Wolves of Stone Ridge 12 A Cajun In Colorado

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Out of the cage: First impressions are rarely accurate when shifters are involved.

Christopher Chris Peterson loses the bet. Now, he has to spend an evening at a straight bar

dressed in drag. Butdon’t worry, his friends will be there to protect him. Too bad they do a lousy job
of it. His knight in shining armor takes the form of a sexy Cajun, Manon Lemelle. Chris immediately
finds himself drawn to the handsome man. Too bad Manon thinks Chris is a woman. Still, Chris can’t
resist accepting a date with him. His friends are right, and it ends in disaster, because Chris finds
himself liking Manon entirely too much.

Manon Lemelle’s maman warned him that his mate would lead him on a merry chase. Nothing

could be truer. When he meets his mate, Chris Richardson, he’s introduced to a lovely, slender young
woman. He enjoys her wit and charm, her shy attitude, and longs to hear her breathy voice whisper
into his ear. There’s just one small problem. Chris is really Christopher, and he’s a man.

Can Manon convince his mate that even though their entire relationship started with lies, on both

sides, they can still make this work?

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A Cajun in Colorado

Copyright © 2012 Charlie Richards ISBN: 978-1-77111-320-5 Cover art by Angela Waters

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Published by eXtasy Books Look for us online at: www.eXtasybooks.com

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A Cajun in Colorado Wolves of Stone Ridge: Book Twelve
Charlie Richards

To Megan & Lisa because being sisters doesn’t always mean you have to be a
supportive friend, but you ladies are anyway.

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Chapter One

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can’t believe you talked me into this!” Chris snarled. His ankle twisted on the uneven asphalt of

the parking lot when his concentration strayed from walking in the three inch chunky heels.

Daren grabbed his elbow, helping him regain his balance. His friend grinned hugely. “You lost

the bet, man.”
“Besides,” Eric cut in, smirking, “you make a fine looking woman.”
“Fuckers,” Chris hissed, but he kept his voice down since they’d started getting close to the bar
entrance. “You all better not leave me!” He so didn’t want to have his ass handed to him if some
straight dude figured out he wasn’t a chick.
Chris knew with his lean, svelte figure and long black hair, add in the dress, more make-up than he
normally used, and the padded bra, he did look like a woman. Problem was that the jock strap would
only go so far to hide an erection if he got excited.
“Come on, Chris,” Remy said, wrapping an arm around his waist. “We won’t leave you alone.” His
friend pressed a platonic kiss to his cheek. “It’s not like we could take you to any of our normal
hangouts. Someone would recognize you,” he pointed out.
He bit back a groan. Chris hadn’t been to a het bar in years. Daren opened the door for him, as a guy
should for a woman, and he followed Eric into the bar. The other two men brought up the rear. His
three buddies had done their best to tone down that they were gay, wearing relaxed jeans, t-shirts, and
foregoing their usual lip-gloss, eye-liner and hair gel.
He glanced between his friends as they all took a seat on a table and smiled. “You know, none of us
would be recognized if we went to one of our usual haunts anyway.”
That garnered a laugh from the other three men. A waitress approached their table, giving them an
assessing look as she asked what she could get them. After they all ordered a beer, she nodded and
headed away.
Watching her go, Eric cringed. “Man, I would not want to be a waitress in this place,” he muttered.
Chris knew what he meant. At least four men caressed, pinched, or smacked the poor woman’s ass as
she made her way to the bar. Daren reached across the table and squeezed Eric’s hand quickly before
releasing him. “There will never be a need, babe,” he murmured.
Chris watched the by-play and longing filled him. Eric and Daren had been a couple for over three
years now, living together after just three months. Completely devoted to each other, they’d never
come out of the honeymoon stage of the relationship. Chris didn’t think they ever would.
“Gag me,” Remy teased.
Daren leaned back in his chairand scowled at Remy. “Jealous much?”
Remy lifted one shoulder. “Maybe,” he admitted. “Not that I’d want either of you, but finding that
special guy. Yeah, I’d like that.”
The waitress reappeared then, giving Remy an assessing look while she set the beersdown in front of
everyone. “Will that be all for you? Can I get you an appetizer, perhaps?”
“Uh, yeah,” Daren said. He gave the woman a smile. “I heard your hot wings are excellent. How
about some of those?”
“Sure thing,” she said with a nod.
“I’ll take some, too,” Eric said.
“Me, three,” piped up Remy.
“I want potato skins, please,” Chris said, catching the woman’s attention.

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“Sure thing, hon.” Her gaze swept over the others at the table. “Anything else, boys?”
Eric hummed. “Better double the order of potato skins. Those sound delish.”
“You got it.” She gave them all one more appraising look as if trying to puzzle them out. It was more
than obvious that they weren’t this bar’s usual clientele. “I’ll get that placed and have them out to you
in a jiff.”
Aftershe’d turned away, Eric leaned close to Remy. “Dude, keep it down. I get the distinct feeling we
could get our asses kicked by a few of these fellows.”
Remy looked contrite. “Sorry. Didn’t think.”
Chris patted his shoulder as he glanced around at the men filling the bar. Eric was right. Most of the
guys looked pretty macho— broad shoulders and muscles. Some had big guts and looked like they
needed to spend more than a few hours on a treadmill and away from the bar.
As he looked over the men, a few of them caught his eye and gave him a once over as well. A thickly
muscled dark-haired man with barely any neck gave Chris a lascivious smile. He openly swept his
gaze over Chris’s fake breasts and slender legs.
Chris suppressed his shudder and quickly averted his gaze, returning his focus to his friends. He tried
not to shift uncomfortably in his chair, but the hairs on the nape of his neck stood on end. He could
just imagine the dude still staring at him. When he got up the nerve to look around again, Chris
carefully avoided looking that man’s way.
His mouth suddenly went dry, and Chris reached blindly for his beer to take a drink. He could only
see the man’s profile, but the stranger’s straight nose, slash of a mouth, high-cheek bones, and thick
dark red hair that he had pulled into a sexy pony-tail, was a stunning picture of masculinity.
Wrenching his gaze from the arresting view because Chris couldn’t seem to find his drink, he realized
his questing fingers had been reaching too far to the right. Once Chris got his beer to his lips, he took
a gulp. He licked the foam of the beer’s thin head from his lips, and returned his stare to the hottie in
the corner.
He found his gaze locked with the other man’s dark, dark eyes. Chris wondered if they were really
black, or if it just seemed that way because of the low lighting of the bar and the distance between
Chris couldn’t help licking his lips, and who-boy did he like how the man’s gaze followed the
movement. Boldly, Chris swept his gaze down the man’s form, taking in the lean muscle and long
lines of an athlete.
“Stop ogling the straight men,” Daren hissed in his ear.
Chris flushed and jerked his gaze away from the sexy stranger. He looked at his friends and shrugged
one lean shoulder. “I can’t help it. Some of these guys are really hot.” So hot, in fact, that his dick had
started to plump just from staring at the red-haired hotness in the corner drinking beer with two men
and two women. Chris realized that one of those women could very well be the man’s girlfriend.
That thought made his untimely erection deflate quickly. Besides, even if he was single, there wasn’t
any way he’d want Chris if he knew he was a man.
He sighed. “You’re right, though,” he said quickly, before his friends could chastise him further.
“They areoff limits.”
“Awe, it doesn’t hurt to look,” Remy quipped, glancing around. “There are some cute ones here.” He
grinned at Chris, his blue eyes twinkling. “Maybe you should see if one of them will dance with you. I
see a dance floor in the corner with a few couples on it,” he teased.
Chris frowned at his friend, but he couldn’t help notice that Remy was right. In the corner, a juke box
played, and couples were dancing to the selections. After sweeping his gaze over the dancing couples

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again, he couldn’t help but glance toward a hottie in the corner. Chris didn’t know if he was relieved
or disappointed to find the man no longer paying attention to him. Instead, he had his head cocked and
was listening closely to whatever the brunette next to him was saying.
The arrival of the wings and skins drew his attention and interrupted whatever Remy and Daren were
arguing about. Eric just sat quietly, an indulgent smile on his face. Shit, they really were bad at
pretending to be straight. Anyone looking at Eric right now would immediately know he was smitten
with Daren.
“Thanks,” Chris said, pulling the waitress’s attention to himself and away from Eric.
“Sure thing, hon. Anything else I can get for ya’ll?” she asked.
They all shook their heads, muttered thanks, and dug into the food. Chris slathered a hot wing in blue
cheese and took a bite. He hummed happily as the spice hit his tongue, setting it to tingle pleasantly
only to be cooled by the creamy dressing. After finishing the wing, he grabbed a potato skin, dipped it
in ranch, and took a big bite.
“Oh, yum,” Chris moaned. “These are amazing!”
Wiping his fingers on a napkin, Chris reached for his beer and took aswallow of the bitter brew.
“So,” he started, “I’ve done what I needed to do to fulfill the bet. Can we call it even?”
Eric and Daren exchanged a look and shrugged. “Yeah,” Eric replied “We’re square.”
Chris let out a sigh and took another potato skin. The cheesy, crispy, fattening delights weren’t his
usual fair, but he sure did enjoy them on occasion. Besides, dressing in drag because he was wrong
and thought his boss, Tom Bristol, was straight definitely called for some comfort food.
According to Eric, the marketing executive atAll Weather’s Outfitters , where Chris worked, had set
off his gaydar, but Chris just hadn’t seen it. So, they’d made the bet. Whoever was wrong, not only
had to dress in drag, but then, pass as a woman for an evening at a straight bar. Seeing Tom’s heated
look as he hauled a leather-clad biker, complete with tattoos, into his office, had floored Chris. He
sure hadn’t seen that one coming. He’d sucked it up and admitted he was wrong to Eric.
Now, here he sat, eating skins and wings and trying not to garner too much attention from the local
straight boys. Chris had found himself smacked around a few times for hitting on the wrong guy and
really didn’t want to experience it again.
They were finishing their beers when Chris’s luck ran out. A shadow fell over his shoulder. When
Chris looked up, he saw the beefy, nonecked man who’d given him the eye earlier standing there. The
man gave him a wink, and said, “I sure do like a woman with an appetite. Mind if I buy you a drink?”
Chris held in his snort, but just barely. That was truly one of the worst pickup lines he’d ever heard.
Not wanting to start a fight, especially since the man had been sitting with three other males who all
looked like they could bench press him and his friends, Chris smiled sweetly and replied, “I’m
flattered, but have to say, no. I’m here with someone, tonight.” To add credence to his words, Chris
smiled at Remy and took his hand.
Remy smiled back at Chris. His friends always had each other’s backs.
The stranger scoffed. “Awe, he ain’t man enough to take care of you, sweetheart,” the stranger said.
He even had the nerve to settle a hand on Chris’s shoulder and squeeze.
Damn, how can I diffuse this? He forced a smile and looked at noneck. “Look, I’m flattered. I really
am, but I’m not interested. I’m sorry.”
The grip on his shoulder tightened, and he bit his lip to hold back the cringe of pain. Fear spiked
through his system. Oh, this was going to get ugly. Chris just knew it. “Come now, sweetheart. Just
give me a chance. I’ll take good care of you,” the man said, his cool smile no longer reaching his

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“Chris said, no, dude. Get lost,” Remy snapped, rising from the table.
“Stay out of this, string-bean, before I wipe the floor with you,” no-neck snapped.
Chris rose, too, though the guy didn’t release him. He lifted his hands in a placating gesture. “Please,
we don’t want any trouble,” he said. “We’ll just leave.”
From the corner of his eye, he could see Daren and Eric also standing. Daren pulled out his wallet,
retrieving bills to toss on the table.
“One dance, sweetheart,” the stranger insisted.
Chris felt trapped. He didn’t like it.
Suddenly, another form appeared at his shoulder. “ Cherie say she no’ interested, Frankie. Why you
not head back to your friends, hmm?”
“Stay out of this, Cajun,” Frankie snapped.
“When a woman say, no, you listen, Frankie,” the Cajun said.
Chris wanted to moan. He’d heard Cajuns speak on TV, but never in real life. The accent was even
better in person. The Cajun gripped Frankie’s wrist above where the man held Chris’s shoulder.
“You let go or I break it,” the sexy red-head promised.
Frankie glared, but did as instructed. The Cajun released his wrist. “You need to learn to keep your
nose out of what doesn’t concern you, Manon,” Frankie snapped.
“A pretty lady in trouble is always my concern,” Manon stated.
Up until then, Chris had been content to just sit and listen to his knight in shining…jeans fight his
battle. The fact that Manon thought he was a woman was like a splash of cold water to the face. Chris
was a grown man. Not a woman. If either of these men found that out, he’d be facing the wrath of both
of them.
“I appreciate the help, sir,” he murmured, smiling demurely. “But I think I’m just going to be going.”
Manon turned and looked down at Chris. Now that he was so close, it was tough for Chris to keep
from drooling. His eyes really were coal black, staring down from his six foot two inch height.
“Allow me to walk you to your car, cherie.”
“My name is Chris…Chris Richards—Richardson,” he got out. Being pinned by that gaze was
certainly a heady experience. The man stared down with intensity, sweeping his gaze over his face as
if trying to memorize every feature.
“And I am Manon Lemelle,” the man replied. “It be my pleasure.” He grinned, showing off straight
white teeth and a killer smile. “Cheriebe a term of endearment, Chris. I mean no offense.”
“Oh,” Chris replied, not knowing what else to say.
Eric touched his elbow. “We should go. Daren paid so…”
Chris nodded. Turning to Manon, hesaid softly, “I appreciate the help. We’ll go now.”
Manon looked at Frankie, and that was when Chris noticed the man’s narrowed eyes and flushed face.
His would-be suitor was angry.
“I walk you out,” Manon said suddenly. “Was leaving anyway.”
Chris felt certain that was utter bullshit, but it was a nice gesture. He couldn’t stop his smile and
slight blush to his pale features. “Okay.”
“Too bad, sweetheart. We could have had fun together, tonight,” Frankie snapped. “Instead, you want
to be just another conquest for this asshole.”
“You need to learn some manners around a lady,” Manon scolded.
Remy snorted, and Chris knew it was because he wasn’t a lady, and could curse worse than a sailor
could if it was in the right situation. “Let’s go,” Daren urged. Chris’s friend’s lips twitched and he
knew Daren fought a smirk.

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The group trouped outside, and Chris had to focus on walking in the damn heels. No need to trip in
front of the sexy man, even if he knew he couldn’t pursue the hottie. To his surprise, Manon followed
them. When they reached Eric’s jeep, Manon touched Chris’s arm, drawing his attention.
“I know this guy not your man,” Manon said, a smile quirking his lips. “He not defend you right for
Chris blushed slightly. “Yeah, well, that’s true. He’s not my date. We’re just friends and were just out
for some fun.”
“You not been in dat bar before,” Manon stated. “I’d know.”
That had him smiling. He couldn’t help it. Chris’s knight was hot, and he was looking at him as if he
was a lollipop he wanted to unwrap and lick in the worst way. “Will you give me your number?”
Manon asked, holding up his phone ready to enter the number into the device.
The man touched Chris’s shoulder and slid his hand down his arm, scraping his calloused hand over
his skin. Good-bumps erupted over Chris’s flesh. His breathing sped up and his dick began to thicken.
Knowing it wouldn’t be long until he could no longer hide the fact that he had a penis, Chris nodded
quickly and rattled off his number.
Manon smiled and punched it in one-handed. Once done, he gently touched Chris’s cheek. “I will call
you,” he promised.
Then he turned and headed across the parking lot. Chris found himself helpless to do anything but
stand and watch the man’s sexy ass as he strode confidently away.
“Hey, Chris. Get in the jeep.”
He rolled his eyes at Damen’s order, but did as told. From the looks his friends were giving him, he
knew he would get an earful from them. Chris figured he had it coming. After all, what the hell was he
going to do if Manon actually called?

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Chapter Two


itting behind the wheel of his navy green Camaro, Manon watched his mate climb into the Jeep.

He cocked his head as she rolled her eyes at something one of the men said. It irked him beyond
belief that his mate was leaving in another man’s car, but it wasn’t as if he could insist on taking her
home. She was human and couldn’t understand that he needed to protect and keep her for himself.

She was also a woman. That was unexpected. He’d really thought he’d end up with a male. When

he’d left his original pack in Louisiana after hurricane Katrina, he’d specifically looked for open-
minded alphas before petitioning to join a new pack. Manon had thought finding out that Declan, the
Stone Ridge pack alpha was gay, was a sign from Fate.He knew the alpha wolf wouldn’t mind he was
bisexual, since his own mate was a man.

Manon had been with plenty of women, but they hadn’t satisfied him quite as much as his

encounters with males had. He supposed since it was his mate, it wouldn’t matter. He’d trust Fate
knew what she was doing.

Remembering what happened to his buddy, Kyle, Manon quickly picked up his phone and dialed

Shane Alvaro’s number. Shane was their pack beta and the man in charge right now, since Declan
was still on holiday in Ireland and Scotland.

“Shane Alvaro here,” the beta wolf answered.

“Hey, Shane. This is Manon. I have news,” he stated. Pausing, he uttered the words that he knew
would change his life. “I met my mate.”
“Congratulations, Manon,” Shane immediately replied. He paused, then chuckled. “I guess I should
ask if your mate is male or female.”
Manon grinned, knowing exactly what Shane meant. “Her name is Chris Richardson. She’s human, so
I did the only thing I could. I got her phone number,” he admitted, grimacing. “It looks like I’ll have to
woo her the old fashioned way.”
“I appreciate the heads up, Manon,” Shane said. “Let me know when you’re at the point to reveal your
wolf. You know we’ll help any way we can.”
He sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I gotta admit somethin’ my maman said before she
passed makes me a little worried.”
“Oh? What’s that?” Shane queried.
“She said my mate would lead me on a merry chase.” When Shane didn’t respond right away, he
added, “My maman was a bit of a seer. Sometimes, she knew things.”
“And did these things always come to pass?”
“In one form or another,” he said.
“All right. Keep me informed,” Shane ordered.
“Yes, Beta,” Manon replied.
He disconnected the call, started his Camaro and headed home. As much as he’d love to follow
Chris’s delicious scent

and with her leaving in an open-topped Jeep, it was possible

he didn’t want

to come off as a stalker. And he had work in the morning.

Somehow, Manon resisted the urge to call Chris the whole time he was at work. Every time he

moved, he felt his wallet pressing against his side. He knew inside his wallet was her phone number.
After he passed the Life Flight piloting duties to his replacement, a sturdy fellow named Lionel,
Lenny, his replacement’s brother asked if he wanted to join them for a beer.

Manon shook his head. “No thanks, bra,” he said, using the friendly term for brother to soften the

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refusal. “I’m gonna give that pretty gal from last night a ring. See if I can set somethin’ up.”

Lenny frowned, nodding slowly. “There was som ething about her and her friends,” he muttered.

“What you mean?” Oddly, Manon thought Lenny had good instincts, for a human. And he had to credit
the guy, Manon had thought the same thing. Chris’s three friends set off his gaydar big time, but if that
wasthe case, what in God’s green earth were they doing at the clearly straight bar? With the cloying
scents of sweat, beer, and perfume, Manon’s sense of smell had been going overtime. He’d
desperately wanted to press his nose to Chris’s shoulder and inhale so he could learn her true scent.
Problem was, with a human, he figured that would send her running for sure.
“I don’t know,” Lenny said, shaking his head. “Just…something.”
“Well, I think I can handle her just fine,” Manon responded, slapping Lenny on theshoulder. He’d find
a way to make this work, damn it!
Lenny grinned and winked. “Good luck!”
Manon headed out of the hospital and climbed into his Camaro. Pulling out his phone, he dialed the
number for Chris. He waited with bated breath, trying to focus on driving. Manon nearly swallowed
his tongue when Chris’s breathy greeting sounded across the line.
“Hello?” she said.
Unable to stop a smile, he said, “Hello, cherie. This is Manon Lemelle. How are you?”
“I’m good. How are you?”
He grinned. “Good now, cherie.”
“You still haven’t told me what that means.”
Manon could hear the frown in her voice, and didn’t like that one bit. “I apologize, Chris,” he
murmured, maneuvering around cars. “I promise I will tell you. Just not until you know me better.”
“Why would it matter? It’s not something bad, is it?”
He shook his head, though he knew Chris couldn’t see it. “No, Chris. It is no’ bad.”
After a few seconds of silence, Chris said, “Um, I hate to rush you, but you managed to catch me on
break, and I only have a few minutes left. Is there—Is there something I can do for you?”
You could let me hold you down and love you forever. Manon kept that thought to himself, though.
“I’d like to take you out. I want to get to know you better.”
“Oh, um, well…”
He gritted his teeth, not liking that his mate might say no. He needed to be with her, in person so there
could be no mistaking the matepull between them. He’d seen enough human-shifter pairings to know
the human could feel it.
“Ah, don’t say, no, cherie. At least give me a chance, oui?” He bit his tongue. He knew he slipped
French and Cajun words in at times, confusing the crap out of the people around him. It was worse
when he was nervous, agitated, or upset. Right now, he’d peg himself as nervous, and for good
reason. Manon wanted his mate.
“Okay,” she whispered softly.
Manon did a mental fistpump. “Thank you,” he said, knowing his gratitude shown through his tone.
“What did you have in mind?” Chris asked.
Just then, Manon’s phone beeped in his ear, alerting him to a text. Pulling it away, he saw that it was
from Shane. “Zut,” he hissed.
Chris giggled. “Naughty boy,” she whispered.
His brows lifted. She knew the French equivalent of damn? He hadn’t meant to say it, but getting a
text from his beta while trying to make a date frustrated him. Manon would need to know what his
beta wanted before making plans.

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Evidently, he’d stayed quiet too long. “What’s wrong?” Chris asked pensively.
“Got a text from…from my boss. Let me see what he wants. Just a sec.” Before Chris could reply, he
pressed a button and read the text. He grimaced, but after a second, realized this would probably be
better. Since Chris was at work, on her break, it meant she’d be there for a few more hours, right?
She wouldn’t have time this evening anyway.
This brought another question to mind. “Where you work, cherie?” he asked into the phone.
“All Weather Outfitters. Why?”
She sounded a bit suspicious, which concerned Manon. It ruined any plan for dropping by to say
hello. That would make her think he wasa stalker. Instead, he commented, “Oh, Tom’s store. I know
it.” Well, well, wasn’t it a small world? He’d have to ask Tom if he knew Chris. Except, damn, Tom
is out of town with the alpha.
“How long you been workin’ there, cherie?”
“Look, I’m sorry. My break’s over. I gotta go,” she said quickly, carefully avoiding his question.
Did I push too hard? Women were hard to read at the best of times. “Wait, real quick, cherie. You
busy tomorrow? Let me take you out.”
“Well, I work in the morning, but I’m done at two,” she said uncertainly.
“Okay, how about I pick you up at five, oui? An early dinner and miniature golf. You like dat?” He
shook his head. Fuck. He was beginning to sound like he’d just left the bayou.
“Okay. That sounds okay,” she murmured.
Manon grinned, liking the sound of her voice. It was deeper than most women’s, but breathy. He
pulled over and adjusted his hardon, then he wrote down her address. “I look forward to it, Chris.
See you tomorrow.”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow,” she replied. “Bye.”
“G’night.” He disconnected the phone, then stared at it for a moment. He knew he was grinning like a
fool, but he had a date, with his mate.
Now, he needed to see what Shane really needed. His text had simply read – Need you as soon as
possible. Call me.
Manon hit two on his speed dial and the line picked up after the second ring.
No greeting. It must be dire. “Oui.What you need, Beta?”
“Head to Laremie’s Rock. Rachel and Paul’s son, Demetri…he went running up there and is missing.
I have Nick and Cliff already out there combing the area, but another nose is always helpful.”
“Will do, Shane. We find him,” Manon stated. He hung up and turned his car around, heading north
toward Stone Ridge. With Nick and Cliff hunting the youngster, they might even have the cub found
before Manon could get there. If not, he’d lend them a nose.
Fifty minutes later, Manon pulled his Camaro to the side of the service road. He hated bouncing his
baby down these roads, but he didn’t think Shane would appreciate him taking an extra fifteen minutes
just to protect his undercarriage and pick up his Honda CBR1000RR, although, considering the speed
of the damn thing, he probably could have made up the time, if he didn’t get pulled over.
He grinned, exited his vehicle and then let his wolf out.
Dropping to his knees, Manon let the change slide through his body. His muscles contracted, his
bones and tendons popped, his head and jaw contorted, and fur sprouted over his body as a tail grew.
In less than thirty seconds, a dark-red furred wolf with black points leaped forward and streaked
through the forest.
Manon threw his head back and howled. A heart-beat later, two answering howls echoed through the
forest. He started running toward them, his nose twitching as he breathed in the familiar scents of the
forest—pine, earth, and animals.

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The low whine of an injured animal stopped Manon in his tracks. He cocked his ears and listened,
waiting for it to come again. It did. He wasn’t certain if Demetri made the sound, but it was certainly
worth checking out.
Racing through the underbrush, he began to make out the scents of both Nick and Cliff. Both wolves
had criss-crossed this area. Another scent he vaguely recognized as pack tickled his senses. Since he
didn’t recognize it, he figured it was Demetri’s. He wondered how they’d missed exploring in the
direction of the whine, but when he stepped into a clearing, he found out.
Manon paused on the edge, his nose to the wind, but no scent except earth and pine reaching his nose.
Had he misheard the sound? Just then, two wolves appeared and flanked him. He recognized Cliff’s
large black wolf and Nick’s tawny colored animal. He growled low, not in aggression, but in
question. Cliff stepped forward, nose to the air. He whined, getting the same confused mix that Manon
had. Nick chuffed, drawing attention. The smaller wolf buried his nose in the flowers, then took a few
steps and sniffed at the sage growing near a rock base.
Nick whined and scratched at them. Manon trotted over, and it occurred to him what Nick was telling
him. He couldn’t smell the flowers, though they were thick enough here to have easily drowned out
the scent of the pine trees towering over them.
Growling low in his throat, he motioned with his head, ordering Nick left and Cliff right. He took the
middle. Noses to the ground, they spread out and started working their way across the clearing.
Halfway across, Cliff found something, giving a sharp yip to get their attentions.
Manon and Nick came running. When they reached Cliff’s side, they realized what he’d found.
Humans were in the area. Mixed with their smell was Demetri’s scent. Something had happened to
the young wolf and the humans had been able to hide their scent. That didn’t bode well for them.
He knew the human mate of the Stone Ridge pack’s lead enforcer had been working hard to figure out
the location of human scientists who liked to experiment on shifters. So far, they’d only located and
shut town two facilities. Neither had been headquarters. When they’d kidnapped a second altered
soldier of the scientists, they hadn’t heard anything in retaliation. They still held the soldier in a small
cottage in the woods. Maybe they were searching for him?
Pushing his thoughts away, Manon followed Cliff as he led the way. The wolf tracker had a better
nose. Nick trailed, in case they needed to send someone for reinforcements. The tawny-colored
shifter was fast and agile, and could easily evade any attempt at capture.
“Come on, Roman. We need to get out of here. These things run in packs, remember?”
They heard the human’s voice before they saw him. The trio slowed, slinking forward, not wanting to
let the men know that they’d been found. The three wolves crept on their bellies, spreading out the
closer they got.
“Awe, come on, Will. Stop your worrying. Those guys wanting the wolves swore up and down that
they wouldn’t be able to smell us if we sprayed that shit, and it worked. This one never knew what hit
him,” Roman boasted.
So, these guys are paid lackeys of someone else. Are the scientists trying to regain a foothold?
Manon didn’t like his thoughts, but couldn’t fathom what else it could be.
Manon watched the two men carry a cage toward the back of a truck, presumably with an unconscious
Demetri inside, since they still couldn’t smell much. Both men were concentrating on their task. The
man with the beer belly was panting and sweating while the slender fellow was grunting and gritting
his teeth.
Manon nodded sharply and he and his pack-mates leaped forward. Both men let out undignified
shrieks. The fat one dropped the cage, which swung toward the slender human and knocked his legs

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out from under him. Cliff was on the skinny man instantly, his heavy weight pressing the human’s
chest to the ground.
As Manon shifted, he watched Nick give chase to the heavy-set man. The tawny wolf leaped, and
Nick landed on the human’s back, dragging the guy to the ground. Manon had just completed his shift,
and crouched over Cliff and the skinny man, when the roar of an engine coming to life caught his
His head snapped up and his gaze locked with the frightened brown eyes of a third human they hadn’t
even known was there. He was sitting in the cab of a truck, behind the wheel, his eyes as big as
Merde,” Manon cursed.
The human’s mouth dropped open. He spun to face the windshield and gunned the engine. Manon
could do nothing but watch the truck as it carried the small human down the weeded track and out of
sight between the trees.
“Damn it,” he cursed again, the English equivalent this time.
He dropped his gaze to the human under Cliff’s paws and saw that he was unconscious. A look at
Nick’s captive revealed a whimpering, mumbling mess of a man, and from the scent in the air, he’d
pissed himself. “You two had best shift,” he commanded Nick and Cliff. “It’s going to be a bitch of a
walk out of here.”
Shaking his head, Manon carefully maneuvered the crate holding the wolf off the skinny man’s chest
and, using shifter strength, broke the lock. From the corner of his eye, Manon saw the two wolves
following his order as he peered into the cage. Drugged green eyes stared back at him. He scented the
wolf in the cage. “Demetri?” he asked after a second.
The blond wolf whimpered.
Good enough. “Let’s get you out of there, mon ami,” he said encouragingly. He reached an arm in,
trusting the other shifter’s nose still worked well enough to recognize him as pack.
He must have, because he let Manon get hold of the wolf’s scruff and pull him. Demetri whined, but
scrabbled forward and out of the cage. As soon as he was clear, the young shifter changed, returning
to human form.
“How is that possible?”
Manon looked up and discovered the slender fellow had woken. His eyes wide in his head, but at
least he was coherent. “Who sent you?” Manon demanded.
Instead of answering, the man whispered, “What are you?”
After shaking his head, Manon blew out a breath. It looked like they would need to take them to
Shane. There was some explaining to do, on both sides. Manon walked over to the slender fellow and
knelt next to him. “If you come with me, and tell me what you doin’ here and who sent you, we
explain everything.” He held out a hand, palm up.
It took a few seconds, but finally, the slender human reached out and took Manon’s hand.

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Chapter Three

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hat the hell do you think you’re doing?” Eric snapped.

Chris knew he shouldn’t have told him. When Eric had called to see what was up that evening,

Chris had tried to avoid telling his friend. Yet, he’d pressed, and as soon as Eric heard Chris had
agreed to go out on a date with Manon, Eric had declared he was on his way over, and disconnected
the call. Daren was at work at Colin City Animal Shelter, so he wasn’t available to join in on the ass
chewing, but Remy more than made up for it.

“You’re a man,” Remy reminded him, his arms crossed over his chest. “What do you think will

happen when he feels you up?” His blue eyes flashed. “Straight men like squeezing tits, and yours
aren’t real,” he reminded him.

Glaring at his friends, he rested his hands on his hips. Chris knew they were right, but there was

just something so compelling about the man. His voice exuded a sexy allure that Chris really wanted
to explore…along with other things of the man. “Maybe if he gets to know me, he won’t mind,” he

Eric snorted. “Really? Did I just hear you say that?” Chris knew a couple bad experiences with

straight men in the past had caused his friends disbelief, but he couldn’t stop the cringe.
Eric sighed and moved to his side. The man rested a hand on his shoulder and squeezed. “I just don’t
want to see you get hurt.”
Eric shook his head and smiled sadly at Chris. “I know how you get. You fall in love too quickly and
then when it doesn’t work, we pick up the pieces,” he said, glancing over at Remy to encompass them
both. “We just don’t want you to get your hopes up over a

straight man.”

“I know,” he whispered, His friends really were right. Chris
looked at the clock and grimaced. Thirty minutes until Manon
arrived. “It’s too late to cancel now, so help me look like a woman
again. After dinner, I’ll break the news that we’re just not good for
each other and then I’ll never see him again,” he told his friends. He knew they had good reason to
give him dubious looks. Chris
felt grateful that they deemed to help him anyway.
After carefully tucking his cock and balls into the jock strap, he
donned the padded bra and sun dress. He slipped his pedicured toes
into a pair of white, wedge-heeled sandals and tied them on. Next,
he wrapped a scarf around his throat to hide his Adam’s apple. His breathing became shallower and
shallower as the time
approached for Manon to arrive. Remy scolded him more than
once to sit still while he applied Chris’s make-up. A spritz of
perfume and Chris was as ready as he’d ever be.
“Remember,” Eric warned. “No contact that could give you a
boner. You know how uncomfortable that will be with the way
you’re tucked.”
Chris nodded, fighting a blush. He did know. He still
remembered coming home and jacking off to memories of
Manon’s hand on his arm and the sound of his accented voice.

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Sexy straight fucker.
The outside apartment buzzer sounded right at six, and Chris
had to hand it to the guy for his punctuality. He pressed the
intercom button and said, “Yes?”
“It’s Manon,” came the reply.
“Come on up,” Chris said, pressing the release button. He
looked at his friends. “If you can’t be civil, make yourselves
scarce,” he snapped.
His friends rolled their eyes and slumped onto the couch in his
living room.
“Whatever,” Chris muttered.
He heard steps on the stairs. Screwing up his courage, Chris
opened the door and smiled. His breath left him, and he swallowed
hard, grateful for the scarf. The long-haired redhead was just sexy
beyond words. He wanted to throw himself at the man and climb
him like a pole.
Instead, he swallowed again to get moisture in his throat. “Hi,”
Chris murmured.
Manon smiled widely, his dark eyes flashing. “Hello, Chris. It’s
good to see you again,” he said, moving into his space. Chris just knew the man was going to try to
kiss him. He could
see it coming a mile away. He was a man, after all. Going against
every desire raging through his body, Chris took a step back, using
the move as an excuse to invite him in. “I’ll be just a second,” he
said. “I need to grab a jacket.”
Manon nodded and Chris slipped away. He strode into the
living room. Feeling Manon following him, Chris gave his friends
a warning look and said, “This is Remy Smithson and Eric
Young.” He shot a smile over his shoulder and added, “You may
remember them from the bar.”
Oui, nice toofficially meet you both,” Manon stated politely.
Chris picked up his jacket and found Manon eying his friends
warily. The big man waved a hand between them and said slowly,
“So, are you roommates, or, uh,” he frowned, obviously uncertain
how to broach the subject.
Eric snickered. “Don’t worry, big guy. We’re just friends.
Neither of us live here, but since Chris doesn’t have any family in
town, it’s our job to read you the riot act, so to speak.”
Manon’s brows shot up. “Oh, yeah?” He turned to look at Chris.
“Where are you from?”
“Cincinnati,” Chris answered shortly. He grabbed Manon’s arm
and tried to push the man from the room, only to find himself
stopped by an immovable wall of muscle.
Chris looked up at Manon in surprise. He found himself
impressed, considering Chris stood five-foot ten and wore threeinch heels. What did that make

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Manon? Six-two? Six-three? “These two are like your brothers, then?” Manon asked, his
look serious.
Realizing he still held Manon’s arm, he quickly dropped it.
Touching this man was not good for his libido. Chris could already
feel his dick plumping. Much more and he’d start to really feel it. Chris nodded. “Yes.”
“Good to know.” Manon smiled. “Because once I’ve found
what I want, I don’t share, cherie,” he crooned. His dark eyes
glittered with something Chris couldn’t hope to name.
“Really?” Eric cut derisively. “And just how long do you hang
…” He added air quotes, “…to things you want?”
Manon held Eric’s gaze for a second and licked his lips. “You
not be the one I need to convince, bra,” he muttered.
A strong arm wrapped firmly around Chris’s waist, hugging his
hip tight to Manon’s thigh. “You be who I need to convince,”
Manon said, giving Chris a heated look.
Before Chris could react, Manon dropped his head and claimed
hismouth. Manon didn’t ask permission—he demanded. He swept
his tongue inside, twined their tongues together, and tasted every
inch of Chris’s mouth. Any hope of not getting a boner was gone
with Chris’s first taste of the man. Dark, masculine, and earthy. He
couldn’t stop the whimper of pain and lust.
After several heart-stopping seconds, Manon released his mouth
and smiled down at him. “Now, we go to dinner where I convince
you I can be a gentleman, oui?”
Chris had to swallow and lick his lips before he found his voice.
He didn’t bother looking at his friends—not that he’d know
what to say to them anyway. Chris just let Manon take his hand
and lead him out the door.

Manon did prove to be a gentleman, opening the door to the car and helping him into the old,

classic Camaro. Chris wasn’t a car buff by any means, but even hecould appreciate the engine’s
throaty purr and buttery soft, leather interior.

Smoothing a palm over the inside of the door, he whispered, “Wow, what year is it?”

Manon lifted abrow. “Like cars do you, cherie?”
Okay, so maybe women wouldn’t be interested, but Chris just couldn’t help himself. He nodded
eagerly. “I do. I would love a vintage nineteen sixty-six or sixty-seven Shelby five hundred, but I
don’t think I’d ever be able to afford something like that.”
Grinning, Manon replied, “She’s a nineteen sixty-nine Camaro with a rebuilt three-ninety-six cubic
inch engine, zero to sixty in five point two seconds.”
Chris couldn’t stop his grin. “You gonna drive that fast?” As soon as the words were out of his mouth,
he knew how they sounded. Too bad his dick was trying to do the exact same thing. He had to keep
one hand on his lap just to be sure the bulge of his erection didn’t show.
Because he was watching, Chris saw Manon’s Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed. The red-head
glanced his way and grinned. “Now, dat wouldn’t be ver’ gentlemanly, would it?”
The thick Cajun accent and the gleam in his eye made Chris want to leap across the console and suck

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the man’s dick until he exploded. Problem was, that would lead to other things, which Chris couldn’t
do. Instead, he fought back a whimper and looked out the window. He did manage to whisper, “I
guess not.”
They fell into an uncomfortable silence. He couldn’t hear Manon’s heavy breathing over the roar of
the engine, but from the corner of his eye, he could see the quick rise and fall of the man’s chest. Shit,
they needed to talk about something else.
“So, what do you do, Manon?” Chris asked. That had to be safe, right?
Manon flashed a grin at him. “I’m a helicopter pilot and paramedic. I work for the hospital, mostly
flying Life Flight.”
Chris knew his eyes widened. “Wow! That’s really sweet! I bet the views of the mountains are
“They are,” Manon said, smiling. “I do own a private copter. Perhaps I could take you up some time.
Show you those views first hand?”
“I—” Fuck!“I’m not sure I could handle the heights,” he finished, cringing internally at the lie. He’d
never had an issue with heights and in fact loved rock climbing and repelling.
Manon glanced his way, giving him a quick, searching look. He smiled, showing off his even white
teeth and killer grin. “That be too bad. Maybe you’ll change your mind, oui?”
Damn, he wished he could.
“What about you, cherie. What do you do?”
“I’m a sales clerk at All Weather Outfitters,” he answered automatically. Oh, damn. Now, he can find
me after we break up.
Then Chris remembered that Manon knew where he lived, so it was really a
moot point. His pulse calmed. At least, all the uncertainty got his erection back under control.
“Ah, I know dat place. My buddy’s boyfriend works there,” Manon commented. “Maybe you know
him? Tom Bristol?”
Chris’s jaw dropped. “Oh. Yes. I know who he is. He’s a…a good manager.” He was also the reason
Chris was stuck in this predicament in the first place. Not that he minded, for the most part. Manon
was good company, sexy and sweet. Too bad, he thought Chris was a woman.
Manon turned his Camaro into the parking lot of an Italian restaurant. Before Chris could even get out,
the other man zipped around the hood and opened his door for him. Chris smiled up at him, pleasantly
surprised, and took Manon’s offered hand. The palm against his back as Manon guided him into the
place felt nice, too.

Their conversation remained pretty easy, discussing hobbies, likes, dislikes, movies, even books.

They both seemed to enjoy action and comedy movies, and shied away from romance. Chris cited the
fact that they were unrealistic as his excuse when Manon seemed so surprised. In reality, he just
didn’t like seeing all the girlie bits.

They had nothing in common regarding books since Manon enjoyed historical and science fiction,

while Chris enjoyed mysteries. There was no way in hell he was going to admit that he read gay

The food was delicious, the service excellent, and the company even better. Chris couldn’t

remember the last time he’d enjoyed himself so much. Manon’s subtle flirting and occasional touches
on his hand or arm set Chris’s blood on fire. He wanted more, he just wished it could happen.

By the time they reached miniature golf, Chris knew his friends were right. He was a goner. He’d

fallen in love with the sexy Cajun. Now, he just had to figure out how to say good-bye.

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Chapter Four


anon thought the date was going well. The perfume Chris wore made it difficult to get exact

scents, but he could definitely make out the musky smell of the woman’s arousal. The smell was
earthier than he thought it would be, but Manon and his wolf sure liked it. His hadn’t softened to less
than half mast since he’d kissed Chris.

And damn, what a kiss. Manon had wanted it to go on forever, or to find Chris’s bed and bury his

dick inside her. He hated having to wait, but because Chris was human, Manon knew he had to do this
right or scare his mate away.

Lining up his miniature golf shot, Manon smirked internally. Maman, when you’re right, you’re

right. This will be quite the chase.
He took his shot and sank the little green golf ball.

Chris laughed, the move lighting up her gray eyes. “Yo u said you hadn’t done this in years. I think

I’ve been had!”
He grinned and watched Chris line up her shot. The way her dress cupped her ass as she bent over
had drool pooling in Manon’s mouth and blood flooding his groin. He wanted her so fucking much.
Chris looked over his shoulder at him, and a pretty blush flooded her cheeks. She returned her focus
to her ball and took a shot. Chris’s ball went into the hole and she squealed excitedly.
Her eyes glowed as she straightened and grinned. I need to taste that smile. Manon crossed the
distance between them, wrapped an arm around his surprised date, and claimed her lips. It was just
as heady as the last time. Manon slipped his tongue into Chris’s mouth, coaxing her tongue to twine
with his.
She clutched at his shoulders, her slender fingers digging into his black dress shirt. Manon tightened
his arm, trying to draw her closer. He wanted to feel her soft curves against the hard planes of his
chest. Instead, Chris stiffened.
Manon ended the kiss and lifted his head. He grew concerned at the near panic he saw in Chris’s
eyes. “Hey, easy, cherie. I’m sorry. I not mean to push,” he said, easing his grip. Shit! I shouldn’t
have pushed so hard!
Chris licked her lips and took a step back. “I’m sorry, Manon. You’re a great guy, but…but this isn’t
going to work,” she said, waving her carefully manicured hand between them.
Fear and panic flooded Manon. He shook his head. “Tell me what’s wrong, cherie. Give me a chance
to fix it. If you not be ready for anythin’ but kissin’, that’s fine. I can wait,” he promised. It’d be hell,
but to win his mate, he’d do it.
To his disbelief, Chris continued to back away. “No. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done this.”
She was shaking her head slowly and Manon could see tears glittering in her eyes.
Manon desperately wanted to take her in his arms and soothe her, tell her everything would be okay,
that whatever it was, they could work it out. But he knew she wouldn’t welcome the contact, so
Manon kept his distance. He lifted his hands in placation. “I not understand, cherie,” he whispered.
“I’m not your cherie,” Chris said softly. “I’m going to take a cab home.” His mate tucked a strand of
long black hair behind her ear and smiled tentatively. “Thank you for a lovely evening. I’m sorry it
couldn’t work out between us.”
Too stunned to say anything, Manon watched his mate hurry away. Oh, maman, you did try to warn
me this wouldn’t be easy.
His wolf howled in his mind, echoing his misery. He just needed to know
more about the girl, that was all. Turning in the golf clubs and balls, Manon vowed to contact Tom

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first thing in the morning, if he could figure out the damn time zone differences.
Unfortunately, Manon got called into work first thing Sunday morning, which meant he had to work a
double shift. He ended up leaving Tom a message.
* * * *

Chris felt miserable. He couldn’t believe how much he didn’t want to go into work the next day.

He normally didn’t mind Mondays, but since he was aware that Tom knew Manon, he feared the
fallout for his mistake. He should never have accepted that date. He just prayed Manon would have
moved on by the time Tom returned from vacation.

The call from Remy was just the icing on the cake. Now, he was irritable and pissed, too. Picking

up his friend from a bar on Sunday night was not how he’d envisioned spending his evening. He’d
much rather be nursing his broken heart with a steaming mug of hot chocolate.

Pulling up in front of the little dive Remy had heard catered to gays on Sunday nights, Chris swept

his gaze over the front of the building. He sighed when he didn’t see his friend. Damn it!

He turned the engine off, rolled down his window in an attempt to enjoy the evening breeze, and

pulled out his phone. Chris dialed Remy’s number with one hand while drumming the other on the car

The trill of his friend’s cell phone caught his attention. He could just make outWeird Al’s voice

singing White and Nerdy. Chris looked around again, frowning. Where the hell was the ringing
coming from? The alley? He groaned. Surely, Remy didn’t go around the corner with a stranger.

Shoving open his door, he hit redial and followed the sound. Right before he rounded the corner,

Chris heard a whimper and the sound of flesh on flesh. And it wasn’t the good kind of sound. Chris
sprinted around the corner and immediately spotted his friend.

Remy was on the ground, kneeling, with three men standing over him. His arms were wrapped

around his mid-section and blood oozed from his nose. As Chris watched, a blond man pulled his leg
back and kicked Remy in the side.
“Hey! Get away from him!” Chris yelled.

A man with dark hair looked his way and sneered, immediately judging him. “Oh, look. Another

fucking fag. I think we should teach this one a lesson, too.” He and another man, this one with lighter
brown hair and hard blue eyes started toward Chris.

“Run,” Remy gasped, right before the blond back -handed him, sending him sprawling.

Instead of following his friend’s advice, Chris dialed nine-oneone on his phone. The two men
reached him before the line picked up. The first man knocked the phone from his grip. He screamed
for help as a fist crashed into his face. Pain exploded through his temple. A kick to his knee sent him
to the ground. Chris didn’t even try to fight back. He just curled into a fetal position. Before he
blacked out, he heard the sound of sirens, and he smiled through split lips.
* * * *

Manon felt beat. He hated double shifts. It didn’t help that his wolf was pacing restlessly in his

mind, wanting only to hunt Chris down and claim her. He wanted her submission, but Manon knew
that wasn’t the way things were done. Not in the human world.

He splashed some water on his face, ready to go home. His mate hadn’t answered any of the calls

he’d placed while on break. Manon needed anew plan. He’d tried calling Tom, but with the
difference in time, they’d been playing phone tag. If the human didn’t call back, he’d drop by the
man’s store tomorrow and discreetly look for his mate. As he pulled on a clean t-shirt, he wondered
if that would hurt or help his chances with Chris.

Heading toward the emergency room exit, a scent tickled his nose. Manon paused, inhaling

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deeply. Surely, he’d been mistaken. Between the smell of disinfectant, blood, and myriad of traffic, it
could happen. Manon growled low in his throat. He wasn’t wrong. Chris was here, in the hospital.

Manon pivoted and followed his nose. Too many others had passed through the halls, obscuring

his mate’s tantalizing odor, making it difficult to track. His wolf growling in his mind, Manon took his
time, prowling the halls.
“Hey, Manon,” Barbara called. “What are you doing? I thought your shift ended twenty minutes ago?”

He turned to the nurse and forced a smile. “It did. My friend came in and I’m looking for her. Do

you know if a Chris registered?”

“We had a Christopher Peterson come in. Poor guy. A couple homophobes worked him and his

friend over pretty good.” She shook her head. “I bet he looks quite pretty under all the bruising.”

Manon’s jaw dropped. He blinked repeatedly as his mind raced. He’d just assumed that Chris

was short for Christine, but what if he was wrong? Could it be possible that be why my mate ran
away? Because Chris is really a man?
It made sense that Chris would think Manon would be angry if
he found out, sincethey’d met in a straight bar, after all. There was only one way to find out.

“What room is he in?” Manon asked quietly.

“This way,” Barbara said, turning and leading the way down another corridor. “Doctor Lansey just
finished x-rays on his jaw and he’s in observation,” she added over her shoulder. “I sure hope he
stays out for another half hour so the morphine has a chance to kick in.”
Manon resisted the urge to growl at the woman, but just barely. It wasn’t her fault she couldn’t shut
up. Barbara had always been the hospital gossip. At least, this time he could use it to his advantage.
“What’s wrong with him?”
“It looks worse than it is,” Barbara assured. “The broken wrist was easily set, and no internal
bleeding or broken ribs, like his friend. Even his jaw ended up just heavily bruised.” Suddenly,
Barbara’s voice hardened. “Damn homophobes.”
His friend? Right, she’d already mentioned that. “Who came in with him?”
Barbara gave him a curious look as she paused outside the door. “Remy Smithson.” She cocked her
head. “I thought you said you knew them?”
Shit, how to avoid suspicion? “Chris hangs out with a couple other friends, too. I was just
“Huh, well,” she motioned to the door. “Here we are.”
He nodded and headed into the room. The scent of his mate hit him before anything else. For once,
perfume didn’t mask Chris’s smell, and the scent of blood intensified Manon’s ability to recognize his
mate. Well, holy hell, my mate really is a man!
Then he looked at the form on the bed and his heart nearly stopped. Barbara was right, Chris looked
bad. Bruising covered the left side of Chris’s face from temple to jaw. His left eye was already
swelling shut. There wasn’t a cast on Chris’s left arm yet, since they needed to wait for the swelling
to go down to get it sized correctly. The white splint looked bulky on Chris’s slender arm. An IV ran
through his right arm, an oxygen tube was attached to his nose, and a clip on his finger.
“Oh, Chris,” he whispered.
Not able to take his gaze from his unconscious mate, he moved slowly into the room and sat down in
the nearby chair. Swallowing hard, Manon carefully held the hand of the man he’d made out with the
night before. He might not have known Chris was a man, but that didn’t change anything for him and
his wolf. This human was still his mate.
A desire to hunt down whoever did this to Chris and his friend burned through him. Manon bowed his
head and focused on breathing. He had to stay calm for his mate’s sake. Manon didn’t want to be

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upset when Chris awoke.
The clatter of feet entering Chris’s room had Manon looking up. He saw the surprised expression on
Eric’s face. He recognized the second man, too, from the bar, but didn’t remember if he’d heard his
name. He’d been a little preoccupied at the time. A glance down showed their clasped hands. Well,
“What are you doing here?” Eric asked, glaring at him.
Manon didn’t miss the way the second man squeezed Eric’s hand. “Easy, babe. We’re here for
Chris.” The guy probably thought he said it quietly enough that Manonwouldn’t hear, but his shifter
hearing picked up his words easily.
Licking his lips, Manon searched for an answer. “I work here,” he murmured, “and heard Chris was
here. I wanted to make sure he was okay.”
“You wanted…” Eric cocked his head. “So, you know Chris is…”
Manon smirked. “That he’s a man?” He nodded, then carefully brought Chris’s hand to his lips and
kissed. “And it don’t matter to me,” he said.
“Wow, that’s…unexpected,” Eric whispered.
The human he didn’t know stepped forward. “I’m Daren Creston. Are you sticking around, then?”
Manon nodded again. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Daren looked at him for several seconds, then nodded once as if coming to a decision. “Don’t hurt
him. We’ll be down the hall with Remy.”
“How is Remy?” Manon asked quickly.
Eric and Daren exchanged a look before Eric murmured, “He’ll live.”

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Chapter Five

he beep of a monitor filtered into Chris’s consciousness, pulling him from the dark abyss he’d been
drifting in. Along with consciousness came pain, and Chris whimpered.

He felt a slight squeeze to his hand and tried to pry his eyelids open. Chris only succeeded in

cracking one. He saw blurry monitors and a TV with a blank screen. A calloused hand cupped his
jaw and gently turned Chris’s head. He blinked, trying to make out the features above him.

Blinking again, Chris sluggishly processed what he saw. He let his eyelid drop closed. Maybe he

was still dreaming, because surely that wasn’t Manon sitting next to him.

The thumb attached to the hand on his jaw rubbed over his cheek bone. He shivered at the tender

touch. “Come on, cher. I know you’re awake. Let me seethose pretty gray eyes.”
“Chris,” he mumbled hoarsely. “Name’s Chris.”

Manon chuckled softly. “I know, Chris,” he murmured. “I told you. It’s a term of endearment.”

Cracking his eyelid back open, Chris watched Manon lean close and press a kiss to his forehead. He
frowned. “That was cherie.”
“It means the same thing in French,” Manon whispered.
“What?” he squeaked.
“Beloved,” Manon whispered. “It means beloved. That is what you are to me, Chris. My beloved.”
He hadto be dreaming, still. Manon was straight, wasn’t he? He certainly couldn’t be in Chris’s
room, holding his hand, kissing his forehead, and telling him that he was Manon’s beloved. It was the
morphine, which was why they were having such an odd conversation. He snorted, which hurt his
head, and Chris moaned.
“Here. Take a drink,” Manon ordered gently, poking his lip with a straw.
Chris took it obediently and sucked. Cool water filled his mouth. It hurt a bit to swallow, but it was
worth the soothing to his throat. He let out a sigh and rested for a second, then felt the straw prod his
lips again.
“Come on, mon cher,” Manon whispered into his ear. “They can’t take you off that IV until you can
rehydrate yourself. I’d much rather take care of you in the comfort of your home than here in the
Even as he frowned, Chris obeyed and took another sip. Once he’d swallowed, he whispered, “How
is that the same word. Cherie? Cher? They’re different.”
Manon’s deep chuckle sent a fissure of awareness down Chris’s spine. Good thing he hurt so much,
because the sheet wouldn’t have hidden an erection at all.
Manon whispered, “It be French, my beloved. For some reason, dey tink everything should be
masculine or feminine. Cherie be feminine. Cherbe masculine.”
Lips kissed the lobe of Chris’s ear, and he had to fight back a whimper. “Like you,” Manon
whispered, his warm breath ghosting over the tiny hairs and making Chris shiver.
“Manon,” he whispered. Screwing up his courage, Chris turned his head to look at the man. “Manon.”
“I be right here, Chris,” Manon whispered back. “And I be serious about taking care of you. Nothin’
would give me greater pleasure than makin’ certain you get well.”
He couldn’t stop the frown as he whispered, “How come you didn’t tell me you’re not straight?”
Manon chuckled. “How come you didn’t tell me you’re a man?”
“Huh? Oh, point taken.” Chris could feel his mind begin to drift again. “So tired,” he muttered.
“Sleep then,” Manon replied. “I tell the doctor you woke so he don’t worry. Then I have a couple

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calls to make, but I be back,” Manon promised.
Chris could feel his eyelids slip closed. “No. Please, don’t leave me.”
He felt a soft kiss pressed against his forehead and thought he heard a murmured, “Okay, cher. I’ll
stay,” right before he slipped into slumber.

Chris struggled to wake for the second time. At least, he thought it was the second time. Of

course, his memories of the first time were a bit hazy, and how could they be true? Manon in his room
with him? Accepting that he was a gay man? Ridiculous.

Except, when he managed to crack his eyelids, or rather, one eyelid, since the left one was

swollen shut, he looked around, and spotted Manon sprawled in the chair by the bed. He had one hand
resting on the bed near Chris’s hand, his hair was disheveled and looked like he’d run his fingers
through it repeatedly. His head was also cocked at an odd angle. Manon was asleep.
“Oh, that’s not going to be comfortable,” he murmured.

It seemed to be enough. Manon’s fingers twitched on the bed, and his eyes opened. He blinked,

looked over at Chris, and smiled. Then he grunted. “Ah, zut,” he hissed as he sat up straight and
rubbed his neck.

Chris smiled slightly. “Yeah, that didn’t look comfortable,” he rasped.

“Yeah. Too bad the hospital doesn’t have a bigger budget for furniture,” Manon grunted.
After spending a moment massaging his neck, Manon turned to Chris and offered him some water.
“How are you feeling, Chris?”
“I’m…I’m confused,” he admitted. Shaking his head, he murmured, “Why are you here?”
“Chris, cher, do you remember our conversation earlier?”
Chris searched his memory. “You don’t care that I’m a man?” He whispered the question and Manon
smiled. Chris frowned. “Why?”
Manon leaned toward him, a gleam of affection making his dark eyes sparkle. “I be bisexual, cher,”
he assured. “I was attracted to you as a woman. The fact you have a dick just means I’ll know how to
please you easier.” He winked. “No worrying about you faking it once I get you in my bed,” he
Okay, so the pain in Chris’s head didn’t stop the erection this time. Chris’s dick thickened, and he
The other man grinned. “You like the sound of that, hmm?”
“Yeah,” Chris admitted. “I do.” And he really, really hoped that Manon planned to do something
about it, too. He thought he’d gotten his wish when the other man’s nostrils flared and his gaze fixated
on the tent in the sheet.
Just as Manon lifted a hand toward Chris’s groin, a brisk knock sounded on his door and in strode a
doctor. The man was short, maybe five foot six, thick glasses nearly hid his brown eyes, and he
hardly seemed to have any neck. Chris stifled a groan. So much for getting my dick taken care of.
The sight of this guy totally killed his erection.
“Hello, Mr. Peterson. I’m Dr. Lansey.” The doctor’s gaze dropped to Manon, and his lip curled. “Mr.
Lemelle. I’m afraid I must ask you to leave while I speak with my patient.”
“He can stay,” Chris blurted out, surprising them both. He felt his face heat in a blush. “I mean, if he
wants to,” he whispered.
Manon gave him a warm smile. “I thank you, cher.” He turned to Dr. Lansey and grinned, then lifted
Chris’s hand and pressed a kiss to the palm.
Chris had to suppress his shiver and his dick threatened to firm back up again.
“I stay right here,” Manon stated.

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“Very well,” Dr. Lansey huffed before focusing on Chris.
Chris focused on the doctor and listened as he explained his injuries in a bland monotone that almost
sent him back to sleep. He knew his wrist was broken since he’d broken bones before. It didn’t
surprise Chris to find out he had two cracked ribs and a concussion, too. He did feel relief that his
jaw wasn’t cracked, but damn was it sore!
“We’re going to keep you for the night for observation,” Dr. Lansey droned on. “In the morning, if the
swelling in your arm has receded enough, we’ll remove the splint and cast it.”
“Okay. When can I go home?” Chris really just wanted to go home, take some pain killers, and sleep
for a few days in his own bed.
“It’ll be tomorrow afternoon, most likely,” the doctor replied.
Chris didn’t like the sound of that, but he nodded anyway. He watched the man approach his IV with a
plunger and frowned. “I don’t want that,” Chris snapped. “No morphine, just ibuprofen.”
He saw Manon lift a brow out of the corner of his eye, but Chris kept his gaze fixed on the doctor.
The man paused and frowned, “I think—”
“I don’t care what you think,” Chris snapped, fighting tears as the pain in his face intensified. Doing
his best not to move his jaw, he said, “I don’t want it. As the patient, I know my rights. I refuse. You
can’t give it to me. Just get me some ibuprofen and I’ll be fine.”
He could tell Dr. Lansey didn’t like his decision, but he didn’t have any choice but to respect it.
“Very well. I’ll be back with that in a few minutes.” The doctor left.
Chris let out a sigh, and let his eyes slide closed.
“Hey, dis be important to you? You okay?” Manon murmured, his warm breath ghosting the shell of
his ear.
“Yeah,” he whispered. Smiling he turned his head toward Manon. The movement rewarded him with
the other man’s lips on his in a soft kiss. This one was different than the others he’d received. Soft,
and searching, and ever so gentle,Manon’s tongue licked the inside of his mouth. Manon, mindful of
his injuries, carefully twined their tongues and mapped him.
Fingers caressed his jaw and Chris smiled against the sexy man’s mouth. When Manon finally pulled
away, Chris managed to pry his eye open to stare at him. “Very nice,” he murmured.
Manon smirked.
A throat clearing had them both turning to look at their unwanted guest. Chris smiled when he saw his
friends, Eric and Daren. “Hey, guys,” he greeted.
“Hey, Chris. You’re looking a sight better.” Eric grinned then and winked. “Although, now you’re not
the pretty one of the group.”
Chris snorted at his friend’s teasing, then grunted as the move put unnecessary strain on his jaw. He
lifted his right hand and touched his tender face. “Ouch. Don’t make me laugh,” he whined.
He had a sobering thought and returned his gaze to his pals. “How’s Remy?” he asked quietly. He felt
like a complete heel for forgetting the whole reason he’d ended up in the hospital to begin with. Of
course, the revelation that Manon still wanted Chris, even though he was a man, was an
understandable distraction.
If he didn’t know his friends so well, he might have missed the grimace that bracketed Daren’s eyes
for a split second. Eric wasn’t quite so subtle, for he glared atthe floor and snarled, “Fucking
homophobic bastards. If I find them, I’m going to…”
“Easy, Eric.” It was Manon who interrupted his friend’s tirade. “You leave that to me. I have friends
on the force. We’ll get these bastards.” Manon turned to Chris, grabbed his free hand, and gave it a
light squeeze. “You do plan to press charges, oui?”

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“Hell, yeah. I’m not sure I can pick out all three in a line-up, but I sure as hell got up close and
personal with a couple of them,” he grumbled. “Remy better feel the same damn way,” Chris snapped.
“He, um, he hasn’t woken up yet,” Daren admitted. “He was a lot worse off than you, so they’re
keeping him sedated until the swelling in his brain goes down.”
“Oh, my God,” Chris whispered. “That’s terrible.”
Manon sighed and pressed another kiss to Chris’s cheek. “We’ll find the men who did this,” he
Chris nodded, though he didn’t feel nearly as confident as Manon sounded. “Okay.”
“So, you two a couple then?” Eric asked.
He knew his friend was changing the subject, butthat didn’t stop him from letting him. Chris looked
over at Manon and smiled. “Maybe. We haven’t really discussed it.”
“We are a couple, cher,” Manon immediately stated. “Make no mistake of dat,” he crooned, pressing
another kiss to Chris’s lips.
“So sure of yourself are you?” Chris replied, a smirk curving the corners of his lips.
Manon smirked. “With you? Oui.I’ll chase you if you want, but think of all the lost time when we
could already be naked in your bed.”
Chris had to swallow to get moisture into his suddenly dry throat before he could respond. “Point
taken,” he whispered.
After nuzzling his throat for a couple seconds, Manon pulled away. “Since your friends are here to
keep you company, I need to run a couple errands and schedule some time off work, cher,” he said.
“I’ll be back.”
“Oh, um, okay.” Chris nibbled his lip, surprised at how much that concerned him. He vaguely
remembered begging for Manon not to leave him the first time he’d woken in a drug induced haze.
Damn, he hated meds. He really hated anything that messed with his mind. One or two beers was all
he ever drank.
He refused to beg again, but he sure hated the idea of Manon leaving him. Swallowing his courage, he
asked, “When—when do you think you’ll be back?”
Manon smiled. “I won’t be too long, cher. Maybe a couple hours.” Manon glanced at his friends.
“You be here with Chris, oui?”
Daren nodded. “Yeah. We’re not going anywhere. We’re still waiting for updates on Remy.”
“Good. I be back before you know it, cher.” Manon gave him one last kiss, then strode from the room.
Chris met the gazes of his friends. He took in Eric’s concerned look and Daren’s smirk.
“So,” Daren said, “he says he doesn’t care that you’re a guy. And he certainly acts that way. I’m
So was Chris.
“You don’t think he’s setting you up or anything, do you?” Eric asked uncertainly.
Daren snorted. “There’s no way a straight man would go through all this trouble just to…to…what?”
He shook his head at his lover as he cupped his jaw and tilted his head back. “I know you went
through some things in the past, lover, but don’t let that cloud what is happening here,” he whispered.
Daren smiled. “I actually like Manon. I think he’s sincere.”
“Me, too,” Chris murmured.
A nurse entered and finally gave Chris the requested ibuprofen. He drifted off into blessed sleep after

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Chapter Six

anon crouched in front of Demetri. The young shifter blinked, then focused his attention on him. “You
doin’ okay, cub?” he asked softly.
“Um, sure, I’ll be fine,” Demetri responded almost vacantly.

Gripping Demetri’s shoulder, lightly, Manon smiled. “You sleepin’ at night?”

Demetri shrugged. “Some.”
Manon had hated leaving his mate, especially since they were just beginning to make progress.
Unfortunately, he’d been called down to talk to the two men they’d caught, and could no longer ignore
the summons from his beta. He’d been striding through the house, heading toward the stairs, when
he’d spotted Demetri sitting in the family room, a vacant look on his face. Something in Manon made
him stop to speak to the kid.
He had a glazed expression that worried Manon. At least he was speaking. “Your scent has cleared
up. That should make you happy,” he cajoled.
Grimacing, the youngster rolled his eyes. “Yeah. It took two days and six showers,but I finally got it
cleared up.”
Manon chuckled. “Yeah. I only ran through it and it still took me two thorough scrubs. I sure hope
Lark can figure out what that shit is when he gets back.” He shook his head and slapped his hand on
Demetri’s leg. He rose and said, “You let me know if you need anything, cub.”
“I’m not a cub. My name’s Demetri Vinetti,” the young wolf snapped.
Manon paused and turned back to look at Demetri. His wolf growled in the back of his mind, not
liking the challenge. Manon narrowed his eyes and leaned close to the younger man. “I know, pup.
Now, you get this through your cute head. I be no one you want to mess wit, mon ami.”
Demetri immediately ducked his head in submission. “Yes, Sir.”
Manon touched the back of Demetri’s neck, signaling his acceptance of the boy’s apology. He started
toward the stairs, then paused and looked back at the youngster. “You got spunk, Demetri. That be
He was halfway across the room when he felt a touch on his arm. He turned to find Demetri standing
directly behind him. He lifted a brow, waiting to hear what he needed. Instead of speaking, Demetri
slid his hand up his arm, over his shoulder, and to his chest.
Manon’s brows shot up when he scented the other guy’s arousal. “Demetri? What you playin’ at?”
“I already know I’m a bottom,” Demetri murmured. “I turned nineteen last week.”
He froze, completely shocked by the young shifter’s words. It wasn’t until Demetri’s second hand
joined the first, rubbing over his chest, that Manon was able to move. He grabbed Demetri’s
exploring hands, one in each of his, and held them tight. “Demetri,” he murmured, “I be flattered, but
I’ve found my mate. He’s a human, so I haven’t been able to claim him yet.”
Manon saw the shutters descend over Demetri’s expression at the rejection. He hated that he’d put it
there, but it wasn’t like he was going to cheat on his mate. Shifters didn’t cheat. And even though he
hadn’t claimed Chris yet, it made no difference to Manon’s thought processes.
Cupping Demetri’s jaw, he pressed a soft kiss to the other shifter’s forehead. “You are a handsome
young man, Demetri. There are many who’d be honored to replace me in your bed,” he said.
“But there are few I’d want there,” Demetri whispered, dejectedly. He pulled free of Manon’s grip,
and he let him go. The slender darkhaired teen smiled sadly. “Guys my age don’t really attract me. I
like older men.”

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Manon sighed. “You’re young. You’ll find him,” he assured.
“How long did you have to wait?” Demetri asked curiously.
He did something he hadn’t done in almost a decade. Manon blushed. “I had my first…encounter
when I was sixteen,” he admitted.
Demetri’s brows rose. “Oh.” Then it was Demetri’s turn to blush. “I, um, I meant how long did it take
you to find your mate?”
“Oh!” Manon’s brows shot up. “Ha! Of course. I’m forty-nine, Demetri. I just met my mate last
week.” He paused then clapped the younger man on the back and said, “And speaking of my mate, I
miss him, so, I need to get this talk with the men upstairs over with so I can get back to him.”
He was striding toward the stairs once more, when he heard the front door open. Rachel and Paul
entered with Caroline and crossed to their son.
Demetri looked startled, and his scent betrayed his anxiety to Manon’s sensitive nose. “Mom. What
are you doing here?”
“We were looking for you, honey,” Rachel replied. “Your father told me you cancelled your date with
Carla. What happened?”
Demetri shot a panicked look at Manon, but knew this wasn’t something he could really help the teen
with. He gave Demetri an encouraging nod. “I be upstairs, if you need me,” Manon said.
The young shifter seemed to understand because he swallowed hard and nodded. Manon silently
wished him well. Telling your family that you’re gay, or even bisexual, was never easy.

Manon headed upstairs and down the hall. He found the room they’d been keeping the men in for

the last couple days. They would have just preferred to let the humans go, but first they needed
information about where they’d gotten the odd, scent- removing spray and who wanted the wolf. Lark
had created something remarkably similar, and if it had been stolen from someone in the pack, or if
there was someone in the pack supplying it to others, they needed to know.
Assurances that the men wouldn’t share the existence of shifters—not that most people would believe
it—was important as well. And who the hell was in the truck that got away?

The men had been blindfolded and hadn’t been allowed to leave their rooms except for

necessities, so at least location wouldn’t be a problem. The humans didn’t know where they were. A
couple of volunteers, including Nick and Cliff, constantly watched them. Manon would have
volunteered if he hadn’t just met his mate and been in the process of wooing her…him. Guess that
was news he needed to pass on to his beta.

Gustav, a massive Rhino shifter, stood outside the doorway as a guard. The six and a half foot tall

Caucasian looked huge and intimidating, but he was really a gentle giant. Manon greeted the man
before walking into the room.

Shane and Cliff stood inside the doorway and Manon stopped between them. “You wanted to see

me, Beta?” he asked as he took in the two other men in the room. The slender man sat stiffly at a desk
chair. The heavy-set man sat at the head of the bed.

“Yes,” Shane replied. “Roman here,” he said, pointing at the slender fellow, “wanted to talk to

you. He agreed to our terms, but only if you assured his safety.” Shane smirked at him. “Evidently,
you made quite the impression on him.”

Manon couldn’t stop his brows from lift ing, and he turned his focus to Roman. Cocking his head,

he said to the man, “We only want safety for our people, bra. That mean you don’t tell anyone, and
we don’t come after you.”

Roman rose slowly, his eyes huge. “My God, it was real. I really did see you turn from a wolf

into a man and take your hand. I thought I’d been dreaming!”

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He fought the urge to take a step back. Instead, Manon asked, “Dreaming?”

“Yes!” Roman cried. He took several steps forward, then stopped and whispered. “We thought it was
a side effect of the scent we sprayed. A hallucinogen! It’s not, is it? You can really turn from wolf to
man and back again with just a thought!”
Manon nodded. “I can. We all can,” he added, sweeping his arm to encompass his two pack-mates.
Roman dropped to his knees. “Let us help you on your crusade! We can help you.”
He didn’t know what to say to that. Manon glanced over at the tubby fellow

Will,he’d been

introduced as. He knew a question appeared on his face. Will nodded eagerly. “We’re
environmentalists.We’ve been watching the company you know as the Crystal Lake Corporation for
years. They’re really a government funded group who are contracted by the military.
Theirexperiments are used for weapons.” Will frowned. “And not just the US military. The highest
“Oh, shit!” Shane hissed.
Merde,” Manon muttered.
Roman nodded quickly. “Damn is right,” he said, uttering the English equivalent. “We want to help
you. We know where one of their bases is. We should break in and, well,” he shrugged. “They
ordered us to find two wolves from this area and take them to them. Now, we know why they wanted
“I always thought their soldiers were a little odd,” Will said. He settled his hands on his ample hips.
“This is just like what the Nazi’s did to the Jews. We need to stop them!”
Manon knew his brows lifted to his forehead and he turned to see the same startled, disbelieving
looks on Cliff and Shane’s faces. This went way beyond what they’d originally thought, especially if
the military was involved. He cleared his throat and indicated his beta. “Shane’s decision is final. He
be a good man, and he’ll make certain you’re safe.”
Shane stepped forward and crossed his arms over his wide chest. “Gentlemen, it seems like we have
things to discuss. I’m open to learning more about this…military organization. And in return, we’ll
see about working together.”
Manon had to respect Shane. Never once did the beta actually say he’d give these guys information
that could be used against the pack. He knew his alpha was due back at the end of the week. It
probably wouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility that Shane would string these men along until
Declan got back. The beta really did have the pack’s best interest at heart, always.
He lifted a hand to regain attention. “Question. Who be the one who escaped in the truck?”
Roman waved his hand in dismissal. “My younger brother. I can drop him a quick line to let him
know everything’s fine, and I got called out of the country. It happens on occasion.”
Shane nodded, accepting that. Something niggled at the back of Manon’s mind, but he’d be damned if
he could figure out what bothered him.

Once they had things settled

well, as settled as they were going to get

Manon excused himself.

He wasn’t surprised when Shane caught up with him right before he hit the stairs.
“How are things going with your mate?”

Manon grimaced at his beta’s question. “I’ve had an interesting development,” he admitted. When

Shane simply lifted a brow, he added, “Chris, as it turns out, is a man. I’m not sure why she was
dressed in drag when I met her, but right now, he’s in the hospital due to a gay bashing. I’d like
permission to notify Detective Stryker about the incident. I’d really like the homophobes who
attacked Chris and his friend, Remy, to be caught. Remy is still in critical condition,” he added.

“Of course,” Shane answered immediately. The dark haired man shook his head and scowled. “I

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know the alpha always regrets never getting the opportunity to find out which homophobes attacked
his own mate.”

That was new information, and it sent Manon’s brows shooting up. The alpha’s mate had been

attacked? When? How?
Shane waved his hand. “It was last summer, before they’d gotten together,” he said. “Anyway, Lark
didn’t know his attackers and the trail went cold while Declan was caring for his mate.” Shane shook
his head. “Even if it’s not the same guys,” he added, “it would still be a help to the community. Give
Stryker a call.”
Manon felt something relax inside him. He ducked his head to his beta, pleased to have his support.
“Thank you,” he said, knowing that how heart-felt his thanks through his words and actions.
Shane gripped the back of his “Congratulations, and I can’t wait to meet your mate.” were could be
neck and grinned.

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Chapter Seven


hris was so tired of his friends hovering that he wanted to scream. He knew they were just trying

to take his mind off why Manon hadn’t shown up yet, but really! If they weren’t in Remy’s room, they
were in Chris’s. It was as if they were tag teaming him to keep him from thinking too hard. It was
frustrating as hell.

“Please,” Chris growled at Daren. “Just shut up and let me watch TV.”

Daren grinned, pausing in his monologue of the new dogs dropped off at the shelter yesterday. “Awe,
come on, Chris. We both know that you won’t really be watching the TV. You’ll really be thinking
about Manon, and where he is, and why he hasn’t come back yet,” Daren pointed out.
Chris let out a putupon sigh. He knew his friend was right. “So, what do you think of him?” he asked.
Shrugging, Daren replied, “I told you before. I like him. He seems pretty straightforward. Ya know?”
“Yeah, I get the same feeling,” he muttered. So what was it about the man that set him on edge so
much? The fact that he flipped all of Chris’s switches? Maybe it was because any time he was within
touching distance of the guy, he wanted to stroke and lick every inch of his body and engage in wild
monkey sex. He’d never wanted to move this fast with anyone before, or reacted so strongly, but
Chris had a funny feeling that if Manon even so much as crooked his finger, he’d let the man do
whatever he wanted to him. It was almost…scary.
Before he got caught up again in Daren’s tale of a new cat that came into the center, a knock sounded
at the door, interrupting them. In walked the man Chris had been obsessing over, and just seeing his
warm, sexy smile had his pulse speeding up.
“Hey, cher,” Manon greeted. “Sorry it took me so long to get back here. It took me a while to round
up a replacement and get a few daysoff.” Manon turned and nodded at Daren, who returned the
greeting in silence.
“Hi,” Chris replied. “You really didn’t have to take time off work just for me.” He glanced toward
Daren, but his focus couldn’t stray from the man for long. “Daren or Eric could stay with me.”
Manon stopped by the side of his bed and smiled down at him. “No, cher. Taking care of you is your
boyfriend’s job.” He leaned down, resting a hand on either side of Chris’s head, his face just inches
from his own. “Myjob,” he whispered.
Chris moaned softly at the pressure of Manon’s lips against his own. Only their lips touched as the
bigger man took his mouth in a slow, claiming kiss. A warm, wet tongue slid inside him to glide and
tangle with his own. Manon drew Chris’s tongue into his mouth and sucked the appendage gently. The
pulls sent tingles down his spine straight to his cock, and it filled quickly.
Slowly, Manon ended the kiss, but he didn’t withdraw. Instead, he ducked his head and nuzzled
Chris’s cheek and neck. “Are you ready toget out of here, Chris?” Manon whispered.
Swallowing hard, Chris nodded. “Yeah.”
“Good, because I have some good ideas about ways to distract you from the pain,” Manon told him.
Chris’s brows shot up. “Really?”
Oui, cher,” Manon said. He pulled back a bit and grinned at Chris. “I see they got your wrist
casted,” he said, glancing down Chris’s body. His focus paused on the slightly tented sheet. He
looked back at Chris’s face and winked. “Your cast not be the only thing hard, cher,” he teased.
Blushing, Chris could feel the pulse pounding through his erection. “You affect me so…so…” he
couldn’t hold Manon’s gaze. He dropped it to stare at his cast, the heavy green weight a reminder of
what had happened to him. For now, the lust he felt for the man next to him overshadowed the

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pounding ache in his head.
“Sweet man,” Manon crooned. “We should really get out of here before I suck you off, but perhaps
you don’t want to wait, Chris?”
Chris glanced around the room, but saw that he and Manon were alone. “What did you have in mind?”
he asked quietly.
Manon gave him a heated look, then slid his hand under the sheet. Chris whimpered when he felt the
man’s palm brush over his side, across his abs, and down his hip. Manon leaned over him, holding
his gaze, letting Chris see all the lust and need filling him. He shivered when Manon rested his fingers
on his hip and gently raked the tips through his pubic hair.
He couldn’t stop the moan from escaping him. Manon’s touch was so close to his cock. His shaft was
so hard it hurt, and he desperately wanted to feel the man’s firm grip wrap around him. His body
practically vibrated with the need to rotate his hips and get that hand on him.
Manon grinned down at him and then gently slid the tip of one finger from the base of Chris’s dick to
the tip. He swirled it through the precum leaking from him like a sieve. “Please,” Chris whispered.
“Please what, cher?”
His breath came in soft pants and Chris knew his eyes were wide, pupils dilated with lust. He didn’t
know where Manon’s fingers would move next. With the sheet covering him, Chris couldn’t see
where the man’s hand hovered. All he could do was feel. His body trembled as he waited for the next
scrape of calluses against his nerve bundle, soft flick into his slit, or squeeze up and down the stalk of
his shaft.
“Ugh!” He couldn’t stop the grunt of pleasure when Manon finally wrapped his fingers firmly around
him and stroked. Chris’s hips bucked convulsively, and his free hand gripped the sheet. He stared into
his new lover’s eyes as he worked him, sending delicious threads of pleasure down his stalk, into his
balls, and through his groin.
Finally, Manon lowered his head and kissed him. He thrust his tongue deep into Chris’s mouth
repeatedly in a parody of how Chris desperately wanted Manon to sink into his ass. His hole
clenched with the mental image.
His shaft jerked in Manon’s grip. Chris bent his knees, planted his feet on the bed, thrust his hips,
fucking himself through his lover’s tight fist. Sparks shot up, then back down his spine. His balls
pulled tight. Chris was so close he could taste his orgasm building.
Suddenly, Manon lifted his head and growled, “Come.”
His mouth open in a silent scream, Chris’s body obeyed. With his balls tight to his body, his dick
expelled his seed in violent spurts. The muscles of his abs bunched, and he buried his face in
Manon’s neck as the heady endorphins of release swamped his system in ecstasy.
When he came to his senses, Chris felt Manon’s hand on his neck, gently massaging the tendons.
Manon’s other hand caressed the sensitive skin of his softening shaft. He moaned, feeling renewed
interest and wondering how the hell he could want more after the most intense orgasm of his life. And
that from a hand job!
Carefully, Manon helped him ease his head back to his pillow. Manon leaned down and gave him a
soft peck on the lips, then lifted his head and asked, “Feel better?”
“Holy shit,” Chris whispered. “If that was your idea of better, I may be afraid to experience whatyou
think is great.”
Manon chuckled. “I brought sweats and a t-shirt I think will fit you. Let me get a cloth to clean you up
and then we’ll see if we can secure your release papers.”
He couldn’t hide the blush that worked up his chest and neck. “Okay.”

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“Relax,” Manon murmured. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell,” he said with a wink.
Watching Manon slip into the bathroom, Chris knew his lover didn’t need to tell anyone what they’d
just done. From the scent in the room and the fact that Daren had felt the need to slip out, his friends
would just know.
Manon reappeared with a damp cloth in hand. When Chris reached for it, Manon looked like he
would insist on cleaning him up himself, but then he relinquished the warm fabric. He set a small
backpack on the chair by the bed. “You think you’ll be okay to dress on your own?” he asked softly.
Chris felt grateful Manon focused on setting out the clothes and canvas sneakers while he reached
beneath the sheet and cleaned the cum off his chest, abs, and groin. It was foolish, he knew, but
somehow having his lover watch him clean himself was even more intimate than actually letting
Manon stroke him off.
“I’ll be fine, I think,” he replied. “I got lucky. Just a broken wrist and some bruising. The cops
responded surprisingly quickly to my nine-oneone call.”
“I heard from my buddy, Detective Stryker, that the Colin City police have had trouble with attacks in
that area of town recently. They take any calls from there very seriously,” Manon told him.
“Well, I’m glad about that,” Chris said. “I’ve had broken bones before, so I know how to work
around them.” He winked. “You get the doctor to release me, and I’ll get ready to go.”
Manon nodded. “Sounds good.” He paused at the doorway. “Did you speak to the police yet?”
Chris picked up the shirt Manon had brought, impressed by his thoughtfulness. He’d been planning to
ask Eric or Daren if they could get him clothes, but with the lack of change to Remy’s condition, he
hadn’t wanted to ask them to do something that would force them to leave.
“Yes. A Detective Pierson stopped by and I told him everything. He left his card on the nightstand
there,” he said, pointing.
“Good,” Manon stated. His protective growl surprised Chris, and warmed him at the same time.
“Get out of here,” he said with a smile.
Manon chuckled and left.
Chris carefully maneuvered his legs off the bed and slipped the sweats on. Maneuvering them one
handed was tough, but he got it done. Good thing they were sweats and there weren’t any buttons or
zippers involved. Then he pulled the shirt over his head. That hurt more, but at least it was easier.
He was sitting on the bed, waiting for Manon to return with the doctor or a nurse, when Daren walked
in. “Hope you don’t mind my leaving a little bit ago. I figured you two wanted some time alone.” The
grin on Daren’s face told Chris that his friend knew exactly why he would want time alone.
Rolling his eyes, Chris muttered, “Shut up. It’s not like Remy and I haven’t left your apartment a time
or two when you and Eric started getting a little too hot and heavy.”
Daren laughed. “Hot and heavy? God, what are you? Fifteen?”
“Shut up,” Chris snapped.
His friend just grinned. “I have good news, too. Remy woke and he’s talking.”
Chris sighed with relief. “That’s fantastic!”
“Yeah, things are a bit fuzzy for him right now, but he does remember leaving the club with a guy and
going around the corner. He just doesn’t remember anything after that.” Daren grimaced. “I don’t
know if I want the rest to come back to Remy or not.”
Nodding, Chris could understand his friend’s feelings. His first gay bashing had put him in the
hospital for a week and a half—a broken a leg and ruptured spleen nearly cost him his life. He didn’t
remember everything, and felt grateful for that.
Manon’s return interrupted their conversation. A nurse with paperwork that needed to be signed and

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aftercare instructions followed him. Once he’d signed everything and listened as patiently as he
could, Manon asked if he was ready to go.
Chris shook his head. “I want to see Remy first.”
Manon nodded. “Of course, cher.” He turned to Daren. “Lead the way, bra.”
He followed the others from the room, grateful for Manon’s solid arm around his waist. Chris might
not need the support, but it was nice not to worry about it.
When they walked into the hospital room, Eric rose from the chair by Remy’s bed. He gave Chris a
light hug, and out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Manon tense at the contact. After an oblivious Eric
released him, Chris patted Manon’s shoulder and turned back to his friend.
“How is he?” Chris asked.
Eric smiled slightly. “He’s awake and talking. No brain damage. But he does have a long road to
recovery,” Eric stated sadly.
Chris grimaced and turned to look at Remy. He stretched out a hand and traced Remy’s jaw, then
leaned down and kissed his sleeping friend’s forehead.
“Remy is strong,” he whispered. “He’ll pull through.”

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Chapter Eight


anon helped his mate through his apartment door. He never wanted to see his human in the

hospital again! It had taken everything in him not to yank Chris away from his friend when Eric had
hugged him. Worse, for Chris to kiss Remy, even on the forehead?

Manon knew he needed to figure out a way to explain to Chris, his wolf and the fact that they were

mates. And pretty darn quick because Chris had just pushed Manon’s patience to the limit. He’d need
to warn his sweet human about being touchy feely with anyone but him.

An arm securely around Chris’s waist, Manon could feel his mate fading fast. The jaw-cracking

yawns and slurred speech were a dead give-away. Following Chris’s directions, Manon got them into
his lover’s bedroom. The sight of the bed had his cock twitching in his jeans. He fought against a
groan, knowing he couldn’t take the man right now, no matter how much he wanted to.

“There we go, cher,” Manon murmured, settling Chris on the bed. He helped him slide under the

comforter, pulled off the canvas shoes he’d picked up for Chris, and then tucked him in. “Get some
sleep, Chris,” he commanded softly. “I’ll have some tea ready for when you wake.”

“‘Kay,” Chris muttered, almost already asleep. Manon stood in the doorway, waiting and

listening, and within thirty seconds, he heard Chris’s soft snores.

It had been three days of torture and blue balls. Manon desperately fought his urges to just take his

hurting mate. It didn’t help that Chris insisted on parading around in jean shorts and skimpy t-shirts.

Fortunately, Chris had slept for the first day, and most of the second. But now, he was up and

around, saying he only needed ibuprofen and aspirin. Manon glanced up when he heard his mate’s
footsteps and just about swallowed his tongue. The t-shirt was gone and so were the cut-offs. Instead,
Chris wore the tiniest boyshorts he’d ever seen.

Chris’s lean lines were on display, showing off a flat stomach and toned legs. His small brown

nipples seemed to tease Manon’s mouth as Chris stopped right in front of him. All he’d need to do
was lean forward and…

“Can I watch TV with you?” Chris asked. “I’m tired of lying in bed.”

Manon licked hislips and forced his gaze to Chris’s face. His cheeky little mate was smiling down at
him, a gleam of desire in his eyes. He nodded dumbly, the scent of arousal not his own rendering him
speechless. The smell of his mate’s lust sent Manon’s focus sliding back down the man’s chest where
he saw those nipples he wanted to suck already beaded.
Before Chris could move to sit, if he’d even had any intention of doing anything but seducing Manon,
which he seriously doubted, Manon settled his hands on Chris’s hips. He focused on the hard dick
outlined in the thin material of the skimpy shorts. He finally found his voice.
“You’re welcome to join me, but I’m not watching TV.”
He skimmed his thumbs along the hard ridge, caressing both sides Chris’s erection gently. Chris’s
hips jerked, and Manon let him move, but he didn’t give Chris any more pressure as he lightly rubbed
up and down.
“N-No? Then what should we do?” Chris whispered above him.
Manon liked the man’s breathy quality and grinned as he watched the fabric ofthe shorts that encased
the head of Chris’s cock begin to dampen. The heady scent of pre-cum flooded Manon’s nose and he
wanted a taste.
Not seeing any need to deny himself, he hooked his thumbs over the top of the elastic band and
worked it down so just the bloodred engorged head of Chris’s shaft appeared. He leaned close so his

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breath swept across the revealed red flesh as he looked up through his lashes and said, “I’m sure we
can think of something if you’re bored.”
A mewl of need was Chris’s response, and more pre-cum oozed from his slit. Manon stuck out his
tongue and swirled it around the head and into the slit, scooping up the bead of moisture. Spicy
flavors exploded across his taste buds, and he growled softly, enjoying his mate’s taste.
Chris settled his hands on Manon’s shoulders. The weight of the cast reminded Manon that he needed
to be even more gentle than normal with his mate. He opened his mouth and sucked lightly on Chris’s
cock head.
“Oh—Oh, yeah,” Chris muttered. “That’s good.”
Manon smiled around the flesh in his mouth and slid his hands around to cup Chris’s ass. He felt an
odd bulge that made him lift his head from his human’s dick. Looking up, Manon lifted a brow at the
blush on Chris’s face. Tracing his fingers along the back of Chris’s shorts, he pulled free the object
he’d felt and brought it around to see a tube of lube in his hand.
He grinned, waving it between them. “What’s this, cher?” he teased.
Chris’s fair skin had no chance to hide the deepening hue of his cheeks and chest. “I want you. I didn’t
like you sleeping on the couch. I liked you next to me the other night. I’m ready for you.” He grinned
cheekily. “The bruises and the wristaren’t going to get in the way of you fucking me.”
Manon growled at his mate’s words. He wanted the man so much. He’d slept on the couch last night
because he could feel his control slipping. Now, here Chris was offering himself to Manon. He
couldn’t resist.
“I’m going to fuck you so good, cher,” he promised roughly. “I’m going to bend you over this couch
and fill your ass.”
“Please do,” Chris muttered.
His shaft strained against the fly of his jeans, and he needed out of them. Now! Manon urged Chris
back a step and rose, towering over the slight human. With one hand, he started working open his
fly.With the other, he massaged the plump head of Chris’s dick still peeking over the edge of his
“You’d better take those off before I rip them off you, Chris,” he purred.
Chris’s breathing hitched. His slit oozed more pre-cum, and Manon massaged it into the head and then
down to the wrinkled bundle of nerves under the flared cap. “Naked, cher,” he ordered, sliding down
the zipper of his jeans. He rarely bothered with underwear since it was just one more thing he had to
remove before he could shift. His engorged shaft immediately pressed out from between the flaps.
“You need to get naked.”
He stepped away from his mate and picked up the lube from where he’d dropped it on the couch.
Letting his pants slide down his hips, freeing his cock and balls fully, Manon poured lube onto his
Chris finally moved, peeling the shorts down and off. Manon quickly urged him to kneel on the couch
and lean over the back, putting his pale, perfect ass at just the right height to fuck.
He wasted no time in rubbing aslicked finger over Chris’s taint and pressing in. Chris groaned and
arched his back as Manon thrust the digit in and out repeatedly. “Hurry,” Chris panted. “More. I
won’t break. Want to feel you so badly.”
Manon complied, slipping a second finger in. He rested his other hand on the small of Chris’s back,
rubbing the sensitive skin where Chris’s crack started. Chris shivered and widened his stance. “Fuck,
that feels good,” Chris muttered.
Manon grinned, liking how vocal his mate was. And responsive. He liked seeing Chris’s reactions,

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liked knowing easily if he pleased him. He crooked his fingers and searched for the nub of nerves
buried in Chris’s channel sure to drive the man wild. He knew when he found it.
Chris bucked, a noise coming out of his mouth that was a cross between a squeal and a moan. “Oh,
hell yeah, Manon. Right there. Give it to me.”
Manon leaned close, rubbing his leaking dick against Chris’s crack. He pushed a third finger into
Chris, making certain to hit his mate’s gland with each stroke. Reaching down with his free hand as he
rutted against his mate’s ass, he gripped Chris’s dick tightly.
“You ready for me, Chris?” He was turned on so much, he practically growled the question. “You
gonna take my cock up your pretty little ass and grip it so tight?”
“Oh, yes,” Chris immediately replied. “Yeah, yeah, stick it to me. Fuck, you’re so hot. I want to feel
Suddenly, Chris lifted his good hand and held something over his shoulder. Manon froze at the sight
of the condom. Oh, shit! How could he forget so thoroughly that his mate was human and didn’t know
anything about shifters? Condoms were just one of many things he needed to discuss with Chris.
Chris wiggled the packet. “Please,” he whined. “I’m ready. I need you, Manon.”
His mate’s plea got Manon moving again. He grabbed the packet, opened it, and rolled the rubber
down his straining erection. Next, he grabbed the lube and slicked up his covered dick. Manon guided
the head of his erection to Chris’s stretched hole and pushed.
Chris’s body gave way, opening to him, and he pressed forward. Manon moaned as his dick sank into
the hot, sucking heat of his mate’s body. He kept going until he was buried to the hilt, his balls resting
against Chris’s ass. He draped over his mate’s back and paused.
Nuzzling Chris’s neck, then licking a line along the tendon of his shoulder, Manon felt his canines
tingle, threatening to descend. He dreamed of when he’d be able to sink his fangs in and claim the
Groaning, Chris tried to move under him. “Move. Please move,” he begged.
It was so pretty that Manon wanted to hear more. He rotated his hips, working Chris’s hole. “Is this
what you want?” he crooned.
“Oh, yes,” Chris muttered, his body shivering. “Fuck me.”
Manon gave up any pretense of resisting the man beneath him. He pulled and thrust back in. He did it
slowly, relishing the feel of the warm, tight channel encasing his cock. Never in all his years had he
been so grateful to Fate for giving him a male mate. Nothing was better than fucking a guy’s ass. The
squeeze, the pressure, even the fact that it was easy to know if he was pleasing his lover, it all made
sex so much better.
Letting go of his train of thought, Manon sped up his strokes. He adjusted his thrusts several times
until Chris moaned and bucked beneath him. Memorizing that angle, Manon sped up, driving his dick
in and out of his lover’s ass like a piston, nailing Chris’s gland with each stroke.
The sound of Chris’s groans, grunts, and mewls were music to Manon’s ears. He knew he wouldn’t
last too much longer. He reached beneath Chris and cupped his balls. They were firm and tight, telling
Manon how close his lover was. He rolled them gently and Chris shuddered.
“Oh, Manon,” Chris howled.
Growling at his lover’s noise, Manon moved his hand to Chris’s dick, gripped it tightly, and pumped.
Chris bucked beneath him and came, screaming Manon’s name. The squeeze of Chris’s chute, the
shudder of his mate’s body against his own, and the scent of his lover’s spunk sent Manon careening
out of control.
His teeth lengthened and he sank them deep into Chris’s neck. Blood flowed into his mouth and

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Manon sucked it down, reveling in his mate’s delicious taste. Chris yelled again and Manon knew
he’d blind-sided his mate with another orgasm from his bite. Somehow, Chris’s ass seemed to flutter
around him, massaging his sensitive organ, and Manon’s release bowled through him.
He jerked out of his shivering lover’s ass, ripped the condom from his dick, and spewed his seed all
over Chris’s back, butt, and thighs. Manon roared with pleasure as he watched his cum paint his mate,
marking him on the outside since he couldn’t yet release in the man.
Letting out a pleased sigh, Manon draped himself over his lover’s back, liking the way his release
squeezed between them. He licked the mating mark clean of blood while sealing and healing it. He’d
explain to his mate what it meant eventually, but not right now. Not while bliss pinged so nicely
through his system.
“Holy fuck, that was hot,” Chris muttered.
If he hadn’t been a shifter, Manon wasn’t certain he’d have heard the human. He chuckled anyway and
kissed his way up Chris’s neck so he could suck on the sexy man’s earlobe.
“Hell, yeah,” he murmured once he released the flesh.
He rubbed a hand over Chris’s chest, stroking the man’s sweaty flesh. Chris turned his head and
looked at him over his shoulder. “You bit me.”
It wasn’t a question, but Manon responded anyway. He grinned. “Sorry, cher. Shoulda warned ya I
got dat kink.”
Chris snickered. “That’s not the only kink you got,” he said.
Manon shrugged. He sure as hell wasn’t going to apologize.
“Don’t worry,” Chris said, twisting to press a kiss to Manon’s lips. “I don’t mind. I think it was hot.
One of these days, I’ll have you tie me up and jack off on me. Bet I can come just from watching you
and listening to your sexy voice.”
Manon’s brows shot up. It sounded like Chris had a few kinks of his own. “I bet you could talk me off
if you be tied up.”
“Oh, a challenge,” Chris murmured. “I like it.”
Barking out a laugh, Manon found the strength to move. “Come on, cher,” he said. “Let’s get cleaned
up before we get stuck together.”
Chris winked. “Being stuck to a naked, sexy man like you? I wouldn’t mind.”
Manon shook his head, but smiled. “Come on. After da shower, I’ll grill a couple steaks.”
Chris’s stomach took that moment to growl and they both laughed.
Manon couldn’t remember a time he’d had so much fun with a lover.

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Chapter Nine


hris walked into the animal shelter and looked around for Daren. He didn’t see the man, so he

strode toward the kid behind the desk. He hadn’t seen this employee before, but Daren had told him
they were looking for a new receptionist.

“Hi, I’m Chris,” he said, introducing himself.

“Hello,” the guy said. “I’m Baxter.”
Not wanting to piss the younger man off, Chris managed to
keep a straight face. He nodded. “Nice to meet you. I’m a friend of Daren’s. Is he in the back?”

Baxter nodded. “Yeah. With the dogs, I think. Want me to page him?”

“Naw,” Chris replied. “I’ll just head back there. I know the place pretty well.”
Chris headed through the door and wandered down the dog cage aisles, looking for his friend. He
spotted him near the back holding a shaggy dog that looked like a cross between a terrier and a Lhasa
Apso. It was cute…sort of.
Chris grinned.“Is that a new arrival?” he asked.
“Yep,” Daren replied. “You here to pick out a dog?”
It was a rhetorical question, one Daren asked each time, but Chris answered anyway. “Not yet. Still
gotta get that house and move out, remember?”
“Have you seen Manon’s place? Maybe he has a house,” Daren pointed out, smirking.
Every time his friends had dropped by, Manon had been there. They’d practically been living together
for the last week. They’d both gone back to work several days ago, much to Manon’s displeasure. His
lover had tried to talk him into taking more time to recuperate, but Chris had been ready to go out of
his mind. They’d done nothing but fuck, eat, and sleep. He didn’t know what to think of that. Chris
also didn’t know what to think about the phone calls Manon always took in private.
He must have stayed quiet too long, because Daren clapped him on the shoulder and asked, “Is
everything okay in paradise? You two always seem pretty tight when we’re over there.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he replied absently. “I just—Well, sometimes it’s like he’s trying too hard, ya know?”
Chris frowned. He hated speaking ill of Manon. He felt like he was betraying him, and didn’t that just
beat all? “Damn.” He ran his fingers through his hairs and shook his head. “He’s sweet, and kind, and
compassionate, and funny, and thoughtful. He cooks me dinner. He listens to me when I talk. He seems
to genuinely care about my opinions.”
“How is this a bad thing?” Daren asked, frowning. “Eric and I have hoped you’d find a good guy for
years, Chris. Manon sounds like the real deal. Did it ever occur to you that you should be treated that
way? With respect? It’s the assholes you’ve dated in the past that were no good.”
He sighed. “Manon believes in love at first sight. He calls me his beloved.” Chris swallowed hard.
He didn’t know what he felt for Manon, but it was awfully strong. Just the idea that his lover would
ever get tired of him torehim up inside. “What if he changes his mind?” he whispered. “I mean,
sometimes when his boss calls he leaves the room. Why? He works at the hospital, right? What could
be so important that he has to leave the room to talk about it?”
“Well, maybe you should ask him,” Daren pointed out. “If something is going on with him, don’t you
want to know now instead of later? You don’t want to fall in love with the man if he’s lying to you
about stuff, right?”
“Damn it,” Chris muttered. “I really hate confrontation.”
Daren put the pup back into his cage, then turned and hugged him. “Better now than later,” he

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whispered. His friend stepped back, and stated, “Okay. So let’s go look at the cats. I have to check a
couple the Vet gave stitches.”
Chris followed his friend out of the kennels to the room with the cat cages. “Oh, look at this one!” he
cried, immediately crossing to a cage holding a small, fluffy, long-haired, white cat. Chris slipped a
finger through the bars and wiggled it. “Hello, beautiful.”
“Are you serious? I thought you wanted a dog!” Daren said, staring with an open mouth.
Chris snorted. “What’s wrong with having both? How about two dogs and a cat, like in that
Homeward Bound, Incredible Journeymovie?”
Daren barked out a laugh. “Right. Okay.”
“Come on, I really like this guy. And I’m allowed a small pet on my lease,” he wheedled. “Let me
hold him!”
Waving toward the cage, Daren eyed him with an indulgent smile. “Knock yourself out.”
“Ooooh,” he crooned as he opened the cage door, retrieving the cat. He took it into the little glass
room used to get to know a prospective pet and sat on the bench, the cat on his lap. He pulled the
string out of his hoodie and dangled it in front of the cat. The animal immediately fixated on the object
and began to bat it when Chris made it dance close enough.
Falling in love with the animal took Chris all of fifteen seconds. He figured that had to be some kind
of record as he told a laughing Daren that he wanted to adopt the cat. Chris was standing at the front
desk filling out paperwork when a pair of strong arms slipped around his waist and someone nuzzled
his neck.
“Hello, cher,” Manon’s voice purred into his ear.
He grinned and glanced over his shoulder at his lover. “Hi there,” he murmured, accepting a chaste
“I missed you,” Manon told him.
“It’s only been a few hours,” he teased back, although secretly pleased by the sexy man’s admission.
Nothing like having your lover miss you to boost your ego! And remembering their little tryst when
Manon had visited him at lunch had his cock filling in his jeans. Damn, he just couldn’t seem to get
enough of this man!
Manon chuckled. “So.”
He opened his mouth to reply when he noticed how pale the teenager behind the desk had become.
What was his name? Right, Baxter. In fact, Chris saw Baxter’s hands shaking where he gripped the
pen he was using to review the paper’s Chris had already filled out.
Baxter shook his head, then nodded just as quickly. It was obvious he was clearly agitated. Thinking
it was because of the PDA between two men, Chris glanced over his shoulder and gave Manon a
smile. “I’m almost done here. Can you give me a little room to finish filling out these forms?”
His lover turned and frowned at the box. “What you getting?”
Chris couldn’t stop his grin. “She’s a super cute white fluff ball.” When Manon’s frown deepened, he
rolled his eyes. “Don’t tell me you don’t like cats?” It wasn’t something they’d ever discussed, but
surely, this kind man didn’t have a problem with them. At least, Chris hoped so.
“A cat?” Manon’s brows lifted. The words sounded clearly shocked. “Why would you…”
Chris couldn’t hide his disappointed look, and Manon immediately lifted a hand.
“Of course I don’t have a problem with cats. I guess, since we never talked about them, we never
discussed pets in general, it never occurred to me that—”
Snickering, Chris placed his hand over Manon’s mouth, stopping the man’s rambling. And wasn’t that
just so cute? “I guess I should have told you I’ve been looking into getting a pet for quite some time. I

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don’t like little yipyip dogs, and I can’t have the big one I want until I get a new place, but I dolike
A smile eased the confused expression on Manon’s face. “So you like big dogs, too?”
Chris nodded.
“That be good. Me, too.”
“I just bet you do,” Baxter muttered.
His words drew their attention. Manon cocked his head, his eyes narrowing. “I’m sorry. Do I know
Baxter quickly shook his head. “No. No, we’ve never met.” Taking the papers, Baxter turned his back
to them. “Everything’s in order. If you have any problems, please give the center a call.” Baxter
forced a smile. “Congratulations on your new pet.”
If that wasn’t a desire to rush them out, Chris didn’t know what was. As he gathered up the
paperwork, Manon grabbed the cardboard box with the cat and headed toward the door.
Before Chris could follow his lover, Baxter grabbed his arm and hissed into his ear. “Don’t let him
eat the cat.”
His jaw dropped, but before he could even fathom a response, the guy scurried into the back. Shaking
his head, Chris hurried after Manon and his new cat. When he arrived outside, Manon had already
reached Chris’s car. He’d set the cat box on the trunk and leaned over to stare into it. As Chris
neared, he realized Manon was talking to the animal. He couldn’t make out the words until he was
almost behind him, and he heard Manon mutter, “Good. I’m glad we got that settled.”
The cat gave a plaintive yowl.
“What are you doing to her?” he asked, brushing past Manon to look into the box. To his surprise, he
found her on her back, begging for a belly rub.
Manon chuckled. “Just checking her out.” He bumped his hip against Chris’s. “Gotta make sure she’ll
like me, after all.”
Chris smirked. “Well, you better rub her tummy like she asked, then. Wouldn’t want her to not like
you,” he teased.
He growled softly, but did as he was told. The cat feigned a nip to Manon’s fingers then settled down
and started to purr. After a few strokes, Manon pulled his hand a way and mock-glared at Chris.
Grinning, Chris smiled. “Yep, and so is Rose.”
Manon groaned. “You named her Rose? But she be completely white!”
Shrugging, Chris closed the box back up before the kitten could escape. Then he stuck his tongue out
at his lover. “So what. She looks like a Rose to me.”
His lover’s eyes narrowed, his gaze filling with heat. “Better keep that tongue in your mouth unless
you plan to use it properly, cher,” he crooned.
A shiver of lust rolled through Chris. He swallowed, struggling to find his voice. “Oh, yeah? You
gonna kidnap me, take me to your place, and tie me up until I’m good?” He’d never really been into
that kind of thing before, but for some reason, the image of being tied down and tortured, in the most
pleasurable way, by Manon seemed to be stuck firmly in his head.
Oui, I will,” Manon confirmed. Then he took a deep breath and stepped back. “But not now. I been
called in to work,” Manon told him. “I gotta work ‘til eleven tonight.”
“Oh, okay,” Chris murmured. Why did he feel disappointed? Wasn’t the whole point of going back to
work to have enough space to figure out what was going on between them? Why did he not want to
spend the night without the man?

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“I am sorry, cher,” Manon said, clearly contrite. “If I had been able to get out of it, I would have.”
Chris stretched on his toes and pressed a quick kiss to Manon’s lips. “I know. Maybe we can go to
dinner tomorrow night? It is Friday,” he added.
Manon grinned. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll call you tomorrow,” he promised. After Chris opened the car
door, Manon took the box from the back of the car and slid it onto the back seat. “You be careful
carrying this upstairs,” he warned. “I don’t want you hurtin’ yourself.”
“I will.” He traced a finger over Manon’s brows. “Don’t worry so much. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
After one more kiss, and another round of good-byes, Chris climbed into his car and headed home, the
plaintive mews of the kitten in the back reminding him that he really wasn’t alone.

Chris curled up on the couch with a cup of herbal tea and watched Rose settle in. He’d already

shown her where her litter box and food dishes were. Now, she explored the small twobedroom
apartment. She found a bug crawling across the carpet and followed it, occasionally poking it with a
paw, until it reached the couch where Chris sat. She sat back on her haunches, looked up at him, and

“I thought you were supposed to eat those or something,” he scolded with amusement. She

meowed again.
A knock on his door pulled him away from watching Rose reach a paw under the furniture after the
bug. He looked through the peephole and frowned, wondering what the young man from the animal
shelter was doing at his door. With only one way to find out, Chris pulled it open and greeted the
“Hi. Baxter, isn’t it?”
Baxter nodded. “Sorry to drop by unannounced, but I—I really need to talk to you,” he said.
“Okay,” Chris replied. “Why don’t you come in?” he said, waving for the clearly younger man to
He pegged the guy for eighteen or nineteen, a late bloomer who was just getting out of the skinny,
awkward stage. Baxter had shoved his hands into his coat and his baggy jeans dragged on the floor.
His brown hair was cut short and his brown-eyed gaze darted this way and that until it fell on Rose.
The kitten had found its way onto the couch, curling up in a corner. Its bright blue eyes were open and
watching the men.
“Can I get you a soda or some tea, or something?” Chris asked, wondering how he could make the
clearly agitated young man more relaxed. From the way he’d watched him and Manon interact, this
was the last placeChris would think he’d show up.
“No, thanks,” Baxter replied. “Look, I know you think I gotta problem with gays, but I don’t. That’s
not why I’m here.”
“Okay.” Chris found himself saying that a lot around Baxter. He sat down on the couch and motioned
for Baxter to take a nearby chair. “Why areyou here?”
“It’s that guy you were with…your boyfriend.” Baxter plopped onto the indicated chair and gripped
his hands tightly between his knees. He rocked back and forth, and really looked like he was gearing
himself up to say something. Finally, Baxter’s head came up and he blurted, “He’s a werewolf.”
It was a good thing Chris had already swallowed his sip of tea, otherwise he would have spit it
across the room. “I’m sorry. Did you just say Manon is a werewolf?”
Baxter nodded.
Great. The kid is a syfy geek and a space cadet. Chris rose. “Look, I think you need—”
“What? Help? A shrink? To be locked away?” Baxter rose too, glaring at Chris. “I have proof,” he

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Chris’s pulse picked up as Baxter reached into his coat, and it only settled back down when he saw
the small, hand-held video camera. His brows show up. “You have Manon turning into a werewolf on
tape?” Now, this, he had to see.
Baxter nodded. Focusing on the camera, he pushed a few buttons to start the recording and then held it
out to Chris. Chris took it and stared down at the small screen. It was tough to make out for a second,
then everything came into focus as if the person recording it had adjusted some settings.
“I’m the one recording. I was inside my brother’s truck. He insisted I stay out of the way because he
didn’t want me to get hurt,” Baxter whispered, his voice catching slightly.
Chris glanced over his shoulder at him, seeing the young man’s gaze riveted to the screen, too. He
refocused on the scene playing out on the screen. Two men were in a forest, carrying something that
looked like a big dog. The recording zoomed in, and Chris gasped. It was a wolf.
“What are they doing?” Chris whispered. “Where was this taken?”
“In the woods north of here. Just keep watching. I’ll explain in a second,” Baxter murmured.
The two men slid the unconscious wolf into a cage. When they hefted it up, three more wolves burst
from the trees, snarling and snapping. The heavier man screamed like a little girl, dropped his end of
the cage, and stumbled backward. The cage slammed into the slender man, knocking him down. A
black wolf pounced on the slender man instantly. A second wolf leaped and tackled the fleeing heavy-
set man.
It was what was happening to the third wolf, a large, lean strawberry and brown animal, that riveted
Chris’s attention. The wolf’s body shuddered, then seemed to twist, contort. The tail and fur
disappeared. Seconds later, a man knelt over the downed slender man, squatting next to the black
wolf that pinned him.
Through the video, Chris heard the truck engine roar. The naked man looked up, straight into the
camera. It was Manon.
Chris gasped. He would have dropped the camera if Baxter hadn’t quickly grabbed it from his numb
fingers. Chris’s head swam. He felt himself being pushed onto the couch, then a hand on the back of
his neck urging his head between his knees. Faintly, as if through a tunnel, he heard Baxter tell him to
Chris obeyed, struggling to understand what he’d just seen. Surely it couldn’t be true. There were no
such things as werewolves. And even if there was, for Manon to be one? Ridiculous, right? He was a
good guy.
Feeling better after his reasoning, Chris took a deep breath and eased back into a sitting position.
Baxter scooted away, but didn’t go far. “I’m really sorry,” he whispered, and he actually sounded like
he meant it. “I just—I just thought you should know.”
“Have you shown this to anyone else?” Chris asked, uncertain why this was important, just knowing it
Baxter shook his head.
Chris sighed, for some reason relieved. “How’d you make this?” he asked. “Why? Is Manon an ex of
yours and you don’t want him to date anyone else?” He remembered Baxter’s sneered comment at the
animal shelter. Surely, this was caused by jealousy, right?
Baxter stood up and glared at him, hands on his hips. “I’m not gay,” he snapped. “I took this out in the
woods just north of here. These…these…monsters, attacked my brother and his friend! I’m trying to
help you!”
The other content of the video came back to Chris. He rose, too, and pointed an accusatory finger at
Baxter. “And just what were you doing in the woods capturing a wolf, anyway? That’s poaching,you

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know. It’s illegal.”
Throwing up his hands, Baxter let out an aggravated growl. “What will it take to convince you? If it
matters so much, my brother and his friend are part of an environmental group working against a
government organization. They were capturing the wolf to prove that the scientists were mistreating
animals. They never would have allowed any harm to come to the wolf.”
“That’s, uh, a bit convoluted,” Chris muttered.
Baxter rolled his eyes. “Well? What about my question? Huh? What will it take to convince you?”
Oh, shit. He really had been trying to avoid thinking about that. Anything was better than finding out
his lover was a monster. “I want to see one.”
“So, call your boyfriend,” Chris sneered.
Glaring, Chris snapped, “My boyfriend is working. Why don’t you take me out to where you shot this,
huh? You said it’s not far.”
At his taunts, Baxter’s face paled.
For a second, Chris thought the man would pass out from lack of oxygen. Finally, he nodded.
“Yeah. Okay. I should really see if I can find my brother’s…” He gulped audibly, then finished on a
whisper, “…body.”
He felt like a heel. “I’m sorry. But how do you know your brother and his friend didn’t get away?”
Chris asked, trying to be gentle as he probed for more information.
“My brother would have returned my calls,” Baxter muttered. “I haven’t heard from him since that
“Maybe he’s lost in the woods. If he’s an environmentalist, surely he could live off the land, even if
he didn’t know how to get back here,” Chris said, trying to offer hope.
Baxter shrugged.
It was something. Chris slipped his sneakers on and then grabbed a coat. He turned to his new cat,
who sat watching from her position where she sat on the back of the couch. “You be good, Rose.
Don’t shred the furniture,” he ordered.
The cat’s tail flicked.
“You really want to go out there?” Baxter asked, trepidation filling his tone.
Chris nodded. “It’s obvious something is going on in the woods. We should see if we can figure out
what it is before telling the cops wild accusations.” Inside, his heart was breaking, and he prayed the
video was somehow a hoax. The idea of just taking it and showing it to Manon entered his mind. He
tossed that out, though, thinking that if Manon really was a werewolf, he couldn’t let others know
about it, right? That would be dangerous, even if Chris was his boyfriend.
“Wait, shouldn’t we take weapons?”
At Baxter’s nervous question, Chris paused. The teen had a point. They needed some way to defend
themselves, but he didn’t have a gun. Even if Chris did, he wouldn’t want to inadvertently hurt a
normal animal. He brightened and said, “I’ll call Daren. He has access to tranquilizer guns. We’ll
show him the tape, and maybe he’ll let us use them.”
Daren did more than allow them to borrow them. He decided to come with them. As dusk fell, Chris
found himself bouncing along a rutted service road in Baxter’s pick-up truck. Baxter stopped in a
clearing, and with tranq guns in hand, the three men climbed out.
His heart sped up in his chest when Chris recognized the area from the video. Dark shadows stretched
across the forest floor, and a shiver worked its way down Chris’s spine. His hands sweat where he
gripped the handle of the gun.
“This was a mistake,” Chris whispered.

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As if to confirm his words, a howl echoed through the still evening air, and it sounded close. Chris
heard growls and snarls right before three large wolves crept out of the forest. Baxter squeaked and
began to shake. Daren cursed and began to back toward their vehicle.
The growl of a fourth wolf came from directly behind them. They spun to see the large, tan beast
standing between them and the truck.
Without thinking, Chris raised his tranq gun and fired. The wolf went down with a whine. The three
others reacted instantly, charging forward. Chris and Daren grabbed Baxter’s arms and hauled the
nearly unresponsive, panicked man to the truck.
Once inside, doors locked, Daren ordered, “Start the truck.”
“I-I ccan’t,” Baxter stuttered.
“Then give me the keys,” Chris said, holding out his hand.
Baxter’s eyes grew impossibly wider, and his face paled further as he whispered, “I dropped them.”
“Oh shit,” Chris hissed.
The wrap of knuckles on glass had all three men jerking around in their seats. A dark-haired man
stood at the window. The moonlight gleamed across his naked chest. One hand rested on the roof of
the truck as he leaned in to peer at them. The other hand he, he dangled the keys.
“Ye wouldn’t be lookin’ fer this, now would ya?” he drawled.
Baxter exchanged glances with the other two men in the cab with him, but none of them spoke. The
werewolf crouched, disappearing from view for a second. They heard him mutter something, but
Chris couldn’t make out the words. A black wolf loped out of the field, heading east. The man,
creature, clearly comfortable with his nakedness, walked over and checked the pulse of the downed
animal that Chris had shot. A brown wolf sat next to the sleeping animal as if guarding it.
It occurred to Chris that they were in serious shit. They’d invaded werewolves’ territory, shot one,
and now were effectively captured. His thoughts turned to Manon, and a burning wish to see his lover
one more time before the reinforcements that Chris was sure the guy had sent for got there and killed
them all.

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Chapter Ten


anon sighed and headed out of the hospital. Finally, he mentally grumbled. Looking at his phone,

he realized it was almost eleventhirty. Good thing he hadn’t tried to make a late date with his mate.
Hitting a button, he felt his brows lift when he saw a text message from Declan. He grinned, his inner
wolf pleased to have their alpha home safe.

The pleasure faded when he read the words on his phone. We need to talk about your mate. No

congratulations. No desire to meet Chris. Just…we need to talk. He couldn’t remember any other
shifter being given shit about their mate.

Even Nick’s mate, Miach had be en welcomed into the pack. Well, after the human had renounced

his ties to the scientists and helped them release some injured shifters, anyway.
“Only one way to find out,” Manon muttered.
Hitting speed dial, Manon eased behind the wheel of his

Camaro and waited. He heard the line pick up on the second ring. “Manon, thank ye for callin’ me

back,” Declan greeted warmly. Okay, so his alpha wasn’t angry.
“Of course, Alpha. Welcome back to the states,” he replied. “I

hope your vacation was relaxing and enjoyable.”

“Thank ye,” Declan responded dryly. “Most of it was very
Manon’s brows lifted, and he didn’t even know how to respond
to that bit.
Fortunately, Declan continued. “We have a problem,” Declan
stated. “It seems Chris is in the mountains with a couple friends.
They’re tranqing me wolves. Did he not take ye being a shifter
Fils de putain,” he snapped. Manon shut his eyes, struggling to
control the pounding in his ears. The instinctual cussing sent him
to wondering if Chris would know what the foreign explicative
meant—son of a bitch. His mate had known the others he’d let slip.
The human was such a mix of sweet and worldly.
Gritting his teeth, he forced himself to focus. “I ha’ no’ talked
to Chris abou’ dat yet.” With his accent so thick, Manon wondered
if his alpha could understand him. “Wha’ da hell happened?” “He’s in the same area as where ye
trapped the
environmentalists,” Declan told him. “Shane told me that Roman’s
brother got away.”
Oui,” Manon replied. A big pair of scared brown eyes flashed
through his memory. Suddenly, he saw those eyes with a different
background. Tan walls. Pictures of animals and humans, happy and
laughing, playing and romping. A reception desk. “Oh. Oh, no.
The boy at the animal rescue center,” he whispered.
Declan must have heard him anyway, for he asked, “What are
ye talkin’ about?”
“Damn it! Why didn’t I recognize him before?” he snapped,

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losing his thick accent. He already knew the answer. Manon had
been too busy kissing his mate’s neck. Shoving a hand through his
hair, he said, “I met up with Chris at the animal shelter in Colin
City. He was picking up a kitten,” he admitted absently. Declan snorted.
Manon grimaced. “Yeah. Anyway, the boy behind the counter
is the same one who was in the truck that peeled away from the
scene,” he muttered.
“Oh, aye,” the alpha muttered. “Well, it looks like the brother
might have seen more than we thought. I’ll have Cliff break into
the truck they’re hidin’ in and bring them to me house. Meet us
The line disconnected, not offering Manon the opportunity to
object or even ask for more information. “Damn it!” he growled.
He quickly started the car and slammed it into gear, peeling out of
the parking lot.
The entire ride, Manon mentally berated himself. He knew he should have found a way to broach the
subject of his ability to shift. He could admit, at least to himself, that his maman’s prophesy had him
scared. Manon didn’t want to spook his mate.
He already loved him too much.
Manon groaned, admitting that, even just in his mind. Yeah.
Less than a week and he already loved the cute, spunky human.
There was something about his mate that he couldn’t resist. Damn
Fate and her abilities!
Twenty minutes later, Manon grimaced as he bounced down
Declan’s driveway. He tried his best to steer around the pot holes,
all the while cursing how his alpha used them to deter wayward
teenagers searching for a make-out spot. If they just paved the
damn driveway, no teenager in his right mind would turn onto it in
the dead of the night!
He’d barely parked and shut off his car when he leaped from the
vehicle and raced up the porch. Lark pulled open the door before
he reached it and Manon skidded to a stop in the foyer. “Where’s
Chris?” he asked without preamble.
To Manon’s surprise, Lark nibbled his lip and looked pensive.
He fought the urge to shake the answers out of the small human,
knowing what a mistake it’d be to touch his alpha’s mate. “He’s gone,” Lark finally blurted out.
Manon’s mind froze for a couple seconds, and he couldn’t
process Lark’s words. “What?”
“We put him and his friends in a bedroom upstairs. I guess we
should have watched them more closely because they went out the
window and climbed down the trellis,” Lark told him.
“What! Did you no’ tell dem dey were safe?” Manon asked, his
voice nearly cracking with suppressed fear, reverting back to his
“Well, yeah,” Lark snapped, “but they obviously didn’t believe

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Stepping out on the back deck, he inhaled deeply. His eyes
narrowed as he caught Chris’s scent. He recognized several others,
his alpha, Cliff—their pack’s lead tracker—and Daren. He yanked off his clothes. “If dey come back,
have dem howl,”
he said, then shifted. He wouldn’t normally order the alpha-mate around, but all he could think about
wasfinding his lost mate. He’d
worry about the consequences of his actions later.
“I’m sorry, Manon. We both are,” Lark said.
With his body reshaping, Manon didn’t bother trying to answer.
As soon as he could get his paws under him, Manon took off after
Chris. He moved swiftly, leaping logs, ducking under branches,
and dodging shrubs and trees. His mate and his friends were being
followed by Declan and Cliff and from the strength of the scents,
he wasn’t far behind them.
Manon ran as if the hounds of hell were after him. His goal of
getting to his mate was the only thing able to penetrate his mind.
He needed to track Chris down, catch him, make him understand
that he was still the same man who’d been loving him for the last
A wolf howled up ahead and Manon poured more strength into
his limbs, lengthening his stride. He leaped to clear a log, leaves
parting around him, and he landed in a clearing. On the far side,
backed against a dropoff were the three humans. Cliff’s black
wolf sat on his haunches twenty feet away next to a naked, human
Declan was trying to talk to them, but from their wide eyes, pale
faces, and the stench of fear filling the clearing, the humans
weren’t listening. Manon’s alpha sighed with obvious frustration
and ran a hand over his bald pate. He looked over his shoulder and
spotted Manon. “Good. Maybe ye can talk some sense into these
guys, Manon. They aren’t listening to a word I say,” Declan said
ruefully, waving between Manon and the humans.
Chris’s disbelieving squeak caught Manon’s attention, and he
trotted forward. This was not the way he’d wanted to reveal his
wolf to his mate. He hadn’t said anything to the man due to his
maman’s warning. That had evidently been a mistake.
Stopping next to Cliff and Declan, Manon initiated his shift. A
low howl of disbelief rent from Chris’s throat, and when Manon
opened his eyes, he met his mate’s anguished look. “Chris,” he
murmured. It was a long shot, but he had to try. Holding out his
hand, he urged, “Please come to me, cher. Let me help you.” His mate took one step toward him, but
was pulled to a stop by
a hand on his arm. Chris turned to look at his holder, and the darkhaired, gangly teen shook his head

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violently. Manon should have
recognized the teen right off, especially now that he could focus on
the teen’s big, fear-filled brown eyes.
Manon returned his focus to his mate, since he was the one he
had a connection with. “Chris, love, you’re safe. None of us will
hurt you. You have my word.”
Unfortunately, the teen once morebroke in. “Like you didn’t
hurt my brother? You attacked him! I have proof! I recorded the
whole thing!” he yelled, clearly angry.
Declan’s brows shot up. “Ye attacked his brother?”
Manon grimaced. “They drugged and crated Demetri. We had
to stop them.”
“Aye, right,” Declan muttered. He turned back to the boy.
“What’s yer name, boy?”
“Baxter,” the youngster answered belligerently.
“Roman’s brother,” Manon interjected. “He’s fine, by the way,”
he added.
“You attacked him!” Baxter repeated. “He hasn’t answered any
of my calls for almost a week. He hasn’t been home. If he’s fine,
then why can’t I find him?”
Roman had said he’d send his brother a message that he’d been
called out of the country by the environmentalist group he worked
for. Why hadn’t he done it? Maybe to make certain someone was
looking for him? Manon really wished the guy had come clean. It
looked like the humans didn’t trust them after all.
Manon could understand that. He hadn’t told Chris about his
wolf, and that could be seen as distrust of his mate’s reaction.
Manon really should have known Fate wouldn’t let him carry on
like this for long.
“Roman is fine,” Manon reiterated. “He’s in hiding at our
request.” Manon looked at Declan, wondering just how much he
should share with the human. There’s that trust issue again, he
Declan blew out a breath. “Would ye be more willin’ to believe
us if it came from yer brother, Baxter?”
Baxter frowned. “Well, duh!”
Manon frowned, fighting his urge to leap the twenty-foot
distance and yank his mate away from the annoying human. Declan dropped his gaze to Cliff and
muttered, “There’s a
service road a hundred yards west of here. Go back to the lodge,
and have Shane bring the humans to the opening. Have Carson
bring the quads. We’ll find a way to meet ye there.”
Cliff dropped his nose in acknowledgement. He leaped to his
feet, causing gasps from the humans. Manon saw the wolf do a
great job of rolling his eyes, then he took off through the trees. “If ye’ll be good enough to follow us,

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we’ll take you to yer
brother,” Declan stated.
“I don’t think so,” Baxter snapped. “You bring Roman here.” Manon saw Declan’s jaw clench. He
knew exactly how his
alpha felt. His own patience was wearing incredibly thin. His
fingers twitched with the need to grab his mate away from the
petulant child. Struggling to maintain his composure, Manon once
more tried to reason with Chris.
“Chris,” he murmured, trying to keep his tone soothing. “Have I
ever done anythin’ to harm you?”
Chris shook his head slowly.
Encouraged, he asked, “Haven’t I always tried to please you?” Licking his lips, Chris nodded.
“Just because I can change into a wolf doesn’t mean I care
about you any less, cher,” he crooned. “You mean everything to
me. Let me hold you? I want to make certain you’rewell.” What he said was true. He desperately
wanted to check Chris
for damage. With all their resiliency, humans were still fragile
compared to shifters. He hadn’t heard what kind of scuffle had to
happen to get to this point, and the idea of his sweet man climbing
down the trellis with his broken arm just scared him to death. “Please, come here,” he begged,
holding out one hand. Chris’s shoulders seemed to sag, and a tremulous smile curved
his lips. “Y-you’ll explain how—how this is possible?” Chris
asked softly, waving his arm vacantly as if to encompass the entire
Manon smiled, hope flooding him. “Oui, cher. I’ll tell you
anything you want to know.”
He opened his arms and held his breath, praying to reconnect
with his mate. Manon watched Chris’s Adam’s apple bob as his
gaze strayed over Manon’s naked body. He fought against a smile
when he saw the flush working across Chris’s cheeks. Chris started
toward him slowly, and relief rolled through Manon.
It was short-lived.
Baxter snapped, “No! Don’t believe him! He’s a monster!” as
he grabbed Chris’s arm and yanked him backward.
Chris stumbled toward Baxter, near the cliff’s edge. Tripping
over a rock, Chris’s arms pin-wheeled, but even with one arm still
in Baxter’s grip, he couldn’t catch his balance. Daren lunged
toward him, but it was too late. Chris’s momentum sent him
tumbling over the edge, his weight finally wrenching free of the
teen’s hold.
Manon let out a howl as his mate disappeared over the edge of
the cliff. He leaped forward and peered over the edge just in time
to see Chris’s body splash into the icy river below.
“Chris!” Manon screamed, desperately searching for his mate. Chris surfaced ten feet downstream.
His arms flailed

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ineffectually at the water and his garbled plea for help nearly
rippedManon’s heart from his chest.
Without another thought, Manon crouched, then leaped, diving
into the river twenty feet below.

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Chapter Eleven


hris struggled to the surface. He wasn’t a strong swimmer at the best of times, and his cast

weighed heavy on his arm, the wet plaster dragging him down. The chill of the water made Chris’s
movements lethargic, and fear sliced through him. Finally, his lungs burning, he managed to breach the
surface. Chris flailed, trying to maneuver on his back.

“Help!” His vo ice sounded weak, even to his own ears. He tried to look around, but a rapid spun

him around. The current started to suck him down again and a wave crested over his head.

The sound of a splash nearby caught his attention, and Chris blinked wildly, trying to clear his

eyes. It didn’t help. All it really did was disorient him more. His casted arm slammed into a rock
jutting from the bottom of the river, sending stabs of pain up his limb. He cried out and managed to
swallow a mouthful of water.

His body shudde red, and Chris didn’t know if it was from hypothermia or pain from his damaged

limb. It was then he realized he might not make it out of this alive. If he’d only trusted his lover
instead of a foolish, paranoid boy. Chris sadly figured it’d be the last mistake he’d ever make.

Another shudder passed through Chris, and he realized he could no longer feel his hands or feet.

Not a good sign.
He whimpered when he felt something rub against his chest. Firm flesh pressed against his back and a
strong arm held him close. “Easy, cher. I got you.”
Manon’s distinctive voice whispered in his ear, and for a second, Chris thought he was dreaming.
Chris felt tugging on his body and realized there really was someone holding him. His bad arm was
maneuvered to his chest. “Hold that there, Chris,” Manon ordered. “Move with me now. Don’t fight
Chris obeyed his lover. “Thank you,” he croaked.
“For what?” Manon replied.
His body began to move through the water, and Chris struggled to follow Manon’s movements. “For
coming after me. I should have trusted you.”
To his surprise, Chris felt cool lips press against his temple. “We’ll discuss our mutual trust issues
later, cher. Let’s get out of this water fir—Oh, shit.”
“What?” Chris squeaked, not liking Manon’s tone.
“Waterfall.” Manon had to shout over the roaring noise that Chris hadn’t even noticed.
Suddenly, that was all he could hear. Or maybe that was the sound of blood rushing in his ears as he
struggled not to panic.
“I got ya!” Manon yelled.
All at once, Chris felt weightless, then gravity kicked in and he was flying through the air. The grip of
Manon’s arm around his torso registered right before the hard smack of his body hitting water sent
stinging needles of pain through his legs. Manon’s arm around him grounded him, reminding Chris that
he wasn’t alone, that he had something worth fighting for.
Pulling on his last reserves, Chris kicked his legs and they shot to the surface. He sucked in a deep
lungful of air. Shaking his head, he forced his eyes open. Chris searched for shore, but before he
could start moving toward it, a gray, snake-like object appeared in his peripheral vision. He shrieked
and tried to flinch away.
Manon held him steady. “Relax, cher. You’re safe. Let us help you.”
“Us?” Chris choked out. Then a warm, pliable appendage wrapped around his torso, easing him from

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Manon’s grip. He screamed and wriggled. To his surprise, whatever it was lifted Chris clear of the
water and tucked against a hot body. Chris froze. When they started moving, Chris hazarded a look
over his shoulder.
His eyes widened on shock. Chris stared into the large gray eye of an elephant. “Manon?” he
whispered uncertainly.
“I’m here, cher. Gordon won’t hurt you,” he assured.
Manon knew the elephant? It was named Gordon? What the hell? To Chris’s utter disbelief, the
elephant laid him gently down on the firm ground…next to a tiger. “M-mm…” He couldn’t even get
the word out as he tried to scramble backwards, but his exhausted, soaked arms and legs wouldn’t
“Hey, hey, easy, Chris. I’m here.” Manon knelt and wrapped Chris in his arms. Chris tried to climb
his lover like a tree in an effort to get away from the massive tiger sitting ten feet in front of him.
“You’re safe,” Manon crooned. “I promise, you’re safe. Settle down.”
“T-ttiger,” he whispered hoarsely, unable to believe what he was seeing. How the hell was a tiger
living in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado not national news?
“Shhh-shhh,” Manon crooned. “We need to get you out of these wet clothes, Chris.”
Chris’s head snapped around at that. It reminded him that his lover was naked in the middle of the
wood, and he didn’t look cold at all. This just reinforced the fact that Manon wasn’t exactly human.
A deep voice sounding from the direction of the tiger made Chris snap his headback around. “Are you
sure you should be undressing him out here, Manon?”
The tiger was gone and in its place sat a broad-shouldered, crew-cut sporting blond.And he’s naked,
! “Humans are pretty fragile. And is thata cast on his arm? What the hell happened?”
“Long story, Grady,” Manon said. “And that’s exactly why I’m undressing him. I’m not letting my
mate freeze to death. You have any clothes or towels out here?”
Chris, too confused by everything happening to fight Manon, urged his arms over his head and pulled
the wet jacket off followed by the shirt from over his head. “W-what’s going on?” His head spun. He
felt disoriented.
Firm hands stroked up and down his arms, encouraging warm circulation into them. “Don’t freak out,
cher,” Manon said. While sitting behind Chris, Manon nuzzled his neck and pressed warm,
openmouthed kisses up his shoulder and neck. “Grady and Gordon are shifters, Chris. They’re my
friends. They won’t hurt you.”
Chris figured Manon kept repeating that he was safe because of how he and his friends had fled
Declan’s home. If it had been up to Chris, he would have just stayed to hear their explanation.
Running through the woods in the middle of the night when they were sure of their safety was nothis
idea of a smart move. But Baxter hadn’t believed the werewolves and convinced Daren, and it wasn’t
like his friend would allow Chris to stay behind.
Looking between the tiger-turned-man and the patiently waiting elephant, Chris felt like he’d fallen
down the rabbit hole. In a matter of one afternoon, his life had turned upside down. So, he clung to the
one constant, his lover.
“You said you’d explain things,” Chris whispered, accepting the towel from Manon that Grady had
handed him. He wrapped it around his shoulders and hugged it close.
“I will,” Manon assured. He cupped Chris’s face in both hands and stared into his eyes. “But first, we
need to get you dry and warm. I’ll take you to Lark. He’s a doctor. After a tumble down a waterfall,
you need to bechecked over.”
Before Chris could respond, Manon pressed a soft kiss to his lips. When Manon tried to pull away

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too soon, Chris whimpered, grabbed hold of Manon’s shirt, and pulled to keep him close. Manon
growled and deepened the kiss. Chris sighed, opening happily, sinking into the kiss and sucking on
Manon’s tongue as it invaded his mouth and stroked the sensitive tissues.
By the time they came up for air, both panting, gasping for breath, Chris felt warm all over. When
Manon pulled him into his arms and picked him up, Chris cuddled into the man, more than willing to
trust him. After everything that had happened this evening, Chris knew without a doubt that Manon
cared for him. He sure wouldn’t have jumped off a cliff and into a cold river to save him ifhe didn’t.
Chris clung to his lover when, to his silent delight, Manon climbed onto the back of the elephant.
He’d seen them ridden in the circus and on TV and always wondered what it’d be like. Was it
different to ride a shifter elephant than a normal one? He felt his mind drift until Manon jostled him
back awake. He harrumphed irritably. He was tired.
“Oh, no you don’t, Chris,” Manon growled. “No sleeping until Lark says it’s okay. You could have a
concussion or hypothermia. You have to stay awake.”
A jaw-cracking yawn told Chris how difficult that would be. “Then you’ll have to talk to me about
something interesting to keep me awake,” he said sleepily.
“My name is Manon Lemelle. I can shift into a wolf. You are my mate, and you mean everything to
me,” Manon stated quickly.
Well that was one way to get a guy’s attention! But Manon wasn’t done.
“I want to please you, keep you safe, and claim you properly.”
“Claim me?” What the hell did that mean?
“You remember when I bit you and I marked you on the outside, cher?” Manon asked.
Chris couldn’t help but blush while he nodded quickly. Just how aware were these shifters when in
animal form. The chuffing of the tiger wandering down the trail next to them gave him his answer.
“I plan to bite you again, this time while fucking you without a condom,” Manon crooned into his ear.
“Shifters can’t get human diseases, so now that you know what I am, there’s no need to wear them
anymore. I can’t wait to feel your hot ass grip my hard cock.”
“You’re, uh, you’re good at keeping my attention,” Chris muttered. His dick tried to thicken in his wet
jeans, but the material had no give. He whimpered in frustration.
Manon must have understood his distress, for he quickly undid Chris’s button, lowered his zipper,
reached inside, and adjusted his shaft. Chris let out a moan of relief. But Manon didn’t keep his hand
on him, and he looked up at his lover with a question in his eyes.
The man’s black eyes gleamed. “I’m sorry, cher,” he whispered, leaning close. “I don’t want you
damaging one of my favorite parts of your anatomy, but this place isn’t real conducive to taking care
of it.”
Chris grunted in frustration, glancing down at the elephant they rode and the tiger next to them. The
tiger seemed to be staring at everything except them.
“Can you guys, um, understand when you’re…you know…an animal?” he asked hesitantly.
Manon chuckled. “Oui, cher. We can. Even in animal form, we can think and rationalize like a human.
We just have a few extra senses and are more prone to act on our instincts.”
Oui.Eat, sleep, fuck, follow our pack alpha’s orders, keep our mate safe.” Manon winked.
“Oh.” His cheeks flamed. Damn, what they must think of him! His erection wilted, whether from his
embarrassment or the cold, it didn’t matter. Chris felt grateful that he wasn’t hard anymore. He
swallowed, trying to get moisture to his dry throat, and forced his brain to function. “So, what else
about you all is different?”

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Manon leaned over him, forcing Chris forward, and ducking them under a lowhanging branch before
answering. “Well, shifters live for nearly half a millennium. By mating with me, your life will extend
to match mine

that way I don’t outlive you by hundreds of years,” Manon admitted.

“Wow, that’s…interesting,” Chris finished lamely. That was a bit tough to wrap his mind around. The
rabbit hole just seemed to keep getting deeper.
“Shifters are secretive, for obvious reasons. Most of us live in packs of similar species shifters.
Safety in numbers, and all that,” he added absently. “Declan is our pack alpha. I’m what’s called an
enforcer, which means I enforce pack law, Declan’s commands, and bring in shifters who disobey,
for punishment.”
Manon paused, and Chris looked up to see a frown crease his brows as if he were trying to decide if
he should say more. Chris reached up and touched his jaw, regaining his attention. “You’d better tell
me everything,” he whispered. “I promise I won’t go blabbing it all over the place. For some
reason…” It was his own turn to hesitate. “For some reason your safety is important to me, too. I
don’t want anything to happen to you. I didn’t want to believe you could be a murdering werewolf.”
He nibbled his lip and asked tentatively, “You’re not, are you? You were telling the truth when you
said that Roman and Will are alive?”
Oui, cher. They are alive. We learned from dem dat…” He paused and swallowed.
Chris knew from the thickening of his accent that this was a sensitive subject for Manon. Chris
squeezed his hand and cuddled more firmly in Manon’s embrace, showing him without words that he
was willing to listen and trying to understand whatever Manon was about to say. Manon sighed and
nuzzled his neck, inhaling his scent. His lover’s shoulders and jaw seemed to lose some of their
“At times, I assist with rescue missions, helping release captured shifters from scientific labs. We’ve
been fighting a silent battle with a company called the Crystal Lake Corporation. According to
Roman, the government backs their experiments. If that’s the case, we have a bigger problem on our
hands than we thought.”
“Wow! What would you do?” It didn’t take a genius to realize that by getting into a relationship with
this man, Chris had stepped into a warzone. Still…the thought of not being with Manon was what
made his pulse speed up and his heart race.
“If we’re facing off against the government?” Manon shook his head. “I don’t know, Chris. Anything
we decide impacts so many people all over the world.”
Chris knew his eyes widened in shock, and Manon cupped his jaw. “Most people mistake shifter
groups as communes, fanatics, or even nudist colonies.”
Glancing down at the elephant, they rode and the Bengal tiger padding silently beside them, he could
believe it. After all, he was in the arms of a naked man! That reminder made Chris focus on the feel of
Manon’s well-muscled arms around him, the firm chest pressed against his back, and the warmth and
safety he felt in Manon’s arms. His dick started to thicken back up, and he couldn’t help but rock his
ass against Manon’s groin.
Manon growled and tightened his hold, stilling his movements. “You’re playing with fire, cher,” he
said, his voice deepening with arousal. Manon pressed his lips to Chris’s ear and whispered, “Now,
dat you know everything, I don’t have any intention of letting you go. I plan to claim you and make you
Chris’s breathing hitched and Manon paused. Then he added, “Dat means I be your’s, too, Chris. A
shifter can never stray from their claimed mate, and will happily tear limb from limb any who dare
touch him. If you’re not ready for dat, you’d best tell me now.”

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Unable to think beyond his lust, Chris looked over his shoulder and met his lover’s heated gaze. “I
want that. I want you.”
A groan rumbled through the chest behind Chris, and Manon slanted his mouth over his. The kiss was
deep, possessive, claiming, and Chris loved every second of it. The way Manon’s tongue massaged
the soft tissues of his mouth, then curled around his tongue in a sensual dance had his shaft hard and
leaking. It pressed against the open flaps of his wet jeans, splitting them wider, and Chris had just
enough presence of mind to keep the towel over his groin.
An irritated grunt from the elephant below them, coupled with a low growl from the tiger, caused
Manon to ease the kiss to an end. Chris bemoaned the loss.
“Let’s get you checked out, cher,” Manon said huskily, “Den we take you home and…”
The words Manon whispered into Chris’s ear did nothing to wilt his erection.

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Chapter Twelve


anon could tell by the tense lines of the man he held that Chris wasn’t certain he wanted to be

back here. When the lodge appeared through the trees, every iota of arousal in Chris had vanished in
an instant. Rubbing his hands up and down his mate’s arms, Manon had assured Chris that everything
was fine.

Now, they sat in one of the rooms that Lark had customized after a hospital room. With all the

shifters they’d rescued over the last year, it had made sense to get the right facilities in place to care
for the injured, so Declan and Lark restructured the upstairs to include four regular bedrooms and
three exam rooms. One of those rooms was even large enough to do surgery in a pinch.

Lark had taken one look at the soaked cast on Chris’s arm and told them he’d be right back with

cutters. Meanwhile, Chris sat stiffly on the edge of the bed. Manon opened a dresser drawer and
pulled out a pair of sweats and a t-shirt. One of the things he appreciated about Declan was the man
was always prepared

whether it be food, medicine, or clothes, he took care of his own. Manon

pulled the clothes on and then retrieved a second set and turned to stand in front of his mate.

“Let’s get you out of those jeans,” he said softly. “Time to get you warmed up.”

Chris nodded and slid from the bed, the brown butcher paper crinkling as he moved. Manon knelt in
front of him and helped Chris from his jeans and underwear. He took the t-shirt and rubbed it briskly
over his legs, trying to dry and warm his mate’s sexy slender legs.
Chris hummed above him, showing his appreciation. Manon grinned up at him, pleased at the sign of
relaxing his mate displayed. “Okay, let’s get these on. Step in,” he ordered, gently tapping Chris’s
His mate obeyed, and they settled the sweats around his hips just as Lark returned. The alpha-mate
paused and glanced between them. “This a good time?” he asked, his lips curving into a smirk.
Manon rose to his feet, giving Chris a lascivious wink. “Oh, no, Doc,” Manon said, turning to Lark.
“We need you to clear my mate for extracurricular activity. We have…plans for the night.” He
pitched his voice low on those last few words, wanting to make it clear to his mate that he still
wanted him and planned to keep him.
A pretty flush worked its way up Chris’s chest, neck, and cheeks, and Manon had to fight his desire to
follow the trail of pink with his tongue. His dick thickened in anticipation of his plans for the evening.
Lark snickered, reminding him that he and Chris weren’t alone. Biting back a sigh, Manon stepped
back, although he picked up Chris’s good hand, offering him his support.
“All right,” Lark murmured. “Let’s take care of this. How long have you had it on?” he asked
curiously referring to the cast on Chris’s arm.
“A week,” Chris answered.
Lark flashed a smile at him. “Didn’t they tell you not to get it wet?”
Chris snorted. “As if I’d planned to take an evening swim.”
Declan stepped into the room, and his serious expression squelchedthe mirth that had filled the room.
“Good news. Nick is not pressing charges, although I’d steer clear of Miach for a while. He’s still
kinda pissed.”
Chris frowned. “Who’s Nick and Miach? Charges? What do you mean?” His voice rose with every
word, finally ending in a squeak.
Lark frowned at his mate. “Couldn’t you have waited until I was done?” The slender blond turned
back to Chris and patted his shoulder before returning to cutting the cast off his arm. “Don’t move,

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Chris. We’ll have this re-casted in no time.”
Manon squeezed Chris’s hand and answered his mate’s questions. “Nick is the wolf shifter you
tranqed. He’s in the room to our left,” he explained. “Miach is his mate, and very protective of him.
Under normal circumstances, one mate can seek retribution from another if his mate is injured without
From the way Chris’s eyes widened and his face paled, Manon knew he understood the gravity of the
“B-bbut, I didn’t know,” Chris stuttered.
Declan nodded. “Nick understands that.”
“Even if he had requested restitution, I would have taken the punishment,” Manon vowed. When
Chris’s head whipped around, his jaw dropping at Manon’s announcement, Manon reached out and
used a knuckle under his jaw to close his mouth. “Like you said, you didn’t know. I did. It was my
fault you didn’t know the world you’re now involved with.”
“I wouldn’t let you take the heat for something I’d done,” Chris said, shaking his head and frowning.
Holding up a hand, Declan cleared his throat to regain their attention. “It’s a moot point.” He stepped
forward and held out his right hand. “Welcome to me pack, Chris. Since Manon is making certain
ye’re…all right…” He smirked at Manon, who grinned back unabashedly, “I’d recommend ye assure
yer friend that ye’re fine before ye go.” He crossed his arms over his chest and stated, “I’m afraid
until I get assurance from Daren that he won’t share our secrets with anyone, I can’t let him leave.”
Chris’s brows shot up, and his tension returned. “He’s your prisoner? You can’t keep him. Eric will
worry about him. He’ll report him missing to the police!”
Declan cocked his head. “Eric?”
“His partner,” Manon supplied.
“I see,” Declan muttered, drawing the words out. “Then I have to ask for ye and Chris to take
responsibility for his actions.”
“Can I suggest inviting Eric here and explaining things to him?” Chris asked. “I could stay and help.”
Manon wanted to groan, but knew as soon as the words were out of his mate’s mouth, his alpha would
take Chris up on his offer.
Declan confirmed his suspicions a second later when he said, “Excellent idea. Thank ye, Chris.”

It took four, nerve-racking hours for Eric to arrive and have everything explained to him, Daren

and Baxter, before Manon could take his mate home. Hours where his dick remained hard with
anticipation for the event to come, claiming his mate. Manon could hardly wait.

Chris yawned next to him while sitting in Manon’s Camaro. He glanced over at him before

returning his attention to the road. “You okay, cher? Gonna fall asleep on me?” he teased, although it
was definitely a concern after everything Chris had been through.

“Oh.” Chris rolled his head where he rested it on the headrest. “You backing out, big boy?” he

Manon growled. “Never.”
“Hmm.” His mate’s seductive purr made him pull his gaze away from the road again. “That’s good,
because I plan to do zero to sixty in five point two seconds.”
While speaking, Chris reached over and palmed Manon’s hard dick through his sweats. He groaned.
“Oh, fuck, yeah. Just a few more minutes,” he said, moaning and thrusting his hips.
“Then you’d better hurry, because this is getting tired of waiting,” Chris stated.
To Manon’s shock, Chris lifted his hips and slid his sweats down his hips just enough for his
engorged dick to spring free and slap his stomach. As he watched, Chris wrapped a fist around his

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shaft and stroked.
“Ah, zut,” Manon muttered, having a hard time returning his focus back to the road.
Chris smirked, probably at his curse.
“You goin’ to be da death of me, mate,” he grumbled.
Chris froze for just a second. “I hope not. I want you around for a while,” he replied. Then he hissed,
swiping his thumb over his precum slicked head. “Oh God.”
Manon almost missed his turn at the noises escaping his mate’s mouth. Wrenching the wheel to the
left, Manon narrowly avoided hitting the curb, but managed to maneuver into Chris’s apartment
parking lot.
A squeak came from the other side of the car, drawing Manon’s attention. Chris lost his grip on his
dick and flailed his good arm, trying to keep from being flung against the door.
Manon quickly grabbed Chris’s forearm and held him in place. “Sorry, cher,” he apologized.
Chris rolled his eyes. “You did that on purpose so I couldn’t keep playing.” He stuck his lip out,
pouting so cutely.
Letting go of his arm, Manon grinned and parked the car. “Don’t worry, cher. We’ll be playing in just
a moment.” He turned and gave his mate a heated gaze, taking in his still revealed, hard cock and
flushed head. “So sexy,” he growled.
Instead of giving in to his desire to lean over and suck down Chris’s dick, Manon opened his door
and exited the vehicle. He was around the hood in an instant, yanking open the passenger side door.
Manon couldn’t hide his eagerness and pulled his mate from the car. He used his body to keep anyone
from viewing his sweet lover’s nakedness and captured Chris’s mouth in a plundering kiss.
Manon groaned at his mate’s taste, delving deep, relishing how Chris quickly opened to him. He
cupped his human’s jaw, sweeping his thumb over Chris’s soft skin. Manon growled at the way Chris
shuddered in his arms.
The roar of an engine in the distance reminded Manon where they were. Manon ended the kiss and
rested his forehead on Chris’s. “We need to go in before we do something illegal,” he muttered,
helping Chris right his sweats.
Chris groaned, pressing the heel of his palm to his clearly defined erection. “Inside. Now!”
Growling, Manon wrapped an arm around Chris’s waist and hustled him into the apartment building.
“This would be a hell of a lot easier if you just moved into my place,” he stated absently, pushing the
elevator button impatiently.
Manon realized what he’d just muttered just as the bell dinged and the door opened. He pulled his
clearly surprised mate into the elevator, pushed the appropriate button for Chris’s floor, and wrapped
him into his arms.
Looking into his mate’s wide gray eyes, Manon said, “I guess I shouldn’t have sprung that on you like
Chris’s expression didn’t change.
“We’re a team now, you and I. You’re my mate. You’re everything to me. I want you with me,” he
For asecond, Manon didn’t think Chris would say anything. Then his lips curved into a smirk and he
whispered, “Love me, love my cat.”
Manon’s eyes widened, but noticed that Chris blushed so cutely.
“I always wanted to say that,” Chris stated.
It took Manon a second to find his tongue. “I do love you, Chris. And in time, I may learn to love

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Rose.” His grin grew big. “But I am a wolf, so she’d better obey.”
Chris snorted. The elevator doors opened. Manon dragged his lover to his apartment and waited
impatiently for him to unlock the door. As soon as the door opened, Manon pulled his human into the
place. To his surprise, Chris jerked them to a stop.
Manon turned and lifted a questioning brow, wondering what the problem was. Whatever the issue
was, it couldn’t be more important than burying his dick in Chris’s ass and claiming his mate.
“I love you, too,” Chris whispered, holding his gaze.
Except that.
Manon smiled. He cupped Chris’s face and brushed his lips against his lover’s once, twice before
pulling away. “And I love you. Let me show you how much by worshiping every inch of your body.”
Chris nodded quickly. Manon couldn’t resist wrapping his arms around Chris, gripping his ass, and
pulling him off his feet. His mate quickly wrapped his arms around his neck and legs around his waist
and clung to him. It aligned their cocks so nicely, and Manon groaned as hard flesh pressed against
his erection.
Manon felt thankful that he knew the apartment by heart now, because he took Chris’s mouth in a deep
kiss that made paying attention to other things nearly impossible. He made it to the bedroom with little
trouble and pressed Chris onto the mattress.
A yowl of protest filled the air and Chris arched and twisted. From beneath him shot a white ball of
fluff. Manon snickered, but Chris smacked his arm. “Be more careful,” he admonished. “She’s
It took everything in him not to roll his eyes. “She’s fine. Next time, maybe she’ll move when she sees
us coming.” He didn’t really care about the cat, but knew enough that she really was okay. Getting a
little squished certainly hadn’t hurt her vocal cords or motor ability.
Not wanting to discuss Rose, Manon decided a little distraction was in order. He eased away from
his mate and undressed. The way Chris licked his lips and had his gaze riveted to Manon’s hard shaft
sent a wash of need through his body. His balls pulled tight, and Manon knew he didn’t have long
before he’d blow. He’d waited too long for this.
“Naked. Now!” he ordered.
He knelt on the bed and grabbed the waist of Chris’s sweats. His mate facilitated his request by
lifting his hips. Manon swept the soft fabric off his legs, slipping the still wet sneakers off with them.
While Chris worked his t-shirt over his head, Manon massaged his mate’s feet, warming and drying
them at the same time.
Once done with Chris’s feet, he moved to his calves, massaging and kissing the pale, toned muscles.
When he reached Chris’s knee, Manon lifted one of his legs, flicked out his tongue, and licked the
back of it.
Chris gasped and moaned. His good hand tangled and untangled in the comforter. He threw his injured
wrist above his head, and the fingers twitched.
Pleased by Chris’s response, Manon went to work nipping, sucking, and kissing the sensitive skin.
After a few minutes, he switched to the other leg.
A glance up showed the most spectacular sight Manon had ever seen. Chris had spread his legs wide,
his body gleamed with sweat, his chest heaved with each breath, and his blood-engorged cock tapped
his stomach and oozed pre-cum, creating spider-webs of clear fluids on his skin.
Manon realized he needed to taste his lover more than he needed his next breath. He shifted forward,
grabbed Chris’s silk- covered steel erection with one hand, and swallowed it down with his mouth.
The head hit the back of his throat and Manon gulped once, twice before pulling up with a sucking

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Chris’s back arched. He cried out and came. Spurts of warm seed filled Manon’s mouth and he
swallowed it down greedily, not missing a drop. Once Chris finished coming, Manon let Chris’s dick
slip from his mouth.
Manon reached for the lube in the nightstand drawer, then slicking several fingers, he wasted no time
slipping first one, then a second into Chris’s channel.
Chris moaned under him, body shifting, his snug chute clenching on his pumping digits. For a second,
Manon froze, thinking he was hurting his mate. Then Chris’s gaze met Manon’s, and he nearly shot
just from the heat of his human’s stare
“Yeah, Manon. Do it. Fill me up. Want to feel you,” Chris babbled as Manon got his hand moving
A low growl escaped Manon. He grabbed a pillow and shoved it quickly under Chris’s hips. Unable
to wait a second longer, Manon slicked up his dick and leaned over Chris. He used one hand to guide
his shaft to Chris’s stretched hole and shuddered as his crown kissed the entrance.
“Now,” Chris moaned, lifting his hips, trying to join them.
“Pushy bottom,” Manon crooned, grinning.
He didn’t let Chris finish but simply thrust. The guardian ring of muscle gave way to his invading
dick, wrapping his crown in tight, warm pressure. Groaning, Manon continued to press, relishing the
way Chris’s body opened to him and seemed to suck him inside.
Chris moaned underneath him, his head thrown back, a rosy glow flushing his features. Manon
stopped, his cock buried balls deep in Chris’s snug hole. He looked down and watched as he slowly
pulled out, then pushed in, hypnotized by the sight and feel of Chris taking him with nothing between
Adjusting his angle, Manon made sure to slide his dick over Chris’s gland with each slow stroke. He
grabbed his mate’s thighs and spread him wide, unable to take his focus away from where they were
“Fuck me, oh, fuck me hard,” Chris pleaded.
Finally, tearing his gaze away from his shaft spearing his mate, Manon slowly trailed his gaze over
Chris’s body. He kept his hips pumping, loving the sucking massage on his dick. It was even better
when he saw what his movements did to his mate.
Chris’s cock was once more full and leaking. His body shuddered each time Manon hit his gland.
Sweat glistened on his skin. His nipples were hard little points, just begging for attention.
Releasing Chris’s legs, Manon wrapped them around his own waist, encouraging Chris to hang on.
Pulling on his last reserves, he buried his dick as far as it would go and stopped. He slid his hands up
Chris’s hips, letting his thumbs graze his lover’s oozing shaft. Manon caressed Chris’s toned stomach
and lean chest and plucked the hard puckered nubs.
His mate hissed. Chris’s dick twitched. Manon grinned and he just knew Chris could see the
possessive heat of his wolf shining in his eyes. “Think I could make you come just from this?” he
crooned. He grabbed one nipple and twisted, just to make his point.
Chris’s back bowed and he howled. “Oh, fuck yeah. Do that again.”
Manon did, to the other one, and the response was just as beautiful. Leaning close, he worked his
mate’s sensitive nubs with hands, lips, teeth, and tongue. After a couple moments, Manon couldn’t
help but start moving again. The tight grip on his dick just felt too good.
He wrapped one arm under his mate and grabbed Chris’s shoulder. Then he started ramming into his

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lover as hard and fast as he could while still being able to work his nipples. “Think we should
getthese pierced?” he asked, sending hot breath against his mate’s wet skin.
“Thought—ugh–about it,” Chris admitted.
“That’d be so pretty,” Manon managed to pant.
He felt sweat drip down his temples. His canines extended. His wolf urged him to claim his mate,
mark him inside and out. He scraped one sharp canine lightly over Chris’s nub. Chris jerked, then
froze rigid beneath him, right before he yelled.
Chris’s chute clamped down on Manon’s dick. The exquisite pressure made his balls pull tight and a
tingle at the base of his spine heralded his cresting orgasm. Manon reared up and sank his teeth into
Chris’s neck.
Hot, tangy blood coated Manon’s mouth and he swallowed it down.
Chris screamed and his body bucked as he came again. This time Manon couldn’t hold on. He pulled
his teeth from his mate’s neck and roared as his dick expelled shot after shot of seed into his mate,
coating his passage. Sparks danced behind Manon’s eyes at the intensity of it all, and he cuddled
close to his mate, keeping his weight on his elbows.
After a couple minutes, Manon became aware of slender fingers tracing patterns on his back. He
sighed, enjoying his mate’s touch. He licked the mating bite clean, using his saliva to seal the wound
and aid in healing.
Manon kissed the side of Chris’s neck, then lifted his head so he could peer down at him. “No more
running,” Manon whispered.
Chris’s gray eyes twinkled with mischief. “Why? When it’s so much fun to have you catch me?”
Manon grinned at his mate. Chris was right, and he could foresee many games of chase in his future.

About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her husband and furry, four-legged children. She

started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age
nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing erotic romance, normally of the
paranormal variety, with heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often find her curled up with her
laptop and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the
mountains on horseback, 4-wheeler, or motorcycle. Her favorite exercise is jumping lessons with her
Arabian gelding Apache or her Thoroughbred mare Repo. And she can’t get enough of sexy
highlanders with their kilts and swords. Right now, she and her muse are working with dedication on
her Wolves of StoneRidge series and Kontra’s Menagerie series.
She can be reached at ch.richards2010@yahoo.com Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com

Document Outline


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