Jana Downs Devil in the Details

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Devil in the Details

All Riley Black ever wanted was a happy, simple life. Living with
his boyfriend, he’d assumed he had that life until one of their

lovers’ tiffs turns deadly. Somewhere between life and death, he
fights to overcome the destruction caused by the man who was

supposed to protect him.

Cage is a Demon Lorde who loved and lost and planned on never

loving again. When his brother asks him to save the life of a
broken human hanging onto life by a thread, he feels compelled to

grant his request. Despite his resolve, he begins to feel affection
for the brave man he’s saved.

Together Riley and Cage may teach each other how to love again,

but forces much stronger than them are at work to tear them
apart. As a deadly game of obsession and desire plays out, they

will have to learn just how far they’re willing to go to keep their
love and one another alive.

Genre: Alternative (M/M or F/F), Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: 35,345 words

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Jana Downs



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IMPRINT: Everlasting Classic ManLove

Copyright © 2014 by Jana Brown
E-book ISBN: 978-1-63258-579-0

First E-book Publication: November 2014

Cover design by Les Byerley
All art and logo copyright © 2014 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Copyright © 2014

Chapter One

When Jason had first got the call that his childhood friend Riley

Black had been in a domestic altercation with his fiancé and he was
the only one listed on Riley’s emergency contact list, Jason had no
idea what to expect. He had thought that it couldn’t be more than
some minor cuts and bruises. This would all turn out to be some big
misunderstanding. But all that hope Jason had been holding on to
quickly disappeared when he saw Riley’s fragility as he lay limp on
the hospital bed.

Jason swallowed as he reached for Riley’s hand. He could hardly

believe he was the same vibrant, carefree friend from his childhood
memories. Tears burned his eyes as he fought them back. It had been
over two years since he’d last seen Riley, but Riley was like family to
Jason and there was nothing he wouldn’t do for him.

Jason brushed a strand of blood-stained blond hair away from

Riley’s bruised face and tucked it gently behind his ear. His skin was
cold to touch, and Jason knew that it was only a matter of time before
Riley gave up completely. A few hours, that was all the doctor had
promised him. Jason pursed his lips. The thought of Riley being killed
by that man sent a course of rage through Jason.

Damn him. He clinched his jaw at the thought of Damian. Damian

had been New Orleans’s most renowned defense attorney. He had

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been a good match for Riley in the beginning. Everyone had thought
so, even Jason. Now Jason was regretting all those words of
encouragement he’d spoken to Riley in the months before their

He’d been blind to Damian’s true character. He had been fooled

by the devil in the expensive suite and nice car until about two years
ago. Damian’s demeanor had changed rapidly after their engagement
announcement. Damian had taken Riley and isolated him from all his
friends. The happy socialite Jason had once known was slowly
replaced by a timid and shy shut-in. Jason hardly recognized Riley.
The sparkle in Riley’s green eyes had faded, and Riley’s passion for
life that had helped him through the numerous hardships Jason had to
endure from his abusive stepbrother had grown dim and cold. The
Riley Black Jason once knew was no more.

Jason had tried to confront Riley about the change in Damian’s

personality. But Riley had just given him a halfhearted smile and told
him not to worry about it. That everything was under control. After
months of pleading with Riley to leave Damian, Riley finally quite
answering his phone calls. They hadn’t been in touch since.

Jason had been unable to stop Damian, and now in just a few

hours, the only person he’d ever really cared about would be gone
forever and the scum that had killed him would be walking free
thanks to his connections in the court systems. Jason was sure Damian
had already worked up a good story for the press that would
inevitably paint him as the victim and Riley as the real villain. Jason
closed his eyes, trying to rid himself of the negative thoughts.

He leaned back into the chair he was sitting in as the room grew

quiet. The only sound in the room was the slow, steady rhythm of
Riley’s heart monitor. A few moments later and a knock at the door
forced Jason to open his eyes. He met the stare of the rather plain-
looking, gray-haired, older doctor.

“I’m sorry to interrupt but it’s already been an hour now and I’m

not sure how much time Mr. Black has left. It may be best if you go

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ahead and call his other family and friends.” The doctor’s soothing
tone provided little comfort to Jason’s heavy heart.

“That won’t be necessary. There isn’t anyone to contact. His only

known family passed away when he was little. I’m all he has now…”

“My apologies.” The doctor quietly excused himself from the

room, leaving Jason alone with Riley once more.

Jason wiped away the last of his tears as he made up his mind.

Riley had meant everything to him. Growing up, he had been the only
family he’d needed, and now he couldn’t stand by and watch his life
slowly be erased by the fabrics of time.

No, Jason McAlister was no longer the same helpless little boy

that had clung desperately to Riley’s gentle hand and caring heart
after every beating from his stepbrother. He was a man capable of so
many things, and he’d save Riley. He’d find a way and he’d save him.

A thought crossed his mind, and Jason’s stomach churned. It had

been years since he’d used his connections in hell for favors, but if
something was worth his soul, this was it.

* * * *

Cage had been staring at his paperwork for hours and could feel a

migraine forming. Another riot in the south had put him back days of
work on his annual budgeting report. He let out a long sigh as he
rubbed his temples. The same proposal he’d been reading over since
noon glared back at him mockingly. He needed a break. He was sick
of looking at the same four walls of his study and the mounds of
paperwork that didn’t appear to be getting any smaller.

The sound of the study door opening and closing brought Cage

out of his thoughts. He looked up and was greeted by his favored
advisor, Abaddon. Abaddon quietly waited for Cage’s
acknowledgment to speak. Cage pursed his lips and prayed for
Abaddon’s sake that he wasn’t here to give him more work.

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“What is it, Abaddon? Not more bad news, I hope.” He let the

aggravation show through his crisp British accent. Abaddon bowed
appropriately before approaching Cage’s desk.

“Actually, Master, I have Jason on hold on your private line.

Should I put him through?” Cage watched Abaddon begin to neatly
stack the piles of papers strewn about his desk and clear a space.

A maid servant entered his chambers before Cage could respond

to Abaddon’s request, and Abaddon rushed to take the tea he had
prepared. He brought it back to the desk and set it down in the cleared
area. Cage’s lips twitched at Abaddon’s thoughtfulness. Abaddon
always knew just what he needed, and since it was approaching
midnight with no end in sight, a good cup of tea was perfect.

“No, that’s all right. Just tell him I’ll call him back later. I’m

nowhere near close to finishing.” Cage picked up the hot cup and
began sipping it quietly as he tried to return his focus to the

“I’ve already tried. He says it’s rather urgent and that it can’t wait

till the morning.”

Cage sighed. “All right. Put him through.” He waved a dismissed

hand in Abaddon’s direction as he began to punch in the conference
number on his desk telephone that would connect him to the direct

He waited for Abaddon to leave the room before picking up the


“What is it, Jason? I’m very busy tonight so this better be

important.” His annoyance was apparent in his tone, but Cage didn’t
really care at the moment. His stress level was through the roof, but
Cage had always tried to make it a point to have patience with his
younger brother. Jason was his half brother. Although they’d both
been unaware of it when Jason was younger, Cage had learned about
his existence when Cage had become Demon Lorde of the North
regent of Hell.

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He’d first approached Jason when he was just a teenager, giving

him a chance to learn about his demonic heritage that had been passed
down by their mother. Jason had jumped at the opportunity, clinging
to Cage like new puppy. It had been flattering, and Cage had thought
he’d taught Jason well. He’d been the one to recommend him for the
position of Head Councilman and had encouraged Jason to spend
more time amongst others of his kind. Most days, they saw eye-to-
eye, but Cage hadn’t heard from Jason in a while and he’d appreciated
the newfound independence his brother had obtained since starting his
new position.

“Cage.” The sound of Jason’s cracked voice suddenly alerted him

to the urgency of the situation. Cage could tell in that one spoken
word that something was terribly wrong. Wrong enough for Jason to
call him crying, and Jason never cried.

“What is it? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where are you?” The

panic was obvious in Cage’s tone as a million thoughts rushed
through his mind. Jason wasn’t immortal like him. He was fragile in
his human state, and until he decided on whether or not to make the
permanent transition to full-fledged demon, his mortality would
always be a great weakness. The thought of something happening to
his brother sent him into a state of anxiety. Suddenly the mounds of
paperwork didn’t seem so important. All Cage could think about was
Jason’s well-being.

“Cage, I’m fine. I just need to you to come here. I need a favor…”

There was a pause on the other end of the phone. Jason was being
vague, and Cage had a bad feeling about this “favor” he was asking

“Are you on Earth?” Cage’s tone was composed now that he’d

been reassured of Jason’s safety.

“Yeah. I’m at Tulane Hospital here in New Orleans. Please

hurry.” Before Cage could ask any more questions, Jason hung up,
ending their conversation. Cage returned the phone to the receiver as
he quickly finished off his cup of tea.

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“Abaddon!” Cage called, knowing that he’d hear him

instantaneously through the bond he’d made when Abaddon had first
proven himself worthy of becoming his advisor centuries ago. Within
a moment’s notice, Abaddon appeared in the doorway.

“Call off my meetings for the next couple of days. I’ve got to go

to Earth.” Cage could see the concern on Abaddon’s face, but he
didn’t ask any questions. He only bowed in acknowledgment as he
went and retrieved Cage’s white wool coat, well aware that it was
winter time and even New Orleans was still too cold for Cage, who
preferred much warmer weather.

Cage hurriedly grabbed the coat from Abaddon before picking up

on Jason’s life line that connected them and disappeared altogether
from his study.

* * * *

Cage hated hospitals. They always smelled of death, and while

death didn’t necessarily apply to him, he hated being near it. Death
always reminded him of his bleak existence as he wandered through
eternity forever, losing anyone he dared to become attached to. Unless
of course he became attached to other immortal demons, in which
case he only had to worry about them turning on him and trying to kill
him, overthrow him, or otherwise incapacitate him so that they could
absorb his powers and turn his kingdom into complete chaos. Neither
outcome seemed appealing to Cage, so loneliness had become his
friend or so he told himself.

Cage passed the front desk and waiting rooms as he navigated his

way through the various patient rooms following the link that had
guided him to this building in the first place. Jason was close by now,
and Cage could feel his powers and distress pulsating from nearby.
Turning the corner, Cage quickly realized the signal was coming from
the door directly in front of him.

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Sighing, he tried to prepare himself for what was waiting for him

in the next room. He had a bad feeling about this. Not wanting to
prolong the inevitable anymore, Cage pushed open the door.

He was greeted by the sight of his brother holding the hand of

what appeared to be a very battered man. Cage’s piercing blue eyes
met Jason’s tear-filled emerald-green eyes. A small pain tugged at his
heart at the sight of his brother being so upset. He tried to suppress the
sudden urge that welled up inside him to do anything within his
power necessary to make that look of pain disappear from Jason’s

“Cage,” Jason pleaded.
Cage made his way to Jason’s side and put his arm around his

shoulders before Jason had time to say anything else. For a long
moment, Cage comforted him as Jason quietly sobbed in his arms.

“I’m here for you, Jason.” Cage kissed his forehead. After a long

moment of silence, Jason sat up and wiped his tear-stained face dry.

“So what’s this favor you have to ask of me, brother?” Cage

asked, anxious to find out exactly why Jason had summoned him. He
sat down in the chair Jason previously occupied. For the first time he
was able to get a good look at the young man lying in the hospital
bed. He couldn’t tell much about his looks as his body and face were
pretty badly beaten. His hair color appeared to be blond, but Cage
wasn’t sure with all the blood matted in it. He supposed he’d been
quite adorable before whatever incident had landed him here. Cage
could sense that this stranger’s beautiful soul was fading fast and he
couldn’t deny that there was something alluring about it. His interest
was definitely piqued.

“Cage, this is Riley,” Jason stated through clenched teeth. The

white on his knuckles as Jason willed himself to gain control over his
emotions was all Cage needed to see just how important this person
was to him. Cage’s lips pursed as recognition of Riley’s name came to
him. He was well aware of who Riley was to Jason. His spies had told

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him all about how he’d been there for Jason when he hadn’t been, and
Cage already knew what was coming next.

“I need you to save him.” Jason turned to stare at his brother with

determination. Cage saw that telling him no wasn’t going to be easy.

“Jason, you know I can’t,” he started but was quickly interrupted

by Jason’s shouting.

“Damn it, Cage! I know you can!” The room echoed with the

sound of Jason’s fist colliding with the wall as the two stared at each
other for a long moment. Jason finally broke the silence.

“I’m not asking you, Cage. I’m begging. I don’t care how you do

it as long as you do it. He’s the only family I had before you. It’s all
my fault…I should’ve been there…” Jason stared at the floor as Cage
watched his brother try to get a hold of his emotions to keep from
crying again. He’d wait for his brother to finish his speech before
passing judgment even though Cage felt pretty adamant about his
earlier no.

“It was his fiancé…he beat him and I wasn’t there. I should’ve

fought harder. I shouldn’t have let Riley shut me out. He was way in
over his head and I wasn’t there to help him.”

“Jason…it wasn’t your fault. I assure you.” Cage tried to console

him, knowing all too well the guilt Jason felt as he shared it over not
being there when Jason had needed him the most.

Jason looked up at his brother’s words. “Please…please help

me…” he pleaded once more. Cage looked back down at Riley before
finally making his decision. He knew Jason would never forgive him
if he didn’t do this for him. There was no way around it. Cage just
wasn’t looking forward to having someone bound to him that he
couldn’t eventually get rid of, but he knew Jason wasn’t strong
enough to sustain both his and Riley’s life forces or he would’ve
already done it. Cage pursed his lips in disapproval, but he could tell
by the look on Jason’s face that he knew he’d won the fight.

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Jason halfway smiled at his brother. “I’ll never forget this….

Thank you, Cage.” Cage raised an eyebrow at his brother’s sudden
mood change.

“Uh-huh. You owe me, brother.” Cage stood up and went to leave.
“Where are you going? Don’t we have to do something?” A note

of panic filled Jason’s voice as he looked to Cage with frantic eyes.
Cage paused briefly.

“Yes, but we’re going to have to transport Riley out of here before

we can complete the ritual and I’m afraid I must use my charm to
convince the staff to help our cause so that we can get him to a secure
location. He’s in no shape to travel between the worlds as of yet, so
the ritual must be done here on Earth. I think my mansion on the
outskirts of the city will suffice.” Without waiting for a response from
Jason, Cage left the room.

It didn’t take much for Cage to influence the staff members. His

powers of persuasion were renowned in Hell. He’d managed to get a
doctor to arrange for an ambulance to transport Riley to his Earth-side
residency. He pulled out his cell phone to call Abaddon and let him
know that he’d be longer than expected and to have his paperwork
ready for him at his other place or residency.

He wasn’t sure how much he’d be getting accomplished in the

next few months, but he still had an obligation as Demon Lorde to at
least attempt to get it all done in a timely manner. After all, Hell
wouldn’t wait for his return before the next catastrophe would arise.

After everything was set and ready to go, he instructed Jason to

ride in the ambulance with Riley. With less than a thought, Cage
arrived at the mansion and readied his most trusted servants. He
instructed them to prepare two guest rooms while he waited for Jason
and Riley to arrive.

Thirty minutes later, Cage could hear the ambulance approaching.

He stepped outside to greet the paramedics and instructed them to
bring Riley into one of the lower level bedrooms. Afterward, he
manipulated their memory of the evening and sent them on their way

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back to the hospital. Cage held Riley’s medical records in hand as he
skimmed through them to see just how much damage had been done
by his fiancé.

Riley Alex Black, age 22, green eyes, blond hair. Male appears to

of suffered severe blunt trauma. Bruising on both arms and legs as
well as on the abdomen. Multiple facial contusions. Broken bones
include numerous ribs, the shattering of the left cheekbone, cracked
skull, and right hand. One punctured lung with internal damage to
other vital organs. Appears to be minor neurological damage.
However other injuries are too severe. Recommendations—opt for
organ transplants not good. Surgery alone is too much risk.

Cage set the record aside as he began preparing the table for the

binding ritual. This was going to cost him, but luckily Jason was here
to help.

“What do you need me to do?” Jason asked softly. He’d been

watching him read over the chart the whole time, waiting for his

“I need you to take your shirt off and set these black candles in a

circle on the floor around us.” Cage handed him the thirteen candles
that had been crafted from his own blood many years ago. It would
ensure protection from any forces that would try and stop the ritual as
well as work as a catalyst for their own powers.

Jason did as he was asked without saying anything more as Cage

pulled out an old dusty book. It was a spell book of sorts that Cage
had written when he’d first begun to uncover his powers. Of course
he’d had to make a new copy every so often as the old one would
eventually wear away, and by the looks of it, it was time for another
copy. He’d add that to his to-do list, but for now it would suffice.

Once all the candles had been lit and put in place, Jason took his

position directly across from his brother on the left side of Riley.
Cage pulled out an ancient blade with rune markings on it and sliced

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open Riley’s chest. The boy made no movement. Cage could hardly
feel his aura, and he knew they had to hurry or it would be too late.

“I’m going to bind him to myself since you can’t sustain his life

force. I’ll be able to heal him, and sustain him by using the direct link
that will form between us as a result of the ritual. However, this is
going to cost me a severe amount of energy and I’ll need you here to
hold up the circle for protection. There are many people in this world
who would love nothing more than to find me at my weakest.” Cage
stared at his brother with all seriousness, and Jason nodded in

“Good. I may also need to feed off you afterward depending on

how well this goes.” Cage paused for a brief moment as he looked
down at Riley one last time. Cage had no idea what he was getting
himself into, which was a first for him. Usually he’d think of every
possible outcome before even considering making a decision like this
one and yet here he was being blindly led into not only saving a
young human boy but also binding their souls together for all eternity.

“Are you sure you want to do this?” Cage asked, conveying the

seriousness of the situation in his tone. “What I’m saying is, is he
worth it?”

“He is.” Jason’s voice was filled with conviction and

determination. Cage could tell by his tone that he’d really put thought
into making this decision and there was no turning back now.

“All right then. Let’s begin.” Cage sliced his forearm from wrist

to elbow and pressed it against Riley’s chest where he’d cut him just
seconds ago. He read out the spell in the old language. Bending down,
he felt his fangs elongate as he gently bit into the side of his neck,
absorbing what little energy Riley had left and merging it with his
own life force. A fleeting thought of what this bond would mean for
them in the future was enough for Cage to hesitate. If he did this, if he
bound Riley to him, he would always be his weakness. Anything that
affected Riley, could affect him. Their souls would be connected, and
if Riley wasn’t able to endure Cage’s harsh world of Hell, then Cage

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knew his stretch of eternity would be coming to an end sooner rather
than later.

Cage knew this was not the best idea he’d ever had, but there was

no going back now. The ritual was almost complete, and he was not a
demon of regret. He’d finish what he’d started and deal with the
consequences later. He’d made a sworn promise to his brother after

Focusing all his power into the limp body, Cage slowly began

mending as much of the trauma as was necessary for Riley’s survival.
He then began working on his bones. First his skull and cheek, then
his hand and ribs. This process took several hours, and Cage was
feeling more drained than ever. He couldn’t remember the last time
he’d used this much of his own power.

Once Riley’s body was mended, he began the process of

completing the bond. He had to do this to ensure that Riley would be
strong enough to withstand almost any kind of injury or assassination
attempt in the future since he was now a part of him. He couldn’t
afford some traitor taking advantage of the bond and killing Riley to
get to him. This part of the ritual would continue to be done over the
next three months, but the initial bonding had been forged for now
and Cage was satisfied he could protect Riley until it was complete.

Cage wasn’t aware of how much time had passed while he was

entranced, but he was faintly aware of the hints of light peeking
through his blackout drapes, indicating that at some point the sun had
come up. Cage felt dizzy, and his vision began to blur. He felt his
knees buckle out from under him as he collapsed in exhaustion. He
felt Jason lifting him for support.

“It’s done…” he breathed in a barely audible whisper as he tried

to let Jason know it was okay to close the circle. Cage wasn’t sure of
the events that followed. All he knew was that somehow he’d
managed to find his way back to his bedchamber. Cage let himself
become completely enveloped in the blissful darkness on his freshly

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cleaned black silk sheets, grateful that this day from hell was finally
over with.

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Chapter Two

All Riley wanted was a happy normal life, and he thought he’d

found that in Damian. He was wrong. In the beginning he was
charming, good-looking, and most of all he’d cherished everything
about Riley, but that had all changed after their first year of
engagement. Something had happened to him while he was away on
his business trip to Egypt. He’d left the man Riley had known and
loved and came back a monster.

For weeks, Riley had tolerated the insults and controlling orders.

He’d quit going places, stopped talking to friends, and had even
tolerated the new roughness in the bedroom. Whenever he talked of
even going to the store, the only response he’d get from him were
some growls and orders of how Riley was his and only his.

Riley was beginning to get fearful as the rough encounters were

becoming harsher. He’d finally made up his mind to leave. What little
emotion he’d once felt for Damian in the beginning had grown cold,
and all Riley wanted to do was forget he’d ever dreamed of a happy
future with him. He had made a plan to confront him when Damian
came home from work. His bags were already packed and ready. A
quick good-bye. He at least owed him that much.

“What’s going on?” Damian had demanded as his eyes narrowed

after walking through the doorway to see him waiting for him with a
packed suitcase. Riley felt nervous as he tried to gather up enough
courage to confront him.

“I’m leaving, Damian. I tried to stick it through, but your attitude

keeps getting worse and worse. I can’t live like this. I won’t live like
this.” Riley had clenched his fists to keep from shaking. He hadn’t

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waited for a response. He hadn’t wanted to drag this out any more
than necessary. Riley picked up his suitcase and headed for the door.
That was the last thing Riley remembered clearly.

Everything after that was a blur. He’d felt something collide with

the back of his head as pain began to take over. Falling to the ground,
he was aware of more blows but unsure of the cause of the pain. He’d
covered his face only to have the hits move to his abdomen and rib
cage. A crunching sound came from the pressure he felt on his side.
Tears streaked down his face as he screamed out in agony. He tried to
fight back, but it was no use. Darkness was already threatening to
overtake him.

“Damian…please…stop…” Riley had managed to breathe in his

last attempt to reason with him, but it was too late. With one last hit,
Riley knew it was over. He’d let the darkness envelope him, leaving
behind the painful reality that was his life.

* * * *

Riley awoke suddenly in a cold sweat. The memories of Damian’s

attack came crashing down on him as he began shaking
uncontrollably. He wrapped his arms around his body and tried to get
a grip on his emotions.

That didn’t happen…couldn’t have happened. Damian loves me.
But no matter how he looked at it, he could make no excuse for

his actions.

“Glad to see you’re awake.” A soft British accent startled him as

he looked for the source. In the far right corner of the room, he
spotted a tall, good-looking man. No, he was more than good-looking.
He was downright gorgeous. His shaggy black hair hung low in front
of his ice-blue eyes. He stood shirtless, wearing only a pair of black
slacks, showing off his nicely muscled chest and marble-smooth,
flawless pale skin.

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Riley couldn’t help but notice him. Even in his state of

devastation, he found himself intensely drawn to the stranger in the
room. The handsome devil cocked a half grin, and Riley felt his
cheeks began to redden. He pulled the silken sheets up to his chin to
cover his nude body.

He was very disoriented and confused. First by the injuries

Damian had administered that he was sure had been fatal and now by
the strikingly beautiful man that stood before him as he lay naked in
his bed.

“Are you an angel?” he asked with bluntness before he’d

rationalized the question.

The stranger chuckled in amusement. “No…not quite.” He smiled

as though there was some joke that Riley didn’t understand. He
moved toward Riley, and Riley shifted to the opposite end of the bed,
not wanting to be any closer to the stranger than he had to be. He
didn’t trust himself around him and for good reason. The man was sex
on a stick which was a ridiculous thought given Riley’s current
situation. The stranger’s gaze softened, and Riley felt an odd sense of
comfort wash over him. That only made him more distrusting. Riley
never felt comfortable around anybody.

He eyed the stranger with speculation as he sat down on the edge

of the bed and reach out for Riley. Riley flinched, unsure of what to
expect. Panic made his heart race as he expected the worst.

The stranger stopped his approach, waiting for Riley to relax and

trust him. Riley let his guard down a little bit as he looked into his
comforting blue eyes. Every instinct in him screamed at him to run,
but Riley held his ground and waited to see what the stranger was
about to do. He reached out and brushed a few stray strands of hair
that had fallen in front of Riley’s eyes and tucked them behind his ear.

“I’m sorry,” Riley whispered, looking down at the bed as a sense

of shame and embarrassment came over him. He felt like an ass. This
stranger had done nothing to deserve his guarded behavior. Damian

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did. He began chewing on his lip, a nervous habit he’d started when
the beatings did.

“What’s going on?” Riley asked quietly without making eye

contact. Riley felt the bed shift as the stranger stood up. Riley
followed him with his eyes, watching him as he made his way to the
dresser next. He pulled out what appeared to be some clothes and sat
them on the bed.

“I’ll explain in a bit, but for now I suggest you get a hot shower,

change into some clean clothes since your last ones were covered in
blood, and come to the dining room for a warm meal before we get
into all the details. Plus, Jason has been anxious to know you’re all
right.” The strange man smiled down at him before he walked toward
the door.

“The shower is located over there.” He pointed to a door in the

opposite direction he was headed before exiting the room. Riley
suddenly wished he hadn’t left. He felt strangely comforted by his
presence, and now that he was gone, the room felt cold and barren.
The lavish Victorian decorations did nothing to fill the void left by the

Riley was unsure of what to do, but the stranger had mentioned

something about Jason. Jason was who he needed to see. He was sure
he’d make everything better and explain what had happened.

Riley slowly let down the covers as he stood on his shaky legs. He

gathered up the clothing the man had left for him and made his way in
the direction he’d pointed in. He pushed open the closed oak door and
was amazed by the beauty of the huge bathroom behind it.

Tile decorated the entire room from floor to ceiling. There was a

crystal chandelier that hung just above the jet tub on the far wall.
Cherry oak wood cabinets and a double vanity complete with two
huge mirrors stood to the right of Riley. The shower was on his left
and was separate from the bathtub. It had a swinging glass door with
two rain showerhead systems inside. Damian had always had nice

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things, but this was way beyond anything even he could afford.
Whoever owned this home came from a lot of money.

Riley placed the clothes on the vanity before cautiously looking

up to catch a glimpse of his reflection. He had to know how bad he
looked as he was sure he’d been beaten beyond recognition.

At first Riley didn’t recognize the face staring back at him, and

not because it was as bad as he’d expected. Quite the opposite,
actually. The only thing a mess about his appearance was his hair. It
was stained red in odd places, but his skin looked almost as marble-
like and flawless as the stranger who had greeted him when he’d first
woken up. Riley tilted his head to the side, inspecting his face. There
appeared to be no wound marks from the beating. The only hint that
the events had in fact occurred and weren’t just a figment of his
imagination were the soft bruises located under his eye and
surrounding his cheekbone.

The rest of his body looked more than fine, and aside from the

sudden change in his complexion and a small scar on his chest, Riley
could see nothing out of the ordinary. His left rib cage ached a little
bit, but as he felt of his ribs he realized there weren’t even any broken
bones. A part of him was in shock as he began to wonder just how
long he’d been unconscious.

After a long moment, Riley turned away from the mirrors and

stepped into the shower. The warm water felt nice against his slightly
chilled skin, and he closed his eyes at the sensation. Being alone with
his thoughts, Riley could no longer hold back his pent-up emotions
from all the recent events. His heart weighed heavy as he thought of
Damian and everything they’d been through. He still couldn’t wrap
his mind around the idea that the man he’d loved so much had nearly
killed him. The tears fell, one right after another, and Riley let all the
anger and hopelessness he’d felt the past two years completely
consume him. He cried for what seemed like hours until the water ran
cold and numbed his aching body.

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* * * *

Cage could feel the pain inside Riley and hear his cries even from

the kitchen. It was a link that would forever bond them, and a small
part of him wanted to rush to his side to try to make it better, but it
was a silly sentiment really. He had no idea who he was and knew
logically that the only reason he was having such a sympathetic
response was because of the bond he’d just forged between them.

Cage sat in his recliner sipping on some red wine while he waited

for Riley to finish so they could have dinner. Jason sat directly across
from him, reading the paper, searching frantically for news on

“Should I have my spies look into it?” Cage commented without

breaking his concentration from his own book.

“Huh?” Jason asked, caught off guard from the sudden

interruption of thought.

“My spies?” Cage repeated, this time looking at Jason and raising

on eyebrow. Jason’s puzzled look was quickly replaced by one of

“Oh, no. That won’t be necessary, Cage. I was just looking for the

sake of my own curiosity. No need to make that big a deal out of it.”
He returned his attention back to the paper.

“Hmm,” Cage acknowledged. They sat in silence for another long

moment before Riley stepped into the room. Cage knew the moment
he had arrived. He could feel his presence.

“Excuse me.”
Both Jason and Cage looked up at the same time to see Riley

standing in the doorway. He was wearing the black shirt and blue
jeans Cage had given to him moments earlier. The fabric clung tight
to Riley’s slender form. His tousled blond hair fell in front of his
green eyes as his iridescent skin glimmered in the dim lighting of the
sitting room. He looked absolutely stunning.

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Jason stood up and gave him a hug. Cage could see the relief on

Jason’s face as he held Riley tight. Cage stood to introduce himself
when Jason finally released his hold on Riley.

“I don’t believe we’ve been properly introduced.” Cage held out

his hand to Riley. “I’m Cage Demonte, but you may call me Cage.”

Riley smiled warmly at him as he took his hand. “I’m Riley

Black. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Cage responded by leaning forward and pressing his lips to his

hand. He gently kissed the top before looking up to meet his eyes.

“The pleasures all mine…Riley Black.” He saw Riley’s cheeks

turn pink before Cage released him from his touch. Cage stood back
to let Jason and Riley catch up. Riley’s timid demeanor seemed to
vanish when he spoke to Jason, and Cage wondered how long it
would take for Riley to open up to him. He hoped it was soon. The
sooner they could complete the bond, the better off they’d both be.

Riley gnawed on his bottom lip as he looked at Jason. “Are you

going to tell me what’s going on, because to be honest, the last thing I
remember was Damian beating the shit out of me.”

Jason gave a weak smile as he pulled Riley into his arms. “We can

talk about all that later. After we eat.”

Riley nodded, and Jason summoned Abaddon. Within a moment’s

notice, Abaddon appeared in the doorway. “Yes?”

“Is dinner ready yet? I’m starving.” Cage pursed his lips at

Jason’s informal behavior and tried his best to suppress the urge to
encourage Jason to be a bit more refined when addressing the staff,
even if it was just Abaddon.

Abaddon’s lips twitched as though he could see Cage’s

displeasure. “Everything’s ready if you want to follow me to the
dining room.”

Jason nodded as he took Riley’s hand and pulled him along. Cage

caught the puzzled look Riley flashed Jason before they disappeared
around the corner. Cage followed.

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They sat down and began to eat the meal the chef had prepared for

them. It was enough to sate the sudden hunger Cage felt. He didn’t
realize how much the binding ritual had drained him until he began to
replenish some of his strength.

Cage sat in silence for the most part, letting Jason and Riley catch

up. Jason was careful to avoid any of the serious questions Riley
threw his way, and Cage knew he was avoiding the topic they would
eventually have to discuss with Riley. There was no way not to tell
Riley about the fact that he was forever bonded to a Demon Lorde. As
much as Cage wanted to get this whole thing over with, he remained
patient. It was best if Jason broke the ice first. Riley would feel more
comfortable with that.

Once dinner had come to an end, Cage excused himself for the

evening. He still had work to finish and he knew the whole demon
thing was a conversation Jason would feel more comfortable having if
he wasn’t in the room.

He retreated to his study and glared at the stack of papers

Abaddon had sat on his desk. He was sure this would provide him
with enough of a distraction for the next couple of hours until he had
to confront Riley for their first of many ritual exchanges. He wasn’t
looking forward to it. He had no idea how the human would take the
news that he would now have a demon feeding off him every night for
at least the next few months. Cage rubbed his temples as he felt the
pressure slowly building. Damn. Another tension headache. Just what
I need.

* * * *

Riley felt good having his best friend by his side again, but he was

starting to get anxious. The more the night dragged on, the more he
felt like he needed to be nervous about something. He stared at Jason
as he sat across from him on the sofa in the sitting room. Riley had
determined that this place was huge. Every room seemed over the top

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and massive. It was too stuffy for Riley’s tastes, but he was enjoying
seeing the one person he had always been able to count on. Jason had
been out of his life for too long, and Riley was determined to never let
another person come between them.

Riley yawned. Despite only being awake for a few hours, he felt

completely drained. He looked to Jason, expecting him to say
something or to offer some kind of explanation for what the hell had
happened. But Jason was quiet, lost in his own thoughts.

“So, Jay,” Riley said, breaking the silence that had fallen between

them. “Are you going to tell me what happened, or am I going to have
to beat it out of you?” He playfully punched Jason’s shoulder for
emphasis before leaning into his chest. Jason put an arm around
Riley’s shoulders, and Riley snuggled closer, enjoying the feeling of
safety Jason provided. Jason took a deep breath as though he wasn’t
looking forward to what he was about to say.

“So you know Cage,” Jason started. Riley sat up and looked at

him, nodding in response.

“Well, he’s kind of my brother.” Jason paused. “On my mom’s


Riley’s brows drew together. “I don’t understand. When did this

happen, and why wasn’t I informed?”

“I found out when I was in the hospital, you know, after my

motorcycle accident, and I didn’t tell you because…” Jason paused as
though he were trying to avoid the next half of that sentence.

“Because why?” Riley crossed his arms. He was unwilling to let

Jason out explaining this.

“Well, don’t laugh, okay?” Jason pleaded.
Riley sighed. “Fine, I won’t laugh. Just tell me already, will ya?”
Jason ran a hand through his tousled brown hair. It was a nervous

habit he’d always had as far back as Riley could remember.

“I didn’t tell you because as it turns out he also happens to be a

demon. You know, like the whole devil thing, except without being

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flaming and horny.” Jason grinned at his joke, but Riley was not

Riley raised an eyebrow at Jason, irritated that he would make

light of his situation.

“Come on, Jay. Seriously? A demon?” Riley pursed his lips. “You

finally find someone connected to your mom’s side of the family and
you think he’s a demon?”

“Riley, I am serious. Trust me! You think I liked finding out on

my sixteenth birthday that I was the cosmic joke of all time. That I,
playboy of the century, actually had a demon for a mother and my
only living blood relative was a half brother who ruled over the
northern part of Hell?” Jason’s defensive tone was much too serious
for him to be joking.

Riley grew quiet as he slowly realized that Jason really did believe

his long lost mother was in fact a demon and that the man Riley had
just met was not only Jason’s brother, but a demon ruler of Hell.

“Jason, what are you trying to say?” Riley asked, sensing there

was a reason Jason was telling him all this now.

He grew quiet. Riley knew what finding his mother had meant to

him. Whether he actually said it or not, Riley had always known that
Jason had secretly hoped one day he’d find his mother and be able to
put to rest all the questions he had about why she’d left him with the
abusive asshole he had for stepfather. Riley had seen the hope
reflected in his eyes as a young boy. The hope that one day his mother
would turn up and save him from his shit life and tell him that he
wasn’t an unwanted bastard child and there had been some mistake.
But Riley had watched that hope fade from his eyes long ago. He
could only imagine how Jason must feel now.

“Once I found out he was my brother, he told me that he would’ve

been by my side sooner, but he didn’t know I even existed. He told
me our mother had come to Earth after she had separated from his
father and he never saw her again. He suspected something bad had

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happened to her if she had to leave me with Chuck.” Jason’s gaze
fixated on the floor.

Chuck had never been a father to Jason. Jason’s real dad had

passed away a few months after he was born. He never even knew the
guy. Chuck had been his mother’s next husband, but shortly after their
marriage, she vanished, leaving Jason with him. Riley placed a
comforting hand on Jason’s shoulder. He wanted desperately to
believe him, but what he was saying sounded crazy.

Jason met Riley’s gaze. “He saved me, Riles. Cage helped heal

my broken body after the car wreck. That was the only reason I came
through all those surgeries. I wanted to tell you then, but I knew you’d
think I was crazy.”

Riley recalled his motorcycle wreck. Riley remembered the long

hours at the hospital as he prayed to whatever god that would listen.
He just never expected his prayers to have been answered in the form
of a demon. All this time, Riley was sure Jason had some guardian
angel on his shoulder. Now he knew just how far that idea was from
the truth.

“You could have told me,” Riley insisted.
“You wouldn’t have believed me,” Jason accused.
Riley shrugged. “That’s true. So how have things between you

and Cage been? Has it been awkward since you didn’t grow up

Jason shrugged. “He not a half-bad brother. He’s always been

there whenever I needed him. He’s even helped me with my new
position as Head Councilman of Hell.”

Riley refrained from questioning him about his new job. He was

trying his best not to look at Jason like he’d lost his mind. Jason
flashed him a warm smile that reached his eyes. It was the first one
Riley had seen in years.

“I’m so happy I can share this with you.”

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Riley forced a weak smile. “Jason, to be honest, I want to be

happy for you, truly I do, but come on. Even you have to understand
why I’m skeptical.”

“I do, Riley.” Jason agreed. “Here, let me show you.”
Jason leaned in. His eyes were glowing with their own internal

light as he met Riley’s gaze. A shiver ran down Riley’s spine as the
hair on the back of his neck stood on end. He was mesmerized and
terrified by the look on Jason’s face as he reached for his hand. The
instant they touched, Riley’s world shifted and it was as though he’d
been transported to a different time and place.

Images of Jason as a young teenager flashed before his eyes as

Riley began to absorb the memories and precious moments shared
between him and Cage. He could see Cage, healing Jason after his
accident, and the bond that formed between them against all odds. He
could see Jason as a young man accepting the position before Hell’s
council as Head Councilman.

When Jason retracted his touch, Riley was brought back to the

sitting room. His head was spinning, and Riley gripped the side of the
couch to steady himself. He was at a loss for words. He couldn’t
believe it. Cage really was a Demon Lorde and Jason was his brother.
Riley looked up at Jason. Tears pooled in Jason’s eyes. “Now do you

Riley knew that it had been Jason who had shared all those

memories with him, and he knew just how much they had meant to
his friend.

To go from being absolutely hated and not wanted to knowing that

he had a real brother who loved him like Cage did was a dream come
true that not even Jason had allowed himself to think existed. Riley
wrapped his arms around Jason, feeling the sudden need to reassure
him that everything was all right with him and that he was truly happy
for him.

“I can’t believe it,” Riley whispered.
“I know. Me neither.”

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“I’m really happy for you, Jason. I’m glad you finally have

someone in your life who really cares about you.” Riley smiled as
they exchanged a knowing look. Riley had that once. He’d had a
family, but they had passed away in a car accident just before his
tenth birthday. Riley knew the pain Jason had suffered from and the
loneliness that came with having no one in his life. It was part of the
reason they’d become such good friends. For a long time, they were
each other’s only family.

“So you believe me now?” Jason asked. Riley nodded.
“Good. That means I can now tell you what I’ve been up to the

past seven years.”

“Please do. I feel like I’ve missed out on your whole life now!”

Riley sat back, eager to here Jason’s stories of the world beyond

“Well, after that I began interning with my brother.” His

excitement warmed Riley’s heart as he listened to Jason’s stories. He
pictured the land he described and the people he’d met on his trips to
the underworld. It wasn’t anything like how the books and movies
had portrayed it.

The hours passed, and Riley found himself completely fascinated

with this other world. He’d never really been the religious type but he
couldn’t help but compare what Jason told him to the things he’d
learned when he was younger. Hell was a harsh land, filled with hot
summers and freezing winters. There were no tortured souls or evil
villains. There were just people. Some of them were demons and
some of them were human, each one trying to get by like many people
on Earth.

When Jason started talking about Cage and his position of power,

Riley couldn’t help but find himself drawn to every little detail.
Apparently, Cage had worked his way up the social ladder. He
quickly became one of the strongest demons and obtained the title of
Demon Lorde with relative ease as there was no one else who could

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even come close to his strength. The way Jason spoke about made it
clear for Riley to see just how much he admired his older brother.

Eventually, the conversation came to an end as Jason finished

answering Riley’s fifty million questions. All except one remained.

Riley looked to Jason. “So what happened? What changed your

mind and made you decide to tell me all this?”

Jason pursed his lips. “You have to understand, Riley. I did what I

had to do. I had to save you.”

Riley furrowed his brow. “What do you mean, Jason?”
Silence fell between them, and the look that came over Jason’s

face set Riley’s nerves on edge.

Every muscle in his body tensed. Why do I have the sneaking

suspicion I’m not going to like this.

“When I saw what Damian had done to you, I knew I had to do

something…I knew you wouldn’t want it to end like this.” Jason
stared hard at Riley as though he were seeing past the tough façade
he’d worked so hard to put up through dinner. In that moment, Riley
knew Jason had known how badly Damian had beaten him. Probably
more so than he did since a lot of it was still a blur.

“I want you to know I only did this because I thought it was the

right thing to do and I hope you don’t hate me for it.”

Riley’s stomach churned as he tried to calm his racing heart. He

knew he probably wasn’t going to like what Jason said next, but he
had to hear it. He needed to know what Jason wasn’t telling him.

“I know how bad I was…” Riley trailed off as his eyes burned

from the tears that were forming. He couldn’t finish the sentence.
Thinking about it hurt too much.

“I did what I had to in order to save you. I want you to know

that.” Jason held Riley’s gaze as he squeezed his hand for comfort. “I
summoned my brother and asked him to perform a blood exchange
with you so that his life force could heal your broken body and
eventually sustain you throughout eternity.”

Riley let what Jason had just said soak in before reacting.

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“You did what?” he questioned at last when he finally found his

voice. The only things that had registered with him were the words
“blood exchange” and “eternity.”

“Cage saved you by giving you some of his blood. But there’s

more. You have to continue to feed off him until the ritual is
complete. Because you’re linked, you are a weakness to Cage, and as
long as the bond remains unfinished, any demon can take you and use
you to inflict pain on him.”

Riley felt sick to his stomach as he thought about drinking another

person’s blood. “So what does this all mean, Jason? I’m some freak of
nature now who has to live off blood like a fucking vampire and your
brother can feel exactly what I’m feeling? Is that what you’re trying
to tell me?” Riley’s breathing came in shallow gasps as his heart
raced inside his chest. He tried to wrap his mind around it all. He was
grateful for Jason saving his life, but there was no way he would
agree to feeding off blood for the rest of eternity, especially not
Jason’s brother’s blood.

“Calm down, Riley. It’s okay.” Riley looked at Jason’s worried

expression. It was far from okay, but he tried his best to take a deep
breath and calm himself.

“I’m sorry,” Jason said at last. “I would’ve done the ritual myself

but I wasn’t strong enough, and you have my word that you’re not
going to turn into some crazed vampire. The only thing you’ll need to
do is exchange blood with Cage for a couple months, then it’s only
once every blood moon, and you won’t be a monster, just slightly
stronger than the average person. Besides, once all the rituals have
taken place, you’ll be an immortal like Cage.” Jason tried to comfort
him as he closed the distance between them and motioned for Riley to
come closer.

“I’ve already talked everything over with Cage and he’s

completely fine with you being blood bound to him. He knows you’re
like my brother and he’s promised not to do anything to make you
feel uncomfortable.”

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Riley wanted to point out to him that drinking someone’s blood

was about as uncomfortable as a person could make him feel, but
there was something about the look reflected in Jason’s gaze that
made him hold his tongue.

“It was all strictly to save your life. I promise.”
Riley tried to listen to what Jason was saying. Aside from the

creep factor in all this, in the end, it beat the alternative. If it hadn’t
been for Cage, Riley knew in the pit of his stomach that he’d be dead
right now. His frustration at the helplessness he felt from his situation
only made him hate Damian that much more. He was beginning to
regret the day he met Damian.

Riley felt dizzy. All this information was too much for one night,

but when Riley really thought about it, what option did Jason have?
Everything about this situation may have been easier for Riley to
tolerate if it didn’t involve sucking blood from a demon. Cage was a
handsome guy. To say he was attractive didn’t really begin to
describe how gorgeous he was, but Riley didn’t really like the thought
of him drinking from his neck. It grossed him out.

They talked for a few more minutes as Jason explained that the

rituals would have to start tonight. The thought sent a wave of
butterflies in Riley’s stomach. He wasn’t looking forward to the man
waiting for him or the idea of having his blood drained, but he
supposed it couldn’t be any worse than being beaten by the man who
was supposed to love and protect him.

Riley kept Jason talking until he could hardly hold his eyes open.

He felt weak and tired, a reaction to his need to feed according to
Jason. Despite Riley’s protests, Jason insisted that he go on up to
Cage’s room. He reassured Riley that once the feeding ritual was over
with Riley would feel better and he could go to bed.

Reluctantly, Riley agreed and said goodnight. He headed in the

direction Jason had pointed him to. Riley tried not to think about all
the things Jason had said and focused on being grateful he’d had a
friend like him because otherwise he might not even be here.

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Despite all the uncertainty Riley had for the future, he did know

one thing beyond a shadow of a doubt. That no matter what, Jason
would be by his side to protect and watch over him, and that was all
the comfort he needed to get through this.

* * * *

Cage was exhausted. He’d finally managed to finish his pile of

paperwork and had Abaddon forward it to the proper places back
home. He sighed as he turned out the lights in his study and slowly
made his way back to his bedroom. He glanced at the clock in the
hallway and saw that more time had passed since his brother had told
him Riley was waiting for him than he’d originally thought. Riley
must’ve been waiting for over an hour. Damn. Well, at least his work
was finally done and he could take the next couple of hours to catch
up on some much-needed sleep.

Cage yawned as he rounded the corner and approached his

bedroom door. He opened the door and stepped into the room. He
spotted Riley already asleep. Cage smiled and began to get ready for
bed. He pulled off his shirt and sat down on the opposite end. He
couldn’t help but stare at the man that lay next to him. He looked so

Without thinking, Cage brushed the stray blond hair from his face.

He felt a faint sense of longing as he looked down at the stranger in
his bed.

Cage shook his head before his mind wandered any further. It had

been a long time since he’d shared in a lover’s embrace. Yes, he’d
had his occasional one-night stand, but there was no emotional
connection. No passion. Nothing like the bond he felt with this

Cage shifted uncomfortably as he reminded himself that these

emotions were only from the bonding ceremony that he’d preformed.

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As a demon, it was only natural that he be drawn to the warm light of
this human’s soul.

Cage tried to ignore his desire for Riley. He wouldn’t let himself

get carried away again. Memories of the last mortal he’d loved
danced across his mind. It had been ages since he’d thought of him
and the pain he’d felt over his death. Cage clenched his teeth. He
wouldn’t allow himself to go back to that unbearable state. He’d
closed off all his emotions and feelings, and that was the way it would
stay. The feelings he was experiencing now weren’t real, and he
wasn’t about to let them influence his strictly professional relationship
with Riley.

Cage started to pull away and stand up, only to be stopped by a

warm touch. He looked down and saw that Riley had reached out for
him in his sleep. Riley’s hand was carefully clinging onto his as
though willing him to stay. He looked down at Riley and noticed his
peaceful expression had been replaced by a saddened pout as he
whimpered and snuggled closer.

Damn it.
He was a perceptive one. Even in his sleep he’d felt Cage’s

sadness. Before Cage stopped to think about what he was doing, he
bent down and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, yearning to
comfort him and free him from the demons that plagued Cage’s

Riley’s eyes fluttered open. Cage didn’t move. He watched as

Riley’s sleepy expression turned into a soft smile.

“Hi,” Riley whispered as he tugged at Cage’s hand.
“Hi back.” Cage smiled. They sat in silence a long while, each one

of them too afraid to move or speak for fear of ruining the moment.

There was something different about him, Cage was sure of it. He

couldn’t quite put his finger on it though. It was probably just the
loneliness finally catching up to him after all these centuries. He
needed to put space between them and fast. Cage sat up, withdrawing
his hand from Riley’s touch.

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“So I suppose we need to get this over with,” Cage said, standing

as he began to undo his pants. He glanced back at Riley. “Well, what
are you waiting for? Strip.”

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Chapter Three

Riley stared at the man who had just ordered him to take his

clothes off. It wasn’t that he minded all that much. Cage wasn’t half-
bad naked himself, and the prospect of them both being naked at the
same time did have a certain appeal to him. Riley couldn’t help but
wonder what a night with the Demon Lorde would be like, but as
tempting as it sounded, he couldn’t deny the part of himself that was

“And why am I supposed to be taking my clothes off?” Riley

questioned, refusing to make any move to oblige Cage until he
answered him. The look Cage cast over his shoulder at Riley let him
know that he seriously expected him just to obey without question.
Riley cursed silently to himself. He hated being treated like a child
and he’d be damned if he followed anyone’s orders even if they were
from the most gorgeous man he’d ever seen. Riley crossed his arms in
frustration as he glared at the vanity dresser across the room as though
to emphasize the fact that he was making no move to obey his

Cage’s laughter caught him off guard as Riley chanced a peek at

him from the corner of his eye. He still refused to give him all of his
attention until he answered his question.

“Well. I’m waiting,” Riley demanded. He felt the weight of the

bed shift as Cage sat back down.

“I apologize for being so…” Cage trailed off as though trying to

find the right word.

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Demanding? Arrogant? Rude? Riley could think of a million

ways to finish that sentence. Riley glared at him, meeting his blue

Cage’s gaze narrowed as though he’d read his thoughts before

continuing. “Improper,” he finished as he pursed his lips.

“I was merely stating that you should change out your only pair of

clothes before we begin the ritual.” Cage paused as he glared at him.
“So you don’t ruin them.” His tone was condescending as he raised
his perfectly arched eyebrow.

Riley pondered over his argument for a moment, before seeing the

logic in it. He hated being talked to like an errant child, but Cage did
have a point. Sighing in defeat, he stood and began to pull off his

“That’s what I thought,” Cage muttered in triumph. His words

were barely audible, but they didn’t go unnoticed.

Riley rolled his eyes in frustration. Stupid arrogant prick! He

doesn’t have to be so smug about it! Riley eyed the pillow closest to
him and grinned with devious satisfaction. Before Cage could turn
back to face him, Riley had the pillow in hand and threw it hard,
aiming directly for Cage’s head. Cage turned around, revealing a look
of utter shock on his face.

His normally stoic posture had completely vanished, and Riley

had to keep himself from falling in the floor laughing as he smiled at
his successful surprise attack.

“I beg your pardon! Did you just throw a pillow at me?” Cage’s

crisp British accent only made it that much more amusing to Riley.

“Why yes I did.” Riley beamed. “What? You’ve never been in a

pillow fight before?” He reached for another one as a big grin spread
across his face.

Cage raised an eyebrow. “I wouldn’t do that if I were you,” he

said, attempting to sound serious, but Riley could hear the amusement
beneath his harsh tone and decided to go for it.

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Riley hurled the pillow, this time hitting Cage in the chest. Cage

grabbed the pillow that had just been thrown at him and hurled it back
at Riley.

Before Riley had time to recover, Cage grabbed the last pillow on

the bed and threatened him with more if he didn’t stop. Cage eyed
Riley suspiciously as he waited to see what his next move would be.

“Give up?” Cage questioned as Riley composed himself from the

last throw and the laughter that had consumed him.

Pushing his hair out of his face, Riley grabbed the pillow on the

floor and tackled Cage to the bed. Cage fell back against the
headboard, barely missing hitting his head.

“Not even close,” Riley said breathlessly as he stared into Cage’s

ice-blue eyes. He couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw Cage’s
usually cold stare soften a little when he looked at him just now.

“What?” Riley teased as he pushed himself up. He couldn’t figure

Cage out, but he suspected that he wasn’t as cold and uncaring as
most humans made his kind out to be.

“Nothing,” Cage stated. His gaze never wavered from Riley, and

Riley felt his cheeks burn hot with embarrassment.

Riley shrugged off his sudden sense of self-awareness. He felt

playful tonight and he refused to let his own insecurities get the best
of him. He took a deep breath and let go of all the stress he’d been
holding onto for the past few years. His gaze wandered to Cage’s bare
chest as he slowly eyed him up and down. “So now that you have me
almost naked, what do you plan to do with me, demon?”

He was making Cage nervous. Riley wasn’t sure how he could tell

that. His composure hadn’t changed. It was something else.
Something more. Almost as though he could feel his emotions…his
desires. Riley felt his stomach knot in anticipation as those feelings
slowly overwhelmed him until they blurred so well with his own that
he couldn’t tell if it was Cage’s thoughts and feelings or his.

“You feel it, don’t you?” Cage’s velvet voice sent chills down his

body as he became intensely aware of his presence for the first time

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since meeting him. This wasn’t just a physical attraction. It was
almost as though they had somehow become two pieces of the same
puzzle and every move, every thought, every feeling was no longer
his own. Riley nodded.

“That’s the connection that was forged during the ritual. You will

get used to it eventually and you won’t even know I’m in the same
room,” Cage said reassuringly.

You’re lying, Riley wanted to accuse, but he refrained.
He knew all too well that once someone was aware of another

person’s existence that it was hard to go back to not noticing them.
Whatever had happened during that ritual, Cage had awakened Riley
to him, and somewhere deep down inside, Riley knew he would never
be able to go back to his old life. He didn’t want to go back. Feeling
Cage made him feel more alive than he’d had in years.

A darker side of him was anxious to see where this new life would

take him, and a part of him wished that this connection would never
change. He liked the feeling of belonging he felt when he was near
Cage. For the first time since he was little, Riley felt anchored in the
present moment. The past wasn’t haunting him, and he wasn’t
anxious about the future. It was a very strange sensation to have with
a complete stranger.

Riley swallowed as he tried to get ahold of himself, but Riley

couldn’t deny that there was something about this man that made him
want to forget everything and just be happy with him in this moment

Cage smiled. “You’re only having these strange thoughts because

your soul is bound to mine. Your reaction is completely normal at any
thought of being separated from me. No need to think about bad
memories or doubt your own judgment.”

Riley blinked. Did he just read my mind?
“Yes I did, silly human. That’s not all I can do either, but we’ll

save those parlor tricks for another day. Right now I need sleep, and
before I can do that we need to feed.” Cage lifted Riley’s chin to

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where their lips were only mere inches from one another. Riley felt
his heart quicken as his fear and doubt began to turn into lust and

“Will it hurt?” he asked, silently wishing his voice hadn’t sounded

so breathless.

“Not at all, love.” The corners of Cage’s lips curved upward into a

semblance of a smile. “You might even enjoy it.”

Cage was teasing him. Riley was sure of it.
“All right. I’m ready,” Riley stated as he closed his eyes. His heart

raced with anticipation. Every muscle in his body tensed and he
desperately tried not to think about the pain that was soon to come.

He could feel Cage leaning in. Feel his breath on his neck. It

won’t hurt. It won’t hurt. It won’t hurt. Riley chanted over and over
again to himself.

“Open your eyes, love,” Cage’s command called to him, and he

could feel the demon willing him to oblige. He wrapped his arms
around Riley’s waist to support him. Riley was too scared to move.
But Cage waited for him patiently.

Riley was so nervous. He didn’t realize how terrified he was until

Cage took his shaking hand to steady it. Riley took a deep breath,
calming his racing heart, and when the pain didn’t come, Riley
opened his eyes to meet Cage’s reassuring gaze. Cage pushed Riley to
the bed and positioned himself on top of him before gently turning
Riley’s head to expose his neck.

“Do you trust me?” His voice sounded like sex to Riley as his

accent washed over him. The fear he felt moments before had
vanished, and all that was left was Riley’s intense awareness of
Cage’s close proximity, of his hand on his side, and of his gaze that
lingered on the small of his neck.

Riley couldn’t speak. He shook his head no and he reached up to

place his arms around Cage’s neck so that he could pull him closer. It
was as though he had no control over his actions.

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Cage chuckled. “Foolish human,” he growled as he allowed Riley

to lead him to the bend in his neck.

Riley ran his fingers through Cage’s disheveled black hair and

closed his eyes. He gasped when he felt the first prick of Cage’s fangs
against his flesh. He waited for the pain, but the pain never came.
Instead, he found himself melting into Cage. It was as though they
had joined together as one and there was no longer any distinction
between where Cage began and Riley ended. Riley could feel
Damian’s thoughts as though they were his own, he could see hints of
his memories, his hopes and dreams, and he knew that Cage could
feel the same. All of his secrets and fears were exposed to someone he
barely even knew, but there was no point in resisting. He was already
gone too far as he head began to spin. Riley never wanted this feeling
to end, but it did.

When Cage finally pulled away, Riley clung to him, desperate for

him to stay. Cage leaned up as a small amount of Riley’s blood
dripped from the corner of his mouth.

“I’ve already taken too much, poppet. That’s enough.” His voice

was ragged as though he were having a hard time resisting Riley’s
offer. “It’s your turn.”

Riley was sure he saw Cage’s eyes change from blue to bloodred

before he bent down and forced Riley’s lips to his neck.

Riley was unsure of what he was supposed to be doing. Panic

began to overwhelm him as the seconds ticked by.

“Just relax. You should be able to tap into my demon blood and

feel your canines elongate. It’s okay.” Cage’s comforting tone
soothed Riley as he began to do as he was instructed. He focused on
their connection and felt something stir inside him as instinct took
over. It was as though an uncontrollable hunger inside him had
awakened, and without much thought, Riley opened his mouth and bit
down on Cage’s throat.

His warm blood filled Riley’s senses as he drank him in. It wasn’t

disgusting or awful. In fact, it was just the opposite. All of Cage’s

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emotions and feelings overpowered Riley’s senses. An eternity of
pain and loneliness nearly brought Riley to tears. Fragments of broken
memories flashed before him as though he had actually lived them.

More, Riley thought as he sucked harder. The sensation was

addicting like nothing else.

Cage moaned when Riley flicked his tongue against the open

wound, and Riley felt his cock harden as Cage let desire consume

Riley met his lust with eager enthusiasm. He ground against him,

enjoying the feel of being on top of the Demon Lorde. He willed Cage
to let go of the loneliness and forget his pain. Just for one night, they
could both forget. Riley reached up and found Cage’s lips. He tasted
like heaven as their tongues entwined.

You shouldn’t be doing this. The thought was fleeting as Riley

slipped beyond the point of return. The only thing that mattered right
now was the way he felt with Cage.

Cage moaned as he deepened their kiss. He pushed Riley on his

back and rolled with him. He entwined his fingers in Riley’s hair as
he gripped Riley’s hip and forced his legs apart. Riley’s head was
spinning as he inhaled Cage’s scent. He needed more. They both did.
He reached for Cage with eager enthusiasm as Cage trailed kisses
down Riley’s neck and chest before stopping at his nipple. Cage
lapped at the sensitive area until he felt it harden under his touch.

“Damn, you’re a tease,” Riley whispered as he tried to control the

need to feel Cage inside him. Riley reached down and grabbed Cage’s
cock from beneath the confines of his silk boxers. He was already
hard and ready just like Riley. Riley bit his bottom lip as he moved up
and down Cage’s full hard length.

He’d never been so turned on in his life. It was his desire that

drove him as he became aware of just what he wanted.

Riley pushed Cage up so that he could remove the rest of his

clothes. He wanted him, no, needed him like he’d never needed
anyone else. Riley pushed Cage back to the bed as he took control of

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the situation and dropped to his knees. He took Cage’s cock into his
mouth, running his tongue across the slit opening of the mushroom-
shaped head. A small amount of pre-cum hit Riley’s tongue and he
moaned at the sensation. Cage tasted like sin and Riley wanted more.
Cage tangled his hands in his hair as he moaned aloud from Riley’s
inflictions of pleasure. Riley took him deeper into his throat, ensuring
that every inch of Cage’s cock was experiencing some kind of
pleasurable sensation.

“That’s it. Suck my cock,” Cage demanded through clenched

teeth. Riley could feel Cage’s pulse quicken, and he was sure Cage
was almost near the edge of release. Riley was determined to see it
through, but Cage stopped him, pushing Riley up off him and pinning
him to the bed in one swift motion. The animalistic stare reflected in
Cage’s eyes sent a shiver of desire down Riley’s spine.

“My turn.” A wicked grin spread across Cage’s face.
There was no hesitation. Cage bent down and took Riley into his

mouth. He ran his tongue against his shaft, teasing Riley mercilessly
before moving to Riley’s inner thigh. A sharp prick sent Riley into a
frenzy of pleasure. Another wave for desire ran through him. He felt
light-headed as he thrashed back and forth on the bed. He didn’t know
how much more of this foreplay he could take. Riley dug his nails
into Cage’s shoulder as he struggled to resist the urge to orgasm
prematurely. It was amazing how just one touch from Cage had him
going crazy.

“I need you,” he whispered. “I need you inside me.”

* * * *

Riley tasted of heaven. His blood called to Cage. He could feel

Riley’s desire, and there was no going back for Cage. He knew he
should take it slow, to encourage Riley to resist the pull of their
connection, but he couldn’t. He finished drinking from Riley’s thigh

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and used the healing agents in his saliva to close off the wound. He
moved to Riley’s hard cock and took him deep in his throat.

“Oh. Fuck. Cage.” Riley panted as Cage took him deeper. Riley

struggled to push him off and gain back the control, but Cage held
him place, never relenting.

This is my game now.
He let out a low growl.
Riley’s heart beat quickened and his muscles tensed as his body

willed itself closer and closer to its breaking point. Riley’s screams of
ecstasy echoed in his bedroom chamber walls as he came hard and
fast. His sticky seed hit the back of Cage’s throat as he slipped the
hard cock from in between his lips. He reached for the lube and
shoved two fingers inside Riley, adding to the throes of ecstasy that
racked his body. It didn’t take long before Riley was ready to take his
cock, and Cage positioned himself against his tight hole. He slipped
inside Riley, inch by inch until he’d taken all of his cock. Their eyes
locked as Cage began a fast pace. He could still feel Riley’s muscles
spasm around his cock from the orgasm he’d just given him. Riley
didn’t let that stop him. He moved his hips in eager anticipation,
encouraging Cage onward. “That’s it, poppet.”

Cage sunk his fangs once again into the side of Riley’s throat. He

felt Riley cling to him as his nails dug into his back. Cage moved
from his neck to his mouth, and he forced the blood he’d just taken
from his throat in Riley’s own mouth. A trickle of it spilled down the
corner as he caught him by surprise. After he was sure he’d drunk
every last drop, Cage allowed him to break the kiss, gasping for air.

“Oh, fuck!” Riley exclaimed. He thrashed against Cage as wave

after wave of pleasure washed over him. Cage delighted in the
sensations that surrounded Riley, and his pleasure became Cage’s.
Cage didn’t stop. He kept sliding in and out of Riley’s tight hole until
he finally buried himself deep inside him, seeing stars as he came.

Cage collapsed on the bed, holding Riley close. He didn’t want to

move. Riley felt too good around his cock. They were both drenched

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in a cold sweat, and Cage placed his head to Riley’s chest where he
could listen to his erratic heartbeat.

Riley wrapped his arms around him as he ran his fingers through

Cage’s sweat-drenched hair. Cage moaned at the sensation. He was
finding it was the little touches from Riley that seemed to drive him

“Wow,” Riley said breathlessly. Cage smiled faintly in response

as he felt his sleep deprivation finally catching up to him.

“Sleep,” Cage groaned and rolled himself off of Riley reluctantly.

He didn’t want this moment to come to an end, but the morning
would eventually bring him back to reality and work would call upon
him once again. For now, though, he just wanted to enjoy the human’s

Cage pulled the sheet over his naked body and closed his eyes.

When he felt Riley stir to get up, he reached for him, pulling him back
to his chest.

“But—” Riley protested.
“Stay,” Cage requested with his eyes still shut. He felt Riley tense.
“Please,” he added before Riley could protest.
“Okay,” Riley agreed as he allowed Cage to pull him close. Cage

put a protective arm around the fragile human and placed a gentle kiss
upon his forehead. He felt exhausted as he melted into the darkness
that enveloped him, and for the first time in over a century, Cage
found himself content.

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Chapter Four

Damian stared out into the darkness that stretched just beyond his

balcony. He closed his eyes as he inhaled. His blood coursed hot from
desire as thoughts of Riley flashed across his mind. He knew he was
still alive. He could feel him out there and he knew Jason had
something to do with his disappearance. Damian’s grip on the banister
tightened as he felt his blood boil at the thought of Riley with Jason.
He flicked his tongue against his teeth as he tried to clear his head
from the images of Riley with that monster. Jason was nothing but a
weak Halfling. He was a demon unworthy of the title and he didn’t
see what Riley saw in him.

Damian’s family had always served demons. Riley had never

known this, but Damian was well aware of Jason’s heritage. It was
part of the reason why he’d tried so hard to keep Riley away from
Jason, but still he defied him. Rage clouded his judgment, and he
threw his glass of red wine against the wall. Why didn’t Riley realize
that he couldn’t escape him? Didn’t he understand? He was his and if
he couldn’t have him, then no one would.

The sound of his phone buzzing interrupted his thoughts. Cursing,

Damian walked back inside to his study.

He picked up the receiver.
“Yes,” Damian growled into the phone.
“Two weeks, brother,” Angelus’s voice hissed back at him.
Damian clenched his teeth. “I said I would take care of it.”
“No need to get defensive, my dearest Damian. The others were

just concerned you couldn’t handle the deal with the demon Semira,
especially given the new changes in circumstance. Time is now a

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pressing issue since she wants her payment now. You promised to
deliver Jason to her, and now that Riley has left you, it’ll be harder.”
Angelus tone was filled with disdain, which only irritated Damian

“You can tell the others to go fuck themselves. I have this under

control!” Damian shouted into the receiver.

Angelus’s laughter echoed from the other end, and it made

Damian regret his outburst. He hated his brother’s condescending
attitude. “I don’t give a shit how angry you get so long as you get the
job done. We need her favor in order to push forward with this new
bill. I don’t care what it takes, just get it done.”

Damian’s grip on the phone tightened. “I promise you, I’ll get it

done. Just make sure you have your shit together.”

“Two weeks, Damian. If you don’t have Jason delivered to Semira

by then, I’ll come and do it myself. We can’t have this situation
become any worse than it already is. You remember what happened
the last time we disappointed Semira?” There was a lingering pause as
though to emphasize what Angelus was telling him. Damian didn’t
need any fucking reminders. He still had the scars from her lashings.

“I understand,” Damian stated through clenched teeth. He kept

control over his temper as he said his good-byes and hung up the
phone. What right did he have to stick his nose where it didn’t
belong? This was his assignment, not Angelus’s. Damian seethed
silently to himself, but he knew the message wasn’t from Angelus. He
suspected his eldest brother, Daemonium, was probably behind this,
and Damian knew if he fucked this up there would be hell to pay.

As one of the Strauss brothers, he shouldn’t be worrying over his

personal life. He should be in control and in charge, just like his father
had been. This request of Semira’s should have been a piece of cake
for him. Jason wasn’t exactly that hard for him track down, and given
the fact that he and Riley were close, Damian didn’t see how things
could possibly go wrong. But they did, and now thanks to Riley, it
seemed like Damian was fucked.

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None of that mattered to Damian though. All he cared about was

getting Riley back. Consequences be damned, Riley Black would
succumb to him even if he had to sell his soul to the devil himself.
Riley would be his one way or another, and Damian knew just what
he had to do.

He picked the phone back up and dialed the number from

memory. It rang three times before he heard someone pick up.

“I need that favor,” Damian said before the person on the other

end had a chance to speak.

“Why don’t come on over then?” the all-too-familiar demon’s

voice responded in eagerness. Yes, he would get Riley back and
deliver Jason to Semira. There was just one more thing he needed
before he could make his ambitions into reality.

* * * *

Riley woke up to an empty room. At first he thought he might’ve

just dreamed the intimate night he’d shared with an almost complete
stranger, but when he looked down at himself, he quickly realized that
last night was far from a wet dream if the bruises and bite marks were
any indication. He felt his cheeks warm from embarrassment.

Sunlight streamed in through the cracks in curtains that covered

the French doors leading onto the balcony. He wrapped the sheets
around himself and slipped out of bed. He made his way to the
balcony and pushed back the curtains. A flood of bright, blinding light
greeted him.

He opened the French doors and stepped onto the cool cement

floor with his bare feet. The air smelled of fall as he looked out over
the acres of land. It was beautiful. Nothing like the city and Riley
wondered exactly where this place was located at. He closed his eyes
and felt the cool wind brush against his bare skin. Today would be a
good day. He was sure of it, but he did need to talk with Damian
eventually. Dealing with reality was not something Riley was looking

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forward to, but it had to be done. He couldn’t hide up here forever
with Cage and Jason. All his stuff was with Damian. It wasn’t the
clothes or money that Riley wanted, but the pictures of his parents
before they had passed away. Riley gnawed on his bottom lip as he
thought over whether or not Jason would go with him.

“You’ll catch cold if you stand out there too long like that.” The

soft British accent caused Riley to open his eyes and turn around. He
smiled at the sight of Cage. He was already dressed in a nice business
suit complete with black slacks, a white shirt, and a matching black
tie. He looked as though he’d just returned from a meeting.

“But it’s so nice out here,” Riley countered even as he followed

Cage back inside the room.

“I had Abaddon bring you some coffee.” He motioned to the

steaming pot and empty cup next to the doorway. “I apologize if it’s
not the best. I don’t really like the stuff. I’m more of a tea drinker, but
I had Abaddon find some we’d kept for our previous guests.”

“I’m sure it’ll be just fine. Thanks.” Riley started to move past

him to the coffee, but was stopped before he reached his destination
by Cage’s arms as they wrapped around Riley’s waist. Cage spun
Riley around and pressed his lips to Riley’s. The kiss was passionate,
intense. There was definitely some chemistry there. Riley was sure of
it. Last night apparently wasn’t just a heat of the moment kind of
fling. Cage nibbled on Riley’s bottom lip as he pulled back, leaving
Riley breathless.

“Good morning,” Cage greeted as a smile slowly spread across his

face. Even his eyes sparkled with a hint of happiness that Riley was
sure hadn’t been there last night at dinner.

“Good morning.” He grinned back at Cage. Riley reached up and

touched his soft lips with his fingertips as he remembered all the
things they had done to him just the night before.

Cage pulled him close and kissed the top of his forehead before

letting Riley go. Riley’s gaze fixated on Cage as he watched him
make his way to his desk and pull out some papers.

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“I’m sorry I can’t stay longer with you, but I have business to

attend to today,” Cage stated with his back turned to Riley. He sifted
through some binders, trying to locate more items. Riley approached
the tray that Abaddon had left for him and began to fix his morning

“It’s okay. I understand.” Riley added a couple cubes of sugar to

his cup and then some cream.

He looked up and was met with Cage’s apologetic stare. “I’m

sorry I can’t spend the day with you, but I would like it very much if
you joined me for dinner tonight.”

Riley eyed him suspiciously. “You mean like a date?” Riley

gnawed on his bottom lip with nervous anticipation at Cage’s answer.
His heart fluttered as he silently hoped it was a date before he
chastised himself for wishing such things. He’d only broken ties with
Damian a couple days ago for crying out loud. He didn’t need any
more complications until he figured everything else out.

I shouldn’t have said anything. He groaned inside his mind,

wishing he could take his stupid question back.

“I can read your thoughts, human. Or did you forget that little

bit?” Cage teased as he took a step closer.

“I didn’t forget.” That was a bad lie, and Riley knew it. “How

does that work anyways? Can I do that, too?”

Cage chuckled. “We’ll save that for another night.”
Riley eyed him with disbelief.
“I give you my word that I will teach it to you at some point in the

next couple of weeks, but for now how about that date?”

So he did mean it as a date. Riley couldn’t help but get a little

excited at the idea.

“I’d love to go out with you, Cage. However, I can’t.” Riley

looked him in the eye and smiled sweetly as he saw a flash of panic
cross Cage’s face before resuming his normally composed
emotionless stature.

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“And why not?” Cage questioned as though he were unaffected by

Riley’s rejection.

Riley smiled with mischief, happy to see that a part of Cage was

genuinely upset at his refusal. “Because I have nothing to wear to this
dinner. All my belongings are still at my house.” Riley took a sip of
coffee, and Cage let out a sigh of relief.

“Well if that is the only reason then I can quickly remedy that.”
“You mean I can go get my things?” Riley asked hopefully.
“Of course not. That’s much too dangerous at this point. We

haven’t completed the binding ritual, and I’m not about to let you go
around the man that almost killed you less than three days ago until
then. I’ll have Abaddon show you to your wardrobe that I had filled
with perfectly good brand new clothes,” Cage stated as though this
was some kind of common knowledge Riley should’ve known.

“I can take care of myself,” Riley countered. He didn’t feel the

truth in those words, but he didn’t want anyone going out of their way
to help him. He could try to avoid Damian all together and go home
when he knew he wasn’t going to be there. “You don’t have to go
through so much trouble for me. I don’t mind going to get my
belongings by myself.”

“Oh, Riley, how naïve you are.” Cage stepped closer as he looked

at Riley with a sadness he couldn’t quite comprehend. “You don’t just
have to worry about Damian anymore. You are bound to me. You are
of my essence. Any demon worth his salt that would wish to do harm
to me would be on you before you even reached the front door. I’m
sorry, but you’ve essentially become an extension of me and my
power. I must protect you at all costs. Not just from Damian.”

Comprehension dawned on Riley as he lowered his gaze to the

floor. “I see.”

That was all the response he could muster as realization that he

would never be able to return to his old life finally hit him. Not that it
mattered all that much, but he did enjoy his work as a lab tech and it
had been something he’d hoped to start up again after he left Damian.

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Damian had made him quit everything he enjoyed, and while Cage
was nothing like Damian, Riley couldn’t help but feel like he was
having to do it all over again.

“I am sorry,” Cage said after a long moment of silence. Riley

could feel his sympathy for his situation. It meant a lot to him that he
cared since he got the feeling Cage didn’t offer his sympathies often
with other people.

Tired of feeling sorry for himself and wanting nothing more than

to bring a smile to Cage’s face once more, Riley pushed aside his
selfish desires for the moment, and when he looked back up at Cage,
he had a warm smile on his face.

“It’s okay. I’ll be fine. I’m a survivor, and you have work to do so

go on. I will see you this afternoon. I’m sure Abaddon will take good
care of me,” Riley said with reassurance in his tone. He watched as
Cage eyed him suspiciously before finally deciding to trust in his

“All right then, it’s settled. I shall see you tonight at seven.” Cage

bent down and placed another quick kiss on his lips before heading
toward the door. “Oh and one more thing, Riley.” He paused with his
hand on the door handle.

“Yes?” Riley answered as he followed his motion of opening the

door before finally stopping at those blue eyes that held him

“Thank you for last night.” Cage stepped out into the hallway

before Riley had a chance to say anything else, and the door closed
behind him.

Riley replayed what Cage had said over and over again. Last night

had been the most intimate experience Riley had ever encountered in
his entire life. Not even with Damian had he felt so…loved. Riley
shook his head. This was silly. One night of sex did not equate love,
but Riley secretly hoped that the one night would lead to more and
maybe one day he would be able to forget Damian had ever existed.

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Riley laid the black silk sheet back onto the bed as he headed

toward the shower. Yes, today was definitely a good day.

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Chapter Five

Cage walked down the hallway toward his study. He had already

summoned Abaddon to help Riley settle in, but as he thought about
the amount of work he had to get done, he was starting to regret
loaning out his beloved advisor. He smiled as he thought about Riley.
He was already looking forward to their dinner tonight. He let his
mind wander to thoughts of Riley naked on his bed. If tonight went as
good as last night, then he was in for one hell of a time.

“You have it bad, brother of mine.” Jason’s voice broke Cage’s

concentration. He looked up to see him leaning against the doorframe
of his study.

“Excuse me?” Cage questioned with brows furrowed. He had no

idea what Jason was going on about.

“You’re so crushing on him.”
Cage raised an eyebrow at his accusation. “I don’t know what

you’re talking about.” He tried to sidestep Jason and move past him,
but Jason held up a hand to stop him.

Jason scoffed at Cage’s denial. “I haven’t seen you this

absentminded or concerned about another person in the entire ten
years that I have known you.”

Cage rolled his eyes. “I don’t have time for this.” He didn’t want

to discuss this with Jason. He and Riley weren’t even anything
serious. He pushed Jason out of the way and stepped into his study.

Jason followed. “Oh yeah, well what did you two do last night?

Riley wasn’t in his room this morning.” Jason’s accusation set Cage’s
teeth on edge.

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“That is none of your business.” Cage’s eyes narrowed as he

turned on Jason. “You know he had to feed.”

A mischievous grin spread across Jason’s boyish face. “Yeah but

that’s not all I hear you did.”

Cage couldn’t help the heat that rose to his cheeks.
“Ha! I knew it!” Jason’s excitement was way too much for Cage

to handle this early in the morning. Since when did he care about
Cage’s love life?

“It’s been forever since you showed any interest in anyone, and

who would’ve thought that after all these years, it’d be a human you
fell for.” His gloating was irritating Cage. Why was he so happy
about this? He’d done this for Jason. Riley was only into him because
of the blood bond. Cage was almost certain or pretty certain. The
thought weighed on him as he slowly felt his excitement for the
evening dissipate. Was that really the only reason Riley had shared
his bed last night?

Cage’s patience was wearing thin with Jason. He really didn’t

want to talk about this anymore. “Don’t you have work to be doing,

“Yeah, yeah. I know.” Jason waved a hand of dismissal at Cage’s

reminder. “I just wanted to say one more thing.”

Cage sighed as he indulged his younger brother. “What is it


“I just want you to know. I don’t care what you two do, just don’t

hurt him.” Cage would’ve been insulted by Jason’s words if it hadn’t
been for the look of sincerity reflected in his gaze as he stared up at
Cage. “Riley’s been through enough. I’d like to see him happy for
once, so if you plan on just having some stupid fling, then I can
supply you with ample doxies from my club.”

Jason’s green eyes narrowed on him, and Cage could see the

underlying threat in his words. Jason wasn’t harassing him for finally
hooking up with someone. He was concerned about Riley’s well-
being. Cage didn’t take on long-term lovers. In fact, he’d never been

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the settle down type, and Jason was worried that Riley might get hurt
because of his lack of emotional commitment.

“Jason I promise you, I don’t plan on hurting Riley. I didn’t even

plan on last night happening. If this does turn out to be some
temporary fixation, I assure you that Riley will not get hurt.” Cage
had no idea how he was going to achieve that promise, but he just
couldn’t resist being a sucker for Jason’s requests. He’d spent a good
chunk of the last ten years catering to his brother’s wishes. He
supposed it was because he wanted to make up for their mother’s
disappearance and his lack of father figure in his life. Whatever it was
had Cage struggling to refuse Jason anything.

Jason’s happy-go-lucky grin was back in no time as it became

evident that he was satisfied with Cage’s answer.

“All right then. Play away,” Jason teased as he headed out the


“I’ll see you in court in ten minutes! Don’t be late,” Cage called to

Jason as he disappeared down the hall. He shook his head, wondering
when Jason would ever take anything seriously. Cage gathered up the
binders and papers he would need for his next meeting and cast the
spell to open the portal to hell. Flames erupted as the gate opened, and
Cage stepped through the barrier, eager to get this day over with.

* * * *

Riley stepped out of the shower and grabbed the nearest towel to

wrap around his body. A knock at the door sounded, and he made his
way across the marble floor.

“Who is it?” he called.
“It’s Abaddon, Mr. Black,” a masculine voice answered him from

the other side of the door.

Riley unlocked the door and opened it, allowing Abaddon


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“I was hoping you would show up soon. I’m kind of in a

predicament. I have no clothes except for the ones I borrowed last
night and now I can’t seem to find them.” Riley furrowed his brow as
he looked past Abaddon to make sure he hadn’t missed them. “I
could’ve sworn I left them on the floor.”

The blond-haired blue-eyed beauty flashed him a warm smile. “I

had the maids clean those for you. The rest of your wardrobe is in
your bedchambers. I brought you a robe and some slippers so as soon
as you’re ready, I’ll show you to your room.”

Abaddon handed Riley the soft cover and excused himself from

the room so Riley could change. Riley pulled on the robe and slipped
his feet into the warm slippers. He stepped out of the bathroom and
followed Abaddon to the hallway.

Abaddon led him down the corridors until they reached the room

Riley had first woken up in.

“I’ll let you get settled in and come back to check on you in a few

minutes.” Abaddon excused himself and stepped outside the room,
leaving Riley alone with his thoughts. Riley rushed to the closet and
swung the doors open. This was no ordinary closet. It was almost as
big as his entire room. Riley stepped inside, staring at the walls lined
with endless shirts and pants. In the center of the room was a fainting
couch, and Riley noticed the small piece of parchment with his name
on it.

He picked up the letter and opened it.

Enjoy the clothes. They’re all for you and let Abaddon know if

there’s anything else you need. – Cage.

Riley was speechless. No one had ever done something so nice for

him. He looked around the room once more. Cage must’ve done this
early this morning before Riley had woken up. He walked over to the
far end and pulled down one of the shirts. It was black silk with silver
buttons, and Riley could tell by the feel of the material that it must’ve

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cost a fortune. Tears burned his eyes as he couldn’t help the
overwhelming sense of gratitude that filled him. Cage had been nicer
to him than most humans had. He’d saved his life and given him a
second chance. There was nothing he could do to repay the man.

Riley sat down on the sofa and let his mind wander to Cage.
I wonder what kind of guy he likes. Riley ran a hand through his

wet messy hair. I wonder if he likes me.

His heart jumped at the thought. He couldn’t think like this. This

wasn’t his life no matter how much he wanted to pretend. Cage had
saved him, but in the end, Riley still had to deal with Damian and the
reality of what his fiancé had done to him. Tears pooled in his eyes as
he thought about Damian and the night that had changed his life

No. I won’t do this again. I won’t. He’s not worth it. Riley

clenched his teeth, determined not to let the tears fall. He wouldn’t
break down now. He’d already wasted too many tears on Damian
before he’d made the decision to call off their engagement. He’d pick
himself up and get back on his feet eventually. Just like he always did.

Deep in his heart, Riley knew there was no love left for Damian.

There hadn’t been for years. What bothered Riley most was the fact
that when he’d finally decided to leave Damian, the man took
everything from him. He’d given Damian a part of himself he’d never
given another person, and Damian had betrayed him. It was the worst
kind of betrayal. Riley had always thought that Damian would be the
one person to take care of him. He’d promised, but when it came
down to it, he’d been nothing but a disappointment.

Riley leaned back into the sofa. His heart felt heavy and confused.

For the past year, Riley had felt nothing. He’d let himself become
cold. It was the only way he could survive Damian, but in one night
Cage had awakened feelings inside him that he thought were long

Even if this thing with Cage turned out to be nothing more than a

one-night stand, Riley knew it would be worth it to explore this

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connection and embrace it head-on. If he didn’t take a chance with
Cage now, he knew his heart was in danger of becoming so cold that
nothing could touch it. Damian had made sure of that. Riley just
hoped that at the end of all this, he would come out stronger.

* * * *

“Did you have any trouble finding everything?” Abaddon asked as

he stepped into Riley’s room.

Riley shook his head. “No. I’m just not sure if this is a good outfit

for our date tonight. I feel awkward in it.” Riley eyed himself in the
mirror. The black shirt and slacks seemed to look good on him, but
they were just so far from his everyday style that he felt very self-
conscious in them.

Abaddon looked him over and shook his head before making his

way to the wall of clothes. He began pulling down different shirts and
pants, rejecting each one until he came to a pair of dark-washed blue
jeans. “Here, try these with that shirt.”

Riley raised his eyebrows at his selection. “Are you sure? I don’t

want to be underdressed compared to Cage.”

Abaddon snorted. “You’ll always be underdressed next to him.

He’s OCD about his appearance to the point where I don’t know of
anyone who outdresses him. But trust me when I say, he doesn’t care.
This will look hella good on you. Just try it.”

Riley slipped off the slacks and put on the pants Abaddon had

picked up. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. Abaddon was
right. The blue jeans did look better on him.

“Say, Abaddon, may I ask you a question?” Riley stated casually

as he modeled in the mirror trying to decide if he was a hundred
percent satisfied with the way he looked.

“Sure,” Abaddon said as he finished hanging up the other clothes

he’d pulled from the racks.

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“What kind of guy does Cage like?” The thought had been

lingering in his mind all morning. He hardly knew anything about the
Demon Lorde that had saved his life and who better to ask than his

Abaddon shrugged. “The Master doesn’t really have a type. He

rarely dates. He’s had some bad experiences with past relationships.”
Abaddon met Riley’s gaze with a serious stare. “He’s not as much of
a hard-ass as most demons think he is.”

Something about the way Abaddon spoke of Cage made Riley

wonder exactly what he meant by bad experiences. It seemed like
they both had troubles when it came to relationships.

“That makes me sad. He seems like a good guy.”
“Yes he is,” Abaddon agreed. “I’m glad you see that. Not a lot of

people do.”

The corners of Riley’s lips curved upward. “I don’t see how. I

mean, it’s not every day a complete stranger saves your life and
ensures you’re taken care of. This was what Damian should’ve done
for me.”

“Oh?” Abaddon raised an eyebrow at Riley.
“I don’t mean buy me a bunch of wonderful clothes. While I

appreciate it, it’s not the material things that I need in my life. I just
meant that Damian should have been the one to protect me, to make
me feel loved, but he didn’t and Cage has had to pick up his pieces. I
feel indebted and guilty because if I hadn’t been the one to choose
such a lousy fiancé, then Cage wouldn’t have had to do what he did. I
know Jason was the one who asked him to save me.” Riley didn’t
know why he felt the need to explain himself to Abaddon, but he
wanted to get everything off his chest. He wanted Abaddon to know
that he really did appreciate everything that had been done for him.

Abaddon pursed his lips. “It is okay, Riley. If the Master didn’t

want to do all this for you, he wouldn’t have. Besides, you need
someone to help you right now. I would know. I’ve been where
you’re at.” Abaddon placed a reassuring hand on Riley’s shoulder,

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and knowing look passed between them. “Let Cage help you. You
need that emotional support more than you know right now.”

“Okay,” Riley agreed as he let out a deep breath. “I’ll try.”
“Good.” A warm smile spread across Abaddon’s face. “Now, is

there anything else I can get you?”

Riley nodded. “If I could use the phone, I would really appreciate

it.” If Cage insisted that he not confront Damian in person without
someone there for support, then he could at least make a phone call to
the bastard to let him know he would be back for his things soon and
not to come looking for him. They were done and Riley was ready to
move on, but he really wished he had a few of his own belongings.

Abaddon handed Riley his cell phone. “I’ll be downstairs in the

kitchen when you’re finished.”

He left Riley alone. Riley stared down at the phone for a long

while. This conversation wasn’t one he was looking forward to, but he
wanted to do it. He needed to do it for his own peace of mind and to
know just how fucked he was. If Damian intended on keeping his
belongings, there wasn’t anything Riley could do but move on. He
wouldn’t ask Cage or Jason to deal with his crazy ex, and Cage was
right. He didn’t need to go back to that house alone. Riley dialed the
number from memory and waited.

The phone rang three times before he finally heard Damian’s

familiar voice on the other end.

“It’s about time you called, Riley. I’ve been waiting.” Damian’s

cold tone caught Riley off guard as he sat in silence a few moments
pondering how he knew it was him who had called.

Riley’s heart was pounding loudly in his chest. His hands were

shaking as his mind was thrown back into the state of helplessness
he’d felt for so long. He tried to find his voice, to ask about his things,
but he couldn’t speak. This was a mistake. He wasn’t ready for this.
He shouldn’t have called.

“Fine. Don’t say anything, but know this.” Damian paused, the

threat still lingering in his words. The anticipation and fear that crept

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inside Riley made him hate himself for it. “I will come after you,
Riley Black. You belong to me and no one else. I will find you
eventually.” The hatred that had filled Damian for the past year now
seemed to radiate louder than ever in his tone.

Riley clenched his fists as his fear turned to outrage. He was tired

of feeling like a victim. He swore to himself then that he would never
again let another man have such power over him.

“Still have nothing to say?” Damian taunted.
“I have plenty to say, Damian,” Riley said through clenched teeth.

“It’s your turn to listen to me now. You will never have me. I meant it
when I said we were over. I just wanted to call to let you know I’ll be
coming for my things and to tell you not to come looking for me.”

Damian snorted. “It’ll be a cold day in hell before I hand over

your belongings. You are nothing without me, and the sooner you see
that, the sooner we can move on with our life together. Quit being
stubborn and come home before I have to drag your ass back.”

“You can go fuck yourself.” Riley had finally found his strength,

and before Damian could say anything else, he hung up.

He didn’t understand why Damian couldn’t approach this

situation like a rational adult. They were over. He just needed to
accept it. The fact that he was still trying to threaten him only made
Riley more pissed off and frustrated. He took a deep breath as he
began to realize that he probably would never see his photos of his
parents again. There was definitely no love left for Damian now. He
couldn’t even remember how he’d come to love him in the first place.
One thing Riley did know though was that it would be a cold day in
hell before he ever gave Damian the satisfaction of letting his threats
get to him again.

* * * *

Cage stared out the window of his office. Hell’s scenery wasn’t as

appealing as Earth, but he did feel a sense of pride when he stared out

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over his kingdom. He’d worked hard to get the economy up and the
people happy. It was exhausting, but he couldn’t picture doing
anything else with his life.

He sighed as he put down the last bill he had to read over. He

couldn’t keep his mind off Riley. He’d felt Riley’s pain today while
he was in his meeting, and it took everything in him not to run to his
side. This connection was more intense than anything he’d ever
imagined. Cage had meticulously avoided blood bonding all these
years for a reason. He ran a hand through his messy hair, unsure of
whether or not he would be able to make it through this without
fucking himself over.

He should’ve never got involved with Riley Black. If it wasn’t for

his love for his brother, Jason, he wouldn’t be in this position. At least
that was what he tried to tell himself. Cage knew better though. His
attraction to Riley went deeper than his obligation to Jason, and Cage
had no one but himself to blame for not being able to keep his hands
or his thoughts off him. But that was also what terrified him the most.
Cage didn’t let himself get distracted. He was always on top of his
game and now he felt like he was slowly losing control.

“Damn, blood bond,” Cage growled.
He could definitely feel their connection growing stronger with

every passing minute. Just the thought of Riley drove him crazy. Cage
closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, remembering how Riley had
tasted, how he’d felt beneath him. His cock hardened as he became
lost in thoughts of Riley. This feeling was too strong, too intense.
Cage was always careful not to let his control slip, but when it came
to Riley, he was finding out that he was helpless to their connection.

“Fuck,” Cage cursed as he began to realize just how much Riley

Black affected him. After today, Cage knew there was no way he
would be able to resist their bond. The only thing he could hope for
was that with time, he would be able to manage it all. Cage threw his
head back as he pulled out his hard cock, unwilling to fight off his

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urges any longer. He began stroking himself as he imagined all the
things he wanted to do to the human waiting at home for him.

He’s not yours.
The thought did nothing to stop him. He didn’t want to stop. He

wanted to go Earth side and claim Riley once and for all.

You barely know him.
That didn’t matter. Cage didn’t need to know Riley for Cage to

feel that they were made for each other—made being a loose term.
Cage had made their connection. He had forged it the night he saved
Riley’s life, and that was all Cage needed. From the first moment he
fed off Riley, he realized life as he knew it was over.

Cage groaned aloud at the sensation of his own hand as he let go

to all thoughts of reason. He imagined Riley tied naked to his bed
with his legs spread, ready for Cage to fuck him. He thought of him
moaning his name as he came over and over again.

Cage stroked himself faster as he began to salivate with thirst. He

yearned for another taste of Riley. He tasted of strawberries and
champagne—his favorite. He licked his lips, and his canines
elongated in anticipation. He was almost there. He recalled the way
Riley had felt around his cock and how good it felt to be buried deep
inside his tight hole, fucking him hard and fast. Cage pumped his fist
two more times as he felt himself lose control.

“Fuck me,” Cage growled as he came in his own hand.
Cage leaned against the wall, trying to catch his breath and slow

his erratic heartbeat. He looked down at the mess he made. He
couldn’t believe he’d gotten himself so worked up over just the
thought of his blood mate. This damned connection was sure to be the
death of him. It had been a long time since he’d found someone that
turned him on as much as Riley did. Cage shuddered as he pushed
that memory to the far corner of his mind. He was so fucked.

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Chapter Six

Thoughts of Cage and the way his body felt pressed against him

fluttered across Riley’s mind. He had the strange sensation that Cage
had been thinking about him, and that brought a smile to his face. He
hoped the Demon Lorde had missed him as much as he had. An
image flashed across his mind of someone he didn’t recognize, and
Riley jumped. In a blink of an eye, the image was gone, leaving Riley
to wonder if that was part of the connection Jason and Cage had told
him about.

He tried to focus in on the image, to see if he could access more

details of the memory or whatever the hell that was. Slowly, piece by
piece, Riley saw more and more images. They were memories that
seemed more like old photographs flashing before him as the time and
specific details of the places and people blurred and distorted. Riley
picked one and concentrated.

All he could make out were vague bits and pieces. It seemed as

though it was a very distant memory, but the person smiling back at
Cage appeared to be someone he was quite fond of. Riley wasn’t sure
how he knew that, only that he did. He tried again just as the image

The second memory was of him with the same male figure. They

were laughing and smiling. The feelings Cage’s memory invoked
within Riley made him wonder just what happened between them. He
tried to dig deeper but was caught off guard when Cage’s voice filled
his mind.

“Do you mind? Those are a bit personal.” His voice was soft and

gentle. Riley could hear the smile behind his words.

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“Sorry. I didn’t really know I could do this. It just kind of

happened.” Riley felt stupid as he continued the internal dialogue
taking place in his mind.

Cage chuckled. “That’s okay. I can see how reading someone’s

thoughts and having access to memories not your own might be a bit
intriguing when you’ve never done it before.”

“How much longer do I have to wait to see you?” Riley couldn’t

hide the excitement he felt.

“How about now?”
Riley felt their connection fade and he knew Cage was no longer

connected to him. It was such an odd sensation, having someone in
his head.

Riley sat up from his bed and looked around his room almost half

expecting Cage to appear out of nowhere. A knock at the door
sounded, and he ran to answer it. He swung it open and met Cage’s
shimmering blue eyes and handsome smile.

“Miss me?” His crisp accent washed over Riley as he inhaled

Cage’s scent. Instantly, his heart rate calmed and his body relaxed.
Cage was like a drug that he needed in order to feel sane, and that
scared the hell out of him. He didn’t even know the guy.

Riley stared up at him, too afraid to say what he was thinking.
If Cage could read his thoughts, he didn’t act like it. “Are you

hungry?” he asked, changing the subject.

Riley nodded. “Definitely.”
“Let’s go then.”
Riley followed Cage down the hall. “Where are we going?”
Cage cast him a devilish grin. “My favorite place. I’m sure you’ll

love it.”

* * * *

The music was loud as the people crowded together on the dance

floor. The place was a far cry from anything Riley had expected Cage

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to take him to. He looked at the demon sitting across from him with

“This is your favorite place?” Riley asked.
Cage nodded. “I like to come here and let loose. It’s rare that I do

that, but it has been known to happen.” The corners of his lips curved
upward as his gaze lingered on Riley.

“To be honest,” Cage stated. “I thought you could use a night out

like this. You know, after everything with Damian.”

Riley pursed his lips. He hadn’t talked about Damian with anyone

other than Jason, and he knew that Cage must’ve felt his distress from
earlier in the day. He gnawed on the bottom of his lip as he averted
his gaze from Cage.

“I didn’t mean to upset you,” Cage yelled over the blues music

that filled the club.

Riley glanced up at Cage, sensing his concern at Riley’s sudden

change in demeanor. “You didn’t, I just haven’t talked with anyone
about Damian. I guess I feel a little ashamed that I let things get so
bad before I called it off with him.”

Cage furrowed his brows as he tilted his head to the side. “You do

know that what he did, it wasn’t your fault.”

Riley nodded his head. “I know.” He wished he could feel the

comfort from knowing that, but he hated the part of himself that had
put up with Damian’s shit for so long that he couldn’t help the way he
felt about the situation now.

Cage pursed his lips. “Come on.” He extended his hand to Riley.
“Where are we going?” Riley asked.
“To dance of course.” The half-cocked grin Cage gave him was

enough to convince Riley to take him up on his offer.

He took Cage’s hand and let him lead him to the dance floor.

They moved their bodies in time with the music as Riley lost himself
in the moment. He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Cage close to
him. This was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. He

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leaned back into Cage and let the Demon Lorde wrap his arms around
his waist.

“I wish I had met you sooner,” Riley confessed within the privacy

of their thoughts. “I wish I wasn’t so fucked up right now and knew
when to slow us down.”

Cage leaned in. “We can as fast or as slow as you want. I’m in no

rush, my love.”

Riley turned to face him. Their eyes locked as Riley wrapped his

arms around Cage’s neck. “Do you think it’s possible to know
someone’s you’re soul mate before you really get to know them?”

Cage smiled. “I think anything’s possible when it comes to love,

and you do know me, Riley. You know me better than anyone else.
You are the only person I am blood bound to and the only one who
can feel as I feel and see as I see. I don’t need time to tell me whether
or not we should be together.”

Riley knew exactly what he meant. Sure they were both terrified.

When feelings were this strong about someone in such a short time
frame, it was only natural. Cage leaned down and pressed his lips to
Riley’s. His body came alive at Cage’s touch, and it was in that
moment that Riley knew there was no way this was just a passing

* * * *

Riley stared at Cage from across the room. A week had passed by

since their first meeting and still their connection hadn’t wavered. It
was late. They were both exhausted from the long day of running
errands, but Riley knew their night was far from over. Their eyes
locked as silence fell between them. There was no need for words.
Riley knew exactly what Cage was thinking, and he loved that. He
loved the way their minds felt as one.

He leaned back on the bed and beckoned him closer. Cage didn’t

need to be told twice. His hands were on him in an instant, gripping

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his waist and slipping his shirt over his head. Riley reached for him.
Their lips locked as Cage’s tongue invaded his mouth. Their passion
and burning desire easily outshined anything Riley had ever had with
any of his other lovers. He needed Cage just as much as Cage needed

Cage pressed him against the bed as he freed Riley from the

remainder of his clothes. There was no warm-up, no warning. Cage’s
fangs elongated and pierced his neck as their bodies became one.
Cage’s already lubricated cock slipped inside Riley, and Riley threw
his head back as wave after wave of pleasure pulsated throughout his
body. He ground his hips in rhythm with Cage as Cage fucked him,
penetrating him deeper with every thrust of his hips.

When Cage pulled back from his throat, he was no longer the

composed, stoic person Riley had come to know. He was pure demon.
His eyes glowed red with their own internal light, and the hungered
look reflected in his gaze only made Riley want him that much more.

Riley felt his own set of fangs elongate. The curvature of Cage’s

lips was all the permission he needed. Before Riley had a chance to
sink into him, Cage lifted him from the bed, his cock still buried
inside his tight hole. Riley furrowed his brow as he stared at Cage,
dazed and confused. Cage pressed him against the wall, using the
weight of Riley’s body to their advantage as he slid deep inside,
hitting Riley’s sweet spot. Riley wrapped his legs around Cage’s
waist and pulled his demon lover closer.

“I need you,” Riley whispered just before he bit down on Cage’s

neck. His blood pooled into his mouth, and Cage’s memories and
feelings bombarded his senses. There was so much pain and sorrow
that Riley yearned to make him feel better even if it was only for a
short time. He closed his eyes and lost himself in everything that was
Cage. Images of the same man he saw from Cage’s memories flashed
before his mind. That was when Riley felt the crippling pain and saw
just how their love affair had ended. Tears were streaming down

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Cage’s cheeks as he cradled the body of his dead lover. A pain so
strong filled Riley that he pulled back, gasping for air.

Cage stopped what he was doing. He stared down at Riley as the

tears fell from his eyes. “You saw him, didn’t you?”

Riley nodded. He reached for Cage. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered

over and over again.

Cage gave him a weak smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “You

have nothing to be sorry for. That was a long time ago.”

But Riley knew that despite the time that had passed, Cage still

harbored a lot of hurt inside his heart.

Cage leaned in and pressed his lips to Riley’s. Riley wrapped his

arms around his neck as he returned Cage’s affections. Losing
themselves in each other was proving to be the only solution to their
pain and heartache. With every kiss Cage healed the damage that had
been done by Damian, and Riley knew that with every touch, he eased
the loneliness that had encased Cage’s heart for so long.

It wasn’t long before desire and lust replaced the hurt, and this

time Cage didn’t stop. He held Riley pinned to the wall, fucking him
hard as their bodies moved in unison. They came together, staring into
each other’s eyes. Their bodies drenched in sweat and their hearts
beating as one. Somehow over the past week, Cage had become a part
of him. They were no longer two separate individuals. They were like
one person living in two separate bodies.

Cage lifted Riley and carried him back to bed. Riley curled in

close, feeling the need to hear Cage’s heartbeat as he slipped into a
dreamless sleep.

* * * *

“Would you care for some wine, love?” Cage offered as he

finished removing the cork from the bottle.

“Yes please,” Riley said as he smiled at Cage. Cage poured him a

glass and handed it to him.

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He took a sip and moaned aloud as the dark liquid hit his tongue.

“God that’s good.” This was by far one of the better wines he’d tried.

“I only drink the best.” Cage smiled as he took a sip. A moment of

silence passed between them as Cage stared out the tinted windows of
the limousine. They were headed to some kind of formal event that
Cage had to attend for work. Riley didn’t really know much about it.
Only that this was the first time he was going to be introduced to the
demon society as his blood mate.

“What’s it like?” Riley wondered aloud.
“What’s what like, love?” Cage asked as he turned his full

attention to Riley.

“Being a demon?” Riley stated. They’d never really talked much

about his work, and now seemed like as good of a time as any since
they were about to make their relationship legitimate and all.

“Well it isn’t easy, but it’s mostly boring busy work. I approve

bills, ensure my people have their needs met, and attend court when
necessary. It’s a bit daunting at times, but I enjoy giving to the people
in my world. Plus, I like being in charge.” A small grin spread across
his face, and Riley couldn’t help but react to the spark of lust in the

He shifted uncomfortably, determined not to let Cage distract him

just yet. “How did you become a Demon Lorde?” Riley asked before
his mind could wander too far off topic.

“There’s an election held every twelve years. The next one is

come up in a year. That’s one of the only reasons I’m even bothering
with this stupid charity event. Well…that and I wanted to show you

Riley raised an eyebrow at Cage. “Oh you did, did you? I thought

you were concerned about my safety? Isn’t it dangerous for me to be
out with you in such a public setting?”

Cage nodded. “Yes. We’re making this official, we agreed, so this

is how we do it. Besides, I have taken all the necessary precautions.
There will be extra guards on hand and each guest is thoroughly

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screened. You won’t be in any danger and if on the off chance
something does happen, I will be there to protect you.”

Riley couldn’t suppress the grin that spread across his face as his

fears subsided and excitement filled him. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m
thrilled about going out with you, but we don’t have make a big
announcement for our relationship to be legitimized. As long as we
know how we feel about each other, that’s all that really matters to

“True,” Cage agreed. “But I know how happy this would make

you and how happy it’ll make me when I show up with you as my
blood mate.”

Cage reached for Riley’s hand and entwined their fingers. Cage

took another sip of his wine. “I’m very happy to have you by my

Riley could feel the truth in his words. He knew he meant what he


“You really want to know what being a demon is like?” Cage

asked, and Riley nodded.

“When you really get down to it, it’s mostly lonely. An eternity

with no one by your side who really cares about you for who you
really are and not because of what you can get them or how you can
boost their status eventually makes you resent everything you’ve
worked for. That’s why I was glad when I found out about Jason.
Finding out I had a brother meant that I didn’t have to be alone
anymore, and then I met you.” Cage’s gaze softened a bit as he spoke
of Jason. Riley squeezed his hand to let him know that he appreciated
his kind words.

“What about your parents?” Riley asked.
Cage shook his head. “My mother left when I was little. That was

centuries before she had Jason. My father was a good man. He was
the reason I was so strong and able to become Demon Lorde. He was
killed a couple hundred years ago during a rebellion that broke out

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within the city limits. I’ve been alone ever since. Well, except for

Loneliness was something Riley knew all too well. “I understand.

After my parents’ death, all I had was Jason. I guess that’s why we’ve
always tried to look out for each other.”

Cage nodded in understanding. “That was part of the reason I

could never resist Jason’s requests. I felt like I was trying to make up
for something our mother failed to give us.”

Silence lingered between them before Cage looked to Riley, his

blue eyes sparkling in the evening light. “So tell me, what’s it like for
a human to be with a demon?” There was a hint of mischief in his
tone as he slid in closer to Riley.

“That—uh—I—” Riley stuttered as he tried to find words, but the

only thing he could think about was Cage’s lips on his. He felt his
cheeks redden as wicked thoughts of Cage fucking him danced across
his mind. The look on Cage’s face let Riley know that it had been his
thoughts he was seeing and not his own.

“It’s not what I expected, that’s for sure!” Riley stated as he

finally found his voice.

Cage leaned in and pressed his lips to Riley’s neck. “Tell me

more.” His accent was filled with lust as he trailed kisses over Riley’s
collarbone. Riley felt his heart flutter in response. He tried to
concentrate on forming words, but it was pointless. All he could think
about was Cage touching him.

A strong desire began to well up inside him, and Riley wondered

if it was always going to be like this with Cage.

Riley groaned as Cage’s hand wrapped around his cock. Even

through the constraint of his pants, Riley could feel every infliction of
pleasure. Riley was at a loss for words. All he could think about was
the way Cage made him feel.

“You have no idea the things you do to me, Riley Black.” Cage

pressed kisses to Riley’s collarbone as he began to undo the first few

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buttons on his shirt. Riley felt his head spin as he became intoxicated
by the scent of the Demon Lorde.

“Cage,” he whispered as he closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of

Cage touching him. “We shouldn’t be doing this. We’re almost to the
party,” Riley said even as he pulled Cage closer.

Cage stopped his kisses and cupped Riley’s cheek. Riley opened

his eyes to look at him. Riley’s was breathing heavy as he tried to
calm his racing heart.

“Will you shut up and kiss me already?” A look passed between

them. Cage didn’t wait for a reply as he leaned in and captured
Riley’s mouth with his. He set fire to every nerve ending in his body
as his tongue brushed against Cage’s fangs. Cage nibbled at his
bottom lip before deepening their kiss, taking the moment to another
level. It felt like time itself had stopped for them as Riley wrapped his
arms around Cage’s neck. He didn’t want this moment to end.

Cage’s hands roamed the entirety of Riley’s body, and Riley

urged him on with every touch. His heart was pounding in his chest,
and he felt like it would explode at any moment.

“I could spend an eternity getting to know you, my fragile little

human.” Cage’s whispers sent a shiver of desire down his spine as
Cage pulled back to look at him. Riley met his gaze with reddened
cheeks from their stolen passionate kisses.

“I’m not that interesting. I promise,” Riley stated as his swollen

lips curved upward into a semblance of a smile.

Cage tilted his chin upward, forcing their eyes to meet once more.

“It’s your soul I’m fascinated with. Your aura tells me exactly what a
kind person you are, and I am completely enamored by its beauty.”

Riley pulled his hand out from under his chin and kissed the

inside of his palm. “Good. I’m glad I’m not the only one falling head
over heels hard and fast.” His eyes sparkled with a hint of joy as he
placed small kisses on Cage’s fingertips, gently sucking on the ends.

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“If you don’t stop that, we’re not going to make it to dinner.”

Cage growled at the sensation. Riley smiled devilishly as he
reluctantly withdrew his affections and let go of his hand.

“I suppose you’re right,” he agreed. Riley picked back up his wine

glass and put a little distance between them. “Where are they holding
this party at anyways?”

“Dante’s Inferno. It’s a nice little venue. One of my favorite

places to go to. I try to stop by there at least once every time I’m in
the city.” Cage finished off the remainder of his wine and placed the
glass back in the holder.

“Dante’s Inferno is a place in New Orleans?” Riley questioned

with skepticism. He’d lived here his whole life and never heard of it.

“Yes, of course.” Cage chuckled. “You wouldn’t have heard of it.

No humans are allowed entry unless accompanied by a demon.”

“I see,” Riley said as he finished his own glass of wine. They sat

in silence a moment longer, and Riley’s mind wandered to all the new
experiences Cage had given him in the short amount of time he’d
known him. Riley leaned in closer to him, and Cage placed his arm
around Riley’s shoulder.

“Thank you,” Riley murmured as he rested his head against his


“For what?” Cage asked.
“For saving me, of course.” Riley held onto him tightly as he

melted into Cage’s embrace.

“Don’t worry about it, love. I’m happy I did it.” Cage kissed the

top of his head, and Riley closed his eyes. He started to drift off to
sleep enjoying the feel of Cage holding him and the sway of the car
moving down the interstate.

“So what’s this I hear about Damian keeping your belongings?”

The question caught Riley off guard, and his eyes fluttered open as he
leaned up to look at Cage.

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“It’s not a big deal.” Riley didn’t want Cage to feel like he had to

go out of his way to help him. “He’s just being an ass as usual.
Nothing I can’t handle.”

Cage brushed his cheek. “You can tell me if he’s giving you any

problems.” Riley could feel the change in Cage’s mood as his body
tensed from the mention of Damian. It had been a topic they had
successfully avoided mostly because Riley would dodge any
questions or comments made about him.

Riley reached for Cage. “It’s okay, really. I’m actually planning

on having nothing to do with that creep again, so you don’t have to
worry about it.”

Cage shook his head. “I’m not jealous. I’m just worried about

your safety and about seeing to it that you get everything that
rightfully belongs to you.”

“Everything that I need is right here.” Riley’s voice was

breathless, and he met Cage’s soft blue eyes.

They rode the rest of the way in silence as Riley enjoyed the feel

of Cage holding him. He felt safe and loved. Nothing like the way he
had felt when Damian held him. Even before their fighting started,
Damian had never been like this with him. His touches had always
been cold and unfeeling. Riley had just never notice before since he
hadn’t know what it was like to be held in such a loving manner until
this moment. I could definitely get used to this.

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Chapter Seven

There was a chill to the air as Damian walked the streets of the

French Quarter. He was too far from Bourbon Street to hear the music
as he approached the slums. The stares from the various people
loitering in the streets as they waited on their drug connection didn’t
bother him. He was too focused on reaching his destination to care
about how out of place he looked. The flashing neon sign ahead was
his destination, and with every step closer, his heart rate increased.

Damian shoved his hidden package further inside his trench coat

as he walked up the two steps to the doorway before pushing it open
without so much as a knock. The room smelled of mold and dust. He
reached for the light switch and saw that Lady Semira was already
there with a couple of strange men Damian didn’t recognize.

“We’ve been waiting for you. Did you bring what I asked?” Her

ice-cold voice sent shivers down his spine.

“Hope you weren’t waiting too long.” Damian smiled as he pulled

off his coat with the package in hand. “Here. This should be
everything you need.”

He handed it over to Semira, but she didn’t bother opening it to

check the items. She handed it to one of the men standing next to her.

“In a few moments, we will begin. It’s going to take us a couple

of nights to break through the protective wards Cage has around
himself without being detected, but once we have successfully
penetrated his guards, you’ll be able to go in with Ethan to retrieve
the human you seek.” Semira stood and walked to the wooden table
that stood in the center of the room. “Remember, you aren’t just there
for Riley. I need you to hold up your end of the bargain and ensure

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that this ward is placed on Jason. This will allow me to locate him
long after Cage thinks the danger has passed, and then I’ll be able to
use him to claim the northlands for myself.”

Damian nodded as he took the charm Semira held out for him. He

had no idea what this would do, but he didn’t care. As long as Semira
was willing to help him reclaim what was rightfully his, that was all
that mattered to him.

“Ethan, the package.” Semira gestured to the guard with white

hair and black eyes. He handed Semira the package Damian had
brought in with him.

“How long will I have before the Demon Lorde is aware of my

presence?” Damian noticed Semira’s eyes narrow at his question.

“We can’t be sure. It will depend on his mood and ability to

overcome our paralyzing charm. We will try to keep him there as long
as possible, but you will have to move pretty quickly.”

Damian nodded. He watched as Semira began to unwrap the

package, unveiling each of Riley’s objects that Damian had gathered
with care. Semira organized them in a meticulously bizarre pattern at
opposite ends of the table. When she was finished, Semira motioned
for her guards to take their positions in front of each specified item.

“Soon, we shall both have what we want. You will have your

human and I will have Cage, forever locked inside my nightmares,
providing me with endless power, and the revenge I have sought all
these years will have finally come to fruition.” Semira’s tone was
maniacal as she sliced her forearm open with a dagger infused with
some kind of demonic power.

Damian watched as Semira’s blood poured onto the table in the

shape of the crest Damian had never seen before.

The demons began chanting as their ominous tones filled the

room. The time passed as each one disappeared into another
dimension. Damian clenched his teeth in anticipation. This had to
work. He didn’t want his brothers to become involved. If he failed, his
brothers would stop at nothing to make him miserable and that

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included ensuring that he never saw Riley again. Damian wasn’t
prepared to take on his eldest brother in order to ensure that didn’t
happen. This was the only way to keep his brothers happy and ensure
he got exactly what he wanted. Plus, Semira had agreed to the
arrangement. She would finally get what was promised to her. If
Damian succeeded in placing the charm on Jason, she would be able
to summon him against his will any time he left Cage’s protective
domain. She could manipulate Jason in his weakened human state and
use him to expose Cage’s weaknesses for her own exploitation. It was
a good plan, but Damian had no intention of making Semira’s request
a priory until he was sure he had Riley. Damian leaned against the far
wall as he recalled the night he’d lost his temper with Riley.

Damian had intended to kill him that night, but something had

held him back and he was glad it did. He didn’t know if he could live
with himself if he had been the one to take Riley’s life. He knew his
attraction to him was borderline obsessive, but Damian wasn’t used to
not getting his way. Riley wouldn’t defy him again. He’d make sure
of that once he had him back. Besides, Riley wouldn’t even be alive if
he hadn’t called the ambulance to come get him, and Riley wouldn’t
be in that demon’s care now if he hadn’t been arrested when the
police finally showed. Jason had moved quickly when he summoned
his brother. Before Damian could make bail, Riley was gone.

Damian walked over to the musty, torn sofa and sat down as he

anxiously waited for Lady Semira’s return. He tried to put the
thoughts of that horrible night out of his mind. In a few days’ time it
wouldn’t matter. Riley would be back where he belonged and Damian
was sure he could make him see reason.

* * * *

Riley stared up at the bright full moon from the balcony in Cage’s

bedchambers. His birthday was less than two weeks away, and he felt
far from excited about it. So much had happened in the past week. His

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life was completely turned upside down now. He no longer worried
about trivial things like his job or retrieving his belongings from
Damian’s house.

Instead, he worried about his future, whether or not he and Cage

would make it and what his new life as a blood mate to a Demon
Lorde would be like. Cage had been hinting at returning to Hell, but
Riley was terrified. In Hell, Riley would be required to complete the
transition and become a political figure involved with charities and
public relations. But it wasn’t the new duties that had Riley
concerned. It was the thought of leaving behind the only world he’d
ever known that gave him heart palpitations. Was he ready for this
kind of commitment after everything he’d been through with Damian?
Cage was nothing like Damian, but moving in with Cage and leaving
behind his familiar life was a huge leap of faith and trust. Trust was
something Riley struggled with. Two months wasn’t long enough for
him to make such a big decision.

The cool fall breeze brushed against his bare skin, and Riley

shivered from the sensation. The sound of the French doors opening
and closing caused him to turn to see who had disrupted his thoughts.

“If you stay out here, you’ll catch cold,” Cage said as he closed

the distance between them and wrapped his arms around Riley’s
waist. He felt good against his bare shoulders since he’d decided to
come outside wearing nothing but a pair of boxers Cage had bought
for him. He inhaled Cage’s scent and melted into his warmth.

“Mmm…you feel good,” Riley mumbled as he took a deep breath.

“You smell good, too.”

Cage chuckled. “Why don’t you come to bed and let me show you

just how good I can make you feel,” Cage whispered in his ear, and
Riley turned to face him.

“That sounds like an excellent idea.” He smiled devilishly as he

freed himself from Cage’s embrace and made his way back inside.

Cage approached the bed and cleared off the papers he’d been

reading over to make room for them. Cage motioned for Riley to

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approach. He wrapped his arms around Riley’s waist and pulled him
close. He trailed kisses along his throat, sending a shiver of desire
down his spine. Riley couldn’t help the moan that escaped his lips.

Cage’s hands slid down Riley’s waist as he pulled at the confines

of his boxers. “How do you feel about me getting some of my toys?”
His voice was low and husky as the roughness of the stubble on his
chin tickled Riley.

Riley turned to look at Cage. His blue eyes shimmered with desire

and held the hint of a promise of pleasure. Riley nodded as he licked
his dry lips in anticipation.

Cage growled as he leaned forward and kissed Riley. The kiss was

rough and hard. There was no subtlety in his touches. Riley knew
exactly what Cage needed. Riley sat onto the bed and spread his legs,
giving Cage the access he wanted. Cage stripped Riley of the boxers,
freeing his already hardening cock.

He wrapped his hand around Riley’s dick, teasing him until Riley

couldn’t stand it any longer. Cage ran his tongue across the sharp
points of his fangs before he withdrew his affections. He walked over
to the chest at the bottom of the bed.

Cage flashed a smile at Riley before picking out a dark-blue

vibrator and some lubrication.

Riley swallowed. His heart was racing as Cage approached. He

took Riley’s cock in his hand and began stroking him once again.

“You like that?” he asked. His tone was sultry, and his gaze was

glazed over with lust.

“Yes,” Riley answered. He was left breathless after every

infliction of pleasure.

Cage pushed Riley’s legs apart and smeared some of the

lubrication over his tight hole. He slipped two fingers inside, and
Riley moaned. He clung to Cage’s shoulders as he arched his body to
allow Cage more access.

“Do you trust me?” Cage whispered across his mind. His heart

stalled as their eyes met.

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“Yes,” Riley breathed.
A smile spread across Cage’s face. “Lean back onto the bed.”
Riley did as Cage instructed. His fingers slipped from Riley’s

tight hole, and Riley groaned at the sudden withdrawal of pleasure.
His body yearned for more as every nerve ending came alive.

“Please,” he begged.
Cage let out a low chuckle. “Patience, my love.” He looked up at

Riley with a spark of mischief reflected in his gaze.

Cage took Riley’s cock into his mouth, and wave after wave of

pleasure racked Riley’s body. He threw his head back, moaning from
the sensation.

Cage rolled his tongue across Riley’s mushroom-shaped head

before slipping the erect cock back into his mouth, taking him deep
into his throat. The tip of the vibrator pressed against Riley’s tight
hole as Cage worked it inside him. The jolt of vibration made Riley
nearly come undone. He fell against the bed, thrashing from the
overload of sensations that consumed him.

Cage gasped as Riley opened his mind to him, allowing him to

feel the pleasure that had him on edge.

“You had better not come yet, my love.” He looked up, and their

eyes met for the briefest of seconds. There was something erotic
about seeing Cage sucking and fucking him.

“I won’t,” Riley said with determination. His teeth set on edge as

he tried to gain control of his body.

“You feel so good,” Riley stated as Cage pushed the vibrator

deeper into him. Cage pushed the toy deeper and deeper into him,
stretching his hole and nailing his sweet spot with every thrust. Riley
moaned in ecstasy as he nearly saw stars. He didn’t know how much
longer he could hold back. He was close.

“I want you inside of me so bad.” Riley groaned inside Cage’s


Cage’s sapphire-blue eyes met his, and Riley knew he’d won.

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* * * *

Cage didn’t have to be told twice. He slid up the length of Riley’s

body and slipped the vibrator from his tight hole. He was so fucking
turned on that the only thing Cage could think about was how good
Riley was going to feel around his cock. He spread Riley’s legs apart
and positioned his cock against his entrance.

Cage shoved inside Riley, and Riley’s muscles instantly tightened

around him. Cage groaned. Riley felt so damn good that he nearly
came undone, but Cage steadied himself as he began a slow and
torturous pace.

Riley ground against his hips, urging him for more. Cage

increased his rhythm. Every time he pulled out of Riley, he shoved
himself in deeper. He felt Riley’s muscles constrict around his cock.

“You like that, don’t you? The feel of me inside you.” Cage

flashed him a wicked smile as he drove back inside Riley, causing
him to gasp at the sensation.

“You know I do,” he whispered breathlessly. Cage pushed against

his mind, opening the connection that they shared. Cage was instantly
bombarded with Riley’s emotions. Cage could feel Riley’s pleasure,
his desire, and the love Riley felt for him. Cage closed his eyes,
reveling in the way their souls resonated as one. There was no clear
distinction between their thoughts and feelings.

Cage could sense that Riley nearing the breaking point. He leaned

down, with fangs bared, and pierced the exposed flesh on Riley’s
neck. The orgasm hit both of them like a tidal wave as Riley cried out.

They lay there a moment like that with their bodies entwined as

they enjoyed being in each other’s arms. Cage had never felt more
alive than he had with Riley. He let the love Riley felt surround him.
His years of loneliness had been forgotten. All that mattered was that
they had each other now.

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Chapter Eight

The snow that covered the ground felt like a thousand knives

stabbing his bare feet as Riley ran through the evergreen forest.
Darkness surrounded him. The only light visible was from the full
bloodred moon that guided his path in the thickness of the forest. His
heart was pounding in his chest, and he knew he would be too late if
he didn’t run faster.

Riley winced in pain as something sharp penetrated the tender

skin on the bottom of his foot, slicing it open, but he didn’t dare slow
his pace down. His body ached as he pushed himself hard. He needed
to move faster. Blood trickled down his body as the cuts that covered
him burned. Still he ran, never taking his eyes off the clearing just

He could sense his presence. Even from this distance, Riley knew

he was there, waiting for him. His shallow breaths burned inside his
lungs. The cold wind sent a chill, and the torn clothing wrapped
around his body did little to protect him. His fangs elongated as he
prepared himself for what lay ahead.

“You’ll never make it.” A woman’s voice echoed inside his head,

and a shiver ran down his spine. Her presence inside him was
unwelcomed and Riley hated the feeling of being violated that
followed with her words. Tears were streaming down his face now as
Riley tried to stay focused. He would make it. He would save him.

Reaching the clearing, the sight before him took a moment to

register. Riley looked to see Damian standing over Cage’s limp body,
a trickle of blood escaping the corners of his mouth.

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“I told you, you wouldn’t make it,” the same vicious female voice

called from behind him. In that instance, rage consumed Riley, and he
turned to face the black-haired woman who had been taunting him.
Her glowing red eyes seemed to penetrate even the darkest of the

“Bring him back,” Riley screamed, but he knew it was over. He

had been too late.

“Stupid human. You’re nothing but weak and pathetic. You don’t

deserve the title of blood mate. Cage is better off dead than he is with
you.” Her tone was cold as she struck Riley with an invisible force. It
sent him flying through the air before he collapsed onto the ground. It
was all over.

The only person he cared about was gone.
Riley stared blankly ahead at the almost peaceful expression on

Cage’s face. He yearned for the pain that filled him to end and to join
his lover on the other side. He didn’t even move to protest when
Damian and the demoness encircled around him, cutting off any hope
of escape.

Tears cascaded down his cheek one right after the other, and his

chest heaved in a silent sob as they both lunged for each side of his
exposed neck. When their fangs pierced his frozen skin, searing hot
pain consumed him. This wasn’t like the blissful experience he’d felt
with Cage. He could literally feel them consuming his soul.

A bloodcurdling cry erupted from Riley as instinct took over and

he pushed against the two of them. It was no use. They held him tight
to the ground. He felt himself growing weaker and weaker by the
moment. It was as though the light inside him was slowly fading.
Spots of darkness slowly consumed him until he could no longer look
upon the stone-cold, ethereal faces that looked down upon him in his
final moments. The only thing that remained was the echo inside his
mind as he screamed over and over again, but even that eventually
faded and all that was left was the lonely stretch of eternity that
surrounded him.

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* * * *

Riley woke screaming. His body was covered in a cold sweat as

he sat up and tried to shake the nightmare from his mind. He could
feel the wetness of his tears against his cheeks, and he anxiously
wiped at them, trying to stop them from falling. Riley rocked himself
back and forth as he curled his legs to his chest. It was just a dream. It
was just a dream. He told himself that over and over again.

“Riley? What is it, love?” The soft, sleepy British accent pulled

him out of his mantra, and he looked down at Cage. His eyes were
wide as he reached for him.

“It’s nothing…just a bad dream. That’s all,” Riley mumbled. His

words were barely audible as the images of Cage’s dead corpse
burned in the back of his mind. He watched as Cage’s eyebrows
furrowed and a look of concern crossed his face.

“Come here, poppet.” Cage sat up next to him and reached for

him. He held out his arms. Riley leaned into his embrace as he
pressed his head against Cage’s bare chest. He clung tightly to him
then, smothering his sobs against his hard muscles.

“Are you okay?” Cage asked as he pressed a kiss to Riley’s

forehead. “Do you need a minute before we talk about it?”

Riley could feel his comforting aura surround him as he cradled

his body with care. Riley reached up and wrapped his arms around
Cage’s neck, grateful for the familiar touch.

Riley nodded in response. He couldn’t form words right now. He

tried to shake the horrible feeling that had crept inside him and calm
his racing heart.

“It’s okay, Riley. I’ve got you, love.” Cage held him closer,

unwilling to allow him even an inch of freedom as he waited for Riley
to gain back control over his emotions Riley clung to him, his grip
tight on Cage’s arm as he took a deep breath. It wasn’t real. Cage was
still alive and everything was fine. The words did little to reassure

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him as the feeling of impending doom refused to be quailed by his

Riley slowly lifted his head, meeting Cage’s gaze. He stared down

at him with a look of concern upon his face.

“I’m okay now,” Riley stated with false bravado. He sniffled a

few more times as the dry sobbing eased up a bit. “I’m sorry. I don’t
know what came over me. I don’t usually have that bad of
nightmares. That was horrible.” He shuddered as he recalled the look
of Cage’s blood trickling from Damian’s lips.

“Dreams aren’t always simply dreams, Riley,” Cage stated in a

serious tone. Riley stared up at him, studying the expression on his
face. His deep-blue eyes were filled with worry, and his hard features
had somehow become more prominent. For the first time since Riley
had known Cage, his looks seemed to convey the secret hardships
he’d endured during the centuries of his life.

“In the south, there is a certain sect of demon. They have a unique

ability that sets them apart from all the other demons that call Hell
their home. They can travel through the dream world, feeding off the
nightmares they inflict. Usually, they don’t target humans such as
you. They prefer demons that are strong enough to endure multiple
feedings. That’s why I work so hard to make sure I have wards in
place around us both at all times, and that’s why I’ve been trying to
teach you how to protect yourself with the powers you inherited from
our bond. ” Cage ran his fingertips across Riley’s cheek as his gaze
softened a bit. “A demon may be targeting you because they sense
your increase in power and your susceptibility to their influence. You
haven’t had the years of training most demons have to ward them

Riley stared up at him as he slowly began to comprehend what

Cage was trying to tell him. “You mean my nightmare may have been
from some dream demon who wants to feed off my fear?”

Cage nodded. “I do.”

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Riley shuddered as he couldn’t seem to shake the ominous feeling

that had stayed with him after waking from the nightmare. “I dreamed
that Damian killed you, but he wasn’t human. He looked like a
demon, and there was some unfamiliar female demon with him. It was
horrible. I couldn’t save you, and in the end…” Riley trailed off,
unable to finish his sentence. He didn’t need to. Cage could see
exactly what it was that had him waking up, screaming in the middle
of the night.

“Sounds like an awful dream,” Cage’s said as he lifted Riley’s

chin and forcing their eyes to meet. “You have nothing to worry about
though, my love. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you. We’re
safe here. If it would make you feel better, I’ll double-check the
wards before we go back to sleep.”

Riley nodded. He wrapped his arms around Cage’s waist as Cage

pulled him close. Riley couldn’t suppress the yawn that escaped his
lips. They lay back down on the mattress, and Riley snuggled in
closer, enjoying the feel of Cage’s warmth against him.

He could hear Cage’s heart beat from inside his chest. He loved

the way he felt safe in Cage’s arms. Even though his mind was still
haunted by the nightmare, Riley knew everything would be okay.
Within a few moments’ time, Riley’s eyelids grew heavy, and the
thought of Cage keeping him safe was more than enough for him to
go back to sleep.

* * * *

It had been almost a week since Lady Semira had taken on the

mission of breaking past the Demon Lorde’s wards. Riley’s twenty-
third birthday was approaching, and Damian had hoped that they
would be reunited by then. He sat up from the dingy, musty-smelling
couch with a crick in his neck. He’d spent too many nights sleeping in
this awful dump, waiting for Semira and her men to return. He could

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only hope that today was the day he received the news he’d been
anxiously waiting for.

Damian could already see the first traces of sunlight peeking out

from behind the curtains. He shifted uncomfortably and waited. It
wasn’t long before the markings on the table in front of him began to
glow as they emitted an almost frost color, and Semira along with her
three other guardsmen appeared seemingly out of nowhere.

Damian watched anxiously as Semira stretched her arms and neck

before running her tongue across the sharp points of her fangs. She
turned her gaze on him and flashed him a wicked grin of excitement.

“It’s finished.” Her cold tone washed over Damian, sending chills

up and down his spine.

“What are your orders, my lady?” Damian looked up at her with a

half-cocked grin as he tried to control his excitement. His heart was
racing in anticipation, and he could feel himself becoming aroused at
the thought of seeing Riley again.

“We attack at dusk. Just make sure you follow through with your

end of the bargain and don’t forget to place those wards on Jason,”
Semira stated as she crossed the short distance between them. She
held out her hand for Damian to take. He addressed her in the proper
manner and lifted her hand until his lips. Her marble skin was cold to
touch, but Damian didn’t dare back down from their deal now. He
sealed it with the kiss as was proper before he looked up to meet her

“Yes, Mistress.”

* * * *

“It’s getting late, Master. Shall I go check on dinner?” Abaddon

interrupted Cage from his conference call, disrupting his chain of
thought. The look of confusion that crossed his face brought a smile
to Riley as he watched Cage quickly disconnect from the conference
so that he could focus his attention on his advisor.

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“I’m sorry. What did you say, Abaddon?” Cage met Abaddon’s

amused look.

“I was just asking about dinner. Would you like me to go check

on it?”

“I suppose.” He waved his hand in dismissal, but Riley caught

Abaddon’s hidden smile he flashed Riley before he disappeared
through the doorway. Riley had been trying to get Cage’s attention for
the past hour. Cage had been working late, as usual. Normally, Riley
wouldn’t have cared, but his stomach was in dire need of filling.

Cage rubbed at his temples, and Riley could feel the headache

forming. Riley reached for him, pulling him close. “Why don’t you
take a break and come enjoy some wine with me?”

Cage pursed his lips, and Riley could see the millions of thoughts

racing across his mind. “I just need to send off that contract. It’s my
office. I’ll be right back.” He placed a kiss atop Riley’s forehead.
“Tell Abaddon to go ahead and set the table when he gets back.”

Cage disappeared around the corner, leaving Riley alone with

Jason. Jason flipped through the stack of papers he was working on.
As Head Councilman, he was oftentimes just as busy as Cage.

Jason glanced up at Riley and decided to put aside the remainder

of his work. “God, I’m hungry,” Jason said as he stretched out on the

“Me, too,” Riley agreed. He glanced down at the book in his lap.

The Histories of Hell had been a long and boring read, but it was the
only way Riley knew of to learn more about Cage’s culture and
people. In just a few weeks, he would be returning with Cage to Hell
and Hell would become his new home.

The minutes dragged on, and Cage still hadn’t returned. Riley

could feel the uncomfortable shift in the room as Jason tapped his foot
with nervous anticipation.

“I wonder what’s taking him so long,” Jason said, breaking the

silence that had fallen between them. More time passed and there was

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still no word from Abaddon or Cage. Jason’s brows furrowed in

“Cage?” Riley called through their shared mental connection.

The seconds turned into minutes as the ever-present silence made
Riley more and more nervous. “Maybe we should go check on them?”
Riley asked Jason as a worried expression crossed his face. Jason
nodded and stood, making his way in the same direction that Cage
had gone.

“You want me to go with you?” Riley offered as he sat his book

on the side table. Jason shook his head.

“No, you can just stay here. I’ll be right back.” Jason flashed him

a nervous smile that did little to ease the sinking feeling that had
settled in the pit of Riley’s stomach. He watched Jason disappear
around the corner as an eerie silence surrounded him.

He looked to the doorway and saw no signs of Jason, Cage, or

Abaddon. He was beginning to feel like something bad had happened.

Nothing bad has happened. If it had, they would’ve come and got

you. Riley tried to reassure himself, but he couldn’t shake the knot of
anxiety slowly building in the pit of his stomach.

He tore his gaze from the doorway and tried to focus more on his

book. The sound of the door slamming shut caused him to nearly
jump out of his seat. He looked back up, but there was no one there.

“Cage? Jason?” he called. There was no answer. Riley stood up

and slowly approached the door.

Maybe it was just the pressure changes in the hallway that caused

the door to shut.

Riley reached for the door handle. See, nothing to worry about.

He thought as he clasped the doorknob.

He gave it a hard turn only to find that the door was locked. He

rattled the doorknob a few more times, but nothing. He tried to pull on
the door now, more frantic than he was before. “Jason, if this is some
kind of joke, it isn’t funny! Open the door!”

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Riley pulled harder and harder, but the door didn’t give. He

looked down, trying to find the lock latch, but there was nothing
there. No lock or anything.

Panic threatened to consume him, but Riley wouldn’t let it. He

took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He reached out, trying to find
the connection between him and Cage. There was nothing. Only
empty darkness answered his call. Riley’s heart began to race as his
eyes shot open. He could feel the shift in energy as the room cackled
with an unfamiliar presence. Riley turned to face the intruder.

The image that met him was not one he’d been prepared for. It

was Damian’s features and Damian’s body, but there was something
off. A sinister aura of darkness seemed to almost fill the entire room.
Riley slid against the door, trying to put as much distance between
them as he could. The room distorted as all the furnishings fell away.
The only thing left was Damian. His eyes were a deep crimson red,
nothing like how Riley had remembered them. He had a vicious grin
spread across his face, revealing two elongated canines. Riley pushed
against the door as hard as he could and darted to the left of Damian,
hoping to move past him to the window he knew should be there, but
he’d misjudged the layout with the unexpected darkness that had
settled and his knee collided with a side table, sending him and the
table hurtling toward the ground.

A sinister chuckle caught Riley’s attention as Damian’s figure

started moved toward him. Panic consumed him now as Riley kicked
out in Damian’s direction. His efforts were of no use. Damian
grabbed his ankle, sending Riley sprawling back onto the ground.

“Now, now. Is that any way to greet your fiancé?” His voice was

taunting, with an evil undertone that sent shivers down Riley’s spine.

Riley turned on him and spat in his direction. He watched as

Damian’s wicked grin faded into a look of irritation and annoyance.
He squeezed harder on Riley’s ankle. Agonizing pain seared through
him, and Riley couldn’t suppress the scream that escaped his lips.

“That wasn’t very nice,” Damian growled.

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Tears threatened the edges of Riley’s eyes, but Riley held his

ground firmly. He tried to reach the surface of the powers he’d
inherited from Cage and use them to shove Damian far away from
him. When Riley had a good hold on it, he slung all his force into the
blow and sent Damian flying a good five feet across the room. The
darkness that had enveloped the room wavered, and Riley could make
out the layout just enough to find the window he needed for freedom.

“Dumb fuck!” Riley heard Damian curse, but Riley didn’t wait for

him to regain his bearings. Riley stood up and ran as fast as he could
toward the window. All he needed was a few seconds. He threw all
his weight into the lunge as hurtled his body at the glass enclosure. He
prepared himself for the pain of the glass as the darkness grew
stronger, encasing his body. Before he reached the window, Damian
appeared in front of him, blocking his path. Riley collided into his
chest, and Damian’s arms encircled around him, creating an
inescapable grasp. The pressure was so tight that it knocked the breath
out of Riley. He winced in pain and struggled against Damian’s grip.

“Nice little trick you learned there.” He could feel Damian’s

breath on his skin now, and he hated it. Riley pushed against him with
all his might, but Damian was expecting it now. Even his powers
were rendered useless against him.

“Let me go, Damian!” Riley shouted. More useless struggling

caused Damian to tighten his hold. Riley knew he wouldn’t be able to

“Cage!” Riley called out as loud as he could.
Damian chuckled. “Scream all you want to, but there’s no point.

He can’t hear you now.” Riley felt his touch as Damian lifted his chin,
forcing Riley to look up into his eyes. “I have you now, my love, and
I’m not letting go.”

His lips collided with Riley’s, and Riley struggled with more

force. Damian didn’t budge. A sound at the door interrupted Damian
as he turned his attention to the nuisance. Riley could feel Cage’s
energy as he tried to break through the barrier that separated them.

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Damian placed a hand over his mouth. “Shh,” he whispered just as

Cage busted through the thick oak door. Tiny wooden pieces cascaded
around Cage as their eyes locked for the briefest of seconds.

“Riley…” His voice was breathless as he took in the image of

Damian holding him tight.

“Looks like it’s time for us to leave, Riles.” Damian grinned

viciously, flashing his fangs. Cage charged forward but was repelled
by an invisible barrier. He growled, eyes glowing dark red. Riley
could feel Cage’s anger as he picked himself up off the floor and
charged at them again.

“Pathetic,” Damian spat. “But I do suppose I owe you a thank-you

for taking such good care of my fiancé and ensuring that he stayed
alive. I’m sure we’ll be able to live out a long life together.” Riley felt
the wet moisture of Damian’s tongue as he licked the side of his face.
Riley cringed and tried one more time to shove him away.

“Give him back of I swear to god, I’ll kill you.” Cage seethed in

anger as his fists collided with barrier.

Damian laughed manically. “Come and get him, if you can find

us.” Riley felt the tears streaming down his face as he reached
outward for Cage’s hand, but it was no use. His muffled cries from
behind Damian’s hand were of little protest as he felt Damian pulling
him further and further away from the safety of the study. He watched
as the sight of Cage all but vanished and Damian transported them
into a dark abyss.

“Sleep,” was the only sound he heard Damian make in their travel

as he broke through Riley’s protective wards. Riley felt his body
succumb to the command despite his will to live.

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Chapter Nine

“It’s time to wake up,” Damian’s voice called to him, and Riley

fought against it. He didn’t want to wake up. He wanted to stay in his
slumber where he was safe and free from anything Damian could do
to him. But it was too late. His body began to stir as his consciousness
returned to him. Riley’s eyes fluttered open, and he was greeted by
Damian’s penetrating stare.

“There you are.” A smile spread across Damian’s face, but it only

made Riley sick. He struggled against the restraints that held him in

“Let me go, Damian.” Riley didn’t flinch away from Damian’s

stare as Damian approached him.

“You know I’m not going to do that, so why don’t you make this

easy for both of us.” He reached out and brushed the side of Riley’s
cheek. His display of affection sent a wave of nausea through Riley,
and he had to will himself not to throw up.

“I want things to go back to the way they were. I want us to get

married and put this whole mess behind us.”

Riley could feel the tears prick the corner of his eyes. “We can’t

go back, Damian. I don’t love you anymore.”

His words seemed to invoke a fit of rage as Damian’s eyes

darkened the same way they had when Riley had told him he was
leaving him. “You can learn to love me again.”

Damian’s hands balled into fists, and Riley braced himself for

what he knew as coming next.

“Excuse me, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need to report back on

whether or not you were successful in planting those wards on Jason,”

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the stranger that had been standing in the corner stated in a calm and
collected manner as though nothing was going on between Damian
and Riley.

Damian turned to look at the intruder. “Can’t this wait, Ethan?”
Ethan’s black eyes stared back at Damian, and Riley could see the

shiver of fear that ran through his ex. Whoever Ethan was, he must’ve
been one badass motherfucker because Riley had never seen Damian
afraid of anyone.

“I’m afraid not. My Mistress is not a very patient person.” The

energy in the room seemed to cackle around him as he took a step

Damian pursed his lips. “I didn’t get a chance. Cage broke

through your spell before I could look for him.”

Ethan’s eyes narrowed. “My Mistress won’t be happy. I should

kill you now. It would be a better fate than what awaits you when she
finds out.”

“Wait,” Damian pleaded. Riley could hear the panic in his voice.

“Let’s just take a moment to figure this out.”

Ethan raised an eyebrow. “What’s there to figure out?”
Damian glanced back at Riley. “The Demon Lorde had said he

would come for Riley. Maybe she can ambush him then.”

Ethan’s brows furrowed. “Why would the Demon Lorde care

about the human so much?” Ethan took a step closer toward Riley.

Riley’s breath hitched as an eerie sensation swept over him. His

presence felt ethereal, and the power that surrounded him was
crippling. Riley flinched away from him, wishing to be anywhere but

Ethan lifted Riley’s chin, forcing him to meet his gaze. He leaned

in close, and Riley’s heart went wild. He could feel his breath on his
neck, and for a brief moment Riley thought he was going to sink his
fangs into his neck.

Ethan pulled back and looked to Damian. “He’s been blood bound

to Cage.”

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Damian’s eyes narrowed. “That’s impossible. Riley belongs to


Ethan’s lips curved upward into a cruel smile. “Not anymore.”
Anger coursed through Damian as his temper flared. He launched

himself at Ethan, but he was no match for the demon. “Enough. Either
you let me report back to Semira with this news and hope that she
shows mercy upon you for failing to keep your end of the deal or I
can kill you now.”

Damian wavered over his options. “Fine,” he spat. He moved out

of the way, allowing Ethan room to pass.

“Stay here and keep an eye on him until I return. That’s an order.”

Without so much as another thought, Ethan vanished and Riley was
left alone with Damian.

Damian turned on Riley then. His fist collided with Riley’s jaw.

Riley could feel the pain radiate throughout his body. He spat out the
blood that had pooled in his mouth.

“I can’t believe you became his blood whore,” Damian seethed.

“You fucking disgust me.”

Riley dared a look at him. Tears streamed down Damian’s cheeks.

He would’ve felt bad for him if he wasn’t such a psycho.

“I’ll be damned if that monster gets his hands on you again.”

Damian ran a nervous hand through his messy hair. Riley didn’t like
the way this conversation was going. “I won’t let that happen. He
won’t get his hands on you. You hear me?”

He gripped Riley’s shoulders and shook him as though he were

going to force him to see things his way. “I’ll kill us both before I let
you become that monster’s slut.”

The look reflected in his eyes let Riley know that he meant every

word he was saying.

“Damian, let me go,” Riley pleaded. His heart sank when Damian

began to shake his head.

“No. I won’t ever let you go. Don’t you understand? You belong

with me, not him.”

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Riley felt the onslaught of tears pooling in his eyes as Damian

lifted his fist once more. “You have to understand. I’m doing this to
for your own good.” His fist collided with Riley’s ribs, and he felt
them crunch under the pressure.

“Please, Damian. You don’t have to do this.” But there was no

reasoning with him. Damian had made up his mind, and he fully
intending on seeing it through. He would kill them both, and there
was nothing Riley could do to stop it.

* * * *

Cage paced the length of the room. He tried to focus on Riley, but

his powers were too drained for him to pick up an accurate location.

“Fuck,” he cursed. “Jason, I need you to lend me some of your


Cage’s gaze narrowed on his brother.
“Yes, of course.” Jason stood, meeting Cage halfway across the

room. Cage didn’t stop to think about it. He bit down on Jason’s
throat and drank the dark liquid that pooled from the wound. He could
feel his strength returning to him every drop.

When he could feel Riley’s presence, Cage pulled back. He turned

to leave.

“Cage, wait,” Abaddon stopped him. “This could be a trap. They

could be using Riley to get to you.”

Cage cast a menacing glare over his shoulder. “I don’t care. I can

feel Riley’s pain. I have to go.”

Without much more than a thought, Cage vanished from his study.

He focused on Riley. He was all he could think about. He had to reach
him in time. Another wave of pain radiated from his chest, and Cage
knew that Damian’s blows were becoming more and more aggressive.
He wasn’t going to stop this time. This time, Damian would kill him.
Cage was sure of it.

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* * * *

Riley screamed as Damian’s fist collided with his cheekbone. He

prayed for the darkness to come. He didn’t know how much more he
could endure. Tears fell down his cheeks as his body became racked
with sobs. His wrists and ankles burned from the rope that held him in
place, and he prayed it was almost over.

Another blow had Riley seeing stars.
“Step away from him.” Cage’s voice reverberated throughout the

room as his energy filled the space.

Riley’s head lolled from side to side as he struggled to focus on

his blood mate. “Cage,” he breathed.

Cage’s eyes glowed with their own internal light. His power

brushed against Riley, encasing him in a protective manner.

Damian glared up at him as he stood in between them. “He’s not

yours,” Damian said defiantly. He wasn’t afraid of Cage but he should
have been.

Cage lifted his arm, and an invisible force lifted Damian off the

ground. With the flick of his wrist, he slung Damian against the wall.
Damian’s initial display of power when he’d first taken Riley had
clearly been nothing more an illusion or a spell cast by whatever
demon he’d made the deal with.

Cage rushed to Riley’s side. “I’m going to get you out of here.

Just hold on.” There was a desperation in his voice as he tore Riley
free from the bonds on his wrists and ankles. Riley collapsed in his
arms, unable to feel his legs.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you now.” Cage’s voice sounded distant as he

felt himself slowly slip into unconsciousness.

* * * *

Riley woke in agony. His whole body was racked with pain as he

bit his bottom lip to keep from screaming.

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“Easy, love,” Cage said as he rushed to his side. He entwined their

fingers and squeezed his hand. “Abaddon’s working as fast as he

Abaddon ran his hands over Riley’s ribs, and more pain coursed

through his body as he felt his bones shift back into place. Cage
squeezed his hand as he gasped in pain.

Riley looked to Cage. “What’s wrong?” he breathed as his brows

furrowed in concern.

Cage looked up. His face was pale as a cold sweat trickled down

his brow. “It’s nothing. It’s just our connection, love.” He gave him a
weak smile before Abaddon continued upward, healing other parts of
Riley’s body.

With every infliction of pain, Cage was right there beside him,

holding his hand and comforting him.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered. “If I had more strength, I could heal

you myself and make this process a bit less painful.”

“It’s okay,” Riley said breathlessly. “I’ll be okay.”
Riley looked down at Abaddon, and Abaddon gave him a

reassuring smile. “Almost done,” he said for encouragement.

Riley nodded, and Abaddon finished his work. Riley leaned

against the bed, exhausted. His body was still sore, and he felt drained
from everything that had happened.

“Abaddon, will you leave us?” Cage asked.
Abaddon nodded. “I’ll go check on Jason. Call me if you need


He disappeared out the door, leaving Riley alone with Cage. Riley

looked to Cage. “Is something wrong with Jason?” His brows
furrowed as he struggled to lean up.

“Easy, love,” Cage said as he pressed a reassuring hand on Riley’s

shoulders to steady him. “Jason is fine. I just had to feed off him after
I had depleted a good bit of my power trying to break through the
spell cast when Damian came to get you.”

“But he’s okay?” Riley asked.

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Cage nodded. “Just a little dizzy. That’s all.”
Riley leaned back against the pillow. He let out sigh. “Thank

goodness.” Tears trickled down his cheeks, and Riley cursed himself
for crying.

“What’s wrong, love?”
“Nothing. I’m just so glad everyone’s okay. From the way

Damian and that demon were talking, I was afraid they’d come for
you, too.”

“What do you mean?” Cage sat down next to him and wrapped his

arm around Riley.

“They had said something about someone trying to get to you. I

don’t know. I don’t really remember it all clearly.” Riley shook his
head, frustrated that his memory was clouded by the excruciating pain
Damian had inflicted upon him.

“Don’t worry. I have it all taken care of. Damian has been dealt

with, and I wouldn’t worry about the others. They won’t even know
where to find us in a few days’ time.”

Riley met his eyes. “What’s going to happen to Damian?”
Cage’s lips pursed. “I’ll have him tried in Hell. The punishment

won’t be lenient.” Riley could hear the hesitancy in Cage’s voice as
he spoke the words. “He won’t hurt you again.”

Riley believed him. He knew that what Cage was telling him was

truth, and it was that reassurance that put his mind to ease. He reached
for his Demon Lorde and wrapped his arms around his neck.

“I’m so glad you came for me,” Riley whispered. He closed his

eyes and let Cage’s love surround him. He didn’t need anything else.
All he needed was right here in his arms.

“I’ll always come for you.” Cage placed a gentle kiss upon his

lips, and Riley fell into his embrace. He didn’t want this moment to
end. He could already feel his body coming alive under Cage’s touch.

Cage chuckled as he gently stroked Riley’s cheek. “Sleep, love.

We have time for that later.”

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Riley pressed another kiss to Cage’s lips. “I love you,” he


“I love you, too.”

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Chapter Ten

“Wake up, Riley. Today is the day.” Cage could barely contain

the excitement in his voice as he nudged Riley awake.

Riley groaned. “I’m so not ready for this.”
Cage furrowed his brow. “You’re not having second thoughts on

me, are you?” A moment of panic filled Cage as he reached out for
Riley through their connection.

Riley smiled up at him as he shook his head. “Of course not. I’m

just nervous.”

A smile tugged at the corners of Cage’s lips as he pressed a kiss to

Riley’s forehead. “Don’t be. You’re going to love Hell. I just know

Riley raised an eyebrow at his choice of words. “Really, Cage?”
A broad grin spread across his face. “Come on. Let’s go take a

shower.” He extended a hand for Riley, and Riley took it. They
crossed the distance from the bedroom into the en suite bath. Cage
opened the glass shower door and started the shower. Hot water
poured from the rain showerhead as steam filled the enclosure.

He turned back to look at Riley. “The water is ready.”
Riley peeled off his boxers, shivering as he eagerly stepped into

the shower. Cage joined him. The warm water splashed against his
muscles, and Cage relaxed against the far wall as he enjoyed the feel
of the warm liquid sliding down his body.

“Mmm. You look good,” Riley said as he stepped closer. He ran

his hand across Cage’s chest. Cage relished at the feel of Riley’s
touch. He pulled his blood mate into his arms and lifted his chin.
Their eyes met for a brief second before Cage claimed his lips. He

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tasted of strawberries and champagne, and Cage relished in the way
Riley felt pressed against him. Cage wrapped his arms around Riley,
reaching for his tight ass. He groaned against Riley’s lips.

“Damn, you’re so fucking irresistible. I can’t keep my hands off

you.” Cage moaned as Riley reached in between his legs and grabbed
his cock.

“I can’t keep my hands off you either,” Riley said with a devilish

grin on his face. He dropped to his knees.

“What are you—” Cage didn’t get a chance to finish his sentence.

Riley ran his tongue across Cage’s already hardening cock before he
took him deep into his mouth. Cage tossed his head back as he
relished in the pleasure Riley was inflicting upon him.

Riley’s mouth felt good around his cock. Cage entwined his

fingers in Riley’s hair as he encouraged him onward. He pushed him
further, forcing him to take every inch. Riley obliged him as he
relaxed his throat muscles and welcomed Cage’s cock deeper into his

Riley moaned around him, and Cage nearly came undone. He

couldn’t wait any longer. He had to have him now. Cage pulled Riley
from his cock and lifted him up.

“Let’s go to the bedroom.”
Riley eyed him with a small grin on his face. “We haven’t

finished our shower.”

“I don’t care,” Cage said through clenched teeth. “I need you


* * * *

Riley stepped into their bedroom as he waited for Cage to follow.

Cage approached him, his eyes glowing red with want. The look of
desire reflected in his gaze sent a shiver down Riley’s spine. His heart
was racing and his cock was hard. He couldn’t wait to have Cage
inside him.

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“Get on the bed,” Cage instructed.
Riley did as he asked, leaning against the mattress with his legs

spread. He began stroking his cock in eager anticipation.

Cage pulled a vibrator from the toy chest. He climbed on top of

Riley, pinning him to the bed. “You want to put a show on for me?”

Riley met his request with eager excitement. He took the vibrator

in hand and gnawed on his bottom lip. Cage pressed a kiss to his lips
before leaning back up. Riley felt a wave of nervousness overcome
him, but he didn’t let that stop him. He reached for the lubrication and
smeared an ample amount on the vibrator. He met Cage’s penetrating
stare as he pressed the cool toy to the entrance of his tight hole. He
welcomed the sensation as he rocked his hips against the intrusion.
Slowly he worked the vibrator into him as he stroked his hard cock
for Cage’s viewing pleasure.

The way Cage fixated his gaze upon him was more than enough

encouragement to keep going. He pressed the toy in deeper, sending a
jolt of pleasure through his body as he hit his sweet spot.

“Fuck,” he breathed. He threw his head back as he lost himself in

the pleasurable sensations that coursed through him. He began a pace
that increased with every stroke of his cock. He felt his muscles
tighten around the toy as he rocked his hips, yearning for more. The
toy wasn’t enough to sate him though. He needed to feel Cage’s cock
buried deep inside him. He moaned in want, reaching out through
their mental connection.

Cage’s lust bombarded his senses, and Riley nearly came undone.

He threw his head back and reveled in the pleasure. He was close to
coming as his whole body began to shake.

“Not yet,” Cage’s voice steadied him, and he took a deep breath

as he gained back control.

Cage approached Riley. He took the vibrator, shoving it in and out

of him as Riley looked up to Cage with wide eyes. He wouldn’t be
able to hold off much longer if he kept that up, but Cage showed no

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intention of stopping. He pressed the vibrator against his sweet spot,
and Riley had to bite his lip to keep the orgasm at bay.

Cage chuckled. “You want to come, my love?”
Riley nodded. “Please,” he breathed.
Cage pulled the vibrator from his tight hole. “Flip over on all


Riley did as Cage instructed. He positioned himself on his hands

and knees and spread his legs, allowing Cage access.

He felt the tip of Cage’s hard cock press against his entrance. He

slipped inside Riley, inch by inch until Riley was stuffed full with
Cage’s cock. Cage rocked his hips. His pace was slow and torturous,
but with every move he made, Riley could feel the pressure building
at the base of his spine. He dug his hands into the comforter and
arched his back. Cage gripped his hips, steadying him so that he could
fuck him deeper.

“Damn you feel good,” Cage growled through his clenched teeth.

Riley couldn’t resist the temptation of their mental connection, and he
opened himself up for Cage. Cage relished every thought as he
became consumed by their building pleasure. His pace quickened as
he slid his cock inside him faster and harder.

Riley’s body tightened around him. His muscles were pushed to

their limit, and when he came, he came hard. He screamed to the
heavens as he contracted around Cage’s cock. Cage came buried deep
inside him. He collapsed on top of him and pulled him into his arms.

“I love you,” Cage whispered breathlessly.
“I love you, too.” Riley snuggled closer, enjoying the feel of

Cage’s arms as they encircled around.

A moment of silence passed between them. It was early in the day

yet, but Riley was perfectly content with staying in bed with Cage for
the remainder the day.

Cage pressed a kiss to his forehead. “We have to get ready,” he


Riley pouted. “Can’t we cuddle just a little bit longer?”

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Cage shook his head. “Everyone is waiting for us.”
Riley nodded as he reluctantly pulled himself from Cage’s arms.

“Shall we finish our shower then?”

* * * *

Riley was nervous as he stepped through the portal leading into

Hell. He clung to Cage’s hand, determined not to let go. He didn’t
know what to expect. The flames surrounded him, but they didn’t
burn his skin. He came out the other end of the portal still clinging to
his blood mate. He took in the sight of the world around him. The
land was barren. It was mostly desert but there was a beauty to its
desolate terrain.

A warm wind licked at his skin as he stumbled forward. Jason’s

broad smile greeted him as he tested the ground beneath him.

“What do you think?” Jason asked.
Riley didn’t know what to think. It was a completely new

environment. He would have to get used to the adjustment before he
made a decision on whether or not he liked it. “It’s definitely new.”

Cage chuckled. “Come on. Let me show you our new home.” He

squeezed Riley’s hand and pulled him toward the city.

Towering buildings and busy streets lined the place he would call

home. Everywhere they went someone stopped to greet Cage. He
seemed to be a well-liked man, and Riley felt a sense of pride as he
stood next to him. They walked a short distance, taking a stroll of the
better parts of the city as Cage informed him on a bit of the history
surrounding each structure.

They stopped in front of the tallest building Riley had yet to see

within the city limits. “What’s this building?” he asked as he looked
to Cage.

A smile spread slowly across his face. “This is your new home.”
Riley’s heart skipped a beat. “Really?” he asked in disbelief.
Cage nodded. “Welcome, Riley.”

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* * * *

His new home was more massive than he’d imagined. Riley didn’t

know if he was ever going to get used to this kind of life. He tugged at
the tie around his neck. He felt uncomfortable in these clothes, but he
wanted to look nice for Cage’s dinner party.

“Is there anything I can get you?” Abaddon offered as he leaned

in the door.

Riley looked back over his shoulder. “No, I’m fine. I’m ready


He followed Abaddon out the door and down the hall. Everyone

was already gathered in the great hall. There were masses of demons.
Their powers cackled in the room as they mingled together. To say
Riley was nervous was an understatement. He scanned the room
looking for a familiar face, and then he spotted Cage. His whole
world fell into place as everyone else seemed to disappear.

Riley rushed to his side.
“Hi, love,” Cage whispered as he pressed a quick kiss to his lips.

He didn’t have time to talk long as he returned his attentions back to
the nobleman who had been speaking to him before Riley had
approached. Riley entwined his fingers with Cage’s hand, happy to be
by his side. He watched Cage work the room, greeting each person as
they approached.

Riley couldn’t help but notice how exhausted Cage felt, but it

never once showed on his face. Instead, he kept on smiling and
talking, indulging each demon as they eagerly waited to speak with
the Demon Lorde. After the greetings had taken place, Riley and Cage
took their place the head of the table. Dinner was served, and Riley
could tell Cage was grateful for the reprieve.

The remainder of the evening went by quickly as Riley settled into

his new life. He remembered how he’d felt on edge with the demon
who had helped Damian. He didn’t feel uneasy at all around anyone

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in this room. They were all so nice and happy for him and Cage. It
was strange to have such a warm welcome. Usually, Riley spent his
time as an outcast from the rest of the party. He was used to lingering
the shadows while Damian did all the socializing. Here it was
different. He didn’t notice how much his life had changed until
tonight. Riley looked to Cage and couldn’t help but smile. He
couldn’t wait until they could be alone again. He couldn’t wait to tell
him how much he appreciated the new life he’d given him.

As though sensing Riley’s thoughts, he turned his gaze to Riley.

Their eyes met and Riley blushed at the look Cage gave him. His
heart raced and all he could think about was Cage’s hands on him. He
bit his bottom lip to keep the moan from escaping his lips.

The hours passed by slowly until finally it was time for him and

Cage to retire. Riley was grateful as he followed Cage back to their

“I have a surprise for you,” Cage said as they entered the room.
Riley looked up expectantly. “Oh?” His heart skipped a beat as he

watched Cage make his way to the other end of the room.

He pulled out a box from the side table and moved close to Riley.

Riley’s head was spinning. He looked up at Cage, uncertain as to
whether or not he was serious right now.

Cage dropped to his knee, and Riley’s heart stalled. He pulled

open the box, and the diamond ring inside stared back at him. Tears
pooled in Riley’s eyes. His breath hitched as he met Cage’s loving

“Will you marry me, Riley Black?”
His words hung in the air as Riley struggled to find his voice. His

life had changed so much in such a short period of time, and none of
it would’ve been possible if it wasn’t for Cage. Cage had given him
everything. He’d given him a new chance at life. Riley owed
everything to Cage. He’d saved him in more than one way, and for
that Riley was eternally grateful. He couldn’t picture his life without

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him. For Riley, there was no other option. He knew there was no one
else he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

“Yes,” Riley breathed. Cage took the ring and placed it on his

finger. It was a perfect fit. Riley pulled Cage from his position on the
ground. He kissed him with all the love he felt as the tears fell down
his cheek. “You make me the happiest person in the world.”

Cage smiled down at him. “And I hope to keep making you happy

for the rest of eternity.”

Riley wrapped his arms around Cage’s neck. “I think this calls for

a celebration.”

“I agree,” Cage said. He picked Riley up and spun him around in

his arms. “How about a toast.”

Riley nodded. Cage lifted up the two glasses of wine Abaddon

had prepared for them in advance. Riley eyed him. “You knew I’d say

A smile tugged at the corners of Cage’s lips. “I had hoped you


Riley took the glass he handed to him. They toasted and sipped

their wine until it was gone and then they fell back onto the bed as
Cage trailed kisses down Riley’s collarbone.

“I love you so much,” Cage whispered. He leaned up and pressed

a kiss to Riley’s lips. His touch was soft and gentle as he removed
each piece of clothing from Riley. When he lay their naked, Riley
couldn’t help but blush. He’d made love to Cage a thousand times
before, but there was something different about this time. It was as
though he had finally allowed himself to feel like he was where he
belonged. He felt like he was home for the first time in years. He
reached for Cage, pulling him close. He needed to feel his hands on
his body, to make him come alive with every touch.

Cage’s fangs elongated as he bit down on Riley’s neck. The flood

of sensations that coursed through his body was enough to make him
go weak at the knees if he were standing. He was grateful for the
support of the bed as Cage fed off him. His head was spinning as

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every nerve ending came alive. His whole body was pulsating with

Cage groaned against Riley’s neck as he sensed his sudden desire.

He pulled back, his lips trickling with Riley’s blood as he stared at
him with an animalistic look reflected in his gaze. Riley felt the sharp
prick of his own fangs as the sudden need to feed consumed him. He
pulled Cage closer, piercing the flesh on his chest until the dark liquid
he sought pooled into his mouth. Cage tasted of heaven, and Riley’s
eyes rolled to the back of his mind. He drank him in, absorbing every
thought and emotion he could.

“That’s it, baby. Take what you need.” Cage’s encouragement

only fueled his hunger. He was vaguely aware of Cage’s hand
wrapped around his cock. He inhaled, and Cage filled his senses.
“Spread your legs, love.”

Riley did as Cage requested, giving his fiancé the access he

sought. Cage shoved two slick fingers into his tight hole, and Riley
groaned against his chest.

Gods I love the way you feel. Cage’s thought poured into Riley’s

mind. Cage grabbed at his hips, pulling him to the edge of the bed.
Cage stretched Riley’s hole until he was ready to accommodate his
hard cock, and then Cage positioned himself in between Riley’s legs.

“I’m going to fuck you until you can’t move,” he whispered into

Riley’s ear as he slipped inside him. Riley’s muscles instantly
tightened around him.

“Please do,” Riley begged. His body felt on fire, and he was ready

for more. He urged Cage onward.

There were no barriers between them now as their bodies ground

against one another as they moved together, seeking the release that
they could only find in each other’s arms.

“Fuck,” Riley breathed. He tossed his head back. His body was

covered in sweat as he reached for Cage. Their eyes locked as Cage
pressed deeper into him. It was too much for Riley to bear. He didn’t

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know how much more he could take. He leaned up, taking control of
the situation and pushing Cage back to the bed.

Cage eyed him suspiciously as he turned over the control. Riley

climbed on top of him and slipped his hard cock back inside him. He
rotated his hips, fucking him hard and fast. The pace he set was purely
for his own release.

Cage groaned as he gripped his hips to steady him. With every

rotation of Riley’s hips, Cage pushed in deeper until they were
working together for the same end goal. Riley closed his eyes, losing
himself in everything that was Cage. He could feel his heart beating in
unison with his own as his blood coursed through his body. He could
feel Cage pulsating throughout his veins, radiating throughout every
inch of him. Riley relished in their closeness. He looked down at his
blood mate and saw nothing but love reflected in Cage’s gaze.

In that moment, Riley knew there was no going back. They were

forever bound, and in a few more months, they would married. He
belonged with Cage and Cage belonged with him. There was no one
else Riley wanted by his side. He rotated his hips at a more
demanding pace as Cage’s hand encircled around Riley’s hard cock.
He stroked the tip of his dick, smearing the small amount of pre-cum
that had gathered there down the base of his cock. A shiver of desire
ran down his spine. He couldn’t be able to last much longer and Cage
knew it.

His cock moved deeper into Riley’s body, hitting his sweet spot as

Riley pushed against him. Two thrusts later and Riley was seeing
stars. He threw his head back as his whole body became racked with
pleasure. His muscles tightened around Cage’s cock, as Cage joined
him, spewing his sticky seed deep into Riley’s tight hole. Their bodies
were covered in sweat and their hearts were racing as they collapsed
onto the bed.

“Fuck,” Riley breathed as he ran a hand through his tousled hair.

“I don’t think I’m every going to get used to you.”

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Cage couldn’t suppress the smile that tugged at his lips. “I’m

glad.” He pressed a kiss to Riley’s forehead. “So when do you think
you want to get married?”

Riley turned to see the look of excitement on his face and he

smiled. “As soon as possible. I can’t picture going another moment
without being married to you. Hell, I already feel like we are

“I agree,” Cage said breathlessly. “How about we aim for a fall

wedding? It’s always been my favorite time of year.”

“I think I could get on board with that idea.” Riley wrapped his

arms around Cage’s waist as he snuggled close to his neck. His
eyelids felt heavy as tried to fight off his need for sleep.

Cage brushed a strand of stray hair from Riley’s eyes. “We can

talk about this more tomorrow. Get some rest.”

Riley breathed in Cage’s scent and let him sooth his racing mind.

He had all good things to look forward to as he felt the safety that
Cage provided him surround him. Riley was no longer plagued with
nightmares or worries. Instead he felt like he’d finally found his place
in the world. He was finally home.



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Jana Downs lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North

Carolina with three cats, one dog, several dozen fish, and a very
understanding partner-in-crime who hates to read but makes
exceptions for her stories.

You can usually find her either watching bad reality TV, buying

way too many books on Amazon, or dreaming up another man or two
to occupy her time because life is good but several drop-dead
gorgeous nonexistent men is just better.

For all titles by Jana Downs, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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