Language Test 8A

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Name: _________________________________________

Score: ____________ / 25 points

language TeST 8a

unit 8


© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2011 New Matura Success Elementary


Complete the sentences with one word in each gap.

You can see the first letter of each word. (4 points)
Finish your work and then save the changes.
1 Most people d________ music from the

Internet now. They don’t often buy CDs.

2 You can’t send your email because there’s no

Internet c_________.

3 I put this gadget on my shoes when I go

running and it shows me my speed in
kilometres p________ hour.

4 Just press the ‘on’ b_________ and it will start.
5 I want to m_________ my room to see how

wide it is.

6 This p________ DVD player is small but I don’t

think I can carry it round in my trousers!

7 I don’t buy a newspaper, I read it o________.

The website’s really good.

8 My phone isn’t very modern or special. It’s just

an o_________ mobile phone. It hasn’t even
got a camera.


Choose the correct word.

(3 points)

Put the disk

in / on / to here and wait for it

to start.

1 I’ll read your work, but print it up / on / out

first because it’s easier to read it on paper.

2 How do you take / put / turn off a computer?
3 It’s easy to keep to / on / in touch by email.
4 You can find off / out / up information about

every subject on the Internet.

5 Can you wear / put / take on your

headphones? I want to watch television and
your music is too loud.

6 You have to click off / up / on that icon to use

the Internet.


Read the text about new gadgets and then complete

the sentences.

(6 points)


Complete the dialogue with questions, negative

sentences and short answers. Use the words in


(7 points)

A Here are some questions for you. When did

Alexander Fleming invent (When/Alexander
Fleming/invent) the electric lamp?



__________ (He not/invent) the electric lamp.

He discovered penicillin.

A Oh, really? Well, try this.


__________ (Marie


Romeo and Juliet?

B No, she



A The answer here says ‘Yes’.
B Oh, come on!


__________ (Where/you/buy)

that book of questions?



__________ (not/buy) a book. I got these

questions from the Internet last night. My
friends told me about this website.



__________ (they/tell) you that the answers

are wrong?



__________ (They/not say) anything about

the answers. They just told me that the
questions were interesting.


Complete the words. The lines show you how many

letters you need to use.

(5 points)

Wow! When you start buying things on the
Internet, it’s difficult to stop! Last year, my dad
bought a d i g i t a l camera. A few weeks later,

he decided to get a new


_o_ _ computer. That

was easy, so he bought a


_ o _ _ l _ of electric

gadgets that looked good but which he never
used. He then bought new


_ _ t _ _ r _ _ _ for

every electric gadget in the house, because ‘the
electricity might go off one day’. He even bought


_ _ m _ Boy because it looked fun and it had

cool games.
At Christmas, he got a 


_ _ s _ _ _ s _ e _ for

mum to help her with the washing up!

Computer fans and inventors from all over the world are in London this week at the annual Computer
Fair. We are here too and we looked at some new gadgets. Read our report to find out which we
liked the most:
• The smallest (small) phone is Xcon2. It is just 3 cm long!
• The new Azura phone is really great! It is


_________ (heavy) than the Maxon, but looks much


________ (good).


________ (bad) laptop is the CRS340; it is heavy, has a small memory and is


________ (expensive)

of all the laptops.

• We really liked the new Focus camera – it is a bit


________ (big) than the Sonic, but it takes great

pictures and is


________ (cheap) of all the cameras.

London Computer Fair Report


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