Allora Z Dark Angels 1, With Wings

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with wings




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Guitarist Dare Stone and lead singer Angell Luv have led The Dark

Angels to rock 'n roll sensation. As a creative team, they're unstoppable.
Maybe that's why Dare is having an unusual attraction to Angel. Dare is and
always has been straight, but Angel's flirting is stirring thoughts that Dare
can no longer contain.

A working trip alone with Angel to Bali ignites passions in Dare that

he can no longer deny, and their working relationship becomes a roller
coaster 'friends with benefits' package. A package with an expiration date.
Trouble is, Dare's not sure he wants the relationship to end. Seems he's
fallen in love, and only has wings and a song to try and win Angel's heart for

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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and

incidents either are products of the author's imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or
dead, is entirely coincidental.

Copyright 2011 by Z.Allora

All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in

part in any form.

Published by

MLR Press, LLC

3052 Gaines Waterport Rd.

Albion, NY 14411

Visit ManLoveRomance Press, LLC on the Internet:

Cover Art by Adrien Luc-Sanders

Editing by Kris Jacen

Print Format ISBN# 978-1-60820-419-9

ebook format ISBN# 978-1-60820-420-0

Issued 2011

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This book is licensed to the original purchaser only. Duplication or

distribution via any means is illegal and a violation of International
Copyright Law, subject to criminal prosecution and upon conviction, fines
and/or imprisonment. This eBook cannot be legally loaned or given to
others. No part of this eBook can be shared or reproduced without the
express permission of the publisher.

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To S,

Thank you for my happily ever after. Our life together is more than I

could ever have dreamed possible. You are simply everything to me.

Love Z.

And I want to give a very special thank you to SJ Frost (Conquest

series) and Kris Jacen (Editor Goddess). You were instrumental in making
this dream become a reality. I cannot thank the two of you enough.

Thank you Adrien for the amazing cover art. You really captured my

boys perfectly!

And hugs to Jet Mykles (Heaven Sent series & Reverb), the mother of

hot rocker boys for kissing my blurb!

Hugs to all the people who helped make this book possible.

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Chapter 1

Darius Stone knew he was lucky to be The Dark Angels' lead guitar

player. They had recently risen to legendary proportions in record time.
Darius was living the rock-n-roll dream and loving every minute of it. Every
single song they'd released had hit the top of the Billboard chart. The Dark
Angels were playing to sold-out arenas. Life was good. Hell, he even liked
the guys in the band, especially Angel.

Angel Luv, the lead singer and founder of The Dark Angels, was a

real piece of work. He was very attractive. Some might say almost pretty,
not that Darius was much of a judge when it came to male beauty. Darius
was straight but could still see and feel the sexuality that oozed with every
step Angel took and every word he sang. His voice had a range an opera
singer would be jealous of and was down and dirty enough to make jazz
singers envious as well. Everything, from Angel's black hair cut
asymmetrically so it coyly fell into his dark sexy eyes to his long lean body,
screamed rock star.

Angel was so much more than his looks. He was super smart with a

keen business sense. His creativity and vision always surprised The Dark
Angels' fans. Angel was a talented writer and composer. He was funny as
hell when he got going. To top it off he was one of the nicest guys in the

Darius was glad to be counted as one of Angel's closest friends. But

not his lover as the tabloids suggested and most of their fans wished. No,
Darius Stone was straight. Not that guys with guys bothered him, it just
wasn't his thing.

He wasn't a monk. Far from it! Dare knew their superstardom couldn't

burn this hot forever, so he decided to enjoy the benefits. All the benefits. He
wasn't the lead singer, but still reaped the benefits. Though with the schedule
they had been keeping, times for enjoying those benefits were few and far

Angel and he were sitting down on the old tattered couch in one of the

dressing rooms at the arena they were to perform in; they opted not to return
to the hotel after the sound check with the rest of the band. Darius typically
chose to stay wherever Angel was because he just liked being around the

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Of course, the discussion turned once again to the performance. They

were talking about the pros and cons of the additions they were adding to
tonight's show. Angel wanted much more flirting between the two of them
and even a little physical interaction while acting out some of the song
lyrics. Okay, more than a little, but Darius was trying to play it cool. Of
course, Angel seemed to see right through him and knew he was nervous as
hell about the changes.

Touching Darius's knee, Angel then squeezed it as he tried to reassure

him. "Seriously, Dare, if you aren't comfortable with the changes, we don't
have to do them." Angel's voice was full of concern making Darius feel like
a bigger ass. "We can do the show just like before. The changes aren't

Frustrated and feeling like he had been over this a hundred times,

Darius sighed. "Hey, I told you I could deal with it." The way it came out
made it sound like getting physical with Angel was like a punishment fit for
the seventh level of Dante's Inferno.

Angel smirked. "Deal with it, huh?" His hand slipped behind Darius

neck and squeezed in a firm relaxing way. "Poor Dare. Having to suffer my

"Yeah, poor me." Exhaling deeply, Darius' head dropped forward

allowing Angel to continue the massage. "Damn, you have good hands," he
groaned out. Angel's large hands spanned the back of his neck and his firm
squeeze sent shivers of pleasure shooting through his body.

"That's what they all say."

A well-placed elbow in Angel's flat stomach was Darius's response,

which got him a satisfying "Ouch!"

Darius opened his eyes and turned his head to look at Angel who was

watching him intently. His breath caught as he really looked at his friend.
The lead singer was truly stunning. Big brown eyes glittered, shiny black
hair, perfectly messed up in that sexy 'just got laid' look. And plump kissable
lips that Darius tried never to focus on. Dare opened his mouth to say
something but was interrupted by a groupie busting through the door landing
on his knees in front of Angel.

"Oh, God. It's you!"

Angel smiled down at the young looking guy at his feet. "No, it's only

me, Angel Luv, lead singer of The Dark Angels. God isn't here right now.

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She stepped away. Is there a message?"

Darius couldn't control the appreciative snicker. He loved Angel's

humor! It was amusing to see that Angel never seemed startled by anything
that happened. He just rolled with anything that was thrown his way, acting
as if he knew it was coming. Granted, this situation was not new. Angel
always had people falling over him, though usually not so literally as this

Then several of the roadies rushed in. One of the roadies, Tommy,

said, "Sorry. He broke through security and then hid. We couldn't find him
until we saw this dressing room door open."

Mark, the head roadie, didn't look pleased at the lapse in their

security. "Fucker was fast but it is not an excuse. I am sorry. Let me escort
him out." Darius was pretty sure Mark would bring up this breach of security
in the next full staff meeting with their manager, Megan. He would use it as
evidence to try to convince Megan that Angel needed real security for
himself and the band, not just kiddies who specialized in grunt work.

Angel smiled at his very upset roadies. Trying to calm them he said,

"It's okay. No harm no foul." Nodding his head to the guy at his feet, "He
looks harmless. Is he of age?"

Frowning Mark nodded. "Yeah. Twenty-two. Checked him out for his

backstage pass."

Nodding, Angel said with a smile, "Thanks, Mark and Tommy. You

can leave him with me. After his little dash and stash he deserves some face
time." Angel chuckled at the frustrated looks on his roadies slash security

This would no doubt be discussed in the future but Angel had always

refused to go all red alert on his fans. He didn't want be guarded like the
President of the United States. Didn't want to put that kind of distance
between the band and the fans. Darius knew he would probably win this
battle yet again, even with this event as evidence.

As the roadies left grumbling to each other, Angel looked over at

Darius and shrugged. Darius looked at the guy at Angel's feet. The dude was
still staring at Angel like he could walk on water and didn't that just piss
Dare right the fuck off.

Used to hero worship, Angel reached out to give the guy his hand.

"Here, let me help you up."

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"No!" The guy fairly shouted.

Blinking down in momentary confusion until Angel realized why the

guy wanted to stay on his knees. Pushing the guy's dirty blond hair out of his
face, Angel smiled at him. Out of his very plain face, Darius couldn't help
but think. Where did this stab of jealousy come from? But the guy nuzzled
into Angel's hand like a freaking dog. It was just wrong and Darius couldn't
help it if it made him pissy.

"Can I?" The plain little groupie asked, his eyes big with hope.

Darius clamped his mouth shut so he didn't correct the little slut's

grammar. That's may I, you idiot! Probably went to college for basket

Angel shrugged and sat back. His hand remained on Darius' neck.

"You mind, Dare?"

This had to be a fucking record, three words to blowjob. This

plain-faced kid had only said three words and he was going to be slurping
down Angel's joystick. Snapping out of his internal dialogue, "Oh, um...hey,
I should go get ready." Darius needed to get the hell out of there.

A strong hand latched onto Darius's forearm as he tried to stand up.

"No, Dare. Stay with me." Darius's position of half standing caused him to
be tugged right into Angel's side.

"Yeah." Angel groaned. He either liked having Darius next to him or

he was appreciating the mouth action below.

Darius's eyes fell to Angel's groin for the answer to that question. He

froze as he watched the groupie; everything seemed to be going in slow
motion. The zipper of Angel's leather pants sounded so loud as it was
unzipped. His long, thick cock pushed out exposing itself to the air. The
groupie licked his lips and his mouth opened to slowly slide down Angel's
shaft to the root. Slut! His head bobbed up so just the crown was in his
mouth. The talented tongue swirled around the ridge and then licked back
down. Up and then down in a slow drag of the guy's lips going right to the
root. The guy must have swallowed.

Angel clearly approved of this method if the noise he was making was

any indication. Darius knew he should go but the heated sounds kept him
pressed against Angel's side. Dragging his eyes away from the action below,
Darius fell into Angel's lustful gaze. He could feel Angel's breath panting on

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his face. Close to his mouth, tickling his lips.

Heart racing and growing breathless from the sexual act he was

witnessing, Darius knew that this was by far the most exciting thing he had
ever experienced sexually. It wasn't even happening to him. He wasn't gay
but... He wanted...something. Needed...something.

It felt like an unsaid prayer was answered when he felt a hand cup the

fabric on his jeans. Darius knew he should push it away. But all he could
seem to do was thrust his hips up to push into it. He moved himself forward
to feel the inappropriate friction on his prick again. And again. Felt so good.

"Oh..." Darius' breath caught and his eyes slid shut to enjoy the

intense pleasure.

"Feel good, Dare?" Angel asked in a low dark sexy voice.

Opening his eyes, Angel's pretty brown eyes with flecks of amber

were right there. Watching. Seeing. Dare opened his mouth to speak but all
he did was nod.

After a bit of rubbing and a lot of squeezing, long fingers got busy

helping Darius' zipper slide down. Darius knew he should stop this. It was
crazy. Insane, really. But he didn't. When Angel's warm hand touched his
naked cock, Darius closed his eyes for a moment as he enjoyed the lick of
fire that raced up his spine.

As the fingers slowly enclosed his cock in a heavenly palm, he had to

admit he wanted Angel's hand stroking him. Touching him. Loved that large
hand on his body causing all sorts of wonderful sensations. It was insane but
this was better than all the previous sex Darius had ever had.

Angel's tugs were a bit more urgent. Their eyes stayed locked on to

each other's. Darius couldn't look away even if he had wanted to do so.
Angel's breath caressed his face as the singer panted, "Are you close?"

Darius answered, "Yeah." Inhaling deeply he tried to maintain control.

It felt strange but somehow right to share this moment with Angel. It added a
level of depth he rarely, if ever, experienced. He felt so connected. Sighing
into the pleasure, Darius decided it probably didn't mean anything.

On a daily basis, he had to come to terms with Angel's overt sexuality

that teased all his senses. It never made any sense, because Darius was
straight so he always wrote it off as stray hormones. But Angel's hand
stroking him to places he had never been before confused the hell out of
him. No, he just needed release. All this was relief.

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Staring into Angel's rich brown eyes, Darius groaned, "Close?" He

didn't seem to be able to get out more than one word at a time. That magical
hand was bringing him to completion faster then he would have thought
possible. The strokes were perfect. Darius couldn't have done any better if he
were doing it himself, but he didn't want to go there alone. He wanted Angel
with him.

"Yeah," Angel huffed out as he leaned his face closer to Darius.

Angel's breath kissed over his face causing him to stutter. "Almost, um
there. Come with me, Dare." The request came out as a sexy plea.

The sweet sexy voice did Darius in. He froze staring into Angel's eyes

and then lost it. Balls tightening, come raced up his cock. Pleasure flooded
Darius as he came hard in Angel's beautifully timed, stroking fist.

"Oh, so good!" Darius choked. His mouth was open and he knew he

was panting right in Angel's face. His eyes remained open and lost in
Angel's beautiful eyes. He was unable to close them for fear of missing the
vision of Angel's imminent climax.

Immediately, Angel followed him over the cliff into the realm of bliss.

His face softened with pleasure and became even more beautiful as his body
went to heaven. Angel's hand was fisted tightly in the boy's hair to pump his
head up and down on his dick as he completed his pleasure. But his other
hand stroked Darius to a nice strong finish as more creamy spend shot out.

Angel's lips were open spilling out the sexy sounds of his orgasm as

he stared deeply into Darius's eyes. Licking his lips, Angel grinned at Darius
as they rode the intense aftershocks of pleasure together.

When the last shiver was finally over, Angel leaned forward to

unexpectedly brush a light kiss across Darius's mouth before he fell back
into the cushions.

"Thirty minutes." A knock on the door accompanied the stage

manager's call.

"Mmmm, good timing," Angel's smile grew into a grin. He squeezed

the top of Darius's cock as he pulled his hand away from it.

Just then a high-pitched keening drew Darius's attention downward to

Angel's mouth du jour. Darius had all but forgotten the guy who had been
tending to Angel's erection. From what Darius' climax-hazy brain could
figure out, Angel was having the kid lick his hand clean of come. The dirty
act was enough to make the little tart come in his pants. Slut! Though Darius

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was very glad Angel would not feel the need to do anything more with this
kid. Darius just wanted him gone. After all, they had a show to do.

Sighing, he and Angel stood up to straighten their pants. The kid

pulled out his cell phone and started texting. After a minute of hitting the
keys rapidly, he snapped a picture of the wet spot that was forming on his
jeans. Who sends pictures of their come stained pants? The kid was
obviously a pervert!

Darius frowned as he felt like Angel was just checked off the guy's

'To Do' list. He looked at Angel and shook his head. "Do you feel used?" He
was joking but there was a piece of it that rang painfully true.

Angel chuckled at his attempt at humor and shrugged. "I always find

that fan appreciation is usually rather selfish." To the kid, Angel asked, "Do
you want a picture?"

No response. Angel and Darius just looked at each other.

Finally, looking up after he finished his obvious super important text

message the kid agreed. "Oh, yeah. Sure. That would be great." It sounded
like he was doing it for Angel! Yeah, the kid had so checked him off his list.
They quickly took a picture with the guy's cell phone and the kid left without
a backwards glance.

Darius mind was starting to swirl with what he had just done. Perfect

hand job or not, did that make him gay now? What did Angel think of him?
How could he have done this?
He just had the hottest hand job ever by the
hottest guy on the face of the planet. But none of it mattered, because he
wasn't gay.

As they crossed over the room, Angel's large hand rested on Darius's

lower back. He couldn't deny that the small gesture made him feel better. It
seemed to settle him. They went through the adjacent door to the larger
dressing room to finish getting ready.

There wasn't any time to process what just happened. Darius knew he

would obsess about it later, until he was able to find a justifiable reason to
write it off. There had to be a reasonable explanation for him accepting,
enjoying, and climaxing to a hand job administered by Angel fucking Luv.
However, right now he had to focus on the job at hand, not the hand job.
Darius lost himself in his pre-show ritual: bathroom, mirror, finger pulls,
light stretching, neck rolling. Closing his eyes for a moment he envisioned a
great show. Then he went to where the band would meet up before taking
the stage.

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The other guys were already at the meeting point backstage. Darius

greeted them and moved to stand next to Robin. No one seemed to notice
that he couldn't quite meet anyone's eyes. He needed to shake off his
scrambled thoughts and focus on the music.

The roadies had just completed the quick change of the stage's set-up

from the opening act to The Dark Angels. The pyrotechnics were set and
they had just begun adjusting the flat screen. It would be another five
minutes before the staging would be complete.

As Angel strolled up to the group, Dusty reached out to slap him on

the back of his head. "Where the hell were you, man?" Their lead singer
wasn't late exactly but usually his habit was to meet briefly backstage to iron
out any last minute details.

Darius glanced at Angel trying not to look guilty. Did the rest of the

band know where they were? What they were doing? Did they suspect what
he let Angel do

"Why, you miss me, Dust?" He smirked at his best friend. "It's not

like you're going on without me." He emphasized his role as front man
whenever he wanted to tweak their drummer. There was no jealousy but it
usually got a rise out the long blond-haired male who was more than happy
to cut Angel down to size.

Josh laughed and Robin turned away to hide his grin. Watching Dusty

and Angel fight was always an amusing pastime.

Not taking the bait, Dusty rolled his eyes. He took his drumsticks out

of his back pocket and tapped everyone on the shoulder with them. "Good
skill, boys." Then when he got to Angel, he muttered, "Good luck, asshole."
His grin said that he felt like he had won that round as he stalked off for his

Angel shrugged, saying to no one in particular, "Is he implying I need

luck since I lack skill?"

Josh shook his head but made no comment as he turned to Robin

giving him a reassuring little shoulder bump. "You good?" He readjusted the
strap on his bass.

Robin was by far the shyest member of The Dark Angels. The kid

always suffered from stage fright's bite right before he went on. "Always."
He touched his perfectly done lion's mane of peacock colored hair before
smiling at them, trying to show them he wasn't going to toss his cookies any

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Josh grabbed his hand and squeezed it which seemed to ease the

nerves that danced off Robin in waves. "Good, Rob Rob?"

Robin nodded and watched as Josh took the stage. He smiled once

more at Dare and Angel before he inhaled deeply before walking on stage to
take his place at the keyboards right next to Josh.

Darius looked down to fiddle with his guitar for a moment. He needed

something to do because he certainly didn't know what the hell to say!

Angel draped an arm around his shoulder and leaned into him. "Let's

give them something to talk about, yeah?"

Darius looked up and stopped biting his lower lip. Bad habit! "Most

definitely," yelling a little over the music the boys had started making
without him. Then with a deep breath he walked out onto the darkened stage
to add his guitar's voice to the mix.

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Chapter 2

Tonight was what it was all about! The Dark Angels played a sold out

show. The crowd loved them. The band loved the crowd. It was a circle of
energy that, if Darius let it, would make him completely high. It was such a
fucking rush to have thousands of people screaming for you to do exactly
what you loved doing

He loved playing with these guys. They all really liked each other and

it came across during the shows. The guys teased each other mercilessly but
it was taken and given in good nature. Angel flirted with all of them like
crazy on stage.

Several times, Angel grabbed him so he could sing right into his face.

Angel's beautiful mouth hovered over his. Those soft lips were only a breath
away but always at the last second, Angel would turn away. It made the
crowd go wild. Fuck, truth be told, it made him go wild, but he wrote it off
as the adrenaline rush of doing the show.

It might have been Darius's imagination but tonight Angel's flirting

and attention seemed more focused on him. Not that it meant anything, the
guy just loved to play up the audience and the fan girls loved the live yaoi.
Angel was just doing exactly what Darius had said he could handle. He had
agreed to more physical flirting during the shows.

During the new ballad, Angel pulled him back against his chest to

hold him tight while Darius played his tried and true Stratocaster and he
sang into the mic. Angel had been encouraging him to sing in practices and
the way he held the microphone indicated that's what he wanted. So Darius
gave in like he always did when it came to Angel. He just couldn't seem to
say no.

Darius sang with him, their cheeks pressed close together sharing the

mic. He never thought he had much of a voice, but the way his voice mixed
with Angel's, something different and unique was created.

He attributed his heart racing to the excitement of singing the

unexpected duet, not to the warmth he was feeling by being held in Angel's
firm embrace. Being about six inches taller, Angel smiled down at him
singing right in his face as Dare sang up at Angel. Angel gently brushed
Dare's blond hair out of his eyes causing his stomach to flip. Darius tried to

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ignore the tingle of whatever was zinging through them or most likely
zinging through only him. Angel was just performing as usual...and so was

At the end of the song, Angel pulled his face close to his like he had

done several times tonight. Though instead of pulling back as he did in every
other time, he felt the hand on the back of his neck tighten. His head was
held firmly in place. Angel's eyes seemed to flash with heat. There seemed
to be no escape when Angel's sexy mouth met his lips. At least that's what he
told himself as Angel kissed him hard.

What a fucking kiss! He was rock hard by the time Angel pulled back

to impishly grin at him. Angel looked like quite pleased with himself, like he
had committed a delicious sin and was completely unrepentant. By the end
of the lip lock, his guitar had moved up onto his stomach allowing Angel's
thigh to press against him. There was no way he could hide the fact that his
dick was trying to bust out of his black jeans. Angel bent to lick his tongue
teasingly across his lower lip before kissing him once more. Darius barely
heard the deafening roar of the approving crowd.

What the hell was wrong with him? His body just kept betraying him

when it came to Angel. It makes no sense! I'm straight! But that kiss, uhn..

Dare would have stumbled if Angel hadn't held him tight against his

gorgeous tall body until his balance returned. Angel's eyes sparkled at
Darius before he winked at him. Angel turned to talk to the audience about
the next song.

Damn it to hell! Angel noticed. He tried his damnedest to focus on the

music but he was a freaking wreck. He shouldn't react this much to a stage
Angel had planted a couple of 'show' kisses on him before, but tonight
everything seemed more real. More...intense...just more.

His hands were trembling as he tried to play the right chords on his

Fender. Darius knew it didn't mean anything. It was just for the crowd.
Right? But the kiss! What a fucking kiss! Hottest ever. Nothing wrong with
being gay, I just happen to be straight. Always have been but Angel just
make me feel things...Fuck it! It is just the energy of the show

Darius ignored the questions his mind kept asking about what

happened before the show. That was just...a fluke! He got out of his head
and settled back into one of the best shows The Dark Angels had ever given.

After the halfway point, Angel slowed it down for the band so

everyone could catch their breath. The audience loved watching Angel strut

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around the stage introducing each member of the Dark Angels while flirting
and teasing.

Angel leaned over brown haired bass player's shoulder, as the guy

went off on a mad musical riff. When he was done, Angel said, "This is
Josh. He's our bass player. But the boy can play any instrument he touches."
Angel laughed and batted his eyes at the audience. His voice dropped down
to sexy as he said, "I've got an instrument he could play." Angel leaned onto
Josh's back and arched like a cat in heat. Josh playfully shrugged as Angel
pushed off from him. The audience was loud with approving laughter.

Angel sauntered over to Robin, behind the keyboards. Robin's

appearance seemed to contradict his quiet sweet personality. His wild blue
and green shimmering peacock colored hair fanned his face like a lion's
mane and his use of makeup gave him something to hide behind. One would
think someone who looked the way Robin did would have attitude, but the
poor kid looked like he wanted to hide as Angel reached him. He looked
much younger than his twenty-two years. It was amazing he could perform
at all because he was so unbearably shy.

Clearing his throat, Angel got everyone's attention. "This lovely

creature is Robin. Josh's brother." Angel looked him up and down as if he
was appraising all of Robin's assets. Angel looked out to the audience with
his sexy smile, "Okay, not his brother by blood." He made the words sound
utterly filthy. "But same birth date just a year apart and I know some of you
naughty tartlets like to refer to them as 'twins'." Shaking his head in mock
disapproval. He pointed out several graphic banners for the "twins" to get
together in the biblical sense. Grinning at the audience, Angel's voice
dropped to just plain dirty. "That's just wicked of you my sweet ones!

The fans loved the history between Robin and Josh. Josh's abusive

father was also Robin's stepfather. They may not have been blood but were
tied together tight. They grew up in the same crazy household without even
mothers to protect them. They clung to each other and still did. The fans just
ate it up.

The crowd went crazy so he waited for the audience to settle back

down. "Robin works our keyboards and is a very talented song writer. He
wrote many of the lyrics on the album." Robin played a little but didn't really
like showing off his musical ability like the rest of the band so Angel didn't
push him. Angel grinned and then said, "Looks and writing ability." Angel
sighed dramatically. His head fell as he hammed it up. "I so need to get

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laid," Angel whined as he shook his head. The audience went crazy, most of
them raising their hands to volunteer.

Angel tossed the long section of black hair that fell into his face back

into place as he strutted across the stage. He pointed with his microphone at
The Dark Angel's drummer. Bringing the mic back to his face, Angel told
the audience, "That is my oldest friend, Dusty. Dustin Davis." Dusty took
the moment, while the audience was shouting for him, to do a rocking drum

"Very nice Dusty. He's a bit of a... show off." Dustin's chest gleamed

with sweat and shined from the oil that had been applied before the
performance. "But hey, I can't say anything, that boy knows way too much
about me." Angel blew a kiss in Dusty's direction, which Dusty caught in the
air and placed it on his cheek. Dusty, in turn kissed one of his drumsticks
and threw the air kiss to Angel. The audience went off again screaming and
yelling their heads off.

Angel paused as he looked over at Darius, looked at the audience then

back over at Dare. Angel slowly walked across the stage to him and his
guitar. Angel threw an arm around him and said, "This here is Darius Stone.
Everyone calls him Dare." Angel released his hold on him so Darius could
give a little careless riff on the instrument. Angel circled around him and
licked his lips as if he were looking at a tasty treat. "I call him hot as hell!"
He smiled at the audience and arched his eyebrow. The audience, as
expected, screamed and shouted in agreement.

Darius knew what was coming but they had only talked it through in

practice. Tonight would be the very first time they did the song this way.
Angel convinced him that they would be giving the audience something
special if the first time was in front of them. Granted all he needed to do was
stand there but thinking about what Angel was going to do made his gut
twist up tight. His dick went hard again.

Angel circled him again rubbing up against him. He nodded to Dusty

and got the beat to start the next song. This song was just released as a single
and rocketed to number one on the Billboard charts, so they had wanted add
a little something to the performing of it. Their manager suggested they 'tart
it' up a bit. It was that recommendation that had increased the physical
flirting. So far the fans were loving it.

Angel sang in his clear gorgeous voice. "I want to love you! I want to

fuck you!" Angel got behind him and thrust his clothed body into his as the
music took off. Circling to the front of Darius who was clutching his guitar,

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Angel dropped down onto his knees in front of him. Angel grinned wickedly
as he looked up and sang, "I want to suck you!" Angel moved in a way that
looked like he was giving the guitar player head. He slowly rose up to his
feet, turned and pulled him to the side so the audience could see both of
them in profile.

His voice dropped to sing almost softly, "I want to kiss you..." The

music soared and so did his heart as Angel's mouth captured his in a hot wet
French kiss. It was decided to extend the music here because they knew the
fans would go ape shit over the kiss. Darius tried so hard to play the right
chords, but the tongue in his mouth erased all the notes, so he failed.

When Angel pulled away licking his lips, he smirked because he

caught the errors in the music. Angel looked out at the fans who were
practically losing their minds, before turning to face him. "I want to lick
you." Angel ran his hand through Dare's blond mop of hair before latching
on to it to pull it tightly to the side exposing his neck. Angel's tongue licked
a long wet line from the base of his throat to his chin.

Darius tried to stifle the moan but couldn't. Nor could he hide the

shiver that raced over his body. Angel gave him a tiny smile then a quick
kiss on the mouth before continuing the song. "But he doesn't want me."
Angel pulled away from him as if it were physically painfully to lose
contact. Angel moved to sing his despair to the audience. "No. He doesn't
need me... That's the pain of my love..."

Darius looked back at their drummer, on the drummer's 'throne' as

Dusty dubbed it. Dusty smirked down at him while providing the rapid
backbeat of the song. Dusty didn't do anything, but his smile told him he
knew Darius's secret.

There was no secret! Although for months, the media had been trying

to turn his friendship with Angel into a more than a platonic bromance so
they could suggest a hot passionate gay love affair within the band. Why I
have to continually remind people I'm straight, I haven't a clue. Do I act
gay? Okay, I guess I could see how my enthusiastic flirting back at Angel
onstage could be misinterpreted. Whatever! It is just for the show. This
Rock and Roll!

Angel was reportedly bisexual. Though sometimes, he wondered if

Angel took a girl to bed on occasion only because he hated disappointing
anyone. Once he walked in on Angel fucking some guy while the guy was
inside the girl. It was quite a scene but clearly Angel's attention remained on
the male not the female. But he was sticking to the bi-sexual excuse because

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it was still easier to accept open sexuality in the music business than being
straight up gay, at least in the United States.

Darius kept saying he was a hundred percent straight, but no one

seemed to be believing it. Of course, it made Darius even more paranoid
about his inappropriate thoughts and actions. It was like he needed to keep
finding evidence to prove to those around him that he was straight. He
continually rationalized to everyone including himself. He had decided it
didn't count as being gay to have sexual thoughts about someone of the same
sex. He faulted Angel and his way of just oozing sex. Angel could give the
Pope carnal thoughts!

Certainly if thoughts didn't count, dreams didn't count either. After all,

you aren't in control of them. And so what, if sometimes his mind would
drift to a guy while he was having sex with a woman or finding a little solo
stress relief? Okay, not just a random guy but to Angel. His thoughts always
went to Angel.

He had always decided none of that meant he was gay. It didn't. It

couldn't. For all of his twenty-eight years Darius liked girls. Hell, he loved

This time the rationalization faltered because of what happened before

the show. Darius did his best. Whatever happened prior to the show was just
whatever. It was nothing. It was a sexual situation. Anyone would have been
turned on and so what, I got a hand job. Big deal! I wasn't going to think
about how for the last six months I wondered what it felt like to be topped by
Angel. I wasn't going to think about that kiss. Nope, I wasn't thinking. I was
playing music in front of thousands of fans.

The show was drawing to a close. The stage went dark and the

audience went silent. Impressive, considering there were thousands of fans
out there and just a moment ago their screams neared deafening levels. But
they knew how Angel Luv closed The Dark Angels' shows. They waited
patiently for Angel to change.

A single spot light slowly brightened over Angel's blue and green

peacock colored wings, his oiled upper body and his black leather pants.
Head lowered, his body spoke the language of pure despair. The audience
gasped as he finally raised his head. They could see his face now.

He looked utterly lost. The lead singer became a dark angel cast from

Heaven for his unforgivable sins. In this moment, Angel was the
embodiment of pure undiluted loss. Darius quietly gave him the cords he

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needed to give them their Anthem of Heartbreak.

As he watched from stage right playing his guitar, it always felt like

Angel opened his vein pouring out all of his pain, loneliness, and despair.
His fans watched breathlessly as Angel's sweet voice sang out their anguish.
The devastation they had experienced echoed in the words he sang to them.
Real tears rolled down Angel's face as he sang the words that most tried to
hide from the rest of the world. He fearlessly showed himself and the
damage that everyone has buried deep within their souls. It hurt every time
he watched Angel do it. Robin would never talk about why the song was
written, but it was clearly based on experience of a love lost and never to be

Darius's eyes went over to the 'twins.' Robin had tears tracing down

his sweet face as he focused all of his attention on his keyboard. Josh just
looked like his heart was being ripped out as he stared at Robin and played
the deep sad melody. Didn't matter how many times they did this song,
everyone was always deeply affected by it. Hell, even Dusty got choked up.

As he played the music that was seared into his soul, it was hard to

believe a little over a year ago, he was playing in a New York City dive bar.
He remembered it like it was yesterday. It was a Friday night and the crowd
he was playing for was pretty wild. Half way through the set, some mad man
jumped on the stage and told the audience they should enjoy Darius while
they could, because soon he would coming with him to make rock history.
Rock history, he actually used that term. He had no idea who Angel was at
the time. No one did. Not yet.

During the break, Darius was compelled to walk over to where Angel

was leaning against the wall just watching his approach. The conversation
that would dramatically change his life was ridiculously short.

Angel grinned at him and introduced himself. "I'm Angel Luv." Angel

caught his questioning smile at the unique name and shrugged. "Hippie
parents." He got right back to business. "You are exactly what I need. What
The Dark Angels need." Angel continued with complete and total
seriousness. "We are going to crash through the barriers of music and
change things up. If you want to help us shatter things be at this address
tomorrow at eleven." Angel pushed a piece of paper with an address in
upstate New York into Darius' front pocket. Angel reached out to his face
and gently pushed a chunk of hair that had fallen over his eye behind his ear.
Angel grinned. "You are even prettier up close." Before he could say
anything, Angel turned on his boot heel and left.

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The next day Darius jumped a bus and went. He heard The Dark

Angels play and that was it. There was no choice. He knew The Dark Angels
was where he belonged. It felt like he had finally found a musical home. The
sound was everything that was missing from music today. Apparently, the
rebel of the rock revolution had found him.

Darius was brought back to the present, as that rebel sang the final

words to the song. Angel crumbled down onto the floor. His wings spread
out behind him. It was as if he had given them all he had to offer and could
no longer even stand up.

Usually they would do a pure musical encore without Angel to give

him a chance to put himself back together again. By the second stage call
Angel usually joined the band and they gave the audience a happier song to
end the show.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 3

The band pushed through the backstage crowd to get to Angel's

dressing room. Roadies kept his dressing room empty of groupies,
stagehands, VIPs, press, and whoever else thought they needed to see them
immediately after they performed. Megan, the band's manager and number
one advocate had decided long ago that the boys needed a little time to come
down off the high of the stage before facing other people.

Each band member picked different locations to crash in. Dusty sat

down hard in the torn suede chair. Darius fell into the couch as Angel
crashed down right next to him, moving closer so their bass player could sit
down. Robin took the other suede chair closest to Josh so their knees were
also touching. Megan came breezing in tossing a bottle of water to each of

Dusty looked over at Darius with a smirk. "Hey, Dare. You batting for

the other team now or what?" Dusty loved to stir up shit.

Dare rolled his eyes at the mouthy drummer. Even though that did

appear to be a valid question.

Angel kicked at Dusty's shin. "Shut up, Dust."

"Ow!" Dusty tried to keep a straight face. "What? I thought he was

going to let you do a tonsillectomy right there on stage."

Josh cracked up and bit his lip, trying not to laugh when he caught the

daggers Angel was tossing his way. So he looked over at Robin, who pushed
his leg into Josh's giving support and a warning at the same time.

Turning back to Dusty, Angel asked, "Jealous?" His voice dripped

with stage flirtation as he leaned forward to put a hand on Dusty's knee.

Dusty shook Angel's hand off. "You wish," Dusty said while

chuckling at his oldest friend.

Angel looked at him and laughed. "I bet you do."

Dusty threw the water bottle cap at Angel's head. It hit and bounced

off onto the floor.

"Jesus, you guys need to grow up," Dare said wanting to stop this

whole conversation. Darius didn't want to think right now. He wanted to
enjoy the glow of the performance.

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Robin quietly said, "Megan's here." Turning his sweet smile to their

manager, he added, "Hey, M," as if she hadn't been hanging out waiting for
them to stop their bickering.

She smiled at Robin and squeezed his shoulder. "Hey, sweetie!" Then

she turned to the entire band and fairly shouted, "Wonderful, boys! Simply
wonderful!" She smiled at each one of them.

Megan had been with The Dark Angels since the beginning. It was her

belief in the band and hard work that got the band openings needed. She
tapped Dusty on the knee. "Good job on that solo, baby. Hydrate!" She
insisted they all drank water right after the show to replace what they had
sweated out. It was almost funny, her neurotic need to give The Dark Angels
H2O after a show, but they always complied. They had learned long ago it
was just easier that way. She could be hell on wheels.

Her big blue eyes landed on Angel and Darius. Megan was totally

focused on the twosome as she spoke. "Whatever that was," she waved her
hand in the general direction of the stage, "Keep it coming. The crowd loved
it!" She squealed. "Hell, I loved it! It was like watching live yaoi!" She

Dusty's face screwed up in confusion. "What the fuck is ya- wee?" His

pronunciation left something to be desired.

Darius gave a quick laugh but didn't answer the question.

Angel looked over at him with a smirk. The singer was the one who

originally educated him on this manga type. "It's Japanese gay porn!"

Dusty snorted in surprise and Megan began a quick denial.

"It is not, Angel!" Megan protested stamping her foot prettily.

Angel continued his educational lecture as if Megan had not spoken.

"It is a type of manga that translates literally into 'boy love'." Seeing Dusty's
face of disgust, he clarified. "No! Ew! Not like that. You are a damned
pervert!" He chuckled. "Everyone is of legal age, that's just the literal
Japanese to English translation. It is beautifully drawn art work of pretty
pictures of boys doing naughty things with each other and here in America it
is a style of erotic novels." Angel's hand fell onto Darius's knee as he slowly
started to slide up his leg. He smirked at Megan and said, "The nastier the
better. Isn't that right, Megan?"

Dare stopped Angel's hand before it reached its apparent goal. Angel

gave him a fake pout but then threw his arm behind his head. He was glad

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his shirt was long enough to hide the erection that pounded at his zipper. His
body was becoming as unruly as a thirteen-year-old's around Angel. He
seemed to be getting erections at the oddest times.

She blushed a bit and fairly growled at him. "Yes, Angel. You are

correct." She rolled her eyes at him then continued to explain it to Dusty.
"Originally the artists and writers were mostly Japanese women and it is
geared towards females. However, there a number of writers who write in
the genre, just not in a comic book format."

Dusty shook his head. "Pretty boys screwing each other for females?

What the fuck?" The 'f' word seemed to be Dusty's go to word of the day.

Darius could see Dusty was adding yaoi to his Internet research list.

Dusty may not have gone to college but he educated himself via the Internet
on just about every subject. Usually there wasn't a question Dusty couldn't
answer or fact he couldn't recall. It was quite disturbing. The guy was genius
level smart. That probably explained why he never really got into the
groupie scene. Maybe it was even the reason why he never had a serious
girlfriend; no one was smart enough for him. No one could follow his train
of thought that typically ran off the rails on any subject that was remotely
related to the conversation at hand.

Dusty never liked being out of the loop. He frowned. "I have never

heard of this genre of manga. I have got to get online." Dusty shook his
head. His hands lifted his sweaty long blond hair to cool his neck.

"Told you! You are so gay." Angel chirped cheerfully. They were

back to their old senseless debate. Angel came out to Dusty in high school
and ever since he tried to convince Dusty he was gay too. Darius could never
tell if Angel believed that or if he was just pulling Dusty's chain.

"You wish, Luv!" Dusty retorted.

Angel laid his head on Darius's shoulder as he spoke to Dusty. "Ha!

Not quite. But I highly recommend it."

Darius moved his head to look down at Angel's sparkling eyes full of

mischief as he teased the drummer.

Everyone cracked up. Dare's laugh might have been a little tense, but

it was hard to laugh when all the blood had pooled in his lower region. Why
did his body react like this to Angel's nearness?

Tommy knocked once. The kid opened the door and stepped in

quickly so he could keep all the people who were trying to push into the

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room out. The kid looked so young, probably more so because he was
painfully shy.

Darius could barely hear him when he spoke. "Angel, everything is

set." Tommy had just graduated college but had a serious lack of confidence,
especially when Angel pulled him off of the usual roadie grunt work.

Angel smiled at him. "Thanks, Tom. I can always count on you." He

lifted his head off Dare's shoulder and grinned into his face. "You are
coming with me," he stated as if it were a decree from on high.

"Ang!" Dusty sounded disapproving but since he was like the mother

hen of the group he was easily ignored.

"What?" Darius finished the bottle of water he was drinking and

tossed it in the recycling can across the room. "Three points."

Josh interjected. "Only two points. You are too close for a three


Darius shrugged, holding up three fingers to Josh. "It was across the


Josh shrugged and touched Robin's water bottle indicating he should

drink more.

Angel pointedly ignored the others and spoke to him, "Dare, we are

going to Bali to finish off the next album." Angel didn't make that a
question. "Robin already wrote a number of songs and pieces of others with
you. We can work on the arrangements and add a few more."

"Huh? Who is going where?" He shook his head causing his side

parted blond hair to flip back into place. He was trying to catch up.

Angel rolled his pretty eyes at Darius. "You and I. I have a villa

rented at a private resort." Angel looked at Tommy. "Or I should say Tom
rented it for me. Thanks again man for all the extra work."

Dusty shook his head in annoyance and got up to get another water

bottle. As he passed by it sounded like he muttered, "Mistake."

"No problem, Angel." Tom smoothly supplied the name. "Barung

Barung is the name of the resort." He smiled at Angel. "It means butterfly."

Angel grinned back at some joke between them. "Right. So we hang

out at the resort and polish those songs you and Robin have been working
on. Then we can write a few more."

Darius was surprised Angel knew he was working on their music with

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Robin. He hadn't said anything. They hadn't discussed it at all. Bali? Alone
with Angel?
His thoughts went to what happened before the show and his
stupid heart was racing a bit at the very idea of more of those same
opportunities. His head was in the process of reminding his body that he was
straight and it was work.

Dusty's prior disapproval gone and was replaced with teasing. Dustin

pretended offense but his laughing green eyes gave him away. "Oh, sure
Luv. Go to Bali with your kissing, licking stage boyfriend but you leave your
best friend here all alone." Dustin made an effort to frown but it appeared to
be too much effort to cover his grin.

Everyone knew Angel and Dusty didn't make a move without

consulting each other. They were best friends and clearly this wasn't the first
Dusty had heard of Bali. Darius tramped down a bit of the senseless jealousy
that always seemed at the surface when he thought about the closeness
between Angel and Dusty.

Angel ignored Dusty's whine and focused on him. "Dare, I need you. I

have a few songs in my head and you can help shake them loose."

Dusty muttered something under his breath that sounded like, "You

can help shake something else too." But Dare couldn't be sure.

"What about Robin?" Darius was a team player. He looked over at the

quiet guy and wanted to be clear that he didn't want the guy to be cut out.
Robin was the true writer, the real talent.

Robin looked uncomfortably over at Josh. "I can't go. Stuff to do

here," his voice trailed off.

"But they are mostly your songs," the guitar player argued.

Robin looked away and blushed. "We can email back and forth." His

eyes darted back to Josh who was carefully studying his water bottle not
saying anything.

Angel asked as if he didn't already know the answer, "High speed

internet at the resort, Tommy?"

Tommy answered quickly, "Of course."

Darius sighed and sank deeper into the faux leather couch as Angel

moved a touch closer to him.

Angel gave him a smile that said that all excuses were eliminated.

Darius was all out of arguments. Angel's eyes twinkled as he pushed the

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idea. "No distractions. Bali."

Dusty's barked out a laugh. "Right, no distractions." But he shut his

mouth when Angel's head turned to stare him down with an evil look.

Angel smiled as he turned back to him. "Bali." That one word said it


Without being able to help himself, he grinned back at the beautiful

singer. "Bali." Then after a moment's thought he warned, "But I want to see
more than just the villa."

Angel gave him his famous crooked smile as if he wasn't single

minded when it came to the music. "There are Hindi Temple dances in the
evenings, beaches a short drive away, and a monkey forest." As if on cue,
Tommy opened his green sack he always had slung over his shoulder and
pulled out a Bali guidebook. Darius snagged it to flip through the pages. It
did look a lot like paradise.

Angel tilted his head and asked the main question. "You in?"

He shrugged. What was he going to say? What could he say? He

wanted to go. He wanted to write songs with Angel and to see Bali...with
Angel. Being alone with Angel wasn't the main purpose but it would be
interesting. "Yeah. When do we leave?"

"Now. Tommy chartered us a plane. It's on standby." Angel smirked

at him.

Running a hand through his blond hair, he opened his mouth to object

about all the details he needed to attend to. "I need to pack."

The assistant smiled sweetly and pointed to his bags. "All cleaned and

ready to go." Before he could ask, Tommy answered his question before he
even asked it. "Your keyboard is carefully packed in your carry on along
with your iPod and computer. I had the roadies carefully pack up your
acoustic guitar as well."

There was nothing more to say. All the details were attended to. He

had no excuses. When Angel wanted something to happen, it always did.

∗ ∗ ∗

Angel had chartered a private flight. It used to seem like an

unnecessary luxury but since they were recognizable worldwide, it was the
only sane way to travel. If the trip was too long for a bus ride, The Dark

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Angels always went on private planes. Megan had brokered deals with
several private airline companies to share jet time so it wasn't as expensive
as he had thought. It didn't eliminate the crazy diehard fans at the airports
but at least they wouldn't be accosted on the plane. They could actually get
some rest between shows.

The flight was uneventful and they actually got some much needed

sleep. As they were going in for the landing the pilot told them to look out of
the window on the right side of the plane. Angel moved over to Dare's side
of the plane to look out the window with him. Right there was the biggest
damned rainbow he had ever seen. It connected right to the island.

Angel was still leaning over him and grinned into his face. "They are

flying the rainbow flag just for us." His dark hair mixed with blond as he
leaned over to look.

He ignored the twist in his belly and rolled his eyes. "For you, you

mean. Now buckle up. We are landing."

"Yes, dearest." Angel grumbled and restrained himself into the seat.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 4

The villa in Bali was beautiful. The resort, Barung Barung, was filled

with butterflies. The creatures seemed to form their own greeting committee.
They could be seen floating about the open-air lobby and all around the

Angel and Darius were taken by golf cart down to the base of the

mountain and their private villa. It had a gorgeous pool overlooking the
other side of the ravine. It looked like a Balinese painting. He now
understood why the art of Bali seemed flat. The perspective of the steep
gulches caused the trees to flatten right out.

The villa was lovely. Ornately carved doors opened into a covered

outdoor room, which hosted a big day bed piled with vividly colored pillows
that looked out onto the mountain. It was a private shaped patio, which was
cooled by a fan above the overstuffed daybed.

The bellman pointed out the view. "It's quite lovely as the sun rises

over the hill. We recommend you have breakfast here." Walking across the
room he came to another large intricately carved door. He opened it and
ushered them into the living room where a bar, sofas and a flat screen graced
the wall. Through a swinging door was a tiny well equipped kitchen. "The
kitchen and bar are stocked with the items you requested, Mr. Luv."

Downstairs were two giant master bedrooms and an open-air

bathroom. The bathroom was covered but otherwise completely outside. The
giant soaking tub and shower were hidden in Balinese Palms and flowering
vines. Even the toilet stall was outside.

Angel quietly teased, "Looks big enough for two." Dare didn't respond

but couldn't help but think he was correct.

The place was quiet with a tranquil Zen-like feel to it.

After the bellman left them, they quickly unpacked. Bless Tommy, his

stuff was packed on hangers so he just hung them up and threw the
underwear in the drawer. He tossed his toiletries case in the bathroom.

They agreed to meet at the pool when they were done. Their rooms

were connected by a small sitting room with a dining table. The French
doors led out onto the patio and the private blue and gold tiled sparkling
pool. Shaded overstuffed lounge chairs and tables surrounded the water.

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Palm trees swayed in the breeze. The pool area was so lovely it just called to

He changed into his trunks and jumped in. When Darius surfaced

Angel walked over to the edge to dip his foot in. "How is it?"


"That means cold, huh?" Angel frowned.

He laughed at the look of disgust Angel made. "Dare!" Angel shouted

as Darius splashed him with a little water. Angel jumped back as if he were
allergic to water.

"How about we swim in one of the tubs?"

Dare was totally confused, so he asked, "What?"

"In the outside bathroom. Yours has a huge tub, right?" After his nod,

the singer continued, "Then let's swim in that until they fix the heat in the

Why did Angel's casual suggestion make his stomach flutter? He

didn't understand, or maybe he just didn't want to understand. Getting out of
the pool, Dare felt brown eyes on him looking him up and down. The slow
perusal of his body quickened his heart and shortened his breath. Angel gave
him one of his sexy crooked smiles and handed him a big blue fluffy towel.
Angel watched as Darius wrapped a towel around his waist and then turned
towards his own room, leaving Angel to follow.

He started the tub while Angel called maintenance requesting they

repair the heater. Angel thanked the hotel staff and replaced the phone. He
looked over at him and told him, "The maintenance staff will go through the
side gate so we don't have to wait for them."

Darius ran his fingers through the long side of his blond hair trying

not to feel like prey. His flight or fight response was kicking in. It was
stupid, but as Angel walked across the room he felt like he was being

Angel bumped into him with a hip. "Come on, Dare. Our bath awaits."

Without another word, Angel pulled his black Speedos to his ankles and
stepped out of them. He picked them off the floor giving Darius quite the
view. Angel was simply lovely from every angle. His flawless skin over lean
muscle was sexy as hell.

Reclining back in the tub, Angel was just watching him through half

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closed eyes. Must have added bubbles because the tub was full of suds. Dare
realized he was frozen in place, staring at Angel like a deer in headlights.

He knew he needed to move and to stop making such a big deal out of

what simply was not a big deal. Decisions. Do I strip off my trunks or just
leave them on? Why was it even a question? Without looking I know my dick
is telling tales on me.
That got him moving. He almost slipped he moved so
fast getting in the tub, trunks and all. Angel laughed. Dare had never heard
him laugh so openly before. It was a musical unguarded sound and Darius
craved to hear it again.

He sank into the warm tub across from Angel with a sigh as the water

caressed him. Angel just watched him through hooded eyes. It was so quiet
he could hear the bubbles pop. The air was warm but comfortable. It was
pretty cool to be in a bathtub and look up past the shelter at the sky.

He would have been relaxing if his thoughts were not racing. I am in a

tub with Angel Luv and he is naked. He is laying there completely naked
surrounded in bubbles looking unbelievably delicious. This could be the next
cover of our album. Fuck! What the hell am I doing

"Freaking out, straight boy?"

"No!" He answered too quickly and a little too loudly to be believed.

His voice even cracked. "Why should I be?"

Angel's foot reached out and caressed his calf. He let out a girlie yip

as he jumped in surprise.

Angel chided, "Calm down. Geez! I am not planning to attack you."

Angel grinned with a big teasing smile. "Unless you wanted me too." He sat
up and commanded, "Come here, Dare."

When he didn't move, Angel simply moved him so he was sitting

between Angel's outstretched legs. Angel put his strong hands on his
shoulders and squeezed. "Damn, you are wound tight." Angel massaged and
kneaded the knots out of his shoulders and neck.

He melted with a moan of pleasure before he realized it.

Angel asked, "Feel good, Dare?"

He nodded trying to convey without words how amazing his hands

really felt. He could hear Angel smile behind him.

"Good." Angel talked to him as he massaged the stress right out of

him. "I took a class once and almost got certified." Those amazing hands

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continued to relax him until he was limp. Angel's hands went up and
massaged his scalp. "I always found the process of giving a massage very
peaceful. I am focusing on releasing areas where your chi is blocked."
Angel's voice stroked inside his head while his hands were massaging on the
outside just about made him purr.

Angel stopped the massage and his head must have fallen back onto

Angel's shoulder at some point. He jumped when he realized Angel was
holding him against his chest. "Oh, sorry." He knew his face went deep red
with embarrassment. He just hoped the bubbles in the tub hid the source of
his discomfort.

Angel laughed at his silly reaction. "Shhh. It's okay, Dare. I won't bite


He broke out from Angel's arms and returned to the opposite side of

the garden tub. Water splashed a bit at his hasty retreat. He struggled with
what to say. "You, um, you have great hands." Wanting to pull that right
back after he said it but was unable to do so. Waiting to see if he jumped on

"Thank you." Angel grinned at him as he lowered his eyes shyly.

That was all he said? There were so many flirtatious come-backs and

all he said was thank you? Who was he

"Come on. Let's get dressed. There is a Temple Dance tonight."

Angel's voice matched his smile. Both were full of sweetness and warmth
and it made his stomach do flip-flops. "I promised you we would see more
than just the villa." Angel laughed as he stood up, naked. The bubbly water
ran off his well-developed body, tracing muscles as it slowly flowed back
down into the water. The star grinned at him without remorse as he stepped
out of the tub, giving Darius views he should never have of a man.

Dare sat there for a moment trying to pull himself together as the

singer went to get dressed. He tried to clear his mind but the image of
Angel's perfect body remained. He knew it was going to be a very
interesting trip, on a number of different levels.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 5

They headed to Ubud, the closest town, in the resort's mini-van. Angel

took the back seat and Dare sat on the middle bench seat with his back
against the sliding door so he could talk to Angel.

He was gazing out at the passing shops and all the different

restaurants as they got closer to the Temple. Then he noticed Angel had no
makeup on. Angel hadn't even lined his eyes. The whole time he had known
the lead singer, he couldn't remember seeing Angel without it. His eyes
slipped down to checked Angel's fingernails and they were devoid of polish.
He looked back up at his makeup-less face and realized Angel didn't need it;
he was naturally beautiful. Dare got lost in looking; couldn't help it, he knew
he was staring at Angel but couldn't seem to pull his eyes away.

Angel arched his perfectly shaped brow at him, and asked curiously,

"Yes, Dare? Care to share with the class?"

"No, I mean, um you don't have on your makeup." He didn't know

why he was stammering like an embarrassed fourteen-year old. Angel was
his friend.

Angel tilted his head with a frown. "Is that a problem?" He sounded a

little defensive.

"No." He paused not knowing why this was getting so uncomfortable.

"I mean I just never saw you without. You always have at least your eyes

Angel looked very self-conscious as he stated more than asked, "Bad,

huh?" Then he looked out of the window. The town shops seemed to interest
him as he bit into his plump lower lip.

Darius had never seen Angel with anything less than full on in your

face rock star attitude when it came to his confidence. So he had a strange
but very strong need to reassure Angel. "Nah, you always look good. I just
haven't..." Fuck! Couldn't he just shut the hell up? "You look good without
it. You look good with it." He blushed as he muttered, "You just always look
good." Nope! Obviously, shutting the hell up was beyond him. It was his
turn to now take an interest in staring out at the shops.

Angel seemed so pleased he laughed. "Well, thank you, Dare. That is

nice of you to say."

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Darius knew when he was being teased so he didn't bother to respond

for fear of making himself look like more of an ass.

Kill me! Just kill me now! Yes, I find you fucking hot! Gorgeous,

actually. Makes no damned sense, but there it is.

They arrived at the Temple complex, which was ornately carved with

flowers, animals, and symbols. They couldn't enter the entire grounds
beyond the open pavilion because it was closed. So they went to the open
pavilion where they were doing the performance. Finding empty seats, they
sat a bit off center in the third row.

He was excited, looking forward to the performance. It had nothing to

do with feeling the heat of Angel's body pressed into his right side. It was
the tight seating that made his thigh push against Angel's causing it to feel
way too sexual.

It wasn't sexual. It had nothing to do with sex. He was insane since

Angel was just sitting there--but fuck! He smelled good too, so he tried not
inhaling too deeply.

Dare tried to focus on the upcoming performance. He hadn't really

seen a show he wasn't performing in for quite some time. Watching the
musicians as they filed in helped him avoid his own thoughts that were
spinning in directions they shouldn't be heading towards. The instruments
being used looked to be mostly percussion but there were several string
instruments which were beautiful.

Angel leaned closer to him. He tried not to react to the hot chills going

through his body from the effect of Angel's mouth right next to his ear as he
whispered, "Josh would love those instruments."

Darius smiled at him. "We should bring him some." He bet the kid

could learn to play them within a few days too.

Nodding, Angel leaned back. "These performances were originally

contests to see which town would be spared from sending men to the king's
army. So they were playing for their lives, literally."

Darius waited, thinking Angel was going to say more but the music

started. He could have sworn he felt the sweep of tongue lick inside his ear,
but he must have been mistaken. Darius caught himself sighing, again. Not
because he was disappointed that Angel moved away from his ear. It wasn't
like he was interested in feeling Angel's breath tickling his ear and neck. He
wrote off the ache in his lower belly as excitement...of the musical kind. His

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cock...he was just going to ignore because there was no acceptable
explanation for its behavior.

A minute after the music started nearly a hundred bare-chested men

came walking down the aisle making a repeated sound with their mouths.
Several times they circled around the Temple interior before they stopped.
With a single word from the leader they sat down on the ground as one unit.
These males were of all ages, the youngest about eight-years-old, and some
of the older ones, at least eighty. Their voices worked a simple pattern of
sounds into an intricate melody. Soon the performers entered and were
singing and dancing the story of the Ramayana. It was mesmerizing.

He tried to focus on the performance but Darius couldn't resist

stealing a glance over at Angel, who was totally into it. His lead singer
looked younger and more vulnerable without his face painted. Somehow he
seemed more approachable. He was less of the rock god and more man.
Though still the most gorgeous male he had laid eyes on.

Angel must have seen his stare out of the corner of his eye because he

turned towards him with a big smile. Then he faced the performance again.
Angel's hand found his and squeezed it for a brief second, emphasizing his
happiness. Dare swallowed hard when he realized how very happy he was to
be sharing this experience with the man beside him.

He kept his head facing towards the performance but his eyes kept

looking at Angel. It was ridiculous. He usually attributed his not being able
to stop staring at Angel to his fabulous use of makeup, his interaction with
people, or his awesome stage presence. But in this case, Angel was bare
faced, just sitting there, and Dare's eyes still refused to find another vision to
focus on. There were beautiful dancers and talented musicians but he found
it was a struggle to watch the show.

If he could have focused he knew he would have appreciated the

show. The women were lovely and built precisely how they should be. Each
should have drawn him in as they were his exact type, but they didn't. The
costumes were beautiful with elaborate headpieces. He was amazed they
were able to dance with them perched on their heads. Men swayed in a
hypnotic fashion providing captivating music to the story danced out in the
middle of them.

Angel turned. Darius was pretty sure he caught him staring once

again, but he wasn't positive. Angel leaned in slowly. Darius' breath hitched
as he thought Angel was going to kiss him. But instead he whispered in his
ear again. Breath tickled his inner ear.

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Oh fuck! When did his ears and neck become so sensitive? As his lips

moved they grazed the lobe. Dare's cock went inappropriately hard. He tried
to stop his body's reaction, and hear what the hell Angel was saying.

The dark haired man grinned knowingly at him before leaning in to

repeat himself. "I said, what do you think?" Angel pulled back to look at
him. His lips were so close to him.

He couldn't help it; he got closer to Angel so he could whisper back

into his ear. "Awesome." Dare tried not to make it obvious that he was
inhaling Angel's scent as he slowly sat back.

Darius bit back a sigh at the loss. He was starting to sound like a

lovesick cow. What the hell is wrong with me? His dick throbbed willfully in
his pants--not the answer he wanted. He returned his attention to the dance,
trying to focus on the musical notes of the performance right in front of him
in an attempt to will away his problem. He had little success.

Angel looked at him curiously as if he were trying to understand, then

his eyes fell to his lap. Darius flushed with embarrassment because he knew
there was no way the other guy missed his issue. Angel smirked and turned
back to watch the performance.

Fuck me! No! No! Bad choice of words!

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 6

By the time they got back to the villa, Darius was blaming his strange

reactions to Angel on exhaustion and jet lag. But he knew sleep was a long
way off. He was oddly wired with energy.

"You want to watch some TV?" Angel asked.

Darius was trying not to be annoyed at himself for the strange

reactions to Angel. Maybe the stupid box would take his head out of his ass.
"Sure," he said as he walked into the kitchen to grab them both some water.
He returned to the living room but stopped at the doorway.

When Angel saw his hesitation to enter the living room, he waved him

over. "Come here. Have a seat. I figured you might enjoy this since you got
hot over those dancers." Darius walked over and sat on the far end of the
couch not taking his eyes off the screen.

Trying to shut his mouth, which was gaping open as he watched the

busty blonde giggle before she went down on the repairman. When Angel
said TV, Darius didn't think he meant porn. Porn and television were two
very different activities. But there on the TV was a guy and a busty blonde
giving him oral sex.

He swallowed. Well, yeah. That was a good reason for my cock's

crazy response tonight. Yeah, my body got hard over the beautiful female

Angel didn't expect a response. He went right on talking which was

good because Darius felt like he'd entered the world of the surreal. "Maybe
you can explain this to me." Angel gestured to the television.

"Explain what?" He barely recognized the husky quality of his own

voice. "Sex? I know you don't need a teacher when it comes to sex." Damn, I
know firsthand. Bad choice of words. What is wrong with me? Why am I
baiting him?
Or is it flirting? Either way, not appropriate. Angel is my
friend, not to mention kinda my boss

The dark hair man rolled his eyes and chuckled. "No, wise ass, I mean

women. What is that guy getting out of that?"

"Come on, Angel. You've slept with women, I have seen you."

"Have you, now? Do you spy on me often?" His index finger found

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his temple as he turned to look at him. Then those long eyelashes batted at
him to tease further.

"No, I know I have seen you leaving parties with girls.

Mostly guys, but sometimes there are girls in the mix." Why do I sound
jealous? Fuck, what is wrong with me? I am jealous.

Angel just gave him a sexy smile and watched him for a moment. In

the background, Darius heard the sucking wet moans of the blonde's mouth,
but he was staring at Angel's lips, watching as he formed words that
probably made sentences. "Usually I let the guy who is with us deal with the
female." Angel spoke as if sex with a woman might have been mildly

He was surprisingly pleased by that admission. Darius couldn't stop

the laughter that erupted at the look on that lovely face.

Angel pursed his full lips. "What? I just don't understand what you

breeders find so appealing. So explain it." He turned to the screen and
pointed. "Like that. You can't tell me a woman can give better head than a
guy. Drooling like that takes away all the friction. Her cheeks aren't
hollowed so she isn't really sucking. I guess it's not really her fault, she
doesn't have the same equipment, so she doesn't know what feels good,"
Angel concluded, cutting the woman some slack. "Ew! Why is she spitting
on him? That's just disgusting!"

He looked at the screen and the blonde was spitting on the guy's cock

before deep throating him again. That was kind of gross but the BJ was sexy.
Right? He looked beyond the act; she did not look like she was enjoying it
one bit. Although when she knew the camera was on her she acted like she
was in the throes of an orgasm, but for one or two seconds her true feelings
were clear. She was barely tolerating the activity. He almost felt bad for her.

Angel continued. "I mean look at her; she wants to be doing anything

other than sucking on that cock. He looks like he's trying to enjoy her efforts
but how can he when she is so sloppy. She isn't even giving him any
suction." Angel critiqued as he shook his head. "So why is a woman better
than a guy going down on you?"

He seriously thought about it for a bit, trying to come up with why.

His eyes kept falling down to look at Angel's pretty lips. He couldn't stop
himself about wondering what that would be like. What would Angel's
mouth feel like on his cock? No! It came down to one simple answer. The
only answer that should matter.

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"Cause I am straight."

"Is that an answer? Or a cop out?" Angel turned back around to look

at him with a smirk. His gorgeous brown eyes pinned Darius down as if he
could read every one of Darius's wayward thoughts.

He stared back at Angel, not blinking as if they were in a staring

contest. He always thought Angel's flawless eye makeup highlighted his
eyes, making them look big. But now Angel wore no guy liner or shadow.
Angel's eyes were huge and beautiful, soulful even. Makeup had nothing to
do with it.

Maybe he was responding even more so because this was the real

Angel, not just the fantasy he projected for his fans, and an image for the
media. Dare was almost too lost to understand the next question he was

Angel repeated the question. "Have you ever let a guy suck you off?"

Dare choked and coughed before answering. "Of course, I haven't."

"So how do you know if a woman is better at sucking you off than a


He pointed to himself with his thumbs as he stated one basic fact.

"Again, straight guy." Although his dick had hardened to the point of pain,
he knew it had nothing to do with the busty blonde giving head on the flat
screen. This has to be just a side effect of being so overtired. Doesn't it?

Angel moved closer to him as his eyebrow arched and his sexy mouth

quirked up on one side. "Really?" He questioned him.

Darius breath hitched and he licked his lips as he tried to swallow past

the lump in his throat. Darius nodded because his voice was gone.

Angel got very close to his face before he spoke again. "Well, that's a

damn shame..." He leaned back and licked his lips. Darius's eyes traced
where Angel's wicked tongue licked before he finished his thought. "For
both of us."

Dare inhaled loudly and tried to close his mouth. Angel pursed his lips

innocently at him before turning his head back to watch the sex act on the
screen. They sat there for a while. He was staring at the TV but he really
didn't see it. When the porn starlet was in the throes of yet another faked
orgasm from the erratic pounding her co-star was giving her, Angel went
over to the TV.

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"Mind if I put in a different DVD?" He asked sweetly and innocently

as if he were not talking about changing it to another porno.

Dare just shook his head 'no'. His heart was racing again, nervous

wondering what Angel might be putting in the DVD player. Angel was
searching through a little black case of DVDs. It must be his private
collection. In a way, he wanted to see what Angel wanted to watch. He was
curious to see what the man found sexy.

"Tell me what you think of this one," Angel said with a smirk then

returned to the overstuffed leather couch and sat right next to him so that
their thighs were touching.

The DVD opened with a bar scene. Two men were dancing and

having a good time. The next scene they were moving to the bathroom, and
damn it all if they didn't go right into a stall. The shorter blond dropped to
his knees, unzipped the other guy's pants and proceeded to give an
amazingly hot looking blowjob. No preamble just a hard cock in a hot
mouth. It wasn't just a blowjob either, it was as if he were making love to the
cock in front of him. His mouth caressed and sucked as his tongue licked.
The actor engulfed the rigid staff in his mouth and deep throated it. The guy
getting the blowjob loved it. He had his hands on the head of the guy
sucking him and he was pulling his mouth down on him. Hard. Fast. The
guy giving the head was enjoying the hell out of it. He wasn't pretending. He
wasn't acting. He was totally into taking that cock into his mouth to love it
right down his throat. The camera panned down to show that his cock was
out of his pants and it was standing at complete attention waiting for its turn.
He completely gave his mouth over to the guy he was blowing without

In all honesty, Darius had never had that kind of blowjob. The guy

giving the pleasure was doing so slavishly as if he couldn't do anything other
than to give ecstasy to the cock in front of him. Darius knew he never had
his cock made love to like that, ever.

It took him a minute to realize Angel was watching him closely.

When he finally turned to his curious friend, he quickly closed his mouth
that had been hanging open.

Angel asked him in a seductive whisper. "Hot, isn't it?" His index

finger back on his temple and that patented sexy rock star look was on his
beautiful face.

Darius's eyes closed briefly as he nodded his head in agreement.

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They watched a little bit more. Dare was trying not to pant but sitting

so close to Angel made his cock do things it shouldn't. Angel's body was
near enough that he could hear him breathe. He was trying so hard to focus
on controlling his breathing, but it was a losing battle especially with what
was being played out in front of him.

Angel bumped into the side of his body that was up against his. "Hey,


Darius turned to look at him. Angel's eyes were hooded and he licked

his lips. Oh Fuck! He licked his full red lips with his wicked little pink
tongue. He felt himself leaning closer to him, waiting for Angel to do

"Mind if I..." He pointed down at his pants, which were tented with

the massive length of his cock.

He blinked his eyes to try to fathom Angel's meaning. Darius had

thought he was going to kiss him but that must have been only his
imagination. His brain seemed to be working in slow motion and in the
wrong direction. Angel was asking him if he minded him rubbing one off
while they watched the action on the screen.

Darius shook his head and Angel unzipped, revealing his cock.

Staring at him like they were playing 'Truth or Dare', Angel watched him as
he wrapped his hand around the base drawing it up to the tip bringing up a
sticky tear. Angel moaned with such pleasure Darius thought he would come
just from the sounds Angel was making.

He jumped up. "Okay, then. You go ahead and I'll get us something to

eat." He didn't wait for a response. Dare needed space. He went through the
swinging door to the perceived safety of the kitchen.

He stood at the far end of the little kitchen, his back to the door trying

to get as far away as he possibly could. He realized a bit too late that he
should have just gone downstairs to actually escape. By coming into the
kitchen, he had trapped himself.

Angel was on the other side of the door, just a few feet away gasping

rather loudly as he pleasured himself. That knowledge was doing funny
things to him. Darius needed to get a grip on his body that hadn't even acted
this crazy during puberty. But there was no escaping the sounds his lead
singer was making in the other room. His dick throbbed in the now
restrictive pants. He tried to catch his breath but another of Angel's throaty
moans sailed into the kitchen and took away all hope of restraining himself.

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Not being able to stand it anymore, he ripped down his pants and

briefs. Pushing them to his knees, he grabbed his cock almost angrily. He
was pissed that he was so fucking turned on that he needed to resort to
jacking off in a kitchen. In a fucking kitchen! He was out of control. He was
insane with lust. Pumping himself without mercy, he hoped to bring this
episode to a hasty conclusion.

He heard Angel's orgasm as he groaned with relief, giving him visuals

he probably shouldn't have or want. He was almost there. So close now. He
didn't care that in his head he was replaying the look on Angel's face when
he came yesterday. Or how connected he felt to him. Or how beautiful he
looked stroking his cock off. He didn't even care that he was softly moaning
Angel's name. His body seemed poised on the edge but he was unable to
reach heaven. He needed something more.

He was so involved with pleasuring his prick, he didn't hear the door

swing open. Didn't hear Angel walk up behind him, but then he felt him.

Angel was right behind him. His large hand cupped his ass and he

squeezed. His lips brushed a soft kiss on his shoulder. In a hot sexy voice,
Angel whispered, "Come, baby. Come nice and hard. Orgasm for me."

And Darius did. He couldn't help himself. His balls tightened and he

shot white hot ribbons of heat all over the cabinets in front of him. He heard
Angel's sweet voice murmur in his ear, and he exhaled deeply in satisfaction
when he was finally done. Angel's arms wrapped around his chest to draw
Darius back against his naked body for a hug. He relaxed into the taller
man's body, closing his eyes to savor the moment.

They stood there. Together. Angel held him and he didn't want to

leave the warm embrace. Until reality crashed in that straight men don't let
beautiful naked men hold them while they spank the monkey. He stepped
away from Angel and those strong arms dropped away granting him the
freedom he didn't really want. He braced his hands on the granite kitchen
counter, still facing the other way. He could not even bare to look at Angel.

Angel didn't say anything for a long minute. Without a word, the man

behind him pulled up his briefs and gave him a friendly pat on the ass. He
stepped out of his pants on his own. WTF? His head fell forward as he held
onto the countertop as if it would save him from drowning in the ocean of
his emotions. Darius was truly mortified. Angel walked in on him jacking
off while moaning his name. Did he hear me? What must he think?

Angel cleared his throat quietly. "Hey, it was a freaking long day.

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Let's get some sleep and meet for breakfast at nine o'clock." Angel picked up
Dare's pants and handed them to him. "We can eat and work on the daybed
upstairs. That way we'll be outside but not get burned."

He couldn't say anything. He couldn't look at him. How was he going

to face him?

Angel gave him a friendly hug. "Hey, no BFD. Okay? Seriously?"

Angel being so nice about it somehow made it worse. He felt tears

spring to his eyes. "I am sorry. Really?"

"About what? Jesus! You jerked off. So did I." Angel laughed as if

what happened really was no big deal. He obviously wanted to help him play
it as a one off. "Look, nothing happened. So don't freak out."

Maybe he didn't hear Dare moan his name. "Yeah?" He found some

bravery and looked up at Angel.

Angel cupped his face in his large hands to smile at him with his sad

brown eyes. "Yeah. We rubbed one out now it is time for bed, yes?" Angel
smiled at him warmly. "Unless you are looking for more educational

"No!" Dare almost shouted, making both of them laugh. Tension was

broken and all was right with the world.

"So, bed." Angel sent him on his way with a playful slap on the ass.

Mmmmmm! He didn't moan out loud but his cock decided it wanted

more. Darius didn't turn around or rub his ass, both of which he wanted to

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 7

Darius rolled out of bed around eight thirty feeling like he had not

even laid down. His mind had been racing with thoughts all night long. He
hated to admit it, but they were mostly centered on the band's lead singer. It
didn't make sense. His usual way of dealing with it or not dealing with it,
just wasn't working when he was alone with Angel. There were no other
distractions. No other justifications. No plausible excuses.

Was he bisexual? After twenty-eight years of liking with women, had

Angel flipped some magical switch? Or had his preference always been men
and only now triggered? But he didn't find men attractive...not really...just

He went outside for a swim, hoping to revive himself. Angel was

already in the pool doing laps. When he noticed Darius, he stopped. "Good
morning." He was always cheerful in the morning, hell he was usually in a
good mood all the time. Angel paused as Darius jumped in.

Immediately, he realized maintenance must have fixed the pool

because instead of freezing his balls off, it was almost like bath water. Since
Angel was still staring at him, he replied, "Morning," sounding more than a
little grumpy. Angel went back to swimming laps across the pool.

He watched him. He wasn't up for that much physical activity so

instead of swimming he just hung onto the edge of the pool and kicked his
legs a bit. His head rested back on the cement. Sunglasses hid his eyes as
they followed Angel's exercise back and forth across the pool.

He worked on keeping his mind blank otherwise he would think about

last night. Then he noticed a wad of black material next to the ladder. When
he looked more closely... Shit! Angel wasn't wearing a bathing suit. He
lowered his sunglasses as he went by and sure enough he saw a flash of that
perfect ass as the singer cut through the water.

Hell! He was in hell. Seriously, he must have done some fucked up

shit in his last life to get this kind of karma biting him in the ass. Gliding just
under the water's surface, Angel's pert ass swam by mocking him in its

He shouldn't be looking at his friend's ass. Granted, Angel is an

attractive individual. I am secure enough to admit that. Okay, so 'attractive'

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is an understatement. The guy looked like he had been sculpted by an Italian
artist. Everything about Angel was beautiful. I need to stop drooling and get
a freaking grip!

"Hey," Angel was in front of Dare waving a hand in front of his face.

"Earth to Dare? Earth to Darius?"

He jumped back when he finally realized Angel was standing right in

front of him. "Sorry, what?" Darius muttered.

He refused to think about the fact that Angel was naked. And standing

way too close to him. Or about how if he just looked down he would be able
to see all of him in glorious 3-D again. Darius decided he would ponder the
trees across the ravine. They were very green.

Gently pulling Dare's Ray-Bans off, Angel examined the guitar

player's eyes. He touched his cheek softly to move his head so he would
look at him. "You okay? How did you sleep?" Angel sounded worried. He
had a bit of a mother hen in him when it came to his friends.

He took his glasses back and pushed the shades back onto his face.


Angel rolled his beautiful eyes at him causing Darius's cock to enlarge

further. Apparently, now he found eye rolling arousing. WTF?

"Don't lie to me, Darius." Angel tolerated many things but lying

wasn't one of them. Even when it was done out of politeness, he rejected
bullshit answers. When he asked how you were, he expected a real answer.

He shrugged, frowning a bit. "Not well. I'm jet lagged as hell." That

was his go to excuse because it was ever present and it could be true.

Angel stared at him trying to ascertain the truthfulness of that answer.

He nodded but didn't quite accept it. "Okay. I am going to give you some
Vitamin C and some B12 at breakfast." Before Darius even started to whine
and protest, Angel's index finger was up and in his front face. "You will take
it. I don't want you to get sick. We've got work to do."

Before he had a chance to respond, Angel was climbing out of the

pool. He couldn't help but sneak a peek. Each step up the ladder he took
brought his ass closer to the water's surface. His butt seemed to sway
invitingly with his steps up out of the pool. He decided Angel was just a
sensational creature and when he moved you couldn't help but think of sex.

Dare's peek turned into a full-blown stare as Angel reached down for a

towel on the lounge chair. His creamy fair skin was flawless; the water

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traced down his body and glistened in the sunlight. He had heard from Dusty
that at one point Angel was a little plump. Not a single trace of plumpness
remained. Angel was covered in lean muscles. His ass was better than any he
had ever seen on a woman. His rounded globes looked like they would fit
nicely in the palm of a hand. He tried to pull his eyes away from Angel
because he realized he was far too interested in seeing his toweling off

Angel wrapped the towel around his waist and looked back into the

pool at him with an odd expression. "You getting out?"

He quickly turned towards the ravine in an attempt to hide the fact

that he had been ogling Angel like he was a piece of meat. He had developed
a major problem that needed to 'go down' before he could get out of the
safety of the water. "Nah, I just want to swim a bit more."

Angel's lovely face told him he didn't buy it but Angel didn't

challenge him on it. "Okay, I'll meet you upstairs. Breakfast will be here
soon. I ordered your usual for nine thirty."

He turned in time to see him tie the towel firmly around his waist as

he walked into the French doors leading into his bedroom.

Dare decided fixing the temperature of the pool was probably a

mistake, at least for him.

The remains of their breakfast back on the cart, Darius was watching

Angel pace in front of him. Angel moved around a lot as they worked. It was
like he couldn't sit still. Dare, on the other hand, stayed locked with his
guitar on his lap and his keyboard next to him.

He played the melody one more time but the words remained just out

of reach. They had made good progress this morning setting music and
words down, but he knew Angel was frustrated with himself.

"Hey, we really did accomplish a lot today."

Angel looked over at him and tried to smile. He shuffled over to the

day bed and tried to shake off the pout he was having. With a sigh of
resignation, Angel climbed up onto the cushioned surface and threw himself
onto the pillows face first.

Trying to reassure him, Dare sang while his fingers played back all

they had done with the song in such a small space of time. Even before he
finished, Angel's pout vanished and he turned over on his elbows to smile at

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Angel's big brown eyes held his. Angel's grin was making Dare's heart

do back flips. "You really do have a nice voice, Darius Stone. We have to
get you to sing more during the show."

Dare blushed at the compliment. He also couldn't deny the small thrill

he got when Angel used his full name, but he found Angel's praise hard to
accept. He tried to change the subject. "This song is almost finished. Let's
take a break."

"Okay. We'll take a break, and you can expect to be doing more

singing." Angel wasn't one to give up. He pursed his lips daring Darius to
challenge him.

Shrugging, he gave in. "Yeah. Whatever." He knew whatever Angel

wanted he would get, so at times he didn't even try to fight it. Probably a
dangerous practice, but this was only about singing, right?

Angel grinned in victory but refrained from gloating. "Come on.

You're right. We need a break. I have some TV shows we can watch." He
headed down the stairs.

Darius opened his mouth, not wanting to share another porn. He didn't

think his brain could handle it.

Without even looking at him, Angel seemed to know he was flipping

out. His musical laughter rang up and kissed his ears with the sound. "My
non-sex DVDs are downstairs." Angel turned to grin at him as if he were
pure as newly fallen snow.

He stopped at the door and waited nervously. Angel must have read

his thoughts. The next thing out of his mouth was meant to calm. "Don't
worry, I don't plan on compromising your virtue. I just think we will be
more comfortable here. What do you want to see?"

When Dare went into Angel's bedroom, the mirror image of his own,

he was handed a large binder containing a ton of TV shows, many of which
they had missed due to touring. He flipped through a nice variety. Angel had
some good dramas and some of his favorite comedies.

"What haven't you seen?"

"I haven't seen any of them. I figured we would watch them over the

course of our hiatus. So you pick the first show." Angel tossed his tee shirt
but left on his thin jersey shorts. Angel smiled as he laid down on the bed
scooting under the fluffy white duvet. He had cranked the air up so the big
blanket would feel cozy in the cool room.

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"How about this one?" He was holding up the first True Blood disc.

While the tabloids were off base, Angel wasn't obsessed with vampires, but
Darius knew he adored them.

"Sure." Angel smiled at him with excitement. "Surprised you didn't go

for The Office. I have both versions in there. I thought I should be educated
on the differences between the original and the US version."

The fact that Angel remembered he had said he loved both the English

and American versions, but for different reasons, took him by surprise.
Angel seemed to want to understand his reasons. It flattered him to think he
wanted to understand him better. That conversation had taken place more
than six months ago. Even he barely remembered it. It was stupid, but it
touched him that Angel did.

He smiled over at Angel. "Nah. Let's start with blood suckers." He

continued to check out his collection. "I see you have the network vampire
one too. Vampire Diaries." He couldn't withhold the smirk. This one was
more geared towards eighth grade girls.

Angel actually blushed at wanting to watch a show that was clearly

made for tweens. "Yeah. What can I say? I love vampires, ask any of the
rags, they will tell you it's my obsession." Angel laughed at the bizarreness
of some of the rumors surrounding him.

"Why?" He asked as he was putting the disc into the player. He ran his

fingers through the blond flip of his hair as he slowly walked back over to

"What's not to love? Eternally beautiful creatures searching for love,

having a dark craving they are helpless to resist, struggling against the
obstacles to find bliss. Isn't that what we all want?" Angel laughed a little
bitterly then said, "Except they actually get it, you know. Unlike real life,
they usually get the happily ever after."

Right then, Angel looked so sad and alone. It reminded him of the

song he closed the show with every time. He saw the heartbroken fallen
angel, crumbled and shattered, in that one look.

Darius didn't know what to say. It was as if he were struck dumb.

Everyone thought Angel had it all together and that he really enjoyed
playing the bi-sexual man whore. But in that moment, Dare knew all Angel
really wanted was to find love; to have his happily ever after.

Angel looked away from him as if he were seeing things he had no

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intention of sharing. Angel confessed, "That's why I named the band after
them. Vampires are beautiful angels tormented by their dark needs. The
suffering they endure is insurmountable and yet as enthralling as it is dark."

He'd always wondered about the band name. Angel would never say.

It drove the tabloids and musical rags crazy. "So why do you avoid
answering that question when it's asked? It seems like that's a great reason."

Angel shrugged with a careless smile. "Not their business. And

mystery is good." He pulled back the duvet cover inviting Darius under the
blanket. Dare had planned to stay on top of the covers but without much
thought he slipped under the covers, starting the DVD with the remote.
Putting several pillows against the headboard, he leaned back with his hands
folded behind his head.

He was impressed that the show was rather sexy and well written.

While they watched, Angel moved slightly towards him. By the end of the
second episode, he was pressed up against Dare.

Angel looked over at him biting his lip. He could hear the unasked

question in those beautiful brown eyes. Dare smiled at him, which he took as
permission to lay his head on Dare's shoulder. "I am not damaging your
membership in the straight boys' club, right?" he asked softly in an uncertain
voice. "Is this okay, Darius Stone?"

He wanted to be casual but when Angel used his full name it twisted

his gut with sensation. He wanted this to be no big deal. "Yeah, sure."
Though Darius was starting to wonder if he still held that card or if the
membership was revoked. Deciding not to think about it, Darius reached
around him to pull the blanket up over Angel, which tucked Angel in closer
to him.

He felt Angel sigh as he cuddled into his side. Angel settled his leg

over his thigh, and Dare could feel Angel's soft dick through his thin jersey
shorts. Angel's large hand rested over his racing heart.

Angel turned his angelic face to peek up at him. "Don't worry. I won't

compromise your straightness." He stuck his tongue out at him then grinned.

He barked out a laugh at Angel's silliness. Angel sighed again as he

cozied in closer to his warmth. "This just feels so good. I haven't snuggled
with anyone in a long time."

His voice was gone but his erection was back. He was hoping to God

the duvet folds would hide it. So he could only nod his acceptance. Neither

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had he; if he ever had, it must not have been memorable because he couldn't
think of one time. This felt so fucking good, he thought he would die from
the pleasure of it.

As they watched the show, he noticed his heart slow almost to a

normal beat. He got comfortable feeling a near naked Angel in his arms,
allowing his worry over his sexuality to subside and leaving only the
pleasure. They both jumped several times during surprising and scary parts
of the show. Angel seemed to hold him tighter as if protecting him from the
terror of television vampires.

Over the last few days, Angel had almost seemed like a different

person. Angel usually had the rock star persona firmly in place, but here in
Bali, Angel was unguarded and relaxed. He seemed years younger than his
twenty-eight as he watched TV. There was a wonderful silliness about him
that Darius hadn't seen under his bad-ass rocker attitude he wore like armor.

They watched he didn't know how many episodes, but the first disc

was finished. "Hey, we never ate anything for lunch."

"That's right. So let's go upstairs and get something to eat." They

could have called for room service or in this case, villa service, but they
didn't feel like seeing anyone else. Angel had made arrangements to have the
fridge stocked with healthy foods.

He kept singing the theme to True Blood "I Want To Do Bad Things

To You." Somehow, he didn't think Jace Everett ever meant those words
quite the way Angel was singing them. Or maybe the singer had meant it,
but Jace Everett's version didn't drip with lust the way Angel's version did.
They prepared some sandwiches, grabbed some bottles of water and headed
back downstairs to continue watching the series.

"So what do you think so far?"

"The special effects are really good. In general, HBO has awesome


"Who's your favorite character?"


"Really?" He seemed surprised. "You like the bad boys, huh?"

Shrugging, Dare tried to explain. "Erik is who he is and he doesn't

make excuses." He stopped himself from justifying and just rolled his eyes
at him. "Who's your favorite?"

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"Sookie. That girl has spunk!"

The theme song started so he was treated to Angel's dirty rendition of

the song. His voice went rough and dirty. It was fucking sexy as hell. Of
course, Dare couldn't say that and he knew he shouldn't even be thinking like
that, but it was impossible not to. But he did want to say something. "You do
have an amazing voice." He blushed when he heard himself. He sounded
like a damned star struck groupie.

Angel grinned at him. "You think? Maybe I should join a rock band

and try to become a rock star?" Angel chuckled as he shook his head at him.

By the time they were finished with the last DVD, night had fallen. It

was pitch black outside. The jungle of Bali seemed to swallow any available
light. Angel had fallen asleep, curled around Darius, so unless he woke him
he wasn't going anywhere. He turned off the TV with the remote and laid
there. He tried not to think about what it might mean, him going to sleep in
Angel's arms.

I just don't want to wake him up. He needs his rest so we can work on

the album. Darius was pleased with his justification and just let sleep take

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 8

Oh fuck! What a dream! Don't want to wake up. Angel has his lips

wrapped around my cock and is sucking me off. We had just given a great
show and we were celebrating with his lips wrapped around my dick. It was
the fucking greatest blow job ever. I needed to put more of myself into my
lead singer's throat so I pressed him down. I wanted to help Angel take me
right to the root. Once nothing remained outside of that hot wet cavern,
Angel swallowed around me. I groaned in sweet pleasure

A small conscious piece of Darius hoped he came before he woke up.

Typically, he woke up right before he came. Then he would be forced to
take himself in hand and chase the dream.

Angel was so fucking good at giving head, I wanted to enjoy this

dream to the fullest! I could feel myself hitting the back of his talented throat
each time I pushed down on the back of his head. Since it seemed Angel had
no gag reflex, he only swallowed me deeper

"Oh God! Angel! Yeah!" He was so close to release. In his dream,

Angel pulled off for a moment.

"Feel good, Dare?" Angel asked in the soft sexy voice that melted

everyone it came into contact with.

He heard the question at a distance. Wait! He felt his fingers

squeezing soft hair between them. He felt the heated wet cavern envelop his
cock again. He felt the suction bringing him to ecstasy. So close! He couldn't
resist. He opened his eyes, and realized this was no dream! The Dark
Angel's lead singer with the golden voice had Dare's dick down his throat
and was giving him the best blowjob the guitar player had ever had in his
life. What the fuck?

Again, Angel pulled off of his erection to ask, "Is it good, Dare?" He

licked and swirled his tongue around to tease the tip of his dick. The wet
mouth slid back over the top and down his shaft giving it the most amazing
suction ever curling Darius's toes.

"Yes! Oh God, yes!" He was out of his mind! I shouldn't want this!

My body is on fire but I don't want this! Right?But fuck! It felt so good. The
best ever!
"Wait! No."

Angel stopped sucking him immediately but kept his hand wrapped

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around Dare's very aroused dick. Licking his lips, Angel asked, "What,
Dare?" His sweet face looked confused at being stopped.

He didn't know what to say. He was grasping at straws. But he had to

say something. "I am not gay."

Seeing Angel's sexy smile highlighted in the sunlight spilling in

forced Dare to realize that statement wasn't completely true. Angel simply
said, "So you have said." Then his tongue placed a long wet lick from the
base of Dare's cock to the crown. Angel tormented Dare's over stimulated
cock with long wet licks. "Repeatedly."

That wicked tongue licked along Dare's shaft making him want to beg.

His eyes slammed shut. He loved how good Angel's mouth felt and wanted
more. Darius wanted back in that hot wet mouth. He knew it was wrong, but
he desperately wanted Angel to finish what he started. Needed completion
more than he needed air.

"You want me to stop?" Angel asked before giving another nice long

slow lick from the base all the way up. Before he could answer, Angel did it
again. His tongue dragged the length of Dare's erect throbbing cock.

"Ohhhhh! Angel!" He called out, beyond aroused. Darius needed only

a few sucks and he would have a monster orgasm. Angel was so fucking
sexy with his bed tussled dark hair, his brown gorgeous eyes and his puffy
pink blowjob lips. Darius no longer cared what it meant. He needed Angel's
sexy mouth to finish him off. He strangled out sound that he tried to shape
into words. "Please, Angel! God, please!" His hips thrust up to help his cock
beg for Angel's mercy.

Being merciful, Angel's mouth recaptured his cock. Angel groaned

low and deep as he sucked Dare back deep inside. He tried to hold out but it
was impossible. It was the very best blowjob he had ever received. It was
perfection. Angel's head moved in that perfect, nearly unobtainable rhythm
that Dare had always longed for but never gotten. It was sure to bring him to

He was out of control. His hands were pushing Angel's head down so

he took all of Dare's needy cock. Up and down his cock rode into Angel's
fabulous throat. When Angel's tongue slipped out to lick his tight balls, he
lost it. He felt his cream rise from deep down inside as it erupted.

Darius shouted "Angel!" as he came in almost painful contractions of

pleasure. He flooded Angel's sweet sucking mouth repeatedly and his body
still managed to shiver out more. Angel's glorious mouth drained him of

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every last drop.

When Darius was completely spent, he looked down at Angel. He still

had his plush lips wrapped around him, when he heard Angel groan around
his slowly softening cock. He looked up just in time to see Angel's pert
rounded ass pump up and down pushing his own cock into his hand.

Angel's head snapped back. "Dare!" Angel cried out right before Dare

felt the wetness of Angel's completion slip down his calf. When Angel was
satisfied, he continued to lazily lick Dare gently down from the heights he
had never before reached.

Dare lay there panting, just trying to catch his breath. It was

indescribable. He had never felt like this. He tried to turn off his mind but
couldn't. It was impossible.

Angel wiped his leg and crawled up to lay next to him but didn't say

anything. Feeling Angel's eyes on him, he turned his head to see that pretty
face millions loved. Angel looked a bit worried like he had done something
wrong, but clearly he wasn't the least bit sorry for what transpired.

Darius just started laughing. This was the oddest situation in the

world. I mean I am in bed with the sexiest person I have ever seen in my life,
was just given the best blow job in the known universe and it was Angel Luv.
Angel Fucking Luv!
Laughter bubbled from deep inside. It was a bit
hysterical and a lot paranoid. Dare tried to stop the laugh but he couldn't.

Angel looked a bit concerned for him, which only reinforced the

entire craziness of this situation. "You okay?" Clearly not the reaction Angel
was used to getting.

"Yeah. Yeah." Darius tried to say between bouts of laughter. The

harder he tried to rein it in the more intense the laughter got. It was like a
dam had broken and there was no way to hold back the peals of his laughter.

Angel frowned as hurt crawled across his face. He began to roll away

from Dare and he made a grab for him but Angel was too quick for him. He
stood at the end of the bed angry as hell as he glared at him. "Stop laughing
at me, you fuck!"

"No, no. I am not laughing at you." He wasn't sure why he was

laughing other than this whole situation was beyond him. He felt like he was
going to have a break down. He just let Angel blow him. What did that
mean? Was he gay now? Was he bi?

But Angel went into his bathroom and the quiet click of the lock was

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slid into place. Darius went to the door and knocked. "Angel. Come on, man.
I am sorry. This is just...I don't know." And he didn't. He really fucking
didn't know.

Angel yelled through the door. "No worries. I am going to shower and

I will meet you upstairs so we can do a little work. Okay?"

He knew Angel didn't sound right but maybe it was the door warping

his voice. "Okay. I guess I'll go take a shower too. See you in a little bit."

∗ ∗ ∗

Laying back on the entranceway daybed trying to work, but Darius

couldn't seem to focus. His head was spinning about what had happened and
wondering if Angel was still upset with him. He kept circling over the same
lyrics over and over but got no further with them. It probably didn't help that
he kept looking at his watch every five minutes wondering where Angel was
and if he was actually coming upstairs.

After two hours, Angel appeared at the door. He was dressed in

drawstring loose black pants and a tight black t-shirt that showed every one
of his muscles. Angel's creamy skin glowed from being gently kissed by the
Balinese sun. His dark hair and eyes played nicely off the dark clothing. His
eyes were done with just a hint of liner, but Darius knew the lush lashes
were all his.

Fuck me! His mama gave him the correct name. He was an angel.

Darius was beginning to feel like a groupie getting ready to throw myself at
his feet. What's wrong with me staring at him like this? I have seen him
every day for the last year! Maybe it was the side effect of getting a blowjob
from him?

He cleared his throat and tried to apologize, "Angel, I really am..."

"It's fine. Let's drop it and get to work." Angel had a bit of steel in his

voice that was usually reserved for irritating press and overly pushy fans.

"Sure, I was working on 'Love Me Forever'."

They worked on the song. They kicked back and forth between the

lyrics and music for the better part of two hours. Working with Angel, even
when he was pissed at him, made the words and music just happen.

I don't know what say

All I know is I want you to

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Love me forever.

Don't laugh at m

Just cause I want whatever...

Don't laugh at me

Like you think I'm a joke

I want to work on this together

Be with you forever...

Want for us to love now and whenever...

Somehow the final words didn't take a rocket scientist to figure this

out. He played the melody on his guitar one more time as he sang. His
laughing fit had really hurt and pissed off Angel.

He needed to try to explain. Darius didn't want to lose a

friend. He set his guitar aside. "Angel, look. I am sorry. It was just
unexpected, you know? That's never happened to me before..."

Angel sighed with irritation at having the subject brought up and

looked away from him out across the ravine. But the stone wall of anger was
falling away from Angel's face. Dare knew Angel was ready to hear him out.

"Why? I don't understand why you did that." Dare had to ask. Maybe

if he understood, Darius could find the excuse he needed to justify his own
intense reaction. To understand why this gorgeous creature would give him
such pleasure maybe it would help him understand why he accepted it. Other
than the obvious.

"You don't understand what Darius? Why I blew you?" Angel was

still in full defense mode.

Oh damn it! I really upset him.

Angel shook his head. "Your cock woke me up by nudging me." Sad

eyes looked back at him. "I thought since you never had a guy I would
volunteer. No biggie, yeah?"

He swallowed hard. Then why was it starting to feel like something

big? "Angel. I really am sorry for laughing but it wasn't at you. I would
never laugh at you. I felt like I was losing my mind, you know? I just...I
don't know. I wasn't expecting that. I have had dreams and stuff but when I
woke up and it was actually you making me feel that way...I guess I freaked
a little. I am truly sorry."

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Angel's eyes searched his. He could feel Angel weighing his words

and judging the sincerity. Angel nodded and touched his shoulder. "Sorry
too. I probably shouldn't have done that. I usually don't go around molesting
straight guys. But I was half asleep and I woke up to you in my bed. You
were wrapped around me being so deliciously naughty. You were so hard
and you were rubbing up against me like a cat in heat." He ran his black
fingernails through his hair making it look even sexier. "You were begging
in your sleep. You used my name. I just thought..."

Fuck! I was having my Angel dream while I held him. This just gets

more tangled! "I am so sorry. Really! I must have been dreaming."

"About me?" He arched his well-shaped brow as he didn't need an

answer. "A good dream?" Angel smirked at him in a teasing way that let him
know they could move past this here and now. They could pretend it was
nothing but a misunderstanding.

"Definitely," he stated almost proudly. He was teasing but it was the


Angel chuckled a little self-consciously. It was music to his ears.

Darius grinned at him.

They worked for another hour before taking a break. Angel stretched

up cracking his back, limbs and everything that could possibly crack all at
once. Angel grinned as he asked, "So tell me, was it better with a male?"

Darius's mouth fell open. The devil wanted a full confession. No sense

denying it. He already answered when he came so hard in his mouth. His
cock was trying to harden at just the memory. He set aside his guitar to lay
back on the daybed. He looked out the open window at the trees trying to
find some words to express the jumble of his emotions and mixed up

In a heartbeat, Angel was straddling his hips. "So was it better with a

guy, Dare?" Angel's hands landed on either side of his head so he could look
down into his face. Dare looked up at him in surprise. Angel dragged his
tongue along his jaw line to finally reach his ear. His teeth nipped lightly and
Darius tried to hold back his groan.

"You want more?" Angel wiggled his ass causing the erections that

had grown between them to rub against one another. "We could enjoy each
other." Angel thrust his hips with more purpose. "You know, like friends
with benefits type of thing."

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Dare looked up at Angel. More? Yes! God, yes more! Wait! What!

"What?" He struggled under Angel but he outweighed Darius and was much
stronger, so he wasn't going anywhere.

Angel restated his case. "I know you are straight, but we could enjoy

each other's company." The taller man shrugged. "You know, it could just be
for a little while. Just while we are here or something."

", I am not gay!" As he said it he tried to control his

inappropriate desire for more. "I can't...we can't..." He was struggling
because he really wanted to figure out a way that they could.

Instantly, he felt the loss of his Angel's weight as it rolled off of him.

Angel looked down at him for a long time. Angel nodded once. He cleared
his throat. "Shall we get back to work?" Angel's tone suggested nothing

Did I imagine that? Why isn't he trying to convince me? Why do I

wish Angel would just try to convince me? I am a twisted fuck, who makes
no damned sense! Work! Focus! Music!

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Chapter 9

The days fell into a general routine. He and Angel got up around eight

and went swimming. Breakfast was delivered by nine to the open-air day
bed room upstairs. They would usually work through the morning, taking a
break for a shower and lunch. Occasionally, they would go for a walk
around the hills of the resort if one of them needed to walk out some lyrics,
but usually they just stayed at the villa out of the sun doing more work. For
Darius, working with Angel just made the words and notes flow effortlessly.

In the hottest part of the day, they would go watch DVDs in the living

room. They never watched in the downstairs bedroom after that first time.
Sometimes they would return to work in the late afternoon but other nights
they would lie around vegging, watching television until bedtime.

Their bedtime was unusually early. After all, what other evening

activities were there to do? No drinking, no partying, and no sex. Of course
they could have left the resort to find nightlife, but neither of them seemed to
want to make the effort. Dare was beginning to feel like a monk, but picking
up a stranger had no appeal.

He kept replaying that morning's delight in Angel's bed. It was on a

repeat loop that constantly reminded him everything he couldn't have. It
disturbed him to think he had never been so turned on by someone in his
life. His dick had not been this active around a female ever. He was lucky he
didn't pass out from lack of blood flow to his brain.

Everything Angel did was sensual, but much to Dare's

disappointment, Angel did nothing more sexual to him after that one
glorious blowjob. Frustration became a way of life. That blowjob had him
fantasizing about it and all the other inappropriate positions he wouldn't
mind seeing Angel in. Whenever his mind wasn't occupied with music it was
on Angel.

It killed him think Angel had given him the option of a 'friends with

benefits' deal but he had been too fucking chicken to take the chance. An
opportunity for the hottest sexual experience of his life and he'd turned it
down. Bitter regret became a constant reminder of what he gave up. He kept
reminding himself he wasn't gay no matter what his body was craving, but it
was of small consolation. His brain kept asking the same questions. Straight?
Gay? Bi? Did it really matter so much? Angel Luv offered him probably the

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best sex of his life, in paradise no less, and he'd turned it down.

Sometimes Angel would fall asleep next to him while they watched

TV, but no cuddling. No holding. Angel was even careful not to touch him
by accident. No intimate caresses. No innocent brushes while in the tiny
kitchen making salads. Not even a friendly handshake.

Darius tried so hard not to ache for Angel's forbidden touch but he

missed it. It was crazy! He ached for Angel's hands on him. He wanted
Angel to kiss him, and heaven help him, he wanted to kiss those sexy lips
back. He wanted Angel to do all the things that a straight man shouldn't

Each time Darius choked his snake for the past week, he could get

release only when he envisioned Angel. He kept trying to envision a girl,
two women, hell a harem of naked lovelies to do his bidding but until the
image of Angel was allowed to surface he couldn't ejaculate. Darius knew it
was sick to do that to a friend. Angel was probably the best friend he ever
had, but his dick didn't seem to care. It also paid no attention to the fact that
he shouldn't be jerking it to fantasies about a guy.

Darius tried to convince himself it was probably just the lack of sex

that was making him crazy. Making him want Angel. Making him need
things he shouldn't want.

Last night had been a perfect example of that inappropriate crazy need

he had for Angel. It was after midnight. He was trying to sleep but it seemed
impossible. Then he heard Angel get up and go outside to the pool. After a
soft splash, he peeked out at him through the French doors and saw Angel
climbing up onto a pool raft. His rounded ass humped up onto the float so he
could settle on his stomach. He was spread out completely naked. The
moonlight lit up his skin so he almost glowed. Angel looked like a lovely
water nymph. His dark head was facing away from his spying eyes. Angel's
hands were skimming the water's surface creating a pattern of lazy ripples on
the calm surface. His long lean body was roped with sinewy muscles that
Darius couldn't help but admire. But it was his rounded bubble ass that
captured his attention. It really was the most perfect ass Dare had ever seen.
His globes just begged for teeth to nibble at them. Angel's body was a work
of art.

Before he realized it, his hand was down the front of his shorts that

had just become too tight. He stroked his thick overheated prick. Darius
didn't even try to resist the urge. He pushed down his shorts and polished his
knob as he took in the vision of the gorgeous creature in the pool. Within a

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few short strokes, he was shooting ribbons of come all over the curtains. He
made himself go back to bed and tried not to think that he just consciously
masturbated while looking at Angel.

What had gotten into him? Was he now a peeping Tom too?

That morning, Darius was not in the greatest of moods. He continued

to want things he shouldn't want. Things he probably couldn't have anyway.
Angel had offered only a temporary arrangement. It wasn't like Angel was
going to sweep him off his feet and offer him forever. Not that he wanted
No, they had responsibilities. Fans accepted Angel's bi-sexuality, but
they might be less welcoming on discovering he was truly gay. Hooking up
with another male, another band member, might not be tolerated.

He laughed at himself. Who says Angel would even want him for

anything other than temporary? If I were gay or bi... And when did it
become a question if I am straight or not?

Angel was probably just being practical. It wasn't like they could go

out and get action in Bali. Well, they could, but it was a semi-religious
country and he for one didn't need the hassle of a tourist who might
recognize them. So that left each other, which was probably the only reason
Angel even made the offer of "Friends with Benefits."

He wouldn't want me if he had other choices. Why would he? Again a

ridiculous thought. Why should I feel bad that I wouldn't be Angel's first
choice if he had other options?

This morning was tough. His head was spinning with all sorts of

questions that he couldn't seem to let go. He didn't want answers to these
questions. Would it be so terrible to enjoy some hot sex with no strings
It wouldn't make him gay. He just had a thing for Angel. Maybe
this was a way to purge Angel from of his system. He would get it out of his
system so he could stop this bizarre obsession he developed for Angel. It
might actually be healthy for him to take Angel up on his offer, just for
peace of mind.

He sat there not eating the now cold breakfast, just sat by the door as

he spun out 'what if's. It was close to ten and Angel still had not appeared.
Stupid as it was he was starting to worry. It wasn't like Angel. Maybe he saw
me jerking off last night?
He quickly put that thought out of his head. Angel
had been facing the other way.

Anxiety got the best of him as he stood in front of Angel's bedroom

door. He needed to knock but his hand seemed frozen in mid-air. Sighing,

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deeply he knocked albeit it too quietly to actually be heard clearly. Rolling
his eyes at himself, he knocked overly loud. He heard a low moan.

Maybe he went into town and got someone? Would Angel have called

a rent-a-boy? Did they even have those here? What was I thinking? I should
just go. He's a grown man and he doesn't need to check in with me.

Another groan came through the door and it sounded like Darius's

name. Without thinking he was turning the doorknob, and opened the
unlocked door. The room was dark and it looked like Angel was curled up in
a mass of duvet. He stood over the bed trying to figure out where Angel's
head might be in the nest of blankets.

He saw a hand clutching the covers. It was white knuckled as it

gripped the duvet. He heard a very low voice, "Fine. Just a migraine." The
cover slid down and Angel hissed as he held both his hands to his face. He
looked terrible. Angel was paler than Darius had even seen him as pain
seemed to radiate from every inch of him.

"Should I call a doctor?" Worry ate at him. He didn't know what to do.

"No. Fine. Go." Angel rolled over grabbing a pillow to push over his


He might not have known what to do but he sure as hell wasn't going

to leave Angel in this much pain. He left the room to go across to his
bedroom to find his cell. Thankfully, his international service was working
so he called Dusty. Their drummer had grown up with Angel. Dustin knew
Angel better than anyone.

Dusty answered the phone with a growl. "What the hell do you want?"

Oh, the joys of caller ID.

Obviously, he was calling at a bad time. "It's Angel." He paused

trying to find the right words. "He looks like shit. He said it was a migraine.
But he looks really bad, should I get him to the hospital?" Was I
overreacting? Tell me Dusty! Tell me what to do to make him better!

"Oh, fuck!" Dusty sighed, his hostile attitude completely gone from

being woken up. His voice took on the calm voice of sanity that Dare really
needed. "Okay. Angel used to get migraines all the time. Do you know if he
took his medication?"

"Medication? What medication?"

"Go ask him if he took his Imitrex."

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"Okay." He brought the phone with him. "Angel?" He spoke as softly

as he could but Angel still winced at the noise. "Angel, did you take your

He got some groans from the bed. The words spoken so quietly he

almost didn't hear them. "Don't need."

Walking out of the bedroom and into his own, he relayed the

information to Dusty. "He said he doesn't need the medication."

"Shit! Asshole never takes the shot when he should." A frustrated sigh

came over the phone at Dare. "Angel hates taking medication in general but
this one feels pretty bad before it works. Look, help him take a shower,
washing his hair sometimes helps. Give him water, but no food yet. He'll just
upchuck. Have him breathe into his hand, massaging his neck helps a lot. If
he has any lavender oil in his bag, the smell can help him too. After another
hour, if he is still in pain, make him take the medication."

"Why doesn't he take that first?"

"Because it feels like shit for him."

"Huh?" That meant no sense! If it would stop the migraine why not

take it?

"The shot is easy to do. You use an alcohol pad to clean the injection

site. Uncap the medication, turn the top of the shot clockwise, press against
his thigh and press the button. Have his Epi pen with you..."

Dare was really worried now and it bled into his voice. "What the

fuck is an Epi pen?"

Dusty sighed. "Another medication in case the first one causes


"Problems? What problems?" This was fucked up!

"It can trigger an asthma attack. Hell, even if it doesn't for about

fifteen minutes Angel's going to feel like an elephant is stepping on his
chest. Just keep him calm. The feeling should pass, taking his migraine with
it." Dusty was silent for a minute. He almost thought he'd lost the
connection. "Sorry, I am not there to help out. Look call me back afterwards
to let me know the dickwad is okay."

"Okay. Thanks." He disconnected and went back into Angel's room.

How was he going to get Angel up and into the shower? "Angel. Angel." He
knelt down quietly next to the bed. "Angel, we need to get you in the

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shower. Come on, I'll help you."

"No." He moaned. "Dizzy, if I move," he spoke in a low voice.

Jesus! What am I supposed to do? "Let me help you. Dusty said a

shower would help. I know you don't want to take the shot so let's try the
shower first."

Angel groaned and slowly took down the covers. He reached out to

help him sit up. Slowly, he stood up and the duvet slipped to the floor
revealing his toned, long, naked, beautiful body. Not the time to admire it,
Darius supported him and guided him towards the bathroom.

Once there, he groaned. "Dizzy." He stumbled out of his arms and to

the toilet where whatever was left in his stomach evacuated. Wetting a
washcloth, Dare wiped Angel's face once he stood up. Then he helped Angel
to the sink and handed him a tooth brush with minty fresh paste on it.
"Remember to use the bottled water to rinse."

Angel didn't say anything but followed the instructions. Dare turned

on the shower. After his mouth was clean, Angel was still unsteady on his
feet. Dare helped him step in and got in right behind Angel. He tossed his
wet T- shirt out of the shower enclosure but kept his swimming trunks on.
He didn't trust that Angel could stand on his own so he put Angel's hands
against the marble walls. Angel held himself up as Dare shampooed his dark
hair in a slow rhythmic massage. Angel must have been feeling truly terrible
because he just stood docilely letting Darius tend to him. No cracks about
Darius showering with a man or directing him where Angel was really dirty.
Poor guy!

After the shampoo, he quickly soaped him down. They were already

in the shower so why not. It wasn't like he was molesting him but it did give
Darius an odd feeling in his gut. It wasn't sexual, more of an inappropriate
burst of affection for Angel. Once exiting the shower, he helped Angel stand
so he could hold the marble counter as Dare gently dried him off. He knew
the shampoo helped only a tiny bit. Angel was still in a lot of pain.

He guided him to his bed and he tucked the taller man back in.

"Angel?" His friend looked so ill, it hurt Darius. "Angel, Dusty said to
breathe into your hand. I am going to put on some dry clothing and I'll be
right back."

Angel looked miserable but he tried to smile at him. "Thanks." Even

in severe pain the man was polite to a fault.

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He was back within a minute. He didn't want Angel to be alone. He

watched Angel for a moment as he had plugged his nose and breathed into
his hand. He didn't know why Dusty told him do this but he would try
anything to make Angel's pain stop.

"Angel, can you roll over? I can rub your neck."

Angel moved like he was a hundred and eight years old. When he was

finally on his stomach, he moved along side of him to massage the nape of
his neck. Then fingers moved up into his wet hair to massage his scalp.

After a quiet half an hour of gentle stroking, Angel spoke. "Please

give me the black bag in the top drawer." He sounded upset like he had lost
a battle. When he placed it next to him, Angel struggled to sit up. Darius
could almost see the stars spinning around his head like he was a cartoon
character. Angel pulled out the syringe of medication. "Thanks for all your
help." He seemed to be waiting for him to leave or something.

"What?" Angel just looked at him. Poor guy tried to arch his eyebrow

but couldn't even manage it without winching in pain.

"You don't have to stay." His voice was soft and filled with pain.

Dare shook his head. "Not leaving, babe. So shoot up." He

remembered what Dusty had said. "Where's that Epi pen thing?"

A muted look of surprise crossed Angel's face, but he pulled it out and

laid out the Epi pen next to him. "I won't need it." He frowned over at him.
"This just sucks." Angel moved the covers to reveal his muscular thigh. He
cleaned it with an alcohol pad, turned the top, pressed the medicine against
his skin and clicked. He blinked as the needle went into him with the click.
After a slow count of three, he disposed of the automatically recapped
needle and set everything back in his bag. He lay down.

Within a minute, he watched Angel's breathing change and was

clearly not happy. Though if Dusty was accurate he guessed he would not be
happy if he felt like an elephant was stepping on his chest.

"Shhhhhh!" Darius reclined next to him and wrapped his arms around

Angel. It didn't matter to him that Angel was a guy. This was Angel. He
would give Angel anything he could to stop the hurt. Seeing Angel in pain
was making him hurt.

Angel stiffened in his arms then relaxed into them as he rubbed the

suffering man's back. "Shhhhh. Dusty said this sucks but you are going to
feel so much better. Your migraine will be gone. Shhhhhh! You are doing

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great." His breathing was slower and a bit deeper. He petted the asymmetric
chunk of hair out of his face. "Okay. You're doing fine." He looked into
Angel's face to see that he was trying not to struggle against the medicine
that was coursing through his veins.

Hoping there would be no need the Epi pen, he watched for an asthma

attack. Luckily, Darius could recognize one as his dad had asthma and had to
be hospitalized once when he was a teenager. "Shhhh. Angel, you are doing

After about fifteen minutes, Angel's muscles relaxed. His eyes were

still closed but he wasn't clenching his teeth against the pain. Angel seemed
to be much calmer but Darius found he didn't want to release him from his
arms. So he stayed there holding him, not saying a word.

Now that Angel wasn't in pain, Darius remembered the man in his

arms was without a stitch of clothing. He was wrapped around Angel still
rubbing his back in small circles. He closed his eyes against the pleasure of
holding Angel in his arms. Darius couldn't pretend he hadn't missed holding
Angel's body over the last week. As he lay there, he tried not to feel like an
idiot for hoping Angel would fall asleep on him.

Darius couldn't quite explain why he wanted to keep holding this

naked man in his arms for as long as he could. He had trouble justifying this
strange fact. It certainly didn't fit into the general theme of 'I am not gay',
although Angel seemed to be the exception to every rule he ever knew.

Angel nuzzled into his neck. He felt Angel's lips on his throat and had

to bite back a groan. Fuck! Just like that I am rock hard. I want...him. I don't
know why I want him, only that I need him

Apart from his crazy unexplained need, worry crept in. Angel was no

longer ill. He was surely going to realize that Dare went hard while he was
holding Angel in his arms. It was hell. He didn't want to let him out of his
arms because he didn't know if he would ever have Angel there again. But if
he didn't move Angel was going to know something was up.

Angel moved his head, which dragged those lush lips over his throat

again. It felt like he kissed him and that made Dare's belly twist down low.
He wanted so badly...

"Thank you, Dare." Angel tucked back a chunk of blond hair that kept

falling into his face, behind his ear. Angel's lips pressed a chaste kiss to his
cheek. "I am sorry you had to help me like that. I know you didn't sign up to
be a nurse." Angel sat up and looked down at him.

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Darius moved around, struggling to hide his lust from Angel's

perceptive view. Angel hadn't bothered to cover his nakedness from him nor
did he seem the least bit concerned that he was semi-hard. Angel explained,
"I haven't gotten one that bad in a long time."

"Dusty said you used to get those a lot?"

Angel smiled warmly making Darius' stomach do another little back

flip. Angel touched his knee and squeezed before answering the question
with a sigh, "Yeah, at times. Don't worry, it's not a brain tumor or anything.
Apparently, my body doesn't like stress, changes in climate, or drops in
barometric pressure. So I get those." He frowned at a stray thought. "I know
I should shoot the Imitrex before it gets bad but I always think it will go
away. And they do mostly."

"Is your reaction to Imitrex always so..." He could not pick the right

word to describe what he witnessed.


"I was going to say intense but yeah, sucky works."

Angel smiled as he answered, "Yup. Pretty much. Problem is when it

gets so bad that even though I know I need it, I can't function to get it."

"I should call Dust." He checked the clock and tried to do the time

difference calculation.

Angel stood up. "I got it. He's going to want to chew my ass out

anyway. Best I do it now while he's sleeping or should be sleeping." Angel
chuckled as he picked up the phone. He was pretty sure Dusty would be up
waiting to hear how Angel was doing.

Angel still had not dressed so Darius just sat there frozen watching

him parade back and forth right in front of him. He was right, Dusty bitched
at him for a half an hour. He just sat there unable to leave the display Angel
made by pacing back and forth. Darius knew he should probably not be
taking this much pleasure in watching him but he did. And what surprised
him even more was he decided he didn't really care.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 10

The next day Angel apparently noticed Darius's shitty mood and tried

to compensate with his good-natured cheerfulness. Angel tried to jolly him
out of his mood but he stayed pensive. Dare knew he was being annoyingly
irritating but couldn't seem to pull it together.

They had just spent the morning working on the day bed and that

certainly hadn't improved his mood. The breeze of the fan did nothing to
cool the heat he felt sitting so close to his lead singer. He tried to focus on
the words, on the music, on anything other than how fucking good Angel
smelled. He was so close he couldn't stop from smelling him. It was just like
at the night of the Temple dance. The fan just stirred the air, insuring he
caught the heady scent of Angel. It was a mix of sandalwood, a hint of
vanilla and something Darius couldn't place. Saying Angel smelled good to
him was an understatement of gigantic proportions. He felt like he was going
to lose his freaking mind.

Eventually, he lost the battle of trying not to breathe Angel in. He was

starting to feel like a cat with catnip trying to inhale more and more. He just
wanted to roll all over the taller man so his scent would mark him. Darius
wanted to rub his face across Angel's body as he inhaled in his delicious
scent. If he were able to bottle the scent, he would make more off of the
cologne then their record sales.

He felt like he was at his wits end. Angel seemed calm, peaceful even.

He had to ask him, "Aren't you frustrated?" Cause he was ready to jump out
of his skin.

Angel looked up from the lyrics they were working on. His pencil was

in his mouth again. Angel was sucking on the eraser end. Hell, he had been
moving it in and out of his mouth like he was blowing it, providing Darius
with way too many mental images he should not be having. He had never
been envious of a number two before, but what he wouldn't give to be in
Angel's mouth just like that! Dragged in and out...His sweet sucking mouth
caressing his cock while it went in and out...STOP!
Fuck, what was wrong
with him?

"I think the songs are coming along well." Angel watched him with

his beautiful brown eyes, before he gave him a sexy smile as he took the
pencil out of his mouth. "Oh." The light bulb went on indicating that he

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realized Darius wasn't talking about the music. "Ohh. You mean sexually
frustrated?" The word sexually came out so freaking hot he wanted to check
to see what caught on fire.

Darius ran a hand through his blond hair to push it back from his face.

"Yeah, I mean you have way more sex than me but you seem just fine."
Fuck! He sounded like he was whining.

Angel chuckled low and deep and it did things to his insides. The

singer was hands down the most beautiful and sexy thing Dare had laid eyes
on. Wow! Where did that come from

Shrugging, Angel leaned towards him as if to tell a secret. "I have


Darius blinked not sure he understood Angel. "Toys?"

Laughing even more, Angel confirmed, "Of course, I always travel

with them. Dildos and a flesh light."

"What the hell is a flesh light?"

"Are you serious?" Angel asked clearly shocked.

Darius knew he might be blushing but nodded his head.

"What is wrong with you, straight boys? Sex toys are not only for

girls!" Angel teased him with a pursed lip smirk. Angel jumped off the day
bed, jogged inside and he heard him running down the steps. Within a
minute, he was back upstairs holding something that looked a flashlight or a
big gulp cup. Angel tossed it to him with a big grin.

He examined it with curiosity. It was basically a flashlight-shaped

object. One end had a fleshy colored opening shaped into a, dear lord, into a
small bottom. A fleshy colored little butt capped off the end of the
flashlight-shaped object.

Smiling, Darius put one of his fingers inside the tight hole so he could

feel the little bumps and waves. Moving his finger in and out of the toy, he
closed his eyes for a second to imagine it on his now very aroused cock. He
looked up at Angel, who was looking at him with a great deal of interest and
quite a bit of amusement. Biting his lower lip, he tried not to feel
embarrassed as he handed it back to him.

"So that is why you aren't jumping out of your skin?" Even to Dare's

own ears, he sounded like he was pouting. As if they should both be

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Angel arched his eyebrow to stare at him openly. His smile was that

of a predator lying in wait for a juicy bite to eat. "Who says I am not
jumping out of my skin, Dare?"

"Well, I mean..." What the fuck can I say? Complain that he hasn't

tried to seduce me for the last week? Whine that he hasn't laid a hand on me
until he put my fingers into this contraption of corruption?

Angel shrugged, "Not many options." He looked Darius up and down

as if summing up his worth. "Muslim country. I am not up for a Western
tourist and the drama that would entail." He grinned at him. "And I am
sharing a villa with a man who has told me repeatedly he is very straight."
He threw up his hands as if none of it mattered. "So I have our music." His
grin was pure sin, as he purred, "And my toys."

"It's none of my business but..." He felt his face burn up. "Never


"What?" Angel got right in his face. He put his hand on Darius's

shoulder not allowing him to turn away. Very quietly, Angel asked again,
"What? You can ask me anything, you know that."

He groaned before saying, "Seriously, I don't even know what

possessed me to think about asking you. It is so not my business."

Angel looked at him and smiled with patience and understanding.

"You want to know if I am a top or bottom." Angel was mind reading or
knew him way too well.

With a frown, he shook his head yes.

"Both. I'm versatile," Angel said was a smile.

His eyes opened in surprise. More stupidity spilled out of his mouth

before he could call it back. "I thought you had to pick."

Angel's deep laugh rang out musically. "Why would you think that?"

Angel touched his face lightly before sitting down on the daybed.

Darius had no answer so he just shrugged. Cause I am a freaking


"Many people do. But I have always thought picking one would be

very...limiting. Though I guess it depends on the situation. Although
currently I only top."

Trying to find the right wording, he asked honestly curiously, "But

you do like catching too?"

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He laughed at Darius's terminology. "Yeah, I am sure catching can be

very nice." He did air quotes around catching to tease Dare.

"What do you mean? Haven't you ever..." Dare let the question hang

between them.

"Yes and no."

"Huh? That isn't a multiple choice question. It is pretty much a clear

'yes had a dick up my ass or no my ass is virgin.'" Darius danced around
with light teasing words because he felt like he was treading on dangerous
territory. Emotional mines seemed to be scattered all around this topic and
for some reasons the answers seemed to matter to him very much.

After a moment of thought, Angel continued, "I attach too much

emotion with that, catching. So I have never taken someone inside of me.
How do you just let them walk out of your life afterwards?" Looking at
Dare, Angel added quickly, "Though most guys aren't like that. They don't
think it's a big deal. Dust thinks I am simply a drama queen in this regard.
Like the monk of the band should be an expert on sex and emotion."

They shared the chuckle. Dare was happy for a moment on safe


"Anyway, I haven't come up with a way to separate that act from love.

There is just something erotically romantic and very emotional about giving
yourself to the other person in that way. Loving someone so much that you
are being open to them a hundred percent. Having someone fill you up
literally and figuratively." Angel looked down and sighed. "To be so in love
and to want someone as close as they could possibly want them

The longing in his voice, made Darius's heart ache. It was hard to

imagine but totally believable that Angel hadn't been with anyone in that
way before. Sad but kinda hot. Not that Angel would ever give me the
chance...What is wrong with me? Now I want Angel's virgin ass

Angel inhaled loudly, drawing him out of his swirling mess in his

head. Darius watched him shrug it off like it didn't matter to him but he
could see it did.

"But no, my ass isn't technically cherry. That's why I have this!" Out

of his pocket, he pulled out about six inches of purple plastic. "That's how I
know I will enjoy catching." Angel seemed to be taking too much fun in
using Darius vocabulary word. He added jokingly, "With a dildo no love is

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required." Angel was trying to lighten the mood back to playful. "Just a little
bit of lube and things are ready to go."

He chuckled. "How does it work?" Darius knew he was probably

asking way too many questions but he couldn't seem to put a zipper on his

"First you lube it up." Angel chuckled as Dare playfully smacked his

arm impatiently.

"You know what I mean!" Somehow Dare was over the fact that they

were having this conversation and he just wanted details.

Angel smiled. "All sorts of ways. It depends on the person."

"How do you...?" Why am I asking how he masturbates with his toys?

Is this any of my business?

Angel tilted his head and gave him a demonic grin. "What? You want

to watch?" It sounded very much like a challenge.

"A...a..." He must have looked like a fish out of water. He felt his

mouth opening and closely in rapid succession as if he were looking for air.

"If that's not a 'no' I would be happy to demonstrate and further your

education in Gay Studies." Angel tossed his head to the side so his hair
could flip out of his eyes. He batted his big brown eyes at him.

Dare's brain was scrambling to try to put his thoughts back in their

proper boxes and reattach the 'I am straight' label or maybe it should be
labeled 'Only for Angel' but the organizational skills as well as the words
escaped him. ""

Angel laughed with amusement as he took his hand and guided him

downstairs into his bedroom. "Sit down." Angel pushed him down on his
bed and he fell back with a thump. Angel walked into the bathroom and he
heard the water running in the sink. When Angel came out, he was naked.
His long hard cock pointed the way. "I washed things and I heated the flesh
light. The hot water warms it so it feels more realistic." Angel slowly
reclined back on the bed. "Could you get me the lube in the top drawer?"

Without a word, Darius did as he asked. The whole situation took on a

surreal dreamlike quality, like he was watching everything from a distance.
He had lost the ability to speak so he just sat there enthralled holding the
bottle of lube.

"You want to put the lube in it for me?" Angel's soft words made

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Dare's inside go hot at his question.

He blinked in surprise but he inserted the lube top and squeezed. He

put some on his fingers and ran it over the crease that opened to that tight
hole. He was throbbing in his tie-dyed shorts and his hands trembled as he
assisted Angel in preparing his sex toy. He, in a small way, would be helping
Angel to come. That thought alone was enough to give him chills.

"Now this." Angel held out the dildo to him.

He took the slippery gel into his hand and smeared it down the purple

piece of plastic. Darius ran his hands up and down to make sure it was
completely covered with slick. It felt like he was jacking off the plastic dick,
which caused him to squirm his ass into the bed.

He didn't think he'd ever been this turned on in his life. Angel hadn't

even touched him but not one drop of blood was left in his brain. It was all
south of the border.

"Mmmm, nice. Thanks, Dare," Angel whispered heatedly. His long

cock was slapping against his lower belly looking for a nice warm place to
slide into.

He watched as Angel reached behind his low hanging balls to slowly

insert the dildo. "Ahhh," Angel groaned when the sexy piece of plastic was
about five inches in. It was clear that Angel really enjoyed being filled and
that knowledge set him on fire. Angel moved it in and out for a minute
before he settled it inside himself. Angel breathed out in pleasure. "There."
He grinned up at Dare.

Angel turned his attention to his rock hard dick that had patiently

waited for its turn. He rolled over onto all fours, presenting Darius with a
mouth-watering sight. There was Angel on all fours with a piece of plastic
poking out of his backside looking sinfully good. Angel put the flesh light in
front of him covering it with two hands. He moaned softly as he slid into the
makeshift back passage of the flesh light. Angel looked up at him to give
him a sexy smile before he thrust his hips forward to enter the rubbery toy.
"Oh, mmmm, that's nice," he groaned in appreciation.

He found himself moving closer so he could get a better view. Angel's

gorgeous ass pumped his cock in and out of the flesh light's tight hole.
Darius wanted to reach out and touch that perfectly formed ass as he thrust
in and out of the container. Those sweet plush cheeks were right there. But
he refrained from the pleasure of touching Angel.

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Up and down Angel moved, in and out as his hips pumped in a slow

steady motion. His perfectly rounded ass humped up and down. Angel
seemed in no hurry to get off. He was enjoying a nice leisurely fuck.

Watching confirmed what he had always had believed, Angel would

be an amazing lover. Taking his time. Setting a rhythm that would take any
partner through Heaven's gate, Angel looked up at him with his eyes
shrouded in pleasure. He stared into Dare's eyes as he was on all fours and
started moving quicker.

"Feels so good, Dare." Angel whispered as his eyes closed. His face

was a mask of dirty pleasure. His breath became faster along with his strokes
into the plastic tube. The flesh light seemed to swallow his cock on each and
every stroke. Then his eyes popped open and he stopped on a broken moan.
"So you get the idea?"

Darius was confused for a moment. Was Angel stopping? No, I had to

see him finish. It was the most erotic thing I have ever seen in my life. He
swallowed hard. "Don't stop," his voice barely above a whisper. He was
surprised by how desperate his voice sounded but he needed
come. He wanted to be there when he did.

"What? You don't want to see that. It's okay." Angel grinned at him

and Dare couldn't tell if Angel was teasing or not.

He reached out to push Angel's dark hair out of his eyes. Angel's lips

were parted as he breathed through them. The plastic dildo stuck out behind
gorgeous globes of flesh as Angel's long cock remained buried in the depths
of the flesh light with all those delicious bumps and waves.

"Finish. Come on, I want to watch you." His hand traced down

Angel's neck to his chest as he openly admitted his inappropriate desire to
see the crescendo. What the hell was wrong with him? Actually, he didn't
freaking care! He just wanted to see Angel fuck himself off. Have to watch.
Want to see it.
But as his cock beat against his shorts trying to escape, he
realized appropriate didn't enter into this situation.

Angel moaned as Dare brushed his fingertips over his pink nipples as

they peaked.

Shaking his head, Angel gasped out, "Ah. Oh, straight boy you

confuse me." Angel looked up to give his crooked sex smile as he pulled his
long cock out of the soft plastic core only to re-insert it into the toy with a
swivel of his hips.

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Darius felt the crack inside himself open further. His wants and needs

were carelessly spilling out and he no longer tried to put them back into the
correctly labeled boxes. He was following his id that seemed to lead him on
a merry path right to Angel. He didn't care that he wasn't acting very
straight. He was acting on instinct and cravings that he may have always had
buried deep inside until Angel.

His heart tripled its beats, his eyes glued to the scene playing out in

front of him. Angel glided in and out of the toy's tunnel. His eyes didn't
know where to focus. The beautiful long hard cock that kept doing a
disappearing act or Angel's deliciously perfect ass as he chased his pleasure.

Angel must have been close because it didn't take him long. In and out

his long cock glided through the lubricated tunnel. He was picking up speed.
He started thrusting himself faster.

Darius's mouth watered as he watched Angel's ass pump up and down

those last few times. He tried to wonder what that might feel like. Not the
fucking so much as the being fucked. To have Angel inside him like that
pumping in and out as he made passionate love to him. Fucking his ass with
that big beautiful cock.

Without conscious thought, his hand skimmed down over that sweet

ass. He ran his hand over that silky butt as it was humping the hole it was
buried in. Then Angel threw his head back and pushed in deep, grinding
down in the hole. He watched in rapt attention as Angel pumped out all of
his cream into the toy. His hand squeezed Angel's firm bottom feeling the
rhythmic clenching of his ass cheeks as the ripples of Angel's orgasm
washed over him.

He didn't realize he was holding his breath until Angel fell onto the

bed. Angel rolled over so he was on his side, his brown eyes watching Dare,
clearly waiting to see his reaction. Angel didn't move. He was completely
spent. The come filled toy was right next to him.

He had no idea what expression was on his face but Angel's next

question floored him.

"You want to try it?" He gestured to the well-used toy.

Darius was beyond aroused. His balls ached, his cock wanted relief

and he craved an orgasm. Not thinking twice, he groaned as he grabbed the
device quickly.

"No, you should..." Angel's voice trailed off. Darius was too anxious

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to pay attention.

He fell onto his back next to Angel as he pushed down his tented

jersey shorts down in one move.

Without further thought, he shoved his prick inside. It was wet from

Angel. Darius moaned as he felt Angel's warm seed slide over his shaft,
coating his cock. His eyes slammed shut and his head rolled to the side
towards Angel.

He licked his lips before telling Angel, "It's still warm from you." He

groaned as Angel's come lubricated the inside of the passage assisting him in
moving smoothly as it pushed down his cock.

He felt Angel move closer to him as he whispered, "Twist it."

"What?" Not being able to focus on what he could possibly mean, he

opened his eyes to find Angel's face right next to his. Their breaths mingled.
So close their mouths were only a kiss away.

Angel's hand went over Darius's as he moved the toy up and down

with a slight twist of his wrist. "Pump and twist."

"Ahhhh! God," he choked out. It felt like the tightest pussy he ever

had. The twist of the flesh light made it feel like the channel was spiraling
around him. Darius's hand fell away to the mattress as he left the toy in
Angel's capable hands. Angel stroked the unit firmly up and down Dare's
aroused shaft until there was only mindless sensation coursing through him.

Darius was out of his mind with lust and made a hoarse demand.

"Kiss me. Angel, please kiss me."

Angel's lips were on his before the begging had ended. Soft and sweet

Angel's lips brushed his mouth. The kiss deepened and he opened to
welcome Angel's tongue into him. He clung to him tighter, kissed him

Darius's need was too great, and his patience worn too thin. Angel's

sure movements brought him to the edge of ecstasy in no time. He tripped
gracelessly over into climax nearly shouting, "Ahhhhh! God, Angel. Yes."
Angel's arms were the only thing keeping him together as he shattered into a
million pieces. It was so intense he didn't care if he would ever be able to put
himself back together the same way.

Angel tugged while twisting the toy perfectly as Dare shot all his pent

up frustration and lust he had for Angel into that plastic. "Fuck!" He bit out
as aftershocks were almost as strong as the waves of the orgasm. "Mmmmm.

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Angel, oh my God! So good," he rambled as he slowly drifted back from

Angel kissed him one more time before removing the toy and letting it

drop to the floor. Angel rested his head on top his head for a minute. Darius
tried to find his breath as he snuggled up to Angel's warm body enjoying
those strong arms wrapped around him.

He had never felt so cared for or safe. He wanted to crawl inside

Angel but he settled for just holding him tight. The only sound was their
heavy breathing trying to slow.

Darius was drifting in and out of it when Angel asked him softly. "So

what now straight boy?"

He cracked open one eye to peek at him. "I have no fucking clue."

"Gonna have a major break down?"

"Nah," he chuckled softly then looked up at the beautiful creature

moving closer to him. "Too much fucking effort." He gave Angel a big
stupid grin. "But I would like another kiss."

Without a word, Angel moved to seal their lips together. It was a

sweet soulful kiss that went deep into his heart. Angel pulled back frowning
a bit.

"By the way, Mr. Unsafe, you don't have to worry."

He looked confused as he was still buzzing with satisfaction.

"I am clean. I get tested every three months, and I always use a

condom." Angel said seriously enough to make him realize how stupid he
just had been. "Panic attacking, yet?" Angel watched him closely almost
trying to make him freak out.

He frowned and mumbled, "Sorry, you're right. That was a jackass

move. Just so you know, I have clean results as well and I always use
protection." He shook his head, "That was really stupid of me." Then he
grinned like he was completely high as he whispered loudly to Angel, "But it
was so hot. Your come sliding over me. Mmmm, nice." Just the thought was
causing his cock to try to re-harden.

Angel opened his mouth to say something but apparently he was

speechless. Not that Dare could blame him. Dare had tried to convince the
world, especially Angel that he was straight. For the most part he was,
except when it came to Angel. Gay for Angel. I should get a button made.

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But he couldn't help it. Angel was the most beautiful person that he knew,
inside and out. He made Darius feel things that no one else ever did and he
was getting tired of trying to fight a battle he had no hope of winning.

He got so lost in Angel's stare as he was waxing poetic of his many

wonderful qualities. He had it bad. He didn't realize what he was asking for.
"Kiss me again."

Angel laughed once and shook his head. "Look I don't run after

straight boys. You know that. We are friends." He stared at him for the
longest time before adding, "Good friends." Angel seemed torn but he
moved away from him like he was tasty poison. "You were right the first
time. This is probably not a good idea." Angel closed his eyes as if trying to
block out the reality of Darius in his bed.

He didn't know what to say but he wanted...something. He hated not

being held by Angel. He wanted desperately to recapture the feeling he had
just moments before. He wanted to find a way that would allow him and
Angel to do more. He was like an addict looking to justify his getting his fix.
He felt like he would do just about anything to have more of Angel, even if
it were only for a little while. "Look it doesn't have to be a big thing. Just
like you said, just two friends having some benefits."

Angel opened his eyes and turned to look at him. "I am not getting

you at all." Angel sighed as he sat up against the padded headboard and ran
his freshly painted black nails through his black tussled hair. "You are
straight. I am not. You have pointed that out about forty times since we got
here." Angel was staring at Dare again as if he were looking for some
answer he hoped to find there. "This is not a good idea."

Dare moved closer to Angel as if he couldn't help himself. He was

drawn to him and was terrified of losing him. Not that I actually have him.
How can I justify this? I know this is insane. So does he. But...
"Okay, how
about the benefits are just for when we are here, like you said before?"

Angel arched his eyebrow looking like he was straight off their last

album cover. "You want to be friends with benefits but only for our time in
Bali?" He frowned. "Then what? You go back to being straight?"

"I guess," he said quietly.

Angel shook his head and laughed, "Yeah, this doesn't spell insane"

His mouth opened and then closed. He stared at Angel looking for

some kind of help. Some kind of reason that would allow him to have Angel,

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have this even if it was just for a short time but not ruin their friendship. No
harm no foul. Part of Dare's mental gymnastics was to convince himself he
needed this so he could finally purge Angel out of his system then they
could go back to just being friends...

It was quiet, only the white noise of the air conditioner could be

distinguished from the silence that seemed to stretch between them like an
endless ocean. He swallowed as Angel continued to stare at him.

He wasn't sure if the need he felt for Angel was written all over his

face but he didn't try to hide it. He was tired of hiding and fighting what he
wanted...what he needed. Darius looked down at the white pristine bedding
and he whispered the admission that had been chasing around in his brain for
days, "I want you. I am tired of fighting it."

He heard a low growl of frustration come from out of the depths of

Angel. Strong arms wrapped him up crushing him with affection. He melted
against him as Angel kissed the top of his head.

Angel's voice sounded thick when he finally spoke. "This is probably

a mistake. You know that, don't you?" His fingers toyed with the hunk of
blond hair that usually fell into Dare's face. "I am not going to make this
easy on you just because you are a straight boy." The pause giving him time
to think about what that meant. Angel continued. "But I can't say no to you."
Angel grabbed his chin and pulled their lips together laying claim to him.
"We just can't lose our friendship. It means too much to me. Okay?"

He found himself promising this wouldn't affect their friendship. In

truth, Darius would have promised him anything as long as it meant Angel
would kiss him again. He didn't have to wait long. Angel's mouth dominated
his lips until he actually whimpered in need. Angel kissed him with hard
passion. He tried not to but he couldn't help it. He gave himself over to it.

Angel ravaged his mouth as if he were starving for it. His hands were

everywhere at once.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 11

As evening fell, Darius knew Angel could feel his hesitation. Angel

pulled back from him to tilt his head in question.

He closed his eyes trying to find his breath. They had stayed in bed

the rest of the afternoon putting the flesh light to good use again and again.
But now it was nighttime with its implications.

"You okay?" Angel put a hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

He scrubbed at his face with two hands. "Yeah. No. I don't know."

Angel sat up and just looked at him patiently waiting for him to put

his mixed emotions into words. I feel overwhelmed. What was I doing

"We don't have to do this, you know?"

Frowning, he said, "I know..." But I crave it. Does that make me gay

"We don't have to do anything you are uncomfortable with. We can

just forget about the whole thing." At Darius's groan of disapproval, Angel
said, "Or we can take it really slow." He cupped his face and smiled at him

Fuck, he is treating me like some fragile virgin. Virgin! But I am a

virgin, in this regard. Jesus, I was going to be giving it up to Angel. I was
going to let him inside of me. Instead of fucking...I was going to be fucked.
What the hell! When did I lose my dick and become a chick

"Hey, Dare. Babe, just so you know, we are not going to fuck

tonight." Angel laid it out for him. "So stop freaking out."

"What?" He asked in confusion. He braced himself all afternoon for

the inevitable. He had been positive. Tonight would be the night. "I

Angel grinned. "Well, you thought wrong." The cocky bastard seemed

to be enjoying his confusion.

He bit his lip as something akin to disappointment crashed over him.

"But..." They had been making out for what seemed like hours. He thought
that was the direction this was taking.

"What? That I was going to push myself on you?" Angel's grin

widened as his voice dropped an octave. "No, my sweet." His voice caressed

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him down deep. "You are going to be begging for it when I finally take
you." Angel exhaled with a smile at what sounded like a pleasant thought to

Angel's confidence made him shiver in anticipation. He may have

been nervous but his cock was obviously ready to beg right then and there
for Angel. Odd, how taking something completely off the table only made
him want it more. It was like going on a diet or something. Immediately you
were hungry for exactly what you couldn't have.

Angel's fingers tangled in his hair to pull him close. Angel was so

close that his breath teased across his lips which parted in invitation. Angel's
tongue traced the outline of his lips. "Not tonight my sweet," Angel

He blinked in dismay to find himself released and not ravished. It was

confusing to be terrified of something then, when it doesn't happen, to feel
the harsh bite of disappointment. He should feel relief not disappointment.

Angel chuckled at him. "Oh don't frown. I won't end our date without

satisfying you. What kind of tease do you think I am?" He grinned. Leaning
towards him, he confided, "This is one of the benefits of us both being guys.
We always both want it."

He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. Angel

grinned at him. "Go get changed into some long pants. I am taking you to
dinner. Meet me in fifteen minutes."

He blinked in surprise and watched Angel go to his closet to find

something to wear to dinner. Darius just stood there staring, until Angel
asked, "Are you going to wear that?"

Looking down at his tie dyed shorts that were a bit stained by stray

fluids. "No, of course not," Dare choked out as he snapped out of his
confused daze.

He went to his room and jumped in the shower for a quick soapy

rinse, then changed into a nice pair of dress pants and a button down shirt.
Looking in the mirror, he fixed his bed head. He almost wanted to put on the
makeup he wore for the show but stopped himself at lip balm. He smiled as
he noticed his lips were swollen from all the kissing. He shook his head at
the zing of excitement he felt. This was too crazy but it felt too fucking good
to stop.

When he left his room, Angel extended his hand. Darius took it and

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followed him out of their villa. A golf cart was waiting outside to whisk
them to the top of the resort. There, in the center of the reflection pool, was a
table for two on a cement platform. He was amazed at how quickly the staff
was able to accommodate Angel's request for what looked like a special

The table was beautifully set. The two red candles enhanced the

Balinese floral pattern on the china. As he sat in the chair Angel held out for
him, his eyes were drawn to the millions of stars made visible without all the
city light pollution.

When Darius was done star gazing, he looked across the table to find

Angel staring at him. The intensity of the stare made him uncomfortable as
if Angel was yet again seeing far more than he should.

Grasping for something to say, he fell back on their music. "I can't

believe we are basically done with all the songs for the new album. Robin's
songs were so amazing for a guy his age. To be able to write like that is

Angel willingly followed him onto the safe topic of work and music.

"Yeah, the kid is excellent. His words just seem to touch the soul."

He knew exactly what he meant. "Yeah. Exactly."

"Though I think our songs are pretty good too. Some are a little bit

bubble gummy, but the younger fans like that. Though most are deep and
soulful. Can't wait for the guys to hear them."

"I hope they like them."

Angel laughed confidently. "Of course they will." Angel reached

across the table to touch his hand. "I took the liberty of ordering for us. So
the courses will just arrive. Are you ready for the first course?"

Darius was a bit overwhelmed by all of this. In all honesty, he had

never taken a girl on a date this romantic and fancy before. So for Angel to
be doing this for him was mindboggling. He remembered he had been asked
a question. "Yeah, I am ready."

Angel smirked and took the opportunity to tease him. "Yes, but only

for food though. You won't get what you really want tonight."

He inhaled deeply and tried to glare at Angel. The bastard knew he

was causing him to ache with his words.

Angel grinned but changed the subject, surprising him completely.

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"Since we are almost done with the songs, I was wondering if you would be
up to changing resorts."

Darius shrugged. He didn't care. "Yeah. Sure. Why?"

"Well, Ubud is great for seeing the towns, Balinese life, and for quiet.

But I am up for the vacation part of this trip, you know? They have gorgeous
beaches here." He took a sip of his wine before continuing, "There is a resort
called the Winding Tree. Tommy says it is one of the top resorts in Asia."

The first course arrived. It was a salad that had been flown in, no

doubt, from the States. So the usual precaution of not eating fruits or raw
vegetables that weren't peeled or cooked didn't apply.

Angel picked up with their plans. "I thought tomorrow we could

slowly drive to the beach area. You wanted to see Bali, so I thought we
could stop at the Mask Making Village, Stone Carving Village, Wood
Carving Village, and the Painting Town."

He smiled. "Wow! I would love that."

Angel beamed back at him. "I thought you might. They are all pretty

close together." He reached across the table to touch his hand before
complimenting him. "You have a beautiful smile, Darius Stone. It always
warms me up on the inside when I see it."

He looked down and wondered if Angel could tell he was blushing in

the candlelight. Being romanced by Angel was pretty potent stuff. The
beautiful setting, the thoughtfulness of the dinner and now Angel's
comments made him almost giddy.

They started eating their salads and talking about everything from

music to politics. Darius had thought their views were similar but on closer
examination, they were nearly identical.

As the courses came, he grew more and more impressed. Each course

showed how well Angel knew him. Salad dressing was on the side. Lots of
vegetables, but a nice thick piece of red meat cooked to perfection. No
mushrooms anywhere in sight. And the dinner was ending with a sinfully
delicious three chocolate dessert.

Each course had come with its own wine to compliment the flavor of

the dish. After not drinking for so long, he was feeling very relaxed. Angel
took his hand as they walked back down the mountain through the shadows
to their villa.

Occasionally, one of them would break the silence with a comment,

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but for the most part they just enjoyed each other's company as they walked
back. It was probably all the wine he'd had at dinner but he adored holding
Angel's hand. Such a simple thing, but it felt so right. Stupid since he rarely
held a girl's hand. He was turning into a romantic fool.

Once in the villa, Angel pulled him over to the sofa. "Come here,


Darius turned to look at him and held his breath as they sat down. Is

he going to kiss me? Should I kiss him? All the worry was for naught
because Angel's fingers caressed his hair, toying with it lightly before
grabbing on and pulling him into an embrace.

A soft wet mouth traced over Darius' teasing it open. Angel's tongue

slipped in and licked the roof of Dare's mouth before deepening the kiss. The
kiss seemed to intensify Dare's need for Angel to do more.

Angel's other hand ran down his chest to his belly. Heat was coiling

making Darius tight and ready. Fingertips teased the waist of his pants, then
slipped under the waistband touching skin.

It made him want and wish for more. A broken moan of need escaped

causing Angel to pull back with a look of worry.

He chuckled as he reached for Angel. "Thought you said you weren't a

cock tease."

Angel's quick grin turned into a smirk. His large hand fell into his

aroused lap so he could palm his cock through the fabric. "Mmmm, you are
so hard." Angel was almost purring as he stroked him. "What do you need?"

"You," he answered without thinking. Truly, the answer required no

thought. The only thing he needed at that moment was Angel. The wine
loosened his lips enough to be completely honest about it. "You, please.

Angel groaned. He licked along Darius's jaw to his mouth for a hot

wet kiss. His hands undid his belt and pants. With a little help from Angel
they were down around Dare's ankles and then completely disappeared with
his sandals.

Angel dropped to his knees in front of him to blow hot moist air over

the straining cock he found there. Fingers worked the buttons on his shirt
open but neither bothered to take it off because enough skin was exposed.

"Naked. Please." He couldn't form full sentences since all the blood

seemed to be below his waist. "Angel. Need. More." He was squirming on

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the couch seeking friction.

Angel stripped off his shirt. He heard tearing and wasn't sure if it was

from Angel's shirt or pants that quickly found their way to the floor. He
decided as long as both were gone he really didn't care. He needed to see and
feel Angel naked. Skin to skin.

Angel went back to his knees in front of him. He leaned forward to

embrace Angel's body. "Oh." Darius groaned at the feel of a naked Angel
hugging him. The taller man made him feel safe and protected. It was an odd
sensation but then his cock rubbed against Angel's thigh chasing away any
rational musings. "Mmmm." He needed more, so much more and he wasn't
above begging.

Angel was kissing a trail down his throat. Stopping to suck and mark

him. His dick throbbed at the pleasure of Angel decorating him with suck
marks. "Please, Angel."

"Why are you begging me already?" Angel was teasing but his voice

was husky and deep. Glad he wasn't the only one affected by this encounter.

A small whimper came out before he could form the words needed.

Only lust and need filled him, he seemed to have no pride left. "Yes. Angel.
Yes. I am begging for you." He sealed his mouth over Angel's and kissed
him with pleading lips.

Angel broke the kiss. That beautiful mouth descended to his needy

prick. With no hesitation, Angel swallowed him whole. His generous lips
were circled at the base moments later.

"Oh! God!" He was beside himself and on the edge of climax. There

was that mouth and throat that had haunted his dreams. Maybe he should
have been embarrassed by being ready to orgasm so quickly but he wanted
Angel too bad to care.

His singer pulled off his cock to slow things down a bit. He licked

down Darius's cock to suck his balls. A minute later, Angel had pulled his
bottom off the sofa and held him up, spreading him open. Dare felt a wet
tongue snake out to tease and lick at his opening. He had never felt such a
thing before. A piece of him wondered if he should like it as much as he did
but the rest of him didn't give a fuck. It felt awesome and he wanted another
swipe of Angel's very talented tongue.

Angel licked and teased his hole then he felt the long pointed tongue

slide into him. It was an odd sensation but then pleasure came and he

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greedily wanted more. He rocked up into Angel's face pushing himself
further onto the arrowed tongue. The wickedly agile tongue licked and
fucked into his ass. This completely new experience was making Darius see
stars he never knew existed. A long wet finger replaced the wet tongue,
reaching into him deeper.

Angel's mouth captured his cock and began sucking him. The mouth,

he had dreamed of for so long, was back where it belonged, sucking him on
the outside as a finger stroked him on the inside. Feelings of ecstasy started
to build deep inside of him. Overwhelming pleasure was slowly working its
way to the surface.

It was all too much. Darius felt the pleasure as it shot up and out of his

body. "Oh. Yeah!" Dare cried out as contractions racked his body. Angel
swallowed around his cock, massaging the come right out of him with his
well developed throat muscles. The finger pushing into him seemed to
prolong the orgasm by hitting a spot deep inside. It rolled over him again
and again, satisfying him deeply while making him yearn for more at the
same time. That beautifully talented mouth finally finished him off and all
traces of his climax were swallowed down.

When he was completely spent, Angel moved up to sit next to him on

the couch. Dare wanted to say something but was at a loss. The night had
been incredible and all because of Angel. He wanted to share his feelings of
happiness with Angel. His hand reached out to Angel's long hard cock and
gave it a squeeze.

Angel moaned. "You don't have to do that." He knew Angel closed his

gorgeous brown eyes to hide his need from him and a chunk of his dark hair
helped by dropping over his forehead.

He grinned. "But I want to." Crazy as this might have seemed a week

ago, right now all Darius wanted to do was to take Angel in his fist.

"Oh!" Angel's surprise made him smile.

He was sure it wasn't the best hand job Angel had gotten but he tried

his best. If the truth were told, Dare was a bit nervous as his hand locked
around Angel's long thick cock and squeezed a drop of sticky clear liquid
out. Dare swiped his thumb over the top to bring the wetness down the shaft.
With slow strokes, he teased Angel. Angel's broken groan gave him the
confidence to move a little faster squeezing the crown to provide extra

Darius leaned into Angel to lick a long line up Angel's throat. His

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hand pumped the needy erection as he kissed Angel's chin. He moved so he
could bite and nibble on sensitive ears. Pleased he was making him a bit
crazy with need. When his tongue dipped into the pink shell Angel bucked
up. Dare picked up the pace of his fist.

Angel seemed to approve of his enthusiasm. "Yeah, Dare. Just like

that." Angel was breathing heavy. His chest was heaving as he spoke. "You
are going to make me come." Angel kissed him in a quick but heated kiss.
"Dare, tell me you want me to come for you."

Darius's cock was trying to rise again to participate but it was too

soon. His hand tugged Angel in quick strokes meant to bring him off. "Come
for me, Angel. I love seeing you come. You're so pretty when you come.
Show me. Come for me."

Angel inhaled deeply and then froze. After the pause, Angel shouted

out his orgasm. "Darius! Yes!" White thick cream spurted out coating his
hand and Angel's chest. It was like a small creamy geyser erupting. Angel
thrust up into his fist as it stroked him right through his release. He only
slowed to a stop when Angel told him, "Done. Dare. Oh, Mmmm. Done."
Breathing heavily, Angel sighed as he slumped against Darius.

He couldn't help the smug smile he was positive he was wearing.

Darius was quite proud of his accomplishment of making Angel yell out his
name as he pumped an orgasm out of him. It felt like he earned a feather in
his cap or a notch on his cock ring. Or whatever he deserved for delivering
Angel to completion.

Darius was looking at Angel's warm wet seed as it rolled down

Angel's body and down his fist. He wondered how Angel tasted. Would he
be bitter or sweet? Without considering why he was doing it, he bought his
fist to his mouth and licked at the creamy spend. Tasting it, he decided it
wasn't bad. A little bitter and a little sweet and the creamy texture made his
tongue lick his fist for more.

Angel's groan made him stop mid lick. He froze for a second as his

eyes locked onto Angel's. Darius just shrugged and finished the lick to bring
the cream into his mouth.


"Yes?" He knew he was smirking at Angel. He liked shocking him a


"What are you doing?" Angel's voice had a waiver to it.

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It was his turn to be a smart ass. "What does it look like I am doing?"

He batted his eyelashes in a flirty manner. Maintaining eye contact with him,
his tongue exaggerated a long lick through the cream on Angel's chest. "It is
rude not to swallow." Darius winked up at him. "Don't you think?"

Angel almost choked as his eyes were glued to watching him ingest

every drop of come that had been spilled.

He cracked up. He was pleased that he had given Angel a reasonably

good hand job. He was happy to have shocked both of them by licking up all
the come as if he did it on a daily basis. Dare was just happy and his laughter
rang out.

Soon Angel was laughing too. Their lips met and they shared a kiss.

Before they got too carried away, Angel pulled away. "Come on, let's go
watch some TV."

He laughed before admitting, "Wow, you are a great date."

"You got that right. I feed you, I put out, and I want to watch TV

afterwards." Angel took his hand and pulled him up. "And cuddle."

"I see no problem with that at all." Darius laughed. He rested his head

on the bigger man and wrapped his arms around his waist. Biting back a sigh
of completeness, he settled in to watch his favorite TV sitcom Angel had
loaded into the DVD player. He ignored the unease that tried to slip over
him. It was way too easy to be with Angel. He didn't want to think past that.

Sleep must have claimed him because when he opened his eyes, he

saw morning light streaming in through Angel's French doors. Then he felt a
heavenly tight wet mouth on his cock.

"Mmmm, Angel." He looked down to see the blanket moving up and

down over his mid-section.

Darius pulled down the covers to reveal his lead singer swallowing his

morning erection. The man that sang for thousands was making him moan.
Angel winked at him as he continued to swallow his morning wood. He was
clueless as to how long Angel had sucked him while he slept but he knew he
was so close to coming.

Angel slowed down and gave him a little dirty show. He pulled off the

shaft to lave and lick his overheated sacs. The tongue licked lower as it
touched the place between his balls and his opening.

Darius's body arched off the bed as if he were trying to force that

pointed tongue inside of him. He was treated to lots of little teasing licks

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around the entrance before the tongue was off questing in another direction.
He moaned at the loss but soon was chasing other pleasure as Angel's
wickedly talented tongue swirled around his seeping tip. Angel's tongue
circled as he built Darius's pleasure.

Dare looked down just as Angel's mouth opened to engulf his shaft.

His hands clutched Angel's hair to brace himself for the ride. He was taken
right to the root before throat muscles swallowed around him.

Pulling his mouth off, Angel asked, "Feel good?" Not waiting for an

answer the dark haired man engulfed him again. That mouth was working
him at just the right speed. Not too fast, not too slow just up and down.

Lust roughened words tore from his mouth and he didn't even know

what he was saying. "Amazing." It didn't seem to cover what he was
experiencing. He gave it another try. "Fucking great!" His eyes were
crossing with the sensation of Angel swallowing again. Words were just

Angel grinned around his cock and continued. He was a true master at

giving head.

There were no missteps, no tired mouth or jaw, just steady sucking

that led right to heaven. It was pure perfection.

Angel's mouth moved up and down Dare's cock licking and sucking

him right to blissful completion. The suction increased just a touch and it
was more than enough to do him in. He came helplessly in pulses of pleasure
as Angel drank him down.

When he was done coming his brains out he pulled at Angel so he

would join him up higher on the bed. "Mmmm, that was a great way to wake

Angel laughed and kissed him on the mouth. He tasted a little of his

come on Angel's lips. Instead of being grossed out by it he rather enjoyed
knowing he flavored Angel's mouth.

Angel told him, "That's the way a man should be woken up, don't you

agree?" He noticed Angel's cock was erect and needing some attention.

"I do." Without giving it too much thought, Dare ducked down over

Angel's middle. His mouth grew wet just looking at Angel's long thick rod.
He started to give Angel's prick some oral attention. His mouth slid over the
crown to run his tongue around the rim. Angel's cock expanded just a little

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His hands touched and caressed Angel's thighs. He teased them open

to reach between and cup Angel's heated balls. Tickling gently, lightly
kneading the silken orbs, seemed to work. Angel moaned while looking
down at him to watch the show.

It was a little embarrassing since he had never done this before. But he

just did what he knew felt good to him. He sucked a little more of Angel's
cock into his mouth. Not too far back because he didn't want to gag. He set
Angel's balls back in the cradle of his thighs to grab onto Angel's prick.

He used the information he gained from last night's hand job to

intensify this morning's blowjob. Darius squeezed the base and stroked half
way up.

"Oh, God. Dare." Angel groaned. "That feels amazing." He loved

when Angel's voice got all low and sexy. This time it got that way because
of what he was doing to him.

He watched for a minute or so to see the pleasure that his mouth was

clearly giving Angel. Wishing he could take Angel all the way down, he
satisfied himself by pushing down a little further and hollowing his cheeks
to suck harder.

"Ahhh, Dare! Baby, that feels incredible but unless you want a should stop."

He chuckled at Angel's warning as he continued to drag his mouth up

and down Angel's needy cock. He had no plans on stopping until Angel was
completely satisfied. Darius's hand worked in conjunction with his mouth to
make his lead singer gasp in bliss. Knowing he was close made Dare work
even harder to please him.

Angel froze stiff for a moment. "Darius!" Angel cried out his name

right before he came. He liked that a lot. Angel's body thrust up to go deeper
but his hand protected his throat from the invasion.

Didn't protect him from the rich thick come that poured from Angel's

body. Again and again rivers of cream spurted into his mouth, which he
bravely swallowed down. No time for sampling the flavor as his mouth was
being shot full, he needed to keep swallowing or he would drown. His hand
continued to stroke Angel through the waves of orgasm.

When he was sure Angel was done, he scooted back up. Angel's eyes

were closed, his arm was over his face and he was struggling to catch his
breath. He asked cautiously, "How was that?"

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Angel slowly removed his arm and opened his left eye. "Was that

really your first time?"

He frowned and nodded his head.

Angel reached out a finger to swipe a drop of come that lingered in

the corner of his mouth. He held the drop out and Darius's tongue licked it
off Angel's digit. Angel's eyes heated at the move but he didn't comment.

"So was it okay?" he asked nervously.

"You suck like a pro." Angel sighed.

"Really? A pro?" He laughed with absolute joy at the compliment.

"Wait. How would you know?"

Ignoring Darius's dumb joke, Angel pulled him up to his face. "You

really are amazing." So saying, Angel placed a gentle kiss on his mouth.

He couldn't help feeling proud. He'd accomplished something he'd

never contemplated before Angel, and apparently had done it well. It should
have been odd and uncomfortable but he was as giddy as if he had just
gotten a blue cock sucking. Wanting to keep everything light, he
kissed Angel before adding, "I certainly am."

They both laughed.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 12

Angel helped Dare up into the little hut for a late lunch. Darius looked

around. "This is a beautiful place for lunch." The restaurant was set up in a
lovely garden where ten or fifteen semi private huts were set up with
reclining pillows and low tables to dine in complete comfort.

As a butterfly floated by, Angel agreed. "Yeah, Dusty found it." The

garden had every imaginable tropical flower and plants. "He said the books
called it a private oasis." Starting to laugh, "Just don't tell him he was right."

Darius joined in the laughter. "Couldn't have that."

The morning reminded him yet again about how much fun he had

with Angel. After their satisfying encounter this morning, they'd showered
and eaten a quick breakfast.

"I still can't believe how talented the Master Mask Maker was." Angel

shook his head. The man was an amazing artist. They saw him work the
wood shaping into a character from one of the Temple plays. "When he put
on one of the finished masks, I swear the damned thing seemed to come to
life as he danced."

"I know. I thought it was cool that he was making a donation in his

Temple for our happiness and success." They had each purchased several for
themselves and for the other band members.

The stone-carving village was interesting and Angel convinced Darius

that he should ship several huge creations home. He used the justification
that they were already sending one shipping container to the States, so why
not fill it? So several Balinese paintings were on their way over to the docks
to be shipped. They couldn't resist. The artisanship and prices forced them to
make many irresistible purchases.

Megan and their female relatives would be pleased with their efforts

in the jewelry-making town. The gorgeous stones set in sterling could not be
passed up. Pendants and matching earrings seemed to be a theme of their gift

Dare let Angel order for them. It was nice having someone else make

the decisions. He had never felt so relaxed and comfortable with another
person. It was like Angel wasn't a different person, more an extension of
himself. It was weird in one respect, but completely wonderful in another.

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After lunch, Dare leaned over and kissed Angel in the privacy of their

little hut. Lips opened and deepened the kiss. He was hungry for more but
Angel gently reminded him where they were. Sighing, he frowned while
Angel's eyes sparkled with mischief but he said nothing.

They stopped at one or two souvenir complexes on the way to the

Winding Tree Resort. After a couple more hours of hard shopping they were
finally on their way to their new accommodations. Upon their arrival, they
were given a welcome drink, though much to their disappointment they were
non-alcoholic. But the lemongrass juice with lavender was still delicious.

The resort was gorgeous! The lobby was set on craggy cliffs above the

crashing waves. This villa was smaller than the one they had left but it was
even more luxurious. Their villa consisted of three open rooms with hidden
pocket doors to provide privacy when needed. The living room had a
Chinese style day bed, bar area and flat screen that could be seen throughout
the open space; the huge bathroom with two walk-in closets, a garden tub for
two, separate shower and toilet rooms, and in the middle of it was an
oversized king bed. Above the bed was a skylight to see the stars. Off to the
side was a table with two comfortable looking club chairs.

The star of this villa was outside. There was an infinity pool of black

granite that filtered water over all the sides, a jacuzzi, two lounge chairs and
a table. Since the area around the villa was walled in on three sides with a
large door to lock out the world, privacy was assured. The fourth side had no
barrier aside from the crashing ocean beneath the cliffs.

The bellman pointed out since there were two of them, both men, the

day bed was comfortable enough for sleeping. Without blinking, Angel
casually asked, "Since I will be sleeping there could more pillows be

The uniformed guy looked relieved. "Oh, yes, of course sir. I will take

care of it right now. Will there be anything else?"

"Yes." Angel walked him to the door chatting with him. Darius

couldn't hear the conversation as he lost himself on in the view of the blue
water and even bluer sky.

He stayed outside enjoying the incredible oceanscape. Darius looked

up, letting the sun warm his face as and the soft breeze kissed his skin. The
other resort had been lovely but this was truly paradise.

Once they were alone, Angel came up behind him to wrap him up in a

hug. He managed not to purr like a kitten, just barely, but he did lean back

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into the strong body of the taller man. His head lolled to the side and Angel's
lips found the spot where his shoulder and neck met. He gave him a tiger
bite. Darius lost his battle and moaned in pleasure as teeth scraped and bit
down to give a sliver of erotic pain.

Continuing to lick and kiss his throat, Angel finally made it to his

mouth. He impatiently turned the kiss into heat and passion. Turning in
Angel's strong arms, he pressed his body in close as his lips ravished

"Mmmm, someone likes the change of scenery."

Chuckling, he flirted. "This has nothing to do with the scenery and

everything to do with you." After such a great day, he could only think of
one thing that would make it better. How could I broach the subject? "Hey, I
want your dick up my ass?" Too direct. Do I really want a cock to pound my
ass? I want Angel as close to me as he could be. God, I want him inside of
me. Deep. Maybe I'm a little gay-- but only for Angel.

Angel stiffened momentarily then relaxed. "I think we should take a

little nap."

"By napping, do you mean fucking?" Darius nervously asked with a

tiny chuckle.

Angel smiled. "No. I mean nap as in lay down and rest." He traced a

finger down his cheek.

"Oh." He couldn't help it if his disappointment rang out clearly. He

was hoping to end his anxiety and just do it. Maybe Angel didn't want him?
Maybe manual and oral was as far as Angel wanted to go with him. Maybe
that's what he meant by friends with benefits. I just hadn't realized the
benefits would be restricted to non-penetration activities

Before Darius could pull away, Angel pulled him back into his arms.

"And for your information, I will not be fucking you. When we are together,
we will be sharing our bodies." Angel tucked a chunk of his wayward blond
hair behind his ear so his eyes were not hidden. "I will be making love to
you, Darius. I am going to be so deep inside you, you won't know where you
end and I begin."

Shivering in anticipation of that visual becoming a reality, he let his

head be tilted back for a kiss. A kiss filled with all the promises that were yet
to be fulfilled. All the desire to be joined, sparked and flared threatening to
overcome them.

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Angel pulled them back, leading him back inside for a nap. "But not

yet." Angel purred in his ear.

Spoilsport! He frowned with disappointment.

They undressed down to their underwear before they climbed between

the crisp sheets.

Darius chuckled. "Hey, aren't you supposed to be sleeping on that

daybed in the other room?"

Angel snickered as he turned towards him.

Without conscious thought, he moved toward the man who was

quickly becoming way more than a friend, and curled around him. Angel
turned on the TV which was piping in western stations via a satellite. He
found some animal show and turned the volume down to low. Angel's hand
caressed his back as he cuddled Dare close. All too soon, the cozy feeling
lulled him to sleep.

He awoke and reached for Angel but found an empty bed. Frowning,

he realized he really didn't like that. He went in search of Angel. It was dark
outside. Angel wasn't in the bathroom so he used it and ran some water
through his hair. Pulling on a pair of jeans and t-shirt, he went outside to
their private patio.

At least one hundred tea light candles lined the edges of the pool;

some were even floating in the pool on foam lily pads. Dinner for two was
set up on the table overlooking the ocean and a heated cart on the opposite
side. Champagne was chilling. The waves crashed. The stars were out. It
was an amazing sight.

But nothing was as overwhelming as Angel. He was dressed in black

jeans, one of The Dark Angel tour t-shirts, his feet were bare so his glittery
black toe nail polish could be seen and he wore light makeup. Darius's
breath caught. Angel was beyond stunning.

Angel had been staring off into the ocean when he noticed he wasn't

alone. Turning around fully, Angel grinned at him. "Hey, we match."

He looked down and realized they did indeed. Both were wearing

their concert shirts from the tour. He grinned. "Great band."

Walking towards Dare to take his hand. "Yeah, I hear they have a

gorgeous guitar player." Angel claimed his lips in a soft sweet kiss.

Pulling back, Dare corrected him without thinking. "Nah, I hear it's

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the lead singer that is amazingly hot." He reclaimed Angel's lips with
another small kiss. It seemed to come so naturally now. Touching, cuddling
and kissing Angel felt...right. It was just something he wanted to do...all the

Angel broke the kiss to tease him. "Amazingly hot, you say?" Seeing

Angel smile at him made his heart flip. He led Darius to the table to serve
him dinner. "I was going to get a rice table, which is like fifty different little
plates, but tonight I thought you might like the lavender chicken. It's a
specialty of the chef here."

Just smelling it he knew it would be delicious. Darius was looking

around at everything Angel did to make this evening special. Other than
their first dinner date, this was certainly the sweetest and most thoughtful
thing anyone had ever done for him. He cleared the emotion from his throat
so he could talk, but the only words that came to him seemed woefully
inadequate. "Thank you, Angel." Blinking back tears that came out of

Angel smiled at him seeming to understand the 'Thank you' went far

beyond the dinner.

The dinner passed pleasantly with conversations about their

experiences that day in the various villages. Sipping the champagne and
laughing at the overly zealous shop owners trying to persuade them to pay
four times the price items were worth. Remembering the impressive stone
carvers and the talented Master Mask maker. They discussed their purchases
and where the items would go once they got them home. Angel got several
stone statues that he intended for their practice space. Darius had got a
number of masks that would look good in his apartment, so he discussed
placement with Angel. They talked about nothing and everything.

Angel stood up to retrieve the large frozen dessert that was clearly

made for sharing. He placed it in the middle of the table and moved his chair
closer to Darius. Dare marveled at the chocolate concoction and readily
opened his mouth for a spoonful that Angel fed to him. The fact that he felt
no hesitation in allowing Angel to feed him spoke volumes, but he didn't
want to bother with analyzing that right now. How stupidly romantic and
how absolutely wonderful it was, but he wasn't going to think about that. He
was just going to enjoy the magic...while it lasted.

As Darius licked his lips, he blushed when he noticed all of Angel's

attention was focused intently on his tongue. Angel fed him more dessert
and a needy sound escaped him when Dare licked the spoon. An open

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mouthed kiss soon followed.

He realized the picture he was making, so played it up to tease Angel

further. Again and again he opened his mouth to be fed by Angel. The kisses
in between the dessert were getting longer and more heated as the dessert
melted into its glass bowl.

Somehow Darius found himself straddling Angel's lap, kissing him

with pure abandon. Their lust-hardened cocks were trying to kiss through
their jeans as he moved excitedly over Angel's lap. He felt like he was on
fire and rubbing on Angel was doing nothing to put out the flames.

Angel's hands were holding his waist to steady him and pull him

down so they could get more friction. He was quickly losing himself to the
moment, he pulled off Angel's t-shirt and his busy fingers were headed to the
jeans. Angel grabbed his fingers to stall his progress, kissing him in

Soon Angel was pulling off Darius's concert shirt and bare chests met.

Chest to chest. "Ahhh, fuck that's nice." He called out as he pressed his chest
against Angel. His fingers teased over the muscles he found there.

Angel shivered under his touch. Standing, Angel kept the smaller

man's legs wrapped around his waist as he walked them into the villa. To his
relief, Angel headed straight for the bed. They were falling together onto the
white comforter. A moment later his jeans and underwear were tugged down
and off. It might be crazy, but he was looking up at Angel who seemed to be
the embodiment of everything he needed.

Angel looked delicious. His hair artfully mussed. Eyes dark with

desire...desire for Darius. Angel's jeans were unbuttoned and rode low on his
slim hips.

His mouth went dry as he took in his lead singer, who was waiting.

Waiting for him to be ready. He didn't know what to say, though he did
know what he wanted. "Please," he moaned out, hoping that would get him
what he craved.

Angel joined him on the bed. Hands ghosted down his body. His cock

was so hard it was leaking onto his lower belly. His legs spread on their
own. Angel's fingers danced over his body avoiding the areas that craved
attention the most.

Finally, Dare grabbed Angel's hand to draw it between his legs and

whispered with more than a little desperation. "Please, Angel."

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Taking his hand back, Angel grabbed the bottle of lubrication from

under his pillow. It was warmed as Dare panted in anticipation. Angel's long
fingers returned to reach behind Dare's balls to toy with his opening. Fingers
circled and teased until he knew he was going to lose it completely if Angel
didn't enter him tonight.

On a broken moan, he nearly begged. "Please, Angel. Inside."

Angel kissed his lips and grinned down at him. "Are you begging


"Fuck you." He was trembling as Angel's talented fingers kept him on

edge. Slowly running along his rim but not giving him what he wanted.
Needed. Then one wet finger dipped a millimeter into Dare's channel for a
moment before pulling out. He moaned and bucked against Angel seeking

"Beg me." Angel teased his lips with his long tongue. "I want to hear


He didn't want to admit it more than he already had. "Fuck you."

Darius didn't even bother to try to sound mad. He was aroused as hell and he
just wanted Angel. Maybe begging wouldn't be such a bad idea.

"No, baby. I will fuck you. But only if you beg me." Angel's voice

was cocky as hell. His fingers traced over Dare's entrance as he licked his
neck. "Just beg for me to take you. I will make you feel so exquisite you are
going to scream..." Angel sighed as he toyed with his opening. "Beg me,

He buried his face into Angel's neck and sucked a hickey into his skin.

He was pleased to hear Angel's aroused groan, at least he wasn't alone in
this, but to beg? To beg was to admit he wanted what Angel could do to him.
That he needed Angel inside of him more than he needed his next breath.

The fingertip wiggled back into him, just enough to make Dare

mindless with need before it slipped back out. It was never enough. Just a
taste of what he needed. Just a taunt of what he could have. He wanted that
finger deep inside of him. Fuck it! He wanted Angel deep inside of him.

He took a big inhale and asked, "Please. Angel. Please. I need you."

The finger started moving in and out of him creating an urgent need that
could only be satisfied by Angel's beautiful cock.

Swallowing hard, he looked at Angel. Those gorgeous brown eyes

were shrouded by a spill of dark hair, and he growled before claiming his

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mouth. A long wet finger slowly entered him then came back out, teasing

But this time he was mindless with need. He was already in bed with

Angel and that was an admission already. He gulped past the lump in his
throat to find his voice before he was able to find the words Angel wanted.
"Please, Angel. I am begging you"

His lips kissed Angel's face before moving down to his throat. Darius

felt lost in a sea of absolute arousal and he was drowning. Angel was the
only thing that could keep him afloat, so he was holding on with both hands.

Angel leaned closer to him and proceeded to lick the seam of his

mouth encouraging him to open to that wickedly talented tongue. It
distracted him a little as a long wet digit slid in and out of his puckered hole.
He liked the sensation so pushed down on the next in stroke. Angel broke
the kiss. "Shhh, babe. Need to go slow. Don't want to hurt you."

Two freshly lubricated fingers entered him and he definitely felt it.

Nice and smooth but not as easy as one finger. "Full." Darius shifted to ease
the discomfort of being entered. He wasn't sure if it was a good feeling or

Angel's finger moved like a pair of scissors to slowly open him. The

discomfort eased and it started to feel good. Really good. Dare asked
between hot wet kisses for what he wanted. "More."

"Yeah, Dare. I will give you everything you need." Three fingers were

in pumping when he felt Angel reach something deep inside of him. A spot
of pure pleasure so strong he felt like he could come just by Angel nudging
at it.

It felt so amazingly good, he begged. He out and out begged. "Please.

Inside. Now." Darius swallowed.

Angel looked down at him as he writhed and squirmed needing so

badly to be filled. Angel took pity on him and removed his jeans. While
kissing him, Angel must have multi-tasked because he was lubed up and
covered in protection. "You sure, Darius?" His long cock bumped him
entrance teasing it with possibilities.

"God, yes! I need you!" He groaned with undisguised need. Darius

had just swallowed his pride and begged like a whore. He was well past the
point of backing out. He would have continued to plead but Angel pulled his
legs around his waist and lined up his cock.

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"Sure?" Angel asked breathlessly one more time. Angel's face was hot

and sexy but very serious.

He didn't know how Angel could keep his head when he was beside

himself, mindless with want. Dare moaned. "Yes." Breathing was becoming
a luxury.

Angel kissed his lips softly. "It would be easier on all fours." He tried

to turn him over.

"No. Want to see you," He didn't care what was easier. He needed to

see. To know it was Angel in him.

Angel smiled with tenderness before placing another soft

heart-wrenchingly sweet kiss on his lips. "Me too."

Angel's slim body leaned over him as he slid into Dare's tight virgin

passage. Angel went slowly but steadily until his balls rested on his ass.
They froze locked in the moment.

Darius couldn't believe how much it burned and how Angel's body

was stretching him open. He looked up at Angel and he looked like he was
in great pain. His eyes were squeezed closed, Angel was biting his puffy
pink lower lip and his body seemed to be trembling with the effort to keep

His heart clenched as he realized Angel was trying to be still for him.

Angel was trying to make it good for Darius no matter the cost to himself.
He waited until Darius could take him without pain.

Testing things out, he wiggled just a bit. Angel groaned loudly as he

opened his eyes to look down at him. It didn't feel as uncomfortable, so he
moved again. Forget uncomfortable, it felt good. Better than good! Dare
needed to move. Oh yeah! That is what I am talking about! He thrust up and
Angel's eyes flew open wider.

"You okay?" Angel's voice was all sexy and husky.

"Yeah," he replied in a hurry.

Angel nodded his head in acknowledgement as he slowly dragged

himself out of him. Darius's insides were trying to halt his exit progress by
not releasing him. Angel moved slowly back in deep. That long cock
brushed the spot deep inside of him that made him see stars.

His eyes widened. "Ah God! Right there." Angel pulled out and then

pushed right back inside of him to peg his prostate again.

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Grinning with all of the confidence Angel Luv was known for, he slid

out and thrust back in, grazing Dare's spot with all the accuracy his
experience afforded him. When Darius moaned in heated bliss, Angel asked
teasingly, "Right there?" Before he could answer Angel pushed in nailing it
harder this time. The boy knew what to do with his dick, that much was
obvious even to Dare.

"Oh yeah," he tried to say but he was pretty sure all that came out was

a groan.

Angel kissed him very tenderly. "That's right, baby. Feel me in you."

Angel moved his hips so his prick was reaching places he didn't even knew
existed. "So deep inside of you."

Not wanting to think of all the previous lovers that graced Angel's

bed, but Dare couldn't help but admit practice certainly made perfect. Angel
was beyond incredible. He anticipated everything Darius wanted before even
he knew he needed it, and gave it to him. All the rumors of Angel being
incredible in bed were not exaggerated.

He was seeing stars. "Ah, Angel. Can't last. Too good." Darius was

never this quick but he was ramped up from the prolonged foreplay and it
was just too good to last. Angel was just too skilled. He needed to think of
something else or he was going to blast immediately.

Angel did not provide any distraction from the amazing physical

sensations Dare was experiencing. He actually redoubled his efforts and
pumped his hips to pleasure him even more. His muscular abs was gliding
over Darius's aroused cock bringing him a notch closer to the edge.

"Feel me, Darius. I am inside you." Angel's hips thrust so he aimed to

hit his target perfectly each and every time. "Deep inside you. Feel me,

"Yes, yes. So deep. Too good!" It was too much for him to bear.

"Angel!" Crying out his lover's name, Darius came. His untouched cock
spurted thick cream all over their bellies as his inside channel spasmed
around Angel. It was by far the best orgasm of his life. Angel's cock kept
hitting the spot prolonging his storm of ecstasy.

Before he was finished, Angel groaned. He knew Angel was coming

with him when he felt the cock inside him fill the condom with jets of
pleasure. Angel rode him until all the pleasure had been played out of both
men. He gently collapsed on Darius, resting most of his weight on his arms.
Dare wrapped his arms tighter around Angel as they tried to catch their

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When nature finally caused him to slip out, Angel gripped the rim of

the used condom. Sighing, Angel rolled away from Darius so he could
dispose of the protection. He came back to bed to clean him with a warm
wet washcloth.

The gesture was so sweet and tender Darius didn't know what to make

of it. It twisted his heart and filled him with emotion. He didn't say all the
things that were chasing around in his head. He just stared at Angel with
what he hoped was not the look of a lovesick puppy.

Angel climbed in next to him and smiled.

He smiled back at him. Damn, I feel great! Best sex I have ever had

and it was with a guy. Ha, not a guy...with Angel. He was only a little
surprised he wasn't bothered in the least. Gender didn't really play a part in
this, only that it was Angel that had made him feel this way. It being Angel
seemed to make everything...right.

Angel didn't say anything. He just kept looking at him like he had

never seen him before. It was unnerving.

Finally, he burst out, "What?"

"Are you okay?" Angel was so serious and concerned. It seemed so

out of place in this situation, at least to him.

He laughed. "Fuck! You have to ask? I am so good." Darius didn't

want to ramble but he felt too great not to share it with the person. "That was
by far the best sex I have ever had. You are an amazing..." his voice dropped
off out of embarrassment but he finished his thought, "lover."

Angel didn't give him the cocky banter he expected back. Instead

Angel tried to hide the blush that stained his cheeks by cuddling closer.
Angel was embarrassed by the compliment.

He wanted to make sure Angel believed him so couldn't stop himself.

He gushed some more, "No, seriously. That was crazy good!" Angel still
said nothing. Wait! Maybe it hadn't been that good for Angel. After all it was
my first time and I didn't really do anything. Maybe I stink at gay sex

Angel twirled a chunk of blond hair around his fingers but didn't say

anything. He looked lost in thought; maybe he was disappointed?

After a few minutes of quiet, Darius finally spoke, "Look, man. I

know it probably wasn't that good for you. But I can do better. Just tell me

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what to do..." His voice trailed off. He felt more and more like a loser with
each passing moment.

"Shhhh, no babe." Angel softly chuckled before he continued. "It was

amazing for me too. You were incredible." Angel petted his face and
snuggled into him.

He stared at him for a moment. The guitar player didn't know whether

he should believe him or not. He stopped chewing his lower lip to ask, "No?
Really? You don't have to say that. Just tell me what to do and I will do it
next time."

Angel chuckled, "Darius, it was..." Shaking his head looking for the

real word, he finally settled on, "Special. The way you gave yourself to
me...Hell, you were so hot. I almost came as soon as I was inside. I have
never been so worried about losing control. You were so tight and
responsive." Angel kissed his head ending the confession. "I loved being
with you."

Darius thought about it for a moment. He grinned up at Angel and

then turned it into a cocky smirk. "So I am good at gay sex, huh?"

Laughing the singer playfully put him in a chokehold. "Yes, Dare."

He sighed as if it was a painful admission. "You are very good at gay sex."

Wiggling out of the hold, Dare kissed Angel on the mouth. "So you

could say, I rocked your world." Trying to somehow make a corny pun
referring to their music. It didn't make sense but in Darius's head it had been

Angel huffed out a breath in mock frustration. "Babe, you have been

rocking my world since I met you. Funny... why is it you are just figuring
this out now?"

"So it was okay? Really, you are not just saying it? Cause I can do

better." Darius didn't understand where all this insecurity came from. With
women, he never fretted about his performance, he figured as long as they
had an orgasm it was good enough, but with Angel it was different. He
wanted it to be the best sex Angel ever had, because that's what Angel had
given him.

"Darius Stone, baby what do you want me to say?" Angel stroked his

back cuddling him closer. He kissed his forehead. "Are you fishing for
compliments?" Angel was teasing him.

"No, it's just..." Darius dropped it with a sigh.

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Angel chuckled. "Baby, if gets any better it might just kill me." Angel

hushed any more talk with soft kisses. "You were, and are, wonderful.
Perfect." With those words Angel's body curled around him until they both
let sleep take them.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 13

Waking up in Angel's arms was something Darius knew he shouldn't

get used to, but it felt so delicious he couldn't stop himself from enjoying it.
Angel's cock was rock hard and poking into his butt cheek.

He wiggled back against the hardened rod. Dare was a bit tender from

where Angel had been, but it was a good ache, reminding him of the sexual
activity that caused the feeling.

Dare knew Angel was awake when lips started to move on his neck.

Soft gentle loving caresses that telegraphed directly to his cock, which
hardened fully.

Turning over in Angel's arms to see him, to look at his new lover, his

new male lover, Darius felt no panic or regret at the sex of his partner. He
just felt happy and a little horny. Maybe a lot horny.

Angel smiled at him. "Good morning, baby." After a brief kiss, Angel

asked "Are you sore?"

Dare knew he was probably blushing like a virgin. Knowing he

shouldn't be embarrassed didn't change the fact that he was. "I'm fine," he
grumbled as he tried to roll away from Angel.

"Ahhh, not so fast." Angel locked him in place. He looked down

meaningfully at his throbbing erection then back up grinning. "It is my
responsibility to help you with that."

He tried to laugh but choked on it when Angel's mouth wrapped

around his wake up erection. Angel had the sweetest, most talented mouth
he had ever known and he just wanted to fuck it.

As Angel was sucking, he paused to ask, "Do you hurt, baby?"

"No," he moaned as Angel licked back down his shaft. Then he

admitted the truth, "A little." Angel's wet finger was circling his opening. He
immediately spread his legs to make himself available for Angel. Sore or not
he wanted more. "But I want more." Was that weird?

"Mmmm, what a hungry little hole you have. It does seem to want

something inside of it." His finger danced inside just a little, teasing him
with the possibilities. Darius felt his entrance clench as if it were trying to
pull Angel's digit inside.

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"God. Come on, Angel, please," he pleaded wantonly as Angel's

finger gently invaded his back passage. He tensed for a moment then relaxed
into it. Groaning, he begged. "Fill me."

Angel lubricated him quickly as his body opened for him. His body

seemed to remember and ask for the pleasure it knew Angel was very
capable of providing.

In a confused moment, he found himself thrown over Angel's

shoulder. "What the--? Where are we going?"

Angel slapped his butt lightly. "Shhhh. Just outside, baby. It's close to


"It's still dark." Darius really didn't know why they would move from

a perfectly good bed.

"It's almost dawn." The light was just beginning to streak across the

sky in pinks, oranges and blues. "We are going to have front row seats for
the sunrise." Angel took them out to their private yard.

Dare sighed. "Okay." As beautiful as it was out there, Dare wished

Angel had continued with taking care of "his responsibilities." After all,
Angel was the one who gave him that expectation.

Before Angel settled them into the warm pool he set the necessary

supplies within reaching distance. The soothing water was the temperature
of a warm bath and it seemed to lap at his sensitive skin adding to his
bubbling excitement. Angel pulled him in to kiss him deeply as his large
hands massaged Dare's shoulders.

He moaned and stretched towards Angel. "That's nice."

Angel murmured in his ear, "Later, we should get massages." Darius

arched like a cat into Angel's massaging hands, "I think you might enjoy

He nipped at Angel's lips. "I would enjoy you..." Dare playfully

grabbed Angel's ass and pulled him even closer. He moved into Angel's
embrace so he could wrap his legs around him. When their dicks met, he
swore he saw sparks. His fingers threaded through Angel's hair pushing it
away from his face.

"Sun is starting to rise. Let's watch it," Angel purred.

Walking with him clinging like a baby koala, Angel went to the edge

of the infinity pool. The water slid over the side and down into the near

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silent filtration system. Angel turned Darius in his arms and put him over the
side of the pool wall. Dare's feet hit the underwater bench but his ass was out
of the water and on display.

When he tried to squirm back into the water, Angel stopped him.

Strong hands massaged his aching ass muscles, stopping all of his thoughts
of hiding in the water. Regardless of the display he was putting on it felt too
good to move. Darius's eyes slid closed and concentrated on the long fingers
that were teasing his opening with slippery gel as he was slowly opened. The
taller man was continuing to arouse him while his own dick was trying to
drill a hole into the smooth granite pool wall.

Angel stepped up beside Darius and leaned over the top of his body.

"Do you want me to, Darius?" He grabbed a condom and Darius turned to
watch him put it on.

He spread his legs further and arched his back to demonstrate how

willing he was to host Angel inside his body again. "Yessss, now." Dare's
words were almost lost.

Angel's condom covered cock found his no longer virgin channel and

slid inside, pushing firmly all the way in. Angel wrapped his arms around
Dare and pulled him back into the water. He was sitting on Angel's lap fully
impaled on that impossibly long cock.

Darius froze for a moment to let the sharp burn subside. Angel held

him close just letting him adjust to the intrusion. He slowly relaxed knowing
that Angel would take care of him. He let his head roll back and watched the
sunrise on the horizon.

Angel nibbled gently at his ear. His cock was throbbing as he felt

Angel's cock stretching his ass with tiny pushes. Angel moved only slightly.
"You feel so good wrapped around my cock, Darius." Angel moved him a
little bit and the change caused the penetration angle to start nudging his
sweet spot.

Darius was seeing the sunrise through stars of pleasure. "Oh. Angel."

He was beginning to pant. He tipped his head back so his mouth could
nuzzle and lick Angel's throat.

"That's right baby. Feel me," Angel told him as his large hand fisted

around Dare's needy cock. "Sunrise. Together." His body was rocking
slowly on Angel's cock. His need rose. Angel didn't pull all that far out but
he slammed in deep each time.

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Darius couldn't be sure what put him over the edge. It might have

been Angel's long hard cock pushing at his spot deep inside that sparked
pleasure though his body. Or it might have been the strong hand tugging his
erection timed perfectly with those deliciously precise thrusts. Maybe it was
the low sexy voice whispered in his ear that filled the emptiness he wasn't
even aware existed. Or maybe it was everything combined.

Whatever it was had his cock spurting ribbons of come into the water.

Dare's hoarse cry was lost in the sound of the crashing ocean below. His ass
was clenching Angel with each shot his cock spit out.

On a strangled moan, Angel let Dare's tight ass milk his release out of

him. "Darius. Darius. Oh. Darius," was chanted in his ear. When Angel was
finished, his neck was softly kissed. Angel held him close for a long time.
Finally, he whispered, "Good morning, baby. Thank you for enjoying the
sunrise with me."

He laughed happily and Angel's musical laughter joined in. "Yeah.

Okay. All I can say is any time you want to watch the sunrise wake me up!
Any time, Angel, any time at all."

Angel chuckled as he lifted Darius back over the wall. He slowly

pulled out of him with a small sigh of regret. Angel dropped the condom
near their supplies so he could collect it later. Neither of them wanted to
scandalize the staff here. Angel pulled him back into the warm water. They
swam for a bit before they decided a nap would be welcome before

After a quick shower, Darius was warm, cozy and curled up around

Angel in the big bed. A veil of protection seemed to fall over Darius making
him feel safe. If Darius wasn't careful, he was going to fall in love, and he
knew that wasn't part of the "friends with benefits" package.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 14

Time seemed to move at a much slower pace in Bali. But at the same

time it seemed to be moving too fast. Darius felt the minutes and hours
ticking away at breakneck speed as thoughts of their trip ending in another
week started to surface.

It had been everything Darius never dreamed he wanted, but his time

with Angel seemed to fill a void he wasn't aware of. It was being with the
best friend he had ever had, combined with the most incredible lover he'd
ever had...Darius didn't want it to end.

Instead of allowing his mood to deteriorate, Dare decided it was time

he took the initiative. Granted, he was still a little sore from their adventures
between the sheets a couple hours ago, but time was of the essence.

He had never taken the backseat in any physical relationship with

women and he wanted to change the dynamic that had been set up. Granted,
he really enjoyed letting Angel take the lead, but it was good to give as good
as he got. And it was Angel's turn to get.

Darius walked out to the pool and smiled seeing Angel spread out in

his Speedo and sunglasses on one of the lounge chairs, looking quite
delicious. It made Darius want to lay his hands on him and touch. He wanted
to feel that gorgeous body.

His eyes fell on to the sunblock. What a fine excuse to start this in the

right direction. "Hey, you want me to put on sunblock for you?"

"Hmmm," Angel seemed to be waking up from dozing off and sat up

to wrap Darius in his arms. "What, baby?"


"Mmmm, okay." Angel sat up and turned so Darius could slather it on

his back with slow firm circles. Taking his time, Darius made sure he got
every inch of his back coated in the protective cream.

"Now lay down and I'll do your front."

Angel smirked. "Oh, will you now?"

"And later too, if you'd like." It should be odd how comfortable and

fun flirting with Angel had become, but it wasn't. Darius was beginning to
forget what it was like to have been upset with Angel's innuendo. He loved

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the playful nature of their relationship.

Reclining back on the lounge chair, Angel pulled down his sunglasses

to peer over them at Darius. He may have seen through the 'sunblock come
on' a mile away but he lay right down to enjoy it play out. His thighs parted
and his arms rested easily on the padded cushions. A small smile of
indulgence graced his lips.

Darius's heart rate tripled looking at this sexy man. He was slim but he

had muscles honed by long hours of dance practice and stage rehearsals.
Even his feet were beautiful. But he was determined to take that indulgent
smile off his lips, and make Angel beg for more.

Snapping himself out of his visual worship, Darius squeezed the

sunblock into his hands and started at his feet. Well, they needed protection
too. Slow, rhythmic movements had Angel spreading his legs wider. "Feels
great, Dare."

Darius massaged Angel's heel, which he had read once was connected

to the anal region. Watching Angel grinding his ass slowly into the chair
demonstrated that was probably the case. "Oh. Hmmm, really great." Angel's
breath was catching a little and his body was moving in a way that was
pleading for more.

Darius's hands slowly left his feet and moved up to massage his

ankles, thumbs kneading and caressing each one in turn. Darius tried not to
allow his eyes to rise up to Angel's Speedo but failed. His glances revealed
the bathing suit was fighting to hold Angel inside of the thin fabric. A
struggle it was losing.

A little bit of evil seeped out of Darius as he slowed his movements

further. When stroking hands finally reached well-toned calves, Angel was
bucking slightly and softly groaning. He didn't ask but it was more than
apparent what he wanted.

Massaging hands firmly stroked their way up to Angel's upper legs to

his muscled thighs. His legs opened further as a hand on either leg caressed
him. Fingers brushed the leg band of the Speedo, and Angel moaned. His
cock was clearly outlined and throbbing behind the spandex.

Darius's hands rubbed tantalizingly around the tiny bathing suit but

not touching where Angel needed it the most. After he added some more sun
block, his hands skimmed up his toned abs to teasingly apply more cream.

Angel's breathing was becoming more like a heated panting as his

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body was played perfectly. Darius bit back a grin of triumph when he saw
his lead singer was crumbling under his hands. The power that zinged
through his body was heady. He was making Angel Luv writhe with need.

Darius gave those sexy pouting lips a little kiss. When Angel's arms

would have wrapped around him, Dare told him, "Keep them where they are
or everything stops."

After a big swallow, Angel's arms begrudging fell to the chair.

"Mmmm, very good." Darius couldn't help but be pleased with that. After a
bit of fumbling and several more long wet kisses, Darius sat back. "There
you go." He had twisted and tied two napkins leftover from their lunch
service around Angel's wrists securing him to the lounge chair.

Angel looked more than a little kiss ravished and filled with lust.

When he was unable to move his hands to take things to the next level, the
look on his face was priceless. The realization was a mix of heat, lust and
frustrated need. The trapped man looked up at Darius with a questioning

Darius continued to stroke and tease his chest with cream. Circling his

nipples he said, "If you want me to stop just say so and it will stop." Closing
his fingers around the two sensitive pink peaks he pinched.

"Ahhhh. Mmmmm. No. No, don't stop."

Moving back down his body, Darius reached in his pocket to pull out

two very familiar items. One was purple and the other one was slick. He
made a show of dripping slippery gel all over the purple dildo and gave it a
nice slow tug job. "Angel, do you know where this is going to go?"

"Oh," Angel shook his head not in disagreement but as if he were

trying to check back into reality.

"Need a hint?" Darius's guitar callused finger traced a trail of the

Speedo's leg band. He pulled it out stretching the material and that must
have put pressure on Angel's shaft. Based on his moans, a good pressure.

"Dare." Angel was gasping as if air was a luxury he couldn't afford.

The slippery plastic kissed and teased Angel's opening until he moved

his hips to welcome the intrusion. Darius eased it in slowly with many starts
and stops, playing with it until Angel mindlessly pushed down on it with a
groan of satisfaction. When it was fully embedded inside, Angel's hips
seemed to move of their own accord. His ass twitched back and forth, which
made the plastic hit delicious places if his moans were anything to go by.

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Darius grinned up at Angel as the material snapped back in place. He

reached inside his other pocket and pulled out a small pocketknife. Watching
Angel carefully, he flipped it open.

Angel's breath caught but he looked more curious then worried.

"Dare, what are you going to do with that?" Darius could see Angel's cock
was leaking sticky sweet all over his lower belly.

Grinning Darius ran the non-cutting side of the knife up along Angel's

fabric trapped cock. Pulling up the Speedo to cover Angel's cock, Darius
turned the knife to carefully slice the fabric. A nice slow slit sliced the fabric

"Argh! Dare!" Angel's hips bounced up and his cock fought to escape

through the opening. When the long cock succeeded, Angel threw back his
hand and ground down his ass into the chair.

What an obscenely lovely display! Angel Luv spread out and secured

to a lounge chair. Glasses on, lips open in clear invitation for just about
anything and that long cock pushed through spandex just begging for
attention. Where was a camera when you needed one?

"Mmmm, nice." A long wet tongue swiped out around the tip

gathering up the seepage. Angel moved like he was hit with a live wire.
Darius smiled up at him innocently before dropping his mouth down to the
very base of the escapee to lick and tease the base. He knew Angel was too
close to keep taunting him so Darius only gave the begging cock one long
slow wet lick. Based on Angel's keen of need, he was on the edge of bliss.

Darius moved off the lounge chair to give Angel a break and to

admire his work. Angel looked hot and dirty and made Darius's mouth water
for more. The vision of Angel's hard cock pushed through the middle of his
Speedos as he was tied to the chair was almost too much for Darius.

As if to emphasize what Darius had done, Angel pulled at the

restraining material keeping his arms firmly in place. He appeared to be at
Darius's mercy. However, they both knew Angel could have easily broken
loose, but the fact that he chose to allow Darius to have his way was more
than a little hot.

Unzipping and pushing down his own cargo shorts, Darius stood

before Angel naked. Unlike a few short weeks ago, there was no longer even
a shred of embarrassment at showing Angel everything he had. His arousal
on display and it was all for Angel.

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He grabbed up the lubrication, dribbled a small amount over Angel's

lust crazed shaft to change the sensation a bit before rolling a condom over
it. Adding more lubrication to the condom would make it easier for what
Darius had planned. Without answering the question that was clearly on
Angel's lips, Darius reached behind him and pulled out what he used to
prepare himself for this moment. He showed the black piece of plastic to
Angel before dropping it to the ground on his discarded shorts.

Angel's eyes flared with heated understanding. He clearly liked the

idea of Darius preparing himself for him. "Glad I packed a spare." His hips
bucked up in invitation and he hissed with need as the dildo inside him must
have made itself known.

Darius spared him a smile before straddling the helpless singer as he

lined the cock up with his opening. He wasn't exactly nervous but he wasn't
used to taking the lead with Angel. It was still very new to him but he was
determined. It felt so good as that hard long cock pushed past his entrance.
"Oh, God. Dare!"

Angel seemed careful not buck up so Dare used gravity to help him

ease by the second ring of muscles. "Mmmm," he slowly slid down until he
hit bottom. Literally. The fullness was almost overwhelming. They had tried
this position before but Angel's cock felt so big. No more room. He felt
stuffed beyond capacity. Darius waited to catch his breath as the burn eased.

Angel gritted his teeth to stop himself from thrusting up. When Darius

was ready instead of moving up and down, he first circled his hips, which
tore a surprised shout from Angel. When Darius moved he hoped it felt like
he was fucking Angel's cock and his ass at the same time. "Oh! Dare!
Brilliant! More! Please! More!" And there it was. Angel Luv was begging
Darius Stone for more.

The frustration of Angel not being able to touch seemed to ignite them

both. Darius' hands clasped over each of Angel's, stopping him from pulling
out of the twisted material that kept him trapped. Fingers entwined and
holding on tight, Dare began to ride.

Angel was biting his plump lower lip, a clear indication he was close

to shattering. When he saw he wasn't hurting Darius his hips began pumping
up into Darius. Angel appeared to be unable to keep a steady rhythm. His
body was stuttering with his need for release competing with his desire to
last as long as he could. It was a beautiful torture that one would win by
losing. To Dare, it was like Angel's breath was begging his body for just a
little more.

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"That's right, Angel. Fuck me. Fuck me, right through your Speedo."

On the downward falls, Darius made sure to wiggle his ass so he was
rubbing Angel's balls, still hidden behind the spandex. He was pretty sure
the piece of purple plastic was doing its job inside Angel. The move kept
hitting each of their nerve bundles.

With a deep inhale, Angel started shaking and calling out Darius's

name. "Darius. Oh. God! I'm coming!"

Darius could feel the condom inside him begin to fill. He rose and fell

a couple more times, the passing thought of what it would feel like to
actually have Angel's come jetting up inside him racing through his mind.
He groaned as he thought of what it would feel like to have Angel's essence
actually spurting inside him instead of into a condom and that's all he

He came, shouting out his pleasure. "Ahhhhh!"

Dare collapsed with no grace whatsoever on top of Angel. Mission

most definitely accomplished.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 15

Dare was smiling as he thought about the last few weeks. He would

never have guessed sex with Angel would be so...fulfilling. His whole body
was relaxed and satisfied, but at the same time he couldn't wait for more.

The days had continued to pass quickly with laughter, delicious food,

and awesome sex. Angel emailed the songs they had completed to the rest of
the band. They loved them and gave them feedback that polished them to
perfection. Angel made Darius sing with him when he was doing his voice
exercises just for the love of it but if the down and dirty recordings they
made were any indication, Dare's voice had gotten better with Angel's

Apparently, Darius's muse liked Bali because he found he was filling

pages of his journal with lyrics. He probably would not share most of them
with the band since they were a bit too sappy and focused way too much on
love. He had to admit being with Angel had opened up a new side to his

Darius stopped questioning whether he was gay or straight, he decided

he just really liked being with Angel. Okay, maybe more than liked but he
knew he shouldn't go there. They had a great time together whether they
were sightseeing, swimming, shopping or just exploring each other in bed.
Dare didn't want to think about when their 'Friends with Benefits' pact
expired so he tried to stay in the current moment and just enjoy what they

In his current attempt to do so he rolled into Angel, cuddling into the

larger man's warm body to block out his thoughts of this ending. It was
interesting, before Angel he never cuddled, but with Angel he adored the
feeling of being held as well as holding him. He couldn't get enough of it.

A couple minutes later, Angel's cell rang. Groaning, Angel looked at it

then looked back at him. "It's Dusty. Mind if I get it?"

Darius would have rather have kept Angel in bed, but he said, "Nah,

go ahead. If you don't he'll keep calling until you pick up."

Angel chuckled and nodded at the truth in that statement. Dusty could

be a pain in the ass if he wanted to get in touch with you and you weren't
answering your cell. Angel grabbed the phone and answered while he pulled

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on a pair of swim trunks. Turning he gave Dare a quick smile before going
out by the pool to chat with Dusty.

Dare looked over at the mound of treasures they had gathered over the

last couple of weeks, and smiled. They'd found several items for almost
everyone they knew and even more for themselves. They were definitely
going to fill up that shipping container. He hoped they didn't need a second

He had never realized how much fun shopping could be. Dare was

pretty sure it had more to do with the company then the activity. They had
gotten more beautifully designed paintings, some silver sculptures, more
stone carvings, more jewelry for Megan, and some Balinese instruments that
looked more like pieces of art for Josh and Robin. He chuckled as he looked
over at the wood carving that they picked up for Dusty. It was primitively
carved hunter with a giant penis that represented both fertility and riches.
Dusty was going to hate it! He knew Angel couldn't wait to give it to him.

Twirling the circle of gold around his finger, Darius played with his

favorite treasure. It was hammered gold thumb ring Angel got him at the
Goldsmith Village. He ran a finger over the thoughtful present. Angel had
seen him eying it but he had decided not to get it--because you don't buy
yourself rings. When Angel placed it in his palm at dinner that night, he
knew he needed to reevaluate the entire situation between them.

He still believed he was straight or maybe a bit bi but he didn't find

any other men attractive...just Angel. He loved spending time with him.
Loved kissing him, touching him, sucking him, being fucked by him, he
loved it all. He also just liked hanging out with him. Talking, doing nothing,
watching TV, swimming, horsing around, he liked the time he spent with
Angel. He liked it better than he liked spending time with any of his past

Maybe. Could I? I really like him...a lot. The sex is amazing. But it's

beyond sex. It's more. I love just holding him. Wow! Could I? What if... My
parents wouldn't really care. Most of our fans would be into it. Could we do
beyond...Bali? Would Angel want that? Would I want that?
Fuck! I know I
do. But the more important question is, does Angel?

Tired of the endless loop that played in his head, he went in search of

Angel. He found him pacing by the pool on his cell phone. Probably still
talking to Dusty.

Angel's voice carried over from where he was sitting. "Dust, I am

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telling you, no issue. It is just a Bali deal. Doesn't mean anything. When we
go back home we will be just friends again. It won't hurt the band. Promise!"
There was a long pause as Angel listened to Dusty. "Right. It is just 'friends
with benefits.' Yeah, you know me, man. I need a body to keep me warm."
Angel chuckled at whatever Dusty had said.

More was said but Darius couldn't hear the words. He found himself

backing into the villa. He slid the door shut and sat on the sofa. The pain of
Angel's words shocked him to the core especially given the fact that his
heart had kept telling them this was more than 'friends with benefits.'"

What a fucking moron I am, thinking there could ever be more!

Finally accepting that's what I wanted...I'm just a warm fucking body to him!
The tears that threatened to spill made him really pissed off. His hurt
morphed into anger as quickly as he could make it happen. Well, fuck Angel
Fucking Luv! He wants to use me I will use him. I will just see him like the
warm body he sees me as, and get the fuck over myself! How could I have
imagined myself with Angel long-term. Ha! Like that could have ever

Brief minutes later, Angel opened the sliding glass door. "Ah, you got

up. I was hoping you were still warming our bed." He came over and
embraced him easily as he had for the past few weeks.

Instead of allowing himself to melt like he usually did, Darius

stiffened. He tried not to but he couldn't help bracing himself against the
delicious feelings being held by Angel created in him.

"What's up, baby?" Angel asked.

"Nothing." He was trying to make his face grin. No way in hell would

he say what he overheard, so he went with seductive. "But I am sure you can
change that if you wanted to," he purred wanting to pretend away the hurt
and pain.

Laughing, Angel slid to his knees right in front of him to palm his

cock. Apparently, his cock had no emotional baggage and began to harden in
the large hand that was caressing it. Angel ran a tongue over the jersey
shorts he had on which made him rock hard. Watching Angel's long tongue
lick out, Darius's prick tented the grey shorts. Angel smiled up at him.
"Guess I changed it, huh?"

He choked on his forced laughter as Angel mouthed his dick for

another moment before releasing it from his shorts. Angel's wicked tongue
circled the crown and then sexy lips surrounded him as he was chewed down

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right to the very base. Once there, Angel swallowed.

Dare moaned and pulled Angel's hair to bring him closer as he sat

down allowing the other man complete access. His heart still bled from
overhearing that he was nothing more than a 'warm body' but he couldn't
deny the pleasure he felt at this moment. Darius realized their time was
coming to a rapid end. This could be one of the last times they were together
like this so he needed to memorize every feeling and stroke Angel gave him.

Angel's mouth was a hot fiery cavern with a tongue that seemed to

lick his cock with flames until he was literally burning up from it. He craved
more. Angel's mouth pulled up his aroused cock slowly and then licked
down past his balls. Angel lifted him so Dare's legs were draped over broad
shoulders. His head disappeared and he felt the delicious sensation chase
through him.

"What are you...Mmmm." He found a complete sentence beyond his

ability. Angel's long wet tongue was teasing his opening with little flicks.

Peeking up at him, Angel jokingly said, "I believe this is referred to as

'rimming.'" His head disappeared again and the fabulous feelings restarted.

He moaned as he felt Angel's tongue point into a sharp arrow and stab

into him. "Oh! Angel. Please," he pleaded. He loved when Angel did this to

Angel's pointed tongue entered him again and again just like an agile

little dick. At the end of each inward thrust, the tongue curled and licked
only to be dragged back out to quickly flick around the rosette entrance.

Once his entrance was slick and pulsating, Angel rolled on a condom

and entered him. Angel usually took him for a nice long slow ride, but
tonight it felt different.

The urgent need was sharper...stronger knowing the end of their time

in Bali was coming to an end. Neither of them wanted slow. They needed it
hard, fast and a little rough. The return to reality was looming, Darius
needed Angel to pound inside him hard so he could forget. Forget that he
was nothing but a 'friend with benefits' to Angel and soon those benefits

Angel didn't stroke his cock even though it was leaking and

practically whining for the attention of his big fist. He pumped himself
inside of Darius much quicker than usual. Angel found his release and
shouted his relief. It was almost enough to bring off him but Angel gripped

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the base of his cock stopping his completion.

"Ahhh, God why did you do that?" He grimaced as his building

orgasm abandoned him. Trying to figure out why Angel was rolling on a
condom onto his throbbing cock. "Angel?"

"Shhh, Darius." Angel kissed and licked into his mouth with heat.

He pushed his hips up to press into Angel's fist that was wrapped

around his aroused cock.

Angel let go of his cock as he reached under the couch to retrieve an

abandoned bottle of lube. He squirted some out and reached back to stretch
himself. Darius watched the sexy act while trying not to drool. Wait, why is
he opening himself up to me like this? Angel doesn't do this. He doesn't
bottom...he's never even done this.

"What are you doing?" The words just fell from his lips.

"Shhh, I want you to be inside me, Darius," Angel whispered, giving

him a shy smile.

"But I thought..."

Angel shook his head. "I know." Without another word exchanged,

Angel rose over Darius, straddling him slowly. "Want you. I want Darius
Stone to be inside me." Angel's voice was husky and dark.

They interlocked hands as Angel lined himself up and slowly glided

his opening onto Darius's lust-hardened pole. Once he was fully seated on
his lap, Angel closed his eyes to savor the fullness he must be feeling.
"Mmmm, Darius you are inside me." Angel opened his beautiful brown eyes
to look down into his face, and smiled. "You feel better than I ever
imagined." On a small groan, he raised himself up and then let gravity carry
him down.

"Oh!" Darius cried out in surprise. His cock was in the tightest hottest

hole he had ever been in. "You feel so good."

Then the entire situation hit him in the face. He was inside Angel,

where no one else had ever been before. Angel had never let anyone this
close to him because he couldn't separate the emotion from this particular
act. He had been saving it for love. Maybe? Though he did say other guys
could not let emotion in and just focus on the sex. His heart dropped when
he realized Angel probably just figured out that he couldn't possibly get
emotionally involved with Darius. Therefore, he was as safe as Angel's
purple plastic dildo. His heart broke a little more but since it was already

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completely shattered there wasn't much left to break.

Even though the shards of glass were being jammed in his heart, he

wanted the connection to go on forever. But that would be impossible given
how Angel was moving. He was all over Darius like hot liquid silk. "Angel!
Oh. So hot and tight."

Angel sat still for a moment and smiled his sex smile at him. His heart

stuttered as feelings tried to come out of his mouth but he clamped his
mouth shut. Angel canted his hips up and down as they got down to the
matter at hand. Sex. That's all this was, and he would do well not to forget it.

He reached around to grip the perfect globes of Angel's ass bouncing

up and down against Darius's thighs. Angel rode him with passion. He
moved his hands from Angel's backside to Angel's front side. That long cock
seemed very interested in gaining Darius's attention.

He wrapped his fingers around Angel and stroked him back to full

hardness. He rubbed the pre-cum that dribbled over the tip back down over
his long shaft. His own cock was in Heaven. Once Angel was fully aroused,
Dare let his cock enjoy the warm and snug fit of Angel's body.

"Close, Angel?" It was a question and a statement.

"Yeah." Angel barely said the word above his breath. Eyes stayed

locked on his. "Almost."

He hastened his stroking action on Angel's cock before he saw Angel

throw back his head and cry out his name as he came. Angel truly looked
like the God of Rock in a state of pure ecstasy. Long dark hair flowing back,
ripped muscles, slim angular features and a mouth made to be kissed crying
out in bliss. His creamy pleasure spurted all over Darius's chest.

The exquisite vision triggered his climax. Angel rode him hard as his

body squeezed pulling Dare's load up from his toes and out of his cock.
Angel continued moaning with the waves of his own orgasm as he milked
Darius of his burden. He roared with pleasured relief as he lost himself
inside of Angel's body. The contractions were so strong he thought he was
going to expire from it.

When they were both fully spent, Angel fell onto Dare's chest.

Aftershocks still hummed through their bodies, his arms holding Angel
while they caught their breath.

Angel groaned as he disconnected himself from him, placing a kiss on

his lips as consolation. He fell over onto his side and grabbed Darius to hold

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him close.

He felt like time was speeding up and reality was rushing to meet him.

He tried like hell not to hurt over the words that still rang in his ears. Darius
realized he should probably reassure Angel they would go back to friends
when they were back home. Put his singer's mind at rest, that he would keep
his promise and not turn into some kind of clingy chick.

Clearing his throat, he tried to find the right words. "Hey, Angel. I just

want to let you know..." Fuck this was hard! He cleared his throat again,
before saying, "I will honor our agreement."

Angel got up on his hands to look down into his face, and asked with

a smile and a bit of confusion. "What do you mean? Honor what?"

The blond casually threw an arm over his face to hide his watering

eyes. "You know, about us being just friends when we return..." He
swallowed down the tears that were stinging his eyes. He couldn't look at

Angel didn't say anything. It was completely silence in the villa.

Stumbling around for the right words, "I don't want you to think..."

That I fell in love with you and it is going to rip my soul out not be with
"That I would go back on my word." He worked on swallowing past
the lump of emotion that suddenly appeared in his throat.

"Oh. Yeah." Angel seemed to be looking for words. "Of course not,

Dare. I know that. You said 'friends with benefits' while we were in Bali..."
Angel's voice was soft and mellow.

His lips traced Darius's jawline and down to his throat returning back

up to his lips. He opened for him trying not to think. He let Angel's lips,
mouth and tongue erase the reality that was crashing in on them. They didn't
move from the day bed; they made out for a very long time before going to
sleep in each other arms.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 16

The mad dash to the airport was truly unnecessary since it was a

charter plane. However, it gave them something to do and Darius was
eternally grateful for something other to think about than his time with
Angel ending. Well, not ending. They were still friends and they were still in
The Dark Angels together. And wasn't that just perfect.

Darius was going to have to pretend everything was just fine. That the

best time he'd ever had in his life was as meaningless to him as it obliviously
was Angel. He knew this day was coming, but he did not expect it to feel
like his heart was ripped out and kicked to the curb. He hadn't expected to
fall in love.

So he focused on packing. He got obsessive about the little details. If

Angel noticed the growing space that seemed to be widening between them,
he didn't say anything. Probably because he approved of it, it showed him
that Darius was going to keep to his word. And he was damn it! He was
because there wasn't another option.

How stupid was he to fall in love with Angel Luv, the lead singer of

The Dark Angels? When he thought about how that sounded, the reality
should have always been clear to him. He knew this wasn't meant for keeps
so it was his own damned fault he had a knife twisting in his gut.

Sitting there on the plane now as the one flight attendant barely gave

them their safety instructions because he was too busy flirting with them.
Brad, his name was Brad, which he told Angel at least a dozen times while
he flirted with him. Angel wasn't returning the flirting or the invitational
banter but it still bugged Darius. He knew he had no right to be jealous.
They weren't together--after all that was the deal. Their time had come to a
close. So there was no reason for Angel not to pick up with his life before

Bali had not been the life-changing event for Angel as it had been for

Darius. He had not had the best sex of his life with another man. He did not
have to try to readjust how he thought about himself and who he was. He
had not fallen in love. Nope, Angel could just go on as before. Nothing had
changed for him where as everything had changed for Darius. The world had
become vividly full of color and now it returned to its dim shades of gray,
though darker now.

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Darius must have been really out of it because he jumped when Angel

laid a hand on his thigh and said, "What?"

Angel's hand gently traced a pattern up and down Darius's thigh.

Slow. Lazy. Sexy. Darius's cock already started to respond like one of
Pavlov's dog getting excited by a damned bell. Angel just needed to lay a
finger on Darius and he needed him like mad. Wanted him more than air.

Angel rested his head on Darius's shoulder and stage whispered,

"Technically, we are still in Bali."

Looking out at the tarmac, Darius could definitely see they were still

on the ground. "So?"

"Well, I think the pact is still in effect." Angel nuzzled into Darius's


Unable to stop the slight tilt of his head which allowed Angel to

nibble at the base of his throat which over the last few weeks he had learned
was one of Dare's weak spots. The tracing fingers on his thigh were moving
ever closer to Darius's uncomfortably hard crotch.

Darius wasn't able to find the words he needed. He knew he shouldn't

do this. It would be such a mistake. One more time that would be burned
into his memory. One more taste of what he couldn't have. He needed to stop
this immediately.

A large firm hand cupped him and gently squeezed. "Mmmmm, looks

like your body knows the pact is still in place too."

Darius's hips pushed into the massaging palm even as his lips were

rejecting the idea. "No, we can't." His head turned with traitorous lips parted
as if begging for a kiss, which Angel seemed more than happy to give him.

The kiss was soft and slow and gradually built into something it could

never be. But Darius's resolve was crumbling. What was one more time? He
was already fucked up for life. One more time, what could be the harm?

"Brad," he said the word as a last ditch effort to save himself.

Angel pulled back and looked into Darius's eyes, "What about him?

You telling me you want a threesome?" Angel's teasing tone was a bit off.
"With him?" His eyes shot towards the galley.

Darius answered a little too quickly. "No!" He should have taken the

disgust out of his voice and tried to keep it even. "He can see." As if on cue,
Brad made a bit of noise behind the curtained area as he prepared their meal.

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Angel relaxed back into Darius as much as his seat belt would allow.

He stepped up his campaign with firm rubs over Darius's denim covered
shaft and teasing bites on his neck that melted Darius from the inside out.
"Oh, if that's all. Let him watch."

Pulling the light blue duvet out from its special pocket in front of

them, Angel laid it over them. The puffy soft silk covered them and Angel's
hand went right back to where it was. Darius was barely aware that they
were taxiing down the runway.

"What are you doing?" The whisper came out more as a moan of


"If you don't know, apparently, I am doing something wrong." A

teasing smile accompanied his words. His tongue licked out to tease Darius's
silver hoops running up his ear lobe. Another discovery Angel had made and
used repeatedly for both their enjoyment.

A shiver raced through Darius's body as long fingers danced over his

zipper. The tab was lifted and his jeans were unzipped exposing skin to
seeking fingers.

"We shouldn't do this." He didn't know who he was trying to convince

because no one was listening to the words he didn't mean.

"You don't have to do anything." Angel's tongue traced Darius ear

before stabbing inside.

"Oh!" That was it. Darius gave in. Angel could have his way as he

always would when it came to Dare's body.

Arms wrapped around as they embraced and began sloppy, desperate

kissing. Darius couldn't get enough. He wanted more. Holding Angel tight
he was determined to take everything Angel gave him and if that made him
pathetic well, that was an issue for another day.

When Angel pulled back and gave a wicked grin, he knew he was in

so much trouble. The singer ducked underneath the blanket and within a
second, a warm wet mouth encompassed him. "Oh," he moaned a little too
loudly causing Brad to poke his head out from behind the curtain. He closed
his eyes and just hoped Brad wouldn't come over.

Angel's magical mouth was slurping away bringing him close to

climax. A little bit of turbulence added a new dimension to the amazing
suction. He was so close.

A throat cleared causing Darius's eyes to fly open. Brad was standing

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two feet away from him with a perfect understanding of what was going on.

"Can I get you something to drink?" Brad, the snarky little bitch,

asked in a patronizing tone knowing full well what he was interrupting.

Darius wanted to slap that smirk right off of his face. But before

Darius could even open his mouth to form words, Angel's head popped up
from under the swath of silk comforter to answer. "Yeah." He licked his
pretty pink lips before asking. "Could we have some champagne and orange
juice? Not mixed."

By the time Brad answered stiffly with a "Yes, of course," Angel had

immediately disappeared and the blanket over Darius's lap was moving in a
slow up and down motion. There was no mistaking what was taking place
even if Dare could swallow his moans at the sweetness of the sensation.

His eyes slammed shut when Brad turned to go stomp back up the

aisle. His hands grasped over the moving fabric to hold on to the head
hidden beneath. The plane shook, Angel sucked and he pushed in deep.

Whether it was the delay in stimulation, the turbulence pushing him

deeper into that talented throat, some desperate emotions surfacing or the
visual of the moving duvet cover accompanied by those gorgeous lips
pulling on his cock, Darius couldn't say. But within a minute, his body was
arching off the seat and Angel was swallowing all Darius had to offer.

Lovely wonderfully long swallows massaged his shaft in the most

delicious way and made him groan. Angel always sucked him off so
beautifully and this time was no different. When his cock was spent, it was
licked clean and left out of his jeans to air dry.

He collapsed back against the seat trying to catch his breath as Angel

resurfaced licking a bit of cream off the corner of his lips looking rather
smug. "Good?"

As if he had to ask. "Always." Darius wanted to bite his own tongue

off at his enthusiastic tone but Angel's mouth covered his making him forget
about his telling answer.

Brad glared at the look of satisfaction on the guitar player's face. He

was now wearing a pouty frown as he set their drinks down, splashing some
on the napkins underneath each glass. Angel picked up the orange juice and
handed it to Darius.

"To you." Darius cursed himself silently as he toasted Angel as he had

done for the last several weeks.

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There were so many little rituals they had developed between the two

of them. Private jokes and little sayings that meant something only to them
would have to be left behind. These habits were going to be hard to break.
The thought of not sharing them brought a wave of unexpected hurt.

Angel grinned as they clicked glasses. Once they finished the orange

juice he picked up the bubbly. "Here." As they clicked glasses, he said, "To
you and to Bali."

Darius felt the familiar sadness fall over his mood. He took a sip and

moved to set down the glass.

"No, drink it." Angel insisted with a grin. "You need it."

Not being able to help himself, he laughed and asked, "What... are you

trying to get me drunk?"

"Nope, just trying to keep you interested." Angel's eyebrows waggling

comically clarified his meaning. Why did he have to be so sweet and
The hot sexy god of rock was hard enough to not respond to, but
the real Angel was impossible.

Darius was almost successful in turning off all the warnings his brain

was shouting trying to avert more devastation. But he couldn't. So he simply
decided "fuck it." He was going to enjoy what was left of their reprieve
fully. He couldn't have refused what Angel offered if he tried. He wanted,
needed too badly.

Unlatching his seatbelt, Darius crawled over and straddled Angel's

lap. His fingers wrapped into his black hair. Dare pulled enough to allow
Angel to feel the sting of his need before his mouth covered his. His kiss
was desperate and hot as if he were trying to force an invisible print of his
lips on Angel's. Never having tucked himself back in, his naked erection was
rubbing against Angel. As the kiss deepened his hips moved quicker.

Getting off again sounded good. Real good, but he wanted something

more. He dropped to his knees in front of Angel. Without asking permission
he had that long thick cock free of clothing and was licking the wet tip of its

Darius wanted to make it last but he knew he couldn't. Angel was

clearly keyed up. Neither had achieved relief last night so Angel had to be
hurting. Darius didn't want to prolong his ache but wanted it to be something
to remember him by. To show him, he had learned over the past several
weeks how to give decent head. That he had mastered the skill to please him.

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Just him.

Turning all of his hurt at the ending of their Bali romance he

refocused to enflame his passion for the cock in front of him. Angel's eyes
were on his. Watching as his mouth slid over the top and took what he could
letting his hand stroke the rest. He had learned that Angel liked watching
and Darius liked showing. Darius hummed a little sending vibrations of
pleasure through Angel's shaft and down to his balls.

Then a small pocket of turbulence took over adding small shock

waves of sensation.

Fingers wound into his blond mop to get a good firm grip. His head

was tugged up and down at Angel's preferred speed as he drove him towards

A shiver of desire spiked through Darius as his head no longer moved

of its own accord. Giving up control to Angel was part of the thrill he was
just learning to enjoy. It felt freeing, like a weight he hadn't even known was
there, had been lifted off his shoulders. He didn't have to think, worry, plan.
He could just be and Angel would take care of the rest.

Angel was tossing his head against the headrest. His hips were

pushing forward. And his firm hands were setting the pace for Darius's
mouth. He was tugging his head at just the right speed.

On a strangled cry, Angel nearly shouted his name. At that moment,

rough hands tried but failed to be gentle with Darius's head as his mouth
filled with Angel's warm seed. Shot after shot, he swallowed the seemingly
endless flow of Angel's essence. When there was no more, he stayed on his
knees and continued to lick and suck as if a conclusion hadn't just been

Angel, never one to disappoint pulled Darius off his knees and with

deft movements both were unclothed from the waist down. Before he could
object or worry about them having Brad's unwanted company, he was pulled
back onto Angel's lap. Having never gone soft, both men were more than
ready for further entertainment.

Don't forget! That's what this is to him. I'm entertainment to kill time

on a flight. I am nothing but a simple offering to satisfy a rock god's lust.
Why? I can't stop myself.

Darius' head tried to warn him. But his heart didn't give a shit all it

knew was the man he loved was in his arms loving him...with his body at

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least. He swallowed any pride he had to settle for anything he could get.

Large hands cupped Darius's ass and helped him move all over so

their shafts could rub and wetly kiss. Both men wanted more but couldn't
pull themselves away from the pleasure they were already taking. They
moaned hungrily into each other's mouths. Angel squeezed and massaged
Dare's ass. The message was clear how much Angel's shaft wanted to plug
itself into him, but they rode the sensations they were creating until one
found then the other followed right into the blissful state of orgasm.

After the waves of pleasure finished crashing, he rested his forehead

on Angel's, trying to catch his breath. Panting, the singer moved back and
looked like he was going to say something but Brad interrupted them.

"Warm towel?" He asked them as if they weren't covered in each


A sound of strangled embarrassment came out as he buried his face in

Angel's shoulder. Before answering the dark haired man thoughtfully
covered the man on his lap with the duvet, as if to preserve what was left of
his modesty.

"Thanks." Angel took both of the warm towels to spare Darius having

to look at Brad. "And we will be ready to eat something whenever it is

Brad smirked. "Certainly, sir." He scurried off up the aisle to the

curtained area.

Dare pulled the towel away from Angel when he tried to clean him. "I

got it." He didn't mean to snarl but he was uncomfortable with turning into a
mindless sex toy whenever the singer snapped his fingers. The fact that
Angel wouldn't be snapping his fingers any longer ate at Dare even more!
They cleaned themselves and righted their clothing. Darius shook his head
trying to comb his fingers through it.

Angel just laughed. "You are so cute. It's adorable that you are shy

about an audience." Smiling, he added with a careless shrug, "Who cares?
We will never see him again."

He hated how the man whose lap he just cuddled in was so laid back.

Nothing mattered to him. Nothing at all. Including me! "What about the
camera on his phone?"

"Oh, right. I see," Angel frowned. "Wouldn't want it to get out that I

bent you on vacation."

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"No, it's not that," Darius tried to defend himself. It surprised him but

that really wasn't the issue. He just didn't want those kinds of pictures out
about him. His father took it hard enough that he was in a rock band, he
didn't want to add a sex scandal to it. Okay, so the fact that Angel was of the
same sex certainly wasn't a point in the plus category, at least on his parent's
rating scale, but it wasn't the biggest issue.

Angel turned and looked out the window. He shook his head. "No

worries, straight boy. These companies pay their staff well to keep the
passenger's business confidential," He shrugged and just like that an
invisible wall slammed down between them. "Good ole Brad doesn't want a
law suit for breaking his confidentially cause. Your dirty little Bali pact with
me will stay safe."

"Angel, it's not that! I just don't want those types of pictures of me, of

us out there."

"There is no us." Angel closed his eyes.

Darius swallowed the lump of emotion and blinked back the tears that

sprang to his eyes, "No. Yeah. I know." As if he needed any fucking
reminders of that tormenting little fact. "My parents..."

"Yeah, I know. Don't worry." Angel's eyes stayed closed his eyes as if

he were going to sleep ending the conversation.

When food came Darius tried to eat. It looked delicious but it had no

taste. Several times, he tried to make conversation with Angel but he was
shut down each time. Eventually, Angel put in his ear buds listening to his
iPod, making it clear all discussions were over. He gave up and tried to sleep
but couldn't.

An hour before landing, Angel grabbed his hand and pulled him out of

his seat. Without a word he followed him into the bathroom. Thankfully it
was a little bigger than those on commercial airlines so there was a bit of

Angel's mouth was plastered against Darius's who returned it with

fever. What the hell? This was it. It was really over after this and they both
knew it. They were landing, there were no other justifications to use.

They took all they could from each other with an animal-like

intensity. Angel tore Darius's shirt open and all Darius could do was moan
when a very talented tongue found his pink tips. A wet tongue teased and
taunted his nipple until Dare thought he would go crazy with need. Finally,

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the bite came and he almost did as well.

Darius couldn't allow himself to be passive. Time was a luxury he

didn't have. This was all there would ever be. This had to count for the
future when Angel would be in someone else's arms. Kissing someone else,
moaning for someone else to bring him pleasure and climaxing in someone

Hair was pulled. Hickeys were sucked into skin. Nails raked down

backs. No words were exchanged. They seemed incapable of conveying
what Darius wanted to say. What he wanted to hear. What he had no right to
expect to hear from Angel, he was just "a warm body." A little fuck toy
Angel used when nothing else was available.

He wanted to be so much more. But he swallowed that need behind

misty eyes and refocused on feeling every single sensation bestowed upon
him by his lead singer. It didn't matter to Darius that he was greedily taking
whatever he could get like he was starving for him. If that was sad and
desperate well, that was pretty much an accurate description of where he was
in his life.

Darius's hands gripped Angel's waist to pull him closer. Angel's hands

seemed to roam everywhere at once until Darius was whimpering with an
outright need that only Angel could satisfy.

"Oh," Darius yelped, a bit surprised at being lifted up and carefully

being set on the sink. The reason became clear as he realized the height of
the vanity put their hips at an even level.

The urgency cranked up a notch as the "Return to Your Seats" and

"Fasten Your Seatbelt" signs came on. They couldn't stop; they were too far
gone so they continued even faster. Darius's quick fingers were working
down Angel's button and zipper. Angel continued to kiss, lick and suck at
Dare's mouth while he opened Dare's pants.

When Angel wrapped his hand around both of them, they tried to hold

out as long as possible. They didn't pay any attention to Brad's voice over
the loudspeaker commanding them back to their seats. The feelings of
Angel's big hand wrapped hotly around them were simply too good to
ignore. Their need was too great. They finally surrendered to the sweet relief
of orgasm. Lips locked, they screamed into each other's mouths as wetness
gushed between them. Slowly, Angel's strokes slowed and finally stopped
with a gentle squeeze.

Neither one moved for a long moment. This was their last moment

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together like this. Ever. Their lips met for the final time. It was soft, sweet
and heartbreaking. Angel stepped back with a bowed head to tuck himself
back in. Some twisted part of Darius liked that he would be on Angel for a
little longer. Though he knew Angel probably didn't wash up just to save
time, Darius did the same. It was sick to want to keep Angel on him for as
long as possible, but there it was.

It was truly over. Now they needed to go back to reality and pretend

nothing had changed. Fuck it all! Life just truly sucked sometimes.

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 17

Dusty burst out of the soundproof practice room and into the main

room. "Angel, please tell me why we are doing another show of our old
shit." Clearly the drummer was put out practicing the old while wanting to
get into the studio to do the next album. They were spending most of their
time on the new songs, but Angel made them run through the old ones at
each practice session just to ensure they were still tight.

"To get rid of all those t-shirts that haven't sold. Man, you got to help

the vendors out with their old inventory." Angel teased him with a smile that
didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Fuck you, Ang. Seriously, why?"

"For the hundredth time, it is a tradition to end the tour where it

began." Angel sighed, not looking in Darius's direction.

Dusty shrugged and shook his head. "Delusional, that's what you are!

Whose tradition is that?" Dusty wasn't really pissed but he seemed to look
for any reason to pick on Angel since they had returned from Bali.

"The Dark Angel's tradition," Angel stated as if it were fact.

He snorted. "I see...NOT! You do realize since that was our first

friggin' tour, therefore we have no superstitions that limit us, you damned

Slapping Dusty on the back, Angel said, "Well, see that's where you

are wrong my friend. We have a tradition and we are playing right back
where we began our tour."

Everyone knew Dusty was just baiting Angel, trying to get a reaction

from him. "Yeah, but Ang, we should be working on the album." Everyone
knew Dusty lived for long practices, so clearly he was just bitching to bitch.
In truth, there wasn't much else in his life.

"Dumbass. We are working on the new songs. And after this show we

will be back in the studio recording the next album."

Josh snickered, enjoying the pointless pissing contest, knowing

neither would admit defeat. This conversation had been going on for the last
few days when a change of subject matter was needed to piss off Angel.

Robin walked over to where Darius was standing by the window. He

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ducked his head down and shoulder bumped him as he asked softly, "You

He didn't answer right away. It was as if the question didn't quite

register then he finally nodded. He pulled his fingers away from twisting his
gold thumb ring.

"You should stop by the apartment soon," Robin said. Josh came up

and draped an around arm Robin who smiled at him. Why they weren't a
couple, Darius could never quite figure out.

Dusty continued his diva fit with Angel rather loudly. "Yeah, which is

why practice is twice as long." He pointed to Robin and Josh. "There are
child labor laws you are violating."

Josh walked by and simply slugged him in the arm. "We are

twenty-two and twenty-three, ass wipe."

"That's Mr. Ass Wipe to you, youngster," Dusty said as he grinned as

he managed to land a swipe at the back of Josh's head.


"Ready to go home, brother dearest," Robin teased, trying to pull him

out of the fray. He rubbed the back of Josh's head for him.

As the back of his head was rubbed, Josh might have grumbled, "I am

not your brother." But no one could be sure that's what he said and no one
wanted to touch that one with a ten-foot pole. Watching the two of them was
as sweet as it was painful. Robin refused to think of Josh as anything other
than the brother he was raised with, and Josh was clearly in love with him.

Then Josh looked at Robin for a moment to grin his intent. Josh

slipped off of Robin to take another whack at Dusty before he darted out the
door. "Yup, I'm ready now."

"Pay back's a bitch, and so are you Josh!" Dusty called after the

laughing man.

Robin was shaking his green-blue head of hair as he watched Josh run

out of the door. That made him one up on the drummer. "Have a good night
guys." Robin smiled at them before following after Josh.

The remaining three said, "Good-bye."

Distraction gone, Dusty got right back on subject like white on rice.

"Ang. Seriously, dude. You are going with tradition?" He was laughing as if
the very thought of the non-conformist singer placing any value on standard

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patterns of conduct let alone superstition was hilarious.

Darius went over to grab his guitar as he quietly added his two-cents,

"Megan booked the venue again as a thank you prior to our last show. You
know this show isn't a surprise, Dusty." He shrugged as if it didn't matter to
him. Though nothing seemed to matter to him these days. "We do one last
show from the current album to cap it off. Then go record the new album.
Why give him grief?"

Shaking, the drummer pointed at him. "Oh, so you do speak." Dusty's

eyes narrowed, a trace of anger entered his voice. "What a great question.
Why give him grief? That's the question I have been asking..."

"Shut up, Dust." Angel spoke quickly to cut Dusty off just glaring at

him. After a small nod from Dusty, Angel continued, "It was planned
months ago and you know it. So stop your whining. It's not like you have a

"I resent that." Dusty frowned for a moment before he started

laughing, "Even if it is true, it is rude to mention it."

Angel rolled his eyes. Then his eyes landed on Darius who felt like a

bug under a magnifying glass, but he couldn't look away. He never could. It
was the first time since they'd been back that Angel seemed to notice him.
His fingers twisted at his thumb ring just staring back wanting to say

Dusty frowned as he looked from one to the other like he was

watching a tennis match. It was clear he was aware of the tension between
the two of them. Angel finally blinked and it seemed to release the paralysis
Darius was under.

Looking down and away, Dare picked up his guitar case at his feet.

"Well, have a good night guys." He moved to the door but failed when he
tried not to look back.

Angel was still watching him. He wished he could find a way not to

act like a freak where his lead singer was concerned. He did try to act
normal but it was impossible. There was nothing normal about the entire

Sighing, he headed out the door with his guitar. Another night of fun

stretched in front of him.

∗ ∗ ∗

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He decided to pretend life could go back to normal so he stopped at

the grocery store. Usually this time of night the store was dead and those
there didn't notice him. But Darius threw on a ball cap and a pair of glasses
just in case. Walking up and down the aisles pushing his near empty cart, he
realized how depressing it was shopping for one. Looking at the contents of
his cart he was shopping for none.

Shaking off the negativity, he restarted walking up and down the

aisles filling up the cart. When he looked at the half filled cart, he realized he
was picking up another item Angel liked. The entire cart was filled with
Angel's preferences. He wanted to scream. Not that he didn't like the sugary
cereals and whole wheat pasta...well, actually he didn't like whole wheat
pasta, he hated it.

He needed to get a grip! It was over. Angel didn't want him. He just

wanted Dare when nothing else was available. Filling his bare cabinets with
shit that Angel liked wasn't really going to be helping him move on. He left
the cart and headed home.

What was wrong with him? He couldn't watch TV. It wasn't fair, his

favorite shows were on and he was home but he didn't watch them. Every
program reminded him of what he and Angel had watched in Bali. How it
was in front of the TV that he got comfortable being physically close to
Angel. Hell, he even became a cuddler.

So he sat and played nothing on his guitar. Because he found if he

tried to play or write anything the subject always morphed into the same.
Angel. It was always about or for Angel. One night he tried to pour his heart
out into song but instead of helping him to heal or move on, it just made his
love get stronger. He wrote a song answering The Anthem of Heartbreak.
But what did it matter now?

Later that night he spoke to his mother on the phone. She knew

something was wrong, but he couldn't bring himself to tell her. What exactly
could he say? That he was a fucking idiot? That even though he was pretty
sure he wasn't gay he'd fallen in love with a man who only saw him as a
friendly hook up? That he'd finally fallen completely head over heels in love,
and the person he'd given his heart to used him for a convenient piece of
ass? Wouldn't that make her proud?

The conversation disturbed him. Now even though he was exhausted

mentally and physically, he was brimming with nervous energy. He paced
around his small apartment like a caged animal. Looking around he realized
it really was time to look for a new place. All the other guys had improved

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their digs but he hadn't bothered since he was rarely there. But maybe if he
had a nicer place to come home to it wouldn't be so bad. Right?

He sat down at his computer. He didn't want to answer emails. No

way was he going to read fan fiction about The Dark Angels, too many
stories about Angel. What was left? Porn.

Darius surfed for porn and almost laughed when he realized he was on

a gay web site. Why not? It was really for educational purposes, because it
didn't even give him an erection. Once again evidence proving he wasn't

So he decided since he wasn't batting for the team he had recently

been playing for maybe he should try the sexy female sites to get himself
stirred up. Hot chicks doing all sorts of nasty stuff. It should have sent him
up in flames. Nothing. Maybe he was impotent? But no it was worse than
that. The only freaking arousal he got came when he thought about Angel.

Fucking bastard had broken him. He couldn't get off to straight porn.

Gay porn just made him want to try new shit with his ex-lover. So eventually
he gave in like he did most nights, lying there like a pathetic loser stroking
off to someone who no longer wanted him. Again and again calling out
Angel's name in the darkness.

Lying there as the come dried on his stomach, he wondered how his

life had become so twisted. He wondered what Angel was doing? Who
Angel was doing? That was the thought that made shards of glass in his
heart twist and tear into him until he felt like he was bleeding inside.

That was followed by an even more disturbing thought. He just

wished for Angel to be happy. It didn't matter that his heart was in pieces.
Fuck, this really was love. He was feeling all selfless and shit. He was an
idiot! He should have gone out and gotten laid by easy girls wanting to score
with one of The Dark Angels like any other guy in his position would do. He
should have been swimming in women to forget about their brief, obviously
meaningless, affair.

But no, he was lying there missing Angel even though he was

spending thirteen hours a day with the fucker. He wished Bali had never
happened. He wished he could just forget about being more than friends with
Angel. Then he took both of those wishes back. Darius realized he wouldn't
ever want to lose those precious memories of his time with Angel regardless
of how he was kicked in the teeth at the end. Those were the best days of his
entire life. The laughs, the sweet words, the amazing sex, the friendship, the

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contentment, the love...everything he had never known he needed.

Sighing deeply, he fought the tears that threatened as he recalled all he

had lost, or rather what he'd never really had. Growing angry at himself for
allowing himself to feel this way, he thought bitterly that maybe he should
check Angel's ass 'cause that's the last place he seemed to have had his dick!

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Chapter 18

On and on Josh and Dusty debated the merits of something or other.

Darius blocked out the chatter easily. He was just happy he made it through
another practice. He had no freaking clue how he was going to get through
the upcoming show because of how things had changed before their hiatus.
He couldn't imagine allowing Angel to touch and kiss him. It would
seriously harm Dare's sanity. But fuck it all if he didn't crave it anyway he
could get it.

His finger traced the thumb ring he couldn't bear to take off. Every

time he looked at it he got a shot of the happiness he'd felt when Angel had
given it to him. Of course, that was followed up by an injection of painful
reality. It was becoming a cold reminder that he had meant nothing to Angel.
He had just been another warm hole for Angel to use to get off. Someone he
used to scratch his proverbial itch. He tried not to think of who was
scratching Angel now.

They were supposed to be just friends and Angel had made it clear

that's all they would ever be. He used the term friend loosely since Angel
hadn't spoken to him directly since they had gotten back. He could kick
himself but his freaking heart speeded up every time he was around Angel.
Maybe Angel could tell that his guitar player had gone all eighth-grade-girl
on him and wanted to keep his distance until Darius got a big assed grip on
himself. He really needed to pull himself together. After all, he had agreed to
just be friends. Angel seemed just fine with that. He should be too, but his
heart hadn't gotten that memo. Just friends

It wasn't until he was in his beautiful cherry red Mustang convertible

making his way around the twisty roads to his apartment that he breathed a
sigh of relief. No more practices until the show but instead of being
completely relieved, he felt bitten by a sense of loss. It meant he wouldn't
see Angel for a few days. Even though it killed him to be in the same room
with him and not touch him, kiss him, hold him, the thought of not seeing
him seemed to hurt more. Damned if he did and damned if he didn't!

It had been two weeks since Bali and he was still a mess. He knew it.

He hoped like hell he was hiding it from the band, but Robin had let him
know again today if Dare wanted to have dinner or to talk, he was there.
Well, he didn't want to talk but he needed to do something to take his head

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out of his ass. He couldn't keep going down this path to nowhere.

So he went past his apartment building and headed over to Josh and

Robin's place. Within fifteen minutes, he was in front of their apartment
building. They had left earlier so they should be home by now. He pulled out
his cell to call them.

"Hey," he said trying to overcompensate for his lackluster mood.

"Dare?" Josh sounded a bit surprised.

"Ah, yeah." God, he sounded like a moron. Maybe this was a mistake

but that didn't stop Dare from asking, "Would you and Robin mind some

"Sure, man. Oh, you're here. I see your sweet ride." Josh chuckled.

"Come on up."


Josh opened the door and let him in. He didn't say anything just

observed him for a long moment before he shouted, "Robby, we have

Robin came out of the kitchen wiping his hands on the chef's apron he

wore spattered with tomato sauce. "Oh, Dare! Take off your coat." Robin
was helping to remove his coat before he even moved. "So glad you came
over." Robin gave him a big hug as if he hadn't just seen him an hour ago.
Robin pulled the guitar player over to their breakfast bar, which overlooked
a small but fully loaded kitchen. "Josh, babe, could you please get him a
drink. Thanks." Robin went back to the kitchen to finish making dinner. "I
hope you like Italian. Josh wanted spaghetti and meatballs tonight."

Josh grinned over at the man he shared the apartment with. "That's

just because you make the best meatballs in the world," he stated as if were a
known fact.

"Don't let Uncle Leo hear that!" Robin laughed and went back to

making round meatballs and setting them in a tray to accompany the dozens
already there. Robin looked over his shoulder at him, "Uncle Leo taught me
everything I know in the kitchen."

He didn't know the whole story but knew that their 'Uncle Leo' was a

kindly old gentleman, who was no relation but somehow saved them from a
life on the streets when Josh's father kicked Robin out of the house. Uncle
Leo had come to several of their concerts to dote on them, and the guys
clearly adored him. He had also taught them how to play music.

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Josh stood in front of him. "You look like you need a drink. What's

your poison?"

He shook his head. "Whatever." It didn't matter as long as it would

numb him a bit. Well, there's a thought to get me on the right road to
becoming a raging alcoholic!

Robin looked over his shoulder as he put the tray of meatballs into the

oven. "You're right. He looks like he could use an actual drink. Give him a
seven and seven. I'll have a..."

Josh smiled. "I know. An Amaretto on the rocks." Josh made the

drinks and handed them out.

Giving Josh a big grin, Robin shut the door and set the oven. Robin

put water and sauce in pots to warm, and then he made Italian bread with
real chopped garlic.

"So I love how the new songs came out." Robin beamed at him while

he and Josh gathered ingredients for a salad.

"Yeah, me too." Dare just sat there and watched them work together.

It seemed so seamless. They anticipated each other's needs. Right before the
one of them was about to ask for something, the other handed it to him.

Dare tried to think of something to say. He finally asked, "So you

guys cooked a lot with your Uncle Leo?"

At that point, Robin looked up to answer and he bumped into Josh's

hips. Josh had been using the salad spinner and he froze biting his lip. A
deep red blush flushed both of their faces. Josh answered for them, "Yeah,
but Robin is a much better cook."

Darius wasn't sure what the whole blush was about but he couldn't

help but think how nice it would be to have someone know exactly what he
wanted and give it to him. Angel did that but well...that was over now.

Josh's voice pulled him out of his head. "So Dare, how long do you

think it will take us to cut the new album?"

"I don't know. Last time, it went pretty quickly. Hopefully it will go as


Within a few minutes, the two of them were done in the kitchen. They

took up their untouched drinks and led Darius over to the sitting area.

"Here, let me get you another," Josh played the good host while Robin

sat down.

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"Thanks," Darius said as he followed them over to the sitting area to

sit in the matching overstuffed leather chair next to the soft blue sofa Robin
sat in.

The room, like the entire little apartment, was neat and clean. There

were pictures on the walls of the twins, their Uncle Leo, the band and the
places they had traveled to on vacation. Everything was done in soft blues
and greens. Maybe it was the drink he had consumed but it appeared that
everything matched Robin's hair which was done in darker peacock blues
and greens. The apartment was soothing, modern but still cozy.

Before Josh sat down he got Robin a bottle of water. "Drink so you

don't get a headache." The concern and care Josh gave Robin made Dare
quite envious. Angel used to...NO! He needed to stop waxing poetic about
something that never really was.

"Thanks, Josh." Robin smiled sweetly at the man he grew up with

when he was handed the bottle of water.

"No problem I just don't want you to get a headache." Josh shrugged

at Dare. "When he drinks he needs to drink a lot of water to
compensate."Josh sat down next to him on the sofa. Their legs went up and
comfortably twisted together reminding him of puppies getting comfortable.
Darius had noticed this before. They seemed to always be touching or near
to touching. If they weren't together and touching, they seemed almost on
edge. The physical contact seemed to calm them.

"Megan would be happy to know that." He tried to joke but he wasn't

in the mood to be funny.

Josh didn't say anything but looked relaxed as he stole a sip of Robin's

drink. Robin reached over to touch his knee. "We want to thank you again
for the wonderful instruments you brought back from Bali. We love them."

Dare had seen them displayed on the wall and on the entryway table

as he walked in.

"I can play one of them, sort of." Robin beamed with pride. "But Josh

has already mastered four out of the five."

Josh rolled his eyes. "I wouldn't say mastered them," he said though it

was clear he was happy Robin was impressed with his musical prowess.
"Robin has started writing some lyrics based on some of the melodies I have
been able to come up with. So yeah thank you, they are truly beautiful."

Robin's cheeks stained pink as he looked away from both of them. He

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was so shy and embarrassed easily. It was hard to believe he could actually
perform in front of thousands.

"Good. I am glad you guys like them." Darius tried to sound

enthusiastic but realized he failed miserably when both brothers looked at
him. "Angel and I..." The sentence died when his voice broke and his eyes
slammed shut against the water that sprang to them. Fucking allergies

"Do you want to talk about it?" Robin asked the simple

straightforward question that seemed to open the floodgates.

Darius spilled his guts like he was ripped open with a very sharp

knife. Everything came out. His confused feelings at not being gay but
wanting Angel, their "friends with benefits" pact, his overhearing that
painful conversation Angel had with Dusty on the phone, Angel deciding he
could have Dare inside of him without emotional ramifications. He even
shared his humiliation of allowing Angel to have him on the plane on the
way home.

His hands covered his face as he ended his tale of woe. "How pathetic

is that?"

Robin moved over to pull him into a big hug. Dare stiffened for a

second fearing he would lose it completely but he found comfort in what
Robin offered. Robin was so skinny he fit in the space he didn't fill on the
chair. Josh got him another drink.

"Oh, Dare," Robin reassured him. "You aren't pathetic at all. Love can

really suck." Robin held him tighter and just rocked him.

Josh sat where Robin had been sitting and just handed Darius the

drink. His eyes seemed to catch Robin's. Robin ended the hug with a big
squeeze before he returned to the sofa to curl up next to Josh.

"Look I am sorry for dragging you guys into this mess but I needed

someone to talk to." Dare apologized, realizing he could be making the guys
feel awkward. After all they were in the band as well.

Robin sighed and nudged Josh. Josh looked a bit uncomfortable then

cleared his throat. "Look. We've got to say, we knew there was an issue
between you two. Robin guessed the basic situation."

He flushed a bit. Yeah, looking at how he had been acting since his

return it was pretty obvious. "Sorry." He looked down and away from them
just as Josh pulled the blanket off the back of the sofa and laid it around
Robin's shoulders.

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"Thanks." Robin muttered to Josh as he finished tucking him in.

Turning his attention back to Darius, Robin said, "Honey, there is nothing
for you to be sorry about. The question is what can we do to help?"

He shrugged.

"Let me make sure I understand," Robin said softly. Dare looked over

as Robin stated the raw boiled down truth. "You love Angel."

He sputtered a bit before choking out, "I didn't say that."

Josh grinned. "Yeah, you did. Just not in so many words." Both guys

were staring at him with small smiles on their faces.

He sighed but stopped arguing.

Josh continued. "But you don't think he has feelings for you?"

"As I said before he referred to me as a "warm body" and "scratching

an itch"." He said the words but failed to divorce himself from the pain the
memory bought him. Darius touched the circle of hammered gold on his

Robin leaned over Josh to reach for Darius's hand. "That's beautiful.

Did Angel give you that?" Robin held his hand to examine the artisanship
that went into making the piece.

Josh gently pushed blue-green hair out of Robin's face and Robin

closed his eyes as he leaned into Josh's hand for a moment before he seemed
to catch himself. His big pretty eyes batted open as if they had never been

"Yeah," Darius finally said as Robin looked at the ring some more.

"He knew I liked it."

Robin looked at it thoughtfully. "So it was just sex?" Robin let go of

his hand and slowly moved closer to Josh. "Did you go on dates?"

"Well, not...really dates." He frowned. "He did create lavish dinners

for us in the villas."

"What was the mood?" Robin questioned. He and Josh both looked at

Robin. "You know what I mean? Was it romantic or just good food?"

He bit his lip and shrugged as he admitted, "There were flowers and

candles. He seemed to go out of his way to make the dinners perfect. You
know like ordering food I love." He blushed a bit when he added, "He even
had a special chocolate dessert prepared for us to share."

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Josh's eyes widened. Robin smiled as he asked, "Did he kiss you with

his eyes open or closed?"

"Closed. What does it matter?" He huffed in confused amusement.

Robin was still smiling and Josh was now grinning as he answered for

him, "'Cause Angel doesn't kiss warm bodies."

He looked surprised. "Huh?"

Josh rolled his eyes. "Have you ever seen Angel kiss anyone?"

He thought for a minute about all the times he'd walked in on sexual

events, and hell, even the last time he was with Angel while getting a
blowjob from the little tartlet, Angel never once kissed him. "N-no."

Robin blurted out, "He didn't even kiss us when..." Josh bumped into

him making his mouth snap shut.

Josh brought them all back to the point. "Angel doesn't kiss anyone."

Josh chuckled, "Except for you."

Dare's mouth opened and closed.

"And guys don't buy each other jewelry...especially not rings if

feelings aren't involved," Robin said with confidence. Josh's head swung
back to look at him then turned back to refocus on Darius.

He tried not to let the tiny kernel of hope in his heart grow. "So what

are you saying?" Dare wanted it spelled out for him.

The door buzzer rang. Josh got up to deal with it and Robin went to

the kitchen to check on dinner. He just sat there thinking about all the
information. He set his drink down just as Dusty walked in.

Not being able to stop himself, he looked past Dusty to see if Angel

followed. When the door closed, he tried not to be disappointed. He waved
to Dusty as he got up to fix himself another drink.

Josh, ever the good host, got Dusty the bottle of water he requested.

Robin came out of the kitchen. He pulled Dusty into a big hug and

asked, "Can you stay for dinner?"

Dusty sniffed the air and sighed. "Nah, can't. Smells great though."

Looking over at Darius, he added, "I'm having dinner with Angel."

Dare could feel all eyes lock on him. What? What was he supposed to

say to that?

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"My boy's messed up." Dusty anger bled into his voice. "Bad." His

eyes seemed to narrow in on him. "I don't think he's been eating much since
he returned from Bali."

Darius gulped down the drink. How many had that been? Three or

four? More than he was used to for sure. He closed his eyes for a moment
trying to make himself remember it wasn't his place to worry about Angel.

"I think that's going around," Robin spoke softly as if to calm Dusty's


Dusty seemed to pull himself up short before throwing out more

thinly veiled accusations. "Oh yeah?" Looking at Robin, then Josh and then
focusing on Darius.

Darius ignored them all as he threw back the drink not wanting to deal

with more of Dusty's misplaced temper. Yup, on the road to alcoholism.

Josh chuckled. "Most definitely. Appears Bali can really mess up a

guy's digestion."

He opened his eyes to find everyone smiling in his general direction.

Dusty was nodding as he grinned at him. First anger now smiles, maybe
Dusty needed medication? Ask Megan to give him 'special water'? Darius
caught himself before he laughed. He must really be feeling the booze.

Robin pulled Dusty into the kitchen. "Let me get you some meatballs

to go." Josh followed.

There was loud whispering in the kitchen but he couldn't make it out

so he just sat there. A couple of minutes later, the guys and Dusty laden with
a plastic container filled with meatballs came back into the living room.

"Oh, forks." Robin ran back into the kitchen and returned with two

plastic forks, napkins, two bottles of water and a shopping bag to put it all

Dusty didn't argue as he took the supplies from Robin. "Thanks man."

Looking over at him, Dusty grinned. "Take care man. I'll make sure our boy

Josh laughed, patting Dusty on the back. "See you man. We'll do the


Robin added, "Drive safely, Dusty!"


The door closed and Robin turned around with a great big smile.

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"Come on. Dinner time." Josh led the charge in setting the table by telling
Dare where all the plates, cups and silverware were located. Robin got the
pasta drained and rinsed. Josh set out the serving bowls for the meatballs and
pasta. He reached up and got a wicker basket for the garlic bread. Josh put
the salad on the table. Robin put the finishing touches on the food and pulled
serving utensils out of the drawer. Dare and Josh carried everything out to
the table while Robin took Dare's drink order for a soda. He brought that to
the table with two big glasses of cold milk.

"Want milk instead, Dare?"

Robin must have caught him staring at the glasses of milk. Not

wanting to insult them, he agreed. "Yeah. Thanks." Cold milk sounded good.

They passed around the food and filled their plates. Rather, Josh and

Darius filled their plates, while Robin only had a little bit of pasta and a
meatball in his plate.

Josh frowned and shook his head. "Please, Robby."

"I am not that hungry, Josh." Robin's lower lip actually pouted out.

"Please Rob-Rob, for me," Josh was pulling out the big guns to get

Robin to eat. Darius agreed the guy really was a little too heroin chic.

"Rob-Rob?" The question slipped out before Dare thought about it.

Robin blushed and touched Josh's hand. "Yeah, when we were little

Josh could get me to do just about anything by calling me Rob-Rob." He
smiled at Josh sweetly.

Frowning, Josh said, "Too bad it doesn't work for everything." Robin's

eyes went wide but said nothing. "Come on, Rob-Rob. Eat."

Robin closed his eyes in defeat and Josh added another meatball and

more pasta.

He couldn't believe how adorably sweet these two were together.

Robin glared at his 'brother' but when Josh reached out to give his hand a
squeeze. Robin's glare turned into a small smile and he started to eat.

"So what's the plan Robby?" Josh asked.

Robin's innocence seemed to vanish as an evil mastermind invaded

him. "Dare stops lying to himself. We help him write a song. He sweeps
Angel off his feet. Hot rocker boy ends up with hot rocker boy and a very
happy ending for all."

He looked from one to the other as if they had lost their minds. "Huh?

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You have been reading way too much of The Dark Angels Fan Fiction, you
know that right?" Dare let himself smile for a moment allowing that kernel
of hope to grow. "What did Dusty say?"

Robin smiled sweetly and Josh grinned like a cat over a goldfish


"Come on, spill it." Darius was trying to stay sane but the seven and

sevens were catching up. He ran his fingers through his blond mop that
flipped over the right side of his head. His silver earrings jingled lightly as
he waited impatiently for them to come clean.

Robin's eyes sparkled. "Let's just say you are not the only one..." He

stopped looking for the right phrase.

"Fucked up," Josh supplied the words.

Smiling at Josh, then at him, Robin exclaimed, "Exactly!"

He was shaking his head trying to make his alcohol soaked brain think

clearly. "But..."

"But, nothing. Angel is just as screwed up as you are and for the same

reason." Robin spoke slowly as if he knew he was having trouble processing.
"You are going to write a song and sing it to him at the show. You are going
to do the 'Grand Gesture' and prove your feelings for him."


"You love him," Robin said.

He inhaled and exhaled slowly. He shrugged. "Yeah." Of course he


"You want him." Josh stated it as a fact.

"Yes." More than anything in the world.

Robin cut to the conclusion. "Then nothing else matters, right?"

Darius looked from one to the other. But he still didn't know how to

do any of it. "Thank you. But now what?"

May be it was the alcohol but Robin's eyes seemed to sparkle at him.

"We plot."

"Plot?" He asked trying to wrap his head around the entire evening.

Josh's laugh barked out.

"Okay. Since you drank you can't drive tonight anyway, you can stay

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and we can start on the song right away. We don't have another practice until
the day of the show. So we have plenty of time."

Josh smiled at Robin then turned to arch an eyebrow at Darius.

"Okay." Smiling for the first time in forever, he added, "I may have a

couple songs that might work if you guys are willing to help..."

∗ ∗ ∗

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Chapter 19

Darius didn't see Angel until the day of the show. At the sound-check

and rehearsal, he made a couple of half-hearted attempts to speak with him
but lacked the follow through necessary for an actual conversation. He
couldn't figure out an opening.

The show was awkward and stilted. The fans were simply confused.

On stage, Angel was stiff around Darius. Dusty tried to catch Angel's eye a
number of times but Dare saw Angel purposefully not looking up at the
drummer. He had even gone so far as to change their set list taking off any
song where they interacted. The fans were going to throw a hissy fit if the
show ended in this bizarre manner. This was not The Dark Angels they had
paid good money to see. This was a train wreck.

The show was painfully drawing to a close. Angel belted out Anthem

of Heartbreak with even more feeling than usual. Before he sang the first
notes, Dare could see tears were leaking down Angel's face. Angel's voice
jagged with hurt. It might have been his imagination but Angel didn't have to
dig to find his pain. It was right there on the surface for all to see.

At the end of the song, Angel crumpled to the floor with his peacock

colored wings behind him. As planned the lights stayed on longer than usual
and Angel being the professional he was, froze in the spotlight waiting for
them to go off so he could exit. But that didn't happen, another spotlight
came on.

In a shaky voice, Darius began to sing out the words of the song that

he had written and Robin helped him polish. Josh was playing one of the
stringed instruments from Bali. The song was called With Wings. The first
few lines were about a lost love and a desperate need to recapture it.

The pain of over

Is ripping me apart

We are done before we've had our start

The rain of tears were falling

Before you even knew my heart

His voice grew stronger as he felt the words that he had written for

Angel course through him.

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I was los

You found me there

You gave me something

I hoped you really cared

But you left like there was nothing to it

You left before you really knew it

The crowd inhaled quietly. He bent to enfold Angel in his arms as

words of love, his love, his need and desire were belted out. His voice now
strong was filled with conviction.

I can't see your smile

And not want to be the reaso

I can't see your lip

And not want to kiss them

It should be no surprise

I can't be just your friend

We are so past that season

Angel finally looked up to see him. He was shirtless just like Angel

but his wings were a beautiful pearly white. Angel seemed a bit disoriented
but took the offered assistance to stand. His eyes asked a million questions
of Darius but Darius just gently brushed away the tears that still traced down
Angel's face as he sang his deep love and longing for Angel.

Gonna love you if you'll let me

Don't give a damn about what that means

Cause without you I am coming apart at the seams

I want you to be mine

Mine until there is no more time

I can't see your smile

And not want to be the reaso

I can't see your lip

And not want to kiss them

I can't be just your friend

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We are so past that season

Dusty and Robin added their sound as the music took off. He cupped

Angel's face to gently draw him down into a soft slow kiss. Time froze as he
tried to convey all of his feelings in that one kiss. His lips moved across
Angel's mouth wordlessly asking for another chance at what they had in

The shadows they were casting on stage were very theatrical. The two

winged males holding each other, tenderly kissing had the audience
enchanted. Especially since said men had been acting strangely disjointed
and out of sorts all night. Their fans were bright enough to realize they were
privy to more than a new song. They were witnessing a bold declaration.

Angel pulled back as if he were trying to understand what was

happening. But Darius wouldn't allow the distance as his lips continued to
plead his case. Kissing Angel's angular jaw and down to his neck. This
seemed to wake the crowd and they began going crazy. He held the taller
man tightly against him as he sang the rest of the song looking deeply into
those beautiful brown eyes. The words were full of meaning, heavy with
love and devotion.

You are my heart,

My love

My life

Take it al

Take everythin

There's nothing left

Cause I can't be just friends

We are so past that season

As the spotlights went out, and soft lights lit the stage, he prayed to all

things holy that Angel returned his feelings. Regardless of what the other
guys said he really felt like he was hanging on over a ledge here. He could
be making a fool out of himself for no reason, but the chance was worth

He spoke into his ear, "Angel, I love you."

Angel shook his head as if denying the statement. He replied, "But

you aren't gay, Dare." Angel looked undone by the declaration and tried to
step back.

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He couldn't let that stop him. His heart was racing. This was it. He

was putting everything out there. If Angel rejected him it would devastate
him but at least he would have no regrets. He had to try. "Gay, straight or bi,
it doesn't seem to matter. I love you." He wouldn't be dissuaded. He had
fought himself far too long not to overcome Angel's half-hearted protest. "I
love you. Only you."

Angel remained speechless. The crowd shut right up. Darius briefly

wondered if their headset microphones were still on. But by the looks on the
audience's faces he was pretty sure their little scene was being heard by all.
He was dimly aware that thousands of people had hushed and were hanging
on their every word. But it took a backseat to the matter at hand.

He needed Angel to say something. To say anything. Darius had just

proclaimed his love and Angel was silent. It didn't appear to be a good sign,
but he was going to go down swinging. So he pushed for a response. "I can't
be just friends. I love you. I want more."

Angel's voice barely above a whisper, "More?"

"I want it all, Angel." Darius needed Angel to understand how serious

he was. He was all in but he was willing to compromise. He would give
anything he had, allow anything to be with Angel. Since Bali, his life lost its
meaning. Without Angel in it, life pretty much sucked.

Sighing, he back-peddled. He would compromise. "Look, I will settle

for this." He pulled him down for another teasing soft kiss. "Just this." It
would kill him not to have all of Angel but some of what you wanted was
better than none at all. Another tender kiss was placed across the seam of
Angel's mouth. "Please. I'll be your warm body, Angel. I don't care. I just
need to be with you."

"God, Dare." Angel looked out at the stunned crowd. They had

forgotten the thousands of eyes were watching this drama unfold. His dark
head turned back to him as his peacock colored wings brushed against his
white ones.

His head dropped forward to hide his pain and fear of rejection. He

didn't care if he sounded desperate or pathetic. "You don't have to love me.
Just let me be with you. I love you."

Angel growled and took control. He grabbed him and dipped him so

low his wings brushed the ground. Then his lips were pulled into a romantic
kiss. It was probably thrilling the audience but thrilling him so much more.
The singer pulled back from the clinging soft moist lips, his eyes were

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sparkling. Angel simply said, "I don't want to be friends. I don't think I could
ever be friends with you again."

Pain and confusion sliced through Darius. He opened his mouth but

Angel captured it in a quick kiss before continuing to clarify. "I can't be just
friends. It wouldn't be enough. As you sang, we are well past that season. I
love you." Pausing to bite Darius's lower lip, he sucked it into his mouth
before taking another kiss. "You said you wanted to honor our pact, so I let
you go."

"But...wait you love me?"

"Of course I do. How could I not?" Angel looked as if he questioned

his sanity. "I thought you understood when...but then right after you talked
about honoring the pact. Maybe Dusty's right. I am an idiot!"

Words escaped Dare so he pulled Angel down for another kiss, this

time searing his insides.

The crowd lost it. There was roaring, screaming, and people trying to

scramble on stage. The security had their hands full for a couple of minutes
until Angel stopped kissing him long enough to speak to the crowd. He
helped Dare stand up straight and smirked when he was a bit unsteady.
Angel placed a loving kiss on his forehead. Taking his hand, he walked them
over to the edge of the stage, front and center to speak to the crowd.

Leaning down to them he said, "Hey! Hey, there!" His hand squeezed

Dare's for a moment as they waited. Once he had their undivided attention,
Angel began to purr to the audience, "If you boys and girls can behave, I
will sing about what I am planning to do right after the show." He looked at
Darius, who was shaking his head and laughing. Turning, Angel kissed him
full on the mouth causing mayhem once again for several minutes.

Grinning back at the other guys, Angel blew kisses of thanks. When

calm was restored, or as close as they were ever going to get, Angel smirked.
"As I was saying, if you boys and girlies can behave, I will sing about what I
am going to do right after the show." He leaned down further to the audience
to stage whisper, "Right back stage," grinning big at Darius. Then running a
hand through his hair and looking far too sexy, he teased the audience, "If
he'll let me. I hope he will..."

The noise from the audience was deafening. Dare blushed as he was

more than ready to head back stage right then and there. Damn Angel for
promising another song. He hoped he could make it through it without
orgasming right there on stage. Kissing Angel had made him rock hard and

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now he knew Angel was going to torment him with flirting, teases and
rubbing up against him on stage. He had serious doubts about whether his
body could handle the stimulation without creaming in front of their fans.
Although it was a price he would gladly pay! Angel loved him!

Angel walked them, strutted really, further back to center stage. Angel

ran his long tongue across the seam of his mouth. His large palm connected
with Darius's backside, sending thrilling shivers through his needy body,
giving him a reminder of where Angel would soon be lodged. It had been far
too long and he needed it. Badly.

Everyone froze. People stopped trying to climb onto the stage. They

remained on their feet but returned to stand in front of their seats. The noise
level dropped. Angel called out to Josh who was on guitar, but it was
probably unnecessary.

Everyone knew the song Angel was going to sing. The first notes of

Love Me Fuck Me Suck Me were played by Josh then Dusty and Robin came
in. They extended the intro to give Dare and Angel enough time to get out of
their wings. They handed off their microphoned headsets to one of the
roadies since Angel just about knocked them off their heads during their last
kiss. He grabbed a cordless mic to finish the show.

Angel stood shirtless and smirked out at the crowd. "Pervs!" He

teased the audience as they clapped their approval. He and Angel allowed
the roadies to take off their wings. It was odd not to have his guitar but it
allowed him to focus on singing with Angel. He decided he was going to
torment Angel a bit for having the idea of singing another song instead of
getting them alone. So he planned to do all the motions with more than a
little eagerness than was usually permissible on stage.

The entire audience joined them in song. Angel sang, "I want to love


He playfully grabbed the microphone and sang, "I do love you!" Then

he laid a hot kiss right on Angel's surprised very pretty mouth. Angel
grinned his approval. He realized right then his plan was flawed in that this
was no punishment for Angel. Angel would never be embarrassed by
anything he could possibly dream up. Hell, Angel could take Darius right on
the stage and it wouldn't cause him a moment of worry. This was just a
public display of foreplay, but right now that was okay by him.

"I want to fuck you!" They sang together as Dare slid behind Angel to

run his hard dick up and down the cease of Angel's leather pants. Angel

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made a show of bending his knees and arching his back so the shorter man
could reach his ass. The move teased them both with want and need. Angel
pushed back into him and moaned for all to hear as he wiggled his butt
against him sending sensations through both of them.

They combined their voices to make a gorgeous sound. "I want to love

you! I want to fuck you!" Angel got behind him and thrust his clothed body
into his leather encased backside as the music took off.

Circling to the front of Angel, he wanted to make Angel crazy so he

gracefully dropped to his knees in front of him. Angel held the mic down to
him as he looked up and sang, "I want to suck you!" His tongue came out
and swiped over Angel's leather covered cock. Angel's breath loudly hitched.
Instead of just bobbing his head stimulating the look of a blowjob, Dare
moved forward. His mouth closed over the side of Angel's large dick
outlined in the tight leather tearing a groan from his singer. His open mouth
slid up and down the leather that hid the shaft he was dying to suck.

Angel wrapped his fist in his hair and pulled that wicked mouth harder

onto him, moaning with pure desire into the mic. It sounded wicked and
dirty, like something out of a porno. The crowd went wild. He slowly rose
up to his feet, turned and pulled Angel to the side so the audience could see
both of them in profile. Their cocks were straining as if they were trying to
escape the leather that confined them to reunite.

His voice dropped to sing almost softly, "I want to kiss you..." The

music soared as his mouth captured Angel's in a hot wet French kiss. The
music went on and on as they shared a scorching hot kiss. Darius owed the
guys in the band a big thank you for following their lead so well and giving
them as much time as they needed.

Angel finally broke the kiss. Pulling away they both panted. They

turned to look out at the fans. The audience was practically losing their
minds while dancing and jumping to their music. He was trying to catch his
breath as Angel sang, "I want to lick you." Angel ran his hand through
Dare's blond mop before latching on to it and exposing his neck. Angel's
tongue licked a long wet line from the base of his throat to his chin.

He tried to stifle the moan but couldn't. Angel made sure the shared

microphone caught every whimper. Angel gave him a pleased smile then a
quick kiss on the mouth before continuing the song, "But he does really
want me." Angel pulled away just enough to sing his joy to the audience.
"Yes. He does really need me...That's the joy of my love..."

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Angel was changing the words as he sang. Dare didn't want to mess

up the lyrics Angel was singing on the fly so he just hugged him tight.
Finally, the song came to an end with Angel singing his love and need for

They didn't wait for bows or encores. Angel gave a quick wave, blew

a sexy kiss to the audience then dragged Darius off stage and into the private
dressing room without further pause. Even though the band knew to stay the
hell out, they locked the door against any other intruders.

Within minutes of entering, they were both naked. It had been a while

and he got a little shy looking at the larger man's body, but that didn't stop
him from drinking it in. Angel was every inch the Rock God the tabloids
claimed him to be. His hands skimmed restlessly over Dare's skin to settle
on his ass. On a low groan, Dare pushed his ass back into Angel's palms.
Angel Luv, his very own Rock God.

Angel's hands squeezed the muscles and a finger brushed near his

opening. He thrust forward causing his weeping dick to slip across Angel's
lust-hardened rod, painting it with sticky sweet pre-come that was seeping
from the tip. Angel's fingers found the piece of plastic Darius had in for the
entire show.

He grabbed some strands of blond hair, pulling Dare's face to his own.

Angel's other hand was tapping the butt plug causing sweet sensations to
ripple through Dare. "What's this, baby?" he asked innocently, as if he didn't

Darius gasped. He was already so turned on and very close to the

edge. "You know." He leaned his head to the side so Angel could lick, suck
and kiss his neck at will. Groaning when Angel didn't pass up the offer, he
smiled knowing he was going to be sporting some hickeys tomorrow.

Angel sucked on his neck marking him "taken." "You planned this?"

Angel asked, not upset but clearly impressed.

"Well, yeah. I wanted to be ready for you..." His voice trailed off.

"Are you?" Angel asked between licks, sucks and bites. "Are you

ready for my big dick? 'Cause you know where it is going, don't you?"

"Yeah. I know." He swallowed, feeling his face catch fire.

"I love that blush, Darius Stone." Angel sounded way too smug until

he said, "I love you."

"I love you too, Angel." Angel sucked up another hickey on Dare's

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shoulder. Dare was growing far too impatient for this teasing. "Please,
Angel." He didn't care if he was begging. He wasn't above it. Angel had
proven that to him again and again in Bali. His need could be heard in his
breathless pleas to be taken.

Angel's fingers moved the plug he had used to ready himself for

Angel. "That's right baby. Beg for me. Beg me to take you. You want me
inside. Deep inside, don't you?"

Groaning Darius, begged. "Please Angel. Yes. Take me, hard."

"God, Darius." Angel smiled. He shook his head then rested it on top

of Dare's sweat dampened blond mop. "You had this in you the entire show,

He groaned with pent up frustration, "Yes. Now! Please, Angel.

Inside. Need you so bad."

On a growl, Angel sat in the red chair and pulled him on to his lap. He

slid the piece of plastic out of Darius and replaced it with his cock. The
guitarist slowly sank into him. He was wrapped around him in every way.
Dare rose up to slam back down and that's when Angel froze.

When Dare would have moved, Angel held him still. "No. Don't,"

Angel sounded like he was being strangled. He felt if Angel didn't let him
move he was going strangle him for real. Darius could feel the dick up his
ass throbbing like a heartbeat. He just wanted to bounce up and down until
they both exploded.

"What?" Dare asked in a tone that complained with frustrated need.

"Not, um wearing anything."

He sighed and took a cleansing breath. They had talked in Bali but

had decided to continue to keep the rubber between them. Not for safety,
since they both tested clean but as a mental separation reminding them they
had no commitment of fidelity. The condoms were a reminder of their just
"friends with benefits" pact.

Dare inhaled again trying to find a calm he didn't feel before he said,

"Angel, like we said we both tested clean every three months and I have
never had unprotected sex."

Angel moaned. "Neither have I. Until now." He felt Angel's hand

loosen so he pressed his advantage to rise up and fall, stroking Angel's long
cock inside himself. Angel choked out, "Wait." His panting breath made it
hard to talk. "Wait. I have never been inside anyone without wearing

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something and the last nine months I have only gotten blowjobs." Angel
held him close so he couldn't fuck himself up and down.

Darius wanted to kill him. His body was wound tighter than an

overwound clock. But this was important, so he nuzzled Angel's neck. "If
you never had unprotected intercourse and tested clean, and I never had
unprotected sex and tested clean, I would say we are good to go."



"Sure you want this?"

"Angel! Please!"

Angel seemed to want to argue more but his hot clenching of his

insides and logic won out. They really were reasonably safe. So on a sigh,
Angel allowed himself to surrender to the feeling of nothing but skin.

Moving slowly up and slamming back down to peg his prostate,

Dare's cock throbbed. Angel felt so good inside him. Even better than he

Angel's whole body was starting to shake. He was ready to snap like

an overextended rubber band. "Dare. I can't. It's too good." Angel wrapped
his hand around Dare's cock to fist it in quick strokes. "Love. Come with

He tried to enjoy the full feeling he was getting from being stuffed

with Angel for a few more strokes but when his dark haired Rock God
wrapped his fist around him to tug, Dare knew he was a goner. He had
missed Angel so much. On so many different levels, there was no waiting.
To know everything he ever hoped for. To have all of Angel, not just parts.
Not just his friendship or his body but his love too. Well, there was no
holding back. Darius cried out, finding his release. "There. There. Oh dear
God! Angel. Right there!"

Angel pumped his fist to the exact rhythm he was plunging up into his

ass. The angle was perfect to nick Dare's spot each and every time his ass
met Angel's lap. His head fell back and his mouth opened in a silent scream
as his cock gushed with his climax. Feeling his muscles clench around
Angel's cock only intensified his orgasm making it go nuclear. Darius's cock
throbbed with pleasure as he shot out pulses of cream between their bodies.

Angel inhaled deeply and froze for a moment right before Dare felt

heated come spurt into him for the very first time. Angel cried out as the

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pleasure overwhelmed him, "Darius! I love you." Long hard shots of come
shot against his sweet spot extending his pleasure as Angel filled his ass to

When the passion finally burned down to embers, and the delicious

aftershocks of the strong orgasm stopped rocking his body, Angel pulled
him off of his cock. Dare groaned his displeasure. Angel settled the
exhausted blond across his lap. As they felt Angel slowly dripping out of
him, Darius blushed a little but they both smiled with the shared secret.

Angel pulled him into a soft sated mellow kiss. "You okay?" Angel

asked combing Dare's hair with his fingers.

He breathed out a gentle sigh. "Yeah. You?" He cuddled into Angel to

place gentle kisses where his shoulder met his neck.

"Fantastic!" Angel stated. "It almost feels like a dream."

He snuggled down into Angel's lap getting more comfortable. He used

to wish he was taller but right now he was beyond happy that he fit perfectly
in Angel's arms. "A very good dream. Let's not wake up."

"You really do love me?" Angel asked, looking to fulfill an

uncharacteristic need for reassurance.

"Completely." He kissed Angel's mouth softly.

"So I guess you are gay then," Angel teased.

Darius laughed. "Probably not."

Angel rolled his eyes. "Come here with that pretty straight mouth of

yours. Kiss your gay lover."

Grinning he leaning in close to comply. They held each other sharing

sweet kisses for a short while.

"Great song by the way. Who wrote it?"

"Robin and Josh helped with the music but the lyrics were mine."

"It was perfect. Thank you." Angel pulled him back down for another

long kiss.

Their cell phones went off disturbing the moment. He and Angel

looked at each other and groaned. They knew the band wanted them.

He picked up his phone to see it was Josh. Josh wrote, 'Congrats!

Shower! Party!' They both got one from Megan with a one word command,
'Hydrate!' which made them both laugh. Angel showed him Dusty's text:

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'Know U 2 came. Time to party.'

"Were we that loud?" he asked Angel, trying not to be embarrassed.

"Yes!" Josh and Dusty both yelled through the apparently very thin


"Make sure you hydrate or I am going to come over there and give

you some water," Megan said. Robin's giggle carried through the walls as

Damn! Were the walls made of paper? He turned red hiding his face

in the crook of Angel's neck. Angel just chuckled. "Come on let's take a

"And no blowjobs, just a shower to wash off the stench of all that man

love!" Dusty yelled.

"Fuck you," Angel replied with all the love their long time friendship

had to offer.

"That would make Dare jealous," Dusty shouted back.

Dare growled. "That's right! And we will meet you at the after party.

But just so you know, Dusty, I believe no shower is complete without a

"Or two!" Angel added to the groans of both Josh and Dusty.


Six months later...

"Did you talk to him yet?" Dusty asked.

Angel smiled in the most annoying way possible. "Talk to whom?"

"Who, isn't it?" Dusty questioned.

"No, 'who is on first'," Angel couldn't help it if the old joke was

served right up to him.

"No. Damn it! Just shut up!" Dusty was exasperated but determined to

have his question answered. "Did you talk to Dare, you moron!"

"Of course. I live with him." Angel's voice went soft while his eyes

sparkled with happiness.

"Oh, stop your mooning over your boyfriend!" Dusty sounded

disgusted but Angel knew he was happy for him. "I am surprised the two of
you can even walk."

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"Hey, we have got to hook you up, so you can stop being lonely and

bitter." Angel was teasing but there was a note of seriousness to his

Dusty snorted. "Right. Don't need that, my friend."

Angel rolled his eyes. He was going to argue but Dusty seemed to

prefer being alone or just with the band. Thoughts of hooking up his best
friend fled his mind as Darius walked in. "Hey, baby."

Angel still lit up every time he saw him. It did wonders for the ego.

Six months and he knew he wanted forever.

"Fuck it! Dumbass here won't tell me if you know what you want to

do for your birthday." Dusty dismissed Angel and spoke to him.

He chuckled, very used to the strange relationship his lover had with

his best friend. "He's not a dumb ass." Instantly, he defended Angel then
laughed a bit. "Obviously not a surprise party." He chuckled at Dusty's
expression of frustration. "No, I..." Angel's cell phone rang disturbing his

Angel answered it. "Uncle Leo! Did you see the boys' interview?

They gave that interviewer a run for her money! They did great!" A frown
spread across his face. "What? When?" Dare moved closer into Angel's
embrace and watched him carefully for a clue.

"What?" Dusty demanded moving closer as Angel waved him silence.

"Okay, Uncle Leo. What hospital?" After a pause, Angel reassured the

elderly man, "We'll take care of them until you get here." Angel clicked
ended the call with a push of his finger and looked at him then at Dusty.

"What the fuck, man?" Dusty demanded.

His arm slipped around Angel and squeezed his waist in support.

"What happened, baby?" He was almost afraid of the answer.

"There was an accident. We have to get to Josh." Angel shook his

head trying to move away from the fear that was crawling over him. "It's
Robin. Car crash. He's in the hospital."

"How bad?" He asked as he blinked his eyes rapidly. He was very

afraid of the answer.

"Not good." Angel still shook his head. "Uncle Leo didn't have all the

details." No more needed to be said. Both Dusty and he saw how pale Angel
had become.

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Dusty touched and grasped Angel's shoulder. "And Josh doesn't

know?" Angel shook his head in the negative. "I got this. You two go to the
hospital and try to find out what the hell is going on." They headed out to
their cars.

Angel and he waved at Dusty as they got in the car. Dare tried to stay

positive but it felt like something was trying to rip apart his family. And
there didn't seem to be anything he could do about it except watch.

He looked down at the hand on his thigh. His covered it with his own.

Together. They would deal with everything, together.

∗ ∗ ∗

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About the Author

Z. believes in soul mates, love at first sight, and overcoming all odds

to find happily ever afters. Born in Upstate NY, Z.Allora and partner have
spent the last fifteen years together traveling across the United States, the
Middle East and Asia. These travels provide the inspiration behind many of
the detailed settings and characters throughout Z.'s work.

Z. received a Master degree in Psychology and Bachelor degrees in

both English and Philosophy. (though Z's editors would probably question
the English degree).

Z. is both a writer and a huge fan of M/M romance as well as Yaoi. It

is said the pen is mightier than the sword. Z. thinks all writers and publishers
of M/M are promoting equality, since everyone deserves a happily ever

∗ ∗ ∗

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Trademarks Acknowledgment

The author acknowledges the trademark status and trademark owners

of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

Epipen: Dey Pharma, L.P.

HBO: Home Box Office, Inc.

Imitrex: GlaxoSmithKline

iPod: Apple Inc.

Mustang: Ford Motor Company

Ray-Bans: Luxottica Group

Speedos: Speedo International

Stratocaster: Fender Musical Instruments Corporation

The Office: BBC Two and NBC Studios

True Blood: Home Box Office, Inc.

Vampire Diaries: CW Television Network

∗ ∗ ∗

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Featuring a roll call of some of the best writers of gay erotica and

mysteries today!

Derek Adams

M. Jules Aedin

Z. Allora

Maura Anderson

Victor J. Banis

Jeanne Barrack

Laura Baumbach

Alex Beecroft

Sarah Black

Ally Blue

J.P. Bowie

Barry Brennessel

Michael Breyette

Nowell Briscoe

P.A. Brown

Brenda Bryce

Jade Buchanan

James Buchanan

Charlie Cochrane

Karenna Colcroft

Jamie Craig

Kirby Crow

Dick D.

Ethan Day

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Diana DeRicc

Jason Edding

Theo Fenraven

Angela Fiddler

Dakota Flint

S.J. Frost

Kimberly Gardner

Michael Gouda

Roland Graeme

Storm Grant

Amber Green

LB Gregg

Drewey Wayne Gunn

Kaje Harper

Jan Irving

David Juhren

Samantha Kane

Kiernan Kelly

M. King

Matthew Lang

J.L. Langley

Josh Lanyon

Anna Lee

Elizabeth Lister

Clare London

William Maltese

Gary Martine

Z.A. Maxfield

Timothy McGivney

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Lloyd A. Meeker

Patric Michael

AKM Miles

Reiko Morgan

Jet Mykles

William Neale

Willa Okati

L. Picaro

Neil S. Plakcy

Jordan Castillo Price

Luisa Prieto

Rick R. Reed

A.M. Riley

George Seaton

Jardonn Smith

Caro Soles

JoAnne Soper-Cook

Richard Stevenson

Liz Strange

Marshall Thornton

Lex Valentine

Maggie Veness

Haley Walsh

Missy Welsh

Stevie Woods

Lance Zarimba

Check out titles, both available and forthcoming, at

∗ ∗ ∗

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The Trevor Project operates the only nationwide, around-the-clock

crisis and suicide prevention helpline for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender
and questioning youth. Every day, The Trevor Project saves lives though its
free and confidential helpline, its website and its educational services. If you
or a friend are feeling lost or alone call The Trevor Helpline. If you or a
friend are feeling lost, alone, confused or in crisis, please call The Trevor
Helpline. You'll be able to speak confidentially with a trained counselor

The Trevor Helpline: 866-488-7386

On the Web:


Founded in 1994, The Gay Men's Domestic Violence Project is a

grassroots, non-profit organization founded by a gay male survivor of
domestic violence and developed through the strength, contributions and
participation of the community. The Gay Men's Domestic Violence Project
supports victims and survivors through education, advocacy and direct
services. Understanding that the serious public health issue of domestic
violence is not gender specific, we serve men in relationships with men,
regardless of how they identify, and stand ready to assist them in navigating
through abusive relationships.

GMDVP Helpline: 800.832.1901

On the Web:



The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (glaad) is dedicated

to promoting and ensuring fair, accurate and inclusive representation of
people and events in the media as a means of eliminating homophobia and
discrimination based on gender identity and sexual orientation.

On the Web:

glaad en espanol:


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Servicemembers Legal Defense Network is a nonpartisan, nonprofit,

legal services, watchdog and policy organization dedicated to ending
discrimination against and harassment of military personnel affected by
"Don't Ask, Don't Tell" (dadt).The sldn provides free, confidential legal
services to all those impacted by dadt and related discrimination. Since
1993, its inhouse legal team has responded to more than 9,000 requests for
assistance. In Congress, it leads the fight to repeal dadt and replace it with a
law that ensures equal treatment for every servicemember, regardless of
sexual orientation. In the courts, it works to challenge the constitutionality of

sldn Call: (202) 328-3244

PO Box 65301 or (202) 328-FAIR

Washington DC 20035-5301 e-mail:

On the Web:


The glbt National Help Center is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization

that is dedicated to meeting the needs of the gay, lesbian, bisexual and
transgender community and those questioning their sexual orientation and
gender identity. It is an outgrowth of the Gay & Lesbian National Hotline,
which began in 1996 and now is a primary program of The glbt National
Help Center. It offers several different programs including two national
hotlines that help members of the glbt community talk about the important
issues that they are facing in their lives. It helps end the isolation that many
people feel, by providing a safe environment on the phone or via the internet
to discuss issues that people can't talk about anywhere else. The glbt
National Help Center also helps other organizations build the infrastructure
they need to provide strong support to our community at the local level.

National Hotline: 1-888-THE-GLNH (1-888-843-4564)

National Youth Talkline 1-800-246-PRIDE (1-800-246-7743)

On the Web:


∗ ∗ ∗

If you're a GLBT and questioning student heading off to university,

should know that there are resources on campus for you. Here's just a

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GLBT Scholarship Resources

Syracuse University

Texas A&M

Tulane University

University of Alaska

University of California, Davis

University of California, San Francisco

University of Colorado

University of Florida

University of Hawaiyi, Manoa

University of Utah

University of Virginia

Vanderbilt University

Visit for information on additional titles by this and
other authors.

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