Jackie Nacht Giving a Little TLC

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Cancelled flight, car breakdown and Black
Friday—Quinn has a Thanksgiving that is one
example of Murphy’s Law after another, but then,
there’s the handsome twin Mitch…

Quinn has the worst luck. His flight home for
Thanksgiving is cancelled due to the weather, and
now an unexpected invite has him spending the
holiday with his frat brother Sawyer and his sexy
twin brother Mitch. Between a car breakdown, a
family member who is a militant shopper and
preparing the holiday meal, somehow Mitch and
Quinn find themselves having a romantic fling.
The only problem is: hearts begin to get involved.
And once they get back to campus, can the two
somehow become more?

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Giving a Little TLC

Copyright © 2013 Jackie Nacht

ISBN: 978-1-77111-739-5

Cover art by Carmen Waters

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Giving a Little TLC

Holiday Jobs That Don’t Suck,

Book Nine


Jackie Nacht

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Chapter One

uit staring! Mitch approached his twin
brother’s fraternity to pick up Sawyer, the

sibling in question, and Sawyer’s boyfriend Tyler
before heading home for the Thanksgiving
weekend. This was why he barely ever came to
this damn fraternity; they gawked at him like he
was some damn anomaly. So what if he was an
active at Omega Xi? Luckily, there were only two
guys there as opposed to twenty as usual.

He climbed the stairs to the porch and was

long-necked until he entered the house. For crying
out loud, Mitch wondered if Tyler was getting the
same reaction when he came over. If so, he was
going to convince Sawyer to start bringing his ass
over to the house. Tyler didn’t need this.

Mitch climbed the stairs to his brother’s room

and saw that a lot of the rooms were already
empty since the guys had already gone home for
the holiday. Mitch passed one door and saw
Quinn sitting on his bed reading something off of
his e-reader. The sophomore had caught his eye
the couple of times he’d been there, but the guy


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usually had his nose in a book, which left Mitch
with the desire to talk but not wishing to

After knocking on Sawyer’s door, because he

never knew what he was going to get if he barged
in, he turned back around, staring into Quinn’s
room until his brother whipped open his door.

Sawyer leaned out and glanced down the

hallway. “What are you looking at?”

“Nothing.” Mitch scratched the back of his head

before he shoved his brother back in his room,
hoping he wouldn’t get caught. After all the shit
he gave his brother, he didn’t want to be on the
receiving end. “You guys ready to head out?”

Tyler was sitting on the bed with his bag

packed next to him. Sawyer’s boyfriend had been
spending more time at Sawyer’s frat house and
less time at the Omega Xi. It wasn’t a shock to
Mitch that the guy didn’t even have to go back to
his own house to be ready to come with them for
the weekend.

“Um…sure,” Sawyer said as he went to pick up

his bag.

Tyler stood and grabbed his duffle then

grabbed Sawyer’s hand as they walked out.

Sawyer turned and locked his door before

leading them down the hallway.

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Mitch watched as Sawyer stopped and frowned

into Quinn’s room. “Hey, Quinn. I thought you
were heading out today.”

Mitch came up behind his brother at the door

entrance. Man, Quinn is gorgeous. Big hazel eyes
surrounded by long lashes. Mitch had never seen
Quinn in anything other than a hoodie and pair of
destroyed boot-cut jeans. Damn tease, Mitch

Quinn shrugged, a slight frown on plump lips.

“My flight was cancelled. Bad snow storm in

Mitch thought of his parents visiting their aunt

at the moment. “Oh shit, Sawyer. We better call
Mom and Dad and see what’s up.”

Mitch dialed his mom and waited for her to

pick up.

His mom answered on the third ring, many

voices could be heard in the background. “Hi,

“Mom? Did you and Dad make it back?” Mitch

asked, walking down the hall to hear her better.
Like that would work. All the distortion was
coming from her end.

“We’re working on it. Our original flight was

cancelled, but we’re trying to get on another
airline. So far, no success. This blizzard may have
all outgoing and incoming flights shut down

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tonight. We’re trying to get to you boys to spend
the holiday with you.” His mom sounded upset.

Mitch tried to sooth her. “Mom, we’re fine here.

Sawyer and I can just stay on campus. We have to
come back Saturday night anyway since we have
diving practice on Sunday. You two just go back
to Aunt Sophie until the weather blows over.”

“Nonsense!” his mother yelled loud enough to

have Mitch pull his ear away from the phone.
“We’ll try to get on the quickest flight.”

“Mom, just go back and enjoy your holiday

with Aunt Sophie and Dad. We’re only an hour
away. We can meet with you on Friday or
Saturday. Did Merrick and Darren get in or was
their flight cancelled?”

“They flew in two days ago. Merrick wanted to

show Darren around before Thanksgiving and
take him up north for the night. They should be at
the house now.” His mom’s voice was starting to
break up at the poor connection.

“Mom, we’ll head home and meet up with

Merrick and Darren. We’ll see you soon. Take
care. Tell Dad we love him and love you, too,”
Mitch said.

“Love you, too, sweetie,” his mom said before

the line died.

Mitch walked back to Sawyer. “They didn’t

make it in time. Mom seems upset.” Mitch hated
that his parents couldn’t make it back, but they

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had gone there for a very special reason. Their
cousin had just given birth to twins and his mom
went to help out her sister and niece in the first
couple weeks.

“So what does she want us to do? Should we

just stay here?” Sawyer asked while dropping his
bag and putting his arms around Tyler.

“No, Merrick and Darren are already at the

house. Remember, they booked their flight before
Mom and Dad decided to go help out. They’re at
the house now. Mom said to head home and
they’ll get there when they can.” Mitch tucked his
phone in his pocket.

“I think we’re going to have one more for

dinner.” Sawyer hooked his thumb at Quinn’s
room. “If I can convince him.”

Mitch leaned into the doorway to see Quinn

was still on his bed with his book on his lap.
Except this time, his gaze wasn’t focused on the
words on the page. It was staring at him, not the
group, him. Damn.

Quinn was slim built with blond bangs that

hung over one hazel eye, which enticed Mitch to
sweep it out of his face just so he could get a better
look at the chiseled, handsome features. As far as
Mitch knew, Quinn wasn’t an athlete at the
college, but he didn’t know enough about the guy
to be sure. What he did know was that his brother
tutored him and another frat brother named Ian.

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Mitch should have stopped and taken notice
before this. Quinn was sucker-punching him with
those eyes.

“Come home with us,” Mitch said, and if his

voice dropped an octave, so what?

Quinn looked clearly uncomfortable with the

invitation. “I can’t. I have things to do.”

Mitch walked into Quinn’s room, looking

around. Posters of Sick Puppies, Ashes of Soma and
Breaking Benjamin adorned the walls. Nice. Mitch
loved their music. The room was tidy to the point
where you could literally eat off the floor. Mitch
had never been tidy. His room looked more like a
tornado had made its way through.

“You were just about to go home, so you

couldn’t have had that much to do.”

Quinn shrugged again.

Ooh, Quinn is a tad on the shy side or maybe he just

needed a little convincing? Mitch found himself
wanting to take up the challenge.

“I just…” Quinn glanced over Mitch’s shoulder,

and he turned to see that Quinn was trying to get
help from Sawyer. I don’t think so.

The point was Mitch didn’t like the fact that

Quinn would be virtually all by himself this
weekend. The guy was Sawyer’s friend, and yeah,
he was attractive, but the more important reason
was that no one should spend the holiday holed
away in their dorm eating ramen noodles.

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Mitch searched the room until he spotted a bag.

He grabbed it and handed it to Quinn. “Pack or I
will, and I don’t think you want someone you
barely know going through your underwear

Quinn’s eyes widened. “Pushy much?”
Sawyer piped up…finally. “Quinn, we only live

an hour away. If you want to come back
tomorrow, we can drive you. At least come home
and have a nice hot meal with us. It’s pretty much
just going to be us and my brother and his

Quinn took in a deep breath. “Okay, I just don’t

want to intrude.”

“You’re not. We want you to come.” Mitch

leaned against the dresser.

Quinn began pulling clothes out of drawers,

grabbing t-shirts and jeans. “You don’t even know

“Well now, won’t it be nice to finally get the

opportunity.” Mitch winked at Quinn before he
sauntered away.

Mitch was just about to the door when Quinn

mumbled, “I won’t tell him I don’t have an
underwear drawer, because I don’t wear the damn
constrictive things.”

Mitch stopped and turned.

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Quinn was staring at him, wide-eyed, before

saying, “I have this uncanny ability to say the
most embarrassing things just a tad too loudly.”

Mitch cleared his throat. “Feel free to overshare

that kind of information any time you want.”

“Yeah, Quinn, why don’t you tell him about the

handcuffs,” Tyler called out from the hallway.

Mitch quirked a brow. “Handcuffs?”
Quinn blushed a deep red. “Long story. I better

go get my toiletries.” Quinn all but ran down the
hall to the bathrooms.

Mitch turned to Tyler. “Please tell me about

these handcuffs.”

Tyler laughed. “Oh no. I think that will be up to

you two. Sheesh, Mitch, try to be a little more

“What?” Mitch said as innocently as possible.
Tyler chuckled and shook his head. “Going to

be an interesting vacation is all.”

Mitch thought about that. Hell yeah, it is.
A few minutes later, Quinn came out of his

room and locked it behind him. “I’m ready to go.”
Quinn took a deep breath as if needing courage.

Mitch grabbed Quinn’s bag and slung it over

his shoulder. “I got this. Follow me out to the car.”

Quinn looked like he was about to protest but,

instead, followed Mitch outside. Mitch took the
steps at a jog then headed to the car. He put his
key in the trunk lock and had to wiggle it then

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bitch it out a little to get the rusty lock to open. He
put Quinn’s bag in next to his, and then, Tyler and
Sawyer threw theirs in.

“I can’t believe we’re taking this piece of shit on

the highway,” Tyler mumbled before climbing in
the back with Sawyer.

No one gave the twins’ car respect, and Mitch

agreed with everyone wholeheartedly. It had one
wheel in the grave, and every time they got in the
car, they were rolling the dice that the sucker
would even start.

Mitch climbed in the driver seat while Quinn

got in next to him on the passenger side. When
starting the car, the thing sounded as if it coughed
to life, then they pulled out of the driveway and
down the road.

Fifteen minutes into the drive, the car began to

smell funny and smoke came from the front.

“Pull over, Mitch.” Tyler was death-gripping

the oh shit handle, staring wide-eyed out the front

Mitch pulled over, and by the time they

stopped, the whole front was billowing in smoke.
All four jumped out of the car, running a good
distance just in case the lemon blew up.

Tyler snorted, looking over at Sawyer. “I told

you that your car wouldn’t even make it the

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Sawyer nodded and let out a juicy curse. “I’ll

get our bags out of the trunk. Call Merrick,

Mitch pulled out his cell, staring over at Quinn

as he held the phone up to his ear. Man, I would
love to know what the guy is thinking.
Not only did
Quinn have to get talked into coming, he was now
stranded on the side of the road.

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Chapter Two

hat in the hell have I gotten myself into? Quinn
thought as he stood there freezing his ass

off. He could be in his room, studying, watching
television—hell, he could be warm, but he was
weak. Mitch’s killer blue eyes were what sunk
him. He was used to being around Sawyer; they
studied all the time, but his twin brother was an

Quinn had known Sawyer had a twin, but as far

as Quinn was aware, the twin barely came over
except once at the beginning of term when he’d
helped his brother move in. Sawyer had gone over
to Omega Xi all the time just so he could get a
good look at Tyler. Now, Tyler was at their frat
house instead. He had become a part of their
study group. Well, kind of…Tyler wasn’t in the
same business major as the rest of them, but he sat
next to Sawyer while they worked.

If they could have just sat in the car and

waited… Quinn began doing a little dance,


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hopping around and trying to keep warm. He
knew he looked completely ridiculous, but his
limbs were turning into icicles.

Arms wrapped around Quinn from behind,

causing him to jump and widen his eyes.

“Cold?” Mitch murmured next him, so close

that Quinn watched a puff of air float across his
face from the single word.

Quinn didn’t even care that he didn’t know

Mitch all that well. The warmth seeping in from
behind him was too much of a temptation for him
not to squirm deeper into the embrace. After
turning, Quinn burrowed his cold face into
Mitch’s puffer jacket. Plus, the man was hot as
hell. With dark hair, blue eyes and a muscular
body that came from hours of practice on the
college diving team and swimming laps, Mitch
was stunning. The only difference between him
and his twin was that Sawyer had streaks of red in
his hair while Mitch didn’t. If Quinn’s fingers
weren’t ice cold, he might have wanted to work
his way through the soft hair, but as it was…no
way in hell.

“It’s freakin’ freezing out here,” Quinn


“My brother should be here in just a few more

minutes,” Mitch said as he ducked his head into
Quinn’s neck.

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Quinn glanced over at Sawyer and Tyler, but

they were pretty much doing the same thing,
snuggling to keep warm. No one was sure what
the hell was wrong with the car, but as long as it
kept smoking like it was, they weren’t going to
take chances of getting back inside.

Five minutes later, a dark SUV pulled up

behind them. Two men got out, and Quinn could
immediately tell who was Mitch’s and Sawyer’s
older brother—same features and dark hair, while
the other one was a super tall All-American
blonde boy. If the guy hadn’t been laughing his
ass off, he would have been intimidating.

Mitch chuckled while still holding him. “Shut

it, Darren. We’re freezing our asses off out here.”

“Sorry, it’s just too fitting to see justice has been

served, and I didn’t even have to dish it out.”
Darren walked up to the four of them.

“Justice?” Quinn asked.
“Yeah, when these two worked at the store this

summer, they thought it would be hilarious to
have Halloween in July. The whole place was
head-to-toe black and orange when I walked in
that morning. Customers thought it was funny, so
I let them live to see another day. I’m Darren,
Merrick’s husband.”

Quinn extended his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“You, too.”

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“I’m Merrick.” Merrick extended his hand to

him, and Quinn shook it.

Quinn watched Tyler hug both men, acting

excited to meet them for the first time.

“We called for a tow truck, they should be here

any minute. Why don’t we wait in the SUV until
they get here?” Merrick gestured toward the SUV,
and Quinn made a beeline for it.

Quinn couldn’t even feel his toes. He should’ve

known better, living in Colorado, than to go out
unprepared when it was this cold. However, with
the unexpected invite, he had been a little
flustered when it came to his packing.

They all climbed in, and Quinn was shocked

when Mitch all but climbed on top of him. The
guy was straddling him in the backseat, holding
him tight.

Mitch moaned. “I’m so damn cold, and you feel

so good.”

Okay, that shouldn’t have turned Quinn on, but

it did. Plus, Mitch’s hands were all over him,
smelling of fresh air, and he was so attractive.
Quinn felt his cock thicken in his jeans as Mitch
rubbed against him. Dear lord, how could I not react

with the sexy man all over me?

Mitch groaned and brushed his cold lips in the

crook of his neck.

Oh god! That feels so good. Quinn thought Mitch

might be adjusting above him, but when he felt a

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hard cock against his own, he was shocked to the
core. Mitch’s hips worked a couple times, rubbing
them together, and Quinn had to bite his lip to
keep from moaning out loud.

The spell was broken when Quinn heard

Darren from the front. “Are they dating?”

Sawyer laughed next to them. “Uh… no.”
“Well hell, Mitch. Can you let your guest up for

some air? We don’t need live entertainment before
the tow truck gets here.” Merrick chuckled.

Mitch pulled back from him, and Quinn was

stunned to see Mitch’s blue eyes glazed with lust.
He looked like he was about to say something to
Quinn before he climbed off to sit next to him.
Quinn watched as Mitch closed his eyes, leaned
his head back and blew out a breath.

Sawyer looked over at him with a smirk while

Tyler mouthed, Oh my god!

A blush crept into Quinn’s cheeks that had

nothing to do with the windburn. How
embarrassing, and he had to be around these
people for a whole weekend. What will they think of
me now?
Gazing around the interior of the vehicle
to all the damn shoulders shaking as if they were
trying their damnedest not to laugh out loud,
Quinn thought that maybe he might just survive.

An hour later, the group was toward the end of

their drive.

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The tow truck had come and had loaded up the

vehicle while shaking his head at the poor state of
the vehicle. He had taken off with the car and
would be calling Friday with an estimate.

The entire interior of the car smelled like the

fast food they had eaten. They had been starving
by the time they were back on the road.
Dinnertime had come and gone, so they just
grabbed a couple burgers.

They pulled into a neighborhood where all the

houses were similar in looks. Brick front, two
stories and some were even sporting Christmas
lights. They went down to a cul-de-sac, and at the
end, Merrick pulled up into a drive of a red brick
two story. The house was dark except for one
outside light. They parked, and the others began
to get out.

The whole day was gone. The sun had set, and

a cold, cloudy night had made its appearance.
Quinn got out of the car to see that the moon was
half hidden behind a set of clouds, and his breath
blew clouds into the air. Mitch was waiting for
him, Quinn’s bag in hand.

Quinn reached over and grabbed it. “Thanks.”
“This way.” Mitch gestured with his head, and

the group went up the stone pathway to the front
door that was already sporting a red and gold
wreath for the holidays. Quinn smiled softly at
that. His family was the exact same way.

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Christmas and Thanksgiving went hand in hand
when decorating the house. His parents would be
going out this weekend to get the tree if they
hadn’t already.

Quinn entered behind the group, feeling the

blast of heat from the cozy interior of the home.
The place was homey with holiday décor
throughout the front landing. Everyone took off
their shoes, and Quinn followed suit, toeing off his

“Do you guys want to drop your stuff off

upstairs?” Merrick asked as he stood at the base of
the stairs.

“Yeah, I’ll show Tyler where my room is,”

Sawyer said as he grabbed Tyler’s hand and
guided him up the stairs.

Quinn had the awkward moment. He wasn’t

dating anyone and switched his bag from one
hand to the other with nerves.

“Quinn, you can bunk with me,” Mitch called

as he made his way to the stairs.

A shiver went through Quinn. He shouldn’t be

excited to be sleeping in the same room with
Mitch, but he was. There was no helping it. He
was attracted to Mitch—the guy was funny, sweet
and sexy as hell.

Following Mitch, Quinn almost fell up the stairs

as he kept staring at the muscular ass that was at
perfect eye level. The temptation to reach out and

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see if that ass was just as taut as it looked was
almost too much for Quinn to resist.

Mitch reached the top, and the two made their

way to the third door on the right. Upon entering,
Quinn expected something like his room—a touch
of high school that hadn’t been quite packed up.
Not in Mitch’s room. Outside of one diving medal,
the place was all deep browns and oak accents.
There was a bathroom that was connected, but
there were no posters, nothing at all. What the…

Mitch must have seen him looking around. “We

moved here when Sawyer and I were in our
freshman year in college. I know it looks unlived
in here because, well…it kind of is. This really
doesn’t feel like my room anyway. I just kind of
flop here when I see my parents.”

Quinn thought of his room at home. Yeah, he

had put away some of the high school photos, but
the ambiance still remained. It was still his domain
and a place he could take a deep breath after a
long year of school.

Quinn began to dig in his bag for his shorts and

a t-shirt to wear to bed. He undressed while
turned away from Mitch. Hearing a sharp inhale,
he glanced over his shoulder to see what was
wrong. Mitch was staring at him, and Quinn just
stood there a moment before he hitched his shorts
up over his naked hips. Quinn zipped up his bag
while smirking. Most people thought him shy, but

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hell, if he wasn’t the opposite. He just hated
sticking his foot in his mouth because he had no
filter from brain to mouth and blurted stuff out.

“Um…” Mitch finally snapped out of the trance

and began undressing himself.

Quinn watched out of the corner of his eyes and

couldn’t help but notice the bulge within the
revealed boxer briefs. Then, Mitch walked over
and turned out the overhead, the hallway lights
breaking through around the closed door to give
them a little illumination, before he climbed into
bed. Now, it was Quinn’s turn to just stand there.
He was supposed to sleep next to Mitch who wore
nothing but his briefs?

Ha! He’d be in hell all night long. Shivering,

Quinn climbed into bed, trying to give himself as
much space as possible between him and Mitch.

Apparently, Mitch was having none of it as he

grabbed Quinn by the waist and pulled him over.
Quinn was about to say something when Mitch’s
mouth covered his. Moaning, Quinn threw
caution to the wind and kissed the man back.
Mitch nipped and sucked at his lips until Quinn
opened for him. Quinn shivered at the taste of
Mitch as their tongues dueled. Quinn felt Mitch’s
tongue work over the barbell in his tongue before
moaning into the kiss. He loved his tongue ring
and having it played with.

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Mitch was assertive and rolled on top of Quinn,

and Quinn was giving back just as much as he
wrapped his legs around Mitch. Quinn groaned as
their cocks rubbed against one another through
the layers of their soft fabric. The two began
grinding against one another, and Quinn thrust
his hips up to get better friction.

One minute, Mitch was there, and the next, he

was kneeling above him.

“What…” Quinn was about to finish when he

saw through the darkness, Mitch’s silhouette
skimming out of his boxers. Fuck, Quinn never
did this. Just jump right into bed with someone.

What the hell am I doing? You’re thinking with

your dick is what, Quinn thought as he followed
Mitch’s example and removed his clothes as
quickly as he could. He’d just got his shirt over his
head before Mitch was kissing him again and
lying on top of him. The feel of Mitch’s hard cock
rubbing against his almost sent him over the edge.
He huffed out a breath, hoping that he could last a
little longer.

Their cocks were leaking copiously, creating a

nice lubrication as they grinded against each
other. Quinn had lost his damn mind. He
shouldn’t be doing this. He didn’t know Mitch,
but here they were, and Quinn couldn’t give a
damn at the moment.

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“Damn, you’ve got rings.” Mitch moaned

against his lips as he flicked the ring in his left
nipple, causing the nub to pebble as Mitch played
with the hoop.

Sensations were riding Quinn hard. He wasn’t

going to last much longer. When Mitch bit down
gently on his nipple, Quinn moaned out his
release. Hot jets sprayed between them, and then,
Mitch tilted his head back as he came onto
Quinn’s stomach.

Mitch stared down at Quinn. Finally, Quinn’s

eyes were getting used to the darkness. Mitch’s
brows were furrowed in some sort of confused
thought. The two stared at one another for another
minute in utter silence before Mitch got up and
went into the bathroom. He came out a moment
later with a towel and cleaned Quinn up. After
dropping the towel on the floor, Mitch got back
into bed and pulled Quinn close to him. Quinn
was too tired to think about what they had just
done. He closed his eyes and, a moment later,
sleep took him.

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Chapter Three

he next morning, Mitch was still shocked by
his actions from the night before. Quinn was a

guest in their home, and the fact that just a brief
glimpse of Quinn’s ass had him climbing all over
the man had Mitch questioning his self-control.
Hell, when he saw that Quinn went commando
and then he was just wearing those shorts to bed,
all Mitch could think about was getting Quinn
naked as fast as possible.

Who was he kidding? Mitch was majorly

attracted to Quinn, and the fact that his brother
was friends with Quinn also made the attraction
higher. His brother wouldn’t have asshole friends.
Mitch loathed dating jerks. That didn’t mean he
should have been all over Quinn, though.

Everyone was still asleep as Mitch started

puttering around the kitchen making coffee for
when they got up.

The coffee was brewing, and the scent of fresh

coffee filled the kitchen when Sawyer walked in.


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His twin always looked rough in the morning, like
he did some serious battle in his sleep. Bedhead
that could only be tamed through a shower. He
was a wreck until he got his first cup of coffee.

Sawyer went to the coffeepot without a word

and made his cup before he sat down across from
him and yawned.

Mitch thought he was in for a quiet morning

until Sawyer said, “Heard some pretty strange
noises coming from your room last night.”

“So…what’s with you and Quinn?” Sawyer

glanced up with sleepy eyes.

“I’m not even sure how to answer that.” Mitch

took a sip of his coffee.

“Just having fun?” Sawyer blew the steam

across his brew.

Mitch rubbed his hair. “We don’t even know

each other yet. Just got a little carried away last

Sawyer stared at him. “Quinn’s a really nice

guy. Be good to him.”

Mitch was about to respond when Darren and

Merrick walked in. The two looked like they had
been up for hours, already showered and dressed.

Merrick sat down as Darren went over to the


“Okay, so I got off the phone with Mom about

an hour ago. They got a flight out this afternoon.

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Here’s what Darren and I have been discussing.
We’ve got the turkey thawed, and everything is
here that we need for dinner. I propose we make
the Thanksgiving meal and surprise Mom and

“Ooh, I love to cook!” Tyler said from the

doorway as he came in with Quinn close behind

One look and Mitch knew he was slightly

uncomfortable from last night. Mitch got up and
pulled out a chair for Quinn. The man hurried his
way over and sat before Mitch leaned down.

Quinn nodded. “Please.”
Mitch walked over to the pot. “How do you

take it?”

“Just a little cream,” Quinn murmured, and

Mitch whipped up his coffee before he placed it in
front of Quinn and sat down next to him.

Whatever happened between the two of them

last night, Mitch would make sure that Quinn
would not feel uncomfortable in their home. He
just hoped Quinn didn’t regret what had
happened between them. He certainly didn’t.

Merrick was staring at him, a little slack-jawed,

and Mitch gave a look, don’t you even make a big
deal out of it,
before giving him the stink eye.

Merrick’s eyes widened before he smirked.

“Sooo, Darren is going to make the turkey. He

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knows how to cook. Tyler, if you love to cook, we
definitely could use your help.”

Mitch shrugged. “I can’t cook.”
Sawyer sighed. “You can be designated stirrer.

Stir the gravy, mashed potatoes. Even you can’t
fuck that up.”

Mitch glared at his brother.
“I can’t even boil water.” Quinn blushed.
Merrick smiled. “Then, you have the most

important job. Darren, the papers.”

Darren walked over in front of Quinn and

plopped down the biggest pile of newspapers
Mitch had ever seen. He had to cover his mouth
with his hand to hide his laugh. He knew what
was coming.

“What’s this?” Quinn asked, touching the pile

of papers with the tips of his fingers.

Merrick had his game face on as he stood before

the group. “This is the Black Friday Papers. We
need you to document the times stores open, deals
and what the hot items are. We need flow charts,

Quinn jumped as Merrick shouted the last part.
Mitch almost lost it. His older brother was

hilarious as hell when it came to shopping on
Black Friday.

“You all Black Friday?” Quinn asked warily.
“Do we…” Merrick laughed, pointing to

himself. “Do we Black Friday? For the last five

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years, I have gotten all my holiday shopping done
in one night, and I won’t break the cycle. It will be
done again!”

Tyler started laughing and that steamrolled into

Sawyer and Mitch.

Quinn still seemed a little shell-shocked to do

anything but stare at his brother in total confusion.

Mitch knew exactly what Quinn was thinking.

Merrick was a diehard Black Friday shopper.
Mitch had never seen anyone like him. While his
brother went bat-shit crazy that night, Mitch
tended to people-watch as everyone lost their
minds over getting the deal of the holiday.

Merrick shushed them all. “Can you handle this

task, Quinn?”

Mitch snorted.
“Quit being a jackass, Mitch,” Merrick scolded.

“This is important. I need to know that he can give
me the times of the stores’ openings and
coordinate the deals. Time is precious tonight, and
I need a game plan. I can’t do this and make the
dinner at the same time.”

“I…uh…I can do that.” Quinn cleared his


Mitch wrapped his arm around Quinn. “Okay,

now you can quit intimidating the hell out of him.
Let’s get started.”

An hour later and Mitch felt like a stalker. He

was dusting in the living room…again. Why?

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Because Quinn was holed up on the floor, papers
strewn while figuring out where and when they
would go shopping tonight.

Finally, Mitch gave up any pretenses of

cleaning and stood next to Quinn. “How you

Quinn stared up at him. “I’m a little

intimidated by your older brother. He’s already
been in here five times to check on my status.”
Quinn made air quotes with his fingers.

“I can tell him to lay off if you want. He does

get a little…enthused about Black Friday.” Okay,
that might be one of the biggest understatements
he had ever made. His brother was a crazed man
that was hell-bent on getting the best deals. No
person was safe in his path.

Quinn chuckled. “No, it’s okay. I just need to

make sure I document what deals they have on
DVDs and make some calls on how many new
systems are at what stores and if people have lined
up yet. Two new systems this year. Did you know
that? Because I didn’t.”

Mitch scratched the back of his head as a blush

crept into his cheeks. “Yeah, I did. He’s probably
having you call for me.” Mitch coughed, trying to
cover the last word.

“So you like gaming?” Quinn’s eyebrows rose.
“I do. You don’t?” Mitch asked as he sat down

on the floor next to Quinn.

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“I’ve never been any good at it. I can never get

to the end of a game. I guess I have no hand-and-
eye coordination.” Quinn smirked at him, and
damn if Mitch couldn’t contain his own smile.

Quinn was incredibly handsome and full of

surprises. The thought of those nipple rings under
that loose hoodie of Quinn’s had Mitch’s cock
hardening beneath his jeans. And fuck, now that
Mitch knew, Quinn was working that tongue ring
in his mouth. Is it because Quinn is nervous around
Mitch spread his legs to give his aching
erection more room.

Man, he was in serious trouble. They were

bringing Quinn here so he wouldn’t have to be
alone at Thanksgiving, and all Mitch wanted to do
was climb all over him.

“Well, I could teach you a few things if you

want to play for fun some time.” Mitch wondered
if he would see Quinn more when they got back to
school. Maybe he would pull what his brother had
and come over to visit Sawyer.

Quinn smiled at him, but his eyes held disbelief

that they would actually hang out. Quinn
shrugged before saying, “Sure, I’d like that.”

Mitch stared at Quinn’s lips. Mitch leaned

forward, just wanting a small taste before
someone summoned him back into the kitchen.
Pressing his lips against Quinn’s, he moaned at
the heated softness. Cupping both sides of

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Quinn’s face, he felt Quinn’s jaw work as they
deepened the kiss. Mitch gave up and licked the
seam of Quinn’s lips, asking without words for
entrance. Quinn groaned and opened his mouth.
Mitch took complete advantage, thrusting his
tongue in. Tongues dueled, and Mitch crawled on
top of Quinn, lowering him onto all of the
scattered newspapers.

Quinn grabbed the back of his hair, tugging

him closer, and Mitch lost all sense of control. He
began rolling his hips, grinding their cloth-
covered erections against each other. He tilted his
head back and hissed in pleasure before
recapturing that sweet mouth.

The night before, he’d discovered that Quinn’s

tongue was pierced, and he couldn’t help but
think of how that would feel working against his
cock. The thought sent him into overdrive, and
Mitch grabbed one of Quinn’s legs, wrapping it
around him as he started working them toward
orgasm. Clothes or not, he was going to cum.

Quinn broke the kiss and huffed out, “Close.”
Mitch was past words and could only groan

into Quinn’s neck.

They were so lost in their pleasure that it took

him a moment to register the “Oh shit!” before the
sound of feet beating it out of the room. Mitch was
too far gone, and with one last huff, he came in his
boxer briefs. Quinn was right there with him,

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grabbing a hold of Mitch’s shirt and whimpering
into it to keep his moan muffled.

Flopping his head on Quinn’s shoulder, Mitch

tried to suck in some much-needed air. “Come
upstairs and we’ll go get cleaned up.”

“Okay. Um…did someone see us?” Quinn


Mitch glanced down to see Quinn flushed,

partly in pleasure and partly in embarrassment.
“Yeah, I think someone caught us. I think it was

Quinn chuckled. “Oh, that’s okay then. Let me

tell you about this one time I caught him…”

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Chapter Four

he table was set, and Merrick was on the
phone with his mom while Quinn sat there in

awkward silence. Estimated time for the parents
was less than five minutes. Staring at the feast
before him, Quinn thought these brothers were
nothing short of amazing. Sure, the turkey looked
a tad dry, and Mitch did, in fact, fuck up the
stirring. The mashed potatoes and gravy were
both lumpy. Quinn hid his smile as he watched
Mitch attempt once more to stir the clumps out of
the gravy.

Merrick hung up and turned toward all of

them. “Mom and Dad are down the street.
Sawyer, get the candles lit, Tyler, check the pies
one last time, and I’ll make sure to get the door.”

“Do you need me to do anything?” Quinn

asked Merrick.

Merrick just shook his head. “No, I think you

did a great job today. I never had my night
planned by the minute, charted and color-


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coordinated for electronics, toys and housewares. I
think I might hire you as my personal assistant
every Black Friday.”

Darren rolled his eyes behind Merrick, and

Quinn tried his hardest not to laugh. He kind of
liked Merrick…a lot. However, he knew Merrick
was dead serious. Merrick was currently eyeing
him a little too critically as if he was sizing him up
for the job. No…just no.

Quinn was going out with all of them tonight

just to watch the chaos rain down upon the stores.
Mitch promised to hang with him and get him a
hot chocolate so they could be spectators at a safe
distance. Good thing, too, because this was his
first Black Friday. All he’d ever known about
Black Friday was what he had heard on the
news…that it could get a little intense.

A few moments later the front door opened,

followed by the cool breeze entering the dining
room. Sounds of happiness and greetings filled the
foyer as Quinn sat next to Mitch at the dining
room table. He felt a little awkward, an interloper
on a family meal, until Mitch reached under the
table and squeezed his hand. The touch reassured
him that he had made the right decision to leave
the frat house, just so he could spend some time
getting to know Mitch when he’d never had a
chance before.

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Quinn watched as Mr. and Mrs. Pierce walked

through the door. The sight of Mitch’s mom, hand
clutching her wool coat as her eyes landed on the
meal before her, caused Quinn to smile.

“Boys,” Mrs. Pierce whispered with a watery


Quinn felt Mitch release his hand just before he

stood to go hug his mom.

Sawyer and Merrick followed.
Mr. Pierce stood there, looking damn proud,

and Quinn could see that his eyes were just a tiny
bit shiny, revealing that the meal prepared before
him touched him as well.

Sawyer turned toward the table. “Mom and

Dad, this is Quinn, a friend of mine. And this is
my boyfriend, Tyler.”

Mrs. Pierce’s smile was kind as she came over

and hugged them. “Nice to meet you both.”

“You too, ma’am,” Quinn muttered shyly

before seating himself.

Tyler’s reaction was the exact opposite.

Outgoing and joking as if he knew Mrs. Pierce all
his life.

All of them sat down, and soon, conversations

floated around the dinner table. Most of it focused
on Mr. and Mrs. Pierce’s stay in Colorado and the
storm that had delayed them from getting here.
About the newborn twins and how the babies had

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reminded them of Sawyer and Mitch when they
were young.

Quinn sat and ate while listening. He used the

lumpy gravy, which tasted quite good, on the dry
turkey, and the combination was fantastic. He sort
of mixed that and the potatoes together to make it
a nice, messy, yummy pile on his plate that he
devoured with enthusiasm.

Mitch was on his second helping, scooping the

gravy with a roll while Sawyer was just digging
into his green bean casserole.

All in all, the food was good, the company was

great and Quinn decided that getting talked into
coming here was one of the best things that had
happened to him this semester.

Their bellies filled quickly and then everyone

was cleaning up.

Merrick instructed Mr. and Mrs. Pierce to go

and get unpacked. “We’ve got this, Mom,”
Merrick said as he all but pushed her out of the
dining room.

Quinn removed the dishes while the twins

began cleaning them and loading up the
dishwasher. They all found a rhythm and a job
that had them get everything cleaned up in no

Darren brought the pies and placed them on the

counter, and the entire kitchen filled with the
delicious smell of apple and pumpkin. Quinn sat

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on the stool and inhaled deep. He couldn’t wait to
get a taste.

Mitch came up behind him and massaged his

shoulders. “Was your dinner okay?” Mitch leaned
forward and murmured into his ear. A few sets of
eyes shifted their way, but no one said anything.

“It was fantastic. Thanks again for having me

come home with you all for Thanksgiving. I can’t
imagine the dining hall was anywhere near that
nice tonight. Food or company.” Quinn moaned
the last part, and Mitch rubbed over his scalp.
Quinn absolutely loved his head rubbed.

“You like that?” Mitch chuckled.
“Uh hmm…more please,” Quinn moaned and

dropped his head on the counter in front of him.
Mitch didn’t lose a beat and began doing a long,
slow massage over the scalp.

The kitchen grew quiet. Too quiet. Enough that

Quinn lifted his head to check out what was going
on. Sawyer, Tyler, Merrick and Darren were all
staring at them with looks ranging from confusion
to amusement.

“What?” Quinn challenged with a smile.
The four scrambled and got back to work;

however, Quinn heard Merrick mutter, “Friends,
my ass.

Quinn lowered his head and couldn’t help

feeling that even though he and Mitch were
having what could only be a fling, he kind of

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hoped it would turn into a little more. He liked
Mitch and, from what he could see so far, he
wanted to get to know him more. Much more.
Sighing, Quinn closed his eyes and hoped that he
could keep himself in check before falling too hard
for the guy he had just started to get to know.

Later that night, Quinn got a little scared of

Merrick. He expected the older brother to pass
around war paint or something. The guy was
intense as he looked over the itinerary one more
time. Quinn was dressed warm, in a coat, hat and
gloves, and Mitch stood next to him just as
warmly dressed.

Mitch was giving the universal signal with his

hand for his brother to hurry the hell up.

“Come on, Merrick. I’m roasting here.” Sawyer

obviously had no qualms about telling his brother
to get his ass in gear.

“Just needed to check one more thing. Are we

all set?” Merrick glanced around, tucking the
itinerary under his arm.

“We’ve been ready. Just need to shove you out

the door.” Mitch pushed at his brother.

“Hey, hey, you’ll thank me when you have

your new system to take back to school next
semester,” Merrick said over his shoulder, but he
was moving.

They all climbed into the SUV, and Sawyer

called from the back, “Hey, we have enough time

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to go get a coffee before we start. Merrick, can you
make a stop at the coffee house?”

Merrick was shaking his head. “The lines are

too long there. It’ll be a forty-five-minute wait in

Mitch yelled next to him, sitting half on his lap

and half on the seat. “Aww, c’mon, Merrick! If
we’re going to help you all night long, the least
you can do is stop for a damn cup of coffee.”

“Fine, but if we miss—” Merrick’s threat was

cut off by Darren.

“I’d love a cup of coffee, too. It’ll be good to

have a good dose of caffeine to keep us up all
night.” Darren leaned over, kissing Merrick on the

Merrick sighed before saying, “Fine, try and

find a seat belt. Icy out tonight.”

They drove the fifteen-minute drive to the

central location for their shopping trip. Quinn was
squeezed in and all but on Mitch’s lap. It might be
an SUV, but it was hard pressed to fit four men in
the backseat. Glancing over, he stared at Mitch
who was silently laughing at his brother in the
front seat. He was discussing with Darren how
they were going to split up in the store and what
items Darren had to get.

“He’s too much sometimes.” Mitch shook his

head, whole body trembling in laughter.

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“You’re all close, though?” Quinn asked, even

though, from what he saw, the three brothers were
as close as he’d ever seen in a sibling relationship.

“Yeah, it was rough when Merrick went to

Washington, but hey, look how it turned out. He
found Darren, and they’re married now.” Mitch
smiled softly at him.

Quinn just stared at those beautiful blue eyes

and swallowed the lump in his throat. Hell, he
shouldn’t be liking this guy this much…but he
did. He turned and stared out the front, knowing
his feelings were just too close to the surface. This
was just a weekend and, come Saturday, when
they would have to go back, it would all be over.

They pulled into a coffee shop, and it was

packed. Quinn had never seen a coffee shop this
busy, and the fact it was this late left him
stumbling out of the car as he followed the rest in.
He couldn’t move in the place as everyone chatted
excitedly, bundled up to prepare for the lines
outdoors just like they were. Hell, there were even
kids in there. Wasn’t it past their bedtime?

Quinn was almost shoved off his feet as a

massive group of Black Fridayers bulldozed into
the line. Merrick led their group, and Quinn was
surprised he didn’t hold his arms out to keep their
damn place in line. This was just the coffee shop.
Was it going to be all-out warfare at the malls?

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Mitch grabbed a hold of him and embraced him

in a protective nature until they all ordered their
drinks. Quinn soaked it up, knowing he only had
a few more of these special embraces left.

They left just as a group of older women came

in, livening up the coffee shop even more with
hollers and cheers and making everyone get in the
spirit of shopping.

Quinn left the shop, and his ears were ringing

as he made his way back to the car.

“Okay, you all have your coffee. Now onto

jobs.” Merrick flipped his folder open.

They piled into the car, Darren in the driver

seat, Merrick in the passenger while the rest of
them were once again crammed in the back. They
took off toward the stores.

“Jobs?” Tyler asked, squeezed in next to him.
“Yeah, if we split up, we cover more ground.

Tyler and Sawyer, Mom and Dad need a new
comforter. I need you at the mall in the
department stores, checking to see which one
looks and feels best. Quinn and I couldn’t tell from
the pictures.” Merrick flipped a page.

Quinn wished Merrick wouldn’t bring him into

this. He could practically feel all the stink eyes
bearing down on him for giving Merrick the
ammo to go full-throttle tonight.

“Mitch and Quinn, you’ve got the toy store.

Here’s a list we need for our cousins and Darren’s,

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too.” Merrick passed a list back. It was longish.
Hell, Quinn thought that jolly old St. Nick would
be scared by this list.

Mitch stared at the list for a moment. “Are you

fucking kidding me? We’ll be in there all night.”

Merrick stared at Mitch sternly, and Quinn

leaned over so if the two brothers decided to really
get into it… “You better not be. You need to be in
and out or the toys will be gone. Drop them off
first. Darren, we’ll hit the electronics.”

Merrick turned back around, and Quinn hid his

laughter in his scarf. The guy was militant in his
shopping. Next to him, Mitch seethed but tucked
the list in his pocket.

Soon, Darren dropped them off and they were

standing in line at the huge toy store that wouldn’t
open for another hour. They were already twenty-
five yards from the door. Quinn jumped around to
keep warm and sipped on his lukewarm mocha. A
couple of times, he and Mitch huddled together to
keep warm. Others took turns running back and
forth to their heated cars. Some brought space
heaters. Space heaters for Chrissakes! Oh how Quinn
wished they had a car so they could have just a
moment of warmth.

Time crept by, but eventually, the doors

opened, and Quinn felt himself being pushed to
the front. He reached out for Mitch so he wouldn’t
lose him in the crowd. This was fucking nuts. This

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was his one and only for Black Friday. He hated
the closeness of people shoving him around.

Finally, they were to the front, and they were all

but launched into the warm store. People were
racing to center displays and pulling toys off the
shelf. Quinn stood frozen to the spot until he felt
himself being jerked to the side.

“Stick close to me,” Mitch said as he grabbed a

cart. The two ventured their way through the
aisles, pulling down toys from the list.

Quinn helped one set of women get an indoor

playhouse down, and they took off running with
their prize. The place was a bit crazy, but he had
to hand it to the store for being organized. The
lines were long, so Quinn got a spot and waited
for Mitch to finish up. He was nearing the front
when a sweaty Mitch came up with a loaded cart.

“I swear, I never worked that hard in my life. I

had a tug of war match with this dad. I would
have given the toy to him if the guy hadn’t
grabbed it out of our cart. I mean seriously…that’s
rude. Anyway, my cousin Tommy will have his
pirate ship via a few battle wounds.” Mitch blew
out a breath.

Chuckling, Quinn swept back a sweaty bang.

“You did well.”

“You did, too. The line is all the way to the back

of the store already. We’re making good time. I
better call Merrick and see if he can come get us or

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if we have to walk across the street to the mall
with all our goods to where Sawyer and Tyler are.
We can sit and get a drink then.” Mitch pulled his
cell out.

“I think you’re going to need to add a shot to

whatever we’re having if we plan to make it
through this night.” Quinn leaned on the side of
the cart as they got to the front and began
unloading toys on the conveyer belt.

“I think you’re right.” Mitch unloaded from the

front as he talked to Merrick on the phone. “And I
think we are going to have to walk across the
street to meet up with Sawyer and Tyler. Merrick
and Darren have a ticket but have to wait to get
the television.”

“I can walk. We have a lot but not more than

the two of us can carry.” Quinn grabbed the bags
as each was filled with toys.

They checked out and began their trek across

the street. The walk was cold, but the stars lit their

“Quinn?” Mitch asked, causing Quinn to turn.
“Yeah?” Quinn whispered past cold lips. They

had stopped walking and stood there staring at
one another.

A car beeped at another car to get moving.
“Nothing.” Mitch began to jog toward the mall.
Quinn followed and, for the rest of the night,

they sat in the middle of the mall sipping on

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coffee, holding hands and watching chaos ensue
around them.

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Chapter Five

ow did the precious time slip away from
them? He and Quinn had collapsed Friday

morning and then enjoyed family time when the
two finally woke up. By the time Mitch had
finished talking to his brother, he found Quinn
sleeping soundly in his bed for the night. He
crawled into bed and held on for dear life, hoping
that this weekend wouldn’t be over come

It was also confirmed Mitch was now carless on

campus. Their car had died and wasn’t going to be
revived. His parents were looking into getting him
and Sawyer another used one, but in the
meantime, Merrick and Darren were driving them

The car was silent for once. Everyone either too

tired from all the tryptophan they’d eaten in the
turkey or preparing for classes starting Monday.
Mitch was only thinking of one thing, Quinn.
Glancing down, he watched Quinn sleeping on his


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chest as they once again were squeezed four in the

Thinking of going back to his frat house and to

his own bed there sucked. He liked sleeping with
Quinn and wanted to do so again. The problem
was that they never talked about anything beyond
this weekend. Sighing, Mitch stared out the
window and had to make a decision.

Hell, Mitch was confused. He was blindsided

by Quinn and had never expected to meet
someone so amazing and by accident at that. With
Quinn’s flight being cancelled, the opportunity to
get to know him had opened a door Mitch hadn’t
been looking to enter.

Mitch was the first to be dropped off, and he

walked like a zombie up the steps and through his
frat house. It was still pretty quiet since most of his
brothers were still away for Thanksgiving.
Entering his room, he sat on his couch and
immediately regretted it when he found himself
on an empty pizza box. Shit, he had to get his act

Resting his elbows on his knees, Mitch rubbed

his face vigorously. This felt wrong, to be sitting
here by himself. Really fucking wrong. He didn’t
even say goodbye to Quinn, just got out of the
damn car. What the hell was wrong with me? Why am

I locking up now?

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All he needed to do was get off his ass and go

see Quinn. Would Quinn view it as just a weekend
fling? Well, Mitch wasn’t going to let it slide. If
Quinn wasn’t convinced they should see where
this goes, well, Mitch was a persistent son of bitch
when he wanted something, and he wanted

Mitch got up and ran out of the house, skidding

to a stop as he remembered he didn’t have a car
and that it was freezing rain outside. Determined,
he took off in a slippery jog down the street,
bound to get to Quinn’s frat house before he
turned into a damn ice sculpture on the side of the

The half-mile hike sucked more than usual with

the weather. Even with the weather terrible, it
took a good five minutes just standing in front of
Quinn’s frat house to work up his nerve. Once he
found it, he slipped and slid up the stairs to get
inside the house. After closing the door, he stood
with icy-cold water dripping off his chin then
climbed the stairs to Quinn’s room.

He stood, soaked, for a moment, fist raised. He

could do this.

Knock, knock, knock.
Mitch heard footsteps on the other side of the

door before it opened, and there stood Quinn.

Quinn’s brows rose, and he looked him up and

down. “Mitch?”

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“I uh…” Shit, now he had to work his mouth

and form words. His whole face was frozen, and
he was nervous.

Quinn gestured with his hand. “Come in. I have

a towel you can use.”

Quinn ran over to a closet that was neat and

tidy and pulled down a clean, folded towel.
Mitch’s closet was a crazy rumpled mess of
clothes. Grabbing the towel, he wiped his face and
hair, which had tiny pieces of ice on the ends.

Tugging off his sweatshirt, Mitch realized he

hadn’t even grabbed his coat, just ran out without
thinking. Staring across the room, Mitch watched
as Quinn sat and clasped his hands.

“I don’t want it to be over,” Mitch blurted.
“What?” Quinn coughed.
“What started this weekend. I want to see

where we can go with this.” Mitch approached

Quinn wasn’t saying anything, causing Mitch to

doubt. Was this all one-sided? Hell, was it just
supposed to be fun? “Don’t you?” Mitch
mumbled, unsure.

Quinn stood and grabbed the towel out of

Mitch’s hand. Quinn began wiping his ice-cold
chest with the towel before moving slowly to his
shoulders. “I do.” Quinn whispered just as he got
to Mitch’s chin.

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Mitch tilted his head down and captured

Quinn’s lips. Warmth seeped into his cold flesh,
and he wrapped his arms around Quinn’s heat,
savoring it.

Quinn took things a step further and deepened

the kiss, tongue thrusting into his mouth. Mitch
moaned at the taste and the feel.

After a few minutes, Quinn pulled back.

“You’re trembling. Let’s get your pants off.”

Mitch busted out laughing. “Hell of a way to

get me out of my clothes.”

Quinn waggled his brows as he went to the

door. “Ah, but you’re about to get back in some.
I’m going down to Sawyer’s room and picking up
some sweats from your brother. You need to
warm up. Even after that kiss, your lips are still a
little blue.”

“But I ran.”
“Not fast enough apparently, and freezing rain

has a way to soak you to the bone. I’m going to
warm you up but not in the way you’re thinking.”
Quinn laughed as he opened up the door and
walked out the door.

“I wouldn’t object, you know!” Mitch yelled.
Mitch stood there freezing his ass off until

Quinn came back with sweats in hand. Stiffly,
Mitch put them on.

“How much time do you have before practice?”

Quinn pulled back his covers.

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“Enough to warm up with you.” Mitch climbed

into the bed, and Quinn followed.

Mitch pulled Quinn towards him and buried

his faced into Quinn’s warm body.

“Thawing out?” Quinn asked.
“Yes,” Mitch mumbled into Quinn’s shirt.
“I’m glad you came over. I was already missing

you.” Quinn brushed a strand of his hair, and it
felt so damn good.

“I missed you, too,” Mitch mumbled before

falling asleep in the warmth of Quinn’s embrace.

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Chapter Six

Two weeks later

here were just a couple more days left before
the semester ended and he was to head back

home to Colorado. Quinn was already packed and
ready to go. The only thing that was killing him
was that he wouldn’t see Mitch for three weeks,
and they were still so new to dating. They spent
all their free time together at his room—well, at
least until Mitch shoveled his room clean. Mitch
let him see it once, for five minutes, before
ushering him out and promising that his New
Year’s resolution would be to become tidy. Quinn
would believe it when he saw it.

Thinking of Mitch, who was currently at diving

practice with his brother, Quinn ran out to go see
Tyler. Yep, he was staying with Sawyer more and
more at the house. He knocked on Tyler’s door
because he had made that mistake once and
wasn’t going to do it again.


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“Come in,” Tyler called.
Quinn leaned in and got a good look around.

“Awesome. I didn’t walk in on anything.”

Tyler burst out laughing. “You’re never going

to let me live that down. Well, remember,
paybacks are hell.”

“Pshaw. Come on over to my room. I’ve got the

tree.” Quinn led Tyler down to his room.

“I’ve got presents to put under there. What do

you have for decorations?” Quinn asked.

Tyler smirked and waved a bag in front of him.

“You’ll see.”

Oh Shit! Quinn had a bad feeling about this.

Quinn warily watched as Tyler dumped the bag
onto his bed.

Was that… “Handcuffs?” Quinn’s voice rose.
“Yep, and they’re the breakaway kind. See, I

even put little green and red bows on them. You’ll
never have to worry about losing the key.” Tyler
started to cackle.

Dear lord! Tyler had actually gone there. Quinn

grabbed a pair of cuffs and held them up at eye

“Hell,” Mitch groaned out at the entrance of

Quinn’s room.

Quinn whipped around to see Mitch zeroing in

on the handcuffs that were now tucked to his

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Mitch sauntered into the room, Sawyer behind

him, and beckoned for Quinn to hand over the
cuffs with hand gestures.

Slowly, Quinn gave up the incriminating

evidence. He was so embarrassed, he wanted to
crawl into the floor, and he certainly couldn’t look
Mitch in the eye. Glancing down, he noticed a
very significant bulge in Mitch’s sweats.

“So?” Mitch asked.
“So.” Quinn coughed.
Mitch inspected the handcuffs. He pulled, and

the cuffs released. Mitch smirked. “Nice.”

Face flaming, Quinn responded, “Uh, yeah.”
Tyler shoved Sawyer towards the door. “You

know what I always say. I say face your fears,
. We’ll come back and decorate later.”

Then he slammed the door closed behind him,

and both Sawyer and Tyler could be heard roaring
in laughter while running down the hall.

Mitch quirked a brow at him. “What the hell is

he talking about?”

“Well, I had an incident,” Quinn began. Sheesh,

is it getting hot in here?

Mitch stalked him towards the bed. The back of

Quinn’s knees connected, and he fell backward.
Mitch slowly climbed on the bed. “Go on.”

“In high school, I was playing around with my

boyfriend at the time and got stuck.” Quinn

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covered his face. Easy to tell Tyler this, Mitch…not
so much.

“Stuck how?” Mitch pressed his body against


Quinn felt Mitch begin nuzzling his neck with

whisper-soft kisses.

“Well…” Quinn moaned as he felt a wet tongue

lick across a particularly sensitive spot. “I kind of
like being tied up. One day…ooh, right there. The
guy I was dating came over with handcuffs and
locked me up, but he forgot the keys. He had to go
get my mom to get the bolt cutters to get me

Mitch stopped, snorted and then sat up. “You

had to be cut out of handcuffs by your mom?”

“Yep,” Quinn muffled through his hands.
Mitch pulled his hands down. “Damn, I can’t

wait to learn everything about you and have some
fun while doing it.”

Mitch got up, and Quinn dropped his hands,

blowing out a breath. It did nothing for the heat in
his face. Quinn watched as Mitch started grabbing
another set of handcuffs and his backpack,
rummaging around in it before pulling out a box
of condoms and lube. Quinn stared wide-eyed as
Mitch approached the bed.

“What are you doing?” Quinn shook as the

handcuffs were placed next to him and Mitch
climbed back on him.

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“Having a little fun. You want to play?” Mitch

swooped down and took his mouth before he
could even answer.

Quinn wrapped his arms around Mitch and

ground his aching cock against Mitch. Fuck, this

feels good and would feel even better without clothes on.
While pushing Mitch up, Quinn began to wriggle
out of his clothes as fast as he could. Mitch
followed, and Quinn could only stare as each
delicious inch of skin was revealed.

Mitch grabbed the handcuffs. “Do you want to

play with these?”

Quinn could only nod. He certainly couldn’t

articulate any words right at the moment.

“If you want out or you don’t like it, just break

out of it or you tell me. I don’t want you doing
anything you don’t like or fear. We talk to each
other, okay?” Mitch held the cuffs up but didn’t
make any move to place them around his wrist.

Quinn had never seen Mitch look so serious.

They might be playing, but they were going to do
it safe. “I’ll let you know.”

Mitch nodded. “Good, now put your hands

above your head.”

Quinn slowly raised his hands, nervous and

excited all in one. He felt Mitch take a hold of one
hand and then felt the cold metal circle his wrist
and the other end hooking to the metal rail. Mitch
did the same thing with the other hand. By the

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time Mitch was done, Quinn’s cock was leaking
copiously. Shit, he loved this, and right then, he
was doing everything in his power to keep from

Mitch straddled him and just stared, a little

smirk on his face.

“What?” Quinn tugged on the cuffs. They held

firm, but he knew a good yank would free him.

“Just looking. Trying to figure out where to

start.” Mitch smoothed his hands down his chest,
flicking one nipple ring then the next.

Quinn closed his eyes, heightening his senses

and anticipating the touch. Mitch’s hand slid
down his abs before slowly stroking his cock.
Quinn groaned.

“Would you ever consider getting a Prince


“Yeah, would you?” Quinn opened his eyes to

see Mitch staring down at his body, blue eyes
shining with lust.

“Fleetingly, but if it means we go in together,

then yeah, I’m all for it,” Mitch said before he
leaned down and began flicking his nipple ring
with his tongue.

“Fuck,” Quinn hissed.
“Hmm.” Mitch swirled his tongue, torturing


Quinn tried to lift his hips to get some sort of

friction on his cock; he was so close.

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One last suck to his ring and Mitch pulled back.

Quinn was about to protest then stopped himself
when Mitch moved his way down his body. Mitch
made one soft kiss to his abs before he swallowed
Quinn’s cock whole. Shouting, Quinn fell over the
edge. Quinn felt Mitch swallow spurt after spurt
of his cum. Finally spent, Quinn lay limp on the
bed, breathing heavily.

“Spread your legs,” Mitch said hoarsely as he

helped push Quinn’s legs farther apart.

Mitch grabbed the lube, pouring a generous

amount on his fingertips. Quinn felt coldness
circling his entrance before he felt a finger slowly
work its way in. After a moment, two fingers were
scissoring inside him, and Quinn could feel the
beginnings of a second wind. By the time that
third finger was in him, rubbing over his gland,
Quinn was hard and ready for round two.

Quinn watched Mitch grab the condom and put

it on before pouring lube over the latex. Feeling a
moment’s pressure, Quinn moaned as Mitch
worked his cock inside him.

“Oh fuck. Oh fuck. Feels so good.” Mitch


Quinn’s body ignited as Mitch hit that spot

inside him over and over. He was on the brink,
and when Mitch grabbed his cock with his lube-
covered fingers, Quinn huffed out his second

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orgasm. Mitch was right behind him, yelling out
his own release while filling up the condom.

Mitch’s fingers held the condom in place while

he pulled out. Quinn shuddered at the loss while
watching Mitch tie off the condom to dispose of it.
Mitch flopped down next to him, and a thunk in
the trashcan not too far from the bed let Quinn
know that Mitch had just landed a two pointer
with the condom. Mitch reached up and with a
tug, released Quinn. Quinn rubbed his wrists
where there was the tiniest of marks on them.

For the first time, Quinn didn’t even have the

energy to clean up, and apparently, neither did
Mitch as he pulled Quinn over.

“How about a little nap before we get everyone

and decorate the tree?” Mitch rubbed Quinn’s
sweaty hair out of his face, and Quinn’s eyes
closed in bliss.

“Sounds good,” Quinn mumbled.
Mitch kissed his temple, and Quinn sighed

contentedly. He was never so happy that his flight
had been cancelled and he got a chance to spend
the holiday with Mitch and his family. It opened
the door for him to be with Mitch.

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About the Author

Short, sexy and sweet—where a little love goes a long

That’s the best way to describe Jackie Nacht’s

stories. I was introduced to M/M Romance
through my sister, Stephani, and read it for years.
Then, I thought it was time to put my own stories
on paper. I began writing short and sweet stories
that ended with a happily ever after…and
sometimes more than one, in the case of my YA
Fork in the Road series, which has interactive

Thinking back to my own book addiction,

where there were many nights I stayed up way too
late so I could read just one more chapter—yeah,
—I decided to write short romances for young
adults as well as adults. Hopefully, they will give
high school and college students or working men
and women something they can read during their
lunch hour, in between classes or just when they
want to briefly get away from the daily stresses of
everyday life.

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You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and at

my webpage.

Email :


Website :


Document Outline


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