Sean Michael ding dong bell

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Ding Dong Bell


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Ding Dong Bell


Ding Dong Bell

By Sean Michael

"We could get married."
Rig looked up from his book, one eyebrow raising
right up. He'd known it was coming. All that stuff about
gay marriage on the news and Dick's friends getting
hitched left and right, but still...
Dick grinned earnestly from where he lay on a lounge
chair. "It's legal now."
"Only if Rock agrees to wear the dress and I can be
the best man." Asshole. Good thing the kid was cute.
Dick rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue.
"Nobody wears a dress and you'll probably have to arm
wrestle Rock to see which of you is the best man."
"Best man for what?" Rock asked as he wandered out
onto the deck, freshly showered and dressed in a tight
white T-shirt and an old pair of PT shorts.
"Hmm?" Oh, look at that. Rig stretched out,
approving of his Blue's attire. "Oh, the kid wants you to
marry him. I told him you'd prob'ly balk at the big floofy
Rock's eyes narrowed at him first and then a glare
was shot over toward Dick. "What?"
"What I said was we could get married. I did not say
anything about a dress. There wouldn't be any dresses.
We'd even make the females who attended wear pants."
"I told him I'd be y'all's best man." Rig went back to
his book, waiting patiently for the bear to growl.
"No, no," started Dick. "I meant all of us, not--" His
Pretty never got to finish. Rock didn't say a word,
though. Instead, he grabbed Dick right out of his chair,
hoisting the kid up over his shoulder and heading for the

ocean, long legs striding along the sand. Dick started
wriggling. "Put me down! Rock! Come on!"
Looked like Rock decided Dick was too dry.

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Rig chuckled, leaning up on one elbow to watch.
"Don't break him, Marine! It's his night to cook!"
"Fixing him," Rock shouted back. "Must be
Rock waded in a little and dumped a shouting and
protesting Dick into the water, before turning to head
back. Which was, of course, when Dick made his move
and jumped Rock, dragging the big body down into the
The two of them wrestled, rolling in the surf and
getting absolutely soaked until they finally helped each
other up and headed back toward him on the deck.
On the deck, and nice and dry and happy in the hot
sun with his book...
"Y'all stay out there, now..." God damn it.
His marines took a look at each other, grinned and

came toward him faster, a familiar look in their eyes. He
rolled off the hammock, tossing his book to safety and
looking for an escape route. Beautiful assholes.
They pounced him immediately, Rock grabbing him
and pulling him up against the solid, soaking wet body.
Dick pressed up against him from the other, just as cold
and wet as Rock.

"Fuck!" Rig couldn't help laughing, wriggling against
his boys. "Y'all are so fired!"
"Fired from what?" Rock asked, grinning as they
began to strip him down, making short work of his cut-
offs. At least Rock hadn't torn them this time.
"Uh..." Shit, he didn't know. "Out of a cannon!"
Rock stopped what he was doing and just stared
while Dick laughed his head off. He started chuckling
and then Rock joined in, all three of them laughing hard,
leaning together under the sun.
Dick went back to undressing them, and soon they
were all three naked as jaybirds on their deck.
"Y'all, we're naked. Are you sure it's safe for the best

man to see the grooms naked?" He dodged Rock's swat.
"I'll show you the best man," growled Rock, blue
gaze locking onto him.

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The world hiccupped a little bit and Rig just sort of
stopped. "Yeah?" Oh, fuck. His Blue.
"You know it." That husky voice promised him the
fucking world. He knew his Blue could deliver, too.
Dick moaned loudly at Rock's words and Rig could
feel his Pretty's cock, hard and eager against his thigh.
"I'm ready. Prove it."
"Get him wet, kid." As soon as Rock said it, Dick slid
down along his body, turning him so his Pretty could
lick at his crack. Rock helped, turning him some more
and tugging his leg up over Rock's thigh. It spread him
open, let Dick's tongue get to his hole.
He swallowed hard, eyes rolling in his head. "Damn.
Fuck. That's... Don't stop."
"You heard the man, Dick. Don't stop."
His Pretty snorted, but didn't stop, not for a second,

Dick's tongue making him crazy.
Rock grinned. "He's not going to stop." Then his Blue
leaned in and kissed away anything else he might have
He got one hand around Rock's head, the kiss going
deeper, Rock stealing his breath. Rock fucked his
mouth; Dick fucked his ass, both tongues working him

hard. He was a lucky bastard. He went with it, rocking
and moaning, staring right into those amazing fucking
eyes. Dick made all sorts of noises, slurping and
moaning, cock hard against the back of his legs. Rock's
prick was just as hard, sliding against his own.
"Gonna fuck me, Blue? Gonna make me come on
your cock?" He heard Dick whimper at his words.
"You fucking know it."
Dick pulled away, hands sliding on his skin. "He's
ready for you, Rock."
"I was born ready. For both of you."
"You want us both?" Dick's voice rose half way
through the sentence.

Rock made a growling noise. "We haven't done that
in too long."
"I'll need some lube." He shivered, cock slapping
Rock's belly.

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"This would go better in bed anyway," growled Rock.
His Blue straightened, hands reaching for him and Dick.
"Mmm. Less chance of random drive-by dogging or
Dick made a face. "Ew, yeah, that would be good to
The three of them headed in out of the sun and
moved on down the hall, sharing kisses and touches,
keeping the heat ratcheted up. Rig pinched Dick's
nipple, tugging the ring a little. His Pretty bucked and
moaned for him, pressing close.
"Mmm. Hey." He got another long, slow kiss, even as
Rock moved them toward the bedroom, his Blue
He knew they were there when Rock pushed him and
Dick over onto the bed, his Pretty laughing into his

He nibbled on Dick's lower lip. "Who's on the
bottom, Pretty?"
"Rock." Dick looked past him and Rock nodded,
chest puffing up.
"Yeah. I can handle having both my men on top of

"Uh-huh." Dick licked his lips, eyes on Rock's body.
That was one thing his Pretty and he shared -- a fine
appreciation for that rock-hard, solid body.
"Mmm. Sounds good." Rig reached out, fingers
sliding over the sprinkling of hair above Rock's prick.
Rock made a rumbling noise for him, cock jerking,
trying to get his attention. Oh, fuck yeah. His fingers
trailed up along the shaft, the tips teasing the ridge
around the head.
"Fuck." Those blue eyes stared into him, Rock's
muscles hard, tight.
"Mmmhmm." He couldn't help but grin. "Finest
fucking cock on earth, Blue." No lie.

"Yep." Rock gave him that smug, happy grin that he
loved, and then laid down on the bed, opening his arms.
"Come and get it."

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Rig turned and pounced, mouth dropping over that
"Fuck!" Rock bucked up hard, shoving it deep into
his throat.
He had years of practice, so he just relaxed, took
Rock in and in and in, one hand cupping that fine ass to
drag Rock even deeper. Dick's fingers slid over his skin
as Rock cupped his head, humping his mouth. It wasn't
long before his Pretty's fingers were slick and pushing in
him, spreading his ass for them -- three, then four,
pushing him for what was coming.
Mmm. Coming.
"Fuck, you're hot." Dick rubbed stubbled cheeks
against his ass, fingers pushing deeper. He whimpered,
bucking back, even as he swallowed hard around Rock's

Rock groaned loudly. "Don't make me come, Rabbit.
I want inside you."
Rig pulled back, licking carefully at the tip.
Rock petted his hair, fingers tangling in his short curls.
"Mmm... good man."
Dick laughed softly. "We going to do this?"
"We are. I was just enjoying." Rig licked his way up

Rock's belly, stopping at one nipple.
Rock pushed that little bit of flesh into his mouth. He
caught the glint of metal on Rock's other nipple, the ring
right there for his fingers to play with. "Nothing wrong
with enjoying."
"Mmmhmm." Sweet motherfucking man.
"Come on and ride me." Rock patted his thighs, hand
Rig nodded, scooting up to straddle his Blue. Big
hands landed on his hips, fingers solid on his skin as
Rock helped guide him into place. It was easy, sliding
down onto that fat fucking cock, letting it fill him up. A
groan to match his own came from Rock, the sound rich

and deep and good.
"Yeah." He closed his eyes, started moving, nice and
easy, riding.

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"Fuck, look at you guys." Dick groaned, hands hot
along his back, down to his ass.
"Mmm. We're too busy to look." Very busy.
Blue eyes smiled up at him as Dick laughed softly,
straddling Rock's legs behind him. His Pretty's heat
warmed his back, his ass. Now that was nice. He
snuggled right back in, humming in his throat. Rock
stilled his movements, buried deep and waiting for Dick
to join him. His Pretty's sweet noises filled the air, the
long prick hot against his ass.
"Nice and easy, y'all. Fill me up."
"Yeah, come on, Dick. Let me feel you." Rock's eyes
looked past him, meeting Dick's.
Dick slowly pushed against him. The pressure got huge
and then suddenly Dick's cock head penetrated him,
squeezing in alongside Rock's prick.

"Oh. Oh, sweet fuck." He leaned down, trying to
remember how to breathe, how to relax.
Rock groaned for him, the sound low and deep,
heartfelt, as Dick kept pushing, slowly working the long
cock all the way inside. Rock's hands slid up and down
his back, fingers digging in deep, forcing him to gasp,
his muscles to loosen up.

"Yeah, good. Fuck." Dick babbled for them, finally
seated all the way in. The heat and girth of both them
stretched him, filled him.
"Uh-huh." He couldn't move, couldn't do anything
but breathe and let Rock touch him.
"Nice and easy," murmured Rock. "Just breathe."
He could feel Dick against his back, feel each move
those muscles made against him.
"So full." He moaned a bit. "So fucking full."
"Full of us." Dick's words were breathless, a touch of
strain in them.
One of Rock's hands slid down his body, touching
where he was stretched around their two cocks. "Fuck.

"Uh. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. Fuck."
"We... we made him speechless." Dick kissed his
spine, teeth scraping a little.

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Rock chuckled and it moved his whole body,
including the cocks inside him. He whimpered, body
squeezing tight and he heard both his men moan at the
"Relax, Rabbit. We'll get moving in a minute." Man,
if Rock could talk so well, he wasn't doing his job.
Dick on the other hand was making those amazing
porno noises of his. "Gotta move. Please."
He looked to Rock; he'd let his Blue run this one.
Those blue eyes met his in return, fingers back to where
they were joined, where he was stretched around them.
"You ready?"
"I am. Ready for you." He shivered, body jerking.
"He's ready, kid."
Moaning, Dick started to move, prick sliding within
him. This sound left him -- half moan, half gasp -- then

Dick pushed back in, deep. Oh. Oh, fuck yeah.
"Me next." Rock's hips shifted beneath him, pulling
that thick cock almost out and then pushing it back in
"Fuck." He felt that, way down deep.
"Again," muttered Rock, eyes going a bit hazy as
Dick slid out and in again, moving a little bit faster than

the last time.
His fingers curled, pulling up into fists, Rig
shuddering, violently. His marines worked together,
pushing in and pulling out, filling him so fucking good.
His thighs started shaking, the pressure immense. "Oh,
sweet fuck."
"We've got you," growled Rock, and Dick nodded his
agreement, pressed up against his back.
They moved faster, spreading him so fucking wide.
He could feel everything -- every fucking inch of the
cocks inside him, every hair on Rock's belly, every
breath on his back. Dick's noises got louder, Rock's
grunts coming more often as the fucking sped, making it

hard for him to catch his breath. He closed his eyes,
trying to breathe, trying to hold it together. Dick's
fingers closed around his prick, and Rock's covered

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them. They jacked him off, all those fingers sliding on
"Oh. Oh, shit. Shit, I... Fuck, y'all." He was fixin' to
Rock's growl was his answer, the cocks inside him
pushing harder, faster.
He went stiff, fighting to come, to let go. "Blue."
"Come on, Rabbit. Come on our cocks. Our fucking
"Fuck. Y'all's..." Rock's fingers squeezed and he gave
it up, shooting hard enough to rattle his bones.
"Fuck!" Dick shouted, jerking inside him, filling him
with even more heat. Rock's growl surrounding him, the
thick prick throbbing as Rock unloaded inside him, too.
His arms went out from under him, trusting Rock to
catch hold of him. Rock was there, holding him,

cushioning him. His Pretty came down along his back,
hot and solid and there.
"Mmm. Hey." He blinked, nice and slow.
"Hey." Rock took his mouth, tongue sliding over his
lips as Dick slid out of him.
He couldn't help his soft whimper, his shiver, or the
way his body gripped Rock's prick. Rock bucked

beneath the combined weight of his Pretty and himself,
cock staying buried inside him. They kissed, his ass
squeezing and relaxing, working his Blue. Dick's fingers
slid around to play with his nipples, a sucking kiss
pulling the skin over his spine.
"Can't... Can't again." It didn't matter, though,
because it was too good to stop.
"Just fucking take it," growled Rock.
Dick's fingers didn't stop, they just kept touching
him, tugging on the little ring and twisting his bare
"Growly old bear."
Rock just growled again, Dick chuckling. "Our

growly old bear."
"Mmmhmm. Wouldn't give for either one of you."
"We're not going anywhere," Dick murmured.

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"Nowhere," agreed Rock with another big thrust of
his hips.
He might've answered, if Rock's cock hadn't bumped
his gland and made lightning shoot up his spine.
Dick squeaked softly, the kid knowing just how Rock
had caught him right. "Oh, there, Rock. Do it again."
His Pretty was plastered against his back, feeling every
breath he took.
That touch came again, then again and again and
fuck. Fuck, he was still hard, still caught in those eyes.
Rock kept him moving, Dick adding sensations, keeping
him off-balance and teetering on the edge of coming
"My Blue. Pretty. Y'all. It's so good."
Rock nodded, grinned wildly at him. "Best fucking
thing ever."

He leaned down for a kiss, the angle of that cock
changing, making him cry out into Rock's mouth.
"Fuck. There's nothing like you two." Dick sounded
almost reverent.
He knew it. He knew it deep down.
"Or you," growled Rock, looking past him at Dick,
holding them all together.

He nodded. "Us. Us."
If Rock didn't focus, he was going to scream. Dick
found the sweet spot on his neck, tongue playing it like a
pro. Okay. That worked. "Don't y'all stop. I'm getting
into it, now."
Dick laughed, hand circling his cock. "Only now?"
"Shut up. Busy."
Dick kept laughing, Rock swatting half-heartedly.
Then the laughter faded and they all found a rhythm
again, Rock fucking him slowly, Dick jacking him off.
His eyes tried to close, everything just buzzing through
him. Rock's fingers dug into his ass cheeks, hard enough
to leave bruises.

"Uh-huh. Fuck, yeah." That got him to moving just a
little harder, a little faster.
He could hear their flesh slapping every time their
flesh met, Rock's prick hitting his gland with every

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thrust. Dick's fingers were working a little magic, sliding
across the top of his cock again and again. He met
Rock's eyes, nodding. Soon. It was gonna be soon. He
got a smile in return, Rock pushing in harder.

This orgasm was sweet, slow, making every inch of him
tingle. He felt it as Rock filled him, but more than that,
he saw it in those blue eyes, everything he'd ever needed
from Rock was right there.
Shit, like they needed more, like they needed
someone to tell them they were... them.
They stayed like that for a long moment, all of them
breathing and touching and being.
Then Rock slipped out of him, Dick shifting and
bringing him down with his Pretty so he was
sandwiched between his men.

"That was..." Dick's hand waved in the air above
them and then dropped down again. "Wow."
Rock chuckled, patted his hips, Dick's. "Yep."
He nodded, boneless and lazy and well-fucked.
"So," murmured Dick, voice teasing. "No getting

Rock snorted, leaning past him to tug on Dick's
nipple piercing. "I already gave you a ring, kid."
"Rock looks way better in blue than white, Pretty."
He was starting to doze.
"I know, I know. It's not like they'd let all three of us
get married, anyway. Would be a kick-ass party,
"Mmm. We could just have a party. Hell, we could
just go to the Bahamas for a week." He was easy.
"Bahamas," murmured Rock at the same time as Dick
voted for "Party!"
"Mmm. We'll have to look. Maybe skiing
somewhere. Or Italy..."

"It should be somewhere warm -- you don't like
snow," Dick pointed out. "It doesn't matter, long as
we're together."

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"Now there's something I can get behind," muttered
"Mmmhmm." His eyes were drooping, breath
"It's kind of cool, though, isn't it?" Dick needed to get
with the program and nap.
"What's that, kid?"
"The whole 'being able to get married' thing."
Rock grumbled. "Uh-huh. Now shut up -- it's called
Ah. Romance. Rig grinned, snuggled in. Pure
motherfucking romance.

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Ding Dong Bell

Copyright © 2008 by Sean Michael

All rights reserved. No part of this eBook may be used
or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written
permission except in case of brief quotations embodied
in critical articles or reviews. For information address
Torquere Press, Inc., PO Box 2545, Round Rock, TX

Printed in the United States of America.


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