Jamie Lynn Miller Out of the Shadows

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Out of the Shadows


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Out of the Shadows Copyright © 2010 by Jamie Lynn Miller

Cover Art Copyright ©-2010 by Jamie Lynn Miller

Part One previously published in Barista’s Choice: A Dark Roast Press Sampler

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Out of the Shadows


Jamie Lynn Miller

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Part One

A small smile played across the face of 28 year-old L.A.P.D. officer Shane Walker as he gazed

out the open passenger side window of his squad car. Life is good, he thought as he breathed in

the warm California air, the bright lights of Hollywood illuminating the night sky all around him.

Shane let the small smile turn into a full fledged grin. Tonight marked the accomplishment of a

goal it had taken him months to achieve – his last day of field training.

Come Monday morning he’d be on his own as a K-9 patrol officer, this time for the Los Angeles

Police Department.

It’d been a long road to get here, a long way from the Tulsa Police Department K-9 division

where Shane had gotten his start in law enforcement three years ago. Shane was proud to wear

the police uniform of his hometown, but it had always been his goal to work for the elite

L.A.P.D. So when he heard about the opening in their canine unit, he had immediately put in for

a transfer.

That was six months ago. During that time Shane had gone through a rigorous interview process

and psychological screening before being accepted, along with his partner Chase, into the

L.A.P.D. After that it was packing up and leaving home, leaving his family, and entering into the

academy for 18 more weeks of training. Even though Shane was already a cop, he needed to

learn the way the L.A.P.D. wanted things done. It was hard work, more like boot camp than

anything, but Shane excelled, graduating at the top of his class.

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But he wasn’t ready to hit the streets quite yet. For the next month he and Chase worked with the

L.A.P.D. K-9 instructor, proving that the German Shepherd was just as good an officer as his


Then it was finally time for Chase and him to be assigned their squad car, their call sign and their

beat, and begin their month of field training with Sergeant Nick Hansen. Nick was an excellent

FTO officer, committed to the job of drilling into the rookies valuable knowledge that could save

their lives. Nick was tough, but underneath that gruff exterior was a warm, funny guy, and he

and Shane hit it off pretty much right from the start.

He raked his fingers through his wind-blown shaggy brown hair, and turned to look at Nick in

the driver’s seat. Shane smiled. “Shift’s almost over, Sarge. Gonna give me an A+ on my final


Nick glanced over at Shane. “Oh, there’s still plenty of time for you to screw up, Walker.” He


Shane chuckled and looked over his shoulder through the mesh grating at Chase lying in the

backseat. “It just pains him to admit I’ve been his best rookie ever, right, boy?” he said, and the

big dog gave a small wuff as a response.

Before Nick could reply, the radio crackled to life with a series of beeps, drawing both men’s

attention, Chase’s ears perking up at the familiar sound.

Over the speaker came the voice of Stephanie, one of the dispatchers. “Six-Adam-Twelve.”

Nick snagged the mic and depressed the button. “Six-Adam-Twelve go.”

“Six-Adam-Twelve…Code 242 at 441 Highland Avenue. Please respond.”

Shane saw Nick’s jaw tighten. “Six-Adam-Twelve, responding,” the sergeant answered

Stephanie, shaking his head and muttering, “Great,” as he replaced the mic back in its cradle.

Shane’s cop sense immediately started tingling. “Something tells me you’ve been out there

before,” he said, needing to know if there was a repeat offender in his beat. “Battery calls then,


Nick sighed and nodded. “This is the third domestic call out there in four months.”

Now it was Shane’s jaw that tightened. “What’s the story?”

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“House belongs to Tyler Donovan, who’s regularly getting beaten up by his partner, Alex

Campbell, whenever Alex gets high. Donovan is never the one that calls, it’s usually the

neighbor, and Donovan never presses charges. So we do it for him.”

Shane’s jaw dropped open and he sagged back against the seat, trying to process what Nick had

just said. Tyler Donovan…the actor that Shane just happened to be a fan of, and had admired for

years now and if truth be told, had a bit of a crush on as well.

Like Shane, Tyler was an Oklahoma boy, from Broken Arrow. Tyler had started on the soaps

when he was just a teenager, winning several Daytime Emmy awards before making the leap to

dramas in his early twenties. He was on several hit shows in a row for the next six years, and

then decided to jump to the big screen and a movie career while his star was on the rise. It was a

smart move. His first movie was a hit and his popularity jumped. He was on the verge of

becoming a huge star, and his next movie, due out in about six months, should do it for him, and

if the early buzz was anything to go by. At age 33, Tyler seemed to have it all – a skyrocketing

career and a long-term, loving relationship with Alex Campbell.

Or obviously not so loving, as Shane was finding out, despite all the photos and red carpet

appearances that showed them as a happy couple, holding hands and smiling.“Tyler Donovan? I

just…I can’t believe it,” Shane said, shaking his head.

“Pick up your jaw, kid,” Nick told him as he flipped on the lights and sirens and Chase started

barking. “You’re in Hollywood now.”


There was already one other squad car at the Donovan residence when Nick and Shane arrived.

Shane recognized the squad number as belonging to Officer Brooks and Officer Moore.

Leaving Chase in the car, much to the dog’s dismay, Shane exited the vehicle and automatically

smoothed his hands down his chest, straightening his dark blue uniform over his Kevlar vest,

then adjusted his heavy gun belt.

He took in the scene quickly as he approached the house , Officer Hailey Brooks was out front,

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standing near the steps leading up to the front porch, talking to Tyler Donovan, who was seated

on the steps, a towel pressed to his left cheek. The front door was open, and Shane could hear the

voices of two men inside - Officer Sean Moore and Alex Campbell. And standing on the edge of

Tyler’s yard was another man, watching intently at everything going on, his arms crossed over

his chest, a frown on his face. He had to be the neighbor that called 911.

Officer Brooks turned as Nick and Shane walked up, her short blonde ponytail bobbing with the

movement. “Sarge,” she greeted them, nodding at Nick.

Nick nodded back. “Brooks. You mind letting Walker take over?”

Officer Brooks shook her head and flipped her small notebook closed, tucking her pen back in

her shirt pocket. “Not at all, Sarge,” she replied, “Maybe he’ll have better luck getting something

out of him.” She cocked her head toward Tyler, and then went to step past Shane, knocking her

fist on his arm. “You got this, rookie.” She grinned in encouragement, and then went inside the

house to join her partner.

For a moment Shane froze, staring down at the man he’d seen so many times on his television

and in the movie theaters, not really believing he was actually standing in front of him.

Tyler was dressed casually in a gray t-shirt, well-worn blue jeans and gym shoes. His short

blonde hair looked soft to the touch, free of the gel that usually made it stand up in short spikes.

His eyes flitted up to Shane’s, then away as he lowered the towel from his face.

One look at the angry cut on Tyler’s cheek and Shane was immediately all cop, pushing aside his

awe at being two feet from his favorite actor.

“Mr. Donovan, I’m Officer Walker and this is Sergeant Hansen,” Shane said, taking out his own

notebook and pen. “Can you tell me what happened tonight?”

Tyler again wouldn’t meet Shane’s gaze, looking off to his left instead. “Nothing,” he said flatly.

“Nothing?” Shane cocked his head, pointing at Tyler’s face. “How did you get that cut on your

face, then?” he asked, his voice soft and even.

A brief look at Shane, then away. “I tripped and fell down the steps, okay?” Tyler answered



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Shane’s head whipped to the right, to the man at the edge of Tyler’s yard who had just uttered

the curse. The man stepped forward as Shane took a step toward him. He was much shorter than

Shane’s six-foot-four frame, with a stocky, muscular build and long black hair. And he was


“Bullshit!” the man swore again, pointing. “I saw him hit you, Tyler! I saw him kick you after he

knocked you down!”

Out of the corner of his eye he saw Tyler jump up and Nick putting a hand on his chest to

prevent Tyler from going any further.

Shane put his hand up in front of the other man. “Sir, I need you to calm down and tell me who

you are.”

The shorter man took a deep breath and looked away from Tyler. “I’m Logan Miller. I live next


Shane wrote Miller’s name in his notebook. “And what exactly did you see tonight?”

Logan’s voice was controlled anger. “I was just coming home, walking up to the house when I

saw Tyler and that asshole Alex come out. Tyler was going toward his car and Alex was

screaming at him about God knows what. Tyler was ignoring him, so Alex grabbed him by the

shoulder, spun him around and hauled off and punched him in the face. Tyler went down; then

that bastard kicked him in the stomach.”

Shane nodded; jaw tight as he wrote down the information in his notebook. “And was it you that

called 911?”

“You bet your ass I did,” Logan answered forcefully.

“Goddamn it, Logan!” Tyler yelled, still held back by Nick, blue eyes flashing in anger. “Mind

your own damn business!”

“I won’t!” Logan yelled back. “Not when I see it happen right in front of me!” Then he

swallowed and his voice dropped several octaves. “You’re my friend, Ty. I can’t stand to see you

treated like that.”

Tyler’s anger deflated at Logan’s sincere words, and he opened his mouth to reply, but at that

moment Officers Brooks and Moore came out of the house with a handcuffed Alex Campbell

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between them. He tried to lunge at Tyler, but Moore and Brooks held him back, while Nick

stepped between him and Tyler.

“Screw you, Tyler!” Alex spat, struggling against the officer’s grips. “How could you do this!?

Have me arrested?”

Tyler shook his head. “I’m sor-,” he began but Nick cut him off.

“No. Don’t say it,” Nick told him, voice hard, then turned toward the dark-haired man in

handcuffs, whose brown eyes were dilated into blackness. “You know very well the L.A.P.D.

can press charges even if the victim doesn’t, if there’s clear evidence of domestic violence,

Campbell. This isn’t your first rodeo.” Nick nodded at Brooks and Moore. “Get him out of here,”

he told them, then turned back to Tyler as the two officers put a still struggling Alex Campbell

into the back of their squad car.

“What’s he on?” Nick asked Tyler wearily. “Is it coke again?”

Tyler looked down and away, nodding, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Nick sighed. “You’ve got to get away from him, Tyler,” he told the injured man, then walked

over to Shane and Logan. “I’ll take Logan’s statement,” Nick said to Shane. “You go finish up

with Tyler.”

“Sure, Sarge,” Shane replied, and then beckoned Tyler to follow him over to his squad.

“Do you need medical to come out and look at that cut?” Shane asked Tyler.

“No!” The other man sharply shook his head, and then lowered his voice. “No, I’m fine, really. I

don’t…I don’t need anyone else out here,” he finished, glancing up and down his block.

Shane nodded. “Okay, but be sure to clean it and put some ice on it to keep the swelling down.”

Tyler was quiet for a moment, looking at Shane oddly, a question in his eyes. “Thanks,” he

finally replied. “I will.”

It was the first time that Tyler had actually looked at Shane for more than a split second and

Shane found himself holding the actor’s gaze, feeling a sudden, sharp connection to the other

man, while staring into blue eyes that were filled with shame and embarrassment.

“Sergeant Hansen was right,” Shane said quietly. “You need to get away from Campbell. Don’t

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go down to the jail and bail him out tonight.” He popped open the trunk on the squad and opened

the briefcase that was inside. He shuffled through a stack of papers before pulling out several and

closing the trunk.

He held out a few of the sheets to Tyler. “This is how to go about getting a restraining order.

Since its Friday night, Campbell won’t be able to go before a judge until Monday morning at the

earliest for sentencing. If you fill this out and get the paperwork going, he can’t come back here

if the judge cuts him loose.” He handed Tyler another sheet of paper. “This is information on a

victim’s advocacy group that the L.A.P.D. uses.” He paused, and when he spoke again his voice

was imploring. “Call them. There are support groups and counseling available if you just ask.”

He reached into his shirt pocket and withdrew a card, then impulsively scribbled a number on the

back. “Here, this is my card, if you have any questions…or if you just want to talk. I put my cell

number on the back.”

Again Tyler remained quiet, with that same question in his eyes. But this time he asked it.

“Why do you care what happens to me? You don’t even know me. Aren’t I just another case

number and pile of paperwork to you?”

Shane shook his head. “I became a cop to help people, not just strut around with a badge and a

gun, acting like a tough-ass.” He paused; glancing down at the ground, then back up at Tyler.

“And I know first hand how this kind of violence can destroy people. No one deserves to be

treated like this. And there are ways out.” He reached out, his hand curling around Tyler’s upper

arm. “Please. Fill out the restraining order.”

And there it was again, that wide blue gaze looking back at him, that connection pulling at him

from deep inside. And Tyler was staring back at him just as intensely, causing Shane’s stomach

to twist and flutter.

The moment was broken when Nick approached, closing his notebook. “Are we finished here?”

he asked.

Shane blinked, dropping his hand from Tyler’s shoulder. “Umm…yeah, Sarge,” he answered,

backing away from Tyler, who remained silent as Shane climbed into the passenger side of the

squad. But he never broke eye contact with Shane, even as the squad pulled away into the dark.

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Shane didn’t sleep that night.

He lay in bed on his back, staring up blankly at the ceiling in his dark room, Chase’s heavy

weight pressed up all along his side. He absently stroked the big dog’s belly as he replayed over

and over in his mind the events of tonight with Tyler Donovan.

How did a man like that end up in an abusive relationship? Being a fan of Tyler’s for years, he’d

naively thought he knew the older man. He’d watched and read countless interviews with him,

had seen him with Alex Campbell at many events over the past three years, looking like the

picture perfect happy couple. Little did he, or anyone else, apparently, know what was really

going on between them. He respected and admired Tyler – a solid, down-to-earth Oklahoma boy

who never let the Hollywood life corrupt him, who put family above all else, and was a gifted

and talented actor – and the thought of him going through this tore at Shane.

He had to convince Tyler to leave Alex. His gut was giving him a sense of foreboding, telling

him he needed to intervene. And he knew by now, with his many years on the police force, to

trust his instincts. But he also knew convincing anyone in an abusive relationship to leave their

abuser was a massive uphill battle. They all had their reasons for staying and Shane knew all too

personally what the end result could be.

He’d never forgive himself if he let the same thing happen to Tyler.


The next morning found Shane driving back out to Tyler’s house, with Chase in the backseat, his

large head sticking out the window, happy as a clam to be going for a ride. Shane almost always

drove with the radio on, singing along – badly – to his favorite songs, but the ride out to

Hollywood was spent in silence as he went over and over in his head exactly what he wanted to

say to Tyler.

Pulling into the actor’s driveway twenty-five minutes later, Shane sat for a moment and took a

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deep, steadying breath before getting out of his truck. He let Chase out of the backseat, clipped

his leash to the dog’s collar and walked them both up to Tyler’s front steps, where he looped the

leash around the railing. He climbed the steps, then paused before knocking, wondering what

he’d do if Campbell answered the door, having been bailed out by Tyler.

But to his relief it was Tyler himself who answered his knock and stood in the open doorway. He

was barefoot, wearing khaki cargo shorts and a plain maroon t-shirt today. The cut on his face

was an angry red with a vivid bruise now surrounding it, and Shane unconsciously clenched his

fist at the sight.

Tyler’s brows drew together in confusion. “Officer Walker?”

Shane smiled at the official title. “No uniform today. Name’s Shane, Mr. Donovan.”

Tyler’s mouth quirked slightly. “That always sounds like my father. Please, call me Tyler. Is

there something I can do for you?”

“I was wondering if I could come in for a few minutes.”

“Umm, sure, yeah,” Tyler answered, stepping aside, and Shane walked into the house.

Tyler’s home was large, but had a comfortable, relaxed feeling to it. The living room held an

overstuffed leather couch and two chairs, with a rough hewn wood coffee table between them.

Above the couch hung an oil painting of a breathtaking sunset over a desert landscape. A

fireplace was along one wall, the mantle holding several framed photographs, flanked by two

bookcases. On the opposite wall was an entertainment center that contained a flat screen TV,

DVD player and stereo. The house wasn’t flashy or Hollywood pretentious, exactly what Shane

would expect from an Oklahoma boy like himself.

Shane stepped into the living room, not seeing or hearing any sign of Alex inside as Tyler closed

the door behind them, then moved to stand across from him.

“I just wanted to stop by and see how you were doing,” Shane started, and again that same

curious look crossed Tyler’s face, just like last night, like he couldn’t believe anyone cared about

him. “And to see if you’d filled out the paperwork for the restraining order.”

At that Tyler’s face closed up. “I’m fine,” he replied curtly. “And no, I’m not filling out the

paperwork.” He went to move around Shane, to open the front door, but Shane stopped him with

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a hand on his forearm. The skin to skin contact was like a little electric spark that raced through

Shane’s entire body. It startled him, and from the way Tyler was looking at him, the older man

had felt it, too.

“Please,” Shane said softly. “Give me five minutes.”

For a long moment Tyler remained silent, and Shane thought for sure the other man was going to

show him the door, but then Tyler nodded slowly and took a step backwards, breaking their

contact, leaving Shane’s fingertips tingling.

Tyler turned and led Shane through the living room to the large kitchen, to the bright breakfast

nook filled with morning sunshine. He indicated Shane should sit, and then pulled out his own

chair on the opposite side of the round table.

Shane took a long breath, remembering all that he wanted to say to Tyler. “I’ve been a fan of

yours for years,” he started. “I’ve seen countless pictures of you and Alex together, how happy

you both looked.” At this Tyler looked down and away, but remained silent, so Shane continued.

“But after last night I know that’s not true, at least not anymore. You have to know that this

relationship isn’t healthy.”

Shane spread his hands out. “I just…I don’t understand why you stay. You don’t fit the mold that

nine out of ten abuse victims do – that you’re dependent on your abuser. They have no job, they

have children, they wouldn’t have anywhere to live, and they’re smaller physically and can't

defend themselves.” As Shane ticked off the points on his fingers he could see Tyler becoming

uncomfortable, but he pressed on. “But you’re none of those things. You’re the successful

independent one and you could easily take down Campbell in a fight.”

Agitated now, Tyler pushed back from the table, scraping his chair across the floor. “You don’t

understand,” he told Shane through clenched teeth, standing with his fists balled up at his sides.

“Then help me to understand,” Shane implored.

“It’s my fault! I deserve this!” Tyler yelled.

Shane closed his eyes and shook his head. “Every abuse victim says this, Tyler, and it’s not

true,” he said gently. “You’ve done nothing to deserve this, no matter what Campbell told you.”

Tyler shook his head, blue eyes brimming with guilt. “I’m the one that got him hooked on

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cocaine! I deserve this, it’s my punishment!”

At Tyler’s words Shane went absolutely rigid. He couldn’t believe that Tyler was a drug addict.

“How long have you been doing drugs?” he asked voice stone cold.

Tyler shook his head, pacing. “Never. I’d never touch that shit.”

Shane relaxed his posture at Tyler’s answer, but it left him confused. “Then how are you

responsible for Alex’s habit?”

Tyler shook his head. “I’m done talking,” he said tightly. “Please, just go.”

Shane stood, playing his trump card now that Tyler had shut him down. “I’ve been doing this job

long enough to know that the police may have been out here three times, but Campbell has hit

you more often than that. It’s only been three times that someone’s seen or heard it.” He paused,

swallowing, voice rough. “Just like my older sister. Her husband ended up killing her.”

He let the statement hang for a moment, watching as Tyler’s face registered the gravity of what

he’d just said. “Alex is going to escalate, I can guarantee it, especially being on cocaine, and I…I

don’t want to see you end up like my sister,” Shane finished, voice wavering slightly.

And with that sobering thought, Shane turned and walked out of the house, leaving Tyler

standing stock still in the middle of his kitchen.


It was another sleepless night for Shane.

He kept telling himself he’d done all he could for Tyler. Like the situation with his sister, he

knew that you couldn’t force a person to leave their abuser. But it didn’t stop him from being

distracted the rest of the day and tossing and turning all night.

Sunday morning dawned clear and bright, and a bleary-eyed Shane stumbled from his rumpled

bed toward the shower, nearly tripping over Chase, who was ready for his morning run and

training session. His master, however, was anything but.

“In a minute, boy,” Shane mumbled, scratching the dog behind his ears with one hand, while

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scrubbing the other over his own face. Chase seemed to accept the answer and stretched out

across the entire bathroom doorway, where Shane found him still patiently waiting ten minutes

later when he emerged from the shower, now feeling much more human.

After a quick cup of coffee and the realization that breakfast would have to wait since his pantry

and refrigerator were pretty much empty, Shane opened his sliding glass patio door and stepped


Truth be told, Shane’s backyard looked like a junkyard at first glance. But the assembly of crates

and pallets, garbage cans, the back half of a 1964 Ford Mustang, a small refrigerator, several

tires and various other items, was actually a training area for Chase.

K-9 training was constant, seven days a week. Chase’s skills needed to always be top- notch. To

the big dog it wasn’t training, though, it was a game, and one he loved to play. While his partner

was still inside, Shane placed several scent bags throughout the yard, hidden in the garbage can,

the refrigerator and in the trunk of the car. Each was a different smell – cocaine, marijuana or

gunpowder – that Chase needed to find. And when he did so successfully he got Shane’s praise

and his favorite orange rubber ball to chase as a reward.

Stepping back inside the house, Shane clipped Chase’s short leash to his collar and led him out

into the backyard. “Ready to work?” he asked the dog and Chase barked happily in reply.

He took Chase to one end of the yard. “Sit,” he told him firmly and the dog instantly obeyed.

After another moment, sure that Chase was focused, Shane issued another command. “Seek

drugs, Chase. Seek.”

The dog’s ears perked up immediately and he stood and started sniffing the nearest object, Shane

leading him from one to another, working their way down the yard. When they got to the

garbage can, Chase immediately gave his alert – he sat, barked once and scratched at the can

with one paw.

“Good boy, Chase! Good boy!” Shane responded, grabbing his partner by his large head and

playfully shaking him back and forth. Chase’s tail started wagging madly as Shane withdrew the

orange rubber ball from his pocket and threw it to the opposite end of the yard. Chase took off

after it with a high bark, catching it in his mouth as it bounced off the back end of the car. He

brought it back to Shane, and the two started the process all over again, until Chase had located

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all three scent bags.

Next he brought out the dog whistle. It wasn’t a tool that was used often, but having Chase able

to take commands by non-verbal means was a useful skill.

Last were Chase’s agility exercises. The K-9 dogs were frequently called upon to enter a house

and locate a suspect, and that sometimes meant being lifted through windows and having to

crawl through tight spaces in basements or attics. Or having to jump over fences in pursuit of a

fleeing suspect. So Shane put Chase through his paces, having his partner crawl through a dark,

flexible tunnel, jump over several hurdles and practice being lifted up and over objects.

As always, Chase performed his tasks with flying colors and was rewarded not only with his

rubber ball but several dog treats as well. Then it was time for the dog’s other favorite part of the

day – his morning run with Shane.

They hit the trail in the park down the block from Shane’s house, setting a brisk pace, feet and

paws hitting the gravel in a smooth rhythm. Running was a big part of Shane’s life. It was his

quiet time, when he cleared everything from his head, pushed all his stress away.

Except for today. No matter how hard he tried, no matter how hard and how fast he ran, he

couldn’t get the image of a pair of blue eyes filled with shadows and pain from the forefront of

his mind.


A few hours later Shane pushed open his front door, juggling grocery bags and trying to step

around a dog that could smell his new bag of food.

“Sorry, boy, but you already ate your breakfast,” his master said a bit distractedly as he put the

bags on the kitchen counter and started looking around for his cell phone. He realized he didn’t

have it with him while he was at the store, and was afraid he’d dropped it somewhere.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he found it on his dresser, but it was short lived when he saw

he had a voicemail. Hoping it wasn’t the station trying to get hold of him for some reason, he

pressed the button…and nearly dropped the phone in astonishment when he heard Tyler’s voice.

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“Shane, this is Tyler. I, um…I wanted to thank you for coming over here yesterday and checking

on me. You didn’t need to do that and it…it meant a lot. I’m sorry for the way I acted, telling

you to leave when you were only trying to help. Alex…he’s been calling from the jail,

demanding I come bail him out. But after what you told me…about your sister…that was the eye

opener I needed. I wanted to let you know I’ve decided to go ahead with the restraining order.

Just…thanks, Shane. For everything.”

Shane stared at the phone in silence for long moments, absorbing what Tyler had just said,

feeling like a giant weight had just been lifted from his shoulders. He knew he should just call

Tyler back, tell him how glad he was that he was taking the first step in getting Campbell out of

his life, but ten seconds later he was in his truck with Chase, driving out to Tyler’s house in


This time when Tyler opened the front door he greeted Shane with a smile that said he wasn’t

surprised to see the policeman on his porch. “Hey, Shane.”

“Hey, Tyler,” Shane smiled back. “I, um...I got your voicemail. And I know I should’ve just

called you back…” he trailed off.

“No, it’s…it’s good to see you. I’m glad you stopped by,” Tyler answered sincerely. “C’mon in.”

“Um, actually I was on my way to go grab an early lunch and take Chase to the dog park to let

him run for a bit,” he replied, hooking his thumb over his shoulder to his partner, sitting patiently

at the bottom of the stairs. “Would you like to come with me?”

“Oh…” Tyler hesitated, and Shane felt like shooting himself in the head. What was he thinking?

Tyler was a celebrity for crying out loud! Like he’d want to be seen with a nobody like Shane.

“I’m sorry,” he backpedaled quickly. “I shouldn’t have…”

“No, no, it’s okay,” Tyler cut him off. “I’d love to go with you, but with my face looking like

this, the last thing I need is some paparazzi seeing me and having my picture splashed across the

tabloids tomorrow. I don’t need this…situation with Alex to come out.”

Shane again wanted to shoot himself in the head. “Right, God, I’m sorry, I didn’t even think

about that.”

Tyler shook his head. “Don’t worry about it. Listen, I can’t go anywhere, but I’ve got two steaks

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in the fridge and a grill out back. And Chase can have the run of the yard. Would that work?”

Shane smiled. “You got beer?”

Tyler cocked his head. “I’m from Oklahoma. What do you think?”

Shane laughed and called over his shoulder, “Chase, come!” and the big dog bounded up the

steps, instantly jumping up on Tyler, nearly knocking the other man over.

“Tyler, meet my partner, Chase,” Shane grinned.

Tyler chuckled. With Chase’s paws on his shoulders he was looking directly into the dog’s face.

“Nice to meet you, Chase,” he said, and patted the dog affectionately on its side.

“Okay, Chase, down,” Shane told his partner and as always, he instantly obeyed.

“C’mon in,” Tyler told them, and stepped aside to let them in the house. Tyler was barefoot

again today, the ends of his faded jeans just brushing the floor as he padded through the living

room and kitchen, Shane and Chase following behind. He went to the far end of the spacious

kitchen and opened up the French doors that led outside.

“Wow…” Shane breathed.

Tyler’s backyard was twice the size of Shane’s. Surrounded by a high security fence, half of the

space was blue grass, large plants, trees and beautiful flowers in every color of the rainbow. The

other half of the yard was taken up by a large in-ground swimming pool, complete with Jacuzzi.

“This is amazing,” Shane told Tyler as the two men stepped out onto the large deck that held

patio furniture and a barbeque grill.

“Thanks,” Tyler answered. “I spend a lot of time out here when I’m home. Can I get you that


“Yeah, sure, that’d be great,” Shane replied, taking Chase’s orange rubber ball out of his pocket

and throwing it out into the yard. Chase gave a happy bark and took off after it at top speed.

Shane sat down on one of the patio chairs as Tyler came back outside with two beers and the

marinated steaks on a plate, along with two foil-wrapped potatoes. He handed the bottles to

Shane and Shane smirked at the label – Battered Boar. Yep, you could take the boy out of

Oklahoma but not take Oklahoma out of the boy. Just like him.

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Shane popped the cap off the bottle and took a long swallow of the cold beer as Tyler set about

firing up the grill and getting the steaks and potatoes on before the older man joined him at the

patio table. They sat in silence for several minutes, watching Chase out in the yard, before Tyler

turned to Shane.

“Thanks again for coming by yesterday,” he said softly. “If you hadn’t told me about your sister

I wouldn’t be going through with the restraining order.”

“Do you want to talk about it? About Alex?” Shane asked cautiously. “I’ve been told I’m a good

listener. You’ve kept this bottled up for a long time, I’m guessing.”

Tyler huffed out a breath and glanced away. “Yeah, you could say that,” he began, then

hesitated, getting up to check on the steaks again.

Shane waited patiently, knowing from on the job experience how difficult it could be for abuse

victims to open up. He was hoping that even though he and Tyler had just met, he’d feel

comfortable enough talking to him-- if he felt the same kind of connection between them that

Shane did.

Tyler sat back down and started absently picking at the label on his beer bottle, not quite meeting

Shane’s eyes. “I met Alex three years ago,” he began slowly, and Shane let out a quiet, relieved

breath that Tyler decided to confide in him.

“I moved in here and Alex installed my alarm system. He was here for a few days and things

just…clicked between us. We started dating. For two years everything was perfect,” Tyler smiled

wistfully. “My career was finally taking off and Alex was my biggest supporter. Always by my


Tyler sighed. “Then Alex’s company downsized and he lost his job. His bills started piling up

and he was struggling to pay the rent on his apartment, so I asked him to move in with me. I

didn’t have a problem supporting him while he tried to find another job. And because I was gone

more and more often, filming, doing PR work, I gave him access to one of my bank accounts so

he’d have some money.”

Shane couldn’t help the soft noise he made at that, and Tyler nodded. “I know. It ended up being

the mistake that started everything.” He swallowed hard and pushed back from the table, going

back over to the grill. He came back with their steaks and potatoes, and then went back into the

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house and came out with two more beers, plates, and silverware.

They ate for a bit, and Shane didn’t push Tyler to keep talking; he needed to let him tell his story

at his own pace.

“The Hollywood party scene was never my thing,” Tyler began again. “But it’s a necessary evil

in this business to meet the right people, make the right contacts. I always took Alex with me,

but too many times I left him on his own as I talked to a producer or director. At first I was glad

that he was still enjoying himself, meeting people, having a good time. What I didn’t know until

it was too late was that he’d fallen in with a group whose hobby was recreational drug use.”

Tyler stood, agitated, pacing back and forth. “I was too wrapped up in myself, in making my

stupid Hollywood dream come true, not paying attention to Alex or my dwindling bank account

as he used my money to buy drugs.”

He stopped pacing and gripped back of his chair. “Then one day I came home early from filming

and found him high on coke. At first I was stunned, and then I was furious. We’d never fought

like that before, up in each other’s faces, and it ended when he punched me for the first time.”

Shane sighed deeply. “Tyler, you can’t blame yourself for this. He’s an adult, he made his own

choices – “

“No! I did this to him, Shane!” Tyler yelled, voice choked. “I gave him access to the drugs, I

ignored him, and this is what happened.” Tyler took a breath. “I’ve been trying to help him, to

fix this, to make up for how I treated him. But he’s so hooked on the coke… Every time he lost

control…every bruise he gave me was a reminder that I failed him.”

Shane closed his eyes for a moment, feeling the waves of guilt radiating off the other man.

“Have you tried getting him professional help?”

Tyler nodded. “Yeah, I’ve paid twice to have him attend a discreet rehab facility. He’s okay for a

month or two, then he’s right back using again.”

Shane splayed his hands out. “You’ve done all you can, Tyler. You’ve got to stop punishing

yourself. He’s made his choices, over and over again.”

Tyler released a long breath, shoulders sagging. “I know. I know that now.” He locked eyes with

Shane. “But do you understand my feelings of guilt, why I didn’t want to give up on him? We

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were happy for a long time.”

Shane nodded slowly, debating asking the next question, if he might be pushing things, but he

felt an unexplainable urge to know. He decided to ask. “Do you still love him?”

Tyler looked away from Shane, out into the yard, and silence reigned for long moments until

Tyler shook his head. “Not for a long time now,” he admitted in a whisper.

For reasons he couldn’t yet explain, the relief Shane felt from Tyler’s words was overwhelming.

“Can I ask how long all this has been going on? You’re photographed pretty frequently but until

Friday night I never saw a bruise on you.”

Tyler stuffed his hands in his pockets. “It’s been going on for about a year. And no, Alex was

smart. He knew I was his meal ticket and if I reported to set with a black eye and all of this came

out, the scandal would tank my career, and my cash flow.”

He paused and pulled up the bottom of his navy blue t-shirt, exposing several old bruises, now

turned yellowish-green, and one fresh one from Friday night, scattered across his ribs and

stomach. “He never hit where anyone could see, until he slipped up Friday night.”

Shane was instantly sick to his stomach, looking in horror at all of Tyler’s injuries. “Jesus…

Tyler…” he breathed.

“I never thought it would be any more than this or this,” Tyler said, indicating his chest and face,

letting his shirt fall back down. “The thought of him actually killing me was never even a

thought, until you told me about your sister. It was the wakeup call I needed, that I’d done all I

could for Alex and it was time to start thinking about myself.” He smiled his blue eyes warm and

open. “Thank you, Shane. I think you probably saved my life.”

Shane’s breath caught in his throat, making him unable to speak, or to look away from the man

standing across from him until Tyler blinked, releasing him, and Shane finally took a breath.

Tyler pulled out his chair and sat back down. He leaned toward Shane, arms resting on the table

top. “Can I ask…what happened to your sister?”

Shane nodded. It was only fair that he share his story, too. He reached into his back pocket and

took out his wallet, withdrawing a well-worn photo and passing it across to Tyler. It was him and

Hannah on the last summer vacation they ever took together as a family, smiling up into their

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father’s camera.

“It happened when I was thirteen and she was twenty,” Shane began. “She was always the wild

child, hanging with the wrong crowd, driving my parents crazy. She got mixed up with a guy that

was nothing but trouble, but she was in love with him.” He sighed. “They got married despite my

parent’s protests. He was a drinker and the abuse started pretty quickly. We tried to get her to

leave him, but she kept saying he apologized, said he’d never do it again.” Shane shook his head,

eyes sad. “And she believed him. Next thing we know he’s moving her to New Mexico, away

from her friends and family, her support system.”

Shane had to pause, swallowing past the lump that had formed in his throat. “We had no idea

how bad it had gotten until it was too late. Until my parents got a call at 2 am telling us that

Hannah was dead, stabbed to death,” he finished, voice ragged with the pain of the memory.

Tyler’s eyes reflected his sorrow. “My God, I’m so sorry. Is that why you decided to become a


Shane cleared his throat. “Partly, yeah. But it is why I can’t walk away from domestic abuse


Tyler’s reply was soft and heartfelt. “I’m glad you don’t. Thank you for not giving up on me.”

There it was again, that pull, that connection, in the way Tyler was looking at him so intensely.

The moment hung there in the afternoon sunshine, hazel eyes locked with blue, Shane’s stomach

giving a familiar flutter, broken only when Chase suddenly gave a yip out in the yard. Shane

released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding as he and Tyler turned to look over at the

dog, who was leaping up into the air for no apparent reason.

“Is he right in the head?” Tyler asked playfully, confused at the dog’s antics.

Shane cocked his head. “Some say it’s what makes us the perfect partners,” he deadpanned and

Tyler grinned back in amusement, shaking his head.

The sound of a patio door opening and closing next door at Logan Miller’s house drew their

attention, and a moment later the soft strains of a guitar were heard on the summer breeze.

“He’s a musician, eh?” Shane asked.

“Yeah, and a darn good one,” Tyler answered. “It’s how we met, actually. His band was playing

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at a network party I was at six years ago. I play guitar a bit, too, and wanted to compliment him.

We ended up talking at the bar for four hours that night.” Tyler smiled. “Been friends ever since.

He’s the one that told me about this house going up for sale.”

Tyler paused. “I went over and apologized to him for how I acted Friday night. He did the right

thing by calling the police.”

“He cares about you. It’s good to have friends like that.”

Tyler nodded. “And I hardly have any, so I need to hang on to the ones I’ve got.”

Shane gave a surprised laugh. “You? Mr. Hollywood Actor? No friends? I find that hard to


Tyler’s sigh was long. “In this business you don’t have many true friends. Everyone always

wants something from you. They don’t really want to know you, just what you can do for them.

It can get pretty damn lonely, honestly.”

And Shane could hear the loneliness in Tyler’s words and all he wanted to do was take it away,

to be someone who’s always be there for him. Shane’s words were quiet, sincere. “I’d like to be

your friend…if I could.”

Tyler’s shy smile was like the sun breaking through a cloudy day. “Yeah…yeah, I’d like that.”

“Actually…” Shane struggled not to grin. “Could I get your autograph?”

He was hoping for another smile out of Tyler, but the full blown laugh he got startled him so

much he didn’t even try to dodge the beer bottle cap Tyler flicked at his forehead. In a split

second Tyler’s entire face changed from tired and world weary to…beautiful. And it took

Shane’s breath away.

Tyler smiled and shook his head, but then sobered. “Actually, you can,” he told Shane, then rose

from the table and went inside. He reappeared a minute later with a pen and several pieces of

paper that Shane recognized as the restraining order paperwork. Tyler scrawled his signature at

the bottom of each page, then slid them across to Shane without a word. Their fingers brushed,

sending a tingle up Shane’s arm as he locked eyes with Tyler.

And for the first time he saw something new in their blue depths…trust.

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Later that night, back at home, Shane was on his computer, checking his email. He was about to

shut down the machine when he paused, and instead opened up YouTube. He did a search on

Tyler’s name, looking for a particular video clip. He found it a minute later and pulled up Tyler’s

last red carpet appearance, about nine months ago at the premiere of his last movie, Alex

Campbell by his side. He’d seen this clip before, and back then all he saw was a successful actor

smiling for the camera, holding hands with the man he loved.

But now Shane could see the shadows behind Tyler’s eyes and how his smile never quite reached



It should’ve been another typical Monday morning. It was sunny and hot, per the usual

California weather, the sunshine streaming in through Shane’s bedroom window, glinting off his

badge as he put on his uniform. But today wasn’t just any Monday. Today Shane had his final

meeting with Sergeant Hansen, who would either give him the go-ahead to begin patrols on his

own, or assign him an extended period of field training.

Shane took a deep breath and studied himself in his bedroom mirror. He felt he’d done well this

past month during his training with Nick, but L.A.P.D. standards were a lot different than Tulsa’s

and he hoped he’d measured up.

He glanced down at his side, where Chase waited patiently, his own badge, clipped to his collar,

shining in the sunlight as well. He hoped they both measured up. In about thirty minutes he’d

find out.

Having deposited Chase in the station’s kennel first, Shane cleared his throat and knocked on the

open door of Nick’s office twenty minutes later. The sergeant looked up from his paperwork and

motioned Shane inside. “Ah, Walker, have a seat.”

Shane nodded and sat ramrod straight on the edge of the chair, trying to tramp down on the

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internal butterflies dancing in his stomach.

Nick chuckled at Shane’s pose. “Relax,” he told him and Shane let his shoulders sag a bit and sat

back further in the chair.

Nick opened up a red file folder, containing Shane’s evaluation paperwork. “You’re a hard

worker, Shane,” he began. “You brought with you your experience from Tulsa and it shows.

You’ve got excellent instincts and adapt well to each changing situation you find yourself in.

You also work seamlessly with your partner and with other members of this department.” He slid

a set of car keys across the desk with a smile. “Congratulations, rookie. You’re now a full-

fledged part of this team.”

Shane didn’t realize he’d been holding his breath until he pulled in a relieved lungful.

“Thank you, Sarge,” he grinned from ear to ear. “I won’t let you down.”

“I know you won’t,” Nick smiled in return, then pointed a finger at him. “Just don’t get cocky.

You know you’re still on probation for the next six months.” He closed Shane’s file then hooked

his thumb toward the door. “Now hit the streets.”

Shane jumped up, snagging the keys and giving Nick a mock salute. “Yes sir, Sergeant Hansen,

sir,” he joked, then practically sprinted from the office, leaving Nick shaking his head in mock



Hours later Shane and Chase were patrolling the streets of their beat, Shane’s excitement at

finally being on his own having diminished due to the fact that nothing was happening that day.

He was eager to tackle his first solo call, but the citizens of Hollywood were behaving

themselves that day. He hadn’t even written a speeding ticket all day. No sooner had a

disappointed sigh passed his lips when his radio suddenly issued a series of beeps.


Chase sat up in the backseat as Shane snagged the mic. “Six-Adam-Twelve, go,” he responded to

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Chloe, another one of their dispatchers, feeling his pulse start to quicken.

“Six-Adam-Twelve…Six-Adam-Nineteen is 10-38 at Fountain and La Brea, requesting K-9

assistance. Please respond.”

“10-4. Six-Adam-Twelve, responding.”

Shane’s smile was as bright as the sun as he looked over his shoulder at Chase. “Showtime,” he

told his partner, flipping on the lights and sirens, his partner’s excited barking filling the squad



They arrived on the scene minutes later, Shane’s keen eyes taking in everything at once. Officers

Brian Cho and Kevin Young had a dark blue SUV pulled over, the male driver handcuffed and

seated on the curb. Young was watching over him while Cho was searching the vehicle.

Shane pulled his squad up in front of the SUV and got out, leaving a disappointed Chase in the

backseat, eager to work. Shane nodded as he approached. “Brian, what’ve we got?”

Officer Cho crawled out of the backseat. “Thanks for coming, Shane. We got a solid tip this guy

is in the process of transporting a large quantity of cocaine, but Kevin and I have come up empty.

I mean, take a look in here.”

Cho moved out of the way and Shane looked inside the SUV, wrinkling up his nose in disgust.

The odor of rotten food assailed his nose first and foremost, as he took in the multitude of

discarded wrappers, bags and cups. Garbage in general littered the entire vehicle, interspersed

with clothing, blankets and empty cigarette packs. Shane straightened back up and looked over at

the suspect, noting that the man’s disheveled appearance matched that of his vehicle. Here was

someone who lived in his car.

“Okay, let me get my partner,” Shane said, then reached down to his gun belt and pressed a

button on what looked like a garage door opener. It was a device that allowed Shane to remotely

open the back door on his squad, releasing Chase. It was an invaluable tool should Shane ever

find himself out of his squad and in jeopardy, in need of his partner.

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Chase bounded out in an instant, trotting obediently to Shane’s side. Shane reached down and

took hold of Chase’s collar. “Ready to work, boy?” he asked, then took Chase up to the front of

the SUV.

“Seek drugs, Chase. Seek drugs,” he told the dog and Chase immediately put his nose to the grill

of the vehicle and began sniffing.

Shane and Chase made a slow circle all the way around the SUV with no alert from his partner.

He then opened up the back and Chase jumped inside, nosing through the debris, but not alerting.

Shane repeated the process in the backseat, but still nothing from Chase. It was a different story

in the front seat, however. Within seconds Chase barked, sat down and began pawing at the

radio. Shane looked at Brian and nodded in satisfaction. “Chase, out!”

After Chase had jumped down, Brian began prying at the front panel of the radio, using the

conveniently located screwdriver on the passenger seat. Minutes later he had the radio pulled out

and was reaching around inside the open space.

“Son of a bitch,” he swore, emerging with three bags of cocaine, packaged for distribution.

Shane immediately turned to his partner, dropping down on one knee, a huge smile on his face.

“Good boy, Chase! Good boy!” he praised the dog, playfully shaking his head, patting him on

his side. Chase barked and licked at Shane’s face, pleased that he’d won the game.

“Good job yourself, rookie,” Brian grinned and shook Shane’s hand.

Shane stepped back and let Brian and Kevin finish up, breathing deeply, a huge weight off his

shoulders. He looked down at Chase with pride in his eyes. They’d proved with their first solo

call that they deserved to wear the badge of the L.A.P.D., and there was no better feeling in the



On lunch break later that afternoon, Shane was sitting on a park bench, enjoying his chili dog

with Chase lounging at his feet when his cell phone rang. He quickly wiped off his hands and

fished his phone from his pants pocket, smiling at the name on the display.

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“Hey, Tyler.”

“Shane, hey. I’m sorry I’m calling you while you’re working.”

“No, perfect timing. I’m on my lunch break. What’s up?”

“I wanted to let you know what was going on. I couldn’t take the chance and let anyone see me

at Alex’s sentencing this morning, so Logan volunteered to go. He told me that the judge got

serious, said that because this is Alex’s third offense for the same charge he’s sentencing him to

six months in the county jail this time.”

And here Shane didn’t think the day could’ve possibly gotten any better. “Tyler…God, that’s

great news. It’s good to know he’s going to have to suffer the consequences of what he did to

you. How are you feeling about all this?”

He heard Tyler sigh. “I don’t know what I’m feeling right now, to tell you the truth. Things have

been moving kinda fast since Friday. Still trying to wrap my head around everything, you know?

But Logan…” Shane could hear him smile now. “Logan knows exactly what he’s feeling, and

insists we celebrate tonight by building a bonfire in my backyard and burning all of Alex’s

clothes. Please say you’ll come over after your shift and be my backup in case Logan breaks out

the matches.”

Shane couldn’t help but laugh. “Deal. I’ll even bring the beer.”


By eight o’clock that night Shane was comfortably ensconced in a patio chair on Tyler’s deck,

beer in hand, Logan sitting next to him. They were watching Tyler in the yard with Chase, man

and dog playfully wrestling in the grass. Each time Tyler laughed a feeling of warmth blossomed

in Shane’s chest.

“Thank you.”

Shane turned to look at Logan. “For what?”

Logan indicated his head toward Tyler. “For finally being the one to put a smile on his face.”

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Shane could feel his own face heating up and he cleared his throat. “Yeah, well…you played a

part, too. You didn’t give up on him, either.”

Logan nodded and clinked his beer bottle with Shane’s. “I’m just glad this nightmare seems to

finally be over for him.” He looked pointedly at Shane. “He deserves someone who will never

hurt him again.”

Shane could hear the double meaning in Logan’s words and was pinned by the other man’s

intense gaze, broken only when Tyler walked up onto the deck.

“You were right, Shane,” Tyler grinned. “The more time I spend with Chase the more I realize

how similar you two really are.”

Logan chuckled as he stood. “Get you boys another beer?” he asked, heading toward the house,

and received two nods.

“You look good,” Shane said softly as Tyler settled into the chair on the opposite side of him.

The cut on Tyler’s face was healing nicely, no longer an angry red, and even the vivid bruising

was fading. “Relaxed.”

Tyler nodded slowly. “I feel good. Now,” he answered. “Been turning this jail thing with Alex

over and over in my head all day. Letting go of the guilt. Telling myself that he deserves it and

that I need all these months away from him to get my life back on track. A fresh start.”

“Good advice,” Shane agreed. “Speaking of that – I checked on your restraining order paperwork

today. It’s been processed and Campbell will be informed about it in jail. He does have a legal

right to come back here when he’s released to collect his personal belongings, so I suggest you

start packing up his things now and store them in the garage. That way when he comes back he

can just take the boxes and leave. And if you want I can be here, officially.”

“I’d really appreciate that, Shane, thanks. Could I ask a favor?”


“Are you busy this weekend? I’d like to get started boxing up Alex’s things, and I know if I do it

myself I’ll end up lingering over every freakin shirt and book, and probably end up


myself. I need someone impartial who can just pick stuff up and put it in a box.”

Shane smiled. “I’d be happy to help,” he answered, then changed the subject. “So, are you going

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to be here in L.A. for awhile?”

Tyler nodded. “Yep, I’ve got some downtime for the next several months, before I start up PR

work for Midnight Journey.”

“Man, I can’t wait to see that. From what I’ve heard you’re amazing in it,” Shane gushed,

watching as a faint, embarrassed blush stained Tyler’s cheeks.

“Okay, boys, here we go,” Logan said, reappearing from the house with three beer bottles in one

hand and a guitar in the other.

Tyler started shaking his head. “Oh, no, no.”

“Don’t even give me that crap,” Logan replied without heat, holding out the guitar to Tyler.

“We had a deal, my friend.”

“Deal?” Shane asked curiously.

“Ty here agreed to sing with me a bit tonight if I promised not to start a bonfire in the middle of

his yard,” Logan explained.

Turning toward Tyler, Shane’s eyebrows shot up. “You sing and play guitar? I’ve been a fan of

yours for years. How did I not know this?”

Tyler shot Logan a look, but took the guitar. “Because I’m not good at either so I kinda keep it to


“Oh, bullshit. You’re damn good, son,” Logan replied, snagging his own guitar from where it

had been resting against the railing of the deck and strummed a chord. “Let’s let Shane here

decide for himself, shall we?”

Five minutes later Shane had indeed decided for himself and come down firmly on Logan’s side

of the matter. Tyler was a talented musician and Shane was mesmerized. Logan’s voice was

smooth and rich and deep, while Tyler’s slightly higher pitched voice complemented the other

man’s in perfect harmony. They sang songs about love and hope and dreams, filling the summer

night with beautiful music, and Shane simply could not take his eyes off of Tyler. And each time

Tyler locked eyes with him, Shane’s stomach flipped.

It was then he realized with certainty that his fanboy crush was turning into something much

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Shane looked at his watch for the umpteenth time in the past hour, urging the minute hand to go

just a bit faster. It’s been a long week, and he was looking forward to getting off his shift in half

an hour and heading over to Tyler’s. They’d talked on the phone frequently since Monday night,

but it wasn’t the same as actually sitting on Tyler’s deck, sharing a beer with the older man.

He was roused from his musings by the beeping of his radio, and Chloe’s voice.


“Six-Adam-Twelve, go,” he quickly responded.

“Six-Adam-Twelve…10-32 at 157 North Cherokee, requesting K-9 assistance. Please respond.”

“10-4. Six-Adam-Twelve, responding.”

Man with a gun. Shane felt his heart start to beat faster as he flipped on his lights and sirens and

hit the gas.


Shane arrived in minutes to North Cherokee, a tree-line neighborhood street that was currently in

the midst of controlled chaos. Multiple squads lined the block, red and white lights flashing,

officers hunkered down behind them, guns drawn, pointed at a faded yellow, two-story house.

Two news vans were also present, cameramen and reporters filming the situation as it happened.

Shane exited his own vehicle, leaving Chase in the backseat, crouching down and making his

way over to Nick, who was just putting down his walkie-talkie.

“What’ve we got, Sarge?” he asked, leaning his shoulder against the bottom of the door on

Nick’s squad.

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“Standoff,” Nick replied tightly. “We had a gang shooting over on Wilcox. Perp fled on foot to

the house behind us. He’s been popping off shots until about ten minutes ago and has been

unresponsive to our instructions to leave the residence.” Nick’s voice turned hard. “So it’s time

to go in and bring him out ourselves.”

Shane nodded grimly. “Have we identified him?”

“Name’s Isaac Washington. This is his girlfriend’s house. We already checked on her

whereabouts and verified that she’s not in there.”

“Got it. I’ll get my partner. Where’s our point of entry?”

“Side window on the north side of the house. It’s already wide open.”

Shane nodded again and carefully made his way back to his squad, feeling his pulse start to race,

his body on the verge of a major adrenaline rush. He got Chase out and clipped him to his leash,

then kneeled down in front of the animal.

This was the hardest part of being a K-9 officer, this moment right here. Because Chase was

more than a dog, more than a cop. He was Shane’s friend and constant companion, and each and

every time they got a call like this, the possibility came with it that Shane was sending Chase to

his death. For that was Chase’s ultimate purpose – to protect the lives of the human officers by

laying down his own if need be. To literally be the front line of attack against a perp with a gun

or a knife. To be the split second distraction Shane needed.

They’d done this dozens and dozens of times over the years, emerging from each situation with a

suspect in custody and not a scratch on either of them. Shane was determined that today would

be no different.

He took Chase’s head in his hands and kissed the top of it. “Let’s do this, boy,” he whispered,

then led them both back over to Nick.

“All set, Sarge.”

Nick nodded and picked up the bullhorn, pointing it toward the house. “Last chance, Isaac! You

have five minutes to come out of the house or we’re sending in the dog!”

Five minutes later there was no response and Nick beckoned over Officer Hailey Brooks to be

Shane’s backup. For it was the handler’s responsibility to pay attention to his dog, to his signals,

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and the second officer’s responsibility to pay attention to their surroundings and protect the


“Brooks, you’re with Walker,” Nick told her, then picked up his walkie-talkie. “K-9 going in,”

he informed the rest of the officers on scene, then turned to Shane. “Go.”

And with that one word Shane’s body kicked into overdrive, the sudden rush of adrenaline swept

through his veins and kick-started his pulse. Keeping low, he, Chase and Hailey broke past the

line of squad cars and made for the side window of the house, all the while waiting for a gunshot

to ring out, but none did. Once there they flattened themselves against the siding and slid over to

the window.

Shane poked his head over the sill and quickly scanned the room. “It’s the dining room,” he

whispered to Hailey. “Looks clear. I’m sending Chase in.”

Hailey nodded as Shane bent down and picked up his partner, carefully hoisting the large dog

over the windowsill. Chase landed with a soft click of his nails on the hardwood floor.

“Down,” Shane hissed and Chase immediately dropped to his belly.

Shane was next in through the window, followed by Hailey. They stood for a moment, just

listening, but heard no noise anywhere in the house. With a nod and hand signals, Shane told

Hailey he was taking Chase to the front door, the last place they knew the suspect had been.

Contrary to popular belief, police dogs did not always need an article of clothing to smell to track

a person. They were trained to pick up on the freshest scent in the area. And when the person had

been running and sweating, the skin cells they shed and their odor were easy for the dog to pick

up on. This was especially important in this instance, since the suspect would’ve been in this

house many times before. Chase needed to know where he was now.

The two officers and Chase crept through the dining room, Shane with the leash in his left hand

and his .45 in his right, all senses on alert for any movement or sound. They reached the front

door a minute later and Shane gave Chase his command.


The change in Chase was instantaneous. It was time to go to work and he knew it. His nose was

on the floor an instant later, making a circle in front of the door, until he stopped in one spot.

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Then he was pulling against the leash, leading the officers into the living room, past the shattered

front windows where the suspect had fired at the police.

Shane could sense Hailey sweeping the room with her eyes and her gun as Shane watched Chase

closely. The dog backtracked then, past the front door and dining room, and into the kitchen. He

went straight toward the door next to the refrigerator and pawed against it, whining softly.

Shane looked at Hailey, silent communication passing between them. Basement. The perfect

place for an ambush.

Shane put his mouth close to the mic clipped to his shoulder and depressed the button. “First

floor clear,” he updated the officers outside. “K-9 has alerted on door leading to the basement.

Stand by.”

With a nod, Hailey grasped the doorknob and quickly swung the door open, both officers

immediately going into a firing stance. All was quiet, so they began their descent down the stairs,

Chase first, followed by Shane and then Hailey.

With each step Shane’s heartbeat quickened, until the sound of his blood was roaring in his ears,

beads of sweat making their way down the back of his neck, his breathing fast and shallow.

There was one ground level window in the basement, letting in much needed light, but also

producing deep shadows. Chase was pulling hard against his leash, indicating their quarry was

close, leading Shane and Hailey to one corner of the basement, where the furnace and hot water

heater were located.

Chase suddenly whined and lunged forward, his front paws off the ground, held back only by the

strong grip of Shane’s hand on his leash, and began barking furiously. Shane and Hailey

immediately took cover, the female officer behind a tattered and torn couch and Shane behind

several large boxes that were stacked up.

“Isaac!” Hailey yelled over Chase’s barking, peeking up over the back of the couch, weapon out

in front of her. “Throw out your gun and come out of there with your hands in the air or we’ll

send in the dog!”

Movement behind the furnace caught everyone’s attention, and the next moments seemed to

happen in slow motion.

“Gun!” Hailey screamed as Isaac lunged out from his hiding place, his weapon pointed directly

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at the officers…

…and Shane let Chase go.

The massively powerful dog was across the space in the span of two heartbeats, leaping up in the

air, his target in sight, just like in training – the arm with the gun.

The German Shepherd’s 115 pound body slammed into Isaac just as he fired, knocking the man

off his feet, his jaws clamping down on the man’s arm, shaking his head furiously from side to


The bullet missed Shane only by inches, and then he was surging forward toward his partner,

Hailey right behind him.

“Get him off! Get him off!” Isaac was screaming, thrashing on the floor. But Chase was

relentless, his jaws like a vise.

Hailey kicked Isaac’s gun away, then holstered her own and pulled out her handcuffs. Shane kept

his own weapon out and pointed at Isaac while he reached down and grasped Chase’s collar.

“Chase! Release!” he commanded, pulling back on the collar.

The dog gave one more shake of his head then opened his mouth and backed away, barking.

“Down!” Shane told him and once again Chase dropped to his belly, quiet.

Shane continued to cover Isaac with his .45 while Hailey flipped him over, handcuffed him and

yanked him to his feet, Isaac’s arm bleeding freely from the multitude of puncture wounds

Chase’s teeth had inflicted.

As they made their way back upstairs, Shane spoke into his mic again. “Six-Adam-Twelve and

Six-Adam-Fifteen are Code Four. Suspect in custody.”


Once outside, Nick and several other officers met them at the bottom of the front porch steps,

two taking Isaac away to be thoroughly searched and one was taking Isaac’s gun from Hailey.

The reporters were there, just beyond the police barricade, snapping pictures and video at the

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Nick clapped both Shane and Hailey on their shoulders. “Excellent work, you two.”

“Oh, don’t look at us,” Hailey grinned. “Chase here is the real hero.”

As if he knew they were talking about him, Chase jumped up and put his paws on Shane’s chest.

Shane smiled down fondly at his partner, scratching him behind his ears. “You bet you’re a hero,


“Okay, you two take it easy for a minute,” Nick told Shane and Hailey. “Then you can brief me

on what exactly went down,” he finished, then headed over to where Isaac was being searched

against one of the squads.

Shane turned toward Hailey, his hand extended. “Thanks for the help, Hailey.”

She shook his hand with a smile. “Anytime, rookie,” she replied, then moved off toward her own


“You thirsty, boy?” Shane asked Chase, walking to his own vehicle. “I know I am.”

“Officer! Officer!”

Shane looked over to his left, where a female reporter was waving her hand, microphone


“May we talk to you, Officer? Can you tell us what happened?”

Shane turned his head, searching out Nick. “Sarge?” he called, waiting until Nick looked his

way, and then he hooked his thumb toward the small group of reporters.

Nick paused, and then nodded. “Make it quick!”

Shane stepped toward the barricade, Chase at his side.

“May we get your name, Officer?” the female reporter asked.

“Officer Shane Walker with the K-9 unit.”

“Can you tell us what happened here today, Officer Walker?” another reporter asked, his

notepad in his hand.

“We had a gang-related shooting several blocks from here and the suspect fled to this residence,”

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Shane began. “He fired upon the police several times from within the house and refused repeated

commands to come out and surrender his weapon. So myself and my partner Chase were called

in to enter the residence and take the suspect into custody. Chase located the suspect in the

basement, where he fired upon myself and Officer Brooks one time before being subdued and

taken into custody.”

“Was anyone injured, Officer Walker?”

“Only the suspect, who sustained several dog bites.”

“Can you give us the suspect’s name?”

“Whose residence is this?”

“Was anyone killed in the gang shooting?”

“What charges will be brought against the man you have in custody?”

The questions were rapid fire from all of the reporters and Shane shook his head. “Sorry, that’s

all I can say,” he told them, then turned and led Chase back over to their squad.

He got them both a much needed drink of water, then Nick was calling him and Hailey over to

debrief them. By the time they were done nearly 45 minutes had passed, and since both his and

Hayley’s shifts were long over they were eager to get back to the station.

Shane settled into the driver’s seat after getting Chase settled into the back and blew out a long

breath. Now that the excitement was over his body was coming down from its adrenaline rush

and he could feel small tremors racing under his skin. That was too fucking close. For both him

and Chase. All he wanted to do now was get changed back into his regular clothes and relax and

have a beer with Tyler.

Shane’s eyes widened. “Shit! Tyler!” He was supposed to have been over at the other man’s

house almost two hours ago. He threw open the glove box and fumbled for his cell phone,

noticing that he had five missed calls and one voicemail, all from Tyler’s number. He quickly

listened to the message and Tyler’s panicked voice.

“Shane?? Are you alright? I only heard part of a report on the radio about some gang shooting,

shots being fired at the police at some house and your name was mentioned. I wasn’t paying

much attention until I heard your name and then the report was over. I just…I want to make sure

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you’re okay. Call me…please.”

Shane dialed Tyler back and the phone had barely rung once before it was answered.


Shane grinned. “Tyler, it’s okay, I’m alright. Not a scratch on me,” he reassured him “Thanks to


He could hear Tyler release a breath. “So I did hear that report right. You scared the crap out of

me, man.”

“I’m sorry, didn’t mean to,” Shane answered, touched by Tyler’s concern for him.

“What the hell happened? And Chase’s okay, too, right?”

“Yep, he’s fine, too. Mind if I tell you everything over a beer at your place?”

“Are you sure you’re still up to coming over? You sound pretty wiped out. I’ll completely

understand, you know.”

“Actually, the thing I want most right now is to come over and see you,” Shane answered softly.

“Good…because I’d really like to see you, too,” Tyler answered just as softly, and Shane let the

warmth in Tyler’s voice spread through his body and chase away the last of the tremors.


An hour later Shane and Chase pulled up into Tyler’s driveway, just as Tyler came out the

attached door to the garage, a box in his hands. He put the box down on top of another one and

smiled at Shane as he walked into the garage. Shane grinned back, pleased to see that Tyler’s

face had completely healed up this past week.

“Hey,” he greeted Tyler, then furrowed his brow as the other man crossed his arms over his chest

and started to walk around Shane in a circle, eyes sweeping him from top to bottom.

“What in the world are you doing?” Shane laughed.

Tyler came to a stop in front of him. “Making sure you really don’t have a bullet hole in you.”

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Shane let his amusement fade, eyes softening. He reached out and put his hand on Tyler’s upper

arm. “I’m okay, really,” he reassured him.

Tyler swallowed. “Good, because I want you around for awhile,” he said quietly, then averted

his eyes from Shane as a blush started to stain his cheeks.

Shane’s heart skipped a beat at Tyler’s admission, but before he could respond, Tyler was

clearing his throat and moving toward the house. “Let’s get that beer, eh?” he called over his

shoulder, and it took Shane a moment to follow behind.

“Have a seat, man,” Tyler indicated toward the living room as he kept moving toward the


Shane relaxed back into the sofa with a sigh. He’d only been to Tyler’s house a few times since

they met, but he felt so comfortable here. Like he…fit. Like they’d known each other for years

instead of weeks. It was a really nice feeling.

Tyler reappeared with two bottles of beer, just as Chase jumped up onto the couch.

“No, Chase –,” Shane began, but Tyler waved him off.

“He’s fine,” he smiled, handing Shane his beer, then reached down and scratched Chase behind

his ears as the big dog laid his head in Shane’s lap. “I hear you’re a hero, boy.” He looked up at

Shane. “Right before you got here I saw the interview you gave.”

Shane nodded as Tyler sat on the other side of Chase, turning his body to face Shane. “He saved

my life,” he said, patting Chase on his side.

“What happened?” Tyler asked. “Do you want to talk about it?”

“You know the basics from my interview,” Shane started. “The guy was hiding in the basement.

Jumped out with a gun. I let Chase go just as he started to take a shot at me.” Shane paused, his

eyes sliding closed, hearing the gunshot, feeling the bullet pass inches from his body…he took a

breath and opened his eyes when he felt Tyler’s hand come to rest on his shoulder. The older

man’s expression was a mixture of worry at Shane’s story and relief that everything turned out

alright. Shane swallowed and stroked Chase on his head. “Thankfully Chase hit his arm and

knocked his aim off. Hailey and I took him into custody and we all went home safe and sound,”

he finished, with a somewhat shaky smile.

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“You’re the bravest person I’ve ever known,” Tyler told him. “I truly mean that. It takes a

special person to risk their life every day to help keep people like me safe. You’re amazing,” he

finished quietly.

Now it was Shane’s turn to feel his face heat up. He took a long swallow of his beer then shook

his head. “Enough about me. I came over to help you. Why don’t you put me to work?” Tyler

nodded and gave Shane’s shoulder a squeeze, still looking at Shane with admiration in his eyes

as he stood and started walking toward his bedroom. Shane took another pull of his beer then

followed behind, leaving Chase sleeping on the couch.

Tyler’s bedroom was painted in a soft gray on three walls with white crown molding. The fourth

wall, behind the bed, was painted blue. The comforter, pillowcases and sheets were also various

shades of blue. One wall held a large walk-in closet, a long dresser with a mirror was along the

second wall and the third had a window with blue curtains. Shane could tell that normally things

were immaculate, like the rest of his house, but right now empty boxes littered the floor and part

of the bed.

“Why don’t you start with the closet,” Tyler said, opening the door and turning on the light.

“All of Alex’s things are on the left.”

“Got it,” Shane replied, then picked up an empty box while Tyler went over to the dresser.

They worked in silence for awhile, Shane efficiently putting shirts and pants and ties in boxes,

thinking to himself that with every item packed away that bastard Campbell was one step closer

to being out of Tyler’s life.

Speaking of Tyler, he realized it had been quiet out in the bedroom for a short while now.

No drawers opening and closing or the rustling of boxes. Walking out of the closet he saw Tyler

just sitting on the end of the bed, head bowed. As he got closer he saw that Tyler was looking

down at a framed photo of him and Alex. They were on the beach, under a sunny, clear blue sky,

smiling happily for the camera. A real smile, Shane noticed. There were no shadows in Tyler’s

eyes there.

But as Tyler looked over at him as he sat down beside him, he could see them there, now.

“I know what he did to me was wrong.” Tyler’s voice was low and laced with sadness. “But I

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kept thinking that the guy I fell in love with was still in there somewhere.” He sighed deeply.

“It’s so damn hard to have a relationship in this business. Finding someone who can deal with

me being gone for weeks at a time filming or doing press tours, or not being irrationally jealous

when I film a love scene or take a co-star to an event…I thought I’d finally found that person in

Alex. I thought that he was it and we’d have that Hollywood happy ending,” he finished, voice


“Being a cop isn’t much easier,” Shane replied, sympathy in his voice. “Try finding someone

who can deal with a profession as dangerous as mine is. Always wondering if I’m going to come

home that night, plus having to deal with Chase on top of it. I’ve had my fair share of boyfriends,

but none of them could handle the stress.” He shook his head, his laugh humorless. “Boy, don’t

we make a pair.”

Tyler looked at him in silence for several heartbeats, his expression thoughtful, before turning

the picture over and putting it into the box next to him. “Actually,” he finally said, a smile

playing at the corners of his mouth, “I think we do.”

And right then Shane saw something new in those brilliant blue eyes.


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Part Two

“How do you feel about bowling?”

“Bowling?” Shane could almost see Tyler’s confused expression over the phone line.

“Yeah, you know – balls, pins, funny shoes…”

It’s been four days since Shane helped Tyler pack up Alex’s belongings, and every spare

moment since then he had spent thinking about the other man. Shane had been prepared to accept

that his deepening feelings for Tyler were one-sided, his fanboy crush exacerbated by the fact

that he’d met Tyler in person.

But that look, and that soft smile that Tyler had given him on Saturday…

Perhaps Shane’s feelings weren’t as one-sided as he thought. Which is why he’d spent the last

four days trying to figure out how to spend more time with Tyler, to see if he was right, or if he

was reading too much into things. And finally an opportunity had presented itself.

He could hear Tyler chuckle. “Yes, Shane, I’m quite familiar with the concept. I’m wondering

why the random question about it.”

“This Sunday is a fundraiser for the L.A.P.D Family Support Group,” Shane explained.

“It’s our widows and orphans fund. This year it’s being held at Strike Zone. There’s going to be

a silent auction and we’ve all collected donations for our teams. Problem is, our fourth player

just had to drop out today. So I was wondering…”

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“Count me in.”

Shane smiled. “Really?”

“Sure, absolutely. That’s a great cause to be raising money for. I’d be happy to help.” Tyler

paused, his voice light. “And I’ll have you know I’m a pretty damn good bowler.”

Shane laughed. “Oh, you’d better be prepared to put your money where your mouth is,” he

taunted, knowing full well that Tyler could beat him blindfolded with one hand tied behind his

back. Because Shane? He absolutely sucked at bowling. But Tyler didn’t have to know that. Yet.

Tyler’s laughter flowed through the phone. “Bring it.”


Strike Zone was packed by the time Shane got there, fifteen minutes before the event was set to

start. The L.A.P.D had rented out the entire bowling alley, and it was packed with adults and

children alike. The atmosphere was fun and lively, but it still saddened Shane to know that all of

these kids had lost one of their parents in the line of duty. Not to mention the wives who had lost

their husbands.


Shane was roused from his thoughts by Brian Cho calling his name from somewhere to his right.

A minute later he spied Brian’s hand waving at him from lane 28. As he got closer he could see

Hailey Brooks sitting next to Brian, putting on her bowling shoes.

“Hey, man,” he greeted Brian, clapping him on the shoulder, then sat down next to Hailey.

“So c’mon, Shane, spill,” Hailey said. “Who’s this mystery fourth player you got for us?”

Shane shook his head. “Nope, sorry. You’ll just have to wait. He should be here any minute,” he

answered, looking toward the front door. “I’m gonna go get my shoes; be back in a minute.”

A minute later Shane was turning away from the front counter, shoes in hand, when he spotted

Tyler coming in the front doors. And then he was witness to something he’d never seen before –

Tyler out in public.

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Several people stopped and stared at the actor, the expressions on their faces wondering if they

were really seeing Tyler Donovan standing in front of them, or someone who bore a remarkable

resemblance to him. Finally one brave teenage girl approached him, and although Shane couldn’t

hear what she asked, as soon as Tyler smiled and nodded his head, she jumped up in the air and

squealed. Next thing, she’s handing her cell phone to her friend and Tyler is posing for a picture

with the thrilled girl.

Now that the ice seemed to have been broken, several more people stepped up to Tyler, shaking

his hand, asking for his autograph or a picture with him. Shane smiled, watching as he handled

his fans with ease, from men and women to teenagers, always with a word to say back to them

that left them grinning from ear to ear.

It was only when he saw Tyler glancing up and looking around, obviously looking for him, that

Shane stepped over to the small group.

“Sorry, guys, I’ve gotta steal Tyler away,” he said with a smile.

“Everyone ready to bowl?” Tyler asked his fans. “Let’s go!”

The group dispersed after thanking Tyler for being there, and the actor turned to Shane. “Hey,

man, good to see you,” he said with a grin, picking up his bowling bag.

“You, too. Sorry for everyone coming up to you. I guess over the last few weeks I kinda forgot

you were a celebrity,” Shane apologized, leading Tyler over to lane 28.

Tyler waved off his concern. “Don’t worry about it. I enjoy it, actually. Because if it wasn’t for

them I wouldn’t have a career, you know? I’m really grateful to all of them.”

“Well, you certainly made quite a few people happy today,” Shane said, then leaned closer to

Tyler’s ear. “And I think you’re about to do the same here again in about 30 seconds,” he

whispered, then straightened up as they stopped in front of Brian and Hailey.

“Brian, Hailey, I’d like you to meet our fourth player, Tyler Donovan.”

Oh, if only Shane had a camera to capture Hailey’s expression at the moment when she

registered who was standing in front of her.

“Oh my…” she trailed off, mouth hanging open.

Brian laughed and stuck his hand out to Tyler. “Brian Cho. Nice to meet you, man. Thanks for

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helping us out today.”

“You, too,” Tyler grinned, shaking Brian’s hand. “And no problem. I’m looking forward to

having some fun.” Then he turned to Hailey and extended his hand. “Hi, I’m Tyler.”

Hailey nodded her head dumbly for a moment, snapping out of it when Shane snickered. “God,

I’m sorry,” she apologized with a blush, shaking Tyler’s hand. “I’m Hailey, nice to meet you.

Now if you’ll excuse me there’s a certain rookie I need to murder.” Then she stepped around

Tyler and smacked Shane in the chest. “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!”

Shane burst out laughing. “Oh, Hailey, you should’ve seen your face!”

“Attention ladies and gentlemen!”

Nick’s voice booming over the P.A. system caught everyone’s attention and they turned to listen

to the sergeant.

“I want to welcome you all to the 21st annual L.A.P.D. Family Support Group fundraiser. We’re

planning on having a great day today, raising money for a great cause, to help the families of our

fallen officers. I’ve gotten most of your donation sheets and you’ve all done a remarkable job.

I’ll have a total for you later today. Also, we’re having a silent auction. The items are on the

table down by lane fifteen. Don’t forget to stop by and take a look. Lastly, we’ll be having pizza

in about an hour, so start bowling and work up those appetites! Have fun, everyone!”

After the applause died down Tyler pulled his bowling ball out of his bag and held it up in front

of him. “Let’s see what you got, Officer Walker,” he smirked.

Shane laughed and reached for his own ball. Not much! he thought to himself, only hoping he

wouldn’t make a complete fool out of himself in front of Tyler.


An hour later that hope had been completely dashed as Shane threw one wild ball after another,

most ending up in the gutter, all ending up in laughter from his teammates.

“Yo, Walker!” Brian called out between laughs as yet another of Shane’s balls went across the

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lane instead of down it, landing with a thunk in the gutter. “Should we get the bumpers up for


Shane groaned in embarrassment, refusing to turn around as he heard Hailey join in the teasing,

and nearly jumped out of his skin when he felt Tyler’s hand smack him on his back. He turned to

see Tyler beside him, blue eyes dancing with mirth, and Shane’s breath stuttered at the sight.

“I think we need an intervention before you take out the pins on lane 29 instead,” Tyler


“I think I’m like, too tall for this game or something,” Shane grumbled, reaching for his ball, but

Tyler stopped him.

“No, you just need to get those freakishly long limbs working together,” Tyler joked. “Now

leave the ball and c’mere,” he told Shane, leading him up to the first line. “First, you’re throwing

the ball way too hard,” he started, then dropped his voice. “Just…take it easy. Slow and steady

and you’ll get the result you want. I promise.”

Shane blinked at Tyler’s low tone and the way he was looking at him, making Shane think that

he wasn’t wrong in reading a double meaning in Tyler’s words. That he was talking about them.

“Understand?” Tyler asked softly.

Shane swallowed. “Yeah…yeah, I understand,” he answered with a smile and a small nod of his


“Good,” Tyler replied with his own smile. “Now second, you’re standing all wrong.” He moved

behind Shane, his hands coming to rest on Shane’s hips, squeezing gently. Shane’s breath caught

in his throat at the feel of Tyler’s hands on him.

Tyler moved Shane’s hips slightly, then took his right hand and slid it down Shane’s forearm,

raising goose-bumps in its wake, gently encircling his wrist, stepping even closer to Shane.

Shane’s eyes slid closed at the feeling of the heat of Tyler’s body radiating all along his back and

his heart picked up its pace.

Tyler’s mouth was near his ear, sending a shiver down Shane’s spine. “Don’t cross your arm

over your body. Keep your arm straight, like this,” he instructed, taking Shane’s arm, bringing it

back slowly before swinging it forward again. Shane sucked in a shaky breath as the movement

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pressed the right side of Tyler’s firm chest into Shane’s back.

“Got it?” Tyler’s voice was a low rumble in his ear, his thumb moving softly over the inside of

Shane’s wrist, making it difficult for Shane to think, let alone answer.

“I…yeah, I think I’ve got it,” Shane finally got out, feeling a bit dizzy from the close contact

with Tyler.

“Okay, then. Go get „em, tiger.” Tyler grinned, clapped Shane on the back once more and

stepped away, Shane immediately missing Tyler’s heat.

His head still spinning, he distractedly picked up his ball, stepped up to the line, tried to focus on

the pins instead of a certain blue-eyed actor, made his approach…and let the ball fly. And then

stood there, dumbfounded, as he watched all ten pins fall down.

He heard Hailey and Brian jump up and start clapping, and then Tyler was back beside him, a

huge smile on his face.

“You did it!” he cheered, pulling Shane to him in a one-armed hug.

And just for a moment, time slowed down.

Shane saw the happiness in Tyler’s eyes, felt that strong body pressed against his, smelled the

cologne Tyler was wearing, wrapped his own arm around Tyler, pulled him tighter against


“I think this victory calls for some pizza, guys,” Tyler laughed, and the moment was broken, but

Shane could still feel his fingertips tingling.


“So why the decision to go into the K-9 division?” Tyler asked between bites of his sausage

pizza. He and Shane had grabbed several slices each plus a couple of sodas, and found a table by

the window to sit down and eat their lunch, interrupted every so often by an adoring Tyler

Donovan fan.

Shane shrugged, swallowed his bite of pepperoni pizza. “We always had dogs growing up and I

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loved them. Then when I was in the fifth grade we had this career fair at school and the police

department was there. They put on a demonstration with the dog and I just thought that was the

neatest thing.” Shane grinned. “Then when I decided to actually go into law enforcement as my

career I thought I’d give the K-9 division a go. And I’ve loved it ever since. I can’t imagine

doing anything else.”

“Well, from what I’ve seen, you made the right choice. You and Chase make a great team. My

family always had dogs, too, so I’ve got a soft spot for them,” Tyler replied with a smile, then

took another bite of pizza, unknowingly smearing a glob of sauce on the side of his face.

Shane grinned and stuck his arm out, reaching to point at Tyler’s face. “You’ve got –“ he started,

then froze as Tyler flinched, hard, eyes closing, his face turning away.

There was no mistaking the reaction. At Shane’s sudden movement, Tyler thought he was about

to be struck.

Shane didn’t know what to say, or do, his arm still suspended in mid-air, watching as Tyler’s

face flushed first in embarrassment and then in anger. Without looking Shane in the eye, he

suddenly stood, nearly tipping over his chair and strode to the front doors, pushed them open

with force, and disappeared from Shane’s sight.

Shane finally lowered his arm, releasing a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding, and sank

back in his chair, running a hand over his face. Jesus Christ. He contemplated not going after

Tyler for about a half a second before he was up and heading for the front doors himself. Tyler

was nowhere to be seen around the front of the building, but Shane spotted his car in the parking

lot, so he hadn’t left. He turned to the right and walked to the end of the building, looking down

the alley. And there was Tyler, leaning up against the side of the bowling alley, head bowed.

Shane walked down next to him, leaned up against the building beside him, and was silent.

“I know I need to talk to someone about the abuse. Get some counseling,” Tyler started, voice

rough, not meeting Shane’s eyes. “Because I obviously need it.” He blew out a harsh breath, then

turned to look at Shane, his eyes haunted once again. “But I’m not ready to let anyone find out

about this. For it to go public.”

“I think you’re wrong about what people will say,” Shane said gently. “No one will think you’re

weak because you’re a man who was abused. They’ll think you’re strong because you got out.

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And a Hollywood person like you could serve as a strong role model for other abuse victims.

Especially men. It’s just something I think you should think about.” Shane paused. “I just…I

want you to heal from this. To look forward and not have this haunting you for the rest of your


Tyler ducked his head, then looked sideways up at Shane. “You’re just not going to give up

on me, are you?”

Shane shook his head. “Never,” he vowed, then tried to lighten the mood. “Well, as long as you

never give up trying to make me into a decent bowler.”

Sure enough, that got a chuckle out of Tyler. “Looks like we’ve both got our work cut out for


Back inside the alley a few minutes later, Shane started walking back toward lane 28, but Tyler

turned the other way.

“I need to do something,” he told Shane. “I’ll be over in a minute.”

Shane nodded. “Okay, sure,” he replied, then went over to join Brian and Hailey, chatting with

his fellow officers until Tyler appeared about five minutes later.

They started bowling again, and although Tyler was more subdued than he was before the

incident at lunch, the four of them still had an enjoyable time. And Shane even managed to

finally score above 100 for the first time in his life.

“Attention, everyone!”

Once more Nick’s voice came over the loudspeaker, and everyone turned to look at him. It took

a minute for Shane to realize that Tyler was walking away, and he furrowed his brow in


“I’m happy to report that our final total with donations and our silent auction, we’ve raised

$21,000! Give yourself a hand, everyone!”

After the applause died down, Nick continued speaking. “We have a special, surprise guest with

us today, and he’d like to say a few words. Ladies and gentlemen, here’s Tyler Donovan.”

Tyler took the mic from Nick. “Thanks, Sergeant Hansen. First, I want to thank Officer Shane

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Walker for inviting me here today. I’ve had a great time, and I’ve really enjoyed getting to talk to

so many of you.” He paused for a moment. “I wasn’t familiar with the Family Support Group

until today, and now I know what valuable assistance they provide. It saddens me that you’ve

lost husbands and fathers. They made the ultimate sacrifice to protect all of us and we will all

forever be in their debt.”

He turned to Nick and handed him a piece of paper. “I wish I could do more to express my

thanks to these fallen officers, and help all of you, but I hope this $25,000 is a start.”

A collective gasp was heard throughout the bowling alley, and even Shane’s jaw dropped open at

Tyler’s generosity. As the thunderous applause started, Shane looked around at the hundreds of

faces with nothing but admiration and respect on them for the man before them.

If Tyler thought public opinion about him would change if he came forward about Alex’s abuse,

he was dead wrong.


Several days later Shane’s shift was just ending when his cell phone started ringing. It was from

an unknown number, so he ignored it and went about showering and changing back into his

regular clothes at the station. When he took his cell out of his locker he saw that whoever it was

had left a voicemail. To his surprise, it was Tyler.

“Shane, hey, it’s me. Alex’s been calling me repeatedly from jail, so I finally changed my

number today. This is the new one.”

Shane’s jaw clenched at the mention of Campbell’s name. It seemed the restraining order wasn’t

a clear enough message that Tyler was through with him.

“Anyway, Logan is putting on a concert this Friday night at Whiskey River and I was wondering

if you’d like to go with me. I know country music might not be your thing, but…I’d like to see

you. So um, call me. Later, man.”

Shane smiled down at the phone as the message ended, his stomach giving a little flip at the

thought of Tyler wanting to spend time with him again. Slow and steady, the other man had said.

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That was a pace Shane was more than willing to follow as long as it continued to bring him

closer to the blue-eyed man.


Shane climbed out of his truck Friday night, the heat instantly enveloping him like a blanket. His

snug, gray v-neck t-shirt plastered itself to his body as he walked the short distance from the

parking lot at Whiskey River to the front doors, the heels of his cowboy boots clicking on the

pavement, sweat beginning to form at his brow, under his black Stetson.

Instead of the welcoming coolness he was expecting inside the bar, he was instead blasted with

another wave of heat from the wall-to-wall bodies that packed the place. There were people

everywhere – at the bar, on the dance floor, playing pool and shooting darts.

He looked around for Tyler, wondering how he was going to find him in the crowd, when he saw

movement up front on the stage. It was him and Logan, just coming out from behind the curtain.

Shane made his way through the sea of bodies as Tyler and Logan hopped down off the stage

and onto the dance floor.

“Hey, guys!” he greeted them, and watched as Tyler’s eyes widened, then darkened, as they

swept up and down Shane’s body. Shane also let his own eyes wander over Tyler, taking in the

snug red t-shirt and the jeans with a rip near the knee leading down to a pair of cowboy boots.

Tyler had once again forgone the styling gel, leaving his blonde hair soft and hanging over his

forehead a bit.

“Shane!” Logan shook his hand and clapped him on his upper arm. “Good to see you, man.

Thanks for coming.”

Shane snuck a look at Tyler. “I’m glad I got invited. But man, I’m glad I got here when I did. I

don’t think you can fit anyone else in here!”

Tyler grinned at Logan. “He’s got quite the following.”

“And you’re my biggest fan, Ty! So don’t forget to warm up your pipes, cause you’re gettin’ on

stage with me tonight, boy.” And before Tyler could protest, Logan was walking away.

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“Showtime in 45 minutes!”

Tyler rolled his eyes and shook his head. “That guy…”

“Are you really gonna sing tonight?”

“He always tries to get me up there, but I’ve only done it a few times.”

“Well, I think you should. You’ve got an amazing voice.”

Tyler cocked his head. “You really think so?”

Shane nodded. “I do. And umm…I’d love to hear it again,” he admitted.

Tyler smiled slow and warm. “Well then, I guess I’m singing tonight,” he replied, then looked

Shane up and down again. “Look at you. All you need is a tin star there, Mr. Lawman.”

Shane tipped his head and touched the brim of his hat. “Howdy,” he drawled, letting his full

southern accent out. “I guess I never mentioned I’m from Tulsa.”

Tyler’s face lit up. “You’re shitting me!”

The conversation was on from there, flowing fast and easy over cold bottles of beer as they

discussed everything from the best barbeque and steaks in Tulsa and Broken Arrow to the

Sooners’ prospects of winning a championship this season. Every so often someone would come

up say Hello to Tyler with a friendly handshake or clap on the shoulder, and the bartender knew

him by name. Tyler wasn’t a Hollywood celebrity here, he was just a regular.

They were in the middle of talking about the Oklahoma City Thunder basketball team when the

lights went down and people started clapping and whistling as the DJ took the stage. “Ladies and

gentlemen! Whiskey River is proud to present one of our favorite performers. Give it up for

Logan Miller!”

The crowd clapped even louder and stomped their feet as Logan and his band burst out onto the

stage and immediately launched into Drift Away. People started signing along and it only took a

few minutes before Shane, too, was swept up into the music. Tyler was right, Logan’s band was


The noise level increased as the evening went on, people clapping and singing and dancing,

shouting out songs they wanted the band to play. It was sweltering in there now, the sea of

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bodies continuously moving, pressing Shane and Tyler against one another. Tyler was standing

just a bit in front of Shane, his back bumping into Shane’s chest, his ass pressing into Shane’s

groin, the smell of his cologne invading Shane’s senses. He felt dizzy from the heat, the close

contact with Tyler, his body responding. His fingers ached to reach out and touch Tyler: his

blood thrummed in his veins.

And then he had his chance, as the person in front of Tyler moved back suddenly, causing Tyler

to stumble. Shane’s hands were right there, going around Tyler’s slim hips, steadying him. He

knew he should’ve let go, but he held Tyler there, pressed tight against his body, feeling his

heartbeat pounding against Tyler’s back, the heat of Tyler’s body soaking into his chest. He felt

Tyler lean back against him and then he was turning to face Shane, pinning him with an

expression so full of heat that Shane forgot how to breathe. One of Tyler’s hands slipped up

under Shane’s shirt at his waist, his fingers brushing the bare skin above Shane’s hip and Shane


Then Tyler’s other arm was moving, his hand raising up and lifting the Stetson from Shane’s

head to place it on his own, pulling the brim down low. It was the sexiest goddamn thing Shane

had ever seen, and the urge to kiss Tyler right then and there was overwhelming.

His head spinning with the desire, he leaned forward, saw the knowing smile cross Tyler’s


And the music stopped.

“It’s time to get my best friend up on stage with me! Tyler! Get your ass up here, boy!” The

crowd whistled and applauded and Tyler leaned back from Shane, the moment broken.

“Sorry, cowboy,” Tyler smiled, voice deep, squeezing Shane’s hip before hopping up onto the

stage, where he and Logan launched into a rousing rendition of Luckenbach, Texas.

Tyler sang his heart out and Shane couldn’t take his eyes off of him. And when Tyler caught his

eye and smiled and winked at him from under the brim of the Stetson, Shane decided to let Tyler

keep the hat, because God knew it looked way the fuck sexier on him than it ever did on himself.


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At home later that night after the concert, Shane was too wired to think about going to bed.

His body was still thrumming with the realization that he had nearly kissed Tyler. And that Tyler

had wanted it, too.

Unable to stop thinking about those blue eyes, Shane grabbed the DVD of his favorite movie of

Tyler’s and popped it in the player. It was Tyler’s first leading role, the movie that put him on

the map. Shane watched Tyler’s character, Blake Turner, a James Bond style spy, take down one

bad guy after another with ease.

There was a love scene toward the beginning of the movie, where Tyler seduces the femme

fatale that affected Shane that night like it never had before in the dozens and dozens of times

he’d watched this film.

Because now he knew what that lean, muscular body felt like under his hands and pressed up

against his own. Knew what that voice sounded like, deep and rough next to his ear. Knew how

mesmerizing those deep blue eyes were. Knew how good he smelled…

His pulse picked up as on the TV Tyler slowly removed one article of clothing after another,

revealing miles of smooth, tanned skin. Shane’s hand drifted over his groin as his body started to

respond to the visual stimulation playing out before him. There was a flash of Tyler’s bare ass

before he was covered by the sheet on the bed, and Shane felt his cock jump under his palm. He

unzipped his jeans and eased his cock out of his boxers, feeling it lengthen and harden in his


When Tyler climbed on top of the woman, Shane let his eyes slide close, let himself fantasize

that Tyler was climbing on top of him. He sucked in a breath the same time the woman did,

imagining Tyler sliding deep inside him. He groaned at the fantasy sensation, his hand stroking

up and down harder, faster now. His ears filtered out the sound of the woman on the television,

focusing only on Tyler – the hitching breaths, the small moans…

“Christ,” Shane breathed harshly, the head of his cock now slick with precome, his heavy balls

starting to tighten. “Tyler…Tyler…” he panted, his mind conjuring feelings and images of Tyler

pushing inside him over and over, driving him toward climax.

“That’s it…that’s it…” the deep timbre of Tyler’s voice washed over him, sending a shiver down

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his spine. God, he was so close…

“Come for me…”

And with a sharp cry, Shane did, his orgasm tearing through him like a freight train. He felt

himself pulse again and again in his hand, coating his shirt with thick, white ropes of his release.

Struggling to get his breathing back under control, he opened his eyes just in time to see Tyler on

screen throw his head back, acting out his own completion. Shane felt his chest clench at the

sight, at how desperately he wanted to be the one to make Tyler come apart like that.


The next three days were torture for Shane. He’d wanted nothing more than to pick up where

he’d left off with Tyler on Friday night, but the universe had other plans. Tyler had left him a

voicemail the next morning while he was in the shower, saying he was on his way to the airport.

His agent, Emily, had called, and there was a high profile producer/director in New York that

wanted to have Sunday brunch with him, so he was flying out today. Shane had called him back,

but got Tyler’s voicemail in return. So he wished him luck and asked him to call when he could.

And also told him he’d had a great time on Friday.

Tyler didn’t call, but instead sent a picture to Shane’s phone the next day of himself at the top of

the Empire State Building.

Wearing Shane’s cowboy hat.


Shane sighed as he lowered himself into the chair on his patio, stretching his bare legs and feet

out in front of him, resting his cold beer on his stomach, just above the waistband of his shorts.

Chase trotted out of the house behind him and flopped down onto the cool cement, just as tired

as Shane was.

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“Long day, huh, boy?” he asked his partner before taking a long pull from his beer bottle. The

heat made people even crazier than normal, and the two of them had been on one call after

another all day, ending with a chase to apprehend a carjacker that left them both panting.

Thankfully evening had finally rolled around and brought with it the end of their shift and

slightly cooler temperatures.

Shane put his beer on the table and fished inside the pocket of his shorts for his cell phone,

intending to call his mom and see how everything was back home, and nearly dropped it when it

started ringing.

Shane smiled when he saw a familiar number pop up.

“Well hey there, Mr. Movie Star,” he greeted Tyler, and heard the other man chuckle.

“How was the Big Apple?”

“Hey, Shane,” Tyler replied, his warm voice washing over Shane, and he closed his eyes. It’s

been a long three days without hearing that voice.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t able to call while I was gone,” Tyler continued apologetically.

“Don’t worry about it. I know you were busy. Thanks for the picture, though.” Shane grinned.

He could hear the smile in Tyler’s words. “Just wanted to let you know I had a good time on

Friday, too. I’d really like to see you this week, but my schedule’s packed. Emily’s got me

booked for about a million PR interviews for Midnight Journey.”

Shane tried not to sound disappointed. “I totally understand. You’re a man in demand,” he joked.

“Just promise me you’ll show me an advanced screener of the movie. Don’t forget, you’ve got an

adoring fan here!”

Tyler laughed. “Done! My week’s booked up, but are you free on Saturday afternoon? Was

wondering if you’d like to come to a charity event with me this time.”

“Yeah, absolutely. What’s the event?”

“Have you ever heard of A Dog’s Life Rescue?”

“Actually, no. But it sounds like something I’d certainly be interested in.”

“That’s exactly what I thought. It’s a non-profit rescue organization that helps abandoned and

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abused animals by giving them medical care and then adopting them out. They’re having a lunch

and auction to raise money.”

Shane looked down at Chase. “Just tell me when and where and I’ll bring my checkbook. What

are they auctioning off?”

He heard Tyler chuckle and clear his throat. “Ummm…me.”

Shane nearly choked on the mouthful of beer he’d been attempting to swallow. “Excuse me?”

Tyler laughed. “It’s one of those things where they auction off a date with a celebrity. It’ll be me

and five other actors.”

Shane felt a flame of jealousy flare up inside him at the thought of Tyler out on a date with

someone, even a non-romantic one for charity. Which was just ridiculous. He had no claim on

Tyler. They hadn’t even been on a date.

But maybe he could change that.

After getting the time and location of the event from Tyler the two men said goodnight and

Shane turned to Chase.

“A date with a guy as hot and popular as Tyler? Forget the checkbook. I’ll have to bring my

highest limit credit card instead.”


Shane looked in the rear view mirror of his truck and ran his hand through his hair before

stepping out into the parking lot of the Whispering Springs Country Club and Golf Course,

where the auction was being held. He took a moment to smooth out the creases in his dark jeans

and gray button down shirt before making his way to the enormous tent at the back of the

country club. The event was by invitation only, but that didn’t stop dozens of fans from lingering

in the parking lot, hoping to catch a glimpse of their favorite celebrity.

Shane felt like a VIP as he walked past them all and up to the entrance to the tent, where a young

blonde woman stood next to a table, a clipboard in her hand.

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“Hi, I’m Shane Walker,” he told her. “There was supposed to be a ticket left for me here.”

She nodded and consulted her clipboard. “Yes, here we are, Mr. Walker. A guest of Mr.

Donovan.” She checked off his name then turned to pick up a small card, which had Shane’s

name and a table number written on it. “You’re at table number six. Have a great time today.”

“Thanks.” Shane smiled, then went inside the tent.

A stage was set up at one end of the tent; at the other end was a bar, and the rest was filled with

dozens of round tables with white tablecloths and flower centerpieces. There were posters on

easels along the sides of the tent for A Dog’s Life Rescue, with pictures of various animals they

had saved. There were quite a large number of people inside, men and women ranging from their

mid-twenties to their early sixties, milling about, most with cocktails in their hands. Waiters

moved about the crowd with trays of hors d’oeuvres and glasses of champagne. Shane took a

glass himself, and was looking around for his table when the bark of a puppy caught his

attention. He turned to his left and saw through the opening on the other side of the tent a row of

cages on the grass. He smiled and made his way outside to see what was going on.

It was an adoption drive for A Dog’s Life. About twenty cages were scattered about on the grass,

each with a cat or dog, ranging from puppies and kittens to full grown animals. There was a

volunteer from the rescue agency at each cage, talking with folks about the pet and letting the

prospective new owner hold and play with him or her.

Shane wandered about the cages, stopping every so often to stick his fingers in to pet one of the

puppies. Seeing all of these loving animals in need of a good home always pulled at his

heartstrings and he wished he could take them all home himself.

There was a table set up with information pamphlets on the agency, which Shane picked up and

also a sheet for people to sign up to learn about becoming a volunteer. Shane didn’t even

hesitate, picking up the pen and putting down his name and phone number. He was also pleased

to see that the donation jar was filled with both cash and checks, to which he added his own

$50.00. He hoped by the end of the day he’d be adding much more.

Several waiters came outside; informing everyone that lunch was being served if they could

please find their tables. Everyone started filing back inside the tent, and Shane located table

number six, a few rows back from the stage.

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A petite red-head in an emerald green dress sat next to Shane and introduced herself as Samantha

O’Connor, and the two of them had a pleasant conversation all through lunch. Shane learned

from Samantha that about half the people there, like herself, were fans of one of the actors in the

auction. Some had won contests for a ticket to the event and others were part of the actor’s fan

clubs – all vying for a night with their favorite star.

The auction got started shortly after lunch was done, and it turned into quite the lively event,

with people laughing and shouting out their bids for each actor that appeared on stage. Samantha

herself tried, but was outbid, much to her disappointment, when the total went just over $1,500,

the highest so far that afternoon.

Then finally it was Tyler’s turn, the fourth of the fifth actors there. He stepped out on the stage to

loud applause and Shane’s stomach gave that familiar flip. Tyler looked amazing, dressed in a

light blue button down shirt with thin white pinstripes, tucked into a tailored pair of khaki slacks

with a brown belt and shoes. His blonde hair was spiky, with a pair of sunglasses perched on his

head and a big smile on his face, his eyes matching the color of the cloudless sky.

“Hey everyone!” Tyler greeted the crowd. “I’d like to thank all of you for coming out today and

supporting A Dog’s Life. And now it’s my turn to try and raise some funds for this excellent

group.” He hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “Eric back there is bragging about his $1,500,”

he joked. “I told him that I’d beat that hands down,” he bragged with a smile. “So who wants to

start off the bidding for an evening of dinner and dancing with me?”

“One hundred dollars!” shouted a woman in the back, followed closely by “One hundred fifty!”

from a young man in the front, and it was on from there.

Tyler turned out to be a fantastic auctioneer, sounding exactly like the pros, and he kept everyone

laughing as the bids climbed higher and higher. But then Shane began to notice something. There

was a dark haired woman in her late thirties sitting at one of the front tables, and she seemed

damned determined to win this auction. Each and every time someone bid she increased her bid

by $100 instantaneously. Shane also noticed that Tyler smiled and nodded at each person who

bid, except for this woman, who he barely wanted to make eye contact with.

There was something about her that made Tyler very uncomfortable and it looked as though she

was going to win.

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But not if Shane had anything to say about it.

He had his hand halfway up to bid, but then put it down. He and Tyler had already been seen

together at the police charity event. If Shane then bid and won a date with him, people might

start to get suspicious, maybe wondering where Alex was. That would bring Tyler nothing but

unwanted attention, and Shane was respecting his decision not to go public yet with the situation

regarding Alex.

Thinking fast, he turned to the red-haired woman beside him.

“Samantha? Can you do me a favor?”

“Sure. What do you need?” she asked.

Shane leaned in and whispered in her ear, then watched as she smiled brightly at him. “I’d love

to help…”

“…One thousand eight hundred from the lady in the blue dress!” Tyler smiled.

“Nineteen hundred!” shouted the dark haired woman in the front row, who Tyler only flicked a

glance at in acknowledgement.

“Two thousand five hundred!”

There was a collective gasp from the audience and all heads turned to look at Samantha, waving

her hand in the air, a smile on her face.

Even Tyler was at a loss for words for a brief second, and Shane saw him look his way with

curiosity as Shane fought to hold in a grin.

“Two thousand five hundred from the lovely lady in the green dress!” Tyler announced.

“Do we have any advances?”

Shane held his breath, eyes on the woman in the front row, but it looked like Shane’s bold move

was too rich for her wallet.

“Going once!....Going twice!....Ladies and gentlemen, we have our winner!”

Tyler let the audience applaud before speaking to Samantha again. “I can’t thank you enough for

your generosity and I promise we’ll have a wonderful evening.” He smiled. “Just meet me at the

Dog’s Life table behind the tent after the auction and we’ll get everything arranged.” Then he

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looked back up at everyone and waved as he left the stage. “Thank you so much! Have a great


As Tyler received a round of applause, Samantha turned to Shane and winked as Shane slipped

her his credit card.


Twenty minutes later Shane was crouched down next to one of the puppy cages near the Dog’s

Life table, watching as Tyler came out of the tent and made his way over to Samantha. He saw

them shake hands and Shane could tell he was thanking her again. She laughed and shook her

head, beckoning Tyler down so she could whisper in his ear. Tyler’s eyes widened and he

straightened up as Samantha pointed over to where Shane was. He shook his head with a smile,

looking at Shane warmly, then turned back to Samantha, taking her hand and kissing her cheek.

She blushed, then gave Shane a wink and a thumbs up sign before she headed back toward the


Tyler walked toward Shane, shaking his head again. “You’re insane.”

Shane shrugged, grinning. “It’s been said.”

“You saved me, you know. And I’ll pay you back,” Tyler said seriously.

Shane shook his head. “No, you won’t. It’s only money and it’s for a good cause. You could tell

me what I saved you from, though. What’s with that woman?”

Tyler sighed. “C’mon, let’s walk,” he said, leading Shane over to a tree-lined path that ringed the

golf course.

“Her name is Traci,” Tyler began. “She runs a huge online blog/fan club about me. While I

appreciate the support and the publicity, she’s a bit…unhinged. She’s at every event I am, and

sometimes has problems separating the characters I play from the real me, if you get my


Shane whistled. “Wow…So she would’ve been expecting Blake Turner to take her on the date?”

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“Exactly! Speaking of which…” Tyler came to a stop and Shane turned to face him. “You won

me fair and square,” he said softly.

Shane paused, trying to read Tyler’s mind, suddenly unsure, deciding to give Tyler an out if he

didn’t feel the same as Shane did.

“Tyler…I don’t want to push you into anything. This doesn’t have to be a date.”

Tyler stepped closer, curling a hand around Shane’s hip. He leaned in, voice whiskey smooth.

“What if I want it to be?”


The following Friday night Shane stepped out of the limousine in front of Tyler’s house. When

Tyler had told him he was sending a car to pick up Shane for their date, he hadn’t been expecting

the sleek black limo, with the driver who even wore the little cap. He should’ve enjoyed the

drive, riding in style as he was, but the butterflies in his stomach were now the size of

Volkswagens, and he fidgeted nervously the entire time.

Just like he was doing now, standing in Tyler’s driveway, tugging on the sleeves of his soft pink

button down shirt, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles in his black dress slacks.

Tonight…everything could change between him and Tyler. And it both thrilled and scared him,

how fast and how hard he’d fallen for the older man, and where things would go from here.

Taking a deep, steadying breath, Shane walked up to the front door. Tyler had told him he’d left

the alarm off, to just go through the house to the backyard. He opened the door and smiled at the

wonderful smells emanating from the kitchen, wondering where Tyler had gotten the food

catered in from. He continued through the kitchen to the French doors, which Tyler had left

open, and stepped outside…into a scene from a romance novel.

There were candles everywhere, lighting up the night with a soft, warm glow. They were on the

railing of the deck, on the patio table, completely surrounding the pool, and down the steps of the

deck. Tyler had even made a path with them that led out to the yard, to a canopy that had been

erected there, the fabric moving with the gentle breeze. Under the canopy was a square table with

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a pristine white tablecloth, china place settings, a bottle of champagne, and two short, fat

candles. There was also a small, portable stereo set up, the faint strains of a guitar floating to

Shane’s ears.

And standing next to the table was Tyler, looking stunning in his white button down shirt with

thin grey stripes, charcoal grey slacks, his blonde hair soft, a short lock falling across his

forehead, and a beautiful smile on his face.

The entire scene took Shane’s breath away, and it was a moment before he descended the steps

and made his way over to Tyler.

“This is…amazing,” Shane smiled. “I can’t believe you did all this.”

“I’m sorry I couldn’t actually take you anywhere,” Tyler apologized.

Shane shook his head. “This is better. No one trying to take your picture or ask for your

autograph. I like it that it’s just the two of us.”

“So do I,” Tyler agreed with his own soft smile, then pulled out one of the chairs for Shane.


“Starved,” Shane answered. “Especially after what I smelled in your kitchen.”

“I’ll be right back, then,” Tyler replied, then disappeared into the house.

He was back a few minutes later, setting a plate down in front of Shane, then sitting down across

from him with his own plate. “Chicken Kiev, wild rice and asparagus. Enjoy.”

“This looks delicious,” Shane said as he cut into the chicken, the warm herb butter flowing out

onto the plate, and took a bite. “Wow…that’s fantastic. Where did you get the food from?”

Tyler grinned. “My own kitchen.”

Shane’s eyes widened. “You made this yourself? Okay, wait.” Amused, he held up a hand,

ticking off the points, one by one. “You’re a talented actor, you sing, you play guitar and you

cook? Do you do laundry?”

Tyler leaned forward, his voice a playful whisper. “I even own an ironing board.”

Shane laughed. “Marry me!” The words were out before he realized what he was saying.

A slow smile crossed Tyler’s face and he held his champagne glass up, clinking it softly with

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Shane’s. “If you play your cards right.” He winked, and Shane’s heart skipped a beat.

The rest of the meal passed in easy conversation, catching each other up on what their week had

been like, talking sports, books and movies, finding more and more in common with each other.

“Oh, you did not just say that My Bloody Valentine is better than Friday the 13th!” Shane


“Valentine is a classic! Jason went to space, for crying out loud. Can you say „jump the shark ?”

Tyler laughed in reply, blue eyes bright.

Shane looked down at the table, then back up again. “You look good with a smile on your face,”

he said softly.

Tyler gave him another, his hand slowly moving across the table until his fingers curled around

Shane’s .

“Shane, these last couple of weeks…they’ve been really hard for me, but at the same time a huge

weight’s been lifted off my shoulders and I haven’t been this happy in a long time. And that’s

because of you. Thank you,” he finished quietly.

Shane rubbed his thumb across Tyler’s fingers, the butterflies back in his stomach. “I’ve been

pretty lonely since I moved out here. Missing my family. I don’t know anyone outside of work. I

know we didn’t meet under the best of circumstances, but I’m glad we did. Getting to know you,

spending time with you...it’s been fantastic. I don’t feel so lost out here anymore.”

The moment hung there in the warm summer night air, as the soft strains of Logan Miller’s

guitar played on the stereo, both men realizing that this was it. The moment when everything

changed. One of them just needed to be brave enough to make that first move… “I think you

promised your date dinner and dancing…” Shane whispered.

Tyler nodded slowly, his eyes soft and warm, and stood from the table, leading Shane just out

from under the canopy, where he turned, and stepped into Shane’s arms. As Tyler’s arm wrapped

around his waist, Shane’s breath caught in his throat. He settled his own arms around the other

man, his heart thudding in his chest at the feel of Tyler under his fingertips. The heat from

Tyler’s body was making him dizzy, his throat dry. And God, he smelled so good…

They started to sway gently to the music, hazel eyes locked with blue, bodies touching as they

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“This…whatever this is between us. Tell me you feel it, too,” Tyler whispered imploringly.

Shane swallowed thickly. “I do. God, I do. But Tyler…my life, my job – it’s not an easy thing to

have to deal with…”

Tyler shook his head. “We laid it all out for each other that day in my bedroom. I can handle it. I

want to. I want this. Us…Do you?”

“More than anything,” Shane breathed before dipping his head and capturing Tyler’s mouth with

his own.

At that first touch Shane forgot how to think, how to breathe…he only knew how to feel. Tyler’s

lips were soft and warm under his, and he could feel Tyler’s heartbeat thudding against his chest

in tandem with his own. Shane flexed his fingers on Tyler’s back and Tyler pulled Shane to him

even tighter, molding their bodies together. Tyler’s mouth opened and Shane felt his tongue lick

tentatively against Shane’s lips, asking for entrance that Shane gladly gave.

As their tongues touched for the first time, the same electric spark Shane felt the first time he

touched Tyler raced through his entire body and he shivered with the sensation. He swallowed

Tyler’s soft moan and slanted his head to deepen the kiss, tasting champagne on Tyler’s tongue.

They kissed for what felt like hours, wrapped in each other’s arms under the stars, surrounded by

candlelight and soft music.

And to Shane, he felt as though he’d fallen straight into his very own classic romantic movie,

with Tyler as his leading man.

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Part Three

Shane had never kissed for so long or so much in his entire life as he’d done in the last two


Take now, for instance, sprawled out on his back on Tyler’s couch, wearing only a pair of shorts,

Tyler’s solid weight blanketing him from head to toe, making out like a couple of teenagers.

This was as far as they’d gone, intimacy wise, in their relationship, but Shane wasn’t pushing

Tyler for more. He understood what lay unspoken between them – that Tyler needed to be sure

exactly who Shane was before giving himself, and his heart, over completely to him. His

relationship with Alex had scarred him, and he wasn’t taking the chance on getting hurt so

deeply ever again.

So Shane let Tyler take control and let their relationship proceed at his pace. Which included

marathon make out sessions like this one, whenever they had time to be together. Which lately

wasn’t much. It didn’t take long for Shane to have to learn to deal with the responsibilities that

Tyler’s career brought. Promotion for Midnight Journey was revving into high gear with the

movie’s premiere just over four months away now. Which meant Tyler and the rest of the cast

were traveling constantly, most recently for three weeks over in Europe, giving interview after

interview. Oscar buzz was still running strong for the movie, and Tyler in particular. It was hard

to be away from him for such long periods of time, but Shane couldn’t be prouder of Tyler and

would be there to support him every step of the way.

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Which meant seeing him off once again this afternoon. But not before a proper goodbye. Shane

cupped the back of Tyler’s head, tilting his own to fit their mouths tighter together, tangling his

tongue with Tyler’s over and over. Tyler groaned, kissing Shane back just as intensely, sliding

one hand down Shane’s chest to lightly scrape over Shane’s nipple with his fingernail. It was

Shane’s turn to moan at the sensation, clutching at Tyler’s bare back, feeling Tyler push his body

down harder against Shane’s own. The feeling of being under Tyler was intoxicating, all heat

and smooth skin and muscle moving against him.

Tyler pinched his nipple again and Shane broke the kiss with a sharp gasp, his hips bucking

upwards, feeling Tyler’s arousal slide against his own through their thin shorts.

“Ty! God…” Shane breathed.

Tyler kissed his way over the cut of Shane’s jaw line to the spot behind Shane’s ear that always

made him shiver. “Say it again,” he panted.

Shane smiled at the request. “Ty…” he breathed again and felt Tyler’s own small shiver at the

nickname he’d only just started using.

“Love it when you call me that,” Tyler purred, kissing his way down Shane’s neck to his

shoulder, then further still down Shane’s chest until he could lick across Shane’s sensitive nipple.

“Oh shit, Ty…more…please…” Shane begged shamelessly, his hand once again cupping the

back of Tyler’s head.

Tyler obliged him, licking repeatedly across the small nub before covering it with his mouth and


“Feels so good,” Shane groaned, his hips pressing upwards again, his erection pushing against

Tyler’s stomach now.

Tyler’s hand wandered across his chest to his left nipple, taking it between his fingers and rolling

it at the same time his teeth bit gently down on his right one.

“Christ!” Shane swore, the dual sensations shooting straight down to his cock. He could feel his

heavy balls starting to tighten, his orgasm imminent if he didn’t slow things down.

He tugged on Tyler’s shoulder, urging him back up Shane’s body. “C’mere, c’mere,” he breathed

before claiming Tyler’s mouth with his own once again.

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He started gentling the kisses, calming things down until they were resting their foreheads

together, Shane’s hands stroking softly up and down Tyler’s back.

“I miss you already,” Tyler murmured. “I wish I didn’t have to leave again.”

“I wish you didn’t have to, either,” Shane answered. “But I’m okay with it because I know you’ll

always come back,” he finished with a gentle smile.

“Always,” Tyler whispered, blue eyes filled with his promise.


A week later Shane was just finishing up his shift when his cell phone dinged with an incoming


Hey Shane. Not feeling too good. Gonna go lay down. Left alarm off for you.

Concerned, Shane typed a reply back. “What’s wrong?”


“Oh man, I’m sorry. Can I bring anything for you?”

Just you. :-)

Shane smiled. “Now that I can do. I’ll be by in about an hour,” he responded, then tucked his cell

phone back in his pocket with a sigh.

Tyler worked too damn hard and Shane wished that he could take him out somewhere, just to a

nice dinner. But Tyler was still keeping quiet about Alex to the press, so they were keeping their

own relationship a secret still. It wasn’t easy, when all Shane wanted to do was walk down the

street holding Tyler’s hand, but it was better than not having a relationship with him at all.


Shane quietly let himself into Tyler’s house, which he pretty much thought of as his own now, he

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spent so much time here, and led Chase through to the French doors, letting his partner outside to

roll around in the grass in the backyard. He turned to fill up Chase’s spare food and water bowls

they kept at Tyler’s, and spied on the kitchen table the source of Tyler’s migraine. A stack of

new scripts had arrived sometime that day, and Tyler must’ve spent hours reading through them,

as evidenced by his rarely used glasses that were tossed down on top of one of them, that was left


He fed Chase, then kicked off his flip flops and padded softly down the hall to Tyler’s bedroom.

The door was open and he looked inside to see the curtains tightly drawn and Tyler curled up on

his side on top of the covers, wearing just a pair of black boxer briefs, eyes closed, small lines of

tension on his forehead.

Shane turned from the bedroom and stepped into the bathroom across the hall. His mother had

often experienced migraines and he hoped that what brought her relief would also work for

Tyler. He opened the linen closet and removed a washcloth, then rummaged around until he

found an electric heating pad. He turned on the cold water tap, wetting the washcloth before

wringing it out, leaving it cool and damp.

Back across the hall, Shane kneeled down beside the bed and placed a gentle kiss on Tyler’s

forehead. The older man stirred and blinked open tired eyes.

“Hey,” Shane said softly. “How’re you feeling?”

“Not so good,” Tyler murmured.

“Is it just your head or do your neck and shoulders hurt, too?” he asked.

“Those, too,” Tyler replied. “They’re all stiff.”

“Okay, let me try something,” he told Tyler, reaching down and plugging in the cord to the

heating pad in the outlet next to the bedside table.

“Can you sit up for me?” he asked Tyler. “I want to get behind you.”

Tyler nodded slowly, levering himself up as Shane quickly stripped down to his boxers, too, then

climbed on the bed behind Tyler, his back against the headboard. He picked up the heating pad

and placed it on his chest, then spread his legs, guiding Tyler to lie back against him.

“My mom gets migraines. She’d use the heating pad to relax the muscles in her neck and

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shoulders, then put a cool washcloth on her head. She’d usually be fine in a couple hours,” Shane

said, placing the washcloth on Tyler’s forehead.

“Feels good,” Tyler sighed, relaxing more fully against Shane.

“How’s this?” Shane asked, using his fingertips to gently massage Tyler’s temples.

“Perfect,” Tyler mumbled, eyes sliding closed.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Shane whispered. “Go back to sleep…”

It was only about ten minutes later when Shane felt Tyler’s breathing even out, the other man

asleep once again. He continued to massage Tyler’s temples for several more minutes, then

turned the washcloth over before sliding his hands around Tyler’s waist, content to just hold him

while he slept.

By the time Tyler stirred almost an hour and a half later, Shane’s back was killing him, but it was

worth it to see Tyler’s blue eyes free of pain when he slowly rolled over and looked up at him.

“Feeling better?” Shane smiled, clicking off the heating pad and placing it on the floor.

“Much,” Tyler replied with his own smile, tugging on Shane, rolling them until they were on

their sides facing each other. “Thank you, Doctor Walker,” he continued, placing a lingering kiss

on Shane’s lips.

Shane arched an eyebrow in amusement. “Don’t tempt me, or I will play doctor with you.”

Shane expected Tyler to laugh, maybe smack him on his chest, but he was caught off guard when

instead Tyler’s eyes darkened with desire.

“Would this be a…thorough exam?” Tyler whispered, the rough, deep tone of his voice sending

a spike of arousal up Shane’s spine.

Shane swallowed, hoping he was reading between the lines correctly. “If you want it to be.”

Tyler responded by crushing his mouth against Shane’s , initiating a kiss so full of heat and want

that Shane was rock hard in under five seconds. Tyler tangled his fingers in Shane’s long hair

while Shane cupped Tyler’s ass and pulled their bodies tightly together. Their mouths parted and

came back together again and again, the room echoing with their sharp, panting breaths.

Tyler pushed his hips into Shane, sliding his erection against Shane’s own. “Shane…touch me…

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please…” he begged, voice high and tight.

Shane’s heart skipped a beat at Tyler’s plea, his arousal skyrocketing.

“God, Ty…yeah…yeah,” he breathed, sliding one of his hands down the back of Tyler’s boxer

briefs, guiding them down slowly over Tyler’s body.

Shane’s breath caught in his throat at the sight of Tyler completely naked in front of him for the

first time. He was…beautiful. His skin was flushed with arousal, his eyes dark with it. His

nipples were erect, his chest rising and falling with his rapid breathing. Below his well-defined

abs was a soft trail of hair that led down to the most intimate part of Tyler’s body…which was

completely hairless.

His cock stood out from his body, hard and weeping precome over the engorged head, his

smooth balls hanging heavy between his legs, and all Shane wanted to do was take Tyler in his

mouth. To just…taste.

“Do it.”

Shane looked up at the sound of Tyler’s rough voice as the other man read his mind.

“Jesus, Shane…I want it.” Tyler leaned forward for another bruising kiss, murmuring,

“Suck me,” against Shane’s lips.

Shane had Tyler on his back in the blink of an eye, his head spinning with desire, his own cock

throbbing in his boxers. He made his way down Tyler’s body, peppering it with hard, wet kisses,

stopping to suck on each of Tyler’s nipples, ratcheting up the other man’s arousal until he was

moving restlessly beneath him.

He stopped for a moment when he reached Tyler’s cock before licking across the head, gathering

up the precome leaking copiously from the slit. Shane closed his eyes as the taste of Tyler

exploded across his tongue, groaning as he swallowed. Opening his eyes, he moved lower, taking

first one of Tyler’s heavy balls in his mouth, sucking for a moment, then the other, marveling at

the smooth, hairless texture of his skin. He raised up then, opened his mouth and took in as much

of Tyler’s cock as he could.

Tyler’s sharp moan filled the room, his hands reaching to tangle in Shane’s hair as Shane began

to bob his head, sucking hard on Tyler’s cock. Tyler was a heavy weight on Shane’s tongue, long

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and thick, steel wrapped in silk. He pushed his tongue against the small bundle of nerves right

below the head and Tyler jerked, fingers tightening in Shane’s hair.

“Shane…Shane…don’t stop…don’t- God,” he groaned as Shane then dipped his tongue in

the slit and was rewarded with a fresh burst of precome.

Shane could tell Tyler was trying hard to keep his hips still, but the thought of Tyler fucking his


This time it was Shane’s turn to speak the words. “Do it,” he growled, before opening his mouth

as wide as he could until he felt the head of Tyler’s cock bump the back of his throat.

“Shit,” Tyler breathed as he started to move his hips, slow at first, then a little harder, sharper

when Shane encouraged him.

Shane reached a hand down and took Tyler’s balls in his palm, rolling them, tugging, as Tyler

pushed his cock into Shane’s mouth again and again. Shane’s own cock was straining against the

fabric of his boxers, the front wet with precome, his body yearning for release.

But Shane was determined to see Tyler fall apart first, so he hollowed his cheeks and sucked

harder, humming around the thick cock.

Tyler threw his head back harder into the pillow, his legs spreading wider. “Feels so good…feels

so good…” he rambled. “Almost…God, Shane…please…” he panted harshly.

Tyler’s balls were tightening in his palm, drawing up, the older man on the edge of climax,

needing just a bit more to push him over. Shane let one of his fingers drift down below Tyler’s

balls and back, brushing over the puckered muscle there, pushing gently against it.

The reaction was immediate, Tyler crying out as he bucked his hips up sharply, his cock swelling

in Shane’s mouth an instant before Tyler’s release flooded over his tongue, hot and thick. Shane

gripped Tyler’s hips tightly as he climaxed, swallowing over and over, drinking in the most

intimate taste of Tyler there could ever be.

He let Tyler slip from between his lips after he was completely spent, his own body shaking. The

sight, sound and taste of Tyler’s orgasm had pushed him toward the precipice of his own, and he

raised up, pushing his boxers just under his balls, freeing his heavy cock. He took himself in

hand, breathing harshly and started to stroke when there was suddenly a hand covering his own,

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stopping his movements.

“Let me…Shane, let me…” Tyler panted, pulling Shane onto the bed, on their sides again.

He stripped away Shane’s boxers, then wrapped his hand around Shane’s hard length, his thumb

brushing over the head.

Just that small amount of friction had Shane jerking, curling into Tyler. God, he was so close…

One stroke, two…

“Ty…oh God!”

And he fell over the edge, clinging to Tyler as his orgasm surged through his body, cock pulsing

in Tyler’s hand, painting his own chest with the thick, white ropes of his release.

Then Tyler was turning him onto his back, pinning Shane with a heated look before dipping his

head, his tongue snaking out to taste the white streaks on Shane’s chest.

“Jesus Christ,” Shane breathed, aftershocks still coursing through his body, watching as Tyler

proceeded to lick his chest clean, his cock giving another twitch at the erotic sight.

Finished with his task, Tyler raised up and kissed Shane long and slow, letting Shane taste

himself on Tyler’s tongue, the two men wrapping their arms around each other, holding on


Gradually letting the kiss end, they laid back against the pillows with soft, sated smiles on their


It was on the tip of Shane’s tongue to say it right then and there – I love you – but he held back.

Tyler had given him an amazing gift tonight, and he didn’t want to pressure him to say it in

return if he didn’t really mean it. No, Tyler needed to be the one to say it first. To give Shane not

just his body, but his heart. And for that, Shane would wait, no matter how long it took.

“So,” Tyler started, a glint in his eye. “Did I pass my exam?”

Shane chuckled. “Hmm…well you appear to be in the pink of health, but I think I need to take a

closer look again at certain parts of your anatomy, just to be sure,” he winked, then rolled Tyler

on top of him as the other man laughed, blue eyes shining with happiness, matching Shane’s


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They dozed for about an hour, Shane’s head on Tyler’s chest, warm and comfortable, listening to

the steady thrum of the other man’s heartbeat. He stirred when he felt Tyler’s fingers carding

gently through his hair, and he tipped his head up to give him a slow smile.

“Did you have a nice nap?”

Tyler nodded. “I did. Feels good, being here with you like this.”

Shane scooted up so he could lay his head on the pillow next to Tyler’s. “Well I’m certainly not

complaining,” he grinned, before kissing Tyler warm and slow.

Tyler sighed contentedly when they pulled back, running his fingers across Shane’s chest.

“So I found a script I’m interested in.”

“Really? That’s great. Can you tell me what it’s about?”

Tyler nodded. “It’s a cop movie. A role I’ve never done before.”

Shane grinned. “I highly approve of the subject matter.”

“And you will even more when I tell you I spoke with the writer and asked him if he could

change the part to a K-9 cop. I told him it was a part of law enforcement that was rarely seen in

the movies. After some discussion back and forth…he agreed.”

Shane’s jaw dropped and he propped himself up on an elbow. “You’re shitting me.”

Tyler laughed. “Nope,” he replied, then turned serious. “I told you before you’re the bravest

person I’ve ever known, and I think people should know how dangerous your job is. What kind

of training you go through, what kind of emotional attachment you have to your partner, things

like that.”

Shane dipped his head and kissed Tyler again. “Just say the word and you can wear my uniform

anytime you want to get into character,” he grinned.

“Speaking of that…the L.A.P.D. allows ride-alongs, don’t they?”

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Shane’s eyebrows drew together. “Umm…yeah, occasionally, why?”

“Because I want to do one with you.”

Shane’s eyes widened. “You want to come to work with me?”

Tyler nodded. “For research for the role.” He sat up, facing Shane. “It’s something I have no

concept of. It’s not like you’re a teacher or a used car salesman.” He reached out and took

Shane’s hand. “I want to know about this part of your life. Not just because of the movie, but

because it’s a huge part of who you are and I want to understand it.”

Shane was silent for a long minute, a bit thrown by what Tyler had said. Of all the guys he’d

dated in the three and a half years he’d been a cop, none of them had truly wanted to know

exactly what Shane went through on a daily basis. And ultimately, that’s why none of those

relationships had ever worked out.

But Tyler…he wanted to know. He cared. And Shane was touched by that more than words

could say, knowing that Tyler wanted this relationship to work just as much as Shane did. Shane

swallowed past the lump that was forming in his throat and squeezed Tyler’s hand.

“I’ll talk to Nick tomorrow. We’ll make this happen.”


Two weeks later, Shane paced back and forth in front of his squad car in the station’s parking lot.

Tyler was inside, signing a mountain of paperwork, waivers, clearing the L.A.P.D. in case

anything happened to Tyler on his ride-along today.

Shane had thought this ride-along was such a good idea until the reality of it hit him this

morning. His job was dangerous and he would be responsible for Tyler’s safety today. He’d

never forgive himself if anything happened to him. Granted, Tyler was supposed to stay in the

squad, but anything could happen…


Shane looked up at the sound of Tyler’s voice and stopped his pacing.

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“I could hear you thinking all the way across the parking lot,” Tyler teased. “Relax. Everything’s

gonna be fine.” He clapped Shane on his shoulder. “Let’s hit it, Hutch.”

Shane laughed, opening up the car door, some of his anxiety dispelling. “Oh no, you’re Hutch,

I’m Starsky.”


Five hours later and the day was turning out to be a learning experience for both of them. Tyler

asked a million questions about the procedures for everything Shane was doing that day – from

the traffic tickets to the minor car accident to the small amount of marijuana that Chase found in

a mini-van. He asked what each of the police codes stood for and even what their call signs

meant. Everything was written down in the notebook he had, for review later.

Shane was impressed at how seriously Tyler was taking all of this and how deeply he threw

himself into the research for a new movie role. He didn’t think many actors would take the time

for hands-on experience like this. It gave Shane insight into why Tyler was such a successful


“I think you’re gonna run out of pages in that thing.” Shane grinned as Tyler continued

scribbling in his notebook.

Tyler looked over with his own smile, setting his pen down. “This has been an amazing day,

Shane. Thanks for doing this for me.”

“I’m just glad that it’s been pretty busy, otherwise you’d think I was lying about –“ he cut

himself off as a sliver Toyota completely blew through stop sign in front of him, not even

slowing down.

Tyler shook his head as Shane flipped on his lights. “How could he not have seen you sitting

right here?”

“You’d be surprised at how many people don’t pay attention to their surroundings,” Shane

answered, giving his siren a short burst as he pulled behind the Toyota.

At first it appeared as though the driver was not going to stop, raising Shane’s suspicions

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immediately, but then he braked and turned onto a side street, finally coming to a stop.

Shane grabbed his mic. “Dispatch, Six-Adam-Twelve.”

“Six-Adam-Twelve, go,” replied Stephanie.

“Show me 10-38 on Vista, just north of Sunset. I need a 10-28 on a sliver Toyota Camry,

California plates Four-Tom-Robert-Ida-Zero-One-Nine.”

“Six-Adam-Twelve, I show vehicle registration to Carlos Martinez, 1021 North Formosa,

Hollywood,” replied Stephanie. “Additional information – Carlos Martinez has two outstanding

warrants – failure to appear for 10-200.”

“10-4. Six-Adam-Twelve, out.”

Tyler turned toward Shane. “10-200?”

“Narcotics possession,” Shane answered, voice tight, reaching for the door handle. “You know

the drill .”

“Stay in the car,” Tyler nodded seriously.

Shane exited his squad and made his way cautiously up to the driver’s window, his right hand

casually resting on the top of his .45. There was a Hispanic man in the driver’s seat, in his late

twenties, dressed in tattered blue jean shorts, gym shoes and a plain white t-shirt.

“Good afternoon, sir,” Shane began, watching the man’s hands, which were currently resting in

his lap. “Did you not see that stop sign back there?”

The man wouldn’t quite meet Shane’s eyes. “Ummm, no, sorry.”

“Can I see your driver’s license and proof of insurance, please?”

The man nodded jerkily, first pulling out his wallet and handing over his license, then digging in

his glove box for his insurance card.

“Turn off your vehicle, sir,” Shane told him. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

Once back inside his squad, Shane accessed his computer, putting in the man’s driver’s license


“Is it this Martinez guy?” Tyler asked.

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Shane nodded, comparing the photo on the license to the photo in the police database.

“Yep. And now he’s going to jail for his warrants.” Shane snagged the mic. “Dispatch, Six-


“Six-Adam-Twelve, go,” came Stephanie’s reply.

“Request one additional unit dispatched to my location for transport.”

“10-4, Six-Adam-Twelve. Dispatch out.”

Shane looked at Tyler. “This one might take a bit, till we get another unit over here to pick this

guy up. Sit tight.”

“Will do,” Tyler nodded and Shane got back out of the car again.

“Sir,” Shane said as the approached the driver. “I need you to get out of the vehicle, please.”

Carlos Martinez’s brown eyes went hard. “Why? What’s the problem?”

“Sir, get out of the vehicle. I won’t ask you again,” Shane replied, voice brooking no argument.

Carlos slowly opened the door and stood in front of Shane. He was nearly as tall as Shane, but

was slim instead of muscular, his black hair falling past his shoulders.

Shane took his arm and led him toward the back of the Toyota. “Mr. Martinez, you have two

outstanding warrants for failure to appear for drug possession charges,” he explained, reaching

back with one hand and removing his handcuffs from his gun belt. He turned Carlos away from

him, taking one of his wrists in his hand. “You’re under.”

Without warning Carlos suddenly reared backwards with all his strength, head butting Shane in

the face, his skull catching Shane full on his nose and part of his forehead. Pain shot through

Shane’s head and he staggered back, seeing stars, one of his hands flying up to his face, feeling

the blood dripping from his nose. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear his vision, as Carlos pushed

past him and took off on foot down the street.

“Shit!” Shane swore, regaining his balance and taking off after the fleeing fugitive, slapping his

hand against the remote on his gun belt, opening the back door of his squad and freeing Chase.

He depressed the button on the mic on his shoulder as he ran. “Dispatch! Six-Adam-Twelve in

foot pursuit of suspect! Running north on Vista toward Hawthorn! Step up the second unit!”

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His partner’s barking filled his ears a moment later. Martinez had a head start and Shane’s

normal speed was hampered by the weight of the gear he was carrying on his body, but Chase

had no such limitations.

He was past Shane in seconds, running down his quarry, Martinez’s speed no match for Chase’s.

Shane watched as Chase leaped into the air, mouth open, then clamped down on Martinez’s

lower left arm, dragging the man down to the pavement.

Martinez wasn’t giving up without a fight, though, punching at Chase with his right fist as he

thrashed on the ground, trying desperately to get away from the dog. But Chase refused to let go,

shaking his head, and Martinez’s arm, viciously from side to side.

Shane threw himself down on the pavement next to them both, dimly registering the pounding of

another set of feet behind him, and tried to grab Martinez’s right arm, but the man kicked out

with his foot, catching Shane square in the chest. Shane rocked backwards, catching himself with

a hand before he fell sideways. He was reaching for his taser when suddenly Tyler was there,

throwing his body sideways across both of Martinez’s legs, pinning them down with his weight.

“I’ve got them! Get his arm!” Tyler yelled, pulling Shane out of the overwhelming shock he felt

at seeing Tyler in the middle of this fight.

Shane put a knee in the center of the man’s chest, then grabbed for his right arm and slammed it

down against the pavement. “Enough!” he roared.

His body covered by the considerable weight of both Tyler and Shane, his arm still in Chase’s

jaws, the fight finally went out of Martinez and he slumped, panting.

“You make one wrong move and I won’t hesitate to use the taser on you, do you understand?!”

Shane yelled, and received a nod in reply.

“Chase, release!” he commanded his partner and Chase instantly obeyed, dropping Carlos’s arm

and backing away just slightly.

Shane reached back for his spare set of cuffs and snapped one on Carlos’s right wrist. “Now

you’re going to turn over on your stomach and put your left hand behind your back. Clear?” he

growled. He waited until he received another nod, then he turned and looked at Tyler, tramping

down his sudden anger at the man. “Okay, move off his legs.”

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Tyler nodded and sat up and Shane rolled Martinez onto his stomach, quickly handcuffing his

left wrist as well. He hauled the man to his feet none too gently and started marching him back

toward his squad, Tyler and Chase following. He bent Martinez over the trunk and started

searching his pockets when Tyler’s voice interrupted him.

“Shane –“

Shane whipped his head toward him. “Don’t,” he warned him, voice like gravel. “Just – don’t.

Go stand up there on the grass, Tyler. Now,” he told him then turned back to his task.

Tyler had no more than walked up over the curb when two additional units came roaring up. One

held Officers Brian Cho and Kevin Young and the other Sergeant Hansen. All three men were

out and at Shane’s side in a flash.

“You alright, Walker?” Kevin asked.

“Yeah. Yeah, I’m good,” Shane replied, his heart rate starting to return to normal after the sprint

and struggle with Martinez. He heard Brian calling in to dispatch, letting Stephanie know they

were Code Four with the suspect in custody. “Can you finish patting him down, Kevin? I want

Chase to search the car.”

“Yeah, absolutely,” Kevin answered, taking over for Shane.

“Chase, come,” Shane called out and his partner walked over to him from where he’d been

waiting patiently next to Tyler. Out of the corner of his eye Shane saw Nick watching the

proceedings with a sharp eye, waiting until Shane was finished with his investigation before

questioning him.

Chase did a thorough search of the car, finding a baggie with two rocks of crack cocaine, and

more disturbing – a .38 caliber handgun under the front seat. Shane felt his chest tighten at the

sight of the gun, and he flicked his eyes over to Tyler. This could’ve gone so horribly wrong…

And again his anger toward Tyler threatened to overwhelm him.


Shane looked over at Nick’s voice. “Sarge.”

“Lay it out for me,” Nick told him.

“I pulled over Carlos Martinez for running the stop sign at Sunset and Gardner. License and

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registration came back with two warrants for 10-200. I got him out of the car and was attempting

to cuff him when he head butted me. A short foot pursuit commenced before he was taken down

by my partner. We struggled briefly on the ground before he was subdued by myself and…”

Shane took a breath. “…Tyler Donovan.”

Nick’s eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

“I know, Sarge, I know. He was just suddenly right there, throwing himself down on top of

Martinez’s legs.”

Nick’s expression was hard and unreadable. “Was he injured?”

“No, Sarge.”

“How’s your nose? Do you need medical?”

Shane scrubbed a hand across his upper lip, at the dried blood there. “No, I’m good. It’s not


Nick nodded slowly, his expression still dark. “We’ll talk more about this at length shortly.” He

turned his head. “Cho!”

Brian trotted up to them. “Cho, take my squad and take Mr. Donovan back to the station where

he can retrieve his car. His ride-along is over.”

“Sure, Sarge,” Brian answered, then walked over to Tyler.

Shane watched as Brian explained what was going on, saw Tyler look down and stuff his hands

in his pockets as he nodded. Then he walked over to Shane’s squad and opened the passenger

door, reaching in and retrieving his notebook.

“Will you call me after your shift?” Tyler asked.

But instead of answering, Shane clenched his jaw and turned away from Tyler without a word.

Almost, but not quite, missing the flash of hurt that crossed the other man’s face.


Shane arrived at Tyler’s house hours later, after being reamed out by Nick, still no less furious

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with the other man. He could’ve called, like Tyler asked, but what he had to say needed to be

said face-to-face.

Tyler must’ve heard his truck pull up, for he was standing with the front door open as Shane

walked up the steps. He brushed by Tyler and stood in the living room, hands on his hips.

“Shane …”

“What were you thinking?!” Shane yelled, cutting Tyler off.

“I wasn’t!” Tyler yelled back, fire in his blue eyes. “I just reacted! You needed help!”

“That’s why I’ve got Chase!”

“He’s not a human, Shane!” Tyler countered. “You needed another pair of hands! I couldn’t just

sit there and watch you wrestle with him!”

Shane took a step toward Tyler, his body vibrating with anger and suppressed fear. “He had a

gun, Tyler! What if he’d have had it on him and turned around and started shooting? What if he

would’ve shot you? I can’t –“ his voice broke and he felt himself start to shake. “I can’t lose

you!” He swallowed thickly around the lump in his throat, taking another step toward Tyler as

the other man did the same. They met halfway and Shane crushed his mouth to Tyler’s, pouring

out his fear and love in the demanding kiss.

Things started escalating in the blink of an eye. Tyler’s arms wound around Shane, holding

tightly, hands gripping Shane’s t-shirt, trying to get their bodies even closer together. One of

Shane’s hands cupped the back of Tyler’s head while the other went around his waist. Shane was

still shaking, the fear being replaced by desire and anticipation now, like everything was about to


Tyler must’ve felt it, too, his mouth demanding against Shane’s , his tongue sliding hard against

Shane’s own. This was by far the most aggressive, passionate kiss they’d ever shared, Shane’s

head dizzy with it as their mouths crashed together again and again.

“Ty…” Shane whined into the kiss, pleading. “Need you…”

“Shane…Shane…God, wanna make love to you…”

Shane gasped, his heartbeat stuttering, and he pulled back so he could look directly at Tyler And

at the scorching invitation in those blue eyes Shane knew that this was what Tyler really wanted,

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not that Shane was pressuring him into it in any way.

“I want that…God, I want that,” Shane smiled brightly, his throat threatening to close up with


Tyler smiled back in return, and without a word turned and led Shane down the hall to his

bedroom, the late evening sun casting the room in shades of soft pinks and yellows. They stood

at the foot of the bed, where Shane cupped Tyler’s face and pulled him close, kissing him deeply,

taking his time, exploring every inch of Tyler’s mouth.

Tyler’s hands slipped up Shane’s shirt and they broke the kiss long enough for Tyler to strip

away the garment and toss it to the floor. They undressed each other slowly, drawing out the

moment. There would only ever be one “first time”.

“Lay down on your stomach,” Tyler whispered, voice rough with desire, once they were both

completely bare.

Shane swallowed, stomach twisting in anticipation as he turned and laid down on the bed, head

resting on his arms, legs slightly spread, his hard cock pressing into the mattress. Tyler straddled

Shane’s long legs just below his knees and Shane felt his hands start to roam over his body – his

back, his shoulders, sides, hips…and lower still, over his ass to his thighs, then back up again to

his ass. This time Tyler took his time, massaging his ass, letting his thumbs dip into the crease,

just brushing the puckered muscle hidden there. Shane trembled each time Tyler touched him

there, his breaths short and fast now, his cock aching between his legs.

“Like that?” Tyler asked.

“God…yes,” Shane replied breathlessly. “More…”

Tyler obliged, letting his thumbs press deeper into the cleft of Shane’s ass, pushing harder

against Shane’s opening. And every time he did, Shane dug his fingers into the mattress and

lifted his hips up slightly off the bed until eventually tremors started to race along his entire


Tyler eased a hand down between Shane’s legs and cupped his heavy balls in his palm, rolling

and tugging until Shane groaned with the sensation.

“Ty…please,” he pleaded, rising up until he was on his hands and knees, spreading his legs.

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“Touch me…”

Tyler’s settled himself between Shane’s legs, his hands cupping Shane’s ass, spreading him


“Jesus…” Shane heard him breathe an instant before he felt Tyler’s hot, wet tongue lick across

his entrance.

Shane’s entire body jerked and shuddered. “Oh…oh, God…”

Taking Shane’s reaction as a sign of encouragement, Tyler blew a stream of warm air over the

sensitive opening, then burrowed his tongue into it.

“Yes!” Shane shouted, heart slamming against his chest. “Ty…”

His body opened willingly and he felt himself pulsing around Tyler’s questing tongue. With each

slow, deep thrust Shane pressed back against him, making noises of lust and need that drove

Tyler to probe even deeper with his tongue until Shane was writhing at his assault, his body


“Wanna feel you,” Shane pleaded, voice like sandpaper. “Please, Ty, need you in me so fucking


Tyler paused then, slipping his tongue out of Shane’s body, leaving Shane breathing hard and

feeling empty.

“Want that, too…” he breathed against Shane’s skin, sending a shiver through Shane.

Tyler leaned sideways and opened the drawer of his nightstand, retrieving a tube of lube. He

coated two of his fingers and pushed one slowly inside Shane.

“Shit! God…Ty…” Shane gasped, closing his eyes, fighting back the burning in his cock as

Tyler fingered him open. He could already feel a familiar tingle starting deep in his balls. Tyler

alternated between tonguing Shane and using first one, then two fingers until Shane was turned

on to the point of agony, practically vibrating against Tyler.

Tyler must have sensed his need, for he pulled back again and reached inside the drawer and

withdrew a condom. Shane stopped him with a hand before he could tear open the package. “I’m


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Tyler nodded. “So am I,” he said quietly, locking eyes with Shane.

Shane smiled. “I wanna feel you, Ty. Just you.”

Tyler grinned mischievously, tossing the condom back into the drawer. “I think I can arrange

that,” he growled.

Shane shuddered at Tyler’s suggestive tone, his body reminding him of what he craved. His eyes

slipped closed. “Jesus…need you, Ty…”

“Turn over, Shane. Wanna see you…”

Shane nodded, swallowing deeply as he turned to lie on his back, spreading his legs wide as

Tyler moved between them, slicking up his hard cock.

“You’re beautiful,” Tyler whispered as he pressed the swollen head of his cock against

Shane’s opening and pushed.

Twin groans filled the air as Tyler breached Shane for the first time, Shane’s body stretching,

opening to accommodate Tyler’s thick cock, pulling him in. Shane raised his hips, twining his

legs around Tyler’s waist as Tyler kept pushing slow and steady until he was buried to the hilt.

Shane pressed upwards, seating Tyler even deeper still, and they groaned again.

“So good, Ty…you feel so good…”

“Jesus, Shane…so tight, so hot…”

They held there for a moment, letting Shane’s body adjust, their harsh breaths echoing one

another, savoring how good this felt, joined together for the first time. But when it finally got to

be too much, both of them starting to shake with desire, Tyler pulled back then thrust hard and


Shane cried out with the overwhelming sensation as Tyler again pulled back slowly, only to

thrust in deep once more.

“Yes, yes,” Shane ground out, pushing his hips up in counterpoint to Tyler’s rhythmic thrusting,

tightening his legs around Tyler’s waist.

Tyler leaned forward, bracing himself with one hand next to Shane’s head, changing the angle

and stars exploded in Shane’s head as Tyler’s cock pushed hard against his prostate.

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“There!” he cried out. “Right there, Ty… please don’t stop…don’t stop,” he rambled, feeling his

balls start to tighten, his climax rushing up fast.

Tyler reached down with his other hand and grasped Shane’s hard, leaking cock, giving it a firm,

quick stroke – and Shane started to fall apart.

All the sensations – Tyler’s cock in his ass, filling him, stretching him, the feel of Tyler’s

smooth, slick skin under his fingertips, Tyler’s hand on his cock, stroking him, the sound of their

soft moans, the smell of their lovemaking in the air – swirled in his head until he was dizzy with

it, driving his need even higher. He couldn’t get enough of Tyler, using the heels of his feet to

pull him closer, push him deeper, wanting to lose himself forever in the blue-eyed man above


He gave himself over to Tyler, to the feelings and emotions he was stirring inside him, and when

he felt his climax start licking up his spine he didn’t fight it, wanting more than anything to find

release in Tyler’s arms.

And he did moments later, his orgasm surging out of him with a force that made him yell and

throw his head back, his cock throbbing, the thick streaks of his release covering his chest and

Tyler’s hand.

He felt his internal muscles clamp down on Tyler’s cock and the other man gasped, his rhythm


“Let me feel you come, Ty…God, let me feel it…” Shane pleaded hoarsely.

Tyler screwed his eyes closed briefly, his hips jerking in short, sharp motions now, before

pinning Shane with a look so open and emotional it stole Shane’s breath.

“I love you, Shane,” Tyler whispered thickly, blue eyes shining with unshed moisture. “I love –“

Then his climax was upon him and Tyler came with a shuddering cry, filling Shane with hot,

liquid heat in long pulses that went on and on.

Overwhelmed with Tyler’s declaration and the realization that it was finally him making Tyler

completely fall apart, Shane gasped, tears springing to his eyes. Tyler collapsed down upon him,

trembling with aftershocks and Shane wrapped his arms around him, holding him close, feeling

Tyler’s cock still buried deep inside him.

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They held each other for long moments, Shane whispering “I love you, I love you,” over and

over against Tyler’s ear, his hazel eyes leaking tears with the knowledge that he finally, finally

had Tyler’s heart.


After cleaning themselves up, they pulled back the blankets and crawled in, making themselves a

comfortable cocoon where they slept for several hours in each other’s embrace, sated and warm.

Eventually Shane stirred, feeling Tyler’s fingers tracing softly over his chest and he blinked open

his eyes to see Tyler gazing back at him with a soft smile on his face.

“Hey,” Shane whispered, leaning in for a lingering kiss.

“I’m sorry about earlier today,” Tyler apologized. “You were right, I shouldn’t have interfered.

You know how to do your job.” He took a breath. “Did I get you in trouble with Nick?”

“He laid into me pretty good,” Shane answered. “But in the end he realized that your actions

were beyond my control and my probation status is still okay.”

Tyler blew out a relieved breath. “Thank God. I know what I did was stupid, but can you answer

me something?”

“Sure, what?”

“If the situation had been reversed, what would you have done?” Tyler asked softly.

Shane closed his eyes and rested his forehead against Tyler’s. He had him and Tyler knew it.

“The same damn thing,” he admitted. “So I guess I can’t be mad at you.” He smiled warmly,

then kissed Tyler again for long moments before pulling back with a long, contented sigh. “I love

you,” Shane breathed against Tyler’s lips. “I think from the moment I met you.”

“I’m sorry it took me so long to tell you,” Tyler apologized.

Shane shook his head. “Don’t be,” he said gently. “You needed to be sure.”

“I am,” came Tyler’s heartfelt reply. “Thank you for waiting.”

“It was worth it,” Shane smiled, pulling Tyler close. “God, it was worth it,” he murmured,

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kissing Tyler long and slow.

He felt his arousal build again, rolling through him in gentle waves this time, felt Tyler’s

answering desire as he grew and lengthened against Shane’s leg.

“Want you again, Shane…need you so damn bad…” Tyler breathed, his hips moving restlessly.

“Jesus…yes…want you in me,” Shane answered, voice low, needy.

“Turn over, on your side,” Tyler directed him and Shane eagerly complied.

Tyler pressed himself up against Shane’s back, all heat and muscle and smooth skin.

“Gonna do this slow and deep,” he promised, his rough voice sending a shiver down Shane’s

spine in anticipation as he heard the cap of the lube snap open.

He bent Shane’s top leg up slightly, exposing Shane’s opening, and then his cock was there,

rubbing against his balls, eliciting a soft groan from Shane. Then the head was pushing, pushing

with a slow insistence that left Shane gasping.

His body opened around Tyler easily this time, still slick and filled with Tyler’s release, his cock

stretching him an inch at a time, letting Shane feel all of him, how hard he was for Shane. He

could hear his own fast breathing in his ears, his heart picking up its pace.

Tyler’s hand gripped his hip tightly, fingers digging into Shane’s skin. “Shane…oh, fuck,

Shane…” he groaned, still pressing inward with his cock.

Nearly insane now with the need and desire to have Tyler buried balls-deep inside him, Shane

shifted his hips backwards, taking Tyler in that last inch, the heat of Tyler’s smooth groin and

balls searing into his skin.

“I love you,” Tyler whispered and Shane fought to swallow around the lump of emotion in his

throat as Tyler kissed him tenderly on his neck.

They moved together in slow, soul-searing passion and Shane had never felt like this, ever.

Never felt closer to anyone in his life like he did with Tyler.

Working slow and steady, Tyler pushing so deep inside him, they brought each other to orgasm

again, Shane spilling over Tyler’s fingers moments before Tyler filled him for a second time.

And to Shane, as he lay there with Tyler pressed so tightly against him, the older man’s hand

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resting over his heart, it sure felt like a Hollywood happy ending to him.


Several weeks later found Shane and Chase on patrol on the night shift. One of the other K- 9

units was down with the flu, so the rest of the division was taking turns filling in, and tonight

was Shane’s turn.

Hollywood was different at night. More alive. People crowded the streets, going to bars and

restaurants, even after midnight. Shane yawned, unaccustomed to working this late. Even Chase

was dozing off in the backseat as Shane cruised slowly up and down Sunset Boulevard. But his

ears perked up when he heard the familiar beeping of the radio.

“Six-Adam-Twelve.” It was Henry, one of the third shift dispatchers.

Shane grabbed the mic. “Six-Adam-Twelve, go.”

“Six-Adam-Twelve, report of a man on the road, staggering into traffic near Fountain and Vista.

Please respond.”

“10-4. Six-Adam-Twelve, responding.”

Shane flipped on his lights and turned his head toward his partner. “The drunks come out at

night, eh, Chase?”

He was unable to locate the man on Fountain when he arrived about five minutes later, so he

turned south on Vista. There were no street lights down this residential road, so Shane used his

spotlight, sweeping it back and forth. And there, just ahead of him was a man on the left side of

the street, staggering further into the road, then back toward the shoulder. From his appearance

and direction of travel, Shane guessed he was homeless, heading to Plummer Park just down the

street to try and get over the gate and find a bench to sleep on.

Shane pulled off on the shoulder, leaving his red and white lights flashing, his spotlight pointed

at the man, and picked up his mic.

“Dispatch, Six-Adam-Twelve.”

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“Six-Adam-Twelve, go,” came Henry’s reply.

“Show me Code 6 on Vista, just north of Plummer Park.”

“10-4. Dispatch out.”

Shane replaced the mic and exited his squad. He jogged across the road and approached the man.

“Sir,” he called out. “I’m Officer Walker from the L.A.P.D. Can you stop for me, please?”

But the burly man, who appeared to be in his early forties, ignored Shane and continued down

the road. It was difficult for Shane to see his face, since it was obscured by the man’s long,

stringy brown hair and the way he was hunched over, hands deep inside the front pocket of his

stained, olive-drab hoodie.

Shane walked closer, a step or two behind the man now. “Sir, I need you to stop. I just want to

make sure you’re alright – “

The next moments happened in the blink of an eye.

One second the man was walking, the next he was spinning around, lunging at Shane.

“NO!” he roared, pulling out a wicked looking knife from inside the pocket of his hoodie,

slashing out with it in a wide arc.

All Shane had time to see was a flash of steel reflected in the spotlight before the blade cut

deeply all the way across his right bicep, instantly rendering his right arm completely numb.

Before Shane could even register the intense pain, the crazed man slammed into him and they hit

the ground hard in a tangle of thrashing limbs.

The man kept trying to stab Shane, and now Shane could see in the glare of the spotlight the

man’s wide, dilated eyes and knew without a doubt he wasn’t drunk, but high on meth or crack

cocaine. Which made him even more dangerous, and gave him abnormal strength on top of it.

They rolled across the ground, Shane trying to grab the man’s left hand with the knife, but he

couldn’t feel the fingers on his own right hand, trying to use his forearm to block the stabs. The

knife glanced across Shane’s chest, the thickness of his Kevlar vest the only thing that saved


Shane pushed against the man as hard as he could, managing to knock the man backwards just

enough so that Shane could slap his nearly useless right hand against the remote on his belt. He

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tried desperately to remove his weapon from his holster, but his numb, blood-slicked fingers

refused to curl around the grip.

Shane could hear Chase’s furious barking as he jumped from the open back door and he knew he

only needed to hold off the drugged man for another minute more before his partner would be

there. But the man was quick and swung the knife again at Shane, who tried to scramble

backwards out of the way.

He wasn’t fast enough.

The downward arc of the blade slashed across the inside of Shane’s upper right thigh and Shane

cried out with the pain, blood flowing freely from the wound. He collapsed back onto the ground

just as Chase arrived. The German Shepherd was aiming for the man’s upper left arm that held

the knife, but at the last second the man twisted, and Chase hit the man’s shoulder, unable to get

a firm grip with his teeth. The force of the impact knocked the man away from Shane and he fell

onto his back. Chase lunged again, snarling, teeth bared, his only instinct to protect Shane, no

matter what the cost.

And this time…this time it might be with his life.

The blade flashed again in the spotlight in an upward thrust and a horrible, pain-filled squeal

from Chase filled Shane’s ears a second later.

“NO!” Shane cried out as his partner’s body landed next to him in the dirt.

Shane’s scream startled the man and he looked around wildly before suddenly turning and

running off into the night. Shane’s breathing was ragged, his vision starting to go dark at the

edges from the large amount of blood he was losing from his leg, which was starting to grow

cold, and from his right arm, a dead weight at his side.

Fighting to hold on to consciousness, Shane lifted up his left hand to press the button on the mic

clipped to his shoulder.

“10-99…10-99…” he panted harshly. “Officer…officer down…”

Releasing the mic, Shane reached out with the last of his strength, buried his fingers in Chase’s

thick fur…and let the darkness claim him.

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The sound of voices pulled Shane back to consciousness slowly and painfully. He struggled to

open his eyes, feeling as if he were underwater, limbs heavy, trying to swim to the surface. He

blinked open heavy eyelids, closing them again at the light assaulting his eyes.

“-ane? Shane?” A familiar voice pulled at him again, preventing him from slipping back into the

welcoming darkness.

“Open your eyes for me, okay? C’mon…you can do it…please…”

It was the plea and the sound of Tyler’s voice breaking that gave him the strength to open his

eyes once more and hold them open, as hard as it was.

“God, yeah, that’s it…”

Tyler’s face swam into view above him and to his left as he became aware of how much he hurt.

His head, his chest, his leg and his arm all throbbed. He grimaced and turned his head toward

Tyler, trying to speak, but his throat was too dry to form words.

“Wait, don’t try and talk,” Tyler told him, disappearing from view for a moment, coming back

with a cup and straw. “Here, sip this, just a little.” He put his hand behind Shane’s head and

helped him lift it up and Shane drank gratefully of the cool water.

Tyler laid his head back gently against the pillow then kissed his dry lips. “Hey, Sleeping

Beauty,” he whispered and Shane saw how red his eyes were, how shaky his smile was.

“Hi,” he answered, his own voice scratchy. “God, I hurt…” he groaned, and just like that, the

events of the night came rushing back to him with painful clarity and an icy band of fear

squeezed his chest.

“Chase! Ty – is he –“ Shane’s words were choked, panicked.

Tyler gripped his hand. “Shane, calm down, calm down. Chase is alive.”

Shane sucked in a hard, shaky breath, briefly closing his eyes. “Thank god. How is he? Where is


“He’s at the police vet. He was hurt pretty bad. The stab wound was deep,” Tyler told him. “He

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was in surgery for awhile, but the vet was able to stop the bleeding.” Tyler squeezed his hand.

“He’s going to be okay."

“I watched that bastard stab him. I thought I’d lost him,” Shane whispered, feeling tears prick the

back of his eyes.

Tyler raised Shane’s hand up to rest against the side of his face. “I thought I’d lost you, too,” he

breathed, blue eyes shining with his own tears.

“I don’t remember anything after radioing in to dispatch. What happened?”

Tyler took a deep breath. “Nick’s the one that called me. He told me the knife nicked your

femoral artery. By the time the paramedics got there you were in pretty bad shape from all the

blood you’d lost.” He laid his other hand on Shane’s chest. “Before they could get you in the

ambulance you stopped breathing. They had to do CPR on you.” Tyler’s voice broke and he

swallowed hard, brushing at his eyes. “Both you and Chase were in surgery at the same time and

I swear I thought the stress was going to kill me, waiting for word on both of you.”

Listening to Tyler talk, hearing the fear in his voice, all Shane could think was, This is it. This is

when it all ends. Now he knows how hard being with a cop is and I’m going to lose him.

“Stop it.” Tyler’s firm voice brought him out of his thoughts.

“I can tell what you’re thinking. It’s written all over your face.” Tyler rose from his chair and sat

on the bed next to Shane. “Now listen to me, because I’m only going to say this once.” His gaze

was steady, unwavering. “I love you. I love you and I’m not going anywhere. I told you I could

handle this, you being a cop, and this was my trial by fire.” He spread his hands open. “And here

I am,” he said quietly.

Shane felt his chest constrict with sudden emotion. “I love you. So goddamn much.” Tyler

smiled tenderly at him, then sealed his promise with a kiss.


Shane’s long body sliced easily through the crystal clear water, his strokes even and rhythmical,

carrying him across the long length of Tyler’s pool. He reached the end, flipped underwater and

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began the return lap, pushing himself a little harder, a little faster. His fingertips touched the side

at the far end and he stopped, bobbing in the water for a moment before hefting himself up and

out. He lay down on his back on his towel and closed his eyes, letting the sun warm his body.

But a minute later a happy bark from Chase had him sitting up as his partner bounded over,

orange rubber ball in his mouth that he dropped at Shane’s side, looking at him expectantly.

Shane grinned and tossed the ball back into the yard, watching as Chase tore off after it.

They’d both come a long way in these last six weeks.

After being released from the hospital and the vet, Tyler insisted that both he and Chase move in

with him while they recuperated; an offer that Shane gratefully accepted. He spent most of his

time that first week sleeping, Chase’s warm weight pressed up against him, a thick bandage

around the dog’s middle matching the two that Shane sported.

The description that Shane was able to give Nick of his attacker led to the man’s arrest two

weeks after Shane was released from the hospital. After identifying the man in a line-up, he was

currently being held without bail in the county jail, awaiting trial for attempted murder on a

police officer.

Physical therapy had begun for both him and Chase nearly at the same time. The knife had done

extensive damage to Shane’s bicep, and regaining strength and flexibility in his arm was crucial.

His leg as well was weak from disuse from being unable to put any weight on it after the life

saving surgery to repair his femoral artery. The pool in Tyler’s backyard became invaluable

during his recovery time, a low-impact way for him to strengthen both his arm and leg muscles.

Shane held his arm up and flexed, made a muscle, not even feeling a twinge of pain, and he

smiled, his confidence bolstered for the next day – requalification at the gun range. It was the last

step before being allowed to return to active duty and Shane was itching to get back on the


A strum of a guitar caught his attention and Shane turned to look over at the deck. Logan was

seated at the patio table, guitar in hand, sheet music and a pencil on the table, in the midst of

composing a new song.

He and Logan had become close friends these last six weeks, after Logan became his designated

babysitter. After Shane moved in with Tyler, the actor had wanted to cancel many of his

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scheduled meetings with his agent and the writer/director of his upcoming police movie, plus

interviews and appearances for Midnight Journey, while Shane recuperated, as he was not

willing to leave Shane by himself while he was still injured.

But ultimately Tyler realized that this would raise suspicions as to why he was suddenly

withdrawing from the media. It could eventually get out that Shane was living with Tyler and in

turn bring to light the situation with Alex that Tyler was still avoiding dealing with.

In the end, Logan had volunteered to come over whenever Tyler was working to help Shane out,

and a strong friendship had formed between the two men. Shane hadn’t needed any help for the

last couple of weeks, but Logan still came over to hang out, and Shane enjoyed his company.

Shane sighed and looked around the yard - at Logan, at Chase rolling around in the grass, at the

house he’d thought of as his home for the last six weeks. It was going to be hard to leave all of

this, and Tyler most of all, and move back to his own place in the next couple of days. It was

going to be lonely.

“Well, hey, Mr. Movie Star. Have they ordered your star for the Walk of Fame yet?”

Shane turned his head at the sound of Logan’s voice, and saw Tyler stepping out of the French

doors and out onto the deck, looking every bit the Hollywood actor in his loose, white linen shirt,

khaki pants, loafers and sunglasses.

Tyler rolled his eyes and shook his head, smacking Logan on his shoulder. “Shut up,” Tyler

replied good naturedly.

As Tyler chatted with Logan for a bit, Shane felt his heart swell with love for the blue-eyed man.

Tyler had been amazing this last month and a half. It’s been hard for both Shane and Chase to get

around due to their injuries, and Tyler was always right there, helping them both in any way he

could. Even picking up Chase and taking him outside, then carrying him back in several times a

day. He even put up with Shane’s bad moods and anger when he felt his physical therapy wasn’t

going well, which would endanger his career as a K-9 officer if he didn’t make a full recovery.

But Tyler withstood it all, encouraging Shane not to give up and work harder. And with Tyler’s

support he did, which brought him to where he was today – one day away from returning to duty.

Shane watched as Logan stood and gathered up his things, raising a hand up to Shane. “Later,


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“You got it!” Shane called back. “Song’s sounding great, man!”

Logan clapped Tyler on his shoulder and left. Tyler walked down off the deck to the edge of the

pool. Shane slipped back into the water and swam to where Tyler was standing, resting his

folded arms on the edge.

“Hey,” Tyler smiled down at him and settled his sunglasses on the top of his head.

“Hey yourself. How’d your meeting go?”

“Really good. The script’s almost finalized now. They’ll start sending out casting calls soon for

all of the supporting parts.” Tyler turned to look over at Chase and grinned. “Including dogs.”

Tyler hooked his thumb over his shoulder. “I’m gonna make some lunch. Hungry?”

Shane tried not to let his smirk show. Oh, he was hungry all right. But not for food.

“Yeah,” he answered, holding up a hand. “Help me up?”

Shane could tell Tyler realized his mistake the moment he grasped Shane’s hand, at the

mischievous grin Shane finally let loose.

“No, don’t…”

That’s all Tyler got out as Shane pulled hard, sending Tyler toppling head over heels into the

pool with a huge splash. Shane laughed as Tyler resurfaced, sputtering, wiping water out of his


“You jerk!” Tyler swore at him without anger, smacking Shane in the chest.

Shane only laughed again, hooking an arm around Tyler’s waist, pulling him flush against his

body. “You love me and you know it,” he smirked.

Tyler settled his arms around Shane’s neck. “God help me, but I do,” he admitted with a soft


Shane let one of his hands drift downward, to cup the swell of Tyler’s ass, his desire clear, his

body starting to respond to the closeness of Tyler’s own.

Six weeks. It’s been six weeks with no kind of sexual activity between them at all. With Shane’s

wound so close to his groin, Tyler had put his foot down, despite Shane’s protests, refusing to

take the chance on aggravating the injury or pulling Shane’s stitches. But Shane was finally

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healed now, been given the all clear by his doctor, and all he wanted was the one thing he’d been

denied for so long – Tyler buried deep inside him.

“God, I need you,” Shane growled, dipping his head for a hard, fast kiss.

Tyler cupped his head, ran his fingers through Shane’s wet hair and kissed him back with equal

passion. Shane’s other hand wandered up Tyler’s chest, over the wet material clinging to his

body to find and tease a flat nipple to pebble hardness.

Tyler jerked and moaned at the sensation, his cock growing and hardening against Shane’s own,

pushing his hips into Shane. Shane pulled back from the kiss, breathing hard, pulling at the wet

material of Tyler’s shirt. Liquid heat was pooling in his groin, his cock fully erect and pushing at

the fabric of his swim trunks.

“Want you in me, right here…in the water…” Shane panted, feeling his balls throb at the erotic


Tyler’s eyes went instantly dark with arousal. “Jesus…yeah...” he breathed, attacking Shane’s

mouth again, walking forward until Shane’s back was up against the side of the pool.

They kissed until Shane couldn’t breathe, mouths slanting against one another fierce and

demanding, weeks of pent up desire finally being released. Shane’s hands went back to Tyler’s

shirt and they pulled apart long enough to strip their clothing away, various articles floating away

across the pool.

Naked now, the sun warming their water slicked skin, they let their hands wander across each

other’s bodies, over hard muscles and smooth skin, relearning the feel of one another after so

many weeks apart.

“Turn around,” Tyler finally breathed, his cock pushing insistently against Shane’s own. Shane

turned and faced the side of the pool, bracing his hands in front of him, pulse quickening in


Tyler stepped up close, molding his body to Shane’s long, naked back, and kissed his way down

the side of Shane’s neck and over his shoulder while his fingers pinched and rolled both of

Shane’s nipples. Shane closed his eyes and groaned, tipping his face up to the sun, letting the

sensations Tyler was creating course through his body. His hips started moving of their own

accord, his cock jutting out in front of him, seeking friction in the smooth water.

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He felt Tyler’s own cock then, pushing against his ass, and Shane spread his legs wide, bending

his upper body over slightly. Tyler’s cock slipped easily between his legs, nudging against

Shane’s heavy balls for a moment before withdrawing, to be replaced by Tyler’s fingers.

With the water slicking the way, Tyler slid one finger past the puckered muscle of Shane’s

entrance and Shane couldn’t help the tremor that raced through him.

“More, Ty, please,” Shane moaned. “Need you so fucking bad…”

A second finger joined the first, stretching him, crooking just so, finding the spot that made him

jerk and shudder, his cock releasing another burst of precome into the water. Before he could

beg, Tyler’s fingers were sliding out of his body, and the engorged head of his cock was pressing

against his opening. Tyler’s hands gripped his hips and he kissed along Shane’s back.

“Gonna make this so good,” he promised, then pushed with his hips, his cock finally, finally

sinking deep inside Shane’s body.

Shane cried out with the feeling of incredible fullness as Tyler’s thick cock filled him up again

after so long.

“So tight, Shane…feel so good…” Tyler panted, sliding out then pushing back in again, hard,

fingers digging into Shane’s hips.

He set up a fast rhythm, thrusting over and over into Shane, creating ripples and waves in the

warm water that flowed around their bodies, heightening the experience of making love in the


Neither of them were going to last long, not after being denied this intimacy for weeks. Shane

could already feel Tyler faltering in his rhythm, his hips stuttering. Shane’s own balls were

drawing up, the beginnings of his orgasm curling deep inside his belly.

“Wish you could see this, Shane,” Tyler said, voice deep and husky. “The way your body

stretches around me…God…” he groaned, and suddenly Shane could feel Tyler’s finger there,

tracing around where they were joined as he continued to thrust, setting off sparks behind

Shane’s eyes.

“Jesus…Ty…” he ground out, unable to stop the flames of his release licking up his spine now,

moments from climax.

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And when Tyler’s finger slid in alongside his cock, stretching Shane even further, he shattered

into a million pieces. His orgasm hit so strong, so powerful, his vision whited out as his cock,

completely untouched, pulsed again and again in the water, releasing thick, white streams.

He was still coming when Tyler found his own completion a moment later, his cock swelling

inside Shane an instant before Shane was filled with liquid heat. Shane’s moan was long and

deep at the dual sensations that seemed to go on and on.

Long minutes later, both men quieted, Tyler’s arms encircling Shane, his head resting against

Shane’s back.

“Don’t wanna move,” Tyler murmured. “Wanna stay right here, just like this, inside you.”

Shane sighed contentedly and reached back to run his hand along Tyler’s side. “I wish you could,

too. Love the way you feel in me.” Then he chuckled. “Might make it difficult to go to work,


He felt Tyler smile against his skin then lift up, shifting his hips back. Shane groaned at the feel

of Tyler’s semi-hard cock sliding out of his body ever so slowly, Tyler drawing it out as much as

possible until he slipped free.

Shane turned in the water and reached for Tyler. “C’mere,” he murmured gently, cupping the

other man’s face for a tender kiss. “That was amazing, thank you.”

Tyler’s blue eyes were filled with love, clear and bright as he smiled in reply, running his hands

along Shane’s arms, stopping when he reached Shane’s right bicep. He turned his head, kissing

the scar there that marred the smooth skin, and Shane felt his chest constrict with sudden


“Are you ready for tomorrow?” Tyler asked.

Shane swallowed around the lump in his throat. “I am now.”


The next afternoon Shane hopped out of his truck and headed for the officer’s entrance of the

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police station, tugging on his shirt to smooth it down. Technically he didn’t need to wear his

uniform to requalify on the range today, but Shane had missed its familiar feel and the heavy

weight of his gun belt at his waist after so long.

He’d no more than stepped through the doors than he was surrounded by his fellow officers, who

smiled and shook his hand and clapped him on the shoulder, glad to see Shane up and around


“Thanks, guys.” Shane smiled. “I really appreciate all of you coming to visit me in the hospital.”

Then he looked at Hailey and Brian. “And for visiting Chase at the vet as well.”

“He’s part of the team, too!” Hailey grinned.

Kevin Young stuck out his hand. “Good luck on the range today, man. You’ll be back out on

duty in no time.”

Shane returned the handshake with a smile. “Thanks, Kevin. I’ll be seeing you guys out on the

street soon.”

The range master on duty that day was Sergeant Grace Reyes, and she greeted Shane with a

warm smile and handshake.

“Good to see you, Shane.” She nodded. “Ready to get this formality out of the way and get you

back in your squad?”

“More than ready, Sarge.”

“Okay, you know the drill. We’ve got you set up at station two. Head on in.”

Shane nodded and entered the range, noticing that he was the only one in there that day, and

walked down to station two. Laid out for him were his safety glass, ear protection and three full

clips. Shane removed his Colt .45 from his holster and laid it next to the clips, then put on his

glasses and ear protection. He took a moment to look at the target hanging in front of him, then

cleared his mind, concentrating on the task to come. He needed to fire off four full clips of ten

rounds each at the target, hitting center mass or headshots in order for it to count. As he would

stop to reload, the target would move further away. He had two minutes to fire off all forty

rounds and needed a score of 30 out of 40 in order to pass.

Shane took a deep, steadying breath and raised his hand, his signal to the range master that he

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was ready. Sergeant Reyes voice came over the loudspeaker.


Shane’s coiled body sprang into action, snatching up his Colt quick as lightning to start firing.

The recoil of the first shot reverberated down his previously injured arm, causing a barely

noticeable flinch as the healed muscle was put to the test for the first time. After that Shane felt

nothing at all from his bicep as his finger squeezed off one round after another. His breathing

was short but even, pulse picking up its pace as he emptied one clip and reloaded another, his

focus entirely on the target that was getting progressively further away and the clock counting

down the seconds.

Three clips down, one to go, the smell of cordite and the sound of gunfire filling the range as

spent casings fell like rain to pool at Shane’s feet.

And there… the last bullet ejected from Shane’s Colt and tore its way through the target…with

twenty seconds remaining on the clock.

Shane stood still for a moment and breathed deep, bringing his pulse rate back down. It was hard

to see at this distance how many of his shots might have missed the target, but Shane felt

confident he’d passed.

Sergeant Reyes came out of the control center and walked down-range to retrieve Shane’s target.

In her hand was a red marker that she would use to circle any missed shots. Shane saw her hand

moving and waited expectantly for her to return to his station.

Finally she pulled the target down, rolled it up and walked up to Shane, her face expressionless,

giving Shane no indication of his fate. When she was standing in front of him she unrolled the

target without a word, Shane’s score written in red in – 36/40.

Shane’s jaw dropped and Grace smiled. “Congratulations, Officer Walker. You passed with

flying colors.” She held out her hand. “Welcome back to duty.”


Shane’s sneakered feet slapped rhythmically against the damp pavement as he ran through the

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park in the light rain, Chase at his side. The morning had dawned cold and grey, mirroring his

mood, such a contrast to the euphoria he’d felt yesterday.

He had been practically vibrating with happiness when he returned to Tyler’s after his successful

requalification at the range. Tyler broke out a bottle of champagne and threw steaks on the grill

to celebrate and then laid Shane out on the couch to show him exactly how proud he was of him.

But after dinner the mood started to change. Shane was fully healed and was now cleared to

return to work the next day. There was no more reason for Shane to be staying at Tyler’s house.

It was with a heavy heart that he packed his duffle bags, kissed Tyler goodnight and drove away

with Chase.

His own house felt cold and empty and he barely slept that night, missing Tyler’s warmth

pressed up against him, a feeling he’d become accustomed to after so many weeks. Shane blew

out a breath as he ran. He was tired of hiding his relationship with Tyler. The premiere for

Midnight Journey was fast approaching and he wanted to be standing next to Tyler on the red

carpet, supporting him, instead of watching from the sidelines. He’d respected Tyler’s decision

to keep quiet about Alex, and in turn them, but Tyler couldn’t avoid the situation with Alex

forever. He needed to take charge of it on his own terms before it somehow blew up in his face.

And he needed to know how Shane was feeling about all this. And also that he didn’t have to

face this on his own. That Shane would be right there by his side, no matter what.

Maybe that would be the encouragement and reassurance that Tyler needed to take back control

of his life.


The weather started to clear as the day went on, and by noon there was more sun than clouds.

Shane and Chase had just finished up their lunch and gotten back in their squad when their got

their first call of the day.

The radio beeped and Chloe’s voice came over the speaker. “Six-Adam-Twelve.”

Shane snatched up the mic. “Six-Adam-Twelve, go.”

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“Six-Adam-Twelve, Six-Adam-Fifteen is in pursuit of a 459 suspect fleeing on foot and is

requesting immediate K-9 assistance. Switch to channel two.”

“10-4. Six-Adam-Twelve, switching to channel two.” Shane reached down and turned the knob

on his radio and instantly heard the voice of Hailey’s partner, Sean Moore, yelling as he ran.

“-pect was running north on Cherokee from Fountain! I’ve lost him in Delongpre Park!”

Shane broke in on the radio. “Six-Adam-Twelve is responding! ETA is five minutes!”

Shane slammed the mic back down, feeling his heart start to pound as he flipped on the lights

and sirens and hit the gas. Their first call since returning to duty; running down a burglary

suspect. It was time to prove he and Chase were as good as they ever were.

Shane roared up to the entrance of Delongpre Park four minutes later, jumping out and opening

the back door for Chase, who immediately sprang out, ears perked up. He knew it was time to go

to work. Shane quickly attached Chase’s leash to his collar and then the two of them were

running down the main path, toward Sean and Hailey. The other officers were standing just off

the path in front of a long line of dense underbrush that ran along a shallow ravine, guns drawn.

“Tell me,” Shane said the minute he was close enough to his fellow officers.

Sean was still breathing hard. “We were chasing a 459 suspect who crashed his vehicle and fled

on foot. We followed him into the park but lost him in this area.”

“Description?” Shane asked.

Hailey spoke up. “White male, 20-25, 5 11 , 150 lbs, black hair. Wearing black shorts,


hoodie, sneakers.”


“Unknown,” Sean replied. “Convenience store clerk said he threatened him with a gun, but he

never saw it leave his pocket.”

Shane nodded, jaw tight. He hated the unknown. “Where’s the last place you saw him?”

Hailey indicated in front of her. “Pretty much right here. He ducked in there and we never saw

him come out.”

Shane nodded again. “Okay, let’s do this.”

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Hailey took position off to the left of Shane, while Sean took position just behind him. Sean

touched Shane on his back.


Shane drew his .45 and looked down at his partner. “Chase, track!”

The big dog’s nose went to the grass instantly, searching for the freshest scent. He circled for a

moment at the edge of the underbrush before heading north at a quick pace. All three officers

followed, Sean and Hailey’s eyes peeled for any movement while Shane watched Chase intently.

He led them about ten yards from where they originally started, then stopped abruptly and tried

to lunge forward, barking furiously.

Shane held him back, the dog straining against his collar, growling, barking, trying to get to his

prey as all three officers dropped down to a crouch, guns pointed out in front of them. “This is

the L.A.P.D!” Shane yelled. “You have ten seconds to come out with your hands up or I’ll send

in the dog!”

There was sudden movement in the underbrush and everyone tensed.

“No, don’t!” yelled a male voice. “I’m coming out!” A moment later the man emerged from the

foliage, hands raised above his head.

“On your knees! Hands on top of your head!” Hailey commanded, then flicked a glance at Sean,

who circled behind the man and had him cuffed in moments. A quick search turned up a BB gun

in the man’s pocket that looked exactly like a 9mm, along with a wad of cash from the

convenient store.

Shane kneeled down in front of a hyper Chase, a huge grin on his face, scratching his partner

behind his ears. “Good boy, Chase! Good boy!” Chase barked and licked Shane’s face in


As Sean walked past Shane, marching the suspect in front of him, he clapped Shane on the

shoulder. “Excellent job, man. Both of you.”

Shane smiled at Chase again. Oh yeah, they were back!


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Opening night of Midnight Journey had finally arrived.

Shane stood in Tyler’s bathroom, toweling off after his shower. He’d only worked a half shift

today so that he could get ready for the premiere. As of now, Shane was still going to be driving

himself while Tyler took a limo, because Shane had yet to talk to Tyler about coming out in the

open with their relationship and attending the premiere together. It just never seemed to be the

right time. Shane had barely seen Tyler over the last week, with the actor’s schedule jam packed

with interviews and photo shoots. But now this was it. He’d run out of time, and the red carpet

appearance was only four hours away.

Shane drew in a long breath and wrapped the towel around his waist. Time to go talk to Tyler.

He stepped out of the bathroom and crossed the hall to the bedroom, every word of his rehearsed

speech to Tyler flying out of his head when he saw what was waiting for him – Tyler, lying on

his side on the bed, wearing nothing but Shane’s uniform shirt.

Shane’s mouth opened, but nothing came out and Tyler chuckled. “Hope you don’t mind,” he

said with a sly grin. “I thought I’d start getting a handle on my next character. What it feels like

to wear a uniform.” He brought one of his hands to his chest and bunched up the material, giving

Shane a view of his hard cock peeking out just below the hem of the shirt.

Shane’s mouth went dry at the sight, his own cock beginning to fill rapidly beneath his towel. He

swallowed, his voice coming out hoarse with desire. “Why don’t you come over here and search

me, Officer?”

Tyler’s eyes went dark as he swept them up and down Shane’s body, stopping at his groin. “It

does look like you’re carrying a concealed weapon,” he replied, sliding off the bed and

approaching Shane.

“Up against the wall and spread „em,” Tyler commanded, voice husky with arousal. Shane went

willingly, turning to the wall beside the door and placing his palms flat against it, feeling the first

drops of pre-come ooze from the slit of his cock.

Tyler stepped up right behind him, his body flush with Shane’s , and he shivered at the feel of

his own uniform rubbing against him, the cold metal of his badge pressing into his back. Tyler

ran his hands slowly down Shane’s arms, from his wrists to his shoulders, his fingers raising

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goosebumps on Shane’s bare skin. His hands circled around to Shane’s chest next, sliding down

from his collarbone, stopping when his questing fingers found both of Shane’s flat nipples.

Shane groaned and jerked as Tyler rolled them between his fingers, teasing them to pebble

hardness, the sensation shooting straight down to his cock.

Tyler’s mouth was on his neck then, kissing hot and wet against his skin as he rocked against

him, his hard cock pressing into the soft cotton of the towel. Shane wanted to speak, to beg Tyler

to tear away the towel and slide deep inside him, but he couldn’t form the words, carried away

by the sensations Tyler was creating inside him.

Tyler’s fingers left his nipples then and scratched lightly down his abs and stomach, making

Shane shiver once more. His hands slid down over the front of the towel where they cupped the

heavy weight of Shane’s cock and balls. Shane moaned as Tyler fondled him through the

material, the head of his cock now sticky with pre-come.

Tyler chuckled against Shane’s neck. “Hmmm, you’re definitely packing,” he smirked. “I think

you need to be searched much more thoroughly…”

He spun Shane around then, marched him backwards toward the bed, and when the backs of

Shane’s legs hit the mattress he pushed against Shane’s chest, sending him sprawling onto his

back. Shane scrambled up further onto the bed as Tyler crawled up onto it, straddling Shane’s


Tyler’s hands reached for Shane’s towel the same time Shane’s fingers reached for the buttons

on his uniform shirt. Tyler stripped the towel away and sent it fluttering to the floor, then helped

Shane’s fumbling fingers with the buttons. But when he went to push the shirt off his shoulders,

Shane stopped him.

“No…leave it on…” he breathed roughly, then pulled Tyler down on top of him.

Their mouths collided, Tyler’s fingers tangling in Shane’s hair as Shane’s hands slid up the back

of the shirt, pressing Tyler down even tighter against him. As their tongues did sensuous battle

with one another Tyler began moving restlessly on top of Shane, pushing his ass back against the

head of Shane’s cock until it was pressed right against the puckered muscle of Tyler’s entrance.

Tyler broke the kiss then, breathing short and fast. “Shane…” he moaned, pushing back again.

“Please…want you in me. Need to feel you so fucking bad…”

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At Tyler’s plea Shane’s heart skipped a beat and he forgot how to breathe. In all the months

they’d been together Tyler had never asked for this and Shane had never brought up the

suggestion. He was more than happy to bottom and give control over to Tyler, something the

other man hadn’t had in over a year with Alex.

But now…now Tyler was ready to truly give the last piece of himself to Shane.

Shane felt his throat close up with emotion. “God, Ty…” he whispered. “I want that…I want

that, too…”

Then Tyler’s mouth was covering his again, hard and fast until they were both dizzy with desire

and desperate to join their bodies together. Tyler sat up and leaned sideways, opening the

nightstand drawer and withdrawing a tube of lube. He snicked open the cap and coated the palm

of his hand, then tossed the tube onto the bed. He reached behind him, his slick hand encircling

the length of Shane’s hard cock, coating it with the lube from tip to root. Shane couldn’t help

throwing his head back at the feeling, his eyes sliding closed. But he opened them again when

hefelt Tyler guide him to his entrance and start pushing down.

“God, Ty, wait…don’t want to hurt you…let me – “

But Tyler shook his head. “I already did…when you were in the shower…”

Shane’s breath stuttered as his mind conjured up an image of Tyler sliding his fingers into

himself, stretching himself, opening himself up for Shane’s cock. “Jesus…”

“Didn’t wanna wait,” Tyler panted, pushing down again. “Wanted you – oh, God…Shane…” he

gasped as the head of Shane’s cock slipped inside his body.

Shane sucked in a sharp breath as his cock was gripped in tight heat, surrounded so intimately by

Tyler’s body, hands grasping at Tyler’s hips, careful not to grip too hard. He would never, ever

leave a bruise on Tyler’s skin.

Tyler worked his way down Shane’s cock in slow, steady movements until he had taken all of

Shane in, leaving both men breathing hard.

“God…you feel so good, Shane,” Tyler breathed, throwing his head back. “Jesus, I’m so full…”

he moaned, eyes sliding closed.

Shane stroked his thumbs across Tyler’s hips, his voice high and thready when he spoke.

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“Ride me, Ty…God, please…”

Tyler opened his eyes and looked down at Shane, his gaze so full of heat and passion that it

threatened to burn Shane up from the inside. Then he leaned forward a bit, bracing his hands on

Shane’s chest, and raised up on his knees, letting Shane’s cock slide out of his body until only

the engorged head remained inside. And then in one fluid movement sank all the way back


Both men groaned sharply at the sensation and Tyler set up a steady rhythm, riding Shane hard,

trying to take him deeper each time. Shane ran his hands up Tyler’s muscular chest, rubbing his

thumbs across Tyler’s nipples as Tyler’s fingers flexed on Shane’s skin.

Shane let his hands drift downward again, one curling around Tyler’s hip, the other curling

around Tyler’s hard cock, stroking quickly, firmly. Tyler jerked, mouth falling open with a silent

moan. He shifted then, leaning forward to brace a hand next to Shane’s head. Shane could tell it

was the change in position he was searching for as he gasped sharply, grinding himself down

even harder on Shane’s cock.

“Is that it, Ty? Right there?” Shane asked breathlessly, bucking up his hips this time as Tyler

pushed down.

“Yes!” Tyler shook against him, his rhythm faltering and Shane could feel the tremors racing

under Tyler’s skin.

“Let go, Ty…” Shane urged him. “Just let go…”

“Shane…” Tyler practically sobbed. “Love how you feel in me…so hard…gonna make me


Looking up, Shane wished he could he could freeze this moment in time, to capture Tyler just

like this – wearing Shane’s shirt, skin flushed, eyes dark with lust, lip caught between his bottom

teeth, cock jutting out proudly from his body, moments away from climax.

He was beautiful.

And then Tyler fell over the edge, shattering apart above him with a sharp cry of completion, his

cock pulsing in Shane’s grasp, his release flowing hot and thick over Shane’s chest.

As Tyler’s body clamped down around him, Shane felt his own climax surge like a freight train

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through his body, starting deep in his balls, stealing his breath with its intensity as it raced up his

spine. One thrust, two…and he was gone. He felt his cock swell an instant before he filled Tyler

with slick, wet heat again and again.

Tyler groaned long and low, clutching at Shane’s shoulders as Shane climaxed. “Don’t stop,

don’t stop…oh God, Shane,” he keened, squeezing his internal muscles around Shane’s cock,

drawing out Shane’s orgasm, Tyler’s own cock releasing another thick rope of semen at the feel

of Shane coming inside him.

Finally both men were spent, trembling against one another. Shane drew Tyler down to him, held

him close, felt the pounding of his heart against his chest that matched his own.

“I love you,” Shane whispered, voice full of emotion.

Tyler raised his head, blue eyes shining with warmth. “I love you, too,” he murmured. “You

mean everything to me, Shane.”

They kissed then, long and slow, tongues sliding lazily against each other, their bodies warm and

sated. They gradually pulled apart with contented sighs, their foreheads resting together, neither

quite ready to move from one another’s arms. But eventually Tyler raised himself up and shifted,

Shane’s cock slipping slowly from his body and both men couldn’t help but groan softly at the

feeling. Tyler lay down on the bed beside Shane as Shane reached to the floor and snagged his

discarded towel, using it to clean both of them up as best he could, but they were both going to

need another shower.

Shane took a deep breath as he looked at Tyler lying next to him. No more stalling now.

“Ty,” he started, taking Tyler’s hand in his. “I need to talk to you about something. Will you

promise to let me finish before you say anything?”

Tyler’s eyebrows drew together in concern. “Okay,” he said warily.

Shane nodded, then began. “I want to go to the premiere with you tonight. In the limo with you. I

want to be there with you on the red carpet, supporting you, instead of looking at you from the

other side of the barriers.” He squeezed Tyler’s hand, his voice soft. “I’m tired of hiding, Ty. I

want everyone to know how much I love you. I know you’re still afraid of people finding out

about what happened between you and Alex. But what’s going to happen when you get out of

that limo alone tonight? Alex’s been with you at every one of these events for three years.

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Questions are going to start getting asked, no matter what, after tonight. I’m not saying you need

to announce on the red carpet what happened between the two of you, but you can at least be the

one to take control of the situation instead of the press.”

Tyler was silent for a long minute, deep in thought, his expression giving nothing away to Shane.

Finally he dropped his gaze, looking down at their entwined hands before looking back at Shane.

“You’re right,” Tyler admitted quietly. “I can’t avoid this forever. And I’m sorry,” he

apologized, squeezing Shane’s hand. “None of this has been fair to you, making you keep our

relationship a secret because I couldn’t face talking about Alex.” He paused. “But Shane, are you

ready for this? Once we go public your life is going to change in a drastic way. The press will

have your life under a microscope in a heartbeat and will follow you around whenever they can.”

Shane smiled. “Ty, I’ve got nothing to hide. No skeletons in my closet. If the L.A.P.D. s

background check passed me with flying colors the paparazzi don’t scare me one bit.” He jostled

their hands. “So…does this mean I get to go to work with you tonight?” he joked.

Tyler laughed. “You bet you do,” he answered, drawing Shane in for a kiss. “And I can’t wait to

show you off.”


Tyler fidgeted on the seat next to Shane in the limo, plucking at the bowtie of his tuxedo while

he looked out the window at the lights of Hollywood. Shane reached over and stilled his nervous


“Sorry,” Tyler apologized, clasping his hands in his lap.

Shane smiled gently at the anxious actor. “You’ve got nothing to be nervous about. The movie’s

gonna be amazing, I know it.”

Tyler blew out a breath. “Thanks, Shane. It’s just…there’s a lot riding on this for me, you


“Well, I know you rode me just fine about three hours ago,” Shane leered playfully, trying to get

Tyler to relax. And it worked, as Tyler rolled his eyes and smacked Shane on his chest.

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“And have I mentioned how fucking hot you look tonight in that tux?” Shane growled, sliding

his hand up Tyler’s leg, his fingers just brushing the heavy weight of Tyler’s balls. Tyler’s legs

fell open slightly at the touch and Shane was going for Tyler’s zipper when the limo started to

slow down. Both men looked out the window and saw the bright lights of Grumman’s Chinese

Theater just up the street.

Shane cupped Tyler’s face in his hand and turned him to face him, kissing him gently as the limo

came to a stop. Through the tinted glass they could already see dozens of flashbulbs going off.

They took a moment to just look at one another, steeling themselves for what was to come, until

Tyler smiled brightly.

“Let’s do this,” he said…and opened the door.

Shane was instantly blinded by the enormous amounts of flashes going off as the paparazzi and

fans alike started snapping away the moment Tyler emerged from the limo. Shane could hear the

screams from Tyler’s fans and the press all yelling for Tyler to “Look this way!”

Tyler smiled and waved at everyone for a moment before turning back and looking inside the

limo, offering Shane his hand. Shane grasped it and let Tyler lead him out of the car and onto the

red carpet, where he froze for an instant, overwhelmed.

He’d only ever seen red carpet events from the comfort of his living room and wasn’t prepared

for the controlled chaos around him. The press lined both sides of the carpet, their cameras and

microphones raised, all pointing at him and Tyler. On the left, behind the press, a small section

of bleachers had been set up which contained a few hundred rabid, screaming Tyler

Donovan fans. Some were taking pictures, others held up signs professing their love for the blue-

eyed actor. Further down the carpet was a section where Tyler would stop and say a few words

to selected members of the press on camera. Shane could see that several of Tyler’s co-stars were

already there and being interviewed. Giant spotlights lit up the front of the theater where an

enormous banner hung with Tyler’s face and Midnight Journey on it.

Tyler tugged gently on Shane’s hand, inclined his head and smiled. “C’mon.”

Shane nodded and let Tyler lead him down the carpet, their hands still linked. While Tyler

continued to smile and wave, Shane was noticing the curious expressions being directed his way,

the press whispering to one another, because he was most certainly not Alex Campbell.

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By the time he and Tyler made it down to the interview area Shane was smiling as well, caught

up in the excitement of the event and the fact that he was on Tyler’s arm, the envy of most every

man and woman there.

They stopped in front of the first reporter and Shane saw Tyler take a breath and he squeezed his

hand in silent support.

“Tyler!” The female reporter greeted him with a smile. “Congratulations on what the critics are

calling your best movie yet, the one that’s going to make you a household name and perhaps earn

you an Oscar.”

Tyler smiled. “Thanks, Natalie, that’s very nice of you to say. I’m so pleased with how this

movie turned out. Cameron was an amazing director and every one of my co-stars turned in

fantastic performances. And if the public enjoys it that’s all the reward I’ll need. I don’t need a

statue,” he replied.

“Spoken like a true gentlemen, Tyler.” Natalie grinned. “And now the question that’s been on

everyone’s lips from the minute you got out of the limo. “ She looked Shane up and down.

“Who’s this that you have with you tonight? And are we to assume that this means Alex

Campbell is out of the picture?”

Shane felt Tyler tense for a split second. “Yes, Alex and I have gone our separate ways,” he

answered simply, then turned his head toward Shane, eyes happy and bright. “This is Shane

Walker. Shane and I have been dating for several months, and this is our first public appearance


“Well, you make quite the handsome couple if I do say so myself,” Natalie answered. “Best of

luck with the success of your movie, Tyler.”

“I appreciate it, Natalie,” Tyler replied, then he and Shane stepped back, both giving a sigh that it

was now over and done with. No more secrets, no more hiding. Granted, the press didn’t know

why Tyler and Alex had split, but that was another hurdle they’d deal with later. Shane leaned

down and whispered in Tyler’s ear. “I love you. You did fantastic.”

“I feel like this huge weight’s been lifted off my shoulders now. Thank you for convincing me I

needed to do this,” Tyler answered sincerely.

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And then, in front of about a million cameras, Tyler kissed Shane, with a gentleness that brought

a lump to Shane’s throat.

“Are you ready to run the rest of the gauntlet?” Shane asked when the kiss ended.

Tyler gave Shane’s hand a squeeze. “With you by my side? Absolutely.”


Two and a half hours later the lights came up in the theater and Shane simply sat with his mouth

open as the credits rolled and thunderous applause broke out. Midnight Journey was simply

brilliant - a masterful psychological thriller of murder, grief, justice and revenge that had Shane

on the edge of his seat the entire length of the movie. The critics had been right on the money –

this film was going to propel Tyler into stardom, without a doubt. Tyler had brushed off anything

having to do with himself and the Oscars, but as far as Shane was concerned, he needed to start

working on his acceptance speech.

Everyone started to stand, breaking Shane out of his musings, and he turned and pulled Tyler

into a huge, congratulatory hug. “My God, Ty, you were amazing!”

“Does this mean you want another autograph?” Tyler joked and Shane laughed, pulling Tyler

close once more before a throng of other people surrounded them, all wanting to talk to Tyler.

Shane stood off to the side, intensely, fiercely proud of Tyler, happy to watch him being

congratulated left and right, wanting nothing more than to get him alone and congratulate him in

his own way. A way that would preferably involve minimal clothing and lots and lots of skin.


Another hour later Tyler and Shane tumbled into their limo, laughing and smiling, both of them

buzzed on the many glasses of champagne they’d had from the bottles the director had broken

out after the movie.

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The minute the door closed Shane slapped the control that raised the dark glass between them

and the driver and fastened his mouth to Tyler’s for a steamy kiss that had him hard inside his

suit pants in moments. He pulled back, panting, then slid to the floor in front of Tyler, his hands

unzipping Tyler’s tuxedo pants.

“Now let me congratulate you properly.” He winked, and Tyler groaned as the pressure on his

cock was relieved as Shane drew it out through the slit in his dark grey boxers.

Shane didn’t waste a moment, sinking down on Tyler’s cock until he felt the head bump the back

of his throat.

“Shit!” Tyler swore, throwing his head back as Shane started to bob his head. “God, that feels


Shane worked him hard and fast, wanting to see how quickly he could get the other man off,

hollowing his cheeks and sucking hard, the taste of Tyler’s pre-come salty on his tongue. Tyler

was squirming beneath him in moments, fingers buried in Shane’s long hair, as short, breathy

moans fell from his lips.

“Gonna come, Shane…unghh…gonna come,” Tyler warned him a minute later, an instant before

his cock swelled in Shane’s mouth and he poured his release down Shane’s throat with a sharp


Shane drank greedily as Tyler’s body trembled with his orgasm, taking everything Tyler had to

give until the other man was spent. He pulled off then and smirked up at Tyler, licking his lips.

“Better than an autograph any day.”


Shane collapsed face first onto the bed with a long, satisfied groan. Tyler was a warm, heavy

weight on his back, his half-hard cock still buried deep inside Shane, both men feeling the

aftershocks of their intense orgasms.

Tyler had practically attacked Shane the moment the limo dropped them off at Tyler’s house,

tearing at Shane’s suit as soon as they were through the front door. They had shed their clothes

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like snakes shedding their skins, leaving a trail from the front door all the way to Tyler’s bed,

kissing, biting at one another’s mouths the entire time.

In the blink of an eye, Tyler had had Shane on all fours in the middle of the bed, pushing two

slick fingers past the ring of muscle while Shane moaned and spread his legs even wider, crazy

with lust and arousal. Then Tyler’s rock hard cock was there, filling Shane with one swift thrust,

leaving both of them gasping with the sensation. Tyler’s hands held his hips tight as he pounded

into him, Shane bucking back just as hard, trying to get Tyler even deeper inside him.

The sound of skin on skin and breathy moans had filled the moonlit room as they raced toward

their completion, with Shane finding it first. He cried out, shuddering, as his cock jerked,

completely untouched, his release painting the comforter in thick, white stripes. Tyler was only a

moment behind him, pushing deeper than Shane had ever felt him as he came hard, his cock

pulsing again and again as he filled Shane so completely.

And now they lay together, still joined, letting their breathing even back out. Shane closed his

eyes and hummed contentedly as Tyler kissed softly down the back of his neck, then made a soft

noise of protest as Tyler slipped ever so slowly from his body. He rolled onto his side as Tyler

lay down next to him, their arms going around one another. Shane looked deep into Tyler’s eyes,

thankful once again that their blue depths had been clear and bright and free of shadows for so

many months now.

Tyler gave him a teasing smile. “That’s how I say thank you to my fans.” He winked.

Shane laughed. “I certainly hope not all of them!”

Tyler shook his head and kissed Shane tenderly. “Nah, just one certain special one,” he smiled.

Shane sighed warmly and kissed Tyler on his forehead. “I was so happy for you, tonight, Ty.

You deserved every minute of that applause.”

Tyler regarded him silently for a moment. “Do you know what would make me even happier?”

he asked earnestly.

Shane tipped his head. “What?”

“You saying you’ll move in with me.”

Shane’s throat closed up and his chest contracted. Before he could even try to form words Tyler

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“I didn’t want you to leave when you were well enough to go home. I wanted to ask you right

then to stay, but I was still too damn scared of people finding out about us. But after tonight I’m

through hiding how much you mean to me.” Tyler paused. “I hate being gone for my job. I want

something to come home to. I want you to come home to,” he whispered, voice thick with

emotion. “Please…say you’ll stay…”

Shane felt the sudden prick of tears behind his eyes, his heart swelling with love for this

incredible man in his arms.

“Yes,” he finally got out past the lump in his throat. “Yes, yes, yes…” he chanted, a happy laugh

bursting out of him as Tyler tackled him back onto the mattress, straddled his body and started

smothering him with short little kisses. Kisses that quickly turned long and slow. Shane’s body

was just gearing up for round two when a cold, wet nose pressed itself against the side of his leg.

Shane yelped in surprise and Tyler started laughing.

“Way to break the mood there, Chase,” Shane muttered at the big dog, who whined at him. Tyler

patted Shane on his chest. “I’ll go let him out while you clean up the bed,” he said, giving Shane

a quick kiss before he led Chase out of the room.

Shane had just finished folding up the damp comforter and was putting it on the floor by the

dresser when Tyler came back in, still completely naked. Shane pulled back the sheet and held

his hand out.

“C’mere, you.”

Tyler smiled and went willingly and a minute later they were wrapped in each other’s arms

again, their eyes drifting closed. As Shane lay there in the moonlight with Tyler’s head resting on

his chest, he felt as though he was standing on the top of the world. He was truly in love for the

first time in his life, their relationship was finally out in the open and Tyler’s career was about to


His world was perfect and nothing, nothing could ever change that.


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The sound of shattering glass tore Shane from his sleep.

He bolted upright in bed, reaching for Tyler, only to discover that he wasn’t beside him at the

same time he heard voices out in the main part of the house. In an instant every police instinct he

possessed was screaming at him that something was horribly wrong. He slipped silently from the

bed, crept over to the bedroom doorway and peered around the edge, down the hallway.

And what he saw made his heart stop beating in his chest and the blood in his veins turn to ice.

Alex Campbell was holding a knife on Tyler.

Every impulse Shane possessed was crying out for him to rush down the hallway right then and

there but he tramped them down, forcing himself to think rationally, think like a cop, and survey

the scene.

Alex and Tyler were at the end of the hallway between the kitchen and the living room. The

small light over the sink in the kitchen was on, casting a pale yellow glow on the two men. Tyler

was wearing only a pair of dark grey boxers, the broken remains of a glass of milk at his feet, his

hands raised up in front of him, trying to placate Alex.

Campbell looked wild, with disheveled clothes and hair, and even though Shane couldn’t see his

eyes, his behavior was more than enough to deduce he was cranked high on cocaine once again.

Shane ducked back into the bedroom and flattened himself against the wall, his heart

jackrabbiting in his chest, mind whirling. My God, had it been six months already since

Campbell was sent away? He cursed himself for not having kept better track, too wrapped up in

his growing relationship with Tyler. He should’ve known Alex would come here as soon as he

was released. But how the fuck did he even get in the house??

As passion-crazed as he and Tyler had been several hours ago, they didn’t forget to turn the

alarm on before heading to the bedroom, the code to which Tyler had changed several months

ago. Then with sudden clarity Shane remembered Tyler telling him shortly after they’d met that

Alex had been the one to install the alarm at the house. He would know exactly how to disarm

the system from the outside. Then he probably used his old house key and walked right in the

fucking front door. Shane pushed his head back against the wall, hands balled into fists at his

sides. This was his fault. He should’ve protected Tyler better than this. He was a cop, for fuck’s

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“How could you not bail me out, Tyler?! You left me to ROT in there!” Alex’s screaming pulled

Shane from his thoughts and he sprang into action. Still naked, he crossed over to the closet and

quickly pulled on his uniform pants before silently opening up the top drawer of Tyler’s dresser.

He withdrew the lockbox, spun the small combination lock and took out his .45, flipping off the

safety catch. He crept back over to the doorway, wishing to God that he and Tyler hadn’t put

Chase outside for the night. He could’ve used his partner right about now.

Looking back down the hallway, Shane knew there was no way to sneak all the way up on Alex,

because of where he and Tyler were standing. The hallway itself was dark, but Campbell would

eventually notice him. He would only be able to count on the element of surprise to give him any

sort of advantage.

He took a long, steady breath, then moved out into the hallway, keeping his back flattened

against the wall. He moved inch by slow inch, miraculously remaining undetected until he

reached the point where the light from the kitchen reached the hallway. It was time to make his


In one fluid motion he pushed away from the wall, raised his weapon and took up a firing stance.

“Drop the knife!”

His element of surprise worked, in that he startled both Alex and Tyler, but instead of obeying

Shane’s command, Campbell moved lightning quick. He grabbed Tyler’s arm, spun him to face

Shane and got behind him, pressing the knife against Tyler’s throat. Shane stopped breathing.

“YOU!” Alex roared. “I saw you! I saw you BOTH! All over the news, hand-in-hand on the red

carpet – KISSING. That’s supposed to be ME!” he screamed, dark eyes wild. “I won’t be

replaced! If I can’t have him NO ONE will!” He pushed the knife harder against Tyler’s throat, a

thin line of blood appearing as Tyler sucked in a sharp breath through his nose. His blue eyes

were wide, locked on Shane.

It was a nightmare situation. There was no way for Shane to take a clean shot with Alex using

Tyler’s body as a shield. Even though his police instincts were telling him no, he was about to

put his gun down on the floor, to show Alex he wasn’t a threat and try and get him to calm down

and let Tyler go.

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What happened next Shane would never be able to explain. Whether Chase knew there was

danger or was just reacting to the raised voices, he suddenly barked and scratched at the back


Alex’s head whipped toward the noise and the knife moved ever so slightly away from Tyler’s

neck. Taking advantage of Alex’s momentary distraction, Tyler’s right hand shot up and pushed

against the arm holding the knife, lunging in the opposite direction as he did so. But Alex was

fast. With a crazed yell he snagged Tyler’s wrist with one hand as he tried to get away, the hand

with the knife raising up, then plunging downward toward Tyler’s chest.

“NO!” The scream was ripped from Shane’s throat…

…and he fired.

The sound of the gunshots in the enclosed space of the house was deafening, Alex’s body jerking

and spasming as both bullets found their target – one tearing through his neck, the other through

the side of his head – before his lifeless body slammed into the hardwood floor.

Deathly silence fell over the room.

For the first time in his law enforcement career, Shane Walker had taken a life.

He stood, rooted to the spot, unable to take his eyes off of Alex or the rapidly spreading pool of

blood, his heart slamming against his chest, his blood roaring in his ears. He was only broken out

of his stupor when Tyler moved, reaching out for him. They grabbed onto one another furiously

and Shane could feel the tremors racing under Tyler’s skin.

“Are you okay? Are you okay?” Shane kept repeating against the side of Tyler’s head, pulling

back to look at Tyler’s neck, at the thin trickle of blood staining the smooth, tanned skin.


“I’m okay…Shane, I’m alright,” Tyler reassured him, though his voice was shaky.

Chase barked again and both men jumped.

“Ty, go back in the bedroom and stay there while I…while I take care of this,” Shane swallowed.

“You don’t need to see this.”

“Shane – “ Tyler started to protest, but Shane shook his head.

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“Please, Ty. I’ll be back there in a minute.”

Tyler nodded slowly, then turned and made his way down the hallway to his bedroom, glancing

over his shoulder at Shane before closing the door.

Shane sagged against the wall and ran a hand over his face, realizing he was still holding his

weapon. He turned the safety back on then moved into the kitchen, stepping over Campbell’s

body, avoiding looking at the sightless dark eyes staring up at him. He placed his gun on the

kitchen table then grabbed the cordless phone on the counter, noting the time on the clock on the

stove – 3:13 am.

He opened up the French doors and stepped out onto the deck, calming Chase down as he

punched Nick’s home number into the phone. It was picked up after four rings.

“Sarge? It’s Shane. I…I’m at Tyler’s. Campbell, he broke into the house and attacked Tyler. I…

Christ, I shot him.” Shane swallowed. “He’s dead.”

There was silence on the other end of the phone for a moment. “I’m going to call this in and be

right over,” Nick told him. “Don’t touch anything, Shane. Just sit tight. You hear me?”

Shane nodded. “Yeah…yeah, Sarge.”

“Everything’s going to be fine, Shane,” Nick reassured him, then hung up.

Chase nudged Shane’s leg with his nose and he dropped down beside his partner, wrapping his

arms around the big dog, face buried in his thick fur. “Thank you,” he whispered, the words

getting caught in his throat. “Thank you…”


Back in the house a minute later, leaving Chase outside, Shane went back down the hall to

Tyler’s bedroom, feeling the last of the adrenaline rush ebb from his body, leaving him feeling

cold and numb.

He opened the door to see that Tyler was fully dressed now and sitting on the edge of the bed,

head bowed, arms resting across his thighs. He looked up as Shane sat down next to him and

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Shane wanted to cry at what he saw. Tyler’s eyes were haunted and full of shadows once more,

and Shane felt his perfect world break and fall like shards of glass all around him.

Tyler reached out a hand and curled his fingers around Shane’s. “Are you okay?” he whispered.

Shane’s voice sounded hollow to his own ears. “No. No, I’m not.”


It wasn’t long before half of the L.A.P.D. was swarmed outside of Tyler’s house, lighting up the

early morning hours with red and white flashing lights on top of squad cars and an ambulance.

There were people everywhere – patrol officers, detectives, Internal Affairs, EMTs, the coroner

and the crime scene techs. Not to mention most of Tyler’s neighborhood, minus only Logan, who

was in Texas visiting family. The paparazzi were there, too, cameras flashing, trying to get every

scrap of information they could about what was going on inside actor Tyler Donovan’s home.

Inside said home, Tyler was having the shallow cut on his neck bandaged by one of the EMTs

while Shane was sitting at the kitchen table with Nick, Detective Elizabeth Cooper, and Robert

Sullivan, from Internal Affairs. His weapon was in the middle of the table, the clip ejected and

the gun secured to prevent any further firing.

“…he was attempting to stab Mr. Donovan in the chest when I fired my weapon twice, striking

Alex Campbell once in the throat and once in the head,” Shane explained, voice flat and

emotionless, feeling disconnected from himself and everything going on around him. As if all of

this was happening to someone else and he was watching from a distance.

Cooper and Sullivan nodded, writing in their notebooks as the crime scene techs took pictures

behind them, the coroner standing ready with a black body bag and a stretcher.

“Okay, I think that’s it for now,” Sullivan said, closing his notebook and standing along with

Cooper. “We’ll need to have an official meeting in the IA offices later this afternoon with you

and your union rep, Officer Walker.”

Nick put his hand on Shane’s shoulder. “I’ll take care of contacting him for you, Shane.”

“Alright, we’ll see you at 2:30, then.” Sullivan nodded, then he and Cooper walked toward the

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front door.

“Shane?” Nick squeezed his shoulder. “Talk to me, son. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

Shane turned bleak eyes on his sergeant. “Nothing…I don’t feel…anything.”

“It’s okay. It’s going to take a while for all of this to sink in. But Shane…don’t ever doubt your

actions here tonight. Taking a life is never easy. I know that from experience. But it was the right

thing to do. You saved Tyler’s life.”

Shane nodded and leaned forward, resting his face in his hands, utterly exhausted. “I just…I need

to get out of here. I need to get Tyler out of here.”

“Go,” Nick told him. “The detectives already took Tyler’s statement. Take him back to your

place. I’ll stay here until everyone’s finished up.”

“Thanks, Sarge. For everything.”

Nick patted Shane softly on his back. “Go get some rest. Both of you.”


The ride to Shane’s house was spent in silence; even Chase was quiet in the backseat during the

twenty five minute trip. Tyler stared out the window into the breaking dawn, his fingers

entwined with Shane’s , holding on tightly.

Shane moved through his semi-dark house on autopilot and followed Tyler straight back to his

bedroom. As Tyler turned to look at him, the weak rays of the sun caught the white bandage on

his neck, stopping Shane dead in his tracks.

And just like that, at the sight of the small piece of gauze, the full impact of the events of the

night finally slammed into Shane like a tidal wave, completely overwhelming him. He felt

himself start to shake uncontrollably; the next second his legs were buckling under him and he

fell to his knees, trying to draw breath into his chest.

He knew this day would come someday, when he’d have to kill, and even though Alex Campbell

had been a violent bastard it didn’t make this any easier. He was a cop, not a robot devoid of

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emotions, and he had taken a human life.

Suddenly Tyler was on the floor in front of him, pulling Shane to him and Shane clutched at him,

burying his face in Tyler’s shoulder as silent tears leaked from his tightly closed eyes. Tyler held

him as he shook, cradling the back of his head with one hand, his other arm wrapped tightly

around Shane’s back as he murmured to Shane over and over.

“It’s okay, it’s okay, I’ve got you, I’ve got you…”


Alex’s head whipped toward the noise and the knife moved ever so slightly away from Tyler’s

neck. Taking advantage of Alex’s momentary distraction, Tyler’s right hand shot up and pushed

against the arm holding the knife, lunging in the opposite direction as he did so. But Alex was

fast. With a crazed yell he snagged Tyler’s wrist with one hand as he tried to get away, the hand

with the knife raising up then plunging downward toward Tyler’s chest.

“NO!” The scream was ripped from Shane’s throat and he fired.

…and he missed.

The knife continued its downward thrust, plunging into Tyler’s chest and Tyler screamed in pain

as his blood sprayed out in a bright red arc…



Shane jolted upright in bed, torn from his nightmare, his scream dying on his lips.

Panicked, he reached blindly for Tyler, but the other man was already there, pulling Shane to

him, holding him tightly.

“I couldn’t stop him,” Shane breathed harshly against Tyler’s shoulder. “He killed you, he,”

Shane’s words caught in his throat.

“It’s okay…it was just a nightmare,” Tyler soothed him. “I’m fine, I’m right here; see?” He put

Shane’s hand over his heart and Shane could feel it beating strongly under his palm, helping to

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calm him down.

Shane let out a shaky sigh. “I’m sorry,” he whispered brokenly.

Tyler looked at him in confusion. “For what?”

“For not protecting you the way I should have. It was my fault – “

“Stop right there,” Tyler cut him off. “If anyone’s to blame here, it’s me. I was so happy to have

Alex out of my life that I didn’t take the precautions I should have. I thought that by leaving him

in jail and filing the restraining order against him, that would be the end of it.” Tyler blew out a

breath. “I should’ve known better.”

Shane shook his head. “I’m a cop –“ he tried again.

“And Alex was an unpredictable, out of control drug addict. He would’ve found a way to get to

me eventually.” Tyler tangled his fingers with Shane’s , voice thick with emotion. “He would’ve

killed me tonight if it wasn’t for you. You saved my life, Shane…”

Then he was leaning forward, kissing Shane with such love and tenderness that Shane felt tears

spring to his eyes once again. If he had lost Tyler tonight…

The kiss gradually ended and they rested their foreheads together for several moments.

“Try and go back to sleep,” Tyler whispered to Shane, leaning back and drawing Shane’s head

down to rest gently against his chest. “I’ll be right here.”

Shane let his eyes slide closed. “I love you,” he murmured, letting himself drift back off to sleep,

held safely in Tyler’s arms where the nightmares couldn’t reach him.


It was almost noon before they rose from Shane’s bed, both of them still emotionally drained

from the events of the previous night. Tyler moved around Shane’s kitchen, putting together a

small breakfast for them while Shane sat at the table, staring off blankly into space, unwanted

images skittering through his mind.

“Hey,” Tyler put a hand on his shoulder and Shane jerked, startled. “Eat something,” he said

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softly, setting a plate with scrambled eggs and toast in front of Shane.

But Shane’s stomach roiled at the thought of food and he shook his head. “Not hungry,” he

mumbled, pushing the plate away, staring back off into the living room.

Tyler sighed and crouched down in front of him, taking both of Shane’s hands in his. “Talk to

me. Don’t keep this bottled up inside you.”

Shane swallowed hard. “I just…I can’t get the image of him out of my head. His eyes…and the

blood. Knowing I did that. That I ended a life.” He felt moisture behind his eyes and he pushed

away from the table and Tyler. His agitated steps took him into the living room where he sat

down wearily on the couch and buried his face in his hands.

But a minute later Tyler was sitting beside him, gently pushing Shane’s hands down. Shane

could barely meet his concerned gaze.

“I can see it in your eyes,” Tyler said quietly. “You think you’re weak because this is affecting

you so deeply.”

Shane closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, his shoulders sagging. “Why can’t this

be like in the movies?” he asked forlornly. “Where the cop just blasts away and never gives it a

second thought.” Shane blew out a ragged breath. “I’ve never felt this unbalanced in my life. I

don’t know how to come to terms with this. I feel like I’m falling and I don’t know how to stop.”

“Then I’ll catch you,” Tyler replied simply, firmly, threading his fingers with Shane’s .

“You’ve been my strength and support for months. Now let me be yours.”

Shane could only nod, his words of thanks and love caught behind the lump of emotion in his


Tyler brushed his fingers through Shane’s hair. “I can’t even imagine what you’re feeling. But I

know what I’m feeling. Grateful. Grateful that you were strong enough to make an agonizing

decision, knowing that it would forever change you, in order to save my life. And I don’t care

how corny this sounds – you’re my hero, Shane.”

Shane felt his eyes tear up again as the corners of Tyler’s mouth quirked up in a grin. “All you

need is a cape. And a big red S on your chest.”

Shane couldn’t help but laugh, wiping at his eyes, feeling some of the tension drain from his

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body, thankful to Tyler for lightening the mood.

“C’mere.” Shane smiled, cupping the back of Tyler’s head, drawing him closer so he could kiss

him slow and tender. “I love you,” he murmured against Tyler’s mouth, resting their foreheads


A moment later voices outside drew their attention and Shane stood, moving to the window and

parting the blinds slightly. He shook his head at what he saw and let the blinds snap closed.

“How many now?” Tyler asked.

“About a dozen altogether,” Shane replied with a sigh. Sometime during the morning while they

had been sleeping, the press had started camping out on Shane’s front lawn, hoping for a

statement from either of them.

Shane pulled nervously at his tie. “I’ve gotta go.”

Tyler nodded then stood, fixing Shane’s tie. “Everything’s going to be fine,” he reassured him.

“There’s no way that Internal Affairs won’t clear you.”

Shane blew out a breath. “I just want this over with.” He kissed Tyler softly. “I’ll be back soon.”

Predictably, as soon as Shane opened the front door the paparazzi swarmed like locusts, cameras

flashing, yelling out questions, wanting details of what exactly happened at Tyler’s last night.

Shane ignored them all, not saying a word, and shouldered past them to his truck, jumping in and

roaring off down the street.


“Officer Walker, thank you for coming,” Robert Sullivan began, sitting down at the table across

from Shane and his union rep, Patrick Collins, in the Internal Affairs offices. Sullivan hit the

button on the tape recorder in the middle of the table.

“We’re here regarding the fatal shooting that occurred last night at the residence of Mr. Tyler

Donovan, at 441 Highland Avenue.” Sullivan flipped open the file folder in front of him.

“Myself and Detective Elizabeth Cooper have reviewed the evidence and the past history of Mr.

Alex Campbell, in regards to Mr. Donovan and have reached our decision regarding this

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Shane swallowed and flexed his fingers against his thighs.

“Officer Walker, we have cleared you of any wrong-doing and our official conclusion is that this

was a good shoot.”

Shane released a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding and Patrick squeezed his shoulder.

“As you were involved in a fatal shooting, you will be cleared to return to duty only after you

have completed a mandatory three sessions with the police department psychologist. Your

weapon will be returned to you upon completion of these sessions.”

Shane nodded. “I understand.”

Sullivan slid a piece of paper across to Shane, along with a pen. “I just need your signature at the

bottom and this investigation will be complete.”

Shane hastily scrawled his name on the line, dated it, and slid it back over to Sullivan, who

offered his hand. Shane shook it gratefully, glad to be out from under the dark cloud that had

been hanging over him since yesterday.

This was the first step in getting his life put back together.


Shane once again ran the gauntlet of reporters outside his house when he returned, noticing that

there were several more now. He wondered how long they’d stay until they finally gave up. He

found Tyler at the kitchen table, on his phone, a piece of paper and a pen in front of him, Chase

at his feet. He looked over as Shane walked into the room.

“Shane just got back,” Tyler told the person on the other end of the phone. “Let me find out what

happened and I’ll call you back.” He paused, a soft smile on his face. “Thanks, man. You, too.


Tyler put down the phone. “Logan,” he explained. “I wanted to tell him myself what was going

on before he heard it on the news. So…” Tyler stood. “How did it go?” he asked cautiously.

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Shane smiled. “They cleared me.”

Tyler drew Shane into a fierce hug. “I knew it.” He smiled. “So what now?”

“Now I have to go see the department shrink three times before I’m cleared for duty.”

Tyler nodded. “I think that’s a good idea.”

“It’s not something I’m looking forward to,” Shane admitted. “I’d rather just talk to you, like this


“And you can. I want you to. But a professional police psychologist is better qualified to help

you come to terms with what happened. To help you let go of the guilt you’re still feeling.”

“Things might be rough with me for a little while,” Shane warned him.

Tyler squeezed his hand. “I’m not going anywhere. In fact,” he sighed, “things are about to get

rough with me, too.”

Shane cocked his head. “What do you mean?”

Tyler picked up the piece of paper, filled with his writing. “I’m about to do something I’m not

looking forward to, either. But it’s something that’s long overdue. I made a statement to read to

the press. About what happened between Alex and me, and how it led to last night.”

Shane could see the fear in Tyler’s eyes, that this would be the end of a career he’d worked so

hard for.

“I know what you’re thinking,” Shane said gently, putting his hands on Tyler’s shoulders.

“And I’ll say it again – no one is going to think that you were weak.”

Tyler nodded, but Shane could tell he didn’t quite believe him. Only time would prove Shane


“Will you go out there with me?”

Shane cupped Tyler’s face in his hands and kissed him softly, gently. “I’ll be right there next to

you. Always.”

The press went into a frenzy as soon as Tyler and Shane stepped out onto the porch, advancing

across the yard, shouting questions. Shane walked down the steps and held up his hands.

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“Quiet!” he bellowed and the reporters fell silent.

“Mr. Donovan would like to read a statement,” he told them, then walked back up the steps to

stand just behind Tyler on his left, putting a reassuring hand on his back and felt as Tyler took a

steadying breath.

“For a year I was the victim of domestic violence at the hands of my partner, Alex Campbell,

who was addicted to cocaine,” Tyler began. “After the third time Alex was arrested he was

sentenced to six months in the county jail, and I filed a restraining order against him.” Tyler

paused as the reporters exchanged looks of disbelief with one another. “At 3 am this morning,

two days after Alex was released from jail, he broke into my home and threatened me with a


Tyler glanced over his shoulder at Shane, and Shane moved his hand to link his fingers with


“I was nearly killed before Officer Shane Walker of the L.A.P.D. fatally shot Alex Campbell,”

Tyler finished, lowering his paper.

Then Shane watched as, like a soldier going into battle, Tyler squared his shoulders, looked the

reporters directly in their eyes, and braced himself for the firestorm…

….which never came.


Four months later, to a thunderous standing ovation, Tyler accepted the Oscar for Best Actor.

Clutching the gold statue, looking absolutely stunning in his tuxedo, Tyler stepped up to the

microphone, a smile of pure amazement on his face.

“There simply aren’t words to express my thanks, how much this means to me,” Tyler began

sincerely. “Cameron, without your skills behind the camera, Midnight Journey would never have

turned out as amazing as it did. Madison, Kim and Vince – I couldn’t have asked for better co-

stars. This is for you, too.”

Tyler paused, his gaze seeking out Shane in the audience, voice thick with emotion. “But the

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person I need to thank the most is Shane Walker. This past year hasn’t been easy for me. You

were there for me in the darkest time of my life and brought me out of the shadows. I love you.”

Shane swallowed hard as Tyler bowed to the crowd, then backed away from the microphone

with a wave as deafening applause erupted throughout the auditorium once again.

Instead of walking off backstage, Tyler jogged down the stairs and across the floor to where

Shane was standing, still clapping, tears in his eyes. Tyler was laughing, his smile more blinding

than the spotlights, and his eyes…blue and clear and bright and dancing with happiness.

He threw himself at Shane and they wrapped their arms around each other and held on tight. And

when Shane kissed Tyler, pouring out his love and support without words, everyone around them

cheered, the cameras capturing every minute of Tyler’s victory. And it was more than a

professional victory, it was personal, too. The last piece of confirmation Tyler needed that his

nightmare was over, that the past was behind him and he had a bright future ahead of him.

Shane had thought once before that he’d found his happy ending. But he was wrong. Standing

here with Tyler in his arms, having weathered the storm together, never wavering from each

other’s side, their love for one another only growing… he knew.

This was their true Hollywood happy ending.

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