E A Picture Perfect

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Evangeline Anderson


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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered
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Picture Perfect

Evangeline Anderson

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by
Loose Id LLC
870 Market St, Suite 1201
San Francisco CA 94102-2907

Copyright © November 2008 by Evangeline Anderson
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of
this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing,
photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-846-4
Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Barbara Marshall
Cover Artist: April Martinez

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Chapter One

“Will you get off my case, Kurt?” I demanded, whirling to face my annoying

stepbrother. “For the last time, I know what I’m doing. I’ve been modeling for the past five

years now, in case you haven’t noticed, and I think I’m qualified to pick my own assignments



butting in.” I turned back to the mirror and continued brushing my long auburn

hair in quick, jerky strokes, but I could still see him in the glass, standing over me and

glowering. His inky black hair and deep blue eyes were almost as startling a contrast as my

own deep red hair and pale green eyes, but his skin was a deep, natural tan and mine was fair

in the extreme -- what they used to call a rose leaf complexion.

Anyone who saw us together would know by our very different coloring that we

weren’t really related. But that didn’t keep Kurt from acting like the annoying big brother

he’d been to me for the five years since my mom and his dad had gotten married.

He wanted to screen my dates and make sure I got home safe if I went out late, which

was bad enough. But when he started to say where I could go and what modeling jobs I could

take, well, that was crossing the line. And the thing was, I couldn’t tell if he was being

overprotective because he really thought of us as related, or because of the unspoken tension

that still plagued us despite both our attempts to ignore it.

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I’d be lying if I said I didn’t think my stepbrother was a good-looking guy. He was

working his way through USF with a company called “College Hunks Hauling Junk,” and the

heavy lifting he did getting rid of people’s old appliances and other useless items had left him

with muscles on top of muscles. His features were sharp and his eyes were such a brilliant,

deep blue that they made people look twice at him. Some of my girlfriends had even asked

me if he wore colored contacts, but there was nothing fake about Kurt, which, I guess, was

one of the most attractive things about him.

I knew he thought I was pretty too, even though he’d never said anything. It was the

way I caught him looking at me sometimes when he thought I wouldn’t notice and the

awkward way we acted around each other if we had to be in close proximity for any reason.

We never sat too close on the couch, for instance, because the electrical current that seemed

to exist between us flared into life and made sitting still impossible for both of us. I could

literally feel the tiny hairs along my arms rising, and my pussy always got uncomfortably hot

and wet whenever I was close enough to him to feel the heat of his big body and smell his

warm scent of leather and musk. I was pretty sure I affected him the same way, so we tried

to keep some distance between us at all times. Sometimes, though, being close was


Several times on family vacations we’d had to share a hotel room, which was bad

enough, but we usually made the most of it. I took one bed and Kurt took the other, and we

both changed separately in the bathroom, careful that no skin was exposed. I even slept in a

full set of pajamas despite the heat. But on the last vacation, things had gone horribly awry

when I walked in on him while he was taking a shower.

I had just been swimming and had water in my ears, so I didn’t hear him humming or

the spray of the water hitting the shower curtain. All I could think of was getting out of my

wet bikini and into a nice warm bath because the lake I had been swimming in was freezing.

Kurt wasn’t in the bedroom, so I had already taken off my green bikini top, baring my

full breasts and tight nipples. I walked into the bathroom, toweling my hair and pulled back

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the shower curtain only to find my stepbrother naked in the shower with the steaming water

streaming down his sculpted abs.

It was agonizingly embarrassing, of course, especially considering the way I hadn’t

been able to stop staring. I still blush when I remember the way I was rooted to the spot, my

mouth half open -- and drooling no doubt -- as I looked him over, unable to tear my eyes

away. His naked body was big and hard and glistening wet, and for the first time I could see

his cock. It was long and thick, nestled against one of his muscular thighs like a sleeping


Kurt simply looked back at me, matching me stare for stare, not saying anything. His

eyes had traveled over my face and then down, and suddenly, I remembered my topless state.

I took a step back, clutching my blue and yellow beach towel to my chest and wishing I

could hide in the clouds of steam escaping from the shower.

“I-I’m so sorry,” I stuttered. “I just wanted a bath. I didn’t know…know you were in


Kurt still didn’t say anything. He didn’t ask me to leave, but he didn’t ask me to join

him either -- as if I could. We shared the same last name, for God’s sake, and we weren’t

living in hillbilly holler where such a relationship might be, if not condoned, then at least

tolerated. Just because there was no real blood tie between us didn’t mean that getting hot

and bothered about my stepbrother was in any way acceptable.

Eventually, I regained enough control of my motor functions to stumble out of the

steamy bathroom, feeling weak in the knees and wondering if it was possible to die of

embarrassment. I spent the rest of the vacation avoiding my stepbrother assiduously and

wishing he weren’t so good-looking and that I weren’t so weak. It was wrong to feel the way

I did and I knew it, but there didn’t seem to be anything I could do about it.

Even though Kurt and I had never mentioned the incident, it wasn’t long after that

vacation that he moved out of the house and into an apartment of his own. I stayed at home,

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both grateful to have the house more to myself and sorry because I missed the big lug. When

we could get around the sexual tension and the way he irritated me when he tried to run my

life, Kurt and I actually had some pretty interesting conversations. He could be sweet and

funny and tell dirty jokes that made me laugh until milk came out of my nose. It was only

when he got too close or we accidentally touched that things got uncomfortable.

It turned out that I didn’t have to worry about missing him too much, though. I was

always running into him on the USF campus where he was a senior and I was a sophomore,

and he came back home to visit almost every weekend. Supposedly, he came to see his dad,

but it seemed like he always wound up spending time with me instead -- at a safe distance,

that was.

Of course, our parents had no idea what was going on under the surface of our happy

family. I was pretty sure it would kill my mom, and Kurt’s dad wouldn’t have been too happy

about it either. So we kept things under wraps by not talking about the elephant in the room

and pretending to fight and disagree like normal siblings. Actually, I didn’t have to pretend

when Kurt started getting all overprotective on me, like he was right now.

“I’m telling you,


,” he said sarcastically. “That part of town isn’t safe. How do you

know it’s a legitimate modeling shoot and not one of those skanky porn things like on the

Internet? You know, where they lure in innocent college girls and get them drunk before

they start taking pictures?”

“Your concern is touching, Kurt. Almost as touching as your faith in my intelligence,” I

snarled as the brush snagged a knot in my hair. “But I’ll have you know this isn’t for any

kind of Internet thing. It’s an open call for an exercise book -- they need pictures of models

to illustrate the different exercises. How…bad…can…it…be?” With each word, I yanked the

brush a little harder. Damn it, it was really



“Here, stop that -- you’re going to pull out all your hair, and then nobody will want

you in their book.” Kurt took the handle from my hand, careful not to touch me as he did,

and gently began working to free the brush. “I know you’re not stupid, Melanie,” he said, his

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deep voice becoming a little softer. “I just…worry about you. You’re so…well, your beauty

could make you a target,” he ended lamely.

“You think I’m beautiful?” I asked, looking up at him. My heart began to pound against

my ribs.

Kurt looked uncomfortable. “Well, I mean, you


a model.”

“I’m just doing it to get through school,” I reminded him. “And that doesn’t answer my


“You don’t know what people in this city are capable of,” he said, ducking the question

again. He had the brush free of my hair now, and he was passing it back and forth between

his big hands with nervous energy. “I do.”

His refusal to answer my question stung. “What, just because you’re prelaw and you’ve

been clerking at the DA’s office, you think you’re the only one with the lowdown on

Tampa’s crime rate?” I asked, snatching the brush from him. “I have news for you, Mr. Big-

shot Soon-to-be Attorney: I carry mace with me everywhere, and I always check out an

assignment before I take it.”

His face darkened. “Your mace wouldn’t do much good if they slipped you something.

You wind up in the wrong place at the wrong time and some of these lowlifes would have

you out of your clothes in a minute.”

There he went, being a possessive asshole again. Suddenly, I wanted to make him as

mad as he made me. “Listen, Kurt,” I told him. “I’m very careful about the kind of shoots I

take. But let me tell you something; if I


to pose nude, I would. And there wouldn’t be

a damn thing you could do to stop me.”

“You wouldn’t,” he growled.

“Would and could.” I smacked the brush down on my dresser and surveyed myself

once more in the mirror, ignoring the black look he was giving me. My blouse was a vivid

emerald green that brought out my eyes, and my thin black pencil skirt showed off my long,

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pale legs to perfection. I looked good and I knew it. I didn’t need a jerk like my stepbrother

to tell me I was pretty. And I certainly didn’t need him telling me what to do. “I’m leaving,” I

informed him. “I have to go now or I’m going to be late -- and it’s not like I’m the only

model trying for this.”

“Fine, then. I’m going with you.” To my intense irritation, he followed me as I left my

bedroom and headed for the front door.

I turned and glared at him as I stepped out the door. “You’re not welcome and you’re

not coming, Kurt. Now go back in the house and leave me alone.”

“I’m coming and that’s the end of it,” he growled. “The least I can do is to drive you

there and back -- to be sure you get home in one piece.”

“You mean to be sure nobody slips stupid little me a roofie and takes advantage of me,”

I flared.

The corner of Kurt’s full mouth twisted down. “I never said you were stupid, Mel. I

said I was worried about you. Be fair. The part of Channelside you’re going to is full of empty

warehouses and dark alleys. It’s not safe for a woman alone -- any woman.”

“Fine.” I sighed, giving in at last only because I knew I would never hear the end of it if

I refused to let him take me. “But don’t think you can dictate to me the kind of assignments I

take. If it looks like a good shoot and they want me, I’m taking it.”

“We’ll see about that.” He slid into one side of his red Accord and I slid in the other. I

fastened my seatbelt, hoping our argument hadn’t made me too late to get this assignment.

Suddenly, I wished it was more than an exercise book -- wished that it


involve some

nude work. Wouldn’t that teach Kurt a lesson? Of course, I had never done anything like

that before, and despite my threat to my annoying older stepbrother, I didn’t know if I

would be willing to take my clothes off for the camera. Still, it would serve him right if I did,

wouldn’t it? But the most they would probably ask was for me to put on a tight-fitting

leotard so they could see what muscle groups were being worked in the exercise they were

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trying to illustrate. Although, knowing Kurt, he would probably even make a fuss about that.

What was wrong with him; why did he always have to be such a domineering jerk?

Fuming, I crossed my arms over my chest and watched the city roll by outside my

window, wishing I could find a way to teach Kurt he couldn’t run my life.

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Chapter Two

“I’m afraid the shoot has been canceled.” The woman with thick, Coke-bottle glasses

and her hair in a messy ponytail sounded regretful. She was pacing in front of the large,

empty warehouse, which was the address I’d been given, looking upset and distracted. I had

to admit it wasn’t the best area of town, and I was just the tiniest bit glad that Kurt had

driven me after all. Not that I was going to tell him that, especially since he was hovering in

the background with his arms crossed over his muscular chest like a malevolent genie.

“That’s too bad,” I said, really meaning it. I had really been counting on landing this

assignment -- I needed the money. “What happened, the book deal fell through?”

“Oh, no -- the deal is good. In fact, we’ll have to reschedule for another day as I told all

the other female applicants that came. You see, our male model called in sick at the last

minute, and we can’t do without him.”

“What a shame.” I shook my head. So not only was the shoot canceled, I was the last

one to know. Apparently, all the other female models that had come to try for the shoot had

already gone home. Well, at least I hadn’t lost it to another girl. I could still come back on

the day they rescheduled. But that would probably be weeks from now and I needed the


right away


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“You know, it


a shame because this is going to be just beautiful.” The woman, who

appeared to be the head photographer, smiled dreamily at the thought. She was wearing

clothes that were too big for her with pockets everywhere, and for some reason, she

reminded me of the absentminded anthropology teacher I’d had last semester. Suddenly, I

realized where I’d seen her before -- I’d seen a showing of her work at the Tampa Museum of

Modern Art, and she had been at the opening. She’d been better dressed at the time, but the

glasses and the messy hair were the same.

“Excuse me,” I said. “Are you Lisa McKenzie?


Lisa McKenzie?”

She smiled at me. “Why, yes, I am.”

“But I thought… I didn’t know you did book shoots,” I said, still gaping at her. She was

famous in the modeling world -- her work was cutting-edge. Never in a million years would

I have thought I would get the chance to work with her -- not unless I got the cover of




@, that was. And since I’m not a celebrity or a rock star, there was no way

in hell that was ever going to happen.

“I don’t usually do this kind of thing,” Lisa acknowledged. “But the author is a friend of

mine, and she asked me to do it as a favor. It has to be tasteful, you know, and this kind of

thing is delicate -- it can be so hard to get right. I’m going to do the main poses in black and

white and the close-up work in color, whenever we actually get to shoot. Not today, of

course, because we have to have a male model and --” She broke off abruptly and looked

over my shoulder at Kurt, as if noticing him for the first time. “You didn’t tell me you

brought another model with you, my dear,” she said to me while she was still looking at him.

“Oh, he’s not a model. He’s my --”

“Boyfriend, of course,” she said, stepping around me and going to feel Kurt’s muscular

bicep. He has the same annoying effect on my friends, and I didn’t bother to correct her

mistake. “Have you had any modeling experience?” she asked Kurt.

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He looked uncomfortable. “Uh, no, not really. I’m just here with Melanie to make sure

she gets home safe.”

“Of course, of course, but how would you -- both of you -- like to earn an extra

thousand today on top of the five hundred dollar modeling fee?” She looked between the two

of us, an excited expression on her face. “I can see it now -- light and dark, slender and

muscular -- a study in contrasts. The two of you would be perfect together -- just exactly

what we need.”

“I really don’t have any experience --” Kurt started, but I sidled up beside him and

elbowed him fiercely in the ribs. “Ouch!” He frowned at me, and I smiled sweetly back.

“We’ll take it,” I said. The money was suddenly secondary -- this was a once-in-a-

lifetime chance to work with an acknowledged genius in my field, and I was


going to

pass it up.

“Perfect!” Lisa was really excited now. “We won’t have to reschedule. Wonderful --

follow me, we don’t have a moment to lose.”

“I’m not really up for this,” Kurt grumbled under his breath as we headed into the big

echoing space inside the warehouse. There were some screens set up in one corner and a set

surrounded by lights on tripods at the far end. A few technicians were fiddling with the

equipment, but all in all, it was a pretty empty set as far as I could see.

“For fifteen hundred dollars, you can fake it,” I told him. “Don’t blow this for me, Kurt.


Lisa McKenzie

. I may never get a chance like this again. No, I


I’ll never get a

chance like this again.”

“She’s that famous, huh?” He looked at the back of Lisa’s messy ponytail with grudging


“She’s a genius,” I said. “Most models would give their left arm to work with her.”

“Fine.” He sighed. “But she better not ask me to wear anything weird.”

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“Don’t worry; I’m sure she’ll ask you nicely if they want you to take off your clothes,” I

said, laughing at the worried look on his face. Before he had a chance to reply, a tech was

handing us both some paperwork and pens.

“Now here are the contracts -- pretty standard, really,” Lisa said briskly. “Just sign in

triplicate and initial at the bottom, and we’ll get you to wardrobe.”

Kurt wanted to read over the whole damn thing, but I could see that Lisa was in a

hurry so I nudged him impatiently. “Hurry up and let’s get going -- I’ve signed a hundred of

these, and they’re all the same.”

“Fine. Don’t blame me if we’re signing our lives away,” he growled. With a sigh of

irritation, he initialed and handed the paperwork to the waiting tech.

Lisa nodded and smiled. “Come with me.”

We followed her behind the folding screens where two fluffy terrycloth robes hung

from a coat rack. I looked around, wondering where the costumes they wanted us to wear

were, but there was nothing but the robes to be seen.

“All right, Kurt, Melanie,” Lisa said, smiling at us both. “I want you out of your clothes,

into the robes, and out on the set in five. We’re going to start with some more general

placement shots, but we have a lot to get through today and I’m hoping to get some close-up

work done too.”

Kurt and I looked at each other. “Uh, out of our clothes?” he asked uncertainly. “As in,


of our clothes?”

She nodded. “Of course.”

He shifted uneasily. “Well, but don’t you have something else you want us to put on

instead? Some kind of costume?”

Lisa began to look annoyed. “No -- just the robes. Put them on and come out as I asked,

please.” The last please sounded forced, and it was obvious that she was getting irritated.

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“We’ll be there,” I chirped, giving her my most winning smile. Kurt opened his mouth

to protest, and I shook my head at him. The minute she left, though, he had plenty to say.

“Mel, what the hell is this about? You said it was just an exercise book.”

“It is -- I think.”

“You think?” He frowned. “Well, what if you think wrong? And why do they want us

naked except for those robes?”

“I don’t know,” I said coolly, frowning at him. “I guess we’ll find out when we get out

there. Just remember, you


not to mess this up.” Turning my back on him, I began

stripping down as casually as if I got naked in front of him every day. In fact, my stomach

was churning with anxiety, but I wasn’t about to let him see that. Behind me, I heard Kurt

growl impatiently, but I knew he would take my implied dare. If I was brave enough to go

out on the set in only a robe, he had to be too. From the rustling sound behind me, I knew

he was getting out of his T-shirt and jeans.

I was only naked for a minute, but I have to admit I felt relieved when I got the plush

robe belted around me. There was a little feeling of excitement stirring inside me, though. It

looked like there was going to be some nude work after all. I expected that I would be the

model for the women’s exercise part of the book, and Kurt would be the model for the male

part. This was exactly the kind of situation I’d been hoping for -- better, in fact, because not

only was I going to pose nude, Kurt was going to have to as well. It would teach him a lesson

about letting me pick my own assignments and at the same time give him a little taste of my


Lisa was waiting impatiently when we made our way back out to the set. I began to feel

a little nervous when I noticed something that had escaped my attention earlier. The set had

a black velvet drop cloth suspended on a large frame as its background, but the foreground

contained only one prop -- a large double bed.

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My hand crept to my throat. What was this? Where was the exercise equipment or

failing that, the yoga mats? What kind of exercise book advocated exercising in bed?

Obviously, Kurt was thinking the same thing.

“I don’t like the look of this,” he murmured in a tense voice. “What the hell kind of

exercises can you do in bed?” He kept his voice pitched low, but Lisa heard him anyway.

“Erotic exercise, of course,” she said. “That’s the name of the book --

The Art of Erotic

Exercise: A Modern Kama Sutra

.” She frowned at us when we stared at her blankly. “You did

know that, right? Why else would you have come?”

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Chapter Three

“Okay, if you two are ready, let’s get rolling.” Lisa clapped her hands, apparently not

noticing the silent tension between Kurt and me. “Now, Kurt, Melanie, if you’d just drop

your robes and get on the bed together --”

“Wait a minute.” I held up a hand like a kid in class asking a question. Beside me, I

could feel Kurt about to blow he was so angry.

“Yes, Melanie?” Lisa frowned at being interrupted.

“I just… I wasn’t aware that this was…this kind of book,” I said, stumbling a little over

the words. “I mean, what exactly is involved here?”

Lisa straightened her thick glasses, still frowning. “Well, we’re looking to take pictures

of the different sexual positions. The author of the book has actually worked out how many

calories you can burn with each one, the different health benefits, how flexible you have to

be… There’s a whole chart, but I don’t seem to have it on me at present.” She patted

anxiously at the many pockets on her shorts, shirt, and vest as she spoke. Finally, she gave up

and shook her head. “Never mind. The point is we’re just doing a few basic positions today,

so don’t worry about your flexibility -- I’m actually flying in a couple who do a contortionist

act to pose for some of the harder ones, like the Rainbow of Bliss.”

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“Oh, well,


a relief,” Kurt muttered beside me. “Nice that we don’t have to do the

hard stuff.” But I was still stuck at the first part of her explanation.

“Uh, you said sexual positions?” I asked weakly. “As in, have sex in front of the

camera?” I felt like about a thousand butterflies had taken off in my stomach. Get naked and

do the nasty with my hot stepbrother on film? It was unthinkable -- unbearable --

impossible. My pussy was suddenly sensitive and swollen beneath my robe, and my nipples

were so hard they hurt.

Lisa waved a hand at me. “Simulated sex


, my dear. The penetration shots are

purely optional.”

Kurt and I looked at each other.

“Penetration shots?”

we said at the same time.

She frowned. “Certainly. Remember I told you I wanted to do the close work in color?

Some of these positions are more complicated than you’d think, and the reader has to know

exactly what to do in order to achieve them.”

“I am


doing this.” Kurt glared at me, looking like an angry abominable snowman in

the vast white terrycloth robe. “And neither are you.”

Despite the butterflies now doing loop-the-loops in my stomach, I bristled at his

domineering tone. “I beg your pardon? I


you I have a right to choose my own shoots.”

“Not in this case, I’ll drag you home over my shoulder if I have to,” he threatened.

“Why, you --”

“Ahem.” Lisa cleared her throat loudly, cutting off our argument before it could really

get into full swing. “May I remind you both that you signed a contract?” she said in a steely

voice. “And I promise, if you don’t follow through, I will see that neither of you works in

this town or this industry again.”

I knew she had the clout to back up her threat, and I further knew that word tends to

spread fast when a model is difficult. Get a bad rep and it’s hard to get assignments -- even

harder than usual with a hundred other models applying for the same shoot. And if you have

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someone as famous as Lisa McKenzie blackballing you, well, it doesn’t matter if you look like

Cindy Crawford and Elle Macpherson rolled up in one, you might as well hang up your

modeling hat and go work at Burger King. Clearly, some damage control was in order and


“Look,” I said appealingly. “I’m really sorry but my, uh, Kurt here just isn’t comfortable

with this kind of work. He told you he’d never modeled before, and this is kind of throwing

him in the deep end, you know?”

Lisa nodded reluctantly. “Well, I guess I could see that. I assumed you both knew what

you’d be getting into when you came to the call in the first place.”

“That’s my fault,” I said humbly. “I should have read the requirements more

thoroughly. It’s really terribly unprofessional of me and I have to apologize.”

She nodded again and was about to speak when one of the techs ran up and whispered

in her ear. She looked at him. “Really? In thirty minutes? All right, tell him to hang on and

I’ll let you know.” She smiled at Kurt and me. “Well, it turns out that we do have an

alternate male model who can be available shortly. So, Kurt, if you’re that uncomfortable, I’ll

let you opt out. I’m afraid, however, that Melanie will have to stay. We still need a female

model and as all the other applicants left, she is our only option. Also…” She cocked her

head to one side, studying me. “The more I look at her, the more I like her. She has a

vulnerable quality that I think readers will identify with.”

I turned to Kurt. “Happy now?” I asked him. “Looks like you’re free to go.”

He took a step toward me, crowding my personal space. “I’m not going anywhere

without you.”

“Well, I am


leaving,” I said, beginning to get mad. Then I decided to try a different

tactic. “Look, Kurt,” I said in a low voice. “Try to see this from my point of view -- this is a

once-in-a-lifetime chance to work with a world-famous photographer. If she likes me, it

could make my career. If she doesn’t, it could ruin it. You can leave with no problem -- you

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don’t model in the first place, so if you get blackballed, it won’t matter. But with me -- I

really need this. I really want it.


don’t mess it up.”

He was still frowning like a thundercloud, but his piercing blue eyes softened a little. I

didn’t often ask him “please” anything. “What if your mom or my dad happens to see this

book?” he pointed out. “Is it worth risking that?”



, this is going to be shelved in the sex section, and you know how straight

our parents are. Can you really see my mom or your dad even going to that part of the

bookstore, let alone picking up a big book of sexual positions?” I asked in a whisper. “It’s

never gonna happen.”

He nodded reluctantly. “Well, okay, I guess you’re probably right. But what if someone

else you know should see it?”

“Then I’ll tell them to mind their own damn business,” I hissed. “And if they matter

enough for me to explain, I’ll tell them it was simulated sex -- which won’t be a lie. There’s

no way in


that I’m doing those, uh, penetration shots she was talking about.” Just saying

the word made my cheeks get hot, and I knew I was probably blushing bright red. But it was

the truth; even for Lisa McKenzie I wasn’t having actual sex on film. They could bring in

some new model and I would pose with him and go through the motions, but there was no

way he was getting his cock anywhere near my pussy -- I was prepared to be firm on that


He sighed. “This is really that important to you?” he asked.

I nodded frantically. “Yes, it is. It



Kurt seemed to make a decision. “All right, then I won’t mess this up for you. But if

you’re staying,



I looked at him in disbelief. “Are you sure? I mean don’t you think it will

be…awkward?” I knew both of us were thinking about that time I’d seen him in the shower.

Or possibly he was remembering the last time we’d taken a family picture. The

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photographer, a chatty middle-aged man with a shiny bald head, had gotten the bright idea

to pose me sitting in Kurt’s lap with my arms around his neck. I had been horribly,

uncomfortably turned on, and I knew Kurt had felt the same because I had felt his hard-on

throbbing under my ass as I tried not to shift too much in his lap.

After that pose, he’d asked to be excused and had spent several minutes in the

bathroom. I was pretty sure I knew what he was doing in there, although my mom and his

dad had made comments about the bad Mexican food we’d had for lunch. Really, they were

so oblivious to the situation. And yet, Kurt and I worked hard to be oblivious to it too. Posing

together like this was going to bring everything out in the open. Was he really willing to go

through that just for me?

“Are you sure?” I asked again.

“I’m sure,” Kurt said, nodding at me firmly. “I can see you’re set on doing this, and

there’s no way I’m letting some stranger paw all over you.”

“I appreciate you wanting to protect me,” I said, although I usually didn’t. “But it

would be completely professional, especially with Lisa McKenzie in charge.”

Kurt made a face. “The thought of some other guy with his hands all over you -- no.

No, absolutely not. If you’re determined to do this, I’m going to do it with you, Mel.”

I was oddly touched. “Well, thanks, Kurt. That’s really sweet of you --” I began when

Lisa McKenzie interrupted me.

“Well? Do I have one model or two?” she asked, tapping her foot impatiently and

looking at her watch.

“Two,” Kurt told her. “Tell the other guy you don’t need him. I’ll pose with Mel


She nodded. “Excellent. So -- off with the robes and onto the bed. We’re going to start

with a simple spooning position.”

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Chapter Four

Now that we had gotten right down to it, I wasn’t sure I had the courage to take off my

robe. It wasn’t that I was worried about the techs or Lisa seeing me -- it was the idea of really

and truly getting naked in front of Kurt that bothered me. I’d spent so much time trying to

avoid awkward moments like this, and now I had gotten us both into the mack daddy of all

embarrassing situations -- posing nude together for a sex book. I thought about how excited I

had been about posing nude earlier and wondered where all my enthusiasm had gone. Well,

for one thing, I somehow hadn’t thought that Kurt would be watching at the time. And I


hadn’t imagined that he would be posing with me. I just couldn’t believe I was

about to do this -- couldn’t believe I was about to get into erotic sexual positions with my

hot, off-limits stepbrother.

“C’mon, Mel. You can do this,” Kurt murmured in my ear, and I realized that I had

been standing there in front of the double bed with my hands on the sash of my robe, frozen

in place for almost a minute. Lisa was watching me with narrowed eyes, as though

wondering if she’d made a mistake. Quickly, I shrugged out of the robe and sat on the side of

the bed. My nipples tightened into hard little points as the cool air caressed them, and I

shivered and tried to keep my eyes down. I was vaguely aware that Kurt was sitting right

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beside me, less than a foot away and that he was also nude, but I couldn’t make myself look

at him -- it was just too damn embarrassing.

“Well?” Lisa raised her eyebrows at us, and I realized she was waiting for us to get into


I cleared my throat. “I…uh…what position did you want us in again?” I asked, trying

to sound normal.

“Spooning. You know -- lie on your sides on the bed with Kurt behind you.”

Well, that didn’t sound too hard. Still not looking at my gorgeous stepbrother, I

scrambled around until I was lying on my side with one arm under my head and the other

folded in front of me. Kurt settled behind me and I could feel the heat of his big body

radiating across the distance he’d left between us and hear his soft breathing. He wasn’t

touching me and I wasn’t touching him -- maybe we could do this after all.

But Lisa did


look pleased. “What the hell?” she muttered, coming closer to study us.

The bed was draped in a simple white sheet, a nice contrast to my pale skin and Kurt’s

natural tan. Both of us were in good shape, so I knew we had to look pretty good lying there.

What was her problem?

“Is everything okay?” I asked, as she squinted at us through her Coke-bottle lenses.

“No, everything is


okay,” she snapped. “This is a study in sexual intimacy -- it’s

about love and desire and affection, and you two are about two feet apart over here.” She

made a motion with her hands indicating the space between us. “Cuddle up to her, Kurt; she

doesn’t bite -- not in this position, anyway.” She grinned at her own joke, but it was clear she

was serious.

I stiffened as Kurt’s muscular front connected with my back and ass, but I made myself

hold still.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity

, I reminded myself sternly.

Don’t blow it.

“Closer,” Lisa barked, motioning again. “This is supposed to be a sexual position. You

can’t fuck her from across the room.”

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I bit my lip and heard Kurt mutter something under his breath. Then, suddenly, he was

draped all over me like a warm, heavy coat. One long, muscular arm came around to encircle

my waist, and his knees lined up behind mine just right. But what made me squeak and

nearly jump away was the feel of his rigid shaft nestling right between the cheeks of my ass.

He had a hard-on, I realized -- a really


hard-on and I was the reason why.

“Sorry,” he murmured in my ear. “Can’t help it.”

“It’s all right,” I whispered back, wondering if it really was. How would we ever look at

each other again after this? Let alone watch a basketball game on TV, or talk about our

favorite movies, or run out for an ice cream, or any of the hundred other things we usually

did when we were spending time together, pretending to be normal siblings with no

unspoken tension between us.

“Good, much better,” Lisa said. She had a huge and extremely expensive-looking black

camera in her hands and she was circling us, taking pictures from all sides.

“Glad she’s happy,” Kurt muttered in my ear over the clicking of the camera. “If I got

much closer we’d actually be…” He trailed off, and I wondered if he was as embarrassed as I

was. But I was soon to find out that the awkwardness had only just begun.

“Now, Kurt,” Lisa directed, making a motion with the hand that wasn’t holding the

camera. “Lift Melanie’s leg with your hand -- that’s right, spread her thighs, make it look

real, like you’re really penetrating deep -- this is the second part of the position.”

I stiffened as Kurt’s big hand glided over my naked skin and came to rest on my thigh.

God, I hadn’t anticipated how hard this was going to be, how much my own hidden desires

were going to come to the surface. Just feeling his body pressed against mine, having his

hand on me, even on my leg, was making my heart beat like a drum.

“Easy, Mel,” Kurt whispered in my ear as he raised my thigh. The position opened me

up, making my pussy lips part and I hoped he wouldn’t look down between my legs and see

how hot and wet I was getting. I tried not to imagine how it would be if we were making

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love for real, how easy it would be for Kurt to slide down a little and enter me, fitting the

head of his cock to my wet, open cunt.

“Good, I think I’ve got all I need of that one.” Lisa stood back, obviously satisfied, and

Kurt let my leg go quickly and scooted away, as though he’d been burned.

“Hey.” I looked over my shoulder, offended. “You don’t have to act like I’ve got the

plague the minute she calls cut.”

“Sorry.” He was breathing hard, his deep chest moving in and out like a bellows. “I

just…I didn’t want you to think I was taking advantage.”

“Kurt, please.” I shook my head, trying to make sure my eyes stayed above his waist.

“You’re only doing this because of me, I know. And I appreciate it, because it


kind of


“You think?” He gave a short, sharp laugh and shook his head. “Mel, you have no

idea --”

“Okay, people, enough chitchat. Next position. Lazy downward dog, please,” Lisa

snapped, as though we were supposed to understand what she was talking about. Neither

Kurt nor I did, which made me feel a little better about my experience or lack of it. I hadn’t

dated very many guys, to be honest, maybe because if I wanted a male friend to hang out

with Kurt was always there, and had been for almost the entire time I’d been old enough to

go out.

Lisa explained and soon enough we were in position -- me lying on my stomach with

my legs spread and Kurt hovering over me awkwardly, supporting his weight on his forearms

so he didn’t crush me.

“Come on, Kurt,” Lisa said impatiently. “I know you don’t want to smash her, but you

can get a little closer than that.”

Sighing, he lowered himself and the heated length of his shaft branded my ass again.

This time I didn’t jump quite so much -- was I getting used to it? Hardly, I thought; it was

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just that it wasn’t such a shock to realize that he was hard because of me. After all, my pussy

was practically liquid with need right now, and it was all due to the close proximity of my

hot stepbrother. I was glad my desire wasn’t as obvious as his, though -- I was able to hide

what I was feeling much more easily than he was.

My smugness lasted until the next pose -- classic doggy-style. I felt much more exposed

as I climbed to my hands and knees. My full breasts hung down like ripe fruit, my nipples

achingly hard while Kurt positioned himself between my spread legs. With my thighs wide

open, I knew he would be able to see how slippery and swollen my pussy was getting. I just

hoped he wasn’t looking at that particular area, although I was afraid he must be. After all,

now was the perfect opportunity for him to sneak a peek since I was facing away from him. I

knew if


had gotten a chance to examine


south of the border areas without him seeing

me do it, I would have taken it in a heartbeat. So I couldn’t really expect him to be any more

honorable than I would have been.

Kurt rested his big hands lightly on my hips, obviously trying to keep his pelvis well

back from my exposed ass and open pussy as Lisa adjusted her camera. When she looked up

at us, she frowned again.

“Okay, you two want to tell me what’s going on?” she asked, stalking over with the

camera in one hand.

“What do you mean?” I asked innocently, although I was pretty sure I knew what she

was going to say.

“Why are you” -- she pointed at Kurt -- “acting like she’s too hot to touch? And you --”

She pointed at me. “Why are you playing Little Miss Shy? And why are both of you as stiff as

boards? I would expect this kind of reserve if the two of you didn’t know each other, but

you’re a couple -- you’ve been together for…how many years?”

“Five,” Kurt said before I could answer.

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“Five years,” Lisa continued, pacing up and down in front of the bed where we were

positioned. “I mean, you’ve probably fucked her this way lots of times before, am I right,


“Oh, uh, sure.” He coughed, and I could almost see his tan face turning red. “I’ve just

never…never in front of a camera.”

“Well, that to the side, it’s obvious you two have chemistry. You want her, right? She

turns you on?”

Kurt cleared his throat and I couldn’t help looking over my shoulder to see his reaction

to Lisa’s matter-of-fact question. “Yes, I want her,” he said with a quiet intensity that made

me shiver. “I want her so much it hurts.”

“And you, Melanie,” Lisa continued, looking at me. “Kurt is a good-looking guy, and it’s

clear he knows how to treat you in the bedroom. Knows when to be gentle, when to be

rough -- am I right?”

I bit my lip and felt myself turning bright red in the face, but I forced myself to answer.

“Kurt’s…ah, amazing in bed,” I murmured. “He always knows just how to touch me.” Now

why had I added that last part? Was I crazy, throwing gasoline on the fire I could feel raging

between myself and my stepbrother? But once the words were out, I couldn’t call them back.

Lisa, apparently oblivious to the added tension she was causing, continued to lecture.

“There’s a lot of passion between you two -- I can feel it just under the surface, waiting

to get out. And I know this kind of posing is awkward -- it’s hard to do sexual things, even

things you’ve done with a lover for years -- in front of the camera. But think of the readers --

they want more than just to be educated, they want to be


. Turned on. And nothing

is more titillating or sexier than seeing two people who really care about each other making

love. Do you see?”

I nodded and Kurt said, “Uh, sure,” from behind me.

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Lisa nodded vigorously. “Glad you agree. So, please, let me see a little of that sensuality

break free. Really get into it. Mel, spread your legs more and arch your back, as if you were

trying to get him deeper inside you. And, Kurt, lean over Mel and hold her, cup her breasts.

Stroke her, caress her, let her feel how much you want her.” She lifted the camera again and

began fiddling with the lens. Apparently the lecture was over -- for now.

“Mel?” I heard Kurt whisper in my ear. “Is this okay with you?”

I watched as Lisa finished whatever she was doing with the camera and raised it to her

eye. I knew this was our last chance. We were going to have to let go a little more, or we’d

be out the door and she’d find two other models who weren’t quite so constrained around

each other.

“Yes,” I breathed, spreading my thighs wider and arching my back. I could feel the tips

of my long auburn hair trailing over my naked lower back, tickling my bare skin, and the

cool cotton of the sheets beneath my hands and knees. But most of all, I was hypersensitive

to the feeling of Kurt’s hands on my body as he bent over me. There was something warm

and wet in the center of my back and I realized that he’d kissed me. Then again and again --

he was leaving a trail of kisses up my spine, his mouth hot against my shivering skin as his

big hands slid slowly around to cup me.

I moaned when he gathered my breasts into his hands -- I couldn’t help it. The feel of

his rough, callused palms against my sensitive, aching nipples was almost too much. The

moist, blunt probe of his cock brushed against my inner thighs, dangerously close to my open

cunt, and for a moment I felt like a female animal in heat about to be mounted.

“Am I hurting you?” he asked in a low voice, and I shook my head, not sure I could

trust myself to speak. God, it felt good to have him so close. I just wished I could have him a

little bit closer. For the first time, I began to seriously consider doing the infamous

“penetration shots” Lisa had talked so casually about. Then I pushed the thought away --

Kurt was my brother, well, my stepbrother, anyway. There was no way we ought to be doing

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what we were doing right now, even if it was only simulated, let alone taking things any


“Good, good, that’s excellent,” Lisa said, walking around us and clicking away with the

camera, capturing the position from every possible angle. “Play with her nipples, Kurt --

pinch them, twist them. Do whatever it is that you usually do to get her turned on.”

Kurt didn’t ask this time. I felt him grasp my sensitive peaks and tug gently at first, and

then more forcefully when I didn’t object. “God, Mel, your breasts are so beautiful,” he

murmured in my ear as he touched me. “Haven’t been able to get them out of my mind since

the time during that last vacation you walked in on me and you were topless.”

I could feel myself blushing with pleasure. So he had been thinking about me as much

as I thought about him. I had figured as much, considering the constant sexual tension

between us, but it was nice to hear out loud that he found me desirable.

“You were more than topless -- you were naked,” I pointed out breathlessly as he

continued to play with my breasts.

“I was taking a shower,” he growled. “Tell the truth, did you walk in like that on


I shook my head and gasped as he tugged at my aching peaks. “No, I swear. I didn’t

hear you -- I had water in my ears from swimming in the lake.”

“Too bad.” He kissed the side of my neck, a hard, openmouthed kiss that made me

writhe with pleasure. “I kind of hoped you did.”

I couldn’t believe he’d admitted that. “I’ve thought about you too, since then,” I

whispered breathlessly as he twisted my nipples, sending sparks of pure pleasure straight to

my open pussy. God, I was throbbing with need, my clit like a second heartbeat between my

legs. If only he would touch me there…

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It was as if Lisa read my mind. “Okay now, this position is excellent for manual

stimulation,” she said, still clicking. “So, Kurt, put one hand between Melanie’s legs and

pretend you’re stroking her.”

One of Kurt’s large, warm hands left my breasts and began to travel slowly over my

quivering stomach. I spread my thighs wider for him, hoping he would understand what I

was trying to say, that he didn’t have to pretend anything if he didn’t want to. He was too

much of a gentleman to take the hint, however, and I nearly moaned with frustration when

he simply cupped my heated mound in his hand. But already Lisa was shaking her head.

“Not good enough,” she told him. “I need some action here -- I know this is intimate,

but I have to ask you to go as far as you can, in order to get a realistic shot. Pretend you’re

really making love and you want to make her come -- spread her open and play with her a

little. You don’t have to do finger penetration if you don’t want to, but it would certainly

look better if you did,” she added, as if it was an afterthought.

“Mel?” Kurt was panting in my ear, his deep voice hoarse with need.

“Do it,” I whispered back. “You heard her; we have to get a good shot. Please, Kurt,

don’t hold back. I need this to be good.” I didn’t know if I was talking about getting a good

picture or about letting him finger me for the first time, but by that time, I hardly cared. I

arched my pelvis, angling my pussy into his hand, and moaned as I felt him part my swollen

cunt lips with his big fingers. He stroked me gently, his blunt fingertips circling my

throbbing clit before sliding lower.

“Is it all right to go inside you?” he asked, obviously still not wanting to do anything

without my permission. “Can I finger your pussy, Mel? Do you want me to finger fuck your


“God!” I moaned as he circled my entrance, waiting to hear my answer. I was sure he

knew what his dirty words would do to me, that talking to me that way would make me hot

enough to explode.

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“Mel,” he murmured, sliding back up to stroke my clit again. “I need to know. I can’t

do this without your permission -- it wouldn’t be right.”

“Yes,” I whispered at last, when I could catch my breath. “Yes, Kurt, put…put your

fingers inside me. Do it.”

Two long, strong fingers slid deeply into my cunt almost before the words were out of

my mouth. I gasped helplessly as he pressed up into me, trying to find the end of my

channel, testing my heat.

“God, Kurt!” I blurted as he fucked me with his fingers. I couldn’t believe we were

actually doing something so wrong and forbidden, something I had been wanting for ages

even though I never let myself think about it or fantasize about it. Well, not much, anyway.

I could feel the pleasure building inside me, and I was getting close…so close…

“All right, that’s very good. Glad you two have finally come around -- those shots will

look great in the preparation chapter.” Lisa’s voice interrupted my impending orgasm, and I

looked up blindly to see her fiddling with the lens on her camera again. Suddenly, I realized

what I had been doing -- riding Kurt’s fingers to orgasm in front of a famous photographer

and her crew, completely oblivious to how I must look. Not to mention oblivious to how

wrong it was to spread my pussy and let my stepbrother finger my slippery, wet cunt in the

first place.

I shuddered with shame as Kurt withdrew his fingers. He must have felt the same way

I did because he murmured, “Sorry, Mel,” as he sat back and away from me. Without the

heat from his big body surrounding me, I suddenly felt even more naked. I crossed my arms

over my chest protectively and shivered.

“What’s next?” Kurt asked, his deep voice surly. I guessed that his guilt matched my

own because when I stole a glance at him, he had his arms crossed over his muscular chest

and he was frowning deeply.

“A few more poses and then a break,” Lisa promised. “For right now, twining position.”

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Chapter Five

She had to explain what she meant again, of course -- who knew there were so many

strangely named sexual positions? -- and before I knew it, Kurt and I were lying on our sides

on the bed, facing each other.

“Now wrap your arms and legs around each other -- twine yourselves together,” she

directed, getting the camera ready. Kurt pulled me close, and I pressed my face against the

hard planes of his chest, afraid to look into his eyes. He smelled so good, like leather and

musk, and hot, aroused man, it was hard to think. I knew I should be apologizing for getting

him into this, but I couldn’t even look at him, much less talk to him. I was afraid that he was

mad at me, and frankly, I wouldn’t blame him if he was. We had gone a lot further than

either one of us had intended to, and all because I wanted the chance to work with the

famous Lisa McKenzie -- something which probably didn’t seem too important to Kurt.

“Okay, Mel, throw your leg over Kurt’s.” Lisa’s voice penetrated the fog of shame I was

feeling. “This position is good for intimacy so I want you to look up into Kurt’s eyes. Maybe

kiss him -- that would be a nice touch.”

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I honestly tried, but I couldn’t do it, couldn’t look him in the eyes after what we had

just been doing. “Kurt,” I murmured, still looking at his chest. “I…I’m sorry. I know that this

is turning out to be…more than we bargained for. I’ll understand if you want to quit.”

“What are you talking about? Of course I’m not going to quit. Hey, look at me, Mel.”

Gentle fingers raised my chin so I couldn’t help looking into his deep blue eyes. “I’m sorry

for what I did too,” he murmured. “I got…carried away, I guess. It’s hard not to with you --

you’re so beautiful.”

“Thanks.” I could feel my cheeks heating with a blush and gave him a little smile. “So

you’re not mad at me for getting you into this in the first place?”

He smiled back. “Not if you’re not mad at me for…touching you the way I did.”

“You had to,” I murmured, reaching up to card my hand through his thick, inky black

hair. “You have to do what the photographer tells you during these things. Get into the poses

they want, give them the emotions they’re asking for. Otherwise the end result sucks.”

“You really believe that?” he asked.

I nodded. “You can’t do things half-assed. You have to really get into it, really feel it to

get the perfect shot.”

“And follow the photographer’s directions.” Kurt tilted my chin some more and

breathed against my lips. “I think she told you to kiss me.”

“I think you’re right,” I whispered, and then his mouth was covering mine and I

couldn’t think anymore.

If I were honest, I would admit that I’d been dreaming about kissing Kurt almost from

the moment our parents said “I do” and we all moved in together. I had repressed the urge

fiercely because I knew how wrong it was, but I’d be lying if I said I killed it altogether.

From the way he kissed me, Kurt had been repressing quite a few emotions himself. He had

only ever given me a quick brotherly peck on the cheek before, but he was doing

considerably more than that now. We were spread out and naked in each other’s arms with

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his mouth covering mine and his tongue exploring me as if he owned every inch of my body.

At that moment, I was prepared to admit that he did because I had never wanted anything as

badly as I wanted that kiss to last. But all good things must come to an end, even my first real

kiss with Kurt.

Lisa’s voice pulled us apart, although I wasn’t quite sure what she was saying. My heart

was going like crazy and I felt dizzy -- almost drunk with need. I think she had to repeat

herself at least twice before I understood what she was saying.

“Lotus position,” I heard her say, which didn’t make any sense. But she explained

herself as usual and before I knew it, Kurt was sitting up in the middle of the bed and I was

straddling his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist. The heat of his erection branded

my belly and when I looked down, I could see pearly drops of precum beading at the head of

his thick cock.

Kurt saw where my eyes were directed and his tan face got a little red. “Sorry, Mel, I

can’t seem to help it. Not with you so close and so…”

“So naked,” I finished for him. “That’s okay, Kurt. It’s…kind of flattering, in a way.”

He looked relieved. “Glad you see it that way.”

“It makes for a better shoot anyway,” I said, smiling at him. “After all, you want the

reader to think we’re actually about to…to act on some of these positions. That wouldn’t be

possible if you weren’t…uh, ready.”

“More than ready,” he growled, and I thought he was going to kiss me again, which I

had no problem with, but Lisa interrupted us again.

“Closer.” She motioned with her hands. “Come on -- I want the reader to believe he’s

really inside you, Mel. There’s no way that’s possible with you sitting so far away.”

I had thought I was already pretty close, but I did my best to please her. Wrapping my

arms around Kurt’s neck, I slid forward until my breasts pressed against him, my nipples

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rubbing against his hard chest. But what made us both gasp was what happened below --

when I pressed so close to him, the pose we were holding very nearly became a reality.

It probably wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been so wet, but there was nothing I

could do about that. As I pressed forward, my pussy lips parted, and the thick shaft of Kurt’s

cock slid into position between them, inside my slippery folds. He wasn’t in the right area to

actually enter me -- the plum-shaped head of his cock was at the top of my slit, pointing at

my belly button. But his thick length was rubbing against my sensitive clit, and my pussy lips

were wrapped around him in an intimate embrace I had never intended.

We both froze and I began to pull back, but then Lisa was there with her camera

saying, “Good, excellent, exactly what I need,” and clicking away. I had a hard time meeting

Kurt’s eyes as shame and desire warred inside me. This was so much worse than having his

fingers inside me. We were very nearly fucking -- it was by far the most realistic pose we

had been in yet.

Kurt spoke first. “You’re so wet,” he murmured in my ear as I hung on to him for dear

life, trying not to notice how good it felt to have my pussy opened by his hard shaft. “So wet

and so hot.”

“What do you expect?” I snapped, totally embarrassed now. “After the way you were

kissing me and…and touching me earlier?”

He didn’t seem offended by my irritable tone. “So you liked it when I fingered your

pussy?” he murmured. “Did it turn you on, Mel? Did it make you hot when I stroked your

clit and put my fingers in your cunt?”

My heart was jackhammering again as I fought keep control of myself. My breath kept

wanting to come in short little pants, like I was running a race uphill. It was all I could do to

keep my voice low and even when I answered. “We had to get the best shot,” I said, not

looking at him and deliberately ducking the question. “She wanted to get a picture of

you…touching me, so you had to touch me. That was all.”

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“But you liked the way it felt when I fingered you? It made you wet -- right?” he


“What do you think?” I demanded. Deliberately, I raised and then lowered myself so

that his shaft and the broad head of his cock slid over my slippery folds and the throbbing

bud of my clit. Kurt and I both groaned at the extra stimulation, and I knew his shaft was

probably coated with my pussy honey by now.

It was a single motion to prove a point, but Lisa noticed it at once. “That’s good,” she

said excitedly, still snapping away. “Do that some more -- act like you’re riding him, Mel.

Kurt, put your hands on her waist and help her move -- both of you get into it.”

What could I do? I braced my hands on Kurt’s broad shoulders and began to slide up

and down. I’m sure from her perspective it looked like he was actually inside me, like we

were actually fucking, and even though we weren’t, it was still almost more than I could

bear. The friction of his shaft against my clit was delicious, and I could feel the pleasure

building inside me again as I bounced on his lap. But once again Lisa intervened.

“Slower now,” she directed. “Long, slow strokes. This can be almost tantric -- if you do

it right, you can make it last for hours. Slow it down.”

We did as she asked, Kurt raising and lowering me against his shaft as though I was

light as a feather. He moved slowly, with a controlled intensity that made me wonder what it

would be like if we ever really did make love. I knew it was wrong to think like that, but

when he looked at me with the burning need in his deep blue eyes I couldn’t seem to think

of anything else. More than once the head of his cock came dangerously near the entrance of

my pussy. Once, I thought I felt just the very tip of it enter me, but Kurt pulled back quickly.

Still, I knew he was coating the inside of my pussy with his precum and I was glad I was on

the Pill.

“I love to feel you wrapped around me like this,” he murmured as he glided over me.

“Love to feel how hot and wet your pussy gets when we touch.”

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“I can’t help it,” I whispered back, biting my lip. “I mean, you’ve got me all spread open

and…and you’re rubbing against me. Of course it makes me wet. The same way it makes you


“You make me hard anytime I’m around you, Mel,” he murmured. “And we don’t have

to be doing this for it to happen. Although it certainly helps.” He captured my lips again for a

long, slow, sensual kiss as we continued to move. I wasn’t sure it was a good idea, since Lisa

hadn’t asked us to kiss, but since she didn’t object, I reasoned with myself that it probably

made a much better picture and we should just go on.

Just as I was thinking that he tasted delicious -- kind of like salty cinnamon, Kurt

moved from my lips to the side of my neck. He lapped and sucked at the sensitive skin,

making me groan helplessly. From there, he moved down to my nipples. Ducking his head,

he caught one of my tight buds between his lips and began to suck and nip gently, sending

sparks of pain and pleasure through my entire body.

I threw back my head and pressed my chest forward, offering him easier access. It felt

so good I couldn’t think; all I could do was feel. And there was so much to feel, his hot

mouth on my sensitive flesh, his hard, naked body pressed against my own, and his naked

shaft stroking over my clit until I thought I was going to go crazy with need.

“That’s good, Kurt,” I heard Lisa say through the haze of passion that was clouding my

brain. “Play with her breasts, make the most of that face-to-face contact.”

Kurt moved to my other nipple, lapping gently at first and then sucking fiercely,

making me gasp and moan. And the entire time he continued to raise and lower my hips so

my open pussy kept gliding over his cock. The slow, sensuous movements were a different

kind of torture from the faster ride I’d had earlier. Kurt’s actions were so deliberate and

purposeful that I had nothing to do but hang on to his shoulders while he fake-fucked me.

Nothing to do but wonder what it would feel like to have that thick shaft inside me for real.

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At last, just as I was reaching the edge, Lisa called a halt again. I was beginning to

wonder if she had a sixth sense about when someone was about to come, and the unresolved

sexual tension inside me was getting to be too much to bear.

“Okay, you two, just a couple more before the break,” she said. “Classic missionary


I couldn’t believe she’d actually named another position I knew. Feeling vulnerable all

over again, I lay down on my back and beckoned for Kurt to lie on top of me. He didn’t

hesitate for an instant, and as his big body settled on top of mine, I experienced a strange

feeling of


, almost as though we were coming home in some way. It just felt so good

to wrap my arms and legs around him and embrace him with my entire body, my entire

being. He was already kissing me again when the shaft of his cock slid between my pussy lips

in the now familiar dance of intimacy.

“This okay?” he asked, thrusting his hips to indicate the way his shaft was sliding over

my open pussy.

“Yeah,” I whispered breathlessly. “Just…be careful. It would be easy to…to go too far

this way.”

“Like this?” He slid downward so that just the head of his cock was lodged at the

entrance of my pussy, and I moaned. With one hard thrust, he could be all the way inside

me, filling me, fucking me as we had been pretending to do for over an hour now, and I

knew there was nothing I could do about it. Nothing I could do but spread my legs and let

him in, nothing but open myself and let him fuck me.

“Kurt,” I murmured, and there was a pleading in my tone that made him stop.

“Sorry,” he whispered. “I won’t. You know I won’t, Mel. I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“That’s okay,” I told him, kissing him softly. “I just…want to be careful. That’s all.”

“All right.” He kissed me back and then Lisa was calling for a new position.

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“This one is called the plow,” she explained, when she had me on my back with Kurt

kneeling in front of me. I had my legs over his shoulders and I was looking up into his eyes,

wondering what was next. As it turned out, she just had us hold the pose for a short while

because it was, as she said, “hard to fake.” “It’s good for deep penetration,” she explained.

“Makes the woman feel utterly dominated because the man takes total control. But

unfortunately, there’s no way to hide the fact that Kurt isn’t really inside you.”

I wondered if she was waiting for us to volunteer to do those penetration shots, but if

so, she would be waiting a long time. We were already going a lot further than I had ever

planned on going, and that would be just a step too far, in my opinion.

We did a few more variations on the man-on-top position, one with me laying at the

end of the bed and Kurt standing over me as though ready to penetrate me, which Lisa called

the “stand and deliver,” and another, rather uncomfortable pose where I was supporting my

body on my shoulder blades and heels with my ass high in the air. This was the “modified

missionary” and I had an ache in my lower back when we were finished taking pictures of it.

I wondered briefly what was left for the contortionist couple Lisa was calling in if she had

me doing poses like that.

Through it all, Kurt and I continued to touch in the most intimate way, his cock

rubbing casually against my open pussy, but never quite entering me, as we tried position

after position. It was getting to be more than I could stand, although it didn’t seem to bother

him. Every once in a while, if the position allowed, he would reach out and cup my breasts,

playing with my sensitive nipples until I moaned. Lisa didn’t tell him to do it but she didn’t

discourage it, either, and since I knew it would make for a better, more passionate shot, I

didn’t object. I just bit my lip and let him touch me, knowing that I wanted his hands all over

my body almost as much as he wanted to put them there. It was wrong, but it was still only

simulated sex, I comforted myself. After all, it wasn’t like we were fucking for real. His cock

wasn’t really even inside me -- just sliding against me. And letting Kurt rub his hard shaft

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against my swollen folds while he stroked my breasts and pinched my nipples in order to get

the perfect picture wasn’t such a big deal. Was it?

Before I could answer that question, Lisa called for a break.

Kurt and I separated reluctantly, and both of us put our robes back on and sat on the

side of the bed, drinking water from plastic squeeze bottles and trying to pretend we hadn’t

just spent the last hour breaking the unspoken rules we’d spent the last five years trying

frantically to not to break.

“You two are doing great now that you’re all warmed up,” Lisa said, patting my knee

and smiling. “In fact, I like the two of you together so much, I want to ask you for a little

something extra. What do you say?”

Kurt and I looked at each other uncertainly. “Well,” I said at last when it became clear

he wasn’t going to speak up. “What exactly does a ‘little something extra’ involve?”

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Chapter Six

“The first chapter of the book is all about preparing your lover for sex,” Lisa explained,

taking a pull from her plastic water bottle and adjusting her thick glasses on her nose. “I was

going to use some of the shots of Kurt touching you that I got earlier, but there’s a chapter on

oral sex as well. Now, I know how you two feel about going too far on film,” she said, raising

a hand to stop us before either Kurt or I could object. “But I’m not looking to go all out here.

I just need a few softer pictures of genital kissing. Something sweet and affectionate. You two

seem to be crazy about each other, and I think your feelings would translate well to film.

What do you say?” She looked at us, one eyebrow raised, and Kurt looked at me.

“Mel? What do you think?” he asked, his deep voice rumbling in his chest. I realized

that he was leaving the decision completely up to me and had a moment of panic.

“Do, uh, would you like to?” I asked him haltingly, feeling my cheeks grow hot with a


“Very much,” he murmured, reaching out to stroke my cheek. “But only if you want


I made a decision I hoped I wouldn’t regret later. “We’ll do it,” I said, turning back to

Lisa. “As long as it doesn’t get too, uh, involved.”

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“No, no, just something soft focus and gentle, that’s all I’m looking for,” she assured me.

“If you’re both ready, we can get back to it.”

Kurt and I nodded, and then we had to shed our bathrobes for the second time that

day. It was harder this time, although I didn’t know why. Lisa’s staff was so quiet and

unobtrusive that I hardly noticed they were there anymore, and Lisa herself couldn’t have

been more professional. I think it was because I had been letting the forbidden feelings I had

for Kurt expand in the past hour or so like I never had before. I’d been squashing those

feelings for a good five years, and it was scary to realize how quickly they could take root in

my heart and grow once I let them. I stole a quick glance at my stepbrother, wondering if he

felt the same, but Kurt’s face was hard to read. His deep blue eyes were faraway as he shed

his robe and joined me on the bed.

“Okay,” Lisa directed, putting down her water bottle and picking up her camera. “Kurt

sitting on the edge of the bed and Melanie sitting between his legs on the floor. Let’s go,


We did as she commanded, and soon I was eye to eye with my stepbrother’s impressive

equipment. I had been feeling his cock rub against me for the past hour, but this was the first

time I’d gotten a chance to examine him closely and I liked what I saw. His shaft was thick --

I mean, really thick -- almost the circumference of my wrist at the base, and he was probably

somewhere between nine and ten inches long when fully erect, which he certainly was now.

The plum-shaped head was still beaded with pearls of precum, and I wondered how much of

that slippery fluid he’d gotten inside me while we were fake fucking earlier. For some

reason, the idea of his precum -- or his cum for that matter -- going inside me, actually

shooting inside my pussy and filling me up, was an incredible turn-on. I could feel myself

getting wet and hot again just thinking about it, and I wondered if Kurt had imagined it too.

Unfortunately, Lisa didn’t seem to feel the same way I did. “Wipe it off -- get rid of it,”

she said, motioning to the pearly drops on the tip of Kurt’s cock. “This is going to be a

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highbrow book -- we have no place for cum shots,” she explained when we looked at her


Kurt reached between his legs, but I beat him to it. “Let me,” I murmured, wrapping

my fingers around the base of his shaft.

He blew out a breath and stared down at me as if he couldn’t take his eyes off me

touching his cock. “Sure, Mel. Be my guest,” he breathed.

I didn’t know where I got the nerve, but before I could stop myself, I leaned forward

and lapped the head of his cock. His warm, musky flavor, slightly salty and a little bitter,

exploded across my tongue just as I heard the click of the camera.

“Excellent,” Lisa murmured, adjusting her lens. “Again, please, Mel. And this time kiss


I pressed a hot, openmouthed kiss to the head of my stepbrother’s cock and then got

even more daring and twisted my tongue around it, licking him like he was a sucker I

wanted to taste. This made him produce even more precum, which I licked up greedily so he

wouldn’t get in trouble with Lisa. I heard Kurt’s breathing speed up as I tasted him, and I was

tempted to take even more of him in my mouth. Of course, he was too long and thick for me

to get him all the way in, but I did the best I could and before I knew it, I was actually

bobbing my head and giving him a blowjob. Kurt buried one hand in my hair and watched

avidly as his thick shaft slid between my lips, the broad head hitting the back of my throat

with each stroke. Through it all, Lisa continued to take pictures of me going down on him,

but I was so into the moment I barely heard the clicking of the camera anymore.

Kurt was groaning deep in his throat, and I felt incredibly powerful, incredibly hot,

hearing him gasp and moan as I sucked him. He had always been so annoyingly in control of

himself and every situation from the minute I’d met him that it was a real power trip to

make him lose that control, even if I did have to suck his cock to do it.

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Oh, my God, sucking his cock. I’m sucking my own stepbrother’s cock!

The thought

made me stop in midsuck, feeling guilty and wrong, but Lisa was already calling a halt


“We have more than enough of that,” she said, fiddling with her camera. “Mel, it’s your

turn on the bed. Kurt, get between her legs.”

I felt incredibly vulnerable as I settled myself on the bed. Kurt seemed to sense my

tension because he parted my thighs gently, rubbing up and down my legs with his large,

warm hands in long, soothing strokes.

“It’s okay, Mel,” he murmured. “You know I wouldn’t hurt you.”

“I know,” I whispered back. “I just…I’ve never really done this before.”

“And you’re not really going to do it now,” he reminded me. “This is like everything

else -- fake. We’re just going to make a pretty picture so whoever reads the book


I was

really going down on you.”

“You’re right, I know,” I said. His words both comforted and saddened me, but I didn’t

know why.

“It felt pretty real a minute ago, though,” he admitted, still stroking my thighs as he

smiled up at me. “Where did you learn to suck cock like that?”

I blushed. “Nowhere. It just…seemed like the right thing to do. Did it feel good?”

“Incredible,” he assured me, placing a soft kiss on my inner thigh. “I swear I was right

on the edge of coming when she stopped us.”

“Remember, no cum shots,” I reminded him with a giggle. “That’s why I had to keep

sucking you -- you kept making more and more precum. I didn’t want you to get in trouble.”

“Remind me to get in trouble like that more often,” he murmured, grinning up at me.

“Okay, are we ready?” Lisa bustled up, an entirely new lens on her camera. I was

beginning to wonder how many she had.

“More than ready,” Kurt told her. “What do you want me to do?”

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“Just kiss her to start with,” Lisa directed him. “Spread her legs a little wider so that she

opens up a little. We want to show just a hint of clit, I think. Good.” She nodded as Kurt did

as she said. “And now, kiss her like you were kissing her mouth,” she continued.

I had propped myself on my elbows because it made me feel too vulnerable to lay flat

on my back, so I was able to watch as Kurt followed her instructions. Leaning forward, he

pressed a soft kiss to the top of my mound where the soft, neatly trimmed thatch of red curls

grew. I caught my breath as he lifted his mouth and brushed his lips against the top of my

pussy slit, and even lower, gently pressing his mouth to my puffy outer lips.

“Good.” Lisa’s voice was hushed and even the clicking of her camera seemed muted.

“Now spread her open with your thumbs -- let’s see that hot little clit. And let’s see you

kissing it while you hold her open.”

Kurt seemed more than eager to obey her commands. His breath was warm and ticklish

against my inner thighs as he parted my pussy lips and pressed a hot, openmouthed kiss to

my throbbing clit. I fisted my hands in the white cotton sheet and bit my lip as I watched

him kiss me. It was all I could do to stop myself from burying my eager fingers in his thick

black hair and pulling him forward so that I could ride his face. I felt so hot I thought I was

going to explode, and yet Kurt continued with the exquisite torture, never hurrying as he

took things further and further, step-by-step.

First, he lapped gently at my clit, and then he sucked it into his mouth and traced it

over and over with the tip of his tongue. A low moan burst out of me, and I felt like my heart

was beating in every part of my body at the same time. God, it was so hot, watching him

open me and eat me, watching the enjoyment on his face as his tongue explored me until my

cunt honey coated his cheeks. I wondered if I had looked like that when I sucked his cock, if

I had been half as absorbed and excited as he was now, lapping my cunt. I thought I probably

had. After all, the fact that sucking him excited me so much was one of the reasons I was as

wet as I was right now. I wondered if down below Kurt was getting even hotter and harder.

Wondered if he was producing more of that salty precum I had licked up for him earlier.

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“Penetrate her with your tongue,” Lisa’s voice was murmuring somewhere in the fog of

pleasure surrounding me. “Lift her hips in your hands and get as deep into her as you can.”

Kurt didn’t need her directions -- he seemed to know instinctively what to do to make

me feel good. I moaned again as he slid both hands under my ass and his scratchy cheeks

brushed against my tender inner thighs. The new position spread me even wider, reminding

me of the plow pose we’d been in earlier, and then Kurt was thrusting his tongue deep inside

me, fucking me with it as if it were his cock and he was desperate to come.

“Kurt, oh, God! Kurt!” I gasped as he tongue-fucked me. Losing control, I buried my

fingers in his hair and pressed up against him, riding his mouth shamelessly as he brought me

right to the edge. This time I knew I was going to come -- there was no way I couldn’t with

my stepbrother’s mouth all over my pussy and his tongue buried deep in my cunt.

“Okay, people, that’s enough of that.”

Once again Lisa called a halt before I could reach the end. I glared at her in frustration

as Kurt untangled himself from my thighs unwillingly.

“I was so close,” I whispered to him. “So close to coming. I think I’m about to burst!”

“I know how you feel.” He licked his lips and smiled at me, his eyes half-lidded with

lust. “Going down on you has me about to explode too. I always wondered what your pussy

would taste like, Mel.”

“You did?” I bit my lip uncertainly. “I mean, really?”

“Really,” he admitted. “Especially on those damn vacations where we had to share a

room. I used to fantasize about climbing under your covers and spreading your legs and

going down on you, tasting your pussy while you tried not to moan too loud.”

The naughty fantasy surprised and pleased me. I had to admit I’d had similar thoughts

while I lay in the bed across from him. Not that I had ever admitted them to myself. And I

had certainly never expected to act on them as we had just now when I sucked Kurt’s cock

and he ate my pussy. I felt an uneasy sense of guilt at the thought, but I pushed it away. After

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all, this was just a one-time thing -- a job, for Pete’s sake. I had to be professional and do

what the photographer wanted, and Kurt was in the same boat. After we got out of here, we

would go back to living our normal lives and never even talk about this again, I was sure.

I was so busy reassuring myself that I almost missed Lisa’s next words.

“I’m sorry, what?” I asked her. “I, uh, didn’t get that.”

Lisa walked over, screwing yet another new lens on her camera. “I asked how you two

felt about doing those penetration shots we talked about,” she said.

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Chapter Seven

“These shots -- they don’t have to be full penetration if you’d rather not,” Lisa was still

explaining as she tended her camera. Kurt had gotten off the floor to sit beside me on the

bed, and he was staring at her intently, obviously thinking about what she was saying.

“What do you mean, not full penetration?” he asked suspiciously. “How can I be in Mel

and not at the same time?”

Lisa sighed. “Well, I noticed you doing it earlier while we were shooting the classic

missionary, so I thought I’d ask -- you can just put the head of your penis inside her to give

the reader a general idea of how the male’s genitals fit with the female’s in any given

position. Some of these poses, the average person assumes he or she has to be an acrobat to

get into them.” She laughed. “And in some cases they’re right. But it’s honestly not too hard

to achieve most of them, and the author wanted me to do a series of close-up shots, strictly

from the waist down, to show that.”

“I don’t know,” I said, biting my lip. “Are you sure that, uh, partial penetration would

do the trick?” I had been against it earlier, but now that I thought about it, I was pretty sure I

could go for just having the head of Kurt’s cock inside me. After all, he’d already been

rubbing all over me and coating my inner folds with his precum, not to mention eating my

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pussy. Letting him slide just the tip of his shaft into my cunt didn’t seem like it was going so

much further. I just didn’t want him all the way inside me, I told myself. That would be too

much, too wrong.

“Well, full penetration would be best, of course,” Lisa said matter-of-factly. “But partial

penetration will more than get the point across. We’d have to repeat some of the poses we

already put you in, though. I’d be focusing on a whole different area.”

I looked at Kurt uncertainly. “I don’t mind if Kurt doesn’t,” I said at last. “I mean, since

we’re only going to be shown from the waist down…”

“I’ll do it if you want to,” Kurt murmured, his blue eyes intense. “You’re in the driver’s

seat on this one, Mel. Anything you want goes.”

“Okay, let’s do it,” I decided, hoping once again that the decision wouldn’t come back

to haunt me.

Lisa smiled and pushed her Coke-bottle glasses up on her nose. “Great, let me get the

camera ready. You two get into the spooning position.”

Kurt and I looked at each other nervously, but I think both of us knew we’d come too

far to back out. Feeling a strange sense of déjà vu, I climbed into the center of the bed and lay

on my side. Kurt lay beside me, pressed very close, and wrapped his arms around me, kissing

my neck and cupping my breasts.

“It’ll be okay, Mel,” he murmured. “I won’t go further than you want me to, I promise.”

“I know you won’t,” I whispered back, shivering. “And I want you to know if you get

too excited and, uh, let go while we’re doing this, you don’t have to worry. I’m on the Pill.”

“I’m not going to come inside you.” He sounded shocked at the idea. “That would

be…well, that would be wrong. Going too far, even for the sake of your job, you know? I

mean, it’s one thing to put just the head of my cock inside you, but it would be actually

fucking if I came in your pussy while I did it.”

“I guess,” I whispered, biting my lip. “Good thing cum shots aren’t allowed then, huh?”

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Kurt’s piercing blue eyes softened a little. “It’s not that I don’t want to come inside you,

Mel,” he said softly. “There’s nothing I’d like more than to put my cock all the way inside

your sweet little cunt and fill you full of my cum.” One large hand stroked down to cup my

pussy, and I moaned as I felt his fingers slide deep inside me as though to illustrate his point.

“But we can’t do that,” Kurt continued in a husky voice. “You know why.”

“I know,” I said, feeling shame well up in me again. What were we doing here?

“Hey, don’t worry.” Kurt kissed me again and stroked the side of my clit gently,

sending a shiver of pleasure through my entire body. “It’s not like we’ll ever do this again

once we get home. We’re just doing what we have to in order to get a good shot. It’s all fake,

remember that.”

“I know,” I said again, but his words made me feel unaccountably sad. Of course, I

knew why we couldn’t go all the way, and why we couldn’t do this again. My mom and his

dad would flip out and probably disown us both if they found out we were doing anything

sexual together -- and rightly so. There was no way we ought to have feelings for each other

that way, not when we were practically related. And yet…and yet…I was beginning to care

for Kurt as more than just a big brother. I knew it was wrong, but I didn’t know how to stop

myself from caring.

My sad musings were interrupted by Lisa’s arrival. “Okay,” she said, swinging into

action mode at once. “Lift her leg so I can get a good shot, Kurt. And then position yourself

right at her entrance.”

Kurt withdrew his fingers and did as she said, lifting my outer thigh to spread me wide

and sliding the head of his cock over my open pussy. I bit my lip as I felt the tip lodge at my

entrance, just as Lisa had directed, and then he stopped.

“All right now, put it in slowly.” Lisa’s voice sounded distracted as the camera started

clicking. “Just the head or however much you feel comfortable with. Remember -- the more

the better as far as I’m concerned, but it’s up to you.”

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“Mel?” he murmured in my ear. “How far do you want me to go?”

“Just…just the head,” I said firmly, if a little breathlessly. “Just put the head in for now,

Kurt. That’s what we agreed on and that’s what we’ll do.”

“You got it,” he said softly. I felt him pressing slowly forward and looked down the

length of my body to watch as just the broad, plum-shaped head of my stepbrother’s cock

disappeared into my body.

“Very nice. Now, how about one more inch -- come on, give me one more, guys,” Lisa

coaxed, still clicking away.

Kurt looked at me and I shrugged. He already had the head of his cock inside me; it

seemed like one more inch couldn’t hurt. Pressing forward, he slid another thick inch into

my open cunt, careful not to go too far.

“Good, excellent,” Lisa said. “Now slide it in and out a little, Kurt. Just give me a little

motion to work with here.”

“Mel?” he asked again. “Do you want me to?”

“I…I guess it’s not really, uh, fucking since you’re not all the way in me,” I whispered

back. “So I guess it’s okay.”

Kurt gripped my hips and began to move, sliding the head of his cock in and out of my

open pussy, giving Lisa what she wanted. I could feel myself getting wetter and wetter as he

moved, and I imagined him leaking precum directly inside me, coating my cunt as he had my

folds earlier. God, I hoped we could do this, could go through all the positions again without

going too far. Already it looked like Kurt was sliding more like two or three inches of his

cock in and out of me as we fake-fucked, but it felt so good I couldn’t complain. His girth

stretched my pussy to the limit, yet I longed to have more of him inside me, even though I

knew it was wrong.

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After what seemed like an eternity of watching his cock glide in and out of my pussy, it

was time for a new pose. Lisa decided to skip lazy downward dog and put us directly into the

classic doggy position because it would be easier to photograph.

I felt, if possible, even more vulnerable than before as I got on my hands and knees and

spread my legs. The last time we’d done this, it had been just for show, but this time Kurt

was actually going to do it. He was actually going to penetrate me and put his cock inside

me -- not all of it, but enough that I would be able to feel him fucking into me. I knew it

wasn’t right, and yet I was so hot I couldn’t seem to care anymore. I just wanted to feel him

in me again.

“All right,” she said as Kurt positioned himself with the head of his cock at the entrance

of my pussy once again. “I want to try something a little different this time -- extended

doggy. Kurt, lift up Melanie’s leg -- the one closest to me, that’s right. Lift it up and out so I

can get a better shot of you going into her,” she directed.

Kurt did as she said with no protest, and I felt him press into me carefully, trying not to

go too far when both of us knew he wanted to be all the way inside me, fucking me for real.

“That’s good,” Lisa said, clicking away. “Now, release her leg. Melanie, I want you to go

down to your elbows and tilt your pelvis up. Then spread your legs to make it look like

you’re trying to get Kurt to go deeper.”

I did as she asked without question. I had been on my hands and my knees, but now I

lowered myself to my elbows and lifted my ass in the air, widening my stance to give my

stepbrother easier access to my open pussy. I bit my lip as I felt the change of position draw

Kurt’s thick shaft even deeper into my cunt but I didn’t complain, and I didn’t move as he

fucked gently in and out of me. I wasn’t sure, but I thought he had over four thick inches

stretching my tight cunt now.

“Excellent, excellent,” Lisa said. “Now, Kurt, lean over and fondle her breasts like you

did before. Get a little closer and spread her open if you have to.”

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Kurt leaned over to palm my breasts and I felt him shift in me again, sliding even

deeper. Over half his thick cock was in me now and we both froze at the realization.

“Mel?” he murmured, stroking my breasts. “I’m, uh, really getting kind of deep into you

here. Are you all right with this?” He shifted his hips as though to illustrate his point, and for

a moment I could have sworn I felt the broad head of his cock kiss with the mouth of my


“God,” I moaned softly. “I don’t know, Kurt. Just…hold still for a minute and let me


He did as I asked, his shaft over halfway inside me, and I had to admit, I admired his

iron control. Most guys would have fucked me and come in me by now, but Kurt seemed to

be able to keep going like this all day. I was so glad I was doing this with him and not some

other strange male model that Lisa might have brought in. Not that I would ever have let

myself go so far with a complete stranger. I knew I could trust Kurt, which was why I was

able to open myself to him and let things go much further than I would with anyone else.

Thinking that made me realize that I was all right with what was happening between

us. It was true that he had a lot more than the head of his cock inside my pussy, but we were

still just doing this in order to get a good picture. And as long as he didn’t go all the way into

me and shoot his cum in my cunt, I thought it was probably all right. After all, when I had

offered to let him come in me earlier, I had meant when he had the tip of his cock inside me.

I would, of course, have to draw the line about letting him fill me with his cum when he was

so deep in my pussy -- that would be going too far.

“Mel?” Kurt asked again, and I realized that I needed to give him an answer.

“It’s okay,” I said, spreading my thighs a little wider to let him know I meant it. “You

can…can fuck me a little, Kurt. Just try not to go all the way in. And try not to come in me.”

“All right,” he murmured, pulling out a few inches and then sinking back in. “I’ll try

not to touch bottom inside you, Mel. And I promise not to come in you.”

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“Thanks,” I whispered, although the idea of having him shoot his thick, hot cum into

my open pussy continued to turn me on. But since that would be going too far, I just bit my

lip and tried to hold on as he fucked into me, almost but not quite reaching the end of my

channel with each shallow stroke as he pinched and twisted my nipples and pumped inside


Despite his promise and my own best intentions, I felt Kurt sinking deeper and deeper

inside me as he moved. It might have had to do with the fact that I was backing to meet him,

adding that extra little bit of force with every thrust, helping his cock get farther and farther

into my pussy. I didn’t mean to do it -- it was just my body’s natural reaction to his. It

seemed as though my cunt


to be filled with his cock. As though I needed to have him

in me for some reason. I was beginning to wonder if we were going to wind up fucking for

real when Lisa had us stop to get into another position.

“Sorry,” Kurt murmured as he pulled out of me slowly. “I, uh, think I went a little

further than we meant to.”

“It’s okay,” I assured him breathlessly. “It’s all for the picture, after all. And you weren’t

all the way inside me.”

“No, not quite.” He looked down at his hard shaft and we could both see where the

shine of my cunt honey ended -- a few inches from the root of his cock. I wondered if things

would stay that way, but I didn’t have time to wonder long.

“Let’s skip the lotus,” Lisa said to my disappointment. “I want to get pictures of you in

the butterfly position.”

“The what?” Kurt frowned at her. I was confused too but it turned out to be just a fancy

name for woman-on-top. He lay back on the bed, and I straddled him, acutely aware that I

was going to be in charge of the penetration in this particular position.

“Okay, whenever you’re ready.” Lisa nodded at us, her camera poised.

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“Go for it, Mel.” Kurt looked up at me, watching as I grasped his thick shaft at the base

and positioned it just under my open pussy. Slowly, trying not to go too far, I slid down onto

him. I was braced with my thighs wide apart as he entered me, and I tried to balance myself

with my hands on his legs but it wasn’t easy. I’m pretty strong but I wasn’t used to doing

squat thrusts or anything, so a good six or seven inches of his cock entered me before I

managed to stop myself.

Kurt and I both looked down to where he was piercing me. “That was close,” he


I nodded. “I know -- I don’t know how long I can hold this,” I confessed.

“You’ll be okay -- I’ll help you.” He put his hands on my waist to support me, but Lisa

shook her head.

“No, I want your hands over your head, Kurt. It has to look like Melanie’s in charge on

this one.”

Shrugging, Kurt put his hands over his head and I had to support myself. Carefully, I

began to raise and lower my body, watching as his thick shaft, glistening with my juices, slid

deeper and deeper inside me with each thrust. It wasn’t Kurt’s fault -- even though I could

feel his muscles bunching like iron under me, he didn’t move an inch. It was all me, and I

was beginning to wonder how long my arms and thighs could hold out in this awkward

position. Already my muscles were shaking with the effort -- it just wasn’t a pose I was used

to holding.

Finally I couldn’t take it anymore. “Do you mind if I come all the way down just once?

I just need to rest for a minute,” I said to Kurt, who was giving me a concerned look.

“Sure, Mel,” he murmured. “Whatever you want.”

And it


what I wanted, I realized. I wanted him deep inside me, if only for a

minute, so I could rest my aching thighs. After all, just once couldn’t hurt, could it?

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“No, fucking, okay?” I said, trying to give him a stern look as I let myself come all the

way down.

“No, of course not,” he agreed, his deep voice hoarse.

With a trembling sigh, I impaled myself on his thick shaft, and he bottomed out inside

me for the first time. The head of his cock pressed hard against the mouth of my womb, and

despite my warning to him, I couldn’t help imagining him coming inside me like that,

thrusting as deep as he could before pumping me full of his cum.

“God, you’re so tight,” Kurt whispered, staring into my eyes as he penetrated me

completely. “So tight and hot and wet. You feel so good wrapped around me.”

I couldn’t help blushing. “It’s just this once,” I reminded him, trying not to move even

though I felt him pulsing inside me. “I just couldn’t do it anymore -- my thighs were about to

give out.”

“It feels good, even if it’s just once,” he murmured, thrusting up into me just the tiniest

bit. I moaned softly and bit my lip.

“Stop, Kurt,” I said warningly. “I told you, no fucking.”

“Sorry,” he murmured, smiling up at me. “I wasn’t really fucking. I was


“This is good -- perfect,” I heard Lisa say as she circled us with the camera. “Melanie,

spread yourself open so I can get a good shot of Kurt all the way inside you.”

I did as she said, spreading my slippery cunt lips to show how his thick shaft was finally

buried to the root inside me.

“God,” I heard Kurt murmur as he drank in the sight, and I had to agree with the awe

in his voice. My stepbrother’s thick cock stretching my pussy to the limit was probably the

single most erotic thing I had ever seen. And it felt so good, too.

“I’m so glad you two have finally come around,” Lisa said and we both looked over at

her. She was nodding and fiddling with her camera again. “This is really what I need on

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every pose,” she said, motioning to where Kurt and I were joined. “Full penetration is best

and it looks so much sexier too. If you don’t mind, I’d like to go back and repeat some of the

other positions with Kurt all the way inside you, just like he is now, Melanie.”

I didn’t know what to say at first, but then I looked down at Kurt and realized that this

was going to be my one and only chance to have him in me so deeply. Once we got back

home, all this would be forgotten and we would probably never even talk about it again. Of

course, it would be wrong to let him fuck me, but surely just letting him slide his cock all the

way into my pussy and hold it there didn’t count as fucking. Did it? It didn’t seem like it

should to me. After all, he wasn’t going to come in me; he had promised that.

“All right,” I said, making the decision for both of us. “What should we go back to?

Spooning or doggy-style?”

After that we went through everything all over again only this time Kurt was buried to

the hilt inside me with every pose. I knew it was wrong, especially when Lisa asked him to

move in and out some so she could get some contrasting shots, but I couldn’t seem to stop. It

felt too good to open myself and let him fuck me, too good to have his thick cock thrusting in

and out of my open pussy to make him stop. I was pretty sure Kurt felt the same way, but to

his credit, he never once lost control and he never came in me. Oh, he dripped plenty of

precum, both inside my pussy and over my open cunt folds, enough that I was sticky and

slippery with it by the end of the shoot. But he never actually put his cock all the way inside

me and let go, even when I finally had an orgasm myself and felt my inner muscles squeezing

him with every spasm of pleasure that rushed through me.

It happened while we were doing a position called the longbow. I was lying on my

back with one leg wrapped around his waist and the other over his broad shoulder. Kurt had

me open wide, really leaning into me as he fucked me, and suddenly the feel of his shaft

pounding into my pussy was too much. I felt the orgasm rolling over me like a tidal wave,

and I moaned his name as I clutched at the sheets, my pussy rippling around his cock. “Kurt,

oh God, yes!” I gasped, unable to help myself.

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“Was it good, Mel?” he murmured when the spasms had finally passed and I was

panting helplessly, his cock still buried in my cunt. “Did you like the feel of me fucking you

while you came?”

“You know I did,” I murmured, looking up at him, letting my true feelings fill my eyes.

“It felt amazing, Kurt. All of this, all day, has been incredible.”

“I know,” he murmured, and looked suddenly sad. “I feel the same way. But you know

how it is, Mel. Why we can’t…”

“I understand,” I said, nodding. “But we’re not home yet. We’re still here. I

want…want you to know that if you want to come in me, you can. I mean, we’ve been doing

this for hours; it has to be killing you to keep going like this with no relief.” I felt I couldn’t

keep denying him the right to fill me with his cum when he had given me such a hot orgasm

just moments before.

He frowned stubbornly and shook his head. “I told you, Mel, I’m not going to come in

you. That’s taking things too far. It’s going to be hard enough to go home after this as it is.”

Just then, Lisa called for yet another position and our conversation was cut short. It

turned out to be the last position she needed, and after she finished snapping yet another

picture of Kurt’s cock entering my pussy, she called a halt and thanked us both for our

professional behavior.

“The pictures are going to be beautiful,” she said as we disengaged awkwardly and

reached for our robes. “I’ll see that you get a set to keep if you like.”

“That would be nice.” I smiled at her and nodded. “And I want you to know it’s been

an amazing experience working with you. I never would have thought in a million years that

I’d get to do a shoot with Lisa McKenzie.”

She smiled back. “Well, you may get to do more than one, Melanie. I really enjoyed

shooting you. So why don’t you give me your information and maybe I’ll call you the next

time I’m in town?”

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“That would be great,” I said, really meaning it. “I’d love to work with you again.”

“Of course, it would be straight modeling,” she said, looking around the large empty

warehouse. “Nothing like this again -- this book really is a one-time thing. But I might like to

use this space for another shoot -- I love the natural light in here. That’s why I decided to

come here in the first place instead of using a studio.”

We talked photography and modeling for a few more minutes while Kurt got changed,

and then I went and changed myself, hardly able to believe that the shoot was really over.

* * * * *

After being naked together and touching each other so intimately, it felt funny and

wrong to be fully dressed and sitting so far apart on the ride home. Wrong and yet I knew

this was the way things had to be. Kurt was my stepbrother, and he could never be anything

more to me -- not if I wanted my mom to keep talking to me. She was so prim and proper I

knew the idea that I wanted her stepson as anything more than a big brother would just

about kill her. No, there was no point in even thinking about it -- we were stuck as siblings

no matter how much I wished it were otherwise.

Kurt seemed to be thinking the same thing because as we pulled in the driveway of our

house, he turned to give me a long, measuring look. “Mel,” he started in a low voice, not

meeting my eyes. “I want you to know that today, well, it meant a lot to me. Even though we

were only doing what we did because it was a job, still…”

“I feel the same way,” I said, hearing the pain in his voice and wishing I could erase it.

“But now that we’re home,” he continued. “I don’t think we should mention it again.

In fact, I don’t think we should talk about it.”

“You’re right,” I said, even though my heart was breaking. “It’s probably better if we

just pretend that nothing ever happened.”

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He nodded and there was a finality in the gesture that tore at my heart. “That’s a good

idea,” he said. “I think that’s exactly what we should do.”

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Chapter Eight

And that was exactly what we did. For a solid two months following the modeling job

we’d shared, we acted like zombies around each other. Oh, we tried to hang out together and

do all the things we used to do. But whenever we sat down on the couch together to watch a

movie, I couldn’t help wishing that I could cuddle up to Kurt’s side and feel his muscular arm

around me. And when we made an ice cream run down to Bo’s to pick up a lime freeze for

me and a dipped chocolate cone for him, the car just seemed too small for the both of us. I

could never think of anything to say to him -- or maybe I should say I could never think of



to say. That was because the only words that wanted to come out of my

mouth went along the lines of, “I love you” or “I want you” or even, “Please can we just

forget about the stupid stepsibling crap and just go screw each other’s brains out?” As I said,

hardly appropriate.

Kurt started coming around on the weekends less and less, and I stopped seeing him

around the USF campus. I knew he was avoiding me, and I didn’t blame him. We were both

so uncomfortable we could barely speak to each other. The long, awkward silences every

time we got together were unbearable for both of us. We didn’t even fight the way we used

to, and Kurt had stopped butting in and trying to run my life, too. Surprisingly, I found I

missed his overprotective concern. It was just no fun to make a date with someone who

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wasn’t up to Kurt’s standards for me, or take a job in an iffy part of town, or stay out late

without Kurt to object to it. I started taking only safe jobs and staying in at night. And as for

dating, well, there was just no one else I was interested in. No one but Kurt.

And then one day the packet came in the mail. I took it from the postman and carried

it upstairs, away from my mom’s prying eyes. She had been worried about me lately, asking if

I was depressed, and never giving me any time to myself. I was beginning to see that it was

time to move out of the house the way Kurt had the year before, but it made me sad to do it.

I was reluctant because my parents’ house was still the main focal point of our family -- the

one place I could be sure of seeing Kurt on a regular basis. I didn’t want to give that up, no

matter how annoying my mom got.

Once I was safe in my room with the door locked, I tore open the large manila

envelope with Lisa McKenzie’s professional address on the front of it. A handwritten note in

her looping scrawl fluttered out along with a stack of black-and-white and color


Thought you’d like to see these -- they came out lovely. The

book will be a limited print run so you might not be able to find a

copy at your local bookstore, which is why I am sending a copy of

everything. I enjoyed working with you and Kurt and would be

happy to shoot you again. I’m enclosing my card -- call and I’ll let

you know what I have available.

The open invitation to work again with such a famous photographer should have made

my day. Instead, I found my eyes blurring with tears as I looked over the beautiful, erotic

photos of Kurt and I intimately entwined. Lisa had really made the most of the light and

shadows in the old warehouse we’d been in, and the end result was stunning in its simplicity

and beauty.

I love him

, I thought as I flipped through the photos. Not that it did me any good. The

way things were going, in a month or two, these pictures would be all I had to remember my

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stepbrother by. He was slowly but surely fading out of my life the way I was fading out of

his. I looked at the pictures again sadly, studying the expressions on our faces as we touched

each other. And, as I looked, I began to see that maybe I wasn’t the only one in love.

There was a yearning expression on Kurt’s face in every photograph. And there was

pain in his piercing eyes -- the same pain I felt myself, I realized. The pain of loving someone

you knew you could never, ever have, even if it broke your heart and ruined your life to

deny them.

Suddenly, I was mad. Why couldn’t we have each other? I asked myself. Why should

we care what our parents said or worry about how society would see us? After all, there was

no real blood relation between us. It wasn’t like we were kissing cousins who had met at the

annual family reunion -- we were just unlucky enough to be related by marriage. If we had

met first instead of our parents, would it have stopped


from getting together? Knowing

my mom and how she liked to have her own way, I seriously doubted it. So then, why

should the fact that she had found Kurt’s dad before I found Kurt affect my life so much and

make me so miserable? It wasn’t fair!

Finally, I knew what I had to do. I was going to get Kurt back in my life if it killed me.

And as a hell of a lot more than a big brother, too. That was why we had nothing to say to

each other lately -- it was because the tepid, proscribed relationship that we used to have no

longer satisfied either one of us. We needed more and I didn’t care if our parents freaked

out -- I was determined to get it.

The only problem I could see would be convincing Kurt. He was such a

straightforward, honorable kind of guy that I knew putting the issue to him plainly would

never work. He would have to be brought around gradually, shown that we belonged

together no matter what the world or our parents said. And I would need to convince him

with actions, rather than words. Luckily, the pictures Lisa had sent me had given me an idea.

I sat cross-legged on my bed, and began sorting through the photos and developing a


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Chapter Nine

“You in here, Mel?” Kurt’s deep voice at the doorway to my room made me turn in

surprise, even though I had been expecting him.

“Hi, Kurt. Come on in,” I said casually, turning back to the mirror as I adjusted my

bathing suit. “In fact, would you mind tying me up?” I held out the two long strings that

attached to my tiny green microbikini with one hand and brushed my long hair aside with

the other. “I thought I’d go swimming down at the pool in Seminole Heights,” I said, smiling

at him in the mirror.

“Yeah, I know,” he said as he stalked up behind me and took the strings to my suit in

his large hands. “Your mom and my dad are in Sarasota today, so she asked me to go with

you. She was worried about you going to that part of town alone.” He was wearing a pair of

tight jeans and a faded black T-shirt that clung lovingly to his muscular torso. Just the sight

of him made my mouth water.

“She worries too much,” I said, shaking my head. The feel of his warm fingertips

brushing against the back of my neck made me shiver with desire, but I tried not to show it.

“Frankly, I have to agree with her,” Kurt growled, frowning. “I don’t think you should

go out of the house in that thing, let alone to a public pool.”

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“But it’s my new bathing suit,” I said innocently. “Don’t you like it?” To be honest, I

admitted as I admired my reflection in the mirror, there was hardly anything there to like.

The top of the suit consisted of two tiny, quarter-sized, emerald green patches that barely

covered my nipples, leaving the dusky pink rings of my areolas and the rounded curves of

my full breasts bare. The bottom was even more revealing. It was simply an emerald green

string about the width of my pinky that curved around my hips and bisected the curve of my

abdomen. I’d had to shave off my little thatch of red curls in order to wear it, and I felt

deliciously bare as Kurt’s eyes wandered over my mound to where the tiny string parted my

naked pussy lips and disappeared into the folds of my cunt.

“Damn it, Mel,” he muttered, his voice hoarse. “You know I like it, but you still

shouldn’t be wearing it. Not around me, of all people.”

“Don’t be silly, Kurt.” I turned and smiled at him. “You’ve seen me in a lot less than

this -- I didn’t think it would bother you.”

“Well, it does.” He frowned. “And I thought we said we weren’t going to talk about it.

About, you know…”

“I know,” I said lightly. “But I couldn’t help thinking about it since Lisa McKenzie

finally sent some copies of the pictures we took. Want to see them?”

“No,” he said. But I was already pulling the manila envelope from the bottom of my top

dresser drawer as he spoke.

“Come sit with me here,” I said, sitting on my full bed across from the mirror and

patting the mattress invitingly. “Take a load off, and let’s look at how they came out


“I shouldn’t,” Kurt muttered but it was as though I was a magnet and he was an iron

filing. Before I knew it, he was sitting beside me on the bed and looking at the stack of

photographs I had handed him.

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I had deliberately given him the black-and-white photos first. Most of them were

softer focus pictures of the two of us embracing in the different positions -- almost more

sensual than sexual. I wanted him to see what I saw, the love in our eyes, the yearning, the

need, before I put the second part of my plan into action.

“They’re beautiful,” Kurt said grudgingly as he looked through the stack. “I wasn’t real

sure what she was going for when she took them, but you were right -- she’s a real artist.”

“She really is.” I smiled as I looked through the stack he was finished with. “She even

included her card and said I should call her -- I think she wants to work with me again.”

“What?” Kurt’s head shot up and he frowned jealously. “Not on another job like we


“No, of course not,” I assured him, feeling a secret thrill at his familiar

overprotectiveness. “I got the distinct impression that was a one-time thing. This would be

more of a straight modeling job.”

“Well, that’s good,” Kurt grumbled. He reached the end of the stack of black-and-white

photos and passed them to me. “Is that all?”

“No, she sent some of the close-ups too.” I handed him a new stack, the color photos

taken from the waist down.

“Oh, uh -- wow.” Kurt’s deep voice was hoarse as he paged through the new stack of

pictures. I had to admit that these were more frankly sexual than the artsy, black-and-white

photos of the two of us he’d seen earlier. They mainly showed Kurt’s shaft entering me from

different angles, as Lisa had promised they would, and she had sent a wide variety. There

were some pictures with just the head of Kurt’s cock sliding into me, some with him halfway

in, and some with him buried to the hilt in my pussy. Just looking at them with him made

me feel wet and restless. I wanted to jump his bones in the worst way, but I knew I had to be

patient and reel him in slowly.

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“Kurt,” I said casually as we looked at the pictures. “I’ve been reading up some on the

Kama Sutra

and you know all those things Lisa was telling us as we posed? Well, they were


“What was true?” Kurt couldn’t seem to get his eyes off the pictures of us doing

forbidden things together, but that was all right with me. I was hoping that since he’d done

those things once, he’d be willing to do them again.

“About how each position is supposed to be good for a different thing,” I said. “Like,

face-to-face positions like the lotus and missionary are good for eye contact. Doggy-style is

good for being able to touch and stimulate your lover. And some of the others are good for

deep penetration.”

“Mmm,” Kurt grunted, still not looking at me. But I could tell he was listening by the

way his cheeks were getting red.

“I was wondering, you know,” I said as casually as I could. “When I was looking at

those photographs and trying to remember -- which position do you think gave us the most

penetration? You know, which one were you the deepest inside me?”

Kurt looked up at me, his eyes blazing, but the look I gave back was so innocent and

bland that he dropped his gaze to the pictures in his hand again. “I don’t know,” he muttered,

flipping through them again. “Maybe the butterfly. Wasn’t it supposed to be especially for


“Mm-hmm,” I agreed. “But so was the plow. I’m just not sure. And you know how it is

when you get a problem in your head and it bothers you and bothers you until you can find

the answer? It’s like that with me now.”

“Just look at the pictures if you’re not sure,” Kurt said gruffly, gesturing at the stack of

photos. “You ought to be able to tell from them.”

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“I don’t think so,” I said, shaking my head and moving a little closer to him so that the

bare curve of my right breast brushed his elbow. “I don’t know how accurate those are. I

mean, you were trying to hold back, weren’t you? Trying not to hurt me?”

“Well…some,” he admitted warily. “Why do you ask?”

“Because it’s bothering me.” I flipped my hair over my shoulder as if in annoyance,

making my mostly bare breasts jiggle in the process. “It’s a purely practical question and the

thing is, it would be so easy to find out -- if you wouldn’t mind helping me, that is.”

“What do you expect me to do? Fuck you again?” From his sardonic laugh, I could tell

he was kidding.

I shrugged. “You wouldn’t really have to fuck me, I don’t think. Just put your cock

inside me one more time. That should answer the question.”

“I don’t think we should, Mel.” Kurt was already frowning and shaking his head, but he

hadn’t jumped off my bed and left the room so I still had some hope.

“It would only take a minute,” I said reasonably, as if I were asking him to make a

quick detour on a road trip. “Two minutes tops, and then we could both go swimming. I

don’t know about you, but I can’t wait to hit the pool.”



going out in public dressed in that -- not while I’m around,” he growled,

frowning at my suit. “I mean it, Mel. I don’t want anyone else seeing you like this.”

The proprietary note in his deep voice made me want to dance a little jig with joy, but

instead I put on my best pout. “Well, if you won’t take me to the pool, the least you can do is

help me find the answer to my question. Come on, Kurt -- it’s not like we haven’t already

done this once. Just give me two minutes -- please?”

“Well…” I could tell he was weakening.

“You don’t even have to take off your jeans,” I said quickly. “Just push them down a

little. And I won’t even take off my suit. If we still have our clothes on we won’t be tempted

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to go too far.” As if we could go further than having his cock buried in my pussy to the hilt.

Well, actually we could, but I was hoping to get to that later. First things first.

“What exactly do you want to do?” he asked, still frowning at me.

“Just this,” I said. “I have a theory that we could tell the best if we watched ourselves in

the mirror.” I gestured at the large, flat mirror attached to my dresser that reflected the bed

perfectly. “You just slide your cock inside me once -- once for every position, that is -- all the

way to the hilt, and by the way it feels and looks we can decide which one gives the best


“And that will make you happy?” Kurt asked, the sarcasm heavy in his deep voice.

“I promise it will,” I said brightly. “I just want to know. And, well…” I let my voice

trail off as I plucked aimlessly at his muscular forearm. “I also want to know how it feels

when you’re not holding back. I won’t break, you know, Kurt. So would you promise me

you’ll really thrust as deep and as hard as you can?”

There was a definite bulge in the crotch of his jeans by now, and I knew he wanted to

do this as much as I did -- maybe more and that was saying something. “All right,” he said at

last. “But just once for each position you want to try. No real fucking and I’m not going to

come inside you. And after that, never again.”

I knew I would have something to say about a few of his conditions later, but for now I

just nodded. “Okay.”

Kurt sighed. “How do you want to start?”

“Well, first you kind of have to have your cock out.” I cupped the growing bulge in his

jeans and caressed his hard length, drawing a low groan from his lips.

“God, Mel, you shouldn’t do that,” he moaned, but he didn’t stop me when I unzipped

his jeans and pushed them down along with the blue boxer shorts he was wearing. He sprang

to attention at once, his thick shaft pulsing with need, and I saw several drops of precum on

the head of his cock that told me he was more than ready for this. I was dying to get him

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inside me, but I still wanted to take things slow. The longer I could draw this out, the crazier

I could make him, and the better the chance I had of actually getting him to fuck me. I was

prepared to be patient.

“Actually, you know, maybe you should take your clothes off after all, Kurt,” I said,

pretending to study him and frowning. “Those jeans are just going to get in the way with

some of these positions. Don’t worry,” I added hastily when he showed signs of objecting.

“I’ll still keep my suit on so we don’t go too far.”

Kurt laughed sarcastically even as he stripped out of his clothes. “As if that suit could

keep me from doing anything I wanted to you. There’s barely enough there to make an eye

patch, let alone a bikini.”

“It’s very sturdy and protective,” I told him as I pushed him back down so he was

sitting on the bed. I stood between his thighs.

“That little string?” he asked, incredulously eyeing the tiny strip of emerald green

material that disappeared between my pussy lips. “You have


to be kidding.”

“Of course I’m not kidding. I bet


couldn’t break it. Here -- try.” I took his big hand

in both of mine and brought it down until he was cupping my bare pussy mound. “Go

ahead,” I encouraged him, spreading my legs so he had access to my inner cunt. “Just try.”

One blunt fingertip twisted in the thin string and then he pushed it aside and spread

open my pussy lips to stroke my slippery, swollen folds instead. “You’re wet, Mel,” he

murmured, his deep voice hoarse with desire. “Why are you so wet if this is a purely

practical question you’re looking to solve?”

“Just because it’s practical doesn’t mean it can’t be pleasurable,” I countered

breathlessly as his thick fingers slipped inside me. “And besides, I can’t help getting excited

when I know I’m going to feel you inside me again.”

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“Just for a minute each time,” Kurt reminded me sternly, but he didn’t stop finger

fucking my pussy or caressing my throbbing clit with the pad of his thumb, which I

considered a good sign. “Which position do you want to try first?” he asked.

“What about cla-classic missionary?” I suggested, trying to keep my voice even. God, it

felt so good to have him touching me after all this time -- I already felt like I was going to

explode and he hadn’t even gotten his cock into me yet. But that was about to change.

Kurt’s blue eyes were hooded with lust as he withdrew his fingers slowly. “All right.

Lie on the bed and spread your legs for big brother,” he growled.

I hastened to do as he said, well aware that there was no outside person to tell us to

stop this time, no one to make us change to a new position if we didn’t want to. I wanted to

try a few things to make my question seem real, but I had no intention of going through the


Kama Sutra

with him -- not if I didn’t have to, anyway. I wanted him fucking me and

coming in me for real by the second position tops. But again, I was taking it slow.

“I’m ready, Kurt,” I said softly, spreading my legs wide and pulling the little green

string that was the bottom of my suit to one side so that he had free access to my naked

pussy. “And remember you promised to really go as deep as you could this time.”

“I remember,” he murmured, lowering himself down on me and kissing me softly on

the lips. Already I could feel the broad head of his cock brushing my open pussy, coating my

folds with his hot precum. But he stopped for a minute to look into my eyes. “Are you sure

this is what you want, Mel?” he asked softly, positioning the head of his cock at the entrance

of my body.

“More than anything,” I whispered, lifting my hips in mute supplication. “Just thrust in

hard and deep, Kurt. I really need to feel you in me.”

“All right.” He pressed inside me but not hard as I had asked him to. He seemed to

want to take his time and savor the experience of sliding all the way into my tight, hot


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I moaned and wrapped my legs around him, trying to get more of him but he refused to

be rushed. Inch by thick inch, his long, hard shaft penetrated and stretched my pussy, and it

seemed to take forever for him to finally bottom out inside me.

“Kurt!” I gasped, writhing under him, trying to get him to move. But he only shook his


“Uh-uh, Mel, hold still,” he cautioned me. “No fucking, remember? Just straight


“Kurt, please!” I begged, wiggling harder. “Please, I don’t…I can’t…”

“What do you want to try next?” he asked, still being stern. “What about the plow

position since I’m already on top of you?”

“All right,” I murmured, thinking that at least his cock was still inside me, even if he

was refusing to fuck me with it. “I guess…that’s a good idea.”

Reaching down, he grasped my thighs and lifted until my legs were over his broad

shoulders. I gasped as the new position opened me up, and I actually saw stars as the head of

his cock pressed hard against the end of my channel.

“Better?” Kurt asked, looking down into my eyes as I lay helplessly under him.

“Deeper,” I admitted, biting my lip as his thick cock stretched me to the limit. I could

almost feel the hot drops of his precum coating the inside of my cunt, but I wanted more.

“I’m still not convinced it’s the deepest, though,” I told him. “Maybe if you just hold it there

for a minute…”

“No, I think that’s long enough.” He withdrew from me, sliding his shaft out of my

pussy in one long, controlled move, and I knew I was going to have to try a different tack to

get him to fuck me.

“We forgot to look in the mirror,” I said, frowning at him as we disengaged. “Let’s try a

doggy position so we can watch while you enter me.”

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“All right.” Kurt motioned for me to roll over and I got on my hands and knees and

spread my legs, opening my pussy for him invitingly.

Kurt got into position behind me and lifted my leg so that we both had a good view of

the head of his cock penetrating my pussy. Once again he slid in slowly, our eyes glued to

the mirror as he bottomed out inside me.

It had been my idea to use the mirror in the first place, but I couldn’t get over what I

was seeing. A mostly naked redhead with flushed cheeks and full breasts was spread open on

her hands and knees while a hot, muscular man with piercing blue eyes penetrated her cunt

with his thick cock. It was probably the most erotic sight I’d ever encountered -- even hotter

than the pictures we’d taken because it was happening in the here and now.

“Well, what do you think?” Kurt asked again, pressing hard to make sure he was all the

way inside me. I could hear the need in his voice, the desire to let go and fuck me, but his

iron control was still in place and he just held himself there inside me, refusing to move.

I pretended to consider our image in the mirror as I squeezed my inner muscles around

the broad shaft of his cock. “It’s hard to tell,” I said at last, trying to keep my breathing even.

“It looks like you’re all the way in me, but I can’t help thinking you could get a little deeper.

You know, maybe if you thrust into me a few times, to kind of open me up.”

“I don’t know,” Kurt sounded doubtful, but I could feel him pulsing inside me and

knew he just wanted to be convinced.

“Just once or twice,” I said reasonably, keeping my voice steady with an effort. “Like

you did while Lisa was taking the pictures. Surely it can’t hurt to try, Kurt.”

“All right,” he said grudgingly. “But just once or twice, Mel.” He gripped my hip with

the hand that wasn’t holding up my thigh and pulled back slowly until only the head of his

cock was still buried inside me. Then with a long, hard thrust, he pressed back in again,

filling me completely and making us both gasp with pleasure.

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“Again,” I begged and this time he didn’t argue. Instead he repeated the action again,

and then again. Both of us watched as he began to really pound into me, not holding

anything back as he pressed his thick cock deep in my pussy right to the limit.

I was moaning and gasping by this time. Kurt let go of my leg and I braced myself more

firmly on the bed and spread my thighs wide, opening myself as much as I could for his

deliciously rough fucking. It felt so good to have him inside me, so right to feel his thick

shaft spreading and stretching my cunt. I could feel the pleasure building inside me and I

knew it had to be building in him as well. This time I knew he was really going to do it. He

was going to keep fucking me until he couldn’t stand it anymore, and then he was going to

shoot his cum deep in my pussy and fill me up. Just the idea had me practically coming

myself, but before I could, Kurt had stopped and was actually pulling out of me.

“What…?” I looked over my shoulder, feeling like I could cry from the loss of

sensation. “Why did you stop?” I asked him, pouting.

“You know why, Mel,” he said, frowning. He was breathing hard and his cock was

completely coated in my honey, but if it had cost him to stop fucking me when we were both

nearly at orgasm, he didn’t show it. “Do you have another position you want to try or should

we find you a new suit and go to the pool?” he asked coolly.

I had to bite the inside of my cheek for a moment of silent frustration before I could

answer. But then I got control and reminded myself to be patient. “Actually, there is one

more thing I want to try,” I said, hopping off the bed and going to get the straight-backed

wooden chair that sat in front of my desk. It was heavy and I practically had to drag it out

into the middle of the floor but I managed all right in the end.

“What are you doing?” Kurt frowned as he watched me position the chair in front of

the mirror.

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“Reverse cowgirl,” I said, smiling back at him. “It’s good for deep penetration and it lets

you stimulate your lover at the same time. Not to mention the outstanding visuals.” I nodded

at the mirror and gave him a naughty wink. “Come on, Kurt. Have a seat.”

Warily he sat on the wooden chair. His long, thick cock was still throbbing angrily,

sticking up from between his thighs like an exclamation point. For a moment I thought of

going down on him, but in his present, all-business mood, I didn’t think it would work and I

decided not to risk it. I would stick with my plan and hope for the best.

“This isn’t one Lisa had us do,” he remarked as I settled myself on his lap with my back

to his front.

“Nope,” I lifted myself on my tiptoes and Kurt helped me automatically, putting his

hands on my waist and holding me steady while I fit the head of his cock into my slippery

pussy. “This is one I researched all by my lonesome. The Web site I was looking at said it was

a popular porn position because you can see


.” As I spoke the last word, I lowered

myself once more onto his shaft, moaning softly as his thickness filled me again. “L-look in

the mirror,” I managed to gasp as I felt him hitting bottom inside me. “Here, I’ll show you.”

Reaching down, I parted my puffy cunt lips, revealing my pink inner pussy stretched

wide around the base of his cock.

“God…” Kurt breathed as I raised myself an inch and lowered again. We both watched

in the mirror as the hot, mostly naked redhead spread her cunt and impaled herself on the

muscular man’s cock. She had a dreamy, aroused look in her eyes, and her cheeks were

flushed as she fucked herself on him. He was watching her hungrily as she moved.

That’s us

, I thought as I did it again.

Me and Kurt. No wonder Lisa liked photographing

us together. We look damn hot while we’re fucking.

“That looks incredible,” Kurt said, echoing my thought. “I can’t believe…”

“That we look so good together?” I smiled at him in the mirror and squeezed his cock

with my inner muscles. “Believe it, babe. We could film our own porn like this. Here…” I

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picked up his hands and moved them up my torso until he was cupping my breasts. “Touch

me,” I told him. “Show me how much you want me, Kurt.”

Like a man in a dream, he pulled aside the tiny, quarter-sized patches that covered my

nipples and began to squeeze and twist my tight peaks. I moaned and thrust my breasts

farther into his hands, rolling my hips at the same time to keep the action going on below.

“Mel?” Kurt’s deep voice was hoarse. “Why are you really doing this?”

“I told you, silly,” I moaned as he continued to tease my sensitive nipples. “I wanted to

know how deep you could get inside me.”

“You don’t really expect me to believe you’ve been sitting up nights, wondering how

deep I could get my cock in your cunt,” he countered flatly, but by now his hips were

working too, rising up and down to meet my own motions so that he was swirling his shaft

around in my pussy in a circular motion. “Tell me what you’re really up to.”

“Well…” I gave him a coy look in the mirror as he thrust more deeply into my wet

cunt. “Promise you won’t be mad?”

“Do I look mad to you?” he demanded as we continued to come together harder and


“Okay, then,” I said. “While we were doing the shoot with Lisa, she kept saying how

we weren’t going to do cum shots. And I wasn’t quite sure if that meant a shot of you coming

in me, or pulling out of me after you came, or maybe just my pussy dripping with your cum

after you filled me full of it.”

“God, Mel,” he groaned and I could tell my dirty talk was getting to him. But he

showed no sign of coming, even though he kept fucking me.

“So anyway,” I said innocently, taking one of his hands and sliding it down my body

from my breasts to my pussy. “I looked at some porn on the Internet and figured out it could

probably be all three.”

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“And what does that have to do with what we’re doing now?” he asked, spreading my

cunt lips and beginning to stroke my clit, just the way I liked it.

“Well, it’s just that Lisa didn’t take any shots like that,” I said. “But the more I thought

about it, the hotter it sounded. And I thought that just once, I wanted to see a cum shot,

wanted to see you coming inside me, and then watch as you pulled out. Just the idea of

watching that and seeing my pussy dripping with your cum afterward, well, it made me so

hot I couldn’t sleep until I found a way to get you to agree to it.”

“So that’s what you want?” he asked, still fucking me. “The chance to watch me come

in your pussy and then pull out?”

“Please, Kurt?” I gasped as he fucked into me, stretching me wide with his cock. “It

feels so good to have you inside me, but we never really got to finish. I never got to feel you

come inside me.” By now, I was having a really hard time thinking and talking coherently.

His fingers stroking my clit and his shaft working into my pussy were so distracting that I

would have abandoned the entire idea of trying to convince him if I didn’t know he would

stop in the middle otherwise.

Kurt had the look of a drowning man who is going down for the last time. I knew he

wanted to do exactly what I asked, but his rigid control and morals were making it hard to


“Please?” I begged one more time. “I swear it’s just this once, and then I’ll never ask

you to fuck me and come in me again. Please?”

“Well…” I think it was all the “pleases” that got him, because finally he nodded. “All

right, Mel, but just this once,” he said. “Spread your legs a little wider and lean back so I can

really get into you. I need to fuck you hard so I can fill your cunt with my cum.”

I did as he commanded, leaning my head back against his shoulder and watching with

heavy-lidded eyes as he positioned both hands on my waist and prepared to really fuck me.

Up until now he’d simply been moving in and out a little, just keeping himself hard in my

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cunt. But now as he pulled almost all the way out of my pussy, I knew I was in for a wild

ride. Gripping his thighs with my sweat-slick fingers, I braced myself for his rough entry.

Kurt didn’t disappoint me. He slammed home inside me as though he wanted to weld

us together permanently with just the force of his fucking. I jumped and gasped as he

impaled me, taking me so hard it hurt -- but even the hurt was a pleasure. I understood that

he was trying to teach me a lesson, probably about tricking him into fucking me, but by then

I didn’t care. As far as I was concerned, he could teach me all day as long as he did it with his

cock. All I cared about was feeling him ram into me and the pull and thrust of his thickness

inside me as he ravaged my pussy with his cock.

“So you want me to come in you?” Kurt growled in my ear, never stopping his ruthless

assault. “Want to watch while I ram my cock all the way into your tight little cunt and fill

you full of my cum?”

“Yes,” I cried. “God, Kurt, yes,



“Don’t you know it’s wrong for us to do this?” he continued as he pounded into me

relentlessly, angrily. “I’m your


, Mel. I shouldn’t be putting my cock in you.

Shouldn’t be fucking you. And I damn sure shouldn’t be filling your cunt with my cum.”

“Not really…my brother,” I managed to gasp as he fucked me. “No blood…relation.”

“You think that matters?” he demanded, still filling me with his cock. “You think that

makes it all right for me to fuck you like this? For me to come in you?”



!” I gasped and it was more than an answer to his question. Finally, I was

coming myself. The orgasm started at the base of my spine like an electrical tingle, and then

it spread over me, making me cry out as I took the punishment fuck he was giving me. And

all the while I moaned and writhed on his lap, I was unable to take my eyes off the mirror

and the redhead who was being so thoroughly opened and used by the muscular man behind


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“God, Mel, you look so incredibly hot when you come,” Kurt groaned and then he

pressed his cock into me with one last thrust and held me steady against him, getting as

deeply into my cunt as he could. His thick cockmeat pulsed inside my pussy, and I knew he

was finally letting go -- finally coming inside me. The realization brought on a second

orgasm for me, and my inner muscles spasmed as though trying to milk every last creamy

drop from his cock into my pussy.

“Yes, Kurt,” I gasped as I rippled around him. “Fill me up, come in me. I want you to do


We finished at the same time, thanks to my orgasm, and I would have been happy to

keep him inside me but Kurt was already pulling away.

“This is what you wanted to see so look closely,” he said, his deep voice clipped and

angry. We both watched, mesmerized, as his thick shaft slid free of my cunt. Then Kurt took

my hips in his hands and tilted my pelvis so that we had a clear view of my inner pussy. It

was deep pink from his rough treatment and my tight little hole was filled to overflowing

with his creamy, white cum. It coated my puffy cunt lips and beaded on my clit even as it

dripped out of my pussy to wet my thighs with its slippery profusion. “There,” he said,

meeting my eyes in the mirror. “Are you happy now that you got your cum shot, Mel?”

“No,” I murmured and twisted in his arms so that I was facing him, looking away from

the distracting images in the mirror.

“What, didn’t I fill you full enough?” he asked sarcastically. “You want me to try again

and make sure I fuck you harder and come more next time? What other excuse can you

come up with for us to fuck?”

“I don’t need excuses,” I said, looking into his eyes. “And neither do you, Kurt. I’m sick

of pretending I’m just your little stepsister and nothing more. I’ve wanted you from the

minute I met you, but I kept denying it to myself for the same reasons you are -- because I

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thought it was wrong. But recently, I realized that the only thing we’re doing wrong here is

denying our true feelings for each other.”

He scowled. “Mel, get real. What would your mom or my dad say?”

“Why should we care what they say?” I countered. “Damn it, Kurt, I’m sick of being

worried about that. They have their life. They found each other after my dad died and your

mom asked for a divorce. They have their happiness -- why should it stop us from having

ours? I don’t care if we have to move to another state and never talk to them again; I just

want to be with you!”

I was panting for breath after my impassioned speech, and Kurt seemed to be looking at

me with a new expression on his face.

“Wow, I’ve never seen you get so upset about anything,” he murmured, reaching up to

cup my cheek.

“That’s because this is important to me,” I stormed. “I want you in my life as more than

a big brother, Kurt. I can’t be satisfied with that stupid, stilted relationship anymore. I need

more -- I need



“I need you too, Mel,” he said at last. “But, well, I was kind of under the impression

that you didn’t need me -- not really. That you just wanted me for that modeling shoot and

that was it. And then today -- well, I didn’t know what to think about that. I guess I thought

you were just horny.”

“How stupid can you be, you big lug?” I asked affectionately. “For the entire time we’ve

known each other, there has been this incredible sexual tension between us -- do you think

all of that could be used up and satisfied in one sexual encounter? I didn’t just want you for

the modeling shoot, and I don’t just want you for this one fuck. I want you


. And…” I

bit my lip, my heart suddenly beating frantically in my chest. “And I was hoping you felt the

same way,” I finished in a small voice. It occurred to me that maybe I was reading too much

into his emotions. Was I the only one in love here?

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Suddenly, he grinned at me and I felt a great wash of relief. “Of course I feel the same,

Mel,” he said. “I’ve wanted you for as long as I’ve known you. I want to wake up with you in

the morning and go to bed with you at night and love you all the time in between. My dad is

probably going to kill me…”

“And my mom will never talk to me again,” I added.

“But it’s worth it,” Kurt said at the same time I said, “But I don’t care.”

Impulsively, I kissed him. “I’m so glad you feel the same way I do about it,” I told him.

“I haven’t been able to get you out of my mind since we did that shoot. The way you felt so

right against me, inside me…”

“I know what you mean.” He grinned at me. “I’ve been thinking about it pretty much

nonstop too. And to think we owe it all to your resolve to get every picture perfect. Do you

think we should invite Lisa McKenzie to the wedding?”

I gaped at him. “Are you asking me to marry you?”

“Would you say yes if I did?” he asked softly. “I mean, not right away -- after we finish

school, of course.”

I laughed. “Mom is going to


. What will the ladies in her garden club say when they

find out her son-in-law is also her stepson?”

Kurt shrugged. “Let ’em say anything they want as long as


say yes.”

“Yes,” I said, kissing him again. “Yes, yes, yes!”

“Good, that’s settled.” He grinned. “So like I said, should we invite Lisa to the


“Invite her, hell -- I’m going to get her to take the wedding pictures,” I vowed,

laughing. I felt lighter than air and finally free. After five years of denying we wanted each

other, Kurt and I were at last facing up to the truth. “Now the honeymoon pictures are

another story,” I told my ex-stepbrother and current fiancé. “Those we can take ourselves --

now that we know what positions to use.”

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“Speaking of which…” Kurt looked at me with fire smoldering in his blue eyes. “Do

you think you’re up for another cum shot?”

“Mmm.” I snuggled closer to him and pressed my bare breasts to his hard chest. “I’m

always up to making another perfect picture,” I told him. “And as far as I can tell there’s no

picture more perfect than one of your cock sliding into my pussy.”

Kurt would have answered, but he was too busy kissing me to speak.

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Evangeline Anderson is a registered MRI tech who would rather be writing. And yes,

she is nerdy enough to have a bumper sticker that reads “I’d rather be writing.” Honk if you

see her! She is thirty-something and lives in Florida with a husband, a son, and two cats. She

had been writing erotic fiction for her own gratification for a number of years before it

occurred to her to try and get paid for it. To her delight, she found that it was actually

possible to get money for having a dirty mind and she has been writing paranormal and Sci-fi

erotica steadily ever since.

Check out her website at http://www.evangelineanderson.com.


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