Eve Cassidy Kissing Cowboys

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by Eve Cassidy

Breathless Press

Calgary, Alberta


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and

incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are

used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any

resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or

persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Kissing Cowboys

Copyright© 2010 Eve Cassidy

ISBN: 978-1-926771-43-4

Cover Artist: Annie Melton

Editor: Laura Kepner

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used

or reproduced electronically or in print without written

permission, except in the case of brief quotations

embodied in reviews.

Breathless Press


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“Damn it, Jacob, don’t look at me like that.” JT sat in the dirt, cov-

ered with dust. His ankle throbbed. Without even trying to put weight

on his foot, he knew his leg was jacked up. “Fuck.”

Jacob Cordero stood propped against the fence, watching him

with the beginning of an I-told-you-so grin tugging at his lips. JT was

no stranger to pain or being thrown by horses, but he’d still have to

ask for Jacob’s help getting back to the bunkhouse.

“What’s wrong? Old age getting to you, or are you just too damn

lazy to get up off your ass quick enough when ya been thrown?”

“Yeah, you’re hilarious. How ‘bout in between those laughs you

come and give me a hand. I fucked up my ankle big time.”

Jacob pushed off the wood, strode over, and crouched down by

JT’s boot. “How bad is it? Already swollen?”

“Fuck yeah. If we don’t hurry you’ll be cutting the damn boot off,

and I ain’t got the cash to replace these right now.”

“To hell with the boot. Damn, JT, you have to ride in two days and

everyone’s counting on you.” Jacob grasped the heel and gave it a test

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tug, sending obvious pain up JT’s leg. “We shouldn’t wait until we get

inside. I think I can get it now without tearing any tendons.”

JT grabbed Jacob’s shoulder. “Just do it, man.”

He clamped his teeth together and clenched every muscle in his

body when Jacob pulled the boot off. Somehow, he’d managed to not

scream like a girl from the ripping heat tearing up his leg. JT focused

on his breathing. In through the nose and out through the mouth. The

pain would dull soon.

“Not too bad. You’ve got some swelling, but I think we can take

care of that and have you back on your feet in a few days.”

“Oh, I’ll be back on them by Friday, come hell or high water.”

Jacob shook his head and stood. “You boys all come here so stub-

born. Every last one of you with your Superman syndrome.”

“Boys, huh? What are you...about seventeen?”

Jacob ignored his sarcasm and helped him into a standing position

before hiking him over his shoulder.

“You don’t have to carry me. I just need a little support walking.”

“You wanna ride Friday night, or not? Any weight on it right now

and it’ll only get worse. No point in making an easy strain more serious

at this point, right?”

“I reckon.”

Thank God the bunkhouse wasn’t that far. JT felt like an idiot hav-

ing to be carried. Not to mention being this close to Jacob wreaked

havoc on his libido.

When all the guys had left for the bar, he’d hung back, despite the

fact he’d been dying for a beer or three, and a chance to get laid. No,

where they were going he wasn’t about to find what he was looking

for, and he didn’t want anyone in the circuit finding out he was gay

until he knew them a hell of a lot better. On some circuits it wasn’t un-

common for some of the lonely cowboys to relieve stress together, but

on other circuits, strictly forbidden.

He’d only landed here a week ago and hadn’t gotten a handle on

the group. He’d been too busy training and proving he could get the

job done.

Until now.

In this position, Jacob’s hair brushed against JT’s arm, sending

goose bumps across his skin. Sudden images of the soft locks sweeping

certain parts of his anatomy flooded his thoughts, and his cock tight-

ened. If he didn’t get that under control, Jacob would know exactly

what he had on his mind.

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Think of little old ladies with blue hair, JT. Come on, anything but the

hot stud carrying you to your bunk.

Jacob swung the door open and they entered the darker room.

The sun had begun to set and no one had left any lights on.

“Here, grab onto the bed rail above you and I’ll ease you down as

gently as I can.”

“This isn’t my bunk. It’s yours.” Bad Idea. Bad, bad idea.

Jacob pushed him into the mattress and raised his head, a shit-

eating grin across his face. “Well, yours is all the way at the other end,

and your ass is heavy.”

“Real men don’t weigh under a buck fifty. What’d ya expect?”

Jacob held onto JT’s injured leg while he scooted to the middle

and got comfortable. “And you’re a real man huh?”

JT hesitated. He didn’t want to get ahead of himself but Jacob’s

tone seemed to be insinuating something. Better to change the subject.

“So what do you think about the ankle? Ice pack for the swelling

first, then heat?”

“Yeah, and I’ve got something else that will help.”

“What do you mean?”

“You’ll see. Just lie still and I’ll be right back.”

JT laid back on the bed and tried to get comfortable. His dick had

decided it liked being hard and more blood rushed to his groin. Ly-

ing in Jacob’s bunk didn’t help much. The man’s scent surrounded

him. A unique blend of male musk and some kind of herb. He inhaled

deeply. Whatever it was, the man should bottle it, ‘cause it had to be

a powerful aphrodisiac.

The irony that Jacob had been the image he’d jacked off to the

night before didn’t escape him now. But if he didn’t find a way to

regain some control over his own body, he’d be in trouble. Wouldn’t

take a man as smart as Jacob long to notice the raging hard-on he

couldn’t hide, even if he’d tried.

“Here.” Jacob pressed a bottle of tequila into his hand and laid an

ice pack across his ankle. “A few swigs of that and any residual throb-

bing should disappear. Besides, I want to be able to move it after I rub

in some of the oil.”

“Oil? What oil?” JT sat and unscrewed the top from the liquor.

Maybe the alcohol would dull his response to Jacob’s touch. He tipped

the bottle and took several swigs. He screwed up this face, and the liq-

uid burned inside him. Nothing like a tequila burn to warm a man, or

get him settled down.

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“It’s a home remedy that’s been passed down for generations.

Many men in my family have served as medicine men for their tribes.

Now my grandfather just makes it and hands it out to all us every

time we get together.”

JT nodded. He didn’t know much about Native American tradi-

tion, but many around the group had claimed Jacob knew what the

hell he was talking about. They’d shown him a lot of respect.

“You need to remove your jeans. Once I start working on that foot

and ankle, I don’t want anything in the way.”

He froze. Oh shit.

JT took another swig of tequila, and prayed for control. Instead,

his cock pulsed against his zipper as if eager to get out. Betrayed by

his own fucking body. “I—um— I’m good just staying like this.”

Jacob arched his brow.

“You shy?” He laughed. “Come on. I can grab you some shorts,

just tell me what you need.”

“In the footlocker next to my bunk. There’s probably something in

there.” He waited until Jacob moved out of his sight before he pressed

down on his dick. Damn, it wasn’t getting any better, and his secret

was about to be revealed.

“Here.” Jacob tossed him a pair of boxer briefs and waited.

Well, now or never. He’d been curious about Jacob all week, and

he’d hoped for some private time with the man to feel him out. He

hadn’t expected something this extreme, but he’d take whatever he


JT unfastened his jeans and pushed them down his hips, being

careful to avoid Jacob’s gaze. His erection bounced against his abs

when he wriggled the pants free. He took a deep breath and held it,

waiting for Jacob’s response.

“Here, let me help get this past your ankle.”

“It’s okay. I’m not so far gone I can’t even take a pair of pants off.”

He peered through thick lashes, and his gaze locked with Jacob’s.

“Is there something you want to tell me?” Jacob asked.

The heat of embarrassment crept up JT’s neck as he averted his

gaze to the wall. “I don’t think I need to say anything at this point, do


“Not really. I get the message loud and clear,” Jacob admitted in

a husky voice.

JT’s body jerked. No. Could it really be? His imagination was in

overdrive and making shit up. But when Jacob touched his warm fin-

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gers against his leg, he nearly shot off the bed. Why did he feel like a

gangly teenager in his parents’ house? Like at any minute someone

would walk through the door and catch him naked in bed with a hot

man he was dying to devour, standing over him.

“I’m going to apply the oil and then start moving your ankle. I

doubt you’ll be in much pain, but maybe another drink or two of the

tequila wouldn’t hurt.”

Yeah, alcohol, he definitely needed more of that. The cool and fra-

grant oil seeped into his skin, warming it. His cock leapt, and pre-cum

oozed from the tip. Damn, he wanted to grab his shaft and pull on it in

the same rhythm as Jacob’s hands. Better yet, he wanted Jacob’s hands

on more than just his injured leg.

While Jacob warmed his flesh, the tequila heated his insides until

he settled into the pillow and relaxed. By the time Jacob started mov-

ing his ankle, he barely noticed. His cock was hard, and his body was

warm. For a few minutes, life was uncomplicated and damn good.

When fingers began to massage their way up his legs, he moaned

in appreciation. Until the calves turned into the knees, which turned

into the thighs...His eyes flew open and locked on Jacob. Hungry eyes

stared back at him, and the blood drained from his brain. He started

to speak, but when his mouth opened, no words came out.

“Relax, JT, I’ve been thinking about this for days.” Fingers grazed

his balls, and his eyes rolled back in his head.

Sweet Lord, I must be dead. This kind of pleasure never came soft

and easy. Always hard and fast before anyone could catch them.

“What about the guys? We don’t exactly have a lot of privacy


“You know them boys ain’t coming back for hours yet. The sun

only went down thirty minutes ago.”

Relaxed on the bed, JT sighed. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

JT gasped when warm fingers cupped his ball sac, increasing the

pressure the more time passed. Damn, the urge to hurry, to just fuck,

overwhelmed him. Desire sizzled through his body, threatening to

take over his ability to think.

“Jesus, Jacob, you’ve got me so damn hard I’m ready to burst.”

“Uh huh, not yet. I haven’t even gotten you in my mouth yet.”

Heat blazed, and his cock swelled at the mere image of his dick in

Jacob’s mouth. At this rate, he’d be forced to endure a very long night

of torture; or he’d lose it like a teenager, and it’d be all over before they

even got started.

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“I don’t think it’s exactly fair that I’m the only naked one in this

bed. Take your clothes off.” To his surprise, his voice came out sound-

ing like gravel in a blender.

“We’ve got hours to explore. What’s the rush?”

Jacob lowered his head and engulfed the crown of his shaft. JT

grabbed the headboard as heat erupted around him. With his view

blocked by Jacob’s tantalizing long hair, JT grabbed a fistful and

brushed it to the side. The silky strands teased his fingers as he tight-

ened his hold and breathed through gritted teeth. Jacob’s cheeks hol-

lowed as soft lips slid down his erection, creating a suction designed

to drive him wild.

He loved having his dick sucked, and Jacob sure as hell knew what

he was doing. Jacob’s tongue flattened and stroked up the underside,

sending jolts of electricity clear down to his toes. Fuck the ankle; he felt

no pain with Jacob going down on him.

Cum moved in his balls, the first sign of an impending orgasm.

“Damn, I feel like a horny teenager; I won’t last if you keep doing that.”

In response, Jacob sucked harder, his tongue moving hard and

swift around the sensitive underside of the head. He white-knuckled

the rails and bucked his hips, fucking into Jacob’s mouth until he hit

the back of his throat.

“Oh hell,” JT yelled. “You feel so damn good.” He moved a frac-

tion more, forcing himself an inch further into the tight grip of Jacob’s

throat. When his new lover swallowed around him, he thought his

head would explode. His control broke, and he bucked sharply in and

out, the cum boiling in his sac. “Jacob, I...can’t...stop...have...to...come.”

Jacob followed his lead and sucked harder, never pausing to give

him a chance to regain control. His balls tightened painfully as Jacob’s

hand squeezed them together. A heavenly slice of erotic pain to en-

hance his pleasure.

“Fuck!” he roared as the release ripped up his dick and shot into

the warm recess of Jacob’s mouth. Spurt after spurt, he convulsed help-

lessly, marveling at Jacob’s eagerness to swallow every drop. Spent,

JT’s head fell back against the bed, exhausted. The muscles of his legs

trembled like a weak calf trying to stand for the first time, and sweat

covered every inch of his frame. JT closed his eyes, then took a deep

breath before opening them again. “Damn that felt good.”

A few minutes later, Jacob’s suction eased as he licked him clean.

Where had this man been all his life? He sucked dick like nobody’s


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His head finally lifted and deep driving lust shone from Jacob’s

eyes as he scrambled from the bed, hastily ripped off his clothes, and

threw them to the floor.

“Please tell me you don’t mind being the bottom, because if I don’t

get my cock into that tight ass of yours, I am going to die.”

JT’s brain perked up at the sight of Jacob’s massive cock. Probably

nine inches of thick meat covered in heavy veins. His mouth watered,

and his ass twitched. Dark skin covered lean muscles that rippled

across his abs. Below his belly button a light trail of black hair led to a

trimmed patch of kinky curls that only made his huge erection seem

bigger. “I like being fucked almost as much as I like fucking, so yeah,

I want it.”

Jacob reached into the pocket of his jeans and pulled out a con-

dom. Foil tore as he ripped it open and grabbed the bottle of oil he’d

used on his ankle. He crawled back up the bed. “Unless you’re used

to someone my size, I think we should use this. It has a mild numbing

agent, but trust me when I say, you’ll still feel plenty.”

Images of him driving his thickness deep inside left JT lighthead-

ed and hungry all over again. Even his cock twitched. He’d be rock

hard again before he got it in even halfway.

Jacob dripped the oil onto his fingers, and JT’s ass clenched in

anticipation. He knew where those fingers were going, and it excited

the hell out of him. Some of the lube drizzled onto his balls, and Jacob

massaged it in. A new warming sensation suffused his sac, much like

what he’d experienced on his foot, except this time the results were

erotic and sensual. His cock swelled a little more.

“I’ve thought about this a lot the last few days. My hands on you,

discovering what turned you on and made you hard. I had a hunch

you were gay, and I’m grateful I wasn’t wrong.” Jacob’s fingers trailed

the expanse of skin between JT’s balls and his anus, spreading the oil

until one long finger breached his puckered opening. When Jacob’s

free hand reached for a nipple and gave it a sharp pinch, he cried out

from the sudden surge of sensation.

“Jesus, Jacob,” he hissed.

The need to not only be touched but to touch overwhelmed him.

He jackknifed to a semi-sitting position and traced the taut skin of

Jacob’s chest. Flat brown nipples called out to him until he’d managed

to tweak them both before drawing them into his mouth and biting

down on them.

Jacob’s finger moved in tandem with his ministrations, swiping

his prostate a few times as he moved.

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“What’s this?” JT discovered a belly piercing when his hands

headed south. “Let me see.”

His lover rose up without letting his finger leave the channel of

his ass. Sure enough, a small silver ball gleamed above his belly but-

ton. JT brushed his thumb over it. “I’ve never seen a man with one of

these. It’s hot.”

“I’m glad you approve.” The silky tone of Jacob’s voice drew his

attention away from the stud and back to his face. In particular, the

slightly parted lips, swollen from sucking his cock.

“Are you kidding? You’re perfect,” he whispered before fastening

his mouth onto Jacob’s for a deep kiss. The taste of his own cum still

lingering on Jacob’s tongue was a tasty reminder of what they’d al-

ready done. He’d never dreamed Jacob wanted him even half as much

as he’d hungered for him. With an urgent slide of tongue against

tongue, JT grabbed for his dick and wrapped his fingers around the

thick, heated flesh.

Jacob groaned into his mouth, and he jerked his cock rough

enough to make his sexy lover groan again. He stroked his thumb

back and forth over the heavy vein that ran along the underside of his

shaft until he reached the throbbing crown. Pre-cum spilled onto his

fingers, adding a little lubrication to his movements. His mind warred

with the need to wrap his mouth around the fat tip or pull it to his

opening for the fuck of his life. Fortunately, Jacob made the decision

for him when he wrenched his mouth free and pushed him down

onto the bed as he growled.

“I want inside you.” Jacob removed his finger and rolled the cov-

ering on his dick with one hand. He rested the smooth tip of his cock

against the opening, and wrapped his arms around JT’s knees and

lifted them from the bed, in effect, spreading him wide.

JT’s hole clenched and fluttered with need. He slowed his breath-

ing and relaxed his muscles when Jacob bore down on him. The sud-

den flash of pain quickly gave way, and Jacob pushed past the tight


“Fuck, you’re tight.”

“Mmm yeah.” He clenched his teeth against the insane delight of

his channel being opened as Jacob moved inch by inch until his entire

length was buried inside him. Holy fucking hell.

Tired of waiting, he grabbed Jacob’s biceps. “Fuck me, please.”

Thankfully, Jacob didn’t need to be asked twice as he pulled back,

dragging a dark pleasure from JT at his retreat before he slammed

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home once again. Soon, he moved in a steady in and out rhythm that

JT returned with a constant roll of his hips. His own dick pulsed, fully


“Fuck you open like a dream, JT. Take me. Take me.” Jacob thrust

faster into JT’s quivering channel, stretching him with each aggressive


The room spun around him while he wrapped his hand around

his aching cock in a tight fist. His balls had already drawn tight against

his skin, and he squeezed hard, trying to delay his release. He feared

control was out of his reach as he panted and moaned for more.

“C’mon Jacob, you can do more. Take me. Fuck me.” His raw cries

were greeted with rough grunts from Jacob as the man rammed hard-

er. His fingers dug into Jacob’s muscles, and he silently swore. More

friction, more speed, he wanted it all. He couldn’t get enough. “Don’t

stop.” He jerked his cock roughly, as his seed ached in his balls. A fa-

miliar tingle raced up his spine, and JT knew without a doubt he was

not in control.

“Jacob, please let me feel you cum.” He managed seconds before

his own orgasm overtook him. The look of extreme male satisfaction

passed over Jacob as spurts of cum covered his stomach and chest.

Jacob jerked against him, and his eyes squeezed shut. His body had

lost the fight as did Jacob’s, who came inside him.

JT contracted around him, aftershocks rippling through them

both. His abs spasmed, and his teeth ground together as sensitive

flesh began to cool.

Jacob had ridden him like he rode an untamed horse. Aggressive

and without caution. Now what? With the still quiet filling the room,

the sounds of their heavy breathing sounded thunderous. Once their

trembling ceased, Jacob pulled from his body, and JT held his breath.

He’d had no idea sex could be so intense. That fractious. His world

had exploded, and he’d gotten a taste of something wild and free, and

damned if he didn’t want it again.

The careful way Jacob eased his injured foot down formed a lump

in his throat. He couldn’t remember anyone taking so much care with


“That was fucking unbelievable.” The words tumbled from his

mouth unbidden.

Jacob’s tight muscles relaxed, and a slight smile made its way

across his face. “You do have a nice ass.” And just that easy, he re-

lieved the tension that could have built between them.

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JT managed to sit up and thrust his fingers into his hair. Spent

and satisfied, his thoughts drifted to a shower and food. Then maybe

he could sweet talk his way into some more sex before the rest of the

boys made it home.

“Guess you’ll need me to help you into the shower, huh?”

“S’pose so.”

Jacob moved to the side of the bed, lifted his arm around JT’s neck,

and hoisted him up. “Too bad you’ve got a hurt foot, there’s a lot of

fun to be had in a hot shower.”

JT cracked a grin and turned to his new lover. “It’s just a sprained

ankle, and the shower is a great place to be on your hands and knees.

Jacob whooped and picked up the pace. “Hot damn.”

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Eve Cassidy was born and raised in the South, but her adventurous

spirit has led her to various places around the world, thanks to her time

in the military. That experience gave her an eye-opening education

about a variety of cultures and the people within, and it was then she

discovered her interest in the dark and erotic that now weaves its way

into her stories.

Now, as a full-time writer, she has returned to her small hometown

in the South where she spends her days in front of a computer, writing

steamy and often kinky adventures she hopes readers will enjoy as

much as she does.


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