Douglas A Bechtold My Aerobics Instructor (pdf)

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Douglas A. Bechtold

© Copyright Douglas A. Bechtold

The right of Douglas A. Bechtold to be identified as the authors of this book has

been asserted in accordance with Section 77 and 78 of the Copyrights and Patents

Act 1988.

All rights reserved.

Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in

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All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and

have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not

even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all

incidents are pure invention.

This electronic book published by A1AdultEbooks

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Diane & Sherry

You would think that after forty-four years of living in Michigan that the bitter

and biting cold of her winters would no longer affect me. Well, ordinarily they wouldn't;
but this winter is different. This winter, for the first time in nearly twenty-five years, I
am single; though not necessarily available. My husband, or rather, my ex-husband
Gerald, and I have just concluded our divorce proceedings. I never imagined that this
day would come; not to us. But it has. Gerald James Cowan and Diane Louise Whitner,
(that's me), met on the campus of the University of Michigan on a warm September
afternoon many years ago when Gerald was twenty and I was nineteen. The Wolverines
were playing host to the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame and we were introduced by a
mutual friend just before kickoff of this classic college football rivalry. You might say
that it was love, or perhaps, lust at first sight, for by the time the final whistle blew,
Gerald and I celebrated the Wolverines overwhelming victory by having sex in the
backseat of his car. From that day on, Gerald and I were inseparable. We moved in
together just after Gerald graduated about eighteen months later with a Bachelors degree
in Political Science. Two years later, I graduated with a Bachelors degree in Business
Administration and happily became Mrs. Diane Cowan soon afterward.

Within five years, I received an MBA and managed to give birth to three beautiful

children along the way; the twins, Gerald Jr. and Monica, who are now both 21; and
Whitney, who is now 19. All three are healthy, happy and making their way in the world.
Gerald, Jr. is about to graduate from West Point, while Monica, a brilliant scholar and
truly gifted young woman, graduated from her proud parents Alma Mater a year early
and is now working on her Masters Degree in Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. Whitney is in her second year at Michigan State University, studying
medicine. Oh well, at least she didn't go to Notre Dame.

Well, back to me. Sorry, but I just love to dote on my children. Anyway, my

name is Diane Cowan and I am forty-four years old. I was born and raised in Detroit
where both my father and mother worked for General Motors. I attended the University
of Michigan in Ann Arbor and then resettled in Detroit with my husband after our
wedding. As I've already explained, I'm the proud mother of three beautiful children, all
of whom were born and raised in Detroit, and now, I'm the ex-wife of a hopeless
romantic fool from Chicago. As the saying goes, "You can't stand in the way of true
love." Nobody could have stood in my way when Gerald and I met, and I guess I
couldn't stand in the way eleven months ago when Gerald introduced me to Frank, his
true love and soul mate. Yes, my husband of nearly twenty-three years left me for
another man. Needless to say, I was taken somewhat aback by this; as were our kids. I
mean, I knew that Gerald and I weren't exactly burning up the sheets anymore, but I think
that's pretty much normal the older you get and the longer you're together. And it wasn't
that the years had been unkind either. Not to sound vain, but I have always prided myself
on staying in shape. I workout on my BowFlex four days a week and I attend an
advanced aerobics class the other three. I'm five foot nine and weigh 129 pounds; my
measurements are 36-24-34.

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In the words of one of Junior's friends' from high school:

"Dude, your Mom's got such a beautiful ass it's a shame she has to sit down on it."

While I was extremely flattered by this, I was never unfaithful to Gerald. True, I

was tempted from time to time, but I never gave it a second thought. And I certainly
would have never submitted to the advances of Junior's friends. Although, it was a
wonderful ego boost knowing that I could turn the head and heat the hormones of an
eighteen year old beefcake.

My abs are a top of the line defined six pack, not to mention, solid as steel. My

legs are long, tan and tone with exquisitely feminine muscle definition.

To quote Junior's buddy once again:

"Dude, your Mom's legs go all the way to heaven."

And as I like to add:

"Or hell, depending on your point of view."

My hair is dark brown and hangs down below my shoulder blades without the

slightest hint of gray. My neck is long and sleek, my shoulders and arms, like my legs
are toned with exquisite muscle definition and femininity and I carry supple and pert
round 36 c-cups. Yes, God has definitely been good to me. Now, if I sound vain and
very wrapped up in myself, then I apologize. But after what I've been through, I think I
have a right, and a need, to know that I am still attractive and desirable.

Prior to Gerald's coming out party, in a manner of speaking, I had never really

given any thought to homosexuality at all. I'd never known anyone who was gay and if I
did, I certainly didn't know it or even care about it. I know that it is said that every
woman often thinks about what it would be like to be with another woman sexually, but
that thought had never occurred to me. Sure, I had always been comfortable admiring
other women's beauty, as most women are. But when Gerald told me he was gay, that
wasn't really the bone crushing blow, if you can believe it. Sure it was shocking, but the
truth of the matter was: I still loved him. This man had been the love of my life and the
father of my children. He had provided a beautiful home and a wonderful life for nearly
twenty-three years. How was I going to live without him? What would the kids think
and how would they live with it? Well, when you're dealing with true love, you often
ignore those little details. And the kids, needless to say, were equally shocked and even
sickened by the whole thing. Gerald, Jr. has for the most part, completely disowned his
father with the seemingly greatest of ease. Monica and Whitney, on the other hand, are
Daddy's little girls. It has been very hard on them. Their father has been their hero and
their champion their entire lives. They love him dearly and just can't believe what is
happening. But they are coping, and I have been trying to soften my son's heart as best a
mother can. It is definitely not an easy task. But one thing the three of them are all
agreed upon unanimously is how could he do this to me? They all have stood
completely behind me through the divorce proceedings and the girls in particular have
walked me through some pretty rough nights of sobbing and wailing. This is one of the
reasons why my story is going to be so difficult to tell. For a child to learn after many

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years that one of their parents is gay has got to be devastating. I cannot even begin to
fathom the psychological trauma, uncertainty and identity confusion that it brings into
their young lives. But what if after learning that their father is gay, they are about to
learn that their mother is gay also?

Here we go…

I was attending my usual aerobics class on a Tuesday evening in late January. It

had been nearly eleven months since Gerald had come out of the closet and three months
since our divorce was finalized. The class was unusually small that night, only four of
us, and the instructor was Sherry Lloyd. I've known Sherry for what seems like forever
and she is a dear friend. Sherry is thirty-seven and her daughter Michelle is a year
younger than Whitney and the two of them have been friends since pre-school. As the
girls grew up, Sherry and I took turns baby sitting, changing diapers, hosting slumber
parties and birthday parties, surviving first dates, prom nights and finally Whitney's
recent graduation from High School with Michelle's own graduation coming this June.
Sherry is about three inches shorter than me and Oh my God; is she built to please! If
you think God spent a little overtime creating me, he must have earned time and a half
when he put Sherry together. Sherry and her husband Carl had divorced when Michelle
was two. They had married very young, for Sherry was only nineteen when Michelle
was born. After Carl left, Sherry struggled for many years, working day and night to
provide for herself and Michelle. Finally she was able to save enough money to put her
self through school, earning a Master's Degree in Physical Education when she was
thirty. A few years later, her father passed away and left her a sizable inheritance which
she used to open her own health and fitness club, which is where I attend my aerobics

The class had been far more strenuous and athletic than I was accustomed to, but

that was fine with me for I had a lot of excess energy to burn off. Sherry seemed to be
beaming tonight and for some reason that I couldn't explain, I couldn't keep my eyes off
her. She looked absolutely stunning. Instead of her usual black spandex pants, she wore
see-through spandex that divinely accentuated her gorgeous legs, her perfectly round
hips, scrumptious ass and her beautiful tan skin. And instead of her usual loose fitting
turquoise muscle shirt, she wore what looked like a one piece, blue bathing suit. Her jet
black long hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

As the hour long class came to a close, we all lay down on the floor and began our

cool down. Then Sherry, as she usually does, turned down the lights in the room to a very
soft dim glow and then she came around to each one of us to check our pulse rate and
muscle response as we lay on the floor. During this time, I usually close my eyes and just
focus on my breathing. Finally, after checking the other three ladies in the class, Sherry
came to me and placed her fingers on the side of my neck. My eyes popped open
suddenly and there she was crouched over me smiling sweetly. As I lay there and
returned her beautiful smile, my focus was instantly drawn to her cleavage, nestled
snuggly under her skin tight suit. With her skin drenched in perspiration, it glistened in
the dim light of the room as if in the moonlight. I also noticed that her nipples where
hard and boldly peeping out at me under the blue fabric of her suit. Sherry asked me
something, but I can't say for sure what it was because I was completely mesmerized. I'd
known this woman for nearly twenty years and I felt like this moment was the first time

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I'd ever truly seen her. As I lay beneath her, I caught the scent of her perfume, mixed
with sweat, and I found it to be almost hypnotic and intoxicating.

Sherry gently ran her left hand from the side of my neck, across my chest with her

hand gently brushing the top of my right breast, and finally over to my right arm where
she began to firmly massage by bicep. Sherry then ran her right hand down the left side
of my body, all the way to my hip and began to massage it. That's when it happened!
For the first time in God knows how long, I felt myself getting wet as my body tingled
with deep arousal. For a brief moment, my mind went blank and I felt my body about
ready to convulse. As if an untapped supply of orgasms was about ready to explode all
over me. I took a deep breath and shut my eyes and in my mind's eye, saw myself
grabbing Sherry by the back of the head and kissing her.

"Diane?" Sherry said quietly. My eyes popped open again.
"Mmmm, Hi." I mumbled as I smiled.
"You seem a little tense." Sherry continued.
"Really? I sure don't feel tense." I said.
"How do you feel?" She asked quizzically.
"If you only knew." I said, almost embarrassed.
Sherry completed her inspection of my body and then helped me to my feet. I

went to the locker room to shower and change. I opened my locker and undressed. As I
let my hair down, my mind was going a million miles a minute as I tried to process what I
had just experienced. Sherry had made me wet! How could this be? I've known Sherry
for years. I've taken countless aerobics classes with her, shared many showers and
saunas with her. She had inspected my body the way she did tonight hundreds of times.
What the hell is going on? Maybe it has something to do with my therapy sessions. Ever
since I first found out that Gerald was gay, I had been seeing a shrink and we had been
talking a lot about homosexuality. In fact, we had been spending a lot of time this past
week on exploring my sexuality and she had point blank asked me if I had ever thought
about having sex with a woman.

As my mind continued to churn, I stuffed my sweaty workout suit into my bag

then turned to look at myself in the full length mirror on the wall a few feet away. As I
stared at my completely naked body, Sherry suddenly appeared in the reflection behind
me. I whirled around, reflexively grabbing a towel and covering myself. I felt my
cheeks flush and my legs begin to shake beneath me. Fortunately, Sherry didn't notice
my embarrassment as she was dealing with her own embarrassment for having startled

"Oh, I'm sorry." She said. "I thought you heard me come in."
"No." I replied as I wrapped the soft towel around me. "It's okay though. Not

like I've got anything you haven't seen before."

Which was true, for Sherry had seen me naked many times as I had her; so why

was I feeling so embarrassed now? I decided to push it from my mind.

"I just wanted to know how you're getting along since the divorce." Sherry

continued. "I know we haven't had much of a chance to talk or spend any time together

"Yeah, I know." I said. "I'm really sorry about that. My life's just been kind of a

mess lately."

Sherry and I spent a few minutes chit-chatting as I brought her up to speed on

what's been happening lately. Sherry then mentioned that she was very concerned about
me, because she had detected a great deal of tension in my muscles, and that I seemed

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very stressed out. She also commented that my skin was dry and felt very rough to the
touch. She recommended that if I had the time, to sit in the sauna for awhile. She also
told me that she had come across a new brand of body oil that not only helped ease
muscle tension, but was also a skin moisturizer. As I had nothing better to do, I told her
that sounded wonderful. Sherry gave me an almost devious grin and kissed me on the
cheek as she went off to get the body oil and to close up the front. As she whipped away,
I caught another whiff of her perfume/sweat mix and I again felt flush….and wet! My
heart began to pound, my breath got short and I had to sit down to collect myself. What
the hell is wrong with me? As I closed my eyes and took a couple of deep breaths, the
reality of the situation hit me like a ton of bricks. For the second time in less than an
hour, Sherry has gotten me wet. Now, I'm about to let her rub oil all over my body in a
hot sauna. As that thought passed through my mind, I felt a chill pass through my body.
But it wasn't a chill of dread; it was of anticipation. And I suddenly realized that my
nipples were hard and protruding out like fresh pencil erasers. Without another thought, I
quickly tied my hair back into a ponytail, picked up another soft white towel and headed
for the sauna room.

Entering the sauna, which was already very steaming hot, I took the ladle from the

bucket of water on the floor and added a little more water to the coals on the heater. The
heated coals hissed like a cauldron of angry snakes as the water poured over them, and
the steam rising off them quickly engulfed my body. I took off my towel, laid it out on
the wooden bench and stretched my naked body out on my stomach. Taking the second
towel that I had brought from the locker room, I laid it across my bare butt. I crossed my
arms out in front of me and rested my head on them. The sauna was a fairly recent
addition to the club, so the wood was still rather fresh and being exposed to the heat, it
gave off a very unique, albeit pleasing aroma.

Sherry came in a moment or two later, still in her workout suit and carrying the

bottle of body oil. She stood over me; straddling the bench I was lying on, poured some
oil into her hand and began to rub it on my back and shoulders. Sherry's hands were very
strong and her touch felt wonderful. I was half expecting to come out of my skin at her
first touch, but instead, I was almost swept away. We chatted casually for awhile as
Sherry rubbed my shoulders, back and legs. Our conversation fell silent as Sherry
poured a little more of the oil into her hand and then resumed rubbing my lower legs, one
hand on each leg. I shut my eyes and let out a gentle moan as I felt her skilled hands rub
my calves.

"God, you have such beautiful legs." Sherry suddenly offered.
"Mmmm, thank you." I quietly moaned as my head lay peacefully on my arms.
"You're such a beautiful woman, Diane." Sherry continued. "I can't believe

Gerald, or any man would let you get away."

I opened my eyes, raised my head and searched for it, but it wasn't there. For the

first time since he left with Frank, I didn't have a lump in my throat when someone had
mentioned Gerald's name. I didn't feel anything. He's name didn't matter anymore. He
didn't matter anymore. I was free of him.

"Thank you." I heard myself say again. But, I'm not sure if it was Sherry I was

thanking or if it was God for removing this burden from my heart.

I closed my eyes once again and laid my head back down on my arms. I felt

Sherry's hands slowly go up my legs and past my knees, slowly and firmly kneading my
skin and muscles. Suddenly, her hands slid under the towel covering my butt and she
began to massage both my ass cheeks. My mind began to race and my heart pounded,

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but I lay perfectly still with my eyes still closed. I don't know which felt better: Finally
being free of Gerald or Sherry rubbing my ass. I made my decision before logic had time
to take over.

"Can I ask you something, Sherry?"
"Would you like me to take off the towel?" I asked, hoping beyond all reason that

she would say yes.

Sherry immediately stopped rubbing and yanked her hands back down my legs.
"Oh God!" She said, cupping her hands over her mouth. "I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for? I asked. "I didn't complain, did I?"
Sherry looked baffled for a moment. Then without a second thought or even the

slightest hesitation, I reached around and removed the towel from my butt; Sherry could
now behold my whole naked body. At this point, I felt like I was having some sort of
weird out-of-body-experience. I couldn't believe what was happening and my mind was
shouting to get out! But at the same time, some other part of me wanted this so bad. I
was watching from the sideline and on the field at the same time. And somewhere
between my mind and mouth, my body felt like a volcano just waiting to erupt in sexual
frenzy. After all, it had been well over a year and a half since the last time I'd had sex. I
tossed the towel on the floor and stretched back out, again resting my head on my arms.

"Please continue." I said.
Sherry almost immediately resumed rubbing my ass cheeks and to make certain

that she didn't misinterpret anything, I began to moan softly and breathe deeply; which
wasn't hard because I could feel her divine sexuality and her intense lustful drive flowing
into my body through her hands and fingers. Also, the anticipation and excitement in
her breathing began to drive me wild; and I know that my moaning was driving her wild.

"God, I've wanted to do this for so long." She moaned. "You are so sexy."
Sherry spread my legs slightly and began to gently rub my pussy. I could feel my

clit begin to tighten as Sherry's finger danced around it, stroking up and down the outside
of my lips.

"Get up on your knees." She whispered.
I complied immediately, rising up onto all fours as Sherry sucked on the middle

finger of her left hand while she was still fingering my clit with the other. I ran a hand
through my hair and undid my ponytail and then I felt it! Sherry inserted her middle
finger into my pussy and began licking my ass hole at the same time. My breathing
accelerated as my moaning and panting got louder and quicker. My pussy was flushing
with heat and dripping wet now. Sherry inserted another finger in my pussy and was
finger fucking me hard as she slurped away on my ass hole. I lowered my head down
and looked back through my open legs and I could see Sherry rubbing her suit over her
pussy with her free hand. I rocked back and forth with the motion of her fingers going in
and out of me. Finally, I couldn't wait any longer - I turned over, took her head in my
hands and kissed her. I had never experienced such a deep and passionate kiss; her lips
and tongue were so soft and warm. Our tongues danced around the inside of each others
mouths for what seemed like an eternity. I didn't want it to end. Finally, Sherry pulled
back and looked deep into my eyes.

"Is it getting hot in here?" She asked.
"Oh, just a tad." I replied as I gently caressed her face. "Maybe you should get


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Sherry cheerfully agreed and proceeded to undress for me, striptease style. I

remember watching her, and thinking to myself:

"What the hell am I doing? This isn't me! I'm not a lesbian! Oh my God, what

about the kids? After all they've been through. It's bad enough to learn that your father is
a peter puffer; but now you're about to learn that your mother is a muff diver."

My mind continued to race, and I had just about convinced myself that this

needed to stop. But that's when Sherry was finally completely naked and I looked at her
beautiful body. It was so strange - Yes, I had seen Sherry naked many times before, but
this was different. Tonight, I didn't see just a naked female body. Tonight I saw the
beautiful naked body of my lover. And it was a body built for sin. My God and my
children forgive me, but I must have this woman!

I stretched myself back out on the bench again, this time on my back. Sherry

again straddled the bench and stood over me as she let her beautiful black hair out of its
ponytail. Erotically shaking it out, she then proceeded to stretch out on top of me,
pressing her body firmly against mine and we fell into another deep and passionate kiss.
I felt her very life force flowing into my body and mine into her. She then proceeded to
rub my tits and stomach down with the oil. By this time, my nipples were so hard they
were about to pop, so Sherry began to suck them. As she worked her lips and tongue
around one nipple, she pulled and flicked the other with her fingers. Then she switched,
wrapping her hot, moist, succulent lips and tongue around it while pulling and flicking
the other. Suddenly her hand slid down the front of my body and found my anxiously
waiting pussy. Rubbing my clit, Sherry then nibbled on the side of my neck and earlobe.

"God, you're so wet." She whispered. Her hot breath in my ear brought me to the

brink of explosion.

With our bodies drenched in perspiration, Sherry again rolled up on top of me,

pressing her body firmly against me and we were kissing again. I wrapped my arms
around her as our mouths opened and our tongues entered. Again, her life force flowed
into my soul through her kiss. At that moment, nothing else existed in the universe. It
was just Sherry and I and this incredible passion. I felt her tongue pull back and out of
my mouth. Opening my eyes, I found Sherry gazing straight into them as she gently
caressed my cheek.

"I've wanted you for so long." She whispered. "I can't believe you're finally


Before I could answer, Sherry pressed her lips against mine, our mouths opened

and we were kissing again. Sherry then slowly slid her tongue out of my mouth, down
my chin and neck. In the twenty-three years we were married, Gerald had never made
me feel this loved and desired. Her tongue continued down my neck, and then instead of
going down, Sherry rose up and pinned my arms down over my head. She then began to
suck and nibble my armpit. Initially, it tickled; but it soon became the most intensely
erotic sensation I've ever experienced. My head rolled from side to side and my body
writhed as Sherry sucked on my armpits; then her tongue resumed its downward course
between my tits, over my abdomen, eventually plunging deep into my soaking wet pussy.
Sherry's body slid down between my legs as she dove into me. Our hands locked and our
fingers laced as my back arched. My body trembled and convulsed almost violently out
of control as I felt the explosion coming. I let go of Sherry's hands and grasped the sides
of the bench as Sherry grabbed the underside of my ass cheeks. My fingernails were
digging deep into the wooden bench as I screamed and panted near the top of my lungs.
Sherry's nose was buried deep in my pubic hair and her mouth was wrapped so tightly

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around my pussy, I wondered if she could even breathe. Her tongue was flicking my clit
wildly. The rush of cum was immense and Sherry's body jerked as her mouth was shot
full of it. My body went limp as Sherry pulled back and rested on her knees, running her
hands through her hair.

"Oh God." She panted. "You are a nasty girl, aren't you?"
I don't know if it was how she said it or what; but Sherry calling me a nasty girl

flooded me with more lust. I instantly sat up and pulled Sherry to me. Sherry sat on my
left leg, wrapped both her legs around me as I wrapped my arms around her slender torso.
I ran my tongue all over her tits and up her neck as Sherry road the top of my thigh. I
could feel her wet pussy lips and her rock hard clit rubbing against my skin. My tongue
found its way up to her mouth and I roughly jammed it in. Sherry sucked on my tongue
as I drove it in and out of her mouth. Our bodies rubbed hard against each other,
lubricated by sweat, pussy juice and cum.

I pushed Sherry down on her back on the bench and slid down her body, running

my tongue across her rock hard abdomen. Sherry threw her legs up and around my
shoulders as I came face to face with her beautiful pussy. Sherry was completely shaven
and her pink lips were quivering with anticipation and her clit was throbbing, as if about
ready to explode. Though I had never been this close to another woman's pussy, I felt
like I was home. Sherry grabbed the back of my head and shoved me into her. I was
now operating on pure instinct. I had never eaten a pussy, but based upon Sherry's
moaning and her body writhing back and forth uncontrollably, you'd never know it. I
dove into Sherry's honey pot and ate it until my jaw ached. Sherry's back suddenly
arched, her arms went over her head and her hands grasped the wooden bench. Her
screaming suddenly reached an octave I didn't think a human being could hit; her
breathing was so fast and furious I feared she was about to hyperventilate. Her body rose
up so high that she pulled her pussy out of my mouth and only the tips of her toes and the
palms of her hands were touching the bench. As I chased after her pussy like a wild
animal, Sherry's body convulsed and my face and hair were suddenly drenched by a
squirting geyser of her cum. For a split second I was filled with fear as Sherry's body
collapsed back down onto the bench, then began to twitch violently and she was gasping
desperately for air.

"No more. No more." She panted as she lay on her side. "Come here."
Sherry rolled on to her back and I slid slowly up her body on top of her. She

wrapped her arms around me and we kissed softly all around each other's faces.

"You know what?" I finally offered. "I think I'm falling in love with you."
And just like Sherry calling me a nasty girl, my words seemed to completely

restart her engine. The next thing I knew, Sherry had me flat on my back at the other
end of the bench with my arms again pinned down above my head and we were sharing
another deep kiss, and Sherry was rubbing her pussy on mine.

"God, I wanna fuck you so bad." She suddenly hissed.
"Isn't that what you've been doing?" I asked.
Sherry chuckled deviously while she gave me the seductive eye of Catwoman.
"Get on your hands and knees!" Sherry ordered. "And close your eyes."
It was on the tip of my tongue to reply "Yes, Mistress." But I simply kept my

mouth shut and complied. After all, my jaw was still aching. I don't know exactly how
long it took, but to me, it seemed like an eternity for Sherry to return.

"You ready to get fucked, nasty girl?" Sherry barked, breaking the eternal


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"Oh, yes. Fuck me, baby!" I practically begged.
I felt Sherry's hand grab the far side of my left ass cheek and then I felt something

I would not have expected in a million years: A thick, hard cock plunged deep into my
pussy. But it didn't feel like any cock I'd ever had inside me. Of course, in the past
twenty-five years there'd been only one. For a split second I thought that Sherry had
snuck in a man to fuck me; but how many men have a cock made of rubber? As I began
to move with the motion, I lowered my head and looked back between my legs. I felt
Sherry's other hand grab the far side of my right ass cheek and I heard her panting.

"Yeah. Oh yeah, baby." She said over and over and over again.
Sherry was fucking me with a strap-on and she was thrusting her pelvis with the

veracity of a teenage boy. As the intensity of the moment heightened, the slapping sound
of her pelvis on my ass got louder and faster; blocked out only by my moaning and
screaming. My eyes rolled back in my head as the strap-on went deeper and faster into
me; I felt myself about to explode - Literally! Sherry suddenly pulled out and ordered
me to flip over on my back, which I couldn't do fast enough. Once I was on my back,
Sherry repositioned herself and plunged the rubber cock deep into my pussy again. We
were rubbing belly to belly, nose to nose as sweat was pouring from every pore of our
bodies. Deeper and deeper, harder and harder, faster and faster, Sherry thrust herself and
the strap-on into me. I was sweating so much that my vision was getting blurry. Then I
felt it coming.

"Oh my God, here I cum!” I shrieked.
Sherry immediately pulled out, plunged her face deep in my pussy and I too, for

the first in my life, squirted like a geyser! My body arching and convulsing just as
Sherry's had, and I could now hear Sherry moaning and gulping away as I drenched her
face, and further doused her already sweat drenched hair. I experienced my first multiple
orgasm, as well as my second, third and possibly fourth all in this one night. With my
eyes still spinning and my body still writhing, I collapsed back down on the bench.
Sherry fell completely exhausted on top of me. My body was twitching uncontrollably
and I was filled with fear. I had never experienced this intense of an orgasm, but Sherry
cuddled up on me and gently kissed me as the intensity slowly began to fade.

Sherry and I lay motionless in each other's arms for about ten minutes, gently

caressing each other and we spoke not a single word. Finally, Sherry sat up and pulled
me up to her. We kissed deeply and wrapped our arms around each other.

"Do you still think you're falling in love with me?" Sherry finally spoke.
"Mmmm, I don't think I'm falling in love with you. I know I'm in love with you."

I said.

Sherry smiled and even though she denied it later, she had tears in her eyes.
"Good. Because I'm in love with you. I have been for a very long time." She


We embraced and just sat there for a while, holding each other tightly. Then I

was suddenly hit with another overwhelming sensation. I was starving! I told Sherry and
she burst out laughing, mainly because she was glad I said it first. We exited the sauna
and returned to the locker room where we showered together. I don't know how we made
it through showering without plowing into each other again; probably because we were
both so weak and hungry. We did hold each other for a long while and just let the cool
water run all over our bodies and this led to another long and deep kiss. Finally we had
no choice. If we didn't eat, we'd collapse and be found here in the morning by the janitor.
Not that he'd mind finding two beautiful naked women wrapped in each other's arms.

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Sherry had to go to her office for a change of clothes while I returned to my locker. As I
did, I caught a glimpse of myself once again in the full length mirror on the wall. I
dropped my towel and again stared at the woman in the mirror. Only two hours or so
had past since the last time I'd seen her, but now something was very different. The
woman looking back at me was not the same one that had looked back at me a couple of
hours earlier. She was entirely different. She was full of life and beaming with a new
found hope.

I dressed quickly and closed my locker. As I took one last glance at the woman in

the mirror, I could've sworn I saw the flash reflection of a person in the shadows behind
me. I whirled around quickly, but found nobody there.

"Sherry!" I called. "Sherry!"
The dressing room door suddenly opened and Sherry stood there dressed in

designer jeans, a beautiful white sweater, high-heeled leather boots and a black leather
jacket. She was pulling on her gloves.

"You just call for me?" She asked.
"Were you just in here?" I asked.
"No. Why?" She said incredulously.
"I thought I saw somebody behind me in the mirror." I replied. "Guess I must be

getting paranoid.

"Really? Well, let's go eat and then maybe afterward, we'll go back to your place

and work on getting rid of that paranoia." Sherry winked and smiled deviously.

I picked up my bag and followed Sherry out of the locker room, across the club to

the front entrance. Sherry motioned me out first and as I stepped out on to the icy
sidewalk, the frigid January air hit me square in the face. As Sherry locked up the club,
snow began to fall and I opened my mouth to catch a snowflake on my tongue.

"Oh, how I wish I were that snowflake." Sherry said.
"My God! You're insatiable!" I told her.
Sherry dropped the keys in her purse, grabbed me by the back of the neck and

kissed me.

"You just wait till after I've eaten." She said.
Sherry took my hand, our fingers laced around each other almost perfectly and we

walked down the sidewalk toward a bright and hope filled future. And I suddenly
realized that this Michigan winter had lost its bite and bitterness.

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Diane, Michelle & Reagan

Sherry and I went to a Chinese Buffet after our encounter and gorged ourselves on

plate after plate of Chinese food. After dinner we went straight to my house, opened a
bottle of wine, took one sip each and where immediately swept back into the throws of
passion. When the sun rose the following morning; actually the following afternoon, I
awoke under cum laden, sweat drenched sheets and was still wrapped in Sherry's naked
embrace. I watched her sleep for a few moments, never feeling more in love with
someone in my entire life. I woke Sherry with a series of gentle kisses, and before I
could say “good morning”, Sherry pounced on me again. We just couldn't get enough of
each other.

Now after nearly two months of being together as a couple, Sherry and I are still

tearing each other inside out almost every night. It is so wonderful to feel so loved and
so desired, and I've learned that Sherry is a bottomless pit of sexual surprises. I have
known this woman for nearly twenty years and I never realized that she was such a freak
when it comes to sex. Of course, how could I? I was happily married for all those years
and she was just my friend. Now, as the first of April is just a day or so away, I'm finally
able to slow down and look at our situation objectively. And I'm not exactly thrilled with
what I'm seeing. In the three months since our first encounter and our subsequent
profession of love for one another, Sherry and I have never once made any effort to
explore our love. All we do is fuck! We've never gone out together for a romantic
evening, nor snuck away for a romantic weekend. Never shared hopes, dreams, thoughts,
emotions, nor have we talked about our kids, much less told them about our relationship.
True, I'm not exactly in any rush to tell my kids anything considering what they've just
been through with their father, but I know that if Sherry and I are going to build a life
together, they will eventually have to be told.

Sherry had more or less moved into my house within the first month of our

involvement and we spent most of our time fucking wildly in every room and in every
position imaginable. We have always done it at my house, in the car, at my office or at
Sherry's health club. Never once have we done it at Sherry's house. Pondering our
relationship day and night; sometimes even in the heat of passion, I knew something
wasn't right. While we had never planned ahead of time where we would be together, it
just always ended up someplace other than Sherry's home.

Finally one Monday morning, I called Sherry from my office and told her that we

were going to have to stay at her house for a few days while mine underwent some
interior renovations - fresh paint, new carpeting, etc. I had been planning this renovation
work for sometime. To my surprise, Sherry was very reluctant to have me come to her
home. In truth, she flat out told me we couldn't. Now, I was really concerned. But
Sherry sensed my feeling, and immediately suggested that we rent a cheap and dirty
motel room instead. She said that it has always been a fantasy of hers; to rendezvous in a
filthy, rundown motel room in a rough area of town and fuck like crazy. Sherry
definitely knew how to light my fire, and I instantly forgot all about my concerns over
our love and why we never made love at Sherry's home. The idea Sherry had really

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turned me on and I agreed to it almost instantly. In fact, it got me so hot that I was soon
masturbating right there in my office with Sherry on the phone describing what she had
in mind; and the best part was, it would begin that night. By the time I hung up the
phone, I was so wet that I had to go to the restroom to clean myself up. Ever since Sherry
and I got together, I started carrying an extra pair or two of panties in my purse to work,
along with an additional pair of slacks or skirt. Sherry often came by my office in the
middle of the day for a little fun. I can only imagine what the cleaning crew must think
when they come into my office every night and smell the odor of the forbidden fruit all
over my desk, chair, sofa and carpet. Oh well! Like I said, Sherry's a freak when it
comes to sex. I only wish I knew earlier just how much of a freak she really was.

The rest of the day went by very slowly and I had to fight to keep my hands off

myself. Also, any concerns I had over the future of our relationship or why we had never
fucked at Sherry's house were easily pushed out of my mind; at least for the moment. I
got home just before five and hurried upstairs to pack. It was Monday and the workers
were due to arrive early the next morning, so I had to be out the night before. While I
was packing, apparently my moment was up and all of those thoughts and questions came
pouring back into my mind. Then it suddenly hit me: Sherry's eighteen year old
daughter Michelle was still living with Sherry. Maybe Sherry was uncomfortable about
having sex with me in her home with Michelle there. Convincing myself that Michelle
was the reason Sherry had never invited me to her house, I continued to pack and I forced
my thoughts into the future and began to fantasize about the night ahead. But then the
thought occurred to me that millions of couples have sex in their homes with their
children there all the time. It was the natural order of things. But then again, Sherry's
and my relationship wasn't exactly natural. We were a homosexual couple. But then
again, even gay couples had children living with them. Besides, Michelle was eighteen
years old, and I simply couldn't imagine that she would be offended by it. Homosexual
relationships are very common in our modern society. And surely Sherry has had
relationships with other women in the past. And here again, Michelle is eighteen. I had
no doubt that she herself was not totally unfamiliar with the sins and pleasures of the
flesh. After all, I had a daughter of that age myself. And as Whitney passed through my
mind, the true revelation hit me!

“That's it!” I shouted.
Whitney! Could the fact that Whitney and Michelle are such good friends have

something to do with Sherry's reluctance to take our relationship into her home? Since
Whitney no longer lived at home, the thought had never even occurred to me how I
would feel about having sex with Sherry there if Whitney still lived at home. After all,
Sherry had known Whitney since she was a baby. She had changed her diapers and fed
her, just as I had done for Michelle. Now it all made perfect sense. Poor Sherry; and
selfish me! My God!

I finished packing and carried my bag downstairs and out to the car. The plan

was for me to attend the Monday evening aerobics class and then go on to the motel
Sherry had picked out from there. Sherry didn't teach the Monday evening class, but she
told me that she would leave directions to the motel along with a key to the room in my
locker. I hopped in the car and headed for the health club feeling pity for Sherry and
anger toward myself for being so selfish. Just then, another thought struck me; one that
had been in the back of my mind since Sherry and I professed our love for each other. I
turned up the music to try and block it out. Unfortunately that proved ineffective; for as I
drove, the thought seemed to shout louder and louder through my mind: Was I really in

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love with Sherry or was I just in lust with her? As I replayed our relationship since
January over in my mind, I realized that it really wasn't love at all; it was lust. And I
came to the painful conclusion that a completely physical relationship is good for awhile,
but sooner or later it's going to run dry and somebody is going to get hurt. I realized,
much to my displeasure, that it needed to stop. I wasn't in love with Sherry, and if I
could get her to be truly honest about it and look at it objectively, Sherry wasn't in love
with me either. We were just madly in lust with each other. The whole relationship was
based on, and was all about sex; and it needed to stop before one of us got hurt.
Emotionally! Physical pain came with almost every encounter. Sherry brought out the
animal in me and I in her.

I arrived at the fitness center at about quarter to seven. I hurried inside and signed

in at the front desk. I knew that in less than two hours, I would be in a motel room with
Sherry and with the revelation I had just come to, this may be the last time I'm ever inside
this fitness club. I had no sooner set the pen down when I looked up and nearly jumped
out of my skin. Michelle was standing behind the desk looking every bit of the beautiful
young woman she has become. Michelle was an equal mix of both her parents. Her hair
was strawberry blonde, just like her father's and it draped down past her shoulders, and
her skin was creamy white, also like her father. She also stood a good two, possibly three
inches taller than Sherry, just like her father and me for that matter. Her breasts were
somewhat larger than Sherry's and her body, if you can believe it, put Sherry's to shame.
Yes, Michelle was gorgeous! And as I stood right there in front of her, I suddenly saw
her in a totally different light; a light that made me uncomfortable, and for a brief second,

As the arousal went through my body, I felt my face flush as a powerful chill

passed through me almost immediately. My heart started to pound while my stomach
filled with butterflies. What the hell is wrong with me? I used to change this girl's
diapers. Then another thought came; one that made me feel better, but not much: Does
she know about me and Sherry? Or even worse, if she does know, has she told Whitney?
I gathered up my bag and turned to head for the locker room. Michelle meanwhile,
merely smiled as she came around the counter and gave me a big hug; and again, the
arousal passed through me. I broke out in a cold sweat and casually, broke out of the
hug. Michelle apparently did not notice my apprehension or that I cut the hug short.
Beaming her beautiful smile at me, she asked how I was, and how I was getting along
since the divorce. Then she told me that she would be teaching the class this evening.
Pulling myself together on the inside, I told her that I was looking forward to it. She then
asked after Whitney and I reported that Whitney was doing great. I hurried off to the
locker room, all the while trying to hide my face, which I'm sure by now was bright red.
I just hoped that Michelle hadn't noticed.

I burst into the locker room and found it to be empty. Thank God! I placed my

hand on my chest and tried to settle down. My heart was racing and pounding almost
uncontrollably. Collecting myself, I went on to my locker and opened it. Sure enough
there was a sealed envelope inside it, lightly sprinkled with Sherry's perfume and a old
motel room key lying on top of it. I opened the envelope and read the directions to the
motel. The motel was in Romulus, Michigan; not far from the Detroit airport. Replacing
the letter into the envelope, I plopped down on the bench for a moment and weighed my
options. Based on how nervous I'd gotten around Michelle, not to mention the brief
feelings of sexual arousal I experienced, I wondered if I should stay for the class at all.
I've known this girl since she was born! I used to give her a bottle and change her

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diapers! How now could I possibly be finding her sexually attractive; and what's worse,
actually entertaining the thought of what having sex with her would be like! Then the
other question came: Does she know about me and her mother? If she did know, why
hadn't she confronted me at the desk? Maybe she didn't mind at all. And suppose she
didn't know about us. How would she feel if I suddenly walked out and didn't stay for
her aerobics class? Sure, I could lie and tell her something had come up, but I was never
good at making up stories. Besides, I had known Michelle all her life and had never once
lied to her. In fact, I used to lecture both her and Whitney about the benefits of being
truthful all the time as they were growing up. Then my mind bounced back to being
aroused again. How can I look her in the eye? By now I was so deeply engrossed in
battle with myself, that I didn't realize that my body had made my decision for me;
because when I finally looked into the mirror, I had changed into my workout suit. I
guess I was staying.

Michelle started the class right at seven o'clock and once again I felt my stomach

fill with butterflies. As she stood in front of the class, which tonight consisted of only six
of us, I immediately noticed what she was wearing and my heart almost stopped. Strange
that I hadn't noticed it at the desk, but then again, I was doing everything I could to avoid
eye contact. Michelle was wearing the exact same outfit that Sherry wore that night of
our first encounter back in January. A bright blue one piece bathing suit, see-through
spandex pants, white socks, white sneakers, white head band and her strawberry blonde
hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Here we'd barely begun to warm up and already I
was sweating profusely, and my heart went from zero to a million miles a second almost
instantly. And after what seemed like the longest hour of my life, the class finally came
to an end. Michelle, unlike Sherry, didn't come around to each and every person in the
class. Thank God for the smallest of blessings. When the lights came up, I sprang to my
feet and hurried toward the locker room. I hadn't gone five steps when Michelle was
suddenly in front of me, along with another young woman whom I recognized

“Hey Diane?” Michelle said almost giggling. “You remember Reagan Ramos,

don't you?”

“Of course I do.” I blurted with a forced smile. “So good to see you again, hon.”
My heart was pounding so hard that I could barely hear myself speak. The

butterflies in my stomach instantly turned into bats and the sweat of my brow instantly
turned freezing cold; because once again sexual arousal passed through my body. Only
this time it was much stronger; and this time, it wasn't Michelle, but Reagan who brought
it about.

Reagan is a good friend of Michelle and Whitney's, and just like Michelle, is a

year behind Whitney and would be graduating this coming June. Possessing an angelic
face, succulent lips, shiny long brown hair, big and beautiful chest, scrumptious ass,
perfectly toned long legs and soft silky skin that was a medium shade of almond; Reagan
was the epitome of the quintessential head cheerleader that every American boy dreams
of; but she was a pure and natural athlete, not a cheerleader. A state champion swimmer,
Reagan had a real shot of making the U.S. Olympic team. She also played basketball,
softball and volleyball. She could easily overpower most anyone and eat them alive.
And at that moment, that's exactly what I wanted her to do to me.

“We were just wondering what you were doing tonight?” Michelle asked.
“Why?” I replied.

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“We were just wondering if you wanted to come get something to eat with us. I

heard there's a really awesome Chinese Buffet just down the street. We were gonna go
check it out and thought you'd like to come.” Michelle continued.

With the mention of the Chinese Buffet, a wave of terror broke over me. Not only

was Michelle wearing the exact same outfit that Sherry had worn the night of our first
encounter, she now wanted to go eat at the very same Chinese Buffet that her mother and
I ate at after our first unbridled night of passion. “She had to know and now she was
torturing me with it.” I thought to myself.

As my mind raced wildly for a way out, Michelle and Reagan exchanged

confused looks and then stared back at me. I finally heard myself tell the girls that I
already had dinner plans, but thanked them for offering. I went onto the locker room,
slowly at first until the girls were out of sight, then I burst into a sprint. I hit the locker
room, stripped out of my workout suit, rinsed off in the showered and got dressed as
quickly as humanly possible. I had almost a half hour drive down to Romulus, so I didn't
bother putting on my make-up, or perfume. I could do that in the car. I emptied all the
contents of my locker, for I knew this was the last time I would be coming to this club. I
dropped the envelope in the side pocket of my bag, slung the bag over my shoulder, and
slid the room key in my pocket as I raced out of the locker room. Crossing the gym area
floor as calmly as I could, I realized that the place was completely deserted, but all the
lights were still on. Stepping it up a bit, I made a bee-line for the front door when I
suddenly heard Michelle's voice coming from behind me.

“Diane, can you come here for just a minute?” She said almost innocently.
With my heart racing, I turned to see Michelle, standing barefoot in the doorway

of Sherry's office, now wearing an oversized windbreaker jacket and holding a cordless
phone to her ear. Michelle motioned for me to come into the office. With every fiber of
my being telling me to get out, I checked my watch and mouthed that I really needed to
go. She cupped her hand over the phone.

“Just for one minute.” She whispered.
Before I could say another word, Michelle stepped back into the office and out of

sight. I checked my watch again and with a deep cleansing breath, followed her into
Sherry's office. Michelle was standing behind the desk, still on the phone. She motioned
to the chair in front of the desk, indicating for me to sit until she finished her call. With
my heart pounding and my stomach filling with eagles this time, I sat down in the
armless chair in front of Sherry's desk, letting my bag drop to the floor. No sooner was I
seated, did Michelle drop the cordless phone back into its cradle without even saying a
word to the person on the other end. She stared at me for a long moment and I could feel
my face begin to flush.

“What's up?” I finally managed to spit out. As if I didn't know.
“Why don't you tell me.” Michelle hissed.
“I don't understand, sweetie.” I replied; trying to buy time.
“How long have you been fucking my mother?” Michelle bitterly asked.
Now it was out and I almost wanted to cry. For the first time, I got a true

understanding of how my own kids must have felt when their father introduced them to
Frank. How could I have let this happen? My first instinct was to take her in my arms
like I did when she was a child and hold her. But given what had been going through my
mind, I decided to stay seated.

“Honey, listen.” I began as my heart felt like it was about to bust through my


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“Shhhhhhh!!” Michelle said as she raised her finger to her lips.
I looked Michelle in the face and my racing mind came to a screeching halt.

Something wasn't right. She wasn't distraught, nor did she appear to be upset. If
anything, she appeared to be turned on. There was definitely a fire in her eyes, but it
wasn't rage. It was lust. As I continued to stare at Michelle, I saw her eyes dart
distinctively over my shoulder. Before I could turn around to look, I felt my arms being
jerked around behind the chair I was sitting in and my wrists being bound together with
what felt like nylon stockings. I glanced over my shoulder just enough to see Reagan
bounding my wrists together with a pair of nylons.

“What the hell's going on?” I demanded. “Reagan, what the hell are you doing?”
I struggled to stand, but Reagan already had my hands tightly bound together

behind me. Reagan placed one hand firmly down on my shoulder and the other over my
mouth as she stood up behind the chair. It was then I truly experienced just how strong
Reagan was. Deep inside, I liked it.

“Shhhhhhh!' Reagan said. “Relax.”
My eyes darted back to Michelle, who had already come around the desk and was

over to the office door in just a couple of steps. She flipped a series of light switches on
the outside wall and everything outside the door of the office went dark. Michelle pulled
the office door shut and locked it.

“Just relax.” Reagan whispered. “Who knows? You might enjoy this.”
No sooner had the words come out of her mouth, Reagan stuck her tongue in my

ear. I jerked with all my might and tried to stand, but Reagan's strength was too much
and she held me down with ease while she continued to lick my ear. She wrapped her
warm and succulent lips around my earlobe, sucked on it briefly and then flicked it wildly
with her tongue. I tried to turn my head, but Reagan held it firmly in place with the hand
covering my mouth. Reagan continued to run her tongue down the side of my head,
under my jaw and down the side of my neck to my shoulder. My heart was racing now
and my breath was getting short and quick; I was near panting. Reagan suddenly spun
the chair around so I was facing Michelle, who was slowly approaching me from the
door, like a lioness stalking her prey.

“I saw you, you know!” Michelle began. “That night, when you and my Mom

fucked in the sauna. I saw you.”

As those words registered in my mind, part of me wanted to vomit and part of me

was really turned on. Reagan still had her hand over my mouth, so anything I said would
have been muffled. She had also begun to run her tongue up and down the other side of
my neck and was now sucking my other earlobe. The combination of Reagan licking and
sucking on me, along with the sound and influx of Michelle's voice and telling me that
she had watched her mother and I fuck was driving me wild. I suddenly realized that my
struggling hadn't been because I didn't want this. It was because I did.

“That night.” Michelle continued. “I watched you fuck my Mom. It got me so


Suddenly my mind went back to that night and I remembered telling Sherry that I

had seen somebody move behind me in the locker room just before we left. It was
Michelle. She had known since the very beginning.

“And you saw me too. Just before you left, you saw me in the mirror.” Michelle


As she spoke those words, Michelle straddled my left leg and sat down on it. Just

then, Reagan removed her hand from over my mouth and released her grip from my

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shoulder. Almost as if she was offering me a chance to escape. But with my hands still
tightly bound behind my back and with Michelle now sitting on my lap, there was very
little I could do. And despite my mind shouting all the reasons I should flee, lust had
completely engulfed me. I wanted these girls so bad that it was almost scary. I also
realized that Michelle was naked under the windbreaker jacket, and I could feel her pussy
lips rubbing against the fabric of my slacks. That sealed the deal.

“Michelle, listen to me.” I heard myself say; logic making one last futile attempt

to win out over my lust.

“Shhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Michelle said again as she placed her fingers on my lips.
Michelle sucked in a deep, almost orgasmic breath as she reached around and let

down her beautiful strawberry blonde hair and shook it out. As she did, I stuck out my
tongue and tried to suck on her fingers.

“Ooooh, you want it, don't you?” Michelle seductively hissed.
Slowly, almost teasing me, Michelle unzipped her jacket and then let it slide

down her arms and fall to the floor. Her tits were big, perfectly round and firm, creamy
white, sprinkled with pale tan freckles and topped off with plump pink nipples. I could
feel my panties were now saturated with wet pussy. Michelle slowly moved her lush and
ruby lips down and brought them to within a millimeter of my own.

“Kiss me.” Michelle whispered.
I shut my eyes, opened my mouth and Michelle's warm, succulent tongue slid in

deep. I wanted to wrap my arms around her, but the slight throbbing in my wrists
reminded me that my hands were tied. Suddenly, I felt a very strange sensation over my
eyes. Still locked in the kiss with Michelle, I opened my eyes and everything was black.
I felt Michelle's tongue slide out of my mouth as I also felt a strange pressure on the back
of my head.

“What's going on?” I asked.
“Shut up!” Michelle barked. “Now you're mine, and I want you blind!”
Reagan had blindfolded me from behind and my logical mind made one last

attempt to pull me out of the clutches of the devil. “Diane, you're tied up with nylons
and blindfolded in your lover's office by your lover's daughter and her friend; two girls
that are a year younger than, and good friends with your own daughter. Your lover's
daughter is sitting completely naked on your lap and don't expect her to be the only one
naked for long. You're about to have sex with two girls young enough to be your
daughter! Wake up! And if all this isn't enough, you're going to be cheating on your
lover with her daughter!”

Just then, I felt Michelle running her warm tongue up and down my neck and

chin. I slammed the door on my logical mind, locked it and threw away the key. Just
then, I felt Reagan slide her hands down over my shoulders to my tits and began to rub
them firmly through my blouse. Michelle grabbed the back of my head and jerked it to
her chest and I felt one of her nipples brushing against my lips.

“Suck it, you nasty whore!” Michelle ordered.
I lurched forward like a caged animal and took almost half of Michelle's tit into

my mouth. I pulled back and my lips found her plump nipple and I felt it harden like a
dick between my lips, and my tongue automatically began to dance around it. Suddenly,
Reagan ripped open my blouse, unsnapped the front of my white lace bra and squeezed
my tits almost to the point of sheer pain with her powerful hands. She then began
squeezing and twisting my nipples. Michelle suddenly shoved me backward and her

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nipple slipped out of my mouth. She grabbed a handful of my hair, jerked my head
upward and grabbed my chin with her other hand.

“Kiss me, bitch! Kiss me!” Michelle commanded.
Michelle pulled my head forward and once again, her pulsing tongue was deep in

my mouth and mine in hers. The waves of lust and desire came crashing down on me like
tidal waves. My pussy was drenched, my nipples were as hard as stones in Reagan's
fingers and my clit felt like it was about to explode. Michelle pulled roughly out of our
kiss, jerked my head down and stuck her nipple back into my mouth. Sweat was
streaming out of every pore of my body; I needed to get out of my clothes. Continuing to
suck Michelle's delicious nipple, I listened to Michelle and Reagan suck on each others
lips. Suddenly, Michelle pushed herself off my lap and ordered Reagan to get naked.
Then I heard all the items on Sherry's desk being shoved roughly and quickly on to the
floor. For a brief moment my mind flashed on Sherry, waiting for me down at the filthy,
rundown motel, and here I was sitting in her office being sexually ravaged by her
daughter and her daughter's friend; and loving it!! What the hell is wrong with me? Who

I suddenly felt something; perhaps another pair of nylons or possibly a rolled up

shirt or pair of spandex pants go around my neck like a noose, pulling my head back and
then one of the girls slid her tongue deep into my mouth. Her tongue and mouth tasted
somewhat different, so I assumed that who I was kissing now was Reagan; and that being
so, then it was Michelle that started sucking on my nipple. Suddenly, my mouth was free
and I heard Reagan spank herself hard.

“Let's get her naked.” Reagan hissed.
Instantly, I was jerked roughly out of the chair and to my feet. One of the girls

pulled my jacket, blouse and bra down my arms to my wrists and then I could feel my
wrists being unbound. At the same time, the other girl was undoing my belt and then
pulled my slacks down to the floor.

“Step out of them!” I heard Michelle order from below.
I stepped out of my slacks just as Reagan unbound one of my wrists and pulled

my jacket, blouse and bra completely off. From the front, Michelle reached around my
body, grabbed my hands from Reagan and I was suddenly bent forward over the desk and
my wrists were being rebound out in front of me. The desktop was hard and cold as my
tits were squashed up against it. I was completely at the mercy of these two young and
powerful vixens, and they could do anything they wanted to me right now. I don't think
I'd ever been more turned on in my life.

“Hold her down!” I heard Michelle command Reagan.
I heard some shuffling and then felt Reagan's very strong and VERY arousing

grip on my arms that were stretched out in front of me, holding them firmly down on the
desk. Reagan grabbed the noose around my neck with one hand as she held down my
wrists with the other, jerked my head up by the noose and kissed me deeply. Her tongue
was so hot and her lips were so moist. As my tongue danced around inside Reagan's
mouth, I felt my panties being jerked roughly down my legs and then torn off on the heels
of my shoes. Within seconds of hearing the fabric of my panties rip off and away, my
shoes were jerked off and I felt Michelle's warm tongue sliding up the back of my right
leg to my ass. Michelle stuck her tongue right into my asshole and gave me an incredible
rim job; all the while spanking me repeatedly. I was panting and moaning in rhythm with
each spank and slurp of my asshole. Still blindfolded and bound, I was pulled all the way
on to the desk and flipped over on my back. Reagan and Michelle each held my wrists

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down with one hand and began rubbing and fingering my pussy with their other hand
while they each sucked on a nipple. My head rolled from side to side in utter ecstasy
while my body writhed.

“Oh God! Oh God! OH YES!!” I moaned in sensual ecstasy over and over.
One of the girls found my clit and began to really work it hard while the other

jammed her finger inside me. I could feel my pussy dripping onto the desk as my nipples
protruded between Reagan and Michelle's warm and moist lips.

The next thing I knew, my bound wrists were being fastened securely to what

must have been the metal handle of one of the locked desk drawers, with what sounded
like handcuffs: I could hear the clicking. I also felt the cold metal between my wrists as
it locked around the nylons holding my wrists together. My arms were now stretched,
almost to their limit over my head as I lied flat on my back on top of the desk. My
sweaty naked body was quivering with anticipation as I moaned softly, waiting for more.
Soon I felt a hand on my right foot and my right leg lifted into the air, followed by a hot
and wet tongue sliding slowly across my ankle, down the underside of my calf, under my
knee and then under and around to the inside of my thigh. My leg was lowered and I then
felt a firm, sweat drenched naked body slide between my thighs and then a pair of soft
hands spread my pussy lips wide open.

“God, what a beautiful pussy!” I heard Michelle say.
She plowed her mouth and tongue deep into my pussy. Her initial attack was so

intense that my body convulsed and my back arched. My head again began rolling wildly
from side to side as my body went back and forth from convulsing to arching to writhing,
to all three. I then felt my upper body being straddled. Suddenly my head and arms felt a
great pressure and very constricted. A powerful hand grabbed me by the hair and pulled
my head upward. That's when I caught the scent of a juicy wet pussy.

“Suck my pussy, you nasty whore!” Reagan ordered and I immediately complied.
Reagan was delicious; very hot and dripping wet. I wrapped my mouth tightly

around her pussy and plunged my tongue as deep inside her as I could get; sucking for a
while and then fucking it with my tongue. Michelle was really going to town, plowing in
deeper and faster; I didn't know how much longer I was going to be able to focus enough
on eating Reagan before Michelle overwhelmed me and I would explode all over her.
With my wrists' throbbing and my arm's aching, I found Reagan's clit, wrapped my lips
around it and worked it wildly with my tongue. I could feel Reagan's body stiffen and
tremble as the sweat that was racing down her torso in droves, was dripping all over me
like a spring rain. Reagan suddenly forced my head deeper into her as I sensed her body
seizing up and wildly convulsing. Her moaning got louder and faster. In an instant, her
breathing stopped, her grip on my hair almost became unbearable.

“OH GOD!!” She screamed at the top of her lungs as she came like a mighty

locomotive all over my face and in my mouth.

Reagan let go of my hair, and I heard her panting harder than an out of shape

marathon runner at the end of the race. With my mouth free, my own moaning pierced
the air. Michelle suddenly stuck a finger in my asshole and I could feel myself about to
explode as she battered my clit with her tongue. I could feel Reagan repositioning
herself on top of me and finally pressing her tits against my own and she began sucking
and kissing my neck. I could feel Michelle's fingernails dig into my abdomen as she
continued to eat me. Suddenly, every muscle in my body seized and trembled, my back
arched as much as it could with Reagan lying on top of me.

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“Cum for me, baby!” Reagan whispered in my ear as she then stuck her tongue in


My legs cinched tightly around Michelle's head as I felt my eyes roll back in my

head and I squirted like Old Faithful into Michelle's mouth. Michelle was obviously
caught by surprise, for I heard her gasp as I shot my load into her mouth.

“Oh my God!” Reagan said, sounding shocked. “It's spraying out of your


“MMMMMMMMMMHHHHHH!” Michelle moaned; still with a mouthful of

my pussy and its juice.

Reagan slid off me, released my arms from there bondage, then sat me up and

untied my hands. Still blindfolded, I wrapped my now free arms around Reagan's sweat
drenched body and we kissed deeply. I then felt warm lips wrap around my right nipple.
Reagan suddenly pulled out of the kiss and ran her tongue down my chin, neck and
finally wrapped her warm, moist lips around my left nipple. With my hands free, I
reached around and removed my blindfold. I looked down and saw Reagan and
Michelle, each with one of my nipples in their mouth. They were both completely naked;
their bodies had a flushed red glow and glistened with perspiration, just like mine. I ran
my hands through their hair as they sucked on my nipples. Michelle looked up at me and
our eyes met. She immediately spit my nipple out of her mouth.

“Hey, who said you could take the blindfold off?” She demanded.
In a sudden flurry off movement, Reagan and Michelle grabbed me by the arms,

jerked me off the desk and stood me up beside it. Reagan snapped up the blindfold and
once again, the room went black while I felt Michelle pull my arms behind my back
again and bound my wrists together.

“You've been a bad girl!” Michelle hissed right in my ear. “And you need to be

punished.” She continued, and then ran her tongue through my ear.

I was suddenly spun around and bent forward over the desk. As one of the girls

held my head against the desk, I could smell the pussy juice, cum and sweat all over it.
Then I felt her tongue running around the back of my neck and shoulders. Then there
was a powerful spank and sting on my ass. I knew instinctively that it was my belt.

“Bad girl! Bad girl! Bad girl!” Michelle was saying as she spanked me with my

own leather belt. The noose around my neck tightened and my head was jerked up and

“You are a bad girl, aren't you?” Reagan said. “Just a nasty little fuckin' whore,

aren't you? AREN'T YOU!!”

“Yes! Yes, I am! Punish me!” I heard myself say and then Reagan's tongue was

deep in my mouth again.

Reagan suddenly pulled out and let go of the noose. For an instant my head was

free; then I suddenly felt a hand roughly grab a handful of my hair and jerk me
completely up right.

“Come here, slut!” Michelle snapped.
Michelle pressed the front of her body firmly up against my backside. Her tits felt

so good pressed up against my back. It was then that my bound up hands felt a rubber
cock protruding long and firm out from just below Michelle's waist. She was wearing a
big strap-on. I wondered if it was the same one that Sherry had used to fuck me with
back in January.

“You feel that cock, bitch? You feel that big cock?” Michelle said and then

sucked on my earlobe.

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“Oh yeah!” I moaned.
“You want that big cock in your pussy?” Michelle asked.
“Yes!” I pleaded.
“Yeah? You want that big cock?” Michelle asked again.
“Oh yes! Yes! Fuck me!” I begged.
“Get on your knees!” Michelle ordered. “First you're gonna suck my cock!”
I felt two pairs of hands force me to my knees.
“Now suck that cock, bitch!” Michelle ordered. “Get it nice and wet! Yeah!”
I opened my mouth like a hungry wild animal and Michelle stuck the big rubber

cock in my mouth. I sucked the head at first, but soon I was deep throating it. The tip of
my nose was brushing Michelle's lower abdomen with every stroke. As I sucked the
cock, I listened to Michelle and Reagan play with each other.

“Kiss me!” Michelle ordered.
I heard them sucking on each other's lips. I heard multiple spanks and in my

mind, watched them spank each other ferociously. I began sucking the cock faster.

“Put your finger in my pussy!” Reagan said.
I listen to Reagan moan louder and louder.
“Oh Yeah! OH YEAH! OH, BABY! Fuck that pussy!” She moaned.
I sucked that cock to the point of choking myself and then Michelle suddenly

jerked it out of my mouth.

“You ready to get fucked?” She asked.
“I can't wait to get fucked.” I said.
“Get up!” Michelle said.
Michelle grabbed me by the hair on the top of my head and pulled it while Reagan

lifted me by the arms. I now knew her powerful grip just by feel. As soon as I was on
my feet, Reagan let go and I was spun around to face the desk. The blindfold came off a
few seconds later and all I saw in front of me was Reagan, spread eagle on the desk,
holding her dark pink pulsating pussy wide open. My whole body quivered and I felt my
pussy gush with hot juice. Michelle roughly pushed me forward, bending me over the
edge of the desk and jammed my face into Reagan's soaking wet pussy. As I went to
eating Reagan, I felt the huge rubber cock plunge deep into my pussy. Michelle stabbed
and drove that cock in and out of me with more veracity than Sherry had used. My wrists
were throbbing and I struggled with all my might to break out of the nylons. Suddenly,
the nylons gave and my hands were free, but Michelle immediately grabbed both my
wrists and held them behind me. The slapping of her pelvis on my ass thundered through
the room. I dove deeper into Reagan's pussy as Michelle pounded the cock in and out of
my pussy with tremendous force and speed, all the while holding both my arms behind
me by my wrists. With her rock hard clit between my lips and teeth, Reagan shrieked as
her body violently shook, her torso arching toward the ceiling, and for the second time,
she came all over my face; just as I blasted cum all over the rubber cock.

Michelle was on the verge of collapsing from exhaustion as she let go of my arms

and pulled the rubber cock out of me, panting almost uncontrollably. My jaw ached
terribly and I could feel my own cum running down the back of my leg. Reagan rolled
over on her side in a pile of post-orgasmic mush. As she did, I ran my tongue down the
side of her leg and then pushed myself up off the desk with my still throbbing arms,
wrists and hands. Standing up straight, I felt Michelle press the front of her body up
against my back. As she did, she wrapped her arms around me, kneading my tits and
squeezing my nipples. We both stood still and panted, both of us exhausted and drenched

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with sweat. I felt the rubber cock pressing firmly against my ass. That combined with
Michelle's tits pressed against me, Reagan's beautiful glistening body lying just in front
of me and Michelle running her tongue along the back of my shoulders and neck relit my
fire. I spun around, grabbed Michelle by the neck and plunged my tongue deep into her
mouth. Michelle threw her arms around me as our tongues wrestled for control inside
our mouths and our tits mashed up against each other. My hands slid down her beautiful
body and undid the leather straps holding the strap-on in place. The straps finally gave
and the whole contraption dropped to the floor. I slowly slid my hands back up
Michelle's body and wrapped my arms tightly around her. Our kiss had gone from a
tongue wrestling match to an incredible act of deep passion. Her lips were so soft and her
tongue and mouth were so warm. It was then that I felt the front of Reagan's body press
firmly up against my back and her arms went around me and almost all the way around
Michelle. Then, I once again felt an all too familiar, yet very welcome presence pressing
against my ass. Reagan was now wearing a strap-on.

“On your knees, bitch!” Reagan ordered.
Without hesitation I dropped to my knees and took Reagan's cock into my mouth

and began to suck it. No sooner had I begun, Michelle lied down on the floor on her
back, slid her body between my legs, pulled me down a bit and ate my asshole. Reagan
had to bend her knees to stay level and then grabbed my hair and guided my every stroke
up and down her rubber cock.

Before I knew it, I was again bent over the desk with my face buried deep into

Michelle's dripping wet pussy this time, while Reagan was slowly sliding the big rubber
cock of her strap-on into my ass. I have always loved getting fucked in the ass. By now
my jaw was numb, so I could eat pussy at will. Reagan slowly slipped the head of the
cock into my ass and my eyes rolled wildly in my head, almost like I was possessed.
Slowly, with each stroke, the cock went deeper and deeper into my asshole. Finally, the
slapping skin of my ass to Reagan's pelvis was all over the room and Reagan was
pumping hard and fast with her hands firmly on my hips. I stuck a finger in Michelle's
ass and flicked her rock hard clit wildly about with my tongue. Michelle's orgasm was so
intense that she practically stood up as she came all over my face. As her climax passed,
Michelle's body went instantly limp and she literally rolled off the desk and on to the
floor, whimpering and shaking like a freezing alley cat on a cold winter night. Reagan
was still pumping the cock in and out of my ass; her panting and moaning barely audible
over my own. I grabbed the sides of the desk, my fingernails digging deeply into the
hard wood. Suddenly, every muscle in my body seized up and convulsed. I sucked in a
deep breath, my eyes filled with tears and my back arched up and backward toward
Reagan as I let out a scream of ecstasy unlike anything I've ever heard.

“YES! OH YES!” Reagan screamed.
My body went limp and I slumped back down on the desk like a heavy bag of

horse feed; my entire body trembling. Reagan slowly slid her rubber cock out of my ass,
undid the straps and let it fall to the floor at her feet. Reagan then slumped down on me,
pressing the front of her body firmly against my back. We lay still for a long while as the
intensity of our incredible orgasms passed. Reagan finally reached under me and
kneaded the side of my tits while she gently ran her tongue all over my upper back and

“Michelle?” I asked finally. “Baby, you okay?”
“Never better.” Michelle weakly replied. Still lying exhausted on the floor.

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Reagan gently rubbed her body against me, then slowly slid off and stood up

beside the desk, running her hands through her sweat and cum drenched hair. I slowly sat
up, swung my legs around in front of her and let them dangle off the edge of the desk.
Reagan stepped forward, wrapped her arms around me and we kissed deeply.

“Hey!” Michelle said suddenly. “Don't forget me.”
Reagan and I broke our kiss, turning our heads to see Michelle getting to her feet

and coming over to us. I wrapped one arm around Michelle, the other around Reagan
while they each wrapped an arm around me and one around each other and we fell into an
incredible three way kiss. A flurry of tongue on tongue on tongue with lips on lips on
lips; the most erotic sensation I've ever experienced. The girls slowly pushed me back
down on to my back on the desk as we kissed, then they each gently mounted me. Now
we were an entwinement of sweaty arms, legs, tits, tongues and lips. Finally exhaustion
overtook us and we lie cuddled in each other's arms on Sherry's desk. But it wasn't long
before our bodies cooled off and lying naked on a cold, hard desktop became very

Reagan and Michelle climbed off me and then off the desk; then they each took a

hand and helped me up and off the desk. We walked arm in arm in arm to the locker
room and showered together. We washed each other's bodies and indulged in another
three way kiss. I could tell the girls were getting fired up again, but I simply couldn't
continue. They both kissed me deeply once more, one at a time; then they headed off to
the sauna. When I was finally alone, I slid down the tile walls and curled up in the fetal
position on the shower stall floor. I don't think I'd ever been so tired. The warm water
dousing my body felt incredibly soothing and to some extent, purifying. I felt myself
drifting off to sleep when my logical mind suddenly broke down the door I had locked it
behind and it shouted one word: SHERRY!

Instantly I was wide awake and sprang to my feet. I shut off the water, grabbed

my towel and raced toward my locker. I opened my locker and found it empty. It took
me a few seconds to remember that I had emptied my locker earlier that evening and that
all my clothes were crumpled up on the floor of Sherry's office. I wrapped the soft white
towel around me and raced out of the locker room. As I passed the sauna room door, I
could hear orgasmic moaning coming from inside. Michelle and Reagan were still
having fun. I raced across the club and burst into the shambles of Sherry's office. The
smell of sex still hung heavy in the air. I flipped on the light and immediately pulled my
cell phone out of my athletic bag. Flipping my razor phone open, I expected to have
dozens of missed calls, voicemails and text messages from Sherry; but there was nothing.
Not a single missed call, voicemail or text message. My first thought was that something
had happened to her and I was gripped with fear. Maybe she'd been in a car accident on
the way to the motel. Still dripping wet from my shower, wrapped in nothing but a soft
white towel and shivering from fear rather than cold, I pushed Sherry's speed dial number
and put the phone to my ear.

“Hey, babe.” Sherry's voice came on the line almost immediately.
I was so relieved to hear her voice that it didn't even register initially how calm

she sounded. Looking at the clock on the wall, I realized that I was almost three hours

“Hey, hon. You okay?” I asked.
“I'm fine.” She said.
“Oh Thank God.” I said as I exhaled deep and long.
“Are you okay? You sound really distressed.” Sherry replied.

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“Yeah, I'm okay. I just got tied up with something and I didn't realize how late it

had gotten. Then when I finally looked up and saw what time it was, I panicked. And
when I checked my phone, there weren't any messages from you. So I was afraid maybe
something had happened to you on your way to the motel.” I explained.

“No, I made it just fine.” She said and I smiled.
“Good.” I said with tremendous relief.
“So, did you and the girls have a good time together?” She asked.
At that moment, the entire world seemed to fall into slow motion. My breathing

became very short, shallow and labored. My heart pounded, but the pounds were so slow
and so far apart it was like a church bell striking the hours at midnight.

“Diane?” Sherry said. “Are you still there?”
“What did you say?” I finally managed to spit out after what seemed like an


“I said, did you and the girls have a good time together?” She repeated.
“Girls?” I gagged.
“Yeah! Michelle and Reagan.” Sherry said.
In the midst of this sudden and horrible nightmare I found myself trapped in at

that moment, my logical mind once again spoke up convincing me that she was probably
referring to the aerobics class.

“Yeah.” I said as casually as I could. “Yeah, Michelle did a fantastic job

teaching the class. She's a really great instructor. Maybe not as good as you, but she'll
get there.”

“No, I meant after class.” Sherry said and my heart stopped.
“What?” I asked in renewed horror.
I suddenly felt a tremendous pressure; almost like some sort of vice grip

squeezing on my heart and I couldn't breathe at all. My legs began to tremble and felt as
though they were going to give out on me at any second. My mind raced and everything
I thought I knew and understood to be good in the world vanished into total darkness as
Sherry went on:

“I know I probably should have told you this sooner; but you see, Michelle was at

the club that first night back in January. You know, the night you and I were in the
sauna? Well, she bet me her college tuition that she could out do me and give you double
the pleasure and orgasms. Frankly, I didn't see how, but then again, I've never been one
for threesomes. It never would have occurred to me to bring Reagan in. In fact I
wouldn't have thought Reagan was into it. But Michelle is quite a deviant little sex fiend
and she can be extremely persuasive.”

I felt faint and that I was sure to pass out any second now. I slumped to the floor,

nearly dropping my phone. Tears were streaming down my cheeks and I was trembling
like a bad case of the D.T.'s.

“Diane?” I heard Sherry over the line. “Diane, are you still there?”
“You knew about this? You knew your daughter and her friend were going to

seduce me tonight?” I finally managed to stammer.

“Of course I did.” Sherry said almost proudly. “I only wish I could have been

there to watch. Maybe even join in.”

I felt the vomit rising up inside me like magma coming up the cone of a volcanic

crater. For the first time in my life, I seriously contemplated killing myself.

“How could you? How could you do such a thing?” I demanded.

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“Oh Diane, do you honestly think that you're the first woman Michelle and I have

shared?” Sherry replied, and she chuckled. “Please.”

My phone slipped out of my hand and slapped shut as it hit the floor, instantly

breaking the connection. I had never felt more ashamed, more betrayed, more disgusted
and more violated than I did at that moment. My soul felt empty and I had never felt
more alone in the world. For the past few months I'd been making love every night to an
inhuman monster. And now, as I replayed the past few hours over in my mind, I realized
I had become one myself. How could I live with myself, look at myself in a mirror or
most of all, face my daughter again? My cell phone rang and I didn't even need to look at
the caller ID. Now I felt the vomit racing up my throat and I knew I couldn't stop it. I
grabbed the waste basket and vomited for what seemed like hours. When it finally
subsided, my head throbbed and my eyes watered so badly I could hardly see. My phone
had stopped ringing. But I knew it would ring again any second.

Then, in a sudden burst of pure primal instinct, I snatched up the clothes that

Michelle and Reagan had torn from my body and stuffed them frantically into my bag. I
yanked my car keys out of the side pocket, snatched up the bag along with my cell phone,
and with still only my soft white towel wrapped around me I raced out of Sherry's office
and out of the club. I sprinted across the deserted parking lot through the cool Michigan
night toward my car. The alarm beeped as the system disarmed, hence illuminating the
headlights, the interiors and unlocking the doors. I opened the drivers' door and tossed
my bag into the passenger seat. Just as I was about to climb in, my cell phone rang again
and Sherry's name came across the caller ID. I immediately set my cell phone on the
pavement just in front of the drivers' side tire; then I jumped into the car, started the
engine, put it in drive and hit the gas. The cell phone shattered instantly under the weight
of the car. I roared through the parking lot and didn't even slow down as I turned on to
the street. Sobbing like a frightened child, wrapped in nothing but a soft white towel and
with my bare foot pressing hard on the grooved accelerator, I sped off into the darkest
Michigan night I think I'd ever seen. What have I done? And what am I going to do

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Diane & Nanja

I don’t remember much of what happened after I fled the health club that night. I

only remember darkness and silence all around me as I drove aimlessly through the night.
Being so distraught and frightened, I didn’t even bother to get dressed; I just ran! It
wasn’t until I reached the home of my ex-husband Gerald, of all people, and his lover
Frank, that I realized that I had nothing on but the soft white towel that I had wrapped
around me after I showered. Gerald and Frank now lived in Port Huron, which is about
an hour’s drive north of Detroit. As I said, I really don’t remember much other than the
fact that I was terrified, sick to my stomach and that I needed to get as far away from the
situation as I could. To my surprise, Gerald and Frank were absolutely wonderful and
welcomed me in with open arms. Gerald led me upstairs and I took another long hot
shower. As I stood under the hot water, I realized that my asshole and pussy were
throbbing with pain and that my body was covered with bites, hickeys and deep
fingernail scratches. I was in the shower for nearly half an hour. When I got out, I found
a sweat suit, bra, underpants and socks lying on the guest room bed that Frank had laid
out for me to wear. They belonged to his sister. I dressed quickly and went downstairs.
Gerald poured us all some brandy and I proceeded to tell them the whole story from the
beginning. It was one of the most difficult things I’ve ever had to do. I was especially
dreading Gerald’s reaction to my wild encounter this evening with Michelle and Reagan.
Gerald of course knew them both well, for they were two of Whitney’s; our youngest
daughters’, best friends.

Much to my surprise yet again, they were both very understanding. Gerald even

seemed happy for me that I had managed to step over the homosexual threshold, just as
he had. I think he felt that it brought us closer together. And while he was not exactly
thrilled about my having sex with Michelle and Reagan, he pointed out that they were
both over eighteen and that it was entirely consensual. When I finally finished the story,
concluding with the phone call with Sherry, Frank immediately frowned. Being a
psychologist, he went on to explain that this might be a very dangerous situation and that
I did the right thing by running. Sherry and Michelle are obviously very sick and
demented individuals and there is no telling what they might do. Now I was really
frightened!! So much so that I could hardly hold my brandy and I had to swallow it all
in one gulp before it sloshed all over me. Gerald and Frank sat up with me all night and
before we knew it, the sun was coming up and it was almost six-thirty in the morning.
Gerald and Frank showed me upstairs to the guest room; both gave me a big hug and then
went on to bed. I slid under the covers and despite the fact that my mind was still racing,
I immediately went to sleep.

When I woke up, the digital clock beside the bed said six-forty-five. I tossed and

turned until about seven, unable to fall back asleep and then finally concluded that fifteen
minutes was the best I could do. I tiptoed downstairs as to not disturb Gerald and Frank,
and when I reached the kitchen I was shocked to find both of them standing there.

“What are you two still doing up?” I asked. “I thought you’d gone to bed too.”

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Gerald and Frank exchanged a confused look and then looked back at me. I was

still so much in my head that I hadn’t realized coming downstairs that it was dark outside.
I also didn’t notice initially that they were both dressed differently than they had been. I
had assumed that it was six-forty-five in the morning, but as it turned out, it was six-
forty-five in the evening. I had been asleep all day. The three of us had a good laugh;
one I desperately needed and then I asked if I could use their phone. Gerald showed me
to his home office and I phoned my assistant Stephanie on her cell. Stephanie seemed
very elusive and disturbed, almost anxious to get off the phone with me. All she would
say is that I needed to call Mr. Morgan, the President of the company immediately. My
stomach filled with butterflies. I called Mr. Morgan, who was still in his office and he
told me that he had received a very disturbing video via courier that day, along with some
even more disturbing photos. I suddenly couldn’t breathe.

Ten minutes later, I wandered back into Gerald and Frank’s kitchen, pale as a

ghost, shaking like I’d just seen one and sobbing uncontrollably. Gerald held me for a
few minutes until I regained some of my composure, then I informed him that I had just
been fired. I went on to explain that evidently Sherry’s office is monitored by video
cameras and that the entire encounter last night between Michelle, Reagan and I was
caught on tape, and that somebody had sent it via courier to my boss that morning. They
also sent some very explicit still photos of Sherry and I having sex in my office in the
middle of a business day. My career was ruined. And if that wasn’t bad enough, Gerald
brought another horrifying possibility to my attention: If Sherry and Michelle had sent a
copy of the video and pictures to my employer they could very easily send copies to
Gerald, Jr., Monica and Whitney, our three kids. Now I really wanted to die, because I
knew that Sherry had contact information for all of them. And sure enough, my worst
fears were realized a few days later when I received phone calls from all three of my
children. They all were distraught, disgusted and never wanted to see me again;
especially Whitney, who flat out told me that she hated me with a mortal passion and
would never ever forgive me. Ever! As far as she was concerned, her mother was dead.
Then she hung up.

For the next two weeks, I sat on Gerald and Frank’s sofa wanting nothing more

than to die. Gerald and Frank contemplated checking me into a mental hospital and
having me put on suicide watch. They took turns keeping watch over me and trying to
comfort me. In the meantime, they had gone down to Detroit and packed up all my
clothes and personal belongings, and to inspect the completed renovation work. I never
would have imagined in a million years that Gerald and I could still be so close, such
good friends and that he would stand by me and support me like this considering what
happened in our marriage. Frank had also warned me from the very first night that for
me to go home could be very hazardous because there was no way of knowing just what
Sherry and Michelle were truly capable of. And sure enough, Frank’s intuition proved
correct, for he and Gerald found a copy of the video playing on my bedroom television
set and the pictures of Sherry and I were pinned up on the walls all over my room. I had
forgotten that Sherry had a key to the house. Gerald called a locksmith, pulled down and
burned all the pictures and destroyed the tape. He made sure he armed the security
system, which Sherry did not have the code to before they left. But as they were getting
in their car, they were stopped in the driveway by a group of my neighbors, who all
handed them copies of the video and pictures, telling them that they would call the police
and have me arrested if they ever saw me again.

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Despite all of this, I somehow managed to hold on. I realized that life goes on,

and that somehow, this would all eventually pass. I began communicating with my
therapist by phone, and she too had received a copy of the tape and pictures. But she,
like Gerald and Frank, was sympathetic and understanding. She concurred with Frank
that Sherry and Michelle were both mentally disturbed and dangerously unpredictable,
and that I should stay as far away from them as possible. She also believed, just as
Gerald and Frank did, that my children would one day come around and see their way to
forgiving me. But for now, they just needed time. Gerald told me that he and junior had
actually been communicating again via email. That gave me real hope for the future;
something I desperately needed right now. Another thing that Gerald, Frank and my
therapist all agreed on is that it might be in my best interest to pull up stakes and move
away to start a new life. Gerald offered to buy the house from me because Frank had
absolutely fallen in love with it. I informed him that it would probably be best to sell it
outright, for my neighbors would probably never accept him and Frank. After brief
reconsideration, he concurred, but said he would handle the sale of the house, plus all the
particulars of selling the furniture and any other loose ends. He feared for my safety and
felt that the sooner I could get out of town, the better.

I decided to trade in my car and get something far less expensive, seeing as how I

was now unemployed. It took me another week or so to tie up any remaining loose ends,
including getting a new cell phone and most important of all, deciding where I wanted to
go. I finally decided on Seattle, Washington; for the primary reason that it was so far
away. Seattle also was where my older sister Pamela, her husband James and their
twenty-one year old daughter Tiffany lived. After living all my life in Detroit, Seattle
would be a refreshing and dramatic change. I packed my clothes into my new, old car;
kissed Frank and Gerald goodbye, thanking them profusely for all of their help, support
and unconditional love, and then hit the road early one beautiful May morning.

I took my time driving out, stopping in countless places along the way. The

American West is breathtakingly beautiful, not to mention incredibly serene. I took
Interstate 94 out of Detroit to Chicago, then caught Interstate 90 out of Chicago and
followed it all the way to Seattle, detouring off on to side roads on several occasions to
take in the scenery. I arrived in the Emerald City about two and a half weeks after
leaving Detroit. I stayed with Pamela and James for a couple of months in Tiffany’s
room as she was away at college. In that time, I found a job at the Seattle Public Library
during the day and worked as a cocktail waitress at night. I tried to avoid the subject of
what happened back home that had inspired me to move out here, but Pamela finally
cornered me one day and begged me to tell her the truth no matter how much it hurt. I
didn’t want to get nearly as specific as I did with Gerald and Frank; but being my older
sister, Pamela knew me far too well. Although she is only two years older, she has the
wisdom of someone ten years older; so I ended up telling her the complete and painful
truth. It was tough! But just like Gerald, Pamela surprised me with how understanding
she was. She even confessed that up until Sherry’s twisted confession, she found my
experiences very exciting and arousing.

Of course, she wasn’t too comfortable about me having sex with two of

Whitney’s friends and completely understood why Whitney was so angry. But then
again, she also understood how powerful lustful desires can be; and though I can never be
certain, I think it actually got her wet. And she, just like Gerald, Frank and my therapist,
believed that one day the kids would see their way to forgiving me. At least Monica and
Junior; Whitney might be another story. Pamela went on to ask me what I planned to do

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about future relationships; would I go back to men or would I continue to explore
women. I told her that despite everything that had happened I truly loved having sex
with women and that when the time came most likely I would probably want another

By early September, I had found a small one bedroom apartment with a tiny

balcony and it had a spectacular view of the Seattle skyline. Once I got settled in, I called
Gerald to let him know and he filled me in on some good news: The house had sold and
he would be sending me a very large check. He also added that nothing else involving
Sherry or Michelle had occurred. At least nothing he or anyone I knew or knew me had
heard. It had all seemed to have blown over and been forgotten. He then went on to tell
the best news of all: Gerald, Jr. and Monica had been asking about me and wanted to
know if I was okay. They had been very worried and they both agreed that regardless of
anything, I was still their mother and they still loved me. I told Gerald that he was
welcome to give them my new address and phone number if they would so like to have it.
He was quite sure they would. When I asked about Whitney, the news wasn’t so good;
she didn’t even want to hear my name mentioned. But other than that, she was doing

I kept pretty much to myself for the next couple of months, and I even got phone

calls from Gerald, Jr. and Monica on Thanksgiving. They were both still incredulous and
uncomfortable, but they both ended their calls by telling me that they loved me. I got no
call from Whitney. As Christmas approached, I was feeling really good for the first time
since March; I loved my job at the library, had been promoted and was making more
money. Nothing in the neighborhood of my previous job in Detroit, but I was supporting
myself and standing back on my own two feet. Then the day before Christmas Eve,
Pamela called and invited me to come with her, James and Tiffany up to their lodge in the
mountains to spend Christmas and New Year’s with them. James is a lawyer, Pamela is a
doctor and putting two and two together, you get a couple that makes a tremendous
living. Needless to say they have many fancy and expensive toys, as well as a couple of
beautiful homes. I told her that sounded wonderful, but that I would have to drive up
myself on Christmas Day because I had to work at the bar on Christmas Eve. After that, I
was free until after the holidays.

I woke up early on Christmas Morning and headed for the lodge. I called Pamela

to let her know that I was on my way. Pamela proceeded to tell me that Tiffany had
brought a friend home from college; a twenty year old foreign exchange student from
India named Nanja. She went on to explain that Nanja was her nickname, and that her
real name was almost beyond pronunciation in English. When I arrived at the lodge,
Pamela, James and Tiffany greeted me at the door with hugs and kisses and a barrage of
“Merry Christmases”; then I turned and laid my eyes on Nanja for the first time. Nanja
was very quiet, seemed extremely withdrawn and shy, not to mention very plain; she
wore big, thick rimmed glasses, her hair had a somewhat dusty and grimy look to it and
was pulled up into a tight knot. Nanja didn’t wear any make-up nor lavish clothing or
expensive jewelry. In fact, her clothing was very stale, having the appearance of a feed
sack and it showed nothing of her figure and very little of her skin. How she and Tiffany
were friends I had no idea, for the differences between them were like those between the
Earth and the Moon.

And my suspicions over their so-called friendship continued to be further and

further vindicated as it became increasingly clear over the next few days that they were
not friends at all. Nanja was extremely reclusive and introverted, seldom coming out of

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her room. All the while, Tiffany would go off with her friends’ everyday, leaving Nanja
behind. I finally corned Pamela a couple of days after Christmas and asked what the deal
was. Pamela told me that Tiffany had told her Nanja was her friend, but Pamela now got
the notion that this was all some sort of elaborate prank being played by Tiffany and her
sorority sisters on this poor girl. Being former sorority girls ourselves, Pamela and I
remembered clearly the terrible things sorority sisters did to girls that wanted to be
accepted, but never would be. My heart filled with pity and I began to make an effort to
reach out to Nanja, for I definitely sensed a deep and secret pain inside her and I knew all
about that kind of thing. It took a little coaxing, but I finally got her to open up a little. I
even managed to get her outside and we took a walk through the snowy woods. Though
her voice was soft, it was also extremely sensual; her command of English was absolutely
perfect and accentuated divinely by her native accent. I suddenly found that her voice
was stirring something in me that I hadn’t felt in months: Desire!

We walked together for more than two hours, and I did most of the talking. I

asked questions and got short, straight forward answers. Then just before sunset, Nanja
stopped suddenly, stepped directly in front of me and placed her hand through my jacket
and on to my chest just above my breasts. I felt a suddenly flash of surprise and then she
gently rubbed her hand slowly back and forth across my chest. Her touch was soft, but
firm and I suddenly felt very aroused. But then something strange came over me; my
chest was burning all over from the inside out. Nanja’s hand wasn’t even directly on my
skin, but rubbing on my blouse. Then I was suddenly filled with dread. Though I liked
having her hand on me, and the warmth emanating all over the muscles in my chest felt
almost divine, images of Sherry, Michelle and Reagan flashed through my mind. Then
Nanja said something that I will never forget.

“So much pain. So much fear.” Our eyes locked. “Don’t be afraid to let yourself

love and be loved again, Diane. You’re not like them. And they can no longer hurt you.”

Nanja slowly removed her hand from my chest, smiled and wrapped her arms

around me in one of the most comforting hugs I’ve ever had. My eyes flooded with tears.
Nanja placed her hand gently on the back of my head and lowered it to her shoulder and I
broke down into sobs. She let me cry on her shoulder for what seem liked hours, gently
caressing my back and occasionally running her hands through my hair. When I finally
got it all out, Nanja took me by the hand and we walked hand in hand back to the house.
That night, I experienced the most peaceful nights’ sleep I’ve had since I was a child.
My mind and soul were at perfect peace for the first time in months.

When New Years Eve rolled around, everybody had plans to hit the town and

celebrate. Pamela invited me to join her and James at a party hosted by James’s law firm
at the Space Needle. Though it sounded like fun, I just wasn’t in the mood to celebrate.
Based on the year I’d just had, I opted to stay home. Pamela tried and tried to persuade
me otherwise, but in the end, she finally gave up. And, at the insistence of, and finally
the direct order of Pamela and James, Tiffany begrudgingly invited Nanja to join her and
her friends that evening. So, as everyone was getting ready for their evening out, I laid
down on the sofa in the living room and fell into an unusually deep sleep. By the time I
woke up, the sun had set and everyone was gone; at least I thought. Suddenly, I heard
sobbing coming from the front porch; it sounded like Nanja. I hurried to the front door
and stepped out into the cold night air. Nanja was sitting on the swing bench wearing a
ragtag dress, a very lightweight, brown cardigan sweater and was crying her eyes out. I
immediately reached inside the door and grabbed my winter jacket and wrapped it around
her as I sat down next to her.

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“Honey, what are you doing out here all by yourself? I asked. “I thought you

were going with Tiffany and spend New Year’s Eve with her and your friends.”

Nanja told me through her tears that no sooner had James and Pamela left, Tiffany

came into her room, told her she couldn’t come with her and then took off. My heart
sank and I wrapped my arms around her; Nanja rested her head on my shoulder and
continued to cry. I was so angry at Tiffany I could scream. This was my niece; the
daughter of my only sister and my own blood. How could she treat this poor girl this
way? Once she cried herself out, I convinced Nanja to come inside and get warm
because she felt very cold. I brewed some tea and we sat on the sofa in front of the fire
and began to talk. Unlike our walk in the woods, Nanja really opened up this time and
did most of the talking.

As our conversation progressed, I learned that she had neither friends, nor

relatives at all in the United States and that her family very much disapproved of her
coming here. She also explained that her father and uncle were graduates of Oxford
University and that her family was one of the wealthiest in India, distant descendants of
British Royalty. I couldn’t believe it! This girl dressed and carried herself like a peasant,
yet had the blood and wealth of a princess. Nanja suddenly took off her glasses and for
the first time, I was able to see her face and eyes clearly. Her eyes were a stunning shade
of sky blue and crystal clear with thick, long eye lashes. Her face itself was very pretty
and had just a soft, natural beauty to it. Her lips were full, although somewhat dry, but
they weren’t cracked; all she needed to do was wet them and they would be perfect. It
wasn’t long before I caught myself staring at her. Nanja was still talking when she
noticed me staring at her and asked if I was okay.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I said. “I’ve just never seen you without your glasses. You

should take them off more often. You’re very pretty.”

Nanja lowered her head, but I could clearly see that she was smiling; and


“Would you do me a favor?” I asked. “Let your hair down.”
Nanja sighed deeply and slowly let her hair out of its tight knot. It fell slowly

down over her shoulders and Nanja shook it out. It was jet black, long and flowing, and
it really set off her face and eyes. Just by taking her glasses off and letting her hair down,
Nanja transformed into an entirely different person right before my eyes. She was
beautiful. As I looked at her, I thought of the scene in the first Rocky film when Rocky
removed Adrian’s glasses and hat so her hair would flow freely; hence discovering how
pretty she was. Then my mind flashed forward to Rocky 4 and how Adrian looked when
she was all decked out for the Las Vegas fight Apollo Creed had against Ivan Drago; and
I suddenly had an idea. It took some doing, but I finally convinced Nanja to let me give
her a New Year’s Eve makeover and we’d have our own New Year’s Eve celebration
right here. So, I sent her upstairs to take a shower and to wash and condition her hair and
told her to come to my room when she was done. As Nanja went into the bathroom, I
went into my room and prepared to work some beauty magic.

Nanja was in the shower for quite awhile. While I waited, I did a preliminary

base paint job on myself and began to do up my hair. When I finally heard the shower
shut off, I was in Tiffany’s closet searching for the perfect evening gown for Nanja to
wear. I found a stunning royal blue Armani gown, snapped it up and returned to my
room. Just at a glance, Tiffany and Nanja appeared to be about the same size, and I could
make a few adjustments if necessary. As I was taking an evening gown out of my closet
for myself, I heard gentle knocking on my bedroom door.

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“Come on in, hon.” I said as I laid my gown down on the bed next to the one I

selected for Nanja.

Nanja stepped into my room wrapped in a maroon bath towel and I just about

fainted when I saw her. Her dark skin was smooth and without the slightest hint of any
blemishes or imperfections, and was glistening from still being wet. Her figure was
curved so perfectly that it would make a supermodel jealous; her chest was big and she
had beautiful cleavage, and her jet black wet hair was also glistening in the soft light of
my room as it clung to her wet body. For the first time since March, I felt my pussy flash
with heat and then flush slightly with wetness. My heart began to pound and my
breathing accelerated.

“Something wrong?” Nanja asked, snapping me out of my trance.
“No.” I whipped. “You ready to get started?”
Nanja nodded and then sat down in a folding chair in front of the mirror on my

dresser. I blew dry her hair and it slowly began to feel like a combination of velvet and
silk as I ran my fingers through it. When I finished, I laid my hands on her bare
shoulders and gently ran my hands down her bare arms; her skin was silky soft and even
smoother than I imagined. I felt a powerful chill pass through my body and I felt my
nipples harden. I immediately shook it off and proceeded to do her hair, followed by a
make-up job fit for a movie star. When I was finished, I handed her a white lace bra and
a white lace thong that I had also borrowed from Tiffany; then stepped back to the bed to
prepare the evening gown. I expected Nanja to step into the closet while she put on the
under garments; but instead, she stood up, dropped her towel right there in front of the
mirror and put on the bra and panties. Suddenly I was filled with tremendous guilt and
shame; because for as long as I’d known this girl, I’d felt an almost maternal connection
to her and now she was getting me wet! I could feel my pussy drenching and my nipples
were so hard now that I thought they might pop out. Once she was in the bra and
panties, Nanja turned to me, gave me the most beautiful smile I yet to see her give; her
teeth were perfectly straight and sparkling white, and then she almost posed for me. The
white lace against her dark skin was absolutely captivating and greatly accentuated her
gorgeous figure. I smiled quickly back at her, handed her the evening gown and turned
quickly away because I could feel my face flushing and I knew my cheeks were bright
red by now. By eleven-thirty, Nanja and I were both fully made up and wearing stunning
evening gowns. I had to change my panties before I put on my gown. They were soaked.

We went downstairs, turned on New Years Rockin’ Eve from Times Square and I

popped a bottle of Dom Perignon champagne. I explained that it was the traditional
toasting drink at midnight on New Year’s Eve to ring in the New Year, along with a New
Year’s kiss. Nanja looked at me with a sweet smile and just kind of rolled her eyes.

“What?” I asked.
“Remember I told you that my father went to Oxford University? She said.
“Yes.” I replied.
“Well, so did I for a time.” She said. “I do know how to celebrate New Year’s.”
“Oh.” I said as I blushed. “Sorry.” I chuckled.
Nanja laughed and planted a quick peck kiss on my lips. I didn’t know if she felt

it, but I felt a spark and I also felt my pussy flush again. Nanja guzzled down some
champagne as I suddenly realized that this was the first time I’d felt another human
being’s lips on mine in nearly nine months. I suddenly felt a little overwhelmed, and for
a split second, thought I might burst into tears. I missed that touch so much.

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At the stroke of midnight, we toasted champagne and guzzled our flutes dry.

Then Nanja looked around.

“Okay, now who do I kiss?” She asked.
“Well, usually your husband or boyfriend.” I replied.
“No, really?” She said sarcastically. I think she was a little tipsy.
“Well, you kissed me a little while ago.” I said.
“Would you like me to again?” She asked. “We seem to be fresh out of husbands

and boyfriends. Not that I’ve ever had either before anyway.”

“You’ve never had a boyfriend? I asked.
“Nor a husband either.” She replied and giggled. Yeah, she was definitely tipsy.
“Well, I think that goes without saying.” I said.
“Never kissed a boy either.” She suddenly offered.
“As beautiful as you are?” I said incredulously. “I find that extremely hard to


“True though.” She said.
There was a long moment of silence as we watched the tremendous celebration in

Times Square on the television set.

“So?” Nanja suddenly spoke up. “Are you gonna let me kiss you again or what?”
I suddenly felt my heart skip a couple of beats. My cheeks were flushing again,

as was my pussy. I felt my nipples pop out and press hard up against the fabric of my
evening gown.

“Would you like to kiss me again?” I asked.
“Well, it’s New Year’s, isn’t it?” She replied. “I’m supposed to kiss somebody,

right? And you’re the only one here.”

Nodding my head in agreement, we stepped toward each other and were quickly

face to face. I put my hands on her hips and gently pressed my lips on hers for a few
seconds. I then stepped back and she smiled at me.

“Happy New Year.” I said.
“Happy New Year.” She said back.
“Was that okay?” I asked.
“Wasn’t bad.” She said. “But I was actually hoping for something a little more

like this.”

Nanja slowly pressed her body firmly up against me, slid her arms all the way

around me and kissed me harder. My eyes closed as my heart pounded wildly and raced
at the speed of sound. I could feel the warmth of her body and the consuming gentleness
of her embrace. I felt my legs trembling and my whole body began to quiver; not
necessarily from being aroused, but from just being so intimate with another human being
again. I felt tears welling up behind my eyes. Suddenly, Nanja’s hands slid down my
back and gently squeezed my ass. I thought I was going to have an orgasm right then, but
it was enough to cause my mouth to open and Nanja’s tongue slid in deeply. She
removed one of her hands from my ass and gently wrapped it around the back of my
neck. My hands slid down her back and grabbed the firmest and most beautifully
rounded ass I had ever felt. When we finally came up for air, we gently caressed each
other’s cheeks and stared deeply into each other’s eyes.

“I thought you said you’d never kissed anyone before.” I said.

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“I said I’d never kissed a boy before.” Nanja replied. “You didn’t ask if I’d ever

kissed a woman before.”

Nanja pulled me slowly back into another incredibly deep and passionate kiss.

We wrapped our arms around each other tightly. For a second, I thought of Sherry.
Despite everything that had happened, she was still the best kisser I’d ever had; until
now. Sure, Michelle and Reagan were deep and passionate kissers, too; but Nanja was
different. I couldn’t exactly put my finger on it, but Nanja’s kiss was almost divinely
inspired. I felt like I was kissing pure spirit. Once again, we finally came up for air and
again gazed into each other’s eyes. Nanja’s eyes were so beautiful I could have stared
into them for the rest of my life.

“Nanja, have you ever made love to a woman before?” I asked.
“I am from India.” She said.
“Yes, I know that.” I replied. “What’s that got to do with it?”
“It also means I’m Hindu. And if there is one thing Hindu’s know how to do, its

make love.” She said very seductively.

HAPPY NEW YEAR!! And we fell into another deep and passionate kiss.
The next thing I knew, I was completely naked, sitting in the center of Nanja’s

bed, watching her beautiful naked body move around the room lighting candles and
incense. Her mattress was incredibly soft, the sheets were pure silk and the bed frame
itself had four beautifully carved bedposts, a canopy over the top and was draped all
around with a very thin, almost transparent silk curtain. When she finished lighting the
incense, she approached me so seductively that I nearly squirted right then. Nanja came
right up to the silk curtain, allowing the silk to gently drape over the front of her body.
Her nipples were twice as dark as her skin and were already extremely hard, protruding
out like fresh pencil erasers. I got on my knees on the mattress, came over to her and
pressed my body against her now silk covered body. We began to rub each other all over
with the silk between our hands and the others skin. Finally, Nanja passed through the
silk; we entwined in a tight, passionate embrace and fell into yet another incredibly deep
kiss; a kiss that in truth, lasted all night. The way Nanja made love to me is almost
impossible to try and put into words; it was so totally different than anything prior. For
where as all my sexual encounters with Sherry; while incredibly passionate, had been so
wild and so unbridled. And then of course there was the raw and animalistic sexual
frenzy I experienced with Michelle and Reagan; wildly fucking each other to the brink of
physical collapse. But what was happening here with Nanja was unlike anything I’d ever
known in any sexual encounter in my life. Her passion was deeply rooted in her spirit,
and she was so gentle and meticulous. Nanja was truly making love to me and not just
fucking me.

Nanja stretched me out on my back on her bed and then rubbed me down from

head to toe with some kind of rare Indian herb oil. Once she finished, she pressed and
rubbed her body against me; and as she did, the herbs began to seep deep in to every
pore, nook, cranny and muscle; and my muscles began to burn. But the burn was not
painfully hot; yes it hot, but it was also overwhelmingly erotic. It felt as though
thousands of pairs of hot and moist lips were sucking every square inch of my body. It
drove me to multiple orgasms and my body writhed in unbridled ecstasy as my pussy
squirted without yet having been touched. Nanja held me close to her as I had this
experience and she whispered gently into my ear that it was intended to cleanse my body
off all physical and spiritual impurities. Nanja then licked and sucked on my earlobe as
the intensity passed then gently slid her tongue deeply into my mouth. She then turned

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me over on my stomach, rubbed my entire back side down with herb oil, rubbed it all in
by rubbing her body against mine and it again drove me to a level of ecstasy unlike any
I’d ever known.

With the smell of burning incense heavy in the room, I gently laid Nanja on her

back and slid my tongue deep into her mouth. Then I slowly pulled it out, slid it down
her chin, her neck and down to her beautiful tits. I kneaded them gently as I wrapped my
lips around one of her dark protruding nipples. Sucking it with my lips, I began flicking
it with my tongue simultaneously. I was almost tempted to start twisting her other nipple,
but it just didn’t seem like the thing to do. It would have been too rough and aggressive;
and this encounter was not about ferocity in the least. I just continued to gently massage
that tit and then I wrapped my lips around that other nipple and massaged the tit I’d just
left. Then I continued sliding my tongue down her body, across her abdomen, over the
thick bush of black pubic hair and then up her silky thigh. I then spread her legs wide
open, slid my body between them and gently spread her pussy lips. She was bright pink
inside and she was so wet that the pink glistened in the soft candle light of the room. I
wrapped my mouth around her pussy and gently ran my tongue up and down the outside
of her lips and then inside. Nanja caressed her tits with one hand as she gently held the
back of my head with the other and moaned ever so softly.

As I continued delving deeper into her pussy, I pressed the palm of my hand on

her abdomen and then ran my hand up the front of her body to her lips and stuck my
middle finger in her mouth. After she had sucked it for a moment, I pulled it back down
her body and slid it slowly into her pussy. Nanja’s back arched as it went in; her
moaning got loader as her breathing got faster and harder. I wrapped my lips around her
clit and ran my finger in and out of her pussy. I sucked her clit harder and faster, then
flicked it wildly with my tongue and inserted another finger. Nanja’s eyes spun wildly
around in their sockets while her head rolled from side to side. Moaning almost
continuously now, Nanja grasped handfuls of the silks sheets as her back arched and she
came like a freight train in my mouth. I slid my body up and pressed in firmly on top of
hers; our tits mashed together and slid my tongue back deeply into her mouth. As our
lips locked tightly around each other; our tongues mauling each other deep inside our
mouths, Nanja’s arms went around me and her fingernails where suddenly softly
scratching up and down across the skin of my back. The sensation was so intensely erotic
that I broke out of the kiss, moaned as my body seized and an arched backward and I
came all over Nanja’s leg.

After a moment, I slid off Nanja and she then got on top of me and before I knew

it, we were entwined in a 69 that was so intense that I nearly hyperventilated. She ate my
pussy unlike anyone ever has, or ever will again; that I can guarantee. I came all over her
face three times for every one time she came all over mine. Her pussy was so tight and
so incredibly sweet that I almost felt like I was breaking my diet. Suddenly, Nanja slid
two fingers deep inside me, and she found a spot inside me that had never been touched
before. Some may call it my g-spot, but this war more than that. I’ve had my g-spot
touched before, but this was something far more sacred. My body began convulsing
wildly over and over; I couldn’t stop it or control it. My moaning and screaming reached
octaves that could shatter diamond. It felt as though my soul was literally trying to rip
itself out of my body and tear me in half in the process. It became so intense that I felt
tears coming. By now I was sweating so profusely and I suddenly began experiencing
incredibly sharp pains in my chest, and I thought I was going into cardiac arrest. I
begged Nanja to stop because I was actually becoming quite terrified, but she didn’t.

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Then in an instant, I fell backwards on the mattress with my feet planted and my back
arched; my head and shoulders were lying on the soft silk sheets. I seized big handfuls of
the silk sheets, screamed at the top of my lungs and squirted geyser after geyser of cum
high in the air. It looked like the dancing fountains in front of the Bellagio Hotel in Las
Vegas. And it just kept coming out of me. My mouth was wide open, my eyes were
spinning, every muscle in my body was seized and constricted; I wasn’t breathing and
was now desperately trying to remember how to.

Nanja slowly placed her mouth over mine and exhaled one single breath deep

down my throat. My body shuddered wildly and I at last took a breath. I then exhaled
and my entire body then crumpled under its own weight onto the mattress. I cannot to
this day begin to tell what she did or how she was doing it, but when it was all over, I felt
reborn. My body felt new; completely pure and clean, and there was a peace that flowed
through me unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. I truly felt as though I’d been
touched, or rather, sexually liberated by a divinity of some kind. Nanja reached down on
the floor and stuck two of her fingers in the cup of Indian herb oil that she had used on
me earlier. Nanja then repositioned her body, sliding legs first between my legs; lifted
my ass and then slid her legs underneath me. She then firmly slid those two fingers deep
into my pussy. My back instantly arched in an intense rush of unfathomable ecstasy and
I suddenly sprang up into a seated position and was now face to face with Nanja. She
wrapped her free arm around me and held me firmly against her. My body writhed ever
so slightly in her embrace as she gently massaged the inside of my pussy with those
fingers. The inside of my pussy began to burn and I felt my juices flowing like a tidal
wave down around Nanja’s fingers and out on to her hand. Almost completely in a daze,
I managed to wrap my arms around Nanja and since I was sitting on her legs, I was
slightly looking down at her. I slid my tongue deep into her mouth as I slid my hands up
and down her back. Nanja pulled out of our kiss and gazed deeply into my eyes.

“You are free, my beloved. You’re free. Be happy.” She whispered.
My eyes suddenly fell shut and the world went dark.
“Love again.” I heard Nanja say and then complete silence and peace.
When I woke up, the sun was coming through the windows and hitting me right in

the eyes. I was back in my own room and Nanja was nowhere to be found. How the hell
did I get back here? Did she carry me? I pulled back the covers and half expected to
collapse as I got out of bed. After the intensity of my encounter with Nanja, and
considering the fact that I hadn’t had sex in nearly nine months, I could expect to be sore
today. But amazingly, I sprang up and out of bed like an excited child on Christmas
Morning and practically floated across the floor. I slipped on my robe and pulled back
the curtains at the windows. It was a bright and sunny morning with deep blue skies and
not a cloud to be found; extremely unusual for the Pacific Northwest in January. As I
stood looking out the window, I began to wonder if maybe all of what had happened had
been a dream. I then heard voices downstairs, so I turned and followed them.

Pamela, James and Tiffany were all sitting at the kitchen table eating breakfast. I

exchanged greetings with everyone and then sat down beside Tiffany. Glancing across
the table at the front page of the newspaper James was reading, I saw that the date was
now January 2. I immediately asked if that could be right, and that’s when Pamela told
me that I had been asleep for nearly a day and a half. Nanja had come down early on
New Year’s Day and told them that I had had some kind of major emotional break
through with her on New Year’s Eve and that I needed to rest for a couple of days with
absolutely no disturbances. Pamela poured me a cup of coffee, then tried to probe me on

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what the break through was. I told her that it had something to do with what had
happened back in Detroit and that we would talk about it later. Pamela kissed me on the
cheek then excused herself from the table and left the room. James followed a moment
later and I was left alone with Tiffany, who was feverously text messaging someone on
her i-phone. I sipped my coffee.

“Tiffany, can I ask you something?” I asked.
“Sure.” She said without even looking up.
“Why did you blow Nanja off like that the other night?” I asked.
Tiffany instantly stopped text messaging and stared at me. From the look on her

face, you’d think I’d just shot her dog.

“What?” She snapped.
“You heard me!” I snapped right back at her.
“Blow her off? I didn’t blow her off at all. She blew me off!” Tiffany said.
“What?” I said very incredulously.
“Yeah, she blew me off. “She said she wanted to stay here with you.” Tiffany

said. “Actually she said she needed to stay here with you.”

As Tiffany’s words registered in my mind, I suddenly felt my chest filling with

the same warm sensation that had filled it when Nanja put her hand on it as she and I had
walked together in the woods. Then I remembered what Nanja had said to me that day
and my eyes welled with tears; I had loved again. After the horrific experience I went
through with Sherry and Michelle, I didn’t think I ever could. I was afraid to. But now I
had allowed myself to love again and allowed Nanja to love me. And by doing that, it
broke the chain connecting me to the past; and the last few words Nanja spoke to me that
night came back, and I now understood: I was free! I sat at the kitchen table with tears
streaming down my cheeks and laughing at the same time. When Tiffany finally looked
up and saw me, I thought for a second that she was going to start crying to.

“Aunt Dee?” She asked. “Are you okay?”
“Yes.” I said as I sniffed. “Yeah, I’m fine.”
“Are you sure?” She asked as she laid her hand on my arm.
“Yeah.” I said as I sniffed again. “Do you know where Nanja is?”
“Yeah, she left for home yesterday.” Tiffany said.
“What?” I asked.
“Nanja left to go back to India yesterday. Mom and Dad took her to the airport.”

Tiffany said.

For a moment, I felt completely lost. Nanja had made absolutely no mention of

going back to India. Why hadn’t she told me? Now she was gone and I didn’t even get
to say good-bye. Or more importantly, thank you. I suddenly felt a big lump lodging in
my throat. I wandered upstairs and took a shower. Afterward, I got dressed and got
packed up as I would be heading back to my apartment and back to work in the morning.
As I emptied out the dresser drawer, I spotted Nanja’s big, thick rimmed glasses laying
on the dresser top. I picked them up, looked at them for a long moment and then held
them tightly up against my chest. I threw on my jacket, slipped her glasses in my pocket,
slung the bag’s strap over my shoulder and headed downstairs. Pamela, James and
Tiffany walked me out to my car and we said our good-byes and I added my thanks. I
started the engine and then realized that I still have Nanja’s glasses, so I rolled down the

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“Hey, I found Nanja’s glasses upstairs. I guess she forgot to take them with her.

Maybe you could send them to her or something.” I said as I held her glasses out the

“No, Nanja said that she wants you to keep them.” Tiffany said. “She said she

doesn’t need them anymore.”

“Doesn’t need them anymore?” I asked.
“That’s what she said.” Tiffany replied. “And based upon how she looked when

she left, I can certainly understand why.”

“Really?” I said, trying to maintain my composure.
“Oh God Diane, she was a knockout! When she first came downstairs, I didn’t

recognize her at all. Almost an entirely different person; I mean, who would have ever
known that she was so beautiful.” Pamela said.

I felt a rush of exhilarating joy race through every fiber of my being. Not only

had Nanja redeemed me, but I had redeemed her. We had redeemed each other - mind,
body and soul. Now I was truly free; a completely reborn and beautiful creation. As I
drove away down the driveway toward the main road, I realized that Nanja was a
divinity. Or at least, she had been sent by the divinity to restore me. And by restoring
me, she ascended to a higher plain of existence herself. Though I knew beyond the
shadow of a doubt that I would never see her again, I also knew that I would never forget
my beautiful young Nanja. She had saved my life in a way no one else ever could have.

I drove back to Seattle and walked into my apartment just as the sun was dropping

below the Olympic Mountains across Puget Sound. As I unpacked my bag, I suddenly
heard a very peculiar sound: I was singing. I finished unpacking, then picked up the
phone and ordered a pizza for dinner. No sooner had I hung from ordering my dinner,
the phone rang. I figured that the pizza place had forgotten something about the order,
but the caller ID flashed Gerald’s name and number. I smiled and snapped up the
cordless phone.

“Well, Happy New Year, my dear!” I chirped exuberantly.
“Diane, its Gerald.” He said very sullenly.
“Yes, I know that.” I replied. “How are you?”
“Are you sitting down?” He asked. Something was wrong.
The smile fled from my face and my exuberance quickly faded into something

else. I’m not sure what, but it wasn’t good.

“No.” I said cautiously. “Why?”
“You better sit.” He said.
My heart began to pound and I slowly sank on to my couch. Somehow I got the

feeling that whatever he was about to tell me, it was definitely not Happy New Year.

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Diane & Kathleen

“Sherry and Michelle are dead.” Gerald said after a deep and reflective exhale.
As the words registered in my head, my heart skipped several beats, my stomach

leapt into my throat and I was suddenly gasping for air. At the onset, my hand slapped
over my mouth, and my eyes, perhaps only out of natural reflex, immediately welled with
tears. After all I been through because of those two, crying over the news of their passing
was the last thing I ever expected to do.

“Oh my God. Oh my God!” I gasped into the phone. “What happened?”
Gerald went on to tell me that Sherry and Michelle's bodies had been discovered

in Sherry's office at the health club the day before yesterday. I suddenly felt violently ill
as the tears were streaming down my cheeks. For an instant, I couldn't believe how
emotional and undone I was feeling about this. Gerald went on with even more shocking
details: Sherry was found completely naked, lying over her desk on her stomach. There
appeared to be no signs of blunt or forced trauma, but there where several fresh bite
marks, hickeys and deep fingernail scratches all over her body. Michelle was found
completely clothed, lying on the floor beside the desk with her skull cracked open and
blood all over the floor.

“Oh dear God!” I gasped. “It was a crime of passion, wasn't it?”
“Pretty much.” Gerald replied.
He went on to say that as the police searched the scene, they discovered the

surveillance camera monitoring the office; the same surveillance camera that had
recorded my wild night with Michelle and Reagan last March. Anyway, they soon
discovered that the whole incident had been recorded. So when the police viewed the
tape, they observed Sherry bent over her desk, being penetrated in the vagina with a
strap-on worn by what appeared to be a young Latino woman in her late teens to early

“Oh Jesus! Reagan!” I shouted.
“Yeah.” Gerald said solemnly.
And besides fucking her with a strap-on, Reagan had also wrapped a belt around

Sherry's neck, holding and pulling it tightly backward like the reigns on a horse.
Apparently certain people had a fetish for wanting to be strangled during sex; the theory
being that cutting off oxygen to the brain greatly intensified their orgasm. Now I was
really feeling nauseas! I got up off the couch, opened the balcony door and stepped out
into the crisp evening air. The breeze off Puget Sound was refreshing and the sky beyond
the Olympic Mountains was purple and soft from what was left of the sunset. The lights
of downtown Seattle twinkled like stars, the sky above was clear and the moon was
bright. I took a couple of deep, cleansing breaths as I watched the elevators going up and
down the Space Needle; all the while listening to Gerald as he continued the bone
chilling tale. Apparently, from what the video showed; once Sherry collapsed and
Reagan realized she was dead, she frantically made a telephone call from the phone on

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the desk as she hurriedly got dressed. Then about fifteen minutes later, a young
Caucasian woman; also in her late teens or early twenties, with strawberry blonde hair

“Michelle.” I said.
“Uh-huh.” Gerald replied.
Reagan and Michelle began to argue, shouting at each other initially, but it

quickly escalated into a physical altercation. They struggled with each other roughly all
over the room, then suddenly they tripped; and as they fell, Michelle's head violently
struck a corner of Sherry's desk. My mind quickly flashed back to that wild night in
March and I clearly remembered how thick, hard and unforgiving Sherry's desktop was.
The coroner determined, Gerald went on, that most likely Michelle was killed instantly.
After which, Reagan immediately jumped up and frantically fled the scene. I flopped
down on my back on one of the reclining sun chairs on the balcony, laying my arm over
my eyes. By now my mind was seizing with overload as it tried to process this horrible
chain of events. But unfortunately, the chain hadn't run out of links yet.

“What's happened to Reagan? I asked. “Has she been arrested?”
Gerald was silent for what seemed like an eternity. I could hear him clear his

throat and take a few deep breaths. I could also hear Frank's voice whispering something
to him. Gerald, just like me, had known Michelle since the day she was born and known
Reagan since Whitney first brought her home after school when she was in the fourth
grade. He was always especially fond of Reagan because she loved sports so much, just
like him.

“Reagan's dead, too.” He finally managed to spit out.
As his words passed from the phone into my ear, the whole world around me

seemed to come to a halt; the ferries crossing the sound, the elevators going up the Space
Needle, even the plane flying over my apartment building seemed to freeze in time.
Suddenly I sprang up into a seated position as I felt my stomach convulse and my heart
stop. I half expected to seem my stomach fly out of my mouth.

“What?” I gagged on my saliva.
Gerald again took another long moment to collect his thoughts, and his emotions,

then proceeded to finish the story. Once the authorities identified Reagan, they
immediately dispatched arresting officers to her house. However by the time they
arrived, they found Reagan face down on her bedroom floor. The autopsy revealed that
she had taken a massive amount of assorted prescription pills. By this time, I just
couldn't take anymore. I told Gerald as much, and he said he would email me the
newspaper story for me to look at when I felt up to it. I clicked off the cordless phone,
threw it back into the living room, lay back on the sun chair, balled up in the fetal
position and sobbed. I wanted Nanja. When I woke up it was still dark and I was shaking
like a leaf in the freezing cold of the night. I went inside and saw the message light
blinking on the answering machine. It was the pizza delivery kid telling me that he
pounded on my door for nearly half an hour but nobody ever answered. I checked my
watch and it was just after eleven o'clock.

I took a long hot shower, all the while with images of Sherry, Michelle and

Reagan racing through my memory. Then I began to wonder if it had all been a dream. I
got out of the shower and put on my night shirt. I was just about to phone Gerald to
confirm whether he had actually called with such a story or if it all had just been a dream,
when I suddenly realized that Detroit was three hours ahead of Seattle and that it was
nearly two-thirty in the morning there. I turned on my laptop computer and logged in to

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check my email. An email from Gerald marked urgent, containing a large attachment
sent just three hours ago confirmed that it wasn't a dream; Sherry, Michelle and Reagan
were all dead and I had the front page of the Detroit Newspaper staring me in the face to
prove it. As I read the attachment of the newspaper story, I suddenly realized that this
was the first time since that night last March that I'd actually seen Sherry, Michelle and
Reagan; recent photos of all of them were on the newspaper page with the story. I once
again found tears in my eyes as I stared at the pictures of Michelle and Reagan. They
both looked so beautiful in their cap and gown graduate photos with sparkling smiles
beaming at the camera. Sherry's photo too was quite captivating; sitting cross legged on
one of the workout stations in the club.

It was just about one o'clock in the morning when I finally shut off my computer

and crawled into bed. I lay awake for a long while as my mind continued to spin. I
tossed and turned for a good hour before I finally started to feel sleepy. Just as I was
about to drift off to sleep, a strange feeling came over me. It was one I didn't expect:
Loss. I sat up suddenly and flipped on the lamp beside my bed as if I were about to argue
with whomever brought that thought into my head. After all the suffering, humiliation
and turmoil being involved with those three had caused me, how could I possibly feel
loss over their deaths? With anger bubbling up inside me like lava, I suddenly heard
Nanja's gentle voice whispering deep in my soul. She was telling me that I should feel
loss; that regardless of how things had turned out, Sherry, Michelle and Reagan had all
played a vital role in creating the woman that I am today. They altered the course of my
life forever; and in doing so, perhaps in a very unique and remote way, they saved my
life. And whether I realized it or not, I loved them all very deeply. Because for brief
moments in time, I was an intimate part of each of them, and they each were an intimate
part of me. And despite the obvious twisted mentalities, how could they have brought so
much unbridled passion into our sexual encounters if they didn't have equally passionate
love, or at least lust, for me in their heart and souls? With these thoughts passing through
my soul, echoed through the gentle voice of dear Nanja, I drifted off to sleep. The next
morning I awoke for the first time since that fateful March night, with Sherry, Michelle
and Reagan holding warm and special places in my heart and memory.

I spent the morning at the library debating on whether or not I should fly back to

Detroit for the funeral. I spoke to Gerald on my lunch hour and he told me that he didn't
think it was too good of an idea. He had called Whitney to give her the news and she was
coming home for the funeral herself. What he told me next sent my stomach into
somersaults and my heart into furious pounding: Whitney had, for the first time in nearly
a year asked about, and even expressed concern for me. He told me that she wanted to
know if I was okay and that if the police in anyway suspected me of some involvement. I
now understood why he didn't think I should come back; Whitney was beginning to come
around to the possibility of wanting me back in her life. I was floating on air for the rest
of the afternoon.

As January turned to February, I heard nothing from Whitney or anything more

from Detroit. Around the first of March, I was at work at the library one afternoon;
returning books to the shelves and thinking about Whitney. Though Gerald had told me
that she was possibly warming back up to me, I had still never heard from her. My forty-
fifth birthday had come and gone in mid January, and I had gotten cards and calls from
Junior and Monica, but still nothing from Whitney. I guess I had let my expectations get
too high and now I was feeling very let down. As I turned to place an armful of books
back on the shelf, I bumped into a stunning woman thumbing through a series of medical

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encyclopedias. The books toppled out of my arms and on to the floor. I apologized
profusely for bumping her and then squatted down to pick up the books I'd dropped. As I
was gathering them up, the woman squatted down in front of me, picked up a book that
was just out of my reach and slipped it into my hand. Our fingers brushed against one
another and there was a powerful spark. When I looked up, I was captivated by a
beautiful pair of sparkling green eyes and breathing in the delicious scent of Cocao
Chanel perfume.

“You okay, Diane?” She said in a deep, sensual voice.
I could only smile and nod for I was so entranced by her that I momentarily forgot

how to talk. I could feel my cheeks flushing and felt an erotic tingling sensation rip
through my body. She parted her luscious, ruby lips and displayed a sparkling white
smile back at me. We stood and she helped me put the books back on the cart. I thanked
her for all her help and then it suddenly dawned on me: She'd called me by my name.

“Excuse me, but did you just call me Diane?” I asked.
“Yes.” She answered with a smile. “That's your name, isn't it?”
“Yes it is. But, how did you know?” I asked incredulously.
Her long, sleek arm reached out and her finger gently tapped on the right side of

my chest above my breast. I felt another spark along with a sudden flash of heat in my

“Says so on your name tag.” She said.
I felt my face flush again and I could almost see the reflective red glow in her

sunglasses that were perched up in her shiny auburn hair just above her forehead.

“But that's not how I knew.” She continued. “We've met before.”
Now I was really confused. How could I possibly have met this incarnation of the

goddess Aphrodite herself and not remembered it?

“Don't you remember?” She asked. “My husband and I came over to Pamela's

house for Christmas Dinner and you were there. You're her younger sister, right?”

“Oh my God! Doctor Kenmore?” I asked.
“Kathleen, please.” She said.
Kathleen smiled sweetly as she held out her hand. Now it all came back.

Kathleen's husband was one of the founding partners in James's law firm and Kathleen
was Pamela's partner in their medical practice. They had come to dinner on Christmas
Day and I remembered now not really noticing Kathleen because I was too busy getting
pissed off watching her husband Troy flirt with Tiffany; and even worse, Tiffany seeming
to enjoy it. But how could I have not noticed Kathleen? For a woman that had just
celebrated her fiftieth birthday, Kathleen was heart stopping gorgeous. She stood nearly
six feet tall; a good three inches taller than me, with bright and shiny auburn hair that
draped down just passed the tops of her shoulders. Her skin was pure and perfect
porcelain without the slightest imperfection or even the hint of a wrinkle. Kathleen
donned a bright white designer pants suit that accentuated her sumptuously round and
firm hips, thighs and ass. Her long legs had a full set of wonderfully defined curves and
her perky all-natural 36 D-cup tits seemed to be calling by name. As I shook her hand I
felt another spark and I could have sworn that I saw her nipples harden through her suit.
She felt it too.

Kathleen walked with me as I made my rounds returning books to the shelves

then asked if I'd like to join her for a cup of coffee. We were soon on the observation
deck of the Space Needle watching the sunset over the Olympic Mountains. We sat at a
table near the window and Kathleen slipped off the jacket of her suit, hung it over the

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back of the stool and sat down. I nearly gasped as I sucked in a shocked breath when I
beheld her without her jacket. Her sleeveless pullover was low cut and clung tightly to
her slender torso and the fabric was straining hard against the pressure of her beautiful
tits. We both reached for the cream at the same time and our hands touched again. I
immediately saw her nipples harden and peep out at me through her shirt and bra. My
nipples got hard too. After our coffee, Kathleen invited me to dinner at the Sky City
restaurant; the revolving floor fine dining spot at the top of the Seattle Space Needle,
which was now one level below us. During dinner my eyes kept finding their way to the
wedding ring on Kathleen's left hand and I was constantly filling with guilt. Here I was
having a romantic dinner at one of the most sought after restaurants in the world with a
married woman. Of course, Kathleen probably didn't realize that this was a romantic
dinner. Or did she? About half way through dinner, Kathleen got a page and had to go
immediately to the hospital. We rode down the elevator and waited for the valet to
retrieve our cars. When they pulled up Kathleen's BMW, we shook hands and she very
gently kissed me on the hand like a southern gentlemen of old. I felt my body tremble
with excitement and my nipples harden instantly. Kathleen hopped into her car, said
she'd call me tomorrow and drove off.

I drove home with millions of questions racing through my head. Did Kathleen

know I was a lesbian? Was she interested in me? What about her husband? What would
Pamela say? I didn't have the answer to any of them, I only knew that I was definitely
infatuated and couldn't get the beautiful doctor out of my mind. I felt knots deep in my
stomach and my heart raced the entire drive home. It was still racing as I walked in the
door. I think I was falling in love. I took a long shower and went absolutely crazy on
myself as I fantasized about Kathleen. By ten-thirty, I was in my nightshirt and crawling
into bed to watch David Letterman. As I reached for the TV remote, the phone rang.
Since I was already reaching for the remote without looking, I just snapped up the phone
instead and didn't even bother to look at the caller ID.

“Hello.” I chirped into the phone.
“I know I'm a little late, but Happy Birthday, Mom.” It was Whitney. My heart

went from zero to a million instantly as my stomach leapt into my throat and my mind
raced for something to say.

“Hi, baby.” I heard myself say.
Whitney and I talked for nearly three hours about everything and anything. It had

been almost a year since we had last spoken when she told me that she hated me and that
as far as she was concerned, her mother was dead. We both went through brief moments
of sobbing uncontrollably to laughing hysterically back too more uncontrollable sobbing.
Finally, Whitney told me that she loved me and missed me so much. Michelle and
Reagan's deaths had really opened her eyes, and based on the facts of the situation, she
realized how sick they were. It scared her to think that she had once been friends with
them. Then after some professional therapy, as well as talking to her father, Frank and
her siblings, she finally came to the conclusion that despite all else, I was her mother and
that she couldn't live without me. We talked about my step over into lesbianism, and she
confessed that what had really set her off was not the fact that I had sex with Michelle
and Reagan; it was the fact that she had too. Whitney had thought for a long time that
she had lesbian tendencies and it scared her to death. It repulsed her; and now the fact
that her mother had turned that direction horrified her. But now she was becoming more
comfortable with it and realized that it didn't make her any less of a human if she loved
women instead of men. As I listened to her cry, I wished with everything I had that I

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could hold her. We finished our call, and as she hung up, she called me “Mommy.” I
hung up the phone in tears and curled up under the covers. In one day I had been
reunited with my baby girl and possibly met the woman of my dreams.

True to her word, Kathleen called the next day and asked if I was free that

evening, for she had tickets to the Seattle Supersonics/Indiana Pacers game that night. Of
all the things that I imagined Kathleen liked to do, basketball was certainly not one of
them. But here she wanted me to go with her to a Sonics game; she was a die hard fan,
and since I was from Detroit, and we had absolutely no love for the Indiana Pacers, the
two of us had a blast. After that, Kathleen and I began spending a great deal of time
together, doing all kinds of things I would have never imagined a classy lady like
Kathleen would have enjoyed. And of course, there were many things I did imagine a
classy lady like her would enjoy and we did those too.

Yet despite my infatuation and attraction to Kathleen, I was really enjoying just

becoming her friend. In truth, I really didn't have any friends in Seattle. It was very nice
and I soon realized that Kathleen was becoming one of the best friends I've ever had.
Then around Memorial Day, Kathleen called one evening and invited me to her son's
wedding in Hawaii, on the island of Maui. At first, I was very reluctant, although a week
on Maui sounded absolutely divine; but the bottom line was, I didn't know her son at all.
She said a lot of people come to a wedding where the bride and groom haven't got the
slightest clue as to who they are; and they're family, for God's sake. Kathleen went on to
say that I was one of the best friend's she'd ever had and wanted me to be there with her. I
was so moved that I nearly began to cry. Besides, Pamela and James were coming too.
So, she twisted my arm.

A few days later, Pamela, James and I flew out from Seattle to Honolulu, then

caught a private charter jet to the island of Maui where Kathleen and her husband Troy,
owned a beautiful and lavish ranch compound. Arriving about four days before the
wedding, we were escorted via limo out to the lavish property; which was complete with
guest houses, swimming pool, tennis court, stables and a magnificent collection of
thoroughbred horses. When we arrived, we were greeted by Kathleen and Troy.
Kathleen planted a big kiss on my lips right there in front of everybody. Nobody really
seemed to give it much thought, although I could have sworn I saw Pamela blush and
giggle. Of course I gave it a lot of thought as I felt my pussy spasm and flush. So, while
Pamela and James settled in the main house, I moved into my own guest house on the
property. Later that evening, there was a small cocktail party and all throughout the
evening, I watched Kathleen and Troy closely and came to realize that they couldn't stand
each other. I watched Troy fondle and fool around constantly with every other woman
but his wife all that evening and through several other pre-wedding activities for the next
couple of days. During that time, I found myself drawn to Kathleen even more, and I
think her to me. I began to detect a great degree of sadness; nothing I'd detected before in
all the time we'd spent together, not to mention a considerable amount of loneliness in
her. It wasn't long that I began to feel guilty, because not only did I feel myself
becoming extremely attracted to her, I also began to tell myself that she was becoming
attracted to me. I still had no idea if she even knew that I was a lesbian, and there was
still the blatant fact that she was a married woman.

Then on the morning before the wedding, I woke up early to the sound of

knocking on my guest house door. I stumbled out of bed and opened the door to find
Kathleen standing there, bright-eyed and beaming, wearing her horse riding attire. Oh,
how happy those riding pants must have been to be so close to her sumptuous hips,

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scrumptious ass and what I imagine was the sweetest pussy on Earth. Before I knew it, I
was riding a beautiful black mare along the beach with Kathleen galloping along beside
me on a magnificent white stallion. We rode most of the morning, and I marveled at the
breathtaking beauty and splendor of the Maui landscape. About noon, Kathleen led us
down a path through a thick hollow in the woods, finally emerging in a very secluded and
tranquil lagoon cove; encircled to the left and right by high rocks, a wall of forest behind
us, and a very small gap in the rocks leading out to the open Pacific Ocean. The sand
was sugar white, the waves hitting the beach were gentle, but continuous; and there was a
beautiful waterfall in the rocks along one side of the lagoon.

We dismounted and tied off the horses, then strolled down to the water. The air

was so clean, the water and sky were so blue, the landscape so breathtaking and my
riding companion so beautiful that I assumed this was heaven. Kathleen then proceeded
to spread a beach towel that was the size of a California king mattress sheet out on the
sand; then she began to undress. Caught completely off guard, I just stood there and tried
intensely hard not to stare. As Kathleen got down to just her bra and panties, she looked
over at me and laughed, for I was practically covering my eyes.

“What so funny?” I queried
Kathleen undid her bra as she quipped back with:
“You act as though I've got something you've never seen before.”
Kathleen then flipped off her bra and slid off her panties, and I could feel the lust

begin to bubble deep down within me like the magma deep down within Mount Kilauea.
My pussy flushed with wetness and my heart began to pound.

“Besides.” She said. “I've felt your eyes undressing me ever since the day we

bumped into each other at the library.”

With a devious grin, Kathleen kicked her panties off her ankle and then dashed

into the surf. I could feel the blush come over my face so hard that it almost felt like bad

“Come on in!” She shouted as she dove into the white waves.
After regaining some composure, and after getting my heart rate to drop, I began

to undress. I wasn't moving as fast as I could have been for my attention was constantly
being caught by Kathleen, staring at her beautiful wet body as it periodically surfaced,
glistening in the warm sunlight. Finally, I got my bra and panties off and charged into
the water; and as the warm waters of the Pacific engulfed my body, it only added to the
burning lust deep within me, and I felt like a love crazed mermaid. For the next half
hour or so, Kathleen and I swam in and around each other, both above and below the
surface, frolicking and playing like a couple of carefree dolphins. Finally, we waded
back to the beach and fell on our backs on the wet sand in the warm surf, while the
incoming waves gently rolled and splashed over our naked bodies.

“What did you mean that you've felt my eyes undressing you?” I asked.
“Oh honey.” She replied. “Once you've gone as long as I have without having

wanting eyes looking at you, you can feel them on you as keenly as a shark can smell
blood in the water.”

I rolled over on my side, supported my head on my hand and just looked at her.
“Oh, come on. You are so beautiful and so sexy; surely men are looking at you

all the time.” I said.

“Well, there's a difference between lusting eyes and wanting eyes.” She


“But, I'm a woman.” I replied.

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“Exactly.” She said. “You see, when a man looks at you that way, he has lusting

eyes; even our husbands. But when a woman looks at you that way, her eyes are
wanting. And there is so much more to wanting than just the lust.” She explained.

That made unbelievable sense to me.
“Especially when the eyes are yours.” She suddenly offered softly and smiled


“Thank you.” I said bashfully.
Kathleen reached over and gently caressed my cheek with her hand, all the while

smiling seductively at me.

“God, you're so beautiful. And I just love your smile. Think I could get lost in it

and your eyes forever.” She continued.

“Me too.” I whispered and I caressed her cheek.
Kathleen slid her hand gently around where my jaw meets my neck and pulled me

to her. My mouth was already opening and Kathleen's tongue was soon sliding deep
inside it. With the waves continuing to gently roll over us, we rolled around in the surf,
entwined in a passionate embrace, kissing deeper and deeper by the minute. Our tongues
mauling each other, our bodies mashed firmly together as the warm sea water engulfed
us. Kathleen's tits felt heavenly pressed against mine. I slid off to the side of her, my lips
still wrapped tightly around hers and began to run my hand down Kathleen's beautiful
body. Her hard and wet body seemed to quiver with anticipation as my hand found its
way down her abdomen, over the neatly trimmed triangle of auburn pubic hair and on to
her pussy. I slid out of our kiss and ran my tongue down her chin, neck and down to the
perfectly round and plump nipple on her left tit and wrapped my lips around it as I began
to rub her slit. Kathleen's moaning intensified as I sucked harder on her nipple and
inserted a finger deep into her pussy. Kathleen squeezed and pulled on her other nipple
as I inserted a second finger into her pussy and began finger fucking her hard. I planted
my thumb on her clit and began to rub it simultaneously. Within a few moments, she was
grasping deep handfuls of wet, warm sand as her body convulsed and her back arched
skyward as she came.

The next thing I knew, Kathleen and I had climbed up on the rocks and were

standing under the waterfall, rinsing and rubbing the sand off each others bodies. As the
water of the fall ran down my body, Kathleen began to slowly lick all over my neck and
shoulders, slowly working her way down to my tits, wrapping her warm and luscious lips
around my nipples, first one and then the other. After that, she dropped to her knees and
ran her tongue across my abdomen and stopping at my pubic line. She then took my foot
in her hand and sucked my toes. She then slowly worked her tongue up my leg and
finally wrapped her mouth tightly around my swollen lips and slit. As I wrapped my leg
around her neck and leaned up against the rock, Kathleen ran her warm and succulent
tongue up and down the outside of my lips and then slipped her tongue in. I grabbed the
back of her head and gently pushed her deeper into me. Kathleen then repositioned her
mouth and wrapped her lips around my throbbing clit.

Feeling myself ready to burst after only a few moments, I pulled Kathleen to her

feet and slid my tongue deep into her mouth. I ran my hands up and down her back and
then gently pushed my fingernails into her skin, just as Nanja had done on my back.
Kathleen moaned and panted as her body writhed in my embrace. I then spun her around
and began to run my tongue slowly down her back, ass and legs as the water of the fall
ran down her. Kathleen suddenly dove off the ledge and into the warm water of the
lagoon below. I dove in after her and swam after her to the beach. I playfully grabbed

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her by the angle underwater and pulled her back then swam on past. I crawled up onto
the beach and lied down on my back in the surf. I then watched Kathleen crawl slowly
through the surf and wet sand like a predator approaching its unsuspecting prey. When
she was upon me, the want and desire in her eyes was immense and she ran her warm
tongue from my foot, all the way up my body and finally slid her tongue deep into my
mouth. We rolled slowly around in the warm sand and surf entwined in a passionate

A few moments later, I was laying Kathleen down on her back on the towel she

had spread on the beach. I filled my hand with a big puddle of suntan lotion and rubbed
her legs, hips and thighs down with it. I was taken back to the night Sherry and I were in
the sauna together and we rubbed each other down with body oil. Now for the first time,
I was not repulsed by that memory; only more turned on. I then squeezed the bottle of
lotion over her tits and abs creating what looked like a thick shot of cum all over her.
Then pressing my body firmly against her, rubbed it in and all around as we both moaned
and Kathleen caressed my back with her fingernails. We were falling in and out of deep
kisses at the same time. Kathleen then rolled me over onto my stomach, filled her hand
with suntan lotion and rubbed my legs and ass down with it. She then squeezed a cum-
like shot of lotion out of the bottle all over my back; then pressing the front of her body
firmly against my back, rubbed it in with her body while kissing, licking and sucking on
my neck and ears. After that, I rolled onto my back, Kathleen repositioned herself over
me and we enjoyed an intense 69. Our moaning and wailing was as loud as the surf as
we ate and fingered each other, and the horses were actually unnerved as they watched
these two human females mate. Kathleen was wildly flicking my clit with her tongue and
I was gasping for air. Suddenly every muscle in my body stiffened and convulsed as I lay
under Kathleen and I dug my fingernails deep into her skin as I came. Kathleen then ran
her tongue all over the inside of my thighs as I let the intensity of my orgasm pass.
Kathleen swung her body around, pressed it firmly down against me and slid her tongue
into my mouth. Suddenly she got up and skipped off toward the horses. I rolled over on
my side and watched her longingly; her wet body glistened in the warm sunlight. She
reached into the saddle bag on her stallion and brought out a big strap-on. For a moment,
I felt a shudder of apprehension. The last person to fuck me with a strap-on was now
dead. But as I watched Kathleen put the contraption on, my dread was easily defeated by
my lust and desire.

Kathleen lied down on her back and I straddled Kathleen's body, took the cock in

my hand and guided it into my pussy. My eyes rolled wildly around in their sockets and
my head cocked back as I slowly sat on the cock and felt it go deeper and deeper inside
me. I was soon riding Kathleen harder than the mare I had rode out of the stable.
Kathleen kneaded and squeezed my tits as I rode her, and I pinched and twisted her
nipples at the same time. Suddenly Kathleen rolled us over and I suddenly found myself
on my back with Kathleen now pumping the cock in and out of me from on top.
Kathleen plunged her tongue into my mouth as I wrapped my lips tightly around it and
sucked on it. Kathleen pumped the cock deeper, harder and faster with every stroke and I
was getting to the point of tears, digging my fingernails deep into her back. Finally she
stabbed it deeply in me and her back arched as we both wailed in sheer esctasy at the top
of our lungs. Kathleen collapsed on top of me in exhaustion and I gently pelted her with

Once the intensity wore off, Kathleen slipped the strap-on off and I slipped it on.

Kathleen got on all fours and I positioned myself behind her, doggy-style and slid the

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rubber cock slowly into her pussy. I started slow, but Kathleen kept begging me to fuck
her harder and faster. I got so hot and turned on as I ferociously pumped the cock in and
out of her pussy that I violently grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head back.
It startled her at first, but then it really turned her on. I loved listening to her deep,
sensual moans and watching her body writhe. I pulled the cock out of her and
repositioned myself by lying down on my back on the towel beside her. Kathleen
straddled my body and instead of facing me, she turned so that her back was to me,
grabbed the cock with her hand, guided it back into her pulsating pussy and proceeded to
ride me. Kathleen really got going fast and soon her moaning and writhing was driving
me so wild that I grabbed a handful of her hair and jerked her head back toward me.
Again, it surprised her at first, but then she really got into it. She rode me harder and
harder, faster and faster, and I was slowly pulling her back by the hair; her back bending
down in an almost horseshoe shape toward me. When she finally came, my tits were
pushing firmly into her back and I had wrapped my arms around her and was kneading
her tits.

Time slips by quickly when you're in the throes of heated passion. Kathleen and I

wore each other down to the brink of exhaustion and ultimately fell asleep in each others
arms right there on the beach. Making love to Kathleen was an equal mix of all my
previous encounters. It had all the wild and unbridled passion of Sherry, the ferocity and
frenzy of Michelle and Reagan, and the deep spiritual intensity of Nanja. When we woke
up, we snuggled in each other's naked embrace, and witnessed the most breathtaking
sunset that either of us had ever seen. I'd never seen anything more beautiful and at that
moment, I don't think I'd ever felt more alive. Kathleen was gently running her hand
through my now semi-dry hair as we watched the sunset.

“Diane.” She said. “I know you may not believe this, but I think I'm in love with


My entire body trembled with exhilarating joy. I turned and gazed into her

beautiful eyes.

“Kathleen.” I said. “I know you may not believe this, but I know I'm in love with


Kathleen's eyes welled with tears and we fell into another deep kiss. We kissed

so deep that I could taste her soul. For a brief instant as my eyes were closed, I could see
Nanja smiling at me and I heard her gentle and beautiful words:

“Love again.”
Kathleen and I broke our kiss and caressed each other's face as we gazed into each

other's eyes.

“Would you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life letting me love you

and letting yourself love me in return?” Kathleen asked.

“You wanna try and stop me?” I asked.
Kathleen pulled me to my feet and we rushed into the surf for one last swim.

While underwater, we shared an unbelievable kiss that I will never forget; neither will the
fish and the sea turtle that saw it. We walked arm and arm back to the beach, dried off,
dressed and galloped back to the ranch. I rode on Kathleen's horse as the mare I rode out
galloped along side us. I just wanted to hold Kathleen tight. We arrived just in time to
get ready for the rehearsal dinner. It was an agonizingly long evening as Kathleen had to
sit and be with her husband for most of it. And then that's when reality returned:
Kathleen's a married woman! How can we ever be together?

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Later that night after every one had gone to bed, I lay awake in my guest house

bed pondering the situation. Kathleen slipped into my bedroom about midnight in a
stunning silk night gown, crawled into bed with me and we made love all night. The next
day was the wedding and it was an absolutely beautiful ceremony. Again, I longed for
Kathleen as she did for me, but she again had to be with her husband. During the
reception, I sat out by the pool by myself, sipping a Mai Tai and reviewing everything
that had happened in the last year and a half. As I thought about it, I suddenly heard a
tremendous commotion on the opposite side of the pool. I looked up just in time to see
Kathleen's husband being thrown into the pool by the father of the bride. I then saw the
mother of the bride come running up with her gown in complete disarray and pleading
with her husband. The bride and groom came up and the bride was sobbing. The bride's
parents argued and then her father shoved her mother into the pool. I caught sight of
Kathleen standing by her son, who was comforting his sobbing young bride. Evidently,
Kathleen's husband Troy and the mother of the bride had been having an affair for quite
some time. And after several glasses of champagne at the reception, they just couldn't
control themselves. Well, the father of the bride caught them in the act, and the rest is
playing out right in front of me.

Later that night, Kathleen came into my room in the guest house as I was packing

and asked me if I'd like to sleep with her in her room tonight. Her husband was gone and
would never be coming back except to drop of an alimony check. Kathleen then stepped
closer to me and held out an opened ring case with a magnificent diamond ring sparkling
in the dim light of my room. My legs trembled, my heart raced and my eyes flooded with

“Diane, I love you with all my heart.” She said. “Will you marry me?”
Kathleen took the ring out of the box, took my left hand in hers and slipped the

ring on my finger.

“How am I supposed to say no now?” I said full of tears.
“You're not.” She said, equally full of tears.
“I wouldn't anyway.” I replied.
Both of us burst into tears and held each other as we cried. As I lay cuddled in

Kathleen's arms later that night, staring at the beautiful diamond ring on my finger, I
realized that there was still so much I needed to tell her. I looked over and realized that
she was still awake and smiling at me. I rolled over on my side to face her and took a
deep breath.

“There's a lot I need to tell you.” I began.
Kathleen gently placed her fingers on my lips and I kissed them softly.
“I know, my love. I know.” She whispered.
I wasn't exactly sure what she meant by that. Did she know there was a lot I had

to tell her or did she know what I was going to tell right then? She leaned over and we
kissed. I rolled over on top of her and we made passionate love for the rest of the night.
The next morning I was like a giddy school girl as I showed off the ring to Pamela. I was
a little disappointed at her initial reaction; and that's when she confessed that she had
been planning for months to try and get me and Kathleen together. She had known
Kathleen since medical school and even though she'd married a man, knew that Kathleen
was much more into women. That's also when I learned that my sister had experimented
with women herself once upon a time. As Pamela explained how she had slowly worked
Kathleen and me toward each other, I saw her eyes fill with tears. Kathleen was her best
friend and I was her baby sister; we had both been through terrible heartache and tragedy

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that no person should ever have to endure. Now it was over and we had found the love
our lives in each other. I grabbed Pamela and we cried in each other's arms.

Pamela and James flew back to Seattle later that afternoon, but Kathleen and I

decided to stay for another couple of days. That evening, Kathleen and I walked along
the beach and I told her my whole story: Gerald, Frank, Whitney, Sherry, Michelle,
Reagan, Nanja, everything! I was terribly nervous, just as I'd been every other time I'd
told it to somebody I loved; but just like the rest of them, Kathleen completely accepted it
and I knew then beyond the shadow of a doubt that she loved me unconditionally and
with all her heart. Since homosexual marriage is not legal in Washington, Kathleen and I
exchanged our own wedding vows right there on the beautiful Maui beach. It was the
most beautiful moment of my entire life; I only wish I had a ring to give to her. The next
day, we flew back to Honolulu to catch a flight back to Seattle. It was then that I realized
that I had to go back to Detroit and lay my past to rest for good; and I guess if I hadn't
been convinced by now that Kathleen was my soul mate, I was about to be. Kathleen had
gone to the ladies room and when she returned, the first thing out of her mouth was:

“Honey, I think before we go home, we need to first go to Detroit. You have to

put your past to rest for good and that's the only place you can do it. Besides, I've never
been there and I wanna see where the woman I love was born and raised. I also wanna
meet Gerald and Frank too.” My eyes again flooded with tears and I took Kathleen in my

"I guess that's a yes on Detroit, huh?" Kathleen said as she held me. "I'll go

exchange the tickets."

Eleven hours later, the Northwest Airlines Boeing 747-400 touched down at

Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport. I had called Gerald in mid flight and he
told me that he and Frank would pick us up at the airport. He also added that he had a
surprise for me. Kathleen and I stepped off the jet way and walked hand in hand down to
baggage claim. Gerald and Frank were waiting at the bottom of the escalator and I made
the introductions. Once that was done, I asked what surprise he was talking about and he
merely said that it was waiting for me in the car. As Gerald, Frank and Kathleen collected
our bags, I walked out to the passenger pick-up area. As I passed through the automatic
doors, I saw the three most beautiful sites I think I'd ever seen: Gerald, Jr., Monica and
Whitney. Junior looked especially handsome, all decked out in his Second Lieutenant
U.S. Army uniform. I bounded across the sidewalk and in less than three steps I held all
three of them in my arms, vowing to never let them go again. Gerald, Frank and
Kathleen came out not long after me and I introduced the kids to Kathleen and told them
exactly who she was. They all smiled and welcomed her with warm hugs. As I watched
them hug Kathleen, I saw tears in Kathleen's eyes.

The next day, I bought Kathleen a beautiful ring, slipped it on her finger and

planted a deep kiss on her right there in the jewelry store. The two clerks were both gay
and they applauded and cried. Then we drove up to Mount Clemens, which is on the far
north side of Detroit and out to the Oak Lawn Cemetery, which according to the paper, is
where Sherry and Michelle were buried. After about twenty minutes, Kathleen located
the stones. They were right next to each other under a large oak tree. I placed a single
rose on each stone. Reagan's body had been cremated and her ashes had been taken back
to her home state of Arizona to be spread in the Colorado River. I knelt before Sherry
and Michelle's stones and said the Lord's Prayer for each of them. Then I stood and took
the love of my life by her hand.

“You ready to go home now?” I asked.

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“As long as I'm with you, then anywhere is home.” Kathleen replied.
The Michigan sun was setting as we turned away from my past and walked

forward into our future.



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