AutoGallery SQL v2 0 x Installation

AutoGallery SQL v2.0.x Installation

AutoGallery SQL v2.0.x

Unix/Linux Installation Instructions
If you need assistance with this software you must
use the resources in the JMB Software owners lounge. See the bottom of
this file for more details on obtaining technical support.
Unless otherwise noted, you are licensed to use the software on
a single domain. If you would like to use the software on more than one
domain, you will need to purchase additional licenses. Additional licenses
may be purchased though the My Account interface in the owners lounge at a
discounted rate.

At this point it is assumed you have extracted the archive
containing AutoGallery SQL. If you have not yet done so, you should do
that now. You should also have the following information on
hand: - The name of the MySQL database which you will be using
to store the data*- The
username which you use to access the MySQL database- The password
which you use to access the MySQL database If you do not have
this information, contact your server administrator to get it.
* This name is not
something you can just make up. The database must be created by your
server administrator in order for you to use it. If you don't know the
name of a database which you are allowed to use, contact your server
administrator to get that information or to have them create a database
for you.
Now you will want to locate Perl 5 on your server. If you are not
sure where to find it, contact your server administrator and ask them.
Generally it can be found at /usr/bin/perl or /usr/local/bin/perl

If Perl 5 is located at /usr/bin/perl on your server, you may skip
this step. If it is not, you will need to open each of the .cgi files in
a text editor such as Notepad. Change the first line of each file to
point to Perl 5 on your server. For example, if Perl 5 is at
/usr/local/bin/perl, then the first line will be #!/usr/local/bin/perl

You will now need to login to your server and create some
directories for AutoGallery SQL. First off, decide where you want the
.cgi files installed. Generally it is a good idea to keep them in a
cgi-bin (or equivalent) directory. Once you have decided where you want
the .cgi files, change into that directory. Inside that directory you
will need to create 3 subdirectories; name them templates, data, and
admin. Note: The only files you should place in these directories
are the ones indicated in this documentation. Uploading other files can
and will cause problems. Now, you need to decide where you want
the HTML files written to. This will need to be outside of the cgi-bin
directory. Once you have decided where you want them to go, record that
information for later use. Example Directory Structure:

location of and post.cgi files

location of admin.cgi and setup.cgi files

location of script data files

location of all template files

where the main HTML files will be
You now need to edit the .htaccess file from the admin directory of
the archive. This is the file that will enable the password protection
of the admin directory once it is on your server. A description of what
needs to be edited and how to do it can be found in the .htaccess file.
This file should be edited in a text editor.
Next you need to edit the file in a text editor. Four
variables need to be set in this file. $DATABASE =
'ags';$USERNAME = 'ags';$PASSWORD = 'password';$HOSTNAME =
'localhost';These variables tell the software the name of
the database you are using, the username/password combination to access
the database server, and the hostname of the server where the database
is located. In most cases, you do not need to change the $HOSTNAME
variable - if you do not know what to use in this field, contact your
server administrator for assistance. The remaining variables are
straightforward. $DATABASE is the name of the MySQL database you will be
using to store the data. If a database has not yet been created, contact
your server administrator to have them create one for you. The $USERNAME
variable is the username you use to login to the MySQL server, and the
$PASSWORD variable is the password you use to login to the MySQL server.
Once you have made the changes, save the file and continue with
the next step.
Now you are ready to begin uploading the files to your server.
VERY IMPORTANT: You must upload ALL of the AutoGallery SQL
files in ASCII mode, or it will not function properly. If you are not
sure how to do this, consult the documentation for your FTP client. If
you get a Script Error message saying you may not have stripped the
carriage returns, this means you did not upload all the files in ASCII
mode - try again. Below is a table of where each file should be
uploaded, using the example directory structure above:
/cgi-bin/tgp/templatesAll .htmlt and .etmpl files

Next, you will need to set permissions on the directories and files
that AutoGallery SQL will be using. If you are not sure how to set
permissions, consult the documentation for your FTP client and/or
contact your server administrator for more information. Below is a table
containing the permissions you will need to set on each directory or

File or

All .cgi Files
755 &





All .htmlt & .etmpl Files

data directory

admin directory

templates directory

Directory where HTML files will be
are only the recommended file permissions, and may need to be
altered depending on your server configuration. Once you have all
permissions set, continue to the next step.
You are now ready to begin the web based portion of the setup. In
your browser, type in the full URL to the init.cgi file on your server.
This will initialize the installation, and prepare the administrative
directory. Once you have run init.cgi, and received a message indicating
you may proceed, you can bring up setup.cgi in your browser. It is also
now safe to remove the init.cgi file from your server - it is no longer
needed. The default login info to access the password protected
administrative area is: Username: adminPassword: admin
You will then be presented with a page where you will fill in
variables and options for the software. After you have set all of the
variables, click the button near the bottom of the page. If everything
went well, you will be presented with a page telling you that the
variables have been recorded, and some self tests will be done by the
script. If all the tests pass, you are ready to go on. If any of them
fail, you will need to check file permissions and directory settings. If
you get any error messages after you press the button, you most likely
have either a permissions setting wrong or one of the variables in is incorrectly set.
You should now be ready to begin using the software. The first thing
you will want to do is point your browser to admin.cgi. Use the same
login information as is listed above. Once inside the admin
script you can start exploring the features, but make sure that you
change your password soon after your initial installation. This can be
done by selecting the Display all Moderators function from the first
pull down menu. Once on that page, check the box next to the admin
account and choose to edit it. You will then be able to see the current
password, and change it to whatever you want. Make sure you use a
password that contains a combination of letters, numbers, and symbols so
that it is very difficult to guess.
Help Prevent Software Piracy
If you have uploaded the AutoGallery SQL zip (or tar or tar.gz)
file to your server, remove it now. Leaving it on your server provides a
chance for other users to steal it from your web space. Make sure you
never leave a copy of the software where other people can access it.
Never share your software with anyone. The license you purchased
is for your use only - you may not give the software to anyone under any
circumstances. If you are caught doing this, you will be charged with
software piracy and face fines up to $100,000. Never share your
owners lounge username or password with anyone. Again, that is for your
use only. We will never ask for you to send your password to us, so if
you ever get an e-mail requesting it you should not send it. Do
not upload the software documentation to your server or share it with
anyone. We keep the documentation in the owners lounge so only
legitimate customers can access it. This makes it much more difficult
for users of pirated software to figure out how to use it. If
you ever find a site that is offering our software for download, please
contact us immediately so we can have the site shut down. Every time our
software is pirated instead of purchased, it means less money for us to
continue the development of that and future software.

After Installation is Complete
you have completed the installation you will want to get your TGP page
setup and ready to accept new submissions. You should begin reading the overview.html
documentation file so you can get an understanding of how the software
works. This document includes all of the information you will need to
begin working with the software.

Getting Tech Support For Your Software
you need any assistance with this software, you must use the resources in
the JMB Software owners lounge. This is the only way to contact the tech
support department. Use the following URL, and the login information you
selected when you purchased the software:
Important Tech Support Notes:
If you edit the scripts in any way other than described above, you
will no longer be eligible for technical support. We absolutely cannot
provide support for edited copies of our software. The only way we
provide support for our commercial scripts is through the owners lounge.
We do it this way to make sure we are providing support only to those who
have paid for the scripts and deserve it. If you post a message at the
Freeware Help Board it will be deleted - you must post on the Owners
Lounge board. Also, sending a plain e-mail to us will be ignored, you must
use the tech support request form in the Owners Lounge. These
methods also help to ensure that we are not wasting our time providing
support for illegal copies of our software, and will result in faster
responses to legitimate owners questions. Thank You, and enjoy
your new software!


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