Woods Em Chasing Alex

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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Chasing Alex
ISBN #978-0-85715-359-3
©Copyright Em Woods 2010
Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright December 2010
Edited by Jess Bimberg
Total-E-Bound Publishing
This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s

imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or
dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material

form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written
permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound

Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright

Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book
and illustrator of the artwork.

Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln,

LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.


This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for

mature readers. This story has been rated


Yule Be Mine


Em Woods


Thanks so much to Cindy Pape for believing enough.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the

following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Blackberry: Research in Motion Limited
Cherokee: Chrysler Group, LLC
Jeopardy: Jeopardy Productions, Inc.

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Volvo: AB Volvo
Mustang: Ford Motor Company

Chapter One

Alex stared at the text message on his Blackberry. Victor couldn’t be serious. They’d

just walked in the door from a week-long trip to Colorado. Now, he wanted to go to
Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

He dialled Victor’s number. No. Absolutely not. He wasn’t going.
With one word, Victor cut through Alex’s resistance. “When are we leaving for the


A quiet chuckle filtered through the line. “Tonight.”
Alex sighed. “How long?”
“A couple days. Book a cabin somewhere close to Newberry.”
“What the hell’s up there?” Alex shivered as winter weather advisories flashed along

the bottom of the news channel.

“There’s a great set of waterfalls, remember?”
Alex rolled his eyes. “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you. I know about Tahquamenon. What


is up there?”

“I need to get scenery pictures for the

Michigan Living


We’re going up north in a snowstorm for pro-bono work?

“Fine.” Alex snapped the

phone shut, cutting off whatever Victor started to say. He didn’t want to hear it.

The phone rang again. Alex pressed the power button hard enough to keep the phone

off for the next decade before he flung it across his desk. He had things to do. Victor
would just get in the way.

Alex flipped open his personal cell, pressed each key with exaggerated care, and

dialled their regular travel agency. “I need a cabin in the middle of nowhere.”

The chirpy travel agent on the other end laughed. “Which part of nowhere?”
“West of Newberry.”
“There’s a cabin that a local rents out. It’s a bit more expensive, but it’s the only thing

left available with this storm rolling in tonight.”

Alex pinched the bridge of his nose, focusing on breathing slowly. When that didn’t

work, he closed his eyes and counted to ten.

“That will do. Give me directions. Please.” He worked to keep his voice even; it wasn’t

her fault, after all.

A slight shuffle alerted Alex to Victor’s arrival, although he would know the man’s

woodsy scent anywhere. Alex kept his eyes shut, listening to the woman chatter about the
lack of local amenities.

“Are you done?” Victor barely breathed the words next to Alex’s ear, raising goose

bumps along his skin.

If it had been anyone else, Alex would have shoved them away. “Do I look done?” He

snapped his dark brown eyes open, refusing to give in to the playful smile hiding around
the corners of Victor’s sensuous mouth. Couldn’t the man just go?

Victor jerked back. “You okay?”
Alex couldn’t believe his boss was that dense. “I’m booking our cabin.”
“Okay.” His eyebrows drew together as he searched Alex’s face. Finally, Victor

headed for the door. “I’ll leave you to it.”

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Please do.

Even though Alex felt like a jerk, he couldn’t get over the fact they were

heading up north. Digging a pen from his pocket, he scribbled down the directions the
agent finally got around to giving him. With Victor gone, he could think again, breathe
again. “This cabin has two bedrooms, right?”

“One moment. Let me check for you.”
The more taps he heard on the keyboard, the more he wondered if he’d be stuck

sleeping on the floor.

“No, sir. One bedroom.” More taps. “But it does have a sleeper sofa.”
He let his breath out. That would work. “Thank you.”
“Drive safe now.”
Hanging up, Alex dropped into his chair. How was he going to make it through this?

Colorado had been rough, but he’d been able to go outside and get some relief. He
smiled. The owner of the ranch where they’d stayed had been more than willing to help
him blow off some ‘city boy steam’ as he’d called it. But up north? There’d be no one.

Except Victor.

* * * *

A light sniff broke the silence, pulling Victor from his daydream. One where he could

reach across the car, if he wanted, and run his fingers over Alex’s short-cropped hair.
He watched for the next mile marker, having run on autopilot for the last thirty minutes.

A sign winked at him from the field bordering I-75, advertising the best fudge in the

world if he just turned the truck around and got off the highway in Saint Ignace. Another
practically shouted about some men’s clothing shop. Victor pushed the button on the door
of his Cherokee and rolled his window down a bit.

He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with winter air. Fresh, crisp, with a tang of lake

water. MackinawIsland. He loved coming up here. And this weekend, there would be
nothing to distract him from his goal.

Victor slid a glance towards his passenger, tightened his hands on the steering

wheel. Alex’s skin sported a lingering tan from summer and likely would the rest of winter.
Long blond lashes fanned over high cheekbones, hiding the dark chocolate eyes that
drew Victor deeper each time he stared into them.

They both enjoyed baseball and soccer, but Victor knew Alex worked out on the side

so he could tag along on photo shoots without slowing Victor down. Though he had yet to
admit it, Victor wouldn’t complain if Alex


slow him down. Alex’s body was all taut

muscle under smooth skin. If he closed his eyes, Victor could see those firm lines shifting
under him as he rode Alex hard, showing him how good it would be.

He shifted a bit in his seat, trying to ease the hard-on wanting attention.
“You okay?”
Victor flinched at the soft enquiry. “I’m good. We’re just past the bridge.”
Alex sat up in his seat, all signs of sleepiness gone. “You let me miss Mackinaw?”
“You were sleeping so sound I didn’t want to bother you.” Victor reached a hand for

him, stopping in mid-motion and dropping his hand back into his lap. “We’ll take a swing
through on the way back. I could use some shots from there too.”

“It’s no big deal.” Alex pulled his Blackberry out of his pocket, looking disinterested,

but Victor could see the disappointment in the adorable droop at the corner of his lips.
Alex tapped the phone a couple of times, moving it around in the air. “Damn it. How far
north are we?”

“Fifteen minutes past the island.”

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Victor felt the laugh rumbling up his chest and he was helpless to stop it. Alex was

pissed, but this was exactly what Victor wanted. No Blackberry.

“This isn’t funny.” Alex rolled the window down, held his phone outside for a minute

before bringing it back in and throwing it in his bag. “How am I going to send those
packages to

Writer’s Digest?

They want the spreads by Monday.”

“And it’s only Thursday. Calm down.” Victor stopped himself from rolling his eyes. The

man needed a serious break. He was forever harping about due dates and layouts, as if
he still had something to prove.

“With this snow storm moving in, who knows how long we’ll be here. We could be


until Monday.”

The panic in Alex’s voice brought a twinge of guilt to Victor. One small confession

wouldn’t hurt. “I talked to the editor at WD. He said we could have an extra week.”

Victor could feel the hard stare from the right side of the car. Alex shifted a bit to lean

against the door, facing Victor, letting silence settle thick in the small interior of the rental.
Victor cast a wary glance at Alex, but the man’s face was blank, his eyes flat.

“You went behind my back?” Alex’s voice was low, his words measured.
“No. Yes. I mean—”
“Which is it, Victor?”
Victor could hear the anger creeping in, making Alex’s tone brittle. The wrong word

and three


snowed in wouldn’t make a difference to Victor’s chances with him, let

alone three days. “Look outside. Beyond that damn Blackberry.”

Alex turned his head to look briefly out the front windshield at the darkening sky.


“That storm is going to dump a foot or better on us in the next twenty-four to thirty-six

hours. I didn’t want you to worry. So I called while you were sleeping. I swear it. You can
ask him when we get back.”

“Nothing.” Alex turned in his seat to look out the window, shutting down the

conversation and Victor.

* * * *

What the fuck?

Alex thought. He stared out at the pine trees bordering the drive

leading to their cabin, trying to figure out what to do. Victor had gone to the editor behind
his back. What did that mean? Had he done something wrong?

Oh God. What if he fires


Although the afternoon was full of shadows at just five o’clock, he could make out the

dark grey wisps of clouds stretching across the sky towards them. The temperature had
dipped from chilly to freezing, preceding the storm on the horizon. Why in hell did they
have to make this trip



“We better get our stuff inside. This storm is gonna hit any minute.”
Victor broke into Alex’s thoughts, spurring him into action. He grabbed his duffle bag

from the floor at his feet and waited at the rear of the truck for Victor to hand off one of
the camera cases from the trunk.

“You still not talking to me?”
From deep in his gut, the urge to punch Victor in the face reared up, nearly

overwhelming him. Sweat broke out on Alex’s forehead as he stuffed his hand in his
pocket and took a step back.

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Victor sighed. “Okay.” He pulled the bags from the trunk until he had them all in his

grasp. “Could you at least open the door?”

Alex spun on his heel and forced himself to walk, not run, to the stoop of the old


Under the mat,

the agent had said when he’d asked about the key. He resisted the

urge to kick the ratty looking thing away with his boot, instead pushing it off to one side.

Victor swore and shifted the luggage behind him. “C’mon. It’s freezing out here.”

And whose fault is that?

Alex bent and retrieved the tarnished silver key peeking out

from under the mat. He jammed the key in the lock and shoved the door open, not
bothering to wait for Victor.

The cabin looked decent enough from what Alex could see in the dusky light. The

living room and kitchen were part of one big room interrupted only by a set of stairs
leading to a second level and the kitchen counter which doubled as a bar-style table.

The main area boasted a fluffy, plaid couch in the position of honour facing a brick

fireplace with its matching easy chair blanketed by a red and silver afghan beside it. Two
end tables had short lamps on each and the entire bunch had definitely seen better days.
Still, they looked leaps and bounds better than the threadbare rug hiding under the coffee

Alex sighed. Shuffling his stuff into the nearest corner, he turned to help unload the

groceries and cooler from the car, only to run face first into the unforgiving wall of
Victor’s chest.

“Are you still mad that I called WD?” Victor said.
Alex could see the white lines bracketing Victor’s mouth and the little tick in his left

temple. He squelched the impulse to brush his fingers there, to soothe him. Victor had no
right to be angry. It wasn’t


job in question. “I don’t want to talk about it, Victor.”

“Too bad. I don’t want to be stuck here with you acting like this.”
“Great. Let’s leave.”
A soft hiss was Alex’s only warning. Victor grabbed both his arms and trapped him

against the cold, bare wall behind him. “We’re not going anywhere.” And before Alex
could respond, Victor’s mouth covered his own.

It wasn’t the gentle exploration Alex had always dreamt about with Victor. It was a

harsh taking. Victor’s tongue stabbed through his lips, forcing him to open, to respond.
Electricity buzzed along Alex’s nerves as Victor shifted, pressing their hips together with
the same urgency as his tongue sweeping Alex’s mouth.

Victor released Alex’s arms and slid his hands up to cup Alex’s face, the fierceness

replaced by gentle touches.

A low, rumbling moan broke from Alex’s throat. He shoved at Victor, ending the kiss.

Furious, he pushed again. Victor relented, breathing hard, one hand wrapping tight
around Alex’s wrist as if Victor was afraid he’d run.

The rub for Alex was that Victor was right.
Alex yanked his arm out of Victor’s grip. He wasn’t some young twink looking for a

quick fuck and he damn sure wasn’t Victor’s fill-in. “Don’t.”

Victor stared at him. “Don’t



“I’m not one of your flings. Never have been, never will be.”
“You’re right,” Victor said. “You never will be.”
Alex could feel the burn in his cheeks. So, what the hell had that been about? He

skirted around the other man, put more space between the two of them. “Now that we’ve
settled that…”

Victor didn’t move. Didn’t answer.

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“I’ll…I’ll fix dinner.” Alex grabbed the bags Victor had set on the floor of what was

supposed to pass as a foyer and fled to the opposite corner of the little cabin to the
kitchenette. From the corner of his eye as he put away groceries and unpacked dishes,
he watched Victor move in silence to open the front blind and simply stare.

What is he


“I’m going to get a few night shots.” Victor kept his back to Alex as he tugged his

suitcase from the pile beside the door, bent over the bag and pulled out his winter gear.

A shiver skittered along Alex’s skin. He looked past Victor, through the window, at the

storm clouds now hovering over their cabin. Alex’s stomach knotted at the thought of
Victor going outside. “Tonight?”

Victor turned enough to see him, a silent question hanging in the air.
“That storm’s gonna hit hard. Please. Don’t.”
Victor looked at him for another moment before nodding and putting away his things.

He sat on the couch, rested his head on the overstuffed pillows and closed his eyes.

Watching Victor’s face relax and his breathing ease into a natural rhythm, Alex

braced himself against the counter and allowed the tide of relief to wash over him. What
would he have done if Victor insisted on going anyway?

Alex stared past Victor to the wall where they’d kissed. What was he going to do now

that he hadn’t?

* * * *

The cabin was pitch black when Victor jerked awake.


He took a deep breath,

counted to ten to calm his racing heart. He glanced around in the darkness. There wasn’t
even a clock ticking to break the silence. Victor stretched and flicked on a small lamp
from the end table, appreciating the pale yellow glow it cast around the room.

One sweep of the room told him he was alone.

Damn it.

Where was Alex?

A light rustle drew his attention up. Alex stood on the landing with a pair of sweats

slung low across his hips, his hair tousled and his eyes sleep-heavy.

Victor’s gaze travelled the length of Alex’s body, taking in every ridge and muscle.

Lingering at his hips, drinking in the erection tenting the front of Alex’s pyjamas. Victor’s
own cock rose to the bait. God, Alex was every bit as gorgeous in the middle of the night,
just as Victor had imagined he would be.

The only difference was, in Victor’s dreams, Alex lay curled up tight next to him

instead of sleeping in a separate room. Jamming his hands under his legs, Victor looked
away. He let the quiet drag on, waiting for Alex to speak.

“Are you okay?” Alex’s voice was low and little unsure.
Victor couldn’t do more than give a stiff nod.
“You cried out a bit. Are you sure you’re fine?”
The concern in Alex’s voice ripped at Victor’s heart. He reminded himself Alex was

only concerned about his boss. Not his friend. Not his lover.

Soft steps padded down the stairs and across the room. “Jesus. This floor’s cold.”

Alex sank down on the coffee table in front of Victor, his knees tucked together inside
Victor’s spread legs. He rubbed his arms with brisk swipes of his hands, huddling down.
He kept his gaze on Victor though, eyes wide, naked need shining from their depths.

Victor closed his legs, trapping Alex between them. When Alex didn’t move away,

Victor reached a hand out for him. After what seemed an eternity, Alex slipped his fingers
into Victor’s and allowed himself to be pulled forward onto the couch.

Tugging the afghan from the back of the chair next to them, Victor tossed the cover

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over their laps. He wrapped an arm around Alex’s shoulders, pulling the younger man
tight against him. “Let’s get some sleep.”

“There’s a perfectly good bed upstairs.”
Alex’s soft voice sent spikes of desire rushing to Victor’s cock, thickening it to painful.

“Not tonight, honey.” Victor shifted to stretch them out along the cushions. “Soon. But not

The soft puff of Alex’s breath on his neck slowed. Victor smiled. At least one of them

could sleep.

Chapter Two

Alex snuggled into the warmth wrapped around him like a second skin. A low hum

vibrated through his chest, drawing him unwilling to the surface. He cracked his eyes
open, remembering quickly that the human heating blanket was Victor.

He tried to pull away, unsure what to do on a morning-after that…wasn’t.
Victor tightened his hold. “Please. Don’t.” Echoing Alex’s own plea from the night


Alex stilled, wondering how this was going to go.
“Mmm. I could eat. You offering to cook?” Alex smiled into Victor’s neck.


“Sure.” Victor rolled away and cold air stung Alex’s exposed skin. “What do you


Pulling the blanket up to his nose, Alex inhaled deeply, drawing Victor’s warm sleep

scent into his lungs. “Taking orders? Ham and cheese omelette, please.”

“Coming right up.”
Victor disappeared from Alex’s line of sight and it wasn’t long before the clang of a

pan on the stove jarred Alex awake. He didn’t move though. Just laid there and enjoyed
the moment.

Whatever this moment was.
The smells of sizzling bacon and percolating coffee filled the air. His stomach

rumbled, prodding him out of the warm cocoon he’d formed around himself. Alex sat up,
sniffing the air. His belly rumbled at the distinct aroma of maple and pepper. “Bacon,

Victor pushed his long blond hair behind his ear, winked at him. “Of course. Nothing is

too good for you.”

Alex blushed, turning his head to look out the window. “Shit!” He leapt off the couch

and yanked the blind up by the cord. “When did this happen?”

“While we were sleeping.” Victor laughed at him.
Outside the window was at least twelve inches of snow. Fresh snow. Heavy snow.

The kind you couldn’t shovel if you even


a shovel. Alex leaned over the loveseat to

see the truck. He sighed and dropped his head against the frigid windowpane.

It was buried up to its running boards.
And more snow was coming down as he watched. They weren’t going anywhere.
“Breakfast is served.”
The sound of Victor’s voice sent a shock straight to Alex’s cock. He instantly

hardened, wanting the attention of the owner of that voice. “Coming.”

“Not yet.” Victor mumbled the words so low Alex was certain they weren’t meant to

reach him.

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His step hitched as he crossed the room towards Victor, unable to hide the raging

hard-on. “Um…”

“Sit. Eat.” Victor’s gaze zeroed in on Alex’s erection, but he slid two plates loaded with

bacon and omelettes across the counter.

Alex cast a quick glance at Victor’s crotch as he came around the corner, smiled a bit

at the thick ridge in the front of Victor’s shorts. He jerked his head towards the empty
seat he’d pulled next to him. “Sit with me.”

“Planned on it.” Victor slid into his chair, close enough his leg pressed against Alex.
They ate in comfortable silence, falling back on years of working side by side in

silence, neither feeling the urge to fill the void with useless chatter. After they had eaten,
they cleared the dishes, moving in tandem to clean the kitchen. Alex couldn’t keep his
eyes from roaming over Victor’s body, inventorying each muscle, each smooth expanse
of skin. What would it would be like to have free reign to touch and kiss and


everything about Victor?

What would it be like to have Victor’s cock sliding into his ass, filling him, fucking him


Alex stifled a moan and wandered into the living room.

What am I thinking?

“What’s wrong?” Victor touched Alex’s arm tentatively, following him.
“Just thinking.” Alex bit his lip. He had to stop this. “You remember Katie, right?”
“Of course.” Victor shrugged. “Why?”
“She just got fired.” Alex could hear the shake in his voice. “She slept with her boss…

and then, when he found a new girlfriend, he fired her.”

Victor gave Alex’s arm a squeeze, compassion warming his pale blue eyes. “What a

prick. Maybe we can find her job at our place.”

“That’d be great.” Alex pulled away, put a room’s worth—an ocean’s worth—of

distance between the two of them.

Victor stayed by the couch, scooping up the rumpled afghan from the night before.

Alex watched Victor’s hands smooth the soft material as he folded the cover. Jesus, he
had it bad for the guy. Alex screwed up his courage and rushed the words out before he
could change his mind. “But who’s going to find me a job when you tire of me? When you
find a new boyfriend?”

There. He’d said it.
Victor turned to look at Alex. “


“When you fire me. Who’s—”
“What the


?” Victor dropped the afghan to the floor and moved faster than Alex

had ever seen him. He planted his hand in the middle of Alex’s chest, shoved hard until
he hit the wall. “What kind of asshole do you think I am?”

“No. Fuck that. You don’t have to answer.” Victor stood nose to nose with Alex. “I get

it loud and clear what you think I am.

Fuck you.

” He stalked away, snatched up his coat

and jammed his hands inside.

The cabin walls vibrated with the slam of the door.
Alex stayed with his back against the wall, waiting for his heart to slow, for his

breathing to calm.

What had he just done?
This was


. The same man he’d worked with for over four years. The same man

who’d given him a chance to prove himself when he didn’t know the difference between a
proof and a print. The same man who did nothing but treat him with respect.

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Why had he insulted him that way?
Alex slumped to the floor, his back scraping along the wooden panels. The stinging in

his back was nothing compared to the ache in his heart at the look in Victor’s eyes, the
hurt there.

Why couldn’t he just let go? What would it hurt to fuck Victor and have some fun? He

dropped his head against the wall with a thump; his decision suddenly seemed so

Alex took a deep breath, pulling in the lingering scent of bacon that hung in the air. He

looked around the cabin, barren now without Victor to fill it.

Propping his arms on his knees, Alex laid his head down and closed his eyes.
Even though he was certain about wanting to let down his guard, about wanting to feel

Victor’s cock sliding deep inside him, he knew it would kill him when Victor left. Because
one other thing was certain, too.

He was in love with Victor.

* * * *

The snow was thick and wet, clinging to Victor’s boots, making his feet heavy. The

worst part was it had soaked through his pants. He’d been so mad he’d left without his

He was lucky Graham’s cabin was only around the bend.
His buddy owned both places and rented the one out for additional income during the

winter months when house construction was slow. Alex would be pissed if he found out
this was pretty much a setup to get him alone. Victor smiled for the first time in the hour
since he’d left the cabin and Alex.

Victor’s smile evaporated like so much hot water as his assistant’s comments raced

through his head.

The guy had some fucking nerve. Calling him out like he’d be no better than Katie’s

boss. Victor’s stomach knotted.

Does Alex really think of me that way? Like a first class


“Would you like me to let you walk into that there pond? Or should I interrupt your

fascinating conversation with yourself?”

Victor pulled up short, four paces from the icy surface of Graham’s fishing hole.
“Now, he’s back in the real world.” The man skating his way across the inches-thick

ice was rail-thin with brown hair, brown eyes. Nothing special for the pretties to look at,
he’d say. But he was one of Victor’s best friends.

“How’s the boy toy doing?”
Victor stiffened. “He’s not a

boy toy


“Right.” Graham cocked his head, one eyebrow creeping up as he assessed Victor.

“You know, I don’t believe he is. I’ll be damned.”

Victor shifted from foot to foot, impatient to get moving again. “Can we head back to

your place? I need a change of clothes.”

Graham looked him up and down. “What happened? He throw you out?” He turned

and headed up a narrow path towards a column of smoke drifting over the treetops.

“I don’t want to talk about it.”
Graham snorted with laughter. “Must be cat fightin’.”
“Do you still have a land line?”
“Up here you have to have one or you’d go months without talking to anyone.”
They broke into a clearing with a small, well-kept cabin in the middle, a thin tendril of

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light grey smoke curling from the chimney. Victor smiled. “I always love it here.”

“Thank God not enough to stay.”
Victor let out a surprised bark of laughter. “Kiss my ass, man.”
Graham unlocked the front door, pushed it open and ushered Victor inside. “See?

Always about you.” He pointed towards the back bedroom. “Your old stuff is in there. You
can use that bathroom too.”

Victor slapped him on the back. “Thanks.”
“Go.” Graham disappeared through a second door that led to the kitchen. “I’ll fix you a


Shaking his head, Victor toed off his boots before making his way into the spare

room for his clothes and a shower. As the hot water hit his skin, he hissed at the sting of
numb skin awakening from the cold. Victor leaned his forehead against the cool shower
wall and let the steam surround him and block out the real world.

“Are you going to use all my hot water?”
Victor jerked at Graham’s intrusion. “How long have I been in here?”
“Twenty minutes.”
Damn. He needed to call the office and get back. He couldn’t leave Alex alone for

long. He didn’t know the area like Victor did. Shutting the water off, Victor pushed all
concern for Alex away. “I’m out.”

A fluffy white towel appeared around the side of the curtain. “So why are you fighting

with your boy?”

Victor opened his mouth to object, to say that Alex wasn’t his by any stretch of the

imagination. Alex’s words replayed in his head like a warped record.

Who’s going to find

me a job when you tire of me? When you find a new boyfriend?

Alex hadn’t said

when we break up

. He assumed Victor would leave him. Victor

thumped his head against the wall. “We’re fighting because I’m an idiot.”

Graham huffed. “I knew that already.”
“We were talking about a friend of ours who fucked her boss only to get fired when

the jerk found new ass. Alex asked who would hire him when I got tired of him. I exploded.
End of story.”

From Graham, Victor knew that was as good as saying he was still an idiot. “What?”
Graham walked out to the bedroom. He stopped at the door on his way out, pointed to

the side table. “You can use that phone.”

Victor sank onto the soft bed, dialled the office and checked messages. A couple of

new jobs, a couple of panicking editors, and an upset Katie.

Victor’s brows knit together. He didn’t like how worked up she sounded. Calling

information, he had them dial her number direct.

She answered after one ring. “Alex?”
“No. Victor.” He paused a moment. “I picked up the messages tonight. Alex filled me

in on a bit. How are you holding up?”

“I’ll be fine.”
Her end of the phone line was so quiet he strained to catch any noise at all. “I hear

you’re out of work.”

A long pause. “Alex’s big mouth.”
Victor chuckled. “I’ve got something in mind, if you’re game.”
“Depends on what you have in mind.”
“Well, the art department needs some help.”

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Chapter Three

Alex paced a path into the pine wood flooring, having kicked the foyer rug to the side

over an hour ago. He’d assumed Victor would go out, cool off, then come back to the

Is he hurt?

Alex stopped briefly, the thought catching him off guard. He shook his

head and picked up where he’d left off. If Victor wasn’t hurt, he was going to be when he
walked in the door.

Another ten minutes went by before he heard crunching footsteps in the snow on the

porch. Alex flung the door open, grabbed Victor by his coat and hauled him inside.

“Miss me?” Victor said.
Adrenaline surged through Alex’s body. “Shut up.” He fumbled with Victor’s coat

zipper, finally working it open. He yanked the jacket down, trapping Victor’s arms at his
sides. Pushing him against the door, Alex covered Victor’s mouth with his hand. “My

A slight nod from Victor gave Alex the guts to finish what he started.
“Don’t ever walk out on me like that again.”
Another nod.
“You’ve been gone



“I’m sorry.” Muffled behind Alex’s hand.
Alex was close enough to breathe him in, to smell the cold air, the wet clothes. His

eyes narrowed as he inhaled a new scent, one different but same still woodsy like
Victor’s, from his shirt. Which wasn’t his shirt. Alex let his trembling hand fall to his side
and stepped back. “Where have you been?”

Victor stared at him for a moment before stripping out of his jacket. “The—”
Alex took another step in retreat and held his hand up for Victor to stop. “If it takes

you that long to answer, I probably don’t want to know.” He shrugged, gaining ground on
his composure. “In fact, it’s not my business.” He turned to walk away but found his arm
caught in Victor’s steel grip.

“No walking away. Remember?” Victor pulled Alex against him.
Alex lost his focus at the sight an angry Victor presented. He now wore only a thermal

shirt and jeans, the thick ridge of his cock outlined by the soft, denim material. When Alex
raised his gaze to Victor’s face, the intensity of those blue eyes matching the heat in
Victor’s voice rocked Alex to his core.

Could he possibly want me that much?

Victor loosened his grip on Alex’s arm and slid his hand up to cup the back of Alex’s

head. “If it’s anyone’s business, it’s yours.”

“Right. Because I’m your assistant.” Alex couldn’t keep the wobble of hurt from his


Victor pulled him closer, until their lips were just a breath apart. “No. Because you’re

mine.” He didn’t wait for a response before closing over Alex’s mouth. Victor took his
time, playing a bit, teasing Alex with just his lips and tongue.

Alex moaned and pressed against Victor. Unable to stay still, he rubbed their

erections together, growing harder with each slide. Alex broke away, panting for breath.


what?” Victor flicked the button on Alex’s jeans, eased the zipper down to

free his straining cock. He ran his thumb across the throbbing head exposed to the cool
air, drawing a hiss from Alex.

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“Don’t toy with me.” Alex whispered. “I—”
Victor kissed him again as he wrapped his fingers around Alex’s dick. He eased his

free hand around Alex’s waist, moved closer still, pumping his fist along Alex’s length.

Alex’s knees felt like water, hardly able to hold him upright. He curved one arm around

Victor’s neck, the other searching behind him for something to ground him to the room, to
this world.

Feeling his movement, Victor guided him backward to the kitchen counter. The top

was just high enough for Alex to rest his ass on while Victor kept up the steady pressure
on his cock. He flicked his tongue over Alex’s lips before dipping in to taste and explore
his mouth.

Meeting him thrust for thrust, Alex tangled his tongue with Victor’s, pushing his cock

into Victor’s hand with the same demanding rhythm. “Fuck me.” The words, barely a
breath, escaped before Alex even knew they were a thought.

“Oh, I will.” Victor pushed Alex back, pulled his jeans off his legs and dropped them to

the floor. “But I want to play with the merchandise first.”

A tremor coursed through Alex’s body, rushing blood to his dick. He spread his legs

and propped his heels on the edge of the counter.

Victor groaned as the tight bud of Alex’s hole flexed open and closed. “Jesus, Alex. I

want you so bad.”

“Then quit fucking staring and

do something


Victor chuckled. “Patience is a virtue.”
“Not today.” Alex lifted his ass, skimming his hands down the insides of his legs. “I’ll

keep going without you if you don’t get to it.”

“Go right ahead. I’ll catch up.”
Alex smirked and stroked his cock as he had so many nights at home while thinking

of Victor. Only this time was so much better. Victor stood in front of him, greedy eyes
watching him pleasure himself. He didn’t have to imagine the hunger, the lust, etched on
Victor’s face—it was there for him to see. Victor wanted



Alex watched Victor’s eyes dilate, his breathing grow more shallow with every stroke

Alex made over his own cock. Victor stripped off his shirt and jeans, never taking his
gaze from Alex’s prick.

Alex hooked his hand under his knee, spreading his legs farther, inviting Victor to

play. Begging Victor to touch him.

That was all Victor needed. He stepped between Alex’s legs, replacing Alex’s hands

with his own. He leant forward, sucking one nipple between his teeth. Alex moaned as a
charge shot from his chest to his cock, stiffening him even more.

Victor kept up the steady rhythm on Alex’s cock, brushing his thumb across the

smooth head, mimicking the pattern with his tongue on Alex’s nipple. Using his other hand
to tilt Alex’s hips off the table, he rubbed his dick over his lover’s puckered hole, drawing
a moan and soft curse as he pushed on the outer rim of muscle.

Alex growled low, wiggled his hips and nearly exploded when he sank onto Victor’s

cock. The feeling of finally having Victor inside him nearly made him blurt out things that
would surely have Victor running out the door. Instead, the words echoed in his head as
Victor slowly worked his way completely into Alex’s ass.

I love you.

“Oh my God, Alex. You’re so fucking tight.” Victor withdrew almost all the way out then

slid back with one long, powerful glide, not stopping until his balls pressed firm against
Alex’s ass again. “So perfect. I could stay here forever.”

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No way could he mean it. “Move.”

Victor pulled out, pushed in. Setting their pace. Alex felt one of Victor’s hands slide

under him to palm his ass, smoothing over his skin. Victor pushed in hard, pegging Alex’s
gland and sending him over the edge. Alex shouted Victor’s name as thick ropes of come
exploded from his cock, coating his chest and Victor’s hand.

Victor stiffened with a groan before he filled Alex with his seed. He slumped forward,

resting his head on Alex’s shoulder until their breathing evened out.

Alex shivered when Victor pulled away, feeling the emptiness reach down to his soul.

He closed his eyes, preferring to pretend for the moment that Victor was his and only his.
“Fuck.” Alex snapped his eyes open to see Victor staring down at his limp cock, sans
condom. “Shit, Alex.”

“No condom.”
“Victor, I get your medical report in the office mail every six months.” Alex leaned up

on his elbows. “Mine is filed along with yours.”

The alarm on Victor’s face retreated as quickly as it surfaced. “In that case…” He

picked Alex up from the table and carried him to the couch. They sank together on the
soft cushions. “We need some sleep if we’re gonna do this again.”

Alex laughed, feeling light-hearted for the first time since their arrival. Snuggling into

Victor’s side, he inhaled deeply. “Where did you go earlier?”

“The guy who owns this cabin is a friend of mine. He lives just around the bend.”

Victor tensed, like he was waiting for a ticking bomb to explode.

“So…” Alex pushed up to his elbow, looking down at Victor. “You went to his house?”
“Mm-hm. I have clothes at Graham’s.”
Alex jumped up, doubt slamming full-force into his gut.


Victor followed him step

for step as Alex paced the length of the living room.

“You smelled like him when you got here. That’s what I noticed. How could I have not

put that together?” Alex tried to think it through, tried to apply reason. But a good excuse
for Victor to


coming here and then to go running to…what was his name?


…Graham’s place when things went bad between them just wouldn’t come to


“Put what together?”
Alex squeaked. He’d forgotten Victor was so close.
“Damn it!” Victor grabbed his arms, gave him a hard shake. “Graham has been my

best friend since we were kids. We don’t fuck. That’s just…wrong.”

Alex searched Victor’s face, looking for any trace of a lie. There was none and Alex

found himself believing what seemed like a simple truth. But…still. The fucker


run out

on him. Victor deserved a


payback. “They say the best lovers are best friends.”

Victor let him go, shuddering. “That’d be like fucking my brother.”
Alex cocked his head a bit, pressed his lips together to hold in the laugh at Victor’s

hang-dog expression. “You don’t have a brother.”

Victor’s hold on his temper snapped. “As good as. I’m going to bed.” He spun on his

heel and headed for the staircase.

Alex sighed, exaggerating the sound. “Can we at least have make-up sex?” Victor

turned slowly to face him again. “What?”

Alex shrugged. “Wanna have make-up sex?”
A light turned on in Victor’s eyes as he prowled in Alex’s direction. If ever there were

a time when Alex


want to run—this was it. Victor continued moving until he was

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directly behind Alex, his breath brushing along the fine hairs at Alex’s nape. “Hmm. I think
someone is playing games.”

Alex let an unsteady breath out, tipped his head to one side, giving Victor access to

his neck. “Not me.”

“No?” Victor took Alex’s invitation, skimming his lips along the hyper-sensitive skin,

tickling Alex with light swipes of his tongue. “You weren’t baiting me?”

“Ah,” Alex leaned into the kisses, “maybe…a bit.”
Victor nipped at Alex’s shoulder. “Thought so.” He pulled away, slipped around Alex

and took the first couple of stairs in one leap. “Last one to the bedroom sucks cock first.”

Alex grinned and climbed the stairs very, very slowly.

* * * *

Victor lay on the thin mattress with Alex’s head pillowed on his shoulder. Of course,

Alex didn’t snore. That made Victor smile. Alex worked at being considerate to everyone.
Apparently, when he slept was no different.

That was one of the things Victor loved about him. Alex was as genuine a person as

Victor had ever met. His heart was in everything he did, making Victor want to wrap him in
his arms and keep him there. Somewhere over the last year, Victor had figured out the
whirling mass of emotion that kept him off balance.

He loved Alex. He just hadn’t worked up the nerve to tell him. Then, in Colorado, he’d

seen Alex with that cowboy, fucking in the barn. That was when he’d been forced to
realise Alex wouldn’t stick around forever, just content to be his assistant.

Victor had thought about it the entire flight back from Colorado. He had to tell Alex

how he felt. Because that was the last time Alex would fuck anyone but him.

Now with this trip, he had finally slipped past the barriers. He knew every inch of

Alex’s delicious body, from the soft skin behind his ears to the high arches of his slim
feet. He loved the fact that Alex didn’t have any tan lines, his body a light honey for the
entire length.

Victor’s cock twitched with interest at the images running through his head.
Unable to resist a moment longer, he slid down to kiss Alex awake. Slowly, he

brushed his mouth across the full lips parted in sleep. Alex hummed low; his eyes fluttered
before opening to stare at Victor. “Hey there,” he whispered.

Victor matched his quiet tone, his own voice hoarse with desire. “Hey.” He leaned in

and captured Alex’s lips with another kiss, nipping, licking, tasting him.

Alex rubbed his hands across Victor’s chest, plucking at his nipples, satisfaction

deepening his dark brown eyes when the tiny nubs hardened into pebbles. “Is it my turn to

Heat surged through Victor’s veins, and his cock throbbed with need. “Have at it.”
Alex pushed him onto his back, slithering down his body until his mouth hovered over

Victor’s prick. His warm breath rushed over Victor’s balls seconds before his tongue
laved the lightly furred sack, drawing Victor’s nuts tight to his cock.

Victor ground his teeth together, twisted his hands in the cotton sheet under them as

Alex used nothing but his tongue to drive him out of his mind.

Alex lifted Victor’s heavy cock from his belly and wrapped his lips around the thick

rod, impaling his mouth just as Victor had done his ass earlier in the night.

Victor drove his cock further into Alex’s mouth, felt Alex swallow around the head of

his swollen shaft. Once. Twice.

Then Alex pulled away, leaving Victor panting.


Victor wanted to shout it to the rooftops but, in the next heartbeat, Alex drew the

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head of Victor’s pulsing cock into his mouth, dipping his tongue into the slit. The best
Victor could manage through the sparks sliding the length of his dick was a low moan.

The next sweep of Alex’s mouth down his cock included Alex’s finger and Victor

hoped Alex would—

With a strangled cry, Victor came hard, spilling into Alex’s mouth when Alex swirled

his finger around the tight rim of his hole, then plunged his finger deep into Victor’s ass,
sweeping across Victor’s prostate.

Victor lay limp, wanting to pull Alex up for a kiss, a cuddle, a blowjob of his own but the

strength had been sapped from his muscles. His eyes drifted shut even as he felt the dip
of the bed. “Where are you going?” His words were low, sluggish, and he wasn’t sure
Alex even heard him.

“Bathroom for a towel. Be right back.”
“Mm-kay.” Victor snuggled into the soft mattress. “I’ll wait.”
Somewhere from the other side of sleep, Victor thought he heard Alex answer, “So

will I.”

* * * *

“Earth to Alex.” Victor snapped his fingers in front of Alex’s nose. It was amazing

what a couple of hours sleep could do. Victor’s energy was through the roof. Or maybe
that was because the gorgeous man lying on top of him. “Where’d you go?”

“Just admiring the view.” Alex leered at Victor before leaning in for a kiss.
Victor hooked his leg around Alex’s calf and flipped him over, tucking him beneath

him. He held Alex’s hands above his head, his heart racing at the desire on Alex’s face.

Should I tell him?

“Now who’s daydreaming?”
“Just admiring the view.” Victor wedged his knee between Alex’s legs, making room

for himself. He wrapped his fingers around Alex’s cock, pumping with both his hand and
his hips, bumping his dick against Alex’s ass. Just a couple of strokes and they were both
hard again. Ready.

Victor leant forward and sucked one of Alex’s nipples into his mouth. The low moan

from Alex was the reason this was one of his favourite things to do to the man. Victor
loved how easy Alex reacted to his touch. He flattened his tongue and licked the sensitive
bud, blowing lightly to see it harden and feel Alex thrash under him.

Repeating the treatment on the other side, Victor earned another moan. “Please.




Reaching under the pillow where they had put the slick the last time they fucked,

Victor pulled the small tube from its hiding place. He released Alex only long enough to
squeeze a bit onto his hand before zeroing in on Alex’s sweet spot.

Alex raised his hips, meeting each thrust of Victor’s fingers, begging him to ride his

ass hard. It seemed neither of them was in the mood for subtle this time.

It was going to be a good, hard fuck.
Only taking enough time to make sure Alex wouldn’t hurt, Victor pulled his fingers out

of Alex’s ass while he was still good and tight. He lined his cock up with the slicked, hot
passage and pushed in with a single, steady stroke.

Alex shouted his name, urged Victor to do it again.
Victor ground his teeth together.

Fuck, this feels too good.

Victor pulled out, then

flipped Alex over to his hands and knees.

“Oh God, yeah.” Alex whimpered, wriggling his ass against Victor.
Skimming his hands over the smooth ass cheeks on display, Victor spread him wide

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and pushed his dick in balls deep, picking up a hard and fast pace Alex matched, meeting
him halfway on each stroke. The slap of skin against skin lost in the sound of their harsh

This wasn’t a playful romp. This was a claiming. Both wanting the other to know, after

tonight, nothing would be the same. Nothing would go back to the tame relationship from

Victor leaned over Alex, covering him while driving his cock deep into Alex’s asshole.

He felt his balls draw up tight to his dick and knew he wouldn’t last much longer. “Jerk
yourself off.”

Without any hesitation, Alex shifted his weight to one hand and started pumping

furiously with the other. “So…close.”

“Come for me.” Victor purred into Alex’s ear. “Come on my cock. Make me feel it.

Feel you.”

“Oh—” Alex’s ass clenched at Victor’s words, his body shuddering with his orgasm,

dragging Victor screaming over the edge with him.

The two men fell to the sheets. The soft cotton sticking to their sweat-slicked bodies.

Victor struggled to bring his thoughts into focus, to tell Alex everything he’d been thinking.
“That was—”

“Holy fuck.” Alex’s mumbled words floated off.

Maybe later.

Victor brushed his hand over Alex’s hip, his ass. His fingers reached

the tacky come leaking from Alex’s hole. “I need to clean you up, baby.”

A sly grin flitted across Victor’s lips. He knew exactly how he was going to do it too.

Carefully, he eased away from Alex’s warm body, turning him slightly, easing one knee
towards Alex’s chest. He parted the luscious cheeks hiding his treasure and dipped his
head forward, lapping at the sweet pucker waiting there.

Alex’s body tensed even as he pushed his ass closer to Victor's lips. Victor chuckled

and continued working his tongue into Alex’s hole. Victor helped Alex curl both knees
under him, pushing Alex’s ass high into the air.

His lover reached back and spread his cheeks for Victor. Laying his hole open for

whatever Victor wanted to do.

Victor moaned in appreciation. Fuck, Alex was beautiful. He leaned in, pushing his

tongue deep, licking and sucking at Alex until he was convinced he’d done his job. “Turn

Alex rolled to the side, his cock standing proud again. “Suck me.”
“No.” He reached for the lube again, this time propping his leg to the side and working

his fingers into his own ass.

Alex slid his palms up Victor’s thighs. Was Victor doing what he thought? Until now,

Alex had always bottomed simply because he was smaller than the men he dated. He did
a mental shrug.

Well, that and I like cock up my ass.

When Alex twined his fingers with

Victor’s, he had two fingers working furiously, in and out. Alex slid his own in with Victor’s
on the next stroke, causing the man to throw his head back with a loud grunt.

“Oh fuck yeah, baby. Give me one…more.”
Alex added a second finger.
“God. The burn.” Victor’s hand moved faster and Alex curled his finger forward,

pegging his prostate. “Fuck!”

Alex’s cock jerked with each finger thrust into Victor’s ass and, soon, Alex couldn’t

handle another second. He pulled his fingers out, forcing Victor out with him. Glassy blue

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eyes met his, a vague question forming. Alex lined his cock up to Victor’s ass and rocked
his hips, sliding past the thick ring of muscle at Victor’s entrance.

Victor moaned and sank onto Alex’s prick, taking him slowly but not stopping until

Alex’s balls pressed against his ass.

Gritting his teeth, Alex held Victor’s hips, preventing him from moving.

Fuck, fuck,

fuck. This feels good. Too fucking good.

He held steady, not wanting to come on the first


Victor grinned at him, leaning down to seal their lips together. He sipped at Alex’s

mouth, sucked Alex’s tongue with the same urgency as he fucked himself on Alex’s cock.
“No holding back. Fill my ass with your come. Mark me. Make me yours.”


” Alex dug his heels into the sheets and pounded his cock into the tight, hot

ass surrounding him. He grunted, launched himself up to fill Victor’s ass completely.

“Coming. Now.” Victor’s words were thick, needy.
He felt Victor’s ass grip his cock and then the hot ribbons of come spilling from

Victor’s cock onto his chest. One more whisper of encouragement from Victor and Alex
came hard, his climax shredding his nerves.

Victor fell onto Alex’s chest, heavy but not too much. He nuzzled Alex’s neck, licking

and nipping gently. He brushed a hand over Alex’s hair and settled his mouth next to
Alex’s ear. “I love you.”

Alex stilled. Had he heard him right? He turned his face to look at Victor, only to find

his eyes closed. A soft snore told Alex that Victor was indeed asleep.

He lay there buried in Victor’s ass, unable to shake the feeling that Victor hadn’t

meant it. That he was somehow just playing with him.

Or maybe it was the sex talking.

Guys said that shit all the time without thinking what it did to the guy he was fucking.

Hell, Victor probably didn’t even


he’d said it.

Chapter Four

“C’mon. Go with me.”
“You know I hate the cold.” Alex put the last of the breakfast dishes away and tossed

the dishtowel into the hamper by the back door.

Victor stared at Alex, wondering at his strange mood this morning. “You said that

about the heat in Hawaii too, but once you got out there, you loved it.”

Alex’s shoulders drooped. He said nothing.

What is going on?


“Okay. I’ll go with you.” Alex walked out of the tiny kitchen towards the front closet.
Victor did nothing to stop him but he didn’t follow either. Shit, he felt like he was

forever asking this damn question. “What’s wrong?”

Alex finally looked his way, a smile curling the edge of his mouth. “Nothing. Let’s get

our gear and head out.”

Unwilling to fight this early in the morning, Victor took Alex’s mood shift in stride.

“Dress warm. We’ll be out all day.”

“I said I didn’t like the cold—not that I’d never been out in it.”
Victor stopped on the first step to the loft. “If you were my mother, I’d say the same

thing. Dress warm.” He continued up to the landing for his jacket and boots.

Alex mumbled something, but when Victor made it back to the stairs, he was busy

putting on his snowsuit. Victor stood watching the graceful movements, the muscles
rippling under the denim as Alex pushed his legs through the pants. Deciding to drop it for
now, he hurried down to the main level to get his cameras ready for the long day.

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“Give me the SD cards. I’ll carry them.” Alex’s hand appeared in front of Victor’s

nose. “You’d just set them down somewhere anyhow.”

Victor smiled at the small truth. He’d lost more of those than he cared to admit.

Slipping the packet of memory cards from his bag, he bypassed Alex’s hand, opting
instead to pull the top edge of Alex’s snowpants down and tuck them into Alex’s jeans
pocket. The slight thrust of Alex’s hips in response ignited Victor’s blood.

He rose and captured Alex’s lips in a deep, questing kiss. His lover moaned and sank

against him, wrapping his arms around Victor’s neck for support. Victor sucked Alex’s
tongue, matching each pull with a thrust of his hips.

Alex broke away, panting. “We better go or you’ll never get those pictures.”
Victor rested his forehead on Alex’s. “You’re right. But when we get back, that sweet

ass is mine.”

Alex nipped Victor’s lower lip, soothed it with a stroke of his tongue. “Let’s hurry.”
They zipped up their coats and pulled on their gloves. Victor slung one camera

around his neck and tightened the wrist strap on the second. He held the door open for
Alex before stepping out into the brisk cold surrounding their weekend getaway.

* * * *

Alex pulled the blinds closed, shutting out the night. “It hasn’t snowed all day.”
Victor shrugged. “Graham’ll have the roads cleared by morning.”
Alex browsed the room, looking to Victor like a man not quite seeing what was right in

front of him. Like his mind was a thousand miles away. “Then we’ll be heading back

“I think so. I got enough shots today to send to the magazine plus a few for

postcards.” He wanted so badly to ask where Alex’s head was. Where he stood with him.

He flipped the light switch on the stove to check on the steaks and potatoes perched

on the broiler rack. Alex leaned his hip against the counter when Victor returned to
chopping peppers and mushrooms for their salads. Candles flickered on the mantle in the
living room, casting shadows on the room, on them.

Victor cleared his throat, his stomach flopping like he was on his first date. “Can we


Alex tensed next to him. “About what?”
“Us.” Victor swore the air visibly thickened at that one little word.
A soft oath slipped from Alex as he pushed away from his perch and Victor’s heart

sank. Alex paced back and forth behind Victor. “What about us?”

Suddenly unsure, Victor stumbled over his words. “Noth…nothing. I just wanted to

make sure we’d be okay working when we get home. I don’t want either of us to feel weird
after…you know.” Victor waved his hand between the two of them.

God, when did I

become such a girl?

But he knew.
Fucking Alex changed everything.



Alex changed everything.

Alex’s brown eyes deepened to black. He stepped farther away from Victor. “What

do you mean? Is this your way of saying we have to hide this when we get home?”

Victor shook his head, his mind clouded by the stricken look in Alex’s eyes. He

reached a hand towards him, intending to smooth the frown lines between Alex’s brows.
The sharp sting of Alex slapping his hand away jerked Victor back to what Alex was

“—how you’re going to do this? You think we’ll just go back and act like nothing’s


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“No. Alex.” Victor stepped in front of him as he tried to leave the tiny kitchenette.


“So, what then? Maybe this is the way you smooth into a

c’est la vie

fuck.” Alex poked

him in the chest, not backing down an inch. “This your way of saying once we go back
home, it’s over? Like—Gee, nice fuck and all, but we’re back home now?”

Victor couldn’t get a word in as Alex babbled on about being dumped. “Alex—”
“No! Don’t you


me.” Alex shoved him out of the way. “I’m not one of your fucking

whores. If you don’t want me there—with everyone watching—you can’t have me here.”

Victor stared, slack-jawed, as Alex stormed up the stairs; the slamming door rattled

the dishes on the table. He shook his head. The pulse in his temple pounded with the hurt
Alex’s words inflicted. “What the


just happened?”

Alex sat on the edge of the bed, trembling, staring at the deadbolt he’d thrown home

on his grand exit from the main cabin. He could hear Victor moving around downstairs,
probably putting away the food.

Holy shit

. He knew he’d gone off like the Fourth of July, but he couldn’t just stand

there and let Victor shove him out of his life little bits at a time. Better for him to have
gone on his own terms than to be one of the pitiful idiots left in Victor’s wake.

Except he still felt like one of those pitiful idiots.

Damn it.

He stood, shook off a chill and stripped down to nothing. Alex pulled back the covers

and climbed into bed, immediately assaulted by Victor’s scent. Tears pooled in his eyes,
but he blinked them away.

There wasn’t a man alive worth his tears.
The lie leaving a foul taste in his mouth, Alex slid deep under the comforter, hiding

from even himself.

* * * *

Victor stood at the window, fully dressed, his back to Alex as he made his way

cautiously downstairs the next morning. He tried not to make any noise, dreading when
Victor’s attention would focus on him. When he would have to explain himself.

Sleep had refused to allow him to escape last night, instead taunting him with dreams

of Victor and his talented mouth. By the time the first morning light peeked through his
window, Alex had a good idea that he’d overreacted. Again.

“Your stuff packed?”
Alex flinched. The usually warm, welcoming voice held nothing but cool disdain.


could blame the guy?

Jesus, if Alex could push rewind, he would. “Yes.”

“Have it in the car in twenty minutes.” Victor picked up the gear at his feet and left the

cabin, the soft click a cannon blast to Alex’s nerves.

He stopped four steps from the door, unaware he was even going after Victor, until

the draught of cold air swirled around him. Alex glanced down at his jeans and t-shirt then
out the window at the harsh glint of sunlight bouncing off the snow surrounding the cabin.
He couldn’t go after him like this.

A smile crept over his lips. Victor wouldn’t be able to hide in the car. Alex raced up the

steps, threw on his sweatshirt and boots. He grabbed his duffel on his way back down,
rushing to meet Victor, but the roar of their rental almost sent him tumbling down the last
few stairs.

He righted himself just before cracking his head on the railing. Rushing to the front

door, he yanked it open, almost off its hinges. Alex came to a stop on the step of the low
porch and stared unbelieving at the taillights of the dark SUV halfway down the drive

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leaving without him.

“If you busted that door, I’ll kick Victor’s ass.”
Alex yelped, lurching away from the strange voice. “Who the



The lanky man reclining against the wall just to the side of the door shook his head.

“He didn’t tell you?” The man snorted. “Of course he didn’t.”

Keeping his eye on the stranger, Alex skirted the man and slipped back inside

towards the warmth wafting from the entryway. He had a bad feeling about this. “Again,
who are you?”

“Graham Sommers.” The other man closed the door behind them, keeping Alex in his

sight the entire time. He cocked his head to the left, a little smile lighting his face, turning
a man with ordinary looks into one of the most handsome Alex had ever seen. “I own this

“Oh.” The word left his chest in a rush. “You’re Victor’s…” He couldn’t even finish the


“Friend.” The sunshine disappeared from his face; determination glinted in his eyes.

“Our mamas knew each other before they knew us.”

Alex swallowed, not quite sure if he was going to get a lift or if he’d have to walk back

home. “Friend. Got it.”

“Get your shit. Let’s go.”
Gesturing to the bag next to him, Alex said, “I’m ready. Victor took the rest.”
A quick nod and Graham walked out the door, leaving Alex to come or not. Alex pulled

the bag up onto his shoulder and locked up the cabin, stashing the key back under the
mat where he’d found it.

“You know you could have just given me the key?”
Alex tossed his bag in the bed of the pickup rumbling in the drive. “Probably, but my

rental agreement is very specific. Under the


mat, I believe it said.”

Graham’s laughter washed over him, setting him at ease. “True. Very true.”
They made the five-hour drive in relative silence, only speaking if one or the other

needed to stop for something. Alex nodded off somewhere around, Saginaw only to be
jolted awake much later by the Jeopardy theme song on his BlackBerry. He fumbled in his
coat, searching frantically.

Please let it be Victor.

He stared at the flashing screen. Katie. Reluctantly, he answered. “Hello, love.”
Without even looking, he knew he had Graham’s full attention. Katie whooped from

the other end of the line. “Alex! Finally, you picked up.”

“Yeah, we were out of range. You know how the U.P. is, girl.” He kept his gaze firmly

out the window, refusing to explain even with a look.

“Did you have fun? Wait—” She lowered her voice. “Tell me you did Victor?”
Alex snorted. “Later, Katie.”
“Is he there?”
He looked over at Graham, his casual slouch belied by the white knuckles gripping

the steering wheel. “No. His friend is driving me home.”

Dead silence from the other end.
“Katie? You there?” He looked at the screen still ticking seconds off his minute plan.


“What did you do, Alex?”
“Why did it have to be me that fucked it up?” he said. A shout of laughter startled him

from the driver side. Alex glared at Graham. “I suppose you’ve got something to say

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Graham shook his head and pretended to focus on the road. Alex couldn’t help

noticing his slouch was natural this time, with no tense muscles to foul up the picture.
Without any conscious thought, Alex tugged his camera from his jacket and snapped a
shot of the country boy left in charge of him.

Katie sighed. “He’ll probably be waiting at the office like always. Tell him I said thanks

for the job, will ya?”

“Allie just walked in. I’ll talk to you later.” And she hung up.
Alex held the phone out in front of him.

What job?

Graham cleared his throat. “This must be your car?”
Jerked out of his stupor, Alex looked around. They were back at the office in Berkley.

Despite what Katie had said, Alex’s Volvo was the only car in the lot. “Yeah.”

Graham hopped out of the truck, grabbed the duffel from the back of the truck and

tossed it on the trunk lid. “Can I give you some advice, kid?”

Alex’s shoulders stiffened. “Yeah, go ahead.”
“If you let him walk away now…you won’t ever get him back.”
Alex met Graham’s steady stare. “I shouldn’t give him time to cool off?”
Graham shrugged. “Up to you. I’ve already said what I thought.” He climbed back in

the cab. “Later, Alex.”

Then he was gone. Alex watched the brake lights fade on yet another truck. But this

time, he had something to work with. He shoved his bag into his car then sprinted for the
doors of the agency.

Fumbling through the locks on both sets of doors, he cursed himself all the way to his

desk. He slowed to a walk as he saw his work phone lying on his chair, not at all where
he’d left it days ago, with an orange sticky note on top of it and three SD cards lying in a
neat pile to one side.


Went to Florida to finish up the Daytona shoot. You know what to do.


He sank into the visitor seat to the left of his desk, afraid to touch the simple piece of

paper for fear of falling apart. He wouldn’t have the chance to fight for Victor because
Victor was gone.

Alex dropped his head back on the chair. What could he do now? He rolled his head

to read the words again, then sat up straight. His eyes narrowed.

You know what to do.

Reaching over, he plucked the note from his phone, crumpled it into a ball and threw it

in the garbage. If he had a match, he’d have lit the fucking thing on fire, too.

For once, he


know what to do. Something Victor had been trying to talk him into

for a couple of years now—although he’d meant it strictly as friends.

Well, Victor was going to get his wish. One way or another.

Chapter Five

The plane touched down at DetroitMetroAirport and Victor thanked God he was back

home in Michigan. Six days of keeping a smile plastered to his face had taken its toll. Six
days without one call from Alex.

His heart thumped painfully as he pressed the power button on his phone, listening

with half an ear to the pilot say they should remain seated until the plane had come to a
complete stop at the gate. Should he head home to an empty house or to the office to

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face Alex?

It was a tossup, really. A lonely house or an angry Alex. Victor sighed. Alex had

stomped on both his heart and his pride in one fell swoop but that gave him no right to
leave Alex there with no way home except Graham. Even if Victor did trust his childhood
friend with his life.

He needed to apologise for that. And for rushing things. If all he ever had was Alex’s

friendship, he was a lucky man. They had things to work through, but nothing time and
love wouldn’t take care of, he was sure of it.

The dual beeps of his phone surprised him. The flight had only been a couple of

hours long so he hadn’t figured on having any messages to return. He lit the screen to
see two texts from Alex.

Opening the first, his breath stopped.

I miss you.

The second stopped his heart.

Come home.

A soft hand touched his arm. “Sir?”
Victor looked up at the flight attendant, then around at the empty cabin. He lurched

out of his seat, yanking at his bag in the overhead. “I’m…I’m sorry. I was taken off guard.”

“Slow down. It’ll be okay.” She pushed on the strap caught in the back of the

compartment, freeing the camera case from its prison.

He felt the sloppiest, happiest grin split his face, but he didn’t care. “No,” he said, “it’ll

be more than okay.”

She smiled back. “Good luck. Whatever it is.”
Victor waved to her as he bolted off the plane for the luggage return. It was the

fastest he’d ever gotten out of the airport and to his car, but twenty minutes later, he was
flying down I-94 towards his place.

Again, he opened the phone to re-read the message. Alex had sent it an hour ago.

Would he still be there?

God, he had to be there.

He followed the exit for Grosse Pointe, taking the well-known path to his house on the

lake. He pulled into the winding drive.

His stomach lurched.
The drive was empty and the house was dark. Alex wasn’t here.
Victor glanced again at the time on the text message, reading the long-awaited words

again. Almost two hours ago. Of course he wouldn’t still be here. With a sigh, Victor slid
out of his Mustang and opened the hatch to remove his bags.

What had he expected? Alex on the porch?


He unlocked the door, flipped on the foyer light and froze when a small noise drifted

from the living room. Quietly, Victor set his things down, muffling the sound of his keys as
he did so.

Slipping out of his shoes and coat, he padded to the archway that spilled into the

atrium-style sitting room. Enough sunlight filtered through the closed blinds for Victor to
recognise his intruder.

Alex. Asleep on the sofa.
Victor let out the breath he’d been holding. He crouched in front of the sleeping man,

noticing the dress shirt from his own closet wrapped tightly around Alex’s honed body. He
brushed his fingers across Alex’s cheek, wishing him awake.

He leant forward and teased Alex’s lips with his own when what he really wanted was

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to take over Alex’s mouth with a kiss meant to brand him. Instead, he loved him. A light
swipe of his tongue over soft lips brought Alex eyes open.

Alex moaned into Victor’s mouth, gripped him by the neck and kissed him back. He

slid his fingers into Victor’s hair and held him in place.

Victor put every ounce of wanting that had built up over the last week into that kiss,

wanting Alex to understand how much he needed him.

Alex sat up, never breaking contact with Victor’s mouth.
Victor pitched to his knees between Alex’s feet, planting his hands on Alex’s hips. He

broke the kiss but held Alex close. “You’re here.”

“That’s one way of putting it.” His airy laugh fanned the flame burning between them.
“What?” Victor looked around, confused. For the first time since he laid eyes on Alex

in his home, Victor saw the little changes, the pictures, the notebooks that weren’t his.
“Did you—”

“Move in?” Alex chewed the inside of his lip, pulling at the tender skin in the corner of

his mouth. “Yeah, I guess I did. Is that okay? I mean, I can leave.”

“No!” Victor reigned in his objection. “No. You’re here now. There’s no going back on


Alex’s face softened, the angles and edges of tension gone. “You didn’t tell me you

gave Katie a job.”

“What was to tell?”
“You found her a place to stay,” Alex said. He wrapped his legs around Victor’s waist.
The movement brought their cocks together, drawing matching groans at the

delicious friction and pressure. Victor turned Alex on his back, floating butterfly kisses
along Alex’s neck, working his way to the sensitive skin behind Alex’s ear. He left the
statement unanswered and focused on his lover instead.

It had been too long and the first low moan from Alex sent Victor’s need soaring.
“Pants off. Now.” Victor stood, snagging the legs of Alex’s sweats. He removed them

with zero protest from his lover but left the shirt alone. There was just something sexy
about Alex in his shirt that pushed Victor to edge.

Victor peeled his own clothes off, tossing them away, not caring where they landed.

“Gonna fuck you.”

“God, yes.” Alex lifted his hips from the couch, pushing his cock closer to Victor.
Stretching out on top of Alex, Victor pinned him to the cushions while he played his

fingers down over the length of Alex’s hard cock. He swiped his thumb over the swollen
head of Alex’s prick, gathering the pre-come at the swollen head. Never taking his eyes
from Alex, he licked his finger clean, savouring the salty taste of his man.

Alex moaned and thrust his hips hard against Victor. “This won’t take long.”
“Just long enough.” Victor pulled open the drawer in the coffee table, brandishing a

new bottle of slick. “We still good?”

“Quit talking and fuck me.”
“Gladly.” Victor poured some into his hand and lubed his dick. “Open for me.”
Alex hooked his hands under his knees, spread his ass for Victor and waited for his

cock. “Yes.”

Victor used his already-slick hand to prep Alex, scissoring two fingers in Alex’s ass,

working him into a squirming frenzy. Making him beg.

“Please. Victor, please, just fuck me.”
He couldn’t hold out another second. Lining his prick up with Alex’s hole, Victor

pushed forward, breaching the tight ring of muscle protecting Alex’s tract. A slight give

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and he was in, breathing hard through his nose to stop himself from coming like a
schoolboy having his first fuck.

And Victor did. With short, hard strokes, Victor fucked Alex’s ass with purpose. Skin

slapping against skin was the only sound other than their harsh breathing until they both
climaxed, stars dancing behind squeezed-tight eyes, calling each other’s names.

Victor fell over Alex, pulling his limp cock from Alex’s slick ass, sending goose bumps

along his skin.

Alex pressed a soft kiss to Victor’s temple, nuzzling his cheek. “I missed you.”
“Me too, honey.” Victor’s eyelids drifted shut as he eased to one side. The long week

was catching up, exhaustion setting in. “I was coming home to find you. To apologise.”

At a hard jab of Alex’s elbow, Victor shot upright and glared at him while he rubbed the

offended rib. “What?”

Alex weaved his fingers through Victor’s hair and pulled him down to his waiting lips.

The kiss was easy and warm, like coming inside on a cold winter day. Their tongues
danced, sliding along each other, learning each other again. Alex pulled away to stare
into Victor’s eyes. “No apologies.”

Victor shook his head. “I left you—”
“With Graham.” Alex kissed him again. “After I’d acted like an asshole. I’m the one

who should apologise.”

“No apologies, remember?”
Victor watched Alex blink away tears as he nodded. Alex took a deep breath. “One

more thing, though.”

“What’s that?” Victor snuggled back down beside his lover, moulding himself to Alex.
Alex’s words were hushed, whispered against Victor’s lips. “I love you.”
Victor’s breath stuck in his throat. He found it was his turn for tears. “I love you, too.”

About the Author

Hi all! Let’s see, a little about me. I am an Army brat, which lends to my

imagination…and I am a wife & mother of two energetic little boys, which gives me
my sense of humour. I started writing in high school for the newspaper and have
written steadily since then for my own enjoyment. I have lived everywhere thanks to
the travel bug I inherited from my dad, but currently am push-pinned in southeast
Michigan. A typical day is a little crazy but I always work in writing time and I love
chatting with friends. Feel free to visit me at my website.



Em loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website

and author biography at



Also by Em Woods

Not Anymore

Total-E-Bound Publishing

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