Jackie Nacht & Stephani Hecht Warming Up Sebastian (Birds of Prey #3)

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Thrown into a world of paranormal violence,
there’s only one thing to do: create your own

Sebastian has been tossed into the thick of a war
between the Birds of Prey and Blood Demons.
He’s heard it all about fate, destiny, and this is
how it’s going to be. Oh, hell no, it isn’t. Sebastian
has his connections and will use them to help him
and his mate Wren solve the problem of the mates’
loss of freedom.

Wren has been drawn to Sebastian since he laid

eyes on him. Hurt by Sebastian’s refusal to even
be near him, Wren feels at a loss of what to do
until he follows Sebastian one night. Wren
discovers that Sebastian may have been in this
world a lot longer than they all ever knew.

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Warming Up Sebastian

Copyright © 2013 Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht

ISBN: 978-1-77111-775-3

Cover art by Carmen Waters

All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the
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Published by eXtasy Books

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Warming Up Sebastian

Birds of Prey Book Three


Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht

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Chapter One

ebastian would have made one rocking ninja.
As he stole down the stairs of the Birds of Prey

mansion, he was all stealth. He lived in the
shadows, moved with the ease of a jungle cat and
was as quiet as the spring wind. There was no way
that anybody could hear him, much less catch him
trying to sneak away. In fact, he was so good at
this gig, he was thinking about changing his major
at college to Ninja Extraordinaire. They still had
professional ninjas, didn’t they?

Still, Sebastian couldn’t help but feel a bit guilty

about stealing away like this. If Wren were to find
out, he would be both livid and hurt. That was the
last thing Sebastian wanted. For all his talk about
not wanting a mate, a huge part of Sebastian had
developed feelings for Wren.

It wasn’t like Sebastian didn’t plan on coming

back, though. He just needed to pick up a few
things from his apartment, and then he would
return. If he was quick enough about it, he could
do it without anyone noticing that he’d left at all.


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Sebastian reached the bottom of the stairs and

was just making his way to the door. His heart
began to beat wildly in his chest. He was going to
make it. For the first time in a month, he was
going to get his first taste of freedom. Nothing
could stop him now.

“Just where in the hell do you think you’re

going?” a voice boomed from behind him.

Sebastian nearly jumped from his skin. He

would recognize that voice anywhere. Mostly
because it haunted him both during the day and at
night, in his dreams. Wren!

Sebastian whirled around and was immediately

transfixed at how good the warrior looked. Wren
wore head-to-toe leather that molded to his tight,
muscular body, leaving very little to the
imagination. It made Sebastian want to throw
himself at the man and not let go until he had
every one of those dips and ridges memorized to

Then there was Wren’s to-die-for hair. It was

streaked with nearly every shade of brown
imaginable. While it was cut short, the front was
long enough to hang over his deep, hazel eyes.

In short, Wren was everything Sebastian could

want in a man, yet he could never touch. Despite
the fact that they were destined mates. Especially
if Wren found out what Sebastian really was. For
if that were to happen, Sebastian had no doubt his

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scrawny ass would be kicked to the curb, Blood
Demons or not.

“Well, are you going to answer me? Or do you

plan on just standing there like a deer staring into
headlights all night long?” Wren asked.

Sebastian jumped as he realized he had been

just standing there and staring. Dear Zeus! All that
was missing was a puddle of drool at his feet and
an embarrassing-looking bulge in the front of his
jeans. It was only because he had on a long
sweatshirt covering his cock that the latter wasn’t

“I was just going out for a breath of fresh air,”

Sebastian tried, even though he knew that there
was no way in hell Wren would buy it.

“Bullshit! You were sneaking away and leaving.

Even though you know how dangerous it is out
there. Do you have a death wish or something?”

Sebastian took a step back from Wren and his

anger. While he’d seen a lot of yelling in his life, it
had been a long time since it’d been directed his
way. It brought him back to the days when he
used to live with his abusive mother. That had
been before his savior had finally had enough and
taken Sebastian away from her. Then there was
the other abusive person in his life he wasn’t even
going to think about until his brother had stepped
in to pull him out of that horrible mess.

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Finally, his life was on track and had been

going perfectly until the damned Blood Demons
started to try to kill him and the Birds of Prey.
This was why Sebastian had been trying so hard to
go back to his apartment. There he had weapons
that he could use to protect himself and the other
mates. Then they wouldn’t be so vulnerable to the
Blood Demons anymore and would actually be
able to take a piss without one of the warriors
having to be there to hold their dicks.

“No, of course I don’t have a death wish. If I

did, I would have left this clusterfuck long ago,”
Sebastian countered.

Wren looked away, but not before Sebastian

saw the flicker of hurt pass over the warrior’s face.
Damn it! When was Sebastian going to stop saying
the wrong things all the time? He hadn’t meant
that to come out as hurtful, yet it had. He couldn’t
even hold a decent conversation without putting
his big, fat foot in his mouth.

“I didn’t mean it that way. It’s not so bad here. I

just needed to grab a few things, that’s all,”
Sebastian tried to smooth things over.

Wren shrugged. “It’s no biggie. In fact, I’m

starting to get over it.”

Even though he knew it was for the best,

Sebastian felt his stomach drop. “So does that
mean you don’t want me anymore?”

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Wren let out a bitter laugh as he ran a hand

through his hair. “I’ll always want you. You’re my
predestined mate. But that doesn’t mean I have to
continue to put up with your verbal abuse
anymore. You can stay here because it’s the only
safe place, but I’m finished with you.”

Sebastian opened and closed his mouth several

times as both the pain and anger from rejection
warred with one another. Sure, it was for the best
that Wren stayed away, but it hurt so, so, so bad
because Sebastian had come to like the warrior.

So Sebastian did what he always did when he

was angry, he lashed out with the nearest weapon
he had handy, which happened to be his tongue.
“Fine, I never wanted you in the first place. Just
like I’m sure you wouldn’t have wanted me had it
not been for that stupid tramp stamp that marked
me as your mate.”

“What makes you say that?” Wren asked, his

brows furrowing.

Sebastian snorted. “Like some big lunk like you

would ever give some scrawny twink like me a
second look otherwise. Tell me the truth—before
me, have you ever dated anybody that looks even
close to me?”

When Wren didn’t respond, Sebastian had his

answer. “That’s what I thought. You don’t give a
damn about me, just my stupid tattoo. Athena
really fucked us both over on this deal.”

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Sebastian opened the door and began to storm

out when Wren called to him, “Wait, please. I
know you’re angry, but it’s still too dangerous for
you to leave on your own.”

“I’m just going to the lake. I’ll have Raven take

me back to my apartment tomorrow morning,”
Sebastian said.

Raven was the only one Sebastian trusted to

keep his secret. There was just something about
the warrior that made Sebastian sure he could
confide in him. Call it a gut feeling or whatever,
but Sebastian knew that Raven would never
betray him.

When Wren didn’t say anything, Sebastian took

that as his sign that he could go. Walking outside,
Sebastian made his way to the shore of the lake.
He stood there for several moments, wishing that
he’d thought to grab his jacket before he made his
dramatic exit. It was damn cold out.

Sebastian smelled his father before he saw

him—the strong stench of booze, unwashed body,
and no doubt covered in dark stains from the
grapes of the wine he consumed en masse.
Sebastian closed his eyes and prayed that maybe if
he looked away, good ol’ dad would get the hint
and vamoose. But of course he didn’t, he just
continued to stand there, slurping from his glass
of wine. He even let out a belch or two.

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Warming Up Sebastian


“What do you want, Dionysus?” Sebastian

asked with a heavy sigh.

“Is that the kind of greeting you give your own

father?” Dionysus demanded in a hurt voice.
“Especially when I come bearing gifts?”

“Since when have you ever given me anything?

You never bothered, not even on Christmas or any
of my birthdays, so why the change of heart

Sebastian thought back to all those years ago

when he was a young child, when he would wait
with bated breath on those special days for his
father to come. Even just a simple visit would
have been enough for Sebastian. But every single
time, Sebastian had been let down. In fact, he
could count the times on one hand that he’d ever
seen his father in person. Since Sebastian was
nearly sixty years old, that wasn’t a lot.

He finally turned so he could look at his father.

What Sebastian saw made him nearly recoil in
disgust. His father must have been out clubbing as
usual because he was dressed to the nines. Or at
least he probably had been at the beginning of the
evening when he’d still been sober. Now, he
looked like the sloppy drunk that he was.

The fly of his black dress pants was down,

exposing the black underwear he wore beneath.
His white dress shirt had the top two buttons
undone, showing off his thick mat of chest hair.

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The shirt had several lipstick stains on it and, yep,
a few dribbles of the dark wine he was still
carrying down the front. The tops of his canvas
shoes were slightly wet. Sebastian shuddered, not
even wanting to contemplate what it could be.

Dionysus’ dark hair was short, but it still stuck

up in several places. His face was flushed and his
nose red. While he wasn’t fat, he wasn’t exactly in
prime fit condition either, no doubt because more
drinking than any time spent training or working

“Fine, what did you bring me? And don’t say

it’s a woman because we both know that’s not my
game,” Sebastian said.

“It’s not a woman. You have more problems to

deal with than getting laid. You’re weak, and now
you have a weak mate. I’ve learned long ago that
you lacked the strength to survive in this world.”

Sebastian cringed inside at the slur, but he

schooled his features so as not to show his
feelings. “And I learned a long time ago that I had
a drunk for a father and was forced to deal with it.
So it looks like we both have our lot in life. Now
what did you bring me?”

Sebastian just wanted to get this conversation

over as quickly as possible so he could get away
from Dionysus. And to think that he used to want
to see this man. Boy, had Sebastian been clueless
as a kid. His mother might have been a shrew and

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Warming Up Sebastian


abusive as hell, but she had been right about one
thing, Dionysus really was a waste of space.

Dionysus waved his hand, and Sebastian’s

weapons appeared on the ground. Sebastian let
out a gasp. “How did you know I needed these?”

Dionysus sniffed. “Whether or not you want to

believe it, I do keep track of you, and I thought
that you would need them in your current
situation. I also knew you would have trouble
getting away from those Neanderthals to get them
on your own.”

“Don’t call them that. They’re all good men,”

Sebastian defended as he began to look through
the weapons. “Hey! Where’s the sword Artemis
gave me?”

His father gave a shrug and an innocent look

that he couldn’t come close to pulling off. “I don’t
know what you’re talking about. I never saw it.”

Rage filled Sebastian. He should have known

that his father wouldn’t do something entirely
good. He never gave without taking a little nip for
himself. Even if the person he was giving to was
his own son.

“Bullshit!” Sebastian snapped. “You’ve been

after that sword ever since she gave it to me for
my twentieth birthday. Not that you were even
there to see her hand it over. You just heard it
secondhand from the people who bothered to
show up to the party.”

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Dionysus put his hand on his chest. “You

wound me, Bastian boy. You know how much I
love you.”

“Yeah, so much that the devil himself literally

had to raise me because you and Mom didn’t give
two fucks about me. I was nothing but an
inconvenience to you. An accident that you
wished would just go away. Something that
threatened your life of partying and having a good
time.” Sebastian wouldn’t reveal that the devil
himself was the best thing that ever had come into
his life. Dionysus would only use that against him.

Dionysus grabbed Sebastian by the front of his

shirt and gave him a good shake. “You need to
remember who you’re talking to, boy. If I had
wanted you gone, you would have been dead
years ago. So don’t push me into doing it now.”

For the first time in years, Sebastian felt the fear.

The one that only came from a child who was
about to be hurt by a parent. To his great shame,
he began to shake as a cold sweat broke out over
his body. For, even though he was now a fully-
grown demi-god, he knew he was no match to a
full god. Even one who was out of shape like

“I’m sorry,” Sebastian whispered. “You can

keep the sword.”

It hurt to say those words, for that weapon

meant so much to him. But at that moment,

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Sebastian would say or do anything to save his

Dionysus gave a snide smile. “I knew you

would see things my way.”

He then vanished, leaving the rest of the

weapons behind. Sebastian gasped for breath as
he realized just how close to death he had come
yet again. Day’am, his family put the diss in

He glanced up and saw Wren standing a couple

of yards away, just staring, his face an unreadable
mask. Sebastian had no clue as to whether Wren
was mad or not.

“How much of the conversation did you hear?”

Sebastian finally dared to ask.

“All of it,” Wren replied in a tight voice.
“So where does that leave us now?”
“Gather up your weapons, and we’ll go inside

and talk.”

Sebastian did as ordered, all the while praying

that he hadn’t fucked up yet again.

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Chapter Two

ren seethed as he made his way back to the
house. There were so many things he’d

overheard that pissed him off it was going to take
fighting an entire pack of Blood Demons just to
calm his ass down.

Emotions swirled within him from anger, hurt,

and inadequacy that once again someone had
pointed out how much of a failure and weak he
was in a world that was full of danger. Dammit,
he’d survived this long on sheer strength and
cunning. What the fuck was it going to take for
everyone to believe he belonged?

The only one who had ever believed he

belonged was Athena. No one knew of the times
that Athena had come to see him personally to
spar with him. He was sworn to secrecy by the
goddess never to reveal their time together when
she treated him more like a son than one of her


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Storming into the house, he went straight to the

vault to load up on his weapons. Grabbing a
samurai sword, daggers, knives, stars, he wanted
it all. They all had intel that the city was overrun
with Blood Demons. He was itching for a fight.

Descending the steps at full speed, he almost

ran over Sebastian as he made his way to the front

“Wait! Where are you going?” Sebastian threw

down his weapons then held out his arms, like
that would stop Wren.

Hell, Sebastian was a demi-god. Who the hell

knew how strong he was? Suddenly, Wren felt
that a complete stranger was before him. Wren
tried to walk past him, and soft fingers circled
around his bicep.

“Please, we need to talk.” Sebastian pleaded

with his cerulean eyes.

“I need—” Wren swallowed. He did not want

to make a damn fool of himself. “To go out.”

He pulled out of Sebastian’s grip and went

outside to the SUV sitting in the driveway.
Blowing out a breath, he had to calm himself just
to start the vehicle.

He had a forty-five minute drive into Atlanta,

and that was if the traffic was good, which at this
time, it wasn’t. Wren needed to think about just
what in the hell he was going to do. First, he
needed to figure out how bad Atlanta had gotten

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since they left. The world was falling apart, and
the more Wren analyzed the situation, the more he
thought the Birds of Prey were a Band Aid on a
compound fracture. There just weren’t enough
Birds of Prey out there to get a foothold.

His phone vibrated in his pocket, and Wren

pulled it out. “Yeah.”

“Where are you heading?” Night barked over

the line.

“Just doing a little recon. Seeing what damage

was done while we were away.”

“That’s not a good idea. Come back, and we’ll

get a team together and all go.”

“I’m heading to Tech’s campus. Have the others

come if they want, but I’m heading there now.”

Night’s cussing compelled Wren to pull his ear

away from the phone. “Damn fucking stubborn
bird. You’ll get your ass killed. Hawk, get a team!”

Forget it. Wren disconnected and pressed the


Forty minutes later, he pulled into the

downtown campus. The place appeared to be
deserted. What the fuck? He knew it was winter
break, but hell, this was more than just that. No
one was around. No one. The air even seemed still
as Wren got out of the SUV.

“Oh fuck,” Wren whispered. It was eerily

peaceful, causing Wren to pull his sword out of

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his sheath. He grabbed a hold of his phone and hit
the number for Night.

Night answered on the first ring. “You stubborn

son of a bitch.”

“We can fight later, sweetheart. There’s

something really off,” Wren whispered.

“What’s going on?” Night sounded all business.
“Nothing…absolutely nothing. The place is

vacant and not a sound.” Wren whipped
around…waiting for the battle to come. It was
upon him, and he felt it all the way to his fucking

“I need you to get back in your vehicle and get

out of there. Do you hear me, Wren? This is

“How far away are you?” Wren mumbled.
“We’re two miles away.”
“I’m going to need backup.” Wren turned and

faced the terrifyingly beautiful winged female that
landed in a crouch twenty yards from him without
a sound. Her head cocked in a strange angle, and
those full red lips smiled wickedly, showcasing a
full set of razor-sharp teeth. The female eyed him
with such a savage hunger that Wren, for the first
time in all his years of fighting, took a step back.
This wasn’t a fucking Blood Demon. This was one
of the Keres, the Blood Demons’ leaders, one of
the creators of their vile adversary.

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Wren knew in that moment he was in serious

trouble. There was no way he was a match for the
goddess. Turning, he began to retreat only to run
face-first into a shimmering web that felt like a
damn steel door. Fuck, that hurt!

Turning, cornered, knowing this might be his

last show, Wren re-gripped his sword in two
hands, preparing for the inevitable attack. Behind
the Kere, shadows began to form around her
before they took form and Wren cursed, realizing
that a swarm of Blood Demons were flanking her.
Wren closed his eyes and groaned before
reopening them. He was so completely fucked.

The Kere stood and slowly approached with a

grace that contrasted with her looks. Why Wren
thought she would limp or be hunched over, he
had no clue, but the female’s hips swayed as if
sensuality oozed out of her as she came closer and
closer. Watching, Wren noticed the wicked claws
and knew that one swipe would be the end of him.

The sound of tires screeching behind him had

him whipping his head around. Behind the
shimmer, he saw the Birds of Prey race out of the
SUV with Sebastian at their side.

“Fuck!” Wren screamed as he felt like a truck

had hit him. He fell on the brutally hard pavement
before turning and catching the bitch’s claws right
before she could gouge out his damn eye.

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Above him, he heard Night’s muffled

screaming on the other side of the shimmer. Wren
struggled with the Kere as she mounted him and
began savagely beating the hell out him. Pain
exploded as the claws tore flesh. He was getting
his ass kicked, and there was nothing he could do
but protect himself, his arms a shield against her
claws. His arms were shredded.

He heard Sebastian above him, voice clear and

no longer muffled. “I have her, get the rest.”

Footfalls surrounded him, and Wren heard the

sounds of fighters engaging in battle.

A glint appeared above him and then the Kere

was screaming. Sebastian stood above him,
holding a bloody scythe. Birds of Prey were
running around him as they fought with the Blood

How the hell did they get here so soon? Wren

watched as the Kere circled Sebastian. Sebastian
might have been small, but at that moment, Wren
knew Sebastian was a skilled fighter. The
confidence oozed off him as he faced off against
the Kere. It didn’t mean that Wren wasn’t terrified
as he watched Sebastian battle against the

“Gods, get up off your ass and help them,”

Wren groaned as he put his hands on the ground,
trying to get to his feet. His arms were completely
shredded, blood coating them, droplets falling to

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the pavement. The burn was almost unbearable,
but his mate was right there fighting for his life,
and that alone gave him the strength to put the
pain behind him.

An inhuman shriek filled the air, and the Kere

attacked Sebastian. He dodged the first claw
before Sebastian swung his scythe and sliced the
Kere across the back.

Wren finally got to his feet, pulled out a blade

for each hand, and went in to help Sebastian.

Wren watched the Kere go in for another attack,

and that’s when he fought dirty, coming in from
behind and knifing her in the back. His first blade
sunk, and then he got the other on the opposite
side of her neck. She should have gone down, but
instead, she backhanded Wren, sending him

“Wren!” Sebastian screamed.
Ears buzzing, Wren was so damn disoriented

he didn’t know what the hell was up and down.

He tried to sit up once again and saw a blurry

image of Sebastian sinking his Scythe into the
chest of the Kere. The goddess let out another
unholy scream before she disintegrated.

Blood Demons began to run after their goddess

fell. Wren blew out a breath before lying back onto
the pavement. His whole damn body hurt. Stellar!
Go out to recon and pick a fight, but instead, get
your ass kicked by a goddess. He was going to

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hear it from Night, and boy, did he ever deserve
the ass-chewing he was going to get.

Sebastian had him all screwed up in the head.

He wasn’t thinking straight and was going to get
killed if he couldn’t balance the two. If only he
could work through the wall Sebastian created.

Sebastian came into his vision above him. “Are

you all right?”

“Sure, sure, I meant to do…all of that.” Wren

sat back up, hissing in pain.

“I think you’re going to need to get checked out

by the doctor.” Sebastian began inspecting him.

“I am the doctor,” Wren mumbled.
“You are?” Sebastian asked in shock.
“Don’t act too surprised. I may just be a lowly

Bird of Prey and marked with a wren, but I’ve got
a brain.” Wren growled. He hated feeling beneath
the flock and to know his mate was a demi-god…
Sheesh, did fate even say, Can we give this guy a


“Well, you sure as shit didn’t use it tonight!”

Night snarled as he squatted down next to him.
“Damn, I think your modeling days are over.”

“Did you just say something funny? Wow,

David is finally loosening your uptight ass. Help
me up.” Wren reached out a hand, and Sebastian
grabbed it.

“I’ll take you back,” Sebastian murmured.

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They tucked him into the passenger seat. Damn,

the leather was never going to be the same. Blood
just never came out no matter how hard you tried.

Sebastian got into the driver’s seat before

following the other SUV back to the house.

The car was silent for a moment before

Sebastian spoke, “I wanted to tell you.”

Wren stared at Sebastian’s profile. Gods, he was

handsome. He should have known that someone
that looked that perfect could only come from the
blood of the gods. He had never seen a man who
came close in comparison to Sebastian’s beauty.

“About what?”
“About what I am. There are things that I’ve

had to keep secret for so long, not only to protect
myself but to protect others like me,” Sebastian
said as he gripped the steering wheel, knuckles
turning white.

Wren reached over and touched the closest

hand. “There are others like you. Demi-gods?”

“Yes and we are hunted far more severely than

even you are by the Blood Demons. There are
many of us that have become toys of creatures,
gods, and other beings. We have formed a pact to
protect ourselves because that’s all we have. Each
other. We are no different than your flock. Would
you openly talk to an outsider about your flock
after only knowing them a mere month? I have
seen loved ones turn on each other with a

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viciousness that is so sickening I can’t help but be
guarded.” Sebastian released the steering wheel
with one hand to hold Wren’s.

Wren watched as his blood smeared onto

Sebastian’s. “So not even David knows of what
you are?”

“No. Not only does it protect me and the others

but David as well. I thought I was protecting you,
too. I am not the son of some great god that will
help us through these times. My father was never
there, never cared. I don’t talk about him because
we have no attachment to each other outside of
blood.” Sebastian glanced at him, and that’s when
Wren saw it. Sorrow and a touch of

“Where does that leave you? I mean, if you are

a demi-god, how did you come to be mated to
someone like me?” Wren tightened his hold on
Sebastian. For some reason, he felt if he pointed
out he wasn’t good enough for Sebastian that
Sebastian would bolt.

“First of all, in the time I’ve known you, I’ve

seen courage, integrity, and complete loyalty to
the ones you love. That is rare. I want to give our
mating a try, and I’m involved now. I want to help
your flock and the mates within. I know there is
someone out there that can help us from being
hunted down. I want to help because I
care…about you.”

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Wren leaned back and closed his eyes, letting

the words sink in. After a few minutes, he
murmured, “I want to be involved.”

“In what?” Sebastian got on the highway and

floored the vehicle.

“Being with you every step of the way as you

talk to your connections, in finding answers and
help to our problems.” Wren didn’t even know
who they would see, but if they were going to give
this a try, they needed to start by being equals.

“I planned on it anyway. I think the whole flock

will need to know of me now, especially if I’m
going to become a part of it.” Sebastian went to
touch Wren’s arm, and he hissed. “We need to get
this cleaned out as soon as we get back.”

“I’m sure I have an alcohol wipe or two that I

can use.” Wren glanced down and groaned. Why
was it when you looked at the wounds, the pain

“Try a couple bottles, buddy. Looks like you

had a run in with Edward Scissorhands.”

Thirty minutes later, Sebastian pulled into the

driveway, and if there would have been any
fucking snow on the ground, Wren would have
jumped out and driven his arms in the stuff.
Instead, he all but ran into the house, going
straight for the sink, turning the tap on as cold as
he could. When it was cold enough, he put his

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arms underneath, moaning as the flames of pain
were temporarily extinguished.

Sighing for the minor reprieve of pain, Wren

sunk his head down on the edge of the counter.
Maybe he could sleep like this?

“We need to see if you require stitching up,”

Sebastian said as he rubbed his back.

Oh, Wren thought that felt good, but he could

also tell that he was going to be covered in bruises
come morning. “I might be able to instruct Night
to help me enough to get most of them stitched

“Or I could do it.”
Wren whipped his head up, and sitting on the

counter right next to him was the goddess Athena,
and for once, she wasn’t covered in blood.

“Hi, Bastian.”
“You know how I hate that name.”
“I know you do. Why do you think I’ve been

calling you that for the last fifty-four years?”

Wren turned, brow raised. “Just how old are

you, Bastian?” All along, Wren had thought
Sebastian was just a hair over twenty-one.

“Seriously? Now you’re calling me that,”

Sebastian sniffed, eluding the real question.

“How old?” Wren quirked a brow.
“Well, you know…sixty.”
Hell. Wren flopped his head back on the


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Chapter Three

thena gathered all the soldiers into the living
room. Although it was tough to get Duncan

out of bed. He’d been sleeping more and more
lately, and he’d been more snappy than Kanye
with the paparazzi. Sebastian had been told
numerous times it was because Duncan was closer
to his change and it was natural. All Sebastian
could think about was how if he’d acted that way
toward either of his birthparents, he would have
gotten a fist to his face or worse. Yet these
warriors, who were not related at all to Duncan,
put up with him and were as patient as could be
with his mood swings. It was yet another
reminder to Sebastian how fucked up his life had
begun. He could move past it if Dionysus didn’t
continually show up and stir trouble. Thank gods
for the ones who saved him, or he would have
never survived.

Wren sat gingerly, arms still bleeding. Athena

kneeled next to him. “Damn, one of the bitches got


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you, didn’t she?” She stared up at Wren and, for
the first time since Sebastian had known Athena,
she eyed someone with intense care.

Slowly, Athena rubbed her fingertips over

Wren’s arms, the cuts disappearing before their
very eyes.

“Thank you, Athena,” Wren murmured.
She ruffled his hair as if he were a boy and not a

man before she stood, waiting for everyone to
settle in.

Once they were all seated, Raven let out a sigh,

then said, “Okay, what news of gloom and despair
do you have for us today?”

She gave him a narrow-eyed glare before

saying, “Well, it’s full of gloom and despair, as you
put it, but it’s not new. It’s a story that I think it’s
high time you all heard.”

Sebastian’s heart dropped into his stomach.

Surely, she wasn’t going to spill everything about
him? She knew the rules just as much as he did.
What she was about to do was a big no-no. Plus,
he wasn’t sure how everyone was going to take it.
What if they hated him after they found out?
Sebastian had never had that many friends before.
He didn’t want to lose the few he had managed to
gain with the Birds of Prey and their mates.

Then he looked up and locked gazes with

Athena. While he saw compassion there, he also
saw grim determination. While there were great

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risks in telling the others, there were also greater
risks in not telling them. So, taking a deep breath
to steady his nerves, Sebastian gave her a nod to
go on.

Athena stood in the middle of the room. “Once

upon a time, there was a little baby boy named

“You know how much I hate that damn

nickname,” Sebastian said between gritted teeth.

“You only hate it because he used to call you

that,” she retorted.

Anger swirled through Sebastian that she

would even think to mention Vio. Okay, to be fair,
she hadn’t said his name, but she had referred
about him, and that was more than enough in
Sebastian’s book.

“You can tell them everything else about my

life, but don’t mention him. He’s off limits. He’s
already ruined enough things in my life. Please,
don’t let him destroy this, too.”

Sebastian hated to beg, but he would do

anything to keep her from telling them about Vio
and all the horrible things that he’d done to
Sebastian. Not only did it make Sebastian look
weak, but he felt embarrassed and angry at
himself for allowing Vio to treat him that way.

“Fine, we can leave that part out, although I

think you need to tell Wren about it at some
point,” she said.

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Before Sebastian could agree or argue with that

one, she started up with her tale again.

“Seeeee…Bastian was the son of Dionysus and







unfortunately, neither of them wanted a baby, so
Sebastian was unwanted and unloved. Dionysus
refused to have anything to do with Sebastian, so
he was left with Alberta.”

"Alberta turned out to be a candidate for worst

mother in history. She abused Sebastian terribly.
So much so, that Persephone could no longer
stand it and asked her husband Hades to step in
and take in the child when Sebastian was only six
years old.”

Night spoke up. “Are you trying to tell us that

Sebastian was raised by Hades? The most evil god
out there?”

Sebastian instantly became defensive of his

foster father. “Hades never did me any wrong. In
fact, he treated me as his own. He, Persephone,
and their son, Fallon, were the first ones to ever
show me any form of love. Before then, I didn’t
even know what it was.”

Wren gave a shrug and looked at the others.

“Hey, Sebastian can be very likable when he
wants to be. I could see him charming anyone,
even Hades.”

Sebastian could have hugged Wren at the

moment for sticking up for Hades. For while

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many would have trouble believing it, Sebastian
really did care for the god and saw him as a father
figure. One thing was for sure, he was more of a
dad to him than Dionysus ever had been. As for
Fallon, he had been the one who had come in and
saved Sebastian from Vio and the huge mess that
relationship had been.

Sebastian wondered what Wren would think

about him if he knew about Vio and how abusive
he had been to Sebastian while they were together.
Sebastian’s biggest fear was that Wren would try
to go after Vio, and since Vio was a demi-god, too,
he had the strength to really hurt Wren. If that
were to ever happen, Sebastian would never be
able to forgive himself.

Athena continued with her story. “Sebastian

was happy living in the Underworld for several
years. Hades and Fallon trained him well. Which
I’m sure you guys witnessed tonight. But
eventually, Sebastian grew tired and bored and
wanted to return to the human world. So he went
to college, met some Birds of Prey, and you guys
know the rest of the story.”

“So why didn’t he tell us he was a demi-god in

the first place?” Night asked.

“Like I told Wren, we don’t tell anybody in the

outside world about each other. It’s an unspoken
law,” Sebastian said.

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“So it’s like Fight Club, the first rule of being a

demi-god is you don’t talk about being a demi-
god,” David piped in.

They all paused, turned, and looked over at

David. After a moment, they returned their
attention to Athena. “He’s right, he’s not allowed
to talk about it. It’s not only for his safety, but for
that of others. Not only are they hunted by other
paranormal creatures, but they have been known
to turn on each other. So it is important that you
all keep Sebastian’s secret.”

The warriors all nodded, and Sebastian let out a

sigh of relief. He trusted these men because
Athena trusted them. He knew deep in his heart
they would die to keep his true status hidden.

It was as if a huge weight was lifted off his

chest. He no longer had to hide who he was from
Wren and the others. Maybe…just maybe he could
even have a shot at being with Wren.

As soon as that thought went through his head,

Sebastian shoved it away. In all his life, nobody
aside from Hades’ family had wanted him.
Everybody else had shunned him and pushed him
aside. So in the end, it would just be the same with
Wren. The only reason he was interested in
Sebastian in the first place was because of the
stupid tramp stamp. Otherwise, Wren probably
wouldn’t have looked at him twice.

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“So if it’s supposed to be some great big secret,

why tell us now?” Raven asked.

“Because I think Sebastian’s foster daddy can

do us all a little favor and help us out with those
pesky Blood Demons.” Athena walked behind
Sebastian and put her hands on Sebastian’s

Sebastian grew stiff. He already knew that this

wasn’t going to be an easy assignment. While
Hades might be fond of him, he pretty much hated
the rest of the world, and the god might not be
keen on helping out the Birds of Prey with

“I know what you’re thinking, Sebastian,”

Athena cut in. “But since you’re now mated to one
of the warriors and at danger, too, he’s going to
want to protect you. While you might be a demi-
god, you can still be hurt, and you are still
vulnerable to the Blood Demons. Hades is going
to want to protect you from that.”

Sebastian had to admit Athena did have a point

there. Hades was going to do whatever it took to
make sure Sebastian was safe. With a little bit of
charm on his part, Sebastian could make sure
Hades extended that protection to the other mates.

Sebastian nodded. “Okay, I’ll talk to him. I’m

not making any promises, though.”

Athena smiled at him. “I knew I could count on

you. For doing so, I will forge a new sword for

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you to make up for the one you lost tonight. I
know it won’t be the same, but it will maybe take
the sting away a bit.”

Sebastian couldn’t help but be touched by her

gesture, especially since he’d been such a jerk to
her the past few months. “Thank you, Athena. I
would be honored to carry one of your swords.”

“I think one of us should go with him when he

talks to Hades. Otherwise, it’s going to make it
look like we’re weak and hiding behind
Sebastian,” Night interrupted.

After a moment, Athena said, “That’s probably

a good point.”

“I’ll be more than happy to go down with him,”

Night said.

“No, Raven should join him. I think he’s best

suited for this job,” she said. “When will they be
going down?”

Night rubbed his hand over his face.

“Tomorrow. I think we can all agree that we’ve
had enough excitement for one day as it is.”

Athena walked over to Sebastian and ruffled

his hair. “You may not believe it, but you’ve
always been one of my favorites. That’s why I
picked you for Wren. I knew you two would be a
good fit.”

For once, Sebastian didn’t lash out at her for

taking away his future. Maybe it was because he
was actually beginning to have real feelings for

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Wren. Or it could just be that Sebastian had finally
consigned himself to his fate. Whatever the reason,
for the first time, Sebastian felt at peace with his

“I’ll be back tomorrow evening to see how

everything went.” Athena vanished from the

Sebastian felt every gaze settle on him. “Hey,

don’t look at me. I can’t do that. Remember, I’m
only half a god. So I have my limitations.”

“Yeah, one of them being you can still get your

ass kicked by Blood Demon,” Raven cracked.

Sebastian immediately took offense. “I’ll have

you know that I did not have my weapons on me
at that time, and I wasn’t expecting the damn
things to be so strong or fast.”

“So you got a little cocky?” Night asked.
“Well…” Sebastian felt a heat come over his

face. “Yeah.”

Night pointed at him. “First rule of fighting.

Never get too cocky. Hades should have
drummed that into your head.”

“Yeah, he did. He wasn’t too happy with me

either when I almost got myself killed. In fact, he
tried to make me come back to the Underworld,
but I refused.”

“Why?” Wren demanded.
“Why, what?”

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“Why did you refuse to go back?” Wren’s gaze

seemed to bore right into Sebastian’s soul.

Sebastian felt himself squirming under Wren’s

glare. “Because I had reasons for wanting to say

“Everybody out! I need to speak to Sebastian in

private,” Wren ordered.

The others left, but not without a little bit of

grumbling. Soon, the room emptied out, and Wren
and Sebastian were alone. Sebastian grew a bit
nervous as he realized that now that Wren knew
everything, he could very likely be using this time
to tell Sebastian that he didn’t want him anymore.
After all, he’d already said just as much earlier in
the evening. This could have been the final straw
for him, and now Wren might have decided that
he wanted out for good.

“What did you need to speak to me about?”

Sebastian asked when he couldn’t stand the
silence any longer.

“What were the reasons you couldn’t go back to

the Underworld? You kept saying you didn’t want
me. You would have been safer there because the
Blood Demons wouldn’t have been able to get to
you. So why did you stay?”

Sebastian looked down at his lap. “Well, for one

thing, I couldn’t leave David and Aaron alone to
face all this.”

“Was there any other reason?”

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Sebastian gazed up from under his lashes. “I

didn’t want to leave you.”

Wren reached out and cupped the bottom of

Sebastian’s chin, forcing him to stare into Wren’s
eyes. “How am I supposed to believe that when
you kept saying you didn’t want me?”

“I never said I didn’t want you. I said I didn’t

want a mate. I’d just come out from a bad
relationship, and I wasn’t ready to dive into
another one. Plus, I know that you would have
never fallen for me had it not been for the mating
mark on me.”

Wren cupped the back of Sebastian’s head and

brought him in for a hot, open-mouthed kiss.
Sebastian was so shocked at first that he just sat
there like an idiot, but he soon caught on and got
in on the action.

He slid his tongue out to rub against Wren’s

and nearly came right then from the warm,
masculine taste of the warrior. He tasted all man
and then some, just like Sebastian had always
dreamed he would. Sebastian savored in the
flavor, even letting out a moan to show his

Wren grabbed Sebastian by the hips and lifted

him up so he was straddling Wren’s lap. The new
position made it so their hard cocks rubbed
together. The entire time, they continued to kiss,

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making out like a couple of teens who had just
discovered how much fun necking could be.

Dying for some relief, Sebastian began to rock

his cock over Wren’s. Shockwaves of pleasure shot
through his body, making Sebastian give out a
muffled groan. Wren replied by grabbing
Sebastian by the hips to control the rhythm.

It felt so damn good, and Sebastian was just

about to come when Wren pulled Sebastian off his
lap and dumped him to the side. Sebastian
bounced on the couch and was so shocked that all
that came out of his mouth was, “What the fuck?”

“You made me wait a while, so I think

turnabout is only fair play,” Wren said.

Sebastian felt a crushing disappointment. “Does

this mean you don’t want me?”

Wren reached over and ran a finger down

Sebastian’s cheek. “No, I want you so badly I can
barely control myself right now. I just think that
we need to get to know a little bit about each other
before we jump in the sack. I have a feeling there
are still a few secrets you are hiding from me.”

Damn it! But Wren was right. It probably was

wise they didn’t rush things.

“Can I at least sleep with you tonight? I

promise we don’t have to do anything. It’s just…I
have bad dreams whenever I see my father, and I
don’t want to be alone tonight,” Sebastian asked,
once again feeling a heat come over his face.

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Wren smiled down at him. “Of course you can.

I’ll always be here for you.”

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Chapter Four

he next morning, the three of them set out to
go see Hades. Wren had no clue where the

destination was, so Sebastian drove while he sat in
the passenger seat and Raven sat in the back.

The tension inside the vehicle was palpable.

Wren couldn’t help but think that this was
probably a terrible idea. Sure, Athena seemed to
think it was the right answer, but Sebastian death-
gripping the steering wheel didn’t help Wren from
wanting to grab his weapons.

“We’re almost there,” Sebastian said as he

turned off onto a narrow red clay path. His vehicle
sloshed through since they’d gotten a dusting of
snow the night before. Hell, that was probably the
only snow they would see this winter.

Tall Georgia pines blocked any real view of

where they were heading until the tree line
dispersed and they were in front of a huge
greenhouse facility. What the…


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“I kind of expected to be going to a nightclub or

the morgue—hell, even a Hot Topic. What the hell
is this?” Raven wedged himself in the middle of
them to stare out the front. Wren was wondering
the very same thing.

Sebastian snorted. “This is where Fallon does

his research on the flora in this region. With the
red clay, plant life has a tough time growing in
these regions. So he’s working on a formula that
will allow the soil to loosen up so it’s not so harsh
on the root.”

Wren’s jaw dropped. Hades’ son is… “He’s a


Sebastian chuckled. “Well, yeah. His mom is

the vegetation goddess, and his grandmother is
the harvester goddess. Somehow, everyone
always seems to forget that side of his family
when they hear his dad is Hades.”

“Huh.” Wren couldn’t say more than that.

That’s exactly what he had thought—a guy who
was hard as nails, carrying souls to the
Underworld like his father.

“Don’t let it fool you too much, though. He

does have Daddy’s blood, too.” Sebastian smirked
as he climbed out of the vehicle.

Great, what the hell were they walking into

here? Wren followed Sebastian to the front
entrance, Raven right behind him. They didn’t

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even make it to the door when it opened and—

holy shit!

“Fallon.” Sebastian smiled and ran up to hug


Fuck, the guy was huge. Well over six and a

half feet, with black hair that was tied back in a
leather thong. He stood there in dark jeans and a
long-sleeved black shirt. Menacing didn’t even
come close to describe this guy. Wren had never
felt a Fuck Off! like this one in his life.

“Why the fuck are they here?” Fallon rumbled.
Sebastian made a grab for Wren’s hand. Wren

grasped his hand and was pulled forward. “This is
my mate, Wren, and one of his fellow Birds of
Prey, Raven.”

Fallon’s black eyes flickered toward Raven and

then flashed green before an unnatural smile came
to his face, like the guy had never worked those
facial muscles before.

One minute, Fallon was standing there, the

next, he was grabbing Raven and pulling him into
the building.

Sebastian ran behind them, shouting, “Play

nice, Fall!”

The only thing Sebastian got in return was a

growl. Wren didn’t know if he should reach for
his weapons or not. Meanwhile, Raven was being

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“C’mon! What the fuck, asshole!” Raven

snarled as he was pulled into a door. Wren
followed and assumed this had to be Fallon’s
living quarters.

The place was pristine, but comfortable with

soft plushy couches and thick oak tables. Wren
had to get over his stereotype of this guy because
once again he expected Fallon to live in a house all
black and reds.

Raven was flipped onto the oak dining room

table, and Fallon began ripping at his shirt.

Wren had enough and made to go after him.
“No, don’t interfere. He won’t hurt him.”

Sebastian was in front, blocking his way.

“Then what the hell is he doing?” Wren tried to

make another break for Raven, but Sebastian was
strong. They might not be the same size with
Sebastian being much smaller, but they were
equals in strength.

Sebastian glanced over his shoulder. “I

think…well, I think he’s playing.”

Playing, his ass! Wren watched the tattered

remains of Raven’s shirt fall to the floor. Fallon
was searching for something because Wren saw
his eyes wild as he skimmed Raven’s chest with
his fingers. Then without any preamble, Fallon
picked up Raven and flipped him face down on
the table.

“Fuck, that hurt,” Raven moaned.

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Wren could have sworn he heard a muttered

sorry coming from Fallon, but he had to be

Wren watched Fallon’s eyes flash green again

and remain that color as he skimmed Raven’s bird
on his back. Bending over, Fallon licked a path up
Raven’s spine where the bird was.

“Uh, Fallon, we kind of need to talk to you. Do

you think you can keep from molesting my friend
here? What’s gotten into you, anyway? Play nice!”
Sebastian pulled at Fallon’s arm.

Fallon remained where he was, behind Raven,

hands flexing as if he was planning to touch
Raven again before he pulled back.

“Would you like something to drink? I have

apple juice, sweet tea, and milk.” Fallon turned
and righted the chairs that had tipped over, acting
like he hadn’t just been a raving lunatic!

“I’ll have an apple juice, please,” Sebastian sat,

and Wren went over and took the chair next to

“You?” Fallon looked at him pointedly. Wren

just shook his head.

Fallon leaned over to Raven. “You?” Fallon

questioned before he sucked on Raven’s lobe.
Raven yanked his head away, and Wren’s eyes
widened, surprised the lobe was still intact.

“I’ll pass,” Raven gritted out.

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Fallon walked away, and Raven leaned across

the table. “What the fuck is wrong with him,

Sebastian shook his head. “I have no idea. I

haven’t really seen him act this way before, and
I’ve known him a long time. He’s like a brother to

“Well, can you tell dear brother to lighten up a

little and no touching? He’s scaring the shit out of
me here.” Raven leaned back and looked down at
his bare chest. “And could I borrow a damn

“No,” Fallon said as he walked in. Despite not

asking for anything, Fallon placed a sweet tea in
front of Wren.

Wren was wary enough as it was and wouldn’t

touch it, but then Sebastian reached over and
purposely took a sip of his tea. How Sebastian
knew Wren didn’t trust Fallon enough to drink
what was brought, he had no clue. The gesture
made Wren reach over and grab his hand.

“Gods don’t trust easily, either,” Sebastian

whispered. No reprimand that Wren was being
rude at not accepting the drink offered by his
brother, just acceptance.

Fallon reached over to Raven’s tea and took a

swig of it before placing it back in front of Raven.
“Are we all good that I’m not going to poison your
friends so I can find out what you came here for?”

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Fallon scratched his five o’clock shadow while
staring at Raven.

“We need to talk to you about the Keres and

Blood Demons in Atlanta,” Sebastian began.

Never taking his eyes off Raven, Fallon

responded, “Bunch of fucking thieves is what they
are. Those souls belong to Dad.”

“Why hasn’t Hades done anything about it

then?” Sebastian’s thumb brushed over the top of
Wren’s hand.

“He has been. It’s just that he hasn’t made the

final move yet. He’s pissed, but not pissed enough
to engage in a war on the mortal realm,” Fallon
said while looking at Raven.

“Seriously, this is important, and you’re

creeping me out here,” Raven glared at Fallon.

“Don’t like me staring at you, my little Raven?”

Fallon murmured.

“You’re good looking, I’ll give you that, but

you are bringing in a I’m-your-new-favorite-
stalker vibe that I can do without.” Raven’s nose

Wren could not believe Raven was saying this

to a full god. He either had bigger balls than Wren
suspected, or he was just foolish enough to land
himself in a world of hurt. Either way, by the look
in Fallon’s eye, the god saw it as a challenge.

“I’m being hunted, Fall.” Sebastian’s silent

confession broke the two up.

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Fallon turned, an angry expression on his face

that scared the hell out of Wren. “What!” Fallon

“The Blood Demons. They’re hunting the mates

of the Birds of Prey. I was cocky and
well…yeah…I’m on the run for my life right now.
Athena said Dad might have a solution.”
Sebastian glanced down at their entwined hands.

Wren wondered if the confession humiliated

him, being half-god and all.

The hands weren’t enough, and before he could

think too much on the matter, Wren wrapped his
arm around Sebastian and pulled him closer. The
smile he got from his mate made Wren realize
he’d made the right move.

Fallon rubbed his jaw as if in thought. Wren

caught Fallon swiftly glancing over at Raven
before he answered, “What is exactly happening?”

Wren talked for the first time. “We’re pretty

sure they can detect the mating mark.”

“Your tramp stamp,” Fallon added, pointing to


Sebastian rolled his eyes. “Yeah, yeah, laugh it

up and call it what you will, but the Blood
Demons are treating it as a damn homing beacon.”

Fallon tilted his head to the side and stared at

Sebastian before his eyes widened in shock.
“Clever girl, Athena. I’ll have to go to Dad and
discuss the situation to him. I think I know what

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she’s up to. I can get back to you tomorrow and let
you know if I have the solution.”

Wren took a drink of his tea. Damn, that was

good. “What solution is that?”

“You can’t be sought after if your soul doesn’t

appear to be there.” Fallon smirked.

Sebastian grabbed at his chest. “What are you

talking about?”

“Charon’s obol.”
Wren knew what that was. “What does a

ferryman’s coin have to do with us?”

Fallon barked out a laugh. “They can’t track

you if you appeared to not be among the living.”

Sebastian gasped. “Of course. They won’t be

able to find us if we’re cloaked in death. Do you
think Hades will even loan us the coins?”

Fallon nodded. “For you, I do, and for me, but I

have a feeling you have more problems than just
being hunted.”

“You’re talking about Atlanta being overrun.

We’re trying to do our best, but the fact is that we
are grossly outnumbered. Athena has talked about
bringing in another team to help us out.” Wren
hated that they were losing this war. The fact the
god saw their failure was a bitter pill to swallow.

Fallon laughed. “A team. You think a team will

make any difference to the sludge that is all over
the city?”

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“What else can we do? There are only so many

of us.” Wren was getting a little pissed at Fallon, at
the situation.

Fallon turned to Raven. “Come with me.”
“Not a chance in hell,” Raven scoffed.
“I didn’t ask.” Fallon got up and walked

around the table, staring down at Raven.

“I’m still not going with you. Are we ready to

go?” Raven got up and walked out of the room
before anyone could even answer his question.

Wren stood and waited for Sebastian.
Wren watched as Sebastian stared at his brother

before murmuring, “Fall…”

“Don’t worry about it, little brother. I have him

on the run, and I like it. Go ahead and catch up
with him. I’ll be by to see you all in the morning
after I see Dad. We’ll talk about the situation.”
Fallon came over and hugged Sebastian. A
complete contrast from when they arrived. Maybe
it had all been a front. However, even though
Fallon and Sebastian were brothers, Wren still
wanted to beat the shit out of the guy for touching
his mate.

Fallon came over to Wren. “Take care of him

and yourself. Don’t be running into Atlanta until I
can come see you tomorrow. Tell Athena I think
we should plan a meeting as soon as possible.”

They walked outside and found, even in the

south, the air was bitter cold today. Wren grabbed

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Sebastian and held him close as they made their
way back to the SUV. After climbing in, Sebastian
started the vehicle and pulled out.

They were a good five miles down the road

before Raven piped up from the backseat. “Well,
wasn’t that interesting. I think I’m going to be
sleeping with a cross tonight. Thanks, Bastian.
Nothing like meeting your family and having
nightmares…for the rest of my life.”

Sebastian snorted. “He wasn’t that bad.”
“Really? Really! Because my favorite t-shirt is

nothing but a memory and the guy licked my
back. My raven to be specific. My poor raven feels
violated!” Raven got in between them. “How
come he didn’t lick you?” Raven glared at Wren.

Sebastian busted out laughing. “Raven, first of

all, Wren is mated, and second, I think Fallon has
a little crush on you.”

“You say that like we’re in the fifth grade.”

Raven began to murmur behind him, “Maybe I
better start sleeping with my weapons instead of
naked. Guy gives me the creeps.”

Wren rolled his eyes, then thought of what

Fallon had said, “You think it will work? Will
Hades help?”

Sebastian pursed his lips. “If it does, then we

just gained a huge victory. Mates will be safe, and
we can gain a foothold in this war once again. As
for Hades, he’s been like a father to me almost

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from the moment I went to live in the
Underworld. There are a lot of things I doubt in
this world—hell, I may even fear him at times—
but I know he loves me.”

“He’ll help.”
“He’s had a lot of reasons to jump into this war

and hasn’t seemed to be bothered with it even
though he’s been angry with the Keres for some
time for stealing what was his. But fuck with his
son or sons…yeah, Hades will help us out. I know
my dad, and vengeance will be coming down
hard. I feel it.” Sebastian veered onto the highway
and took off for their home.

Wren thought about it. Were they getting in the

bed with the devil himself? Then he looked over at
Sebastian. Hades took care of Sebastian before
Wren ever knew him. Loved him and cared for
him. The man wasn’t the devil, and he had a heart
and loved. Maybe they would finally find an edge
in this war, and it all happened because his mate
was loved. Reaching over, he grabbed Sebastian’s
hand and leaned closer, giving him a small kiss on
the cheek. It wasn’t much, but he would leave that
for when they got home.

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Chapter Five

s soon as they arrived home and got inside,
Wren grabbed him by the wrist and dragged

him upstairs. Wren moved so fast that Sebastian
had to work his legs overtime to keep up.

“Hey, you want to slow down there, big guy?

I’m having trouble keeping up here,” Sebastian
called out.

“You’re a demi-god. You should manage just

fine,” Wren called back, not missing a beat.

Damn it, he would have to bring that up.
“That doesn’t make me Speed Racer,” Sebastian


“I saw you in battle. You seemed fast enough to


“Can you at least tell me where you’re taking


“To my bedroom.”
“Hell, yeah!” Sebastian hooted.
“It’s not for that, so don’t get too excited.”


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“Buzzkill-ian. Here I thought the fun was really

going to get started.”

“Not until we clear up a few things between


Sebastian blinked as innocently as he could. “I

told you everything about me. I’m an open book.”

“Oh, I have a feeling there is a lot more that I

don’t know about you yet, and we’re not leaving
the bedroom until I find it all out.”

“And that’s supposed to be a threat?” Sebastian


Wren tugged on Sebastian and pulled him into

the bedroom. “I’m trying to be serious here and
you’re making jokes? What the hell are you
thinking about, Sebastian?”

Sebastian let out a sigh. Truth be told, he didn’t

know what was going on inside his head. He was
a mess of emotions. From seeing his birth father to
having to let the asshole take his favorite weapon.
Then there was the fact that everybody now knew
he was a demi-god, and that neither one of his
birth parents had wanted him. Then there had
been the weird way Fallon had acted toward
Raven. It all just left Sabastian confused, angry,
scared, and a little lost. Something he hadn’t felt in
a while.

Breaking free of Wren, Sebastian wrapped his

arms around his stomach, then said, “I honestly
don’t know what I’m thinking, Wren. A lot has

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happened over the past few days, and I’m an
emotional mess right now.”

Wren ran his hands through his hair and said,

“Okay, let’s start at the beginning and go from
there. You really are the son of a god?”

“Yeah, but you heard that for yourself. So that’s

nothing new.”

“Your birth mother. Was she really as bad as

they say she was?” Wren demanded.

Sebastian could feel a cold pit form in his

stomach. Even though he’d just been a small child
at the time, it still hadn’t been a proud moment in
his life. “She had her issues.”

“Such as?”
Sebastian turned away. “Do we really have to

talk about this?”

Wren walked around until they were facing

each other again. “Yes, we do. If for nothing else,
so you can have some closure.”

Sebastian hated to admit it, but Wren was right.

It was high time he discussed those dark years
with somebody. Nobody, save for Persephone,
knew how bad it had really been. Even then, it
had been because she had seen it through
disguising herself, not because Sebastian had told
anyone about it.

Sebastian took in a shuddering breath. “Are

you sure you want to hear this? It was pretty bad.”

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Wren cupped Sebastian’s face. “I want to know

everything about you, the good and the bad. You
mean that much to me.”

“Even though I’ve been nothing but trouble for

you since the moment you met me?”

Sebastian sucked in a breath as he waited for

Wren to answer him. By all rights, Wren should
hate him. Wren had said earlier that he’d given up
on having any kind of relationship with Sebastian.
Did he still mean it? Or had he changed his mind?

“I reacted too harshly yesterday, when I said I

didn’t want you anymore,” Wren said. “I was
frustrated and not thinking right. I have never
stopped wanting you. You have, and always will
have, my heart.”

Elation filled Sebastian. “I want you, too.”
“That’s great to hear. In fact, it’s the best four

words I’ve ever heard in my life, but I still want to
hear what your mother did to you that was so bad
that Persephone felt it necessary to come in and
take you away from her.”

Sebastian decided that it would be easier just to

get it all out in one rush. “She used to hit me a lot,
and sometimes she would forget to feed me.
Whenever she had parties and didn’t want me
there, she would lock me out, no matter what the
weather was. One day, when I was six, I was
hungry and scared, and Persephone came and
offered me some grapes…” Sebastian broke off

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and took in a shuddering sob. “She even had a
basket of warm bread. It was the best food I’ve
ever had in my life. She took me home with her,
and I never looked back.”

“And Hades was okay with her just showing

up with some little boy?”

Sebastian let out a small chuckle. “It was a bit of

an adjustment on his part at first, but eventually,
we grew to care for each other as father and son.”

“What about you and Fallon? You can’t tell me

there wasn’t any jealousy there?”

“Strangely enough, there wasn’t. He accepted

me as his brother the very first day. We’ve always
been tight.” Sebastian gave a fond smile as he
thought about his adopted brother.

“So what happened when you grew up? I

already know that you were in a bad relationship
and that he hurt you. Who was it?”

Sebastian shook his head. “I can’t tell you. He’s

too powerful. He’s almost as strong as Fallon. In
fact, he almost won in a fight against Fallon, and
Fall never loses in a brawl. If you were to go up
against my ex, he would destroy you.”

“You’re confidence in my abilities just

overwhelms me,” Wren said sarcastically.

“Damn it. I’m trying to be serious and save

your life here. If I tell you who he is, do you
promise not to go running out of here and try to
go after him?”

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Sebastian felt real fear for Wren’s safety. While

Wren might be a great warrior, Vio was the son of
the god of War. His very reason for being on earth
was to bring about violence, hence his name—Vio,
short for Violence. Vio lived to cause pain and
death, and he wouldn’t hesitate to unleash both on
Wren even though he was one of Athena’s Birds of
Prey. Nobody or nothing got in Vio’s way when
he was determined.

Wren gave a nod, but he didn’t look too happy

about it. “Fine, I’ll leave him alone…for now.”

“His name is Vio, and he’s a demi-god like me.

His father is Ares.”

Wren let out a low whistle. “You sure know

how to pick them, don’t you?”

“At the time, I was looking for somebody who

would love and protect me. Vio seemed capable of
that, and he seemed to genuinely care for me. We
dated a year before I moved in with him, and
during that time, he never showed any sign that
he could be abusive or anything like that.”

“You mean aside from his name and who his

father is?”

That last one cut Sebastian deep. “Look at my

father. Do you think I’m like him at all? My dad is
the god of passed out drunks and those idiots who
toss around beads at Mardi Gras.”

Wren let out a sigh. “Sorry about that. You’re

right. You act nothing like Dionysus. I should

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have never implied that you do. I’m just so upset
at the thought of somebody hurting you that I’m
not thinking straight.”

“Maybe I shouldn’t tell you what happened

after all. I can tell you later when you’re calmer.”

Wren grabbed Sebastian by the waist and

pulled him into an embrace. “No, I want to hear,
please. I promise to keep my calm, and I won’t do
anything rash.”

Sebastian so didn’t want to tell him, but he also

knew he had no choice. The time for disclosure
was here; there was to be no more secrets between
them. Not if Sebastian wanted to have a real
relationship with Wren.

“It started within weeks of us moving in

together. It started first with him just yelling at
me, but it was such hateful things. He would
throw it in my face how my father didn’t love me
or how my mom hated me so much. Then after a
while, it started to get physical. He began by just
shoving me around and stuff, but soon he was
using his fists on me. A few times, it got so bad…”
Sebastian shivered at the memories.

It was a good thing that demi-gods don’t scar;

otherwise, Sebastian would be covered in them.
He didn’t even want to think of the broken bones
he’d suffered or the times he’d seen his own blood
spilled on the ground. It happened so many times
that it had just become one big blur of memories.

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“How long were you with him?” Wren asked,

his voice shaking just a bit.

“Ten years.”
Wren looked confused. “Why didn’t you leave

sooner? You don’t strike me as the type who
would put up with that kind of abuse. Any more
than Hades would stand by and let you suffer
through that treatment.”

Sebastian let out a bitter laugh. “In a brief

minute of stupidity, I let Vio put a tattoo on me. It
was of his symbol, the dog. At the time, I thought
it was just a sign of how much I loved him. Little
did I know it would bind me to him, making it
impossible for me to leave him. So I was trapped
and forced to endure his punishments.”

“How did you manage to get away?” Wren


“Fallon finally managed to track me down. He

beat Vio within an inch of his life. It wasn’t easy,
either, since Vio is one tough mother-fucker. But
in the end, Fallon won, and he made Vio break the
bond. Then after we got back to the Underworld,
Fallon still branded the tattoo away for good
measure. It’s the only scar I carry from my time
with Vio.”

Wren swallowed several times, but he kept his

cool, which was a good sign.

Or at least Sebastian hoped it was. “Do you

want to see it? The scar, I mean?”

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When Wren nodded, Sabastian stepped back

then lifted his shirt just high enough to expose the
front of his hip. There lay a small mass of scar
tissue, left behind by the brand Fallon had pressed
to Sebastian’s hip.

Sebastian expected Wren to recoil in shock and

revulsion. Instead, he did the most amazing thing.
He dropped to his knees in front of Sebastian and
then leaned forward to kiss the old wound.

Sebastian took in a shuddering gasp as spirals

of pleasure shot through his body. A simple kiss,
on a place that carried so many bad memories no
less, shouldn’t feel so good. Yet, it did, so much so
that Sebastian’s knees nearly gave out from under
him and he had to grab onto Wren’s shoulders for

Dear Zeus! If this felt good, Sebastian could

only imagine how good it was going to feel when
they actually got around to some fucking.
Sebastian’s brain was probably going to explode
with pleasure.

Then just as soon as he’d started, Wren stood.

He gave Sebastian such a passionate kiss
Sebastian’s head spun. Especially when Wren slid
his tongue inside Sebastian’s mouth and Sebastian
got a real good taste of Wren.

Sebastian fisted his hands in Wren’s shirt and

encouraged him to continue. This time, he didn’t
want any interruption. He wanted them to go on

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forever. No, better yet, Sebastian wanted the kiss
to lead to better and more fun things.

But, alas, all too soon, Wren pulled away. He

was gasping for breath, and his face was flushed.
Sebastian got a heady thrill in knowing that he
wasn’t the only one affected by the kiss.

“When are you going to make love to me?”

Sebastian asked.

Wren caressed the side of Sebastian’s face.

“Soon, very soon. I’m just waiting for the right
time. Right now, we’re both so tired we’d
probably fall asleep halfway through the act.”

“Can I at least sleep with you tonight? I need to

be held by somebody, and I don’t want it to be by
anybody but you.” Sebastian hoped he wasn’t
pushing things too far.

Wren smiled, relieving Sebastian of all his fears.

“Of course you can. You never even have to ask
on that one. I love sleeping with you in my arms.
Go get into something for sleep and come right

Sebastian rushed to his room, then quickly

changed into some sweat pants and a loose t-shirt.
When he got back to the room and saw that Wren
had only a pair of sleep pants on, Sebastian nearly
swallowed his tongue.

It really should have been a sin for a man to

have such a body as Wren’s. He had perfectly
sculpted muscles, from his tight stomach to his to-

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die-for pecs. It was so unfair that Sebastian wasn’t
going to get a taste of them that night.

But he could be patient. He climbed into bed

and snuggled under the covers. Wren put an arm
around Sebastian’s waist. Never had Sebastian felt
so protected, so safe, so at peace…how could he
have believed that he and Wren were not meant to

As Sebastian drifted off to sleep, he realized, to

his horror, that Wren had come to mean a lot to
him. Sebastian also realized that if anything were
to happen to Wren, nothing would stop Sebastian
from unleashing all his powers as a demi-god to
seek revenge.

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Chapter Six

he following morning, Wren reached across
the bed, feeling the warm presence of

Sebastian. Gathering his mate, he brought him
closer since they had somehow separated during
the night. Soaking up his warmth, Wren thought
he could get used to waking up like this. For just
this one moment, he felt completely content for
the first time in his life.

That was until he felt someone watching them.

Grabbing the knife under his pillow, he sat up,
ready to cut the fucker, only to see Fallon lying
sideways on the end of the bed.

“What the fuck are you doing in here?” Wren

was breathing heavily. “You took five years off my

Fallon waved a hand, dismissing him. “You’re

immortal. Anyway, I told you I was coming by
this morning.”


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“Hi, Fall, come back in five minutes,” Sebastian

moaned before rolling over and covering his head
with a pillow.

“Yeah, when you said you were coming by, I

kind of expected you to use the front door, not
pop into our room.” Wren went to get up and
realized he was half-naked. Great.

Fallon smirked at his predicament. “Go ahead.

You haven’t got anything I haven’t seen before.”

Before Wren could reply, Sebastian was sitting

up, glaring at Fallon. “Close your eyes. No
peeking, dammit. Those are my goodies.”

Fallon sighed before rolling on his back and

covering his eyes with his hands. “Only for you,

Wren scrambled out of bed and found a

discarded shirt on the floor, then pulled it on. He
wasn’t taking any chances as he quickly switched
his pajama bottoms for jeans.

Sebastian tossed a different shirt in his

direction. “Put that on before he opens his eyes.
The one you have on now is way too tight.”

Wren turned and silently laughed. He kind of

liked that Sebastian didn’t want anyone to see
him. Made him feel owned, claimed, and cared
for. Pulling the shirt over his head, Wren sobered
at the thought. This was becoming much more
than a fate mating. He was really beginning to
care deeply for Sebastian.

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Turning, he looked straight into Sebastian’s

eyes. The morning sun was coming in through the
window, surrounding Sebastian and making him
so handsome that it was hard for his eyes to look
upon him.

Shit! What the hell was he doing? Staring down

at the ground, Wren had to wonder if he would
ever be worthy of the demi-god. He never knew
his parents, raised by Night much like the others
in his flock. He didn’t have gods in his family tree.
Yes, he was blessed by Athena, but with a wren.
Would he ever measure up?

Feeling a finger on his chin, Wren looked into

Sebastian’s eyes. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Wren shook his head and made a swift glance

over to Fallon. “Nothing.”

Concern filled Sebastian’s features. “Will you

tell me later?”

Did Wren want to discuss with Sebastian that

he didn’t feel he would ever measure up and be
worthy of his mate? Not really, but Sebastian had
told him all his secrets; the very least he could do
was the same in return. Wren nodded, already
feeling exposed.

Fallon got off the bed. “Go gather the rest of

your flock. I’ll go wake up Raven.” No waggle of
the eyebrows from Fallon. Wren saw only stalker
eyes in the guy. Maybe he would tail the god.

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Wren went to follow, and Sebastian grabbed his

arm. “Don’t. He won’t hurt him.”

“Do you see the way he is with Raven?” Wren

walked out into the hall to see Fallon disappear in
Raven’s room. How he knew where Raven’s room
was only creeped out Wren more.

Sebastian pulled him in the other direction,

toward the living room. Hawk was sitting with
Aaron with a bunch of boxes on the floor.
Christmas decorations? Now? At a time like this?

Wren sat down next to Hawk. “We need to

gather everyone. Fallon’s here to talk to us.”

“He’s here?” Hawk raised a brow.
“Yeah, he kind of…showed up in our room.”
“Hmmm.” Hawk got up. “I’ll go get Night and

David, Duncan’s behind you.”

Wren turned to see Duncan spread out sleeping

on his stomach on the couch. His face was flushed
even with his shirt off. Fevers were common when
you were coming up into your immortality. Where
his bird would appear on his back looked red and
angry. Wren approached; that didn’t look right.
Were those blisters?

Night came in, and Wren pointed to Duncan’s

back. “Have you seen this?”

Night came closer. “No, I haven’t.” Night

leaned down, skimming his hand over Duncan’s

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“Fuck off,” Duncan murmured before turning

his face to the back of the couch.

Night sighed. “Just a couple more weeks and

he’ll turn and be back to normal again. I’ll ask
Athena about his blisters. None of you had those,
just the redness and swelling.”

Raven came in with only jeans on, strides

angry, hand flexing. “I swear,” Raven growled.

Fallon came in, swatting Raven on the ass as he

walked by. Raven turned and took a swing at the
god, but Fallon caught his fist. “Play nice.”

“Says the man who crawled into my bed

without me knowing it.”

“I promise next time, not only will you know,

but you’ll invite me to your bed.”

Raven snorted.
Fallon faced the group. “Shall we get started?”
This guy was nuts. The way he shifted in topics

was making Wren’s head spin. Wren finally gave
up trying to understand Fallon and just sat on the
floor, waiting for whatever this guy was going to
throw at him.

Fallon began, “Sebastian, I went and talked to

Dad last night after you left. I informed him of the
situation that you are in and how serious this is. ”

Sebastian clasped his hands, sitting down next

to Wren on the floor. “I understand, Fall. What did
he have to say?”

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“Look, all of you are in trouble. You need help.

You’re not going to survive this war. At this rate,
you’ll all be dead in a month,” Fallon stated flatly,
and it was like he’d sucked the air out of the room.
No one said a word.

Fallon continued, “Father gave me something

that is a solution to your problems, but you’re
going to have to trust me.”

Raven snorted.
Fallon smirked at Raven. “You will someday,

my Raven.”

“Trust doesn’t come easy for us.” Night came

forward. “What are you proposing?”

Fallon held out his clasped hand and then

opened it. Several necklaces with a circular
pendant fell from his hand to dangle for everyone
to see. They looked ancient yet beautiful in their
own way.

“What are those?” Wren leaned forward, drawn

to them.

“Charon’s obols.” Fallon stood and began

handing everyone a necklace. Wren smoothed his
fingers over the coin.

“I don’t get it. The coin the dead use for safe

passage into the Underworld? Wren and Sebastian
told us you were going to try and retrieve them
but how does it work?” Night asked.

“Those have carried the dead on a safe journey

just as they will allow you a safe journey. They

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will cloak you in death. Blood Demons will never
be able to detect you because your soul will be
shielded from them.”

Aaron clasped the necklace to his chest. “You

mean we’ll be able to go out and not be in fear
anymore? Athena had the tattoos separating to
protect us.”

Aaron had been the first mate to come into their

world and had to face the loss of his freedom from
being hunted by the Blood Demons the longest.
Wren hated seeing the hopeful expression on him
because it meant how much he had lived in fear
before. Gods, this was a mess.

Night rubbed his jaw. “I think those are still

going to be needed. They allow us to get to you
quickly, and if they are with you and Blood
Demons are around, they’ll let you know before
you run into them. Consider them your first line of

Aaron nodded and leaned into Hawk.
“Dad gave you these,” Sebastian stated,

questioning Fallon.

Fallon nodded. “You may not be his blood, but

he loves you. He wants you safe. Make no
mistake, Dad is pissed. Those souls belong to him,
and those bitches are stealing from him. He’s in
talks with Athena right now on the matter. He’s
willing to offer the dead army as long as I lead
them to help you in this war.”

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Night stood, gripping the necklace. “Whoa

whoa, what the hell are you talking about? Don’t
you think the world might just get a bit suspicious
when an army goes marching through Atlanta?”

Fallon barked out a sick laugh. “And you don’t

think anyone’s suspicious now? How many
mortals have Blood Demons killed already? I
assure you, my army will be as undetectable as
you are.”

David shrugged. “Well, thank gods they film

Walking Dead here, or we’d all be screwed.”

Fallon chuckled again. “You think I’m bringing

up walking corpses? I assure you, they look no
different than you or I.”

“Will they be able to fight the Blood Demons? I

mean…” Aaron stammered. “The Blood Demons
are so strong.”

“My dead army is the best of the fallen soldiers

from history. Great warriors of battle, supreme
gladiators, and they know of the happiness they
have had in the paradise of Elysium. They are as
angered as Hades and I that these souls have been
stolen and tortured. They want their brethren
home with them.” Fallon walked over to the
fireplace and sat next to Raven before handing
him the last Obol.

Hawk crossed his arms. “You understand we

need to talk to Athena about all this. I’m not even
sure why you’re telling us all this now.”

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For a moment, Fallon lost all his darkness.

Wren furrowed his brow at seeing a true emotion
come from the god. “To give you hope. To let you
know that backup is coming because it will be.
Athena will agree. She’s intelligent and knows her
back is to the wall right now. It would be foolish
of her not to align herself with Hades, and Athena
is the goddess of intelligence. She can see things
even before other gods. She probably saw all this,
too.” Fallon smirked.

“Thank you,” David whispered on the couch

next to Night.

Fallon looked surprised, then nodded with a

soft smile. Wren had to admit, the god looked
handsome when he put the shields down.

Sebastian was the first to put the necklace

around his neck. Wren wasn’t sure what to expect.
Nothing was happening. Sebastian frowned. “Is it
working? Nothing’s happening.”

“It’s working. Want to try it out?” Fallon got


Wren stood. “I’ll go with him.”
Night came to stand beside him. “I’ll go as well.

I think it’s best if Aaron and David sat this one out
until we know for sure that the coins work.”

“The rest of you should stay back, just in case

there is an attack on the house while we’re gone.”
Hawk began checking his weapons, and Wren ran
to get his from his room. He didn’t want to go

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unprepared, just in case it turned out to be a

Sebastian ran in behind him and grabbed his


“Your weapon of choice—it makes sense now.”

Wren pointed to the scythe.

“Fallon and Hades trained me well.”
Wren walked up to him and cupped Sebastian’s

cheek, whispering, “I’m glad they got you out and
cared for you.”

Sebastian shrugged but grasped his hand.

“Yeah…me, too.”

“We better go,” Wren murmured.
“Uh hmm,” Sebastian was getting closer,

staring at his lips.

Wren closed the distance, lips connecting in a

hungry kiss. The more Wren got to know
Sebastian, the more he was falling for him. Fear
coursed through him that Sebastian was going out
with them. All the other mates would be safe but
his. Wren just wanted to protect Sebastian from
any harm. He didn’t want to lose him.

Deepening the kiss, he moaned at the taste of

Sebastian. He craved this man and couldn’t wait
until they got back so he could discover more
about his mate.

Sebastian returned the kiss and began pushing

him toward the bed. If they didn’t get this under
control, Fallon was going to bust in on them again,

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and Wren wanted to save this moment for later.
Like when a whole group of people weren’t
waiting for them to come back out so they could
all leave.

Pulling back, Wren leaned his forehead against

Sebastian’s. “We have to go.”

Sebastian climbed up and wrapped his legs

around them. “They can wait.” Sebastian began
kissing him again, and Wren felt his back hit the
wall. Oh, hell.

Wren forgot everything as his cock thickened

and he began grinding his dick against Sebastian.
Tongues dueled, and the kiss became desperate.
Sebastian began riding him in his arms, and fuck,
Wren thought he might just come in his jeans.

“It’s time to go, boys,” Fallon said, just a few

feet away.

“Don’t you know how to knock, sheesh.”

Sebastian jumped out his arms, holding his chest.
No doubt his heart was pounding like Wren’s.

“We’re waiting out there. I don’t have all day. I

have shit to do.” Fallon opened up the door and
walked out.

“Give us a minute,” Sebastian called.
“For making us wait, you can walk the hard-on

walk of shame. Adjust and let’s go,” Fallon yelled.

Wren blushed for the first time in a century. It

was going to take some time to get used to Fallon.

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Hell, who was he kidding, he might never get
used to the god.

They walked out hand in hand only to find

Fallon kneeling next to Duncan. He was
whispering soft words to Duncan, and Duncan
was nodding back. Wren couldn’t make out the
conversation. Fallon rubbed Duncan’s sweaty hair
out of his face before he stood. “Those that are
staying behind need to go and get cloths and put
them in the freezer until they get cold enough,
then use cold cloths on his back. I have a salve in
the Underworld that will help him, and I’ll bring it
back to you. That’s about the only ointment that
will help him.”

Night went over next to Duncan, reaching but

not touching his back. “You know why he’s
blistering like this?”

“I do.” Fallon didn’t elaborate.
“Care to share?” Night glared at Fallon.
“No.” Fallon turned and opened up the front

door. “Let’s go. Raven, you’re coming, too.”

“I don’t think so.” Raven stood at the


“You’re coming, or I call the whole thing off.

Now, are you coming?” Fallon zeroed in on
Raven, staring hard at him. Wren wasn’t sure
what the hell was going on with Fallon and his
obsession with Raven, but he knew that he was
going to have to discuss it with Night.

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Could they be mates? It didn’t seem likely.

Fallon was a full god and wouldn’t he have
mentioned a tattoo to them? Or Raven, would he
have been able to so vehemently resist his mate?
Wren knew when fate had him meet Sebastian, it
was everything he could do to keep his hands off

Raven growled, “Blackmail?”
Fallon smirked. “Persuasion.”
Raven angrily walked out the front door. Wren

thought he would actually see steam come off
Raven, but if he wasn’t mistaken, there was a
definite bulge in the front of Raven’s pants. Did he
like the challenge?

Wren followed the rest out the front. Night

went to get into an SUV, and Fallon stopped him.
“We’re not going that way. Grab a hold of me.”

“Aww shit, Fallon. You know how this makes

me sick.” Sebastian grabbed Fallon’s arm before
grabbing Wren’s hand and placing it on Fallon’s
shoulder. The rest followed, all looking at each
other uneasily.

One moment, they were standing in front of

their home, and the next, they were on the side of
some building in downtown Atlanta. Wren didn’t
even have a second to adjust before he was
bending over puking his guts.

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Chapter Seven

ebastian took several deep breaths so he
wouldn’t vomit like Wren was doing. Damn,

but he hated when Fallon took him on his special
rides. They never failed to leave him nauseated
and wobbling around like a drunken circus clown.

Raven took a couple of steps back, then

dropped onto his butt. Fallon, of course, was more
than eager to help the fallen warrior back to his
feet. He grabbed ahold of Raven’s hands and
tugged him up.

“Thank you, but you can let go of me now,”

Raven said in a tight voice.

“I was just making sure you had your balance

first,” Fallon said with an innocence he’d never
had and never would possess.

Sebastian rolled his eyes and instantly regretted

it when the motion sent him on his ass. Shit, but
he hated the after effects of popping in and out of
places. It was one of the good things about only
being a demi-god instead of a full one, like Fallon.


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And to think that Sebastian used to be a tad
jealous of Fallon when they were younger.

After a few moments, when they all gathered

their bearings and stood, Sebastian asked, “Okay,
so what do we do now?”

“We need to find some Blood Demons and see

if we can walk by them undetected,” Wren said.

“That shouldn’t be so hard. This place is

reeking of them.” Raven wrinkled his nose.

Sebastian had to agree. With as many guys who

were wearing all black, had grayish complexions
and soulless eyes, it looked like the entire town
was swarming.

“Okay, does everybody have their necklaces

on?” Night asked, adjusting his own obol on his

Sebastian knew he had his on, but he still put

his hand around his neck to make sure. After all,
one couldn’t be too careful when fighting Blood
Demons. Then making sure that his large trench
coat was hiding his weapons from view of all the
humans, he nodded to the others he was ready to

They walked out from the side of the building

and into the clearing that led to the main area of
the campus. A group of Blood Demons were
walking right in their direction. Each step closer,
Sebastian’s breath quickened. Another step, his
heart beat faster. Another step and Sebastian

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swore he could hear the bead of sweat that fell
from the tip of his nose.

Then before Sebastian knew it, they were side-

by-side with the Blood Demons. Sebastian tensed,
waiting for them to attack or at least give some
indication that they knew the Birds of Prey and
Sebastian were there. But the Blood Demons
didn’t even give them a second glance.

Sebastian held in a breath. While he trusted

Fallon, a part of him still couldn’t believe that the
coins had worked. It just seemed too good to be
true. They could actually have some freedom in
life and not be hunted all the time. Sebastian
couldn’t wait to get back to the others and tell
them. Aaron and David were going to be so

“I knew Fallon wouldn’t let us down,”

Sebastian bragged.

“Say what you want, but I saw the fear in your

eyes when those Blood Demons were coming,”
Raven snarked.

“Can’t you smack him around a little bit for me

or something?” Sebastian asked Wren.

Wren rubbed his hand up and down

Sebastian’s back. “Not while we’re on a mission.
Maybe later on when we get back home and there
are no witnesses.”

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Fallon let out a small growling noise. “Nobody

better lay a hand on him or they will know my

The warriors all looked shocked, but Sebastian

just laughed. “Ease up with the drama, Fall, I was
just kidding. I wouldn’t do any harm to Raven. I
know he’s hands-off.”

“I don’t belong to him, so stop acting like I do,”

Raven snarled between gritted teeth.

“You may think so now, but you’ll find out the

truth soon enough,” Fallon said as calmly as ever.

Sebastian had to bite back his laughter at the

look Raven gave Fallon. Murderous would have
been an understatement. It was beginning to
become a great source of entertainment watching
the two of them tangle. Sebastian couldn’t wait to
see who won out on this one, but his money was
on Fallon. Once Fallon got something in his head,
he never stopped until he got it. This time was not
going to be any different.

“Let’s see if it stands up to the real test, and it’s

not just Fallon’s presence that’s masking us from
the Blood Demons,” Raven challenged.

“What do you propose we do?” Fallon said.
“I just saw a small group of Blood Demons go

between those buildings over there. Let’s follow
them, take off the coins and see if they still can’t
notice us. If so, then we’ll know that it’s you who
is hiding us,” Raven shot back.

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Wren shook his head. “No way. I won’t put

Sebastian in danger that way.”

Fallon laughed. “You forget. Sebastian is a

demi-god. He could beat any one of you in a fight
if he had a mind to. Now that he has his weapons,
he can take on any Blood Demon that comes his
way. It’ll be child’s play to him.”

Sebastian didn’t want to brag, but Fallon was

right. Now that Sebastian was ready and knew
what he was up against, he would be able to take
down any Blood Demon he tangled with. He
wasn’t going to be caught off guard again like he
had been before. Sebastian vowed to himself that
never again would he be on the receiving end of a
Blood Demon’s claws.

“I’ll be fine, Wren,” Sebastian reassured his

mate. “I can take them. I would tell you otherwise.
I don’t have a death wish.”

Wren rubbed one of his hands over his face.

“Fine, but I want you to stick to my side like glue.
You hear me?”

“I promise. I’ll be attached to you like a tumor.”
“Now that was a gross analogy,” Raven said.
They all ignored him and began to walk to the

grove of trees that the group of Blood Demons had
disappeared into. It only took them a few minutes
to locate the freaks. They were all standing in a
small circle, talking and smoking cigarettes. Which

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just shocked the hell out of Sebastian. He didn’t
know that Blood Demons could pick up that habit.

“Okay, on my count, everybody start to take

them off,” Night said. “One…two…three.”

Sebastian whipped off his necklace and put it in

his pocket. The Blood Demons’ reaction was
nearly instantaneously, they all turned their heads
around and looked over at the warriors, Sebastian,
and Fallon.

“So do you think they can see us?” Wren asked.
When all the Blood Demons let out a collective

hiss, then started to advance, Sebastian said, “I
would take that as a definite yes.”

Sebastian shed his coat so he could have access

to his weapons, then pulled out his scythe. The
warriors all got into formation, forming a circle,
their backs to each other, and waited for the Blood
Demons to attack.

They didn’t have to wait long. The first one

lunged at Sebastian. He swung his scythe around,
taking the thing’s arm off in one neat slice. The
Blood Demon screamed in pain but continued to

Around him, Sebastian could hear the others

engaged in their own battles. He didn’t dare look
up to see how they were faring, though, not while
he needed to focus on his own fight.

The now one-armed demon lunged at Sebastian

again. Sebastian had to give it to the demon, he

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had balls and was tenacious, that was for sure.
Too bad for the demon Sebastian was highly
skilled at what he did and he wasn’t about to give
up until the demon was dead.

With a warrior cry that would have made

Hades himself proud, Sebastian swung the scythe
around, decapitating the Blood Demon. He had to
use all his strength, too, since it wasn’t an easy job
to take a person’s head off. It was only simple in
movies and books. But since Sebastian was a
demi-god, he managed to do the job.

Sebastian glanced up in time to see Wren

mouth the word wow, before another Blood
Demon was attacking Sebastian.

Sebastian let out a huff of irritation. Raven so

owed them for getting them into this mess. He
could have just believed that the coins worked,
but noooooo…he had to be hardheaded and push
things. All to spite Fallon, and now they were all
in trouble because of it. Sebastian didn’t know
how, but he would find a way to get Raven back
for this. Even if it took a hundred years for him to
do so.

The Blood Demon let out a manic-sounding

laugh, showing off its gross-ass teeth before it
swiped its arm at Sebastian. Sebastian moved out
of the way, just in time to avoid being eviscerated
by the creature’s wicked, sharp claws. It was so
close that Sebastian was surprised that there

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weren’t rips in his shirt. Which would have really
pissed him off, because it was one of his favorites.

Sebastian struck back, swinging out with his

scythe. The demon easily rolled to the side,
avoiding the blade. Well, well, well, this one was
actually going to be a challenge, unlike the others.
Instead of being afraid by that thought, it sent a
heady thrill through Sebastian. It had been so long
since he’d been in a good fight with a worthy
adversary. This might actually be a little fun.

With a laugh of his own, Sebastian lunged

forward once more with his weapon. He managed
to get the Blood Demon, but just barely. All that it
got was a mere scratch that hardly drew any

Letting out a hiss of displeasure, Sebastian

struck again, but the demon dodged to the left.
Although, this time Sebastian had been
anticipating the move, and he got in a good piece
of the demon. The Blood Demon let out a screech
as the scythe dug deep into its arm.

“Hurts, doesn’t it?” Sebastian asked as he

pulled his weapon free.

He readied it for another blow, but the demon

moved with superhuman speed and attacked,
once again going for Sebastian’s chest. Sebastian
had to dive to the side and roll on the ground to
save himself from losing his heart to the mighty

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claws. He could hear the demon’s laughter over

Okay, now Sebastian was really, really pissed.

This thing was getting downright cocky, and it
was all on Sebastian’s account. It was time for it to

Sebastian jumped to his feet and ran at the

beast. Letting out a roar, Sebastian raised his
scythe in the air and brought it down hard, right
into the center of the Blood Demon’s head.

The Blood Demon gave a confused look at first,

as if it didn’t know what had just happened. Then
it slowly crumpled to the ground, taking Sebastian
down with it. Once on the ground, Sebastian gave
the Blood Demon a couple of extra strikes, just to
make sure it was truly dead before he turned
away from it.

“I think it’s pretty damn dead,” Raven drawled

from behind him.

Sebastian spun around and saw that all the

Blood Demons were dead. One moment, they
were there, and then they disintegrated into black
sand. Next, he quickly assessed Wren for damage.
Aside from some bruising on his arms and jaw, he
otherwise looked to be okay. Sebastian let out a
sigh of relief. They had both made it out alive; that
was all that mattered. A few bumps and scrapes
they could deal with.

“So do you believe me now?” Fallon asked.

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Sebastian noted that his brother didn’t even

appear winded from the fight. Hell, he didn’t even
have a hair out of place. But then again Fallon was
so tough that he could take on a whole horde of
Blood Demons and walk away unscathed. The

Raven held up a hand. “Okay, I believe you, the

coins work. You won’t see me going anywhere
without mine on anymore.”

“Just so you know, the necklaces only make

you undetectable to Blood Demons. I can still see
you whenever I want to,” Fallon informed Raven.

“Yeah, because that’s not creepy,” Night


For once, Sebastian had to agree. Whatever

fixation Fallon had on Raven was beginning to
cross the line. Sebastian would have tried talking
to Fallon about it, but he had a sinking feeling that
it would fall on deaf ears. For some reason, Fallon
was obsessed with Raven, and Sebastian didn’t
think anything was going to change that. He
wasn’t Raven’s mate. He didn’t have the olive tree
tattoo. Sebastian was certain of it.

Raven grimaced. “Whatever. Just take us back

so we can report to the others that the coins

“Yeah,” Sebastian agreed. “David and Aaron

are going to be so happy. They’ll finally be able to

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take a walk without having to worry about being

After collecting their things, they all got in a

circle and held hands. Sebastian took a deep
breath and readied himself. Even then, it still felt
like a tornado of chaos as they were whipped
through time and space before landing back in the
living room at their home.

Sebastian held onto the wall to steady himself

while Raven and Wren collapsed on the nearby
couches. While neither of them vomited, they did
look a bit green in their faces. Night, on the other
hand, appeared totally unaffected. He just went to
the fridge and got a beer, opened it, then took a
deep drink.

“That was not fun,” Sebastian said.
“No, it wasn’t,” Night agreed. “But at least we

know the coins work.”

“They do?” David asked, from the kitchen

table, his eyes going as wide as saucers.

Sebastian nodded to his friend. “They sure do.

When we had them on, the Blood Demons didn’t
notice us at all.”

“Then why does it look like you guys just had a

battle?” Aaron demanded.

“Because somebody—” Night nodded in

Raven’s direction— “wanted to test out the coins
to make sure that they were really working.”

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Aaron moaned. “Raven, you can really be too

impulsive sometimes.”

“I just wanted to make sure that those things

actually worked.”

Aaron rolled his eyes. “Your curiosity is going

to get the better of you one day.”

“How is Duncan doing?” Night asked.
“He’s still sleeping, but his fever is down

some,” David said. “He’s talking more, although
it’s mostly fuck you, get away from me.

Night put a hand on David’s shoulder. “Like I

said, don’t take it personally. He’s going to be
cranky as hell until his transformation takes place.
Count yourself lucky that’s all he said to you.
Yesterday, he told me to take the ice packs and
shove them up my ass.”

“Ouch!” Aaron said. “And you two are so close,


“Yeah, but we really need to go on patrol

tonight. Wren, since you’re the most banged up,
we’ll leave you in charge of Duncan’s care while
the rest of us warriors go on patrol. The rest of
you, just try your best to stay out of the way and
out of trouble.”

“What about me?” Sebastian asked. “I can go

on patrol, too.”

“I think it’s better if you stayed back. I know

you’re a demi-god and everything, but Wren
wouldn’t want you to go out without him.”

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Sebastian felt a red, hot rage fill him. Why did

he need a chaperone when he went out? He was
every bit as good a fighter as any of the warriors
there. In fact, he had just shown in the battle that
he could kick some serious ass. Plus, the Birds of
Prey were so outnumbered they should count
themselves lucky for any extra help they could
get, not turning it away.

“Fine,” Sebastian said tightly. “I’ll stay here and

be a good little mate.”

But he might as well have been talking to air

because all the warriors had turned away and
dismissed him. They had actually dismissed him!
Like he was of no matter. How dare they?
Sebastian wasn’t a diva by any means, but he
didn’t like being treated like an afterthought,

Then as all the warriors left, an idea formed in

Sebastian’s mind. It was so devious and evil that
he knew he would have hell to pay for it
afterward, but he didn’t give a damn. Just so long
as he taught those jerks a lesson.

Once it was just he, Aaron, and David in the

room, Sebastian held up a pair of keys that he had
stolen from one of Wren’s pockets. Being raised by
Hades did have some advantages.

“What are those?” David asked.
“The keys to Wren’s SUV,” Sebastian answered.

“How about the three of us go and get a Christmas

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tree. This place could really use one. We could
also do a bit of shopping for the guys while we’re

They stole out of the house, all the while

Sebastian hoped that Wren would be too busy
with Duncan to hear them leaving. Until they
made it to the garage, started up the vehicle, and
were on the road, Sebastian was a mess. His hands
were shaking, and a cold sweat had broken out all
over his body.

Then he realized that they had done it. They

had managed to sneak out and nobody had been
the wiser. Letting out a whoop of happiness, he
used one hand to dig into his pocket to pull his
necklace out and put it around his neck.

“Where should we head to first?” he asked the


It had been so long since he’d been behind the

wheel of a vehicle without fear of being chased
that it was all he could do not to speed and do a
doughnut or two, just for the hell of it. But since
he wanted to bring Wren’s SUV back in one piece,
he refrained. After all, they were probably going
to be in enough trouble as it was. No sense in
adding more sins onto their list.

“Let’s get the shopping out of the way first.

That’s going to take the longest, and then we
won’t have to drive around a million places with a

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tree strapped to the top of the SUV,” Sebastian

“Sounds good to me,” Aaron said. “Let’s go to

the mall. It’s been forever since I’ve been able to
go there. There is so much I want to get Hawk. I
don’t know where I even want to start.”

“Me, too!” David chimed in. “I’m going to buy

Night some clothes that aren’t black. He needs
some color in his life, desperately.”

Sebastian silently agreed. Too bad Raven didn’t

have a mate. Maybe then they could buy him
something other than leather. Sebastian bet the
guy even wore leather underwear and socks.

They arrived at the mall and spent the better

part of three hours shopping. Since Sebastian
hadn’t been spending the allowance Hades sent
him every month, he had plenty to blow on gifts
for Wren. He might have gone a little overboard,
but it was their first holiday together, and
Sebastian wanted to make it very special.

Just as they were about to leave, Sebastian saw

a small, glass wren figurine. It was so beautiful
Sebastian knew he had no choice but to buy it for
Wren. After having the clerk wrap it up, Sebastian
carefully added it to his numerous packages.

They headed out to the SUV and loaded it up

with all of their purchases. It wasn’t easy, either,
since Sebastian hadn’t been the only one who had
gone overboard. By the time they were finished

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putting in their packages, there was hardly any
room left for the three of them.

They were in great spirits as they headed

toward the local tree farm.

David’s head whipped toward the window. “I

swore I saw…” he half-chuckled. “Never mind, I
am so paranoid. Just a bird.”

There had been some Blood Demons at the

mall, but they had just passed by Sebastian and
the others without noticing them. So the three of
them were celebrating their first taste of real
freedom. Plus shopping had always made
Sebastian happy.

As soon as they pulled into the tree lot,

Sebastian’s happiness took a quick nosedive.
Three birds, an owl, a hawk and a wren, landed on
the hood. It was only a sparse moment before
Hawk and Night were standing there along with
Wren, and he did not look happy at all. He had his
arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face
that was so fierce it was a wonder it didn’t set fire
to the trees around him. Night had his ear to the
phone, no doubt calling Raven to come with
another vehicle so they could all get back home.

“We are so busted,” David said. “Should we

make a run for it?”

“No, we may as well go out and face the

music,” Aaron replied.

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“Yeah, Aaron’s right. Let’s get this over with

now,” Sebastian agreed.

They all got out of the SUV and went over to

the warriors. Sebastian went up to Wren and said,
“I can explain.”

“Really? I would love to hear you explain away

stealing my keys, taking my ride, then going away
from the house unsupervised.”

Sebastian’s blood ran cold. “I didn’t realize I

needed a chaperone. In case you missed it, I’m
quite capable of taking care of myself.”

“And what if a whole horde of Blood Demons

attacked you?” Wren seethed. “You not only put
your life in danger but also David’s and Aaron’s.”

“We have the coins on. Plus our familiars that

Athena gave us would have come and sought you
out.” Wren’s wren landed on his shoulder, and
Sebastian glared at him. “Yes, you did your job.
Now tell him to calm the hell down.”

Sebastian turned back to Wren. “I could have

held them off until you guys came to help us.
When are you going to stop treating me like spun
glass and realize that I’m not a normal person?
Sure, I may be small and thin, but I’m just as
strong as you,” Sebastian all but yelled. “You’ve
seen me in battle, too, so you know I can fight just
as well as you or any of the other warriors. Yet
you continue to leave me behind when you go out
on patrol and protect me like I’m some weakling. I

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hate to break it to you, bud, but you’re the ones
who are shorthanded, so you need me out there,
helping you.”

Wren hung his head. “You’re right. I’ve always

known that from the first time I’ve seen you in
battle. It’s just hard for me to let you go out there
and face those Blood Demons. I love you so much,
I’m afraid of losing you.”

Sebastian sucked in a breath. “I love you, too,

but you can’t protect me from the world. I know
more than anybody how dangerous it can be.
Running away and hiding will only delay the
inevitable. Eventually, I will face danger. I would
rather it be on my own terms, than theirs. That
way I have the upper hand.”

Wren reached out and pulled Sebastian into a

tight embrace. “There’s no way I can change your
mind about this, is there?”

“I’m sorry, but no. Hades taught me never to

cower, so I’m not about to start now.”

Wren let out a deep sigh. “Just promise me

you’ll be careful.”

“Only if you promise me the same thing.”
“Always. Now, let’s go pick out a tree.”

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Chapter Eight

y the time they got home from getting the
tree, Wren was almost too beat to do

anything but fall face-first in his bed. He had been
tense all day, walking by Blood Demons without
being seen.

Walking into the house, Duncan was nowhere

to be seen, no longer on the couch. David and
Night came in behind them, holding the tree.
Raven followed them in, holding the tree stand.
Wow, this was really going to be their first tree.

“Let’s head to bed. We can take care of

everything in the morning.” Sebastian grabbed his
hand and led them to their room. Yeah, it was
their room now. Wren was going to make sure
Sebastian never slept away from him ever again.
The night before had been too wonderful, and he
wanted to wake up beside his mate forever.

They made it to their room and closed the door,

and Wren leaned against it, almost too tired to
stand. Sebastian came up and pulled him to the


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bed. “We are in no shape to do anything but hold
each other. Strip, I want to check out your

Wren moaned as he removed his shirt. He

might be immortal, but when he engaged in a
fight and took the hits he did that night, he felt it
for the next couple of days.

“Did you have fun today?” Sebastian


“What? The fighting?” Wren flopped onto the

bed. He wasn’t going to last two seconds.

Sebastian chuckled. “No, I meant going to get

the tree. Finding a sliver of hope that us mates will
be able to go to the grocery store and not worry
about getting ambushed by the Blood Demons.”

Wren removed his shirt while Sebastian

removed his pants. “C’mere,” he beckoned
Sebastian. Sebastian crawled into bed and sighed
when he laid his head on Wren’s chest. Wren
brushed a stray hair out of Sebastian’s face. “Of
course, I’m happy about both. I want you safe.”

“I want you safe, too” Sebastian mumbled.
They didn’t get much time to continue the

conversation. Sebastian’s breathing evened out,
and the sound lulled Wren into blessed sleep.

The next morning, Wren moaned as he started

to wake. Dear gods, he did not want to wake up.
He was having the most amazing dream of
Sebastian. Sebastian’s hot wet mouth was on his

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cock, and Wren groaned again when that tongue
began to lick the underside.

The more pleasure that came to Wren, the more

alert he became and the more he woke. Wake up!
You’re missing this?
Eyes fluttering open, Wren
glanced down blurrily to see Sebastian staring up
at him with his cock in his mouth. Sabastian was
nude, showing that he had stripped since getting
waking up.

“Fuck, what a way to wake up,” Wren hissed as

Sebastian took him all the way to the root.

Hands massaged his balls, and he was so close

to shooting. With the last of his will, Wren rasped,

Sebastian pulled off his cock with a pop and

looked at him in confusion. “What’s wrong?”

Wren got up on his knees, and his cock was

slick, hard and aching between his thighs as he
stalked Sebastian. “I want you.” Wren growled.

Sebastian smirked, straightening up on his

knees. Wren’s mouth watered at the sight.
Sebastian obviously enjoyed what he was doing to
Wren. His cock hung thick between his thighs.

“Lay down,” Wren whispered.
Wren crawled, his gaze stalking Sebastian as he

slowly laid down in the middle of the bed.
Sebastian closed his eyes before he stretched out
and grabbed his own cock, giving himself a slow
leisurely stroke.

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“Do you have any supplies?” Sebastian hissed

as he cupped his balls.

Dear gods, Wren was going to come just from

the sight itself. He’d never done that before, but
there was a first time for everything. Drawing his
eyes away, he went to his nightstand where a
bottle of lube was stored. Searching, his fingers
finally closed around the bottle. Upon coming
back, he saw that Sebastian was circling his
entrance with a wet finger while continuing to
stroke himself, in the throes of pleasuring himself.
Wren had never seen anything so beautiful in his

Spreading Sebastian’s legs, he inserted himself

in the middle, front and center, to watch his mate.
Hands shaking, Wren uncapped the bottle and
poured a generous amount on his fingers. Damn,
he wished he could stop shaking. Why his nerves
were kicking up now was pissing him off, but he
knew. This was his mate, his lover and the man he
would spend forever with.

Drawing in a breath to calm himself, Wren took

Sebastian’s hands from his entrance and replaced
them with his fingers. Sebastian moaned, and
Wren slowly began to sink in a finger, watching
for any sign of discomfort.

“Let me know if you need me to slow down.”

Wren’s voice came out strained.

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Sebastian opened his cerulean eyes before

ordering, “More!”

No doubt the entire house heard that. Wren

was discovering that Sebastian wasn’t a quiet
lover, and that made him want to scream in
pleasure all the more.

Wren worked in a second finger, scissoring

them, loosening up Sebastian.

“I’m ready.” Sebastian reached for him.
“You’re not,” Wren murmured as he worked

three fingers in.

“It’ll only hurt for a second. I’ll be good in no


“I want this good the whole time. Patience.”

Wren felt the bead of sweat gather at his temple.
He was trying with all his might to not just take
Sebastian and pound him into the mattress, yet his
mate continued to taunt him.

“I’m going to come.” Sebastian panted.
That got Wren’s attention. He removed his

fingers before grabbing the lube and pouring some
on his cock. Lining up at Sebastian hole, he slowly
slid home. Fuck, the heat, the tightness. Huffing
out a puff of air, Wren tried to think of anything to
keep himself from coming.

With a shuddering breath, Wren pulled out

slowly, gauging Sebastian expression before
sliding back in. Moaning, he could barely keep
himself restrained.

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“Fuck, this feels good,” Sebastian jerkedhis

head back, moaning.

“I…” Wren couldn’t even talk, and he began

really working his hips, putting power behind
each thrust. Already he could feel his balls
drawing up tight. Just a little longer.

He leaned down, taking Sebastian mouth in a

hungry kiss. This wasn’t gentle, this was an all-out
mouth fuck. The two of them had lost complete
control as tongues dueled. Every moan and
whimper was captured by the other. Sebastian
gripped his hair, holding him as he groaned in
pleasure, then pulling their lips apart.

“Come!” Sebastian ordered.
“Not until you,” Wren huffed.
Sebastian clamped down on his cock, the tight

heat causing him to roar out his release. Jets of
cum filled up Sebastian, and still, Wren couldn’t
seem to slow down until he was completely
wrung out.

Before Wren could do anything, he was

bonelessly rolled over. His legs flopped open, and
Sebastian gathered him between his legs.
Sebastian’s cock was still thick and hard.

Wren was about to apologize when Sebastian

leaned down, whispering in his ear, “Please…”
Wren heard Sebastian swallow before he
continued, “Let me have you?”

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The desperate plea that came out of Sebastian

nearly broke him. Wren had never been taken in
his life, but this was his mate. Looking up at
Sebastian, he saw clearly in Sebastian’s eyes that
he wanted to put a claim on Wren just as much as
Wren had done a moment ago.

Reaching up, Wren brushed a sweaty stray hair

out of Sebastian’s face. “You know you already
have me. Right?”

Sebastian glanced away before he nodded. “We

don’t have to,” Sebastian trailed off.

Wren searched with his hand, finding the bottle

of lube before he held it up to Sebastian. “I want
you to,” Wren whispered.

Sebastian took it with trembling fingers. “Are

you sure?” His voice was soft, uncertain.

“I love you, Sebastian. Claim me and make me

yours just as I have done with you."

Sebastian nodded before uncapping the bottle.

Wren watched as he poured so much lube on his
fingers some fell onto the bed below.

Sebastian muttered, “Shit,” before Wren felt a

finger at his entrance.

Wren felt a small finger loosening the muscle

before breaching him. The sensation was a slow
burn, and as Sebastian slowly worked his way in
and out, the pain lessened and a fresh heat began
to come over him.

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“Are you okay?” Sebastian looked at him in


Wren nodded. “I’m fine. Add another.”
Sebastian worked a second finger and then a

third finger. By the time Sebastian found his
gland, Wren was aching and hard again.

Sebastian removed his fingers, and Wren

wanted to protest, but then Sebastian was back,
cock lubed and working it into Wren.

Wren hissed at the burn and pleasure mixed

into one.

Sebastian leaned forward, placing a soft kiss on

his lips. “Wren, thank you,” Sebastian said against
his lips.

“You’re my mate, and I love you, Sebastian. If

you need something from me, you have it.” Wren
cupped his face and drew him in for a slow,
savoring kiss.

Sebastian took his time. Their lovemaking was

slow, but each time Sebastian filled him up, the
more he felt owned by his mate.

“Equals.” Wren moaned.
Sebastian glanced down, smiling, eyes glazed in

passion. “Equals, Wren. We walk side-by-side.”

Wren brought Sebastian down for another kiss.

Both of their souls healing. Wren would never feel
inferior in the eyes of Sebastian. He knew with all
his heart that Sebastian would always be by his
side. For Sebastian, he would never spend a day

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feeling inferior to the gods. They no longer
mattered as far as Wren was concerned. Wren
would show him more love and let his mate know
daily just how special he was.

Sebastian’s thrusts became erratic. His

breathing became uneven. “I’m close,” he
whispered, reaching down, grabbing Wren’s cock.

A few strokes from Sebastian’s hand and he

was having a slow lingering climax. Sebastian’s
eyes widened as Wren painted his chest. Sebastian
closed his eyes as a keening cry fell from his lips.
Wren felt the warm jets filling him up, and then he
twisted around and had his arms full of Sebastian
as his mate fell back on his chest.

The two laid there for a long time, content.

Wren had never experienced this feeling in the
past and he would treasure this moment forever.
Kissing the top of Sebastian’s head, Wren closed
his eyes, knowing that he might very well fall
asleep again.

A knock had Wren flicking his eyes back open.

“Hey, we’re about to decorate the tree if you two
want to come out,” Night called through the door.

Footsteps walked away and Wren groaned.
“Do you not want to go out?” Sebastian asked,

turning to look at him.

“It’s just a tree.” Wren tried to pull of

nonchalant and failed. Truth was that he had
never decorated a Christmas tree in his life. He

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wouldn’t know the experience if a branch came
back and whipped him in the face.

Sebastian smiled down at him. “If it’s all the

same, it’ll be my first time, too. Not like we were
lugging a lot of trees down in the Underworld to
celebrate. Usually, Hades was in a bad mood
because Mom was summoned back to Olympus
by then.”

Wren laughed, staring up at the teasing blue

eyes. “We’ll need to shower first and dress."

Sebastian jumped up, tugging Wren out of bed.

Wren couldn’t contain the joy at seeing his mate’s
excitement. That excitement spread to him, and
soon he was pulling a laughing Sebastian toward
the bathroom to shower.

A half hour later, Wren was descending the

stairs with Sebastian. Turning the corner, Wren
stopped in his tracks at the living room. The entire
place was lights and boxes upon boxes of

“Oh my,” Sebastian said behind him. “Looks

like Christmas puked all over the room."

Wren barked out a laugh and gingerly stepped

over boxes as they made their way into the room.

Night was on the floor, checking out the lights,

with David next to him, showing him what to do.
Fuck, they were all newbies at this. Give them a
knife or a sword, and they were pros. Decorate a
tree and it was like they were in beginner home

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economics once again. Yeah, Duncan could relate
with that or maybe even Raven since they were
the youngest. He remembered them coming home
with various assignments.

Thinking of Duncan, he turned, searching for

him on the couch, and saw that he was there,
sleeping shirtless once again. He was murmuring
in discomfort while his back was coated in cloths.
Leaning closer, Wren realized that the cloths were
coated in medicine. The smell was terrible!

“How’s he doing?” Wren asked Night.
Night scrubbed his face. “I don’t know what we

would have done without Fallon. Duncan was
really bad last night, and I was about to call
Athena when Fallon showed up with this salve
and told me how to prepare it and put it on him.
His back was covered with blisters. The medicine
began to work right away. I never had to do any of
this with you. I’ve called Athena to talk to her
about it this morning. I’m just waiting for her to
get back to me. She’s still preoccupied.”

Raven came into the room, grumbling.
“What’s wrong with you?” Wren’s brows

furrowed as Raven sat down next to him and
plopped his head on his shoulder.

“Fallon was sitting on the edge of my bed

watching me this morning. I swear, Mr. Crazy
would be hot as hell if he didn’t have stalker
written all over him. I’m beginning to think I’m

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crazy, too, because it’s working. I almost invited
him to bed before I came to my senses. I think I
need to go get laid.” Raven sighed.

Sebastian chuckled. “I wouldn’t advise it. I’ve

never seen Fallon so…focused.”

Raven sat up and glared. “Well, tell him to

focus on someone else’s ass. He’s creeping me

“Well, aren’t we all a chipper bunch.” Aaron

came in holding a plate full of cinnamon rolls. The
smell wafted over to Wren’s nose, and in no time,
everyone was crowding Aaron, taking two apiece.

They sat down quietly and were munching on

their cinnamon rolls.

Hawk, Aaron’s mate, spoke up., “So how do we

do this?” Hawk said between mouthfuls.

David swallowed. “We team up. Some of us can

put up the lights while others can do the
ornaments. Oh, and we got outdoor lights, too.”

“So some of us are going to freeze our asses off

as we put up lights outside?” Raven complained.

“It’s forty-five degrees out. You’ll hardly freeze.

Do you complain like this when you go out on
rotation?” David gave Raven the stink-eye.

“Well…no.” Raven’s shoulders slumped under

the glare of their leader’s mate.

“We’re going to have fun. Hell, we’re going to

celebrate. We have our damn freedom back! I’ll go

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out with you and show you what to do.” Aaron
got up and pulled Raven to his feet.

“So I have to be the one to go outside?” Raven

grumbled. “I’m tired. I was stared at all night. I
could feel him, you know, but every time I opened
my eyes, he wasn’t there.”

Sebastian stood up, laughing. “I would say

you’re paranoid, but you’re probably right.”

“This isn’t funny,” Raven growled while

putting on his coat.

“Oh, but it is, and I think you like it.” Wren

stood and went over to a box of delicate glass
bulbs. He would break them for sure. Maybe he
should have someone else do this. Glancing
around, he saw candy canes. He’d stick to putting
those suckers up.

“Do not.” Raven adjusted his cock as he walked

out of the house.

Sebastian chuckled. “I think Raven is in


Wren shook his head. “They can have fun, but I

don’t think Fallon is Raven’s mate.”

Sebastian shrugged, but he was smiling.
Hawk and Aaron grabbed coats and went out

to help Raven, carrying several boxes of lights.

David and Night worked together as they

wound the lights around the tree. Sebastian and
him organized the ornaments and got them out of
boxes. It was a pain to put on the hooks with his

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big callused fingers, but he had to admit he was
having fun. Duncan woke for a moment, moaning
in discomfort.

Sebastian got up and changed his bandages

before Duncan fell back asleep.

The house was really starting to come alive as

Night and David finished up the lights. Wren
shivered as Sebastian came up and kissed the nape
of his neck as he bent down over him. “Pick an
ornament and start decorating.”

Wren picked up a blue bulb and scrambled to

his feet, walked over and put it on a branch. He
felt like a little kid for getting so excited over
something so little and silly. Sebastian came up
next to him and put a glass icicle on another

Hawk Aaron and Raven came back in, bringing

in a cold crisp air with them. They immediately
came over and began grabbing ornaments, and
soon the whole flock was decorating the tree.

Wren stared at his flock, seeing happiness on

everyone’s face. No one was worrying about the
war or being hunted. They were at peace and
enjoying a holiday as a family, and that’s what
they were…a family.

Duncan sat up shakily. “Can I help?” His voice

sounded weak to Wren’s ears.

Night walked over, the father figure of their

flock. Sure, Wren had changed his fair share of

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diapers, but when it came down to it, they all
looked at Night in a different light. Night gathered
Duncan, careful of his back and guided him
toward the tree. David handed Duncan a bulb,
and he placed it on the closest branch. For the first
time in days, Duncan appeared happy. He stared
up at the tree, a little smile on his face as his hand
reached up to touch one of the branches.

“I think we should do this every year,” Duncan

whispered. Wren saw that his legs were trembling
from the effort just to stand. Duncan’s twentieth
birthday was next week, and it showed. He would
get weaker still, and the moods would really be up
and down from here.

Night kissed the top of Duncan’s head. “We


David came over, and they helped Duncan back

down on the couch.

Aaron took back off with David into the

kitchen, and ten minutes later, they were all
coming back out with mugs topped with whip
cream. Wren grabbed one, then sipped it. It tasted
good, damn good. “What is this?”

“Hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps.”

David handed Night one, then sat down. Wren
watched the two mates cuddle and reached for
Sebastian. They all sat in silence, staring at the tree
as they sipped on their drinks. Wren leaned over
and kissed Sebastian, feeling all the love for his

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mate. Athena was right. They were missing
something. Something big. Love, warmth and
happiness were now beginning to fill the flock’s
lives. “Thank you, Athena and Hades,” Wren

“What did you say?” Sebastian murmured,

leaning his head on Wren’s shoulder.

“I love you,” Wren murmured.
“I love you, too,” Sebastian smiled.
“What time is it?” Aaron asked lazily.
“One,” Hawk said.
Aaron shot up. “Shit, we have to go!”
Sebastian shot off the couch, and David was

right behind them, already grabbing their coats.

“Wait, where are you going? It’s not safe.”

Night stood, going after David.

David swung the obol around his neck,

showing Night, “Oh yes, we are, and we’re going
out shopping. We have five hours until the stores
close, and Duncan and Raven needs presents. We
already shopped for you three and are done.”

The three ran out of the house, slamming the

door behind them. Wren sat there stunned for a
moment. Peace and then chaos. He would never
be bored, that was for sure. Wait…”Did they say
they were shopping…for Duncan and Raven, and
already got us gifts?”

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“Yeah.” Night scratched his jaw, staring at the

door and obviously trying to catch up from the
sudden shift, like they all were.

“Did you get your mates anything?” Wren


“Shit.” Night got up and went toward the door.
“Fuck.” Hawk grabbed his coat, opening the


“Damn.” Wren grabbed his coat, following

others. He had some Christmas Eve shopping to

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Chapter Nine

ebastian woke up and felt like a little kid in all
those holiday movies. He even did a little

hopping on the bed before he turned and shook
Wren. “Wake up, it’s Christmas morning!”

Wren groaned and buried his head farther in

the pillow. “Go away, and let me sleep.”

“I bought you lots of presents,” Sebastian sing-


Wren opened one eye. “What kind of


“You won’t know until you get up and see for


Wren sat up. “Fine, but you better make me

some coffee first.”

Sebastian got dressed, then ran down to the

kitchen only to find David and Aaron already
there, setting up the coffeemaker. Sabastian
laughed. “Let me guess, your mates wouldn’t get
up until you had a cup of joe ready for them, too.”


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David nodded. “I even tried jumping on Night,

but it was a no-go. He said only caffeine would
motivate him to move.”

Sebastian went to the cabinet and began to get

the mugs out. “I can’t wait to see Duncan’s face
when he opens our gift. I hope he likes it.”

“How can he not?” David asked. “It’s only the

most awesome thing ever.”

“Don’t worry. He’s going to love it,” Aaron

assured Sebastian.

Once the coffee was finished, they poured it

into the mugs, then fixed it up just the way their
mates liked it. Taking a mug for him and Wren,
Sebastian went back upstairs to their room.

Climbing carefully onto the bed so he didn’t

spill any of the liquid, Sebastian waved one of the
mugs under Wren’s nose. “I brought you coffee.”

Wren sat up and took the mug. “Now this is a

great start to Christmas. I’ve never had anybody
deliver me coffee to my bed.”

“Hmmm…” Sebastian said, loving the look of

pure satisfaction on Wren’s face. “Maybe I’ll have
to do it more often. Tell me, what do you like
better, this or the blowjob?”

Wren cocked a brow. “Is there a way I can get


Sebastian laughed, then gave Wren a kiss.

“Now you’re just being greedy.”

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“So I guess this means I have to get out of bed

now,” Wren said with a heavy sigh.

Sebastian wasn’t fooled for a second. “Oh, stop

with the poor-me act. We both know you’re just as
excited about this as I am. Now get your butt up,
and let’s get downstairs with the others.”

Wren grinned, then got up and quickly got

dressed. They then went downstairs. Sebastian
was surprised to see that they were the last to
arrive. Even Duncan was already there, lying face
down on the couch, but for once he had a small
smile on his face. No doubt thanks to Fallon’s
salve. Sebastian was glad that it was bringing the
young warrior some measure of relief. Nobody
should have to suffer that much, especially during
the holidays.

They sat down and began to rip open gifts.

Sebastian was amazed at the amount of things
Wren had bought for him. Sebastian thought he
had overdone it, but he hadn’t even come close to
what Wren had bought. He bought Sebastian
weapons, clothes, books, a new e-reader, a new
smart phone, and too much more to even list.

In return, Wren treated each gift Sebastian gave

him as if it was a special treasure. He especially
seemed to love the small wren figurine. Wren
turned it over and over in his hands several times
as if he were trying to memorize every single
detail of it.

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When it came time to give Duncan his gift from

the mates, it was so heavy that only Sebastian was
able to carry it over to Duncan. The room grew
silent as everybody stopped what they were doing
to watch.

“You guys bought me a present?” Duncan

asked, his voice a bit raspy.

“We thought you could use a little pick-me-

up,” David said.

They had to help Duncan unwrap the gift and

then the box under all the paper. When Duncan
saw what was inside, he let out a gasp. “It’s a
sword. A real sword, not a practice one like I’ve
always been forced to use.”

He reached out with trembling fingers and felt

the black blade. The hilt was also black, and in the
center was a large red ruby with smaller ones
surrounding it so they formed a star.

“I had Hades make it just for you.” Sebastian

gave a small chuckle and scratched his head. “He
actually said it would be an honor to be the one to
give you your first weapon. When I asked him
why, he said I would have to be patient and see.”

“Do you have any idea what he’s talking

about?” Night asked.

Duncan shook his head. “Not a clue. But if it

got me this wicked sword, I don’t care.”

“Wait, wait wait…we’re all missing a really

important point here. Sebastian took Aaron and

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David down to the Underworld. Doesn’t that
bother anybody?” Hawk asked, his face tight with

Sebastian made a shooing motion with his

hand. “Oh, that’s no biggie. I grew up in that
place. It’s home to me. They were perfectly safe.”

“But…” Hawk began.
Sebastian interrupted him. “Seriously, dude. I

used to play with Legos and toy cars down there.
The Underworld is probably one of the safest
places they could be. If anything or anybody tried
to lay a finger on them down there, Hades would
be eating their innards for lunch.”

“Great! We have the god of the Underworld on

our side,” David drawled.

“I wouldn’t count him out. He has a lot of

power, and he just may be able to help turn the
tide of this war if he really were to help us out,”
Sebastian pointed out.

“Do you think he would be willing to interfere?

He never has before,” Wren said.

“Yeah, but he didn’t have a son in the mix of it

before, either,” Night replied.

Wren gave a nod. “You do have a valid point

there. There is no way that Hades is going to want
Sebastian to get hurt. He cares too much about

David looked around the room. “Hey, has

anybody seen Raven?”

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“No, not since we all went to bed last night,”

Night said. Night ran up the stairs and came down
a few moments later. “He’s not in his room, either.
He’s missing.”

Sebastian’s stomach dropped as he came to a

horrible realization. “I know where he is.”

“Is he okay?” Night asked.
“Well, let’s just say that he’s having one hell of

a good time."

* * * *

Athena walked down to the gate, waiting for
entrance. She had gotten caught up and couldn’t
get down there when she’d needed to. Too many
problems were going on in the mortal realm. The
Los Angeles flock…gone. Tears formed in her
eyes, but she refused to let them spill. They were
all more than her men, although she couldn’t
show that to them. She could never show that she
cared too much because others would come and
toy with her boys, destroying them. One enemy
was enough for them to fight.

Hades walked up, Cerberus, his three-headed

dog next to him. Glancing behind her, she checked
to make sure no one was following her and tried
her best to show no grieving. Hades would never
use it against her but still…

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Hades nodded, the gates swung open, and

Athena entered.

No matter how many times she traversed down

here, it always seemed to amaze her how dark
could be so beautiful. Rock shimmered in beauty,
and the souls down there for the most part were
happy. Sure, there was a section that Hades had to
guard over most rigorously, but Athena had never
seen that part of the Underworld.

Hades led them to the opulent home of his

family. Upon entering, she scanned the area.
Although she trusted Hades, she was always
worried their enemy would somehow come upon
them when they were meeting. The home was all
dark marble, beautiful statues of Persephone lined
the wall. Hades loved that woman with all of his

The high ceiling had beautiful mosaic art that

she could look upon for hours. Beautiful lamps
made the place glow in a stunning beauty that
even Olympus didn’t compare to. If only Zeus
knew that. He would hate to know the brother he
cast down lived in beauty and joy while Zeus was
constantly dealing with the politics of the other

The world had death and evil paired with this

god, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Death, yes, but he was a god that loved his family
deeply, which was one of the reasons when this

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war turned south, she knew Hades needed to be
contacted. It involved him, too.

Carrying the small package, she could hear

faint moans of pleasure as she bypassed the family
living quarters. Knowing who was in there, she
tried her best to tune it out. It was like a mother
hearing her child, and this was their time for

They finally made it into Hades’ den where he

sat behind his large desk while she stood in front.
A fire roared off to the side, giving them warmth
in the office. Athena dropped the small gift before

“Persephone?” Hades whispered.
Athena nodded before she dropped the letter as

well. “She said to open that in private. The note is
for Fallon. She’s fighting mad that she’s away

Hades cut her off with a swipe of his hand.

“Don’t even get me started on my witch of a
mother-in-law. She doesn’t realize that not only do
I suffer but her grandson as well. Fallon told me
he never even wants to see his grandmother

“Fallon still has never set foot on Olympus.”
“He never will. He told me so.” Hades leaned

back with a menacing look.

Athena glanced down at her bloody armor.

With a thought, she changed into a thick sweater

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Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht


and jeans with knee high boots. For once, she
could be herself. The blood was gone from her
fighting, and she sat down, bone tired.
“Persephone told me to never have him set foot up
there. She fears he will be trapped like her.”

“We all do,” Hades mumbled. “How are you,


“You already know why I’m here, so you know

how I am.” Athena rubbed her brow, worried. She
knew she was losing this battle and her birds. Oh,
her poor birds.

“Just ask what you need, and you shall have it.”

Hades folded his hands on the desk and leaned

“I need your son to gather the dead army and

help me take back control of the mortal realm. The
Blood Demons have multiplied. My flocks are
outnumbered. I fear they won’t live through the
month. Thank you for giving the Atlanta flock
their coins and Duncan the salve.” Athena stared
at her old friend.

“I love Sebastian. I want him safe and his

friends. Those two boys mean everything to me.
As for Duncan, he’s special and rare.”

“I know.” Athena thought of the young one.

Just a few more days.

“I’ll talk to Fallon. He is ready to lead. He has

gained their respect, and they’ll aid you. He’s also

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Warming Up Sebastian


invested now. Family is involved, and you’ll find
no one more loyal than my sons.”

Athena nodded. “Thank you.”
“You do know why the Blood Demons have

gained power, don’t you?” Hades separated his
hands, and his fists clenched until the knuckles
turned white.

“I’ve been battling the Keres, and they are

stronger. That is all that I know.”

“They have an alliance,” Hades growled.
“What? Who?” Athena knew for a fact that no

one on Olympus would ever align themselves
with the women who were stealing from Hades.
They might not want to help in the war, but they
certainly wouldn’t go up against Hades or her.
Who was foolish enough to even dare?

“Violence.” Hades’ voice was laced with hatred.
Athena’s brow raised in disbelief. “Violence, as

in Sebastian’s ex?”

Hades jerked a nod.
Yep, a foolish man would go up against them.
“You have my army, and as soon as I fuel

Fallon with this information, it will take a miracle
to quench his thirst for the wrath he will bring
down upon their heads. Fallon has a hatred for
Vio the likes I have never seen. He told me of how
he had found Sebastian. It is a surprise the demi-
god is still alive. I want him here so he can see
what imprisonment feels like. He will know what

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Stephani Hecht and Jackie Nacht


true torture is like when I get through with him.”
Hades stood and began pacing around the room.

“He is protected by his father,” Athena stated.

She hated that son of a bitch just as much as
Hades, but when a god protected a demi-god, it
was hard to destroy them, even someone as vile as
Vio who needed to be wiped out.

Hades grunted, “I have never feared Ares.”
“I know, but we need to be careful in going


Hades nodded. He stood there for a moment in

silence, then added, “I feel the need to thank you.”

Athena laughed. “Why? To bring this burden

upon you?”

Hades smiled but shook his head. “You found

happiness for Sebastian. It is a love match.”

Athena smiled. “Why do you think I paired him

with Wren? Wren has always had a special place
in my heart. He was meant to be with Sebastian.
They’ll never feel inferior with each other even
though their past has made them to feel that way.
They are equals. Their strength will be each

“You always favored the Wren.” Hades


“I always root for the underdog.” Athena stood.

“Would you like me to give anything to
Persephone for you?” Athena asked gently.

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Warming Up Sebastian


Hades went to his desk and pulled open a

drawer. He pulled a small box out and handed it
to her. “Thank you once again, my friend, for
being our liaison.”

Athena nodded and grabbed the box. When she

turned to leave, Hades guided them out of the
home. A noise in the distance caught Athena’s
attention, and she turned toward it. Off in the
distance, she could make out the legions of the
death army. They were already preparing.

“You already knew why I was coming here

today. You never miss a beat, my old friend.”
Athena turned back to face Hades.

“When Fallon came back requesting the coins, I

knew you were in trouble. If you hadn’t come to
ask, I was already prepared to offer you my aid.”
Hades held the gate open for her. Cerberus came
up next to Hades.

“Thank you, Hades. I’ll be back next week with

a new package from Persephone.” Athena walked
out into the light. For the first time in days, she felt
a ray of hope for her flocks. Now all she had to do
was make sure they remained alive until help
could arrive.

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About the Authors

Short, sexy and sweet—where a little love goes a long

That’s the best way to describe Jackie Nacht’s

stories. I was introduced to M/M Romance
through my sister, Stephani, and read it for years.
Then, I thought it was time to put my own stories
on paper. I began writing short and sweet stories
that ended with a happily ever after…and
sometimes more than one, in the case of my YA
Fork in the Road series, which has interactive

Thinking back to my own book addiction,

where there were many nights I stayed up way too
late so I could read just one more chapter—yeah,
—I decided to write short romances for young
adults as well as adults. Hopefully, they will give
high school and college students or working men
and women something they can read during their
lunch hour, in between classes or just when they
want to briefly get away from the daily stresses of
everyday life.

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You can find me on Facebook, Twitter and at

my webpage.

Email : Jackie.nacht@yahoo.com
Website : www.jackienacht.com/

Stephani Hecht is a happily married mother of
two. Born and raised in Michigan, she loves all
things about the state, from the frigid winters to
the Detroit Red Wings hockey team. Go Wings!
You can usually find her snuggled up to her
laptop, creating her next book.

Contact her at:
Email Address: stephani@stephanihecht.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/StephaniHecht


Document Outline


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