about program

Welcome to our dictionary online.
GoNaomi.com is free computer dictionary, which currently consists of about 30 different dictionaries
containing altogether about 850 thousands words. Having ability of choosing languages, the program gives opportunity
of about 900 dictionary combinations of translation.

Interesting and extensive dictionaries are among others:
Albanian, Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Irish, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian,
Russian, Serbian, Slovakia, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Tagalog, Turkish

Programme virtues are:
- unicode compatibility
- quick wordsearch
- user-friendliness

Free component used:
- sqlite
- Virtual Treeview component
- TntWare Delphi Unicode Controls
- Designed by TemplatesBox - http://www.templatesbox.com

Software demands:
Processor: Pentium 400 or more efficient
Free disc space: minimum 100 MB
System: Windows 98, 2000, XP
RAM: 256 or more

The Dictionary is still being developer and, successively updated.
New dictionaries are added. It is destined for home users (e.g. for scientific research).
Programme was conceived by Naomisoft in collaboration with Mr Jerzy Kozojć. Home version of the programme is free.

Using the dictionary does not give the user 100 % of certainty that a given word is properly translated.
This is an open dictionary created by people and verified with the use of the computer methods. Producer does not bear any responsibility for potential damages caused by the translation involving the dictionary. Before using the dictionary please read the content of the license.
So as to obtain more information please visit our page www.gonaomi.com


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