AutoGallery SQL Moving To A New Server

AutoGallery SQL - Moving To A New Server

Moving To A New Server

How To Move Your Installation To A New Server
As you may know, finding a great host for your website
can be very difficult. Because of this, it is sometimes required that you
move to a new server at a new hosting company. This document will give you
an overview of what needs to be done in order to transfer AutoGallery SQL
and your data to a new server.

The first thing you will want to do is backup your databases from
the old server. This is easily done through the administrative interface
using the database backup feature. Once you have generated your backup
files, download them to your local computer in ASCII mode. The backup
feature will backup most things for you, however if you have edited any
of the .htmlt or .etmpl files you will need to transfer those to your
new server seperately.
Next, you will need to install AutoGallery SQL on your new server.
It is very important that you do not copy any files over from your old
server. You should proceed with the installation as if it is the first
time it is being installed. Follow the instructions in install.html
to complete the installation. Once you have done that, you can upload
any customized .htmlt or .etmpl files to your templates directory, if
you haven't already.
After you have the new and clean installation done on your new
server, upload the database backup files to your data directory in ASCII
mode. Set the permissions on the database backup files to 666.
Now you can enter the administrative script on your new server, and
use the database restore function. Type in the filename of the backup
files, and use the restore function. All of your data will be recovered
in this process.
Once you have restored your data, you will want to run the rebuild
function to create all of your pages.
That's all there is to it. You are now ready to continue normal
operations. Please note that this is the only method for
switching servers that is supported by JMB Software. If you do it any
other way we will not be able to provide technical assistance for errors
you encounter.


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