AutoGallery SQL Sorting

AutoGallery SQL Sorting

Sorting Strings
The sorting strings are what you will use so that
the posts are displayed in the order you want them. You will have complete
control over this string, so it gives you a lot of flexibility. To change
your sorting string, just edit the Extra Sorting Options field of the
setup.cgi interface. If you leave this field blank, the software will
default to 'time DESC' for the sorting string. Fields
The fields which you can sort the posts by are listed below.
Rating - this is the moderator rating for the postApprove_Date
- this is the date and time (down to the second) when the post was
approvedNum_Pics - this is the number of pics in the gallery
Each of these fields can also have a modifier. The modifier DESC
tells the software to sort in descending order. If this modifier is left
off, then the sorting will be done in ascending order.

Approve_Date DESC This string will sort the submissions by
the date and time they were approved. Newests posts will be displayed
before older posts.
Rating DESC, Approve_Date DESC This string will sort the
submissions first by their rating, then by their approval date and time.
If two posts have the same rating, the newer post will be displayed
Num_Pics DESC This string will sort the submissions by the
number of pics on the gallery Posts with the most pics will be listed at
the top. How they affect output Using the
sorting strings will affect which galleries go in which slots on your TGP
page template. If you are using 'Rating DESC' as your sorting string, the
highest rated gallery will be placed in the #%GALLERY_1%# slot. If you are
using 'Approve_Date DESC', the newest gallery will go in that slot.


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