SHSpec 80 6609C08 States of Identity

6609C08 SHSpec-80 States of Identity

Apparently, there is a boundary, beyond which you don't have thetans; you
have endowment of a form with life: the little things that wiggle. For
instance the amoeba or the cell is endowed. An OT comes along and says, "Let
there be chicken!" He leaves a puddle of theta to animate it. this is the
concept of how bodies are built. There is some truth in the idea that talking
to flowers makes them grow better. 'Way back someplace, the thetan probably
did something like this. The "green thumb" phenomenon is perhaps a
lower-scale harmonic of this. There do seem to be people with a green
thetan. Other natural abilities of thetans sometimes get preserved in or by
individuals in an out-of-control state. So you get telekinesis, telepathy,
child geniuses, etc. Jung had trouble with "poltergeists". Actually, he was
subject to a form of below-awareness telekinesis. Some skills that are on
automatic will temporarily vanish in the course of clearing. Suddenly you
find that you can't do it anymore. But when it comes back, it is you doing
it, instead of a machine or something.

Jung went into only one past life -- that of the English Druids.

Anything wrong with a thetan is a lower harmonic of that he can do,
higher up on the scale. When that goes wrong, his ability on it goes into an
inversion or goes out of his control and still happens in his vicinity, as
with Jung, and puzzles him. It is just a little facet of his ability that has
been brought down with him and not yet eaten up. Boy wonders tend to fold up
because they don't know that they are doing it. It is not under their
control. The musical child prodigy has probably been a good musician in the
near past. As you go upscale, you tend to lose circuits.

If we exempt endowed states of wiggle, we can find out how far down [in
the fifth dynamic] a thetan can go. The answer is: someplace in the insect
or animal kingdom. Above that, you get thetans; below that, wiggle.
Sometimes you run into a horse who is a thetan, and sometimes you run into one
that isn't. Or a bee who was and a bee who wasn't. When nothing much is
required of an animal or insect, you can get survival as just a piece of
automatic machinery, unchanging in habit pattern, etc. It is a shadow of a
thetan because a thetan made it. You occasionally find vegetables in the
human race: [bodies without thetans]. Maybe sometimes some thetan picks up
the body and it changes spectacularly.

A body can survive, although not well, without a thetan. When it has been
totally guided by a thetan and the thetan leaves, the body isn't on any
automatic functioning, and it won't do well. Also, if a thetan caves a body
in, the body won't do well. A body will only get as good as you take away
what is caving the body in.

Most mammalian bodies live six times as long as it takes them to grow
up. Thus Man's lifespan should go to 110-120 years. The reason why it
doesn't is that the human body is driven by a thetan. An aberrated thetan
causes a sick body. A thetan with a service fac is quite capable of keeping a
body from getting well. As a society becomes more aberrated, it becomes more

One form of endowed life may destroy another form. So it shouldn't upset
you that you can cure up the thetan and the body doesn't get well. There are
a variety of illnesses that a body suffers from because it is being messed up
by a thetan who, with his intention and aberration, is influencing his
physical body. That body will get as well as you relieve the aberration of
the thetan in those sectors where the thetan is causing the body to get sick.
Therefore, don't assume that all that is wrong with the body is the mind.
But, in addition to the effects of the thetan on the body, there is also a
different seement of illness, caused by endowed life units that are designedly
contrary to the body's life units, e.g. disease germs, [parasites, worms,

Then there is physical injury. If you hit a body with a battering ram,
it doesn't matter what state the thetan is in. The body is going to go,
"Splash!" If a body is badly Guided, it is smashed often. So you can reduce
this category of bodily ills by fixing up the thetan so that he has fewer
accidents. However, some accident is pretty inevitable in an uncleared
environment. Another factor is the repairing ability of the being. If one
were really upscale as a thetan, he could patch up or repair the body
directly, or he could mock up a new one:

Lower Scale Manifestation: The thetan stops knocking the body about.

Upper Scale Manifestation: The thetan can put the body back together

So there are three sectors of attack on a body:

1. Endowed life attacking the endowed life of the body.

2. Aberration of the thetan influencing the body.

3. [Mechanical damage to the body. This would include chemical damage
(poisons, lack of air, etc.).]

And there are three basic means of cure:

1. The thetan can repair the body directly.

2. You can use beneficial endowed life units (as in antibiotics) to help
the body.

3. You can repair the body mechanically, as with surgery. Here, you can
repair damage [or misplaced parts -- e.g. from faulty construction
of the body] or cut out endowed life forms [infected tissue or
cancerous tissue] that attack the endowed life of the body. [Chemical
repair could be in this category also, e.g. antidotes, oxygen, water,

Therefore, to assume that you can cure everything with auditing is as
silly as to assume that you can cure fear of spiders by means of
neurosurgery. Beings do tend to an "allness", a cure-all propensity. "As
long as you are not able to endow matter with life, you have to settle for
what you've got." You have to live with the body you've got, or do without
one. So you have to decade whether you are looking at:

1. Endowed life forms countering each other.

2. Pure mechanical injury.

3. Something the thetan is doing to the body.

You are better off in the last sphere. The first two need to be handled in an
emergency, but the thetan is quite capable of preventing a body from
recovering, e.g. with a service fac. So auditing can act as a before or after
adjunct to the handling of (1) or (2), above. You could make a thetan less
susceptible to (1) or (2), and you could come along after the fact and speed
up healing, to the degree that the thetan was preventing it from happening.
Your only mistake is to run the incident while it is still going on. Treat it
first. And don't get into an allness about auditing and its healing effects.

The mechanism of miracles, using religious relics or tokens, e.g. a
saint's knuckle bone, is a restimulation of the curative abilities of a
thetan, if they existed. That is, the thetan's idea of his own power is
restimulated by demonstrating that there is power somewhere. nut this is a
mental Intervention. Faith healing restores, momentarily, a thetan's OT
ability to do something with the body. It has drawbacks, since every now and
then, when a body was endowed by thetan A, when thetan B comes along and puts
some life into it, it will get sicker. Some faith healers have not lost the
ability to endow life or change the life endowment of a body.

You can look around the eyes and get the stars that you can see
surrounding them. These are little gold balls. Throw them away and put in
your own, and you can get sicker. Bodies don't like having their anchor
points messed around with or exchanged. To complete the experiment, throw
your gold balls away and get the other ones back.

There are many things that Man didn't know about beingness or life.
Therefore he made fantastic mistakes. Don't make these mistakes. Recognize
Man's limitations relative to this. Recognize also that they are not your
limitations, but that they are Man's. Therefore, you need an understanding of
states of beingness. A caved-in thetan is on a reverse. He is totally the
unknowing effect of his own cause. Anything he can do is being done, but he
is not doing it. He has lost some of his ability to have even that happen.
He is totally gone. So estimate how far down he can go. He can go down to
being the effect of the effect of the effect, etc. of himself. But this is
'way beyond his reality, so don't expect him to got any reality on how he is
doing it.

When you get a body animated by a thetan, as opposed to having a body
that is merely endowed, you go into a fringe that is well below being oneself
or being conscious. One is sort of automatically awake, automatically
existing, with no responsibility for being alive, awake, or existing. Just
below that, you get unconsciousness. Below where he has a clue that he is
conscious, you are getting down to the lower dregs [of thetanhood] and the
upper strata of the human race. The thetan conceives that he is a body:
endowed life and no more. He is a removed something. He is an identity, a
body. He can be picked up rapidly from there to the state of Grade 0
release: quite a distance. A Grade 0 release is less the effect of causes,
but he is not up to causative alertness. He is awake or groggy on an effect
basis. As he improves, he gets to be less the effect. both of his own cause
and of others' cause.

A guy who is really low down on cause is the effect of anything that
occurs anywhere. He worries about "train wrecks 8000 miles away." He could
go downscale from that point, so that he doesn't worry anymore, because he
doesn't exist and isn't worth anything, so it doesn't matter what he is the
effect of. He can go down below that into faith: "I have an automatic
regulator of my destiny, so I don't have to be alert or be concerned about
anything, because something somewhere is taking care of me." This isn't
necessarily connected with a religion. People will mock this state up for
themselves, without even knowing that they are doing it. At this point, the
thetan is totally irresponsible. Going downscale from there, he goes into a
sort of numbness -- a further release from responsibility. Below this, he is
subject to any number of automaticities, which, if triggered, would produce a
total, certifiable insanity. The majority of the human face is about a
quarter of an inch above that.

That is why many people don't listen to you. Their state of beingness
isn't up to it. You must keep the above in mind when asking a wog to look at
responsibility. An individual, asked to look at his mind as a cause or an
effect, can get into such anxiety, instead of looking into himself, that he
goes frenziedly mad. Say that we were in an arena. Someone let in a tiger,
and you said to Joe, "Jump over the railing and deal with the tiger." He
would think that you were joking at first, but if you tried to force him over
the railing, you would have a fighting, screaming person on your hands, who
would be liable to say most anything. So it is with the SP, when you get him
to look at his mind, e.g. to look at breakfast. SP's aren't trying to
disprove scientology. There is no doubt in their minds that you could make
them do things, and the thought terrifies them. The SP thinks that you are
likely to drive him mad. SP's think that they are public benefactors who are
discrediting scientology so that people won't have to look at their minds. An
SP is below being able to be the effect of anything, even an automaticity. So
when you bring him upscale, the first thing he has to confront, that he might
possibly be the effect of, is the mind, and he goes, "Sting!" He goes a bit
insane. SP's are below the level of Insanity. [So they have to come up
through a band of insanity. Cf. R.D. Laing's idea that the path to sanity
is through insanity.] They are below the level of being the effect of
anything, good or bad. Any effect is bad, so they have to be an automatic
thing [cause] that has an automatic effect. Actually, they are a and A'ing
with an endowed self. Your presence, however, can bring them upscale. You
can be up to the point where your ability to endow is on automatic, and you
get guys twitching around you. When you get to OT, that comes under control.

There has [always] been a way up and a road out, but it hasn't been
pursued, because philosophers are thoughtful types. They are noted for being
reasonable and getting themselves martyred. But few stand up strongly when
the firing squad marches down the street. Voltaire got reasonable. A
breakthrough like this isn't a scholarly affair. It has to be done with a
"Here goes nothing!" attitude. To follow up on scientology, a person would
either have to be very reassured in a very quiet environment for a
considerable period of time, if the person was pretty bad off, i.e."
normal". He would have to be calmed down before he could confront something.
The percent of people who can confront is the upper one percent of the
planet. When you have the ability to confront, it is possible that you could
exert enough influence on the environment ("possible" is a horrible
understatement) to calm it down to a point where he could confront and
disenturbulate it enough to make gains.

To handle the insane, you go down to what he can confront: being still
in a still environment, with no one worrying him, with one solid, stable
object. You could let him disenturbulate in this environment. The psychotic
"doesn't have engrams that make him insane.... He is insane because his
ability to confront the environment in his immediate vicinity is so low that
he could never possibly take his mind off [his environment] long enough [to
look at his mind. It is] too dangerous. Just as your super [SP] screams when
you tell him to confront his mind, the psychotic screams when you tell him to
confront the environment." Hence, a quiet environment is the only "cure" for
insanity. "Insanity is a study of environments. It's not a study of the
mind." There is no reason to audit the insane at all. When the environment
is very safe and the individual is no longer actively insane, then, on a very
light gradient, you could get him to confront the mind.

Scientology's problem is not the problem of making one OT. If clears
have trouble communicating with wogs, OT's have even more trouble. You could
endow a crippled boy's leg with life and heal it. This would be OK, unless
you tried to explain what happened. Possibly, he would come upscale to faith,
but he would be more likely to go into terror than into faith.

Your main line is the improvement of the being who is willing to be
improved. Doing this, you will get enough improved beings to handle the
problems in society that must be handled to snap the society out of being
insane. You don't want to lift people up by faith, though, but by hope: the
hope that maybe some day they could do something about it. First, you give
him the hope that you can do something for him or about it, then that he can
do something about himself and "it". Then the small hopes materialize.

States of beingness that Man will recognize do include saints, gods,
miracle men, and messiahs -- all sorts of beings. Because Man is familiar
with Superman, Batman, etc., he tends to attribute these characteristics to
anything that is a step forward for Man. In the past, they would have
attributed the characteristics of saints to scientologists. In Greek society,
it would have been the characteristics of gods. Man is capable of conceiving
of such beings, as long as they are unreal and exterior. They are OK if
looked at through a holy book or something. "What Man can conceive and what
Man can confront are two different things." A Catholic priest professes a
belief in supernatural phenomena, but what would he do it Christ's hand
suddenly appeared, disembodied, and started turning the pages of his breviary?
"Similarly, what a being can conceive he can become and what he can confront
being" -- there is a gap between these two things.

We need further definition to distinguish clears and OT's. A clear has
lost the matter, energy, space, and time connected with a thing called "the
mind". He is not an all-knowing being. He moves up through becoming cause
over the matter, energy, space, and time of his mind. An OT is a being who is
knowing and willing cause over life, thought, matter, energy, space, and
time. That definition doesn't say, "a mind". "Life" includes endowed cells,
not only or necessarily other thetans. The OT may or may not be able to
handle another thetan, but he can handle this commodity called "life". So
there is a big gap between clear and OT. A clear makes a not-too-aberrated
human being almost fly into pieces. This happens to a minority of people, but
it does give an element of fear connected with clears. You are making people
confront something that is somehow a little bit within their ken. You will not find them tracing the source of it. It isn't bad for them. If they sat around long enough, they would run out all the pictures. A clear puts "normal people at effect, without trying to do a thing. He just has a sufficient zone of beingness, that what falls into that zone ... is liable to be ... as-ised ... or go into some sort of action." Sometimes people fear clears a little and don't quite know why they feel that way. They don't necessarily associate the feeling
with the clear.

Even a Grade IV release can be so much calmer and more at cause than the
environment, that his presence can be therapeutic. So, as you come downscale
to a Grade IV release, they stand out rather remarkably, and they are still a
little bit out of reach. As you go downscale from there, you get [a person
who is] more able to disseminate, because he more closely matches the reality
level of the rest of the environment. As you go down the release stages, you
get closer and closer to an ability to influence another without causing a
mess, directly, immediately, understandably, and without restimulation. The
bridge stays in, as a gradient for dissemination. Even the Book One clear was
looked upon with considerable awe.

A Bodhi is probably below a dianetic release. It is stable for from two
seconds to two years. But Buddhism's promise to make a Bodhi was enough to
civilize three fourths of Asia. Having moved out of the reality of wogs, the
scientologist tends to compare himself with other scientologists. He is
unaware of his state of beingness until he is surrounded by wogs. That makes
him somewhat unhappy in the company of wogs. As you go up towards clear,
this is less true. If you go out in the wog world as a clear, they don't spot
you as source. You tend to produce certain phenomena. You give the
impression of being in command even when you don't do anything to command.
People will say, "I have to concentrate to talk to you," or "You have such a
command of the situation," when nothing is being commanded. You don't bother
to use this. Mainly, life becomes easier.

The pity of these states of beingness is that there is a limit to what
one being can do for another. You can do a lot, but you can't live another's
life for him. What you can do is:

1. Provide a safe environment.

2. Show a way, a methodology.

3. Provide for the ethical application or administration of

4. Give advice.

5. Pervade the environment with calmness.

6. Mock up a new leg for a crippled boy.

But that is the limit. The rest is up to the other guy. Unless you lead the
person to increase his own beingness, he will never arrive. This is the point
that has been missed in all prior attempts to better Man. The only
"miraculous intervention" there is or ever will be, comes from the person
himself. He must overcome the terror of becoming the effect. He must be led
upwards by an unenturbulated environment to destimulate enough so that he can
put his own feet on the road out and walk. You can help him only with those
first steps. Helping the individual is the only way to help humanity out.


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