Packet Tracer FAQs

PT4.1 FAQs
Q1. What are installation requirements for PT4.1?
CPU: Intel Pentium 300 MHz or equivalent
OS: Microsoft Windows 2000 or Windows XP
RAM: 64 MB
Storage: 250 MB of free disk space
Screen resolution: 800 x 600
Macromedia Flash Player 6.0 or higher
Language fonts supporting Unicode encoding (if viewing in languages other than English)
Latest video card drivers and operating system updates
CPU: Intel Pentium II 500 MHz or better
OS: Microsoft Windows XP
RAM: 256 MB or more
Storage: 300 MB of free disk space
Screen resolution: 1024 x 768
Sound card and speakers
Q2. What platforms support Packet Tracer?
A2. Packet Tracer is supported as a Windows program. It has been run successfully in emulation mode
using WINE for Linux. It has also been run with Microsoft® Virtual PC for the Mac. The Linux and
Macintosh emulators have not been officially tested and are not supported.
Q3. Why aren t all of the commands included to perform the CCNA1-4 v3.x hands on labs?
A3. Certain commands were not included at this time due to time limitations on delivering the Packet
Tracer product. Future development will be determined by Instructor adoption and usage of Packet
Tracer. The main channel to contact the Packet Tracer Development team is through the Packet Tracer
Discussion Forums located on the Academy Connection.
Q4. Why isn t ISDN available in Packet Tracer 4.1?
A4. We realize that there are some features that are not currently supported and honestly we would have
liked to have had everything in PT, but we had to limit scope to get PT out in a timely fashion. Future
development will be determined by Instructor adoption and usage of Packet Tracer. The main channel to
contact the Packet Tracer Development team is through the Packet Tracer Discussion Forums located on
the Academy Connection.
Q5. Why isn t IGRP available in Packet Tracer 4.1?
A5. IGRP is a protocol that is being phased out on Cisco equipment and being replaced by EIGRP. The
version of the IOS that we are emulating doesn t contain IGRP.
Q6. Where do I report bugs or failures?
A6. Please use the Academy Connection Help link Curriculum Quality link.
Q7. Can I discuss Packet Tracer online with other instructors?
A7. Please share your opinions by using the link from Academy Connection to Forums & Chat
Instructor Community CCNA Packet Tracer
Q8. What help can the Support Desk provide?
A8. The Support Desk can assist in issues relating to gaining access to Packet Tracer 4.1 only. All CLI or
IOS fidelity issues should be reported using the Academy Connection Help link.
Q9. Why won t the tutorials launch so I can see them?
A9. If your browser has pop-up blocker enabled, it  sees the tutorials as pop-ups. Disabling the pop-up
blocker will enable the tutorials to be seen.
Q10. Why are my Packet Tracer activities coming up blank?
A10. The most likely cause of this is using an old version of Packet Tracer with new activity files. Packet
Tracer 4.1 is fully backward compatible with PT4.0 and PT4.01 files, but PT4.0 and PT4.01 cannot load
PT4.1 data files. They show as blank activities.
Q12. How do I take screenshots of Packet Tracer 4.1?
A12. Taking screenshots:
1. Click on the Packet Tracer 4.1 title bar.
2. On the keyboard, hold Alt, then PrintScreen
3. Open Paint: Start -> All Programs -> Paint. Alternatively, Start -> Run -> pbrush.
4. In Paint, paste the picture ( Edit->Paste). You may annotate the picture using the toolbar on the
5. In Paint, save the picture in GIF format.
Q13. Are there more FAQs somewhere?
A13. There are extensive FAQs in PT4.1 help menu.


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