Cathryn Fox Blood Ties(1)

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This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

577 Mulberry Street, Suite 1520

Macon GA 31201

Claimed: Blood Ties

Copyright © 2008 by Cathryn Fox

ISBN: 978-1-60504-226-8

Edited by Anne Scott

Cover by Anne Cain

All Rights Are Reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.


Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

electronic publication: November 2008

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Claimed: Blood Ties

Cathryn Fox

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To Mark, my soul mate, without you the ride wouldn’t be half as fun.


To my wonderful editor, Anne Scott, for seeing something special in my story, and

helping me make it shine.

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Blood Ties

Earth 3020


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Cathryn Fox

Chapter One

From his ocean-view turret, perched high above the turbulent, white rapids crashing

against the jagged rocks below, Mikel Sare watched her while she slept. Even though

Dari Blake lived in the Canadian mountains, sheltered from the vampires that sought her,

thousands of miles away from his England castle, he watched her with his mind. Felt her

with his soul.

She knew not of his true physical existence. Thought of him only as her dream man.

On those occasions when loneliness stirred his soul and the need to mind meld with her

became too powerful for him to deny, he’d enter her dreams. At times he’d find her in the

midst of a harsh nightmare. For she had many nightmares. Rightfully so. Nightmares

born from her inability to shut out the collective voices in her head.

But whenever he brushed her mind, the urge to protect her and to possess her

overwhelmed him. There existed a connection between them. A special bond. For they

were both Nallie, part human, part vampire. The only two left of their kind.

Mikel blew out a heavy breath. It turned to fog in the chilly night air. He closed his

eyes and pulled the salty sea air into his lungs. Wind whipped around him, blowing his

long hair off his shoulders, stinging his eyes, biting at his flesh. He reached out to her

with his mind and made a light, untraceable connection. For it was all he dared. The

psychic joining increased the strength of their signature and could ultimately give away

her secret location to Grayson.


Mikel’s blood boiled just thinking about him.


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Not only were Mikel and Dari in hiding from the military task-force warriors, they

were also hiding from Grayson and his bloodband. As the last female of her kind, Dari’s

child-bearing body was a prized possession.

Centuries previous, under the orders of Grayson, his bloodband had abducted female

humans—females with a rare blood disorder—and performed a series of illegal

experiments that mated humans with vampires. A powerful breed known as Nallie had

been born. To Grayson, he was the marionette and the Nallie were simply his puppets. A

breed created to do his bidding on Earth—a rich planet that Grayson was determined to


Soon, this superior breed began encroaching on Earth, attempting to overcome

humans, thus the need for the military intervention.

Mikel shook his head to clear it. Right now was not the time to be thinking of

Grayson, right now was the time to be concentrating on Dari. He stepped into her lucid

dream world and breathed in her natural flowery aroma. A smile pulled at his lips. He

found her in a meadow, surrounded by wild animals and scented flowers, a place she’d

unconsciously retreated to in search of sanctuary after one of her disturbing dreams.

From behind, her slight build reminded him of a young girl. Even though she was

sheltered, untouched and innocent in the ways of the world, Dari was no child. Oh no.

Like himself, she had watched many come and go from her immortal life.

Attributing her difference to a rare blood disorder, Dari had outlived many who

knew what she was, who had kept her safe in a commune and her existence a secret from

the rest of the world.

Dari wasn’t really in a meadow, of course. Her physical body was actually deep in

the Canadian mountains, sprawled on her linen sheets, drifting between consciousness

and sleep.

His gaze panned down her body. Crouched on her knees beside a bubbling brook,

she plucked a vibrant yellow tulip from her garden. She brought it to her nose and

inhaled. He loved entering her happy dreams. Unlike his, which were hazy shades of

gray, hers were always full of rich color, texture, and the most delectable scents. Her


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nightmares on the other hand were dark, bleak and would unsettle even the bravest


As though she sensed his presence, she rose to her full height and twisted around.

Their gazes collided. His body immediately grew needy as beautiful brown eyes widened

in delight. Her face lit up with a smile, dark hair tumbled in disarray over her shoulders.

His heart swelled with emotions. The feelings she evoked in him filled him with warmth

and left him speechless. He swallowed down the edge of longing, the raw ache of

emptiness. For Dari could never really be his.

She reached out to him, her blue floral dress catching a slight breeze, ruffling around

her knees. “Mikel, where have you been?” Her sweet voice curled around him, drawing

him closer. “I’ve waited too long.”

She didn’t drop her flower, leaving it forgotten, left to wilt, like most would. No, she

treasured life too much for that. Perhaps that was what he loved about her the most.

Slipping the stem behind her ear, she rushed toward him, arms extended.

He circled his hands around her, gathering her in tight against his body. The scent of

Apricot Beauty tulips mingling with the intimate, distinct feminine aroma of Dari closed

in on him, teasing all his senses, making his legs nearly give. The overwhelming need to

make love to her, to join their bodies as one made him fairly mad with longing. He

resisted the urge to drop to the ground and drag her down along with him. To claim her

mouth, sink into her plush softness and lose himself in her body for an eternity.

His heart twisted as he brushed her thick black hair from her delicate shoulders. A

familiar primal, possessive sound climbed out of his throat. Dari. Sweet Dari. She had no

idea he existed outside her dream world. Nor did she have any idea who she was. Or what

she was.

Throughout his younger years, Mikel had been watched over by many guardians. All

handing down the knowledge and written literature on the Nallie breed, for fear that

Grayson would find his way back to Earth and wreak havoc once again. Mikel knew what

he was. That information had purposely been kept from Dari. For her own safety.

Grayson wanted her. Wanted to breed her. And should they ever find her… White-hot


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fury rushed through Mikel. He drew her in tighter, his nostrils flared. He refused to finish

that thought because he would always see to her safety, and shield her from life’s harsh


Years ago, a rumor had circulated and reached Grayson that a baby girl had been

saved. If Dari knew what she was, there was a chance she’d harness her power, nurture it,

manipulate it the way Mikel had learned to do, and ultimately give away her location.

Because Mikel had full use of his psychic powers, the walls around his castle had been

equipped with metal shields which gave him a modicum of protection against being

detected. This also prevented him from physically leaving his home. Ayden, a young man

from the village, saw to his basic needs. Even though the vampires weren’t looking for

Mikel, and knew nothing about a baby boy being spared the sword, if they ever

discovered his existence they’d surely be able to find Dari through him. Never would

Mikel allow that to happen.

She tilted her chin, bringing them face-to-face. “Why do you come so infrequently?”

He couldn’t tell her why. That every time he stepped out on his balcony, exposing

himself to the world while he forged a psychic connection with her, there was a chance

her signature would be located.

He pitched his voice low and brushed the pad of his thumb across her warm cheek. “I

come when you need me to come.”

Her expression told him she didn’t believe that for a minute. “I always need you.”

Longing colored her voice.

He grinned, loving her honesty. For Dari knew nothing about deceit. “Okay, I come

when I need you.”

She thrust her pelvis forward, pushing up against him and felt his arousal. A sexy

grin played on her lips. “So I see.”

He frowned and pulled her impossibly tighter. It was never just about sex with her.

His brow knitted together. His voice turned rusty, gruff. “I don’t just need you like that.

You know that, don’t you?” He hadn’t meant for his words to come out so harsh but he

needed her to comprehend that.


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She nodded in understanding, for she too needed him on a deeper level. He slanted

his head and looked into her eyes. To make sure she truly believed him. He sensed she

did. Lightening the mood, she smiled up at him and he smiled back.

He slowly drew her away from the subject. “Tell me what you’ve been doing. I see

you’re still gardening.” He looked past her shoulder. A patch of colorful flowers began to

wilt, their leaves turning to crisp ash. Like the rising tide, a wave of blackness rolled

across her beautiful flowerbed, killing everything in its path. The smile fell from his face.

His stomach knotted as a quick flash of angst rushed through him. Sadness was invading

her happy thoughts.

Her face tightened warily. Dark eyes clouded. “I had the dream again.” She pushed

up against him, seeking his warmth, his comfort, his love.

He offered it freely. Dari knew no love. Not the real kind anyway. Her guardians

cared for her, but none of them had ever loved her like a daughter or a sister, or even an

intimate partner.

“Which one?” He knew the dream well, but something compelled him to ask

anyway. He wasn’t sure why. Maybe he’d hoped it had changed, had gotten better. He bit

back a sigh. And maybe they would eventually live normal lives, have a family, picnic at

the beach and die like normal mortals. Sometimes he wasn’t sure if it was a blessing or a

curse that they’d been spared the sword.

She dipped her head. A long mane of black hair curtained her emotions. He brushed

it from her face and placed his finger under her chin, lifting her gaze to his. Dark, haunted

eyes met his glance.

“The same as always. People running. Sharp teeth.” She shook her head and paused

to consider the word. “Not teeth. Fangs.” She blinked and continued. “The flash of metal

swords, wooden stakes and arrows. So many flying arrows.” She stopped to shiver. Mikel

brushed her arms, absorbing her tremor.

“And the baby,” he asked. “Was the baby crying?”

She nodded. “Always.”


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Sadly, the baby she heard crying in her nightmares was herself. Stabbed with a

wooden stake that had barely missed her heart, left alone to die like all other Nallie. Like

Mikel, Dari’s little body had been discovered and hidden in a commune by the “Dallam

clan”, mountain dwellers who, despite knowing what they were, believed in protecting

life and believed with proper nurturing and guidance, the babies would grow into loving

beings with empathy for others. Later Mikel and Dari had been separated and placed an

ocean apart, thus decreasing the probability of them connecting, which would enhance

their psychic signature and their chance of being detected by Grayson and his bloodband.

It would also keep them from mating, since such a joining gifted them with special


She shifted to allow her sensuous mouth to reach his. Not wanting to dwell on her

dream, she switched subjects. Long lashes fluttered, her warm breath wafted across his

cheek. Her eyes caressed him with sultry heat as her face suffused with color. The air

around them charged with sexual energy.

“Kiss me, Mikel.” She snuggled into him. Her hands slid through his hair. The

intimate, erotic touch making it most difficult to draw his next breath. “I miss your

kisses.” Her voice covered him like a blanket of warmth as her desire reached out to him.

His gaze flitted across her face. He tilted his head, his blood pressure soared with

hungry anticipation as he filled his lungs with her scent. His voice dropped an octave.

“There is nothing I’d like better.”

She gifted him with a smile and poised her lips open, her mouth a hairbreadth away

from his. He traced the pattern of her face, and growled as his lips closed over hers

capturing her mouth in a slow simmering kiss. At that first delicious taste, his world tilted

on its axis. She tasted like sun, honey and flowers, and everything sweet. He pulled her in

closer and she melted against him.

Late-afternoon sunlight poured over their bodies, warming him from the inside out as

he became lost in the sensations of her hot, wet mouth. How pleasant that the sunrays

didn’t sting their flesh in her dream world, he mused.


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As his passion soared his sharp fangs descended. He was always careful to hide them

from her. With the utmost tenderness, and all the while fighting back the vampire stirring

his primal need to pierce her flesh and taste her blood, he nipped at her lips, unable to get

enough of her. He slipped his tongue inside to join with hers. He felt her hard nipples

crush against his chest, alerting him to her mounting arousal. He swallowed the whimper

that escaped her lips as he brushed the outside swell of her swollen mounds. Her body

practically vibrated. His breathing grew shallow, labored.

He rained kisses over the hollow of her throat, licking the vein that pulsed an erotic,

luring beat. Working to tamp down his primal urges, he moved his mouth lower, trailing

his tongue over her chin and down her neck until he reached the scented crevice between

her full, creamy breasts. A sharp breath inflated his lungs, allowing him to breathe in her


Mikel ran his hands over the soft contours of her body, hating that fabric separated

skin from skin. He was so attuned with her physically, her every thought, her every

desire, he knew what she wanted, where she wanted it, and exactly how she wanted it.

Hunger for her clawed at his insides. She became pliant in his arms and he knew he

had to have her. Needed to have her. To possess her. To brand her as his. It was almost

frightening the way she consumed him, the way he yearned to have her climb inside of

him and stay with him forever. Where he could keep her all to himself and protect her

from the world.

He fisted the hem of her dress and lifted it over her hips, exposing her naked pussy.

Dari never wore undergarments in her dreams. How pleasing. Slipping his hands

underneath the fabric, he cradled the bare flesh of her backside and squeezed, driving her

pelvis harder against his, trying to quell the ache that demanded his undivided attention.

Attention he’d plan to give her, again and again.

He’d had sex before, of course. For the sake of sex. For physical relief only. With

Dari it was different. Less physical, more emotional. She was his mate. The one and only

meant for him. Unfortunately, with the threat against their lives, he could only make love


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to her in her dream world. And if he grew careless, prolonging their psychic connection,

even that could prove dangerous.

She pulled back, breathless, and licked the moisture from her plump, kiss-swollen

lips. Her flushed face was full of desire, her eyes darkly seductive. “Come see what I

found.” She gathered his hand and tugged. Mikel’s fangs receded as he fell into step

beside her. She guided him across a bed of freshly cut, crisp green summer grass. The

dead flowers had once again sprung to life as happy thoughts filled her mind.

“Where are you taking me, Dari?”

A smile pulled at her lips as she extended her hands and tilted her head back to look

at him. “Right here.” Arousal edged her voice and made his cock pulse.

He had to admit, she did have one hell of an imagination. Mikel took in the

picturesque waterfall spilling over a cluster of rocks. The cool spray reached them on the

grassy embankment, moistening their skin and clothes, but doing little to help ease the

heat inside him.

Her provocative pout made him harder than he’d ever been before as she toyed with

the top button on her dress. “Will you join me?” she murmured seductively.

He shot her a sidelong glance and cocked one brow. “Like you even had to ask.” He

stepped closer. Her blue floral dress had changed in color, turning crimson red, indicating

her mood, reflecting the passion inside her.

He grabbed her hands and anchored them to her sides. “Allow me.” His nimble

fingers worked the row of buttons lining the front. Once finished he slowly pulled it open

to reveal her gorgeous breasts. He quickly discarded the flimsy piece of material that had

prohibited his gaze from caressing her naked flesh. He slipped it from her shoulders and

let it fall to her feet. The bright red dress spilled across the grass like blood.

He stood back, drew a deep, steadying breath and panned the length of the sensuous

woman before him. Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she in turn appraised him.

He registered every detail of her gorgeous curvy body as his gaze shifted to her breasts,

to pert nipples that beckoned his mouth.

Who was he to deny them?


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Cathryn Fox

In one quick stride, he closed the short distance and removed the flower from behind

her ear. He brought it to his nose and sniffed.

“This doesn’t smell nearly as sweet as you.” Dari tilted her head back and exhaled a

sexy bedroom moan as he trailed the flower over her lips, her neck and lower until he

skimmed her breasts. He brushed the tulip over her nipples, scenting her ethereal,

porcelain-white flesh. The enticing combination of Dari mixed with the flora became his


Unable to deny his mouth the taste of her any longer, he lowered his head. Flicking

his tongue out, he circled her pale mounds, drawing the blade of his tongue closer to the

engorged peaks. Dari arched and tangled her fingers through his hair. He blew a heated

breath on her wet nipples and watched them tighten in bliss.

“Oh, Mikel.” When he closed his mouth around one extended nipple and sucked, she

exhaled a shuddery breath and quivered in delight. “You always know how to touch me

just right.”

He trailed the tulip down lower, curling it around her belly button, dipping it into the

hollow, tickling her oversensitive flesh. As though moving of its own accord, the flower

descended, whispering across her thighs. She widened her stance in silent invitation. He

growled his approval. Mikel brushed the scented petals over her pussy, caressing,

arousing her clit out from its pink hood. His finger skimmed her folds. Her twin lips were

damp with passion.

She trembled as he paid homage to her other breast. Drawing her hard bud into his

mouth, he bit down until she cried in pleasure and pain. His fingers replaced the flower

between the juncture of her legs. It pleased him to find her so warm and wanting. He

opened her labia and pressed a finger into her slick heat, pushing all the way inside her

passion-drenched sheath. A shiver wracked her body. He reveled in her texture, her

warmth, her heady aroma.

“You are so hot, Dari.”

“That’s because you don’t visit me often enough.”


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“Let me make up for that right now.” He pressed another finger inside her. Her body

vibrated, her chest heaved. His own muscles clenched as he fought down the primal beast

itching to make its presence. Itching to plunge into her and stake his claim.

Dari threw her arms around his neck. Her head lolled to the side as her body opened

for him, granting him access to her most private parts. “I love how you touch me.”

Mikel’s chest puffed up knowing how excited she was, how much she enjoyed and

longed for his visits and their intimate playtime. If only their unions could be more

frequent. If only he could truly have her with him. Mikel pushed that painful thought

aside and turned his concentration to her beautiful body.

“Mikel,” she whispered, her aroused voice sounding suddenly impatient.

“Yes,” he mumbled around a mouthful of breast.

“You’re overdressed.” Small hands tugged at his shirt.

She stepped back, taking her heat with her. His fingers slowly slipped from her

soaked pussy. The pad of his thumb nudged her marbled clitoris. Her body quivered in

response to the erotic withdrawal. Lids fluttering, she let out a little gasp. Moisture

dampened his flesh as he felt her shiver of pleasure as though it was his own. He

immediately missed her feminine heat as his hands fell to his sides. He growled, showing

his displeasure.

She smiled, a sparkle lit her dark eyes. God, how she loved to tease him. He

scrubbed his hand over his chin. Her scent lingered before his nostrils.

“I want to see you naked. There are things I want to do to you.” Her raspy voice

played down his spine, prompting him into action.

Mikel made short work of his clothes, hastily tearing away his shirt and his pants. He

tossed them aside, leaving them to mingle with hers on the ground a few feet away.

Lacking modesty, he stood before her, naked, eager, his cock jutting forward, aching to

sink into her heated core. Her eyes swept over him. She smiled her approval.

Lust thickened his voice as fire burned through his veins. “Now where were we?” he

inquired with a raise of his brow.


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Dari turned her back to him, gifting him with a view of her perfect backside. She

wiggled slightly and pointed to the waterfall. His gaze fell from the X branded on her

back, a mark identical to his since they were given to all Nallie at birth, to her perfect

heart-shaped ass. He groaned, knowing he’d have to have her right there, in her tight

fissure, if she continued to provocatively shake it at him.

“I think I’ll take a swim.” She ran away and jumped into the pool of water at the foot

of the falls.

A low rumble rose up from the depths of his throat. “You are such a tease. I’m going

to make you pay for that.” He let out a patient sigh.

Her laugh was raspy, sexy. “That’s what I’m counting on.” He didn’t miss the note

of amusement in her voice as she splashed water at him. God, he loved it when she was

happy. She disappeared under the waves, encouraging him to chase her.

Mikel dove in after her. It didn’t take long for the frigid water to clear his lust-

saturated mind and ease the heat inside him. Couldn’t she have at least made the waterfall


With long even strides, he swam after her. They both surfaced in the shallow end and

moved under the waterfall. Ribbons of water pelted against their skin, stinging his flesh

but arousing his senses at the same time. Her dark eyes met his. Her long thick hair clung

to her pale skin, a few strands curling around her blissfully hard nipple. Mikel brushed

her bangs from her forehead and dropped a hard kiss on her mouth. His fingers traced the

pattern of her curves. His gaze left her face to track a stream of water as it slipped

between her breasts, over her flat stomach to bury itself in her feminine mound.

He moved his hand to the small of her back. Sexual awareness leapt between them.

“I’m naked like you wanted. So what are you going to do with me?” he taunted, pushing

her closer to the smooth rock wall behind the cascading stream and onto the sandy ledge.

Sunlight broke through the canopy of water. The soft glow made her skin glisten.

“Anything I want to. After all, it’s my dream.” The pleasure in her voice excited him.

Grinning, she dipped her head and feathered kisses over his chest. Her thick lashes

fluttered against her skin. She took such great pleasure in tormenting him, prolonging her


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sexual seduction. He groaned in frustration. The coldness of the water was quickly


Her hands snaked out. One small palm closed over his engorged cock. She stroked

him once, then twice, brushing her thumb over the slit. Dipping into the liquid arousal

dripping from the tip.

She brought her thumb to her mouth and licked it. “Mmmm,” she moaned.

He sucked in a tight breath. “Dari.” All teasing slipped from his voice.

“Soon, Mikel,” she whispered. “After I taste more of you.”

With that she dropped to her knees. She inhaled his scent then let out a slow,

unsteady breath. It brushed over his thighs, thickening his cock. The first sweet touch of

her wet tongue tasting his arousal brought forth the vampire in him. His teeth descended,

his growl sounded anything but human.

Dari continued to work her mouth over his substantial thickness. She rocked on her

heels and widened her mouth, nearly taking him in down her throat. He was not a small

man by any means, making her feat most impressive.

Her fingers cupped his balls, caressing, fondling and playing with his orbs in delight.

Blood pounded through his veins as the sweet torture made him throb. She knew just how

to touch him to turn his world inside out. He groaned low in his throat and pulled in more

air yet he still couldn’t seem to fill his lungs.

With effort, he worked to speak. “I’m…close…” His voice was merely a low

strained whisper.

She moaned her pleasure, licking the soft folds underneath his bulbous head, nipping

at the wet tip of his arousal. Each velvet stroke raised his passion to new heights tempting

the human part of him to give over to the beast.

His blood heated, his throat tightened. He snarled. The savage sound welling up

inside him drew her attention. She stole a quick glance. He pushed her hair back and

gently stroked her cheeks. His heart slammed in his chest. A riot of emotions tore through

him. He looked at her with all the love inside him. He knew she felt it by the warmth in

her eyes.


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Stoking the fire inside him, she brought her attention back to his throbbing cock.

With a feathery light touch, she brushed her fingers over his balls, reaching past them,

caressing the skin between his sac and ass. A moment later he felt her finger play around

his puckered opening. Slowly, seductively, she eased her fingertip inside his sensitive

cleft. White stars danced before his eyes and drawing in air seemed almost impossible.

That was it. It was all he could take.

His body convulsed as need consumed him. He rushed to get the words out, “Dari,

I’m going to come.” His voice was strangled. He gripped her hair to ease her off. She

wasn’t deterred. She continued to kiss his cock. Her tongue urged him on, inviting him to

release in her hot mouth.

“Dari…” he murmured. The wall of water behind him rushed faster, as though

matching the tempo and rhythm of his pounding heart. The thunderous noise barely

audible to him as he concentrated on the erotic sensations she evoked with her tongue.

Mikel clenched his jaw as she sucked harder. He pulled her hair off her face so he

could watch his cock slide in and out of her mouth. His balls tightened against his body

as his orgasm drew closer. Waves of pleasure made him quake and rocked his world as

his climax ripped through him. Shuddering, he fisted her hair, stilled her movements and

spurted his seed into her mouth.

She remained on her knees, stroking, soothing his trembling flesh. After his

breathing regulated, his sharp fangs retracted. He cupped her chin and tilted her head

until their eyes met. A curtain of dark wet hair cascaded over her breasts. He brushed it

from her shoulders and blew a contented breath.

“Come here.”

Lips glistening in the streaks of sunlight pouring through the waterfall, she slid up

his chest, her nipples pressing against his flesh, titillating him all over again. The scent of

her feminine arousal reached his nose, and before he made love to her, he knew he had to

bury his face between her legs. He slipped a hand between her thighs and pressed a finger

into her tight pussy. Her wet heat closed around him. He shut his eyes and drew a

steadying breath. He pushed another finger in and stroked her G-spot. As he slowly made


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love to her with his finger, he brought his lips close to hers and breathed the words into

her mouth. “Now it is my turn to taste your sweetness.”


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Chapter Two

Her pulse kicked into high gear as she met Mikel’s dark smoldering glance and tilted

her pelvis to provide his fingers with deeper access. She locked her knees to avoid

collapsing as his promising words filled her with heated anticipation.

Fingers still inside her, he backed her up, pinning her against the rock wall with his

muscular chest. When her beaded nipples pressed into his skin, her heart beat in a mad

rush. His feral, earthy scent closed around her, toying with her already overstimulated

libido, playing havoc with all her heightened senses. His burning mouth roamed her flesh

as though he couldn’t quite get enough, his heat branding everywhere he touched. The

intensity in his eyes whenever they met hers drew a shudder from deep within her.

He pressed his knee between her thighs, sending a silent message for her to widen

her legs even more. After she quickly obliged, he dropped to his knees and insinuated

himself in-between, his broad shoulders stretching her even farther. His fingers slipped

from her pussy and gripped her backside, kneading her tender flesh with his palms.

“Mikel,” she whispered breathlessly, her words swallowed by the rush of the loud

waterfall. Gripping the rock wall for support, she tossed her head to the side as he

brushed her thigh with the soft blade of his tongue. Goose bumps pebbled her flesh as his

tongue climbed higher to reach her heated core. She drew a sharp breath and arched into

his mouth. His tongue sifted through her damp curls and parted her twin folds. The first

sweet stroke against her swollen clit brought forth a wave of pleasure. Her sex muscles

began to undulate, begging to be stroked, deep inside, where she needed it the most.

He pitched his voice low. “Ahhh, Dari, you taste like a summer peach.” His soft tone

whispered across her pussy, filling her with longing.

His hands squeezed her ass once more, and then traveled around to her thighs. His

thumbs pressed into her flesh and climbed higher until he reached her damp mound. He


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pulled open her pussy, exposing her ripe pink clit. He lightly brushed it with the pad his

thumb and she nearly erupted on the spot.

A low guttural sound rose from his throat when he felt her uninhibited responses.

“Do you wish to taste it too?” His voice, a tender, intimate caress, played down her spine.

“Ye…ye…yes.” It took three tries to get that one word out.

He pushed a finger deep inside her and stirred her heat. She could feel the rippling

approach of her orgasm. He withdrew his finger and lifted it to her. She poised her mouth

open, accepting his offering. His finger slipped into her waiting mouth. “Mmmmm.”

Moaning, she laved her creamy essence and suckled his finger. Summer peach. His deep

growl clearly indicated how much he enjoyed watching her.

Warmth radiated from his mouth and stoked the fire in her pussy. Her skin came

alive as she hungered to feel him inside her. Restless, she shifted her stance. “Mikel,

please. I want you inside me.” Her voice wavered with husky desire.

“Soon, Dari. After you come in my mouth.” His tone, full of tortured promise, ended

in a soft murmur. His magical fingers found their way back inside her cunt. Fire licked

over her thighs. He pushed deep, stroking her, controlling the pace, depth and rhythm,

filling her with fiery need until an explosion of color erupted before her eyes.

His breathing sounded labored as it overpowered the rush from the waterfall. His

thumb applied the perfect amount of pressure to her clit, knowing just what she needed

and how she needed it. He sank a third finger into her slick core, turning her inside out.

She bit down on her lip. “Mikel…” Her body shuddered as she came apart in his


He continued to feast on her. “That’s it, my love. Let go. Let me taste your pleasure.”

The soft tone of his voice pushed her over the edge. Her body went up in flames as his

tongue seared her clit. Her sweet juices flowed into his waiting mouth.

She bucked forward giving herself over to her orgasm as his fingers and tongue took

delight in her release. Her nails dug into his shoulders, tearing at his flesh, but he didn’t

seem to mind the pain. In fact, the pleasure rumbling in his throat indicated his


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heightened arousal. She took deep gulping breaths as her muscles tightened and clenched

with each rippling wave of ecstasy.

Mikel held her for a long moment, until the waves subsided and her vision cleared.

He slid up her body and put his mouth close to hers. His smile was full of tenderness,

turning her heart over in her chest.

He smoothed her hair from her face. “Tasting your sweetness has made me hard all

over again. I believe I need to fuck you, Dari.” She could feel his cock press insistently

between her slick thighs. A hungry gleam danced in his richly seductive eyes. She loved

the way his body reacted to her. She wiggled, until his tip probed her opening.

She flicked her tongue over his lips, reveling in the taste of her own juices. Passion

grew in his eyes. Her mouth curved enticingly. “Then what are you waiting for?”

His eyes darkened with unbridled lust. “You are such a tease.” There was no humor

in his voice. Not even a trace remained. Only fierce need. She felt it reverberate through

her blood. He gripped one thigh, lifting her leg to tuck it around him until it hugged his

hip. The position opened her pussy to him.

“Only because you love to be teased, Mikel.” She pressed her mouth to his and

whispered, “Take me.”

Groaning, he plunged inside her. His mouth crashed down on hers, swallowing her

erotic gasp. His rough, velvet tongue darted into her mouth, seeking her heat. Pleasure

forked through her. The feel of his cock caressing her most intimate parts stirred all her

emotions, arousing all her senses and reaching so deep inside her she thought she would

die of pleasure.

Her pussy muscles gripped him, drawing him in deeper. He pumped harder and

faster. His balls slapping against her backside. He cradled her ass cheeks and pulled them

open. One finger snaked around back and breached her opening. He gave a low growl of

satisfaction when she squeezed and wiggled his finger in deeper. “Oh, Mikel,” she cried.

“It feels so good.”

His cock pounded inside her while the width of his finger pushed open the tight walls

of her ass, as though preparing her for his girth. He’d never done that before. Never taken


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her that way. Was he about to now? She sensed his urgent, feral need to leave his mark,

to claim her. All of her. Everywhere. It was almost frightening.

“Mikel,” she said between breathless pants. “Are you going to take me? In there?”

Perspiration beaded his forehead. His eyes seemed to be glowing fiery red from

untamed passion. She sensed his restraint and the effort it took for him to hang on when

he so desperately needed to answer the demands that threatened to burn him up from the

inside out. “I need you, Dari. All of you. I need to be inside you, everywhere.” His voice

shook with husky desire. “I just can’t seem to get enough of you.”

Oh God. Her pulse skyrocketed and her body reacted with anticipation to his

promising words. She couldn’t believe how much that excited her. He drove his finger

deeper into her puckered ass and rotated his hips. She tensed then relaxed as his thick

cock caressed her oversensitized G-spot, drawing out her next orgasm. She’d never felt

anything quite so filling and so incredible at the same time. Her whole body moistened as

she gave herself over to the sensations pulling at her. Her sex muscles clenched and

vibrated as another rippling climax tore through her. She coiled her arms around his neck

to hang on as she rode out every wonderful ripple of release, nurturing it, prolonging it,

stretching it out for as long as she could, never wanting this, or her time with Mikel, to


His smoldering eyes met hers. “Yes, Dari, that’s it. Your juices are so hot you’re

going to make me come, but I don’t want to just yet. I want to take you from behind


Once she finished riding out the last fragments of her orgasm and her waves fully

subsided, he grabbed her hips and swiftly turned her around.

“Press your hands to the wall,” he commanded in a gentle voice.

“Like this?” She wiggled her backside. The tips of her erect nipples scratched the

rock wall. Pain and pleasure mingled into one.

His voice dropped an octave. “Yes. Now bend forward and open for me.”

She braced her hands on the wall, and bent forward, putting her ass on display, like

he wanted.


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Growling deep in his throat, his fingers kneaded her flesh and pulled her cheeks

farther apart, exposing her rimmed crevice. She could almost hear his blood rushing

through his veins.

He pushed a finger inside, preparing her. “Dari, you’re so tight. I won’t be able to

last long.” His voice sounded fractured. Dipping into her juices he slathered them over

her back opening, lubricating her. He pushed his cock between her thighs and swirled it

around, greasing himself with her fluid.

She wiggled, teasing him.

He slapped her ass. It stung, but she secretly liked it. “Stop it,” he demanded, his

voice sounding tight, harsh. “Or I’ll lose all control and plunge into you. And you’re not

ready for that.”

She stilled and compressed her lips, suddenly worried it would hurt.

With effort, his cock pushed through her ringed opening. She clenched and steeled

herself as air rushed from her lungs. Pain filled her senses. “Mikel, wait.” She needed

time to catch her breath.

Leaning over her back, moisture sealed their bodies together. “We’ll take it slow,

Dari.” He caged her between his body and the rock wall. He swiped his finger over her

pebbled clit giving her time to catch up.

Once her body began to quake from his soothing touch, he put his hands on her hips

and tightened his hold as he pushed in farther. Stretching her to the point of pain. She

feared his thickness would split her in two. She tried to squirm away from his invasive

touch. “Mikel…it hurts too much.”

She felt his mouth close to her ear, felt sharp teeth scrape against her neck. Erotic

sensations traveled onward and upward through her body. His heated breath scorched her

flesh. “Relax your muscles. Trust me. I’m almost in.” Tenderness laced his voice. “Take

a deep breath and then let it out.”

She drew a deep breath, always trusting him. As she let it out, he thrust the rest of the

way in. She gasped in surprise and jerked forward. The grip on her hips prohibited her


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from pulling away. His finger found her clit again, soothing away the sudden burst of


He played with her clit for a long time, letting her adjust to the fullness. “How does

that feel, Dari?” His rich baritone helped her relax. He moved slightly, ever so slowly

stimulating her senses and arousing the nerve endings deep inside her. She could almost

feel his body humming as he waited for her to get used to the new sensations.

“It feels different. But not in a bad way.”

“Let’s see if I can make it even better for you.” Mikel pumped into her. Slow at first,

nice and easy, then increasingly faster when he found her moving along with him,

meeting and welcoming each thrust. One hand remained on her pussy, rubbing her clit,

dipping inside to stroke her quivering muscles, while the other climbed up her body to

cup her breast. Pain segued to desire, leaving her gasping for her next breath.

In no time at all, they established a rhythm, reaching a deeper level of intimacy as he

made love to her from behind.

She felt wild and out of control as he pumped her backside with his cock and dipped

into her pussy with his fingers at the same time. “Mikel, it feels incredible. You should

always fuck me this way.” Almost giddy with joy, she widened her legs and bucked

against his cock then jerked forward driving his fingers deeper into her sex.

“Oh, Dari, you are so fucking hot. I’m right there.”

So was she. She wanted them to come at the same time. Panting, she tilted her head

back to look at him as another orgasm approached. The fading sunlight broke through the

waterfall and formed a halo around his strong, athletic body. He met her glance. His dark

eyes brimmed with passion. “Come for me, Mikel. Come deep inside me. Let me feel

your seed splash up inside me and fill me with heat.”

She could hear the frustration in his voice. “I want to last longer, but I can’t.” She

felt his cock throb once, twice, then he growled and erupted high inside her like she

wanted. The moment she felt his hot liquid heat, she gave into her own orgasm. Her

whole body shuddered and clenched and vibrated as rainbows and sunsets shimmered

before her eyes.


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“Oh God, Dari,” Mikel murmured when he felt her matching powerful release. She

squeezed her tight ass muscles, milking every last drop from his cock.

Warm hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her from the wall until her back

rested against his chest. He held her for a long while, stroking, soothing her swollen clit

until his cock grew flaccid and slipped from her backside. Turning her around, he

gathered her in his embrace and lowered his head. His eyes filled with tenderness as they

met hers. Dari’s heart swelled with emotions, longing. Warmth streaked through her and

settled in his stomach as he gazed at her.

“I didn’t hurt you, did I?” His concern was obvious in his expression.

“Yes,” she admitted honestly. “But only for a few minutes. Then it felt good.” Her

eyes lit up. “Really good. Just like you promised me it would.”

Mikel smiled and brushed her hair from her face. That was just like his Dari. Always

so honest, so giving. She would never even consider not telling the truth. A pang of guilt

hit him and sat heavy in his gut. For he had not always been so honest with her. Even

though it was for her own safety, Dari would not appreciate having the truth of who she

was or what she was kept from her all these years.

He pushed those thoughts to the far corners of his mind, refusing to dwell on them or

let them intrude on the few stolen minutes he had with her.

Deep contentment settled in his bones as she climbed to her tippy toes and dropped a

light kiss on his lips. Mikel stepped back, pulling her with him into the rush of frigid


She shivered and cuddled in closer to his chest. “Come with me, Mikel. We’ll wash

up in the brook. The water there is much warmer.”

By the time they swam back to the embankment, night had closed in on them. Mikel

knew he’d stayed too long already. It was time to go.

His glance journeyed heavenward. Thick fog seemed to part in the darkening sky,

exposing the full moon. A tinge of red dusted the clouds edging the pale moon.

Blood on the moon.


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His guts shifted. His skin prickled. An intuitive warning. Self-preservation urged him

to grab Dari and run. The pungent smell of fear and fresh coppery blood filled his

nostrils. Suddenly he heard gunshots, shrieks of fear, and the thunderous sounds of heavy

footsteps echoing in his ears.

Grayson had found her.

Dari twisted to face him. The look in her eyes told him she’d read the confusion, the

alarm in his expression, and felt the tension rising in him. Her skin turned translucent, her

eyes wide, terrified. Mikel adjusted his footing and widened his stance, preparing for

combat. He reached for the dagger that he kept sheathed to his leg. It wasn’t there. For he

was still in her dream world. And she was in danger.

She clutched his arm. “You hear it too.” It was a statement, not a question.

“Dari, wake up!” he shouted.


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Chapter Three

“Dari! Wake up!”

Writhing on her bed deep in the Canadian mountains, her lids flew open, bringing

her face to face with Wallis, a new member of her commune. “Dari! Wake up!”

Suddenly, Mikel’s voice segued into Wallis’s. “You have to run. You have to get out of


Her gaze flew from Wallis, to her door, and back to Wallis again. Disoriented, Dari

clutched the blankets to her chest and jerked upright. She blinked her eyes into focus in

her dimly lit shelter.

“Hurry,” he said, shackling her wrists in his palms, helping her to her feet. “You

need to go. Now.”

Dari grabbed her linen dress from the foot of her bunk and hastily threw it over her

head. She fought down the rising panic and struggled to clear the fog from her head.

“What’s going on?” She followed him from her room and toward one of the many dark

tunnels that led outdoors.

With his hand still tight on her wrist, they cautiously crept forward. “They’ve found

you. I need to get you to safety.” Something in his curt voice triggered alarms in her head

like a trip wire.

Breathless, Dari pulled up short, jerking her arm from his grip, and placed her palm

on the damp rock wall of the dark passageway. Her eyes darted back and forth, assessing

the situation, looking to see if they’d been followed. An insect crawled out of a crevice

and nipped at her skin. Dari, never one to harm a living creature, didn’t whack at it, she

simply shook it off and narrowed her gaze.

“Who has found me?” she demanded.


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Wallis paused and turned to face her. The way his cunning eyes shifted, alerted her

to his apprehension. His glance moved from her, into the depths of the dark tunnel and

back to her again. It occurred to her that he was afraid. Of her, and of whatever waited for

them at the end of the tunnel.

What was going on?

When he took a small step toward her, forcing her to step back until she was pressed

against the rock wall, gut instinct warned her to tread carefully. Everything inside her

screamed that he was not a man to be trusted. Wallis hadn’t been with the commune for

long and Dari always had an uneasy feeling about him. He gave off an odd vibe that

reeked of greed and distrust. She couldn’t explain how she knew that, or how she sensed

it, she just did. Like she was able to read the emotions and thoughts of all the members of

the commune when she put her mind and full concentration to it. Of course, she never

breathed a word of her intuitive gift—or curse—depending on which way one looked at

it. Heaven knows she was enough of a misfit as it was.

As she stood there glaring at Wallis, those feelings of distrust amplified, sending

little alarm bells jangling in the back of her mind. She cleared her mind, an attempt to

read his thoughts.

Out of nowhere, a rush of hot anger whipped through her. Anger so strong and

intense, it surprised her. Not once had she ever felt such aggression well up inside her

before. Her gaze dropped to his neck. To the pulse beating there. Involuntarily her lips

peeled back, and she thirsted for his blood, her body urging her to slice into him and

drain him dry. The way she’d exposed her teeth surprised him as much as it did her.

“The elders, where are they?”

She watched his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. He ignored her questions. “I’ll

explain it later, Dari.” She didn’t miss the quiver in his voice. “Right now you must trust

me and follow me to safety.”

Trust. Everything about him screamed mistrust. Keeping her face blank,

expressionless she nodded her head, appeasing him. When she drew a calming breath the

acrid smell of fresh coppery blood reached her nostrils and her gut churned in response.


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Taking her by surprise a disturbing image of carnage, bloodshed, and mutilated bodies

flashed in her mind. Oh God! She gave herself a moment to absorb the information, then

intuitive intelligence told her the elders were all dead. Murdered. Killed in their sleep. All

of them.

“Of course, Wallis. Please lead the way. I’ll follow close behind.”

He hesitated, trying to read her expression, as though her sudden compliance and

change of demeanor threw him off. He was twice her size, yet afraid of her. She felt it in

every nerve ending, sensed it with her entire being. But why?

A moment later he said, “Let’s go.”

Her bare feet made no sound as they rushed across the rock floor. Ignoring the few,

jagged pebbles that bit into the pads of her feet, Dari pushed on, waiting for the

opportunity to make her move. She followed him for a few minutes, keeping close behind

until the tunnel forked, branching off in two directions. She knew these secret burrows

well, had spent decades exploring them. Wallis looked back to make sure she’d followed

him. When he turned forward again, Dari quietly backtracked and darted into the other


With every ounce of strength she possessed, she ran. She ran, putting as much

distance between them as possible before he realized she had escaped. After a short

while, she could see stars twinkling in the dark velvet sky. As she approached the mouth

of the cave, she slowed her steps and cautiously peered into darkness. Her vision was

extremely good at night. She could see things that her caregivers couldn’t, thus giving her

the advantage. She crept from the passageway, ran past the cook’s gardens, behind the

barns that housed their livestock and hid in a small cave she’d discovered years previous.

Her own little sanctuary that led to an abandoned twentieth-century mine. A place she’d

retreat to when she needed to be by herself. She rolled the rock away from the entrance

and slipped inside, moving the huge rock back in place, to shelter her from anyone

passing by. She had never been sure why she possessed so much strength, but at this

moment she was thankful for it.


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She sat quietly, listening. Her thoughts on fast-forward, sorting through the

information. Who was after her? And why? Why would someone invade their peaceful

commune? Kill its serene inhabitants?

The sound of shuffling outside the cavern stilled her thoughts. She listened carefully.

Hundreds of voices erupted in her head. The same collective voices that seeped into her

subconscious and turned her dreams into nightmares. She’d never heard them in her

waking hours before. Collapsing forward, she pressed her palms over her ears, trying to

lessen them to a dull roar. Trying to concentrate on only one voice at a time. She pinched

her eyes shut, took and took a couple of calming breaths. Finally, she succeeded to wade

through the voices. Tuning in the one that was closest to her. The one that was the most


“Step aside, Wallis, you fool. I trust you with one little task. What a small man you

must be to be foiled by a woman.”

“She’s not just a woman. She has your blood, Grayson.”


Dari’s breath caught, her heart slamming against her chest double time.

Why did she know that name?

Wallis rushed on. “The little bitch is smart and has inhuman strength.” She heard a

pause and then some sort of licking sound as though he was wetting his lips. Dari almost

felt sorry for him. Almost. “She’s powerful like you,” he groveled, obviously hoping to

win points with this Grayson person.

It won him no points.

The sound of a sharp blade being drawn from its sheath made her shiver. A moment

later she heard a thump and assumed it was Wallis’s body falling to the ground. The

sound of gold coins jingled and fell to the ground beside him. Sharp, insidious laughter


“Your coins will do you no good now, feeble servant.”

That voice. That name. Why was it so familiar? Had they crossed paths? If they had,

surely she would have remembered.


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Pressing her back against the cold, damp wall, she held her breath and continued to


“Dari!” The chill in his voice turned her blood to ice.

Her heart crashed against her chest, her vision went blurry around the edges. How

did this man know her by name?

“Come out here, Dari. If I have to send my men in there after you, I will be most

upset, and punishment for disobeying a direct order will be unpleasant.”

His tone told her he was a man used to getting what he wanted, used to being

obeyed, in control. As she stood in the dank cave, her mind raced, considering her

options, immediately dismissing the one that was most obvious. No way would she go

out there like he wanted.

Without preamble, Dari turned her back to the entrance and ran deeper into the pitch-

black tunnel. Fear propelled her forward, toward the small circle of light at the other end.

When she glanced back over her shoulder to gauge the distance between her and the

mouth of the cave, she smacked straight into a muscular wall, a man’s chest. Before she

fell backwards, strong arms gripped her waist, anchoring her in place, making escape


Oh God, now what? How was she going to get out of this? Her thoughts raced a

million miles an hour. What atrocities did they have planned for her? Death? Or

something far worse?

His hands tightened on her body. Suddenly, a strange calmness overtook her, and her

mind settled, leaving her with one thought and one thought only.


Taking herself by surprise, she fisted her hand and smashed it into the man’s neck, as

though some deep-seated instinct had kicked in. As he stumbled backwards, she used

strength and moves she didn’t even know she possessed. She did a roundhouse kick and

slammed him against the rock wall.

She lifted her foot above his head.

Dari, stop.


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The sound of Mikel’s voice in her head stopped her cold.


After Mikel broke the psychic connection with Dari, leaving her alone in her bed

with no weapons to defend herself against the monsters that had somehow found her, he

remained rooted on his rooftop turret. His mind raced and his heart pounded as wind

whipped around his body.


He shook his head, struggling to focus, to work through the panic and hysteria that

was affecting his ability to think rationally. Every vein in his body filled with heated

blood as rage started at his core and worked its way outward.

He pounded his hand on his stone wall. A few jagged pieces chipped free,

plummeting to the ground and settling around his bare feet. “Nooo…” He felt helpless as

he kicked the fragments away. His voice echoed in the still night, reminding him just how

isolated he was, so far from the woman he loved. Dari was all alone, unprotected,

defenseless, and he was miles away unable to safeguard her from danger—from an

inevitable abduction—tore at his soul, at his very existence. Many centuries ago, he’d

made a vow never to let anything happen to her, and he’d be damned if he stood by while

those degenerate bastards hunted her.

Knowing he’d give his life for hers, he turned and stormed inside the castle. He had

no choice but to summon Ayden from the village, have him prepare the shuttle he kept

stored on Mikel’s rooftop, and fly Mikel to Dari. Nothing or no one would stand in his

way of launching into the night sky with Ayden. Mikel dressed quickly, pulling on his

coat and boots. He needed to go to her, to rescue her from Grayson and his vicious

warriors, before they took her from his world and into theirs, where she’d never be heard

from again.

Heavy boots pounding on the cracked and pitted stone floor, Mikel paced like a

caged and taunted animal, waiting for Ayden to arrive. A quick glance at the antique

clock informed him that he had but a few hours. Dawn would soon be upon him. If he


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reached Dari in time, he could rescue her and return her to his home before sunrise. Then

Grayson and his men would be forced to seek shelter underground, giving him time to get

Dari behind the safety of his walls, where he could regroup and formulate an offense

before Grayson found them all and retaliated. Which, Mikel suspected, with Grayson’s

persistence and extraordinary powers, would inevitably happen.

A low, feral growl sounded deep in his throat. A burst of fury fired through his body

until he felt as if all his arteries would split wide open and spill his boiling blood. How in

the hell had they found her location? Curling his fingers in sheer frustration, he pounded

his fists against the stone wall once again.

It only took minutes for Ayden to come. Mikel pushed open his massive castle door

and waited for Ayden to climb the steps leading to the entrance. He let out a breath he

hadn’t realized he was holding as his trusted friend and confidant arrived. Although

Ayden looked to be approximately twenty-two in human years, he was an old soul, much

wiser than most, with talents rare to human kind. Which led Mikel to believe he wasn’t

human at all. Even though interplanetary travel was prohibited, for various reasons,

including war, cross-species mating, and the fear of another Nallie incident, Mikel knew

Ayden had come from far away. But he was Mikel’s friend, the only person he trusted,

and had not turned him over to the military rule task force, like the laws demanded.

In search of work, Ayden had showed up in their small village one day, seemingly

coming out of nowhere. Even though he wasn’t one to trust easily, Mikel immediately

took to him, offering him a job as his caregiver, knowing that like himself, Ayden was

different. Spending many nights together in his castle, sharing drinks, dinner, and

occasionally, a bed, they’d grown exceptionally close over the last year. Mikel thought of

Ayden as a friend, not a servant, and eventually, with Ayden’s encouragement and

support, he’d opened up to him, sharing his painful past and his darkest secrets.

Although they shared everything, Ayden rarely talked about his ancestry. Mikel

respected his right for privacy on that subject and therefore didn’t pry. But wherever he’d

come from, Ayden had brought with him a special ability to soothe emotions and draw

tension and negative energy from another’s body. A rare gift, indeed.


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Mikel’s heart beat wildly. “Ayden, it’s Dari.” He rushed the words out and reached

for his friend. “She’s in trouble. She’s been discovered. I must go to her.”

Ayden’s warm blue eyes softened as he touched Mikel’s shoulder. Ribbons of long

golden hair fell forward, the tips brushing Mikel’s forearms. “Where is Dari right now?”

His voice was low, calming. His energy like an anesthetic.

Mikel leaned into Ayden, drawing on his warm familiarity, in desperate need of his

comradeship. The touch on his shoulder had already started to assuage his frayed nerves.

He could feel Ayden drawing the negative energy away, replacing it with his own calm,

helping Mikel to focus his thoughts more clearly.

Mikel drew a deep centering breath. “When I broke the connection she was in her

bed. Grayson knows where she is. He is on her trail, and with the sun rising, time is

definitely not on our side.”

Ayden grew pensive for a moment, then his soft cadence fell over him like a warm

blanket. “You know you can’t leave the castle, Mikel. It’s not wise.”


Mikel pushed past him. It was a response he hadn’t expected under the

circumstances. Mikel didn’t care what was wise. Dari was his life. His one and only

reason for going on. Without her, life meant nothing. “Fuck what is wise,” he shot back at

his friend, his voice harsh. “I have to save her.”

“Mikel wait.” Ayden spoke in a clipped tone which immediately made Mikel come

up short. Anger very rarely seeped into Ayden’s tone.

Mikel spun around and faced his friend. Ayden’s lips parted, prepared to speak.

Mikel didn’t wait for an opening. “This isn’t up for debate, Ayden,” he growled between

clenched teeth. “I’m going.”

Ayden’s expression softened. “Stop letting emotions rule your thoughts. Think

logically about this for a moment. If you go to her rescue and bring her back here, your

existence will be detected. As you travel through the sky, unprotected.” He cut his hand

through the air, gesturing to the protective castle walls. “You two will create a stronger


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psychic signature. Grayson will be able to track you which will ultimately put Dari in

more danger.”

Mikel paused to absorb his words, hating, absolutely hating that Ayden was right.

But he couldn’t stand back and do nothing. He had to move. To do something. Fast. The

sun was rising, Grayson was closing in on her, and time was a luxury he didn’t have.

Mikel pressed his palm to his forehead, resisting the urge to connect with Dari just yet,

knowing the bond could put her in more danger if she had gone into hiding.

He glanced into Ayden’s eyes, searching for answers. When Ayden saw that he was

getting through to him he continued. “Dari is smart. Her natural-born instinct for self-

preservation will kick in and she’ll fight.”

Fuck. He hated feeling so damn helpless. Mikel’s nostrils flared. His stomach

churned and his heart plummeted. Even though all of Ayden’s points were valid, what if

they overpowered her? He wasn’t about to sit on the sidelines while his enemies engaged

in every debauched activity known to mankind with the woman he loved.

“I have to go get her, Ayden,” he insisted. “There is no choice in the matter. If I

don’t go to her, then under the cover of darkness, they’ll take her back to Sayton and do

unthinkable things to her.”

“Of course you have to save her. But I’ll go. Alone. I’ll bring her back. She’ll be

scared and that anxiety will increase her signal as well. I can absorb and expel her fear.”

Once again, Mikel took a moment to digest Ayden’s words, playing over the

scenario in his head, until he was certain it was the only logical solution. One that would

help keep her safe, and undetected. Only Ayden could ease Dari’s mind and soothe her

emotions and bring her back safely.

“Go,” Mikel said with a wave of his hand, feeling anxious, but suddenly hopeful.

“Bring her back safely.”

Ayden nodded in acquiesce. “Stay in my head. I need you to keep the connection

open so you can guide me to her exact location in the cave.”

Mikel touched his shoulder in a silent grateful gesture.


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“You know I’ll do everything in my power to bring her back here safely,” he said

reassuringly before he turned around and disappeared into the night. A moment later

Mikel heard Ayden’s shuttle take to the sky. Mikel quickly ascended the stairs to his

turret and made a three-way mind connection between Dari, Ayden and himself.


Dari, stop.

The sound of Mikel’s voice in her head nearly floored her. Her foot paused midair as

she assimilated the information. The pause was long enough for the young man beneath

her to gather himself and rise. In a defensive action, he stepped away from her, out of her

personal space. He remained silent, watching her carefully, his face oddly serene.

It couldn’t be Mikel in her head. It had to be a trick. Grayson had to be messing with

her mind. Mikel existed only in her dreams. She’d never heard him in her waking hours

before. Ever.

Dari, listen to me. The man who is with you is Ayden. He’s there to help. To bring

you to me.

She took a small step backwards, widening the space even more. Shaking her head,

she stared into the man’s soft blue eyes. She’d never quite seen eyes like those before.

For a moment she felt dizzy, drugged, mesmerized. She blinked her mind back into focus

as he slowly, cautiously walked toward her, palms out.

“Don’t,” she bit out. “Don’t come any closer.” Her eyes scanned the cave quickly,

looking for something, anything that she could use as a weapon.

“I’m not here to hurt you, Dari. Listen to Mikel.”

How does he know about Mikel? Her dream lover. She tried to clear her head so she

could tap into his thoughts, but she hadn’t practiced it enough to do it upon command.

As though reading her thought, he continued, “Mikel has sent me here to help. I

understand your fear, but it is not I who is here to harm you.” There was nothing in his

voice to cause her to fret, to be anxious, or to fear for her safety.


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Suddenly, a strange calm overtook her. What was going on? “How do I know you’re

not with them? Trying to trick me?”

The calm that had fallen over her quickly disappeared as angry voices echoed in the

passageway behind her. A shiver skipped down her spine, kicking her self-preservation

senses into high gear. In an instant she knew the rock had been removed from the mouth

of the tunnel. She pressed her hands over her temple, concentrating on her next move.

Ayden reached out and placed a placating hand on her shoulder. She felt her body

relax again, felt the fear drain from her soul. For some strange reason she was comforted

by his touch.

Dari…” The voice came from her head. From Mikel.

“Mikel. I don’t understand.” She said the words out loud. Ayden watched her

carefully and listened as though he too could hear the entire conversation in her mind.

“I know, Dari. There is much to explain. You are being chased by vampires and you

must not allow them to catch you.”

She furrowed her brow, pressed her palms harder against her temples as though that

would help keep the connection between Mikel and herself, and gave a quick shake of her

head. “Vampires? Mikel, vampires exist only in folklore.”

“No, Dari. They don’t.”

She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her off. “There will be time for questions

later. Right now you must go with Ayden.”

She stared at the young man with the soft blue eyes and golden hair. “What is your

name?” she asked, testing him.

He smiled as though pleased by her test. “I am Ayden.”

Oh God, could she trust him? Did she have a choice? Even though her gut instinct

told her he was safe, she took a quick moment to try to read his thoughts again, catching

glimpses of Mikel, a castle, and…affection. A different kind of affection than she’d ever


She stole a quick glance over her shoulder. The footsteps grew louder as the

vampires closed in on her.


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“We must hurry, Dari. We’re out of time.” He held his hand out to her.

Left with little choice she put her hand in his. He gripped her tight as together they

bolted through the old mine shaft. She allowed him to lead her to the opening at the other

end. There she found an air shuttle. She’d seen many shuttles in the sky, of course, the

technology was common, but never had she been so close to one. Modern creations were

prohibited in her commune.

“Climb in.” Ayden ran around the other side and jumped into the driver’s seat. Dari

shimmied in beside him.

A moment later they were high in the sky, moving at such a great speed that her

stomach swayed. Dari pressed the back of her hand over her mouth as a wave of nausea

took hold.

Once again, as though sensing her distress, Ayden put his palm on hers. She felt her

heartbeat slow in time to his. Felt her mind go fuzzy. Felt her tongue grow thick. Speech

became harder to come by and it grew increasingly difficult to keep her eyes focused.

As she started to drift off, existing on a level somewhere between consciousness and

sleep, she could still feel Mikel inside her, comforting her, encouraging her to accept the

pull and succumb to sleep.

She nodded off for a quick second and then pulled herself awake. Dear God, she

shouldn’t be dozing off at a time like this. She glanced at Ayden. What was this man

doing to her? He somehow had control over her senses. Had her in some kind of trance.

She willed her hand to reach for the door, not that she could escape while careening

through the sky at breakneck speed. Her lethargic body refused to cooperate anyway. She

needed to get away from him, but how? It took all her effort to twist her head to look at

him. A warm smile reached his eyes and lulled her closer to sleep.

“Who are you and what do you want with me?”

Before he had a chance to answer, she fell asleep.


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Chapter Four

Mikel stood inside his castle and looked out past his turret and waited for Ayden to

arrive with Dari. He kept the three-way connection open the entire time, which allowed

Ayden to share his every emotion, his every thought.

Finally a bright light broke through a layer of fog in the distant sky, indicating their

near arrival. Dari remained fast asleep, as per Mikel’s orders. A precautionary measure

for her own safety. While she slept it would lessen the chances of her signature being

followed. Mikel needed to get her safely inside the walls of the castle before she awoke.

With the two of them together, he had no idea how much protection his shields would

provide but he hoped it would be enough for the time being, until they figured their next

course of action.

With long strides, Mikel headed straight for the front entrance. He burst through the

doorway and descended the stairs. Impatiently, he paced back and forth on his

cobblestone walkway, taking long, deep breaths, and stared into the silent night, knowing

it was dangerous to venture too far from his castle, or spend too much time outside his

walls. Thick fog hung low over the mountains. It felt heavy, suffocating. A fitting match

for his mood.

His thoughts raced. After all this time, how had Grayson suddenly located her? Had

he stayed too long with her this evening? His stomach twisted as he considered his next

thought. What if they had gotten hold of her? What if they had taken her with them? He

couldn’t imagine the atrocities they’d put her through.

Dari. His innocent Dari.

His guts churned with the sudden turn of events, with his feelings of helplessness.

Dari had been too close to those vile creatures that cared nothing about her and only

wanted her for her body. Creatures that would keep her alive as nothing more than a


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breeding machine. He fisted his hands as a round of curses filled the great outdoors and

echoed against the mountain peaks hugging his castle. He should have been there for her.

He should have been able to help her, protect her. Even though she had been so brave and

so smart in the face of danger, she never should have had to fight alone. Thankfully

Ayden had reached her when he had.

He spotted Ayden’s silhouette off in the distance walking with Dari in his arms.

Mikel pushed open the heavy gate protecting his estate. The old hinges groaned in

protest. When Ayden brought Dari to him, he pulled her into his arms, cradling her small

frame against his chest. She stirred as he turned around, retraced his steps and hurried

back inside the castle.

Ayden followed close behind, he doubled his steps to keep pace. His heavy footfalls

merged with Mikel’s and echoed in the eerily still night.

After Mikel entered the grand front entrance, he turned back to face his friend and

spoke in a hushed tone. “Ayden, please stay. I’ll need you here tonight.”

Stepping farther inside, Ayden closed the heavy door behind him. “Of course, Mikel.

I have no plans to leave. Dari needs us both.”

He glanced at Dari asleep in his arms, taking note of the scratches on her legs and

arms. A wave of fury passed through him. Thankfully, Ayden had agreed to stay. He’d

need him to help calm Dari when she woke. For the time had come to explain to her what

she was and where she’d come from.

Ayden moved closer to Mikel and touched his shoulder. “I feel your love for her,

Mikel. It is most powerful.” He narrowed his gaze. “You understand that when all three

of us mentally connected you shared those emotions with me. I now share your memories

and feel all that love for her as well.”

Mikel nodded in understanding, assuring Ayden he felt no sense of jealousy with

Ayden’s new feelings. In fact, it gave him comfort to know that the only man he loved

and trusted, also loved Dari. “I’m glad she now has two men who love her. Two



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Ayden smiled. “She is safe now, Mikel. You must relax. Even in sleep she can feel

your anxiety.”

Mikel blew a calming breath and nodded.

Ayden squeezed Mikel’s shoulder. “Come, let’s put her in your chambers. She needs

to rest. When she awakens she will have much to understand.”

With Ayden in tow, Mikel climbed the stone steps and carried Dari’s listless body to

his chambers. Ayden pulled back the linen covers, preparing the bed, and then walked

around the other side while Mikel placed her on the mattress. The bed dipped as Mikel

sat beside her. He glanced at Ayden, motioning for him to join them. Ayden took a seat

on the opposite side, brushed Dari’s dark hair from her shoulders and pressed his hand

over her heart, slowing her heartbeat even more, putting her into a deeper sleep.

“She won’t awaken for hours. Come. Let me pour you a drink and help you relax,”

Ayden said.

Mikel turned his attention to Dari. She looked so small and vulnerable as she slept.

He shouldn’t leave her side. Mikel opened his mouth to protest.

Reading his thoughts, Ayden cut him off. “It is what you need to do, Mikel. Sitting

here worrying will do Dari no good. Feeling your anxiety will only serve to heighten

hers. You must leave her alone, to sleep and gather strength. Come with me. Share a

drink. Let me take away your anxiety.”

Mikel rose and followed his friend down the staircase to the liquor cabinet where

Ayden poured two shots. He pressed one into Mikel’s hand.

Frustrated with the situation, Mikel raked his fingers through his hair, noted the time,

and grabbed the bottle. “Let’s go outside. We still have a few moments before sun-up,

and I need air to clear my head.” He walked away and his trusted confidant followed.

Out on the balcony, the wind seemed to die down, as if sensing the immediate danger

was over. Temporarily. With the sun approaching the horizon, Grayson and his men

would have taken to the underground, and he too would soon have to seek the shelter of

the dark.


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Mikel leaned against the brass rail and tossed back another shot. The liquid burned

all the way down. Warmth spread like a brush fire through his veins. He wiped his mouth

with the back of his hand and glanced at Ayden. “This isn’t over, you know. Now that

Grayson knows the rumors of Dari’s existence are true, he won’t stop until he finds her.”

Ayden took the bottle from Mikel’s grasp and refilled both their shot glasses. “I


Mikel blew out a heavy breath and stared at the dark water crashing against the rocks

below. The waves were as black and as cold as the heart of the vampires seeking them.

“We must prepare ourselves for an invasion.”

“Yes, but we must both have clear heads, Mikel.”

Mikel shifted to face Ayden and angrily took another swig of the bitter liquid. Ayden

placed his hand on Mikel’s shoulder, easing the tension inside him. He stepped closer,

until their bodies touched, and their groins meshed.

Mikel let his head roll back. A low growl rose from his throat as Ayden’s flesh

pressed up against his. Need rushed through him and brought on a shudder.

“I am here for you, Mikel. In every way you need me.”

Mikel reached out and clasped his hand around one side of his friend’s neck. Ayden

leaned into his touch and exhaled slowly. His warm, scotch-scented breath wafted across

Mikel’s face and trickled down his body, singeing his blood and firing his senses on the


“As I am here for you,” Mikel returned.

Ayden’s eyes turned a darker shade of blue as they locked with Mikel’s. “Let me

take care of your tension, Mikel.”

With his cock thickening in response, Mikel growled his consent. Raw, primal need

filled him. Mikel had been in Ayden’s head all night, connecting with him on an

emotional level. Now alone on the balcony, with the immediate crises over, his body

tightened, hungering to connect with him again. This time on a physical level.


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Knowing exactly what Mikel required, Ayden tossed back another shot and took

Mikel’s glass from him. He placed them on the small side table and brought his attention

back around to Mikel.

Ayden placed his palm on Mikel’s shoulder, drew a deep breath and briefly closed

his eyes. Mikel threw his head back again and let Ayden’s calming energy rush through

his bloodstream. When Ayden began to work the buttons free on Mikel’s shirt, sweat

collected on Mikel’s brow.

This was exactly what he needed.

Mikel reached out mentally and let his mind meld with Ayden’s. There was no need

for spoken words. They were now in each other’s heads, reading each other’s thoughts,

feeling each other’s physical desires.

“That’s better, Mikel. Let go of the tension. This is what you need. What we both

need before we figure out a strategy to conquer Grayson.”

Ayden’s strong hands kneaded Mikel’s chest and then traveled lower to slip inside

his pants. Mikel gripped his friend’s shirt and felt his thoughts scatter. The feel of

Ayden’s thick fingers sheathing his engorged cock aroused the beast in him. His eyes

darkened. His nails grew into talons as sharp fangs pushed through his gums. It felt good

to let go, to allow the animal in him to come out to play. He’d always restrained that side

of him while making love to Dari. With Ayden, anything went. There was no need to

leash his control.

When their mouths met, the slow burning passion ignited. Fire licked through his

veins as their scotch-soaked tongues mated. Mikel felt his lips peel back as an inhuman

rumble sounded deep in his throat.

None too gently, Mikel fisted Ayden’s hair. His body started to shake and when their

tongues danced, Ayden squeezed his hand and stroked Mikel’s thick, steel erection faster.

A strangled moan lodged in Mikel’s throat. Panting heavily, Ayden dipped into

Mikel’s liquid heat swirling it over the tip of his cock, urging him on.

“Yesssss…” Mikel bucked against his hand, grinding, seeking something more, and

needing to answer the pull in his groin. “I need to fuck you, Ayden.”


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Ayden continued to work his hands over Mikel’s cock. Mikel’s heart pounded as he

tore Ayden’s clothes from his trembling body and placed his hands on his friends

throbbing dick.

Ayden gave a lusty groan, pulled Mikel’s pants open wider, licked his palm and put

it back on Mikel’s cock. He stroked him and cupped his balls, massaging them until

Mikel felt himself teetering on the edge.

Mikel grunted. The sound rumbled in the mountains around him. Wildlife scattered

in the trees and took to the air.

Ayden dropped to his knees and drew Mikel’s cock into his mouth. He swirled his

tongue over his head, drinking in his precome and then moved deeper between his legs to

draw his balls into his mouth. It was all Mikel could do to hang on. Mikel continued to

fuck his mouth until he neared the point of no return.


Roughly, Mikel grabbed Ayden, lifted him to his feet, hastily turned him around and

bent him over the railing. Mikel wet his fingers and slathered his saliva over Ayden’s

passage. He worked his fingers inside, spreading him, preparing him. Once his muscles

were warmed, and loosened, Mikel positioned his cock near the entrance. “Are you ready

for me?”

Ayden’s breathing changed. Became labored, anticipatory. “Fuck me, Mikel.”

Mikel leaned over Ayden’s back and gripped his friend’s cock, stroking him as he

plunged his dick into his tight opening, spreading both rings of muscle as he entered.

Ayden moaned, his ass opening for him, accepting every inch of him, taking all his girth

and length deep into his body.

Ayden bucked forward, shifted his stance and thrust back again, impaling himself on

Mikel’s rock-hard dick. Together they found a rhythm, reaching a fevered pitch.

There was an intensity, an urgency in his carnal hunger unlike anything he’d ever felt

before. Perhaps it was from the events of the night and his desperate need to expel the

tension from his body. It was frightening and exhilarating at the same time.


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Mikel bit into Ayden’s neck and fed as he pumped his cock in and out of his tight

fissure. Warm metallic blood filled his veins, giving him a natural high. As a Nallie, he

didn’t need blood to sustain him, but the taste proved to be most gratifying.

Ayden moaned as Mikel’s teeth pierced his flesh. The puncture always excited

Ayden and brought on a powerful orgasm. Ayden drove his cock harder against Mikel’s

hands. “I’m close, my friend.”

“As am I.”

Mikel slowed his hand movements, knowing just how Ayden liked it when he gave

himself over to release, softly stroking his shaft as Ayden’s orgasm rocketed through


When Ayden’s climax subsided, Mikel gripped his hips and plunged as deeply as

possible and let his own orgasm take hold. “So good…”

“Ahhh…yes…Mikel. So good.” Mikel could feel Ayden’s pleasure, visualize the

smile of satisfaction on his mouth.

Mikel panted harder then completely let himself go. He dug his fingers into Ayden’s

flesh and shot his seed deep into his ass. Ayden pumped his ass muscles greedily, until he

milked him of his every last drop.

Ayden straightened and turned to face Mikel. He placed both hands on Mikel’s

shoulders and squeezed.

“Thank you.” Mikel drew air into his lungs and took a moment to regroup. When his

breathing finally returned to normal he added, “You were right. That was exactly what I

needed to clear my head.”

Ayden pulled Mikel to him, and Mikel let his friend’s warmth move through him as

a myriad of emotions coursed through his veins.

As the sun crested the horizon, Mikel knew he needed to gain cover, to protect his

body before he turned to dust. Ayden glanced over his shoulder and peered inside the


When Ayden’s brow furrowed, Mikel asked, “Is she going to be okay?”

“She’s stirring.”


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“I know,” Mikel responded, feeling it as well.

“Long before she should be. She’s strong. Much stronger than I realized.”

“We need to go to her,” Mikel said softly.

After quickly dressing, they made their way back to the chambers. Dari’s small body

lay twisted on the sheets. Pebbles of moisture speckled her forehead and dampened her

clothes to her body.

Mikel shook his head in frustration. “Jesus, it pains me to see her like this.” He

lowered himself into a rocking chair and drew it close to the bed.

Ayden sat beside her on the mattress and placed his hand over her head, breaching

her consciousness, and trying to soothe her. “She’s dreaming now, Mikel but I fear that

since she has tapped into Grayson’s head and has managed to distinguish his voice from

all the collective ones in her mind, her dreams are of his memories.”

Mikel wondered how Ayden knew so much about his breed. Yes, there was written

literature and yes, Ayden had read it all, but it was as if he too had been through it, as if

he too was Nallie…

If it were true, why would he keep it a secret?

Mikel shook his head with incredulity. “How do you know all this?” he questioned.

Ayden shrugged easily and said, “I wish I could tell you.” Which led Mikel to

believe that Ayden was as perplexed about the origin of his powers as Mikel was.

“What can we do to help her?” Mikel asked, refocusing his thoughts.

Ayden gestured to the chair beside the bed. “Now that you’re much calmer, you

won’t disturb her so we can sit and wait. Perhaps now your presence will even help

comfort her and keep out the harsh nightmares. When she awakens she will have many

questions. All we can do is try to answer.”

Mikel adjusted his fatigued body in the chair. He planted his elbows into the

cushiony armrests and braced his chin in his palm. He blew out a long slow breath as he

watched the woman he loved slip into a lucid dream that had forever haunted her

subconscious. Upon waking she would have many questions, and he had no choice but to


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answer the best he could. He just hoped she didn’t hate him for keeping her past from her

all these years.


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Chapter Five

Dari tossed restlessly on the bed. Perspiration dampened her linen dress as she

slipped into one of her all too familiar, all too terrifying dreams. Her ears were

immediately assaulted with the ungodly, painful cries of women and children. She

glanced around but wished she hadn’t. Bodies bathed in fresh crimson blood were strewn

everywhere. The loud clanking sounds of metal-coated wooden daggers stung her ears.

Wind swirled around her body as wooden-tipped arrows whizzed past her head. She

turned in time to see a flash of sharp white teeth before they sank into a man’s neck as

soldiers fought against…vampires?

The battlefield, filled with fallen men, extended as far as the eye could see. Her

glance journeyed to the sky. Heavy, dark clouds loomed overhead as though waiting to

open up and cleanse the Earth of its alien invaders.

Strangely, this dream felt different from her others. She felt out of body, like her

movements were not hers and everything around her was surreal.

Suddenly, hundreds of voices erupted in her head. She winced, working to sort

through them, to focus only on one.

As though being controlled by another, she moved forward, stepping over bodies,

searching for something but for what she didn’t know. Brush and broken arrows crunched

beneath her boots as she hunkered down next to a listless body. She flipped it over to

discover it was that of a slain soldier. His heart looked as though it had been torn from his

chest. In this dream, pleasure, not fear raced through her at the horrendous sight. Beads of

blood trickled from two puncture wounds on his neck. For some unknown reason, the

sight and smell of his fresh blood didn’t immediately nauseate her. In fact it brought on a

primal hunger unlike anything she’d ever felt before. Her mouth went suddenly dry and


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she knew the only thing that would quench her thirst was to drink the dead man’s thick

syrupy essence.

Leaving the dead soldier forgotten, she rose to her full height, lifted her gaze and

turned her attention to one of the vampires on the battlefield next to her. She snarled and

fisted her hands, although on closer inspection, the hands weren’t hers at all.

“Find me a female. Keep her alive.”

That voice. A man’s voice. It came from her mouth, yet it wasn’t her mouth. And it

wasn’t her voice. Although vaguely familiar, she couldn’t quite place it. She’d heard it

before, but the answer to the owner’s identity was trapped in the dark corners of her

mind, just out of reach.

Moving with inhuman speed, she searched through the fatally wounded bodies.

For a female.

An arrow grazed her skin but with a swipe of her tongue, the puncture quickly

healed. She turned so fast, her image blurred. With lightning reflexes, she thrust her arm

out and closed her hand over a young soldier’s neck. The wooden-tipped arrow poised at

his shoulder, an arrow meant for her heart, fell to the ground with a clunk as she

tightened her hand around his windpipe. With the utmost ease, she lifted him in the air. It

gave her great joy to see him flail helplessly, his arms and legs struggling to grasp on to

something as he fought for his last breath. The melodic sound of his bones crunching

whipped through her blood like a powerful aphrodisiac. Her lips peeled back as her

incisors descended. Had her hands not been closed around the soldier’s throat, she would

have touched her sharp fangs to verify they were indeed real. Craving the fluid rushing

through the soldier, she brought his body to her and sank her teeth into the blue

protruding vein of his throat. The taste of warm metallic blood helped assuage the hunger

in her. She drank and drank, greedily draining him until her own body had its fill. Once

sated, she let his corpse fall into a lifeless lump with all the others.

A wide-eyed man, panting for his next breath, came forward to stand before her. He

lowered his head. “Grayson,” he said, as though waiting for permission to speak.



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Oh God! She knew that name and suddenly recognized the voice coming from her

mouth. As reality dawned on her, the pieces fell into place. Panic raced through her as

she sorted the information. She now understood why the dream felt different. Because

she was seeing it through Grayson’s eyes. She was in his head, in his body, feeling his

thoughts and his desires. But how? Why? None of this made sense. She tried to shake it

off, to wake up, to get out of his body and into her own, but her efforts proved futile.

Watching helplessly through Grayson’s eyes, Grayson took a step closer to the man

before her. The small, breathless man shifted, obviously nervous, knowing he was about

to bear the brunt of Grayson’s rage. His fangs scraped his bottom lip as he anxiously

glanced around, looking anywhere and everywhere but at Grayson.

“Speak.” The hardness in Grayson’s voice forced the other man to rush on.

“The Nallie are all dead and only a handful of our kind have survived the attack.

There are too many soldiers to fight. We need to leave here now, and go back to Sayton

while we still can.”

Feeling Grayson’s emotions as though they were her own, anger poured through her

veins faster than the blood she’d just devoured. “No.” Grayson grabbed the man’s neck.

“Find me a female! We do not leave here until you have found one. Do you understand?”

When Grayson let go of the man’s neck, he scurried away, never once looking back.

As the battle ensued, Grayson moved forward, searching. He would not let a weaker

species destroy what he had spent decades creating. He would find another female and

breed her with his men. He would recreate the powerful Nallie breed again. Only this

time, he’d rein in his patience, give it more time, create a stronger army and be better

prepared. Then he’d come back and finish what he’d started. He’d invade Earth, kill all

its inhabitants and take over the rich planet once and for all. Humans would indeed pay

for killing his kind and forcing them from the planet centuries ago.

Off in the distance, his supersensory hearing picked up the sound of a baby crying.

He bolted through the battlefield and concentrated on the location. Branches sliced his

flesh as he trekked into the surrounding forest. Ignoring the sting, he rushed forward,


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pushing past thick trees and brush. Wild animals scattered and cried out in warning as

birds of prey took to the sky.

The sound of the cries grew louder. He concentrated on the location until he closed

the distance. The small child lay beside its dead mother. Grayson recognized the mother.

She was Nallie. Hope stirred in his veins.

“Hush, little one.” He bent down and scooped the infant into his arms. As though

sensing his commanding presence, the child abruptly ceased crying. Stomach down, he

placed the small body on his knee and ripped open the back of her cotton shirt. A black X

had been branded into her flesh, just below the shoulder blade.

A wide smile stretched across his mouth. For he had found exactly what he’d been

looking for. The creator of a new breed.

Dari watched the action through Grayson’s eyes. Her heart leapt in her throat at the

sight of the X. A cold shiver raced down her spine. She instinctively knew that baby he

held in his arms was her.

Grayson stood and lifted her in the air, rejoicing his glory. The baby whimpered.

Then out of nowhere an arrow went zinging past his head, embedding itself deep into the

flesh of the child he held in his arms. The whimpering stopped as the arrow lodged in the

baby’s heart.

Unable to relive the pain all over again, Dari jolted awake in a bed that was not hers.

Her pulse thrummed in her ears as her heart crashed against her chest. She wiped the

perspiration from her forehead and looked around, attempting to orientate herself but

nothing, except the two men who flanked her bedside, appeared familiar. Asleep in a

chair to her right, she found Ayden, the man who had saved her from Grayson. To the left

of her she spotted Mikel, propped up in a chair. Her gaze moved over his body. His head

rested against a cushion, his eyes closed, his chest rising and falling in a slow motion as

he, too, slept. Her entire body responded to him with every fiber of her being. Everything

in her screamed out to touch him, to claim him. Emotions whipped through her blood as

her heart turned and tightened. The connection, the pull between them was as powerful in

the real world as it was in her dreams.


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She pinched her eyes shut, and then opened them again. Perhaps this was just a

dream? Blinking her eyes back into focus, she perused her surroundings once more.

Nothing had changed. How could this all be real?

When she found her fingers trembling, she linked them together and drew deep

fortifying breaths. How? Why? How could Mikel exist outside her dream world?

Pushing past her fears, she quietly climbed from the bed and fought to make sense of

it all. Her bare feet touched the cold stone floor. A chill rushed through her. She started to

rise then stopped as a wave of dizziness took hold. Fingers combing her thick hair from

her eyes, she waited until the lightheadedness passed. She dragged herself from the

mattress and shook off the feeling of disorientation. The need for answers, to understand

what was going on, propelled her forward.

Without making a sound she padded from the bedchamber and made her way into

the hall. She cautiously glanced both ways before moving to the winding staircase.

Hugging her thin linen dress to her cold body, she moved swiftly down the stairs. At the

main landing, she turned her attention to the front door. She couldn’t escape. She had

nowhere to go. No one to turn to, and the sun, it was too high in the sky. She also knew

Grayson was out there somewhere, searching for her signal through his psychic

connection to her. Everything inside her told her that Mikel, a man whom she still had a

hard time fathoming, was more than simply her dream man, he was the epitome of

strength and power and would protect her with his life. But why had he kept his real

existence a secret, and only come to her in her sleep?

Shades had been pulled over all the windows blocking out the stinging rays of sun.

She glanced into the massive rooms as she passed by the doors. One room, with rows and

rows of books lining the walls, caught her attention. She moved inside the library and

walked to the bookshelf searching for clues to her many unanswered questions. She

studied the binding and was somewhat disturbed to discover how many books there were

on vampire history. Her stomach churned. Dari fought off the shiver that threatened to

make her body convulse.


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She moved to the desk and glanced at what appeared to be some type of journal. The

pages had yellowed with age. Pulling out a padded chair she sat down, turned her

attention to the book and began reading.

Soon minutes turned into hours as she absorbed the information. Some passages had

to be read a second or even a third time as her mind struggled to understand what she

was. Finally, the pieces of the puzzle started to fall into place. The sunlight, the inhuman

strength, the ability to feel things others couldn’t.

Why had all this information been kept from her? A rush of anger tore through her

and fired her blood.

She didn’t need to turn around to know Mikel was there watching. She felt his

presence long before he spoke. Her spine stiffened, her stomach knotted.


With rage stirring her soul and urging her on, she swung her head around and came

face to face with Mikel.

She clenched her jaw and worked to keep her voice steady. “It’s all real.” Her voice

dripped with ice.

He glanced at the book before her and stepped farther into the room.

“It’s real,” she said again, as though repeating the words would help her come to

terms with it all.

Mikel pulled a chair away from the wall, positioned it beside Dari and sat next to

her. His hand reached out to comfort her. She noted how he touched her with fierce

possessiveness. His hands were soft, comforting, drawing her into a cocoon of warmth.

His caress worked some mysterious alchemy on her soul. Feeling her resolve begin to

melt, she quickly recoiled and moved out of his reach. She needed answers. Needed to

know why he would keep this from her.

She watched a muscle in his square jaw tighten. “Yes, Dari. It’s all real,” he replied


She gave an angry shake of her head. All along she had thought vampires were

simply folklore. How foolish of her. Feeling emotionally battered, she lowered her gaze


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and spoke into the open book. “The dream, the baby, the battle.” She tipped her head up,

slowly. Her eyes grew wide as she met his glance. “Grayson.”

“I’m sorry, Dari.”

His apology fueled her anger. “Sorry? You’re sorry. All this time you kept this

knowledge from me and all you can say is you’re sorry. Why would you do that?” Dari

stood up so abruptly her chair went flying backwards. Hugging herself to stave off a

shiver, she paced the room.

“I had to keep it from you, Dari. For your own protection. Once you knew what you

were, you would no longer be able to suppress the vampire in you. Eventually it would

have grown stronger and you would have been detected. I watched over you and

protected you the best I could from afar. But last night I must have stayed too long. I gave

away your location, and I will never forgive myself for putting you in danger.”

Her mind suddenly filled with memories of being awakened by Wallis. She shook

her head. “It wasn’t you, Mikel. It was Wallis, a new member of the commune. He knew

what I was and sold me to Grayson.”

“Bastard,” Mikel cursed under his breath. “I’ll kill him.”

“It’s too late for that. Grayson has taken care of him already.” Dari swallowed the

lump lodged in her throat. “You have no idea how lonely I’ve been, Mikel. How I longed

to have a family, to be loved.”

Mikel stood and took two steps to close the distance. “I do know, Dari. I’ve spent my

entire life as an outcast too, longing to love you the way you needed to be loved.” The

fine lines bracketing his eyes alerted her to his weariness and to his own pain.

Her vision clouded as water pooled in her eyes. Her heart thudded erratically and her

legs weakened beneath her. When she wobbled, his large hands spanned her waist and

drew her close. Frustrated and confused, she lashed out at him, pounding her palms on his

chest. “I should have been told, Mikel. I should have been told…” Her voice trailed off.

He held her, cradling her in his arms, letting her work her anger and frustration out

on his chest. Once her energy drained, he took hold of her hands and placed them at her



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Thumbing her tears away, he tipped her chin and traced the pattern of her face. The

minute she looked into his gentle eyes, her heart leapt with the love she felt for him. His

touch exploded her senses and she found herself leaning into him. God, it felt so good to

be held, really held for the first time.

He dropped a soft, tender kiss onto her forehead. This time she allowed her resolve

to crumble. Her heart tightened and ached for him. As though moving of their own

volition, her hands closed over his.

“And what about your protection, Mikel? You had the knowledge. Could you not

have been detected?”

“Yes, it was possible. I took measures and equipped my castle walls with shields, but

it was still possible.”

She sniffed, as her tears dried. “Why didn’t you bring me here? Why couldn’t we be

together here, protected in your castle?”

His nostrils flared as he shook his head. “Because it is dangerous. Our signature is

stronger when we are together, thus enhancing our chances of being found.”

She raised one brow and inquired, “And now, can we not be found?”

“Yes. We need to prepare for that.”


He got quiet, thoughtful for a moment. A clear indication that he didn’t have the

answer to her question.

She glanced at his desk, back at the book. “It says here when two mature Nallie join

as one, body and soul, with their true soul mate, they are gifted with special powers.”

Lifting her glance, she narrowed her eyes. “What special powers?”

As though he had every passage memorized, he walked back to the desk, keeping her

anchored to his side, and turned the pages of the book. He pointed. “Here it says that

some can shapeshift and some are gifted with exceptional strength.” When she opened

her mouth, he answered her unasked question. “Greater strength than you have now,

Dari.” She nodded in understanding and waited for him to continue. “There are even

reports of some being able to move through crowds with such incredible speed, they can


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travel undetected. This is why the government set up a task force to kill our kind. We

were nothing more than Grayson’s puppets put on Earth to do his bidding.”

“And when two Nallie combine blood, they are gifted with the ability to transcend

time but death is a possible price?”

“Yes, from what I understand the energy created is extremely volatile, and can burn

and destroy everything in its path, including the creators of the energy.”

Soft footsteps heralded Ayden’s arrival. She turned to face the doorway and spotted

Ayden entering the room. His eyes were soft, curious, as he glanced around taking in the

scene before him.

Dari walked over and stood before him. “Thank you for rescuing me.”

He smiled and touched her arm. She felt all the tension drain from her. “How do you

do that?” Perhaps the ability to drain away tension was also another special power. But he

couldn’t possibly be Nallie. Literature spoke of only two children being rescued.

Ayden answered her question with one of his own. “Do you feel any different,


“Yes,” she admitted.

“Now that you have seen the battle and know what you are, your powers will begin

to grow stronger. But that also puts you in grave danger.”

“I understand.”

Ayden glanced at Mikel. “You two need time alone. I will leave now and when I

come back I’ll bring clothes for Dari and together we will all work on a strategy to defeat



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Chapter Six

Ayden had increased the power of his mental shield before he left Mikel’s castle and

made his way back to his own house in the village. He took his time, pacing his steps as

he sorted through matters. Now that Dari and Mikel were together, under the same roof,

they would begin to mate, and he hoped their mating would aid them in developing the

ability to block their signatures as all other Nallie on his planet had learned to do.

Centuries previous, a band of Nallie had learned to protect their thoughts from

Grayson. During the chaotic battle that Dari so vividly remembered, those Nallie had

found the perfect opportunity to flee Earth. With Grayson assuming they’d all been

killed, they had no fear he’d go searching for his lost puppets. Ayden, along with a

handful of others had traveled to Kelan and colonized. Only a few years back, they had

learned Dari and Mikel had survived the battle.

After making his way to his small room in the village, Ayden positioned himself on

his floor, crossed his legs and closed his eyes, focusing his mind on the journey ahead.

For the next few minutes, he sifted through time and space. He needed to go back home,

talk to the council, and regroup while he gave Mikel and Dari time to acquaint

themselves with one another. Soon he felt his body shift, and when he opened his eyes he

found himself in his quarters on Kelan.

There his soul mate awaited his arrival. His heart swelled with love when her warm

familiar scent curled around him. Her dark hair was pinned at the nape the way he liked.

Her dark almond eyes smoldered with passion and love as they met his. Arms spread, she

rose from her seat when he appeared.

“Ayden, I’ve missed you.” Janaa swung her sleek arms around his neck and kissed

him with all the love inside her.


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There was no need to tell her of his adventures, or any of the details, for she had

been in his mind the entire time. Experiencing everything through him, with him.

Pressing his hips to hers, he kissed her in return, matching her intensity and passion.

He inched back and whispered into her mouth. “And I’ve missed you, my sweet.”

Ayden rained kisses over her neck as his hands eagerly palmed her supple curves.

His voice dropped an octave as desire stirred in his blood. “I crave you, Janaa. Crave to

be inside you, to make love all night long, but first I must present my findings to the

council and ask permission for you to travel back to Earth with me. Dari needs you.”

Janaa finger-combed Ayden’s hair and gave him a warm, loving smile. “Yes, I

thought the same thing.”

Ayden linked his fingers through hers. “Come, my sweet, let us take care of this

business quickly so I can make love to you as I’ve longed to do.”

Hours later, after Ayden had updated the council on the situation, he stood in the

great council chambers and asked permission for Janaa to accompany him, explaining

that he would need Janaa’s assistance to accomplish his mission, and Dari would need

her help and support in order to come to terms with her newfound knowledge.

Caddarick, one of their noble battle leaders stroked his fingers over the long, fine

white hairs on his chin. “You both must work quickly and bring them home to us. Failure

is not an option.”

Ayden stood firm, legs spread, hands braced at his sides. “Failure is never an

option,” he assured Caddarick. “Together we will succeed and reunite Mikel and Dari

with their family.”

“You cannot let Mikel know who you are, Ayden,” he said. “Not until he has learned

to block his signature and shield his thoughts. If Grayson ever captured Mikel, he’d

surely discover our colony through him,” Caddarick said, repeating and reaffirming what

Ayden already knew in order to emphasize just how critical this was.

“I understand.”

“Very well then, Janaa may accompany you.”


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Night had closed in on them as Dari filled the huge marble bathtub with hot water

and eased herself in. The heat felt soothing against her tired body and her battered

emotions. She glanced out the window and stared at the bright stars twinkling in the dark

night sky. Did life exist on those distant stars as well? In less than twenty-four hours, her

life as she knew it had shifted. It was not easy to discover a whole other world existed

outside the one she had known.

Her thoughts traveled to her dream man, Mikel. She could feel him, in her body and

in her mind. Now that they were in close proximity, the bond between them grew

stronger with each passing moment. The sense of belonging filled her with warmth. He

was inside her head, calming her, helping her come to terms with what she was.

She could not hold on to her anger toward him and had let go of it many hours ago.

Mikel had only done what he thought was best for her. And for that, she had to forgive

him. It gave her comfort to know how deeply he cared for her, and to the extent he’d go

to in order to protect her.

A soft tap on the door pulled her from her musings. Mikel. Her heart clenched in her

chest as she shifted in the tub. She’d never had anyone dote on her quite so much. He’d

barely left her alone for a minute since she’d discovered her true nature.

“May I come in?” His deep voice played down her spine arousing her feminine


“Of course,” she called out.

Mikel eased the bathroom door open. With him, he carried a steaming mug. The

scent of fresh herbs and spices reached her nostrils. She inhaled the enticing aroma.

“I thought you’d like something hot to drink.”

His thoughtfulness warmed her. A fine tingle worked its way through her blood

stream as she perused him. Her lip caught between her teeth as need spread like wildfire

through her body. His dark hair hung forward, gray eyes bored into hers so deeply, he

ignited a flame of passion in the depths of her womb. He stepped farther into the large


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room. His corded muscles bunched and relaxed with his easy movements. Her lips itched

with the need to taste him, her body ached to join with his.

She smiled up at him. It was the first genuine smile she’d had in a very long time.

When Mikel smiled back, his dark gaze held her captive and she nearly liquefied in the

tub. She reached out and touched him, still unable to believe he existed outside her dream


“Yes, Dari. I am real,” he teased, just like he’d been doing all day in an attempt to

lighten the tension.

She accepted the drink and leaned forward to take a sip. Water and suds slid down

her body, exposing her breasts to Mikel.

She didn’t miss the lusty groan in the depths of his throat as his gaze panned her

naked flesh.

It thrilled her the way he wanted her.

“This tub is huge, Mikel. Would you like to join me?”

He cocked one brow, the same way he always did when he entered her dreams. “Like

you even have to ask.”

After he took her drink from her and placed it on the edge of the tub, he made quick

work of his clothes. Before he slipped into the water with her, she took a moment to

admire his nakedness. Her eyes left his and journeyed down, taking pleasure in his wide

shoulders, tapered waist and thick, hard cock as it clamored for attention.

She gestured with her hand and her body and soul reached out to him. “Join me.”

Sitting across from one another in the sudsy water, he reached out and brushed a

strand of hair from her face. Her eyes slipped shut as his rough fingers stroked her

cheeks. She’d never felt so loved, so cherished, or so protected in her life.

“Mmm,” she purred. When she opened her eyes and met his glance, the dark

intensity in his gaze made her breath catch.

The need to be together consumed them both. Sexual energy leapt between them and

seeped into their bloodstream, demanding to be sated. The ache to lose herself in him

made her body quake.


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She moistened her lips and rolled her tongue around her dry mouth. She yearned to

feel skin against skin and to feel his thickness inside her. “Mikel, what will happen if we

make love?”

His eyes caressed her with heat. He pitched his voice low and ran his fingers up her

legs until he was a hairsbreadth away from her quivering pussy. The exquisite pleasure

made her tremble.

“We will enhance our powers.” As his breath fanned her face, her lashes fluttered

shut, her head lolled backwards. He kissed the side of her neck and drew a deep breath.

Dari knew his needs and desires matched her own.

She too drew a sharp breath and widened her legs in a silent invitation. The pull

between them was much stronger in the real world. The primal urge to mate ruled her

every emotion, controlled her every action. She tipped her head forward, to look in his

eyes. He took her breath away and it was all she could do to find her voice.

“Is that such a bad thing?” She breathed the words into his mouth. God, she needed

him with every fiber of her being. She longed to make love to him outside her dream


His finger grazed her clitoris, eliciting a gasp from the depths of her throat. “It will

increase our signature thus increasing our risk of detection.” His ragged voice deepened

with dark desire. One finger found her wet opening and dipped inside. She gasped as he

stroked her sensitive spot.

She lifted her ass from the tub, forcing his finger in deeper. “Then perhaps we should

stop,” she said, instinctively knowing it was impossible. The pull was too strong for

either of them to curb.

“Yes, perhaps we should.” His raspy voice was full of tortured promise. “But

perhaps our powers will help in our quest to fight Grayson.”

Mikel eased his finger in and out of her heat. The love she felt for him rushed over

her as he raised her passion.

“Come here, Dari.” Mikel pulled his finger from her pussy and wrapped his hands

around her legs. He spread her open wide and pulled until she slid up his body and


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straddled his waist. An erotic whimper sounded in her throat as she poised her breasts

over his mouth. She cupped her orbs in offering. Knowing their actions were ruled by a

greater force, one that neither of them had the power to control, she gave herself over to

her desires.

His gaze moved to her breasts. The primal sound in his throat made her quake in

anticipation. He flicked his tongue over her nipple and lapped at her with all the hunger

inside him. The warmth of his mouth made Dari tremble from head to toe. She raked her

fingers through his long hair and arched into his mouth.

“Mikel that feels amazing.”

“And it tastes amazing, Dari.” His voice dropped to a whisper.

She gyrated her hips until the soft fold of her pussy hugged the tip of his cock. His

engorged head breached her opening, stoking the fire inside her. With the utmost

concentration she focused on the tiny points of pleasure forking through her. The feeling

was most erotic.

His tongue curled around her nipple making it harden in bliss. He deepened the kiss,

drawing her bud into his mouth, nipping, biting and sucking until her soft moans of

pleasure merged with his.

Shaking almost violently, his hands gripped the sides of her hips and he slowly eased

inside her. “I need to take you, Dari. I have to have you. To claim you as mine. Body and

soul.” His rough whisper sent ripples of pleasure onward and upward through her body.

The intensity and raw hunger in his voice both was both thrilling and frightening.

“Please, Mikel. Take me.” Her voice wavered.

His mouth found hers as he pressed into her. His width pushed open the tight walls

of her pussy as he inched in deeper. Suddenly pleasure turned to pain. White light burst

before her eyes. She tried to squirm away.

“Mikel. Stop. It hurts.”

He stilled his movements, but didn’t let her pull away. “Yes, Dari. I expected it

would.” The tenderness in his voice and the concern in his expression turned her inside


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out. “Even though we’ve made love numerous times in your dreams, you are still a virgin

and I must break through your hymen.”

“And the pain?” she asked, knowing she was truly innocent in the ways of sex.

“It won’t last for long. You need to trust me.” Patience and love laced his voice and

reached out to her, comforting her, expelling her fears.

She nodded and touched her hand to his cheek. “I do trust you.”

“Good, take a deep breath, as you let it out, I will ease into you.” He reached

between her legs and caressed her puckered clit with such gentle hands.

She felt his cock throb between her legs and knew how much effort it took on his

part to maintain control. She drew a long breath and slowly let it out as his cock filled

her. He held her tight and whispered encouraging words of love.

“That’s it, Dari. I’ll be gentle, I promise.” He stroked her hair and cheek as he

pushed deeper into her slick core. “I’m almost there. Are you okay?”

She took deep, panting breaths and knew she had never been so okay in her life.

“Yes. I want you, Mikel. I want to make love.”

He stopped as though he reached a barrier, then she felt a sudden burst of pain. She

opened her mouth to cry out but he closed his lips over hers, swallowing her cries,

turning her attention to the texture and taste of his mouth as his tongue moved inside to

play with hers.

Mikel remained motionless inside her, letting her get use to the feel. Using small

sinuous circles, he stroked her clit gently and deepened his kiss until desire moved over

and through her. Soon her body opened up to him and before she realized what she was

doing, she began to rock her hips, ever so slowly at first, until the erotic sensations

overtook the pain. Her movements became quicker, faster, her breathing turned rapid.

Her eyes widened. “Mikel, it feels so good.”

A half smile lingered on his lips. “You feel no pain?” There was a note of

amusement in his voice.

She smiled. “I only feel pleasure.”


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He gripped her hips, lifted her until her sex was poised at the tip of his head. In one

quick movement he powered upward and impaled her. She gasped as her fingers clawed

at his flesh. “And now?” he asked, his voice rough with desire. “What do you feel?”

He kept up the action until her whole body went up in flames. Speech was no longer

possible. Her skin grew so hot she thought she’d burn from the inside out. Dari ran her

hands over the hard contours of his body, unable to get enough of him.

Squeezing her thighs, she hugged his hips and moaned against his throat. She soon

found herself moving, pressing against him, seeking something more.

Her hunger became so raw, so carnal it frightened her. His low growl of satisfaction

rumbled like distant thunder. She threw her head back, closed her eyes and rode him.

Sliding up and down his cock, taking what she needed and offering him everything in

return. She was so close to release. Her muscles undulated as her orgasm pulled at her.

“Dari, look at me.”

His voice brought her attention around to him. She lifted her gaze and stared into his

eyes. What she saw made her breath catch.

“It is what we are, Dari.”

Mikel ran his tongue over his sharp fangs. Her tongue mimicked his actions and

came into contact with her own pointed teeth. She opened her eyes wide in surprise.

“Now that you are aware of what you are, you are changing.” Her mind whirled, but

as Mikel continued to pump into her, coaxing her release, all thoughts except for the

pleasure between her legs consumed her.

Mikel’s eyes glazed with heat and hunger as he changed the rhythm and tempo of his

thrusts. The pressure continued to build in her body. Hot blood flowed through her veins

as her sex muscles gripped him.

A cry lodged in her throat at the precise moment her cunt clenched around his cock.

Her heart raced from exhilaration. Mikel put his arm around her and pulled her against

him as her orgasm took her by surprise. Her hard nipples crushed into his chest, branding

him with her heat. She took deep gulping breaths and gave herself over to the sensations.


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Her body shuddered and convulsed; her hot flow of release dripped over Mikel’s cock,

bringing forth his own orgasm.

“You’re on fire, baby.”

His mouth found hers for a soul-stirring kiss. Dari pressed against him and deepened

the kiss, her entire body quivering in delight. His cock throbbed and pulsed as he spilled

his seed deep inside her. The heat from his release flowed through her veins. He held her

for a long time while he rode out the last fragments of his climax.

Minutes later, she let out a sigh of contentment and collapsed against his chest. With

her sated body craving sleep, her lids slipped shut.

The touch on her cheek roused her awake. “Dari. Ayden is back.”

She inched back, opened her eyes and met Mikel’s glance. A curious stirring, like an

awakening of some sort, began in her bloodstream.

“Yes, I know, and he has a woman with him.”

Mikel smiled. “You are changing very quickly.”

She slid off Mikel’s lap and climbed from the tub. Mikel handed her one of his

robes. “Come, let us go greet them.”

Ayden probed Mikel and Dari’s mind as they descended the stairs. He was pleased to

see they’d been mating and hoped that it would help them develop the ability to block

their signatures. Over the last few years, every time they’d mind melded, it had brought

them closer and closer to acquiring the skill. Unfortunately they hadn’t developed the

talent before they physically united, or before Grayson had found either of them. Being

together before mastering such technique was dangerous, and now he had to work to

speed up the process. But such skill took time. Unfortunately, with Grayson now

breathing down their necks, time was something they didn’t have.

Ayden was optimistic that the more Mikel and Dari engaged in lovemaking the

quicker they would acquire their special powers. Both he and Janaa were going to see to

it that they spent many hours in each other’s arms. By the looks on their faces, Ayden

suspected it wouldn’t be a difficult task. Ayden also wanted Mikel and Dari to mate with


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him and Janaa. As Nallie elders, he prayed their experience and abilities would speed up

the process.

Mikel nodded his greeting to Ayden and turned his attention to the woman at his


“This is Janaa,” Ayden said. “She is my partner and has brought clothes and supplies

for Dari.”

Even though Mikel seemed surprised to see a female with Ayden, Ayden suspected

Mikel would openly welcome Janaa into his home without question, and would

undoubtedly feel Janaa’s calming effect on Dari.

“She has your abilities, Ayden,” Mikel whispered, the look on his face conveying

both his astonishment and his pleasure.

Dari smiled and Ayden could tell she felt an immediate connection with Janaa. And

so she should. They were all family, though neither Mikel nor Dari knew it.

“Welcome to my…” Mikel stopped and glanced at his soul mate. “Our home,” he

corrected. “I am Mikel and this is Dari.”

Janaa stepped closer to the petite woman. “Would you like to come with me, to try

on these clothes?” Dari accepted Janaa’s offered hand and the two disappeared up the


Ayden turned his attention back to Mikel and immediately felt the tension rising in

him. He placed his hand on Mikel’s shoulder in an effort to draw it away.

“Come. We need to prepare.”

Mikel shook his head. “We can never be prepared enough for Grayson or his army.”

“You are a Nallie, Mikel. Don’t ever forget that. You and Dari are much stronger

than Grayson.”

Mikel gripped the dagger hugging his thigh. His thumb stroked the cold steel that

concealed the wood underneath. “The odds are not favorable, Ayden.”

“Then we shall need to train twice as hard.” Ayden pulled his dagger from his sheath

and poised it in front of his chest. “And you and Dari must continue to bond, repeatedly,

Mikel. This might be the only way to grow stronger. It might also help you acquire the


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skill to block your signature and shield your thoughts. Once you’ve mastered the talent,

Grayson will be unable to find you.”

Mikel mirrored the action. “How can I ever thank you enough for your strength and


Ayden grinned and clashed his weapon against Mikel’s. “By defeating Grayson once

and for all.”


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Chapter Seven

The next evening, after the dinner dishes had been cleared, Mikel and Dari sat across

from one another at the long oaken table overlooking the hearth while Janaa and Ayden

made their way to the village for supplies. As Nallie, the human parts of them needed

sustenance and were able to enjoy food and drink.

His heart clenched as he watched Dari take a sip of her wine and smooth down the

new floral dress Janaa had given her. Her long dark locks tumbled in disarray over her

creamy white shoulders as candlelight glistened in her seductive brown eyes.

Mikel reached for his own glass. His muscles ached, reminding him of the vigorous

training session he’d had with Ayden earlier that day.

A burst of dark fury rushed through him as his thoughts fast-forwarded to the

dangers that lay ahead. He fisted his hands and clenched his jaw. He would not let

Grayson get his hands on Dari. He would do whatever was necessary to protect her at all

costs, even if that meant giving his life for hers.

Anger poured from his body and formed an aura around him. Suddenly as though she

sensed his distress, Dari glanced in his direction, a frown tugging at her lips.

Everything in him reached out to her. His gaze softened as he glanced into her

concerned eyes. They had made love several times since her arrival the day previous, but

no matter how many times they’d engaged in intimacy, they’d yet to develop the ability

to shield.

Dari took another small sip of her wine and brushed her long dark locks from her

shoulders. She carefully placed her glass on the table, stood and reached out to him.

“Come, Mikel. Let’s sit by the fire.”


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Mikel slipped his hand into hers and followed her to the hearth. He stretched out on

the sofa and Dari cuddled in next to him. Her long locks fell over his shoulders,

stimulating his flesh until goose bumps pebbled his skin.

A comfortable silence settled over them as they sat there for a long time. Each

absorbed in their own thoughts. Fire crackled in the hearth, the light spilling over them,

warming their bodies. Mikel glanced out the window at the dark night sky hugging the

mountains as he absently stroked his thumb over Dari’s cheek. She blew a contented

breath and wrapped her arm tighter around his stomach, hugging him to her.


She glanced up at him, her lids heavy, her voice deep, gravelly. “Yes?”

His gaze skirted over her face. “You felt my distress earlier, didn’t you?”

A quick nod of her head confirmed what he already knew. She could now read his

thoughts, as he could read hers. The transformation was happening, but neither had

learned the talent to block their signature.

Long lashes fluttered over her dark eyes and she voiced his thoughts. “Our signal is

growing stronger, isn’t it?”


“Do you suspect he will find me soon?”

Instead of answering, Mikel pulled her in tighter.

Dari lowered her head and stared into the fire. Mikel could feel her mind racing with

a thousand thoughts.

“There is only one way for us to defeat Grayson.” She spoke slowly, with conviction.

“You and I both know it.”

Every muscle in Mikel’s body grew stiff, his pulse kicked up a notch. Dari reacted to

the sudden change in his demeanor. Physically retreating, she sat up. She met his glance,

gauging him, waiting for his response, as though daring him to deny it as the truth.

“It’s too risky, Dari.” He crossed his arms and thinned his lips to a fine line. His tone

and body language indicated the issue was not up for debate.


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She stood, linked her fingers together and walked over to the fire. Turning back

around to face him, she said matter-of-factly, “There is no other way, Mikel.”

“There has to be,” he bit out between clenched teeth. “I’m not willing to risk your

life.” In one quick motion, he climbed from the sofa and met her near the stone hearth.

He gripped her hips and pulled her in close, until every inch of her body pressed against

his. He leaned over her, in a protective manner.

Expression solemn he said, “Combining blood is not an option. You know there is a

possibility that the volatile energy created is deadly.”

She gave a defiant tilt of her head. “And there is a possibility that it won’t.”

Mikel lowered his head and buried his face in the crook of her neck. He held her for

a long moment, breathing in her scent, letting it swirl around his senses. A rush of love

washed over him. “Now that I have you with me, I don’t ever want to lose you, Dari.”

Emotion made his voice crack.

Her body went slack in his arms. “And I don’t ever want to lose you, Mikel. But I’m

afraid we have no choice. There is no other way to defeat Grayson. He will be here soon.

Too soon for either of us to develop the exceptional strength or speed required to combat

his army.”

He drew her impossibly tighter and combed his fingers through her hair. His lips

closed over hers. “You belong to me and I won’t lose you.” His heart beat in a mad rush

as she melted against him.

She kissed him back, with all the love inside her. “I belong to you, Mikel and only


He touched her all over, as though it would be his last time. God, he needed her, to

be inside her, to stay there forever. He listened as her breathing changed. It grew labored,

needy and urgent. He pulled back to look at her. Desire reflected in her eyes.

His heart nearly burst with the love he felt for her. He wanted her so much he felt

dizzy. He hungered to lose himself in her, forever. “Dari…”

“I know. I feel it too, Mikel.” She opened her mouth, offering herself to him



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He pressed his lips to hers for a slow, simmering kiss, a kiss so deep and passionate

he was certain he could feel the ground move beneath him. A moment later, he inched

away and rained kisses over her cheek and neck. Moving to her creamy shoulders, he

inhaled her sweet-scented skin as his fingers worked the buttons on the back of her dress.

Once complete, he pulled it away and let it slip to the floor, then took a moment to

admire her beauty and her perfect supple curves.

“You are beautiful.” Needing to feel her naked skin next to his, he made quick work

of his own clothes and hastily pulled her to him. He moved his hand to the small of her

back and anchored her body to his. It amazed him how she fit so perfectly against him.

Suddenly, she stiffened in his arms.

“What is it?” he asked, brushing her hair from her face.

She snuggled in closer as her eyes darted to the archway. “Ayden and Janaa are

back.” Her voice thinned to a whisper.

Mikel nodded. “I know.” A movement behind Dari’s shoulder caught his attention.

Mikel smiled at his closest friend and glanced back at Dari. “It’s okay, Dari. I have no

secrets from Ayden.”

She smiled tentatively as Ayden and Janaa walked into the room and touched her

shoulder. Mikel probed her mind and soothed her concerns. “Ayden cares for you as

much as I do. Do you feel it?”

He watched her relax as Ayden drew away her apprehension.


“You have no reason to be shy with him,” Mikel continued. “Those I allow into my

home, my bed and my heart, I also allow into yours. If you agree.”

A sudden smile tugged at her mouth as Ayden’s love rushed through her. She nodded

her consent and opened her dark eyes wide as she accepted Ayden into her heart. “I feel

your love, Ayden.” She twisted sideways and glanced at Janaa. “I feel yours, too.”

Mikel noticed water pooling in her eyes. He stepped back and draped a placating

hand on her shoulder as he gazed deep into her soul. “Does this make you unhappy?”


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She gave a quick shake of her head, sniffed and smiled up at him. “No, Mikel. I’ve

never felt so cherished before.”

Mikel’s heart soared. A surge of warmth flooded his veins. “You are cherished.”

“By all of us.” Dari turned to face Janaa, who touched Dari’s cheek and offered her

warmth and comfort. “Let us all join as one. To show you how much you truly mean to


Briefly closing her eyes, Dari breathed in a contented sigh. “Yes,” she whispered

breathlessly. “Let us all make love.” Strong emotions caused her sharp incisors to push

through her gums. She ran her tongue over them with obvious fascination.

Ayden and Janaa quickly removed their clothes. With warmth in his eyes, Ayden

moved in behind Janaa and sensuously pressed his chest to her back while Mikel took the

same position with Dari, sandwiching the women in between. Heat poured from their

bodies and warmed Dari all over.

Mikel touched her mind and slid soft gentle hands over her curvy backside. Needing

the intimate contact, Dari reached out to Janaa. Their lips found each other and Dari

widened her stance in silent invitation, welcoming them all into her body and soul. Mikel

exchanged a long thoughtful glance with Ayden as he caressed Dari’s thighs. The feel of

his deft finger pressing into her heat, while Ayden dipped into Janaa’s pussy, made her

quiver with longing. Soft mewling sounds curled around them, filling them all with

primitive hunger. Mikel had never found Dari so wet before. It pleased him immensely

that she was open and accepting to those that shared his heart.

“I love you, Dari.”

“I love you too, Mikel. I love all of you.”

Shedding all her inhibitions, Dari closed her eyes and drew Janaa’s tongue into her

mouth, savoring the other woman’s sweet essence. Her tongue played gently with Janaa’s

at first, then grew bolder, drawing it in deeper and sucking harder. The feel of Mikel’s

fingers spiraling between her legs, artfully manipulating her clit, brought on a shudder

and she moaned with pleasure.


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“That’s my girl.” He stroked her softly and whispered encouraging words into her

ear, and it pleased her immensely that her actions were pleasing him.

Janaa inched away and kissed a path down Dari’s trembling body, her tongue

dampening every inch of her heated flesh as she made sweet love to her with her mouth.

Janaa lapped at her nipples until they tightened and swelled in painful pleasure. Dari

inched her eyes open and glanced at Ayden, who was watching intently as Janaa, his

partner, made love to Dari.

With Mikel standing behind her, and Janaa settling herself between her legs, Dari

reached for Ayden. His growl of longing filled the room. Their mouths met and she

kissed him with all the passion inside her. She panted heavily as Ayden pillaged her

mouth with greed, driving his tongue into her mouth, and lashing at the sides as though

he couldn’t get enough of her. Her passion-drenched cunt dripped, her aroused scent

filling the room. She gave a needy, not-quite-satisfied sigh.

Mikel’s finger found her puckered back passage and gently teased her tight walls

open. As though knowing exactly what she needed Janaa’s tongue found her cunt. The

second Janaa’s hot tongue swiped across her clit, Dari nearly blacked out with pleasure.

Ayden dropped his mouth to her breasts as all three of them made sweet love to her body,

their actions filling her heart with warmth. She caught her lip between her teeth as air

rushed from her lungs. She widened her wobbly legs and tipped her ass upward as fire,

heat, need and lust exploded inside her. Her muscles clenched with the triple assault.

She reached for Ayden and let her hands tangle through his hair as she held him to

her. He rolled his warm tongue around her nipple, scalding her body from the inside out.

Her hands slid to his cock, hungering and needing in some inexplicable way to feel

his impressive thickness deep inside her, aching to join them as one. As though reading

her thoughts, Janaa pushed two fingers inside her pussy and brushed the pad of her thumb

over her clit. In no time at all, a powerful climax rushed through her. Her entire body

tightened and it took two locked knees to keep herself upright as Janaa drew out her


“So good…” Dari cried out, her body spasming with each glorious ripple.


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A moment later, Janaa climbed out from between her legs and Mikel lowered her

body onto the fur carpeting. Ayden climbed in between her thighs, while Mikel and Janaa

tucked in on either side of her.

Looking at her with pure desire, Mikel’s mouth found hers. He gently stroked her

face and whispered, “I want you to feel Ayden inside you, to feel the love he has for


She nodded and widened her legs, wanting nothing more than just that. Ayden bent

forward and swiped his tongue over her cunt. He growled when he tasted her cream.

“Please, Ayden,” she whispered, and bucked against his mouth, her mind so hazy, so

full of lust, she wasn’t even sure what she was begging for. Janaa stroked Dari’s breasts

and played with her pert nipples, bringing her pleasure to new heights. Dari reached for

Janaa and drew her mouth to hers and Mikel’s. All three tongues joined and tangled as

Ayden drove his rock-hard cock inside her hot cunt. A throaty purr resonated through her

body as he feverishly plunged inside her.

A moment later Mikel pulled away, leaving Janaa to pleasure her mouth and breasts.

She watched Mikel move in behind Ayden. Through the four-way mind connection,

Ayden read Mikel’s intent, leaned forward and tangled tongues with the two women

while Mikel slipped a finger inside his ass, preparing him.

“Oh my…” Dari murmured, her voice rough with emotion, never having seen such a

joining between two men before. It was the most arousing, erotic thing she’d witnessed.

She started trembling from head to toe, loving the freedom between the two, loving the

way Mikel was pushing into Ayden’s backside and joining them all as one. Her moan of

pleasure filled the room. With Ayden inside her pussy, and Mikel inside Ayden’s ass, and

all three of them moving to the same rhythm, it felt as if she was making love to the two

men at once.

Her heart hammered in her chest, and a powerful, all encompassing storm whipped

through her body. It was as scary as it was exhilarating. Her eyes met her friends.

“Janaa…” she whispered, both elated and confused.

Janaa softly stroked her breasts. “I know, Dari, I know. Just give yourself over to it.”


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As Dari reveled in the sensation, her hand found Janaa’s pussy. She slipped two

fingers inside and felt the way her friend’s muscles closed tightly around her digits and

drew them in deeper. “I want you to come with me,” Dari murmured.

Janaa smiled, her cunt clenching. “Yes, Dari, we’ll come together.”

Janaa bucked against her hand while Ayden rammed his cock into her pussy and

Mikel pumped into Ayden’s ass. She never wanted the moment to end, but knew another

orgasm was upon her.

“I’m coming…” she murmured, tossing her head to the side, as they all took her to

the moon and beyond. In that instant, she felt Janaa let go, spilling her hot cream into

Dari’s hand. She also felt Ayden’s cock pulse, his seed splashing up inside her. She

glanced at Mikel. “Come with us,” she whispered.

He groaned and clenched his jaw. “I am, sweetheart. I am.”

Dari’s eyes met Mikel’s as her heart swelled with the love she felt for him, for all of

them. A long moment later, spent from their lovemaking session and trying to catch their

breaths, the two men collapsed beside her, Janaa and Ayden on one side, Mikel on the

other. The heat from the hearth fell over their naked bodies and soothed their senses,

bringing them all back down to Earth. Three sets of hands covered her body like a

blanket as they all cuddled. Never having felt so loved, so complete, Dari wrapped her

arms around their hands as she lay there and basked in the afterglow of the most glorious

lovemaking of her life.


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Chapter Eight

Dari watched Mikel sleep as she herself stirred and tossed restlessly on the silk

sheets. Her muscles ached from the rigorous training she’d been through over the past

few weeks in preparation for the inevitable invasion and the volatile blood connection.

But it wasn’t her sore body that caused uneasiness to stir her soul on this stormy night.

She glanced out the bedroom window and watched thick clouds roll over the mountain

peaks. Distant thunder echoed off the rock walls. With her powers growing in strength

and intensity, the sound hurt her sensitive ears.

A faint, familiar scent assaulted her senses. As she inhaled, her stomach soured and

lurched. The tiny hairs on the back of her neck tingled with foreboding and she knew it

with every fiber of her being. Grayson had found her.

Her breath came in a ragged burst as panic invaded her body. She gripped the bed

sheets and noted how her fingers trembled with fear.

Dari reached for Mikel, to wake him but he was already stirring.

“He’s here!” she blurted out.

Without haste, Mikel climbed from the bed. “I know. Come. We must prepare.”

He held his hand out to her and pulled her from the bed. Her body collided with his.

He paused and touched her cheek. His dark hair hung forward, shadowing his emotions.

“No matter what happens, Dari, know that I love you. I always have and always will.”

“And I love you, Mikel.” She placed her hand over his heart. His strength and love

comforted her, helped dispel many of her fears. “I will be with you here and always.”

The bedroom door flew open, drawing their attention, interrupting what might be

their last intimate moment. “We must hurry,” Ayden said as his fingers tightened over his

dagger. “They will be here soon.”


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Dari tied back her long thick hair, pulled on a pair of loose pants and top, and

followed the two men down the stairs into the grand entranceway. Janaa stood there

waiting, apprehension apparent in her expression.

“Dari, come here.” She reached out her arms. Dari rushed forward into the woman’s

comforting embrace. Janaa furrowed her brow and stared into Dari’s eyes with concern.

“You know what you must do?” Dari could tell Janaa worked to sound calm but her voice

betrayed her emotions.

Dari nodded and ran the plan through her mind one more time. They would wait

until Grayson and his men were within range, and then she would exchange blood with

Mikel. She prayed the volatile energy would destroy Grayson and his band of vampires

once and for all. And that Ayden and Janaa were strong enough to draw away and dispel

the energy from Mikel and her before it killed them.

“Yes,” Dari replied, her eyes flitting around the room, seeking her soul mate. “I

know what I must do.”

“Whatever happens make sure you do not lose your connection with me. It is most

important. Keep physical contact at all times,” Janaa said. “If you don’t I won’t be able to

draw away the energy.”

Mikel came up beside her. Her heart twisted as he gathered her into his arms and

captured her shoulders in a tight grip. He lowered his head and spoke softly. “If we are to

survive, we must be strong, Dari.”

She gathered all her courage and calmed her emotions. “I am strong,” she said with

conviction. “And I am prepared to drink from you.”

Braced for battle, the four of them stood in the great hall and waited as the storm

grew louder outside. Deafening claps of thunder heralded their enemies approach. Soon it

was no longer the wind and rain battering the sides of the castle, it was Grayson and his


Mikel turned to her and with one long talonlike fingernail sliced his shirt. Her eyes

traced his every movement. “Are you ready?” His tone was deceptively mild.


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Dari took a fortifying breath, centering herself, and tried to quiet her pounding heart.

“I am ready.”

Mikel ran his nail over his flesh, separating his skin. Crimson blood spilled from the

opening. “Drink from me, Dari.” There was so much emotion in his voice it was all she

could do to keep her own in check.

She pressed her lips to his chest and ingested his offering. As his warm metallic

essence entered her bloodstream, her body started to burn from the inside out. She

physically convulsed but worked to ignore the discomfort. She swallowed every drop he

provided her, then licked the wound to close it. With the back of her hand, she wiped her

mouth then cut open her own skin. Mikel closed his mouth over the swell of her breast

and drank from her.

Within seconds, the air around them charged with electrical energy. A storm brewed

in her body, heat surged onward and upward through her until blue sparks swarmed

around them, setting fire to everything they touched. A tremor wracked her body forcing

her to lock her knees to remain standing. Janaa caught hold of her hand and squeezed. As

though they were in the eye of the storm, the room began to spin before them. The

furniture shifted in the strong winds created by their exchange.

Twisting her head, she glanced at Mikel. His dark, haunted eyes were watching her.

She could feel heat and strength radiate from him as they mind melded. Emotions swept

through her.

“I love you, Mikel.”

“And I love you.”

The front door burst open, gaining her full attention. She turned her attention forward

and watched as Grayson’s large body darkened the doorway.

His black eyes burned with rage. Turbulent wind whipped around him, making it

difficult for him to come closer. She could hear his cries of anger before they were

swallowed by the crashing thunder. She forced herself to look away from him.

“Concentrate, Dari. Concentrate on directing the energy,” she heard Ayden’s voice

in her head.


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Dari closed her eyes, quieted her mind and focused her thoughts. Hot blood flowed

through her veins as she pictured the wind and electrical energy widening, expanding,

gathering strength and speed. She blinked open her eyes in time to see Grayson and his

men getting swooped up in the powerful vortex. Bodies swirled around them and were

spit out of the wind like rancid meat.

Out of the corner of her eye, she watched one of the men shakily climb to his feet.

He lifted a gun and aimed for Mikel.

“No!” she cried out, pulling her hand free, breaking her connection with Janaa.

Using every ounce of strength she possessed, she pushed Mikel sideways but she lost her

footing and toppled. A burst of cold penetrated her body as the bullet sank into her flesh.

As she dropped to the floor, the furniture fell with a clunk and the room went deadly

silent. She put her hand over her heart and felt wet sticky blood seeping from her.

Because they were still part human, a bullet had the power to kill them.

She glanced around at the bodies strewn everywhere. Mikel crawled in beside her

and cradled her body in his as Ayden and Janaa rushed forward to plunge their daggers

into each fallen vampire’s heart.

“Dari, no!” He hugged her to his chest.

She gave a feeble smile. “We did it, Mikel, we killed them.” It took all her effort to


Mikel felt an odd surge of energy curl around him as he held her in his arms. He

worked to focus his thoughts and concentrate on Dari as her body grew cold.

“You have survived the exchange, Mikel. You are now gifted with the power to

transcend time. That is the energy you feel. Use it to save Dari.”

Understanding dawned as Mikel glanced up to see Ayden looking at him. His heart

leapt with hope. “Dari, hang on,” he whispered into her mouth. “I won’t allow you to

leave me.” He temporarily pushed back his emotions so he could concentrate on the task



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Mikel brushed her hair from her forehead, closed his eyes and settled his mind.

Sifting through time and space, he willed himself to go back five minutes previous. Soon

his mind started spinning, as though he was watching a movie in reverse as the wind

picked back up and the strewn bodies were once again lifted from the floor and caught in

the vortex.

He blinked his lashes open and found himself in the eye of the storm. He glanced at

Dari just as she placed her hands on him to push him away. This time he dragged her

with him, wrapping his body around her in a protective manner while Ayden rushed

forward to kill the vampire who wielded the deadly bullet.

He held her to him for a long moment, not daring to let her go, as the room fell

silent. Emotions ripped through him as her heart beat against his body. She was alive! His

body shook almost uncontrollably, and the fact that she had risked her own life to save

his turned his insides to mush. Ayden’s voice finally caused him to stir.

“They are all dead, Mikel.”

Mikel glanced at the woman in his arms. “Are you okay?” Her smile touched him so

deeply it was everything he could do not to crush her weakened body in his embrace.

She grinned. “You might want to loosen that grip a bit,” she teased.

A rich rumble of laugher sounded low in his throat. “Forget it. I’m keeping you

chained to my side from now on.”

She rolled her eyes then dropped a soft kiss on his mouth. “If you insist.” She inched

back. “We did it, Mikel. We killed them.”

The love shining in her eyes brought tears to his eyes. “Yes, we did it,” he whispered

into her mouth.

Mikel climbed to his feet and lifted Dari into his arms. “Let me take you and Janaa to

our chamber while Ayden and I take care of things here. You’ve both been through

enough already.”

“We’ve all been through a lot,” she said. “I can help—”

Janaa exchanged a look with Ayden then cut her off. “Dari, the men need a



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After Mikel settled the two women in his room, he made his way back downstairs

and glanced at the destruction of his castle.

“Leave it,” Ayden said.

“I’m not about to leave my home in such a state.” Glass crunched beneath his feet as

he picked up a lampshade.

“It is no longer your home.”

Mikel righted a side table and set the shade on it. He turned to Ayden. “I don’t


“It is time for us to talk.” Ayden closed the distance between them and touched

Mikel’s shoulder. “I am Nallie, Mikel. I was sent here to watch over you.”

Mikel’s head jerked back. “Nallie?” He frowned as his mind raced. “I knew you

weren’t human, that you’ve come from far away, Ayden, but how can you be Nallie?

Literature spoke of only two children being saved.”

“Literature was wrong.”

His heart raced with hope, and with confusion. How could this be? Did Dari and he

really have a biological family? Something they’ve both always wanted and craved? Was

it possible? Mikel had no reason to believe Ayden would lie to him. But how? And why

was he telling him this now? “How can there be others? I don’t sense them.”

“They live on another planet.” Ayden squeezed his shoulder to calm him.

Baffled, Mikel gave a quick shake of his head. “I don’t understand.”

Ayden nodded, as though fully expecting his reactions, his disbelief. “Not all Nallie

were evil or controlled by Grayson. We were put here on Earth to infiltrate and kill

mortals. After a few of us learned to mask our signature and shield our thoughts, we

banded together and secretly left the planet, colonizing on planet Kelan.”

Shocked, Mikel stood there, his brow furrowed, waiting for Ayden to continue.

“After the military launched an attack, we thought all others like us were killed. It

was only a few years ago that we detected a faint signal and learned of your existence.”

Mikel paused, lowered his head and whispered under his breath. “That’s when I first

began to make love to Dari in her dreams.”


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“Yes, that increased your signature and the connection reached us. We knew if it

reached us, Grayson would soon pick up on it too.”

“I came here to determine if you were good or evil,” Ayden continued.

“When you discovered we were good, why didn’t you rescue us and take us back to

your planet?”

“It isn’t so simple. Grayson would have been able to track you.”

“I see.” Mikel knew deep in his heart he’d never, ever under any circumstances

consciously put his family in danger.

“You and Dari could not be brought to our planet until you developed the skill as

well. Fortunately, the fallout from the blood exchange has now gifted you both now with

the ability to shield.”

“Yes, I can feel it.” He paused then asked, “Why didn’t you just teach us the skill?”

“Such things can’t be taught, Mikel. It is instinct and must happen naturally. On

Kelan, an infant’s signal is weak, barely recognizable. A mother can block it until a child

develops the skill. Your signature was too strong for us to block for long, and I only

hoped that through mating and bonding, you would develop it quicker. If you failed to

develop the skill, and Grayson captured you, he could find our colony through you.

Which is why I could never tell you what I was. But just know, if either you or Dari were

captured I’d never give up on you. I’d spend an eternity searching for you and wouldn’t

quit until I had you both safe on planet Kelan.”

With his heart full of love for his friend, Mikel took a long moment to sort things

through. “When I asked you how you knew so much about my breed, you said you

wished you could tell me. I thought it was because you didn’t know yourself.”

“I knew, Mikel, and the truth was, I really did wish I could tell you.”

“This must have been hard on you.”

Ayden threw his arms around Mikel and the two held each other for a long moment.

“It was hard on all of us.” Ayden eased back and glanced into Mikel’s eyes.

Mikel narrowed his gaze. “If our breed is stronger than Grayson’s, why do you fear



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“We are a small colony compared to his. And we are peaceful beings. It is not our

wish to start a war. We only wish to live our lives in peace and contentment.”

Mikel nodded his understanding. Just then Dari and Janaa descended the stairs.

Mikel opened his arms for her and entered her thoughts to share the information.

“I know, Mikel. I heard it all.” Her body molded against his.

Ayden gathered Janaa’s hand in his. “Come, Mikel and Dari.” Ayden and Janaa both

reached for Mikel’s and Dari’s hands at the same time, closing the circle. “Come home

and meet your family.”

Mikel smiled at his friend and turned his attention to Dari. “We have both found

what we’ve spent our lives seeking. A family and a home.” He squeezed her hand and

noted the moisture glistening in her beautiful eyes. “Now we can be together forever.”

She returned his smile. “Forever is a very long time, Mikel. Perhaps I will grow tired

of you before that.”

A low growl rumbled in his throat, his teeth descended. It pleased him to see her

playful spirit return. He felt an unexpected stirring of his desires as she leaned into him.

“Have you forgotten what your teasing does to me?” he asked.

She arched one brow. “Not even for a minute.” Her bold words sent a jolt of need

zinging through him.

A half smile curled Mikel’s lips. Suddenly he became hyper-aware of the thin dress

she’d changed into. His gaze caressed her creamy shoulders and her shapely curves.

He turned to Ayden. “We have to go,” he rushed out. His gaze flitted back to Dari as

his cock grew another inch. “Now!”

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About the Author

A former government financial officer, Cathryn Fox graduated from university with

a bachelor of business degree. Shortly into her career, Cathryn quickly figured out that

corporate life wasn’t for her. Needing an outlet for her creative energy, she turned in her

briefcase and calculator and began writing erotic romance full-time. Cathryn enjoys

writing dark paranormals and humorous contemporaries. She lives in eastern Canada with

her husband, two kids and chocolate Labrador retriever.

To learn more about Cathryn Fox, please visit

Send an email


or join her chat group,

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Look for these titles by Cathryn Fox

Coming Soon

One on One
All Tied Up

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Tending the Spirit has never been so sexy


Future Found

© 2008 Mima

A Claimed story.

As a tree singer, it is Shay-non’s duty—and pleasure—to tend the chi of the few

remaining trees left after the Cataclysm. Even if it means enduring the life-sucking

presence of the greedy cybernetic elites who own them.

But the moment she steps into Elite Sandor’s compound, he throws her world into

disarray. Instantly, she finds herself tricked into twenty-four hours as his sexual “guest”,

an infuriating prospect. Then he lets her see, but not touch, the magnificent oak in his

possession. An oak that shouldn’t exist. For one moment with the tree, she’ll do

anything—even submit to Sandor’s attentions.

Sand has waited years for Shay’s unmet sexual needs to weaken her defenses enough

to make his move. The time is ripe to begin a spiritual revolution, plus convince the

lovely singer he has always loved her from afar—all in one day’s time. A daunting task,

especially since her earthy sexuality has him making all sorts of deviations from his plan.

Now that he has her captive, he can only pray. That she’ll agree to help him defy the

Council and raise an illegal forest temple.

And that she’ll see past his sensual blackmail into his heart.

Warning: This book includes brief references to m/m and ménage relationships.

Some readers may be disturbed by references to a death during sex. There’s also sex

involving a tree that will forever make you smile when you hear the term “tree-hugger”.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Future Found:

He stopped while the droid laid out the eating cloth and set the food precisely in the

middle. Then it left. And he was still staring. She was on the altar, unveiled. The

opalescence of her skin was more glorious than the silver veil. Kneeling with her legs

splayed, he could clearly make out her sex below her spread ass. Her cheeks rested on her

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heels, her back arched, her hands reaching gracefully up into the cone of light. The crown

of her ruby hair faced him since her head was thrown back in apparent ecstasy. It was

worth the cost of the sunshine bulb he’d installed.

He walked around her, within touching distance. Her belly was adorable. Her nipples

were hard, bitty berries. The position she held flattened her breasts to merest swells. At

mouth level.

Slowly, her hands drifted down and rested on those splayed thighs. She rolled her

head forward to look down at him. He’d meant to initiate the contract after a meal and

some conversation to reassure her. But the plan could tolerate this new deviation.

“Shay-non, you are unveiled before me.” His voice sounded husky but he didn’t

care. Let her see that his attraction was more than the plan needed.

“Sand, I initiate this contract.”

He did not think about the plan, his goals, his faith or his tree. He thought about the

impact of those eyes without a veil between them. That skin, blushing in the strong light.

That musk scent rising from her spread thighs. Those blood-red, lickable nipples. Wait.

Wait for her. It must be her. His eyes flitted from one part of her to another, dazzled by

her reality. Curves, everywhere. His cock fattened.

An eternity later, her hand rose toward him. His gaze flew to hers, but she was

staring at his hair. She reached out like a slowed, half-time vid. Her touch landed on his

hair near his left ear. He watched her eyes dilate, the brown fading from chocolate to

black. He saw the tremor of her long lashes, her lips break open revealing a row of tiny

white teeth. He was lifting in his pants, the cotton catching him.

Her fingers threaded into his hair and touched his scalp. He could feel each of the

three fingertips. She pulled her hand down through his layers, behind his ear, heat

scalding the rim. A hectic red appeared on her cheekbones that had been too pale. She

hesitated at the bottom, then her thumb gently trapped his earlobe and rubbed it with her

forefinger. He was so aware of how it was fleshy, and hot, in her firm grip. His head spun

as his cock abruptly hardened.

Her gaze moved along the line of his jaw, and he felt her focus on his mouth like a

physical touch. His own lips parted, fascinated, as the blush on her face spread down her

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neck. His earlobe was abandoned when she delved in a sweep along the curve of his ear.

His breath began to come heavier. The head of him was rubbing against the soft


Her fingers moved where her gaze had, all of them trailing along, petting his lips, the

outer edge, the inner skin. Rotating her hand, she sent her palm gliding on the sensitive

skin under his chin while her thumb tested the edge of his teeth, boldly daring his lips. He

froze absolutely still when she held her breath. She pushed her thumb into his mouth and

he closed his lips over the joint while his tongue curled and sucked. The blush cascaded

onto her chest, and his gaze followed it.

Her other hand lifted to touch herself, hesitated, middle finger a breath from her

nipple. He sucked gently, scraped his tongue over her nail. Her nails scored restlessly

against the line of his throat. She took her thumb from his mouth and laid her hand on his

shoulder, her damp touch painting the hollow above his collarbone.

Then she closed her eyes as she delicately played over her nipple. He watched her

face, now flushed. Her eyes tossed behind her lids. He studied her fingers, how she

dragged the edge of a nail over the tip, how she barely touched herself, sometimes tracing

the lower swell where her breast met her torso. His dick bounced.

Her grip tightened on his shoulder, nails biting suddenly, as she trailed those fingers

down her sternum, over her belly, and hovered over her split lips. Open your eyes. See

me. He didn’t say it. But she answered his plea. She gave the faintest gasp at catching his

gaze. She wasn’t focusing as well as he. Her lashes fluttered like the rarest butterflies.

Her lips were so plump and ripe. His mouth burst with saliva.

Her hand lightened its grip on his shoulder, soothed the shirt over the muscle there

with a swirl of sensation. Then she dragged her palm flat down onto his pec and ground

her heel into his nipple. His balls churned and boiled. Her eyes looked dazed as she

watched her hand massage him, gripping the fabric and his muscle, fingertips pattering

over the whole sweep of his chest. Finally, she stilled with her thumb pressing hard

against his nipple. He was still watching her face, the want on it making him fiercely

glad, when she looked up and met his eyes again. His breath hitched. Hers looked blank

now, wild.

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He steeled himself as her weight increased, pressing against him. She rose up higher

onto her knees. She paused, gathering her balance, taking a deep breath, then looked

down at her lower hand hovering over herself. He had no choice but to follow the slender

line of her arm down past her breasts.

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He’s rich, single, sexy and…oh, yeah. Undead.

Obey Me

© 2008 Paige Cuccaro

A Gifted story.

Sophie Merlo dreams of becoming an international journalism star. Until her

uncanny nose for news leads her into the path of a brutal serial killer. Now she’d be

happy just to survive the week.

Alex wants only one answer from Sophie—how she wormed her way into his

exclusive vampires-only club, something no human should be able to do. He thinks he’s

being set up in a string of murders, and he’s got a good idea who it is—Octavius, his

long-time, bitter rival. Only Octavius could figure out how to leave Alex’s distinctive

mark behind on the victims’ throats.

One drop of Alex’s saliva on Sophie’s skin has her babbling a river, swimming in

desire for him—and agreeing to use her persuasive powers to help find the real murderer.

Caught in the middle of a century-old feud between two rival vampires, there are

only three things Sophie knows for sure: One of them is a killer. The other wants to take

her to bed. And they’re both lying.

If she can’t figure out who’s lying about what soon, her career hopes could vanish.

Right along with her last drop of blood.

Enjoy the following excerpt for Obey Me:

“Do you know? Do you understand what it is I want to do to you?” His breath

warmed across my mouth, the hint of wine and some other tempting spice I couldn’t

name filled my nose, rippled down my throat to breeze through my lungs.

“Yes. You…you want to take my…blood.”

He lifted his chin and pressed a kiss to my forehead. The skin beneath his lips

warmed instantly with a heat that went beyond simple body temperature. It seemed to

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ripple all along my skin working its way through my body like a drug. “That’s right. But

do you understand what the feel of it will do to us?”

I swallowed again, my eyes closed, my nose brushing under his chin breathing in the

sweet powdery scent of his cologne, his lips feathering against my forehead. “Blood

lust.” The words were barely audible.

Lust. Raw and powerful. To lose all abandon. You won’t be able to stop. You must

be sure, Sophie…now.” He leaned back just enough to watch my face.

I nodded, uncertain my voice would be heard. “I’m sure.” I held my breath.

His gaze focused on my mouth again and my lips parted an instant before he pressed

his kiss. The taste of him filled my mouth, cinnamon and sweet wine, the flavor swirled

over my tongue, warmed down my throat like a fine liqueur. Delicious heat spread like a

blaze gone wild, burning me up from the inside, igniting every nerve ending, awakening

my body so my muscles pulled tight, need coiled low and my thighs trembled.

His muscles flexed under my hands pulling me closer, tighter. His kiss deepened and

my mind swam with the feel of his tongue exploring my mouth, his fingers denting my

back, gripping my head, holding me…like prey. I felt consumed and wanted more, but he

pulled himself back, trailing his lips along my cheek, nibbling my ear, teasing his teeth

over my neck.

I shuddered, each scrape of his teeth sending a fast pulse through my sex. Hot and

wet with lust, I squirmed in his arms, fumbling with the buttons down his shirt. Alex

pulled back enough to help, shrugging the white cotton off his shoulders, allowing only a

moment for me to work his belt and zipper before his hands slipped up to my shoulders.

I unfastened the button of his slacks so they loosened around his narrow hips just as

he hooked his fingers on the edge of my dress and slid the red elastic tube off my

shoulders and down my arms, letting it fall down my legs to pool on the floor around my

feet. I was left wearing only a pair of lace boy-cut panties and my high-heeled shoes.

Both matched the dress. The neckline had been too low to allow for a bra.

Alex’s blue eyes took me in, lingering over me from head to toe as though a picture

were being drawn in his mind. My heart thundered in my chest, muscles so tight my

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breaths came in soft, shallow pants. I wanted his lips on mine again, his arms around me,

the heat of his hard body pressed to mine.

“Alex…” I fought not to squirm under the intensity of his gaze. His eyes met mine

and the heat of his stare nearly took my breath. He swept in and pressed another searing

kiss to my lips then bent lower to capture my breast in his mouth.

I gasped as the warmth of his venom penetrated through the pores on the sensitive

flesh. The gentle massage of his hand turned my knees to rubber. I wrapped my arm

around his head, held him to me as he suckled my breast, tugging the hard nipple into his


Would he bite me there? A wave a desire swamped through me and I moaned out

loud at the thought, arching my back, pressing my flesh deeper into his mouth. I wanted

to feel his teeth sink into me, to feel the rush of blood as it spilled from my body into his.

Somewhere in the distant parts of my brain, I felt his hands at my hips, the soft chafe

of my lace panties sliding down my thighs, tickling the tops of my feet, hooking on my

high heels. I shifted to toe off my shoes, but Alex’s arm clutched around my waist, stilled

me instantly.

“Leave them on,” he said, his voice rough and sexy. He gazed up at me, the scruff of

his day-old beard scraping my nipple as he spoke. My breath caught at the maddening

mix of pain and pleasure, and all I could do was nod.

He lowered his face to my body again, kissing and nipping, the teasing promise of

his bite spinning my mind, churning a firestorm of desire through my veins. He tasted my

body, kissing the bottom round of my breast, slipping lower to the tip of my breastbone,

then lower still to my belly. He sank to his knees and finally, in a heart-stopping instant,

he pressed a kiss to the coarse hairs at my sex. With a firm wet lick, he traced his tongue

between the sensitive lips. The sensation buckled my knees and in a move far too quick

and fluid for me to track, he stood, scooping me into his arms, driving me backwards

toward my bedroom. I wrapped my legs around his waist, my high heels catching his

back, snagging the belt loop of his slacks.

An instant later Alex was on top of me, his body pinning me to my mattress. He

kissed me hard, driving his tongue into my mouth, filling me with the taste of him, the

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heady burn of his venom. I arched my hips, felt the hard line of his erection trapped

beneath layers of cloth. My skin hummed with the feel of his kiss pulsing through my

veins, my body moist and ready for him. I reached for his slacks, the tight elastic of his

underwear…and pushed.

Alex ground his hips against me, triggered my body to push back, wanting the

hardness of him to fill me. I pushed at his clothes again, nudged them to the highest curve

of his ass. His stiff sex and the press of his body against mine kept the material from

slipping lower.

Enough. I wanted him inside me and with a small point of my high-heeled shoe, I

snagged underwear and slacks alike, and shoved them down his thick muscled legs.

Alex pushed up on stiff arms, shifting his legs, kicking and pulling himself free of

his clothes. His erection thudded against my groin, brushing through the hairs at my sex

again and again. I reached down and took hold, feeling his thickness, caressing his length.

Alex stilled for a moment, then rocked his hips, enhancing my strokes.

His was thick and long, but the velvet skin wasn’t as taut as it could be, it wrinkled

and gathered at the head moving with my hand. His body didn’t possess enough blood,

his heart too weak and slow to flood his penis. He was hard enough to do the job, but

he’d never reach satisfaction this way.

I flicked my gaze to his and found him staring into my eyes, reading me.

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

It’s all about the story…









Red Hots!


Science Fiction


Young Adult


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