Madewood Brothers 3 Recipe for Seduction Gina Gordon

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Let the game of seduction begin...

Veronica Whitfield feels like a frumpy old maid. After ten years of raising her younger siblings, she’s desperate to get her sexy back.
And why not find it with the man she’s been in lust with since she was twelve years old—her brother’s best friend, Finn O’Reilly?

Finn is looking for love. And not any love—true love. Complete with the white picket fence, two children, and a dog. He’s just been a

little unlucky finding it, and he sure as hell isn’t about to consider his best friend’s little sister for the job, no matter how badly he wants
her in his bed.

But then Veronica propositions him with a game of dark, delicious seduction. Finn is tempted to indulge his hidden need for kink, but

at what cost? Following through could very well ruin their friendship, but maybe—just maybe—helping Veronica rediscover her sexy side
is exactly what he needs to find love at last…

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Table of Contents

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
About the Author
If you love sexy romance, one-click these steamy Brazen releases…

Seducing the Playboy
Dare to Resist
Wilde for Her
Rising Assets
No Strings Attached
Temporarily Yours

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the

author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons,

living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2014 by Gina Gordon. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or

transmit in any form or by any means. For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the


Entangled Publishing, LLC

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Brazen is an imprint of Entangled Publishing, LLC. For more information on our titles, visit


Edited by Nina Bruhns

Cover design by Heather Howland

ISBN 978-1-62266-563-1

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition May 2014

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For Stacey Kennedy—just because she’s great!

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Chapter One

The single spotlight illuminated the stage, leaving Veronica Whitfield with nowhere to hide.

The ting, ting, ting of the cymbal alerted her to the beginning of her song. Her eyes focused on the

beams above the medium-size stage as she held her hands—encased in white satin—over her head.

The brass section of the band wailed and with that intro she cocked her hip to the right and pulsed,

letting her body move to the beat of the music. When the music surged with an abrupt note, she kicked
out her leg and thrust her arms down hard, straight to her sides.

With each sharp sound, her body matched the beat with quick staccato movements until the trumpet

played a long note and she swiveled her hips, making sure to stick her ass out as far as she could.

Engage every muscle, Miss Trixie Treat—her instructor—would say in every lesson.
The crowd hollered, obviously liking the sexy sway of her body. Veronica smiled. Not out of

happiness, but out of relief. She’d gotten a reaction. That’s all she’d wanted out of this journey.
That’s all she’d wanted the moment she’d decided to sign up for a six-week burlesque workshop. But
she had gotten so much more.

Stepping down from the riser with long, wide movements, she approached the front of the stage.

She bent, grasping the zipper at the bottom of her red, calf-length wool skirt, but before she pulled,
she looked out into the audience and bit her bottom lip. Catcalls encouraged her to reveal just a little
more skin.

She pulled the zipper, revealing her long legs encased in sheer red stockings. It was her own

personal dichotomy. She wore a two-piece skirt suit with short white gloves and a matching pillbox
hat. But underneath was a whole different story. On the outside, she was a respectable mother figure,
but on the inside—her inner vixen clawed to be set free.

The crowd loved the modest flash of skin and she gave them more, peeling off her gloves one at a

time with her teeth. She sashayed around the stage a few minutes longer, then removed her skirt to
reveal a black garter attached to her red stocking. Then she flung her jacket to the side, showing a
matching black bustier that pushed up her barely-there breasts. And what burlesque costume wasn’t
complete without a little bling? The garter and bustier were both adorned with rhinestones.

The bright stage lights made it difficult to distinguish faces in the audience, but she’d made sure

they wouldn’t be a distraction. She’d purposely left her glasses backstage.

She shimmied and shook, stepping up on the riser, giving the crowd a little shoulder drop for good

measure, then slowly, seductively, releasing the garters from her stockings.

Inhaling deeply, she did her best to forget she was on stage, half-dressed, and about to become

even more naked in the next two minutes. She unhooked the silk garter belt and let it fall. When it
pooled at her feet, she slowly, deliberately, rolled off the stockings, then let her hands glide up her
bare legs. The crowd screamed, loving the jiggle of her ass cheeks.

Veronica turned and faced the audience. This was it. The final item of clothing to be removed. I

can do it.

She unhooked the fastenings at the back of the bustier. When both sides were free, she held it with

one hand, teasing the spectators. She sat in the middle of the stage and leaned back, her legs
seesawing out in front of her. It had taken the entire six weeks of class to be able to do this move
without groaning—her abdominal strength had been severely lacking. Finally, she ripped the bustier
away, letting it fly to the side of the stage.

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The music slowed and the lights dimmed. Her eyes settled, no longer having to squint. She came up

on her knees and lifted her arms, her torso swaying, the tassels of her pasties moving in a perfect

This close to the front of the stage, her eyes focused on a few faces in the crowd. Her heart

fluttered. This was exactly what she had needed to get her sexy back. She felt confident, beautiful, and
comfortable in her own body. She was ready to focus on herself—on her life—and what lay ahead.
The possibilities were endless.

She smiled wide and turned to the right, her gaze locking with a man in the front row. He didn’t

look mesmerized by her performance. More like a rush of shock and awe had settled on his face. And
she knew that face anywhere. She’d seen it every day growing up as a kid in the foster care system,
and had dreamed of it every night once she was old enough to have those kinds of dreams.

The man was Finn O’Reilly.
And he’d just seen her get naked onstage in front of a crowd.
Veronica’s stomach churned. She looked away and shook off her embarrassment. She had lost a

beat or two in her split-second freak-out, but she soldiered on. Eventually, the music stopped, the
crowd roared, and she exited stage left.

“Fan-freaking-tastic, Ronnie, babe! The best version I’ve seen you do yet,” her classmate—and

now friend—Madison Malone greeted her.

“You look like you’re going to puke. Honey, it’s over. You’re done,” Madison said with a frown.
“He’s in the audience,” Veronica said on a groan.
Madison shot her a confused look. “Who’s in the audience?”
“He’s there. Him.” Veronica pointed out toward the crowd.
From the stage, Miss Trixie clapped, her voice filling the room as she fulfilled her MC duties and

introduced the next act. “Thank you, June Beaver. Wasn’t she wonderful, ladies and gentlemen?”

Madison howled. “I still fucking love your name.”
Veronica’s burlesque name. June Beaver. June the respectable 1950s mother who gets naked and

shows her beaver to the audience. She thought it was brilliant if she did say so herself. But
congratulating herself on a good stage name wasn’t priority number one right now.

“Honey, I don’t know a ‘him.’ You’re going to have to be more specific.” Madison huddled her

away from the stage wings. “Wait.” She pulled them to a stop. “Are you talking about Chef Hottie?”

Although those would be the two best words to describe Finn O’Reilly, Veronica shot her friend a

withering look.

“It is Chef Hottie.” Madison squared her body. The flowery tattoo inked on her bare left shoulder

was now hidden under the dim light backstage. “Oh, fuck me. If he’s out there, then he saw your act.
He saw you take off all your clothes.”

He’d had a front-row seat for the peep show. And Veronica had recognized it—the mortification

on his face—because it was exactly how she’d felt.

“Honey, you’ve got it bad. I’ve never met an adult who actually doodles her crush’s name.”
Madison was right. Veronica had it bad and she still doodled his name. It was as if she’d never

grown up when it came to Finn. Despite graduating from college, starting her own wedding planning
business, and unexpectedly raising her two teenaged half siblings, she was as adult as it got. But Finn
never failed to make her feel like a silly little girl.

“If he didn’t have sexual thoughts about you before, then he certainly does now.”

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She shook her head in an attempt to focus. “What are you talking about?” Finn O’Reilly couldn’t

possibly have sexual thoughts about the woman he still called “Little One.”

Threading an arm through hers, Madison directed them to the dressing room. “You rocked your

routine. Your body is smokin’. And you had every man in there watching, waiting, for you to get

Madison was the sexy siren, with her fire-engine-red hair and curvy figure. And she was even

more beautiful because she had an edge. Tattoos littered her body, big ones and small ones; even her
nose and belly button were pierced, which made it a little intimidating to take in at first glance. But
they had become fast friends six weeks ago, a friend Veronica had needed desperately.

Madison had already performed her act—a photographer who gets naked to take pictures. Fitting,

because she was a photographer in real life—mostly weddings, but she dabbled in boudoir, which
had prompted her search for Intro to Burlesque with Miss Trixie.

“Not Finn. With Finn I will always be the little girl he had to indulge because my brother could

never leave me on my own.”

They walked into the dressing room. The rest of her classmates ran around like maniacs, fixing

last-minute costume glitches, adding more sparkles to their bodies. When she was noticed, two of her
classmates rushed over and engulfed her, knocking Madison out of the way. The rest of the class
joined in; the shrieks and squeals were music to her ears. She’d never felt such camaraderie before. It
was inspiring, and made her feel as though she belonged, when for so long, she hadn’t.

Madison huddled her into the corner of the dressing room near a mirrored station that was littered

with brushes, eye shadow tins, glitter, and bronzer. “Why did you take this class?”

Veronica sighed. There were so many reasons. Over the last eight years, she had lost herself. Had

completely submerged herself into being a substitute mother and role model for her two teenaged
siblings. It was the hardest thing she’d ever done, and would continue to do, but in a few short weeks
both of them would be off to university and she would finally have her life back.

Dating. Men. Fun. Friends. Growing her wedding planner business. It was exciting and

overwhelming at the same time, but if she was honest, she didn’t like who Veronica Whitfield had
been pre-siblings. Quiet, reserved, always watching from the sidelines, dreaming of something she
could never have. Now that she was pushing thirty, it was the perfect opportunity to reinvent herself.
She just needed help in one specific area.

“I need to get my sexy back.” Back? She’d never had it to begin with.
“I think you’ve found it,” Madison assured her.
Veronica wouldn’t disagree, but any strides she might have made in coming into her own body

would never translate to her interactions with Finn.

“But just in case you need some help, I bought you something.” Madison sifted through her bag that

sat on the one of the makeup tables and pulled out a book.

Veronica’s mouth dropped when she read the title. “You bought that for me?”
“Hell, yes, I did. I’m not going to let you chicken out on your plan.”
The bright red book with oversized black lettering taunted her. Veronica grabbed it and tucked it

against her body, and whispered, “Why the hell do I need a book about arousing men?”

“Honey, you said it yourself. You’re out of practice.” Madison sighed. “No offense, because you

know I love you, but I have a feeling you were never in practice.” She leaned her ass against the table
and gripped the edge. “You’re going to find a man who will help you play out some of those scenes,

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build up your confidence, and then you’ll kick him to the curb. We’re not aiming for forever here.”

Forever. Veronica had wanted her forever to be Finn. Even before he was adopted by the rich

socialite Vivian Madewood; before the money, restaurants, and the legions of gawking women. He
had been her fantasy.

But she’d given up on the dream the minute two very cute, very troubled little kids had shown up on

her doorstep.

Madison gazed at her speculatively. “I think your first mission is to proposition Chef Hottie and

shake it how Miss Trixie taught you.”

“Oh, no.” Veronica dropped into an empty chair in front of a long mirror.
“Oh, yes. You’re going to be an expert in male fantasies, and by the time our little experiment is

over you’ll be able to seduce any man you want.” Madison grabbed the book and flipped through the
pages. “Look how simple these are. Having sex with a stranger. Getting caught in the act. Oh!” She
turned the book and pointed. “The shy girl who’s a vixen in the bedroom.” She poked a finger in her
direction. “That can be you.”

Madison swiveled her around and their eyes met in the mirror. “You’re going to make him notice

you. Though, I think you’ve already accomplished that.”

Veronica shook her head. Fear crept its way up her neck and settled as a light flush of heat across

her cheeks. “You don’t know that.”

“If he has a penis, he noticed.” Madison gripped the arms of the chair, causing her biceps to

squeeze together her D cups. A kindergarten class could go on a field trip in her cleavage and get lost.
“Now all you have to do is let him know you’re interested in a little slap and tickle.”

“It’s not a good idea. He’s my brother’s friend—his best friend. He’s my friend. We’ve known

each other forever. He’s a celebrity chef known to virtually every woman in this city. The most
eligible bachelor, and…”

“And what?” Madison stepped back and crossed her arms over her chest. “How many more

excuses are you going to add to your list?”

She only had two excuses. Ali and Cal.
Prior to the stork dropping them on her front doorstep, Veronica had wanted the family life—the

husband and kids, the minivan, the pets, and the picket fence. She had wanted it all, and with Finn. But
when her life was turned upside down with her instant family, the jarring light of reality had killed
that dream, and was replaced by the certain knowledge that raising kids was damn hard. Something
she definitely did not want to repeat. She’d been there, done that, and barely survived the teenage
hormones. No thank you.

She’d done a good job, if she didn’t say so herself, but now her “children” were going to be out of

the house. It was time to focus on her. For the last eight years she had thought of herself as a mother. It
was now time to retire that crown and reclaim the title of single woman.

“You need some fun,” Madison urged. “Having uncomplicated, one-time-fling sex with a hot guy is

exactly what you need to reenter the adult world.”

Her friend had a point. And who better than her ultimate fantasy man?
It wasn’t like Veronica presumed to think Finn would ever want an actual relationship with her. It

wouldn’t work, even if he did. He still desired that picket fence, but she no longer did. She had
bulldozed the fence to the ground. Heck, she’d have lots of time to find a man who wanted the same
lifestyle she did—which didn’t include another family. She loved the one she had, and that was plenty

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for her.

Still…Finn could be a nice test run in the sexy department. To make sure she hadn’t forgotten how

to use her most intimate of assets. The second step in reclaiming her womanhood. Step one had been
signing up for the burlesque class. And Finn would be her next exciting adventure.

But there was just one problem. “What happens afterward?”
Madison shrugged. “You thank him and move on.”
She made it seem so simple. But it was easier said than done.
“Yeah, except he’s catering a wedding I’m planning next month. He’ll be around a lot. It will be


“Only if you make it awkward.”
How could it not be? It was bad enough Veronica had pretend images of a naked Finn inside her

head whenever she spoke with him. What would happen when those images were suddenly real?

Hmmm… Now, there was a tempting thought.
“I wouldn’t even know what to do,” she protested.
Applause filled the dressing room as one of her classmates finished her routine and was greeted

with praise and hugs for a good minute before the noise level settled.

“Be confident,” Madison told her, and winked. “Be dirty. Everything you think about him doing to

you in your head, say it out loud. And most important…show him how much you want him.”

“I’ll think about it.”
How could she not? Seducing Finn O’Reilly was the opportunity of a lifetime. One that might never

come again.

But did she have the courage to seize it?
The rest of the show ran smoothly, and Miss Trixie praised them all for a job well done. Looking

around the dressing room at her friends, Veronica wondered if she was the only one who felt such a
forceful transformation.

Her classmates were young, old, professional women, students, and everything in-between. A

cross-section of females from every stage in life.

Her biggest fear in signing up for the class had been encountering someone she knew in the

audience. There would be so many questions and wide eyes. But fear obviously wasn’t a deal-
breaker because it hadn’t stopped her from stepping onto that stage tonight.

Over the last six weeks she truly had transformed. Even her siblings had noticed a difference in

her. Their sideways glances at her out-of-character behavior was the biggest tip-off. Singing. Adding
a hip thrust to everyday activities like making dinner—not that anyone would consider frozen pizza a

Madison left the dressing room with her classmates and headed out to the bar for an after-show

drink. Veronica was the last to leave. She was hiding, and she knew it. But she wouldn’t hide forever.
She’d go out there and join the rest of them. In public.

If Finn was there, so be it.
In fact, all the better. Her fears would not control her desires.
She took a deep breath. Unwilling to waste this opportunity, she was determined to put Madison’s

advice to good use.

Be confident and talk dirty.
She took one last look in the mirror and readjusted her breasts inside the bra cups of her bustier.

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She’d spent way too much time pulling together the perfect costume, and she wasn’t about to take it
off so soon.

“Confident, dirty. Dirty, confident,” she mumbled, straightening her pillbox hat and securing it with

another bobby pin.

She walked out of the dressing room. “Dirty…confident…”
Before her first step even made contact with the floor in the hallway, she jumped at the sound of a

familiar voice.

“Going so soon?”

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Chapter Two

Finn O’Reilly tried his best to remain calm.

Really. It wasn’t a big deal to see your best friend’s sister naked on a stage.
Veronica stood frozen, like a wild animal caught in the glare of a headlight. Her eyes were wide

and her hands wavered at her sides. She was so busted.

“Finn!” she squeaked.
Flashbacks of the nakedness, of the wild woman, he’d seen on stage came rushing back. It was

unlike any behavior he’d have expected from her. And didn’t that just fuck up his decision to keep far,
far away from the woman he’d known since childhood, the woman who was the sister of a man he
loved like a brother.

“Does your brother know you get naked on stage?” he asked.
Her trepidation washed away quickly with his words, and she jammed one hand on her hip. “First

of all, this is a one-time thing. I took a class, and tonight was my graduation.” She squared her
shoulders, straightening, as if she’d gotten an influx of confidence. “And second, what I do in my
personal life is none of my brother’s business.”

If only that were true. Mark Whitfield was an overprotective brother and Finn knew it. He had been

ever since the day the two siblings were separated as kids and put into different foster homes. Mark
had blamed himself for not being there to take care of Veronica even though he was only a child

“I would disagree. Why don’t we call him?” Finn reached into the inner pocket of his jacket.
He had no intention of calling, but he couldn’t resist having a little fun.
“Over my dead body, Finn O’Reilly.” She lunged forward and grabbed for his hand as it went to

his pocket. Their fingers touched. Immediately a rush of heat spread through his entire body.

She gasped and jerked away. The book she’d been holding fell to the floor. Had she felt it too? The

heat—the spark that had ignited as soon as they touched?

Finn shook it off. That spark needed to be contained—doused with water to keep from spreading.

To keep from morphing into something the two of them could never recover from.

Before she had the chance to pick up the book, he bent forward and grabbed it.
“No, Finn, I’ll—”
“What do we have here?”
He smiled. Tonight was shaping up to be the most eye-opening, the most intriguing evening he’d

had in a long time. Ever.

How to Seduce a Man.” He read the title out loud then looked up and met her gaze. Her mouth

hung open in shock. “What’s going on with you?” he demanded.

“None of your business.”
He leafed through the pages. “Do you have a special someone you’re trying to impress?”
He’d kill him. Whoever he was. There was no way little Veronica was going to try any of these

things with some jerk-off who’d only use her to play out a few fantasies and then take off.

“What do you need this book for, little one?”
“Stop calling me that. I’ve just gotten naked on stage in front of a room full of people.” She pulled

open her red jacket and flashed her sexy lingerie. “And in case you haven’t noticed, I am not little

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“Damn it, V. Close it up.” He reached out and tugged on the edges of the fabric.
Veronica ripped the book away and whirled around, walking out the back door of the club into the

warm evening air.

“Speaking of getting naked…” He followed her outside into the alley. “This class you took. So,

you’re stripping now?”

She stopped and turned, her hip cocking out to the right, as she glared at him from the alley. “It’s

not stripping, it’s burlesque.”

Tomato. Tom-ah-to. “There’s a difference? Naked is naked.”
“Burlesque is an art form. A tease. A formulaic routine of magic…or so Miss Trixie likes to say.”
What kind of people was she hanging out with? “Miss Trixie?”
“My instructor.” She hugged the book against her body, covering the swell of her deliciously sinful

breasts. “What did you think of the show, anyway?”

What did he think? He thought she was the most sexy thing he’d ever laid his eyes on. The others

didn’t hold a candle to her talent. And boy, did she have talent. The way she moved her hips. The tiny
glimmer of naughtiness in her beautiful brown eyes…

A shivered raced up his spine. “The show was…interesting.”
She scowled. “We all worked really hard on our routines. Six weeks.”
He had been dragged to the show by his sous chef, Chris Landry, who, it turned out, was dating one

of her classmates—the mermaid routine. Small world. Too small.

Veronica had obviously put a lot of time and effort into her routine, he could tell that much. But he

didn’t understand why. What could possibly have possessed her to sign up for this class? What did
she get out of it?

“What did you think of my act?” She walked a bit closer, and he stepped back. He needed the

distance. The distance kept him in check. The closer she got, the less his brain wanted to work.

“Your act?” He gulped. It was fucking fantastic. A fantasy come true—his number one fantasy…or

at least half of it. The other half consisted of her bent over his kitchen counter, screaming his name,
wearing nothing but an apron while he spanked her with a spatula and she begged him to fuck her. Not
that he’d thought about it much.

“Come on, Finn. I don’t have anyone else to ask.”
“Christ, V.” He shoved his hands in his pockets. “I can’t answer that.”
She bit her bottom lip. “You’re a man, right?”
He straightened, rolling his shoulders and clasping his hands behind his back. “Last time I


“Did you like it? Or did I just embarrass myself?”
“Oh, no. There was nothing embarrassing about you.” He ran his hand through his hair. “In fact, I

may be biased, but your act was the best.”

Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a tight O.
Sweet Mary. She was killing him with the facial expressions. And he’d said too much. “I… I

shouldn’t have said anything. It was really nice.”

He groaned. She was pushing toward a conversation he didn’t want to have. One he had promised

himself he’d never indulge in. “What do you want from me, V?”

Stepping close, he could smell her perfume and see the sparkles on her skin shimmer in the soft

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The night air was still. A car door slammed in the distance and a cackle echoed from the end of the


“Tell me what you really think,” she said.
He shook his head.
“Please, Finn.” Her eyes pleaded with desperation. Was she seeking approval? Validation? She

didn’t need practice. She’d had every man in the audience mesmerized, including his sous chef, whom
he almost decked when his groans became far too frequent.

“I need to know I’m not a joke. I need to know—” Her eyes darted away toward the brick wall. “I

need to know I’m desirable.”

She had no fucking clue. She was desirable every damn day. Despite her frumpy clothes and

glasses, and even though she always pulled her hair away from her face, she was sexy as hell. But
now, like this, her sexy level had been kicked to unfathomable heights.

“V… You’re…” He swallowed hard around the desirous knot in his throat.
Her body went rigid and her mouth turned down in a frown. Shit. She was really worried about

this. He saw the pain in her eyes. The fear of what his answer might be. And although his brain told
him to lie—lie his pants off—his heart just couldn’t break her spirit.

With a deep breath, he laid himself out on the line. “You were the hottest, sexiest thing I have ever

seen, and I couldn’t take my eyes off you.” He swiped a stray hair away from her face. “You’re
beautiful every day, V, half naked or not. You’re always the most beautiful woman in the room.”

She smiled, and if he wasn’t mistaken, her eyes watered.
“The housewife thing?” he went on. “I know you, and it was the perfect way to describe what I was

watching up on that stage. You obviously have some kind of inner siren dying to get out.”

Before he could think about the ramifications of his words, she vaulted toward him and wrapped

one arm around his neck, giving him the biggest and hardest hug he’d ever received. She was still
holding the book tight against her body.

He stood still, but only for a moment, then lifted his arms and put them around her back, returning

her affection.

They had hugged before, but never like this. Not with chest and pelvis flush together.
Her embrace tightened one last time, then she pulled away slowly. She kept her face close to his,

and her soft breath tickled his neck when she whispered, “Thank you. You always know just what to
say to make me feel better.”

It was true. He remembered telling her how beautiful she was when a scared little girl needing

something to smile about. But tonight, saying those same words, they took on a whole different
meaning. Tonight, those words were never more true.

Her nose grazed his with her retreat. When she stood only a breath away, their eyes met. His pants

grew tight across the zipper at the sight of her pink tongue swiping her bottom lip. He couldn’t help it.
The feel of her in his arms had been too overwhelming to ignore.

She lowered her eyes and her palm brushed over the book she held in her hands. Silence fell

between them as she opened the cover and flipped through the pages. When the colored sheets
stopped on their own, he focused on the chapter heading.









This particular fantasy was very fitting. Right now, the Veronica standing before him wasn’t the

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shy, unassuming girl he’d known forever. This Veronica was a devil just waiting to be set loose on
the first man who paid attention.

“What are you doing with this book, V? It’s just…so not you.”
Her expression hardened and she let out a heavy breath. “Admit it. You think I’m a straitlaced

dweeb who doesn’t know a penis from a finger.”

Finn had to suppress his laugh at her example. “I don’t think that.”
“You think I’m shy. Inexperienced,” she accused.
He had offended her. He heard it in the tone of her voice and tense way she fidgeted.
Defiance blazed back at him through the fiery brown depths of her eyes. She grabbed his hand and

pulled him farther into the alley. They ducked into a small alcove. She grabbed a rusty old metal chair
and patted the seat.

He obliged hesitantly. “Veronica, what are you—”
She silenced him when she took off her coat and rested it on the ground on top of her bag, along

with the book of seduction.

That same confidence she’d had on stage manifested itself again. The Sexy Siren had returned, and

Finn had a sinking feeling she was going to make him eat his words.

“Does it turn you on? Thinking about how fearless I might be in bed?” She lowered the zipper of

her skirt to just below her waist, and lifted her leg, resting her foot on a cardboard box—giving him a
perfect view of the area between her legs. She ran her fingers from the strap of her heel to her supple
thigh, where she fiddled with the lace band of her stocking.

“Does it turn you on thinking about how that little girl you used to know could bring you to your

knees now?”

Holy shit. This was not the conversation he needed to be having with his best friend’s little sister.

It was completely inappropriate, especially considering the fantasy she was spinning was something
he’d always wanted to do. What man didn’t relish being taken by surprise in the bedroom?

He tensed, squirming in his seat, trying his best to balance on the small metal chair barely holding

his body weight. “What turns me on doesn’t matter.”

Why was she talking about turning him on? Why was she taking this conversation to a place he

knew was wrong?

But despite the questions and hesitation going on in his brain, the lower half of his body didn’t feel

the same way.

She sauntered over to him, taking strong, confident steps in her fuck-me heels. She leaned forward,

her breasts spilling out from her bustier, and he groaned. She grabbed the outside of his legs and
pushed them together, straddling him, pressing her body closer to his face. She smelled like sweat and

Her body lowered, and her ass made contact with his lap as she pulled up her skirt. The scant

fabric of her thong had moved, and it hugged the plump lips of her sex. He turned his gaze away, not
wanting to stare, but she grabbed his chin and forced him to look at her. The whisper of his name was
the last thing he heard before she closed the distance and pressed her lips to his. And even though it
was August, the sky lit up like it was the Fourth of July.

Her lips were soft, heavenly, even better than he had imagined. And she knew how to use them. She

bit his bottom lip and pulled. Christ, he loved that. She was showing signs of kink, and was quickly
becoming a woman he could let loose with. Someone he trusted more than anyone to meet his

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demands and certain…proclivities he had in the bedroom. A woman he had yet to meet. Or had he…?

She moaned against his lips and he remembered who he was with, and what he was doing. He

grabbed her arms and pushed her away. Her chest heaved and her lips were wet and plump from
kissing him. Sexy as hell. But this was not a road they should be going down.

“You were right about the siren,” she confessed in a husky whisper. “I have so much passion dying

to escape. So much need. And no one to share it with.” She slipped her hands around his neck again
and played with the wisps of hair at his nape.

Have mercy. This girl was dipping her sexy stilettos into dangerous territory.
“Do you have fantasies, Finn?”
He had a shitload, but this was the first time he could actually check one off the list. Two, rather.

Tonight he’d gotten two checks.

“Sure I do,” he said warily.
He wanted a woman to cook for him wearing nothing but an apron. To use kitchen utensils for

purposes other than cooking. To have sex in the public dining room of his restaurant in front of the
large open window.

“Tell me all your fantasies.”
He cocked his head. “Why are you so interested?”
“I just might make them come true.”
His stomached tightened, his excitement uncontrollable. She squirmed a little harder into his lap,

and she had to feel it—the erection that was getting harder by the second.

“Haven’t you ever thought about what it would be like to fuck me?”
He groaned, conflicted. “Have you?”
She leaned forward, pressing her lips to his ear while her lower half wriggled against him. “Oh,


“Are you saying we’re going to have sex?”
“Well, that’s up to you.”
She held tight to his shoulders and leaned back, her hips working in a figure eight motion. It made

her crotch gently push against his hard-on. Did they teach her lap dancing in this burlesque class?

“The very first time I realized touching myself down here felt good, I thought of you.” She reached

down and traced her middle finger along the soft lace of her thong.

He fisted his hands at his sides and straightened. Restrain yourself. You’ve always been a


“Aren’t you going to touch me?”
His hands twitched. She wasn’t relenting. That sexy grind she was doing on his lap was breaking

down his resolve. He inhaled deeply, taking in the scent of her—like an orange grove on a warm day.
Why had he never noticed the sweet smell of her skin? Or was this what she smelled like when she
was turned on? Either way, he couldn’t get enough of it.

His rested his hand on her calf. She stilled, but only for a moment. She sucked in a breath when he

trailed it up her leg. The higher his hand moved, the harder she swiveled on his lap. Her stocking felt
like silk when he brushed over her knee and up her thigh. She let out a quiet moan.

She was going to be doing more than that before he was through with her.
He grabbed her thighs with both hands, his thumbs massaging the insides, circling higher and higher

toward the sweet center of her arousal.

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“Finn…” she whispered, throwing her head back. The shiny length of her brown hair blew lightly

in the warm autumn breeze. It wafted her citrus scent, engulfing him, catapulting his impulse to ravage

He’d never seen her like this. So unabashed and willing. So—
Her hands grabbed his and thrust them against her sex.
—so incredibly sexy.
The untimely message chirp of his cell phone sounded from his pocket. And just as quickly as the

sexy scene had unfolded in front of him, it deflated.

She slumped back, letting her head fall forward. The heartbeat thumping in his chest didn’t soften

when he removed his hands from her body.

The chirp had brought him back to reality. The chirp had prevented him from doing something he

knew he shouldn’t. He knew better. She’s your best friend’s little sister.

“Veronica, I—”
Leaning in, she placed her finger over his lips. “One day soon, I’m going to seduce you, Finn

O’Reilly. You’re not going to know when. You’re not going to know where. But I will.” She bit his
earlobe. “And you’re going to love every single minute of it.”

Letting her play this game was just asking for trouble. But his libido had a mind of its own. She

was already walking away before his brain could register that he should be disagreeing.

He eyed her sexy sway until she was no longer in sight. He struggled to remove his phone from his

pants. They stretched way too tight across his front.

Waking the device, he tapped the screen and opened a text message from his brother Jack.









Hell. Could his brothers not solve anything without him? The upcoming wedding of his youngest

foster brother, Jack Vaughn, to Sterling Andrews was all the family could talk about lately. And with
good reason. A wedding was always a happy time. But it was also a stressful time. And his brothers
took that stress to new heights, especially when combined with their overly hectic schedules.

Jack was knee-deep in wedding plans and overseeing the foundation he’d formed in their mother’s

name. Neil Harrison, his oldest foster brother and front man in charge of the family business—the
Madewood Farm, a state-of-the-art facility which included a five-star restaurant, a barn venue to host
private events, an exclusive family site with berry-picking in the summer, hay rides, and farm
animals, as well as one of the Madewood gourmet food stores. And Cole Murphy—well, Cole was
always busy with some new charitable cause.

Finn’s brothers all had things going on apart from being famous chefs. Finn was the only one who

hadn’t yet found his something special.

Other than being voted by the others to be point man for—and mediate when necessary—Jack and

Sterling’s wedding events. Even though he hadn’t been there to volunteer. Being the most calm and
rational brother certainly had its drawbacks.

He glanced down at the text again. This time, he probably agreed with Neil. Maybe there shouldn’t

be transportation at the wedding.

Then again, none of it mattered. His opinion didn’t really matter. His role in this haphazard family

was to remain neutral and agreeable. It was the way it had always been. And no doubt always would
be. Unless he found the balls to stand up for himself.

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Maybe it was time he did.
The wind rushed through the alley, kicking up leaves into his face. But it also brought with it the

lingering scent of the woman who had just given him a lap dance. And along with it, a shocking,
seductive breath of change.

Screw his brothers . They had just interrupted something that had the potential to change his life

forever. Being with Veronica Whitfield was his ultimate fantasy. A fantasy he had kept hidden away
for years, for fear of what his true feelings may stir up.

And why the hell did he do that?
Suddenly, he had a flash of insight.
He’d spent so much time in foster care trying to please everyone else, he was forever setting aside

his own wants and needs. From the very earliest age, helping people get what they wanted was how
he had made himself useful.

And now here he was again. Stuck in the same pattern of thinking. He’d been one touch away from

making his sexual fantasies come true, but was he thinking about himself and his raging erection, or
the sexy woman hell-bent on making them come true? Hell, no. He was thinking about her brother.
And his own brothers…oh, they would definitely have something to say about this.

But suddenly he didn’t give a shit. Not anymore.
For once, he was going to do something that mattered to him. To put himself first.
Hell of a situation to finally look out for number one, but he had to start somewhere. And with an

offer as enticing as Veronica’s, how could he say no?

She was going to fulfill his fantasies. Having sex with her had been his number one fantasy for a

hell of a long time, and frankly, if that was the only one she fulfilled he would be more than satisfied.
Especially if the kinky bread crumbs she’d left in her wake turned out to be for real. He had always
imagined her molding and forming to his demands. He wanted to be the one to take control. And that’s
exactly what he planned to do.

Sure, Finn’d had his share of significant others. Out of all four brothers, he was the only one who

could actually say he’d had girlfriends—of the long-term variety. But he’d never met anyone daring
enough to consider role-playing, nor had he ever met anyone open-minded enough to appreciate the
imaginative uses he envisioned for a silicone spatula besides cooking.

Maybe Veronica was exactly the woman who could fulfill his desires…without having to worry

about the future. A wife and children would come one day. That was the one thing he aspired to most
in this world—a family of his own. A devoted wife to come home to, and a slew of precocious kids
to brighten his day. He looked forward to it with all his heart. Someday.

He knew Veronica wanted a family just as much as he did. It was something they’d discussed when

they were teens. But forever was the last thing on her mind at the moment.

So why not have a little fun? Hell, a lot of fun?
Because she’s your best friend’s little sister.
So what? He shook off the nagging voice in his head as he walked to his car, readjusting his pants

along the way.

Besides, what choice did he have? Veronica Whitfield had told him in no uncertain terms she was

going to seduce him.

And he couldn’t wait to find out what she had in store.

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Chapter Three

“Good morning.”

Veronica pranced into the kitchen of her home. She couldn’t help it. Last night had been one of the

most liberating experiences of her life. Not just the burlesque, but with Finn. She had kicked their
relationship up to a whole new level.

She’d dug deep and found the courage she needed. And it had been fun. A hell of a lot more fun

than she’d ever expected. But the look on Finn’s face had been eye-opening. Addictive. And she had
every intention of eliciting it again.

In the small kitchen of her suburban townhouse, her half-brother, Calum, mumbled a good morning

between chews of his cereal. His dirty-blond hair was covered by a blue baseball cap, which he
wore backward.

Ali, her half-sister and one year younger than Cal, greeted her in her usual chipper voice, “You

slept in a little late this morning.”

Veronica’s older brother, Mark, glanced up at the clock above the sink. “Wild night?” He sat back

in his seat and grinned, his finger tapping against his coffee mug.

“Just out with some friends.” That was true, but she wasn’t going to mention she’d been with his

friend laying the groundwork for getting him into her bed. Brothers just didn’t need to know those
kinds of details.

She grabbed a mug from the cupboard and poured a cup of coffee. She sipped on the hot liquid—

black. There was nothing better than that strong, bitter taste. Well, maybe there was one thing…

Keeping her brain on more pressing matters, she asked, “So, are we all ready for this weekend?”
The big move. Just the thought of it made her stomach flutter like it was Christmas morning. Mark

had returned for a few weeks to attend Jack and Sterling’s wedding, and to help move their younger
siblings to university.

“I am so ready,” Ali said with an exhilaration that seemed to radiate from her body over the last

month. “I have all my lists prepared, and my suitcases are packed. I think I might need one more trip
to the office supply store. I don’t think I have enough pens and sticky tabs.”

“How are we related?” Cal blurted between chomps of his cereal. “You’re such a nerd.”
“I’m organized. Not a nerd.” Ali flipped her blond hair over her shoulder and smiled. Even from

the counter, Veronica noticed the tiny glint of happiness in her sister’s eyes. “Why don’t you tell Mark
and V why you haven’t started packing, Cal?” Ali said.

“Shut up.” He lunged across the kitchen table and punched her in the arm.
She squealed and grabbed at it in pain.
“No fighting at the table,” Veronica reprimanded. She’d had it with reminding them of their


In two weeks she wouldn’t have to anymore.
She smiled wide, but guilt nagged at her a little for having that uncharitable thought. Bad manners

or no, she absolutely wouldn’t trade the last eight years with Cal and Ali for anything.

She’d been attending college when the Children’s Aid Society had dropped the bomb on her. Two

bombs. Ali and Cal had been placed in foster care, but thankfully their former caseworker had done
her homework and found the family connection. It seemed as though their dear mother had been
repeating her old tricks. Mark had spent months trying to track her down but she had been long gone.

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So Veronica had tried to be everything to them that their mother wasn’t. But she hadn’t realized how
heavy the responsibility of being a good mother had weighed on her—not until the reality of them
moving out had hit her square in the jaw

She returned her attention to the present. The look on Cal’s face sent a warning tingle down her

spine. Something wasn’t right. The fluttery feeling in her stomach grew heavy, like an anchor sinking
to the bottom of the ocean.

“About that.” Cal peered at Ali and she nodded, urging him on. “I don’t think I want to go away to


Veronica grabbed the edge of the counter to keep herself from falling over. “Say what?”
“I sent in a deferral notice.” He straightened and his expression grew stern, as if he were trying to

exert some kind of dominance. “I’m not going to school.”

“Cal. You worked so hard to get in,” Mark said. He set down his mug and reached across the table,

but Cal pulled away. The hurt in Mark’s eyes was evident at the teenager’s blatant rejection. Mark
shrank back in his seat and didn’t push.

Their relationship had been strained ever since Mark left to take a job out west. Not that they’d

ever talked about it—and the strain between them had grown into an elephant in the room.

In her mind she knew Mark’s move had been in everyone’s best interest. An opportunity he

couldn’t pass up—not to mention the fact that the high salary was what was paying for their two
younger siblings to go to the university of their choice. And while Veronica had sometimes been
overwhelmed by raising her siblings all on her own, she knew in her heart the difficult decision not to
go with him but to stay behind had been the right one. The thought of uprooting Cal and Ali from
school, from their friends and sports teams, and from the normal life she and Mark had tried so hard
to give them, just hadn’t been an option.

But Mark was right. Cal had worked twice as hard as Ali. Failing a year had put him behind, but

he’d made them proud when he finally graduated.

Cal let his spoon fall into his bowl with a clang. “I just don’t feel right going. It’s not what I want.”
Veronica’s hand tightened around her mug. Not what he wanted?
“You’re going,” she ground out. There was no question. Yes, her immediate plans included being

more than a mother—she wanted to start being more social, and increase her wedding planner
business, too. But there was also the matter of Cal’s future. No way was she letting him ruin his
whole future on a whim. Not after he’d worked so hard to get this far.

“V,” Mark said. “We shouldn’t push.”
“He’s going.” She zeroed in on Cal. “We had a plan. A good one.” For everyone. She pointed her

finger at him. “We’re sticking to it.”

Cal’s eyes widened. “But I changed my mind. I don’t want to go to university.”
“What are you going to do instead?” Mark asked.
She ground her jaw. Like he had a choice in the matter. He was not an adult. Not yet. She and Mark

still had the final say in this.

Cal crossed his arms over his chest and shrugged. “I don’t know.”
Ali gathered her plate and cup and headed to the sink. There. Right there. Ali was the perfect child.

Veronica wanted to give her the biggest hug right now. Instead, she took a deep breath and tried to
calm down.

“So, you’re just planning to stay at home and do nothing?” She pulled out the carafe and poured

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herself more coffee. Shaking her head, she said firmly, “That’s unacceptable.”

“Isn’t it better I don’t go off and waste all your money paying for something I won’t even finish?”
He had a point. She shoved the carafe back into the unit. A rational, logical point. But what would

that do to her dreams and plans? She needed to get a life, damn it.

“University’s a waste of time. It’s stupid. It’s for nerds like Ali.”
His sister whirled around from the sink. “Stop with the nerd comments, you lazy freak.”
Ali might be an exceptionally smart girl with nerd-like tendencies, but she was confident and

comfortable with herself. Veronica had made sure she’d instilled that from the first day they moved
in. She wasn’t going to have another wallflower clone of herself walking around. Ali could hold her
own when it came to her brother. A trait Veronica admired. Sometimes, she wished she could be
more like her little sister. Then she could tell Mark how frustrated she felt with her life.

“You knew about this?” She glared at Ali, who backed away toward the doorway.
“It wasn’t my secret to tell.” She fidgeted with the hem of her shirt.
“Damn.” They were good kids. Veronica and Mark had done a good job with them. They were

independent. Could think for themselves. But lately, Cal had reverted back to his old ways. If he
didn’t go to university, she was afraid all the great progress he had made would be lost forever.

Really? Or was it just that Veronica wanted the house all to herself so she could screw Finn? It

was going to happen. The promise had been made last night. Except… Oh, God, now the privacy
she’d so looked forward to would be impossible.

“Cal, university is not a waste of time,” Mark said. “Both of us went. Veronica has her own

business now. I have a great job I love. It’s preparation for life and your future career.”

Did Mark not know that anything he said would go in one ear and out the other? Cal’s look of

disinterest every time Mark opened his mouth bordered on disrespectful.

“It’s useless,” Cal retorted. “Do you know how many of my friends have older siblings that all say

the same thing—if they could do it over, they wouldn’t go to university. They all ended up having to
study something practical after they graduated just to get a job. So did Veronica.”

Another valid argument on his end. “Okay.” She regrouped. “Maybe university isn’t the answer, but

you have to do something. Don’t you dare think you’re going to waltz in and out of here as you please
without contributing to this household. I’ve been lenient this summer, but I don’t like what I’m
hearing. You need a definite, approved plan.”

Cal gave the table a dirty look. She figured it was meant for her, but he knew better than to direct it

her way.

“Veronica?” Mark stood and joined her at the kitchen counter. “Won’t you be late for work?

Maybe we can talk about this later when we’ve all had a chance to think about it.” He turned,
blocking his face from their siblings, and mouthed, “I’ll talk to him.”

She stared into her brother’s brown eyes for a few beats. How many times had she stared into those

eyes and felt safe, protected, and supported? But over the last two years, those eyes had become those
of a stranger. She missed him desperately.

“All right.” She peered around Mark’s stocky body and pointed at Cal. “You have a reprieve until

this evening.”

Twenty minutes later, she banged on the back door of Carmel, Finn’s restaurant, with her fist. The

gray steel rattled under her touch.

After only a few seconds, a young man of no more than twenty opened the door and looked at her

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“I’m Veronica Whit—”
He snapped his fingers. “Chef told me you were coming.” He inclined his head toward the

restaurant behind him.

She smiled and went past him. Walking through the back hallway, she passed the kitchen and

bathrooms and tiptoed past Finn’s office. The door was ajar but she couldn’t see inside.

After entering the lounge bar on the right, she dropped her things onto one of the low coffee tables

farthest from the front door.

Along the left was a cherrywood bar. Its high stools with black fabric cushions were pushed in and

perfectly aligned along the length. The American bistro ambiance was pleasing to the eye. The lounge
housed oversized brown leather furniture arranged in small groups with a dark wood coffee table in
the middle. A few high, round tables sat along the back wall.

With an hour to go over her plans for Sterling and Jack’s wedding, she was beyond early, but

considering her mind was on other, much more dramatic things, she needed the extra time to focus and

She pulled out the files from her case. They had two agreements to go over today, along with fabric

samples for tablecloths. But despite having a pile of papers to concentrate on, she couldn’t help but
be distracted by Cal’s unexpected, and troubling, revelation. Her new life as a single woman, and her
plans to expand her business, were being put on hold. Not to mention that her first—and only—chance
to seduce the man she had lusted over most of her life would now probably never come to fruition.
How could it? When was she going to have time to properly seduce a man and also make sure Cal
was turning into a productive member of society, let alone concentrate on her business? She’d had
friends whose mothers put sex, men, and careers ahead of their children. Her own mother had done
so. The sex and men part, anyway. Veronica would never in a million years do that to her siblings. No
matter how horny she got, or how much she wanted Finn in her bed.

Her gaze skimmed past the open section to the opposite side of the restaurant. The dining room

hadn’t been set up for evening service yet. The bare tabletops had a black laminate finish, and when
dressed they were covered with champagne-colored tablecloths and set with all of the cutlery and
glassware one would need to enjoy a delicious meal. And she knew firsthand how amazing the meals
were here. She had eaten at Carmel too many times to count.

“Good morning.” Finn’s delectably sexy voice carried over her shoulder. “I thought I heard the

back door.”

He came up behind her, the heat from his body engulfing her like a Florida heat wave. She patted

the tight bun at the nape of her neck, cleared her throat, then turned. Her stomach tightened the moment
her gaze settled on his face. His broad shoulders always dwarfed her tiny stature. His beach-ready
blond hair reminded her of a summer day, even when it was the middle of winter. And his chiseled
jawline gave his looks just a bit of an edge. But it was his eyes—the deep-blue eyes that always saw
too much—that made her knees weak.

The man never failed to take her breath away.
“M-morning, Finn.” She stuttered her words; his presence was just too overwhelming.
Last night had changed the game, and now, instead of the tiny tingle of excitement she usually got in

her stomach whenever he was around, her entire body lit up in a heated frenzy. How was she ever
going to go back to just being friends with Finn O’Reilly? No way.

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“You’re a little early.”
“I…uh…” She moved to the opposite side of the table and bent, picking up the book of tablecloth

swatches. “I have some things I need to prepare.” She sifted through the swatches, pretending to be
busy. She had too much to deal with. Not just her job and Sterling and Jack’s wedding, but Cal and
the bomb he’d dropped this morning.

She made the mistake of looking up. Finn’s grin was way too inappropriate so early in the morning.

But his smile turned into a curious gaze and it froze her in place. His scrutiny meant only one thing—
his mind was working a mile a minute and he was trying to figure something out.

“Are you going to tell me what’s bothering you?”
“I’m…fine.” Damn him. And damn him for knowing her for more than half her life. She couldn’t

hide anything from him.

“No, you’re not fine.” He crossed his arms over his chest.
She readjusted her glasses on her nose. “It’s nothing.”
He grabbed her hand and pulled, directing her to the back hallway leading to the washrooms.
He settled his back against the warm beige paint, one leg bent with his foot resting on the wall.

“Spill it.”

“Finn, everything is—”
“Not fine.” He lifted his hand. “See this spot right here?” His finger caressed her temple. “This is

where your worry vein makes an appearance whenever something is bothering you.”

“I have a worry vein?” She lifted her hand and rubbed at the spot.
“So you are worried.” He pushed off the wall and crowded her, backing her against the opposite

side of the hallway. His hard body hovered against hers.

If she had been worried, she was no longer. Funny how his simple touch had the ability to cloud

her thoughts and make her forget her name.

“So, spill.” His simple command coaxed out all of her troubles.
With a heavy sigh, she told him everything. “Cal’s not going to university. He’s just not going.

Which means he’s not leaving home. Which means the new start I was planning to make has been put
on hold, and I’m feeling a little bit frustrated. Okay, a lot frustrated.” She fisted her hands. “Could I
be any more selfish? There’s obviously something going on with him but all I can think about is
myself and how my plans are ruined.”

She choked back a sob. So much for being the sexy seductress Finn could fantasize about. With one

tiny rant, she’d just ruined any chance she might have had of changing the way he saw her. She was
once again the pesky little sister who needed his help.

Shhh…” He stroked the sides of her cheeks with his thumbs. “You are not a bad person just

because you’re searching for personal fulfillment. It’s about time you got a chance to fulfill your own
dreams. You’ve had to carry the burden of raising those kids all by yourself the last couple of years.
That couldn’t have been easy.”

Finn had never told her how he felt about Mark leaving. It made sense that a good buddy might

keep those feelings to himself. But she wondered what he thought about losing his best friend. It
wasn’t something they’d talked about, but he must have felt the loss almost as much as she had.

“What’s Cal going to do if he doesn’t go to school?”
“I don’t know,” she admitted, struggling hard not to sound whiny. “He doesn’t have a job. He goes

out until all hours of the night. I have no idea what he’s doing with his life. The only thing I know is

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that he will not be lounging around my house doing nothing from now on. I refuse to let him tank his
whole future out of laziness.”

She said that now, but she’d never been great at getting Cal to do what she wanted. There had

always been an air of “you’re not my mother” whenever he pushed back against her rules. Unlike Ali,
who’d been a dream to parent.

“You’ve done your best,” Finn said. “Maybe he just needs a firm hand. Maybe Mark should handle

this one.”

She snorted. “Mark is not the firm hand. Ever since he left for the west coast, his relationship with

Cal has been strained. It’s awkward whenever he’s around.”

Cal and his teenage attitude had major issues where Mark was concerned. Yet he had never

vocalized his troubles. Why had she never thought to ask? Had she been too caught up in her own
difficulties to see his?

“I just don’t know what to do anymore. Cal obviously needs something I’m not giving him.”
Finn lowered his gaze. “Maybe I can help.”
She stared up into the blue depths of his eyes. “How?” This was her problem to deal with.
“Tell him either he goes to school or he comes to work for me.”
He was going to give Cal a job? He was saving the day. Again. This man was truly a saint. But…
“Finn, I can’t ask you to hire him.”
“You’re not asking, and we’ve been looking for a new line chef. We can make do until he’s ready

to move up.”

Move up? Was he kidding? What did Cal know about cooking, or even a kitchen? She’d been doing

everything for her siblings since the day they moved in. “Finn. The kid wouldn’t know how to boil

“That’s the point. It will be like his personal Cooking for the Future program.”
Finn’s late foster mother, Vivian Madewood, had started the program when she realized just how

much the culinary arts had helped Finn and his three foster brothers succeed. Now he and his brothers
took turns leading the program.

“It will teach him discipline and how to handle authority, and make sure he’s not lazing around

your house all day.”

Veronica’s throat tightened and she blinked away tears. “You would do that for me?”
“I would do it for Cal and you.” He paused and looked away, shoving his hands in the pockets of

his black-checkered pants. “Don’t you know after all these years I would do anything for you?”

An overwhelming weight lifted from her shoulders. Maybe what she’d needed all along was

simply an offer of help—the knowledge that someone was there for her. To pick up the slack when
things got rough. Knowing Finn was on her side, that she had him to lean on, changed the game, and
suddenly she didn’t feel quite so selfish pursuing her own dreams.

Cal was an adult. He didn’t need a mommy any more. And maybe that was her biggest mistake. She

was trying to be something she was not, someone he didn’t need.

“What do you get out of this?” she asked Finn.
His lip curved. “Let’s just say you owe me the fulfillment of a promise.”
She sighed, her desire at war with the practicality of her family obligations. “Unfortunately, I have

more important things to worry about now than figuring out what turns you on.”

He winked. “Then I’ll make it real easy for you, V. I only have one fantasy. Anything else would

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just be icing on the cake.”

Icing. Cake. Her mind fastened on the words. Oh, hell.
The wedding. Her shoulders tightened at the thought of all the details she had yet to work out. The

sudden surge of trepidation that spiked her heart rate at the mere mention of fantasies had nothing to
do with the sexual tension in her body. Honest.

“Speaking of cake, you’re making the wedding cake, too, right? I don’t—”
“Veronica.” His tone meant business. And not wedding business.
He breathed deeply. “All right, I’m going to make this really easy for you. I’ve only had one

recurring fantasy for the last twelve years. Only one. It varied in location, position, and even
accessories, but there was always one constant.”

Accessories? “What’s that?”
“You.” He leaned in. “My fantasy is to fuck you.”
Her stomach flip-flopped and she had to keep herself from letting out the squeal caught in her

throat. “Me?” She brought her hand up to her chest. “You’ve wanted…me?”

“I’ve always wanted to see what you’d look like when you whip your glasses off and let your hair


“Didn’t you just see that just last night?” When she had dropped her clothes in a room full of


“Yes, but the show wasn’t for me. I need to know that everything you do is for me, because of me.”
Didn’t he know that already? Didn’t he know she’d spent almost her entire life wishing and hoping

Finn O’Reilly would notice her?

But he was too late to fulfill the girlish dreams she’d written about in her diary all those years ago.

She was no longer that starry-eyed teenager. And knight on a white horse he was not.

“Why now?” she asked skeptically. If they were going to do this, she needed to know it was for

real. “If that’s really how you felt…why hold back for the last twelve years?”

“It…” He let out a slow breath and ran his hands though his hair. “Let’s just say I’m finally going to

do what I want.”

What he wanted? That meant… He’d wanted the same things she had for the last twelve years. Her

head spun with the revelation. Damn! She’d kick herself later for wasting so much time being afraid.

“Even though we’re friends?”
“So much the better.” He said it so matter-of-factly. As though he had thought long and hard about


“Even though my brother is your best friend?”
“Don’t care what he thinks.” He shrugged.
“Even if—”
His finger pushed against her lips. “You told me last night you’re interested in some practice. Well,

I’m safe. I’m nonjudgmental. I’m great in bed.” He smiled, a wide grin. If he’d been a cartoon, his
tooth would have sparkled. “I’m perfect.”

Yes, yes, he was perfect. But for more than simply being a good fuck buddy prospect. He deserved

far more. But a fuck buddy was all she could give him. Anything more would lead to trouble. Their
lives were heading in opposite directions.

At her prolonged hesitation, he took his offer to the next level. “I can schedule Cal five nights a

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Five nights a week? She flashed her own wide grin. That was a lot of private time.
“I’m guessing you agree with my offer.”
Their eyes met and she forgot how to breathe. The hunger staring back at her was what she had

dreamed of her entire life, and in that moment she realized that every time he looked at her, she
needed him to want her just this much. She wanted him to remember last night in the alley. That the
little sister image was no longer acceptable. Screw different lifestyles. She was going to indulge
every sexual urge she’d repressed while taking care of her siblings. And she was going to have a
shitload of fun doing it.

She swallowed and solidified her counteroffer.
“Okay. I’ll agree to your proposition, but I want something in return.”
“I’m already offering to help you and you want more. Sounds like the Veronica I know.”
He didn’t mean it in a bad way—he smiled while he said it. She had always been demanding. How

else was she supposed to get what she wanted? Finn, Mark, and Cole had become fast friends when
they were all in foster care. Making friends hadn’t been so easy for Veronica. So she’d tagged along,
becoming the annoying little sister to all three of the boys. And she’d played the helpless waif card
perfectly. A little too perfectly, it seemed, because to this day, both Finn and Mark took her for a
weak little girl who always needed someone to rescue her. Hence Finn’s very generous offer.

He was giving her a chance to move forward with her life as she’d wanted, but she decided to take

it one step further. “You’re going to make sure you’re not working three out of his five nights.”

“V, I already have set days off, I can’t exactly change my schedule to accommodate—”
She tipped her head. “I’ve got a lot of fantasies, Finn.”
It wasn’t his face that gave away his emotions, it was his eyes. Desire, raw and needy, flickered in

their depths. This was it. There was no turning back. Not that she wanted to.

Butterflies danced in her stomach as his head descended toward hers. “Finn?”
His mouth grazed hers just as she swiped her tongue across her lips. His warm breath tickled her

skin and when his strong hand reached around and settled on the small of her back pulling her against
him, she whimpered.

Her body tensed and he stepped away, cursing under his breath.
Penn Foster, the marketing and public relations manager for the Madewood family business, stood

at the entry to the hallway. “I’m sorry to interrupt.”

“It’s nothing.” Pretending to wipe away something from the corner of her eye, she brushed past

Finn. “I just had something in my eye.”

“Did you get it out?” he asked, playing along with her.
“Yes, thank you.”
Penn’s mischievous smile made the coffee in Veronica’s stomach churn. Good thing she hadn’t

eaten breakfast. The cat was going to be out of the bag even before she’d had a chance to catch it.

“I’ll just”—Penn pointed to the bathroom door—“hold it.” She turned and left them alone in the


They stared at each other for a moment until Veronica finally broke the ice. “What are we going to

do about Penn? She’s probably already blabbed to Sterling.”

Sterling Andrews, the bride-to-be set to marry Jack Vaughn, Finn’s youngest foster brother.

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“I’ll take care of Penn,” Finn murmured.
Veronica didn’t need Mark finding out about her relationship with Finn. Not that it was a

relationship. They were just fucking. Or rather they planned to fuck a whole lot.

It was none of her brother’s business who she had sex with, and he definitely didn’t need to know

she had chosen Finn for practice. Especially since there was no chance of a future between them.
Telling Mark would just result in a bunch of angry words and frustration.

She turned to walk away, but stopped. “I’ll tell Cal he’s now under your service. He’ll be in


Finn nodded. “And I’ll make sure my schedule meets your demands.”
All the demands in the world didn’t detract from the truth. She knew in her heart, down to her very

soul, he was going to be the demanding one in this relationship—or whatever this thing between them

And she couldn’t wait.

When Sterling and Jack’s wedding plans had been discussed and the contracts had been signed,
Veronica returned home to find Cal lazing on the living room sofa, playing video games. This was
exactly what she didn’t want. She hadn’t worked this hard to raise a freeloader.

“Hey, Cal.” She strolled into the room.
“One minute. I’m almost done with this level.”
She approached the television and picked up the remote. She pressed the large red button at the top,

and the screen went black.

“What the hell, V? I wasn’t done.”
“Yes, you are. We need to have a little chat, you and I.”
Cal looked around the room. “Where’s Mark?”
She scoffed. The tiny bit of leniency he’d shown this morning had worked. Cal was on board with

whatever he wanted. But not for long.

“Sorry. Mark isn’t going to help you this time, bud.”

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Chapter Four

Finn paced the lounge of Carmel. Veronica would be here any minute to drop off Cal. What were the
odds the kid would show up without a big chip on his shoulder?

Finn had briefed his staff last night about the new addition to the kitchen. Luckily, his employees

were accommodating. They all had the same spirit of helping each other and welcoming new staff.
They were a family.

His sous chef, Chris Landry, sidled up behind him. “So, does this kid you hired have good

references?” When Finn didn’t respond, Chris groaned. “Shit. He doesn’t have any references, does

Finn turned and acknowledged with a quirk of his eyebrow.
“Boss.” Chris tugged at the sides of his chef jacket. It hung open, revealing his black T-shirt. “I

thought Cole was the one who took in strays. Part of the reason why I work here with you and not for

Finn’s brother Cole Murphy was the “socially enlightened” one in the family, and usually hired

graduates from the Cooking for the Future program to staff his restaurant’s kitchen. Luckily for Cole,
the kids always worked out—or they wouldn’t have graduated.

Finn’s protective mode kicked in. “He’s not a stray.”
“Is he at least in your program?” Chris slid the black buttons of his jacket through the slits, the

hideous scar on his left hand still visible. Five years ago, he’d burned himself with hot oil. The smell
of burning flesh still sizzled in Finn’s nostrils even after all this time, whenever he saw that scar.

“Cal’s a friend of the family and he needs the discipline,” Finn explained. “So I need you to be on

board. No favors. No leniency.”

Chris rubbed his hands together. “Well, if that’s the case, this might be fun.”
Late afternoon sunlight burst into the restaurant as the front door opened. Through the opaque glass,

Finn saw the silhouettes of Veronica and Cal.

She stuck her head around the wall and peered into the lounge. She smiled when she caught sight of

him. “Hi, Finn.”

“You’re right on time,” he said. He mentally cringed. He sounded like an ass. Especially since they

weren’t on time. They were ten minutes late.

The kid was stone-faced, which only confirmed that Finn was trying too hard. Cal’s shoulders

slumped forward—no doubt weighed down by the enormous chip he’d placed there the moment he
walked through Carmel’s front door.

Finn needed to get hold of himself. He knew this kid. He’d interacted with him for years.
Veronica maneuvered between the tables toward him. “I couldn’t let your newest employee be late

on his first day.”

The closer they got, the more twitchy Chris became beside him. He ran his hands through his black

hair. He fingered his chin then tapped his nose. All the while his eyes were fixated on Veronica. What
the hell?

They stood across from each other on opposite sides of a brown coffee table, which provided an

excellent buffer between them.

Veronica elbowed Cal. He held out the manila envelope Finn had had given her yesterday. “It’s all

there,” the kid muttered. “Job application. Emergency and medical information.”

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“Thanks, Cal.”
The kid shrugged. “Veronica filled it out.”
“Have we met before?” Chris asked, staring at Veronica with a confused, yet excited, look.
Finn panicked. Of course. Chris might recognize her from the burlesque show. They had been

sitting in the front row and Veronica’s performance hadn’t disguised her very well. Finn wondered if
she realized Chris had been the same person who’d sat next to him at the show.

“Yes, maybe once or twice. In this restaurant.” She fidgeted and slipped her arm through Cal’s,

blocking most of her body. She had clearly become uncomfortable with Chris’s stare. Cal
straightened, his arm moving across her body in protection mode.

“No…” Chris tapped his chin. “I can’t put my finger on it. Did you—”
Finn clapped his hands together. “We should probably get started.”
“Right.” She squeezed Cal’s arm. “I’m sure you have lots of chef things to do.”
She made eye contact with Cal, and Finn could have sworn he saw her mouth, “Be nice,” before

she turned and walked out the front door. He didn’t know why, but he had been hoping for a cue.
Anything to let him know she was still on board with their plans. Too much eye contact might have
made things a bit obvious. But none at all? He was going to have to lay down some ground rules.

“I don’t know why I’m here.” Cal crossed his arm over his chest. Now that she had left, the tiny bit

of insecurity the kid had been sporting on his face disappeared. In its place was pure disdain.

“You’re here to work,” Finn told him firmly. “There’s a uniform for you in the kitchen. Just ask one

of the others to get you set up. Chef Landry and I will be right there.”

Cal glared at them both, his eyes shifting from left to right. Finn mirrored his actions, crossing his

arms over his chest. This kid was going to give him a hard time. Probably harder than any foster kid
he’d ever had in the program, because of their personal connection. But Finn was up to the challenge.

Apparently sensing he wouldn’t win, Cal cursed under his breath and stalked to the kitchen. When

he was out of sight, Finn let out a heavy breath.

“Is that the girl from the show?” his sous chef asked eagerly.
Great. Finn ground his jaw and waved off the comment. “What are you talking about?”
“Your friend.” Chris’s eyes lit up with mischief. “I knew she looked familiar.”
Hell, no. Finn would never confirm his hunch. They’d gone to that show because Chris’s new

girlfriend had been performing. Not so his sous chef could drool over Veronica.

“She’s the housewife! I wasn’t sure until she walked away. But damn, I’d recognize that ass


Finn fisted his hands but kept them at his sides. “I think I would have recognized one of my oldest

friends onstage.”

After a moment, Chris reluctantly deflated. “I guess you’re right.”
Finn needed to change the subject, fast. “Don’t you have some vegetables to chop, or something?”
Chris smiled and straightened his stance. “Yes, Chef.”
His sous chef was right. She had a great ass. But he’d be damned if any other man was going to

have images in his head of that ass up close and personal.

He entered his kitchen and immediately the smell of garlic suffused his nostrils. A pan of roasted

bulbs fresh from the oven sat on the counter, waiting to be used for their garlic mashed potatoes.

Carmel’s kitchen was older, but made up for it by being equipped with brand-new appliances. It

had been the first restaurant purchased by Arthur Madewood, husband to Finn’s late foster mother,

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He was fifteen when Vivian had plucked him and Cole from foster care. Neil, their oldest foster

brother, had already been living with her for a while, and a year later, Jack had made his entrance.
Not a day went by when Finn wasn’t thankful for his luck, and for Vivian, the woman they all called
mother. Not only did he not have to face his adulthood all alone in the world, but he also didn’t have
to worry about a job or money. All four of the foster brothers had fallen easily into the chef role, and
to this day, above all else Finn loved cooking and making people happy with his food.

But sometimes, he went to his dark place and asked the questions no one else wanted to ask. Such

as, if Arthur hadn’t passed away, would Vivian ever have adopted them?

“Excuse me, Chef.” One of his line cooks brushed passed Finn, reaching for the pan of garlic bulbs.
Cal had already changed. He was huddled in the corner, looking good in his checkered pants and

white chef coat. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be long before he was promoted to the line, and he’d have his
name stitched onto the material.

“Have you met everyone?” Finn asked him.
Cal nodded.
Chris stood at the island in the middle of the kitchen preparing veal for the evening’s menu. His

two line chefs, Erin Brock and Richard Sullivan, prepared their own items at opposite sides of the

“Let’s get started, then.” Finn opened the manila envelope and pulled out Cal’s documents. “You

will work five nights a week. Three p.m. until closing time.”

“When does the restaurant close?”
“You should be out of here by midnight.”
Cal’s mouth dropped open.
“You’ll be responsible for washing every pot, pan, and dish that is used in this restaurant,” Finn

went on.

Cal scoffed. “I thought I was cooking?”
“Eventually, but you’ve got to start from the bottom.”
The kid definitely couldn’t hide his feelings. They were displayed as plain as day on his face. He

was not a happy camper.

Working in a kitchen was very militaristic. There were distinct job descriptions. Ultimately, Finn

was the captain and everyone else yielded to his command. Although he’d never use the position to
mistreat or pull a power trip, he was in charge and everyone knew and accepted it.

Immediately his mind went to the bedroom and the thought of exercising his power there…and

Veronica yielding to his command.

He shook his head and focused on Cal in front of him. He had no idea how long he might have been

talking. Great leadership skills, Finn. Why listen to his employees when he could fantasize about
dominating a woman? Christ.

“I appreciate you getting my sister off my back,” Cal was saying, “but…a dishwasher?”
Finn frowned. “As far as I’m concerned, your sister should be all over your back after your little

dropout stunt.” It wasn’t the smartest move on Cal’s part. Although, in truth, taking a year off wasn’t
the end of the world. Not that he’d ever say it out loud, especially within earshot of Veronica.

“Shit. Is there anything she doesn’t tell you?” the kid muttered in disgust.

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There were lots of things she didn’t tell him. Such as, how sexy she was underneath those glasses

and conservative clothes.

“How do you know it wasn’t Mark who told me?” he returned.
That shut Cal up pretty quickly.
Finn went into the usual new-hire spiel. “We have a team meeting every day at four o’clock, one

hour before the doors open.” He walked over to the grill where Richard was watching over a batch of
red peppers. Their skin bubbled and blackened.

Cal trailed reluctantly behind, eyeing the peppers.
“At our meeting we discuss the specials, any preparation issues, and we have a meal. Nothing

elaborate, it’s more to keep us fueled for the night.”

Cal’s eyebrow lifted in surprise. But his gaze was still fixated on the peppers. Finally, he asked,

“Aren’t you burning those?”

“The more burned the skin, the more smoky the flavor. We use roasted red peppers for a few things

on the menu.”

“Well, if burning menu items is a good thing at this restaurant, you should have hired Veronica, not


Finn laughed, and so did Richard. Erin snorted from her spot tending a pot of boiling water. They

were all familiar with Veronica’s cooking skills—or rather, lack of them.

“Everything you learn here, Cal, you’ll be able to take with you into the real world.” A man needed

to know how to take care of himself first, before he could even think about being able to care for a
family. A lesson his mother had taught him. “Besides, all women love a man who can cook.”

Cal straightened and preened. “I can cook some stuff.”
“Oh, yeah? Like what?”
“Spaghetti. French fries and chicken fingers.” He listed the items off on his fingers.
“Very gourmet, kid,” Chris said drily as he butterflied a piece of veal.
“Sounds like something Veronica would make.” Finn chuckled. “You’ve been living with your

sister for too long.”

Cal shoulders instantly tightened and he froze in place. “I’m not leaving her. You can’t make me.”
“Whoa, there.” Finn raised his hands in defense. That was not the reaction he’d been anticipating.

He’d merely been commenting on Veronica’s love of quick and easy meals—mainly of the frozen
variety. But Cal had taken his joke to heart.

“Well, I’m not!”
“I didn’t say you have to leave,” Finn assured him, “but if you don’t find something productive to

do with your time, Veronica might have other ideas.”

It took all of ten seconds for the kid to change his tune as he lowered his eyes to the floor and his

voice cracked as he said, “Fine. What do I have to do?”

Finn pointed to the dishwasher. “There is a sink full of dirty dishes for you to start with.”
The thought of leaving Veronica obviously scared this kid to death. But Cal wasn’t really a kid any

more. He was a man. Eighteen years old and struggling to make his way in the world. And Finn was
going to do everything he could to help him find…whatever it was he was looking for.

Witnessing Cal’s little outburst, it now made sense why Cal’s relationship with Mark was strained.

Mark had left him behind, and Veronica was the only person Cal felt he could rely on.

Finn wondered if she knew the extent of her younger brother’s separation anxiety. It was something

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she would have to nip in the bud. Otherwise, her plan to start pursuing her own dreams was going to
be severely hampered.

Veronica made her way to the dining room of Bistro, where Penn and Sterling were already waiting
for her. Bistro was Cole’s French-American fusion restaurant.

She rushed past the bar and checked her appearance in the mirror behind it. She was a little

disheveled, but still presentable. She joined the ladies at their table at the back of the dining room,
and hefted her bags onto it. “I’m so sorry I’m late.”

As a wedding planner, she made it an unbreakable rule always to be on time for her appointments.

Always. But not today. It had taken a full twenty minutes to get Cal off his ass and into the car to go to
work. Just one more example of why her little brother needed discipline and firm direction.
Something to keep him from plummeting into a downward spiral.

“Not at all,” Sterling said. “We just arrived ourselves.” She slouched out of her red jacket and sat

in the seat farthest from Veronica. Her dark jeans fit tight to her body. She wore a black V-neck T-
shirt, and her hair was pulled back into a ponytail. She was as plain as a mouse, but still exuded an
elegance that kept her out of the frumpy category.

“I just had to drop Cal off with Finn. He started his first day of work, and I— What?”
Had the two women just exchanged a knowing grin? Shit. The news of their intimate embrace was

going to spread like wildfire.

“Oh, nothing,” Penn assured her.
Veronica cleared her throat and sat at the head of the table. “Anyway. I looked into everything we

discussed in our last meeting. Frankly, I wasn’t sure if we could pull it off but I’ve called in a few
favors and I think we can secure everything you’ve asked for.”

“In less than a month?” Penn asked, astonished.
“In less than a month.”
Penn sifted through the photos Veronica had laid on the table. Penn’s dark hair was parted to the

right and swept up to one side, a blinged-out barrette placed at her temple. Her black pencil skirt and
matching jacket were the perfect accompaniments to the red bustier fitted to her curvy body. If they’d
been standing up, she would have towered over both Sterling and Veronica, because of her four-inch
black stilettos.

Veronica looked down at her frumpy pantsuit and sensible flats, and frowned. Next to Penn, she

looked like an old lady. An old lady with no experience. Veronica envied the sexy siren, not only
because of her obvious beauty, but you could just tell she knew how to have a good time.

But Veronica wouldn’t be without experience for very long. Thanks to Finn.
“Oh, I love this.” Penn pulled out one of the examples of a barn she had found online and held it out

for Sterling. It was Veronica’s favorite, too. Twinkle lights made everything so pretty.

“Oh, yes. Can we do up the barn to look like this?” Sterling asked.
“Even if I have to put up every strand myself, you’ll get your twinkle lights.”
“Now that’s service,” Penn said, her head bobbing in agreement.
“I would never put you out like that.” Sterling frowned. “It’s just a venue. It’s not the most

important part of the day.”

“Excuse me?” Penn stalked to the other side of the table and bent over Sterling, grabbing both her

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biceps. “How dare you disrespect Veronica’s job like this?”

Sterling smiled and cleared her throat as if knowing Penn was nowhere near done with her.
“You, my bestest friend in the world, have the rare opportunity to live the full fantasy. To have the

wedding every little girl has ever dreamed of. Tell her, Veronica.” Penn snapped her head around.

“Yes, we can definitely pull together your dream wedding in the given time frame.”
Penn shook her head. “I mean, tell her what Jack told you about the money.”
“Oh…” His answer to Veronica’s most important yet routine query about the wedding budget had

been shocking, in that she’d never actually heard it before. Except in the movies. “He said ‘Money is
no object. Give Sterling whatever she wants.’”

Penn glanced back at Sterling and shook her body. “Anything you want.”
Sterling cocked her head to the side. “That’s a little different than forcing Veronica to do manual


“Oh, right.” Penn straightened and slid her fingers along the smooth tablecloth. “I get it now.”
A deep voice sounded over her shoulder. “Nice to know you’re willing to spend my brother’s

money so freely.”

Cole stood in the entryway. His chef jacket hung open and a white T-shirt hugged his chest. His

arm rested above his head as he leaned against the doorjamb.

When Veronica turned her focus back to the two women, Penn’s mouth hung open. For a moment

she appeared utterly speechless, which wasn’t a trait Veronica thought would ever be associated with
someone like Penn. As if trying to banish demonic thoughts from her brain, Penn shook her head.

Oh, yeah. Veronica knew that look. She knew that move, too. She felt that way every time she saw

Finn walk into a room.

Penn placed her fists on her hips. Her jacket pulled to the sides, exposing her red bustier and her

ample cleavage, which drew a glimmer of appreciation from Cole. “Just trying to make sure Sterling
gets everything she wants for her wedding. It’s about time she got everything she desires.”

Veronica knew from talk within the group that Sterling’s parents had a gambling addiction and

were currently attending meetings. Sterling and Jack lived with her two younger twin sisters, who
were a year younger than Ali.

Cole’s gaze darted to Sterling and a shadow fell across his face. He no doubt realized Penn was

right—Sterling had had a tough life up until now.

“You do deserve it, Sterling,” Cole said.
“Really…” Sterling looked back and forth between them all. “There is only one thing that will

make the day absolutely perfect. With the exception of marrying Jack, of course.” She looked on
stone-faced, then winked. “And it’s the chocolate fountain.”

Penn groaned. “Unlimited funds at your fingertips and all you care about is a chocolate fountain?”
“Some people aren’t greedy, Penn,” Cole snapped. “Some people care about more than

appearances and money.” Veronica didn’t know much about Penn’s background, but with the way she
glared at him from across the table, she had the sinking suspicion he had it all wrong.

Veronica had heard of Penn and Cole’s explosive relationship but she’d never witnessed it in

action before now. Despite their harsh words there was a slow burn of sexual tension that tied them to
each other. Veronica felt it—the undercurrent of desire and need that fueled their every conversation.
And it would only take one small push for them to ricochet over the fine line of boss and employer.

“Speaking of chocolate, the fountain is all booked,” she interjected cheerfully, to head it off.

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Sterling clapped her hands quickly in front of her chest. “I love chocolate, and there is nothing

more appealing than being able to douse everything I eat with it.”

“I hope Jack feels the same way.” Penn winked at her friend, and Cole took off with a grunt and an

eye roll.

“Let’s switch gears.” If they had any hope of crossing off the items on Veronica’s discussion list,

she had better rein in the conversation. “We can probably pull off a bridal shower in the next two
weeks and—”

“Who cares about the wedding shower?” Penn cut her off. “What about the bachelorette?” Her

friend had a devious twinkle in her eye. “I’m thinking naked men and five-dollar bills.”

“I don’t know. I…don’t think I want that kind of night,” Sterling said.
“You’re never going to sleep with another man again.” Penn plopped sideways into a chair and let

one arm dangle over the back. “At least allow yourself to look one last time.”

“Who says I don’t?” Sterling drawled.
“Looking is fine,” Veronica said with a chuckle. “It’s the touching that’s the problem.”
“Anyway. I don’t need to look, and I don’t need to touch. I just want to spend some time with my

friends. Something PG my little sisters can attend, but still a night for the record books.”

Sterling’s description sparked an idea in Veronica’s mind. “I might have a suggestion.” Sterling

and Penn eyed her curiously. “There’s something I had planned to do on my own, but now that I think
of it, this would be a perfect addition to a girls’ night.”

Their eyes sparkled with curiosity.
“What do you think of getting boudoir photos taken?”
“I’m in,” Penn whooped.
Veronica laughed. She hadn’t even explained the whole plan yet. “My friend is a photographer, so

I’m sure I can get a group rate. She’ll also have connections for hair and makeup. You could have
champagne and some finger foods. You can give the photos to Jack as a wedding present.”

“What about my sisters?” Sterling asked with a frown. “I am absolutely not allowing them to have

half naked pictures taken so they can end up on the internet.”

Veronica smiled. She really should get to know Sterling a little better. They seemed to have the

same fears when it came to teenaged girls. “I agree. They can still have their photos taken, but for
them it would be more like a fashion shoot. And we’d be sure to keep the doors closed on the other

“That’s a great idea.” Penn was fully on board. “So it’s settled? We’re taking sexy photos.”
“On one condition.” Sterling turned to Veronica. “You need to join us.”
“Oh! I…” She didn’t have the words. Veronica didn’t have many girlfriends. Most of her

friendships had dwindled as soon as she decided to adopt her two younger siblings. “Thank you. I
would love to.”

“Don’t forget to bring your sister.”
A grin spread across Veronica’s face. She had known Finn and his brothers a long time, and loved

them all. And Sterling had just proven why Jack was a very lucky man.

“Ali is away at school and probably won’t make it, but I’ll call my photographer friend tonight and

set everything up. I do have a wedding every Saturday until the end of the year, and I’ve got a couple
bridezillas, so I expect my Friday nights will be hectic. Can we do a Sunday?”

“Sunday’s fine with me,” Penn said. “I don’t think my boss will mind if I’m hungover Monday

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“Sunday works for me, too,” Sterling said. “What about Carson?”
“She’ll be in, for sure.” Penn said.
Carson Kelly was another soon-to-be sister-in-law—Neil’s girlfriend. They had just started dating

officially a few weeks ago, after a sex tape scandal had shocked the Madewood world. But everyone
saw where their relationship was headed—right down the aisle.

“I really love this idea.” Sterling reached across the table and sifted through the photos. “Why

don’t we have it at Vivian’s? That big ol’ house is just sitting there with no one to love it.”

Penn lunged and pulled Veronica into a hug. “You are the best wedding planner ever.”
Oh, Veronica was great with the ideas. Of that she had no doubt. It was the joining in, the being

involved, that had always presented problems for her. Another item to add to her list of getting-her-
life-back. Spending an afternoon with friends sounded like exactly what she needed to break out of
her shell.

Sterling pursed her lips. “Why don’t we kill two birds with one stone? We can have the photo

shoot during the day, and then the rehearsal and dinner that same evening. Invite the boys over. Your
brothers, too, Veronica.” She made a face. “Giving my parents almost a week between the wedding
and the rehearsal might mean they’ll actually show up.”

“Are you sure you don’t mind me tagging along?” Veronica asked, tactfully sidestepping the parents


Sterling waved her off. “You’re practically family. Finn’s told me all about you and the trouble you

two used to get into.”

“He has?” Why would he talk about her?
“From what Finn tells me, he, Cole, and Mark were inseparable.”
Veronica nodded, her mind swamped with so many great memories. “They were…still are.” At

least, until Mark had moved out west. “When I was fourteen a really nice family took me in and the
three of them used to come and visit me. I lived an hour away. Eventually, my foster family realized
my brother was a good kid, and took him in, as well.”

That had been the temporary breakup of the three musketeers. It wasn’t until they had all graduated

from high school and Mark had moved back to the city to go to college that they saw one another as

Penn picked up the book of fabric swatches and leafed through it. “Funny how things turn out,” she

mused. “If I’d had to choose, I would have picked Finn to get married first.”

“Yeah. So did Vivian,” Veronica murmured wistfully.
At the sudden eerie silence, she sucked in a quick breath and looked up. Both women stared at her

as if she had two heads. Damn. She had to remember some things didn’t need to be said. She shared a
past with the Madewood family that these women could never know or understand. It wasn’t her
place to disclose Finn’s deep and darkest secrets. Not that Veronica knew them all.

Still, what she was about to reveal wasn’t really a secret. It was plain as day within two minutes of

meeting the man.

“Finn wants a wife and babies,” Veronica explained. “He wants the family life he never had.

Vivian knew that.” A part of Veronica always believed Vivian shared the same daydream, the one
where Veronica would someday marry Finn. There was something in the way she’d looked at her, in
the way she’d knowingly smiled whenever they were together.

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But Vivian had passed away much too early, and now the idea of raising babies gave Veronica the


“I forget that you’ve known them all for a long time.” Sterling stood up from the table and walked


“A very long time.” Veronica shrugged. “I mean, I get his thinking. The whole family thing. But it’s

just not something I need to be happy. I already have my family. Finn and I are the complete opposite
in that regard.”

“Opposites sometimes work. Jack and I are the perfect example.”
“Opposites can attract. But that’s personality types. Our opposite is the fundamental way we want

to live the rest of our lives.” She shook her head, trying to solidify the theory in her brain. “It just
wouldn’t work.”

“Sounds like you’ve thought about this a lot,” Penn said. She exchanged a quick glance with


“Finn and me?” Veronica pointed at herself. “No, no, hell no.” Had she been convincing enough?

“Finn and I are friends. Just friends. Besides, I have too many complications right now to get
involved with anyone.”

“Veronica,” Sterling said. She moved even closer, placing her palms on the table, and leaned

forward. “Believe me when I say I know all about complications. And if it wasn’t for Jack, those
complications would still be ruling my life.”

Veronica nodded. “I appreciate your advice, but Finn isn’t The One. Not for me. He’s just not. I…”

Gosh. She needed to stop talking. Right now.

Sterling smiled and tilted her head to the side. “Maybe it’s not Finn, but someone.”
She returned her sweet gesture. “I hope so.”
If only that someone would make himself known, so she could get over Finn once and for all.
Do you hear that, man of my dreams? Show the hell up, already!
Until then, she had a promise to fulfill with Finn.

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Chapter Five

Finn had been summoned to Bistro for an emergency foundation meeting a few days later.

The Vivian Madewood Foundation had been founded more than a year ago, initiated by his brother

Jack. The foundation raised funds for various charities, the most important being the Cooking for the
Future program.

When Finn arrived, the group had already gathered at its usual booth at the back of the dining room.

Neil sat at a table alone across the aisle, dressed in his usual business suit, straddling a chair. Jack
and Gloria York, the foundation’s vice-chair and their late mother’s best friend, sat on one side of the
booth. She patted his hand gently with a smile. Cole paced the small distance between the booth and
the table. By the look on his face, Finn knew this was going to be an intense meeting.

“Morning,” Finn said as he approached.
“We’re all here now, can we get started?” Cole asked. He fisted his hands at his sides and the

tendons in his neck rippled with his anxiety.

As soon as Finn had squeezed into the opposite side of the booth from Jack and Gloria, Cole

began. “I assume you’ve all heard one of the kids in my program has passed away.”

Gloria gasped. “I had no idea.”
“That’s exactly the reaction you should have, Gloria.” Cole thrust his finger at the petite, older

woman. “And what’s worse, he was stabbed on the street and left to die, all because he was dared to
steal something.”

“It’s awful, Cole,” Neil said, “but what does that have to do with the foundation? We have no

liability.” Neil was always the best at keeping the conversation on track.

“We can try to stop it from happening again.” Cole rustled through a stack of papers and handed

them out.

It was a makeshift proposal. Numbers were written all over the page. It was like a serial killer’s

version of a business deal.

“Cole, dear…” Gloria laid her hand on his arm as he placed the papers back on the table, but he

jerked it away when he stepped back to hand a copy to Neil. “How do you expect us to stop kids from
being victims of crimes?” Gloria had a family of her own—a husband, two sons, and five
grandchildren. Finn used to keep them occupied whenever Gloria came over to visit their mother.
And despite the occasional offhand remarks about Vivian’s decision to take in four stray teenage
boys, Gloria had always been by her side, her staunchest friend and supporter.

“By establishing the Madewood Boys and Girls Club.”
They all stared silently at their brother. No one even dared make eye contact with each other for

fear of Cole flying off the handle. He tended to do that sometimes, when he felt they were siding
against him. But in this case, it wasn’t siding against him, it was doing what was best for the family
and the foundation.

“The Madewood Boys and Girls Club?” Neil was the first to cautiously speak.
“These kids need somewhere to go. They need activities to keep them occupied. And—” Cole

straightened and stuck out his chin. “It’s all going to be free of cost.”

“Have you lost your mind?” Neil scoffed. “It’s one thing to give our time and donate food, but

this…you’ll need buildings, staff, equipment. Where are you going to get the money for all that?”

Cole looked over at Jack.

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Jack recoiled in his seat. “You want the foundation to pay for this?”
“Come on. These kids need us. Half of them can’t even read a recipe. And it’s not like the words

are difficult.”

The recipes they used in the program were simple and reformatted to an eighth-grade reading level.

Fancy cooking terms like chiffonade and rémoulade were never used. So, the fact that some of the
kids couldn’t read them was a big problem. But reading and building recreation facilities were two
entirely different things.

“We can’t save the world, Cole.” Neil was always the last to get on board with an idea—unless it

was his own. Then he worked balls to the wall until the idea became a reality.

“Why not? Someone saved us. Why can’t we save others? It’s our turn to give back.”
No matter how much good they did, it would never be enough. Not for Cole.
“We may be fortunate, but we can’t do everything.” Jack folded Cole’s poor excuse for a proposal

in half and laid it on the table.

Cole glared at Neil. “We certainly seemed to move forward with your monstrosity of a restaurant.”

Just a few weeks ago they’d held the grand opening of the Madewood Farm project, which had been
almost two years in the making. “Why is there money for that and no money for a good cause?”

“You know exactly why. Those funds were from the business and not the foundation,” Neil ground

out. “It’s different.”

“Then where am I supposed to get the money from?” Cole was becoming increasingly agitated with

each word he spoke. The more Jack and Neil challenged him, the more passionate he became. They
all had a soft spot for kids in need. Not only because they knew firsthand about the challenges those
kids faced, but because their mother made sure they never forgot how lucky they were—and how, if
you have the means to change someone’s life for the better, you should do it.

Cole looked up from the table right at Finn. The usual brooding mien that masked his brother’s

every move had been replaced with a desperation unlike he’d ever seen before. This murder had hit
Cole hard. To the very core of his being.

“Let’s take some time,” Finn said. Mr. Mediator to the rescue . Again. “Let’s get some proposals


“Hell. Even Jack was more prepared than this,” Neil said with a grunt.
Finn glared across the table at him. He wasn’t helping. Neil nodded in acknowledgment. He’d shut

up now.

Jack had transformed immensely over the last year. Thanks to his bride-to-be, Sterling, of course.

But he’d also come a long way all on his own, and had solidified his place as the fund-raiser of the
group. Which was probably why Cole was so angry.

“Why don’t you get Penn to help you brainstorm some new fund-raisers and get a business proposal

ready that Jack can take back to the lawyers and the accountant?” Finn suggested. This was all moving
too fast for his liking. He couldn’t get on board with an idea born out of emotional distress. He
peered over at Jack, who hadn’t lifted his gaze from the floor for the last two minutes. “Jack, are you
willing to do that?”

Jack nodded. “Yeah.”
“I already have the start-up costs covered.” Cole dropped his papers on the table with a thunk.
“You’re going to use your own money for this?” Neil’s expression gave away his distaste.
“Why not? Mom left us with enough money to live ten lifetimes.”

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“How much money are you willing to give up to make this happen?” Finn asked.
Without hesitation, Cole answered, “As much as it takes.”
His answer told Finn everything they needed to know. Cole was desperate and not thinking clearly.
“Fool.” Neil leaned forward, kicking out one leg in front of him and letting his chest rest on the

chair back.

Gloria just sat there in shock. She’d probably never seen them so tense with one another. She’d no

doubt never seen Cole so…passionate about a topic, either.

And this discussion had the potential to erupt to a level even Finn wouldn’t be able to control.
Time for Mr. Mediator to rein them all in. “We’re tabling this idea for now. Meanwhile, let’s all

think seriously about how we can make it happen.”

“Whatever.” Cole grunted, swiped up his documents, and stormed out of the room.
Jack stood, but Neil put his hand on his arm to keep him from following. When Cole got into one of

his moods it was best to leave him alone. All four brothers carried guilt. They all wrestled with
similar demons. But Cole’s seemed to be the darkest and most haunting.

The back door banged shut after him, and they all cringed.
“He’s not going to let this go, is he?” Jack asked.
“Just let him cool down for a couple of days,” Finn said.
“I’ll text Penn and let her know to expect a ranting phone call or visit.” Neil pulled his phone out of

the inner pocket of his suit.

“Good idea,” Finn answered.
For some reason, Penn was one of the few people who could talk him down off a cliff. That Cole

was smitten was utterly obvious to everyone but himself. The man had issues. Hell, who didn’t?

Gloria rustled inside her purse. “I expected this meeting to be civil, and I am reluctant to bring this

up without Cole here, but the news is just too big to keep a secret.”

She smiled wide and laid a piece of paper on the table. “The National Philanthropy Association

has honored our Jack with the Young Philanthropists Award.”

“You’re not serious,” Jack said. He picked up the letter and read it over. “Me? A philanthropy


Neil stood and patted Jack on the back. “Good boy, Jackie. You’ve worked really hard this year.

You deserve it.”

“Wow. This is going to bring really big attention to the foundation and to the Cooking for the Future

program. Awesome.”

“Congratulations, Jack,” Finn said. He knew how important an award like this could be for the

foundation. But he couldn’t help feeling a spurt of impatience. His brothers valued the public
accolades far more than he did. And okay, maybe there was a tiny twinge of envy, too. Everyone
seemed to be recognized for their good deeds except for Finn. It would be nice if his hard work were
acknowledged just once. But hell, there were more important things than awards…like family and

Speak of the devil. He looked up as Mark walked into the dining room dressed in jeans and button-

down shirt. It was one of only a few times since their early twenties that Finn had seen him not
wearing a suit. “Sorry I’m late. I got stuck waiting for the train.”

Mark peeked around Jack and smiled, “Hello, Gloria.”
She returned his greeting with a tiny wave of her fingers.

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Like Neil, Mark was a businessman to the core. But unlike Neil, Mark was truly corporate. He

worked for an advertising agency in Vancouver, specializing in fashion.

Jack acknowledged Mark with a shake of his head. “What are you doing here?”
“Cole sent me a text. He said he needed my advertising expertise.” Mark rocked back on his heels

and his eyes darted from one person to another. “Where is he? I don’t have much time. We’re
dropping Ali off at school this afternoon.”

“That boy is getting way ahead of himself.” Neil gripped the back of the chair he was still

straddling. “He’s already thinking about advertising.”

“Did I miss something?” Mark asked hesitantly.
Jack fiddled with the paper evidence that Cole had just visited Crazy Town. “Just Cole flying off

the rails.”

Mark blew out a long breath. “Haven’t seen one of those in a while.”
Jack shook his head. “It wasn’t pretty.”
Finn’s stomach growled. The loud sort of growl that caused Neil to look over and snicker. “Since

we’re here, why don’t we have a celebratory breakfast?” He smiled at Jack.

“But Cole left.” Jack eyed the exit to the back door.
Cole clearly wasn’t coming back. Not anytime soon. And since it was still midmorning, they

wouldn’t be in the way of Cole’s staff. “Bistro has a kitchen full of food and I’m starving,” Finn said.

Neil grinned. “What else is new?”
“Besides, I think we should ditch the drama and talk instead about organizing a bachelor party for

this fool.” He poked a finger at Jack.

Gloria rose. “You boys have fun. I have a few errands to run.”
Once Gloria had left, the four men assembled in the kitchen and Finn barked out orders. “Neil,

you’re in charge of bacon. Jack, hash browns. I’ll make the eggs.”

“What should I do?” Mark asked.
He looked over at Neil and Jack, who both averted their heads to hide their fits of laughter. Mark,

just like his sister, was a disaster in the kitchen.

“How about you go find some fruit?”
Mark’s face lit up and he jogged to the walk-in fridge.
“No running in the kitchen,” Neil called sternly.
Mark stopped abruptly and turned with a frown. The brothers all laughed.
“You guys are assholes.” Shaking his head, Mark disappeared into the fridge.
Neil placed an entire pound of bacon on the flat-top grill. “So Ali’s off to school today?”
“We leave in a couple of hours,” Mark called back. “The kid’s all packed. Hell, she’s been packed

since June.”

“Remember when we dropped you off at college, Neil?” Jack said. The stainless steel knife he

held sliced through a baked potato, cutting it into small cubes. “You had six girls’ phone numbers
written down before Mom even made your bed.”

“It was eight.” Neil smiled, glancing up at the ceiling remembering the good old days. “And I got

three more before she left to drive home.”

Mark reemerged with an armful of fruit. “Maybe I should start street racing like you. Get me some

more chicks.”

Jack laughed while he slid a pile of diced onions off the knife into a pan. His hand came up to

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defend himself when a piece of uncooked bacon hit him in the shoulder.

“Not funny.” Neil glared at Jack. It was only a few weeks ago he’d done time in the hospital

because he’d crashed his bike.

Finn added some milk to a bowl where he’d cracked eight eggs. He seasoned the mixture, whipped

it a bit, then poured it into a pan. “Or you could put out a sex tape,” Finn suggested. He couldn’t resist
giving his oldest brother a hard time.

Prior to the opening of their flagship restaurant, the Madewood Farm, Neil had been the victim of a

sex tape scandal. He and his then-employee and now steady girlfriend, Carson Kelly, had…
christened…the new restaurant—and not by breaking in a new appliance. But they’d had an audience.
It had gotten 2.2 million views on a gossip blog before they’d managed to have it taken down.

“Hey! You could give him pointers, couldn’t you, King?” Jack drawled.
Neil growled and made a rude gesture. The sex tape was still a sore subject. And he hated when

they used his nickname. It had been given to him because, being the oldest, he tended to act like he
was boss. But despite his hatred of it, it really was the perfect nickname with the way Neil strode
around, always on top of the world.

“Everyone has access to a damn camera.” Neil angrily flipped over a few strips of bacon sizzling

on the flat-top.

“True.” Mark frowned. “Hell, even kids have cameras on their cell phones. One more reason

Veronica is so done with raising— Ouch!” He brought his thumb up to his mouth and sucked on a
drop of blood. “Why did you give me the hard job?”

Neil joined Jack in a hearty laugh. But Finn’s ears had perked up. He needed more information.
“Veronica’s done? With what?”
Mark fiddled with the wrapping of a Band-Aid he removed from the first aid kit hanging by the

door. “With raising kids. She’s been looking forward to the rug rats moving out and beginning their
own lives, so she can finally start hers. She says she’s done a damn good job with them, and now it’s
time to enjoy being a single businesswoman again. No more kids for her.”

Finn raised his head slowly from where he’d been concentrating on the burner. “What do you mean

no more kids?”

This was…a new development.
“She’s done with children. She doesn’t want any more kids.” Mark returned the kit to its place by

the door. “Makes sense. She’s spent her entire twenties taking care of Cal and Ali when she should
have been dating and drinking, doing every stupid thing she could think of.”

Finn stared at his best friend in shock. Wow. Talk about being oblivious. Finn had no idea about

this monumental change of heart in the woman he was about to plunge into a relationship with.

Or…not so much a relationship. That word had never come up. She’d told him she wanted to

practice fucking—and, well, it all made sense now. Because she knew very well how he felt about a
family of his own. He wanted one more than anything else in the world.

Now that the smell of bacon had infused the kitchen, it made Finn’s stomach growl harder, and

more frequently. But his hunger was no longer the most pressing issue.

This new development just meant no matter what transpired between them in the bedroom, their…

sexcapades…would never, not in a million years, turn into something more. And not just because she
was his best friend’s little sister and therefore off-limits. But because apparently it would never
work. They were clearly on two different paths.

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According to Mark. But what the hell did he know? Cal’s separation anxiety was so transparent.

And he just didn’t see it.

No. This just didn’t make sense. Finn knew Veronica wanted a family of her own. He knew,

because she’d told him. She’d dreamed of the family she’d never had, just as he did. Raising two
teenagers couldn’t have changed her outlook so significantly.

Could it?
“I don’t believe that,” he told Mark, and shook his head. “She’ll change her mind. You’ll see.”
“You sure?” Mark questioned.
Finn was positive. Even if she had changed her mind, Finn would have to change it back.
Not for him. But for Veronica. He wouldn’t let her give up on her childhood dream. Or the joy of

holding her own child in her arms. Siblings were great—the best. But having a baby of your own…
that had to be the greatest feeling in the world.

“It’s so beautiful here. Even nicer in the fall.” Ali twirled around with her arms out and took a deep

Veronica had never seen her sister so happy. She wasn’t a scared little girl anymore. She was well

on her way to becoming a young woman—already was a young woman. And Veronica took credit for
that. It was easy raising a girl. She knew exactly how her sister felt, what demons plagued her, even
what advice to give. She had taught Ali everything she wished she’d known when she was a teenager.
And her strategy had worked out well.

Cal, on the other hand… He was a mystery.
They had parked in front of the university’s residence building where Ali was going to live. The

gray brick was covered with ivy. People rushed around. First-years radiated excitement, with bright
smiles on their faces. But there were a lot of sad-looking parents.

Mark and Cal unloaded the trunk, piling Ali’s suitcases and boxes on the curb. Ali didn’t help. She

merely stood, taking in her surroundings, watching over everything.

“Maybe I should rethink my decision.” Cal’s voice caught Veronica’s attention. She watched as he

contorted his body, keeping his eyes pinned to a random blond girl’s behind. “Seems like university
might be fun, after all.”

The girl smiled over her shoulder and Cal straightened, flashing a goofy grin. Was it really that

simple? Even an eighteen-year-old girl knew how to seduce a guy with a simple smile. Maybe
Veronica should be taking lessons from her.

Mark clapped him on the shoulder. “Too late. You’re a working man now.”
Cal was quick to wiggle away from his embrace, and Mark frowned. He was trying. Even

Veronica could see Mark was really trying to fix whatever had been broken between him and Cal.
Too bad he had no idea what it was.

When all of Ali’s things were out of the car, Mark parked in the lot, then joined them. They carried

Ali’s things to room 409, weaving between running teenagers and yelling parents. Everything was
painted white. The floors, the walls, the ceiling. Remembering wryly back to the first time she had
visited Mark in his dorm so many years ago, Veronica surveyed the teenagers and wondered which of
them would be the first to puke.

“Al, do you think you could take a bag?” Cal whined from the back of the group.

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Ali gripped her map and admission papers. “I’m busy.”
Cal cursed under his breath and grunted as he readjusted the two backpacks he held in one hand.
When they got to her room, her roommate, Lily Chamberlain, had already claimed the right side.

The two girls chatted and giggled together for the first time. It looked like a good match had been
made. Lily’s parents, a middle-aged couple from the Hamilton area, smiled sweetly at them while Cal
sat on the bed fiddling with his cell phone and ignoring everyone.

The room held two beds and two desks. The far wall was all window. Two tall dressers sat on

either side of the door, and they each had a bulletin board above their bed. The walls in the rooms
were also stark white. It had zero personality, like all university residence halls. Ali and Lily would
have to make the room their own.

Veronica helped make the bed with the pink-and-white duvet they had purchased together at the

beginning of the summer. It matched Ali’s favorite fuzzy pink throw pillow. When her room was
somewhat settled, and Lily and her parents had left them alone, the four of them stood in a circle.
Despite the many days they had spent together over the summer, over the last eight years, it just hadn’t
been enough.

As Veronica watched her little family, her throat tightened and her chest grew heavy. This was the

last time the family would be whole for a few months. That thought nearly triggered the waterworks
she had been holding at bay all afternoon.

“I guess we should get going,” Mark said. “We have a long drive.”
They didn’t. London was only two hours away. But it was going to seem like a thousand miles.
Mark kissed the top of Ali’s head and whispered in her ear. A tiny smile curved the corner of her


When Mark had stepped aside, Veronica wasted no time. She engulfed her sister in a huge hug,

tears falling down her cheeks. As she held her in her arms, the world around them spun away. That
kid had grounded her—both kids had given her a sense of love she had never expected to feel before
they became a family. And because of that, her heart was now breaking. How could she ever have
wanted them to leave?

With a kiss to Ali’s temple, she choked out the words, “I love you.”
Ali hugged her tighter. “I love you, too, Ronnie.”
She refused to pull away, whispering into Ali’s hair. “Be careful. And study hard. I’m only a phone

call away. Anything you need.”

“I know.”
Ali wiggled out of her embrace. Too soon. But Veronica let her go. She had to. It was time.
She huddled with Mark by the door while Cal kicked his foot at the beige carpet.
“I wish you were staying with me,” Ali said. A look of sadness fell over her face. A more intense

longing even than when she’d hugged Veronica and Mark.

For the first time, Veronica felt like an outsider. The bond between the two kids had never been

more apparent. It reminded her of her own relationship with Mark.

“Maybe next year,” Cal whispered. He shoved his hands in his pockets and finally peered at his

sister. “Look, don’t go crazy just because you no longer have the warden watching over you.”

“Hey.” Veronica’s head snapped up. “I’m nothing like a warden. An uptight correctional officer,

maybe, but not a warden.”

Mark squeezed her closer and kissed the top of her head with a chuckle.

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But she couldn’t manage a laugh. This was awful. This feeling inside. She was happy she would

only have to do it maybe once more with Cal. She didn’t think she could handle having to say good-
bye to another child. Her baby had grown up and spread her wings. Because this was Ali’s entry into
the real world. She may return for a few months every year and visit on holidays, but she might never
come back permanently. And that left an achy feeling, a heartsick feeling in the pit of Veronica’s
stomach, despite wanting so desperately to have her life back.

Cal continued to lecture his sister. “Remember, guys are only trying to screw you.” This time he

stood straight, believing strongly in his words. “I don’t care what they tell you, I don’t care how nice
you think they are. All we think about is our dick.” He pointed down at his own. “And where we can
stick it.”

Eww,” Ali said, her face curling up in disgust. “Nice mental picture.”
Thank heavens. If she thought boy bits were disgusting, it meant she was still a virgin. Which meant

she’d be studying instead of letting a boy manipulate her into drinking too much and doing things she
shouldn’t be. Veronica celebrated, but on the inside.

“I’m serious, geek.” Cal grabbed Ali’s arms and steadied her.
They were witnessing the protective older brother routine. Veronica had experienced it before with

Mark, but Cal’s intensity and determination to make Ali listen was surprising. He was usually so
noncommittal with his words. Everything was a joke. But not this time.

“Keep your pants on, because if I find out one of these pricks hurt you I will hunt him down. Do

you understand me?”

Ali nodded and lifted her hand to brush his floppy hair away from his face. They had been through

so much together before showing up on Veronica’s doorstep.

“I love you, Cal. You’ll come and visit, right?”
Cal smiled wide. “You know it. Someone’s gotta teach these geeks how to party.”
Ali laughed and hugged him tight, tears falling down her cheeks. In a surprisingly gentle move, Cal

ran his hand down her hair.

Mark cleared his throat. “We should get going.”
Veronica looked over at her older brother. His face had flushed red and his eyes were bloodshot.

He was doing his best to hold back the tears. Wow. He’d only cried a handful of times in his life.

“Bye, family.” Ali clasped her hands in front of her, excitement and fear dancing in her eyes. But

despite conflicting emotions, there was no question she knew she was exactly where she belonged.

“Have fun,” Mark said as he walked out the door.
“Not too much fun,” Cal yelled on his way out.
Veronica didn’t say a word as she took in the image of her little sister, all grown up, ready to start

this new chapter in her life.

Her own battle of excitement and fear waged inside her and Veronica wondered if this was also

her moment to start a new chapter in hers.

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Chapter Six

At the knock, Veronica waited five beats before she opened the front door. She didn’t want to seem
too eager, even though she’d been sitting on her staircase for the last thirty minutes waiting for Finn to

Two days had gone by at an exceptional snail’s pace, but the night had finally arrived.
Cal was at work, and Mark, well, he’d mumbled something about not coming home at all before

loping out the door a few hours earlier.

Tonight was the night she would put her research to the test. Tonight she would finally have Finn

O’Reilly the way she had always dreamed. Naked. And whispering her name.

She checked herself in the hall mirror and smoothed down the front of her silver blouse, pulling

down the ends to maximize the effect of the thick belt that wrapped around her waist. She smoothed
down her hair and pursed her lips. Madison had stopped by and taken control of her pre-date beauty
preparations, making Veronica virtually unrecognizable. But she had to admit, she loved what she

She opened the door and cocked her hip, trying her best to mimic the sexy stance Madison had

spent half an hour trying to get across.

Her breath caught at the sight of Finn filling up the entire doorway. To her pleasure, his mouth

gaped just a tiny bit when she opened the door. But as good as she’d thought she looked when she had
quadruple-checked herself in the mirror, he was a total knockout.

She’d always had a preference for him in his chef’s coat, but tonight, dressed in dark jeans and

white running shoes, he was skirting the edge of badass. His T-shirt peeked out from the vee of his
button-down shirt, which he probably put on to “dress up” for her. But he could have shown up in a
garbage bag and she would have found him just as smokin’ hot.

“You are—” He didn’t finish his sentence, but the hard breath he released and the way his eyes

took in every inch of her body spoke volumes.

Point Veronica. Madison had done the job.
“So, my ambition to seduce you with just one look worked?”
“Half a look.” He brought his hand up to his chest. “I’m just noticing those boots.”
Her pulse quickened when the muscles in his jaw rippled and tightened. She coaxed him inside

with a wave. “Come in.”

“Thanks.” He stepped over the threshold, his hard body brushing past her as he entered her home.

She closed the door, but without turning aside her gaze. His backside was far too sexy to ignore.

“I guess being in charge has its perks. Cal working on your night off, and all.” She knew she was

playing coy. Even though she had been the one to demand he rearrange his schedule to accommodate

He moved closer and her breath caught. “I’m not going to lie and say I haven’t been looking

forward to this. More than I should. And I will do whatever it takes to go through with our deal. Even
if it means working Cal into the ground.”

She chuckled. “I have no problem with that. He needs…something.” Her problems with Cal hadn’t

improved any, now that Ali had gone off to school. Veronica wasn’t expecting miracles.

“How about we forget it all for tonight?” He checked his watch. “At least for the next seven


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It sounded like heaven.
“Come with me, Mr. O’Reilly. I have a scrumptious dinner waiting for you.”
Before she turned, he grabbed her hand. Heat, fast and steady, overwhelmed her. His eyes gave

away his hunger, but it wasn’t for whatever she had cooking in the kitchen.

She cleared her throat and guided him, hand in hand, to her kitchen.
“It smells good in here.” He stopped in the doorway. “You know, I’ve never had a woman cook for

me before.”

She continued to the stove. “If I didn’t already know you, I’d probably be too scared to. But

considering you’ve eaten my glue-like macaroni and cheese since you were thirteen, it can’t get much
worse, right?”

“Oh, I don’t know.” He crossed his arms over his chest and made a face. “Those shrimp are pretty


“What?” Sweat broke out across her body. She searched the counter for a pair of tongs. Damn

utensils, they suddenly all looked the same. Finally, she grabbed a fork and pierced a shrimp, lifting it
up for inspection.

“That’s impossible. I followed the recipe.” She picked up the printout. She’d found it on one of the

more popular internet foodie sites. “It says to cook them for twelve minutes.”

She knew he’d moved closer when the warmth of his body surrounded her. The heat from the stove

was nothing compared to his.

“Twelve minutes?” He snorted. “Let me see that.” He grabbed the recipe from her hand.
“I followed the directions,” she insisted. Shit! Was she whining? Get a grip, Veronica. She

cleared her throat and lowered her voice. “The recipe said twelve minutes a side.”

She’d really wanted to impress him, even if only a little. But the only thing impressive about her

was her outfit—and she hadn’t even coordinated that on her own.

He gave a hearty, sexy laugh. “Take a closer look at the recipe.” He held it up and pointed to the

twelve. The longer she peered at it, the more her stomach turned with embarrassment.

She flicked at the paper, and the number one flew to the kitchen floor. She cursed under her breath.

Two minutes a side.”

Way ahead of her, Finn turned off the gas and pulled the pan off the burner.
She’d known this kitchen was a waste. Even the appliances laughed at her every time she touched


She groaned. “What am I supposed to do now? I’ve got scampi but no shrimp.”
He shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. We can just order in.”
“No!” She turned and grabbed the edges of the counter. “I wanted to cook for you.”
After a long pause, he finally spoke. “I think you should just stick with stripping. Clearly it’s your


She blinked, then a laugh burst out of her. He’d always known just what to say to make her feel

better. Even when she screwed up, and in the most stupid ways, he’d always had the ability to make
her feel steady. Or when the world was spinning out of control. Like when she had been taken away
from everything she’d known and sent to live with strangers…he was the one who had talked her into
giving it a try. On that day, he’d promised he would visit her. And he had, with her brother and Cole
in tow, even when they weren’t supposed to leave the confines of their group home.

“How do you always know exactly the right thing to say?”

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He shrugged. “I don’t. I just…say whatever comes to mind.”
He didn’t give himself enough credit. He did know. And it wasn’t whatever came to mind. She’d

seen him in action. With other foster kids, with his staff, with the kids in the program. He had a knack
for taking people under his wing and showing them how to shine. That’s what made him special. How
could he not know that?

“So, I’ve ruined dinner. What do you want to do?”
He walked by her on his way to the fridge. When he opened the door, he leaned against the edge,

his perfect, hard ass on display, just begging for her to touch.

“Seriously, you have children living with you, and this is the barest fridge I’ve ever seen.”
She shrugged. “The freezer’s full.”
He shook his head and smiled. “Cream cheese and carrots.” He stared into the fridge for a minute.

She knew the wheels were turning.

He headed to the pantry and rooted around, pulling out flour, sugar, and cinnamon. “How about we

eat dessert first?”

She licked her lips. “Yes, please.”
He helped clean up the counter from her disastrous mess, then gathered all of the ingredients he

needed. “Do you have a cake pan?”

She stood silent. She had no idea.
He laughed. “Can you look for one?”
She searched in the cupboard next to the stove and squealed from below as if she’d just won the

million-dollar jackpot. “I found one!” She pulled out a nonstick cake pan still in the wrapping. Who

When she placed it triumphantly on the counter, he shook his head with a smile. “What? I don’t

bake. Sue me.”

“Come over here.” His simple command sent a shiver down her spine. “We’re going to make a

carrot cake.”

“Oh, yum.”
As he finished measuring out all the ingredients, she did as she was directed, grating the carrots.

Then he got busy using his biceps to whisk sugar, eggs, and milk in a bowl.

“Add in the dry ingredients,” he directed.
She picked up the bowl of flour, salt, baking soda, and cinnamon, and dumped half the bowl into

his. A puff of white dust swirled around them.

He pulled away his bowl. “A little slower.”
“This seems pretty complicated for a cake.”
As he continued to stir together the ingredients, she tossed the overcooked shrimp into the garbage

with a huff of regret and embarrassment. What a waste.

“That’s how we learn.”
She turned. “Hmm?”
“Making mistakes with our cooking. It’s how we learn.”
“Yes, but I was just thinking about all of the kids we used to know who didn’t even have a piece of

bread to eat, and here I am throwing out perfectly good food because of my own stupidity.”

He stopped stirring and gazed over at her. “Do you think we’ll ever get over the guilt?”
She placed the dirty pan into the sink. “I don’t know. It would be nice.”

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He nodded. “Cole flew off the handle yesterday because one of the kids in the program was

stabbed trying to steal food.”

Her stomach tightened with a feeling of déjà vu. Cole used to have to steal food. Sometimes it was

the only way he could eat.

“He called an emergency meeting of the foundation and demanded we open a boys and girls club.”
“Is that something you can do?”
Finn let out a heavy breath and his shoulders sank into his body. “I don’t know. It’s being

considered. I just don’t know if I agree. At least not yet.”

“You don’t agree?” She gave a laugh of surprise. “A new position for you.”
He dropped the whisk into the bowl and turned. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
She turned to face him and rested her hip against the island. “You never have an opinion. Finn Go-

With-The-Flow O’Reilly, that’s you.”

He shrugged. “I don’t like making waves.”
“You think I don’t know what goes on in that beautiful mind of yours.” She knew exactly why he

didn’t want to make waves. After living with Vivian Madewood for years, even after becoming a
man, he woke up every day with the fear that Vivian would one day tell him she was done and move
on. Veronica walked closer and placed her hand on his cheek. “Sweet Finn. Always more concerned
about other peoples’ feelings than your own.”

He stood silent for a moment, then spoke, his eyes never leaving hers. “I don’t need fancy

foundations or monstrous facilities to make a contribution. I don’t need any of that.”

He returned to his carrot cake. “I’m content making my own contribution in my own quiet way.

Helping a few kids at a time in the program. Bringing happiness to peoples’ lives through food and

She loved Cole. Had grown to love Jack and Neil. But seeing the way all three of them made this

wonderful man feel inadequate just wasn’t right. He didn’t say so. Would never say so. But she could
see it in the little-boy vulnerability that sneaked across his face when he thought no one was looking.

She walked over and leaned into him. “You’re the rock, the control factor, the constant to your

brothers’ ever-changing moods and grand ideas.” How dare they think he was any less important, any
less successful than they were, just because he didn’t boast about it? In her eyes, he was the most
amazing man who ever lived. He needed to realize that. “It’s time you stopped playing the dutiful son
and brother. Just do what you want to do.”

He was contemplating her words, she could tell. He swallowed hard; his Adam’s apple bobbed in

his throat. “Jack is the award-winning philanthropist. Neil is the lauded visionary. Cole is the
idealistic activist. Who am I if not the dutiful one?”

“You’re an excellent chef. And an amazing mentor to all those kids you teach. What could be better

than that?”

He grunted, but she could see that her words made him stand a little taller. “Maybe I should

become a licensed mediator. Who else is going to make sure my brothers don’t kill each other?”

They exchanged wry smiles. It seemed they’d both hit a personal standstill. She craved to be more

than a boring mother figure, and he wanted to break free of being his brothers’ keeper.

Good grief. An existential crisis was not exactly what she had expected to encounter this evening.

Dinner. A little sex, maybe. Okay, a lot of sex. But definitely not a heart-to-heart.

She liked it. They had always been able to talk to each other growing up. Damn, she’d missed him

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these past years.

They steered away from the conversation long enough to finish making the cake. Their last task was

pouring the batter into the clean pan he had rubbed all over with butter.

She loved watching him cook. So sure of himself. So confident that everything he touched was in

his control. A shiver ran up her spine as her body shifted gears. Would he touch her in the same way?
With the same confidence and control?

“You’ve got a little something—” He interrupted her sensual thoughts with a swipe of his finger

against her cheek. It was covered with flour when he pulled his hand away.

She rubbed at her skin, but it only made him laugh. He pulled a tea towel off the oven handle and

wiped her cheek. When he was satisfied, he grabbed her hand and gently wiped away her messy
fingers with the rough fibers of the towel. His touch ignited a fire deep inside her. As he trailed his
finger along her forearm, excitement built, sharp and tingly in her stomach.

More and more her lips parted, the longer he kept their bodies in contact. She swiped her tongue

across her bottom lip. She tasted dry flour and saw desire clouding his eyes.

She placed her hand on his and stopped his motions. He dropped the towel, his hand immediately

reaching for her cheek. She let her head fall into his palm and savored the warm feel of his skin. But
there were so many other places she’d like his hand—both of his hands. And right now, they all ached
for his touch.

She was no shrinking violet. She knew where she needed him and how she needed him. And she

wasn’t going to waste one more minute on shy, conservative Veronica. She would channel June
Beaver and take the reins. Finally! Satisfying her lifelong crush with some good hot sex with the
object of her schoolgirl adoration was exactly what she needed. She’d spent too many years lusting
after a man she’d thought she could never have. But tonight, she would make him beg to get into her
pants. A small—and hopefully short-lived—victory, but she’d take it.

“Finn…you and I, we both need to break free of our ruts,” she murmured.
He tipped his head. “And you expect to find whatever we’re looking for in bed?”
She nodded. It was a start, anyway. “Yes, I do.” She stepped forward, backing him into the counter.

“Did you feel like a mediator when I was grinding on your lap in the alley?”

The seriousness that had darkened his gaze instantly vanished, replaced by a glitter of desire.

“Hell, no.”

“Stepping across the line felt good, didn’t it?”
Just as she had felt while she’d been up onstage before that. Something deep inside her had taken

over. Something powerful and sexy. Something not plain, boring Veronica. Which was exactly what
she’d needed.

“Break the rules with me, Finn,” she urged.
He needed the same thing. He needed to feel powerful, too. To have control over something in his

life that wasn’t tied to his brothers. Or even the kids he mentored.

And yeah, she knew exactly where he would find that power and control.
“Let me make this real easy for you,” she whispered.
“Yeah?” His eyes turned darker still as he listened intently, hanging on her every word.
She swept away a strand of his hair from his forehead. “Being with me is the one place you don’t

have to worry about anyone else’s feelings. I give you complete control. In my bed. You can take
what you want. You can do what you want, whenever you want.”

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His knuckles burned white at the strength of his grip on the edge of the counter. She had definitely

sparked his interest. Although, she was pretty certain she’d had it all along. But she had just sunk a
three-pointer. The ball was now in his court.

He gulped down a breath. “Handing over control is an excellent seduction tactic.”
Hmm. You have fantasies?” She leaned in closer, grazing her lips over his jawbone. “Well, I have

fantasies, too.”

He twitched, and a clatter sounded behind him. His elbow had knocked over a cup and some

utensils but he seemed unfazed by the racket. He reached back and his hand wrapped around a
silicone spatula. Finally, he met her gaze. His eyes were now a deep navy.

Suddenly she tensed. This unfamiliar expression was unnerving. It nearly knocked her off her game.
So she called upon June Beaver. But from deep inside, a little voice chided her. She was still

Veronica—boring, conservative, motherly Veronica. And what was sexy about that picture?

“Suddenly, I’m not hungry”—he held up the spatula and smiled, maintaining eye contact—“for

food.” His voice was rough and hinted at exciting things to come.

“What—” She had to clear her throat. “What are you hungry for?”
He leaned forward and grasped her chin between his thumb and forefinger. His mouth drew closer,

his breath caressing her chin. “You.”

Finn swallowed hard, then lowered his head, capturing Veronica’s lips in a kiss. Sweet, salty,
innocent, and feral, all wrapped into the press of his mouth to hers.

With one glance at a spatula, his vivid imagination had managed to start something he couldn’t take

back. Didn’t want to take back, ever.

Her hands traveled up his chest and connected behind his neck. He caressed her rib cage, then

moved his arms around her back. Lower and lower he caressed her, until he kneaded the tight flesh
she had squeezed into a black skirt.

His touch elicited a moan. A sexy, needy, pulse-pounding moan he’d longed to hear since his

feelings tipped over the line of friendship and set up camp in Inappropriateville. How this woman
turned his insides out.

She had put forth an enticing proposition. One he intended to accept, but he needed to make sure

she meant every word. They were sinking into dangerous territory, and he cared for her too much to
risk their friendship on misunderstandings. He pulled away and whispered, “Whatever I want?

She nodded, a breathless, “Yes,” whispering out of her mouth.
His smile turned wicked. “Not just in bed? But anywhere I say?”
She scrunched up her eyes and glanced around. “You mean…here? What fantasy could I possibly

fulfill in the kitchen? I think I just proved I’m a terrible cook.”

“Who said anything about cooking?” He traced the edge of the spatula down her throat with a sly

grin. “I’ve got the hardware. Do you have an apron?”

Her eyes widened as she focused on the utensil, but she nodded.
“Then, that’s all we need. For round one.”
“Yeah?” she squeaked.
He lifted a hand and caressed her cheek. She shuddered under his light touch, and he knew this was

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going to be a long and very satisfying night.

Sliding his finger down the side of her face to her chin, he tilted her head up so their eyes met.

“Don’t chicken out on me now, little one.”

She swallowed hard and his cock twitched in his jeans. Even her throat muscles’ contracting was


He knew he might have to take the reins firmly in hand at some point. But he didn’t think she would

hand them over completely. Without even knowing it, she had set the stage for one of his most vivid
fantasies. And it was about damn time it came true.

“Do you want to fulfill one of my favorite fantasies?”
She nodded.
“Good. You’re going to do everything I say. Starting with taking off all your clothes.”
Her breath caught.
“And when you’re totally naked, put on the apron and bend over the counter.”
He’d only dreamed of this a thousand times. And every time it was Veronica bent over the kitchen

table, her ass swaying back and forth, teasing him, begging for him to spank that delicious bottom.
And only when her skin was red and throbbing with need, her desire glistening between her legs,
would he position himself behind her. He smiled. “On second thought, keep the boots on. You’re
going to need the height.”

He stepped away and let her do her thing while he removed his button-down shirt and let it fall to

the floor. She undid the top button of her blouse, then the next, until the silky fabric gaped open,
revealing her black bra. With every button his desire grew more intense, his breath more labored,
than with the button before.

Next, she released the belt that wrapped around her waist and pulled it thorough the loops of the

black skirt. The thick silence of the moment only fueled the sexual tension between them. And when
her hands disappeared behind her back, the sound of the zipper’s descent played like a soundtrack to
their sexy times.

She turned slowly, pivoting on her right toe. Her skirt gaped open at the back to reveal a thong that

matched her bra. She pulled the garment down, revealing more and more creamy skin as she wiggled
out of it. Finally, the skirt slipped free and pooled around her feet. Beneath her boots, black stockings
encased her legs to mid-thigh, topped by a thick band of lace. An excellent addition to his fantasy.
And it might serve as a good resting place for the spatula between spankings.

With her skirt on the floor, her blouse hung free. The tiny strip of exposed skin from her belly to her

neck was sexier than any form of nakedness.

She removed the blouse slowly, torturously slowly. She had learned some valuable skills in that

burlesque class.

With every bit of clothing she took off, her hands trembled a little less. Her chest heaved a little

slower. Funny how she was more confident naked—in her own skin.

She worked diligently to do as he asked, and when she stilled, he admired her flawless skin and

beautiful curves. Two things she never put on public display. Until her night on stage. But this time it
was only for him.

“I said all of your clothes.” She was still only half naked.
She obeyed, removing the small scraps of lace. He had to hold back his desire. That night on stage,

she’d been partially covered, her sex hidden behind the skimpiest fabric imaginable, her pert nipples

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covered by tassels. But now, she was fully exposed. All of her. Every inch available for his viewing,
for his taking.

“Find an apron,” he commanded.
Without hesitation she rummaged through a drawer beside the stove.
“Slowly,” he ordered. He wanted to enjoy the way her breasts swayed back and forth with her

actions. To appreciate the unobstructed view he had between her legs.

Unfortunately, she was quick to find what she was looking for. She pulled out a pink apron.
“Put it on and come over to me.”
Her confidence had started to wane. A slight tremble shook her hands when she placed the strap

over her head and secured the ties around her waist. Her boots clicked on the tile, and with each step
closer, the scent of orange, of Veronica, surrounded him.

Positioning her in front of the kitchen island, he aligned his body with the back of hers. She pushed

back against him, putting pressure on his aching erection.

He brushed his fingers across her skin, starting at her neck and moving down to her shoulders, then

her arms, finally grasping her hands and placing them firmly on the counter.

The smooth line of her back was so delicate. The two dimples above her bottom incredibly sexy.

And the perfect round globes of her ass, with the softest luminescent skin he’d ever seen, was beyond
his dreams.

He reached for the spatula, his own hands trembling with excitement at the knowledge that his

fantasy was finally about to come true.

He ran the utensil slowly down her back in a straight line against her spine. When he got to her

bottom, he traced down the crease. Her response was a shiver and a tiny whimper.

“Bend over. Place your forearms on the counter and spread your legs.”
She was a model student. Minimum hesitation. Maximum obedience.
When she was ready, he tightened his grip around the handle. He stepped to the side, taking

position, as if stepping up to home plate. She glanced over her shoulder and their eyes met. She knew.
This fantasy wasn’t about pain. She knew he would never physically hurt her. It was about his control
and her obedience. And she wanted this, too—needed it as much as he did.

He took aim and followed through, the spatula hitting her bottom for the very first time with a


She gasped and tensed the moment it struck, but it was more sound and sting than actual pain. Her

hands fisted against the granite counter but he couldn’t take his eyes off of the warm crimson glow that
spread across her skin.

He made contact a second time. Her gasp was louder, the tension of her body less noticeable. She

opened herself up, laid her trust in his hands, knowing he would push her only so far, to the point
where the sting turned into a pleasure she’d never experienced.

“Veronica, look at me.”
She turned, letting her chin rest against her shoulder, and he was taken aback by the acceptance in

her gaze.

He’d never met a woman he felt comfortable enough to play with. To lower his guard and let her

see this side of his personality—the controlling, demanding, kinky side. He’d never expected
Veronica to be the one to cater to his sexual fantasies. Never in a million years. But the light in her
eyes made him wonder…he may not have been the only one harboring these fantasies.

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He returned his attention to her luscious behind. Each time the spatula made contact she pushed her

bottom back, her gasps turning into groans of need. The sight of her skin, the sound of her enjoyment,
it all sent an ache to places he desperately needed to sate, and gave him a rush of power he’d never
felt before. The kind that made him want to give her anything and everything, as long as it made her
feel good. The thought of being the person responsible for her pleasure was overwhelming, but

Even more exciting was the fact that she was enjoying this. A lot more than he’d anticipated. And

he was even more shocked when he noticed her hand creep down between her legs. When she cupped
her sex, three fingers disappeared between her folds and started to move, manipulating her most
sensitive area.

But as the man in charge of her pleasure for the night, he hadn’t told her she could remove her

hands from the counter.

He took the spatula and slid it between her thighs. With steady force, he moved her hand away,

which made her whimper.

“Please. Every time you smack my ass, it spasms,” she said breathily.
“What spasms?” He smacked her again when she remained silent. “Say it.”
“Please, Finn.” She moaned and her legs clasped tight around the spatula.
“If I want you to touch yourself, I’ll tell you. Otherwise, your pleasure is mine to control.” He

gathered her hair in his fist and pulled her back. “Do you understand?”

She nodded.
He removed a sleeve of condoms from his back pocket and placed it on the counter. He’d come

prepared. He’d known the night was going to end up in a tangle of limbs and sweaty bodies.

“You expecting guests?” She peered over her shoulder at the long strip of packets.
“Just you and me…and a whole lot of amazing sex.”
He undid his belt and released the zipper of his jeans, pulling out his erection. When he was

sheathed, he teased between her legs, rubbing his cock across her folds. She moaned when he pushed
a tiny bit inside.

She was the perfect height—the four inches of her boots made his final destination easy to access.

And the faster and harder he’d be able to fuck her.

He pushed in deeper, loving the feel of her heat molding and forming to accommodate him. When

he was buried to the hilt, he stilled. The reality of the situation had set in and excitement nearly
overwhelmed him. He was here. With Veronica. Balls-deep inside her sex. Heat spread through his
cock and his heart thumped ten times its normal speed. This was his every fantasy come to life.

He placed both hands on her ass cheeks, kneading the supple skin, and began to thrust. Each time he

pulled out, he smacked his hand down on her bottom. The crisp slap of flesh against flesh and her
cries of passion echoed through the kitchen.

He continued his assault on her core and ass cheek, and each time he touched her she trembled and

tightened around him, throwing her head back in ecstasy. The muscles in his neck grew taut as he
strained to keep himself from exploding. Because that’s all he wanted to do. Explode all over her hot,
red bottom. But she would come first. He would make sure of it. He would not allow their first time
together to be a letdown for her.

He grasped one of her legs and lifted it, changing the angle of their union, and she cried out in

appreciation. “Yes, just like that.”

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He thrust harder, faster, gritting his teeth, keeping his focus, wanting to give her an orgasm she’d

never forget. Ever.

Suddenly, her entire body contracted, and she screamed, “Yes, yes. God, Finn, yes!”
Her sex clamped onto his cock with such force he slammed his fist on the stone counter just to keep

himself from going off.

“My God,” she groaned, her breaths coming in gasps. She dropped her forehead onto the granite

countertop and she laid her palms flat against it.

He smiled. Tiny whimpers escaped her lips as he continued his thrusts. “My turn,” he gritted out.
He pulled out and whipped off the condom. In a sexy move, she tucked her cheek to her shoulder

and stared at him, puzzlement peeking from beneath her look of pure satisfaction. Her eyes widened at
the sight of him stroking his own cock. But it was the hungry swipe of her tongue across her bottom
lip that set him off. With a grunt, he released, the product of his pleasure hitting the tender pink flesh
of her ass.

Leaning forward, he planted wet openmouthed kisses up her back. When he clamped down on the

flesh between her neck and shoulder, she groaned. A few more of her moans and breathy whimpers
and he’d be ready to go again.

He used a kitchen towel to clean her bottom. The cream-colored fabric was a stark contrast to the

red splotches covering her ass from his spanking. When she was clean, she whirled around in his
arms and surprised him with a seductive kiss. What was once limp stirred to life.

He grabbed her and lifted. Instinctively, she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her

toward the staircase, but the little vixen had other plans. She slipped her hand between their bodies
and massaged his length while taking his mouth in a hard kiss. Her nipples cut like glass against his
chest through the thin layers of the apron and his T-shirt, and when she bit down on his bottom lip, the
stinging pleasure sent a spasm straight to his cock. And to his brain.

He pulled away from her kiss, letting his head fall forward to rest on her collarbone. But they were

far past the point of no return. They had already leaped, plunged headfirst over the cliff, and there
was no going back.

A twinge of guilt nagged in his chest. Was this the right decision?
She put her hands to his cheeks and lifted his head. When their eyes met, he was bowled over by

desire, appreciation, and—dare he believe?—love. He knew she loved him, in a big brother way—
that he knew for sure. But for the first time, the warm tingle of something more burned its way from
his cock to his heart. But he shook it off. They couldn’t give each other what they needed. And in the
end, that’s what mattered most of all.

He leaned in and kissed her, hot, sweet, and thorough. “I just needed a second.”
Stepping forward, he lowered her to the dark wood of the staircase. He knelt and pressed his

mouth to her belly as he pushed open her thighs. Moving south with his kisses, he made eye contact,
loving the heavy-lidded look of lust she wasn’t ashamed to show him.

He loved how she luxuriated at his touch. She settled back against the wooden risers, holding out

her arms and gripping the edge of the stairs as he moved down her body, letting his fingers flutter
down the length of her legs. She moaned the more he grated his stubbled cheek against her skin. She
put her hands on his head, grabbing his hair for balance as he licked the crease of her thigh. She
shivered more and more, the closer his mouth came to the spot he knew must crave his tongue. Her

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blatant need for him was the most erotic sight he’d ever seen.

When he finally found the hard bead of her clit, she lifted her hips, urging him, pleading with him.
His tongue licked a long line up her folds as he grasped his hands tightly around her hips. He

quickened his movements and latched his mouth over her sex, sucking until she teetered on the edge of

Sliding his hand up her body, he squeezed her breast as his tongue worked at her clit. She was

almost there. Almost—

She clamped her legs around his head and her fingers gripped the neck of his T-shirt. She pulled,

her strength ripping the cotton fabric as spasms rocked through her body.

It didn’t matter that they were in full view of anyone who might walk through the door. It didn’t

matter that this one night of fulfilled fantasies could change everything between them. They had left
that behind the minute he picked up that spatula. Hell, the minute he’d spotted her onstage.

He carried her to bed, laying them both under the covers to snuggle for a few minutes as they

recovered. Their time together was ticking by, and he needed to make sure he sneaked out before Cal
got home from work. He glanced at his watch. They still had plenty of time for round two, three,
maybe even five.

He drew her closer with a contented sigh. Holding on desperately to the fantasy that would turn

into a distant memory the moment he walked out the door.

“Don’t fall asleep,” she whispered.
He moaned and nestled further into her neck. “I won’t.”

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Chapter Seven

Veronica slowly came awake. She rolled over but didn’t end up on her back. Instead, she was
cradled against something warm and hard. And she suddenly remembered.

Finn O’Reilly.
In her bed.
Her body ached, in a good way—a just-been-fucked good way. A flutter danced in her stomach and

a wave of heat rushed over her body at the memory of their encounter. Encounters.

She had been amazed. Exhilarated that his dominance was a complete turn-on. And have mercy,

that spatula. She had expected pain upon contact but instead had been overwhelmed by a burning need
to touch herself, for him to sate her urgent need for release. She’d never be able to look at a spatula
again without sending a zing of pleasure straight to her clit. Good thing she didn’t actually cook.

Finn stirred, pulling her close to his body. His scent surrounded her, intoxicating her, pulling her

under his spell, even though they hadn’t even spoken. The sun peeked inside her room through the tiny
strip of window her horizontal blinds didn’t cover, and she wished she could turn around to admire
him in the morning light.

She tensed. Wait a damn minute.
It was morning. And he was still here. Shit. Shit. Shit.
His hand slithered down her back to her hip and gripped, his skin warm against hers. “Morning,”

he whispered against her ear.

She shivered and pressed her bottom backward against him. With one word, the man could make

her melt. With one word he could make her forget her name. And she almost did…until she heard the
toilet flush. The water rushed through the pipes in the wall behind them.

“Your heart is beating a mile a minute. What’s wrong?” he murmured.
“What’s wrong?” She craned her neck. “You fell asleep. It’s morning, and Cal is right out there.”
He tensed and lifted his head, cursing under his breath.
“Exactly.” How could he have forgotten? How could she have let him?
She wiggled out of his embrace and turned to face him. But in her maneuvering, the blanket fell

away, revealing his very naked, very sexy body—the smooth line of his chest, his defined abs. She
groaned. Why did he have to be so perfect?

But the movement of the blanket also brought the cool morning air. She cuddled up to him and

swung her leg over his hip.

“You keep wiggling with your legs open like that and you’re going to get a stiff surprise.”
She smiled. “I wouldn’t mind at all.”
“Is that so? Well, I’m ready when—”
A heavy knock sounded on the door. “Veronica. Is there a reason why you undressed in the kitchen

last night?” He opened the door. “The kitchen’s a—” Cal stood in the doorway, his jaw practically on
the ground.

She shot up, pulling the blanket to make sure she was completely covered. Shock quickly turned to

disgust when his gaze settled on her guest.

“Morning, Cal. Do you think you could give us a minute?” Finn drawled.
“Seriously?” Cal hissed. “This is why you left me to learn from your sous douche?”
Finn sat up, his bare chest for all to see. “Why is Chris a douche?”

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“I can’t look at this.” He slammed the door and yelled from the other side, “You’re damn lucky

Mark’s not home.”

She turned and searched out every inch of Finn’s face—the crinkles at the corners of his eyes, the

two “beauty” marks beneath his left ear. Finn. Her friend. Her lover. Her disaster waiting to happen.

“So much for sneaking out,” he muttered.
She willed her lip to stop quivering. Tears threatened to flood her eyes. From fear? From

happiness? From guilt? She was too overwhelmed to even process her emotions.

“Hey, what’s that face for?”
She’d never been able to hide anything from him, and she hated that. It was as if he could read her


“It’s the morning after.” She traced her finger over his chin. “We really did it.” She blew out a

long, hard breath. “Did we really just overlook almost twenty years of friendship and have mindless
monkey sex?”

He gave her the trademark Finn grin. The one that never failed to settle her down. “We better have,

because checking items off my fantasy list last night was the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” He
paused and contemplated his words. “Actually, the most fun ever.”

“I’m serious.” She pushed into him. “How are you feeling about all this?”
He exhaled, his grin fading to a thin smile.
Initiating the talk about feelings wasn’t the smartest thing she’d ever done. But she needed to know

where he stood.

“If you’re asking if I regret what we did last night,” he said, “then, no. I don’t regret one single

minute of it.”

Her heart fluttered and the aching knot in her stomach eased a little. “Even if I didn’t fulfill my

promise? I was supposed to seduce you. Not the other way around.”

“Hopefully, we’ll have plenty more opportunities for you to fulfill that promise.”
Hesitation darkened his features. Did he really think she was finished with him?
He smoothed a hand over her bottom. “I didn’t really give you an opportunity to fulfill your

promise. I sort of took over. As soon as I spotted the spatula, I had my own agenda.”

“You did have a very specific vision last night.” Palpitations thumped hard against her chest at the

thought of his hand making contact with her ass. Who knew that could feel so amazing? Yesterday, a
spatula was the rubber thing she used to mix the Kraft dinner. But today, she had a whole new
appreciation for kitchen equipment.

“Well, it was something I’d been fantasizing about for a very long time.” His hand rubbed her

cheek. “How does it feel back here?” He reached around and laid his hand on her bottom, taking
ownership of her body as he pulled her closer.

Surprisingly, it felt wonderful. A satisfying full-body ache, a physical reminder of their time

together. But her biggest question was, did she do his fantasy justice?

“Did the real thing live up to the fantasy?” She bit her bottom lip waiting for his response.
He reached out and stroked her cheek. “It was even better.”
She let out a soft sigh, expelling a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding in. “Good. Me, too.”
“So what are we going to do about Cal?” Finn folded the blanket at his waist and leaned back

against the headboard. And just like that, he’d brought them back to reality. “Do you think he’ll tell

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“No. Not if I ask him to keep quiet. But do you see how I have no privacy? He just barges in

anytime without knocking. Ali did the same thing.”

Not that she’d ever had anything for them to see. There were no unexpected guests or

compromising positions. Until this morning. Annoyance overwhelmed her, raising her body

“You might consider locking the door…”
She made a face at him. “I was so looking forward to a time when I wouldn’t have to worry about

locking a door. Having the house to myself. A life for myself.” She shook her head, strong in her
conviction. “I’ve enjoyed raising those kids, and even on the worst days I’ve really loved having a
family. But it’s time for me now. I need to find myself and my place in the world. I never got that

On the one hand, she was upset with Cal for ruining her plans. And for his knee-jerk decision to

defer university, plunging his whole future into question. But on the other, what had she done wrong
as a parent figure to prevent Cal from moving on? To start his own life free of her hovering and
warden-like tendencies—or so he always told her? What did she have to do to help him cut the ties
and take responsibility for his own life? She couldn’t be his security blanket forever. Nor he and Ali,

As if he couldn’t get away fast enough, Finn scooted away from her to the edge of the bed. “So, it’s

true. And here I thought Mark was mistaken.”

“What do you mean? About what?”
“Last I heard, you wanted kids of your own. Like I do. But Mark seems to think that isn’t the case.”
Why was her whole family suddenly all up in her business? “Mark talks about me?”
Finn shrugged. “It just sort of came up.”
“Well—” Mark was right. He’d been around for some of her major kid rants. Finn didn’t see the

behind-the-scenes action. “I already have my family. And I’ve also seen what marriage and babies
can do to people. To relationships. I want a man who will walk beside me and enjoy life…just the
two of us, without all those complications.”

He shook his head. “I know you, Veronica. You confided in me, remember?”
She remembered. Growing up, he’d needed to be sure she wasn’t enduring horrible things at the

hands of creepy foster parents. So he’d pried. Probably a lot more than she should have let him.

All those years ago, she had wanted a family, wanted the normal life orphan and foster children

dreamed of every day and every night. But things change. People move on. And her eight-year stint
with motherhood was all she needed.

“I gave up on that idea a long time ago. When I was little I dreamed of being whisked off my feet,

saved by a man who’d deliver me from my life of neglect and isolation. But that didn’t happen. I
delivered myself. And as for children… Hell, teenagers are tough enough. I can’t even imagine
babies. I gave Cal and Ali everything, eight years of my life, and I’m so glad I did. But now it’s time
for me to go back and fulfill my other dreams—travel the world, grow my business, have fun on my
own for a while without the ever-present responsibility. Maybe in another decade or two I’d be ready
again…but it’ll be too late then.”

He looked genuinely mystified. “Don’t you want to be happy?”
“Shame on you.” She sat up, hugging the blanket to her chest. “Pretty arrogant to think I can only be

happy with a husband and children in my life. Are you going to marry me? Sweep me off my feet and

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take all my troubles away?”

His silence told her everything she needed to know. “I didn’t think so.”
But she had a feeling there was more going on inside that beautiful head of his.
He said with an oddly neutral gaze, “You’re right. We’re just…fucking. Nothing more, nothing


She nodded. “That was the plan.”
“In that case…” He reached out and pulled down the sheet she had tugged to her chest. “When can I

see these again? I mean, you. When can I see you again?”

She laughed and smacked him on the arm. “Jerk.”
“I’m working at the restaurant the next two nights, but maybe after that?”
She frowned. “I’ll be in Niagara-on-the-Lake for a consultation. I won’t be around for a few days.”
He sat up straight. “I’ll come with you.”
Her stomach fluttered at the possibility of spending more time with him. Alone. No complications.

No one walking in on them. But it was a business trip. “That’s not the best idea. I’ll be working all
day. And you have to make sure Cal does his job at Carmel, and—”

Finn shook his head. “It’s probably best if I stay away from him for the next few days. Seeing as

he’s seen us together. Naked. In bed. It’s a little traumatizing, don’t you think?”

He made it sound like leaving town was a good idea, but she had no intention of taking him away

from his business, his life. “What about your restaurant?”

“Do you know how long it’s been since I’ve had a vacation? I could use one.”
She snorted. “Niagara isn’t exactly a vacation.”
“Are you kidding? It’s the honeymoon capital of the world.”
Her nipples hardened and she pulled the sheet up to cover her breasts again. “Funny.”
“Besides, it’s the closest thing I’m going to get. Plus it gives us the opportunity to be together

without any chance of getting caught. No sneaking around. No guilt. Just sex. Lots and lots of sex.” He

A weekend away without responsibility. Without having to think about Cal and Ali every minute,

wondering if they were alive and well. A weekend where all she had to focus on was expanding her

And Finn.
Cal would be at work, Ali was at school, and Mark would be around to keep the house intact. This

could be just another baby step in the right direction of reclaiming her life as an independent adult.

And also the perfect opportunity for her to surprise Finn with a little seduction of her own.

Something that would make him squirm with delight.

She grinned back. “I guess you could tag along. I will have the evenings free.”
He leaned back with a look of satisfaction. “It’s settled, then. When do we leave?”

From Finn’s seat at the bar, he had the perfect view of Veronica walking through the doors of the
Lake House restaurant, where they’d agreed to meet for dinner the first night of their mini-getaway.

She surveyed the crowd looking for him, her fingers wrung together in front of her body. She was

nervous about something. But what? She had no reason to be. They were all alone in Niagara.

For the very first time, he’d pulled rank and simply informed his staff he was taking a vacation.

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They didn’t even bat an eyelash. How many years had he sacrificed, thinking his employees needed
him? That just wasn’t the case. The realization had hit him hard, which was why he’d chosen this
specific restaurant. It was an opportunity to check in on one of his former students from the Cooking
for the Future program.

Often, after a session had been completed and a new one begun, his brothers all lost touch with

most of the previous students—except for the few Cole had hired for his restaurant. But Finn knew
exactly what each of his kids had been doing since they’d graduated. Which ones had pursued the
culinary arts, which ones went to university on scholarship, which ones regressed and decided they
didn’t want to make a better life for themselves.

Under his watch, it was only a handful of kids who had not reached their full potential.
They’d all had the potential to be or do anything—they didn’t have to enter the food industry. The

skills they’d learned in the program, while giving them a base with which to enter the culinary field,
could translate into any occupation. They learned leadership, organization, the ability to work in fast-
paced environments, delegation, and dealing with authority. A kitchen was a well-oiled machine. And
just like any business, it needed savvy individuals to keep it running smoothly.

But for now, Finn would push aside his insecurities about whether he was needed or not.
He planned to make the most of his alone time with Veronica. He returned his attention to his date,

who had made her way to the hostess desk, her palms placed firmly on the wood table. The hostess, a
petite blonde with glasses, pointed in his direction.

When she saw him through the crowd, she smiled, and he raised his glass in invitation. Now that

she had found him, her carriage was a little more confident, her gait a little more fluid. She flipped
her hair over her shoulder and settled her glasses on her nose. As she approached, she didn’t look
anywhere but at him. And he’d be lying if he didn’t admit the little black dress she’d squeezed her
luscious body into did things to his man parts that made him want to fling her over his shoulder and
caveman-carry her out to the car and have his wicked way with her.

And he had every indication she was thinking the exact same thing. Her desire danced like flames

in the depths of her chocolate eyes. It used to be that he saw only the cute little girl who used to
follow her brother around like a puppy. The cute little girl he had promised to keep safe. But those
services were no longer needed. Time to move on to more interesting promises…

The closer she got, the more confident she became. Could it be he was the reason for her

confidence? Or was it simply that she didn’t care about impressing him? Or maybe she was just glad
to see him.

“How was your consultation?” he asked as she sidled up next to him. He leaned forward and

placed a quick kiss on her lips, testing the waters of her PDA comfort level. But she held him there,
even placed her hand on his cheek and moaned, just loud enough that only he could hear.

When he pulled away, her entire face lit up and gleamed with happiness. “Excellent. They signed

on the dotted line.”

He smiled back, happy that she was just as committed to their alone time. He signaled the waiter to

bring her the drink he’d already ordered for her. “Then this can be a celebratory dinner.”

She shrugged nonchalantly. “It’s just a new client. No big deal.”
Her expression didn’t match her response. Was she just being modest? Or did she really not

understand her own potential? Even after all these years and all her successes, she still didn’t seem to
realize the extent of her accomplishments.

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“Anytime someone takes the time to solicit and book your business, it’s an honor,” he said.

“Especially a wedding—one of the most important days of a couple’s life. So, yes, it’s definitely a

She smiled. “I was hoping tonight’s dinner would be more along the lines of exploratory.”
He hiked a brow. “That sounds really clinical, and conjures images I don’t care to think about.” He

had no idea why his mind immediately thought of probes and forbidden areas.

She laughed. “Let me rephrase.” The bartender brought her drink. She took a sip, downing half the

liquid. “How about fulfilling a promise?”

She reached inside her purse and pulled out a small black item. She placed it on the bar and pushed

it over to him while sliding her tight behind onto the stool beside him.

It was a tiny remote control. The buttons moved from high to low, pulse to vibrate. This was the

control to a vibrator. Hopefully a vibrator she had positioned somewhere interesting on her body.

He smiled, hoping his wicked thoughts shone right through. “Is this what I think it is?”
She nodded and squirmed in her seat, nibbling on her bottom lip.
“If I touch this button will I hear buzzing?”
Her shoulders shot up to her ears and she looked around the room. “God, I hope not”—she leaned

forward, lowering her voice—“but yes.”

The overwhelming urge to rip off her dress and inspect the gadget consumed every molecule of his

body. But he would take it slow. This was something to savor. Something to allow her to experience
in a very languid, torturous, heavenly way.

“You know what will happen when I take control of the remote, don’t you?”
She nodded again.
“That you won’t be able to stop me.”
“I don’t want to stop you.” Placing her hand on his leg, she leaned closer, her bottom sliding across

the barstool. “The other night you fulfilled a fantasy I didn’t even know I had. You took control. And I
loved it. But it’s your turn to fulfill a fantasy of mine. Wrong time, wrong place for an orgasm.
Inappropriate pleasure. Right here. In this restaurant.” She gave him a naughty smile. “I’m all yours.”

He tamped down a growl that rumbled in his chest. She was giving him control again. She’d

already let him spank her bottom to the point it turned bright crimson. And now, she was willing to
give him dominion over her again. But this time, she was bringing her own kink to the table. The more
time they spent together sexually, the more he suspected she was the perfect sexual partner. For him,

He had known she would be malleable—able to be molded and shaped into the kind of lover he

had always dreamed of.

But no. The perfect lover would also aspire to be the mother of his children. Too bad that was

never going to happen with Veronica.

He shook off his thoughts. There were more pressing matters at hand right now. Like giving her an

orgasm to remember.

Returning to their game, he asked, “You’ll do whatever I say?”
She responded with one slow nod of her head.
It was time put that to the test.
“Spread your legs.”
She straightened on the stool and snapped her legs shut in natural reaction.

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“I thought you would do whatever I asked?”
She swiped her hand over her head, straightening her hair. “I…I didn’t think it would be so soon.”
He picked up the remote. “Prepare yourself, little one.” He leaned in. “Because this remote is

going to get quite the workout.”

Her mouth opened, but words didn’t escape. He had rendered her speechless and he hadn’t even

pushed a button yet.

“Spread your legs.”
She turned her body toward the bar.
He tsked. “Facing this way. Let me see those panties you put on just for me.” Her little black dress

was short. Really short.

She pulled her shoulders back and returned to her original position. She moved her gaze from side

to side, surveying the other patrons in the bar, and with each turn her legs pried apart slowly,
delicately. His heart raced with every inch of thigh she revealed with her own brand of

She stopped with barely enough room to place his knees between her legs.
She swallowed hard and her face flushed pink. The tiny worry vein at her temple made an


He sat back, letting his arm hang over the back of the stool and his own legs fall to the side. He

shot Veronica a snide grin.

“You have pants on,” she spat out.
He made no comment, simply waited until she gathered her courage. His silence did the trick.

Instead of fear, determination darkened her eyes.

She leaned forward, letting the heel of her hands hold her dress against the seat of the chair

between her legs, but they were spread wide, as wide as she could get them.

Her hands moved closer to her thighs and her fingers clasped the hem of her dress. She slid her

hands up, revealing smooth, supple thighs encased in black stockings topped by a band of lace. She
pulled the dress up as far as the lace, but no more, letting him see creamy bare skin and the satin that
covered her center.

He picked up the remote, letting it slide through his fingers as he turned it around on the bar. Her

breath caught in anticipation. He decided he liked this game. He liked the power that came with
making her tense with excitement at the thought of him using the remote.

Her eyes darted to the right. Shock lit up her face and immediately she lowered her gaze and turned

away. But she was still obedient; her legs remained open.

He followed her line of sight and locked eyes with a man sitting at a booth just behind them. No

doubt he had the same view of the beauty hiding under her dress. The man raised his glass in
appreciation with a smile curving one side of his lip. A growl rumbled low in Finn’s chest.

It was your brilliant idea to have her spread her legs in public, dummy.
He leaned forward, his hands gripping her thighs. She tensed at his touch but her muscles softened

as his fingers massaged her legs.

He needed to get her out of the spotlight.
“How far is the range of this remote, exactly?” he asked.
She stuttered her words. “T-twenty-five f-feet.”

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Perfect. The washroom was right outside the entrance to the bar.
“You’re going to visit the ladies’ room, lock yourself in the stall, and sit. Take your phone.” He

picked it up from the bar where she’d set it. “When you’re comfortable, let me know.”

She looked at him with confusion, but followed his directions nonetheless.
When she walked away, he noticed she had picked up an extra sway to her hips. No doubt from her

burlesque lessons. The fabric of her dress swayed from left to right as she balanced on high heels, the
highest he’d ever seen her wear.

He ordered another drink while he waited. Four minutes later, her text still hadn’t come. Was she

gathering her courage? Had he pushed her too far?

Finally, his phone buzzed on the bar.


He pushed the button on the remote, keeping it at the lowest setting. C


Veronica replied, Y


He wished he had a front-row seat, wanting desperately to see the look on her face. To know how

much she enjoyed the subtle buzz against her body.

He turned the remote up to the next level. And waited. No response.


Her response came quickly. N



He smiled and a devilish idea formulated. He experimented with the settings, switching from high

to low, from pulse to vibrate. His phone buzzed again.



He laughed. That was the point. Enough playing around. It was time for him to demonstrate who

was in control. He turned the setting to high and used the random pulse option. That should be enough
to get her going. To get her off.




Her response was quick. Y



He wondered how good it felt. A



He’d never sexted before. Never had the opportunity. If he’d known how illicit and exciting it was,

he would have tried it a long time ago.




He took a swig of his whiskey. Jameson. His favorite. A



She responded, but not as quickly as the time before. H



He rearranged himself in his seat, pulling inconspicuously at the front of his pants. He pictured her

on the seat, her legs spread wide, her chest heaving, breaths coming out in heavy pants. He knew
exactly when the darkness would take over her eyes. Exactly when her cheeks would flush. And it
would be right about now that she would whimper, begging him for more. And so she got more.






He wasn’t ashamed to say these things out loud, but there was a forbidden aspect to sending it in

writing. The possibility of someone stumbling upon their sexual exchange.

He played with the settings again. She should be getting close now.
She responded.



So, she liked dirty talk. Maybe she needed the visual image to get her off. And she would have it.

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He looked to his left, then his right. The bartender was on his cell phone at the other end of the bar.

The rest of the patrons were engaged in conversation, with no clue he was in the process of bringing
her to an orgasm in the next room.




He fiddled with the buttons again. This time, her response was quick. Y
She didn’t finish the word. She was that close.


Two seconds later, she responded. U


He sat back in his chair with a satisfied grin.
About five minutes later, she walked back into the bar. Her dress was perfectly in place but her

flushed cheeks gave away her pleasure. She settled on her stool and he waved over the bartender,
who placed a tumbler in front of her, then filled it with brown liquid.

She downed the drink in one long gulp. When she had caught her breath, she turned to him.
“Did you mean all those things?” she asked, hope and anticipation dancing in her eyes.
“We have a whole lot of fun ahead of us, little one.” He brushed away a strand of her thick brown

hair. “Is our friend still in place?”

She gulped. “Yes.” Her hand trembled around the tumbler.
He pulled his stool closer to the bar and leaned in, letting his shoulder brush her arm.
“Then let the fun begin.”

Veronica took the last bite of her incredible meal. “I am so stuffed. That was way too much food, but I
couldn’t stop. So delicious.”

She’d worked up an appetite, given the monstrous orgasm she’d had in the ladies’ room just an

hour ago.

Since then, Finn had encouraged her to try every dish that was brought to their table. Occasionally

he’d send a zap of pleasure to her clit with the remote. Once during the appetizer he left it on so long
she had dropped her fork and pushed her hand between her legs. She couldn’t help it. But he would
only tease, letting the vibration push her higher and higher until she was ready to explode…and just
before she got there, he would turn it off.

“I hope you saved room. We still have dessert.”
“Oh, I don’t know if I could eat another thing.” She patted her stomach.
“I wouldn’t worry.” He leaned in, his mouth just a whisper away from her ear. “You’ll be working

it off later.”

A tinge of excitement tightened in her stomach. With the little teaser he had given through his texts,

she couldn’t wait until they returned to their room.

It had been the best day. She had killed at her pitch this afternoon. She had done so well that the

couple signed on the dotted line without hesitation. Then she’d arrived at the restaurant for a date
with the man she’d been in love with since childhood. And the more sex they indulged in, the hotter he
became. Which couldn’t be possible because the guy was smokin’ hot already.

The waiter came to pick up their plates just as a man in a white chef’s coat approached their table.
“Chef Finn.”

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“David.” Finn smiled and stood, embracing the young man.
“Chef, I’m so glad you called.”
They had gotten celebrity treatment from the minute they sat down at their table. They hadn’t even

had to order. Their various courses, complete with wine pairings, had simply appeared.

“Everything was delicious, incredible. You’ve become a sensational chef.” He turned to her with a

proud smile. “Veronica, this is David. Sous chef here at the Lake House restaurant and graduate of the
Cooking for the Future program.”

Just as she stood, sweet vibration took over. She stumbled forward, her outstretched hand missed

its mark, and she stifled a moan.

“Maybe we should ease up on the wine,” he said as he settled his hand at the small of her back.
David smiled and stifled a laugh.
She sent Finn a withering look, and he smiled back as if he didn’t have her pleasure in his hands.

She was nowhere near drunk and he knew it. She didn’t want to forget a moment of this evening.

“Wonderful to meet you, David.” They shook hands.
“David is one of our most accomplished graduates.” With his head held high in pride, Finn clasped

his shoulder.

“Because of you, Chef.” Deep admiration gazed back at Finn. “I wouldn’t be here without you.”
“You proved yourself through your cooking.” He shook his head as if David’s comment was

preposterous. “I had nothing to do with it.”

As usual, Finn didn’t give himself the credit. Veronica wished could she make him see how much

he changed people’s lives. Even her own.

She remembered as if it were yesterday, that freezing cold day in November when she was trying

to decide what to do with her life.

“What do you really want, Veronica?” he’d asked.
“I want a happily ever after,” she’d answered without hesitation.
He’d known she was speaking not about an occupation, but about a family, the kind of happy life

they had all lived without. But he had managed to take her desperate plea for happiness and transform
it into an occupation. He’d suggested she be a wedding planner. The next day, she enrolled in an
event management course, and the rest was history.

“Dessert will be out in a few minutes,” David said, interrupting her memories. “And I have some

dessert wines for you to taste. All from the Niagara region.”

She knew firsthand just how good the dessert wines from this region were. She had tasted enough

for the last six years to warrant a trip to the dentist every three months.

David excused himself and headed back to the kitchen, greeting a few more guests on his way.
“You really are good with people,” she told Finn. It came naturally to him. He had a knack for

knowing exactly what to say. Exactly what to do. Not just with her.

He had a skill for directing people onto the right path. She knew deep down it had been his own

way of trying to attract a family to adopt him—one that would see he was a good little boy who
always did the right thing. And living with his three brothers, someone had to counter the little devil
that had always seemed to sit atop all their shoulders…and the job had always fallen to Finn.

“It was great to see David again,” he said, squeezing back into the circular booth. “He’s a great

testament to all of the kids who enter the program. How they take advantage of every opportunity
given them.”

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“I think you don’t give yourself enough credit,” she told him with a smile.
“Is that so?” Vibrations began between her legs. “And you’re the expert?”
She sat back against the fabric-covered booth and moaned softly, letting the wondrous sensation

take over her body. As much as she’d like to make him believe how wonderful he was, he had
managed to distract her with a single click of a button. “When are we going back to the room?”

He laughed. “Are you sure you’re up for that?” He increased the speed of the vibrator.
She nodded, stifling a louder moan. “Oh, yes.”
“We’ll see about that.” His hand clamped onto her knee and traveled north, his fingers tickling the

inside of her thigh. “You still have to survive dessert.”

When the mousse had been eaten, the wine had been drunk, and a second orgasm had been ripped

from her body, he ushered them into their room and immediately directed her to the king-sized bed.

“Take everything off except for those panties and lie down on the middle of the bed.”
She settled on the cool white duvet, and the memory-foam mattress conformed to the curves and

weight of her body. She stretched and purred, luxuriating in the comfort, but was brought back to
reality when his raspy voice directed her once again. “Arms and legs spread wide.”

She was getting good at obeying. Something she had learned early on to disregard if she wanted to

hold her own with Mark and his friends.

The room she had booked for them was average. Not one of the posh suites Finn was probably

used to staying in, but it was still pretty. With white walls and dark wood floors, their room in the old
inn had been modernized but still felt special. Or maybe it was just that she was here with Finn.

He rooted around his duffel bag and pulled out a jumble of black silk. When he shook out the knot,

she realized what he had packed. They were long ties.

“You came prepared.”
Still fully clothed, he approached the bed. He separated one tie from the pile and let the remaining

ones fall to the duvet between her legs. He didn’t speak one word.

The cool silk wrapped around her leg and he slid it up and down her calf, teasing, torturing, making

her wish it was his hand instead of a lifeless piece of fabric. He secured the band around her ankle,
wrapping it around more times than necessary, and tied it to the footboard. He did the same with her
other leg.

With every swipe of the silk and light touch of his fingers, her breath quickened, until she was

panting, her chest heaving, her body arching off the bed.

He came around to one side and tickled her arm, distracting her from the fact that he had just

fastened it to the headboard.

One last tie remained. He straddled her body, his hard length rubbing against her stomach. He

kissed her cheeks, then her jawline, finally finding her lips as he brushed his mouth over hers in slow,
sensual movements, his pelvis grinding against her body in the same rhythm.

Her arms jerked at the ties. She wanted desperately to put her hands on his hard body. Whatever he

had in store for her, whatever he had up his sleeve, was going to be pure torture.

His mouth curved with a devious grin, and he whispered, “I think I’m going to like this.” He pulled

at one of the ties fastened to her arm.

Her heart beat fast against her chest. “That’s because you enjoy torturing me.”
“Always have, always will, little one.”
Instead of the usual annoyance that took over her body whenever he called her ‘little one,” she

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laughed. “I’m really glad that after all these years I can confirm I’m the only little one in the room.”
She jerked up her pelvis, bumping his erection into her body.

“Is that so? And exactly how big did you picture my cock all those times you touched yourself?”
His hands skimmed down her arms to her sides, his fingertips smoothing over each rib until he

gripped the top of her black panties.

“It was bigger.”
Somehow the devil managed to turn on the vibrator even though he had a firm grip on her waist.

She bit back a moan but it turned into a stifled growl when he moved the fabric from side to side,
changing the angle of the vibrations. If this was the punishment for her teasing, then—

“So much bigger,” she panted out. “In fact—”
He cupped her sex, the heel of his hand pressing the vibrator against her clit.
“—I have vibrators at home bigger than you.”
He changed the setting and the steady vibration turned into a pulse. Her stomach coiled and her

thighs tightened, pulling against their bonds, and then—

He released his grip and turned off the vibrator.
“Damn it,” she cried.
“Don’t forget who’s in control here, sweetheart.” He picked up the last strip of silk and slid it over

her torso, across her stiff nipples, and up to her throat.

With one last desirous look, he placed the fabric over her eyes and tied it at the back of her head.
The loss of sight changed the game. It was one thing to be robbed of the opportunity to smooth her

hands across the expanse of hard, male chest and abs. But to be robbed of the ability to watch as he
moved over her body, as his mouth took her lips, her breasts, her pussy…well, it was just too much to

He had moved up her body, his pants rubbing against her rib cage, his knees settling in the angle of

her armpits. She heard the jingle of his belt buckle. Her breath caught as the cold metal brushed her
skin. He released his zipper, the metal teeth rasping against each other and his knuckles grazing her

He didn’t speak, but she knew he was coaxing his erection from his pants. She hadn’t taken him

into her mouth yet. It wasn’t that she was opposed to it, but he had been surprisingly attentive and in
tune with her needs, never taking for himself. With the exception of smacking her ass until it glowed.
But she had enjoyed that as much as he did.

She tilted her head back, hoping she would be able to peek out from under the tie. But he had made

sure she couldn’t see a thing except for the white splotches that had assembled behind her eyelids.

More in tune with her hearing, she picked up on his erratic breathing. At the jingle of his belt, she

knew he was moving. Was he stroking his own erection? Was he getting ready to ease his beautiful
length into her waiting and wanting mouth?

Anticipation danced excitedly in her stomach. Not knowing what was coming was messing with her

mind. What was he looking at? What was he thinking? But she didn’t need to wait long. Warmth, hard
and smooth, touched her lips. She opened, letting her tongue dart out, and tasted the saltiness of him.

He groaned, moving his length across her lips while she let her tongue tickle the tip. He dipped in

past her lips but pulled out quickly, leaving her with an open mouth. He plunged back inside, this time
farther than the first…but he didn’t stay. She arched off the bed in protest, her breasts pressing into

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his ass, her tongue jutting out trying to get another taste.

He brushed his hand along her cheek, cupping her chin, his thumb wiggling between her lips. She

sucked on his thumb, just as she would his cock—if he ever gave it to her.

And she wanted him between her lips, hard and deep.
He moved his hand from her face and his length returned, running along the seam of her lips. He

pushed inside, farther, deeper, not stopping until he was buried as far as her throat allowed.

Then he started the vibrator.
The constant buzz and the glide of his cock against her tongue had her moaning in earnest. She

gripped the ties that fastened her arms to the headboard and pulled, tightening her body. He thrust
deeper, faster, assaulting her mouth in the best way possible.

He groaned, and his hands clasped around the back of her neck, lifting her head. With the new

angle he slid in farther still, her nose grazing his stomach. She swallowed hard around him and when
she moaned in an uncomfortable way, he understood and pulled out.

She panted, letting her head fall back against the mattress, gulping air as though she’d held her

breath for hours.

The vibrator still buzzed against her, but with his relentless thrusting the sensation barely


The warmth of him on top of her disappeared and she turned her head. Although she couldn’t see,

she knew he was removing his clothing. The coarse hair of his chest tickled her nipples when he
returned and devoured her mouth with a kiss. It was all feral animal.

The sweet Finn she knew had been replaced by a primal being. His hands roughed across her body,

his lips devoured every inch of skin they touched. She had no idea where they were going to land
next. All the while he changed up the settings on the vibrator.

His lips found her breasts and he suckled on each nipple. He bit down at the same time he

increased the speed.

“Finn—” She wanted his hands on her. She’d gone too long with the artificial stimulation of the

plastic pressed against her clit. She wanted warm flesh, hard cock, and soft lips.

His words fluttered across her stomach. “Feel good, baby?”
“Not as good as your lips would feel.” His tongue licked inside her belly button and she jerked

against the ties. “I want you.”

“I thought I was calling the shots.”
“Yes,” she cried out. He squeezed her breast and tugged on her nipple. “Do whatever you like, just

touch me.”

His hands gripped the lace of her panties and jerked hard. The rip of fabric tore between her legs.

Her head shot up. “Hey! Those were expensive.”

“I’ll buy you ten pairs tomorrow.” His hot breath felt better than the vibrator as he exhaled against

her sex. The moment his mouth made contact, her pelvis thrust up. She would do anything to bring his
mouth closer. And with no hands, this was her only option.

He licked and sucked, bringing her to orgasm in record time. She was already swollen and teased

almost to the point of pain.

As she slumped onto the bed, he rustled beside her. His bare leg rubbed against hers and there was

a crinkle of a condom wrapper. Within seconds he was inside her.

He groaned the moment he was buried deep. He stilled for a moment, his hands running across her

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body, clamping onto her breasts and hips. And then he moved.

Slowly he thrust, the union of their bodies the most intimate experience she’d ever had. Somehow,

not being able to see him made it even more intimate. The rest of her senses blossomed. The smell of
their sex. The taste of his lips still sweet with dessert wine. The sound of skin against skin. It
propelled her enjoyment to a mind-blowing level she’d never experienced—an experience she didn’t
want to have with any other man.

He quickened his pace as his fingers found her clit. He touched and circled her swollen bead, and

she knew she wouldn’t last much longer.

His sweat-slick body lay against hers as he whispered her name in her ear. His hands found the

sides of her face and he kissed her long and thoroughly. Exhilarated, enlivened by his kiss, she floated
to a place of pure satisfaction.

The blindfold across her eyes was whisked aside, and for a moment the dim light of the room was

blinding. She blinked a few times, letting her eyes adjust. And when she finally focused, Finn’s
beautiful face stared back at her.

His body continued to move on top of her, heavy, damp, the most wonderful feeling in the world.
Once again, he whispered her name. Her arms ached, her legs tensed, but it all added to the pure

ecstasy of the moment.

She flew higher and higher, her head pushing back against the mattress. With two more strokes, she

broke. Her body contracted, arching her away from the bed, tightening her bonds.

He roared out his release moments later, and with the blindfold removed, for the first time, she saw

his face as he came. Satisfaction and desire, ecstasy and gratitude, all stared back at her when he
opened his eyes in the blissful aftermath.

He slumped over her and buried his head in the crook of her neck. She wished her hands were free

so she could stroke his hair, run her fingers up the middle of his back. Still, there would be time for
that later. But how much more time? They couldn’t continue this game forever. When it was over, and
they went their separate ways, how would she feel?

But the moment his lips touched hers, she feared she’d be willing to give up all her future plans…

for only a few more days in his arms.

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Chapter Eight

Veronica held her arm up in the air, twirling her finger as she had been instructed to do. The jet boat
lurched to the right and spun 360 degrees, sending the category five rapids up and over the sides and
front of the jet boat. She squealed, along with everyone else, as she shook her head, flinging water
from side to side.

“This…is crazy.” She gulped and gasped for breath as another surge of water splashed over them.

“How did I ever let you talk me into doing this?” she yelled over the rushing sound of the waves, her
heart beating double time in her chest.

Finn leaned over and planted his hand on her thigh. “I can be very persuasive.” His warm breath

heated up the skin on her neck. Despite being smack in the middle of the rapids of Devil’s Hole, he
still had the ability to fire up her insides.

But her desire was short-lived when she screamed, her stomach flip-flopping as the jet boat

rammed into another wave and plummeted back onto the surface.

He grabbed her hand and squeezed. “Afraid of a little water?”
She was definitely afraid of this water.
They had been fooled at first. The tour had started off with the scenic route along the river from

their starting point at Niagara-on-the-Lake. Bored with historic facts about the Niagara gorge, she had
thought back to the night before. And it was a good thing the ride had come equipped with a cool
breeze because she had overheated at the thought of Finn thrusting his cock into her mouth. It may not
have been possible for her to see the real image last night, but her imagination had done just fine on
its own.

But then the boat had blasted into Devil’s Hole and the scenic route turned into an action-packed

ride that only the most dedicated of thrill-seekers would appreciate. And now, here they were, facing
the white-topped rapids together.

Funny how a little brush with death could put things into perspective.
If they ever made it out alive, she would never complain about Cal again. She would never be

selfish. Never again want to forge her own path without her family firmly by her side.

What if she died? Cal would always think she had wanted him gone—out of her life. But that just

wasn’t the case. She loved those damn kids. Had loved them every minute of every day since they’d
arrived on her doorstep eight years ago.

Plunging headfirst into tumultuous waves had sparked an epiphany. She was being an obsessive

mother. And she had to stop. She needed to loosen up and untie the apron strings. To start having fun.
Not only on her own, but also with Ali and Cal. Together, as a family. It wasn’t all about raising two
productive members of society—although she had been tasked with that responsibility, and she took it
seriously. But the kids were nearly adults now. Maybe they all needed to take a break and just relax.
Especially Veronica.

The boat crashed over the rapids, sending a wall of tsunami-force water over her head and

swirling around her feet. She gripped the top of Finn’s hand that held her thigh and squeezed for dear
life, comforted by the fact that he was by her side. Keeping her sane while she battled exhilaration
and fear.

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She looked over at him just as she shook off another drenching, and he was already looking her

way. His hand tightened on her thigh and he grinned, his sparkling eyes confirming exactly what she
had needed.

Finn was there to support her. Not to save her. She had to battle her fear of these rapids on her

own. Just as she had to deal with her family situation—with the wall between Cal and Mark, and with
Ali being out on her own for the first time ever.

And just like that, Veronica’s pounding heartbeat slowed. The sound of the churning water and

screams of the other passengers fell into the background, and Finn’s face held her mesmerized.

She leaned in as far as she could while being strapped into her seat, and he met her halfway,

brushing his lips over hers. Her hand closest to him lifted and settled on his cheek, pulling his face
closer as she tried her best to keep their kiss going despite the surge and retreat of the boat. And just
as he deepened the kiss, a surge of water fell over them. They both gasped for breath under the wall
of water. She pulled away and watched as he blinked water from his eyelashes, sending it trickling
down his face with the flutter of his lids.

The trip took an hour in total and when all the passengers were soaked to the bone, the captain

finally returned the boat to the dock and tied up.

As they made their way up the pier to collect their things, Finn guided her forward with a hand to

the small of her back. Just a simple gesture, but the feelings of longing and comfort it roused within
her reaffirmed she was getting in too deep. Her emotions were swirling too fast, just like those
rapids, into a relationship she shouldn’t want.

She heard a splatter of water hit the dock from where he wrung out his T-shirt. His raspy voice

whispered in her ear, “That wasn’t so scary, was it?”

The ride had been scary as hell. But her biggest fear had nothing to do with the rapids, and

everything to do with her realization she was falling more in love with Finn than she’d thought
possible. But revelations aside, the boat ride had been exhilarating and she would definitely do it

“It was awesome.” She gathered her hair in her hands and squeezed. Everything was soaked, right

down to her panties. “It’s definitely on my list of things to do every time we visit here.”

“Ali and Cal would love it, too. We should bring them next summer.”
He was making plans. A year from now. Where exactly did he think their relationship would be in

a year? Definitely not married with children. He would probably have a family of his own by then. So
why was he making plans with her family?

“Excuse me.” On their way back to their car Finn slowed beside her and stopped a young couple.

“Would you mind taking our picture?”

They nodded eagerly, and Finn handed over his phone.
He pulled Veronica close, threading his arm around her back and under her arm, gripping her waist

tightly. A gesture of possession, right there in the parking lot for anyone to see. But no one would, not
anyone from their lives. Not his brothers or her siblings. Their relationship was a secret. A naughty,
pleasurable secret that would soon come to an end.

The motor of the jet boats roared in the distance and they both smiled as the couple took turns as

photographer, each thinking their skill better than the other’s.

When they were finally satisfied, Finn took back his phone and smiled as they checked out the

photos. “Perfect.”

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The first picture was sweet. His chin rested on the top of her head and his easy smile stretched

from ear to ear. With the way his arms wrapped around her body, they looked as if they were always
meant to be together. As if they were always meant to be here, in this place, safe in each other’s arms.
A sight she could get used to—Finn being hers alone.

“Now we have something to remind us of our romantic weekend.”
She didn’t need a photo to remind her of their time together. Finn had imprinted every lick of

desire, every burn of lust, with every mark he’d made on her body. With every heated gaze, and every
sizzling touch. She would remember this weekend forever.

Finn continued to swipe his finger across the screen of his phone, scrutinizing the pictures. “Maybe

we should delete this one.”

Her eyes darted to the screen and she cried, “No!”
The photo staring back at her was more revealing. It was an action shot before they had settled into

each other’s embrace. Veronica was looking up at Finn, her hand resting on his chest as he smiled and
spoke to the couple. But it was her expression caught on camera for all eternity that scared the shit out
of her.

Love. It was written all over her face. And not the look of love she had seen whenever she’d gazed

in the mirror thinking about Finn as a teenager. No, this look was the real deal. Head-over-heels.
Honest-to-God love.

“Where’d you go?” He pushed away the wet strands of her hair plastered across her forehead.
She shook her head, peering up at him, and smiled. “Just a little shaken up from the rapids.”
He nodded but gave her a curious look, then kissed her temple. “We should probably check out of

the hotel. Head back home,” he said as he pulled her into a hug, his hands clasping at her back.

She didn’t want to go home. Not yet. She was having too much fun. Nothing about this boat ride had

been sexy. Nothing about this ride had been built on desire or stimulation, or even a fantasy. But…
wasn’t that what their time together was supposed to be all about? Sex?

“I might have an idea.” She winked. “How do you feel about Ferris wheels?”
There were many naughty things they could do on a Ferris wheel. Things that consisted of her hand

down his pants or her face in his lap. It all depended on how far he wanted to go. But there was one
thing for sure. She would be calling the shots. And nothing was going to get in her way of keeping the
focus on their erotic game.

Right now, at this very moment, everything was perfect. But that didn’t stop the niggle of fear that

had taken up residence in her gut. The one that confirmed it wasn’t his bed she’d be willing to give up
her future for…it was his heart.

“These things are creepy. I refuse to go in there.”

Finn squared off at the entrance to the wax museum and stared down the fake celebrity greeting


“Now who’s the big baby?” Veronica came up behind him, slipping her arms around his body and

pressing her chest to his back. Her nipples poked through the fabric of his T-shirt, urging his cock to
press harder against the front of his pants. “Afraid of a little wax?”

She was trying to beat him at his own game. He’d coaxed her into getting on the jet boat despite her

reluctance, and now she was using sex to get him to play voyeur with a bunch of wax dummies.

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“I thought you wanted to go on the Ferris wheel?”
She kissed the space between his shoulder blades, then her lips found the back of his neck and she

flicked out her tongue. “The night is still young.”

His body shivered, but he wasn’t going to give in so easily. Something had happened on the boat.

Something that had distanced her, pulled her away from the moment. And he was going to get her to
spill. Even if it meant holding out on her game.

“If you play along, I’ll make it worth your while.” Her hands ran up his abs and settled against his

pecs. “I’m going to lick every inch of skin on this beautiful torso.” She circled her fingers around his
nipples and he stifled a groan. “Starting here.” She splayed her hands across his abs, letting her
fingers ripple against the six-pack he worked hard to maintain. “Then along here.”

His head fell back and he closed his eyes, letting her warm, sensual touch overtake his senses. But

only for a split second. They were in public, after all. And although they had a deal, not everything
they did had to be about sex. He’d realized that on the boat when she’d looked up at him with such
confidence, such presence. As if she’d known exactly where she was headed. And in that moment
he’d feared her destination might not include him.

He pulled away and faced her. “And here I thought I was the persuasive one.” He winked and

dipped down to plant a kiss on her lips.

They had checked out of their hotel at Niagara-on-the-Lake and had checked into a small inn and

spa two minutes from Clifton Hill in Niagara Falls.

He wasn’t sure if suggesting a weekend away alone had been his best idea ever—or his worst. On

the one hand, he’d enjoyed every minute they’d spent together, in bed and out of it. But it also
confirmed that the feelings he had for Veronica were more than just a game of seduction.

“Come on, Finn.” She raised up on her toes and stilled, her eyes dancing with excitement. “Life just

isn’t complete without seeing a wax Frodo Baggins.”

He grabbed her waist and pulled her up against his body. “But I’d much rather walk through the

haunted house across the street.” Wasn’t that the better idea? An excuse to keep her close, to keep her
plastered against his body and beat her at her own erotic game?

He turned to the gray brick building. Green and white strobe lights flickered from inside and an

evil laugh echoed across the street, which was bumper-to-bumper with traffic.

“You got the jet boat, I get the celebrity wax museum. Fair is fair.” She winked and pushed him

again, this time right past the box office and into the museum.

He was going in. There was nothing he wouldn’t do for her. And it had been a long time since he’d

seen her this happy, this relaxed. And as much as he’d like to believe his exceptional skills in the
bedroom had contributed to her transformation, he knew it had more to do with her being away from
home. Free. Unfettered. Not responsible for anyone or anything.

“You owe me big-time for this, little one.” He cringed as they walked past an exhibit that would

forever taint his opinion of the Indiana Jones franchise.

She grabbed his hand and leaned in to whisper in his ear, “And I plan on paying up in a very

interesting way.” She licked at his earlobe. “I hope you’re up for it.”

Oh, he was up for it. And if she made one more sexy move with her tongue he was going to be up

for it right then and now.

Thirty minutes—and too many creepy wax figures—later, they emerged onto the street. Finn was on

a high, not from enjoying the museum, but from the infectious sound of Veronica’s laugh. She had

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loved every minute. Now she was leading him into the arcade.

When they had converted far too much money into tokens, her first destination was the Wheel of

Fortune game. “Get ready to have your mind blown. I am so good at this.”

She pumped tokens in to the machine and the wheel lit up.
“These games only give you three tickets if you win.” He strode over to another version of a wheel,

one that had random numbers along the outside edge that ranged from ten to one thousand. In order to
win, the token had to line up with the number on the wheel to win the corresponding number of
tickets. The odds sucked. But he was feeling lucky. Everything about this weekend so far had him
feeling lucky. “I’m going to try my hand at this one.”

“Those games are a rip-off. You’ll never win.”
“Such a skeptic.” He dropped a token into the slot, then another, then one more. He wasn’t leaving

until he’d won something. Anything.

Just as Veronica yelled out an answer to the puzzle, a loud bell sounded on his game. Had he…?

He looked for his token on the wheel and finally spotted it sitting perfectly aligned with the number
one thousand. Holy crap! He’d hit the jackpot. One thousand tickets.

Veronica squealed and rushed up to him. “I can’t believe it! You won.” She grabbed his shoulders

and squeezed, a bright smile lighting up her face, which already glowed from the red light flashing on
top of his game. “No one ever wins.”

“I told you. All you have to do is believe.”
If only it were that simple with Veronica. If only all he had to do was believe they could have their

happily ever after and it would come true. But real life didn’t work that way. Real life wasn’t as easy
as a game. It was even more random, even more tricky, and even more unpredictable.

She grabbed a bucket from the closest token machine and began to fold up the tickets, dropping

them into the bucket in piles of fifty. When the tickets were tucked away, she grabbed his arm and led
him to the prize counter.

“What are you going to get?” she asked, her eyes darting from one shelf to the next.
“I won those tickets for you. Choose anything you want.”
She squeaked and handed the bucket over to the young girl manning the counter, who immediately

fed the tickets into the counting machine.

“How about a couple of shot glasses?” he asked.
“No, if I needed shot glasses that badly, I could steal them from your restaurant.” She winked and

nudged him with her shoulder.

“But my glasses don’t have a picture of the Falls and they aren’t frosted.”
She giggled.
“How about a jewelry box?”
She shook her head.
“A glow-in-the-dark pen? A diary?”
A thousand tickets would get you a lot of little novelties—mugs, pens, and notepads. It was really

geared for children.

“Over there. In the corner,” she said.
Finn focused his attention on the far side of the booth and noticed a stuffed cat.
Her face grew serious and she planted her palms on the glass counter. “That’s what I want.”
For only nine hundred and fifty tickets, that little cat was all hers.

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“And so the lady shall have it.”
He motioned to the young girl who watched the counter and when she was satisfied the ticket

number was over nine hundred and fifty, she reached for the tiny black cat on the shelf and handed it
to Veronica.

“I’ve always wanted a kitten.” She brought it up to her face and caressed the soft fur against her

cheek. “My foster parents were allergic, so a pet was out of the question.”

“There’s nothing stopping you from getting a real cat now.”
She shrugged. “Haven’t thought about it in ages.”
He smiled. “What do you say to that Ferris wheel ride?”
She tucked the cat under her arm and they walked hand in hand to the ride. Traffic and screaming

children, not to mention the roar of the arcade, filled the autumn air. Despite the hour, the Hill was

There were three couples ahead of them in line, and Finn took the opportunity to maximize their

downtime and corner Veronica for information.

He stepped behind her and placed his hand on her rib cage. A shiver ran through her—he felt it

when he deliberately blew across her neck.

“Are you going to tell me what happened on that boat?” She stilled but didn’t turn around to face


“Besides me being scared to death, you mean?”
Even though they had quickly changed out of their wet clothing, her hair was still damp. The brown

strands blew in the light breeze and her orange scent surrounded him.

“No.” He let his other hand glide up her thigh and over her hip. Without stopping, he continued

upward, caressing her rib cage until he came to her shoulder. With a long swipe of his finger, he
followed the line of her arm down to her wrist and gripped it, bringing her hand up to kiss her
knuckles. “I think you made some kind of decision. And I’m hoping that decision wasn’t anything

The ride attendant motioned for them to enter the climate-controlled gondola. Luckily, they didn’t

have to share the car with anyone else.

Once they were locked in, the ride moved up two spots to let on another set of passengers. It did

that one more time before the wheel spun and they were whisked to the top.

The view was spectacular. The Niagara skyline sparkled in every direction.
She cuddled up against him, resting her head on his shoulder with the little stuffed animal in her


“You were wrong.” She squeezed his hand and sighed. “I didn’t make a decision. But I did realize


His stomach clenched. Hopefully, she wasn’t ready to give up on them, on this relationship they

were building, out of an overactive sense of responsibility to her family.

“I think this is the best weekend I’ve ever had, and I’ve realized—”
His heart pounded against his chest and he had to stop his hand from fisting since it was wrapped

around her forearm.

“I’ve realized that you make me a stronger person. Not because you come to my rescue, but

because you force me to rescue myself, to break out of my shell.” She looked up from studying the
stuffed animal. “Does that make sense?”

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He nodded. “Yeah. It does.”
“Thank you, Finn.”
He pressed a kiss to the top of her head as they traveled around the Ferris wheel in silence for a

few moments. She played with the cat on his lap, her finger gently stroking the top of its head.

“Are you going to name it?”
She craned her neck and looked up at him. “I think I’ll name him Lucky.”
“Why Lucky?”
“Because I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be with you here tonight. All weekend. And

this will let me remember forever.”

His heart swelled in his chest. He couldn’t have put it better himself.
His feelings for Veronica were real—terrifying and life-altering, and very, very real.
He just hoped the time they had left together would be enough to fill his lonely days with memories,

once they eventually went their separate ways.

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Chapter Nine

Veronica pulled up to her townhouse and her mouth fell open.

Beer cans and bottles littered her pristine front lawn. Newspaper and—was that toilet paper?—

swagged along the bush that sat to the left of the stairs under the bay window.

She cursed under her breath. “What happened to my house?”
A nauseous feeling churned in her stomach. Cal. Cal had struck again.
She’d dropped Finn off at his house earlier that morning and then had spent the rest of the day

ironing out some last-minute details for a wedding scheduled for next weekend. But in reality she had
just been killing time. She hadn’t wanted to return home yet. Had tried to keep alive the memory of
her weekend with Finn. Had pretended, for just a little longer, her brothers weren’t waiting for her,
expecting her home.

But maybe she should have spent another night in Niagara. Maybe then her house would have been

restored without her even knowing it had been trashed.

She got out of her car just as Mark walked out onto the porch landing.
She sidestepped her way to the front door doing her best to avoid a brown, chunky splotch on the

interlocking brick path.

“What happened to the house?” she demanded as Cal came out to join them.
Mark shot Cal a raging glare. “That little asshole decided to have a party. I got a call in the middle

of the night from Mrs. Green down the street telling me if I didn’t come and break it up she’d call the

Veronica’s jaw tightened. “You were supposed to be here last night. Where were you?”
Mark shrugged. “I had a few things to take care of.”
And here she’d thought with Mark back in the picture she’d be able to enjoy a weekend away

without guilt, without having to worry about Cal and his poor decisions. She couldn’t have been more

“No one said I couldn’t have a party.”
She turned to glare at Cal. He was being a real asshole.
“What happened here last night was not a party, it was a disaster,” Mark cut in before she could

explode. “How could you do this to your sister’s house? To your home?”

“This is your home, too,” Veronica reminded Mark sharply.
A pang of regret flittered across Cal’s eyes but only for a second. “Who cares anyway? It’s just a

matter of time before V makes me leave. She’s too preoccupied with work and—”

He didn’t finish his sentence. Judging by his expression, he had dearly wanted to announce her

relationship with Finn. But even in the heat of the moment the kid knew where to draw the line, and
she was grateful for small favors.

But what the hell did he mean, she’d make him leave?
“No one has ever said you have to leave. And I am not preoccupied. In case you’ve forgotten, for

the last eight years I’ve taken care of you, made sure you have a roof over your head, an education, a
future. And this is the thanks I get?”

“Well, I’m so sorry I’ve gotten in the way of you having a life of your own. I guess that’s why Mom

gave us all away. She was too busy focusing on her own life, too, to give a crap about any of us.”

“That is so not fair.” Tears welled in Veronica’s eyes and a sharp pain stabbed at her chest. “I’ve

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done everything I possibly could for you and Ali.”

When Cal and Ali had shown up on her doorstep, her heart had broken. She’d known every worry

line on their faces, every thought and fear that ran through their minds, because she had felt and
thought the same things. She had vowed on that day she’d never let another worry or fear take over
their lives. And today, she realized she had done a shitty job of it when it came to Cal.

He remained quiet. Just as he always was. Never giving away one scrap of true emotion. He was

just like Mark in that regard. Except Cal masked it with bitterness rather than the casual shrug of a

“Are you going to tell us what’s going on?” Mark asked Cal.
“What do you care?” Cal lips pressed tight together. “I’m out of here.” He pushed past Mark and in

a final move of defiance walked across the littered lawn rather than the stone path, kicking at an
empty beer can but not bothering to pick it up.

“Aren’t you going to apologize to your sister? Or clean up this mess?” Mark yelled, but Cal had

already disappeared behind the tall hedges of her neighbors’ front yard.

Veronica wanted to let her stinging tears fall. She couldn’t take much more of his attitude. Or his

insolence. But she was at a loss as to what to do about it.

A car drove down the quiet street. It was the only sound heard above the birds that chirped from

the treetops. She looked over at Mark, who stared silently at the spot where Cal had walked away.
He looked just as upset as she felt.

Her phone buzzed in her purse. She pulled it out and read a text message from Sterling. F






One aggravation was quickly replaced by another. Who the hell had scheduled a food tasting

without her? She was the wedding planner, for crying out loud! She glanced at her watch. It was
almost half past three.

Less than five minutes ago she had pulled up to her home with stars in her eyes. Despite knowing

she had to break off her affair with Finn, and soon, it hadn’t stopped her from floating on a euphoric
cloud. Their weekend had been spectacular. World-shattering. But now, anger bubbled under the
surface and she was one more annoyance away from exploding.

She looked over at her brother. “Clean this up,” she ordered. It served him right. This had

happened on his watch, after he’d promised to stick around for the few days she was gone.

Apparently, she had a tasting to go to. She stalked into the house and headed for her closet. She

definitely wasn’t going to show up in jeans and a T-shirt.

“Finn.” Sterling moaned while she savored the chocolate mousse he had set out for the afternoon’s
tasting. “This is absolute perfection.”

It was the third chocolate dessert she had sampled—the first course Finn had prepared for her and

Jack to taste in order to choose their wedding menu. For some reason, she had insisted on tasting the
desserts before the rest of the courses.

He stood at the opening of one of the booths at the back of his restaurant, his hands clasped in front

of his body, watching them scrutinize his masterpieces. For the very first time ever, he was nervous
about his food. His stomach churned with a feeling he’d never felt before.

Maybe he was missing Veronica. She should be here. He wanted her here. Not just because she

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was the wedding planner. Because he missed her. Not her determination to seduce him, or her
perfectly pliable body—although her sexual obedience was icing on the cake. He missed her. And
their quick trip to Niagara had just reinforced how much he enjoyed spending time with her, how
perfectly they got along, in and out of the bedroom, and how deep his feelings for her had grown.

A noise in the kitchen jerked him out of his thoughts. Saved by the bang. Sterling had called that

morning, just after Veronica dropped him off, and asked if she and Jack could swing by for a tasting.
He’d immediately gotten on the phone with his staff and had them hustling all morning, ensuring the
food options were prepared to absolute perfection. The guys deserved to make some noise after
working so hard.

In the middle of the table a long platter rested with four desserts, all chocolate. A flourless

chocolate cake with raspberry coulis, fresh raspberries, and a sprig of mint. A three-chocolate
mousse in a miniature martini glass with a biscotti wafer. A chocolate cheesecake. And a selection of
chocolate truffles—champagne, hazelnut, and dark chocolate.

Sterling continued to moan her approval.
He laughed. “Jack, I think you’ve been replaced.”
“Complimented, dude. But never replaced.” He winked at his fiancée.
“Definitely the flourless cake.” Sterling pointed at the small piece that remained on her fork. “Yes.

I pick this.”

“Are you sure you don’t want the mousse, babe?” Jack leaned in closer across the table. The

sleeves of his shirt pulled away, revealing his tattoos—a full sleeve on one forearm and a panther on
the other. “I know how much you love mousse.”

Sterling turned bright red and hid her face. Too much information. Finn did not need to know what

Jack and Sterling did with mousse other than eat it.

His brother grinned and leaned back, resting his palms on the leather bench seat just as Chris

wheeled a trolley to the table with the main course options.

Finn reached out to clear the platter of dessert, but Sterling grabbed his hand. “You can leave that

here.” She smiled and pushed the platter toward the opposite end of the table.

“As you wish.”
“Brother, you’ve outdone yourself.” Jack’s eyes lit up at the selection of food brought to the table,

and he rubbed his palms together in excitement.

Finn regularly cooked for hundreds of customers every week, but when the people he loved most

enjoyed his food, it was always the most flattering.

“I created a few different things. If you want to have a pasta course, I’ve made up a fettuccini

Alfredo in its own bowl of Parmesan cheese, and a potato gnocchi with classic tomato sauce. For the
main course, option one is Black Angus tenderloin with potato au gratin. Option two is pan-seared
sea bass with basil pesto grits. Option three is grilled lamb with rosemary stuffing. And of course, a
chicken supreme stuffed with prosciutto and mozzarella and cheese risotto. All will be served with
seasonal vegetables.”

Sterling moved quickly on the steak, slicing off a small piece.
“Will someone please tell me what is going on here?”
Veronica stormed over to their table, her wet hair whipping around her face. Her lips were tight

with tension. She was dressed in her usual professional attire—a black skirt and jacket. Despite her
hair, she appeared fairly put-together. But really angry.

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“We’re having a tasting,” he responded.
“I know you’re having a tasting. My bride informed me about it an hour and a half ago.” When

Veronica finally reached the table, he recognized the look. It was the same one she had gotten when
he, her brother, and Cole used to leave her out of their fun and adventures.

She straightened and smoothed down the front of her blazer. “Hi, Sterling. Jack.”
They both nodded but continued to eat.
She glared at Finn. “I’d like to know why the wedding planner wasn’t invited to the tasting.”
He couldn’t help the strained laugh that escaped. “Sorry, Veronica, but there’s really no need for

you to be here. Food is my domain. You can discuss color swatches and candies and everything else
with the happy couple.”

He really didn’t need any help. Nor did he need her input. Not about food, anyway. Other things,

maybe. Like—

Excuse me?” Her neck strained and he saw her pulse thump under her skin. “Food is one of the

most important parts of a wedding, and I’ll be damned if I’m not involved.”

“You don’t need to worry your pretty head about it. I’ve got things under control.”
He didn’t know why he was being an asshole. And he really was acting like an asshole. Maybe this

was his own way of distancing himself, protecting himself from the inevitable fallout bound to happen
once they decided to end their affair. But despite being the wedding planner, she had no business
telling him what to cook. He didn’t take orders in the bedroom, or in the kitchen.

She recoiled with a gasp. Then poked her finger into his chest. “You are not in charge here, Finn.”

She pointed at herself. “I’m in charge.”

Her worry vein throbbed at the side of her temple…although this afternoon it looked more enraged

than worried. The sight of her fists bunching at her sides, that pulsing vein, and the hostility in her
eyes wasn’t remotely sexy.

Or maybe it was. Damn if he didn’t want to bend her over the table and paddle her with a spatula.

To show her once and for all who was really in charge.

Come to think of it, there were many rooms in this restaurant they could sneak off to, and he could

“Technically, aren’t we in charge?” Jack grumbled from the table. Sterling shook her head at him

with a worried glance.

Oh, shit.
Cal emerged from the kitchen at the perfect time, diffusing what could have been a rant to rival any

unhappy bride. Except this time, the only -zilla in the room was the wedding planner.

“Good, you’re here.” Cal’s white chef’s coat was smeared with tomato sauce. “V, I’m going to

need to borrow the car this weekend.”

Finn held his breath when Veronica closed her eyes and took a deep breath. He could all but see

her counting to ten in her head and grinding her teeth. There was something going on between these
two. He was just waiting for the confrontation.

Luckily, her shoulders dropped and her body relaxed just a little before she turned and addressed

her brother. “You can’t, Cal. I have meetings Friday, a wedding on Saturday, and the bachelorette and
rehearsal dinner”—she pointed at him—“which you are attending, on Sunday.”

“What?” Cal went rigid at the news. “Why do I have to go to—”
She interrupted and pointed to Jack and Sterling. “The lovely people who have invited you to their

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rehearsal dinner are sitting right here, Cal.”

“But, V—”
The tension returned as she shot a motherly glare in Cal’s direction. “I said no.”
Finn was impressed. He’d never seen her so stern with her sibling before. Maybe she’d finally

figured out why Cal was acting up.

There was so much more the kid wanted to say. Finn could see it in his eyes, in the way he moved

his lips. But no words came out.

“Have an accident back there, Cal?” Jack asked, gesturing to his soiled white coat.
He shrugged distractedly. “Tomato sauce.”
“Get a new jacket,” Finn ordered. Being a chef was a messy job, but you still needed to be

presentable. “I won’t have you working in my kitchen like that.”

Cal cast a last resentful look at Veronica, then turned his attention to Finn. “Yes, Chef.”
With his head lowered, he walked away. Poor kid had been defeated, twice.
Turning his attention to Veronica, Finn asked, “Are you about done with the hissy fit?”
“Hissy fit?” Her voice went up about ten octaves with only two words.
“No one messes with my menu. Not even you.”
Hissy fit?
He swore he saw steam coming from her ears. He had apparently touched a nerve. It was time to

calm her down.

He motioned to one of his line cooks who had shown up with a few glasses of wine to pair with the

food. “Ensure that my brother and Sterling taste the rest of the menu. For the next course, two of each
canapé on the platter.” And then he turned and strolled away.

“Don’t you dare walk away from me, Finn O’Reilly!”
She did exactly as he’d expected. She followed him out of the dining room, past the kitchen, and

into the small hallway at the back of the restaurant. On either side of the hall was a door—the
entrance to the two restrooms—and at the very end was another door marked


, which was the

door to the storage facility and Finn’s makeshift office.

He turned the knob and stepped inside.
All the while she nattered behind him. “I know you still don’t see me as an adult, but you need to

get over it.”

Oh, she was an adult, all right. All grown woman. She had proven that in spades when he’d had her

tied to the bed two nights ago.

She continued to rant as she followed him inside. “This is my profession, and I do it well. You

have to trust I know what I’m doing.”

He honestly did. But that didn’t mean he would put up with a tantrum.
“This wedding day is in my hands,” she continued in exasperation, “and despite your brilliance in

the kitchen, I need you to acknowledge I’m in charge.”

He laughed. “In charge?”
She narrowed her eyes, then nodded. “Yes.”
He reached forward and grabbed the door. She jumped when it slammed shut behind her.
“Well. I guess we both like being in charge.” He stepped closer to her, towering over her petite

body. “The question is, who’s going to win this time?”

“Me,” she squeaked. He had to give her credit. She wasn’t backing down. But she was getting

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worried. Or…was it anticipation shining in her eyes?

He shook his head. “We both know who’s in charge here, little one.”
“Stop calling me that,” she growled. But her retort, the one usually spoken with indignation, came

out a little breathy.

He couldn’t help the soft laugh that escaped. “And what are you going to do about it if I don’t?”
Her face softened, but only a little. He knew she was too stubborn to let him win outright. Her chin

lifted. “Maybe I won’t let you get in my pants again.”

He pushed a few strands of wet hair off her cheek and leaned in. “I think we proved more than once

over the past weekend that you want nothing more than to get in my pants, little one.”

“Stop calling me little one!” With a huff, she turned and gave him her back. “And what happened

on the weekend was a onetime thing.”

His stomach tightened. What had happened between the time she’d dropped him off this morning

and now? She was pulling away again. Maybe he’d been the only one to think their time away
together had been perfect.

Aligning his body with hers, he played with the ends of her hair. “You didn’t have a good time?”
She didn’t answer.
“I don’t recall ending our little game, do you?” He grasped her arms and turned her around to face

him, but she didn’t give him any clues. Which meant he only had one game plan in his arsenal to coax
out what he needed to hear.

“I love these suits you wear. So sophisticated. So uptight. But now I know exactly what you look

like with those nerdy glasses off, and your hair all tangled, like it gets when I press you good and hard
against a mattress.” Never had any other woman revved up his desire without provocation. “I know
you have a beauty mark right…there.” He touched her chest, just above her breast. “And it’s fully
visible when you don’t have your shirt buttoned up so primly.” He popped open one button, then
another, exposing the soft swell of her breasts so he could see the slopes of them in the gap.

Her breath became labored and her body shivered. He grabbed the lapels of her blazer and pulled

it over her shoulders and down but only as far as her elbows, preventing her upper body from

There was never such a beautiful sight as her, right now. Disheveled, angry, and fighting her

instinct to give him control over her.

“Control…power…it’s earned, sweetheart.” He pressed his erection into her stomach. “And

you’re going to show me just how much you want control. Starting with your lips on my—”

The door opened, shoving her forward into him.
“Seriously?” Cal stood on the opposite side, his face curled up in a sneer. “At work? It’s bad

enough I had to walk in on you in my own house.”

She drew herself up. “What I do in my house, in my bedroom, is none of your business,” she told

him curtly.

“And considering this is my restaurant, I can screw whoever I want in it, wherever I choose.”
She gave Finn a shocked glare.
“You let him talk about you like that?” Cal asked.
When she didn’t answer, he stormed off, forgetting to get whatever it was he’d come to fetch in the

storage closet.

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“Do you have to say those things to him?” She hit Finn in the chest.
“He’s an adult. Unfortunately, we have to deal with him knowing about us, and since he does, he

should know the unvarnished truth.”

She stared up at him expectantly. “What exactly is the truth?”
“That we’re two consenting adults who can do what we damn well please.” Finn touched her

cheek. “Our relationship, or temporary arrangement, or whatever you want to call it, is none of his
business. It’s no one’s business.”

Not Cal’s. Not Mark’s. Not his brothers’. But unfortunately, the more time Finn spent with

Veronica, the more he longed for this temporary arrangement to move into the “something more”
category. Their weekend away had only solidified his feelings for the woman who was his perfect
match in the bedroom. But he couldn’t have his cake and eat it, too. He knew that. Anything more with
Veronica would only lead to heartache. His heartache.

When her lips parted but she didn’t respond, he said, “We’ll continue this discussion another time.

We should get back to Jack and Sterling.” He had forgotten how they ended up in this closet in the
first place. He tipped up her chin. “I’ll even let you stay for the rest of the tasting.” He winked. “What
do you say?”

It wasn’t exactly in his best interest to invite her to stay. Not after they’d been interrupted by Cal,

and definitely not when he was unable to follow through with the sweet-dirty activities his brain and
his body craved. Damn. He’d wanted to do things in the closet that would melt the warning labels off
the cleaning products.

“So generous of you.” The sarcasm in her voice was unmistakable, even without the tongue she

stuck out at him.

He could think of much better uses for her tongue.
Back at the table, Sterling and Jack were sharing bites of their food. Sterling did most of the

talking. Jack was sitting back against the bench, clearly aware his opinion didn’t matter. Every
decision was ultimately Sterling’s, and not because she wore the pants in that relationship, but
because her adoring groom demanded she get the wedding of her dreams. And so did Finn. They both
deserved it.

Every once in a while, between picking at the food on her plate, Veronica looked in Finn’s

direction, and when their eyes met, she’d quickly look away. His first reaction was to ask if she
didn’t like his cooking, but had a feeling her lack of appetite had nothing to do with tastiness.

“What do you think, Veronica?” Sterling asked.
Her eyes shot up. “Um. I think you have a lot of lovely choices here.”
Sterling turned in her seat. “Well, what’s your favorite?” she asked.
“I…” Her mouth parted, but again no words came out.
He already knew what she would pick. She had been a steak lover since she was a kid and it had

continued through her adult life. But she was still super annoyed with him.

“She won’t answer you, Sterling,” he said wryly. “That would mean she’d have to give me a

compliment by saying she actually likes one of them.” He leaned back against the booth and laid the
napkin he’d been fiddling with on the table. “But she picks the steak.”

She shot him a death glare from across the table.
When he looked over at his brother and Sterling, they were giving each other the eye. They were

obviously picking up on the fact that something was going on between Finn and Veronica. Something

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besides the lame fight about him going above her head as the wedding planner. He had no doubt
Sterling had spilled the beans to Jack, which meant Penn had spilled the beans to Sterling about what
she’d walked in on the other day.

Such drama for such a small family.
“Well, I’m loving the pasta,” Sterling said around a mouth full of fettuccini. “It’s my favorite, but I

know people will be expecting meat.”

“What do you want, sweetheart?” Jack leaned across the table and grasped her hand.
Sterling’s entire life had been spent catering to other people, and Finn knew his brother would

make sure everything about their wedding was what she wanted, not what she thought anyone else

“I understand your thinking, Sterling,” Veronica said. “Many people only come to weddings for the

food and drink. It’s natural to want to please your guests.”

Sterling nodded. “Exactly.”
“So then what do we do?” Finn asked. Like Jack, he refused to let Sterling pick something that

wasn’t her favorite. “We need to pick one.”

“Not necessarily.” Veronica sifted through her briefcase and pulled out a pad of lined paper. She

drew a square—the outside walls of the barn where the wedding was going to be held—then added a
rectangle at the back wall, most likely the riser where the ceremony would be held. “The barn is big
enough to accommodate one hundred and fifty people, plus a dance floor, and the ceremony space.
You’ve only invited half that number. There is a lot of room to work with. I’m thinking we should do

She quickly sketched the layout they had agreed upon, then added a few more areas. “We can have

pasta set up at this table. A meat-carving table over here. Essentially, we could have every main
course Finn has offered. The wedding dinner won’t be sit-down, which I know Jack will like.”

He winked at her. Jack had been quiet for most of the planning with the exception of saying he

didn’t want to be sitting down for hours eating a big meal, when there was lots of partying to be had.

“Oh, I like that idea.” Sterling straightened in her seat, her eyes sparkling. “Can we do this, Finn?”
“Of course we can.” He should kick himself. Veronica had just proven why he should have invited

her in the first place. “I wish I would have thought of it.”

The I-told-you-so look that blossomed over her face would forever haunt him. He had been so

wrong to leave her out of the planning process. Not that he’d ever admit it out loud.

“Then I think we’re all set,” she said. “Right?”
She packed up her things and stood, smoothing her blazer into place.
“Thank you so much, Veronica. You saved the day again.” Sterling rose and pulled her into a hug.
“I’ll see you on Sunday, and if you need anything in the meantime, just give me a call.” She smiled

at Jack and Sterling, then turned to walk away.

She stopped after a step, and turned. “For the record, my favorite was the steak.”
The frizzy strands of her air-dried hair whipped around as she walked away, an extra spring in her


Had he just been put in his place? He couldn’t help but grin.
“Well, that was”—Jack clapped his hands on the tabletop—“interesting?”
Sterling leaned forward and whispered to Finn, “What’s going on between you two?”

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He shrugged. He wasn’t about to tell anyone about their deal. Or even that they were getting

together in addition to discussing wedding plans. Not because he was ashamed—quite the opposite.
He just wasn’t ready to put his feelings into words.

Hell, he wasn’t even sure what his feelings were. All he knew was he wanted to spend as much

time with Veronica as he could. As much time as she would let him.

“Come on, Finn. Penn told me all about what she walked in on the other day.”
Jack turned and smacked him on the shoulder. “Why don’t I know about this? What did she walk in


So Sterling hadn’t spilled the beans to Jack. Finn made a pleased mental note that Sterling could

definitely be trusted.

“Penn’s vivid imagination got the best of her again,” he insisted. “It was nothing.”
“Finn, you have to—”
“I’ve got all of your options in my head.” He tapped his temple with his finger. “I’ll put in the

order for all of the food tomorrow.”

He stood up from the table and, with a wave, left his suspicious brother and Sterling to their


He walked into his kitchen where his staff was working diligently, prepping for the evening ahead.

Cal, who had come a long way in the very short time he’d been working at Carmel, stood off to the
side prepping garnish.

When he noticed Finn walk in, he shot him a warning glare. It was a back-off-pal stare that Finn

planned on respecting. He’d given the kid enough to be traumatized about over the last couple of

He toured the kitchen, peeking over the shoulder of his sous chef. The shrimp and sausage gumbo

smelled divine. The line chefs had already prepped the main ingredients for the evening’s menu.
Vegetables were chopped and peeled. He could tell by the consistency of the rice that the lobster
risotto had been cooked to perfection.

A loud bang filled the kitchen, and he turned to Cal, who rattled a large stainless steel pot across

the counter. Instead of placing it down nicely, he dropped it from five inches above. The dishwasher
door closed with a slam, the sound of cutlery and glass rattling inside. The kid was angry.
Understandable. The kid was jealous. Understandable. The kid was purposely causing a scene in his
restaurant. Unacceptable.

Finn stalked across the space between them, stopping only a few feet away. It took Cal a minute to

notice him hovering behind. He turned slightly, but didn’t acknowledge his presence. Instead he
headed to the sink and turned on the faucet. The heavy pressure of the spray pinged off the stainless
steel, rivulets of water spurted over the sink, droplets catching him in the face.

He narrowed his eyes. “Cal?”
The boy didn’t answer. He continued to rinse off a few dishes, the water pressure so heavy they

moved around in the sink.

“Cal?” he said, a little louder this time.
When he still didn’t respond, Finn glanced at the rest of his employees. None of them were

watching, at least not directly, but he knew they were monitoring the situation, waiting to see how he
would handle the kid.

Finn stepped up and grabbed the faucet out of Cal’s hand. The kitchen went dead silent except for

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the gentle hum of the dishwasher.

“I think you’re done for the day.”
“What?” he said, his voice cracking. “I’ve done nothing wrong. I’m washing, putting away. I even

helped Scott with the marinara sauce.”

He glanced over his shoulder to Scott, one of Finn’s most seasoned line cooks. He was slouching

against the wall, making himself small, as if Finn wouldn’t be able to see him. It wasn’t up to Scott to
teach Cal. He knew the rules. But Finn nevertheless admired his initiative to help the kid progress, to
fit in. But he wouldn’t say that in front of anyone. Finn had to maintain authority.

Cal cursed under his breath, realizing his mistake. “I know I’m technically not supposed to be

cooking anything, but I wanted to learn. It’s not Scott’s fault. I made him show me how to do it. I—”

“You should go home. You’re still on the schedule for tomorrow. But go home and…regroup.

Come back with a better attitude.”

“But I—”
Finn held up his hand to stop him from talking. “Go on.”
On his way out, Cal pushed a pot against the white-tiled backsplash. He was lucky it didn’t crack.
Finn followed him out. The boy needed to get his rage under control and lose the chip on his

shoulder. He was never going to make it in this world if he couldn’t handle authority.

The kid stopped with only one call, but didn’t turn.
“Do you understand why I’m sending you home?”
Cal crossed his arms over his chest and stuck one leg out for balance. “’Cause you’re an asshole

who likes the power trip.”

Finn recoiled at his words. Luckily, Cal hadn’t turned to face him. The hurt reaction would have

totally ruined his bad cop routine.

“Is that what you really think?”
For a second, Cal’s gaze lowered to the floor. It had to be exhausting trying to keep up the tough-

guy act. Finn knew from experience. Still, being an asshole was easier than admitting you were

Finn sighed. “Look, what your sister and I do is none of your business.”
Cal twirled around. “It is so my business. She’s way too good to be with you. She has too many

important things to do than spend all her time with you.”

Too many important things. Such as spend time with Cal.
Finn was a master at reading between the lines.
He sighed. “Your sister loves you like crazy, and would do anything in the world for you, but she

needs to have a life, too. You need to give her that courtesy.”

“You don’t know what she needs.” Cal’s voice cracked again, and the high octave would make a

teenage girl jealous. “She needs to stay with me.” He sucked in a ragged breath. “She needs to be
with her family, not you.”

Cal’s inner turmoil was heartbreaking. Finn knew exactly how it felt to walk on eggshells your

whole life, wondering when the bottom would drop out from under you—or be pulled. But that was
no excuse to act like a jerk. Especially to those who loved you.

“Maybe this isn’t the right job for me.” Cal shoved his hands in his pockets and kicked at the carpet

with his foot. “I obviously don’t fit in here.”

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“Hold on. You fit just fine.” Finn came closer but kept a safe distance. He didn’t want to scare him

away. “Do you think Scott would have asked for your help today if you didn’t fit in?”

The kid shrugged.
“We’re a team, and the team is only as good as its weakest member. Don’t be that member. I know

you’re pissed about Veronica and me being together, but you know me, kid. Do you think I would ever
in a million years do anything to hurt her?” He reached out through the space between them and rested
his hand on Cal’s shoulder. “Or you, for that matter?”

He didn’t respond, but Cal knew the truth.
“You don’t have a say in what we do, but I will try my best not to rub it in your face. Deal?”
Cal reluctantly nodded. “Can I go back to work?”
Finn was happy Cal had taken such an interest in his job. The fact that he wanted to get back to the

kitchen meant he enjoyed what he was doing, what he was learning. But he needed some time to think
about things. And he wouldn’t be a benefit to anyone if he wasn’t 100 percent focused on his duties.

“No. Go home. Come back tomorrow. I think the pots and pans have had enough manhandling for

the day.”

Cal straightened and took three steps toward him. “Finn, I’m—”
“I know, buddy.” He held out his hand and gestured to the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Finn hated having to turn him away, but he needed to straddle the line between friendship and

employment. Cal’s job at Carmel was the real world, and his actions needed to be treated as such.
But that didn’t mean Finn would ever forget the look of devastation on the kid’s face when he realized
he wasn’t going back to the kitchen.

Despite being one man short, the evening dinner service went off without a hitch. When the last
customer had been served and the last staff member had left for the evening, Finn sat in his favorite
booth with a glass of his favorite whiskey and reviewed the evening’s receipts.

This was his favorite time of the night. The quiet after the storm. There was no better validation

than the final tally for the evening. But for Finn, it wasn’t about the money. It was all about the
meaning behind the number. The more money people spent, the more they enjoyed themselves at his
restaurant. The atmosphere, the food and drink, the service. And that’s what this business was all
about. Offering a place where women could enjoy an evening out with the girls. Providing a romantic
atmosphere where a man could take a woman on a first date. Welcoming families as his own.
Offering a place to celebrate those special occasions. And he satisfied all those needs with a
welcoming ambiance and amazing food.

His head snapped up when a shadowy figure at the front window caught his attention. The person

peered inside, placing a hand on the glass to reduce the glare.

Was that…Veronica?
He jumped out of the booth with an excitement only she could elicit, and raced to the front door. It

wasn’t their usual night to spend together, but he would take any time he could get. He pulled out his
keys and unlocked it, swinging open the door. The unusually warm autumn air washed over him.

“Finn.” Her whispered voice sent a shiver down his spine. “Where’s my brother?”
Wait. What?
Not the question he had expected her to ask.

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How about another round of hot sex? Why don’t you find another kitchen utensil to use on my

ass? Those were the questions he’d wanted to hear. Not to talk about her damn brother.

“Your brother went home hours ago. I sent him home early, actually.”
Panic washed over her face. “You sent him home? But he didn’t come home. I was supposed to

pick him up after his shift and I’ve been waiting in the car for twenty minutes. He’s not returning my
texts or picking up his phone. I saw your car was still here, so I thought you were just busy.”

She’d seen his car but didn’t come inside? She had known she was always welcome. Which

begged the question, again, why was she distancing herself?

“He must have forgotten to call and let you know he didn’t need a ride.”
“What if he didn’t forget? What if he—” She peered up into Finn’s eyes and his breath caught.

He’d never seen her so worried, so scared.

He pulled her close, her body shaking in his arms. “I’m sure he’s fine. Come on, have a seat with


“No, I should go out and search for him.” She tried to pull away, but he held her close.
“You’re not driving in this condition. Come on, you need something to calm you down.”
He sat her in his booth and headed to the bar. He picked up the bottle of Jameson and a second

glass, then pulled out his cell phone. He texted Cal.





He returned to find her slumped over, her forehead resting against the table.
At the sound of the glass and bottle clinking, she sat up and mumbled, “I really don’t know what to

do anymore. That kid makes me so angry. He has no consideration for anything I do. For everything
I’ve done for him.” She jumped up from the booth and paced the restaurant, her arms gesturing with
her words. “Why should I bother worrying? He wants to be on his own, take care of himself, then I
should let him. Just call his bluff.” She looked up at Finn with tortured eyes. “What do you think?”

No way. He wasn’t going to get involved. He definitely wasn’t going to tell her how to raise her

brother. Their relationship—their fragile new relationship—was tricky enough already. She couldn’t
see what was right in front of her—a scared boy who feared losing the one rock-steady person he had
left in his life. It was as plain as day to Finn. The more Cal acted out, the more she paid attention to
him and the more she needed to watch over him. The more he proved he couldn’t take care of himself,
the longer he ensured she would keep him close.

“I think you should relax and have a drink with me.”
She gave him a fake laugh. “You’re really trying your best not to get involved in this, aren’t you?”
He poured her a drink and held it out. She took the glass and downed it in one gulp. He filled it up


“It’s not my place, V. You know I will do whatever I can to help, but I won’t ruin our relationship

by saying the wrong thing when it comes to raising your brother. You’re doing just fine on your own.
You’ll figure it out.”

He hoped so. And soon. Because if she ever wanted a life of her own, she was going to have to cut

the apron strings.

She gave him a half smile, slumped back into the booth, and raised her glass to down the liquid.
A vibrating sound came from the pocket of her hoodie. She quickly set the glass on the table and

pulled out her cell phone. Her entire body relaxed when she read the message.

“He’s fine. He’s with a friend.” She breathed easier, the tension in her face disappearing. His

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entire body softened, as well.

But he jumped in his seat when a moment later she let out a frustrated curse at the phone in her

hand. “I can’t do this anymore.” Then she started laughing. Which swiftly turned to something else,
more choked and sad. When she looked up, tears trickled down both her cheeks.

“He’s been doing well here at the restaurant, V,” Finn said. “Don’t give up on him yet.”
She picked up the bottle and poured herself another shot of whiskey. Without hesitation, she drank

it and wiped her mouth with the sleeve of her hoodie.

She stood up and began pacing again. “The other day he did the dishes at home.”
Finn laughed. “At least I’m teaching him something. Give it another few weeks and he’ll be

cooking for you.”

She turned and glared. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
She moved around the lounge. She was bundled up in a white hoodie and pink track pants that

hugged tight across her bottom. The street lights shone through the front window of the restaurant and
in the dim light, she looked like an angel. His angel.

An angel ready and willing to do anything he asked.
Why had be never thought to pull her into this kind of game years ago? It was a safe and secure way

to indulge his kinky side. And hers, too. All this time they’d been perfect for each other. Who knew?

Come to think of it, he had another fantasy. To feel the rush of having sex up against that front

window. The rush that came with the possibility of being seen.

When he broke away from his arousing thoughts, she was watching him, a sexy smile curving at the

side of her lip. “What are you thinking about over there?”

He leaned back in the booth and observed her perfect form. “I’m thinking about how much I’d like

to fuck you up against the window. And about how inappropriate that would be right now.”

Her jaw dropped. “But—” She turned to the window then back at him, her lip quivering. She had

been through a lot this evening. Worry. Fear. Doubt. Insecurity. The remnants of all of those things
still shadowed her beautiful face. But there was no mistaking the desire darkening her eyes at the
mere mention of sex. With him.

“Why inappropriate? I would like that very much.” They were silent for a long moment, neither of

them making a move. Not until he bolted out of the booth, grabbed her, and locked his lips against
hers. The kiss was hard and rough, and he felt it all the way down to his toes.

Their hands roamed over each other’s bodies. Christ, she was luscious in all the right places.
“You’re so beautiful.” While his hands massaged the cheeks of her bottom she explored his chest,

unbuttoning his chef’s coat and pushing it off his shoulders until it fell to the floor behind him.

“Employees?” she whispered.
“All gone.” And that was the last time the real world interfered.
Their mouths and hands explored each other for a few minutes, but he was too ready for more to


“Take off those pants and take position. Legs spread, hands on the glass.”
Her eyes sparkled with excitement. It made him insanely hard knowing she was on board for a little

kink tonight. But she wasn’t moving fast enough.

“You have twenty seconds before my cock is inside you.” He smacked her butt. “In position or


She bolted to the big plate-glass window, stepping around two love seats sitting at the front of the

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restaurant. She bent, pulling down her track pants, letting them fall around her ankles, then put her
hands flat against the glass.

Black lace ran across her hips and down between her ass cheeks. He wondered if she was already

wet. She adjusted her hands on the glass and stuck out her bottom for him. He approached, releasing
his belt and pulling down his zipper. He retrieved the condom he’d started carrying in his wallet just
for times with her such as this. He was sheathed even before he positioned himself behind her. He
ripped aside the lace and thrust inside from behind. She was wet, taking him in smoothly. They both
moaned when his hips touched her ass. He dipped his fingers under her hoodie, found her breasts, and
kneaded them. Her hands slipped down the glass, the sweat from her palms leaving a streak.

Headlights shone through the window as cars drove by. The street was quiet, given the hour, but it

wasn’t unusual for some stragglers from the club district to make their way over on their drunken
walk home.

He pulled out and crouched behind her, licking a long line up her folds. He craved a taste; he

needed a taste. He pulled away from between her legs, her desire heavy on his lips, then entered her

“Make me forget,” she mumbled. “Make it all okay.” She threw her head back and her hair fell

over her shoulders in a cascade of orange-scented mahogany.

She needed an escape. A means of letting go of the tension, from the troubles that plagued her every

day. And he would give it to her. Wanted desperately to give it to her. But something inside him
tightened when he realized there was a definite possibility she’d never let him behind the wall of
emotions she kept hidden inside. And his only contribution to “making it all okay” was his dick.

He pumped harder, his hand snaking around her body, finding the hot button that would send her

soaring over the edge of pleasure, to a place where it was only the two of them.

Her hands fisted against the window and she pulled them together to rest her forehead. He thrust so

hard and so fast he thought they would break through the glass, but he’d take his chances. He
continued his delicious assault on her body.

Within seconds, she moaned her release, her sex tightening around him, triggering his own burst of

insane pleasure.

Turning her in his arms, he pulled her against his chest, smoothing a hand down her hair.
She touched the sides of his face with her fingers. Without a word, she captured his lips in a sweet


And confirmed his worst nightmare.
Somehow, the woman he was fucking had ended up being the perfect woman, exactly the right

woman, for him. Except she was completely, utterly wrong for the life he wanted.

It was just another of the universe’s cruel jokes. And it seemed the only one not laughing was him.

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Chapter Ten

“Ladies, welcome to Casa Madewood.”

Veronica gasped as Penn opened the double doors to the huge mansion. It was the biggest house

she’d ever seen.

“Well, shit,” Madison said with an awed curse beside her. “I should take home jobs more often.”
It was the morning of the bachelorette party and boudoir photo shoot—just over a week since Finn

had fucked her so hard and so thoroughly against a plate-glass window.

She entered the massive foyer of the mansion carrying Madison’s photo equipment with girlish

anticipation fluttering in her stomach. It had been a good while since she’d spent any real girl-time
with women she could call her friends. It felt great. And tonight, capturing her sexuality on film was
another thing she was going to do all for herself. Which also felt great.

“Welcome, ladies.” Sterling entered the foyer from the kitchen, followed by two young girls.
“Sterling, this house is beautiful,” Veronica said as she looked up and admired the cathedral

ceiling that was at least twenty feet high. But really, beautiful wasn’t a good enough word to describe
to it. The foyer was as big as the whole first floor of her townhouse. But even more beautiful was a
large bouquet of lilies sitting on a small table in the middle of the entryway.

“Not as good as the snacks and drinks I’ve lined up for us,” Penn said. “Nothing is too extravagant

for the future Mrs. Vaughn. I expensed it all.”

“Oh, gee thanks, Penn,” Carson Kelly drawled down at them from the landing on the second floor.

Veronica recognized her from the grand opening of the farm a few weeks earlier. Hair and makeup for
the photo shoot had obviously been set up somewhere in the house—she appeared radiant with red
lips and pink cheeks; her brown hair had been curled and hung past her shoulders. “I’m going to have
to listen to Neil’s grousing.”

Being engaged to the man who handled all the Madewood company finances, Carson would be the

first to hear the freak-out when Penn’s receipts came across Neil’s desk.

Penn winked. “Better you than me.”
Veronica made the introductions. “This is my friend Madison. Madison, this is Sterling, Penn,

Carson, and—”

“Forgive me,” Sterling said. “These are my sisters, Surrey and Sydney.”
They were identical twins. If one hadn’t had her hair up in a ponytail, Veronica knew she wouldn’t

be able to tell them apart all day.

“So, how exactly is this going to work?” she asked as they followed Sterling toward the staircase.
“I figured we could use one guest bedroom for the photos and one as the dressing room,” Sterling

said. “And we’ve set up the library as our lounge.”

“That’s perfect.” Madison handed Veronica the camera bag from her shoulder. “I have a few more

cases and equipment in the car.”

“We’ll help you,” one of the young girls said as they went with her back outside.
Veronica followed the other ladies up to the second floor, into the most elaborate home library

she’d ever seen. Bookshelves lined two of the four walls, and a massive oak desk sat straight ahead
in front of three large windows. On the desk, champagne and sodas were chilling in ice buckets, and a
selection of hors d’oeuvres, cheese, and fruit filled the rest of the tabletop. She really wished Ali
could have made the trip home from school to enjoy this afternoon.

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Penn lifted a magnum out of the ice bucket. “Let’s get this party started, shall we?”
Thirty minutes later, Veronica had put the finishing touches on her makeup. Her hair had been

styled to resemble Greta Garbo. Her lips were bright red with no shine. Wrapped in a fluffy towel
over her selected skimpy lingerie, she was stage-ready—minus the sparkles. She kind of missed the

“Oh, my God. I think I’m going to be a lingerie model! That was so fun.” Penn raced into the room

and flashed a huge grin. “I need to go change into my second outfit.” She hurried past them, her ass
and breasts bouncing along with her.

“V, you’re up,” Madison yelled from the bedroom.
Veronica gripped the towel at her breasts and took a deep breath. If she could stand on stage naked

in front of a live audience, she could have her picture taken. Besides, why was she so nervous?
Madison was the photographer.

She tiptoed into the room and closed the door. Madison smiled. “There’s my little guinea pig.”
And that’s exactly what Veronica was. In exchange for Madison offering unlimited hours as

photographer for the other women in the next room, Veronica had agreed her own photos could be
used in Madison’s portfolio.

“Whip off the towel and let’s get to work. I want you on your knees in the middle of the bed.”
Heat overwhelmed Veronica at the memory of Finn’s exact command.
She let the towel drop to the floor and followed Madison’s instructions.
“Don’t you think it’s funny that you’re wearing a thong and a bustier and I can actually say I’ve

seen you even more naked?”

Veronica laughed. “It seems our friendship was born from nakedness.”
After five minutes, she had maneuvered into three different poses and Madison seemed to get more

excited with every click of the camera.

They had migrated from the bed to the chaise longue in the corner of the room and she was spread

out, her legs kicked up over the side.

“Stick out your boobs,” Madison directed. “You have to— Yes, like that.” She brought the camera

to her eye and clicked. “Boudoir is all about exaggeration.”

Pulling the camera away from her face, Madison clicked through her last few shots, cocking her

head to the side. Then she looked at Veronica again. “Try to find the light every time you move.” She
waved her hand to the left. “Turn your face, yes.”

One thing Veronica seemed to be good at naked was following orders. She’d learned that the

moment Finn had demanded she remove her clothes the first time.

“V, you are so photogenic it makes me sick.”
Madison continued to babble as she clicked away, and all Veronica could think about was how

Finn was going to act when he showed up later on. Make that, worry about.

Madison kept up the conversation while clicking and directing her on the chaise. “So, are you

really going to make me ask about what’s going on with you and Chef Hottie?” she suddenly asked.

Veronica sat up and swung her legs forward, putting her knees together but her feet far apart in

what Madison called a broken doll pose.

“There’s really nothing to tell.” She had already told her about the first encounter after the show,

but she’d conveniently forgotten to mention they had agreed to play out each other’s fantasies. And
had actually started to do it.

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“So then, you haven’t had sex with him?” Madison clicked and clicked again, moving closer,

zooming in on her chest.

If Veronica said no, she’d be lying. If she said yes, then she’d have to disclose everything. Madison

was the closest friend she’d ever had. A little pathetic after almost thirty years, but she’d never felt
comfortable around girls. Always out of place, out of step. Never good enough. But with Madison she
could be herself, and if she thought about the other three women out there, they were great, too. They
had all gone out of their way to include her this afternoon, and she had no doubt that would continue
for the rest of the night. It felt good having women friends. Too good to be true. She wondered what
would happen to the friendships she was forming when her fun with Finn came to an end.

Madison straightened and dropped her camera. “I take it by your silence you’re trying to decide

whether or not to lie.”

Veronica laughed. “How do you know me so well after so little time?”
Madison shrugged. “You’re not so hard to figure out. Although, I wish you’d understand that you

don’t have to play everything so close to the vest with me. I won’t judge you. You could even tell me
you once shit your pants. I don’t care.”

Veronica burst out a laugh and shook her head. “You have such a way with words.”
“So…?” Madison sat down beside her, their shoulders touching.
Veronica trusted her new friend, even though they’d only known each other for a few months. “So,

we’re sort of…” She sighed. “I don’t even know what to call it.”

Madison nudged her. “You’re having fun. That’s what you call it.”
Veronica turned her head and grinned. “Yeah. It’s really fun.”
“And it’s just what you need.”
She nodded happily, then her shoulders slumped. “But I’m not sure it’s such a good idea that we

continue our fun. It’s getting too complicated. Things with my brother are…” Things with Cal were
getting worse. He still hadn’t apologized for making her worry sick over his whereabouts the other
night, or for the out-of-control party. And it didn’t go unnoticed that his contrary behavior had
escalated the moment she returned from her worry-free weekend with Finn. Which only solidified that
it could never happen again. Finn was amazing, everything she’d always wanted, but she didn’t think
she could deal with the consequences to her family if they continued their affair.

With the exception of her small moment of weakness against the restaurant window, she’d been

avoiding him, trying to figure out where to go from here. “I’m afraid when it’s over, we’ll never be
able to talk to each other again. I couldn’t bear that. We’re too good friends to ruin that part.”

Finn was one of the most important people in her life. She didn’t know what she would do without

him in it.

The whole situation sucked.
Madison sat silent for a moment, then slid off the chaise, crouched, and grabbed Veronica’s hands.

“I’m not going to pretend I know anything about love or relationships. But what I do know, and what I
don’t want for you, is one year from now, or five years from now, you wake up and realize you’ve
sleepwalked your way through the last ten years of your life because you were afraid of what might

Madison’s eyes grew distant. She was thinking about something. And Veronica realized she didn’t

really know much about her friend, or her past.

“Do what makes you happy, honey. No matter what it is. Go after it with all your heart. Screw

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anybody who disagrees. Life is better alone when you’re happy than tied to someone who’d rather see
you miserable.”

Clearly, Madison had been hurt. Badly. Veronica could see it in her friend’s eyes. But she

wouldn’t pry. When Madison was ready, she’d tell her about her past, the things that made her the
person she was today. A person Veronica admired greatly.

“Do you understand me, V?” Madison stared up at her with compassion.
Veronica nodded. “Yeah.”
Madison patted her hands and stood, flipping her red hair over her shoulder.
“Now, let’s get back to business. Spread those legs, baby girl. Elbows on your knees.”
An hour later, Veronica had posed for about a thousand pictures, the snacks had been picked over,

several magnums were empty on the floor, and the girls had gotten a little rowdy. Someone had
cranked up the music.

Madison sat at her laptop in the lounge area and fiddled with some of the pictures. She had

promised to Photoshop a few on the spot.

“So Veronica, what’s going on in your life?” Penn slithered into the seat next to her with a

mischievous grin.

She tensed, and scooched over on the couch. “Nothing much. Work, and trying to get Cal sorted


“No gentlemen calling?” Carson asked. She sat on the wingback chair across from her. She had

changed out of her lingerie right after her photos were complete. Unlike Penn, who traipsed around in
a short, silky robe enjoying that it was acceptable, at least today, to walk around partially undressed.
However, everyone had the essentials covered out of consideration for Sterling’s little sisters.

“No, I don’t have time for gentlemen,” Veronica said evenly.
“Bullshit!” Madison called from her computer.
“Excuse me?” she grumbled. Madison was a big traitor.
“I call bullshit, too,” Penn said. “And I think I know just what we can do to pass the time until the

men get here.”

Penn stood and walked over to where Madison sat at her laptop. “May I?” She tapped on the

keyboard after Madison handed it over, and made a few clicks. Without raising her head, she asked,
“When is your birthday?”

“May 25, 1985,” Madison blabbed. They’d compared IDs when they were carded trying to get into

the club before their burlesque graduation show—as ridiculous as that was.

“Why do you need my birth date?” Veronica went over to them, and that’s when she noticed she

was feeling woozy. She’d had at least a bottle of champagne to herself.

But she sobered up quickly when she realized Penn was on an internet dating site, in the process of

creating Veronica a profile.

She squealed in protest. “I do not like using sex toys on the beach!”
“Have you ever tried it?” Penn questioned with a raised brow. When Veronica didn’t answer, she

giggled. “Then don’t knock it ’til you have.”

Penn clicked more and typed more, and with each click, Veronica grew more nauseous.
“Madison, can we crop one of your photos and use it as her profile?”
“Sure thing.” Madison leaned in and with another click, the picture had been uploaded to the site.
“Do not press publish, Penn!” Veronica’s stomached tightened, and not in a good way. “Do not

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But it was done. Her profile was out there for men to stumble upon.
“This is ridiculous. What type of man could I possibly find on the internet?”
“Internet dating is very popular,” Surrey piped in. “Just ask Lee and Anne Marie from that

commercial. They seem to be really happy together.”

“Or Tanya and Joshua,” Sydney added. The two of them giggled at each other girlishly, in contrast

to the sophisticated, haute couture hairdos and outfits they’d donned for their photo shoots.

Sterling laughed. “Veronica. It’s just a profile. It doesn’t mean you actually have to date anyone.”
“So, this is where the party is.”
Panicked, Veronica turned toward the library door. Jack sauntered in, followed by five more male


Finn, Neil, Cole, and her brothers, Mark and Cal, loitered in the entryway. Cole, Neil, and Mark

each held a twelve-pack of beer. Finn held a bottle of whiskey. Empty-handed, but not for long, Jack
crept over to Sterling and enveloped her from behind. He whispered something in her ear and she

“Guys, this is Madison, our photographer,” Sterling introduced her friend. Veronica was

appreciative the ladies had adopted Madison into the fold so quickly.

The crowd dispersed in twos. Jack and Sterling slinked away to the corner. Neil joined Carson on

the chair. Cole followed Penn to the makeshift bar.

“Don’t you ladies look lovely,” Jack said as he twirled around his fiancée.
Veronica had covered up, but her cleavage still tumbled over the neck of her robe. When Mark

noticed, his eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

Cole placed the twelve of beer on the table, pulled one out, and twisted off the cap. Before taking a

swig, he called, “Hey, V.”

Finn finally acknowledged her. He zeroed in on where she stood. She lifted her hands to her chest

trying her best to cover her cleavage, but his eyes roved over her body, a heat-seeking missile
touching every inch of her bare skin. She looked down at herself. There was a lot of bare skin.

Of course, with the arrival of the boys, their party got louder. More animated. Even Neil was

having a good time. It wasn’t hard to see that Carson was the driving force behind his more laid-back
attitude. It was nice to see him relaxed, having fun. His face not scrunched up in a scowl as usual, his
hands not fisted tensely at his sides.

Jack was…Jack. Wheeling and dealing, even with family and friends. He flitted around the room

with a deck of cards, guilting everyone into indulging him in a card trick he’d learned from one of his
students in the Cooking for the Future program.

Cole and Penn were like an angry version of Regis and Kathie Lee. But their snippy banter wasn’t

fooling anyone. They were hot for each other.

And it seemed as though Surrey and Sydney felt the same way about Cal. They giggled and smiled

as he showed them something on his phone. Occasionally they would point at one of the adults and

Mark was being antisocial, using Madison’s laptop.
Finn called over, “Mark, stop checking your email.”
“Can’t help it, buddy, I’ve got a client on the hook.”
“Oh, shit!” Madison said to Veronica under her breath. “I might have forgotten to close the program

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with the photos on it.

Her stomached churned. “Madison!”
Her friend bit her thumbnail. “I didn’t know the guys were coming up here to the library.”
Neil walked over and hovered over Mark.
“Baby, we’re not working tonight,” Carson said with a cute pout. “You promised.”
Neil wrestled with Mark for control of the laptop. They shouldered each other and laughed, but

suddenly their smiles turned to stunned gapes, and both their jaws dropped.

Neil shook his head, quickly turning away. Veronica wondered whose picture was on display. He

tried to walk away but Mark grabbed his forearm. As Neil stared wide-eyed at the screen, Mark
averted his eyes and handed over the mouse. He must have been clicking through Carson’s pics.

After a few clicks, Neil tensed and straightened. “Shit, Jack, I’m sorry.”
“I said no working, Neil.” Carson placed her fists on her hips, her pout turning to a frown.
“I’m not working. I—” He cleared his throat. “So, did you ladies have fun getting your pictures


Sterling gasped. “Neil Harrison, are you looking at me naked? Because I already apologized for

walking in on you last month—”

Naked?” Jack vaulted from the couch and took position behind the computer. “Holy shit.” He

pointed at the screen. “This is what you were doing?”

“I’m a photographer.” Madison stood. “I specialize in boudoir and forties pinups. This is my gift to

the lovely bride.”

“It was supposed to be a surprise.” Now Sterling pouted. “It was going to be a special gift.”
“Do you—” Mark couldn’t even get out his words he was so tongue-tied. “Do you all have this

kind of pictures?”

“Everyone but us.” Surrey scowled, pointing at her sister, then back at herself. “Ours are totally


“Well, it was fun anyway, getting all dressed up,” Sydney said, poufing up her hair.
Finn and Cole ignored them and raced to the computer. At the mere mention of nakedness the men

had lost all interest in what they’d been doing before.

“Dude, that’s my soon-to-be wife,” Jack growled.
The men’s voices grew louder as they fought to see—and not see—the photos on the screen.
“Um, hello? I’m not comfortable with you jackals drooling all over my hotness,” Penn huffed.
“Penn, I had no idea you had a tat,” Jack said, wide-eyed. Earlier, Veronica had admired Penn’s

cherry blossom tattoo that spanned the side of her body from hip bone to under her arm.

Carson had joined the men hovering over the laptop. “These are beautiful.” She leaned in closer.

“Oh, Veronica, you’re gorgeous.”

Veronica tensed on the couch. If Carson was looking at her photo, it meant all of them were…
“Christ! Click away! Close it down!” Mark cried out. “I need to wash my eyes out with bleach.”
“What is that sound?” Neil asked, peering closer.
Despite the loud conversation, Veronica heard it too, an incessant beeping from the screen.
“That would be all the men wanting to set up a date with our Veronica,” Penn said with a

triumphant smirk. She leaned forward and nudged Mark out of the way. “V, you have seventeen pings.
Damn. Look at all these messages! It’s the photo. I knew that photo would do the trick.”

“You put a photo of yourself in lingerie online?” Finn’s eyes nearly narrowed to slits as he stared

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at her.

Embarrassment rushed up her neck to her cheeks. The library had gotten thirty degrees hotter all of

a sudden. “No, I did nothing of the sort.”

“It’s only her face. Calm down, grandpa.” Penn waved Finn out of the way.
“Since when do you online date?” Mark asked, his face wreathed in curiosity—or possibly


“I think our sister does a lot of things we don’t know about.” Cal sauntered up to the group at the

computer and read over someone’s shoulder. “Hey V, this guy wants to meet and find out if you’re his
Special Someone.” He snickered. “This shit is so cheesy.”

While the rest of the group laughed and made jokes at her profile, Finn merely glared. How did he

not know it was a joke? Uploaded by someone else? Did he really think she would sign herself up for
an internet dating site while they were…doing whatever it was they were doing? Even if it had been a
week since they’d actually done anything.

Not that she owed him any explanations. Eventually, their game would be over and they’d go their

separate ways. That was their agreement.

But she was conflicted because the more time they spent together, the more Cal deteriorated—and

the more the image of the future she had thought she wanted blurred.

Jack finally settled things by taking the party downstairs after suggesting the women get dressed

because the minister was due any minute. A while later, the minister arrived and those in the wedding
did a dry run-through of the ceremony. The beauty of the moment was only shadowed by Sterling’s
upset that her parents hadn’t shown up. So, Neil stood in for her father and walked her down the aisle.

The absence of Sterling’s parents was just another entry on Veronica’s list of reasons not to have

kids. Who needed a bigger family if they could be so hurtful to each other? Just look at how Cal was
treating her after all they’d been through over the past eight years.

Besides, the one man who could possibly threaten her theory was deliberately ignoring her. So it

was probably a moot point, anyway.

After the minister took his leave, Cal, Sydney, and Surrey decided they were bored with the mushy

adults and the froufrou hors d’oeuvres, and left to grab some burgers and shakes at a local diner.

The rest of the group continued to drink, and Veronica began to feel the effects of mixing

champagne with wine and shots. Good thing she worked for herself and could reschedule her
meetings for the next day. She was going to need some serious recovery time.

In the middle of an animated conversation sitting at the breakfast bar with Madison, where she

preached the pros and cons of fucking while being bound to a bed, Veronica had to bite the insides of
her cheeks to keep from smirking, but her I-know-something-you-don’t-know giddiness stalled when
Finn’s sexy drawl sounded close to her ear. “Silk bindings. Definitely.”

“Ah. A man who knows his way around a knot,” Madison said with a wicked smile.
Veronica almost melted into a puddle on the floor at the rough timbre of his voice when he said,

“Oh, and so does this lady,” then leaned closer and murmured softly, “Meet me in the master
bedroom. Now.”

He was gone before she even had a chance to turn her head.
Madison smiled and winked, slipping off her stool. She sauntered up to Veronica’s brother and

grabbed him by the lapels of his suit jacket. “Hey Mark. Why don’t you tell me about life out west?”
Then she turned back to Veronica and mouthed, “Go for it.”

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Her friend was going to keep him distracted so she could slip out unnoticed.
With a last glance, Veronica mouthed, “I love you,” then scooted out of the kitchen and up the


She approached the master bedroom and peeked around the door. The room was dark. She slipped

inside, and before the door was closed behind her, strong hands wrapped around her body and Finn’s
arousing scent surrounded her.

Finn nuzzled Veronica, pressing soft kisses against her neck. She nestled into his body as his kisses
trailed higher. He snaked out his tongue and nibbled at her earlobe. Her body shivered in response.

“Finn, this is dangerous.”
“Not nearly as dangerous as those photos of you.” He twirled her around to face him. “Do you

know how hard it was to keep my dick in check after seeing those?”

It was 100 percent inappropriate to get a hard-on for your best friend’s sister when that best friend

was standing right beside you.

He’d kept firmly reminding himself of that, but the sight of her spread out across the bed, in the

skimpiest of lingerie, her skin damp, her lips red and plump just like they looked after she sucked on
his dick…almost had him jumping her on the spot.

“You liked the photos?”
He reached for her hand and placed it at the front of his pants. “What do you think?” Swooping

down, he devoured her mouth, unable to kiss her hard enough, deep enough. The woman brought out
the sex-crazed monster in him, and he was hopeless but to give in to the monster’s demands.

She pulled away, her breath ragged. “We can’t do this here.”
She was right. Any one of their friends could notice they were missing and send a search party.

And he wasn’t prepared to defend, or even explain, the arrangement he and Veronica had to anyone.
Especially not to Mark.

But he couldn’t help it. The thought of her on the dating market had sent him into a mute rage. He

had barely been able to keep his food down. He hadn’t been able to acknowledge her all evening for
fear he might explode.

He grabbed both sides of her face and captured her lips, pressing her up against the door, grinding

his hard-on into her stomach. “I know we’re supposed to keep our distance in public, but the thought
of you dating another man makes my insides go crazy, and I feel an intense need to claim you.”

Mmm. Works for me,” she murmured between kisses.
Not to mention, the sight of her dating profile had increased his doubts exponentially about their

relationship, and about why she had been too busy to meet up lately. “That internet dating thing… Is
that why you’ve been avoiding me?”

Her eyes grew heavy with desire and she grabbed his shoulders, shaking her head. “I— I didn’t—”
He cut her off with a kiss. Now was not the time for apologies. He loved her. Needed to claim her

for his own. Plans for the future be damned.

She melted under him, pliable, her body giving in to his kiss and his demands. She was primed. He

knew between the folds of her sex she would be wet and ready for him. “You are mine, Veronica. No
one else’s. And right now, all I want to do is fuck you.”

She breathed heavily against his neck. “Then do it.”

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Their hands moved quickly, removing their clothes, all of them. Finn took a moment to lock the

door, then swiftly pulled his emergency condom from his wallet and put it to good use.

In a matter of seconds he was inside her, thrusting hard and deep as he slammed her against the

door to the harmony of her moans.

“I love those sweet sounds you make.” He thrust harder, and with each thrust she tightened around


Out in the hall, a door opened and slammed shut. She tensed, but he kept on thrusting. “Look at me,”

he commanded.

She locked her gaze with his. Footsteps pounded down the stairs.
“Forget about the other side of the door,” Finn ordered her. “Let me hear that sexy sound. The

sound that makes my cock hard as steel. Come for me, Veronica.”

Her head fell back, and with a tiny whimper she tensed around him, her body giving in to the


For the second time, a door slammed out in the hallway. She let out a heavy breath and moaned, a

low sound in her throat.

He wrapped his arms around her, lifted her off her feet, and walked them over to the bed. When his

legs hit the mattress he stumbled and their connection broke.

“I’m sorry.” He grasped her around the neck and tried to thrust back into her, but she resisted.
Had she had enough of their game? Were the consequences too high?
But at the twinkle in her eye, he knew that wasn’t the case.
She put her palm flat on his chest and pushed him down. “Lay back and shut up,” she told him. She

crawled over him with a sexy grin. “I’m going to ride you so hard you’ll forget to breathe.”

And just like that, the tables had turned. She sank down on top of him, totally in charge, her body

moving in a slow, torturous rhythm. The moonlight seeping in from behind the heavy draperies made
her damp skin glisten. She knew exactly what he wanted. What he needed. She moved on top of him
like a dancer, elegant and luminous, putting on a show just for him. She quickened her pace, then
slowed, the variance just what he liked, just what he needed to release lightning fast.

He followed her over the edge, his climax as explosive as the first time they’d fucked. He had a

feeling every time with her would be just as extraordinary.

She sprawled forward and rested her head on his chest. He brought his arms up and clasped them

at the small of her back. They lay in silence for a few moments.

“We should probably get back to the festivities.” Her words tickled against his chest. “I’m sure it’s

been noticed we’re missing.”

“You’re right.” He rubbed her back, fluttering his fingers against her smooth, perfect skin. “You

want to go back first?”

She nodded. “Although I don’t think we’re fooling anyone.”
True. He hoped everyone was keeping their eyes firmly planted on the event at hand—the union of

Jack and Sterling. “They’ll respect our privacy. For now, anyway.”

Except maybe Mark. There would be no rationalizing with him if he ever found out about their

affair. And Finn knew he’d be destined—and rightly so—for a beat-down of epic proportions. He
only prayed Veronica’s friend Madison had done a good job at distracting Mark while they slipped
away. He didn’t like the thought of the wedding photographer using Photoshop to cover up the black
eye he was destined to receive from the outraged older brother.

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Finn sighed inwardly. He didn’t know how much longer this charade could continue, anyway. The

games, the sex, were amazing. The best he’d ever experienced. His body had never been so sated, so
blissfully connected to another person.

But he didn’t know how much longer his heart could take it. It was agony being with the woman he

loved…and knowing they were destined never to be together. Not for real. Not like he wanted to be.

But each time they were together she had claimed another piece of his heart. And tonight, as he’d

thrust deep inside her, she had claimed all of it. Which scared the shit out of him, because he knew he
would do anything to have this perfect woman in his life, in his bed and by his side, for as long as he

If only she felt the same way.

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Chapter Eleven

Veronica stood at the back of Jack and Sterling’s wedding reception, keeping an eye on the festivities.
The beautiful ceremony was over, and the joyous celebration had begun.

It had been six days since the rehearsal dinner. Six days since Finn had stolen Veronica’s last bit of

resolve. And what transpired over the few moments they’d spent together since then only confirmed
she had fallen in love with him.

Completely. Truly. All-encompassingly.
There was no way she’d have the strength to avoid him now.
She’d thought she was in love with him before they began their game of seduction. But those

feelings were child’s play compared to the intense emotions now dogging her every minute of every
day. She didn’t know what to do with those feelings. Hide them? Push them aside? Confront him with
them? Any way she analyzed their situation, one of them was going to lose. And she had no idea
where to go from here.

But right now, thankfully, she had a job to do. She desperately needed the distraction.
Twinkle lights were wrapped around the wooden beams across the barn’s ceiling. Round tables

were scattered on both sides of the room with delicate chandeliers hanging above each. Bouquets of
white roses served as centerpieces. Long white lines were draped over the high-top tables that served
as a resting place for guests to enjoy their food and drinks. Stations were set up around the room and
the catering staff served the evening’s fare. The dance floor had been placed in the middle of the
expansive barn, and at the far end a trellis had been built on a raised platform, which was where Jack
and Sterling had recited their vows an hour earlier in front of an intimate group of friends and family.

Veronica had given Sterling and Jack an elegant designer wedding in the most rustic of settings—

the barn at the Madewood Farm, which, as project architect, Carson had gutted and remodeled for the
grand opening of the complex only a few weeks ago.

The wedding ceremony had been exquisite. Sterling had cried. Cole had kept Jack calm with

reassuring squeezes to his shoulder as they watched his stunning bride walk toward him in her lace
gown. Penn, the maid of honor, was gorgeous in a strapless black cocktail dress, black lace over
black satin. It hugged the curvy frame of her body in all the right places.

This had been one of Veronica’s best events ever. But then, perfection was easy to achieve when

money was no object.

So far, Finn had spent most of his time in the kitchen, wearing her favorite bit of clothing—his

white chef’s coat. She now knew just how commanding he could be in that pristine garment. Her body
ached to feel him inside her again. But his distance during the wedding festivities was a blessing in
disguise. She didn’t think she could maintain her cool composure and complete her task of keeping
this wedding running smoothly if he were anywhere close by.

Cal suddenly appeared next to her. “Since we have two cars here, can I take yours for tonight?” He

flashed her a wide grin. “You can go home with Mark.”

She hadn’t even heard the kid walk up. Obviously, she had been too lost in fantasizing about Finn.
The kid looked cute in his starched white chef’s coat and winning smile, she’d give him that. Along

with points for trying.

But no. Not happening. “Sorry, bud. You’re still grounded, remember?”
“Aren’t we over that yet? The party wasn’t that big. The cops weren’t even called.”

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She clamped her jaw. “The more words that come out of your mouth, the longer your sentence is

going to be. So…keep it up, and you won’t be allowed to go to university even if you wanted to,
because you’ll be quarantined to your room for the next ten years.”

He glared at the ground.
She knew she was being hard on him. But he deserved it. Not so much for the party itself as for the

bad attitude and the rudeness. He still hadn’t apologized, and despite tasking Mark with the duty of
cleaning up the mess on the front lawn, it had been waiting for her when she returned home from the
tasting with Jack and Sterling. It was obvious Cal believed he was the innocent victim in all this, and
that Veronica had majorly overreacted.

Granted, he had been doing well all week. He went to work and came right home. But he was

nowhere close to having learned his lesson.

“Come on, V,” he whined, using the pleading, little-boy voice he used to use on her when he was

still little and cute. He knew it almost always melted her resolve. “Give a dude a break, Sis. I may or
may not have a date with the alleged high school blow job queen.”

She laughed out loud and rolled her eyes. “Oh, you do not.” She knew Cal wasn’t that kind of guy.

While she didn’t expect him to be a virgin, he was no womanizer who took advantage just because he

“All right, fine, I don’t. But I still need the car.”
“Sorry. You’re still needed in the kitchen, and then Mark will be taking you right home, where you

will be fulfilling the rest of your sentence.”

Cal’s veins started to throb in his neck. “This is all Mark’s fault and you know it. You’ve never

grounded me before. It’s all because he’s here.”

Her heart tightened at the sound of the disdain in Cal’s voice. He was hurting about something, but

both she and Mark were at a loss to figure out what. She shot him a sympathetic but immovable look.
“Yeah, well, you’ve never had a party and trashed my house before.”

His ears must have been ringing because Mark sidled up to where they stood at the back of the

barn. “Your voices are getting a little too loud for public consumption. What’s the problem?”

“Our little brother wants the car tonight.”
Mark laughed, but there was no humor in it. “You’re a piece of work. You actually asked to

borrow the car? Do you not remember you’re on lockdown?”

“Thanks to you,” Cal muttered, but his words were loud enough to hear.
“What was that?” Mark stepped forward, his shoulders pulling back defensively.
Cal didn’t back down. He straightened and puffed out his own chest. The kid had height and was

two inches taller than Mark. “I said, thanks to you I’m stuck in the house. V never grounded me before
you came back.”

“Then you’ve had it too easy. If I’d been around for the last few years things would have been


“Yeah? Well, you weren’t around. You fucking left us.”
Veronica shrank away into the shadowed perimeter of the barn. “Guys, people are starting to


“I don’t even know why you care, anyway,” Cal said fiercely. “You fucked off and never even

visited. You left Veronica to take care of us all by herself.”

So the kid picked now to recognize her hard work and dedication to raising him? “Guys—”

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Mark stepped backward and composed himself, wagging a finger at Cal. “You’ve had an attitude

with me ever since I came home.”

She knew Cal had a chip on his shoulder when it came to Mark. She had thought maybe it was just

a guy thing. But it suddenly hit her. Cal was angry because Mark had left them. He felt abandoned.

She knew the feeling well. She’d felt a little abandoned herself since the day Mark told her he was

moving out west. But she knew it was for the best. For all their futures.

“Would you have rather we’d left you in foster care?” Mark demanded, lowering his voice.

“We’ve done everything for you and your sister, trying to give you a better life than we had. At least
Ali appreciates our efforts and is trying to make something of herself. But you, Mr. Ungrateful, are
hell-bent on fucking up your life, aren’t you?”

Veronica ground her teeth and breathed out puff of frustration. Cal was a good kid. He was just

going through a rough patch and needed more care and attention than Ali did. Veronica felt deep down
he was close to a breakthrough. He didn’t need Mark’s guilt trip to set him back.

But before she had the chance to say so, Cal made a choking noise. “You’re both such assholes.”

He pointed accusingly at Mark. “You don’t give a shit.” Then he swung around to her. “And you
You’re too busy fucking Finn to care about anything else.”

She gasped. As soon as the words left his mouth Cal’s face froze in consternation, realizing what

he’d done.

“What are you talking about?” Mark snapped. “There’s no way Veronica is having sex with Finn.

Tel him, V.” He turned to her and waited.

She opened her mouth but her words were big lumps caught in her throat, unable to explain. She

could lie. Or she could tell the whole truth and take the opportunity to ensure this situation with Finn
didn’t go any further than it had—because Mark would see to it. But she had never been a good liar.

“Tell him, Veronica, you are not fucking my best friend.”
Cal mouthed the agonized words, “I’m sorry.” He obviously knew he’d crossed the line and was in

for an epic lecture. If he thought his grounding was going to be short-lived, he had another think
coming. Try ten years. Make it twenty.

Still. Maybe this was for the best. Maybe it was time for Finn’s and her secret to come out into the

open. Well, maybe not the whole truth. No one needed to know the details of their arrangement. And
people definitely didn’t need to know he liked to smack her ass and tie her up until she’d orgasmed so
many times she couldn’t breathe. No, not the whole truth. What they’d done behind closed doors
wasn’t anyone’s business but their own. Madison had saved her bacon at the rehearsal dinner, but it
was time to fess up.

“I can’t do that, Mark. I am having sex with Finn.” Really fantastic, mind-blowing sex. She

suppressed her smile.

Just as Finn had pointed out her worry vein, for the first time she noticed Mark’s angry vein. It

throbbed and pulsed on his neck.

His expression tightened and a look she hadn’t seen since they were teenagers washed over his

face. Fury stared back at her. “He took advantage of you. He seduced you.” It wasn’t a question.

Did he really think she was capable of letting a man coerce her unwillingly into sex? Or that his

best friend would be so dishonorable?

“Don’t be ridiculous. Finn took advantage of nothing.” She straightened, rolling back her shoulders

with pride. “If you must know, I seduced him.”

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Mark shook his head vigorously in denial. “This is sick. We’re family, for chrissake.”
Cal started to shuffle away. “I’m just going to let you two talk.”
She clamped onto his arm. “You started this, buster. You’re not leaving.”
“Children?” Madison approached their tense family unit. “Do you think you could take this

outside? You’re starting to draw attention, and that’s saying a lot since Penn was just dancing on the

Mark’s eyes lowered to the ground. “No need. I can’t stand the sight of my dear siblings right now.

I’m sorry for the disturbance.” He turned sharply and stalked away.

“What the hell was that all about?” Madison asked, watching him with raised brows.
Veronica sighed. “An explosion waiting to happen.”
Cal touched her arm. “I’m really sorry, V. It just slipped out. I didn’t mean to tell him about Finn.”

He seemed genuinely contrite.

“Oh, shit.” Madison clasped her hand over her mouth. “Big brother knows you’re bumping boots

with Chef Hottie?”

“Chef Hottie? Really?” Cal made a disgusted face. “And girls think guys are chauvinists. You

nickname us?”

“Run along, little man.” Madison waved a regal hand at Cal. “I think you’ve done enough damage

for one day.”

Veronica nodded her agreement. “Yeah. Go back to work before Finn has to come looking for


Cal hesitated, but finally headed out of the barn toward the tent that had been set up specifically for

food preparation.

“That was mildly entertaining,” Madison drawled.
“Did Jack and Sterling see? I’m so unprofessional.” She groaned and clutched her head between

her hands.

“They didn’t see. They were outside for some pictures. Last I saw they were schmoozing with an

older couple.”

“Thank goodness.” At least Veronica’s professional reputation was still somewhat intact. Her

reputation as a role model, however, was in severe danger.

“Are you all right?” Madison slid her arm around her shoulders and let her head rest on top of hers.
“I don’t know.” Veronica sucked in a deep breath and laid her fears on the table. “I’m afraid Mark

finding out means Finn and I are over. The bro code, and all…”

“I thought it was never supposed to be permanent?”
“I know. But…” It was impossible not to get attached to Finn O’Reilly. She should have known it

would happen…from the very first second she’d contemplated this crazy arrangement. How had she
ever expected to get over the man she had been in love with for more half of her life so damn quickly?

“Do you want it to be permanent?” Madison asked, her brow creased.
“Yes. No!” They would never work in real life. But she loved him too deeply and too fiercely to

end it so soon. “Oh, hell, I don’t know.”

“Listen, Finn was supposed to be your hot, steamy, temporary affair. A means to get over your

schoolgirl crush and get your womanly sexual mojo back, so you can go out and find the guy you’re
really meant to be with.” Madison nudged her with her shoulder. “Right?”

The stark reminder of Veronica’s own words the night of the burlesque show hit her like a ton of

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“Right,” she said. But no. It was so not right. It was wrong, wrong, wrong. She wanted so much

more than a temporary relationship with Finn.

She wanted him. In her life. For always.
But that would be incredibly selfish of her. He desired a family, and she had already raised hers.

He deserved someone who could give him everything he’d dreamed of, including a mini version of
himself. Or two, or three.

She groaned. “It’s too complicated to move forward, but God help me, Mad, I can’t go back to the

way it was before.” Just the thought of never being able to touch Finn anywhere and any way she
wanted made her twitchy. But the impossibility of a future together was something she was going to
have to accept, because they were at an impasse.

“I’m sorry, honey. If I had known it would make you so sad, I wouldn’t have pushed you into

pursuing this.”

“This isn’t on you. It’s all on me. I wanted it.” Tears threatened to expose just how devastated she

was about the situation. But any tears she would cry were only a result of her own foolishness. “I just
didn’t understand how hard it would be.”

Madison gave her another hug. “Come on. You need a distraction. Let’s harass the bride and groom

into cutting the cake so I can take some more pictures.”

It was time to get back to work and celebrate a couple who had found true love.
Maybe one day Veronica would find her one true love, too.
Or maybe she’d already found him, but it just wasn’t meant to be.

Finn wiped the edge of the plate, doing his best to clean up his line chef’s mistake.

“There should be thin lines of coulis on this dessert, ladies and gentlemen.” How many times did

he have to instruct his staff on how to get things done? Did no one listen? “No globs of red all over
the plates. It shouldn’t look like a vampire just ripped open someone’s neck.”

“You shouldn’t yell at your people.”
Finn recognized the voice behind him. His best friend’s shadow appeared over the line of plates on

the stainless steel.

He continued to wipe. “Just because this is my brother’s wedding doesn’t mean my food and

presentation can be anything less than one hundred and ten percent perfect.”

“Does that theory work for my sister and me, too?”
He turned and shot Mark a wary look. “What are you talking about?”
“Just because you’re fucking my sister doesn’t mean you’re not giving our friendship one hundred

and ten percent of your consideration, right?” His voice dripped with sarcasm.

Who the hell told him? This was not what Finn had wanted. And this was definitely not the time or

place to have this conversation. His chefs had mastered the art of pretending not to listen to his
conversations. But he knew they were hanging on every word.

Finn laid the squirt bottle of raspberry coulis on the table and leaned against the edge.
He and his best friend stared at each other, silence taking over, but the concern in Mark’s eyes said

it all. Finn didn’t need to be yelled at to feel like a piece of shit.

“You had sex with my sister.”

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Where did he even begin? How did he explain?
“My little, vulnerable sister.”
In his defense, she wasn’t so little anymore. And he hoped Mark hadn’t used that word when he

spoke with her. Though, he didn’t have any visible cuts or bruises. Finn figured he wouldn’t get off so

“You’re not denying it. So it must be true.” Mark turned his head and his neck cracked. “Hell,

Veronica already confirmed it. She even thinks she seduced you.” He laughed. “As if.”

Finn shook his head. This attitude from the people who supposedly knew her best was exactly why

she’d felt the need to seduce him in the first place. She had become a stereotype to everyone. She
wanted to break free of other peoples’ perceptions. He was beginning to understand her frustrations.

“I would expect this from Jack, not from you, man.” Mark shook his head. “Not from you.”
“That’s not fair to Jack.”
Jack had changed a long time ago, but was still paying for his womanizing ways. Even here on his

wedding day, where he had pledged himself to one woman forever. Talk about people’s perceptions.
Would there ever be a day when he wasn’t paying for his past?

Mark grimaced. “You know what I mean.”
Finn took a deep breath. “It wasn’t my intention to betray your trust, bro. I just…”
He’d just what? He’d just fallen head-over-heels, completely in love with her…that’s what. But it

didn’t matter. Because it was destined to end. Even if they decided to pursue whatever it was
between them long-term, one of them would have to compromise. And over time, that compromise
would end up ruining everything they had tried to build together.

“So, what are your intentions? Are you seeing her? Is it serious between you?”
“I—” Finn cleared his throat. God fucking knew. “I don’t—”
Mark’s lips pressed into a thin line at his wavering response. “Fuck. This isn’t like you, Finn.

You’re not the fuck-em-and-leave-em type. Why start with my damn sister?”

“We’re not just fucking. It’s—” They were sharing something so very special. Something he would

remember forever. But it was something they should have left alone, to avoid the fallout all around. “I
don’t want to hurt her,” he said at length.

“But you’re going to, aren’t you?” Mark’s accusing words struck him like bullets to the chest. What

had she told him? The small vein in his friend’s neck was pulsing again and his fists were clutching.
Not a good sign.

“I didn’t think it would change things between us. Any of us.”
“How could it not?” Mark demanded, fury seeping from every word. He was not letting up. He was

like an attack dog. But Finn would stand there and take every insult, every accusation. If he’d had a
sister, he would be doing the same thing, feeling the same way.

But what Mark failed to realize was that Veronica had set up the casual, temporary arrangement

herself. And when the dust settled, and they both went their separate ways, it would be Finn’s heart
that was broken.

His servers scurried silently around them, picking up the finished plates to bring to the dessert

table. And this food wasn’t even the last course. He still had the midnight supper to prepare. Sliders
and poutine weren’t going to make themselves.

He lowered his voice. “Mark, I’m sorry.”
“I’m really trying not to punch you right now.”

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Which was a good thing. Finn wasn’t a man who liked to use his fists to settle an argument. To

settle anything, ever. And he most definitely wasn’t going to start now. Nor did he want to be on the
receiving end of someone else’s.

“I appreciate that,” he said.
“I told myself I wasn’t going to do this here. I wasn’t going to cause a scene. But I can’t help it. I

just can’t believe you would do something like this. You know how fragile Veronica is.”

Finn shook his head. “Whoa, there. Your sister is not fragile. Far from it. She’s strong, determined,

and braver than anyone I know. If you hadn’t taken off and left her here to fend for herself for so long,
maybe you’d know that.” Finn’s voice was raised now. He knew it wasn’t very professional to have a
fight in his own kitchen, in front of his employees. He was always so calm and collected. But damn it,
this was important.

Mark reared back. “What is this? Gang up on Mark day? Christ. I work my frigging ass off to help

support those two kids, but because I’m not here everyone forgets if it weren’t for me they’d all be
living far below the lifestyle they’re accustomed to.”

Anger simmered under Finn’s skin. Because Veronica worked her own ass off to contribute, too.

And Mark seemed to be forgetting that small detail.

“Do you think I like being away from my family, from everything I know? But I do my part. I send


Money? That’s what he thought was important? “Very pimpish of you.”
Pimpish?” Mark fisted his hands at his sides. “You’ve got some pretty big balls there, O’Reilly.”
“Yeah? Well, some people like that about me.”
Mark cursed under his breath and lunged forward, grabbing the bottle of coulis from the island.

Before Finn even had the time to flinch, Mark squeezed. Sweet red liquid covered Finn’s face. Once
he was over the shock, he licked his lips and wiped at his eyes. When he was finally able to see
through the thick, sticky red mess, he zeroed in on Mark. His friend’s shoulders were a little less
rigid, his hands not quite as stiff and close to his body. The fury darkening his face had softened. But
it hadn’t retreated completely.

“What the hell is going on?” Cal rushed over from the tent entrance and stepped between them.
“Nothing we can’t handle ourselves,” Finn gritted out.
“You can thank Cal for outing your dirty little secret,” Mark said. “It seems that anger makes him

tell the truth.”

Finn wiped his face with his hand and flicked the red coulis onto the grass.
Cal blanched, then raced to the back of the tent, grabbed a towel, and jogged back with it. “Here

you go, Chef.”

Mark made a disgusted face. “You’ve even got Cal calling you Chef. How do you do it? After all

these years, I never realized how manipulative you are.”

“It’s a sign of respect,” Cal blurted out, offended. “He’s not manipulating anyone.”
Finn placed his hand on Cal’s shoulder. He appreciated the defense. It proved that Finn had broken

through, if only a tiny bit. The trust he had been trying to build was catching, and it was only a matter
of time before Cal let him behind that wall and asked for help. But this wasn’t Cal’s fight. Finn had
his own demons he needed to work out with Mark.

“And I sure as hell didn’t force Veronica into doing anything she didn’t want to do. She’s an adult,

more than capable of making her own decisions. And so is Cal. Your family has grown up, Mark. You

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just haven’t been here to see it.”

Mark lunged again but Cal held out his arm and stopped him from getting any closer. “Not here.

You do not want to be the one responsible for ruining Jack and Sterling’s wedding.”

Mark shot Cal a scowl. No doubt unhappy Cal was playing the role of responsible adult while

Mark practically had smoke coming out of his ears.

“Stay the fuck away from my sister.” Mark pointed at him over Cal’s shoulder. “I mean it.” He

stalked out of the tent and down the dirt path toward the parking lot.

“I’m sorry, Finn.” Cal’s shoulders slumped as they watched him storm away. “I was mad and…it

just slipped out. I didn’t mean to tell him. Honest.”

“It’s all right. It was bound to come out sooner or later. And let this be a lesson to you—lying is

never worth it.”

The kid gave him a wry look. “Are you always trying to teach a lesson, even at your own


“I guess so.” He laughed. “And you can expect many more, the longer you work for me.”
Cal smiled. “I saw an extra jacket near the towels. Go change.” He straightened. “I can squirt

straight lines.”

Damn. The kid had come a long way from the snarky smart-ass who’d shown up at his restaurant

only a few weeks ago refusing to have anything to do with it.

Despite his first instinct to say no, Finn figured Cal deserved a shot at putting the finishing touches

on the dessert. He had just defended him, after all. And he trusted his growing skills.

Finn nodded, and made his way to the towels and the sink. “Go ahead.”
He cleaned his face and neck, and removed the soiled jacket, replacing it with a crisp white one.

Although this one didn’t have his name embroidered on it.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Veronica pass the entrance to the barn and walk around toward

the back. She was escaping.

Cal was hard at work finishing the dessert plates. The rest of his staff members were working just

as diligently. The chef wasn’t supposed to leave the ship. But Mark had most likely flown off the
handle with Veronica, too. Finn needed to check on her. He threw down the towel and jogged out to
the side of the barn.

He clasped his hand around her bare arm, and she flailed. “Finn. You scared the crap out of me.

It’s dark in these woods.”

He didn’t know what to say to her. He’d deserted his job, scared the wits out of her, and he still

didn’t know what he wanted to say. But seeing the plunging neckline of her dress, all rational thought
deserted him, and he definitely knew what his body was telling him to do.

“Come with me.”
He put his hand at the small of her back and propelled her around the barn toward the guesthouse—

the one building on the property that hadn’t been renovated.

When they reached the front door, he bent and found the key Neil left for emergencies under a


He smiled and held it up. “Our cabin awaits.”
He held open the door and she stepped over the threshold. They had only taken two strides inside

before she whirled around to face him. He crushed his lips down on hers.

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She met his kiss with equal ferocity. He clamped his hands at the side of her face. Her hungry

kisses ignited a firestorm inside him. Her shy, innocent demeanor was in stark contrast to the dark and
dirty way her tongue played with his.

She kissed his cheek and moved down to nuzzle his neck. “Mmm. You taste sweet.”
He pulled away and kicked the door closed behind them. “I had a little accident in the kitchen.”
Her eyes darkened, and not with desire. “Mark?”
This was not the conversation he wanted to have at this moment. Couldn’t they at least have sex

first, and talk about unnecessary drama afterward?

“Mark paid me a little visit, yes.” He walked farther into the cabin and rested his bottom against an

old wood table. The cabin was musty, with makeshift curtains stapled in place, and a creaky wood
floor. The kitchen was behind them, and on the opposite side was a tiny hallway that most likely led
to the bedroom. “And there might have been an unprovoked attack with a bottle of raspberry coulis.”
His lips twitched.

She chuckled under her breath, then grew serious. “Cal didn’t mean to say anything. Mark got him

all riled up, and it just slipped out.”

“I know.” But the truth had come out. Probably for the best. But it didn’t help them decide their next

steps. Or maybe it did. “So, where do we go from here?”

He didn’t know if he wanted an answer to his question. He didn’t even know what that answer

should be.

Yeah, he did.
She pushed out her chest, the soft swell of her breasts peeking out from the side of the fabric, and

sighed. “All this time, I’ve known. When I was eleven years old, I knew you were the one.”

Nothing good could come of her reminiscing about their past. “Veronica—”
She waved him off. “But things change. People grow up. Priorities aren’t the same as when you

were a starry-eyed teenager.” Tears shone in her eyes. It broke his heart to know he was the reason
for those tears. “You’re it, Finn. I know it, in here.” She placed her finger to her temple. “And in
here.” Her palm rested against her chest. “But it won’t work. We just don’t want the same things.”

He kept his mouth shut. That might be true…he might even agree. But the more she tried to put

distance between them, the more he would do anything to keep her within arm’s reach.

“I could never keep you from having the life you’ve always dreamed of,” she went on. “And I

know you would never ask me to do anything I didn’t want to do.”

“Of course I wouldn’t.” His chest hurt. It felt as though an elephant had sat on it and he couldn’t


“The way I see it, we’re stuck. Perfect for each other in every way, but on completely separate

paths that will never, not even ten years from now, cross.”

Would it hurt less if he gave in? Would the pain go away if he agreed to live his life on her terms?

No kids? No boisterous family? Just the two of them growing old together?

“But right now…” She approached, lifted her hand to rest over his heart. “I want to feel your arms

around me just one more time. And then we can move on. Try to find someone else. Someone who
could maybe, one day, claim second best.”

“I don’t want second best,” he murmured. But the vision he had for his life had been decided so

many years ago. It was so deeply ingrained in his heart, it was part of who he was.

She was right, though. People did change. Maybe he was the one who needed to change his dream

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and his vision. Could he?

“For now, make love to me. As if it’s the last time.” A tear rolled down her cheek. “Because it is.”
His heart was breaking. He’d heard it shatter the moment she uttered her painful last words. But

he’d known all along it would come to this. He just hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

He let his hands roam her body, then rested them on her bottom. His fingers flexed, and he pulled

up the hem of her dress, eventually touching bare skin. He kneaded her bottom, tracing the line of her
thong lower, and lower, until he slid his fingers between her legs.

She moaned as he massaged her, and just as he expected, she opened her legs for him. Immediately,

he slipped his hand under the front of her dress and cupped her sex. He massaged for a moment, then
stood and reversed their positions, until he pushed her against the edge of the table.

She climbed up and opened wide. He moved her thong aside as she released his cock from his

pants. This time he wasn’t prepared. They’d already used his emergency condom.

When he hesitated, she gave him the go-ahead.
Three gentle thrusts and he was inside her. His favorite place in the world. The ecstasy that veiled

her face every time they were joined together never failed to humble him. They were perfect. This
moment was perfect.

Another tear trickled down her face and he wiped it away with his thumb. He moved slowly, their

bodies connecting on a level beyond physicality. They had given everything to each other over the last
few weeks. Laid it all out on the table. But this time, despite being fully clothed, they had never been
more naked and vulnerable.

He gave his soul to her, right here in the dusty old cabin.
He enveloped her in his arms and pressed their bodies together. They came in unison, in a slow,

spectacular moment he would take with him forever.

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Chapter Twelve

Finn organized a stack of his restaurant receipts on the table by date. Then by amount. Then by server.
He stared at the small piles of white strips of paper, unable to concentrate on anything long enough to
be productive.

This was how it had been for the last four days. Without Veronica.
She had kept her distance since the wedding. Just as she’d promised. She had always been good at

that—keeping her promises. But so was he, and technically, he had never agreed to break it off. Not

Cal hadn’t spoken much about what was going on at home. He toed the line and did his work—

more than his share of the work. Finn had never seen him more focused.

The sun filtered in through the front window. He’d forgotten to put down the shade before he sat

down. The rays cast a yellow glow to the dining room, turning white tablecloths into champagne and
black chairs into brown.

He glanced at his watch, conscious his staff would be rolling in within the next hour, including Cal.

Finn would be spending his evening with the Cooking for the Future program—with a group of kids
who were the most ambitious he’d ever worked with. Cal reminded him of a lot of those kids. Maybe
it would do him good to see what the other side looked like—kids who had to scratch and claw their
own way to get where they wanted to go. Cal was lucky. He’d had everything handed to him. Not that
Finn’s situation had been bad, either. Once he had been taken in by Vivian, he’d had plenty of
opportunities. But he’d never forgotten where he came from. Never grew callous or took for granted
all that Vivian had brought into his life.

Cal had forgotten the instability, the loneliness, the hopelessness, that came with being in the foster

care system. Maybe it would do him good to be reminded.

When Cal showed up for work Finn ushered him into the kitchen, and together they hefted six

brimming, reusable grocery bags of food into his car.

“I thought I was working?” Cal was actually a little peeved Finn had taken him away from the


“This isn’t a joyride. You will be working. Just in a different setting.”
“Do you have another restaurant no one knows about?”
Finn laughed. “I’m teaching the Cooking for the Future program tonight.”
“That’s where we’re going?” Cal scoffed. “That’s not work.” He leaned back in his seat and rested

his foot on a knee. “You know, I always wondered what you did in that program, so I guess it’s kind
of cool that you’re taking me.”

They merged onto the highway, and Cal didn’t stop talking until they reached the gray brick

building at the highest point in the city. Finn unlocked the front doors and turned on the lights.

“Wow. This place is cool.” Cal walked into the open concept kitchen and let his hand glide along

one of the countertops.

“It used to be a restaurant,” Finn explained, “but we bought the building and renovated. This was

the very first site for the program.”

“Are all the kids enrolled foster kids?” Cal asked.
“Not exclusively anymore. We’ve expanded and also work on referral from the school boards.” He

set the grocery bags on a front counter that spanned almost the entire width of the building. “Follow

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They took the next half hour to set up. Eventually the students wandered in. That’s when Finn

noticed Cal clam up.

The group got right down to work, not wasting any time. He liked to save chitchat for the end of the

evening. He always stayed until the last kid was ready to walk out the door. Sometimes, one or two of
them would wait until the rest of the class took off so they could speak to him alone.

The lesson tonight was somewhat advanced, since these kids had been with Finn for six months

now, but Cal didn’t falter. He’d learned a lot with Chris and Scott teaching him. Finn felt slightly
guilty at the thought. He had been too busy having sex with his sister to think about showing the kid the
ropes himself. And for that he was truly sorry.

When the stations had been cleared and the food had been eaten, he opened up the conversation to

things other than cooking, as was his habit.

Peetie Simms sidled up to the front counter, resting both elbows on the granite. “University

applications are due soon, and I’m still trying to figure out where to apply. What do you think, Finn?”

“Well, if I were to offer some advice…figure out what subject you want to major in and apply to

the schools that have the best programs.”

Peetie contemplated his words. “I still don’t think my grades are good enough for a scholarship.”
Evan Scarre wandered up and retorted, “I told you to join the basketball team.” As he did every

week, he was wearing a Toronto Raptors basketball jersey. “I’ve already got scouts sniffing around

Peetie frowned. “Unfortunately, I wasn’t blessed with a wicked three-pointer.”
“That’s because white men can’t jump.” Finn snickered.
The teens looked blankly at each other. Not one of them got the reference. He suddenly felt old.
“So, you guys are getting scholarships?” Cal asked.
At last he was engaging. About time. He’d barely spoken two words the whole evening.
“It’s not a guarantee,” Peetie said. “But we’re working our asses off to be eligible. We need

scholarships, otherwise we might as well start practicing ‘Would you like fries with that?’”

It made Finn’s heart ache when these kids were down on themselves. “Going to university isn’t the

only option out there,” he reminded them. “There’s community college, you can take classes at night,
or maybe you could work for a bit and save some money, then reapply. There’s a lot you can do
before giving up.”

“That’s what I’m doing,” Cal said. “I got into Western but I haven’t decided if it’s what I really

want, so I’m taking some time and working for Chef Finn.”

“Oh, man,” Peetie said in disbelief. “As soon as I get my acceptance letter I am out of here. No

more sharing a room with a baby. No more SpaghettiOs for dinner.”

“Me, too,” Evan said. “I can’t wait to play on a real wood court that’s actually taken care of. Do

you know how many splinters I have on my ass from being knocked down onto the crap floor at our
high school?”

Cal looked on, and although he was trying his best to keep his reaction under wraps, his shock was

pretty obvious.

“Hey, Finn.” Brenden Gibb ran up with a big grin, his backpack in his hands. “Thanks for writing

my reference letter. I got the job.” Brenden held out his fist and Finn bumped it, returning his grin.

“I knew you could do it.”

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“Well, I think the letter was the clincher. What restaurant owner wouldn’t hire someone with a

personal reference from one of the Madewoods?”

The other kids pelted Brenden with questions about the job, then Finn about everything else under

the sun that was on their minds. When the talk died down and his students were satisfied they’d
picked his brain enough, they trickled out one by one, leaving him and Cal alone.

Cal climbed up on the front counter, letting his legs dangle over the edge. “Those guys have to

work really hard to go to school, huh?”

Finn nodded. “You worked really hard, too. You caught up from behind and graduated sooner than

expected, with good grades, too.”

“But I didn’t have to work or rely on a scholarship. I just assumed everything was going to be taken

care of for me.”

Step one accomplished. At least the kid was now aware he had it easier than others. And that

maybe he should be a little more grateful for what he was given, and to those who provided it.

They sat in silence for a few moments, but curiosity eventually got the better of Finn.
“How are things at home?”
Cal scowled. “Tense. Mark hasn’t left yet. I don’t know why he’s hanging around. No one wants

him here.”

“That’s not true. I know Veronica loves him being back.”
Cal’s mouth curled up in disgust. “She’s the only one, then.”
“I liked having him back, too.” Finn clasped Cal’s shoulder. “It was nice to have my friend around

again. Even though we had a disagreement or two.”

Cal jumped down, flinging his arm off, and headed toward the door.
“You’re pissed off at Mark for leaving, aren’t you?” Finn called after him.
Cal stopped short at the first workstation, but didn’t answer.
“Because he abandoned you, right? Just another person on the long list of people in your life who

have abandoned you. You’re thinking if you go away to school, then Veronica will move on, too. And
you’re afraid she won’t want you in her life anymore. Isn’t that right?”

The kid didn’t turn around, but he didn’t walk away, either.
“Tell me if I’m warm.”
Finally, Cal turned and met his gaze. “Am I that obvious?”
“It’s not obvious, Cal. Don’t forget, I’ve been there myself, in the exact same place.”
As if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders, Cal stood tall. “He left. He left all of us.” He

emphasized each sentence with a finger poke at the air. “I don’t know how you can be friends with
someone like that.”

“You still don’t get it, do you? Even after listening to the kids in the program tonight. Can’t you

understand why Mark left? That without his salary, neither you nor Ali would have been able to go to

Cal shrugged. “So? We’d have survived.”
“Not good enough. V and Mark want to give you something better than what they had growing up.

Which was basically nothing. Until they were taken in by a nice family, they were just surviving. Why
do you think they took you into their home?”

“Because they felt guilty. I figured when the novelty wore off, they’d forget about us.”
“Seriously? And did that happen?”

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“Not yet,” Cal said, sounding a shade belligerent.
Finn shook his head. “After all this time, you can’t possibly believe that.”
The kid shrugged.
Finn jumped up to sit on the counter. “Are you going to tell me what’s really going on with you?

Why you backed out of school? Why you’re acting out like you’ve been doing? And don’t feed me
some line of bullshit. Give me the truth.”

Cal pulled out the chair at the workstation. He kept his distance, but at least he wasn’t running for

the hills. When he sat down, he lifted his head and anguish-filled eyes stared back at Finn. “I’m
afraid. I’m afraid if I leave, I’ll never be able to come back. That Veronica will realize how much
better her life is without us, without me, holding her down.”

Finn let out a long exhale. “You know that’s just ridiculous, right?”
“I suppose.” But Cal didn’t sound very convinced. He picked at the granite with his fingernail.
Finn met his eyes and said, “You need Veronica to think she needs to watch over you. It’s the only

way you can guarantee she won’t go away and leave you, too.”

The kid swallowed, his eyes reflecting a childhood filled with hurt and fear. He blinked hard, and

Finn could tell he’d finally hit home.

He jumped down from the counter and moved closer. Cal thankfully didn’t retreat. “Do you

understand how unfair that is? To Veronica. And to yourself.”

Cal swallowed again, harder. “I don’t know what I’d do if she… I couldn’t go through that again.

Or Ali. I need to make sure—” His words choked off.

Finn stepped even closer. Cal’s eyes were filled with tears.
He laid his arm around the boy’s shoulders. “You won’t have to. Your big sister will never let you

guys go. Whether you’re living under her roof, or at school, or you’re an old man of thirty-two like
me. She will always be there for you. You can bet your university money on it.”

“I don’t know,” Cal said, his voice cracking. “I’ve done some pretty horrible things.” He gazed up

at him with an overwhelming sadness. “I’ve been such an asshole.”

“Stop. Everyone does things they regret. Everyone fails before they succeed. You’re going to fail

sometimes with girls, with your job, with your family. It’s inevitable. But that’s how we learn. The
person we become is based on all of the mistakes we’ve made. How you chose to use those mistakes
to shape the person you want to be…well, that’s what truly makes the man.”

Cal looked doubtful. “Have you ever failed?”
Christ knew, Finn had failed many times. His biggest failure…Veronica.
He pulled another chair up to the station and sat. “I failed twelfth-grade math. Had to go to summer

school. Vivian was not impressed.”

Cal rolled his eyes. “I’m being serious.”
“So am I. Still, when have I ever needed to bisect a tangent owning a restaurant?”
“Exactly!” Cal shook his fist. “That’s exactly what I’ve been trying to tell V all along.”
“Yeah, well, she just wants the best for you. Tangents and all.”
Cal hung his head. “I know.”
“And the fact is, the adding and subtracting part has come in pretty handy. So maybe adults actually

know what they’re talking about.” He winked. “And we should have at least listened.”

Finn could practically see the gears turning in the boy’s head. “I guess. Maybe.”
“We all fuck up. Jack went on a wild rampage screwing everything he could get his hands on. And

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even ones he couldn’t.” Cal choked out a laugh. “Neil has a sex tape.” Finn smiled when Cal made a
grossed-out face. “And Cole, well, he refuses to grab hold of something right in front of his face and
finally be happy.”

He hoped one day both Cole and Penn would realize life is too short to waste it fighting with the

one you love.

“And you failed grade twelve math.” Cal didn’t seem overly impressed with Finn’s emotionally

insignificant failure.

“Yes, but I also fucked up with your sister.” He’d agreed to a casual arrangement against his better

judgment thinking they would both come out unscathed. But he’d only caused her tears.

“I know.” Cal went serious. “She’s been moping around for the last few days. I don’t know if I can

ever forgive you for upsetting her.”

Finn had never respected him more than in that moment. “I don’t know if I’ll ever forgive myself.”
“Do you love her?” Cal asked without turning his attention from the counter.
It was a long, complicated answer. But Finn figured he deserved to hear it.
“I was given away at infancy. I had a heart condition. No one wants to adopt a sick baby. I spent

the first fifteen years of my life walking on eggshells, trying to be perfect and no bother, hoping
someone, anyone, might adopt me. And then Vivian came along, and my brothers, and it was amazing.
But I’ve come to realize that I spent the next fifteen years walking on eggshells trying to keep the
peace in my adopted family. If we were all perfect and there was no drama, no bother, then there was
no reason for Vivian to give us back. No reason for her to think she made a mistake taking us in.” He
smiled wryly. “Sound familiar?”

Cal looked stricken. He swore under his breath.
“But where you decided to become an asshole as your defense, I chose to become what everyone

else expected of me.” Finn leaned forward and let his palms rest on the counter. “The last couple of
weeks, with Veronica and a few other things, that’s been kind of an experiment in finally doing what
makes me happy, not what makes my brothers happy.”

“Having sex with Veronica makes you happy?”
“There’s a lot more to it than sex, Cal. But the simple answer is yes. And thanks to your sister, I’m

not walking on eggshells anymore.” He didn’t realize that until this very moment.

“What are you guys going to do?”
“There’s nothing to do. We want different lives. It wouldn’t work out long term.”
Cal jerked forward in his seat. “Aren’t you even going to try? I’ve never seen her happier than the

last couple of weeks.”

“You have a lot to learn when it comes to women, buddy. They want what they want. And your

sister has made up her mind about me. No matter what I do, she has to be the one to change. I can’t
force her.”

Although Finn agreed with the kid, he knew Veronica’s happiness had nothing to do with him.

Veronica had been building the foundation of her new life, being more adventurous, owning her
sexuality. Sex with Finn had only been a small component.

Besides, he had to think of the long term. Without a compatible vision for the future, the happiness

they felt now would eventually turn into resentment and regret.

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Chapter Thirteen

“Cole, today is your lucky day.”

Finn watched impassively from across the table as Cole listened to Jack’s words.
“The accountant said your idea is doable if we are strict with funding and find one more investor.”

Jack, fresh off his acceptance speech for his Young Philanthropists Award, rustled a few pieces of
paper on the table in front of him.

And then there was Neil, who sat to Finn’s left. He was clutching a copy of Architecture magazine

to his chest—the issue that included the feature on Neil and Carson and the Madewood Farm project.
Visionary and magnificent . Those were the only two words Finn remembered from when Neil read
the article aloud as they’d waited for Gloria. Three times.

They had all gathered at Bistro this morning to go over the revised idea for Cole’s proposal for a

Madewood Boys and Girls Club.

Cole smacked the table so the silverware jumped. “So, then we vote.” He raised a hand. “All in

favor of the foundation backing the implementation of the Madewood Boys and Girls Club.”

Jack, Neil, and Gloria raised their hands along with Cole.
“It’s set, then.” Cole broke out in a smile.
“Wait. I haven’t voted,” Finn said. Foundation decisions needed to be unanimous.
Cole laughed and waved him off. “You always go with the flow, man.”
And didn’t that statement just anger the hell out of him. “Not this time.” He thinned his lips. “This

is all happening too fast. We’re getting ourselves involved with other investors we don’t know.
Remember how much planning went into the farm? It took years to get it off the ground. I’m not saying
I will never say yes to this idea—it’s actually a great idea—just not yet. It’s too soon. We need to do
a lot more research and strategic planning first.”

Cole stared at him incredulously. “What? Since when do you make waves?” His brother’s

disgusted incredulity was an unfamiliar sight. “And why are you choosing today to do it?”

It was time for Finn to come clean. Time to get his feeling of inadequacy off his chest. “You’re

always thinking about yourselves.” He mimicked his brothers. “I want to do this. I want to do that.”
Their mouths dropped open at his impression of them. “What about everyone else?”

He glanced back and forth between his brothers. He had rendered them speechless. Poor Gloria sat

quietly in her corner.

“I understand. Believe me,” he forged on. “We spent so many years of our lives being overlooked.

It’s not surprising you all thirst to be noticed by an adoring public. But in your attempts to do good
deeds that appear great in press releases and on award plaques, you’re forgetting the real priority.
The actual people we’re supposed to be helping.”

Neil pulled at the lapels of his suit jacket. “And you’re always thinking about others?”
“When have I ever done anything for myself?” Finn waited, eyeing each one of them. “Tell me.”
“What about Veronica?” Jack muttered.
Despite his argument with Mark being fairly contained, by now his brothers had to be aware of the

relationship between him and Veronica. Former relationship.

“That’s none of your business, but yes. For the very first time I did something I wanted to do,

consequences be damned.”

And he’d had a hell of a time doing it. But it was all over now. And he missed her more than he’d

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ever thought possible.

“I don’t need my name on a billboard,” he said sincerely. “Nothing splashy. I just want to be a man

Vivian would have been proud of, a man worthy of a wife and children.”

But would the wife and kids ever come? He just didn’t know now.
“When you three fly off the handle, I’ve always been there to pick up the pieces and make sure they

aren’t hurled at someone or something in a fit of rage. I’m always the one keeping the peace, and it’s
exhausting. So, even though I’m going to be the cause of your anger, Cole, I can’t agree to this. Not

The sadness in Cole’s eyes was devastating. He had been defeated. At least for the time being. But

Finn knew his fight wasn’t over.

“Fine.” Cole jumped up from his seat in the booth. “I don’t need your damn help. I have something

else in place, anyway.” He picked up his red jacket from the table. “Forget I brought it up.” He
pushed back his chair. It caught on the carpet and tumbled backward with a crash.

But he was already gone, the back door banging behind him.
“That sound is becoming much too familiar,” Jack said as he played with the white gold band on

his left ring finger.

“What’s the hell is going on with you, Finn?” Neil asked. “Screwing with Veronica? Going against

the family?”

“I’m not screwing with her, we were screwing. And it was fantastic.” He’d had the time of his life

with her. And he would give anything to have it again. ‘But it’s over.”

“Only if you let it be.” Jack’s eyes taunted him.
“Finn, honey…” Gloria leaned across the table and laid her hand on his arm. “Do you love this


He couldn’t lie, even though his first reaction was to push aside the truth. But he was so damn tired

of hiding his true feelings about every damn thing in his life. So he nodded wearily. Even without
looking up, he knew his brothers were exchanging shocked glances.

“What did you tell me last year?” Jack asked at length. “You’re the one who told me to get over

myself and go after Sterling. You, with your heart on your sleeve, the only one of us who’s always
believed in true love. And brother, if you’ve found it, you shouldn’t let it go.”

Finn shook his head. “No. We—”
“Just go and talk to her, for God’s sake,” Neil barked.
Jack hit him in the arm. “Despite his insensitive approach, Neil’s right. At the least, you need to

repair your friendship. And your friendship with Mark.”

He hadn’t spoken to either of them since Jack and Sterling’s wedding. His brothers were right. He

should at least try. After all these years teaching kids in the program never to give up, he’d done so
all too easily himself. Maybe he should listen to his own advice.

He’d check the schedule and visit on a night Cal would be working. The conversation he wanted to

have didn’t include a peanut gallery.

He had nothing to lose. They had already taken their relationship past the point of no return. How

much worse could it get?

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Veronica answered the persistent knocking on her front door in her pajamas. She was wiped. A food
tasting had run long, the bridezilla’d had a freak attack, and even the groom hadn’t been able to calm
her down.

Veronica wheeled the door open and was shocked to see Marjorie Clemens from down the street,

trying to soothe her baby on her doorstep.

“Marjorie? This is…unexpected.”
“I’m sorry, Veronica. I don’t know what else to do.” The young woman shifted the baby in her arms

and gently rocked it against her chest. It seemed to work; the crying lessened with every bounce. “I
have to get to work. We’re doing inventory this weekend and Denny is away. My sitter cancelled on
me last minute.”

“Ali is already gone. She started at university last week.” Ali was Marjorie’s usual babysitter.
“I know. Maybe Cal would be interested in making some money?”
Veronica shook her head. “He’s got a job now.”
“What about you?” The woman looked positively desperate.
“Oh, I—” Why not her? Veronica waffled. She didn’t have anything better to do since she’d broken

it off with Finn. But did she really want to spend her day watching a baby?

Before she’d even decided for sure, her head was nodding, and a baby was thrust into her arms. It

was warm and fidgety. Hell. Now what? She suddenly remembered she didn’t know the first thing
about infants.

Marjorie dropped a car seat and an oversized bag inside her foyer. “I owe you one. I’ll be back

around seven.” She kissed the baby on her forehead, and Veronica was staring at her retreating back
as she hurried to her vehicle.

“What is all the racket?” Cal stumbled down the stairs with a painful expression on his face.

“Where did you get a baby?”

“It’s Kylie. Marjorie and Denny’s baby from down the street. She had an emergency and needed a


“Sucker.” He snickered and walked past her into the kitchen.
“Aren’t you going to help me?” she asked in alarm.
“Busy,” he yelled over his shoulder. “Things to do…people to see.”
“At least it’s not the other way around,” she mumbled.
“I heard that,” he called.
“Aren’t you supposed to be working?” she asked over the escalating scream of the baby.
He emerged with a bottle of water in his hands. “I am, but not until four.”
“So, you can help me until then.” Her entire body tensed. “Please, Cal.”
He laughed. “Sorry, sis.” He chugged on the water. “I’ll be out late. Don’t wait up for me.”
“Cal!” He didn’t even turn around as he shut the door behind him. This was probably the first day

he actually wanted to go to work.

Her task would definitely be less stressful if she had someone else to help her—she knew from

experience. Raising Cal and Ali had been much easier when Mark was actually around.

Kylie screamed in her arms. There were earplugs somewhere in the house—leftover from the

nights when Cal and Ali had played dueling iTunes.

Two hours later—two hours filled with constant crying—she jumped when someone banged on her

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front door for the second time that morning. She didn’t want to answer. It was probably another
frantic mother desperate for a babysitter.

The knocking persisted. She ignored it.
She tensed when she heard her name called impatiently from the other side of the door. Not a

mother. The voice was male.

“Go away,” she muttered.
She settled Kylie into her car seat and shook a grubby stuffed duck in front of her face. It didn’t

work. She still wailed at the top of her lungs.

“Veronica, open the damn door,” Finn yelled from outside.
What was he doing here? Hadn’t he done enough?
She whipped open the door and appreciated the cool breeze that washed over her. Without a word,

he scanned her body from head to toe. His intense stare increased her discomfort tenfold.

Just great. She’d spent the last two hours as a human receptacle. Pee, puke, and tears stained her

clothing, and in some places, soaked. Exactly how she wanted the man of her dreams to see her.

But if she was honest, between pees and pukes, the little thing might just be adorable. Much more

adorable than two tweens with fluctuating hormones. If only it would stop screaming.

“Doing some fall cleaning?”
“I— No. And Cal’s not here, if that’s why you’re here.”
He shook his head and his eyes grew wide as the ear-piercing wail of the baby carried from the

living room.

“Why is the TV so loud?” He pushed his way through the front door into the living room and

stopped short.

“It’s…not the television.” She gathered her hair at the nape of her neck and twisted, resting the

mass on her left shoulder.

“Hey. What are you doing with a baby?” He turned and smiled at her. Why was he smiling at her


“It’s my neighbor’s. Ali usually babysits, but the mother had an emergency and no other alternative.

So I got the job.”

His lips curved at the corners of his mouth. “Having some trouble?”
Despite his teasing tone, she grabbed on to what tiny bit of sympathy she could, and broke down.

“That baby is the spawn of Satan.” She choked back a sob. She wasn’t normally a crier, but two full
hours of screams and wails would crack any normal person. Did the CIA take suggestions for torture
tactics? This would drive even the most committed terrorist to confess.

“It’s just a baby, Veronica. You don’t have any practice.”
“And you do.”
“Sure I do. Gloria used to bring her grandchildren to Mom’s house all the time. Who do you think

watched them while they were polishing off a bottle of wine?”

Veronica laughed at the memory. Those ladies did love their white wine. And Veronica had loved

that despite their prominence and substantial financial portfolios, they hadn’t been pretentious or
snobby. She remembered the stash of white wine in the basement—wine that came in a box.

“Doesn’t count,” she said with a shake of her head. “Her grandchildren were over the age of five

by the time you started living with Vivian.”

He strode confidently into the living room and picked up the baby, cuddling it close to his chest.

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His soft, soothing sounds instantly calmed the little demon, who reached up and put her tiny hand on
his face. Traitor! Okay, the baby was smart. Being swaddled against his strong, hard chest was the
most safe, comfortable place in the world.

“What’s her name?” he asked.
He repeated her name in singsongy tones, gently bobbing her up and down. He even elicited a little


“Doesn’t seem evil to me,” he said with a grin.
You just wait, Finn O’Reilly. She checked her watch. Only five more hours to go.

Kylie wailed. A supersonic screech Finn suspected was doing permanent damage to his eardrum.

Veronica watched from her perch on the couch with a sly grin. She was loving every minute of this.

And in all honestly, so was he. But for different reasons. She loved that she was proving her point—
babies weren’t all they were cracked up to be. But between the wailing and spitting up, there were
moments when those little brown eyes connected with his, and it seemed as if everything in the world
was right. That’s what he’d wanted, two little brown eyes of his own to love. Or maybe blue, like his.

“Do you think she’s hungry?” he asked. “Do you think she needs to be changed?”
He lifted the baby and sniffed gingerly at her bottom. He tensed and immediately held his breath.

“The baby’s sick. That’s not a normal smell.”

He turned and laid her on the blanket in the middle of the living room.
The baby had caused such a ruckus he’d almost forgotten why he’d come here in the first place.

Later. Right now wasn’t the time to bring up the future. They had a baby to change.

“Are you just going to watch?” Evil woman. She seemed delighted he was flustered. And that she

was right, and he had been wrong about the ease of caring for an infant. It definitely wasn’t all
rainbows and unicorns.

“That was my plan.”
“Get your sweet ass over here before I find a spatula.”
Her breath caught, and there was no mistaking the heat in her eyes at the reminder of their first

kinky scene together. But now was not the time for indulging in sexual fantasies. Unfortunately.

She slipped off the couch and crawled over to where he was kneeling above the baby. She licked

her lips, a tiny knowing smile curved at the side of her mouth. “Watching you with a baby is sexy.”
She licked his earlobe. “You’re so sexy.”

What the hell. When she’d left him in the cabin, she’d sworn never to pick up where they had left

off. Hmm. Maybe babies were an aphrodisiac.

His dick twitched in his pants, but the mood was ruined by a waft of nasty stench. They both eyed

the baby. They stared a few beats, then looked at each other.

With a nod, they silently agreed. They were going in.
He reached down and undid the tabs of the diaper. He pulled back the front and they both recoiled

at the sight.

“Sweet baby Jesus. That’s disgusting.” He turned his head aside as Kylie kicked her legs up and


Veronica gagged and covered her mouth and nose with a hand, but she reached for the diaper bag

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and pulled out a new one, along with a container of wipes, setting them at his knees. “Go for it,” she
said in a nasally voice, obviously trying not to breathe through her nose.

“I thought we were doing this together?”
“I’ve already done one. Your turn.” She rested on her heels and stood, walking away into the

kitchen. “Besides, this will be great practice for the houseful of babies you want, remember?”

He looked down at the baby. “Yeah, but…”
She stopped in the doorway and turned to face him. “But…?”
“That’s different. This is…” He frowned, anxiety washing over his face.
“I thought you were the baby whisperer.” She hiked a brow. “You just need to get rid of the dirty

diaper, wipe her down, and put on a new one.”

Right. How hard could it be?
He reached for the plastic container of wipes and tackled the worst of it, but the baby didn’t make

it easy. She squealed and kicked as he held her tiny legs, making it difficult.

Minutes later, he sank down on his haunches and took a deep breath. He cooked for hundreds of

people every day. He’d taught children how to wield sharp utensils without killing themselves or
each other. Surely, he could change a baby’s diaper and live to tell the tale.

He wiped his brow with his arm. He’d worked up a sweat from the hard work. Or maybe from


“Aren’t you done yet?” Veronica stood in the doorway to the living room with a beer in one hand,

her shoulder resting against the frame and a smile on her face.

“You’re loving this, aren’t you?” he grumbled.
She held up her hand and squeezed her thumb and forefinger together. “Like, this much.”
She sauntered to his spot on the floor and knelt beside him. “All right. I have an idea.” She

rummaged through the baby bag.

Kylie screamed with her sudden movements. Trying to soothe her, he rocked her body back and

forth. “Whatever it is, hurry.”

She pulled out a squeeze bottle. “Bring the baby.” She skipped out of the room.
“Where are you going?”
Before she stepped through the doorway she turned. “To run a bath for her.”
A bath? Brilliant. Why hadn’t he thought of that?
He wrapped the baby in a towel and followed Veronica to the kitchen. Warm water flowed out of

the tap into one side of the double sink.

“Take off the rest of her clothes.”
He did as she asked while Kylie continued to scream like she was being tortured by the Russian


“How long is she going to cry?” he yelled over the baby’s wailing.
Veronica shrugged. “Maybe this will help.” She took the sprayer, tested the water temperature on

her wrist, and hosed off the baby’s backside over the empty sink, then motioned Finn to put her into
the soothingly warm water filling the other side.

He lowered Kylie into the bath and held her carefully, while Veronica gently washed her skin. The

baby squirmed for a minute, then she settled and he heard her quiet sigh, followed by Veronica’s.

They both hunched over the counter while the baby cooed and splashed in the water.
He turned his head and locked eyes with Veronica. Despite the severe trepidation still pounding in

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his chest, he was happy they were together. He had shown up here today to talk with her about their
future, and he had been given this small taste of heaven—his dream of family come true, complete
with a baby.

But on second thought, maybe she had been right all along. Babies were really tough to take care

of, not to mention unpredictable. And he had just seen for himself that when push came to shove, he
couldn’t hack it.

Maybe it was time to find a new dream.
Eventually, Kylie settled and passed out on the warm, soft blanket Veronica had laid out for her on

the floor.

“That was…exhausting.”
Veronica smiled wryly. “And just as awful as I’d always imagined.”
He didn’t comment. Yesterday, his response would have been, “Are you crazy?” but today, after

being manhandled by an actual infant, he wasn’t so sure anymore.

“She is cute as a button, but taking care of her is way more trouble than those few moments of

peaceful sweetness. Hopefully, it lasts a for a while.”

“I appreciate the help more than I can say. But for the record, you stink with babies.”
He pushed out a shaky breath. “I noticed.”
They enjoyed the blissful silence for a few minutes, then she asked, “Why did you come over,

anyway? If you’re not here to see Cal.”

“I came to talk to you.” He sprawled into the corner of the couch. “I wanted to talk to you about—”

Man up, O’Reilly. You want to talk about your future. Together. “Cal.”

A legitimate excuse to end up on her doorstep, knowing full well the kid would be at work.
He told his inner voice to shut up. “Did he ever give you a reason why he bailed on university?”
“He said it was stupid.” She dropped onto the opposite end of the couch. “That he knew he would

never finish, and he didn’t want to waste our money.”

“Ah.” Finn had to give the kid credit. He’d come up with a more than reasonable excuse.
She shrugged. “Sort of valid, right?”
“Yes, but that’s not the real reason.”
“He spoke to you about it?” She looked at him in awe. “He refuses to talk to me or Mark.”
“He probably just needed someone removed from the situation to be a sounding board.”
When Finn didn’t continue, she grew impatient. “Well, what did he say?”
He didn’t relish betraying Cal’s confidence. But she had a right to know—so her family could fix

what was broken.

“He’s afraid of being left behind again. He thinks if he leaves, he’ll lose you.”
She blinked. “That’s insane.”
“V, it makes sense. Foster care, Mark leaving. You’re the only person he feels he can count on.

He’s terrified if he leaves, you’ll start living your own life and he might lose you, too.”

She shot him her best are-you-crazy? look. “That would never happen.”
“You and I both know that. He doesn’t.”
“But—” Her eyes drifted away as she contemplated his words. “It’s ridiculous.”
“Maybe. But it’s how he feels.”
Her shoulders had slowly crept up toward her ears. “So, you’re the foster child whisperer now.

You came here today to tell me I’m wrong, and that I’m raising my own brother incorrectly. Great.”

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“Did I say that?” Finn ran his hand through his hair. He should have stuck to his original plan to

talk about his feelings. About her. “Christ. This is exactly why I swore I wouldn’t get involved in
your family drama.”

“You’ve made that very clear on many occasions.” She shrugged. “But why now?”
“I—” He’d come here to tell her he wanted to take the next step. With them. To try a real


So much for that idea.
Kylie stirred and started to scream from her nest on the floor. His cue to leave.
He shook his head sadly. “How did we manage to get through weeks of kinky sex and continue a

lifelong friendship, only to have our parenting philosophies torpedo it all?”

“We knew from the beginning we had different philosophies.” Veronica studied the carpet. “It was

inevitable, I guess.”

She watched as he walked across the living room. Just before he got to the doorway, she said,

“Thanks for telling me. About Cal.”

He nodded, then walked out the front door.
This was definitely the end. He’d been too afraid to man up and tell her he loved her, and instead

he’d betrayed the confidence of a teenager because he was a chickenshit. He only hoped their twenty-
year friendship could still come out unscathed. And if it didn’t, at least he opened her eyes to the
reasoning behind Cal’s behavior. At the end of the day, he only wanted her to be happy. For Cal to be

Then again, even if he had been brave, tonight had proven he was not the man he’d thought he was.

A baby whisperer he was not. He had been defeated by a diaper. If he couldn’t do that simple task,
how was he going to deal with the really important stuff? And why would any woman choose a man
who couldn’t even take care of his own child?

Maybe he needed to seriously rethink this whole family thing.
In any case, having blown it with Veronica, now he could move on. And so could she.
Second best was out there somewhere. For both of them.

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Chapter Fourteen

Finn powered through his inventory list. If he was quick about it, he’d be able to leave early and go
home to drink and brood, which is what he’d been doing for the past three days.

“I was told I could find you here.” Mark’s voice carried to the back of the storeroom.
Without turning around, Finn acknowledged him while continuing to go through the list. “What are

you doing here?”

“I needed to talk to Penn.”
At his blatant lie, Finn turned around. “You already know she works out of Bistro. You’re a little

far from your destination.”

“So, maybe I thought I would stop by here first and—” Mark lowered his gaze. “Hell, I’m sorry I

freaked out on you the other day.”

Finn sighed and held his clipboard to his chest. “I appreciate the apology, but you had every right

to be angry.”

“I saw red. The thought of you and—” Mark shivered. “I just really can’t think about it.”
Finn didn’t really blame him. There was a time when he’d thought of Veronica just as Mark did—

as a little sister. But that perception had disappeared long ago.

“I was wrong about Veronica,” Mark admitted. “And Cal. The last few days have been rough. We

haven’t spoken to each other since the wedding.”

“Why don’t you go home, then? Out west, I mean,” Finn suggested evenly. He knew Cal would love

that. Although Finn would much rather they work out their differences first.

“This is my home.” Mark’s sad eyes cut him deeply. “That job out there was only a means to an

end. If I could go back in time, if I knew then how much damage my leaving would cause, I wouldn’t
have taken the damn job. But at the time, I thought it was the best thing I could do for Ali and Cal. We
were going to need a lot more money than I could make here. And I didn’t mind leaving, knowing I
was investing in their future. But it all went horribly wrong.”

Mark walked farther into the storeroom and Finn just allowed him to talk.
“Cal thinks I abandoned him. And she might not say it out loud, but I know I left Veronica with a lot

of responsibility to handle all on her own.”

“Cal knows why you left.”
Mark shook his head wearily. “If he does, he doesn’t act like it. And what about Veronica?”
“You’re right…she’d never say it out loud.”
Silence fell between them. Finn didn’t know what to say about his part in it all. Where to start. If he

should even say anything. The man standing in front of him had been his best friend for many years,
but the shell of the man staring back at him was a stranger.

“Do you love her?” Mark asked.
He should have seen that one coming. But how to answer?
“It doesn’t really matter if I love her or not. Our feelings aren’t the issue.”
Mark finally made eye contact. “So, you do love her.”
There was no point in lying. Hiding his true feelings was part of the reason why everything in his

life had fallen apart. He nodded. “Yeah.”

Mark cursed under his breath. “What are you going to do about it?”
“Not a damn thing.” He pushed past his friend and set his clipboard on the desk. “It was fun, but we

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both knew from the start it was only temporary.”

“Veronica has spent her entire adult life as a substitute mother. She sees that as a negative now, but

she’s done a fantastic job raising those kids. She deserves a family, one of her own. Kids of her own.
She just doesn’t know it yet. You have to show her.”

“Even if she wanted that, it turns out I’m not the right man for the job.”
That baby had schooled him in the art of caregiving. He’d never thought taking care of a baby

would be so…chaotic. Even with both him and Veronica there, the job had been too much to handle.
The idea of being a father, of being responsible for a tiny little life, honestly terrified him now.

“You’re exactly the right man,” Mark assured him.
“Did she tell you about babysitting the kid? I was pathetic. No idea what the hell I was doing.”
“Who has? Why do you think so many kids end up in foster care? Parents give up.”
Very sad, but true. He knew that firsthand.
“Just don’t repeat our parents’ mistakes. You don’t give up. No matter what.” He took a step

closer. “That’s what kids care about. They won’t remember how poorly you changed their diaper or
how much frozen food they ate. They’ll remember you were always there when they needed you.”
Clapping a hand on his shoulder, Mark smiled. “And the same goes for Veronica. You can’t give up
on her, either.”

Finn smiled wryly. “Why the change in opinion? You squirted raspberry in my face, for fuck’s

sake. Now you want us together.”

“Now that I know you love her, hell yes. You are the best, nicest guy I know. And although it was a

little…upsetting…to hear you were defiling my sister, I know you. And I know you would never do
anything deliberately to hurt her.”

Finn looked his friend in the eye and hoped he saw just how sorry Finn was about the entire

situation. “What if I can’t convince her?”

“You will.” Mark squeezed his shoulder then let his arm fall to his side. “Because you love her.”
There was a reason they were best friends. Mark knew him better than any other person on the

planet. Except Veronica…

“Besides”—Mark punched him lightly in the biceps—“I’ve known she’s been in love with you


His stomach tensed in surprise. “What?”
“Seriously, man?” Mark rolled his eyes. “The whole time growing up, she was doodling your name

inside a heart on her school binder. She had an honest-to-God schoolgirl crush on you.”

Finn actually felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment. “She did not. I would have seen it.”
Mark chuckled. “To this day, she still stares at you like a little puppy just waiting for you to throw

her a bone.”

Finn scowled. “Why didn’t you say something? Maybe—” Maybe they wouldn’t have wasted so

many years tiptoeing around each other.

“Dude. She’s my sister. And you’re…a guy.”
Point taken. Still. All those years. All those years he’d pushed aside his feelings because he’d

thought they were inappropriate. He could have acted upon them. Should have acted upon them. Then
again, it could have ended badly.

Hell, it had ended badly anyway.
Mark’s expression turned serious. “Just think about what I said. There’s still hope. Don’t give up

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on her.” He turned to leave, but halted at the door. “But no matter what, you’re still my best friend.
I’m not giving up on that.” And with that, he walked away.

Finn had some serious thinking to do.
His relationship with Mark was even stronger, and he’d built a bond with Cal he’d never expected.

But what to do about Veronica?

Somehow, some way, he needed to make it work with her. Because Mark was right. Finn couldn’t

give up. He needed to fight for what he wanted.

And what he wanted was Veronica.

Veronica walked down the stairs to the aroma of bacon and toast. It smelled wonderful…and
completely unexpected, considering her breakfast usually consisted of frozen pancakes or waffles.

She followed the scent, breathing more deeply the closer she got to the kitchen. She heard the sizzle

of the frying pan before she turned the corner, but stopped short when she saw Cal at the stove.

“What’s going on?”
He whirled around with a smile on his face. “Breakfast.” He placed his spatula on the counter and

headed to the coffeemaker. He poured her a cup of coffee and set it on the table. The table that was
already set for three.

“Is this a dream?” Mark wandered into the kitchen, scratching his neck. She heard the scrape of his

overnight scruff from four feet away. “This can’t be my house.”

She looked over at Cal, expecting a snarky response. But he merely smiled and poured him a cup of


“I’ve entered the Twilight Zone,” she muttered. “Who are you, and what have you done with


“This is the new and improved Calum.”
Mark’s eyes widened. This was going to be an interesting morning.
When Cal had finished cooking, he brought the food to the kitchen table and they all dug in. For the

first few minutes they ate in silence. At least with words. But the unspoken words that hung in the air
around them was deafening.

“This is my apology breakfast,” Cal said at length.
Both she and Mark looked up from their plates in shock.
“I’m not good at saying the sorry words, so I thought I would cook them.” He grimaced. “You know

what I mean. I’m sorry I’ve been a jackass. I just want you to be proud of me, V.”

Tears immediately stung her eyes with his apology. If she had known this was going to be a

heartfelt discussion she would have come equipped with a box of tissues.

“Honey, I am proud of you. Always. I just wish…” She cleared her throat. “I wish I hadn’t

screwed up with you. I’ve been a bad sister. A worse mother. I’m sorry.”

“Fuck, no, you haven’t!” Cal’s fork dropped to his plate.
Mark jumped. “Language, buddy.”
Veronica shook her head. She wasn’t blame-free where their relationship was concerned. “I was

being selfish, and didn’t listen to you.”

“No. You’ve been perfect. Sometimes…too perfect. You never fuc…make bad choices. Or think

about yourself. That morning when I saw you with Finn, I used it against you.” He peeked over at

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Mark, expecting him to freak out. And so did she. But he surprised them both and didn’t comment. His
face didn’t even waver.

Cal looked at her earnestly. “You need to be selfish. To have your own life. I may not act like it,

but I’m old enough to take care of myself. You don’t have to do it anymore.”

She opened her mouth to speak, but Cal cut her off.
“No!” He held up his hand. “Let me finish.” He took a deep breath and regrouped. “I talked to Finn,

and… I realize now that I was afraid. I am afraid. That you’ll leave me. That if I leave for school and
you get your own life, I won’t have a home to come back to.”

God, Finn had been right all along. She owed him a huge apology.
Cal took another deep breath and turned his attention to Mark. “I hated you for leaving us. I thought

you were just like Mom. I felt abandoned. I didn’t understand you were doing it for us, not to us.” He
looked back and forth between Mark and Veronica. “I get how childish it was. How stupid it all is,

“Feelings aren’t stupid, bud.” She leaned over and wrapped her arms tight around her little brother.

“And I’m not going anywhere. Ever. No matter where I live, or you live. I will always be there for
you. And so will Mark. Don’t you ever think otherwise.”

They should have had this conversation years ago. But who knew? Other than Finn… The man’s

insight into the inner workings of her little brother’s brain was surprising.

Still, she had done her best. Cal was a good kid. And now, maybe he would have the courage to fly

out on his own.

And just maybe…she would, too.
She kissed his forehead, wiped her eyes, and returned to her breakfast. “Cal, this is so good. I

should have sent you to work for Finn years ago. All this time we’ve had a gourmet chef living with
us and we didn’t even know it.”

“He loves you.”
She straightened in her chair. Damn. She shouldn’t ever have mentioned the man’s name. She did

not want to talk about Finn O’Reilly. “And how do you know that, hotshot?” she said lightly.

“Because he took me under his wing.”
“Cal, you’re practically family to him. That had nothing to do with me.”
“Stop making excuses,” Cal told her steadily. “You love him, too.”
She gasped and froze in her seat with a forkful of eggs halfway to her mouth. “I… I most certainly

—” She couldn’t make herself deny it. She covered her face with one hand. “Do. God, I’m such an
idiot.” Tears filled her eyes again. “I’ve loved him since I was eleven years old. Eleven. That’s a
long fucking time.”

“Language.” Cal smirked.
She squeezed her eyes shut. “I think it’s time I accept we are never going to happen, and get over


“Why do you say that?” Cal raised an eyebrow and he held up a hand to prevent her from

answering. “I know. Kids. You’ve done your bit. Yada, yada, yada.” The he frowned, his eyes
clouding over with regret. “I’m sorry, Sis. We would never have come to live with you if we’d
known it was going to mess up your life.” He studied the table.

“Whoa. Who said anything about messing up my life? I have loved every minute spent with you and

Ali. Every. Single. Minute.”

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“Even the time I got suspended for pulling the fire alarm?”
“Maybe not those minutes.”
Mark laughed. “Don’t you see how much we love you, Cal? We wouldn’t have changed a thing.

Not ever.”

“What about Finn?” Cal asked her, a hint of hope in his gaze. “I know you and he—”
“Will still be friends.” Not. She didn’t think they could ever go back to the way they were. “But the

affair is over.”

“But you love him.”
She squirmed in her seat. “Sometimes that’s just not enough.”
“Just as well,” Mark said casually. “He thinks he’s not good enough for you.”
His words sent a dagger to her heart. This was a new development and most certainly not the

reason why she and Finn had agreed to part.

“Not good enough? What’s that supposed to mean?” she demanded.
“I talked to him yesterday.” Mark helped himself to more bacon and pressed it onto a piece of toast

before he folded it and chomped down on it. With his mouth half full, he continued, “He thinks he’ll
be a bad parent. That no woman would pick a man who can’t take care of his own kids. Especially
you, since you’re so good at it.”

What?” Since when had the tables turned? She was the one who couldn’t handle the baby. “No.

Things were so much easier after he showed up. I actually started to believe maybe raising babies
wouldn’t be so tough.” That raising babies with Finn was something she could do after all. Something
she wanted to do.

“Well, he’s now convinced he sucks at it. Frankly, I’ve never seen him so low.”
“That’s just…insanely wrong.”
Oh, Finn. He’d already been having a tough time dealing with all the attention his brothers were

getting, and asserting his own wishes and needs. He just didn’t know how and where he fit in. And
now this. Of all the people to doubt his own ability as a parent…!

But she didn’t doubt it for a second. And she knew exactly where he fit in. Exactly what he had

been put on this earth to do. He was a born mentor, a natural teacher. He had worked wonders with
Cal, and every single kid he’d taught in the program. It was time someone recognized that. It was time
for Finn O’Reilly to be recognized for the amazing man he was.

And she knew exactly what she had to do.

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Chapter Fifteen

The back door to Carmel was wide open when Finn pulled into the lot. He was instantly alarmed. It
was early in the morning and none of his staff usually showed up before noon. He got out of his car
and grabbed his cell phone, his finger hovering over the nine.

He approached the back door and stepped over the threshold. The restaurant was quiet. Dark.

Exactly the atmosphere for a burglar to make his living.

Before Finn moved farther inside, the crackle of gravel caught his attention. Another vehicle was

pulling into the lot.

The sedan was nondescript. The getaway car?
It parked in a spot farthest from the door. But when the driver got out, Finn’s tension lightened.

Emerging from the black four-door was Martin Rice, one of his former students.

Martin checked his tie in the car’s side mirror before turning toward the restaurant door. He looked

so sophisticated in his suit and tie. Quite a leap from the ratty T-shirts and frayed jeans he used to
wear. Getting a full scholarship to a business school and being recruited by one of the largest trading
companies in the city definitely helped with one’s fashion choices.

Martin stopped short when he noticed Finn in the doorway. He glanced back, then to his left and

right, as if trying to figure out the best way to approach the restaurant.

What the hell was going on?
Finally, Martin continued walking. When he was close enough, Finn called out to him, “Martin. To

what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hi, Chef.” Martin stepped up the two stairs onto the small wooden deck outside the back door.

“Do I need an excuse to pay a visit to my mentor?”

Finn’s chest tightened in appreciation. “Not at all. I’m glad you’re here.” He motioned for him to

step inside. “Although I don’t have anything to offer for breakfast since I just showed up myself.”

Martin held up his hands. “You’ve given me plenty over the years. I should be the one making you


Finn grinned. “I wouldn’t say no to that.” He led them through the hall, past the kitchen and into the

bar lounge. “So how are things? I know—”

Finn jumped at least a foot in the air at the loud chorus of unfamiliar voices yelling out from the

darkened room. “Holy hell!”

The lights suddenly blazed on to reveal the entire lounge filled with people. But not just any

people. People he knew. Dozens of them.

His grinning brothers and their significant others hovered behind the bar. Mark and Cal stood off to

the right, farthest away from the rest of the crowd made up of Cooking for the Future graduates. And
then he saw Veronica. She stood in the middle of the room, a notebook in her hand and a smile
beaming from her face.

A hand clamped on his shoulder from behind. “Are you surprised, Chef?”
“Um. More like stunned.” Bewildered. Nervous. Why the hell were all these people here? It was

definitely not his birthday…

That’s when he saw a banner hanging across one side of the room, taped to the wooden shelving

separating the dining room from the lounge. The banner shouted four simple words.

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Veronica broke free from the crowd and walked over, giving him a hug.
He whispered in her ear, “What’s this all about?”
“It’s for you.”
What had he done that all these people were gathered around just for him? Sweat broke out across

his brow and he wiped his suddenly moist palms on his pants. She motioned for him to sit down in a
chair that had been decorated with ribbon and had balloons tied to the seat back.

“Welcome, everyone,” she said. The room quieted. “I’d like to thank you all for coming this

morning, and on such short notice, but it’s for a special occasion and a very special man.”

Jack hooted and clapped. “Yo, brother.”
“We’re here to celebrate the many accomplishments of Finnigan O’Reilly.”
He shot her a narrowed look. She knew how he hated when people used his full name. But maybe

he’d forgive her, just this once.

“Finn has touched the lives of each one of us. That’s why we’re all here.”
He tried to stand up. “I don’t understand why—?”
Cal appeared on his left and shoved him back down. “Just go with it, dude.” He sat down in the

seat next to Finn. “When she gets like this, it’s just best to let her talk, even if you aren’t listening.”

Finn laughed.
“Thank you, Cal,” she drawled. She waited, staring at her little brother, then cleared her throat.


As if he suddenly remembered something, Cal jumped up. “Right. I’m not part of the Cooking for

the Future program, but I work for Chef Finn.” He fidgeted, just like his sister. They were similar in
so many ways, but Finn was only noticing it now.

“He took me in when I needed to find my way. And he helped me find myself. I’m going to attend

university next September. Although I’ve only worked here for a few weeks, I can’t thank Chef Finn
enough for helping me when I thought no one was willing to lend a hand.”

Another of his former students stepped forward and addressed the crowd. “Five years ago I was

forced into signing up for the Cooking for the Future program. I hated that damn guidance counselor at
the time, but it was either join or my parents would take my car away. If I could, I would kiss that
woman. But I’d rather kiss you, Chef, because your béchamel sauce is what convinced my girlfriend
to go out with me.”

Finn laughed and turned to Cal, giving him a wink. He’d told him chicks love a man who can cook.
The guy continued, “I didn’t become a chef. Instead, I got a full ride to university and graduated

with honors. And I know without a doubt I wouldn’t have ended up where I am if I hadn’t have met
Chef Finn.”

“Me, too.” One of his line chefs stepped forward. Finn hadn’t even noticed him in the crowd. “But

I did become a chef. I thought cooking was for chicks. Not the case.” He pointed to Cal. “Stick with
it, little man. You think rock stars get a lot of ass…so do chefs.” He winked and merged back into the

Ten more former students spoke, each with their own success story, and each one of them paid

tribute to him as the mentor of their success. But Finn could never take the credit. A teacher could talk
until he’s blue in the face, but if the student doesn’t listen and learn, it doesn’t matter what he says.

Finally, Veronica addressed the crowd. “Despite what Finn may think—and I think you’ve all

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proved him wrong—Finn O’Reilly has touched us all in one way or another. Whether through
friendship, through the program, or as a family member, he lives every day not for himself, but for
others. And because of that we all have richer lives.”

She fidgeted. It was the cutest fidget he’d ever seen. But he had no idea why she would be so

nervous. He was the one who should be nervous, with all this damn attention on him. Something he
didn’t think he’d ever get used to.

“I met Finn when I was ten years old,” she said. “He had the same shaggy haircut, the same goofy

smile, and most important, the same big heart.” She paused, and he knew without looking that her
bottom lip was being chewed between her teeth and her fingers were picking at the edges of the paper
in her hands. “And I’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with him from that very first day.”

His head shot up and zeroed in on the face of his one true love.
“I don’t have a childhood memory without Finn in it. There isn’t a life decision I’ve made that

didn’t have Finn’s input. He’s been there for me every time, in every way possible.”

Giving him an adoring look, she waited while the crowd awwwwed. His face heated, a crimson

flush creeping up from his neck to his cheeks. “V,” he mumbled under his breath.

“A few weeks ago I told him I was going to seduce him,” she said, and the crowd hooted. “His

eyes nearly bugged out of his head.” She chuckled at his stunned expression. “Kind of like they’re
doing now.”

“Veronica!” He darted a sideways glance at Mark to see if he was about to get the beat-down he’d

been expecting. But his best friend watched his sister with a huge smile. Relief settled in his
shoulders but it did nothing to ease his discomfort at her public disclosure of their very personal, very
intimate, relationship.

She stepped closer to his chair and gazed into his eyes, pushing aside a stray hair. “But he met the

challenge. Heck, even took over the challenge.”

His brothers laughed. They knew despite his usual neutral opinions, he was very competitive,

always on a mission to win.

When the laughter died down, she said, “But unlike the Finn O’Reilly you all know and love, when

I told him a long-term relationship between us would never work, he gave up on us. Just like that.”
She snapped her fingers. “But I’m here to tell you, Finn, I won’t let you give up on us. Just as you
encouraged everyone else in this room to achieve their dreams, to keep going no matter what life
threw at them. I want you to achieve yours, Finn.”

A collective sigh traveled all around the bar. He saw Sterling dab at her eyes with a Kleenex,

along with every other woman in the place.

For the first time, hope filled his heart, but it stuttered in his chest.
He shook his head. No. This wasn’t right. It wasn’t what she really wanted. She was giving in to

his wishes.

As if reading his mind, she said, “You were right all along, Finn. I do have the same dreams as

you. I just lost mine along the way. You helped me find them again.”

Could it really be true? He searched her face for a sign, anything to prove he was reading too much

into her words. But what stared back at him wasn’t a lie. His insides churned with hopefulness.

“You were my dream all along, I was just too stubborn to sit up and grab it.”
She reached out for his hand and after a brief hesitation, he took it firmly in his. He stood, and she

pulled him into an embrace. Wrapping her arms around him, she rested her chin on his chest and

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gazed up into his eyes. “Just as you’d do with your students, I’m going ride your ass until you
understand I want to marry you.” She lifted on her tiptoes and kissed his chin. “And have your
babies.” Then she kissed his nose. “And spend the rest of my life with you.”

“So the mentor becomes the mentee?” He didn’t think it was possible for a smile to be as wide as

the one that broke out over his face then.

Despite the room full of cheering people, he indulged the rush of desire that never failed to take

over whenever her hands were on him. “My ass is really looking forward to you riding it,” he said.
When the crowd roared, he grimaced. “Wait, that so came out wrong.”

Her head fell back with a hearty, sincere laugh. “I think it came out exactly how you intended.” She

smiled. “And I’m looking forward to fulfilling that promise.”

They shared a secret smile knowing there were many, many sizzling adventures in their future, then

he hugged her tighter and gazed into the brown depths of her eyes. Those eyes that never failed to tell
him everything he needed to know. And when he saw all the love, devotion, sincerity, and truth
staring back at him, he knew that in this amazing woman’s heart he’d finally found the one thing he’d
spent a lifetime searching for.


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Veronica stared at the double lines that spanned the length of the tiny window on the plastic stick.

Double lines.
Excitement danced in her stomach. Legitimate excitement at the thought of having a baby. Finn’s

baby. Their baby.

She had denied her dream for so long, thinking that a family of her own was taking on too much.

But she could finally admit, the idea of life growing inside of her was something she had always
wanted. A journey she couldn’t wait to experience.

But would Finn feel the same way?
He had always been adamant about his life’s path. He had a well-ordered plan.
Fall in love.
Get married.
Have children.
In that order. And this miraculous accident was messing with that order.
She walked out of the powder room on the first floor of Finn’s home and made her way to the

kitchen, sidestepping boxes and garbage bags full of clothing. They had only been a legitimate couple
for a few weeks, but in that time Veronica had packed up her house and moved into Finn’s—with Cal
in tow.

He’d been just as excited. Probably because Finn’s house was bigger, had a better kitchen, and

was closer to Carmel. Cal and Finn had become thick as thieves over the last few weeks.

Finn’s kitchen was nothing short of spectacular—not surprising considering his occupation. One

wall was lined with dark wood pantry shelving, and a granite-topped island sat in the middle of the
room—one side equipped with a gas stovetop and on the opposite side an under-mount stainless steel
sink. The rest of the island was reserved for prep space or seating for six. Which was perfect for
when both kids would be home over the summer—and there’d still be room for a high chair. A long
mahogany table sat to the right, under a bay window overlooking the front lawn, and more counter and
cupboard space lined the wall closest to the entrance.

Veronica approached the window and gazed outside. Five inches of snow had fallen over the last

couple of days and now completely covered the grass. Moonlight sparkled against the untouched
white powder, so beautiful and full of promise. Just like the two lines on the pregnancy stick.

Five more were expected to fall the next day, which made her rethink their trip to visit Ali at

school. Or at least rethink their travel itinerary. But she couldn’t wait to see her sister. Even though
she’d seen her just two weeks ago, it felt like a lifetime.

A car door slammed and she tensed. Finn was back from picking up the last of her things. She

wasn’t ready to tell him the news. Not like this. Not on any random night of the week. She wanted it to
be special. Something to remember.

She froze, then turned from side to side, finally choosing to shove the stick into the junk drawer at

the end of the counter. She slammed it shut and raced to the kitchen table and sat down, pretending to
read through a contract.

The front door banged open and she heard the rustle of cardboard.
“I’m back with the final load,” Finn yelled from the foyer.

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She tidied up the table and shoved a few papers into an accordion folder, nervous as a cat. Though,

she had no idea why. Surely, he’d be thrilled with the news.

Wouldn’t he?
“That’s the last of the boxes.” His voice was closer this time. His cold body dropped the

temperature of the room as he strode closer and planted a kiss on her head. “You guys are going to be
really happy here.”

She had no doubt they’d be happy here.
“Do you think we should get going tonight? I’m worried about the storm tomorrow.” She jumped

out of her seat and out of his embrace, retreating to the island. “I can always call Ali and tell her
we’ll be leaving tonight.”

“The snow will be fine.” He shrugged. “I was hoping to spend some time with you tonight.” He

came closer to where she was leaning against the island counter.

If they spent the evening alone, she’d end up blurting out the news. She needed to get them out of

the house. Needed to lose herself in the silence of a road trip to figure out how she was going to tell

He sidled up to her and grasped her by the hips. “I think you’re just excited to see Ali. This has

nothing to do with the weather.”

“I’m busted.” She smiled the best fake smile she could muster. She hated lying. Hated keeping

things from him. But this news was too big.

He sighed. “Well, if you’re that adamant. All right.” He looked disappointed. “I’m just going to

have to stop by Jack and Sterling’s on the way.” He threaded his hand through his hair.

Why was he fidgeting? She was the one sitting on the biggest secret of their lives.
“He asked me to drop something off. I just need to get the key.”
He turned and headed out of the kitchen. She let out a huge breath, but tensed in alarm when he

didn’t go for the door but halted at the junk drawer.

He pulled it open and reached inside. The he stopped short. Oops.
So much for keeping a secret.
“Please tell me this doesn’t belong to one of Cal’s girlfriends,” he said without looking up from the

drawer, his voice strangled.

“Nope.” She bit her lip, then cleared her throat. “It, um, belongs to your girlfriend.”
He still hadn’t turned to face her. Instead, he picked up the stick and examined it. He stared at it for

a few seconds, then he finally turned, his eyes focusing on her. His gaze traveled toward her belly,
then back to her eyes. His face was blank. She couldn’t tell what was going on in his head. And it
made her even more nervous.

“Finn, I know this isn’t part of the plan. And I know you’d rather get married…eventually. And yes,

I’m going to be presumptuous and assume you’ll be marrying me, but— I’m sorry.” She was rambling.
But she couldn’t stop the verbal diarrhea from spewing out. “I’m not really sure when it happened,
but I assume it was the night of Jack and Sterling’s wedding. It was the only time we had unprotected
sex and—”

He raised his hand and she halted her speech. His expression was still blank.
She waited for him to give her a clue. Something, anything, to let her know he was all right with

this turn of events.

And after a moment of silence a small smile curved at the side of his lip and he laughed. “You

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really know how to steal a man’s thunder.”

“Wha…what?” Why the hell was he laughing? “What thunder?”
“Mine.” He strode forward and didn’t stop until she was flush against him, his strong arms

wrapped around her body. “This is the greatest news I’ve ever heard.”

The excitement she had been battling not ten minutes earlier returned at his declaration. “Really?

You’re not mad that we didn’t get married first?”

He pulled away and thrust his hips into her. “Are you kidding? I don’t care how things happen, just

that they do. With you. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. You, and a family of our own.”

She rplanted a big, wet kiss on his lips. “I’m so happy, too. I can’t believe this is happening but it’s

all so perfect.”

“And it’s about to get even more perfect.” He kissed her nose then walked away.
Oh, God. He was right. This was all too perfect. Everything was happening just as she had always

imagined. Minus the prenuptial pregnancy and the two half siblings who ended up on her doorstep,
but still pretty damn close. And they only added to the perfection.

He returned from the foyer with a cardboard box, and when he placed it at her feet, the box


“Finn?” The hormones must be messing with her.
He dropped to his knees. “Yes, sweetheart?”
“Did that box just meow?”
He knelt down to open it, and a tiny black kitten peered up at her with round little blue eyes. It had

a Tiffany-blue ribbon tied around its neck.

Finn picked up the kitten and held it close.
Veronica was utterly charmed. “Oh, Finn. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen.”
The kitten nuzzled against his firm chest. Babies—and apparently even kittens—knew that Finn’s

best asset was his broad chest…and its ability to make one feel so safe and loved.

Finn looked up at her and smiled that goofy grin she loved so much. “I don’t think there’s been a

day in the last twenty years that I haven’t loved you.”

She reached out and caressed the kitten’s head to cover the moisture that welled in her eyes. It

purred against her hand. “I love you, too, Finn.”

“In the beginning, it might have been friend love, or brotherly love, but it was definitely love. All

too rare in our lives back then.”

She smiled back at him. “Yeah. It’s always been special between us.”
“Lately, though, that love turned into something more, something all-consuming. I thought it was

wrong. Things got…too complicated.” He reached out to touch her cheek. “But how could love ever
be wrong? I can’t even imagine not loving you in all those many ways, for the rest of my life.”

Tears stung her eyes and her brain spun with so many thoughts. “Me, neither,” she whispered.
“I thought Lucky Two, here, would keep you company on the nights I’m working.”
She brought her hand to her chest. “Finn, you’ve already given me so much.”
“Veronica.” He shook his head. “It’s you who’ve given me so much.” He placed his palm on her

belly. Then he shifted his position on the floor and went up onto one knee.

“You’re the only woman who has the ability to bring me to my knees—literally—with your wit,

your brains, your body. I only have one question for you.”

He lifted his hand and adjusted the ribbon on the kitten’s neck. As he turned it around, something

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sparkled. Something much too sparkly for a name tag. Was that…? It couldn’t be. It looked like…a
diamond ring.

Now she was seeing things. She had to be hallucinating. From the pregnancy hormones. Lord, this

was going to be a long nine months. Or—

“I don’t give a damn about the order of things. It was never about copying the stereotype. It was

about finding a family of my own. And you gave me that. A bigger, better family than I could have

He put the cat back in the box and pulled at the ribbon. She’d been right. A diamond ring fell into

his palm and he held it out to her. It was the most spectacular engagement ring she’d ever seen. A
large princess-cut diamond was outlined with a row of smaller diamonds on a white gold band.

Her breath caught. And even before he asked, she knew her answer.
“Veronica Whitfield, will you marry me?”
“Yes!” She jumped up and tackled him to the floor. “Yes! Yes! Yes!” She kissed his cheeks, his

forehead, his lips. She kissed everywhere there was bare skin.

But in the middle of her kisses, the front door slammed and Cal’s annoyed voice declared, “I think

it’s time for me to move out. I can’t wait to leave for school. This whole walking in on you two
smooching thing has gotten really old.”

They both burst out laughing and she hid her face against Finn’s chest. Cal shuffled past the kitchen

and his feet stomped up the stairs.

Finn grabbed her sides and squeezed, pulling her off his body and into sitting position next to him.

“So, you’ll let me slip this diamond on your finger?”

“Hell, yes.” She held out her hand, and the ring fit perfectly.
She admired the gorgeous jewel with new tears in her eyes. She had secretly envied every single

bride she’d ever contracted. The way their rings sparkled in the sunlight. The way their faces had lit
up whenever they looked at it. As if they were remembering the exact moment they had screamed out
the word “Yes!” And now she knew exactly why. Because if she could, she’d bottle this amazing
feeling to remember forever.

They sealed it with a long, lingering kiss.
“I can’t believe it,” she whispered. “A family of our own. Together forever.” She placed one hand

on her belly and her other arm around the man she loved with all her heart.

He smiled and picked up the cat, and placed it in her arms. “Everything we’ve always wanted.

Right here in this house.”

And it truly was. Finn had given her everything she’d always wanted. But it had turned out to be so

much more.

But most of all, love.

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First off, I’d like to thank the readers. So many of you have embraced the Madewood Brothers and
your support has been overwhelming. Thank you for your likes, shares, retweets, and reviews. These
books couldn’t be written without you. I hope Finn and Veronica are everything you’ve been hoping

I’d like to thank Nina Bruhns, my new editor, for helping me make this book the best it can be.
Thank you to the ladies who always have my back: Lindsay Below, Debra Kayn, Stacey Kennedy,

and Cristal Ryder.

And thank you to my husband for spending a lot of alone time while I have way too much fun with

my characters.

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About the Author

When her dream of becoming a mafia princess didn’t pan out, Gina Gordon went after her second
dream…becoming a writer. And she hasn’t looked back.

Gina, a self-proclaimed happily-ever-after junkie and cupcake connoisseuse, loves spinning

contemporary tales of knee-bending first kisses, unconditional love, and super-hot sex. She broke out
onto the romance scene with her number one Amazon best-selling erotic short story “Her Five
Favorite Words,” which has been called a “deliciously naughty tale” by Joyfully Reviewed.

When not chained to her computer, you can find Gina sipping Starbucks, making cupcakes or

feeding her addiction to celebrity gossip. She lives in Milton, Ontario, with her husband and lovable

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