sprouting ears and whiskers at the same time. Within moments, the beautiful
brown bobcat they’d seen on the hill stared back at them, green eyes blinking in the artificial light.

He rubbed his eyes, still not sure she’d really changed. But the animal just stood there,

watching them as if it expected something to happen. Rogan drew a deep breath, catching a slightly
wild scent in the air. It was the same Tayen essence, only darker and richer. He took a step closer,
wondering if she’d dart away, when she padded over to them and circled their legs. A low, gravelly
sound echoed through the room.

Rogan laughed. “Bloody hell. She’s purring.”
He bent down, scratching his lover behind the ears. Her fur was even softer than he’d imagined.

He looked up at Quinn just as the man knelt beside him, his hands feathering through her coat.

Quinn smiled and returned his gaze. “Well, I’ll be damned. I think I’d half convinced myself

we’d imagined the whole thing, but this…” He shook his head. “This is fucking amazing.”

The cat gave a yip and jumped, landing on the table with a graceful thud. She’d covered ten feet

and it had appeared effortless.

Rogan shook his finger at her as he stood, crossing his arms over his chest. “Someone’s feeling

a bit frisky. All right, darling. I think we’ve seen enough. And I, for one, would like to go back to the
part where you’re naked when you change.”

The bobcat crouched low, hanging its head. Clicks and pops filled the air again, and it was as if

Tayen misted into solid form kneeling on the table. She looked up, drawing him to her with a playful
raise of her eyebrows.

Rogan moved, not quite certain how he arrived in front of her, his face slightly higher than hers.

She looped one arm around his neck, beckoning to Quinn with the other as her lips met his in a heated
kiss. Fire raced through his veins, searing him from the inside out. His heart tripled its speed,
pounding against his chest as he tasted the depths of her mouth. It was warm and sweet, with a hint of
coffee and blueberry muffin. He held her close, only releasing her when his lungs burned in protest.
She gazed up at him, the vivid green of her eyes nearly hidden by the large, black disks.

Quinn shouldered up beside him, and Rogan shifted slightly to give the other man access to

Tayen’s mouth. He watched the two kiss, his cock throbbing in protest. Seeing Quinn conquer Tayen
pushed Rogan to the brink, and he had to squeeze his cock through his pants to keep his arousal in

The two finally separated, and Rogan bit back a chuckle. Quinn appeared to be having the same

affliction, if the bulge in his pants was any indication. Fortunately, he knew a surefire cure, and the
little minx was only a breath away.

Tayen eased back on her heels, giving them a clear view of how wet their kisses had gotten her.

Their joint moans filled the room, but she tsked at them and shook her finger when they both reached
for her.

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“You’ve both denied me my turn to touch and taste.” She tilted her head to the side and

somehow managed to look commanding, despite being the only one naked in the kitchen. “Now be
good boys and strip. I have a few desires I’d like to try…if you’re still game after all you’ve seen.”
There was a hint of worry in her voice, but it didn’t show on her features.

Rogan looked at Quinn, nodding when the man licked his lips and motioned to Tayen.
Rogan held out his hand and cupped her jaw. “Darling, we haven’t seen near enough of you. But

sitting the way you are is a great start.” He reached for his pants. “But first…I believe you had a

A genuine smile lit up Tayen’s face as both men shucked off their clothes and stood before her,

hands at their sides, cocks pointing straight out.

She purred deep in her chest and slid off the table, holding their gaze as she knelt before them.

“Close your eyes.”

The command was directed at both men. Rogan waited just long enough to show her he’d

acquiesced because it’d been his choice, not her directive, before closing his eyes as she trailed one
hand up his thigh and across his groin, purposefully staying clear of his shaft. He heard Quinn’s harsh
breath and nearly came in her hand. Knowing she was mimicking her touch on Quinn tightened his sac
until Rogan wondered if the damn thing had crawled inside his body. He was just about to open his
eyes when he felt a breath of warm air pass over the crown of his cock.

He tensed, waiting.
Time stretched out, daring him to look, but he held firm, the anticipation keeping him on edge.

The distant ring of the wind chimes in the yard filtered through, but he focused on the subtle sound of
hushed breathing, tensing an instant before her tongue swept across his slit, lapping at the pre-cum he
felt leaking from the tip.

The groan he’d been trying to stave off broke free, echoed by Quinn when the sensation abruptly

stopped. Rogan cursed, loving the game, but wanting more despite it. A few more heartbeats passed
before her mouth returned, this time surrounding the head in a fleeting caress. He arched into the
pressure, only to pull back when she withdrew. Frustration and excitement warred in his head, and he
wasn’t sure whether to growl or beg. A disgruntled huff to his left told him Quinn shared his mixed
feelings. Rogan mumbled under his breath, when Quinn’s rough voice sounded next to him.

“You know, sweetheart. You’re not the only one who has a wild side. I suggest you don’t push

us too far.”

Tayen’s husky laughter sent warm spikes through Rogan’s chest. “That almost sounds like a

threat, baby. But I’ll take it as a promise, instead.” Her nails scratched gently across Rogan’s skin.
“But seeing as you asked so nicely…”

Her small hand wrapped around his cock, squeezing the length of the shaft as she slowly

descended to his groin, then back again. Colored bands streaked behind his closed eyes, increasing in
intensity when the next pass was mirrored with her mouth. Warm, wet lips surrounded his flesh as she
bobbed down his erection, taking nearly all of his cock to the back of her throat. She swallowed once
around him, and he lost it.

Rogan moved, thrusting into her hand and mouth as she switched it up, pushing him toward the

edge, but never taking him over. He threw his head back, clenching his fists at his side in an effort to
keep himself from twirling her hair around his fingers and holding her still so he could fuck her
mouth. While he’d loved coming inside her the first time, there was something primitively hot about

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having her suck him to completion.

“God dammit, Tayen. You’re killing me.” His voice sounded harsh and thick, and he knew she

couldn’t miss the desperate quality in it.

Tayen took him deep again then released and kissed the tip. “Sounds as if I’m hurting you.

Perhaps I should stop.”

He lost it. Rogan opened his eyes, instantly pinned by the sassy smile on her face as she

continued to fist her hand up and down Quinn’s erection. The man’s face was contorted into a snarl
and Rogan knew Quinn was fighting off the same sensation. Quinn must have sensed the game had
changed. He turned to Rogan, opening his eyes as he nodded at Tayen. Rogan smiled back and
threaded his hands through her hair, pulling her close to him as Quinn worked himself free and fell to
his knees behind her.

Tayen huffed and scowled. She obviously didn’t like that they’d interrupted her play, but there

was only so much they could take.

Rogan shifted his thumb so he could trace the outline of her mouth. “Sorry, darling. But you’ve

pushed us too far. Now be a good little kitten and finish what you started while Quinn shows you how
hot you’ve made him.”

Tayen started to protest when Quinn slammed his groin to her ass, morphing any words she

might have formed into one, long shout. Rogan could only guess that his friend had taken her pussy in
a single stroke. Quinn’s back arched as his hands gripped her hips. His face was a mask of pleasure,
and he only waited a moment before setting up a steady rhythm that had Tayen rocking back and forth
in Rogan’s grasp.

Rogan didn’t wait any longer. As soon as Tayen looked up at him, he clenched his jaw and

drew her face back to his cock. She took him eagerly, engulfing his shaft with a swift stroke. Rogan
let his head fall back, fire erupting throughout his body as Tayen took him deep, paused then retreated.
Her technique had devastating effect, and it wasn’t long before a sharp tingling sensation crept down
his shaft and into his sac, purging every thought from his mind but the need to finish. He conceded,
matching each thrust with one of his own, pushing his shaft a bit deeper. Tayen took all he had to
offer, increasing her efforts as Quinn grunted behind her. Rogan could see her muscles clenching in
response to Quinn’s constant thrusting, and he sensed they were both close.

“Damn, you look so fucking hot, sweetheart.” Quinn smoothed one hand down Tayen’s back.

“I’m not going to last much longer. Come for us. Now.”

Rogan saw Quinn’s hand disappear around her hip. Tayen’s motion faltered, a guttural moan

escaping around his invading cock, as Quinn undoubtedly found her clit. Her eyes closed and her
body tensed, then she moved faster, sucking harder as her release raced through her body. The image
was too much. Rogan came with a shout of her name, the sentiment echoed by Quinn as they both
stiffened and groaned, filling her until their strength waned, and they collapsed in a heap on the floor.

Tayen sighed against Rogan’s chest, making it squeeze tight. God help him, but he’d already

fallen far too fast for the green-eyed beauty, and if the wide-eyed look on Quinn’s face told Rogan
anything, it’s that his friend had just arrived at the same conclusion.

Quinn nudged him and Rogan untangled his limbs from Tayen’s, smiling at the disgruntled pout

that graced her lips. He kissed it away, collecting their clothes as Quinn lifted her off the floor and
headed toward the bedroom. Rogan glanced outside. The sun still blazed beyond the mountains, but he
had a feeling it’d be long gone by the time they recovered.

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Chapter Six

“You know, for someone who keeps claiming we’re your mates, you have a nasty habit of

running off. This isn’t the forest, Tayen. Don’t play the part of the frightened cat.”

Tayen cringed as Quinn’s voice echoed down the hallway, effectively stopping her in her

tracks. It was quickly followed by another set of padded footfalls, and she knew Rogan had joined
him. How the hell had they heard her leave the room? She’d used all her cat-like abilities, short of
shifting, yet they’d snared her in less than a minute.

She turned, her breath leaving her on a long sigh as her gaze clashed with theirs. Though Quinn

was a master at masking his emotions, there was no mistaking the frustrated furrow on his brow, or
the way his arms flexed across his chest as if holding in some hidden anger. Rogan’s expression was
just as telling, and she cursed the impetuous thought that had sent her scrambling from the bed.

Tayen took a fortifying breath and attempted to keep her voice even. “I wasn’t running off. It’s

late, and I have to work tomorrow. I do have animals in need of my medical assistance. I’ve been
gone for three days. My assistant is starting to wonder if I’ve been abducted by aliens.”

Quinn gave her his signature look, the one that said he knew she was lying. “You talked to your

assistant last night when she called here in a panic, afraid someone had kidnapped you, so perhaps
you should try something more convincing.”

She attempted not to let the tone of his voice fluster her. “Yes, I did, but I also told her I’d be at

work on Monday.” Tayen tapped her wrist. “It’s nearly midnight.”

“The clinic doesn’t open until nine,” said Quinn. “That’s plenty of time for us to drive you

home in the morning before anyone shows up on your doorstep.”

“I need to shower and dress.” She tugged at the clothes the boys had loaned her. “You thought

being naked for the weekend was sexy, remember?”

Quinn clenched his jaw then released a harsh breath. “Come on, Tayen. You’re running, and

you know it. A person doesn’t spend three days making love to her mates, only to sneak out without
saying goodbye.”

“And you were sneaking,” said Rogan. “You get these lines across the bridge of your nose

when you’re trying to talk your way out of something. Believe me, we know the look well…six
months worth of well, actually.”

Tayen sighed and leaned against the wall. She hated it that both men could read her without

missing a beat. It made holding back virtually impossible. To make matters worse, they were right.

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She had been sneaking out. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I should have woken you both up to say
goodbye.” She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “But it wasn’t for the reason you’re thinking.”

Rogan smirked and palmed one hand on the wall. His muscles flexed from the simple

movement, making her blood pressure soar. Damn, just one look, or touch, or word made her want
these men more than the time before. But she was out of chances. Her body was ready to bond.

He cocked half his mouth into a sly grin. “Oh, so this isn’t your way of telling us that after three

days of not leaving each other’s side, you’ve decided we aren’t mate material after all? That’s good,
because that’s sure as hell how it looks.”

She huffed and stomped one foot on the floor. It wasn’t the most mature tactic, but it helped

calm her nerves slightly. “Why is it, you boys always jump to the most negative conclusion?”

Quinn stepped forward, making the hallway appear as if it were made of skin and muscles.

“Maybe because you speak in riddles and have a penchant for keeping secrets.” He sighed and shook
his head. “Okay, we’re sorry. So maybe you can tell us the reason? From your response and the
furrow in your brow, I assume it has something to do with the mating aspect of our relationship,
otherwise you would have explained it by now.”

Damn, she hated it when he used logic against her. “Has anyone ever told you, you’re a real

pain in the ass?”

The devilish smile that swept across his lips nearly took her to her knees.
He nodded at her. “I don’t believe pain was the word you used earlier. But it definitely was all

about your ass.”

His mention of their first encounter heated her already hot flesh, making the clothes she wore

feel heavy and cumbersome. God help her, but she might as well be a cat in heat. Everything about the
men went straight to her pussy, leaving good sense and consequences on the floor.

She tugged at the neckline of Rogan’s shirt. “The whole mating issue isn’t as simple as it


“Good.” Quinn crossed his arms on his chest again. “Because we aren’t simple men.”
“Damn, but the two of you are frustrating.” She hitched out one hip, tired of dancing around the

truth. Better she laid it all on the line now, while they still had a choice, than later, when she was
bound for life. “Fine, you want to know the real reason I was sneaking out of the house…I knew that
if I woke either of you up, we’d end up making love in the shower, or on the kitchen table, or maybe
in the car on the way to work.”

Rogan frowned and looked at Quinn. “So? Isn’t that a good thing? I thought you enjoyed being

with us?”

“It is and I do, but…”
“But,” said Quinn, a hint of fear in his voice. “Did we hurt you? Push you too far, too soon?”
“No, it’s not that.” She groaned and leaned more heavily against the wall. “Remember how I

told you that I couldn’t get pregnant until we’d bonded?”

Rogan shrugged. “Yeah. But you never really explained what that meant, and we kind of got the

feeling you didn’t want to talk about it. So we didn’t push the subject.”

“But it obviously has more serious ramifications than we thought,” said Quinn. “Or you

wouldn’t be standing there, looking like you want the floor to open up and swallow you.”

“You don’t always have to be so observant,” she said. “But you’re right. It’s got long-lasting

effects, at least on me.”

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“Riddles, sweetheart. Rogan and I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“It means that my body is ready…it wants to bond. It’s chosen the two of you as its mates and

the next time we make love, it’ll link your genetics to mine.” She stared at their blank faces, and
huffed. “It means that I’ll be bound to you for the rest of my life. If in a week, or a month or a year,
you decide having a girlfriend who can claw at the furniture isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be, you
can walk away…but I can’t.” She sighed, feeling more exhausted than after three days of sex. “It’s a
lot to ask of anyone, and we’ve only just started to really get to know each other. I didn’t know if you
both were ready for that permanent of a relationship.”

Quinn pursed his lips, looking over at Rogan for what seemed like forever before running his

hand through his hair and meeting her gaze again. “From the sounds of it, you’re not all that sure,

Tayen snorted and threw her hands in the air. “Now who’s talking in riddles?” She waved a

hand at him when he moved to speak. “I’ve been drawn to the two of you since you first moved here.
Why do you think I fought you so hard? I knew this would happen, and I knew you’d both have
reservations. I suppose I thought that if I just stayed away, the feeling would eventually pass, and I’d
spend my life having the occasional, casual encounter—forgo the whole bonding aspect. But that’s
not possible, anymore.” She backed up, opening the door with one hand as the other balanced against
the frame. “I know how I feel, and what I want. I was leaving to give you a choice, while we all still
had one.”

She sighed when neither man spoke, dreading each tick of the clock as it marked out the

growing distance between them. Finally, she nodded and motioned out the door. “I have to go home.”
She turned away as a single tear dropped and shattered on the floor, talking back over her shoulder.
“Oh. I’ve been meaning to tell you. That poacher’s license plate was all letters, starting with B. I’m
sorry, that’s all I could get. The rest was splattered with mud. But at least you know it’s a vanity

She gave one last look as she closed the door, then she bolted forward, ripping off Rogan’s

shirt and shifting mid-stride. Quinn’s sweatpants billowed to the ground with a flick of her hind legs
as she headed for the forest, her only thought to see how far she could run before she collapsed to the

Quinn jumped at the sound of the door clicking shut, finally shaking himself out of his thoughts.

He looked at the entry, suddenly aware that Tayen was gone. He cursed and ran to the door, yanking it
open and bouncing it off the hinges. He ignored the way it crashed against the wall, his attention
focused on the bobcat racing across the yard toward the trees.

“Fuck!” He pushed past Rogan and grabbed his keys off the hook by the door, then ran to the

truck, slamming the door shut as he twisted the ignition.

The vehicle rumbled to life as he revved the engine and shoved it into reverse. He was just

starting to move when Rogan jumped in beside him, catching his balance on the dashboard as Quinn
spun the tires and popped it into gear.

“Easy, dude. Killing ourselves isn’t going to get Tayen back.”
Rogan braced his arm against the window as Quinn skidded out of the driveway, heading

toward an old dirt track at the edge of the forest. Quinn took the bumpy road without slowing down,
nearly bouncing their heads into the roof.

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Rogan laughed. “But I guess dying in the truck will be less painful than the thrashing our little

bobcat’s going to give us, once we catch up with her.”

Quinn glared at Rogan. He didn’t see the humor in the situation. “We basically just told Tayen

we weren’t interested. I’m not sure she’ll consider giving us another chance.”

“We never said that.”
“No…we just stood there like a couple of jackasses, worrying about whether there was any

chance in hell another woman might come along who would fall in love with both of us and be half
the wildcat she is.” He slammed his hand on the wheel. “We’re bloody idiots.”

“True. But how were we supposed to know she was going to drop a bomb like that on us?”
Quinn glanced at him from the corner of his eye as he nearly tipped the truck around another

corner. “We should have asked her about the mating process in the kitchen, instead of jumping straight
to the sex again. She even said she knew we must have questions about it…but we were obviously
thinking with the wrong fucking head.”

“Sorry, but when the woman of your dreams asks to suck your cock, everything else pretty much

seems unimportant.”

Quinn sighed. “Perhaps we should have told her she was our dream lover instead of saying


“What’s done is done. All we can do now is catch her and beg for forgiveness.” Rogan pointed

toward a distant hill. “That’s where we spotted her that night. I have a feeling it might be her territory
or something. And seeing as she was headed in that direction…”

Quinn nodded and hit the accelerator. “I know a shortcut. Hold on…this isn’t going to be


* * * *

Tayen ran along the trail, leaping over logs and darting through the underbrush. The forest

passed as a dark-green blur, her attention focused on the path stretching out in front of her. She didn’t
know how long she’d been running. She only knew that she hadn’t left enough of the pain behind yet.

A clap of thunder shook through the trees, finally drawing her attention. She slowed her pace,

allowing her senses to give her clues to where she was. Familiar scents painted the scene, and she
realized she’d instinctively headed for the narrow transition zone she’d spent the past year guarding.

She headed toward the far side and padded to a halt at the top of the ridge, watching the line of

rain ascend the hill. Lightning flashed along the leading edge, charging the air and making the hairs
along her back stand up. What she wouldn’t give to go back to that night and change the pattern of
events. If she’d never gone after the boys…

Tayen sat on her haunches and tipped her head back, a low, mournful cry resonating through the

valley. Part of her wanted to change back, but she knew once she started crying, she wouldn’t be able
to stop, so she sank to the ground and rested her head on her paws, allowing the encroaching rain to
splatter over her coat. Somewhere in the distance, a coyote howled at the rising full moon flickering
in and out of view amidst the gathering clouds. This was usually her favorite time of month. When her
animal form felt the strongest. But tonight, it only reminded her that she didn’t truly belong in either
world. That her one chance at happiness had faded like the morning mist.

The thought had her baring her teeth and she stood up, the need to run once again claiming her.

She turned to head farther up the ridge, when a stick snapped off to her right.

Tayen reacted and leapt onto the branch of a nearby tree. Her claws dug into the bark as she

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climbed to a higher branch, well hidden from the ground. She turned and searched the surrounding
landscape, picking up movement behind a cluster of bushes.

She crouched low, laying her ears back and curling her lips into a snarl. Every instinct told her

to be wary, and she knew better than to doubt her senses. She waited, camouflaged by the varying
shades of brown. More wood creaked and snapped, and she knew whatever lurked beyond the trees
was large.

Another roll of thunder rumbled overhead. The rain fell harder, soaking through her fur and

reducing the visibility. It wasn’t until voices sounded beneath the tree that she realized two men had
stepped out from the underbrush.

Her eyes narrowed and her claws lengthened. She didn’t need to see their faces to know it was

the poachers from the river. Their scent twirled with the wind, giving her all the proof she required.
She inched forward, watching them from above as they stopped several feet away to check a snare
she hadn’t even realized was there. Anger burned through her veins. They’d attempted to kill her
mates, and that was a crime she couldn’t allow to go unpunished.

Tayen straightened and moved to another branch, using the trunk of the tree to keep her hidden,

but still observing their defenses. The larger man she’d bitten had a rifle slung across his back, while
his partner cradled a pistol in his left hand. She suspected they both had knives, but the guns were her
main concern.

She jumped to a lower branch and caught a waft of alcohol. They’d obviously been drinking, a

dangerous combination with the weapons. She paused, judging her best line of attack as she waited
for the perfect time to leap. Her body twitched, her muscles primed for the upcoming battle, when a
new scent joined the others. She turned, recognition dawning on her a moment before Rogan and
Quinn burst through the trees, weapons drawn, rain dotting their skin.

“Drop the gun, asshole, or I might find an excuse to fire.” Quinn motioned to the smaller man

with the muzzle of his gun. “Trust me. We’re in a very bad mood. Now drop it.”

The men looked at each other, then back at Rogan and Quinn. The poacher nodded and tossed

the gun on the ground, dropping his hands behind his back. Rogan shouted at him to keep them where
he could see them. The guy grumbled and raised his hands, but Tayen saw him slip a knife down his
shirtsleeve. She glanced at the other man, growling when he did the same thing. Fear prickled up her
spine as the scene unfolded before her.

Rogan moved forward, holstering his gun as he reached for his cuffs, obviously confident Quinn

would cover him. But she knew the bad weather had masked the men’s movements.

Instinct took over and she jumped down from the branch in front of Rogan. He stopped in mid-

step, but didn’t back away as she bared her teeth and hissed at the poachers. The men cursed and
drew their knives, brandishing them in defense. Tayen stayed vigilant, drawing closer, her ears laid
flat, her fur raised. She could smell their fear as she hissed again, pawing the ground with her claws.
She sensed movement behind her as Rogan stepped closer, his gun once again pointed at the poachers.

“Bloody hell, you hid knives in your shirts?” Rogan grunted in disgust. “Do you idiots have any

idea what kind of prison time you’ll get if you kill a Ranger?” He shook his head. “Put them down,
before you end up cutting yourself.”

The men stared at her, fear widening their eyes. They pointed at the cat, the knives shaking in

their grasp.

Quinn joined Rogan. “I believe my partner asked you to lose the knives.”

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The larger man shook his head. “Are you crazy? There’s a fucking bobcat right there! What the

hell? Is it some kind of trained attack animal?”

Quinn smiled. “Something like that. Only she’s far from trained…it’s more mutual respect. So I

suggest you move slowly, so she doesn’t feel threatened.”

“The cat feels threatened? Right.” The poacher slowly lowered his hand and placed the knife

on the ground, his partner following suit.

Rogan mumbled under his breath as he cuffed both men and turned them toward the clearing just

beyond the trees. He looked at her then at Quinn.

Quinn nodded and waved Rogan on. Quinn waited until the men disappeared behind the trees

before turning to her.

“I don’t trust those jerks enough to leave Rogan alone with them. But we’re far from finished.”

He bent down, but didn’t try to touch her. “Do you have any idea how long we’ve been traipsing
around these woods searching for you? I never knew tracking a bobcat was so damn hard.” He looked
down before finally meeting her gaze. “I know we behaved like fools, sweetheart, and I’m sorry. I
wouldn’t blame you if you never wanted to see us again, but I’m asking just the same. If you think
we’re worth another shot, meet us back at the house. We’ll keep the light on until you come home…as
long as it takes.”

He sighed and stood, jogging after Rogan. She stayed there, rain pelting her fur, the scent of her

mates heavy in the humid air. She closed her eyes and listened to the storm rage through the forest,
unsure of her next move. The lone coyote howled again, its mournful tones echoing the feeling inside
her. She looked to where Quinn and Rogan had disappeared, the leaves on the bushes still swaying
from their retreat. They’d come after her. That had to mean something.

She pawed at the ground, undecided. Then she took off running, her nose leading her home.

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Chapter Seven

Rogan paced across the living room floor, pausing to look out the window after every pass.

They’d been home for hours, but Tayen still hadn’t returned. He’d hoped they’d find her waiting for
them after they’d tossed the two men in jail and filled out the necessary paperwork. But the house had
been exactly as they’d left it—empty.

“If you don’t stop pacing, you’re going to wear a bloody groove in the wood.” Quinn leaned

against the fireplace. “Besides, it isn’t going to make Tayen materialize out of the darkness.”

“It gives me something to do. Just sitting here, waiting, is killing me.” Rogan looked over at

Quinn. “What if she doesn’t come?”

“She’ll come.” Quinn stuffed his hands in his pockets and looked out the window. “But if she

doesn’t then we’ll go over to her place and pound on the door until she lets us in. I told her this
wasn’t over, and I meant it.”

“You also said it was my choice.”
Both men whirled around, staring at the woman standing in the hallway. She was wearing one

of Quinn’s shirts, her feet bare on the wooden floor.

Rogan’s jaw hinged open in surprise, his heart jackhammering in his chest. He looked at the

door then back at her. “How the hell did you get in here without us hearing you?”

She shrugged. “You left the window in the bedroom open. It’s a pretty easy leap.” She tugged

on the sleeve. “I hope you don’t mind. I’m a bit chilled from the rain.”

Rogan nodded, not sure what to say. A part of him didn’t think she’d actually show, and he was

too busy trying to breathe to think of a suitable reply.

Quinn stepped forward. “We can light the fire if you’d like.”
She shook her head, toeing the floor as if she wasn’t quite sure what to say either. “I’ll be fine.

But thanks.”

Rogan scoffed and joined Quinn. “This is stupid. We just spent three days discovering every

inch of each other. Surely we can sit down and talk.”

“Talking’s not the issue. It’s what happens next.” She crossed over to the window and stared

out at the darkness. “Nothing’s changed since I left. We’re at a crossroads, and I think you made your
feelings pretty clear.”

“If acting like idiots is your idea of clear, then yeah, we did.” Quinn raised an eyebrow. “But

then you wouldn’t be here if you truly believed that.”

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She looked back at him over her shoulder. “To be honest, I’m not really sure why I’m here.” A

tear escaped down one side of her cheek and she cringed. “This was a mistake. I should leave.”

She tried to dart past them, but they boxed her in, using their larger size to their advantage.

Tayen bit her lower lip and gave them both a stern look. “Don’t. Please don’t make this harder than it
already is.”

“We have no intentions of doing anything of the sort. But you have to hear us out first.” Rogan

took a deep breath. “What happened earlier…we didn’t mean to drive you away, it’s just…”

He turned to Quinn, praying the man had the right words to tell Tayen how they felt.
Quinn rolled his eyes. “You’ll have to excuse him, sweetheart. He’s more a man of action than

words.” He reached for her hand. “What Rogan is trying to say is that we’re in…to the mate thing.
The whole bonding with you.”

“Oh for fuck’s sake.” Rogan grabbed her other hand and knelt on the floor. “We love you,

Tayen. We could search for a thousand years and never find anyone who’d ever come close to you.
You’re definitely one of a kind.”

Tears gathered behind her eyes, falling softly to the floor. Pain seared through Rogan’s heart,

leaving him breathless. Quinn cursed and pulled her against his chest, holding the back of her head
with one hand, while the other cupped her waist.

“We’re sorry. Whatever it takes to prove to you we’re in this for the long haul, we’ll do it.” He

stroked her hair, giving Rogan a desperate look. “Tayen, honey. Please. Just tell us…”

His words morphed into a grunt as she slapped him on the shoulder and pulled away.
She gave them both a puzzled look, wiping her cheeks with the back of her hand. “I’m not

crying because I’m sad, you big oaf. I’m crying because I’m happy.” She shook her head and stepped
back into Quinn’s arms. “You don’t have to do anything else, but love me.”

A wicked smile curved Quinn’s lips. “We were hoping you’d say that.”
Tayen giggled as Quinn picked her up and headed for the room, Rogan close in tow. Rogan still

couldn’t believe she was back…to stay. But he didn’t intend on wasting their second chance. Though
they’d made love several times, they had yet to be together in a true threesome, a fact he was going to
rectify immediately. And this time, he was the one who’d get the chance to see just how tight her ass

Quinn kicked the door to Rogan’s bedroom open and headed for the bed, easing Tayen down on

the edge. He didn’t wait for an invitation, but grabbed the shirt and yanked it off, tossing it to the side.
Then he pulled at his clothes and threw them behind him, not turning to see where they landed.

Rogan followed suit then moved over to the side-table. He opened the drawer and retrieved the

lube, holding it up so Tayen could read his intentions. Her eyes widened then darkened, a light flush
coloring her skin. Quinn smiled and palmed her thighs, opening her legs to his hungry gaze.

“You know, in all our encounters, I don’t think I’ve had the chance to taste you yet.” He tsked

and shook his head. “A terrible oversight on my part. One I need to fix…immediately.”

Tayen’s head lolled back as Quinn bent forward and lapped at her pussy, spearing his tongue

along her slit. Rogan climbed on the bed and moved in behind her, loving how she rested her head on
his shoulder and clasped one hand in his. He lowered his lips to her collarbone, licking a path to the
soft spot behind her ear. She moaned and tilted her head, allowing him better access. He took her
offer and moved to the base of her neck, biting at the corded muscle threading into her shoulder.

Tayen rasped both their names, begging them not to stop.

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“Not a chance, darling,” said Rogan, moving one hand down to circle her clit. “I’ve also been

negligent. It’s about time I tamed that sweet ass of yours, while Quinn claims that wet, little pussy. It’s
clear you still doubt our devotion, so there’ll be no stopping until you feel the truth of our love clear
through to your soul.”

Tayen sought out his mouth, crushing her lips against his as his other hand found her nipple. He

rubbed his palm over the tight bud before pinching it between his fingers. Tayen moaned into his
mouth as she pressed her breast harder against his hand.

Quinn hummed and pulled back, locking his eyes on Rogan. “Ah, fuck. She just creamed my

tongue. Pinch her nipples again. I need more.”

Rogan obeyed Quinn’s request, rolling her nipples while he continued to finger her clit. He

knew she was close, but he didn’t want it to end just yet.

He leaned forward, nipping at her earlobe. “Do you know how hot you look with Quinn’s head

buried between your thighs? I know exactly what that’s like. How sweet you taste. How you’ll cream
his tongue again when you come. And you want to come, don’t you? I can see the signs, darling.
Quinn’s ready for you. Show him how beautiful you are when you unravel against his mouth.”

Tayen held her breath then screamed, pressing her head against his shoulder as her entire body

stiffened. Quinn groaned and continued licking, the sound of him lapping up her release driving Rogan
closer to the edge. Damn, if he didn’t get inside her ass soon, he’d come on her back.

Tayen finally released a shuddering breath and collapsed into his arms. He held her easy

weight, inching her back as Quinn rose to his feet, his face glistening with her juice. He snagged her
gaze and licked at his lips, invoking another shiver from Tayen. Then he jumped on the bed and pulled
her over him, making sure her legs straddled his.

He drew a finger along her jaw, caressing her cheek. “God, you taste delicious. Now come

down here and give your lover a kiss so Rogan can get you ready.”

Tayen glanced back at Rogan, her smile warming his heart before she relaxed on Quinn and

took his mouth in hers. Rogan watched them interact as he opened the lube and slathered his cock in
the cool gel. He wanted to make sure he was fully covered, so he didn’t cause her any discomfort as
he breeched the tiny opening.

Once he was certain he had a thick enough coat, he squirted some on his fingers, and slowly

slid them down the valley between her cheeks. Tayen didn’t tense as he circled her puckered opening.
Instead she pushed against his intrusion, sinking one knuckle inside her.

Rogan groaned as the hot channel closed around him, holding him tightly inside. “Ah, hell.

You’re even tighter back here. I’m not going to last long once you clamp down on my cock like this.”

“So stop teasing me and fuck me already.”
Rogan chuckled and sank his finger completely inside her. “Impatient, aren’t we?” He pulled

out, adding a second finger as he sank back in. “Just relax. It’ll be worth the wait.”

“But I need you now, Rogan.” She looked back at him. “Please. I need both of you. Inside.


Rogan sighed. He couldn’t argue with that. He nodded and dipped in for a quick kiss before

patting her ass and positioning his cock at her rear entrance. “Okay, darling. Relax. Once I’m fully
seated, Quinn will join us. Then we’ll give you pleasure unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.”

Tayen blew him another kiss then turned to Quinn, raising her ass even higher as she attacked

Quinn’s mouth. Rogan used the moment to spread her cheeks apart, opening the tiny rosette as wide as

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possible. Then he nudged her hole with his cock, pushing just enough to sink the head inside her tight
ring and lock him within her.

“Oh. My. God.” His voice was barely recognizable as the heat from her ass burned down the

length of his shaft. “I’ve never felt…fuck. Hold on.”

He thrust forward, hoping he wasn’t moving too fast, but unable to stop until his balls slapped

against her lips and his groin hit her ass. He clenched his teeth, trying to think of anything, but how
tight she held him inside. “Hurry, Quinn. It’s too much. I can’t…”

Rogan didn’t know if he spoke the rest of his thought or just imagined it in his head. Either way,

he felt Quinn nudge her pussy and press inside her, increasing the pressure on his already tortured
cock. He growled and squeezed his hands on her hips, knowing he was probably leaving tiny, finger-
sized bruises on her skin, but unable to hold back. He needed to thrust, and waiting for Quinn to push
his way completely inside her was killing him.

He held on, feeling every inch of Quinn’s cock as the man buried himself in Tayen’s wet heat,

finally stopping when he reached the end. Rogan smoothed his hands down Tayen’s back as he slowly
withdrew, pausing at the rim before pressing back in.

Tayen moaned, a low, primal sound that had his cock flexing in her ass. She was filled with

them…and she loved it.

Quinn moved next, dragging his cock through her channel then thrusting back in, groaning when

he bottomed out. Rogan knew the kind of pressure assaulting Quinn’s shaft and it was no surprise
when Quinn’s body stiffened.

“Bloody, hell. She’s just too tight this way. Won’t…”
Quinn shouted as Tayen tightened her muscles, restricting the space even more. Rogan cursed

and lowered his head to her back, whispering for her to hold on. He moved, pulling back and pressing
inside in an ever-increasing tempo. He didn’t try to counter Quinn’s movements, too lost in his
blossoming release to think beyond the end of his cock. He pounded into her, vaguely aware she was
chanting their names, begging them not to stop.

He thought he mumbled he wouldn’t, but his head felt too heavy to tell for sure. He kept

pumping, fighting through her tightening tissue as his climax streaked along his spine. He gave one
thrust and let go, filling her with spurt after spurt of his seed. In the back of his head, an image of her
pregnant with their child shimmered into clarity, and he collapsed on her back, smiling.

Tayen felt Rogan explode and lost control. She screamed both their names, arching between

Quinn’s hands as he pumped into her, his shout of release bouncing off the walls. The bedroom faded
from view, replaced by streaks of colored light and a firework of explosions. This was it…what
she’d searched for all her life. She’d bonded with her mates, and the sensation overloaded her senses.
She convulsed around the two cocks then fell onto Quinn’s chest, barely aware of Rogan’s weight
against her back. She was floating and she never wanted to come down. Even after they’d pulled their
weakening erections from her body and used a cloth to soothe her tired flesh, she didn’t resurface. It
wasn’t until Quinn spooned her from behind as Rogan wrapped one arm around her waist, she felt
remotely grounded.

Quinn drew her hair back from her shoulder and dropped a kiss on her neck. “Are you okay?”
She hummed and burrowed closer to him, loving how his spent cock surged back to life. “I’m


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Quinn chuckled. “Yes, you are. But I meant are you okay with…us…bonding?”
“Completely.” She gave them both a smile. “As long as you realize you’re both stuck with me,

now. And I do mean stuck.”

Rogan placed a chaste kiss on the tip of her nose. “Wouldn’t have it any other way. Besides,

what are the chances we could snare another naked woman in a poacher’s trap?”

She laughed. “I think that’s highly unlikely.”
Quinn snaked one arm between her breasts and pulled her into his chest. “Then it’s settled.

Now go to sleep. I have the feeling you’re going to wear us out.”

She sighed and closed her eyes. “Well, cats do have nine lives. And since I want to use them all

up on you two, I’d say it’s going to be a very busy ride.”

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About the Author

Kris sees herself as somewhat obsessive and feels she tends to push the limits sometimes. But her
friends graciously see her as passionate and adventurous. After all, speed limits are only guidelines
and shouting is just her way of rising above the chaos. Besides, she thinks the air is cleaner out there
on the edge.

Kris started writing erotic stories a few years ago, but didn't try putting them out into the real world
until recently. She loves penning independent leading ladies who aren't afraid to kick a bit of butt,
especially when it only fuels the desires of their men. But of course, it wouldn't be any fun if the men
didn't get to play... Most of her stories involve elements of suspense and quite often have a down right
creepy villain lurking in the shadows. But all the better to get the hero's protective instincts going.
After all, Kris still loves having a knight ride to the rescue.

Kris loves to talk to her readers and can be found at

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The Phases Series

Now Available from Resplendence Publishing

Taken by the Pack

by Cheryl Dragon

Phases: Book One

Danny loves Alaska, but it doesn’t seem to love him back. The full Wolf Moon sparkles over
Fairbanks, but he’s alone for those long nights. He wants to come out of the closet and date, but his
frail family might implode. All he wants is the right man in his bed.

Brandon and Justin are lovers and wolf shifters native to Alaska. They’re out to protect their way of
life, and sometimes that means extreme measures. When Danny’s brother proposes aerial wolf
hunting, Danny enters their sights. Danny was the closet case in high school, and now, he’ll be their
sex toy. The shifter pair is ready to do whatever it takes to stop the hunting and maybe add a sexy
human man to their pack.

Coyote Savage

by Kris Norris

Phases: Book Two

February's full moon is rising, only this year, it's bringing a new brand of hunger...

For coyote shifters Caden and Talon Brady, the upcoming hunger moon has ignited a different kind of
appetite. They've been waiting several years for a chance to court their intended mate, and now that
she's finally in their sights, they'll stop at nothing to win her over. But when local livestock start
disappearing, their coyote refuge is put in the hot seat, and more than just their way of life is suddenly
in jeopardy.

Sheriff Rebecca Savage never planned on returning to Beckit Falls, or for falling for two handsome
men. But fate seems to have different plans for her. Unfortunately not all of them are sexy and look
fantastic in jeans. The local mayor is trying to run the Brady boys and their coyote refuge out of town.
Nothing seems to make sense, but when she starts digging deeper, a new danger rises with the full
moon—one that just might get them all killed.


by Mia Watts

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Phases: Book Three

The mystical Portal of the Gods transports Flynn Chula, shifter and descendant of the Cahokia
Indians, six hundred years in the past. Right into a tribal feud between Amaro and Koda, warriors of
the empire. While Flynn finds his new circumstances impossible, Amaro and Koda know exactly
what to do. Their culture dictates that shifters have to be tested, proving their place among the
people--as priests. Only one high priest can rule the empire at a time, but the current apprentice reigns
with blood sacrifice and fear.

As the sexual preparations begin, Koda and Amaro do their duty to rid him of any possible
heterosexual giving themselves to him wholly. Flynn, who's never wanted a woman in
his life, can't believe his luck. Two hunky men can't get enough of him, and their eager to learn all the

When the blood priest discovers the plot to overthrow him, will Flynn, Koda, and Amaro escape
alive, or will more than blood be lost on the altar?

Awakening Delilah

by Abigail Barnette

Phases: Book Four

When Delilah Lewis moved from Atlanta to Gwinn Close, a sanctuary for shifters in Michigan’s
Upper Peninsula, she knew there would be an adjustment period. She just never thought getting shot at
by poachers would be a part of that adjustment. When two sexy shifters come to her rescue, things get
even more complicated. Delilah is a good girl, with a good-girl upbringing, and both men make her
want to be very bad...

Miguel and Darius are in a committed relationship, but once they meet Delilah, they want more.While
Delilah wonders if Gwinn Close is right for her, Miguel and Darius do everything they can to
convince her to stay. But secrets from their past threaten a future with the woman they both crave. And
while she struggles to let go of her boring former life, both men work to bring out the wild animal in

Horny, Hard and Hare-y

by Mia Watts

Phases: Book Five

It's time for the annual race, and tortoise shifter, Duncan, is finally going to catch some tail—hare
shifter tail, otherwise known as Charlie. With Gibbs, their owl shifter friend, keeping an eye out
overhead, they're off and running. But Charlie is as spontaneously careless as the fairytale hare and

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finds himself caught by local DNR officer, Ben.

The full moon is rising, and if Charlie stays collared through the Hare Moon, he'll remain an animal
forever. It's up to Duncan and Gibbs to free him before time is up. But in telling their secret, will they
lose Ben forever? It's a foursome waiting to happen, where Ben reconnects with a mysterious lover,
and the tortoise finally catches his hare.

Summer Surrender

by Bronwyn Green

Phases: Book Six

Hollis Chambers came to Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to teach summer school at a small rural high
school. She’d planned on hanging out on the shores of Lake Superior, taking walks in the woods and
studying the wildlife. She never imagined that she’d meet one man, let alone two, to have a hot
summer fling with.

Lynx shifters Daniel Cichosz and Josiah Wilder know a good thing when they see it and they’re fairly
certain that the gorgeous, full-figured substitute teacher is just who they’ve been looking for. Hollis
surrenders to their seduction, but how will she feel about being mated to shifters, particularly when
Daniel’s brother is added to the mix?


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