Feral Riders 3 Wild LA Brookes

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Wild (Feral Riders)


LA Brookes

Wild © copyright 2013, LA Brookes
First Electronic Printing March 2013, The Raven Books
Cover art by Natalie Winters, © Copyright 2013
Edited by Suz Gower
Final Line Edits by Dianne B
ISBN 978-1-62501-029-2
Published by The Raven Books

All books copyrighted to the author and may not be resold or given away without written
permission from the author, LA Brookes.

This novel is a work of fiction. Any and all characters, events, and places are of the author’s
imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or
events or places is merely coincidence. Must be 18 years or older to read.

Published by The Raven Books

www.ravenhappyhour.com ~ www.theravenbooks.com

Raven Books and all affiliate sites and projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2013

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Wild (Feral Riders)


LA Brookes

Table of Contents

Wild (Feral Riders)
Dear Readers,
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Feral Riders Series
About the Author

A Hired Affair by Lydia Brookes

The Raven Books’ Complementary Material

Let the Wild Out by Madelyn Porter
Space Pirates’ Bounty by Reagan Hawk

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Feral Riders Book Three

Paranormal Shifter Gay (MM) Romance

Nick Harmon and Ben Goering have felt a connection since the moment they met. It’s strong,

powerful and unbreakable. The problem is: so are they. As two alpha werewolves, they know neither
of them can submit completely to the other. It goes against their very nature. Though the feelings they
have for each other are undeniable, there is a piece missing from their dynamic. Justin Forte is that

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Feral Riders Series






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Dear Readers,

Always practice safe sex. This book is for adults only.

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Chapter One

Nick Harmon loved his best friend, Ben Goering. Since the first moment he saw him, he’d

known there was something special about the lycan.

Within six hours they’d been in each other’s beds.
Within six days they’d known the two of them would never work.
Within six months, they’d come to the conclusion that they would never be happy unless they

found a way to be together.

They had a bond. It was strong, powerful, and completely unbreakable. What they felt, though,

wasn’t the problem. It was what they were that caused friction. As werewolves, they both had alpha
tendencies that became overbearing and volatile when challenged. They needed a focus beyond
themselves. They needed a non-lycan man willing to accept them both and willing to be their
emotional and sexual balance. It was the only way they’d find happiness. It was the only way they
could truly be together.

Their relationship was an open one, each finding release with other partners, though none of the

lovers meant anything to them beyond a one-night stand. Honesty was a keystone in their friendship.
The frequently changing parade of lovers had worked for them, but lately it left them feeling restless,
as if half mated. Though the feelings they had for each other were undeniable, there was a piece
missing from their dynamic. They wanted more than anything to find that one man who could belong to
them both—completely. Unfortunately, they could never agree on a joint lover, let alone a third mate.
Until now.

Nick watched Ben as he threw back his head in laughter. He smiled, liking the way his mate’s

dark hair spilled around his shoulders. It was part of the sexy picture that made Ben appear gruff and
wild, with a lust for life and sex. Where Ben was boisterous and made friends easily, Nick held back,
studying people like a wolf watching from the bushes—wild and aware, silent and crouching as he
judged the situation.

He loved Ben’s vibrancy. Everything his lover did was full-force, if not a little reckless. As a

wolf, he took many risks that had almost gotten him caught. As a man, he homed in on something he
wanted and went for it. Or, in this case, something Nick had seen and wanted first. Justin Forte.

Slender, blond, graceful, human. Justin was everything Nick and Ben could agree on. He had a

rich laugh, bright eyes, an easy smile and the most infectiously erotic smell Nick had ever detected. It
was lust at first sight…for Ben too. The real question was, could it be love? Nick felt a pull toward
Justin, the same kind of pull he felt toward Ben.

Watching Ben seduce a man was like watching an artist with his brush. Each stroke was pure

genius, each word, each look, each nuance of speech. Nick knew. He’d fallen for Ben’s seductive
games time and time again. It didn’t even matter what he said. It was his eyes as he said it, the tone of
his voice, the subtle pheromone he tended to emit that oozed sexuality.

Ben held up his hand in a subtle gesture. Nick made his way across the bar to the table the two

men shared. Justin’s eyes lifted, filled with uncertainty and interest. The first time Nick had run into
him at the small-town Rhode Island market, he’d been instantly smitten. The two lycanthropes had
aimlessly traveled across the United States with a pack of feral wolves, going wherever the mood for
the day struck—restless and searching, looking for adventure and pleasurable distractions. At least,
they had until recently.

Lately, they had both felt the longing to fill the void—especially since a couple of their pack

members had found mates. First there was Leo. He’d fallen for a construction worker one day, riding

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his motorcycle through a small town in Georgia. He’d been obsessed to the point he’d convinced his
friends to act as wingmen and set up an elaborate seduction filled with adrenaline-pumping fear. Then
there was Jesse and the little red riding hood mate he’d discovered in the Iowan woods. Chase and
Parker were still single, but even Nick noticed a longing stirring within the men and wouldn’t be
surprised if they were soon mated.

The others knew of Nick and Ben’s relationship, and frankly it didn’t bother them. However,

what none of them would say was often written on their faces. They didn’t believe two lycanthropes
could find happiness sharing a mate. It went against tradition. Wolves mated for life, and so did
werewolves. How could that equation include three people? Ben, being the bold soul he was, refused
to acknowledge the fear. Nick had to force himself not to dwell on it.

To be fair, riding as a feral pack also went against tradition, and that worked out for all of them.

They were generally happy.

“He’s interested,” Ben said bluntly as Nick neared the table. Sometimes Ben’s candor surprised

even him. “I explained we were a package deal.”

Nick looked at Justin. The man slowly nodded his head. “I completely respect you have a

committed yet open relationship.” He gave a small sigh. “I think it’s sweet that you respect each
other’s needs and yet can still find love.”

Sweet? Nick couldn’t help but grin at that word. No one had ever called the two werewolves

“sweet” before.

“I would never want to come between that. As I told your partner Ben—” Justin gave a glance at

Ben. “When I was flirting with you at the store, I didn’t realize you were taken and I meant no
disrespect to your relationship. In fact, hearing Ben describe the two of you, I can’t help but be a little
jealous of what you have. To be so open with each other, it really is a gift.”

Nick’s whole body had been tense with burning desire since he’d first run into Justin. Now, to

hear his easy acceptance, he nearly exploded in his pants. Ben had offered to relieve him earlier, but
Nick had wanted to wait.

The bar felt too small. Locals in small towns always seemed overly curious about newcomers.

Nick sat next to Ben and leaned over the table to Justin. “What do you say we get out of here?” Ben’s
hand slid over his thigh, tapping lightly in affection.

Justin nodded. “I would really like that.”
Nick liked the shy yet eager way the words came out. There was something special about this

one. He felt it as assuredly as he felt the breath in his lungs and Ben’s hand against his thigh. Ben’s
grip tightened. He felt it too.

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Chapter Two

Ben was torn between looking at Nick’s shapely ass and Justin’s more slender yet just as

delectable one. When Nick had said he’d found “the one,” Ben had been skeptical. They had never
been able to agree on a third man before. But the moment he’d looked at Justin, heard his voice,
detected his smell, he knew exactly what Nick was talking about. There was something different
about this one, something special. The incredibly sexy man had drawn them both in from the very first
moment until they could think of nothing more than getting him back to their hotel room to have a wild
night—or twelve—of passion.

He could tell by the bounce in Nick’s step that his lover was excited. Ben understood. They had

wanted a third to make them whole for a long time. It wasn’t easy finding someone willing to accept
two alpha wolves, let alone commit to them. Justin still might not be willing, but Ben was going to do
everything in his power to win the man over. And not just for himself, but for Nick. They needed this.
Hopefully, Justin would come to feel the same way. As wolves, they trusted instinct, but understood
that humans needed a little more time to discover their feelings.

Their motel was just across the street from the bar, so all three made their way through the

parking lot. Their room was on the upper level with access from the outside. It wasn’t fancy, but it
was all the small town had to offer. Nick took the stairs two at a time, unlocking the door before the
others arrived.

Justin looked almost nervous as the door was shut behind them. Lycanthrope eyes could see

easily in the dim light, so Ben didn’t bother to turn the lights on. He met Nick’s eyes and they both
walked to where Justin stood by the bed.

Nick touched him first, caressing his cheek. Justin stiffened before leaning into his hand. Ben

was bolder. He reached for the man’s ass. Before their new lover could change his mind, they began
rubbing against him—Nick along the front, Ben the back.

Ben tossed aside his own clothes before he reached around Justin to unbutton Nick’s jeans. Nick

worked on Justin’s shirt. Small noises of pleasure came from his lovers. Ben pulled the zipper down
to reveal the full length of Nick’s cock. Like Ben, Nick rarely wore underwear. He slipped his hand
over the erection and began stroking. Nick sighed in pleasure.

Justin lifted his hands so Nick could pull off his shirt. The subtle musk of Justin’s skin stirred

around them. Justin’s unfamiliar pheromones mingled with Nick’s, creating a brand new scent that left
Ben breathless.

Ben released Nick’s cock to blindly search for the buckle of Justin’s belt, his fingers fumbling in

his eagerness. The touch of flesh electrified his nerves. With Nick’s help, Ben was able to pull
Justin’s pants off his hips. He knelt behind the man, watching the denim erotically slide off his tight
hips. Unable to resist, he nipped at the man’s ass, biting it lightly so the cheeks would flex under his
mouth. At Ben’s urging, Justin lifted a leg. Ben pulled off one boot, then the other, before finally
tugging the jeans completely off.

By the time he stood, all three of them were completely naked. Their clothes were tossed aside,

littering the hotel room. The warmth of Justin’s ass felt nice against his bare cock. Naked flesh met
with naked flesh as the men explored. Hands roamed along his sides. Justin touched his thigh. Nick
grabbed Ben’s ass and pulled him hard into Justin’s backside. His cock didn’t need encouragement to
lift as it was already a hard, towering mass ready to lay claim to anyone in its path.

Wanting to make sure Justin thoroughly enjoyed himself, Ben reached around to grab his cock in

one hand. With the other, he took Nick’s. Ben drew the men together, rubbing their shafts against each

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other as he masturbated them. The firm, smooth texture glided in his palm. Justin trembled, making the
cutest of small noises in the back of his throat.

“Your cock feels so good against mine,” Nick said to Justin. “I can’t wait to feel you come all

over my dick.”

Ben wanted to delve his cock into Justin’s ass, but the lube he’d need to ease his way wasn’t

close at hand, so instead he contented himself by rocking softly along his firm cheeks. Nick moaned,
his lips meeting Justin’s. The sound of their kissing nearly caused Ben to come.

Ben felt Nick’s hand reach for his cock to help him out. He groaned in appreciation as he too

was stroked. Nick cupped Justin’s balls. They both knew it was important that Justin liked this
experience and got off on it. If the heavy sighs coming from their new lover were any indication,
Justin was indeed enjoying himself.

“I want to fuck your ass so bad,” Ben said, nipping lightly at the Justin’s delicate neck from

behind. “I’m going to cram you so full of my cock.”

Justin made a beautifully weak, submissive noise.
“That’s right, baby. When he fucks you, I’m going to suck your dick,” Nick said.
“What about your needs?” Justin asked Nick.
“Don’t worry about him, sugar,” Ben answered. “As soon as I’m done, he’ll fuck you. We’re

going to treat you so right tonight.”

“You’re going to feel so good,” Nick said.
“You’re never going to want to leave our bed.” Ben nipped again at his neck. He felt the man

starting to tense as his orgasm approached.

“Anything you want, you just have to ask,” Nick said.
Justin gasped loudly. His body stiffened as he came. His semen wet Ben’s hand and he continued

to rub the quivering shaft against Nick’s cock. Wet, sticky cum helped his palm to slide. Nick groaned
in approval, but he held back from finding release.

Ben released the cocks. He tightened his stomach, keeping his own orgasm at bay. Nick let go of

him, as if in silent understanding.

“It doesn’t seem fair,” Justin said. Ben watched him take Nick’s cock. The erotic sight of it

turned him on more. Justin looked up at Nick. “How about I suck you instead?” Nick met Ben’s eyes
and grinned. Ben nodded once. Justin turned to face him. “If that’s all right with you, Ben.”

Ben liked that their new lover was considerate enough to ask his permission. He leaned over,

pressing his lips to Justin’s. He kissed him deeply, rolling his tongue into his mouth with searing
possession. Nick pulled away from them and sat on the bed to watch. Justin’s hand found Ben’s cock.
The touch was light and stroking. Ben drew his mouth back. “Oh yeah, I want you to suck him. Make
him feel really good. He likes it when you stick a finger in his ass while you do it. He’s on the bed.
Crawl over him and put your ass out for me.”

To Ben’s deepest pleasure, Justin obeyed without question. Yes, this guy was special—

obedient, willing, sexy, eager to please. It caused feeling of protectiveness to wash over him. Ben
went to his bag to grab a bottle of lube from his supply. The sound of lips smacking against cock
punctuated the otherwise silent room. Picking one that tingled upon penetration, Ben slathered his
cock and went to claim his prize.

“Deeper,” Nick urged. Ben knew Justin was playing with his ass just as he liked. “Oh gods,


Nick’s legs were spread wide as Justin kneeled on his hand and knees between them. Ben

moved to the end of the bed and got on, coming up behind Justin. His feet hung off the side, but he

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didn’t care. Eager, he took his cock to the man and rubbed the tip around until he found his target.
With a slow, steady push, he opened the tight rosette of Justin’s ass. Justin gasped and jerked his head
up. Nick reached to grab the man’s head and pushed him back down onto his cock.

“Don’t stop,” Nick soothed. “He’ll go easy on you. Just relax and take all of him. I know he’s

big, but it feels so good once he gets going. You’ll see. That’s it, baby, keep sucking. You’re doing so

Ben grinned, liking when Nick talked during sex, and knowing his lover liked when Ben was

vocal as well. “Easy, don’t clench. Try to open up to me.” He put his hands between Justin’s inner
thighs and urged them farther apart. Ben pushed deeper. “See, Nick’s right. I’ll go easy on you. That’s
it. Take me in so I can ride you.”

The sound of sucking grew louder and more insistent. Nick threw back his head in approval,

groaning loud and long. Ben took the opportunity to shove himself in to the hilt. Justin gasped again,
automatically trying to pull up. Nick forced his head back down.

“Ah, fuck, baby, I’m close! I want you to drink my cum.” Nick squirmed on the bed in


“You have to try this, Nick,” Ben said in approval. “He’s really tight. Damn, but he’s fucking

tight. It’s like fucking a damn virgin.”

“Stretch him open for me,” Nick answered. “I can’t wait to have my turn.”
Justin merely moaned through his mouthful of cock.
“Shit, you suck me good!” Nick cried out, jerking violently as he held Justin’s head down to his


The sight was too much for Ben to resist. Watching his lover come by the mouth of their new

lover was too erotic a show. He too came, squirting his release deep inside Justin. When they’d both
met their climax, Nick let go of Justin’s head and Ben let go of the man’s hips. Justin gasped for
breath. Ben nodded at his dick and then toward the shower. Nick made a small gesture of
understanding. Ben went to clean up as he left them alone to have a little one-on-one time.

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Chapter Three

Nick sighed as Ben left him alone with Justin. Showing surprising thoughtfulness, Ben turned on

the bathroom light, giving Justin something to see by. The shower started and Nick caught Ben’s soft
humming as he washed. Justin curled next to him on the bed, moving leisurely against his body. Nick
knew the man’s cock was hard, just waiting for release, but Justin didn’t push the issue, almost as if
he waited for permission to act.

“You two really are an amazing couple,” Justin said shyly.
“You have no idea,” Nick answered, wondering when it would be a good time to tell Justin

about their little secret. Humans didn’t always react well to discovering the existence of werewolves.
Reaching for Justin’s cock, he rubbed it lightly. “Why don’t you get yourself nice and wet and let me
take care of this for you?”

Justin smiled, glancing at the bathroom door. “Shouldn’t we wait for Ben?”
“Ben won’t mind,” Nick assured him. He rolled over onto his stomach, stretching his legs out on

the bed. He rested his cheek on his hands.

The sound of lube being slathered on Justin’s cock caused Nick to stiffen in anticipation. A hand

lightly touched his ass, stroking it before moving up the middle of his back. Everywhere the man
touched tingled. Justin was so gentle, not rough like a werewolf. When he crawled on top of him,
settling his body flat against Nick’s back, Justin let loose a small sigh of pleasure. He explored
Nick’s muscles, running tender hands over his biceps and neck, down his back, up his sides, onto his
ass. By the time Justin finally maneuvered his cock between the firm cheeks of Nick’s ass, the stirring
of desire filled Nick’s cock.

Justin held on to Nick’s arms, keeping Nick’s hands beneath his head. Using Nick for leverage,

Justin pushed up, slipping his lubed cock into the opening of Nick’s ass. With a thrust, he filled him.
Justin’s lovemaking was like his touch, soft and sweet and so very gentle. Justin rocked against his
back, body pressed to body, holding him down by his arms. Nick could have easily thrown the man
off him, but the comfortable way he was being screwed felt too nice.

Justin’s breath caught in small gasps of pleasure. Ben’s breathing filled Nick’s ears. He knew

the lycanthrope listened from the shower to what was going on in the bedroom. They could hear each
other easily.

“I like him,” Ben whispered so Nick could hear. The sound didn’t register with Justin at all.

“He’s special. He trusts us.”

Nick moaned a response as Justin’s lovemaking became faster. His cock ached as it was rocked

into the bed. Justin let go of his arm to reach beneath them. He took Nick’s cock and began to massage
it as he continued to thrust.

“You’re so hot,” Justin blurted. “You’re like a fucking god.”
“Mm, that’s it, baby, give it to me,” Nick answered.
The dick in his ass felt so good. It wasn’t pounding and conquering like Ben’s. No, sex with Ben

was more of a battle of the wills, a fight for release and dominance. Sure, it was fun as hell, but it
missed the intimate connection he was getting from Justin. Both of the werewolves knew they needed
this. They needed a man like Justin to make them completely fulfilled. When they needed a
connection, they could go to Justin. When they needed a hard screw, they could go to each other. Each
had a place in their lives. Only, Justin had no idea he was in for more than a one-night stand. He was
in for forever.

“You’re so sweet,” Nick said, aroused by the idea of Ben listening to them. Justin kissed his

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back, dragging his tongue over his flesh. “You make me so hard. Your touch lights me on fire.”

Justin quivered with release as he came inside Nick. For a long moment, the man lay against his

back, breathing hard. Nick let him, not moving. Justin’s hand on his dick moved gently, more holding
than stroking.

“Fuck,” Ben whispered. “Send him to me.”
Nick wiggled beneath Justin. “Why don’t you go to the shower and let Ben clean you up?”
Justin made a weak noise as he pushed up. “You won’t mind?”
“No, baby, I don’t mind. Let him take care of you.”
Justin smiled and went toward the bathroom. Nick closed his eyes, listening to the two men from

his place on the bed.

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Chapter Four

Ben smiled as Justin obeyed Nick. The hot water of the shower hit his skin. He’d cleaned his

dick and washed the smell of sex off his body. The soft knock on the shower door wasn’t necessary,
but it was sweet. Ben slid open the door.

“Nick thought I should come clean up.” Justin glanced up, meeting Ben’s eyes briefly before

letting his gaze fall to Ben’s heavy cock.

“Plenty of room in here for you,” Ben said.
Justin joined him in the shower. Water glided over his body. Ben handed him the liquid soap,

leaning against the shower wall as Justin slowly cleaned himself. When he ran his hands over his
hips, Ben ordered, “Get in between your ass cheeks.”

At the husky words, Justin glanced up. His breath held as he obeyed, soaping his balls and ass.
“That’s it. Get it nice and clean.” Ben’s body actually ached.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but are you two on something?” Justin asked.
“On?” Ben chuckled in surprise at the question. “What do you mean, sugar?”
“Well, you’re hard again and you seem to recover faster than…” His words trailed off as he

lifted his flaccid cock in a soapy hand. “Nick recovered fast too. I thought maybe you could give me
some of what you’re taking so I could keep up.”

“No, sweet man, this is all us. We don’t expect you to keep up with us. You’re only human, after

all.” Ben stiffened slightly, not meaning to have revealed so much.

“Shit,” Nick swore in the other room. Justin didn’t hear it.
Justin gave a small laugh. “And you two are gods among men.”
Ben relaxed. Nick sighed with relief, whispering, “Too soon, Ben, too soon.”
“How about I take care of this for you?” Justin asked, reaching for Ben’s erection.
Ben moaned at the gentleness of his touch. “I thought you’d never offer.”
Justin got onto his knees in the shower. The water hit the top of his head, streaming over his face

from behind. “I’d like to see if I can drain you as you’ve both drained me. I want to make you come
until your cocks are so tired they can’t lift.”

Ben doubted such a thing was even possible, but he was more than willing to let him try.
“Shit, Ben, I told you he’s the one,” Nick whispered. Ben gave a small moan to let his wolf

lover know he’d heard him.

Justin licked the tip of his cock and Ben jerked in response. The man’s lips were sweet and felt

nothing like the hard pull of Nick’s aggressive blowjobs. Water cascaded down his chest. Justin
sucked the cock deeper and gripped the root of the shaft with his hands. Fingers and mouth slid over
his arousal. Ben grabbed the man’s hair and began to pump his hips. He shoved his dick as deep as
the man’s mouth would allow.

“Damn, sweetheart, you know how to make a man feel good, don’t you? Nick and I are going to

take care of you, just as long as you keep taking care of us.”

Justin moaned but was unable to speak over his mouthful of cock.
Ben began stroking Justin’s wet hair, caressing the man kneeling before him. The gentleness was

nearly too much. He felt the wolf wanting to come out, to dominate and play. Possessiveness filled
him. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You want to be our bitch, don’t you? Ah, yeah, there’s a good
lover, suck all that delicious cum out of me. Drink it down.”

Ben came into his lover’s mouth, holding him on his cock, nearly choking him as he squirted his

seed down his throat. It wasn’t enough. The wolf wanted more.

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He let go and the man slipped back, falling on his ass. Breathing hard, Justin looked up with

wide eyes. Almost instantly, Ben’s cock started to lift as if he had not just filled Justin’s throat with
cum. The sweet, almost innocent way the man looked at him was too much for the beast inside.

Ben’s body quivered as the shift came over him. Fur sprouted on his arms. His cock thickened

and became longer, stronger, more insistent in its mindless need to fuck something.

Justin scrambled to get out of the shower. He let loose a soft cry of panic. His body slipped and

he hit at the shower door to slide it open. Ben howled, throwing back his head. Justin’s actions only
made the wolf’s predatory drive kick in.

Nick was suddenly at the door, also partially shifted, though in more control. He was breathing

hard. Seeing Justin scrambling naked across the wet floor, Nick pointed at their new lover to back
away toward the toilet.

Ben faced Nick, seeing his mate’s gloriously hard, virile body. Nick’s challenging stance drew

his attention from Justin. Nick growled. It was an old mating dance between them, a battle of the
wills. Ben surged forward, knocking Nick from the bathroom toward the bed. They struggled, slashing
and fighting without really hurting the other. Justin didn’t come out of the bathroom.

They were both partially shifted, and when they touched it was aggressive and raw. Claws and

fangs drew blood. Ben managed to flip Nick onto his stomach, and he got up on all fours. Ben
howled, coming behind his lover’s half-shifted body. The full shift would mean they were completely
in wolf form, and they couldn’t have this kind of fun like that. Instead they could play in a half shift,
likely looking to Justin more like wolfmen from an old Hollywood horror film. A thick bed of fur
surrounded the base of his protruding cock. He aimed for Nick’s ass, not bothering to lube it before
shoving his dick in. He slid easier than normal, feeling the remnants of lubricant and cum from when
Justin had fucked Nick. The thought only made the wolf wilder.

Nick howled as he was taken from behind. Ben pounded into him. Damn, in human form Nick

was sexy as hell; as a wolf he was downright breathtaking and sinful. The orgasm didn’t come fast,
but neither of them cared. He punished Nick’s ass, slamming into it. When finally he came, he let out a
loud cry of victory.

Nick felt Ben’s cum wetting him and barely gave his lover time to finish squirting before he

jerked his body forward and reached behind to throw Ben to the side. His mate fell onto the mattress.
Nick roughly grabbed him, and repositioned his body so he could have his turn. The new direction of
their bodies allowed him to see Justin in the bathroom. A low growl sounded as he watched the
human. Justin stared, wide-eyed, in stunned silence. But there was one reaction the man couldn’t hide
—his cock was hard as he watched the rough sex with rapt attention. He made no move to escape.

Nick wanted him to see. He lubed up his cock. It excited him to know their gentle lover watched

him dominate Ben. Determined to put on a good show, he gripped Ben’s hips and forced his mate’s
ass into the air. Ben’s face pressed into a pillow. Nick let an arm fall back as he thrust his hips
forward, letting Justin see how his long cock slid in and out of his lover’s ass. Justin wrapped his
fingers around his erection, holding it as he remained on the bathroom floor.

Nick pounded Ben as he’d been pounded moments before. Oh, but it felt really good to let the

inner animals out to play. They hadn’t planned to let Justin see them like this. This night was going to
be all about pleasing their new lover and making him want to stay with them. They should have
known they wouldn’t have been able to control the beasts. However, better they unleashed the
animals on each other and not on their delicate potential mate.

Nick’s claiming was just as passionate as Ben’s had been. He fucked his lover hard, fast and

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dirty. When he came, he pulled out. His cum shot over Ben’s back in a long stream.

Momentarily sated, they let their bodies shift back to human form once more. Ben pressed up on

the bed, turning his attention to Justin. The man stared at them, not speaking. Nick had expected him to
try to run…not that he would have been able to get very far with two werewolves after him.

“You…” Justin whispered, the sound barely audible even to them. “You’re…”
“Werewolves,” Ben said, a bit gruff.
Trying to ease the bluntness of Ben’s words, Nick lifted a hand and eased forward as if trying to

calm a scared kitten. “Don’t worry, baby, we’re not going to hurt you. In fact, we care a great deal for
you. We’d never hurt you.”

“Are you going to—” Justin swallowed hard. “—turn me?”
“It doesn’t work like that, sugar,” Ben answered.
“We’re born this way,” Nick added.
“What are you going to do with me? I know your secret. Does that mean you’re planning on—?”
“Mating you,” Ben interrupted.
“We want you to be with us.” Nick eased his way closer. The man was tense, but his hand still

rested on his hard cock. “You’re destined to be our third. We’ve traveled all over the world looking
for you. You’re fated to spend the rest of your life with us, as our third husband.”

“Husband?” Justin repeated. “Mate?”
He didn’t sound so sure of the plan.
“Yes, sugar,” Ben said. “You belong to us now.” He heard Ben adjust his weight on the bed

behind him.

“Hey, relax,” Nick soothed. He crawled forward, into the bathroom toward Justin. The man

pressed back. Nick tried to keep the wolf from flashing in his eyes, but failed. Justin gasped. Nick
opened his mouth and stuck out his tongue. Slowly, he leaned toward Justin’s cock and licked the tip.
The man jolted at the contact. “Let me help you. Just relax. You don’t have to be scared of us. Let me
show you.”

“I…” Justin began.
Nick chose that moment to suck the man’s dick into his mouth. Justin gasped. Nick was confident

in his ability to suck a dick, and didn’t hesitate as he gave Justin pleasure.

“You liked watching us, didn’t you?” Ben said. “I felt your eyes on us. It’s okay. We like you


Nick stretched his thumb along Justin’s shaft so he could get it wet as his head bobbed down

over the man’s penis. Then, taking the digit, he wiggled it into Justin’s ass, poking it into the tight bud
of his anus. The man came instantly. Fuck, but he tasted really sweet. Nick swallowed, licking the
penis clean before lifting his head.

“See, isn’t that better?” Nick soothed. “We told you we’d take care of you.”
“I should go?” Justin hardly seemed convinced of his own words.
“You should stay,” Ben commanded. “Come lie down on the bed between us. Nothing has

changed. We’re still the same men you’ve been fucking all night. Only now, you know our deepest

Like the good, obedient lover he was, Justin slowly stood and made his way to the bed. He

progressed slowly, still unsure. However, he didn’t run away. When he lay down next to Ben, he was
stiff. Ben faced him and placed a hand on his hip. Nick moved to settle behind him. They sandwiched
the man between their bodies.

Nick kissed Justin’s shoulder. “I knew you were the one to give our relationship balance, Justin.

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I just knew it.”

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Chapter Five

“Gone? What do you mean he’s gone?” Ben demanded, looking up from his pancakes to where

Nick stood by the table. He dropped his fork and stood. The other pack members were supposed to be
meeting them for breakfast soon and they’d wanted to introduce Justin to them. The diner was
crowded. Several of the patrons stopped moving at Ben’s words. Forkfuls of food hung in midair.

Nick glanced around and put a hand on Ben’s arm. “Give him time. He will find his way back to


Ben turned his gaze toward the restroom. He resisted the urge to charge back and look for

himself. Slowly the diner patrons resumed what they were doing. “We need to find him.”

“We can’t order him—” Nick began.
“Coffee, sweetheart!” Leo called from the door, drawing their attention. The sound of

motorcycles followed him into the diner. The other pack members were arriving and their appearance
kept Ben from running out the door to look for Justin.

“You made it,” Nick said. “Where’s Jackson?”
Leo grinned. Jackson was Leo’s human mate and they were hardly ever apart. Where Leo went,

Jackson was glued to the motorcycle seat right behind him.

“He’s—” Leo started to answer.
“Oh, for the love of my sanity, don’t ask,” Parker interrupted, coming inside. He gripped a

paperback novel in his hand. The man always had a book with him, usually a worn copy he’d picked
up from a secondhand store. “I lived that answer in real time.”

“I wore my little love bunny out,” Leo said. “He’s sleeping, the sweet little thing.”
“Leo and Jackson had the room next to me. All night long they were cooing at each other. It was

almost as bad as having to listen to Jesse on the other side as he played bad wolf with his red riding
hood for eight hours straight. I swear I saw them with props.”

“Jealousy is not pretty on you,” Leo said.
“What are you talking about?” Parker chuckled. “Everything looks good on me.”
“Damn, I know what would look good on me.” Chase joined them. He bumped Parker’s arm and

nodded toward the short order cook behind the counter. “That fine piece of ass right there.”

“You can’t see his ass,” Parker said.
“You can barely see his head,” Leo added.
“At the rate you all keep mating, soon the only piece of regular ass I’m going to be able to fuck is

Parker.” Chase made a face at his friends. The woman at the nearby table heard him and gasped.
Chase winked at her and gave her a come-hither smile. “You’re welcome to join in if you like,

“After last time, you’re not coming anywhere near my ass,” Parker denied, drawing attention

from the stunned woman back to the group. “It took us a week to get that security camera footage
erased before we ended up on the internet.”

“Again,” Leo pointed out.
“What can I say, when a guy has a dick that needs itched…” Chase shrugged.
“I think the saying is an itch that needs to be scratched,” Nick corrected.
“That too.” Chase slid into Ben’s seat and picked up the man’s discarded fork. He started eating

Ben’s pancakes.

“Um, that was me on the internet,” Ben interjected, “and my video went viral, thank you very


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“I believe the comments said, ‘cheesiest special effects ever’.” Parker grabbed a menu off the

waitress station and walked around the circular booth to slide in. A waitress brought a coffee and set
it down. She was met with a barrage of friendly orders for more drinks. Unfortunately for her, the men
all talked over each other. Holding up her hands, she nodded and backed away.

“They also said I was ‘hawt as hell’,” Ben picked up where the conversation had left off.
“You are,” Nick said softly, touching his arm. The others ignored the show of affection.
“Oh, hey, Jesse said to order without him. He and Red are eating breakfast in bed. Red set up a

photography shoot for a magazine and they wanted to stay here a little longer. Suits me if it suits
everyone else.” Chase reached to smother his stolen pancakes with maple syrup. He looked up at the
cook in the service window. “I like this place as well as any other.”

“Help yourself to my breakfast,” Ben said sarcastically. “Don’t mind me.”
“Order more,” Chase responded with his mouth full. “See if my new chef boyfriend will

personally deliver it.”

“I think you have to actually ask them to go steady before you can call them your boyfriend,”

Nick teased.

“Or at least talk to them,” Leo added.
“Get their name,” Parker offered.
“Details, details,” Chase grumbled. “If you call them all babycakes, you don’t have to learn their


“How can any self-respecting grown wolf use a word like babycakes?” Parker shook his head.
“Makes me appear all bad boy with a secret heart of gold that the men just want to tame.” Chase

shoved a giant bite into his mouth and grinned.

Parker shook his head and opened his book. “Then the men you date are idiots.”
The others grabbed menus and slid into the booth to order when the waitress came back with a

tray full of coffees. Ben ignored the continued banter and sat by Nick. “Where is he?”

Softly, Nick answered, “He’s a big boy. You know how these humans are, baby. The news of

our wolves probably hit him and he panicked. We’ll find him. Justin can’t escape us now. We have
his scent.”

Nick’s voice had a calming effect on him, unlike anything else in his life. Nick understood the

wolf, and just how to talk to it to keep it from exploding into pure, animalistic instinct. If not for Nick,
Ben would be out in the streets hunting Justin down.

As if reading his thoughts, Nick continued, “If we go to him all alpha and demanding, we’ll only

scare him.”

Suddenly, Ben grinned. “Fuck, last night was fun, wasn’t it?”
“Mm.” Nick nodded in agreement. “We finally found the one.”
“Yes. The one.” For the moment, Ben let that thought comfort him.

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Chapter Six

The outdoor marketplace was packed full of customers. It had the kind of charm only found in

New England. To a lycan, the smell of fish and seafood could easily overpower that of the fresh fruit
and flower stands. However, to Nick and Ben there was one scent that overtook all else.

“There,” Ben said, nodding down the long row to where Justin carried a large case of melons

toward a booth.

“I see him.” Nick found himself walking faster. After leaving the diner and their pack members

behind, they knew they couldn’t stay away from Justin. Surely a few hours was enough time to think
about things, right? How long did the man need to make a decision anyway? Couldn’t he feel their

“Did you remember to tell him he didn’t have to have a job?” Ben asked, reaching to stop Nick

from approaching.

Nick tilted his head and frowned. “No. Did you remember to tell him we’re mated and that he’s

coming with us? Forever?”

Ben shook his head in denial. “I honestly can’t remember. I think I might have forgotten the

forever part. I was too busy trying to get his mouth onto my dick.”

A wave of pure lust washed over Nick and settled in his stomach. “Mm, damn, our little mate

sucks cock so sweetly, doesn’t he? Can you imagine waking up to that every morning? His body
sandwiched between ours.”

“Rolling out of bed and straight into his mouth,” Ben continued.
“Both of our dicks in his mouth.” Nick groaned. “Fuck, I’m as hard as a rock.”
“Me too.”
“Shit.” Nick took a deep breath. “We have to focus. If we keep talking like this, we’ll forget to

tell him he belongs with us now.”

“Come on, let’s go find somewhere private where we can screw and calm down.” Ben started to

pull his arm away from Nick.

However, just as the decision was made, Justin’s eyes found his through the crowd. Their lover

stopped, holding frozen like prey. Then, slowly, he made his way toward them. Ben’s hand dropped
off Nick’s arm. They let Justin come to them.

“Hey,” Justin said, almost shyly. “I wasn’t sure I’d see you guys again.”
“You mean after you jumped out of a bathroom window to get away from us?” Ben asked.
Nick flinched at his lover’s blunt tone. To ease the words, he said, “You left without saying

goodbye. We were worried about you. Are you all right?”

“I realized the time and that I was late for my shift. I was going to come by the hotel later to

apologize. Since the economy hit, work has been hard to come by and I can’t afford to lose the job I
have.” Justin glanced over his shoulder. A burly farmer stared at the three men in disapproval.

“We forgot to tell you we want you to come with us, we love you, you’re our mate, and you

don’t have to work here anymore because we’re loaded,” Ben stated. He then gave Nick a look that
begged him to get Justin back to the hotel room.

Justin’s mouth opened but no sound came out.
“Ben!” Nick hit the back of his hand against the man’s chest.
“What?” Ben defended. “It’s true. Why not get right to the point of the matter? We love him and

he belongs with us.”

Between gritted teeth, Nick explained, “Humans don’t process fate as quickly.”

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“Oh, I process it,” Justin said. Both lycans turned to him in surprise. “I don’t know about this

mate business, but I do believe in love at first sight. My parents met and married within five hours.
They have been happy and in love for the last forty years with no regrets. As to the part about you
guys want to be my sugar daddies, well…” Justin looked behind him. The burly farmer glared at them
in warning. “I hate working for Franks. So if you say my options are staying here making shit pay from
that asshole, or coming with you on an adventure to be loved, cared for, and I’m assuming thoroughly
fucked, well I say no contest. Lead the way, lovers.” Then, glancing down the length of his body,
Justin drew their attention to where his cock strained against his jeans.

“Spoken like a true mate,” Ben said.
“Anything you want.” Nick snarled at the farmer when the man tried to come after Justin. The

man stopped. Nick shook his head in denial before leading the way out of the market to their bikes.

“Do you mean it, anything I want?” Justin asked in that amazingly sexy, shy tone of his.
“Anything you want, anywhere you want to go.” Ben swung onto his motorcycle and leaned

forward. “Hop on.”

“I want you to suck my cock,” Justin answered in a whisper as he got on the back of Ben’s bike.

“Nick did it twice. I want you to suck it…” The man hesitated and then leaned toward Ben’s ear. “I
want you to suck it in your shifted form from last night.”

Ben’s entire body stiffened and his eyes shifted to gold.
“Easy, baby,” Nick warned as he climbed on his bike. “You got to be careful saying things like

that in public. Not that we’re worried anyone will hear, so much as that the animal inside of us loves
to play and can be hard to control when teased.”

“Hold on.” Ben’s voice was thick with the beast as he started the bike and sped off toward the

nearby wooded area. Nick was right behind him.

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Chapter Seven

Ben didn’t pay attention to where he was driving. He only knew he had to get somewhere safe

and private before a shift overtook him. His body tingled. His thighs burned. Claws stretched from his
nail beds. By the sound of Nick’s motorcycle, he could tell the other lycan kept pace with his speed.

Justin’s arms tightened around his waist as his new mate rested his cheek against Ben’s back.

Finding a nice, dense patch of woodland, he drove his bike off road over a worn path. About a mile
in, the forest opened up into a small clearing. The smell of forest and nature washed over him. He
couldn’t resist. Fur sprouted over his body and he was in a partial shift before the bike stopped.

Justin swung his leg back, getting off the bike. The power of the shift was seductive—too

seductive. Ben parked seconds before leaping off his bike onto the ground. He hit the dirt on all fours
in a full shift. Shaking, he rid himself of his clothing. He couldn’t talk or screw in such a state, but he
could run. He darted around the perimeter, ensuring no one or nothing was nearby to interrupt them.

Nick parked his motorcycle next to Ben’s. When Ben looked, Nick had Justin in his arms and

was kissing him passionately. He ran back to his two lovers.

“His teeth are sharp like that. Trust me, you don’t want his shifted mouth on your cock,” Nick

said into the kiss.

Ben let his body return to the half-shifted state and stood. The beast inside him was eager to be

pleased. The man in him wanted to give pleasure. Seeing the two men he loved with each other made
his heartbeat quicken. He reached to touch them. Instead of joining them in the embrace, Ben stripped
his lovers of their clothes. Only when they were all naked did he move next to them. Though he was
partially shifted, the animal in him felt tamed. Never had this happened. If there had ever been any
doubts as to Justin’s place with them, this proved he was meant to be their mate.

“Touch him,” Nick urged. “The beast likes to be petted.”
Justin’s hand found Ben’s shifted cock. The delicate touch caused the wolf inside to tremble.

The transformation made his penis wider and longer, and so much more sensitive.

Justin let go and slowly went to his knees. He took Nick by the hand and urged him down to the

ground. Then, turning, Justin offered his ass toward Ben.

Nick handed Ben a small tube of lubricant. They let Justin take the lead. Ben eagerly went to his

knees. Nick crawled to lie beneath Justin so the man could reach his dick. When Justin leaned over to
take Nick into his mouth, Ben rubbed his cock, wetting it with a combination of pre-ejaculate and lube
so it would be nice and slick when he entered Justin’s ass.

Ben took his new mate by his hips, mindful to keep from scratching Justin with his claws. Justin

tensed, even as he pressed back in full acceptance of Ben’s impending claim. Ben slid forward,
stretching Justin’s tight ass, and gave a howl of pleasure as he worked himself in. The wolf wanted to
ram deep and fuck hard. Ben managed to keep the beast in check.

The sound of suction was punctuated by Nick’s moans of pleasure as Ben slid deeper to give

Justin the full length of his arousal. Justin accepted the wolves in them. Nick started to shift as Justin
sucked him. Ben’s eyes met Nick’s and he smiled. The smell of nature surrounded them, so primal
and peaceful at the same time. Ben pumped in and out, becoming more frenzied with each pass. His
balls slammed into Justin, slapping against flesh. Fuck, but this moment was beautiful.

Ben came, buried to the hilt. The release shook him to the core, taking the wolf with it. He

shifted the rest of the way back to human form, sated and a little weak. It felt right, perfect, destined.
Seconds later, Nick also came.

“Turn over,” Ben ordered. Justin eagerly obeyed. Ben took Justin’s dick into his mouth and

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sucked it hard. His head bobbed as he took it deep. Justin writhed beneath him on the ground before
coming in Ben’s mouth. Ben swallowed every last drop. With a little moan, he let the cock slip from
his mouth.

Nick reached across Justin’s body to touch Ben. Ben smiled over Justin’s head. Their new mate

slept on the ground, cushioned by leaves, sandwiched between the two lycans.

“I love you,” Nick mouthed.
Ben gave a small nod. “I love you too.”
The whisper caused Justin to moan lightly in his sleep. Nick shared a tender look with Ben. This

was what they’d been missing in their lives. With Justin, they were complete.

The End

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Feral Riders Series






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About the Author

LA Brookes is a very good girl by day. By night, she lets her fingers do the talking and writes

racy stories--mostly about sexy man love.

She also writes M/F erotic romance under the name Lydia Brookes.

LA Brookes on Amazon

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A Hired Affair by Lydia Brookes

Contemporary Erotic Romance

Nicole Davis is kept busy owning her own bar, and is too busy to find love. But, if she can’t find

love, she’ll settle for sex—even if she has to pay for it. She knows she could never love a man like
Jack, whose job requires him to sleep with women, but that doesn’t mean she can’t hire him for a few

Lydia Brookes on Amazon

Coming from LA Brookes and The Raven Books!

Feral Riders: Whisper

Feral Riders: Chase

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The Raven Books’ Complementary Material

The following material is free of charge. It will never affect the price of your book.

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Let the Wild Out by Madelyn Porter

Paranormal Shapeshifter Erotic Ménage Romance

Rachel Dunne thinks she's safe from the politics of her people by keeping a low profile in

America. When she comes face to face with one of the clan chiefs in search of a mate, she’s stunned
yet incredibly turned on. There is a catch—one queen to two opposing clan chiefs. It’s hard enough
fighting off the advances of one sizzling hot piece of alpha man-flesh, can she possibly resist two?

Let the Wild Out Excerpt

Everyone should have at least two lovers.
That’s what Rachel Dunne’s crazy aunt used to tell her anyway. Her mother would have rolled

over in her grave if she’d known her father’s sister had been given custody. After her parents died,
Aunt Elvie was the only family member who could take her in. Rachel spent her teenage years under
the care of a free lovin’, spirit séance havin’, illegal herb growin’, occasionally under arrest, Auntie
Elvie. Luckily the sheriff was one of Elvie’s pot customer slash on-and-off-again lovers, and Elvie
never stayed behind bars for too long.

It wasn’t an ideal childhood. But what Elvie lacked in modern morals and conventions she more

than made up with love and patience. As for an Uncle Elvie, there wasn’t one—there were several.
Elvie rotated her lovers like most people changed toothbrushes, and she always kept at least two of
them around at a time. Though, for their kind, such things were not unusual.

Oh, Aunt Elvie also happened to be a bird shifter. Rachel always thought it accounted for her

flighty behavior and great appetite for life. Though, how a bird shifter could get arrested in the middle
of a forest was beyond her. Rachel suspected her aunt liked being put in cuffs.

For some reason, Aunt Elvie and her childhood had been on her mind a lot lately.
“What kind are you?”
Rachel pretended not to hear the man who spoke, keeping her attention on the ebook reader she

held. She had seen him following her as she left the bookstore where guest authors, Mandy M. Roth
and Michelle M. Pillow, had joint book readings. She’d felt his presence as she walked the streets
and smelled him as he came into the coffee shop. She didn’t need to look at him to know he had dark
hair and a rock-solid body. That much she’d seen from the reflection in the bookstore window. But
experience taught her to stay away from other shifters. They had a wildness about them, an animalistic
quality and a freedom Rachel fought hard to control in herself.

“What kind are you?” The unmistakable brogue of his Gaelic accent seemed out of place in the

small Colorado town. That might account for his forward behavior. The shifters she’d met from
overseas tended to have less puritanical ways. In America, unless on a preserve, shifters tended to
mind their own business.

Rachel glanced at the hand he pressed flat against the table. There was no point in denying his

claim. She could smell the shifter on him, as he could on her. However, his fragrance was potent and
raw. He’d changed recently and, if the prickling sense of danger curling through her was any
indication, he was dangerous. No wild bird here. Without looking up, she said, “I heard you the first
two times, but my parents told me to never talk to strangers. Just keep it moving, buddy. I’m not in the
life and I’m not looking for friends.”

The man turned his hand over so she could see his palm. An ancient, circular design had been

burned into the flesh with a branding iron. It looked old, probably given to him in childhood in an
ancient ritual. She stiffened, not needing further introduction. Rachel didn’t move for a long moment.

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She knew that mark. Everyone with shifter blood knew that mark. She’d never expected to see it in
her lifetime, had hoped not. As far as she’d known, the marked ones were all living overseas, and she
preferred it that way. Slowly lifting the back of her hand to her head in a subtle gesture of respect
Aunt Elvie had taught her, she said, “My chief.”

“For someone not in the life, you know who I am.” He pulled his fingers into a fist. “Now I

asked you a question. What kind are you?”

“Trout,” Rachel lied, finally looking up at him. “My kind is a trout. I’m diluted blood.”
She wasn’t sure it was wise to lie to her clan chief, but if he was asking about her kind, then

being a tame creature of the river wasn’t useful to anyone. It had been a long time since she shifted, so
her smell wouldn’t be potent at all. The lie would be believable. Hopefully he’d leave her alone
now. Rachel fought the nervousness in her stomach. If he caught her lying to him she wasn’t sure what
he’d do. The stories from the old country were brutal, practically medieval.

He slid into the chair across from her. “Trout?”
“Yes, my chief. A fish. When I change I swim in streams and try not to get hooked by fishermen

while avoiding other spawning creatures. You can see why I’m not interested in the life.” Rachel
made a move to stand, refusing to look into his eyes in case he sensed her fear. “If you would excuse
me, I have to get to—”

“Wait.” He reached for her hand. The warmth of his touch took her by surprise.
“Yes?” Was it just her imagination, or could she feel the scar on his palm? Her attention focused

on it, on him. Awareness shot through her.

“Who are your family? Which clan?”
“My family is gone. My aunt, Elvie Dunne, raised me. She passed two years back. My father, her

brother, belonged to yours, the Duncanis clan. I don’t talk to any others. Any other questions you have
are better directed at someone else. I hear there are shifters living in Colorado Springs. Perhaps you
should try there.” Rachel withdrew her hand and he let her go. “Excuse me, Chief, but I can’t lose my

“No reason to be so formal. Call me Douglas.”
She nodded, not saying his name or meeting his eyes. Grabbing her ebook reader, she held it a

little too tightly.

As she walked away, she detected his whisper, “I’ll be seeing you, little trout.”
Rachel really hoped not.

You can visit Madelyn Porter online at


Madelyn on Amazon

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Space Pirates’ Bounty by Reagan Hawk

Book Two in the Strength in Numbers Series

Scheduled to become head concubine for a sadistic master, Lucia longs to be taken from her life.

Born a slave, she believes she will die without ever knowing passion or love. Resigned to a life of
cruelty, she never dreamed to find herself sailing the stars and sandwiched between two alpha males,
each willing to die to protect her and each willing to see to her every sexual desire.

Raider, a Robin Hood of the future and a legend among thieves and space pirates, has amassed a

fortune for himself and his crew. Seeking something more daring, he poses as a guard for hire and
takes a position within a nobleman’s household with an elaborate plan to claim the man's riches for
himself. He finds himself less concerned about money and more captivated by Lucia—a most alluring
bounty. His lust for her is dangerous and could leave them both with a death sentence. He doesn’t
care. He wants her and he’ll stop at nothing to have her, to possess her, even if it means stealing her
instead of gold.

Warning: Short story contains MMF/MFM (oh, who are we kidding, just about everything and

everyone joins in the fun) graphic language, ménage and more, kinky alien sex, extreme alpha males,
and pretty much anything else you can think to toss in for sexy fun.

Document Outline


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