Riley Shane Chasing Alex

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Chasing Alex

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want me, you know where to find me.”

Chase Larkspur sighed and rested his forehead on the

steering wheel of his truck, Alex‟s final words to him playing
over and over in his mind. The cool tone he‟d delivered that
parting message with had been a sharp contrast to the
shouting that had preceded it.

What the hell was he doing here? He didn‟t race off half-

cocked like this. He thought things through, made sure he
knew what he was doing before he did it. Except when it
came to Alex. Alex knocked him off his balance faster than
an ornery bull. He‟d pushed for more than Chase was
comfortable giving, pure and simple. Then he had walked out
the door before Chase had a moment to wrap his damn brain
around the demands and accusations Alex had thrown.

He should let it go. Indeed, he‟d been so damn pissed

when Alex left that he had been determined to put the other
man out of his mind. A few nights with some buckle bunnies
would do the trick, he‟d been sure of it. But he couldn‟t do it.
Couldn‟t forget Alex, and he sure as hell couldn‟t work up
any interest in the pretty young things that wanted to go for
a ride on a rodeo cowboy. They weren‟t Alex.

So here he was, just outside of Bandera, Texas, tired

and hungry with a career he was willingly flushing down the
shitter. It was Cowboy Christmas right now. If he had any
sense, he would be driving his RV to the various rodeos, not
taking his damn truck down to Bandera. Then again, if he
had any sense, he‟d be chasing eight on the back of a bull,
not chasing that stubborn asshole Alex Dawson.

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“If you want me, you know where to find me.”
Yeah, he knew. What he didn‟t know was how long that

offer was good for. He hadn‟t seen or spoken to Alex since
the Chicago Invitational. That had been in March. Bastard
hadn‟t called once, and to Chase‟s surprise, the abruptly
severed ties were killing him.

You didn’t call him, either.
Chase ignored the voice in his head, focusing on the

now. The now being his ass parked in a truck that was
rapidly turning into an oven in the summer heat. He could
choose to roast in here all damn day, or he could stop being
so chickenshit and face Alex.

“If you want me, you know where to find me.”
He turned the engine back on and looked at the

entrance to Dawson Ranch. He‟d found Alex, all right. And
damn if he wasn‟t going to tie that cowboy up with his own
rope and fuck him until neither of them could see straight.

You’re forgetting what he wants in return, that irritating

voice reminded him. As if he‟d ever forget. Alex had
frequently pushed his limits further than Chase had ever
thought he‟d be willing to go. But if he wanted Alex back in
his life, Chase would have to be willing to give Alex two
things he‟d never given another man. The two things he‟d
flat-out refused while they‟d shared a bed: an out-in-the-
open relationship and—he could feel his ass clench just
thinking about it—he‟d have to let Alex fuck him.



smiled and nodded politely as the last guest thanked

him and headed toward the guest café. It was only noon, but

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he had the rest of the day and tomorrow off. He hated having
nothing to do, but his brother had insisted he needed the
“thinking time.” Alex rolled his eyes at that, no matter that
Braden couldn‟t see him. His brother was likely somewhere
with the stock, far away from the tourist part of the ranch,
just the way he liked it.

Dawson Ranch had been in the family for four

generations, and Braden was smart enough to know that to
keep the place running like he wanted, he needed the funds
guests provided. The weddings, corporate events, and
cowboy-curious tourist part of Dawson Ranch had
flourished. Which was why, when a number of their staff
members had been injured during a storm a few months
back, Braden had called Alex, begging him (or as close as his
brother ever got to that) to come home and help out. Alex
had a way with guests that Braden just didn‟t. Plus there
was the fact that he was a rodeo cowboy. Even living close to
the “Cowboy Capital of the World” didn‟t seem to dim his
appeal to the female guests when it came to that.

He could make it work here. He had a guaranteed job on

a ranch he had both familial and financial ties to, he enjoyed
the job, he got to work with people he‟d known and cared for
most of his life, and he even had his own small house on the
property. The only thing he had to decide was if he wanted to
give this up to go back to bull riding.

Bull riding was, in many ways, a young man‟s sport.

You had to be young, crazy, and in love with the adrenaline
rush those eight seconds could bring, because it was
dangerous as hell and injuries were pretty much guaranteed.
Alex was thirty-one, well past the high point in his bull-
riding career. And to be frank, he knew he was starting to

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get to the stage where the injuries didn‟t quite shake off as
swiftly or painlessly as they had when he was twenty-one.

He loved the sport, but the thrill of working like a

motherfucker to stay on and look good doing it for eight
seconds had dimmed in the past two years. The appeal of
constant travelling had been lost some time before that.
What Braden didn‟t know was that Alex had been
considering quitting the rodeo scene a little over a year
before he actually did.

Right after a particularly bad set of rides, he realized he

had lost the passion for the sport. It hadn‟t helped that his
travelling partner, Jake, had gotten stomped on good and
hard that night before the bull fighters were able to get the
bull away from him. Jake had healed, but that night Alex
knew Jake was out for the rest of the year. Since the RV they
were using belonged to Jake, Alex was out of a ride. The
worst part of it was he didn‟t really care about leaving; he
had been ready to pack it in. That told him more than
anything that he shouldn‟t be on the back of a bull.

Then came Chase Larkspur. Blond, chiseled, and

beautiful in a rough, angular way, Chase was the reason
Alex frequently had to battle getting a woody in the middle of
a raucous, testosterone-filled arena. They knew each other
well enough from hitting the same rodeos, and Chase had
had similar bad luck with his two travelling companions.
One had also gotten on the wrong side of a bull and was
temporarily out, and the other had run off to Vegas with
some buckle bunny and had yet to return. When Chase
asked him if he wanted to partner up, the word “yes” had
tumbled out of Alex‟s mouth faster than he could blink. And
as he mentally cursed himself for being an idiot, Chase‟s
slow smile threatened to make him harder than a post.

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He‟d been done for. For the next year they‟d travelled

together, sharing costs and information, and had ridden in
the same rodeos. Close quarters meant they got to know one
another pretty quickly, and he‟d been pleased that they truly
clicked in a number of ways. That kind of closeness also left
secrets few places to hide, and Alex had been shocked as hell
to find out that his attraction to Chase was returned tenfold.
Casual hand jobs led to blowjobs, and those eventually led to
the best damn fucking of Alex‟s life. Nothing had ever felt so
perfect as Chase‟s body blanketing him, his cock buried so
deep in his ass that Alex was sure he‟d be marked forever.

He shook his head at himself. That part of his life had

ended when he got the call from Braden. Before he left
Chicago, he‟d given Chase an ultimatum, his heart sinking
because he knew the other man would never answer it.

He didn‟t exactly blame Chase for it. Chase was bi, and

Alex knew firsthand that it was a hell of a lot easier,
sometimes even safer, to keep one‟s preference for men to
oneself. But logic wasn‟t winning that round, not when he‟d
spent weeks watching Chase make a show of flirting with the
buckle bunnies. He knew Chase hadn‟t screwed any of them.
They‟d always gone back to the RV or hotel room, where
Chase was on him in a split second, making Alex come so
hard he forgot to be pissed about the women who wanted to
be exactly where he was at that moment. He‟d let himself
forget and he‟d let himself be content with what he had.
Until he had to pack it in and return to Dawson Ranch. Then
the flirting with women, the secrecy, had just become too
much. Because while he trusted Chase not to cheat while
they were together, he wasn‟t so sure what would happen
when he returned to the ranch. Chase liked sex. A lot. Alex
sure as hell hadn‟t had a problem with that… until he

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started to think on their time together while he packed. That
had been what led to their last fight, right as he was getting
ready to leave.



about those chicks in the bar last night? You know it

didn’t mean anything.”

“Today it didn’t.”

“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I’m leaving today.”

“And? What do you want from me, Alex? You’re acting

like some girl that wants a ring on her finger and a promise of
undying devotion or some shit.”

He jolted, realizing that with the way he’d been heading

with Chase, the last bit didn’t sound as stupid as he once
thought it might.


“No, I’m not asking for a damn ring, dickwad! But since

you brought it up, yeah, it’d be nice to know that the cock up
my ass wasn’t going to be balls-deep in some woman the
minute my flight takes off for Texas.”

“You’re being ridiculous.”

“No, I’m not, Chase. I’ve pushed every move in this


“What are you talking about? I seem to remember it was

my hand on your cock that started everything.”

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“Because we’d been hitting the road so fast you hadn’t

had a woman in a few weeks and were horny. And yes, I
remember your hand on my dick, my mouth on you, you up
my ass. You have to be drunk off your ass if I want so much
as a blowjob from you, because Lord have mercy, you might
remember you’re fucking a dude!”

Chase stared at him in shock, but Alex was on a roll now.

“I’ve had to make every damn move that didn’t revolve

around you fucking me. I even have to kiss you, ’cause you
sure as shit can’t bring yourself to do something as simple as
that. It took six damn months before you didn’t jump like a
friggin’ cat when I did that. Let’s not forget the fact that you go
soft if I even mention getting inside you. Can’t have a big,
strong cowboy like Chase Larkspur taking it up the ass, can

“You know what? I’m fucking sick of you turning me into

the damn girl in this. I’ll give you keeping it low-key out at the
rodeo, but aside from that? We’re together, we’re equals—in
every damn way—or we’re nothing.”

Chase was so still Alex wasn’t even sure he was

breathing. They stared at each other, and Alex could see that
he had apparently asked for too much. “Forget it,” he said.

“Alex….” Chase’s voice trailed off.

Alex looked him straight in the eye. Chase’s jaw worked

for a moment, but he said nothing, eventually breaking their
connection by turning away. That was Alex’s answer.

Rustling up the shreds of his dignity, he said, “If you

want me, you know where to find me. He walked out the
door, refusing to look back. All the while praying Chase would
change his mind.

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, Alex returned to the present, aware that he was

standing in front of the stables like an idiot while activity
buzzed all around him. Alex had just been a convenient,
secret fuck buddy to Chase, and he had to remember that.
The other cowboy would never want a relationship with him,
never mind a long-distance one. Alex was done with bulls;
there was no rejoining the rodeo circuit for him. He was also
done with Chase Larkspur. Best he remembered that.

With a sigh, Alex headed toward the lodge where guest

check-in was. His aunt ran that part of the ranch, and she
might have some work for him. Lord knew know-it-all
Braden was being bullheaded enough not to let him work
with the stock today. Alex did not want to be left with his
own thoughts, not with memories of Chase lingering so close
to the surface.



pulled into the guest parking lot and looked around

for a sign to direct him. He got out of the truck and found
the sign pointing him to guest check-in. As he walked, he
wondered how in the hell he‟d be able to find Alex now that
he was here. “Hi, I used to fuck Alexander Dawson—can you
tell me where he is?”
didn‟t seem like the appropriate way to
go about it. Did Alex‟s family even know about Chase? They
knew Alex was gay, but that didn‟t mean he shared the
details of someone he…. Chase wasn‟t even sure he knew
how to finish that sentence.

Running a hand through his hair, Chase noticed he was

in need of a haircut. He should have taken care of that

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before coming here. Maybe should have dressed a bit nicer
too. Yeah, like looking fresh as a daisy will do any good.
There were a lot of “should have dones” when it came to
Alex, but fixing his appearance wasn‟t one of them, and he
knew it. He was just looking for a reason to chicken out, and
that pissed him off more than anything.

He kept his head down as he walked up the path to the

lodge and tried to figure out what the hell he could say to
find Alex. Since he wasn‟t paying attention, he didn‟t notice
there was someone else on the path until he walked right
into him. Startled, Chase looked up to apologize to the man,
and realized he was staring into the shocked, pale-green eyes
of Alex Dawson.

His mind blanked. No surprise there, since the blood in

his head had instantaneously shot down to his cock, making
him a bit dizzy even as his jeans grew uncomfortably tight.
Alex was wide-eyed, his mouth partly open in shock, and
those gorgeous, full lips drew Chase‟s attention. They were
far too pretty for a man, especially a rough-and-tumble
cowboy like Alex. But Chase had loved them, especially when
they were wrapped around his dick. He reached up to cup
Alex‟s cheek, to bring him in for a kiss. Then he remembered
where they were. When they were. He didn‟t have the right to
do that anymore.

There was an almost audible snap as he brought his

hand back down to his side. The movement broke the spell
Alex seemed to be under, and the other man stepped back,
the shock in his eyes turning to anger.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Alex demanded.

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hell, Chase was here. In the flesh. Alex wasn‟t sure

which part of him wanted to jump up and down more: his
heart or his cock. It had been so damn long since he‟d last
laid eyes on Chase that both organs seemed to have turned
traitor and were willing to leap back to the man who wanted
everything to do with one of them, but nothing to do with the

“I wanted to talk to you,” Chase said, a showman‟s grin

on his face.

Alex had seen that smile a thousand times before,

shown to the adoring crowds at the rodeo. He wasn‟t about
to be dazzled by it. “That‟s what phones are for,” he snapped.

The smile faded and Chase shoved his hands into his

pockets, rocked back on his heels. “I needed to see you,” the
other man finally said.

He wanted to believe that. Did believe it, actually. But

he couldn‟t let himself hope that Chase showing up meant
the cowboy wanted more from Alex than shared travelling
costs and convenient, blow-your-mind fucking. Except those
weren‟t exactly logical reasons for a bull rider to drop
everything in the middle of Cowboy Christmas.

“Why did you need to see me?”

“For this,” Chase said. Between one moment and the

next, his hands were out of his pockets and pulling Alex in
close. Then, right there in the front of the Dawson Ranch
lodge, Chase kissed him.

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OD, I missed this, was all Chase could think as his lips met

Alex‟s. He missed the feel of him, the smell of him, and by
God, the taste of him could have brought Chase to his knees.
It had been too fucking long since the rasp of Alex‟s
perpetual five o‟clock shadow had brushed his face as he
kissed him.

He‟d never been kissed by a man before Alex. The shock

of the lightning strike of heat a simple kiss from Alex could
send through him had taken forever and a day to get used
to. He still wasn‟t sure he would ever grow wholly
accustomed to it; he didn‟t think he wanted to.

That same burn licked at him as Alex‟s lips opened

under his. He swept his tongue through Alex‟s mouth,
needing more of him. He pulled Alex in closer, their evenly
matched heights making it easy to rock against the hard
length he could feel pushing against Alex‟s jeans. He wanted
Alex under him, wanted to be buried so deep in his ass that
Alex would never think of leaving him again.

Except him taking Alex wasn‟t the source of their


Chase pulled back, reluctantly breaking the kiss. Alex

looked as dazed as he felt. But as he watched, the passion in
Alex‟s eyes cleared, and he broke out of Chase‟s hold. Alex
put some distance between them and eyed Chase with
suspicion. “What was that about?”

“Us, Alex,” he said honestly. “It was about us. I missed

you. Missed us, together.”

“I‟m not sure we had an „us‟. Seems to me like we were

just two cowboys that passed time on the road by fucking.
You coming onto my ranch and planting one on me doesn‟t

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change that.” Alex‟s voice was as cold as it had been right
before he walked out the door in Chicago. But beneath it,
Chase could see the simmering heat. Even if he hadn‟t
kissed Alex, he knew the cowboy wasn‟t as indifferent as he‟d
like to pretend.

For the first time today, he felt certain of the choice he‟d

made. It still made him nervous as hell, both being publicly
in a relationship with a man and giving Alex all that he
wanted in private. He had to resist the urge to look around
and see if anyone was staring at them, knowing Alex would
take his discomfort for embarrassment. He wasn‟t ashamed
of what he and Alex had, nor did he want to forget he was
attracted to men, an accusation Alex had once thrown at
him. He‟d just never been attracted to a man on more than a
basic level, so he wasn‟t totally comfortable with all that
being with Alex entailed. The other man wasn‟t giving him
much of a learning curve either.

He shoved his hands back in his pockets so they didn‟t

shake and sent Alex what he hoped was a level stare. “There
was always an „us‟. I messed up some, but you told me to
come find you when I wanted you.”

“Took you a while, though, didn‟t it? What‟s the matter?

Buckle bunnies not to your taste anymore?”

Chase wanted to deck the guy, but he heard the banked

hurt underneath the taunts, and that stabbed at him like
nothing else, knowing he was the cause. So he kept his cool,
focusing on Alex‟s pain and not his words. “I wasn‟t finished.
Wanting you was never the problem. I just wasn‟t ready to
give you what you wanted.”

Alex broke their stare with a sigh. “And now you

suddenly are? Chase… I can‟t go back to the way things

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“It‟s not sudden, that‟s my point. I was comfortable with

the way things were, and you never told me you weren‟t,
dammit!” He winced as the last part ended on a shout. There
was no point in throwing out accusations. Taking a deep
breath, he unclenched the fists in his pockets and strove for
calm. “I‟m not hell-for-leather like you. I like things to be
steady and easy. And you sure as shit aren‟t. I‟m not asking
for things to be like they used to. But shit, I needed some
time to think about what you were asking for. It‟s not
anything I‟ve ever given to another man, and it sure as shit
isn‟t as easy for me to wrap my head around it as it is for
you. I‟m offering, though. I‟m ready to give you what you

Laughter and chatter sounded from a short distance

away, and he turned to see a group of people heading their
way. He turned back to Alex. “Now”—he straightened and
grabbed his wallet out of his back pocket—“I‟m going to
check in. You think about what I said, and when you want
me… well, I‟m sure, being a Dawson, you can figure out
where to find me here on this ranch.”

Walking away from Alex was one of the hardest things

he‟d ever done. But he‟d said his piece, and the next move
was Alex‟s. Heart pounding, he walked into the lodge and up
to the check-in desk. Please, let this not be a mistake.



wasn‟t coming.

Chase sat on the bed, flipping the bottle of lube end over

end in his hand. It was dinnertime, and he‟d spent all
afternoon in his room at the lodge, waiting for Alex,
showering, waiting for Alex, watching TV, waiting for Alex….

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He should stop waiting, but instead of going to the café

to eat alone amongst the other guests, he sat in his room,
staring at Alex‟s favorite brand of lube. How pathetic was
that? He‟d been too late to claim his chance with Alex; that
was apparent.

The door to his room opened, and Chase‟s heart

stopped. Alex stepped in and closed the door behind him
with a click, then turned the lock as he pocketed an old-
fashioned key. “Did you mean it?” he asked quietly.

At those words, Chase swore he could feel his heart

restart, double-time. “Yeah, every last bit of it,” he managed.

Alex studied him, taking his measure in a way he never

had before. “I had to think about what you said. I can‟t take
watching you flirt with a woman, wondering if you want to be
with her rather than me because it‟s more comfortable for

“I get that. And I know the words don‟t mean much, but

I‟m sorry. Once you and I hooked up… the women, the
flirting… it was stupid. Seriously fucked up, and I get it and
hate that I did it to you in the first place. I don‟t know what
to tell you other than I don‟t want a woman. I don‟t want a
man, either. Unless that man is you. I‟m willing to go for it,
Alex. You and me, out there for the world. But you have to
cut me some slack, because I will fuck up. And when I do,
you can‟t wait until you‟re ready to walk out the door to tell
me I messed up.”

“What about the rest? I won‟t be the one always bending

over in bed. Not if it‟s because you think it makes you less
than a man to have me inside you.”

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Chase narrowed his eyes at that. “That‟s your own

damn interpretation. You‟ve never been less than a man in
my eyes. I was just happy with the way things were and
didn‟t want to think about changing it up, okay? I‟m thirty-
five, and almost everything was damn new again with you.
You were the first man I ever kissed, the first man I ever
went down on, the first man I ever fucked.”

Alex‟s eyes widened. “I didn‟t know that—the last part.”

“I had your ass open and begging for me and you

thought I was going to just spill that I‟d only ever taken a
woman that way? What difference would that have made?
You changed my life just by being you. I‟d been comfortable
with the way things were going and suddenly there was
something new around the corner every damn time I turned
around. And yeah, the thought of having something that
damn big up my ass makes me nervous as hell. That hasn‟t
changed. It took me a while to stop worrying about messing
up a simple blowjob, and taking it up the ass is a bit more
unsettling. I deserved my time to think about it, because if
I‟m going to try this, it has to be because I want it.”



let Chase‟s words sink in and felt a twinge of guilt.

He‟d known Chase wasn‟t at ease being in a gay relationship,
but Alex had assumed that was because Chase thought it
made him “less than,” an issue Alex typically ran into with
guys who weren‟t comfortable with their sexuality. Chase
had fucked up with the women and the stupid shit he‟d
pulled in that respect. But Alex supposed he wasn‟t entirely
blameless either. He‟d waited too long, let the resentment

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build to a boiling point so that he‟d tried to push Chase
where he wanted him to go rather than ease him into it.

“Guess we both had things to learn,” he said finally. “I

didn‟t see the why of it properly, I guess. I‟m sorry for that.”

He could see the lines of tension lessen in Chase‟s body.

The half-smile that crooked his lips was more genuine than
any big showman‟s grin, and it made Alex want to rush
across the room and take Chase in his arms.

So he did.



, Chase thought as Alex‟s lips crashed down on his.

He finally had Alex back. He slipped his hands underneath
Alex‟s shirt, felt the warm skin beneath, the rough hair on
his chest that tapered down to disappear beneath the jeans
Chase wanted to rip off of him. He felt like his own inner
temperature shot up to feverish as Alex tugged on his shirt.

They broke apart, panting, and each whipped off his

own clothes, making life simpler as they used to do when on
the road and horny as hell for one another. Then they were
on the bed, mouth to mouth, chest to chest, cock to cock,
rubbing like cats in heat. Chase‟s hands wanted to be
everywhere at once, touching Alex in all the ways he‟d been
denied for so long. Alex was just as frantic, tweaking Chase‟s
nipples, teasing the sensitive nape of his neck with his teeth,
stroking his hand down just close enough to Chase‟s cock to
make him groan.

Something pressed against Chase‟s shoulder. It was the

lube. He stilled, remembering what Alex wanted, what Chase
was willing to try for the first time. Alex‟s cock was teasing

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his own, keeping him semi-hard while nerves made him
want to wilt. Alex noticed and he paused, lifting his head to
stare into Chase‟s eyes.

“It doesn‟t have to be tonight,” he murmured, stroking

Chase‟s face. “I get it now, why you didn‟t before. I can wait
until you‟re really ready.”

“I am ready. You‟ve just got a world-class boner there,

Alex. What man wouldn‟t be a little worried?” he joked.

“I‟m serious.”

He brushed back a lock of Alex‟s hair that had fallen

onto his forehead, playing with the black strands for a
moment before meeting the other man‟s eyes. “So am I. I
don‟t think I would have come unless I was ready to go all

Alex ran his thumb across Chase‟s cheek for another

minute, those green eyes showing his inner struggle between
wanting to take what Chase was clearly offering and worry,
though over what Chase wasn‟t wholly sure.

“If you want me to stop, tell me,” Alex finally said. “No

hesitation, no thinking I‟ll walk out the door if you‟re not
good with this. If you‟re going all in, I‟m taking that to mean
we‟re making a go of this—an actual relationship. And if
we‟re doing that, we both stick no matter what does or
doesn‟t happen here tonight.”

Chase moved his hand to the back of Alex‟s neck and

squeezed once. “That‟s the plan, cowboy—you and me for the
long haul. Tonight, though, I want this. You, inside me.
We‟ve done it the other way around plenty of times, and it
was damn unbelievable. So I trust this will work. But if it

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doesn‟t? I‟m not a quitter. I‟ve been thrown off a bull more
times than I can count, but I didn‟t stop riding.”

As intended, the last part made Alex laugh. “I think I

can do better than an angry bull.”

Chase leaned up and kissed him, savoring the moment

before breaking that contact and settling back on the bed.
“Then go for it.”

Alex ran his hands slowly down Chase‟s body, his touch

both soothing and arousing. He moved the lube out from
under him but didn‟t go for it other than that. Instead, he
continued to stroke, tracing the line of Chase‟s hip, thigh,
then over to touch his cock. Chase could feel his interest
return to full strength beneath Alex‟s fingers as the other
man wrapped his hand around Chase‟s cock and began to
stroke up and down. Alex settled in, nuzzling his balls while
he worked him. Chase let out a groan as Alex‟s tongue
flicked out, teasing him in a way that made Chase wild.

Restlessly, Chase shifted on the bed, and the breath of

warm air across his cock as Alex shushed him only served to
heighten the tension. He felt Alex push one of his legs up,
opening him up further. It should have worried him, but it
didn‟t, not when Alex was making him feel this good.

The heel of Alex‟s hand pushed against one cheek, but

before Chase could process it, warm wetness licked across
his hole. Chase nearly bowed off the bed at the sensation.
Alex had tried to do this once before, but Chase had called a
stop to it, too afraid of what it could lead to. Now he couldn‟t
imagine why the hell he had. The hand on his shaft let go,
and Alex lifted up, making Chase whimper at the loss.

“Give me a pillow,” Alex said.

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Chase practically threw one at him in his haste to have

his man back where he‟d been. Alex pushed the pillow
beneath him, raising Chase up a bit more. His legs had
fallen wide open of their own accord, and he knew he looked
like he was begging for it. He didn‟t care; he was. Alex gave
him a secret smile before returning to his task. His tongue
rimmed Chase before slipping inside to taunt the sensitive
nerve endings there. He thrust in and out in a fucking
rhythm that Chase wanted to push to meet.

Dimly, he heard the lid of the lube snap open, but he

was too focused on what Alex was doing to him to worry
about it. Then Alex‟s tongue left him and a cool, slick finger
touched his hole. Chase tensed, but Alex didn‟t push, merely
kept his finger waiting at the entrance.

“Relax,” he murmured, then pressed a kiss against

Chase‟s thigh. “We can always stop. Remember that. Just
relax for me, Chase.”

Breathing out, Chase forced himself to unclench. Alex‟s

finger pressed in, slowly and surely. The invasion was more
mentally alarming than anything, but Alex helped him
through by distracting him. He licked right up Chase‟s shaft
before taking him into his mouth. Alex sucked hard as his
finger moved all the way inside him. He set a slow and
steady rhythm with his finger, allowing Chase to adjust. Just
as Alex‟s mouth was about to make him blow, Alex pulled
the finger out, then came back with more lube and a second
finger. This time Chase did clench down, hard, but the two
digits were already inside him when he did it. Alex raked his
teeth gently across the tip of Chase‟s shaft, and at the same
time he crooked his fingers, pressing against a spot inside
Chase that had black spots dancing in front of his eyes.

“Do that again,” he choked out.

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He could feel Alex grin against his shaft, but he repeated

the motion as he took Chase back into his mouth. Chase‟s
orgasm was wrenched from him, and he filled Alex‟s mouth
as Alex rubbed that spot inside him. Chase could feel his ass
clenching and unclenching around Alex‟s fingers, and his
man scissored them apart, stretching Chase even while he
drank down his seed.

Chase fought for air as he lay back. The sensation of

coming in Alex‟s mouth combined with the fingers in his ass
made it difficult to breathe. But Alex wasn‟t about to let him
rest. He laved Chase‟s sac and stroked his overly sensitive
dick. Chase let out a keening cry, but he didn‟t move away
from the touch. Alex was making him push past his release,
perfectly torturing him into renewed interest. He was so
absorbed by what Alex was doing to his dick that he didn‟t
notice at first that Alex had slipped a third finger inside. He
felt full, slick, and stretched, but not panicked. Alex‟s slow
and sensual approach was making him crazy but also
putting him at ease.

Needy now, he pushed into Alex‟s hold. He wanted more,

but Alex seemed to have a set plan. One that was going to
kill Chase with pleasure. The fingers inside him opened him
up more, preparing him for Alex‟s cock.

Alex,” he ground out.

A warm kiss on his thigh. “Are you okay?”

“I‟m more than okay. Please, Alex.” He was begging and

he knew it. “Please do it.”

Alex pushed his legs back toward his chest a bit,

keeping his fingers going in a steady rhythm. Then those
fingers were gone and Chase felt empty. Then he felt Alex

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move off the bed. His eyelids opened; he hadn‟t even realized
he‟d shut them. “Alex?”

“Sssh. I‟m here,” Alex said. He leaned over Chase and

kissed him. “Just needed to get a condom.”

He watched as Alex covered himself, then reached for

the lube. He‟d done that himself a hundred times. It was
strange how vulnerable being on the other side of the
equation felt. But then Alex was there, kissing him again as
the slick head of his cock touched Chase‟s hole. Alex lifted
his head, meeting Chase‟s eyes.

“Tell me,” he said.

“Yes,” was all Chase could manage, and he meant it.

“Exhale and push out,” Alex ordered, and Chase did so

as Alex pushed inside.

It burned, but not horribly. More than anything, the

feeling was disarming. Alex was inside him, filling him,
giving and taking something Chase had never thought to

“Okay?” Alex ground out. Sweat dripped from his brow,

and the strain of holding back when he hadn‟t yet come
showed on his face.

“Better than,” Chase huffed out.

Pale-green eyes were trained on him as Alex seated

himself fully inside him. Chase wanted to take in every
sensation, but he couldn‟t seem to capture one as they
buffeted him from all sides. Then Alex began to move, and all
hope of trying to focus fled. Over and over Alex filled him,
then retreated. Alex braced one arm on the bed and grabbed
one of Chase‟s hands with his free one, pressing it into the

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bed as he stroked in and out. Their fingers tangled together,
and Chase brought his legs up further, changing the angle
so Alex filled him more deeply. His breath whooshed out at
that, and Alex began pounding harder. Chase squeezed the
hand that held his tightly and brought his other hand up to
jack his cock. He felt his balls draw up tight, and Alex‟s
strokes were becoming shorter.

“Come,” Alex gasped, and Chase let himself go.

His ass gripped Alex tightly as he came in spurts,

painting himself with his cum. Panting heavily, he focused
on Alex, trying to make his brain work so that he could
experience this moment. Alex groaned his name, and Chase
felt the pulse of his release inside him. Damn, he’s gorgeous
like this

Alex collapsed on him, wrapping an arm around Chase

and burying his face in the crook of his neck. They stayed
like that for a few moments before Alex pulled out. Chase
winced a bit at the unfamiliar soreness, and Alex searched
him with wary eyes.

“I‟ll get a warm washcloth.” He started to get up, but

Chase stopped him.

“Get it in a minute.”


Chase tugged him down, rolling them onto their sides

before he wound his arms around Alex. “Stay still.”

Alex smiled. “Bossy.”

“Partial payback for the way you teased me to death.

You‟ll get the rest of it later.”

“Are you okay?”

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“Best I‟ve ever been,” he said honestly. “That was… it

was something.”

“Something good?”

“Something great. Something I can‟t even fucking

describe but wouldn‟t mind repeating often. About as often
as I want to take you.”

He felt Alex relax in his arms. “You‟re making me feel

about ten feet tall, cowboy. I wanted our first time like this to
be perfect.”

“Fuck you,” Alex laughed.
“You already did.”
With a groan, Alex rolled onto his back. “That was such

an easy shot.”

Alex rolled back, snuggling into Chase in the way that

had always made Chase smile. Sometimes Alex was too
damn sweet for a rough-and-tumble cowboy.

“How long can you stay?” Alex asked.
“Well, that depends.”
“On if this here ranch has room for one more cowboy.”
Alex lifted his head up in surprise. “You‟re leaving the


Chase nodded. “I‟m not exactly at the top of my game

anymore, Alex. I stayed because I‟m good enough and I enjoy
it. I‟d like to keep my hand in with some local rodeos, but I
expect I don‟t have much longer for the sport. Plus, I‟ve got
something better to do.” He winked. “You.”

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LEX felt the breath get knocked out of him at this news.

This was more than he had dared to hope for. “Are you sure?
I‟m willing to—”

Chase cut him off. “I‟m not willing to do long distance.

Not with you. I told you that I needed to figure everything
out. I just neglected to mention that deciding what to do
about bull riding was part of it. I didn‟t chase your ass down
here just to turn around and leave again in a day or two.”

He was serious. Completely serious. Alex could feel a

smile threaten to split his face. “Well then, cowboy, I think
we can find a spot for you. If you don‟t want to work with the
guests like I do, my brother, Braden, is always looking for a
new employee to torture. But you might want to wait a bit
before you get back in the saddle, because I plan on
celebrating this news in ways that will make sitting in one
mighty uncomfortable.”

Chase‟s laughter filled his ears, and he flipped Alex onto

his back, then straddled him. He pinned Alex‟s wrists to the
bed and leaned in close. “Right back at ya, partner,” Chase
said, then sealed the deal with a kiss.

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About the Author





is a native Californian who has spent the

years since graduating high school bouncing around the
world at every opportunity. When not being shanghaied by
loud, demanding, often-crazy characters, Riley collects
degrees and useless information.

Most of the time you can find Riley buried under a mountain
of books, but it‟s far easier to find Riley on the web at


and on Twitter (@rileyshanebooks). Contact

Riley at riley@

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Chasing Alex ©Copyright Riley Shane, 2011

Published by
Dreamspinner Press
4760 Preston Road
Suite 244-149
Frisco, TX 75034

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the
authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead,
business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Cover Art by Catt Ford

This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or distribution via any means is
illegal and a violation of International Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon
conviction, fines, and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to others. No
part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the express permission of the Publisher. To
request permission and all other inquiries, contact Dreamspinner Press at: 4760 Preston Road, Suite
244-149, Frisco, TX 75034

Released in the United States of America
June 2011

eBook Edition
eBook ISBN: 978-1-61372-020-2

Document Outline


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