LAB 1 o2

Last login: Fri Oct 30 15:30:29 on ttys000 labC-15:~ aisde$ ./zwij 1 -bash: ./zwij: No such file or directory labC-15:~ aisde$ cd cwicz_1 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij 1 Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Incorrect usage. Use --help for more details labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij prv.cif 1 Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Incorrect usage. Use --help for more details labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij prv.cif Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Incorrect usage. Use --help for more details labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij --help Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik usage: excess [] | [--help] | | [[-l -t techfile -f layfile -lv level -dv set] [-o lsave, gif[=scale], noext]] | [-b filename] | --help -> this help -> interactive control mode -l -> argument line control mode Argument keys: -t techfile -> thechnology file with full path included -f layfile -> input layout file with full path included -dv set -> name of extraction device set -o run options: -> run extraction and save the results into layfile.cir file lsave -> save the flat layout into layfile.lay file gif -> create the flat layout gif picture and store it in layfile.gif file =scale -> picture width in pixels noext -> layout flattening only (valid only if lsave or gif) -b -> batch file control mode: Control keys: PATH path -> working directory path LAYOUT layoutfile -> file within working directory TECHNOLOGY thechnologyfile -> with full path included LEVEL levelname -> name of set of devices to be extracted Utility keys: TECHNOLOGYINFO -> prints basic technology informations Command keys: FLATTEN -> make the input layout flat SAVELAYOUT -> save layout into layoutfile.lay file CREATEGIF width -> save layout gif picture into layfile.gif file (width = picture width in pixels) EXTRACT -> run circuit extraction STATEXTRACT type wafers chips -> run statistical circuit extraction and save the results into layoutfile.syp file (type = [random] | [horizontal] | [vertical] | [cross]) (wafers = number of wafers, chips = number of chips per wafer) SAVEXTR -> save extraction results into layoutfile.cir file Commands not fully implemented yet (use on your own risk): DRC -> run design rule checker and store the results into layoutfile.drc file CRITNETOPEN -> critical area analize for net opens CRITNETSHORT -> critical area analize for net shorts SAVECRITNET -> save critical area analize results into layoutfile.cri file labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij -b LAYOUT prv.cif Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Command line environment error (ID = 6000): can't open batch file Execution terminated labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij -b LAYOUT ./prv.cif Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Command line environment error (ID = 6000): can't open batch file Execution terminated labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 1 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 0 number of branches: 7 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.003441 sec number of multiplications: 0 number of divisions: 0 number of additions: 6 max. number of branches: 7 number of transformations: star to matrix: 0 triangle to star: 0 series: 0 parallels: 6 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 2 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 13 number of branches: 38 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.002767 sec number of multiplications: 105 number of divisions: 105 number of additions: 175 max. number of branches: 38 number of transformations: star to matrix: 0 triangle to star: 23 series: 36 parallels: 1 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 4 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 75 number of branches: 172 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.002915 sec number of multiplications: 1251 number of divisions: 711 number of additions: 1530 max. number of branches: 172 number of transformations: star to matrix: 135 triangle to star: 159 series: 99 parallels: 72 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 4 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 75 number of branches: 172 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.002645 sec number of multiplications: 1251 number of divisions: 711 number of additions: 1530 max. number of branches: 172 number of transformations: star to matrix: 135 triangle to star: 159 series: 99 parallels: 72 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 8 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 343 number of branches: 728 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.002839 sec number of multiplications: 10159 number of divisions: 5039 number of additions: 11611 max. number of branches: 728 number of transformations: star to matrix: 1280 triangle to star: 1174 series: 237 parallels: 490 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 16 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 1455 number of branches: 2992 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.018337 sec number of multiplications: 85887 number of divisions: 41791 number of additions: 96567 max. number of branches: 2992 number of transformations: star to matrix: 11020 triangle to star: 10084 series: 519 parallels: 2480 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 16 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 1455 number of branches: 2992 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.018295 sec number of multiplications: 85887 number of divisions: 41791 number of additions: 96567 max. number of branches: 2992 number of transformations: star to matrix: 11020 triangle to star: 10084 series: 519 parallels: 2480 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 32 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 5983 number of branches: 12128 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 0.159132 sec number of multiplications: 712435 number of divisions: 349903 number of additions: 799906 max. number of branches: 12128 number of transformations: star to matrix: 90633 triangle to star: 85980 series: 1330 parallels: 10797 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 1 Mesh coefficient: 64 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 24255 number of branches: 48832 execute alg: 1 Algorythm execution time: 1.492668 sec number of multiplications: 5815815 number of divisions: 2878875 number of additions: 6533466 max. number of branches: 48832 number of transformations: star to matrix: 734233 triangle to star: 713655 series: 3677 parallels: 45158 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 1 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 0 number of branches: 7 execute alg: 3 Algorythm execution time: 0.002958 sec number of multiplications: 0 number of divisions: 0 number of additions: 6 max. number of branches: 7 number of transformations: star to matrix: 0 triangle to star: 0 series: 0 parallels: 6 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 2 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 13 number of branches: 38 execute alg: 3 Algorythm execution time: 0.002890 sec number of multiplications: 61 number of divisions: 13 number of additions: 73 max. number of branches: 38 number of transformations: star to matrix: 12 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 36 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 4 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 75 number of branches: 172 execute alg: 3 Algorythm execution time: 0.002523 sec number of multiplications: 867 number of divisions: 75 number of additions: 777 max. number of branches: 174 number of transformations: star to matrix: 74 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 442 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 8 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 343 number of branches: 728 execute alg: 3 Algorythm execution time: 0.002272 sec number of multiplications: 10618 number of divisions: 343 number of additions: 9326 max. number of branches: 829 number of transformations: star to matrix: 342 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 6965 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 16 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 1455 number of branches: 2992 execute alg: 3 Algorythm execution time: 0.026047 sec number of multiplications: 148053 number of divisions: 1455 number of additions: 136632 max. number of branches: 4693 number of transformations: star to matrix: 1454 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 120766 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 32 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 5983 number of branches: 12128 execute alg: 3 Algorythm execution time: 0.395492 sec number of multiplications: 1605490 number of divisions: 5983 number of additions: 1530696 max. number of branches: 24377 number of transformations: star to matrix: 5982 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 1437793 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: cif.prv Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 64 Extractor engine error (ID = -1301): layout file not exists Execution terminated labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 3 Mesh coefficient: 64 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 24255 number of branches: 48832 execute alg: 3 Algorythm execution time: 8.974483 sec number of multiplications: 18298821 number of divisions: 24255 number of additions: 17833858 max. number of branches: 122722 number of transformations: star to matrix: 24254 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 17295810 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 5 Mesh coefficient: 1 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 0 number of branches: 7 execute alg: 5 Algorythm execution time: 0.002900 sec number of multiplications: 0 number of divisions: 0 number of additions: 6 max. number of branches: 7 number of transformations: star to matrix: 0 triangle to star: 0 series: 0 parallels: 6 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 5 Mesh coefficient: 2 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 13 number of branches: 38 execute alg: 5 Algorythm execution time: 0.000059 sec number of multiplications: 65 number of divisions: 13 number of additions: 76 max. number of branches: 38 number of transformations: star to matrix: 12 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 38 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 5 Mesh coefficient: 4 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 75 number of branches: 172 execute alg: 5 Algorythm execution time: 0.002481 sec number of multiplications: 972 number of divisions: 75 number of additions: 860 max. number of branches: 172 number of transformations: star to matrix: 74 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 503 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 5 Mesh coefficient: 8 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 343 number of branches: 728 execute alg: 5 Algorythm execution time: 0.003076 sec number of multiplications: 9294 number of divisions: 343 number of additions: 8109 max. number of branches: 728 number of transformations: star to matrix: 342 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 5855 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 5 Mesh coefficient: 16 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 1455 number of branches: 2992 execute alg: 5 Algorythm execution time: 0.033674 sec number of multiplications: 95505 number of divisions: 1455 number of additions: 86570 max. number of branches: 3853 number of transformations: star to matrix: 1454 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 73190 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 5 Mesh coefficient: 32 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 5983 number of branches: 12128 execute alg: 5 Algorythm execution time: 0.503381 sec number of multiplications: 934993 number of divisions: 5983 number of additions: 878612 max. number of branches: 17935 number of transformations: star to matrix: 5982 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 804122 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$ ./zwij Welcome to ZWIJACZ v. 4.54a (rel. 22/10/2009) by Adam Wojtasik Layout file name: prv.cif Algorythm ID: 5 Mesh coefficient: 64 Initial graph parameters: number of terminal vertices: 2 number of vertices: 24255 number of branches: 48832 execute alg: 5 Algorythm execution time: 8.990217 sec number of multiplications: 9011452 number of divisions: 24255 number of additions: 8690270 max. number of branches: 79904 number of transformations: star to matrix: 24254 triangle to star: 0 series: 1 parallels: 8296003 labC-15:cwicz_1 aisde$


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