Babysitting a Billionaire 1 Losing Control Nina Croft

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Table of Contents

Other Books by Nina Croft



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen


About the Author

Two Wrongs, One Right

No Romance Required

No Strings Attached

Femme Fatale

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Other Books by Nina Croft

























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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used
fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

Copyright © 2013 by Nina Croft. All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce, distribute, or transmit in any form or by any means.
For information regarding subsidiary rights, please contact the Publisher.

Entangled Publishing, LLC

2614 South Timberline Road

Suite 109

Fort Collins, CO 80525

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Edited by Liz Pelletier

Cover design by Heather Howland

ISBN 978-1-62266-236-4

Manufactured in the United States of America

First Edition August 2013

The author acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this
work of fiction: Doc Martens.; Terminator; Lycra’ Scarlett O’Hara.

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To Rob, who makes sure everything keeps working.

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Kim cracked open the door an inch. The outer office was in darkness.


Her intel was correct. The CEO of Knight Securities had left for the evening. And about time—it

was close to midnight. She slipped through the gap, pulled the door closed behind her, then stood, her
back resting against the wood as she waited for her racing pulse to slow.

Without turning on the light, she crossed the room to the door opposite. This one wouldn’t be so

easy. A PIN code, as well as a more conventional lock, protected the inner sanctum of her boss.

From the bag at her waist, she pulled a small bottle of talc and puffed a fine cloud over the keypad.

The white powder clung to four numbers. So far, so good. Now she just needed the correct sequence,
but looking at those numbers… She knew exactly what the order would be.

She entered the PIN and grinned as the light turned from red to green. Take that, Mr. High-and-


The next bit was the trickiest.

Kneeling on the floor, she withdrew the pick and tension wrench from her kit. Her hand shook

slightly as she slid them both into the lock, and then she waited for a minute, breathing slowly until
she was ready to go on. She leaned in close as she manipulated the tools.

Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she heard the small click as the first pin fell into place.

Almost there. A few seconds more and the wrench turned cleanly.

Yay—she was in. One more security element to breach and she’d have that promotion in the bag.

She’d worked as an operative for nearly four years now, investigating low-level threats and putting
together security systems for the rich and famous, but she was ready to take her career to the next
level: gun-toting, badass bodyguard.

Her best-friend-slash-boss had set the bar for her promotion pretty low when she’d told him she

wanted to carry a gun. Or so she’d thought, right up until the first time she’d tried to break into his
safe. Now on her fifth attempt in as many months, she was more determined than ever to outwit the
infuriating man once and for all.

As she pushed open the door to his office, she slid the goggles down over her eyes. Instantly the

world changed. Beams of red light crisscrossed the room, separating her from the goal: the safe
hidden inside the cabinet behind the desk.

The first beam was a mere foot above the ground and she easily stepped over it, then ducked under

the second. The third was tricky, and she hesitated. Over or under? She lifted her foot, stretched her

“Looking for something?”

She jumped as the deep male voice skittered along her spine, then lost her balance and crashed to

the floor. Alarms jangled, lights flashed. Chaos reigned.

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“Shit,” she cursed.

Kim lay on her back and gritted her teeth until everything went quiet, the flashing lights stopped,

and the main overhead light came on. Then she pushed the goggles from her eyes and sat up.

Jake Knight lounged in the open doorway, arms folded across his chest. Dressed all in black, he

looked lean, mean, and vaguely menacing. The image spoiled only by the mocking smile on his
handsome face.

She waggled her fingers at him. “Hi there, boss. Why aren’t you at home?” Where he was supposed

to be.

His lips twitched. “I had a feeling something…urgent was going down in my office.”

“Nope. Only little old me.” What had given her away? The problem was, Jake knew her too well.

He probably hadn’t bought it when she’d offered to stay late to take a client interview so he could get
an early night. “By the way,” she said, “cute move using my birthday as the PIN code.”

“I like to give you a fighting chance.”

She rolled her eyes.

He strolled across the room and came to a halt a foot away, hands thrust in his pockets, that lazy

smile still curving his lips.

Yeah, she was so funny. And she’d failed.


Crap. At this rate, she’d never get her promotion.

“So,” Jake said. “What do we do with you?”


“Don’t you think breaking into my office deserves a little…retribution?”

Kim scrambled to her feet and brushed herself off. “I’d like to see you try.”

“You think I couldn’t take you?”

She tipped her chin up. “I could kick your ass.”

Probably a lie. Okay, definitely a lie. She was good, but she was also only five foot nine and Jake

had six inches on her. Plus, he was twice as broad at the shoulder. However hard she trained, she
could never match that. All the same, his smug expression was starting to piss her off.

Without giving herself a chance to think this was a really bad idea, she whirled around and kicked

out, but Jake caught her boot before she could connect with an ease that made her curse, leaving her
balancing on one foot.

He stepped forward, his long fingers still wrapped around her ankle. Kim had no choice but to hop

backward until she hit the wall behind her. “Let me go.”

“Say please and I might.”

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“Piss off.”

He studied her for a moment and seemed about to say something, then shrugged and released her.

As soon as she was free, she kicked out again, this time trying to swipe his legs from under him. He

sidestepped, then moved in close, his hands braced on the wall on either side of her head, caging her
in. Her lungs filled with the scent of him—warm man and spicy citrus.

“Yield,” he ordered.

“No fucking way.”

He urged her back against the wall, moving his body in hard against hers until his chest pressed

against her breasts.

A tingle ran through her, settling low in her belly.


That was so not right—this was Jake.

Kim hadn’t thought much about sex in the four years since her divorce, and she really didn’t need to

start thinking about it now. And certainly not with Jake.

He was close enough that she could see the faint shadow of stubble darkening his jawline, the

midnight blue of his eyes behind the thick fringe of lashes daring her to push him further.

The tingle became a heat that spread slowly out from her center.

What the hell was going on?

Jake lowered his head and his warm breath brushed her cheek. Her own breath sounded ragged in

her ears and adrenaline surged through her system.

“Yield,” he said again, so close now she could feel the word against her skin.

She swallowed hard. “Okay, okay. I yield.”

She hated to give in, but what choice did she have? Because for one surreal moment there, she’d

been convinced Jake was about to kiss her.

And kissing Jake was not an option.

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Chapter One

Thursday night was movie night at Jake’s penthouse apartment and had been for most of the four years
she’d known him. Kim didn’t think movies had featured much in Jake’s life before then—he usually
didn’t sit still long enough, so she liked to believe she’d brought a little culture into his world.

Well, as much “culture” as one could attribute to a Terminator movie. Jake was too serious and

needed someone to get him to relax and just enjoy doing nothing.

That was her job, and she was glad for a chance to get back on a normal footing with him since her

foiled break-in attempt last week. She’d managed to convince herself that the almost-kiss had been a
figment of her overactive imagination.

Of course, Jake wouldn’t kiss her—why would he?

All the same, things had been a little weird. And if she’d just heard him correctly, their relationship

was still far from normal.

“You expect me to wear a what?” She’d been admiring the view from the floor-to-ceiling windows

—the whole of London spread out below her. Now, she spun to face him. “Are you serious?”

He looked serious. But you never could tell with Jake—he’d perfected the art of deadpan long ago.

Lounging back in his huge black leather sofa, long legs stretched out in front of him, he returned her

scrutiny, his dark-blue eyes examining her in minute detail. Kim shifted from foot to foot, never quite
comfortable with the full force of his concentration focused on her.

Jake caught the movement and quirked his lips in obvious amusement. She hated that.

“Oh, yeah,” he drawled. “I’m deadly serious. The job came in last thing today. It’s a favor for a

friend, and there were no other female operatives available.”

“Well, thank you for making me feel like a last resort. And where exactly do you expect me to get a


He gave an exaggerated sigh. “I don’t suppose there’s much point in suggesting your wardrobe?”

Kim raised an eyebrow; the question wasn’t even worthy of an answer.

“I thought not. That being the case, a dress shop would be the obvious choice. Don’t worry.” He

held up a hand to preempt her next argument. “You can put it on the expense account. I don’t expect
you to purchase such a superfluous item out of your own pocket.” He gave her another long look.
“The assignment is security detail at a fashion party. I want you to blend in. So absolutely nothing in
camouflage or khaki.”

Kim plucked at the cotton of her khaki combat pants. She thought they were pretty nifty, and teamed

with Doc Martens and a black T-shirt, her outfit was both comfortable and durable. However, she
had to agree that an element of glamour was missing.

From Jake’s expression, he thought so as well. “Actually,” he continued, “it’s probably best if I

come shopping with you.”

“You don’t trust me, do you?”

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“Kim, I’d trust you with my life. But with something as complicated and contrary to your nature as

buying a dress? No, I’m afraid I don’t.”

A warm glow washed over her. Jake trusted her with his life? She couldn’t believe how good the

first sentence made her feel. Good enough to let the second pass, anyway.

“Okay, I think it’s above and beyond the call of duty, but I’ll come peacefully. But”—she glanced

down at herself ruefully—“I suspect you’re going to have your work cut out for you trying to make me
look glamorous.”

Still, she wouldn’t turn down any job that might prove she deserved a promotion.

Jake had originally employed her as receptionist in the security company he’d set up shortly after

he’d left the army. That had been four years now, and right from the start, the actual security work had
fascinated Kim. The thought of learning to fight, to defend herself, sent a thrill of excitement through
her. She’d taken classes in mixed martial arts, trained every day until she could hold her own with
just about anyone in the company—except Jake.

She had one particularly pleasant daydream of coming across her ex-husband, Michael, and

flooring him with a smooth kung fu–like kick. The thought always had the power to cheer her up.

She sank into the far corner of the sofa, unlaced her boots, and kicked them off. “So, do I get to

wear a gun on Saturday?” she asked hopefully.

“No, you get to wear a dress.”

“Super.” Kim hadn’t expected a positive answer anyway. It wasn’t fair—she was the best shot in

the company. Jake knew that, but he still refused to promote her to that last elusive grade, the grade
that would allow her to carry a gun and do the more dangerous work. Instead, he’d set that damned
test: break into his office and steal the contents of his safe, and then he’d consider it. Unfortunately,
Jake used his office to test out new security gadgets.

But she wouldn’t give up yet.

She didn’t actually want to shoot anyone… Well, unless it was her ex. But something was driving

her to prove to Jake she was ready to be seen as an equal. It would be the final proof that she was in
control of her life.

“I’ll get in there in the end, you know.”

His lips curled into a slow smile. “Never going to happen.”

“I would have gotten in last time if you hadn’t been sneaky and pretended to go home.”

“Maybe, but I’m thinking of getting a retinal or fingerprint scanner fitted—virtually impregnable.”

She considered him, her gaze lingering on his long fingers, then his dark-blue eyes. “I wouldn’t do



“Because then I’d need a body part, and I’d hate to permanently maim you just to get a promotion.”

He grinned. “But you’d do it?”

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“Hell, yeah. I deserve that grade.”

Curling her legs under her, she tugged absently on the end of her ponytail. It occurred to her—once

she overcame her natural antipathy at being told what to do—that changing her image fit quite neatly
with her own plans. Though she hadn’t considered anything quite as drastic as a dress, just something
to make her appear a little more feminine.

She’d been on edge since that night in his office. For some reason, after four years of never thinking

about it, she couldn’t get sex off her mind. Eventually, she’d accepted that it was merely hormones—
an itch that needed scratching. And by scratching it, she’d not only get rid of the itch, but would also
have the final proof that she was totally over her asshole of an ex-husband.

She wasn’t looking for love or happily ever after. Her parents and then Michael had done an

excellent job of curing her of those fantasies. But maybe a no-strings affair.

All she needed was someone suitable. He had to be attractive, convenient, he wouldn’t want

anything more than sex, and he wouldn’t be upset to say good-bye when she was ready to cut him

Kim even had a potential candidate in mind.

She worked in a building heaving with testosterone-charged men, but not one of them had ever so

much as flirted with her. It didn’t matter that up until now she hadn’t wanted them to. The point was
she was a woman, and at least some of them should have tried. She suspected Jake had something to
do with scaring them off—he was way too protective of her. But Steve, her potential target, had only
recently joined the company and hadn’t yet developed the male attitude of pretending she was part of
the furniture. He was her best bet, and all she needed was a little cooperation from Jake.

“So. Security detail at a party,” she said. “Who’s my partner going to be? Who’s going to get the

benefit of this new, glamorous me?” She tried for an ingenuous smile. “I think Steve would be good,
don’t you?”

“Steve?” Jake’s eyes narrowed; she should have known he wouldn’t go for the ingenuous look.

“You know—the new guy. Tall, dark—”

“I know who he is, and you’re going with Dave.”

Kim scowled. “Dave’s married.” Not to mention he had a seven-months-pregnant wife—definitely

not a candidate for her itch-scratching position.

“What the hell has that got to do with anything?” His feet hit the floor.

Kim contemplated telling him, but his expression persuaded her otherwise. While Jake had helped

out with just about every aspect of her life as she pulled herself together slowly after her disastrous
marriage, she could hardly expect him to take on her love life, or rather complete lack of love life, as
well. She quashed her disappointment.

“I’ll be at the party,” he said.

“You will? You’re working?”

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“No, I’m going as a guest. With Nadia.”

“Oh.” Kim muttered the word in disgust. She’d never had a particularly high opinion of Jake’s

women, but she reckoned he’d reached an all-time low with Nadia.

He quirked a brow. “What does ‘oh’ mean?”

“Well, you know me, I don’t normally like to stereotype anyone—not even your girlfriends—but

for Nadia I have to make an exception. I get that she’s a model, but does that mean she has to be a
complete airhead? Not to mention a little on the wacky side.”


His eyes glinted with amusement. But really, Nadia wasn’t funny.

“Yeah, wacky. She actually came up to me last week and asked what you wore in bed.” Kim rolled

her eyes. “Wouldn’t she be more likely to know that than me?”

Jake didn’t answer, and Kim dropped the subject. Nadia didn’t matter—Jake’s girlfriends never

lasted long.

She cast him a sideways glance. He’d obviously showered and changed since he’d gotten back

from the office. His hair was still damp, he was dressed in his usual relaxing gear of black sweats
and a black T-shirt, and his feet were bare.

In some ways, it was a pity about the whole sex-with-Jake-not-an-option thing. On the surface, he

was an ideal contender for her itch-scratching position, ticking nearly all the boxes on her list.

For a start, he was way beyond attractive. With his thick, dark hair that always looked sexily

ruffled like some woman had just run her fingers through it, his high cheekbones, strong, straight nose,
and beautifully stern mouth. He was six feet three inches of lean, mean, drool-worthy man.

Secondly, he was convenient. They not only worked together, but lived in the same apartment

building. Jake up here in the penthouse, while she had a more modest one-bedroom apartment way
below him.

Thirdly, he’d never want more than sex—Jake didn’t do commitment. He was her role model.

Ultimately, though, he failed the biggest requirement because saying good-bye to Jake afterward

would not be an option. He was her best friend. And even if he’d shown interest in her in a sexual
way, Kim wouldn’t risk losing his friendship over something that could only be temporary.

He was far too important to her.

She glanced up and found him watching her intently. “What?” she asked.

“Just wondering what was going through that brain of yours.”

She tossed him a bright smile. “I was trying to decide when you’re going to admit I’m as good at

the job as any of the guys, and it’s not fair to keep me off the interesting cases.”

“The interesting cases are also the most dangerous ones.”

“That’s what makes them interesting,” she answered, annoyed that she should have to explain this

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to a man whose hobbies included skydiving and mountain climbing.

“Let’s see how you perform on Saturday.”

When Kim opened her mouth, he continued, “Don’t argue. I’m being patient here. But I’m not a nice

man, and you’d be wise not to forget that.”

A shiver of unease ran through her. Why would he tell her he wasn’t nice? Though he didn’t look

nice; in fact, dressed all in black and with a reckless glint in his hooded eyes, he looked like a
thoroughly bad character. But Kim knew that deep down, Jake was a total marshmallow—he just
preferred that the rest of the world saw his crispy, burned edges. It helped in his line of business.

She scoffed, “You’ve always been nice to me.”

“Perhaps where you’re concerned, I have my motives.”

“She had an idea what those motives were. He still felt sorry for her. Kim started to speak, but

Jake waved her off. “Movie time.” He flicked a switch at his side and part of the wall opposite slid
open to reveal a huge widescreen TV.

Kim heaved a sigh just to show she wasn’t happy, but then reached for the bowl of popcorn at her

side. For the next ninety minutes, she did her best to concentrate on the film, but there was a horrible
uneasy niggling in her stomach.

As the closing credits appeared, she turned to Jake. “About these motives. You want to give me a


“Not yet. But soon.”

Was he ever going to see her as a strong, independent woman and not the pathetic divorcée he’d

first hired? Well, she’d just make it her mission to show him she had more than a little badass in her
as well…

Jake followed Kim through the department store, admiring her long, leggy figure and the sway of her
khaki-clad ass as she sauntered along in front of him. How in the hell had he ended up in love with a
woman who thought—and he quoted her here—“love was for dickheads”?

When he’d first met her, she’d been slightly plump and so sweet he’d wanted to rip that bastard of

a husband of hers into pieces. Four years later, she had the lean lines of a catwalk model with
absolutely none of the self-awareness. She had no clue what she did to him. Did she honestly think he
made a habit of taking his operatives dress shopping?

He smiled grimly as he remembered her expression when he’d mentioned the dress thing. She

could hardly have looked more incredulous if he’d suggested she strip naked, bend herself over the
back of the sofa, and allow him to screw her brains out. One of his more frequent recurring fantasies
during movie night.

Occasionally, he picked up a dress and handed it to the sales assistant who trailed behind him. He

spotted a pink one and added it to the pile just to piss Kim off.

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“You’d better go with her,” he said to the assistant when they reached the dressing rooms. “Left to

herself, she’ll probably put them on backward.” He took a seat opposite the cubicle, crossed one leg
over his knee, and prepared to be entertained.

“He’s a bit forceful, your boyfriend, isn’t he?” The assistant commented as they disappeared into

the room.

“He’s a bit of a patronizing ass,” Kim muttered. “And he’s not my boyfriend, he’s my boss.”

Then the curtains closed behind them, muffling the sound of their voices.

Jake ran a hand through his hair. He’d wanted Kim from the first moment they’d met. But back then

she’d been too young and too damaged. She’d needed a friend, not a lover. So he’d pushed those
feelings to the back of his mind, and he’d kept her safe and kept her close, and he’d bided his time.

He could remember the exact moment he realized his friendship had turned to love. They’d been at

his place, taking in a movie. Kim usually picked action films—lots of blood and guts—but somehow
a romantic comedy had slipped through the net.

Watching the film with Kim sprawled on the sofa at his side, the sweet smell of toffee popcorn in

the air, he’d had some sort of epiphany.

He’d be quite happy to spend the rest of his life beside her. Even watching chick flicks.

He’d always been restless—ready to move on, easily bored—but with Kim, he felt at peace. He

loved her. Really loved her. Her bravery and her honesty, the way she stood up to him, the way she
was willing to try to kick his ass when she thought he deserved it, even though she knew she couldn’t

He’d turned as the closing credits rolled over the screen, ready to pour out his heart. He’d opened

his mouth to spill tender words of love—

“What a total load of bollocks,” she’d muttered with complete contempt. “If I ever show any signs

of going all mushy like that, you have my permission to put a bullet in my brain. Not,” she added,
taking a last mouthful of popcorn, “that it’s ever going to happen.”

That was four months ago. In the time since, he’d searched for a way to break through the

protective armor she wrapped around herself. So far, he’d failed dismally. It was clear she saw him
as nothing more than a friend. But when she started to show some interest in Steve, his new hire, he
realized it was time to step up his game before he lost her altogether.

He hadn’t been able to think about sleeping with another woman since he’d realized he loved Kim.

Nadia was nothing but camouflage to keep him from looking like a complete miserable bastard.

So no sex in over four months. Fucking hell.

Finally, the curtains opened, and Kim stood there as he’d never seen her before, glaring at him and

looking breathtaking.

He didn’t take much of the dress in, just that it was black and that Jake could clearly make out the

shape of her breasts beneath the material, small and perky.

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She tugged at her long, dark ponytail—a sure sign she was nervous.

Ignoring him, she stalked out of the cubicle to stand in front of the full-length mirror opposite. The

dress skimmed her narrow waist, her flat belly, and the slight curve of her ass. A stab of lust shot to
his groin, and he shifted in his chair.

Smoothing the material over her hips, she flashed an unexpected grin over her shoulder. “Hey, I

clean up okay.” She turned to one side, then the other. The dress was slit to the thigh and one long,
slender leg peeked out. Her feet were bare. Jake stared, willing his desire to subside so his brain
could function again.

“You know,” she murmured not quite to herself, “I bet Steve would love me in this dress.”

Over my dead body. The thought flashed through Jake’s mind, followed by a much more acceptable

alternative. Or Steve’s. He’d had just about enough of this “Steve” shit.

Kim finally turned to face him, hands on hips. “Will it do?”

He motioned with his fingers for her to do a twirl.

She scowled and spun. “Well?”

“Maybe. I’ll let you know when I’ve seen the others.”

Kim swirled and marched back to the dressing room. He could almost hear her teeth grinding, but

he needed her out of here so he had a moment to pull himself back together from that little bombshell.
And she thought she was going to go after another guy under his nose, did she? Abso-fucking-lutely

A minute later, an outraged squawk came from behind the curtain. “No freaking way!”

Jake grinned. The sales assistant must have given Kim the pink dress. Five minutes later, she

ripped the curtain aside.

Jake bit back a whistle. The material was skintight and hugged every line and curve of her body,

leaving nothing to the imagination.

“I’ll warn you now,” Kim said, poking a finger in his direction. “If you choose this one, I won’t be

taking my coat off. So if you want me to blend in, I suggest you think again.”

Jake dragged his gaze from her nipples, clearly visible and pointing straight at him. “Come here.”


He sighed impatiently. “Can you never do anything without questioning it?”


“Please come here, Kimberly.”

She approached until she stood only inches from his seat and glowered down at him, her golden

eyes flashing.

“Actually,” he said, “I like you in pink. Very pretty.”

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“Hah hah. Finished?”

“For now.”

Kim turned and sashayed back to the changing room.

The back view was as good as the front. Jake watched her go, unable to pull his eyes from the

sway of her ass clearly defined under the tight, clingy material and powerless to prevent his body’s

He sat a moment longer waiting for the fierce burn of desire to subside, then rose from his seat and

approached the changing room.

“The black will do, Kim,” he called out.

Kim’s head appeared around the curtain. “You don’t want to see the other three?”

“No. The first one was fine.”

“Oh dear, and I was having so much fun,” she mocked. “Sure I can’t tempt you into one more? The

red perhaps? I’ve always considered red to be my color.”

He ignored the sarcasm. “Another day.”

Jake reckoned he was one sexy outfit away from letting everyone know his intentions. And that

probably wouldn’t go down too well in a busy department store.

But yeah, it was time to reveal his motives, and he was guessing that his not-so-little Kimberly was

in for a shock with what was about to come next.

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Chapter Two

Music played in the ballroom, mingling with the clink of glasses and the murmur of voices as Kim
circulated the periphery of the room, forcing herself to relax, to stop feeling so self-conscious in her
new dress and three-inch heels. It didn’t help that she could feel Jake’s eyes boring into her wherever
she went, as if, after all this time, he still didn’t trust her skills. Or was there some other reason?
Whatever—he was making her twitch.

She needed to make a good impression tonight. Prove to Jake she was up to the more dangerous

work. Though sadly, she didn’t think there’d be anything more hazardous to this assignment than
tripping over her heels. Probably why Jake had assigned her the job.

The fashion designer hosting the party had received threats from an animal-rights group who

reckoned he’d used too much fur in this year’s collection. He’d panicked and called Jake. But Kim
had read the files on the group and to date, they’d never done anything more violent than hand out
fliers, which likely meant she was in for an exciting evening of blisters and boredom.

She completed her first circuit and headed over to report in to Dave. Like many of Jake’s

employees, Dave was ex-army and looked it. He was big and bulky, but all muscle.

“Everything okay?” he asked.

“Yeah. Nothing to report.”

He grinned. “You sound disappointed.”

“A little. It would be nice to justify my existence.” She half smiled at the half joke and glanced

across the crowded dance floor only to make eye contact with Jake again. He stood at the edge of the
room, Nadia clinging possessively to his arm, and he was following Kim’s every move with hooded,
dark eyes. A shiver ran through her.

Jake was acting strange lately. She didn’t like it. He’d told her he had motives for being nice to

her. What were they? Did he still feel sorry for her? Was that the only reason he employed her, and
the real reason he wouldn’t give her that promotion?

She turned back to Dave. “Dave?”


“Does Jake think I can do the job?” There. She’d asked it out loud. “Or is he just being nice? And

is it only me he’s nice to?”

Dave made a sound like a snort. “He’s the man who pays my wages. That makes him nice to me,


“Seriously, you’ve known him longer than I have. You were in the army together. Is he ‘nice’ to

other people?”

“Jake’s nice when he wants to be nice. When he doesn’t…” He shrugged. “Come on. Quit

scowling, Kim. You wouldn’t be here if Jake didn’t think you were capable.”

She sighed. “Okay. You’re right. I’m off to mingle with the rich and famous and look for bad guys.”

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An hour later, she’d completed her second circuit and was about to call in an all clear when she

spotted Nadia heading straight for her. Kim searched for an escape route but she was trapped.

Nadia came to a halt in front of her. She looked wired, as though she’d had too much champagne or

snorted something even stronger in one of the bathrooms. Jake wouldn’t like that, Kim reflected
cheerfully. He hardly touched alcohol and was opposed to drugs of any kind.

“He’s very good,” Nadia said.

“Good? What and who are we talking about here?” Kim asked, a sense of unease coiling in her


“Jake, of course. He’s very…well-endowed.”

“What?” Kim squeaked.

“And he knows exactly what to do with it.”

Definitely more information than she needed to know. Kim did not want to think about her boss’s

attributes. Ever. Of course, now, thanks to Nadia’s ridiculous statement, that’s all she was going to
think about.

She glanced around to check that no one else was listening to this conversation. “Why are you

telling me this, Nadia? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m absolutely fascinated.” She injected as much
boredom into her voice as possible, stopping barely short of a yawn. “I’m just interested to know why
you’re sharing.”

Nadia smiled. Just the slightest tilt of her lips while her eyes remained cold; she’d obviously taken

lessons from Jake. “I wanted to see if you would agree with me. I wanted to find out if you already
knew how good he was.”

“Why should I?” This whole conversation was surreal. She reckoned the crazy bus was leaving the

station and Kim was afraid she might have hopped a ride with Nadia.

“I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”

Nadia took a step closer, invading her personal space, and Kim poked a finger into the other

woman’s bony chest.

“Back off,” she growled. “And no you haven’t, because he doesn’t. Look at me, I mean.” She shook

her head in confusion. “Well, he does sometimes, I suppose. I mean he looks at everybody
sometimes.” She waved a hand as if to encompass “everybody” and almost backhanded Nadia in the
face—would Jake believe it was an accident? “What’s odd about that?” She clasped her hands in
front of her to keep from gesticulating further.

“Normally, it’s not so noticeable,” Nadia continued. “But tonight you look different, and he can’t

keep his eyes off you. He’s possessive. Why should he be possessive if he doesn’t already own you?”

The woman had always been wacky, but tonight she was a raving lunatic—probably from the drugs

—and in danger of causing a scene.

Dave. She needed Dave.

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Kim was about to press her cell when she spied Dave approaching Jake and waved frantically at

him. Dave spoke briefly with their boss and then walked over.

“Jake would like a word, Kim,” he said smoothly. “Nadia, let me get you a drink.”

Kim trudged across the room toward Jake as though she’d just gotten called to the principal’s

office. She tried to keep her expression noncommittal but couldn’t prevent her wayward gaze from
straying to the front of his pants. Totally not to check out the veracity of Nadia’s claims.

Jake frowned. He glanced from her to Nadia, his eyes narrowing.

As soon as Kim reached him, he slipped his arm around her waist and guided her to the door of the

main room.

“Where are you taking me?” she asked.

“Somewhere we can talk alone for a moment.”


“Because I want to,” he replied with a finality that Kim knew from experience wasn’t worth

questioning. She allowed him to lead her into the hall and behind one of the giant Grecian pillars.

“What was Nadia talking to you about?” Jake asked. “It looked like she was upsetting you.”

“Believe me, you don’t want to know.”

He sighed impatiently. “Kim, if I didn’t want to know, I wouldn’t have asked.”

“Are you sure you want to hear this?”


The tone held a warning and Kim shrugged. “All right, just remember you asked. She told me how

well-endowed you are.”

He almost choked. “What?”

Shock flashed across Jake’s face, and Kim only just resisted punching the air. It wasn’t often you

could get a real, unpremeditated reaction out of Jake.

“And she assured me that you know exactly what to do with it,” she added for good measure.

Jake’s eyelids shuttered, leaving his eyes midnight dark. His shock had passed, and he now had a

cool look of speculation on his face.

She had a mad urge to see if she could break through that air of icy reserve and blurted, “And so,

are you?” The words were out before she could think better of it.

He made a leisurely perusal of her face. “Am I what?” The words were softly spoken, but Kim’s

spine stiffened. There was a threat there somewhere, and she’d never been good at backing down.

She licked her lips slowly and then said quite precisely, “Are you well-endowed, Jake?”

Her question was worth the look of surprise that flickered across his face. But then the surprise

was gone and a very unexpected satisfied smile settled in its place. He took her hand. For a moment,

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he stroked her fingers gently, and when she didn’t pull away, he moved it toward him and held her
palm flat against his groin. Kim gasped.

“What do you think?” he asked.

Whatever she expected, it hadn’t been this. She tugged her hand, but he held it firm. Jake’s face

was devoid of expression, giving no clues to his thoughts. The air charged with a strange tension, and
his flesh swelled and hardened beneath her fingers.

He was becoming aroused. Even with her meager experience, she could tell. She had to put a stop

to this now.

She forced herself to relax, made the tension drain from her body. “Er, yes,” she muttered.

“Yes? Yes, what?”

“Yes, you are definitely well-endowed, Jake. Congratulations.”

He laughed softly and released her hand, which was a relief, as she was beginning to think well-

endowed might be something of an understatement.

“Now, if you want proof that I do indeed ‘know exactly what to do with it,’ then I’m afraid we’ll

have to go somewhere a little more private.”

Had her best friend and boss really just propositioned her? Or was she still riding that crazy bus

with Nadia? Of course, if he had, it was only payback for daring to embarrass him with his
girlfriend’s comments. “Er, no. I’ll take Nadia’s word for it.”

“Spoilsport.” He took a step back and let his gaze wander up and down the length of her body. Kim

squirmed under his scrutiny. Was he actually serious? Kim wasn’t sure what to think about that
prospect, but nothing good was coming to mind. “Have I told you that you look incredibly beautiful
tonight?” he asked.

“Why should you have told me that? You’re making me nervous here, Jake.” No lie. Kim may have

been out of the game for a while, but she knew a come-on when she saw one. Jake’s turning all of his
attention to her suddenly was not something she would ever have seen happening, and she didn’t
know how she felt about it. Well, she did know how she felt… Like running. In the other direction.

“What? Being told you look beautiful makes you nervous?”

The door to the ballroom opened and the music drifted through. One of the serving staff crossed the

hallway with a tray and Kim waited until he had disappeared through the door into the kitchen before
she answered. “Actually, it’s a first. Now, hadn’t you better go and see Nadia? And I need to get back
to my circuit.”

“Nadia is history,” Jake replied coldly.

Once again, she narrowly resisted punching the air. She refused to analyze that reaction, either.

“Oh, dear. Nothing I said, I hope. But don’t you think it might be wise to go see what she’s up to? You
never know who else she might be regaling with your personal measurements, and not everyone might
be as discreet as me.”

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“Very funny.”

“It wasn’t intended to be funny. The woman’s a raving lunatic, and you need to be careful. Anyway,

fascinating as this conversation is, I am now going to go back to circulating. Enjoy the rest of the

As she was about to move off, a man came through the swing doors from the kitchens. He was

dressed as a waiter, but instead of serving people, he appeared to be waiting for something or
someone. He also seemed vaguely familiar and not quite right in his uniform. It could be that his dark-
blond hair was overly long, or that his cool gray eyes held no hint of servility. She cross-checked his
features against her memory of the activists she’d studied and came up with a name.

“What is it?” Jake asked softly at her side.

“That man over there. The waiter loitering by the kitchen doors. I recognize him from Dave’s files.

His name’s Nick Winters. I’m certain it’s him.”

She got her cell out of her bag and texted Dave. “Why don’t you go back to the party?” she said to


“I’ll wait.”

“I’m a big girl. I can look after myself.”

“I’ll wait until Dave arrives if you don’t mind.”

“Suit yourself.”

Dave exited the main room, and she groaned dramatically. Nadia was still at his side. She turned to

Jake. “You’re going to have to get her away from here.”

Jake walked over, took Nadia’s arm, and led her away, but not too far.

“How do you want to play this?” Kim asked Dave.

“We want him to leave quietly. As far as I can see, he isn’t doing anything illegal, and we don’t

want trouble.”

“I’ll go talk to him then. He’s less likely to see me as confrontational.” She left before Dave could

argue, but she felt both his and Jake’s gaze on her as she sauntered over to the fake waiter. He must
have sensed her approach because he turned to watch her, and Kim couldn’t help but be aware of the
purely masculine appreciation in his stare. He was handsome in a hard way. Tall and lean but broad
at the shoulder, he exuded that same air of reckless excitement Jake seemed to emit.

She came to a halt in front of him. “Mr. Winters?”

He looked startled when she addressed him by name, then chagrined, and then a grin spread over

his features. “You have the advantage on me, Ms.…?”

“Rawlings,” she replied. “Kim Rawlings. I’m with the security company covering the party.”

“Oh.” He sighed, but the smile didn’t leave his face. “Well, perhaps I could interest you in one of

these.” He pulled a sheaf of leaflets out of his pocket and handed her one. She glanced briefly at it
and grimaced.

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“I think you’d better leave. You can hand them out outside, but not in here.”

He gave her a long, lingering look. “I’ll leave quietly if you come with me.”


“Come for a drink with me, and I’ll leave.”

Kim shook her head in confusion. “I’m not sure I understand—”

“Is there a problem, Kim?”

She turned to see Jake behind her. He stared at the other man, his eyes like shards of ice. Nick

Winters’ eyes were equally cold. The two men faced each other as if about to draw pistols. Kim
sighed loudly.

“Just leave, Mr. Winters,” she said. “Or we might decide to prosecute you for trespassing.”

“I’m legally employed by the catering company,” he countered without taking his attention from


She ground her teeth. “Go!”

His eyes flickered to her, a look of surprise in the gray depths, then he smiled, transforming the

forbidding lines of his face. “Okay, Kim Rawlings, I’ll go peaceably. See you.” He nodded insolently
at Jake and strolled away.

Kim exhaled. “I was handling it!” she snapped.

“Perhaps you think I should have let you go with him then? A known violent activist?”

“I wasn’t about to go anywhere with him. And anyway, he’s not violent. He’s a vet, and the worst

he did was let a load of animals free at a research center. It was in the file.”

“He looked the violent type to me. Definitely unstable. All these activists are. Besides, his eyes

were too close together.”

Kim gaped at him in disbelief. “I thought he had rather nice eyes myself.”

“I noticed. But flirting with potential suspects is hardly likely to convince me that you’re ready for

the more dangerous jobs.”

“Flirting?” she snarled. “Flirting,” she repeated as though she couldn’t quite believe what he’d

accused her of doing. She whirled to face Dave, who’d joined them. “Did you see any flirting?”

Dave put up his arms in mock alarm. “Don’t drag me into your squabbles.”

Kim turned back to Jake, and they glared at each other for a long moment. Finally, Nadia tugged his

arm. He whispered something to her, then returned his attention to Kim.

“We’re leaving now, but I’ll talk to you on Monday.”

Kim watched him walk away, then peered at Dave. “Did that sound like a threat to you?”

“Yeah.” Dave grinned. “I guess he’s not a nice guy after all.”

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Chapter Three

“Nadia has called three times,” Margie, Jake’s personal assistant, informed him as he entered the
reception area.

Shit. After the party, he’d told Nadia their relationship was over. It had never been real anyway,

but he’d come to realize that Nadia didn’t quite see it that way. A friend of the family, she’d seemed
ideal camouflage while he worked out how to get past the barriers Kim had raised. Nadia had
recently been through an acrimonious breakup with her former lover and she’d wanted somebody to
help her save face. She claimed she wasn’t ready for a “real” relationship, so he’d obliged. She must
have changed her mind.

She hadn’t taken the break-up well—had insisted that they were “fated to be” and if he just gave

her a chance, he’d see that. Bullshit. As Kim had so nicely pointed out, the woman was wacky.

And she was jealous of Kim—had claimed Kim had stolen him from her—which made it obvious

he hadn’t hidden his feelings nearly as well as he’d imagined.

His “talk” with Kim had been postponed as he’d been called away on business the day after the

party, a property deal falling through at the last minute. The delay had provoked a mixture of relief
and impatience, but he had a duty to the company.

Five years ago, at twenty-six, Jake had left the army to take over the family business, a

multinational company involving everything from property development to gold mining in South

One of the first things he’d done was invest a percentage of the profits in setting up a security

company. He knew a load of people—many of them friends—who’d left the army and found it hard to
adjust to civilian life. The company provided them with a good job and prospects. It also gave Jake
an interest when he got bored with the more mundane aspects of his other businesses.

He’d just returned from New York and was eager to see Kim. She was changing. He sensed it.

She’d been different at the party, and it hadn’t only been her appearance.

“Where’s Kim?” he asked Margie. “Can you tell her I want to see her in my office?”

“She’s down in the gym. With Steve. Shall I call her?”

He went still. Was that a look of malicious enjoyment in his assistant’s eyes? Yeah, he definitely

hadn’t hidden his feelings. In all likelihood, the only person in the building unaware of how he felt
was Kim herself.

But shit, she’d looked seriously hot the other night. He couldn’t blame other men for looking at her.

That didn’t mean he had to like it or put up with it.

And it was definitely time to find out what the hell was going on with Steve.

“Never mind,” he said to his assistant. “I’ll go down there myself.”

He took the private elevator from the top floor of the building down to the basement, where the gym

and shooting range were located. He expected his operatives to stay in peak condition, and this was

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where Kim spent most of her spare time.

Jake understood her need to feel strong, to learn how to protect herself. And he knew she wanted to

work the more dangerous jobs. But bodyguards had to be willing to take a bullet for the people they
protected, and no way would he allow Kim that option.

He also knew that what she feared most was loss of control, something she carried from her wreck

of a marriage. That bastard had hurt her physically, but it was her powerlessness that she’d hated the
most. She needed to feel in charge of her life, but unfortunately, Jake had inherited his father’s
controlling nature.

Kim would just have to accept that he had her best interests at heart.

Somehow, he had to make her realize that she loved him and that loving him was safe. That he

wouldn’t hurt her. But first, he had to make her see him as a man. Because she seemed to have
blanked that piece of information from her mind. Instead, he was her friend.

He was beginning to hate that word.

After coming to a halt outside the door to the gym, he peered in through the glass panels and every

muscle in his body locked. Kim was there all right. Dressed in gray sweats and some sort of sports
top that left her midriff bare. His eyes were drawn to the smooth, flat expanse of flesh. There wasn’t
an ounce of surplus fat on her.

She wasn’t alone. Steve stood opposite her, also in sweats, but with a white T-shirt on top. He was

laughing at something Kim said, and Jake’s eyes narrowed.

Kim moved suddenly. Her leg swiped out and knocked Steve’s from under him. He laughed again

and grabbed her shoulders so they fell together onto the exercise mat, Steve’s body half covering
hers, and she chuckled as well.

Jake took a deep breath to calm the fury that rose up inside him.


The word echoed through his mind as he pushed open the swinging doors and stepped into the


He stood in silence, waiting for the giggling couple to realize he was there. It took at least ten

seconds, and his fury mounted. Steve saw him first. His laughter cut off abruptly, his eyes widening.
He made a move to stand, but Kim clung to his arm.

“Kim,” Steve murmured.


“Er…” He nodded toward Jake, and she finally, at long last, noticed him.

For a second, Kim’s face lit up, and she gave him a wide smile. Then she must have spotted his

far-from-happy expression, and she pushed herself free and scrambled to her feet. She tugged at the
top, settling it in place, then hitched up the sweatpants hanging almost off her hips, showing her belly
button and far too much skin.

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“Is something the matter?” she asked.

It was amazing. She had no fucking clue.

Steve seemed more attuned, however. He got to his feet and shifted awkwardly. Jake stared him in

the eye until he glanced away.

“Boss,” he muttered. “We were practicing some moves.”


Steve squirmed a little more.

“Steve offered to show me how to do a lotus sweep kick,” Kim added into the silence.

Jake employed a trainer who came in regularly to teach a mixture of martial arts, and all the

operatives were expected to be proficient. Kim was one of the best, and he was betting she didn’t
need any tutoring in the maneuver.

Jake toed off his shoes, then shrugged out of his jacket and dropped it on the floor. “Perhaps Steve

and I can demonstrate it for you,” he said silkily.

Steve definitely looked alarmed now.


It might teach him to keep his hands off what belonged to Jake.

“You might want to back off a little, Kim,” he suggested.

She stepped back, though her brows drew together.

“Shall we?” he asked Steve.

The other man must have realized he couldn’t bow out. He might even suppose he could take Jake.

He snapped to a fighting position. For a few seconds, they circled each other. Steve feinted to the left.
Jake pretended to follow the movement. Finally he got bored, whirled, and kicked Steve high in the
chest. He went down with a thud. Okay, maybe not a classic lotus sweep, but it did the job.

Steve scrambled up quickly, and Jake knocked him down again.

He lay on the floor, staring up. “I think I got the message,” he wheezed.


“What message?” Kim asked. Her face was still drawn into a frown as she glanced from Jake to


Jake shrugged and turned and walked away. At the door, he picked up his jacket and slipped on his


He was losing it. Kim had driven him insane.

Though in all fairness, Steve knew the score. Jake made it clear to all the operatives that Kim was

off-limits—it was part of his welcome speech. If Steve chose to ignore the warning, then it was his
own fault when he had to face the consequences.

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“I want to see you in my office,” he said to Kim. “As soon as you’ve changed.”

And he stalked out.

Kim stared at the swinging door and then back to Steve, who wouldn’t quite meet her eyes.

“What was that about?” she said.

“You don’t know?”

She scowled. “Would I be asking if I did?”

He ran a hand through his short hair and grinned. “You know, I almost feel sorry for the guy.” Then

he rubbed his chest where Jake had kicked him. “Almost, but not quite.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Kim asked. She was seriously pissed off—things had been going

well with Steve until Jake showed his face. At first, she couldn’t believe how pleased she’d been to
see him, but then he had to go and act like an asshole and ruin things. Now Steve wouldn’t come
anywhere near her. Like the rest of the guys in the company.

“You’d better ask the boss,” Steve replied.

“I have every intention of asking the boss, but right now I’m asking you. Come on, Steve.”

“Let’s just say, I don’t think the boss likes you getting too familiar with us—it’s sort of part of the

job description.”

“But why?”

“That’s something else you’ll have to ask him. I didn’t take it seriously, but the guys warned me to

keep my hands off. Dave reckons the boss fingerprints you at the end of each day.”

She wasn’t sure she liked the way the conversation was turning. “I—”

“No more,” Steve interrupted. “I’ve said enough. More than enough. I want to keep my job.” He

crossed the room but paused at the door and grinned. “Good luck.”

Was she going to need it?

Kim considered showering and changing first, but she felt too worked up; she wanted answers, and

she wanted them now. Everything seemed to be falling apart. And now it looked like Steve was well
and truly out of the running as potential itch-scratcher—thanks to Jake.

Why the hell would he warn the guys off her? She reckoned it was his protective streak. At least

she hoped it was, because another, even less welcome, option nagged at her mind. She had a
flashback to that almost-kiss, the one she’d convinced herself had never nearly happened, and she
shook her head to dispel the image. No, it was definitely a protection thing, and it was time he learned
that she could stand up for herself.

With that in mind, she squared her shoulders, marched through the swinging double doors, and

jammed her finger on the elevator button.

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Margie was leaving as Kim arrived.

“He’s expecting you,” she said, giving Kim’s outfit a small smile. “Sure you don’t want to change


Her workout clothes were quite revealing—she’d bought them for that reason—but she doubted

Jake would notice. His door was slightly ajar. She pushed it open and stepped inside.

Jake stood by the window with his back to her, hands shoved in his pockets. He didn’t turn as she

entered, but she could sense waves of tension radiating from him.

She crossed the room silently and came to stand beside him. Finally, he swung around to face her,

and a slight smile lifted the corners of his mouth. Glancing down, she realized her feet were bare, and
for a second she wished she’d taken the time to change.

“What was that all about?” she asked.


“With Steve?”

“Shouldn’t that be my question? I don’t expect to trip over giggling, groping employees every few


“I was not giggling.”

“So you admit you were groping?”

“Maybe.” She needed someone to talk to, someone to advise her, and after all, Jake was her role

model in all things of a sex-related nature. He was the obvious person. She took a deep breath. “Can I
talk to you about something?”

“Go ahead.”

Trouble was, now she didn’t know where to start. She studied her bare toes while she got up the

courage to continue. “You know there hasn’t been anyone since Michael?”

“I know.”

“Well, I haven’t wanted anyone, and I’d sort of gotten used to the idea that perhaps I’m just not

attractive to the opposite sex. And then—”

“Then what?” Jake interrupted, his face reflecting the utter amazement in his voice.

He wasn’t making this easy for her. “Listen. I’ve gotten used to the idea that men don’t fancy me.

I’m obviously not sexy.”

“Where the hell did you get the idea that you aren’t sexy?”

“Well, Michael never wanted anything to do with me like that.” Not after the first time, anyway.

Jake stared at her incredulously once again. “Of course Michael didn’t want you. He was gay!”

She gasped, shock numbing her brain. “What?”

“I presumed you knew. You mean all this time—”

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“Michael? Gay?” She flopped in the chair behind her. “Are you sure?”

But even as she spoke, the pieces of a particularly difficult jigsaw puzzle fell into place, as though

this amazing fact should have been clear all along. She sat for a few moments and reviewed her past.

Her marriage wasn’t a subject she liked to dwell on. She’d been eighteen when she met Michael,

home from boarding school and desperately unhappy. Holidays had always been a problem; since her
mother’s death eight years earlier, she’d found it impossible to connect with her father. She loved
him, but they invariably clashed, and she felt as though she intruded on his orderly existence.

Also, looking back, she acknowledged that after seven years in an all-girls boarding school, she’d

been a very immature eighteen-year-old and unprepared for real life.

Then she’d met Michael. Michael had been completely outside her experience. Considerably older,

smooth, sophisticated, he had swept her off her feet in what she now realized had been an
orchestrated campaign to break down her defenses. The one thing he hadn’t done, she reflected wryly,
was seduce her. Now she understood why. During the courtship, he’d kept both his drinking and his
temper under wraps, which proved he could do it if he wanted to. Once married to her, he hadn’t

“You mean you didn’t know?” Jake asked.

She shook her head. “But how did you?”

“Because I had him investigated, of course. The first time we met, you had a sprained wrist and a

split lip. I needed to know what else that bastard was capable of.”

“But why did you bother?”

“Do you think I would have left you with him for a moment if I thought he was abusing you in bed?”

She widened her eyes at the ferocity in his voice. “It was bad enough letting you go back to him at all,
but I told myself you had to leave of your own free will.” He shook his head. “Why did you marry him
in the first place? I could never understand it.”

Why exactly had she married Michael? “Because he told me he loved me,” she replied at last.

Despite how pathetic the confession made her sound, it was the truth. But not all the truth. “Of course,
there was also the fact that my father ordered me not to marry him.” She shrugged defensively; she
wasn’t particularly proud of being so contrary. “You know me—I was never good at taking orders.”

“Still aren’t,” Jake muttered. “You probably get it from your father.”

“You know my father?”

“Our paths may have crossed once or twice.”

Kim frowned but stored the comment away for future consideration. Her brain still reeled from his

earlier revelations—both that Jake had bothered to investigate Michael and that her ex-husband was

“I can’t believe it. Michael was gay.” She shook her head again. “Well, actually that’s not strictly

true—it all makes sense now. But why did he marry me?”

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“At a guess—family pressure.”

“Oh. So it wasn’t my fault. It really, truly wasn’t me. He would have been the same with any

woman. I thought I must be ugly, that there was something missing. I thought… Wait a minute. That
explains why Michael didn’t want me. However, it doesn’t explain why, in a building full of girl-
crazy guys, not one of them has so much as looked in my direction.” Except according to Steve, Jake
had warned them all off her. Jake watched her, his blandest expression on his face, giving absolutely
nothing away. If she wanted to find out anything more, it would have to be a full frontal attack.

She leaned toward him and stared him straight in the face. “Did you tell them all to stay away from


Jake smiled, a slow curve of his lips that didn’t reach his eyes. “I may have suggested that it was

more than their jobs were worth.” He paused, the smile becoming positively feral. “That combined
with the promise to break most of the larger bones in their bodies seemed to be effective.”

“But why? Why did you think you had to protect me from them?”

“Because you needed time to get over your marriage, that’s why. I was damned if anyone was

going to pick you up on the rebound. You’ve obviously got no sense where men are concerned. It’s a
big, bad world out there, and you’ve been protected whether you knew it or not.”

“Whether I like it or not, you mean. I’ve felt so safe over the last few years and it’s all been a lie.”

“Isn’t that what I promised when I helped you leave Michael, to keep you safe?”

“Yes, but…” She hesitated, unsure how to put her feelings into words. “I thought at last, I was

strong, that I could stand up on my own.”

Jake waved a hand as if her independence was unimportant. “So, you’re telling me that you’d like

someone to show some interest in you?”

“Well, why wouldn’t I?”

“And you’ve picked that half-wit Steve?”

“He’s not a half-wit. And besides, I didn’t pick him for his brains. I’m looking for sex, not

intelligent conversation.”

Jake leaned back on the edge of his desk, arms folded across his chest, and she squirmed under the

penetrating scrutiny.

“That’s it? You want sex?” He gave her a slow, lazy smile. “And you didn’t think to come to me?”

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Chapter Four

Had Jake just suggested she come to him for sex?

Kim decided she needed to be very clear before she stuck her foot in her mouth and made a

complete idiot of herself. “Come to you for…?”

“If you want sex, I’m here for you.”

“I’m not sure I want it that much,” she muttered.

For a second, the muscles tightened in his jaw, and then he visibly relaxed. “I’ve sorted out every

other aspect of your life—why not sex?”

“Because you’re my friend.”

“And friends can’t have sex?”

Could friends have sex and stay friends? She pushed out of her chair and paced the room as she

tried to come up with a valid argument.

“But you’re going out with Nadia.”

“I told you—she’s history. Besides, I never slept with Nadia.”

Her brows knit together. “You didn’t? That’s not what she said.”

“She lied.”

Kim jerked to a stop and stared at him, her eyes widening. “Hey, don’t tell me you’re gay. Not that

that’s a problem or anything. I mean—you can be as gay as you like.”

He pursed his lips. “No, I’m not gay.”

She paced some more. What did she think about getting up close and personal with Jake? Frankly,

the idea terrified her. With a start, she realized the reason she’d picked Steve was because he
reminded her—physically at least—of Jake, though the similarities were superficial. While both men
were tall and dark-haired, there was a raw, almost overwhelming masculinity unique to Jake.

What would it be like to have that focused on her?

He still leaned on the edge of the desk, arms folded across his broad chest. As usual, he wore all

black: black pants and a black linen shirt open at the collar—Jake never wore ties. She could see the
triangle of golden skin revealed at his throat. His legs were long, his hips narrow, shoulders broad.
Her gaze skittered over his groin, then darted away; she wasn’t quite ready to reexamine that
particular part of his anatomy yet.

Why would he offer himself as a sex partner now? For years, he’d never shown the slightest

interest in her sexually, rarely even touched her. No way did she want him to make love to her out of
misguided pity. That would be too embarrassing to live down.

She forced herself to continue her inspection, finally reaching his face, and the muscles in her

stomach clenched. He was so beautiful. His short hair, midnight dark. His eyes, brilliant blue over
sharp cheekbones. His long jawline was shadowed with dark stubble—he must have come straight

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from the airport.

He watched her, waiting with the stillness of a predator.

“Why me?” she asked.

“Because I’ve wanted you for a long time.”

“You’re kidding me.”

He had the most beautiful mouth. She tried to imagine him kissing her. And couldn’t. Some things

were beyond the ability of the brain to manufacture.

Instead, she dropped her gaze to his hands and tried to imagine them touching her. He had elegant

hands with long, tanned fingers.

She’d never experienced pleasure with Michael. He’d hardly touched her during their short

marriage. She wasn’t a virgin, but she was the next best thing. Maybe she was frigid. Maybe she’d be
a huge disappointment.

She chewed on her lip. She had to get out of there. “I’ll think about it.”

“Kim?” His voice stopped her before she’d taken a step.

She turned back slowly.

“Come here,” he ordered.

She didn’t want to. But her feet wouldn’t take her to the door. Instead, the traitorous things took a

step toward him. He unfolded his arms and pushed himself away from the desk.

“Don’t you want something to think about?” His voice was a low, husky purr. He’d never sounded

like that before, and it sent shivers over her skin. “A…sample to help you make your decision?”

She shook her head but couldn’t get any words out.

He was so big, not only tall, but broad at the shoulder.

Suddenly, she felt woefully underdressed. Totally inadequately covered as his cool gaze wandered

over her. He lingered on her breasts, and for the first time in her life, she felt them tighten. Glancing
down, she saw her nipples clearly visibly under the thin Lycra.

She took a deep breath. “No.”

His lips quirked. “You afraid?”

Oh yeah, she was afraid. Afraid of where this might lead. Or rather, how it would threaten the

relationship they had now, if things went too far. “Of course not.”

“Prove it then.”

She could do this. This was Jake, her friend. Besides, she never backed down on a dare.

Her gaze flickered to his mouth and her own went dry. She swallowed and took a step closer. Now

she had to tilt her head to look up into his face. His eyes were half-closed, gleaming behind his thick
lashes. He didn’t make any move toward her, just waited for her to come to him, and she took the

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final step. Now, she could reach out and touch him.

“What sort of sample were you thinking of?” she asked.

“A kiss?”

For a moment, she thought he meant her to kiss him, and she didn’t know if she could. Then he

curled his hand around her neck and tilted her head up to him. He stroked his other hand down her
cheek. She couldn’t have moved now. Not for anything. With one long finger, he traced her lower lip,
and the skin tingled under his touch.

She kept her eyes open as he lowered his head to hers, her stare fixed on his mouth. At the first

gentle touch of his lips, something inside her twisted up tight. The muscles of her belly locked.

“Relax,” he murmured against her skin. “This won’t hurt at all.”

Then he slanted his mouth over hers, and unbelievably, Jake was kissing her. She kept herself very

still. He nipped at her lower lip, and then soothed it with his tongue. “Open your mouth, Kim.”


As her lips parted on the word, he pushed his tongue inside like hot, wet velvet stroking her, and

the knotted muscles in her belly unraveled. How could she feel a kiss low down in her body?

His hand on her neck held her in place as she started to kiss him back.

She wanted more. She didn’t know what. Well, she did—she wasn’t that naive—but she didn’t

know how to go about getting it. Or even if she should. This was still Jake. Her friend. But his kiss
felt so indescribably good. As though his mouth had connections with the rest of her body, awakening
nerve endings she hadn’t known existed.

When he pulled away slightly, she barely managed to hold back her groan of dismay. She stared up

at him blinking. “Wow.”

He chuckled. “More?”

He stepped away as if to give her space to think, but she was beyond thinking. And they were only

kissing. What harm could it do? Even if in the end, she did the sensible thing and told him no, a few
little kisses wouldn’t hurt.

She nodded, not trusting her voice.

He stepped toward his desk. Leaning across, he pressed the button to lock the door. She heard it

click, and her heart fluttered like a trapped hummingbird.

His eyes gleamed as he moved his hands to the buttons of his shirt. He flicked one open, and her

breath caught.

He didn’t need to take his shirt off to kiss her, did he? But she couldn’t get any words past the

breath lodged in her throat. Instead, she stared as he slowly unfastened his shirt, baring vast amounts
of smooth golden skin. She’d seen him work out in the gym wearing little more. There, she’d been
able to objectively appreciate him. Here, locked in the office, just the sight sent heat flooding through
her body. “Is this more of the sample?”

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“Well, I don’t think you can get an idea of what it will be like between us unless you touch me.” He

picked up her limp right hand and rested her palm against his chest. His skin was hot and smooth, and
his heart thudded against her hand. She stroked him with her fingertips, scraping over one flat male
nipple, and his breath hitched. Intrigued by the response, she repeated the action.

Unbelievably, her touch affected Jake. She trailed her hand down his chest to where the thin line of

black silky hair bisected his lean-muscled belly. When she reached the waistband of his pants, she
lost her nerve.

Sliding both hands back up his chest, she rested them on his shoulders. She wanted him to kiss her

again and tugged him down. This time her mouth opened beneath his straightaway. She pushed her
tongue into his mouth, tasting him, hot and slightly spicy.

Her body trembled against him, and he smoothed his hands over her back, soothing her, exciting

her. Then he flicked open the fastener of her sports bra. He achieved his objective with obvious skill
and without breaking the kiss and eased the straps down her shoulders, peeled the material from her
breasts, and dropped it to the floor between them.

She was naked from the waist up. In Jake’s office.

With Jake.

There was something definitely wrong with that, but her brain couldn’t process what.

Just a little more. Then she’d stop him, and go away, and consider the implications, and make an

informed decision…based on the sample.

In a little while.

But her whole being smoldered with anticipation. Waited for his next move.

His kiss slipped from her lips, down the line of her jaw, her throat, the spot where her neck met her

shoulder, so sensitive she trembled under his touch. Then he kissed the tops of her breasts, his dark
head bent over her, and her breasts ached with need. He had to touch her there, and soon, or she might
spontaneously combust. Finally, he slid his hands around and cupped her in his palms. Her small
breasts fit easily. She couldn’t take her eyes from the picture—her skin so pale against his dark hands.
The nipples tight with need. He grazed the pads of his thumbs over them, and the sensation resonated
at her core.

Then he lowered his head and licked across her nipple and fire roared to life in her belly. He

peered up into her face, his eyes midnight dark, as he took one swollen nipple into his mouth and

A pulse throbbed between her thighs in rhythm with his mouth at her breast. Now hard, and then

soft. He moved to her other breast and repeated the process until both glistened and moisture pooled
at her sex. Her hips jerked, and he shifted his hands to her waist.

“Are you sure?”

Why the hell was he asking now? When all rational thought had vanished for the foreseeable

future? She nodded.

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He was teasing her. She ground her teeth, and he laughed, almost triumphantly, then cupped her

fleetingly between the thighs. “I’m going to kiss you here,” he said, and she gasped at the image that
flashed in her mind.

He slipped his hands beneath the waistband of her sweatpants. Shock flared as he sank to his knees

in front of her, dragging the material down over her hips, taking the black cotton panties as well.

She was naked. In Jake’s office.

In front of Jake.

She should feel panic. She did feel panic. That something would stop them. Desire coiled up tight

inside her. She needed release or she would implode.

He kissed her belly, open-mouthed kisses, probing her navel with his tongue. Then his breath

ruffled the curls that guarded her sex. Her legs went weak, and she clamped her knees together.

“Open your legs.”

She wasn’t sure she could. Her body wouldn’t seem to obey. Everything shaking.

Jake studied her for a moment and then rose to his feet, and she almost screamed. If he stopped

now, she might very well tear him limb from limb.

Maybe that was his idea of a “sample.” Leave the potential customer wanting more.

But he swept the few papers off his desk and clasped her around the waist, picked her up, and

deposited her on the top. “Lie back.”

When she didn’t move, he rested a finger against her chest and pushed gently. She collapsed onto

the desk, the metal cool and smooth against her skin.

Jake gripped her knees and parted them.

Bloody hell.

She was sprawled naked on Jake’s desk with her legs wide open. And if she wasn’t mistaken, any

moment now, he was going to kiss her down there, where she’d never been kissed before. And if he
didn’t, she might go insane with frustration.

“That is so pretty,” he murmured, and his breath caressed her inner thigh. He kissed his way

upward, and she squirmed. At the first touch of his warm, wet tongue on her sex, she shot upright,
almost sliding off the desk.

“Lie still, or I’ll stop,” he said, pressing her down.

He wouldn’t dare.

All the same, she held herself very still as his tongue probed the folds of her sex. For a second, she

felt a flash of embarrassment. She was so wet—it was impossible to hide how much she wanted him.
Then he pushed his tongue inside her, and she didn’t care. The world vanished until there was nothing
but his clever mouth working against her.

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“You taste so good.”

Kim closed her eyes and lost herself in the sensations. She was so close; pleasure pulsated through

her. He alternated long strokes of his tongue with quick, biting kisses, always avoiding the tiny
swollen bud that craved his attention. She lifted her hips, pushing against him, her hands fisted at her
sides. He used his fingers to open her, blew gently on her clit, and then teased her with the tip of his
tongue. Finally, when she thought she would go mad with need, her whole body strung taut, he took
her in his mouth, sucked gently, and she exploded. Starbursts of pleasure rocked her, pulsating out
from the point where his mouth still worked, soothing her now with slow strokes of his tongue. As the
pleasure subsided, he bit down on her clit, and she came again, a small scream escaping her throat,
and her body arched off the desk.

When she opened her eyes, he was standing over her. She glanced down the line of his body to

where his erection pushed against the zipper of his pants. Apart from his open shirt, he was still fully
dressed while she was naked, but she didn’t have time to ponder the unfairness, because he moved his
hands to the fastener of his pants. He flicked it open and then lowered the zipper. His cock sprang
free, and he wrapped his fist around it. She couldn’t drag her gaze away.

He was huge, hopefully fully aroused because if he got any bigger he wouldn’t fit. No way.

“Bloody hell, Jake. It’s a monster.”

Jake laughed softly. He’d been worried—it had obviously been a long time for her, but she was more
than ready for him. “Sweetheart, you’re so wet, I’ll slide in.” His cock swelled a little more at the
thought. His monster definitely liked the idea.

She swallowed, then nodded toward his erection. “Well, let’s hope you do know exactly what to

do with it, otherwise, I’m in trouble.”

“Did you ever doubt it?”

He could smell the sweet, musky scent of her arousal, still taste her on his tongue. He wanted to

take it slow, but restraint was impossible right now. He had wanted her for too long, couldn’t quite
believe it was happening at last.

She looked incredibly sexy sprawled on his desk. Better than his fantasies. He bent over her, took

one pink nipple in his mouth, and suckled. Felt her hips jerk. She was so responsive, and he realized
how relieved he was that she wanted him. He wrapped his hands around her ankles to part her legs,
then stepped between them and rubbed himself against her sex. The sensation of her hot, wet flesh
sliding over his cock was amazing, and he groaned low in his throat.

Reaching between them, he parted the drenched folds of her sex, massaged her clit, then slid a

finger inside, and her muscles locked around him. He withdrew and then eased two fingers into her,
and she rocked her hips against him.

He couldn’t wait any longer. How long had he dreamed of doing this? He held himself poised at

the entrance of her body. Then he pushed slowly inside. The warm, wet heat of her enfolded him, and
he stayed like that for long seconds as her muscles clenched him tight. Opening his eyes, he stared

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into her face. Her lower lip was clamped in her small white teeth, and she was breathing rapidly.

“All right?” he asked.

Kim nodded, and then her eyes widened as he slowly withdrew. He wrapped her long legs around

his waist and gripped her hips as he shoved back inside. Then again, each time harder and faster as
her body grew accustomed to his invasion.

His balls ached, and he could feel pleasure building at the base of his spine. He plunged into her

again as her legs tightened around him. Her hips were raised, her back arched as she squirmed to get
closer. He could sense the tension in her body and knew she was with him.

Shifting slightly, he reached between their bodies. She gasped as his finger found her clit. He

massaged the little nub lightly. Felt every muscle in her body tense as she came again. Her lips parted
on a scream, and he bent down and closed his mouth over hers.

He released the last of his control and let the sensations roll over him, starting at his cock,

radiating out to his spine and through the rest of him until he drowned in a wave of pleasure. He rode
it as he spilled inside her, still pumping as though his body didn’t want to stop. Finally, he went still,
his forehead resting against her breasts.

She wriggled, and he realized he was probably squashing her. She could hardly be comfortable

sprawled on his desk with him on top of her. He’d make sure she was more comfortable next time.
Maybe on the big leather sofa in the corner of his office, or his chair with her straddling his hips, her
breasts brushing his face.

“Jake, get off me.”

Her words dragged him from his daydream, which was just as well, as he was growing hard again.

She shoved him in the chest and reluctantly he pulled out of her, a residual ripple of pleasure running
through his body. He tucked himself away and zippered his pants. He was nearly fully dressed while
Kim was naked. His cock jerked at the sight, all ready for round two.

He wanted to say something. Tell her she was wonderful, that he loved her, and that everything

would be great now.

Then he glanced at her face and decided he’d better wait.

Taking a step back, he studied her and tried to understand what was going through her mind.

Usually her feelings were clear for all to see, but right now, her face had a shuttered look. He
allowed his gaze to drift down over the rest of her; her nipples were still tight, her legs sprawled
open so he could see the sable curls glistening with moisture. She snapped them closed.

She was shy. He’d soon cure her of that. A weekend in bed with him and she wouldn’t be shy


She glared at him. “How come you got to keep your clothes on?”

“Next time, I’ll strip naked.”

“Next time?”

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She glanced down the line of his body, her eyes widening when they reached his erection already

straining at the fly of his pants.

“No freaking way. No more samples.” She slid off the desk, wobbled, and put out a hand for

balance. Breathing in deeply, she stood for a moment, then looked around her. Without glancing at him
again, she crossed to where her sweats lay on the floor and put them on. Jake considered suggesting
the move to the sofa, but she was already pulling her top over her head. She twisted her arms behind
her back to fasten it, thrusting her breasts out.

He wanted her all over again. But something in her demeanor warned him not to push it. Still, he

had to say something.


She held up a hand. “I’m going for a shower.”

“Then we talk?”

“Probably not.”

And she turned and stalked away.

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Chapter Five

Holy freaking moly.

Luckily, she didn’t meet anybody between the penthouse and the basement. She was still on

autopilot as she entered the changing rooms.

She’d just had sex with her best friend. Totally mind-blowing sex. She’d never imagined it could

be like that.

She stared at herself in the mirror. Her eyes held a dazed expression. Her lips were swollen. From

Jake’s kisses.


What the hell had he been thinking?

But, Jesus, the man could kiss.

She splashed her face with cold water. Inside, she felt hollow, empty, scared, and an almost

overwhelming urge to bawl her eyes out. And she never cried. It was reaction, shock. And, she

She hadn’t known desire could affect a person that way. That it could take her over, carry her

away, make her oblivious to everything but her own satisfaction. She shivered. What amount of
control could someone exert over you when they had that kind of power? She didn’t want to know.

But Jake was her friend.

And all this time he’d wanted to make love to her. Or at least have sex.

Oh my God, I shagged Jake.

Would she ever be able to go in his office again and not remember? She’d been naked. On his desk.

Would she ever be able to look him in the face again? He’d kissed her. There.

Heat flushed her skin, but at the same time, a twinge of remembered pleasure shot to her groin.

And he’d wanted to do it again. And so did she. Maybe.

Pushing the thought from her mind, she dragged off her clothes. She was sticky and moist and

reeked of sex. She headed into the shower and turned the water on hot. Though what she really needed
was cold.

There was a soreness between her thighs. Not surprisingly. He’d been big and hard, and it had felt

so good; he’d filled her completely, stretching her, so now she felt empty and incomplete.

She found herself stroking between her thighs where her flesh was still tender and stopped

abruptly, then stood under the spray and allowed the water to wash away the scent of him, if not the

It had been so good.

Could she continue to have sex with Jake and keep his friendship? Could they play this out until he

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decided to move on, as he inevitably would? And then, could they revert to the way they were?

Friends with benefits.

Wasn’t that what they called this sort of arrangement?

She tried to imagine what it would be like now to see Jake with another woman. To know he was

doing those same things with somebody else. Her mind shied from the thought.

It was only sex. If she kept things light, showed Jake she didn’t expect any more from him than the

occasional casual sex session, then one day they could return to their old relationship with her itch
well and truly scratched.

See? This didn’t have to be a disaster. It didn’t have to mean the end of their friendship.

Wrapping a towel around herself, she went back into the changing rooms. Someone leaned against

the wall, and Kim gave a little jump. But it was only Jessica, one of the other operatives, and
probably her best friend after Jake. Jessica had left the army at the same time as Jake and had been
with his company from the start.

She was tall, a couple of inches taller than Kim, with platinum-blond hair pulled into a ponytail to

show off her perfect cheekbones. She was stunningly beautiful, with a pale oval face and dark-blue
eyes, her looks strangely enhanced by the scar that ran down her right cheek to her lip.

Jess had been a huge help when Kim decided to take on a more active role in the company. She

was a strong believer that women could do the majority of things as well as any man, and the rest,
they could do better. She’d helped Kim train, taught her to fight, to shoot. She was also wildly
competitive. Although Kim was now the better shot, Jess could still beat her in unarmed combat.

And shit, they were supposed to be going out for drinks tonight. It was Thursday, normally movie

night, but she hadn’t thought Jake would be back.

“Are you okay?” Jess asked.

No, she wasn’t okay. She felt like she had “I shagged Jake” scrawled across her forehead. She

gave a quick glance in the mirror, but her forehead was clear and unmarked. She had to pull herself
together. This was no big deal.

“I’m fine,” she said.

“You seem a little”—Jess took a step closer and examined her from head to toe—“flustered.”

Kim clutched the towel to her chest. There was absolutely no way that Jess could know what she’d

been up to. “I’ve been sparring with Steve.”

“Really? He must be better than he looks if a little grappling has this effect on you.”

Jess didn’t have a very high opinion of Steve, but then she didn’t have a high opinion of any man

except Jake. Whom she admired.

“There is no effect,” Kim ground out.

“Hmm, and touchy as well. What’s going on here?”

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“Nothing. Are we still going out for a drink?”

“Yes, and we’re meeting Dani as well. She needs cheering up. But don’t imagine you’re getting out

of this—you can tell us everything over chocolate martinis.”

“There’s nothing to—”

The door opening interrupted her protestations of innocence. Kim sighed, but her relief was short-

lived. Jake poked his head around the door.

“Could you come outside a moment?”

She peeked down at the towel, which was all she wore. “I don’t think so.”

When she didn’t move, he glanced around and then stepped into the room.

Kim had an immediate urge to sink through the floor. Or vanish in a puff of smoke. Instead, she

stood there like an idiot, staring at him and trying not to remember that only half an hour ago he’d
been on top of her. Inside her. Heat flared to life low in her belly. She forgot Jess was there as her
gaze locked with Jake’s and she saw the same heat reflected in his eyes.

“Er, ladies’ room, boss,” Jess said, breaking the link.

Jake shook his head as though only now noticing the other woman was present.

“I need to talk to Kim,” he said.

She wasn’t ready to talk yet. Not until she worked out what she wanted to say and what she wanted

to do next with regard to Jake. She needed to get some distance, let the memory fade a little so she
could face him without dwelling on his mouth and his hands and his really enormous…

Get a grip.

“I can’t talk now,” she muttered. “We’re leaving.”

Jess glanced between the two of them, a puzzled frown on her face. “That’s okay,” she said. “I

have to pick something up from my desk. I’ll meet you in reception.” She headed for the door. “I’ll
leave you two to…talk.”

Fine friend she was—abandoning Kim to her fate. She stared at the door while she hunted for

something intelligent to say.

“Are you going to look at me?” Jake’s voice was smooth, giving away no sign of what he was



She did her best to ignore him as she crossed to her locker. One thing she was sure of—if she did

have to have this conversation, no way was she doing it dressed in nothing but a towel. She could feel
his attention on her as she opened the locker and pulled out her clothes.

He came to stand beside her, leaning a shoulder casually against the wall, hands shoved in his

pockets. At least he’d buttoned his shirt and tucked it into his pants. But his hair was ruffled as though
someone had raked her hands though the silky strands. No prizes for guessing who that was.

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He pulled something from his pocket and dangled it from one long, elegant finger.

“You left these in my office.”

Her black cotton panties.

“Thank you.” She snatched them from his finger. “But you didn’t have to bring them all the way

down here. I have a spare pair.”

He sighed. “Don’t you think we need to talk?”

“No. I have nothing to say.”

“Not even, ‘Thank you, Jake, for giving me three mind-blowing orgasms’?”

She narrowed her eyes. “You are such an asshole.”

“You have to admit it was good.”

“I have very little to compare it with. When I do, I’ll let you know.”

Without waiting for an answer, she grabbed her clothes, dashed into one of the stalls, and locked

the door behind her. She dressed slowly in the hope that he’d be gone when she came out. She knew it
was a vain hope; Jake always liked to have the last word.

She emerged and found him leaning in the exact same spot. When he saw her, he straightened and

waited for her to approach. He spoke when she was a foot away.

“You have sex with Steve, and he’s fired.”

She came to an abrupt halt. “You can’t do that.”

“Watch me.”

She wanted to argue but knew it would just be for the sake of arguing—there was no way she

would have anything to do with Steve now. She’d spend the whole time comparing him to Jake, and
she suspected he’d be a big disappointment. But she wouldn’t tell Jake that.

She gave a casual shrug. “Steve is safe from me.”


She licked her lips. What she needed was some indication that they could return to their old

footing. But he didn’t reassure her and all her doubts loomed. What if he didn’t want to be her friend
now? What if she’d crossed some invisible line into the lover category, which would eventually turn
into the ex-lover category, and she’d lose him?

“I need a little time to come to terms with this,” she said. “I know it’s not a big deal for you, but for

me it’s sort of huge.”

“It’s huge for me, too.”

Before she could ask why, he took the final step, which brought him close enough to touch her. She

held herself very still as he reached out and stroked her cheek, then leaned in and kissed her lightly on
the lips. She swayed toward him, but he released her and moved back. “I reckon I’ve given you four

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years. I can give you a little longer. But don’t make me wait too long, Kimberly, or I will come
looking for you.”

“Will this change things between us?”

“Oh, yes.”

“Will you still be my friend?”

“I’ll always be your friend, but we can be so much more.” He bent, and she stood her ground as he

lowered his mouth toward hers. She knew how this went now. Her lips parted, and his tongue pushed
inside, hot and wet. Warmth stole over her, heating her blood, her skin. And she accepted a moment
of defeat. She had no defense against how he made her feel.

But after a minute, he drew back. “There’s something else.”

“There is?”

“I didn’t use a condom.”

For a second, his words made no sense. “What?”

“When we made love, I was…overwhelmed. I didn’t use any protection.”

Her mind struggled to make sense of what he was saying.

“You don’t need to worry about catching anything,” he continued. “It was a first—I’ve never had

sex without a condom.”


He shook his head. “But if there are any repercussions—”

“Repercussions?” But even as the word left her mouth, she realized what he meant. Babies.

Not a possibility. Really it wasn’t. Was it?

She worked back to her last period. She should be okay. Shouldn’t she? She’d never given babies

any thought. Never. The whole idea seemed unreal.

“You’ll let me know?”

No, she wouldn’t. Because it wasn’t going to happen. The cold lump in her stomach was shock, not

fear. “I should be okay.”

“Don’t worry about it,” he said. “If you’re pregnant, we’ll just get married.”

Why the fuck had he said that?

Jake stared at the door she’d slammed in his face. He thought about going after her but decided to

give her time to calm down.

If he’d ever envisaged proposing in his life, he couldn’t have imagined doing it in a ladies’

changing room, or receiving such an emphatic refusal. Though it hadn’t exactly been a proper

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proposal. He’d just suggested they get married for the baby’s sake.

But even if he’d gotten down on one knee and handed over the Koh-i-Noor diamond, he doubted

he’d have gotten a better reception.

He was quite aware of what she thought about marriage. She wasn’t a big fan. But his brain had

been scrambled by what had to be the best sex he’d experienced in his entire life. He knew that was
because, for the first time, his emotions were involved.

So involved that he’d forgotten to use a condom.


What he couldn’t work out was—had he done it on purpose?

Was his subconscious trying to force her hand? Had he seriously thought that if he got her pregnant,

she would jump at the chance to marry him?

This was Kim, who had sworn she would never tie herself into that trap again—she really believed

she’d never remarry.

He should have just fucked both their brains out until she couldn’t think of anything else. Until a life

without him was not an option. He already wanted her again. And she’d enjoyed herself just as much
as he had. She’d come apart in his arms.

Instead, he’d opened his big mouth and mentioned the M-word.

He was so screwed.

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Chapter Six

Jessica was waiting for her in reception, leaning on the desk, which was now empty. It had gone six,
and most people had left for the evening. The afternoon had passed while Kim had lain prostrate on
Jake’s desk.

Stop thinking about it!

But at least concentrating on the sex stopped her from dwelling on the rest.

Was he totally insensitive? He knew how she felt about marriage. She could only presume it was

his protective streak coming out again. He obviously believed that since he’d had sex with her, she
was even more his responsibility than before. That he needed to look after her. She had to tell him to
stop thinking that way because it made her mad.

She could take care of herself.

And her baby.


There is no baby.

She took a deep breath. She was betting Jess was preparing her interrogation questions right now,

and Kim had to decide how much to give away. She trusted Jess and wanted answers and advice. In
the past, she’d have gone to Jake, but these were hardly the type of questions she could ask him.

Like is sex always that good?

And why hadn’t he used a condom? Jake was always thorough.

“Come on,” Jess said. “You look like you need a drink.”

Something occurred to her. If she did find out she was pregnant there would be no more chocolate

martinis for the foreseeable future.

Fuck. That so wasn’t an option.

She took deep, steadying breath. It was okay. Because guess what—she wasn’t pregnant.

“I do. I do. I definitely need a drink.”

“Well, let’s get you one and then you can tell me all about your day.”

Sergeant Danielle Sinclair sat at their favorite table in the wine bar a couple of blocks over from the
office. She appeared tiny, hunched over a bottle of beer. Dani had known both Jessica and Jake when
they’d been in the army and she occasionally did freelance work for the company.

Unlike the other two, she was still in the army. At least for now. A few months ago, she’d been

injured in a bomb explosion in Afghanistan. Now she was waiting to hear if she could return to duty
and staying with Jess in the meantime.

“Hi,” she said, raising her bottle of beer in Kim and Jess’s direction. Dani had red-gold curls that

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reached her shoulders, green eyes, and freckles. She appeared about twelve years old, though she was
actually twenty-seven, and had been in the army for ten years. She was a dog handler, the best there
was, according to Jake, and another lost soul he seemed to have taken under his protective wing.

Jess went to the bar, and Kim sank down into the seat opposite. “So have you decided?” she asked.

Jake had offered Dani a temporary job while she awaited her next medical—the one that would

declare whether she could return to the army or whether she’d be invalided out. She didn’t look well
—pale, with lines of strain etching the corners of her eyes and mouth. She’d always seemed fragile,
though according to Jess she was as tough as old boots and could face off the most dangerous

“Yeah, I’m going to take it. I fly out with the dogs in a few days.”

“Lucky thing. I’d give anything to be on that detail.”

“What? Babysitting some asshole playboy with more money than sense?”

“He’s not a playboy,” Jess said, putting a cocktail in front of Kim and handing Dani another beer.

“He’s a screenwriter and a very successful one.”

Dani shrugged. “Same thing.”

“And he’s in Spain,” Kim said. “I heard from Gary—the place is fabulous.”

“At least the sunshine will be good. I’d forgotten how cold it is here even in the summer.”

Kim took a sip of her chocolate martini. The job would have been perfect, guarding a writer whose

last screenplay had upset a few people. But as usual, Jake had said no. Pass the test and then he’d
consider it.

She’d never get those bodyguarding jobs if she were pregnant.

Grr—where had that thought come from? She was so not pregnant.

She slammed her glass down, then glared as she caught Jess’s look of extreme interest.

“Okay,” Jess said. “What’s got you all worked up? Time to spill the beans.”

“Nothing,” she muttered.

Jess turned to Dani with a grin. “Jake wanted a ‘chat.’ Came all the way down and accosted her in

the ladies’ changing room.”

“Really?” Dani’s eyebrows rose.

“Really. I’m guessing he caught her in a compromising position with Steve.”

“No, he didn’t.” He’d caught them sparring, but that was hardly compromising. Not like being

caught naked on your boss’s desk with his head between your legs would be compromising. Shit. Why
couldn’t she get that image out of her mind?

Jess studied her through narrowed eyes. “Oh my God, she’s blushing.” She turned to Dani. “She’s

blushing—it’s not a figment of my imagination, is it?”

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“No, she’s definitely a little flushed.”

“Am not.”

“Am.” Jess sipped her drink and studied her some more. “So if it wasn’t about Steve, what was

Jake so pissed off about?”

“I wouldn’t say he was pissed off exactly…” Well, he hadn’t been then, but he might be now. After

she had stormed off and left him standing in the ladies’. After he’d suggested they get married. She’d
done such a good job of convincing herself they could go back to being friends, and then he’d gone
and spoiled it.

“So if he wasn’t pissed off, what would you say he was?” Jess broke into her thoughts.

Kim gnawed on her lip. She trusted Jess and Dani, and if she didn’t talk to someone soon, she

might implode.

“I slept with Jake.”

There was complete silence at the table.

“Well, actually I didn’t sleep with Jake. We…” She raised her gaze from her drink and looked at

the other two.


“What?” she asked, her tone belligerent.

Jess’s mouth fell open. “You slept with Jake?”

“I told you we didn’t actually sleep.”

Dani cleared her throat. “You had sex with Jake?”

Kim nodded.

“When?” Jess fired.

“This afternoon.”

“Where?” Dani blurted.

“On his desk.”

“You had sex with Jake, this afternoon, on his desk?” Dani repeated slowly, as if she couldn’t

believe it.

Well, Kim couldn’t believe it either. She nodded morosely.

“The desk in his office?” Jess closed her eyes for a moment. “I will never be able to stand in front

of that desk without that image going through my mind.”

“Thank you,” Kim muttered. “That’s very supportive.” Now she was definitely blushing. She

grabbed Dani’s cold beer and pressed it to her cheek, waiting for the heat to subside. It didn’t happen.
She swallowed the last of her drink. “I need more,” she said.

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“I’ll go.” Dani stood. “But don’t say anything else until I get back. I don’t want to miss this.” Kim

watched Dani limp across the floor to the bar. Maybe she should have gone, but Dani hated being
treated like an invalid.

“She’s getting better,” Jess said softly. “It’s more noticeable in the evenings, and she pushes

herself too hard.”

Dani got back to the table, put the drinks down, and they sat in silence for a few moments. Kim

waited for them to say something else on the subject of Jake, but was not sure she wanted to hear it.

“I think Jake’s always wanted you,” Jess said eventually. “It’s obvious really.”

“Not to me, it’s not.” Though Jake had said he’d wanted her for a long time. But if that was true,

he’d done a great job of hiding it. Or maybe she was just dim. “You must think me very naive.”

“Not naive, no. Blinkered maybe. But I never thought he’d do anything about it,” Jess continued.

“You know Jake’s got this protective streak a mile wide. I’d figured he’d told himself he couldn’t
risk hurting you and that you needed a friend more than you needed a lover. So what changed?”

“I told him I was planning on having an affair with Steve.”

Dani choked on her beer. “Why did you tell him that?”

“Because he asked and I was—planning on having an affair with Steve.”

“And Jake said…?”

“That Steve was an idiot and that if sex was what I wanted, then I should have gone to him.”

Jess snorted. “Wow, romantic.”

Kim scowled. “I don’t want romance.”

“And I’m guessing Jake knows that.” Jess nodded.

Kim slugged back a large portion of her drink. “This is a purely hormonal thing, and as soon as I

have my hormones under control, it will go away and I can forget all about sex. It’s just an itch that
needs scratching.”

“And Jake scratched it?” Dani asked. “So has the itch gone?”

“No, I’m definitely still itching.” More than ever.

Jess laughed. “So what was it like?”

“I don’t have a lot to compare it to. Only Michael and that was horrible.”

Jess patted her hand.

“That’s the only reason I told you,” Kim said. “I want to know…need to know…if it was normal.”

“Why? Did he do something kinky?”

“It wasn’t so much what he did, as how I felt.” Oh, God, this was embarrassing.

“So how did you feel?”

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“Unbelievably good. I didn’t know anything could feel that good.” She squirmed in her seat as the

memory of him inside her flashed through her mind. Hard and hot, and his mouth tugging at her nipples
and… She bent down and rested her forehead against the table. Finally, she straightened. “Is that

“Don’t look at me,” Dani said. “I wouldn’t know—I took a vow of celibacy when I joined up.”

“Or me,” Jess added. “It’s been a long, long time. My only relationship recently has been with my

vibrator. But don’t be so worried. Having sex with Jake isn’t necessarily a bad thing.”

“Jake’s my friend. I don’t want to lose him.”

“Perhaps you won’t. You can get married, live happily ever after—”

She threw her hands in the air. “Ugh! That’s even worse. I’ll never marry again. I’ll never—and I

mean never—let anyone get close enough to control me. And you know what a control freak Jake is.
No, my only hope is to pretend this never happened.”

Right up until he’d said the dreaded M-word, she’d thought that perhaps she could have the sex and

the friendship. Now, she knew deep down she couldn’t have both, that she would have to choose. So
they would be friends, old cronies together.

But what if Jake married someone else?

She could maybe live with the lovers who came and went from his life. But what if he finally

committed to one woman? She’d believed he’d never marry, but what if he forgot to use a condom
again? And got some woman pregnant? Not her, because she wasn’t. No way. Couldn’t be. But some
other woman. She’d hardly want Kim in her home on a Thursday night to watch movies with her

Everything was falling apart.

“How will Jake feel about going back to being just friends?” Jess asked.

“Why would he care? He has women falling over him. What’s one more?”

Jess shook her head. “He does care.”

How had things become so complicated? All she’d wanted was a little fun sex. Instead, she’d

gotten a goddamn marriage proposal.

“Really across his desk?” Jess couldn’t seem to get her head around that bit. How surprising. She

grinned. “What if it had been the day for the window cleaners?”

“Piss off.”

Kim woke the next morning with a headache and a sense of foreboding. Somewhere way above her
head, Jake would be in his penthouse. Probably not still in bed—he was a disgustingly early riser.
Being married to him would probably be a nightmare.

Though no doubt, she’d be getting up to see to the baby anyway.

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Shut up.

She wasn’t pregnant.

She hadn’t had the courage to air that particular problem with Jessica or the fact that Jake had

suggested they get married. He’d obviously felt guilty about forgetting the condom.

So from now on, she’d give up the idea of sex with Jake, which had never been a viable option,

just a momentary aberration best forgotten.

Obviously, Steve was also out. But how about that activist from the party, Nick Winters, who’d

called her at the office? He seemed nice…well, maybe nice wasn’t the right word. More like
dangerous in a sexy sort of way, but she could see herself going out with him.

No, she’d find an alternative for sex—or maybe buy herself a vibrator—and she and Jake could go

back to being friends. His friendship was worth far more than a few mind-blowing orgasms.

She never understood why Jake had befriended her five years ago. He’d come into her life at a time

when she’d desperately needed a friend. Nineteen years old, only six months into her marriage, and
already she’d known that she’d made the biggest mistake of her life. The smooth charmer she’d
married had metamorphosed overnight into a control freak with a drinking habit, a vicious temper,
and absolutely no interest in her whatsoever.

She’d been confused and scared. Terrified of what she was turning into. There was a dark place

inside her. Present since her mother’s death, it had lain dormant waiting for something to trigger it
into life. Now it was awake, and she’d battled with despair every day. Was that how her mother had

But she’d also been angry. At herself mainly, partly for being so naive and unaware of Michael’s

real nature, but even more so by her inability to stand up for herself after he revealed his true colors.
She’d known she should pack her bags and leave him, but she didn’t know where to go. She had no
friends in London, and she was convinced her father wouldn’t welcome her back. He might love her,
but he also wanted to control her and they hadn’t parted on the best of terms.

She’d felt totally isolated until Jake had appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. He’d taken her under

his protective wing, made her feel safe, driven back the darkness, and given her a place to flee when
she needed to get away from her husband. Jake had never judged her and had given her the strength
and confidence to end her farce of a marriage. Afterward, he had done just about everything for her,
found her somewhere to live, even given her a job, a whole new life.

Now she was about to blow it.

What she needed to do was convince Jake that he really didn’t want sex with her again and that he

certainly didn’t want to marry her. It shouldn’t be too hard, and she had come up with a plan after the
sixth or so cocktail. She knew the type of women Jake usually went for—cool, understated
elegance…sophisticated. She’d make herself the complete opposite—which shouldn’t be too difficult
—so no way would she appeal to him. She knew the look she was going for—total kick-ass chick.

She had work this morning, and she had to face Jake, if only to prove she could. But her afternoon

was free and she’d booked an appointment at a hair salon—she was going to look so good, or so bad,

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depending on your viewpoint. This evening there was a leaving do for one of the guys at work. She’d
reveal her new self there.

Perhaps then, Jake would realize that she was a much more suitable friend than she was a lover…

or a wife.

But first, there was something she needed to do. Something she’d dreamed of doing for a long time.

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Chapter Seven

Jake woke with a raging hard-on.

He considered doing something about it himself, and then had a better idea. Yesterday, Kim had run

from him so fast after he’d made his strategically disastrous move of suggesting they get married.
He’d decided to back off and give her time to get used to the idea. But by now she must have calmed

He’d bet she was lying below him right this minute. Probably thinking about him and how good

they’d been together, maybe even touching herself.

His hard-on gave a twitch. It liked the idea.

Should he head down there? Offer his assistance? They often went running in the mornings together.

He could pretend he thought they’d arranged it. And if she didn’t want to go running they could…

He rolled out of bed and pulled on sweats and sneakers in record time and was heading down the

stairs within minutes.

If they did go for a run, maybe they’d get back all hot and sweaty and find her water was off. Hell,

he was the owner of the building; surely he could arrange a little thing like that. He’d offer to let her
use his shower—a nice friendly gesture. Then he could offer to help her…

He was getting ahead of himself.

As he came out of the stairwell on Kim’s floor and rounded the corner, her door opened. He

stepped back instinctively as she emerged from her apartment. It didn’t look like she was running; she
wore her usual work gear of khaki combats and a T-shirt.

But it was too early for work.

Maybe she was heading somewhere first.

Or maybe she was meeting someone first. Steve perhaps? Was he going to have to fire Steve’s

sorry ass after all? His hands fisted at his side as he counted to ten to give Kim time to get a head
start, and then he followed.

Christ, he was losing it again. She’d turned him in to a goddamn stalker. Still, he couldn’t seem to


Jake exited the building and came out on the street. He was fucked if she caught a cab—he wasn’t

so far gone that he could jump into another and say, “Follow that car.” But she kept walking, and he
kept following.

The streets were quiet this early, and he had to stay a good way back in order not to be seen. But

when she headed over the river, he had his first inkling of where she was going.

Back to her old apartment. The one she had shared with her asshole ex-husband.

Why the hell was she going there?

Had talking about Michael yesterday brought back old memories? Had she decided she still cared

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about the bastard? She never spoke about her marriage, but she must have had some feelings for the
guy—however misguided they were.

Had he driven her back to Michael?

What if he’d awakened something in her yesterday? A craving for more sex. Just not with him. Had

she been disappointed and now decided to try someone else?

And picked her ex-husband.

Her gay ex-husband.

Maybe she liked a challenge…

…and Jake had been too easy.

His brain was about to explode, and he was being a complete dickhead. Of course she wasn’t

going to Michael for sex—she loathed the man.

So what was she going to see him for? He’d soon find out. She was entering her old apartment

building now. At least he felt better about the whole stalking thing—he needed to be there in case
things got ugly. Though he suspected Kim was more than a match for her ex these days.

He followed her into the building but hung back, taking up position just out of sight of the apartment

door, but where he could still peer around the corner.

Her back was to him as she rang the bell, her body tense, her feet tapping against the tiled floor.

When nothing happened, she jabbed her finger to the bell again and a few seconds later the door was
yanked open.

And there he was. The asshole.

Just under six foot, with a narrow face and blond hair immaculately styled. Though Jake was

pleased to see Michael’s smooth good looks were marred by a crooked nose. Jake had done that, just
after Kim had walked out—punched the bastard in his smarmy face. It had felt good at the time.
Maybe he should see if it felt as good a second time.

Michael frowned and then his eyes widened. “Kimberly?”

“That’s my name.”

“What do you want?”

“Could you step outside for a minute?”

“Why?” He sounded suspicious. Jake didn’t blame him.

“A minute of your time,” Kim said. “And then I promise I’ll go away and you’ll never see me


Michael stepped into the corridor. “Now what?”

Kim whirled around and kicked out in a perfect imitation of the move Jake had used to floor Steve

the day before. God, she was good. Her foot connected with Michael’s chest, and he went straight
down with a satisfying thud. Then he lay still.

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Come on, asshole, get up.

Jake willed the man to stand so she could knock him down again. But unlike Steve, he didn’t get up

for a second helping.

Kim crossed to where he sprawled on the floor and nudged him with her toe. “Just one question,”

she said. “Why did you marry me?”

He wheezed and made to sit up, but she pressed him down with a foot on his chest. “Why?

“I loved—”

“Liar.” She stepped back. “Good-bye, Michael. I hope we never meet again.”

Jake wanted to cheer; instead, he turned and hurried out of the building ahead of her. Once on the

street, he slipped into a doorway out of sight. He watched as she sauntered off in the direction of the
office, hands shoved in her pockets.

That had been almost as good as sex.

Okay, he was kidding himself, but all the same, it had been pretty damn good.

He’d better make sure he didn’t piss her off in the future, or he could end up on the floor as well.

On the other hand… He grinned—she was welcome to knock him flat on his back anytime.

As long as she climbed on top afterward.

Kim knew as she walked away from Michael that she would never be totally free of him.

She’d pretended to herself that she was over him, that he had no effect on her life any longer. But

that was far from the truth. While she hadn’t set eyes on him since the day she’d walked out, he was
always at the back of her mind. He was the man most responsible for the person she had become, the
one who’d shown her the darkest part of herself. He was the reason she needed to feel strong, in
control. The reason she would never let another man have that sort of power over her, never risk
bringing that darkness rising to the surface once again.

All the same, that had felt extremely good.

Now all she had to do was prove that she could face Jake, and it would count as a successful day.

“Sex with Jake is not an option.” Kim muttered the words under her breath as she watched Jake move
gracefully through a tai chi sequence. She supposed it would be more accurate to say, sex with Jake
again was not an option. But that would remind her of the first time and she was doing her pathetic
best to forget.

The “not an option” clause had become a mantra she’d taken to repeating to herself at regular

intervals throughout the morning. Not that it did much good.

However hard she’d tried to put the whole thing behind her, she hadn’t been able to stop thinking

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about Jake and sex. Always in the same thought. It was as though a button had been switched on in her
brain—a “sex with Jake” button.

She’d spent the morning doing Internet searches on potential employees for one of their biggest

clients. But she found it increasingly difficult to focus on the job. All she needed to do was confront
Jake and prove to herself that she could face him and treat him like a friend. Not like a guy who’d
made love to her on top of his desk.

She wouldn’t go anywhere near his office; while she might be able to face Jake, she couldn’t face

his desk—she wasn’t ready for that yet. Instead, she waited until he headed for the gym. Dressed in a
fitted black vest top and loose black trousers, his feet bare, he was totally focused, which gave her a
rare chance to watch him unobserved.

There was no bulk to Jake; his muscles were flat and streamlined, his body sleek and long-limbed.

She had seen him do these same sequences many times, but he still had the ability to enthrall her. Each
movement was slow and deliberate, seeming simple, yet he exuded a raw power combined with an
innate gracefulness that mesmerized her.

How could you look at that and not think sex?

She’d always managed perfectly well in the past; she’d just not thought about him in those terms.

Reminder: Jake was her friend. He was not for drooling over—she had to remember that.

Which was impossible when her mind continued to flash back.

It was ten minutes before he came to a halt, glanced over, and smiled.

“Morning,” she said, her tone determinedly cheerful.

“Hi.” He studied her as if unsure how to proceed. Maybe he wanted to pretend the whole sex thing

hadn’t happened, as well. That would make their encounters considerably easier. “You want to join
me for a swim?”

“No.” Getting almost naked with Jake wasn’t a good idea, at least not until she had her

inconvenient hormones back under some semblance of control. “I came in to ask if you were coming
to Mitch’s leaving do tonight. I’ve been delegated to find out if we’re to be honored by your

“I may drop in. I take it you’re going.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

“Okay, if you don’t want that swim, I’m going to shower.”

Why was he telling her this? Was he trying to send her blood pressure sky-high from imagining him

naked in the shower, soaping himself…? She blinked as she realized Jake was staring at her,
apparently waiting for her to move; she stood in the doorway, blocking his exit.

“Right, I’ll be off then.” She meant to move, really she did, but for some reason she couldn’t force

her limbs into motion.

Jake regarded her, his expression speculative. For a long moment, they stared at each other, and

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then he smiled a sinfully sexy smile and with his eyes still focused on hers, slowly peeled the black
vest from his body.

She gaped. She couldn’t help herself—he was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. Yesterday,

she’d been too caught up in the moment and the shock to notice much. Today, nothing stopped her
from drinking her fill of the view. He was sleek and golden with a faint sheen of sweat, the skin
smooth over the swell of his broad, muscular chest, then lightly furred over the ridges of his lean,
almost concave belly, the dark hair forming an arrow that disappeared into the low-slung black
trousers. Her mouth went dry. She tried to remember her mantra. What was it again? Sex with Jake is
not an option
. Why was that exactly? She couldn’t remember. She closed her eyes, took a deep
breath, and opened them again. Wow.

Time to go.

She whirled away but was sure she heard his soft laughter following her down the corridor.

Kim pushed her way into the pub and peered around the dimly lit room. Numerous groups were
scattered about, some in suits, obviously after-work drinkers, but she spotted her coworkers quickly.
Jessica wasn’t there—she was working tonight—but fifteen or so guys gathered at the bar.

No Jake yet, and some of the tension oozed from her.

She headed over, and they turned to face her as one, jaws dropping open in unison. She allowed

her jacket to swing open and ran a hand through her tousled hair as she came to a halt in front of them.

After glancing around the group, her gaze settled on Steve. She tried for a seductive smile in his

direction—not because she wanted to tempt him but because she’d been practicing—and couldn’t
help but feel a vaguely malicious wave of satisfaction when he groaned.

“This isn’t fair,” he muttered.

Yay! She only just refrained from punching the air.

She might have gone a little over the top with the makeover. Jess had accompanied her to assist,

and it was probably her urging that had done the damage. Left to herself, Kim wasn’t sure she’d have
ended up quite this…kick-ass?

Leather. Tight black leather pants. Though if she really wanted to kick ass, she’d pick something

not quite as tight. And she definitely wouldn’t be running down any bad guys tonight. Not in her four-
inch stilettos. She’d be lucky to stay on her feet.

She’d drawn the line at a leather corset—kick-ass was one thing, looking like a dominatrix out of a

bondage cellar was another.

Kim was sure Jake wasn’t into being dominated. If she wanted to put him off—show him she

wasn’t his kind of girl—then the leather corset might work if all else failed. She reckoned he was
more the domineering type but she so didn’t want to go there. Jake and handcuffs…

Sex with Jake is not an option.

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She’d settled on a red halter top that left her midriff and most of her back bare and added a short

leather jacket on top, because she wasn’t brave enough to walk through the streets without some

The biggest change was her hair. “I want to look badass and sexy,” she’d told her hairdresser

nervously. He’d added highlights of different reds, from gold to deep crimson, to her nondescript,
dark-brown hair. She loved it. He’d left it long but cut in layers. He’d then sprayed it and had her
hang her head upside down while he used the dryer.

When she swung her head up, he pulled and poked it another ten minutes before pronouncing her

sexy and letting her view the results.

“It’s the ‘just got out of bed’ look,” he announced.

“I never look like that when I get out of bed,” she grumbled.

She’d also purposefully ensured she was at least half an hour late. She wanted to make an entrance,

wanted to get a collective response. And she’d gotten it. And it had been good, but five minutes later,
everyone seemed to ignore her as usual.

She sipped her drink, listened to the rise and fall of conversation, and allowed her attention to

roam about the bar while trying not to spend too much time staring at the door. Slowly, she became
aware that although her group did an excellent job of ignoring her, quite a few other men were eyeing
her up with interest.

One particular man in a dark business suit casually leaned against the bar opposite. His black hair

and lean, tanned face reminded her slightly of Jake. Kim allowed herself to make eye contact, then
smiled into his admiring gaze. He raised his glass to her, and she followed suit with her bottle.
Around her, the conversation stalled. The guys all stared at her.

“What?” she asked.

“Jake will be here in a minute,” Dave said.


Dave shook his head in exasperation. “Seems as apparently it’s out in the open now, I may as well

tell you, along with warning the lot of us off touching you, Jake’s made it perfectly clear that if you
come on these nights out, we’re expected to see that you don’t get into any trouble.”

“Trouble?” she queried, a frown forming between her eyes. “What sort of trouble?”

Dave nodded in the direction of the dark-haired man at the bar. “That sort of trouble.”

“I don’t believe this. Who does Jake think he is? My father?”

“I doubt that’s quite the role he has in mind,” Dave said wryly. “But you’d better talk to him about


“I will,” she promised. “In the meantime, let me make it quite clear—you are now all relieved of

babysitting duties.”

She put her drink on the bar and slowly and defiantly peeled off her jacket, exposing large amounts

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of naked flesh to the gawking group.

“Could you hold this for me a minute?” she asked nonchalantly, handing the jacket to Steve, whose

stare was riveted on her bare midriff.

“Where are you going?” he asked suspiciously.

“The ladies’ room. Why? You want to come with me?”

He shook his head. Kim glanced around at the others. “Anybody? No? Well, I’ll see you all in a

minute, and I promise to do my best to stay out of trouble. Honest.”

The route to the ladies’ took her right past the “trouble.” She peeked at him out of the corner of her

eyes as she passed, gratified he was still paying attention. In the ladies’, she stared at herself in the
mirror. A stranger stared back, her long hair loose and tousled around her face, her normally calm
eyes stormy.

On her way back to the bar, she purposefully raised an eyebrow at her admirer, who tilted his glass

again and indicated the empty seat next to him. Kim perched on the barstool and smiled. She risked a
quick glance at her own group but ignored the black looks.

“Hi, I’m Tony.”


“Can I get you a drink, Kim?”

“Sure. I’ll have a red wine.”

Tony gave the order, turned back to her, and made a slow inventory of her body. “Do you know,”

he murmured, “that you are the sexiest thing I have ever seen?”

“Really?” Kim positively beamed at him and took a big swallow of her wine. It was nice to hear

all her hard work was successful.

“Mmm. But tell me—those men over there—is one of them your boyfriend?”

Kim sniffed dismissively. “No. I work with them.”

“Well, they’re giving me some pretty strong looks. Especially that guy who just joined them. I

wouldn’t like to think I was stepping on his toes.”

Kim glanced over and couldn’t prevent an involuntary spark of delight at seeing Jake had joined the

group. His gaze flickered from her, to the man beside her, and back to her. He lifted his eyebrows in
question before putting his drink on the bar and heading in their direction.

“Sorry,” Kim lied. “Thanks for the drink, Tony, but I’ll have to go. It’s my boss.”

She needed to talk to him about the babysitting thing. But more than that, she wanted to see his

reaction to her makeover. Wanted to see the moment he realized that she so wasn’t his type.

And if that thought caused her a twinge of pain, then she would just have to get over it.

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Chapter Eight

Holy shit.

She was like a wet dream, and if she didn’t get away from that guy any time soon, Jake would

stomp over there, beat the shit out of him, toss her over his shoulder, and haul her away.

What the hell had she done to herself?

Luckily, before he had to resort to caveman tactics, she glanced up and caught sight of him. A smile

flashed across her face, quickly replaced by a scowl. But at least she got up from the stool, spoke
briefly to her companion, and headed on over.

Her hair was multicolored, different shades of red. It matched her crimson top, which was tight and

short, revealing the smooth, white skin of her stomach right down to her navel. Christ—she’d had it
pierced. A small red stone nestled in the indentation, and his dick actually twitched.

He forced his gaze lower. The black pants looked like they’d been painted on, and she wore high

heels that made her hips sway as she walked. The effect was spoiled a little as she tripped and
swore. But she eventually came to a halt in front of him. He put a hand on the bare skin of her waist
and led her to a dark corner.

“Who was that?” he asked, nodding toward the bar.

“Just a man who reckons I’m the sexiest thing he’s ever seen.”

“Quite a transformation.” He smoothed a strand of her hair. “I especially like this.”

Her brows drew together. “You like it?”

Why did he get the impression that his liking it hadn’t been the purpose of the exercise? But he did

like it. “Very sexy.”

“It’s the ‘just got out of bed’ look.”

He had an image of that multicolored hair spilling over his pillow. “We’ll see.”

Alarm flashed across her face, and she took a step back, then swore. “These goddamn shoes are

killing me.” She perched on the stool behind her and exhaled.

“So what’s with the makeover?” he asked.

He had no clue what was going through her mind. Obviously, yesterday had had a profound effect

on her. Why else had she suddenly decided to face Michael after all these years? Then when he’d
seen her later at the office, he’d known she wanted him, could almost scent her arousal, and he’d
needed all his willpower not to take her right there.

But she’d run again.

Now this.

If she’d changed her look for some other man, he was dead. Jake had seen all the men watching her.

Who could blame them? All the same, they might look, but they’d better not touch.

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Maybe it was time to make that clear to Kim. She beat him to it.

“So what’s this about you getting the guys to babysit me?” she asked, a scowl on her face. “Dave

said you gave orders that they’re to ‘keep me out of trouble.’”

Ah. He narrowed his eyes. “Are you saying you want that sort of trouble?” He took a step closer. “I

thought I made it clear yesterday. You want a lover, then that’s me.”

“That is just Neanderthal.” She shook her head. “I don’t get why you’re being like this. I’m so not

your type.”

“You’re not?” Tell that to my dick.

“You like sophisticated, elegant women.” She waved a hand down over her outfit. “That’s not me.”

Did he? He’d never considered that he had a type. But he supposed from outward appearances it

might seem that way. In fact, he’d chosen women who could take care of themselves, who wouldn’t
want more than a casual fling—women who wouldn’t touch his emotions while he waited for Kim.

But he wanted more than a casual fling with Kim. He just had to find a way to persuade her she

wanted the same.

“So what about us?” he asked. “We were good together.”

“Us?” She looked wary. “Well, you showed me that I’m not frigid. I was a little worried about


“No. You’re definitely not frigid.”

“That’s the last thing I needed, to prove I was over Michael.”

Couldn’t she see that she was far from over him? That the bastard still controlled her life? “So why

don’t you want to be with me again? With a little practice, we’d be even better.”

She twirled a strand of red-gold hair around her finger while she considered her answer. “It’s not

that I don’t want to. It’s that I don’t think we should. Jake, you’re my friend. I like you. I don’t want to
lose you.”

“You won’t lose me.”

She tilted her head. “How many of your ex-girlfriends are you still friends with?”

“I wasn’t friends with them before. I’m sure we can have sex and stay friends.”

“I thought we could as well. But then you…” She took a deep breath and girded herself to continue.

“Then you…asked me to marry you. And I knew it couldn’t work.”

“It could work. We’ll make it work. I know my last proposal didn’t go well. Next time—”

“No next time. Don’t ever say those words again. Never.”

Well, that was going to make his next proposal difficult. Because there would be a next one,

despite what she thought.

“I saw Michael this morning.”

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“You did?” He searched her face—had she seen him following her? But he could get nothing from

her expression.

“I’d been meaning to see him for a while. Then when you and I talked about him yesterday, it

brought back the past.”

“What happened?”

“I kicked him.”

He wished he could tell her what a great job she’d done, but he guessed she wouldn’t be too

pleased about Stalker Jake. “Good.”

“But seeing Michael reminded me that I don’t want to ever get married again.”

Not so good.

“For some reason, Jake, you feel you have to protect me, and I know that’s why you felt you had to

ask me to…marry you. I know you don’t really want to get married.”

Why the hell would she think that?

“I understand you only said it out of some sense of misguided responsibility. But you’re not

responsible for me. I’ll always be grateful for the help you gave me, and I’ll always be your friend,
but I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. You have to see that.”

Actually, he had to see fuck all. He couldn’t believe she was so fucking clueless. And so beautiful

she made his gut hurt.

“I want to be like you,” she said. “I want to be strong and independent. Maybe I want lovers, but I

don’t want them to have any power over me. I want to be in control of my life.”

“You want lovers? As in more than one?”

“I don’t know. Maybe.”

“And you imagine I’m going to let you find out?” He could feel his anger rising, and he forced it

down. If he got angry, then so would she, and she was stubborn. He had to persuade her, not browbeat

He stepped closer and wariness flashed across her face. She licked her scarlet lips, and the

muscles in his stomach clenched tight.

“I won’t risk losing your friendship,” she said.

“How about I prove that it’s worth the risk?” He stroked a finger down over the bare skin of her

shoulder, and a visible shiver ran through her. She swallowed, licked her lips again, then nibbled on
the lower one, and he almost groaned.

He rubbed his thumb over her collarbone, and she went still. Heat flushed the pale skin of her face.

When he edged closer, her gaze darted around the room, as if hunting for an escape route. He slid

his hand under her hair to anchor her in place, massaging the back of her neck with his fingers. Her
lashes fluttered closed for a few seconds, and she swayed toward him.

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“In fact,” he murmured into her hair, breathing in the sweet scent, “I can pretty much guarantee that

by the end of the evening you’ll decide that sex with me is more than worth the risk.”

He’d get her so wound up she’d be able to think of nothing but him inside her. As he tightened his

grip, her eyes flew open, and she peered around, her expression slightly panicked. Her gaze lit on
something behind him. She relaxed, then jumped off the stool.

“They’re leaving.”

He turned and saw their group standing by the entrance. Dave searched the room, and his eyes

settled on the two of them. He nodded toward the door.

“We have to go,” Kim said, and without waiting for him, she hurried off toward Dave.

Jake sighed and followed her, his gaze sliding down over her bare back, along the curve of her

spine, down to her ass in the tight black leather. It was going to be a long evening.

But if he had his way, the night would end with Kim in his bed. He knew she wanted him. He just

had to wear her down

Three long hours later, Jake realized he’d totally misjudged Kim. Both her determination and her
intimate knowledge of his character.

He glanced up as Dave approached him. They’d had a Chinese meal down the road from the bar

and were now in a nightclub not far from his home. Which is where he wanted to be right now. With

The repetitive beat of the music was doing his head in, and he longed to be out in the fresh air.

Dave handed him a bottle of beer and sank down beside him. “You looked like you needed that,” he

“Yeah.” He was definitely not the life and soul of the party. No, that title would land squarely on

Kim’s naked shoulders. She was across the room by the bar, tossing back tequila slammers with little
care for the consequences—or more likely total awareness of the consequences. He suspected this
was a carefully strategized campaign to keep him at a distance.

When they’d reached the restaurant, she’d made sure to take a seat between two others so he

couldn’t sit beside her. At least not without ousting someone from his chair—which he’d seriously
considered. Then, she’d started drinking wine as though there were no tomorrow. She knew he
despised drunkenness and never got drunk himself—Kim said it was part of his control-freak
personality. And she was probably right. Occasionally, during the meal, she’d caught his eye and
raised her glass in his direction.

Now, she tossed down another shot and swayed. Reaching out, she balanced herself on the nearest

available object, which happened to be Steve. Jake growled.

“She’s drunk,” Dave said from beside him.


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They watched for a second in silence. Jake took a sip of his beer.

“I’ve never seen her drunk,” Dave murmured. “It’s kind of scary.”


“And she’s going to break a leg in those heels if she’s not careful.”

She did appear a little precariously balanced. But maybe a leg in plaster would keep her out of

trouble for a while. And he’d have the perfect excuse to take care of her.

She stretched up and whispered something in Steve’s ear. He shook his head, and Kim frowned.

Every single one of Jake’s muscles locked up tight. Beside him, Dave chuckled, and he turned to

“Hey, don’t take it out on me.” Dave threw up a hand. “It’s not my fault your love life is a total

load of crap.”

That was true, he supposed. Jake forced his muscles to relax.

“But all the same,” Dave continued, “I’ve got to say that it’s been amusing as hell to watch.” He

grinned. “How the mighty have fallen.”

“Fuck off.”

“Why don’t you tell her how you feel?”

“Because she’d run a mile in the opposite direction.”

“Yup, you’re screwed.

Jake cast a glance in Kim’s direction. She was definitely drunk. He sighed. “No, not tonight, I’m


Dave laughed.

Yeah, Jake was a real funny guy. He’d had enough. The party was over and not only for him. He

placed his bottle carefully on the table and rose to his feet. “I’d better take her home.”

“Good luck.”

Kim glanced in their direction, and a smile flashed across her face. Mascara smudged under her

eyes, her crimson lipstick was long gone, yet she was still utterly gorgeous. A pain tightened around
his heart; the problem was that he wasn’t used to not getting what he wanted. He didn’t know how to

She waggled her fingers in his direction and started to wend her unsteady way across the small,

almost-empty dance floor.

She met him halfway and stared up at him through panda eyes. “Jakey, will you dance with me?”

Jakey? No one had ever called him “Jakey” in his life before.

“Pleeeease. I’ve asked everyone else, and they’re all too scared of you. Even Mitch and he’s the

one leaving.” She frowned. “He said you’d likely hunt him down.”

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“He’s right.”

She ignored his comment. “I told them you’re nice, but no one believes me. I think you’re nice,

Jakey.” She blinked at him. “So will you dance with me? Pretty please.” She slid her hands over his
shoulders and stared into his face. “Why did you have to spoil it all?”

He wasn’t sure what she was talking about, so best keep his answers vague. “Did I?”

“You did. You scratched my itch. It was wonderful, mind-blowing. You are definitely well

endowed, and you knew exactly what to do with it.”

“Thank you.” Christ, she was going to regret this conversation in the morning—when he reminded

her of it. The thought gave him a glimmer of satisfaction.

“I thought it could work, that we could be fuck buddies, and it would be lovely. But you had to go

and ruin everything.”

“I did?”

“You said the M-word, and now it’s all broken.” She heaved a huge sigh. “You’re supposed to be

dancing.” She tightened her grip on his shoulders and tugged him closer.

How could he resist such an offer? “Five minutes and we’re out of here.”

Five minutes of purgatory.

He tried to hold his body away from hers, but after the first thirty seconds, he figured what the hell?

He slipped his hands around her waist and pulled her against him. Kim rested her head on his chest
and swayed slowly to the music, which was impressive considering it was a fast rock track. Closing
his eyes, he reveled in the feel of her long, slender body pressed against his. It was torture. Blood
throbbed in his dick, and his balls ached.

Finally, he could take no more. He pulled away. She tried to hold on for a second but then gave in.

“Come on, I’ll take you home.”

“Are you going to look after me? Keep me safe.”

“Don’t I always?”

Her lips curved up in a sweet smile, and she nodded solemnly. “You won’t take advantage of my

inebriated state.”

It wasn’t a question. “You know I won’t.”

“I told you, you were nice.”

“Yeah, so you did.”

He was so not getting screwed tonight.

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Chapter Nine

Kim rolled her head carefully to the side and blinked open her eyes. A glass of water and a bottle of
what she hoped was painkillers sat on the bedside table like a gleaming beacon of hope in the dim

She reached out a trembling hand and grabbed the bottle. It took her a few fumbles to unscrew the

lid. She popped two pills in her mouth, swallowed them without bothering with the water, and
collapsed back on the bed.

Well, her plan had worked.

At least she presumed it had worked.

Jake had once told her that men who took advantage of drunken women were as bad as rapists.

She’d known he wouldn’t touch her. At least she’d thought she’d known. But then again, she was in
bed in Jake’s spare room and had no memory of how she got there. She remembered begging Jake to
dance with her, and then everything blurred.

She braced herself and took a quick peek under the duvet. She wore what appeared to be one of

Jake’s shirts. Black linen, and from the waft of spicy exotic aftershave, she guessed it must be the
shirt he’d worn last night. It was rucked up, and she could see the edge of her black lace thong. If
she’d had sex, she wouldn’t still be wearing that, would she?

She waited ten minutes until the painkillers kicked in. Outside her room, all was silent, though light

filtered around the edges of the curtains and the clock on the bedside table told her it was morning.

When the throbbing in her head sufficiently subsided, she crawled out of bed and stumbled into the

bathroom. What she saw in the mirror wasn’t pretty. No, she reckoned she’d been safe from Jake last
night. He was far too fastidious to have touched anyone looking this bad.

Mascara smudged halfway down her cheeks. Her multicolored hair stuck up in all directions. She

splashed water on her face, scrubbed the makeup off with a tissue, then found a new toothbrush and
brushed her teeth. That was the best she could do.

She opened the bathroom door to find that her room had been invaded. Jake sat on the edge of the

bed, wearing black drawstring trousers and nothing else. Stubble shadowed his cheeks, but
otherwise, he appeared vital and alert. And half-naked. Heat pooled in her belly.

She ignored the sensation and stepped into the room. She must have done enough now to prove to

him that she wasn’t girlfriend, or God forbid, wife, material.

Besides, the scent of coffee drifted across from the steaming mug on the bedside table. She needed

that coffee.

A slight smile curved his lips as he saw her.

She pointed at her head. “Just got out of bed hair,” she mumbled.

“I like it.” He studied her. “You have a headache?”

She nodded, then winced.

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“Serves you right.”

She ignored his comment. “It’s fading.” She waved toward the bottle of pills. “Thank you.”

“It’s nothing.”

“And thank you for looking after me.” She chewed on her lip. “I didn’t throw up on you, did I?”

His lips quirked. “No.”

“Good.” She picked up the coffee, breathed in deeply, and then took a sip. Wonderful. “You know,

contrary to recent appearances, I don’t often drink.”

“I know.” He scrutinized her again so her toes curled into the soft carpet. “Sit down.” He patted the

bed beside him.

“Why? What are you going to do?”

“Make your headache go away. Relax. Trust me.”

She placed the mug on the table and sank down beside him. She wasn’t sure this was a good idea,

but she did trust him, and she didn’t want to stand any longer.

He put his hands on her shoulders and turned her slightly so her back was to him, then he slid his

fingers into the tangle of her hair and massaged her scalp. It felt so good the breath oozed out of her
lungs on a huge sigh.

“Tell me,” Jake said. “Did you get drunk last night to stop me from seducing you?”

“Yes.” Kim felt rather than heard the rumble of his laughter. “Well, it was you who taught me to

use the weapons I had at hand. And it did work.”

He kneaded the back of her skull with his strong fingers. “It nearly didn’t. Have you ever tried to

get a semiconscious woman out of a pair of tight leather pants? It was touch and go for a while there. I
was hard all night.”

“Oh.” She thought for a moment. “But, Jake, I’m so not your type. I dress wrong. I behave wrong. I

get drunk and act silly.” She knew she sounded desperate when he chuckled again.

“Sweetheart, you’ll always be my type, whatever you wear, whatever you do.”


He leaned closer and his warmth radiated over her. He stopped his massage and stroked her hair,

looping it behind her ear, and then the whisper of his breath shivered over her skin. “I watched you
talking last night, and all I could think of was your mouth around my dick.”


“Don’t worry. I’d reciprocate—I want to taste you, kiss you, everywhere.”

This was so not fair. His words were having a disastrous effect of her; she was suddenly super-

conscious of her sex, hot and heavy and wanting. And he was only talking about it.

He shifted slightly, and she felt his mouth caress her ear, his teeth graze her lobe, then the tip of his

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tongue delve inside, and she almost swooned. He murmured again in that low, husky whisper that sent
a tingle through her. “I watched your ass wiggling in those tight pants, and I wanted to bend you over
the nearest convenient object, strip them off, and fuck you from behind.”

She had a sudden visual and shook her head to dispel the image from her mind. Unfortunately, she

wasn’t successful.

“I don’t wiggle.” Her voice sounded breathless. She needed to move, to get away, but was leaning

into Jake instead. So close, she smelled the scent of his soap, the underlying warm, masculine smell
she knew so well. He slipped her shirt down, baring one shoulder, and touched his lips to the
sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder. She was so caught up in him nibbling her skin that she
hardly noticed when he moved his hands around to pluck open the buttons of her shirt.

Actually, she was deluding herself. She noticed everything. All her senses were on high alert.

She wanted to get away from him. Really, she did. Though maybe should was the better word. She

should move. Really, she should. He was kissing her neck now, sending little darts of pleasure
shooting down her body. She glanced down as he cupped her bare breasts in his hands. How had she
allowed that to happen? Her nipples tingled and hardened against his palms, then he squeezed, and
somehow her breasts were attached to her groin, because she felt it there. She was melting from the
inside, moisture oozing from her body. If she didn’t move off the bed soon, all that would be left was
a sticky mess.


“How’s the headache?” he asked.

Headache? Her brain latched onto the word. Wasn’t a headache supposed to be the perfect excuse?

“Bad. Very, very bad.”

He chuckled. “You need to lie down.”

Did she? She should be getting up. Going to her own apartment or at least saying something to

prove to Jake that she wasn’t his type. Trouble was, she could feel the steely heat of his erection
pressing against her from behind. So obviously, Jake wasn’t ready to be convinced.

And what was it Scarlett O’Hara used to say? Tomorrow was another day.

Perhaps, considering her weakened state, she could let things slide for today and worry about them

tomorrow. And there was a slight twinge in her head; it was just drowned out by the other, stronger
sensations coursing through her body.

“Come on, Kim. Lie down and I’ll give you a massage and make the nasty headache go away.”

She chewed on her lower lip. She wanted to lie down so much. And a massage wasn’t the same

thing as sex, was it? Why shouldn’t she lie down? Accept the massage? Just for a little while. A voice
nagged at her that she deluded herself, but she told it to shut up. The tension seeped from her body. It
felt so good to give in.

When she didn’t answer him, Jake tugged the shirt down her arms and tossed it the floor, leaving

her in nothing but the black lace thong. She heard his indrawn breath, and for a moment, he stilled.

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Slow down.

Jake’s hands shook.

He had to take this slowly. Or did he? Perhaps he should take it fast.

Christ, she was the most difficult woman he had ever tried to seduce. And the only one who really


She perched on the edge of the bed in front of him, which wasn’t where he wanted her to be. He

wanted her under him, or on top of him, or maybe side by side with her legs wrapped around his

He ran a hand through his hair. Maybe best to follow through on the massage thing so she could

persuade herself that he wasn’t making love to her.

She wanted him.

He could smell her arousal, and he knew if he touched her between her legs, she’d be wet for him.

His cock jerked at the thought.

So massage, first.

But how to get her where he wanted her without her spooking?

He wrapped his hands around her slender waist and picked her up. Then he turned and laid her

facedown on the bed.


She was naked but for a scrap of black lace that crossed her hips and disappeared into the crevice

of her ass. She had a gorgeous ass, small and tight with dimples at the top.

Keep his pants on or take them off? Better keep them on for now, or the whole massage pretense

might vanish before it began.

He lowered himself gently onto the bed, so as not to startle her, and straddled her hips.


He froze. “Yeah?”

“Just tell me that you massage all your friends.”

Anything to make her relax. “Every last one of them.”

“Oh, good.” And she settled back down.

Jake hadn’t had time to appreciate her body the other day in the office. He’d been too overwhelmed

with the whole “fucking Kimberly at last” thing. Now he took a moment to stare. She was beautiful.

She peeked over her shoulder. “My head hurts, Jake.”

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He grinned, then stroked one finger down the length of her spine, settling above the dimples. Then

back up. He swept the multicolored strands of her hair to the side, placed both hands on her
shoulders, and kneaded the muscles. She was tense, but as he rotated his thumbs across her skin, she

He stroked and rubbed until she felt boneless, and then he gave in to the urge to taste her. Resting

his hands on either side of her, he ducked his head and kissed the soft skin of her back. When she
didn’t protest, he kissed his way down her spine until he reached the curve of her ass. He laid a
gentle kiss on each buttock and then slid his tongue along the cleft that bisected them.

Her hips jerked and her ass lifted.

He grabbed a pillow from the top of the bed, slid it under her hips, then sat back on his heels.

Fuck. His dick was so hard he reckoned he could drill through walls with it. Her thighs pressed

tightly together, and he slid a hand between them and pried them apart.

One more thing to make this picture perfect. He held his breath as he slipped a finger beneath each

side of the thong, waiting for her to protest. When nothing happened, he dragged the lace down the
slender length of her legs and threw the tiny scrap aside.

Shit, he was in heaven.

Her ass was slightly raised from the pillow, her legs spread so he could see the glisten of moisture

between her thighs. Lowering his head, he breathed in the musky aroma of hot, excited woman.

The knowledge that she wanted him turned him on more than anything else.

He rested a palm on each globe of her ass, and she shuddered beneath his touch. He massaged them

gently, kneading them, squeezing, parting them to see a flash of her sex. And his dick jerked again.

He was going to take her like this, slide right into her from behind.

Just one more moment to savor the sight, savor his victory. It would be like gliding into warm


This time, he was prepared. He reached into his pocket for the foil packet, tearing it open with his

teeth, and then shoved his pants down his hips and rolled the condom onto his shaft.

He took his dick in one hand, positioned it, nudging her slick heat. She shifted her ass, rising a little

bit more, pushing back against him.

And the doorbell rang.

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Chapter Ten

“Shit, fuck, crap.”

The words pulled Kim out of the sensual stupor she wallowed in. For a few seconds, they didn’t

make sense. Jake still straddled her, but after a moment, he dragged himself off, hauled up his pants,
and collapsed on his back, one hand flung over his face.

A bell chimed somewhere in the apartment.

Kim rolled onto her side, then tugged the pillow from under her hips and held it protectively to her

front as she studied him.

“Jake, I think there’s someone at the door.”

“No kidding?” His tone was tinged with disgust.

She peeked down his body. Inside the black pants, he was hard. She could make out the line of his

erection and had to clench her hands at her sides to stop from reaching out and staking a claim. She
wanted that erection.

This might be her last chance because she reckoned the “tomorrow is another day” argument would

only work once. And probably not even once if her mind hadn’t been turned to mush by Jake’s
massage techniques.

He’d kissed her ass.

She could still feel the touch of his lips like a brand.

The doorbell chimed again. Perhaps he’d ignore it, and whoever it was would go away, and Jake

could finish his massage.

Instead he sat up, swearing under his breath. He peered down at his groin. “Fuck.”

Or more likely no fuck. She couldn’t believe the disappointment that washed over her.

“You could pretend you didn’t hear it,” she suggested.

He cast her a disgusted look. “It’s my mother.”

“What?” The word came out as a squeak.

“She has a key. She’ll only let herself in if I don’t answer.”

Shit. He’d been kissing her bottom while his mother stood outside only feet away.

He ran a hand through his hair and gave her another disgusted look. “Saved by the bell.”

Her lips twitched. He sounded so put out. “How do you know it’s your mother?”

“Because she arranged it yesterday. She wants to buy Dad a car for his birthday next week, and I

said I’d help her.”

“That’s nice.” Not.

Outside, the front door slammed. “Jake!”

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“Too late.”

Kim could hear the murmur of voices. So his mother wasn’t alone. Kim had met her a few times

and liked her. But that didn’t mean she wanted to go chat with the woman with the feel of her son’s
lips still on her bottom.

“Stay here,” Jake said, rolling to his feet and picking up the shirt he’d taken off her minutes ago. He

put it on, fastening the buttons, ran a hand through his hair. Then he leaned down and gave her a swift
kiss on the lips.

“Well, I’m hardly likely to come out there like this, am I?”

His gaze ran down over her, and she hugged the pillow to her middle. A smile tugged at the corners

of his lips, but he nodded and turned away.

As soon as the door closed behind him, she leaped to her feet. She grabbed the thong off the floor

and dragged it up over her legs. Her bag and her clothes she found tossed on the chair by the bed. She
tugged the top over her head, but no way did she have the energy to wriggle into those trousers. She
nipped into the bathroom, found a dark-blue towel in the cabinet, and wrapped it around her waist
like a sarong. She only had to get down fourteen floors to her place, so the towel would do. But first,
she had to get out of Jake’s apartment, past Jake, and past his mother.

She cracked open the door and peered into the hallway. Voices drifted out from the living room.

She snatched up her bag, picked up her shoes, and tiptoed into the hall. The carpet was soft and deep,
and she made no sound. She got to the door, and she was nearly out of there.

When she tugged at the handle, it didn’t budge, and she remembered Jake had a central locking

system. He’d locked her in.

A prickle of awareness ran down her spine, and she turned slowly.

“Going somewhere?” Jake asked.

Three people stood staring at her with varying expressions. Jake’s was bland, showing nothing.

His mother had a small frown on her face, and his sister Abby grinned inanely.

Yeah, she was so funny.

“Nice skirt,” Abby said.

“Thank you.”

Jake strolled across to loom over her.

“I thought I told you to wait.”

“Er…off duty here, Jake. I don’t actually have to do what you tell me.”

Her gaze flickered to his mother and sister, who both watched with frank amusement now. Great.

“Haven’t you got a birthday present to buy?” she muttered.

She could see the frustration in his expression. Then he sighed. “Yeah. Go, but I’ll come and…see

you when I get back. Be there.”

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He reached across and punched in the release code, and the door clicked open. Then in front of his

mother and sister, he leaned down and kissed her lingeringly on the lips. “I know you’re running
scared, but why don’t you consider living dangerously for a change?” He kissed her again. “See you
later, sweetheart.”


She wasn’t sweet, and she certainly wasn’t anybody’s sweetheart.

One thing was for sure. She was going out for the day. No way would she be home when he came

back. She needed time, and she needed space and a brain that functioned. None of which she got when
Jake was close by.

More importantly, she didn’t like the way he’d ordered her to “be there.” He might be her boss, but

this wasn’t work. These days, she decided what she wanted to do and where she wanted to do it. No
one else. Never again.

In the end, she showered and changed into another outfit she’d bought yesterday. This time, black

jeans and a fitted black T-shirt with “Kiss My Ass” across her breasts. Then she yanked it off—the
slogan raised too many memories of Jake doing just that—and pulled on an old, worn khaki one

No more stilettos; she wanted to be able to run if the need arose. She shoved her feet into her Doc

Martens, pulled her hair into a ponytail, and was ready to go. She headed into the office, then took
herself down to the shooting range. Shooting things always soothed her; she liked the loud bangs and
the recoil and the hot smell.

So what would it be like being in a relationship or even—God forbid—being married to Jake?

Jake was a control freak. He liked his own way. So did she. He’d try to tell her what to do, and

they’d clash continually, and in the end, he’d realize what she’d been trying to show him—that they
weren’t suited like that.

But by then, it would be too late. And it would hurt, and they’d fall out and not be able to get their

friendship back.

For a second, she considered whether she could actually be what he wanted—a doormat. But only

for a second. If she tried to make herself into that sort of person again, she’d end up hating him. And
no doubt hating herself worse.

So what tactic could she use to dissuade him now?

She’d tried the “demonstrate they weren’t suited” technique, and that hadn’t worked. The only thing

left was to keep out of his way until he forgot all this nonsense, and more to the point, until she forgot
as well.

Then they could get back to normal. And she could get that promotion and go on the exciting jobs

that would take her mind off sex. Jake had told her that she should try living dangerously. Well,
wasn’t that what she’d been trying to persuade him to let her do?

She’d show him—she’d pass his damned test. Break into his office and steal whatever was in his

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She picked the locks on his door, safely navigated the maze of infrared beams, opened the cabinet

holding the safe…and promptly tripped Jake’s latest addition to the security system. That hadn’t been
there last time she checked.

The office locked down immediately, leaving her trapped inside. It took two hours before anyone

came to let her out.

She’d known they’d have contacted Jake when the alarm went off, but still hadn’t expected him

when the door finally opened.

“Aren’t you supposed to be car shopping?” she asked.

Then she saw his mother peering around his shoulder. Obviously, she’d interrupted them in mid-


“Hi,” Kim said, attempting to sound nonchalant. “Just doing a little breaking and entering.”

Jake raised an eyebrow.

“I was trying to live dangerously—you set the rules.”

He shook his head. “This wasn’t quite what I meant.”

Nadia leaned toward him in her chair, her expression earnest. “You love me. I know you love me,”
she murmured.

“Er, no, I don’t.”

Jake pressed a finger to his forehead. Why the hell had he let the woman into his office? But Nadia

had called several times every day, and nothing he said put her off.

He wished Kim would be half as keen, but in the five days since he’d released her from his office

—after another abortive attempt to pass the test—he’d hardly laid eyes on her. She’d even canceled
their weekly movie night.

When Nadia had arrived in person, he’d thought he might have more success persuading her face-

to-face their relationship was over. Some people thought he was quite scary, but apparently, he was
losing his touch. Also, he began to suspect Kim was right, and the woman was unstable.

Nadia crossed her long legs and leaned even farther forward, giving him a great view of her

cleavage, but she did absolutely nothing for him. She never had. She’d been convenient, and at the
time, the arrangement had seemed mutually beneficial.

“You wouldn’t have gone out with me if you hadn’t cared.”

He sighed. “We made an agreement. You wanted to save face. Remember?”

“I know you just went along with that, thinking I wasn’t ready for a relationship.”

“And you cried.” He realized immediately he’d made a strategic mistake by reminding her that he

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was a sucker for a woman who cried. She blinked, and her eyes glistened. Jesus, she was good.

“I know you really want me.”

“No, I don’t.”

“You just didn’t want to take advantage when I was vulnerable.”

Jake was beginning to believe that “vulnerable” and “Nadia” were mutually exclusive. She was

like a juggernaut, impervious to any obstacles in her path.

As she rose to her feet, he girded himself to stay in his seat and not show signs of fear. But as Kim

pointed out, Nadia was more than a little scary. She strolled around the desk and came to a halt only
inches away, so close he could breathe in the cloying scent of her perfume.

“But I’m over the past, Jake, and I’m ready to move on. With you.” He opened his mouth, but she

was already speaking again, so he clamped his lips shut and waited for a break in her momentum.
“You’re not seeing anyone else, and I know it’s because you want me.” She leaned closer and rested
her hand on his shoulder. “And you can have me, Jake.”

He flinched but held himself immobile.

A light glinted in her eyes. Maniacal zeal? Insanity?

“I thought you wanted that girl who works for you—the plain one. But I asked around and it’s

obvious she’s nothing to you. Just someone you feel responsible for.” She trailed one scarlet-tipped
finger down his cheek. “You’re a nice man, Jake, but you can’t be responsible for everyone. These
people will take advantage of you. You need to let them go.”

Now he knew whom to blame—Kim. If she’d only give in and admit they were supposed to be

together, then Nadia would no doubt back off.

But it didn’t look like Kim was ready to admit anything. Or even to talk to him. And they needed to


Kim worked harder than anyone else in the company. However much he hated the idea, he had to

give her the promotion she’d been asking for. By holding her back, he was proving her accusation of
being a total control freak.

He’d tell her soon. But to do that he had to actually see her, and that wasn’t happening. She’d either

turned invisible or she monitored his movements and made herself scarce whenever he was around,
probably ducking under her desk or slipping out of the room. Though he’d checked the rosters and
she’d hardly been in the building. He’d thought to confront her once or twice in the evenings and
found himself outside her door. But there had been no response to his rings.

How the hell was he supposed to show her that they were meant to be together when they were

never…together? What he needed to do was get her to the point where she couldn’t live without him,
where her body craved his. Make it so she couldn’t stop thinking about sex and how good it could be
between them.

What she needed was a good dose of sexual frustration. Like he was suffering.

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If he played this right, she’d be begging him for it. She’d probably be stripping off and laying

herself on his desk, screaming, “Take me, take me.”

And just maybe, he’d give in and give her what they both needed. Fuck her right there on his—

“We should go to lunch.” Nadia jerked him from his daydream. “Talk about our future.”

Shit, she was persistent. “Sorry, but I have an important meeting.”

“How can anything be more important than our future? Let me show you how good we can be

together.” She edged even closer.


He slipped his finger under the desk and pressed his panic button. Then pressed it again in case

Margie thought he wasn’t panicking enough yet. He’d seen his assistant’s air of amusement as she’d
shown Nadia in. That woman needed to work on her sense of humor.

Nadia’s lips puckered into a pout. Jake leaned back in his chair as far as he could go. And the door


“Your really important meeting is here, sir,” Margie said from the doorway.

Since when had Margie called him sir? She was definitely finding this funny. “Good.” He exhaled

loudly. Getting rid of Nadia was going to take drastic measures. He didn’t like to use them, but he’d
run out of all other options. Maybe he had led her on—though he didn’t believe so.

A scowl flashed across her face, but she stepped away. “Never mind. I’ll see you at your father’s

party tomorrow night. We can talk then.”

She’d be at the party? That was news to him.

She turned and strolled from the room, swaying her skinny hips. He wasn’t impressed.

Margie closed the door behind her. “Stalker trouble?” she asked with a grin.

“Do not let that woman in here again,” he said. “And get hold of my mother.”

A minute later, he picked up the phone. He didn’t bother with any pleasantries, just got down to

business. “Did you invite Nadia to Dad’s birthday party?”

“Well, she sort of invited herself. But I know you’ve been seeing her. Actually, I wanted to talk to

you about that.”

“I’m not seeing her.”

“Oh. That’s not what Nadia said. She made it sound as though you two were serious.”

What a surprise. “And why would you want to talk to me about it anyway? It’s a long time since

you gave me girlfriend advice.”

“I presumed you knew what you were doing. Until Nadia.”

“Why until Nadia? She’s your best friend’s daughter—I thought you’d approve.”

“Well, she is, but Sadie was hardly stable, and I’m afraid Nadia has inherited that.”

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“Thank you for telling me before now, Mother.”

“After she invited herself—which I thought a little odd—I talked to Sadie. Apparently, Nadia has

had a few issues with drugs. It’s what ended her last relationship, and she’s a little unpredictable
right now.”

Great. Just what he needed.

“Anyway, I wanted to tell you to be careful, and if it’s over, then don’t be too hard on her.

Extricate yourself gently.”

“Don’t worry. I run a security company. I can handle Nadia.”

“If you say so, darling. But I’m not sure she’s entirely all there.”

Jake stared out of the window as an idea formed in his mind. “Well, maybe I do need a little extra

protection. And it so happens I know just where to get it.”

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Chapter Eleven

Keep her distance.

Pretend it never happened.

Hide from Jake…

It was this last one that caused her the most trouble. She hated hiding, but after careful

consideration, she’d come to the conclusion that in this case, discretion was definitely the better part
of valor.

She couldn’t be trusted around him right now. Eventually the memory of her desire would fade,

Jake would find someone else—that gave her a twinge she decided not to investigate too closely—
and they could go back to being friends.

Giving up the idea of sex, especially sex with Jake, to return to their previous relationship would

be worth it because she missed him. She missed seeing him, talking to him, just knowing he was there
if she needed someone. Plus, it took all her ingenuity to avoid him. She’d signed up for every
surveillance duty posted until Dave pointed out that she needed to be awake to be of any use.

She’d just popped into the office to pick up some paperwork. Now she was heading home to catch

up on that sleep, and then she was assigned an early night shift.

The sound of footsteps made her duck behind the cubicle wall, and she held her breath. This was

turning her into a nervous wreck. She peered around the corner and came face-to-face with Steve. He
raised an eyebrow. “You hiding from me?”

She sniffed. “Of course not.” Steve was dressed in a smart dark suit, white shirt, and dark-blue tie.

“Are you on duty?” she asked.

“Yeah. I came to pick up my gun, and then I’m off.”

“You on the job with the sheik?” Another detail she’d asked to be assigned to.


“I’m so jealous. But one day…”

He grinned. “Never going to happen, babe.”

“It will.” Because she’d now worked out how to bypass the security code and get into Jake’s safe.

Then he would have to upgrade her.

“You really imagine the boss is going to put you in harm’s way?”

She gave a casual shrug of her shoulder. “I don’t see why not.”

Steve shook his head as if she were particularly dim-witted. “So how is the love life?”

“I don’t have a love life.” Not anymore and probably never again.

“So the boss hasn’t declared eternal love and gotten down on one knee yet?”

“No, and he’s not going to. Jake’s not like that.”

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“Yeah, right, of course he’s not. The guys have got a pool going—how long before he gets a ring on

your finger.”

She glared at him, lips pursed. “I hope you’ve bet on never. Because otherwise, you’re going to

lose your money.”

“Are you saying there’s nothing between the two of you?”

She squirmed. “Not ‘nothing’ exactly. But neither of us is interested in long term.”

“You totally believe that, don’t you? The boss branded you as his property from the moment you

walked through the front doors.”

“I don’t belong to Jake.”

“Why not? I say grab him while you can.”

She gritted her teeth. “I—”

Her phone rang, and she picked it up.

“Kim? He wants to see you.” It was Margie, Jake’s assistant, so Kim knew exactly who “he” was.

“I can’t, I’m on my way out.”

“He told me to say that if you don’t get up here now, you won’t have a job tomorrow.”

“He wouldn’t.”

Margie chuckled. “He said he would.”

She put the phone down to find Steve leaning against the wall, arms folded, a smirk on his face.

She glared. “He probably wants to assign me a really dangerous job.”

“Of course he does.”

“You want me to what?”

Kim tried to look anywhere but at that big steel desk, but it was hard to avoid, especially with Jake

sitting behind it. As usual, he appeared totally relaxed. No seething hormones bothering him, then. It
didn’t seem fair.

He steepled his fingers and studied her out of inscrutable eyes. “I want you to act as my bodyguard

at my father’s party tomorrow night and then afterward as long as it takes.”

As long as what takes?

“You do?” Her first bodyguarding job. Something occurred to her, and a tightness squeezed her

chest. “Are you in danger? Is someone after you?”

“Only Nadia.”

A mixture of relief and irritation mingled inside her. Relief that Jake wasn’t in real trouble.

Irritation that he was wasting her time and raising her hopes. For a moment there, she’d really

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believed she was going to be able to say “I told you so” to Steve.

“Would you prefer me to be in danger?” Jake asked.

“Of course not. Not really. But it would have been nice to save you from someone truly threatening.

Then you might have been appreciative of my superb bodyguarding skills.”

“Do this, get Nadia off my back, and I’ll be appreciative.”

She sat in the chair opposite him and thought for a few seconds. This didn’t make a lot of sense, but

she couldn’t see any reason why he would make it up. “You want me to guard you against Nadia?” He
nodded. “Am I allowed to shoot her if she gets too close?”

“That won’t be necessary.”

“Knock her out? I’ve been practicing pressure points.”

“If she looks like she’s a danger to me—feel free.”

“So what’s the problem?”

“She doesn’t appear willing to accept that the relationship is over.”

“Well, what can you expect when you’re so good that she feels the need to tell everyone about it?”

His raised a brow, and she cursed herself. She was supposed to avoid the subject of sex, so why

had she said that? Probably because she was more than a little miffed that he avoided it as well. He’d
been behaving as though they were back to their old relationship. Which was good. Wasn’t it?

“Under other circumstances, I’d just cut her off, but she’s a family friend, and my mother informed

me that Nadia has had…emotional issues in the past.”

“Well, what a surprise—I told you she was unstable. You have only yourself—”

“Shut up, Kim.”

She clamped her lips closed and made a zipper sign with her fingers.

“So, I have to tread gently, but I want to make it clear in no uncertain terms that it’s over between


“And if she still doesn’t accept it, then I knock her out.”

“Not quite.” A smile tugged at his lips. “You’re going undercover.”

“Undercover as what?”

“My girlfriend, of course. Or maybe even my fiancée. Anyway, the love of my life.” She remained

silent—she could think of absolutely nothing to say—and waited for him to continue. “Nadia already
suspects there’s something between us, so we’re going to play along with that.”

“You want me to play the love of your life?”


“At your father’s party.”

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“And other times as well. She may be having me watched. We have to be convincing.”

“You’re kidding me, right?”

“No kidding.” He rose to his feet and strolled around the desk, then rested his ass against it. The

desk she was trying not to think about.

“I know things have been a little”—he glanced at the desk and a smile flickered across his face

—“uncomfortable between us lately.” He stroked a finger along the steel top of the desk, and for
some reason she couldn’t yank her gaze away. It was around this time last week that she’d been lying
on that very desk. She shifted in her chair and crossed her legs.

“But I like to think of us as friends,” Jake continued. “And I’m hoping that you’ll do this not so

much because it’s part of the job, but because we are friends.”

“Oh, low blow.”

“You know what it’s like to be in a relationship you can’t get out of. I need your help here, Kim.”

“And another low blow.” But he sounded genuinely worried. He wouldn’t allude to Michael unless

the situation was serious. And Jake had done everything for her. How could she contemplate not
helping him now?

“Okay, I’ll be your girlfriend, but not your fiancée. That would be too weird with your family.”

“Okay, live-in lover then.”

Pretend live-in lover.”

“Well, you can pretend the lover bit but not the live-in. You don’t have to worry, Kim,” he said

gently. “From now on if you want us to have sex, you’ll have to ask.”

“I will?”

“I know I shocked you the other day.” He stroked a finger along the desk again, and a spasm

rippled through her. “And I know you’ve been avoiding me. I’d like things to be comfortable between
us again. So I want it to be clear—if you need anything from me, I’m here for you. You just have to
tell me what you want. Otherwise…we’re friends.”

She swallowed. This was exactly what she wanted. Wasn’t it? On the surface, everything seemed

perfect. Why did unease prickle through her, then? She pushed the feeling aside.

“Good. Right then, I’ll do it. Though I’m not sure what ‘it’ is. They don’t cover this in the manual.”

“Well, for a start, you’ll need a dress.”

It was still early, and all was quiet. Kim peered around the door. She didn’t want a repeat of the last
morning she’d woken in Jake’s spare room. Not that she believed that would happen—Jake had said
the next move must come from her, and he was a man of his word.

She needed coffee, so she dressed in jeans and a T-shirt, ready for her shopping trip, and headed

for the kitchen.

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She’d moved in last evening, and so far, Jake had been the perfect host.

He hadn’t touched her. Unfortunately, that didn’t matter. She was hot and bothered being in the

same house as him. She tried to remember how she’d felt living with Michael. Michael had been
controlling, he’d picked her clothes, decided where she went, who she went with. And she’d been too
ashamed by how pathetic he’d insinuated she was to fight him. And too scared by the despair twisting
her mind to find a way out. She understood now that it hadn’t all been Michael, but that she had never
come to terms with her mother’s death or the belief that her mother had felt trapped in a loveless
marriage, like Kim had come to feel. Never talked to anyone about it, just let her fears and suspicions
fester inside her. Marriage to Michael brought her face-to-face with those fears. And that had nearly
broken her.

She wouldn’t get into that situation ever again. And while she loved Jake dearly as a friend, she

had no illusions as to his nature. He liked to be in control.

But he was obviously on his best behavior right now.

Kim was on her second cup of coffee when he made an appearance. She glanced up and then

quickly away. “Er…clothes would be good here,” she muttered into her mug.

He’d obviously showered. His black hair glistened with moisture, he smelled of soap and

aftershave, and he was utterly stunning, all sleek muscle and golden skin wrapped up in a tiny white
towel. Her eyes locked on the place where it was tucked in at his hips. It seemed a little precarious.
One tug and…

She went all hot and wet just looking at him, but luckily, from his bland expression, he didn’t seem

to notice her reaction.

Why did his blandness make her uneasy? Like she was missing an important part of some big


He moved with the grace of a great jungle cat, prowling the kitchen, pouring himself a coffee, and

finally settling in the chair opposite, long, hair-roughened legs stretched out in front of him. “Did you
sleep well?”

No, she hadn’t. She’d tossed, and she’d turned. “Good, thanks.”

He scrutinized her from head to toe—she was completely covered—and frowned. “Are you okay?”

“Why shouldn’t I be?”

“You seem flustered, that’s all.”

Maybe a little truth was needed here. “I’m not used to having breakfast with nearly naked men.”

“Under normal circumstances I’d be totally naked.”

An image flashed up in her mind, and she only just resisted fanning herself. Instead, she pursed her

lips. “Thanks for sharing.”

“You want something to eat?”

“You going to cook me breakfast?”

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“Why not?”

Kim didn’t know he could cook—she’d thought his housekeeper did all that. She watched, trying to

get her head around “domesticated Jake” while he wandered around the kitchen, still in his towel,
collecting ingredients.

He stood with his back to her at the stove, cooking her omelet, and she stared her fill. He had a

lovely back, broad at the shoulders, narrow at the waist, smooth and sleek with powerful muscles
moving underneath. Her physical hunger stirred.

Unfortunately—not for eggs.

She kept her attention fixed on her food while she ate. The omelet was delicious, rich with herbs

and perfectly cooked. The toast, crisp and buttery, but Kim couldn’t shake the feeling that something
was wrong with the world. Jake seemed so relaxed. Maybe he was happy to go back to being friends.
She was the problem. She was the one who couldn’t stop thinking about—

“What are you up to today?” Jake asked.


“You want me to come?”

“No.” Though at least he’d have to put some clothes on, which would be an improvement…or not.

Heaving a huge sigh, she pushed away her plate and got to her feet. “Thanks for breakfast.” She had

the weirdest urge to peck him on the cheek and say have a nice day or something similar, like an old
married couple. Instead, she headed for the door. She gave him one last quick glance; he watched her
out of hooded eyes, a small smile playing on his beautiful lips. It vanished when he caught her gaze.
He raised his cup.

“Seven thirty tonight?”

“I’ll be here.”

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Chapter Twelve

The party to celebrate Jake’s father’s sixtieth birthday was taking place in a hotel in the center of
London, and there were five hundred guests, so it was hardly a typical birthday party. But Jake had
told her that anything went as far as dress code was concerned—she didn’t need to be formal. What
she needed to do was exert her own personality, though she wasn’t sure what that was. She suspected
somewhere between skintight leather pants and elegant long black dresses. But probably no longer
loose-fitting khakis, Doc Martens, and a T-shirt.

In the end, she hadn’t bought a dress, but red silk palazzo pants that clung to her hips and then

flared out. To complete the ensemble, she wore a matching top, cut off at her midriff to show the belly
button ring she was quite fond of.

Jakes eyes lingered on the little jewel when she emerged from the spare room at seven twenty-five.

But he just nodded and said, “Very nice,” in a totally colorless tone.

Tonight, with any luck, they’d persuade Nadia that Jake was a lost cause, and life could return to

normal. Though she couldn’t imagine life ever being normal again. In fact, she had no clue what
normal was anymore.

Jake, dressed in black pants and a black silk shirt open at the throat, guided her into the elevator,

across the lobby, and out into the evening. The air was warm.

“Have you gotten your dad a present?” she asked as they hovered for a second outside the door to

the ballroom. She could already hear the party in full swing on the other side.

“Yes. A parachute jump.”

“You bought your sixty-year-old father a parachute jump for his birthday?”

“Well, you and I did, actually—it’s a joint present. And he’s never done one before.”

“I suppose there’s always a first time for jumping out of airplanes, isn’t there?” She took a deep

breath. “Okay, let’s get this over with.”

He touched her on the arm, and she hesitated before turning to him.

His gaze ran down over her. “I just wanted you to know you look incredibly sexy in that outfit.”

“I do?”

“Yes, you do—thank you for making such an effort. I’m sure Nadia will be suitably impressed.”

Did that mean he wasn’t?

She shook her head; she was overthinking everything. This was a favor to a friend. Once Nadia

was well and truly out of the picture, Jake would be grateful and would no doubt up her grade and let
her go shoot someone.

A band played in the far end of the room. Something she didn’t recognize, but smooth and mellow.

They paused inside the doorway. At first she didn’t see anyone she knew, but then she saw Jake’s
mother and father across the room, at the center of a knot of people.

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Jake and his father had the same brilliant blue eyes; otherwise, there were no similarities. Jake’s

father was a couple of inches shorter than his mother, with sandy hair and a stocky build. A self-made
man, he’d started his business forty years ago with nothing and built it into a multibillion-dollar
international company.

Jake got his looks from his mother, who’d been a successful model. She was tall and willowy with

Jake’s midnight-black hair.

He’d once told her that his mother had been a trophy wife, but they’d fallen madly in love after they

married. It sounded a little far-fetched to Kim, but they seemed genuinely fond of each other.

Kim jumped when someone tapped her on the arm. It was Jake’s sister Abby. She grinned. “Love

your outfit,” she murmured. “So much better than a towel.”

“Thank you,” Kim said. “I did consider the towel, but Jake asked for it back. I thought he wanted to

wear it himself.”

“Nah, Jake’s way too conscious of being cool.” Abby took a sip of champagne. “Did you know

Nadia was here?” she asked Jake.

“She told me she was coming.”

“And she’s been making it very clear that as far as she’s concerned, the two of you are still an

item.” She glanced from Kim to Jake. “So what’s going on?”

“None of your business.”

“Aw, come on, Jake.”

He shrugged. “Nadia is deluded.”

“Well, I was surprised when you started seeing her. Though you never seemed to have much taste

in women.” She glanced at Kim, and then widened her eyes as she realized she’d been less than
diplomatic. “Present company aside, of course.”

“Of course,” Kim replied drily.

“Come on,” Jake said. “I’ll get you a drink.”

They collected a couple of glasses of champagne and then made a circuit of the room. Kim kept her

eyes peeled but only spotted Nadia after the circuit was complete. She stood beside one of the tall
pillars, a glass in her hand, her eyes narrowed to slits.

“If looks could kill,” Kim murmured.

“Time to act,” Jake replied.

Before she could ask what he meant, he reached out and took her hand, raising it to his lips. He

dropped a kiss into her palm, and a tingle ran along her nerve endings.

Pulling her against him, he whispered in her ear, “Come on, Kim, make like you love me.”

She could do this. Think undercover operative. She stared up into Jake’s face, his beautiful eyes,

his stern mouth that had kissed her, given her pleasure. She was so close she could breathe in the

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unique scent of him, warm man and exotic aftershave, sharp and clean and familiar.

What would it be like to allow herself to love a man like Jake? Of course, she had no intention of

doing that. And it would be pointless; Jake wasn’t the kind of man to fall in love—he was way too

But what would it be like?

How would she behave? What would it take to convince Nadia that they were in love?

“You’re thinking awfully hard,” Jake said.

“Well, I don’t know how to pretend I’m in love with you. It’s not something I’ve ever thought

about, and I’m a bit lost.”

“For a start, you could look at me as though every second until you get me alone and naked is

wasted time.” His voice was low and husky and sent shivers running down her spine. Boy, he was a
good actor.

Jake laid a hand on the bare skin of her waist. She jumped. A small smile curved his lips, and then

he gently urged her toward the wall, where they were still in full view of the rest of the room.

He took her glass of champagne from her fingers and placed it on a small table. “So…?”

Out of the corner of her eye, she could still see Nadia. Though she didn’t have to see her, she could

feel the intensity of the other woman’s evil eye.

Kim took a deep breath, then a step back so she could take him all in. Closing her eyes, she

imagined what was beneath his clothes. She didn’t need much imagination because she’d seen him in
all his naked glory. All those muscles, the long, sleek lines of him, the silky dark hair that bisected his
belly. His shaft, long and hard, and…

Since he’d said that thing about her mouth around his dick, she hadn’t been able to get the vivid

picture out of her head. She’d never tasted a man there, and now the thought of it sent moisture
flooding her core. She licked her lips and heard him mutter something.

Her lids flew open, and she stared at him wide-eyed. “So what next?” she asked a little


“Touch me.”

“Touch you…where?” Her mouth went dry, and her gaze darted down the length of his body to

settle on his groin. She couldn’t seem to keep her mind above his waist. What was wrong with her?

He groaned. “Not there. At least not in front of all these people.”

“So where?”

“Just little touches as though you can’t keep your hands off me.” He wrapped his fingers around

hers and drew her hand toward his body, then flattened her palm against his chest. Even through the
silk of his shirt, his skin felt warm. She slid her hand over him until she reached the front of his shirt
and then delved inside to touch his bare skin. She watched his face as her fingers encountered his
nipple. His eyes closed briefly as she scraped her nail over the flat nub.

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“Good,” he said, and his voice sounded hoarse. “Now my turn.”

He studied her for a moment, his hot gaze gliding over her. After stroking her belly with his

fingertips, he trailed over the ring in her navel then gave it a little tug. The skin was still tender from
the piercing, but strangely, the pain felt more like pleasure, and heat flooded her sex.

“I like this,” he said giving it another tug.

She shifted a little as another jolt of sensation shot along her nerves to settle between her thighs.

But nothing could happen here. It felt good not to worry about the consequences—this was only
acting, after all. “You like it? I thought you’d hate it. I was going to get a tattoo as well, but I ran out
of time.”

“Forget it.” He grinned. “Unless it’s stamped across your ass and says, ‘property of Jake Knight.’”

“Never going to happen.”

She glanced around the room. Nadia was talking to Jake’s other sister, Tania, but kept darting

glances their way.

Jake followed her gaze. “I reckon she needs a little more convincing.”

“Well, there’s not much we can do in the middle of a crowded party.”

“Is that a challenge?”

She shot him a stern look. And he grinned. “It’s amazing what you can do if you’re discreet.”

His words sent a thrill running through her. She ignored it. Almost. “Yes, but the whole point is that

she sees. So that would be defeating the object, wouldn’t it?”

“But it might be fun.”

“We’re not here for fun. We’re here to save you from stalker madwoman.”

“You’re right.”

Without giving her a chance to say anything else, he took her by the shoulders, spun her around,

backed her against the wall, and kissed her.

It was official—he was an excellent actor.

He kissed her like he loved her, needed her, would never get enough of her.

He slanted his lips over hers and forced his hard tongue inside her mouth. For a second she fought

her body’s instinctive reactions, but it felt so good. She relaxed her defenses, and suddenly she was
kissing him back. Her tongue sliding into his mouth, tasting him, stroking along the hard edges of his
teeth. He didn’t touch her anywhere besides her mouth, but her whole being ached with need, her skin
prickly, a pulse throbbing between her thighs.

She lost all track of time. After an age, he pulled free. He bent closer and rested his forehead

against hers. They both panted heavily. Finally, he straightened.

“You are such a good…actor,” she said.

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He twisted his lips into the semblance of a smile. “You, too. Come on. If that hasn’t convinced the

whole room that I want you, then nothing will.”

Slowly the party came back into focus. She glanced around and found a number of people watching

them. She fought the need to fan her face, but it was only a kiss. Not as though they’d stripped naked
and had wild, hot sex in the middle of the dance floor.

“Who’s the man over there watching us?” she asked. “The one with the big grin on his face.”

“I’ll introduce you.”

She guessed who it must be as they drew closer. He had a look of Jake about him, except he

appeared more relaxed.

“This is Damon,” Jake said. “My brother.”

Damon leaned across and kissed her on the cheek. “That was quite a performance.”

“Simply trying to make a point,” Jake replied.

“Ah—Nadia, I presume.”

Jake nodded. “This is Kimberly.” He turned to Kim. “You could say you and I met because of


“We did?”

“Yes. He was supposed to take over Dad’s company but had a premature midlife crisis and

decided he wanted to be a painter instead.”

“An artist, please—a painter sounds like I decorate houses.”

“Anyway, that’s why I left the army and set up the security company, and the reason I was in your

building back when you were married to that bastard.”

“What were you doing there?” Kim frowned. “You never really said.”

He looked a little shifty. “Just surveillance on one of the residents.”

She wanted to ask more because she had a weird notion, but at that moment, Jake’s mother

approached them.

“Did you have to?” she muttered to Jake. “A parachute jump. What were you thinking?”

Jake grinned. “He’ll enjoy it.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

Kim allowed the conversation to flow over her. They were a nice family, and it was obvious they

were close. She’d never had that and felt a faint glimmer of regret. Things hadn’t been too bad while
her mother was alive. But she’d died in a car crash when Kim was ten.

Without warning, she was back in that night. Her mother yelling… “You don’t love me. You

wouldn’t care if I was dead.” The door slamming. The police… She shoved the memory back into its

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Her father had never married again. Kim found it amazing he’d married at all. He was a loner,

immersed in his work, something secretive for the British government. He’d found Kim an
encumbrance and an irritation. She’d spent most of her time at boarding school, even the holidays,
with the exception of a week each year they vacationed together. It had never been a happy time.

He didn’t dislike her, she was sure, but he did resent her. And she’d never been able to feel

comfortable with him. The questions hovering over her mother’s death, the questions she hadn’t dared
ask, had ensured that. And when she’d left school, he hadn’t known what to do with her. She had a
place at Oxford but didn’t want to go. She was fed up with education, needed to do something, work
out what she wanted from life. And then she’d met Michael.

Another bad memory.

She sipped her champagne, careful not to drink too much. She was sure Jake would stick to his

word to not make love to her unless she asked. But to be on the safe side, she didn’t want to lower her
inhibitions. She suspected it wouldn’t take much alcohol to drop her barriers sufficiently to beg him
to finish that massage. Considerably less than it would take for Jake to decide his scruples wouldn’t
allow him to do it.

Why couldn’t life be simple? She wouldn’t have these issues with Steve. But only because she

didn’t care one way or the other about him. Caring was dangerous.

She whispered to Jake and then headed across to the ladies’ room. Her lipstick was gone—this

makeup thing was a full-time job. Coming out, she walked straight into Nadia.

“He doesn’t love you,” Nadia said.

Kim was aware that Jake was only acting, and she didn’t want him to love her, really she didn’t.

All the same, Nadia’s words twisted a knife in her guts. She gritted her teeth against the pain. “Yes,
he does.”

Nadia continued as if Kim hadn’t spoken. “He just feels sorry for you.”

God, the woman was a bitch. “No, he doesn’t.”

“But it won’t last, and he’ll come back to me.”

“No, he won’t.”

Nadia stepped closer. Kim hoped she wasn’t going to get physical. Or maybe she hoped she would.

She searched the room for Jake, couldn’t see him anywhere, but his brother caught her eye and came

“Nadia, you want to dance?”


Damon ignored her resistance, put his arm around her waist, and led her away. Nadia, thankfully,

wasn’t so far gone that she’d descend into an unruly scrabble.

Kim sighed and leaned back against the pillar. She nabbed a glass of champagne from a passing

waiter and did a little people-watching. Finally, she located Jake talking with his father. As though he

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felt her eyes on him, he raised his head and stared at her.

A slow smile curled his lips and started an ache in her chest. She wanted him. But indulging in a

sexual relationship would change everything. It would lead to caring. And he’d want to control her
because he cared. And she might let him.

How could they ever go back to the way things had been?

He said something to his father and put down his glass. His attention never left her as he strolled

across the floor and held out his hand. “Dance with me?”

She shut down her internal arguments; she’d worry about them tomorrow. Asking him to make love

to her was out of the question, but she’d enjoy what she could have. She stepped into his arms,
wrapped hers around his waist, and laid her head on his chest. It felt like coming home.

And she’d worry about that tomorrow as well.

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Chapter Thirteen

“Have you heard a word I’ve said for the last half hour?” Jess asked.

Kim shook her head, trying to get her brain in gear. “Sorry, what did you say?”

“I asked what you think looks good.” Jess had met her for brunch the morning after the party. “Why

do I get the impression your mind isn’t on food?”

Probably because it wasn’t. Her mind was on something else entirely.

“I can’t stop thinking about sex with Jake,” she said.

Beside her, Jess dropped her menu and cast Kim a disbelieving sideways glance. “On his desk?”

“Not necessarily.” Anywhere and everywhere, actually.

“I thought you’d decided it was never going to happen…again?”

“I did. I guess I must be sexually frustrated.”

“So why not just do it?”

Wasn’t it obvious? “Because I don’t want to have sex with Jake. Well, I do, but it’s not that

simple.” She took a deep breath. Time to put her fears into words. “I think Jake might want more than

“As in…?”

Trust Jess to want the details. But Kim didn’t have any to give. Except the marriage proposal thing,

but that hadn’t been serious. “I don’t know. Just a feeling.”

“Well, don’t sound so tragic. It doesn’t have to be a disaster.”

Kim scowled. “How do you work that out? This is Jake. And more to the point, this is me. It’s a

catastrophe of gargantuan proportions waiting to happen.”

“Maybe you’re wrong. Maybe you can both fall in love and have babies and live happily ever


Kim bared her teeth. She really wished Jess hadn’t mentioned babies. It was still too early to do a

test, but the worry nagged at her mind. “I don’t want to fall in love.”

She could see no good end to this.

They hadn’t left the party last night until the early hours of the morning. Kim had been exhausted

after not sleeping well for the last week, and that, combined with all the night shifts she’d worked,
had knocked her out. In the end, not asking Jake for sex hadn’t been an issue. When they’d gotten
home, he’d kissed her almost chastely on the forehead and told her to go to sleep. He’d been gone by
the time she’d awakened.

“Why don’t you want to fall in love?” Jess asked.

“Because he’ll want to dominate me, tell me what to do. I swore I would never let that happen


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“Jake isn’t your ex-husband.”

“No, in some ways he’s worse.” Michael had had power over her because she’d been young and

scared and naive and still suffering from her mother’s death. Once she grew up, battled her personal
demons, she’d have left him with no regrets. Jake had just hurried the process along by helping her.
Given her a job, a future, and a chance for independence. But unlike Michael, Jake could have real
power over her because she cared about him.

“How?” Jess asked.

“When I was with Michael, it was as though what I wanted didn’t matter because I didn’t matter.

And that I deserved whatever he did to me because he was right and I was nothing. I felt so helpless
and so angry. If I’d had confidence in myself, I would have left him the first time he—”

Jess rested a hand on her arm. “You’re not nothing! You were a kid, and your bastard ex took

advantage of that.”

“I know Jake’s not like Michael. But he likes his own way, too. What if I give in and get to the

point where I can’t say no anymore, and I turn into a doormat and—”

“You’re not the same person you were back then. You’re certainly no doormat—you’re a strong,

independent woman.”

Kim gave her a weak smile. “And you’re my friend. You have to say that.”

“I wouldn’t be your friend if you were a doormat. I hate doormats!”

She wanted to explain how she’d felt during that time, make Jess understand, but she couldn’t

without mentioning her mother. And she’d never talked about her mother with anyone, as though
speaking her fears out loud would make them true. But maybe there was one way she could explain.
She took a deep breath. “I thought about killing myself when I was with Michael.”


“I felt like I had no way out and no way to fight back. One night I stole his precious car and I kept

thinking about how pissed he would be if I crashed it or drove it into the Thames. And how it would
solve all my problems. And—”

“Aw, honey, come here.” Jess pulled her into a hug across the table. For a minute, she held her

tight, then leaned back and stared into her face. “The important thing is you didn’t.”

“No. In the end I wanted to live. But I came so close. And now I can’t help wondering if things go

wrong, I’ll end up feeling that way again—so dark, like I can’t find my way out. Maybe it’s part of
me. Some sort of weakness.”

“You’re not weak.”

“I won’t risk it. I’ll never put my life in anyone else’s hands again.”

Jess patted her arm. “So no wedding bells for you and Jake. But what do you want?”

“For Jake and me to be friends again.”

“Why don’t you tell him that?”

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The memory of his lips on hers flashed in her mind. How could she go through the rest of her life

and never feel that again? “Because I can’t stop thinking about sex with him.”

Jessica grinned. “You could move away from the temptation and find another job,” she said. “I’ve

got contacts. I could get you in somewhere.”

“I might take you up on that. But I’ll worry about a job once the Nadia situation is sorted. In the

meantime, I just want to go back to the way things were with Jake.”

“Well, here’s my view on the subject,” Jess said. “Sex never lasts. It’s exciting for a while, and

then it burns out. So all you have to do is advance the process and burn it out quicker.”

“How do I do that?”

“When I was a teenager, I used to drink cider with my friends. One weekend, I drank so much of

the stuff that I couldn’t face any more. Ugh! Just the sight of a bottle of cider is still enough to make
me want to throw up.”

“So you’re saying if I have enough sex, then I’ll get to the point where I’ll never want to see

another penis again?”

“In principle.”

Jessica didn’t have a high opinion of men. She hadn’t had a boyfriend in all the time Kim had

known her. And it wasn’t from lack of offers—every single man in the office had asked Jess out. And
she’d turned them all down. Maybe because she’d already had enough sex to last a lifetime—Kim
didn’t know.

She studied the idea from all angles. She’d tried avoidance, and that hadn’t worked. Maybe the

opposite would have more success. And there would be certain perks. Very nice perks. A little pulse
started to beat between her thighs, and she shifted.

“It might work.” She doubted it, but desperation had set in.

“So sate yourself in sex. Once you get your fill, you’ll realize that it’s nothing special and move on,

or back, or wherever it is you want to be, unclouded by lust.”

“And so, presumably, can Jake.”

Kim suspected that there was a flaw in Jess’s argument somewhere. Probably the “nothing special”

part. As far as she recalled, sex with Jake had been pretty damn special. But the idea was growing on

So she’d offer Jake a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Unlimited sex for a limited time. And

afterward, with it out of their system, her itch well and truly scratched, they could go back to being

In theory, it sounded good.

The old saying “too good to be true” nagged her, but she ignored it. She was getting good at that.

“You need to get away, though,” Jess said. “Because we’re talking say three months’ worth of

normal sex all condensed into one weekend of decadence and debauchery.”

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Kim felt another twinge at the thought.

“You need to be away from distractions,” Jess continued. “I’m booked on a job next weekend,

checking the security system for some castle in Scotland. It’s in the middle of nowhere, and the place
is empty—it would be perfect. Why don’t you suggest to Jake that the two of you do the job together?
Come out of it a little bit sore but totally heartbreak-free.”

The suggestion sounded good. But would Jake go for it? He’d told her he wouldn’t make love to

her again unless she asked. But he wanted to. She knew it. And she was ready to ask.

Jake glanced up as the front door opened.

He was glad Kim was back because he had to leave again on business and didn’t want to go

without saying good-bye. He considered asking her to come along, but she’d be a distraction. He’d
rather get business out of the way first and then concentrate on her.

One problem at a time.

He reckoned he’d gotten through to her at last night’s party after “pretending” to be her lover. But

she’d looked so tired when they got home he hadn’t pushed his advantage.

She entered the room in black jeans and a red shirt and pointed to his case by the door. “You going


“New York. I have to sort out something there.”


At least she looked a little disappointed.

“So did it work last night?” Kim asked. “Will stalker Nadia leave you alone now? What did she

say to you before we left?”

“I think she got the message. She told me she could see I was infatuated, but that she would be

waiting for me when I was over it.”

“So not a total result, but not bad.”

She strolled farther into the room and perched on the arm of the sofa, one long, jean-clad leg

swinging. Her multicolored hair was tied into a ponytail, and she tugged at the end. A sure sign she
was getting ready to say something she didn’t think he’d want to hear.

She’d been out with Jessica, and he hoped Kim hadn’t taken relationship advice from the woman.

He was fond of Jess, he’d known her a long time, but she was totally screwed up where men were
concerned. He had no clue why, and she’d never opened up, but something had happened in her past.
And he could imagine the sort of advice she’d give.

“I’ve been thinking,” Kim said.

Another bad sign. He waited for her to continue.

Her golden eyes flicked to him and then away. “About sex.”

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So had he. Was she going to ask him? His dick twitched in his pants at the thought. But the timing

was so not right. His driver was on his way, they had a slot for the company plane, and no leeway.
He’d miss his flight if he didn’t leave soon.

But to hell with the property deal.

If she asked him to make love to her, he wasn’t going anywhere but to bed. With her. He held his


She chewed on her lower lip. Come on, he silently urged, just one word, just one little “please,”

and he’d take over.

Instead, she jumped up and paced. After crossing the room and back several times, she halted in

front of him.

He’d tried to keep quiet, but when she didn’t speak, he couldn’t hold back. “So, you were saying

about sex…?”

She cleared her throat. “Yes. I was thinking that maybe we should—”

“For God’s sake, get it out, Kim.” He mentally slapped himself down; this was no time for


She took a big breath and said in a rush, “I think we should go away together and have lots and lots

of sex and get it out of our system.”

He felt a frown tugging his brows together. “How much sex is that going to take?”

“I don’t know. You’re the experienced one. But I thought we could go away for a weekend and—”

“Have sex.” His dick twitched again.

“Exactly,” she said.

He wasn’t sure he liked the idea. She was still so sure that they could go back to being friends and

everything would be rosy. But he had to admit that he liked this idea better than the avoidance
technique she’d used so far. Maybe his plan to keep her close until she realized she couldn’t live
without him was working, except she’d decided to put a time limit on the relationship.

A weekend.

It would take him a hell of a lot longer than a weekend to get enough of her. More like a lifetime.

“So we go away together?” That part sounded good. “Any ideas where?” She’d obviously been

thinking this through.

“Jess was supposed to be on a job next weekend. In Scotland. I thought we could go instead.”

So this was Jess’s idea. He knew the place. It was owned by a friend of his and was miles from

anywhere, secluded, luxurious, perfect. And he’d wanted to visit again. The place might be for sale
soon, and he was interested.

“Will you be back from New York by then?” she asked. “We could move it to the following


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Hell no.

“I’ll make sure I’m back.” She wouldn’t meet his eyes, and he patted the seat beside him. “Come

and sit down for a moment.” She hesitated. “Come on, Kim, you’re safe. I’m leaving in a few minutes.
Even I can’t ravish you in that time.”

She perched on the edge of the seat beside him. He reached out and looped her hair behind her ear,

stroked the soft skin of her cheek, and her lashes fluttered closed.

“Is this what you want?” he asked.

She blinked. “I want us to be friends again.”

“I’m still your friend. I’ll always be your friend.”

“But it’s not the same. There’s this thing between us, and it looms over everything. I can’t look at

you without—”

“Without remembering how good it felt when I was inside you? Yeah, I’m having that problem as


“You are?” Her gaze flicked down over his body to settle on his groin. Jake shifted in his seat, his

pants suddenly way too tight. “So you think it will work? We’ll have our fill of each other and then go
back to being just friends.”

Of course it wouldn’t work. But he offered a small smile. “Well, I’m willing to give it my best go.

And if it doesn’t, then we’ll come up with something else. Now kiss me good-bye.”

She leaned into him, and her lips brushed over his. She smelled of lemon soap and clean, fresh

woman, and he groaned. His hands went to her waist, and he leaned back against the cushions,
dragging her with him so she straddled his hips. He pressed her ass so she rested against his dick.
Then he took her mouth in a fierce kiss. He wanted her to remember this during the week to come. He
wanted her to think about them together. Dream about them together.

Kim wrapped her hands around the back of his neck and pulled him deeper into the kiss. She

stroked his tongue with hers as her breasts pushed against his chest.

He was hot and hard, and he could hear a buzzing in his ears. The goddamn doorbell. Again. He

had to go.

“That’s my car for the airport.”

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Chapter Fourteen

Friday afternoon and Jake wasn’t back. He’d phoned at lunchtime—early morning over there, she
supposed—and told her he was on his way. So where was he?

She couldn’t check his flight arrival because he was in the company plane, which didn’t come up

on the listings. She thought about phoning Margie, but then she might seem pathetic.

Hell, she was pathetic.

She was in one of the cubicles, working on Internet searches again. She wished she was out

somewhere, doing something interesting enough to take her mind off the weekend ahead.

She didn’t mind admitting—to herself at least—that she was nervous. She’d spent weekends with

Jake before—he’d taken her diving and skiing. But this was different. He’d never taken her for wild,
torrid sex before. No one had.

What if she was no good? It would be horrid and awkward and she’d feel like a failure and…

On the other hand, what if it was too good…?

She banged her head on the desk to knock some sense into her brain.

Someone coughed. Kim glanced up and found Sally standing in the entrance of the cubicle. Sally

was Dave’s wife. She was seven months pregnant and looked it. At the sight of her, Kim’s hand went
to her stomach; she was still avoiding thinking about the whole pregnancy thing. Well, as much as she
could with a pregnancy test hidden in her underwear drawer. It was too soon yet, but the day was
drawing closer. She still thought it wasn’t possible—she didn’t feel pregnant.

“You okay?” Sally sounded suspicious. But maybe pregnant women could recognize each other,

some sort of pheromone thing. God, she hoped not.


Sally grinned. “Well, you were banging your head against the desk. Anything the matter?”

“Just clearing my mind,” she muttered. “You looking for Dave?”

“I just saw him. He’s finishing up, said he would meet me in here. I thought I’d come for a little


She liked Sally; she’d met her a few times at company parties. She was always cheerful, and today

she was positively blooming. Pregnancy agreed with her.

“So how are things going with you and Jake?” Sally perched on the edge of the desk.

Kim shot her a wary glance. “There is no me and Jake.”

“That’s not what Dave says.”

“Did Dave put you up to this little chat?”

“Maybe. He’s worried about Jake.”

“So now, just because Dave’s wallowing in domestic bliss, he wants everyone else to do the

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Sally laughed. “I guess. But he is. Wallowing, I mean, and he wants to spread the happiness.”

“Aw, how sweet.” But it was in a way. “So are you excited about the baby?”

“We were trying for years before it happened. Now it’s hard to believe in a few months we’ll be a

proper family.”

Her happiness was so obviously genuine that Kim shoved aside her skepticism and let Sally chatter

away about the preparations for the baby. How Dave was fixing up the nursery in his spare time. Her
face lit up every time she mentioned Dave. Who would have thought it? She had a momentary flash of
jealousy. What would it be like to feel so loved and secure?

Dave appeared ten minutes later. “You two having a nice little chat?”

“Wonderful,” Kim murmured. “You know, someone told me recently that there’s a bet going on in

the office about whether Jake and I will get together. I can guess where Dave’s put his money.”

He laughed. “You’re a cynic.”

“Oh, yeah. But it’s nice to see that the two of you aren’t. I’m happy for you both. And he or she”—

she pointed at Sally’s bump—“ is a very lucky baby.”

“Not tempted to try it yourself?” Sally asked. “Jake would make a dreamy father.”

“I don’t think so.” Kim resisted the urge to touch her stomach. Instead, she crossed her fingers

under the desk, as an image of a blue-eyed baby flashed up in her mind. Never going to happen. But
the image lingered. “And, I told you, there’s nothing like that with me and Jake.”

The phone beside her rang, and she picked it up. It was Margie.

“Jake says he’s delayed. Go home, pick up your things, and he’ll meet you on the roof at seven.”

“Meet him on the roof? Why?” The roof sounded an odd place to meet.

“Apparently, you’re going wherever it is you’re going by helicopter.”

“Scotland. And it’s a job.”

“Of course it is,” Margie replied smoothly.

She put down the phone and looked up into Dave’s grinning face.

“It’s a job,” she snapped.

“Of course it is.”


Jake had tightened her harness.

“Too tight?”

Kim wriggled about and found she could still breathe. Besides, she wanted to be locked in tight

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and safe—she was afraid of heights, though she’d never admitted that to Jake. “I’m good.”

He sat back and surveyed her. “I like you all strapped in…at my mercy.”

“In your dreams.” But a frisson of sensation shivered down to settle in her belly.

“Oh, it is.” His gaze ran over her, and the frisson sank even lower. She squirmed in her seat. “Have

I mentioned I like the outfit?” He frowned. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in a skirt before.”

She was wearing clothes she’d bought for the kick-ass-chick makeover. She might as well get some

use out of them, even though she’d decided the whole kick-ass-chick image was way too much work.

The skirt was short, black, and made of soft, supple leather. She wore it with stockings and her

four-inch stilettos—she had no plans to walk anywhere tonight. She’d been totally gratified by Jake’s
expression when he’d caught sight of her. He’d hustled her into the helicopter as though he couldn’t
waste a moment. But now that he had her strapped in, some of his urgency seemed to leave him. He
laid a hand against her knee then pushed it up between her legs to rest on her inner thigh. She shifted
in her seat but couldn’t move with the harness holding her so tight. A mere inch higher and he’d be
touching her where she needed him the most.

But in a helicopter?

He leaned in and kissed her mouth. Her lips opened, and her thighs parted. She moaned low in her

throat as he slid his tongue inside to caress hers and his fingers grazed the black lace at the junction of
her thighs.

Heat stole through her body, desire blossomed into a heavy weight in her belly, an ache in her core.

She was wet, and she knew he must be able to feel how much she wanted him through the thin
material. She jerked her hips to encourage him to move his fingers higher. Instead, he drew away.

“Something to think about during the flight.”

Then he sat back and strapped himself into the pilot’s seat.

She sat there, unable to say a word. She had a few she’d planned to say, but they didn’t seem

important when all she could think about was the incessant throb of need between her thighs.

They flew high above the city for a while and then left the crowded buildings behind and headed

into the open country. For the duration of the flight, she was aware of his muscular thigh close to hers,
his long, elegant hands on the instruments.

Despite her fear of heights, she relaxed. She felt safe. She always felt safe with Jake.

Their destination was up in the Highlands, north of Rannoch Moor. The flight took just over three

hours, including a brief landing at a small airport just north of the border to refuel, and the sun was
starting to sink below the horizon as Jake landed the helicopter on the roof of the castle.

Kim unfastened her harness while Jake undid his, but she waited until the whirl of the blades

slowed and he opened the doors. She climbed down and tottered to the edge of the rooftop. They
were on top of a tower, high above the main building, but protected by a low wall, complete with
battlements, that enclosed the area. A fabulous view spread out below her, south over Rannoch Moor
and north to the mountains. The air was cool and fresh after the city, and she inhaled deeply.

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She sensed Jake’s approach. He’d collected their bags from the helicopter, but he dropped them

and came up beside her.

“What do you think?”

“It’s perfect.”

“Well, why don’t you admire the view, while I take care of a pressing problem?”

“A pressing problem?”

He took her hand and placed it against his groin so she could feel the steely hardness of his

erection. He was fully aroused, and moist heat welled between her thighs. Resting his hands on her
shoulders, he turned her gently so she faced the wall.

“What are you doing?” She sounded breathless.

“Trust me.” He positioned her palms on the warm rock of the wall. She had to bend slightly to

reach and realized what he was about to do. He stroked her ass through the leather of her skirt, then
shifted his hands lower to her stocking-clad thighs and dragged the skirt up until it bunched around her

Jake hooked a finger in her panties at either hip, and tugged so the lace rubbed against her sex,

arousing her clit, starting a fluttering low down in her belly. Then he slid the thong down her legs.
“Lift up.” She raised each foot in turn, and he slipped her underwear off and tossed it over the wall.
“You won’t need them again.”

She watched the scrap of black float down to the treetops below.

“Holy shit,” Jake said. “That is like all my fantasies come true. Well, maybe not all, but a good

few.” His voice held the rough edge of desire, and without conscious thought, she bent slightly so her
ass pointed up higher, then widened her stance.

One warm hand came down on her buttock. He squeezed, then teased down the line between to

delve into the hot wetness of her sex. He pushed one finger inside, then withdrew and slicked her
juices over her clit. Pleasure rolled through her as he massaged the sensitive nub.

“Oh God, Jake.”

“You like?”

She shook, and he soothed her ass with his other hand.

Aching with need, she pushed against him. This time he thrust two fingers inside her and stroked

her inner walls, then back to her clit until she thought she’d scream.

He withdrew his hand, and she moaned, then heard the rasp of his zipper and the tear of a foil


“This is where we were interrupted last time,” he said. “And I feel like I’ve been hard ever since.”

His hand returned to her sex, parting the drenched folds, then his cock was nudging at her opening,

and she held her breath. His big body curved around hers, and his breath feathered her throat. He
nuzzled her for a moment. “What’s the chance of my mother turning up now?” he whispered.

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“Jake, shut up.”

He chuckled, then flexed his hips and filled her with one fluid move. He was big, and the sensation

bordered on pain.

He stilled for a moment while she became accustomed to the size of him. “Okay?”

She nodded, and he moved slowly, pulling free of her. Her muscles tightened around him as if to

keep him inside. Then he shoved in again. Her inner walls tingled, and the heavy weight in her belly

“You ready?” he asked.

Ready for what? But she nodded again.

He gripped her hips as he pumped into her hard and fast. She spiraled out of control, reaching for

something, every cell focused on the hard male shaft thrusting between her thighs.

She moaned and pushed back against him. She was so close, but release eluded her, and she

thought she might go mad, the sensations too intense.

Then he slid one hand around her, burrowed between her thighs, found her clit, rubbed once, twice,

and she exploded. A second later, his cock pulsed inside her, signaling that he’d found his own

They stood wrapped together as her heart rate slowed and the ripples of pleasure subsided.

“That was…”



“Well, let’s get inside, and we can fulfill a few more of my fantasies.” He picked her up in his

arms and carried her easily across the rooftop to a steel door. “Crap,” he said. “Do you have the
security codes?”

“They’re in my bag.”

He looked back at their abandoned luggage, then at her in his arms, a small frown turning down the

corners of his mouth.

“You can put me down. I can walk.” At least she was pretty sure she could walk, though her legs

still felt shaky. She’d thought on top of the desk was as good as it got. Boy, she’d been wrong. She
had another little twinge as she remembered the feel of him deep inside her.

“I like carrying you. It gives me the illusion that you’ll let me take care of you.”

Her brows drew together. “I can take care of myself.”

“Couldn’t you pretend to pander to my masculine pride?”

“I don’t think your masculine pride needs any pandering.”

“You’d be surprised,” he muttered. “We men like to imagine we’re useful.”

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“Oh, you’re very useful, but that doesn’t mean you have to be all macho, take control all of the


Surprise flickered across his face. “You believe I try to control you? Sweetheart, not even close.”

She opened her mouth to argue, but he gave her a swift kiss and put her down to retrieve the bags.

Did he really believe he wasn’t controlling? Or was it just a matter of relativity?

Kim took her bag from him and rummaged through it for the property file. She punched in the code,

and the door swung open. But she hesitated before entering. “You really don’t think you’re

“If I was, I’d have tied you to the bed years ago and kept you there. Where you belong.”

“Ha. I might think you’re a sexist pig from that comment, but I know you’re not.”

“Not with women in general. Maybe with you a little. Something about having you tied up and

helpless appeals to me.”

“Pervert. I’m getting a little concerned about your fantasies,” she muttered as she followed him

inside. He appeared to know where he was going. “Have you been here before?” she asked.

“I came to a party once, soon after Kieran bought the place. It’s great for a getaway, but a security

nightmare. There’s a lot of valuable stuff in here, and it’s vulnerable.”

“Well, it won’t be when we’ve finished.”

“Tomorrow. Tonight I have plans.”

So did she. But first, she needed food. She hadn’t had lunch; she’d been too on edge waiting for

Jake to call. Then too on edge waiting for him to turn up. And now she was starving.

Jake led her down two flights of narrow stone steps and into a wider corridor. The place had been

modernized very sympathetically so it still bore the resemblance to a medieval castle inside, with
bare stone walls covered by tapestries and paintings. He eventually came to a halt outside a large oak
door decorated with iron and with a big iron key in the lock.

“Here we are,” he said.

Kim twisted the key. It turned smoothly, and she pushed open the heavy door.

“This is the master bedroom,” Jake said, stepping in behind her.

Jake studied her as she took in the room. She couldn’t seem to take her eyes off the bed. The thing was
impressive, a huge four-poster with crimson brocade hangings.

Pleasure still coursed through him, and he already wanted her again. The whole time he’d been

away he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Kim and this weekend. He’d jerked off so many times
he’d lost count. Now they were here.

He wanted food, and then he wanted to make love with Kim again. This time in bed. Oddly, beds

hadn’t featured much in his fantasies. But this one, with its brocade hangings tied back with heavy

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crimson cords, had possibilities. He stroked his finger over a velvet cord. It was soft to the touch.

He thought about his fantasy of tying her to the bed and his cock pulsed. Definite possibilities.

Glancing across, he found Kim watching him, her regard flicking from the cord, to his hand, and back
to the bed.

“I’m hungry,” she said. “I hope there’s some food. The housekeeper was supposed to leave the

place stocked for the weekend and then make herself scarce.”

“Give me a minute to clean up, and we’ll go find out.”

He washed up in the en suite bathroom. When he came back, Kim was still staring at the four-

poster, a thoughtful expression on her face. He hoped she had the same thoughts he did. He’d never
considered himself particularly kinky, but after the dance she’d led him on, something about having
Kim tied up, naked and at his mercy, appealed to his sense of justice. And his dick. Suddenly, he was
in a hurry.

“Let’s go get that food.”

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Chapter Fifteen

They ate at the huge oak table in the vast kitchen.

“I love this kitchen,” Kim said. “I could live in this one room.”

“This was the old castle kitchen, though it’s not as old as the main building. When that was first

built the kitchen was in a separate structure to avoid fire.”

“You seem to know a lot about the place.”

“Kieran is considering selling. He thought a castle sounded like a good idea, but he likes to be

warm—he’s more a Caribbean style of guy. I liked the place when I was here last, and I know Dad
would love it.”

“You’re going to buy a castle?”

She sounded shocked, and he smiled. “It’s a good time. Property prices are low right now. It would

be a bargain.”

“A bargain castle?”

He took a sip of red wine. He’d selected a bottle from the well-stocked wine cellar. There was

also champagne in the fridge, and he’d take a bottle up with them after they finished eating. Kim drank
her wine slowly. Good. He didn’t want her drunk—on the other hand, a little champagne in her veins
might make her more amenable to his plans.

The fridge was also well stocked with local produce, smoked salmon, venison steaks, cheese.

They dined on a picnic of crusty bread and bits and pieces.

He loved watching her eat. He’d spent too much time dating models who watched everything that

went into their mouths. His lips quirked as he remembered one girl who refrained from swallowing
during oral sex because she claimed his semen had too many calories. He reckoned Kim wouldn’t
hesitate. She’d eat him up.

He shifted on his seat and glanced up to find her studying him, one eyebrow raised.

“Just thinking about oral sex,” he murmured and grinned as a flush stained her cheeks. She had so

much to learn, and he couldn’t wait to start teaching her.

He pushed his plate away. “Have you had enough?”

She took one last nibble of cheese and nodded, licked the crumbs from her lips, then held his gaze

as she swiped her tongue over her lower lip. The muscles in his belly clenched as she smiled slowly.

Maybe she didn’t have so much to learn, after all.

He grabbed the bottle of champagne on the way out, then took her hand and almost pulled her along.

She stumbled in her heels, cursed, and righted herself. He handed her the bottle, grabbed her by the
waist, and tossed her over his shoulder. For a second, she squirmed, and he placed a hand on her
buttocks and squeezed. She went still and didn’t speak until he dropped her in the middle of the four-
poster bed.

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He took the bottle from her hand and placed it on the bedside table, then drew out a handful of

condoms from his pocket and tossed them beside the champagne. He had more in his bag, and he
hoped he would need them.

Kim stared up at him, her long legs sprawled, the leather skirt rucked up around her slender thighs.

Blood drained so fast from his body to his dick that for a moment he felt almost light-headed.

“Are you turning into some sort of caveman?” she asked, but didn’t appear upset. Instead, she still

seemed thoughtful, causing a small niggle of worry to start up in his brain.

“Maybe…” He wondered how to steer the conversation to his plans for the evening. Or perhaps he

should shelve them for tonight. He didn’t want to scare her off, and his fantasies could overwhelm her
if he gave them free rein. She still worried about the control issue, which he admitted was one of his

But she had the same failing.

That’s why she’d had such trouble with her father and her husband. Her ex had been an asshole,

although she might have dealt with him better if she’d had more confidence in herself. Jake needed to
reassure her she’d be in control whenever she wanted, but maybe tying her to the bed wasn’t the best

He sank down beside her and stroked her silky, stocking-covered leg. Then he unbuckled the ankle

straps on her shoes, threw them onto the floor, and massaged her feet. She had beautiful feet, narrow
with a high instep. She wriggled her toes against his hand. He lifted her foot and placed it against his
groin, and she wriggled her toes some more, this time against his erection. He rested his hand over
her foot and held her still. He wanted to say something before he lost the ability to reason.

“Control is a two-way thing, Kim.”

Her eyes widened as though his words weren’t what she expected. “Is it? I don’t feel like I have

much control over you.”

“You wouldn’t believe the amount of control you could exert over me if you wanted.”

She pursed her lips and tugged on the end of her ponytail—he could almost hear her mind work.

Then a sly expression entered her eyes, and she smiled. “Really?”

He had a moment of misgiving. She was planning something. But what?

“Don’t you trust me, Jake?”

Against his better judgment, he gave a slow nod.

Her gaze flickered to the posts at the top of the bed and then back to him. “You ready to prove


Why did he suspect that his plans for the evening were about to take a drastic turn?

“Are you willing to give me control, Jake?”

He wasn’t sure he liked the idea. But if it helped her come to terms with what she felt for him, then

he’d give it a go. “What did you have in mind?”

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She came up on her elbows, pulled her foot free, and sat up. She hugged her knees to her chest and

studied him, her head cocked to one side, enthusiasm burning in her eyes.

“Take off your shirt.”

He frowned, but unfastened the buttons of his shirt and shrugged out of it. He crumpled it and

tossed it on the chair by the bed. “Now what?”

She swallowed and licked her lips. “Lie down.” She shifted out of the way and sat on the edge of

the bed. “On your back. In the middle of the bed.”

“You like giving orders, don’t you?” But he lay down and stared up at the canopy overhead. He

rolled his head to the side to watch Kim rise to her feet and move around to stand by his head. She
untied the cord that held the curtains and tugged it free, then crawled onto the bed and knelt at his

He breathed in the scent of her excitement, sweet and musky; he bet she was drenched beneath that

scrap of leather.

He was sure he was about to be treated to the most explosive sexual experience of his life. Still, he

had to hold himself motionless as she took hold of his right hand and scraped her fingertip across his
palm. Heat sizzled up his arm. She wrapped the cord around his wrist and pulled it tight, then gently
maneuvered his arm over his head so she could loop the cord around the post.

“You know,” he murmured. “This isn’t exactly what I envisioned happening here.”

“I know. You wanted to tie me up. Have your evil way with me.” She yanked the knot tight,

drawing his arm high over his head. “Instead, I’m going to have my evil way with you. And there’s
nothing you can do to stop me. You’re at my mercy.”

She scooted off the bed, came around the other side, and repeated the process with his left arm. As

the cord tightened, he had to stifle his need to pull free. He closed his eyes and willed himself to

When he opened them, she stared down at him as though she weren’t quite sure what she should do

next. He had a few ideas but decided to leave it to her imagination.

She slipped her T-shirt over her head and placed it on top of his shirt. Beneath it, she wore a black

bra, and through it, he could clearly see her nipples, poking at the lace. He wanted to touch them,
stroke them, kiss them, and he couldn’t. Kim cupped her breast, rubbing her palm over the nipple. Her
lashes drifted closed, only to snap open as he growled.

A small smile curled the corner of her lips as she climbed onto the bed beside him. She leaned

over and kissed him on the lips, too briefly, then sat back on her heels and examined him. With one
finger, she trailed a line down his inner arm, stroking the hair in the hollow of his armpits. Her touch
was slow and sure as though she’d set aside her doubts, at least for the time of his captivity. A
fingernail scraped his nipple, sending a jolt of pleasure to his groin. She took in his reaction, her eyes
darkening, then leaned over him and flicked the nub with her tongue.

His dick pulsed in his pants, which were, by now, way too constricting. He wished she’d get on to

the important bits, but she appeared in no hurry.

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She nipped him with her teeth hard enough to hurt. “You were looking a little comfortable there,”

she said.

“Believe me, comfortable is not what I’m feeling. If I don’t get out of these pants soon, I’ll

probably split the seams.”


She sounded as if she liked that idea. But she leaned back and turned her attention to the point

where his dick strained at his zipper. She twirled a finger in the hair at his belly, tugging it, then
stroked lower to lightly graze over his almost painfully erect penis.

She teased the tab on the zipper until he thought he would scream in frustration. A smile still played

across her lips.

“You know I’ll make you pay for this,” he growled.

“I’ll look forward to it,” she purred back.

At long last, she got bored with teasing him. She unbuckled his belt and flicked open the button. He

held his breath as she slowly lowered the zipper. The release was amazing. And he gave a moan.

She fluttered her fingers along his erection from his balls to the tip, then around the rim. But far too

soon, she abandoned his cock to tug at his jeans. He raised his hips to allow her to pull them and his
boxers down over his hips. She shifted so she could pull off his shoes and socks and then drag the
jeans the rest of the way down.

His mind focused solely on getting relief for his aching dick.

“Wow, Jake, you’re packing one seriously impressive piece of equipment there.”

He almost laughed, except laughing was the last thing on his mind. “If you want some tips on what

to do next, just say the word.”

She smiled and licked her lips. “Oh, I imagine I can come up with something all by myself.”

“Could I suggest you do it quickly?”


“You’re torturing me here, Kim.”

“And enjoying it.”

But she relented, wrapping her fingers around him and squeezing gently. He closed his eyes to

savor the sensation as she ran her fingers over the length of him, between his thighs to caress his
balls, then back up to circle the rim.

His eyes shot open as her warm breath whispered over the tip. She bent her head over him, her

long, multicolored hair tickling his belly and thighs, and every muscle in his body locked solid,
waiting. Turning her face toward him, she held his gaze as she poked her tongue out and licked the
eye. A shudder ran through him, and his hips lifted from the mattress. She backed away, and he only
just held off begging. He’d never have thought the wait could be so intoxicating.

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Then her warm, wet lips were around him. She held him in her mouth for long seconds, and he

fought the urge to thrust into her. Then she withdrew and kissed down the shaft to his balls. She blew
on him, then stroked him with her tongue.

He wanted to be in her mouth again. He’d dreamed of that so many times.

He tried to move his hands to guide her head, but the ropes held him tight, and he cursed softly.

Kim glanced up as he swore, then took him in her mouth again. She slid her lips down over him,

but could only manage half his length. He struggled to keep still, but his hips thrust of their own
accord, and she chuckled and drew back.

Wrapping one fist around the base, she worked him with her hand while she sucked on the head. He

relaxed and gave himself up to the wonderful sensations. In some ways, being tied was liberating. He
had no choice but to lie back and take it.

Though, if he wanted to get free, he was sure he could manage it. But maybe he didn’t want to get

free. Maybe he was happy to lie here with her mouth and her hands on his dick. Maybe he’d be happy
to lie here forever as pleasure tugged at his balls and built in the base of his spine like a warm, heavy

He was so close now…

She sat up.

For a second, he couldn’t believe it. He opened his eyes and found her watching him. She slid off

the bed and sauntered over to the bedside table. He gritted his teeth as she picked up the bottle of
champagne, removed the foil, and expertly eased out the cork; the champagne frothed over the top,
and she licked her hand. Then she raised it to her mouth and swallowed straight from the bottle. He
groaned—that should be his dick, not a bottle between her lips.

“Hey, I’m thirsty,” she said at his disapproving glance.

She took another gulp and then put the bottle down and picked up one of the foil packets.

So maybe she wasn’t going to leave him to suffer.

Reaching behind her, she unfastened her skirt, then wriggled out of the leather. His gaze was drawn

to the dark curls between her thighs and his mouth watered with the need to taste her. Perhaps if he
asked her nicely…

She sauntered toward the bed, climbed on, and flung a leg over him so she straddled his thighs. His

cock was almost painful. She raised the foil to her lips, tore it open with her teeth, and took out the
condom. Then stared at it, a puzzled expression on her face.

“Just put the fucking thing on,” he ground out.

“Patience,” she chided.

She took him in her hand and rolled the condom down over him, then sat back on her heels again.

That was so not where he wanted her to be sitting.

“Take your bra off.”

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She raised an eyebrow.

“Please,” he added.

“You’re a fast learner. And a good boy.” She unfastened her bra, slid the straps over her arms, and

peeled the material free. She had beautiful breasts, small but perfect; they stood out from her body,
the nipples hard little points aimed right at him.

She inched up his body until she was poised, knees on either side of his hips. Wrapping her hand

around him, she raised herself. He craned his neck so he could see as she positioned him at the
entrance of her body. She used her other hand to part her outer lips, and he saw the glisten of moisture
on the dark-red flesh of her inner lips. Then she slowly eased herself onto him.

Kim had never seen anything so erotic. Honestly, if someone had told her that this would do it for her,
she would have scoffed. But this once…

Jake was tied up, naked beneath her, and she was sliding down onto his shaft. Closing her eyes, she

concentrated on the sensations coursing through her. He felt even bigger from this angle, and it
occurred to her that he might not fit. But then she reached the end and balanced on his hips, his cock
wedged deep.

The taste of him lingering on her tongue mixed with the mellow sharpness of the champagne. She

felt powerful, in control, and she loved it. As she shifted a little, he jerked inside her, and she glanced
into his face. His eyes were half-closed, but she could see them gleaming midnight blue behind his
lashes. A flush darkened his cheekbones, and his lips parted slightly. He bucked his hips, and she felt
the movement at the very center of her body.

Leaning forward, she rested her hands on either side of his shoulders so her breasts brushed his

chest. Her nipples tingled at the delicious friction. She lowered her face to his and nibbled on his
lower lip, then kissed him deeply. He returned the kiss, pushing his tongue inside as she slowly raised
her hips. The drag of him against her flesh was exquisite. She lowered herself back down, rubbing
against him as she took him all the way.

The pleasure built inside her. She needed something more, and she widened her thighs and pressed

down, grinding against him so her swollen clit rubbed his pelvic bone. The feeling was

His cock pulsated, and he pumped with his hips as though he couldn’t control the movement. She

sped up, riding him, the sensation sweet and hot and overwhelming. Within seconds, her orgasm
swept through her and over her, and she threw back her head and screamed. Jake continued to thrust
until he came, his back arching as he spilled himself inside her.

Collapsing on top of him, she buried her face in the curve of his neck, breathed in the tangy scent of

sweat and sex. She was drifting into a contented sleep when Jake’s voice murmured in her ear,
“Sweetheart, do you think you could untie me now?”

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Chapter Sixteen

Her whole body ached.

She came to consciousness slowly. It was morning; sunlight filtered through the heavy curtains.

She’d woken twice in the night with Jake making love to her. The first time had been slow and sweet,
the second fast and hard.

Now she was alone in the bed. There were no sounds from the bathroom, and she pulled herself up.

Her skin was sensitive, her nipples sore from his kisses, and there was an ache between her legs.

Glancing up, she saw the cords still fastened to the posts where she’d tied Jake the night before.

Aching or not, she felt a twinge between her thighs at the memory. She’d never thought anything could
be so hot.

She reckoned it would be payback time in the near future. And another twinge in her sex made her

realize the idea was in no way repugnant.

Oh God, one day of sex and she was turning into a pervert.

What would she be like after two days?

Jake was hopefully off somewhere foraging for food because her stomach was growling from her

energetic night.

She got out of bed and headed to the empty bathroom. She eyed up the big claw-foot tub, turned on

the hot water, and poured in some bath salts. A good soak and she’d be ready for more. She piled her
hair on top of her head and stepped into the water. Sinking down was bliss.

She was lying back, dozing in the warmth, when there was a light tap on the door.

“Come in.”

Jake entered carrying two mugs of coffee. “I’ve brought breakfast but no rush—it’s cold. I thought

you’d not want to wait for the coffee.”

“You’re actually quite domesticated, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, I’d make someone an excellent husband.”

Her gaze flew to his face, but his expression was bland. That was just a throwaway comment,

wasn’t it?

He wore black jeans and nothing else, and the memory of what they had done together washed over

her in a wave of heat. Each time he’d sated her, but she always came back wanting more. The idea
should worry her. After all, wasn’t the point to get him out of her system? She pushed the anxiety
aside. This weekend wasn’t about worrying; it was about getting so much of each other that she’d
never want to combine the words sex and Jake in the same sentence again.

The tub was big, with the taps in the center. Plenty of room for two.

She took the coffee from him and placed it on the floor beside her. “Why don’t you join me?”

He put down his own coffee and stripped off his jeans in answer.

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He was semi-hard and growing. Was he always like that?

She’d thought he’d take the other end, but he motioned for her to shift forward and then slid in

behind her, his legs on either side of her, his cock nudging her buttocks. He eased her back, and she
settled against his chest.

“How do you feel?” he murmured against her neck.

“A little sore. You?”

He laughed softly. “A little sore.”

She picked up the coffee and sipped, and for a few minutes they sat in companionable silence. Who

would have thought she could be naked in a bath with Jake and feel so relaxed?

“What would you like to do today?” he asked. “We could go into Kinlochleven for lunch.”

She didn’t want to go anywhere, and she didn’t want to see anyone. If this was the only time she got

with Jake like this, she didn’t want to waste it.

“I’d rather stay here.”

“What right here?” His voice was teasing. “In the bath? All weekend?”

It wasn’t a bad idea, providing the hot water didn’t run out. But maybe not—she’d go all wrinkly.

Or they’d fall asleep and drown or… “Well, I might make it as far as the bedroom.”

He kissed the back of her neck, sending shivers down her spine. “So where are you sore? Here?”

He slipped one arm around her and his fingers grazed her nipples. Sore or not, they came to
immediate attention. He moved his hand lower, stroking her belly. He gave her ruby a little tweak,
then slid beneath the water to cup between her thighs. “Here?”

Her lashes fluttered closed as he pressed upward. “A little.”

He bit down on her earlobe, then soothed it with his tongue. “I think you’d better show me.”

Her eyes had been drifting closed now she blinked. “What?”

“Sit on the edge of the bath. I want to see.”

“I don’t think so.”

“Don’t be shy.” He put his hands on her hips, picked her up, turned her around, and perched her on

the edge of the bath, her back resting against the wall. “Come on, show me where it hurts.”

Actually, she didn’t think hurt was the correct word for what she felt right now.

Slowly she parted her thighs.

“Jesus, that’s pretty.”

It was? She’d take his word for it.

“Touch yourself.”

Her gaze flew to his face; a dull flush colored his cheekbones, his eyes glittered. She looked lower

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to where his erection stood straight up against his belly. His hand slowly wrapped around it and

She licked her lips, then moved her own hand between her thighs. Her eyes never leaving the hand

on his shaft, she parted her sex.

“Fuck, that is so sexy. Show me how you make yourself come, sweetheart.”

Could she do it? The idea of touching herself in front of Jake was weird but hugely exciting. She

was already slippery and her fingers glided over her sex. She found her clit, swollen and sensitive,
and stroked her fingertip over it once, then again.

His fist was pumping his shaft now.

She dipped inside herself, then rubbed over her clit, harder this time. Her orgasm was building, the

little nub throbbing beneath her fingers. She relaxed into it. Let it flow over her. Her back arched as
she came, pleasure flowing through her, and she pressed the heel of her hand hard against herself to
prolong the sensation.

Jake’s hips arched up from the water, his fist still wrapped around himself as he came seconds

later. He sank back, gripped her calf, and tugged. Kim slipped into the water and into his arms.

“So,” he said. “Those were the sore bits. You want me to kiss them better?”

She hadn’t thought she could feel anymore but she definitely had a twinge. “Oh, yeah.”

“I might have to tie you up to do it properly.”

She twisted in the water so she could look into his face. “You need to tie me up to kiss me better?”

He grinned. “Way more effective that way.”

She supposed it was only fair. She nodded slowly. “And once you’ve kissed me better…?

“I can think of a few other things we can do.”

She didn’t doubt it for a moment.

Jake had no clue why the idea of tying Kim up appealed so much, but throughout the day, each time the
thought crossed his mind, the blood rushed to his dick.

He’d never had any urge to tie up anyone before. In fact he’d once had a girlfriend who was into

the whole scene and he’d split because it did nothing for him.

Now he couldn’t stop thinking about it. Maybe because he’d enjoyed last night and wanted to give

Kim the same pleasure. Or maybe because he wanted to show her that she could give up control and
he wouldn’t hurt her.

Whatever the reason was, he wanted it.

They’d spent the day exploring the castle and checking the security systems. The more he saw of

the place, the more he liked it. And he could tell Kim was falling in love as well. He’d give it to her

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as a wedding present.

They’d made slow love in the library on the blue velvet sofa, with him taking care not to be too

rough; he wanted her in good shape to enjoy the evening entertainment. After that, he’d kept his dick
in his pants and let the anticipation build.

Now, he sat back in his chair and watched as she moved around the kitchen, clearing the remains of

their meal. She wore the leather skirt and one of his T-shirts and he was quite certain no underwear.
She kept darting him quick glances and her cheeks were flushed, her mouth swollen.

They’d shared a bottle of wine with dinner, but no more. Now he swallowed the last of his glass

and placed it on the table. “Kim?”

She jumped.

“Are you nervous about something?” he asked.

“Yes.” Her voice was breathy and her answer was so unlike her that he grinned—she never

admitted to fear.

“You want to back out?” He held his breath.

She shook her head. “No.”

Thank God.

“Then let’s go to bed.” He rose to his feet and held out his hand. “Because tonight, I plan to make

you beg.”

Shock flared in her face. “Never going to happen.”

“Oh yes it is, and you’re going to enjoy every second.”

Once in the bedroom, she stood at the head of the four-poster, twirling a strand of hair around her

finger and chewing on her lower lip.

He came to stand in front of her, stroked a finger down her cheek. “I promise I won’t hurt you.”

“I know that.”

“What then? You worried you won’t enjoy it?”

“Actually, I’m worried I’ll enjoy it too much. Do you think I’m turning into a pervert?” She took a

deep breath. “Maybe you’d better not answer that. So what do you want me to do?”

He’d been thinking about this all day. He knew exactly what he wanted her to do, but first he

wanted her naked.



“Oh, yeah.”

She reached behind her, unzipped the tight skirt, and wriggled out of it, kicking it out of the way.

Then gripped the hem of her T-shirt and dragged it over her head, throwing it onto a nearby chair.

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And with that she was naked.

His breath hitched in his throat and the blood pooled in his groin. He’d been hard since they left the

kitchen; now his dick pressed painfully against his fly. He dragged his own T-shirt over his head, then
loosened the button on his jeans to relieve the pressure.

“Raise your hands above your head.”

The movement lifted her breasts and he took a step closer and cupped one in his hand, rubbing the

pad of his thumb over the nipple.

“Do you have any stockings?”

“You just got me naked, Jake. Now you want me to get dressed again?” She nodded over to her

bag. “In there.”

“Don’t move.” He crossed the room and rummaged in the bag, found some interesting red

underwear and an unopened packet of stockings. He ripped open the packet and took one of the sheer
black stockings back to where she waited, head tilted to one side, brows furrowed, as she watched

“Turn around,” he ordered.

She hesitated, then turned slowly. But as he placed the stocking over her eyes, she whirled back

around. “Hey, that’s not what I signed up for.”

“Trust me,” he said again.

She stared into his eyes, he could almost see her mind working, then she nodded abruptly and

turned again.

He tied on the blindfold. “All right?”

“Ask me again in ten minutes.”

He steered her toward the bed and pushed her gently until she sat perched on the edge.

“This is so weird.”

“Lie down on your back.”

She didn’t argue this time, just lay back, her legs slightly bent, her lips parted. She was breathing

fast and a pulse beat at her throat.

He took one hand and pulled it over her head, tied the cord still attached to one of the top posts

around her wrist, firm but not too tight. He moved around the bed and tethered her second arm. Then
stood back.

God, she was sexy as hell. But he wasn’t finished yet.

He moved to the bottom of the bed, and untied the cord from the first post.

“What are you doing, Jake?”

“Wait and see.”

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“Er…blindfolded here. Not seeing much.”

“Wait and feel, then.”

He wrapped a hand around her right foot and she tried to jerk away. He waited for her to settle,

then stretched out her leg and secured the cord around her ankle, pulling it tight. She knew what to
expect with the next one and didn’t fight. Just one more thing to make it perfect. He grabbed one of the
pillows and eased it under her hips. When he was done, he stepped back.

“Holy shit.”

That had to be the hottest thing he had ever seen. Her breasts were thrust into the air, her legs

stretched wide apart, revealing the pouting folds of her sex, glistening with moisture.

He was painfully hard now and his balls ached viciously. He pulled a condom out of his pocket,

tossed it on the bed, then stripped off his jeans and squeezed his aching shaft. He needed to be inside
her, but he had a promise to keep first.

He knelt on the bed in the V of her legs. Leaning over her, he pressed his lips to her throat. “Now

which bits need kissing better?”

“Take a guess.”

“Here?” He licked the spot where her throat met her shoulders then nipped the skin. “Or here?”

He moved lower, stroking his tongue over first one breast, then the other, careful not to touch her

anywhere else. She groaned and he kissed her nipples, sucking them into his mouth, then biting down

He moved lower, kissing down her stomach, dipping his tongue in her navel, then pulling at the tiny

ruby with his teeth. He bypassed the curls at the base of her belly and shifted down the bed. He kissed
the inside of her ankles, then over the smooth skin of her calf. She was shifting restlessly now but
unable to move more than a little, and she growled in frustration.

He reached her thighs, the skin so soft that he spent long moments caressing them, building the



Kim’s softly spoken plea made him pause. He raised his head and peered up the length of her body.

“Are you begging?”

She pursed her lips. “Of course not.”

He lowered his head and blew gently over her sex.

She gasped, her hips jerking. “Okay, just say I am begging. What then?”

He breathed in the warm, musky scent of her. “Then we get to the good bit.”

He used one hand to part the folds of her sex. Her clit was swollen and she was drenched. “I love

that I do this to you,” he said, brushing his fingertip across her moist flesh.

He stroked his tongue down the length of her, his cock twitching as he tasted her sweet muskiness.

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Pushing inside her, he rubbed her inner walls, feeling her muscles clench around him. Then drew out
to tease lazy circles around her clit.

She was in a dark, sensual place, her only reality Jake’s lips and tongue on her sex. She could see
nothing through the blindfold; all she could do was feel. She was flying out of control and she no
longer cared—nothing mattered but reaching for the release building inside her.

His tongue swirled around her clitoris, never quite touching. In some ways, she didn’t want him to.

She was sure that the first direct touch would send her tumbling over the edge and she wanted this to
last forever. Here, in this place, there were no worries of the future, just sensations piled on
sensations. The experience was too intense. The pleasure too great.

She’d probably regret this later. But right now nothing else mattered. She stopped moving, held

herself so still, concentrated on his clever mouth moving between her sex, eating her up, devouring

Time lost all meaning. Some part of her registered the small mewling sounds coming from her

throat. At last, he kissed her gently, his tongue flicking over her clit, and the heaviness burst inside
her, washing over her in warm waves. As the pleasure receded, he sucked her into his mouth and she
came again.

She was vaguely aware of Jake leaving her, then the tear of foil and he was back. Pushing into her,

huge and hard, stretching her. For a minute, he remained still, lodged deep inside. Then he slowly
pulled out. Each slow stroke rubbed against her sensitized core and she gave herself up to the
feelings. She lay beneath him, stretched out taut. She could feel the ropes at her wrists and ankles,
holding her open for him while he moved relentlessly on her. His mouth was at her breasts, tugging
and sucking on her nipples. The intensity of feeling bordered on pain, filled her mind, until she was
nothing but the swell of sensation.

“Come for me again, sweetheart,” he whispered.

And she did, shattering into a thousand pieces.

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Chapter Seventeen

Kim blinked in the darkness. No light leaked from behind the heavy curtains. Here in the Highlands,
sunrise came around four thirty; it must still be the middle of the night.

She lay pressed against Jake’s side but couldn’t tell if he was awake or sleeping.

This was like time out of real life, and she didn’t want it to end. She didn’t want to return to reality.

She didn’t even want to think about it. Now, the weekend was nearly over.

She hadn’t wanted to spoil their time here by worrying about what would happen when they

returned to London. All the same, she had a sneaking suspicion this weekend might not have
succeeded in getting the idea of sex with Jake well and truly out of her system. She wasn’t sure that
was a possibility. The more she had him, the more she wanted him. He was addictive.

And she felt changed, a different person than the woman who had arrived. When Jake had tied her,

blindfolded her, instead of feeling trapped as she’d expected, she’d experienced a sense of liberation
she hadn’t dreamed possible. Something had shifted inside her, but she needed time to explore what
that meant.

The next day, Jake had been different. Tender yet forceful, as though he sensed the change as well.

When she got back, she would rethink her future. Whatever she’d hoped, there was no way things

with Jake could go back to what they were. As long as he was her boss, and his company subsidized
the rent on her flat, she’d never be on equal footing. He wouldn’t like it—might hate the idea—but
after four years under Jake’s thumb, it was time to take control of her life.

So she’d get a new place, a new job, and prove to herself that she could stand on her own. Once

she’d done that, maybe she could make a success of a relationship with Jake, maybe even allow
herself to fall in love. She still couldn’t think in terms of marriage, but there had to be something in

Jake’s hand tightened at her waist. He was awake. In a few hours, they’d be heading home, which

caused an ache in her chest.

She needed him one more time.

“I can almost hear your mind working,” Jake said.

She turned to face him, but he was he was already sitting up, dragging her with him. He flicked on

the lamp by the bed, and light flooded the room. It was just after four in the morning, but she knew she
wouldn’t sleep again that night; she felt restless, unable to settle. Scared.

“Why don’t we go up to the roof and watch the sun rise?” Jake asked. “It will be up in a quarter of

an hour.”

They found a rug and some cushions in the chest at the bottom of the bed and climbed up the tower,

both naked. She shivered when they came out onto the flat rooftop, though the air was warm.

The sky was still dark. Only a faint line of tangerine to the east showed day was nearly upon them.

Jake laid the rug and cushions where they could watch, then sank down and patted the space next to

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him. She lay beside him, and he took her in his arms, lowered her back to the ground, and came down
over her. He took her mouth in a melting kiss as his shaft pushed inside her. His lovemaking was
slow, languorous, each stroke measured, concentrating the pleasure on the point where their bodies
joined as one. And all the time he kissed her. Her lips, her throat, her breasts. She could feel the
buildup of pleasure like a heaviness pulsing inside her, but she felt no sense of urgency. Her body
knew him now, trusted him to get her there.

She kept her eyes open, and above her, the sky turned from midnight dark to palest blue streaked

with crimson. And she experienced a moment of sublime happiness. If everything fell apart, she’d
always have this one perfect moment to remember.

Wrapping her legs around Jake’s waist, she pulled him closer, wanting to absorb him into her,

really become one. He tangled his hands in her hair and stared into her face as he moved on her, in

But the sensation altered; she could sense it in the insistent throb of pleasure at her core, demanding

to be gratified. Jake’s muscles tensed, his cock swelled. He thrust deeper and rotated his hips against
her, and she came in a slow wave of pleasure that rolled her over and sucked her under. She held on
to the feeling as he relaxed his control and came a second later.

And in that moment, gazing up into the hard, handsome lines of Jake’s face, she realized what a

total idiot she was. And a coward. And the fucking queen of self-deception. Because it was already
too late. She loved Jake. She’d maybe always loved him. Probably always would.

And that changed everything.

She didn’t understand how, and she needed time away from Jake until she did. Time to figure out

what to do next, how to move on. To decide whether she was brave enough to risk putting her life in
someone’s hands. Brave enough to risk that maybe it wouldn’t always be perfect…that she wouldn’t
fall into that dark pit of despair if things went wrong.

Inside her chest, her heart was one big ache. She had to hold it together a little while longer.

He stared down at her with an expression in his eyes she didn’t want to analyze. Fear coiled inside

her. Something told her to move, get up, break the spell between them. But he was already opening his
mouth, and she knew, just knew, what he was going to say, and she wanted to slam her hands over her
ears to block out the words.

“I love you,” he said.

She wanted to feel angry. This weekend was just supposed to be about sex, and he was breaking

the rules. Instead, she had an urge to bawl her eyes out. To run away. But she couldn’t do that to him.
She was through running, even if she wasn’t ready to give him the total capitulation he wanted. His
expression was so full of love and hope that however terrified she was, she had to face him, tell the
truth. She wouldn’t be ruled by fear.

“I love you, too, Jake. I’m just not sure my loving you is enough. I’m not sure I can be what you


For a second, something close to joy flashed in his eyes, and then he took in the rest of her words

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and scowled. He rolled off her and lay on his back, one hand flung over his face.

“One perfect moment,” he muttered. “You couldn’t just leave it at that, could you?”


He sat up and studied her as though she was some interesting specimen. “You know, you like to

believe that you’re over the past. But in fact, it dictates your every move.”

She felt the first stirring of her own anger. And she grabbed on to it because it was better than fear

or despair or any of the other emotions churning around inside her. She’d told him she loved him.
Didn’t he realize how enormous that was? Couldn’t he give her a bit of space to come to terms with
it? “Maybe the past is controlling me. But now I need to know that I can look after myself. I’m going
to find a new job, move out of my apartment, and then we—”

He sliced a hand in the air to shut her up, and she clamped her lips closed.

“You still don’t understand. You think being on your own means you’re strong, when it actually

means you’re scared to love. Yeah, well, you know what? I’m scared as well—fucking terrified. But
at least I’m willing to give it a try.”

“I’m not ready for this, Jake. I want to be what you need, but I’m not sure I can.” She hated the hint

of desperation in her voice. “Why can’t we be friends? Not forever. Just for now and I’ll try to
change. I—”

“Did you honestly imagine that we would have this weekend and then calmly go back to being

‘friends’? I don’t want a goddamn friend.” He said the word as though it were something dirty.

She realized that beneath his smooth facade, he was furious. She’d always known Jake had a

temper, but he’d never taken it out on her before.

“Let me be perfectly clear,” he continued. “There’s no more ‘genial boss,’ no more ‘nice

neighbor,’ no more ‘fucking best friend.’ I want a lover and I want a wife. And you have to decide if
you can be that for me.”

She swallowed. “And if I can’t?”

He looked her straight in the eyes. “Then perhaps we both need to move on.”

She blinked, her breath hitching in her throat. He couldn’t mean it. “Is that an ultimatum?”

“Yes.” He sighed and pressed the back of his skull as though to ease the tension. “Christ, your

father warned me you were a problem. I should have listened.”

“My father?” She remembered he’d mentioned her father before. “How do you know my father?”

He pursed his lips as if considering what to say to her. “I think you’d better ask him about that.” He

started to say something else, then scowled and got to his feet.

“Come on, princess, it’s time to leave the castle. The fairy tale is over.”

Neither of them said a word until they landed back in London.

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In a way, Jake was sorry he’d been so harsh. But maybe the truth was all he had left.

He hadn’t meant to tell her he loved her. He’d meant to be patient and show her. But the moment

had been so perfect and the words had slipped out.

Poor Kimberly.

She’d looked so shocked. Then sad.

The shock he’d understood—she’d been in denial. The sadness he wasn’t so sure about. He didn’t

want her sad. Hell, he wanted to dedicate his life to making her happy, but the sadness gave him hope
that his words had sunk in.

And she’d said she loved him. If she’d just given him a little time to enjoy that, then he might not

have lost it. Wouldn’t have given her that ultimatum.

She loved him.

But love wasn’t enough.

Hadn’t he shown her that he wouldn’t always take control, that he’d let her take the reins as much

as he did? Hell, he’d let her tie him up. That would never happen with anyone else. Did she not
realize that he could deny her just about nothing?

No. Obviously she didn’t.

His anger was mounting again.

He reckoned they both needed some time to cool down and consider what had been said. He

couldn’t lose her now. He’d almost reached true happiness that weekend.

He landed the helicopter on the rooftop and switched off the engine. They both sat in silence as he

waited for the blades to slow. Then he turned to her. “I love you. I’m not going to pretend anymore.”

“I don’t want to pretend either,” she said. “But I am scared.”

“I know. But sometimes, you need to close your eyes and jump and trust that someone will catch


“Like out of an airplane without a parachute. Have you ever done that? Trusted someone to catch


“Yeah,” he said. “I’ve been doing it all weekend.” And he was fucking bruised and battered from

all the falls.

Her eyes widened as she digested that comment. But he was through pussyfooting around. It was

out in the open now, and he intended that it should stay there.

“Go home, get some rest.” He watched while she fumbled with the harness but didn’t offer to help.

“I’ll send someone over with your bags.” Though it occurred to him that she might have run back to
her own apartment by the time he got home.

Maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea. He planned to stay away from her for a while. If only for his

own sanity.

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Chapter Eighteen

Kim couldn’t believe he had given her an ultimatum.

Or perhaps she could. She’d pushed him too far.

Now, she had to decide what to do.

She considered going back to her own apartment. But she’d agreed to stay at Jake’s until the Nadia

situation was resolved. And she would not renege on her agreement. At least that’s what she told
herself, but she knew it was one more self-delusion. She wanted to feel close to him while she
considered her future and whether she was brave enough to make that leap of faith he’d spoken of.

She thought about Jake knowing her father and wondered how the two really tied in together. She

hadn’t seen her father in years, and she’d believed he hadn’t cared what happened to her. That he’d
washed his hands of her after she married. She hadn’t blamed him, and she hadn’t gone back to see
him afterward because she’d been scared of rejection.

Looking back, she seemed to have spent her whole life being scared. Like a rabbit. Never working

out what she really wanted and going after it, because then she might fail.

If she stayed with Jake, she’d tie herself to one more man who in the end would see her for what

she was—unlovable.

And she’d never faced her real fear, the one that lived in that dark place, because then she might

have discovered that her mother had abandoned her because she hadn’t loved her either.

She’d always thought being in control of her life would solve all her problems. Now she knew it

wouldn’t keep those she loved from leaving her. Instead, she had to learn to trust that they wouldn’t
let her down.

She did pop into her own apartment on the way up to pick up the post, and found a big, official-

looking letter lying on the mat. She also needed to collect some clean clothes and something else. In
the bedroom, she dug the pink pregnancy test from beneath her underwear. She stared at it for a
moment, a lump forming in her throat. She could do this. Just not quite yet. Shoving the box in her bag,
she left the apartment.

Once back at Jake’s place, she phoned in to work and got someone else to take her shift. She didn’t

think she’d be good for much today; her mind was in turmoil. Part of that was exhaustion; she hadn’t
slept much over the weekend. She’d been too busy making love with Jake—because it had been
making love, not merely sex. She could recognize that now.

So she took herself to bed. Not the one in the spare room she’d been using, but Jake’s huge king-

size bed. The sheets must have been changed because although she buried her head in the pillow, she
caught no trace of him. She’d grown accustomed to his presence, the scent of him in her nostrils, and
she couldn’t settle. In the end, she sprayed the pillow with his favorite aftershave and tried to fool
herself that he was there with her.

She woke a few hours later. The official-looking letter lay on the table beside her, and she picked

it up and opened it. A smile spread across her face as she read the words. The letter was from

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Michael’s lawyer. It was a restraining order stating that she wasn’t to go anywhere near Michael.
Apparently, there had been witnesses when she kicked him.

Hurray! Michael was scared of her; he was such a worm. As if she would want to go anywhere

near him, ever again. The thought made her laugh out loud.

Jake’s words came back to her. The bit about how she thought she’d put the past behind her when it

still controlled her every decision.

Of course, he was right. She’d been scared of loving Jake because of her disastrous relationship

with her father and her even more disastrous relationship with Michael.

No way was her cowardly asshole of an ex ruining anything else. She remembered him lying on the

floor after she’d kicked him—he was a pathetic bully. She had no fear of him now, and from this
moment on, she wouldn’t waste a single thought on him.

That just left one more thing to face. Her biggest fear. The one that had haunted her since she was

ten. The one thing she had been scared to ask.

She dressed in black jeans, her Doc Martens, and her “Kiss My Ass” T-shirt and headed out.

She presumed her father would be at work. He’d never missed a day that she knew of, and he’d

always gone in early in the morning and returned late at night. So she took the bus to his office, close
to Westminster. She informed the receptionist who she was and who she wanted to see, but if he
refused to see her, there was little she could do—this place had unbelievable security, with armed
guards at the doors and the elevators.

The woman spoke briefly into the phone, then turned back to Kim.

“He’ll be down in a moment.”

Her father looked the same and familiar: his tall, lean figure encased in an impeccable pale-gray

business suit, his dark-brown hair cut short and brushed away from his bony face. Suddenly, she was
sorry that she hadn’t tried to make things up between them earlier.

“Nice T-shirt,” he said drily as he came to a halt in front of her.

“I like it,” she replied. “There’s a coffee shop across the road. Can we go and talk?”

Once in the coffee shop, he slid into the booth opposite her. “So how are you?” he asked.

“I’m good.” She took a deep breath. This thing had festered in her mind for too long. It was time to

get it out in the open. “Did my mother kill herself?”

Shock flared in his eyes. He swallowed, cleared his throat. “Why on earth would you think that?”

“I heard you fighting the night she died.”

He glanced away then back at her. “We were always fighting.”

“I know.” She forced herself to go on. “But that night she said that you didn’t love her, that you

wouldn’t care if she was dead and then…”

“Then she went out and drove her car into a tree.” He was silent for a moment, his expression

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bleak. “No, she didn’t kill herself. You remember what she was like. She loved melodrama and she’d
said the same thing so many times. She never meant it and she knew I loved her.” He reached across
and took Kim’s hand where it lay on the table and squeezed. “Besides, she would never have
purposefully left you.”

She slumped in her chair, pressed her free hand to her eyes as she processed his words. Accepted


“Kim? You have to believe that. She loved you. She loved us both.”

“I do believe it.” It was the truth, and deep inside her, she felt the poison drain away. Later when

she was alone she’d remember the good times with her mother, something she’d never allowed
herself to do.

He shook his head, concern etched on his face. “I can’t believe you thought that she committed

suicide all this time. Why didn’t you talk to me?”

“I was scared of what you’d say. This way, most of the time I could pretend I didn’t believe it, just


When she was unhappy or worried, the idea would rise up and consume her. Those months with

Michael, she’d thought about her mother a lot. About how much would it take to drive someone to

Her father sighed and scrubbed at his short hair. “We were never very good at talking, were we?”

“No,” she said. “We were good at arguing though.”

“We’ll try harder from now on.”

“I’d like that.”

She felt weak with relief. If only she’d had the guts to face this years ago. Her life would have been

totally different. She might never have married Michael. But then she might never have met Jake
either, and that didn’t bear thinking about. That reminded her there was something else she needed to
clear up. Something that had been churning in her mind since she’d discovered Jake knew her father.
“Did you employ Jake’s company to keep an eye on me five years ago?”

“Did he tell you that?”


He was silent for a minute, and she held her breath. Finally, he spoke. “I didn’t trust your husband.

And you were stubborn. You’ve always been stubborn. I wanted to make sure you were safe.”

She should have been mad—this was just another form of control—but all she could think was that

he’d cared for her after all. An unpleasant thought occurred to her. “You’re not still paying him to
look after me, are you?”

Amusement flashed in his face. “No. In fact, he refused payment after he met you. Said it was a

conflict of interest. We argued a little. He wanted to pull you out of there straightaway. I said you had
to make your own decision. He came around to my way of thinking, but he wasn’t happy. So how is

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“He’s asked me to marry him.”

“Does he know what he’s getting into?” Her father smiled. “Of course he does. What did you tell


“I haven’t yet. I don’t know that I can be what he wants.”

He studied her for long minutes before he spoke again. “Sometimes we lose the people we love

through no choice or fault of our own. And we have to go on, even though at the time it might seem

“Like you lost my mother?”

He nodded. “You might find this hard to believe, but for all that we fought, I loved her.


“I’m sorry.”

“So am I. But my point is, right now you have a choice, and maybe you need to stop worrying about

what either of you want and decide what you can’t live without.”

At his words, she had a moment of clarity. That’s why she’d been fighting her feelings—because

she hadn’t been able to contemplate a life without Jake. And if she accepted the lesser deal of being
his friend, then she wouldn’t screw everything up and lose him completely.

Loving Jake was a risk, but so was everything that was worthwhile. And if Jake was brave enough

to take a chance on her—and she was the much worse bet—then how could she do any less?

A sense of lightness filled her as though a huge weight dropped from her shoulders. She grinned.

“I’m going to marry Jake.”


She cast him a sharp glance. “Why? Because he can look after me?”

His eyes widened in surprise. “Are you always this confrontational?”


“And do you need looking after?”


“You and Jake should suit each other nicely. You’re both strong characters. You can stand up to

each other.”

Her father thought she was a strong character? That was news to her. She’d always thought he

considered her a total wimp.

“We were always too much alike, you and I,” he continued. “And I had no clue what to do with a

daughter. If I had, then maybe you would have talked to me about your mother years ago. I’m afraid I
failed you, and I’m sorry for that.”

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She sat for a minute almost speechless with shock. It was as if her life was being rewritten. They’d

both made mistakes, but maybe now they could move on.

“I should have contacted you,” he continued. “But I didn’t believe you wanted to see me, and I

knew Jake was keeping an eye on you. He kept me informed on how you were.”

“And I’m sorry I made such a stupid mistake with Michael.”

“I’m sure it was a learning experience.”

“Oh, yes.”

He sat back and smiled. “So will I get an invite to the wedding?”

“I’m hoping you’ll give me away.”

He beamed. “I gave you to Jake a long time ago. You know he loves you?”

“I know.”

“And you love him?”

“Yes. And I’m just about to go and tell him.”

“Can I give you a little fatherly advice?”

She nodded, albeit a little reluctantly.

“We men like the illusion that we’re taking care of our women. Maybe you could remember that in

your dealings with Jake.”

“I’ll try.”

One more thing to do.

An hour later, she sat on the bathroom floor in Jake’s apartment and stared at the two pink lines.

Apparently, she was going to have a baby after all.

How the hell had that happened? She had a mental flashback to lying naked on Jake’s desk. Oh yes,

that was how.

She hugged her knees and waited for the panic to engulf her. Instead, a rising sense of happiness

bubbled up inside. She was going to have Jake’s baby.

And maybe, if the baby was a girl, she could name her after the mother she’d always doubted.

But right now, she needed to tell Jake she loved him—this time without the qualification. And she

needed to tell him they were having a baby. And finally, that she was going to take his advice and
jump. Hopefully, straight into his arms.

First, there were preparations to make. She bathed and shaved and spent ages drying her hair in her

just-got-out-of-bed look. Her bags had been delivered while she was sleeping, and she put on new
underwear, red lace that she’d bought for the weekend but never got around to wearing. Then added

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the leather miniskirt, because Jake had seemed to like that. And her cropped red top that showed off
her belly button ring because Jake liked that as well.

Then she sat on the sofa, too nervous to eat, and waited.

And waited.

By eight, she was gnawing on her fingernails. He’d decided he didn’t love her after all and run

away from home to avoid the embarrassment of facing her. Or he’d been in an accident and was lying
in hospital and calling for her.

She tried his cell phone, and it was off.

At nine, she gave in and called Margie at home to ask if he had a late meeting.

“He went for a drink with Dave and a couple of the lads.”

What? “A couple of the lads?”

“Your friend Steve, and I think Pete.”

Kim put down the phone and eyed it as though it was a cockroach that needed crushing. Jake never

went for a drink. Apart from the occasional glass of wine or cold beer, he never drank. So what was
going on?

Here she was waiting to spill her heart, teetering on a high ledge, all ready to leap, and the man

who was supposed to catch her had gone for a goddamn drink? It had better be a quick one.

It was actually 12:15 before the front door slammed. Kim gritted her teeth and sat up straight,

determined to be mature about this. But when the living room door opened and Jake stumbled through,
her mouth dropped open.

He weaved his way from the doorway to the sofa and collapsed beside her.

“Kimberly, you’re still here. I thought you’d have scurried back to your own apartment by now.

Well, actually it’s my apartment as well.”

“You’re drunk.” It was inconceivable. Jake never got drunk. According to Jake, only dickheads and

assholes got drunk.

Which one was he?

“I was drowning my sorrows,” he mumbled. “Trying to forget my broken heart.”

That made her feel marginally better. She opened her mouth to tell him she’d help him mend it,

though this was hardly the declaration she’d been hoping for—she doubted he’d even remember in the
morning. But he waved her words aside with a wildly gesticulating hand so she had to duck.

“And I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ve been too nice to you.”

She peered at him through narrowed eyes. “You have?”

“Yes, and your old friend Steve agrees with me. ‘Treat ’em mean to keep ’em keen.’ That’s what

Steve reckons.”

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“Does he?”

“I’m quite looking forward to treating you mean. I have a few ideas.”

“Well, I suggest you keep them to yourself.”

“You don’t want to know?”

“This way the suspense will be so much more exciting.” She was pretty sure her sarcasm was

wasted on him.

“And Nadia phoned. She’s booked herself into rehab to overcome her addiction.”

“Her Jake addiction?” Maybe Kim could go book into the room next door. They could get rid of

their Jake addictions together.

“Yeah—at least Nadia appreciates me. So I don’t need you to babysit me anymore.”

“How disappointing. I was looking forward to taking her down.”

“And one more thing.”


“Once I’ve treated you mean and you’ve decided you love me and want to spend the rest of your

life making me happy, well, you’re going to have to prove it.”

“And whose idea was that?”

“Dave’s. He’s a sensible man, Dave.”

“And how do I prove it?”

“You’ll come up with something.”

He rested his head back on the sofa and closed his eyes. A wave of tenderness washed over her.

Like this, he appeared almost vulnerable, and she’d never seen that in Jake before. She wanted to hug
him to her and hold him tight and tell him she loved him.

But that was going to have to wait until morning. Because Jake was snoring now. Another first.

He didn’t wake as she tugged off his shoes and then lifted his legs and maneuvered him around so

he lay full-length on the sofa. She got a pillow and a duvet from the spare room, placed the pillow
gently under his head, and covered him with the duvet. It wasn’t cold, but she tucked him in anyway,
dropped a kiss on his forehead, then took the seat opposite and watched him sleep.

She loved him. But now, apparently, it wasn’t enough that she just tell him. She also had to prove

it. A smile tugged at her lips; she doubted he would remember much of the evening when he finally
woke. All the same, she mulled the idea over in her mind.

When she woke, she was still in the chair, and Jake was still out cold. It was morning, and she had

things to do.

Time to prove to Jake that she loved him.

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Jake woke as the front door closed, the sound unnaturally loud.

His head felt muzzy, and he was fully clothed and lying on the sofa, a duvet on top of him.

Kim was nowhere in sight, and he was sure he was alone in the apartment. What the hell had he

said to her last night? The whole latter part of the evening was a blur. He could vaguely remember
getting some really bad advice from the guys. He hoped to God he hadn’t acted on any of it.

At least she’d been here when he’d gotten home. He’d half expected her to have run back to her

own place. That was partly why he’d gone out. He hadn’t been able to face returning to an empty

He rubbed at his forehead, but he didn’t feel too bad. But he had to find Kim, see what she was

thinking, whether she’d come to any conclusions, or whether she was going to keep running.

He pushed the duvet aside and got to his feet. And saw the note on the table. Picking it up, he read

the words.

Gone to prove I love you.


Shit, looked like he’d taken that advice from the guys after all.

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Chapter Nineteen

Kim punched the stolen security code into the panel next to Jake’s door, then crouched down and used
her pick and tension wrench to undo the complicated lock. It took long minutes, and she held her
breath—she needed to be inside before Margie arrived for the day’s work. Finally, the mechanism

As she eased open the door, she slipped on her goggles so she could see the lines of the infrared

beams that crisscrossed the room. She stepped carefully over one and then ducked under the next, then
over and under two more to bring her in front of the cabinet that housed the safe.

She took a slim blade from her pocket and slid it down the door opening until it reached the wire

trigger, sliced through it, then carefully turned the handle. And there was the last hurdle.

The safe.

She’d taken lessons in anticipation of the day she would get this close. Jake believed part of being

successful in the security business was understanding the weaknesses, and he made sure all the
operatives were trained. Trevor had spent time in prison for safecracking and was considered the
best in the business. He’d said she was a natural, but she’d never actually gotten this far before, so
never had the chance to test her skills.

Now she knelt down and pulled the autodialing device from her bag. She attached it to the safe and

switched it on, then leaned forward and rested her ear against the safe. It seemed to take an age but
was probably only five minutes before she heard the machine catch and the lock click open.

She sat back on her heels.

She was in.

“Congratulations.” The softly spoken word came from behind her, and she swiveled on her heels.

Jake stood in the shadows at the corner of the room, and her heart rate picked up until she could hear
it thudding in her ears. He took a step toward her, his face impassive.

“Hi, Jake. How’s your head?”

A smile flickered across his face. “It’s good. Are you sorry about that?”

Did she want him to suffer? “No.”

“Aren’t you going to see what’s inside?” He nodded toward the safe.

She turned back and tugged open the safe door. It was almost empty. Just two items. She drew out

the contents: a small velvet box and a semiautomatic pistol.

With one hand, she flicked open the box, but she already knew what would be inside. An

engagement ring. The most beautiful ring she had ever seen in her entire life. And a piece of paper.
She tucked the gun down her jeans, unfolded the note, and read the two words.

Marry me?

She blinked a couple of times, then rose to her feet and faced Jake.

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“You keep telling me not to say those words to you. So I thought I would write them instead. That

way you can wad it up and throw it away.” He nodded to the ring in her hand. “It’s a champagne
diamond. The same color as your eyes.”

The stone was stunning, dark gold, with deeper orange tones. She glanced from it to the gun. “So

you want me to choose?”

He shook his head. “No. You can have both. Or either. You want the gun, and I’ll not hold you back

—it’s your life, your decision. But I hope you’ll take the ring as well.”

“What happened to treating me mean?” she asked.

A small smile tugged at his lips. “I was hoping I hadn’t actually brought that up.”

“You did.”

She stared out the window while she considered her next move. Her plan was to get into the safe

and then tell Jake she didn’t want the promotion, that she wanted his love far more. That was to be her
proof. Now he was telling her she could have everything.

But she didn’t want everything. She wanted Jake.

Slowly, she pulled out the pistol and aimed it at his heart.

“I’m going to have your baby. What are you going to do about it?”

Shock flared across his face, followed by…joy and maybe the briefest flash of fear. He

swallowed. “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m not.”

“You’re not?”

“No. I’m deliriously happy. It will be the most beautiful baby in the whole world.”

A smile curved his lips, glinted in his blue eyes. “I’m glad.”

She remembered her father’s advice and took a deep breath. “But we both need you, Jake. You’re

going to have to give up all those reckless hobbies and look after us. No jumping out of airplanes with
your dad.”

“I think living with you will be exciting enough.”

“And you need to make an honest woman out of me.” She waved the gun a little to emphasize her

words. “Or I might shoot you.”

His smile widened. “It’s not loaded.”

“Does it need to be?”


She placed the gun on the desk. “I don’t want it.”

“I’m glad. And you know you can always be my bodyguard if life gets too boring. It’s a 24-7 job

and guaranteed for life.”

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“That one I will accept. Well, until the baby comes, then I’ll be busy.” She took the few steps

toward him and handed him the box. “Put it on for me.”

He took it from her and slipped the ring from inside, then lifted her left hand. “You ready?”

She nodded. “As I’ll ever be.”

The ring slid on her finger, a perfect fit.

She heard a noise behind her, but there was one more thing she needed to do, and she refused to be

distracted. Screwing her eyes up tight, she willed the words to her throat.

“What are you doing?” Jake asked.

She blinked. “I’m getting ready to jump, of course.”

“I’ll catch you.”

“I know.” She could do this. “I love you, Jake. And I want to marry you and have your babies and

tie you up to four-posters, and—”

“You might want to stop there,” Jake murmured.

“Nah, let her keep going, boss. It was getting interesting.”

She turned slowly to see a whole crowd of grinning coworkers loitering in the open doorway.

“Congratulations,” Dave said. “I knew you’d get there in the end.”

“Which is a hell of a lot more than I did,” Jake muttered. Then he held out his arms, and Kim

stepped into them.

A cheer sounded from the doorway.

“Just a moment,” Jake said. He released her, stalked across the room, hustled them out, and

slammed the door in their faces. “Now, where were we?”

“I believe we were at the point you were about to tell me that you’d always do what I say, that I’d

wear the trousers in our marriage, that you’ll never tell me what to do, that you’ll—”

He stopped her words with a brief, hard kiss, then dropped to his knees and pressed his lips to her

stomach. Leaning back, he stared up into her face.

“Marry me,” he ordered.

What could she say? He was Jake. “Yes, boss.”

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To my fabulous editor at Entangled, Liz Pelletier, for encouraging me to be brazen and write this
book. To Liz, and her assistant Robin, for all their edits and their constant tweaking to make the book
the best it could be. To the wonderful women at Passionate Critters for reading my stories and letting
me know what they really think. And finally, to Rob, who puts up with me, and encourages me, and
does a great job of hiding it when he’s totally fed up with me being in my imaginary worlds.

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About the Author

Nina Croft grew up in the north of England. After training as an accountant, she spent four years
working as a volunteer in Zambia, which left her with a love of the sun and a dislike of 9-5 work. She
then spent a number of years mixing travel (whenever possible) with work (whenever necessary) but
has now settled down to a life of writing and picking almonds on a remote farm in the mountains of
southern Spain.

Nina writes all types of romance, often mixed with elements of the paranormal and science fiction.

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Document Outline


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