Sean Michael Sight of Home

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


Torquere Press

Copyright ©2006 by Sean Michael

First published in, 2008

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


Stone finished listening to his messages and stretched tall,

back popping and cracking. Leeah was curled at his feet
under his desk, snoring softly. Fall was really started, the
wind blowing through the open windows of his office chill and
damp, curtains rustling, leaves blowing in.

He almost had all his class stuff organized, ready to go.

Two semesters off. He hadn't done that since he started
teaching. Probably wouldn't be taking the time off now if his
second novel hadn't hit hard. Who knew a simple story about
the Civil War would be so popular?

"Dr. Watson?" Hillary's sweet little voice sounded, the door

hinges creaking. "Your four o'clock appointment is here."

"Oh, excellent. Send them in." He'd decided he needed a

personal assistant, someone to help him juggle, help him

The door opened farther, firm steps clicking on the floor.

"This is Mason Vergis. Mr. Vergis—Professor Watson."

A deep chuckle sounded. "Professor Watson? As long as

you're not expecting me to be Sherlock Holmes." The voice
matched the chuckle, low and gravelly, as if its owner didn't
speak often.

Stone smiled, shook his head. "Right era, wrong man." He

stood, held his hand out. "Very nice to meet you, Mr. Vergis."

His hand was engulfed in one that was large and strong,

warm. The handshake was firm.

Oh. He liked that.
He liked that a lot.

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"Please, have a seat. Would you like a coffee?"
The chair slid across the floor.
"Hillary? Two coffees, please?" He found his chair, opened

his laptop and searched for Mr. Vergis' resume. If he
remembered correctly, Mason was a former soldier, a

"Black, no sugar," put in that growly voice.
"So, Mr. Vergis, tell me about yourself, about why you

applied for the position."

Vergis cleared his throat. "Call me Mason. I did ten years

in the service. Honorable discharge. Did a few years as a
bodyguard. I'm looking to get into something that combines
that with a few brains."

"Well, I can't see that I'd need bodyguarding, but I need

brains." He smiled. "I'll be honest. I'm traveling, starting next
month. Thirty-six weeks, sixty cities. I need someone who
can drive, read mail, help me get around, basic daily things.
The pay's not great, but room and board's included, travel,
that sort of thing."

"Well, I can do all that. And it sounds a lot more

interesting than babysitting some spoiled, rich kid."

"Well, we won't be in the Ritz, but we'll be in decent places

and I have a good-sized house." He leaned back. "Have you
ever worked with a blind person?"

"No, sir, I haven't." He heard Vergis shift in the chair. "Are

you really totally blind? I don't mean to be rude, you're just
... you don't act like you can't see."

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


Stone took his dark glasses off, showed Mason his pale,

blank eyes, the fine webbings of scars that covered his face.
"I was in a plane accident when I was five. Haven't seen a
single thing in thirty years."

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to suggest..." Mason cleared his

throat, an awkward silence falling.

"No, no. Please. I'll take it as a compliment." He smiled,

put the glasses back on. "I'm very self-sufficient, as a rule.
My life's just getting complicated."

"You don't want me to leave then?"
He frowned, tilted his head. "Well, our coffee's not here


Stone hoped Mason didn't leave. The man was the first to

actually address the fact he was blind.

There was that chuckle again.
"You'd best know that that's typical of my people skills. If

you're looking for someone to smooth things for you places ...
well, I'm not your guy."

"No. I need things like help ordering at restaurants,

making sure I'm together, helping me navigate in a strange
place." He grinned, shrugged. "Make sure I'm signing books,
not some bogus contract."

"Help be your eyes, eh Professor?"
"Exactly. I need a companion, someone to help me out,

walk Leeah with me." Keep him from being lonely.

"What do you need from me to know if I'm that person?"
"Well, first things first. What kind of money are you

looking for?" Stone hoped it wasn't outrageous. He liked
Mason's voice, liked the honesty.

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"Well if you're offering room and board as well, I don't

expect you'll be offering more than a few hundred a month."

"Five hundred, yeah. The college and the publishers are

picking up the tab on the rest."

"That sounds reasonable. Are expenses out of pocket until

I'm reimbursed?"

"No. I have a credit card; it'll all go on that."
"That works. What's next?"
"Well, tell me what about the job appeals?"
"Travel. Companionship. Conversation. What's not to like?"
"How to you feel about dogs?"
"Depends on the dog."
Stone laughed, whistled once and Leeah stood, bark sharp

and happy. "Leeah? Mason. Mason? Leeah."

Mason grunted and it was quiet a moment and then there

was another chuckle. "Not too drooly. That's always a good

"My lady doesn't drool." He grinned, hand sliding along her

back. "She's a purebred German shepherd, four years old.
She's amazing."

"She's pretty enough. And she didn't take my hand off at

the wrist. Guess I like her well enough."

"Well, there's another plus in your favor." He settled back

in his chair. "I suppose, if you're interested, we should take a
few days, see if we can function together. I leave for the tour
in two weeks and I need to be comfortable and be able to
trust you by then."

"Sounds fair. I can start right away."

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by Sean Michael


"Like as in tonight?" He didn't want to sound too eager,

but he wanted this decided.

"Like as in right now if you want. I don't have anywhere

else to be."

He blinked. "Well, then. Let's go have some supper, see

the house. See how we get on."

"Sure thing, Professor." His hand was taken in that large,

warm one again, the shake firm.

"Call me Stone, everyone does." He smiled, breathing in

the musk and heat of Mason. The man smelled good. "You're

"Yes, sir. Six foot four. I'm a pretty good size with it, too."

Mason must have realized their hands were still linked
because suddenly his was dropped and Mason cleared his

"Yeah?" He wanted to touch, to look. He missed knowing

what people looked like.

"Yeah. You uh ... want me to describe myself?" Mason

didn't sound too thrilled with the idea.

"No. When you're more comfortable, I'll look for myself.

What kind of food do you like?"

"I'll eat anything, but I'm partial to Mexican and fried

chicken. What do you mean look for yourself?"

"I touch. That's how I see. I like Mexican. How about


"Garcia's sounds great. Am I allowed to drink beer on the


"So long as you can still drive, sure."

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"I can drive on a beer or two, long as I eat. I assume we're

taking my car?"

"Well, it would be rather awkward for me to drive, Mason."
Mason chuckled, that low, dry sound going right through

him. "Do you take my arm like in the movies?"

"Not if I know where I am, no, but if it's a new place?


"All right. Well I'm parked in the visitor parking outside the

Lennox building."

Stone packed his laptop up and grabbed Leeah's harness,

trying to remember where that was. "Okay, that's the building
three blocks north?"

"Yes, sir." Mason chuckled. "You should ask for a parking

pass for me. I'd love to watch the face of the secretary in
charge of that when you did."

"Oh, that? Would be most fun. It's a deal." He chuckled,

Leeah leading him out.

"Oh, good, I was hoping you had a sense of humor." He

could feel the wind of the door opening for him.

"I have one, whether it's good or not is up for review." He

grinned. "Goodnight, Hillary. We aren't going to need those
coffees after all."

"Now, you'll notice I didn't say I was hoping you had a

good sense of humor. Just that you had one."

Stone laughed, headed for the elevator. "Point taken.

What's your favorite type of music?"

"I like Latin music to go with my Mexican food. And

marching music, believe it or not." Mason's hand brushed

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


against his to push the button for the elevator. "It kind of
grows on you."

"I like classic rock, country. Marching music like Sousa?"

Stone heard the elevator coming up, beeping.

"Yep. He's the king." He could hear the grin in Mason's


"How about movies? Do you like movies?"
"I do. Old westerns, action flicks. Japanese films."
"Cool. I don't go to many; it pisses people off. I do like

them at home, though."

"It pisses people off? What the hell?"
"Well, I need someone to explain what I can't hear. People

don't like you talking in the movies, yeah?"

"Oh, right, that makes sense. I don't know, I guess I

figured you just went and listened. Silly of me."

"No, there's lots of complications people don't think of."

Tons of things people never considered—clocks, microwaves,

"I'm beginning to see that. Notice it, I mean." Mason

snorted. "I imagine you run into that a lot."

"You know it." They got into the elevator, headed down to

the bottom floor. "You'll get used to it."

"Does it bother you?"
"The expressions. I see. Last time I saw you."
"Oh, no. Not at all. I know what you mean and mostly? It's

true. You saw me." They stepped out, Leeah telling him the
way was clear.

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


Mason was quiet a moment or two. "That's cool—the way

you work together."

"She was trained for over a year. She's brilliant. I can't

function without her."

"You sure don't walk like you're blind with her."
"Well, I know this place, too, so we don't have to worry.

Leeah is as comfortable here as I am." Leeah was actually
more comfortable in strange scenarios than he was.

"Well I'll try and help make sure you're as comfortable in

new places as you are here."

That's what he liked to hear. "Where are you from,


"Vermont, but don't hold it against me."
"Snow and maple syrup, huh? Did you like it?" Leeah

stopped him and he stepped around the lamppost.

"Yep. I still miss proper seasons." Mason stopped and

Leeah stopped with him. "This is mine. It's a navy Ford."

He reached out, feeling the slick lines, the cool metal. "Is it


"New to me. Last year's model. Driven by some

executive." The door was opened and Mason's hand taking his
elbow. "What do you need me to do?"

"Leeah will sit in the back. Where is the seat belt?" He was

suddenly nervous—in the car of someone he didn't know, no
one knew where he was...

Mason's hand was warm and confident as it guided his to

the belt.

"Thank you." Leeah's nose brushed his arm, the action

familiar and comforting.

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


The door closed and a moment later Mason was sliding in

on the other side, engine starting up. "Straight to supper?"

"Yeah. Yeah, we can get a quiet table and get to know

each other." He reached out, exploring the car dash in front
of him.

"You want me to describe stuff to you?"
"Would you? I'm a little disoriented."
"Sure. The interior's as dark as the outside. I don't have

anything hanging from the mirror or anything."

"The seats are soft. Is there a CD player?" The car felt

luxurious, rich. "Do you like to drive?"

"There's a CD player and I do. I take it we're driving from

place to place so you don't have to put Leeah on planes?"

"Well, it's cheaper, too, and ... Well. I. I don't fly well." He

blushed, pushed his glasses up. Thirty years and they still
scared him.

"Why's that? Oh. Yeah, the accident. Sorry."
"Yeah. It's stupid, I know, but I get really stressed." He'd

lost his mother, his sister and baby brother. His father hadn't
been with them, and he'd been the only one to survive.

"I don't think it's stupid. It must have been pretty


"I don't remember much of it. I remember being scared, I

remember the sounds. The man that found me is still alive. I
write letters to him."

"Yeah? He an emergency worker?"
"FBI, just happened to be training nearby. Name's George.

A real, real nice man."

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"Lucky for you he happened along then." They turned a

corner. "Almost there."

"Where is the parking lot in relation to the front door?"
"Around the side. I'm pulling into a spot about twenty feet

from the sidewalk and then it's another fifteen to the front
door. No stairs.

"Okay." He could smell the food, the beer, the grilled

meat, the spices. "Smells good."

"Yeah, it does. I just love Mexican. What's your favorite

dish? And what kind of help do you need aside from menu

"When the food comes, I'll need to know where it is on the

plate, and beef enchiladas."

"Will Leeah follow me and get you around the tables and

stuff when the waiter seats us?" Mason asked, voice lowering
to an intimate level as a couple of people passed them.

"I'll take your elbow, hold Leeah with the other hand.

She'll stay out of the way unless you're going to bump me
into something." He reached out, fingers sliding around
Mason's arm. Damn. Muscles.

"Okay." Mason's hand patted his and they went up the

stairs and into the restaurant.

"Two, please," Mason told the girl who met them at the


Then they were walking, winding their way through the

restaurant. Leeah directed him when they got too close to a
table, but besides that Mason did fine. Stone sat, fingers
sliding over the bumpy vinyl tablecloth. "Tell me what's on
the table?"

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"Mid-table, ten o'clock is the salt and pepper, a bottle of

hot sauce. Mid-table, twelve o'clock are a bowl of chips and
right next to them's the salsa. There's a napkin with a knife
and fork on it on your right hand side."

There was a rustle. "You want me to read the menu?"
"No. I want beef fajita tacos. Are they on there?" Those

were tasty, easy to eat, and didn't come on a burning plate.

"Yeah, they are. I'm going to have the chimichanga and a

Dos Equis. The waitress is on her way here, five steps."

"Can I help you, sirs?"
Stone ordered his supper and iced tea, fingers finding the

chips and hot sauce. Mason placed his order, too and after
the waitress left, their fingers collided in the chip bowl.

He pulled back, grinned. "Sorry. Didn't see you." He waited

to see if Mason got the joke.

There was silence for a moment, the sound of the other

diners seeming loud and then there was that chuckle again.

Stone grinned, laughing deep, the sound echoing in his


Mason's fingers brushed his again. "I'd call it pretty good.

Your sense of humor that is."

"Yeah? Thanks." His fingers explored Mason's, his curiosity

getting the best of him.

Mason's hand was still beneath his fingers. The skin was

smooth, warm, fingers callused. Mason turned his hand over,
offering his palm for exploration. The hand was fascinating—
rough and muscled, strong, and the fingers curled, sliding
along his and then the man was clearing his throat, hand

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"I'm sorry, Mason." He blushed, put his hand in his lap. "I

get curious."

"S'all right. I'm just not sure a restaurant is the best place

for seeing like that."

"Yeah." His cheeks were going to burn off. God, the man

was military. Not queer. Not available. He'd gotten stupid in
his old age.

Mason ate a few more chips and then the waitress was

back with their drinks.

"One o'clock, about ten inches in from your end,"

murmured Mason.

"Thanks." He reached out, found the glass and drank deep,

letting the action distract him.

"And here comes the food; they're pretty quick here. Is

the food as good as the service?"

"Yeah, it's always been good." He found his silverware,

unrolled the knife and fork.

"Your tacos are in the middle of the plate, beans to the

right, no, your left and rice to the right of them." Mason's
voice had lowered a little, but it was back to normal when he
asked, "So what is it you teach?"

"History. I specialize in post Civil War America." He

carefully searched around his plate, found a taco.

"Is that what you write about?"
"I write historical fiction—stories about the time period I

specialize in, but the main characters are fictional. Sort of like
Michener's stuff, you know?"

"Cool. You'll have to tell me the names of the books you've

written. I'll check them out."

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"I'll just give you copies. I have them all." The taco was

warm, spicy, went down easy.

"Well now, you sure you don't want the sales?" He could

hear the teasing note in Mason's voice.

"I'll take it out of your salary." He grinned, finding his tea


Mason chuckled. "It's a deal." A few moments later Mason

sighed heavily, groaned and pushed back slightly from the
table. "Damn, that was good."

It took him a little longer, searching out each of the three

tacos, avoiding the beans and rice. "They've got good food

"What have you got against beans?" Mason asked him.
"Hmm?" He tilted his head, a little confused. "I don't


"You haven't eaten a single one. You know they're there..."
"Oh. I love them, but they're messy. I don't eat them in

public. Beans, spaghetti, soup—lots of things."

"Oh, now that seems to be a shame to me, a man who

loves beans not eating some of the best I've ever tasted."

He heard the sound of silverware on china and then the

smell of beans got strong. "Twelve o'clock. Right in front of
your mouth," said that gravelly voice.

Stone blinked, but opened up, lips closing over a spicy,

perfect mouthful of beans. "Oh."

The fork slid slowly out of his mouth. "So?"
"Good. Thank you."
"You want some more, Stone?"

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"Do you mind? One more bite?"
"That's what I'm here for, right?" The fork and plate

collided again and a moment later Mason murmured "twelve
o'clock" again. He opened his mouth, got his bite. Part of him
was embarrassed that he'd allow Mason to feed him. Part of
him was just enjoying the taste. Part of him? Very turned on.
"You should get that to go. Then you could enjoy all of it at

"Yeah. I sometimes have it delivered." He blushed again,

fingers sliding around the plate. God, the man had to think he
was a dork.

Mason cleared his throat. "I guess there's a lot of things

that you'd rather do in privacy."

"Well, people like to watch me fuck up. Not in a mean way,

just in a 'thank God it's not me' way."

Mason was quiet a moment before answering. "Yeah, you

might be right about that. But obviously it doesn't stop you
from doing stuff like eating out. I admire that kind of

"Well, there's also the fact that I'm a lousy cook..." He

smiled, took his wallet out and searched for his credit card.

"Don't sell yourself short, Stone—you could order in all the

time instead, but you don't."

"I could, but I'd get lonely." He put his card on the table,

knowing the waitress would take it.

"It's not lonely eating in a restaurant all by yourself?"
"Not really. I get to listen. Having supper with you is much

better, though." He heard his credit card sliding across the

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


table, the receipt. "Can I get a to go box for the beans,

"Sure thing." Her heels clicked away.
"What do you usually do in the evenings, Stone?"
"I read a lot—audio books, especially. I listen to the

television. I chat online sometimes. I like to work out, but I
don't get to do it much."

"Why's that?"
"Well, I don't have a pool or a track nearby and the

weights are intimidating—so much to miss or get wrong."
Simon and he used to work out every night, sweating and
lifting, skin sliding against each other.

"You just need a work-out partner. Someone to spot you. I

like to work out."

"I used to have one, once upon a time. It was a lot of fun."
"Well these hotels we'll be staying at, I bet they have

gyms. We could work out together."

"Yeah? Cool. I'd like that. I'd like that very much.

Especially spending so much time in the car." The waitress
brought his card back, the slip. "How much is the balance,

"$22.43, hon."
"You want me to add in the tip," Mason asked, real quiet.
He nodded, signed the slip. "Make it $27.00 even, please,


Mason took the pen from his hands, their fingers grazing.

"You got it."

"Thank you." He reached down for Leeah, stood. "Would

you like to see my house?"

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"I'd like that, yes. You do damned well for yourself in

public; I'd like to see how you handle things in your own

"I live at the corner of Black Locust and Tolliver. Three

blocks from the university. Do you know it?"

"I know how to get there from here, yeah." Mason's chair

scraped back. "That makes things nice and close for you to
get to work."

"Exactly." He took Mason's elbow and the headed out. He

hadn't brought a man home in a very long time.

* * * *

Mason followed Stone into the elevator, watching as long

fingers moved over the buttons and pressed the one for the
fifth floor.

He was impressed and appalled in equal measure.
Stone was obviously independent, obviously did really well

despite his lack of eyesight, not needing a lot of help beyond
Leeah in places he knew. But the chances the man took, the
ways he left himself open to all sorts of theft, fraud, personal
injury ... Well, it was a damned good thing he himself was
used to being a bodyguard, because while the man needed a
personal assistant, he needed a bodyguard even more.

Mason had been stopping himself from putting his hand in

the small of Stone's back ever since they first headed out
together, figuring Stone might take offence, but he was used
to being hands on. If you were touching the man you were
protecting you knew exactly where he was in relation to
yourself and everyone else.

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


He finally gave into it as they exited the elevator, just

resting his hand there lightly. Stone would say something if
he didn't like it.

The apartment building was well kept up and there'd been

an intercom system to get in through the locked doors. The
lighting was bright—not that that would make a difference to
Stone—and there weren't a lot of places for someone to hide
in the halls.

The lock on the door Stone stopped in front of was good

and solid, no sign of forced entries on the door.

Stone searched for the key, unlocked the door, Leeah

hurrying in and looking around, tail stiff as she searched. The
house was spotless, stark, the furniture all tan and
overstuffed, bookshelves filled with marked books, a tiny
television and a huge stereo on the entertainment center.

"Come on in. I'll give you the dime tour."
He closed the door, locking it when it was clear Stone

wasn't going to. If he didn't get this job, he needed to talk to
the man about proper safety habits.

"Let me turn some lights on for you. Hopefully they still

work." The computer was placed on a desk, the keys on a
hook. Stone searched along the wall for a light switch and
with the dim lights came on, that's when Mason noted there
weren't any blinds, no curtains on the windows. Anyone could
see right in.

He shook his head. Wasn't there anyone in Stone's life who

might be concerned about this kind of thing?

"You don't get a lot of visitors, I take it?"

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"My dad comes by periodically—he's a county

commissioner, and he's awful busy. Did the lights work?"

"They do." He turned them up so they weren't as dim. "It's

just really Spartan in here. You know?" And that was coming
from him—a man who'd spent ten years in the service.

"Is it?" Stone frowned, moving easily through the room,

fingers sliding over the leather sofa.

"Well." He sighed. "Can I be frank, Stone? I'm not one to

hold back what I think."

"Sure. If you're going to be with me all the time, you

might as well be honest."

"You don't have any curtains, Stone. Or blinds. Anyone can

see in. It isn't safe. You could have a peeping tom and never

Stone chuckled. "Like anyone would want to look in at


Mason arched an eyebrow, looked at Stone—nut brown

hair and warm tanned skin, solid and confident. Wide
shoulders, tiny waist and ass. The man was fine, even the
too-pale eyes and white web of scars were appealing.

"You'd be surprised what people would look at, Stone. It's

a power game with a lot of these creeps and the more
vulnerable the mark, the more they want to play them. All
that aside, folks would be looking at you because you're good
to look at, as well."

Stone flushed. "Well, we can get curtains, if it makes you

more comfortable. I imagine there were some before Simon
moved out and he took them."

"Simon?" Stone's previous assistant?

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by Sean Michael


"He was my partner—and if you have a problem with that,

you should probably let me know. I'm not promiscuous, but
I'm not in the closet, either."

"Oh. No, I don't have a problem with that." He could

hardly have a problem with a proclivity he shared himself. He
supposed now would be a good time to share that, but he
wasn't used to sharing that information. Especially with the
people he worked with. "How long were you together?" he
asked instead.

"Twelve years. We met when I was an undergraduate

student." Stone smiled, the look telling, bittersweet. "Would
you like some coffee?"

Ow. That was a hell of a long time. "I'd love some, thanks.

And you should get those beans into the fridge."

Stone nodded. "Come on, I'll show you the kitchen." Stone

moved easily; it was amazing to watch him. The kitchen was
interesting—filled with unusual things, little white labels
everywhere. "Here's the kitchen. If you decide to stay, we'll
clean a cabinet or two out for your food and stuff. I am a little
picky about where things go, especially in the refrigerator,
but we can work that out. The cabinets are all labeled in
Braille so I can find what I need."

Stone started making coffee. "Oh, the dishwasher? Has a

clean/dirty magnet. Very important. Drinking from a dirty
glass is so nasty."

He chuckled. "I'll bet. I can adapt to pretty much anything.

You just tell me the rules and I'll follow them."

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The Sight of Home

by Sean Michael


"Well, you'll discover that I'm a labeler. Especially the last

eighteen months or so. I got spoiled having a sighted person
around and got lazy. I won't do that again."

"I should learn Braille. So I know what the labels are."
"I'd be happy to teach you the basics." The coffee was

started, two mugs pulled from the cabinet. "How do you take
your coffee?"

"Black, no sugar." He'd learned to drink it like that in the

service. That way you never were disappointed when milk or
sugar was missing.

"That's easy to remember." Stone moved around the

kitchen, showing him the neat cabinets, the dishes in them
mismatched and odd. "The washer and dryer are in here.
There's a dining room, an office, and two bedrooms."

"Are you going to want me to stay here if I stay on as your

assistant?" He could bunk anywhere easily enough, but he
had a little condo that was his and he'd have to close it up
properly if he wasn't going to be staying there.

"It's completely up to you. I imagine you'll want a real life,

though. I'll make the second bedroom available for you, in
case you need to stay or whatever."

"That works for me. When does this tour of yours start

again?" Of course that kind of thing would be his job to know.

"Two weeks from Monday. I speak in San Diego on

Thursday. Then Los Angeles on Friday. Santa Barbara on
Saturday. Sunday is a driving day." For the first time, Stone
looked a little unsure, almost worried.

"That's excellent, gives us two weeks to work together, get

used to each other's company." He reached out and patted

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Stone's shoulder. "You'll learn to trust I won't steer you

"Thanks. It's a little daunting. I ... When I started down

this road, I expected it to be different."

"What do you mean?"
Stone walked over, poured their coffee. "Well, I didn't

think about the touring thing and, when I started talking
about this with my agent, I had a full-time partner and it felt
exciting. Now that it's close, it's just work."

"How long ago did you and this Simon split up?" He was

being damned nosy, but he figured it would be easier for him
to help if he just asked what he needed to know.

"A little over a year ago. Things in the publishing industry

move so slow." Stone took a drink, leaned on the cabinet.
"Simon is a forensic scientist—a brilliant man. He, uh ... Well,
twelve years is a long time to hold someone's attention and
he got bored, wanted to get into things that I didn't. We still
have supper once a month or so."

"Amicable split then? You still love him?" Okay, now he

was just being nosy for nosy's sake. "Never mind, that was

Stone turned bright red, but shrugged. "We're good

friends. I ... Well, I guess you always love people; you just
don't stay in love with them."

He nodded. "I'm sorry; I think I mentioned the lack of

people skills."

"Once or twice, yes." Stone grinned, chuckled. "It's

actually quite refreshing."

"Yeah? So I shouldn't apologize for making you blush?"

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"Well, I can't see if I do, so it's sort of pointless." Stone's

face twitched in a way that let him know the man was winking
behind the black glasses.

"All right then, I won't worry 'bout being blunter than a

well-hammered nail-head. Can we have these coffees sitting
in the front room? I can stand for hours, but I did enough of it
in the service I like to sit when I can."

"Sure. Come on and sit."
He followed Stone over to the couch, admiring the way the

man moved, the confidence in his own home. "Oh, this is
nice." The couch was comfy as anything.

Stone nodded, sort of curled up like a cat. "Yeah. It's soft

and just right."

"Yeah." He smiled—Stone looked good at ease.
Stone took his glasses off, sat them on a coffee table. "So,

did you like being in the service?"

"It was all right. Some of it wasn't and after ten years I

decided not to re-up."

"Ten years. Wow. How old are you?" Stone shrugged,

pinked. "I have a hard time telling."

He chuckled. "Thirty-four. I did my ten years starting when

I was eighteen and I did straight bodyguard work for a few
years and I've spent the last couple trying to be a little more
than just human bullet fodder."

"You sound older than me. You have a great voice. And

bullet fodder? Scary."

"A great voice?" He chuckled. No one had over told him

that before. Scary was the word usually used. "How old are

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"I turn thirty-six Christmas day."
"Oh-ho, so you're the old man." He chuckled. "I feel older

than most people I come across, truth be told. Yourself
included. You see some stuff in the service."

"Oh, I bet. My dad was in the army for years. He has

always regretted that I couldn't join up."

"Yeah? Seems he's lucky to have you at all." Oh, yeah.

That was pretty fucking insensitive.

Stone chuckled. "Oh, Dad was a Captain, a pilot, a mayor.

He's an ambitious go-getter."

"You and him close?" He didn't figure they could be, he

couldn't imagine any father letting their child take the
chances Stone took.

Stone nodded. "We talk once a week and I see him once

every few months. He's got a whole other family now, of
course. Kids and grandkids and such."

"You close to any of them?"
"No, not really. I'm sort of the last reminder of the old

guard, you know?"

He frowned. "That sounds like a pretty lonely way to grow

up. When did he remarry?"

"Hmm ... when I was ten, I think. I went to school at the

Texas School for the Blind. I didn't grow up there."

"Well, hell, that sounds really lonely." He didn't have a big

family, but him and his sister were real close.

"Not really. The school had tons of people just like me."
"Yeah? I guess that would be okay. My folks are both

dead, died within a few months of each other. So it's just me

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and my sister. She's got a great family. Three girls that will
be breaking hearts soon as they're old enough."

Stone chuckled. "Yeah? How old are they?"
"Four, three and one. You should see their eyes. It's

enough to break a man."

"Yeah? How? I mean, are they pretty or just happy or

what?" Stone looked curious, pale-pale eyes staring about six
inches to the left of his face.

He fought the urge to cup Stone's cheek and turn his face.

"Pretty, but it's more the way they promise you the earth,
yeah? Like you're the best person in their life. They've got
their uncle's number. I'm gonna go broke buying them toys."

"Neat. I ... I don't remember what eyes look like. I mean, I

remember the shape of certain peoples, but it's like color. I
can't remember."

"Really? I can't imagine what that's like."
"That's probably how I feel, too." Stone chuckled, brushed

back the nut-brown shock of hair off his face. "The hardest
part of being blind is that I don't know what most people look
like. I mean, my close friends, let me touch, but mostly? I
make it up."

He chuckled. "Well, I guess looks truly don't matter with

you then."

"Nope, not even a little. I mean, I can tell you that my

secretary Hillary? Is about as tall as I am, wears Coco
perfume, uses tangerine-scented shampoo, but I don't know
if she wears glasses or has long hair."

"She does and it's short." He grinned. "You want that to be

part of the deal? I can give you general descriptions."

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"Oh, maybe if I ask. I mean, it doesn't mean anything to

me." It was amazing, how much emotion he could see in
those eyes. "If it was a lover? Maybe. But then I'd know
everything I needed to."

"All right, no descriptions. I suppose you'd better 'look' at


Stone frowned. "No. It's okay. I don't want to make you

uncomfortable, Mason."

"Well I don't know if it would make me more

uncomfortable to have you do it or know you hadn't."

"Really? I promise not to come onto you. I just want to


"I'm not worried about you touching me, Stone." He

shifted closer.

Stone reached out, found his shoulders and then slipped

up along his throat. "You're strong."

"I work out," he growled, skin tingling where Stone's

fingers touched him.

"Yeah." Stone's lips were parted, eyes wide as his face was

explored. He swallowed hard, the act of Stone 'looking' at him
far more intimate than he had been expecting. "Oh..." Stone
leaned back, a sheen of sweat on his throat. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he replied, voice strange in his own


"I..." Stone's hands landed to hide the man's erection.


"So what did you see?"
"You're strong, you smile a lot, at least with your eyes.

You worry. Your skin feels good—not soft, male, healthy."

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"I worry?" he asked, surprised, having expected a more

physical description, though he supposed Stone's answer
made more sense for a man who didn't see.

"Your forehead. There are want lines there." Stone reached

out, stroked his forehead.

"Want lines?" he asked, leaning forward a little more.
"Uh-huh. From thinking 'I want this and I want that'."

Those hands kept touching, kept stroking.

He chuckled, starting to follow the soft touches, starting to


"Oh, do that again..." Stone's fingers brushed his lips.
"What?" he asked, tongue sliding out almost automatically

across Stone's fingertips.

Stone moaned, almost too soft to hear. "I meant the

laugh, but you can do that too..."

"This?" he asked, chasing Stone's fingers down, licking

them again, taking one between his teeth and scraping the

"Oh." Those pale eyes rolled, bottom lip taken between

white teeth.

Oh, shit. There were a hundred reasons he shouldn't be

doing this. At least a hundred. He leaned forward. Stone's
fingers slid around his jaw, holding him.

"Stone," he whispered, lips brushing Stone's.
"Yes." Stone purred, breathed him in.
"This is a bad idea," he murmured. He was taking


"Why?" Stone tasted good, spicy and sharp and hot.

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"Because ... you're my boss. I'm supposed to look after

you not take advantage ... I." He groaned, pressing their lips
together more firmly. Stone moaned low, pressed against
him, tongue slipping in to taste him. Stone's kiss was sure,
experienced, stealing his breath. Those pale eyes were open,
steady, almost like they could see him. He opened wider,
letting Stone have control of the kiss, just enjoying it.

Stone pressed against him, leaned into him, letting him

feel the lean heat. His cock leapt, hard and throbbing. Making
a noise, he leaned back, Stone's body following, pressing
against him. His arms slid around the man, moving along
Stone's back.

"Oh..." Stone's hand slid down his belly, petting, heading

for his prick.

He swallowed hard and broke away from the kiss. "You

sure?" he asked.

"We don't have to, Mason. You just smell so good..." Fuck,

the man was sensual, completely giving himself to every

"We're just heading into land of no return and I want to

make sure you're not going to regret this in the morning."

"I think you have to be able to see the sun to have

morning regret." He got a grin, fingers tickling his ribs just a

He chuckled, but refused to be distracted away from the

question. "After regret then. I like you Stone, and I don't
want to take advantage of you."

"Uh ... Mason?" Stone shook his head, pale eyes rolling.

"I'm blind, not a boy. I like fucking. I like men. I like you."

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He grumbled, still not a hundred percent convinced this

was the right thing to do. Stone left himself open for ... so
much. Hell, he could be a serial murderer himself. He wasn't.
But he could be.

Still, the man was grown and the liking was mutual.
So he kissed Stone again, this time pushing his tongue into

Stone's mouth. Stone opened up, took him in with a soft,
happy little sound. He stroked Stone's back, fingers sliding to
where the man's shirt disappeared into his waistband. He
teased the shirt up, fingertips stroking across the small of
Stone's back.

"Oh. Oh." Stone gasped and arched into the touch.


"Yeah." He whispered his fingers across Stone's back

again, the skin warm and smooth, good.

Stone just purred, fingers sliding down to stroke over his

cock, his balls. His eyes closed, a low groan leaving him. He
cupped Stone's ass in one hand, getting a good feel of that
ass cheek as his fingers slid more firmly along the warm skin
of Stone's back. Oh, the man had a sweet, tight little butt,
rocking right into his touch.

Groaning, he encouraged the movements. He shifted

again, so Stone rocked forward against his thigh.

"Yes..." Stone licked and lapped at his lips, just gone liquid

in his hands.

He licked back, hands squeezing, searching out more skin.

Stone's lips started exploring, moving over his face, his jaw,
his throat, finding each and every sensitive spot. He groaned

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and pushed, moaning whenever Stone hit a particularly good
spot. Damn, this was fine.

He pulled Stone's shirt off, fingers sliding on hot skin.

There were tiny little scars covering the man's chest, too, like
spider webs. They were silver and odd and strangely hot, a
pattern on gold skin. He traced them, bent to lick at the ones
on Stone's face.

"Mmm..." Stone got his shirt unbuttoned, fingers finding

his ribs, his nipples.

Mason made a noise, bucking as Stone's fingers slid over

his nipples. His right one was especially sensitive.

"Oh, you like that..." Stone leaned down, lips wrapping

around his nipple and tugging hard.

"Fuck!" He bucked up, hands tightening against Stone's

back. "Jesus, Professor," he growled. "You trying to kill me?"

"Not even a little." Teeth scraped across his nipple, made

him arch.

His hand slid into Stone's hair, holding him in place. "Fuck.

Don't stop."

Stone's fingers worked his zipper down while that mouth

went to town, biting and sucking and pulling. His own fingers
weren't good for much else than holding on and petting
randomly as the things Stone was doing sparked through
him, made him dizzy with needing. Then those fingers
wrapped around his cock, petting and pulling and driving him
out of his fucking mind.

"Stone. Fuck. Yes." He just lay back and gave it up, letting

Stone hear how good it was, body pushing into those touches.

"So good, Mason. Damn. Just ... so good."

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"Uh-huh." Yep, he could agree with that.
As if Stone's words let him catch his breath a little, he

suddenly had the presence of mind to fumble with the buttons
on Stone's pants, fishing out the man's cock so he could
return the favor.

Long and hard and so hot, Stone arched, rubbing that

sweet prick against his palm. "Oh."

He nodded in agreement, his own hips working his prick in

Stone's hand.

Stone groaned, cheek sliding on his chest. "Smell you.


He groaned. There was something really sexy about the

way Stone used his other senses, the way stuff like the smell
of him became erotic.

"Yeah." Stone's fingers slipped over the slit of his cock,

petting him.

"Fuck. Won't be long." Wasn't going to be long at all. He

tugged on Stone's cock, sheer strength making up for lack of
finesse. He hoped. Stone shifted, brought their cocks
together, their hands wrapping around them.

Moaning, he squeezed and humped, his cock sliding along

Stone's, held in both their hands. Shit, the lights behind his
eyes were going nuts and, with a low sound, he came.

"Oh. Yes. Yes, so hot." Stone rubbed harder, gasping,

groaning as heat spread over his hands.

He grunted, trying to catch his breath as he rubbed

Stone's back as that hot tongue slid over his neck, his jaw.

He gave Stone a hug. "Nice."
"Uh-huh. Very."

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"Yeah." He kept stroking and petting, feeling a little

awkward now that they were sitting cuddled together, come
all over their hands.

"Let me get you a towel. Be right back." Man, Stone was

astute, picking up on God knew what clues.

"Thanks," he murmured, standing as Stone did.
Stone nodded, heading down the hall and rummaging,

bringing a towel to the opening of the room. "Give me a

"I'm still by the couch," he told Stone. He hadn't felt right

wandering around with his cock hanging out of his open
pants. Not to mention they'd just given anyone looking in
quite the show. He took the towel as Stone held it out, their
fingers brushing. "Thanks."

"Anytime. Would you like another cup of coffee?"
"Sure." He felt better all tucked in and done up again and

he picked up Stone's shirt from the floor. "Allow me?" he
asked, sliding it over Stone's shoulders.

"Thanks." Stone felt for the coffee cups, fingers sliding on

the coffee table until he found them.

He slid his hand along Stone's ass. Stone grinned,

wriggling a little. He patted that sweet ass. "You don't have
something sweet to go with that coffee, do you?"

"I have some pecan pie, I think, and cookies." Stone

visibly relaxed, smiling for him.

"Oh, pie sounds good, Stone. You want some help?" He

relaxed, too. Cool. He hadn't screwed this up.

"Sure. You can make sure it's not fuzzy." Stone winked,

turned the stereo on as they passed.

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He chuckled and then sobered. "How do you usually tell?"
"I don't. I date everything and throw it away earlier than

later. It only takes one screw up there."

"Yeah, you could get pretty sick eating something off."

Man, there were so many things he took for granted that
Stone couldn't.

"You know it." Stone reached for the coffee pot, gingerly,

searching for the handle.

"There's got to be a better way to do that," he murmured,

hand guiding Stone's down to the handle before he hit the hot

"The glass isn't terribly hot." Stone put his fingers against

the lip of the coffee cup, pouring carefully.

"Do you any cooking?" Mason asked, thinking he already

knew the answer.

"Not much. I buy pre-made stuff and heat it up a lot."
"Did your ... Simon used to cook?"
"He did. He said it was like chemistry."
Mason chuckled. "Yeah? Seems more like a big mess to


"Yeah. Well, I want to learn how to cook on a grill, but

people seem to think that's a bad idea..."

"Really? I can't for the life of me think why..." He let the

words fade off, grinning over at Stone.

Stone gave him a patently false innocent look. "I could do

it. Maybe."

He laughed out loud. "Well I cook a pretty mean piece of

meat with fire. Maybe I can let you live vicariously next time I
do it."

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"Does that mean you'll let me help?" Stone pulled out a pie


"Yep." He stood behind Stone, nice and close, hands

sliding down along Stone's arms to his hands. "See? We could
do it like this."

"Oh." Stone leaned back against him, warm and relaxed.

"I'd like that."

He hummed. This felt good. Damned fucking good. And

that was just a little scary. "Yeah, me too."

They cut the pie together, Stone moving easy under his


He leaned down, nuzzling Stone's neck. "Oh. You smell

nice, too."

Stone beamed, skin heating up for him. "You think so?"
"I do." He rubbed against that sweet little ass, letting

Stone feel just how much.

"Mmm ... That's fucking hot, Mason. Makes me want


"Yeah, I'm kind of wanting myself. You rev me up pretty

fast, Stone." He could admit that, given he was ready to go
again, even though he'd just gotten off a few minutes ago.

"It's something else, the way it works between people."
"It sure is something else, the way it works between you

and me, Stone."

Stone lifted his face, begging a kiss.
"Mmm." He brought their mouths together, his tongue

sliding into Stone's, easy as pie.

Stone hummed, moaned sweet and low, trusting him

without question. He held the lean body against his chest,

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by Sean Michael


hands sliding up Stone's arms and then down along his chest,
regretting now that he'd helped the man put his shirt back on.
All the while he kissed Stone, exploring the man's mouth,
pulling in the lovely flavor of coffee and spice and something
he was willing to bet belonged to Stone alone.

Stone rocked, rubbed against him in time to the music. He

couldn't help but groan again, hands sliding to cup Stone's
hips, fingers sliding along the side of his erection trapped in
his pants.

"Oh." Stone was just something else, responsive and

happy, hard and wanton.

He tugged them man back against his cock, rubbing,

rumbling. Felt damned good.

"You feel good. So hard."
"I am hard. Fucking hard." He growled a little. "For you."
"Oh." Stone visibly rippled. "That sound."
"This one?" he asked, growling again.
"Yes..." He'd never seen anyone so unselfconscious, so lost

in pleasure.

It was something else, made him harder, made him want

more. "Let me take you to bed?"

"Yes. Please." Stone nodded, pushed the pie away. "Last

door on the left."

"Okay." He moved them, slowly walking Stone down the

hall, fingers back to sliding along the sides of Stone's hard
cock, mouth on the warm neck. Stone moved like an angel,
led him into a simple room, dominated by a huge bed filled
with multicolored blankets.

He growled at the sight of it. "You got stuff, Stone?"

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by Sean Michael


"Yeah. Yeah, in the bedside table. Get naked? Need to


"I will if you will." He stripped out of his clothes, a small

part of him glad Stone couldn't see just how damned eagerly
he did it. He was a desperate man.

The bedside table yielded a brand new box of condoms and

a battered tube of lube. Stone got naked, crawled up into the
bed and curled in, sliding on the blankets.

"You're a sexy man, Professor." He was growling again,

fucking turned on.

"Am I?" Stone leaned toward him. "That sound is


"You are." He climbed up and took Stone into his arms,

bringing their mouths together.

Stone pushed right in, rubbing against him, so hot.
"Fuck, yes. Sexy."
"You're so hot. So strong. I could eat you up."
"Oh, don't let me stop you."
Oh, that soft, sexy laughter was so fine.
He lay back, pulling Stone with him, finding the man's

mouth and licking his way in. Stone was loose and easy,
obviously enjoying touching and being touched. It was sexy
and getting intense quickly.

"You smell fine. Strong. Hot." Stone's lips found his nipple

started pulling and sucking.

He jerked. "And you have a good memory."
"I do." Those teeth scraped. "Excellent."
"Stone!" Damn. Stone was something else.

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by Sean Michael


"Uh-huh." Stone moaned, tongue sliding on his skin. He

slid his fingers over Stone's face, seeing it the way Stone had
seen him, chuckling as his fingers found Stone's tongue.

"Mmm ... tasty." Stone nibbled and sucked, drove him

higher and higher.

He moaned, hands sliding to Stone's head, holding it in

place. Stone relaxed into him, working his nipple until it
burned. He reached for that sweet ass, holding and squeezing
as Stone made him crazy.

"Mmm ... yeah." Stone's cock was hot, hard, wet-tipped.
"You want to ride me, Stone?" He could just imagine how

Stone would look above him, in the throes of passion.

"Oh, fuck yes. Yes, Mason." Those hands wrapped around

his cock, started pumping.

He reached over for the condoms, fumbling the box open

and pressing one into Stone's hand. Then he reached for the
lube. Stone opened the rubber, eased it down over his cock,
nice and easy. Moaning, he slicked his fingers up, easing one
into Stone's body. Oh, fuck. Hot. Tight. Just right. Stone
moaned, sat up and started moving on him. He got another
finger in, watching Stone's face. Fucking hot for it.

"Yes. Yes, damn." Stone moved like a dream, bucking,

hips rolling.

"On me. Now," he growled, sure the sight alone was going

to make him come.

"Uh-huh." Stone raised up, thighs parting as the man sank

down on his prick.

"Oh, fuck." He bucked up, cock going deep.

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by Sean Michael


"Uhn." Stone nodded, riding good and hard. He watched,

hands sliding over Stone, finally landing on those slim hips,
helping Stone come down harder. It felt fucking fantastic.
"Oh. Oh, yes." Stone threw his head back, riding hard.

That tight ass slid over his cock, squeezing him again and

again. He reached for Stone's cock. The man was something
else—open and eager, belly rippling, cock hard as anything.
He let Stone's movements push that hot cock through the
tunnel of his hand, concentrating on meeting Stone's body
with a thrust every time it came down. He was making
noises: grunts and groans, letting Stone know how damned
good it was.

"Oh. Oh, fuck. Yes." Stone was born to fuck, so eager,

body just burning around him.

"Yes." He ground the word out, nodded, pushed hard and

squeezed that hot cock. He shifted just slightly, looking to
make Stone go from on fire to totally out of control ablaze.

Stone cried out, lips parting, entire body shaking. "Again."
Mason growled, pleased to have found that spot so easily

and hit it again and then again. A deep, dark flush crawled up
Stone's belly, that heavy cock throbbing in his hand.

"Yeah, that's it. Show me." He dug his heels into the

mattress and pushed up hard.

"Mason!" Stone bucked, shooting with a cry, body like a

vise around him. He growled, body jerking, Stone's body
pulling his orgasm out of him. He filled the condom, body
continuing to twitch even after he'd spent.

"Oh. Oh, that. Wow." Stone slumped against him, panting.


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He moaned, slipping out of Stone's body and getting rid of

the condom quick as he could. Then he curled up around
Stone, pulling the covers up around them. "Yeah. Damn,
Stone. Nice."

"Mm-hmm." Stone snuggled in, humming low.
"You mind if I stay awhile?" he asked, sleep tugging at


"Not at all. You feel so good."
"Yeah, you too."
He settled, Stone half on him, the weight good in his arms.
Sleep had him soon after.

* * * *

Stone woke up curled against a warm body, Leeah nudging

his hand with her nose and whining to go out. Damn. Damn,
Mason was ... Damn. Naked and fine and snoring in his bed.

He was getting to be a slut in his old age.
He pulled on a pair of shorts and headed out and down,

shivering as he got outside to the little courtyard. Shit. He'd
forgotten it was cold, all snuggled up close. Must still be dark
too. Either that or cloudy.

"Damn it, Stone, are you insane?" That cut glass voice

growled the words out right behind him, making him jump.

"Huh?" He turned around, hand reaching out toward the

voice. "What's wrong?"

"You're half naked, out here all on your own in the middle

of the damned night. You might as well be wearing a neon
sign!" Mason's hand grabbed his.

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"Leeah had to pee." He tilted his head, confused. "A neon


"You make an easy target, Professor." One warm hand slid

along his belly. "Being blind makes you vulnerable already,
more or less naked is icing on the cake."

"But I obviously don't have any cash on me." He leaned

toward the touch, smiling. "Oh, you're warm."

Mason wrapped him in both arms and tugged him against

the warm—and dressed—body. "Getting robbed would be
preferable to what some creeps are out for, Stone." Mason's
voice was thick, concern evident.

Stone cuddled in, humming. Like anyone wanted to hurt

him. He? Was harmless.

He could feel Mason shake his head. "You need to be more


"Oh, Mason. This is my home. I've lived here forever.

There's no danger."

Mason grunted, but didn't reply on that. "You think she's

done peeing yet? You're freezing your ass off out here."

He whistled and Leeah started back for the door.

"Apparently so."

"Good." Mason wrapped an arm around his waist and

steered him in.

He followed easily, leaning against Mason's warmth. "What

time is it?"

"Two a.m." The words were short.
"Ah. I figured it was either still dark or really cloudy. I

couldn't feel the sun." They headed up to his front door, the
elevator groaning as they went up.

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"You got a key hidden in those shorts?" Mason asked him.
"Did you lock the door?" He never locked the door.
"I did."
"Oh. Oops." He grinned. "There's a spare hidden around

here somewhere, I think..."

Unless Simon took it...
Mason made a sputtering noise. "A spare. Hidden right

near the door."

He stopped, tilted his head. "Uh. Mason? If it wasn't near

the door, how would I find it? Besides, it's a hallway..."

"Everyone else can find it, too, Stone. Hell, someone could

find it, make a copy and put it back and you'd never know.
There could be someone coming in every night and watching
you, rifling through your things. I know a locksmith. I'll have
him come by and change your lock for you."

"Well, if I can't find it, we'll have to do that anyway." He

slid his fingers up along the wide doorjamb, finding a sticky
note with Braille pressed in. "Simon said he put the key under
the big flower pot."

"Well, go ahead and make sure it's still there, though I did

grab your keys on my way out."

"Oh, cool." He handed Leeah's leash to Mason and ran his

hand down the hallway wall, fingers searching for the plant.

He could hear Mason growling, an almost sub-vocal sound

in the back of his throat. The man was going to give himself a
stroke.mStone leaned down, fingers sliding around the
bottom of the planter. It was rough and bumpy, heavy. He
shifted it, found a key with a triangular keychain. "Found it."

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"I'll call my guy in the morning. And you give one to

someone you trust instead of leaving it in the planter. Your
secretary, a neighbor. Hell, me, if you're hiring me as your

"I am." He made his way back down the hall, unlocked the


"That means I'm officially allowed to worry about you."
Stone chuckled, rubbed their hands together. "Is that how

it works?"

"Yes, sir." The door closed firmly, the lock shot home. "Of

course, if I'm going to be your lover? I get double worry

He pushed into Mason's arms, warming himself up, the

words letting him know he was welcome. "I'll manage."

Those hands went straight for his ass, sliding into his

shorts so it was skin on skin.

"Mmm..." He pushed up for a kiss, growing addicted to

that touch with every passing minute. Mason's mouth met his
partway, open and welcoming, hot, good. He just melted,
rubbing and snuggling.

"You are one sexy mother," murmured Mason.
"Yeah? I just know what I want." And Stone wanted


"That's always a good place to start," Mason murmured,

squeezing his ass. "Let's move this out of the hall and back
into bed, yeah?"

"Sounds good to me." He stopped in the bathroom on the

way, washed the bottoms of his feet off, then slid into his

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"How do you make everything so sexy? I mean feet

washing ... you do it and make me want."

He smiled, cheek sliding up along Mason's leg, stroking

slow. "I just like feeling."

Mason growled low, fingers sliding through his hair. "You

do it well."

He shivered, that sound just driving him insane. He

nuzzled Mason's inner thigh, licked a little. Mason growled
again, legs spreading for him. "Mmm ... good." He licked and
lapped the velvet soft sacs, inhaled the scents of come and
musk and sweat.

"Stone ... fuck, that's sweet."
"Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So good." He took one ball into his

mouth, sucked so gently.

Mason's body shivered for him. He lost himself in the

flavors, the motions, laving and exploring, tasting. Mason
growled and groaned, noises addictive, sweet and rough,
needy. He sucked on one hipbone, licked along the thick
shaft, kissed the muscled belly.

"You're something else," murmured Mason, fingers sliding

through his hair.

"Just an old, curious professor." He grinned, licked along

one rib.

Mason chuckled, chest moving beneath his mouth. "I do

like the way you indulge your curiosity."

"Yeah?" He found soft chest hairs, tugged them gently with

his lips.

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Mason jerked, hands sliding down to his shoulders,

fingernails scrapping over his skin. He hummed, wiggled, the
sensation bright and hot.

"It's like you're reading me with your mouth," murmured


"That's a good analogy. You make one hell of a story."
"Yeah? Don't stop reading."
"Not a chance." He traced each rib, hummed the entire

time. Mason started moving beneath him, pushing into the
touches. He moved back down, lips wrapping around Mason's

"Fuck! Oh. Shit, Stone." Mason's hands opened and closed

on his shoulders. He purred, head bobbing nice and slow.
"Better stop," murmured Mason. "And glove up."

Stone sucked again, tongue sliding over the tip before

lifting his head. He heard the crinkle, smelled the latex scent
of the condom hiding the smell of Mason from him.

"Hate that." He went to nuzzle Mason's belly, Mason's hip.
Mason's hand cupped his cheek. "You've got to be safe,


"I know. I just wish they didn't smell so bad."
"Yeah, I know what you mean. I'll bet it's even worse for


He nodded. "I'll live."
"Oh, I hope so. I'd hate this to be the only time we do


"Shit, Mason. I'd hate this to be the only time we do this


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Mason laughed, the sound rich. He grinned, nodded up at


"You stopped reading," murmured Mason, fingers exploring

his face.

"Oh, I really want to know the climax of the story..." Stone

chuckled, fingers wrapping around Mason's cock, lips
wrapping around the fat tip.

"Oh, fuck!" Mason groaned, thighs trembling. "Damn,


"Mmm..." He moaned, head bobbing, ignoring the rubber


Mason pulled his knees up, legs bracketing his head,

surrounding him in heat and the musky scent of Mason. Oh,
that was good. So good. He ran his hands along Mason's

"Got a sweet touch," moaned Mason. He sucked harder,

needing, hips rocking his cock against the sheets. "Gonna
make me come, Stone."

He moaned, too, pulling harder, swallowing. Mason

shouted, bucked, pushing that fat prick deep as it throbbed in
his mouth.

Stone whimpered, wanting to taste so bad.
Mason's hands slid over his head, his face. "Damn. Damn,


"Mmm..." He nuzzled Mason's belly.
"Yeah, mmm. What do you need, Stone?"
"Yes. Your hands. Your voice."
"You like my voice?" Mason asked, pushing him over onto

his back, hands sliding over his chest.

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"Hell, yes." He arched into the touch, humming.
"You don't think it sounds like someone killing cats?"
"I think it sounds like pure sex. Like a strong man."
"Oh, I might keep talking you keep saying things like

that." One of Mason's fingers flicked across his right nipple.

"Oh..." That felt. Damn. Mason rumbled for him, finger

finding his other nipple, mouth finding his neck. "Yes..." He
tugged Mason closer. "Yes, please."

Mason's leg slid over his, holding him down, while that

mouth and those fingers explored, low rumbles vibrating
against his skin. Oh. Fuck. Yes. He gasped, bucked, eyes
rolling. "You're a sexy thing, Stone. A real sexy thing."

"Glad you think so." He grinned, rubbed. "So glad you

came to meet me."

"Uh-huh." Mason's teeth closed around his nipple, not

biting hard, but letting him feel it.

He arched, feet sliding on the sheets. "Mason. Oh."
Mason hummed, growled for him, touched him slowly all

over. Stone was flying, every nerve lit up and firing, pleasure
suffusing him.

"Taste good," muttered Mason, licking at his nipples now.
"Feels so good. So good." His head rocked, breath huffing

from him.

A little growl answered him, Mason's fingers spreading his

legs, moving over them. He spread, let Mason see, touch. His
balls were cupped, rolled in careful fingers.

"Oh. Damn. 's fine..."

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Mason held him a little harder before those fingers slid

behind his balls, tickling over the skin beyond. Stone spread
wider, moaning low, legs moving restlessly.

"Can I fuck you again?" Mason asked, voice low, full on


"Oh, Hell yes."
"Good." He could hear Mason getting the lube from the

bedside table. Mason returned to his side, fingers slick and
warm, stroking over his hole. He gasped, so sensitive, the
nerves felt like they were on fire.

"This okay?" Mason asked, stroking again.
"So much. So good." He smiled, body just rippling.
Mason growled softly, fingers stroking and stroking and

then pushing into him, two, slick and sure. Heat. Stretch. Yes.
Damn. Stone gasped, nodding, going with it.

"So fucking tight, Stone."
"Don't stop. Please."
"Not planning to stop." Mason's fingers twisted, pushed

and found his gland.

"Oh!" Stone bucked, hands reaching out to touch Mason,

find that hot skin.

Mason's shoulders were solid, made for holding onto.

Those fingers curled again, hit that spot again. Stone threw
his head back, hips rocking, riding hard, those fingers
pegging him again and again. Mason was growling and
moaning, mouth sliding on the skin of his inner thigh. The
sensations were overwhelming, huge. Fucking fantastic. Then
Mason started to mouth his balls, fingers still working him

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"Gonna make me come. Oh. Mason. Fuck." His voice

sounded rough and raw. Needy.

"Wait for me, Stone. Wait for me." The crinkle of a condom

package being opened came again, and a moment later
Mason was settling between his legs, pushing in. The world
stopped for a second as he focused on the long slide of
Mason's cock into his body. "Oh, Stone. Fuck. Damn."

Mason's cock pushed until he was in deep, hips tight

against Stone's ass.

"Yeah..." He nodded, smiled. Fuck. Yes.
"Gonna fuck you now," growled Mason, one hand wrapping

around his prick, the other holding onto his hip. The man was
as good as his word, moving slow and easy.

"Oh, that's just right, lover. Just right."
That earned him another growl, Mason keeping the pace

right there.

Oh, he was going to die, just feeling and riding. Mason

didn't say anything, but he was making all kinds of noises,
moaning and groaning. Onto that cock, into that hand, over
and over, Stone just pushed and rocked and needed. They
rocked together forever before Mason started pushing harder,
faster, breath panting from him like a steam engine.

"Yes. Yes. Oh, fuck." He couldn't stop touching, stop


"Yes." Mason was pounding into him now, pushing that

thick cock deep. He was going to come; he could feel it
everywhere, burning his skin, working his muscles. "Yeah,
Stone. Yeah, let me feel it when you come."

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That voice did it, sent him right over the edge, balls going

tight as he shot.

"Stone!" Mason shouted, jerked as he came. Stone stroked

Mason's face, shoulders as the big man nuzzled into his
touch, pulling out and collapsing against him. Stone curled in,
rubbing close, breathing the scent of them together.

"Mmm ... A man could get used to this."
He nodded, hummed. "You know it."
Mason's fingers slid over his belly, petting.
"Oh, that's nice..." Sleep was tugging at him.
A low rumble was his answer, those fingers still moving.
He sank into dreams, holding on, warm all through.
Man, Mason was so hired.

* * * *

It had been awhile since Mason had woken up with a warm

body in his arms. He'd forgotten how nice it was. His morning
wood was snugged up against Stone's belly, the man glomped
onto him with arms and legs.

It made him moan, made him rumble happily.
Stone smiled, snuggled closer, rubbing against him.


"Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing."
His hand slid down to cup Stone's ass, squeeze it.
"Great hands. Mornin'." Oh, Stone was cuddly in the


He could handle that. "Morning." Mason kissed the tip of

Stone's nose.

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Stone chuckled, kissed the corner of his mouth. Then

Stone reached, tapping a clock on the bedside table.

"Nine a.m. Saturday. Good morning."
"Yep. Morning." Stone grinned snuggled in.
"Hey, that's pretty cool. Everyone could use something like

that—you know, for those mornings when you aren't sure
what day it is?"

Stone nodded. "It's a fabulous machine and battery

operated. My watch talks too."

He chuckled. "What else talks?" Better to find out now than

be startled later.

"The oven. The calendar in the kitchen. The phone. The


"The phone?" The others kind of made sense, but the


"Uh-huh. It tells when someone called, that sort of thing."
"Oh, of course, I hadn't thought of that." He chuckled. "It's

going to take me some getting used to."

Stone nodded. "Well, and we're going into the sighted

world, so I'll have a lot to get used to, too."

"I'll do my best to make it easy for you, Stone."
He got a soft, slow kiss. "Thank you, Mason."
"You're welcome. We are going to share a room, right?"
Stone grinned. "We are."
"Excellent. I was hoping last night was more than just a

part of the job interview." He winked before realizing Stone
couldn't see it. He was going to have to come up with new

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"Last night didn't have anything to do with the job, Mason.

Last night had to do with us."

"It was a tease. Maybe I should pinch you or something

instead of winking."

Stone chuckled, grinned. "No pinching."
"No? What do you suggest then?" He slid his hands down,

threatening to goose Stone.

"Kisses. I'm very fond..." Stone started wiggling.
He laughed. "I'm not sure a kiss matches a wink..." Not

that he was going to argue about kissing.

"No?" Stone stretched up, lips offered to him.
"Not the same meaning..." he murmured, licking at Stone's

lips and then taking them in a kiss.

Stone just opened right up, rubbing against him.
"You're something else." Hot and hot for it. Stone was a


"Is that a good thing?"
"Very good." He growled softly, taking Stone's mouth

again, proving it.

Stone opened for him, tongue sliding along his own. Mason

liked how Stone gave as good as he got, was an active
participant. He growled softly, a low rumble that meant yes
and good. He felt the shiver that rocked Stone's body, heard
the soft gasp. Now that was fucking sexy

"Oh." Those pale eyes opened, Stone's cheeks going pink.
He rolled them, putting Stone beneath him, rubbing

against that lovely body. Stone smiled, sliding right back,
seeming to sense his rhythm. It made him hot, made him

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want and rumble. Every sound made Stone react, gasp. He
pushed against Stone, sliding along all that heat.

"Oh. You feel so good. So good."
"Feel fucking good your own self." Mason wrapped one

hand in Stone's hair, tilting his head and taking his mouth
hard and deep.

Stone bucked, rubbing against him, opened wide.
Oh yeah. Sexy.
He rubbed and kissed, needing and wanting. Stone just

seemed to give it up, offering him anything, everything. He
wasn't one to say no to a good thing and he took everything
Stone gave him, the passion building between them.

Stone's hand wrapped around his cock, rubbing, stroking,

the touch so fine. Growling with pleasure, he returned the
favor, sliding his hand around Stone's prick and matching his
lover's rhythm.

"Good..." Stone's face was a study in bliss, the man not

hiding a thing.

"Yeah, Stone. Real fucking good." He pressed kisses to

Stone's face, not lighting anywhere long, covering as much
skin as possible. That earned him sweet little sounds, Stone's
lips chasing his own. Oh, this was a fun game. He growled
and kept it up, moving just ahead of Stone's lips, occasionally
letting the corners of their lips slide together.

Fuck, it was good. Amazing even as the need played in his

body, slowly growing, becoming something he couldn't ignore
or play around.

"Soon, Mason, yeah? Soon. I need."

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He nodded and then said 'yeah." Growled it really, because

he was close, too. He stroked harder on the cock in his hand,
mouth finding Stone's and kissing him hard. Stone's fingers
squeezed, the lean body going stiff beneath him as heat
poured over his hand. His hips moved faster, thrusting his
cock through Stone's hand a few more times to bring himself

"Oh. Oh, damn. Good fucking morning, Mason."
Stone was panting, grinning.
"Yeah. Damn. Nice." He chuckled and collapsed against

Stone. "Nice way to get up."

Stone laughed. "You know it. Shower before food?"
"Together?" He'd never shared a shower with a guy he was

sleeping with.

"Do you mind? The tub's big enough..."
"No. I just never have before."
"No? I love the water, the soap, the slick." Stone stood,

tugged his hand. "Come on. After we'll go find breakfast."

"Sounds good. The soap and slick with you, as well as


He let Stone lead him to the bathroom, admiring the man's

naked form and the easy way he walked in his own home.

"How hot do you like it?" The shower was huge, a padded

seat along the back.

He chuckled and his voice was as suggestive as he could

make it when he answered. "Oh, I like it hot."

Stone blushed all along his spine. "Oh. Good."
Mason reached out to slide his fingers up that spine,

feeling the heat of Stone's body. "You do hot really well."

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"Flatterer." Stone arched like a cat.
"Is it going to get me laid?" He kept stroking, admiring the

lean lines, the way Stone moved.

Stone's laughter filled the air. "Oh, Hell yeah."
"Then let me continue." He grinned, adding a bit of nail as

he ran his fingers along Stone. "You're sexy. The way you
move, the way you experience everything."

The water warmed up and Stone pulled them in together.

"That feels good."

"So do you. I could maybe get used to this saving water


Stone found the soap, started washing him. "You think?"
"Fuck, yes."
Stone nodded, hands sliding over his skin, driving him

mad. He pushed into those touches, rubbing against Stone,
sharing the soap between them.

"Mmm ... 's good. Damn good."
He just growled, his own hands exploring Stone's skin,

enjoying the slick feeling of it all soaped up. Stone washed
him—hair and all, hands moving over him, searching.

"Are you looking for something?" he asked quietly,

enjoying the touches.

"Hmm?" That face turned toward him, eyes looking just

past him.

"Feels like you're looking for something..."
"No." Stone smiled, the look peaceful, happy. "Just


"Oh. Right. I forget..."
"Does it bother you? I can stop."

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"No, it feels good," he admitted. Like he'd make the man

stop doing something that came natural, that made Stone
look so damned happy.

"Oh, good." Every inch of him was explored, stroked,

mapped. He'd never felt so seen. It was heady and sexy and
it made him feel like the center of Stone's world. "You're a
beautiful man."

He smiled and chuckled. "I'm not sure beautiful's a word

most people would use for me."

"They don't see you like I do."
He groaned softly, taking Stone's hands and kissing his


"Oh..." Stone smiled again, the look ... transcendent.
Oh, indeed. That look could become addictive. He slid his

hands around to cup Stone's ass. As could holding this. Stone
moved closer, took a long, slow kiss. Mason murmured into
Stone's mouth. "We're never going to get anything done."

"Sure we will. We'll get hungry..."
He laughed, hands squeezing Stone's ass.
"Mmm..." Stone rubbed against him, moaning low.
"I'm never going to look at a shower the same again," he

told Stone, encouraging the rubbing.

"This is a good thing." Stone hummed, their skin sliding


"I don't know, Stone. I can imagine it might get

embarrassing at the gym." He winked and then rolled his eyes
at himself. "I winked."

"Oh, that means you owe me a kiss." Stone chuckled.

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"That's right." He leaned in and licked at Stone's lips,

nibbled for a moment and then slid his tongue into Stone's

"Mmm..." Stone arched, opened right up for him, let him


He could get used to this all right. Mason stroked the sides

of Stone's mouth, so soft and hot. Stone moaned, body
pressed against his, so hot, so lean. He felt his way along
Stone's spine, fingers stroking as he continued to devour
Stone's mouth. Stone just vibrated, pale eyes moving
restlessly. He slid one hand down, wrapping it around both
their pricks.

"Oh. Oh, I'm too old to get it up again..."
"Yeah, me too," he murmured, pumping the both of them,

pretty sure that they were both gonna prove themselves

"We should take it easy. Gonna ... gonna hurt ourselves..."

Stone's hand joined his.

"Wouldn't want to hurt something important." He moved

their hands faster.

"Nope. No chafing. Chafing is bad..."
"You got hand lotion? There won't be any chafing." He took

Stone's mouth again, speeding their hands. Stone opened,
eyes shining in the sunlight that poured in. Fucking sexy.

The heat between them was amazing, stunning, Stone's

cock filling, growing heavy. It matched his own and he slid his
thumb along their tips, pressing. A cry pushed into his lips,
Stone bucking.

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"That's it," he murmured. "You and me being crazy and

doing stuff old guys like us shouldn't."

"Uh-huh. Keep me young."
"Gonna try." He chuckled. "Keep us both young."
"Hell, yes." Stone smiled. "Your laugh is ... wow."
"You are gonna give me a swelled ... head."
Stone stopped, started laughing loud and hard, body

shaking with it. Oh, now there was a sight and sound he was
going to have to make happen again soon.

"You sure make me happy," Stone said.
"Mmm ... Ditto." He went back to kissing, to tugging on

their pricks. Stone groaned, pushing hard now, lips parted
and hungry. Mason nipped on Stone's lips, sucking it into his
mouth, teeth scraping on the soft skin.

"Need..." Stone whimpered, bucked.
"Yeah, me too." He was growling again, that need riding


"You too?" Stone groaned, rocking, gasping. "Please.


He brought his other hand down, cupping Stone's balls.
Those eyes went wide, heat spraying over his fingers.


"Yeah. Fuck yeah." Growling, he tugged harder, let himself

go, spunk shooting from his cock.

Stone slumped against him. "Damn."
"You keep saying that. I keep saying nice. We need a new


That laughter came again. "Food. We need food. Pancakes.

Bacon. Coffee."

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"Yeah, before we faint. You have a House of Pancakes

around here?"

"We do. I have to take a taxi there. Sixth and Ambrosia."
"Well, I do believe driving is my job. Let me take you to

breakfast, Boss."

"Sounds perfect, lover."
Mason stopped and looked at Stone and then smiled.
He liked the sound of that.
A lot.

* * * *

Mason pulled up to the hotel. "We're here. Do you want

me to go in and make the arrangements?"

They'd been driving all day. Their first stop on Stone's

book tour. The last two weeks had been full of laughter,
making love, learning each other. Today had been less than
special, the traffic heavy, both of them tired after a night of
making out.

"I. Yes. Please. We should be all set up. Bottom floor

room." Stone's fingers slid along the SUV's dashboard.

He slid his own along Stone's arm. "Okay, I'll take care of

it." Mason leaned past Stone, made sure his door was locked
before opening the driver's door.

He got them all checked in, got everything signed, then

got outside to an empty car. Stone and Leeah were walking in
the grass near the highway, completely oblivious.

"Fucking Christ." Growling, he headed for Stone. Stone

was whistling, Leeah eating grass, tail wagging. "You sure you

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don't have a death wish, Professor?" He made a mental note.
Don't leave the Professor alone in strange places.

"Hmm? Pretty sure. Leeah had to pee. Did you get us

checked in?"

He shook his head. He had about twenty reasons why

Stone shouldn't be wandering around on his own like this, but
he knew from experience it wouldn't matter. "I did. Come on,
let's go see just how many flat surfaces we can find."

"Sounds perfect." Stone's hand slid around his arm,

following easily. "Is there a hot tub here?"

He chuckled. "Are you after my virtue, Professor?"
"Oh, hell yes." Stone's laughter was happy, warm. "You

want pizza for supper or you want to eat in the hotel

"I want to eat you."
The smile turned into an 'o', Stone almost bouncing.


"Fuck, yes." Especially if even just saying so made the

man look like that.

"Stone first, steak second."
"Mmm. Steak." Stone let him lead the way to the hotel

room door, Leeah searching the room as soon as the harness
was unbuckled. At least the dog had a little sense of Stone's

"Oh, this isn't bad. You need me to walk you through it or

can I just throw you onto the bed and fuck you through it?"

"Where's the bathroom? The bed?"

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"Bathroom is four steps to the left of the door. The bed's

ten steps into the room. And it's big. They must have known
you were bringing company."

"Cool." Stone took ten careful steps, Leeah running over to

stop him before he hit the bed. He admired the way they
worked together, Leeah helping give Stone confidence. Then
he followed the lean body, snuggling up behind Stone.

"Oh. That feels good." Stone relaxed, just melted against

him, hot and lean.

"Been a long day, Professor. You doing okay?"
"Doing better all the time. All the time." Stone leaned back

against him, smiled. "It's harder, being in a strange place."

"Well Leeah and me, we'll be your familiar."
"I like the sound of that, Mason." Stone turned, pushed up

for a kiss, the action familiar now, warm and passionate. He
returned the kiss, tongue pushing into Stone's mouth.

"Oh..." Stone rubbed, pale eyes wide.
There was something about this man with the sightless

eyes and seeing fingers. Something about his sounds and his
smells and the way he dove into every sensation. Stone
worked his shirt open and off, fingers finding his nipples
unerringly, pinching them.

He gasped, the sensation sharp and hot and there went his

cock, interested to needing bad in seconds. "Stone. Fuck."

"Uh-huh. That's the plan. Fuck."
He chuckled and growled a little, knowing it turned Stone

on. Stone groaned, rubbing against him, hard as a rock.

"Too many clothes, Professor." He slid his fingers beneath

Stone's sweater, sliding it up.

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"Mmm..." Stone stretched, little ass wiggling. "Your hands

are fine."

"And you, Professor, are easy."
"But not cheap."
"No Stone. Never cheap. You're top quality." He winked

and laughed at himself. Two weeks and he still couldn't break
himself of the habit. "I owe you a kiss."

"Oh? Cool!" Stone smiled, tickled, happy. "That's thirteen."
"Thirteen? Since this morning?"
"Uh-huh. You winked a lot in the car."
I don't seem to remember giving you kisses for any of

them either." He leaned in and rubbed their lips together. "I
guess I'd better get moving on what I owe you."

"Excellent plan." Stone's tongue slipped over his lips.
He chased it down, sucking it between his lips, pulling

Stone's tongue into his mouth. Stone dragged them down
onto the bed, hands traveling over his skin, driving him mad.
Mason pushed and pulled at Stone's clothing, getting his lover
naked, exploring the warm skin with his hands, fingers
dancing. Stone responded to every touch, skin flushed, lips
parted. He turned Stone onto his stomach, slowly exploring
the long spine with his fingers and lips, humming and

"Oh. Oh, Mason..." He got off on those needy sounds, that


He slid his pants off, started rubbing against all that warm

skin, cock sliding along Stone's crack. Stone's thighs spread,
legs trembling as that ass was offered to him. He groaned,
the lube in their bags that were over by the door. Two weeks

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and it was still urgent enough that he was loath to leave
Stone long enough to get it. Instead he pushed himself down
along Stone's body, tongue sliding along spine and crease and
finally teasing Stone's hole.

"Oh. Oh. Oh." Stone cried out, knees slipping up

underneath him.

Hell, yeah. He started to fuck Stone with his tongue, loving

every single fucking sound the man made. Stone moved back
against him, so eager, so responsive. The man's balls nudged
his chin, and he cupped them in one hand, fondling gently.

"Oh. Mason. Please. So good. I need." That voice was

something else, all raw and husky.

He tried to hold out, hand sliding forward to wrap around

Stone's cock, stroking it as he continued to fuck that sweet
ass with his tongue. Stone started fucking his hand right from
the start, cries growing louder. Mason kept fucking that sweet
hole with his tongue, kept pumping the hard cock.

"Gonna. I. Oh. Mason. Fuck." Stone jerked, body shaking

violently, heat pouring over his fingers.

He growled softly, tongue slowing, hand squeezing until

another jerk rocked Stone's body. Then he kissed that perfect
ass and climbed off the bed.

Stone lifted his head, frowning. "Mason?"
"Condoms," he answered tightly, his own need riding him

hard now. He wanted that ass.

"Oh. 'kay." Stone relaxed, ass in the air.
He chuckled as he returned to the bed, running his fingers

over Stone's ass. "You're just begging for it, aren't you?"

"Uh-huh." Stone rocked, offering.

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Groaning, he put the condom on and climbed back on the

bed, settling behind Stone. "Ready?"

"Please. Now." Stone nodded, pressing back toward him.
"Yeah. Fuck." Growling, he lined up and pushed in. Fuck.

Stone was tight and hot and he didn't think this sensation
would ever grow old. Stone arched, took him in, ass moving
against him. He wrapped his hands around Stone's hips,
fingers sliding on warm skin, tugging Stone back further. All
the way.

Stone sat up, sat in his lap and rode his cock. His eyes

rolled, his lips landing on Stone's shoulder, muffling his shout.

"Yes. Good. Mason." Stone started riding, leaning back

against him.

He slid one hand around Stone's chest, the other dropped

to Stone's cock, encouraging Stone to find more pleasure.
Stone's eyes were wide open, staring up sightlessly. He could
see the pleasure, the happiness in the thin face. Mason licked
his way up along Stone's neck, moaning as he reached
Stone's mouth.

Those lips opened right up to him, tongue sliding against

his own. He growled, encouraging Stone to move faster on
him, meeting that ass each time it came down.

"Oh. Oh." The sounds just poured from Stone, body

squeezing him.

Mason did everything he could to make sure Stone came

again, this time with him, on his cock. He slid his thumb
across the tip of Stone's prick, pushing against the slit before
spreading the liquid there down over the hot flesh.

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"Mason. Oh, sweet fuck..." He loved the way Stone

flushed, gripped him.

"Yeah. That's it. Oh fuck!" Mason came, teeth digging into

Stone's shoulder as he came.

Stone's cry answered his, Stone bouncing a few times

before shooting. He rested, head on Stone's shoulder, panting
as he tried to catch his breath. Damn. It just kept getting

Stone's fingers twined with his. "So good."
He nodded and chuckled, whispered, "Nice."
"Better than nice." Stone snuggled back. "So, do you hate

being stuck in a car with me yet?"

"Nope. I enjoy driving and you're a good passenger. Today

was long, though. I've been looking over the maps, and
luckily most of our trips are going to come in shorter than this
one." He chuckled suddenly, hand sliding to wrap around
Stone's hip. "You hate being stuck in a car with me yet?"

"No. Although I need to charge up my laptop so I can work

some. It's hard to just sit still."

"Oh, I can make sure you're not sitting, Stone." He

winked, laughed and gave Stone a quick kiss. "But we should
eat so we have energy for not sitting still later."

"Sounds good. I need to prepare for tomorrow too." Stone

sounded nervous suddenly.

"Yeah, you should tell me what's expected of you and what

you expect of me so we can work together as smoothly as
possible." And so he didn't go into his overprotective caveman
mode, which Stone didn't seem to appreciate. It was easier to
keep the growling to himself if he wasn't surprised by stuff—

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like Stone walking his dog on the edge of the highway in a
strange place.

"I'm going to give a little talk about the story, read an

excerpt, then sign books forever." Stone sighed. "You have a
choice, really. If I were you? I'd drop me off at eight and then
come back at three so you don't have to sit and wait. You can
explore the city, have some fun."

He frowned. "I thought I was hired on to help you?" Like

he was going to just drop the blind guy off somewhere neither
of them knew in a strange city. Like he was going to drop his
lover off like that.

"You are. I just ... I feel guilty, I guess. I don't want you to

be unhappy..."

He snorted. "Stone, I was in the service for ten years. I

have stood at attention for hours. I have scrubbed latrines
and dug ditches and done the most fucking boring and
despicable jobs I'd ever want to do. I think I can manage a
few hours sitting next to you and getting to smell you while I
make sure no one tries anything funny."

"Oh." Stone's face turned up toward him and he got

another one of those smiles, wondering and happy and
completely honest. "In that case, we'll have to go to lunch

"It's a date." He ran his hands over Stone's face, fingers

tracing the lovely smile. "You are something else, Professor."

Stone's lips brushed over his fingertips, kissing them. "I'm

just me. You make me happy..."

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"Yeah? Good. Ditto." He bent and kissed Stone's lips. "Let's

go find some supper and then you can show me what you
need to make sure we bring with us in the morning."

"Okay. Did we bring up Leeah's bag? The one with the

wood handles?"

"Yeah. What is it?" He got up and went over to get the


"Her bowls, her food and her blanket." Stone stood,

walked around the bed, heading toward the bathroom
carefully, one hand out.

He kept his mouth shut, biting back the instructions that

came automatically. He'd told Stone where everything was, if
the man needed help, he'd ask. Instead, Mason opened the
bag and set Leeah's blanket out beside the bed and put the
bowls out of the way on the other side of the little table by
the bed.

Stone found the wall, followed it over to the little vanity

and sink. "Bring me your water dish, Leeah."

The dog hopped up, grabbed the plastic dish and ran over,

tail wagging furiously as she pressed it against Stone's thigh.

"Good girl." Stone filled the dish up, put it down next to

the sink.

"The two of you really are something else." He enjoyed

watching Stone moving around, making his life work despite
his handicap.

"I need her." Stone stroked her head, then went back to

searching, finding the tub and toilet, the towels, then back
out to find the little table and chairs, the door.

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He waited patiently by the bed, not helping, not hindering.

He hadn't been exaggerating when he'd said he'd stood at
attention for hours. And back then he hadn't had a lovely
body like Stone's to admire while he was doing it.

"Where are you, lover?" Stone stood by the door, listening.
"Over by the bed. Are you ready to go to the restaurant?"
"Well, I normally wear clothes."
Mason started to laugh. "I guess I do, too."
Stone moved right toward him, smiling. "Love your laugh."
He looped his arms around Stone as soon as he was in

distance. "I can't remember every using it as much as I do
with you."

Stone kissed his chin. "Thank you."
"Just the truth." Then he slapped Stone's ass. "Come on.

Dressed. Dinner. Set everything out for tomorrow and then
I'll love all those worries away."

"Worries? Who's worried? I never worry." Stone grinned.

"Where did the clothes end up?"

"All over the floor. You want to find your own? I wouldn't

mind watching that ass as you bend over to pick stuff up..."
Instead of winking he went straight for the kiss this time.
Stone was laughing as their lips met, eyes dancing. He kept
the kiss light, though—it had been a long time since Stone
had eaten. Eventually they got dressed, settled. Leeah fed so
they could go.

He straightened Stone's top button. "Sorry, I distracted

you while you were doing it."

Stone grinned. "Am I presentable?"

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"More than." He put Stone's hand in the crook of his arm.

"We leaving Leeah here?"

Stone tilted his head, thought. "I. Okay. Okay, we can."
"I don't want you to be uncomfortable, Stone. But I also

need you to trust that I won't steer you wrong."

"Yeah. I trust you. I just ... I haven't ever left her behind."

Stone held on to him, fingers tight.

"Well, if it's going to stress you out then let's bring her


"No. No, I trust you enough to make love with you; I can

trust you to take me to supper."

"When you put it that way..." He led them out into the

hall, checking his pocket for the cardkey before letting the
door close behind them. Stone held his arm, walking
carefully, walking close. "The hall opens up into the lobby in
about ten more steps and then, according to the sign, we'll
hang a right and cross the lobby to get to the restaurant."

"Cool. Is it a nice hotel?"
"Yeah, it's not bad. Impersonal though." He turned them,

crossing into the lobby and avoiding the crowd of people at
the front desk.

The maitre 'd showed them to a table and he helped Stone

into his chair before taking his own seat across from the man.
They had a pattern now, Mason explaining the table, Stone's
fingers wandering.

Then he quickly went through the menu for Stone,

knowing now which meals to skip. "Anything there sound

"Hmm ... the barbeque chicken pizza, I think."

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"And iced tea? Or you want something a little stronger


"I think I'd like a Bud Lite and a glass of water." Stone

smiled, hand exploring the tablecloth. "What's the weather

"Overcast and grey. Supposed to be sunny tomorrow."
The waitress came and he gave their order, having a beer

himself and a steak.

"She put buns on the table. Twelve o'clock. There's butter

too, in the basket. I could butter one for you if you wanted.

"Thank you." Stone smiled, waited for him.
He split a roll and buttered it without fanfare, putting it on

the little bread plate to Stone's right. "Two o'clock, two

That was becoming second nature now, giving Stone cues

so he could "see". Stone found it, eating easily, looking more
and more relaxed as they learned each other. He munched on
his own bun, making conversation, asking about Stone's book
and how many people he expected at these signing things.

When the food arrived, he helped Stone transfer the

quarters of pizza to a plate that wasn't blazing hot. The pizza
smelled good, the chicken grilled, crust perfect. His steak
looked good, too. Prepared just the way he liked and spiced

They dug in, concentrating on eating and from the way he

was wolfing down his own, he figured it was well past time to
be eating. Stone just kept distracting him with that sexy body
and that amazing sensuality.

"Can I have a bite of yours? It smells amazing."

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"Of course." He cut off a bite and held the fork out to

Stone's lips. "Just open up." He found he enjoyed feeding
Stone—the man just made everything a sensual experience.
He thought maybe he'd like to feed Stone with his fingers
some day.

He almost snorted at himself. What a sap.
"Mmm..." Stone purred, chewed, face pure bliss. "So


"Yep. There's nothing like steak to fill a man's belly."
"It's good. When we eat in the room, I'll have to order it."
"I could feed you." He rolled his eyes at himself. He

thought he was going to keep that to himself.

"Yeah?" Stone looked incredibly turned on, all of a sudden.

"I could go for that."

"Oh. Cool." He grinned and had another bite himself,

reaching out to brush Stone's fingers.

Stone smiled, nibbling his pizza, relaxing.
"You want coffee and dessert?" he asked Stone when they

were done.

"Can we get it to go?"
He chuckled. "I imagine they'll deliver it to our room, yeah.

I'm not sure we'll get much of it eaten though..."

"We could share each other's." Stone smiled, licked those

full lips.

"We could. I could ... feed you."
Stone blushed dark, nodded, and he wanted to see the

heat and need in those pale eyes.

"What's your favorite dessert?" he asked, knowing no

matter what it was he wanted to taste it from Stone's lips.

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"Mmm ... strawberry shortcake with whipped cream."
"Oh. Whipped cream." Oh, that had potential.
"Yeah. I love whipped cream. Berries. Dark chocolate.

Nuts. Oh, and champagne." Sensual, sensual man.

"I'll see what I can do." If he couldn't manage it for

tonight, he'd make sure it was available tomorrow.

"Oh, I don't have to have them all at once. I just like

them." Stone smiled, fingers stroking his hand.

"I bet you like the champagne for the bubbles."
"You'd bet right."
"I bet it tastes amazing from your mouth," he growled,

turned on by the thought.

"Oh. I'd like to try that." He could see Stone's flush

traveling along the lean body.

"Yeah. Me, too." His voice was little more than a rumble,

his cock going hard.

"We need to order dessert and go." Stone pushed his dark

glasses up, almost panting.

"Yes, sir, we do." He waved the waitress down. "Do you

have strawberry shortcake and champagne?"

"We do. You want them both?"
He nodded. "Delivered to our room as soon as possible.

We'll charge the meal to our room as well."

"You got it, just sign here."
He did, thanking her as she left.
Then he stood and put his hand on Stone's arm. "Come on,

Professor. Before we embarrass ourselves."

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Stone's hand slid around his bicep, natural and easy as

anything. "Sounds like a plan, sir. Sounds like a hell of a

He headed them back to their room. One hell of a plan


* * * *

Stone made it through his first signing. Then his second.

By the third he was exhausted and ready to quit.

He didn't like sleeping somewhere new everyday. He didn't

like not knowing where the bathroom was. He didn't like the
car. He didn't like being lost. He didn't like any of it.

He sat in the bathtub, hot water up to his neck. "You go on

to supper, Mason. I'm not going anywhere tonight."

"Room service sounds good. What do you want?"
Stone sighed. "No more pizza. I'm sick of pizza."
"Steak? A burger? A salad?"
He leaned back, fingers searching for the soap. "Pot roast

and mashed potatoes?"

"If they've got it, it's yours. And if you give me two

minutes to get supper coming, I'll soap you up."

"You're good to me, Mason." Stone stopped searching, just

relaxed back and waited.

He heard Mason chuckle before he picked up the phone

and ordered their supper.

Leeah wandered in, nudged his fingers with her cold nose

and he petted her idly. "How's my girl? You holding up okay?"

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"Better than you," growled Mason, hand squeezing his

shoulder. "You want me to join you or just soap you up?"

"You can join me." He sat up, giving Mason room as the

man slid into the tub behind him.

"Go on Leeah, I filled your food bowl, go eat."
Stone chuckled as Leeah harrumphed, toe nails clicking on

the tile as she left.

"Sorry, Professor, but she stares."
"Does she?"
There was that chuckle. "She does. It's disconcerting.

Especially if I'm planning on doing stuff like this..." Mason's
hand slid around him, down to cup his balls.

"Oh..." He leaned and spread, lips parting. "That's good."
"Yeah? How's this?" Mason's other hand slid around him

from the other side, fingers teasing over his cock.

"You're trying to cheer me up."
"Up is definitely the operative word."
Oh. No fair. Now Mason was going to make him laugh.

Mason's lips slid along his shoulder, fingers still dancing on

"Oh. Oh, that..." He relaxed, the water splashing slightly,

his skin tingling.

"What's that, Professor?"
He shivered, moaned. "Don't stop."
"Oh, I wasn't planning on stopping." Mason's hand finally

did stop teasing, sliding around him instead and pumping him

"Oh..." He rubbed back against Mason, purring, tension

fading from him.

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"Mmm ... yeah." Mason's mouth went back to wandering,

sliding over his skin as that hand slid over his cock. Over and

Stone floated, entire body rocking and moaning, happy to

float right there. Mason's hand tightened on his cock. "You
feel good, Professor."

"I do. You make me feel good."
That growl sent him soaring, sent vibrations through him.

"Good. That's what I'm going for."

Mason kept stroking his cock, his other hand pushing

beyond his balls, sliding along the skin beyond it. He groaned,
rocking nice and slow, body begging for it. Mason's cock was
hard, too, sliding against his ass every time he moved. Yeah.
Good. He pressed back against the stiff heat, ass just

"Stone. Fuck. I want you." Mason's growl got deeper,

lower as he got needier.

Stone nodded, shivered. "Hell, yes. Please."
"Yes." Mason's fingers slid around and pushed along his

crease, one finger sneaking in.

He leaned forward, giving Mason room to touch. The hand

around his cock disappeared, moved back to his ass. One
finger from each hand pushed into him, Mason's hands
cupping his cheeks.

"Oh..." He groaned, rode those fingers.
"Sexy, Stone. You're fucking sexy." One more finger

pushed into him, spreading him, opening him up.

"Oh. Good." He panted, spread wide. Needing.
"Fuck," muttered Mason. "I need a condom."

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Stone nodded, moaned. "I need you."
Mason kissed the back of his neck, fingers sliding out of

him. "Be right back, lover."

Oh, he was empty. Wanting. Needing.
Mason padded away and then back again, sliding into the

water once more, fingers stroking over him. "Where do you
want me?"

"Right where you are."
Stone heard the condom wrapper open, felt Mason fiddling

behind him, and then those hands wrapped around his hips,
hauling him up and back. He went easily, moaning low, letting
Mason lead him. That hard prick pierced him, pushed inside
him. His moan echoed, the splash of the water unusual. Once
he was seated on Mason's cock, Mason began to nibble at his
neck, his shoulders, hands on his hips, holding him in place.
Stone shivered, moaning low, body wanting to move, to buck.

Mason growled softly. "Feel it build, Stone. It's gonna be

so good when we start moving."

"Oh. You're so hot, inside me." The pressure was stunning,


"Yeah? You're like a fucking vise around my cock. Feels

fanfuckingtastic." One of Mason's hands loosened its grip
around his hip, touched his cock and slid back. "Fuck. Won't
be long, Stone. I need to move soon."

"Uh-huh." He squeezed, his heart just pounding.
"Oh fuck." Mason raised him up and brought him down

again, cock sliding inside him, hard and undeniable, so hot.

"Yes..." He nodded, panting, needing it.

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"Yes." Mason brought him down again and again, strong

arms lifting and lowering him.

His cries echoed, the water splashing, world just spinning.

Mason started pushing up as he came down, meeting him
with hard thrusts, their bodies coming together with loud, wet
splashes. His hands slid over the cool tile, the ceramic,
nowhere to catch hold.

"I've got you."
That made him shudder, made him shake. "Yes. Yes.


"That's right." Another growl and he was brought down

hard. "Touch yourself." His cry echoed, hand wrapping around
his cock, stroking good and hard, entire body hard. "That's it.
Come on. Show me."

Each word was harsher than the last, each word was

accompanied by a thrust, that cock pushing through his
hardness, right into him.

"Mason!" He bucked, coming so hard he couldn't breathe,

couldn't think.

Mason kept moving him, kept pushing into him, making

him come and come, making him shake. He just melted,
world spinning. Mason jerked into him a few more times
before crying out, hands squeezing his hips hard. Leaning
back, Stone just let Mason hold him, support him.

Those hands slid around him, one stroking his belly.
He chuckled, ass squeezing. "Better than nice."
"Yes, Professor."
He turned his head, kissed Mason's cheek. "Yeah."

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Mason's lips covered his, the kiss long and lazy. Oh. Yeah.

Better. Even good. Mason slid out of him, turned him gently
so they could keep kissing. He leaned in close, tongue sliding
against Mason's. That growl filled his mouth, their tongues
moving together, Mason's hands tugging him closer still. He
settled in Mason's lap, their bodies so close, skin on skin.

"You are a fucking fine man, Stone."
"I'm fucking a fine man, Mason."
"That's what I ... oh." Mason started to laugh.
He grinned, loving that sound. Just loving it.
Mason's mouth took his again, the laughter filling him.
Yes. Oh, he'd needed this. So badly.
Those hands were sliding along his back, grabbing his ass.
"Mason ... what you do to me..."
"I turn you on."
"You make me happy."
"Yeah? Good." Mason stood, bringing him up as well. "And

the water's making you wrinkly."

"Ew ... wrinkly professor. Icky."
Mason chuckled again, helping out of the bath, drying him

off gently.

There was a knock at the door. "There's our supper. Let

me go sign for it."

"Ooh! Was there roast?" If there was roast, he was going

to completely give up on being grumpy.

"Yep. And I'm going to feed it to you." Mason gave him a

quick kiss and headed to the door. The man enjoyed that—
feeding him—and he enjoyed it too. More than he probably
ought to. He heard Mason's gravel voice at the door, then it

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was closed. "Come on, Professor. It's safe to bring that naked
ass out here now."

He chuckled, slowly made his way into the room, Leeah

coming to him. "Where?"

"The bed." Oh, there was heat in that voice.
He moved carefully, finding the edge of the bed. "I can do


The plates and cutlery clinked and then the bed dipped

beneath Mason's weight. "You look sexy and decadent,

"I do?" Sometimes he just felt lost. But sexy and

decadent? Sounded way better.

"Hell yes you do. Naked, in my bed, about to let me feed

you. And you've got this..." Mason's fingers slid through his
hair, pushing it off his face. "Little curl here that never wants
to behave." He leaned into the touch, cuddling right in,
cheeks going hot. Mason chuckled, fingers stroking his face.
"You ready to eat, Professor?"

"I am. It smells luscious. What's yours?"
"Steakburger, fries and salad. You want my garlic bread?"
"I'll share it with you." His fingers started searching,

looking for the tray, for the food.

"That's prudent." Mason chuckled and gave him a quick

kiss. Then his hands were taken, put in his lap. "I'm feeding
you, remember?"

"Mmm-hmm..." He smiled. He was growing fond of this


"Mmm. Oh, these potatoes are heaven."

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"Oh. My turn." He reached out, found Mason's knee.
Mason chuckled and took his hand, brought it to Mason's

crotch. "There's a forkful at twelve o'clock, just open up."

He opened his lips, fingers rubbing Mason's sac, drawing

lazy circles. Mason moaned as the potatoes slipped into his
mouth. Oh. Warm. Creamy. Good. The potatoes weren't bad

"More?" growled Mason.
"Uh-huh." He stroked up along Mason's cock.
This time the fork held a bite of his pot roast and wasn't

exactly steady.

"Mmm..." He rubbed and wiggled and chewed, feeling

good. One of Mason's arms snaked around his waist and
pulled him closer as he was fed a bite of garlic bread from
Mason's fingers. He nibbled the bread, then those fingers. "I
love eating with you."

"I know what you mean." Mason's fingers slid across his


He kissed and licked, sucking Mason's fingers in.
A French fry slid into his mouth. "Mmm ... salty." He ate

one, opened his mouth for another.

Mason's tongue slid into his mouth.
"Oh..." He sucked Mason's tongue, hand sliding over the

flat belly. A deep rumble filled his mouth and then growl and
tongue disappeared, another French fry replacing them.

"Mmm ... yummy." He moved his fingers up, searching out

tight, sensitive nipples.

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A mouthful of potatoes was next, followed by another bite

of roast and a bit of carrot, Mason moaning loudly as his
fingers connected.

"Never going to eat in public again." He squeezed each

nipple, toes curling.

Mason growled, shuddered beneath his touch. "Stone ...


"Uh-huh. Again after supper." He nodded. Absolutely.
Mason chuckled and kissed him hard. "Have a bite of my

steak burger."

"Is it tasty?" He opened wide, unsure how big the burger


"Not as tasty as you, but yeah, it's good." The bottom of

the burger slid against his lower lip, letting him bite down.
Oh. Lettuce, tomato, some interesting sauce. Yum. Mason's
finger slid against the corner of his lower lip and pressed into
his mouth, flavored by the sauce.

He liked that, sucking hard, tongue pulling at that finger.
"Oh, fuck, that's sweet, Stone." Mason's tongue licked at

his lips.

"You taste good. So good."
"You don't taste so bad yourself, Professor." Mason's

tongue slipped into his mouth for a minute and then
disappeared, more food slipped into his mouth by salty

He groaned, scooting closer, lapping and licking Mason's

fingers clean. Mason pulled him right into the warm lap and
continued to finger feed him, one bite after another, fries and
pot roast and vegetables and garlic bread.

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It was luscious and right and sensual, their skin rubbing

and sliding together.

Mason fed him until they were both full, until the hunger

between them had nothing to do with food. His fingers were
tangled in Mason's soft hair, feeding gone to slow, sensual
kisses that were setting him aflame. Then Mason slowly
lowered himself down onto the bed, bringing Stone with him,
their mouths never parting.

This was pure magic, the way they fit together, the way

Mason's cock felt in his hand. Mason's purrs and growls slid
through him, those warm hands exploring his skin as if it
were the first time. He was hard again, the heat building
easily, slowly, both of them moving together. Mason
deepened their kisses, tongue filling his mouth. He moaned,
arms wrapping around Mason's neck and holding on.

Those big hands moved on him, working slowly down

toward his ass, fingers curling around it as they got there,
squeezing, holding, rubbing.

He couldn't be wanting again. He couldn't. Of course, with

this man? He always did.

"Want, Stone. I need hard."
"All yours." He whispered the words against Mason's lips,

ass rocking into those hands.

"Good," growled Mason, teeth nipping at his lips as he was

rolled beneath Mason's strength.

Yes. He arched into the touches, into Mason's muscles.
Mason's hands pushed his legs apart, pushed them up,

exposing him. Two fingers slipped in. "Still open from earlier.

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"Real good."
Mason growled again, hands holding his calves, keeping

him open. Heat and hardness bumped against his ass, slid to
his opening and pushed in. Slowly. Oh, damn, Mason was
going so slowly.

"Oh..." His breath caught, entire focus on the pressure

inside him.

"Fuck, you're something else, Stone." He could feel

Mason's eyes on him, looking at him.

"I love how you feel inside me."
Mason just growled, one hand smoothing back his hair, the

other braced near his head. His legs were pressed back
against his chest and he could feel Mason's breath on his

Then Mason began to move, slowly, carefully,


Every inch made him ache, made him burn. The sensation

drove everything from his mind but Mason. Finally Mason was
seated deep inside him and that low growl sounded almost
constantly, like a purr only deeper, harsher.

"Mason..." He arched, ached, soft words and promises

pouring from him.

"Oh, Stone." Mason started to move, the strokes long and

even, filling him over and over again.

"Fucking yes." Mason's growl was soft, but the thrusts

were growing harder, needy.

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That heavy cock pegged his gland and he cried out,

shoulders leaving the mattress. "Again!"

Mason didn't disappoint, their flesh slapping together as

again came again and again. Stone couldn't catch his breath,
just moved and held on and moaned. Mason groaned and
moved faster, pushing him harder. Soft touches of Mason's
lips brushed the skin of his face.

"Love..." Stone rippled, inhaling deep as he came. Mason

growled loudly, thrusting hard until he was melted and
finished and then the condom was filled, Mason collapsing
onto him. He stroked Mason's face. "Damn."

"Yep. Damn nice." Mason's mouth nipped at his fingers.
"Better than nice." He started laughing, happy all through.
"Words aren't really enough. Nice'll do."
"It will."
Mason slid out of him, and settled against his side, fingers

stroking his skin. "You happy, Professor?"

"I am. Thank you."
"Good." Mason held him closer, one hand on his ass, the

other wrapped around his waist. "Good."

"Mmm-hmm. Good." He cuddled right in, happy as a clam.
Mason drew the covers up, the dishes clinking.
He chuckled, kissed Mason's shoulder. "So good to me."
"You make it easy."
"Yeah? Good."
"Are you happy?"
Mason was quiet for a moment and then grunted. "Yeah. I


"Oh. Good." He petted Mason's belly.

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Mason chuckled. "Yeah. We're good."
"Maybe even nice."
Mason's chuckles turned to laughter, those strong fingers

finding his ribs and tickling him.

"Mason!" He cackled, twisting under those fingers. Mason

kept it up until was almost too much and then backed down,
knowing somehow, fingers drawing him closer again and
smoothing over his skin. He hummed, cuddled close.

"Back on the road tomorrow," murmured Mason. "Just a

couple hours though. We could leave late if you wanted."

He nodded. "I miss my house."
"And we've only been on the road just over a week. You're

going to be utterly miserable by the time this thing is

"It's harder than I thought it would be—trying to relearn

everything every day."

"Yeah. Everyone says how these hotel rooms are all alike,

but they're different enough if you can't see." Mason
squeezed him. "What else can I do to make it easier on you,

"You do. You're the one constant I have." He snuggled in.

"My home, yeah?"

"Is that how you think of me?"
He went still, listening hard. He shouldn't have pushed. "I

... Does that upset you?"

"I didn't say that." Mason's hands had stilled as well, his

body silent. "I'm not sure how to respond, Stone."

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by Sean Michael


"You don't have to." Oh, God. He was the world's biggest

fool. "Where are we headed tomorrow?"

He sat up, hands searching for his laptop, his computer.

Simon had always said his eyes gave everything away, and
he'd already given enough away for one night.

Mason's hands took his, stilled them. "I'm not good at this

kind of thing, Stone. I'm just an old war dog."

"It's okay, Mason. No stress." He closed his eyes, fingers

petting Mason's restlessly. "Honest."

Mason's fingers turned and squeezed his before sliding up

his arms and drawing him back down to lie against Mason's
body. "Santa Barbara." Mason's voice was rough, quiet.

"Cool." He had no idea where that was compared to where

they were, but it didn't really matter. The pattern would be
the same. Driving. Speaking. Signing. Searching a new hotel

He touched his watch. Ten o'clock. If he was at his house,

he'd log on and play for a few hours before he took Leeah out
for her midnight walk.

Here? He'd just doze off, listen to Mason flip channels after


Hope that he hadn't seriously fucked everything up.

* * * *

The drive to Santa Barbara had been uneventful, the hotel

room a lot like the one they'd just left. The signing in Santa
Barbara was just like all the others, too, except they expected
Stone to stay on and sign through the dinner hour until eight

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by Sean Michael


Mason'd growled, but Stone agreed to do it. He thought

they were taking advantage of Stone.

Finally they were done and he gathered Stone's stuff

together, firmly put Leeah's leash into Stone's hand.

"Oh, aren't you staying for the reception?" asked Jenny,

the perky 'liaison' the bookstore had provided.

"The reception?" Stone looked exhausted. "What is that?"
"The book clerks and some invited guests. Like a meet and


Mason shook his head. "No. He's been here since eight

a.m. Signing since ten. We're done."

He put Stone's hand on his arm and started off.
Stone sighed, stopped. "Ten minutes. That's it. I'll shake

hands and smile, but I haven't eaten and I have to be
somewhere else in twelve hours."

"You don't have to do this, Stone."
"I know, but if they've invited people..."
He growled. "It's not on the agenda."
"It's on my agenda," Jenny told him, "See?"
"I do. But the one we got? Shows Stone leaving at five

p.m. It's eight." He glowered at the girl who shrank back,
eyes wide.

"Ten minutes." Stone leaned against him half a second,

then stood. "Where am I supposed to be?"

He kept glowering, letting the girl know he wasn't happy

as she led them to a large area at the back of the store. "My
eye's on the clock, Stone."

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by Sean Michael


"Well, good." Stone chuckled, grinned. "Because it

wouldn't work as well if mine were."

He gave Stone a look and then laughed, tension easing a


Stone found a chair, shaking hands and speaking politely

to the small crush of people. At ten minutes, Mason was
grumbling. At fifteen, growling. At thirty? Stone pale and
withdrawn and tired? Mason was done. He cut off the babble
of one of the clerks who was holding Stone's hand and
pumping it, telling him how much he adored the books.

"We're going. Now."
Stone nodded. "Supper time."
He helped Stone up again, once more putting Leeah's

leash in Stone's hand and putting Stone's free hand on his
arm. "Excuse us," he told the crowd and headed them off,
refusing to be deterred this time.

"Food?" Stone leaned against him, followed him easily.
"I can pick something up on the way back to the hotel or

we can order room service. You don't need to be sitting in a

"No? Am I rumpled?" He got a chuckle, Stone smoothing

his sport coat.

"No, you're exhausted and need to be able to relax and

know that no one's watching you."

"I want pancakes."
"With syrup? I'd like to feed that to you."
"Syrup and butter." Stone smiled. "And orange juice."
"We can do that." He got Stone into the car, Leeah in the


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by Sean Michael


It didn't take long to get to the hotel, Stone dozing by the

time they got there. "Come on, sleeping beauty," Mason
murmured, helping Stone out.

"Hmm? We home? Here? Whatever?" Stone stumbled a

little on the curb, reaching out for him.

He wrapped his arm around Stone's waist, steadying him.

"Come on, Professor. Let's get you naked and in bed."

"With orange juice and pancakes." Stone nodded, found

him a smile.

"That's right, Professor." He chuckled and waited until

they'd turned the corner out of the lobby to take a kiss.

Stone opened nice and easy, leaning against him, hand

sliding up his arm.

"I've been wanting to do that all day," he growled, stroking

Stone's cheek and leading him to their room after their lips

"Where is Leeah's bag, Mason?"
"We set her up last night, remember?" Damn Stone was

out of it. "Now let's get you naked and the food ordered."

"Okay." Stone pulled off his shoes, the jacket shrugged off.

"I can do naked."

"And you do it well." Mason picked up the phone and

ordered them both pancakes and orange juice for Stone, milk
for himself.

Then he turned to watch Stone finish getting undressed.

The man was sexy as fuck. Stone stripped down to nothing,
then slid into the bed, cuddling into the covers. Mason sat on
the bed on top of the covers and stroked Stone's hair back

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by Sean Michael


from his face. He'd wait until the food came before he
stripped down himself.

"You want anything?" he asked gruffly.
Stone shook his head, sighed. "No, Mason. Just been a

long, long day."

"I know." If it had been up to him, he would have taken

Stone out of there at five. "I want your publisher to send us
an updated schedule. No more surprises like today."

"Okay. Okay, that's a good idea." Those pale eyes were

closed, still.

He kept stroking, bent to kiss Stone gently. Mason was still

feeling a little awkward over what Stone had said. He was
Stone's home. That was a big deal. No one had ever had to
count on him before who wasn't paying him.

Well. Stone was paying him, but they were lovers, too. So

it wasn't the same. He just kept stroking. Stone fell into a
light sleep, breath coming slow and easy, trusting him
implicitly. That, at least, he was used to. He looked after
people, kept them safe.

Grunting, he settled, waiting for their food while Stone


The knock startled him when it came. He'd dozed off

himself. He signed the card and brought the food in, stripping
down before climbing back into the bed and bending to kiss
Stone awake.

"Mmm ... Mason..." Stone smiled, reached for him.
"Hey, Professor. I've got your pancakes here."
"Yum." Stone pushed closer, the kiss getting deeper.

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by Sean Michael


"That's not your pancakes," he whispered before diving

back into the kiss. Stone smiled, tongue sliding against his
own, so warm, so easy. He broke off the kiss with reluctance.
"You need to eat, Stone."

"You need to feed me, Mason."
"Yes. I do." He reached for a plate and a fork, cutting a

piece of one of the pancakes and pressing it against Stone's

"Mmm ... tasty." Stone looked blissful, happy, eyes closed.
"I've never seen anyone enjoying eating as much as you."
"Flavors, smells. It's all good."
"Uh-huh." He leaned in, licking at the sticky syrup on

Stone's lips.

"Oh. All good..." Stone moaned, opened for him. He tasted

the pancakes in Stone's mouth and his stomach growled.
Laughing he fed Stone another piece.

"You eat, too." Stone grinned, sucked the fork clean.
"Yes, sir." He dove back into Stone's mouth, grabbing a bit

of pancake.

Stone laughed, one hand wrapping around his neck,

holding him close. He kissed Stone a few moments longer
before feeding him another bite, taking one for himself, too.
Stone was hungry, eager, eating happily, sharing long kisses
between bites. The juice he fed to Stone from his own mouth,
sipping and pouring, making sure that Stone ate and drank
his fill.

Stone made soft, low sounds, pushed them into his lips.

He managed to get most of the pancakes into the two of them

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by Sean Michael


before he abandoned the feeding entirely for making love.
Stone's lips were sweet, body warm and smooth beneath him.

He was getting used to this, to caring for Stone, to feeding

him and making love to him. He was getting used to needing.
Stone pressed close, pale eyes unfocused, warm. The man
looked far more relaxed and happy than he had an hour ago.

Growling, Mason nibbled the salty skin of Stone's neck.

The soft chuckling moan was familiar, easy, telling him that
Stone wasn't worrying, wasn't thinking, was just enjoying
him. He teased his fingers along Stone's skin, gentle touches
designed to wake all of Stone's nerves.

"Oh. Oh, so good. Mason..." Stone shivered, skin going


"Yeah." He nodded, rubbing his chin against Stone's neck.

Stone stretched, the action rubbing them together. He rolled
Stone, fingers finding the lube on the little bedside stand—
he'd started putting it there whenever they arrived so he
wouldn't have to search for it. Mason slicked up two fingers
and pushed them into Stone, watching the pale back ripple.

"Oh. Mason. Fuck..." Stone arched, taking him right in.
"Yeah, Professor. That's the idea." He bent and kissed the

back of Stone's neck, working Stone open hard and fast.
Stone pushed back, riding his touch, rocking and needing
him. He shifted, bending to kiss Stone's balls. So soft and

The sound he got was low, raw, pure sex.
Mason kissed them again and then let his fingers slide

away. Grabbing a condom, he got it on, got it slicked up and
pushed into Stone's ass. Hot and tight and just what he

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by Sean Michael


needed, Stone cried out, hips bucking. Growling, he wrapped
his hands around Stone's hips, pulling him back into each

They fit right together, Stone just holding him tight,

squeezing his cock. He kept his eyes open, watching Stone
writhe and ripple, riding him. Stone didn't hold a thing back,
pleasure audible and obvious and hot as hell. He slid one
hand down around Stone's cock, wrapping that heat in his

"Yeah..." Stone bucked, hips moving faster, pushing them.
"Oh. Fuck. Yeah." Each word was punctuated with a thrust,

his hips snapping.

Stone arched, body squeezing him tight. "Damn."
"Fuck! Stone!" He growled, hips jerking as he filled the

condom. Heat poured over his fingers, Stone gasping and
jerking, coming hard. Mason kept moving, slowly, gently,
making Stone shiver and ripple and then he stopped, resting,
leaning over Stone's back as he caught his breath.

Stone cuddled into the mattress, humming soft and low.
He slid out, ditched the condom and snuggled up against

Stone's back, that sweet ass fitting perfectly into the juncture
of his hips.

"Mmm. I should get up and..." Stone yawned, cuddling


He kissed the back of Stone's neck, hand sliding beneath

the man to cup his cock. "Nah, you can get it up later." He
squeezed gently and then pulled the covers up over them.

Stone chuckled, relaxed, warm in his arms. "Good plan."

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by Sean Michael


"Glad you think so." He dropped another kiss on the warm

skin. Mason reached over and turned off the light, settling in
curled up around Stone.

"'Night, Professor. I love you."
"Night." He thought maybe Stone hadn't heard him, but

then he got the softest kiss before Stone drifted off, breathing

Leeah leaned up, put her head under Stone's hand, and

sound asleep, Stone petted the soft head.

Mason chuckled and waved at Leeah, the dog settling back

on the floor by Stone's side of the bed.

There. Everyone was settled.
Mason let himself relax, sleep. He thought maybe he could

handle being home, anywhere they were.

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