Lesson 07 12

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 7

Goals and tasks of the introductory GMS course “Intensive training”:

Getting to know the basic encoding principles and memorizing an image sequence;

Studying figurative codes (two-digit numbers, months names, weekdays and English alphabet

Achieving greater attention stability by using a gradual increase in the memorized material

Forming the memorization skill (the ability to encode information elements into visual images
and create connections between them);

Learning to form different systems of support images.

Studying memorization techniques for particular types of information will begin in the second part of the
study course - “Your first database”.


Memorize this sequence of numbers in the table using the “Chain” technique. Memorize, write down the
numbers, check for errors and do not repeat.

13 19 08 27 16 02 32 06 24 12
28 11 20 29 01 15 26 21 09 34
31 18 03 30 22 37 07 33 14 25
04 39 17 38 05 40 35 10 23 36


niblick - necktie – lid – head – nippers – hair – bath – axe – towel – anteater
helmet – onion – ham – hacksaw – nose – narcissus – tape – hand – cookie – beak
bandana – angel – bull – beam – hat – bed – deer – baby – anvil – hare
whale – bicycle – needle – bag – airplane – kimono – beer - animal - tablet - box

Note that the numbers in the table do not repeat. That is why you can memorize the sequence using the
“Chain” technique. If ciphers repeated then it would be impossible to memorize using this method since
the images are inevitably mixed up.

You can only connect figurative codes while doing training exercises. Later, when you memorize real
information (codes, phone numbers, historical dates etc.) figurative codes will never be connected with
each other.

Illustration (images are of approximately the same size)

The first connection:

a necktie tied on niblick

The second connection:

a lid inserted in to the necktie’s knot

The third connection:

a head on the lid

The fourth connection:

nippers on the head

The fifth connection:

hairs in the nippers

The sixth connection:

bath in the hair

The seventh connection:

an axe stuck in the bath

The eighth connection:

handle of axe is wrapped by towel

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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The ninth connection:

an anteater in the towel

When you create connections try not to name the images. It is enough to see the connected images in
your imagination for several seconds.


Memorize combinations of letters next to ordinal numbers. Create connections between figurative codes
and the images you get from the combinations of letters. The first image of every pair is the figurative
code of a number. Memorize and write down the numbers and the letters. Check. Do no repeat.

1. L P T
2. C L C
3. H R S
4. C R P
5. P N T
6. T B L
7. P N C
8. M C R
9. C M P
10. S H R
11. C B L
12. M N K
13. P H T
14. L M P
15. C H R
16. M N T
17. P R N
18. C M R
19. S H P
20. S N W


The first connection:

a laptop sticks out from the nose

The second connection:

a calculator is in the hair

The third connection:

a horse is on the bull’s horns

The fourth connection:

a twisted carpet is in the whales’ fountain hole

The fifth connection:

paint is on the airplane

The sixth connection:

a table is on the axe

The seventh connection:

a deer pierced by a pencil

The eighth connection:

a microwave is on the lid

The ninth connection:

a cookie is on the computer

The tenth connection:

a shirt is on the animal


Memorize the three-digit numbers by ordinal numbers.

21. 662 (PiPeT)
22. 751 (DRaiNpipe)
23. 272 (ToaSTer)

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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24. 388 (BaLL)
25. 289 (HeLiCopter)
26. 389 (BLaCkberry)
27. 858 (GRiLl)
28. 192 (aNCHor)
29. 274 (TuSK)
30. 719 (SNiCkers)
31. 929 (CHoColate)
32. 886 (eGGPlant)
33. 703 (DuMBbell)
34. 285 (TiGeR)
35. 351 (BRaiN)
36. 382 (BeLT)
37. 311 (BaNaNa)
38. 720 (STeaMer)
39. 710 (DyNaMite)
40. 592 (RoaCH)

Three-digit figurative code should always be the same. Always imagine “toaster” (272) in the same way.
Learning the figurative codes for three-digit numbers is not one of the exercises in this course. You will
use a reference book of figurative codes when memorizing three-digit numbers. The reference book is
not needed while memorizing if the information is in your long-term memory. You will easily remember
the word (image of a ToaSTer) and recreate the initial number by letters – TST - 272.

Thus, the three-digit figurative code reference book is used only to memorize information. It makes it
much easier to encode three-digit numbers into images. The reference book provided by our school is
unique and is the only list of image codes for three-digit numbers in English. Created by - Ruslans


The first connection:

a hand pierced by a pipette

The second connection:

a drainpipe is on the hat

The third connection:

a toaster is on the tablet

The fourth connection:

a towel is on the ball

The fifth connection:

a hare is in the helicopter

The sixth connection:

a twig of blackberry sticks out from the tape

The seventh connection:

a grill is on the head

The eighth connection:

an anchor is stuck in the helmet

The ninth connection:

a tusk is placed in the middle of a hacksaw

The tenth connection:

slice of ham pierced by the Snickers (chocolate bar)


Prepare 20 support images using the Cicero method. Review their sequence in your imagination.
Memorize random combination of letters. Each combination is transformed into an association (with
basis and elements). An association is fixed on a support image with the base (a connection created
between the support image and the association base).

corsum – cardive – pipsumram – belprisal – notcoowol – lammarhea – blanbooros – houpilshi –
picticpiz – appban – shashasha – whamilsug – botsposyr – salcofpac – whechagla – ovebletre –
cocpalpen – juiguipos – paipaiwal – coiforgoa

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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Corsum – CORn (basis) + SUMmary (element); connection: a summary written on the corn. Fixation is
on the support image: the first support image + corn.

Cardive – CARpet (basis) + DIVEr (element); connection: a diver on a carpet. Fixation is on the support
image: the second support image + carpet.

Pipsumram – PIPe (basis) + SUMmary (element) + RAM (element); select two images from the “pipe”
image. Say, a handle and tobacco. Create connections: handle + summary, tobacco + ram. Fix the
association on the new support image: support image + pipe.

Belprisal – BELt (basis) + PRInter (element) + SALad (element). Create an association. Single out two
images from the “belt” image: a buckle and a hole. Create connections: a buckle (large) + printer, a hole
+ salad. Fix the association on the new support image: support image + belt.

Memorize the support images. Read associations from them and record the initial combinations of letters:
corsum – cardive - … The support images do not have to be recorded or written down.


Memorize a sequence of words using the “Chain” technique. Memorize, write down and do not repeat.

Typewriter– crow-bar – rack – tomato – pencil – satellite – pineapple – cassette – tower – bus –
yogurt - battery – milk – fragrance – potato – gas-mask – skull – can – oak – tap – tiger – fire –
cake – stone – water – fountain – ground – gasoline – mattress – scorpion – microchip


Learn the following 10 figurative codes for two-digit numbers.

51 FR-N


52 FR-THZ FooT
53 FR-B


54 FR-WVK RaKe
55 FR-FR


56 FR-JPX eaRPiece
57 FR-SD


58 FR-GQL FiLm
59 FR-C


60 JPX-M


See a visual image distinctively and draw the corresponding number in the background.


Imagine an image of a “rake”. Keep the image in your imagination. Examine the rake in detail. Draw the
number 54 in the imagined space between you and the rake. Draw the number as if you are writing with
chalk or paint on a wall. It is necessary to see both the image and the number at the same time. Look at
the image for one to two minutes. Draw the number several times in a row.

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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Encode the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Name the images and distinctively see the images
in your imagination. Achieve a high encoding speed.

54 58 57 60 58 53 51 58 54 55 56 55 53 56 59 52 53 60 51 53
59 55 58 54 57 60 52 54 52 55 59 57 56 51 52 59 56 57 51 60


Encode the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Name the images and distinctively see the images
in your imagination. Achieve a high encoding speed.

20 12 15 52 32 11 01 07 45 25 04 24 46 26 25 39 53 08 36 55
04 56 38 03 37 02 19 60 07 09 34 13 27 12 33 37 44 30 18 18
40 15 06 13 22 38 51 54 60 41 02 49 17 47 29 05 28 43 23 27
16 40 14 30 53 16 06 55 39 46 36 04 27 48 41 35 13 10 58 03
31 10 31 09 01 08 47 07 29 12 25 09 18 14 20 12 21 57 23 34
59 11 44 20 22 08 59 42 29 22 41 51 32 57 45 56 35 14 01 16
02 17 19 50 28 26 31 25 50 24 03 24 23 05 06 42 21 53 11 54
19 33 05 48 58 17 30 49 27 10 21 07 24 51 12 53 49 34 52 18


Print out cards with numbers from 51 to 60 and add them to your card set. Train yourself to encode the
numbers into images and images into numbers whenever you have free time. In order to do this you need
to shuffle the cards.

EXERCISE 10 (additional - to be done in your free time)

You now have 100 encoded support images (the Cicero method). These images can be used repeatedly
for the training exercises. Memorize two-digit numbers onto these support images.

Turn the cards so that you see the numbers and shuffle them. Remember the first support image. Connect
it to the figurative code of the first number. Put the card on the bottom of the card deck. Remember the
second support image and connect it to the second figurative code. Put the card under the card deck. And
so on. Memorize 60 numbers connecting each figurative code to a different support image.

Memorize and check for mistakes in your anamnesis (using the card deck). Do not repeat the numbers
memorized onto support images in order to not to spoil the support images. Figurative codes can fix
steadily on support images when repeated.

If you forgot a figurative code then turn the card and look at the image. The memorization speed is not
important now but do not do it too slow. 10 seconds is enough for creating one connection.

Do not pay attention to mistakes you make. The principal is the process of performing the exercises.
Memorization and remembering.

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 8


Apart from GMS exercises that help form the memorization skills there are also many psycho-technical
exercises that allow using the memorization skills actively. The entirety of psycho-technical exercises is
called psycho-techniques.

Many mental processes participate in the memorization process. From their quality of work are
dependent both the memorization capacity and other human activity characteristics.

In the beginning of the 20


century V.M. Behterev, an academic, while studying the attention processes,

ascertained that those who participated in researches have ameliorated the attention process
characteristics as a result of performing various tests. Attention was examined using miscellaneous tests
in which a person had to cross specific symbols, letters, and words and insert the missing words in text
gaps with a timer on. The conductor of experiments fixed the time and the mistake numbers (gaps). With
every new experiment he noticed that the time, as well the amount of mistakes, diminished whereas the
quality increased.

Psycho-techniques - a practical discipline containing various techniques aimed at influencing the human
mental processes - began developing at about the same time. A large number of exercises are compiled in
the psycho-techniques arsenal. You will only be proposed the most important ones.

Basically, you don’t have to use the psycho-technical exercises when studying GMS since the
memorization and remembering exercises are perfect for training all mental processes and secure a
sufficient training load for your brain. But if you have trouble with image representation, connection or
association creation, attention concentration (during memorization and anamnesis), we suggest you do
the psycho-technical exercises independently before every GMS exercise. The time needed for doing all
psycho-technical exercises is about 30 minutes.


The impulses generated by muscles (muscle forceps) go to the brain and create an excitation focus that
hinders the performance of the exercises. Eliminating the impulses from muscles helps ameliorate the
attention concentration.

Attention cannot be directed at several objects at a time. That is why when you concentrate your attention
on some action the excitation focus you create “eliminates” other such focuses.

The main goals of doing relaxation exercises is to achieve the state of absolute inner peace (soul peace)
and learn to control signals going to the brain from outside, from the intestines and body, as well as from
the brain itself (spontaneous thoughts and images).

When you perform information memorization operations or remember the connections you have created,
nothing should disturb you. Attention instability is one of the main problems for memorization. Psycho-
technical exercises help solve this problem.

Using miscellaneous stimulators that lead to the excessive agitation of brain structures significantly
decreases the attention stability. In order to increase the attention stability, it is recommended to abstain
from tea, coffee and cigarettes.

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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The “Fingers”, “Breath”, “Warmth” and “Focusing” exercises all belong to psycho-technical exercises.


These exercises are aimed at working out different characteristics of mental processes - mainly visual
thinking, and immunity to obstacles, attention switching, attention distribution, and attention stability.
“Letters”, “Memory activation”, “Mental Drawing”, “Image manipulation”, “Image transformation” and
“Image modification” belong to this group of exercises.

A series of psycho-technical exercises is provided on our website. If you have problems with attention
stability or/and visual thinking, do these exercises regularly during the entire study course.


Here you can get acquainted with the literature on the right nutrition:



This is the key memorization technique of the “Giordano” system. When using this technique, an
association (a combination of images that encode different elements of the memorized information) is
formed. The technique of singling out image parts is in the foundation of this technique. Before you
memorize onto image parts you need to single these parts out. Image parts are always singled out in the
same direction: if an image is horizontal, then left to right, if it is vertical, then top to bottom (the way we
read). In principle, the selected image parts are support images for association elements.

An image that other images are memorized onto is called an ASSOCIATION BASIS. The memorized


Imagine a “kiosk”. You can enlarge and minimize images in your imagination. When you enlarge an
image switch your attention to one of its parts and see this part largely so that it takes all the space of
your imagination.

Imagine a kiosks’ roof and examine it thoroughly.

Imagine only a window of the kiosk. See it in detail and in color. You only have to see this part of the
kiosk in your imagination.

Imagine a shelf (for a bag). You only see this kiosk part in your imagination.

Now you have consecutively singled out the “Kiosk” image parts. These parts are also called sub images.
The kiosk image is the future association basis. The “roof”, “window” and “shelf” images are parts of the
“kiosk” image that association elements will be connected to (that is, elements of the memorized

The “roof”, “window” and “shelf” sub images are auxiliary and they are not named during remembering.

Let us create an association containing four elements:

Kiosk - 238 - 810 - 656

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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These are only the word and the numbers now. Any information (phone numbers, historical dates,
constant values, codes and others) will be memorized in the analogical way.

Select an association basis of the memorized information – the kiosk image. Note that there are three
elements left in the memorized information. This means you have to prepare three sub images from the
association basis. You already did that. These are the “roof”, “window” and “shelf” sub images.

You need to create THREE SEPARATE CONNECTIONS in order to form this association. Only TWO
visual images are connected in every connection (seen in the imagination). The first image of every pair
will be a kiosk sub image and the second image of each pair is an image encoding the memorized

Create the first connection: a TaBLe is on the kiosk roof (238). You only see the roof and the table on it –
large, in color, in detail and three dimensional. The connection created can be rotated, as if examined
from different angles. But you should not change the place where the roof and the table are connected.
Both images rotate. See the picture from the front and the back, from the top and the bottom. Enlarge it in
your imagination. Then see the image in its normal size and then see it from far away.

Create the second connection: a GNoMe is sitting in the kiosk window (810).

Create the third connection: a PRoPeller is on the kiosk shelf (656).

6 seconds is enough to create one connection. One of the characteristics of the memorization skill is the
ability to create connections fast. The brighter the images are the less time you spend for connection
fixation. When you create a connection you must not have any thoughts in your head (absolute silence,
no music, no inner speech). You must only see the represented images in your imagination.

Do not allow spontaneous switching of thinking to side associations. For example, a bottle of beer or a
disc may appear together with the “cd player”, “friends”, or “food” images. These unnecessary
connections (that react automatically) must be blocked. This is done through maximum concentration on
representing the necessary images.

In order to block unnecessary mental speech you can count to 100 when you create connections between
images. In this case you use speech analyser to block the inner naming of the images. You will not be
able to count and name the represented images. Learn to manipulate images in absolute silence. This is
the most important condition for speed memorization. Mexican wizards (C. Castaneda) call such skill the
“Great Silence”. The habit of inner speech must be regarded as a bad habit formed during your school
years. In order to create many fast connections you need to get rid of this bad habit. This does not mean
you must never speak to yourself or inside your head. This means that you have to switch off the inner
speech when it is necessary – for instance, to view a large number of memorized images in your
imagination (one of the repetition methods).

After you have created three separate connections you need to examine the complete association. When
you read an association you need to constantly enlarge and minimize the association base and switch
your attention to the different parts of the association.

Reading an association from your imagination

Imagine a kiosk (small details are not seen). Switch your attention to the roof and begin to enlarge the
kiosk so that only the roof is left in your imagination. A “table” image will soon appear.

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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Imagine the kiosk in full once again. Switch your attention to the window. Enlarge the kiosk so that only
the window is left in your imagination. Concentrate your attention on the window. The “gnome” image
will appear.

Imagine the kiosk image once again. Switch the attention to the shelf and enlarge the kiosk so that only
the shelf is left. Scrutinize the shelf and propeller will appear.

Now it may seem to you that you remember the images fixed on the kiosk parts. However, when you
memorize many images you will not think the same way. That is why you should SEE images on parts of
an association basis. If you do not see them then you will not be able to remember them.

Information must be VIEWED in your imagination. You manipulate images and your brain generates
(reproduced) other images. You SEE them in your imagination (as on a computer screen) and then you
need to utter the information - you see a table and say “238”; you see a gnome and say “810”; see a
propeller and say “656”.

Train your brain to generate numbers when saying words. For example, when you say “propeller” you
need to place an accent on the first three consonant letters and simultaneously draw numbers in your
imagination: six (P), five (R), six (P). As a result you will SEE the number 656 in the background of the
label. It is now easy to read: six hundred fifty-six.

This is the way you will gradually learn the figurative codes for three-digit numbers. Ideally, an image of
a propeller should automatically cause a visual representation of the 656 number - without words and
letters. The same is true for any figurative code, including two-digit figurative codes. The “Tape” image
should cause a visual representation of number 26 automatically and vice versa. Words and letters are
only necessary when you learn figurative codes by heart.

When figurative codes are learned and become a reflex, the brain automatically superimposes numbers
and pictures when the memorized sequence of figurative codes is remembered. Nothing has to be
encoded once again. Numbers appear automatically when you see the memorized images and you only
need to name them. That is why the speed of remembering numerical information can be very high – is it
only limited by the speed of speech.

I hope that I described the principal memorization technique of the “Giordano” system precisely enough.
Now you need to affix it using the exercises.


Memorize the following words using the “Chain” technique. The images will be association basis.

Kiosk – taxi – man – crow – lantern – thermos – door – chair – daisy - cassette


Remember the memorized images and imagine them in detail. Select three sub images in every image.
Try to view the images in absolute silence. You do not need to write anything down on paper.


Memorize three elements (two-digit numbers) onto the prepared association basis.

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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Kiosk - 34 - 23 - 57
Taxi - 21 - 14 - 18
Man - 19 - 06 - 42
Crow - 05 - 48 - 53
Lantern - 33 - 24 - 07
Thermos - 17 - 48 - 51
Door - 44 - 25 - 28
Chair - 02 - 19 - 60
Daisy - 10 - 31 - 09
Cassette - 06 - 13 - 47


Remember the association basis (kiosk – taxi – man etc.) and read the figurative codes of two-digit
numbers. Write these numbers down. Check.


Remember the association basis (and the elements on them) in reverse order. Write the number sequence
in reverse order. Check.


Memorize the information using the association creation technique. The association sequence should be
memorized using the Cicero method. In order to do this, additionally connect each association basis to a
support image. Remember the number sequence in direct and reverse orders.

Alarm-clock - 20 - 07 - 21
Fridge - 12 - 26 - 03
Phone - 24 - 15 - 25
Person - 02 - 27 - 11
Table - 10 - 09 - 01
Automobile - 04 - 30 - 14
Loudspeaker - 13 - 17 - 16
Drill - 19 - 22 - 05
Video recorder - 06 - 29 - 18
Calculator - 08 - 23 - 28


Learn the figurative codes for two-digit numbers from 61 to 70.

61 JPX-N


62 JPX-THZ PiZza

63 JPX-B


64 JPX-WVK JuKebox

66 JPX-JPX PaPaya
67 JPX-SD PiStol

68 JPX-GQL PaLm-tree
69 JPX-C


70 SD-M


School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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See visual images and draw the corresponding images in the background.


Encode the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Aim at achieving high encoding speed.

68 62 68 66 70 69 65 61 64 70 66 64 63 61 70 62 67 69 66 65
62 68 67 61 63 67 64 62 67 69 69 63 61 64 70 63 66 68 65 65


Encode the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Aim at achieving high encoding speed.

41 65 14 28 66 19 56 48 32 37 04 61 33 47 70 02 25 64 08 13
26 62 44 16 64 40 45 03 36 65 18 66 07 61 01 55 12 49 53 22
63 69 43 20 35 46 67 29 06 68 34 27 63 60 05 39 50 11 54 30
17 62 15 10 57 24 69 21 38 52 42 67 51 31 68 58 09 70 59 23

If you have a metronome, encode numbers to the sound of metronome. Choose the speed that allows you
to avoid mistakes and pauses. Gradually increase the speed.


Memorize the numbers using the “Chain” technique. Recall and check them. Do not repeat.

52 66 60 55 67 58 64 56 70 61 54 59 68 51 63 53 62 65 69 57


1. What is it that usually disturbs intentional mental activity?
2. What is psycho-technique?
3. What is a relaxation exercise needed for?
4. Why does an overexcited brain lead to unstable attention?
5. What distracts you the most from memorization or remembering: body signals, intestines signals,

outer signals (sounds, noises), thoughts and images that spontaneously appear in imagination?

6. Can the attention be focused on several different objects at a time? If not, why? (Hint. Images are

created by a limited set of nerve cells.)

7. What does a human conscience volume equal to? Can you memorize what is your conscience at

the moment? Will you be able to remember a car number “647” in a months’ time? Why not?

8. Describe the real scheme of artificial association creation.
9. What are relative sizes of images in an association?
10. How is an artificial association denoted in the manual?
11. How are the “artificial association” and the “memorization sense” connected?
12. Can a figurative code be an association basis?

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

Unregistered Version. Copying or publishing this material under any form is prohibited.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 9


You will use this technique to memorize text extracts that contain a lot of precise data. Precise data is
usually miscellaneous numerical information. In order to memorize this information securely for a long
term, figurative codes should be memorized separately (so that no connections are created between
figurative codes).

The return technique is a combination of the “Chain” technique and the “Memorization onto different
image parts” technique.

Let us see how this technique works on an example.

Memorize the following word sequence using the return technique.

Milk – sparrow – stick – fork – apple – lace – ring – light bulb – star – watch – balls – sportsman –
brush – caterpillar – spaghetti – nail – clock hand – cutting pliers – fire – fly – cup – potato – horse
– string - coins

Imagine the first image, “Milk” (a carton of milk). Select three parts from top to bottom: the upper part of
the carton, the middle, and the lower part of the carton.

Now create the following connections in imagination:

The upper part of the carton – sparrow (a sparrow is sitting on the carton);

The middle – stick (a stick is on the pack);

The lower part of the carton – fork (a fork is driven into the carton corner).

Imagine the association in full. Examine the carton and try to see images of sparrow, stick, and fork.

Now switch your attention to the last image of association - the “fork” image. Imagine a large horizontal
fork with the handle to the right. Select three parts in this image: “the sharp end of the fork”, “the middle
of the fork” and “the fork handle”.

Create three connections:

The sharp end of the fork – apple (an apple is stuck on the fork);

The middle of the fork – lace (a lace is attached to the middle of the fork);

The fork handle – ring (a ring is on the fork handle).

Imagine the association in full. See the fork and try to see images of an apple, a lace, and a ring.

Concentrate your attention on the “ring” image. Select three parts: “precious stone”, “ring”, and “probe

Create three separate connections:

Precious stone – light bulb (a bulb is screwed into the ring);

Ring – star (a star is in the ring);

Engrave – watch (watch are attached to the probe print).

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Switch the attention to the “watch” image. Imagine it horizontally, with the clasp to the right. Select three
parts: clasp, clock hand and a strap.

Create three separate connections:

The clasp is made from balls (superposition of two images);

A sportsman pushes up on the clock hand (imagine largely);

A brush on the strap (you can imagine traces of paint).

Switch the attention to the last association image - the “brush” image. Imagine a vertical brush with the
handle down. Select three parts of this image: bristles, bristles ring and a handle.

Create three separate connections:

Bristles – caterpillar;

Bristles ring – spaghetti;

Handle – nail.

Imagine the association in full. See the brush and try to see images of “caterpillar”, “spaghetti”, and
“nail”. And so on.


Remember the “milk” image. Examine it in your imagination and utter the images of sparrow, stick, and
fork. Focus your attention on the fork and read the images of apple, lace and ring from the fork. Imagine
a large ring and read the images of light bulb, star and watch from it. Imagine only the watch. Read the
balls, sportsman and brush images from this image. Imagine only the brush – read caterpillar, spaghetti
and nail from it. And so on.

Pay attention to the memorization sense in this technique. You memorized two isolated images in every
association. There are no connections on the “milk” image after the “sparrow” and the “stick” images.
These images are isolated in the memory.

If you memorize figurative codes using this technique then you can achieve a very secure and reliable
memorization even if the same images (representing the same numbers) are frequently repeated.

If you memorize repeating images using the “Chain” technique then the information will be erased from
your memory and there will appear a mixture of images during anamnesis.

Thus, the “Return technique” allows to efficiently memorize a sequence of frequently repeated visual
images and helps to avoid a mixture if the images.


Memorize the sequence of words using the return technique. Recall, write down and check for errors. Do
not repeat. Red words are the association basis.


– sparrow – stick –


– apple – lace –


– light bulb – star –


– balls - sportsman –


– caterpillar – spaghetti –


– clock hand – cutting pliers –


– fly – cup –


– horse

– string – coins

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Memorize the sequence of digits using the return technique. Recall, write down and check for errors. Do
not repeat. Red digits are the association basis. Three elements are fixed on every base. Every third
element becomes an association base for the following three elements.


06 17


12 03


43 26


30 40


02 20


48 15





09 16


05 56


19 41


39 31


01 23


51 35


14 24


42 18


59 27


46 49


21 11


58 47


52 37


23 - Hare. Select three parts: ears, back, and a foot. Create connections: an axe (6) is on the ears, a needle
(17) pierced through the back of a hare and a hacksaw (29) is on the foot. Look at the hacksaw and select
three parts: handle, sharp part (saw) and the side of the hacksaw. Create connections: handle – anteater
(12), saw – bull (03), and locket (89) is attached to the sides’ surface. And so on.


Memorize the words next to the ordinal numbers. Control your memorization time.

Ten seconds is enough to encode and create one connection. After you have memorized do the controlled
recall and recreate the lost connections. Recall once again. Do not repeat.


Create connections between image pairs (images are of approximately the same size). The first image of
a pair is a number image code. The second image is an image representing the word.

1. Number. A house number plate is in the nose
2. Screen. A cinema screen is on the hair
3. Meeting. Two hands shaking each other are on the bull
4. Exit. “Exit” plate is on the whale.
5. Warranty. A warranty ticket for a TV set is hanging on a frame on the plane.

Memorize the words next to their ordinal numbers.

1. Number
2. Screen
3. Meeting
4. Exit
5. Warranty
6. Keyboard
7. Electron
8. Universe
9. Way
10. Good
11. Service
12. World
13. Unload
14. Computer
15. Foundation

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16. Principle
17. Sound
18. Problem
19. Punch
20. Account
21. America
22. Effect
23. Bolt
24. Cuprum
25. Post
26. Bible
27. Base
28. Research
29. Carrot
30. Union
31. Interest
32. Author
33. Television
34. Rod
35. Scientist
36. Basis
37. Percent
38. Critics
39. Graphics
40. News
41. Area
42. Commission
43. Corner
44. Newspaper
45. Sports


Learn the two-digit figurative codes (71 to 80) by heart.

71 SD-N


72 SD-THZ SHark

73 SD-B



75 SD-FR


76 SD-JPX SPider
77 SD-SD


79 SD-C


80 GQL-M GuM

Work with each figurative code for two minutes. Imagine the image and draw the corresponding number
in the background. Print out cards for these figurative codes. When you have time, train yourself to
encode numbers from 01 to 80 into images – in random order.

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Transform the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Try to achieve a high encoding speed.

73 71 73 78 73 76 78 79 74 76
79 80 75 71 80 72 74 77 79 76
71 76 74 77 78 75 77 72 75 80
72 77 72 78 75 73 79 80 74 71


Transform the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Look at the numbers and name the images.
Imagine the images as bright as possible in your imagination. Try to achieve a high encoding speed.

13 56 68 33 02 42 09 29 11 57 19 41 26 58 77 18 44 48 36 72
61 05 75 32 12 37 04 51 76 35 20 55 01 38 67 10 31 17 22 50
06 14 59 78 03 43 08 45 28 64 27 39 69 25 53 23 16 71 66 73
62 60 80 74 79 46 65 30 49 52 40 07 54 15 47 24 21 34 70 63


1. What techniques are combined to produce the return technique?
2. What is the essence of the return technique?
3. What does an “isolated memorization of figurative codes” mean?
4. Why are figurative codes memorized separately?
5. What would happen if one connects figurative codes using the “Chain” technique?
6. Is it correct to memorize phone numbers by connecting the images that represent numbers using

the “Chain” technique?

7. If a figurative code is an association base, can you use one and the same number image (say,

“tape”) a hundred times?

8. Basically, you can create a hundred connections with one image but only one connection will be

remembered. That is why memorization using the “Chain” technique is impossible. Why is it that
when you memorize through creating associations (distinguishing the association element and
elements) you can remember dozens of connections with one image (figurative code is always an
association basis and is always memorized separately)? Hint: examine the scheme of “Electric
” (electric connection creation) in the manual.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 10


Learn the two-digit figurative codes (81 to 90) by heart.

81 GQL-N GauNtlet
83 GQL-B GoBlet


85 GQL-FR GiRaffe

86 GQL-JPX eLePhant
87 GQL-SD GoSling



89 GQL-C LoCket
90 C-M


Work with each figurative code for two minutes. Imagine the image and draw the corresponding number
in the background.


Transform the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Try to achieve a high encoding speed.

88 90 87 89 82 86 81 90 83 84 81 83 89 82 85 82 84 87 86 88
86 85 88 81 84 82 89 86 83 85 83 88 90 89 81 90 87 84 87 85


Transform the numbers in the table into figurative codes. Try to achieve a high encoding speed.

14 82 39 81 23 31 68 09 90 37 32 47 63 12 75 04 28 53 60 87
69 02 76 30 49 16 41 73 90 11 40 83 32 67 01 50 22 06 77 26
48 03 74 46 20 54 36 52 89 45 15 84 07 24 85 27 08 72 59 86
29 56 71 13 58 33 42 55 25 79 66 84 43 81 05 17 65 19 89 82
35 62 83 88 85 61 57 80 78 86 10 87 21 70 34 44 51 64 88 18


Memorize the words next to their ordinal numbers.


1. Kodak (connection: a “Kodak” photo camera is in the nose).
2. Hotel (connection: a hotel is in the hair).
3. Fashion (connection: a “Fashion” magazine is on the bulls’ horn).
4. Radio (connection: a radio is on a whale).
5. November (connection: snowman is on the airplane).

Memorize. Time for creating a connection is no more than 6 seconds. After you have memorized, recall
the words under their ordinal numbers. The connections you failed to remember or remembered

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incorrectly need to be memorized once more. Achieve complete and faultless remembering of the
exercise. Do not repeat after perfecting this exercise.

1. Kodak
2. Hotel
3. Fashion
4. Radio
5. November
6. Russia
7. Sponsor
8. Phone
9. Happiness
10. Paper
11. Fate
12. Leaf
13. Fire
14. Term
15. Prayer
16. Friend
17. Life
18. Example
19. Donkey
20. Newspaper
21. Note
22. Dog
23. Shampoo
24. Lantern
25. Putty
26. Bride
27. Kremlin
28. Seal
29. Children
30. Pencil
31. Rome
32. Night
33. Excerpt
34. Fruit
35. China
36. Memories
37. House
38. Package
39. Suite
40. Sea
41. Nobleman
42. Cross
43. System.
44. Smile
45. Case
46. Falsehood
47. Sensation
48. Blindness
49. Hunger

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50. Lid
51. Trap
52. Key
53. Cause
54. Action
55. Liquid
56. Marriage
57. Importance
58. School
59. Length
60. Autumn


Learn the figurative codes for the letters of the English alphabet. These figurative codes are used to
memorize information in alphabetical order as well as to memorize letters in passwords and letters on
vehicles’ licence plates, etc.

Memorize the images using the “Chain” technique. Achieve faultless recall of the image sequence.
Recall the images and draw the corresponding alphabet letter in the background of an image.

For instance, see an image of an “Ark” and draw the “A” letter in the background of this image.

A. Arch
B. Binocular

C. Cigarette
D. Diskette

E. Eclair
F. Fork
G. Garland

H. Horseshoe
I. Iguana
J. Joystick
K. Keyboard
L. Lemon
M. Mayonnaise
N. Nail


O. Octopus
P. Pyramid
Q. eQualiser
R. Rice
S. Scooter
T. Tornado
U. Urinal
V. Volley-ball

W. Wallet
X. Xerox
Y. Yogurt

Zombie or Zipper

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Print out cards for figurative codes of 81 through 90 and figurative codes for the letters of the English
alphabet. Add them to your card set. Train yourself to encode numbers and words into images when you
have free time. Do not forget to shuffle the cards to get a new random sequence of numbers and letters.

It is recommended to avoid changing figurative codes once the figurative codes system is arranged. This
means that visual images never repeat in different figurative codes. Figurative codes must be fixed. When
you find an image for a word or a letter, always imagine it in the same way. You can rotate an image,
examine it from different angles, enlarge or minimize it.

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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 11


Learn the figurative codes (91 to 00).

91 C-N


92 C-THZ


93 C-B


94 C-WVK CaViar
95 C-FR


96 C-JPX


97 C-SD


98 C-GQL CaLculator
99 C-C



Urns (looks like two urns next to each other)

Draw the corresponding number in the background of a visual image. Work with every image for two


Encode the numbers into figurative codes. You do not need to name the images with words but you must
see them in your imagination. An example: 99 – distinctively imagine a “cocoa” image. Achieve a high
encoding speed.

92 91 97 98 91 98 00 92 94 00 94 95 96 94 93 99 95 91 96 99
98 96 98 91 00 96 94 00 93 99 97 92 97 93 97 93 99 95 92 95


Encode the numbers into figurative codes. Achieve a high encoding speed. Work more with numbers that
make you pause. Imagine an image and draw a number in the background.

21 33 65 14 48 16 79 03 42 88 46 81 05 34 78 43 56 24 59 10
64 99 20 55 01 15 36 41 87 50 98 32 84 06 35 47 02 58 09 97
04 45 54 13 31 23 57 19 76 74 61 22 96 67 49 86 08 37 40 85
70 72 17 53 30 18 69 25 28 60 75 80 68 07 44 95 11 63 82 94
66 93 27 73 52 26 91 38 51 89 71 83 77 12 92 39 62 29 90 00


Memorize the words next to their ordinal numbers. The time for memorizing one word is about 6
seconds. Move on to memorizing the next word after you have created a connection. Make CONTROL
RECALL after memorization and memorize any lost connections once more. Achieve full memorization
of the exercise. Do not repeat the exercise after that.

Memorize, recall, write down (on paper or to a voice recorder). Check the correctness of memorization.

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1. Armenia
2. Minute
3. Law
4. Process
5. Peas
6. Politics
7. Article
8. Corner
9. Roof
10. Comedy
11. Lawyer
12. Son-in-law
13. Massacre
14. Alcohol
15. Debt
16. Dispensary
17. Form
18. Martians
19. June
20. Prescription
21. War
22. Atmosphere
23. Practice
24. Protein
25. Spy
26. Talent
27. Letter
28. Portrait
29. Age
30. Impudence
31. Hope
32. Sea
33. Photo
34. Editor
35. Height
36. Skates
37. Beard
38. Portrait
39. Scandal
40. Exhibition
41. Running
42. Attic
43. Atmosphere
44. Inquiry
45. City
46. Teacher
47. Ruin
48. Beam
49. Reality
50. Labor
51. Eagle owl
52. Excellent student

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53. Product
54. List
55. Enemy
56. Shop
57. Deficit
58. Paper
59. Logic
60. Region
61. Organ
62. Europe
63. Leader
64. Centre
65. Fund
66. Crumb
67. Need
68. Happiness
69. Time
70. Workshop
71. Steam
72. Amazing
73. Technique
74. Method
75. Children
76. Notebook
77. Woman
78. Goods
79. Notebook
80. Profit
81. Stone
82. Drugstore
83. Nose
84. Break
85. Market
86. Hawaiian
87. Spectacles
88. Youth
89. Army
90. Coin
91. Defence
92. Culture
93. Pitch
94. Old man
95. Discourse
96. Carousel
97. Metronome
98. Soap
99. File

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Memorize the figurative codes for the 12 months. These figurative codes are actively used to memorize
precise dates. The month figurative codes are selected using the symbolization technique and connecting
to familiar information.



Champagne (new years eve)



Polar Bear (National Polar Bear Day)

03 March





Drop (thawing)



Memorial (Memorial Day)



American Flag (Flag Day)



Firework (Independence Day)



Mustard (National Mustard Day)




(1 September, school)



Pumpkin (Halloween)



Turkey (thanksgiving)



Christmas Tree (Christmas)


Encode month names into figurative codes. See each visual image distinctively and achieve a high
encoding speed.

08 06 03 10 02 07 03 01 11 06 11 06 08 04 08 10 01 06 02 01 04 12 08 04
09 11 02 07 11 07 09 05 01 05 03 12 04 09 07 12 10 05 03 02 12 09 05 10


Mustard – American Flag – Eggs – Pumpkin – Polar Bear – Firework – Eggs – Champagne– Turkey –
American Flag - …


Add cards for numbers from 91 to 00 and for month names to your card set of figurative codes. Exercise
with the cards whenever you have free time. Achieve a high encoding speed for figurative codes in
random order.

All these figurative codes will be actively used in the following course - “Your First Data Base” - for
memorizing different types of information. Your memorization speed depends on the quality of the
figurative codes system memorization. Figurative codes must be learned by heart and become a reflex.


Install the “Memorization Master” program on your computer. It can be downloaded from this website.



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«Giordano Memorizing System» by mail. Lesson 12


Memorize a number sequence using the return technique. Select three parts in the association base.


54 – Figurative code “RaKe”. Select three sub images: top handle, mid part and the rakes’ bottom. Create
three connections: top handle – watermelon (42), middle – nippers (16), rake bottom – saw (74).

Enlarge the “saw” image (74) in your imagination. Select three parts: saw handle, sharp part (saw) and a
side of the saw. Create three connections: handle – airship (57), sharp part – angel (18), side of the saw –
watermelon (42).

The next association base is “watermelon” (42).

Memorize, recall and do not repeat.

54 42 16 74 57 18 42 11 16 12
92 57 06 44 21 55 01 08 61 87
28 95 68 97 91 46 16 40 11 94
60 34 38 43 47 10 32 66 43 32
38 59 63 55 81 48 27 71 60 19


Memorize figurative codes of the English alphabet using the “Chain” technique.

Ark – Binocular – Cigarette – Diskette – Éclair – Fork – Garland – Horseshoe – Iguana – Joystick
– Keyboard – Lemon – Mayonnaise – Nestling – Octopus – Pyramid – eQualiser – Rice – Scooter –
Tornado – Urinal – Volley-ball – Wallet – Xerox – Yogurt – Zombie


Remember the figurative codes sequence for the letters of the English alphabet. Select three parts in each
image. Example: fork – sharp part, middle and handle. See each image separately in your imagination
(you will get 78 images).


Memorize three two-digit numbers into the figurative code of the English alphabet. Memorize, recall and
do not repeat.


F - 32 96 42

F - Fork – (parts: sharp part, middle and handle)

Create three connections: sharp part – bath (32), middle – cup (96), handle – watermelon (42).

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See the full association: bath hanging on the sharp part of the fork; a cup pierced through the middle of
the fork and watermelon pierced through the handle.

A - 26 85 42
B - 80 18 56
C - 71 55 73
D - 23 26 67
E - 83 67 19
F - 32 96 42
G - 34 74 28
H - 86 54 17
I - 96 45 92
J - 73 82 37
K - 87 23 25
L - 32 48 58
M - 90 55 27
N - 78 91 03
O - 42 69 05
P - 04 67 76
Q - 16 72 61
R - 13 41 15
S - 93 48 29
T - 65 16 27
U - 40 91 68
V - 67 45 47
W - 89 40 34
X - 98 29 27
Y - 13 99 38
Z - 26 96 36


Memorize numbers next to their ordinal numbers. Create connection using the “Russian Doll” technique
(in order to not to mix up ordinal numbers with the memorized numbers). Ordinal number is a large
image. The memorized number – a small image. Memorize, recall and do not repeat.


1. 72

Nose (1.) – select a part of the image (a nostril), connection creation: nostril – shark (72).

3. 23

Bull (3.) – Part selection (bulls’ eye), connection creation: instead of eye – tablet (pill) (23).

1. 72
2. 74
3. 23
4. 92
5. 16

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6. 84
7. 32
8. 26
9. 38
10. 99
11. 90
12. 30
13. 26
14. 91
15. 20
16. 90
17. 92
18. 47
19. 48
20. 41
21. 11
22. 21
23. 02
24. 11
25. 63
26. 95
27. 68
28. 60
29. 10
30. 20
31. 13
32. 91
33. 64
34. 32
35. 22
36. 28
37. 99
38. 74
39. 61
40. 09
41. 17
42. 27
43. 58
44. 74
45. 40
46. 00
47. 16
48. 34
49. 92
50. 62
51. 21
52. 44
53. 63
54. 38
55. 49
56. 65
57. 81

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58. 87
59. 11
60. 49
61. 26
62. 62
63. 35
64. 67
65. 61
66. 64
67. 58
68. 13
69. 38
70. 12
71. 47
72. 84
73. 46
74. 26
75. 63
76. 16
77. 56
78. 14
79. 64
80. 69
81. 68
82. 13
83. 65
84. 24
85. 82
86. 68
87. 70
88. 51
89. 10
90. 03
91. 12
92. 17
93. 73
94. 42
95. 14
96. 77
97. 78
98. 08
99. 17

Control time for memorization and recollection is calculated by the time needed to create one connection
between two visual images (6 seconds). That means that in order to create 100 connections you need 600
seconds or 10 minutes. That is the approximate time you should spend on recalling and checking the
exercise. Thus, the time needed to do the fifth exercise is about 20 minutes.

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EXERCISE 6 (Additional)

Memorization Master Software

Review the “Memorization skill” and “Memorization Skill Control” sections in the GMS Manual.

Put yourself in the “Training” mode and train yourself to memorize numbers after one-time perception.
Use the 100 support images selected using the Cicero method. Gradually increase the volume of
memorized numbers (to reach 100 numbers). Start with the minimal volume - 20 numbers.

Please note:

To be able to memorize large amounts of information in real life, for example, from a textbook, one
should be ready to memorize about 300 elements of information at once. One should be ready to form
about 300 quality connections between images in the brain. Untrained mind will lose attention very fast
and the brain will eventually “shut down”. Without a special attention training it is impossible to
memorize large amounts of information even if one is acquainted with GMS.

Use “Memorization Master” to build your attention. Gradually increase the amount of memorized digits.
By the end of the course you should be able to pass the exam on at least 300 of them. If you can do 20
pushups what should you do to increase their number? You need to do pushups every day and try to do
more every time. The same goes for your attention. Increase your memorization volume by 10 digits
every day.


This is the end of the “Intensive Training” course. You were supposed to master figurative codes for
two-digit numbers, the basic memorization techniques and increase the memorized information volume
up to 100 units while doing the course exercises.

If you have not yet ordered the Second Course “Your First Data Base” you can order it here:


Your First Data Base” course is a compilation of memorization techniques used to memorize the most
common types of information.

School of Phenomenal Memory® GMS by Email © 2006, All rights reserved www.Pmemory.com

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