Elizabeth Lapthorne Desperate And Dateless

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An Ellora’s Cave Publication, April 2005

Ellora’s Cave Publishing, Inc.

1337 Commerce Drive, #13


ISBN MS Reader (LIT) ISBN # 1-4199-0190-7

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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book may not be reproduced in whole or in part without permission.

This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or
locales is purely coincidental. They are productions of the authors’ imagination and used fictitiously.

Edited byMartha Punches.

Cover art bySyneca .


The following material contains graphic sexual content meant for mature readers.Desperate and Dateless
has been rated E–rotic by a minimum of three independent reviewers.

Ellora’s Cave Publishing offers three levels of Romantica™ reading entertainment: S (S-ensuous), E
(E-rotic), and X (X-treme).

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S-ensuouslove scenes are explicit and leave nothing to the imagination.

E-roticlove scenes are explicit, leave nothing to the imagination, and are high in volume per the overall
word count. In addition, some E-rated titles might contain fantasy material that some readers find
objectionable, such as bondage, submission, same sex encounters, forced seductions, and so forth.
E-ratedtitles are the most graphic titles we carry; it is common, for instance, for an author to use words
such as “fucking”, “cock”, “pussy”, and such within their work of literature.

X-tremetitles differ from E-rated titles only in plot premise and storylineexecution. Unlike E-rated titles,
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Montague Vampires:

Desperate and Dateless

Elizabeth Lapthorne

Chapter One

Valentine’s Day, February 14

Vicci tried to stifle her sigh. The large black-walled room reminded her uncannily of an enormous box.
Multicolored flashing lights lit up the stage, where a band of bored-looking, barely pubescent young men
made very loud noises supposedly singing yet another of their songs.

As Vicci couldn’t distinguish one “song” from the next, she had long ago filtered out the noise. She stood
in the far corner to one side of the band, her hand resting close to her beamer.

Mentally she continued to count the hours until the Annual Vampiric Desperate and Dateless Ball would
be over and she could crawl into her nice warm bed.


Anything happening over at your end, Vicci?”

Vicci really did sigh. She pressed the tiny earpiece on to reply and answered back wearily.

“Unless you count a couple of hundred vampires dirty dancing and desperately trying to find the other
half of their Soul’s Circle, nope. Not a thing.”

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The masculine chortle ringing inside her ear made her smile, but she didn’t laugh back. Vicci had no
argument with the general concept behind the ball itself. Vampires congregating to find the other half of
their Soul’s Circle seemed all fine and dandy to her.

She hadn’t realized just how out of the merc mindset she had become until she found herself bored,
standing in the one spot for hours on end while nothing more interesting than numerous people groping
and dancing occurred. A couple of years ago, before she had left her merc days behind her, she could
have stood fordays in the one spot and not been bored.

It hit home more than anything how she now no longer fit into her merc world, yet hadn’t fit properly into
the Security work she had tried to settle into either. She felt odd and out of place no matter what she did

Thisisa Desperate and Dateless Ball, Vicci. What else would you expect but a lot of dirty dancing
and a heap of stupid kids wanting to live forever?”

Vicci sighed. Contrary to the horror tales of old, vampires fed from emotions, not blood from the necks
of innocent virgins. Almost any strong emotion would do, lust, happiness, sadness—whatever.

Vampires were able to physically drink blood, but they didn’tneed to unless they were severely hurt or
hadn’t fed from emotions in a couple of days or more.

The room positively overflowed with lust, the bumping and grinding of the vamps, as well as the few
scattered humans and other races hoping to find a vampiric partner.

While security wasn’t precisely needed, the vampires were political enough to know it looked good for
them to be seen to be offering safety for the other patrons. The fact that everyone had known the
existence of vampires for hundreds of years, and the last vampire murders had been well over thirty years
ago, meant little. Mothers still warned their children of the dangers of being joined to a vampire.

Personally, when Vicci had been offered the job for Security tonight, she couldn’t think of a worse way
to spend an evening. Watching enormous groups of people drink themselves stupid and try to get
attached to a vampire was not one of her top twenty ways to spend a night.

Who the hell would want to live forever anyway? It would be incredibly boring—Vicci had more than
enough time on her hands here and now, the thought of doing more Security work for decade after
decade had her shuddering in revulsion.

“It’s really not that bad, once you get into the swing of it.”

Vicci jumped as a soft, sexy low voice uttered the seductive words from just beside her. Even though
the music was well dulled from all the way over on the other side of the room, she couldn’t understand
for a moment how she had been able to hear this man’s words.

What felt worse to her ego, was she hadn’t noticed anyone coming up beside her. It startled her to
realize he had crept up so silently.

Verrrry old,she told herself. Vicci held herself carefully, not really sure how to treat the handsome man
standing beside her. He only stood a few inches taller than her so he must have been just slightly under six
foot. He had darkly tanned skin and neatly brushed, rich dark brown hair. In the yellow, blue and pink
lights, his chocolate brown eyes reflected myriad different colors. Stubble ran along his jaw, almost as if

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he knew it added to his sex appeal and wouldn’t hinder his chances of a pick-up tonight at all.

Vicci bit the inside of her cheek and tried to remember what it was he had just said.

“Hanging around, century after century I mean,” he continued, almost as if he could read her mind. Vicci
slammed up her mental block. She hadn’t been so careless as to leave her mind and thoughts open to
anyone, let alone a vampire, in many, many years.

“I never thought it wouldn’t work for some. At their age,” she nodded to a particularly young girl
dancing around in a see-through slip, “I’m sure they’d love to dance and party and drink for a couple of
centuries or so. At my age, however,” she added more piously, “I don’t need the comfort of centuries to
soften the blow. I know I won’t get everything I want, and have come to terms with it.”

“And what don’t you think you’ll be able to get in this passing?” her shadowy man asked seductively.
Vicci shivered as a mental picture seared its way across her mind.

His long, elegant hands cupping her breasts, the soft, perfectly straight strands of his hair teasing her
sensitive skin as he ran his tongue down her neck. Her surreal self arched into his heated touch, and she
mentally watched herself spread her legs, longing for his hot, thick length to thrust itself deeply inside her.

Vicci blinked as one of the flashing lights shone directly in her eyes for a second. She shook herself as if
to get rid of the lascivious thoughts. She really needed to get a grip on herself.

Vicci blushed, grateful for the darkness of the corner when the seductive vampire next to her chuckled.
Vicci cleared her throat and got a grip on her wayward imagination. With her mind block still firmly in
place, she sincerely hoped he hadn’t seenthat particular thought.

She turned to fully face the man, keeping the room in general in her peripheral vision.

“I just don’t think that having a fling with a vampire, which we all know will end sooner or later, is the
answer to gaining more time in this passing. You might as well do what you can, and just let the rest of it

Dark brown eyes bored searchingly into her. Vicci glanced away, looking back out over the dancing
crowd. She felt very slightly uncomfortable under his intense gaze, as if he searched into her very soul.
She jumped slightly and swung her eyes back to his as he commented softly, wondering if he truly could
read her mind.

“You really don’t think you’ll find that special love of yours in this passing? I thought every woman alive
secretly yearned for that perfect partner.”

Vicci pushed aside her doubts and cleared her mind. She tried to bite away her sarcastic smile as her
sense of humor returned with a vengeance. She turned back to face the gyrating crowd.

“I’ve spent more time off-world than on. When I turned thirty-five I decided it was time to settle down
and open myself up to the chance of meeting the right man. I quit my well-paying merc job and spent
every credit I owned on a lodging. Two years of these sort of security gigs and I’m pretty much ready to
head back into the fray.”

Vicci kept an eye on the female brunette she had mentally tagged earlier. She seemed to be more
desperate than the rest of the crowd, and it was always the desperate ones that created trouble.

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Vicci moved slowly along the wall of the enormous room to keep the brunette in her sights as she
danced from partner to partner, gyrating madly and seeking any attention she could glean.

As Vicci moved a step at a time, the handsome man at her side easily closed the distance between them
each time she moved. A small part of her felt glad the man had enough interest in her to follow as she
progressed along the wall. If nothing else it soothed her ego.

After taking another couple of long looks around the crowded room, Vicci decided she had tagged the
other woman correctly. If anyone was going to start trouble in this particular room Vicci had been given
to preside over, she’d be it.

Just as Vicci finished that thought, the brunette cried out and grabbed the shoulder of another woman.
The sexy blond male vampire she had been dancing with earlier had turned to a nearby tall, slim, blonde
woman in a deep red sparkly dress, and had started grinding his pelvis with hers.

The brunette had seemingly taken exception, and looked as if she was gearing herself up to cause a

Vicci forgot all about the sexy vamp at her side and started forward into the crowded area. She reached
the trio in less than a minute and pulled the two women apart. She clamped a hand down on the younger
woman’s shoulder to keep her still.

Leaning down, she tried to shout in her ear to be heard. “Knock it off or I’ll kick you out!”

The smaller woman whirled to face her, and Vicci barely had time to raise her arms in defense before the
brunette tried to scratch at her face. Vicci felt a warm rush of air and the heated, protective press of a
masculine body. She lowered her arms so see her seductive conversation partner fiercely gripping the
clawed outstretched hands, keeping her from lashing out.

Not wanting to waste any time, and half fearful the girl would attack again anyway, Vicci called for extra
guards through her ear-comm.

Even though she could see that the sexy man was speaking softly to the brunette, Vicci gently reached
out to touch her companion’s hands to get him to release distraught woman. She couldn’t hear the words
over the din of the band, but she could tell what the brunette was stammering over and over again.

“You’re Prince Vladmir. I’m so sorry.”

Filing the information away for later, Vicci kept one hand firmly but gently on the girl’s shoulder and
began to walk her away from the dance floor. The people they passed barely even acknowledged them,
most simply moved aside to let them get past. Vicci felt incredibly relieved that, other than a few pitying
glances, no one moved to help or hinder their retreat.

Within moments, two burly guards, both of whom she suspected were vampires from their easy gait and
weary-looking faces, were weaving their way through the crowd, homing in on Vicci, her vampiric
companion, and the girl.

Vicci nodded politely as the two guards acknowledged her, and then both laid hands on the young
woman to escort her away. As she watched them leave the room, she felt a tiny burst of pity for the poor
girl. When her conversational partner gently held her arm and continued to lead them in the direction of

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the door, Vicci pulled back.

“I can’t leave,” she shouted over the music. Instead of replying, he nodded to the three extra guards who
had arrived into this particular room.

The Ball was spread out around six connecting rooms, each one with a different purpose. The fact that a
number of extra guards had posted themselves here after the slight altercation meant if she wanted to, she
was perfectly free to leave with her vampire companion.

The issue, Vicci felt, was whether or not shewanted to step outside with him. She turned her head
slightly to study him better. He stood perfectly still, confidant enough in himself to let her look as deeply
into him as she liked.

His straight, dark hair played hide and seek with his eyes. Slowly, gently, letting her see him move well
before he touched her, he raised his hand and let it sit on her shoulder.

Vicci felt a thrill run through her as the heat from just his hand penetrated her body. She felt far too much
curiosity about this vampire to not want to follow him outside.

Vicci nodded once and slowly turned in the crowded room so she could head toward the door. She felt
surprised that, instead of releasing her, he simply maneuvered his hand slightly with her turning so it
remained resting gently on her shoulder, keeping them linked together.

Smiling to herself, Vicci tried not to think about it as she wove her way toward the side exit, heading out
of the dark room. More than a few couples embraced in hidden pockets of darkness. Even in passing
Vicci noticed a number of tongues flashing in the strobing lights, hands caressing over delicate, exposed

Finally, she pressed her thumb onto the scan-pad and a side door slid whisper-softly into the wall. Vicci
stepped out into the evening, breathing in the clear, pure air.

She felt a twinge of sadness as Vladmir removed his hand from her shoulder. She looked up into the
deep purple darkness of the evening sky. Zillions of twinkling stars shone above her, other planets and
galaxies beckoning her into their depth.

The party was being held in an intricate vampire holding, multiple large rooms joined together by
connecting corridors and side rooms. It lay on prime land not because it was only fifteen minutes drive
from the nearby city, but because the large complex had at least a mile of clear, vampire-owned land
surrounding it in every direction outward from the building.

One of the original settlers on this small planet had been a vampire, and he had staked this piece of land
out as his own when the township had been settled and built.

Everyone knew it was owned by the vampires. Kids with their brand-new Cruiser licenses often dared
each other to drive out here, try to climb the security walls and see if they could run to the outside edges
of the complex, tag a wall with a laser-gram sticker, and then run away without being caught.

Half the time the vamps picked up the kids, pulling them inside one of the front rooms and scaring the
crap out of them. The other half the time they let them get away with it.

Vampires,Vicci snorted to herself,who the hell understood the breed?

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She felt positive they let the kids get away with it half the time simply to beef up the stories that

Even though she could still hear the faint bass beat from the music pounding inside, the whole night
seemed to enfold her in its dark purple depths. The silence and enormous open space that surrounded
the large complex soothed her heightened senses. The stars twinkled merrily above her, casting faint light
over the still land.

Vicci smiled as she lowered her face to look at the man who stood so close to her. “So,” she started
with a smile in her voice, “Prince Vladmir, huh?”

The handsome vampire grimaced. “I had hoped you didn’t hear.”

Vicci cocked her head to one side and leaned back against the solid wall behind her.

“Are you an old Prince or a new one?” Vicci caught her breath as the vampire took a step closer toward
her. He caged her with his arms, pressing his palms flat against the wall. Vicci closed her eyes for a

“Does it really matter?” he asked softly against her cheek.

Vicci took a deep breath, taking in a lungful of his spicy, masculine scent.Does what matter? her brain
asked, completely lost in the intoxicating smell of him.

He stood so close to her, his hard, warm body enveloped her. Vicci had never felt helpless a day in her
life. As the youngest child with five older brothers, she had learned at a young age how to take care of
herself. Working for years as a merc didn’t add any feminine softness into her. While she had mellowed
since leaving the Unit, she hadn’t exactly become a stereotypical “helpless” woman.

Yet trapped against a wall with a hot, aroused vampire caging her, Vicci finally understood the small
taste of feminine surrender she seemed to have in the wetness of her mouth.

It felt incredibly addictive.

Vicci shuddered as Vladmir slowly bent his head. Just as she had imagined, the tips of his hair grazed her
skin first, sensitizing her to him. Next she felt his warm breath, caressing her skin, causing her to shudder
in excitement and need. Finally, she felt his satin-soft lips press down into the juncture of her neck and
shoulder. A slow, caressing kiss warmed her skin as it covered her, making her pussy damp and her
knees weak.

Unconsciously, she raised her hands, grasping his slim waist for support. Pulling him toward her aching
need, she moaned aloud as his groin aligned with hers. She could feel the heavy heat of his erection
through her uniform and the faux leather of his pants. Arching up into him, Vicci pressed her hips into the
cradling embrace of his thighs.

When Vladmir pulled his head back with a slight gasp, Vicci felt a thrill of anticipation course through
her.Where would he kiss her next? Her lips? Her breasts?

With two fingers, he tilted her chin up, and eagerly she rose onto tiptoes to greet his mouth as it came
crashing down onto hers with a fierce, wild abandon. He hungrily kissed her, as if she were the last

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lifeforce-giving being in the universe and he had been starved for weeks.

Vicci didn’t feel any fear. The warmth of his body alone showed her he had fed well recently. There
would be no desperate craving from him tonight than for more than a bit of emotion.

She raised her hands until she cupped the face that so eagerly devoured her lips. Opening her mouth
slightly, she chuckled as his tongue slid silkily inside without even a moment’s pause. It was as their
tongues dueled that she noticed the sweat on his face.

Vampires don’t sweat,her mind reminded her. Yet despite this knowledge, she could see for herself that
a few trickles of sweat dotted his forehead and upper cheeks. Vicci mentally took a step back.
Wondering if his age as a vampire might somehow make him feel warm, even when he needed to feed
badly, Vicci decided to pry a bit.

She brought his face closer to hers and bit his lips gently, enticingly. Pulling herself back infinitesimally,
she released him, raised herself onto tiptoes and pressed her forehead against his.

Steady…she breathed to herself. She had never tried to do this while in the middle of a make-out
session with someone, let alone attempt to penetrate the mind of a vampire. Disconnecting her mind from
her body, she gently tried to pry into Vladmir’s thoughts.

Vicci only wanted a sense of his hunger, a hint as to whether he wanted her for sex or blood. Sex she
would give quite willingly. Blood…blood was a bit too intimate for a quick fling.

Breathing steadily, Vicci pressed her mind into his, and received the shock of a lifetime. Inside his head
was only static, a dark, hungry need, but so alien to her she couldn’t even begin to work anything out.
She felt her body being pressed harder into the wall, so she withdrew her mind.

“How long have you known you could complete a Vampire Soul’s Circle?” he asked her, panting hard.

Vicci bit her lower lip, thinking about her answer. There would be no use in denying the point, yet
something within her rebelled at admitting it to him right now.

“Why are you sweating?” she countered. Vladmir moved back and wiped a hand across his forehead.
He didn’t seem overly surprised, yet neither did he look nonchalant about it either.

“How much do you know about my kind?” he asked without answering her question. Vicci tried to
marshal her thoughts and gather her knowledge. With the blood pumping hotly through her system and
the endorphins crashing through her body, clouding her mind, her thought process seemed sluggish and

“Umm…” she procrastinated, “why don’t you give me the highlights? I don’t know the significance of a
sweating vampire.”

Vicci felt the blood zing even faster through her system as her partner firmly clasped her wrists, lifting
them above her head and pinned her sexily against the wall with his hips.

He pressed into her body and she couldn’t help the moisture pooling in her panties. When he lowered
his head to breathe against her neck, reminding her of every cheesy Old Style vampire movie she had
ever seen, the acceleration of her heart had even more blood pounding through her body.

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“Vampires sweat when they go into heat, when their time of being fertile comes around and their proper
mate is with them. You must know vampires are born, not created like in the vids.” He paused and Vicci
nodded, her brain might be sluggish but she wasn’t stupid. “Well, in order for us to procreate, we need to
be fertile. Once every thousand moon phases or so we enter into heat. With any luck, a compatible
woman is with us, and voila, a new little baby is created.”

Vicci had trouble breathing for a moment. She had a sudden, flashing vision of holding a tiny baby with
her large gray eyes and Vladmir’s deep dark brown hair. She saw herself cradling him gently in her arms.
Their son, echoed in her mind. The picture was as sweet and seductive as anything.

Vladmir kissed her, bringing her back to reality. With the sweet vision clearing from her mind, she
couldn’t help it as she melted into his embrace. Her hips aligned with his and her body took over from
her mind. She only knew the fiery need pounding through her system.

She moaned in denial as Vladmir pulled away from her, reached out her hands to grab his shoulders and
pull him back toward her.

“It’s always been your destiny to complete a Vampire’s Soul’s Circle. Why have you been fighting it?”
he asked casually.

A lifetime’s worth of denial and suppression flooded back into her mind. Vicci reluctantly pulled herself
fully upright and sidestepped out of his warm embrace. Looking back to the entrance, she knew she
would have to get back to work.

For a shining moment in time, she had actually considered living the fantasy, indulging her body and mind
in the better-than-fantastic sex one with her powers could share with a vampire.

And now reality snapped back into place. She was a fighter, a bouncer, a merc, a security woman. She
was no seductive sex siren. She couldn’t spend every hour of every day wallowing in the sensations of
being a vampire’s sex slave. Much as she might wish it, she had carved out a completely different life for

“I create my own destiny, Vampire,” she said harshly, more to remind herself than to inform him. “I am
no man’s sexual slave. I rely on no one except myself. Fate might have configured me to be compatible
with your kind, but no man rules my world. I answer only to myself.”

Taking one last look at the sexy vampire, Vicci headed back in to the Vampire Ball.

“I didn’t get to be Prince of all Vampires by democratic votes, Vicci.” Vicci forced herself to not turn
back, to not look at the gorgeous man trying to seduce her. “I got where I am today partly by luck, but
mostly from sheer grit and determination. I don’t want some mindless female who will jump when I say
so. I think we have a lot to offer each other. Go back to work, Vicci, but you’d better be prepared. I
think we have a whole lot more to say to each other before this is done.”

Vicci titled her chin, determined not to cave in to the sexy timber of his voice. While his words might be
rough and aggressive, the tone with which he spoke to her was seductive, sensual. He obviously thought
she would be an easy conquest.

She would prove him wrong.

Vicci stalked to the door and, pressing her thumb onto the pad, opened it to let herself back in. Without

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a backward glance to the drop-dead handsome vamp behind her, she entered back into the Ball.

She had work to do.

Chapter Two

Vladmir smiled widely as he watched Vicci studiously avoid his eyes. He had been hunting through many
different populations of women for his mate, as well as for simple bed partners, for well over two
hundred years, and never before had he wanted to laugh so much at any one female.

In her presence, for the first time in all his life he had felt like the dark being he supposedly was. He felt
like the caped Dracula of old, fangs bared and wanting nothing more than to sink his teeth into the
delicate neck of the innocent virgin. His blood had pounded when he had first seen her from across the
chaotic room.

She created in him a need, a desperate craving unlike anything he had ever experienced in all his many
years. The first few centuries of his life had passed by pleasantly, easily filled with gaining knowledge and
sating his sensual, intensely sexual cravings. When the loneliness had set in he had begun to explore the
universe for a woman to complete and complement him, one with whom he could share his entire world
and existence.

The other half of his Soul’s Circle.

He had expected to find her sexually satisfying, just as he knew he and Vicci would be together. He had
expected to have things in common with her, as he knew he would find with his feisty, fighting ex-merc

He hadn’t expected this raging, burning need boiling inside him. He hadn’t thought he would crave her
like a drug and lose all his very hard won control.

Idiot that he was, he had assumed it had just been the heat creeping up on him within the crowded
confines of the Ball. He had never thought he was simply feeling the effects of his fertility rising.

It hadn’t been until he had recognized her gentle, feminine mental push that he had understood exactly
what he’d been experiencing. He had been feeling the combustive heat of their fusion. Sensitive as his
heightened senses were, he could perceive the potential clashing of their sexual chemistry and the
compatibility of their desires and needs would bring to them both. And this sensation was expressed to
his senses as the almost overpowering heat radiating through his body.

They were perfectly matched, physically, mentally and emotionally, and she could complete him as no
other could. From her mental push he had been able to glean her curiosity, her sexual craving for
fulfillment. He had been hard pressed to not show her his desperate hunger, the crazed emotions his rising
heat had wrought within him.

His Vicci might be a tough-as-nails woman, but he didn’t think the best way to introduce himself
mentally was as a seething cauldron of lusts and desires and the craziness his heat would raise within him.

In the short time he had tasted her, he had become fully addicted to her sweet, refreshing aroma. Now,
as he watched her from a semi-quiet corner, he felt grateful he had taken her away from the crowd, if

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only for those few moments.

He could tell from the jerky, skittish movements of her eyes that her mind was ticking over something.
His ego insisted she thought about their kisses, their caresses, but from the other side of the room and so
deeply in the shadows, he couldn’t be certain.

She watched the crowd, a frown marring her pretty face. Even in the regulation black suit she wore, he
could see the keys to her femininity. Round, firm breasts resided under the shirt of the suit, tempting him
to reach out and palm them. Her body looked trim, not as slender as many mercs became with the
regimented discipline needed during training, but a fit, healthy slimness nevertheless.

Her hair seemed an intriguing color, not auburn, not brown, but somewhere in between. Pulled tightly
back in a bun, it beckoned enticingly to Vlad, more than he wanted. Vlad felt certain the feminine taunt
was unintentional, the whisper of a seductive tease to remove the ties that bound the thick mass, and let it
fall where it may.

“She is an interesting creature. We could always—”

“Don’t even finish that sentence if you want your limbs to remain in place, Vasili,” Vlad growled. He shot
a quick look at his friend, noticed the confusion and slightly teasing look, and returned his glance to Vicci.
“What are you doing here anyway? I wouldn’t have placed you in the desperate or the dateless category.
Or shouldn’t I ask?”

Vlad smiled as Vasili leaned negligently against the wall.

“I’m here with Rylan and Simeon Montague. They both wanted a night out and thought attending might
be worth a laugh or two. Plenty of fresh young women, willing and eager to indulge in some of the more
publicly known vampire fantasy games. Rylan has already been out back with a half-dozen of them. How
he can keep all their names and numbers straight is beyond me. I don’t even pretend to keep up with him

Vlad just nodded. Rylan Montague was a well-known rogue. His skills were legendary, as were the
tales of his conquests. Many female vampires felt it a coming-of-age ritual to bed the youngest Montague.

“Simeon is here? I wouldn’t have thought it his sort of scene,” Vlad commented idly, wondering what
time Vicci would be getting off tonight. When Vasili snickered, Vlad turned his attention back to the
younger vampire.

“Neither did we. You should have heard Michael and Rylan teasing him before we left. Seems Simeon is
thinking about settling down. We were wondering if he was starting to enter his heat, but he still seems as
calm and controlled as ever to the lot of us. We eventually decided maybe he’s going through a phase.”

Vlad caught sight of Simeon dancing with two vampiresses over in another corner. There did seem to be
urgency in his movements, but it wasn’t the desperate craving to have sex with either of the women, not
like the urgent heat and need to mate that Vlad currently felt for Vicci.

“No,” he agreed, “he’s not in heat, but he is feeling rather strongly about something. He’ll need his
friends and family near him in the months to come.”

Vlad shook his head and closed his mouth, saying nothing more on the subject. Rarely did he stick his
nose into other people’s business unless specifically asked. Even though he had a lot of power, more

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often than not vampires were a stubborn breed. They wanted to do things their own way and make their
own mistakes, not have some all-knowing pain-in-the-ass telling them what their problems were and how
to fix them.

“Will he be okay?” Vasili asked.

Vlad realized he had worried the close friend of the Montagues. He looked again at the urgent, almost
impatient manner with which Simeon Montague danced. The knowledge entered him as if some guardian
handed it to him.

“He will be fine, but he bears watching. There are plenty of changes in store for all of the Montagues.
They will need you to stand by them and be their friend.”

Vasili nodded, as if he were an old knight and had been handed a quest. “I will watch over them.”

Just when Vlad felt the urge to offer his assistance if needed, he noticed a man approaching Vicci. “I
have to go,” he said curtly.

Vlad looked over to the edge of the room where two of the Vampiric security stood guarding the
entrance. Vlad nodded and made a few gestures, speaking in the silent code all trained vampires knew.

He wanted to take Vicci out of there, and even after their short acquaintance knew she wouldn’t leave
unless someone took over her post. Being a Prince had to have its good aspects every now and then.

The two guards nodded and commed the others. Everything was underway.

Vasili laughed and as he read Vlad’s gestures to the guards. Vlad could feel him following behind as he
headed toward his woman. “You’ve got it so bad, Vlad buddy,” he said. Vlad continued to walk across
the room and felt his gut clench as he heard his friend’s chuckled parting comment. “She’s got a great
ass. Do call if you feel like sharing.”

Vlad stopped, turned and smiled widely, making sure to show plenty of fang to get his point across. “I
will, at absolutely no stage, be willing to share her.” Vlad knew his point had reached home when Vasili’s
eyes widened.

“You’re in heat! You’re going to close your Soul’s Circle! Hot bloody hell! You justwait until I tell the
guys! They’re never gonna believe this!”

Vlad shrugged and turned back to Vicci. He knew by the time the Ball attendees heard he had chosen to
close his Soul’s Circle with a human ex-merc, both he and Vicci would be long gone.She mightn’t know
he had made his decision, but he had.

She might struggle against her fate but he would be gentle and patient with her as well as their situation,
as he could be. But he knew her heart and soul had recognized him as soon as they’d met.

She just needed to get her mind around it. And a night of no-holds-barred sex would be just the thing to
help wrap her mind around an eternity of being with him. She mightn’t know she would become immortal
when her circle closed with his, but she would accept it just as she would accept him.

He felt sure they could face the rest of their lives together.

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Vlad pressed a heavy hand on the vampire trying vainly to chat up his woman and spun the man around.
“Roger,” he said heavily, leaning close to his ear to be heard over the music, “still trying to push yourself
on unsuspecting women, I see.”

The tall, skinny vampire scowled underneath Vlad’s penetrating gaze. His golden earring flashed as he
violently shook his head.

“Vladmir, still trying to play—”

“I would not finish that sentence if I were you.” Gone was the teasing quality of his voice that had been
present when chatting with Vasili. Roger was scum and they both knew it. Vlad felt relieved when Vicci
didn’t contradict him in front of the vampire. It proved more than anything else that Roger and his
attentions had been unwanted.

“Go play with someone else, Roger.” The vampire scowled, but knew better than to cause a scene. He
slunk away and Vlad released a pent-up breath. He would have torn the other vampire apart if
necessary, but the scene it would have created would have caused a lot of damage for them both,
physically as well as politically.

“I would love to say that macho scene wasn’t necessary, but that was one greasy, slimy vampire. I
couldn’t work out how to handle him without causing him bodily damage.”

Vlad smiled and stood next to her. “Bodily damage would probably be wonderful for him, just not here
and now.”

Vicci nodded. “I know. It was why I hadn’t done anything yet.”

Vlad nodded to the security guards who wove their way toward them both. “I’ve arranged for you to be
let off early tonight. The party will be winding down soon anyway. Want to come into the woods with
me, little girl?”

Vicci eyed him warily. “I feel like I should know the reference…one of those Old World-Style Fairy

Vlad grinned widely. “Ever heard of the Big Bad Wolf?”

Vicci laughed. “I thought you were a vampire? There aren’t any werewolves here tonight or I’d have
sensed them.”

Vlad shrugged and held out his hand. He knew if she took it here, in front of all these vampires and
humans, she would be committing herself for the evening. Most of the people present mightn’t literally be
watching them, but in front of so many people, it would be a positive, definite place to start.

“Follow me home, pretty girl.”

He waited patiently while Vicci looked at the beefy guard standing a few feet away from them. She then
turned and looked Vlad up and down once, and then twice.

“You’re a Prince, huh?” she finally asked.

Vlad just smiled. “So I’m told.”

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When Vicci bit her lip, he wanted to kiss her and then bite her lip for her. He knew she would taste
incredible. He felt the heat within him rise up hungrily. He tamped it down with a lot of will and difficulty.

When she took his hand, he felt the lightning bolt course through him. She had chosen him. She might not
understand or approve, but she had made her choice. He pulled them both outside, dodging the grinding,
flowing crowd of people.

He needed to get them back to his lodgings fast before the heat and hunger truly burst from him and
caused them toreally create a scene.

Chapter Three

Vicci followed the incredibly handsome vampire outside onto the street. She smiled to herself. Had it
really only been a few hours ago she had entered the ball, sighing internally over the stupidity of having to
watch a bunch of desperate and dateless vampires shimmying up to each other?

She laughed at the absurdity of it all.

“What’s so funny?” her “date” asked, leading her over to a midnight blue Cruiser. As she watched him
de-activate the alarm without letting go of her hand, she shrugged her shoulders casually.

“Just the thought that, if anyone had told me at the beginning of the night I’d find myself a bed partner at
a ball full of dateless, almost desperate vampires and teeny-bopping wanna-be human girls, I’d have
laughed myself sick and then hit them just for good measure.”

“Ah yes, the surreality of the evening is bemusing to me as well.”

Vicci cocked her head to the side. She watched carefully as Vlad opened the Cruiser door for her and
waited for her to enter the vehicle.

“How so? I mean, surely you came tonight expecting to find yourself a bed partner?”

Vicci caught her breath as he smiled. While his hair seemed beautifully mussed, his teeth were startlingly
white against the tanned color of his skin, and his brown eyes seemed to almost glow in the darkness of
the night.This is a beautiful man , she realized.

Blinking, gathering her wits, she tuned back in as he spoke.

“I came tonight just to enjoy myself, dance a bit, catch up with local gossip. Watch and see who was
around and who was missing. Just socializing. I haven’t felt the need to indulge in a casual fling for many a
moon. You, my dear woman, are a brilliant find.” Vicci frowned and stepped up to the car. A group of
the guys had traveled together to come into the complex, the vamps having sent a big transport for all the
security detail. Vicci pressed her earpiece once more.

“I’ve grabbed a lift back, guys. I’m being covered.”

She smiled at the ribald comments that came pouring in from many of her work buddies. Turning the
entire comm unit off, she packed it away in a pocket of her suit. Now truly alone in their privacy, Vicci

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turned back and looked at the vampire who still stood with the Cruiser door open.

She looked deep into his eyes, wanting to gauge the truth of his next response. “So why pick me up?
Why indulge yourself tonight if you’re so set against a fling?”

Vicci felt her heartbeat accelerate again. Vlad smiled so widely she could see his fangs.

“Who said anything about a fling, casual or otherwise?”

Gulping steadily, Vicci bent herself into the front seat of the Cruiser. She didn’t think she wanted to ask
any more questions.

She looked out into the night as Vlad came around to the other side of the Cruiser, started it, pulled out
into the driveway of the complex and headed for the street. Vicci watched the expansive, semi-familiar
scenery pass them by. She chewed her lip in thought as the Cruiser ate up the miles back into the city.
She hadn’t felt this off-kilter since she had been a fresh recruit. After nearly twenty minutes of silence
between them, she knew she would start to babble soon, ask silly questions and betray her growing

She felt mild surprise when Vlad pulled the Cruiser into a driveport.

“My place isn’t too much further. I’d rather we didn’t…” Her words trailed off as she saw where he had
turned. “The Castle Royale? Are you kidding me?”

Vicci felt her mouth gaping as she tried to rethink her thoughts. “If you really are some Prince, why the
hell haven’t the rest of us heard of you?”

Vlad pulled up to the valet and handed him a ridiculous amount of credits thought the open window.
Pulling himself up from the low-slung vehicle, he stood fully and looked over his Cruiser with pride.
“Take care of her for me,” he said with a possessive pat on the dash. Vicci vaguely felt herself being
helped from the car, but her mind was whirling.

The Castle Royale hotels were the most expensive, lavish palaces in the galaxy. Only the richest of the
rich could even afford the comm sequences for the reception to make a booking, let alone the exorbitant
price-per-night of their rooms.

When the upper crust of the old aristocracy had decided to make a lavish playground where every vice
and wish of theirs could be fulfilled, they had banded together to form The Castle Royale chain.

Only the richest, most prestigious members of the high society even knew how to get their names on the
waiting list. Having Vlad bring her here changed everything. Vicci had never dreamed she might have the
chance to see the inside of the palace, let alone spend a night here with a handsome, horny vampire.

“Still willing to follow me, little red?”

Vicci smiled as Vlad came around the front end of the Cruiser and took her hand. She smiled widely and
she knew if she had fangs, they would have been flashing.

“Of course. I’ve always wondered what the big bad wolf did to make everyone so leery of him. I’ll
follow you…for now.” Vicci felt the blood pound through her system as Vlad dragged her close to his
chest. He still smelled delightfully spicy and masculine. She felt her mouth water and her pussy dampen

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even more.

“I think I’ll be able to satisfy you enough that for tonight you’ll be quite happy to follow my lead.
Tomorrow can worry about itself.”

Vicci just smiled, not wanting to start an argument. It was more than a dream come true to be entering
these walls, something she had never thought might happen to her. She could put up with this sexy man’s
arrogance for a little while to see what magnificent experiences he could give her.

A girl had to have priorities.

Chapter Four

Vlad struggled to keep his steps even, his grip on Vicci’s hand not too tight. He knew once he had her in
their room, he would kiss her and the avalanche of thoughts and feelings would come crashing over them
both. Despite his many, many years’ worth of experience, he had a feeling none of it would matter with
Vicci. He would be as needy and fumbling as his first feed.

Well did he recall his Sire explaining the heady rush of lust and desire one felt when a vampire found that
special partner who could complete the circle. As a young lad he had silently scoffed at the romantic,
over-the-top manner as his Sire explained the joining.

Yet he had only touched Vicci’s hand and he felt ready to burst his pants with desire. He had nearly lost
his legendary self-control from merely kissing her. Vlad wanted the privacy of his own suite when they
came together, particularly for this, their first time.

As the transport unit conveyed them to the room he had reserved earlier in the evening—being a Prince
had to havesome compensations—Vlad tried not to jiggle in his impatience. He caught Vicci casting a
glance at him and in that one instant his whole body flooded with a strange calm.

She wanted him just as much…The innate, perfectly solid understanding calmed him as nothing else
could. The simple knowledge that she burned as hotly,wanted as deeply and as desperately, did
somehow make him able to be completely calm about it all.

He knew with a startling clarity that he could last all night, pleasure her as she deserved, and not burst
into flames with his own desire.

Vlad grinned as the transport came to a smooth halt. Still holding warmly onto Vicci’s hand, he led her
to the door to his suite of rooms. He pressed his thumb to the locking device, and with a simplyclick it

“I can have some wine delivered while we refresh ourselves. I’ll call the order through, you go start. It’s
the door on the right over there.”

Vlad smiled to himself as Vicci shrugged and, obviously trying not to gawk at the opulence surrounding
her, walk through to the cleansing chamber. Vlad pressed the comm screen and requested Room

“A bottle of Purple Vodka and a bottle of DrySweet Wine please. Two glasses and two warm towels.”

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The blue blips confirmed lodging his request.

Vlad unknotted his tie, removed his shoes and socks carefully. He walked to the large windows
overlooking the street and silently counted to twenty. He took deep, calming breaths, wanting to give
Vicci long enough to undress, start the heat and steam in the cleansing unit and relax a little.

It would not do to jump one’s bedmate before she had been given enough time to prepare herself.
Women were odd like that. Give them too much time and they thought you had no interest. Give them
not enough time and they scratched like angry kittens.

After he had counted slowly to twenty again, Vlad stepped away from the window and headed toward
the cleansing chamber. He stripped off the rest of his clothes as he padded toward the entry, wanting to
stretch out the delicious moment as long as he could.

He loved the feeling of anticipation, the thrill of knowing that one special woman awaited him in the
chamber, and he would be with her any minute now. That safety of knowing gave him the strength to
move slowly, to draw out the moment.

Finally, when his heat rose up within him again, raging for its release, he opened the door and let himself
into the chamber.

Steam curled everywhere, puffing out of the cleansing unit to fill the whole chamber with its warm air.
The billowing heat created a romantic, almost eerie atmosphere.

Vlad padded silently over to the cleansing unit, relishing the role of predator. It almost felt as if he were a
warrior, on a path hundreds of his ancestors had traveled before him. Hunting, stalking and capturing his
prey. But he hunted the best prey of all, willing prey.

Vlad stopped at the door to the cleansing unit, entranced by the sight that greeted his eyes. Vicci had her
back to him, her hands upraised in the traditional symbolism of surrender. She washed her hair, a soapy,
sudsy bundle. Vlad felt his heat simmer inside his chest. Gently, not wanting to startle her, he reached out
a hand and opened the glass panel. He caught a faint smile playing around the edges of Vicci’s mouth and
knew she could sense his presence.

Wanting to play up the sexual tension and chemistry between them, he entered the stall quickly, clicking
the glass panel shut behind him to keep the steam and heat inside the spacious unit. He wrapped his
hands around her waist. He pulled her body close to his, enjoying the way her curves fit into his hard
muscles. The steam enveloped him, soothed his aching body, but conversely, fired up his heat

He wanted her badly.

Trying to restrain himself and regain some of that calm he had felt in the transport unit, Vlad lowered his
lips and kissed the delicate curve of her neck. For the first time since he had been a youth, he felt his
fangs lengthen in need.

Her skin smelled sweet, felt tender and delicate. He could sense the blood, theheat beneath her skin.
Vlad opened his mouth to suck gently at her neck. He fought himself, refused to sink his teeth into her

Yes,”she gasped, making his rigid hold loosen slightly. “Yes, Vlad! No one ever said it was like this!”

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Despite his years of learning self-control, despite centuries of only sipping very slightly from the
temptation of tasting human blood, Vlad could feel his strength of will wane. He needed to bite into Vicci
like he needed his next breath. Yet a part of his brain insisted she wasn’t asking for whathe wanted her to
ask for.

Until she merged her mind with his.

He had never had so little control that a woman could merge minds with him. Never been so desperately
concentrating on a woman he had let his guard lower until she could meld their minds.

He could feel her need, her raw, hungry desire for him to bite into her neck and drink her blood. She felt
the same heat, the same craving for his body that he felt for hers. In that one moment, where they shared
each other’s minds, he held nothing back from her, and he saw everything she was, everything she had
ever desired.

She was a perfect fit for him. She craved him just as much as he craved her.

He sent her one last tender, loving thought, and sank his teeth deep, closing his eyes with the ecstatic
pleasure of it.

Only when in heat or desperately starved did vampires need to drink blood. The Old World vampires
had been hunted, often caught and executed for their lack of control and discipline. Vampires as a
species had become practically extinct because of their lack of restraint.

The small, scattered number of vampires who had gone into hiding had learned to restrain themselves
and more often than not, survive on the emotions of the humans who lived in the world with them.

As the few who survived and found compatible women who completed their Soul’s Circle, and then had
the small number of offspring they could, more and more vampires managed to live and survive from
emotions. Blood still was taken, but in such tiny quantities, and so rarely, that the vampire population
once again grew stronger.

Vlad himself had only felt the need to take blood two or three times in his fledgling days, when his
emotions and control were so unrestrained and out of his control. His mentor and Sire had taught him to
control himself and feed properly from emotions.

The heat, the passion and raw energy flowing down his throat from Vicci’s neck, felt so incredibly unreal
that Vlad’s knees buckle from the pleasure. He toppled slightly, pressing them both into the wall of the
chamber. He could feel every gasping breath Vicci panted, the pounding pulse of her heartbeat. The
blood rushing from her to him connected them as clearly as the mindlink they had indulged in earlier.

He knew she could feel his heat, his lust and passionate possession of her body, just as clearly as he
could feel her erotic enjoyment of his mouth at her neck. He knew she felt completely thrown by the
strength of the passion between them. She creamed for him and longed for his possession in other, far
earthier ways. Her acceptance of him, her slightly feminine amusement at the desperation of his need,
made him ease the hold he had on her neck.

He lifted his mouth to lick and heal the wound he had caused. Even though he no longer drank her
blood, he still felt the mindlink connection to her. Vlad had assumed once the full intimacy of the situation
had waned, the mindlink would begin to dissolve.

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He cupped one hand around her chest to palm her breast, shocked to “feel” her feeling the sensation of
the rough skin of his hand over her delicate flesh.

He knew Vicci felt his touch zing through her system.

“It’s amazing,” he half whispered, completely in awe of the link and the shared caresses they had
together. His control beginning to slip, Vlad continued to string nibbling kisses along her neck.

He touched the sensitive peaks of her nipples with his hands and was affected by every touch, every
stroke of his tongue as if she were doing it to him. He lifted his lips only when she started to turn around.
Experiencing his own lusts and desires, as well as those of his partner, felt intimate, special and
completely alien in a wonderful way.

Vlad lowered his head to capture Vicci’s mouth, simultaneously moving his hands to cradle her hips. He
fit their bodies together so perfectly they truly seemed two halves of the one whole.

He ate at her mouth until he could feel dissatisfaction stirring within her mind. She wanted more, and he
certainly wanted to give it to her. Pulling away slightly, he opened the glass panel and led her out. The
steamy heat stopped as the computer sensor detected them leave the unit. Calling out for the
voice-activated heat-dry system to come on, standing patiently for the heat to caress them dry, Vlad
looked over his woman.

Her curves were trim but definitely womanly, her breasts high and round and firm. A perfect handful.
Light red-brown hair fell below her shoulders in wet waves, and her expressive gray eyes devoured his
body. He could sense her pleasure, her enjoyment at looking at his muscular frame. He resisted the
impulse to preen for her.

Her mind held far more interesting secrets.

“Have you always had thoughts of being bound?” he asked, low and huskily. He wanted to turn her on,
wanted her flowing like a river and screaming his name before he let her come, before he thrust himself as
deeply inside her as her passage would allow.

He knew he loved her for her uniqueness. Vicci wasn’t like other women who had cast themselves at his
feet. Other women he had slept with wanted him for his power, his prestige, his prowess. Vicci wanted
him because she was curious about him, because he intrigued her.

And she surprised him. He couldn’t help the heat and need that rose within him when he looked at her,
he couldn’t help the strength of his attraction to her. Yet deeper emotions stirred within him as he realized
she understood him as few others could or even tried to.

“Do you always need to take control? You might enjoy having a woman as strong as you are help you
lead.” She turned a question back at him.

A lump formed in Vlad’s throat. No one hadever offered to share his load. If he hadn’t been in love with
her before now, he tumbled headfirst at her offer. She was genuinely interested in him and his work for
the Vampire community at large.

“We might be able to trade places every now and then. But I’m sure you can feel my need for you at the
moment and that need is far too urgent and demanding to let you take the reins tonight, my dear. What

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do you say we head out to that huge bedroom and test a few of its offerings?”

His cock twitched at her throaty laugh. He’d been wearing his hard-on since he had first caught sight of
her, and it had only been growing in intensity the more he got to know her. He had nearly come in his
pants when they first kissed, sharing each other’s minds. Now, hearing her throaty, teasing laughter, his
restraint was pushed to its limits again. He needed her in his bedroom, strapped to his bed, or he mightn’t
last anywhere near as long as his plans needed.

Stepping close to her, wrapping an arm possessively around her waist, he led her into their bedroom.

A small part of his mind noticed room service had come and gone with his earlier order, but he easily
ignored it. The two bottles and two small, still-steaming towels sat discreetly away on a shelf. Such was
the service at The Castle Royale—quick, efficient and utterly discreet.

Ignoring the alcohol neither of them now needed to relax, Vlad negotiated them around the ornate
furnishings and concentrated on what he would do to his other half and how far he could push his faltering
control before he would disgrace himself and come anywhere other than deep, deep inside her.

He paused for a moment beside the enormous bed and let Vicci look her fill. He could feel her wonder
and rapture at the gilded room. Finally, he knew he had to start the ball rolling.

“Ready to follow me into the forest, little one?” he asked softly. His heart caught and then stammered a
tattoo as she turned to smile beautifully at him.

“Sure, I’m always a sucker for a walk in the woods,” she said cheekily, smiling saucily at him.

A feral grin crossed Vlad’s face. He had never been so hungry for a woman in his entire life.

“Brilliant,” he purred.

Chapter Five

Vicci’s face split into a hungry grin as Vlad gently pressed her down so she sat on the soft bed.

“Hang on a moment,” he said huskily.

Vicci just nodded slightly.As if I’d be going anywhere now!

As Vlad turned and headed over to an old style, ornate wooden chest, Vicci thought back to the
sensational emotions and feelings she had shared with this man. On some levels, the extra-special
communication between them felt magnificent. She knew how hungry he was for her. She had felt the
rising heat inside him, his desperate need to possess her and “make her his”.

Although outwardly she scoffed at the thought ofany man owning or possessing her, she wondered if the
sharing of emotions and sensations was merely part of his vampiric make-up. She knew he was entering
heat and this intrigued her more than anything else. She had heard rumors…

Stories of vampires and their origins abounded. Many of the mercs she had worked with for the majority
of her life believed vampires were a different species, born on a far-distant and extremely secretive,

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security-conscious planet called Owanus. Although it was a fact many, many of the vampires resided
there, no onereally knew where they had originally come from.

An even more closely guarded secret was their method of procreation. From their earlier discussion,
Vicci remembered Vlad told her he was in heat for the first time in a thousand moons. Quickly, she did
some mental calculation and discovered that meant a vampire entered heat roughly every seventy-seven
years on this planet.

She licked her lips. Obviously a vampire could have sex whenever he pleased, but there certainly
seemed something wild, untamed and almost feral about going into heat.

Vicci watched as Vlad pulled a set of voice-activated manacles from the chest and turned back toward
her. Eying the manacles with part eagerness, part wariness, she decided to ask a few pertinent questions.

“I suppose it’s silly to ask about your suppression shots and the risk of anything contagious,” Vicci
winced as her voice came out slightly sweaky. She had wanted to sound nonchalant, world-weary.
Instead, she sounded slightly too nervous and eager for her own liking.

Vlad stopped in front of her, spread her legs slightly and stood between them. He toyed with the
manacles in his hands and she felt her mouth dry up with desire. She had never let herself be bound in
cuffs before. It could prove…most interesting.

“Suppression shots don’t work on vamps,” he started. “We’re only fertile once every thousand moons,
and even then, only for the space of anything from a week to two moon cycles. As to anything
contagious, vampire make-up is highly different from any other species you’ve come across. We don’t
get sick, or not sick in a contagious manner. We might get hungry…” With this, Vlad smiled widely and
Vicci felt a deep, burning hunger unfold within her. Suddenly, she didn’t want to be talking any more.

Cutting him off, not needing any further explanations, Vicci looked at the extremely thick, long cock right
in front of her. Wanting to get her message across, she dipped her head and swallowed as much of his
length as she could fit inside her mouth.

She heard Vlad’s hastily indrawn breath, could discern his pulse pounding dangerously fast throughout
his body. The connection between them seemed so strong.! While she couldn’t read his mind like she
could when they were linked, even just the physical contact between them now was enough for her to be
able to share in his emotions.

He was hot, hard and heavy and more than ready to party.

Vicci ran the tip of her tongue around the head of his cock. She laved every sensitive spot she found,
loving the way she could feel him shiver and react under her tongue. It helped her immensely in her
teasing foray around his ultra-sensitive cock.

Before she could really get herself going, Vlad’s fingers lifted her head up.

“There won’t be much of a party if we go down that route. What do you say we leave that for another
time, a harder, faster ride than what I have planned for now?”

Vicci just smiled impishly.

“I’ll hold you to that,” she promised. She scooted back on the bed as Vlad crawled up beside her. The

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manacles still rested easily in his large hands.

“I’ve never played with those during sex,” she started, eyeing them.

“It will be a lot of fun for both of us. I’m sure you understand the terms of a safe word?”

Vicci nodded, “A word I can cry out to stop whatever we’re doing. We’ll make that the lock word?”

“Certainly. I was thinking of using ‘unlock’. It’s an easy word to remember, and one we shouldn’t be
using unnecessarily.”

Vicci nodded her approval and watched as he changed the lock word. When Vlad indicated for her to
scoot up to the headboard, she complied, and felt her pussy moisten slightly as he closed her wrists
delicately in the cold manacles. They made a solidthunk sound as she became chained to the headboard.

She bit her lip as Vlad left the bed and crossed back to the wooden chest. He started muttering to
himself and she strained to see what he was doing. A moment later, she heard theclack of two small
pieces of metal grating together.

“Do I even want to know?” she asked, proud to hear the confidence in her voice. She marveled at the
sinewy strength in Vlad’s body as he strolled back to her. His cock bobbed ahead of him, proving his
eagerness, yet his will was so strong he didn’t seem to be desperate at all.

Vicci smiled. Picking up a woman at a Vampiric Desperate and Dateless Ball had to be a new one for
him. The man in front of her looked neither desperate nor a likely candidate to ever be dateless. Maybe it
was some private, “in” joke among the vamps?

“I think we will be able to have some fun playing with these,” he purred as he opened one large palm.
Vicci saw two medium-sized, black balls. They were connected with a thin piece of cord, and attached
to one ball was another cord ending in a clip.

The clip looked like a nipple clamp. Yet the cord wasn’t long enough to stretch up to her nipple.

“It’s a clit clamp,” he said softly, either reading her mind or knowing a woman’s thoughts enough to
guess. Vicci watched as he rubbed his fingers caressingly over the two solid balls.

She could easily guess where these went. Vicci shuffled herself until she lay comfortably. The bed was
heavenly soft, pillows heaped on either side of her. If nothing else, she could now boast she had
lain—and been laid—on a Castle Royale bed. Definitely something to be proud of.

Vicci spread her legs. She glanced at Vlad and felt her heart accelerate at the look on his face. He
seemed entranced by her. She would bet a hefty amount of credits his mouth watered.

“Oh yeah, baby,” he breathed softly, crouching down onto all fours. “You are completely magnificent.”

Vicci let her head fall back against the soft pillows as he pressed his mouth against her labia. He licked
the moisture from the lips and then speared his tongue inside her, groaning at the pleasure. His groan
reverberated through her, sending zinging shots through her system.

Vicci spread her legs even further apart, wanting him to delve deeper inside her. The rough sensation of
his tongue against her most delicate flesh felt divine. She found herself canting her hips, angling herself so

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he could thrust his tongue deeply inside her. When he pulled back slightly, she moaned at the loss.

“No,” she panted, until she felt his slick fingers toying around the edges of her lips once more. “Oh,” she
gasped as she felt a heavy ball-shaped object pass inside her. Vlad pressed it as deeply inside her as he
could and then withdrew his fingers.

Vicci gasped for a moment, letting her body adjust to the invasion. The ball felt cool but solid, heavy and
just so indescribablythere . It in no way compensated for a good, thick and hard cock, but it did make
her feel stretched and full. Vicci shifted her weight slightly, moved her hips from side to side, testing the
weight and heaviness of the ball lodged deeply inside her. It tingled slightly with the movement and Vicci
knew she had found a new favorite toy.

“Have you ever had a man up your ass, Vicci?”

Vicci’s attention snapped back to the room and regarded the delectable man who resided in it with her.
She let her gaze rest on the hungry, possessive gleam in his eye. Vicci worried her lower lip, wondering if
this was one of those situations where there was a “correct” answer.

After a moment’s contemplation, she decided on honesty. It wasn’t as if he thought she was a virgin, and
she certainly didn’t expect him to be untried at anything.

“Once,” she admitted, “after drinking the best part of a bottle of Blue Vodka. It wasn’t…I didn’t like it

The huge, feral grin he flashed her made her glad she had been honest.

“Don’t worry. I think you’ll like this. These balls aren’t like a cock, but they will stretch you,” Vicci
shivered as he rubbed some of her own juices around her tiny puckered anus.

“But first,” he said softly, “some lube.” The bed dipped as he crawled across it. The movement caused
the ball inside her to tingle again, sending erotic pulses through her sensitive body.

Vicci closed her eyes and lifted her hips away from the soft bed. She shook her hips and the ball
resonated inside her. She swore she could hear a tiny chime sound and it felt as though somethinginside
the balls jangled. The movements teased her and vibrated against her G-spot.

Vicci let her hips fall back down, sweat beading on her brow and her breath coming in gasping pants.
Wow, these are some damn toys!

She heard theclick of a lid being replaced and watched as Vlad moved closer to her as he climbed back
on the bed. His fingers were curved and fluted, holding some lubricating gel. He picked up the second
ball, gave a tiny tug on the cord attaching it to the one inside her and smiled as she swallowed at the
sensation. He rubbed a small amount of the liquid over the ball, and then gently rubbed one finger over
the entrance to her anus in preparation for the toy.

“Open up, darling,” he purred and Vicci felt a heated wave of lust crash through her. She wanted to try
everything with this vampire, wanted to indulge in every dark fantasy she had ever dreamed. Before her
one experience, she had dreamed secretly of anal sex, of feeling a hot, hard, impossibly thick cock
reaming her ass. The painful reality had changed her mind, but still the fantasy persisted.

Feeling her ass muscles give way for Vlad’s two thick fingers pressing inside her, she remembered every

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forbidden book she had read, every dream and porn-vid she had ever watched about a pretty girl getting
her ass reamed.

She moaned, unable to hide her delight and rapture at the sensation of the fingers penetrating her ass. In
and out he stroked, coating her walls with the soft, warm gel. Vicci couldn’t help but writhe, and in so
doing, she set the vaginal ball tingling again.

It only stoked her heat higher.

Finally, she could feel herself begin to climax, the hot, exciting sensations building within her until she
couldn’t hold anything back. While she didn’t see stars or feel the earth move beneath her, the
contractions of her pussy sent tiny jolts of pleasure through her system, particularly as they made the ball
inside titillate her even more.

She groaned and arched her back, unconsciously pulling hard on the manacles binding her wrists as the
climax slammed through her. With her eyes closed and her senses flared, she could feel the heavy
satisfaction of the man who watched her writhe in ecstasy.

Vicci knew he could sense her pleasure, also knew he enjoyed the wash of her emotions as they
covered him. All too soon, she felt herself coming down from the sensational high, felt her body begin to
relax as the climax wound down, and leaving her depleted and empty.

After her shuddering passed, she felt Vlad gently pull his fingers out.

“That was a magnificent starter,” he teased.

He slid the ball into her with ridiculous ease. Vicci didn’t even flinch as he pressed the heavy ball right up
her hidden passage. She felt her nipples peak as Vladmir softly kissed her on the lips. He ran his hands
over the fullness of her breasts, palming the nipples and gently caressing the globes.

Vicci kissed him hungrily, sliding her tongue teasingly against his. She moaned at the tiny prick of his
fangs and realized he was a lot closer to the edge than he seemed. Wanting to give him as much pleasure
as possible, she deepened the kiss, pouring her emotions into the caress.

“You are delicious,” he panted against her lips as he slowly began to nibble down her neck. When he
reached that sensitive spot, he laved it with his tongue. “So delicious you make me want to do all sorts of
things to you.”

She shivered in lust as his teeth scraped her pulse. She remembered the flying ecstasy of when he had
drunk her blood. She felt her body heat up all over again. Her pussy got damp in excited anticipation of
what could possibly come next.

“So then do it,” she offered temptingly. “I don’t hear myself screaming or complaining. Indulge yourself,
Vlad. It was wonderful.”

She felt him run his lips over the pulse point in her neck, the gentle scrape of teeth.

The minute stretched out as she waited.

Chapter Six

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Vlad pressed his teeth to the seductively soft skin of Vicci’s neck. He knew he still had enough control
left to do her no harm, and the temptation, the call of her blood, was almost more than he could bear.

He had gone through a couple of periods of heat but had never found the right woman who would be
fertile to his seed. Instead of spilling his seed in a sensitive, mindlinked, connected woman, he had run
though dozens and dozens of utterly unimportant women, one after the other..

For the untried youth, falling into heat could be dangerous. To one such as he, with experience, he knew
if he didn’t find a woman who could complete his Circle during his fertile stage, he would need to lose
himself in woman after woman until his time passed. Often he needed two in one night, as one human
woman would be driven to exhaustion before he had sated his need.

There were a few races of Amazons and mystical warriors with whom a vampire could fuck over and
over and over and neither would run out of strength or stamina. In fact, a few small groups considered it
a coming-of-age ritual to guide a fledgling vampire through his heat. Both parties ended up completely
and utterly sated, and often slept for days afterwards.

Yet this time, Vlad knew he had found his mate. Neither of them would ever need another as they
completed each other so perfectly. Maybe every now and then they would bring in a third party, but
those were details for later.

At this moment, Vladmir wanted nothing more than to fuck himself raw in the only woman who could
complete his Soul’s Circle, to drink her blood and fulfill the ritual. Even with this desperate hunger
clawing at him, he decided to wait. He would complete the ritual, but not right now. He wanted to sate
his woman first.

Pulling himself away from her neck was the hardest thing he had ever done. Harder than all the battles he
had fought, harder than all the politics he had to compete with throughout his years, harder even than
parting with his first woman, back when he had been a fledgling.

Vlad kissed his way down to Vicci’s delectable breasts and heavily suckled at one nipple. If he couldn’t
have her blood, he would need to feed from the incredible lust building between them. Something to tide
him over and get his mind away from the tempting lure of her blood.

Vlad suckled from both breasts and let his hand fall down to the apex of her thighs. Gently grazing his
teeth over the sensitive areola, he marveled at how responsive she was. Her back arched, giving him the
perfect access to her clit. Strumming it with one hand he let the other hand fall slightly lower, to the cord
connecting the balls. Teasingly, he tugged at the cord.

Vicci cried out. He smiled, and merged their minds.

He felt a huge haze of red heat. Hunger clawed his insides, but it was almost completely overwhelmed
with her lust and desire. She had worked out the fact that the balls had an inner core that resonated with
the person they were encased within.

As Vicci’s lusts rose higher and higher, the balls would absorb her energy and tingle inside her like an
electrified particle. It was completely harmless, as they danced with their host’s energy.

The vaginal ball was singing along merrily, humming against her G-spot, and the anal ball was just starting

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up. In a very short time, Vicci would be screaming her delight.

Vlad stroked her clit until it pouted, fleshy with the blood supply. Gently, he placed the clamp over her
clit, holding the blood there, fully engorged and just waiting for some action. Vicci was whimpering,
tugging at her manacles and arching into his every touch, caress and stroke of his tongue.

Deftly, he tugged again on her nipple, enjoying the cry this elicited from her. He felt her shudder and
could tell she was on the brink of another orgasm.

What more can I do for you, my love?

Never before had he connected through sex. Often in the heat of battle or in severe danger vampires
could mindlink with each other but usually only in extreme circumstances. Vampires were taught from a
very young age how to protect themselves, to erect mind barriers. The added intimacy of the mindlink
was yet another thing Vlad felt grateful for. He was completely shocked when she responded to him.

My clit,she insisted.Suck it. It feels like it’s about to explode.

Happily, Vlad lowered himself so his mouth rested just above her erect clit. He could actually see it
throbbing in need, flushed and full. Deftly he removed the clamp and, as Vicci screamed her orgasm,
suckled her clit strongly into his mouth.

He continued suckling her clit and stroking her anal opening as the orgasm ran through her body. He
wanted her primed and ready. His own climax wouldn’t wait much longer. He had been waiting for her
for too long, had held onto this release for more than he could cope with.

And more, he wanted to complete his circle with her, wanted to fuse them together as only they could.
He wanted to pour his essence deeply inside her and create their child. As his mind focused on his
dearest-held wish to have a child, he caught a glimpse of a small boy through their shared mindlink. He
felt hope rise within him when he realized she had foreseen a child of theirs when they had first met.

Their child. A son. With Vicci’s eyes and his face and hair.

How he already loved that boy!

As Vicci came down from her high, Vlad released her clit and moved back up her body.

“Ready for me now, my love?” he chuckled, pleased with the way her expressive gray eyes widened.
She sweated, her arms lay limply, obviously she felt wrung out, but the erect little nipples sticking out to
him and the way her legs shifted restlessly told their own story.

She might feel sated, but she still had one more screaming climax left inside her.

He bent down to kiss her, to gently rub his lips along hers. “Just one more,” he promised huskily.

“One more,” she agreed softly, “and then it’s my turn.”

Vlad chuckled, pleased to see her backbone and her innate teasing nature. “It would be my pleasure.”

Chapter Seven

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Vicci couldn’t help herself as her back arched again and she craved even more of Vlad’s body. She
couldn’t tell what felt so very different about being with him, but while she usually was one insatiable
woman, everything seemed just so much more intense with Vlad.

Her orgasms were harder, her emotions spiked higher, and she surprised herself by not fully coming
down from these emotional and physical highs. Instead of being deflated, she felt invigorated.

It felt wonderful, but so strange.

Instead of wanting to turn him over and ride him like a horse, she wanted to wallow in the feelings,
wanted him to touch her more. For the first time ever, shewanted him to pamper her and treat her like a
queen, where normally Vicci was the one to take the control and then get up and leave.

Vicci felt Vlad grope for the cord between the two balls. She wriggled expectantly. When he pulled the
vaginal ball from her, the resoundingpop as it pulled free sent electric shocks through her system. She
opened her mouth, wanting to insist he put it back in place, but he cut her off first.

“I’ll replace it with something much larger,” he promised.

Vicci felt him rubbing the tip of his cock against her weeping entrance. She shut her mouth and smiled up
at him. Seemed like a fair exchange to her. Hungrily, she accepted his kisses, knowing in her heart she
loved him. She knew he thought she was some fantastical soul mate type woman and she didn’t have the
heart to disappoint him.

She had always been able to read people’s minds, maybe not as clearly and thoroughly as she and Vlad
could exchange, but it wasn’t something special and privileged with her. She wanted to indulge in the
fantasy with him, think maybe they would stay together, that this would not just turn out to be some fling
from a big party. She poured all her heart and soul into the kiss, let him feel all the emotions and doubts
and worries she usually held locked inside.

She gave him everything she was. For the first time in her whole long life, she held nothing back at all. In
return, she could appreciate the enormity of the emotions being pouring back to her from Vlad, his hopes
and dreams of the future. She saw a glimpse of the mental picture of the child she had seen earlier, and
his love and devotion to such a child.

Just as quickly as she had seen him, the picture flashed away, only to be replaced with an urgent, utterly
masculine need and hunger. She accepted it, opened herself up even further, and Vlad penetrated her to
the core.

Vicci cried out, partly in pain, partly in a completely fulfilling, satisfied manner she had never experienced
ever before in her life. Vlad filled every possible particle of her, and what he had said seemed in that
moment to be utterly true. They completed each other in every way possible.

Vicci cried out again as Vlad’s teeth sank seductively into her shoulder. She could feel his restraint, his
hunger and the depth of his desire. He wanted her more than anything else, would keep her safe and
protect her and let her be everything she could be.

They really did complete each other and resonate with each other. She could push him higher than he
could ever reach alone—and she felt his absolute devotion to do exactly the same for her.

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As he drank her blood, joining them together in some indescribable way, Vicci’s heart overflowed with
love. She knew she had to be a willing participant in this moment, wanted to draw him even closer.

“Unlock,” she said, surprised to find her voice but a thin thread of sound. Obediently, the manacles fell
to the side, freeing her.

Yes, my love, please thrust deeper inside me,she thought, bringing her hands down to his ass and pulling
him even further into her. She felt Vlad licking her wound as his hips canted, rotated, pushing him as
deeply inside her as they could possibly fit.

For just one moment, Vicci wondered if she had passed beyond and ended up in paradise.

Chapter Eight

Vlad hazily came back to himself. He had been so deeply inside Vicci, both mentally as well as
physically, he hadn’t known exactly where he ended and she began. It had been the most erotic, perfect
moment of his existence.

Gently, he healed his marks and began to thrust seductively within her. He could feel his cock brush
against where the anal bead lay, and he sent a small amount of energy to it, making it dance and sing
inside her, driving her even higher than she could believe possible.

In and out he thrust, slowly rebuilding the climax one more time within his love. He knew with an innate
self-knowledge that they were bound, and spilling his seed inside her would only seal their link forever.

And create their child.

Vlad felt a peacefulness and satisfaction well within him as the knowledge grew.

“We’re really creating this child?” Vicci asked softly, wonder filling her voice. Vlad looked down into
her cloudy eyes. He simply nodded, not knowing how to better express himself. Vicci turned slightly,
rolling them over. Vlad felt a huge grin cross his face.

“What happened to me being your master and commander? Men are traditionally on top, my love,” he
chided, trying hard not to laugh.

“I think it’s time a woman took you in hand. Men have a tendency to get out of control when allowed to
have too much power.”

Vlad idly reached a hand around, patting her on the ass. “I don’t think I’ll be getting too much out of
control now when I have you and this luscious ass to play with.”

Vicci grinned evilly. “You just want me for my ass, huh?”

“No,” he said seriously, “I want you because you are the only woman I can link to like this. You’re the
only woman I know who even has the potential to have my children. I want you,” he continued, lowering
his voice and raising a hand to pull her head to his, “because I love you,” he whispered softly against her

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Vicci sighed softly. “Oh, well, that’s different then. I guess we’d better start on Junior.”

Vlad kissed her, hard. “No son of mine will be called Junior,” he insisted and then kissed her again.
“How do you feel about Nicodemous?” When Vicci wrinkled her nose, he had to place a kiss on it. With
one hand holding her hip for leverage, he thrust into her again just when he knew she would complain.

“I think we should talk about it later. I’ve always loved the name Lucas or maybe we could go with

Vlad made a strange choking noise, “Not even during spectacular sex will I agree toGabriel as a name
for myson ! A more feminine and disgusting name I have never known. Don’t eventhink of it!”

The both laughed as he flipped them once more. He withdrew his long cock, right to the very tip of his
erection, letting the head sit barely inside her, pulsing slightly.

Welcome to the world, my son,Vlad thought, hearing the words and sentiment echo strongly through

With one last, fierce thrust, he pressed inside his woman and felt her passage close constricting around
him. They both cried out, feeling each other’s climax erupt. Vicci squeezed him so tightly he wondered
why he didn’t shatter. His own cock pulsed so strongly he feared for a moment he might tear her delicate
tissue. They exploded around and within each other, their shared climax growing and surrounding them
until they screamed and screamed and didn’t know who was who.

Vaguely, Vlad felt himself shoot his seed deeply within Vicci, saw his son laughing and clapping his
hands. He couldn’t tell if it was his vision, Vicci’s vision, or if their son truly had visited them for a split

His sparkling gray eyes reflected laughter and a total love of life. The happy, childish, completely
carefree manner with which he clapped his hands seemed to egg them both on.

After a few moments, when they both began to fall from their high, when his cock began to shrink and
his muscles grew weak, he rolled them once more until they lay spooned together. Vlad had no idea what
to say, his mind simply buzzed.

He gently kissed Vicci’s shoulders a few times, not wanting her to think he had withdrawn from their
special moment. He reached his hand carefully around to her ass and, trying to be as tender and delicate
as possible, withdrew the ball and cord from her sensitive opening.

How about Viktor?she finally whispered in his mind as he casually tossed the toy to the floor. Vlad
smiled, realized Vicci didn’t want to break the comfortable silence any more than he.

I think that would be perfect, my love,he replied softly.Let’s get some rest, and then we can play with
some other toys. Checkout isn’t until noon.

Instead of continuing the growing plans in his mind, he smiled as Vicci simply wrapped her arm around
his waist and snuggled into his chest. They both felt their breathing even out and within a moment Vlad
knew Vicci slept. Vlad looked about, found the neatly folded coverlet by the foot of the bed where he
had requested the maid place it. He bent down slightly to grab it and draw it over them both.

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Thinking happily of the future, now perfectly bright and shiny, he too closed his eyes and let himself

The best damned Desperate and Dateless Ball I’ve ever been to,he decided smugly.Bring it on.

About the author:

Elizabeth Lapthorne is the eldest of four children. She grew up with lots of noise, fights and tale-telling.
Her mother, a reporter and book reviewer, instilled in her a great appreciation of reading with the
intrigues of a good plot.

Elizabeth studied Science at school, and whilst between jobs complained bitterly to a good friend about
the lack of current literature to pass away the hours. While they both were looking up websites for new
publishers, she stumbled onto Ellora’s Cave. Jumping head-first into this doubly new site (both the first
e-book site she had ever visited, as well as her first taste of Romantica) they both devoured over half of
EC’s titles in less than a month. While waiting for more titles to be printed (as well as that ever-elusive
science job) Elizabeth started dabbling again in her writing.

Elizabeth has always loved to read, it will always be her favourite pass-time, (she is constantly buying
new books and bookshelves to fill), but she also loves going to the beach, sitting in the sun, having coffee
(or better yet, CHOCOLATE and coffee) with her friends and generally enjoying life. She is extremely
curious, which is why she studied science, and often tells “interesting” stories, loving a good laugh. She is
a self-confessed email junkie, loving to read what other people on the EC board think and have to say,
she laughs often at their tales and ideas. She recently has developed a taste for the gym. She’s sure she
read somewhere it was good for her, but she is reserving judgment to see how long it lasts.

Elizabeth welcomes mail from readers. You can write to her c/o Ellora’s Cave Publishing at 1337
Commerce Drive, #13, Stow, Ohio 44224.

Also by Elizabeth Lapthorne:

Behind the Mask anthology

Ellora’s Cavemen: Legendary Tails I anthology

Lion In Love


Rutledge Werewolves 1: Scent of Passion

Rutledge Werewolves 2: Hide and Seek

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Rutledge Werewolves 3: The Mating Game

Rutledge Werewolves 4: My Heart’s Passion

Rutledge Werewolves 5: Chasing Love

Discover for yourself why readers can’t get enough of the multiple award-winning publisher Ellora’s
Cave. Whether you prefer e-books or paperbacks, be sure to visit EC on the web at
www.ellorascave.com for an erotic reading experience that will leave you breathless.


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