Wolves of Stone Ridge 17 Freeing Demitri s Wolf

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Out of the cage: Blood might be thicker than water, but sometimes doing what’s best for you

means going against your family.

Demitri Vinetti knows his parents believe his claim that he’s gay is an act of rebellion. But when

Demitri scents Kiernan Wabinaw at the diner where he works and the human keeps coming back
again and again, he’s certain he’s found his mate, a male mate, proving Fate’s on his side. Getting
advice from friends, Demitri digs deep for courage and asks Kiernan on a date.

Kiernan is shocked and flattered that such a handsome young man would take an interest in him,

especially since his forty-fifth birthday is just around the corner. He’s been fantasizing about Demitri
since first spotting him at the diner a couple of weeks ago, and he’s happy to take him up on his offer.

When Kiernan learns that Demitri’s parents beat him for going on a date with him, he discovers

protective instincts he’s never known before. But the fact that Demitri’s less than half his age and his
parents are abusive is only the first of many shockers. Will Kiernan be able to accept that shifters
exist? Or will he chalk Demitri up as too much trouble and run the other way?

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the

author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons,
living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Freeing Demitri’s Wolf Copyright © 2013 Charlie Richards ISBN: 978-1-77111-498-1 Cover art

by Angela Waters

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Freeing Demitri’s Wolf Wolves of Stone Ridge: Book Seventeen
Charlie Richards

To Kevin – Your kind words and friendly support remind me why I started writing in the first

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Chapter One


iernan Wabinaw pretended to read his menu. Instead, his stared over the rim of his reading

glasses, and the cardboard square listing the food selections, and watched his young waiter. He
imagined the slender man had toned, lean muscle—maybe from running—and a six-pack hidden under
the white button-downed top and apron. Maybe he— Demitri, the nametag read—swung Kiernan’s
way. Except, why would a young man as handsome, beautiful, and sensual as Demitri want a middle
aged construction worker like Kiernan?

And why the hell do I find the light touch of blush and eye shadow, not to mention the gleam of

lip gloss so sexy?
Forcing his gaze away from his young waiter, and trying not to feel like a total perv, Kiernan half
heartily focused on his menu. Because, really, he knew it by heart. Once he’d started coming here
nearly three weeks ago, he hadn’t been able to stop. He tried to pretend he kept coming back because
of the wonderful omelets, but deep in his heart, Kiernan knew the truth.
It was a certain waiter with white-blond hair, smooth pale skin and intense jade-colored eyes that
kept drawing Kiernan back. Not that he could admit that to anyone but himself.
Laying his menu on the table, Kiernan decided maybe his daughter was right. He really did need to get
laid. Obsessing over a man probably less than half his age couldn’t be good for him. Thinking of
getting laid and Demitri in the same thought had a predictable impact on his dick, namely, sprouting
Kiernan shifted in his seat, always shocked at how quickly he got an erection just from seeing and
thinking about the young man. Demitri got him hotter than any person, man or woman, had in the last
decade. Dropping his hand under the table, he adjusted himself, the touch on his dick reminded him of
last night.

Flopping onto the couch with a beer, Kiernan clicked the TV on and started channel surfing.

While taking a sip of his brew, he spotted a blond on the cover of a magazine sitting on his end table.
Immediately, his thoughts turned to Demitri. He groaned and closed his eyes in frustration.

The young man’s lean form seemed to instantly superimpose itself on the backs of his eyelids. He

imagined Demitri standing in his living room, lust gleaming in his green eyes. Slowly, one long-
fingered hand slid down his chest, then dipped into the waistband of his jeans.

Kiernan’s cock had thickened swiftly as his imaginary Demitri had used his thumb, the only finger

still visible, to flip open the button on his jeans. With his other hand, he lifted the edge of his shirt.
The move showed off a white, soft-looking treasure trail that ran from his belly button to disappear
between the V created by the opening in his pants, showing off the top strands of his downy pubic
Groaning, Kiernan struggled to breathe.

The crash of a dish on kitchen linoleum yanked Kiernan out of his memory.

“Holy shit,” he muttered under his breath. Just the thought of how he’d jacked off to his imaginary
Demitri last night had his shaft harder than a rock and guilt flooding his system. He struggled to keep
the heat from creeping up his chest to his face.
Kiernan noticed Demitri looking his way and quickly focused his gaze on his water glass. Grabbing
it, he took a deep swallow, trying to soothe his suddenly dry throat. A shadow fell over his table, and
Kiernan couldn’t help smiling up at Demitri, enjoying how the young man smiled back at him.
“Are you ready to order?” Demitri asked him.

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Are you on the menu?
The man’s voice sounded breathy and soft and went straight to Kiernan’s dick. He really wanted to
reach down and adjust himself, again, but knew that would be wholly inappropriate. “Yeah, I think
I’ll get the meatloaf sandwich with a loaded baked potato.”
Demitri nodded. “Anything else to drink?” he asked, nodding toward the glass.
He shook his head. “No, thank you. The water’s fine.” He racked his brain, trying to figure out what
he could say to extend Demitri’s time at his table. “Have you worked here long?”
That is so lame!
His cell phone rang, saving him from embarrassing himself further. Kiernan pulled his gaze away
from the cute young man and yanked his phone out of his shirt pocket. Valerie, his daughter.
“I’ll get your order put in,” Demitri murmured, slipping away before Kiernan could do more than nod.
Answering his phone, he greeted, “Hey, sweetie. What’s up?”
“Hey, Dad,” Valerie greeted. “How are you?”
“Oh, fine,” Kiernan replied, smiling faintly at her question. He wondered what was up. It wasn’t often
his daughter didn’t get right to the point. “Just stopped into the diner for lunch.”
“Again? Didn’t you get lunch there yesterday?”
Kiernan grinned. He placed his reading glasses on the table and took a surreptitious glance toward his
waiter, who was now making the rounds of his tables with a pitcher of water. “Yeah, it’s close to the
job site,” he said, although it wasn’t completely true. The diner had been close to his prior job site,
but he’d moved to a new task last week.
“Dad, you really shouldn’t eat there every day. All that greasy food isn’t good for you. At your age,
you should be watching your diet.”
Scowling, Kiernan glared at the table. “Valerie, I do. Is there a reason you called? My waiter is
bringing my food,” he lied. He had no desire for her to remind him of his age, especially since his
daughter was twenty-four and most definitely older than the object of his obsession.
Valerie huffed a sigh, and Kiernan could just imagine her rolling her eyes at him. “Look, I called
because I know it’s your birthday this weekend, and I’m not going to be able to get out there,” she
admitted. “Can I take you to dinner next week?”
“Oh, uh, yeah, sweetie. That’s fine. Everything all right?” he asked, becoming worried. His daughter
lived in Colorado Springs in the dorms of her college. It was several hours away, and he and Valerie
made a point of getting together at least once a month. This time, it was supposed to be for his
birthday. He was turning forty-five.
“Yeah, it’s fine,” she assured. “I just have exams next week and…well, I should really focus on
studying. It’s a couple of tough classes this go round.”
His daughter was very ambitious and wanted to be a CPA. It stood to reason she’d want to focus on
school. April was a busy time of year for college students. “I understand. I’ll see you next weekend,”
he said, trying not to let his disappointment show in his voice.
“Thanks for understanding, Dad.”
“No, problem, sweetie.”
After hanging up the phone, Kiernan leaned back in his seat and sighed. He figured he could still go to
the gym for his usual Thursday night routine. Accepting a foreman position for a construction company
in the small town of Stone Ridge had done a world of good for his income— making it far easier to
pay for his daughter’s college courses—but he didn’t get as much exercise as he used to while
working as an underling at a larger company in Colorado Springs. He’d turned down multiple
promotions over the years simply because he liked the manual labor. His daughter had showed him

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the ad for this position and urged him to apply, once more pointing out his increasing age.
Demitri appeared with the pitcher of water and refilled his glass, drawing Kiernan’s attention.
Looking up into Demitri’s eyes, Kiernan smiled and nodded his thanks, surreptitiously enjoying the
muscles playing under his toned arm as he reached across the table. Demitri smiled back tentatively
and, if Kiernan didn’t miss his guess, stared at him from beneath his lashes. It looked flirtatious.
Could he be just as interested?
“Hey, Demitri!”
Demitri straightened and turned toward the jovial call, breaking their stare. Jealousy coursed through
Kiernan at the way the young man smiled warmly at the two men coming toward them, which he knew
was completely ridiculous. Putting the odd reaction aside, Kiernan looked at the pair, impressed with
the first guy’s large size and the way he had his arm around the second man. An openly gay couple.
He’d heard that a number of gay men made their home in and around Stone Ridge, but most were
discreet about it.
“Hey, guys,” Demitri greeted. “What are you up to tonight?”
The second man, a slender dark-haired guy smiled, his lips pressed thin since he kept his teeth
hidden, and nodded toward the other man. “Frankie wanted to see a movie, so we thought we’d make
a night of it,” he said.
“Sounds like fun. Grab a booth and I’ll be right there,” Demitri said, pointing.
The big guy, Frankie, grinned and did as instructed quickly, flopping onto the bench seat so hard it
made the entire booth shake. The slender guy and Demitri snickered at his antics.
When Demitri turned back to look at him, for just a second, Kiernan found himself the recipient of the
young man’s brilliant smile. His heart felt like it skipped a beat. “Sorry about that. I’ll go check on
your food now,” Demitri told him, his voice soft, sounding almost like liquid silk.
“No problem,” Kiernan managed, pleased his voice came out mostly normal. As Demitri walked
away, he couldn’t help but check out the sexy young man’s firm round ass.
* * * *

Demitri had never been so relieved that the short, pocketed apron was part of his uniform than

when Kiernan had started coming to the diner. The first time he’d scented the man, his wolf, which
normally lay placid in the back of his mind unless he was getting ready to run with other shifters, had
yipped loudly and wanted to tackle the guy and rub their scent all over him, marking Kiernan as their

Never had Demitri needed to force his wolf into submission until that day. With Kiernan returning

nearly every day, Demitri knew the human felt their connection too, at least in some unconscious way.
Unfortunately, Demitri was woefully inexperienced with any sort of flirting or seduction, and Kiernan
was a middle-aged human. He had no idea if the man would take his advances seriously, no matter
what his scent told him.

He also didn’t understand how he could find his mate so early in life. What if he was

misunderstanding his body’s urges because he was young and perpetually horny?

Demitri made his way to Frankie and Vince’s table. Frankie, a big wolf shifter, had taught Demitri

how to accept his wolf, allowing him to shift faster. At first, he hadn’t known what to think of
Frankie’s vampire mate, Vince, and had even been a little scared of him, if he were honest, but after
knowing them for a couple of months, he thought the guy was all right.

They’d given him the courage to go to pack runs without his mother, Rachel, much to the

displeasure and yelling of his father, Cooper. Demitri had heard more than an earful from them about

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how his new friends were a bad influence, but then anyone who encouraged him to embrace his wolf
or accepted the fact that he was gay was a bad influence.

Rachel was a wolf shifter just like him, but over the years, she’d adopted Cooper’s beliefs.

Mainly, shifting was unnatural and should be avoided at all costs and being homosexual was an
abomination. Demitri had no idea why they’d stayed in Alpha Declan McIntire’s pack when he came
out and took a male mate.

He often entertained the idea of moving out, but he had to make certain he had enough money first.

There was no way he wanted to end up cash poor and have to go crawling back to them. That’s why
he worked every extra shift at the diner he could.

“Hey, guys,” he greeted Frankie and Vince quietly, glancing between them. “What movie are you

going to see after this?”
“Something with explosions,” Frankie replied, grinning. Vince gave his lover an indulgent smile, then
turned his

attention to Demitri. His expression changed to a sly look, and he sniffed discreetly. “We know

that’s not for us,” he said, his voice low. Vince glanced at Demitri’s apron covered crotch. “Someone
in here you got your eye on?”

Demitri blushed, and he just knew his fair skin glowed red. He swallowed hard, as his tongue tied

in his mouth.
“Don’t embarrass him,” Frankie scolded, coming to his defense. He whapped his lover lightly on the
chest with the back of his hand. To Demitri’s mortification, Frankie continued, “It’s probably the
broad-shouldered human two booths over. I can smell his arousal from here.” Frankie grinned up at
him and winked. “You two got a thing going on?”
“No,” he immediately denied. “I—” Demitri glanced around furtively, then lowered his voice further.
“I think he’s my mate. He’s been coming here almost every day for the last two and a half weeks.”
“Hey, that’s great!”
Frankie responded a little too loudly for Demitri’s liking, and he shushed the other shifter. When the
big man’s brows shot up, he realized what he’d done. Demitri had never ordered a more dominant
wolf to do anything, even something so small as to lower his voice.
A shiver of dread passed through his body, and he lowered his gaze submissively. He could feel his
wolf cower in the back of his mind. Chairs scraped across the floor. Frankie’s big hand landed on the
back of his neck. The other man leaned close as he massaged Demitri’s tight tendons.
“Calm down, Demitri. We’re in public,” Frankie whispered. “I’d never chastise you, especially for
something like that.”
Demitri nodded, then glancing at Frankie, he saw the shifter’s encouraging smile and returned it with
a tentative one of his own. “Sorry. I—I’m not—” Strong? Big? Dominant? Demitri wasn’t sure how
he wanted to end that sentence.
Frankie didn’t seem to need him to. He squeezed Demitri’s neck again. “I know. What are you going
to do about your smoking hot silver fox over there?” he asked quietly.
Sighing, Demitri answered honestly, “I have no idea. I’ve never—I’ve never dated anyone before.”
He looked into Frankie’s eyes imploringly. “I don’t know what to do.”
Suddenly, Vince was on Frankie’s other side, pulling him away and urging him back to his seat.
“We’re drawing attention,” he whispered by way of explanation. “Take our orders, get us both a
soda. While you do that, we’ll come up with an idea or two to get you a date with your man.”
Demitri nodded, then took their orders and hurried to get their drinks. He’d been drawing a blank
about what to do about Kiernan for more than two weeks. It was nice that his friends were willing to

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give him a hand, because he needed all the help he could get.

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Chapter Two


iernan watched through narrowed eyes as Demitri nodded and headed back toward the kitchen.

When the big man, Frankie, had risen and loomed over Demitri, Kiernan had almost stood and
approached them. He’d been surprised at his urge to protect the younger man and just barely held
himself in check. He’d only ever felt that way about his daughter and wasn’t certain how to assimilate
those feelings for a nearly complete stranger.

Still, Kiernan really wished he could have known what they’d whispered about. One minute,

Demitri appeared happy, then tension pulled him tighter than a bowstring, followed by what could
only be described as relief. Kiernan hated puzzles, and his responses to Demitri were just that.

That knowledge didn’t stop his heart from speeding up or his throat from going dry as Demitri

once again approached his table. Demitri set his meal in front of him, offering him a shy smile.

“Here you are,” Demitri said. “Is there anything else I can get you right now?”

“Thank you,” he said, glancing at his plate. “No, everything looks great.” Kiernan knew it was none
of his business, but he couldn’t resist asking, “Everything okay? You looked a little upset there for a
few minutes.”
“Oh, yeah,” Demitri replied, almost too quickly.
Kiernan knew it was foolish, but for some reason, he felt disappointed that the young man didn’t
confide in him. Forcing a smile, he nodded. “Good.”
When Demitri didn’t move off right away, Kiernan held his gaze and gave him an encouraging smile,
wondering what the young man planned to say.
Demitri swallowed hard, and Kiernan watched his Adam’s apple bob. His pink tongue swiped over
his lower lip, and Kiernan fought the urge to yank the man down onto his lap so he could trace the
same path with his own tongue.
Finally, Demitri peered at him through his thick black lashes—as if looking at him directly would be
too difficult— and said, “I’m not really good at this.” He paused and glanced toward his friends
before returning focus to Kiernan. “My shift ends at six this evening. Would you be interested in
meeting me for dinner? I’d like to get to know you better.”
His words finished on a whisper, and Kiernan stared in stunned silence for several seconds. His heart
pounded in his chest. Lust slammed through him as he realized Demitri was asking him out. Demitri
swings my way and wants to meet me outside the diner.
“Never mind,” Demitri mumbled, tugging Kiernan out of his thoughts.
Kiernan grabbed at Demitri’s wrist before he could make a hasty retreat. “Wait,” he ordered. Demitri
actually shivered at the command in his tone, his mouth opening slightly as he took panting breathes.
Oh, he likes being ordered around.
He filed that little tidbit away for future reference. Loosening his grip, Kiernan rubbed his thumb over
the pulse point on Demitri’s wrist, enjoying caressing the smooth, warm skin. “I would very much
like to get to know you, too, Demitri,” he replied softly. “Would you like me to pick you up here?”
Demitri’s green eyes widened, dominating his face, and a surprised expression crossed his features.
Evidently, he hadn’t thought Kiernan would agree. If only the young man knew what Kiernan really
wanted to do to him. He didn’t delude himself into thinking Demitri would be interested in him for
long, but if he could enjoy his sweet body for a time, he’d be foolish to let the opportunity pass.
Smiling shyly, Demitri shook his head. “I’ll smell like fried food if you did that. How about we meet
somewhere at seven? That way I can get cleaned up.”

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Kiernan wanted to tell Demitri that he could smell like wet dog and he wouldn’t care, but that was
something he didn’t need to share just yet. He nodded. “Where would you like to meet? Caribou’s?”
The place had good food and a semi-private atmosphere.
Demitri agreed. “I’d like that.”
“Good.” Kiernan squeezed Demitri’s wrist lightly, then released the man. “I’ll see you then.”
Watching his date retreat from the table, Kiernan reveled in the fact that he’d put that smile on the
man’s face. And he really looked forward to learning more about Demitri.
He ate quickly, knowing he had to get back to the job site soon. He and Demitri didn’t say much else
to each other, but as Demitri rang him up at the register, he looked at him shyly, a light flush staining
his cheeks, making the light blush he wore darken becomingly, and stated quietly, “I’ll see you later.”
Kiernan grinned. “Looking forward to it.”
When he got back to the job-site, Kiernan set his hard hat on his head, strapped his tool belt around
his waist, and grabbed his clipboard. He started looking over the work they had accomplished that
morning. Everything seemed to be running smoothly.
“Hey, boss man. You must have had some lunch,” Joe commented, walking up behind him. Joe
slapped him on his back. “Surely diner food isn’t that good.”
Kiernan laughed. “Nope. Just having a good day, that’s all,” he replied, unwilling to share his good
fortune with anyone just yet, let alone Joe. He wasn’t in the closet by any means, nor did he advertise
his sexuality, but if anyone asked directly, he wouldn’t lie. “I’d like to start in here, next,” Kiernan
said, changing the subject.

Shoving his hands in his pockets, Kiernan stood outside the restaurant. He looked around slowly,

watching the meager traffic. Kiernan pulled out his phone and checked the time. Demitri still had five

Kiernan’s stomach tightened with nerves. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this

nervous. He rolled his eyes at himself. He was almost forty-five years old. He shouldn’t be this
nervous, like a teenager picking up his date for the prom.

Kiernan started and spun. Upon seeing Demitri, he couldn’t stop his grin. The man looked good

enough to eat in form-fitting black jeans and short-sleeved, button-down slate-gray shirt. He’d done
his pale blond hair in an artfully messy do and added a hint of eyeliner, eye shadow, and blush. The
effect was stunning, bringing out Demitri’s vibrant green eyes.

“Hey,” Kiernan greeted. He wanted to pull Demitri into a hug, maybe kiss him, but he wasn’t

certain Demitri would welcome that quite yet. Instead, he held out his hand. “I’m glad you made it.”
Demitri smiled and they exchanged a firm shake.

He loathed letting calloused hand go, but the long-fingered, surprisingly he did it. Turning toward

the entrance, Kiernan pulled open the door, holding it open for his young date. As Demitri passed
him, Kiernan rested a hand lightly on the small of his back. He liked the smile the simple touch earned
him, and he really liked how Demitri seemed to lean into his touch.

“Two this evening?” the hostess asked, smiling at first Demitri, then Kiernan.

Her gaze returned to Demitri, and Kiernan almost growled at the coy look that she gave him. Even
though his date appeared oblivious to the young woman’s interest, he still couldn’t help snapping,
“Yes, table for two.”
“Of course. This way,” she replied.
His hand once again resting on Demitri’s lower back, Kiernan urged the young man to follow her.
With Demitri’s back to him, Kiernan discreetly leaned forward and sniffed his companion. The

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earthy, masculine scent pleased his senses, and he just stopped himself from leaning closer to get a
better whiff.
“Is this acceptable?” the woman asked, pointing at a table in the middle of the floor set up with four
Kiernan didn’t care for that seating arrangement at all. He wanted someplace more private, where
they could talk more intimately. Kiernan wanted to get to know Demitri and being out in the open like
this just wouldn’t cut it. He spotted several empty booths to his right, lining the wall.
Demitri stepped forward to sit, but Kiernan moved his hand to his shoulder. The hold immediately
stopped Demitri’s progress, surprising and pleasing Kiernan with the man’s responsiveness. He
unconsciously rubbed his thumb over the nape of Demitri’s neck as he wondered briefly how that
would translate to the bedroom. Pushing the distracting thought aside, he focused on the hostess.
“No,” Kiernan stated. Motioning toward the empty booths with his free hand, he insisted, “I’d prefer
one of those.”
The woman’s brows shot up. She glanced between them, obviously reassessing their possible
relationship. Kiernan met her gaze levelly. “O-okay,” she stammered.
Once they were seated, the hostess stated, “Peter will be your waiter tonight. He’ll be with you
Kiernan nodded. Before leaving, she glanced once more at Demitri, but he still wasn’t paying her any
attention. That pleased Kiernan…a lot. He reached across the table and placed his hand over
Demitri’s. “Thank you for asking me out tonight. I’m very flattered.”
Demitri blushed, his green-eyed gaze focusing on where Kiernan held his hand. “I’m glad. I…” He
glanced up at Kiernan and smiled shyly. “I wasn’t sure if you’d accept,” he admitted.
Cocking his head, Kiernan took a chance and told him, “I’m still trying to figure out what someone so
young and handsome as yourself sees in a guy like me, but I’m willing to not look a gift horse in the
The smile still in place, Demitri ducked his head. “How could anyone not be interested?” he said
Kiernan chuckled, low in his throat. “Thanks.”
Not wanting to make his date any more uncomfortable, he opened his menu, slipped on his reading
glasses, and perused the selections. He normally ended up getting a steak or burger when he came, but
the ribs seemed to be calling his name tonight. “What are you interested in tonight?”
Demitri glanced up from where he looked at his own menu. “I’m not sure. I’m thinking their sixteen-
ounce rib eye would be fantastic. Maybe with their onion strings and baked apples.”
Wow! Where would he put all that?
Before he could voice the comment, their waiter appeared. “Good evening, gentlemen. I’m Peter and
I’ll be your waiter for the evening,” he said, smiling at each of them in turn. “Can I start you with
some drinks? Flavored lemonades or something from the bar?”
Kiernan lifted a hand, indicating Demitri could order first. “I’ll take iced tea, unsweetened,” Demitri
told the waiter.
“Very good. And you, sir?” the waiter responded, looking at him.
“What beer do you have on tap?” Kiernan asked.
The waiter answered, and Kiernan chose one. Before Peter could leave, Kiernan added, “I’d like
your loaded potato skins as an appetizer.”
Peter grinned. “Good choice. I’ll get that started for you.”
When he slipped the glasses back in his pocket, he caught Demitri watching the move. He smiled

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ruefully. “Sometimes getting old sucks.”
“You use them just for reading?” Demitri asked curiously.
Kiernan nodded, wondering at the way the other man eyed his pocket.
“They look good on you.” Even as Demitri complimented Kiernan, he blushed a bit.
Kiernan grinned. “Thank you.”
Their drinks arrived and they placed their orders.
After taking a sip of his beer, Kiernan returned his focus to Demitri. He peered at his date, trying not
to groan at the way Demitri licked a smidge of sour cream off his lip, and asked, “I take it I’m not
going to be sharing a beer with you for a while?”
Demitri hesitated for just a second, then admitted, “I turn twenty in a couple months.” His smile
turned bitter, “My mother already gives me enough shit. I don’t need to add to it by doing something
It was a good answer, except…from what Kiernan had seen, Demitri was responsible and sensible,
especially for one so young. “Would it be prying to ask what has her so upset?” Realization hit him
and he frowned. “Is it the gay thing?”
Shrugging, Demitri’s gaze slid away. “Among other things,” he answered evasively.
Kiernan didn’t like that at all. “Like?” he prodded. He figured they should start as they intended to go,
with the truth between them.
Demitri’s eyes narrowed for just a second. He grimaced. “My friends, the make-up, and some
personal choices I’m not ready to share, yet,” he revealed slowly.
“Honesty I can appreciate,” Kiernan replied, smiling. “Perhaps once we get to know each other
Demitri nodded his agreement, which gave Kiernan hope that the man wanted more than a mentor or
fuck buddy. He took a sip of his beer, watching his companion over the rim of the glass. The guy
seemed pretty straightforward, maybe he should just ask.
“So,” he started, putting down his beer. “What are you looking for here, Demitri?”
His date opened his mouth, then snapped it shut and a blush worked down his neck. Kiernan watched
the coloring, wondering if it went all the way down his chest. Maybe I need to be more specific.
Leaning forward, he gently clasped one of Demitri’s hands between his own. For a second, he
marvelled at the differences. Where his were broad, tanned, and workroughened, with the beginnings
of age spots, Demitri’s were slender and fine-boned. Once more, the light calluses on the pads of
Demitri’s fingers surprised him, confirming that the young man was no stranger to manual labour.
“Are you in this just to learn about sex from someone with more experience?” Kiernan knew he had a
knack for being blunt, too blunt sometimes if one believed his exwife’s complaints. “Or are you
looking for something more?”
When Demitri still didn’t answer, disappointment filled Kiernan. He straightened. “I’m long past the
age for one night stands,” he admitted.
“No,” Demitri finally squeaked out. “I don’t want a one night stand. I want—I feel—I’m drawn to
you,” he finished, obviously struggling with his words. “I might be young and don’t know much about
relationships or sex or whatever,” he continued, staring at their clasped hands, as if not looking at
Kiernan’s face would help him get the words out. “But I’ve always liked older men, even when still
figuring out I was gay. People my own age…” He shook his head. Finally, he lifted his gaze and
pinned Kiernan with a soulful look. “I want to find a place where I can be free to be me, to be
accepted for what,” Demitri paused, frowned, then shook his head, before amending, “who I am.”
Anger surged through Kiernan, shocking him with its intensity. Evidently, this sweet young man had

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been called an abomination—or any other choice of word bigots liked to label gays—one too many
times. Kiernan tamped down his initial reaction—namely, ask who’d bashed him, track that person or
persons down, and give them a taste of their own medicine. Instead, he squeezed Demitri’s hand
Start as I intend to go.
He smiled. “Well, I am an older man, and I’d like the opportunity to get to know you very much. I
expect honesty between us. If there’s something I do or say you’re not comfortable with, you need to
tell me, and I’ll do the same,” he promised, although he couldn’t think of anything the sweet young
man could do that would bother him.
“I’m not saying we’ll be compatible, because not everyone is,” he warned. He didn’t want to get the
man’s hopes up unnecessarily, and he sure didn’t want to scare him away by expressing how much he
really wanted to see, touch, and fill the younger man’s sexy body. Just those thoughts had his dick
thickening, and he quickly pulled his head out of the gutter.
Looking into Demitri’s earnest green eyes, Kiernan offered, “We’ll take this slow, one day at a time,
and see if we fit. What do you say?” he asked gently.
Demitri nodded, smiling, obviously pleased with Kiernan’s words, which seemed to warm him from
the inside out.

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Chapter Three


o, what do you do for fun?” Kiernan asked once their food had arrived and Peter disappeared again.

Demitri paused where he was cutting his steak, looked up and answered, “Hiking. I love hiking.

There’s nothing better than getting out in the mountains and exploring.”

“Are you familiar with this area?” Kiernan used a fork to pull off a large chunk of meat from the

fall-off-the-bone ribs and stuck it in his mouth.

For just a second, Demitri wished his tongue was that fork and being licked and sucked like it

was the greatest treat. Mentally shaking himself, he nodded. “Yeah.”

Over the last couple of years, running had been his way of getting away from his parents. Once,

while in wolf form, a pair of environmentalists had caught him, but the pack had rescued him before
they could take him out of the forest. He wasn’t certain what deal the pack beta, Shane, had made with
them—probably for information—but eventually they’d been let go.

Demitri tried not to think about the pass he’d made at fellow wolf shifter, Manon Lemelle, an

enforcer in the pack. He’d had a crush on him for months after the Cajun had rescued him. Manon had
kindly turned him down. It had been for the best.
“I want to be a park ranger,” he blurted, then blushed. He’d only told a few people about his desire.

“Really? Do you know much about what they do?” Kiernan scooped up some mashed potatoes,

then rested his forearm on the table and said, “I know there are a number of national forests around
here. Are they hiring?”

Demitri nodded. “I don’t have the necessary degree right now, though. My friend, Nick, is a park

ranger, and he’s helping me pick classes.” He grinned, excitement flooding him as he remembered
talking to the pack tracker about it. “He says maybe I could get hired on as an intern this summer. He
helped me fill out an application for that and said he’d put in a good word for me.”

He flushed and returned his gaze to his plate. Cutting into his meat again, he quickly took a bite.

He hadn’t told too many about his desires, yet, and he sure didn’t want his parents to find out. They
were encouraging him to look for a school in Denver. He didn’t know why.

“Most young people want to get away from small town living,” Kiernan commented. “I take it you

plan on sticking around then?”

“Oh, yes,” he replied. “I’m not going anywhere.” Kiernan nodded and smiled at him.

Demitri smiled back. It suddenly occurred to him that the

man was probably trying to confirm his earlier statement, which was that he wanted something

permanent. He understood the human’s hesitation. There was quite a difference in age and experience
between them.

Trying to think of something to fill the silence, he nibbled his bottom lip for a second. He caught

Kiernan staring and smiled. “Why’d you move here?” He felt the heat of a blush work its way up his
neck at the forward question.

“Work,” Kiernan replied. Demitri watched his date’s gaze rove over his face and down his shirt

covered chest, which only made him flush even more. Heat lit Kiernan’s pale blue eyes, turning them
almost silver. “I wanted out of the city, and one of the local construction companies had an opening
for a foreman.”

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Demitri nodded, struggling to focus on Kiernan’s words and ignore the clear appreciation in his

eyes. “Right, because Gus left.” He hadn’t known the rhino shifter well, but he knew Gus had mated
with a gargoyle. They’d moved south to join a gargoyle clutch.
“You know about that?”

Shrugging, Demitri pointed out, “Small town. Everyone knows just about everything.”

“Ah, still getting used to that.”
Demitri nearly jolted in his seat when a sock-clad foot rubbed against his calf.
Kiernan smirked warmly, obviously knowing he’d surprised him. “So, I guess that means you’re okay
with being paired with an older man?” he crooned.
Demitri licked his lips as his body flushed hot. “A sexy silver fox like you?” he murmured, taking a
stab at being coy. “What’s not to like?”
Suddenly, the foot was gone, as was the mirth in Kiernan’s beautiful silver-blue eyes. Demitri
wondered if it was something he’d said. “In the spirit of sharing, that would be my ex-wife,” Kiernan
revealed. “I figure you should know that I’ve been married, have a daughter, and I’m pretty damn set
in my ways.”
Oh! Wow!
At least that revelation got his erection under control. “How, uh…” He didn’t know what to ask about
first. Finally, he frowned and muttered, “Are you bisexual?”
“Ah, not really,” Kiernan admitted, sitting back and setting his fork and knife down, his expression
serious. “I was in denial. We had a contraceptive mishap. Swayed by our parents, we married. I
knew it was a mistake, but I did it anyway.”
“What happened?”
Kiernan sucked in a deep breath, then met his gaze levelly. “Maggie, my wife, discovered my stash of
gay porn. According to her note, it was in the attic.” His face twisted in a grimace. “I didn’t even
remember where I’d shoved it when we moved in together.”
Scoffing, his eyes glittered with emotion. “I got home from work one day to a box of DVDs resting in
the middle of the living room with her note taped on top. I’d just opened the fucking box when I heard
my daughter crying in her room.” His lip curled into a snarl as his memories seemed to swamp him.
His hands clenched into tight fists where they rested on the table. “Maggie had left while Valerie was
down for her nap. She was only two fucking years old and she left her all alone.”
Demitri could scent the tension, anger…and even fear rolling off the man as he seemed to relive his
memories. Wanting to ease his mate’s mind, Demitri reached across the table and grabbed onto his
hand. “Hey, look at me,” he urged softly. When angry eyes met his own, a thought struck him. “Was
Valerie okay?”
All the fight seemed to go out of Kiernan. He blew out a quiet breath. “Yeah,” he murmured. “Yeah.”
Demitri squeezed his hand, relieved to hear that.
Kiernan gave him a wan smile. “At least it made it easy to gain custody of Valerie. Charges of
abandonment are always taken seriously.”
Nodding, Demitri searched for something else to ask. Fortunately, he didn’t have to.
Turning his hand, Kiernan twined their fingers together. “She’s in college now in Colorado Springs.
Studying to be a CPA. She’s very smart.”
Demitri still had no idea what to say, so he simply smiled and nodded.
Peter arrived and asked if he could get them anything. Kiernan shook his head and asked for the
Demitri remained silent and popped the last bite of steak into his mouth. It had been a delicious steak.

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“Ah, to be young and have a swift metabolism again,” Kiernan teased. Laugh lines appeared around
his eyes as he smiled at Demitri. “Where do you put it all?”
He wasn’t certain how to answer that. It wasn’t like he could tell Kiernan about how shifters had
higher metabolisms and could easily pack plenty of food away. Instead, he decided on, “Must be all
the hiking. It keeps me in shape.”

Kiernan guided Demitri from the restaurant. Demitri liked how his mate’s hand felt on his back.

He really liked how Kiernan seemed unable to stop touching him, like now, on his back, or holding
his hand at the table. It felt good, really good, and Demitri wanted more.

Gentle pressure kept Demitri moving toward the parking lot. He found himself standing next to a

fairly old black fourby-four pickup truck. Kiernan moved his hand to Demitri’s shoulder. Goose
bumps broke out over his skin when Kiernan began to rub the nape of his neck with his thumb.

A shiver worked through him, causing his nipples to bead. He fought back a whimper as the

erection he’d been trying to hide most of the date twitched in his jeans. He just knew he was leaking a
wet spot.

“I’d like to see you again,” Kiernan said, walking around him so they faced each other, although

he never removed his hand from Demitri’s neck.

Demitri struggled against the urge to bare his throat to Kiernan, knowing, as a human, he wouldn’t

understand the move. That didn’t stop his wolf from rolling over in his mind and showing his belly to
the strong human.

Then he realized Kiernan was still talking.

“Are you working at the diner tomorrow?”
Nodding, Demitri gazed at the older man through his

lashes. “I go in at one and work until nine.”

“Hmm,” Kiernan responded. “Perhaps you’d be
interested in going for an evening hike then? You mentioned
you enjoyed hiking. Know any good places you could show
me that wouldn’t take too long?”
Demitri’s mind immediately went to all the things they
could do in the solitude of the forest. His mate could lay him
down on a bed of fragrant pine needles, pin him between the
earth and his broad, heavy body. His cock oozed in his jeans,
and he desperately wanted something to rut against. Finally getting enough presence of mind together,
nodded. “Yeah, I know a couple short hikes that are really
The hand on his neck slid around to cup his jaw, sending
tingles down his spine and through his torso to his chest.
“Good. Now, I’m going to kiss you goodnight,” Kiernan
stated softly. “If you don’t want that here in the parking lot,
you’d better tell me now.”
“Please,” he whimpered, wanting, needing to feel his
mate’s lips, find out what he tasted like.
Kiernan didn’t disappoint. A firm hand settled on
Demitri’s waist and tugged him forward gently. Kiernan
used his hold on Demitri’s jaw to tilt his head. Lowering his

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face, Kiernan gently brushed his lips over Demitri’s once,
twice, before sealing them firmly together.
The pressure increased and Kiernan nipped Demitri’s
bottom lip sensuously. Demitri moaned, his hands finding
their way into the open flap of Kiernan’s jacket and
clutching at his shirt. Kiernan slipped his tongue into
Demitri’s mouth, forcing it open wider, giving him more access. The heady taste of his mate
enthralled Demitri’s
senses and he pressed closer, wanting more.
Easing the contact, Kiernan gently ended the kiss. Demitri
whimpered at the loss of his mate’s mouth. “Easy, darling,”
Kiernan crooned into his ear as he tucked Demitri’s head
under his chin. With him standing five foot ten and his mate
six foot two, Demitri thought he fit perfectly against him. Demitri shivered, sucking in great lungfuls
of breath. He
tried to get his breathing under control, but it was difficult
being this close to the man that he desperately wanted with
every fiber of his being. Demitri didn’t know how long it
took, but finally he felt like his heart wouldn’t beat out of his
Kiernan must have noticed the change in his body, for he
eased him away, putting some space between them.
“Tomorrow, Demitri.”
Demitri had no idea what his mate was promising with
those words, but he nodded anyway. “Okay.”
Giving him one more, soft peck on his lips, Kiernan
straightened and glanced around. “Which one’s your ride?” “I walked,” Demitri corrected.
“Can I give you a ride home? I hate to think of you
walking in the dark, even in a small town,” Kiernan
Demitri smiled, flattered his mate would worry about
him, but he still shook his head. “My parents know I’m gay,
but…” he glanced down at himself. With the light touch of
eye shadow and the sweep of blush on his cheeks, it was a
little hard to miss. He liked how he looked with just a hint of
When he’d finally admitted to his friends his desire,
they’d enlisted the help of Lark, the alpha’s mate, who also
enjoyed make-up, to help Demitri find out what he liked,
disliked, and what looked good on him. Gods above, his parents had been livid, but that didn’t stop
Demitri from
wearing it.
“But seeing you with an older man might be a bit much
for them?” Kiernan guessed.
Grimacing, Demitri nodded. “They’ll just need a couple

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days for them to accept it, okay?”
“I understand,” Kiernan replied, although from his scent,
Demitri knew he really didn’t. He’d have to find a way to
make it up to his mate.
After giving him another soft peck on the cheek, Kiernan
let him go. “See you tomorrow.”
It took far more determination than he thought it would,
but Demitri nodded and walked away from his mate. He
headed out of the parking lot and down the street. He
slipped into the trees between buildings and headed
through the woods. His parent’s home was on a side street
three rows over, but it was quicker to walk through the
When he reached home, he stood in the shadows staring
at the building. He really needed to get out, but he hadn’t
saved quite enough yet. Soon. Very soon. Maybe another
Sucking in a fortifying breath, knowing this conversation
wasn’t going to go well, Demitri headed through the door. He never had a chance to explain. The
second he stepped
through the door, a bat slammed into his gut. Demitri
doubled over, his breath leaving him in a whoosh. The bat
landed across his shoulders next and his knees buckled. Turning his head slightly, he saw his father’s
red face and
bared teeth as he glared down at him, the bat clutched
tightly in his meaty fists. “After all we’ve done for you, you
worthless piece of shit. This is how you repay us?” Cooper
“What?” he squeaked, confusion and fear permeating him
as he watched his father lift the bat again.
“How do you think your mother felt when Linda and
John showed up an hour ago, telling us how you were
fawning all over some old man at Caribou’s?” A kick to
Demitri’s ribs rendered him unable to respond as pain
exploded through his abdomen. “You…are…not…gay.” Each word was punctuated with another
kick, two to his
legs, one to the chest and finally one to his head.
Demitri fought back the whimper. Tears leaked from his
eyes, but this time, he refused to be cowed. “I am gay,” he
insisted breathily, although he couldn’t meet Cooper’s eyes.
His father might not be a wolf, but he was still far more
dominant than Demitri would ever be.
Cooper grabbed his hair and hauled him up onto his
knees, sending pain shooting across his scalp and down his
spine. “Let me help you change your mind,” he sneered. The bat connected with Demitri’s temple,

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darkness crashing over him.

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Chapter Four


iernan felt on edge, jittery, and he didn’t like it one bit. He’d blame it on the lack of sleep, but

since he’d felt this way before going to bed, he knew that wasn’t the truth. Kiernan kept kicking
himself for not giving Demitri his phone number and insisting his young love interest call him once
he’d gotten home safely.

That had to be it. He was just worried about Demitri. He had that tendency, to be controlling and

dominant. Loving to dominate in the bedroom, sometimes it was hard for Kiernan to turn it off outside
of it.

Slamming his truck door just a little too loudly, Kiernan grumbled an apology to his truck. His

beat up pick-up and his daughter had been the only constants in his life for the last twenty years. It
was odd, but he was fond of the damn thing.

He perused his clipboard as he strode up to the old firehouse. They were refurbishing it so it

looked exactly like it would have nearly seventy-five years ago when it’d been first built. It was a
cool job requiring plenty of specialized work and tedious detail.
“Okay, everyone,” Kiernan said, drawing everyone’s attention. “Here’s what’s on the agenda for
Kiernan glared. “What the hell is this, Joe? That’s not anywhere near what it’s supposed to look

Joe huffed a sigh and rolled to his feet. “So what? Like anyone else is going to know?”

“I’ll know, and when the historian comes through to verify everything, he’ll know, too,” he snapped.
“Take the hearth apart and do it again. We can’t do the fireplace until you get it right.”
“What the fuck?” Joe mumbled, turning away. “Your little twink not put out?”
Rage tore through Kiernan, straightening his spine. Slowly, he turned back to face Joe. His voice
came out icy. “What did you say?”
As if sensing the den of rattlesnakes he’d just poked, Joe licked his lips and swallowed hard. After
several tense seconds, the fellow construction worker decided to go for teasing. “Awe, come on,
boss,” he cajoled, though his voice wavered a bit. “After a date with a sweet piece of ass like I heard
you had at Caribou’s last night, I’d a thought you’d be in a better mood today.”
His eyes narrowed as the rage simmered. “That was uncalled for, Joe,” he growled through a
clenched jaw. “You would not want me speaking about your wife that way. I expect you to give me
the same respect.” Fighting the urge to smack the surprised look off Joe’s face—Why the hell does he
find my response surprising?
—Kiernan added, “If you don’t, you will get written up for harassment.
This is an equal employee opportunity employer.”
Immediately, Joe started back-pedaling. He lifted up his hands, palms out in placation. “Hey, boss.
I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it like that. Demitri’s a good kid. Always keeps his nose clean, not like some
other small town hooligans.”
Kiernan didn’t know whom Joe was talking about and didn’t care. Deciding he’d gotten his point
across, he nodded curtly and strode away. Geez, he really needed to get a grip. What he’d said was
true enough, but his overprotective temper had shocked the hell out of him.
Damn, when have I felt that protective over someone I’ve just met?
Shaking his head, he glanced at his watch, realized what he was doing, and headed to what would
become the sleeping chambers, but right now was set up as a makeshift office. He wasn’t going to
Macy’s Diner for lunch anyway. Demitri didn’t start until one o’clock, so there was no point. He’d

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have to wait until dinner to slip in and see the man. Maybe Demitri would be able to take a short
break and they could make out in his truck. Kiernan grinned at his thoughts and got to work.

Rubbing his hands on his jeans, Kiernan couldn’t believe they were sweating. The closer he’d

driven to the diner, the more jittery he’d become. Shaking his head at his own ridiculousness, he
shoved open the door and climbed out of the truck.

A dozen long strides carried him to the door and into the diner. Kiernan tried not to be obvious,

but his gaze quickly swept the interior, searching for Demitri. He didn’t see him.
“Just you, sir?” the young hostess asked perkily.

Kiernan nodded at the smiling woman. “Is Demitri in tonight?”

Her smile faded even as she nodded. “Yeah. I can put you in his section, but take it easy on him?” She
leaned forward and whispered, “He’s having an off night.”
“Please do. Is something wrong?” Kiernan wasn’t too proud to wheedle information about the man he
wanted to become his lover from other people.
She shrugged, heading toward a booth near the back. Interesting, normally Demitri worked the front.
“Not that he’ll say. He just seems a bit, I don’t know…off.”
Before Kiernan could question her further, the woman dropped a menu on a table and wandered back
toward the front. Huh. Kiernan decided he’d have to figure it out for himself and took a seat.
It didn’t take long for Demitri to appear. Kiernan saw right away what the hostess must have seen.
The vibrant young man from last night was gone and in its place was a subdued shadow of his normal
self. Demitri wore a black, long-sleeved shirt, making his pale skin appear almost washed-out. His
slacks were baggy, hanging almost sloppily on his lean frame. And it looked like all he’d done was
brush his hair, so it fell into his face and eyes, instead of carefully styling the blond locks. With the
way he kept his head bowed as he moved, checking customer’s drinks and conversing with his guests,
Kiernan couldn’t even see Demitri’s eyes.
Something was clearly wrong. He hadn’t expected Demitri to tell his parents about them yet—and
just thinking that made him feel a bit like a perv, but oh, well
—so, what if he had and they hadn’t
taken the news well? Would Demitri back away from him? Kiernan sure as hell hoped not, and he
planned to have his answer soon enough.
Demitri made his way toward him, his movements slow, and Kiernan really didn’t like the surprise he
saw in the young man’s eyes. “Hey, darling,” he greeted softly. “You feeling alright?” No reason he
shouldn’t get straight to the point.
Kiernan watched Demitri nibble his bottom lip, a sign he’d learned meant he was thinking about his
answer. Finally, after several heartbeats, Demitri smiled tentatively and nodded. “Yeah. Fine. Just
didn’t sleep much. I’m tired.”
“Uh huh, does that mean you don’t have the energy for hiking tonight?” he asked, flipping over his
water glass so Demitri could fill it.
Demitri concentrated on the glass as he poured iced water into it. “Probably not,” he whispered.
Kiernan just kept his eyes from narrowing at the pull on Demitri’s lips. Was that a grimace of pain?
He didn’t respond right away to Demitri’s words and when he finally swept his gaze up to the young
man’s eyes, he noticed a flush working its way over his face and neck. Except, it wasn’t an even
Now his eyes did narrow as he focused on Demitri’s temple. Even though Demitri had tried to hide it,
when he straightened and shook his head, his loose hair moved, revealing yellow, purple, and green
skin above his temple. That explained the lack of styling.
“Who hit you?” Kiernan’s cool tone finally got Demitri to focus on him. The blush was gone, his face

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now pale.
“No one,” he denied.
Growling low, he hissed, “That’s a lie, and we both know it. Was it your father? Did he backhand
you or something?”
“No, he…” Demitri glanced around as if worried someone was watching him. “You want your
usual?” he asked, instead of finishing.
He almost declined, but then he saw the fear in Demitri’s eyes and nodded. “Yes, the meatloaf
sandwich. Thank you.” Wrapping his hands around his glass to keep from grabbing Demitri and
demanding the young man tell him what the hell was going on, Kiernan watched him slip back into the
That’s when he noticed the glaring man near the front of the restaurant. Short, dark hair, glasses on a
round face, the man wore jeans and a sweatshirt that hid his true form. Either way, it was easy to see
the guy was watching Demitri.
A few moments later, Demitri came back out and placed the plate of food in front of him. “I’m sorry,
Kiernan,” he whispered. “I can’t go hiking with you tonight.” Before he could say anything, Demitri
straightened. In his normal voice, he said, “Enjoy your meal, sir. Please, let me know if I can do
anything else for you.”
Kiernan watched Demitri hustle away, all the while wanting to tell him that what he could do for him
was tell him what the hell was going on. He ate his food in silence, watching Demitri move slowly
about his duties, with a hell of a lot more subtlety than the other guy. Once done, he paid for his meal
and left.
Starting his truck, Kiernan pulled out of the lot. Instead of heading home, he wended through the
streets until he’d circled back around. Kiernan parked in the shadows across from the diner and
waited, watching through the window. When the frumpy man with glasses left at nine o’clock, hustled
out by the hostess and one of the bus boys, Kiernan watched him get into a dark sedan and drive
He exited his truck and, sticking to the shadows, headed across the street. Kiernan figured it might be
considered stalkerish to be hiding in the shadows at the back door, but fuck that, he wanted answers.
He knew someone had hit Demitri, and he meant to find out whom.
His patience paid off when Demitri came out carrying a bag of garbage. When he swung it into the
dumpster, Kiernan
heard him gasp, then grab his side. Growling, strode toward him. From the shocked look on Demitri’s
face, followed quickly by fear, Kiernan could just imagine the rage etched across his features.
It took some effort, but Kiernan managed to soften his look. He wasn’t angry with Demitri, after all.
Gently, he cupped the young man’s jaw and tipped his head back. Still, Demitri’s eyelashes hid his
Kiernan didn’t like how Demitri trembled in his arms. “Demitri, look at me,” he urged. He did like
how the man immediately obeyed, but hated the fear in the green depths. “Tell me what’s going on.
Who was that man watching you? Who hurt you?”
“That was my father’s friend, Brett. My father, Cooper, didn’t like that I went on a date with you,”
Demitri whispered the admission.
“Oh, darling,” he murmured. Settling a hand on Demitri’s hip, Kiernan squeezed it lightly.
Demitri flinched and whimpered.
Kiernan froze and frowned. His heart began to race as he saw the pained expression on the sweet

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man’s face. “It wasn’t just your face he hit, was it?”
Demitri pinched his lips together, but at least he admitted the truth by shaking his head.
Dropping to one knee in the dirty alleyway, Kiernan gently pulled Demitri’s shirt from the waist of
his slacks. He drew in a sharp breath when he lifted the material and spotted more dark and angry
looking bruises.
“Dee…” he breathed. Looking up, he peered at Demitri. “Your father did this?”
Demitri nodded.
“Why?” He couldn’t fathom why any father would want to strike their son, let alone one as sweet and
hard working as Demitri.
“He told me I wasn’t gay and I had the audacity to disagree.”
“Did you go to the police?” he asked incredulously.
Demitri shook his head. “He’s my father.”
Kiernan let his eyelids slide closed. He struggled against his desire to hunt the man down and beat
him black and blue like he’d done to Demitri. But he couldn’t do that. He knew that, even if he didn’t
like it. However, there was no way he wanted Demitri back in that environment.
“Come home with me,” he blurted out even before he realized what he’d planned to say. Even as he
said the words, Kiernan knew he was going to insist. He wanted to take care of Demitri.
Demitri’s eyes widened. “Oh, I don’t—”
“You can’t go back to that house,” Kiernan stated, interrupting. “I won’t allow it.” It wasn’t like he
really had any say in the matter and he knew it. From the shock of Demitri’s face, Kiernan realized he
probably knew it, too. Racking his brain, he rose back to his feet and gently held the young man’s
face, rubbing his thumbs along his high cheekbones. “Come with me just for the night. Let me take
care of you. Tomorrow,”— Damn, why was this so hard to offer?—”we’ll find alternate
arrangements. Just…just don’t go back home tonight. Please,” he pleaded.
That finally seemed to get through to him. Demitri gave him a smile. “I’d like that.”
Warmth swelled through him. “Good.” His man was coming home with him tonight. “Are you just
about done here?”
Demitri shook his head. “I still have a few chores. Maybe, twenty minutes?”
“Okay,” Kiernan said. “I’ll pull the truck around back.” Unable to resist any longer, Kiernan leaned
down and gave his man a soft butterfly kiss. “I’ll see you in a few.”
After Kiernan released Demitri and watched him walk back into the building, he headed around to his
truck. As he moved the vehicle, then waited for Demitri, he made a point of not thinking about how
he’d mentally called Demitri his man, or how much he liked the sound of that.

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Chapter Five


emitri couldn’t help but feel nervous. He’d never not gone home before and just the idea of

defying his father even more by doing this sent a spike of apprehension through him. Of course, since
he’d planned to walk to Frankie’s house and then contact his alpha anyway, did it matter? He was
still going to defy his father.

The man had backhanded him a time or two when he’d misbehaved, but he’d never done anything

like this. Demitri wasn’t stupid. He knew what Cooper had done was wrong. He had no intention of
tolerating it, even if that meant bumming a room from his friends for a couple weeks while finding a
place to live.

A large calloused hand sliding over his own to grip his fingers pulled Demitri out of his panicked

thoughts. “Hey, you doing okay?”

No! “Y-yeah.”

Kiernan’s brows furrowed as he eyed Demitri, but finally he nodded. “We’re here. Let’s head in and
I’ll take a look at those bruises. Make sure everything is healing okay.”
Demitri stared through the windshield at the large, bungalow style cottage that made up so many of the
homes in the area. “Oh,” he mumbled. He hadn’t even realized they’d stopped. Gods, I’m tired.
When Kiernan released his hand, Demitri immediately missed the contact and swallowed a whimper.
When had he become so needy? He didn’t want his mate to think he was some blubbering idiot.
Clenching his jaw, he pushed the door open, trying to ignore the pain that stabbed through his torso.
He might be a shifter with accelerated healing, but his father had worked him over pretty good. The
bat to the head had made Demitri pass out for a time, but then he’d woken to find himself tied to his
bed. As soon as Cooper realized he’d woken, his father had started whipping him. Demitri had never
felt anything so painful and had tried to scream for help around the gag in his mouth. It hadn’t worked,
and he’d soon passed back out.
When he’d left for work that afternoon, Cooper had warned him to come straight home or he’d get
more of the same. Like that’s a big incentive to obey him.
Suddenly, Kiernan was there. His mate slipped an arm around his shoulders, encouraging him to lean
against him. “Come on. You’re dead on your feet,” Kiernan murmured. “Let’s get you taken care of.”
Exhaustion settled over Demitri like a cloak, heavy and stifling. Demitri stumbled, even with
Kiernan’s support.
“Easy, darling,” Kiernan crooned. “I gotcha.”
“That’d be nice,” he muttered. He really was ready to conk out. “I wanted to call in sick, but I was
afraid to stay home.” Shit did he just admit that out loud?
“I’m glad you got out of there,” Kiernan responded gently.
“Tired,” he mumbled absently.
He barely registered the click of the locks as Kiernan opened the door and he was too busy struggling
to stay awake to notice much of the home. The best he could do was focus on placing one foot in front
of the other, especially when Kiernan led him up a flight of stairs.
“Sit here,” Kiernan commanded. “I’ll be right back.”
Demitri found himself deposited on a toilet. He hissed as his ass hit the unyielding plastic and he
bounced back to his feet, all sense of fatigue gone as waves of pain rolled through his ass and thighs.
Grabbing the towel bar, he waited for the pain to pass. He’d managed to avoid sitting while at work,
leaning against the wall during his break. Even the truck ride hadn’t been that bad, since the seat had

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been nicely cushioned.
He turned to see a concerned, questioning look on Kiernan’s face. “Hurts,” he admitted.
Kiernan laid the sweats he carried on the counter, then crossed to him. “Let’s take a look.” As he
carefully helped Demitri out of his shirt, he teased, “This certainly wasn’t how I wanted to undress
you for the first time.”
A smile flickered across Demitri’s face as he shrugged the button-down shirt off his shoulders.
Kiernan wants me. When Kiernan unbuttoned Demitri’s fly, the back of his hand brushed against his
dick. The light contact, combined with the close proximity of his mate—flooding Demitri’s senses
with Kiernan’s scent—caused his dick to thicken.
As soon as Kiernan lowered his zipper, his cock sprang free.
“Commando, darling?” Kiernan commented.
Demitri flushed. He was like a lot of shifters, skipping that particular garment. Not that he could tell
his mate that, yet.
Soft lips pressed against Demitri’s, surprising him into gasping. Kiernan slipped his tongue into his
mouth, teasing and tasting. He kept the kiss light, the tongue play setting Demitri’s nerves tingling. The
kiss relaxed him, easing his body’s pain.
When Kiernan ended the kiss, Demitri sagged against the bigger man. He clutched his mate’s shirt and
panted. His dick flexed and he rocked his hips forward, rubbing against Kiernan’s thigh, the rough
fabric feeling amazing against his sensitive shaft.
“Demitri,” Kiernan growled, a warning in his tone.
Mewling, Demitri clung to him, his body on fire as he fought the urge to continue rutting against his
mate. “Please,” he whimpered.
“Shit, hold on,” Kiernan responded. “I’ll take care of you, Dee.”
Keeping one arm wrapped around his shoulders, Kiernan reached around him, turned on the water,
and quickly adjusted the temperature. He returned his focus to Demitri, helped him out of his pants,
then gently lifted his t-shirt over his head.
Kiernan hissed, anger clouding his expression as he got his first good look at the welts and bruising
covering Demitri’s body. “Son of a bitch,” he snarled. “Demitri? Why won’t you press charges? No
one has a right to do this to you, especially a parent.”
“I-I…” Demitri ducked his head, not liking the frustrated, disappointed expression on Kiernan’s face.
He couldn’t very well explain that, since he couldn’t go to a hospital, this was pack business, not
police business. “I’m sorry,” he finally whispered, his erection starting to wilt.
Sighing, Kiernan gently helped him under the spray. “It’s not your fault, darling. You didn’t do
anything wrong.” Kiernan moved Demitri’s hands on the shower wall. “Stay there. This might hurt a
Demitri refrained from pointing out that it wouldn’t hurt worse than when it happened. Then, Kiernan
ran a soapy cloth over his back and he arched away from the pressure, hissing.
“Just try to relax,” Kiernan crooned. “Once I’m done here, I’ll make you feel so good. Let it out if that
helps,” he encouraged.
Trembling, Demitri whimpered and shivered, but he resisted the urge to flinch away again. Suddenly,
the warm cloth rubbed over his balls. Kiernan’s other hand reached around his chest and pinched a
nipple as he leaned over his shoulder and sucked his earlobe.
Demitri’s eyes shot open wide. “Oh!”
“You ready for that pleasure now, Dee?” he asked.

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“Please,” he hissed. The blood rushing south left him slightly light-headed as his cock went from soft
to rock-hard in seconds. “Kiernan.”
The cloth moved up to his shaft, rubbing along his sensitized length. Instinct took over and he thrust
forward. Kiernan dropped the cloth and wrapped his hand around Demitri’s dick in a strong grip,
jacking swiftly.
“That’s it, lover,” Kiernan murmured, moving his mouth to his neck, nibbling as he went. “Take what
you need.”
Between the hand on his dick, the fingers rolling his nipple, and the warm lips nipping the tendon
where his neck met shoulder, Demitri hit the edge faster than he thought possible. His body bucked
and he fell over the ledge into bliss, howling his pleasure. Kiernan continued to stroke him, slowing
his movements, ringing the last bits of ecstasy from his system.
Finally, Demitri slumped, his forehead pressed against the wall, his chest heaving as he struggled to
regain his breath. When he heard the plop of wet clothes, Demitri pried an eyelid open and glanced
over his shoulder to see his mate stripping out of his soaked shirt. He wished he had the energy to
explore the thin mat of chest hair plastered to hard pecks and trailing down his chest to his navel.
“Come on, darling,” Kiernan said firmly, easing him out of the shower and wrapping a towel around
After the trying day and the explosive orgasm, Demitri felt completely wiped. Except, it was a good
wiped. Now all he wanted to do was find the nearest flat surface and sleep for twelve hours.
Evidently, that seemed to be his lover’s plan, because seconds later, Kiernan helped him into a pair
of soft sweats and led him out of the bathroom.
He couldn’t remember passing through a bedroom on his way in, but he must have, because Demitri
found himself in what could only be the master bedroom. “Come on, lover,” Kiernan urged, his arm
once more around his shoulders. “You lie there, and I’m going to rub some lotion on your back.”
Demitri was out before Kiernan returned.
* * * *

Staring at the young man sprawled across his bed, Kiernan’s gut tightened with a mixture of want,

frustration, and protectiveness. He didn’t understand why he felt this way when he barely knew the
man. The fact that he’d come in his pants just from the sounds and feel of the man in his arms had
shocked the hell out of him. He hadn’t done that since he was a horny teen.

Kiernan decided he’d figure it out later…or maybe he wouldn’t. He’d just enjoy it for as long as

the sexy stud wanted to keep an old guy like him.

Demitri was out cold and didn’t even stir when Kiernan rubbed ointment into the welts and cuts

on his back. He’d dabbled in the D/s scene a time or two, though it wasn’t something he wanted to
make a way of life out of, and the thin lines seemed to be from a whip or cane, maybe a crop. The
thick bruising along his shoulder and thigh looked like it was from a bat. There were so many of them.
“Good god,” he muttered, his hand clenching. Somehow, he had to get his lover to press charges
against his father.

Knowing he could do nothing else that night, Kiernan pulled on a pair of boxers, double-checked

that the doors and windows were locked, and turned out the lights. He climbed into bed, just resisting
the urge to spoon up behind his lover. Instead, he pressed his side against Demitri’s, reveling in the
younger man’s warmth.

Demitri snuffled in his sleep, then turned and burrowed into Kiernan’s side, throwing one arm

over his chest. Smiling, Kiernan leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to Demitri’s temple before
letting his eyelids slide shut. An odd sense of peace settled over him as he drifted off to sleep.

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Kiernan wasn’t certain what pulled him from his slumber. He frowned. The creak of soft footsteps

on stairs reached him right before his daughter’s voice started singing Happy Birthday.

“Oh, shit,” he muttered right as Demitri grunted and shifted in his arms.

“Wha?” Demitri mumbled, cracking open an eyelid.
“Haaapy birrrrthday to y—” The line cut off and ended with a squeak.
Kiernan met his daughter’s shocked, wide-eyed expression over Demitri’s back. Her brown-eyed
gaze swept over them, her mouth opening and closing like a fish. She had a white-knuckled grip on the
tray of cupcakes.
“Dad?” she finally squeaked. “I didn’t, didn’t realize you’d, um.”
With his arms around his young lover, Kiernan forced a smile. “Perhaps you could wait in the kitchen,
“Yeah, yeah, right, sorry,” Valerie replied, her voice higher pitched than he’d ever heard it. She spun
on her heel and fled as if the hounds of hell were after her.
For several seconds, silence filled the room. “I’m sorry,” Demitri whispered. His words muffled
since his head was tucked against Kiernan’s armpit.
“Hey, now, it’s not your fault,” Kiernan stated, confused about why Demitri would take the blame.
Evidently, he’d been used as the scapegoat once too often. He cupped his lover’s jaw and urged him
to lift his head, so he could look him in the eye. “Although walking in on me with someone is
shocking,” he smiled and rubbed his thumb over Demitri’s eyebrow, smoothing away the crease lines.
“Valerie does know that I’m gay.”
“She does?” Demitri asked.
Kiernan nodded. “Yep.” Leaning forward, he brushed his lips over Demitri’s mouth. He knew he
couldn’t do anything, so kept the pressure light, then drew away. “Let me see your back. I’ll put more
ointment on it, then find you a clean t-shirt and sweats.”
For just a second, Kiernan thought Demitri would refuse, but then he shifted sideways, sliding away
from him, and looked toward the far wall. Kiernan took that as the invitation it was and pushed the
sheet and blanket down.
Surprise, then confusion, hit his system at what he saw. The slender marks had scabbed over and
were no longer pink or raw-looking. The welts had almost disappeared. Even the heavy bruises
across his shoulder, lower back, and thighs had progressed into the sickly yellow and green stage.
“How the hell is this possible?” Kiernan didn’t realize he’d muttered the words aloud until Demitri
slithered further away from him and off the side of the bed.
The young man stood and faced him. Crossing his arms over his chest, Demitri stared at the rumpled
quilts. “I’ve always healed super-fast.” He shrugged and looked away. “I’d rather not talk about it.”
Kiernan shook his head. No one healed that fast. He opened his mouth, then heard dishes rattling in
the kitchen, and snapped his jaw shut. Shoving a hand over his buzzed scalp, he frowned, his mind
reeling. Finally, he focused on Demitri again and completely hated the dejection on his young lover’s
Heaving a sigh, Kiernan crawled out of bed and walked around it to Demitri. He wrapped him in his
arms, relieved Demitri didn’t fight him. “Okay. Maybe this is one of those things we need to discuss
once we get to know each other a little better, hmm?”
When Demitri didn’t respond right away, he used his forefinger under his chin and tilted his head
back. “Hmm?” he pressed.
Demitri stared into his eyes, obviously searching for something, acceptance maybe? Kiernan tried to
assure with his expression that his lover having badass healing skills wasn’t a turn off.

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Finally, Demitri smiled tentatively. “Yeah, okay.”
“Good.” After kissing Demitri lightly, Kiernan released him and moved to his dresser. He pulled out
clean sweats and a t-shirt for Demitri and handed them to him. “I’ll let you have first crack at the
bathroom,” he said. “Then we’ll head down and you can meet Valerie.”
“Is it really your birthday?” Demitri asked, heading toward the bathroom, obviously intent on
following his instructions.
Kiernan nodded. “Yeah, I wasn’t expecting Valerie this weekend,” he admitted.
He paused in the doorway and smiled at him. “Happy birthday.”
Smiling back, Kiernan winked. “Thanks, darling.”
Once the door closed, Kiernan grabbed a pair of faded jeans and a t-shirt. He pulled them on as he
waited for his own turn at the john.
Ten minutes later, Kiernan twined his fingers with Demitri’s and led the way down the stairs from the
loft and into the dining room. He spotted his daughter sitting at the small table with her hands
wrapped around a mug of coffee. Obviously hearing them, Valerie looked up and forced a smile.
“Sorry, Dad,” she murmured. “I didn’t even think…” Her gaze strayed to Demitri, and he could read
the questions in her eyes. “Um. Happy birthday? I brought cupcakes.”
Kiernan chuckled. Valerie was trying, he had to give her that. “Thank you, sweetie.” He glanced at
Demitri, noticing the man’s high color. “Valerie, this is Demitri Vinetti.” He squeezed his lover’s
hand. “Demitri, my daughter Valerie Wabinaw.”
“Nice to meet you,” Demitri immediately responded softly.
Valerie nodded. “Likewise.”
“You want coffee or milk with your cupcakes?” Kiernan asked.
“Milk, please,” he whispered, his gaze darting around the room.
Kiernan could practically feel the tension flooding the kitchen and wondered what he’d need to do to
settle things down. He’d really wanted just to have a quiet morning relaxing with his lover, maybe
learning Demitri’s body, learning how it felt to be buried balls deep in his ass.
His cock slowly started to fill at his thoughts, and he sucked in a deep breath to put a halt on his
libido. Kiernan reached up and grabbed a tumbler and a mug from the cupboard. When he turned
around to put them on the counter, he caught sight of Demitri’s face, taking in his flared nostrils and
hungry eyes.
It was a look so hot, Kiernan’s pulse jumped and his blood heated. “Demitri,” he whispered. Never
had he been the recipient of such a look, and he desperately wanted to strip his lover and kiss every
inch of his lean body.
“So, how long have you two been dating?”
Valerie’s question snapped Kiernan out of his lustinduced stupor. He cleared his throat and turned to
the refrigerator to pull out the milk. As he poured, he answered, “Demitri works at the diner. We’ve
been chatting for the last couple weeks now.” He smiled as he slid the glass toward Demitri. “I guess
technically we’ve only been dating a couple days, huh, darling?”
“Yes,” he replied softly.
Upon seeing his shy glance, Kiernan grinned and, unable to help himself, he reached across the
counter, cupped the nape of his lover’s head, and pulled him in for a kiss. Once his lips touched
Demitri’s and he tasted his lover’s unique masculine flavor coupled with toothpaste mint and milk, he
couldn’t help but deepen the kiss, tangling his tongue with Demitri’s.
A throat clearing, twice, finally penetrated the pleasant buzz caused by kissing Demitri. Kiernan
released his lover and chuckled. Opening his eyes, he winked at him. “Nice,” he whispered.

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Easing away, he placed a couple cupcakes on a plate and handed them to Demitri. “Have a seat, so I
can keep my hands off you.”
Demitri flushed scarlet and scurried to obey.
“Wow, Dad,” Valerie teased. “I haven’t seen you kiss anyone like that in a long, long time.”
Kiernan smirked at his daughter, then rolled his eyes and grabbed the coffee carafe to pour himself a
cup. “Hope you didn’t make this as thick as you usually do. I hate it when you make sludge.”
Valerie shrugged, before replying flippantly, “It is your birthday, so I made weak shit, just like you
“Awe, so sweet,” he teased back, lifting the cup to his lips and taking a sip.
“So, how old are you, Demitri?” Valerie asked.
Kiernan snorted, nearly spitting the coffee right back out. Instead, he managed to before it threatened
to sinuses. “Valerie!” he sputtered.
“What? It’s a valid question,” she pointed out.
Demitri glanced between them. “I’m nineteen,” he cut in.
Valerie’s brows shot up. “Geez, Dad.” She gave him an inscrutable look. “Robbing the cradle, huh?”
“Valerie!” This time Kiernan couldn’t keep the anger from his voice. What the hell has gotten into
swallow the mouthful, but not come out his nose, burning his

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Chapter Six


emitri blinked. He was in the middle of the most lifealtering thirty hours of his life, and he was

having a tough time keeping up. Except, he really needed to get his head out of his ass so he could
defend his mate, but should he against the man’s own daughter?

“Well, come on, Dad,” Valerie huffed. “He’s less than half your age!” She turned and focused on

Demitri. “Are you his mid-life crisis?”

From the corner of his eye, Demitri saw Kiernan frown. He didn’t want them to fight. “He’s my

one-and-only,” Demitri blurted, then slapped his hand over his mouth. Shit, did I really just say that?

“Your what?” asked Valerie at the same time Kiernan murmured, “What was that?”

Shit, shit, shit! Now what? He swallowed hard and glanced between them. Blowing out a breath, he
decided to go for the truth. Well…sort of the truth. “When I saw your father, Valerie, I knew he was
the one for me. I’ve always had a thing for older men.” Damn, this is embarrassing. He forged
ahead. “My family’s always believed in love at first sight,” he whispered. Okay, that was a total lie.
He glanced at Valerie, then Kiernan, then the glass of milk in front of him. “Kiernan is my love at first
sight,” he whispered.
Kiernan’s brows drew together and he rounded the table and knelt beside it. “Demitri?”
Uncertain of how Kiernan would take his admission, Demitri grimaced and darted a glance toward
him. “I probably shouldn’t have admitted that, yet,” he mumbled.
Kneeling beside Demitri’s chair, Kiernan cupped his cheeks in his palms and gave him a sweet smile.
“Dear sweet Demitri…that is the sappiest thing anyone has ever said to me.” He brushed a soft
butterfly kiss against his lips. “It’s not the taking it one day at a time like we discussed, but I like it so
much better.” Kiernan lightly pressed his lips against Demitri’s for just an instant. “Thank you.”
“Sure.” Relief flooded Demitri at his mate’s response.
Kiernan feathered soft caresses to his mouth.
A throat cleared, then Valerie snickered.
Demitri straightened in his chair and looked toward Valerie, a smile playing across his lips. He
couldn’t help it. He already knew he loved Kiernan’s kisses, his touch, his scent, his…everything.
Valerie actually grinned at him. “Okay, I get why you like him. He’s…sweet.”
“That he is,” Kiernan responded. Then he frowned at her. “And in the future, I’ll kindly thank you to
not interrogate my dates.
Looking completely unrepentant, Valerie shrugged. “Someone has to look out for you.”
Kiernan looked like he wanted to say more, but Demitri didn’t want any more fighting between them.
“Did you make these cupcakes?” he asked, taking a bite, he hummed in appreciation. “Really good.”
Cocking her head, Valerie smiled a little. “Yeah. I didn’t think I’d get up here, so when my schedule
changed, I thought I’d surprise dad.” She rolled her eyes. “Boy…did that turn out backwards.”
Demitri actually snorted before asking, “Can I get the recipe?”
That made Valerie straighten in her seat. Resting her chin on her hand, she asked, “You cook?”
“Not as often as I’d like,” he admitted. “I find it relaxing, but I’m…” he grimaced. “I’m looking for a
place of my own,” he finished, letting his gaze stray toward the kitchen. He spotted the time on the
microwave. “Oh, damn. Is that the time?” He shoved the last bite of cupcake into his mouth and
leaped to his feet.
“Dee? What is it?” Kiernan asked.
Swallowing hard, Demitri grabbed his milk and gulped several swallows. Turning to face Kiernan,

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he told him, “I have to work at one, and I’ve gotta sneak into my house so my father doesn’t catch me
and get clean clothes. I gotta go.”
Kiernan grabbed his arm before he could take three steps. “Hey, wait. That’s hours away. Why don’t
you use my washer and dryer? Then, we’ll swing by the store and I’ll buy you a few outfits while we
figure out how to get your clothes from your parents?”
Demitri froze. Kiernan wanted to help him? Oh! My mate wants to help me! He couldn’t stop his
smile. “Okay.”

Demitri grinned at the customer. “Excellent choice, ma’am. My friend loves the meatloaf

sandwich.” He turned his attention to the elderly gentleman across from the gray haired woman. “And
for you, sir?”

“I’ll take the Rueben with onion rings.”

“Of course. I’ll get your order placed and be right back with your appetizer. I’m sure it’s ready,” he
said. With another smile, he headed toward the back.
Pushing through the swinging door, he called out the order then clipped the slip of paper into the
overhead clasps. Demitri saw three orders ahead of theirs and realized he had just over ten minutes
before it was ready. That was enough time to drop off the appetizer then make the rounds of his tables
and see if any of his customers needed anything.
After taking the jalapeno poppers to the elderly couple’s table, Demitri returned to the kitchen and
grabbed a pitcher of water in one hand and a carafe of coffee in the other. He headed back out to the
floor. After another dozen steps, Demitri froze, his gaze riveted on the doorway and the three men
strolling inside. “Oh!” he whispered.
The tall African American turned to look in his direction, his brows drawing together. Declan
McIntire, alpha wolf of his shifter pack, exchanged a look with the tall Caucasian dark-haired man
behind him, Shane Alvaro, the pack beta. The third man, Carson Angeni, a broad-shouldered Native
American, was the shifter pack’s head enforcer.
“Hey, you okay?” Cindy asked, slapping him on the shoulder as she passed, heading toward the
hostess stand.
“Yeah,” he answered absently. Pulling his gaze away from the alpha wolf shifter, Demitri swallowed
hard and got moving again. He made the rounds of his tables, then headed toward Declan’s table—
because of course they’d end up in his section.
He had to swallow twice to get moisture into his throat. Yes, he’d wanted to talk to Declan, but facing
down three powerful wolves was fucking intimidating. Finally, he managed to unglue his tongue from
the roof of his mouth and say, “Welcome to Macy’s Diner. Can I start you with a strawberry iced tea
or we have coke products. If you’re in the mood, maybe you’d like some loaded potato skins or a
chili cheese fry to share?”
“I’d love a chili cheese fry,” Carson commented, leaning back, he tipped onto the rear legs of the
chair. “And I’ll take coffee.”
“Iced tea, unsweetened,” Shane ordered.
Declan eyed him for several seconds, his nostrils flaring, subtly scenting him, and Demitri shifted
nervously. Finally, he blew out a breath and said, “I’ll take water, Demitri, and are ye available to
take a short break and sit with us a minute or two?”
He said it as a request, but Demitri knew it wasn’t really meant that way. He nodded. “I’ll bring your
drinks out, then I’ll need a few minutes, but I’ll try.” Declan nodded back, and Demitri scurried away.
He quickly made the three shifter’s drinks and placed them on his tray. Demitri swung by the hostess
stand and asked Cindy to keep an eye on his tables for a few minutes, explaining that he needed to talk

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to his friends for just a sec. She eyed him curiously, but agreed without explanation. He’d probably
have some questions to answer later, but he’d figure that out when the time came.
Returning to Declan’s table, he gave each man his drink, then took the free chair and folded his hands
together on the table. He hoped that would keep him from fidgeting. He really should have figured out
a way to talk to Declan this morning, but he’d enjoyed spending time with Kiernan too much.
“Yer parents contacted me last night, said ye ran away,” Declan said, his voice low. Demitri
straightened, ready to refute that, but then the alpha smirked and held up a hand to stop him. “I scent
another on ye. It’s not hard to figure out where ye really were.”
Demitri’s brows shot up. Was Declan teasing him?
Then Declan’s smirk eased and he leaned toward him across the table. “Ye’re bein’ careful, aren’t
ye, Demitri?”
Lowering his gaze to the table, Demitri knew it was now or never. “I have some things to tell you,” he
whispered, flicking up to look at his alpha, then the other men at the table. Shane watched him, his
expression inscrutable. Carson didn’t appear to be paying him any attention, his focus sweeping the
diner slowly. It was deceptive. Demitri knew that as the enforcer, Carson would keep a watch and
make certain others couldn’t overhear them.
Evidently, Declan must have noticed his nervousness, maybe from a scent change or the tension in his
shoulders. His eyes narrowed. “Is it something ye can tell me here? Or should I have someone pick ye
up after ye’re shift and bring ye to me house?”
That his alpha was willing to listen to him without question was a relief. How much should he say in
the middle of the diner? Since Declan was here, Demitri figured he might as well just spit it out. He
leaned forward and muttered, “My parents aren’t too pleased with me being gay.” Demitri noted the
way Declan’s jaw tightened and his eyes narrowed, but he ignored it.
“When they found out I went on a date with a man, my father beat me. I went to work like normal,
planning to find a way to get to you afterward, so I could tell you. I didn’t realize how exhausting
getting through the day would be in my weakened state. I—” he hesitated, but decided to just lay it all
out there. “I was dead on my feet, so when my mate offered to let me stay the night with him, I
“Did you just say your mate?” Shane asked sharply.
Demitri focused on the table and jerked a nod.
“Well, congratulations,” Carson muttered from next to him.
When Demitri glanced his way, the enforcer still wasn’t looking him, but a small smile did play about
the corners of his firm lips. Carson was the one who’d set him up for training as a tracker, so he knew
it wasn’t because the guy didn’t like him or didn’t approve. He was just doing his job.
Finally, Demitri looked at Declan through his lashes. The big African American ran a hand over his
shaved scalp and blew out a breath. Leveling a concerned look at him, he murmured, “Ye stayed the
night with him while ye were injured. Did he notice yer increased healing ability?”
Demitri grimaced. “Yeah.”
“What did you tell him?” Shane asked, giving him a stern look.
He glanced between them. “I told him I didn’t know him well enough to explain.”
Declan’s black brows shot up. “And he accepted that?”
Shrugging, Demitri nodded.
“Damn, not often a human will be put off like that,” Shane mumbled.
“Aye. I’m sure it probably has something to do with the mate-pull.” Shaking his head, Declan licked
his lips, glanced around the place, and seemed to switch gears, for he asked, “What’s the name of the

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“Uh, Kiernan. Kiernan Wabinaw,” he replied. “You’re not going to hurt him or anything, are you?”
“Of course not,” Declan immediately responded.
Shane snickered and rolled his eyes.
Carson finally looked at him. He smiled and clapped him on the shoulder. “You need to spend more
time with packmembers,” he murmured. “Learn more about how we actually handle things.”
He blushed, unable to help it. “Yeah, it’s hard to get away. My parents don’t like, um…shit.”
Declan’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t like what?”
Swallowing hard, Demitri shivered. “Shifters,” he whispered. “They don’t like shifters. My mom
might be one, but she hates it. That’s why she avoids pack runs.”
Declan, Carson, and Shane exchanged looks he couldn’t decipher. Declan and Shane rose from their
chairs. “Come with us,” Declan ordered.
Demitri rose, confused, but there was no way he or his wolf would think of disobeying their alpha.
He followed them into the small bathroom of the diner.
“Show us your back,” Shane ordered.
He untied his half apron and set it aside, then lifted his shirt.
“Son of a bitch,” Shane snapped while Declan growled low in his throat. Demitri shivered and
released his shirt, but someone else’s hand, he wasn’t certain which man’s, replaced his hold.
Another hand traced over some of the healing marks.
“Do ye have a place to stay tonight?” Declan asked. “We’ll swing by yer parent’s place and pack a
bag for ye. I don’t want ye going back there.”
“Um, okay, yeah.” Demitri knew from Declan’s grave tone that his parents were in trouble, big
trouble. He wasn’t certain how he felt about that. They were his parents after all. “I know Frankie
will let me stay at his place.” That was if Demitri’s mate didn’t invite him over again. They hadn’t
really discussed it.
They lowered his shirt and smoothed it back into place. A dark brown hand on his shoulder spun him
around and Declan stared at Demitri gravely. “This is by no means yer fault. I’m glad ye told me what
happened.” He’s brows drew down further and his jaw clenched for a second before he said, “I
wished ye would’ve told me sooner about yer parent’s growing lack of acceptance, but what’s done
is done. No matter what happens with yer parents, you are always welcome in me pack. I want to
make that clear.”
Relief flooded Demitri. Somewhere in the back of his mind, that had been a concern, that he’d be
booted out of the pack along with his parents. “Thank you,” he whispered.
Declan nodded. “And keep me posted about yer mate. Let me know if ye need help with…acclimating
him, when the time comes,” he ordered.
A few minutes later, Demitri was back working his table and the other shifters were enjoying their
meal. For the first time in a long time, Demitri felt like he had a place in the pack. He, as an
individual, was accepted. Now, if he could just figure out how to tell his mate that he could turn into a
Picking up a plate of food, he smiled. “One step at a time,” he mumbled under his breath.

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Chapter Seven


o, is Demitri really not even twenty?”

Kiernan paused in preparing the deviled eggs and glanced at Valerie. He frowned. “What? You

think he lied to you?”

She lifted her hands in surrender. “Geez, I didn’t mean any offence,” she said, her tone sounding

as if she was trying to soothe him.

Kiernan realized his question did come out a bit more sharply than he’d originally thought, but the

idea that someone would question his lover’s word rubbed him the wrong way.

“You gotta admit, he acts a lot older than he looks,” Valerie pointed out.

Thinking about what his young lover had been through, Kiernan knew he had to grow up quick.
Evidently, something in his expression gave his thoughts away, for Valerie placed her hand on his arm
and squeezed. “Hey, I didn’t mean anything by it. I know how he feels about you, so please tell me
he’s really not your mid-life crises. He seems like a nice guy and doesn’t deserve that unless he
knows the score.”
“Knows the score?” Kiernan muttered, taken aback. He stared at his daughter hard, and she had the
decency to blush. It was somewhat heartwarming that she was now defending Demitri. Shaking his
head, Kiernan stated, “He hasn’t had a good home life. That’s—” He frowned, hesitating, but then
realized Valerie wasn’t likely to say anything to anyone. “That’s why he was here last night. His
father took a bat to him when he found out he went on a date with me.” Ignoring his daughter’s gasp,
he plunged ahead, focusing on the repetition of filling the egg halves to keep his hands busy. “I want
to take care of him, protect him, and, god, the feeling I get when I hold him.”
“Whoa! TMI, Dad. I get it. You really like this guy, and he’s not a midlife crisis. That’s good.” She
leaned on the counter, trying to catch his eyes. “So, his parents are assholes. Is he pressing charges? I
mean, I’m all for parents spanking their kids if they’ve done something wrong, but beating them with a
bat is not something you do out of love.”
“You got that right, and, no. I can’t seem to talk him into pressing charges,” he muttered.
“What?” she squeaked, obviously outraged.
He grimaced. Geez, how did he end up talking about this with his daughter? “I can’t force him to.
That’s not how a partnership works. I can just be there to support him as he moves on from the
Partnership. Holy shit, Dad! Isn’t that moving a little fast?”
Kiernan paused in his actions, realizing what he’d said. “Well, damn.” Did he really feel that strongly
toward Demitri already? Even thoughts of the other man made him smile, and he realized that,
although he’d only exchanged pleasantries with the man for the first couple weeks of their
acquaintance, he’d been watching and learning about him. Demitri was openly friendly with
customers, hardworking and kind, and even when someone was rude to him, he still acted with
professional courtesy.

Fuck, I’m half-way in love with the man already!

Looking his daughter in the eye, Kiernan admitted. “If he likes me as much as he says he does, I think I
could spend the rest of my life with the man and be happy.”

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For several seconds, Valerie just stared back at him. Finally, she blinked, then smiled, the light of it
reaching her eyes. “I’m really happy for you, Dad. I hope it works out,” she said softly, patting his
hand. Changing the subject, probably because she realized things were getting awkward, Valerie
asked, “Are those done? I really want one.”

Kiernan parked in front of the diner and waited, tapping restlessly on the wheel. After his

daughter left, he’d headed to the diner for a cup of coffee and to see Demitri. His lover had already
taken his break, but since it was slow, he’d stopped at his table for a few minutes to talk.

He’d learned that a Demitri’s stuff from unnecessary for him to go back there. That was good.

When Demitri mentioned his plan to stay the night at his buddy’s place, Kiernan had immediately
offered his home again. It had pleased him that Demitri had accepted without question.

His thoughts turned to the fact that this time, his lover would be mostly healthy while in his bed.

Yes, he found the fact that Demitri healed freakishly fast a bit unsettling—and he really wanted
answers about that—but he could wait, for a while anyway.

So wrapped up in what he wanted to do with his lover that evening, Kiernan almost missed the

door of the diner opening and several employees exiting. Demitri was among them, a backpack slung
over his shoulder.
Demitri glanced around the parking lot, then made his way to Kiernan’s truck. Kiernan leaned over
and pushed the friend was picking up some of

his parent’s home, making it door open for him. “Hey,” Demitri greeted, climbing into the vehicle.
As soon as reaching across pulling him into a deep kiss. Demitri immediately opened for him,

accepting his tongue and stroking it with his own. Knowing he’d get too excited far too fast, Kiernan
reined in the kiss. “Hi,” he whispered against the other man’s lips.

He felt more than saw Demitri smile. “I like that welcome.”

Kiernan chuckled. “Good, let’s go. I’m ready to get you all to myself.” Returning his focus to his
truck, he eased the vehicle out of his parking space.
“Did Valerie get off okay?” Demitri asked.
Nodding, Kiernan checked traffic then stepped on the accelerator. “Yeah. Back to college for another
few weeks.” He glanced at the young man. “Are you hungry? I made deviled eggs and could add a
sandwich or eggs if you need something.”
Demitri’s lips curved into a smile, his eyes gleaming mischievously. “How about just the deviled
eggs…in bed?”
“Mmm,” Kiernan hummed. “I do like the sound of that.” His cock liked the sound of that, too. Ever
since seeing and touching the man’s lean naked form, he’d wanted to do plenty to the man.
It didn’t take him long to make the drive home. Stone Ridge was a small town, after all. He led the
way into his small home, all the while trying to figure out the best way to get Demitri into his bed.
Maybe the direct approach? Demitri had always responded well to that in the past.
Once inside, Kiernan grabbed Demitri’s arm in a gentle hold and turned him to face him. “I really
want to make love to you,” he whispered. Okay, so that hadn’t been exactly what he’d been thinking,
but now that he’d said it, he knew the door shut, Kiernan wasted no time the cab, cupping his lover’s
skull, and the truth of his words. “Will you let me?”
Demitri sucked in a quick breath, his eyes dilating with desire. “Yes, please,” he responded breathily.
Kiernan grinned.
“Can I shower first, please? I smell like the diner.” He grimaced and glanced away. “Grease and
french fries.”
Chuckling, Kiernan ducked his head and inhaled deeply. Demitri was right. Kiernan could definitely

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smell that on him, although he could still detect the man’s natural woodsy scent. “Yep, though I think
it’s quite sexy on you,” he teased.
Demitri blushed. “Thanks a lot.”
Laughing some more, Kiernan slid his hand down to Demitri’s hip and squeezed lightly. “Head on up
and help yourself to the bathroom. I’ll grab the deviled eggs.”
Nodding, Demitri tilted his head and leaned forward. Kiernan knew what he wanted and happily
granted him a kiss, swirling his tongue deep into Demitri’s mouth, tasting cinnamon and male, making
him realize the guy must have chewed a piece of gum before leaving work.
When Kiernan released him, Demitri turned on his heel and bounced up the stairs. Kiernan grinned
after him, looking forward to what was to come. Using the downstairs bathroom, he quickly brushed
his teeth and washed up, then he grabbed the plate of eggs and headed upstairs.
After setting the plate on the nightstand, Kiernan quickly shucked his clothes and pulled on a pair of
silk sleep pants. He grinned at the comfortable sleepwear, wondering what his construction buddies
would say if they saw him now. Deciding he really didn’t care, Kiernan lounged on the bed and
He listened to the water and remembered how Demitri looked naked and wet. How it felt to run his
hands over those sleek muscles and that high, firm ass. His cock filled at his memories, and he
reached down and palmed his dick through the thin material. He could soap up his lover’s hole,
stretching the tight ring. Then he’d—
“You need some help with that?”
Snapping open eyelids Kiernan hadn’t realized he’d closed, he found the object of his lust standing
five feet from the foot of the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist. Droplets of water Demitri had
missed glistened on his hairless chest and desire seemed to make his green eyes glow.
It took all his self-control, but Kiernan managed to stop rubbing his dick. His eyes narrowed on the
object of his lust as his natural dominance in the bedroom kicked in and he softly ordered, “Drop the
towel, Demitri. Let me see you.”
For just a second, Kiernan thought he’d gone too far, then Demitri gripped the towel in one long-
fingered hand and pulled it loose, letting it drop to the floor. Kiernan noted the way Demitri’s mouth
opened slightly, how he panted softly, and how his face and neck flushed with arousal.
Oh, he does like taking orders!
Kiernan fixed on Demitri’s slender engorged dick. Beautiful.“Come here, darling.” His voice
deepened with lust. Demitri obeyed, stopping next to the bed. “Is there anything you want to tell me
before we begin?” At Demitri’s drawn brows, Kiernan elaborated. “Anything I should avoid,
shouldn’t do, say, or touch? Anything you don’t like?”
Demitri lowered his gaze to the bed, his brows creased as if lost in thought. For a second, Kiernan
didn’t think he’d answer, but then Demitri looked at him through his lashes and whispered, “I don’t
know. I’m a virgin.”
Kiernan sucked in a sharp breath. Holy shit!“Not even girls?” he asked, needing to clarify. After all,
he’d experimented with women while trying to figure out his own sexuality…hence, Valerie. Shit, I
should not be thinking about her right now.
His lover’s quick headshake swiftly refocused his attention. “I’ve known since I was fourteen that I’m
gay,” he admitted. “I didn’t want to lead anyone on.”
For some reason, immeasurable possessiveness flooded Kiernan. He never wanted another man to
touch Demitri. It took several deep breathes before he knew he could get his voice to come out even.
“Good to know. I’ll take very good care of you, Dee,” he assured.

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“I know you will,” Demitri whispered, his faith shining clearly in his eyes.
Kiernan would do everything possible to live up to that faith. Maneuvering to the side of the bed, he
pulled Demitri between his thighs. He ignored the slender, jutting shaft a foot below his nose and
grabbed a deviled egg from the tray. Kiernan lifted it to Demitri’s lips. “Bite,” he crooned, while
settling his other hand around Demitri’s ribcage to hold him.
His lover’s eyes fixed on him, Demitri tilted his head forward and bit the snack in half. He hummed
his appreciation as he chewed, his eyelids dropping to halfmast. Kiernan had to fight down a moan of
his own. No one should look that good eating a deviled egg.
Smirking, Kiernan slid his other hand up so he could just brush his thumb over Demitri’s nipple,
immensely pleased to find it already beaded into a sharp point.
Demitri mewled, his flush intensifying.
“So sexy,” Kiernan growled. His shaft throbbed at the sight, and he didn’t think he could wait too
much longer. “Finish,” he ordered, holding up the rest of the food.
God, it’s sexy how quickly he obeys.
With a couple gentle nudges, Kiernan guided Demitri to the center of the bed and onto his back. “Grab
the headboard, darling,” he murmured as he brushed his fingers over Demitri’s lean abs down to the
indent where hip met groin.
Kiernan watched with satisfaction as Demitri reached up and grabbed the base of his headboard. He
gently traced the lines of his lover’s abs again and reveled in Demitri’s sharp intake of breath when
he caressed the crease of his groin. He watched a pearl of pre-cum ooze from the slit of his lover’s
rigid cock.
Holding his gaze, Kiernan slowly lowered his head, loving how Demitri’s panting breathes sped
faster and faster the closer his mouth came to his cock. He blew across the moist tip. Demitri
groaned, then whimpered. His back bowed and he came, coating his abs and chest with ropes of
white cream.
For a second, Kiernan couldn’t believe what had just happened, his lover coming without a true
touch. Then Demitri let go of the headboard and tried to roll to his side away from him, and Kiernan
just knew the blush was now from embarrassment and not from arousal. Kiernan acted quickly,
gripping Demitri’s hips and refusing to let him move.
“Stop!” he commanded.
Demitri froze, his eyelids firmly pressed shut.
“Grab the headboard,” Kiernan stated firmly.
It only took a second for Demitri to comply. He smiled, though he knew Demitri couldn’t see it. “So
sexy,” he crooned. Kiernan leaned down and lapped his tongue up the young man’s still mostly hard
shaft. Demitri gasped.
“Oh,” Demitri moaned, his legs shifting restlessly.
Grinning, Kiernan did it again, this time swirling his tongue around the head of Demitri’s cock before
moving on and scooping up spent seed from his lover’s abs. He proceeded to lick and suck every
drop of Demitri’s semen from his chest. The moans, gasps, and whimpers that escaped the man
sounded like music to Kiernan’s ears, setting his own blood on fire.
Kiernan loved how responsive his young lover was, how obedient, how sensitive. By the time
Kiernan was done, Demitri was once more hard and probably ready to blow, just like Kiernan
He quickly grabbed the lube out from under his pillow and slicked his fingers. Leaning up, Kiernan
pressed his mouth to Demitri’s in a slow, dominating kiss, sucking the younger man’s tongue into his

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mouth. Splitting his attention, Kiernan slid his fingers over Demitri’s sphincter, gently massaging the
muscle for several seconds before dipping his forefinger in to the first knuckle.
Demitri moaned into his mouth, his channel clamping down on his digit. Holding his hand steady,
Kiernan eased the kiss to an end, then murmured, “Easy, lover. Just relax and let me in.”
He could tell Demitri struggled to obey, his body shuddering. Kiernan kissed down the man’s body,
bestowing on him wet kisses until he reached Demitri’s cock and sucked it down.
“Kiernan,” Demitri moaned, bucking underneath him.
Kiernan gripped his lover’s hip, pinning him down as he slid his finger the rest of the way inside his
lover’s chute. He took his time, easing his lover open with his fingers, first one, then two, then three,
as he distracted the man by working his mouth and tongue over his cock and balls.
“P-p-please,” Demitri whimpered, writhing with passion. “N-need.”
Pulling off his cock, Kiernan whispered, “I’ve got you, lover. Just relax. I’ll take care of everything.”
As he spoke, he pulled his fingers free, shoved his sleeppants down—unwilling to leave Demitri
even for the few seconds it would take to fully remove the clothing—and grabbed a condom, quickly
rolling it on.
At the loss of stimulus, Demitri’s eyes opened wide. “Kiernan.”
“I’m here, darling,” he crooned, using the last of the lube on his fingers to slick up his condom-
covered dick then he guided it to Demitri’s hole. His other hand settled by Demitri’s chest, holding
his weight. “Push out for me,” he urged.
As he pressed forward, Demitri obeyed. Kiernan slipped into his lover’s chute, tight heat clamping
onto his shaft. He kept moving. Once buried balls deep, Kiernan forced his body to freeze. Demitri
stared up at him, his eyes wide, his breaths coming in sharp pants.
“Relax,” he crooned, peppering kisses over Demitri’s eyes, cheekbones, the corner of his mouth.
Anything to remove the pained expression on his lover’s face. “Breathe slowly. Focus on relaxing.
The first time is always a bit rough,” he reassured. “It’ll feel good soon.”
He reached between them and gently tweaked Demitri’s nipple then gripped it and tugged. Demitri’s
eyes widened, and a shiver worked through his body. “Ungh!”
The tight stranglehold on Kiernan’s dick eased, letting him know his lover was ready for him to
move. Pulling on years of experience, Kiernan gently eased out, adjusted his angle, and thrust slowly
back into his lover.
Demitri’s lust-filled cry filled the room. Kiernan smiled with satisfaction, knowing he’d nailed his
lover’s gland on his first try. “Wrap your arms and legs around me, Dee,” he murmured the order into
Demitri’s ear. For a second, as he continued his slow, steady thrusts, Kiernan thought his lover was
too far gone with lust to do anything but hold on for the ride. But after a couple more seconds,
Kiernan felt Demitri wrap him up.
Kiernan shivered, shocked at how good it felt to be held by Demitri, to rock in and out of his body,
and how much he wanted to keep this man at his side…forever. Too early for love. The voice
whispered through his brain. Closing his eyes, Kiernan tucked his face against Demitri’s neck and
sped up his pace.
The way Demitri writhed and moaned, jerked and twitched in his arms caused a well of pride to
swell up inside Kiernan. Growling roughly, he whispered into Demitri’s ear, “You ready to come,
Dee? You gonna spill your seed without me touching you? You know you want to, don’t you?”
Demitri whined, “P-please.”
Leaning up just a bit so he could see his lover’s flushed face and passion-glazed eyes, Kiernan kept
moving as he rumbled gruffly, “Your balls are so tight. Your shaft is throbbing. That little tingle at the

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base of your spine is just begging you to let go.”
“Yes!” he hissed.
“Do it,” Kiernan ordered.
Demitri’s eyes widened, he gasped, then his chute clamped down hard on Kiernan’s dick as Demitri
stiffened and jerked, soaking both their stomachs and abs with his fluids. Groaning, Kiernan managed
two more thrusts before he lost it. His back bowed as he roared his release, his balls turning
pleasantly inside out as he flooded the condom.
He barely managed to catch himself on his forearms, so he didn’t squish his smaller lover. After
several minutes of ragged breathing, he heard Demitri mumble, “Wow.”
Kiernan grinned, inordinately pleased by that one word. “Mmm,” he hummed, leaning down and
nuzzling Demitri’s neck and cheek. When he went to kiss the man, his lover turned away. Concerned,
he gripped Demitri’s chin and pulled his face around. “Hey, what is it?”
“Bit my lip,” Demitri admitted.
Kiernan used a thumb on his bottom lip to pull it back, revealing blood pooling at the corners. “Poor,
darling,” he crooned. “What happened?”
Giving him a small smile, Demitri admitted, “I guess I’m a biter, but I didn’t want to without
“Ah, very thoughtful,” Kiernan replied. “Thank you.” He pressed a kiss to Demitri’s chin. Reaching
down, he grabbed the base of his dick and the condom, gently pulling his softening shaft from his
lover. When Demitri gasped, Kiernan looked up and gave him an encouraging smile. “Sorry, darling.
Stay there and I’ll be right back.”
Although getting up was the last thing he wanted to do, Kiernan knew he had to clean them up. He was
too old to wake up with dried cum pulling on his chest hairs. After disposing of the condom, he
quickly washed his torso and groin. Grabbing a clean cloth, he doused it in warm water and hurried
out to his lover.
Demitri glanced shyly at him through his lashes, and Kiernan grinned at the site of his thoroughly
debauched lover. Why he found it sexy that even after what they’d done together Demitri could still
blush he wasn’t sure, but it was. Suddenly, Kiernan was grateful he was at the age where his dick
didn’t fill quite as fast anymore, otherwise he’d want his lover’s ass again, and the inexperienced
youth couldn’t handle that, yet.
Smiling, Kiernan gently cleaned Demitri up. “You feel okay?” he asked.
Demitri nodded. “Yeah. That was…that was wonderful.”
“Good. Be right back,” he whispered, tucking the blanket around Demitri. Grabbing the plate of
deviled eggs, he headed down to the kitchen. By the time he returned, Kiernan found his lover snoring
softly, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm.
Kiernan stared at the man for several seconds, his heart hammering with the affection he felt. He
could deny it all he wanted, but in his heart, he knew. If Demitri walked away, he’d be devastated.

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Chapter Eight


emitri cracked an eyelid open and blinked slowly. The heavy arm around his waist and the heat

along his back felt amazing. He loved how Kiernan held him close, tucked in tight against his chest, as
if he truly cared. He prayed that would transfer into the light of day.

But it was still dark. Hearing the sound of something scraping, Demitri frowned, trying to figure

out what it was. He kept still, listening intently. Finally, it hit him. Someone was tampering with one
of the locks. Someone was trying to break in!

It took some maneuvering, but Demitri managed to slide out of Kiernan’s embrace and out of bed.

Demitri crept down the stairs and followed the sound to the back door. Keeping close to the floor, he
crept to the door and inhaled deeply.

Mother and Father! And a couple of their friends?

Demitri spun around and sprinted on silent feet back through the kitchen and up the stairs. He grabbed
his phone off the nightstand and dialed. “Please pick up, please pick up,” he muttered.
“Aye?” Declan answered groggily.
Unable to think up any reason for his parents to be trying to break in, Demitri hoped he wouldn’t get
in trouble with his alpha and started talking, “This is Demitri. I’m so sorry to wake you, Alpha, but
my parents and a couple of their friends are at the back door trying to break in.”
“What? Are ye at Frankie’s?” he asked, sounding much more alert.
“No,” he admitted. “I’m at Kiernan’s.”
“Babe? Who you talking to?”
Demitri froze and looked at his mate, who was levered up on one elbow and blinking at him blearily.
“Tell him ye’re talking to the police,” Declan instructed, his acute shifter hearing obviously having
allowed him to overhear Kiernan’s words. “Tell him someone is breaking into the house. Then find a
safe room to lock yerself into. We’re on our way.”
“Thanks,” Demitri said, his heart in his throat almost making it difficult to speak. He hung up the
phone and turned toward his mate.
“Demitri?” Kiernan sat up. “What is it?”
A crash from downstairs caused Demitri to jump and rush around the bed toward Kiernan.
“What the devil?” Kiernan snapped, swinging his legs over the side of the bed.
“I’ve already called the police. Come on,” Demitri urged, grabbing his arm.
“What?” Kiernan glanced toward the stairs, his expression hardening when the sound of a door
opening reached them. “Son on a—”
“Please, come with me,” Demitri pleaded. “Those are my parents. I don’t want them to hurt you.” He
grabbed Kiernan’s arm and tugged. “Please,” he pleaded.
For a second, Demitri didn’t think Kiernan would come, but then he nodded. “Come on, babe,”
Kiernan murmured. “Let’s get you someplace safe.”
Kiernan followed Demitri into the massive walk-in closet. He wedged a baseball bat under the
doorknob for good measure. For several seconds, they didn’t hear anything. Then his father’s voice
drifted through the door. “Demitri, come out now and no one has to get hurt.”
Demitri bit his lip, praying help would arrive soon. If it had just been his parents, he wouldn’t mind
taking them on. His mother wasn’t a dominant wolf, which explained why she let her husband call the
shots. But there were at least two others with them, and he didn’t want to risk his mate.
“You know you can’t hide from your mother, Demitri. If I have to track you down, I’m going to be

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very angry!”
The more words were spoken, the louder they became, telling Demitri they were now upstairs.
“The bathroom’s clear,” said another voice, Demitri guessed that it was his Michael.
A nose appeared, sniffing along the bottom of the door.
“Oh god,” Demitri murmured. His mother was tracking him?
“In the closet, Rachel?” Cooper asked. “Good, girl.”
Demitri held back a snarl. How dare his father treat his mother like a damn dog! The doorknob
turned, but the bat lodged under the handle kept them from being able to push the door open.
As every second passed, Demitri hoped to hear Declan or even the howling of wolves. But there was
nothing. Realizing the door wasn’t going to hold against the intruder’s onslaught, Demitri turned
around in Kiernan’s arms. He peered up at his lover and whispered, “I love you. No matter what
happens, please know that. And I’d never hurt you, no matter what.”
Kiernan frowned. “Just relax. The police will be here any minute,” he stated, faithfully believing
Demitri’s words.
“I can’t let anything happen to you,” Demitri said, reaching up and touching Kiernan’s creased brow.
Standing male. From the father’s friend, on his toes, he pressed a quick kiss to his lips then pulled
away. Demitri gave his lover one more beseeching look, before initiating his shift.
Over the last month and a half, Frankie had helped Demitri become more comfortable with his wolf.
He’d managed to speed up his transition quite a bit. What used to take a good minute, he could now
complete in half that time. His body contorted, bones snapped, and muscles popped. Thick silver and
blond fur sprouted and his tail grew.
The splinter of wood as the door gave way almost drowned out the gasp of his lover. Demitri knew
there was no way he could reassure his lover at this point, so as soon as a wide enough gap appeared,
he launched through the opening and attacked Michael’s leering expression.
Snarling, Demitri slammed into the man. He missed sinking his teeth into Michael’s arm by less than
an inch, only managing to snag the guy’s coat. When Michael swung his arm, the fabric tore, sending
Demitri careening sideways into the bed frame.
He rose on his front paws and shook his head. Michael lifted a gun and pointed it at Demitri. Before
he could get the shot off, a golf club came down on Michael’s arm. The guy dropped the gun and
screamed, cradling the possibly broken arm against his chest. Kiernan lifted the club again, but before
he could swing it at Cooper, the next closest man, Rachel leaped at him. Demitri lunged, intercepting
her and they went down in a tangle of fur, teeth, and claws, snarling and snapping.
Pain stabbed into Demitri’s shoulder. He glanced down and spotted a feathered end.
Tranq darts!
The guy who’d shot him, Brett if Demitri remembered correctly, swung his arm, preparing to shoot at
Kiernan where he grappled with Cooper. Demitri whimpered, struggling to get back to his feet. His
legs buckled and his vision swam.
A vicious snarl rent the air followed by the thump of bodies. Male voices yelled. Pulling on his last
reserves, Demitri staggered back to his feet and stumbled sideways, putting himself between their
attackers where they fought a pair of wolves he recognized as Frankie and his brother, Reb, and his
wide-eyed, shocked-looking mate.
Demitri and Kiernan’s uninvited guests turned and fled. For a second, it seemed like the brothers
would follow them, but then soft growls from outside reached Demitri’s ears through the open
Frankie trotted over to him, his head down, ears forward, expression beseeching. Demitri knew the

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huge wolf was just trying to figure out if he was okay. Unfortunately, Kiernan didn’t know that.
“Get back,” he screamed, waving the golf club.
Demitri whimpered. He really wanted to reassure his mate, but everything was so fuzzy. He couldn’t
seem to concentrate enough to shift back to human form.
Fortunately, Reb had no such problem and quickly shifted. “Please, Kiernan, calm down. We’re here
to help you.”
Frankie took his cue from his brother and shifted.
“Holy shit!” Kiernan hissed. “What the hell are all of you?”
“I am sorry ye had to find out this way,” Declan said, striding up the stairs toward them. “If ye give
me just a wee moment of yer time, I can explain.”
Kiernan frowned, but at least he started lowering the golf club. “How the hell can you explain? My
lover turned into a wolf. And these men…” He shook his head, his eyes turning a little wild. “These
“These men,” Declan finished for him, “are shifters.” He held up a hand and focused on Demitri.
“How ye doing, pup? Can ye shift back, yet?”
“You talk to him like he can understand you,” Kiernan said, clearly confused.
“Aye, he can,” Declan replied. “Just because Demitri is in wolf form, doesn’t mean he’s any less
sentient. A shifter is the same person when either man or beast.” He paused for a moment, lifting a
brow. “I know ye’ll have questions, but first, I need ye to take a couple deep breaths. Take a moment
to gather yerself while we see to Demitri.”
Demitri really wished it was his mate crouching in front of him and not his alpha, but it still felt nice
to have his head rubbed. Reassuring. He whined and licked Declan’s hand.
“All right, pup,” Declan said, giving him a small smile. “Give shifting back another go.”
It took all his concentration, but finally, Demitri felt the tingle that heralded his shift. It started at the
base of his tail, worked up his spine, then out to his extremities. He gasped for breath and groaned,
pleased to finally have his voice again. “Argh,” he moaned, gripping his head.
“You okay?” Frankie asked worriedly.
“Here,” Reb said, handing Declan the green-feathered dart. “A tranq dart.”
Declan nodded. “At least it wasn’t a real bullet.” He smiled at Demitri. “The affects will wear off
before too long.”
Frankie wrapped an arm around Demitri’s waist and helped him to the bed. His head spun for several
seconds, and he concentrated on taking slow, even breaths. Finally, Demitri’s vision cleared and he
looked at his mate. Kiernan stood in the corner, his hands still gripped the club’s handle tightly—
though it appeared it was just because he needed to hold something as opposed to thinking he needed
to defend himself—and he stared at them all, his expression one of stark disbelief.
Declan leaned against the footboard and crossed his arms over his chest. “Alright, Kiernan. Are ye
ready to ask questions? Or should we just start sharing some information with ye that ye’ll need to
“How are you guys even real? Am I dreaming?” Kiernan shook his head slowly.
“This is real. We’re real,” Demitri said, urging with his tone for his lover to believe, to accept. “You
asked how I could heal so fast. Well, this is how. It’s because I’m a wolf shifter.”
Kiernan looked around at all the men. His mouth opened and closed a few times, until finally he just
shook his head.
Demitri struggled to his feet and took a halting step toward Kiernan, then another. Five feet in front of
Kiernan, Demitri’s head once more swam and his legs gave out. To his relief, his lover stepped

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forward and caught him.
“I wanted to tell you,” he whispered, his head resting against Kiernan’s chest. “But I was scared
you’d hate me, and I love you so much.”
He felt Kiernan’s warm breath against his neck as he spoke. “We’ve only known each other a short
time. You can’t possibly love me.”
“Yes, I can,” Demitri insisted. “You’re my mate.” He slapped his hand over his mouth. “Shit,” he
Kiernan cupped his jaw and tilted Demitri’s head up. “What does that mean?”
“I—I, um—”
“Demitri, what does that mean?” Kiernan demanded.
“It means you’re his other half. His true love. Every paranormal has one.” Frankie paused in his
explanation and grinned. “Having a shifter mate is great, because we’ll never stray and we always try
to make our mate happy.”
Kiernan pulled his gaze away from Frankie and focused on Demitri. “You believe that—that I’m
Nibbling his lip, Demitri nodded. “Yeah. A shifter knows their mate by scent. I—I’ve known for a
Sighing, Kiernan helped Demitri to the bed, easing him onto it. Then he stepped back and ran a hand
over his closely shorn scalp. “Look, this is a hell of a lot to take in, okay?” Declan regarded him
impassively, Frankie looked concerned, and Reb opened his mouth as if to say something. Kiernan
coming and helping us
up his hand. “Thank you for against Demitri’s parents and their…whatever, but I think it’s time for
you to leave now.” Kiernan turned to Demitri. “You, too, Demitri.”
Demitri gasped, his heart constricting in his chest. “Whwhat?”
“This is a little much for me. I need some time.” Kiernan turned to Declan. “Demitri mentioned
staying at a friend’s house? Do you know who that is? Can you take him there?”
“Aye,” Declan answered, sounding way too calm when Demitri’s world was falling apart around
him. “I’ll keep him safe.” He stood. “Frankie, Reb, gather Demitri’s things.” After the brother’s
started moving, Declan stated, “Kiernan, if ye say anything about us to anyone, I will hear about it, so
best keep quiet.”
Kiernan scoffed and shook his head. “Who the hell would I tell?”
“Best to not look for an answer to that,” Declan growled. “If ye do decide ye want more information,
look me up. Ye can locate me through the forest ranger’s office, or go to Reb’s Tattoos. Reb owns the
place,” Declan added, waving a hand toward the brother.
“Owns it,” Kiernan glanced toward the brothers again. “Okay.”
“Come on, Demitri.” Declan helped Demitri dress. After Frankie put Demitri’s bag on the bed, since
they didn’t have any clothes, he and his brother shifted back into wolves and trotted downstairs,
ignoring Kiernan’s gasp.
Demitri glanced over his shoulder at his mate, but Kiernan wouldn’t meet his eyes. Because he was
still weak, Declan carried Demitri’s pack and kept an arm around his waist as he helped him down
the stairs and outside. “Give yer mate time,” he whispered once they’d cleared the door. “This was a
hard way for him to learn about us.”
“You think—You think he’ll come around?” Demitri looked toward his alpha, desperate for

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His alpha smiled. “Have faith, pup. We’ll find a way to get him to see reason.”
Demitri desperately hoped he was right. Once he settled in Declan’s SUV, he asked, “Where am I
“Frankie’s. I know the two of ye have become good friends.”
He nodded absently, until he remembered what instigated all this. “My parents. Their friends,
Michael and Brett. What happened to them? Did they get away?”
Declan shook his head as he eased the vehicle onto the darkened street. “Nay, well, yer mother did.
So did one of their friends. The fellow with the broken arm and yer father were caught. Carson and
Shane took them to Carson’s boat house for interrogation.” Pulling into Frankie’s driveway, he turned
off the engine and focused on Demitri. “I’m sorry to tell ye this, Demitri, since ye’ve already had such
a hard night, but yer parents are in league with the scientists.”
Demitri sighed, his hands fisting where they rested on his jean-clad thighs. “I can’t say that really
surprises me,” he admitted miserably. “I could never figure out why they were so negative about
shifters, especially since mom is one. Ya know?”
“My guess would be that because of yer father’s dominant personality, he ran roughshod over yer
mother.” He shook his head, looking sad. “I’m glad ye didn’t follow in their footsteps, pup. Yer
growin’ into a good man.” He smiled encouragingly. “Give yer mate time to realize that.”
Demitri nodded and reached for the door handle, but Declan’s hand on his arm stopped him. “Ye be
careful until we catch yer ma, okay? I’ll have one of our trackers keep an eye on Kiernan, so don’t do
anything foolish. If ye catch sight of any of yer parent’s good friends, let someone know and we’ll
check them out. Understand?”
Again, he nodded. After he slipped from the vehicle, Demitri knew Declan watched as he headed
slowly up the walk. Before he reached the door, it opened and Vince welcomed him inside.

An hour later, he could no longer hold back the tears. Curled up in his friend’s spare bedroom,

Demitri cried himself to sleep.

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Chapter Nine


iernan lounged on his sofa, mentally exhausted, but unable to sleep. His brain wouldn’t stop

churning. It’d been three days since learning that shifters were real, that his lover was one, and he
still couldn’t get his mind wrapped around the idea. It was impossible. If it hadn’t happened right in
his bedroom, before his very eyes, he’d never have believed it.

Glancing toward his cell phone, Kiernan’s fingers twitched. He knew Demitri’s number. He could

call him, hear his voice, just to make sure he was okay after being pumped full of sedatives. Kiernan
clenched his hand into a fist and looked away. He was lying to himself and hated it. He really missed
the man—shifter.

He heaved himself to his feet. He wasn’t going to get anything accomplished by sitting there.

Maybe a good round of housecleaning would wear him out enough to get a decent night’s sleep.

Kiernan made the rounds of the construction site, checking everything done the day before, even

though he’d done it last night after everyone left and knew what needed to be done. He just wasn’t
ready to face anyone yet. He hoped after he finished his coffee, he’d feel more like himself again. As
if that’ll ever happen.

He’d dreamed of Demitri last night. His responsiveness, his touch, his big, soulful green eyes

staring up at him with lust and affection, and Kiernan had woken with cum drying and scratchy in his
chest hairs. He hadn’t had a wet dream since he was sixteen. Why now? Just to torture me some

Staring out the window, he drained the last of his coffee. A man standing across the street caught

his attention. It was too early for most people to be out running errands, and this guy wasn’t a jogger.
He was dressed in dark blue jeans, a black jacket, and brown hiking boots. He had a cap pulled low,
making it impossible to see his face. As Kiernan watched, the man took one more long look around
the area, then turned and headed down the road.

Kiernan frowned. He sure hoped a thief wasn’t scoping out his job site. That was all he needed on

top of his craptastic week. The idea of sliding into Demitri’s warm willing body, listening to his cries
of passion, getting lost in the act of loving the man, pushed its way into his mind. It would take away
all his problems for a time, except, Demitri came with his own set of problems.

Turning away from the window, Kiernan decided he’d have to remain vigilant and keep an eye on

supplies and equipment. Sure, there was a fence around the site, but that didn’t mean a determined
thief couldn’t easily cut a hole in the chain link.
Time to start the day, Kiernan decided.

“That looks really good, Joe,” Kiernan praised. He felt relieved the man hadn’t fought with him

any more about fixing the stone hearth on the chimney. Using the correct design to make it look
authentic made all the difference.

“Thanks,” Joe replied. The man looked at him, his eyes narrowed, as if trying to decide about

something, but then all he said was, “I’m gonna grab a cup of coffee then get started on the bed

Kiernan nodded and watched him walk away.

Ready for a coffee refill himself, Kiernan wandered toward a nearly complete front room. Since the
construction had been moved to other areas, they’d set up a card table with a coffee pot and insulated
cups, just in case someone forgot their travel mug.
Kiernan refilled his mug. Lifting it to his mouth, he blew on the steaming liquid as he glanced

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outside…and frowned. He couldn’t be sure if it was the same man, since now he wore a black t-shirt
in the afternoon heat, but he was definitely watching the building.
“Who the hell?” he muttered.
“I’ve noticed him a few times over the last couple days,” Joe commented from where he was fixing
his own cup of coffee. “You recognize him?”
“No, I—” Just then, the guy pulled his cap off his head and ran a hand through thick hair, revealing a
round face, glasses, and dark brown curls. “Son-of-a-bitch,” he snarled. “That’s—”
Shit, I can’t really tell Joe that he shot Demitri with a tranq dart after Demitri turned into a wolf.
“Old friend?”
“No, he broke into my house and…” Kiernan frowned, wondering if he should suck it up and head to
Reb’s. Tell him he thought the missing guy was hanging around his construction site. Were they
watching Kiernan because they thought Demitri would be there? That thought caused a whole new
wave of panic to wash over Kiernan. Where was Demitri? Was he safe?
To Kiernan’s utter shock, Joe glanced around, then leaned close and murmured, “So that’s one of the
ones that got away, huh? I thought he matched the description.”
Kiernan swung around, sloshing coffee over his hand. “What did you say?” he growled.
Joe looked around again surreptitiously. “I don’t think we should talk about this here. Why don’t we
meet for a beer?”
Kiernan’s initial response was to refuse. Have a beer with a guy who wasn’t human? No fucking way.
Evidently, Joe must have read his expression, for he chuckled and whispered, “By the way, I’m
human.” He patted him on the shoulder. “You wanna talk, meet me at Riley’s at six. First round’s on

It was five after six and Kiernan was still sitting in his truck. He’d been there for ten minutes. Did

he want to know more about shifters? Would it make a difference about how he felt about Demitri if
he did? What could a human tell him anyway?

Deciding there was only one way to find out, Kiernan pushed the truck door open and headed

inside the pub. He swept his gaze over the dim interior and spotted Joe in the back at a secluded
table, nursing a beer. Kiernan made his way there and eased into the booth across from the man. Joe
flagged down a waiter and ordered a beer for Kiernan. They remained silent as they waited for it, and
Kiernan felt a lot like how a bug under a microscope must feel.

Finally, once the waiter placed a beer in front of Kiernan, Joe commented, “Didn’t really think

you’d show up.”
“Didn’t think I would either,” Kiernan admitted.
Joe took a sip of his beer. Setting it on the table, he leaned forward and softly asked, “Then why did
Kiernan glanced around the place and grabbed his beer. “So, how do you know about…them.”
Smiling faintly, Joe replied, “They’re called shifters, and most of them are good people.” He
shrugged. “Just like us, they have their bad seeds, but they actually do a really good job of keeping
them in line.” Rolling his eyes, he muttered, “Not like humans do.”
“What are you talking about? And you didn’t answer my question,” Kiernan pointed out, glaring.
Joe rolled his eyes. “I mean, the reason so few people know about them is because they understand
the value of secrecy. Even when there’s fighting amongst them, they’re careful. Yes, there are a small
number of bigoted scientists, which I’ve heard want your boy.” He grimaced. “I’ve heard about what
happens to them when they’re caught.” Joe shook his head, his expression taking on a pained
expression. “I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy.”

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“What? Who wants Demitri? Why?” he snapped. The idea of someone kidnapping and hurting his
lover when he could do something to stop it turned his stomach.
“Keep your voice down,” Joe admonished.
Kiernan glared at him.
Shaking his head, Joe leaned forward again. “I know about shifters because I’m mated to one. My
wife is a wolf shifter and the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. I can’t imagine being happier.”
His jaw dropped. Kiernan couldn’t help it. “You’re mated to one?”
Joe scoffed. “Don’t act so surprised. Plenty of humans are. If you’d get your head out of your ass and
accept your mate, you’d be a hell of a lot happier.”
Kiernan reared back, trying to think of something to say. “What the hell?” Okay, that wasn’t the most
articulate response.
“Look,” Joe said, his voice softening. “I’ll be the first to admit that finding out about them is shocking,
and there are a hell of a lot of things to adjust to, the fact that they can turn into a cognizant animal not-
with-standing.” He smirked. “But the benefits far outweigh any cons.”
Wait, what? What was that supposed to mean? Maybe he should have given his lover and his friends
a chance to explain things to him. “Okay, explain that. Pros and cons?”
“Okay,” Joe said, drawing the word out. He took a sip of his beer, his gaze straying as he obviously
thought about his next words. “Okay,” he said again, returning his focus to Kiernan. “Pro, you will
never have to worry about your lover cheating. They’re completely faithful. Always. As long as
you’re not an abusive asshole, they’ll give you unconditional love.” He rolled his eyes. “Hell, they’d
probably still love you. Anyway, con, once you’re mated, you’ll die if they die and vise-versa,
probably of a broken heart or going crazy. It depends on the person.”
“Geez-us,” Kiernan muttered.
“Pro, your aging process will slow, allowing you to match your life-span to them, possibly living four
or five centuries. As a result, you’ll heal faster. Not as fast as them, but pretty darn fast,” he continued
as if Kiernan hadn’t said anything. “Con, you could very well outlive any family not also mated to a
shifter or other paranormal.”
Other paranormal? There are more than shifters out there?
Joe kept talking, this time smirking. “Pro, if you ever need help moving or building something, you
have a built in work force. Pack-mates are normally happy to help their own.” He grimaced and
shrugged. “Con, you become a target for crazy scientists. If they catch you, they control your shifter
Finally, Joe lapsed into silence, sitting back and drinking his beer.
“Wow, that’s, uh, that’s something,” Kiernan said quietly. With Demitri, he’d never have to worry
about cheating, but it sounded like he’d have to worry about a silent war with scientists. And he’d
outlive his daughter? Shit, that’d be hard. Desperately needing a subject change, he asked, “So, how
did you and your wife meet?”
Getting a wistful, almost sappy, look on his face, Joe said, “She was going to college in Colorado
Springs. There was water damage in her dorm, and I worked for the contractor who won the job.
God, seeing her for the first time…it was like I was struck by lightning.” He grinned. “She walked
right up to me and asked me out.” Shrugging, he added, “She finished school with a degree in
business. I followed her here. And the rest, as they say, is history.”
“And the whole mate thing?” he pressed, unable to help himself.
Joe shrugged. “I won’t lie and say I took everything in stride, because I didn’t. When I saw her shift
the first time, I freaked the fuck out.” He smirked and tipped his beer toward Kiernan. “Similar to

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what you’re doing now. Fortunately, it only took me a couple days to realize I’d rather take her any
way I could get her than let her go.”
“Huh,” Kiernan grunted noncommittally. Did he feel that way about Demitri? A pang shot through his
chest thinking of his lover. Shit, he missed him.
Once Joe finished his beer, he stood. “If you don’t have any more questions, I’m gonna get home to
my wife,” he said with a wink.
Kiernan grabbed his wrist as something occurred to him. “Yeah, why are the scientists after
Demitri?” he whispered.
Joe planted a palm on the table and leaned close enough to tell him quietly, “It’s circulating around
the pack that his parents were in league with the scientists we’ve been struggling against for the last
few years. Now, we don’t know if they’ve been helping them from the beginning, or just started
recently. Last I heard, they’re still trying to get Demitri’s father and the other guy they caught to talk.”
He hesitated for just a second, then added, “Everyone’s on alert. If Demitri’s mother shows up, or any
strangers from out of town, Declan wants to know. As you know, they’ve already gone after Demitri
once. Alpha wants to know why.”
Before Kiernan could even fathom a question, or even a response, Joe pulled free of his grip and
strode from the bar. Kiernan sat there, stunned. “Well, fuck,” he muttered. Well, I did come in for
He just wasn’t sure he liked the ones he got.
“You want another beer, sugar?”
Kiernan looked up at the waitress smiling down at him. “No,” he decided quickly. He needed
something a lot stronger than that. He had a bottle of tequila at home calling his name.

There wasn’t shit on TV and it was really beginning to piss him off. When his phone rang, he set

his tumbler down on an end table and grabbed his phone. He hated how much disappointment he felt
when he saw that it was Valerie, not Demitri.

“Hey, sweetheart,” he said, forcing joviality into his voice that he didn’t feel.

His daughter wasn’t fooled. “Dad? What’s wrong?”
“God, everything,” he muttered before he could get his inebriated brain to control his tongue.
“Sorry, sweetheart. Just…had a fight with Demitri.” Okay, so that was a lie, but whatever. It wasn’t
like he could tell her the truth. He’d given his word.
“Oh, Dad. I’m sorry. I know how much you really liked him. What happened?” Valerie pressed.
“What was it about?”
“Oh, God,” he muttered. What the hell could he tell her?
“Did the age thing turn out to be a problem?” she asked.
“No,” he scoffed. “Like you pointed out. Mentally he’s way older than his age. He already knows
what he wants to be when he grows up.” Rolling his eyes, he dropped his head against the back
cushion of the sofa. “I hadn’t figured that out until I was twenty-three.”
“So, what? You don’t agree with his choice of career?” Valerie pressed.
Huffing, Kiernan let his eyelids slide shut. “No. He wants to be a park ranger. He has some park
ranger buddies, and they’re helping him figure out what he needs to do to become one. You know…
what classes to take and stuff.” He had to work extra hard not to slur his words, especially as the
goofy smile curved the corners of his lips. “They’re even helping him get a summer internship so he
can get a leg up.”
“Okay,” Valerie murmured, drawing the word out. Kiernan could practically hear the concern in her
voice. “Well, I can’t help if you won’t tell me what’s up.”

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“I know, sweetheart. I—” He heaved a sigh. His head began to swim, so he forced his eyes open and
focused on the floor. “He’s…he’s got some serious family issues. They’re…they’re dangerous,” he
admitted. “I don’t know how to explain it without sounding like an insensitive bastard.”
Fucking hell, is that what I am? An insensitive bastard because I won’t accept his differences? Am
I just as bigoted as the scientists that want him caught?
“Let me ask you this,” Valerie said softly, interrupting his thoughts. “If Demitri was going to die next
week, would it matter about this…whatever these family issues are that you seem to have a problem
with? Or would you still want to spend every waking moment with him?”
“I—I wish I knew,” Kiernan whispered. But he did know. Now if he could just figure out how to fix
what his insensitive reaction must have surely broken.

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Chapter Ten


emitri carefully spiked his hair, then applied a hint of blush, eye shadow, and lip-gloss. He never

wore a lot, just a dusting, but just putting it on made him feel more like himself. After the failed
kidnapping attempt and his mate’s rejection, Demitri had missed two days of work. He hadn’t wanted
to see if Kiernan would stop coming to see him at lunch.

Returning to work yesterday had been tough, and he’d almost cried when every minute passed one

o’clock made it more and more painfully clear that Kiernan wasn’t coming.

Sighing, Demitri left the bathroom and headed toward the front. He was almost to the door,

Frankie’s spare house key in hand, when Vince appeared. “You need a ride?” the vampire asked.

“Um, no, that’s okay. It’s only a thirty-minute walk. I don’t mind,” he said, giving his friend’s

mate a smile.
Vince grinned. “Okay, let me rephrase that. Let me get my keys and I’ll drive you,” he said. Demitri
couldn’t hide his confused look, and Vince patted him on the shoulder. “Sorry. Declan doesn’t want
you alone on the street until your mother and her buddy are found,” he explained.
“Oh,” he mumbled. “Okay.”
Yesterday, he’d just thought Frankie was being nice by driving him to and from work. His buddy was
always nice, supportive, helpful, a good wolf shifter. He couldn’t ask for a better friend. Now,
Demitri knew there was an alternate reason, although he probably would have done it even without
their alpha’s orders.
Seconds later, Vince reappeared and led the way out the door. “Off we go then,” the vampire said.
Once they’d settled in Vince’s SUV, he glanced at him and asked, “How are you holding up?”
Demitri shrugged. “Okay, I guess. I try not to think about it,” he admitted.
“If he doesn’t come around, you know we’ll help coerce him, right?” Vince grinned, showing off his
fangs, and winked. “That’s what friends are for.”
Rolling his eyes, Demitri shook his head. “I don’t actually want him coerced.”
Vince nodded, his voice more subdued. “I know.” He pulled into the restaurant parking lot and
stopped near the door. “What time do you get off?”
“Nine tonight,” he said. At least he didn’t have a lunch shift again and wouldn’t be watching for
Kiernan every second. He’d only come in for dinner that one time. At least, as far as Demitri knew.
Vince nodded. “See you then.”
Demitri headed inside and greeted Jessica at the hostess stand. “Hey, Demitri,” she said, smiling.
“You’re looking so much better. Glad you stayed home and didn’t spread it around. So was that one
of your boyfriends? I’m counting three in the past week. I bet you had hotties waiting on you hand and
foot,” she teased, winking.
Trying not to blush, Demitri mumbled, “No, he’s just a friend,” and hurried past. Jessica’s soft,
musical laughter followed him as he hurried down the hall to the employee area. Demitri knew
Jessica was acting floor manager and didn’t usually hang out up front. But since she did know every
position of the restaurant, if someone called in, she’d help pick up the slack. He absently wondered
who was out.
He grabbed his apron off the hook, hung up his jacket— it’d be chilly later—and clipped his nametag
to his shirt. After taking a fortifying breath, Demitri pasted a smile on his face and got to work.

Wiping down the surface of a table, Demitri glanced at the clock, fifteen minutes to closing. That

was good. He was ready to be done. Maybe he could talk Frankie and his brother into taking him for a

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run. That’d be nice, feeling the earth beneath his paws. He normally had tracking lessons with Nick
on Sundays, but he’d been too depressed to go.

The front door’s bell jingled, and Demitri bit back a groan. Why the hell did customers insist on

entering an eating establishment—he glanced at the clock again—ten minutes before closing?

“Hey, Mister K,” Jessica greeted perkily. “You here for a cup of coffee or just to see Demitri?”

“Just to see Demitri. Think I could steal him for a couple minutes or just hang out until he’s done?”
Hearing her words, coupled with the deep voice of his mate, Declan froze. He struggled to continue
breathing as all his blood flowed south, making him light-headed. Had Kiernan’s voice always
sounded that good? Or was it just because he hadn’t seen or heard him in four days?
“Um, it looks like he’s wiping down his last table. You can snag him for a minute,” Jessica said. “I’ll
need him back in ten for a few things, but until then, he’s all yours.”
Was it Demitri’s imagination, or was there sexual innuendo in his boss’s voice? He could feel the
flush working up the back of his neck. His hand clenched on the cloth, reminding him he needed to
finish wiping the table. Acting on autopilot, he finished the task, all the while listening to the whisper
of shoes scuffing on carpet.
“Hey, Demitri,” Kiernan murmured. “Can we talk?”
Slowly, he straightened, tucking the rag into his apron, and turned to face his mate. Gods, he looks
Demitri swallowed hard, then managed to find his voice. “I think what we need to talk
about can’t be done here,” he said quietly.
“You’re right,” Kiernan replied softly. “Five minutes, in the bathroom. Please.”
Demitri licked his lips, then nodded. “Sure. Okay.” He followed Kiernan to the men’s room. Five
minutes? That was about how long it would take to give someone a kiss-off, right?
His heart
tightened in his chest. Was Kiernan going to tell him he didn’t want to have anything to do with him?
As soon as the door closed behind him, Kiernan grabbed his arm and yanked him against his chest.
Demitri gave an unmanly squeak at the move. A warm broad hand gripped the nape of his neck and
firm lips claimed his own. Kiernan slid his tongue into Demitri’s mouth, forcing it wider.
Kiernan dominated his mouth, twining their tongues as their teeth clacked together. Demitri moaned
and clutched at Kiernan’s shirt as he melted against the man he’d missed so much.
“Demitri,” Kiernan muttered, the word muffled since he still hadn’t pulled his lips away from
Demitri’s. Then for the next couple of minutes, there was no talking. Kiernan wrapped his arms
around him, held him tight, and devoured him. His mate sucked his tongue, his bottom lip, and mapped
his mouth.
Finally, when breathing became paramount, Kiernan lifted his head just enough to fill their lungs.
“Come home with me,” Kiernan pleaded. “We’ll talk. I’ll tell you all about how sorry I am, and how
much I want another chance. Please?”
Staring at Kiernan in stunned silence, Demitri couldn’t seem to get words past his throat.
Evidently, Kiernan took that as uncertainty. “Please,” he said again. “I’m sorry I freaked out. I really
am, but you can’t really blame me.” He grimaced and shook his head. “Give me another chance to
meet your…your wolf,” he begged, his voice hitching, telling Demitri that he was still uneasy, but at
least he was trying.
“Yes,” Demitri finally got out. “Yes, I’ll go with you.”
“Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.” Between each thank you Kiernan pecked a kiss to his
lips. “I—I appreciate it. More than you could ever know.”
“Thank you,” Demitri said when he could finally get a word in edge-wise.
Kiernan smiled, the move lighting up his pale, silver-blue eyes with such pleasure. “Shall I wait for

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you out front?”
Demitri nodded. “I won’t be long.”
“See you soon.” Kiernan captured his mouth, thrusting his tongue deep in feral possession, then just as
suddenly released him and slipped out of the bathroom.
It took a couple minutes of willing his erection away before Demitri could step outside without
embarrassing himself. Too bad as soon as he saw Jessica and she gave him a wink, he flushed hot. He
just knew he’d given himself away.

Demitri hustled out of the restaurant and toward Kiernan’s truck. If he heard one more joke about

him, Kiernan, and the bathroom, he thought his head would explode. It was hard to get angry since he
knew they all meant well and were happy for him.

“Can’t wait,” Kiernan muttered as soon as Demitri closed the truck door, reaching across the cab

to cup his head and pull him close. Demitri was all too happy to acquiesce, sinking into Kiernan’s
embrace, draping himself across the seat. Kiernan nibbled his lip, then tugged gently between his
teeth as he pulled away, finally releasing when Demitri shivered.

Kiernan grinned at him. “Ready to go?”

Demitri nodded, too out of breath to answer.
Evidently figuring out his problem, Kiernan’s grin turned

lascivious. He winked, then he focused on driving. It took everything in Demitri not to reach over

and touch. His phone rang, yanking him out of his thoughts. He pulled out his phone and cringed.
“Damn, I forgot to tell Frankie.”

“Better answer it,” Kiernan told him. “But tell him you’re at my place for the night, because I’ll

be damned if I let you go before morning,” he growled.

Shivering at the lust filling Kiernan’s tone, Demitri nodded quickly. “Okay.” He answered

breathlessly. “Hey, Frankie?”
“Where are you? Are you okay?”

Demitri grimaced. He hated that he’d made his friend worry. “Yes. I’m okay. Um, I’m really sorry

I didn’t call you but…well, I guess I got a bit distracted. Kiernan dropped by the diner.”

“Oh—OH! Is he there now?” Frankie asked excitedly. “Yeah, he, uh, I’m at his place,” Demitri

admitted. “We just pulled up,” he added, as Kiernan parked the truck in front of his home.
To his surprise, Frankie remained quiet for several seconds, then demanded, “I want to talk to him.”
Demitri’s eyes widened and he turned toward Kiernan. “Frankie wants to talk to you.”
Kiernan nodded slowly, reaching for the phone. “That was the big guy who turned into a strawberry
blond wolf, right?”
Impressed that, even in his panicked state, Kiernan had paid that much attention, Demitri just nodded
“This is Kiernan.”
Because of his heightened shifter hearing, Demitri didn’t have any trouble hearing Frankie’s half of
the conversation.
“Okay, it’s really you. I recognize your voice. I just wanted to make sure, because if you were
scientists, I’d hunt you down and shred you,” Frankie stated succinctly.
“Uh, okay,” Kiernan replied slowly. He frowned, then growled, “I don’t plan to ever allow Kiernan
to be caught by those assholes. I’ll kill them all if they come after him again.”
“Great. That’s what I like to hear,” Frankie responded without missing a beat. “Okay, tell Demitri to
call if he needs anything.”
Kiernan handed him back the phone. “Uh…he said—”

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Demitri nodded. “I heard what he said.”
“You did?” Kiernan asked, clearly surprised.
He blushed. They hadn’t covered that, had they? “Yeah. Uh, shifters, um, they have more sensitive
hearing and eyesight. They’re stronger and faster and are harder to injure. Heal faster,” he paused,
trying to decide if he’d forgotten anything.
“Come inside,” Kiernan urged, interrupting his thoughts.
Demitri nodded and followed.
Once locked inside Kiernan’s cottage, Demitri’s lover grabbed his hand and led him up to the
bedroom. He urged him to sit on the bed, his back against the headboard. Kiernan settled opposite
him against the footboard. “Okay, so you have increased abilities. Fine.” He nodded, then added,
“One of my co-workers is mated to a shifter, and he explained a few things.”
Demitri cocked his head and listened. To his surprise, Kiernan’s buddy—who was evidently mated to
Jenna— Jenna and Joe—Demitri had always thought them a nice couple—had given him a number of
pros, cons, and general good information.
Finally, Kiernan mused, “So other than the stuff you added on, what do I need to know? How do we
He couldn’t help it. His cheeks warmed in a blush. “Um, between everything, I think you have plenty
of information…” Shit, but would his mate be willing? “Um, as far as mating, well, I need to claim
you, uh, I’d have to, well…” He flushed harder.
Kiernan smiled. “Ah, I see. You’d have to top me. Is that right?”
“Yeah, yeah,” he murmured. “Um, there is a bite involved. Where I sink my canines into your, uh,
here.” He touched where his shoulder met his neck. “It’s supposed to be super enjoyable, though, so
no worries there.”
His lover smirked. “You assure me about your bite but worry about having to top me? How do you
know I don’t look forward to your cock in my ass?”
Demitri gasped. “Well, you…you…always seem so…so dominant. I didn’t think you’d, well, you
know. Like bottoming?”
Kiernan chuckled lowly, sensually, as he rolled to his knees and started crawling up the bed. “I don’t
mind bottoming on occasion, darling,” he purred throatily. “It’s control I like.
His breathing hitched in his chest. “I—Oh. Then how…how do we do this?” he rushed out the words.
Demitri could do nothing but stare as he watched Kiernan pull the lube and a condom from the
nightstand. His ardor eased as he realized his mistake. “Oh, shit, I forgot to tell you.”
Kiernan rose from the bed and started pulling off his clothes. “Forgot to tell me what?” he asked
absently before ordering, “Strip.”
“No condom,” Demitri blurted.
Pausing as he kicked out of his sneakers, Kiernan focused on him fully. “Excuse me?”
Demitri opened and closed his mouth for a second, struggling—it wasn’t like he talked about sex…
ever—then bolstered his courage. “For me to claim you there can’t be a condom between us. I need
to, um, spill…” He just knew his face looked like a cooked lobster. “Spill in you,” he mumbled,
lowering his gaze and focusing on his jeans.
For a second, only the sound of fabric rustling filled the room. Then, Kiernan’s warm fingers gripped
Demitri’s chin gently and forced his face up so he could look him in the eye. A very naked Kiernan.
“You’re so sexy,” Demitri whispered. When they’d made love last time, he’d been so out of his mind
with pleasure, he hadn’t really had a chance to touch and explore Kiernan. His fingers itched to do so

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Kiernan smiled. “Thank you.” Then he held up the condom. Demitri stared at it dumbly. “No
condom,” Kiernan whispered. Demitri nodded. “Okay. I trust you.”
“You do?” Demitri whispered absently as he watched Kiernan drop the foil square back into the
nightstand drawer.
“Yeah. You wouldn’t put me at risk.” Kiernan sounded so confident. “Now,” he said, redrawing
Demitri’s attention. “You haven’t stripped, yet.” He stepped back and smirked. “I get the distinct
impression you are having trouble focusing.”
With Kiernan’s broad, strong chest tapering down to a trim waist, just the barest hint of love handles
forming, to the thick, hard cock on display, Demitri didn’t know how he was supposed to focus on
anything. His mouth watered. He wanted to taste his mate.
“Strip and I’ll let you suck me for a moment while I prepare myself.”
Demitri mewled at Kiernan’s words, his cock oozing in his jeans. Sliding off the bed, he made quick
work of his clothes. “Fold your clothes and put them on the chair with mine, Demitri,” Kiernan
Ducking his head, he quickly obeyed.
When he returned to the bed, Demitri nearly swallowed his tongue. His lover had shoved the
comforter down, so he lounged on the navy sheet. Mostly on his side, one knee pointed toward the
ceiling, showing off his thick cock. The heavy shaft curved up, nearly reaching his belly button,
precum oozing from the slit. One of Kiernan’s hands was behind him and from the way his arm
moved, Demitri just knew he was stretching himself.
Kiernan stared at Demitri with lust and heat, his expression an invitation in and of itself. Still, with
his free hand, he cupped his balls and used his thumb to pull his dripping cock away from his abs.
“Come on, then. Suck me, babe.”
Demitri was only too happy to comply. He crawled onto the bed, his gaze riveted on the engorged
organ. Lifting a hand, he gently traced the pulsing vein. “I’ve never done this before,” he whispered
almost reverently. His fingers reached the cap, and he circled one around the glans, spreading the pre-
cum over the sensitive cap, massaging gently.
Kiernan shivered. “Just do what comes natural, but watch your teeth.”
Surprised to hear how out of breath Kiernan sounded, Demitri looked up to find his lover’s face and
chest flushed, desire and lust etched on his features. Grinning, he returned to Kiernan’s cock and
wrapped his lips around the head, sucking strongly. He fit as much of his lover’s dick as he could into
his mouth, sinking down the shaft, until his gag reflex forced him to retreat. Demitri massaged the
man’s vein, trying to give as much stimulation as possible as he did it all again.
Kiernan grunted. “Hell, yeah. Take it, Demitri,” he growled, threading his fingers through his hair and
cupping his head. He started thrusting shallowly. Demitri looked at his lover through his lashes. The
feral delight on Kiernan’s face made Demitri smile around his mouthful of meat, and he sucked
harder, careful to keep his teeth covered.
“Shit,” Kiernan hissed. He tightened his hand in Demitri’s hair and used the hold to pull him away.
“Fuck me now, Demitri,” he demanded.
Demitri’s cock, which he’d been pointedly ignoring so he didn’t come just from tasting his mate’s
amazing pre-cum, jerked at Kiernan’s words. As soon as he pulled off his sexy human’s shaft,
Kiernan rolled to his back and spread his legs. Demitri knee-walked across the bed, his dick waving
like a flag in front of him.
Once he was between Kiernan’s legs, his lover reached up and gripped his erection. Demitri moaned,
his eyelids sliding shut in bliss, as Kiernan jacked his cock, greasing him with the excess lube on his

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fingers. When Kiernan’s hand disappeared, he whimpered at the loss.
“Come on, lover,” Kiernan urged gruffly. “Now.”
“Yeah,” Demitri panted. His body practically vibrated with excitement.
Leaning over his mate, Demitri grabbed the base of his dick and guided it to Kiernan’s stretched hole.
As he pushed, Kiernan breathed out slowly, relaxing, and his cock head pushed into the hot vice of his
mate’s body.
Demitri’s eyes widened in shock at the sensation. Staring down where the head of his penis
disappeared inside Kiernan’s body, seeing them connected that way, Demitri’s balls pulled tight. He
whimpered and clenched his eyes tight, struggling not to come.
“Easy, Demitri,” Kiernan crooned. “Just breathe. Relax.”
Listening to his mate’s soft words, Demitri nodded. He felt the boil in his balls ease, and the urge to
spill his seed passed. Demitri pushed, and Kiernan’s body seemed to suck him in until he was buried
balls deep in his mate. Groaning, he lay over his lover’s broad chest and rubbed his cheek across the
hair covering one peck. He shivered.
“Never felt anything like this,” he whispered, loving the heat and pressure on his dick, the feel of his
mate’s heaving body beneath him, and the way his lover wrapped his arms around him and held him
“Move, baby,” Kiernan whispered into his ear. “Pound into me. I wanna feel you in the morning.”
Kiernan kissed the top of his head. “Let’s see what ya got, my sexy shifter.”
Whining in excitement, Demitri did exactly as told. Lifting up slightly so he could look into his
lover’s eyes, he started to move, pulling his cock out slowly then slamming back in. Within seconds,
Demitri panted harshly and thrust wildly into his willing mate.
The way Kiernan held his gaze, his lips curling away from his teeth in a feral grin and his eyes
glowing almost silver with pleasure, egged Demitri to thrust faster, driving his shaft into him again
and again. Kiernan’s whispered demands—come on, baby, that’s it, right there, harder —spurred
Demitri on, driving him to please his mate. His lover’s touch, the way Kiernan stroked his fingers
along Demitri’s spine, then grabbed his forearms so he could rock his lower body into each of his
thrusts, assured him of his mate’s equal enthusiasm and enjoyment.
A tingle started at the base of Demitri’s neck, sparking down his spine to his tailbone and pulling his
balls tight to his body. His cock swelled. His canines lengthened. Howling, Demitri thrust twice
more, then snapped his head forward and sank his teeth into the flesh of his lover where neck met
He moaned in bliss as his cock spewed his seed, coating his mate’s rectum, marking him inside while
his bite marked him outside. He drank down several mouthfuls of his mate’s exquisite blood,
shivering at the taste as much as the feeling of being complete.
Kiernan groaned underneath him, clutching Demitri tight to his chest. Warm seed oozed between their
bodies as his lover shuddered hard and came.
Demitri remembered himself enough to remove his teeth gently from Kiernan’s neck and lick the
claiming mark clean. Kiernan turned his head and caught his mouth in a soft meeting of lips, sipping
and nibbling. Holding him close with an arm around his torso, Kiernan sank the other hand in his hair
and controlled the kiss. Demitri didn’t know how long they made out, enjoying each other’s soothing
touches as they came down from their endorphin highs.
Finally, Kiernan eased the kiss to an end. Staring into his eyes, Kiernan traced his top lip. “That’s
why you bit your cheek the first time,” he mused softly. “Because you wanted to claim me and didn’t.”
Nodding, Demitri replied, “It wouldn’t have been right.”

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“I appreciate your thoughtfulness, darling.”
Kiernan brushed his lips over Demitri’s, back and forth sensually. The soft pressure distracted
Demitri from the tingles racing through his groin caused by his softening cock slipping from Kiernan’s
Smirking, a mischievous glint in his eyes, Kiernan teased, “I’d planned to have you suck me off once
you finished. I didn’t realize I’d come from your bite. So fucking sexy.”
“I told you so,” Demitri replied cheekily.
Kiernan laughed. “So you did.” He smacked Demitri’s hip. “Okay, lover. Time for a shower. Dried
cum in chest hair is not comfortable.”
Happier than he ever remembered, Demitri followed his lover into the bathroom.

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Chapter Eleven


think I’m in the mood for bacon and eggs for breakfast,” Kiernan stated, leading the way

downstairs. Bright sunlight through the back windows made him squint, and he walked to them to
adjust the blinds. “What do you think?” He turned to see his lover—clad only in a pair of Kiernan’s
boxers—nibbling his lip.

Kiernan smiled at the endearing sight. “I love you.” At Demitri’s shocked expression, Kiernan

shrugged, keeping his smile firmly fixed in place. “I thought you should know. I’m not sure how it
happened so fast.” He crossed to the coffee pot and lifted it. “Coffee?”

Geez, why the hell did I say that? He’s staring at me as if I have two heads.

“No, thanks,” Demitri replied softly.
Grabbing a cup, Kiernan filled his mug while continuing his internal criticism. He told me once that I
was his one and only. Shouldn’t that mean he loves me back? What if he doesn’t? What if shifters
don’t fall in love like humans?
“After everything that’s happened,” Demitri said, catching Kiernan’s attention. “I wasn’t sure you
could fall in love with me. I mean, I always hoped.” He paused and smiled tremulously. “But after
seeing what happened with my parents, I didn’t—”
“Hey, hey,” Kiernan cut him off. Damn, my lover has more doubts than I do! Setting down his cup,
he crossed to Demitri and cupped his face so he could stare into his shifter’s pretty green eyes. “Your
parents are a horrible example. Yes, I love you. I think you’re kind and sweet. You have such a big
heart, and you’re sexy. Even if we weren’t mates, I’d still have been drooling over you.” At each
word, Demitri’s eyes seemed to widen more. “I’m grateful to have found you. At my age, I’d kinda
given up hope,” he admitted.
Suddenly, Kiernan found himself with an armful of hot, excited male. Demitri whined into his mouth
as he clung to him, kissing him frantically. Kiernan took everything his lover gave him and returned it
tenfold, delving his tongue past Demitri’s lips and tangling their tongues, tasting mint from his
toothpaste and underneath that, the unique masculine flavor that was all Demitri.
“I love you, too, so much. I love you.”
Demitri’s words were hard to understand, but Kiernan’s heart still soared at his lover’s admission.
He started to steer the younger man toward the stairs and their bed. Breakfast could wait.
Glass shattering followed by a feminine screech yanked Kiernan out of the plans he was forming to
fuck Demitri through the mattress. Kiernan lifted his head and spotted a slender, toned blond woman
wearing sweats and a sports bra standing inside his dining room. The sliding glass door behind her
was shattered.
“Who the hell are you?” Kiernan shouted.
“That’s my mom, Rachel,” Demitri whispered, clearly just as shocked.
“You will cease this behavior at once,” she snarled. “You are not gay and you will take your father’s
place helping me expose shifters for the vile creatures they are.”
Demitri’s jaw dropped. “But you’re a shifter, too.” Then he glared and yelled back. “And I am gay.
Kiernan is my mate. I’ve claimed him!”
“I won’t be a shifter much longer,” Rachel snapped. “And neither will you. My friends will exorcise

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these animal demons that plague us!”
Kiernan watched in stunned silence as Demitri yelled back, “They’re not demons. Our wolves are
part of us!”
“No!” Rachel screamed. Something in her eyes didn’t look quite right to Kiernan. When she stripped
and started shifting, he knew he was right. Rachel had gone round the bend.
“Shit, she’s not all there,” Kiernan warned.
“I know,” Demitri replied as he kicked off his boxers.
Even though he’d started shifting after Rachel, Demitri reached his wolf form first. The crunch of
glass tore Kiernan’s gaze away from where his lover charged his mother. The man with glasses from
the other night was walking into his house, and he held a tranq gun.
Not again!
Turning, Kiernan grabbed the nearly empty bottle of tequila, suddenly grateful he’d never bothered to
put it away. He chucked it at the man. His aim was true. It hit the guy in the head. The man roared in
pain and stumbled back a step, blood dripping down his temple.
Kiernan yanked open the drawer of his end table and shoved aside a couple magazines. Underneath he
found it, the .357 Ruger his father had given him for protection when he’d come out to him at age
twenty-five. He didn’t use it much anymore, although he always kept his concealed carry permit
A glance up showed him the guy regaining his senses. To Kiernan’s relief, he spotted his lover easily
holding his own against his mother.
Popping the safety, he lifted the gun and pointed it at the guy. “Freeze,” he yelled, then mentally rolled
his eyes. Freeze, really?

The guy looked up at him and, for a second, he obeyed. Then he spun on his heel and started

running. “No fucking way,” Kiernan snarled. Lowering his aim, he squeezed the trigger. The report
echoed in his ears, making them ring. It almost drowned out the guy’s scream.

Swiftly, Kiernan ran after him. Blood oozed from the wound on the man’s leg, but still he was

trying to get back to his feet and out the broken sliding door. Switching his grip, Kiernan slammed the
butt of the weapon down on the guy’s head, knocking him out cold.

“Bloody scientist asshole,” he growled. He just resisted the urge to kick the unconscious man.

Instead, he headed back around the table and spotted the wolves. Shit, which one is Demitri? Then he
realized his lover was the one with silver-blond accents in his light colored fur—and wasn’t that an
odd thing to think? His mother was much darker.

He decided that just in time to see Demitri grapple his mother to the ground. With his jaws

wrapped around her throat, Demitri growled low in his throat. It took Kiernan a second to realize he
was asking for Rachel’s submittal. At first, she scrabbled underneath him, trying to get away, but then
she went limp.

Demitri growled in warning as he slowly released her throat. As soon as the pressure was gone,

she curled her legs under her and leaped at Demitri. Evidently, he’d expected the deceit, for he
immediately skittered sideways. Rachel’s momentum on the wood floor sent her sliding toward
Kiernan. Lifting his gun again, he slammed it down on the wolf’s head. She slid to a stop,

Kiernan immediately moved to Demitri’s side. He set the gun on the floor, grabbed the wolf’s ruff

in one hand, and cupped his muzzle in the other. “Are you okay?”
Seconds later, his arms were full of naked male, hugging him close. “I’m okay. Are you okay?”

“Fine,” Kiernan replied. Looking at the downed pair, he grimaced at the blood still oozing from

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the fallen scientist. “Guess I need to bandage that for him, but then what do we do with them?”

“Take them to Declan’s,” Demitri replied immediately. “Right. So much for breakfast,” Kiernan

grumbled, but he wasn’t too upset. Now that his lover’s mother and the final would-be kidnapper had
appeared, things would settle down…he hoped.
“I didn’t know you had a gun,” Demitri commented from where he helped Kiernan tie up their
Kiernan shrugged. “My father gave it to me when I was twenty-five. He told me to consider it a
coming out present.” He shook his head as he remembered those lonely and frustrating days. “I finally
broke down and explained to him why Maggie left me. He said I should always be prepared to defend
me and Valerie.”
“And you keep it loaded?”
Kiernan snickered at his lover’s dry tone. “I live alone.” He frowned, “Or, at least, I do right now.
I’m hoping that, since you’re not at your parents anymore, I can convince you to move in here.”
Demitri tied the last knot then wrapped his arms around Kiernan’s neck. “Yes, please,” he whispered,
before capturing Kiernan’s mouth.
Kiernan let him lead for several seconds, relishing the younger man’s enthusiasm. He ran his hands
over his lover’s body, reassuring himself that Demitri was unhurt. Finally, Kiernan pulled away. “We
need to get dressed, so we can get over to your alpha’s.
Demitri nodded. “Maybe Lark will make us breakfast,” he said absently as he scurried up the stairs.
Having no idea who Demitri spoke of, Kiernan just followed him upstairs.
Demitri called Declan, confirming that they’d be expected. By the time they arrived, several other
cars were there, too. Declan introduced Kiernan to his mate, Lark, a short, slender, blond human, who
grinned happily and congratulated them on their mating. That explains Demitri’s breakfast comment.
Lark seemed very happy to learn they’d worked out their differences.
Next was the pack enforcer, Carson, who turned out to be a good-looking Native American. He also
met Carson’s mate, Jared, who—although he smiled—seemed just a bit too cheeky for Kiernan’s
tastes. He met Shane, the pack beta, plus Kade and Manon, a couple more enforcers. Kiernan planned
to ask Demitri later what an enforcer did.
By the time introductions were done, Kiernan’s head swam with names and faces. He just knew there
was no way he’d remember everyone.
Several of the men took the scientist, whom Demitri called Brett, and Rachel out of Kiernan’s truck.
Fortunately, they were both still unconscious. Lark, whom he learned was a doctor, made quick work
of cleaning and bandaging Brett’s wound.
As they were putting the pair in the bed of Kade’s pickup, a classic mustang rolled to a stop in front
of the house. Kiernan just held in a whistle at the pretty vehicle. From the driver’s side hopped a
sandy haired guy who shouted for help while sprinting around the hood.
Declan and Demitri immediately hustled toward him and Kiernan quickly followed. “What’s wrong,
Nick?” Declan demanded.
“Raven got the best of Miach,” Nick responded, pulling open the car door.
“Oh, shit,” Demitri whispered.
“Who’s Raven?” Kiernan asked, even as he moved around the door and helped Declan and Nick ease
a nearly unconscious Miach from the car. A bandage was wrapped around the man’s ribcage and his
left forearm.
Demitri shut the door, then hurried in front of them to get the front door. Declan answered, “He’s one
of the scientist’s soldiers. They used shifter DNA to do something to him to make him stronger, faster,

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with a few special quirks thrown in.”
They maneuvered Miach upstairs, following Lark’s instruction, and laid him on a bed. Once back in
the hall, Kiernan asked, “They work on their own people? I thought they just experimented on shifters.
Rachel said they were going to make her normal…uh,” he flushed at Declan’s scowl. He lifted his
hands in apology. “That’s what she said.”
Declan sighed. “I have a lot of shifters in me pack, but when she started coming to fewer and fewer
pack runs, I should have gotten to the bottom of the problem.” Grimacing, he explained, “The
scientists will capture shifters, experiment on them, then use their findings to try to create super
soldiers. Miach is one of them, but he defected. Raven is another. We’ve been holding him for a
number of months, trying to convince him to do the same.” Declan sighed. “We failed, and now that
he’s loose again, everyone will need to remain vigilant.”
Kiernan couldn’t help it. He growled in frustration. “Looks like I’m gonna have to start packing
again.” Demitri wrapped his arm around his waist, giving him a side-hug. For some reason, just that
small affection calmed him. Kiernan smiled at his lover.
Declan’s eyes narrowed. “If ye’re going to shoot a paranormal, decide quickly whether ye’re going to
incapacitate or kill. Incapacitating will be harder, because it will take several shots. Killing would
be much easier. To do that, ye shoot ‘em in the head or heart.”
“Geez, I don’t want to kill anyone,” Kiernan admitted. “I just want my mate safe. Now that his parents
are caught, I thought he would be, but it sounds like I’ve just walked into the middle of a war.”
“Ye have,” Declan confirmed. “But it’s not a battle ye have to fight alone.” To his surprise, Declan
gripped his shoulder and squeezed in daughter, Sara, is cooking yerself.”
Kiernan nodded, then, arm still wrapped around Demitri, turned toward the stairs.
“Hey,” Declan called softly. “Congratulations, and welcome to the pack.” He smiled at the both, his
gaze warming slightly. “I am glad ye were able to patch things up.”
Kiernan smiled. “Thank you.” He glanced at his lover and added, “We both are, too.”
“Should I assume Demitri is staying with ye now?” Declan asked candidly.
“Hell, yeah,” Kiernan replied quickly.
Declan chuckled softly, then glanced toward Miach’s room and sighed. “Thanks for bringing Rachel
and Brett to us. I’ll take it from here.” He disappeared into Miach’s room.
Kiernan’s gaze snagged on the doorway. He could just see Lark’s shoulder as he spoke with the other
men in the room. “Think he’ll be okay?”
Demitri nodded, then urged him down the hall. “Lark just told Nick that the knife wound missed any
vital organs. With his accelerated healing, Miach didn’t lose as much blood as a normal human would
have, so he was in no danger of bleeding out. Unfortunately, the second wound in his forearm sliced a
tendon, so there’ll be some rehabilitation time. Poor guy.”
a reassuring gesture. “Me breakfast for everyone. Help
Kiernan nodded, allowing his lover to lead him back to the first floor. “I’m gonna give Joe a call and
let him know I’m going to be late,” he said, grateful to be thinking of more mundane things. “What
time do you go in to work, today?”
“Ten-thirty,” Demitri replied. “Why?”
Pulling his lover into his arms, Kiernan pressed a soft kiss to Demitri’s upturned lips. “Let’s swing
by your old place, maybe your buddy’s, too, and pick up anything you want, then take it to my place.
After I pick you up after work, we’ll have a nice quiet dinner at home followed by some more
claiming.” He ended his request on a throaty growl, really liking his plan.
Demitri’s mouth slowly turned up in a lascivious grin. “Oh, I like the sound of that.”

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They headed out of the house, Kiernan ready to put his plan into action. He paused before opening the
door for his lover and pulled Demitri into his arms. As his sweet shifter sank into his embrace and
Kiernan devoured his mouth, he knew whatever he had to do to make this work would be worth it,
because he had Demitri.

About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her husband and furry, four-legged children. She

started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age
nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing erotic romance, normally of the
paranormal variety, with heroes and heroines of all kinds. You can often find her curled up with her
laptop and a cup of tea or glass of wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the
mountains on horseback, 4-wheeler, or motorcycle. Her favorite exercise is jumping lessons with her
Arabian gelding Apache or her Thoroughbred mare Repo. And she can’t get enough of sexy
highlanders with their kilts and swords. Right now, she and her muse are working with dedication on
her Wolves of Stone Ridge series and Kontra’s Menagerie series.
She can be reached at ch.richards2010@yahoo.com Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com

Document Outline


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Wolves of Stone Ridge 22 The Wolf s Healing Touch
Wolves of Stone Ridge 10 The Wolf Biker s Mate
Charlie Richards Wolves of Stone Ridge 10 The Wolf Biker s Mate
Wolves of Stone Ridge 21 Crashing the Comicon
Wolves of Stone Ridge 5 Finding Balance
Wolves of Stone Ridge 06 Goading the Enforcer
Wolves of Stone Ridge 6 Goading the Enforcer
Richards, Charlie [Wolves of Stone Ridge 08] Loving the Enemy(1)
Charlie Richards Wolves Of Stone Ridge 06 Goading the Enforcer
Wolves of Stone Ridge 14 Gustav s Gargoyle Adventure
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Charlie Richards Wolves of Stone Ridge 1 Werewolf at the Zoo
Wolves Of Stone Ridge 11 Kyle s Valiant Hunt
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Wolves of Stone Ridge 2 Alpha s Prerogative
Wolves of Stone Ridge 20 The Mountain Man s Mate

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