05 Register Saving Conventions and Local Variables

[MUSIC]. So, we've now seen how to pass arguments onto a stack, let's see how we can use the stack for both allocating local variables to a procedure. And for saving registers that we have to restore to the right value, for all the procedures involved. Let's start with the register saving conventions. let's go back to that procedure yoo and procedure who that we've talked about before. Remember yoo is the caller and who is the callee. so let's take a look at this code here, and we see that just here's the call to who, but just before that, we put a value into edx. And then we expect to be able to use it after the call to who. So, we, in the function yoo, we would hope that the value of edx would not be disrupted by what might happen in the call to who. So, that the same value is still there when we return. So, in who however, which will might have been written by a different programmer edx might get a new value. And that would destroy the one that we had before, because there is only one register edx in our CPU. different procedures might use it, but it's the same physical register. So, we have to make sure that the contents of that register which is overwritten by who gets saved somewhere before that happens. So, what we have is some register saving conventions that are split between caller save and callee save. In the caller save case the, the caller procedure saves the values in a register, in the registers before calling the other procedure. Callee save is complimentary, it says the callee will do the saving before using that register. So when do we use each? When does the caller save a register and when does a callee save a register? So, turn out that will begin to do with three registers be callers save, eax, edx and ecx and three registers be callee save. Sort of split the responsibilities, okay. And then of course we have some, two special registers that are the base pointer and the stack pointer. Those are handled a little bit differently, but also involve restoring them to their original values upon exit from a procedure. Okay the last thing to remember is that eax the reason also its caller saved, is because remember the returning procedure puts its return value in eax. And so if the caller wants to use what it had in eax previous to the call, it better save it somewhere else. Okay. And where might it save it? probably in memory somewhere. Okay. Alright, now let's turn to local variables, alright? Here we have two functions. We have a factorial function called sfact, which calls a helper procedure inside of it. What the, the way this works is that we create a starting point for the factorial, in this case the number 1 here at the beginning of sfact. And what we're going to do is pass a pointer to that value, an address along with the value of the factorial we want to reach, x. And pass that to a helper function which is defined here on the left. Okay, the helper function is going to see, if x is less than or equal to 1. If it is, it's just going to stop. And if it's not, it's going to perform the multiplication of x times that of value, that address that was passed to it as an argument. So, you'll notice that, that address of val, was passed to this helper function as a pointer. Right, and then we de-reference the pointer to go get that value and multiply it times x. So, when we start here, let's say that x was equal to 3, right, we would start with, s_helper being called with the value three and the address of val. Which is has a value of one stored at that address. So, when we come here to to the s_helper procedure, what we'll find is that x is 3 and the value stored at the address of val is 1, so we'll do a multiply 1 times 3. And store that back into that address we were passed as an argument, again by using the dereference operator, okay? So, now val is going to be equal to 3. But now s_helper calls itself recursively, this time with the value 2 and the address again of that same place. Although this time we refer to it by it's local name a, accum. Right, so this is also accum, the same address that we passed in. So, now when we do this call to s_helper x will be 2 and the value that we dereference with the pointer is that one that we just stored away earlier 3. So, now we'll do 3 times 2 and put a 6 at that place, at that address of value, alright. And you'll see that the next time of course, s_helper is called now with 1 and the address of our accumulating product. And this time the procedure will just stop right away, and return. Okay, so how did this actually get implemented in our stack? So, lets start with the sfact procedure at the very beginning and here's the code corresponding to sfact or at least some of it. here is the stack inside of sfact. You'll notice that its, it has a return address for where it was called from and it's argument. x, the value x that it was given to start with. Okay, the very first procedure does that set up stuff we always do at the beginning of a procedure. Adjusting base pointers. So, we're going to save our old base pointer by pushing it on to the stack and of course, esp the stack pointer adjusted as well. Then we are going to adjust the value of ebp to be to this new start of this frame pointer, of this frame, on the stack. and then we're, you'll notice we're going to subtract 16 from esp creating this temporary space on the stack. essentially allocating four words 16 bytes on the stack for use by local variables. Now in this case it turns out we're not really going to use all that space. We only really needed four bytes, but for argument's sake, let's allocate 16. The next thing that we do is we go get the value of x by accessing the location where that argument was stored. remember 8 plus the base pointer, okay. We get the value of x and then we set the value of val and how do we set the value of val? Val is a local variable declared inside the procedure and you notice that we made a place for it at minus 4 ebp. That corresponds to this location, our first temporary word on the stack. And we're going to just put the literal 1 there, okay. So that creates that variable val and gives it the initial value of 1. All right. The next thing we're going to do is, is call s_helper from sfact. And, to do that, we need to set up the arguments for that procedure call. Now, this procedure, s_helper, has two arguments, so we're going to need to push both of 'em onto the stack. So, the first thing we need to do is remember we pushed the arguments in reverse order, so the second argument and then the first argument. Here is the second argument the address of val. So, what we've done is used an effective address computation. Instruction to compute that address, remember just that minus 4 ebp that's this location right there where we stored val. And we're going to put that address in eax, then push eax onto the stack. And that puts our first argument onto the stack. And that is an address, that points back to val, okay? the next thing to do is to push the other argument, x, well that member we had stored that in edx, so we can just push that value of the register onto the stack. And we see this, that appear here. At this point we call s_helper now that we have the arguments on the stack. And that will go in execute the code for s_helper. And remember in this case s_helper returns a void, so it does not have a return value. How do we get the result of what, sub helper does? Well, remember it modified the value that was stored at this location, for which we provided the address as an argument, so that s_helper can go and modify that location. So, when we call s_helper, the result we expect to happen is that now the value at that location of our temporary variable has been changed to x factorial. Going through that series of recursive multiplys okay? So, then our result for sfact which does have to return an int value, is to go get that value, and it's going to do it again by just going to that address and moving that result to eax. And leaving it in that register when it executes its return, so whatever called sfact can find x factorial in the register eax, that int value that was to be returned. Okay, so let's just summarize that the IA 32 procedure. stack frame. The important points is there's a combination of instructions and conventions we need to use to get this happen correctly. we have to prevent the functions from disrupting each others correct behavior, alright. So, that means not only figuring out where to return and pickup where you left off, but also making sure that they don't step in each others toes and destroy the contents of registers That one function thought was going to stay the same. Alright. So the stack turns out to be great data structure for doing this, because when we call one procedure we're going to return from that callee procedure before we return from the caller. So, it has that nice property of growing the stack and then shrinking the stack on the return. And recursion can be handled by all of these normal calling conventions, there's really nothing special we need to do. We can safely store values we need, local variables we need, in the local stack stack frame and in callee saved registers. we put new arguments at the top of the stack, and then called the fun and then called the function. The return value is returned to the eax, and we know where to go find it by convention we know where we will find it in that register and and usage .


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