Em Woods Not Anymore

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A Total-E-Bound Publication


Not Anymore
ISBN # 978-0-85715-295-4
©Copyright Em Woods 2010
Cover Art by Natalie Winters ©Copyright September 2010
Edited by Jess Bimberg
Total-E-Bound Publishing

This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination
and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or
places is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form,
whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of
the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound
Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil
proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs
and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator
of the artwork.

Published in 2010 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL,
United Kingdom.

Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content which is only suitable for mature
readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.

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Em Woods

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Jess, my lovely editor—Thanks for taking the chance .

Lewis—all your love, support and sacrificed time have paid off. I love you.

and Mark J—for burning the midnight oil and enduring endless questions.

I can never repay you.

Trademarks Acknowledgement

The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following
wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Jeep: Chrysler Group LLC
Land Rover : Land Rover NA
Mack truck: Mack Trucks, Inc.

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Chapter One

He was beautiful.

Enough so, even men stared. Dan Perry shoved his shades up on his nose to hide his

gaze. Good thing he was sitting down because his knees wouldn’t have held him up.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts. The man couldn’t be that freaking gorgeous.

Bronze skin stretched taut over his muscles, blond hair just brushed his collarbones and the

prettiest blue eyes stared right back at him.

Oh God.

The quirk of a blond eyebrow sent heat streaking up Dan’s neck. The one drawback to

being a redhead, his fair skin showed a hot blush if a gorgeous guy even looked his way.

The man pushed off the sand and headed in his direction. He looked close to six-three

and he moved with purpose, never breaking stride as he weaved through the crowd.

Dan grew hard under the heavy gaze pinning him to his seat. Why now? A groan

escaped Dan’s suddenly parched throat, drawing the unwanted attention of his younger


“Dan? You okay?” Erica whispered.

He dragged his eyes away from the Adonis coming their way. “Sure.”

But he knew the minute she saw the other man. Her pupils dilated and her breath grew

shallow. Oh yeah, he knew that feeling.

“Excuse me.”

The stranger’s deep rumble raised goose bumps, sent a jolt straight to his balls. Dan

strove for some measure of control. “Yes?”

“Would you like to dance?” Adonis flicked his thumb towards the other end of the

beach where a local band pumped out a decent cover of A Groovy Kind Of Love.

Erica jumped up. “I’d love to.”

His sister wasn’t to blame for her presumptions. It was one facet of Dan’s life he kept to

himself. But apparently, this hottie had no such closets.

“I didn’t ask you.” His gaze turned ice cold at her interruption.

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Erica reared back a step. Her gaze bounced between the two men as she tried to work

out exactly what was happening. Dan took pity on her and addressed the other man. “What’s

your name?”

“Logan. Yours?” His smile spread across full lips made for kissing.

Oh man, he has a killer smile.

“Wait a minute.” Erica was not known for keeping her mouth shut. “You’re hitting on

my brother?”

Logan’s smile evaporated. He barely turned his head to acknowledge that she spoke.

“Why is that hard to believe?”

“Dan’s straight,” she blurted.

A rough chuckle brought a fresh wave of desire straight to Dan’s dick. Logan leaned

down; his breath fanned Dan’s ear. “Not anymore.”

Dan inhaled deeply the purely masculine scent of Logan. God, why did this have to

happen with his sister two feet away?

Logan pressed closer. “Come with me.”

Erica’s boyfriend, Tommy, came up behind Logan, kicking a little too much sand with

each step. “What the hell?”

Dan jerked away, struggling to pull his thoughts together.

Logan straightened, his muscles tense at the interruption. “And you are?”

“None of your goddamn business. Get off my friend.”

“Shut the fuck up, Tommy.” Dan rose out of his chair. “Take Erica and go get laid or


“Hey!” Dan could tell Erica didn’t like being the decoy. Too bad.

Dan never saw the fist that knocked him on his ass but he sure saw the one that started

pounding Tommy. He scrambled to his feet and rushed to the brawling men. With all his

strength, he pulled at Logan until they separated. “Stop! Logan, don’t hurt him.”

Logan relented but stepped between him and Tommy, one hand on Dan’s hip to keep

Dan behind him.

“What the hell, man? You his bodyguard or something? Fucking queer.” Tommy

pushed off the ground and looked at Dan like he’d seen something dirty. “Is that how you fly


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Regret overwhelmed Dan. How was he supposed to answer that? Damned if he did,

damned if he didn’t. He looked down at the sand, searching for God knew what.

A low gasp from his left brought Dan’s attention to Erica. She trembled, just on the

brink of breaking. Tommy grabbed her arm. “Let’s go. Leave these faggots to themselves.”

Dan watched Erica follow her boyfriend. She didn’t say a word, just looked at Dan like

she didn’t know him anymore. Even when she stumbled on the uneven path, she kept going.

Before he saw that look in his sister’s eye, Dan had no idea what heartbreak felt like.

The throbbing of his jaw was nothing in comparison. They’d always backed each other up.

Until now.

Gentle fingers grazed his arm, slid down to tangle with his. Logan didn’t say anything,

probably knew Dan would crumble if he did.

Dan felt him watching, waiting for his decision. Squeezing Logan’s hand, Dan tugged

him closer. “How about that dance you wanted?”

Logan searched Dan’s face, wondered what he was thinking. “Sure. Let’s head down

the beach a bit.”

Dan copped a smile and motioned for him to lead the way.

It didn’t take much for Logan to remember when he came out to his dad. He’d needed a

distraction too. He started them down the sand towards what had become his favourite luau,

pausing only long enough to grab his stuff from where he’d been sitting earlier.

The fresh air, succulent food and seductive dances would surround Dan in no time.

Maybe Logan would even get him up for a hula. The thought of Dan in nothing but a grass

skirt nearly made Logan’s knees buckle. He barely suppressed a groan. Maybe later.

The closer they came to the noise and crowd, the slower Dan’s feet moved. “Um. I don’t

have money for this.”

“You don’t need money.”

“I’ve priced these things so I know I need money.”

Logan laughed, dropped his head near Dan’s ear, and inhaled his spicy scent. “No. I

meant you don’t need money.”

Dan shook his head but followed Logan along the make-shift pathway lit by torches.

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Logan’s grip tightened as he drew Dan close. He wanted everyone to know the

handsome redhead was his. Even if it was only temporary.

Near the front podium, the pathway opened to the portion of beach hidden from view

by a row of bamboo partitions. Wicker furniture littered the area around a large fire pit with

bodies relaxed everywhere. The conversations were lively, the music was loud, and Logan

hoped the dancers on the makeshift stage would be an irresistible draw for Dan.

A lumbering man with dark hair and eyes came barrelling from the barbecue pits the

minute they cleared the walkway. “Aloha, moloi`eheme! Hello, my friends!”

Logan felt a grin take over his face. “Aloha. Do you have a free table for me?”

The Hawaiian nodded and clapped his hands together. “You are here to eat a lot of

food, yes?”

Dan tried to pull away but Logan kept a firm grip. “Of course. And a little dancing.”

“Then you have come to the right luau. Hele, follow me.”

He led them through the thick crowd towards a table near the pits. “Ho’olu, please, sit.”

As the man walked away, Dan leaned over to Logan. “How is there an empty table in

here? The waiting area is packed.”

“It doesn’t hurt to have a reservation.”

Dan settled back in his wicker chair. “You already had a table booked?”

Logan smiled. “I got to the Island a couple of days ago. I liked this place so I have a

reserved table until I leave.”


Before Logan could ask him to elaborate, a platter piled high with roasted pig, grilled

salmon with ginger sauce, roast duck salad, mashed potatoes and taro with sweet onions,

and grilled corn descended in front of their noses.

Luana, my friends.”

Just as suddenly as he appeared, the waiter left.

Logan made a note to tip well for that service. He studied Dan across the expanse of

mouth-watering food. “Want my advice?”

Dan nodded, looking at the tremendous amount of food in front of him.

“Eat slowly. Enjoy each dish like it was the only one here.”

“God, it all looks so good.”

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“Then have some.” Logan pointed to the plates and silverware off to the side.

Dan reached for a small plate, then selected a little from everything.

As he sucked a piece of pork into his mouth, Logan groaned. Oh hell, he’d never make

it through this. His dick had twitched with each glimpse of Dan’s gorgeous ass. Now,

watching Dan eat turned it into a full blown hard-on.

“Are you okay?” Dan broke into his wayward thoughts.

“Fine.” Logan shifted in his seat discreetly, but Dan still noticed.

A sly smile curved his lips and lit up his emerald eyes. Logan’s cock tightened even

more. He blew out a breath and willed his body back under control while Dan continued to

eat. “What do you think of the food?”


Ono.” Logan picked at his own plate. He was still hungry but for something else


Dan paused with his fork halfway to his mouth. “What?”

“It means delicious.”

“Ah. Okay, now I get it.”

Logan decided to broach a different topic. “So, what brought you to the Big Island?”

Dan stiffened. “My sister and her boyfriend planned a vacation together, and at the last

minute, I was able to tag along.”

Logan stared at him. “You planned on being the third wheel? That doesn’t sound like

much fun.” He grinned. “Good thing you met me.”

Dan nodded as he forked a bite of the duck salad into his mouth, but a shadow

darkened his vivid green eyes.

“You’re right. I would have missed this.”

Logan relaxed in his seat. “You wouldn’t have come at all? But it’s not a vacation in

Hawaii if you miss a luau.”

“I know, but it was a last minute trip, so I had to choose between snorkelling and this.

Snorkelling won.” Dan tilted his head. “You hardly touched your plate.”

Logan shrugged. “I’m more interested in learning about you.”

A deep blush crept up Dan’s neck but he kept his gaze firmly locked with Logan’s.

“There’s not much to know.”

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“Oh, I doubt that.”

“Trust me. I’ve been told often enough.” Immediately, Dan bit his lip and looked away.

Logan’s desire was replaced by a simmering anger. “By whom?”

The wobbly grin Dan gave him did nothing to hide the sadness. “No one in particular.

But it’s okay, I know I’m nothing special.”

Logan leant forward, cupped Dan’s chin with his palm. “You listen to me. You are

someone special. Don’t let a jealous asshole take that away from you.” He drew Dan closer,

gave him plenty of time to pull away.

But he didn’t.

Blue eyes locked with green as their mouths fit together. Logan teased Dan’s lips with

his tongue until he relented and let him in. Delving into the heated recesses of Dan’s mouth,

Logan groaned. God, he tasted as good as he smelled. There was a hint of the dressing from

the salad, but the taste was all Dan.

Logan drew back only enough to allow them air, panting, but not giving up another

inch. “Don’t believe him when he says you’re nothing special.”

Dan scanned Logan’s face, looked for something. A little shake of Dan’s head told

Logan that, whatever it was, he didn’t find it. They sat in silence for a while, listened to the

music and watched the dancers roll their hips in time to the bongos. A faint buzz drew their

attention to Logan’s pants’ pocket.

“Damn.” He pulled his cell phone out. Jared. Flipping open the front, he answered.


“Now, Mac, is that any way to treat an old friend?”

Logan flicked a glance at Dan, wondering if the speaker was loud enough for him to

hear the use of Logan’s nickname. When Dan’s expression remained impassive, he turned

the volume down. “You’re interrupting.”

“Then why the hell are you answering, idiot?” Jared’s laughter was muffled but there.

“Is something wrong?” Logan was getting more pissed by the minute. Dan now stared

at him like he’d started the apocalypse and Jared was acting like an ass. This was going

downhill fast.

“No. Just checking on you.”

“I’m fine. I’ll call you when I get back to town.”

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“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

Logan growled deep in his throat and snapped the phone shut.

“You have a boyfriend.” Dan fidgeted with the hem of his shorts.


“Who was that then?”

Logan looked him directly in the eyes, gauged Dan’s mood and settled for a vague

version of the truth. “My best friend. We’ve known each other since grade school.”

Dan returned stare for stare. Again searching, but this time he nodded and Logan

watched as the tension visibly drained from Dan’s muscles. “Okay. I believe you.”

“Good.” He turned his attention back to the stage and noticed the hula dancers were no

longer there. Somehow in all of this, the DJ had taken over. A slow tune Logan didn’t

recognise drifted from the speakers, and couples swayed to the seductive rhythm. He

glanced back at Dan. “Would you dance with me?”

It seemed like an eternity before the other man made up his mind. Logan knew this was

important, knew whatever his answer turned out to be, the rest of the night would follow


Dan nodded once.

“C’mon.” Logan stood, stretched his hand out for Dan. Slightly trembling fingers

grasped his and he gave them a quick squeeze. “Follow me.”

A twinkle appeared in Dan’s eyes, turned them to shimmering emeralds. He stepped

closer as the matching smile lit up his face. “If I can watch your ass, I’ll follow you


Logan winked and turned him in his arms, waltzed them the final few steps to the area

cleared for dancing. There were no wooden dance floors or strobe lights here. It was just the

two of them with the sand under their feet and stars over their heads.

Dan fit perfectly in his arms, his face tucked just under Logan’s chin. Logan’s dick

throbbed with each breath that fanned across his neck, like there was a cord strung tightly

between the two.

One slow song faded into another, then yet another, but neither of them moved to sit

down. Logan was content to stay this way. The combination of Dan’s spicy scent and the

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salty air drifting off the ocean was intoxicating. Logan intended to enjoy it until Dan said


Guiding Dan through the sea of dancers, Logan lost himself in a dream, just enjoyed

being held by Dan. He smoothed his fingers along Dan’s trim waist and yearned to touch

skin, but didn’t want to rush.

Dan moaned lightly under the tender caresses and pressed firmly along the length of

Logan’s body.

Logan could feel the hard length of Dan’s erection as Dan rubbed against his thigh.

Dan’s response set Logan on fire. His entire body ached to feel Dan’s warm skin against him.

His dick strained to be buried in the man snuggled tight in his arms.

Groaning, he pressed his lips to Dan’s ear. “Had enough dancing?”

“Oh God, yes.”

The breathy reply sent tingles racing through Logan’s blood and he didn’t waste any

time. Twisting his hand within Dan’s, he kept their fingers interlocked as he led him back to

the table to pick up their things.

As they were leaving, Dan tugged on Logan’s hand. “Don’t we have to pay?”

“I have a tab.”

“Really? Damn, Logan. I don’t think I’ve ever had a tab at a bar, let alone at a place like


Logan shrugged. “He’s got my credit card number. When the week is out, he’ll process

the whole bill.”


Feeling the moment on the dance floor slipping away, Logan slowed to a stop. He

turned Dan towards him, cradled his face in his hands. “Is there a problem?”

Dan shook his head slightly but the troubled look in his eyes told Logan the truth.

Logan smoothed a thumb over Dan’s soft lips and wished this was simpler. Wished they

really were two strangers meeting on the beach in Hawaii. He sighed. “What’s wrong?”

“I just—” Dan cleared his throat. “I just feel out of my league. That’s all.”

“Don’t. There is no difference between you and me.” Logan inched forward, focused on

Dan’s lips.

“Except our bank balances.”

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Logan hovered just out of reach, teased them both. “What does that have to do with me

finally getting my cock inside you?”

Dan’s breathing hitched. He moaned, closing the last bit of space between them. He slid

his hands around Logan’s waist and tucked his fingers under the waistband in back.

Logan felt the last of Dan’s resistance fade away as their tongues met. He pulled back to

whisper, “My place is just up the beach a bit. How about we get moving?”

“Let’s go. Then you can get moving.” The corner of Dan’s mouth quirked even as he

nipped at Logan’s lower lip.

Logan groaned deep. “C’mon, before we give everyone a show.”

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Chapter Two

The waves hitting the sand and the fading band were the only sounds on the rest of

their walk along the beach. Dan snuggled tight under Logan’s arm, protected, wanted.

They turned into a little bungalow nestled amongst a group of lilac bushes. It looked

like a one-room hut, complete with overflowing flowerbeds and a sprawling porch.

Everything blended together to make the place feel welcoming. More so than the people in

Dan’s life whom he thought supported and loved him.

A fresh wave of grief surged up his throat, threatened to break free, but he ruthlessly

stamped it down. This was a night made for sex and he wasn’t giving it up.

“Are you okay?” The tremor in Logan’s voice made the lie of his swagger obvious as

they climbed the porch steps.

“I’ll be okay. One way or another.” Dan shrugged, as if it didn’t matter to him, as if he

hadn’t just made his sister cry for the first time since grade school. “They’ll either get over it,

or they won’t. Their loss.”

“Yours too.”

Logan’s gentle words and easy understanding dug at Dan’s composure. If they didn’t

move to a safer topic, he would break down. And that was the last thing he wanted to do in

front of this gorgeous man.

Dan slid against Logan’s body, pressing their hips together. His impulsive massage

brought both cocks back to life, made them hard again. A surge of desire rushed through

Dan when Logan’s hands found his ass and squeezed.

Dan moaned and pulled Logan in for a kiss.

Logan, taller by a good three inches, slouched on the porch rail to bring them closer in

height. He wrapped his arms around Dan’s waist and slid his hands down to the firm ass

that seemed tailor-made just for him.

Leveraging Logan’s new position for a full-on assault of his mouth, Dan crushed his

lips to Logan’s and thrust his tongue into the waiting haven.

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Logan continued to palm his rear, his sure hands never stopping while he sucked Dan’s

tongue. He delved fabric-impeded fingers between the globes of Dan’s ass.

Dan shifted to straddle Logan’s powerful thigh, riding the thick muscle, not caring if

the neighbours happened by. Logan dropped his leg back, catching Dan off balance. A small

squeak slipped out as Dan grabbed Logan’s shoulders to keep steady.

Logan reclaimed Dan’s lips with a soft, fluttery kiss, like he was air and he couldn’t

breathe without him. “Don’t worry. I’ll catch you.”

His simple declaration tugged at Dan’s heart. He pulled back and Logan’s blue eyes

clashed with his own green gaze. Moments felt like hours. “I believe you.”

A little grin crept to Logan’s lips. Mischief danced in his eyes. “How long’s it been?”

Dan looked away. “A few months.” He couldn’t keep the tremble from surfacing as he

turned back to face Logan. “But even the last time wasn’t… pretty.”

Logan stilled under Dan’s touch, his smile vanishing. “What do you mean?”

“Let’s just take it slow, okay?”

Logan nodded. “For now.” With that, he leant forward, tugging Dan closer until their

mouths melded again.

Dan whimpered as Logan’s soft lips tempered a demanding tongue in his push to enter

his mouth. God, he wanted to feel those lips around his cock. He dropped his head back,

dazed, kept his eyes closed. “Please.”

It was no more than a whisper and he wasn’t even sure Logan heard until he heard the

rasp of his zipper, felt the cool night air caress his overheated skin. Logan’s lean fingers

started an easy, loose rhythm over Dan’s cock. Picking up the matching thrusts, Dan pumped

his hips in time to Logan’s slow pulls, revelled in the sensations rocketing along his nerves.

Logan swiped the pad of his thumb over the head of Dan’s dick and spread the first

drops of come down his shaft, easing the mounting friction. Dan couldn’t hold back the low

moan as Logan nudged him back to lean against the side of the house before kneeling at his


Dan shook his head, tugged on Logan’s arms. “No. C’mon. Let’s head inside.”

Logan didn’t budge. Desire flared strong, turned his eyes dark with want. “No one will

see us. The bushes are too thick.”

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He continued to stroke Dan’s cock as he sent his other hand in exploration of Dan’s ass

again. He leant forward, drifted his lips and tongue across the flushed skin of Dan’s

trembling belly, left his own mark on the pale skin.

Dan gripped Logan’s face between his palms. “That’s not what—”

Dan’s every thought fled when Logan drew his dick into the heat of his mouth. He

couldn’t tear his eyes away from the sight of this big man sucking his cock deep into his

throat. The same way he couldn’t stop the whimpers or the sighs that escaped between his

parted lips.

Logan’s gaze skimmed up his body until their eyes locked. The fire that burned in the

blue depths refused to be denied. Logan swirled his tongue along the underside of Dan’s

cock as he dipped forward, easing the head down his throat.

Dan felt the flick of fingertips at his asshole, felt Logan swallow around his cock. He

wove his fingers in the blond hair framing Logan’s face, pulled out and thrust deep into his

throat again. Everything about this man made him crazy with need.

Logan’s fingers became more aggressive. He cupped Dan’s balls in the palm of his

hand, squeezed them as he breached Dan’s hole with the tip of his finger. He held tight to

one ass cheek with the other hand to prevent Dan pulling away.

The combination proved more than Dan could fight. He shouted Logan’s name as he

pumped streams of come into his waiting mouth. His breathing nothing more than ragged


A slight smile ghosted across Logan’s face after he pulled away. He licked every inch of

Dan’s cock clean before carefully zipping his shorts.

Dan simply enjoyed the feeling of sex without fear and relaxed into Logan’s arms as he


“Want something to drink?” Logan guided him towards the door.

Dan twisted so that his backward strides matched Logan’s through the entryway.

“What I want is for you to fuck me.” He glanced over his shoulder, searching for the easiest

path to the bedroom. The small bungalow was one room with a bamboo and silk privacy

screen separating the bed from the kitchen and living area. He turned back to Logan and

grinned up at him. “Convenient.”

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Logan ignored his cheeky comment, instead tracing Dan’s lips with lean, tanned

fingers. He gripped the back of Dan’s neck and pulled him in for a lingering kiss. Feather-

light strokes of Logan’s tongue along the seam of Dan’s mouth prompted a gasp, which

allowed him entrance.

Dan trailed his fingers down Logan’s chest, hardly pausing until he reached his target.

He cupped his hand over Logan’s prick, rock hard behind the barrier of his swim trunks.

Dan moaned as he imagined the solid length filling him. His ass clenched in anticipation.

Logan’s sharp inhale when Dan hooked his fingers inside the waistband was all the

permission Dan needed to slip Logan’s shorts down and free his straining cock.

Logan shifted a bit to the left, kicking the unwanted clothing to the side. He

manoeuvred Dan into a nearby kitchen chair.

Seven inches of pulsing erection hovered just beyond Dan’s mouth. It was all he could

do to stop himself from sucking the entire length down his throat. Dan ached to taste the

bead of pre-come leaking from the tip of Logan’s cock.

Logan swayed his hips closer to Dan’s lips, silently begged for the heat of his mouth. As

Dan wrapped his lips around him, Logan tugged his hair just enough to get his attention.

“Take it slow.” Logan’s tone was warm, whisky rough. He smoothed a hand down

Dan’s cheek, flashed a strained grin. “I want you to enjoy this.”

Dan moaned, soft and low, then sucked Logan’s thick cock deeper in his mouth.

Logan tangled his fingers in Dan’s hair, setting a rhythm easy for him to follow.

With each glide of Logan’s cock over his tongue, Dan relaxed his throat a little more. He

loved the feel of the satin skin encasing Logan’s dick, loved the way it skimmed across his


Dan ran his hands up Logan’s thighs, revelled in the soft hair tickling his palms, learned

each groove, each muscle lining Logan’s strong legs. He moaned again and slipped his hands

around to cup Logan’s ass.

Logan pumped his dick deep, drew a low growl from Dan’s throat.

Dan gripped the firm cheeks in his hands, pulled them apart and teased Logan’s hole.

The smooth motion of Logan’s hips faltered. His cock thickened with his desire. What

had been mutters and groans turned to whimpers and gasps. Logan’s hold painfully

tightened. “Almost…. there.”

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Dan drew Logan deeper into his throat. At the same time, he massaged the tight ring of

Logan’s ass. When the first shot of hot come hit Dan’s tongue, he closed his eyes and

savoured the salty flavour. Dan milked him until Logan relinquished every drop, gripping

his hips to prevent him pulling away too soon.

He shifted back and nuzzled Logan’s hip, inhaling the deep musk of his lover. He

supported Logan’s weight as they switched places on the chair. Dan stripped out of his

shorts then straddled Logan’s lap. His dick rubbed along the smooth skin of Logan’s

stomach. He sucked in his breath and struggled to keep control.

Logan tugged him down for a long fiery kiss, plundering his mouth.

Dan took control and focused on Logan’s lips, enjoying the fullness, the way his lips

moulded to his own. He learned Logan’s mouth just as he had learned his body.

Logan wrapped his arms around Dan and shifted closer, making an unbearable friction

on Dan’s already straining erection.

Dan moaned, squirmed. He didn’t want to come again without Logan’s cock buried

balls deep in his ass. “God, Logan. I need you.”

Logan pulled away, lifted him off his legs. “Ass up on the bed.”

Dan scrambled across the room, unashamed at his rush. His cock head slapped against

his stomach, begging, reaching for Logan. “I don’t want to wait anymore.”

“Get your ass up and you won’t have to.”

Dan knelt on all fours on the firm mattress and looked over his shoulder to watch

Logan stroke himself. He couldn’t believe they were both hard again. He’d never wanted

anyone this badly in his life.

Logan growled, releasing himself to rub his hands over Dan’s cheeks. A light squeeze

and easy pull was all the warning Dan got before he felt the dip of the bed and the warmth of

Logan’s breath on his hole.

“Logan… Ohmigod…” Dan couldn’t think past the intense feeling of Logan’s tongue

pressed against his ass. Every ounce of blood not already there surged to his dick, filled it

with a delicious pain. Dan shifted his weight to one hand and wrapped his other around his


Before he could get a solid stroke in, Logan slapped his hand away. “You don’t come

without me.”

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Dan whimpered, oblivious to anything but Logan. “God, please, then fuck me.”

Logan pulled away so swiftly Dan felt bare, felt cool air wash over his skin. Glancing

again over his shoulder, Dan watched as Logan grabbed a slim bottle of lube and a condom

from the bedside table. He quirked his eyebrow, “Figured you were going to get laid


“Hoped to.” Logan rolled the condom on, poured a small amount of lube on his

fingertips and swiped a thin layer over his covered dick. “Not too much. I want you to feel

this as much as I do.”

Dan sucked in a breath, looked into Logan’s eyes. The fire burning there for him stole

his breath, his heart. “Just get over here.”

Logan stroked his ass, smoothed flushed skin and brushed his fingers over Dan’s hole.

The slow pace drove Dan insane with hunger, with a need to have something inside him.

Even if it was Logan’s fingers. “Please.”

A sharp crack on Dan’s upturned ass silenced him.

“Easy.” Logan drove his point home with two fingers at Dan’s entrance. He slid inside

Dan, stretched, twisted, opened him.

It didn’t take long before Dan begged incoherently for Logan’s cock.

“Mmm. Now it’s time.” Logan replaced his fingers with the blunt tip of his dick.

Dan angled himself down, relaxed his muscles, allowed Logan to slide the first inch into

his ass. A low rumble filled the room and Dan didn’t know if it was his or Logan’s. Didn’t

care, either. He pushed back a bit, felt another inch slide in.

God, Logan was right. The friction of Logan’s dick inside him spun his world out of


Logan eased forward, gained more ground.

Another few minutes and Dan felt Logan’s balls pressed against his ass. Fuck, this felt

good, felt right.

Logan gripped his hips, slid his hands flat against Dan’s cheeks and spread him wider

then eased back out again.

Dan protested, followed him.

Logan’s fingers tightened to a bruising grip. “Stop.”

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Breathing hard through his nose, Dan tried to get a handle on himself. He shifted,

anxious to ease the ache in his backside.

Logan growled, deep in his throat, started moving, stroking Dan’s prostate with each

thrust forward.

Stars danced behind Dan’s eyelids, tingles racked his cock. His balls tightened. “Fuck.

Logan, I’m gonna come.”

Logan leant forward, covered him. He reached for Dan’s cock and pumped as he

continued to pound him from behind.

It felt good to have Logan’s skin rub against his own. The grittiness from the sand still

clinging to him grated Dan’s skin, adding another dimension to the pleasure-pain. Soon, it

turned frantic. Dan pushed back to meet each stroke as fire streaked along his nerves.

Logan clamped his teeth on the back of Dan’s neck and that was all it took.

Every muscle tightened, drawing a grunt from Logan as jets of come exploded from

Dan’s prick, coating Logan’s hand and the blanket underneath him.

Logan continued the onslaught before one final push seated him completely in Dan’s

ass, his climax bowing his back.

They crumpled to the bed, heedless of the sticky mess made by Dan’s release. Logan

tossed the condom on the floor, rolled towards Dan, and pulled him close as he smoothed a

hand over Dan’s face.

Dan wrapped his arms around Logan, snuggled into his warmth.

“How long are you here for?” Logan’s voice was sleepy, sated.

Dan nuzzled his chest, then turned his face up to Logan. “Two more days. You?”

Blue eyes stared into green. “I’m here until you want me to leave.”

Dan’s heart took off at a sprint. “Then you’re here two more days.”

Relief washed over Logan’s features, chased by a beautiful smile. “After that, I get your

phone number.”

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Chapter Three

Dan flipped the last of the pancakes onto the serving plate before turning off the stove.

“So where are you from?”

“Michigan.” Logan wiped his hands on his flannel sleep pants and grabbed the syrup

from the fridge. Oh God, not yet.

Logan trailed Dan out the patio door to eat on the lanai overlooking the ocean. The

beauty of the sunrise competed with Dan for Logan’s attention as he sat, stretching lean legs

to rest on a lounger nearby. “Michigan? Really? That’s incredible,” he said.

Logan leant back, smiled when the morning light glanced off Dan’s red hair.

Shimmered, really. “Why’s that?”

“Because so am I.” Dan drizzled syrup across his plate, then licked the excess from his

finger. “Funny that I fly all this way to meet someone from my own backyard.”

“Funny.” Logan envied that finger. His cock hardened at the mere thought of being

inside that mouth.

Dan grinned and parted his lips to give Logan a show. Logan watched, dazed, as Dan

wrapped his tongue around the tip of his finger and drew it deep inside. Sucking in a sharp

breath, Logan dragged his eyes away from the tantalising scene playing out in front of him.

“Got a boyfriend back home?”

Dan pulled his finger out with a loud pop. “No.” He picked up his fork to draw

pictures in the liquid canvas on his plate. With a curse and a quick shove, he slid the plate

across the table, shook his head, and said again, “No.”

There had been stories about Dan’s ex around the office, but Logan had written them

off as rumour. Maybe he’d missed the obvious. He reached over and tilted Dan’s face

towards him. “What is it?”

Logan could see the hard edge of pain thinly veiled under Dan’s slipping control. He

thought, for a moment, Dan wouldn’t answer him.

Dan worried the inside of his lip for a moment before answering. “I had one. A

boyfriend, I mean.”

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Logan swiped the pad of his thumb over Dan’s mouth, tapped the corner he was

abusing. “Go on.”

Dan pulled away and stood to pace. Inhaling a deep breath, he whirled away from

Logan, his hands fluttering through the air in front of him as he talked. Flipping this way and

that, punctuating each word, each thought. “His name is Jay. He was the best-looking guy in

my freshman chemistry class. I was amazed he wanted a geek like me.”

His chest heaved, like those few words winded him, wore him down. Dan stopped to

stare out over the water; his hands falling limp at his sides. “He always called me Danny. I

hated that.”

“How long did you see him?”

“Five years.”

The air evaporated from Logan’s lungs at the simple answer. “That’s a long time. What

happened?” He had to know.

Dan turned, haloed by the rising sun. “His idea of a good time was to beat the shit out

of me and then fuck me until I begged him to stop.”

Numbness swept through Logan like a cold chill in January back home. How had he

missed that? Easy. He’d taken over the outside sales position about the same time Dan hired


“The last time was a little over a month ago. He left me on the floor of the kitchen,

bleeding. Said he was hitting the bars to find a bruiser to bring home to fuck me raw so he

could watch.”

Rage flowed through Logan. “Is that—” He caught himself just in time. He’d almost

asked if that’s when Dan had taken a leave of absence.

Dan returned to his seat across from Logan, his face empty, his eyes flat and tired.

“God, I’m sorry.” Logan wanted to wrap him up tight.

“I left everything except what I could fit in one bag. I was gone before he came home.”

Logan stood, noted the slight flinch. He crouched next to Dan and waited for him to

look his way. When he finally turned his head, Logan drew him in, sipped at his lips with a

slow kiss. Dan soon took over, pushing Logan back until they lay on the cool tile floor.

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The softness of Dan’s hair called to Logan until he weaved his fingers through it,

holding Dan close as he followed his lead, let him set the pace. This time Dan didn’t want

gentle touches or soft words.

Just the two of them and one bad memory.

Dan ground their cocks together, tongues tangled and teeth clashed in the frenzy. Every

touch, every kiss harder, more rushed than the last.

Logan slid his hands out of Dan’s hair, cupped his face and put an inch of much needed

space between them. “Hang on, stud.”

Dan’s eyes snapped open. His face, already flushed with desire, darkened to crimson.

“Why are we stopping?”

“Not stopping. Just slowing down.” Logan guided Dan’s face back to his, teased the

seam of Dan’s lips with the tip of his tongue. A splash on Logan’s cheek pulled him back. He

looked into bottomless green eyes, liquid with unshed tears. “Are you okay?”

Dan nodded, licked his lips. “How can you do that?”

Logan’s brows scrunched. “Do what? Slow down?”

“No.” Dan rested his head on Logan’s shoulder, taking deep breaths before continuing.

“How do you know me so well?”

“That’s easy. I feel like—” Logan paused. “How can I not know you?”

Dan stretched out across Logan, buried his face in the crook of Logan’s neck and

inhaled deeply. “Wow.” He snuggled close, tucked his hands under Logan’s back.

Logan shifted to get more comfortable on the hard floor and wrapped his arms around

Dan, easily bearing Dan’s full weight. He smoothed his hand up and down Dan’s back until

his breathing evened out. “Maybe later we’ll go on a volcano tour.”

He chuckled when a soft snore was his only answer.

* * * *

“Whose idea was this?” Logan complained for at least the tenth time.

Dan looked back at him with a grin. “Yours.”

“I thought we’d be taking a Jeep or something. Not walking. Who the hell walks up a


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Dan lagged back, slid his arm around Logan’s waist and peered into his face, gauging

his real mood. “You’ll be fine. A big, strapping guy like you…”

Logan shoved him back in front of him, laughing. “At least give me a nice ass to stare at

while I torture myself.”

Dan swayed his hips a bit, tightening the muscles in his ass. When he looked over his

shoulder, he knew he’d accomplished his task. If those curses and hard-on were any

indication, Logan now had a reason to complain. He turned back to catch up with the group

and stopped short.

Leaning against a tree just a few feet off the path—Jay.

Logan almost tripped over Dan, barely managed to keep them both upright. “Dan,

damn it. Why’d you stop?”

Dan had to take his eyes off the man to keep his balance. But when he searched again,

he was gone. Dan stared at the tree line. He was just there. Where’d he go? He pointed to where

Jay had been, gripping Logan’s arm tightly.

“Hey.” Logan moved in front of him, lowering his voice. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

“He’s here.” Dan whispered, choking on the words. How could Jay have found him

here? The apartment was a given—the thing was in Erica’s name. Dan knew he’d show up

there sooner or later.

But here?

Logan ran his hands along Dan’s arms, moved to within an inch of him. There was no

doubt they were together. Logan was sending a message loud and clear. And Dan let him.

He leaned on Logan’s chest. God, could this get any worse? “Can we leave?”

“Well, we walked here.” The low chuckle rumbled through Dan, giving him courage.

“I’m thinking we can walk out.”

Dan wrapped his arms around Logan’s waist, kissed the exposed skin peeking out of

the cheesy floral tourist shirt. “Let’s do that.”

“Okay. We have to tell the tour guide or they’ll think we’re lost. Let’s get to the next

checkpoint and then we can split.” Logan kept his arm around Dan, walking side by side

with him tucked close. “Let me know if you see him again.”

The steel behind the words had Dan looking up. Logan’s face was set. There would be

no negotiating. A soft warmth stole through him, easing the knot in his belly. “I will.”

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Dan was quiet, watchful, the rest of the hike while Logan kept up light banter about the

scenery. Which was saying something because the landscape was now black, cooled lava

flows. When they reached the next point, Logan approached the guide and let him know of

their early departure.

“Since you’re taking off here, you might as well see the waterfall,” he said.

Logan perked up. “Waterfall?”

“Yep. It’s on private land, but I know the owner, so you two will be fine.”

Dan couldn’t believe they’d be fine. Jay was here, for God’s sake. “Logan, let’s go.”

“All right.” He waved to the man. “Thanks anyway. Maybe we’ll see you around.”

“Count on it, mate.” And he shot a come-and-get-me grin at Logan.

Dan felt the flush working its way up his chest, soon to show itself on his face. “Logan.”

“Hmm?” He waved again before wrapping Dan up in a warm, one-armed hug. As they

walked away, he slid his hand down and squeezed Dan’s ass. “I came all the way to Hawaii

for you, there isn’t anything, Dan, anything that will make me walk away.”

“Not even a nice piece of meat like that?” The bald, blue eyed guide was a walking wet

dream. The guy had a lover’s trail of dark hair that arrowed straight down a chiselled

abdomen towards his dick. Hell, Dan got a woody just looking at him.

“Why would I want him when I’ve got you?”

Plain and simple, direct. Just like the feeling that lanced Dan’s heart. He sucked in a

deep breath. “Maybe we could find that waterfall?”

Desire leapt into Logan’s eyes, mirroring the hunger raging through Dan’s blood. They

needed to find a place to fuck. Now.

Both of them jerked around at approaching footsteps. Logan shoved Dan behind him,

keeping a hand on his hip. The tour guide hollered at them as he rounded the curve of the

path. “Hey! There you guys are.”

Logan inclined his head but held Dan in place.

The magpie kept right on chattering like he didn’t notice the odd scene. “So I got to

thinking that since your partner didn’t want to see the waterfall, that you might want my

Land Rover. You can leave it at the hotel where we departed from?”

Logan’s hold tightened on Dan’s hip. “You have a freaking truck? And I walked all the

way up this damn mountain?”

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Dan groaned. “Oh God. Don’t get him started.”

“Yep, one of the other tourists paid for it to be a hiking expedition, so we all had to

walk.” The man laughed.

Logan didn’t.

Short of breath, Dan tapped Logan’s back in a wild rhythm. The panic was rising again.

Logan turned sideways, wrapped an arm around him. “Which tourist, if you don’t mind me


“I can’t remember his name, dude. He had brown hair and green eyes. The guy gave me

the creeps, but what could I do? He paid good money for the trip.” He shrugged. “I’m

parked at the last pit stop. Red LR2.”

Dan whimpered, twisted his fingers into the neck of Logan’s shirt, all but strangling

him. Dan closed his eyes as the echo of Jay’s fist pounding his flesh rang in his ears. He

smashed against Logan’s back, trying to crawl under his skin to hide. If he could make himself

small enough…

“Thanks for your truck, man.” Logan pressed a kiss to Dan’s temple, tightening his

grip. “It’ll be at the hotel.”

The man tossed the keys to Logan then tipped two fingers to his forehead in salute.

“Leave the keys at the desk for Mick. That’s me. Aloha, mates.” He waved and loped off the

way he came.

Dan watched him go, nausea eating at his gut. He wished they could just spirit back to

the hotel, avoid all the wilderness between them and the truck parked at the next stop.

Logan winked at Dan. “Whose idea was this, again?”

Dan smiled grateful for Logan’s presence. “Yours, dumbass.”

They headed down the path, back to civilisation. Logan jingled the keys in front of Dan.

“True, but now we’ve got a vehicle.”

* * * *

Damn it.

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Jay needed to get Dan to listen, to see reason. He couldn’t do that with a crowd around

them. Dan always hollered and screamed—they had to be alone. His chance had been a

stretch of road closer to the hotel, but that guy had fucked it up now.

He watched the tour guide jog back in the direction of the group. His eyes narrowed.

“Let’s get going.” Dan’s voice filtered through the trees much like the midday sun, a

little broken but still undimmed.

Jay looked back in time to see the big man with Dan brush a kiss across his lips. That is

my man. An itch spread along Jay’s palms. He wanted to rip that bastard to pieces for

touching his property.

If Dan had stayed, they wouldn’t be in this mess. They would be home, fucking like a

normal couple. But no. Dan had disappeared, forced him to worry.

He would have to pay for that.

They would all have to pay for Dan’s impudence.

Jay’s gaze roamed the shadows, caught on the retreating guide. He might as well start

with him.

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Chapter Four

Jay stood in the middle of the lobby looking at the handsome man waiting for Dan to

return from his room. He hadn’t remembered out on the trail but Jay’d seen him last week

when he’d checked out Danny’s work. That stupid receptionist had prattled on about how

lucky his Danny was to see Hawaii this time of year.

He’d noticed the tall hunk then, all sleek muscle and tailored clothes, as he’d rushed out

of the offices. The receptionist been all too willing to talk about him too.

Mac Hall. Co-founder of Hall & Post Software. Danny’s boss.

Jay watched the man lean across the counter while he talked to the lobby clerk.

Danny always pushed and prodded until Jay broke, forcing him to do things, mean

things. That had to be what this was. Danny was doing it on purpose. He needs to be reminded

where he belongs, that’s all.

Shaking his head, Jay moved closer to check out the misguided fool waiting for his man.

Muscles rippled across the broad shoulders hidden under the navy blue dress shirt. Blond

hair curled around a thick neck and the skin exposed by rolled up sleeves on taut forearms

revealed the perfect shade of bronze.

Jay wiped his damp palms on his pants. Maybe Danny had…

“Excuse me.” His voice cracked.

The man turned slowly, shocking Jay with the intensity in his crystal blue eyes. “Yes?”

Jay hunched his shoulders then caught himself and straightened. “You know Dan?”

A flash of something crossed his face but it was gone so fast Jay couldn’t catch it. “You

could say that. And you are?”

With what he hoped was a disinterested look of his own, Jay shrugged. “I’m a…friend.”

“Really? What’s your name? I’ll tell him you stopped in.” The interloper leant against

the desk, crossed one foot over the other, boredom personified.

The guy’s attitude was seriously getting on his nerves. Arrogant bastard. “Jay. Yours?”

“Logan.” Those blue eyes hardened and his jaw firmed. “Funny, your name and friend

never entered the same conversation.”

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Jay’s heart raced and he was certain his face was a bright red beacon. He could feel the

chance to get even with this prick coming. The lobby was silent, each word an echo for all to

hear. “What?”

“You heard me.” The confidence in his words ground Jay’s nerves to dust. Wasn’t his

fault he was going to have to kick this guy’s ass to show him what was what.

Logan knew exactly who he was, Jay was sure of it. The longer they stood facing each

other, the more Jay wanted to teach him a lesson and take Danny home where he belonged.

Before he was even aware of it, he advanced on the other man. “You think you’re so smart?

Huh? What happens when people at Dan’s work find out he’s fucking the boss?”

Logan drew up to his full height, a good five inches over Jay’s own five-foot-ten. “First,

they won’t care. Second, they won’t find out from you.”

A slight movement from over Logan’s shoulder caught Jay’s attention.

Dan stood two steps behind them, pale as a ghost, one hand covering his mouth.

He almost waved until he realised Dan wasn’t looking at him. He was focused hard on

Logan. No. On what Logan said.

Oh, this was rich.

Jay cocked his head a bit. “I’m guessing Dan doesn’t know yet either.”

“Why would you say that?”

Jay jerked his chin towards Dan, glee bringing a smile to his face. “Cause he looks like

you just ran him over with a Mack truck.”

Every ounce of blood drained from Logan’s face. He swayed a little on his feet.

Low enough for only the two of them to hear, Jay whispered, “And I’m going to be here

to pick up the pieces. He is mine. Do you hear me?”

Logan stared at Jay only a moment longer before pivoting to face Dan, reaching out for

him. “Let me explain.”

Dan put one foot behind the other, backing away. There were no tears now. No yelling,

no screaming. Just accusing green eyes.

Jay didn’t move. He knew exactly what the little slut was thinking. He’d seen that look


Four weeks ago on the night Danny disappeared.

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What the fuck was going on here?

Dan backed away. There were so many things wrong with this picture he couldn’t

begin to count them. Jay was here. Logan was his boss. Logan had hidden the truth from him.

Dan tried to think, tried to piece together the last several hours. Had he fallen for another

bunch of bullshit?

Had Logan lied to him?

“Stay the fuck away from me.” Dan whirled and raced for the stairs, taking the shallow

carpeted steps three at a time. His room was on the third floor, maybe he’d outrun this awful

hurt by the time he got there.

“Daniel!” Logan shouted, breathless. Of course he had caught up with him. “Wait.”

A large hand closed around his wrist, jerking him around to slam against the muscled

chest of his pursuer. Dan fought back, shoving at Logan, catching him off guard, or maybe

Logan didn’t feel like brawling with him.

Logan stumbled into the wall at the second landing, giving Dan a look that said once

was on him. Next time, wouldn’t be. Never releasing his grip on Dan, Logan whispered,

“Listen. Please.”

Dan’s heart broke. “Why didn’t you tell me you knew me? How can you be my boss?

How do you know Jared and Mac?”

“Jared has been my best friend since we were kids.” Logan took a deep breath,

massaged the irritated skin at Dan’s wrist, smoothing his thumb over the pulse pounding

there. “And I am Mac.”

“No. You said your name is Logan.” Dan’s brain wouldn’t function. He was struggling

to catch up, to understand.

Logan stroked his fingers along Dan’s cheek, slid his hand around his neck. “My full

name is Logan MacKensie Hall. I’ve gone by Mac since I was in high school. It was, I don’t

know, cooler for a high school jock.”

“You knew I’d recognise the name.”

“Yeah.” A little squeeze then Logan released Dan. “I did.”

This was too much. The pain made thought impossible with Logan so close. Dan turned

away, climbed the next few steps, rubbing his chest. He paused halfway, and looking over

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his shoulder, he said, “You might not have laid a finger on me like he did…but you crushed

me just the same. Stay away from me, Mac.”

“I can’t do that, Dan.” Logan came at him, trapping Dan with only his gaze. Those blue

eyes blazed with an identical hurt to the one chiselling away at Dan’s composure. “You can

ask me for space, and I’ll give it to you. You can ask me to let you work from home for a

while, I’ll give it to you. You ask me to stay away from you, never to see you again? That I

can’t give you, love.”

Logan stopped on the step just below Dan, their breath mingling, ragged and fierce.

Dan’s heart raced, matched the pulse beating wildly at the base of Logan’s throat. Dan

wanted to throw himself into Logan’s arms, to lose himself in what they had yesterday, to

tell Logan he didn’t care who he was. But he swallowed those words. “Then give me space. I

need some time.”

“Okay. Take what you need.” Logan weaved his fingers through Dan’s, squeezed

quickly, then he moved away. “I’ll wait for your call.”

Dan fled up to the third landing, intent on getting to his room before he caved. He

rounded the corner, shoved open the door and stopped short. Jay stood talking with Erica

next to his door. How had he gotten here so fast? Cold green eyes met his own. A shiver passed

up Dan’s spine.

“Erica, honey. What are you doing here? Where’s Tommy?” He wanted to rush over

and snatch her away from Jay but he slowed his pace instead. Alarming her wouldn’t

accomplish anything.

She smiled at him, hesitant, but perfect. “I wanted to see you. Where have you been?”

Dan looped his arm around her shoulders. “Out.”

“Mmm… With that hunk, eh?”

He stared at her. “Something like that.” He flicked at glance at Jay who leant against the

wall like he belonged there. You don’t. You won’t ever.

Erica hugged him tightly. “This guy says he was supposed to meet you to go on some

tour. Can I tag along?”

“No, sis. I don’t even think I’m going.”

Jay straightened, took a step forward. “You’ve already paid. I can’t allow you to back


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Dan tensed. “Sis, can you head into my room while I work this out with…him?”

She glanced between the two men, neither was looking at her. “I don’t think so.”

“Go. Now.” His jaw clenched and he pushed the key card into her hand.

She shook her head. “No way. What’s going on here?”

He gripped her chin, like he used to do when they were kids, his thumb pressed over

her lips to quiet her. “Please.”

Her bangs fell across her soft brown eyes. She brushed them back, then nodded.

Dan let her go and watched her disappear into the suite. With the click of the door, his

bravado vanished. His hands shook and his wobbly knees barely held him up. It had taken

all he had to leave their apartment. Standing here, he had nothing left to fight with. “What do

you wan—”



Dan’s heart almost stopped at the fury spreading across Jay’s face. The red flush always

meant he would pay.

“Fine. I’ll wait and take Erica in your place.”


Jay leaned in, his breath heating Dan’s cheek. “Sure, I will. Then your punishment for

this little excursion will be hers.”

Dan pressed his lips tight, tried to stop the whimper.

The small sound escaped, Jay’s eyes gleamed with anticipation. “God, I want you, want

to fuck you hard. Let’s go, lover. Or I take her.”

He’s serious. Oh my God. He’s serious. Dan looked him in the eye. Running wasn’t an

option. Not this time. Not when I have to protect Erica. “Where are we going?”

“You wanted to see the waterfall, right?”

“Oh God.”

“Yeah, I knew you’d like that.”

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Chapter Five

The pounding on the door matched the one in his head.

Logan stumbled off the couch, kicking the vodka bottle, cursing as he pulled on


“Logan!” A woman’s panicked voice added to the din.

Who the hell knew he was here? He yanked open the door. “What?”

Erica stood, tears streaking her face, fist raised to knock again. “Oh thank God. Have

you seen Dan? That guy said they were going on a hike, that Dan had already paid for it. I

thought he wasn’t going. I knew I should’ve stayed in the hall with them but he wouldn’t—”

“Hey.” Logan raised his voice to get her to focus on him, immediately regretting the

decision not to shake her. He pinched the bridge of his nose, tried to ease the heavy thump of

his fucking hangover so he could understand her babbling. “Slow down.”

Her breathing was so erratic Logan didn’t know if she could calm down, but if she’d

said what he thought she’d said, he needed to get as much information as he could from her.

He opened the door wider, motioning her inside.

She followed him and sank onto the couch. “He’s gone.”

Logan stood over her, his hands clenched as he reigned in his panic. “Maybe he went

for a walk. When did you see him last?”

“Last night. He had just gotten back to his room. I was talking to a guy who said that

Dan had paid to go on some tour—he was supposed to meet at the room and leave from

there.” She hiccupped, rubbed her nose with the heel of her hand. “I should have stayed in

the hall with them. I didn’t like that guy.”

He crouched in front of her, grasped her hands. “Why didn’t you stay?”

“Dan wouldn’t let me. He ordered me at first to go in the room.” She rolled her eyes.

“Like that’s ever worked.”

Logan gave a little smile. “What did work?”

“He said please.” Tears pooled again. Her bottom lip quivered, but she pressed her

mouth firm. “He never pleads exactly but it’s those eyes of his.”

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“He makes you want to do anything he asks.” Logan was muttering to himself but

Erica laughed.

“That’s it.” She sobered fast. “I gave them a few minutes to talk. Then I was going to

put my foot down and make him come inside with me.”

“But he was gone.” A cold ache spread through Logan’s stomach. I should have stayed


“I called the bar downstairs, he wasn’t there. So I called the front desk. He had left a


She held out a wadded up note to Logan. He took the paper, staring unbelieving at the

neat cursive.

Let Logan know I won’t see him later. 435 Palou Rd. Thanks, sis. XO-Dan


“I didn’t know what to do so I decided to wait.” She sniffed, wrinkling her nose. “I fell

asleep, only just now waking up.”

Logan glanced at the wall clock. Four in the morning. He checked the window. Pitch

black. Try to keep it together. “Did you call the police?”

“They said he had to be gone twenty-four hours before he was actually missing. And

since he left a note, he’s not missing yet. Assholes.”

“We’re out of time.”

She straightened, alarmed. “What do you know?”

“What did that guy look like?”

Erica wasted no time. “Brown hair, green eyes, shorter than Dan.”


“What?” She slapped Logan’s shoulder. “What?

“That’s his ex. The guy beat the shit out of Dan when they were together.” Logan

stood, grabbed a t-shirt and slipped on his tennis shoes. “The rest you’ll have to get from


Erica’s entire body seemed to deflate, and she clenched her hands. “I wondered at the

constant injuries but he said—” She pounded her fists on her knees, then looked up at Logan.

“How are we going to find him?”

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“We?” Logan shook his head. “I’ll handle it. Call the park ranger and ask him to meet

me at the base of Kilauea.”

She stared at him. Her head cocked a bit, her eyes narrowed as she thought. “What am

I missing here? Why weren’t you with Dan?”

Logan sighed. He really liked her but she was relentless. “I’m actually Dan’s boss.”

Her eyes widened, and she stifled a giggle. “Wow. That’s news.”

“News to him too. He found out right before he went upstairs. He asked me to give

him some space.”

“Oh hell. You screwed that up.”

His eyebrows jacked up to his hairline. Amusement trumped the uglier emotions

clogging his belly. “You think?”

Erica patted his arm. “It’s okay. I’ll help you sort him out.”

Logan snorted. Yeah. You, a prayer, and all God’s angels. “Thanks. Now, call the ranger.”

He walked out the door, just managed not to slam it. He let the rage boil over,

consume him, guide him. That bastard was going to pay.

* * * *

Logan’s heart hammered at his chest, straining to break free as they walked up the

path leading to the summit. The park ranger, Tom, was courteous but Logan could see he

didn’t believe a word he’d said. Logan had promised the man a hefty donation to the park in

order to convince him to come along.

They chatted about the weather on the mountain, about fifteen degrees cooler than the

main area of the island. The scenery alternated between jet black lava pools and wild, lush

green foliage. Dan had been wearing shorts and t-shirt. God, let him be okay. Logan searched

every inch he could see or reach. His hands shook no matter how he tried to stop it. “He has

to be here. Where would he have taken him?”

Tom walked up to Logan. “Have you considered that maybe they just left together?”

“No.” Logan refused to believe that. It didn’t make sense. “Dan wouldn’t do that. He


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The ranger nodded then shrugged. “Let’s keep moving. They’ve been gone a long

time. Got a good head start on us.”

They climbed the next ridge to see a body in the middle of the road, crumpled,

battered. The ranger cursed and grabbed his walkie out of his jacket pocket as he raced

Logan to the man. “I need an emergency squad on the back trail of Kilauea, just past the third

check point.”

Logan doubled over, dry heaves wracking his stomach. It isn’t him. It isn’t Dan.

“Mick? You in there?” Tom patted the bloodstained cheeks, gentle taps, sharp enough

to draw the wounded man out of unconsciousness. “Mick?”

“Holy shit, Tom.” Logan leaned in. “He was our tour guide yesterday. He gave us his

truck to drive back when Dan got spooked out here.”

The ranger sat back on his heels. “What spooked your friend?”

“He thought he saw his ex.” Logan pointed up the path. “A little higher up.”

“Fuck.” Tom stretched over Mick’s prone form when his eyes fluttered open, then

closed. “Mick. Open those eyes, damn it.”

Mick didn’t open his eyes again but he slid his hand to Tom’s, tugged until Tom bent

closer. “What is it, Mick?”

“Waterfall.” Barely audible.

“Who did this to you?” The ranger was all business. About time.

“Tourist.” Mick started coughing.

Logan dropped to his knees next to them, took the water bottle from Tom. “Slow

down, buddy.”

Mick drank the drops of water Logan drizzled between his battered lips. “That guy.

The hiker.”

“Where’s the waterfall, Mick?”

“Tom knows where.”

The whine of four-wheelers overrode the quieter sounds of the night. Tom jumped up

and flagged the paramedics over. “Take him back down the mountain. The two of us are

going on. Call back and have another team ready to go when I call.”

Logan cringed. The ranger’s opinion of Dan’s potential condition was clear.

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Tom checked the rounds in his pistol, re-holstered it, then jerked his thumb towards

the summit. “Let’s get going. It’s not far from here.”

The fear of finding Dan dead rooted Logan to the spot for a moment, but adrenaline

kicked him into action. He had to fight the urge to rush ahead of Tom into the dark. But he

didn’t know where he was going. He stayed two steps behind, barely stopping himself from

pushing Tom along.

Within the hour, the faint roar of water filtered through the thick forest, alerted Logan

of their proximity. “How far?”

“Just over that ridge. We’re going to cut across the terrain, and come up on the other

side.” Tom led Logan through the thick brush. The noise level rose, deafening them to the

outside world, the closer they came to the waterfall.

Tom held his hand up, one finger across his lips for silence.

Logan didn’t even acknowledge him. He simply stared at the clearing. Jay stood over

a naked, beaten Dan. Dan’s flaming red hair darkened with blood, his skin stained with

bruises. As Jay pulled his fist back again, the ranger cocked his gun. “Jay Connor.”

Jay’s entire body jolted with the shock of another’s voice. He whirled to face them.

The smile that crawled onto his lips turned his handsome face feral. “Have you come

to join the party?”

Jay crouched down, grabbed Dan by the hair and raised his face for Logan to see.

“How do you like our lover now?”

Logan stepped forward.

This fucker’s spoiling for a fight. Jay understood that well enough; Dan was worth a few

bruises here and there.

The park ranger’s sharp command held Logan in place. “Knock it off.”

Jay chuckled. Look who thought they were in charge. He dropped Dan’s head back with a

thunk. “Don’t move.” He drew the knife out from under Dan’s body, toyed with the point at

his lover’s neck.

If he slit Dan’s throat, it was only what the whore deserved for cheating on him. How

could he fuck that man but leave Jay with only his clothes for company? The rage cleared his

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mind, stroked his ego. He slid his free hand down Dan’s belly, wound his fingers around

Dan’s dick. There was a time when he’d have been hard at just Jay’s touch.


Jay turned on Logan. “Do you think this will make you a hero to him? Think he’ll fuck

you again when he finds out?”

Logan edged away from the ranger. Jay shook his head. “No. No.” He flicked the knife

across Dan’s chest, leaving a thin red stripe and drawing a low moan from Dan. “Don’t

move, I said.”

Logan froze.

Jay squeezed Dan’s cock in a vice grip, felt the rush as he brought him awake with the

pain. Dan used to enjoy it too. Then he got prissy.

Dan surfaced to consciousness swinging. Jay hadn’t counted on that. He caught a right

hook before he got his knee on Dan’s chest to pin him to the ground. “Settle down, bitch.

Wanna die in front of your hero?”

Dan stilled. “What are you talking about? Are you fucking crazy?”

The red haze descended again. This little bastard had no respect anymore. Jay

wrenched Dan’s head so he could see Logan standing nearby. Closer than before. Fuck. Focus,


The whimper from Dan was enough to sooth his wounded pride. Like a stroke to his

dick, he loved the feeling of control. His cock stirred inside his jeans. Heedless to his

surroundings, kneeling on top of Dan, he unbuttoned his pants and freed his rod, pulled

hard once or twice.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Disgust coloured Logan’s voice.

Jay trained his eyes on the other man. “This dick has seen the inside of his ass more

times than you can count.” Jay moaned. “God, he was so tight. I’d fuck him now if you

assholes weren’t here.”

“I don’t think we’re gonna go for that.” The ranger’s voice, not Logan’s. The cold steel

on the base of Jay’s neck froze him in place. How the hell…?

“Personally, I wish all fuckheads like you were so easily distracted by their dicks.”

The ranger pushed the barrel into his skin. “Get to your fucking feet.”

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Jay dropped the knife and rose off the ground. “Look, man, we were just playing

around. This is how we get our rocks off.”

The stranger laughed. “Yeah, maybe you. But your partner there, he doesn’t look so

thrilled with it.”

Jay looked down at Dan, lying at his feet, looking good there. “He’s okay. Just ask


Logan shifted and moved forward, cautious. “Dan? You okay, love?”

Dan sat up, covering himself. He reached for Logan’s outstretched hand. “Will be.

G’me your shirt.”

His speech was slurred. Jay figured he’d broken Dan’s jaw somewhere around


Logan stripped his t-shirt off and helped Dan slide it over his battered torso.

The gentle touches and quick stolen kiss hurt Jay to watch. How could Dan leave him like


Dan moved back to Jay and before he could react, Dan punched him in the groin,

doubled him over. He hit the ground on his knees, pain rocketing across every nerve in his

body, gasping for breath robbed by the deep throbbing in his dick. The intoxicating spice that

could only ever belong to Dan wrapped around Jay’s nerves, drugging his senses. Jay looked

up at him, into fierce green eyes. “Why’d you do that?”

Dan leant down, a new musky scent mingled with Dan’s as Jay inhaled, ruining it.

“Fuck you. See how those boys in prison like your bitch ass.”

Jay, hauled to his feet by the park ranger, let the tears fall as Dan turned and willingly

went into Logan’s arms.

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The week had seemed endless while they waited for charges to be filed against Jay. But

today, the state prosecutor’s office had finally announced kidnapping and attempted murder

indictments for the assaults on both the tour guide and Dan.

Logan sat on the swing attached to the front porch of his bungalow with Dan curled up

next to him. He watched Erica pace back and forth in front of them. She whirled on them,

pointing to the phone at her ear.

“No, I will not hold again. What room is Mick Chandler in?” Her eyes narrowed and

Logan heard someone talking through the phone.

He held back a laugh, didn’t think it would improve her mood at all. She had been

devastated that Dan felt his family would turn on him, pissed when she learned the extent of

Dan’s abuse. She also didn’t speak to them for two days.

Not that she went away.

No. She stomped around his rented cottage, slamming doors, refusing to give them any

privacy at all. Now, she was on the war path about that tour guide.

“I don’t care. Give me his damn room number—” She gasped and jerked the phone

away from her ear. She turned, outraged, her face mottled red. “They hung up on me.”

Dan coughed. “Really? I’m surprised. You were being so pleasant.” He held his hand

out. “Gimme.”

She slapped the phone into the palm of his hand. “You’ll probably get right through.”

He dialled the number of Mick’s room. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

Erica’s eyes grew round. She mouthed, You asshole.

Dan laughed. “Want some company?”

Logan heard Mick’s affirmative reply and shifted to get up. Dan placed a hand on his

leg, stopping him.

“My sister needs to get out of the house and she feels terrible that you suffered because

of me. Can she bring you dinner?”

Again, affirmative. Yes.

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Erica stopped pacing and wheeled on them. “I’m not taking him dinner so you can get


Dan, without shutting the phone, pointed it at her. “Yes, you are. He wants Mexican.

Pick him up some burritos and stay the hell gone for a couple of hours.”

Logan wasn’t sure who was going to win the stare-down. But within minutes, they

were both giggling like mad. She nodded and took the phone from him.

“Mick? Mind spending a couple of hours with me?” She beamed. “I’ll be there in a

few.” Snapping the phone closed, she tucked it in her pocket.

“Thanks, sis.”

Erica kissed them both on the cheek and took off down the drive. She jingled Logan’s

keys to his rental that she’d snagged. “I get to drive the Vette.”

Logan groaned. “God. Don’t wreck it.” He heard her singing some old Beatles tune as

she climbed in the car.

Dan and Logan waited until her taillights disappeared around the corner before

stumbling into the small cottage, hands touching anything they could, tongues duelling for

dominance. Dan hooked his fingers in the front of Logan’s dress shirt and ripped it open.

Buttons flew, pinging off the hardwood floor. He smoothed his palms across the taut muscles

exposed, flicking at the hardened nipples as he passed them on the way to Logan’s pants.

“Why was I angry at you?”

“If you can’t remember, I’m not reminding you.”

Dan laughed and plucked open the button of Logan’s jeans. “Oh. I got it now.”

Logan sucked in a breath, waited.

“You didn’t tell me you were really my boss.”

“Yeah. That was it.” Logan scooped up the bottom of Dan’s t-shirt and whipped it over

his head, then bent to suck Dan’s nipple into his mouth.

Dan groaned, gripped the back of Logan’s head, pushed his chest harder against

Logan’s hungry lips. “I had some time the other night to think about that.”

“Do we have to talk right now?” Logan’s cock ached as he straightened, leaking pre-

come, making the head glisten. “I have other things for your mouth to do.”

Dan swiped his thumb over the slick bead of moisture, raised it to his lips and licked it

off. “Mmm. I’ll get there. Trust me.”

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Dan smiled at Logan’s breathless plea. He pushed Logan’s hands in the direction of his

shorts and Logan got the hint. He squatted in front of Dan, pulled the shorts in one yank

down to his ankles.

Dan kicked them away to join his shirt.

Logan sucked in his breath at the beautiful cock reaching for him. Without another

word, he leant forward, unable to hold back. He relaxed his throat and didn’t stop until his

nose pressed against the soft, red curls at Dan’s groin.

Swallowing, he massaged Dan’s cock, drew a cry from his lover.

Dan pulled out, then pushed back in, fucking Logan’s mouth with quick thrusts. “Holy

shit. I’m going to—” His back bowed and hot spurts of come flowed across Logan’s tongue.

Logan drank every drop, licked him clean, then kissed his way back up Dan’s chest.

Dan wound his fingers in Logan’s hair and kissed him hard. Nipping Logan’s bottom

lip, Dan set the pace. “Fuck me.”

“We’ll get there.” No way was Logan getting rough. Not after what Dan had gone

through. Logan had gotten there in time to prevent Jay raping Dan like he’d planned, but the

beating had been just as damaging.

Using Logan’s hair, Dan pulled his face back, looked into loving blue eyes. “Logan—

Mac—listen to me. Fuck me.”

“Always call me Logan. That’s who I am to you. That’s who I’ll always be.”

“Logan, please. I need you to erase him. Give me that. Fuck me. Hard. Use me. Make

this ass yours.

Logan’s heart pounded, felt like it wanted out of his chest. “I can’t do that to you. I’m

not him. I love you too much, Dan.”

Dan stilled for only a breath in time. “If you love me, then you know I want you to do

this. Show me there’s more.”

Logan hesitated.


The plea broke the last of Logan’s resistance. He gripped Dan’s upper arms and turned

him against the wall. “I won’t last long.”

“I don’t care.”

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With one hand on Dan’s neck, careful of the bruises and thankful it wasn’t worse,

Logan planted the other next to his face and slid his cock between Dan’s cheeks. He almost

shot his load with only that light pressure. He pulled back sharply.

Dan pushed his ass against Logan. Bumped him, ground on him. “Get the damn lube,

or fuck me dry, I don’t care. God, just get that cock inside me.”

Logan trailed kisses down Dan’s spine. “Fine. You trust me?”

“With my life.”

Logan leaned his forehead on Dan’s back. Stayed there until he got under control. He

knelt, spread Dan’s ass apart and breathed on the sensitive skin revealed.

Dan whimpered, and the pink pucker in front of Logan clenched, beckoning him to

come play. He leant forward, drove his tongue into Dan’s hole, pulled out and flattened his

tongue for a long lick up his crack.

Dan cried out, pushed back again.

Logan took his time, stroking alternately with his tongue and a finger inside the tight

hole on display for his pleasure. “I can’t wait to have my cock inside you. Fuck, you are


When Dan easily took three fingers, Logan rose up behind him. He grasped his cock in

one hand, using the other to hold Dan open for him. He pressed the head of his dick into the

tight ring, felt the give as he slipped the first inch inside.

Dan moaned. “Oh God. Oh God. This is… fuck.

Logan froze. Waited. Let Dan take over.

“…unh.” Dan leveraged on the wall and slid another inch onto Logan’s prick. He

shifted his weight to one hand and wrapped his other around his cock, jerking off as he

worked back, filling himself with Logan.

Logan watched, mesmerised by his cock slowly sliding into Dan’s ass. He thrust

forward the final inch, seating himself completely. He threw his head back, gritted his teeth

to remain still.

Dan’s panting filled his ears. Then he moved, leaving only the head of Logan’s rod

sheathed in heat.

With a slow push, Logan sank back into the clutch of Dan’s ass.

Dan ground his cheeks against Logan’s hips. “Move, damn it.”

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That was all the permission Logan needed. He grasped Dan’s hips and picked up a

steady rhythm in, then out.

Dan matched his strokes on his own cock to Logan’s thrusts. “That’s it. Oh God, I’m

going to come again.”

Logan felt his balls draw up tightly to his body, trying to climb into Dan’s ass along

with his cock. He covered Dan against the wall, shoved home and shot come deep into Dan’s

clenching ass, feeling the intensity of Dan’s orgasm.

Both breathing hard, both knowing this was how it should be. Dan turned his face,

sweat beaded on his forehead. “I haven’t said it before. I meant to.”

Logan nuzzled his shoulder. “Didn’t say what?”

Green eyes met blue. “With you, I don’t have to be afraid. Not anymore.”

Logan pulled out, slowly. He leant next to Dan, pulled him close. “Never again.”

Dan gripped Logan’s chin, his thumb pressed to Logan’s lips. “There’s something else.”

“What?” Logan sucked Dan’s finger into his mouth, wrapped his tongue around the tip.

Dan’s cock stirred next to his thigh.

“I love you.”


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About the Author

Hi all! Let’s see, a little about me. I am an Army brat, which lends to my
imagination…and I am a wife & mother of two energetic little boys, which gives me
my sense of humour. I started writing in high school for the newspaper and have
written steadily since then for my own enjoyment. I have lived everywhere thanks to
the travel bug I inherited from my dad, but currently am push-pinned in southeast
Michigan. A typical day is a little crazy but I always work in writing time and I love
chatting with friends. Feel free to visit me at my website.



Em loves to hear from readers. You can find her contact information, website and
author biography at



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