Elizabeth Peyton An Angel Exposed

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Safeword LLC 3

An Angel Exposed

Amy Bousch has no choice but to seek out the services of
Safeword LLC. Faking a two-month vacation through Europe to get

away from her controlling and overprotective brothers, Amy hopes
that a placement in the hands of the right Dominants will confirm
her inner beliefs that she’s a sub whom desires exhibition.

When Chad Westworth and Alec Brewer walk through the doors of
Safeword LLC, she comes very close to walking out. They are

friends of her brothers, and although she’s done her best to hide
her attraction to them over the years, Amy fears their entangled

past will get them all in hot water.

Her brothers’ reactions aren’t the only thing that Amy needs to

worry about, as Alec’s past rears its ugly head and threatens their
future. Once the truth is exposed, Chad and Alec are left
wondering if they’ve lost the angel of their dreams.

Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre
Length: 51,551 words

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Safeword LLC 3

Peyton Elizabeth


Siren Publishing, Inc.


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IMPRINT: Siren Sensations

Copyright © 2013 by Peyton Elizabeth
E-book ISBN: 978-1-62740-256-9

First E-book Publication: July 2013

Cover design by Sloan Winters
All cover art and logo copyright © 2013 by Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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Jeffrey – you make me feel as if I’m the masterpiece of your world. I

love you.

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Safeword LLC 3


Copyright © 2013

Chapter One

Amaryl Bousch looked down at the contract in her hand. Two

men? She placed one hand over her abdomen as butterflies started to
flutter their wings in her stomach. Maybe now was the time to
reconsider what she believed to be a well-thought-out plan. What was
she thinking? The minute her brothers figured out that her two-month
vacation was really a two-month introduction into the lifestyle of
BDSM, they’d probably threaten to have Safeword LLC burned to the

“Amy, do you have any other questions?” Kennedy Van Camp

asked, using Amaryl’s nickname. Her full name was only used when
her brothers had an issue with something she had done that they
disapproved of. She’d heard it a lot over the years, she thought wryly,
and suspected she’d hear it again at the end of her two-month
contract. “I want to make certain that you have no doubts.”

Ms. Van Camp settled back comfortably into her plush office

chair, as if what was about to happen was an everyday ordinary event.
Did the woman not realize what this piece of paper signified? No, she
probably didn’t. As the owner and operator of Safeword LLC, Ms.
Van Camp was undoubtedly used to dealing with women who had
excessive experience in the lifestyle. While Amy had been around

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BDSM most of her adult life, she wouldn’t label herself high on the
experience level.

“A lot,” Amy replied, unable to prevent her voice from trembling.

“I, uh, just need a moment to sort them all out.”

When Amy had been given the name of Safeword LLC, a

placement agency that places submissive women with the appropriate
Dominants, she hadn’t realized that the s on Dominants actually
meant plural. She’d had dinner with Ms. Van Camp weeks prior to
this meeting and had been given specifics as to how her placement
would work should she sign a contract. Actually seeing it in writing
was something totally different. Two men? One would think three
weeks would be enough to digest that information, but it wasn’t.

Amy’s mind immediately went to Chad and Alec, her brothers’

friends. She knew they played with subs together. Heck, they did
everything together when Alec wasn’t on one of his painting sprees.
She only knew that because of the conversations they’d had over the
years. It wasn’t like she was friends with them, and really, why was
she even thinking about them now? Was it because she was being
placed with two men? Or was it the artwork in Ms. Van Camp’s
office, so like the pieces in her brothers’ kink club? If she wasn’t
mistaken, they could be Alec’s paintings.

Amy tried to focus on the contract in her hand. She could find

nothing that was incompatible with what she and Ms. Van Camp had
discussed weeks ago. She’d signed a medical release form, submitted
an application that required more information than the CIA would
probably need, and cleared her calendar for the next two months. This
hadn’t been a spur-of-the-moment decision, so why was she now

Oh, that’s right, Amy thought, maybe having two over-protective

brothers who would no doubt use extreme measures to keep her
locked up in some conceptual bubble had something to do with it.
They seemed to have a hard time accepting that she was twenty-nine.

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Or maybe it simply came down to finally having what she dreamed of
at the tips of her fingers and she was scared to actually grab hold.

“Per your request, I’ve taken every measure to ensure that it looks

as if you’re on a two-month tour of Europe.”

Amy tilted her head, looking at the man who was also sitting in

one of the two guest chairs in front of Ms. Van Camp’s desk. James
Calihan was the Chief Security Officer at Safeword LLC. From what
she understood, he was to help make certain that the submissives were
in safe hands as well as enforce the contracts. Considering Mr.
Calihan was also aiding her in misleading her brothers, Amy had a
feeling that his job responsibilities varied somewhat.

“Thank you,” Amy said, buying herself time as she studied the

only two people in the room.

Ms. Van Camp reminded her of a modern day Katherine Hepburn

with classic cheekbones and blue eyes that seemed to be made of ice.
Her lips were painted red with precise detail and her auburn hair was
pulled back in a severe twist. She carried herself with grace and
confidence, yet her bearing held some underlying armor that dared
anyone to try to penetrate it. Ms. Van Camp had a reputation that
preceded her and considering that Amy worked in a kink club one
state away, that was saying a lot.

As for James Calihan, Amy’s first thought was that he was a

retired football player. Any man with that build had to be some type
of professional athlete, yet the more she got to know him, the more of
a mystery he became. He carried scars on the back of his hands, his
neck was as big around as one of her thighs, and Amy was pretty sure
he shaved his head on purpose. He definitely wasn’t someone that any
intelligent person would mess with.

“I do have a question,” Amy said, looking down at the contract in

her hand. She was trying hard not to wrinkle the papers, but her tight
grip had already made a few creases. “Why are you willing to help me
deceive my brothers?”

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An Angel Exposed


“You came to me for a reason, Amy.” Ms. Van Camp smiled. “All

of my clients are important to me and it is my job to ensure that you
are given what you need. You came to me, asking for my help. I don’t
view it as lying. You asked for our support and as a client, we
accommodated you. I must admit, your situation is different than
most, but not to the point that I wouldn’t be able take you on as a

“You mean, most people don’t have two brothers who control

every aspect of their lives?” Amy asked, trying to inject some humor
into the situation and failing miserably.

“Your brothers care for you,” James said.
“You aren’t being unreasonable in wanting your own life, Amy,”

Ms. Van Camp responded in a soft voice, as if she understood. “Your
brothers live the lifestyle, own the kink club where you work as their
accountant, and do their best to shield you from what they view as
unacceptable for their baby sister. But that doesn’t give them the right
to assert their will about how you live your life. You’re twenty-nine
years old. I applaud you for taking steps in discovering your desires
and I know that if this works out for you, you’ll have the strength to
tell them the truth.”

“I’ve tried to talk to them, to tell them that I need to explore this

side of me, but they won’t listen. Josh and Tyler seem to think it’s a
phase that’ll pass with time. They think that I’m just curious about
what I see. When they find out—”

“Will be when you want them to find out.” Ms. Van Camp placed

the pen she’d been holding between her French-manicured nails on
the desk. “You’re a grown woman, Amy, taking control of your life.
There is nothing wrong with that. You’re taking a two-month break to
find out if your longings for being a submissive are true. There will
come a time when you are truly ready to state your feelings to your
brothers and they will accept this part of you. They will have no

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“You wouldn’t place me with, well, with two Dominants if you

thought I wasn’t submissive, would you?”

Amy knew what her sexual desires were, but that didn’t mean she

would forego her personality. In everyday life, she made her own
decisions and could be very opinionated. Sometimes she found that
what she wanted sexually contradicted who she was as a person, but
then she would catch glimpse of a submissive on her knees in front of
her Master with adoration written all over her face, and Amy would
have given anything to be in her place.

Ms. Van Camp let out a light laugh. “Let me assure you, Amy,

that I am very good at my profession. If you are asking if I see
submissive qualities in you, then I will answer you. Yes. But every
sub is different in their wants and desires. These two months are being
provided for your self-discovery. But that doesn’t mean that I’m
always one hundred percent correct.”

Amy could have sworn she heard a small cough come from Mr.

Calihan, but when she quickly looked his way, his five o’clock
shadow was still set in stone. She’d heard from a few women that Ms.
Van Camp had an uncanny way of knowing exactly where to place a
sub. Amy hoped that she was one of them. But why must she accept
two men? Again, her butterflies took flight. Images of Chad and Alec
came to mind. Damn it! She rubbed her forehead and then swiped her
hair behind her ear.

“Why two?” Amy asked, not intending her question to have been

blurted out like that, but unable to stop herself.

“It’s been my experience that when placing a submissive, two

Dominants are better at introducing a novice, such as yourself. Being
bound or participating in a scene can be overwhelming at first and by
having two sets of eyes and ears, the subtle signs you give off have
doubled the chance of being read properly. Dominants aren’t perfect.
They’re human and even make a few mistakes.”

Amy wondered if Ms. Van Camp spoke from personal experience,

but she wasn’t about to ask. It was too personal and she was positive

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An Angel Exposed


Ms. Van Camp wouldn’t answer anyway. Amy looked around the
office, seeing the corporeal nature in each piece of artwork. They
definitely had to be his, Alec’s. Each picture was black and white,
with a dash of color evident within. Was it personal taste for Ms. Van
Camp or more for professional décor?

Amy knew that Chad owned an art gallery in Chicago. Had Ms.

Van Camp made the purchases from him? Did she know him
personally? And why did it matter? She shifted in her chair and tried
to focus on the conversation at hand.

“Do you ever place a woman with one man?” Amy asked, doing

her best to delay the inevitable. She knew she would sign the contract.
She sought out the services of Safeword LLC for a purpose, and she
wasn’t backing away now. But knowing that in a few moments she
would be placed into the hands of two men who would train her to be
their submissive was causing those butterflies to feel like they needed
to escape.

“I’ve been known to make exceptions, but it’s on a case-by-case

basis. There are many benefits to having two Dominants and that
doesn’t just include novices. With the clientele that utilizes my
services, there are times when business interferes and calls away the
attention of a particular Master. This ensures that the sub, although
not always, has the attention of at least one.”

“And these…Dominants…that you’ve chosen for me, why? Why


By this point, Mr. Calihan had covered his mouth with his hand in

an obvious attempt to hide his smile. Amy blushed, knowing that he
was well aware of her stalling tactic. She quickly averted her eyes.
How many more questions could she come up with without looking
like an idiot? She figured she’d already hit that point.

“I feel they match you in terms of your needs and theirs.”
“Um, this may sound ridiculous, but I don’t even know what my

wants and needs are.”

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Peyton Elizabeth

“I beg to defer,” Ms. Van Camp said, gesturing toward a folder on

her desk. “Your application clearly states your soft and hard limits,
along with your thoughts on what you might find arousing. If I’m not
mistaken, exhibition was one of those things.”

If there was any doubt that Amy was blushing before, the heat

emanating from her cheeks was a dead giveaway that she was now.
Ms. Van Camp was talking like Mr. Calihan wasn’t even in the room.
She shifted in her seat, aware that her ladylikeness had been put on
display so to speak and was not quite sure how to react. Was this a

“The men that I have chosen to place you with have similar

interests. They are waiting to meet you as we speak. They are aware
of the two safe words you’ve chosen. Audit for your personal safe
word, which will only halt a scene. You may then talk over your fears
or concerns with your Dominants. Monarch is your safe word should
you choose to break your contract. Do you have any questions
regarding these safe words?”

“No,” Amy said, taking a deep breath.
“Are you prepared to meet your Masters?”
This was it. This was the moment where one life-altering decision

came to fruition. For years she’d watched as her brothers led the lives
they wanted, while doing their best to keep her under lock and key.
When she had been offered a job with a large accounting firm in New
York City after college, Amy had all but blackmailed them into
letting her run the books for their kink club just to be close to the
lifestyle. They got what they wanted by having her around to watch
over, and she was able to be near the life she coveted. The death of
their parents while she was in high school had been hard on them all,
but it seemed to be the go-ahead switch for Josh and Tyler to become
strict father figures. There were times she could use that to her
advantage, and there were other times, like now, that it only kept her
back from living the life she wanted. And she wanted this.

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“Yes,” Amy answered, albeit shakily. She’d come this far. She

wasn’t backing down now. “I’m ready.”

Ms. Van Camp nodded toward Mr. Calihan, who stood up in a

somewhat rumpled suit and walked behind her to where the office
door was located. If that suit had been on any other man, he would
have appeared unkempt, yet all that she could think of was that Mr.
Calihan carried it off in a sensual manner. Amy shook her head,
knowing that it was just her nerves getting to her. She watched as he
turned the knob and opened the door.

Amy was one hundred percent positive that this is what she

wanted, so why then was she so full of apprehension? She wasn’t sure
what she was expecting, but it certainly wasn’t the two men who
entered the office. Maybe somehow she knew that this would never
happen, that she would never get her chance of living out her fantasy,
for seeing who Ms. Van Camp had chosen for her had just dashed any
hopes that she may have had. Or maybe she had just conjured them up
in her minds and they really weren’t standing there. Amy blinked.
Then blinked again. Nope, it was definitely them.

Of all the Dominants in the Chicago area, Ms. Van Camp had to

go and choose Chad Westworth and Alec Brewer—friends of her
brothers and men that she would have given anything to be able to fall
to her knees for. Impossible as it was.

Chad looked just as devastating as ever, dressed in a black

gabardine suit with a gray and blue silk tie, knotted to Windsor
perfection. As owner of an art gallery, he always dressed to impress.
His short black hair was styled with precision, which was totally
opposite of Alec. The artist that her brothers had become friends with
was slightly taller than Chad, with a leaner frame, which she knew
from previous conversations came from him getting so absorbed with
work that he forgot to eat. He was wearing his usual attire of faded
jeans and a white paint-flecked T-shirt. Amy had yet to see him wear
anything else. His brown hair looked like he hadn’t gotten it cut in
months, yet on him, it looked sexy. They both had an effect on her

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that she was successful in ignoring, mainly due to their relationship
with her brothers. The remaining part of her was scared to death with
how they made her feel. No, it would have been better for everyone if
Ms. Van Camp had placed her with another pair of Doms. Better yet,
only one Dom.

Amy looked at James, knowing that he had to see the despair on

her face. She didn’t even try to hide it. That fake tour through Europe
that he’d set up was looking pretty good right about now. She
wondered if he could still get her tickets.

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Chapter Two

Chad looked at the woman that he’d longed for these past two

torturous years. The first time he saw Amy Bousch, she reminded him
of an angel with her white-blonde hair framing her face accentuating
her flawless milk-white skin and lush pink lips. Right now, she was
wearing a brown sweater dress that hugged her figure and emphasized
the seamless curve of her round breasts. He could see the faint lines of
her panties and swore from this day forward, there would be no
barrier between him and her pussy. Besides, Alec was more than
likely going to paint some type of corset on her otherwise nude body.
Paint was so much better than fabric, as it regularly disguised the fact
of nudity in public.

Amy was finally within his grasp and it was all he could do not to

take her in his arms and whisk her back to their apartment. He had
Alec to thank for this, for it was his idea to plant the idea of Safeword
LLC in Amy’s mind, hoping she’d take the bait. It had been easy to
get another submissive to lay the groundwork. The rest was in Amy’s
delicate hands. This whole deal would be a gigantic leap of faith for
all of them in a number of different ways.

Unfortunately, Chad knew they needed to overcome this

trepidation she’d acquired regarding Josh and Tyler’s consent. Amy
would soon come to realize that she needed only his and Alec’s
approval on her new path. She’d finally gotten enough strength to step
out of her brothers’ shadow and reach for what she wanted. Did she
have enough left to see this through? God, he hoped so.

He could tell immediately through those expressive blue eyes and

her palpable body language when she instantly recoiled upon seeing

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them that she was looking for a way out. There was no way in hell he
was going to let her get away now. Being friends with her brothers
didn’t negate the fact that they shared chemistry between them. He
once even broached the subject when he’d been at the club to deliver
a few of Alec’s paintings. She had hid behind her desk and files, like
a frightened dove refusing to see him directly in front of her. It was
time that his angel grew wings.

“Angel, it’s been a while.” Chad noticed that she looked at James,

almost as if she were begging him to take her away. Over his very
possibly dead body, seeing as neither of them could prove much of a
match for James if he interceded on her behalf. “Kennedy, James,
could you give us a few minutes alone?”

“That won’t be necessary,” Amy said, turning back and placing

some papers on Kennedy’s desk. Chad assumed it was their contract.
“Ms. Van Camp, thank you for your help, but I’m going to have to
decline this placement.”

“Amy, before you make such a hasty decision, please bear with


“There’s no need.” Amy spun back around and picked her purse

up out of the chair. She swung the strap over her shoulder before
meeting his gaze. “Chad and Alec, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t
mention this to Josh or Tyler.”

“Enough.” Alec had always said if they were going to be the

appropriate Doms for Amy that Chad needed to stop treating her as if
she were made of china. It wasn’t until this moment, seeing her
reaction to Alec’s demands, that Chad realized his dear friend was
right. Those pink lips that haunted his dreams parted, taking in air
with a hiss, as crimson swamped her cheeks. He wondered what she
might look like in the throes of an orgasm, flushed with desire.
“Kennedy and James, if you would please give us a moment to sort
out a few minor details?”

“Of course, Alec.” Kennedy walked around her polished

mahogany desk and continued toward the door behind James. “James

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and I have some matters to discuss in his office anyway. Please just
inform my receptionist, Jenny, should the three of you decide to
proceed with the signing of the contract.”

“Thank you,” Alec murmured, not taking his eyes off of Amy.
“You can’t do that,” Amy said, arguing with him even though

Kennedy and James proceeded to leave the office. She’d definitely
gotten her wind back and her blue eyes were sparking with irritation.
The door shut distinctly behind them. “Damn it! I’m not some simple
girl who’s going to kneel at your feet and forget the reasons why this
won’t work. No, scratch that—can’t work.”

“And why’s that? Because you are still the little girl that’s afraid

of what her big brothers might think?”

“That’s unfair and you know it,” Amy declared. It wouldn’t have

surprised Chad had she stamped her foot with that sentence, but she
held her ground. “They’ve raised me since high school. Josh and
Tyler would be crushed if they found out that I want—”

“Happiness, fulfillment?” Alec asked, not giving an inch.
“Chad, would you explain this to him?” Amy asked.
Chad stared at her for a moment, letting her simmer a bit. He

figured now wasn’t the best time to tell her that when he and Alec
sought out Safeword LLC’s services, they came clean with Kennedy
regarding their fascination with Amy. They explained the reasons
why it was impossible for them to pursue her, along with Amy’s
reluctance to break free of her brothers. Josh and Tyler weren’t bad
men. In fact, they were upstanding, quite honorable, and loved their
baby sister. They were just majorly overprotective, but Chad and Alec
were positive that once the shock wore off, Josh and Tyler would be
very pleased that their little sister had the right two men to look after

“Chad? Please tell me that you still have some semblance of

sanity left in your head.”

Chad noticed that Alec’s eyebrow rose with her comment. He had

no doubt that Alec was ready to take a seat and flip her over his knee

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for a good spanking, although that wasn’t his usual forte. Alec was
the more passionate of the two, creating scenes and then wanting to
capture them on canvas while Chad carried out the act. He was also
the one to institute the discipline and punishments. Her attitude
certainly needed some measure of adjustment, and he wondered how
she would handle his cane on her ass.

Kennedy, at first, refused to even take them on as clients, saying

she wouldn’t accept trickery as a way of placement. They struck a
deal that if he and Alec could persuade Amy to submit an application
and Kennedy divined she met their particular requirements as their
submissive, then she would place Amy in their hands. If Kennedy
decided Amy wasn’t an appropriate companion for them, they were to
step back and allow her to do her job in Amy’s best interests. Chad
hadn’t wanted to take the chance, but Alec had been confident. Now
all they needed to do was persuade Amy.

“Josh and Tyler will accept this part of you,” Chad said, trying to

reassure her.

“Oh my God. We are talking about the same two men who’ve

warned every Dom in the tri-state area that I’m off limits, right? And
you two think they’ll be okay with their friends screwing, no better
yet, Topping their sister? Or did you forget that small part of the

“That’s your insecurities talking,” Alec replied, crossing his arms.

“You’ve made it this far, Amy. Why not take the chance to let
yourself be happy?”

“You two have lost your minds,” Amy declared, throwing her

purse back in the chair and placing her hands on her hips. “You know
how Josh and Tyler are going to react. You’ll be lucky if they don’t
kill you.”

“Then let’s take this apart piece by piece, angel,” Chad said. Alec

was right anyway. It was past the point of no return for them. Amy
had finally taken a step in their direction. Although she hadn’t known
it at the time, it was still a step in the right direction. “You let me

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know if I’m missing anything. One, you took a two-month vacation to
see if this is what you’ve always truly desired. Two, if it works out,
you’ll tell Josh and Tyler that you’re actually a submissive. Three,
you’ve been attracted to Alec and me for years but haven’t had the
guts to act on it. Four, you were secretly hoping that it would be us
coming through this door. So why not sign the contract, angel?”

Amy’s blue eyes dilated, as her hands slowly wrapped their way

around her waist. She was feeling vulnerable, and Chad could clearly
recognize that. In a way, he had the same feeling of susceptibility
when it came to her. The only difference was he was confident they
would make this work. He and Alec could give her what she needed

“It’s not that simple and you know it,” Amy whispered.

“This…this would change everything.”

“Is that not what you want?”
“It’s—I already feel bad enough deceiving them. How do you

think they are going to feel when they find out I’ve submitted to the
two of you?”

“Isn’t that a part of yourself that you are giving up to us? We’ll

make the decision on when to tell them and how. You can leave that
burden to your Doms. All you need to fret yourself with is pleasing

The desire that flashed over her features was unmistakable, yet

Chad could tell she was still hesitant. Giving in to his most basic need
to touch her, he closed the distance between them. When he cupped
her face with his palms, Amy rested her hands on his arms. This was
the first time that he’d touched her, really touched her, and he took a
moment to savor their connection.

“You’re too…familiar,” Amy said, closing her eyes and breathing

deeply. “You’re my brothers’ friends. I–I don’t think—”

“You’re not going to deny yourself right now. Keep your eyes

closed,” Chad whispered softly, “and try to visualize the picture we’re
painting for you. You’re standing naked before us. Your hands are

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clasped behind your head, thrusting your pert breasts forward,
begging for the slightest touch. Your feet are spread apart, giving
either of us access to your hot, wet core. Your clit is engorged and
throbbing in time with your heartbeat. We’ve given you one
instruction and that is not to move. Alec is standing in front of us, a
canvas set up on an easel to capture the marks that I’m about to leave
on your flawless skin from the crop in my hand. I raise it and bring it
down on the perfect globe that is your right breast. You moan as the
heat from the sting travels through your upper body. Do you obey me
and stand still for more?”

“Yes, Master,” Amy whispered, swaying toward him, caught up in

the vision he was creating.

Chad’s cock swelled at the title she just bestowed upon him in one

breath. Two years he’d waited for those words to cross her lips and
they were sweeter than he’d imagined. Leaning down, although not
wanting to break the spell that was surrounding them, Chad softly
claimed her mouth and relished her sweet taste. Amy leaned into him,
opening herself up and letting him take his fill. He did and then
reluctantly pulled away, knowing now was not the time for this.

“Are we too familiar now?” Chad asked, knowing the question

would shock her out of the reverie that he’d created. If he and Alec
had any chance of making Amy see that they belonged together, they
needed to keep her off balance enough for her to feel instead of think.
Her mind and sense of obligation to her brothers were the only things
that stood in the way of their happiness. “If not, are you willing to
explore what we’ve been waiting patiently for?”

Amy’s lashes fluttered, revealing her translucent blue eyes as she

thudded back down to reality. She quickly stepped back, looking at
both of them as if she knew they could give her what she needed, but
afraid to reach out and take it. Chad refrained from glancing behind
him, hoping that Alec was wise enough to keep his mouth shut. He
wasn’t known for his patience outside of the bedroom. Although,
Chad agreed that Amy needed a firm hand so that her intelligent mind

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didn’t take over her raw emotions. Perseverance was what was needed
right now, with his cane to enforce their rule at a later date.

“You make it sound as if we are the only ones affected by this.

What happens if I find out that I’m not, you know,” Amy said,
waving her hand around as if it would make her words magically
materialize. She took a deep breath and seemed to recover just a bit,
much to Chad’s dismay. “I know that we’re technically not friends,
but it would ruin whatever type of relationship we could ever hope to
have when you show up at the club. What happens then? Do we
pretend nothing happened? Do we still tell Josh and Tyler?”

Chad felt Alec move and shook his head slightly, hoping his

friend didn’t fuck this up. Alec kept walking and passed both of them,
picking up a pen that was lying in the middle of Kennedy’s desk.
Using it, he scrawled his signature across a piece of paper, which
Chad assumed was their contract. Turning, he didn’t offer it to either
of them as he leaned against the mahogany wood and crossed his
arms in a familiar pose. Alec had always stood like that when he was
determined, even when they were younger.

“The first thing we are going to do when you arrive at our

apartment tonight is shut off your thoughts.” Alec clicked the pen
multiple times, showing his lack of patience. He didn’t like to be out
of his studio for a long period of time and Chad knew that he was
dying to get Amy in there as well. “You think too much. Hand over
your thoughts, emotions, and worries to us. It’s that simple.”

“It’s not that simple, Alec!”
“Yes, it is. Once you sign your name above ours, the only thing

you have to concern yourself with is our approval. And what would
make me happy is to capture the look of release on your face when
you realize that all you ever needed was us.”

“That is such an arrogant thing to say,” Amy said, although her

protests were lessening.

“True. But you dream of us.” Alec slowly unraveled his arms.

Amy remained silent, allowing them an unspoken affirmation. “Your

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mind wants to submit. Your body craves our touch. Your
preconceived objections are the only thing stopping you. It is odd that
as Chad’s angel, you certainly have been bedeviling us for far too

The only sound in the room was the hum of the heat coming out

of the vent. Neither one of them said a word while Amy’s thoughts
obviously ran rampant through her mind. Chad was impressed with
Alec’s placidity, when he knew the turmoil that was raging inside of
him. Amy didn’t know it yet, but Alec and she had more in common
than she knew. It wasn’t his place to tell her, and he would never
betray Alec’s confidence, but Chad knew that Amy was exactly what
Alec needed to feel whole again. She was really Alec’s angel.

“If you can promise me that if this doesn’t work out, my brothers

are never to know, then I will sign that contract,” Amy said in a soft
voice, almost afraid they wouldn’t be able to agree to what she

“Topping from the bottom?” Alec asked, his right brow raising.

He held the pen out for her reach. “We agree to your terms, but know
that this will be the only time you will ever be permitted to Top from
the bottom. Chad likes a brat sometimes, because it allows him to use
his cane. Me? Not so much. If you’d like to find out what happens to
spoiled little brat subs, try me sometime. A cane doesn’t compare to
the punishments I have in mind.”

“I’m not spoiled, so that shouldn’t be a problem,” Amy said, with

a haughtiness in her voice that was bound to get her in trouble.

She took the proffered pen and stepped around Alec, quickly

signing her name as if she were afraid the paper would disappear.
Chad didn’t hesitate either, cementing the contract with his own
signature. It was time to give their angel some wings.

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Chapter Three

Amy was actually standing in Chad and Alec’s apartment in

nothing but a sheer white robe. She walked around Alec’s studio,
reflecting on the day instead of focusing on the upcoming evening.
She’d never been so nervous in all her life, but at the same time, she’d
never felt more alive. After having signed the contract, the hours had
flown by in a hectic rush. James had taken her to some upscale spa
where a woman by the name of Janet had depleted her of every single
hair on her body below her neck and none too gently at times. Amy
figured she ought to be grateful for the hair she’d left on her head, but
wasn’t about to voice her opinion just in case the evil woman pulled
out another strip of wax. She felt guilty for painting Janet in such a
horrible light, because she really was a nice lady even if she was
much too familiar.

Seeing a painting that caught her interest, Amy reached for the

canvas only to see her hand shaking. Closing her fingers and making a
fist, she reminded herself to breathe. She was very nearly nude in the
apartment of the two men she had only ever known as friends of her
brothers. Just the fact of being on display to them whenever they
chose to look set her world on fire. When she’d made up her mind to
seek out the services of Safeword LLC, this was the last place she
thought she’d end up. Yet, something deep within her knew that she
wasn’t meant to be anywhere else. That didn’t stop the turmoil that
raged within her or the fact that she had no idea what would happen

“I usually stick to submissives as my subjects, but once in a while

I like to capture the virility of a Dominant.”

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Amy spun around, seeing Alec leaning against the doorway. She

had to suppress her initial reaction to cover herself. He observed her
body so casually from across the room. His hair was almost as long as
hers, but he was able to pull it off in a masculine way. She kept hers
chin length just because it got in the way of her working over receipts
and ledgers. Their differences seemed so vast. Did she really think she
had what it took to be his submissive? Maybe she would have been
better off with a CEO or some type of professor. Doubts started to
circulate in her head and she tucked her hair behind her ears, trying to
buy her some time to think of something to say.

“Do you recognize who it is?”
Alec’s question caught her off guard. She quickly glanced back at

the painting of a collar dangling from a man’s hand. Looking closely,
she knew immediately who was holding the collar. Chad’s hands were
unmistakable. She’d handed him countless checks in regards to Alec’s
paintings in the past, often wondering how the strong, callused palm
of his hand would feel against the smooth, pale skin on her bare ass.
Her brothers had a fascination with the sensual art and had made sure
the walls of their club emitted the same aura. What they weren’t
aware of was her appeal to the artist and the gallery owner.

“I see that you do. I should inform you that since you are now in

our hands, you’ll be my subject.”

“What?” Amy whipped her head around at his statement. What

had he said? She wasn’t model material. She was a bookkeeper, for
crying out loud. “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea.” Even as she said
it, the realization that her body would be on public display caused her
nipples to throb.

“Really?” Alec asked, humor evidently lacing his tone. He crossed

his arms. “I hadn’t realized our roles had switched. Are you a

“Of course not,” Amy said, protesting and almost laughing at the

thought of trying to dominate Alec. “I meant that I’m just not—”

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“In charge?” Amy swooned as Chad walked into the room,

bypassing his friend. Now two men watched her barely obscured,
hairless, nude body. She was on display as she had fantasized so
many times in her dreams. He held something pink in his hand. What
was it?

“Yes. And I’m relatively sure I warned her of that. Am I wrong?”
“No, you’re not wrong, Alec. But I think you ought to let this

infraction pass.” Alec laughed, obviously thinking Chad was joking.
She hoped not, because she really didn’t want to start off on the
wrong foot. She’d witnessed punishments at the club countless times
and Amy wasn’t ready for that just yet. Chad walked up to her and
she knew that he saw the pleading look in her eyes. Before she could
say anything, Amy realized what was in his hands. “You were the one
who mentioned our angel thinks too much. Well, I have just the cure
for that problem.”

Amy almost laughed out loud. Did Chad and Alec really think that

a vibrator was going to shut off her racing thoughts? Albeit, this
vibrator looked a little different from the ones she used on herself, but
weren’t they all the same? This wasn’t exactly the scene she thought
would play out, especially in comparison to the ones she’d seen at the

“I want to capture the look on her face as all thought leaves her

mind,” Alec said, uncrossing his arms and walking to where a blank
canvas sat on an easel. Oil paints were on a tray beside him, with
various-size brushes. All of a sudden, his mood changed from a
sensual man to that of a consumed artist. “In the middle, please.”

Amy wondered what Alec meant by that, but soon realized he

intended to have Chad position her in the middle of the studio where
one overhead light fixture was directed downward. Her level of
excitement grew twofold as she realized the scant garment would fade
to nothing under the studio light. While Alec started to open jars and
set up his area, Chad continued to talk to her as if this was an ordinary

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event. It was very disconcerting, because she was trying her hardest to
concentrate on what he wanted her to do.

“I have a very big showing for an up-and-coming artist next

weekend.” Chad loosened the belt of her sheer veil and peeled it off
her shoulders. Realizing she was denied even the see-through robe,
her cunt moistened to a level she knew would not go unnoticed.
Although the air felt ever so slightly chilled, the heat from the stage
light above made her feel as if she were out in the sun. “Alec has
picked out the most elegant, yet sensual, dress for you to wear.”

Chad’s eyes raked over her body. She heard what he was saying,

but all Amy was concerned about was what he thought of her
presentation. Were her breasts big enough? Did they like her curves?
Her nipples puckered even harder, as he seemed to drink in the sight
of her. Would he touch her in front of Alec?

“Of course, you’ll not be allowed to wear anything underneath.”

Her heart sprinted at the thought, going out to an event with no
panties to hide her wet pussy and no bra to conceal her erect nipples.
Chad held up the pink vibrator, although it looked to be an elongated,
flattened, two-inches of silicone that held a natural curve. Attached to
the device were black straps that seemed to be adjustable. “The
material is just thin enough that people will wonder if it is sheer or
just a trick of their imagination.”

Amy wished he would stop talking. Ever since her only clothing

had dropped, her body felt as if every nerve had awakened. When
she’d finally accepted them as her Dominants, visions of the scenes
that took place in her brothers’ club had flooded her mind. She’d
always wondered what it would feel like to be spanked, flogged, and
caned. The subs that were paraded around the club with nothing more
than a collar always prompted her to dream at night that she was in
their place. Were the Doms proud of their submissives’ bodies? Is that
why they exhibited them? Could it be that it excited the other
submissives as much as it did her? Was it just the thought of being

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displayed and could she survive the embarrassment of actually
showing herself to strangers in public?

“If you keep daydreaming and thinking of something other than

your Doms’ approval, Alec will keep thinking of ways to shut your
thoughts off.” Chad leaned down and tapped one ankle. She lifted her
foot as he slid one strap up her calf. He did the same to the other side.
Amy figured they could try every trick in the book to shut off her
rampant thoughts, but it wasn’t going to work. At this point, it was all
she could do to hide her uncertainty. This wasn’t going the way she
expected. “As I was saying, along with your attire next Friday
evening, Alec will make sure you’re adorned with his paint for the
club scene afterward. We’ll be going to The Point.”

Amy really was trying to listen to Chad, as well as curb her

disappointment at not experiencing a flogging of some sort, but his
hands nearing her body was distracting. He fastened the straps around
her legs, making sure they fit snug against her inner thighs. When his
finger ran inside her folds, Amy stopped breathing. It had happened
so suddenly, without any warning, that the jolt of stimulation
produced a creamy reaction in the very core of her pussy. He couldn’t
have missed how dripping wet she was.

“Legs farther apart.” Was it just her imagination or had Chad’s

voice deepened? Her heartbeat was pounding against her eardrums.
He’d told her to do something, hadn’t he? Yes, yes, he did. Amy
shifted her feet, parting her legs farther and in the process, giving him
even more access. He used two fingers to smear her juices over her
engorged clit before parting her folds wide and settling the vibrator
directly on the sensitive nub. “Where should your hands be?”

Damn it! Chad was still talking when all she wanted to do was

feel. How Amy managed to lift her hands up and link them behind her
neck, she didn’t know. But when Chad placed his fingers onto her
nipples and rolled the hardened pebbles, Amy let out a moan. How
could she feel like this with only his fingers on her body?

“Now be a good girl and let Alec capture this moment.”

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The second Chad released his hold on her nipples, Amy felt the

vibrator start to move. It was a low setting, but at this point it didn’t
matter. She felt herself begin to climb that first wave, yet knew she
would need something more. She watched as Chad stepped away,
clearing the view for Alec. His green eyes deepened as they took in
the sight of her, which only seemed to fuel her desire. He seemed to
like what he saw.

“Do you feel the heat of the light?” Chad’s voice dripped over her

skin like honey, as the heat warmed every exposed inch of her skin.
Amy closed her eyes, soaking in the sensations. “You must remember
not to move.”

Amy hadn’t realized her hips had been gyrating in a familiar

rhythm, but how did they expect her to stay still? She opened her
heavy lids, seeing Alec standing in front of her, his eyes glued to her
pussy. What exactly did he see? She wanted him to see her displayed
for him. She needed to show herself to both of them.

“Answer me, angel. Do you feel the heat? Is it warming your


“Yes, Master,” Amy whispered, standing there and subjecting

herself to their decision not to allow her to move. It seemed as if the
vibrations were taking over her body. She bit her lip to keep from
crying out.

“More,” Alec demanded.
“Ah, Sir Alec wants you to feel more.” More. She wanted more.

She did. The vibrations became stronger. “Is your heart racing?”

Amy tried to follow his questioning. She really did. But all she

wanted to do was feel.

“Angel, is your heart racing?”
“Yes, Master,” Amy said, almost desperately. She wanted him to

be quiet.

“Feel everything—each breath you breathe, each beat of your

heart, the grip of your fingers, the stance of your legs. You’re
standing there, taking pleasure given by us.”

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The vibrations felt deeper. Amy felt every description he gave as

if it were imbedded within her. She had no idea how long she stood
there, but nothing had ever felt so right to her. Her body was like a
sponge soaking up water that it had been deprived of for years.
Everything around her had faded into nothing. The only thing that
existed was the pleasure they were bestowing on her and the need for
their approval. She didn’t move and just accepted. It was euphoric.

Suddenly everything stopped. The heat disappeared.
“Ah!” Amy cried out, her eyes flying open. Chad and Alec stood

before her.

“Very good, angel,” Chad said softly.
“You didn’t think,” Alec interjected. “You felt. Good girl.”
Amy breathed deeply, loving the approval that laced their tone.

Her body still felt like it was on some precipice, ready to fall, but was
now held just out of reach. Chad leaned down, taking the vibrator off
of her clit. The loss of sensation was almost painful and she had to
bite her lip to keep from crying out.

“I think that’s enough for tonight,” Chad said, standing and

handing the toy to Alec. “I’ll tuck her in while you clean up.”

“I think I’ll sketch for a bit. I still have some images that I need to

get down.”

It took a moment for what they were saying to register. The first

thing that struck her was that they were not going to give her relief.
Her body was so wired, even the air seemed to wind around her every
nerve. When Chad swept her up into his arms, Amy couldn’t help but
moan and wrap her arms tightly around his neck. The second point to
register was that Alec wasn’t joining them. Why? She tried to focus,
but her body was pulling her in a different direction.

She didn’t hear the rest of the conversation, but instead felt Chad

carry her through the apartment to the bedroom they had originally
said was hers. She thought it odd, thinking they would want her to
sleep with them, but had dismissed it. Now, as Chad laid her on the
bed, Amy couldn’t help but wonder why.

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“Master, why am I to sleep here? And why didn’t you—”
“Calling me Chad is fine when we’re not in a scene or engaged as

a Dom and sub, angel.” He sat on the side of the bed and pulled the
covers over her, as if he had he known a chill had settled in. “As for
why you’re sleeping in your own room, we think it best until the
annex of the contract comes through.”

Amy had enough lucidity now to know he was talking about the

clause that Ms. Van Camp had instituted in their contract. There was
to be no intercourse within the first week, although they could
commence with oral sex should they so desire. She was willing.
Weren’t they?

“Angel, we aren’t looking at this as a temporary thing. We’ve

waited a long time to possess you. There’s no need to rush this.”

“As for why you did not receive an orgasm, that is your

punishment for Topping from the bottom earlier.” Chad tucked a
strand of hair behind her ear. The tender affection from that gesture
made her chest fill with something she’d never experienced. That had
happened a lot today. Chad leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her
forehead. “Let’s hope tomorrow goes better. Good night, angel.”

“Good night,” Amy murmured, watching him leave.
Chad had left the door open and for that, she was grateful. She

hadn’t realized how exhausted she was and not just physically. She
tried to run through the day’s events, but her mind started to shut
down. Her last thought as she drifted off to sleep was that they had
actually gotten her to feel instead of think. They had known what
she’d needed. Amy smiled, trying to ignore her body’s need for relief,
and snuggled deeper into her pillow. Tomorrow was a new day of

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Chapter Four

“You look like shit.”
Alec was standing in the kitchen. He looked over his coffee mug

to see Chad dressed in his usual business suit. That’s right, he
thought. It was Saturday. Chad usually stopped by his art gallery and
made sure things were running smoothly. Naughty images of what
Alec could do to Amy while he was gone ran through his mind. That
prompted a smile.

“I’m feeling better,” Alec replied, taking another sip.
“I bet you are,” Chad said, conceding his point and obviously

knowing exactly where Alec’s train of thought had led. “I’ll be back
this afternoon. She’s still sleeping, but after such an emotional roller
coaster yesterday, it doesn’t surprise me. Hell, it looks like you could
use a little more shut-eye yourself.”

“I’m good,” Alec said, brushing off Chad’s concern. His friend

always worried too much about his sleep habits. “What? I got a few
hours. I’m fine for the day.”

“No, you’re not.”
“Don’t,” Alec warned, knowing exactly where Chad wanted to

take this conversation. He took another sip of caffeine, hoping to
fortify himself for the upcoming topic. “I’m fine. I told you that Amy
was meant to be ours, and I believe it. But don’t try to make me feel
things I can’t.”

“You’re the one putting limits on what you can feel, otherwise

you would have joined me in her room. Instead, you stayed in your
studio.” Chad walked around him and reached into a cabinet to pull
out a travel mug. Taking the carafe, he poured himself a hefty amount

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before replacing it on the burner. Securing the lid, Chad turned and
leaned up against the counter beside him. Damn it, Alec hated when
Chad got into one of his lecture modes. “We’ve known her for years,
although I realize it was platonic. Now that she’s with us twenty-four
seven for the next two months, it’s an easy slide downhill into
developing a meaningful relationship, maybe even love. Just do me a
favor and don’t shut her out. Ruby wouldn’t want that either.”

“Love? She’s been here for less than twenty-four hours, so let’s

hold off with that shit. I told you I’m good with having her as our
permanent sub. That should be good enough for you, so don’t push
me too hard. You ought to understand, considering we had the same
upbringing. And don’t bring Ruby into this.”

“Somewhere along the way, you derailed, friend.” Chad didn’t

make a move to leave, making Alec antsy. He really didn’t want to
have this conversation today. “As for you going to the lengths you did
to make sure that Kennedy gave us a fair shake regarding Amy, that
tells me you feel a connection. An emotional one that even you can’t
deny. And speaking of Ruby, we need to stop by and see her.”

“You’re pissing me off, Chad,” Alec said irritated, draining his

cup and purposefully not mentioning Ruby again. He would stop by
her place this afternoon, just so he didn’t have to go when Chad did.
The two of them ganging up on him wasn’t fair. “You’re not my

“You won’t go to a therapist,” Chad said, pointing out the

obvious. “You’re not leaving me much choice, but hey, I’m a good
enough psychiatrist in a pinch. I figure that picture of Amy last night
ought to cover the costs.”

Okay, Alec thought. That was funny. He gave a wry smile and

stared into his empty cup. It was nice to know that his friend still had
his back. It made him remember back when Chad had covered for his
ass during their senior year.

Alec had always been fascinated with sensual lines of a woman’s

body and had painted a picture of the homecoming queen in all her

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glory, wearing nothing but her crown. What was her name? Mary
Beth Wilkins, that was it.

Alec had been discreet about it though, and had placed the crown

directly over one of her breasts. He hadn’t seen anything wrong with
the picture, and had even submitted it for the art competition that
year. It wasn’t as if he’d painted her face, but Chad knew that her
birthmark on her hip was plain as day and that her father was one of
the judges. Chad had snuck into the school and switched out his
painting with another one of his works, albeit a tamer vision of a
woman’s back with her hair draped down her spine. With no
distinguishing blemishes, even Chad didn’t know that it was their
math teacher. Alec still had to pony up Mary Beth’s painting as
payment for Chad ensuring that he didn’t get expelled, which ended
up selling for forty-three thousand dollars. Chad started the art gallery
with that money.

“Payment for services rendered, huh?”
“Hey, it’s worked for me in the past,” Chad replied, pushing off of

the counter. “Although, I don’t think I’d be able to sell this one.”

“I’d break your neck if you did,” Alec said, hoping that Chad was

about to get off of his soapbox and head into the gallery. “The
opening for the new artist is Friday. Is he ready?”

“Yes. Francis Wholten. He should sell, but there are some pieces

that are questionable. Speaking of showings, yours is in three weeks.
You still have two pieces to round out the collection.”

“On it,” Alec said, images of Amy’s body in various poses

swimming through his head. He’d end up with more than two pieces
by the time opening night came and would let Chad choose which
ones he wanted for the showing. “If you’d leave me alone for more
than five minutes, maybe I’d complete them.”

“Fine.” Chad started walking toward the door. Over his shoulder,

he called out, “Don’t think I’m done pissing in your oats, because I’m

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“Yeah, yeah,” Alec muttered, turning and pouring himself another

cup. “It’s a good thing you didn’t get a degree in psychiatry. We’d be

“I heard that,” Chad yelled, before the door shut behind him.
Alec shook his head, knowing that Chad cared for him as a

brother and wanted to make the most of what they could potentially
have with Amy. Alec wouldn’t screw this up for Chad, but most
importantly, he wouldn’t fuck this up for him. For once in his life, he
was ready to own a sub. He knew that own was an extreme word, but
that was how he viewed it—ownership.

Inspiration hit, the way it normally did, and Alec quietly made his

way out of the kitchen and down the hallway to his studio in his bare
feet. Grabbing his sketchpad and charcoals, while balancing his
coffee, Alec ambled toward Amy’s bedroom door. Lying in the bed
was Chad’s angel, the morning sun allowing a beam to slip through
the shades and touch the skin of her abdomen. Her head lay on the
plush pillow with her blonde hair framing her face and her hands
above her head. The curve of her body, with the angle of one leg, was
sensual in nature and created such a natural pose that Alec didn’t have
to change a thing. The key to his drawing would be the golden sheet
that seemed to curve itself around her belly button and drape itself
half on her body, nearly covering one pale pink nipple. It seemed to
have a life of its own and wanted to mark her erotic pose.

Not wanting to disturb her before he was able to capture her

vision, Alec set down his items on the dresser and crossed the room.
Picking up a wooden chair, which he knew to be antique because
Chad’s taste wouldn’t have it any other way, Alec set it down a foot
from the bed, off toward the side. Walking back to the dresser, he
fortified himself with another shot of caffeine before choosing the
right charcoal. He saddled the chair, placing the sketchpad on the
back in a perfect height for what he needed. Alec set to work and time
slipped by.

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An hour later, Alec was still in the same place, although his

drawing was complete and lay next to his chair. He couldn’t seem to
take his eyes off of her and as Amy stirred, he saw her lashes flutter
open to reveal a rare glimpse of her naïve innocence—beautiful and
totally unguarded before her head filled with its usual all-consuming
nonsense. He knew it took a moment for her to register that she
wasn’t at home. When it hit her, Alec was pleased to hear the tiny
gasp that crossed her lips. His cock stirred.

“Good morning,” Alec murmured, resting his arms across the

back of the chair and placing his chin on the back of his forearms.

Amy’s head swung his way and he took in her sleepy smile the

way he’d been drinking his coffee. She was his and he could swear he
felt her narcotic presence travel through his bloodstream. Alec’s chest
filled with emotion and it was all he could do not to climb in that bed
with her and make his claim official. But he wouldn’t do that, at least
not without discussing it with Chad.

“Morning,” Amy replied softly.
When she reached the sheet to cover herself, Alec simply shook

his head. Amy stilled her movements and then watched his face for
signs of what she should do. That pleased him, a lot. Whether it was
because she’d just awoken, or she was learning slowly from last night,
Amy wasn’t letting her thoughts intrude on what her body needed.

Amy sleepily shifted until she balanced enough to stand on the

bed and stood as if on a pedestal before him. Alec let his gaze skim
over every inch of her body, taking in the gentle swell of her breasts
and the unflawed youthful curve of her hips. He noticed that her
toenails were painted a light pink, which matched the color of her lips
in their natural state. With his finger, he motioned for her to turn.
Amy did so without hesitation, giving him a view of her delicious
backside and the natural gap between her inner thighs framing her
equally pink lips. The sunlight successfully caught the liquid coating
the sensitive flesh and glimmered. His mouth watered, wanting to

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taste her but knowing that wasn’t what she needed right now. Alec
wanted to ensure that her thoughts didn’t intrude on their morning

“Open your nightstand and show me what you find.”
Amy knelt and closed the distance between her and the drawer.

Sliding it open, Alec smiled when he heard another hiss of air pass
her lips. She reached in and pulled out a medium-size butt plug, along
with the tube of lube he’d stuck in there, but his gut feeling was
saying he wouldn’t need much added lubrication. The moisture from
her pussy would be more than enough to help. Amy held it up for his
inspection. He already knew the pinkish color would contrast
beautifully with the black and white oil paints he’d planned to use.

“I’ve gotten another idea for a painting, so you’ve got twenty

minutes to shower and be in my studio with your new toy in hand.
Leave the lube. We won’t be needing any.”

Alec waited to leave the room while she laid the plug on the

mattress and placed the lube back in the nightstand. When she turned
and connected her gaze to his, he saw the excitement in Amy’s eyes at
adding something additional to their scenes. If he had his way, she’d
never lose that elation. The world was an open canvas just waiting to
be filled in. Each day, he and Chad would add something new or
change the dynamics to keep her wanting more.

“Alec, Sir?”
The words coated his soul as if she’d just tipped a bottle of

molasses over him. Alec raked his hand through his hair and cocked
his brow, wondering what she would ask. Had he waited too long and
now her doubts regarding their relationship were creeping back in?
Maybe he should talk to Chad about confronting Josh and Tyler
before their two months were up. At least that way, they wouldn’t
have such a dreaded confrontation hanging over their heads.

“Yes, Amy?”
“Where’s Master Chad?”
Alec smirked. “What? Are you afraid to be alone with me?”

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“No, Sir. I just wanted to bid him good morning as well.”
“He had to run into the gallery, but he’ll be home by mid-

afternoon. Hopefully, you won’t be too tired for him this evening.”
He knew the implication that he might wear her out would keep her
unbalanced. “You now have nineteen minutes.”

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Chapter Five

Eighteen minutes later, Amy walked into Alec’s studio clutching

the menacing monster plug. At least, that’s how she thought of it.
Although her body might be a virgin in the sense of never having
experienced BDSM, not that she was an actual virgin, Amy’s
thoughts and fantasies knew what to expect. But did they have to start
off with such a massive plug? She’d never had anything back there
and her only other sexual partner finished shortly after he began. Ever
since she’d laid eyes on this object of dread in the drawer, her ass
hadn’t stopped puckering.

“Right on time,” Alec said, unscrewing a lid from a jar full of

black paint. “I realize that your body must feel on edge after not
having received release last night, but if you can remain still for me
for a couple of hours, I’ll see what I can do about that.”

The promise of receiving an orgasm at his hands made Amy

realize she’d hold still for the entire day if he’d asked her. She wasn’t
going to tell him that though. Amy had waited such a long time to
have this in her life that she was afraid what would happen when they
told Josh and Tyler. She immediately dispelled the thought of her
brothers, knowing Alec would pick up on her train of thought. Amy
wouldn’t think about them—she wouldn’t.

“I’d like that, Sir.”
Alec gestured toward the area where they had her last night,

which was when she noticed a black wedge underneath the lone
golden beam from the light above. It was high and curved, but then
sloped down toward the ground. On either side of where she knew her
ankles would be, two steel hooks had been embedded into the

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hardwood floor. Had they always been there, or had Alec just
installed them?

“Remove your robe and position yourself over the wedge.”
Amy’s pussy quivered at his order. She took a deep breath,

knowing the position he wanted her to take would expose her to his
viewing pleasure along with the stroke of his brush capturing her
core. There was something about having a man look at her that
heightened her senses. It was hard to describe, but it made her
adrenaline surge as she felt exhilarated and desired. Was this painting
just for him or would this work of her be put on display at the gallery?
Maybe even the club.

“Yes, Sir.”
Still gripping the plug tightly, she let her robe slip over her

shoulders and down to her elbows. Removing the sheer material, Amy
hung it on a hook by the door. Taking a deep breath, she turned and
saw that Alec’s gaze was resting on her slender hips. Heat suffused
over her skin, like the warmth from the light last night.

“Position, please.”
Amy convinced her legs to move and quickly found herself

kneeling over the wedge. Alec knelt beside her, placing his large hand
on the small of her back. Pressing ever so slightly, he leaned her
forward until her body was draped over the warm black leather.
Immediately, the temperature of the light touched her skin as if she
was being submerged in hot water.

“Spread your legs farther apart.” Amy complied, feeling the heat

on her exposed crevice. Alec went to work on wrapping fur-lined
cuffs around her ankles and attaching them to the hooks in the floor,
which only managed to widen her knees. Her pussy needed something
to grab ahold of, but she knew that it was her ass that was about to
receive the wide implement. When Alec reached for the plug, she had
a hard time loosening her fingers from the glass, which is what she
assumed it was made of. “From your application, you’ve never

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experienced a plug. To make it easier for you to accept, I’m going to
take my time and ensure you that want it so badly, you ask me for it.”

“Sir? I don’t think—”
“Good. We established you shouldn’t think while you’re under

my care and within a scene. I’d say we’re off to a good start.” Amy
was startled when she felt the smooth glass run across her labia.
“While your pussy is feeling full, there is one more thing that I am
going to need for my painting. I want your ass to be as pink as this

With one hand, Alec slowly started to insert the plug into her

pussy. Her juices that were now freely flowing assisted in his
endeavor. His other hand caressed the warm skin of her backside. Did
he mean that he was going to spank her until he was satisfied with the
color of her ass?

Amy heard the slap before she felt the fire heat up her right cheek

in a totally different range of heat. It spread rapidly and much to her
amazement, her pussy answered by grabbing the glass plug like a fist.
Needing something to hold on to and having her hands free, Amy
curled her fingers around the edge of the mat. She was astonished to
find that she wanted more fire and held her breath, waiting and
praying for more.

Her left cheek felt the singe and Amy closed her eyes, savoring

the sensations. Alec pulled the plug out and then thrust it slowly back
in, her pussy liking the swell in the middle of the toy. When it reached
the base and her muscle practically closed in on itself, Alec would
draw it back out, widening her pussy. At the widest juncture, he
brought his hand back down.

“Sir, please.” Amy hadn’t meant to say those words, as they just

popped out, but she needed something more. Anything more.

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“You’ll have to ask for it better than that,” Alec replied, rapidly

bringing his hand down several times in a row until she was shifting
on the wedge. It wasn’t enough to be so spread open and have such a
little thing in her pussy. Had she just thought little? Oh my. Her body
was so tightly strung, she wasn’t sure anything could really fill her at
this point. “Your ass is now the perfect shade. Would you like to ask
me something now?”

“Please, Sir,” Amy murmured, having tucked her mouth into the

inside of her arm. “I want the plug.”

“You have the plug inside of you already.”
“I want the plug in my ass, Sir.”
“You’re saying what you want, but I’m not hearing you ask for

it,” Alec said in a stern tone that immediately produced more cream to
leak around the plug inside her pussy. “I’m starting to think you really
don’t want to experience anal play.”

“I do, Sir, I do,” Amy cried out. “Please, Sir, would you please put

my butt plug in my ass?”

“Anyone home?”
Amy immediately stopped gyrating her hips and held still. Did she

just hear what she thought she heard? Her heart started to race and a
light perspiration that had little to do with the light shining down on
her broke out over her skin. It wasn’t Chad’s voice she heard, but
James’s voice. Panic started to settle in and she started to rethink her
fantasies of exhibition.

“Sir, my robe,” Amy whispered. “It’s on the hook.”
“Why, yes it is,” Alec replied, humor lacing his agreement. “And

it’s a good place for it, if you ask me. James, we’re in my studio.”

Alec chose that moment to remove the plug from her pussy and

place the tip at her anus. Wanton need took over and her body
betrayed her by shifting her hips upwards in acceptance. What am I
doing, Amy thought in mortification. She heard footsteps enter the
room and knew that it wasn’t only her ass that was pink. Her entire
body felt flushed.

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“It’s good to see you, James.”
“Good morning. I see that my charge is doing rather well today.”
“Yes, she is,” Alec answered, inching the plug inside of her

gradually. Amy’s breathing had become shallow as she tried to
concentrate on the conversation, yet the stimuli that her body was
receiving overshadowed everything. James was watching and she
found that it excited her just as much as her fantasies did revolving
around walking into a room full of people with just a collar on.
“Would you like to watch as she experiences her first plug?”

Please say no. Please say yes. This tantalizing exhibition was

confusing her. Her body wanted James to watch as Alec made her
accept his toy, yet her mind was trying to tell her it was wrong. Her
body won out as Alec pushed the plug farther inside of her ass,
stretching the tight ring. Was it supposed to burn like that? She bit the
inside of her arm to keep from crying out.

“I think I can manage to spare a few minutes.”
James was staying. She felt the heat of his gaze watching her

sphincter expand around the pink toy. Amy clawed her fingernails
into the black leather, trying to relax her body, but found it was
impossible. The toy was simply too big.

“James, can you throw me the tube that’s on the counter? I

originally thought her cream would be enough, but she’s tighter than I

“My pleasure,” James replied, humor lacing his tone.
Within seconds, she felt something cool being dripped over the

plug and her sphincter. Her anus responded with a spasm. The sting
had morphed into flames.

“Amy, push out.”
“I can’t, Sir,” Amy replied, struggling for air as the burn


“Those words are to never cross your lips, do you understand me,

Amy?” The displeasure was evident in his voice and Amy felt like

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crying. She hadn’t meant to disappoint him, but why couldn’t he see
that the plug wasn’t going to fit? “I won’t tell you again. Push out.”

Amy felt her eyes sting as her vision blurred from the tears. James

was witnessing this and it was too much to handle, yet she knew that
Alec wasn’t about to let her get away with such an ill-mannered
attitude. Gathering what energy she had left, Amy arched her lower
back and pushed out. The widest part of the plug slid inside of her ass
and the base snapped snuggly against her crevice. The burning didn’t
diminish, but it was tolerable.

“I can see that you’ll need to work on her before taking her to The

Point,” James said. “I’m sure between you and Chad, you’ll have her
submitting in a graceful manner before attending the next Order
function as well.”

Order? What was the Order and why was it important she submit

properly? Amy quickly amended her thoughts, feeling as if she’d
disappointed Alec again. She should always submit to them, she
thought guiltily, regardless of how she felt about things. It was easier
to trust them than it would be men she didn’t know. They wouldn’t
steer her wrong and would make sure whatever decision they made
was in her best interest. Any questions she may have had flew out the
window when a small vibration kicked on within the butt plug.

“I didn’t realize that we had our work cut out for us. She did so

well last night, but I’ll let Chad handle today’s infraction.”

“Hmmm, he does like the use of his cane, now doesn’t he?” Amy

heard James’s shoes click on the hardwood as he turned to leave.
Cane? Had he said cane? She’d only witnessed one scene with a cane
and it wasn’t anything she wanted to experience. “I suggest a daily
count of infractions and have Chad administer one strike for each. It
did wonders for Hunter’s sub.”

“I’ll forward your recommendation, James. Thanks for stopping


“Oh, believe me, the pleasure is all mine,” James replied, his

enjoyment obvious. Amy felt another hot flash extend over her flesh.

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Was he taking one last look at her? Could he see the juices covering
the inside of her thighs from having him witness her having her
asshole stretched? “Enjoy.”

Silence overpowered the room, as Amy was forced to lie there and

accept the miniscule movement of the plug. Maybe she’d agreed too
hastily about her ability to remain still for a couple of hours as Alec
documented her image to paper. He had yet to say a word to her and
she wasn’t sure if it had to do with his disappointment over her
disobedience or if he was just absorbed in his work. Amy knew better
than to lift her head and try to turn around.

She heard the smallest sounds of the brush clinking against the

jars and then the slight swish of the bristles against the canvas. It
suddenly hit Amy that he might not have turned on the vibrator within
the plug if she’d only listened to him, thus enforcing his rule that she
be dutiful. Alec was driving his point home and she hoped that he
explained to Chad that he administered her punishment, because Amy
didn’t want to be on the receiving end of a cane.

Her clit was now throbbing with the need for relief while her

pussy produced spasm after spasm, wanting fulfillment. Her breasts
were flattened against the leather, yet there wasn’t enough friction to
produce any type of solace to her aching nipples. Amy rested her
cheek against the mat. In an odd way, she felt Alec’s care through his
discipline and tried to relish in that instead of the absent release that
she hadn’t been rewarded with.

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Chapter Six

Chad leaned against the frame of the bathroom door, soaking up

the steam and the vision before him. Amy was taking another shower,
at least according to Alec, and water droplets trailed down the frosted
door as her blurred image allowed him to see her raise her arms, using
her hands to brush the water from her hair. He’d missed a lot by going
into the gallery today. Alec had shared with him their morning scene
and Amy’s reaction to having James walk in on them. It was a very
interesting fact and one that would be useful to them in the future. She
was turning out to be exactly what they needed, especially Alec, not
that he would admit it yet.

Shrugging out of his jacket, Chad took a few steps back and

draped it over the chair that was sitting in the corner of her bedroom.
He then went to work on his blue cuff links and dress shirt, discarding
each item one by one. By the time he was naked, his cock was hard as
granite and his balls felt heavy. No matter that he needed relief, that
wasn’t his intention for what was about to happen.

In bare feet, he reentered the bathroom and winced as the

temperature of the cold tiles seeped into his heels. Chad closed his
hand on the silver handle of the shower door and pulled it open
slowly. Amy jumped and crossed her arms into an X over her chest as
the chill of the air swept over her body. He didn’t immediately step
into the shower and close them inside with the heat, but instead, stood
there admiring her beauty.

Amy’s frame was slight, with alabaster skin as white as milk, and

ample breasts that overflowed in her clutches. Water hung from her
lashes, seeming to magnify the translucent blue of her eyes. Her pink

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lush lips were still parted in surprise, revealing the pure whiteness of
her teeth. What would they feel like if they were to scrape over the tip
of his cock? His dick throbbed, craving the warmth of her mouth, but
Chad did his best to ignore the desperate need.

“Turn and face the wall,” Chad instructed, lowering his voice,

inferring that he didn’t intend to be disobeyed. “Hands high on the
tile, with your lower half a couple feet away and spread wide.”

Amy sucked her lower lip inside her mouth. Chad knew that she

had to be wondering if he was here to deliver a punishment.
According to Alec, she’d defied one of his instructions in front of
James. That was unacceptable, but they did have to take into account
that although she’d been around the lifestyle for years, she’d never
actually participated. That didn’t mean Chad would allow her to get
away with it, especially since he was the one who usually meted out
the discipline or punishment to their subs, but it wouldn’t be severe.
He was happy to see that she submitted, although slowly, and faced
the tile.

While Amy got into position, Chad looked around the shower

stall. It was large, although not as large as his personal shower, but it
would do. They had given Amy her separate space as the first week
commenced. He and Alec didn’t want to push her too fast, although
Alec usually ended up back in his own bed after doing a scene. Chad
was hoping that would change with Amy. Lord knew that his bed was
big enough.

Taking in the items he had to work with, Chad smiled as the scene

played out before him. Yes, he thought, he knew exactly how he
would discipline her, giving him an idea of how far he could push her
limits as well as give her pleasure. This was going to be interesting.

“I hear we had a visitor this afternoon,” Chad said, finally

stepping inside the stall and closing the door behind him. The water
was warm, but not hot enough for his liking. Amy was now in
position, although she had turned her head to see what he was doing

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as he reached for the hot-water handle. “Did I tell you that you could
see what I was doing? Eyes forward.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” Amy whispered, although she quickly fixed

her gaze on the beige tile in front of her.

“Alec let you off easy, in my opinion,” Chad said as he tested the

temperature of the water. Perfect. He then reached for the back
scrubber that was hanging from the showerhead. “Are you allowed to
question the instruction of your Dom?”

“N–no, Master,” Amy replied, her knuckles turning white as she

tried to dig her fingers into the unforgiving inlay.

“Alec and I agree that I am better at dealing with discipline and

punishments, which is unfortunate, because I had other plans for this
afternoon. But depending on how much of a good girl you are in
taking your penance, maybe I will see to it that we can incorporate
something more.”

“W–what is my punishment to be, Master?”
“I view this as discipline. I happen to be holding a back scrubber,

which has a perfect handle for my grip, as well as a wide wooden
back for the twenty smacks you are about to receive.”

“Twenty?” Amy asked, surprise evident in her voice. “I–Isn’t that

a b–bit much, Master?”

“It would have been, if you hadn’t questioned me,” Chad replied,

making sure the disappointment was evident in his voice. “To make
sure you understand what this discipline is to remind you of, I will
add a stroke of the bristles over each smack you receive. Now tell me
why I added to your chastisement just now.”

Amy didn’t immediately reply and Chad could see her ass

muscles clench as she realized what she’d just done. He smiled,
knowing that it was habit for her to question direction, yet yearning to
completely give in and allow someone to make decisions. It was their
job to ensure she learned to trust their instruction and after this
afternoon, he highly doubted she would question without thinking it
over first.

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“I–I questioned your decision, Master,” Amy responded, although

it sounded as if she spoke the words around gritted teeth. She was
already anticipating the sensations she was going to feel. Chad had
dealt out disciplines and punishments countless of times and knew
how to keep her on her toes—literally. “It won’t happen again,

“After I get through with your ass, you’re damn right it won’t.”
Chad was well aware that she was standing sideways to where the

hot liquid was raining down from the showerhead, thus covering her
ass with water. She would feel an additional sting because of this, but
that was all right with him. Alec handled insubordination a hell of a
lot better than him, and it served Chad to be the one to ensure that it
didn’t happen often, if at all.

Chad adjusted the grip on the wooden handle, making sure his

grasp was firm. The way he’d told Amy to position herself, her ass
was sticking out as if it was asking for the smacks he was about to
deliver. He figured after four, she would try to move away. He smiled
in anticipation.

Without a word, Chad shifted his stance so that his back was

directly to the water and then eased himself backward a little more to
ensure the water hit her skin. Deciding to make contact with her right
cheek first, he brought the brush out and then delivered her first
spanking. He contained a chuckle at the squeal that passed her lips
and nodded his head in gratification that her feet remained in place.
Quickly flipping the handle in his hand, Chad lightly scraped the
bristles down the already pinking skin.

“And how many is that, angel?”
“One, Master,” Amy replied, a tremor in her voice.
Ahh, Chad thought. It was dawning on her that the different

sensations were meant to draw diverse reactions. Spinning the handle,
Chad distributed another wallop, but this time on her left cheek.
Water splashed upon impact, leaving a pink oval mark to match the

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one on the right. Again, he spun it around and brushed the soft quills
over the mark.

“Two, Master.” Amy’s breath hitched as he pulled the brush away

from her skin. She was already anticipating another spanking. “I
won’t question you or Sir Alec again.”

“You have eighteen more to go to make sure that you don’t.”
“Oh,” Amy replied, but it seemed to have multiple syllables.
Chad alternated between the wood back and the bristles four more

times before he noticed her shift her feet closer to the walled tile. He
had her count out each one, making sure that she remained in the
moment and that enforcement was made. Not wanting to bruise her
and knowing her alabaster skin could only take so much in her
buttock area, Chad decided to reposition her.

“What is the count, sub?”
“S-six, Master,” Amy answered.
“Fourteen to go, but since you seem to think you’re allowed to

move your body without my permission, you are to use the corner seat
to place your elbows on and spread your legs until your feet touch
each wall.”

“B–but, Master, I—”
“Do I need to add more to the fourteen spankings that are left?”
“No, Master,” Amy replied quickly, shuffling over to the

imbedded tiled seat. She placed her elbows down, just as he ordered,
but also resting each hand on the opposite sides of her elbows.
Shifting her stance inch by inch, she managed to rest the outer part of
her foot against each wall, thus ensuring she wouldn’t be able to pull
her ass inward. She was picture-perfect. “I’m ready, Master.”

“That you are,” Chad murmured, taking a moment to admire the

pink skin on her ass. Water trailed down her crevice to join what he
imagined was her free-flowing juices. Just how wet had this made
her? He stepped into the drizzle, reaching out with a finger and sliding
it in between her folds. Her thick cream was unmistakable. It seemed

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as if she was enjoying her discipline, much to her dismay. A stab of
envy went through his cock that his fingers got to enjoy her warm
pussy. “You’ll definitely have a reminder of your place every time
you sit down this evening. Maybe even into tomorrow.”

Chad withdrew his hand and positioned himself off to the side,

reaching up and adjusting the head of the nozzle to aim directly at her
ass. When he was satisfied it was at a perfect angle, he lifted the brush
and made sure the wooden surface was facing her. Lifting it out, his
stroke smacked her right between the crevice of her ass and leg.
Spinning the handle, Chad gently scrubbed the yellow bristles
sideways across the reddening skin. He then did the same to her other
side. Amy would unquestionably feel it when she sat down this

“Now let’s see if we can match the color of your ass to the back of

your thighs. I find a great fascination in the diverse response that I’m
sure to get from you. What number are we at now, angel?”

“Eight, Master,” Amy replied, a slight hint of alarm in her voice.

She wasn’t sure what to expect and Chad knew that he would be
pushing her limits with these last twelve.

“Then let’s continue.” Chad quickly deliver four blows to the back

of her thighs, two to each before flipping the handle and brushing the
bristles in downward strokes before she ever caught her breath. Once
he stopped, she let out a moan. He could see a trace of liquid running
down the inside of her thigh and knew from the cloudy color that it
was her cream and not the water. “Very good, angel. Now let’s finish
the eight remaining, shall we?”

Not giving her a chance to answer, Chad delivered four smacks in

a row on her right side. Starting from her buttock down to the back of
her thigh, he alternated with the stiff hairs of the brush, although this
time in an upward motion. Needing to make sure she was still in the
moment and focused on what he was doing, he asked her to count

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“Sixteen, Master,” Amy whispered. He could barely hear her over

the sound of the shower. She had done well and pride swelled within
his chest. Chad swiftly dealt out the remaining four on her left side,
following it up with the scratchy sensation of the bristles. Amy
practically yelled out the tally. “Twenty, Master!”

* * * *

The last thing Amy had expected upon Chad’s return home was an

immediate punishment—well, he thought this was discipline. She
wasn’t so certain. Why she thought that they would permit her to be
disobedient, she didn’t know. Maybe she’d been hopeful, but in an
odd twist, she found that having received her punishment had made
up for her earlier insubordination. It had been wiped clean. Did her
face look like those of the submissives she’d seen at the club who’d
received their chastisements? They’d seemed so uninhibited.

“Turn around and sit down on the tiled seat.”
The skin on Amy’s ass instantly started to smart, whereas the burn

had just started to dissipate some with the heat of the water. He
wanted her to sit down now? The guttural noise she heard was her and
had come from deep within her chest, yet she never once thought of
defying him right now.

It took her longer than she would have thought to stand up, turn

around, and gently place her ass on the tile, which was warm from the
heated water. Her buttocks felt as if it were enflamed and someone
had just added fuel to the fire. She hissed upon impact.

“Legs up on the ledge as well, with your heels tucked into your

ass. Make sure you feel the pressure. Wrap your arms underneath
your thighs. I want your fingers to keep your pussy lips spread open
to receive the pleasure I’m about to give you.”

Amy struggled into place, although it wasn’t easy given the small

size of the bench. Once she had her heels secure enough that they
wouldn’t slip, she slowly looped her arms underneath her knees and

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reached down to grab her folds. She was surprised to feel the copious
amount of juices her pussy had leaked out. Taking her punishment,
her body had stunned her by reacting in a way she hadn’t expected.
Her nipples had remained hard, feeling pinched, and her pussy had
throbbed in need. Her asshole, having been subjected to a plug earlier,
now felt empty. She needed something and now she was given the
chance of receiving it. Amy just didn’t know how or if she would be
able to withstand the pleasure.

“Each time you move,” Chad said, removing the showerhead and

rotating the nozzle so that the stream was one strong current, “you
will go one more day without an orgasm.”

Amy wondered if he could see her pussy quiver at his words,

considering she’d spread her lips to expose her clit and needy hole.
The thought of going without an orgasm was almost unbearable,
considering that she’d been aroused since she’d laid eyes on them in
Ms. Van Camp’s office. She wouldn’t move, not an inch.

Chad leaned down, his wet black hair reminding her of a raven’s

feathers as it dripped water down his forehead. His dark eyes didn’t
waver from hers and she wondered how someone could have so much
control. Amy couldn’t prevent her gaze from lowering to his cock
dangling between his legs. It was long and thick, with a vein bulging
out on the side. She wasn’t sure if it was water or pre-cum that
gathered in a drop at his wide tip. Amy licked her lips, wondering
what he tasted like.

“Now let’s see how well you do receiving pleasure.” Amy wasn’t

sure what she expected, but the pressure of the water totally shocked
her and her fingers slipped. “One.”

The way he said the word, Amy was positive that tomorrow

would be hell getting through one of Alec’s sessions knowing without
a doubt she wouldn’t be receiving an orgasm. She felt a sob rise up in
the middle of her throat, but stiffened her spine in acceptance of what
Chad was about to give her. She would accept what he was choosing
to give her.

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Amy slipped her fingers back into her folds and managed to pull

them apart, despite her cream and water making it difficult. Her
engorged clit immediately received the pressure of the water. Amy bit
her lip as she tightened her muscles to keep her in place. She was
overcome with sensation as her orgasm rose up instantly, the force of
the water from the nozzle unrelenting. Amy toppled and couldn’t
prevent the scream that tore from her throat.

Chad had yet to remove the stream of water that was directly

hitting her clit. The hot water seemed to fuel her orgasm on and
within seconds, it carried her through another release. Amy had to
throw her head back to keep herself from moving her hands, willing
herself to accept his gift. She went over the edge, grateful that he
didn’t count that as moving. Squeezing her eyes shut, Amy swore that
she saw fireworks behind her closed lids.

“Do you know what my favorite number is, angel?” Amy wasn’t

sure that wasn’t a rhetorical question, but she didn’t think she could
answer anyway. He’d yet to remove the jet of water. It was making
her clit swell again, as if she were one of those amusement park
games where the player took a gun and shot water at a target until the
balloon filled with water and popped. “Three. As in you, me, and
Alec. Would you like to have a third orgasm, angel?”

“Yesssss, Masterrrr,” Amy screamed, pulling her folds as far apart

as she could for fear of letting go and disappointing him. She also
didn’t want to add another day to her sentence.

“Then come for me,” Chad said softly, but loud enough to hear

through the sound of thunder in her ears. Her body tightened as her
clit was triggered yet again by the pressure and hot temperature of the
relentless water. It stole her breath away. “Good girl.”

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Chapter Seven

One week had passed and every day seemed similar, yet different.

Amy’s mornings were spent with Alec, while her afternoons were
spent with Chad. The evenings were hypnotic, with some spent on the
town and others spent in the quiet of their apartment. They were
giving her time to adjust and she found herself falling into a routine
that she would forever be grateful to have, much to her amazement.
Amy had dreamt of Chad and Alec many times over the years, but the
reality of being with them far surpassed her dreams.

They were back in the studio, which is where Alec seemed to

spend most of his time. She liked it in here as well. For some reason,
the atmosphere made her feel closer to him. Amy also liked the
attention he bestowed on her.

“So what, exactly, are you doing, Sir?”
Amy hoped the inquiry didn’t come out as if she were questioning

him. She wasn’t, but what he was doing to her body seemed so odd.
The stroke of his brush against her skin felt sensual in nature. She’d
been ordered to stare straight ahead, but what she really wanted to do
was see what he was doing.

“Tomorrow night, after the showing at Chad’s gallery, we are

heading to the club. You’ll be wearing nothing but what I have
painted on you and today is a test of sorts.”

“Test, Sir?”
It was the only question Amy could come up with, as her mind

tried to wrap around the fact that she’d be walking in a club wearing
nothing. Her first thought was that she was grateful it wasn’t her

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brothers’ club. The second thing that ran through her mind was how
many people would be there and what would they think.

“I’m applying a water-based paint to test the sensitivity of your

skin. I want to make sure you have no allergic reaction. So, I’m
starting off by painting something small on your breasts and down
your abdomen, although I will stay away from your nipples until we
know you have no allergies.”

Amy felt a stroke of his brush across the top of her right tit, the

smooth sensation cool, yet it ignited a fire within her nipple. She
didn’t have to look down to know it hardened and that he was
probably quite aware of her reaction. It traveled straight down to her
clit, causing it to swell with need. If she weren’t allergic, would he
paint her there too? A throbbing occurred letting her know that her
body would like that immensely.

“May I talk to you while you paint, Sir?”
“It seems as if you’ve already chosen to do that, haven’t you?”

Alec questioned, although there was humor in his tone. She felt a
sense of relief that he didn’t mind. “Today, yes. Tomorrow, no, as
what I have in mind will need my full attention. You want to be
displayed properly at the club, correct?”

“Yes, Sir,” Amy said a little breathlessly. She felt the tip of the

brush leave her skin and heard a shuffle, before feeling another stroke
come down around the curve of her breast. What was he painting? To
keep her preoccupied, she looked around the well-organized studio.
She’d always thought that artists were messy, but Alec didn’t have the
personality of being someone disorganized. Was that from his
upbringing? “You said you went to visit a family member last
Sunday. Did you have a nice visit?”

Well, Amy thought, that was to the point. She didn’t need to be hit

over the head to know that he didn’t want to talk about his family. She
saw something that caught her interest on the corner of what looked

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similar to a bookshelf. Was that a picture of him and Chad when they
were teenagers?

“How long have you known Master Chad?”
“Since I was sixteen. Chad was around fourteen, so that would

make it around fifteen years. Have I mentioned what beautiful skin
you have? This silver stands out as if it were made for just your

He must have added more paint to his brush, for she felt him

making small ovals down the center of her stomach. The silky texture
of the paint was in direct contrast to the scrub brush that Chad had
used on her ass after each spanking she’d received last weekend.
When he pulled it away from her skin, she felt the tingling remain.
She was glad the smell of the paint masked her personal scent. She
was so wet, there was no other way to hide it.

“No siblings?”
Alec didn’t answer, but instead, seemed to concentrate on making

more of those oval shapes he seemed so fond of. What was he
painting? His silence carried through his studio, making it obvious
that he wasn’t going to answer her. Did that mean he did have siblings
but that they didn’t speak? She startled when his deep voice echoed
throughout the stillness of the room.

“Chad has no brothers or sisters.” He made a ticking sound as he

put down his brush and brought what she assumed was a rag to wipe
off excess paint. When Amy jumped, she must have messed up his
stroke. She felt guilty, but he didn’t make her feel that way. He just
continued to speak, much to her surprise. “You haven’t mentioned
Josh or Tyler in days. Have you spoken with them? Do they know?”

Amy shook her head, but realized that he’d started to paint her

skin again and didn’t see her motion. “I sent them an email, Sir,
telling them I was enjoying myself and that I was fine.”

“Are you?”
“Enjoying myself?” Amy couldn’t prevent the smile that lifted her

lips. “Yes, Sir, very much.”

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“You don’t strike me as the type of woman to outright lie,” Alec

murmured. She could tell that he was concentrating on what he was
doing, as his statement seemed more nonchalant, yet she had no doubt
he would listen carefully to her reply. “This must have been very
important to you for you to lie to your brothers.”

“I’ve wanted this for a very long time, Sir,” Amy whispered, her

eyes sweeping the studio to see what else she could find out about
him. Alec had conveniently switched the topic back over to her, but
she didn’t mind answering any questions he might have. She had
nothing to hide, well, except from her brothers. “And you’re right, it
isn’t in my nature to lie, but Josh and Tyler would never, ever have
condoned this. And yes, I know I’m an adult, but they can be, well—”

“Overbearing? Domineering? Dominant?”
“Yes,” Amy chuckled. “All of the above, Sir.”
Alec shuffled back on his knees, admiring what he had done to

her. Instead of giving her permission to look, he placed his items on
the floor and reached out for a rolling chair that was off to the side.
Taking a seat, he then picked up the objects, but sat back as if
debating whether he should paint more. She itched to look down and
see what he’d created, but knew better. To keep her mind off of
viewing herself, Amy kept talking.

“I will tell them the truth, Sir. I just wanted to make sure that this

is what I wanted.”

“And is it? Amy, look at me.” Alec’s tone had altered and become

stern. She felt her heart start to race, as she feared what he was about
to ask. Her eyes met his and she noticed the green had deepened to a
carnal mossy color. “Is this what you desire? When you fantasized
about it, replacing the submissives you see at the club with yourself,
who did you dream of serving?”

Truth time. Amy found herself hypnotized by his stare, knowing

she would never be able to lie to him or Chad. The trust she’d placed
in them went beyond anything she’d ever experienced, and while she

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loved her brothers, it was this type of connection she needed…she

“You, Sir. And Chad, as my Masters. I remember meeting Chad

the first time he’d brought your paintings into the club. He was
dressed in his usual business suit, not a hair out of place and walking
in as if he’d owned the place. Chad and my brothers seemed to
connect immediately, forging a friendship that would last years, as
you know. But when he and I were introduced, I could feel the
chemistry and knew immediately that I would have to stay away from
him. He was too tempting and I’d yet to have the courage to do what I
needed to do.”

“And me?”
Amy felt giddy, yet vulnerable. She was laying her heart out,

exposing her most inner fantasies and dreams. Would he take care of
it like it was spun in gold, or was she taking the chance that he’d
throw it away after the contract ran its course? Chad was the only one
who seemed willing to be open and honest about his feelings, where
Alec was keeping those cards close to his chest. Needing to answer
him honestly, Amy did the best she could while trying to keep a part
of herself protected.

“The first time I laid eyes on you was when you had joined Chad

in a scene with one of our regular submissives. I found
you...captivating, Sir.”

“And why is that?”
“Because the way you looked at her while Chad used a flogger

made it seem as if she were your everything.” Amy still felt a sting of
envy. Usually when she entered the floor of her brothers’ club, her
attention was drawn to the submissives. She loved to view their
adoration, their acceptance, and even at times their punishments. But
that night, she’d only had eyes for Alec. “She was special in your
eyes, Sir.”

Silence descended and once again, Amy felt exposed and open to

rejection, but didn’t regret telling Alec how he had affected her the

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first time she’d laid eyes on him. He was so different from the other
Doms in the room, emitting a natural sensual aura that few men
possessed. Put him together with Chad, and they were an impressive
match for her.

“Her response was what captivated me, as yours does, but in a

different way. Would you like to know how?”

* * * *

Alec waited, looking up at their angel and taking in her beauty.

With every day that passed, he felt himself being pulled deeper and
deeper into that emotional pit that Chad wanted to drag the three of
them. He hadn’t needed to ask Amy if this lifestyle was for her,
because it was written as clearly on her face as was the paint that he’d
placed on her body moments ago. A part of him felt guilty, knowing
that he would never be able to release his chained-up emotions the
way that she deserved and he found himself at an impasse. He
couldn’t let her go.

“How, Sir?” Amy whispered, her blue eyes wide with curiosity

and wonder.

Alec had never felt so relieved when he heard James’s footsteps

coming down the hall. He’d left his studio door open, knowing that
Calihan would stop in for his daily check-up on Amy, but his timing
was impeccable. He would have felt compelled to tell Amy the truth,
and right now, that would be like exposing a deep wound to salt.

“Come on in, James, and tell me what you think of my work


Alec ignored the look of disappointment that flashed in her eyes

as he rolled his chair back, making sure she was in full view of the
door. He would allow Chad to have time with her this afternoon, as
usual. Maybe he’d even skip dinner tonight, since he still had a couple
pieces to finish for his showing in two weeks. Placing his paintbrush,
along with the paints, on the side table, he took a moment to admire

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his artwork. It was nowhere near what he had in mind for tomorrow,
but it would do for now.

He tried to see her through James’s eyes, but couldn’t stop himself

from seeing what he knew her to be. Alec shook his head slightly to
make the thought go away, because he sure as hell wasn’t ready to
admit what that was. Amy stood with her hands clasped behind her
head, eyes still fastened on him, with her legs spread shoulder width
apart. Silver chain links had been painted over the mounds of her
breasts, dangling down her abdomen with a small lock surrounding
her belly button, as if waiting to be connected to a chastity belt.

“Interesting. Very lifelike,” James replied, standing in the

doorway. “Since when did you get into body art?”

“What can I say? This little sub has inspired me,” Alec replied,

leaning up against the side table and crossing his arms. “I know you
don’t stop by the club often, but if you’re stopping in tomorrow,
you’ll see the outfit that we’ve chosen for her to wear.”

“Let me guess,” James said, chuckling. “A hand-painted one.”
“Got it in one, my friend.” Alec kept an eye on Amy, gauging her

reaction to having James back in the room. His daily visits varied,
sometimes showing up in the morning and other times in the
afternoon. This was the third time that James had seen Amy in a state
of undress and still, Alec could see her reaction to the exhibition was
one of arousal. “Judging from her reaction from your observation, it’s
my bet that I won’t have to add any color to her cheeks.”

“I’ll have to skip tomorrow evening, as I have to tend to an

investigation, but I’m sure members from the Order will be more than
happy to get a view, if not a touch, shall you allow it.” James smiled
slyly, and Alec was taken aback that he would mention the Order yet
again. He and Chad had been asked to join the elite group, made up of
men who liked to share submissives within the lifestyle. To protect
the members, it was rarely discussed in front of anyone other than
those with some type of connection, which meant that James felt

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Amy’s contract would turn into a permanent one. “Amy, are you still
happy with your placement?”

It was the same question James asked her every day, and while

Amy answered him, Alec could see the curiosity written all over her
face. He knew that she was wondering what the Order was, but she
could keep on speculating, at least until he spoke with Chad about it.
He knew that Lane and Ross Ellison were having a formal collaring
ceremony with their permanent sub, Becca, although that was a few
months off. If their conversation with Josh and Tyler went well, then
they should be able to attend with Amy. He doubted she knew that her
brothers were part of the Order.

“Tomorrow, your annex to the contract should arrive and you may

then take your relationship to another level. Kennedy will be stopping
by on her way to the office in the morning.”

“I’ll let Chad know,” Alec said, noticing that Amy’s eyes widened

at the news. Tomorrow, they would be permitted to have intercourse.
Chad and he had agreed that she wasn’t ready to handle both of them
at the same time, so they’d choreographed a scene to ease her into a
sexual relationship. “Enjoy your weekend, whatever your plans may

“Always do, Alec,” James replied with a smirk, his five o’clock

shadow making it seem a little sinister. Alec never knew him to play
at the clubs, but something told him that James was indeed part of the
lifestyle. “Have a good day.”

“Sir?” Amy asked as James left the studio. “May I ask you a


“No.” Alec knew his stern answer wasn’t what she’d been

expecting, but he had no doubt that she was going to question him
about the Order. He’d let Chad handle it. “Right now, I’d like you to
walk over to the floor-length mirror and tell me what you think of my
work today.”

Amy tried to hide her disappointment, although she didn’t do a

very good job of it. Her bottom lip puckered out just a bit as a sadness

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stole over her translucent blue eyes. He didn’t like how that made him
feel, so he turned his back on her as he grabbed his paintbrush and
headed over to the sink. Turning on the water, it covered the sounds
of her shuffling as he ran his finger over the bristles and washed away
the leftover color.

“It’s beautiful, Sir.”
Alec could hear the astonishment in her voice and couldn’t wait

until she saw what she would be wearing underneath her dress
tomorrow. They’d get started immediately after Kennedy left. Alec
just hoped that he’d be able to hold off tasting her pussy, because he’d
promised Chad they would do it together. Being noble was a bitch.

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Chapter Eight

Chad got the call right as he was entering their apartment. It was

midafternoon and as much as he had been looking forward to
spending time celebrating their restructured contract that they’d
signed earlier that morning, getting to the hospital was all he could
think about. Fishing out his key ring from his pants’ pocket, he
fumbled inserting the correct key in the lock of the door. Finding
success, he managed to push it open while keeping his cell phone
glued to his shoulder.

“We’ll be there within fifteen minutes,” Chad replied, slamming

the door behind him and making his way across the living room to the
hallway where Alec’s studio was located. “Thank you so much for
calling, Ms. Merlet.”

“What’s happened?”
Chad whipped around, letting his phone fall down his arm and

into his open hand. Alec was walking out of the kitchen, a bottle of
water in his hand. Was it for him or Amy? If they’d just had a session,
she would need time to recover. Although he was relatively sure that
Alec had used Amy’s body as his canvas to show off at the club this
evening. Maybe Alec and Amy could meet up with him in an hour.

“Ruby was having chest pains at her women’s luncheon today.

They think she had a heart attack.”

“Fuck!” Alec tossed the bottle of water on the couch, narrowly

missing the stainless-steel art design displayed in the middle of the
black granite coffee table. “I’ll grab my shoes.”

“Where’s Amy?”

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“We just had lunch,” Alec said over his shoulder. “She’s still in

the kitchen.”

“I’m right here.” Chad turned to see Amy hesitantly entering the

living room. She must have heard their conversation and wasn’t quite
sure what to do with herself. He wasn’t surprised to find her still in
her robe that Alec seemed to favor. If they’d had time, he would have
had her take it off so that he could see her outfit for this evening.
“Um, who’s Ruby?”

“She’s our foster mom,” Chad replied, waiting for some type of

reaction. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting, but Amy’s nod of
acceptance gave him a slice of relief. It almost seemed as if she’d
been expecting it. They hadn’t really gone into specific details
regarding their upbringing, but the one thing he and Alec hated most
was pity expressed regarding their childhood. “Ruby’s been taken to
the hospital for possible cardiac arrest.”

“Would you like me to go with you?” Amy asked, her indecision

still evident. Chad knew she wasn’t quite sure where she fit within
their lives as of yet, but there was no time like the present for
reassurances. He wasn’t quite sure how Alec would handle Amy
being with them during such a time of worry, but Chad wasn’t going
to have it any other way. “If not, I can—”

“We need you, angel.” Chad let that settle with her, although he

could see the surprise on her face. Alec came back from putting his
shoes on, stopping short as he could probably feel the slight tension in
the air. Chad was grateful when he didn’t say a word. “Amy, as you
know, you’ll find your closet is furnished with various outfits. Please
choose one that will provide comfort in case the day runs long.”

She nodded absently, still looking at Alec as if waiting for him to

argue. When he still didn’t say anything, Amy softly crossed the room
and walked down the hallway to her room. Chad waited until he heard
the faint sound of her door closing before venturing into what he
figured would be an argument.

“She belongs at the hospital with us.”

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“I didn’t say a word,” Alec claimed, running a hand through his

long hair and going to the closet to grab his black leather jacket that
he’d had for years.

No matter how much wealth either one of them accumulated, and

it was substantial, his best friend refused to alter his attire or forget
that they grew up fighting for every penny they could. Chad never
forgot either, but even he realized that in business, first impressions
went a long way. Plus, he couldn’t help it if he had a taste for the finer
things in life—Amy being one of them.

“You didn’t have to. I thought you said last week that you’d come

to terms with having a permanent submissive.”

“And I admitted to you that she was more than that. Isn’t that

enough?” Alec asked, shoving his arms through the sleeves of his

“For now,” Chad conceded. He wasn’t able to say anything more

as Amy walked back into the room, dressed in a black sweater dress
with a zipper running vertically on the front. Her pert breasts sat
perfect on either side of the silver teeth and Chad would have given
anything to be able to remove the article of clothing, having an idea of
what lay beneath. As it was, they had a family emergency and
everything else would have to wait. “Let’s head out. Ruby’s waiting
for us.”

* * * *

Amy hated the smell of hospitals. It brought back memories that

she would much rather have been able to forget. Walking into the
elevator with Chad and Alec reminded her of being fifteen years old
and taking the same route with her brothers. She’d felt numb then,
and wasn’t quite sure what she felt now. Amy gave a slight shake of
her head to ward off the recollections.

It was very hard to go from having a scene with Alec this morning

and then leave that behind to deal with a possible tragedy. Well, it

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wasn’t quite a scene, but with each stroke of Alec’s brush, her arousal
rose. By the time he’d finished his masterpiece, Amy would have
given anything if he’d just laid her on the floor and taken her. It
wasn’t as if he couldn’t, seeing as Kennedy had stopped by this
morning so that all three of them could sign the annex. But if she were
honest with herself, Amy’s emotions had been all over the place since
she’d contacted Safeword LLC. Maybe it was a good thing she’d been
given more time.

“You’re a bit pale,” Chad murmured, picking up her hand and

brushing his lips over the back.

“I’m fine,” Amy replied softly, giving him a small smile.

“Hospitals always make me a little uneasy.”

“We’ll get you some coffee when we have a chance to,” Alec

said, looking up at the numbers lighting up on the bar above the
doors. “You could do with a little sugar and caffeine after this

Chad raised his eyebrow, and Amy wasn’t sure why her cheeks

flushed. It wasn’t as if he didn’t know what Alec had done. Or maybe
he didn’t, she thought. Either way, they’d both seen enough of her and
done enough to her that Amy’s response shouldn’t be to blush.

“I think we could all use some coffee,” Chad exclaimed,

squeezing her fingers.

A bell dinged and the doors whooshed open, allowing them

entrance on the third floor where they had been directed. Chad took
the lead, still holding her hand, while Alec followed behind. She
noticed that he seemed rather quiet himself and wondered if it had to
do with the scene where she had asked him personal questions about
him and Chad. Amy immediately felt guilty, thinking his mood was
because of her, rather than Ruby’s predicament. Since when had she
become so selfish?

“Nurse, we’re Ruby Brewer’s sons. Is she—”
“Mr. Brewer, your mother is still in surgery. Upon arriving at the

hospital, it was determined that she did, indeed, have a heart attack.

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The cardiac surgeon on call felt it best to perform angioplasty right
away. If you’ll—”

“Is that stents?” Chad asked, disregarding the fact that the nurse

called him by Ruby’s last name or that she had still been speaking.
Amy shot a sideways glance Alec’s way, wondering if Ruby was his
foster mother, how he’d come to take her last name. How young had
Chad and Alec been when they had entered the system? Alec had
mentioned he’d met Chad when he was sixteen, but had the two of
them known each other before that? “Is she going to have a bypass?”

“The surgeon is placing the stents in to open up her artery and

allow the blood to flow more freely. When the surgery is complete,
Dr. Andrew Korse will meet with you in the waiting room to discuss
your mother’s case and any future surgeries. In the meantime, the
waiting room is down the hall, last room on the right. Coffee is
available to you at the kiosk.”

“Thank you, Nurse Mills,” Chad replied, before turning and

placing her hand in Alec’s. Amy saw the nurse’s eyes widen at the
action. Again, Amy flushed. “Alec, I need to make a couple of calls
regarding the gallery. Amanda will just have to take over tonight’s
showing. I’ll be back in five minutes.”

Alec nodded, although he didn’t say anything. His hand felt warm

in hers, although his grip seemed a little lighter than Chad’s. Amy
knew that he must be dealing with a lot of emotions right now, and
tried not to take it personally. They reached the doorway, where Alec
paused ahead of her. She peered around him, seeing the room had
other family members waiting to hear about their loved ones. She
knew that he was going to pick the quiet corner, away from the people
and televisions, before he even started across the room. She followed.

“I’ll get you that coffee,” Alec murmured, as she took a seat. He

went over to the booth that was imbedded in the wall and pulled two
Styrofoam cups up and away from the others. He then poured the hot
liquid inside as steam swirled up, creating a vapor that twirled into the
air. With steady hands, he shook two packets of sugar and poured the

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granules inside each cup to dissolve. As he reached for the creamer,
Amy had to wonder how he knew how she liked her coffee. Once
prepared, Alec returned to her and handed her the cup with the added
creamer. “The last time we visited your brothers’ club, Chad and I
came to your office to collect a check for some of my paintings. You
were making your morning coffee.”

“How did you know what I was thinking?” Amy asked, more

surprised by that than by the fact he knew how she liked her coffee.
She wrapped her fingers around the Styrofoam.

“After doing a scene with you every day, you’re getting easier to

read than the Sentinel,” Alec answered.

He shrugged out of his black leather jacket and tossed it on the

table in front of them. Amy had left her dress coat in the car, not
wanting to bring it in. At first, she thought that Chad and Alec had
been going to protest, but seeing as they were in an attached garage
and she didn’t have to walk outside, they’d conceded. Alec sat down
next to her, close enough to hear her words.

“You’re not so easy to read,” Amy whispered.
Alec ran a hand through his messed up hair, before placing his

arm on the armrest. His knee started to bounce up and down, showing
his apparent unease. It suddenly hit her that maybe she wasn’t the
only one affected by the atmosphere of a hospital. A foster parent,
after all, raised him. Had he lost his parents sometime during his
teens, like her?

“That’s the way it’s supposed to be,” Alec replied with a smirk,

his leg abruptly stopping. “If you knew how we reacted in every
instance, we wouldn’t be very good Doms, would we? Reading your
body language is part of it. Take for instance when James stopped by
last weekend. Do you think I didn’t see the tremor run down your
spine or your cream drip down your inner thighs? Next time, maybe I
will allow him to help insert your plug.”

Amy couldn’t help but return his smile, her body immediately

responding to the lift of his mouth. It could also be in response to his

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words and the picture he painted, because Alec was right. Having
another man witness what was being done to her by her Masters did
something inside of her that she had only guessed she would feel.
After having actually experienced it, she found she craved more. She
glanced at his knee, noticing he started to bounce his foot once more.
She, or the topic, had been keeping him distracted.

“I’m sure Ruby’s going to be just fine,” Amy said, tentatively

reaching for his hand, which was dangling from the armrest. She
brushed her fingers of the back of his knuckles, feeling the paint
specks left from earlier. It brought back the sensation of what she had
felt previously, and her clit throbbed, knowing it was covered in paint.
Taking a fortifying breath, Amy tried to focus her mind on the reason
they were here. She wanted to reassure him and make him feel better.
“The nurse sounded confident that the surgeon would be finished
soon and that Ruby would be fine.”

“I’m sure you’re right.”
Amy didn’t like his lifeless expression. It was as if he was trying

to close himself off from what was happening. She didn’t blame him.
But in Ruby’s case, the chances of her surviving were damn better
than her parents’ odds had been. Maybe he needed to know that. Amy
closed her eyes, taking a few seconds to gather the strength of
recalling that tragic moment when her life changed.

“My parents died in a car accident,” Amy said softly, not wanting

anyone else to hear what she had gone through. It wasn’t their
business. “I remember Josh and Tyler rushing through the front door,
saying we needed to get to the hospital. I’d just gotten back from the
football game, having spent the evening with friends. I had found it
odd that I had arrived home before my parents, but thought maybe
they’d caught a late movie or something. My brothers had been home
visiting from college, enjoying hitting their old haunts.”

“I’m sorry.” Alec turned his hand around, lacing their fingers

together. “I knew you had lost your parents when you were young,
but Josh and Tyler never mentioned the reason.”

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“A drunk driver,” Amy replied almost automatically, looking

down at their connection. She hadn’t realized how badly she had
needed it. “My father was killed instantly, but mom had managed to
hold on, well, at least until she reached the hospital. She didn’t make
it to surgery. I’m not telling you this to feel bad for me. I’m telling
you this because Ruby did make it to surgery, and if she’s as strong as
I think she is after having raised you two, then she’ll pull through just

She was glad to see that Alec’s leg was still once more. Glancing

over at him, she found that he was staring intently at her. She felt a
tremor of unease shoot through her at his intensity, wondering what
he was thinking. She didn’t have to wait long.

“Is that what drew you to the lifestyle?”
Amy wasn’t daft by any means, and in fact, thought herself rather

intelligent. So she wasn’t going to pretend that she didn’t understand
his true meaning. He wouldn’t have accepted it anyway. She thought
maybe the change of subject is what surprised her, but then she
reconsidered, thinking that it wasn’t really a variation in topics since
one thing led into the other. That moment in her life had made her
who she was. Inhaling air with a stutter, she figured that it was very
early in their relationship to admit certain things, but having this type
of rapport was essential in regards to building trust. She might as well
start now and hoped like hell he reciprocated.

“In a way, yes,” Amy whispered, admitting it out loud for the first

time and feeling as if every word added to her vulnerability. What if
she didn’t measure up to their expectations? What if this ended after
their two months? But if her parents’ death taught her anything, it was
that life was too short to have what-ifs. And isn’t that why she went to
Safeword LLC in the first place? “I want to belong to someone. I
want to know that I matter.”

“You do, angel. You belong to us now.”
Amy startled, whipping her head to the left and finding Chad

standing to the side with his hands in his dress pants. He’d removed

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his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, obviously knowing that they
would be here a while. Her eyes sought his and when she saw his dark
eyes deepen with hunger, she felt her exposure lesson and felt a little
more secure. Chad tended to do that for her.

“Chad, you said you wanted coffee?” Alec asked, releasing her

hand and swiftly standing. “I’ll get you a cup.”

Amy knew that whatever momentary connection she and Alec had

made had been severed by the break in the conversation. She didn’t
blame Chad, because she figured Alec would have distanced himself
anyway. Was there something about her that he didn’t like? Was he
finding out that she wasn’t what he really wanted? When he touched
her, though, like this morning, Amy had felt like she did belong. Did
he not feel that way, too?

“Give him time,” Chad murmured, taking the chair to her left.
“If he didn’t want me, then why didn’t he tell that to Ms. Van


“Amy, there are things we haven’t told you and won’t tell you

until I think you’re ready. But know this—Alec and I want you. We
want no other submissive. Alec’s childhood wasn’t like mine, but
that’s for him to tell you, not me.”

She was grateful when he took her hand in his, for some reason

needing the intimacy. Amy never thought of herself as needy, but this
this last week had definitely shown her a different side of herself. She
hadn’t lied. She did want to belong to a man, or in this case, two men.
She wanted nothing more than to make them happy, and maybe that
was why she was feeling melancholy at the moment. Alec didn’t seem
happy with her. What could she do?

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Chapter Nine

They had waited three hours before the surgeon had come into the

waiting room. He was an older gentleman, on the shorter side with
closely cropped gray hair and round spectacles placed on the bridge of
his nose. In his hands was a chart, which Amy assumed was Ruby’s,
although the surgeon didn’t once glance down at it. She suspected this
entire medical professor look was carefully cultivated to inspire
confidence in the relatives and possibly him.

“Your mother is in recovery and will be moved to her room

shortly. She did well in surgery and the procedure went as planned.
We placed two stents to keep the artery open. Her prognosis is good
and we will watch her closely tonight. We will monitor her groin for
bleeding, as that was the entry site for the cardiac catheter. She’s
being placed in room 305 if you’d like to go wait for her there.”

“Thank you very much, Dr. Korse,” Chad said
“Do you have any other questions?”
Amy could see that the doctor was no nonsense, having felt like

he’d covered everything and was just waiting to be dismissed.
Sometimes, as long as a doctor was great at his job, bedside manner
didn’t count. Seeing that Ruby was going to be fine, Amy figured that
was the case now.

“No, thank you, Doctor.” Chad shook his hand, while Alec moved

swiftly to the door. Amy had no doubt he was heading to Ruby’s
room. Since Chad held on to her right hand, she had no choice but to
stay with him. “Thank you for everything.”

Chad turned and picked up his suit jacket, draping it over his

back. She could tell he was checking to make sure they’d gotten

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everything, and once satisfied, he led her through the hallway and to
Ruby’s room. Alec was already there, of course, staring out the
window. The bed was empty, as Ruby was still in recovery. Amy
heard a slight vibrating sound and after Chad threw his jacket over the
top of Alec’s on the chair, he withdrew his phone from his pocket.

“Damn, it’s Amanda. I have to take this,” Chad exclaimed, kissing

the back of her hand. “I’ll be back shortly.”

Amy could tell from the view of the window that dusk was

starting to fall. It was still light, but the shadows were starting to show
themselves. They reminded her of Alec, as he stood staring out at
them. He seemed so alone, yet she hesitated letting him know that she
was there for him. It hadn’t gone so well earlier.

“You were right when you said Ruby must be a strong woman to

have raised me and Chad. We were hellions, especially me,” Alec
said, surprising her by speaking first. He was shaking his head. His
eyes met hers reflected in the window. “I did everything in my power
to get her to turn me back over to the state.”

“I take it she never gave up hope on the man you would become?”

Amy asked rhetorically, although what she really wanted to know was
how he became a ward of the state to begin with. But he was talking,
and that was better than his silence. Baby steps. “She obviously saw
something special in you.”

“I don’t know what.” Alec leaned forward and laid his arm on the

window, resting his forehead on his fist. “I’m no different now than I
was then.”

“You have become a very talented and renowned artist, Alec.”

Amy sat tentatively on the arm of the chair, wanting to keep facing
him. “I’m sure Ruby could see that. And I have no doubt that
whatever struggles you went through as a boy turned you into the man
you are today with the help of Ruby.”

“Really? What did she see?” Alec said in a mocking voice. “Chad

was the one who sold my first painting, and I still don’t know if it was
based on talent. I paint because it’s what I love to do, but I’ve still

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managed to make millions off of my paintings. Anyone could do that
if they have the right marketing person.”

“You’re saying that Chad got you where you are today? I’m

relatively certain that your talent speaks for itself. And if you
disagree, you’re saying that not only Ruby but both Chad and I are

“That woman is never wrong,” Alec whispered.
Silence descended over the room. Amy glanced around, knowing

she kept expecting to hear the beeping of monitors and the dripping
sounds of the IV, but there was nothing in the room with them except
an empty bed, a rolling tray, and the chair she was using the arm of to
sit on. She knew the only thing that was going to make Alec feel
better was to set eyes on Ruby himself. Hopefully, that would be

“And now I’m finding that you aren’t either. You’ve made me

realize that I’m the flip side of your coin, angel, and I’m not sure
exactly how to handle that.”

Amy tried her best to contain her gasp of surprise, but wasn’t sure

she was successful. Had Alec just admitted he had feelings for her or
was he just speaking hypothetically because she’d lost her parents like
he obviously had? She always felt like she was guessing when it came
to him, and she wasn’t referring to their scenes. Her best course of
action was to let him continue talking, giving her insight to what he
really meant.

* * * *

Alec looked in the window to see Amy’s reaction. He knew that

by using Chad’s nickname of her, it would grab her attention. For
some reason, he needed her to know that he appreciated her honesty
earlier today in regards to her wants and needs.

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“I’m not like Chad, Amy. I don’t have a good heart and could care

less about what anyone feels, other than Chad and Ruby, that is. But
that has taken years and years for me to come to terms with.”

“A–are you saying that—”
“No,” Alec answered, cutting off her question before she could

get it all out. “I’m not saying that I want to end our contract. I just
need you to know that I can never care for you the way a man

“I’m not following, Alec.”
He could feel the frustration ball up inside of his chest like it

always did when he thought of the past. When he thought of Cara.
Damn it!

“I want to own you, Amy. I need to own you, just like you need to

belong to someone. I have this desire to consume you, which is why I
think about painting your body almost every waking hour. I can make
you into anything I want. Breaking the contract would serve us no
purpose. We each benefit, and Chad gets the best of both of us.”

Alec could hear her shallow breathing, as if she weren’t quite sure

what to do with his announcement. He hadn’t meant to blurt it out like
that, but really, why wait for the two months to be up? If she couldn’t
handle the darkness that devoured him, then maybe he stood a chance
of surviving when she left. Everyone always ended up leaving.

“And what is it that you want to make me?” Amy whispered.
“Mine. Just…mine.”
“So that you never—”
“Look, Ruby, this must be one of your sons that you were talking

about and from his paint-splattered T-shirt, I would say he’s the

Alec spun around, realizing how close he’d been to revealing his

true fear. Hauling in a ragged breath, he was grateful for being saved
from admitting too much. He didn’t look at her, knowing all he’d see
was disappointment in her blue eyes. Today had been rough enough

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without the added feeling that he’d let her down…that he’d revealed
his true self and now he’d probably have to suffer the consequences,
along with being responsible for Chad’s possible resentment. He ran a
hand through his hair, trying to make himself presentable for his
foster mom.

“Yes, that’s my Alec,” Ruby replied, although he could barely

hear her. She was lying flat on the gurney, with tubes that seemed to
run everywhere. Alec’s gut twisted, not liking her fragile appearance.
“He’s my handful.”

“Ruby, have you been telling tales about me?” Alec asked, trying

like hell to inject some lightness into his voice and knowing he
probably failed miserably. This woman knew him better than anyone.
“How many times do I have to tell you, it was Chad who did all that
crazy stuff.”

Ruby gave a small smile, but closed her eyes as exhaustion took

over. This woman was the strongest lady he’d ever had the privilege
of knowing. She had the strength, just as Amy had guessed, to break
through his walls. She never once gave up on him and always made
him expect more of himself than he did. She’d been his saving grace
and then lo and behold, Chad had shown up and made it twice as hard
for Alec to keep his distance.

“You know better than that, Ruby,” Chad said, walking into the

room behind the nurse. “We’ll step out and let the nurse get you
situated. It’s my understanding that you have to remain lying down
with limited movement for quite a few hours, so we’ll stay and keep
you company.”

“Oh, Chad, you don’t have to do that,” Ruby said softly. “I know

you have something at the gallery this evening.”

“You let me worry about my work. I know it’s not the ideal time,

but there’s someone we’d like you to meet. The nurse wants to get
you settled in first. We’ll be back in ten minutes, okay?” Chad walked
around the nurse, leaning down and kissing Ruby on the forehead.
“We love you.”

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Alec watched the scene unfold before him. No taller than five feet

two inches, it still amazed him how Ruby was able to handle two
unruly boys. People were drawn to her because of her vibrant nature.
While her short, black hair was usually styled to perfection, Ruby had
a fashion all her own that usually included reds, oranges, and yellows.
Chad used to say Alec could paint her and make a pretty penny. He
knew he wouldn’t have been able to paint her now, seeing the white
sheet pulled up to her chin with the skin of her face matching in color.
It was as if she was lifeless.

“Alec, are you coming?”
He was surprised to feel Amy’s touch, but it was what he needed

to come out of this despondent mood that had settled over him. Damn,
he’d give anything to have a drink right about now. Coffee would
have to do, which would give him time away from Amy and Chad, as
well as not having to witness Ruby in such a state of helplessness.
What he really craved was being in his studio, but that wasn’t going
to happen anytime soon.

“Yeah,” Alec replied, allowing Amy to take his hand and lead him

across the room. Leaning down, similar to the way Chad did, he
brushed a kiss across Ruby’s cheek. “We’ll be back soon. Be good.”

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Chapter Ten

“I know this may seem like an odd question at such an

inopportune time, but does Ruby know that you, um, share?” Amy
asked as the door closed behind them.

“Yes,” Chad answered, placing his hands in his pocket. “We keep

no secrets from Ruby, although we don’t go into too much detail. She
knows that we want a ménage and understands the reason why.”

Amy felt Alec tighten his fingers on hers at Chad’s statement,

although he didn’t say anything to follow it up. Did they have a
specific reason they shared a woman? A million questions sprang to
mind, but Amy knew that they weren’t ready to give the answers and
honestly, the hospital was the last place they should be talking about

“I’m getting us coffee,” Alec replied, immediately releasing her

hand. “I’ll be back.”

Amy watched as Alec walked down the hospital corridor, his

swagger looking more defeated than she’d ever seen. His shoulders
were slumped slightly and his hands were fisted in his front pockets.
He’d used the excuse of needing coffee and that he would bring some
back for everyone, but Amy knew the real reason was so that he could
distance himself.

“Do you want to tell me what happened?” Chad asked.
Amy crossed her arms underneath her breasts, feeling the need to

ward off this darkness that had descended over them since this
morning. But she knew that tone, and knew Chad’s question was
really meant as an order. For some reason, knowing that Alec would

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always hold a part of himself back from her felt as if she’d lost

“He told me that he’d never be able to care for me the way a man

should…the way you could,” Amy whispered, sneaking a sideways
glance at him. Chad had leaned up against the wall, his arms and legs
crossed as if he had all the time in the world. He stared at her with his
dark eyes, waiting and knowing she would eventually tell him the
rest. She gave a little huff and then continued to tell him the
remainder of their conversation. “He said that all he wants is to own

Chad surprised her by not saying anything. His dark stare still

studied her, as if confirming to himself that she was telling the truth.
Even though Amy had been honest, she found she couldn’t maintain
his stare. She studied the specks in the floor, waiting for him to say
something, anything to make it better. Because right now, it felt as if
Alec was the one lying in that hospital bed.

“My mother passed away from cancer when I was fourteen. I

never knew who my father was, and didn’t have any extended family,
but I was loved, angel,” Chad said with a fond smile. “The memories
I have of my mother will forever be a part of me and I will cherish
them forever. Somehow, someway, I know that she was looking out
for me when I was placed with Ruby.”

Amy stayed where she was, afraid if she moved closer to him he

might not continue with his story. How could two boys with the same
foster mom be so different? Did something horrible happen to Alec?
Images swam through her mind of what could have transpired.

“Having Alec around, well, he would kill me if he heard me say

this, but even though he was older, it was like having an immediate
younger brother to look out for. He was on a destructive path, but
together, Ruby and I were able to get him through some pretty tough
times. I know that you’d like to know what they are, but as I said
before, that is Alec’s story to tell.”

“And what if he doesn’t?”

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“Alec doesn’t give himself enough credit, Amy,” Chad replied,

looking down the hallway. “He…he lost his family and still carries
the blame. But if you have patience, I know that he’ll share his past
with you and finally be free to be the man he wants to be for you.”

“Do I have a choice?” Amy asked, only half kidding in an attempt

to lighten the conversation. Her effort fell flat as Chad kicked himself
off of the wall with his heel. With one step, he bridged the gap
between them, melding his body with hers and taking her face into his

“Yes, angel, you do have a choice. Don’t you realize that it’s the

submissive that holds the true power?” Chad asked, searching her
eyes for something she didn’t know. “We would never make you stay
in a contract that you wanted no part of. But once you signed your
name, you became ours. And then you proceeded to sign the annex,
giving us full rights to your body. Can you break it? Yes, but know
that there is no coming back.”

Amy had started shaking her head, way before he finished the

question. “No, Master, I don’t want to break our contract. But
knowing that there’s a chance that Alec could never come to l–l–care
for me is not how I pictured our relationship being.”

“Give him time, angel,” Chad said, almost desperately. “Please.”
“You two can go on in.” Amy jumped, surprised that the nurse

had come out of Ruby’s room and they hadn’t even heard the door.
“Your mother is resting comfortably and I will be in frequently to
monitor her. She’s to lie prone, with limited movement for a while
longer. I’ll also be checking the catheter entrance site, ensuring there
is no excess bleeding.”

“Thank you,” Chad said, stepping away from Amy all the while

keeping a hand on her. He linked their fingers together. “We’ll be
here for a couple of hours yet tonight and then we’ll be back first
thing in the morning.”

Chad led the way into the room. Ruby’s eyes were closed and

Amy found herself infatuated with the woman who raised Chad and

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Alec. This woman took in two boys and gave them food, a place to
live, and love. Did she truly realize the impact she’d had on their lives
or was she so good-hearted that, to her, it was just how life was
supposed to be?

“Ruby, Ruby, Ruby,” Chad murmured, leaning down and kissing

her cheek. “Don’t you know that you can’t go scaring us like this?”

Chad pulled up a chair, along with the larger one that Amy

assumed folded out into a bed. He tilted his head, indicating she
should take the more comfortable one that she hadn’t even known was
there and they both sat down. He took Ruby’s hand in his, but by
now, Ruby’s brown gaze had zeroed in on her.

“If it took getting to meet a woman who is a part of your lives,

then yes.”

Chad threw his head back and laughed. “We would have brought

her to you soon enough. But, since you forced the issue, Ruby—this is
Amy Bousch. Amy, please meet the woman who saved our teenage
asses more times than I can count.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Ms. Brewer,” Amy said softly.
“Aren’t you Josh and Tyler’s sister? Very nice boys. I remember

them talking very fondly of you.”

“You met Josh and Tyler?” Amy asked, surprised. “But how? We

live in Indiana.”

“They were here for one of Alec’s showings, if I’m not mistaken,”

Ruby replied, her eyes closing for a moment. Amy felt instantly guilty
for asking her questions when it was obvious Ruby should be resting.
“We have a lot to talk about, Amy.”

“Ruby,” Chad said in warning, “don’t. We’re taking this slow.”
“He’s let what happened with Cara take over his life.” Ruby

turned her head slightly, opening her eyes. “If Amy’s here with you,
then that means something.”

The door opened. Conversation stopped. Alec had in his hands

one of those coffee disposable trays with three cups situated inside,
and although Amy figured he knew they had been talking about him,

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he didn’t act like it. Amy couldn’t help but wonder who Cara was.
Was she someone from his childhood? Or a woman that Alec had a
recent relationship with? A stab of jealousy stole through her. Then
that would mean Chad shared her as well, considering what Chad had
said a little bit ago regarding a specific reason they shared women.

“And how’s the patient?” Alec asked, handing Amy her coffee, as

well as Chad. Once he tossed the tray in the garbage can, he walked
around the bed on the other side and looked down at Ruby, waiting
for her answer. Would she bring up Cara again?

“A little thing like a heart attack can’t keep me down for long,”

Ruby said, giving a small smile. “Did you see Esther? Is she the one
who called you?”

“We didn’t see her, but yes, she did call,” Chad answered. “I told

her to visit you tomorrow. She had to take Mr. Merlet to his physical

“I’m sure the entire group will come trouncing through here

tomorrow. Would you please stop by the house? I try not to be too
vain, but at my age, I refuse to let them see every wrinkle. Amy, since
these boys aren’t going to know what I need in here, would you
please go with them? In my bathroom are my toiletries on the counter.
Would you please pack them up in a tote and bring them to me
tomorrow morning?”

“Of course,” Amy replied, surprised that Ruby would ask her, yet

pleased to be included. “I can also get you an outfit to travel home in,
if you’d like.”

“That would be perfect, dear.”
Ruby, once again, closed her eyes. Instead of talking, everyone let

her rest and sipped their coffee. Alec remained standing and had yet
to really look in Amy’s direction. Chad had offered his free hand,
laying it palm up on the armrest. Amy slid her hand into his and
settled herself back into the padded chair. They would certainly be
here a while, she thought, seeing that Chad and Alec couldn’t bring
themselves to leave. She didn’t blame them, although it certainly

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wasn’t how she thought they’d end this evening, considering how
they’d started the day signing the annex to their contract. But Amy
wasn’t disappointed. She now knew things that she hadn’t before,
whether for the good or bad, and was given food for thought. Two
major questions remained, and that was what happened to Alec when
he was young, and who exactly was Cara.

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Chapter Eleven

Amy had just come out of the bathroom after having taken a

shower when she saw Chad leaning up against the doorframe of her
bedroom. They’d gotten home after midnight and much to her
surprise, Chad and Alec had sent her to bed, claiming she needed
sleep. She would have argued, considering her body had been lit on
fire since she’d been here and she was more than ready to
consummate their relationship, but she knew they needed sleep as
well. Giving in, she spent a restless night in bed and had gotten up at
six o’clock, wanting to make sure that Ruby had her toiletries before
her women’s group visited later in the day.

“Take off your towel.”
The deepness of his voice sent shivers down her spine. Amy

didn’t hesitate. She let the towel fall to her feet. What did he think of
Alec’s painting? She’d been worried that when she took a shower this
morning, the black corset would wash away, but it remained on her
skin. When she’d looked in the mirror, Amy was astonished at how
real the corset looked and immediately touched herself, expecting to
feel actual material. It was a braless corset, with white lace trim
detailed right below her nipples. The ties were intricately painted up
her back, while four straps ran down from her pelvic and back area to
her legs, where stockings would reach. She’d never felt so sensual and
could only imagine what people would think when they saw her at the

“He is so fucking talented,” Chad whispered, his dark eyes

practically devouring her. “I’m sorry we missed a fun-filled evening.
We’ll make it up to you tonight. In the meantime, Alec’s been dying

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to taste you. While he gets his fill, I’m going to go over some new
ground rules now that the annex has been signed.”

Moisture leaked out of her pussy at the mere mention that Alec

wanted to taste her cream. What would his tongue feel like on her
clit? Would he enjoy her flavor? Would they allow her to return the
favor? Knowing she wasn’t allowed to speak at the moment, Amy bit
her lip and waited for further instruction.

“Did I hear my name?” Alec asked, stepping out from behind

Chad. His hair was damp, indicating he’d just taken a shower and all
he wore was a pair of jeans unbuttoned at the top. “Hmmm, I have to
say, that might be some of my best work. We’ll have to show it off
tonight at The Point.”

Amy’s breathing became a little shallow, knowing that The Point

was a club. They were taking her there tonight. People would see
what Alec had created on her, yet also see her naked body. What
would they think of her? She was disappointed when Alec walked
directly to the bed, lying down in the middle with his hands behind
his head. She snuck a glance over at Chad, who was still watching

“Does the thought excite you, us parading you around on a special

leash connected to your nipples for everyone to see that you belong to
us? You will have to pay close attention to us, or else the nipple
clamps will tighten to the point of pain, but that won’t be a problem,
will it?”

Amy could swear she felt the pinching of her nipples as if they

had clamps on them now. They were going to lead her through the
club that way? Her heart started to race and her palms began to
perspire. Chad painted an image as well as Alec’s talented fingers
could on a canvas, or in this case, her. How was she going to make it
through the day? Would they allow her relief right now?

“Is there a problem with your voice today, angel?”
Oh, shit, she thought. She’d been supposed to answer, but had

been so caught up in his description that she’d forgotten. He was

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right, she was going to have to pay close attention to them tonight if
she didn’t want to be too uncomfortable. Her nipples throbbed at the

“Yes, Master, that excites me,” Amy replied, looking over at Alec.

Hadn’t he wanted to taste her? She wasn’t sure how much longer she
could last. “I will pay very close attention tonight, Master.”

“We shall see.” Chad moved deeper into the room, coming to a

stop in front of her mirrored dresser and leaning against it. He was
dressed in his usual business suit, minus the jacket. His tie was a tad
bit loose, but she knew he’d fix that before they left the apartment for
the day. “Your Master is waiting for you. He’d like his breakfast
served to him.”

Amy couldn’t prevent her eyes from widening, bouncing her gaze

off of both men. Did he want her to sit on Alec’s face? She’d never
done that and wasn’t sure how comfortable she was with the idea. It
just seemed so...naughty.

“Hmmm, hesitation. I thought you and Alec had a long

conversation about that. I can see we’re going to have to apply what
James proposed. Do you remember what that is, angel?”

Was he talking about using the cane as discipline? And why did

that excite her more than scare her? As Chad raised an eyebrow, while
patiently bringing up his fingers to check and see if his cuff link was
secure, Amy realized she was still standing in her spot. Damn it! She
slowly walked to the end of the bed and awkwardly climbed on top of
the mattress until she was kneeling next to Alec, looking at him and
hoping that he would help her out by telling her what to do.

“Straddle me, Amy.” Although he answered her, Alec didn’t

move from position. Using her hands to hold her steady, Amy lifted
her right leg and with shaking thighs, she managed to position her
knee on the other side of his head. She couldn’t bring herself to lower
her pussy. “Take your hands off of the bed and clasp your fingers
behind your neck. Rise up on your knees.”

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Amy followed his instructions, yet felt a little bit faint. She

couldn’t control the rate of her heartbeat. She looked down at him,
waiting for those dreaded words. If she didn’t want to do this, then
why was her body responding with such heated inclination? She felt a
little humiliated by the amount of moisture running down the inside of
her legs.

“Now lower yourself and let me see how sweet you taste.”
This was it. Amy was going to faint and disgrace herself when she

literally fell on top of him. The muscles in her legs were shaking like
they did after she had an orgasm. Taking a deep breath and closing
her eyes, Amy slowly spread out her legs until she felt his breath on
her lips. She thought she might come from that alone.

“Lower, Amy.”
“Ah!” Amy exclaimed as his tongue traveled from her entrance,

through her folds, and up to her swollen clit. She felt herself flush at
the thought of how much of her juices he’d gotten on his tongue.

“Now that Alec is having his breakfast, we need to go over the

new ground rules.”

Chad was still there, watching her being eaten by Alec. Her entire

body felt like it had been singed. How could he possibly expect her to
hear him and pay attention when Alec was doing something
wonderful with his tongue? Was he suckling her like a Popsicle? She
lifted up slightly when she felt his teeth graze her sensitive flesh.

“One, and this is nothing new, but I thought it should be reiterated

because of what you just did. When you are placed into a position,
you are not permitted to move unless we direct you. Now lower
yourself and do not move. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” Amy replied, biting her lip as she lowered her

pussy again. The pleasure seemed almost painful, yet they wanted her
to take what they gave her. She could do this, she thought, tensing her
muscles when Alec extended her clit by sucking the nub farther into
his mouth. “I won’t move, Sir.”

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“Two, when we are at the club tonight, we expect proper

behavior. This includes keeping your eyes downcast, your hands
behind you and resting on your lower back, and paying attention to
our needs. We expect you to keep your attention on us. We may and
may not scene this evening, as we will play it by ear. We may leave it
up to you, well, your body, that is. We’ll be checking your pussy to
see how wet you are. Your body never lies, so the more juices that we
feel in your folds will tell us if you’re enjoying yourself.”

Amy was pretty sure she could hear the ocean, as blood rushed

through her ears, seemingly intent on reaching her pussy. Chad’s
words sounded muffled, yet the more he spoke of this evening, the
more aroused she became. Alec had now sealed his lips around her
clit and was keeping a steady suckling going. If he didn’t stop soon,
she was going to come.

“Three, you are not allowed to come unless we give you


He hadn’t just said that, had he? Amy felt her muscles tighten

even more, trying to keep her orgasm at bay. She would have given
anything to move, to shift, or relocate her pussy, because Amy knew
she was about to break rule number three. She gasped in surprise
when Alec moved beneath her, but it was only to shift his hands. She
felt his fingers caress her buttocks, the heat mingling with the warmth
of his mouth to make her feel as if he was adding kindling to the fire.

“And now we need to discuss your infractions that you seem to

feel you can get away with. I know last week, with me having to go
into the gallery and Alec still working at night to get his pieces done
for his showing, we’ve been neglecting your discipline. But as James
pointed out to Alec, there is an easy solution. At the end of each day,
you will confess your transgressions. For each admission, you will
receive one stroke of my cane. And if I’m not mistaken, I asked you
what implement James had been referring to and you didn’t answer

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Amy would have come from just his words, but Alec chose that

moment to place a finger on her anus. Involuntarily, she moved,
having been surprised by the action. Her clit slipped out from between
Alec’s lips. She quickly placed herself back into position, but knew
that Chad had caught her disobedience.

Having to keep herself upright like this, opening herself up to

receiving the pleasure that Alec was giving, it seemed as if she was
spiraling out of control. Isn’t this what she wanted? She felt Alec run
his finger through her juices before replacing the tip at her anus.
Slowly, she felt him breach her sphincter at the same time, taking her
clit into his mouth and sucking hard. At this rate, her clit was going to
be so swollen, everyone would see it sticking out of her folds this

“I have the perfect nipple clamps for this evening,” Chad

whispered in her ear, startling her as he had joined them on the bed.
He was directly behind her, on his knees. He wrapped his hands
around her, taking each nipple in between his fingers and pinching
slightly. “You’ll make us proud, won’t you, angel?”

Alec chose that moment to sink his finger deeper in her anus,

setting off spasms that ripped through her pussy. Maybe if he’d been
varying the speed in which he suckled her clit, she wouldn’t have
come, but the steady rhythm only seemed to match the thrusting his
finger was now doing.

“Yeeessssss,” Amy screamed, answering Chad, yet savoring her

orgasm because she knew she’d pay for it later.

The number six kept flashing in front of her, and since Amy didn’t

want to receive any additional strokes of Chad’s cane, she remained
still as Alec and Chad kept her body suspended. She accepted every
ripple, spasm, and contraction that traveled through her pussy as tiny
dots of red and blue swam through her vision. Amy was pretty sure
the only thing holding her up at the moment was Chad’s grip on her

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“I think you should take another shower, angel,” Chad murmured,

nuzzling her neck. “We’ve got a busy day ahead of us.”

* * * *

“Amy said that you two talked yesterday.”
“Cut me some slack, Chad.”
They were both leaning against the far wall of the hospital room,

where they’d spent that majority of the afternoon visiting with Ruby.
The women’s group that Ruby belonged to had come and gone, and
one would think she would be tired. Instead, she was sitting up in bed,
looking her normal, happy self, chitchatting away with Amy.

“See, there you go. You thought I was referring to the fact that

you told Amy you couldn’t care for her the way she should be cared
for, but that if she could be content with the way things are, all is

“Thanks for the long-assed recap, but what the hell else would

you be referring to?” Alec asked irritably.

“Your paintings. She said you only have the main piece left, but I

thought that we were using the oil painting of those gold handcuffs
dangling from the black and white bedpost.”

Chad could tell that Alec instantly relaxed his shoulders upon the

discussion of his passion. Ever since they’d signed the contract with
Amy, he realized that he hadn’t given Alec time to really breathe and
just enjoy her. Chad so wanted this time with Amy to turn into
something more than a two-month contract, but he was pushing Alec
too far. He needed to step back and hope like hell they could sort
through Alec’s demons and destroy them one by one.

“Inspiration hit me yesterday morning, as I was painting her

corset,” Alec said, a real smile spreading over his face. Chad would
have joked he needed sunglasses for how white his teeth were, but
before he could get the words out, Alec continued. “Envision this. A

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round stage is set up in the middle of the gallery with a lone spotlight.
Amy is standing there…”

By the time Alec got through explaining his idea, Chad had

already pulled his phone out and texted Amanda instructions on what
they would need for Alec’s showing. This meant, of course, that Josh
and Tyler wouldn’t be able to come, but Chad would think of
something. He really didn’t think the three of them were ready to
divulge their relationship to Amy’s brothers.

“What about your supplies?”
“I ordered them online this morning. We’ll have to put some sort

of disclaimer out there in regards to an adult-only showing. And Ruby
can’t come. I don’t feel comfortable with her seeing Amy like that.”

“True. We’ll tell her the truth as to why though. It’s Josh and

Tyler that we’ll have to come up with a damn good excuse as to why
they can’t come.”

Amy caught their attention when she laughed at something Ruby

said, her blonde hair falling into her eyes. She reached up and tucked
the strands behind her ear, looking back at them with amusement.
Ruby was definitely telling her stories about their misspent youth,
although Alec had discreetly warned her not to say anything about
Cara to Amy. Ruby agreed, although reluctantly. Chad was certain
Ruby was making up for her censorship by sharing tales of their
teenage years. Hearing her laugh was like music to his ears and he
would do his damnedest to make sure she stayed that way.

“We are so fucked,” Chad murmured, more to himself than Alec.

She had totally bewitched them. Shit, maybe she was a witch instead
of an angel.

Alec laughed at his comment, this time catching Amy’s attention.

Her head whipped back around and her eyes widened. She looked
shocked, like she’d never seen Alec laugh before. Hell, maybe she
hadn’t, now that Chad thought about it. It wasn’t as if Alec didn’t
have a lighter side—he did, but having his inner sanctum invaded had

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made him a little tense lately. Amy must have liked what she saw,
because when she caught him looking at her, she winked. What a little

* * * *

She felt something touch the back of her hand. Amy turned back

toward the bed to find that Ruby had placed her hand on top of hers.
Today’s technology was amazing. Although Ruby complained about
the wound in her groin where the catheter had been inserted, she
looked beautiful. She’d taken the toiletries that Amy had brought and
applied her make-up and spritzed her hair. The ladies all waved their
hands when they arrived, gushing over how good Ruby looked. She
basked in their adoration and Amy could tell she enjoyed all of the

“I have a favor to ask of you,” Ruby said.
Amy suddenly felt uneasy, like she was about to let down the

older woman. That was the last thing she wanted, but maybe what
Ruby wanted to ask wasn’t such a big deal. Maybe she wanted Amy
to run back to her house for something she forgot.

“When Alec finally opens up to you about his past, don’t judge

him. He has a very harsh opinion about himself that just isn’t true.
You need to have an open mind.”

So much for it being an easy favor. If only Amy knew what Ruby

was talking about, it would make for a simpler situation, but Amy was
relatively sure that Alec had warned her against it. It was hard to
foresee how she would react to something that she knew nothing
about, yet whatever Alec thought he’d done, it hadn’t been bad
enough for Chad to cut him out of his life. It couldn’t be that bad.

“I will try my best, Ruby,” Amy said softly, so that Chad and Alec

didn’t overhear them. “But you’re assuming he’ll share his past with

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“He will, dear,” Ruby said, patting the back of her hand. “You just

have to wait him out.”

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Chapter Twelve

Amy stood in the middle of Alec’s studio, exactly where he liked

her to be. Only this time, he’d set up his easel and wasn’t kneeling in
front of her. She also wasn’t facing his way, and was bent over at the
waist with her legs together. Directly in front of her was a heavy,
solid black square that she had no clue what it was made of, with
handles in the middle. All she knew was that it didn’t move with her
weight. Instead of being told to grab her ankles, Alec had her grip the
black rubber to hold herself in place with her toes touching the square.
She’d been this way for about an hour. It was going on eight o’clock
in the evening and according to Chad, they were leaving the
apartment around nine-thirty.

“It looks too pure.”
Amy had heard Chad’s footsteps from down the hall, so she

wasn’t surprised when she heard his voice. What did have her on edge
was the fact that she was relatively sure he had a certain implement
with him and his words pretty much guaranteed it. In this position, her
ass was his canvas and the throbbing in her core was all in favor.
Why, then, couldn’t she wrap her mind around it?

“I’m about ready,” Alec murmured, his faraway tone indicating he

was deep in concentration. “I can finish the background tomorrow.”

“One of Alec’s favorite things to paint is the aftereffects of a

submissive having been disciplined. We both agree, and it was nice to
have James point it out as well, that for you to progress as a
submissive, discipline is a tool that must be utilized.” Chad’s voice
got closer and it wasn’t long before he was squatting in front of her,
with a long cane about a half-inch thick. “I love canes. I appreciate

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how they can take a submissive into subspace in a matter of minutes. I
enjoy that they can be used for discipline, punishment, as well as
pleasure. Caning is not meant for beginners, but in my opinion, can be
used for discipline if wielded properly. Which brings us to your daily

Amy tightened her fingers on the handlebars, her breathing a little

shallow as he spoke of pain, pleasure, and discipline. She’d witnessed
countless scenes at the club, always wishing it were her bound to the
St. Andrew’s Cross or strapped onto a spanking bench instead of the
other submissives. Now, here she was, about to be disciplined and her
body’s response was unmistakable. She craved it.

“I’d like you to list them out for me, angel. This way, you know

why you are receiving your stripes. By the way, Alec, the white collar
you painted around her neck is stunning.”

Amy had yet to see what the collar looked like, but as Alec

hummed along with a song that only he heard, he’d seemed pleased
with the results. For how long it took him to paint it, it must be wide.
The majority of the color was white, but then he’d used silver and
black as well. She couldn’t wait to see it.

“I was pleased,” Alec murmured, seemingly engrossed in what he

was doing.

“Angel, your list?” Chad asked.
“I hesitated on an order, Master,” Amy whispered, having a hard

time meeting his dark gaze. Admitting she disappointed them with her
behavior was harder then she thought it would be. She finally dropped
her gaze down to her hands, seeing her knuckles turn white from her
grip. “I also didn’t answer you when you asked me a question,

“Eyes on me,” Chad ordered. She immediately obeyed, and a

tremor shot through her like lightning. “How many times did you not
answer me?”

“Um, twice? Master?”

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Amy struggled to think back on today, but it was very hard when

he looked like all he wanted to do was consume her. She was all in for
staying home and letting him have his way with her, but she knew
that wasn’t going to happen. One of the things she loved about giving
up total control was that she didn’t have to make decisions—they
made them for her, with her best interests at heart. In the back of her
mind, she knew if they had sex right now it would be wonderful, but
if they took her to the club and executed a scene, her response to them
would be that much stronger.

“You tell me.”
“It was twice, Master, along with me moving out of position.”

Amy watched as Chad stroked the cane, his large fingers gliding up
and down the shaft as if he were caressing her. The rattan looked to be
smooth, yet she knew it would feel anything but as it landed on her
ass. “And there was a sixth, Master.”

“Yes, there was,” Chad replied in agreement.
“I came without permission, Master.” Amy whispered, feeling a

stab of guilt. Looking back, how hard would it have been to wait for
their consent? Really, she considered herself a strong woman. It
should be easy to hold off her release. Next time, she wouldn’t come
without their say-so. “It won’t happen again.”

Amy heard Alec laugh and immediately felt irate. Chad must have

seen it in her eyes, for his lifted the corner of his mouth in a half
smile. He shook his head, as if she didn’t know anything. She knew
herself, damn it! It had just been a weak moment for her, being
touched by them in such a way. She could control herself.

“Six stripes to wear to the club this evening, showing everyone

that you received your discipline like a good girl. To reward you for
accepting the strike of my cane, I will tell you what you can expect.
The force of my swing will not be as hard as it would be had you had
experience, which is why you will not need a warm-up. Normally, I
like to warm the flesh of a sub’s ass before she accepts the harsh sting
of my cane. Since I will be holding back to give you just a taste, yet

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hard enough to leave a mark for all to see, I will deliver three to each
lovely cheek. I will pause between each strike, so that you may catch
your breath.”

What breath? Amy was relatively sure that he’d sucked all the

oxygen out of the room. Her ass felt like it had already caught fire and
she wasn’t even sure what the strike of a cane felt like. Did it sting?
Did it smack? Did it ache? Did it burn? When Chad stood up, Amy
felt like she was ready to panic, but the brush of his fingers through
her hair was all it took to calm her down. He then left her line of
sight. She would accept his discipline and make both Chad and Alec
proud. She could do this. She wanted to do this.

“My suggestion is to not tense up,” Chad said. “When we are

through, you are to continue to remain in position while Alec
completes his painting. I’m thinking this special painting should be
placed over our bed, so that each time you crawl underneath the
covers, you are reminded to heed our instructions. Are you ready,

“Yes, Master,” Amy answered, although her thoughts started to

whirl at the mention of their bed. Did that mean they were going to
sleep together this evening? Did Chad mean Alec, too? Were their
sleeping arrangements to change? She faintly heard a hissing sound
before feeling a searing stripe of pain on her left buttock. “Ahhhh!”

Amy locked her knees before they could buckle and tightened her

grip on the rubber handles of the block in front of her. The line of fire
was the most intense thing she’d ever felt and the air left her lungs. It
was the surprise of the cane, not the actual impact that caused her
reaction. Chad hadn’t used it as hard as she’d seen other Dominants in
the club and she was very, very grateful, but that didn’t mean it hadn’t
shocked her to her core.

“Will you hesitate when we give you an order?”
“No, Master,” Amy said, although her voice sounded hoarse.
When Alec had paddled her, the heat seemed to spread throughout

her entire buttocks. The stroke of Chad’s cane seemed to stay within

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the confines of that half-inch line, making her want to place her hand
overtop of what was sure to be a red stripe. She heard the faint hissing
sound again, but before she could tense her muscles, another streak of
fire landed, causing her to cry out.

“You mark beautifully, angel,” Chad said, his tone dropping an

octave. Did this arouse him? “Will you hesitate when we give you an

“No, Master,” Amy said, the words coming out stronger than


“Shall we finish your left cheek and give something for Alec to

paint, while we work on your right side?”

It was a question and he expected an answer. There were two

strikes from the cane coming her way due to her previous
noncompliance. “Yes, Master.”

“Very well.”
Amy couldn’t prevent herself from tensing and when the cane fell,

she instantly regretted her body’s response. This one smarted enough
to bring tears to her eyes. It was hard to believe, but she could feel the
three individual streaks on her left cheek. The third seemed to throb in
time with her heartbeat, whereas the others just felt as if someone was
keeping the flame of a match against her skin. When Chad’s hand
brushed against the searing marks, Amy squealed.

“No worries,” Chad murmured. “By the time Alec has completed

his work and we’re ready to leave for the club, I’m sure you’ll be able
to sit down. This is a discipline, not punishment, so you will not
bruise. I’m only making your skin tender.”

Tender? Amy tried to relax under the touch of his hand, which felt

a tad bit more than tender, but she wasn’t about to argue with him.
She had three more to go and wouldn’t disappoint them now. What
she hadn’t expected was Chad’s fingers to slide from her buttock to
her exposed folds. He took two fingers and brought them up, catching
her moisture.

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“I wouldn’t have guessed it, angel, but it seems as if a bit of pain

arouses you. You’re as wet as Niagara Falls. Now, what was that third
strike to remind you of? Ah, yes, now I remember. Will you answer
when asked a question?”

Amy wanted to shake her head no to his previous observation, but

knew that the evidence gave her away. She never would have thought
her body responded to pain either, yet the three sharp individual pains
seemed to have a straight path to her clit, making it pound in need.
What a conundrum. She was just glad that wasn’t a question, because
she’d been using this time to gather her wits before he started to work
on her other cheek. Had her left cheek really only received three? And
he thought that was tender? Amy knew she needed to focus on what
he was asking, though.

“Yes, Master.”
“Alec is painting like he’s obsessed, so I know he’s enjoying the

view as much as I am. Would you like me to describe it to you?”

If it meant buying a little more time to catch her breath, Amy was

all for it. “Yes, Master.”

“It reminds me of a bedpost with notches carved into it. The three

signifies us and as you walk through the club tonight, everyone will
know you belong with Alec and me.”

Amy was going to suggest that they should leave it at three, but

knew that would probably only garner her more. She immediately felt
guilty for having thought that, as she wasn’t being very accepting of
her discipline. She was also having a hard time wrapping her brain
around the fact that her body seemed to enjoy what was being done to
it. Amy had only ever thought of herself as enjoying exhibition, not
being a masochist.

“I think Alec would like to see a matching set, so shall we


“Yes, Master,” Amy answered, struggling not to clench her

cheeks together. She knew she wasn’t a masochist with her reaction,
but that didn’t mean she didn’t enjoy a bite of pain, as Chad had said.

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With every scene, it seemed as if Chad and Alec opened her up to
accept new things about herself. She was grateful and ready for the
remaining strikes in regards to her discipline. “Let’s continue,

As the words left her mouth, they seemed to cover up the faint

hissing sound she normally heard when the cane was cutting through
the air. With no warning this time, Amy cried out as the rattan landed
on fresh, flawless, milk-white skin. She was glad to be facing the
opposite direction, as she wouldn’t want Alec to capture her lips
looking like a fish. She ended up sucking her bottom lip into her
mouth as a line of sharp, hot pain seared into her ass.

“Will you move out of position?”
“No, Master,” Amy whispered, laying her head down in the

middle of the handles. How many were left? Two, that’s right. She
could do this.

The cane made impact, making Amy swing her head back up. Her

lips pursed once more, a sound escaping that she wasn’t quite sure
what to make of. Much to her mortification, Amy felt a trickle of
moisture leak out of her pussy and down the inside of her leg. She felt
Chad reach down and catch it with his finger. Did she just hear a
smack of his lips? He must have tasted her, which sent her arousal
even higher.

“Will you move out of position, angel?”
“No, Master, I’ve learned my lesson.”
“This is all about maintenance, Amy. Alec always said you

needed a firm hand, and I didn’t believe him. Imagine my surprise
when he turned out to be right. And imagine my pleasure that you
respond to my favorite implement. One of these days, I will work you
up so that the strikes of my cane give you so much pleasure it takes
you to subspace.”

Amy would have thought that when Chad left marks on her right

cheek, her left wouldn’t have still felt like someone had poured three

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lines of kerosene on her skin and lit it with a lighter. But now, she
could feel the distinct difference between the five lines that were now
marring her skin.

“I think Alec is waiting for us to finish. You’ve done so well,

angel. One more. And I will ask my question beforehand so that you
think on it as my cane finds its mark. Will you ever come again
without permission?”

“No, Master!” Amy cried out, stressing as much as she could that

she would follow their orders and seek their approval.

This one felt as if he’d added a little extra force, as her body

involuntarily tried to lift her tiptoes from the impact, but she’d
managed to curl them and stay in position. That scorching sensation
instantaneously combusted, yet Amy knew that Chad hadn’t even
remotely come close to caning her the way she’d seen other
submissives take it from their Doms. What had he said? Caning
wasn’t for beginners, which is why he would go light. Light? Amy
didn’t want to think what it would feel like if he’d been more

“Your first caning went very well, angel.”
“Thank you, Master,” Amy whispered, laying her head back down

on the block in front of her. It felt as if her entire body was perspiring
from the effort to remain in place, as well as from receiving the cane,
and hoped it didn’t ruin the corset that Alec had painted on her. Water
from the shower did nothing to it, so she was probably safe. She’d
check once Alec gave her permission to stand.

“I think we’ve found an effective discipline,” Alec said, his voice

carrying across the room. “Chad, let me see your handiwork.”

“Won’t she look beautiful at the club? Look at how swollen her

clit is as it glistens with her juices. It won’t go unnoticed that she’s
wanting and craving release. The question is, will she earn her

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Amy would have given anything to be able to release the handles

and rub her ass, but then thought about what it felt like when Chad did
it and realized that maybe that was a bad idea. Staying in this position
was doing exactly what they had intended it to do, as what she had
done wrong was running through her mind. How hard was it to
answer them? It wasn’t and she would from now on. And to come
without permission? Alec had laughed earlier when she’d said that
she wouldn’t come anymore, but she wouldn’t. She wouldn’t. Yet, if
she had been allowed to touch herself, Amy knew it would have taken
less than five seconds to reach her release.

“Will you go and grab our bag? I’ll finish up here and then we can

head out.”

“Would you like me to help enhance her color before I go?”
“What do you have in mind?” Alec asked.
Amy felt his finger slide through her folds again. What she would

give for him to push it inside of her, but instead she ended up crying
out when he gathered her cream and rubbed it down her first stripe. It
wasn’t the wetness that caused her reaction, but the pressure of his
finger following the mark.

“Very nice,” Alec murmured, as she heard strokes of his brush

rapidly painting on the canvas. “Do each one.”

Amy had to bite her lip to keep from screaming out her

disagreement. Chad took his time and for each blemish, gathered her
moisture that was now leaking out of her pussy in a hasty pace, and
slowly lathered them one by one. Why did Chad doing this to her
make her even more aroused? She wanted to push back, but knew she
needed restraint. Amy decided she meant that in the literal sense, too.
If Chad and Alec tied her up, she wouldn’t be able to move out of

“Damn, but you’re lovely,” Chad murmured, as he stepped away.

“I’m going now and changing, before I decide to take that lovely
pussy now.”

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Take it, Amy thought desperately. But as she heard Chad’s

footsteps cross the floor, she knew that wasn’t going to happen.
Silence descended, although she could still hear the swish of Alec’s
brush against the rough canvas. The smarting of her six red lines
stayed with her minute by minute as the clock ticked away. In an odd
way, instead of feeling resentment at being disciplined, Amy had felt
their tender care in the time they had taken to discipline her. They
were training her to their specifications and she wanted to exceed
them. Time passed as Amy’s thoughts focused on how to please them.

Alec’s order took her by surprise, and when Amy tried to bring

herself up as directed, her body didn’t want to obey. She gave a
guttural groan when Alec’s strong hands started to massage her lower
back. His fingers were like magic.

“Take your time. I’ve kept you in this position too long, which is

why I thought having the block to lean on would benefit you. I guess
not enough, but we’ll smooth the kinks out. Slowly, rise up.”

Amy did and kept her head down, soaking in his attention. Her ass

still stung, but much to her amazement, it wasn’t as bad as she
thought it would still be. It kind of felt like six different heartbeats
lined up on her ass. How long had she been there after Chad had left?
And where was Chad?

“There you go,” Alec crooned, as he then turned her to face him.

He took her right arm and slowly kneaded her flesh all the way down
to her fingers, which gave her the most discomfort. She’d been
holding on to the handles with all her might. “Feel good?”

“Yes, Sir.” Amy looked up at him through her lashes, noticing his

eyes were a lighter shade of green than they were when he had placed
her in position hours ago. His work caused an intensity in him that she
loved, yet seeing the fun side to him within the fairer color made her
want to play—without receiving discipline. “Are you excited for this
evening, Sir?”

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The left side of his mouth tilted up in a smile. The butterflies

returned to her stomach. He had such a devilish sparkle shining in his
eyes that Amy wanted to leave for the club right now. What did they
have planned for her?

“No doubt about it,” Alec replied, taking her other arm and doing

the same thing to help her loosen up. “I hear Chad coming down the
hall now. We’ll get you ready and head on out.”

“How is our little sub doing?” Chad asked, walking into the room

with a black bag. He set it on the floor.

“I think she’s a little impatient to hit the club. Did you bring


“All of it, and more,” Chad answered. “You never know what

we’re going to need. Angel, hands clasped behind your neck, breasts
out. It looks like Alec’s been giving a rubdown. He can do the same
to your nipples. I want them tight and extended, ready for the special
nipple clamps that Alec was nice enough to buy you for this evening.”

It wasn’t as if Amy hadn’t heard such things before at her

brothers’ club, but hearing the naughty words fall from Chad’s lips
had her nipples tightening all on their own. She’d seen numerous
clamps as well, but had never experienced them herself. Would they
hurt? Amy lifted her arms, now feeling a lot better due to Alec’s
magical hands, and clasped her fingers behind her neck.

When Alec rolled her nipples between his fingers, Amy couldn’t

hold back a gasp. She hadn’t realized how in need of attention they
were. Her backside had been given all the devotion and the rest of her
body forgotten. Alec didn’t manipulate them softly. If anything, his
pinch was hard and he tugged on them while watching her reaction.
Having him observe her response was just as tantalizing as what he
was doing.

“Alec and I decided that the Japanese Clover Clamps would work

best this evening.” Chad walked over with two silver clamps attached
by a chain, with white pads on the inside of each vise. They didn’t
look all that bad. In his other hand, he held a white leash that matched

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the white lace that was painted on the underside of her breasts. An
image of them parading her around the club caused a tremor of
excitement to run through her. “Since Alec painted a collar on you,
the leash will attach to the chain. I’m warning you now, if you do not
follow along with the appropriate space, these will tighten as your
leash is pulled. Trust me, you don’t want that.”

Alec released her nipples and reached out his hand. Chad dropped

the clamps into the palm of his hand, although he kept a hold of the
leash. This was it—her first experience with clamps. All the subs at
her brothers’ club seemed to enjoy them and Amy arched her back a
little more, wanting to show her appreciation that they’d thought of
her when making the purchase.

“Deep breath,” Alec murmured, taking her right nipple in between

his fingers and pulling it slightly away from her body.

When he closed the clamp around her distended nipple, Amy’s

first thought was that this was worse pain than the six marks on her
ass. What started out as a slight sting turned into a raging fire. It felt
as if her nipple was about to be singed right off of her body. The
worst part was that she forgot to take his advice and had no air in her
lungs left to scream. As Alec caressed the chain, his other hand
reached for her other nipple. She wasn’t sure she could handle it, yet
the stripes on her ass reminded her not to move.

“Do you need a minute to adjust, angel?” Chad said, reaching up

and tucking some strands of hair behind her ear. The reassuring touch
was exactly what she needed. Making sure not to move her arms,
Amy started working her lungs. The burn didn’t ease, but her body
seemed to be accepting it a bit better. “You’ll become used to it.”

“I’m ready, Sir,” Amy said, directing her response to Alec. She

loved that Chad didn’t move his hand away, but instead, started to
stroke her hair. She closed her eyes, relishing the intimacy while Alec
rolled her left nipple and tugged. Taking his earlier advice, she took a
deep breath. The clamp closed tightly around her nipple. “Ahhh!”

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“Accept the burn,” Chad murmured, taking his hand away, much

to her disappointment.

How could both sides of her feel like she was on fire, yet be two

totally different temperatures? It didn’t make sense, yet that was the
only way she could describe it. Accept the burn? Would it be like this
the entire evening? The subs that she knew didn’t seem to be in pain,
yet Amy wasn’t certain she could make it through the night feeling
like this.

“Spread your legs.”
Amy’s eyes popped open. They had a way of keeping her off

balance that she wasn’t used to. She did as requested, but wondered
why. She looked at Alec’s hands but didn’t see anything. Maybe they
just wanted to see if she was wet? She could answer that with a
resounding yes. She’d always loved her nipples played with, but had
never experienced something this extreme. Amy was afraid to breathe
for fear of causing them to move. Wait a minute. They were going to
attach a leash to the chain? Now Chad’s words made sense, causing
her a little bit of apprehension.

“Alec, would you like to do the honors? She’s swollen enough

that it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Amy’s gaze swung Chad’s way to see what he was talking about.

In his hand was a silver bell attached to what looked like two thin
metal four-inch posts with a circle encompassing both. It looked like
each metal tip was covered in black leather. The bell was decorated in
white lace on the outer edges—enough to look good, she thought, yet
not enough to cover the sound. Her mind didn’t comprehend what it
was to be used on, considering her nipples were already fastened. She
looked at the clamp to Chad’s face and then back again. Realization
dawned and her pussy immediately leaked cream.

“Do you like the lace? I had it custom made to match the lace I

painted on the lower half of your breasts.”

“Yes, Sir,” Amy answered. She was proud of herself that she got

the words out without her anxiety stealing them. She wasn’t about to

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tell them they might have trouble fastening it to her clit because it felt
three times the size it normally did. She could feel her heart beat
through the engorged tissue. “It’s pretty, Sir.”

Alec leaned down on his knees. Using his index finger and thumb

of his left hand, he placed them on either side of her clit and rubbed
away her juices. The problem was, his electric touch was a jolt to her
system. Her pussy wouldn’t stop leaking and when she looked up a
Chad, she could tell he was waiting for her to make some movement,
but there was no way in hell she was having another stripe added to
her ass. She tried to shallow out her breathing as Alec massaged her

“You’re right, Chad. She’s so swollen that I think I’ll have a

problem fitting it over her clit. Do you like it when your clit is played

“Yes, Sir,” Amy asked, a flush stealing across her cheeks.
How could she still blush after all they’d done? It had to be

because she was admitting out loud that she responded to them in
such a carnal way. Her knees started to tremble, making her wonder if
she was going to remain standing upright.

“Then I’m sure we can make this work. Spread your legs a little

farther apart,” Alec ordered.

He was still rubbing her clit, although she wasn’t sure he wasn’t

just doing that to do it instead of actually wiping her juices off so that
the clamp would stay in place. Alec pulled down on her clit, causing
her to cry out at the intense sensation. She wanted to come. Her body
tightened, threatening to do just that, but when she looked Chad’s way
and saw him studying her, she clenched her fingers tighter behind her
neck grabbing a few pieces of hair to distract her. It worked, although
didn’t make the urge to orgasm go away.

“Our angel is going to look anything but angelic tonight.” Alec

must have thought he’d rubbed off enough of her cream that the
clamp would remain on her, because she felt him slide the rubber tips
up and over her engorged tissue. Releasing her clit with his fingers, he

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then had to be pushing up the restraining circular device, because the
clamp became tighter and tighter. “With every step, you’ll be able to
ring your way through the club this evening.”

By the time Alec finished securing her clit clamp, Amy felt as if

there wasn’t a part of her they hadn’t touched. Her ass still felt as if it
had six pulsating lines situated across her flesh, her nipples still stung,
and now her clit felt like someone was pinching it too hard.
Everything combined made Amy aware of her femininity. She wanted
to come so bad, she was contemplating begging for it.

“Depending on how well you do this evening, we might give you

permission to have an orgasm,” Alec said, rising to his feet. He leaned
down and brushed his lips over hers, before reaching up and tangling
his fingers into her hair. His actions cause her hands to slip, but that
didn’t stop him from pulling her closer. Her nipples rubbed up against
his paint-spattered shirt, causing the fire to be rekindled. Alec
swallowed her gasp before pulling away. “And you’ll be good for us,

“Yes, Sir,” Amy whispered, sneaking a glance over at Chad. He

was smiling as if he knew what she had wanted to do. It was obvious
she couldn’t ask for an orgasm now, but vowed that she would get
one when she got home. She’d managed to get through her discipline
as well as accept their gifts. Amy was going to be the one smiling
when the evening was done. “I’ll be good, Sir.”

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Chapter Thirteen

“Good evening, Lucy,” Alec said, handing his black leather coat

to the hostess who was coming around the tall wooden stand. The
entrance to the club was very old English, with the exposed wooden
beams and intricate detail. It had an intimate atmosphere that he loved
and the smell wafting from the main play area was distinct with
spiced tea and a deep woodsy odor. He knew once they entered the
core of the club, additional scents of pheromones would be added to
the mix for an intoxicating fragrance. “It’s good to see you again.”

Lucy was a good-looking woman and had been working at The

Point for the past year. She was a tall blonde who had a fetish for
black latex. Alec figured she was in her mid to late twenties and as far
as he knew, she’d never hooked up with either a Dom or a Domme
from the club. She’d become a staple around the place, and with her
personality and discretion, perfect for the job.

“Good evening, Sir Alec. Master Chad, always a pleasure.” Lucy

hung Alec’s coat over her arm and waited while Chad walked behind
Amy to assist her with removing her long dress coat. He didn’t miss
the way her eyes took in Amy’s body, and seeing the way Amy
shifted her feet, she was well aware of it, too. He smiled, loving that
they had an exhibitionist lying within such an angelic creature. “May
I say that’s a beautiful outfit?”

“You may, Lucy,” Alec answered, sharing a smile with Chad.
Amy was, indeed, a vision with her black corset and white lace.

His favorite piece of the ensemble was her collar, which was white
with black stitching and a gold clasp located directly in front. Amy
kept her eyes downcast, exactly like they asked, but he knew she was

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trying to take in everything she could. From the way her breasts were
rising and falling, it was obvious Amy was enjoying being looked at
by another person. How would she react to the scene that he and Chad
had decided on for her?

“Master Chad, I’ll take your coats now.”
“Thank you, Lucy.” Chad handed over his black wool dress coat

along with Amy’s cream one, before picking up Amy’s leash and
leading her into the main playroom.

Alec followed, noticing the way Amy was scurrying along in her

stiletto heels that he’d purchased for her the other day when ordering
her clit and nipple clamps. The black was in perfect contrast to her
silver bell dangling between her legs. Unfortunately, the background
music was masking the tinkling sound, but the image was just as
praiseworthy. Amy was trying her damnedest to keep up with Chad,
obviously not wanting the nipple clamps to tighten. He was enjoying
watching her dilemma and hoped there was room in the main sitting
area for others to share in their delight.

“Interesting,” Chad said, slowing down his pace. “James is here.”
Alec turned to the side, where play areas were set up along the

wall. It was actually that way around the entire area, with each station
secured off with red rope. Landon and Owen were playing with a sub
on the St. Andrew’s Cross, while Lane and Ross had their permanent
sub strapped to the Sybian horse. They were smiling at her pleas to
stop the pleasure. Alec smiled, remembering the first time they had
placed Becca on it as a lesson to be learned. Looking to the left of the
room, he was surprised to see Sander without his brother, but his sub
was definitely getting use out of the spanking bench. Trying to see
what Chad was talking about, Alec scanned the right side of the room
and lo and behold, James was standing at a table that contained four
high-top chairs, watching the room.

“I’ve never seen James play, so unless he’s put in for a

membership, he’s here on business,” Alec replied, noticing that one of

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the empty sitting areas facing Sander’s station was available. “One

Chad looked in the direction that Alec was speaking of and led

Amy to the vacant area. So far, she’d done excellently in her first
foray into their domain, although he knew Amy had witnessed
countless submissions over the years and knew exactly what was
expected. But he was counting on her apprehension to get her into
trouble and if it didn’t, he and Chad had come up with another

“Kneel,” Chad instructed Amy, who followed his orders and

lowered herself to a gold pillow especially placed on the floor for the
protection of a submissive’s knees. He then proceeded to lift a hand,
signaling to one of the submissives on duty. Stephanie hurried over
and Alec noticed that she was walking in an odd manner. After taking
their orders for drinks, she turned away from them to head back to the
bar. A bejeweled butt plug was perfectly placed within her crevice.
The size of the implement was no doubt causing her troubles with
walking properly. “Interesting handle.”

“It’s got to be the work of Liam Hemcourt,” Alec replied,

referring to a friend of theirs who designed BDSM jewelry and toys.
“I wonder if I should give him a call in regards to my showing. He
might have something interesting I can use.”

“Have you told our angel?”
“No time like the present,” Alec said with a laugh. “Angel, come

stand before me.”

Chad handed her leash over and Alec took it carefully into his

fingers, not wanting to tug too hard. He figured her nipples ought to
be a little numb about now, but what he had in mind didn’t include
pain. As Amy took her place in front of him, Alec took a minute to
admire his art. His mind spun with more images of what he could
paint on her for future events.

“Look at me.” Alec waited for her blue eyes to lift and meet his.

Excitement lay beneath the translucent color. She liked that he’d

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made her stand in front of all these people. “Be frank in answering my
question. How would you like to be the central artwork for my next
showing? You would be standing in the center of Chad’s gallery, with
maybe a hundred people walking around you, admiring my work.”

As Alec painted the picture in her head, Amy’s breasts started to

rise and fall as her breath quickened and the pulse on the side of her
neck kept time. He loved that she responded to his kink. Sander’s
brother chose that moment to enter the room and was coming their
way. Lashe’s eyes immediately went to Amy’s ass, causing him to
smile. It should, considering he was a sadist in every sense of the
word. He didn’t tolerate misbehaved subs. Of course, he only played
with subs that could handle severe punishments.

“Well, well, what do we have here?” Lashe said, stopping directly

behind Amy. Alec saw that her eyes widened and she tensed at how
close the voice was to her ear. “I heard you two went to Kennedy in
regards to obtaining a permanent sub. I take it from the six lines on
her ass, she’s enjoying the training?”

“Very much so,” Chad replied, lifting his hand to accept the

drinks that Stephanie had brought back. She was relatively new to the
lifestyle, but her Dom was integrating her slowly. Her hands were
shaky as she handed him the three drinks off of her tray. “We had to
incorporate a discipline method to ensure she was learning things the
proper way. I must admit, it’s working rather well.”

“I’d love giving her a good punishment should the need ever

arise,” Lashe replied. “But, I’m sure you boys have it all under
control. I’m just stopping by for a moment to speak with Sander, and
then I’m off to the airport on business. By the way, what’s Calihan
doing here?”

“That’s what we were just batting around,” Alec said, handing

Chad back Amy’s leash and nodding to the floor that she should take
her seat. He ignored the disappointment in her face, but if Lashe was
concerned that James was here, then maybe they should find out why
and offer their help. It was either for business in regards to Safeword

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LLC or with the Order, but if James thought something was going
down tonight at the club, then maybe they should remove Amy from
the vicinity. “Why don’t we ask if he needs our assistance?”

“Calihan? Hell no. That man could take on an entire company of

Marines. If he were here on business for the Order, I’d know. Which
means he’s got to be investigating someone for Safeword LLC. Hey,
I’m running late. Good to see you and keep up the proper discipline.
It’s the only way they learn.”

Lashe reached forward, shaking Chad’s hand and then Alec’s.

Although Lashe didn’t seem too concerned with Calihan stopping in
on a busy Saturday night, Alec still thought it odd. Looking back at
James, he noticed the man was staring at a server who was serving
drinks to Ryan and Isaac. Hmmm, maybe he was here for Safeword

“Oh! You’re bleeding! Do you have a napkin?”
Alec swung his gaze back around, dumbfounded to hear Amy’s

voice. She knew the rules. Stephanie must have been turning to go
back to the bar when Amy caught the sight of a scratch. It must have
come from a jewel attached to the plug, but it was nothing more than
a scratch that her Dom would no doubt have taken care of once she’d
return to him.

“Maybe I can catch the next flight out,” Lashe said, humor shining

through each word. “Did you tell your sub that she isn’t supposed to
speak unless given permission? This might be worth staying to see.”

* * * *

Amy heard what Lashe had said, but really couldn’t see Chad and

Alec punishing her over talking when she was only trying to help.
Stephanie didn’t stay, but rather walked quickly away toward the bar,
as if she didn’t want to get into trouble. A man was waiting for her.
He placed his hands on her shoulders, obviously asking what had
happened. Stephanie must have explained, because he turned her

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around and tenderly checked the area where Amy had seen the
scratch. He then led her away. Feeling better that Stephanie was being
looked after, Amy turned back around to find three men looking at
her. Shit.

Amy opened her mouth to explain, but when Chad raised an

eyebrow, she thought better of it. She closed her lips and waited.
Chad’s brow didn’t descend and she wondered what she’d done
wrong now. She glanced over at Alec, who was just making a
clucking sound and shaking his head.

“What about the rule about her eyes staying downcast? Did you

go over that one?”

“Lashe, you can leave now,” Chad said wryly.
“And miss the fun? Hell, no. I’ll just take the red eye out. By all

means, don’t let me hold you back. I’ll just take a seat and enjoy the

“You’re an ass,” Alec said, jokingly.
They were bantering back and forth like they weren’t discussing

possibly severely punishing her. Or was it correcting her? Maybe
discipline? Amy figured she better read up on the differences, but
now probably wasn’t a good time to bring it up. She lowered her eyes
to her knees. Not being able to see what they were doing, and with
them not talking, Amy had time to digest the last ten minutes since
they’d arrived.

The entrance was nothing like she’d imagined it to be, but the

main playroom was very similar to her brothers’ club. She would
have given anything to watch the play areas, but knew that her focus
had better stay on Chad and Alec. Walking through the club, she’d
made sure that her leash wasn’t elongated to the point that it would
affect her nipple clamps. Her nipples had gotten used to the pressure,
but one yank and it would feel as if they just had been placed on her.
As for her clit, every step seemed to swing the bell, although she
couldn’t hear it ring. Her clit was just as swollen, if not more so, than
when Alec had first fastened it. It was definitely more sensitive.

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“Why don’t we see if Travis needs a bell to let him know when

someone would like a drink, shall we?” Chad said, standing up.

Amy couldn’t help but lift her head, seeking out his dark eyes to

see if he were telling the truth. Her hands started to perspire as his
stare revealed that he wasn’t kidding. She looked over at Alec,
pleading with him with her eyes, hoping he would come to her rescue.
If they were going to allow people to touch her clit clamp, she’d come
within seconds. Didn’t they understand that her being the center of
attention seemed to arouse her further? It wasn’t fair! She bit her lip
to keep from saying that aloud, just in case they thought of a worse

“Damn, and here I thought I was the one with the good ideas,”

Alec murmured, standing up next to Chad. “Lashe, if you’ll excuse
us, we’re going to go give Travis a hand.”

“I have a flight to reschedule,” Lashe replied, laughing as he

walked off toward the spanking-bench area.

“Please,” Amy whispered, hoping no one else would hear her. “I

know I shouldn’t have said anything, but I was only trying to help her.
She was bleeding!”

“It was a scratch. Nothing more. And her Dom would have taken

care of it the minute she told him about it,” Chad said, reassuring her,
yet not backing down from his proposed penance. “To have seen her
scratch in the first place, you had to have been looking up. You also
just spoke out of turn. We went over the rules with you twice, not to
mention that you already know them from Josh and Tyler’s club. You
broke them as well as others, therefore, you must accept your

Chad was holding her leash. He pulled up, indicating that she

should stand, causing the clamps to tighten on her nipples. Heat
spread through her breasts, and Amy immediately stood, not wanting
the pain to be intolerable. As Amy turned to follow him, she made
sure to keep her eyes downcast. She knew that Alec walked behind

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her, but it was the stares that she felt on her body that made her flush.
They were watching her being led to her castigation.

The bar was tucked in between two play stations, but was at least

fourteen feet long. Although she kept her eyes downcast, Amy was
still able to make out the man behind the bar. He was over six feet
tall, with black hair and a goatee. He had a kind smile, but she
couldn’t see his eyes to see if they matched.

“What can I do for you gentlemen?”
“Our submissive needs to learn a lesson and we were wondering if

you’d like a bell to give you a sweet little sound to let you know when
an order is being placed,” Chad replied, stopping right before a
barstool. Travis must have looked down between her legs to see the
bell, because he threw his head back and laughed. “Can you clear the

“Hell, yes,” Travis said, still chuckling. “This is a new one.

People will be talking about this for a while. I’m impressed.”

“What can I say? Alec’s creative tendencies are rubbing off on


Amy figured she couldn’t get into any more trouble than she

already was and watched in disbelief as Travis wiped down the side
of the bar where it connected to the wall. They didn’t really expect
her to climb up there, did they? The wood seemed sturdy enough and
there was a decorative brass pole that went around the entire surface,
including the edge that connected to the wall.

“Travis, do you have any cuffs back there?” Alec asked, leaning

up against a stool.

“Black or white?”
“You have to ask? White to match her collar.”
“Beautiful work, man.” Travis walked a few steps away and

leaned under the bar. Standing, he held in his hands two white cuffs.
“It’s too bad we don’t allow cameras in the main area.”

“I’m having a showing in two weeks. You’re welcome to attend.

She’ll be the main piece.”

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“I’ll pass that around,” Travis said. “Looks like you have

customers behind you waiting to ring that bell. Surface is dry, so go
ahead and set her up there.”

Amy couldn’t bring herself to turn around to see who was

standing behind her. They were really going to go through with this.
She’d been hoping they were just trying to prove a point and would
stop before things went too far. Apparently, that wasn’t going to
happen. Chad let go of her leash and wrapped his hands around her
waist. Lifting her up, Amy had no choice but to put her knees on the
wooden surface.

“Grab the handle in front of you,” Chad ordered, coming around

the side of the bar. His hand never left her back, and she thought
maybe that was his way of making sure she didn’t fall off. Which was
a good possibility, considering she was shaking like a leaf. All eyes
had to be on her. What were they thinking? “Every time that bell
rings, you are to call out a number. Count how many times an order
has been placed.”

He wanted her to participate in her punishment. She wasn’t so

sure she’d have a voice to yell out, because as she leaned down to
hold the pole, all oxygen left her body. Chad reached under her for the
leash and wrapped it around the pole so that she wouldn’t be able to
move back. Alec was fastening cuffs to her ankles. He then spread her
knees wide apart and somehow, someway, clasped them to the pole so
that she couldn’t bring her legs together.

“Would you look at that sweet bell?” Alec asked. She assumed he

was speaking to Chad. “Maybe Liam can make us more, because I’m
suddenly liking her clit decorated.”

“We can always have it pierced. That wasn’t part of her hard


Amy didn’t mean to move, but when Chad mentioned piercing her

clit, her first response was to protest and stand up. The leash reminded
her that it wasn’t her place to decide what to pierce and not pierce on

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her body, as he was indeed right. Her nipples felt the burn. She’d
placed piercings on her soft limit list. What had she been thinking?

“Order up!” Travis yelled.
Chad came around and sat on the stool to her side, for which she

was grateful. She lifted her head, looking in the mirror to see a group
of people standing around, watching the scene unfold. And that was
what this was—a scene. It just happened to be of her punishment. A
Dom who had been sitting one area away stood behind her, looking at
her ornament. Amy’s face flushed when she felt a trickle of moisture
run down her folds. Please, please, don’t drip on the wood.

“Chad and Alec, I have a feeling I’m mighty thirsty tonight.” He

lifted a finger, showing her in the mirror, and lowered it to where it
was no longer in sight. She felt him ring the bell. The movement
shifted her clit and didn’t stop, as the clamp swung back and forth.
“Ginger ale, Travis.”

“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Chad murmured, leaning

forward to that only she could hear.

“One, Master.” Amy wasn’t sure how loud her voice was, because

it seemed as if her ears had been stuffed with cotton. Why wouldn’t
the clamp stop moving? Her clit felt like it was swelling, which had to
be impossible, because it had been big before.

“Water.” Her bell was run again.
“Two, Master,” Amy squealed, as the metal oscillated even more.
“Spiced tea.”
“Three, Master.”
The bell fluctuated between her inner thighs and Amy finally

lowered her head. She was bound to the point that she couldn’t move
and had to take what was being done to her. It was bittersweet.
Numerous people were observing her and her body responded to that
as much as the ringing of her bell.

“Ah! Four, Master!” Amy called out a little too loud, as whoever

tapped her bell did so with force.

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She changed her mind. Where Amy had thought she’d come with

the first or second ring, the knocking of her clamp only seemed to
keep her on edge. A trail of moisture ran down her inner thigh,
showing whoever was behind her that she was enjoying her
punishment probably way too much. But didn’t they understand that
this was how she would be for the remainder of the evening—on edge
and practically begging for relief?

Amy moaned as the bell was rung once more. What number was

that? “Five, Master.”

“It looks as if you’ll be here a while, angel. Alec seems to be

rounding up quite a few thirsty people. Are you learning your

“Yes, Master, yes! I won’t speak unless given permission.”
“All of these people see the six stripes on your ass as well. It looks

as if you’re getting a reputation of being a little brat, when I really
wanted to show them what an angel you are. Hmmm, maybe next

“Six, Master!” Amy’s clit felt raw and the only thing on the

horizon was more drink orders. How would she survive?

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Chapter Fourteen

“Wake up, sleepyhead.”
Amy went to bring down her arm, but something stopped it. She

yanked again, but nothing happened. Moving her legs, Amy found she
was truly bound. She opened her eyes to see Chad above her. Quickly
looking down, two things hit her at once. He’d rigged something
under her mattress to hold her thighs open for him with black straps,
and he was sporting a condom on his long, thick cock.

“Do you know the best thing about last night?”
Amy shook her head, as this position made her body want to

move. She couldn’t do that either and looked down at her stomach. A
black strap wound its way across her abdomen. She was to take what
they gave her. That made her want him more.

“What is that, Master?” Amy asked, although even she could still

hear the sleepiness in her voice. There was a huskiness to it, though
she wasn’t all that sure it had to do with just waking up.

“You’re still soaking wet, waiting for us to fill you. I’ve never

witnessed a clit on any submissive swell as much as yours did last
night, nor seen a pussy leave such a puddle on the bar. Was it all those
Doms observing you, and wanting to claim you as theirs? Or was it
having the submissives watching you and craving to be you that drew
that response? Or was it simply pleasing your Masters by accepting
your punishment?”

“All of the above, Master,” Amy answered honestly, staring up

into his dark eyes. She turned her head, seeking out Alec, who was
walking her way. She’d never seen his body entirely naked and was

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impressed by his lean, yet muscular build. When did he have time to
work out? “Good morning, Sir Alec.”

“Hmmm, it’s looking to be one, isn’t it?”
“Look at me,” Chad ordered, his hands planted firmly in the

mattress on either side of her head. “You accepted your punishment in
a graceful manner, so you’ll be rewarded. You may come without
permission this morning.”

Before she could say thank you, Amy felt the tip of his cock at her

entrance and all thought left her mind. They were finally going to take
her. She’d dreamt of this for years, never imagining in a million years
that it would become a reality. He was right about the amount of
moisture still leaking from her pussy, because his cock seemed to
slide into her as if it were made to fit inside of her. Inch by inch, her
pussy delighted in accepting him, stretching around his width. He
took a hold of her hips and shifted, so that he was on his knees while
he started a slow thrust.

Alec chose that moment to climb onto the mattress. Much to her

surprise, he straddled her with his cock at her mouth. A part of her
couldn’t wait to taste him and her tongue involuntarily licked her lips.
But there was a part of her that had wanted to enjoy what Chad was
doing. This would only serve to distract her.

“Do you remember us telling you that your mind runs too much?

Well, sucking on my cock will keep you from thinking,” Alec said, a
smile on his face. “We just want you to feel. Let us do all the work.
Open those pretty pink lush lips of yours.”

Amy automatically parted her mouth, accepting his cock. The

flavor of his pre-cum exploded on her taste buds. She moaned her
appreciation, but she couldn’t help but wonder how this was going to
help her stop thinking. Amy wanted his first time by her mouth to be
memorable, which meant she would have to concentrate.

“Chad, why don’t you help her along?”
Amy looked up at him through her lashes, wondering what he

meant. She didn’t have to wait long for an answer, because Chad used

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his thumb to brush over her clit. The jolt went through her like a
lightening strike. Her eyes closed and much to her surprise, instead of
her having to move her head, Alec started to slowly thrust in and out
of her mouth.

Chad started to make small circular motions over her sensitive

flesh, all the while not hesitating in his slow thrust into her pussy.
Alec’s warm cock was gliding over her tongue, every once in a while
gifting her with his taste. Her body was accepting both of them and
enjoying the different sensations, but the one thing that kept her on
edge was the fact that she couldn’t move. She could only take and she
loved it.

That is, until she wanted Chad to move in and out of her faster.

Why wasn’t he? She tried to move her hips, but her undulation went
unnoticed. She could feel her pussy spasm. Amy started to suck a
little harder, hoping that Alec would realize she wanted more. All that
did was have him push in a little farther, almost touching the back of
her throat. Saliva pooled, but he pulled back before her gag reflex
kicked in.

“That’s right,” Alec murmured, brushing the hair off of her face.

“Just feel. Chad’s enjoying his first time in your pussy, so don’t rush
this. You just keep stroking me with that tongue of yours and keep me
ready so that I’m nice and hard when it’s my turn to slide into your

Alec’s words only seemed to heighten her desire and make her

feel Chad’s thick cock even more, as he slid slowly in and out of her
pussy. His thumb relentlessly rubbed across her raw and swollen clit,
but not hard enough to send her over. Which is why Chad probably
said she could come without permission in the first place—he knew
they controlled her orgasms. Without enough pressure, he was just
keeping her on edge and knew it.

A slight film of perspiration coated her skin as her body strained

for release that was being withheld from her. The only thing she could
really move was her hands, which she did by opening and closing her

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fingers. The inability to move seemed to send her higher and higher,
with no hope of falling.

“Tilt your head,” Alec ordered, although his voice seemed


Alec was gripping the headboard as he angled up, pushing his

cock deeper within her mouth. As she did as he asked, it opened up
her throat to accept more of him. To her amazement, this position
made it easier for her to accept his cock without choking. Granted, he
didn’t go too far, but she could feel his tip slide down far enough to
enter her throat. Chad chose to press hard on her clit then, and she
moaned, the noise vibrating against Alec’s cock.

“Fuck,” Alec said, the word practically hissing through his teeth.
“Come for me, angel,” Chad shouted, finally plunging his cock in

and out of her pussy at a faster rate. His thumb continued to press
hard, rubbing against her engorged clit. She felt little pulses of
electricity run up her inner thigh, connecting with her clit and causing
her pussy to quiver around Chad’s cock. Alec pulled out of her mouth
just as she emitted a scream, her body sent over the edge. “Yes!”

Amy felt Chad’s cock swell, his shaft pulsating as his cum shot

into the condom. She vaguely heard the sound of a wrapper. Letting
her body relish in the after-throes of release, Amy felt every muscle in
her body relax. For so many years, she dreamed of this and there was
no other place she’d rather be. She was almost afraid to think that
way, for fear of jinxing it, but she couldn’t help herself. Amy gave a
satisfied smile as she buried her face into the side of her arm.

“Let’s see if we can keep that beautiful smile across those luscious

lips,” Alec murmured, running a finger over her now exceedingly
sensitive clit. She jerked her hips, but got nowhere. She looked down,
seeing that he had sheathed himself with a condom. When had he
done that? “Hmmm, I like to be able to play when you can’t stop me.
Chad, throw me the small vibrator that’s lying next to my jeans.”

“Sir, I—” Amy broke off, remembering what had happened the

last time she spoke the words “I can’t.” Between Alec making her

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wear the vibrating plug for hours and Chad’s discipline with the scrub
brush, Amy was relatively sure she’d learned her lesson. “I’d like to
keep smiling, Sir.”

Alec laughed, as if he’d known that wasn’t what she was

originally going to say, but didn’t seem to mind. Alec reached up with
one hand and caught the small, purple vibrator, no bigger than a
lighter—which is what it could have been, considering the way it lit
up her clit the moment it touched. She cried out, the intensity of the
pulsation too much, yet she wasn’t able to move away from it.

“Then I won’t keep you waiting,” Alec said, shifting in the same

manner that Chad had been, so that he was on his knees and free to
play with her clit. His cock wasn’t as wide as Chad’s, but was
definitely longer and curved more. She knew that it would touch her
G-spot over and over again. “Smile.”

With that word, Alec plunged deep inside of her. Amy cried out in

pleasure, loving the magnitude of his intensity. He didn’t go slowly
like Chad had, yet it was still just as gratifying. He also didn’t move
the vibrator across her clit like Chad had his fingers, but instead, kept
it steady and pressed it against her still swollen nub. The differences
were notable. However, they both seemed to know what she needed.
There was no gradual climb. Within minutes, Amy was screaming her
release and feeling Alec obtain his.

“Our angel,” Chad whispered above her, causing her eyes to open.

His face was close to hers as he leaned down and captured her lips.
When he pulled away, she noticed that he held in his hands a
washcloth. They were very particular about their aftercare, always
holding her until she felt like herself. Even last night, after having
been positioned on the bar for everyone to place their orders with the
ringing of her bell, they had taken her off to a secluded area and held
her. She’d wanted relief, but they quietly told her no. All the while,
their hands comforted her. Amy gave them both a smile, as they
unfastened her restraints and placed the warm cloth over her pussy. It
was well worth the wait. “And there’s our smile.”

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Chapter Fifteen

“Ruby’s recovered rather well,” Chad said, looking over at Alec.

Two weeks had passed and tomorrow night was Alec’s showing at the
gallery. They had a long day ahead of them tomorrow, with Chad
making sure the gallery was ready and Alec using the morning and
afternoon to paint Amy. They’d brought her to the club early tonight
as a pre-reward for her willingness to be the main piece. Chad took
the time to look around the room, seeing several members from the
Order, a few new submissives, and James Calihan standing at the
same table he’d been at for the last three weekends. It was relatively
early by club standards, for a Friday night, but the place was still
hopping. “Although, she wasn’t too happy with being kept out of the
showing tomorrow.”

Alec laughed, although Chad was well aware of the exhaustion

that plagued his eyes. He wasn’t sleeping well, and though Alec used
the excuse that he was working on the other piece that he had
requested, Chad wasn’t fooled in the least. Amy had integrated herself
into every part of their lives and they’d even moved her into Chad’s
bedroom, which had more than enough room for the three of them.
Alec didn’t join them often at night, but was more than happy to
participate in their scenes. He was trying his damnedest to keep Amy
at arm’s length, but even Chad could see that it was a losing battle. He
hoped like hell that the last month with Amy woke his best friend up
from his lifelong coma before their contract ran out.

“Ruby will be fine. She understood the need for Amy’s privacy.”
Chad looked down at Amy, who was kneeling at their feet. A

slight smile had crossed her lips and he knew that Alec’s statement

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was ironic. With the way Alec would have her displayed tomorrow
evening, there was nothing private about it.

“I took care of that issue we had discussed,” Chad said, referring

to Josh and Tyler. He’d spoke to them by phone, explaining that they
didn’t need to come because Alec was going to bring some personal
favorites to their club in a few weeks. Of course, those art pieces that
Alec had chosen were not of their sister. Chad left out the fact that
they also needed to have a discussion about Amy. No need to stir the
pot. “Spoke to them Wednesday and all is good.”

“Glad to hear it,” Alec said, taking a drink of his ginger ale. It

didn’t surprise Chad when he changed the subject. “Our little sub has
learned how to behave herself. I’m thinking we should do a light
scene and then head on back. We’ve got a busy day tomorrow.”

“Sounds good,” Chad said, reaching out and stroking Amy’s hair.

The fullness of her strands seemed to wrap around his fingers like
they didn’t want to let go. She had learned better behavior and he was
relatively sure it had to do with her nightly discipline. Last night, she
hadn’t received any marks from his cane. Although, they’d spent the
majority of the day with Ruby, so Amy really didn’t have time to rack
up the points. “I was thinking of using the St. Andrew’s Cross, if
Owen and Landon ever get through with it. I think our angel would
like to be placed up there for all to see. I brought my flogger.”

Chad noticed that Amy bit her lip, although she kept her gaze

downcast. There was a slight shift of her ankles, underneath her ass,
letting him know that she like the idea. The slight lift of the corner of
her mouth was a tell as well. He glanced over at the play area,
noticing that Landon was slowly bringing the sub down from her
subspace. It wouldn’t be long now.

“Put this on her.” James’s deep command startled the three of

them. He was holding his suit jacket over the couch, waiting for Chad
to take it. “We’ve got company.”

Chad’s gut twisted and without even glancing toward the door, he

knew who’d walked through. Since Josh and Tyler were part of the

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Order, they had unlimited access to clubs that catered to the members
and James would only ever react this way if it were them. Alec was
already standing, as if he could protect her from their sight. Chad
knew the time had come and hoped like hell that Amy was ready for
the confrontation ahead.

“Amy, your brothers just walked in the door. Put James’s jacket

on until we can get your coat from Lucy.”

“Oh my God! Chad, it’s too soon. I’m not ready for this,” Amy

said in a panicked voice. She quickly shoved her arms through the
bulky sleeves. James was such a big guy that his jacket pretty much
covered Amy to her knees, which was a good thing, considering she
was naked except for the collar they’d picked out for her. “Alec, do

“Angel, it’s time. You need to remember yourself and let us

handle this,” Chad whispered, seeing that people were starting to
notice. He gave a quick glance at the door, seeing Josh and Tyler
shaking hands with some Doms they hadn’t seen in a while. That was
the first clue that they weren’t here because of Amy. They must have
decided to come to Alec’s showing anyway and decided to stop in the
club for some playtime. Maybe there was a way to get her out of here
without them noticing. Shit! What the hell was he thinking? It was
time to face the music. The sooner, the better, and it was one less
thing that he’d have to worry about. This way, Chad would just have
Alec’s past to deal with. It was high time that Amy knew about it.
“They love you. They’ll accept this side of you.”

“Fuck,” James spit out. “Tyler just looked our way. Let’s try to

take this out in the entryway. The last thing you need to is have him
lose his cool in here.”

“Amy?” Tyler’s shocked voice carried through the play area.
“Too late,” Chad said, trying to tuck Amy underneath his arm.

She wasn’t having any of it and before he could grab her, he realized
that Amaryl Bousch had steadied her shoulders and was ready to take

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on her two big brothers. Great, he thought wryly, just what they
needed. “Amy, let us handle this.”

“Only if I need back-up,” Amy said, stepping away from him and

in front of Alec, who reached for her.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Alec asked, his shock evident.

“Didn’t you hear Chad? Let us handle this.”

“Tyler, this isn’t their fault,” Amy said, ignoring Alec and

speaking her mind anyway. Chad wanted to yank her back and remind
her of her place, considering where they were, but knew that doing so
in front of her brothers would only cause the tension to ratchet up ten-
fold. “Let’s head back to their apartment to talk and I’ll explain

“You’re supposed to be in Europe, Amaryl. What the hell are you

doing in a BDSM club dressed in nothing but a man’s jacket?” Tyler
said, his voice rising with each word. Josh came to stand beside him,
but remained silent, as if he was taking in the event before
responding. “Do you have anything on underneath there? Fuck! Chad
and Alec, I ought to kick your asses.”

“No one is doing anything until you have heard what I have to

say,” Amy replied, placing one hand on her hip, while the other held
together James’s lapels on his jacket. “I’m not sixteen years old
anymore, Tyler.”

“He didn’t say you were,” Josh finally replied. “Get your own

coat and we’ll meet you at Chad and Alec’s apartment.”

“Are you fucking kidding me?” Tyler said, practically shouting.
“Tyler, not here,” Josh said, turning to go.
Chad heard a feminine yelp and turned around, noticing that

everyone’s attention had diverted from them to one of the newer
submissives. Chad remembered her name as being Trish.

He was shocked to see that James had his hand wrapped around

her upper arm, although a part of him was relieved to have a respite.
James reached down into the corset she was wearing and pulled a tape

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recorder out of her cleavage. Collective gasps could be heard
throughout the room and someone had shut off the background music.

“Did you really think that you would get away with this?” James

asked in a deadpan tone that Chad had never heard from James
before. He had no doubt that this man was a Dominant in his own
right. However, his voice carried a command presence more suited to
a battlefield. His voice lowered, but Chad was close enough to hear
every word of his edict. “The Order is off limits to you, am I making
myself perfectly clear?”

“And what would happen if I splashed the inner workings all over

the front page tomorrow, huh?” Trish replied, trying to tug her arm
free with no success. “Before you kill me and throw my body into the
lake, you should know that I’ve gathered enough information to bring
down multiple well-known people and I’ve secured that info so it
leaks if I go missing.”

Chad could see her surprise when James threw his head back and

gave a hoarse laugh. He pocketed the recorder and looked over
towards Sander and Lashe. It was obvious that the reason James had
been visiting the club over the last few weeks was because of this
deceitful little wench, but how they handled it would remain guarded.
Sander and Lashe were on the executive board, and regardless of
Trish’s very public claim that she was about to be found floating
facedown in a lake, Chad had no doubt no harm would come to her.

“And what would you say, out of curiosity?” James asked, buying

time while Sander handed over the submissive on the bench to
another trusted Dom. “And by the way, your editor? I’d think he’d
have something to say about this little story of yours.”

Trish’s eyes widened at the implication that people she worked

with may be swayed by the Order, but that didn’t seem to stop her
outrage at what she thought the Order was about.

“How about the fact that publicly conservative senators are

sharing women in private? Or what about them utilizing their wealth
and privileged lives to get away with domestic slavery?”

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“Woman, are you just making this up as you go along? This

supposed article would require something you don’t have—facts.
However, considering that Cunningham Publishing owns your
newspaper, I don’t think you’ll find the support from your editor, as I

“I’ve got to hand it to you, James,” Sander said, finally walking

over with Lashe, “you know how to diffuse an explosive problem.
We’ll take it from here.”

“It’s just one of many hats I wear,” James replied, literally

handing over Trish into Sander’s hands. “I think I’ll keep the illegal
recordings, at least until I find out what conversations she was able to
tape and get affidavits to contest their use.”

“We’ll get the remaining tapes, as well as any pictures she may

have taken, and make sure they’re sent to your office,” Lashe said,
ignoring Trish’s protestations. “It looks like you have another
situation to deal with, so we’ll leave you to it. Thanks again, man.”

“Anytime, gentlemen,” James answered, turning toward Amy.
Chad had noticed that everyone had stopped what they were doing

to see what Sander and Lashe were going to do with Trish, as well as
trying to see if Amy and her brothers were going to continue their
conversation. None of them wanted to be the center of attention, so
Lashe and Sander ushered Trish out of the main play area, while Chad
knew it was time to get Amy home.

“James, we’ve got this covered,” Chad said in a low voice, not

wanting Josh and Tyler to connect the fact that Amy had used
Safeword LLC to find a Dom, or in this case, two Dominants. “Amy
just needs some time alone with her brothers, so that she can explain
this is what she wants.”

“As much as I know that is how you want this to play out, it’s not

going to happen that way. Amy’s under contract, so therefore, she’s
my charge.” James slapped him on the back as he walked away. “I’ll
meet you at your place.”

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Chapter Sixteen

Amy was still shaking as she walked out of her bedroom after

having put on a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. Things never seemed to
go as planned. And even though she was scared to death to admit to
her brothers that this was what she wanted, Amy knew it was time.
That didn’t mean she was looking forward to the upcoming
conversation. At least she didn’t hear glass breaking or fists hitting
flesh. It would be good to come out of this without any bloodshed.

Amy walked into the living room, finding that Tyler was pacing in

front of the window overlooking the city lights and Josh had his hands
on the chair, with his head hung low. He must have heard her, for he
lifted his head and their blue gazes connected. She looked more like
Josh than she did Tyler, and took after him in personality as well.
Tyler tended to overreact without thinking.

“Where are Chad and Alec?”
“Right here,” Chad said, walking into the room from the kitchen.
Alec followed behind, accompanied by James. She quickly

glanced over to see Tyler shaking his head and realized they must
know James and that he worked for Safeword LLC. Oh, this wasn’t
starting off as good as she had hoped.

“Europe? Really?” Tyler asked, being the first one to broach the

subject. That didn’t surprise her. “Pack your stuff. We’re going

Amy did laugh at that, being such a typical Tyler reaction. “No,

Ty. I’m not going back to your home, at least not yet.”

“What does that mean your home? Not yet?” Tyler walked toward

her, closing the distance. “I knew this would happen eventually. I told

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Josh that when you practically blackmailed us into letting you be our
accountant, that you had an ulterior motive.”

“What Tyler is trying to say,” Josh said, not moving from the

table, “is that this isn’t the lifestyle we wanted for you.”

“That’s rich. What about what I want?” Amy asked, looking back

and forth between her brothers. Couldn’t they see, after all the effort
she’d put into making this happen, that this was what she wanted?
“Chad and Alec—”

“Don’t,” Tyler warned, spinning around to face her Masters. “And

you, the two of you make me sick. She’s our sister, for fuck’s sake!”

“Why would the thought of your sister being involved in the same

lifestyle you live sicken you? Do you find that the women you have as
your submissives are any less of a woman because they choose to be
submissive to you and your brother? And what if I told you that this
isn’t some temporary thing?” Chad asked. “What if I told you that we
want Amy as our personal sub?”

“That’s not fucking happening!”
“Tyler, this isn’t helping,” Josh said. “Let’s just hear her out.”
“Thank you,” Amy said, finally feeling like this was getting

somewhere. The initial shock wore off, but now that they knew, Amy
could feel her backbone strengthening. And when Chad held out his
hand, she immediately walked over to him, drawing strength in his
resolve. Alec stayed close, but kept his hands in his denim pockets.
She tried not to wonder what he was thinking right about now or else
doubt would creep in. “When I first went to the Safeword agency, the
last thing I expected was to be placed with Chad and Alec.”

“Jesus Christ!” Tyler exclaimed, placing his hands on his head.
“The only thing I knew was that I needed to fully explore this side

of myself. Imagine me telling you that you couldn’t live your chosen
lifestyle anymore. What if you could only own the club, but not
play?” Amy could see understanding dawning in Josh’s eyes,
although it hadn’t yet in Tyler’s. “Every day, I would walk through
and see other women living what I desired— no, make that needed. I

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originally thought it was only something I wanted, until experiencing
it. I need this like the air I breathe.”

“With them?” Tyler exclaimed. “Our friends? Chad and Alec, did

you not think of how we would react to this?”

“We knew, but when we found out that Amy was being placed

with us, there was no way in hell we were going to say no, Ty. We
care for your sister very much and want this relationship to work. But
we needed time without your interference to see if this could work for
the three of us.”

“Amy,” Josh said, “I understand why Ty is reacting the way he is,

but for me, the worst thing is that you felt you had to lie. I thought
you knew that you could always come to us.”

“And what, Josh? Ask you if I could to play in your club?” Amy

asked, laughing wryly. “I wouldn’t even want to do that. This is
something personal—a part of me—not a part of the business and life
that you two have created for yourselves. But I knew coming to
Chicago was far enough away that I could explore this part of

“And then what? Would you have come back home without

saying a word?”

“Um, no, not exactly,” Amy answered, sneaking a peek over at

Alec. She knew they still had things to work out, and that there was a
chance they never would. It made it very hard to answer Josh’s
question when she didn’t know what the future held. She worded her
response carefully. “We entered into a contract for two months to see
if this is something we want long-term. For me, it has become
something more.”

“Two months? Who the hell knows what they want in a

relationship in only two months?” Tyler said, starting to pace back
and forth.

“You seem to forget that we’ve known each other for years,”

Chad said sardonically.

“You don’t need to rub that in my face,” Tyler replied in anger.

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“Amaryl, are you happy?” Josh asked.
The question was simple, as was her answer. Amy felt Chad

squeeze her fingers and felt the weight of Alec’s stare. She turned her
head, meeting his green eyes so filled with doubt. Did he really not
see that she was happy with them? Maybe he needed to hear it.

“Yes, I am,” Amy responded. “And I want you and Ty to be

happy for me. Allow me the rest of my time here and then once I
figure out what my future holds, we’ll figure things out how this
affects my work at the club.”

Josh nodded, as if that was all he needed to hear. Amy knew this

evening had to have been a shock to both of her brothers, and while
Ty was being his typical self, Josh handled it with the restraint she
knew he possessed. Ty would eventually get there with their brother’s

“Wait a second,” Tyler exclaimed, finally stopping his pacing. “If

you hadn’t wanted us to know about this, then why wait until a few
days before Alec’s showing to tell us we didn’t need to come?”

Okay, she thought, maybe it would take Ty a little bit longer after

hearing why Alec and Chad didn’t want him at the showing, but she
had faith. Amy wasn’t going to answer that question and turned to
Chad, hoping he could smooth this over. Chad was looking at Alec,
who decided at that moment that humor could be taken out of the

“Fuck, no. No,” Tyler objected, shaking his head. He pointed a

finger at Alec. “There’s no way you’d do what I think you’d have the
balls to do.”

“We’ve been friends a long time, Ty,” Alec replied. “Can you

trust us enough to know that this showing is not one that requires your

Amy had to smile at the way Alec replied. He’d been quiet the

majority of the conversation, but she was grateful that he’d joined
even at this late stage. Realizing that someone else was being silent as
well, she looked around the room, seeking out James. He was by the

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front door, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. It seemed
an uncomfortable stance, considering his arms were as wide as the
trunk of an oak. There was a small smile on his face that tended to
disguise the determination in his carriage.

“Yes, we can,” Josh answered quietly over Tyler’s obvious

objections. He walked up to them, extending his hand. “She’s our
sister. If you fuck this up, I will personally pursue the recompense
afforded me under the bylaws of the Order.”

“I wouldn’t expect anything less,” Chad said, shaking Josh’s


Amy released her hold on Chad’s fingers and walked over to

where Tyler stood, looking like someone had just kicked his favorite
puppy. He always did have a way of making her feel guilty if he
didn’t get his way. Using what had always worked when she was
younger, she stood on her tiptoes and wrapped her arms around his
neck and gave him a big hug. She felt his hands slide around her
waist, pulling her in for the bear hug that always made her feel better.

“I just want what’s best for you, sis,” Ty whispered into her ear. “I

love you.”

“I love you, too,” Amy said, tears filling her eyes as she

remembered similar words leaving his lips on the day their parents
died. It took her several tries to swallow the lump in her throat. “But
please trust me that I know what is best for me and know that I will
always come to you should I need you. You will always be my

His arms tightened around her waist a little more, which Amy

knew would happen because that was always his way of expressing
himself. Ty placed a kiss on her forehead and then slowly released
her, making his way over to where Chad and Alec stood.

“I’m a better shot than Josh. Just remember that.”
“Duly noted.”
Amy wrapped her arms around her waist, looking back over to

James. He winked at her and she couldn’t help but return his smile.

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She felt giddy inside that things had gone as well as they had. She
loved her brothers dearly and wanted nothing more than their support.
They had given it.

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Chapter Seventeen

Amy tried to breathe as she waited for Amanda to finish getting

the stage ready. Chad had yet to open the door, allowing the buyers
and viewers to enter the gallery. Alec was still standing behind her,
adding little touches to the paint on her shoulder blades. She’d seen
herself in the mirror, before leaving the apartment, and had never felt
more sensual and erotic in all her life. Alec had made her into exactly
what he’d wanted.

The original showing never happened. Josh and Tyler had left that

night, although not without her promise to call them daily to tell them
that she was okay, when Chad had gotten the call that Ruby had been
rushed back to the hospital. With tests having been run throughout the
next day and finding that Ruby was just experiencing gas pains, Alec
hadn’t had time to paint her body. Chad spent the rest of the evening,
along with Amanda, explaining to their customers that Alec’s
showing would be postponed for another month.

Now, the doors were about to open.
“You are stunning,” Chad murmured, walking up to stand in front

of her.

Amy stared up into the eyes of her Master. Yesterday had been the

day they were supposed to meet with Kennedy regarding their two-
month contract and decide if they wanted to continue. With the
showing and everything it entailed to get ready, they’d decided to
postpone their discussion until Monday. Amy still didn’t know
exactly what would happen once that meeting commenced.

“She’s ready,” Alec murmured, stepping back. “Turn toward me.”

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Amy pivoted, hearing Chad gasp. He’d seen what Alec had

painted on her shoulder blades, and she hoped it signified something.
It did to her. These past two months had shown her that it was
possible to have a friendship turn into something so much more by
adding a depth of trust that was needed for this kind of lifestyle.
Every night, she took her discipline from Chad’s cane with
acceptance. They gave her what she craved during their scenes and
Amy couldn’t imagine going back to a life where they weren’t in it.

Alec held out his hand. “Let’s get you settled. If at any time, you

need a break or a drink of water, you just let me know. I’ll be
watching you the entire time.”

Amy felt a shiver run through her, knowing that it wasn’t only

going to be Alec looking at her. Immediately, her pussy leaked
moisture just the way Alec had intended. He wanted them to see her
arousal. Men and women alike would be walking through the door
shortly, wondering what shocking piece of art Alec had created that
Chad had been promoting so heavily. She took pride that it was her.

“Yes, Sir,” Amy answered, taking his hand. “I’m ready.”

* * * *

Alec led Amy to the stage, which contained a fine white mist from

the machine situated on the side. The mist only spanned around six
inches with two white marble columns situated in the middle of the
circle, cut into roman style pedestals. One was taller than the other,
with the shorter being where Amy was to sit.

“Arrange yourself with your left knee being lifted and your right

leg extended to the floor. The light should hit your pussy so that your
juices are glistening. I want your left arm to drape across the higher
pedestal while your right is behind you supporting you while causing
you to arch slightly to display your breasts.”

As Amy situated herself to his liking, Alec stepped off the stage

and stood back to admire his masterpiece. The front of her was

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painted with a white toga covering one shoulder and trailing down
over one breast, leaving the other one exposed. The painted fabric
opened above her abdomen to reveal her stomach and ran down in
curves on either leg, exposing her pussy. The dyed flesh draped
around her ankles to reveal tiny white wings. Looking back up to her
face, the only color beside white that was on her skin was the gold
glitter that surrounded her eyes in a false mask. He even made sure
her lips were pale pink so as not to detract from her blue eyes.

“You’re perfect,” Alec whispered, and although she could hear

him, he’d been talking to himself.

He walked slowly around the stage, taking her in from every

angle. As Alec went halfway around, he stopped to admire her back.
White wings adorned her shoulder blades, making her literally their
angel. Her toga draped across below the crevice of her ass, displaying
just a hint of her hidden treasures. His cock stirred, wanting the
evening to be over so that they could get to more enjoyable things.

“You’ve made her our—”
“I know what I did,” Alec replied, not wanting to get into a deep

discussion about this now. “Go let the people in. I need to fuck her

He was glad when Chad didn’t berate him for his language or the

fact that he spoke of his virile urges. She belonged to them

not the

people walking through the door. If he shared his past with her, would
she leave when the patrons did? Alec didn’t want to think about it
now, so he shut that part of his brain off. It was time to get this show
on the road.

* * * *

Two hours into the evening, with one break for a bit of water, and

Amy was ready for Chad and Alec to send everyone home. Would
they mind making love on this pedestal? The more people observed
and commented on her body, the more aroused she became. Amy was

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afraid she was going to leave a pool of liquid on the stage similar to
that of the bar when she’d been punished. Her nipples had yet to
relinquish their pinch, creating a fullness that made them feel bigger
than she actually was. Her clit hadn’t been touched in so long, she
was relatively sure the minute either Alec or Chad brushed against it
with their fingers, she’d faint dead away. Amy knew it would be
worth one strike of Chad’s cane.

“She’s striking,” a masculine voice carried through the crowd.

“Look at the way the white of the robe curves around her breast and
then reveals her pussy.”

“Alec has outdone himself. Look at her pussy. She’s obviously

made to be his model.”

“I’m just glad that it worked out.” Those words caught Amy’s

attention, although she didn’t move from her position. The light
feminine voice sounded familiar and it didn’t take long for Amy to
realize where she’d heard it before. “Alec had wanted me to mention
Safeword LLC to her and talk up their success rate. He was hoping
she’d join, although how he and Chad managed to get her placed with
them is beyond me. I heard through the grapevine that Ms. Van Camp
is not a woman to be trifled with.”

Whatever was said after that, Amy didn’t hear. A mantra ran

through her mind. She’d been set up. A part of her wanted to hear
more of what they were saying, as she hoped that she’d
misunderstood them. She trusted Chad and Alec. Yet it didn’t change
the fact that this woman came to her in a deceitful manner at their
bidding. They’d made it so that she would go to Safeword LLC and
she would be their submissive. This hadn’t been fate or destiny. It had
all been contrived and she fell for it. Amy closed her legs and
wrapped her arms around her abdomen. She wasn’t meant to be their
angel after all.

She heard Alec call her name, but didn’t look his way. Suddenly,

Amy felt like she couldn’t breathe. She needed to get out of here. As

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if he’d known he’d be needed, Amy looked toward the door to see
James walking in. Quickly standing, Amy practically jumped off of
the pedestal, heedless of the fact that she was naked. All she could
think of was that she needed James to take her away from here—away
from all of the prying eyes. While being physically exposed in a
sexual way aroused her, the exposure of her intimate pain was hers
and hers alone.

Alec reached her before she could get to James, taking a hold of

her arm and spinning her around. His green eyes held worry, but she
ignored him as she pulled away. She could see Chad making his way
over, his expression holding the same concern. Amy almost laughed
out loud at the audacity, considering that neither one took her feelings
into consideration at the start of this.

“Let me go,” Amy whispered, trying to remember what her safe

words were. They weren’t coming to mind, which only further
frustrated her. “I’m done. James is taking me home.”

“What’s gotten into you? Did something happen?”
“Yes, something happened,” Amy replied, unable to keep the hurt

out of her voice. “You and Chad arranged all of it. You made sure I
would be your submissive. Why didn’t you just come to me?”

“Angel, what’s going on?” Chad asked, finally reaching them.
“Ask your friend,” Amy responded, taking a step back. “You

know, for the life of me, what I can’t figure out is for you to have
gone to so much trouble to have me, why is it that you can’t love me,

Amy spun around and ran for James, who was holding his coat

open for her. He seemed to have a habit of doing that, but for now,
she was grateful. She stepped out into the chilly evening, not really
caring how cold it was. It wasn’t as cold as she was feeling inside.

“My car is around the side. Why don’t you wait here and I’ll bring

it around.”

“Why?” Amy asked, just now realizing that a tear had escaped her

eye. “So that gives Alec and Chad a chance to come out here? And do

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what, James? Explain how they made a deal with Kennedy? I don’t
want to hear how they went around my back, making deals regarding
my submissiveness.”

“You need to hear them out, Amaryl.” James kept walking, much

to her amazement. She followed him to his car, although she kept
glancing over her shoulder. Had James said something to Chad and
Alec to not follow them? A part of her was relieved, yet another part
wanted them to come after her. She felt a sob rise up in her chest. She
didn’t really know what she wanted. “But I’ll take you back to their
apartment. You can get changed and if you want some time alone, I’ll
see to it that you get it.”

James made sure Amy was seated in the back of his town car,

before walking around to the driver’s side door. He settled himself
behind the wheel and started the ignition. She was wary of the fact
that he seemed to have that kind of power over Chad and Alec, but
realized it must still have to do with the contract. She really didn’t
care how James was able to do the things he did, as long as he got her
to the apartment. She would handle things from there.

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Chapter Eighteen

Amy had told James that she would be okay at the apartment and

that she would wait for Chad and Alec. She’d lied. By the time she’d
changed clothes and grabbed her purse and cell phone, Amy had
decided she needed to stay at a hotel until her mind cleared. It was
just her luck that when her hand went on the doorknob, it twisted and
the door opened to reveal Alec.

She’d only ever seen such a look of dismay cross his face when

they were waiting for news about Ruby after her heart attack. Amy
wasn’t about to be pulled in again. They had purposefully set out to
rig this entire two-month contract, when she’d thought it had been
fate. She thought she was meant to be theirs.

“I’m leaving,” Amy declared, trying to make her way around him.

Where was Chad? It didn’t matter. She needed to get out of here.

“Just hear me out.” Alec stepped in and closed the door behind

him, leaning up against the wood. He looked a mess, but then he
always looked like this with the exception of dread appearing in his
eyes. “You don’t have to say a word and if you want to leave after
I’ve told you about my past, I won’t stop you.”

Amy didn’t trust her voice, so she ended up vaguely nodding and

taking a step back. She kept her purse slung across her shoulders and
her fingers tightened on the strap. The quickest outfit she could step
into was the same zippered sweater dress she wore when Ruby had
been in the hospital. She ran her free hand down the side, trying to
wipe away the perspiration. She would have given anything to hear

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about his past earlier today, but right now, Amy wasn’t seeing how it
pertained to the fact that she’d been used.

“I was sixteen when my parents died. I was a city kid, involved in

things I had no business being involved in. All I wanted was my next
score.” Alec looked off over her shoulder, as if his past were playing
on a movie screen behind her. She didn’t like where this was going.
There was such a vulnerability in his eyes that she felt as if a little boy
was standing in front of her. “I got it, but at the cost of my family.”

“What do you mean?” Amy asked, caught up in his tale and

pushing aside her hurt and anger for the moment.

“I got my hands on my drug of choice. I passed out. Never even

realized that the house caught fire from my old man’s cigarette.” Alec
shifted and then moved away from the door, walking around her. He
was fidgeting, like he had at the hospital. “The window in my room
happened to be the one adjoining the fire escape. When I opened my
eyes, all I saw was the brilliant orange of the flames.”

“Alec, that wasn’t your fault,” Amy said, knowing he’d probably

heard that phrase too many times to count. She hoped that he did
realize it wasn’t his fault, and yet, she could sympathize and
understand the survivor guilt that he must feel. “And look at how
you’ve changed your life.”

“Do you want to know why?” Alec got to the middle of the living

room and faced her, past anger rising up in his eyes. “Because I told
my ten-year-old sister that I would look after her. Even at that age,
Cara knew our parents were irresponsible. She looked up to me like I
could make everything better. I promised her that I would make sure
she had a better life than me, but it was my fault she died in that fire,
because I was too high to realize the fucking apartment was on fire!”

Amy knew there were times in life when a person didn’t know

what to say for fear of saying the wrong thing and this was one of
those moments for her. Imagining what her brothers would have gone
through if she’d been in that car the night her parents died was
unimaginable. They had needed her just as much as she needed them

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to get through the grief of losing their parents. And she knew, no
matter that Alec’s parents weren’t perfect, that losing his sister after
promising he’d take care of her was the worst thing that his sixteen-
year-old self could have gone through.

“She loved you,” Amy whispered, dropping her purse on the floor.

“No matter your flaws and regardless of your poor decisions, your
sister loved you unconditionally. I know, as a sister, how much we
love our brothers.”

“Don’t.” Alec put up his hand as she went to take a step forward.

“I was telling the truth before, about me needing to own you and
make you into something that is solely mine. It makes me feel as if I
can’t lose you, like I lost them.”

Alec’s eyes simmered with tears, although he didn’t allow them to

fall. Amy felt his pain as if it were her own. No wonder he thought
they were flip sides of a coin. She wanted to feel like she belonged,
whereas he wanted to own her. Chad was the glue that held them

“Why me?” Amy asked, closing the distance between them even

though he was shaking his head. “Why would you go to the length
you did to make sure I contacted Safeword LLC?”

“Because it’s always been you,” Alec whispered. “The first time

Chad saw you, he came home and claimed he’d seen our angel.”

“But you don’t believe in angels.”
“I do now.” Alec reached out and tucked her hair behind her ear,

before stroking her cheek. “Seeing you up there on that pedestal made
me realize I hadn’t created you. You were a gift that I never should
have taken for granted. I don’t apologize for doing what I did and
neither will Chad. If you hadn’t have been ready, you would never
have contacted Kennedy.”

“So, you are saying it was destiny,” Amy murmured, nuzzling his

palm before looking up at him. She needed to know. “I’m not an
angel, Alec. I’m anything but. The question is, can you love me for
me? Can you allow yourself to be open to the fact that one day you

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could lose me, just as I could lose you? There are no guarantees in
this life, but if it’s one lesson I took from my parents’ death, is that
life is too short to waste it on what-ifs.”

Amy felt a sob rise up at his simple answer. It was so like Alec to

respond in such a one-dimensional way. The door opened behind
them and Amy knew that Chad had walked into the apartment. She
looked over her shoulder, drinking in the sight of him. Alec must have
asked for time with her, for which she was grateful. The closeness she
had only ever felt with Chad was now shared with Alec. She turned
back to face him and for the first time, Amy felt like she had truly
found her place. She’d found her own home.

Amy swiped away the tears that were running down her face. She

turned in Alec’s arms and leaned up against him, needing his strength.
Chad had yet to say anything, and she could tell that he wasn’t happy
with the interruption, but he turned toward the door anyway. Amy
figured it was James, but when Chad opened the door, Kennedy stood
there in a black, form-fitted suit and white button-down blouse. As
usual, her hair was pulled back into a severe bun and her red lipstick
looked perfectly applied.

“James informs me there was a problem at the gallery this


“Kennedy, come on in,” Chad said, taking a step back. “You

certainly have impeccable timing.”

“Is that sarcasm I hear?” Kennedy asked, with a wry smile. “You

do realize that she is still under contract?”

“Yes, which is why you are now standing in our apartment and

not in the hallway,” Chad replied, shutting the door after Kennedy had
entered the room. He swiftly made his way over to Alec and Amy,
smiling and giving Amy a wink as he turned to stand next to them. “A
phone call would have sufficed.”

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“I’m sure it would have, but then I wouldn’t have been able to

witness what is obviously another successful placement,” Kennedy
said, holding her hands in front of her. “Judging from the way Alec is
holding Amy, am I to assume that whatever misunderstanding
occurred at the gallery has been taken care of?”

“Yes,” Chad answered, “and as a matter of fact, we can give you

our decision now instead of Monday in regards to our contract. We—”

“Ms. Van Camp, our contract will now be permanent,” Amy

replied, cutting off Chad. She wanted them to see that she did have
the courage to finally reach out for what she wanted. She didn’t need
to be misled and after seeing the resolution in Alec as he told her his
past, Amy wanted to be the one to request a permanent contract. She
knew that Ms. Van Camp provided such agreements. “It doesn’t need
to say much.”

“Really?” Kennedy asked, softening her gaze. “You do realize

that I came here because, although I may come across as a cold-
hearted woman by interrupting what was obviously a private
conversation, you are my responsibility, Amy. Every submissive that
walks through my doors is counting on me, trusting me, to make their
lives richer with the self-realization that has eluded them. You are no
different, regardless of what brought you to Safeword LLC. When
James called and said you felt betrayed, I wanted to come and
reassure you that I would never have placed you with Chad and Alec
if I hadn’t truly felt that they were meant to be your Dominants. Even
if they already felt that it was true, I am the arbitress of the truth.”

Amy could see the veracity behind her blue eyes, which were

usually so cold, yet seemed to have filled with fire at this moment.
After speaking with Alec, she hadn’t needed to hear Kennedy say
that, but she was grateful for the powerful words anyway. Amy felt
Alec tighten his arm around her waist and she ran a hand over his
forearm in response. Reaching over, she grabbed a hold of Chad’s

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“Thank you, Ms. Van Camp,” Amy said. “I understand why Chad

and Alec did what they did. I realize I needed a push in this direction
and they gave me what I needed. They always give me what I need.
So if you would please—draw up a new contract that very simply
states that I am their flawed angel.”

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Chapter Nineteen

“Relax,” Chad said, his warm breath caressing her ear as he spoke

from behind her. “Just close your eyes and imagine that every Dom is
looking through that window, wishing he could take our place. Every
submissive is feeling envious that you’re now positioned to receive
our cocks into that tight body of yours. They want to be you.”

It was Friday evening, and Chad and Alec had taken her to The

Point. Unbeknownst to her, there was a room in the back with a large
picture window. Upon arriving, it seemed they had worked very hard
to transport the art gallery scene into the back of The Point. It seemed
they wanted to give a very private showing to those close to them,
while at the same time giving Amy what she desired most—having
people watch them as they made love.

There was something so erotic about having eyes on her during

such an intimate and yet carnal act. It seemed so forbidden, yet
heightened her senses to a buzz. The paint from yesterday was still on
her body and although she knew Alec would remove it tomorrow,
tonight she was still their fallen angel.

“You’ve given me such a gift,” Amy whispered, watching as Alec

lay on the bed, waiting for her. The stage was set with most of the
items from last night, with the added bonus of a bed and white rose
petals laid out across the gold sheets. “But are you sure that you want
our first time to be—”

“I seem to remember that we did not do your daily discipline last

night,” Chad said, rubbing his hand over the red imprint that was
surely left on her ass. “I have no problem with retrieving my cane

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right now and seeing to your infractions. And if I’m not mistaken,
there were quite a few yesterday.”

“And don’t forget today,” Alec said with a wink.
“Now, there are people watching and it would please us

immensely for you to behave like the proper submissive you are,”
Chad murmured, taking slow steps and pushing her forward with his
body. They had finally come to stand beside the bed. This was it. She
was about to make love in front of a room full of people. Granted, she
couldn’t see them except as shadows in a darkened window, but the
fact that they were watching while she was caught up in such a private
and intimate act made it more tantalizing. “Would you like to please

“Yes, Master,” Amy whispered.
“Alec is ready for you. I would like you to climb on top of him

and take his rock-hard cock into your pussy. When you feel you are
ready, I want you to ask me to impale you in the ass with my equally
eager member.”

Amy felt a jolt of desire shoot through her. She heard the words

loud and clear, and she knew the people behind the mirror did, too.
Chad wanted her to ask him to fuck her ass in front of others. He
wanted her to say it aloud so that everyone knew she wanted them and
how she wantonly coveted their cocks.

With trembling limbs, Amy climbed on top of the mattress and

straddled Alec. He looked so sexy, lying on gold sheets with white
rose petals surrounding him. If only she had his talent to be able to
paint this image forever. His sheathed cock was hard, but when she
went to reach for it, Alec shook his head.

“Just slide yourself down over my rod,” Alec murmured, looking

up at her with hooded eyes. He reached down with one hand and held
up his cock for her by wrapping two fingers around his base. “Slowly.
And I want you to look at the shadowed voyeurs as you do it.”

Amy couldn’t prevent the gasp that crossed her lips. She slowly

disconnected their gaze. When her eyes connected with the first

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figure, the feeling of being watched washed over her and her cheeks
flushed. The sheer excitement of performing something so taboo
rushed through her like a river of flames. Another gush of her juices
oozed from her pussy, easing the way of Alec’s cock. He slid inside
of her while she gazed into space and felt every thick inch stretch her
cunt. People were witnessing this and her tumultuous emotions added
to the exhilaration.

“Reach up and pinch with your nipples,” Alec said, his voice

deepened by what she hoped was the same enthusiasm as she was

“Sir,” Amy whispered, tearing her gaze away from the mirror to

look down, “does this excite you? Being watched by other people, I

“Seeing your excitement is what fuels me. And if you don’t look

back at that crowd, I’ll give them something to feel delighted about.”

Her heart skipped a beat at the promise that lay within that

statement. Where was Chad? When she looked at their reflection, he
wasn’t within her field of vision. Did this stimulate him as well?
Feeling how hard Alec’s cock was within her pussy made her believe
him when he said that he was aroused by her arousal. Were the people
that were watching feeling the same passion?

Amy looked at the image they portrayed as she finally took Alec

all the way inside of her. Her hands were placed on Alec’s chest, the
small spattering of chest hair feeling coarse under her touch. It
amazed her, the different sensations her body was feeling as her mind
was taken in various directions. It was overwhelming.

“Do I need to repeat myself?” Alec asked, the vibrations from his

voice traveling up her arm.

“No, Sir,” Amy answered, although she felt a sliver of guilt at

having delayed for so long. The Doms and subs looking in at them
would see her responding to his command. It wasn’t humiliating so
much as it was exhilarating. “Master?”

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Amy had finally caught sight of Chad in the mirror and what he

was holding in his hand made her pussy spasm around Alec’s cock.
She brought her hands up as directed, taking each nipple between her
fingers. They were already hard from seeing the implement that Chad
held in his hand. A long black crop with a thick piece of leather on the
end seemed sinister, yet she knew that he would ease her into the
sting. Or would it feel like a cane?

“While you ride Alec and play with your nipples, I’m going to use

the crop on your ass to get it nice and hot for when you ask me to fuck
you there,” Chad said.

Amy moaned as she pinched her nipples, wondering what it would

feel like when the black, leather riding crop collided with her
sensitive flesh. She didn’t have to wonder long. Chad stepped close to
the bed and lightly tapped her right cheek. It didn’t feel like she
expected quite yet, but the added sensation was nice.

“Oh!” Amy cried out, opening her eyes. She immediately sought

the shadowy figures, wondering what the people in the dark thought
of her reaction. Were they touching themselves, wishing they were in
her stead? The sting warmed up the area where the crop had landed,
as she jumped on the cock inside of her.

“Ride him, angel,” Chad ordered, his voice loud and clear for

everyone to hear.

Amy lifted up, feeling Alec’s cock slide out of her to the tip. He’d

released his base and placed his hands behind his head, like he’d done
when she’d sat on his face. The laid-back appearance was so like him,
yet the slight steel glare that came out of his eyes was anything but.
She sank onto his girth, groaning as he filled her once more.

“Again,” Chad commanded. “And I don’t recall Alec saying that

you could stop playing with your nipples.”

Amy hadn’t realized that she’d stopped pinching the hardened

pebbles within her index fingers and thumbs, as she’d been too caught

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up in riding Alec’s cock and feeling the sting of Chad’s crop. She
hastily complied, rolling her nipples and creating a jolt that traveled
straight down to her clit.

Every time she lowered herself onto Alec’s cock, Chad would

connect the specialized crop with her ass. Amy realized that she was
in fact fulfilling the intent of the riding crop through her own drive to
take Alec’s cock at Chad’s insistent rhythm. She was traveling fast to
that precipice. If she got there before they gave her permission to
come, Amy knew she’d have to beg. With so many different things
happening, she was sure it would be relatively soon.

“Are you focused on yourself, angel?” Chad asked,

disappointment lacing his tone. “I can see we’re going to have to
direct your attention back to your Doms.”

What did he mean? Amy hadn’t meant to think of herself, but the

feelings they were creating were vast. Alec still had yet to move his
hands to touch her and she was the one doing all of the work, with the
exception of Chad’s wrist. Wasn’t that cause enough for her to stray
in her thoughts?

“Light the gallery,” Chad instructed, followed by a buzzing noise.

Amy quickly turned her head, remembering to keep playing with her
nipples and keep a rhythm in taking Alec into her pussy. “Their gazes
should remind you of who you should be thinking of.”

Eyes stared back at her, greedily taking in the scene before them.

Every emotion she’d ever fantasized about slammed into her. Her
nipples seemed to harden more, while her clit throbbed with the
battering impacts as she thrust herself down his swollen shaft and
onto his upthrust hips. They were seeing everything she was

“Move,” Chad said, swinging the crop once again. She rose up,

taking Alec to his long and curved tip. The eyes in the window
followed her movement. “Again!”

“Master!” Amy cried, surprising herself with the immediate need

to come. “I need to come!”

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Peyton Elizabeth

“No,” Chad answered. “You aren’t permitted to come until I’m

sunk balls deep in your ass.”

“Please fuck me, Master,” Amy begged, rising up and down over

Alec at a blistering rate. “Please!”

These people were hearing her cries and pleas, which only seemed

to make Amy need to come more. Chad was using the crop on her ass
every time she lowered herself and felt completely full of Alec’s
cock. Some of the subs seemed to be fascinated with the blurred
leather connecting to her ass, while others seemed to watch her cunt
take Alec’s dick as deeply as she could each time she slammed down.

“Where do you want me to fuck you, angel?” Chad asked, not

letting up on the crop. It felt totally different than the cane, in that the
stinging sensation seemed to spread out all over her skin. She couldn’t
see how pink it was now that he’d taken the mirror away, but she
could feel the heat. “Say it out loud for everyone to hear.”

“My ass, Master,” Amy answered, not hesitating. “Please fuck me

in the ass.”

Seeing as she’d only ever experienced a butt plug in that area, her

anus immediately puckered as the words escaped her mouth. These
people, friends of Alec and Chad, were going to witness the first time
she’d accepted a man into her ass. It raised her arousal at an alarming

“My pleasure,” Chad answered, his voice in her ear. She startled,

not having been aware that he’d laid the crop down and crawled onto
the bed. Alec’s cock was still deep inside her pussy. “Give me your

Amy released her aching nipples and reached behind her, offering

Chad her wrists as she sat embedded on Alec’s massive cock. What
was he going to do? Wouldn’t she need her hands to hold herself up?
She felt cuffs being placed around her wrists and secured together,
taking away her ability to touch.

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“Lie down on Alec’s chest, your face toward the window. I want

you to watch their eyes as I claim your ass. I want you to see the
feelings this stirs within them.”

Chad and Alec both helped her lower herself, and she placed her

right cheek onto Alec’s chest. The inability to move only excited her
more, knowing she would have no choice but to accept what they
gave her. Her breasts were smashed against his chest. Alec’s coarse
chest hair grabbed at her raw nipples like a thousand tiny claws. She
went to bring her hands from behind her, but was unable to complete
the movement. Amy was at their mercy.

“Look at that pretty rosebud,” Chad murmured, rubbing lube over

her back hole. “So puckered and tight.”

Amy felt a spasm shoot straight into her sphincter and to her clit at

the same instant. When his thumb slowly pushed through the muscle,
it felt nothing like the plug that Alec had placed inside of her. She
moaned and wondered what the Doms and subs saw on her face. Did
they see wonder? Did they see her obvious arousal?

“That’s right, relax and let me loosen you up,” Chad said, his

voice smooth and deep. “Allow me to stretch you, angel.”

Allow? He was already doing it and she could only lie there and

watch the faces of those watching them. Alec’s cock seemed to be
pulsating inside of her and she could feel the same rhythm his
heartbeat was beating against her cheek. She felt Alec kiss the top of
her head, reminding her that he was keeping watch over her and
making sure that she was all right. Chad withdrew his thumb, leaving
her anus wanting more. She wiggled a bit, trying to garner his
attention as she heard the wrapper of his condom.

“Do you want my cock inside of your ass?” Chad asked as Amy

felt his hands take a hold of her hips.

“Yes, Master,” Amy whispered, her gaze seeking those who were

staring at them.

“Do you like having people watch you as we claim you?”

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“Yes, Master,” Amy answered, tensing a bit when she felt Chad’s

tip rest against the entrance of her anus. She saw one sub smile
tenderly, as if she knew the pleasure that Amy was about to receive.
“I want you to fuck my ass, Master.”

“Those were the words I wanted to hear fall from your lips,

angel,” Chad exclaimed as he pushed his tip through her tight

Amy immediately felt a burn ignite her anus and drew in a deep

breath. Again, she went to bring her arms down to give herself some
leverage, but found she couldn’t. As a matter of fact, with the way she
was situated between them, Amy couldn’t really move all that much.
She witnessed a Dom watching her hands closely, and she could tell
by his smile that he knew she wanted to move.

“Push out, just like I taught you,” Alec whispered against her hair.

“You want to take his big cock into your ass, don’t you?”

“Yes, Sir,” Amy replied, almost whimpering as the burn turned to

fire the more Chad continued to push his way into her. “He’s so thick,

“No more than the plug, angel,” Alec replied, tugging on her

nipples and causing her to whimper. The slight erotic pain seemed to
spur on her wanting, so she pushed back against Chad and felt him
slide farther inside of her. “That’s right. Take him inside.”

It was as if Chad and Alec had choreographed it, but when Alec

twisted her nipples and Amy tried to arch up, Chad slid the rest of his
cock inside her anus. The action stole the oxygen from her lungs as
the leftover stinging sensation on her ass felt like a feather brushing
against her skin compared to the fire that Chad had created in her

“You need to breathe, angel.” Alec released her nipple and rubbed

his hands up and down her restrained arms. “Once you feel that
you’re accustomed to the both of us, Chad is going to move.”

Amy squeezed her eyes shut and shook her head against Alec’s

chest. They couldn’t move. They’d rip her in half. She felt both of

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them caress her body with their fingertips and took the time to try to
inhale. It took a while, but she finally got a lungful of air. She peered
through her lashes, seeing that everyone was waiting for her to give
Chad and Alec the go ahead to move. Their gazes seemed to heat up
her blood and suddenly, that was exactly what she wanted.

“More,” Amy whispered, not able to get any other words out.
“Excuse me?” Chad asked, disapproval running rampant through

those two words.

“Master! Please more, Master!”
“I can see my cane is going to get a workout tonight,” Chad

murmured, slowly pulling his cock out of her ass. He’d lubed it well,
but that still didn’t stop the feeling that he was dragging his hard flesh
across her sensitive, restricted muscle. “You might not be able to lie
on your back tonight, angel, because your ass will be sore.”

The promise of her daily discipline brought a guttural groan up

from her chest. When Chad pushed back in, Alec allowed her hips to
ride up enough so that his cock nearly slid out of her. The dual
sensations of having one cock sliding in while the other slid out
almost sent her over the edge. She scanned the people standing at the
window, seeing the various emotions that crossed their face. Having
them watch her heightened her senses. Chad ran his hand over the
flesh of her ass as he pulled out, permitting Alec to push her back
onto his erection.

“Would you like to come for the audience?”
Amy knew that she was supposed to answer, but the faster their

rhythm became, the harder it was for her to concentrate. Her ass felt
the imaginary mark from Chad’s cane at disobeying an order, but she
was thinking maybe it was worth it as their cadence brought her
higher and higher to that sweet release.

“I asked a question, my angelic sub. I expect an answer or you’ll

be denied what these lovely people would like to see.”

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Amy tried to keep the audience in focus, but with Chad and Alec

both alternating entering her with their cocks, it became very hard.
He’d smacked her ass, and with the way her wrists were bound behind
her back, there was nothing she could do. Even if there was, she still
would have taken it. The Doms and subs seemed to love the fact that
she was having a hard time concentrating on anything other than their
cocks. His words sunk in and she struggled to comply.

“I–I’d like to come, Master,” Amy whispered.
“I didn’t quite hear you and neither did our friends.”
“I’d like to come! Please, Master!” Amy shouted. Alec had

reached up and grabbed a nipple, extending it beyond the side of his
chest. “Please, please, please! May I come, Master? Sir, may I

“Come for us,” Alec whispered, twisting her nipple and keeping it

like that as she started to ride the waves. “Let them see you fly,

Chad slammed into her, causing her clit to rub up against Alec’s

coarse hair and giving it enough friction that it seemed to explode in
appreciation. This orgasm was unlike any other she’d ever
experienced. Normally, her body would start to gradually come down
off its high, but the fullness that her body was experiencing seemed to
deepen the precipice into which she was falling. It was as if she had
been given wings.

Chad and Alec suddenly held her still as they, too, reached their

release. She felt their shafts expand, shooting their cum inside their
condoms. Her vision cleared enough so that she could see Doms and
subs alike smiling, nodding, and showing their appreciation for such a
successful scene. She, herself, felt gratitude that Chad and Alec had
given her what she always needed.

Amy felt Chad move behind her and was about to protest when

she saw that he was only grabbing some type of remote control.
Instead of a window curtain, a black panel descended to conceal the
people still observing them. Chad was giving them privacy. She

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snuggled deeper into Alec’s chest, not able to wrap her arms around
him, but capable of feeling his body heat.

“Let’s release your wrists and then we can give you the aftercare

you need, angel,” Chad said softly, as she felt his fingers disengage
her wrists. She didn’t have any energy left, so her arms fell to the
side. She felt Alec chuckle underneath her, while his hands reached
up and started to massage her biceps. “I’ll be right back.”

Amy wasn’t sure how long Chad was gone or where he went to,

but soon he was crawling back on the bed and pulling her off of Alec
and into the middle of the bed. Alec kissed her forehead and slipped
off of the mattress, while Chad brought her back against his chest.
Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew they were disposing of
the condoms and cleaning themselves off. Before she could doze off,
Alec returned with a warm washcloth. Chad reached down and spread
her thighs.

“Let’s get you cleaned up. How are you feeling?”
“Mmmm, like I flew to heaven and back.”
Amy felt Chad’s chest rumble as he laughed. She didn’t have the

energy to open her eyes while Alec ran the warm wet cloth through
her crevice and her pussy. It felt good to have them take care of her.

“Lift your head and take a sip,” Alec said. She felt a bottle being

pressed to her lips and did as he requested. Once her thirst was
quenched, she laid herself back down against Chad. She felt Alec join
them and immediately was surrounded by their heat. “How do your
arms feel?”

“Like jelly?”
“Hmmm, I’d like to lick some jelly off of your ass,” Chad replied,

brushing the hair off of her neck and pressing his warm lips against
her skin. “Maybe Alec can paint you with some purple jam and I can
clean it off of you.”

“It’s too sticky,” Alec responded, rubbing his hands up and down

her right arm. “But I’m sure I can think of something that’ll work
that’s edible.”

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They spoke of ideas for future scenes as Amy lay languid between

them. She finally opened her eyes, seeing that the lights had been
dimmed. Warm air brushed over her skin from the vent above and she
smiled slightly at the knowledge that they had made sure she would
be comfortable.

“What’s that smile for?”
Amy should have known that they would be watching her,

assuring themselves that she was relaxed. She’d truly thought she’d
be fantasizing her whole life about trading places with the
submissives at the club, but now she was living her dream and being
envied by others. Chad and Alec gave her what she needed, but were
they really aware of the depth of her feelings?

“I love you both.”
Those four words seemed to take their breath away and her smile

grew bigger. It was rare that she was able to surprise them. She waited
patiently for them to say something, secure in the knowledge that they
loved her back. Amy didn’t need them to say the words, as their
actions spoke more volumes than any words could. She snuggled
deeper in between them.

“You know, you were Chad’s angel from the first moment he set

eyes on you,” Alec whispered. “But he mentioned something to me
when you were posing for on the podium yesterday and he was right.”

“Aren’t I always?”
Amy felt the mattress shift and knew that Alec had reached over

her and punched Chad. She smiled, knowing they would always carry
pieces of the boys they were. Ruby had done a superb job and hoped
that one day, when they had children of their own, that Ruby would
impart her wisdom.

“What did Chad say?” Amy asked, her eyes droopy. She

wondered how long they had the room, but then decided not to worry
about it. Chad and Alec would assure that they had it as long as she
needed it.

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“That you were my angel. I think you were sent for both of us,”

Alec murmured, settling back in beside her. “I love you, too. And it’s
important for you to know that when I paint you, for the first time,
I’m not trying to change you into something you’re not. I’m only
trying to bring out the brightness I see within you to share with

Amy felt her chest tighten and knew that it had taken a lot of

courage for Alec to expose himself that way. She felt a small tear
escape and roll down her cheek. It landed on Chad’s arm and when he
tightened his hold on her, she knew that he was aware of how much
Alec’s words meant to her.

“We love you, angel. You’ve made us whole.”

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“Kennedy won’t go for it.”
Lashe nodded his head, knowing that James was right. As the

black partition closed off the scene before them, both men turned
away and started to walk back toward their table. Patricia Lawton was
devious enough to take the information that he had planted in her
fiery intelligent brain and run with it, but getting Kennedy on board
with their plan probably wasn’t going to happen.

“I’m glad,” Sander responded, walking up to them with his black

duffle bag in hand. “I don’t know why you think she has a submissive
bone in her body. Trish is only out for her next story, nothing more.
Hell, we own the fucking publishing company that runs her
newspaper. She is under contract and we control what she can get into
print—plain and simple. That solves our problem, it solves the
Order’s problem, and it sure as hell gets her out of our hair.”

“And what if I told you that I can’t do that?” Lashe asked,

knowing he had to convince Sander that she was the submissive
they’d been looking for. “And it’s too late anyway. I just need to
figure out a way to convince Kennedy.”

“You don’t want to do that,” James advised, picking up his suit

jacket and shoving his arms through the holes. “Even suggesting that
is foolish.”

“Kennedy doesn’t seem to have an issue with Owen and Landon

taking over her friend’s father’s company, and rumor has it that Lisa
even went to Kennedy for help.”

“Being on the board of the Order, you should know better than to

listen to rumors.”

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An Angel Exposed


“Back up a second,” Sander said, stopping Lashe from walking

toward the exit. “What do you mean it’s too late?”

“I suggested that if she were going to do a story on the lifestyle,

she should check out Safeword LLC.”

“Why the fuck would you do that?” Sander shifted the bag within

his grip and then started forward, calling over his shoulder, “I’m
telling you now, Trish isn’t submissive and you’re getting in over
your head playing with fire. Someone’s going to get hurt.”

“Is Kennedy in the office on Monday?”
“When isn’t she in the office?” James asked wryly, following

Sander’s route. “Good luck with that, though. Kennedy takes her
business seriously and isn’t about to allow an imp like Patricia
Lawton to finagle her way into the lifestyle just for a story. I’ll give
you a call on what I find out regarding her little investigation on the

“Thanks,” Lashe murmured, watching James leave.
He stood there for a few moments more, before slowly making his

way out the door to where his brother was assuredly waiting. He took
his phone out of his pocket, turning it on once he hit the entryway
where Lucy was speaking with another sub. Scrolling through his
contacts, he found the one he wanted and quickly shot off a text.
Lashe smiled, knowing that Kennedy wouldn’t be able to resist his
challenge. Rubbing his hands together, he couldn’t wait until
arrangements could be made.

* * * *

Please visit www.safewordllc.com for more information regarding

the company, staff, future Dominant/submissive relationships, and
updates on your favorite series characters. Remember, release is only
obtained after first being restrained…

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Peyton Elizabeth



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To me, reading is an escape from reality. We all have those times

when reality becomes too much and we need something to lighten our
hearts. Reading has always given me that, but recently, I was lucky
enough to meet a man who was able to do that for me in a different
way. He’s shown me that reality can be just as much fun as fiction. As
a mother, it’s important to me to show my son that life is full of
surprises and that we must cherish every day we are given. Here’s to
lightening our hearts!

For all titles by Peyton Elizabeth, please visit


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Siren Publishing, Inc.



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