The Success Process

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Stop tolerating.

When you stop putting up with stuff, you will have more energy.

Get complete.

When you complete unfinished business and fully communicate, you will

experience peace.

Simplify everything.

When you simplify your life, you will have much more space, and you will

experience balance.

Strengthen your foundation.

When your needs are met and your personal foundation is solid, confidence

replaces fear.

Orient around what matters.

When your life is oriented around what is most important to you, you will have

clarity about what’s next.

Experiment and improve continuously.

When you try new things or ways of thinking, you will become a more creative


Strengthen your strengths.

When you build on what you have, you will become more successful.


When you build a reserve in every area, you can leverage more opportunities

more quickly.

Integrate your life.

When you make sure your life’s components fit together well, you will experience


Polish everything.

When you buff up every aspect of your life, you will feel even more proud to be

a human being.

The Success Process:
Ten Steps to Sustainable,
Fulfilling Success

Copyright © 2005 by Coach U. Inc.


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