spears crystal strictly stuck say shamrock what

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Say Shamrock What?

Jade’s College Diaries #1

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A novella by Crystal D. Spears

Copyright © 2013 by Crystal D. Spears

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner

whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher Crystal D. Spears except for the

use of brief quotations in a book review. All names, works of art, places are all fictitious and from

the imagination of the Author. Cover image canstockphotos.com

This content contains New Adult/ Mature acts and/ or situations along with language. Not for

readers 17 and under.

To contact the Author for any reason you may find contact information at the back of this novel.

Prologue — Smologue

Hello Diary Readers,

If you read my first short diary you already know a few things about me. But, just for the hell of it, let
me remind you just in case you forgot. I'm crazy, horny and constantly mentally curse myself. I get into
situations and don't give a crap about the consequences. I'm in college and young so why the hell not?
I'm currently tangled up with four men. Yes, that's right, I said four men. A best friend and three
brothers. It's very messy, but what's coming— is what you would very least expect. Is my luck about
to run out? Am I no longer a Shamrock? I also have huge bombs dropped on me and yes you're right
it's totally Say Shamrock What? So if you're preparing to read my next diary I'm warning you right
now it's full of sex, drama, hot men, bitchy best friends, secrets, ex's and lots of damn cursing. You
will find out a lot about the men in my life. But I will still remain somewhat of a mystery. You’ll
learn just a little.

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Jade the 'Not So Lucky Shamrock’ Out

P.S Please read my first diary. Strictly off limits.

Chapter One — Jade

Dear College Diary,

Aftermath of Brayden’s stupid bonfire, oh yes, and I indeed slept with Dean AGAIN!

Hussy whore here!

Jade the “Shamrock” Out!

“Jade shut that damn screaming cat up,” Dean mumbles into my hair. I reach over

and slap my alarm clock off. “Good morning gorgeous,” he smiles at me.

“Good morning Mr. Chiseled, you need to get up or you’ll be late to meet your

father.” He sighs and hops out of my bed completely naked. Damn! “On second thought can you climb

back into bed and give me some lovin’ before you leave,” I pout.

He smirks over his shoulder before growling and throwing himself back on me.

“My pleasure,” he pulls my sheet down exposing all of me. He runs his long fingers up the inside of

my legs spreading them apart. “I will never get tired of your tattoo telling me to eat you,” he mumbles

against my skin.


Just before I can respond his tongue laps my folds, I sigh this is what this man does

effortlessly. I dig my hands into my bed to keep from kicking about. His teeth graze my hood ring

before he lightly tugs. He knows how to work my piercing with no qualms. I feel him lapping me up

real good before I eye him sucking on his own fingers before they make their way to my entrance.

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“Everything is beautiful about you Jade—everything.”

Don’t make me fall in love with you. Don’t make me fall in love with you. I chant over and over in

my head.

“Thank you Dean.” I mean what else am I supposed to say? I’m just a clover among

many other clovers. I don’t see what’s so special about me. I literally have four men chasing me right

now. Dean, Layden, Nate and Brayden. I need to shut my fucking brain off and enjoy this delicious

man who is eating me like I am his favorite flavor of ice cream. I feel his tongue enter me and I


“That’s it Angel Kisses give it to me,” he rasps.

And I do boy do I! My legs begin to shake, my heart begins to pound and my eyes roll to the

back of my head.

“Dean…don’t stop right there…god…yes…yes…yes.” I squeeze the sheets tightly as my body

releases its euphoria and my lips begin to quiver, he has managed to make me tear up whilst giving

me an orgasm. I do not know how I feel about that. As if he senses something wrong he comes up for

air and smiles at me. That beautiful green eyed stare mixed with his grin is enough to knock a smile

onto your face. “You okay gorgeous girl,” he nibbles on my thigh. I am more than okay, but I am

freaked out as well. I can’t tell him this of course. So I go for an easy out so I can think. “Dean, baby,

you’re going to be late,” I point to the clock on my nightstand.

“Shit! Sorry to eat and run gorgeous,” he crawls up my body and kisses me. I taste my own

juices and this makes me hunger for more. Hunger for his taste, touch and smell. Hell hungry for him

period. “I’ll catch ya later gorgeous girl,” he nips at my lips once more before taking his fine ass to

the floor to begin getting dressed. I sigh and out loud too because watching this man get dressed is a

damned shame. Just when I am enjoying his muscles rippling in his back Sheila and Amber come

barreling through the door. “Fuck,” Dean starts bouncing on one foot pulling his pants up faster.

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“Well isn’t he just fixed with an Anaconda,” Amber purrs.

Yeah, bitch my Anaconda!

Dean clears his throat as he pulls his shirt on over his head. “Ladies it was good seein ya,

I’m headed out,” he gives me a quick wave.

“This is different, it’s usually “walk-er on outta there” Walker, but apparently he’s walkin right outta

here instead,” Sheila mumbles.

Apparently she’s still pissed!

“So what’s up guys? Amber any luck with Nate?” I ask while pulling a tee over my head.

“Yeah, I had lots of fucking fun with him,” she says sarcastically.

Ugh Oh!

What happened?” I ask.

“I had to listen to that fine motherfucker go on and on about how he screwed up his chances

with you,” she rolls her hands around in the air “oh and get this. He saw you leave with Dean and still

was pinning like a little puppy bitch.” She bitches while rolling her eyes.

Well Shit!

“I don’t know what else I have to do I’ve already told him he screwed up, what should I do,”

I whine.

“What you should do is stick to one fucking guy Shamrock and then the rest will get the damn

picture,” Sheila gripes.

That’s it! I’ve had enough of her fucking attitude!

“Did I do something to offend you Sheila? Hmm. I was just curious because we were fine a

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few days ago. And now—you walk around like you got a fucking corn cob stuck up that red head ass

of yours,” I scream while jumping to my feet.

“Woah! Calm down you two! What the hell has gotten into you both?” Amber throws her

hands on her hips scorning us.

“My problem is Shamrock here has all the fucking luck and is too busy to notice she has all

these great guys, but yet she can’t fucking choose one?”

This isn’t the Sheila I love anymore.

“Sheila—I can’t choose for that specific reason! I still have love for Layden, Nate is my best

friend, Brayden is a great conversationalist and Dean is just perfect. And, they’re all hot! So no, I am

not trying to be a damn whore it’s just like that because I can’t fucking make my mind up,” I say


And I think she finally gets it because her eyes soften.

“It’s that damn Layden he made you doubt yourself,” Sheila huffs.

Yeah no kidding. Bastard bent me over backwards. Chewed me up and spat me out.

“I know, so why can’t I just have some fun? Why do I have to choose right now? Because

I’m afraid if I do I will choose the wrong one,” I cry. “Can’t I just have some fun please? Will it help

if I get one of them to find ya’ll some dates so you don’t feel like you’re being left out?” I ask trying to

butter them up.

They look back and forth for a few seconds then back to me. “Yes,” they say together. “Hook

us up,” Sheila grins.

Best friend bitch crisis averted. Score One For Shamrock!

“So what’s on the agenda for the day?” I need to know if they plan on hanging with me or not

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because I told Brayden I would have coffee with him.

“I have to study for an exam and Sheila has a date with her Mother,” Amber groans.

Yes! Yes! Yes! Shit! See I rather hang with guys then my best friends! Hussy whore!

“Oh, well I gotta get laundry done.” I throw off the top of my head.

Laundry I have plenty of clean fucking clothes. See— now I am lying!

“Good luck with that,” Amber says while eying Sheila as she gets dressed.

Hmm. And what is this new discovery?

“So—Ambs anything you would like to share with us?” I ask with a hint of amusement in my

tone. She shakes out of her staring stupor and shakes her head quickly no. “Just so you know you can

talk to me about anything.” And she can too, I won’t judge hell this is college I’ve had my share in the

VaJayJay market too. “Not right now Shamrock, just not right now,”Ambs hisses at me.

Well alrighty then!

“Okay, Shamrock we’ll see ya later,” Sheila smirks. Ambs just waves with a worried look. I

mouth I won’t say anything she still doesn’t believe a word out of my mouth though. It’s a big secret. I

know she likes men, but this liking women is a new development. Good for her, I just wish she would

share it with her best friends.

I want to look my best for Brayden even though it’s just coffee I enjoy our conversations.

He’s witty and he flirts constantly and I’m starting to adore that bad ass facade he has like Layden.

What the flying fuck is wrong with me?

After my nice warm shower of nothing, but memories of Dean in this shower stall with me I

head back to my dorm room. I decide on a high pony tail and puff the pony with lots of hair spray. My

outfit consists of a red tank with a built in bra, short black shorts and a pair of red wedges. Mom

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always said pair your shoes with your shirt. I always go by that rule. I lay off the lipstick and go for a

more natural look a little mascara and blush and I’m all set for Brayden. When I look at the clock to

check the time my phone chimes.


Brayden: You ready 2 walk 2 the coffee shop Sexy?

Each one of these guys has a name for me. And I will not fucking lie when I say I enjoy it.

Me: Ready when u r

Brayden: Meet ya in 2 mins at dorm entrance

Me: Kay

I can’t wipe the smile off my damn face while I make my way down there. Hell, I ain’t even

walking I’m practically running down the steps.

Again WTF is wrong with me?

And that’s when my breath hitches as Brayden comes into view.

Ah, yes, that is what’s wrong with me!

Brayden is leaning against the doorway smiling at me. His gorgeous black hair spiked

masterfully on his head. His coal black eyes burning a hole through my body. The guy is fine with a

capital F. Him and his holy faded jeans and gray tee.

“Hey sexy, is that a smile I see on that fucking fantastical mouth?” He teases.

“It is, I enjoy our talks.” I shrug and blush. He takes my arm in his and I about melt.

I am so fucking screwed. Mental note rant in diary later!

He’s quiet all the way to the coffee shop, he normally is. This is our third time going. I have

two things I’m worried about while walking with him each time. The fact I spend more time with him

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and the fact everyone on campus can see us together. It won’t be long before shit gets started. But—

what the hell do I care?

Yes, that’s right they can kiss my ass. I’ll even bend over for them.

As soon as we enter the coffee shop all eyes are on us. I mentally groan.

“Don’t worry about them Sexy, they’re just jealous. So double chocolate espresso again

Jade,” he winks.

I’m a goner, such a goner. It’s a good thing I didn’t wear flipping panties, they would indeed be

fucking soaked.

“Yeah, Bray, that would be great thanks.” I head on over to our booth it’s actually free.

Shocking considering this is the best coffee shop on campus. The hustle and bustle is loud, so we

always sit in the very back. We’re not like the other students playing watchers; being nosy and sniffen

everyone’s shit out as they pass by.

“Here sexy girl,” Brayden hands me my espresso. Yum!

“Thank you Bray,” I take a sip. “So—whatcha wanna talk about today?” I ask.

Brayden actually hesitates a moment before sighing and setting his coffee on the table.

“Actually, I wanted to discuss something with you,” he fidgets.

Well hells and cow bells.

“Okay—,” I drag out. “What would you like to discuss?” I know my voice sounds hesitant.

“Well, I enjoy spending time with you, at first it was just great conversation, but now I’m

finding myself more and more attracted to you. But, I know you are dating Layden and sleeping with

Dean. So, you see my fucking dilemma Jade? I can’t have you! And that right there pisses me off,” he

growls. “And, fucking Nate is going around campus saying you will be his, it’s all bullshit really,” he

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sighs. “What I’m trying to say is would you be willing to just date me, we don’t have to do anything

just date see how things go? I mean we’re young right nothing has to be serious? Date around see how

things go? You’re too special Jade for me not to just try.” He cuts me deep with his coal black eyes.

Oh man! What am I supposed to say to this? I am young, but all three brothers. That’s cutting into

family ties I don’t know how I feel about that shit.

I take a huge breath.

— Brayden’s Thoughts

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She’s sitting there looking all fucking sexy and she takes a huge fucking breath and I don’t know

what to do with that shit. That—I think is a bad fucking sign. I know this is asking a lot of her. But, I

have no other damn choice. I am stuck, stuck in this freaking chaos that surrounds sexy Jade. But, hell

if she isn’t worth it. I’m addicted to everything about her and yet, I’ve not kissed her, fucked her and

with all that I still adore her. Adore, I internally roll my eyes at sounding like a fucking pansy ass

bitch. She’s sexy, witty, smart and doesn’t give a rats ass about what people say about her. Layden

and Dean both have warned me, brothers or not she’s way too fucking special to pass up. Our

brotherhood has taken worse hits. I think!

Chapter Two — Part One — Jade

Dear Mental College Diary,

Do not forget to write this shit down.

I mean it self!

Shamrock the fuck out before I lose it!

I look at Brayden with my mouth hanging right open. I know he’s looking for a damn response,

but my head is swirling for one. “I…I really don’t know what to say Brayden of course I’m attracted

to you and I loved spending this past week with you. But, hell like you said I’m already fucking Dean

and dating Layden again. You know I’m the last person to give a shit about what people think. I just

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don’t want to cause turmoil between you and your brothers,” I whisper.

“How about this sexy girl, we all four sit down and have a talk — talk about how we’re young,

you’re attracted to all three of us. We can agree to like a dating schedule. But, I am only interested in

you and I would make sure my brothers were too. If one is caught out and it’s not with you. It’s done

their out of the race to win you over or to date you, whatever the hell you want to call this. But, I

know I want to try. I really fucking dig you Jade,” and there goes that piercing coal stare again.

He’s got a point, people date more than one person at a time it’s been done. Can I do this?

Can my mind frame fucking do this?

“Okay, we can talk to the guys and see what they say,” I whisper.

“Fucking hell yes, Jade, come on,” he drags me outta the booth.

“Hey nut ball where the hell we going?” I tease.

“Well, we got a conversation to have with my brothers don’t we? I am dead fucking serious

sexy, we’re taking care of this shit right now.”

I start to hyperventilate. I mean isn’t this every girls damn dream? You know, where you can

date three hot guys at once? But, why am I so nervous?

I don’t get fucking nervous! These guys are killing me and it’s just begun.

Brayden digs out his sleeky new Galaxy phone and starts texting away. Gee, wonder who he’s

texting. I roll my eyes. Because, I know for a fact he is already setting up our pow wow with his

brothers. We walk all the way to his parents beach house which needless to say really isn’t all that far

from campus. Takes all but twenty minutes to get there. As the huge beach house comes into view I

see Dean’s black Range Rover already parked next to Layden’s cherry red Camaro.

Damn donkey balls I was hoping for some breathing room before I had to have this shit


“You ready for this Sexy?” Brayden takes my hand and drags me through the beautiful flowered

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walkway all the way up to the house. “Not really Bray this all seems so farfetched. I can almost bet

Dean doesn’t go for it,” I hiss.

“You would be surprised Jade,” he mumbles.

Wait! What?

“What do you mean I would be surprised? Is there something you’re not telling me?” I pull

from his grip causing him to chuckle.

“C’mon Sexy, let’s get this over with,” he takes my hand again. We walk through the door and

the voices that were speaking now have stopped. First, Dean comes into view. Oh my sweet jesus!

He looks fine as hell in a business suit.

“What is this about Brayden, dad was pissed when I upped and left, you know that bastard

doesn’t like not having his way.” Dean crosses his arms across that beautiful Mr. Chiseled chest. “I

told ya’ll we needed to have a chat,” Brayden proceeds to drag me over to the bar. “Sit,” he

commands. And, boy do I ever fucking sit. Strong dominance like Layden, I mentally stick that in a

file in my head and quickly label it.

“Things I must experience.”

Crab fucking cakes. See— hussy whore here who wants what all these men want.

Layden rounds the bar with a beer in his hand. Shit my sexy ruggedly handsome Lay. He leans

onto the bar and crosses his ankles making him look calm, cool and collective. Layden and Brayden’s

coal black eyes will be the death of me. I swear it on my vintage Victoria Secret 1950’s lingerie set.

They may not really be vintage, but Victoria’s Secret had an era year and I happen to have picked up

this bad ass set.

Shit! Jade focus bitch!

While I’m mentally cursing myself and gulping back my nervousness Brayden is pouring us all

shots of— yes you guessed it. Hennessey.

“So, Bro you going to tell us why you’re here with Jade,” Layden growls.

“In due time my inpatient brother,” he smirks.

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“Brayden don’t play with them. Let’s just get on with it. It was your idea so you’re pitching it.”

I croak. I mean shit this is farfetched.

“Well—my dearest fucking brothers, I would like to pitch an idea about,” he waves his hand in

the air and then points to me. “We all seem to care for her. I’m drawn to her, I know Layden fucking

loves her and I don’t know what the fuck you’re doing with her Dean besides fucking her,” he ponders


“I care for her that’s all that matters,” Dean growls.

I sigh. “Look guys stay calm let him finish please,” I beg.

“Okay back to point of hand. I suggest we all date her,” he doesn’t get to finish before Layden’s

hands are wrapped around his throat.

“You want to fucking share Jade? What in the fuck is wrong with you,” Lay growls.

“Layden—baby let him go, now!” I bark.

He looks at me with hatred in his eyes, those cold black irises hitting me and I feel the fire

sizzling out of his anger. Layden huffs and let’s go only to pour himself another shot.

“Like I was saying we all date her, we all care for her. We’re all young. And let’s face it

Layden she isn’t just going to give you back her fucking heart. You have to earn that shit back. She

cares for us all. Let’s, what’s that damn word?” Brayden thinks for a second. “Oh yes, let’s woo her.

Let her judge and pick who she wants to be with.” He downs another shot like he’s done speaking.

“You want her to date all three of us,” Dean asks incredulously.

“Yes all three.” Bray states.

Dean looks over at me and I feel myself shrink into a fetal position. Dean and I share a bond, I

may not know what that bond is yet, but I do know it’s there.

“Angel Kisses do you want this,” he rounds the bar and cups my chin in his hand. I look up into

his smoldering green eyes. I search for some kind of answer from him and I receive none and that

right there is why the word “Yes,” whispers from my lips — like some kind of unspoken dirty word.

Dean sighs and lets go of my chin only to pour himself another shot as well.

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“So—let me get this fucking straight you want us all to date her but what happens if she

chooses one of us or none of us. We can’t fight over a girl. We’ve done this before and if I can remind

you it didn’t go over so well,” Layden speaks quietly as if in remembrance.

WTF! They’ve done this before?

“You’ve…you’ve done this before,” I stammer out. They all pause as if they forgot Layden

spoke some secret oath of silence on the matter. I turn around as I feel tears form in my eyes. I’m not

fucking special they just always like the same girl. I’m nothing, but a pure fucking challenge to them.

That’s when the tears stop flowing and I turn around with a vengeance in my stare.

—Layden’s Thoughts

I don’t know what the fuck I was thinking releasing that information to Jade. As soon as the

words left my mouth. The silence was deafening. She immediately clammed up and turned around. I

know Jade, she’s hardcore, but when her emotions get the best of her she runs and this— she will run

from. Fuck! I don’t want her to run I fucking love this girl. I fucked up with bimbo ass blondie and I

regret that mistake with everything I am. Things to know about Jade from my perspective.

—She doesn’t do boring. She likes fun. She’s experimental in bed. She has a heart of gold

towards the ones she cares about. And the main reason. The main fucking reason I love Jade. My

Jade. Is because that girl rocks my soul. She shatters it with each look, each bat of her eyelashes. Her

laugh, her tears. Fuck it I just fucking love her. And if I have to share her to win her back, so fucking

be it. But, as I’m ranting in my head I see her shoulders quiver. Fuck! I forgot about my slip up. I

totally forgot about Ty that bitch who ruined my brotherhood with my brothers back in high school.

Tyson Pierson. The bitch who ruined us our junior and senior year of high school. Our first love,

well I should say Dean’s first love more like Brayden and I’s first obsession. The girl who stole all

three brothers’ virginity's. Yeah that bitch did a number on us. As I am remembering Ty and the way

she fucked us over. Jade flies around and the look in her eyes scares even me. It’s a look to fucking

kill. I look from her to Dean and his eyes go wide. This is one secret he doesn’t want to share and

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now he might have too. I can already see the sweat pouring from his brow. FUCK!

Chapter Two — Part Two — Jade

Dear Mental Diary,

Remind me to fucking poison them. Poison them fucking all!

Jade the dumb ass Shamrock Out!

I am still staring at all three of them. Looking back and forth making them sweat it out. Making

them feel my upcoming wrath. On my final go around I spot Dean shifting back and forth from foot to

foot. Hmm. He looks obviously nervous. Let’s go at him first.

“So—Dean baby you’ve done this before,” I purr with hatred. His eyes meet mine and for once

they hold the answer to my question. “So who the fuck was she? I mean since I’m not special. I can’t

be, if you fucktards have done this before.” I spit out while I pour a double shot. He looks to his

brothers for help, but they aren’t giving any. I feel the liquid burn down my throat easing the tension

from my body.

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“Well— spit it the fuck out Dean,” I yell.

He reaches for the bottle and pours himself a double too. Downs them sighing before releasing

a word. “Her name was Tyson Pierson. She played us like a fiddle. I dated her junior and senior year

of high school, but,” he holds up his hands then points to Brayden and Layden “she dated them their

junior and senior year too. But as you know I am a grade higher than them. I kept dating her while in

my freshman year of college since we grew up around here and the family business is here,” he sighs

“I kept up my end of the relationship she did not. I was staying in one of the dorms I wanted the

college experience and then I joined Omega’s.” He stops and looks at me. I still don’t get why this is

the same situation. As if he senses me like he always does he continues.

“Brayden and Layden didn’t know they were both dating her at the same time. They didn’t

know I was still dating her as well. I was too busy with lectures and pledging for the Omega’s I

rarely had time for her or for them. So when I got time I decided to stop by the beach house to see the

family. As you know Brayden and Layden come from a different father, but my father our father

adopted them when their Mom married my Dad.

I should have known they wouldn’t have been home—Layden and Brayden would be having a

party. Hell Mom and Dad are always overseas with business or traveling for fun or even off at one of

our other homes. I had the shock of a lifetime when I walked in on Layden fucking Tyson. That was

fun. So I hid in the kitchen and watched as the two went at it from the window. I mean they were in

the fucking Jacuzzi just going at it.” He takes a breath.

“What the fuck Layden,” I scorn him. He holds up his hands in a manner saying the story is yet

not finished.

“Just wait Angel Kisses I’m not finished. So they finish up and Layden walks away to grab

something more to drink. That’s when I see her from the window looking around for someone. That

someone being,” he points to Brayden “Brayden, the other brother.” Dean laughs.

I don’t find this at all funny. In fact I just keep getting more pissed.

“This doesn’t explain shit to me, you all three told me I was fucking special. It seems to me you

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fucking brothers just like sharing,” I yell.

“Babe, let him finish,” Layden speaks.

“Whatever,” I wave my hand around “get the fuck on with this story before I walk out that

door,” I point “and never speak to either three of you again.” I keep my stance I’m not sitting. No way

in fucking hell.

Dean nods and begins again. “So here I am watching Ty looking around and finally finding

Brayden. They head to the pool house and do what she just finished doing with Layden. Her sneaky

behavior set off alarms in my head. I wasn’t pissed at my brothers no I wasn’t. I was pissed at Ty she

played us all. Used us as her puppets her being the master fucking puppeteer. I wanted to expose that

bitch. So I rounded up Layden told him everything about me still dating Ty and what I just witnessed

with Bray, of course Layden didn’t believe my ass until I dragged him to the pool house only to find

Ty on her knees giving Brayden a blow job.” He shakes his head in more laughter.

“I think I need to sit down,” I say. All three guys rush to help me sit. “Gee, thanks, but finish the

story please,” I beg while pouring another shot.

I need to get drunk and like right fucking now!

“Well, she explained that she had fallen in love with each of us. So we decided we would all

three date her. It worked on our end. But,” he sighs “Tyson started getting jealous of the girls hitting

on all of us. See it was unconventional dating three brothers so we wanted it to be a secret an

unspoken one. It worked for us guys, but not for Ty she couldn’t handle the jealousy of people not

knowing we weren’t on the market. Let’s just say it lasted almost a year and ended badly with a fake

pregnancy.” Dean shrugs.

Umm …

“So, really I’m not special you guys really do just like sharing women? I mean it’s okay I get

it,” I try to stand up but I am beyond tipsy.

Layden grabs my arm. “Baby, that’s the thing you are special there is no way in hell we would

go through that mess again if you weren’t worth trying for.”

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Well gee golly motha fuckin wiz that makes me feel better!


“And this is supposed to make me feel better why? What is there some kind of schedule you

guys will date me by? Hmm? Is that it, am I scheduled now? Am I just a fucking mark on a calendar

for it being your damn fucking day? I don’t see how this is going to work. I really don’t,” I cry out.

Fucking Hennessey is making me a little fucking baby!

Screw it let’s do this damn thing. Right? I am only young once!

“Fine, but you’re making the schedules. Oh and ya’ll need to get checked out. I’m clean, but all

be damned if I’m dating all three of you and not getting shit out of it. Like sex,” I smirk. And for the

first time in an hour they all grin.

“What’s the grins for boys? Hmm. I don’t have to let you drink the fucking water. Taste the

Jade! Wipe those fucking smirks off your damn faces now!” I point out.

“Jade already knows I’m clean,” Dean folds his hands together and puts them under his chin

batting his eyelashes. I burst out in laughter. I know he’s clean we fuck without a condom.

“What.the.fuck you two fuck without protection,” Layden growls. I quirk my eyebrow at him

immediately shutting him up.

Gee this could be fun.

“Yes, Dean and I don’t use protection I’m on the shot,” I say while grabbing the laptop on the

bar. I might as well surf the web if they’re going to work out this so called schedule. “So, what

should my relationship status be?” I laugh at that.

“Taken,” they all growl. I can’t help it I fucking lose it, right there and hunch over grabbing my

stomach. They are killing me.

“Babe, you never let me not use a condom,” Layden pouts.

“Stop fucking pouting Lay it doesn’t suit your persona. And thankfully I did because you

couldn’t keep it in your pants.” I point out. He looks at me with a sad look but that shuts him the fuck


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The guys work out the schedules and I giggle all the way through the banter. I mean c’mon I’ve

drank a lot!

The Agreement

Layden— “Look at her she’s fucking wasted. That’s the fun Jade.”

Brayden— “She’s always fun Layden, but she’s wasted I agree.”

Dean— “Back to the subject at hand brothers, but we need to figure out this damn schedule. I

know she’s fun to look at which is why we’re doing this stupid agreement schedule.”

Brayden— “Okay, so one weekend a month for each of us which gives her a free weekend and

every fourth day we repeat?”

Dean— “Yeah, so if Layden gets her Monday, you on Tuesday and me on Wednesday.

Thursday the rotation starts again, but when the weekend hits rotation stops and it’s that person’s

weekend or her free weekend. If by chance she wants her free weekend with one of us we can’t bitch

about it. Also, if during the week she wants a free day to herself give it to her. Deal?”

Layden— “I don’t want this ending up horribly like Tyson! If only Jade knew everything.”

Brayden— “Shut the fuck up Layden. She knows enough because of your big ass mouth.”

Dean— “As much as I hate lying to Angel Kisses she doesn’t need to know anymore, it’s in the


Brayden— “Is it? I mean is it really in the past? You know Tyson just lives 15 minutes away.”

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Dean— “She hasn’t bothered us in over two years why would she start now?”

Layden— “Umm, I kind of hooked up with her after Jade and I broke up.”

Dean— “You fucking idiot! No wonder Jade dumped your ass!”

Brayden— “If you ruin this for us, with Jade I swear I will castrate your ass bro!”

Layden“I fucked up, I always fuck up! But, damn, Ty really looked good and my heart was

fucking broken. Jade has a way of doing that to you. Worse than Ty. I still have feelings for Tyson, but

they aren’t anything like what they are for Jade. FUCK! I did fuck up, what if this shit comes and bites

me in the ass?”

Brayden— “Then you are out of the game brother.”

Dean— “I agree, you hung yourself again, she won’t ever trust you again. You know this. She

may be strong, but that girl will only take so much of our shit.”

Layden— “Fuck, fuck, fuck!”

Dean— “Let’s just take her to her dorm room let her sober up and we’ll meet at her place at 7

with coffee for her. She will need the coffee to hear the plan trust me.”

Layden— “I’m glad you think you know her better than I do Dean, because you fucking don’t.”

Brayden— “She hates coffee, she loves espresso’s, just pointing that out there. Oh and jelly


Layden— “Fuck, okay, let’s get her home and meet back up with her in the morning.

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Chapter Three — Part One— Jade

Dear Fucking Hung-over College Diary,

I totally got wasted yesterday and I have no idea what

these idiot guys came up with.

Reminder: to dumb fuck self never be drunk while your

future sex life remains in the hands of three horny guys!

Hung-over Zombie Shamrock Jade Outta Here!

I grumble as the pounding on my door becomes persistent. What in the hell? I slump out of my

bed walking to my dorm door like the walking dead. Yes, I probably no doubt look like a fucking

zombie. I look over at Sheila’s bed and she isn’t there again!

What is that bitch up too?

“I’m coming,” I grumble out. “Stop banging on my fucking door,” I screech. As soon as the

door is cracked open all three of them come striding in.

Jesus, if only we were on a beach and they were naked!

“Good morning angel kisses,” Dean kisses me on the hand.

“Good morning sexy girl,” Brayden kisses me on the right cheek. “Good morning, babe”

Layden kisses me on the lips.

“Wow, umm okay whatta greeting guys,” I rub the sleep from my eyes and sniff the air. “Who

brought me jelly donuts and an espresso? I smell it,” I sniff the air again. Brayden holds them out for

me. “Thank you Bray,” I squee as I rip them from his hands.

I flop down on my computer chair and dig into my sugar.

“So what’s up?” I ask while taking a bite of my jelly filled lover, swiveling side to side in my

chair. I sit there and listen to the agreement, probably with my mouth hanging open while I chew.

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“So let me get this straight, if I choose to have a day to myself you guys can’t bitch about it?” I

look at them all for confirmation and they all nod.

“Great, so who gets me first?” I pop up to gather my things for the shower.

“I do Angel Kisses seeing as I spent Friday night with you and you spent Saturday with all of

us and it’s now Sunday it’s my weekend,” Dean says with a grin.

“Just so we’re clear Layden and Brayden I suggest you head to the clinic because if one of you

gives me something so help me god there won’t be anything left of you down there,” I point for

emphasis. “Until, I get the results in my hand you both are using a rubber ducky kay!”

“Oh and I’m not turning into a damn sex machine either, I love sex, but my vagina will need a

break. It’s dating if I wanted to just fuck, I would fuck ya’ll with no attachments. Understand me?”

“Understood,” Dean says with a grin.

“Alright Babe, Brayden and I will head to the 24 hour clinic now, the faster we get this done

the faster I get to feel what it’s like to be bare inside you,” Layden growls.

“I told you its heaven, pure fucking bliss, the Jade water is mighty fine,” Dean smirks while

packing my shower caddy for me.

“One more thing ya’ll can’t fucking have sex with anyone else. I can’t risk you guys being

inside me bare if a condom breaks with another random bimbo got it?” I hiss.

“Babe, we only want you, we’re going to make this work,” Layden says as he kisses me on the

lips goodbye. It’s a short sweet kiss something I’m not used to from Layden.

“I totally get to do this now,” Brayden growls and pushes Layden away. He sweeps me into his

arms and slams his lips to mine. I drop my towel out of my hands and wrap my arms around his neck.

His tongue begging for entrance, it’s domineering, it’s sexy and it’s exactly how I thought Brayden

would taste and kiss. His tongue wraps with mine and he groans gripping me tighter to him. It seems

like hours have passed by before he pulls away leaning his forehead to mine. “Fuck,” he whispers

“totally worth the wait.” He pushes himself away as if he’s trying to restrain himself. “Alright Lay

let’s go,” he pushes Layden towards the door.

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“Yeah, as much as I’m in a hurry to get inside her bare,” he shakes his head in a no manner

“I’m not looking forward to having a swab shoved down my dick hole.” And with that Layden and

Brayden leave.

“Alright Gorgeous, while you’re in the shower I’m going to go and get the Rover,” he hands me

my caddy and gives me a light kiss.

“What? No shower with me?” I smirk.

“No, Jade, I want to spend the day with you at the amusement park on the boardwalk. So—

wear a sun dress or something it’s going to be hot.”

“Okay, bye babe,” I wave him out the door.

I decide to text Sheila and Amber so I pick up my phone to see I have a few missed texts.

Amber: I need 2 talk 2 u soon about u know what!

I need to respond to this, she needs to know I’m here for her.

Me: Ambs it’s okay whenever u need me I’m here

Amber: Thx! 2morrow during lunch?

Me: That works

Amber: Kay c ya then

And now moving on to Sheila’s text messages.

Sheila: Need 2 talk 2 u asap

Sheila: Dammit Shamrock I need 2 talk 2 u

Me: Hey I’m here what’s up?

Sheila: I fucked up!

Me: With what?

Sheila: I fucked Nate last night and Ambs walked in & flipped out.

My chest starts pounding. I don’t know if it’s for the pain for Amber or if it’s because she slept

with Nate.

Fuck I’ve got three men I do not need another one!

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Sheila: r u there?

Me: Yes, srry just stunned

Sheila: It just happened he was crying bout u yada yada and it just fuckin happened

Me: So why did u fuck up then?

Sheila: Cuz Ambs was pissed I think cuz she likes Nate or something I don’t know. I don’t

want her 2 hate me!

Me: I’m having lunch with her 2morrow I’ll talk 2 her

Sheila: TY! Love u

Me: love u bk

As if shit couldn’t possibly get any more confusing it does. After my hot shower I go for a pony

tail and a pink sun dress with baby pink cork wedges. I don't even bother with makeup it’s going to be

hot and I’ll just sweat it all off anyways.

Just in the nick of time there’s a knock on my door. A huge smile comes across my face at the

thought of spending a full day at the boardwalk with Dean. I fluff my pony tail and open the door only

to follow my smile with a frown.


I sigh and lean against the door frame. “What do you want Nate,” I gesture with my hand “why

are you here?”

“I fucked up last night,” he mumbles.

“Oh yeah? With what screwing Sheila?” I bark.

I don’t know what’s wrong with me I’m now in an agreement of dating three guys. But, it’s

fucking Nate.


“Well—I don’t know what you expect me to say Nate, I mean you ignored me, had a change of

heart and now you’ve slept with my best friend.” I shrug.

“Look, I’m not mad in fact I am dating three guys right now I don’t have time to be upset or

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jealous anymore. I’ve wasted enough time trying to get you to notice me and now that you have it’s

too late.” As I’m finishing my sentence Dean walks up looking mighty yummy. A white tee stretched

across his Mr. Chiseled chest and khaki shorts along with a perfect pair of Nike high tops.

Bend me over, flip me over and ram into me over and over again! Fuck me this man is hot!

“Hey gorgeous, ready to go,” he grins winking at me.

“Yeah, just a minute.” I step back and snag my purse and phone.

“Well Nate I have a date so I gotta run,” I awkwardly hug him goodbye when the door shuts

behind me.

“Jade—we’re still best friends right,” he whispers into my hair.

And with that my heart breaks and I feel tears stinging my eyes.

“Of course we are, I love you Nate, I’ll text you later okay?” I pull out of the awkward

embrace and give him a reassuring smile.

Dean holds out his hand and I take it fighting back my tears. I am so fucked up. Four amazing

guys. Each with their own pros and cons and yet I am still stuck in this mental fucking dilemma.

Time will only tell how all this shit pans out.

Mr. Chiseled opens my door to his sleek black Rover helping me inside before closing the


Pro about Dean he opens your door. Mentally noted.

Even though the boardwalk is in walking distance he still wants to take the Rover. I shrug it off.

We make it to the boardwalk within minutes.

“So, I was thinking we could eat lunch first, walk on the beach letting our food settle then ride

some rides and afterwards have dinner and a few drinks. Sound okay?” He squeezes my hand.

“It sounds perfect,” I answer truthfully.

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—Dean’s Thoughts

She looks gorgeous with barely any makeup on. Hell she’s gorgeous even without it. But, ever

since my brothers and I agreement. I find myself back on the same mind fuck. Layden fucked Ty again.

I groan inside my head. Because, what no one knows is that I have been fucking her on and off for the

past two years. I can have any piece of ass I want, but yet I kept giving it to her. They don’t call me

Dean “walk-er on outta there” Walker for nothing. The pussy comes easy to me. I never wanted that to

change until I met Jade in her dorm room hall. My charm had barely worked on her. As soon as she

realized who the fuck I was she backed up. Backed up so fast it was like she was the fucking road


Layden thinks he’s the only one that has a past that will come back and haunt him. He doesn’t

know shit. If she even knew half the shit that all of us went through with Tyson she would drop kick us

swiftly and quickly in the balls without a second thought. And that right there is a thought I know I

never want to happen. Jade radiates with a glow. Her glow is an addiction, she takes shit and just

rolls with it. She’s fresh air that’s what she is. My Angel who was kissed by Angels.

We sit down and we’re about to order when the subject of my fucking inner thoughts stops right

in front of us.

FUCK did we have to sit outside?

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Chapter Three — Part Two — Jade

We settle on a cozy little restaurant for lunch. It’s got everything seafood, burgers and fries. It’s

perfect. We sit on the outside deck under an awning.

The waitress is walking towards us and my direction flies to the women who stopped next to

our table. She’s gorgeous, she’s a brunette is tan. She smirks behind her glasses.

Fuck this can’t be good! I smell fucking trouble.

“Dean, hunny, where have you been?” Gorgeous girl purrs.

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I look to Dean and his whole body tenses his grip on my hand sitting on the table top clamps

tightly around mine.

“Ty, I’ve been busy,” he growls out.

Shit this is Ty? I’ve never doubted myself until this very second!

I immediately unlock my hand with Dean’s and do something to make myself not feel less

inferior to this bitch. I stick out my hand for her to shake.

“Hi, I’m Jade it’s nice to meet you,” I say with a straight face. Even though my entire body and

brain is screaming leave him alone bitch!

She doesn’t shake my hand instead she refocuses her gaze on Dean. “Dean, I haven’t talked to

you in about two weeks, what’s going on?” She purrs.

Yeah, WTF DEAN! I turn a death glare on him.

“I started dating Jade, I’m not screwing around anymore Ty,” he says with a straight face.

“So you fuck me two weeks ago and then go and get all serious, in two weeks? Oh, c’mon

that’s not the Dean I know.” Ty hisses.

I don’t usually deal with cattiness very well, but she has history with all my men. I don’t think I

can compete with this shit.

“Well—Ty, believe it because actually all three of us are dating Jade,” he smiles at me


“What? You’re definitely not serious now. I just fucked Layden a few weeks ago. He didn’t say

shit about being attached,” she stops for a moment. “This is the Jade, the Jade he cried over for

months?” She looks at me in disbelief.

I’m still stuck on her doing Dean and Layden weeks ago. My heart feels constricted. They

aren’t over her. I’m just a decoy something to keep them occupied. I gulp down the water that is on

the table.

“Jade, don’t react until you’ve spoken to Lay,” Dean pleads.

I can’t breathe so it’s hard to find my voice so I just nod.

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“Ty, you need to go you’re interrupting our date,” he deadpans.

I drop my hands to my lap and fidget. I don’t ever fidget.

Fuck this is one giant mind fuck!

“Whatever, I’m calling Layden surely this shit isn’t happening!” She takes her phone out while

walking away.

“Excuse me are you ready to order?” I look over at the waitress who looks just as

uncomfortable as I feel.

“Yeah, umm I’ll just take a burger with fries please. Oh and your beached sized strawberry

margarita, extra salt on the rim.” I hand her my menu. Dean orders the same except a beer instead to


“So—that—was very unpleasant Dean,” I whisper.

This isn’t me, day one and their ripping me apart.

“Jade she’s in the past,” he tries to reassure me.

“In the past isn’t a few weeks ago Dean its months, years even,” I mumble.

“I’m nothing compared to her, what the hell are you guys doing with me? Especially when you

can have that?” I frown.

He looks at me with an earth shattering look. “What in the hell do you mean what are we doing

with you? Jade, you’re special plain and simple. You’re fun, witty, outgoing, beautiful, gorgeous,

smart and fucking a million times more responsive in bed then that bitch will ever be. I do not ever

want to hear you doubt your fucking self again. Do you understand me Angel Kisses?” He reaches

across the table and scoops up my chin holding it tightly staring at me with those gorgeous green eyes

of his.

“Okay,” I mumble through a clenched mouth and chin.

“Good, now let’s eat and enjoy the rest of our day all be damned if I’m going to let that bitch

get my gorgeous girl down.” He leans over and kisses me lightly on the lips.

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Chapter Four — Jade — Part One

Dear Mental College Diary,

Remember to write about this Ty bitch.

Apparently the Jade water isn’t so fucking special after all.


Lunch was awkward even afterwards later on Dinner ended up being so damn worse I actually

couldn’t wait for it to end. Dean on the other hand was oblivious to how I was feeling. I mean what

the hell a huge bomb was just dropped on me. After the worst damn dinner of my life we start walking

to the pier. He wants to lighten the mood with rides. I love carnival rides so I hope it works because

Dean lost major points with what I just found out. I’m seriously already thinking about backing out of

this absurd agreement.

I mean what the hell was I thinking?

“Jade, stop it, stop right now, let’s not ruin the night.”

I look over at Dean and it’s the first scowl I’ve ever seen him make at me. And I don’t

fucking like it, makes me feel like shit.

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These guys are going to fucking rip me to shreds.

“Fine, which ride first?” I whisper.

Fuck this isn’t me at all.

He smiles at me making me re-question this insanity of this damn agreement.

I can do this, I’m young and in college. My heart is still strictly off limits. I can fucking do


“The ferris wheel,” he points. I follow the direction his finger points looking back at him there

is some sort of sexy grin plastered all over that handsome face. That right there makes me agree.

“Fine with me.” I start pulling him towards the ferris wheel. This has always been one of my

favorite rides, it’s a secluded wheel our carts are glassed in. Total privacy. So with that privacy I

wonder if I can get my fucking thoughts under control.

We reach the guy operating the wheel and Dean pulls out tickets.

When the hell did he get those?

“When did you get the tickets?”

“Shh,” he covers my lips with his finger.

Why is he always covering up my damn mouth? I am quickly learning Dean hates questions. He

likes feeling things more than answering the simplest of questions.

Oh boy, I am so done for. How the hell am I supposed to keep up with all these men?

I am happy to climb into the enclosed Ferris wheel; the ocean breeze is becoming chillier as

the night goes on.

The operator locks us in our wheel cab and before I can even settle in, Dean is pulling me into

his lap.

“Now— it’s time to free your mind,” he whispers against my neck.

Yes, please!

His mouth is leaving tiny little whispers against my neck. It takes no time for my core to

dampen. Running his hands up my bare thighs, making his way to my panties I whimper at the

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knowledge of what’s to come. With the mixture of his lips working me and his fingers dancing along

my skin I can’t form one single fucking thought. Free my mind? Oh yes indeed he already has. I’m

about to start yelling at him, he’s dragging out the inevitable we already know he’s going to touch me

where I need to be touched.

His fingers swiftly move my panties to the side.

“Your mind free yet,” he whispers huskily against my collarbone.

Hmm? Everything is muffled to my ears.

Dean chuckles “I take that as a yes.”

The Ferris wheel starts moving. Oh shit!

“You’re going to ride me hard and fast gorgeous, yeah,” he pulls his fingers away from my

entrance before touching me.

“Gah, what the fuck is wrong with you?” I try dragging his hand back.

“I’m thinking this ride is only about seven minutes long with the stops and I want that pussy,”

he grunts pulling out his cock.

Oh well—in that case.

I lift my hips and hover directly over his ‘anaconda’ cock as I keep my panties to the side.

Mental note: Fucking smart thinking with the dress! No panties next time though.

I slowly push down and it’s heaven being in control of the speed of how quickly I shield him

with myself.

“Dammit, Jade, we only have so many minutes,” he growls at me.

I pause and look him directly in the eyes. He just called me Jade. Not Angel Kisses nor

gorgeous, he straight called me Jade. I fucking love it.

“You called me Jade,” I smile.

He rolls his eyes and takes my hips slamming me down.

“Fuck, Dean a little warning next time,” I pant.

I place one hand on his shoulder and the other on the window next to me. I start riding him with

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a rhythm I didn’t know I had in me. Small circular motions as I move slowly up and down each time I

rotate back up I slam slowly back down on him.

“Fuck, no mercy eh?”

I shake my head “No, no mercy,” I slam back down.

I dig my nails into his shoulder. The feeling of my panties scraping against both of us with each

movement only makes things that more erotic. The building is beginning and I use all my strength to

put pressure on his shoulder and the window and start slamming down and up as fast as I can. The

Ferris wheel comes to a stop and our cart is swaying back and forth.

“Shit,” I moan.

That means their starting to let people back off.

The air in the cart is musky and hot. I feel the sweat rolling down in between my chest. I arch

my back and continue with my assault on his anaconda.

“Fuck, fuck, dammit Jade,” he hisses through a furrowed grin.

“I know,” I moan.

My vision blurs and my insides clamp down around him. That seems to be all he can take, his

fingers dig into my hips slamming me down my hand loses its grip on the window.

“Shit gorgeous!”

No fucking kidding!

My dress straps slip to the side exposing the top of my breasts and his eyes miss nothing, their

like a bee seeking hunny. One hand leaves my side and grips my shoulder tightly as he forces me to

arch further back. I feel his thumb caressing the top of my exposed breast.

That’s it now that’s all I can fucking take.


He growls and as my body quivers it’s release I feel his warm come spurting inside of me. I

love that feeling.

We’re both panting and I’m still arched I slowly bring myself back to eye level with him. The

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look in his piercing green eyes stops me. It’s possessive almost wickedly so.

What the fuck is that look? Oh shit! I’ve seen that look and I’ve seen it in his brother—

Layden. Dammit Dean!

—Dean’s Thoughts

She’s fucking panting and arched back. She looks so fucking stunning. Jade moves to almost

full eye level with me before stopping in her tracks. Fuck! Whatever she sees in the look in my eyes

causes her breath to hitch. What? What in the hell did she see? She bites her lip as she slowly climbs

off of me putting herself back together. I want to stop her. As soon as the cool breeze hits my dick I

groan. The loss of being in Jade while being bareback is unfuckingbearable! She sits next to me and

rests the side of her face on the glass. What in the fuck just happened?

Chapter Four — Jade — Part Two

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As I am scurrying around fixing myself I see the look of confusion on his face. I sigh and sit

beside him leaning my cheek on the cool glass.

I told that ass not to make me fall for him. I fucking told him. And—what does he do? He

fucking starts the process! That one stupid fucking look! That one possessive you’re mine look. It

wasn’t a look of lust it was a look that contained feelings!

I’m not going to expose my heart to him, he can keep trying, but it’s just not going to happen.

“Jade—what’s wrong?”

What is up with my name all of a sudden? Dammit! Okay, you can tell him without exposing


I turn to look at him as our cart starts moving again.

“Dean, you gave me the look.” It comes out in a whisper. I think.

“What look Jade,” he says eying me down.

“A look of not just lust Dean, the look, you know the one where it shows and contains feelings?

That look. That’s the look,” I ramble out.

Did that even make any sense?

Dean shakes his head at me smiling.

“And, this is a problem because,” he teases as he ruffles his hair. How does he do that? Takes

a thoroughly fucked looking hair do and makes It even better?

“Dean,” I whine.

His look goes serious. “Look gorgeous, this isn’t just about sex. I told you I would do my best

at making sure you didn’t fall in love with me. What I didn’t promise however is that we wouldn’t

develop some kind of feelings.”

“I’m dating your brothers and you,” I point out. “How in the hell are you even saying this?”

“Because in the end you will end up with one of us or none of us — but my time with you

won’t be wasted,” he shrugs.

That makes a little bit of sense.

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“Okay time to change the subject ask me a question, any question.” Please ask something that

doesn’t deal with emotions.

“Right, what’s your major?”

Thank you! He helps me stand as our cart comes to the bottom. We get out and walk out the

protective gate.

“I’m going to be a Sex Therapist,” I say nonchalantly.

He stops walking turning towards me. “Seriously,” he smiles.

“Yes seriously.”

“Well—how very fitting,” he jokes.

“Ha, ha very funny—,” I’m cut off by my phone playing Layden’s ring-tone. He knows I’m with

his brother what the hell?

“That’s Layden’s ring; he knows I’m with you why would he be calling right now?” I fumble in

my purse for my phone.

Dean groans throwing is head back in frustration.

“He’s calling because Ty called him and now he’s probably flipping a fucking wig.”

Shit I forgot about her!

I hit ignore on my phone. I need answers from Dean first.

“So you and Ty huh? Is she going to be a problem?”

He lets out a string of curses before answering me.

“I honestly don’t know Jade,” he curses again “I didn’t stop fucking her completely until you

and I started up.”

I hear warning signs like a mother fucker going off in my head!

Hold the fuck up!

“Excuse me?”

“Fuck, I knew this shit would happen,” he grunts.

“You’re grunting? Really? I’m the one who just found out some serious shit and you’re the one

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grunting?” I stomp my foot like a child wanting a balloon it’s parent won’t let them have.

My phone starts ringing again, this time I answer it. “Be at my fucking dorm when I get

back,” I yell into it then hang up.

“Take me home, now please,” I start walking off.

“Dammit Jade!” Dean comes running after me.

“What,” I whirl on him.

“I haven’t touched Ty since you, I swear. I need you to know this please,” he begs.

“Fine whatever sure— just take me back your brother will be waiting. Let’s see what he has to

fucking say.” I start walking back to the Rover again.

The silence is so damn eerie back to my dorm.

—Layden’s Thoughts

Fuck if Jade didn’t sound pissed off when she barked into the phone to ‘get my ass to her

dorm’. What does my ass do? Oh my ass gets to her fucking dorm room. Jade has always meant

business. Just like she did when she dumped my ass the first time. No-one and I mean no-one sticks to

their fucking guns like Jade does. I knew she was going to be pissed; she wasn’t thrilled to learn

we’ve done this before. So— I bet running into Ty on her date with Dean wasn’t fucking pleasant.

I’m leaning against her dorm room door when she and Dean come walking up. She

takes one look at me and I can tell in her eyes she’s going to let us fucking have it. Dean gives me a

look that says ‘we’re so fucked’!

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And he’s absolutely probably fucking right. She opens the door and gestures for us to

go in silently.

Oh yeah! So fucked, silent Jade is fucking scary that’s when you know she’s thinking.

Chapter Five — Jade — Part One

Dear Mental Diary,

Right now I feel lost hurt and confused. Remember to write these things down. You’ve never

given a flip about what people do so why all of a sudden do you care what four guys do or did in the


Layden looks how I feel. Defeated. Yes that word works.

Fine they want me to go first. “So—Ty is fucking gorgeous, oh— and I’ve also

learned I’m not fucking special at all.” I grab a beer out of our mini fridge. Big no—no too, if I was

caught with this in the dorm.

I pop the tab and literally guzzle that shit like a man. “I’m fucking ecstatic to know there ain’t

shit to my water. You guys just find girls to share. Girls that are willing do this complicated fucking


My mind is all over the place. I need more alcohol and beer isn’t going to satisfy this

fucking craving. I walk over to my small ass closet pulling out a short white strapless dress. I strip

out of my dress and moist with sex panties. I don’t even both turning around to look at Dean and

Layden. I unsnap my bra and slip on my white tight dress. Walking over to my tree jewelry box I grab

two red beaded necklaces throwing them on. I bend over and reach under my bed for my red fuck me

stiletto heels once I find them I sit on the edge of my bed putting them on. I stand.

“Jade—what are you doing?” Dean slowly asks as I fluff my hair into a messy down

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mix. I hair spray the shit out of it too.

“Getting ready, we’re going out I need something else besides beer and I want to get out of this

room before I say something I might regret.”

I pull out some faux eyelashes and gluing them on. I line my eyelid with coal black liner

flipping the line at the end of my lid. I repeat doing the same to my bottom lids. Exotic. That’s exactly

what I went for and achieved.

I throw the liner down and turn around only to find two gaping men.

I smirk. “Ready?”

“Uh, yeah, let’s go,” Dean says in a mumble. Layden hasn’t spoke at all he’s just staring at me.

I roll my eyes as I grab my phone and I.D. These asses are buying my drinks tonight.

“Baby, you do realize tomorrow is Monday right? We have classes.” Oh he finally speaks.

“Who the fuck are you? What the hell did you do with the fun Layden? Bring him back please

because this new pussy ass bitch of a man standing in front of me is really pissing me off,” I yell.

His quiet demeanor slips away right in front of me.

Fuck! There he is!

“You’re going to regret talking to me like that Jade,” he growls dragging me out of the

room. Dean laughs and follows behind us shutting my door.

“Not likely I’ve been missing you, that pussy Layden sucked ass,” I laugh because I’m

definitely not kidding.

Dean comes up on the other side of me grinning like a damned fool.

“What’s up,” I ask him because that grin is way to fucking cocky.

“Hard dicks and airplanes,” he points down wards “see hard dick,” he says and then points

upwards “and airplanes.”

And my bad mood is gone. Just like that.

“You silly fool!” I shake my head laughing. “There is no doubt in my mind now that you guys

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are brothers.”

— Dean’s Thoughts

She’s literally killing me with that fucking white dress and with the knowledge that she has

absolutely nothing under it is torture. Pure fucking hell. But I can’t help but grin like a damn idiot.

And when she asked me what’s up I couldn’t help myself. At least I made her smile again.

I can’t believe Layden and I let her walk out of her dorm looking the way she does.

Strapless dress, nothing underneath, fucking hooker heels, teased hair and fake eyelashes. What

in the fuck were we thinking?

I decide I can’t drink that much tonight so I’m going to turn around and go pick up the Rover.

There is no way I can get drunk while she’s dressed like that. FUCK!

Chapter Five — Part Two — Jade

Dean stops walking.

“I’m gonna go grab the Rover,” he starts walking away.

“Dean,” I holler stopping him in his tracks. I sashay over to him. “Hurry back,” I whisper

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against his ear as I grab his Anaconda causing him to growl.

“Ah hell, dammit gorgeous,” he turns his head smashing his lips to mine.

“Fuck it, c’mon Layden,” he growls against my mouth.

What does he mean c’mon I want to go out!

“What the hell Dean? I wanna go out, not go home!”

“Trust me,” his husky voice growls out as Layden comes up behind me turning me


What in the hell is going on?

Before I can process what’s going on I’m hoisted up and wrapping my legs around Layden.

Ah— I’ve missed this. He always takes what he wants!

When your legs are wrapped tightly around a man like Layden you don’t just let him carry you.

No. You rub up against that shit, so—that’s exactly what I do. I run my fingers through his gorgeous

black hair.

Fuck! I’ve missed him so damn much!

“Rover,” Dean grins at his brother.

“Rover,” Layden answers back.

“Babe, you remember how if you pissed me off I would just spank that beautiful bare

ass? Well you pissed me off calling me a pussy so—now your pussy, ass and mouth are going to be

throughly fucking used,” he says against my bare shoulder.

“There is only one problem with that statement Lay,” I purr “you know I love being fucking


“Shit,” Dean growls.

I’m becoming inpatient. I don’t know what to expect, all I know is I have Mr. Chiseled

with a pierced Anaconda and my sexy rugged tattooed street racing man giving me lustful looks.

My breath becomes ragged with anticipation I’m about to become ‘used’ and hell if I

don’t want it.

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I barely notice as Dean hits unlock. I turn my attention away from Layden and watch as Dean

has one leg hanging out the door as he starts the Rover. He pulls the Rover out of its parking spot and

angles it towards the campus quad and parks it sideways.


“It’s for more privacy,” Dean shrugs while he turns completely sideways in his seat

propping his feet along the car door frame. I watch him while Layden caresses the bottom of my ass.

“Watch him babe,” Layden growls.

With pleasure!

Dean slowly unzips his shorts while his eyes continuously assault me. I am lost in the

sea of green that is Dean. His cock jumps free and my eyes snap right to it. I watch as he begins

stroking that huge Anaconda that I love so fucking much. Slowly Layden lowers me to the ground

pushing me towards Dean. My eyes are still fixated on him I can’t seem to stop watching as his long

fingers are wrapped around that huge cock of his.

Layden’s hand presses against my middle bending me over so my mouth is directly over Dean.

I lick my lips in a hungry need. I feel cold air hit my ass as my dress is being dragged up my body

stopping right under my breasts. I’m practically full on naked outside and I could care less. I don’t

give a damn about anything other than the pleasure I’m about to be given. I roll my eyes.

Used my ass! How could any female in their right mind think this is being used? If this is

being used, they can use me all the fucking time!

“Baby,” Layden whispers huskily into my ear as his muscular body presses against my

back. “I want you to suck Dean’s cock while I fuck you, yeah.” It’s not a question it’s more of a

command. I can’t speak, I can’t even nod. “Babe,” he growls as one hand cups my bare pussy “you

will suck his cock while I use this beautiful fucking cunt!”

“Oh god.” It’s all I can manage to moan as I close my eyes. Before they flutter back

open my hair is being wrapped tightly around one of Dean’s strong hands and my head is being

shoved down onto his gorging cock. My eyes snap completely open and I moan when the taste of

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Dean’s raving flesh enters my mouth.

“Fuck,” he growls.

Yes please!

I want to wrap my hands around his cock but they are secure around my back by Layden’s

strong grip. I’ve never been so damn wet before in my life. No thoughts, none at all as I feel the tip of

Layden at my entrance. “You want us both baby?”

Oh god how does Layden even think I can answer him right now?

And that’s when it happens. The sting. The sting of his palm against my bare ass.

“Fuck,” I hiss over Dean’s cock.

“Do you want us both,” he growls teasing my entrance.

“Yes,” I whimper out around Dean.

“Shit, make her do it again,” Dean moans and I grin against him.

“You want me to make her whimper again brother?”

“Fuck yes,” he growls.

Layden’s grip tightens around my wrists and he impales into me with such force.

Boy do I ever whimper.

I can think of nothing more but giving Dean pleasure as Layden takes his.

As my mouth moves up and down along Dean I run my tongue in circles causing his grip to

tighten in my hair.

“Dude—hurry the fuck up—I can’t— fucking—last much longer,” Dean grunts out as he rams

himself down my throat.

I almost gag, but my mind goes somewhere else—my hands are now free. “Babe,

place your hands on Dean’s knees.”

I nod my head and do as he demands.

The loss of Layden’s muscular grip makes me almost want to cry until I see why out of

the corner of my eye. One hand squeezes the top of the Rover door while the other is placed on the

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roof. I look up at Dean his piercing green eyes telling me silently to hold on.

Why the hell—

Oh fuck!!!!!

My hands slide up Dean’s legs as Layden uses all his body strength to ram into me hard, fast

and over and over again.

My entire body starts trembling and I’m whimpering as I take Dean in my mouth faster.

I’ve never felt anything like this before. The need to pleasure two men at the same time wanting to

make sure their needs are taken care of and not just mine.

Something goes off inside of me. I want to make them mine. I want them to look back

at this moment and never want anyone else the way they want me at this moment. When this ends—

when we end I want them to fucking dwell on the loss of me entirely.

I’m such a bitch!

With that mission clear in my mind I still let my orgasm build, but at the same time I’m focused

and now even more determined. I use every ounce of my energy left clamping down on Layden as I

suck and slurp Dean like my very breath depends on it.

“Shit! Dammit Jade do that again,” Layden growls slamming into me harder.

“She—gah—she clamped down on ya—fuck—didn’t she?”

Layden let’s go of the Rover gripping my hips tightly his fingertips digging into my hips.

“Yeah, I’ve missed her pussy,” he huffs as he pounds me into oblivion.

Queue the damn rainbows! I swear I see rainbows dancing around in my vision.

Oh God!

“I’m coming,” I whisper mumble against Dean causing him to growl and let out his release.

“Fuck, Fuck, Fuck,” Layden curses letting go of my hip and slapping my ass.

“Lay,” I screech as I lick my lips breathing on Dean’s now semi erect cock.

“Say it again baby,” he grunts.

“Lay please,” I beg.

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Just come please!

I can’t take it anymore my legs are weak my senses are on high alert please, please, please I

silently beg.

He grunts “Fuck baby I really did miss you!”

I lay my head in Dean’s lap as he catches his breath and Layden comes hard.

“I’m supposed to be mad at you both.”

“We know gorgeous, we know,” Dean runs his fingers through my sweaty sexed up hair.

I have no energy I’m sleepy and my legs are weak they fill like concrete molds they’re that

heavy. Layden zips himself up after disposing of his condom. He comes back pulling my dress down

lifting me up into his arms like I’m a newborn. I sigh looking over at Dean who is now getting into his

Rover completely.

“Where are you going,” I whine.

“Gorgeous its Layden’s day tomorrow I’m gonna give him tonight if that’s okay with you.”

Okay, yeah this is just weird and screwed up!

“You’re just going to leave not giving me a kiss goodbye or anything?” I feel the tears gather in

the corner of my eyes.

Well this is new.

What the hell is going on? Breathe Jade. Breathe.

His eyes widen and he climbs back out of the Rover and stalks over to me. Dean leans down

and whispers against my lips “bye angel kisses I’ll text you tomorrow.” His lips are smooth and soft

against mine he pulls back a little wiping the corner of my eyes smiling at me. “No need to cry

gorgeous, tomorrow,” he promises before turning around.

FUCK! I’m falling in love and hard for Dean!

“No, no, no,” I chant whisper.

“What’s no, no, no for babe,” Layden’s voice brings me back.

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I can’t let this happen.

Stand firm Jade stand firm!

“Nothing Lay I’m just really tired now,” I smile up at him as he carries me across the parking

lot and into my dorm.

Layden carries me up the steps like I weigh nothing. I always forget how strong he is. I’m about

to tell him I’m happy were trying again when I see Brayden out of the corner of my eye.

“Well am I just the luckiest girl in the world or what? I always have hot men waiting at my

door for me.” I tease them both until I see the look on Brayden’s face.

“Bray baby what’s wrong,” I ease myself out of the carry position Layden has me and as soon

as my feet hit the ground I take off towards him.

I’m still getting used to his looks and I can’t decipher this one at all. That worries me. It’s

almost like sadness.

“Bray what’s wrong?” I wrap my arms around him tightly breathing my question again.

“I thought Dean was with you I was looking for both Dean and Layden, but isn’t it Dean’s


I pull away from him looking into his coal black stare that has no more sadness just anger now.

“Layden call Dean get him here now it’s really important.”

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—Brayden’s Thoughts

Jade lets us into her room while Layden calls Dean. They’re going to flip the fuck out. But my

brothers are not who I’m worried about right now. Jade is going to be hurt and fucking pissed. I ran

into Tyson buying a damn pregnancy test after she ran into Dean and Jade tonight. After hearing

Layden tell me about him and Tyson I made that little bitch take the test in the pharmacy bathroom.

Fuck, then she informs me that she’s been fucking Dean off and on since the breakup that’s when I

really lost it. I totally fucking lost my cool. Why? Because the bitch ass tramp is fucking pregnant and

I have the fucking test to prove it. My brothers are so fucked right now. See? I can’t even stop cursing

I’m so pissed! Dean must not have been very far away because he comes striding into the room. I take

a deep breath running my fingers through my hair. Shit!

Chapter Six —Part One — Jade

I don’t like the look on Bray’s face it’s freaking me out. I flop down on my bed my whole body

is wore down so I lean back on my elbows.

“So— I ran into Ty at the Pharmacy when I was picking up some condoms,” Bray says with no

shame in his voice and I smile at that, but frown at more Ty news.

Well is he going to tell us what the hell he needs to tell us? I’m about to scold him

when what he says next sits me straight up.

“Tyson is pregnant.” I sit straight up every strand of hair on my body raises. It rises because I

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now know Dean and Layden both were messing with her before me.

“So why you telling us,” Layden shrugs off.

“Dude she says it’s one of yours. I made her take the test in the restroom at the pharmacy and

give it to me.”

Brayden pulls a box out of his back pocket. “Here it’s in this box it’s been pissed on though

dude be careful, but yeah it’s positive,” he clears his throat. “So yeah one of you might be a father.”

“There ain’t no fucking way,” Layden growls taking the box from Bray. He pulls out

the stick and grunts out “fuck”.

“Well—this is just flip fuckintastic,” I scream jumping off the bed.

“Really? Anymore bombs being dropped on me tonight? Think hard because I can’t

take anymore!”

I never thought the saying seeing red really existed until now. I’m totally seeing red and want to

beat their asses.

“So which one of you idiots weren’t careful enough,” I fold my arms staring them both down.

“Gorgeous you are the only girl I’ve been in bareback,” Dean says carefully.

So I turn my glare directly on Layden “What about you Lay baby, we know how you get lost in

the moment and all,” I smirk.

“Well I said fuck didn’t I? Shit motherfucker,” he groans throwing the box into my trash.

“Uh no get that damn box out of my trash— like I need another reminder that one of my

boyfriends might have a child on the way.”

“You’re not dumping me,” he looks stunned.

Well no it might not even be his

“Layden it might not be yours when she gets far enough along in the pregnancy we’ll have her

tested,” I look at him like he’s stupid. “Don’t you guys know anything? You don’t have to wait until

she pops out a kid.”

Lay looks like the weight of the world was just lifted off of his shoulders. “You mean

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I won’t have to wait nine long ass months to know?”

“No,” I frown.

“But it’s still bullshit Layden all of us,” I point to all of them “is hard enough without throwing

in an ex-girlfriend and now a baby.”

He also needs to talk to Tyson even though I don’t want him alone with her he needs to get this

all pulled together.

“You need to talk to Tyson tomorrow, explain that you want her tested when she’s far enough


“That’s all great and all, but what if the kid is his then what?”

I look over at Dean and he’s scowling at Layden. What for I’m not sure. Yeah, sure, I’m

beyond pissed off but the shit was before me.

“Well, we’ll deal with it if we make it that far. I told you guys this is dating,” I huff.

“Ya’ll are acting like we’re married or something.”

Brayden’s been quiet until I spoke those words. “So we’re just dating? Am I wasting my time

with you Jade? I understand this shit is unconventional, but hell if I’m going to waste my time just

fucking someone without gaining feelings. If I wanted that I have an entire campus I could fuck.”

My mouth drops open. “I…I—,” I try to answer but I’m cut off.

“No sexy what’s it gonna be? Stop putting up a front. Yeah, we get it you think you’re made of

steel. Guess what you’re not. So— am I planning on fucking a cold hearted bitch or someone who is

going to open up? I rather know beforehand so I’m not wasting my time caring.”

I look from Bray over to Dean who has an eyebrow quirked up then over to Layden.

“What in the hell is wrong with you three? Seriously?”

Are they crazy they want me to give them what is strictly off limits? Yes, that’s it they’ve gone


“Nope, no way, you all know off limits.” I place a hand over my forbidden heart.

And this is where I lose my cool. “Out all of you! Get the fuck out I don’t need this crap,” I cry

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“Jade,” Dean tries to grab my arm and I back up.

“No! You guys know Layden fucking broke me! My heart is off limits; you can care about

someone and not love them.”

I wipe my eyes; this crying shit is starting to piss me off.

“Just go,” I whisper “all of you, please,” I beg.

“Dammit Brayden,” Dean growls.

Yeah dammit Bray because he just caused this shit storm. I need my best friend the guy one.

Nate. I need my funny best friend right now.

“When you guys act like this it makes me regret everything,” I walk to my door and

open it. “Seriously, I need time to cool off you guys need to leave.”

Dean walks up to me first. “Jelly donuts and espresso in the morning to talk?” He

looks so hopeful, but I plan on fixing things with Nate in the morning. Then after morning lectures I’m

meeting Amber for lunch.

“Nope gonna try and patch up me and Nate’s friendship in the morning.”

It’s his turn for jaw dropping. “Jade—,” I throw my hand up stopping him.

“Nope, stop acting like a jealous boyfriend. Nate’s been in my life for a long time. I’m

patching things up that’s it.”

“One,” Dean holds up a finger “I am a jealous boyfriend, two,” he holds up another

finger “make sure he understands friendship that’s it Jade nothing more. Thirdly,” he holds up a third

finger “what about lunch?”

“Can’t— meeting up with Ambs for lunch,” I shrug.

I’ve never seen him look so damn frustrated it’s kinda cute in a hot way. “Besides its Layden’s

day tomorrow and I’m making him talk to Tyson about the baby stuff.” I look over at Layden with a

pointed I dare you to argue with me glare. “And since Layden is going to be busy I’m picking Brayden

tomorrow. Apparently he and I have some shit to go over,” I shrug.

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“Good,” Dean looks over at Brayden and smiles.

These damn guys are going to kill me.

“So what about it Bray? Tomorrow after the afternoon classes?” I pin him with my best smile.

“Depends,” he grins back.

“On,” I tease him.

“Am I getting Jade the cold hearted bitch or the Jade that will open up?”

Gah! He’s not going to make this easy on me.

“Really Bray?”

“Yes,” he crosses his arms firmly his legs spread in an ‘I’m sticking with this shit’ kind of


“You win Brayden.”

“Thank you sexy,” he walks over to me kisses me lightly before walking over the threshold.

“See ya tomorrow.”

“Dammit does he always get his way,” I ask Layden and Dean.

“Brayden is a male version of you Jade,” Layden laughs.

Well shit!

“What is it about you three? I can’t stay mad at you when you’re all together it’s infuriating,” I


“I don’t know were not blood related,” Dean laughs.

“This is so messed up; just go you guys I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

Dean kisses me on the cheek and leaves first.

“What happens if the baby is mine Jade,” Layden whispers.

“Lay,” I groan.

“Babe seriously what if it is will you leave me again?”

Dammit why do these men have to be serious all the time?

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“Layden just don’t hurt me. If the baby is yours I’ll learn to handle it okay? No more cheating

that’s it Lay that’s all you have to do to keep me when will you learn—.” His lips hit mine cutting me

off and I gladly let him. I drink him up completely. Everything about Layden when he is this close or

touching me takes all my self-control away. His very presence sucks my soul dry.

Realization dawns on me. I realize that I’m still madly in love with this man and I just mask it

very well.

“Layden,” I whisper against his lips “I still love you don’t hurt me again okay.”

By telling him this I know I’ve just exposed so much to him. But Lay knows me. He would have

seen right through me eventually.

—Layden’s Thoughts

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I feel Jade’s walls crumbing down all around us. But the very least thing I expect comes

whispering from those luscious lips. She still loves me and doesn’t want me to hurt her again. It’s that

moment that I realize the damage I really done to her fucking heart and it about rips me apart. Stupid

ass hot Adrianna wasn’t worth losing Jade over. I see that now. I see my fucking mistake clear as day.

At first I admit I was being a selfish asshole. It hurt like hell losing Jade, but up until this point I

thought she was being childish. Her forehead is leaning against mine. I start thinking about what if she

was screwing someone else back then. Before our agreement with my brothers. What if she was doing

Nate or somebody behind my back? Oh fucking shit that pisses me off thinking about it.

My heart starts pounding and my breathing picks up. Calm the fuck down dude she’s

here again. Don’t fuck it up! I take a few deep breaths and look into her gorgeous eyes.

Chapter Six — Part Two — Jade

“I love you too baby, so fucking much and I’m so fucking sorry,” he mumbles against my lips.

It’s that moment I finally believe him. Believe he’s sorry for hurting me so deeply.

“I know baby I know you are,” I pull back to look at him. He’s crying again, the first

time we dated I never seen this man cry. But now this makes twice in a few days.

“Baby don’t cry,” I wipe his eyes.

“Fuck what is wrong with me,” he laughs.

I need to try and lighten the mood this past couple of days has been a damn roller coaster ride.

“You know what Lay,” I whisper staring into those deep coal eyes of his.

“That coal black stare of yours sucks me in so deep you can always get your way. You

just need to learn how to use it on me all the time,” I laugh.

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His thumb caresses my bottom lip. “Sometimes baby only sometimes. When you make

up your mind you stick to it no matter what. Deep stare or not you’re a stubborn one.”

Maybe. Maybe not I think to myself.

“Lay will you stay with me tonight and just cuddle with me? I really just need to be


I finally let Layden back in. And like I knew it wouldn’t take long. Like I said he owns my heart

and soul. He’s like a love grim reaper or something. He just takes that shit and doesn’t give it


“Yeah I’ll stay with you,” he shuts the door.

My body and mind are so worn down all I remember is crawling into bed, hitting the pillow

and falling asleep soundly. I’m awoken by my screaming alarm and I immediately think about Dean

bitching about it that puts a smile on my face. I slam my hand down on the off button as I feel a large

arm wrap around my waist. I look over at Layden he’s grinning ear to ear.

“Whats the grin for?”

He shrugs “It just feels good to wake up next to you again.”

This newly found Layden scares me. He’s never shared his feelings so openly before and that

freaks me out.

I need space from these three men and I need to patch things up with Nate so I bring up the

elephant in the room.

“You need to go and speak with Tyson and I need to mend things up with Nate.” I

climb out of my bed and grab my phone to text Nate.

Me: Want 2 talk? Breakfast?

Not even a few seconds go by before I hear back.

Nate: Yeah usual place? Old time?

Me: Yep

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Nate: K

I place my phone on my dresser and pull out a pair of jean shorts and a simple halter top shirt. I

want casual with flip flops I want Nate to take me seriously. Layden gets up sighing.

“I hate that you’re going to meet up with him just voicing my opinion.”

“Well he’s my best friend and you know better so don’t push me Lay please.”

He throws his hands up in surrender because he knows not to push me on Nate and he better not

start now; especially with me dealing with the whole entire Ty situation.

“Alright baby, meet after the noon classes?” He asks while throwing on his shoes.

“Yeah sounds good and be nice to Tyson I may not like her but she can drag us into

hell if you’re not careful,” I warn him.

Layden looks momentarily stunned by my adultness and I giggle at him.

“What?” I tease him with a carefree shrug.

He shakes his head with a smile and then turns those hypnotic coal eyes on me. “I love

you baby,” he walks up to me throwing his arms around me. And yes I melt right into him sighing like

a little love sick teenager. “I love you too Layden,” I mumble into his shirt. He kisses the the top of

my head and it feels so fresh so new. Like everything might be different this time. I actually feel very

content and I haven’t felt that way in a long time.

“Bye baby,” he pulls away and walks quietly out of my room.

I need to write in my diary it’s the only thing that will clear my head right now.

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Dear College Diary,

I know I haven’t written in you for a while and there is so much to write. So Layden

and I are back together and I’m also dating his brothers Dean and Brayden. My feelings on that — not

to sure right now. My head is fucking everywhere. I love Layden he owns my damn soul. I am falling

in love with Dean he’s so good to me. But Brayden he’s so deep about everything. Just the few

conversations we’ve had have sucked me into him. I’m screwed. I know I’m young and living a fun

free life, but I mean isn’t unconventional to be semi in love with three guys? Oh and Layden might be

the father of a girl named Tyson’s baby! And as much as it pains me that he might have a baby with

someone else I can’t be upset it was while we were split up. And Nate I’m still not sure what is

going on I hope I have something nice to write about him later. I fucking wanted him forever and he

didn’t want me. And now that I don’t want him he wants me. How fucked up is that? I don’t want to

lose one of my best friends. I can’t. I won’t.

Sheila also slept with him and I think I felt a stab of jealousy and I need to get rid of

that somehow. Of course I already love Nate he’s been my best friend for over two years so I don’t

know what that pain is in my chest when I think of him and Sheila together. Let’s not forget Amber has

always had the hots for Nate too. I also caught her checking Sheila out and she wants to have lunch on

that topic tonight. Everything is such a fucking mess. Well I gotta go and meet up with Nate.


Chapter Seven — Part One — Jade

I walk slowly to the coffee shop I’m definitely not in a hurry now that I’ve thought

about it. This might be one awkward conversation. It needs to happen though there is no way around

it. The campus is already buzzing everyone scampering around. I’m losing my ice cold bitchness and I

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don’t like that. All these guys are breaking through my walls that I’ve fucking maintained for so many

damn years. Even before Layden couldn’t get through and now all of a sudden my exterior is breaking

down? What the fuck is up with that?

As soon as I pull the door open for the coffee shop the aroma hits me and I smile.

Espresso’s make me happy. I see Nate flagging me down he of course already has my drink order. I

stroll over while the students stare at me. I feel like screaming ‘what’ at the top of my lungs but then

that would really give them something to talk about. Instead I just smile and park my happy ass down

across from my best friend.

“Hey Nate,” I smile while I pick up my espresso blowing on it trying to cool it off.

“Hey babe.”

“So want to patch things up shrug this shit behind us,” I tease him trying to lighten the mood. He

falls for it that gorgeous face lights up shaking his head yes so fast his blonde bangs flop into his eyes.

Fucking gorgeous son of a bitch!


“Good because I miss you,” I say honestly.

“I miss you too Jade and I’m sorry I was a complete fucking asshole. You didn’t deserve any of

that shit. I crossed a huge line and I’m sorry but I still don’t regret having sex with you.”

I can’t breathe. Back up repeat that shit!

“Nate I do because we wouldn’t have fought and none of this would have happened.”

He rolls his eyes and blows out a breathe forcing his bangs out of his eyes. Damn that stupid

blonde shaggy hair it’s so hot.

“I don’t regret it babe nothing you say or do is going to make me change my mind. It happened

if I can’t have you that way at least I have you as my friend. I love you so if friendship is what I get so

fucking be it.”

He makes it sound so simple and it’s fucking not I’m going to agree with him though save us

another stupid argument.

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“Okay so fucking be it,” I agree.

“Great so what’s going on with Amber?”

Oh hell no! I haven’t even talked to her no way am I spilling her beans. It’s not my life it’s


“No way Nate you know how I feel about sharing others secrets. I’m a bitch but not

that big of one. Not my secret to share please don’t ask me again,” I plead.

I have to plead because Nate has a way of getting shit out of me when I don’t wanna

talk. The only thing he can’t get out of me is my past or my feelings.

Nate smiles that sexy ass smile showing a full frontal glow of naturally white teeth.


See I have a weakness for this man. Must remind myself I am taking not once, twice but three

times over and over again.

He explains to me what happened between him and Sheila he also tells me it wasn’t that great.

The chemistry just wasn’t there and they both agreed to never talk about it again. I was under the

impression it happened more than once but guess not.

—Nate’s Thoughts

Damn her and her fucking freckles. Why the fuck did I have to be so damn stupid? I mean

seriously my best friend handed herself to me on a silver platter! And what do I do? I fuck it up just

like I always do when it comes to her. I’ve always loved her. She’s Jade. That’s all there is to say

she’s just Jade. My best friend. My confidant. My beautiful, sexy and smart Jade. Sleeping with her

was…blissful. Yeah blissful. It was extremely hot and blissful. Dammit! It was fucking great! And I

push her away? What the fuck is wrong with me? She’s smiling at me and my heart is pounding in my

damn chest just from that one smile. FUCK! I run my fingers through my hair and mutter a string of

curses under my breath.

I thought telling her about Sheila was going to be hard. No — letting her go — only

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having her as a friend that’s fucking hard.

Chapter Seven — Part Two — Jade

I’m smiling at him it’s forced I’m shocked he doesn’t notice that fact. I mean he’s running his

fingers through his hair and mutter curses to himself. I just want my best friend back so I am choosing

to ignore this. I mean what else is there to say? I have three boyfriends and one of them might me a

father soon. My life is a complete and utter fucking mess but I couldn’t be happier with it. Dammit my

mind is all over the fucking place I’m sadistic that’s what I am. I enjoy doing this shit to myself. We

chat a little while longer before saying goodbye. I head to my morning lectures and find Brayden

waiting for me at the door. This will be strange having him with me instead of him being surrounded

by a shit ton of girls.

“Hey sexy,” he grins at me.

I’m knocked back two steps in my mind. One being he looks fucking so damn edible I can’t

focus. Two being we still haven’t had our talk. He’s leaning one foot on the wall and the other on the

ground. His light blue jeans with holes in them not from being warn down. No — these were bought

like this. They fit him so perfectly. His black motorcycle books with not one spec or scuff on them.

His white tee hugging his biceps and chest tightly. His tattoo sleeve teasing me. I look back up to his

coal black stare his eyes gleaming at me..

Shit! Totally busted checking him out. Oh who cares he’s my boyfriend right? Yeah that’s how

I justify this.

“Checking me out,” he groans pushing off the wall stalking towards me his fingers fist

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through my hair. My mouth drops open to protest. Hell I don’t know why. Before I can utter a single

word his mouth smashes down to mine causing me to whimper. Damn his lips are soft. His tongue

teases my bottom lip begging for entrance and I gladly admit him in. Our tongues tangle. Every lap

his tongue makes feels like were doing the tango. It’s precision. Brayden fucking kisses with

expertise. Oh god my pussy tightens what if he fucks with expertise too?

“I don’t feel like going to class now,” I pant pulling away from his grinning beautiful


“No,” he teases.

“No — I really don’t,” I take his hand and start dragging him down the hallways.

“Where are we off too,” he chuckles with his deep baron laugh.

“We’re going to find a place to have sex so help me find the where? You can’t kiss me

like that it’s not right.”

“Aw did I get Jade worked up?”

Oh no he didn’t! I stop dead in my tracks and turn around to find him smiling at me.

“Really Bray?”

“I was just messin around sexy — come on,” he grabs my hand and this time he’s dragging me.

I giggle and try to keep my feet at an easy pace but it’s still not enough he’s laughing at me his

beautiful smile directed at me. Bray always makes me giggle. And I’m not a fucking giggler. This is

what I love the most about Bray. I can be the me I was before my freshman year of college before my

life went to hell. Before I had to up and transfer to a different college.

Fuck did I say love?

Oh dear god

I need help!

“Where we going Bray?”

I grab the helmet from him and slip it on. I love his Ducati I’ve yet rode it until now though. It’s

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black and silver. It fits him.

“My house sexy — I want you on my bed.”

The way his eyes cut straight to mine when he says ‘my bed’ about kills me.

I bite my lip.

“Come on jump on,” he pats behind him.

“Okay,” I’m not even hesitant I trust him for some reason I already trust him. I ponder on that

for a second in my head. Yeah I really do trust him I make up my mind.

“Hold on tight,” he starts the motorcycle and the light purr between my legs causes a light

whimper to escape my throat.

“Yeah — she’ll do that to ya baby,” he idles us out of the campus lot. He doesn’t race or try to

show off he just keeps us at a steady speed the short distance to his place.

I can never get over how big this beach house is. I’m not used to being surrounded by

people with money. Everything I have is from maxing out credit cards and using up my student loans.

He cuts off the purring and runs his fingers through his now messy hair. He gave me his helmet

he turns slightly giving me a crooked smile with a wink. I swear he’s going to kill me.

“Come on,” he pulls the helmet off my head after he climbs off.

I shake my head my hair feels all flat so I try poofing it with my fingers some.

“You look fine you’re sexy so let’s go,” he lifts me off the bike effortlessly.

I get nervous all of a sudden. Me nervous this is new. What is it about Brayden that makes me

feel like I’m not worthy of him?

Oh right that’s it — because I’m not worthy.

Brayden is a bad ass but one of those that has a great heart. He’s kind, smart, rich and

extremely sexy. He’s also very considerate. Even when I was with Layden the first time he always

treated me right even if I was his brothers girl. He was always genuinely nice to me. My mind is so

wrapped up in my thoughts I don’t even notice we’ve walked a flight of stairs and he’s guiding me

into his bedroom.

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It’s definitely Brayden. All white and black but the man does love his candles. They

are everywhere on his dresser and nightstand. I can hear the ocean waves lapping the shore I walk

over to the sliding glass door just to look out. It’s serene just standing there looking out. I sigh as

Brayden comes up behind me wrapping his strong arms around me and placing his chin on my


“Jade you ready to talk?”

I sigh and lean my forehead against the cool glass. I close my eyes and beg myself not to tell

him anything at all. I don’t know how he does this. Breaks my barriers down.

“Brayden please don’t,” I plead it comes out in just a whisper.

“Baby — it can’t be that bad.”

If he only knew. I’m not a bitch for no reason. You don’t just build up a hate wall for no

reason. You don’t just keep people out for no reason. Can’t he see this?

“What part of my life do you want Bray?”

I don’t turn around — I don’t move and I sure as hell don’t open my eyes.

Tears are streaming down my face and I haven’t even told him anything yet.

“Any part Jade, I’ve known you for almost a year and I know nothing about your life.”

But he does. He knows this me. He knows the me I’m allowing him to know.

“You do though Brayden you know the me I am trying to be,” I whisper.

“I wanna know the real Jade,” he whispers back in my ear.

My heart shatters in that moment. What do you say to that? What do you say to an amazing man

who wants to know the real you?

I make the decision to share just a little with him. I inhale and quietly exhale.

“I’m an orphan, I’m poor I have no family. I never knew my mom and my dad died with I was

eleven from a car accident. I grew up in a nice foster home. They were doctors well they are doctors.

I never wanted for anything but I was still poor that money is theirs. I busted my butt to get into

college myself.”

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I take another big inhale and don’t even bother with exhaling this time.

“Even though I got good grades I still did shit that got me into trouble. I got pregnant at sixteen

but lost the baby within the first few weeks. I’m not upset about it though. It happened — Taylor and I

were too young to be parents. Besides there is a reason for everything that happens. I put my foster

parents through hell and back. They put up with me until my freshman year of college. I fucked up and

almost ruined the family name. Mom still talks to me but Dad doesn’t — Mom tries to send me money

and I send it back.”

I exhale a huge breath I’m done he doesn’t need to know the rest.

“What happened freshman year,” he asks.

“Not now Brayden I’ve shared enough.”

He doesn’t say anything for a few minutes.

“One more question Jade,” he whispers sending shivers down my spine.


“What happened with you and Taylor?”


“We dated until freshman year until I fucked up and it broke his heart. Brayden I’m seriously

done answering questions.”

“Okay baby,” his hand caresses the inside of my thigh.

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— Brayden’s Thoughts

I listen to her tentatively. Her voice as she speaks breaks my heart. It’s full of regret, sadness

and loneliness. I don’t fucking like it at all. She didn’t start getting under my skin until the night at the

bar. Sure I’ve always found her fucking sexy. She’s Jade. Every damn male on campus knows who

Jade is. It’s impossible not to. But while she was with Layden and only him I never once looked at

her as more than a friend. Now that I have her my body aches to know her. My mind scrambles to

figure her out. My heart — well fuck — the girl makes my heart speed up so damn fast you would

think I had Layden’s old coke habit.

I find myself jealous of this Taylor guy. He’s obviously a very important part of her

life. And knowing she fucked it up and broke his heart makes me wonder. Makes me wonder about

him and whether or not she still loves him. I’m not about to ask that fucking question though because

she’s done answering or telling me shit.

I’m shocked she shared all this with me. But— when she slowly turns around and wipes her

weeping eyes and looks up through those long eyelashes — I all but buckle to the floor. And what she

says next about kills me.

Chapter Eight — Jade

Dear Mental Diary,

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I just shared a ton of shit with Brayden.

I don’t know how the fuck he gets to me like this. He reminds me of Taylor in so many ways.


I slowly turn around and wipe my eyes and look up at him. He’s breathing heavily and

caressing me with such care.

“Please don’t tell them Bray please,” I beg.

He sucks in a surprised breathe.

“Baby why would I give them a piece of you that I only have?”

His statement and question shock the hell outta me. And before I have time to react he’s picking

me up and carrying me over to the bed. He lays me down gently like I’m a fragile little china doll.

“You can be yourself with me Jade. No walls — no barriers just yourself.” He slides

off my flip flops throwing them behind him. “You trusted me with something important to you so I’m

gonna trust you with something important to me.” Brayden takes his shirt off tossing it on the floor his

eyes never leaving mine.

“What,” I ask.

He leans over me and I can’t help but dance my fingers across his strong muscular chest. The

man wasn’t made to just look at. He takes one of my roaming hands and places it over his heart. “I’m

gonna trust you with this okay,” he whispers.

I suck in a breath and bite my lip. The man just gave me his fucking heart. I can’t say

anything. This perfect man the one who doesn’t pressure me who accepts me anyway he can have me

— just gave me his fucking heart! Tears just start flowing freely now. I can’t talk I’m afraid my words

would ruin our moment so I just nod.

He bends down barely hovering his lips above mine. “Yeah,” he asks.

“Yeah,” I finally whisper.

His lips are soft against mine. He doesn’t slip his tongue into my mouth he just slowly

pecks me. It’s perfect and just when I think he can’t make the beginning any better he says something

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I’ve never heard before. “I’m gonna love you now,” he grins against my lips.

My heart melts. See! He’s this bad ass sweetheart. He leans up and slowly works my shorts off

me. I lift my ass and I can’t help but smile at this man and his declaration. My man — my declaration.

“No more cold detached Jade around me okay,” he groans when he sees I don’t have

any underwear on.

“I promise.”

Brayden slowly lifts me into a sitting position pulling my shirt off me. I hear my phone chirp in

my purse letting me know my next lecture is starting.

“Brayden we have two hours. I have to meet Amber for lunch— remember and it’s


“Two hours will do for now,” he grumbles causing me to laugh.

“What two hours isn’t long enough,” I tease.

“No baby two hours isn’t long enough to love you,” he whispers leaning me back

down once I’m naked.

Oh my! I don’t have anything to fucking say to that.

Brayden climbs all the way onto the bed and pulls me up with him. Once he’s satisfied with

how I’m laying his gorgeous ass walks over on his knees to my feet.

“Brayden baby what are you doing?”

“Well—,” he picks up one of my feet raising my leg a little “you see if I’m going to love you

I’m going to love all of you.”

“You’re crazy you know that,” I giggle.

“Yeah baby I know that,” he whispers against my heel before kissing it.

I squee and try kicking away from him. It tickles and the jerk laughs at me.

“Ah — my sexy Jade is ticklish,” he gets in between my legs “that is good information.”

Brayden kisses a slow torturous path up my legs and the insides of my thighs. I’ve never once

felt this way before sex. My heart is racing my body is already shivering. Bray reaches my core stops

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and looks up at me.

“You don’t need this tattoo to tell me what to do with it baby,” his coal black stare

telling me hes serious.

“It was a bet,” I mumble.

“I would definitely eat you no matter what.” And then his gaze disappears and his tongue laps

me and I moan out. One hand is caressing my right leg while his other is busy working my core with

his tongue. I lean up to watch its sensual each caress he makes whether it be his tongue or fingers

makes me his even more. But only I’m not I belong to three guys and that’s seriously fucked up.

“Jade baby—stop fucking thinking,” he growls “I must be doing something wrong if you’re

able to think.”

Is he fucking serious? Before I can reply his teeth tug on my piercing.

“Shit,” I moan.

“Ah — my girl needs it rough and soft at the same time.”

I can’t respond because now I feel like the bastard is trying to kill me.

It takes no time for my body to start quivering I throw my arm over my mouth and bite back the

loudest moan I’ve ever tried to release.

I’m sweating and shaking. I’ve never felt anything like that before in my life. He’s

crawling up my body using his tongue I can’t concentrate what is he doing to me?

“Brayden — I can’t think.”

“Good,” he grunts as he reaches over to the bed side table.

He doesn’t open the condom just yet he lays it to the side and flips me over and runs

his hands up the back of my legs onto my ass.

“Your body is so beautiful baby,” he sexily whispers while palming my ass “I’m

gonna love you so rough and soft at the same time baby — you won’t even remember your name.”

What does that even mean? Rough and soft at the same time?

I still can’t move I hear his jeans being unzipped. Dammit I’m missing the good part. Then next

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I feel the bed moving and then the pants hit the floor then the condom wrapper being opened. I’m still

face down in the bed so when he wraps his arms around my middle and picks me up to where my

back is against his front — I groan as I feel his hard cock against my ass. He sweeps my ponytail to

the side and kisses my neck.

“Ready baby,” he trails kisses down to my collarbone.

No I want to see your cock! I scream in my head and all that comes out is a damn whimper that

makes him chuckle.

His right hand cups my pussy. “Still wet — good because I can’t wait any longer


Brayden wraps one around tightly around my middle so my body is straight up and I’m

completely on my knees. That’s when it happens his huge thick cock enters me and so fucking fast.

“Oh my god,” I moan.

He’s fucking huge. Brayden stills for a second. “You okay baby,” he groans.

“I’m okay — I’m okay you can move.”

With the first few strokes it feels like my vagina is on fucking fire but the fire dwells out and

fucking convulsions take over.

“Are you okay if I let go of your waist.”


“Oh right yeah I’m good,” I giggle.

His hands roam up to my tits cupping them as his thumbs works my piercings.

“You ready for rough and soft baby?”

“Just fuck me Brayden, please,” I plead with him.

“Baby I told you I’m loving you.”

Oh yes that’s right! But what does that even mean?

That’s when he starts moving roughly while caressing every inch of my body while my back is

to him and were on our knees. He yanks my ponytail jerking my head to the side his tongue laps me in

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circles. His other hand is making its own kinda of love running slowly around each breast. This is

what he meant. I’ve never felt like my body was being caressed and fucked at the same time. My heart

starts hammering as his pace slows and then his hands start getting rougher.

Oh my! Yes!

This is what the hot bastard meant. When he fucks me fast his hands works slow. When he

fucks me slow his hands work fast and hard. My body starts to come alive. This is pure fucking

torture — this slow shit! Wonderful fucking torture. Each time he pulls almost all the way out I wait

for him to start to slide back in and clamp down on him.

“Fuck Jade,” he groans and bites my neck.

Brayden starts to speed back up but this time he keeps it soft our bodies molding together with

each movement. Sweat pouring off of us.

“Yes, yes, yes,” I scream.

As my orgasm hits I clamp down and keep it like that. I need it. I need this fucking orgasm like

I need another breath.

“Dammit Jade,” he groans and pushes my front down until I hit the bed ass in the air. Brayden

grips my hips tightly and pounds into me releasing a growl and his release. It’s fucking amazing the

best sex I’ve ever had. He falls onto me panting causing the rest of my body to fall completely down.

I giggle when he runs his sweaty forehead against my shoulder blades.

“Wow,” he breaths.


“Wow,” I breathe back. It’s the right word too.

He chuckles rolling off of me and then dragging me into his side.

“Thank you sexy,” he says with his stern serious baron voice that causes goose bumps on my


“For what Brayden,” I mumble against his very smooth very manly muscular chest while

tracing his tattoo on his arm.

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“For giving me you,” he says while bending down to kiss my forehead.

My heart constricts.

“Our secret,” I ask whispering.

“Our secret baby,” he whispers back.

“As much as I would love to lay here with you naked you have a serious lunch appointment


I peer around his body and look at the clock groaning.

“I don’t wanna go now,” I pout causing him to laugh.

I love his laugh. It’s real and genuine.

“Babe I would love to keep you here — but if you let us take all your time it won’t go over

well with your friends. Trust me okay.”

“Yeah okay.”

We get dressed and head back to the campus and head straight for the cafeteria. I don’t want

him to leave. I see Amber and we walk towards her.

“Hey Ambs,” I say as I sit.

“Hey Shamrock,”she whispers looking at me oddly because Brayden is standing next

to me. I look up and leans down to give me a kiss.

“I’m not staying Amber I just figured you guys could use something to eat. I’ll buy and you can


“That sounds great a slice of pepperoni pizza and a coke would be great,” she mumbles.

“Same for me Brayden,” I grin at him.

“Right be back in a few minutes.”

I watch his fine as walk away.

“Okay I need to get this out now before I chicken out,” Ambs sighs.

“Go ahead Ambs I’m listening,” I gesture with my hand.

She looks around the cafeteria and I guess she dooms its safe because the words that come out

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of her mouth I was not fucking expecting.

“I’m bi-sexual and I’m in love with Sheila and Nate,” she rushes out.

I hear a loud audible gasp and turn to my right where Sheila and Nate both stand with their

mouths dropped open. I can’t think she loves my Nate! Fuck! Who the hell falls in love with four

men? Who loves four fucking men? I mentally curse myself.

“Hey gorgeous,” Dean comes striding up.

I look at him with tears in my eyes.

“Woah— what happened,” he comes rushing over to me.

Before I can open my mouth Brayden comes striding up with our food.

“Hey brother whats up,” Brayden quips.

“I don’t know. I just walked into the fucking twilight zone or something their all quiet.”

Brayden looks around placing our plates and drinks in front of us. I look back at Amber and

she’s stone fucking still.

“Yo brothers, hey baby,” Layden throws an arm around my shoulder crouching down.

I can’t take this — I feel like screaming.

“What the fuck is gonna happen next,” I shout.

Everyone’s eyes cut to mine.

“Jade is that you,” I hear someone calling.

“Jade,” I hear again.

I’m afraid to turn around.

“Baby— that older guy is hollering for you. Do you know him?” Layden points behind me.

Oh no! Oh no! I’m gonna have a fucking panic attack. I turn to the only person who knows

anything about my past. That person is Brayden. I look up at him and he somehow snaps the pieces

together that it’s something I’ve yet to tell him.

My chest tightens my body starts convulsing. Shit I knew I was gonna have a panic attack. I

can’t breathe. I can’t fucking breathe someone help me! I scream inside my head.

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Brayden comes rushing to my other side.

“Dammit Jade calm down breathe. Someone call a fucking ambulance,” Layden screams as

Brayden tries soothing me.

“Past baby?”

Brayden’s voice cuts me deep I’m barely able to turn towards him and nod.

I end up on the ground in a fetal position with my head in Brayden’s lap.

“Dude— who the fuck are you? She was fine until she heard your voice,” Dean shouts.

“I’m Doctor Charles Ross, her ex’s step father and friends of the family.” Charles says sternly.

Brayden gasps and I look up and it all snaps into place for him. He gets it.

“You’re a doctor? If you’re a fucking doctor get over here and do something,” Dean shouts


“She’s having a panic attack and she’s surrounded by all of you. Move and I will calm her


Oh no — don’t fucking come near me! You fucking ruined my life. You stupid good looking

smart ass mother fucker!

The EMT’s come running into the cafeteria I can barely make out anything with my blurred


“Oh shit,” I hear and the voice makes me clam up even more.

Oh No! Not again!

“Jade is that you?”

“Son what are you doing here,” Charles says sternly his voice echoing in my ears.

“I’m not your fucking son.”

I curl tighter into Brayden calming my breathing.

Say Shamrock What?

This situation just got critical.

“Just breathe Jade.”

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“Her vitals are off the charts but at least she’s calming down,” other EMT guy says.

I look over at him.

“Hey Taylor,” I whisper.

Brayden goes stiff underneath me “Fuck,” he mutters.

Stay tuned for the next novella in the series that will be releasing March 2013

Who are these other guys in Jade ’ s life? Why do they hold the key to figuring out Jade?

What are her true feelings and who does she really love?

Is she just confused and feels worshipped? Or is she making the pain more bearable by

replacing loneliness with men?

The secret about Jade ’ s College Diaries

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Crystal came up with Jade from a crazy real dream. She then begun typing and didn ’ t stop for

10 hours. Thus SOL was born aka Strictly off Limits (Jade ’ s College Diaries) #0.5 Hours after

typing up SOL she published it. No editing no formatting just straight published it. The responses for

Jade ’ s college diaries were so overwhelming she was forced to turn it into a novella series. Strictly

off Limits is currently be edited and formatted due to the heavy response and Shamrock lovers

begging for more. Crystal has informed us each novella series will be around 22,000 to 28,000 words

per novella. She currently has SOL, SSW and three other titles in this series. She still has yet decided

when she will stop. Jade is only a junior in college after all. Crystal did however mention that when

the series is finished she will sell them in a combined set as well.

Want more Jade?

Follow Crystal D. Spears





You can also reach Crystal @ the following email addresses

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For my hubby for putting up with all my cray cray. I love you to infinity and beyond. :)

To my children who won’t ever and I mean ever read Mommy’s work until they are fifty. You

are the light in my life you both burn so brightly. I love you.

Jodi Murphy - So many words for you, but I’ll try to narrow it down to the top few. Amazing.

Wonderful. Supportive. Strong. Independent. Moral.

You are my rock online and on the phone. If it weren’t for all your support and help I wouldn’t

even be in the kiddy pool yet. I am truly grateful for you. And I can’t wait until our project.

To my amazing family you all rock the Shamrock socks!

To My S.S.S Women
It’s awesome people like you that push Jodi to push me even more. I need the encouragement

from all of you.

Mumbles - Way important to me DUDE! Can’t lose you LIKE EVER! And you will divorce

that damn caps key! I mean it!

Dirtinella - I need your dirtiness for inspiration so keep it up!
The Shizzle - I heart you for remembering every little crook and crack of my characters. I’m

still amazed by that.

Blogger Bitch - I love that you have a dirty mouth like me and banter like no-ones business

with me.

Izzy - One of my first ever reviews I will never ever forget you or that review.
Suzie Q - I would be lost without your constant damn typos in our group. I’m serious
Laffy Taffy - Really you just crack my ass up and I’m sorry you live over the sea in one of the

coldest places there is.

Cels Bells - Girl you be rocking it with helping Mumbles promote. Keep it up I need people

like you on my side.

I’m thankful for you all! Really — Really— Really fucking thankful!
Love Shamrock

To all my amazing Jade and Shamrock Men Fans I heart you all and thanks for all the emails

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encouraging me for more.

Document Outline


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