The Beck Brothers 2 Sebastian Andria Large

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Table of Contents

Chapter 1..................................... 2
Chapter 2................................... 10
Chapter 3................................... 20
Chapter 4................................... 27
Chapter 5................................... 37
Chapter 6................................... 45
Chapter 7................................... 52
Chapter 8................................... 58
Chapter 9................................... 71
Chapter 10................................. 81
Chapter 11................................. 89
Chapter 12............................... 101
Chapter 13............................... 112
Chapter 14............................... 123
Chapter 15............................... 129
Chapter 16............................... 138

Epilogue.................................. 142

Chapter 1

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How the hell Sebastian got roped into this he will never know. One kid was kicking and
screaming because he didn't want to go to bed while the other wailed because his brother woke him
up with his screaming. Fucking Henry and Claire. He was never letting them go out on a date again.
Sebastian bounced the two month old Henry in his arms while he waited for Ethan to stop having his
fit. What the hell had made him volunteer to babysit? It was Claire and her pleading blue eyes. She
had said that she and Henry needed a date night and that he was the only one she trusted with the baby.
Sebastian, being his arrogant self, thought that he could handle two kids at once. What an asshole!

A screaming four year old Sebastian could handle, but the baby broke his heart. His arms
were flailing, his face was bright red and his little bottom lip was sticking out. Ethan was on the floor
in the living room, kicking and pounding his fists on the floor. Sebastian had had about enough of the
four year old. He put Henry in his swing and turned it on with the music. Then Sebastian went over
and picked Ethan up by his arms. Ethan immediately went limp. Sebastian gritted his teeth. He hated
when the kid did this.

" You can go have your fit in your room, mister," Sebastian snapped, tossing Ethan over his shoulder.

Sebastian stomped up the stairs with Ethan beating his little fists on his back. Did he do this
for his parents? Sebastian was going to have to find out. Once in Ethan's room, he dumped the kid on
his bed, turned the nightlight on then left and shut the door firmly behind him. Sebastian sighed heavily
and headed back downstairs to deal with the still wailing Henry.

Sebastian had thought that he wanted kids. He snorted to himself. Not after tonight. Fuck this
shit. Babies were cute and all but he was going to be happy to give these two back. Not that little
Henry was a problem, he didn't really know any better. He was just doing what babies do. But Ethan
and the fits he's been having all night were irritating as fuck. No wonder Henry and Claire needed a

Back in the living room, Sebastian turned on the video monitor and set it for Ethan's room.
Ethan was curled up under his covers, fast asleep. The kid had obviously been tired. At least one was
out. Henry was still whining a bit in his swing. At least he wasn't full out crying anymore. His little
lip was still sticking out though. Sebastian glanced at the clock. The kid was probably hungry, again.
Sebastian left him in his swing and headed into the kitchen.

Sebastian prepared a bottle of breast milk Claire had pumped ahead of time and went back
into the living room where Henry was gearing up for another bout of screaming. His face grew red
and his itty bitty fists started pumping. Sebastian went over and scooped him up then went over to the
glider and settled into it. As soon as the bottle was in Henry's mouth, he started sucking away. His
little hand wrapped around Sebastian's thumb, his bright blue eyes staring up at him.

How he had become so comfortable handling a baby was a mystery. He'd never even held a
baby until Henry was born. It just seemed like second nature to him. Claire had called him a natural.
And every time they were together, she somehow commented on how great of a father he would make.
Well, he was content with just being an uncle, fuck you very much. Especially after tonight. This was

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the first time he actually babysat all by himself. He was proud of himself. He thought he was doing a
damn good job so far.

Sebastian burped Henry when he was finished. The kid practically passed out when he was
done so Sebastian brought him upstairs and put him in his bassinet in Henry and Claire's room. When
he got back downstairs, he flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. Sebastian rubbed his
suddenly tired eyes and tried to focus on Sons of Guns, his favorite show.

Sebastian jolted awake, not even realizing he fell asleep. His heart pounded as he looked
around the living room. Something had woken him, he wasn't sure what. He checked the monitor. Both
kids were still sleeping. He checked the clock on the wall. He had only been asleep for an hour.
That's when he heard the scratchy-scraping noise coming from the back of the house. Adrenaline
raced hard and fast through his body. Someone was trying to break in. No fucking way!

Sebastian pulled the SIG 40S&W out of the ankle holster he always wore and stood.
Working as a gunsmith in a gun shop kinda had Sebastian a bit paranoid about going anywhere
without his gun. He's heard so many stories and has seen so many weirdos buy guns that he was wary
of people he didn't know. So Sebastian had gotten a permit to carry as soon as he turned 21 and has
been carrying a gun on his person ever since.

The scratching continued. It sounded like someone was trying to pick the lock on the back
door or something. Sebastian left the lights out as he crept along the wall of the hallway that lead to
the kitchen. Peeking into the kitchen, he could see the backdoor - the top half of which was glass.
Only problem was that the glass had a shade in between the panels and it was closed. He couldn't see
who was on the other side. If it was Henry and Claire, then they should have come in through the
garage door. So whomever was at the back door was not welcome.

Sebastian saw the small flash of light cross the window. Fuckers had a flashlight. They must
have climbed the wrought iron fence that surrounded the property because they couldn't just walk up
the driveway - there was a gate. Sebastian heard one voice curse while another shushed the first one.
Okay, so far he knew there were two, maybe more. He should call the cops. But he left his phone on
the table in the living room and there was no way he was going back and letting these assholes get any
further then the kitchen. Sebastian had kids to protect and he'd die before he let these scumbags get
anywhere near them.

The lock clicked and the world seemed to move in slow motion. Sebastian let out the breath
he was holding and waited as the door opened. He knew the laws in PA and as soon as those shit-
heads entered the house he was going to shoot them. He was defending himself and the lives of two
children. He would not be at fault if he managed to kill someone. Not that he really cared either, as
long as Henry and Ethan were safe.

Sebastian saw two figures step into the house. Sebastian dropped into his shooting stance,
aimed and pulled the trigger. There were only two of them and they were both wearing dark clothing
and skull caps. Sebastian had a reputation for being one of the best shooters in the state. So he knew
that he would hit whatever he was aiming at, even in the dark.

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Pop, pop...Pop, pop!

The lead guy dropped like a sack of potatoes. No scream of pain or anything. Sebastian knew
in that moment that he had just killed a man. The second guy got spun around, screaming in pain as he
slammed into the doorframe then scrambled to get away. Sebastian let him go. No doubt the gunshots
would wake one or both the kids. He watched as the man disappeared into the darkness of the
backyard. Sebastian waited, his gun still trained on the backdoor just in case he decided to come

" Uncle Bastian, I heard a noise," came Ethan's sleepy voice from behind him a minute later.

Sebastian didn't move. " Listen closely bud, go get me my phone off the table in the living room," he
said in as calm a voice as he could manage.

Sebastian heard Ethan's bare feet slap on the hardwood floors toward the living room. He
came back a minute later. Sebastian just held out his hand behind him until Ethan pressed the phone
into it.

" What are you doing?" Ethan asked curiously.

" Ethan, I need you to go back up to your room and shut the door. Don't come out until me or your
parents come get you, do you understand?" Sebastian asked in a low serious voice.

Ethan must have understood the seriousness of the situation, because he said okay and
quickly did as he was told. Sebastian called the police then moved to the control panel in the hallway
that worked the gate to the driveway. Sebastian hit the button to open the gate and then went to the
front door. He opened it quickly before moving back into the kitchen and turned on the light. Tucking
his gun in the back of his jeans, Sebastian moved towards the man sprawled out just inside the
backdoor. A pool of blood was spreading out from under his head. Holy shit. Sebastian blew half the
guy's skull off. Sebastian swallowed back the bile that rose in his throat. He refused to throw up.

A few cops barged in the front door, while some appeared at the back door. Sebastian was
ordered to put his hands up. One of the officers moved up behind him and pushed him against the
counter, ordering him to place his hands on the top of it and spread his legs. Sebastian did as he was
told. The officer asked Sebastian what happened while he frisked him. The officer removed
Sebastian's gun from his pants, popped the clip and removed the bullet from the chamber. The officer
placed them all on the counter out of Sebastian's reach.

Sebastian told the officer what had happened in as much detail as he could remember.
Sebastian could hear both kids crying and he couldn't help but glance at the ceiling repeatedly. The
officer seemed to notice his distress about the kids and let him go get them and bring them into the
living room.

Sebastian cradled Henry in the crook of his left arm while he held Ethan against his leg with

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his right. Ethan was hugging his thigh, his head resting against Sebastian's hip as he rocked them
slightly side to side. Henry had settled back down and Ethan just sniffed and rubbed his eyes.

Sebastian heard a female voice snap at someone and lifted his gaze to the front door. A
gorgeous blonde walked in with a fierce expression on her pretty face. Her light hair was parted on
the side and pulled back into a bun at the nape of her neck. She was wearing black dress pants and a
tailored white button down blouse. Her badge and gun were clipped to her belt. Sebastian had a flash
of deja vu. His eyes widened as he realized who she was.

" You've gotta be kidding me," he muttered and hung his head. This was the bitch who bent his finger
back at the bar over a year ago.

The gorgeous detective moved further into the living room. Her shrewd gaze taking in
everything. Finally her eyes settled on him. He saw the flicker of recognition in her eyes before her
gaze swept over the kids. Surprisingly, her gaze softened and a small smile lifted her pink lips.

" Mr. Beck, I'm Detective Reynolds," she said, holding out her hand.

Sebastian eyed it warily. " You going to actually break my finger this time?" he asked, narrowing his
eyes at her.

She rolled her eyes at him. " Not if I don't have to."

Sebastian snorted and shook her hand. Before she could ask any questions, Sebastian heard Henry's
frantic voice just outside the front door.

" This is my house! What the fuck do you mean I can't go inside?! My kids are in there!" Henry
shouted angrily.

Sebastian glanced at the door then back at Detective Reynolds, who had turned and walked
to the door. She stepped outside and Sebastian could hear her ask Henry for ID. He snapped at her
that this was bullshit, but must have shown her his ID. She stepped back inside with Henry and Claire
on her heels. Both looked terrified.

" Sebastian! What's going on? We pulled up to see tons of cop cars," Henry said roughly, rushing over
to him and the kids.

Claire sobbed in relief and took the baby from him, clutching him close to her chest. Ethan
wrapped his arms around her waist. She held him to her with one hand. The weight of what just
happened seemed to hit him out a nowhere and he just stared at Claire and the kids. Jesus Christ, what
if it had been Christian here watching the kids? What if he hadn't woken up in time?

Henry's strong hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him. " Sebastian?!"

Sebastian flinched, his gaze flicking to Henry who was right in front of him all of a sudden.

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" I...uh...someone broke in the back door. I shot them," he whispered.

Henry's eyes widened in horror. He let go of Sebastian and started for the kitchen. Detective
Reynolds was right behind him, calling for him to stop, not to go in there. Sebastian squeezed his eyes
shut, and waited. Henry's horrified shout came no more then a few seconds later. Henry stumbled
back into the living room. Detective Reynolds in tow, a grim expression on her face. Sebastian
looked at his brother, who had turned deathly pale.

" Sebastian," he choked out.

" I'm sorry Henry..." Sebastian started. He knew Henry had to be disgusted that he killed someone in
his house. But he had no choice.

Henry gripped him up by the front of his t-shirt and shook him hard. " Don't you dare fucking
apologize to me!" he shouted in Sebastian's face, his nostrils flaring with the force of his panting
breaths. Sebastian frowned, confused.

Henry clasped the sides of his neck, tears welling up in his eyes. " killed someone to
protect my kids," he said, his voice trembling. Claire gasped behind him. Henry blinked and the tears
rolled down his face. " I don't know how I will ever be able to thank you," he choked, dropping his
forehead to Sebastian's.

Sebastian felt his own eyes well up. Goddammit. He clasped the back of Henry's neck. " You know I
would never let anything happen to those kids. Not as long as I'm breathing," he rasped.

Henry wrapped him up in a tight hug. They both tucked their faces into each other's neck. Sebastian
just let the tears slid down his face, not really caring who saw.

Once they broke apart, Henry gave him a pat on the face. " I love you, brother."

" I love you too." Sebastian nodded.

Claire moved forward. Henry took his sleeping son from her arms and kissed him softly.
Then he crouched down and pulled Ethan into a hug, kissing him on the temple. Claire cupped
Sebastian's face, her eyes full of love and adoration. She gave him a kiss on the cheek then hugged
him. Sebastian wrapped his arms around her.

" Thank you," she whispered.

Sebastian just nodded. He hadn't expected the gratitude. He knew they would be thankful that
their kids were okay. But he had killed someone in their house. He thought they would be pissed off
and disgusted with him. He killed someone. But they had nothing but love for him. It eased his heart.
He had been so afraid that they would cut him out of their lives after this.

" I'm sorry to interrupt, but I really need to interview Mr. Beck," came the soft voice of Detective

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Reynolds from behind Claire.

Claire let Sebastian go. " Oh yes, I'm sorry," she said quickly and wiped the tears from her face as
she went to Henry and the kids.

Henry looked at Sebastian. " I'm going to call mom and see if we can stay there for a little while until
the house is taken care of."

Sebastian nodded. " Good idea."

Henry nodded back. Then he and Claire got an escort upstairs so that they could pack some
bags. Sebastian scrubbed his hands over his face roughly and sank back into the couch behind him. He
shoved his hands through his hair then leaned forward, placing his forearms on his knees. He lifted
his head to find Detective Reynolds sinking down onto the coffee table in front of him.

" I need to ask you some questions," she said, cocking her head to the side.

Sebastian nodded and cleared his throat. " Alright."

She pulled a little note pad and pen from her back pocket and flipped it open. " The two little boys
are your nephews?" she asked in an offhand manner.

" Yes," Sebastian said roughly, having to clear his throat again. Damn his emotions.

" They're cute," she smirked.

Sebastian stared at her for a moment, realizing that she was trying to lighten the mood a little.
Sebastian smiled softly. " Yes they are," he agreed.

" They were sleeping when everything happened?"

" Yes, thank god."

Detective Reynolds nodded solemnly in agreement. " Can you go back and start from the beginning,
tell me everything happened?"

Sebastian sighed but retold his story. She asked questions throughout, making sure she
understood everything correctly. She asked where he worked and how he got so proficient with a gun.
She asked him if he had been drinking or had taken any drugs. She asked if he had anyone who would
have wanted to hurt him. Sebastian couldn't help but admire her. She was completely thorough in her
investigation. Sebastian answered all her questions honestly and she seemed to know that. Which he
was glad for.

" Alright Mr. Beck...," she started as she stood.

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" Sebastian," he corrected, looking up at her.

She gave him a nod. " Sebastian...I'll be in touch," she said and handed him a business card.
" Call me if you remember anything else."

Sebastian nodded. " Will do," he murmured, looking down at her card. Detective Raelynn Reynolds.
Raelynn? That was different. He liked it. A lot!

She gave him a tight smile then headed into the kitchen. Sebastian watched her go. Damn she
had a nice ass. Those pants really showed off the heart shape of it. Henry and Claire came back
downstairs with four bags, and a couple of garment bags that probably held Henry's suits. Sebastian
got up and grabbed a couple of the bags from Henry's shoulders.

" Thanks," Henry said. " Listen, why don't you come to mom's for the night? I don't want you to be

Sebastian thought about it for a minute. Sebastian and his mother had gotten into a huge fight
and he hadn't really been speaking to her. His mother had been working on bettering herself and she
apologized to him over a year ago. He still wasn't sure what he wanted to do about it, because she
had said some really nasty things to him. But he didn't want to be alone right now either.

" Alright, let me make sure it's okay for me to leave. I'll meet you over there," Sebastian said.

Henry nodded. " Okay."

Sebastian helped them get everything in the car then went back inside to find Detective
Reynolds. He found her in the kitchen, squatting down next to the body, gloved hands leafing though
his wallet. Sebastian cleared his throat to get her attention. Her blonde head snapped up and her now
cold light blue eyes glared at him.

" Mr. Beck, you don't need to be in here," she snapped, straightening up.

" It's Sebastian, and I just wanted to ask if it was okay for me to leave," he said, biting back his
irritation at her three-sixty change in demeanor.

Her eyes scanned his face before she looked back down at the wallet in her hands. She
pulled something out of it then walked over to him. She held up the drivers license with the name and
photo of the man he killed on it.

" Did you know this guy?" she asked evenly.

Sebastian stared at it for a moment then shook his head. " Never seen him before."

She watched him intently. Probably to trying decipher if he was lying or not. She nodded slowly. "
Okay then, you can go. We'll lock the house up when we're finished and have a patrol car sit outside

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for a couple days. Once we get the body out of here, I'll call a clean up crew that can take care of the
mess. Just don't leave the state Sebastian. I'll probably have more questions for you once this
investigation gets moving."

" Okay. Thanks for your help," he said quietly and turned to leave.

" Oh and Sebastian?" she called.

Sebastian turned his head, giving her his profile. He waited for her to continue.

" You might want to seek counseling. You shot and killed someone tonight. Whether it be in self
defense or not, you need to talk to someone." she said gently.

" I'll think about it," he mumbled then left.

Chapter 2

Sebastian was completely exhausted by the time he got to his parent's house. It was now 4am
and his adrenaline had worn off a couple of hours ago and he was ready to crash. He was just about
to slide his key in the lock when the door flew open. His mother stood there in her robe, tears

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streaming down her face. She grabbed Sebastian and pulled him into her arms.

" Oh my baby. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Henry told me everything," she cried, stroking the back of
his head.

Sebastian hugged her back, actually glad for the comfort and love. " I'm fine," he murmured.

His father's arms wrapped around both him and his mother. " Jesus son. I'm so glad you're okay," he

Sebastian took a deep breath and let his parents hold him for a minute. When he pulled back, they let
him go. " I'm okay. I was only thinking about protecting Henry and Ethan."

" And you did. You're a hero," his mother whispered, cupping his face. " You're my hero."

Sebastian frowned. " I killed someone," he said roughly.

" You had to. You had to do it to make sure they couldn't go near the kids," his mother insisted.

Sebastian nodded. He knew he had to do it. And he'd do it again in a heartbeat. It was nice to
hear someone else say it though. His mother took his hand and pulled him into the house. His parents
house was a three bedroom rancher. It wasn't the house he grew up in though. That house had been
much bigger and once him and his brothers had moved out, his parents downsized.

" Can I get you anything sweetheart? Something to drink? We have beer," his mother said, running her
hand up and down his arm.

It was weird. If this had happened before the fall out with his mother, all her attention and
questions would have grated on his nerves. But now...he welcomed it. He didn't feel smothered like
he used to. She was genuinely concerned and wanted to make sure that he was okay. It felt really
good. Maybe he should give her a chance.

" A beer would be great mom. Thanks," he said quietly.

She gave him a gentle smile then hurried into the kitchen. His father wrapped an arm around
his shoulders and gave him a squeeze and a kiss on the temple. He was in pajama pants and a t-shirt.
His white hair sticking out in all directions. Obviously they had been asleep when Henry had called
them. Speaking of Henry...he appeared from the hallway that lead to the bathroom and bedrooms. He
had gotten changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt and had put his glasses on.

" Hey," Sebastian said wearily. Shit. He was tired.

" Hey," Henry said. Giving him a hug.

His mom returned with two open bottles of beer. She handed one to both him and Henry. " Why don't

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you two sit for a minute and relax?" she suggested.

Henry and Sebastian did as she suggested and went and sat on the couch together. They both took long
swigs of their beer.

" How are the kids?" Sebastian asked.

" Fine. They fell asleep in the car," Henry replied, laying his head back on the couch.

" And Claire?"

" She's shaken. But she's okay. She's sleeping too," Henry said, sending him a reassuring smile.

Sebastian sighed heavily and took another sip of his beer. His parents were sitting on the love seat
together. His father's arm wrapped around his mother's shoulders.

" You did good tonight Sebastian. I'm glad you were there. I don't think anyone else could have done
what you did as well as you did," Henry said, giving Sebastian's thigh a squeeze.

Sebastian smiled slightly at the praise. " Thank you, Henry. I'm glad I was there too."

" You look like shit though," Henry smirked.

" I'm exhausted," Sebastian sighed heavily, shaking his head. "Adrenaline let down is harsh."

" Finish your beer then go to bed. I set up the bed in the third bedroom for you," Anne said.

Sebastian sent her a grateful look. " Thanks mom."

His mother gave him a watery smile and a nod. Sebastian knew it meant a lot to her that he
had come here tonight. He knew she was trying to better herself for them. So he was going to try and
incorporate her back into his life. He loved her. She was still his mother.

After finishing up his beer, Sebastian went to the bathroom and then to the bedroom he would
be staying in. He stripped off his t-shirt and put on the pajama pants his dad gave him. He hated
sleeping in jeans and he didn't wear underwear. He didn't want to sleep naked because he was in his
parents house. So he borrowed a pair of pajama pants from his dad. He got in bed and almost
immediately fell into a fitful sleep.

" No comment," Raelynn said as she pushed past reporters on her way out of the Beck's house. One of
the neighbors had probably called them.

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They were swarming all over outside the front of the house. Fucking reporters. She hated
reporters. Raelynn climbed in her car and slowly made her way down the driveway as other officers
pushed people out of the way. She understood the appeal of the story. An uncle protecting his
nephews from burglars. She got it. It tugged at the heartstrings. But couldn't they at least wait until
morning? Thank God Sebastian had left when he did. Another ten minutes and he would have been
caught up in the media frenzy.

Raelynn had been shocked when she walked into the house and recognized the man standing
there with two little kids. Not like she would ever forget that handsome face of his. The man was just
gorgeous. From his blonde hair to his tattoos. He had bright green eyes and a full wide mouth that was
just made for kissing the crap out of a woman. She hated that she found him so attractive. Especially
that night at the bar. She had been so frustrated with a case she was working on that when this
stunning man walked up and asked to buy her a drink, it had pissed her off for some reason. And then
he went and tried to touch her badge. Instinct had her bending his finger back. She smiled and shook
her head at the memory. He had probably hoped he'd never see her again. Especially after the wary
look he gave her hand when she held it out for him to shake.

She could tell that he was shook up about what happened. He tried really hard to hide it but
Raelynn was trained to see any form of weakness in people. She had caught the subtle twitch in his
left eye and the tick in the muscle of his jaw while he rehashed the story for her. It bothered him that
he had shot and killed someone. She knew he didn't regret it and would do it again in a heartbeat to
protect those kids, but it still irked him that he had done it.

He was a great shot too. After hearing his name, she remembered seeing him a few years
back in one of the state's shooting competitions she had attended with her dad. He had taken home
first prize. He was an amazing shot. Plus he was a gunsmith and worked in a gun shop that had a
shooting range. He probably got tons of practice. Way more then she got - most definitely. She had
been stunned and awed when she found out he blew the guy's head off in the dark.

Raelynn pulled into her driveway about twenty minutes later. There was nothing else to do
tonight. They had people working the phones, hoping for tips to come in about the other guy who had
been shot but ran away. They checked all the hospitals in the area but none had anyone who walked in
off the street with gunshot wounds. There were still investigators at the scene bagging up clues and
dusting for prints. She wasn't needed anymore.

She walked into her house, turned off the alarm, shut her door, locked it and reset the alarm.
Raelynn then tossed her keys into the bowl on the table beside the door. She moved further into her
house as she took off her gun and badge. She carried them upstairs and into the bathroom, where she
turned on the water and stripped out of her clothes. She undid her hair then got in the hot shower.
After her shower, Raelynn got right into bed. She had to be up in a few hours to go back to work.

The next morning, Raelynn woke up, got dressed and headed to the office. Stopping at
Dunkin Donuts on the way to grab breakfast and a coffee had made her was only five minutes late for
work. She had just sat down at her desk when the phone on it rang. Raelynn didn't recognize the

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number but picked it up anyway.

" Detective Reynolds speaking," she answered.

A deep male voice drawled, " Hey Detective, it's Sebastian Beck."

Raelynn's heart gave a traitorous flutter. " Sebastian...good morning. What can I do for you?" she
asked, trying to sound as professional as possible.

Sebastian sighed, " I forgot to ask you last long will it take before I can get my gun back?"

He sounded tired. She wondered if he had gotten any sleep last night. " It's going to take a while. It's
evidence and you probably won't get it back until the case is closed."

" And who knows when that will be", he added.

" Right."

" So I'm better off just buying a new gun," he stated.

" Probably," Raelynn agreed.

Sebastian growled. " Dammit."

" Sorry," Raelynn said, not knowing exactly why she was apologizing.

" It's not your fault," Sebastian said quietly.

" Did you sleep at all last night Sebastian?" Raelynn found herself asking. Wishing immediately that
she could take it back. That was a bit of a personal question that she had no right asking.

Sebastian snorted. " Yeah right."

" Listen...a friend of mine is a really great therapist. I can give you his name," Raelynn said softly.
Praying and hoping that he said okay.

" It's a guy?" He asked curiously.

" Yes and he's young. He's in his early 40's, he's really easy to talk to, and I think you would benefit
from going to see him," she said.

Sebastian's silence made her gut clench. Her hope plummeted. He wasn't going to..." Okay. Give me
his name and number."

Oh thank god! " His name is Jared Walsh," she said, then gave Sebastian his number. Raelynn left out

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the fact that Jared was her brother-in-law. Sebastian didn't need to know that. " He deals with a lot of
law enforcement and military."

" Okay. Thanks a lot Detective. I'll give him a call in a little bit."

" You're welcome. I'll be talking to ya," Raelynn replied.

They said goodbye then hung up. Raelynn immediately called Jared and explained the
situation to him. He was more then willing to take Sebastian in as a patient. Raelynn sighed in relief.
She was actually worried about the guy. Worried about his mental state. It's traumatic when an officer
shoots and kills someone, but a civilian who was protecting kids? That was a whole other level. He
needed help getting through this. And Jared would be able to help him with that.

Sebastian's face popped into her head. The distress in his eyes when she first walked in last
night hurt her heart. He was swaying back and forth with an infant in one arm and a four year old
attached to his leg. How terrified he must have been when he first realized what was going on. The
fierce need to protect was etched all over his handsome features. She had first thought that they were
his kids and her heart sank just a little. Not that she thought there was a chance for her to be with him,
but it did kill her fantasy.

Raelynn had thought about him on and off since that night in the bar. She had wondered if she
was ever going to cross paths with him again. To say that this was not the way she had pictured them
meeting again was an understatement. Raelynn shook Sebastian free of her mind. She had work to do
and she couldn't be thinking about him.

Sebastian walked out of his first therapy session feeling pretty good. He had called Jared
Walsh about an hour after Detective Reynolds gave Sebastian his number. Sebastian had been
surprised when Jared had wanted him to come in immediately. Jared was awesome. He was funny
and kind and listened to everything Sebastian had to say. Then he provided his opinion and insight.
He was very knowledgeable and intelligent, which Sebastian liked. He was going to have to thank
Detective Reynolds for recommending Jared.

Sebastian headed to the shop. He had called his boss, Bill, and let him know that he was
going to be in a little later today - which he was fine with. Bill was the greatest boss ever. As long as
you got your work done, he didn't really give a shit what time you came in or left.

The bell rang as Sebastian entered the shop. There were a couple customers milling around.
Bill was helping one guy at the counter. He looked up when he heard the bell chime. His eyes flashed
with concern as he looked at Sebastian. He nodded at Sebastian before turning back to his customer.
Sebastian gave him a reassuring smile as he walked through the showroom to get to the shop.

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Sebastian headed into the back, where the shop was. He walked over to his station and got
started on the gun that he had been fixing. He had gotten so engrossed in what he was doing that he
didn't hear the shop door open. He jumped and yelped when a hand landed on his shoulder.

" Shit Sebastian, I didn't mean to scare you," Bill said, stepping up next to him.

Sebastian looked up at Bill as he tried to calm his panicking heart. " It's fine."

" How you doing, son? Are you sure you're okay to be here today?" Bill asked, a frown pulling his
white bushy eyebrows together.

Bill had just turned 70. The guy looked great for his age. He had pure white hair, big white
bushy eyebrows and a white mustache. He was just a tad overweight, mostly in the belly area. He
always wore tan tactical pants and black polo shirt. Shirt was always tucked in and his gun was
holstered at the small of his back. That was usually where Sebastian wore his gun too when he was at
the shop.

" Yeah. I need this to take my mind off everything," Sebastian murmured.

Bill nodded. " Alright," he sighed. " How are the kids doing?"

" They're fine. I think my brother and sister-in-law were more shook up then the kids," Sebastian said.

Bill nodded in understanding. " Ah...yeah, well...little kids can't fully grasp the seriousness of the

" Thank god for that," Sebastian snorted.

Bill agreed. " Okay...I'll let you get back to work," he said then headed back out into the showroom.

Sebastian lost himself in his work for the rest of the day. Bill came back in at around 8pm,
handed him a new SIG and then kicked him out. Sebastian washed his hands and headed home. He
walked into his dark apartment, McDonalds in hand. Sebastian kicked the door shut behind him
before flipping on the kitchen light. Shit, he was tired. It just seemed to hit him out of no where. He
had slept like shit the night before. His mind kept racing with "what ifs" and he kept picturing other
scenarios of how everything could have gone differently. He would doze off here and there but never
got into a deep sleep.

Sebastian went and turned on the lamp in his tiny living room. His apartment was small but
he didn't need much space when it was just him. The kitchen and living room were one big room with
only a counter separating them. He had two bedrooms. The bigger one was obviously his and the
smaller one he set up as a computer/work-out room.

Sebastian sat at the counter and ate his dinner. It was the only thing he had eaten all day. He
was too preoccupied with work to stop and eat. Not that he had really been hungry anyway. After

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finishing the two Big Mac's, a large fry and large soda, Sebastian headed down the hall to his

He turned on the shower then stripped. He set his new SIG on the back of the toilet before
stepping into the shower. He groaned when the hot spray hit his back. Sebastian grabbed his shampoo
and washed his hair. As he was rinsing his hair, he heard something bang in the living room. It
actually sounded like his apartment door closing. Sebastian's eyes shot open as his heart lurched.
What the fuck was that?

Sebastian shut the water off and stepped out of the shower as quietly as possible. He
grabbed his gun and went to the door, screw drying off. He opened it a crack and heard movement in
the living room. Someone was in his apartment? Seriously? Could it be the other guy that he shot
looking for revenge? Could he really have found Sebastian that fast?

Sebastian gripped his SIG tightly as he eased the door open and crept quietly down the
hallway. He heard the fridge door open and close. Sebastian quickly turned the corner, lifted his gun
and aimed at the person in his kitchen. His brother Quinn's eyes widened and the beer bottle dropped
from his hand. Luckily the bottle didn't break. But Quinn had opened it so beer spewed all over the
kitchen floor.

Sebastian saw red. He slapped the gun down on the counter and crossed the room. He gripped Quinn
up by the front of his shirt and slammed him back against the fridge, making bottles in the fridge rattle.
" Are you fucking insane?! I almost shot you!!!" Sebastian shouted, slamming Quinn into the fridge
again. His heart was pounding so bad he swore it was going to burst out of his chest.

Quinn grabbed his forearms, his face stricken. " I'm sorry, Sebastian. I knocked and called your name.
When I heard the shower running, I figured I'd just wait for you to be done," he rushed to explain.

" You should have told me you were coming by!" Sebastian yelled, shoving Quinn into the fridge one
more time before pushing away from him. Jesus Christ! He had almost killed his brother.

Quinn watched as Sebastian paced away from him, fingers squeezing the bridge of his nose.
His other hand on his naked hip. Sebastian was completely naked and dripping wet. He obviously just
got out of the shower and didn't bother with a towel. He also didn't seem to care that he was pacing
through a puddle of beer either.

" I'm sorry," Quinn rasped. He felt horrible for scaring his brother so bad.

Sebastian turned his angry green eyes to him. There was also something else in his eyes - fear, bone
deep fear. " I was seriously a breath away from shooting you in the head, Quinn," he said, his voice

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That's when Quinn noticed that Sebastian's whole body was shaking. He doubted it was from being
cold. Quinn's heart broke for his brother. " Sebastian, why don't you go dry off and get dressed,"
Quinn suggested quietly.

Sebastian left without a word, disappearing down the hallway that he came from. Quinn took
a deep breath before grabbing the roll of paper towels and cleaning up the kitchen floor. Quinn had
seriously almost shit himself when he turned and saw a gun pointed at his face. Never had he ever felt
that kind of fear. For a second, he thought that Sebastian actually might pull the trigger.

Quinn had come by to check on his brother. He had heard about what happened last night and
wanted to make sure Sebastian was doing okay. He hadn't even thought that he might be jumpy. Idiot!
What the hell was he thinking just showing up like that? Of course Sebastian was going to be jumpy.
There was still one guy on the loose. He probably thought that Quinn was that guy, breaking into his
apartment. Fuck!

Quinn shook his head and cursed to himself as he sopped beer and water up off the floor. He
tossed the bottle in the recycling bin and then put the soaked paper towels in the trash. He washed his
hands. Then he headed down the hall to find Sebastian. Quinn found him in his bedroom, sitting on the
end of his bed with a towel wrapped around his waist, his head in his hands.

" Hey okay?" Quinn asked, shoving his hands in his pockets as he stepped into the room.

Sebastian lifted his head from his hands. He looked run down and emotionally drained. " I just...I
can't believe how close I came to pulling the trigger," he said, his voice low.

Quinn sighed. " Shit Sebastian, it really wasn't your fault. I should have called first."

Sebastian shook his head. " Whatever. Doesn't matter," he said, waving that aside. " I could have
killed you, Quinn," he said. His voice was dead and hollow.

" But you didn't. So just forget about it," Quinn shrugged.

Sebastian stared at him for a moment before turning away. He got up and went to his dresser where he
pulled out a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. " What are you doing here anyway?" he asked as he
pulled his clothes on.

" I just wanted to check on you. See how you were doing after last night," Quinn replied.

Sebastian gave a bitter laugh. " As you can see, I've become paranoid."

" With good reason," Quinn said, giving Sebastian a pointed look.

Sebastian shrugged. " I guess," he muttered and moved past Quinn to go back into the kitchen.

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Quinn followed Sebastian into the kitchen. Sebastian went into the fridge and grabbed two
beers. He cracked one open and handed it to Quinn. Quinn thanked him then took a long swig. He
needed it to calm his nerves. If it had been Christian here the poor guy would have probably thrown
up on the kitchen floor, adding to the beer and water. Sebastian leaned his ass against the counter next
to the fridge and took a sip of his beer.

" I went to a therapist this morning," Sebastian admitted quietly, picking at the label of his beer.

Quinn's eyebrows shot up. A rare moment where Quinn was actually shocked into showing emotion. "
Really?" he asked, stunned that Sebastian even told him that. Usually he would have had to hear it
from Henry.

Sebastian nodded. He was staring down at his bottle while he continued to pick at the label.

" How'd it go?" Quinn asked.

" Pretty good. The guy is cool. He wants me to come back on Monday," Sebastian said, lifting his
gaze to look at Quinn. " Do you think I'm a pussy for going?" he asked hesitantly.

Quinn blinked at him. Was he serious?! " What? Hell no. You need to go," he insisted.

One side of Sebastian's mouth tipped up and he nodded slightly. " Okay...thanks," he murmured,
sending Quinn a grateful glance.

" Wanna watch a movie or something since I'm here?" Quinn asked. He was hoping to get Sebastian's
mind off everything for a little while.

Sebastian shrugged. " Yeah, sure."

So Quinn and Sebastian headed into the living room. Sebastian pulled up his On-Demand
and they picked out a movie to watch. Quinn sat at one end of the couch while Sebastian lounged at
the other end. Quinn smiled to himself. He liked hanging out with Sebastian. He didn't do it often
enough. He was glad that his brother felt comfortable enough with him to open up a little. He hadn't
expected it. Quinn loves all his brothers to death. He has always been a little jealous of the close
relationship Henry and Sebastian have though. He always wanted to be a part of their little click.
Maybe this was a start.

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Chapter 3

Raelynn walked down the corridor of the 3rd floor of the apartment building. She glanced at
the numbers on the doors, stopping at number 34A. Taking a deep breath to calm her nerves she lifted
her fist and knocked on the plain brown door. She had no idea why she was nervous but just the
thought of seeing who she came to see put butterflies in her stomach. She glanced at her watch. 9am. It
wasn't super early, so she hoped that she wouldn't be waking him up.

The lock clicked and the door swung open. Raelynn's breath caught at the stunning sight in
front of her. Sebastian Beck stood in the doorway in nothing but a pair of sweatpants that were slung
low on his lean hips. So low that there was no way he was wearing underwear. His upper body was
bare, showing off his impressive physique and tattoos. His green eyes looked tired and his blonde
hair was mussed. His face was covered in a couple days worth of stubble. He looked rugged and
handsome and panty-dropping hot.

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" I hope I didn't wake you," Raelynn managed when she finally found her voice.

Sebastian covered up a yawn with the back of his hand as he shook his head. " Nah, I just got up
before you knocked," he said, his voice lower then normal from sleep, sending shivers down her

Dammit! Why did he have to be so freaking attractive?! Sebastian moved aside and waved
her in. She entered his surprisingly neat apartment and let him shut the door. He shuffled into the
kitchen and started setting up the coffee maker. Raelynn couldn't help but check out his very fine rear
end. Raelynn had always loved sweatpants on a man.

" You want some coffee?" Sebastian asked without turning around.

" Yeah sure," Raelynn answered, moving to sit on one of the stools that was set up at the island

Sebastian opened the cabinet in front of him and pulled down two mugs. " So what brings you by?" he
asked, turning and placing both mugs on the counter in front of her.

Raelynn sighed. " We've found out the identity of the second man - the one who got away."

Sebastian froze. His broad back was to her since he had turned back toward the other coffee
maker. He had a large tattoo of a hooded man with only his mouth showing. An evil, malicious grin
curled the lips of the man. His arms crossed over his chest, a gun in each hand. The tattoo covered
pretty much his entire back and it was incredibly detailed. Raelynn wondered how long it took to
complete. Sebastian turned his head to the side, giving her his profile. His hands were flattened on the
counter top in front of him. And she could practically see the tension coiling his body tighter and

" And?" Sebastian prompted.

" His name is Hector Marquez. He's got a rap sheet a mile long. Has been in and out of jail since the
age of 13 and you killed his brother Renaldo," Raelynn said.

Sebastian bit out a nasty curse and hung his head.

" Exactly. You could be in serious danger Sebastian. If and when Hector heals from his wounds, he'll
most likely come after you to avenge his brother," Raelynn said, watching Sebastian's tattooed back
and wondering what he was thinking.

The coffee pot beeped, signaling that the coffee was done. Sebastian grabbed the carafe,
turned and filled both mugs with coffee. His jaw was tight and his eyes were downcast, watching
what he was doing. Once the mugs were filled, he put the carafe back and brought over the sugar
bowl and two spoons. Then he grabbed the creamer from the fridge and set it on the counter with the
sugar. Without a word, he put two spoonfuls of sugar and a splash of creamer in his mug and stirred.

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" I think it would be in your best interest to go into the witness protection program until we can find
Hector," Raelynn suggested as she fixed her coffee the way she liked - one sugar and a dash of

" No," Sebastian said, his hard tone telling her that he was not going to compromise.

Raelynn sighed. " Sebastian..."

" I can take care of myself," Sebastian snapped.

Raelynn looked up to find him glaring at her. His expression was tight and angry. " I know you can.
That much is obvious. But you can't watch your own back 24/7."

Sebastian shook his head. " I won't let some scumbag deviant dictate how I live my life," he said, his
lip curled in disgust.

Raelynn sighed heavily. She knew he wasn't going to budge on this. The only thing she could
do was keep an eye on him herself when she could. She didn't blame him though. She probably would
have been the same way if their roles were reversed. Fear was not going to rule his life. She could
admire that. She just worried for his safety.

" Did you get another gun?" she asked, sipping her coffee.

Sebastian sipped his before answering her. " I got one the next day."

The shooting happened almost two weeks ago now. She had hoped that he had gotten
something fairly quickly. She was shocked though that he got one the next day. Then she remembered
that he worked in a gun shop. It couldn't have been difficult for him to get one.

" That's good."

Sebastian nodded. He glanced at her as he shifted uncomfortably on his feet. " I...uh...I wanted to
thank you for recommending Jared. He's helped a lot," he murmured quietly.

Raelynn smiled softly. " I'm glad."

Sebastian gave her a tight smile, a small flush creeping up his cheeks.

" You live here alone?" Raelynn asked, turning on her stool to look around his very masculine
apartment. There were no feminine touches anywhere.

" Yeah. You're in a true bachelor pad," he snorted.

Raelynn smiled as she turned back around to face him. " Oh yeah?"

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Sebastian nodded. " women allowed. Well, other then the occasional Detective that comes
knocking on my door," he smirked.

Raelynn chuckled and shook her head. " Are you telling me you've never had a woman here?"

" Eh...I can't say that. My sister-in-law comes here. What I meant is that I don't bring dates here,"
Sebastian said.

Raelynn rolled her eyes. " Oh. You're one of those guys, huh?"

Sebastian gave her a bitter snort. " I have my reasons."

Raelynn raised an eyebrow in question but Sebastian just smiled enigmatically and sipped
his coffee. Okay...he was gonna be like that. Fine. It was nice to see him smile though. He had an
alluring smile. All sexy and seductive. She wondered if he practiced it in the mirror. Or if he even
knew what a smile like that could do to a woman. Dammit, why did he have to be so freaking

Sebastian watched as Raelynn finished off her coffee then brought her mug to the sink. She
rinsed it then set it in the sink. She was wearing a tailored black suit with a white blouse and black
pumps. Her hair was in its usually bun at the nape of her neck. Her makeup was subtle, highlighting
her bright blue eyes. She looked professional and sensual all at the same time.

" I gotta head out. Thanks for the coffee," Raelynn said and started for the door.

" No problem," Sebastian muttered, following her.

She pulled open his apartment door and turned to look at him. He caught her gaze wander
over his chest and abs before coming back up to his eyes. He gave her a knowing smirk, making her
blush slightly.

" Watch yourself," Raelynn grunted then walked out the door, shutting it firmly behind her.

Sebastian smiled. She was something. Beautiful and ballsy. He liked it. He liked her. He'd
like to fuck her was more like it. He'd love to see what she had going on under those suits she always
wore. He could tell she didn't have a huge chest. Probably just enough to fit in his hands. But that was
fine by him. Te wasn't really into huge tits. They were nice sometimes. But they wouldn't have fit on
Raelynn's tiny body. And she was definitely tiny. No taller then 5'3 and 115lbs.

Sebastian got ready for work then headed out to his truck. Sebastian just bought a new

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fairway green Chevy Avalanche. As soon as he started getting a steady paycheck - he got an apartment
and the truck. When he lived in California, he had a convertible. He left it there. It was not a car for
the East Coast with all the snow and bad weather that happened there. He had always wanted a truck
anyway. Victoria hated trucks and had never wanted him to get one. Now that he was on his own...he
would get whatever he damn well pleased.

It had been over a year since his divorce had been finalized. As soon as the ties were cut he
had no more contact with her. There was no reason to. He had to speak with her here and there when
the papers were being drawn up and signed but other then that - he didn't want to see her or hear from
her ever again. She betrayed him. Cheated on him. He had thought they were happy - that she was
happy. God, how could he have been so wrong?

Sebastian shook his head. He hadn't thought about her in months and he didn't plan to start
now. He was over her. He had his own life now. He did whatever he wanted - when he wanted.
Didn't answer to anyone. And he liked it that way.

Sebastian pulled into ‘Bill's Guns and Indoor Range’ and parked his truck in an empty spot
near a black Dodge Charger. Sebastian frowned. He'd seen that car before. It had been out front of
Henry's house the night of the break in. Sebastian rolled his eyes when he got out and saw Detective
Raelynn Reynolds throught the shop's window. Was she stalking him or something?

Sebastian walked into the showroom. The bell on the door chimed, making Bill and Raelynn turn their
heads to see who it was. " Long time no see, Detective," Sebastian teased with a wry smile.

Raelynn raised an eyebrow at him. But that was it. She didn't say hi or anything. Ah...she was
in cop mode. She then turned back to Bill and basically ignored him. What the hell? This chick was
hot and cold. She was all relaxed and pleasant this morning at his apartment. Now she was tense,
withdrawn and a bit cold. Maybe fucking her would be a bad idea. He didn't particularly care for
bitches with mood disorders.

Sebastian shook his head and went to grab a pen and paper. The shelves needed to be
restocked. So while Bill and Raelynn were yakking it up about security and cameras - Sebastian went
around and wrote down everything he needed to fill the shelves. When he was finished, he took his
list to the storage room and started grabbing what he needed. Sebastian had filled up a couple empty
boxes with stuff then headed out to the showroom.

" he is now. Sebastian, someone is here for you," Bill said.

Sebastian glanced up and fucking froze. Standing just inside the doorway was his bitch of an
ex-wife, Victoria. What. The. Fuck. What the hell was she doing here? How did she find him? He
never told her where he worked. She gave him a tentative smile. Sebastian glanced at Bill and
Raelynn to find them looking back and forth between the two of them in confusion and curiosity.

Sebastian dropped the boxes. He felt like he was on the verge of flipping the fuck out. He clenched
his hands into fists and gave her a hard stare that he knew would have scared a lot of people. " Get

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out," he growled.

Victoria's smile faltered and she took a step forward. " Sebastian, can we please just talk for a

" No," he snarled and pointed at the door in the universal sign for her to leave.

" Please, just hear me out," Victoria pleaded, tears welling up in her eyes.

" I don't give one flying fuck about what you have to say. Get out before I physically throw you out,"
Sebastian barked, causing her to flinch. Good.

" I've made a huge mistake..." Victoria started, the tears rolling down her pretty cheeks.

" You're damn right you did! Don't come crawling back to me because your boy toy isn't treating you
as well as I did! Now get the fuck out of my face, Victoria. I don't want to see you here again,"
Sebastian snapped angrily, starting towards her.

Raelynn stepped in front of him and put a hand on his chest. " Sebastian...don't," she said gently.

Sebastian clenched his teeth and watched while Bill escorted Victoria out the door. That bitch!!!
Coming to his job and making him look like an fool. He could kill her!

" Ex-girlfriend?" Raelynn asked quietly.

" Ex-wife," Sebastian spat.

" She cheated on you?" Raelynn asked, her voice soft and sympathetic.

Sebastian gave her a nod, unable to meet her eyes. He felt like such a loser.

" I'm sorry. That had to hurt," She said, dropping her hand from his chest.

Sebastian swallowed hard and nodded again. He needed some air. Sebastian turned and
headed for the back door. He had to go through the shop to get there. He burst through the door. He
took a couple steps and crouched down, dropping his head into his hands. His chest ached. He could
have sworn that he was healed completely but her showing up had torn the wound right open. His
heart felt raw and exposed. Dammit!

Sebastian stood and turned when he heard the back door open. Bill stepped out, his face screwed up
with concern. " You alright, kid?"

Sebastian swallowed back the emotion clogging his throat. " I'm sorry about that Bill. I don't know
what she's doing here..."

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" That's not what I asked you," Bill said sharply.

Sebastian blinked at the older man then found himself spilling his guts. " No, I'm not. I've spent the
past year getting myself back together and then she shows up out of nowhere wanting to talk. Trying to
tell me she's made a mistake? I feel like I'm back at the beginning."

Bill nodded solemnly. " I understand. My first wife left me after 15 years together. Said she was just
bored with me and didn't love me anymore. I was crushed. We had three kids together too. But I
picked myself back up, fell in love and got married again. I’ve been happily married ever since. It
will take time, but you will heal. You will find love again."

Sebastian shook his head. " I can't go through this again. I won't. I refuse to let another woman hurt
me," he rasped.

Bill nodded and wrapped an arm around Sebastian's shoulders. " Okay," he said and led Sebastian
back inside.

Sebastian was glad that he just let it go. He knew Bill didn't agree with him, but he needed
for Bill not to argue with him. Which was what he was doing. He was letting Sebastian think what he
wanted to think. Sebastian was grateful for that. Because as of right now, he couldn't see ever falling
in love again. He didn't even think he could let a woman get that close where it could become a
possibility. He was better off alone, where he couldn't get hurt again.

Chapter 4

" Quinn?" Peter Anderson's voice said from the doorway of Quinn's large high rise office.

Quinn looked up from his drafting table. He raised an eyebrow at Peter - his boss and good friend -
and waited for him to continue.

" She's here. Conference room 2," Peter said and jerked his head for Quinn to follow.

Quinn laid down his pencil and turned off the desk light before smoothing down his tie and
following his boss out of his office and down the hall. Quinn was an architect. He designed or helped
design many of the newer buildings in the Philadelphia and surrounding areas. He loved what he did.

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It was a mostly solitary job where he could work by himself in silence. He liked working in silence.
No music, no talking, no noises to disrupt his train of thought. Quinn wasn't much of a socializer. He
had a few close friends and that was about it. He wasn't a partier - never had been. He was quiet and
liked to keep to himself.

His boss Peter was one of the few close friends. They had known each other for years. Quinn
had started working for Peter's company about 5 years ago and they had become friends right off the
bat. Peter had just understood Quinn. Understood his quiet, stoic demeanor and never forced him to
do anything he didn't feel comfortable doing. Quinn had always appreciated that.

Peter was bringing a new architect/interior designer into the company. She was from Paris,
France. And had just moved to the U.S. in hopes of broadening her skills and her career. Peter had
scooped her right up. Apparently, she was amazing at what she did.

As they got closer to the conference room, Quinn could see everyone who worked there
either already inside the room or walking in. Peter liked to do big introductions when someone new
started working for him. He had done it to Quinn, making him turn 50 shades of red. Quinn was not
one who liked to be center of attention. Ever.

They entered the room filled with at least 20 people. Quinn had tried to stay towards the
back but Peter grabbed his arm and yanked him up front with him. What the hell?! He didn’t want to
be up front! Peter got everyone quieted down before he started his little speech.

" Okay everyone. I have been going on and on for weeks now about the new addition to our team. It is
with great pleasure to introduce to you Ms. Margot Leclair!" Peter exclaimed then started clapping as
a beautiful brunette stood up from where she had been seated at the head of the conference table.

The stunning woman smiled brightly, waved and blew kisses like she was freaking Miss
America. Quinn couldn't stop the smirk that curled one side of his mouth. She wasn't embarrassed one
bit. Quite the opposite, really. She seemed excited and basked in the attention.

And good lord was she beautiful. Her long dark hair was down and loosely curled. It hung
down to the middle of her back. Her eyes were a greenish hazel. She had a cute little nose and sexy
bow shaped lips. She was dressed somewhat conservatively but that couldn't hide her incredible
figure. Quinn was seriously attracted to her. Which he was surprised by because he wasn't normally
attracted to brunettes. He usually gravitated towards lighter hair.

" Merci! I am so happy to be here! I can not wait to work with everyone!" Margot chirped happily
with a thick french accent. Quinn was instantly in love with her accent. It was sexy as hell.

" I also have some other big news," Peter said. " We got the Trump Hotel and Casino contract! They
specifically requested Quinn Beck as the head architect on the project," Peter beamed, turning to look
at him.

Quinn stared at him in astonishment. He knew on the outside he looked calm and collected as

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he shook his boss's hand. On the inside - he was jumping for joy. He has waited his whole career to
be head architect for such a huge project. The room exploded into cheers and clapping. Quinn gave
his usual closed mouth smile as heat rush up his cheeks.

" Congratulations Quinn. You've earned it," Peter gushed, patting him on the shoulder.

" Thanks, Peter." Quinn said gratefully.

" Alright, that's all folks. Back to work!" Peter called to the crowd.

Everyone started filing out of the room. Quinn turned to leave but Peter stopped him. " Hang on a
second Quinn," he said.

Quinn turned around, eyebrow raised in question. Peter led Margot by a hand on the small of her back
towards Quinn. " Margot, this is our top architect, Quinn Beck."

Margot smiled brightly and shook Quinn's hand. " It is a pleasure, Mr. Beck," she said, her accent
making everything she said sound sensual.

" Ms. Leclair," Quinn murmured, unable to take his eyes off her beautiful face.

" We sound silly being so formal, non? Please call me Margot," she smiled, a small flush creeping up
her delicate cheeks.

" Quinn," he replied.

" Qui", she agreed with a single nod.

" Quinn, I want Margot to be your second in command. I think she could help you a lot with this
project," Peter suggested.

Quinn glanced at Peter, who nodded hopefully. " Sure Peter. Absolutely."

Peter seemed to let out a breath he had been holding. " Great! Why don't you show Margot around the
office and then possibly get started on some ideas," Peter said then quickly turned and left before
Quinn could reply. Bastard.

Quinn looked back at Margot. She was practically bouncing with joy. She clapped her hands together.
" We will work great together. I promise!" she gushed.

Quinn wasn't so sure he could handle all her bubbliness. She had way too much energy for
him. He had always liked the timid mousey girls that kept to themselves. He wasn't much for the
outgoing types. And he had low tolerance for being around people like that too. And Margot - she was
very outgoing. He could tell. He had a feeling she was going to get on his nerves. No matter how
gorgeous she was.

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" I can't believe I let you talk me into this," Raelynn grumbled as she walked with her sisters, Bianna
and Elise, and her best friend Nicole.

" Oh shut up! We're gonna have fun. You need a night out," Nicole chuckled, bumping Raelynn with
her hip.

Nicole was the complete opposite of Raelynn when it came to their looks. Nicole had dark
brown hair and a bob cut. Her eyes were such a dark brown they almost looked black. And her skin
was more of an olive tone. She was super pretty. Oh! And she was 5’8 without heels on. Lucky bitch.

" Yeah, I'm tired of seeing you in suits all the time," Elise said with a pointed look.

" I have to look professional for work," Raelynn argued defensively.

" And you always work. You need a night out," Bianna said. Both Bianna and Elise were older then
her. Raelynn was the baby in the family.

" I sometimes forget how beautiful you are. You’re always wearing your hair in that horrible bun all
the time." This coming from Nicole as she brushed Raelynn’s loose hair over her shoulder.

" I need to keep it out of my face when I work," Raelynn huffed.

All three woman rolled their eyes. Luckily, they reached the door of the club and the
conversation was dropped. They walked in, showed their ID's and paid the cover charge. The music
was thumping - the base so loud that Raelynn could feel it in her chest. The women in the place were
scantily clad and looking mostly like a bunch of sluts. There were a lot of hot guys though. From what
Raelynn could see anyway.

The four of them found a table and sat. A waitress showed up a few minutes later to take
their drink orders. Raelynn ordered a Long Island Iced tea. She decided that she did need to relax a
bit. And she needed to get her mind off of a certain someone. She had been having a hard time getting
that heartbroken expression that was on his face the last time she saw him out of her mind. It’s been a
week since that day at Bill’s and she still couldn’t shake it.

Raelynn was on her second drink and feeling pretty damn good when Nicole slapped her arm.
" Look at that table of hottie's over by the dance floor. I say we go do a little dancing in front of them
to get their attention," she giggled as she motioned toward a table on the other side of the dance floor.

Raelynn followed Nicole's line of sight to the table she was talking about. Four guys were

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lounging around table. Two were facing the dance floor. The other two had their backs to it. The two
guys facing the dance floor looked alike, so she was guessing that they were brothers. Both were
totally yummy. Raelynn stood, followed by Nicole. Bianna and Elise just laughed and shook their
heads. They were both married so they weren't going try to get attention from some random guys.
Bianna was the sister married to Jared, Sebastian's therapist.

Raelynn and Nicole sauntered onto the dance floor and got as close to the guys as possible
without looking like they were trying too hard. The music was great and Raelynn was totally feeling
it. She was wearing a pretty, sleeveless, gold sequined sheath dress that stopped just above mid-thigh
and had a low scoop neck. She had on 4 inch platform heels that made her at least 5'9. Her long
blonde hair was down and loosely curled. It hung down to the middle of her back with a few pieces
that hung over the front of her shoulders. Her makeup was a bit more drastic then what she normally
did it. She did a blue smokey eyeshadow that made her light blue eyes just pop and a natural glossy
lipstick. She had to admit that she looked freaking hot tonight.

" I think we've been noticed," Nicole said in a sing-song voice. " And holy shit! The guy with the
tattoos is bangin'!"

Raelynn turned and locked eyes with the one man she'd been thinking about all week.
Raelynn's breath caught. Sebastian had turned his chair around to watch her and Nicole. She saw his
eyes widen for a second as he recognized her. Then he leisurely raked his gaze down her body.
Raelynn felt her body heat and respond to his blatant perusal. A naughty smirk curled his lips as he
reached over and smacked the guy next to him on the back. When the guy looked over at him,
Sebastian leaned closer and said something to him. The other guy then turned in his chair and Raelynn
saw that it was his brother Henry. Henry's eyebrows shot up when he saw her. Then he smiled and
gave her a wave.

Raelynn flushed and waved back.

" Do you know them?!" Nicole squawked.

" Yeah," Raelynn groaned.

" What? How?" Nicole asked, her big brown eyes wide.

" I'm working on a case that they're involved in," Raelynn muttered, glancing back over at Sebastian
to find him making his way towards her. " Oh no!"

" Oh no, nothing! Introduce me!" Nicole insisted, practically bouncing in her heels.

Before Raelynn could reply, Sebastian was in front of her. He was wearing a short sleeved
blue plaid button down shirt open over a plain white t-shirt that was molded to his muscular torso.
His jeans were dark and hugged his long lean legs but weren't overly tight. He looked so friggin’

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" Well, well, well, Detective Reynolds...I have to say you are looking mighty fine this evening,"
Sebastian drawled. He had a beer in one hand while the other was shoved into the front pocket of his
jeans. His heated gaze raked over her again.

" I'm not on duty, can call me Raelynn," She said, looking up at him. Even with her
seriously high heels on, he towered over her.

Nicole cleared her throat next to her.

" Oh...this is my best friend Nicole Gionelli. Nicole, this is Sebastian Beck," Raelynn introduced
somewhat reluctantly.

Sebastian shook Nicole's hand, his eyes landing on her very exposed cleavage. " Nice to meet you."
The arrogant smirk on his face that he knew exactly what Nicole thought of him.

" The pleasure is all mine for sure. I love your tattoos," Nicole purred.

Raelynn ground her teeth and bit back the urge to claw her eyes out. Nicole was her best friend after

" Thanks," Sebastian smirked then turned his attention back to Raelynn. " look
amazing. I think I'm in love with your hair," Sebastian murmured, reaching out and twirling a curl
around his finger.

Raelynn blushed and smiled shyly. She wasn't used to getting attention like this from guys.
She knew she was pretty but she was always working and the guys at work were disgusting assholes
and were usually spouting out some nasty sexist comment. It was nice to have someone say something
nice to her instead of being a disgusting pig.

" Can I buy you a drink?" Sebastian asked. His fingers still playing with her hair.

" Uh, well..." Raelynn started, glancing at Nicole. She didn’t want to blow her off.

Nicole smiled brightly. " Of course you can, Sebastian! I was gonna head to the bathroom anyway,"
she said then winked at Raelynn before walking away.

Sebastian smiled sexily and took her hand. He led her over to the bar where he found a space
and slid her into it. He then stood behind her. His warm body brushed against hers, making things
down low clench with want. Raelynn couldn't remember the last time she had sex, but she sure as hell
wanted it now. Had to be the booze. She usually wasn't an overly sexual person but something about
Sebastian had her craving it. Bad.

" What are you drinking?" Sebastian asked, his mouth next to her ear. Raelynn stiffled a shiver.

" Long Island Iced Tea," Raelynn answered.

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Sebastian got the bartender's attention and ordered her a Long Island and himself another
beer. When the bartender slid it across the bar, Sebastian handed him a $10 and waved away the
change. Raelynn took a sip of the delicious drink and knew that she was going to be thoroughly
hammered after this one. Raelynn turned around to face Sebastian who was finishing off the beer that
he already had. He placed the empty bottle on the bar and snatched up his new one. He then took her
hand and led her back onto the dance floor.

To Raelynn's surprise, Sebastian was a great dancer. And Jesus, he was sexy. Raelynn
couldn't help but watch him move. He was also being very silly and he had her cracking up half the
time. He did the running man, and the sprinkler, and the lawnmower. It was a relief to see this side of
him when all she's ever seen was the pain and hurt and fear in his life. She glanced at his brothers to
find them all watching and laughing. Then she looked over at her sisters and Nicole to find them doing
the same.

After dancing for a good hour, Raelynn needed to use the bathroom. Sebastian walked her
down the dark hallway and waited for her. That last Long Island had definitely pushed her over the
edge to full drunkenness. She had no idea if Sebastian was drunk or not - other then his eyes being
glassy - he seemed okay.

She walked out of the bathroom and let out a surprised yelp when Sebastian grabbed her and
pinned her against the opposite wall. His big hard body pressed against hers. His hot breath fanned
against her cheek near her ear. One hand was laced in her hair at the back of her neck while the other
was skimming up the back of her bare thigh. Raelynn hands twisted in the front of his t-shirt. She was
already panting and he hadn't even done anything yet. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she knew
she shouldn't be doing this, but she found it really hard to care.

" Do you have any idea how bad I want you?" Sebastian asked, his voice a husky growl.

Raelynn shivered and fought back a moan. " No," she whispered.

Sebastian nipped her earlobe. " So fucking bad," he groaned, rolling his hips forward so that she
could feel his very hard, very large erection.

Raelynn's breath caught and his mouth opened over her neck. A tug of her hair had her head
falling to the side to give him better access. He wedged his thigh between her legs and ground his
hips against hers. The hand that was on her thigh slid higher until he was under her dress and
squeezing her thong clad ass. He cursed against her neck before bringing his face up to look down at

His green eyes were blazing and she knew exactly what he wanted. Her. His fingers
tightened in her hair just before his mouth dropped to hers. The kiss was devastating. She's never had
a man kiss her the was Sebastian was kissing her. Like she was the only woman he ever wanted. He
moaned when their tongues met and Raelynn almost came right then and there. She loved when men
moaned and made other noises during sex. It was such a turn on for her.

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" Lets...get," Sebastian murmured while still stealing kisses.

" Okay," Raelynn breathed. She knew she shouldn't but really couldn't remember why.

After telling their parties that they were leaving, they were out the door and into a cab to Sebastian's

Somehow, they made it into Sebastian's apartment. They had been groping and kissing the
whole way through the lobby and in the elevator and down the hallway. Sebastian just couldn't get
enough of her and he was aching to be inside of her. He knew she was drunk, but he was too and he
couldn't dredge up enough morals to care. She wanted it. She wanted him and he was going to take
what she offered.

Sebastian kicked the door shut and locked it before scooping her up and practically running
down the hall to his bedroom. Raelynn giggled, making him smile. He had more fun dancing with her
tonight then he ever had in his 8 years with Victoria. Yeah...Raelynn could be serious and cold while
she was working...but she was a totally different person outside of work. Well, he couldn't really say
that because she had alcohol in her system. Whatever. He liked her anyway. She was sexy as all hell
in the tiny little dress and killer high heels. And her hair...Jesus Christ...he loved her hair! He couldn't
wait to wrap it around his fist and pump into her like there was no tomorrow.

He tossed her onto his king sized bed, making her laugh as she bounced. Then he pounced on
her, causing her to laugh even harder. Sebastian smiled. He loved her laugh. And he loved the way
her whole face lit up when she did it. He watched her for a moment. Her blonde hair fanned out
around her head. She had tears leaking from the corners of her eyes from laughing so hard. Her teeth
were white and perfectly straight. She also had freckles sprinkled across her nose and a dimple on
her right cheek. Lord, was there a more beautiful woman on this earth? Sebastian thought not.

Raelynn brushed away the tears as she came down from her laughing fit. She opened her eyes, giving
him a curious look when she found him watching her. " What?" she asked softly.

" I've never seen a more beautiful woman in my life," Sebastian rasped, brushing his fingers over her

Raelynn snorted. " You're only saying that because you're drunk."

Sebastian shook his head. " No. I thought that from the moment you almost broke my finger," he said
with a smirk.

Raelynn laughed. " You're crazy."

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" It's good that you understand that now," he joked with a chuckle.

Raelynn smiled fondly up at him before grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.
" You know...we really shouldn't be doing this, it's a conflict of interests," she murmured, lips
brushing his.

" I won't tell if you don't," he breathed, kissing her more deeply - cutting off her reply.

They continued to kiss while undressing each other. Once they were completely nude,
Sebastian dropped his body to hers. He loved the feel of her soft skin against his. He kissed her
passionately before making his way down to her neck. She was so sweet. Her skin smelled fantastic,
like honeysuckle. Sebastian palmed one of her breasts, which fit perfectly in his big hand and gave a
little squeeze. Raelynn let out a breathy moan and dug her head back into the bed. Sebastian continued
to play and torture her until she was begging him for more.

" Fuck...I have to be inside of you," Sebastian grunted and leaned over to his nightstand to grab a

He tore open the little packet with his teeth. He sat back on his heals and rolled the condom
on. Raelynn watched him, her eyes heavily lidded with desire. He took a moment to look down at her
beautiful body before he leaned over her and positioned himself at her core. Sebastian slowly pushed
his way in. She was extremely tight, but he was able to work himself in to the hilt. Raelynn was
panting and digging her nails into his back.

" You okay?" Sebastian rasped.

" Oh my god, yes!" She panted, rolling her hips up to get him to move.

Sebastian complied. He gathered her up in his arms and found a rhythm that had them both
moaning like crazy. After a couple minutes, he pushed up and sat back on his haunches. He just had to
watch as he moved inside of her. He used one hand to grip her hip while the other he used to stimulate
her. He rubbed his thumb in circles around her clit. Raelynn cried out and twisted the sheets up in her

" Come on baby...come for me," Sebastian panted, pumping into her faster. He was so close, but he
wanted her to come first.

" Sebastian!" Raelynn cried out, her voice strangled.

Raelynn's back arched and Sebastian put more pressure on her clit. Sebastian felt her body
clamp down around him as she screamed and clutched at his ass. Sebastian was lost after that. He
grabbed both her hips tight and slammed into her with a few final thrusts before coming hard.
Sebastian threw his head back and let out a guttural groan, his cock throbbing inside of her. Holy shit!
He'd never come so hard in his life. He stayed there panting, his head back, his eyes closed for who
knows how long. He could hear Raelynn breathing just as hard as him. He just couldn't move.

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Finally, Sebastian found the strength to move. He slid off the bed and threw the condom in
the trash. He shuffled back over to the bed and crawled onto it. Raelynn was still where he left her,
only her legs were together. Sebastian pulled the covers out from under her then laid down next to
her, pulling the covers up over both of them. Sebastian slipped and arm around her waist and pulled
her sated and lax body against his. Raelynn sighed and snuggled back into him. Sebastian stroked his
hand up and down her side and nuzzled his face into the back of her neck. She was so soft and
smelled so good.

Sebastian has never done this with a woman since his divorce - snuggled with them
afterwards. He usually was up and out the door. One of the main reasons he never brought a woman
back to his apartment was because he didn't want to snuggle. He didn't want to fight with a girl to get
her to leave. Some women were annoying like that. But with Raelynn, he didn't want her to leave just
yet. He wasn't done with her. And he also didn't mind the snuggling because he initiated it.

They both ended up falling to sleep for a little while before Sebastian woke and wanted
Raelynn again. They ended up having sex 3 times during the night, with sleep in between. Sebastian
just couldn't get enough of her. Of her kisses, her body, the noises she made. He wanted to keep her in
his bed for the rest of the weekend. Since his divorce, he's never slept with a woman more then once.
He was not going to let any woman get attached to him. And he refused to get attached to anyone. He
was just keeping Raelynn for the night because she blew his mind. He wouldn't be spending another
night with her.

Chapter 5

Raelynn woke with a pounding headache. She blinked open her eyes and found herself
staring up at an unfamiliar ceiling fan. Huh? Raelynn sat up and looked around the very masculine
bedroom. Oh God, what did she do? She glanced down to find that she was naked. Raelynn gasped
and yanked the sheet up and clutched it to her chest. She pressed her hand to her throbbing forehead
and tried to think. That's when she realized that someone was sleeping next to her.

Raelynn slowly looked over to see a very naked Sebastian sleeping on his back. The sheet
came up between his spread legs to barely cover his visibly hard cock that was laying across his hip.
His arms were thrown over his head and his face was turned towards her. His full, masculine lips
were parted slightly. He looked incredibly handsome asleep in the morning light. Raelynn closed her
eyes and parts of the night flashed through her mind. Sebastian's chiseled chest heaving - his head

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thrown back after he came the first time. Raelynn licking the gun tattoos on his hips. Raelynn riding
him while he held her hair, forcing her to arch back. Sebastian's head between her legs.

" Oh Jesus," Raelynn breathed, raking a hand through her tangled hair.

Raelynn scooted off the bed and pulled on her thong and bra. She had just picked up her
dress when Sebastian wrapped an arm around her waist and yanked her back onto the bed. Raelynn
let out a startled scream.

" Where do you think you're going?" Sebastian drawled, his voice gravelly from sleep. He nuzzled the
back of her neck.

" I have to go. This was a big mistake," Raelynn said tightly, pushing his arm away and got back off
the bed.

She stepped far enough away from the bed that he couldn't grab her again. She pulled her
dress on then risked a glance in his direction. Sebastian was laying on his side - facing her - leaning
on his elbow. Luckily, he had pulled the sheet up to cover himself.

He was frowning at her. " Should we have done it? Probably not. But it wasn't a mistake," he said
with a shrug.

" I could get in serious trouble at work," Raelynn snapped.

" So don't tell anyone. I wasn't going to rat you out," Sebastian replied.

" Plenty of people saw us leave the club together last night," Raelynn argued, bending over to slip one
foot into her shoe.

Sebastian rolled his eyes. " Haven't you ever heard of lying? You say you didn't feel good and I
wanted to make sure you got home okay."

Raelynn glared at him. Which he apparently found funny because he smirked.

" Whatever. I have to go," Raelynn huffed and started out of the room.

" Wait a sec! I'll drive you!" Sebastian called after her.

Raelynn heard him thumping around in his room. He came running out a minute later in gym shorts and
a t-shirt. He carried his sneakers under his arm.

" I really don't need you to drive me. I'll call a cab," Raelynn said, grabbing her purse off the floor by
the front door.

" Oh come on, don't be like that. It's silly to catch a cab when I can give you a ride," Sebastian huffed

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as he dropped his sneakers and shoved his feet into them without socks.

" You know this can never happen again, Sebastian. It was a one time lets just end it here.
I'll call a cab," Raelynn said firmly and reached for the door.

Sebastian grabbed her arm and spun her around. His looked angry as he glared down at her.
" Don't act like you didn't enjoy being with me last night. I never said I wanted anything more from
you. You don't need to call a cab. I will drive you home," he snapped, letting her go so abruptly that
she stumbled.

Raelynn frowned as he turned his back to snatch his keys off the kitchen counter. What the
hell was he pissed about? Yeah...okay...that was the best sex she'd ever had. Ever. And she seriously
doubted that anyone would ever come close to that ever again.

" I didn't say I didn't enjoy it," she said quietly.

Sebastian turned back to her. " Good," he grunted and headed for the door.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her out of his apartment. After locking the door, he started
down the hall with her in tow. She had to practically run to keep up with his long strides. When they
got to the elevators, Sebastian stabbed the down button and waited, his gaze firmly on the doors in
front of him. Raelynn shook her head. Whatever his problem was, she didn't care. There was nothing
between them. They had one night of mind-blowing sex and that was it.

Once at Sebastian's truck, he opened the passenger door for her and helped her in. He used
his body to block the view of her ass as she got in. She couldn't stop the smirk that curled her lips
when he growled at the sight himself. She liked that he was so attracted to her. At least physically
anyway. She didn't have time for all the emotional shit. Her job was number one. She loved her job.
She loved helping people. And nothing was going to change that. She just hoped that no one found out
about last night because she could be in serious trouble for sleeping with someone involved in one of
her cases. Damn booze. She knew if she hadn't been drunk last night she never would have gone home
with him. But then she wouldn't have the smoking hot memories of Sebastian Beck naked and panting
over her. Yeah, she could die happy now.

Sebastian got in the drivers side and slammed the door. He started up the truck then turned to look at
her. " Address?" he asked. His tone telling her that he was still mad.

She gave him her address. The ride was silent. Raelynn glanced over at Sebastian every now
and then. He seemed to loose whatever anger he was feeling as they went. But she couldn't miss the
troubled look that crept into his eyes. He rested his head on his fist as he drove, one hand on the
wheel. He seemed to be deep in thought - his eyebrows drawn down and together, the tightness of his
mouth - it was obvious that something was bothering him. But Raelynn didn't want to know. If it had
anything to do with her...she didn't want to know.

Sebastian pulled into her driveway 20 minutes later and put the truck in park.

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" Thanks, Sebastian. For the ride and last night," Raelynn said softly.

Sebastian looked over at her and gave her a tight smile. " See ya around," he said, his tone clipped.

Raelynn's chest tightened. Goddammit! She didn't want to part on bad terms with him.

" What's wrong?" she reluctantly asked.

Sebastian shook his head. " Nothing," he grumbled, turning to look out his window.

" Bullshit. Just tell me," Raelynn sighed.

" It's stupid...just go," Sebastian mumbled, not looking at her.

Raelynn growled in irritation. She unbuckled her seat belt then reached over and grabbed Sebastian's
chin. She turned his head so he would look at her. " Stupid or not, it's bothering you and I want to
know what it is," Raelynn said, looking into his bright green eyes. Green eyes that had looked at her
last night like she was the only woman in the world.

Sebastian made a noise low in his throat before shaking free of her hand. " I just pictured this morning
going differently that's all," he bit out. " But, whatever...doesn't matter I'll see ya around
Raelynn," he finished dismissively. The angry glint back in his eyes.

Raelynn blinked. " How did you picture this morning going?" she found herself asking. What the hell
was she thinking? She should just go and be done with it.

Sebastian sent her a dry look, answering, " I don't know. Maybe another round of sex, some breakfast,
a shower together? Then I would have taken you home."

" But why? I'm sure when you took me to bed last night you weren't thinking a relationship would
come out of it," Raelynn scoffed.

Sebastian's eyes narrowed at her. " No, but that doesn't mean I wanted to treat you like some slut that's
only good for one thing. I mean...shit Raelynn, I brought you to my apartment. You know I don't bring
women home. Even if it was a one night thing, you still meant more than all the other bimbo's that I've
gone home with."

" Oh," Raelynn said stupidly. She hadn't thought about it like that. She just wanted to get home before
she did something else that was have feelings for him.

" Yeah...‘Oh’," Sebastian mocked and shook his head.

Raelynn sat there for a moment looking at her hands. " Sorry," she said.

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" Don't worry about it," Sebastian said quietly. " I'm sure I'll see you around"

" Uh...yeah...probably," Raelynn muttered and opened the door. " Bye."

" Bye," Sebastian replied.

Raelynn slipped out of the truck and headed to her front door. She could feel Sebastian
watching her as she went. She stuck her keys in the front door then turned, giving Sebastian a little
wave. His return wave was him just lifting his fingers off the steering wheel before backing up and
pulling away. Raelynn's headache pounded harder and with a heavy heart she walked into her house,
shutting the door and thoughts of Sebastian behind her.

Sebastian had been in a shit mood the rest of the weekend. He was still pissed about how it
ended with Raelynn on Saturday morning. He felt like a fool. He totally acted like a woman. Getting
pissed when she wanted to leave because he had wanted to spend more time with her. What the fuck
was that about? He had wanted to make her breakfast. Jesus Christ! What a pussy! He was better off
without her - that way he could grow a pair.

Now it was Monday and Sebastian had spent the day back in the shop, working by himself. It
took his mind off her. Sebastian heard the bell to the front door chime and glanced at the clock. It was
7:30pm. The showroom was open until 8pm on Monday’s. Then the phone on the wall beeped and
Bill's voice filled the shop.

" Hey Sebastian, can you go see who that is? I'm busy at the moment," he said.

" Yeah sure," Sebastian said, quickly getting up and washing his hands.

He opened the door to the showroom and bit back a curse. Victoria. Again. Sebastian moved
behind the counter and walked down to where she was standing in front of it. She watched him, her
expression sad. Sebastian felt nothing but contempt for her.

" What is it, Victoria?" Sebastian snapped.

" Please, Sebastian...can we just talk?" Victoria pleaded.

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" I told you before, there is nothing to talk about." Sebastian replied coldly.

" I made a mistake, Sebastian. I realize that now," Victoria said, her eyes wide.

" Did Julian leave you?" Sebastian asked.

Victoria flinched. " Yes, but that has nothing..."

" It has everything to do with it. You don't want to be alone. Well, don't come crawling back to me.
We're divorced. Done. Never again will I want to be with you. You broke my heart once, Victoria.
You damn well better believe that I won't let that happen again," Sebastian said bitterly.

" You won't give me a second chance?" Victoria asked quietly.

" Nope. So you might as well go back to California," Sebastian said.

Victoria closed her eyes and the tears started down her face. Sebastian could care less.

The bell chimed as the shop door opened. Sebastian could see a couple guys walk in out of
his peripheral. He didn't think anything of it really, but he tore his eyes away from Victoria and
glanced at the two men. They were both Hispanic and the hair on the back of his neck stood up. Dread
twisted his gut. The first guy was only a foot away from Victoria by the time Sebastian realized he
had a gun in his hand. Before Sebastian could do or say anything, the man lifted his arm and pulled the

Sebastian shouted in horror as Victoria dropped to the ground...dead...from a bullet to the
temple. He flicked his eyes up to the man who just murdered his ex-wife. The man’s dark eyes were
cold, hard and dead. He had no qualms about killing people - that much was clear. Sebastian’s heart
stuttered when he heard Bill's office door open. His stomach rolled violently when he saw Bill
rushing down the hall toward them.

" What the hell was that?!" Bill shouted then stopped dead when he spotted Victoria lying on the floor
in a pool of blood.

The guy in front of Sebastian turned and pointed his gun at Bill while the older man wasn’t paying

" NO!" Sebastian screamed, throwing out a useless hand in Bill’s direction just as the guy pulled the

Bill stumbled back clutching his lower stomach. He bumped into the shelves behind him,
bringing down everything on them as he sunk to the floor. Bill’s eyes were wide and his mouth was
open in shock. He blinked at Sebastian in confusion. It took everything Sebastian had not to throw up
right then and there. Sebastian did at least have enough sense to hit the silent alarm button while the

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guys backs were turned. It was under the counter right next to him, thank god.

Sebastian took a couple deep breaths. He needed to focus. He needed to think. He needed to
get out of this alive. For Bill, for his brothers, for his parents and his nephews. Sebastian had his gun
in a holster at the small of his back. His shirt was tucked in in the back so there was nothing
obstructing him from getting to it fast. But could he draw it fast enough to pop the guy in front of him
and the second guy, who was standing closer to the door? The second guy would have plenty of time
to raise his weapon and fire if Sebastian took out the first guy.

The guy in front of him swung back around...gun raised and pointing at Sebastian's face. " You killed
my brother, you motherfucker!" he snarled hatefully.

" And you broke into my brother’s house," Sebastian replied calmly. He now knew that he was talking
to Hector Marquez.

" I don't give a fuck! All I fucking care about is making you pay!" Hector yelled. The gun pointed at
Sebastian's face shook slightly from the man's anger.

It was now or never. Do or Die. Sebastian was about to kill two more people. Could he do
it? He wanted to live, so...yes. Making his decision...Sebastian felt the world slow just like it did the
first time. He reached behind him...


Sebastian stood frozen. His gun was still pointed one handed at where the second guy had
been standing. He did it. He shot Hector in the head - killing him instantly - then he turned his gun on
the second guy, shooting him twice in the chest. Sebastian let go of the breath he'd been holding and
lowered his arm.

" Sebastian," Bill's pained plea snapped him back into reality.

" Oh Jesus! Bill!" Sebastian cried, scrambling over the counter to get to him as fast as possible.

Sebastian skidded to a stop and dropped to his knees next to his boss. He dropped his gun to
the floor and yanked his shirt over his head. He moved Bill's hands aside and pressed his shirt to the
oozing wound. Bill yelped in pain but covered Sebastian's hands with his own, putting more pressure.

Bill looked up at Sebastian with glassy eyes. " That was amazing what you did, Sebastian. I thought
you were going to be murdered...right in front of my eyes," he panted, grimacing in pain.

" Shh...don't talk. Save your strength," Sebastian whispered, not trusting his voice.

As the minutes passed, Bill grew paler and paler. Sebastian was now kneeling in Bill’s
blood and his hands were covered with it. Bill's breathing became ragged and shallow. Where the
fuck were the police?! Bill wasn't going to make it if they didn't hurry the hell up. Bill's hands slowly

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slipped from Sebastian's. Sebastian's eyes snapped up to look at his boss’ face. Bill’s eyes were
closed and his head was hanging to the side.

" Bill?...Bill?!...Bill, wake up!" Sebastian yelled. Bill didn't move and Sebastian couldn't tell if he
was breathing or not. He didn't want to move his hands and risk him bleeding out any more then he
already was. Fuck! " HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" Sebastian screamed at the top of his lungs. He
ended with a ragged sob. " Oh Jesus...someone help me...Bill...hang on man, you gotta hang on."

Sebastian rocked back and forth as he sobbed. He cried for Bill and he cried for Victoria.
He might not have liked her, but she had been his wife at one time. He had loved her. She may have
betrayed him but he didn't want her dead. He didn't want her dead.

Sebastian distantly heard the bell chime and voices filled the air. He heard some shouting
and hands roughly grabbed him. They tried to drag him away from Bill, but he fought back. He
bellowed and fought against the hands pulling him away. It wasn't until he heard Raelynn's voice yell
for whoever had him to let him go - did he stop. Sebastian sat on his ass, hands and pants covered in
blood, watching as the paramedics worked on Bill.

An arm slipped gently around his neck while a hand smoothed over his hair. Honeysuckle
filled his nose so he knew it was Raelynn touching him. His hands rested on the tops of his thighs,
palms up. Raelynn kept stroking his hair, whispering gentle words in his ear. The words didn’t even
matter. He was so numb at the moment that nothing mattered. Once the paramedic's got Bill out of
there, Raelynn helped him up and took him into the bathroom.

Sebastian stared blankly at his hands as Raelynn scrubbed away the blood. She was silent
and tense. He had nothing reassuring to say to her either. He was completely numb. He just let her do
whatever she wanted to him. He didn't care. He didn't care about anything at the moment. Once
Raelynn got his hands clean, she dried them with a paper towel. She flipped down the toilet seat and
guided him down onto it. Raelynn cupped his face and tilted it up towards her. She stood between his
legs, her thumbs stroking his cheeks.

" Sebastian?" she asked softly.

" Hmm?" he replied, staring at nothing.

" Can you look at me?" Raelynn asked, ducking her head to put her eyes level with his.

Sebastian blinked slowly before lifting his eyes to hers.

" Are you injured? Is any of this blood yours?" She asked, the worry and fear sharp in her blue eyes.

" No," he swallowed.

Raelynn nodded. " Okay, good," she said, letting out a breath she had been apparently holding.

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Raelynn leaned down and kissed him softly on the lips. It was short and sweet and said that
she had been scared to death that he might have been hurt. After she pulled back, she helped him to his
feet and led him out of the bathroom. Sebastian barely paid attention to what was going on and where
she was taking him. But the next thing he knew he was in her car, sitting in the front passenger seat.
He vaguely heard her tell someone that she was taking him home to get a change of clothes or

Chapter 6

Raelynn watched as Sebastian walked stiffly into his apartment. She had to dig his keys out
of his pocket. When they stopped in front of his door, he just stood there staring at the floor. Raelynn
had never been so scared in her life. When she got the call that there had been a shooting at Bill's, she
almost had a panic attack. She swore she was going to find Sebastian dead on the floor. Instead, she
found a woman and two men dead and one man seriously injured.

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The way it looked was that the two men had walked in and shot the woman and Bill before
Sebastian took them out. But she wanted to hear it from him before she jumped to conclusions.
Sebastian though, was in no condition to talk. He was a walking zombie. Barely anything she said got
through to him. He had been staring off into space most of the time and she knew he was in some kind
of shock. His skin was cool to the touch and his pulse was elevated when she checked it in the car.
She had taken his wrist in her hand and he didn't even flinch. She was really starting to worry about

Raelynn shut and locked the door then took Sebastian's hand and led him into the bathroom.
Raelynn turned on the shower and let the water get hot. She knew Sebastian wasn't going to wash
himself, so she stripped out of her clothes before getting him out of his blood soaked jeans. His knees
and shins were caked with dry blood. The jeans he had been wearing were toast. She'd throw them in
the trash when she was done.

Raelynn got in the shower and pulled Sebastian in. She backed him up under the hot spray
then grabbed his soap. Raelynn bent down and scrubbed his legs clean. She stood when she was
finished. After placing the soap back, Raelynn reached up and cupped his face in her hands. Sebastian
lifted his eyes to hers. Devastation. That was the only word to describe what was in his eyes.

" Is Bill alive?" he whispered.

" Yes, he made it to surgery and should make a full recovery," Raelynn said softly.

Sebastian closed his eyes and dropped his forehead to hers. Raelynn sighed and closed her
eyes too. Sebastian's hands snaked around her waist and hugged her to him. Then his mouth dropped
to hers. He kissed her slowly at first. But then it seemed to grow more desperate and needy. He turned
and pressed her against the tile under the shower-head. With his body pressed against hers, she could
feel his growing erection rubbing against her stomach.

" Sebastian?" Raelynn gasped, unsure of where this was going.

" Please Rae...I need this...I need you...," Sebastian said in a broken whisper against her lips. " I need
to feel you to make sure I’m alive."

Raelynn’s heart broke for him. He'd been through so much in such a short amount of time.
How could she deny him the one thing that could take everything away - even if it was only for a short
amount of time.

" Okay," Raelynn whispered in agreement.

Sebastian groaned low in his throat in response then picked her up. Raelynn wrapped her
legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. Sebastian kissed her hard. His chest was
smashed against hers, pressing her more firmly against the wall. The water beat down on Sebastian's
back. Raelynn clutched the back of his neck as he hitched her a little higher so that he was positioned
right at her core. Sebastian's hips surged forward, completely sheathing himself in one thrust.

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" Fuck," Sebastian choked, his mouth hovering over hers as he started to rock his hips.

Sebastian moved slow. He seemed intent on making it last as long as possible. They moaned
and cried out and gripped each other hard. Raelynn hadn't planned on ever sleeping with Sebastian
again but there was no way she could deny him or herself. She needed this as much as he did, just to
make sure he was alive too. Raelynn's orgasm hit her out of nowhere. She cried out against
Sebastian's lips as her whole body seized up. Sebastian came just after her with a guttural shout that
echoed in the small bathroom. They panted against each other for a moment before Sebastian set her

" Ah, shiiiit," Sebastian bit out.

" What?" Raelynn started, sending him a questioning look.

" No condom"

" Oh...well I'm clean and on birth control," Raelynn assured him.

" I'm clean too, I swear," Sebastian promised, stroking the backs of his fingers over her cheek.

Raelynn smiled softly. " I believe you."

Sebastian nodded. They quickly got washed then got out. After drying off, Raelynn put her
clothes back on while Sebastian went to grab clothes from his room. Raelynn gathered up his jeans
from the bathroom, put them in a trash bag, then put them in the kitchen trashcan. When she was done,
she waited for him in his living room. Sebastian emerged from the hallway in a pair of faded jeans
and a white polo shirt. He walked over and sat down next to her on the couch.

Raelynn took his hand and held it in both of hers. " I hate to do this to you right now, Sebastian...but
you need to tell me what happened."

Sebastian nodded and went through the whole story. Raelynn hadn't realized that the dead
woman was his ex-wife. All Raelynn had seen was the blood and dark hair. By the time he was
finished his story, he was shaking. Sebastian pulled his hand away...probably so she wouldn't feel it.
He leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees before dropping his head in his hands.

" I'm so sorry, Sebastian," Raelynn murmured.

" I just...I can't believe she's dead," Sebastian rasped. " I spent 8 years of my life with her. I may not
have loved her like I used to but I didn't want her to die. It's my fault she's dead..."

" Oh no...don't you dare think like that. She's the one who chose to come and see you. You didn't ask
her to come to the shop. You had no idea what was going to happen. There is no way you can blame
yourself for her death," Raelynn said, running her hand across the back of his shoulders.

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Sebastian shook his head and shoved his hands through his damp blonde hair. He laced his fingers
together at the back of his head as he dropped it down to hang between his forearms.

" Do you want me to call your brother?" Raelynn asked gently.

" Yes," Sebastian whispered.

" Okay," Raelynn said and stood.

She paced into the kitchen and pulled out her phone. Pulling up Henry Beck's number, she hit the call
button then put the phone to her ear. It rang 4 times before he picked up.

" Hello?" Henry's deep raspy voice answered.

" Henry, this is Detective Reynolds," Raelynn replied.

" Oh, hey Detective. What's going on?” Henry asked lightly.

" Listen, I don't want you to freak out okay?" Raelynn said.

" How do you expect me not to freak out now that you said that?" Henry asked dryly.

" Sorry. I'll just get right to it then...Sebastian was attacked while at work today..."

" Jesus Christ! Is he okay?!" Henry practically shouted into the phone.

" Yes. Physically he's fine. Emotionally...I'm not so sure," she sighed.

" What the hell happened?" Henry asked, sounding worried and angry at the same time.

Raelynn gave him the CliffsNotes version, which had Henry cursing up a storm. He then said
he'd be right over and hung up on her. Raelynn went back over to Sebastian and sat down. She didn't
know what to do for him. He was rocking slightly. She guessed that was his way of trying to comfort

About a half hour later, Sebastian's door opened and Henry and an older woman walked in.
Henry apparently had a key. Raelynn had been rubbing his back when they walked in. She turned and
looked over the back of the couch. Henry gave her a tight smile and a nod while the older woman
gave her a curious look.

" Thanks Detective," Henry said as she stood and moved to shake his hand.

" No problem," Raelynn nodded.

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Henry gave her a grateful look then went to his brother's side, putting an arm around his shoulders.
Raelynn turned to the older woman. " Hi, I'm Detective Reynolds," she said, holding out her hand.

The other woman took it and held it in both of hers. " I'm Anne Beck, Sebastian's mother."

" Mrs. Beck, it's very nice to meet you," Raelynn said, genuinely pleased that she was here. Sebastian
needed all the support he could get right now.

" You too, dear. My, you are beautiful," she said almost in awe as she looked over Raelynn.

Raelynn blushed. " Thank you, ma'am."

" Please, call me Anne," she said, patting Raelynn's hand.

" Then I insist you call me Raelynn."

" You got it," Anne smiled.

" I'm gonna get out of your hair...let you two spend time with Sebastian," Raelynn said quietly.

Anne nodded and let her hand go. Raelynn started for the door and just as she was about to
grab the knob, Sebastian grabbed her arm and swung her around. Her yelp was cut off by his lips
crushing hers. She sucked in a sharp breath through her nose and clutched his shirt. He pulled back
slowly, littering her mouth with small pecks from corner to corner.

" Thank you for being there for me today," he whispered against her lips.

" Anytime," Raelynn breathed.

Sebastian stepped back and Raelynn caught the amused look both Henry and his mother were
wearing. Raelynn bit back the urge to stick out her tongue at them. She opened the door and stepped
into the hall. She gave Sebastian a small smile before heading towards the elevator. Her heart was
pounding from that last kiss. She wanted to kick herself for caring about him as much as she did. She
knew it would only end in heartache.

Quinn stared unseeing down at the blueprints in front of him. All he could think about was
Sebastian and what he went through yesterday. Henry had called him this morning to let him know. It
was unbelievable. Quinn couldn't even imagine what Sebastian was feeling right now. Henry had said
he was completely out of it and that he was going to be taking him to see his therapist today. How
much could a man take? Surely Sebastian was at his limit. He'd killed three people now. Yeah, they

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deserved it, but Sebastian wasn't a killer. His mind didn't work that way.

Quinn had noticed a change in Sebastian after the first incident. He was quieter. It kinda
freaked Quinn out because Sebastian was not in any way a quiet person. He was boisterous and loud.
He liked to fuck with people. He liked to make people laugh. Quinn had seen that person when they
were at the bar last week. It had made him smile and he had hoped Sebastian was starting to return to
normal. Then this had to happen. Quinn hoped he hadn't lost his crazy brother forever.

" Quinn, are you okay?" Margot's sweet french accented voice asked softly.

Quinn's eyes snapped up to hers. " Huh? Yeah, I'm fine," he said, clearing his throat.

" You have been staring for quite some time," Margot pointed out, her pretty hazel eyes searching his.

Quinn just looked at her, his face blank. He wasn't going to tell her anything. He didn't know
her. They weren't friends. He didn't share his personal business with just anyone. Quinn had a bit of a
trust issue. It took a long time for people to gain his trust. He'd been screwed over one too many times
in the past and he refused to let that happen ever again.

Margot sighed and went back to what she was doing at her desk. Peter had insisted that
Margot share Quinn's office since they were working on this project together. Quinn was seriously
pissed off about that. His private space was being encroached on and it made him seriously irritable
and twitchy. Not only was it not quiet like he liked it but Margot was annoyingly outgoing. She talked
a lot. Even if she knew he wasn't listening, she talked to him anyway. Quinn was going to have to kill
Peter for this.

Quinn tried to go back to his work. A minute passed before Margot started humming and
tapping her pencil. Quinn tried to ignore it. He gritted his teeth and tried to focus on what he was
supposed to be doing. But all he could hear was her.


" Margot, please!" Quinn snapped, slamming his hand on his drafting table.

Margot jumped and looked up at him wide-eyed. " What?!" she asked, not knowing what he was
talking about.

" Can you please be quiet?! I can't concentrate with you tapping and humming!"

Margot frowned. " It is too quiet in here."

" I like it that way!" Quinn huffed.

" But..."

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" But nothing. This is my office and I want quiet," Quinn barked.

What the hell was she doing to him? He'd never disliked a woman like this. She just grated
on his nerves. She was bringing out a side of him that he didn't even know existed. He was usually
calm and collected, rarely getting irritated or angry. But this woman had him practically yelling at
her. What the hell?

Margot's eyes narrowed on him before looking back down at her work and mumbling
something in French. Quinn took a couple deep breaths to calm himself. He needed to get himself
under control. This was not him. He was the quiet, keep to himself guy. Not a man who explodes
when someone irritates him. But in the few days that Margot has worked in his office, his stoic
demeanor has been steadily deteriorating. He didn't like it one bit.

A cell phone rang. It wasn't Quinn ringtone. He glanced over to see Margot pull her cell out
of her purse and answer it. In french. Just fucking great! Margot's face lit up and she smiled. Then she
started spouting off in rapid french. She spoke very animatedly, gesturing with her hand even though
the person she was talking to couldn't see her. Quinn glared at her.

After a couple minutes, Quinn realized that it was going to be a long call. So instead of
sitting there brooding, he decided to get the hell out of there. He shoved off his stool, slammed his
pencil onto the ledge of the table and stormed out of there. He caught Margot's amused look as she
watched him leave. No doubt she was talking about him with whoever she was talking to. Quinn felt
the sudden urge to scream, but he swallowed it. Damn her! Quinn got a few quizzical looks from
fellow co-workers as he stomped down the hallway. He needed air. He pushed through the office
doors and out to the lobby where the elevators were. He'd take a long lunch and maybe by the time he
got back, he'd be calm and Margot would be done with her phone call.

Chapter 7

Sebastian hated funerals. He hated wearing a suit. He hated all the crying and wailing. He
hated everything about them. But he had to go. It was Victoria's funeral. His family insisted on going
with him. Every single one of them. Henry and Claire. His parents. Even Quinn and Christian. He was
touched. And glad that they were there for him when he needed them. And he was glad that he hadn't
had to ask for the support he so desperately needed and couldn't find the voice to ask for.

After the viewing and mass, everyone headed to the cemetery. Standing there, beside her
grave, Sebastian found it hard to breath. His mother was holding his right hand while Claire clung to

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his left arm. Henry - who was next to Claire - had his hand on Sebastian's shoulder. He and his family
stood on one side of the grave, while her family stood on the other side. Her mother couldn't even
stand. She was sitting in a folding chair, clutching Victoria's favorite stuffed rabbit that she had kept
on their bed when they were together. She never went anywhere without it. So when they went to her
hotel room to gather her things, it was there.

After the priest did his thing, they started lowing the casket. Sebastian felt like his heart was
being ripped out all over again. His throat closed and his eyes stung. He couldn't hold back the ragged
sob that tore out of him. He clapped his left hand over his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut. He had
loved Victoria with all his heart at one time and nothing prepared him for seeing her body being
lowered into the ground.

His mother's arms wrapped around his waist and he instinctively hugged her to him. His
father gripped his right shoulder and gave him a reassuring squeeze. Henry was doing the same on his
other side. Sebastian wished Raelynn was here with him right now. He could really use her comfort
right about now.

When all was said and done, Sebastian and his family left the cemetery. He wasn't going to
go to the luncheon. He couldn't sit there with her family and their accusatory glares. He knew they
thought that her death was his fault. That much was obvious. He had gone to Jared the day after her
death and every day for the past three days and was slowly understanding that it really wasn't his
fault. But he would never get her family to understand that.

Sebastian walked into his apartment. Henry had dropped him off after he said he just wanted
to be alone. He yanked the knot of his tie and pulled it over his head. After tossing it on the counter he
worked open the buttons of the stiff white collar. He shrugged out of his jacket and hung it over the
back of a stool. Sebastian went to the bottom cabinet of the island that he used as a liquor cabinet and
pulled out the unopened bottle of Jack Daniels.

Foregoing a glass, Sebastian took the bottle into the living room and sat in his brown leather
recliner. He planned on drinking himself stupid. He wanted to forget everything for one night. He
needed to if he wanted to keep his sanity. He needed to sleep without dreaming. He had woken up
with more nightmares in the past few days then he has in his entire 33 years of life. And it was the
kind of nightmares that had him screaming and panting and sweating. Then he'd be awake for hours,
afraid to fall back to sleep. Jared said he had PTSD. No surprise there.

About 3/4 through the bottle, Sebastian was feeling nice and numb. His mind was blissfully
blank...although the room was swaying beneath him. He was actually surprised that he hadn't passed
the fuck out yet. That was coming soon though, he could feel it. He needed to make a call before he
passed out though. He struggled to get his phone out of his pocket. When he finally did, he found the
number he wanted and hit the call button.

His mother answered on the 2nd ring. " Sebastian? Is everything alright?" she asked, concerned.

" I'm smashed," Sebastian slurred. " I just wanted to tell you something before I pass out."

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" Okay honey, what it is?" Anne said gently.

" I've forgiven you. I don't wanna fight with you anymore." Sebastian murmured.

" I don't want to fight with you either, Sebastian," Anne croaked.

" I'm glad you've changed for the better, Mom. I like you much better this way."

" You know something, Sebastian...I like me better this way too," his mom said. He could hear the
smile in her voice.

Sebastian smiled and closed his eyes because they were becoming just too damn heavy to keep open.
" Love you, Mom. I gotta go."

" I love you too, sweetheart," Anne said softly.

They said goodbye and Sebastian just let the phone drop into his lap. Blackness took over and
Sebastian welcomed it.

Raelynn banged for the millionth time on Sebastian's apartment door. She knew his was
there. She could hear him snoring on the other side. She hadn't talked to or seen him in a few days and
she wanted to make sure he was okay. Plus, Jared had called her and asked her to check on him
because he didn't show up for his appointment today and wasn't answering his phone.


Raelynn heard Sebastian groan.


" Sebastian! Open the door!" Raelynn called.

" I'm coming, dammit! Keep your panties on!" He yelled back.

Raelynn heard him grumble something else and then slow, heavy footsteps started towards
the door. A moment later the lock clicked and the door opened. Raelynn gasped at Sebastian's
disheveled appearance. He was in a pair of wrinkled black dress pants and a rumpled white button
down dress shirt. The top two buttons of the shirt were undone and one side of the bottom was
untucked. His blonde hair was a mess and his jaw was covered in heavy scruff. His eyes were barely

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open and he reeked of alcohol.

" Jesus, are you okay?" Raelynn asked, walking in and shutting the door behind her.

" Never fucking better," Sebastian grunted and shuffled over to the brown leather recliner in his living

He flopped down into it and pulled the lever back so that his feet were up. He still had his
shoes on. He must have gone to his ex-wife's funeral yesterday. Shit. How much had he had to drink
last night? Raelynn got her answer when she moved into the living room and saw a practically empty
bottle of Jack in the floor next to the recliner.

Raelynn picked up the bottle. " How much was in here when you started?" she asked, holding it up
and tilting it slightly as she looked at the little bit left in it.

Sebastian cracked one green eye open to look at her. " It was brand spankin' new, baby," he grinned

" You're still drunk, aren't you?" Raelynn asked dryly.

" Possibly," Sebastian shrugged and closed his eye. " I could have possibly still been asleep too if
you hadn't come bangin' on my fucking door."

" Sebastian, it's 4:30 in the afternoon. I figured you’d be awake," Raelynn replied, rolling her eyes.

" You figured wrong," he pointed out.

" Jared called me. You missed your appointment today. He was worried," Raelynn said.

" Ah, shiiit," Sebastian groaned. " Alright, I'll call him in a few minutes. In the meantime why don't
you get naked and come ride me," Sebastian smiled and glanced up at her with his glassy green eyes.

Raelynn barked out a laugh at the out of no where comment. " You're crazy," Raelynn chuckled.

" You already knew that, sweet cheeks," he said with a devilish smirk.

Raelynn shook her head. " Why don't you go get a shower before you stink up your whole apartment"

" Only if you come with me."

" Forget it, Sebastian - not gonna happen."

" You know you want me," Sebastian said, wagging his eyebrows at her.

" Oh my God, I'm leaving," Raelynn groaned and started for the door.

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Sebastian laughed. " Aw...don't leave, baby. I was just joking."

Raelynn turned around. " Behave yourself or I'm out of here."

Sebastian pouted and blinked innocently up at her. Raelynn fought not to smile but it wasn't
really working. Damn him. Raelynn gave him a bored look before walking into the kitchen to make a
pot of coffee. Sebastian chuckled low and put his recliner upright. Raelynn heard him groan as he
stood up. Then she heard him shuffling toward the hallway that led to his bathroom.

Raelynn smiled to herself. She liked Sebastian when he was playful like that. But it seemed
like he was only like that when he was drunk. She had only known him for about a month and it had
been a horrendous month. He had to kill three people in self defense. Buried his ex-wife and was
praying that his boss wasn't next. Sebastian was a strong man, that was for sure.

Raelynn looked in the fridge when she heard the shower turn on. Maybe she could make him
something to eat to soak up some of that alcohol. She still couldn't believe he drank almost a whole
bottle of Jack. He was lucky he didn't need his stomach pumped. Raelynn found bacon and sausage,
along with eggs.

Sebastian returned as Raelynn was pouring them each a cup of coffee. The food was still
cooking. It smelled fantastic. Sebastian looked a little better now that he was showered. He got
dressed in gray sweatpants and a black wifebeater. His face was still scruffy but it looked good on
him. His hair was still a mess, only now it was wet. Sebastian sat down at the island. Raelynn pushed
his mug in front of him.

" Anything in it?" Raelynn asked.

" No, I need it black right now," Sebastian replied quietly, staring down at his coffee.

" You okay?" Raelynn asked, tilting her head in curiosity.

Sebastian's head bobbed. " Yup."

Raelynn let it go. She knew he wasn't okay. He looked like shit. His eyes were dull, his
mouth was tight and his shoulders were tense. He sat in silence drinking his coffee while Raelynn
finished cooking. She had a feeling that shower sobered him up a bit and the weight of his problems
were back.

Raelynn finished cooking and filled two plates with bacon, sausage and scrambled eggs. She
set one plate and a fork in front of Sebastian. Sebastian asked for pepper and ketchup, which Raelynn
got for him. She stood across from him at the counter and ate.

" This is really good. Thank you," Sebastian murmured, glancing up at her.

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" You're welcome," Raelynn replied with a nod.

Sebastian studied her for a moment before looking back down at his food. " I went to Victoria's
funeral yesterday," he said, his voice hesitant. As if he wasn't sure if he should or could talk to her
about it.

" Yeah?" Raelynn replied. Not really sure what else to say, but wanting him to go on.

" Have you ever lost someone you were close with?" Sebastian asked, his green eyes locked on hers.

Raelynn put her fork down. " Yes. I lost one of my best friends a few years ago to a drunk driver," she
said sadly. It still hurt to think about Gia sometimes. Her, Gia and Nicole had been friends since 1st

" I'm sorry," Sebastian shook his head.

" It's okay," Raelynn said with a soft smile.

" I just...God...nothing prepares you for what its going to feel like to watch someone you loved be put
in the ground," Sebastian rasped, raking a hand through his hair. " Every time I close my eyes, all I
see is her getting shot. I needed a night of peace or I was going to loose my mind. That's why I drank
so much"

Raelynn frowned. She understood now where he was going when he brought it up. Did he think she
was judging him for getting trashed by himself last night? " You don't have to explain yourself to me,

Sebastian searched her eyes. " I don't want you to think I'm weak," he frowned and looked away.

Raelynn gaped at him for a moment. " First off - you shouldn't give a shit about what I think. You're
doing what you think you need to do to stay sane, so fuck what I think. And second - you are the
strongest person I know. Not many people can say they did what you did just to survive," she snapped

Sebastian blushed. A slow smile softened his face. " Thank you, Raelynn."

" You're welcome," She huffed, picking up her fork and stabbing a piece of sausage.

" Anyone ever tell you you're hot when you're angry?" Sebastian asked, his smile turning into that
trademark naughty smirk of his.

Raelynn pointed her fork - sausage and all - at him. " Remember what I said about behaving? I'll
leave and make you do the dishes."

Sebastian laughed. Raelynn smiled in return. God, she was getting in too deep. Everything

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about this man called to her. She wanted to be there for him when he was having trouble. She wanted
him to confide in her. She wanted to kiss him and hold him and make love to him. She needed to put
some distance between them. Nothing good would come out of staying close.

Chapter 8

Sebastian brought his empty plate to the sink. Raelynn was washing the dishes, bowls and
silverware that was in there. Sebastian sidled up behind her, setting the dish on the counter as he
nuzzled his face in the side of her neck. He pressed his body against hers and wrapped his arms
around her tiny waist. Luckily, she had heels on otherwise he'd be bending over a lot farther to get to
her. She was a short little thing. Sebastian sucked in a deep breath through his nose, pulling in her
fragrant scent. He loved the way she smelled.

Sebastian kissed her neck and Raelynn tensed. " Uh Sebastian, I don't think this is a good idea," she
said, shutting off the water.

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" I think it's a great idea," Sebastian murmured against her soft skin. He was already hard. Everything
about her turned him on, so it didn't take much.

" No, we can't keep doing this. It was only supposed to be a one time thing," Raelynn argued half-
heartedly while tilting her head to the side to give him better access to her neck.

Sebastian didn't bother arguing with her. She obviously wanted him. He sucked and nibbled
at her neck while he used one hand to cover her breast and the other to cup her mound through her
pants. Raelynn's breath caught. Sebastian smiled against her neck. He so had her.

" Sebastian," Raelynn whined.

" Rae," Sebastian whined right back but ground his erection against her ass.

Raelynn groaned. " You so don't play fair," she grumbled.

Sebastian chuckled. " I can't help how incredibly irresistible you are." He licked a line up to her ear,
making her shiver. " I just can't seem to get enough of you," he breathed, lips brushing her ear.

Raelynn’s breath caught again and her body melded into him. Sebastian hummed his
satisfaction. He wanted her so bad. He couldn't understand why. But there was just something about
her that pulled him in. Since his divorce, he'd never slept with the same woman twice. But he was
now going on five times with Raelynn. It's not like he hasn't had the chance to sleep with the same
woman twice. He's bumped into plenty of his ex-lovers - most of them hinting that they wanted
seconds - but he had always refused. He didn't want them to get attached. Was he getting attached to
Raelynn? Nah.

Sebastian spun her and lifted her tiny body. Raelynn gasped and wrapped her legs around his
waist. Her wet hands gripped his shoulders. Sebastian slanted his lips over hers, kissing her
languidly. Raelynn's hands slid to the back of his neck as she opened her mouth to him. Sebastian
groaned when their tongues met. He loved the way she kissed. She was passionate and seductive. He
wondered if she kissed other men the same way. He seriously hoped she wasn't kissing anyone else.
The thought actually turned his stomach. He wasn't usually the jealous or possessive type. But
something about Raelynn possibly being with someone else other than him made him want to break

A phone ringing cut through his thoughts and their kiss. Raelynn pulled back and Sebastian put her
down. She reached into her back pocket and pulled out her phone.

" Detective Reynolds," She answered, sounding a little breathless.

Sebastian watched her as she listened to whoever was talking on the other end. She sighed as her eyes
lifted to his, a mixture of relief and regret in her blue gaze.

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" Okay. I'll be right there...okay...bye," Raelynn said then hung up. She looked at up Sebastian.
" I'm sorry. I gotta go."

Sebastian frowned but nodded. He followed Raelynn to the door. " Thanks for feeding me," he

Raelynn turned and gave him a soft smile. " You're welcome. Don't forget to call Jared."

" I won't," Sebastian promised as she stepped out into the hall.

" I'll see ya," Raelynn said quietly then started for the elevators without a backwards glance.

Fuck him! Sebastian shut the door and leaned his forehead against it. What the hell? He was
seriously disappointed that she had to leave. But that was only because he wanted sex. Right? It had
nothing to do with him wanting to spend more time with her. He just wanted to loose himself in her
for a little while. Maybe he shouldn't see her anymore. He was having too many unwanted feelings
when it came to Raelynn Reynolds. Yeah...he should just forget about her and go pick up some other
chick to fuck. But first he needed to get ahold of Jared.

When Sebastian called, Jared insisted he come right over. So Sebastian shoved his feet into
his sneakers, grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Jared's office was attached to his house. He
had a separate door on the side and everything. It took him about fifteen minutes to get there. He
pulled into the driveway behind an SUV that was usually parked there.

As Sebastian got out of his truck, he noticed a woman pulling a grocery bag out of the back
seat of the SUV. She was pretty. Light blonde hair that was cut just below her chin with bangs that
were swept to one side. She was tiny, no taller then 5'3, 110lbs. Her face was familiar looking and
Sebastian searched his brain for where he'd met her before because this was the first time he's seen
her at Jared's place.

She turned when he shut his door. A bright smile spread across her face. " Oh hey! You must be
Sebastian. I'm Bianna, Jared's wife," she said in her the sweet little girl voice she had and held out a
hand for him.

Sebastian shook it, his hand practically engulfing hers. " I am. Nice to meet you," Sebastian said then
gestured to the heavy looking plastic bag in her hand. " Can I carry that for you?"

Bianna smiled brightly. " You're sweet but I can handle it. Jared's waiting for you."

Sebastian nodded. " Okay...if you're sure?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

" I got it." Bianna replied, her pretty smile still on her face. She gave him a wink then headed into the

Sebastian racked his brain some more about where he'd seen her before as he walked down

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the side of the house and into the door that lead to Jared's office. There was a little foyer with a
couple chairs. On the opposite wall was another door that lead to Jared's office. It was open, so
Sebastian walked up and knocked on the doorframe.

Jared was sitting at his desk looking over some notes. He glanced up and gave Sebastian a
small but genuine smile, waving him forward. Sebastian walked in and shut the door. Jared was a
good-looking dude. He had short copper colored hair. His eyes were as green as Sebastian's and he
was in decent shape for being 41. Jared put down his notes and stood, skirting the desk to shake
Sebastian's hand.

" I'm glad you could make it, Sebastian," Jared said. His voice was so soothing. When Sebastian had
first heard it he was a little freaked out at how much it affected him.

" Yeah...sorry about earlier. I had a rough day yesterday and decided to drink myself to sleep last
night," Sebastian winced.

Jared nodded and motioned to the leather wing backed chair behind Sebastian. " Have a seat."

Sebastian complied, sitting in the comfortable chair and propping his ankle on his knee. Jared
grabbed his note book then sat across from him in the chair's twin. " So tell me about yesterday,"
Jared said.

" It was Victoria's funeral," Sebastian said, raking a hand through his hair.

" How was it?"

" It was a nice funeral I guess. Her parents did everything so..." He trailed off with a shrug.

" And that bothers you," Jared said, more as a statement then a question.

Sebastian huffed. " Well yeah...I guess a little bit...I mean I was married to her for five years. I was
there when she died."

Jared nodded. " Did they say anything to you yesterday?"

" Who? Her parents?"

" Yes."

" God no," Sebastian snorted bitterly. " They think I'm the reason she's dead."

Jared frowned and nodded. " How did you feel yesterday - being there?"

Sebastian dropped his foot then leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He scrubbed his face
with his hands before dropping them so they hung between his knees. Sebastian sighed. A dull ache

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took root in his chest.

" I was a mess. Especially when they put her casket into the ground. It was like I got hit with a ton of
bricks. I was never going to see her again. I was never going to hear her voice again. I mean...we
weren't on good terms and I would have been fine with both of those things had she still been alive.
But her being dead makes it all so permanent, you know?"

Jared nodded again.

Sebastian sighed, flopped back into the chair and closed his eyes for a moment. Raelynn had
popped into his head. He was hoping that she would call him later when she was done work. He
really wanted to see her again despite knowing that it was probably a bad idea. When he looked back
at Jared, he found Jared studying him. A hint of an amused smile on his face. Sebastian gave him a
curious look.

" What?" Sebastian asked.

" What else is on your mind?" Jared asked with a knowing smirk. That was one thing Sebastian
thought was annoying about Jared. The man was way too perceptive.

Sebastian pursed his lips, debating on telling Jared about Raelynn. What the hell, why not? He
shrugging internally.

" There is this woman I've been sleeping with..." Sebastian started.

" Just sleeping with? You're not in a relationship?"

" No. No relationship. I don't want one and I don't think she does either. I wouldn't even say we're
seeing each other. It's just sex."

" Okay. So what's the problem?" Jared asked curiously, raising one copper eyebrow.

" I just...I'm not sure if there is a problem. I mean...she's the only woman since my divorce that I've
slept with multiple times. I feel like I can't get enough of her. I'm just...confused. I don't understand
what it is about her that draws me in," Sebastian sighed irritably.

" How long have you known her?" Jared asked.

Sebastian smiled. " Well...I first met her in a bar over a year ago. It was right after my divorce was
finalized. She came into the bar where I was hangin’ with my brothers and I couldn't help myself. I
went over to her and offered to buy her a drink. She basically told me to get lost. I then noticed she
was wearing a badge and I went to touch it. Well...she bent my finger back to my wrist, almost
breaking it."

" She's a cop?" Jared asked, frowning slightly.

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" Detective," Sebastian said, then remembered. " She actually gave me your number. Raelynn

Jared blinked, his face blank as he replied. " Ah...yes. I do know Raelynn. Anyway...go on."

Sebastian narrowed his eyes at Jared. There was something the other man wasn't saying but Sebastian
decided to let it go. " Right. So as you know, I saw her again when I shot the first guy. Then I was out
one night - with my brothers - and she was there with some friends. Actually, a couple of the girls
looked kinda like her, so I guess they were her sisters or something. Anyway,
one thing lead to another and I took her back to my place. We ended up doing the nasty three times that
night. Which is a first for me. I usually get my rocks off then hit the road."

Did Jared just wince? Nah. Sebastian must have been seeing things. " Okay. So you've seen her since
then, I suppose?"

" Yeah...she was there for me when Victoria was was killed," Sebastian said softly. " I was in
complete shock. She washed Bill’s blood off my hands then took me home and got me in the shower
to wash the rest of it off my legs," he murmured, shaking his head. He had needed her so bad that day
and she was there for him. She had no idea how much he appreciated her for that.

" She means a lot to you," Jared stated, his tone soft and understanding.

Sebastian rubbed his forehead. Did she? He didn't know. " I respect her and appreciate her but I can't
say that she means anything to me," he said, his throat tightening slightly. Apparently his body thought
that was a lie.

Jared gave him a ‘Get real’ look. " Sebastian, it's okay to care about someone. You don't have to be
romantically involved to care about a woman."

Sebastian sat silent for a moment, thinking. " She's done a lot for me. She had taken care of me when I
was at my worst. She referred me to you so I could get the help I needed. So if I have to say I care
about her, then fine...but it's nothing more than that. I could be totally okay with never seeing her

" Is that so?" Jared raised a dubious eyebrow.

" Like I said, I don't want a relationship. I refuse to get attached to another woman again. And I am
definitely never falling in love and getting married again," Sebastian said firmly.

Jared actually rolled his eyes. " Do I really have to tell you not all women are going to be like your
ex? I feel like your mother saying that, cause that would probably be something she would say."

Sebastian snorted. " Probably. But I don't really care. Victoria broke me and I can't be fixed."

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" You think you're the first person to get their heart broken, man? Come on. You will heal and you
will eventually want more for yourself. It might not be any time soon because your wound is fresh and
deep, but never say never."

Sebastian just lifted his lip in disgust and looked away. He was saying never alright. And he
wasn't going to change his mind. Not now, not ever. He would never let a woman hurt him again.
Women were now for sexual pleasure only. They were not friends, they were not girlfriends, they
most definitely were not wives.

Jared must have sensed Sebastian's denial because he changed the subject. They talked for
another half hour before Sebastian's hour session ended. Sebastian said bye to Jared then headed out
to his truck. He needed to go see Bill. He hadn't been there in a couple days and he wanted to make
sure he was still doing well, so Sebastian headed to the hospital.

Quinn was slowly loosing his mind. He could feel it. He was also seriously considering
talking to Peter about getting Margot out of his fucking office. She was great at her job, but Quinn
could not stand her. She was obnoxious and she was always making some kind of annoying noise
while she worked. Whether it be tapping her pencil, or her foot, or humming, or popping gum. Quinn
was ready to rip his fucking hair out. No matter how many times he asked her to be quiet, she just
couldn't do it.

In her goddamn sexy French accent, she says it is impossible to sit still. He'd never been so
conflicted before. On one hand - he found her attractive. So attractive that she had become the new
star of his erotic fantasies. On the other hand - he was ready to strangle her. Not that she wasn't a nice
person or whatever. She just got on his last nerve with her constant fidgeting.

" Quinn?" Margot's voice asked, cutting through his thoughts. Her small warm hand rested on his
forearm, setting his skin on fire.

Quinn gasped as his head whipped around to glare at her. " What?" he barked.

Margot frowned. Hurt flashed quickly in her eyes before she covered it up. Now he felt like a dick. "
I need your help with something," she explained and placed the paper in her hand in front of him on
his drafting table. " I cannot get the dimensions correct for this. Can you help?"

Quinn rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb before glancing down at what she was
working on. For the next twenty minutes, Quinn explained what she had been doing wrong and helped
her fix it. For the first time since they met, Margot hadn't irritated him. They had worked together to
fix the problem. Margot had listened when he spoke and asked intelligent questions.

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" Merci," Margot said sweetly when they finished. Her big hazel eyes shimmered as she gazed down
at him. Margot wasn’t overly tall but with her standing and Quinn sitting, she was taller.

Quinn just gave her a nod and a tight smile. Feeling weird inside. He was having so many
conflicting emotions; fondness, annoyance, desire, aggravation, respect, longing. He couldn't
understand how he could want someone sexually but dislike then personally. Okay...he couldn't say he
disliked her, he just disliked her habits.

Margot bent down and gave him a peck on the cheek before gliding back over to her desk
and taking a seat. Quinn stared at her, unsure of what to do. Quinn did not like people invading his
personal space and touching him. But his cheek tingled where her lips met his skin. What would it
feel like to actually kiss her, he wondered. She seemed like she would be wild and unrestricted.
Quinn wondered if she would enjoy what he enjoyed during sex. She seemed like she would be the
kind of woman to try anything. His cock liked the idea too.

Margot's cell phone rang. She answered it and immediately started talking rapidly and
animated in French. Quinn groaned, his sexual fantasy shattering. Jesus Christ. Maybe if she was a bit
calmer when she talked, she wouldn't be so annoying. Fuck, he couldn't wait for this day to be over.

Quinn got up and left Margot to her phone call. He headed down the hall towards Peter's
office. When he reached the open door, Quinn knocked on the frame then shoved his hands in his
pockets. Peter looked up and smiled.

" Hey, Quinn. What's up?" Peter asked pleasantly.

" I need to talk to you about Margot," Quinn said seriously.

Peter's smile slipped. He waved Quinn into the office. " Shut the door."

Quinn stepped into the office and shut the door behind him. Peter offered him a seat but Quinn shook
his head. He'd rather stand and pace a little bit.

" What's going on?" Peter asked, leaning back in his chair. His eyes followed Quinn as he paced.

Peter was an average looking guy. Too skinny in Quinn opinion. And he looked like a
complete nerd with his thick rimmed glasses and bow tie. Peter's glasses looked a bit like Henry's but
somehow Henry made his glasses look stylish and classy. Peter...not so much. He looked like the geek
he was.

" I want Margot out of my office," Quinn said firmly. He was not taking no for an answer.

" Why?" Peter asked evenly. His eyes narrowed on Quinn and his pacing.

" She's annoying the ever living shit out of me, Peter! You know how I like quiet when I work and I'm
getting none of it with her in there," Quinn snapped.

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" Quinn, seriously? That's why you want her out of your office? Because she makes too much noise?"
Peter said incredulously.

" Yes! You have no idea how irritating she is. She’s always tapping and talking and popping her gum.
I'm going to freaking explode if it continues!" Quinn practically shouted, throwing his arms up.

Peter gaped at him as if Quinn had just grown two heads. Probably because Quinn had never raised
his voice...ever.

" I'm loosing my fucking mind in there, Peter! I've asked her to be quiet and she just says it's
impossible for her to stay still and quiet. I need her out of my office," He said, planting his hands on
the desk across from Peter and pinned him with a determined look. " Now."

Peter grimaced and rubbed the back of his neck uncomfortably. " Quinn, I'm sorry man...I would move
her if I could. I really have no where else to put her and you two are working on the same project. It
only seems fitting to have her in your office."

Quinn blinked stupidly at the man. " Excuse me?" he asked dryly.

" All the offices are occupied. There is no where else to put her."

" Put her in someone else's office then," Quinn bit out through clenched teeth.

Peter's eyes widened and his mouth worked as if he was trying to figure out what to say. Then he
shook his head as if to clear it. " No, Quinn. You're working on the same project. She needs to stay
with you," he said, using his boss voice.

" Peter..." Quinn started, but Peter cut him off.

" I'm sorry, Quinn. I'm not taking her out of your office. You need to figure out how to deal with her,"
Peter said firmly, letting Quinn know that he wasn't going to change his mind.

Quinn shoved away from Peter's desk, completely disgusted and pissed off. " You know...of all
people I thought you would have understood. You know me, Peter. You know how I am."

Peter frowned. " Listen,'s not that I don't understand cause I do. But I'm not going to move
her to someone else's office. You guys are working on the same project."

Quinn raked a frustrated hand through his hair as he paced away from the desk. His other hand on his
hip. He spun back around when he had an idea. " Can you put her in a conference room?"

" What?! No! I won't do that," Peter said, shaking his head.

" Dammit, Peter! This isn't fair!" Quinn yelled, stomping his foot like a little kid having a temper

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tantrum. His hands were fisted at his sides and he was positively fuming. Who was this person he was
turning into?

Peter's jaw set and Quinn could tell that he was getting pissed too. " You need to go get some air
before you say something you don't mean. I know we're friends and all but I'm still your boss and I
won't tolerate your insubordination," he said coolly.

Quinn's eyes flared and his blood boiled. He'd never been so livid in his life. He turned on
his heel and stormed out of Peter's office. Slamming the door behind him. What an asshole! Quinn
wasn't asking for special treatment because they were friends. He was asking because Peter was
understanding and fair. In no way was this situation fair. Quinn just wanted his space back. Why
couldn't she work in the conference room. It was barely used.

Quinn took the elevator down to the lobby. He then stomped out the double glass doors and
onto the busy city sidewalk. Son of a bitch! What the hell was he going to do?! He needed to calm
down. He needed to talk to someone who would understand. Henry! Henry's office was only a few
blocks away. Quinn started towards Henry's office building.

Once in the reception area, the pretty receptionist at the desk called Claire - who was still
working as Henry's assistant. A minute later, he turned and spotted Claire walking towards him. She
had a big grin on her gorgeous face. Quinn couldn't help but smile at his sister-in-law. She was the
greatest and he was so glad that Henry had found happiness with her. Quinn was super jealous. Even
though he loved them both dearly.

" Quinn! Hi!" Claire beamed, grabbing his face and kissing his cheek before pulling him into a hug.

Quinn was in no way an affectionate person. He didn't really like to be touched except for
when he was being sexually intimate with a woman. And even then, he tried to keep touching to a
minimum. He didn't like people in his personal space. His aversion to touch started at a young age,
maybe 10 or so. Something happened to him that, no one - not even his parents - knew about. He knew
that’s where most of his problems stemmed from. He wasn’t always an introvert. He used to be an
outgoing kid. Up until he had someone he trusted and thought he knew change him forever.

Claire would never let him get away with not giving her a kiss and hug though. And he knew
she meant well and was an overly affectionate person. It really didn't feel so bad coming from her
actually, so he didn't mind that much.

" Hey, Claire," he murmured softly.

" What are you doing here?" Claire asked, giving him a quizzical look.

" Can I talk to Henry for a minute?" he asked hopefully.

" Yeah, sure," Claire said, motioning for him to follow her. " Is everything okay?" she asked, glancing
back at him with a concerned frown.

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" Yeah...I just need some advice," he replied with a tight smile.

Claire smiled softly. " Gotcha."

Claire led Quinn down the main isle, which was lined with cubicles. Everyone seemed to
stop working to stare at him as he passed. Quinn ignored it. Claire stopped in front of what Quinn
guessed was Henry's office and knocked softly before peeking her head in.

" You have a visitor, love," Claire said.

" Okay," Quinn heard Henry's deep raspy voice which was so much like his own, mutter.

Claire opened the door wider to let Quinn pass her. Quinn entered Henry's large office and
glanced around. Quinn heard the door click shut behind him. He glanced back at it before turning to
look at Henry, who hadn't glanced up yet from the paper he was looking at.

Quinn waited. After a moment, Henry glanced up. He did a double take when he spotted
Quinn. Quinn felt the one side of his mouth curl up. Yeah...Henry was surprised to see him here.
Quinn had never visited him at work before. Henry - looking spiffy in his navy blue suit - stood and
skirted the desk, a small smile playing across this lips.

" Quinn. What's up, brother?" Henry greeted him, clasping his hand and giving him a manly shoulder

Henry knew about Quinn's squeamishness to being touched. So Henry always kept it to a
minimum with him. But Henry gave Sebastian and Christian big bear hugs since they didn't mind.
Henry pulled back and clapped Quinn on the shoulder.

" Have a seat," Henry said, sitting down in one of the two chairs in front of his desk.

Quinn lowered himself into the other one. " Thanks," he said quietly.

" What brings you here?" Henry asked curiously.

" I need to talk to someone," Quinn sighed.

Henry's smile fell as he regarded Quinn more seriously. " Okay...I'm all ears."

Henry had always been a great listener. He had always listened when Quinn had a problem while
they were growing up. He was an awesome big brother. Still is.

Quinn took a deep breath before starting. " Peter hired a new architect - a woman - from

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" Ooh la la," Henry joked.

Quinn found himself smiling again. He shook his head and continued. " Peter put us together on a
really big project and stuck her in my office so we can work together easier."

" Okay, sounds reasonable," Henry nodded.

" Yeah, and it wouldn't be a problem if she wasn't annoying as shit. Henry, you know how much I
value my quiet. This woman is anything but quiet. She taps her pencil constantly, she hums, she pops
her gum and god forbid someone calls her cell phone because then she starts jabbering in rapid
French. I'm about to loose my fucking mind, man"

Henry chuckled and shook his head. " Did you say something to her?"

" Yes, many times, she just tells me that it's impossible for her to stay still."

Henry sighed. " Oh man. What about Peter? Did you tell him?"

" I just left his office before coming here. We argued. He said that there are no empty offices and he
won't put her in someone else's office because we're working on the same project. He won't put her in
a conference room either. I thought he would be a little more understanding but he pulled the boss
card on me and said he won't tolerate my insubordination."

Henry winced. " Ouch."

" I know, right," Quinn sighed, rubbing his face with one hand.

Henry tapped his chin as he thought over the situation.

" I I completely wrong here?" Quinn asked.

Henry shook his head. " No, you're not wrong. It's not exactly fair to force you to put up with someone
who irritates you as bad as this woman does. But I can understand Peter's side of it too. I can see why
he wants you two together and it really wouldn't be nice to put her in a conference room."

Quinn sighed. " I guess not."

" Is she ugly?" Henry asked, completely serious.

Quinn snorted. " Far from it. Why?"

" So you can look at her all day, just not listen to her, right?" Henry asked.

" Yeah," Quinn said slowly.

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A slow devilish smile spread across Henry's face. " I think I can help you," he said then stood and
walked around his desk.

He rooted through his draws until he pulled out a small box and tossed it at Quinn. Quinn caught it and
looked down at it. The bark of laughter that followed surprised him. " Foam earplugs?" Quinn asked.
He looked up at Henry to find him grinning smugly behind his desk, arms folded over his broad chest.

" They'll work like a charm. You won’t be able to hear a damn thing with those in your ears," Henry

Quinn smiled up at his brother. " Thanks."

" You're welcome," Henry said with a nod.

Quinn stood and put the earplugs in his pocket. " I better head back."

" I'll walk you out," Henry said and followed Quinn to the door.

Henry walked Quinn out to the reception area. They said their goodbyes and Quinn headed
back to his office building. He stepped off the elevator into the lobby area and started towards his
office. Peter was standing in his office doorway, hands on his hips. He watched Quinn, his face tight.
Quinn was still pissed at him, so he just glared at Peter as he walked by him. This was their first
fight. In their five years of friendship, they had never fought about anything.

Quinn heard Peter sigh heavily after he passed. " Quinn," he called. But Quinn kept walking.
He couldn't talk to him right now. He'd probably end up telling Peter to go fuck himself and that
would not be the best thing for Quinn's career.

Quinn walked into his office. Margot was sitting at her desk, humming as she typed. Quinn
stifled a shutter of irritation and sat down at his drafting table. He pulled out the box of fluorescent
orange earplugs and took two out. He sighed in relief as Margot's humming ceased to exist after
sticking the earplugs in his ears. Henry was a lifesaver. Quinn was going to have to do something to
thank him. Quinn smiled and closed his eyes as his body relaxed. God, he loved silence. If that made
him a freak, he didn't really care.

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Chapter 9

" So what's going on with this Sebastian guy?" Nicole asked then took a sip of her white wine.

Raelynn shrugged. " Nothing," she said as she broke off a piece of bread from the basket in front of

Raelynn and Nicole always made it a point to get together and go out for dinner every other
week. They took turns picking the restaurant that they would go to. They would sit and drink wine and

Nicole gave her a dry look. " Come on, I want details."

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" About what? We slept together and that's it. There's nothing else," Raelynn said, popping another
piece of bread in her mouth.

" You slept together? Just once?" Nicole asked.

Raelynn sighed. " Well...that night I went home with him, we did it about 3 times. Then there was one
other time."

Nicole studied her for a minute. " When was the last time you saw him?" she asked curiously.

" Three weeks ago," Raelynn answered.

" Have you talked to him at all?" Nicole asked evenly, taking another sip of wine. Raelynn knew she
was fishing.

" No, okay? Can we just drop it?" Raelynn huffed.

Nicole frowned. " No, we're not gonna drop it. I wanna know why you're being so stubborn. Has he
called you?"

" Yes."

" But you won't call him back?" Nicole asked, confused.

" No. Look, it's complicated," Raelynn sighed.

" What is so complicated about it? He apparently likes you if he's calling you," Nicole said.

" He just wants sex, Nicole. That's why he's calling me. He doesn't want a relationship. He'd been
through a lot recently and is only looking for something to take his mind off of everything," Raelynn

" If that was true then he'd go somewhere else for sex. He wouldn't continue to call you. Men don't
chase after women who ignore them if they just want sex. They say fuck her and go find someone else
who they know will give it to them," Nicole stated, giving Raelynn a pointed look.

Raelynn stared at her friend. Nicole has dated more men than Raelynn. She wasn't a slut. The
men she dated had to wait at least a month or two before they got in her pants. She'd only had a couple
one night stands. But if a man didn't meet her standards, she kicked them to the curb. So maybe Nicole
was right. Maybe Sebastian did like her. But that didn't mean he wanted anything else from her. He
said that himself.

" Even so, he doesn't want more then sex. He's sworn off relationships and love. And honestly, I don't
have the time for a relationship anyway," Raelynn said dismissively.

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" So why can't you just sleep with him every now and then? Was he good in bed?" Nicole asked,
wagging her eyebrows.

Raelynn smiled. She couldn't help it. " The best," Raelynn murmured quietly.

Nicole's eyes widened. " The best you've ever had?!" she squawked, drawing the eyes of other
people sitting around them.

" Shhh!" Raelynn hissed. “ Yes. Alright?!”

Nicole chuckled. " So why not keep seeing him and see where it goes. Maybe he'll change his mind
on the whole relationship thing."

Raelynn shook her head. " No, I told you I don't have time for a relationship either. I'm too busy with

" You need to get un-busy. Work should not be your life," Nicole said, disapprovingly.

Raelynn knew that she worked too much and it kind of took over her life. She didn't see her
family or friends as much as she wanted to because work always got in the way. But what could she
do? It was her career and she loved what she did. And really, it was all or nothing. The Chief wanted
her available, which she was. She was young and single. Perfect detective material.

Their food came - cutting off the conversation - much to Raelynn's relief. They ate in
comfortable silence, both enjoying their food. Raelynn was taking a sip of her wine when she saw
Nicole's eyes widen on something behind her. Before Raelynn could turn to look, someone stepped up
behind her chair and settled their very large hands on her shoulders. Raelynn looked at Nicole for
some kind of hint on who it was. But she just sat there with an amused glint in her eyes.

A warm breath grazed Raelynn ear, making her shiver. " Why haven't you called me back, Raelynn?"
Sebastian's voice murmured as his hands gave her shoulders a gentle squeeze.

Raelynn closed her eyes and cursed under her breath. Of course he would be here. That was her luck.
Raelynn turned her head slightly so that she could semi-see him. " I've been busy," she answered.

Sebastian snorted and straightened back up. " Sure you have," he said, obviously not believing her. "
Hey. it's Nicole, right?" he said, finally letting go of her shoulders to shake Nicole's hand.

" It is. And you're Sebastian," Nicole replied with a flirtatious smile.

He smiled. " I am," he said, now standing at the side of their table. He turned his attention back to
Raelynn. " I was hoping to see you again, you know," he said evenly, but Raelynn could see the anger
flash in his eyes.

" This is not a good time for me, Sebastian," Raelynn said quietly, poking at her food.

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" Now is not a good time to, what? To talk to me? I can't seem to get a hold of you any other time.
You won't answer my calls. So I'm going to say what I have to say while you're here in front of me.
We were kinda in the middle of something when you walked out to go to work three weeks ago. You
never said that you were never going to talk to me again. I'm a big boy Rae, I can handle being turned
down. But I wanna hear it from you - don't just leave me hangin'. I thought we were having a good
time. Was I wrong?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest and waited for her to reply.

Raelynn could hear the irritation and what sounded like hurt, in his voice. She glanced at Nicole to
find Nicole frowning at her. She then looked up at Sebastian. " Can't we talk about this later? I mean,
I'm in the middle of dinner with my friend," Raelynn huffed.

Sebastian smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile. " Yeah sure. Why don't you call me," he scoffed then
turned and walked away without another word.

Raelynn watched him walk through the tables to the other side of the restaurant where he sat
down at a table that was occupied by an older woman. Raelynn recognized her. It was his mother,
Anne. Sebastian's back was to her and he kept it that way. Raelynn looked back at Nicole. She was
shaking her head, looking angry.

" That was really bitchy," Nicole said.

" What? That was really rude of him to come over and start talking about shit like we're not in the
middle of a restaurant," Raelynn snapped.

" He wouldn't have had to do that if you would have just called him back. The man obviously wants to
keep seeing you. He seems really nice. I don't know why you're being such a bitch to him," Nicole
snapped back.

" Call me a bitch one more time and I'm leaving," Raelynn growled, glaring at her best friend.

Nicole glared right back. " Whatever. I just don't understand what your problem with him is." she
said, shaking her head some more.

Raelynn glanced over in Sebastian's direction. The problem was that the damn man got under
her skin somehow. She couldn't stop thinking about him. The three weeks that she hadn't returned his
phone calls were torture. She had almost given in so many times. Just to hear his voice. She didn't
even care about the sex. It was him. She cared about him. She cared about how he was doing,
mentally and emotionally. She had even checked up on Bill to make sure he was doing okay still. And
honestly, she was scared shitless. She could not fall for this guy. He just didn't have it in him to love
her back and Raelynn couldn't handle that. She'd been burned before. Loved with all she was and got
nothing in return. She couldn't do it again.

Sebastian's back was still to her, his shoulders stiff. His mother glanced at her though, a
frown on her face. She looked confused. She didn't look pissed in any way. But just seemed to not

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understand what was going on. Raelynn didn't know how much Sebastian has told her, so she
probably was confused.

" I gotta go to the bathroom," Raelynn muttered, setting her fork down.

She worked her way through the tables towards the bathroom. From the corner of her eye,
she saw Sebastian's mom get up. Great. Raelynn walked into the empty bathroom and went to the last
stall. She did her thing then exited the stall. Anne walked in at the same time. She gave Raelynn a
warm smile.

" Raelynn, it's good to see you again," Anne said sweetly, sincerely.

Raelynn gave her a tight smile. " You too, Mrs. Beck," she said and went to wash her hands.

" I don't mean to pry, sweetie...but I couldn't help but notice you and Sebastian arguing a few minutes
ago. Is everything okay with you two?" Anne asked, concerned.

Raelynn looked at her through the mirror. Anne Beck was a beautiful older woman. With her shrewd
green eyes and coifed white hair. Her perfectly done makeup and crisp white blouse.
" You do know we're not together, right?" Raelynn asked, trying not to sound like a complete bitch.

Anne raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. " Coulda fooled me."

" We haven't spoken to each other in three weeks," Raelynn murmured, dropping her eyes to her

" that's why he's been so irritable. He seemed to be doing so well up until about two weeks
ago. I couldn't figure out what his problem was and he wouldn't tell me. I did notice that he was
constantly checking his phone though," She said thoughtfully. " I'm guessing he'd called you but you
haven't called him back?"

Raelynn shrugged, turning off the water. " I don't know how much you know. So I really don't want to
say anything," Raelynn said softly.

" Sebastian hasn't told me much. I'm not stupid though, I can see that you've slept together. That much
is obvious," Anne said with a smirk.

Raelynn glared at her, then sighed. " Fine, we did. It was only supposed to be a one time thing. We
had both agreed on that. Yet, he keeps wanting to see me. I know he doesn't want a relationship.
And...I really don't feel comfortable talking about this with you, I'm sorry."

" I understand. But let me just tell you that the little bit of time that you were seeing him, that had been
the happiest I've seen him in years. He wasn't even that happy when he was with Victoria. Henry had
told me about the night at the club when you two were dancing..." Anne smiled almost wistfully. A
little chuckle escaping her. "...Oh! I wish I could have seen it. Henry said he laughed his butt off.

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Sebastian hasn't been that carefree since before he met Victoria. I hate to talk bad about her because
she's dead, but she was no good for him. Always wanted to change him. She was a stuck up bitch and
didn't appreciate a good man when she had one," Anne said tightly. She waved a dismissive hand. "
Sorry. I'm rambling. I just want my son to be happy. You make him happy, sweetheart. He might not
realize it or want to admit it yet, but he cares a lot about you."

Raelynn fought back the tears that stung her eyes. Damn mothers. Why did they always have
to do that? Now she felt like shit. She felt like shit for being the cause of Sebastian's sadness. They
did get along really well and had had a good time together. Was she making a mistake?

" Oh Raelynn...I didn't mean to upset you dear," Anne said, placing her warm soft hand on Raelynn's

Raelynn shook her head. " I'm fine. I need to go back to my friend," she said, leaving the bathroom
without saying goodbye to Mrs. Beck.

Sebastian was in a shit mood for the rest of the night after his little encounter with Raelynn.
He couldn't even believe that he had acted the way he did, like a lover scorned. They weren't in any
type of relationship. She hadn't returned his phone calls for three weeks, yet he hadn't gotten the hint.
Well...more like he hadn't wanted to get the hint. Then he had seen her at the restaurant and a flood of
emotions swept over him. His stomach twisted and his heart fluttered at the sight of her. He hadn't
thought twice about approaching her. He wanted her to know that he was pissed by how she was
acting. He could take being turned down. But he didn't like being blown off. She had been a bitch
about it, which pissed him off even more. Yet, he still hoped she called. What a fucking loser!

He had tried to forget about her over the past three weeks. Had even tried picking up another
woman. He went to the chick's house, got naked and was in the middle of getting a blow job when he
just couldn't take it anymore. All he could think about was Raelynn and how this girl was doing
nothing the way Raelynn had. To say the girl was pissed was an understatement. She had been furious
when Sebastian stopped her and started pulling on his clothes. He'd rather have her pissed then crying

Sebastian had no idea what he was going to do now. What was he going to do if Raelynn
didn't call? He couldn't go without sex forever. He just needed more time to forget about her. That
was all. He didn't need her. She was nothing but an amazing fuck. At least that's what he kept trying to
tell himself. What. A. Fucking. Loser.

Sebastian was lounging on his couch when there was a knock on his door. Not thinking
anything of it, he got up and answered it. He was shocked as shit to see Raelynn standing there
looking sullen. Good. Seeing her standing in the hallway, outside his apartment brought his anger

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" What are you doing here?" he snapped.

Raelynn gave him a bored look then pushed past him. She walked into his apartment and
dropped her purse onto the kitchen counter. Sebastian swung around to stare at her in shock and

" I didn't extend a welcome to you," he growled, slamming the door shut.

Sebastian stormed toward to her. Tons of emotions surged through him. She looked
incredible in a pair of light gray yoga pants and a loose fitting t-shirt that hung off one toned shoulder.
Her hair was down, the front pulled away from her face by a large clip. Sebastian's anger shifted into
lust. And as soon as he was in front of her, he was ravaging her mouth.

The kiss was wild and frantic. He couldn't get close enough - he couldn't touch enough of
her. His hands were all over her - yanking at her clothes and tangling in her hair. His mouth devoured
hers. She seemed to be just as starved as he was, because she was matching him kiss for kiss. Her
hands were in his hair...under his shirt...and cupping him through his sweatpants.

He only had her down to her bra and panties when she dropped to her knees in front of him
and took his pants with her. They pooled around his ankles. Before he could kick them away she had
him in her mouth. He jerked so hard that he almost choked her. He couldn't control the guttural shout
that came out of him. Jesus Christ! He had missed her so bad. And not even the sex. He had missed
her. Her scent, her touch, the softness of her skin. Her voice. God, how he missed her voice. Even
though she hadn't said a word yet.

Sebastian looked down to watch her and found her eyes rolled up, watching him as she
sucked him off. His lips parted and his breath came faster. This woman was going to be the death of
him. He reached down and cupped her face. She moaned around him, making Sebastian shutter. His
balls pulled up tight. He was close but he didn't want to come yet. He wanted this to last. He pulled
her up to her feet. Her mouth came off him with a pop.

He crushed her to him and slanted his mouth over hers. Sebastian kicked away his pants then
lifted her. Raelynn instinctively wrapped her legs around his waist. He loved picking her up like this.
It was so easy to do because she was to tiny and light. He made his way over to the couch and sat
down with her on his lap. Raelynn drug her mouth down over his jaw to his neck. Sebastian moaned
as she sucked, licked and nibbled at his neck. His hands kneaded her perfectly rounded ass.

" Shit, baby...I can't wait much longer to be inside of you," Sebastian rasped.

Raelynn then slipped off his lap and stood between his spread knees. Her smoldering blue
gaze locked on his as her hands reached behind her back. Sebastian moaned low and wrapped a hand
around himself, stroking lightly. He wanted her so bad. Had missed her so bad. The bra fell away and
Sebastian's breath caught. She was absolutely breathtaking. The panties were next and Sebastian
thought his eyes were gonna roll back in his head. She had the most beautiful body he's ever seen. She

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was toned and soft at the same time. She was bare between her legs, which he loved. Her breasts
were just the right size centered with a dark pink nipple.

Raelynn tossed her hair over her shoulder as she climbed back onto his lap. Sebastian
latched onto her nipple as she sunk down onto him. His cry was muffled by her soft skin. Raelynn
gasped and grabbed his head, holding him to her. Oh...he wasn't going anywhere. She was his and he
wasn't letting her go. Raelynn started moving and he was lost. All conscious thoughts left him at this
point and the only thing he felt was pure pleasure.

Sebastian tore his mouth away from her and grabbed her face. He kissed her hard then pressed his
forehead against hers. " Ugh...ride me baby..." he gasped "...Fuck me hard."

Raelynn's only response was a low moan before kissing him senseless. She gripped his hair
and tugged his head back until it rested on the back of the sofa. Her hips rocked, bringing him closer
and closer to oblivion. Sebastian grabbed her hips, holding her still while he took over, pumping up
into her hand and fast. Raelynn screamed his name - the grip on his hair tightening. Her whole body

" Come with me, baby," Sebastian panted.

He was teetering on the edge now, another couple seconds and he would be done for. He
knew she was close but he just couldn't hold himself back any longer. Sebastian crushed her to him,
his arms wrapping around her as he slammed into her one last time. A strangled cry escaped him as
he felt her convulsing around him. Raelynn whimpered and clutched his head.

Holy fucking shit! That had been the most explosive orgasm he'd ever had. Sebastian panted
so hard that Raelynn was being lifted by his chest. She was limp against him. Her face was tucked
into his sweaty neck. Sebastian's arms fell away from her. His head was still on the back of the couch.
He closed his eyes to rest for just a minute.

Sebastian jolted awake when something warm and wet slipped around his cock. He gasped
and opened his eyes to find Raelynn wiping him off with a rag. Sebastian was confused for a moment
before remembering the sex they just had.

" Shit, did I fall asleep?" Sebastian asked, his voice low and raspy.

Raelynn smiled softly. " We both did actually. I just woke up a few minutes ago and thought washing
up might be a good idea before we got stuck together."

Sebastian chuckled low. " Thanks."

Raelynn leaned forward and kissed him tenderly on the lips. " You're welcome."

He watched her walk naked back down the hallway to the bathroom. He sighed contently and
rested his head back on the couch. That had been the most amazing sex he'd ever had in his life. He

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wasn't surprised really because it was with Raelynn. He scrubbed his hands over his face then raked
them through his hair. What the hell was going on with him? He was addicted to her or something. He
remembered his thought earlier about how she was his and he wasn't letting her go. What did that
mean? Could he possibly be having feelings for her? He didn't want to get hurt again. But there was
no way in hell he could go another day without seeing her or talking to her. Aw, fuck...he was so
screwed. Raelynn returned to the living room a minute later.

" How long did we sleep for?" Sebastian asked, holding his hand out for her.

Raelynn walked over and took it, letting Sebastian pull her down onto his lap sideways. " Only about
15 minutes."

" Oh...okay." he murmured, tucking his face into her neck.

" We need to talk," Raelynn whispered.

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" Shh, don't ruin the moment," Sebastian said, hugging her tighter.

Raelynn chuckled low and ran a hand down his shoulder to his bicep then back up, then
repeated. They sat in silence for a good twenty minutes before Sebastian had to get up to go to the
bathroom. He pulled his sweatpants back on and headed for the bathroom. When he finished, he went
back to the living room where Raelynn was now dressed and sitting on the couch with a can of Pepsi.

Sebastian plopped down next to her. " So, you wanted to talk?"

Raelynn nodded and set her soda on the coffee table. She turned slightly, tucking one leg under so that
she could face him. " I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have been such a bitch to you," she frowned,
her light blue eyes searching his.

" You've more then made up for it, sweetheart," Sebastian said with a wry smile.

Raelynn smiled softly before it faded. " I'm confused Sebastian. I don't know what you want from me.
This one night stand has evolved into something else entirely and I have no idea what that is,"
Raelynn sighed.

Sebastian sighed heavily. He didn't know either. " I don't know, Raelynn. I'm just as confused as you
are. I had sworn to myself that I would never let another woman get close enough to hurt me. But I
find myself unable to stop thinking about you. I want to keep seeing you and being with you."

Raelynn frowned at him again. " I thought you didn't want a relationship."

" I don't! I mean...I thought I didn't. Shit! I don't fucking know! The only thing I do know is that I don't
want to go another three weeks or more without seeing you," Sebastian huffed, raking his hand through
his hair.

Raelynn nodded and brushed her long blonde hair over her shoulder. " I don't want to get hurt either,
Sebastian. I don't want to be used. Is sex the only reason you want me around?"

" What?!" He asked incredulously. " No! Definitely not!"

Raelynn gave him a satisfied smile and shifted so that she was on her knees. She crawled onto his lap,
straddling him. She draped her arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

" So you like me?" Raelynn asked wryly.

Sebastian gave her a bland look. " Of course I do."

" I like you too," Raelynn smirked.

Sebastian hummed his satisfaction then pulled her down for a more thorough kiss. " Lets not think
about this too hard, okay? Lets just take it one day at a time and enjoy what we have together. There is

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no need to label it," Sebastian murmured when they separated.

Raelynn nodded slowly as she seemed to think about it. " Okay," she agreed.

Sebastian smiled. Glad that she didn't argue with him about wanting to call them
boyfriend/girlfriend or some shit like that. He wanted them to be together, but he wasn't ready to call
it a relationship. He wasn't ready to tell her anything other than that he liked her. He wasn't going to
drop the guard on his heart either. No matter how much he wanted to be with Raelynn, he was not
going to fall for her. He didn't know how long they were going to be together and he wasn't going to
worry about that right now. He was going to take it day by day like he said.

" Just promise me one thing?" Sebastian said, really feeling like a pussy for asking what he was about
to ask.

" What's that?" Raelynn asked quietly, her blue eyes roaming over his face.

" Promise me you won't be with anyone else while we're together," Sebastian whispered. He couldn't
handle her being with other guys while she was with him, even if they weren't officially in a

Raelynn gave him a tender smile and brushed her fingers through the hair just above his left ear. " I
promise as long as you promise the same thing."

Sebastian scrunched his nose in disgust. " Oh, believe me...I promise not to go fucking guys while I'm
with you." Raelynn laughed, making him smile. " No...I promise there will be no other women"
Sebastian said sincerely, threading his fingers through her silky hair before pulling her down for a

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Chapter 10

Football season was starting and it was the one sport that Quinn actually liked. Mostly
because he and his brothers got together for every game. They took turns at each other's places.
Sebastian offered to host the first Eagles game of the season. Sebastian and Henry were serious fans
but Quinn and Christian could really care less. However, it was a chance to be with their big
brothers, so they never missed a get together.

Quinn knocked on Sebastian's door and walked in at the same time. He spotted Sebastian
squatting by the open fridge, putting beers in the bottom drawer. There was also a drop-dead
gorgeous blonde woman standing at the counter and looked to be making some kind of taco dip.

Sebastian looked up and grinned evilly. " Hey, Prince Charming. Have you kissed your frog yet?"

Quinn frowned and thought about what Sebastian just said. When it hit him, Quinn chuckled and shook
his head. " You're an asshole."

Sebastian laughed. " Henry told me about the French chick you're working with," he shrugged.

Quinn hummed. He wasn't surprised that Henry told Sebastian. Those two told each other everything.

" Did you seriously just refer to a French chick as a frog?" The blonde asked dryly, eyebrow raised.

Sebastian laughed heartily. A sound that Quinn hadn’t heard in years. Quinn looked at the
blonde curiously. She had to be the woman Quinn has heard about from his mother for the past two
and a half months. His mother went on and on about the girl who's been making Sebastian so happy.
Quinn had yet to meet her though.

" Quinn, this is Raelynn. Raelynn, my younger brother, Quinn," Sebastian introduced as he
straightened up.

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Raelynn gave him a tight smile and held out her hand over the counter. Quinn moved forward and
shook it. " Nice to meet you," she said.

" You too," Quinn said, glancing at Sebastian - who wouldn't meet his eyes.

Was Sebastian uncomfortable about her meeting his family? He hadn't introduced her as his
girlfriend. Just Raelynn. What was that about? Were they not dating? From the way his mother talked
about them, one would think they were ready to get married. Obviously there was something else
going on here. Quinn glanced back at Raelynn to see her frowning slightly at Sebastian's back. Giving
Quinn another hint as to what was going on. Sebastian didn't want to be in a relationship but he
apparently really liked this girl a lot or she wouldn't be here. And it looked as though Raelynn was
hurt that Sebastian didn't acknowledge her as anything more then a friend.

Quinn sighed to himself. This would not turn out well for Sebastian if he didn't man up soon
and let this woman know how he feels. Quinn could see that Raelynn was the type of woman who
knew she deserved better and wouldn't wait around for a guy who wasn't going to admit that he cared
for her. Which was damn respectable in Quinn eyes. Sebastian was a stubborn bastard, so Quinn
hoped he realized what he could be loosing before it was too late.

Sebastian must have sensed her tension because he sidled up behind her and kissed her on
the cheek then whispered something in her ear that Quinn couldn't hear. Raelynn just nodded. Not
wanting to be all up in their business. Quinn gave them some room and moved into the living room.
He flopped down onto the sofa and kicked his feet up onto the coffee table.

A beer bottle thumped him on the chest from over his shoulder. Quinn glanced back to see
Sebastian standing behind him. Quinn took the beer and thanked him. Sebastian then went back into
the kitchen.

" So tell me about this Frenchy you're working with, is she hot?" Sebastian asked from the kitchen.

Quinn took a sip of his beer before answering. " Yeah."

Sebastian was silent for a moment, making Quinn turn slightly to look back at him. Sebastian was
standing at the counter with Raelynn staring at Quinn expectantly. " And?" he prompted.

" And what?" Quinn frowned.

Sebastian huffed. "’And what?’ he says," Sebastian mocked. " Are you gonna try and bang her?"

Raelynn rolled her lips in as if she was trying to hold back a laugh. Her light blue eyes sparkled with
amusement and sympathy as she looked at Quinn.

" Why would I try and bang someone I can't stand?" Quinn asked incredulously.

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" I can't stand Raelynn but I bang her all the time," Sebastian shrugged, fighting not to smile as he
snuck a glance at her.

Raelynn gasped in mock outrage and elbowed him in the gut. Sebastian "Oof-ed" and twisted away
from her. " I think it's the other way around, jerk," she grunted, punching him in the kidney.

" Ow!" Sebastian chuckled.

Quinn bit back a smile. Sebastian being playful with a woman? It's been a long fucking time
since Quinn had seen that. He didn't ever tease Victoria. She always took it the wrong way and he'd
end up in the dog house.

A knock sounded, interrupting Sebastian's beating. The apartment door opened and Henry
walked in followed by Christian and his best friend Shea Dempsey. Apparently Henry knew Raelynn
already because he gave her a big hug. Raelynn introduced herself to Christian and Shea. Henry came
up behind Quinn and gave his shoulders a squeeze before going and dropping into the recliner.

" Hey man," Henry smiled brightly.

" Hey," Quinn replied. " What are you so happy about?"

Henry sighed and raked a hand through his hair. " I'm happy to be away from the kids and Claire for a
little while. They're driving me nuts."

" That's what happens when you get married and have kids." Sebastian grunted from the kitchen.

Henry rolled his eyes. " I know that, dickhead. I wouldn't change it but it's nice to get away every now
and then."

As Sebastian and Henry bickered back and forth, Christian came and sat down next to Quinn.
Christian patted Quinn's knee in greeting then settled back and took a sip of his beer. Shea sat down
next to Christian then leaned over and shook Quinn's hand.

" Who are we playing today?" Christian asked, effectively cutting off Henry and Sebastian's bitch fest.

" The Cowgirls," Sebastian replied, setting a bowl of Scoops and the taco dip on the coffee table.

Henry gave up the recliner for Raelynn - which was immediately stolen by Sebastian - who
then pulled Raelynn down onto his lap. Henry sent Sebastian a dirty look before folding his long legs
to sit on the floor next to the coffee table. Henry dug into the taco dip and moaned.

" Holy shit...this is amazing, who made it?" Henry asked around a mouth full of taco dip.

" I did," Raelynn answered with a pleased smile.

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Henry gave her a thumbs up as he stuff his face again. Quinn dug in too. It was really good. Probably
one of the best taco dips he's ever had.

The game started and the small apartment got loud. It was mostly Sebastian, Henry and
Raelynn. It was obvious Raelynn actually enjoyed the game and wasn't just faking it to please
Sebastian. And shit...the way Sebastian looked at was completely obvious the man was head
over heels in love with her. Quinn couldn't help but watch the two of them together. They were so
perfect for each other. Quinn could definitely see them getting married if Sebastian ever got over his
fear of love and marriage.

Sebastian was insanely happy. He had the most gorgeous and perfect woman in his bed
almost every night. Bill had made a full recovery and got the shop reopened, so Sebastian was able to
go back to work. He wasn't going to Jared as often. He was down to about once every two weeks.
Sebastian smiled and laughed often and felt like he was back to his old self. Things were finally going
his way.

He had finally admitted to Jared yesterday that he was definitely in a relationship with
Raelynn and he had serious feelings for her. Sebastian knew that his feelings were deep and probably
fell into the L-word category. He just couldn't bring himself to say it in his head, let alone out loud.
But he did agree that him and Raelynn were officially in a relationship and that she was his girlfriend.
Jared - the sneaky bastard - had tricked Sebastian. He had made him furiously jealous and had
Sebastian shouting at Jared that Raelynn was his girlfriend.

They've been together for four months now. They had slowly starting to do other things
together besides sex, like going on dates. How that started, Sebastian had no idea. But it had, and he
was glad that it did because they had such a great time whenever they went out. Sebastian felt like he
could be himself around her. He held nothing of his personality back from her. She accepted every
part of him. Raelynn was just amazing.

Raelynn worked a lot, and got called into work a lot. She had to leave a few times during
their dates. But she always made up for it by staying the night at his place if she could. Sebastian
couldn't picture his life without her and that scared him to death. He had promised himself that he was
never going to be in this position again - having deep feelings for a woman. The thought of marriage
even popped into his head a couple times. He quickly dismissed it. No way! Not gonna happen!

Sebastian stepped into the coffee shop that was down the street from his job. He wanted a
muffin and a cup of coffee before going into work. He had just finished paying when he caught a flash
of blonde out of the corner of his eye. When Sebastian glanced to the side, he saw Raelynn walking
into the coffee shop and heading straight down the isle towards a man sitting at a table next to the
windows. Sebastian frowned. Who was she meeting? Was it something for work? She was dressed

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for work in a suit and her wool jacket.

Sebastian watched. Dread pitted in his stomach as Raelynn neared the man sitting reading a
book. Sebastian couldn't see his face because he was looking down, but he just seemed familiar.
Finally the guy looked up and Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath. It was Jared! She was meeting
Jared in a coffee shop at 9am. What the fuck?! The scene just got worse when Jared stood, gave her a
warm, almost loving, kiss on the cheek then a tight hug.

Sebastian's heart pounded. What was he seeing? He had known that they knew each other.
Raelynn had called Jared her friend. But what if they were more then friends? Could Raelynn be
messing around with Jared while she was with Sebastian? Was Sebastian the other guy? Sebastian's
anger spiked. How could she do this to him? After everything he'd been through! She had known
everything! He told her everything! And Jared, that fucking asshole! After everything Sebastian had
admitted to yesterday. Jared was running around behind Sebastian's back, fucking his woman this
entire time!!!

Sebastian hadn't even realized he moved until he was shoving Jared to the floor. Jared’s
wide green eyes stared up at him in shock. But Sebastian didn't know if he was shocked to find
himself on the floor or that he had been caught.

" Sebastian!" Raelynn cried. " What are you doing?!" she squawked and moved to help Jared up.

Sebastian swung around to glare daggers at her, stopping her dead. " How could you do this to me?!"
Sebastian bit out through clenched teeth. His nostrils flared from the force of his breaths. His hands
shook with the anger coursing through him.

Raelynn's mouth worked but nothing came out. She looked at him in confusion. " What are you talking
about?" she finally asked. She glanced at Jared, who was getting to his feet.

" Don't give me that shit! I saw your little exchange! How long have you been fucking him?!"
Sebastian shouted, pointing at Jared. Raelynn gasped in what looked like shock.

" Whoa! Sebastian, you got the wrong idea," Jared said in his soothing voice that usually calmed
Sebastian down. Right now, it just pissed him the fuck off.

Sebastian turned and gripped Jared up by his shirt. He pulled him up so that they were nose to nose. "
You shut the fuck up! I trusted you! And this is what you do to me?!" he snarled, shaking him.

Sebastian shoved Jared away. Jared stumbled back into a table, ending up on the floor again.

" Sebastian..." Raelynn started, her voice pleading.

" Don't! This is exactly why I didn't want to get this close to another woman! You're all the fucking
same! Damnit! I can't believe I've been so blind," he said with a bitter laugh. " After everything I've
been through...this was the last thing I needed Raelynn," Sebastian choked, his emotions threatening to

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break him down.

Raelynn had tears running down her face. " Please, just listen for a minute..."

" NO! We're done! I can't...we're done," Sebastian hissed as he backed away.

Sebastian forgot all about his coffee as he practically ran out of there. He also ignored the
stares from the other customers. The pain was threatening to bring him to his knees. He choked back a
sob as his heart shattered into pieces. That was twice now that a woman he loved cheated on him. Aw
fuck, did he just say the L-word?! Jesus Christ! Sebastian couldn't handle this right now. He had
finally healed and now he was falling apart all over again. Sebastian raced to his truck, the cold
October wind slapping him in the face. As soon as he got in and started it, he peeled away from the
curb. He couldn't work today. He'd call Bill after he calmed down.

Sebastian ran to the one person he could talk to about anything. Henry. It took him twenty
minutes to get to his office and park. He paced in the elevator on the way up. When he got off the
elevator, he bypassed the receptionist - who called after him - and jogged down the isle to Henry's
office. When he got there he banged on the door.

" Henry! Henry, you in there?!" Sebastian called.

The door swung open and Henry stood there looking confused. " Sebastian?"

Sebastian walked in and Henry shut the door. As soon as the click sounded, Sebastian lost
his composure. He covered his face with his hands as the tears started falling. He was such a pussy.
Again, crying over a woman who tore his heart out.

" What the hell is going on?" Henry asked worriedly. His hand gripping Sebastian’s shoulder.

" Raelynn...she's been cheating on me," Sebastian croaked from behind his hands.

" What?! Are you sure?" Henry asked in disbelief.

" I just saw her with my therapist. She kissed and hugged him. They were definitely more then
friends," Sebastian whispered. He drug his hands down his face then looked at Henry.

" What kind of kiss?" Henry asked gently.

" It was just on the cheek," Sebastian mumbled.

" So why do you think that they're more then just friends?" Henry asked, squeezing Sebastian’s

" I don't know. I could feel it," Sebastian croaked.

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" Are you sure you weren't just seeing things that weren't actually there because your afraid of your
feelings and were subconsciously looking for a reason to run?" Henry asked dubiously.

Sebastian blinked at him, tears running down his face. " What?" he asked stupidly.

Henry sighed and gave Sebastian a pitiful look. " Look,'re my brother and I love you,
but you need to get your head out of your ass. It's obvious that you love Raelynn. You are so fucking
scared though that any perceived fuck up on Raelynn's part has you running. Did you even let her

Sebastian shook his head. " No, I was so fucking furious that I just snapped. I told her we were done
and got the hell out of there."

Henry shook his head. He went and sat behind his desk. Sebastian took one of the chairs in front of his
desk. " I get that you've been hurt. I couldn't even imagine how I would feel if Claire did something
like that to me. But the thing is, you have someone amazing in your life and you might have just blown
it. I've seen the way Raelynn looks at you and there is no way she would cheat on you," Henry said
with such confidence that Sebastian was starting to worry about what he just did.

" What about Victoria?" Sebastian asked. " Did you think she would cheat on me?"

Henry shrugged. " She definitely didn't look at you the way Raelynn does. And she never made you
this happy either. I think you need to let Raelynn explain before you write her off."

Sebastian scrubbed his hands over his face and made an aggravated sound. " I need to think about this

Henry frowned. " What do you need to think about?"

" Maybe I should just end it anyway," Sebastian muttered.

" Now why the fuck would you do that?" Henry snapped angrily.

Sebastian shook his head, " I thought you would understand," he sighed. " Even if it was a
misunderstanding, it made me realize how stupid I've been for letting it get this far. I promised myself
that I would never let another woman hurt me. And here I am, crying like a fucking pussy because a
woman hurt me. I should just end it now and go back to fucking a different chick every night. At least
that way I'm safe from this shit."

" Dammit Sebastian!" Henry shouted. He slammed his fist on the desk, making Sebastian jump.
" Stop being a fucking baby! Boo-fucking-hoo! Victoria cheated on you. Get the fuck over it. You
have a woman who is perfect for you and you want to let her go because some bitch hurt you in the
past?! Raelynn has done nothing but be there for you when you needed her most. Do you really think
she would hurt you like that? For fuck’s sake Sebastian, let your past go so you can move on and live
your goddamn life," Henry snapped. His green eyes were hard and pissed off as they stared at

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Sebastian blinked at his brother. Well...shit.

" I don't want to hear your fucking sob story anymore. Get outta here, I've got work to do," Henry
muttered coldly and waved a dismissive hand.

Struck stupid, Sebastian stood and headed for the door. He left Henry's office building and
got in his truck. He sat there for a moment and thought about what Henry had said. His brother had
never spoke to him like that before. He was usually understanding and sympathetic. He was pissed
now. Pissed at Sebastian because he was acting like an idiot, wasn't he? He was still living in the
past. Raelynn could be his future if he just let his past go. He most definitely overreacted at the coffee
shop. He needed to talk to Raelynn, but he needed to be alone for a while evaluate his feelings. So
Sebastian called Bill, told him what happened. Bill was understanding and said it was fine for him to
take the day off. Then Sebastian headed home where he could think in peace.

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Chapter 11

Raelynn checked her phone. No missed calls. No texts. After the whole coffee shop incident
a few days ago, Jared had told Raelynn to give Sebastian some time. He would realize that he
overreacted and come to her. But it happened three days ago. How long would it take him? She felt
horrible and just sick over the whole thing. She should have tried harder to make him listen. He was
so distraught and angry that he wouldn't let her explain that Jared was her brother-in-law.

Every time she thought back to it, she pictured the pure agony on Sebastian's face. She hated
that he thought she had been cheating on him. Funny thing was, she wasn't upset with him for thinking
that. She understood that he just reacted to what he had seen. She had never given him any reason not
to trust her, but she was sure him seeing her hug and kiss another man like that triggered his reaction.
That bitch Victoria really did a number on him. Raelynn hadn't realized how bad until the other day.

The time apart made Raelynn realize something else. She was completely in love with him.
She missed him terribly. She couldn't stop thinking about him. Her heart hurt for him. She just felt so
empty with him gone, like a part of her was missing. How had she not noticed how far she had fallen?
She knew that she cared a lot for Sebastian. Love had crossed her mind a couple times but she had
ignore it. She hadn't had time to dwell on it. Maybe that was why she hadn't realized. She knew for
sure now. She didn't want to go another minute without Sebastian. She would give him one more day
and if he still hadn't called her, she was going after him. No way was she going to let him get away.

She laughed to herself and shook her head. She was such a hypocrite. She had nearly walked
away from him four months ago because she didn't want a relationship and she hadn't wanted to get
attached to him. Now, here she was fighting to keep the one man she had been hell bent on ignoring.

They had never made their relationship official. Sebastian was still insistent on not calling
her his girlfriend. Raelynn had thought of herself as his girlfriend though. They had acted like a couple
in every other way. They went out together. They stayed overnight at each others places. They had
clothes and toiletries at each others houses. They had even traded keys. They were in every way a
couple. Yet, Sebastian was still hesitant to label them as such.

Raelynn didn't get home until about 10pm that night. Her heart leapt into her throat when she
pulled into her driveway behind Sebastian's truck. Oh God, she hoped he was here to talk and not to
get his stuff and give back her key. She was thinking the former because he could have taken his things
and left before she got home. She turned off her car and got out. The lights were on in her living room.
Sebastian was obviously waiting inside.

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Raelynn walked in her front door to find Sebastian sitting on the couch watching TV. He
glanced up when she walked in. He looked like shit. His face was scruffier then normal, his hair was
a mess and he had dark circles under his eyes - like he hadn't been sleeping. Raelynn's heart broke all
over again. She shut the door, dropped her purse and walked over to the couch. She kicked off her
shoes before sitting down next to him and pulling her feet up under her butt.

" Hi," Raelynn said softly, watching him.

Man, she had missed him. She ached to touch him, but she didn't know how he would react.

" Hey," he murmured, gazing longingly at her before glancing away.

Raelynn waited. She knew he had to be the one to talk first. Sebastian's green eyes lifted to
meet hers. They were still filled with pain. She wanted so bad to take that look out of his eyes. She
hated that he was hurting like this.

" What's going on with you and Jared?" Sebastian asked, his voice hoarse. His eyes searched hers.

" Baby, nothing is going on with me and Jared. Jared is my brother-in-law. He's married to my sister,
Bianna. I saw him sitting in the coffee shop window and just wanted to say hi," Raelynn answered.

Sebastian frowned in confusion, then looked away as he seemed to think something over. Then he
sighed and cursed, dropping his head back onto the couch. " No wonder his wife had looked so
familiar. I'm an idiot," he muttered.

" Did you really think I would cheat on you, Sebastian?" Raelynn asked softly, reaching out to brush
her fingers through the short hair above his ear.

Sebastian closed his eyes and sighed heavily. " No, but seeing you hugging Jared like that...I just
reacted. All my fears came to the surface and took over."

Raelynn nodded and continued to stroke his hair. She missed touching him.

" Jared probably hates me," Sebastian scoffed.

Raelynn smiled. " No, if anything he understands better then I do."

Sebastian snorted. " Yeah, probably." Sebastian opened his eyes and turned his head to look at her,
trapping her hand between his head and the couch. " I'm sorry. I acted like a dick."

Raelynn gave him a soft smile. " I'm sorry too for not telling you about Jared sooner."

Sebastian shook his head. " You have nothing to apologize for. I shouldn't have overreacted like I
did," he said, placing his hand on her thigh, giving it a little squeeze. " Do you still want to be with
me even though I'm a self-conscious, jealous asshole who beats up on your brother-in-law?"

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Raelynn chuckled low. " On one condition," Raelynn said, giving him a pointed look.

Sebastian lifted his head. " Anything, you name it," he said seriously.

" I want you to start calling me your girlfriend," Raelynn said.

A slow smile curled Sebastian's sexy lips. " You got it, girlfriend," he murmured then leaned in for a

Raelynn sighed against his lips. She had missed him so much.

" Can I stay the night?" Sebastian whispered, his lips brushing hers.

" Of course," Raelynn breathed and wrapped her arms around his neck.

Sebastian groaned and pulled her onto his lap. He then showed Raelynn just how great make-up sex
really was.

Sebastian woke to Raelynn stroking his cheek and calling his name. Sebastian drug his eyes
open to see her leaning over him, dressed in her usual suit for work. Sebastian glanced around the
room. It was still dark. He looked over at the clock. 2:00am. Damn, they had just gone to sleep an
hour ago.

" I have to go in to work," Raelynn murmured softly.

" You didn't get to sleep much," Sebastian grumbled.

Raelynn gave him a wry smile. " Murderers don't care about how long I've slept."

Sebastian smiled sleepily. " Do they care that it's Saturday?"

" Nope," Raelynn chuckled. " Will you be here when I get back?"

" Depends, I need to apologize to Jared sometime today."

" Okay. Well, I'll call you when I get done to see where you are," Raelynn said.

Sebastian nodded and reached up to cup her face. Raelynn leaned down and kissed him on
the lips. He had been a fool to ever think he could go on without her. He wasn't ready to tell her that
he loved her yet, but he accepted that he would eventually. Baby steps.

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" I'll see you later, sweet cheeks," Sebastian smirked, kissing her one more time.

Raelynn smiled and shook her head. Her smile faded as she looked down at him. " I missed you," she

Sebastian swallowed hard and nodded. " I missed you too, baby."

After one more kiss, Raelynn left. Sebastian fell back to sleep, snuggled up with Raelynn’s
pillow. It smelled like her and he loved how she smelled. He hadn't been able to fall asleep the past
few days. His mind had been racing and he hated not having Raelynn in his arms. He'd gotten used to
sleeping with her and he had felt completely alone when she wasn't there.

Sebastian woke up around 9am. He got a shower, grabbed some breakfast then headed to
Jared's to apologize in person. Jared didn't see patients on the weekends, so Sebastian was going to
go knock on his front door. He hoped he was home. When Sebastian pulled into Jared's driveway, the
SUV was there, so Sebastian was guessing that Jared was home.

Sebastian walked up the front steps and rang the doorbell. He was actually a bit nervous. He
didn't know how Jared would feel about seeing him. Sebastian had pushed him around a little bit. He
wouldn't be surprised if Jared didn't want to talk to him. The door opened a minute later, revealing
Jared in gym shorts and a t-shirt. Which was weird because Sebastian had only ever seen him in dress
pants and shirt and tie.

Jared blinked in surprise. " Sebastian."

" Hey Jared, can I come in?" Sebastian asked.

Jared moved aside and let Sebastian into his house. Sebastian thanked him as he walked by. Jared
closed the door behind them.

" How are you?" Jared asked, clapping Sebastian on the back.

Sebastian frowned down at the man, confused by his friendliness. " Better. I came to apologize for the
other day. I was way out of line."

Jared smiled and gestured for Sebastian to have a seat on the couch. So he sat on the couch but left his
coat on since he wasn't going to stay long. Jared sunk into a plush leather arm chair adjacent to him. "
It's fine, Sebastian. I completely understand. I'm guessing you spoke to Raelynn?"

Sebastian nodded. " We talked last night."

" And everything is okay with you two?" Jared asked.

Sebastian smiled. " We're back together if that's what you're asking"

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Jared smiled. " Yes, that's what I wanted to know."

Sebastian's smile faded. " So now that I know you two are related, are you still able to be my

" If you want me to be." Jared nodded.

" I do."

" Good." Jared smiled again.

A phone rang somewhere in the house, but stopped after two rings. Sebastian was guessing
Jared's wife picked it up. Jared had just opened his mouth to say something when he was cut off by a
heart-wrenching scream. Both Jared and Sebastian were on their feet and running within seconds.
Jared skidded into what looked like an office with Sebastian right on his heels. Jared's wife was
sitting on the floor with her head in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. The phone receiver lay on the
floor next to her. Jared grabbed the phone and put it to his ear.

" Hello?...Jillian, slow down, what's going on?..." Jared listened for a moment before his eyes shot up
and locked on Sebastian's, his face pale. "...uh huh, what hospital?...Okay, we'll be there as soon as
possible...okay, bye Jillian," Jared murmured and hung up the phone before dropping it onto the desk.

Dread twisted Sebastian's gut. What the fuck was going on? Why was Jared looking at him like that? "
What is it?" Sebastian asked hoarsely.

" It's Raelynn," Jared said grimly.

Sebastian started shaking his head. " Don't tell me she's dead, Jared" Sebastian choked, tears welling
up in his eyes.

" No, she's not. But she's been shot and they’re not sure if she's going to make it," Jared rasped. " We
need to get to Jefferson."

Without another word, Sebastian turned and ran out of the house. He jumped into his truck
and tore out of the driveway. He was frantic. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to move. He
had to get to the hospital. He couldn't loose her. They had just made up. They needed more time
together. Sebastian fought the urge to puke his guts up the entire ride. He parked his truck in the
hospital garage and ran for the emergency room. He skidded to a halt when a familiar voice called his

Sebastian spun to see Raelynn's best friend Nicole. She was in the waiting room, standing with a few
other people. Sebastian rushed over to her and grabbed her shoulders. " What's going on?!" he asked

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Nicole gripped his elbows. " They just took her in for surgery. Apparently when she went to the home
of the suspected killer, he was there and shot her. She was shot in the chest and stomach. Both bullets
went through her vest. They need to repair the damage from the bullets. She also fell down the steps
she had been standing on and cracked her skull. Her brain is swollen..."

Sebastian felt his knees go weak and the blood drain out of his face. Nicole must have seen it
too because she helped him sit in the chair that was behind him. Sebastian rubbed his suddenly aching
chest with the heel of his palm. He swallowed back the bile that rose in his throat. This could not be

" Do they know if she's gonna make it?" he croaked.

Nicole brushed away a tear that slipped from the corner of her eye. " They're not sure," she

A tortured sound tore out of him before he could stop it. Sebastian shoved his hands into his
hair and started to rock slightly in his chair. It was something he always did when he was upset. It use
to soothe him when he was a kid but now it was more like a habit. It didn't really help to calm him
anymore. What the fuck was he going to do? He couldn't handle loosing another woman he loved.
This was going to be the end of him. He couldn't go through another funeral. Oh god, he was going to
loose his fucking mind for sure this time.

The waiting room filled up around him with Raelynn's family and co-workers. Sebastian
alternated between sitting and pacing. He couldn't stand not knowing what was going on. They've only
had one update since Raelynn went into surgery and that was about an hour ago. They were going on
two hours now. Jared had handed him a water about a half hour ago without a word. He seemed to
know that Sebastian was in no condition to talk. It took one more hour before the surgeon who worked
on Raelynn came into the waiting room.

" Where is Raelynn Reynolds' family?" The doctor called.

Raelynn's parents, grandparents, sisters and their husbands rushed over to him. Sebastian
hated that he was left out, but he wasn't family. He was her boyfriend and in hospitals that meant jack
shit. Sebastian waited, his hands laced together on the top of his head. He was sure his hair was
sticking straight up by now.

The doctor spoke to the family for a good 15-20 minutes. Long enough to make Sebastian
antsy. He shifted from side to side and watched the doctor's grim face as he spoke. Sebastian couldn't
hear anything that he was saying, but judging from the look on his face, it wasn't good. Sebastian's
stomach couldn't take much more. He's been fighting off the nausea since he first found out. Finally the
doctor left and Jared headed straight for Sebastian, his face closed off, which made Sebastian worry

" What did he say?" Sebastian swallowed hard. He tried to prepare himself for the worst, but he
knew nothing would prepare him for loosing Raelynn.

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" It doesn't look good Sebastian. The doctor said that she died in surgery twice but they were able to
revive her..." Jared murmured, raking a hand down the side of his face. "...They were able to repair
the damage the bullets made. The doctor said that the chest wound was pretty bad. The bullet had
nicked her heart and she had almost bled out before even getting to the hospital. The stomach wound
wasn't too bad and the doctor was able to repair all the damage with no problems. Now their mostly
worried about the swelling of her brain. They’re putting her in a medically induced coma to try and
get the swelling to go down."

Sebastian scrubbed a hand over his mouth. " Will she be okay?" Sebastian asked, voice trembling.

" Right now it's a waiting game. They plan to keep her in the coma until the swelling in her brain is
completely gone. They don’t know how long that will take. He said if she makes it through the first
twenty four hours then her chances of surviving greatly increase. They are also worried about
infection though."

Sebastian blinked, the tears that had been building up finally falling. " Will I..." Sebastian cleared the
emotion from his throat. "...Will I be able to see her?"

Jared sighed. " The doctor said ‘family only’ because they are putting her in intensive care. She's only
allowed two visitors at a time. But let me talk to Bianna, if she's okay with it I'll let you go in with

" You would do that...for me?" Sebastian asked roughly.

Jared put his hands on Sebastian's shoulders. " I know how much she means to you Sebastian. So
yeah, I would do that for you."

" Thank you," Sebastian whispered.

Jared nodded. " I'll be back, let me talk to Bianna."

Sebastian nodded and watched Jared go to his crying wife. Jared rubbed her arms as he
talked to her. Sebastian didn't want to get his hopes up because Bianna might say no. Bianna said
something to Jared, who replied. Bianna then looked over at Sebastian, her sympathy and
understanding clear in her tear filled eyes. She looked back at Jared and nodded. Jared smiled softly
and gave her a gentle kiss before heading back over to Sebastian.

" She says it's okay with her," Jared said.

Sebastian nodded. He couldn't even say anything. His throat clogged and tightened as he tried
to hold himself together. Sebastian put one hand over his eyes while propping the other on his hip. He
tried to take a few deep breaths but nothing seemed to be working. He really didn't want to sob like a
fucking baby in front of Raelynn's family. Her parents were here and he hadn't even met them yet. It
wasn't really the best time to go introducing himself.

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" Jared, I keep seeing you come over here. Who are you talking to?" an elderly female voice asked.

Shit! Sebastian quickly collected himself and dropped his hand to see who had come over. It
was an older woman, probably in her eighties. She had the standard old lady hairdo and glasses. She
actually looked really great for her age. She was moving well and seemed mentally sharp. Her light
blue eyes scanned over Sebastian from behind her large glasses.

" Nana, this is Raelynn's boyfriend Sebastian Beck. Sebastian, this is Nana Eloise Reynolds," Jared

Nana's eyes lit up and a huge smile made her wrinkled face look years younger. " Oooh, this is the
man my little Rae-Rae had been talking about?"

" Yes, this is him," Jared answered.

Nana moved forward, her soft hands grabbing one of his. " Oh my, you're a handsome one aren't you?"
Nana Eloise smirked up at him. She was shorter then Raelynn. Sebastian literally towered over her.

Sebastian forced a tight smile. " Thank you, ma'am."

" None of the ma'am stuff now. You'll call me Nana like everyone else," Nana said firmly, patting the
hand she held in hers.

" Okay," Sebastian whispered.

Nana frowned up at him. She reached up and cupped his face. " I can see you're upset honey, but my
little Rae-Rae is a strong woman and she'll make it through," Nana said gently.

Sebastian could only nod. Nana gave his hand a squeeze then walked away. He wished he
would have met her during better circumstances. She seemed like a wonderful lady. Hopefully
Raelynn pulled through and he could meet the rest of her family. She was always so busy that she
barely got to see them herself, let alone introduce Sebastian to them.

When the time came for them to go see Raelynn, Jared put his arm around Sebastian's
shoulders and led him upstairs with the family. The ICU floor was quiet except for the nurses moving
around. There was a waiting room that they had to sit in while two people visited Raelynn at a time.
Her parents went first. They both came back crying fifteen minutes later. Both sets of grandparents
went, then her sister Elise and her husband Tim went. Finally Sebastian and Bianna got their turn.

Bianna clung to Sebastian's arm as they walked down the hall to Raelynn's room. Sebastian
laced his fingers in hers. He needed the support as bad as she did. Sebastian was shaking, but so was
Bianna, so he didn't feel as bad about it. They stopped just outside the open door that lead to
Raelynn's room. The doors were large sliding glass ones that were left open. The only thing cutting
off their view of her was the curtain that was pulled across the door for some privacy.

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Bianna moved around the curtain first, pulling Sebastian in behind her. The sight of Raelynn
laying in that bed would forever be burned into Sebastian's mind. She had tubes and wires
everywhere. She was hooked up to a ventilator, so there was a tube coming out of her mouth. A large
bandage was wrapped around her head and had a drainage tube sticking out from one side of it.
Monitors beeped and clicked. Sebastian could see the bandage sticking out the top of her hospital
gown. They had to open up her chest to repair the damage the bullet caused. The thought made
Sebastian sick to his stomach.

" Jesus," Sebastian breathed and pressed back against the wall just beyond the curtain.

Bianna turned towards him, but black spots dotted his vision and he couldn't see her clearly. "
Sebastian? Are you alright?" she asked, concerned.

Sebastian shook his head furiously and pressed a hand to his chest. His heart was going to pound out
of his chest and he couldn't pull in enough air. " I can't...I can't breathe," he gasped.

Bianna grabbed his shoulders. " You're having a panic attack, sit down," she said softly, helping to
guide him down the wall until he was sitting on his ass. " Pull your knees up and drop your head
between them."

Sebastian did as he was told.

" Good. Now breathe, nice deep breaths. That's right. Good," she soothed, rubbing his back.

" I'm sorry, Bianna," Sebastian muttered from between his knees once he could breathe again.

" It's okay, Sebastian. This just tells me how much you care about my sister," Bianna murmured
gently. " Are you better?"

" Yeah, thank you," Sebastian said, lifting his head.

Bianna gave him a tender smile then stood and walked over to the bed. Sebastian slowly got
to his feet and made his way over to the opposite side of the bed. Sebastian took Raelynn's hand in
both of his and lifted it to kiss her knuckles. Tears welled and started pouring down his face. He
couldn't believe that this was actually happening. It was only last night that they were making love in
her bed. And now she was fighting for her life. This had to be a nightmare that he would wake up
from soon.

Bianna spoke softly to her sister from the other side of the bed while Sebastian silently cried
and clutched Raelynn's hand. Bianna then looked over at Sebastian, tears streaming down her face.

" I'll give you a minute alone with her," Bianna whispered then headed for the door.

Sebastian stared down at Raelynn. How could this be happening? Was fate really this cruel?

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Would she really take away the one woman that could possibly be love of Sebastian’s life? All his
anguish came to bubbling up to the surface and boiled over. A ragged sob escaped him. Sebastian
bent over and dropped his forehead to the back of her hand that he'd been holding.

" Please, don't leave me Rae," he pleaded quietly. " I couldn't handle loosing you. I need you."

Sebastian had no idea how long he had been there. Tears continued to leak from his eyes and
he had no idea if they would ever stop. He was still bent over, his head still resting on her thigh, his
face turned so that he could look up at her. He didn't even know when the next time he'd be able to see
her was. It killed him to not be considered her family. If he were her husband he wouldn't have this

Strong hands came to rest on his shoulders, making Sebastian start. He straightened and looked back
to see Henry standing behind him. Sebastian blinked then rubbed his eyes, not sure if he was seeing
correctly. " Henry?" he croaked.

Henry squeezed his shoulders. He wasn't looking at Sebastian though. He was looking at Raelynn, his
expression sad.

" What...what are you doing here?" Sebastian asked in confusion.

" Jared called me," Henry replied quietly, still looking over Raelynn's battered form.

" How'd he get your number?" Sebastian asked.

" I'm your emergency contact," Henry said, finally turning his gaze to Sebastian.

Sebastian nodded in understanding. Jared must have had Henry's number stored in his phone
for emergencies. Sebastian couldn't thank Jared enough for today. The man was truly a great person.
Sebastian was beginning to consider him a friend also.

" Visiting hours are over Sebastian, it's time to go," Henry murmured apologetically.

Sebastian sighed heavily. He wasn't ready to leave. Sebastian leaned over and kissed Raelynn's
forehead. " I'll come see you as soon as I can, sweet cheeks. Promise me you'll fight to stay alive,"
Sebastian whispered to her, praying that she could hear him.

Sebastian gathered up all the strength he could muster and turned away. Henry put his arm
around Sebastian's shoulders and led him from the room. As they passed the waiting room, Raelynn's
family was in the process of leaving too. Sebastian went to Jared and hugged him. Jared made a
surprised noise but hugged Sebastian back.

" Thank you, Jared," Sebastian whispered.

Jared patted his back. " You're welcome, Sebastian."

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Sebastian pulled back, giving him a tight smile before turning to leave.

" Sebastian," Jared called.

Sebastian turned back and looked at Jared expectantly.

" Raelynn's parents put you on the visitors list. You can come see Raelynn whenever you want," Jared
said softly.

Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath, his eyes widened slightly. Sebastian's gaze swung over
to Raelynn's parents, who were standing together a little behind Jared. They both gave him a small but
warm smile. Sebastian didn't know what to say. He was shocked. He was extremely grateful. And
being the pussy he was, he burst into tears. He went to her parents and hugged them both at the same
time, whispering ‘Thank you’ over and over. They hugged him back. Raelynn's mom started crying
because he was crying. He didn't even know their names, but he didn't really care at the moment. They
had just done the best thing ever for him. And he planned on taking advantage of their gift. He was
going to be here everyday for Raelynn. He would will her to get better. He wouldn't give up without a
fight. He had just gotten her back and they hadn't had enough time together. He wanted more and
dammit, he was going to get it! Raelynn had somehow become his world and he would not let his
world come crashing down a second time.

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Chapter 12

Raelynn wanted out of the darkness. She had no idea where she was or what had happened.
She couldn't remember anything. She had no idea how long she had been here. She could hear voices
every now and then. But she couldn’t decipher whose voices they were. There were some male
voices and some female voices. One male voice stood out but she couldn’t come up with his name.
She knew he was important to her though. Whenever she heard him he told her to fight, that he needed
her, that he missed her. Raelynn yearned to repeat the words to him.

Raelynn felt the darkness slowly fading. She could hear that male voice again. He was
talking to her. Raelynn fought to listen to what he was saying. She wanted to know what he was
saying. The darkness receded a little more. The man laughed. The kind of laugh that Raelynn knew
was rare and special coming from this man. There was a light fog around Raelynn now.

"...He's getting so big. Anyway, I was thinking about getting another tattoo, maybe your face on the
side of my neck?" the voice chuckled. "...I'm just joking. Well partially, I do want another tattoo.
Maybe something else like St. Michael..."

Raelynn could feel her body again. She could feel a hand on her thigh, gently rubbing. She
drug her eyes open as much as she could. It was only a crack, she could see only a sliver of light but
nothing solid. She turned her head towards the voice, which had abruptly cut off. Raelynn let out a
breathy moan, she didn't want him to stop talking!

" Raelynn?" the voice asked hesitantly.

Raelynn licked her dry lips and tried to speak, but nothing came out.

" Holy shit! Hold on, baby! let me get a nurse," the voice said excitedly.

Raelynn heard him move. A beep sounded, then a disembodied female voice spoke. " Can I help

" I think Raelynn's waking up!" he practically shouted.

" Okay hun, I'll be right there," the female voice said hurriedly.

Within seconds the woman came into the room and started asking Raelynn to do different
things like squeeze her fingers and wiggle her toes. The more Raelynn did, the more she was able to
open her eyes and think more clearly. The woman looming over her was a nurse - going by the scrubs
she was wearing. Raelynn figured she was in the hospital for some reason. She'd find out later. Right
now she wanted to know who the guy was that had been talking to her.

The nurse finally moved out of Raelynn's line of sight. That's when she saw him. Sebastian.
His hands were laced together on top of his head as he paced back and forth at the end of her bed. He
looked anxious and relieved and excited all at the same time. His face was covered in stubble like it

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normally was. He was wearing a long sleeved navy blue Henley with the sleeves pushed up to his
elbows. His jeans were faded and fit snuggly to his muscled thighs. He looked as gorgeous as ever.

The nurse announced that she was going to go find the doctor and headed out of the room.
Sebastian watched her leave then slowly turned back to look at Raelynn. He drug his hands down his
face then looked at her with watery eyes. Raelynn frowned. Why was he so upset? What had

" Sebastian?" Raelynn rasped, her voice sounding like she chewed on some gravel.

Sebastian pressed his fist to his mouth and squeezed his eyes shut, forcing the tears to roll down his
cheeks. " Dammit," he breathed and swiped angrily at the tears. " I swore I wouldn't cry anymore," he
said, more to himself then Raelynn.

Sebastian opened his eyes. He looked a little more composed as he walked over to the side
of her bed and sat down next to her hip, turning slightly to face her. He gave her a shaky smile and
held her hand in both of his.

" Hey, sweet cheeks. I missed you," Sebastian murmured then kissed her knuckles.

" What happened?" Raelynn croaked.

Sebastian's smile faded. " You were shot and also cracked your skull when you fell down a flight of
stairs. The doctors weren't sure if you were going to make it. You were in the ICU for a week and a
half in a medically induced coma to get the swelling in your brain to go down. You were finally well
enough to be moved out of the ICU two days ago. We've just been waiting for you to wake up," he
said, running his thumb over her knuckles.

Raelynn gasped is disbelief. " What?"

Sebastian nodded sadly. Raelynn frowned. She didn’t remember any of that. She didn’t remember
anything past showing up to work at 2:30 in the morning.

" Damn, Rae. I missed you so bad. I was so afraid you would never wake up," Sebastian said, his
voice trembling with emotion.

Raelynn looked up into his green eyes which were once again tearing up. How often had he
cried since she's been here? She never thought of Sebastian as an overly sensitive guy. But it was
twice now since she's woken up that he'd gotten teary eyed. She really must have been in bad shape
for him to be this emotional. Raelynn squeezed his hand.

" I heard you talking to me," Raelynn whispered since her voice and throat were raw.

Sebastian smirked, just the one corner of his mouth lifting. " Yeah? Hear anything interesting?"

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Raelynn tried to laugh but it more came out as a wheeze. " Maybe," she teased.

Sebastian bit his bottom lip. He looked like he was trying not to cry. He took a deep breath and
rubbed his eyes with one hand. " Fuck. See what you do to me? Turning me into a blubbering fool," he

" Come here," Raelynn whispered, tugging on his hand.

Sebastian - oh so carefully - leaned over her. She wrapped her arms around him as he tucked
his face into her neck. He sighed heavily, his big body trembling slightly. Raelynn's heart broke for
him. She couldn't imagine what he'd been feeling this whole time. She stroked the back of his head
and tucked her face against his.

" I thought I lost you," he choked.

" You didn't, I'm here now," Raelynn soothed, smoothing her hand over the back of his head.

Sebastian pulled back a few minutes later. The doctor strolled in as he gave her a kiss on the
lips. Sebastian stood and excused himself from the room, saying that he was going to call Raelynn's
parents. Which was probably true, but she was sure he also needed a minute for himself. The doctor
was really nice and explained everything about what happened. He also told her what to expect while
she recovered. He said as long as she kept getting better she could be out of the hospital at the end of
the week. Sounded good to Raelynn. She hated hospitals. The sooner she was outta here the better.

Sebastian returned just as the doctor was leaving. He smiled at her as he tucked his phone into his
back pocket. He looked better, more composed. " What did the doctor say?" he asked as he pulled the
chair over next to her bed and sat.

" That as long as I keep improving then I should be able to leave at the end of the week," Raelynn

Sebastian's smile widened. " That would be great."

Raelynn nodded in agreement. " He said that I'm going to be out of work for a couple months and I'm
going to need to take it easy for the first couple weeks before starting physical therapy."

" Why don't you stay with me the first couple weeks? I can be your servant," Sebastian said with a

" Really?" Raelynn asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

" Yeah, really. Let me help you," Sebastian said sincerely.

Raelynn nodded. " Okay," she agreed. " As long as I get to watch you walk around naked," she added
with a nonchalant shrug.

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Sebastian chuckled. " I might be able to help you with that."

Raelynn smiled fondly at him. He was so handsome. This whole thing must have been
horrible for Sebastian after everything he’d already been through. She couldn't imagine being in his
shoes. They had just gotten back together the night before and the next day he thought she was going to
die. Raelynn's eyes teared up just thinking about it.

" Hey," Sebastian said gently, his hand covering hers. " What's wrong?"

" I just...I can't imagine what you've been going through," Raelynn sniffed, swiping the tears from her

" It's been rough. That's for sure," Sebastian agreed.

" How did you find out?" Raelynn asked quietly.

" I was at Jared's house apologizing when your mom called Bianna," Sebastian said roughly.

Raelynn nodded. What a nightmare!

" But you're here. You're awake and doing well and that's all I care about," Sebastian said sincerely,
giving her hand a squeeze.

Raelynn gave him a soft smile. " Can I have another kiss?"

Sebastian grinned. " Of course you can," he murmured, standing to lean over her to kiss her tenderly
on the lips.

When Raelynn's parents showed up Sebastian left to give them some privacy. Her mother
Jillian cried and hugged her. Her dad Oliver - or Ollie, as everyone called him - kissed her cheeks
for what seemed like a hundred times before letting her go.

" We are so glad you're okay sweetie," Her mother croaked, squeezing the hand that she wouldn't let

" We were so afraid you weren't going to make it," her father said gruffly, tears glistening in his eyes.

" Well I did. So everyone can stop crying. You're all killing me with the crying," Raelynn whispered,
her own eyes tearing up again.

" Okay okay," Ollie chuckled and patted her leg. " So tell us what the doctor said."

Raelynn told them what the doctor said about her recovery and when she'd possibly be out of the
hospital. " Sebastian wants me to stay with him for the first couple weeks. He said he'll be my

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servant," Raelynn smiled.

Both her parents grinned, their smiles warm and loving.

" You have a good man there, Raelynn. He was here everyday, twice a day. He came here before and
after work," Ollie said proudly.

" He took care of you. He wouldn't let the nurses do anything that he was allowed to do. He brushed
your hair and your teeth. He washed you and made sure to move your arms and legs to keep your
muscles from weakening. He talked to you as if you were awake. I swear Raelynn, if you don't marry
that man I'm going to disown you," Jillian said seriously.

Raelynn stared at her in shock. Sebastian did all that for her? He took care of her and went
to work everyday? Raelynn’s heart swelled to the point of bursting. The love she felt for him was
overwhelming. She knew he was a great guy, but this...this was above and beyond greatness. He was
phenomenal. Raelynn was speechless.

Her parents kept talking, but Raelynn wasn't really paying attention. She could only think
about the wonderful man that was her boyfriend. He had to love her. There was no way a man who
was not in love would take care of her like that. Raelynn smiled to herself. She wouldn't say anything
to him because she knew he had to say it on his own terms. But she was sure that she would hear it
eventually. That made her ecstatic.

Sebastian helped Raelynn into his apartment. She was still weak and needed to lean on him
when she walked any kind of decent distance. And the distance from the elevator to his door was a
little too long for her to walk by herself. He offered to carry her but her pride had her turning him

Sebastian helped her into the living room. He made her sit in the recliner, then he pulled the
lever so she could prop her feet up. He knew Raelynn hated that she was still so weak. He didn't
really care, he liked taking care of her. And he was just so fucking happy that she was out of the
hospital. After he got her situated with the tv remote and a bottle of water, he went back down to his
truck and grabbed her bags. They had stopped at her house on the way so she could pack up some
stuff since she was going to be staying with him for a while. If he had his way, she'd never leave.

" Hey, babe? Are you up for some visitors? Henry and Claire have been asking about you and I know
they wanted to see you," Sebastian asked as he walked in the door.

When Raelynn didn't answer, he went over and found her fast asleep. Sebastian smiled. She
was exhausted. visitors right now. Sebastian left Raelynn to rest. He took her bags into his
bedroom and moved around some of his stuff to fit her things in his drawers and closet. He put all her
toiletry stuff in the bathroom then decided that his place needed a good cleaning. He couldn't have a

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woman living here in his filth. He hadn't been keeping up with his place while Raelynn was in the

Sebastian started with the bathroom. Once he was finished there, he headed for his bedroom.
After putting his dirty clothes in the wash, he stripped his bed and put new sheets and pillow cases on
it. Then he dusted and vacuumed in there. Next he went to the kitchen. He cleaned the dishes piled in
the sink, cleaned off the counters, the stove and the microwave. Raelynn hadn't budged. So he went
about dusting and vacuuming the living room. She slept through it all. He even checked her pulse just
to be sure she was okay. She was fine, just tired.

By the time Sebastian was finished, it was around 6pm. He decided to make some dinner.
The doctor had said to keep her food light for a first couple days. So Sebastian put together a salad
and cooked up the fish he had his mother buy and bring over earlier today before he brought Raelynn

Sebastian felt all domesticated and shit. He had cooked for Victoria once. She hadn't liked
what he made, so he never cooked for her again. Then when they moved to California, she had hired a
cook. Sebastian considered himself a pretty decent cook. Victoria was just really picky about what
she ate. Sebastian had learned to cook after moving out of his parents house. He had been tired of
eating out all the time and decided to start cooking for himself. Henry loves his chili. He was
aactually a bit nervous as to what Raelynn would think of him cooking for her. Would she think it was
sweet? Would she think it was too much? And what if she didn't like it? He knew she wouldn't be
hiring a cook. Would she want him to cook for her again? Why the hell was he over-thinking this?
Raelynn wasn't Victoria. She wasn't picky. She would probably like whatever he made.

Sebastian made her up a plate, then grabbed one of the fold up trays he used when it was just
him and he wanted to sit in front of the tv and eat. He set it up next to the recliner and set the plate
down. Then he smoothed his hand over Raelynn's hair and called her name to wake her up.

" Rae? Hey...sweet cheeks? Wake up."

Raelynn pulled in a deep breath and stretched her arms and legs out. She slowly blinked her eyes
open. She looked up at him and gave him a tired smile. " Hey. How long have I been sleeping?"

" Almost 4 hours," Sebastian smirked.

" Really?!" Raelynn gasped, her eyes widening some. " What a bore! What have you been doing?"

" I cleaned and cooked you dinner," Sebastian said sheepishly.

Raelynn grinned. " Well aren't you just the little homemaker," she teased.

" Shut up," Sebastian scowled and put the recliner upright for her.

He set the tray in front of her and headed back to get her a glass of water.

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" Wow, Sebastian. This looks great!" Realynn praised.

" It should. I’m a damn good cook," Sebastian said smugly.

Raelynn giggled, bringing a smile to Sebastian’s face.

He brought her some water, then set up another tray for himself. He made himself a plate then
joined Raelynn in the living room. He sat on the couch and pulled his tray closer. Sebastian turned on
the news and dug into his food. It turned out really good.

" Yummy. This is fantastic, Sebastian," Raelynn murmured around a mouthful of food.

Sebastian smiled. " Thank you, baby,” he said gratefully. He was glad she was enjoying what he

Sebastian glanced at her. She watched the tv, only looking down to take a bite of food. Her
hair was piled on top of her head. She had no makeup on. She was wearing a baggy long sleeved t-
shirt and sweatpants. And Sebastian thought she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever laid eyes on.
He was so in love with her. He couldn't fucking believe it. How did he let that happen? After
everything he'd been through. He fell in love again. He blamed it on Raelynn. She was too marvelous
to not fall in love with. She was smart and cute and brave. She was insanely sexy. He loved her laugh
and her smile. He loved her sense of humor and the fact that she could handle him teasing her. She
didn't take any shit from anyone, which he also loved. She could be kind and caring and sweet. And
damn, could she make a man melt in bed. She was everything he could ever want in a woman and he
was never letting her go.

Raelynn was slowly regaining her strength. Every day she got a little stronger. She hated
being weak and relying on Sebastian so much. She hadn't expected to need him as much as she did.
The first few days were the worst. She couldn't even walk to the bathroom unassisted. Sebastian took
off the first couple days to be with her. After that, her mom would come over while he was at work.
That went on for the next four days. But Raelynn was strong enough to take care of herself now and
she wanted to do everything on her own. She refused to be an invalid any more then necessary. If she
could take care of herself, then she would. Although, people still insisted on coming to see her. Her
sisters and brother-in-laws, her parents and grandparents, Henry, Claire and the boys, Sebastian's thing was for sure, Raelynn sure felt loved.

Raelynn could not wait to be cleared from the doctor to start physical therapy. It was to help
her get back to normal, physically. She was itching to get back to work. She wasn't one to just sit
around and do nothing. It made her irritable. She even snapped at Sebastian a few times. He had
looked at her like she was crazy and ignored her. He apparently must have known that she was going

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stir crazy. This last week of rest could not be over with fast enough.

Sexual frustration was also playing a part in her bitchiness. She never thought she could
crave sex. She never had that problem until she slept with Sebastian. The man was magnificent in
bed. He was open and sensual and Raelynn loved the noises he made during sex. She loved knowing
a man was enjoying it as much as her. Sebastian’s noises? Major turn on. The doctor had told her to
refrain from sex until he cleared her for physical therapy. But Raelynn was about to break that rule.
Sebastian had teased her enough. Not that he really did anything purposely, but just him breathing
made her want to jump his bones.

Sebastian walked into the bedroom with a towel wrapped low around his hips. His skin was
still damp from the shower he just got. His hair was flattened to his forehead, partially hanging over
his eyes. Raelynn was laying in bed. It was 7:30 am and Sebastian was getting ready for work.
Raelynn couldn't help but stare at him, he was built so fine. She could see all his muscles rippling
under his lightly bronzed, tattooed skin. His tattoos just making him all the more sexy.

Sebastian pulled the towel off and drug it over his chest and stomach. Raelynn’s breath
caught as she got an eyeful of his toned backside. Sebastian glanced over his shoulder at her from
where he stood in front of his dresser, that naughty smirk of his curling his lips.

" Quit looking at me like that, Rae," Sebastian rumbled.

" Like what?" Raelynn purred and rolled onto her back, stretching her arms above her head.

Sebastian growled, his eyes darkening with desire as his gaze licked over her. " Like you're ready to
jump me."

Raelynn shrugged. " I am ready to jump you," she said. Sebastian's butt flexed, making Raelynn smile
lazily. She wanted to bite that butt.

" Don't say that! I'm already dying as it is. We still have a week before you go to the doctors,"
Sebastian groaned, pulling open a drawer and pulling out a pair of black tactical pants.

" Screw what the doctor said. Come over here and fuck me," Raelynn breathed, kicking the covers

Sebastian hissed out a breath and hung his head. " Rae..." he choked.

" Please, Sebastian. I need you," Raelynn whined.

" Dammit," Sebastian cursed under his breath before dropping his pants to the floor and striding over
to the bed.

He was already hard as he climbed up onto the bed and covered her with his big body. His
mouth landed on hers, kissing her fervently. Raelynn moaned and wrapped her legs around his hips.

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Sebastian's hand slipped under her shirt to cup her bare breast. His thumb swiping over her nipple.
Raelynn gasped against his lips and arched her back, pressing herself more firmly into his big hot
hand. Sebastian tore his mouth away and pushed up to his knees. He grabbed the hem of the baby tee
she was wearing and went to yank it up but Raelynn stopped him, grabbing his wrists.

" Wait," Raelynn breathed.

Sebastian frowned. " What?"

" Can we leave my shirt on?" Raelynn blushed. The scars she now had on her chest and stomach made
her a bit self conscience.

Sebastian's frown deepened. " Why?" he asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

Raelynn hesitated before answering. " I don't...I don't like my scars," she whispered.

Raelynn didn't know how she expected him to react. Angry, maybe? But what she got was
something completely different. Sebastian's face softened, his green gaze flashing with understanding.
Sebastian leaned down and kissed her tenderly, his hand cupping her face.

" Baby, I am still going to find you sexy, if that's what you're afraid of. I don't give a shit that you have
scars. You will forever be beautiful in my eyes. I want your skin on mine. Please, let me take your
shirt off," Sebastian whispered sincerely, his eyes searching hers.

Raelynn blinked back tears and slowly released Sebastian's wrists. She nodded, silently
giving Sebastian permission to take her shirt off. Sebastian slowly lifted her shirt. Raelynn closed her
eyes and lifted her arms. Raelynn kept her eyes closed even after the shirt was gone. She just didn't
want to see what was on Sebastian's face. There was no way he could find her sexy with the ugly
raised red scars that were on her chest and stomach.

Raelynn choked back a sob when she felt Sebastian's lips on the scar between her breasts.
The angry red puckered scar ran the whole length of her sternum. She knew it would fade with time
and not be as noticeable, but right now it was super ugly in her opinion. Sebastian pressed light
whispering kisses down the length of it before moving down to the one on her stomach that was just
right of her navel. As he kissed the scar on her belly, he slid her panties off. Then he kissed his way
back up her body.

When he reached her face, he cupped it with both hands and kissed her passionately as he
entered her. Raelynn gasped and dug her fingers into his back. Even though he hadn't said anything,
Raelynn could feel his love for her. This was not fucking, or sex, it was love making. He was
showing her just how much he loved her with every stroke, every kiss, every sweet whisper of how
beautiful she was. She'd never seen this side of Sebastian. At least not in bed. They usually went at it
hot and heavy. They both liked it fast and a bit rough. But this was tender and slow and filled with

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A few minutes later they were both panting and sated. They cleaned up then Sebastian
finished getting ready for work while Raelynn headed into the kitchen to make him some coffee.
Sebastian entered the kitchen in a pair of black tactical pants, a dark gray polo with Bill's shop logo
on the left side of his chest and black boots. He looked so hot in his work clothes. His gun was most
likely tucked in a holster at the small of his back. He was allowed to have it showing at work, but not
outside of the shop.

Raelynn handed him a cup of coffee. " Thanks, babe," Sebastian murmured, giving her a peck on the

His green eyes watched her over the lip of his mug as he took a sip of his coffee.

" What?" Raelynn asked, curious as to what he was thinking.

Sebastian shook his head. " Nothing. I just want you to believe me when I tell you that you're beautiful
no matter what," he said softly, reaching out to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

Raelynn smiled softly. " I do believe you," she whispered, slipping her arms around his waist and
resting her head on his chest.

" Really?" he asked skeptically.

Raelynn nodded against his chest. " After what we just did in the bedroom? Yes, I believe you," she
sighed contently. She really did believe him when he said he didn't care that she had scars. He more
then showed her that he was completely serious.

Sebastian dropped a kiss on the top of her head, his arms wrapping around her to hug her. " You are
the most gorgeous woman I've ever laid eyes on, inside and out, and no scars will ever change that,"
he murmured into her hair.

Raelynn looked up at him, her chin resting on his chest. " Thank you, Sebastian. That means a lot to

Sebastian gave her a lopsided grin, dropped a loud kiss on her mouth then let her go. " I gotta get outta
here. I'll see you later, sweet cheeks," he said cheerfully as he headed for the door.

Raelynn smiled and shook her head. Damn, she loved him. She never knew any man who
could make her feel so good about herself. If he didn't give a shit about her scars, why should she? If
he didn't find them ugly, then she shouldn't either. It was just proof that she lived. She was alive and
had an amazing man who wanted her no matter what. Could life get any better?

Chapter 13

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The next three weeks flew by for Raelynn. She went to physical therapy twice a week and
had regained all her strength. She was pretty much back to normal, which she was ecstatic about. She
could not wait to get back to work. She had moved out of Sebastian's apartment, much to his
disappointment. He had tried to get her to stay, but she missed her house and her own space.

A few days before her doctor’s appointment that would give her the go ahead to go back to
work, Raelynn started feeling sick. Her stomach was nauseous most of the day for three days. She
was feeling tired and run down. She was thinking that she was coming down with the flu or something
since it was November and prime time for the flu. So when she went to the doctors, she told the nurse
about her symptoms. They had her give a urine sample for some reason. Raelynn thought it was a little
odd but what did she know?

Raelynn sat in one of the rooms waiting for the doctor to see her. The antiseptic smell was
making her want to puke. She hadn't really eaten much in the past three days though so she doubted
there was anything to actually throw up. There was a knock on the door before it opened and her
doctor, Dr. McLean, walked in. He gave her a gentle doctorly smile.

" Hi there, Raelynn. How are you?" he asked as he went and sat on his stool.

Raelynn shrugged from where she sat on the exam table. " Could be better. I think I have the flu or

He didn't reply, just gave her a small smile. " Well, you are cleared for work. You have definitely
shown that you are back to your full strength."

" Oh man, that's great," Raelynn sighed in relief.

" But I do have other news for you," Dr. McLean said, an odd twinkle in his eye that made Raelynn

" Okay," She said slowly.

" You don't have the flu, Raelynn. You're pregnant," he said.

Raelynn blinked at him. Surely she hadn’t heard him right. " Excuse me?"

" You're pregnant," he repeated.

Raelynn gaped at him. " What? How? I...I'm on birth control!" she stammered.

Dr. McLean grimaced. " Yeah, I know. When you were in the hospital you weren’t able to take it and
they gave you an antibiotic, correct?"

Raelynn gasped, hands flying up to cover her mouth. " Oh no! I completely forgot about that! Shit!"

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" Do you know who the father is?" Dr. McLean asked gently.

Raelynn nodded, swallowing hard. " My boyfriend."

The doctor smiled. " Well that's good. At least you won't end up on the Maury show," he said with a

Raelynn was so taken back by his joke that she burst out laughing.

" This doesn’t have to be a bad thing, Raelynn," he said sympathetically.

" I'm not going to be able to work out on the streets as soon as my boss finds out," Raelynn muttered.

" Maybe it's time for you to think about a career change," Dr. McLean suggested softly, patting her

Raelynn frowned. She didn't want a different career, she wanted the one she had.
Goddammit! She was such an idiot! How could she have forgotten that she hadn’t taken her pills
while in the hospital? Plus the antibiotics? And what was Sebastian going to say? Would he be
happy? They never talked about kids. Jesus! He hadn't even told her that he loved her yet. They've
been together for 5 months now and he still hadn’t found the courage to tell her. She was starting to
wonder if he would ever tell her. Maybe she was wrong and he really didn't love her. He cared about
her - that was a definite - but maybe he didn't love her like she thought.

Raelynn left the doctor's office in a bit of a haze. She was pregnant. She was pregnant with
Sebastian's baby. A swirl of happiness made her smile. Dr. McLean told her to find an OBGYN as
soon as possible so that they could take over her care. She would need an ultrasound to determine the
due date. He did a rough estimate since she knew when the conception most likely happened. She was
most likely looking at a July due date.

Raelynn glanced at her watch. 5:00pm. By the time she would get to Sebastian's apartment,
he would mostly likely be home. She had to tell him. She had to tell someone or it was going to burst
out of her and who better then the father? As she drove to his apartment, she imagined a million
different ways he could react. She prayed that he would be excited. Because the more she thought
about it, the more excited she got. She never thought she'd be pregnant at 28. She always thought she
would be in her mid-thirties at least because of her career.

She walked into Sebastian's apartment to find him lounging on his recliner flicking through
the channels on the tv. He glanced over at her when she walked in. He gave her a sexy smile. He had
already gotten changed into a t-shirt and sweatpants, his standard after work-not-going-anywhere

" Hey, baby. What did the doctor say?" Sebastian asked, watching her as she dropped her purse on the
counter before walking into the living room.

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Raelynn sat on the couch, adjacent from him. " I'm cleared for work."

Sebastian's smiled faded and he groaned. " Dammit! I was hoping you'd never have to work again."

Raelynn snorted. She knew that he was completely serious. Oh wait until he heard the other news. " I
also have something else to tell you."

" And what's that?" Sebastian asked curiously, eyebrow lifting.

" I'm uh...I'm pregnant," Raelynn said hesitantly, watching him to gauge his reaction.

Sebastian's mouth dropped open and his eyebrows shot up. He then shook his head in confusion and
blinked at her. " Uh, what?" he asked stupidly.

" I've been feeling sick for the past few days and thought it was the flu. They tested me at the doctor's
office and it turns out that I'm pregnant," Raelynn explained nervously.

Sebastian frowned. " I thought you were on birth control?"

" I am. But when I was in the hospital I wasn’t able to take it and they also gave me antibiotics. I
didn’t even think about it when we had sex that first time after I got home. I was just so use to not
having to worry about it that I didn’t even think twice about it."

Sebastian nodded in understanding as he stood up and turned the tv off. Raelynn watched him
warily as he walked around to the opposite side of the coffee table and started to pace. One hand
went to his hip while the other rubbed his stubbled jaw. She couldn't tell what he was thinking. She
prayed he was going to be okay with this. She'd do this on her own if she had to but she really didn't
want to. She wanted him to be part of the baby's life and her life.

" Wow," he murmured quietly. "," he repeated as if he was in shock, which he probably

" I'm sorry, Sebastian. I feel like such an idiot for forgetting something so important," Raelynn sighed.

Sebastian glanced at her, his green eyes gentle and filled with understanding. " Rae...come on, that
was the last thing on your mind."

" So you're not upset?" Raelynn asked softly.

Sebastian's brows furrowed and he stopped pacing to send her a hard look. " How could I be upset?
You're having my baby. That's..." Sebastian shook his head, closing his eyes for a moment before
opening them and staring right at her. "...Shit, Rae. That's just amazing."

A slow smile formed across Raelynn's face. " Really?" she asked, hopefully.

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" I mean...I'm in shock. But I'm gonna be a daddy," he grinned wide, his eyes lighting up. " That's
fucking insane," he chuckled.

" I was so afraid you weren't going to be happy about this," Raelynn sighed in relief.

Sebastian came around the coffee table and sat down next to her. He took her hand and kissed her
palm. " I know it wasn't planned and I hadn't really expected to be a dad any time soon, but I'm happy
about it. How do you feel about it?" he asked.

" I'm still in shock, really. But I think once it all sinks in I'll be ecstatic," she smiled.

Sebastian chuckled and kissed her on the lips. Then he hopped up again and started pacing on the
other side of the coffee table. " God, I got so much shit running through my head right now," he
muttered almost to himself. Then his head snapped up, his eyes locking on hers. " You're not going
back to work," he stated firmly.

Raelynn flinched as if slapped. " Excuse me?" she choked. He completely blindsided her with that

" There is no way you're going back to that job," Sebastian said, his face serious - his tone even more

" That ‘Job’ is my career, Sebastian. It's what I do," Raelynn said, completely dumbfounded.

" Not anymore," Sebastian snapped.

Raelynn gaped at him for a moment. Just who the hell did he think he was?! " You can't tell me what
to do, Sebastian! I plan on working until I can't physically do the job. Then I'll go back to work after
my maternity leave."

Sebastian scoffed incredulously. " Oh no you fucking won't."

Raelynn stood, fists balled at her sides. Oh, she was beyond angry now. " Screw you, Sebastian!
That’s not your decision!" she yelled at him.

" You will not put your life and the life of our baby in danger because you want to chase after bad
guys, Raelynn. Not fucking happening," Sebastian bit out, his eyes flashing angrily.

" Hey! I didn't give you shit when you went back to work after all that stuff happened to you!" Raelynn

" That is not even close to the same thing and you know it!" Sebastian laughed bitterly.

" Whatever! Doesn't matter! You can't tell me what to do! I'm going back to work and there is nothing
you can do about it! It's not your decision!" Raelynn shouted at him.

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They were both standing on either side of the coffee table, glaring daggers at each other. It
would have been comical with their height difference if Raelynn wasn’t so angry. Sebastian’s
muscled 6’4 frame towering over Raelynn’s tiny 5’3 frame. She could only imagine what someone
would think if they saw them right now. This little girl infuriating a giant would probably make
people worry.

Sebastian made an aggravated noise as he shoved his hands into his hair and paced away from the
table. When he turned back around, the tortured expression on his face was almost unbearable to look
at. "'s one thing to put yourself back out there, I didn't like it and I didn't want you to do it
but I understood. Now, we're talking about you and our baby. I can' can't do that to me. What if
you get shot again? Not only could I loose you, but our baby too? I couldn't handle that," he croaked,
his eyes pleading with her.

" Sebastian, do you realize what you're asking me to give up? I love my job," Raelynn frowned.

" And I love you! So much it fucking hurts!" Sebastian bellowed, clutching a fistful of his t-shirt over
his heart with one hand. Then having realized what he said, his mouth snapped shut. His eyes widened
and his face paled.

Raelynn's eyes widened too. Holy shit! He just told her that he loved her. And it was so
much better then how she had ever imagined he would say it. She pictured him being sweet about it,
possibly saying it after making love or something. But this, this was so much better. She knew for a
fact that he truly meant it because he just blurted it out without thinking. She knew it was for real.
There is no way he could have just said it to make her change her mind because he was just as
shocked as she was that he said it.

Sebastian swallowed hard. " Did I just say what I think I said?" he asked tightly.

Raelynn fought not to smile. She rolled her lips in and nodded. Jesus, he looked like he was going to
pass out.

Sebastian nodded jerkily and rubbed his chest. " That's what I thought," he wheezed and reached for
the recliner. " I gotta sit," he muttered, and dropped onto the recliner. He continued to rub his chest
with the heel of his palm.

Raelynn walked over and climbed onto his lap. She sat facing him. Sebastian was staring off
into space. Poor guy. Raelynn cupped his face and lifted it so he had to look at her. Sebastian's green
eyes were hesitant and wary. Raelynn realized he was afraid of her reaction. Raelynn leaned forward
and kissed him tenderly on the lips.

" I love you too, Sebastian," she whispered against his lips.

" You do?" he breathed, his eyes sliding closed.

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" So much it fucking hurts,” she said, using his own words.

Sebastian sucked in a sharp breath before his arms came around her and he crushed his
mouth against hers. Raelynn moaned, kissing him back with everything she had and felt. Sebastian
tangled his fingers in her hair and tilted her head, giving himself a better angle to kiss her more

Raelynn pulled back, giving him a few smaller kisses before leaning back to look at him.

Sebastian brushed her hair back from her face. " Does this mean you won't go back to work?" he
asked hopefully.

" No, but let me talk to the Chief. I’ll see if he can transfer me somewhere thats less dangerous,"
Raelynn said quietly.

" Like a desk?" Sebastian smirked.

Raelynn chuckled low. " Yes, maybe he can put me in cyber crimes where I can work at a desk."

Sebastian sighed in relief. " Okay. Thank you, baby. I'm sorry for acting like an ass," he frowned.

" I'll forgive you on one condition," Raelynn said, watching as she drew circles on his chest with her

" Oh yeah? What's that?" he asked with a smirk.

" Tell me you love me again," Raelynn said, lifting her gaze to meet his.

Sebastian cupped her face, his thumb stroking her cheek. " I love you, Raelynn. So much," he said
roughly before kissing her again.

Raelynn closed her eyes and savored the moment. She loved the way those words sounded
coming out of his mouth. She knew how hard it was for him to have even let himself fall in love with
her. But he did, and that's all she cared about. He loved her and they were going to have a baby

Quinn parked his car in his parent's driveway. His mother had invited them all over for
dinner. They hadn't all been together in a few months. And this would be the first time Sebastian was
bringing his girlfriend, Raelynn. According to Henry, they were pretty damn serious. Which shocked

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Quinn. He swore Sebastian wouldn't get serious with another woman for a long time.

Quinn walked in the front door and was immediately greeted by the four year old Ethan, who
promptly latched onto his leg. Quinn smiled down at him and ruffled his mop of blonde curls. Ethan
was a really cute kid. Definitely gonna be a heartbreaker some day.

" Uncle Quinn!" Ethan exclaimed. His bright blue eyes lighting up as he looked up at Quinn.

" Hey, buddy," Quinn murmured.

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Quinn glanced around the living room. Little Henry was sitting on the floor chewing on some
kind of baby toy. The chunky-monkey was 10 months now and Quinn could tell the kid was definitely
going to take after Henry. He was huge! He looked more like an one and a half year old. He had white
blonde hair that Henry liked to put into a mohawk. The only thing he got from Claire was his light
blue eyes.

Henry was lounging on the couch at one end while Christian lounged at the other end.
Christian was looking spiffy as usual. The man was a clothes whore. He had a thing for the latest
fashion and was always buying something new to add to his collection. He was wearing dark jeans, a
white dress shirt with a gray v-neck cardigan that had a navy blue collar. All of which fit snug to his
long lean body. Christian was the thinnest of all of them, but he still had muscle and it showed in
whatever he wore.

Sebastian and Raelynn were sitting on the love seat being all lovey-dovey. Sebastian had his
arm one around Raelynn's shoulders while the other rested on her stomach. Their faces were turned
towards each other and only inches apart. They were talking quietly to each other. Quinn was glad his
brother was happy. It definitely showed. Sebastian deserved it.

" Quinn!" Anne's voice called, bringing him out of his thoughts.

Quinn looked towards the kitchen to see his mother coming through the doorway into the living room.
She gave him a kiss on the cheek. " Hey, mom," he said, trying to walk forward with a four year old
wrapped around his leg.

Claire emerged from the kitchen also. She smiled at him before frowning down at Ethan.
" Ethan! At least let Uncle Quinn get in the door before you torture him," she scolded and shooed
Ethan off his leg. Claire then gave him a hug and a kiss on the cheek. " Hi, Quinn."

" Claire," he murmured in greeting.

Quinn went around the room, saying hi to everyone else. Then he went and laid on the floor
with little Henry. Quinn wasn't the most affectionate person, everyone knew that. He even had a hard
time with the kids. He just didn't know what to do. Ethan was a little easier because he would just
come up and hug Quinn, or jump on him or try to wrestle. The baby was harder to deal with. Harder
to connect with. Quinn lounged on his side, resting on his elbow in front of the little boy. Quinn used a
finger to tickle his belly. Little Henry stared at him, but wasn't affected. Quinn tried next to tickle his
little sock-covered foot. The kid pulled his foot away but just kept staring, chewing on his teething

" I don't think he likes me, Henry," Quinn grumbled.

Henry smiled. " He likes you just fine, Quinn. Try making him punch you with his hand, he gets a kick
out of that."

" Really?" Quinn asked skeptically.

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" Yeah, just make sure you pretend it hurts," Henry chuckled.

Quinn shrugged. He'd give it a try. He scooted a little closer and took little Henry's free
hand. His chubby hand was already in a fist. Quinn swung the little fist and connected it with his jaw.
Quinn "Oof-ed" and pretended to get knocked back. To his surprise, the baby started cracking the hell
up. Quinn grinned and glanced at Henry, who winked at him.

Quinn played with little Henry until it was time to eat. When their mother called them in for
dinner, Henry came and scooped his son up off the floor. Christian walked over and held out a hand
for Quinn. Quinn accepted it, letting Christian pull him up off the floor.

" Thanks, Chris," Quinn said.

" No problem," Christian said with a small smile.

" How you feeling?" Quinn asked, knowing Christian would understand what he was asking about.
Christian had a hard time with anxiety. It was one of the reasons he was thinner then the rest of them.
Whenever his anxiety was high, he either didn't have an appetite or would throw up a lot.

Christian shrugged. " I have good days and bad."

Quinn nodded in understanding as they walked into the kitchen. At the table, Quinn sat with
Christian on one side and his mother on the other. His mom had made a ham, with corn, pineapple
stuffing and a salad. It looked delicious. One thing his mother was always good at was cooking.
Everyone passed around the food and dug in. Small conversations started. Quinn mostly just listened.

About halfway through dinner, Sebastian cleared his throat and got everyone's attention.
" Raelynn and I have something to tell everyone," he said, sending a loving glance at Raelynn and
placed his hand over hers where it rested on the table.

Quinn could feel his mother buzzing with excitement next to him. Quinn wondered what Sebastian
was going to say. Was he getting married again?

" Well, what is it son? Don't leave us hangin'," their dad, Henry Sr. chuckled.

" We're having a baby," Sebastian smiled sheepishly, a slight blush creeping up his face.

Raelynn too blushed and smiled shyly.

" Oh my god! That's wonderful!" Anne exclaimed excitedly. " Another grandchild, Henry!" she
croaked, looking over at her husband with tears in her eyes.

Quinn saw Henry and Claire glance at each other from where they were sitting across from him. " Uh,
you're actually going to have two new grandchildren," Henry winced and rubbed the back of his

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Anne gasped, her head swinging around to look at Claire. " You're pregnant too?!" she squawked.

Claire smiled and nodded.

" Oh my God!!!" Anne cried and covered her face with her hands.

" Nice, brother. Congrats!" Sebastian laughed, reaching around Raelynn to clap Henry on the back.

" Hey! Congrats to you too, man!" Henry grinned, patting Sebastian on the back in return.

After the congratulations were finished and his mom stopped crying, the questions started.
When are the babies due? Do they have any names in mind? Are they hoping for a boy or girl? Quinn
just sat and listened. He and Christian weren't really involved as much and probably wouldn't be until
they both settled down and had kids. So as of right now, they were outsiders. Which was fine by him,
Quinn didn't want to be part of that group. He wasn't cut out to be a father.

After dinner, the women chatted while they cleaned up the kitchen. The men and kids headed
back out into the living room. Quinn sat with Christian on the love seat while Henry, Sebastian and
their dad sat on the couch. The boys played on the floor.

" I can't believe it. Sebastian's gonna be a daddy," Henry smirked, shaking his head as he patted
Sebastian's thigh.

" I know, right?" Sebastian agreed. " Rae told me last week and I'm still in shock."

" She's not working on the streets is she?" Henry Sr. asked, brow furrowed.

" No, thank God. She got transferred to a different department where she's on desk duty now,"
Sebastian said, raking a hand through his hair.

" And she's okay with that?" Christian asked doubtfully.

" She did it mostly for me. But yeah, I think she's okay with it," Sebastian nodded.

" So have you told her you love her yet?" Henry asked, eyebrow raised dubiously.

" As a matter of fact, I did," Sebastian said smugly, crossing his arms over his chest.

Henry gasped, as did Christian. " No fucking way!" Henry exclaimed, eyes wide.

Quinn was pretty damn shocked himself, but he didn't react.

" It kinda just fell out of my mouth when we were arguing about her job. But I did say it and I'm gonna

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keep on saying it," Sebastian said firmly.

" I'm glad to hear that, Sebastian. I was worried about you after everything that'd happened," Henry
Sr. said with a sad smile.

" Are you going to marry her?" Christian asked, still gawking.

Sebastian shrugged. " Eventually. We haven't talked about that yet."

Henry gasped again, this time more exaggeratedly. He clasped Sebastian's face and used his thumbs to
lift Sebastian's eyelids. " Are you sure you're my brother Sebastian?" Henry asked as he studied
Sebastian's eyes raptly.

" Man, get the hell off of me!" Sebastian laughed and shoved a chuckling Henry away.

Quinn shook his head. God, his brothers were weird. Christian and their dad laughed at their
silly antics. Quinn was glad that Sebastian found someone who had changed his mind about love and
marriage. Sebastian hadn't been happy until he met Raelynn. She was good for him. Quinn liked her a
lot. And it looked as if Quinn was going to be acquiring another sister-in-law in the very near future.

Chapter 14

" Argh! Nothing fits anymore," Raelynn grumbled behind him.

Sebastian smiled over his shoulder at his gorgeously glowing pregnant girlfriend. He was
standing in front of the sink in the bathroom, fixing his hair. Raelynn was digging through her closet
trying to find something to wear. They were getting ready to go to an ultrasound appointment.
Hopefully the baby would cooperate and they could find out the sex. Raelynn was 20 weeks along and
really starting to show. She was already so tiny and was also trying to eat healthy that the only place
she seemed to gain some weight was in her breasts and belly. Alright and maybe a little in her ass.

A few weeks after finding out that Raelynn was pregnant, Sebastian moved out of his
apartment and into Raelynn's house. They had also started to convert one of the spare rooms into a
nursery. Sebastian had learned a shit load of stuff about pregnancy from books and the internet and
also from Raelynn and Claire. He knew the basics from when Claire was pregnant with little Henry
but it was entirely different with his own girlfriend being pregnant. Plus Henry had to go and scare the

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shit out of him by showing him a video of a woman giving birth. He could have gone the rest of his
life without seeing that video. And now he was terrified for when Raelynn's day came.

Sebastian finished doing his hair then walked into the master bedroom. Raelynn was standing
in front of her closet, hands on her hips, in her bra and panties. She didn't look pregnant from behind.
But from the front there was no mistaking her baby bump. Sebastian sidled up behind her and slid his
hands to said baby bump and rubbed it.

" Baby, I think you need to get some maternity clothes now," he said, kissing her cheek.

" I know," Raelynn huffed.

" I know what you're thinking and you're going to look great in maternity clothes. Look at Claire, she
always dresses really nice."

" I know she does. I'm just sad that I have to give up my clothes. I love my clothes," Raelynn pouted.

" It's only for a little while," Sebastian soothed, kissing her neck.

Raelynn sighed. " I know."

" Come on, pick something. We gotta go," Sebastian said, releasing her and giving her rear end a swat
as he walked away.

Sebastian went downstairs to grab a quick bite to eat before they left. Raelynn complained
the whole way to the doctor's office. She had to drink a whole bunch of water before the appointment.
And she had to pee like a motherfucker. Her words, not his. For the most part Raelynn wasn't too
moody, but she had moments where Sebastian wanted to rip his hair out. Like now. Sebastian
understood that she had to pee, she didn't have to keep going on about it.

Thank God that they got seen quickly. They were only waiting for about ten minutes before
they were called back. Sebastian stood with his hands shoved in his pockets while the ultrasound tech
got Raelynn set up on the gurney. Once she was ready, the tech told Sebastian he could sit at
Raelynn's feet so that he could see the ultrasound screen too. Then the tech placed gel went on
Raelynn's belly and the tech got started.

The first thing he heard was the heartbeat started. And even though Sebastian had heard it at
the previous ultrasound, he was still awed by it. He watched the screen as the tech moved the wand
over Raelynn's belly. He could see their baby. Last time it was just a little bean-looking thing. Now it
looked like a baby. He could see the head and arms and legs, little hands and feet. He grabbed
Raelynn's calf and squeezed. She glanced at him, tears of joy in her eyes.

" Do you want to know the sex?" the tech asked.

" Yes," both him and Raelynn said at the same time.

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The tech smiled and moved the wand around, did some clicking and froze the screen.
Sebastian's heart pounded as he waited for the tech to say something. He was hoping for a boy of
course. Raelynn said she didn't care. The tech moved a little more and froze the screen again.
Sebastian's breath caught. He could see loud and clear what they were having.

" It's a boy," the tech said with a smile. " Here's his penis," she said as she pointed to the screen.

Sebastian jumped up and whooped, throwing his arms up. Raelynn and the tech laughed.

" Oh my god! I gotta call Henry!" Sebastian exclaimed excitedly as he jumped around like a fool.

" We're almost done," the tech said.

Sebastian paced - too excited to sit - while the tech finished up. She wiped Raelynn's belly
then let her go to the bathroom. Raelynn sighed loudly behind the door, making Sebastian chuckle. The
tech printed out some pictures and handed them to Sebastian - the "It's a boy" picture on top.

" Congrats," the tech said.

" Thank you," Sebastian smiled, staring down at the pictures.

Once Raelynn was finished in the bathroom, the tech led them out. They said thanks and
goodbye before heading out to Sebastian's truck. In the parking lot, Sebastian scooped Raelynn up and
swung her around. Raelynn squealed. When he put her down, Raelynn kissed him.

" I'm so glad you're happy," She murmured against his lips.

" I'm over the moon, baby...over the moon," Sebastian chuckled, kissing her again.

Raelynn grinned. " I love you."

" God, I love you too. So damn much," Sebastian breathed, kissing her a little harder and longer.

Raelynn wrapped her arms around his neck and opened her mouth to him. Sebastian moaned
and took what she was offering. Sebastian hadn't even known they were moving until Raelynn's back
bumped into the side of his truck. Raelynn let out a surprised gasp but kept kissing him. Sebastian
ended the kiss a moment later, giving her a couple smaller pecks on the mouth.

" Let's get outta here. I wanna swing by Henry's office and tell him the news," Sebastian said, helping
Raelynn into his truck.

It took about a half hour to get downtown to Henry's office building. They stood in the
reception area and waited for Claire to come meet them. Sebastian was practically vibrating. Raelynn
kept smiling and shaking her head at him. Claire came into view as she headed down the main isle of

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the office towards them. His sister-in-law looked stunning. She wasn't even all that dressed up. But
she just looked so beautiful when pregnant.

Claire started showing a couple weeks before Raelynn and her belly was a bit bigger then
Raelynn's. But she was also on her third child. They say after the first you tend to show sooner.
Claire's strawberry blonde hair was braided and hanging over one shoulder. She was wearing a
pretty purple empire waist dress that showed off her baby bump. She was positively glowing. Just
like Raelynn.

" Claire, you look fantastic," Sebastian grinned wide and kissed and hugged her.

Sebastian then put both hands on her belly, bent down and kissed it.

Claire chuckled. " Thank you, Sebastian."

Raelynn was next to hug Claire. The two had become really close over the past five months.
They talked on the phone almost every day - mostly about pregnancy stuff - but about other things too.
Like when Henry and Sebastian were getting on their nerves. Sebastian was glad that Raelynn had
someone close to her age who was also pregnant that she could talk to. And Claire knew a lot from
being pregnant twice before. So she has been really helpful when Raelynn has questions.

" So what brings you guys by?" Claire asked as she led the way to Henry's office.

" We have news," Sebastian said.

Claire glanced over her shoulder, eyebrow raised. " You found out the sex?"

Sebastian nodded like a damn bobble head doll, making Claire laugh. Claire knocked on
Henry's office door and stuck her head in. Then she opened the door wider and let Sebastian and
Raelynn walk by before following and shutting the door behind her. Henry looked up and when he
saw who it was he smiled.

" Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Henry asked as he stood and came out from behind his desk.

They all hugged and kissed and said hello. Henry gave Raelynn's belly a rub before turning to
Sebastian with an expectant look on his face.

Sebastian started bouncing up and down because he just couldn't hold it in anymore. " We're having a
boy!" he exclaimed.

Henry whooped and yanked Sebastian into a big bear hug. Then they started hopping around
in circles together. Claire and Raelynn were cracking up. When they stopped, they laughed and
clapped each other on the back. Then Henry gave Raelynn another hug while Claire gave Sebastian

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" That's great guys! I'm so happy for you," Henry said, huge grin on his face.

" Did you two find out what you're having yet?” Raelynn asked.

Claire shook her head and put her hands on her belly. " Nope. Baby didn't want to cooperate. So as of
right now, it's a surprise."

" Which I find exciting," Henry said grinning like a fool.

" That would drive me crazy," Sebastian said, shaking his head.

Henry shrugged.

" Have you decided on a name yet?" Claire asked them.

Raelynn shook her head. " Not yet, but we have some ideas."

After chatting a little while longer, Sebastian and Raelynn left so that Henry and Claire could
get back to work. When they got home, Raelynn went upstairs to take a nap because she was just
exhausted. Sebastian made a few more phone calls to tell his family the news. He called his mom,
who cried. He called Quinn, who didn't say much other then congrats. He called Christian, who was
almost as enthusiastic as Henry had been. And he called Bill. Sebastian almost called Raelynn's
parents and sisters, but decided that she should be the one to tell them.

Sebastian was ecstatic about having a boy. All the things that he was going to teach him
raced through his mind. He was going to teach him all about guns and football. Those were the two
biggest things. Sebastian never thought he'd be having a baby at this point in his life but it seemed as
though life had other plans. Sebastian knew at that moment that he was going to ask Raelynn to marry
him. And he was going to go get a ring right now. So Sebastian left Raelynn a note saying he had to
run a couple errands then headed to the jewelry store.

Raelynn woke the next morning hoping Sebastian was okay. He came home yesterday from
running some errands and had been acting weird the rest of the day. He was skittish and zoned out.
She didn’t know if he was just thinking about the fact that they were having a boy or if it was
something else. Raelynn hoped he wasn’t having second thought about having the baby. He had
seemed thrilled yesterday about it, but maybe he changed his mind.

Raelynn glanced over to find Sebastian still sleeping next to her. He was on his back - his
usual sleeping position - with his face turned toward her. His blonde hair was flattened over his
forehead. His mouth was slightly parted and his arms were thrown over his head. Raelynn swore he
slept like that all night, every night. He was always in the same position every morning. She smiled

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and rolled her eyes.

Sebastian’s bare chest was just begging to be touched. Raelynn reached over and slid her left
hand across his tattooed chest. A sparkle caught her eye. Raelynn looked down at her hand and saw
that there was a large diamond ring on the ring finger of her left hand. Raelynn gasped and popped up
to her knees. She clasped her left hand with her right as she gaped at the stunning ring on her finger.
Was this really what she thought it was?

“ Sebastian!”

Sebastian bolted awake. “ What?! What is it? Is it the baby?!”, he sputtered as he fell out of bed.
Raelynn winced at the thud. Sebastian then popped up from the side of the bed and quickly crawled
over to her. Oblivious to the fact that he was naked, Sebastian asked. “ Are you okay? Do you feel
alright?” Placing his big hand on her belly.

“ I’m fine, you psycho!” Raelynn giggled, looking at him like he was crazy.

Sebastian frowned. “ Then what’s wrong? Why did you call my name?”

Raelynn held her left hand up, showing him the ring while giving him a pointed look.

Sebastian glanced at it then his eyes widened in mock horror. “ Raelynn! You’re engaged?! Why
didn’t you tell me?!”

Raelynn burst out laughing and threw her arms around Sebastian’s neck. Sebastian laughed and
hugged her to him.

“ Will you marry me, Raelynn?”, he whispered in her ear.

“ Yes! Yes! A million times yes!”, Raelynn cried.

Raelynn pushed away from him to look at the ring again. “ I can’t believe you did this,” she breathed,
tears starting to run down her cheeks.

“ Why wouldn’t I? I love you. You’re everything to me,” Sebastian said softly, brushing the tears from
her cheeks.

“ I just know how you feel about marriage...” Raelynn started but Sebastian cut her off.

“ Don’t you see? You’ve changed all of that for me. I want to marry you. I want to be able to call you
my wife. Forget how I used to feel. That was the old me. You turned me into a completely different
man, a better man. And I can’t imagine spending my life with anyone but you,” Sebastian said roughly
before cupping her face and kissing her lovingly.

Raelynn laughed and cried at the same time. She wrapped her arms back around his neck.

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She’s never been so happy in her whole entire life. When she first met Sebastian, she never in a
million years pictured that they would be in this position. Having a baby and getting married.
Sebastian had been so broken. So afraid of his feelings. Raelynn had never expected this from him. At
least, not this soon. Years from now? Yeah. Maybe. But not now. Not only a year into their
relationship. Raelynn now knew just how much Sebastian actually loved her.

Chapter 15

“ Hey, babe?! Henry just called and said that Claire’s gone into labor!” Sebastian called as he started
up the stairs to find Raelynn. He had just gotten home from work.

“ Oh, yeah?” Raelynn answered, her voice sound a little odd.

Sebastian frowned and walked into their bedroom. Raelynn wasn’t there, but their bathroom door was
closed. Sebastian went over and knocked on it. “ Rae? You alright in there?” he asked.

He heard Raelynn gasp in what sounded like pain and tried the doorknob. It was unlocked so
he opened the door. Sebastian’s heart flipped in his chest when he saw her. One hand was clasping
the edge of the sink counter with white knuckles while the other was pressed to her very large belly.
Raelynn was due in a week.

“ Babe?” Sebastian asked worriedly as he moved into the bathroom.

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Raelynn shook her head, her expression in the mirror tight. “ Just a contraction.” She winced.
“ They’ve been coming and going all day.”

“ Should we go to the hospital?” Sebastian asked, wided eyed.

“ No. They will only send me home. You have to be having contractions every three to five minutes
for at least an hour before they will keep you.”

“ That’s ridiculous,” Sebastian snarled. He didn’t like that Raelynn was in pain and there was nothing
they could do about it.

Raelynn sighed and her whole body relaxed. “ That was a rough one,” she murmured and straightened

Sebastian watched her. She seemed okay now. Pleasant, even. “ So Claire went into labor?” she
asked, turning around to face him.

Raelynn was looking cute in an floral empire waist summer dress. Lately, that’s all she’s
been wearing. It was July and getting hot out and she had been sweating like a fucking pig. Her
words, not his.

Sebastian nodded.

Raelynn smiled. “ Good, we can finally find out if they’re having a girl or boy. I’m betting girl
because of the stubborness of not wanting to be seen.”

Sebastian snorted. “ I totally agree.”

Henry and Claire had tried multiple times to find out what they were having. The baby
refused to cooperate. Well, they would all find out soon enough. Sebastian watched Raelynn for a
moment. He was still wary about these contractions she’s been having. Raelynn gave him a reassuring
smile as she placed her hand on his forearm. What happened next was something he never ever
expected...Raelynn’s grip tightened on his arm a second before a rush a fluid splashed to the floor
from between her legs. Raelynn groaned in pain and grabbed her stomach with her free hand.
Sebastian’s eyes widened as his mind tried to process what just happened.

“ Holy fucking shit! Did your water just break?!” Sebastian asked frantically.

“ Yes!” Realynn gasped and doubled over.

“ It’s time to go to the hospital now, right?!”

“ Yes!” Raelynn ground out.

Chaos ensued from there. Thank God they already had a bag packed and sitting by the door

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because it took Sebastian a good fifteen-twenty minutes to get Raelynn out to the car. She had to keep
stopping because the contractions were so strong and frequent that she couldn’t go more then a few
steps before having another one. Sebastian finally got her into the passenger seat of her car. It was
just easier for her to get in and out of then his truck. Sebastian tossed the bag in the backseat and
hopped in the drivers side.

The hospital was forty-five minutes away. Sebastian was driving as fast as he possibly
could. He prayed that they made it in time. Raelynn wasn’t doing so well. She was sweating so much
that her hair line was soaked. Her eyes were squeezed shut and her teeth were bared. He could tell
she was in a tremendous amount of pain. It killed him to see her like this. They were almost halfway
there when Raelynn actually screamed, scaring the shit out of Sebastian.

“ Stop the car, Sebastian!” Raelynn panted.

“ What?! Why the fuck would I do that?!” Sebastian asked incredulously.

“ I’m not going to make it! This baby wants out!” Raelynn cried.

“ Tell him to stay the fuck in there!” Sebastian exclaimed in horror.

“ Sebastian!!!” Raelynn screamed.

“ Goddammit!” Sebastian bit out and found an empty parking lot.

He pulled into the parking lot and stopped the car. He got out and dialed 911 as he ran
around to Raelynn’s side and opened the door. She was trying to take deep breaths through her nose
but it didn’t really seem to be helping.

“ 911, what’s your emergency?” the operator answered.

“ Yeah, hi. I was on my way to the hospital with my fiance, who’s having a baby and she said she’s
not going to make it. I pulled into an parking lot,” Sebastian told him.

“ Okay, sir. I’m going to dispatch an ambulance to your location. Where exactly are you?”

Sebastian told the guy where they were.

“ Oh God! I feel like I have to push!” Raelynn screamed.

Sebastian shoved his free hand into his hair. “ Jesus Christ...”

“ Sir. Just stay calm and put your phone on speaker. I’m going to walk you through what to do,” the
operator said.

“ What the hell do you mean you’re gonna walk me through what I have to do?” Sebastian demanded

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almost hysterically.

“ It looks like you’re going to be delivering your baby, sir,” the operator replied calmly.

“ Like hell I am!” Sebastian exclaimed in alarm. He couldn’t deliver a baby! He wasn’t a doctor!
They needed to be in the hospital!

“ Sebastian! Please!” Raelynn sobbed.

Sebastian bit out a nasty curse and put his phone on speaker. He then placed it on the dashboard. “
Now what?” he asked the operator.

“ Do you have any blankets?”

“ Yeah”

“ Get them ready, you’re going to need to wrap the baby up once it’s out.”

Sebastian grabbed the bag out of the back seat and pulled out the baby blankets that Raelynn
had packed. He handed them to Raelynn who laid them on her heaving chest. She was in such pain. It
was making Sebastian sick to his stomach. The operator then instructed Sebastian to take Raelynn’s
underwear off and take a look to see if the baby’s head was visible. Sebastian did as he was told.
And wouldn’t you fucking know it, he could see the baby’s head. Raelynn wasn’t kidding when she
said she wasn’t going to make it.

“ Okay. Ma’am, can you hear me?” the 911 operator asked.

“ Yes,” Raelynn panted.

“ Good. On you’re next contraction, you need to push. Alright sweatheart?” the man said calmly.

“ Okay...okay,” Raelynn agreed.

“ And sir, all you have to do it catch. Do not pull the baby out. Just make sure he doesn’t fall.”

“ Oh Jesus,” Sebastian breathed. Hoping like hell he didn’t pass the fuck out.

He was squatting down in the open doorway of the passenger side. Raelynn’s rear end
resting on the edge of the seat, her back pressed against the center console. The next contraction came
and Raelynn screamed as she bore down. Sebastian’s eyes widened as the baby’s head popped out.
He kept his hands under the head. They had to wait for another contraction before Raelynn could push

When the time came, Raelynn bore down - screaming through clenched teeth as she did - and
pushed the baby the rest of the way out. Sebastian caught him, immediately tucking him in close to his

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chest. He didn’t give a shit about the mess. He was holding his baby boy in his arms. Sebastian
couldn’t believe it. His son was here.

“ Sebastian,” Raelynn said wearily.

Sebastian’s head snapped up to look at a completely exhauted Raelynn. She held open a
blanket. Sebastian laid their son on her chest, both working together to wrap him up. It must have
made him mad because he started crying. Sebastian and Raelynn looked at each other, tears in their
eyes as they both choked out a relieved laugh. Sebastian leaned into the car and kissed Raelynn

“ You did great, sweet cheeks,” Sebastian whispered hoarsely.

Raelynn sighed and kissed him again.

That’s when Sebastian heard the sirens. He straightened up and waved at the ambulance.
Sebastian thanked the 911 operator before hanging up. The paramedics got Raelynn and the baby
loaded up in the ambulance within minutes of arriving. Sebastian grabbed their bag and said fuck the
car, he was riding with is family. Plus, the car now needed to be professionally cleaned. He’d call a
tow truck later.

They arrived at the hospital ten minutes later. The NICU doctor took the baby to check him
out and make sure everything was okay with him. Raelynn got checked over and cleaned up before
being placed in a room. Luckily, Raelynn had packed him a change of clothes in the bag because he
was a mess. Sebastian took a quick shower in Raelynn’s bathroom and put on his clean clothes. By
the time he emerged from the bathroom, Raelynn was out cold. Sebastian gave her a kiss on the
forehead and grabbed his phone. Sebastian stepped out of the room, shutting the door behind him.

“ Sebastian?” came Henry’s surprised voice from his right.

Sebastian’s head whipped around to find his brother stepping out of a room a couple doors
away. Sebastian sighed heavily in relief at seeing his brother. He really needed him right now. They
started toward each other.

“ What are you doing here? Did Raelynn go into labor?” Henry asked, concerned. He gave Sebastian
a brief hug.

Sebastian nodded and raked a hand down his face. “ Not only did she go into labor, she didn’t make it
to the hospital. I had to help deliver the baby in the car.”

Henry gasped in shock. “ Shut the fuck up! You did not!”

“ Swear to God, dude,” he snorted.

Henry gaped at him, shaking his head. “ That’s insane!”

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“ Tell me about it.” Sebastian nodded.

“ How’s Raelynn? Is she okay?” Henry asked, frowning in concern.

“ She’s exhausted - “

“ - Obviously - “

“ - Obviously.” He agreed with a nod. “ She was in so much pain, man. I don’t know how she did it.”
Sebastian shook his head. He was still in awe at her strength.

“ And the baby?” Henry asked.

“ He’s getting checked out. They said they’ll bring him back when they’re done.”

“ How’s daddy doing?” Henry smirked knowingly. Henry clapped him on the shoulder.

“ I’m in shock still,” Sebastian said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Henry nodded in understanding. “ I’m sure you are.”

Then Sebastian remembered. “ Shit! Did Claire have the baby yet?!” he blurted, grabbing Henry’s

Henry smiled proudly. “ She did.”

Sebastian stared at him expectantly. “ Fucker! What did you have?!” he practically shouted as he gave
his asshole brother a shake.

Henry’s smile deepened until his dimples showed. “ Her name is Adalyn.”

Sebastian rocked back in his heals. Henry had a girl! A baby girl named Adalyn! “ Holy shit,” he
breathed, pulling Henry into his arms.

Henry chuckled low and clapped Sebastian on the back. “ I know, right?”

Sebastian grabbed Henry’s face and pressed their foreheads together. “ You have a girl!”

Henry laughed. “ I have a girl.”

Sebastian threw his head back and whooped loudly then clapped a hand over his mouth and cringed.
A few nurses glared at him. “ Sorry,” he winced.

“ Alright, let me get back in there with Claire. I had just stepped out to call you,” Henry said, patting

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Sebastian on the shoulder.

Sebastian nodded. “ Yeah, me too.”

“ I’ll talk to you in a little bit. Let me know when they bring the baby back. I want to see him.” Henry

Sebastian nodded. “ Absolutely, and I want to see Adalyn soon too.”

Henry grinned and nodded, then patted Sebastian’s cheek before they both headed back
toward their seperate rooms. Sebastian just grabbed the doorknob when Henry called his name.
Sebastian looked over at him, eyebrow raised in question.

“ Did you name him yet?” Henry asked.

Sebastian smiled. He and Raelynn had agreed to keep the name secret until the baby was born. And he
doubted Henry would have ever expected them to use his middle name. “ His name is Michael.”

Henry’s smile slipped. “ Really?” he rasped.

Sebastian smiled softly and nodded. “ Really,” he replied, opening the door and entering Raelynn’s
room. He left Henry standing outside of Claire’s room with a dumbfounded look on his face.

A nurse brought Michael to them about a half hour later with a clean bill of health. He
weighted 7lbs. 9 oz. and was 18 inches long. Raelynn was still sleeping when the baby was brought
in. Sebastian planned to keep her that way too. She needed to rest after all she’d been through.
Michael was fine for about five minutes before he started fussing. Sebastian went over and picked up
the little squirming bundle. He took his son over to the rocking chair in the corner and sat down. He
stared down at his baby boy while he spoke quietly to him and rocked.

Raelynn came awake slowly. She was still tired but she could hear Sebastian talking quietly
and her curiosity got the better of her. She wanted to know who he was talking to. She cracked her
eyes and looked around the room. She spotted Sebastian in the corner, rocking with their baby in his
arms. They had agreed to call him Michael Oliver Beck, after Sebastian’s brother Henry and
Raelynn’s dad. Michael looked so tiny in Sebastian’s arms.

Sebastian was smiling softly as he stroked the baby’s cheek with his finger. His eyes never left
Michael’s face. “ just had to come out when you wanted, huh? You’re lucky your mom is one
tough cookie. Yes, she is. She’s amazing. You’ll find that out soon enough,” he cooed before kissing
Michael on his little forehead.

Raelynn couldn’t help but smile. Sebastian was going to be a fantastic father. “ Sebastian?” Raelynn

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said quietly.

Sebastian’s head shot up. He frowned. “ I’m sorry, babe. Did I wake you?” he asked.

Raelynn shook her head. “ No. Can I hold him?” she asked, holding out her arms.

“ Of course,” Sebastian said with a smile and brought Michael over to her.

Sebastian placed their little baby in her arms then sat down next to her and wrapped an arm
around her shoulders. They sat together looking down at their baby for who knows how long. Raelynn
finally tore her eyes away from the cutest baby she’d ever seen and looked up at Sebastian.
Sebastian’s eyes met hers. There was nothing but unconditional love in his eyes. For her. He leaned
in and kissed her tenderly on the lips.

“ You were seriously incredible today, Rae,” he said then kissed her again.

Raelynn smiled. “ Thanks. You did pretty well yourself.”

“ You’re kidding, right? I was a freaking head-case,” Sebastian muttered dryly.

“ But you did what you had to do,” Raelynn pointed out.

Sebastian shrugged. “ Yeah, I guess. You did all the work. I just made sure he didn’t fall.”

“ Maybe you should join a baseball team. You’d make a great catcher,” Raelynn giggled.

Sebastian gave her a dirty look. His lips twitched as if he was trying not to laugh. “ Shut up.”

There was a knock on the door, interrupting their teasing. Sebastian called for whoever it was to
come in. Henry poked his head in.

“ Hey. Is this a bad time?” he asked.

“ No, come in,” Sebastian smiled softly.

That’s when Raelynn remembered that Claire had gone into labor earlier today. Henry
opened the door wider and rolled in a portable cradle. His eyes met Raelynn’s and he smiled wide.
He set the cradle next to Michael’s then moved toward the bed. He leaned in and gave Raelynn a kiss
on the cheek.

“ Hey, mommy. How you feeling?” he asked gently.

“ Tired,” Raelynn sighed.

Henry hummed then looked down at Michael, who was sleeping in her arms. “ Oh man. Look at him.

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He’s a handsome little dude,” Henry murmured with a soft smile playing at his lips.

“ Damn straight,” Sebastian snorted.

Henry chuckled and smoothed a big hand over Michael’s fuzzy head. “ That’s because he takes after
his uncle.”

Sebastian barked out a laugh and stood. He walked over to the cradle Henry rolled in and lifted the
swaddled bundle up. “ Well hello there, Adalyn,” he grinned, tucking the baby in the crook of his arm.

Raelynn gasped. “ Adalyn? You had a girl?” she asked, glancing at Henry.

Henry smiled proudly and nodded.

“ Oh my God! Congratulations!” Raelynn exclaimed, reaching up to give Henry a hug.

“ Thanks.”

“ Bring her over, Sebastian. Let me see,” Raelynn insisted.

Sebastian brought her over and showed her to Raelynn. Tears filled Raelynn’s eyes, “ She’s beautiful,
Henry,” Raelynn croaked, pressing her free hand to her chest.

“ Thank you,” Henry whispered.

“ How’s Claire?” Raelynn asked.

“ Tired, like you.”

Raelynn nodded in understanding. She couldn’t get over the crazy day they all had. She can’t
believe she had her first baby in the front seat of her car! She had the whole thing planned out in her
mind. She thought she’d be in the hospital, chillin’ with an epidural. Not giving birth naturally in a
car. It was just unbelievable. Wait until her parents found out! At least it all worked out in the end.
She was okay. Michael was healthy. That was all that mattered.

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Chapter 16

Sebastian raced home from work. Raelynn had had her six week check up with the OBGYN
and was given the okay to have sex again. Sebastian was beyond thrilled. It had been a hard six
weeks. And not only because of the no sex policy. Taking care of a baby was no joke. Every chance
he had, Sebastian was taking Michael off Raelynn’s hands so that she could catch a nap or just a
break. And to say that they barely had a moment to even give each other a hug was an understatement.
Sebastian couldn’t even remember the last time he had been able to give Raelynn a real hug or a real
kiss. Oh, he planned on doing that and much more as soon as possible.

Sebastian walked in the front door just as Raelynn was coming down the stairs. She looked
great. Her long blonde hair was down for once. She didn’t have any makeup on. She had pretty much
lost almost all of the baby weight. Not that Sebastian really cared...but she did look amazing. She

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gave him a tired smile when she reached the bottom of the stairs.

“ Hey,” she said.

“ Where’s Mikey?” Sebastian asked.

Raelynn motioned with her hand toward the second floor. “ Taking a nap in his crib, why?”

Sebastian practically launched himself at her. He pinned her against the wall at the bottom of
the stairs and attacked her mouth. Raelynn gasped but didn’t object. Sebastian’s hands were all over
her. He needed to touch her. To feel her. He had missed her so bad. Missed just being with her.
Raelynn moaned and clutched his shirt, pulling him closer.

Sebastian lifted her into his arms and made his way over to the couch. They ravaged each
others mouthes as Sebastian laid Raelynn on the couch then covered her with his body. Raelynn
tugged Sebastian’s shirt over his head and tossed it away. Sebastian growled when her lips found his
neck. Raelynn nipped and sucked at his neck and collar bone. Sebastian ground his aching hard cock
between her legs, causing Raelynn’s breath to catch. Sebastian pushed up to his knees and shoved his
hand in his front pocket. When he yanked it back out he had a condom between his fingers. Raelynn

“ Where’d you get that?” she giggled.

“ I stopped on my way home and bought a pack,” Sebastian smirked. He tossed it onto the coffee table
for whenever he was ready for it.

Raelynn bit her bottom lip and reached out to unbutton Sebastian’s pants. Sebastian laced his
fingers behind his head. He watched Raelynn as she carefully slid down his zipper. She got to her
knees and shoved his pants off his hips. He didn’t wear underwear, so his cock immediately sprang
free. He was so hard it hurt. Sebastian stood and kicked his pants aside. Raelynn - the sneaky little
minx - had moved to sit in front of him where he had stood to kick his pants aside. She put herself in
the perfect position to...yep! She wrapped her mouth around him, drawing a low guttural groan from

“ Fuck, Rae...I won’t last...It’s been too long...” Sebastian choked.

Raelynn ignored him and continued to suck him off. She moaned, sending shutters of pleasure
down Sebastian’s spine. Sebastian gasped and pulled his hips back, forcing Raelynn to let him go.
Before Raelynn could take him back into her mouth, Sebastian pushed her back onto couch. He
grabbed the yoga pants she was wearing by the waist and yanked them off her body. Raelynn pulled
her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor. Sebastian stared down at his fiance and mother of his

“ So beautiful,” he murmured, reaching for the front clasp on her bra.

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After he got her completely naked, Sebastian grabbed the condom. Raelynn wasn’t back on
birth control yet, so it was definitely needed if they didn’t want to have another baby just yet.
Sebastian rolled the condom on then settled his body back down on top of hers. He kissed her
languidly and threaded his fingers into her hair.

“ Damn, I missed you,” Sebastian whispered against her lips.

“ I missed you too,” Raelynn breathed, arching under him, silently asking for what she wanted...him.

Sebastian slowly eased into her. Raelynn hissed and dug her nails into his back. Sebastian
groaned. He kissed Raelynn hard as he gathered her up in his arms. Once he was fully sheathed he
stayed there for a moment.

“ You okay, baby?” Sebastian asked hoarsely.

“ Yes,” Raelynn moaned. One hand snaked down to clutch his ass.

Sebastian dropped his forehead to her shoulder as he started to move. Sex had always felt
good. But Sebastian never thought sex could feel so fucking incredible. But apparently going for six
weeks without it made it feel freaking stupendous. He was not going to last. That was a fact. Raelynn
was moaning like crazy and it was bringing him closer to the edge faster then he wanted it to. He
really wanted this to last much much longer, but he knew that wasn’t possible.

“ feel too good...I can’t...” Sebastian warned.

“ I’m close too...don’t worry,” Raelynn panted next to his ear.

Sebastian reared up, holding his body up with his hands. Raelynn never looked more
magnificent. She had a pretty flush to her cheeks. Her eyes were shuttered and her lovely lips were
parted. Her naked breasts bounced with each thrust. Sebastian felt his balls tighten. He pumped his
hips faster. His breaths coming hard and fast.

Raelynn let out a strangled cry as she came hard. She grabbed the back of his neck and
pulled him down to kiss him. It was a rough kiss. Their teeth bumped as their tongues tangled
together. Raelynn bit his bottom lip and Sebastian lost it. Groaning loudly, he dropped his body to
hers and gave one final deep thrust as his orgasm exploded out of him. He swore he saw stars and
was a bit light-headed as he collasped on top of Raelynn. No sooner did Sebastian collapse that
Michael started wailing upstairs. Both Sebastian and Raelynn started laughing.

“ We might have gotten a bit too loud,” Raelynn whispered.

“ I don’t care. That was...shit, I really have no words for that,” Sebastian chuckled low.

Raelynn gave him a tender kiss and ran her fingers through the hair above his left ear. “ I love you,

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“ I love you too, sweet cheeks.”

They quickly seperated and got dressed. Raelynn was quicker so she headed upstairs to get
Michael. Sebastian flopped back into the couch after putting his pants back on and sighed heavily.
That had been great. Maybe they should go another six weeks without sex...Ha! Yeah right! Sebastian
pulled his phone out of his pocket and texted Henry.

Why didn’t you tell me how great the sex was after the six weeks was up?

Henry texted back a minute later.

LMAO! Surprise?!

Sebastian smiled and shook his head.

You’re a dick.

Raelynn returned with Michael. Sebastian held out his hands. Raelynn handed him over then
headed for the kitchen. Probably to make a bottle. Sebastian propped his feet up on the coffee table
then set Michael on his thighs so that he could play with him. Michael was definitely a Beck. The kid
already weighed almost 12lbs and he was only two months old. He ate like a horse. He was a
chubber for sure. He had big chunky cheeks that both grandmothers loved to pinch. Everyone said he
looked like Sebastian, but he just didn’t see it. It was too soon to know what color his eyes would be.
They were a grayish-blue at the moment. For the most part, Michael was a happy baby. Sebastian
already got him to smile a few times. Whether Michael meant to do it or if it was just gas, Sebastian
had no idea. It was cute as hell though.

Sebastian couldn’t be happier. He had the love of his life and a son. Could it get any better
then this? He thought not. This had been all so unexpected though. He had fought long and hard not to
fall in love with Raelynn, yet he did anyway. Michael was an accident. An accident that Sebastian
would be forever grateful for. His life had changed so much in the past year and a half. Changed in a
way he never thought possible. It was all good though. He didn’t regret any of it. He was finally
living the life he had always wanted.

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Quinn walked in silence behind his brothers as they entered the bar. It was the first guys-
night-out since Michael and Adalyn were born. Sebastian and Henry have been so busy with work
and their families that Quinn hasn’t seen either of them in about a month. Quinn saw Christian at least
once a week, if not more. But he had missed Henry and Sebastian.

They found a table and Christian insisted on buying the first round. Sebastian and Henry both
downed half their beers in one shot. Then groaned loudly and shared a relieved look. Quinn had no
idea what they were going through and he honestly didn’t want to know. He didn’t want kids. Didn’t
think he was at all cut out for having kids. Kids needed a father who could show them how much he
loved them. Quinn didn’t think he was capable of showing the affection that kids so often craved.

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The conversation started. Quinn leaned back in his chair with his beer and listened. Only
commenting every once in a while or if asked something directly. He watched Sebastian the most. The
change in the man was incredible. He was vibrant and alive. He was animated when he talked. He
laughed loud and often. Quinn was so very pleased that Sebastian was as happy as he was. Quinn
wanted nothing but the best for his brothers.

“ Quinn?” asked a French accented female voice, breaking through his thoughts.

Quinn’s eyes lifted to see Margot standing next to him. How did he not hear her walk up? It
wasn’t that loud in the bar. He had been too lost in his thoughts. Margot smiled brightly down at him.

“ I thought that was you!” she said sweetly. She then shocked the hell out of him when she leaned
down and gave him a kiss on each cheek.

Quinn blinked stupidly at her, his cheeks burning from where she kissed him. “ Margot?”

“ Hey! Is this the chick you’re working with on that Trump Casino thingy?!” Sebastian asked, jumping
up out of his seat.

Quinn opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He just watched as Sebastian
introduced himself. Margot greeted him, also giving him kisses on both cheeks. He knew that was a
French thing, but it still irritated him that she did it to his brother. Then Henry and Christian
introduced themselves too, also getting kisses.

Quinn scowled. What the hell was she doing here? He looked her over as she spoke
animatedly with his brothers. She looked spectacular. She was wearing skinny jeans and a pink and
black polka dotted sleeveless blouse that had lace cut outs on the shoulders. Her blouse was tucked
into her jeans and she wore a thin shiny black leather belt. Her heels were just a plain black platform
pump. Her long dark hair was down and parted on the side so that it had to sweep partitally over her
forehead. Her makeup was minimal except for the bright red lipsick she had on to accentuate her
plump bow shaped lips. Quinn could only imagine what those lips would look like wrapped around
his...Goddammit! He had to stop thinking like that around her. He’d be walking around with a
perpetual hard-on. And he was sure she wouldn’t appreciate that.

“ Quinn, I did not know you had brothers!” she smiled warmly.

Was she oblivious of his dislike of her? Or maybe she didn’t care and was just an all around pleasant
person all the time.

Quinn shrugged with indifference. His brothers all stared at him in disgust. He just raised an eyebrow
as if to say ‘What?’

“ Well, it looks like you are having a boys night, non? I will not stay. I will see you at work, Quinn,”
Margot said with a small smile. She gave them all a wave then walked away. Quinn watched her

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make her way over to the bar where a couple of the other women from work were sitting.

A slap upside the head had Quinn whirling around to glare at Henry. “ What the fuck?” he growled at
his brother.

“ What the hell is wrong with you?! That’s the girl you’ve been complaining about?” Henry said in

“ Yes,” Quinn snapped.

“ Dude, she’s cute as hell,” Sebastian added.

“ I never said she wasn’t,” Quinn shrugged and sipped his beer.

“ She seems really nice,” Christian said, glancing back at her.

“ I never said she wasn’t. I just said she gets on my nerves,” Quinn muttered.

“ You should bring her as your guest to my wedding!” Sebastian exclaimed like it was the best idea
he’s ever had.

“, definitely not,” Quinn said, shaking his head.

“ Uh...yeah, definitely yes,” Sebastian mocked. “You either bring her or you’re not invited,”
Sebastian said, pointing at him.

Quinn snorted and finished off his beer. “ You would really not invite me because I don’t want to
bring her?”

“ Yes. Besides, you don’t have anyone else to bring,” Sebastian pointed out.

“ Can’t I just come alone?” Quinn frowned.

“ Not now. You’re bringing Frenchy. If you don’t invite her, I will,” Sebastian said seriously.

“ He’ll do it.” Henry smirked.

Oh, Quinn knew Sebastian would do it. Dammit! Why did she have to be here tonight? Why
did she have to come over and meet his brothers?! Now he was stuck. Maybe he could say he asked
her and come up with some kind of excuse for her not to come. But knowing Sebastian, he would get
her number somehow and call her up to find out the truth.

“ Dammit. Fine, I’ll ask her,” Quinn conceded reluctantly.

Sebastian grinned in triumph. Fucker. Quinn hated him just a little bit right now. He didn’t

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want to spend time with Margot outside of work. It was enough that he had to spend all day with her.
Although, they had been getting along a little better now that he had earplugs. He wasn’t as irritated
all the time and they could actually have small civilized conversations here and there. Margot thought
the earplugs were hysterical. He caught her many times just staring at him with a huge smile on her
face. Then he’d scowl at her and she’d laugh. She was so fucking cheery all the time. Quinn didn’t
understand it.

The rest of the night went off without a hitch. Other then the occasional jab from his brothers
about Margot, it was a pretty decent night. Sebastian’s wedding was in 5 months. So Quinn had plenty
of time to ask Margot to be his date. Quinn stifled a shutter. He didn’t like the sound of that at all.
Margot as his date. He’d never thought her name and ‘date’ would ever be in the same sentence. Oh
well. He’d probably be too smashed at the wedding to even worry about her. He actually felt kinda
bad for Margot. She would have no idea what she was getting herself into if she accepted his
invitation. Beck family functions could get a bit crazy. Sebastian’s wedding would be no exception -
she was definitely going to be in for one wild night.

Coming Soon...

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Chapter 1

Quinn sighed heavily as he stared down at the invitation in front of him. He had hoped
Sebastian had forgotten about their little conversation a few months ago. But no. He hadn’t. He even
put her damn name on the invitation. Fucker. Quinn read the envelope again.

Mr. Quinn Beck & Ms. Margot Leclair

Dammit! He was so freaking screwed. Quinn took a deep breath and got up from his drafting
table. Margot was sitting at her desk designing a hotel room on her computer. He walked over and
stopped in front of her. Margot had her chin resting in her palm as she clicked away on her mouse. He
tapped the invitation against his leg nervously. He really didn’t want to do this.

“ Margot?” Quinn murmured quietly.

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Margot clicked a few more times before looking up at him, a small smile on her pretty face.

“ Qui?” she replied. Qui was one of the few French words that Quinn actually knew.

Quinn cleared his throat. “ brother’s wedding is coming up and...uh...well...,” he
stammered, like a fool. Quinn sighed heavily and held out the envelope with the invitation in it toward

Margot gave him a quizzical look and took the envelope. She looked at it in confusion at first
before smiling wide. She covered her mouth with her hand as she started giggling. Quinn scowled
down at her. Margot’s amused gaze lifted to meet his.

“ Your brother do you say? Messing with you, non?” Margot grinned.

Quinn nodded. “ He told me the night he met you that I better bring you or I wasn’t invited.”

Margot laughed then bit her bottom lip to try to stop herself. “ I am sorry. I do not mean to laugh. It is
very comical though,” she said.

Quinn rolled his eyes. He was going to kill Sebastian for this.

Margot looked at the invitation then back up at Quinn, her smile fading. “ You do not want to take
me,” she said. A statement, not a question.

Quinn watched her for a moment. He couldn’t tell what she was thinking. She had closed off
her face. On the outside she seemed impassive and it was so unlike her that Quinn knew it was an act.
Could she possibly be upset? Did she seriously want to go with him?

“ Do not worry, Quinn. I will decline to attend,” Margot said quietly. She handed back the invitation
and went back to her work.

Great! Now he felt like a dickhead. “ I don’t have anyone else to go with,” he found himself blurting
out. He was so going to regret this.

Margot’s hazel eyes lifted again to meet his. He caught the flash of hurt in her eyes before she covered
it up. “ It is okay, Quinn. I am sure you would much rather go by yourself then bring me with you. I
understand,” she said neutrally.

Dammit! She was really going to make him say it, wasn’t she? Quinn had just opened his mouth to say
that he did want her to go but Peter’s voice interrupted him.

“ Oh good! You’re both here!” Peter said cheerfully as he walked into the office.

Quinn spun to look at Peter. His boss and good friend strolled in with his hands in his gray
pants pockets. His shirt was white and he was wearing his signature bow tie and black framed

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glasses. He was super skinny and was a good five or so inches shorter then Quinn, who was 6’3.
Peter was an okay-looking guy. Very nondescript. If it wasn’t for his bow tie and glasses, he would
be practically invisible.

“ Bonjour, Peter,” Margot said. The pep back in her voice.

Quinn glanced back at her but she avoided looking at him. Quinn sighed in irritation and turned back
toward Peter. “ Hey, Peter. What’s up?” Quinn grumbled.

“ Well, I just registered you two to attend the World Architectural Seminar in London,” Peter smiled

Quinn gaped at him. “ You did what?” he asked dryly.

“ The two of you are going to London on Monday so you can attend the World Architectural
Seminar,” Peter replied.

“ How long will we be gone for?” Margot asked.

“ Five days. It’s a three day seminar. You’ll fly in on Monday. The seminar is Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday then you’ll come home on Friday,” Peter explained. “ All expenses are paid for. The only
problem is that the hotel was book up tight, so you will have to share a room.”

Quinn closed his eyes. He needed to block out Peter’s face before he punched him in it. What
the fuck was going on here? Why the hell did it seem like everyone was trying to force Margot on
him? First, Sebastian and now Peter. It was most likely all in his head, but he still felt that way.

“ You guys will have the weekend to pack. Stop by my office before leaving and I should have your
plane tickets printed out and ready to go, along with your itineraries,” Peter said before walking out
of the office.

Quinn took a few deep breaths to try to calm himself. He was practically vibrating with
anger. He could not believe Peter did this. As if it wasn’t bad enough that he had to spend five full
days with Margot but he had to share a room with her too? That was insane! Did Peter want him to go
crazy? Not only from Margot’s fidgeting but with lust too. His body didn’t care that she was annoying.
All it cared about was how sexy she was. He was seriously going to reconsider his friendship with
Peter for this stunt.

Margot sat quietly as she absorbed the news that Peter just gave them. She could tell that
Quinn was livid. His face was blank but his body was wound up tight. She didn’t mind going. In fact,
she thought it would be a great opportunity to possibly learn something new. Her only hesitation was
Quinn. He did not care for her. She knew she irritated him with her fidgeting, but she just wasn’t the

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type of person to sit still. Quinn was a quirky guy. He had many pet peeves that she apparently
touched on.

Margot considered herself a complete fool because she liked him anyway. He was complex.
Like a puzzle she needed to figure out. It definitely didn’t hurt that he was extremely handsome with
his medium-brown hair and chocolate eyes that were framed with long dark lashes. She always found
herself staring at them. His lips were full and firm looking, making her wondered what they would
feel like against hers.

From what Margot could see, considering he always wore a shirt and tie, was that he had an
amazing body. His shirts were fairly form fitting and showed off his broad chest and back. He would
sometimes roll his sleeves up to reveal his muscled forearms. He had a delicious derrière too. Every
pair of pants he owned hugged his firm tush, making Margot want to drool. Margot could only imagine
what he looked like underneath his clothes.

“ I have never been to London, have you?” Margot asked Quinn, who was still standing in front of her

Quinn opened his eyes and looked down at her. “ No,” he said shortly.

“ Maybe we can do some sightseeing if we have time, yes?” Margot asked hopefully. She would love
to get the chance to look around London. Go see some of the sights.

Quinn gave her a sharp nod before moving back over to his drafting table. Margot had hopes
of possibly getting on Quinn’s good side on this trip. Maybe if he got to know her outside of work, he
would come to like her better. Margot wasn’t used to people not liking her. Usually everyone liked
her bubbly attitude and openness. Margot normally did not care about what people thought of her, she
was who she was and she would change for no one. Something about Quinn not liking her rubbed her
the wrong way though. It was her new mission in life to get him to like her, even if it was only as a

“ You’re going with me to my brother’s wedding,” Quinn told her as he sat down.

Margot blinked at him. “ I do not want to go if you do not want me there, Quinn.”

Quinn lifted his eyes to meet hers. Margot could see that there was going to be no arguing with him. “
You’re going,” he said with finality.

Margot pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes at him. “ Fine,” she said after a moment.

Margot was sure there was something wrong with her. Was she really going to let him tell
her what to do? There was something extremely sexy about him when he was being domineering
though. Yes, there was definitely something wrong with her.

“ When is the wedding?” Margot asked.

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“ The first Saturday in March,” Quinn replied.

Margot nodded and added it to her calendar on her computer. She really did want to go. His
brothers seemed really friendly and charming when she had met them a few months ago. She couldn’t
remember ever being in the presence of such a handsome group of men. Every one of them was good-
looking and built. They were all tall and broad. They were all blonde except for Quinn, who had
brown hair. There was no mistaking that they were brothers since the resemblance between the four
of them was apparent.

Even in the short amount of time that she had spent with them, she had realized that Quinn
was very different from his brothers. The rest of them seemed fairly outgoing while Quinn was quiet
and reserved. His one brother Christian seemed a little shy. There was a difference between being
mildly shy and being intentionally reticent though. Margot had worked with Quinn for close to a year
now and he hadn’t said one word about having brothers. Really, she knew nothing about him. He
never talked about himself. Maybe this little trip will open him up a bit.

Quinn was not a morning person. So getting up at 5am to catch a plane made him
extraordinarily cranky. It definitely didn’t help that Margot was her bright chirpy self. She was wide
eyed and full of smiles. Jesus Christ. Quinn could barely keep his eyes open and they had only gotten
to the check-in desk.

They checked their bags then made their way through Philadelphia International Airport to
their gate. First stop was the security check. Quinn was only carrying on his lap top. Margot had her
purse and one other small bag. They both checked in a suitcase and garment bag that carried their
dress clothes. Quinn was glad she wasn’t one of those women who needed to bring their whole closet
when they went on a trip. He had an ex-girlfriend once who brought four bags on a three day trip to
New York. Four. Bags. That’s insane! Shortly after they got home from New York, Quinn had
dumped her. He didn’t do high-maintenance women.

Margot went through the metal detector first. She cleared it and went to the end of conveyor
belt to grab her stuff. Quinn walked through next without a problem. He was just grabbing his lap top
bag when a TSA member approached him.

“ Sir, we need you to step aside for a random pat down,” said the man who looked like freaking Stone
Cold Steve Austin.

Quinn stared at him. At least they were about the same height. Stone Cold had probably
about fifty more pounds of muscle over Quinn. Quinn wasn’t a small guy by any means. He was a bit
of a fitness and health nut and liked to keep his body in shape.

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“ Seriously? Do I look like a terrorist to you?” Quinn snapped before he could think better of it.

Stone Cold’s eyes narrowed threateningly. “ Sir, come with me please,” he said firmly.

“ Man, I’m not going anywhere. I have a plane to catch and I don’t need this shit,” Quinn grumbled,
slipping his shoes back on.

Margot came over and touched his arm. “ Quinn, just do as the man says,” she pleaded. Her hazel
eyes darting cautiously between him and Stone Cold.

“ Sir, if you don’t follow me, I will make sure you miss your flight,” Stone Cold threatened.

Quinn gritted his teeth and glared at the man for a minute. “ Fine,” Quinn ground out. The only reason
he gave in so easily was because Margot was with him. If he had been by himself he would have
argued more.

“ Ma’am, please grab your bags and follow us,” Stone Cold said to Margot then took Quinn’s elbow
in his beefy grasp.

Quinn glared down at the hand holding his elbow. “ You better get your damn hand off me,” he

Quinn could not believe this was happening. He was blaming Peter for this. Stone Cold
tugged Quinn forward, obviously not giving a shit about Quinn’s threat. Beefy-beeferson led him and
Margot through a coded door and down a short hallway. He then opened a door on the right and led
them inside. The room was small with bright overhead lights. There was a metal table pushed up
against the back wall. There was also a plastic folding chair against the wall next to the table.

“ Ma’am, have a seat please,” said the Beefster.

Margot did as she was told. Just as she sat, another male agent entered the room and shut the door
behind him.

“ Sir, please place your bag on the table, empty your pockets and step back,” the newby said. This
guy was older and had an air of superiority about him. He must be a supervisor or something.

Quinn did as he was told. When he was finished he stepped back and let them search his
things. He crossed his arms over his chest and cocked a hip while he waited. He glanced at Margot
who was looking anxiously between him and the agents. This pissed Quinn off even more. Neither of
them should have to be subjected to this. After the agents finished tearing his shit apart, they moved to
stand in front of him.

“ Sir, we’re going to ask you to remove your clothing,” the new guy said.

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Quinn heard Margot gasp while his jaw dropped. “ What?! You’re fucking kidding me, right?! I
thought you were just doing a pat down!” he choked in disbelief.

“ We have reason to believe you’re hiding something on your person,” Stone Cold said seriously.

“ Excuse me?” Quinn blinked in utter shock.

“ Sir, you might want to just comply if you want to make your flight,” the older man added.

Quinn laughed bitterly and shook his head. “ Un-fucking-believable,” he muttered. He took off his
coat and dropped it to the floor. Then he yanked his red and black striped polo shirt over his head.

Margot’s eyes widened as Quinn angrily yanked his shirt over his head and tossed it to the
floor. One of the agents picked up his coat and shirt and started feeling through them. Margot stared at
Quinn’s broad back. She could see his muscles rippling under his lightly bronzed skin. He had a
tattoo on his back in between his shoulder blades at the base of his neck. It looked like a Chinese
symbol of some sort. She would have to ask him about it later.

Next, Quinn removed his shoes and socks then shed his jeans. Which left him standing in
black boxer-briefs. The agents went through each article of clothing, feeling around to see if there
was anything in them that shouldn’t be. Margot’s eyes wandered down Quinn’s broad back, over his
tight rear end, thickly muscled thighs and nicely shaped calves. Margot’s heart thumped in her chest.
She had never in her life seen such a fine specimen in person. Her body thrummed with awareness.
She wondered what all that hard ropey muscle would feel like under her hands or against her own

“ Underwear too, Sir,” said the older man that had come in later.

“ Seriously? You want me to get completely naked in front of my coworker?” Quinn muttered dryly.

Quinn might have sounded calm and collected but Margot knew better. She saw the way his
shoulders were bunched and the way his fists kept opening and closing. She might not know much
about his life outside of work but she knew from the set of his body was that he was absolutely livid.

“ I’m sure she can avert her eyes,” said the younger agent as he glanced at her.

Quinn peeked over his shoulder at her. Margot will never forget the humiliated look in his
eyes. His jaw was clenched tight and his normally lush mouth was a thin angry line. Margot stood, her
eyes locked on his, and turned the chair to face the wall before sitting back down in it. She stared at
the wall. She was tempted to take a peek when she heard Quinn remove his underwear, but she didn’t
dare. She had silently given her word that she would not look.

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“ Lift your scrotum. Alright. Now turn, bend over and spread your buttocks.” Margot heard the older
man say.

Margot had to stifle a groan. She covered her face with her hands and shook her head. How
degrading. Poor Quinn. What a horrible way to start a trip. No doubt Peter would be getting an earful
about this.

“ Are you fucking satisfied now?” Quinn growled.

“ Yes, you may get dressed and go to your gate.”

“ Thanks a-fucking-lot,” Quinn snarled.

Margot listened to Quinn’s hasty movements to put his clothes and gray pea coat back on.
Margot started when he suddenly appeared at the table to grab his things. Wallet and phone got
shoved into his back pockets. Then he grabbed his lap top bag and slung it over his shoulder.

“ Lets go, Margot,” he said quietly.

Margot got up and followed Quinn to the door. The younger agent led them back out to the
security check where he let them go. Quinn pulled his phone out of his pocket and checked the time.
After he shoved it back in then reached over and grabbed her hand.

“ We have ten minutes go get to the gate,” he muttered, pulling her along.

Thankfully she wore flats today, otherwise it would have been very difficult to keep up with
his long strides. They made it to the gate with a minute to spare. Once onboard, they found their seats
and got settled in. Quinn put Margot’s carryon in the overhead compartment before sitting down next
to her. Margot took the middle seat while Quinn had the isle.

Margot glanced over at Quinn, who had not looked at her since they left that room. She hated
that he had to go through that. She hated that he had to go through that in front of her. If it was just him,
he probably would not have been so humiliated. There would have been no one to witness it. Quinn
was sitting with his arms crossed over his chest and his head back against the headrest with his eyes

“ Quinn...,” Margot started softly.

“ Don’t. Just don’t, Margot,” he rasped without moving, effectively cutting her off.

Margot sighed and kept her mouth shut. They had a seven hour flight and she didn’t want to
upset him any more then he already was. If he didn’t want to talk about it, then fine, she would just let
it go. This trip was not starting out well at all. She hoped that the rest went better.

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