Feral Riders 1 Slake L A Brookes

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Slake (Feral Riders)


LA Brookes

Slake © copyright 2011, LA Brookes
First Electronic Printing March 2011,
The Raven Books
Cover art by Natalie Winters, ©
Copyright 2011
Published by The Raven Books

All books copyrighted to the author
and may not be resold or given away
without written permission from the
author, LA Brookes.

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This novel is a work of fiction. Any and
all characters, events, and places are of
the author’s imagination and should not
be confused with fact. Any resemblance
to persons, living or dead, or events or
places is merely coincidence.

Published by The Raven Books

www.ravenhappyhour.com ~


Raven Books and all affiliate sites and

projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2013

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Slake (Feral Riders)


LA Brookes

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Slake (Feral Riders)

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Feral Riders Series

About the Author

A Hired Affair

The Raven Books’ Complementary


Let the Wild Out by Madelyn


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Best Intentions: Dance of

Souls by Mandy M. Roth






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Paranormal Shifter Gay (MM)


Leo Morgan is a werewolf on the

prowl and there is only one man who
can slake his burning desires. Jackson
may be an unsuspecting human, but this
wolf gets more than he bargained for
when a night of seduction goes wrong…
and oh-so-right.

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Feral Riders Series






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Chapter One

Leo Morgan‘s dick was so hard he

was sure he might explode in his pants at
any moment. The hard press of the
barstool against his ass was doing
nothing to ease his suffering. Neither
was the tight denim of his jeans. He
wanted, no needed, sex. He needed it
now. The pressure in his loins had been
well cultivated, as he had put off
masturbating in expectation of this night.

Whenever he got like this he didn’t

care who slaked his desires—male,
female—so long as they had a willing
hole he could stick it in. He preferred
males, especially those who were a little
resistant to having sex with another man.
There was something powerful to

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bending a tight male body over and
being the first to conquer a virgin ass.
Mm, yeah, and he liked it when the
squirmed, torn between their body’s
anticipation and their naturally bred self-
consciousness about being with another
man. But, once Leo got his cock in, they
never complained—well, except about
being sore and thoroughly pleased the
next morning and Leo rarely stayed
around that long.

“Humans,” he muttered to himself

in amusement. They were so quick to
deny themselves pleasure. Luckily for
Leo, he had been born a lycanthrope, a
werewolf. He didn’t have such hang-
ups. If his kind was hungry, they ate. If
they wanted to run, they ran. And, if they

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wanted to stick their dick in a tight, wet
hole and fuck until sunrise, they did.
Sure, there were some of his kind who
mated for life, but he and his friends
were considered feral. They didn’t
abide by pack law, didn’t seek marriage
or order. No, they roamed free—fucking
and running and eating and fucking.

And right now, he wanted to fuck

the sexy piece of human meat bending
over the pool table in the back of the
dive of a bar. He’d been watching
Jackson for over a week—ever since
arriving in Caridenn, Virginia. He had a
naturally slender body, yet he was tone
from working construction hanging
drywall. Oh, and his hands. They were




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confident. Leo wanted to force those
hands around his cock and fuck it. He
wanted to fuck those strong lips and
make him swallow his cum. But, even
rarer, was Leo wanted to taste the man’s
cock. He hardly ever took a dick in his
mouth. He liked being the dominant one
too much. As a werewolf, it was in his
nature to control.

Leo could tell the guy had never

been fucked by another man. It was just
an instinct he had. There was something
to the man’s nervous glances in his
direction whenever their eyes met. He
was interested, but there was something
holding him back from showing that
interest. It wasn’t necessarily the man’s
friends. They were too drunk and full of

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small town bravado to notice their
friend’s passing interest in the new man
in town. Jackson’s hesitance would
make the pursuit all the sweeter.
Breaking in that ass would feel so good.

Leo’s cock throbbed, leaking pre-

cum into his boxers to make them hot and
a little sticky. He watched his prey down
another bottle of beer and smiled. It was
getting late and the bar would be closing

As if on cue, Jackson’s friend

began to leave one by one. It wouldn’t
be long now. Jackson was always the
last of them to leave—probably because
he didn’t have anyone waiting at home
for him like the other guys.

Soon, Leo told himself. Very soon.

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The minutes ticked by like torture.

Leo shifted his hips, trying not to draw
notice to the huge bulge in his pants.
Jackson leaned over to shoot a couple
more pool balls by himself before
hanging the pool stick on the wall rack.
Leo watched the man’s strong hands
stroke absently down the hard wood
shaft and trembled. If only his human
knew just how fucking sexy he was.

Jackson came near, pulling out his

wallet to throw cash down on the bar.
Leo gripped his drink, trying not to break
the glass. His fingers slid in the
condensation. Jackson’s masculine scent
wafted near him, a combination of male
sweat and cologne.

“Hey,” Jackson said, giving him a

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friendly smile as he did every night.
When he came to bar to settle up his tab
was about the only time he mustered the
courage to talk to Leo. They’d had brief
conversations and even briefer looks of
longing. Jackson shifted nervously. As a
werewolf, Leo detected the subtle
changes in the man’s body—
temperature, heartbeat, caught breaths,
tiny sighs. “How’s it going tonight?”

The deep tenor of Jackson’s voice

caused another tremor to erupt in Leo’s
stomach. Damn, more pre-cum wet his
boxers. At this rate he’d come in his
jeans before getting a chance to play.

“Evening,” Leo returned, keeping it

cool. He noticed the guy’s eyes lingered
a little longer than usual on his face

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before quickly averting Leo knew he
was a handsome guy and hid his delight
that Jackson noticed as well.

“Nice night for a ride. You bring

the motorcycle?” Jackson asked as he
waited for the bartender to bring him his

Leo thought about offering the man

a ride right then and there, but resisted.
He’d planned his seduction of Jackson
carefully. He would not stray from that
plan. “Yeah, only thing I have to drive.
Even in the snow, I’m on it.”

“Must be nice,” Jackson answered.

Leo heard his breath catch, nervously.
“Just to take off and ride whenever you
want. If I had the money, that’s what I’d
do. Just me, a bike, and the open road.”

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He cleared his throat, seeming unsure as
to why he’d revealed so much. “Well,
have a nice night.”

“You, too,” Leo answered. He

watched the man make his way to the
door before saying to the bartender, “I’ll
settle up.”

Leo absently grabbed cash from his

pocket and threw the wad onto the bar
top. He probably overpaid, but he didn’t
care. Money wasn’t really a concern.

The bartender answered, but Leo

ignored him as he moved to follow
Jackson outside. He looked at the thick
muscles of the man’s thighs, imagining
the moment he’d be able to peel material
from flesh to reveal his prize. A cool
breeze hit him as the door opened, but it

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did little to slow the blood pumping in
his veins.

He slowed his step as Jackson

walked across the parking lot. The dim
light flickered overhead. Leo made his
way to his motorcycle, pretending to
kick at the tires to check their pressure.
The wolf inside him wanted to howl and

Soon. Very soon.
“Dammit!” Jackson yelled. The

sound of boot hitting metal punctuated
the irritated yell. “Dammit! Dammit!

Taking his opening, Jackson turned

and jogged toward the truck. He already
knew the tires would be slashed. His
lycanthrope buddies would have seen to

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that for him.

“Everything all right?” Leo asked.

Then pretending to notice the tires, he
swore lightly. “Man, that sucks. You got
someone who can come pick you up?”
He pretended to hesitate, before
offering. “If you want, I can give you a
lift into town on my bike. I didn’t drink
that much so it’s not a problem. Unless
you know something I don’t, I don’t think
you’re going to get a tire change this late
on a Friday night.”

“Dammit!” Jackson swore. Then, as

if realizing he was being rude, he
amended, “Yeah, you’re right. Damn,
and these tires were only four months
old. Who the hell would want to slash
them?” He hesitated, looked a Leo, then

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the motorcycle, and then Leo again. A
shadow fell across his handsome face,
but Leo could see him perfectly. “You
sure it’s not out of your way?”

“Not at all. I’m staying at a cabin

just outside of town for another couple
of weeks. It’s not far out of my way at
all.” Leo grinned, waving the man to
follow him.

“I can’t thank you enough,” Jackson

said. “All my friends have probably
snuck into bed next to their wives by
now and they’ll be no getting them back
out to come get me.”

“Not at all,” Leo repeated. It’s

definitely my pleasure.

This wasn’t an abduction so much

as an opportunity, a seduction. The man

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could always refuse his advances and
Leo wouldn’t force him. If he demanded
to go straight home, Leo would take him
and even pay to have his tires fixed. But,
if this night turned out how he hoped,
sweet ass would be bending over and
taking all he had to give.

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Chapter Two

Leo leaned forward as the motor

revved. The engine vibrated the seat
against his dick and balls. Jackson slid
behind him on the seat, lifting his feet
onto the back pegs. Leo felt the man’s
hips slide forward to bump his ass and
pretended not to notice. Jackson quickly

“I’m Jackson, by the way,” Jackson


“I remember,” Leo yelled. He

rolled the motorcycle slowly forward
toward the end of the parking lot. “I’m

“I know,” Jackson said. “I


Leo grinned. Of course the man

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remembered. “You live here long?”

“All my life,” Jackson answered.

“My grandma raised me about ten miles
north of here. You moving to town?
Passing through?”

“Passing through on my way across

country.” It wasn’t a lie. Leo and his
friends were on their seventeenth, no
make that twentieth, trip across North
America in search of adventure and fun.
He sped and slowed, making Jackson’s
hips slide back and then crash forward
against his ass. And he was having lots
of fun. The man leaned back slightly, not
holding on to his hips.

“Must be nice,” Jackson said softly.

Leo heard the words just fine, but
pretended his ears weren’t as sensitive

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as they were. He had the strangest urge
to invite the man to come with him. They
could make love in every state, every
country, every town and roadside stop.
The idea was tempting, but Leo didn’t
offer. He would not be swayed into such
a commitment by his dick.

“You were right. It is a nice night,”

Leo said instead. “Not too cool.”

“Yeah, nice,” Jackson agreed a

little breathless.

Leo took off down the dark

pavement, knowing he was going the
long way toward town. Jackson didn’t
correct his route. The moon wasn’t quite
full but it gave him plenty of light to see
by. In the distance, he heard a howl and
grinned. His friends were running in the

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He sped on the straight-aways and

slowed as he neared the curves. The
erratic rhythm forced Jackson to rock
forward and back. When he slowed, he
heard the man’s breath catch ever so
slightly. If he wasn’t mistaken, the
rhythm was starting to stir Jackson’s
cock. When he glanced in the rearview
mirror, the man’s eyes were closed. Leo
grinned and pushed his hips back a half
inch more, closing the distance between
cock and ass. Oh, yeah, Jackson’s body
was reacting to the stimulation. The man
tried to inch his hips back, but Jackson
slowed for another curve.

It wouldn’t be long now. Jackson

was stimulated. He might not want to be,

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he might just be a little drunk, but the
man was definitely getting aroused.

“You might want to slow down up

here,” Jackson yelled. “Rough turn.”

Leo instantly obliged. Again, the

cock rocked against his ass. Jackson was
slower to pull away.

Suddenly, the sound of howls

resounded loudly over them.

Jackson jerked turning to look

around in the dark. “What the…?”

“Sounds like a wolf,” Leo

answered, slowing even more. This was
all part of his plan.

“Maybe a coyote? We don’t have

wolves around here,” Jackson answered.

The howls sounded, closet still.

Leo slowed, letting his bike idol as he

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pretended to search the countryside.
“They sound close. Want to check it

Jackson began to lift his leg over

the back of the bike when suddenly a
large black wolf leapt in front of the
bike with a loud growl and snap of his
jaws. Leo grinned at Ben as Jackson
swore in fright.

“Shit!” Jackson’s hands flew

forward to grab Leo’s waist. Another
howl sounded. Jesse was close as well.
Seconds later a gray wolf leapt behind
Ben. “Shit! Go, go, go!”

“Hold on!” Leo swerved the bike,

pretending to be scared as Jackson was
forced to grab hold of his waist. Three
more wolves jumped behind them,

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blocking the way. Leo swerved, missing
Nick, Chase, and Parker.

The wolves slashed at them, giving

chase. Jackson’s grip tightened around
his waist. Leo could hear the man’s heart
hammering in his chest. “What the hell is
going on? I’ve never seen wolves this
big! Shit, go, go!”

Large jaws snapped at their legs.

Jackson kicked. The bike dipped to the
side before righting. Leo took off at full
speed. The wolves gave chase,
following them for nearly a mile. Seeing
a narrow road, he turned off the main
street into the woods.

“What are you doing?” Jackson


“Losing them!” Leo answered,

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taking the steep incline at a hard pace.
The bike lifted off the ground. Jackson
held tighter. The predator inside Leo
grinned. His heart beat with the fun of
the fake chase and the hot man holding
on for dear life. His friends started
holding back, making a good show of it
before finally disappearing.

“I don’t see them,” Jackson said,

not letting go. Howls sounded, fearsome
to the human ear but laughing and
congratulatory to Leo’s.

Leo kept going, climbing the worn

path toward his rented cabin. The cabin
was isolated in a clearing with a hand
pump for water in the front next to a
narrow porch. Leo ran his bike up onto
the porch and quickly shut it off. “Get

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inside before they catch up.”

Jackson didn’t need to be told

twice. He hurried into the cabin, waiting
for Leo to join him before slamming and
locking the door.

“Hello?” Jackson called. “Anyone


“Just me,” Leo said, looking out the

window into the distance. He saw Ben
and Chase in the trees, watching the
house. Chase gave a little howl. Leo
shot his buddy a quick smile. As far as
wingmen went when it came to picking
up sex, his friends were irreplaceable.
“I rented the cabin for a couple weeks.”

“Do you see anything?” Jackson

joined him at the window, squinting.
Chase and Ben stepped back into the

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“No. I think they’re gone,” Leo

lied. “But I don’t think we should go
back out there tonight.”

“Good idea.” Jackson still stood


Leo glanced at him, taking a deep

breath. Damn the man smelled good,
even better now that his heart was racing
with fear.

“Guess you got a houseguest,”

Jackson said with a small,
uncomfortable laugh.

“Want a drink?” Leo shut the

wooden shutters on the inside of the
window, latching them. He made his
way around the room to do the same
with the others.

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“Yeah, I think I need one,” Jackson


“Light the fire,” Leo said. “I’ll find

the liquor.”

As he rummaged his kitchen for a

bottle of rum and cans of cola, he heard
Jackson say, “This is a pretty nice

Leo had rearranged the furniture in

anticipation of this night. The couch was
set a little too close to the flames. The
bed was made with silk sheets and a
thick feather comforter. Lubes and toys
were in abundant supply in the dresser.
He paused as he moved to grab a couple
glasses. Not to mention his cock was
more than ready to play.

The cabin had an open floor plan

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that didn’t allow for much privacy. The
kitchen was blocked off by a three
quarter wall and only the bathroom had
its own door. Keeping out of sight of the
main room, he reached down to adjust
his cock in his jeans. For good measure,
he stroked it a few times. He waited
until he heard the crackle of the fire
before grabbing the drinks and carrying
them in. Jackson sat on the couch. Leo
hit the light switch turning it off. He
handed the man a glass before pouring a
generous helping into it.

“That was wild,” the man said.

“Where do you think they came from?”

“I think I heard somewhere that

wolves were being let loose in the
area.” Leo took a drink.

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“Should we report it?”
“No phone.” Leo reached for the

bottle, refilling his glass. He motioned
toward Jackson who nodded and held
out his half-empty cup. Leo slid toward
him to pour, closing the distance.

“Thanks,” the man said, drinking

more. “Good thing you can ride.”

“I have many talents.” Leo let his

voice drop and didn’t pull away. “You
look pretty shaken, you all right?”

“Yeah,” Jackson gave a nervous

laugh. His eyes lingered on Leo’s face.
“I will be just as soon as my heart gets
out of my throat.”

Leo smelled the liquor on the man’s

breath and saw the heavy drift of his lids
as he blinked slowly.

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“Close your eyes,” Leo said, his

words softer still. “Try to relax.”

Jackson blinked several times

before finally obeying. His head
dropped back on the couch. Leo glanced
to the man’s crotch. Jackson’s dick was
still somewhat erect. It wouldn’t take
much to lift it. Hearing the man’s heart
beat slowing, he knew he had to take
advantage of Jackson’s heightened state
of mind before he regained too many of
his wits.

“Let me help you,” Leo said. He put

his hand on Jackson’s thigh and let it
slide up. The man stiffened and lifted his
head. His deep brown eyes found Leo’s.
His lips parted, but Leo reached over his
cock and began to rub him through the

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tight denim. “Just close your eyes and let
me help you relax.” The man looked as
if he would protest. Leo unbuttoned his
jeans with expert skill and pulled the
zipper. It made a loud zipping noise in
the otherwise quiet cabin.

“I’m sorry if you got the wrong

idea, but I’m not—” Jackson began. Leo
thrust his hand down over the man’s
interested cock. Jackson gasped in

“Don’t think,” Leo said, seeing the

man’s resistance. He moved to the floor
with fast, graceful precision. “Just let me
do this. You’ll like it.”

Jackson looked as if he would

speak, but was too confused as to what
he should say. Leo peeled back the

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man’s underwear to reveal the thick
shaft of his cock. His mouth watered. He
parted his lips, sucking the tip between
his teeth. The man gasped, lifting up off
the couch. Leo pushed his hips down,
pinning him into place.

The intimate smell of the man filled

his nostrils as he began to suck the cock
to full arousal. It stiffened in his mouth
almost instantly. Leo’s head bobbed up
and down. His teeth grazed the sides as
he rolled up tongue from base to tip. The
shaft was a good size, not large like a
werewolf’s but thick enough to fill Leo’s
mouth to capacity. Slowly, Jackson
began to move in rhythm with Leo’s
mouth. Leo loosened his hold on his
thighs and reached down to take out his

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own cock. The thick protrusion ached
for release as he pumped his fist over
the turgid length several times.

“O!” Jackson gasped softly.
Knowing he had him enthralled by

his touch, Leo let his mouth slide off the
man’s cock. He pushed up from the
floor, letting his cock tower from his
unzipped jeans. Jackson’s eyes went
directly to it, unable to miss the big dick
in his face as Leo stood before him.

“You’re turn,” he said gruffly, the

words more of an order than a request.

“I…” Jackson said, not moving to

take the cock in his mouth.

Leo made a low noise of desperate

frustration. “I did you, the least you can
do is try it.” He reached to stroke

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Jackson’s face. “Come on. Just try it. If
you don’t like it, we’ll stop.”

Jackson glanced at his own lap

where his cock still strained, unreleased.
It glistened in the firelight, still wet from
Leo’s mouth.

“Just give me a little and I promise

I’ll finish you up.” His fingers curled
around the man’s head, urging him
forward. “No one will find out. With
those wolves out there, no one would
dare come up here.” He leaned his cock
forward, aiming toward the man’s
gorgeous mouth.

Jackson’s mouth parted slowly, as

if he was still unsure.

“That’s it, baby,” Leo circled his

hips, drawing the tip across Jackson’s

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mouth, trying to get him to open up. A
tongue flicked over the tip. Leo
trembled. “Yeah, that’s right. Taste it.”
The tongue flicked again, staying longer
before pulling back into the sexy mouth.
“Now open up. That’s it, just like that.”
Jackson’s jaw relaxed. Leo took
advantage, thrusting in. The man began
to suck him, softly at first and then
increasingly aggressively as Leo worked
himself in deeper. He took Jackson by
the side of his head and pulled him down
onto his cock. Easing in and out, he
thrust between tight lips. He hit the back
of Jackson’s throat and moaned. “Oh,
good, good.”

The week spent in anticipation

surged forth in him and he exploded into

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Jackson’s mouth. The man gasped,
swallowing his cum as Leo held him
onto his cock. Only when the last jet of
his seed spilled forth, did he let go of
Jackson’s head. The man pulled off in
surprise. Leo grinned, glancing down to
see firm, moist lips.

He smelled the man’s desire and

his gaze traveled down to see that
Jackson had come on his own lap. His
hand lay slack close to his released
cock. He’d been jacking himself off as
he sucked Leo’s dick. Leo’s wolfish grin
only widened. He ran his hand over the
man’s hair, smoothing it back from his

“How about another drink?” Leo

asked, his voice rasped with spent

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desire. He adjusted his boxers and jeans,
letting them hang loose on his hips as he
reached for the bottle of rum. Taking a
long swig, he handed it to Jackson. The
man’s hands shook a little as he took the
bottle. Jackson wrapped his lips around
the bottle and Leo’s cock twitched. The
pleasure of his recent release was still
fresh and yet he was getting ready to go

When Jackson would tip the bottle

down, Leo pushed his finger against the
bottom and lifted it back up. The man
took two more deep swallows before
jerking the bottle from his lips.

“Feeling more relaxed?” Leo

asked. Jackson started to smile, but the
look faltered some when he saw Leo’s

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rising cock pressing against the boxers.

“Maybe I should go,” Jackson said.
“With those animals on the loose?”

Leo asked. He reached down to pick up
his discarded keys. “You’re welcome to
take your chances on my bike, but are
you sure you want to do that?”

“I’m not…” Jackson began.
“You’re not gay? Into guys? Into

having a little fun? Into pleasure? Not
looking to experience the best orgasm
you’ve ever had in your life?” Leo
chuckled. “If you’re worried about what
others will think, don’t. I’ve no use for
gossip and I’m not looking to ruin your
rep. Besides, do we really need to get
into labels, baby? I don’t want to fuck up
your life.” Leo leaned down, well aware

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he had the man’s full attention. His
mouth came close to his ear and he
whispered, “I’m just looking to fuck

Jackson glanced at the window, as

if contemplating his options.

“You can always say no. I won’t

force you. I’ll even sleep on the couch
while you take the bed.” Leo turned his
back on him to face the fireplace. The
heat washed over his tight body. He
waited, tense. It wasn’t a lie. He
wouldn’t force the man. He might be a
feral wolf, but he wasn’t a monster.

“No, you take the bed. I’ll sleep on

the couch. I don’t want to put you out.”

Leo glanced down at his hard cock

and took a deep breath. He’d been so

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sure the man would say yes. No one ever
turned him down by this point in the
seduction. He saw all of the sordid plans
he’d made for the coming week crash
around him. Not as confident as before,
he whispered, “No?”

The couch shifted behind him and

he glanced back to see Jackson lying on
his back. His boots were kicked off as
he stretched out. He’d righted his pants,
closing the fly.

Unsure what to say, as this situation

had never happened to him, Leo said,
“Good night then.”

Jackson closed his eyes and

breathed softly. Leo frowned, going up
the small platform to the bed. His dick
was hard and protesting the change of

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plans. With a pained grunt, he laid
down. Able to see the couch from where
he lay, he watched the top of Jackson’s
head. Thick hair gleamed in the firelight.
His fingers itched to touch it, pull it.

Pushing at his jeans, he kicked them

off and threw them to the floor. His t-
shirt soon followed. His arousal tented
the front of his boxers. This was not
how this night was supposed to go.

An unspent erection made for a

restless night’s sleep. Too proud in light
of his seduction failure to take matters
into his own hands, Leo suffered through
until early morning exhaustion forced his
body to sleep. Vivid dreams plagued
him—dreams of running as a wolf
through the forest, of chasing his prey, of

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catching Jackson and fucking him on the
dirty forest floor. He just knew that ass
would fit him so perfectly.

Leo awoke with a jerky moan as his

cock exploded in his boxers. It took him
a long, dazed moment to realize he’d
come and his boxers were wet and
sticking to him thigh. He pushed up on
the bed. His eyes instantly went to the
couch. It was empty.

Closing his eyes, he listened. The

cabin was empty. Jackson was gone.

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Chapter Three

Caridenn was about as ordinary as

a small town could be. The local diner
sat between a post office and an
abandoned storefront. By the yellowed
sale sign and thick caking of dust on the
glass, Leo guessed it had been empty for
some time. Seeing his motorcycle tied
down in the back of a red truck, he
frowned. It only served to darken his
mood. He’d not been pleased when he’d
discovered Jackson was gone, and he’d
been even more displeased to find out
the man had pushed his motorcycle down
the trail and took off without waking
him. The fact that Leo had been so hard
up with arousal that he’d not noticed
either fact plain pissed him off.

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Even now, his cock hurt with need.

He remembered the smooth taste of
Jackson’s dick and the wet hold of his
sucking lips on his shaft. Fuck, how he
wanted to screw the man! How could
one human man tie him up into so many

The truck was parked in front of the

diner and Leo made his way inside. He
looked over the booths a little too
eagerly, searching for his lost prey. He
felt Jackson before he saw him in a
corner booth. The man sat next to a
couple of his friends. At Leo’s entrance,
Jackson’s eyes met his and he visibly

“Hey, guys, give me a minute. This

is the guy who let me borrow his bike to

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get home.” Jackson pushed up from the
table, going to meet Leo before he could
make it to the booth. The fact that his
little human didn’t want him meeting his
friends wasn’t lost on him. His bad
mood deepened.

“Borrow?” Leo questioned, a little


Jackson glanced behind him.

Surprised, he asked, “You could hear

“Got my keys?” Leo demanded.

Fuck, but Jackson smelled good. The
man had showered, but Leo could still
smell the faint hint of liquor on him from
the night before.

“Did you walk here?” Jackson took

a step forward, indicating he wanted to

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continue their conversation outside. Leo
had not choice by to follow him. Once
they were away from the prying ears of
locals, he said, “Didn’t you get my note?
I said I’d bring the bike back to you. I
wasn’t going to keep it or anything.”

Leo thought of the note he’d torn

into little pieces and thrown angrily into
the fireplace. “Must have missed it.”

“You said you were on vacation, so

I didn’t think you’d mind. I needed to get
to town to make arrangement to have my
tires fixed. I have a job tomorrow that I
can’t miss or they’ll find someone else.”
Jackson kept a polite distance. His eyes
darted around the empty street. His
expression was clear, unlike the night
before when he’d been slowed by drink.

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“My keys,” Leo said in irritation.

Why was it bothering him so much that
the human didn’t want anyone suspecting
what had happened the night before? It’s
not like he’d ever cared in the past.
From the first moment he saw Jackson,
he’d felt a strong pull to the man. Surely
it was just sexual. It was always sexual
in the past.

“Oh, yeah, sure, sure.” Jackson dug

into his tight jeans and pulled them out.
“Let me help you get it back down off
the truck.”

When Jackson pulled down the

truck bed, Leo leapt up without thinking.
He must have gone a little higher than
humanly possible because Jackson
swore under his breath in amazement.

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He hopped up a little less gracefully and
moved to unstrap the motorcycle so they
could lower it down.

“So that was pretty crazy last night,

huh?” Jackson said.

Leo remembered the taste of the

man’s cock. He tried to be dismissing.
“It’s no big deal. We were both drunk.”

Jackson actually blushed. He

angled a board so they could wheel the
bike to the ground without lifting it. “I
meant about the wolves. I tried to tell the
sheriff when I caught him leaving the
diner, but he didn’t believe me. He
thinks I dreamt up the whole thing. Hell,
maybe he’s right. I was so drunk last
night, I barely remember a thing.”

Leo helped him lower the

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motorcycle down the makeshift plank.
When it hit the ground, he took it by the
handles and climbed on the back. Still
surly and frustrated with pent up desires,
he said gruffly, “Let me refresh your
memory. We went back to my place and
you sucked my cock and you liked it so
much you drank every last bit of my cum.
Then you freaked out and ran away. Pity,
really, we would have had some fun.”

Jackson opened his mouth to reply

but Leo revved the engine to cut off his
words. He rode off toward the cabin,
refusing to look back.

* * * * *

Leo was so hard up that even

Parker’s ass was starting to look good. It
wasn’t as if Parker wasn’t a hot lay, in

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fact, he was great in the sack. He knew it
was bad when his fellow werewolves
started looking like options. But, though
they did occasionally have drunken, late
night sex, they tended to keep such things
outside of the pack. It made things less
complicated. That, and there always
ended up being a war for dominance.
Two alphas going at it didn’t usually end

“Either kick it or fuck it, but stop

staring at me like you’re going to shift
and go all feral on my ass.” Parker
barely looked up from where he lay on
the ground reading his book. He always
had a book with him. Usually it was
some worn old paperback novel he
picked up from a secondhand store at

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whatever town they happened to be
passing through.

“I can’t believe he turned you

down,” Jesse chuckled. “The mighty Leo

Leo growled in warning, a low,

dark sound.

“Someone’s cranky ‘cause he

didn’t get his dick wet,” Nick teased.
“Chase, go bend over and play woman
so Leo can get the demons out of his

“Fuck off, man, you go play

woman,” Chase growled.

Leo thought about asking one of

them to at least suck him off so he could
think straight, but for some reason they
all paled when he remembered the

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unsure manipulations of Jackson’s sweet
mouth. Sure, his fellow lycanthropes
would be able to make him cum with
ease, but their expert touch was nothing
to the untried virgin territories of
Jackson’s body.

“I think I hear a truck,” Jesse said

absently. “About three miles off.”

“Could be passing by,” Chase said.
“It’s starting to get dark. Anyone up

for a ride?” Ben asked. “There’s a town
about twenty miles up the road.
Supposedly, they have a gentleman’s
club. Anyone game for a threesome?”

“Sure, if you’re not part of the

three,” Chase teased.

“Wasn’t inviting you into my

party,” Ben answered. “I was thinking

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more strippers and strap-ons. The male
talent in these parts apparently doesn’t
like to be caught.” He gave Leo a
meaningful look.

As Ben stood, the others did the

same. Nick laughed. “Strippers and
strap-ons. Sounds like a movie.”

The men laughed as they moved

toward their bikes. When Leo didn’t
stand to join them, they gave him
questioning looks. Then, without
bothering to give him a personal
invitation, they rode off.

Leo took a deep breath, happy to be

alone with his foul mood. He didn’t
realize the truck Jesse had heard was
making its way up the narrow dirt road
leading to the cabin. To his surprise, it

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was Jackson’s. He had a moment’s
regret about slashing the man’s tires, but
pushed it from his thoughts. He was
going to have them fixed, if the man
hadn’t run off with his motorcycle.

Not getting up from where he sat on

the porch, he watched as the truck door
opened. Evening light caressed
Jackson’s tall frame. Fuck, but the man
looked good enough to eat.

“Hey, I saw some bikers heading

down the path. Is this a bad time?”
Jackson asked.

“No, they’re heading to a strip club.

I don’t suspect they’ll be back until late
tomorrow if all goes as they plan.” Leo
stood. His eyes hungrily devoured
Jackson’s body. What was he doing

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here? Hope tried to fill him but he was
hesitant. “Did you forget something?”

Jackson came up on the porch. He

glanced around the forest. No one was

“Well?” Leo prompted.
“I wanted to, ah…” Jackson

glanced at his feet and then back up. He
looked deep into Leo’s eyes. “I wanted
to do this.”

Leo gasped in surprise as Jackson

grabbed his face and kissed him. The
warmth of the man’s tongue edged along
Leo’s lips, forcing its way into his
mouth. Jackson made a small moan and
pulled away. The kiss ended way too

“I’ve come to take you up on your

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offer for more. But, I have a condition.”
Jackson’s words were a little unsteadily

Anything! Leo thought. More

smoothly, he asked, “Condition?”

“I want to be the one, ah, you know,

putting it in.” Jackson reached a hand
and touched Leo’s hip. “I want to be the
one on top.”

Leo’s cock jerked to full height. It

was almost adorable the way the man
said it. So, Jackson didn’t want a cock in
his ass quite yet. Leo didn’t necessarily
like the plan, but he could work with it.
“Anything else you want?”

“I want you to take off your clothes

for me before we do it,” he said.

Giving him a sultry, wolfish grin,

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he let his words drop into a husky
rumble. “I think that can be arranged,
baby. Why don’t you come inside and
get comfortable while I stoke your fire?”

“You mean the fire?”
Your fire.” Leo grabbed the man

by his belt and walked backwards into
the cabin. He kicked the door shut and
let go of the belt. Without waiting to be
asked, he took off his shirt and threw it
aside. His boots and socks followed.
Then when he stood only his jeans, he
stopped. Jackson was biting his lips and
staring at Leo’s bulging cock. “Why
don’t you come on over here and help

“Take it off,” Jackson ordered, not


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The sound was hardly threatening,

but Leo found it cute that the man tried to
be authoritative. He obeyed the
command, pushing the jeans from his
hips in slow, measured movements.
When they dropped to his feet, his
kicked them aside and went about taking
his boxers the same, slow way. He heard
Jackson’s breath catch as he revealed
the full length of his cock. As the boxers
whispered down his legs, he gave his
cock a couple strokes.

“Now you undress,” Leo said.
Jackson was slower to obey, but he

did finally manage to get out of all his
clothes. Or, perhaps, it was just because
Leo was so impatient to see the man’s
gorgeously toned body. He wasn’t

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disappointed. Construction work had
formed each muscle to perfection. And,
as he pushed his underwear from his
hips, Leo couldn’t help but grin to see
the veins straining against the solid shaft
of his penis.

“Why don’t you come here?” Leo

invited gently. “And give me a kiss.”

Jackson made his way towards him.
“I won’t bite.” Leo smiled

reassuringly. “You set the pace.”

Jackson cupped Leo’s face and

moved so slowly to join their lips that
Leo thought he’d explode from the
anticipation. Warm lips glanced across
his, stroking back and forth before
pressing more fully against him.
Jackson’s tongue eased into his mouth,

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licking along the seam of his lips to get
them to part. Leo obeyed, letting the
probing tongue dip inside. When Jackson
let loose a soft moan, Leo began to move
against him. He kissed him deeply,

Leo reached his hand to touch the

man’s cock. For a moment, Jackson’s
lips paused and then became more
aggressive. His fingers dug into Leo’s

Leo stroked the man’s cock, easing

his own body closer. He angled his hips
so his dick bumped into Jackson’s. He
pushed them together, rubbing both
shafts at the same time. Fuck, it felt
good! Jackson’s penis was so firm and
smooth against him.

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Leo broke the kiss and drew his

lips to the man’s ear. “Why don’t you
explore my body while you suck on me
for a little bit? I know you liked the taste
of my cock. This way you can get used to
the idea of us.”

“I want you to get on the bed,”

Jackson countered, the hunger evident in
his voice. It was clear the man had a
plan formed in his mind about how this
night was going to go and he wanted to
stick to it.

Leo, who found the almost virginal

way he was being commanded quite
endearing to watch, decided to go along
with the game. The last thing he wanted
was to frighten the man into changing his
mind. “Sure, baby, however you want

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me. You’re in control of how this

Leo reached into the dresser and

pulled out a bottle of his favorite lube. It
was the kind that heated up when you put
it on and it made things really nice, and
hot, and wet. He placed it on the bed and
bent over the edge, putting his ass into
the air.

“Do you want me like this?” Leo

asked before crawling onto the bed on
all fours. “Or like this?” Then, lying
down on his stomach and spreading his
thighs, he asked, “Or like this?”

Jackson made his way up the

platform. His hand was working against
his cock. He reached for the lube a little
too eagerly. “The first one. Lean over

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the bed.”

Leo moved to his first position,

pushing his ass into the air and spreading
his legs. “Make sure you lube it up
really nice and wet for me, baby. A little
friction is nice, but I think you’ll enjoy
the wet ride better.”

The sound of lube slathering over a

cock about drove Leo over the edge.
Jackson dripped lube over his ass, not
running his hand into the crack as he let
it trail on its own. Then, he gingerly
placed the bottle next to Leo’s hand. It
seemed like an eternity before Jackson
pulled at his ass cheeks. The first, testing
probe of the man’s cock teased the tight
rosette of his ass. Leo had been fucked
there before, but he didn’t make a habit

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of it. He let loose a long sigh and pushed
back in a welcoming gesture.

Jackson’s tip dipped into the

rosette. The man swore under his breath
to feel it. “Ah, shit!”

Leo pressed back, relaxing so the

cock could ease its way into him.
Suddenly, Jackson grabbed his hips and
jerked him back hard. The cock slid all
the way in. Warm tingling erupted as the
lube went to work.

“Oh, shit, that feels good,” Jackson

swore, half in what sounded like
surprise, and half in desire. “Damn, you
are one hot piece of ass.”

Jackson began to fuck him, thrusting

in and out like he’d just discovered how
to use his cock for the first time in his

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“Ah,” Leo gasped. He reached back

to grab Jackson’s hand and jerked it
forward so it rested against this cock.
Then shooting lube haphazardly over
fingers, he said, “Grab my cock.”

Jackson’s hand slid over his cock

and balls. The motion kept time with the
thrust of the cock in his ass. Leo groaned
as the man took charge. Fingers tightened
on his shaft, turning in expert precision
as the man jerked him off.

“I can’t believe I’m doing this,”

Jackson whispered, more to himself.
“Shit, you feel good. You’re so, ah,

Jackson came with a loud grunt and

violent tremble. Leo held back, refusing

background image

to meet his release quite yet. When
Jackson weakly pulled out of his ass,
Leo took the opportunity to get him on
the bed.

“Come here, baby, lay down on

your stomach.” Leo helped him down
and moved over him. He spread the
man’s legs from behind and held a wrist
in each hand, pinning him beneath him.
When it looked like Jackson might
protest the plan, Leo hurriedly brought
his already lubed cock to his ass and
pushed. The tight hole made it hard to
get too deep, but as the tip of his penis
penetrated that virgin territory, Leo
howled in delight.

Jackson made a weak noise. Leo

grunted, pulled out, and then pressed

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forward once more, intent on going
deeper. “Just relax and take it. I’m going
to make you feel so good, baby, like
you’ve never felt before. I’m going to
shove my cock so deep inside you that
you’ll never want me to stop.”

He couldn’t believe this was finally

happening. He’d wanted Jackson so
badly that he couldn’t think straight.
There was just something about him
from the very first moment that drew Leo
to want to conquer him. It wasn’t just the
fact that he had a hot body, sure that
helped, but Leo wasn’t so shallow to
want more from a guy. There was
something in the way his mouth moved,
the way he smiled and laughed, the way
his eyes took in everything around him

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with quiet understanding. It was the
understated gestures and the quite tones
of his voice—unlike Leo and his fellow
werewolves, who were boisterous and
loud and normally in the center of

“You’re clenching,” Leo whispered

against his ear, as he worked his hips in
shallow thrusts. “Open up and take me
all the way in. I know it’s big but it’ll
feel so good when I get you stretched
out. Come on, baby, open that gorgeous
ass to me. Let me ride you like the hot
stud that you are.”

Jackson tried to obey. Leo felt the

man loosening up to him.

“Mm, yeah, that’s good, baby, just

like that. You like my big hard dick in

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you, don’t you?”

“Yes,” Jackson gasped


“You want me to give it all to you,

don’t you?”

“Yes,” Jackson answered louder

than before.

Leo thrust hard, pushing his hips

flush to the tight cheeks. His cock was
buried, finally, in the depths of his new
lover. Jackson cried out and shivered.
Leo couldn’t stop. Now that he’d
invaded the territory, he wanted to stake
his claim.

“Ah, fuck, baby,” Leo swore,

pushing up or better leverage. He still
held Jackson by the wrists beneath him.
His way eased and he moved wildly in

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and out. Mindless, he grunted, “You
belong to me now. You’re mine. You got
that, baby? You’re mine. This is my ass
and I’m going to fuck you so hard and so
good and—”

Jackson cried out, clenching his

cheeks together as he found his pleasure.
The sound of the loud cry was too much.
Leo yelled, coming into the man’s ass.
His entire body jerked as his cock
emptied every last drop of his hot desire
into Jackson.

For a moment, he didn’t pull out,

but instead lay on top of the man,
enjoying his victory of the flesh. He let
go of the man’s wrists, and Jackson
pulled his hands down to his sides. They
breathed hard and deep. Leo’s stomach

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hit against the man’s back as he pressed
on top of him.

“You did really good,” Leo

whispered. A sheen of sweat layered
between them. “So good. Not everyone
can take the full size of me like you just

Jackson trembled anew. “What are


At that, Leo pulled back in surprise.

“What do you mean?”

“You’re hands,” Jackson said, still

shaking. “They changed.”

Leo looked at his hands. Sure

enough, hair had sprouted along his arms
in the beginning of a shift. Claws
extended where his fingertips had been.
Then, seeing Jackson’s wrists as if for

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the first time, he noticed blood stained
the tan flesh.

“You were howling like one of

those wolves we saw,” Jackson
continued. He didn’t move to turn around
or try to force Leo off him.

Leo slowly pulled his cock out. The

shaft stirred, very willing to go again.
One time would not be enough. He’d
have to tread carefully.

Fuck, how had he gotten so careless

as to allow the wolf out with an
unknowing human?

“I can explain,” he said carefully.
“I think I can guess, though it hardly

seems possible,” Jackson said. Finally,
he moved, trying to roll over. Leo got off
him and moved to lie on his side.

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“You’re some kind of shifter, aren’t
you? I mean, I’ve seen movies about
them, but, you’re actually real.”

“It’s not like the movies. I won’t

hurt you. I don’t kill humans. We’re not
the monsters they make us out to be,”
Leo said. He wanted to reach out and
touch him, but held back. This
conversation usually didn’t go too well
for him.

“We? So those animals the other

night were with you?”

Knowing he’d been caught, Leo

nodded. “Werewolves. We’re called
feral because we don’t belong to any
certain pack. It’s a political thing.
Basically, we’re just like everyday
people—good ole boys out to have some

background image

fun and explore the country as we

“And you brought me here to…?”

He glanced to the couch.

“I wanted to fuck you, yes. I saw

you about a week ago on a construction
site as we were riding through town and
I knew I had to meet you. The more I
learned by watching and listening, the
more I wanted you. I knew I couldn’t just
walk up and try to pick you up, not in a
small town like this one, so I,” he
paused, giving a lopsided grin, “created
the opportunity to be alone with you.”

Jackson didn’t speak and Leo

counted the seconds in fear that the man
would go. Finally, after what seemed
like an eternity, he said, “Ok.”

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“Ok?” Leo repeated, as if the very

word was incomprehensible.

“Yeah, ok. You’re a werewolf.”

Jackson nodded. “It’s strange, but I’ll get
my head around it.”

“And the other thing?” Leo glanced

toward the couch.

“Hey, it’s a hell of a lot of trouble

to go through to meet me. I’m kind of
flattered.” He grinned. “But, I do have
one complaint.”

Leo arched a brow.
“You never finished sucking me off.

I did you and you didn’t do me. I’d say
that means you owe me one.” Jackson
grinned, reaching forward to caress
Leo’s cheek.

“Any other demands?” Leo asked,

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liking the way he tried to take the upper
hand. It was off the charts adorable.

“Yeah, I want to see you do the

wolf thing. I want to see you turn.” The
man’s breathing deepened.

“You want a show?” Leo grinned.

He leaned forward, aggressively taking
the man’s mouth with his. His tongue
dipped to conquer his lips as his dick
had done his ass. “Let’s go get cleaned
up and then I’ll give you a show you’ll
never forget.”

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Chapter Four

Leo took his time in the shower,

exploring every last inch of Jackson’s
body as he helped the man to bathe. He
traced the long line of his back,
following the tone trail of muscles down
and back up. His lips explored the moist
flesh of Jackson’s chest and neck,
lingering along the pulse in his throat
and the tight points of his nipples.

Jackson was less bold in his

exploration, but that didn’t stop his
hands from finding the tight curve of
Leo’s ass and the thick muscles of his
arms. The lightness of his touch made
Leo tremble with desire. There was a
sweetness to the man, a gentleness that
automatically seemed to calm the wild

background image

beast inside of him. He’d never felt that
way before with a man.

Leo ran his finger across Jackson’s

lips. His mouth was so kissable. Unable
to resist, he took his kiss. A low moan
erupted inside him, mimicked by
Jackson’s softer whimper. Protective
feelings intermixed with the desire he
felt. He never wanted to let go. Life on
the road, aimlessly wandering, paled
next to tanned flesh and softly whispered

His aroused cock rubbed against

Jackson’s erection. He rocked his hips,
rocking the two penises together in a
gentle caress. He kept kissing Jackson as
he absently reached for the bottle of
liquid soap. Jackson’s hands were on

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neck, pulling him closer. Pinning him
against the shower stall with his body,
Leo squirted soap in his palm. Then,
reaching between them, he began
massaging both cocks with his hand,
keeping them together as he masturbated
them both at the same time.

Pulling his mouth back just enough

to speak, Leo said, “Let’s get you nice
and clean, baby. Then I’m going to suck
you until you come in my mouth.” He let
his eyes shift from brown to gold.




appreciation of the hint of beast in him.
“Then the beast is coming out to play
and I’m going to give you something
you’ll never forget.”

“Like I could ever forget this,” he

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sighed. Leo let go of his own cock and
concentrated on jerking off Jackson.
“Oh, shit, Leo. I think I’m going to

Leo removed his hand and instantly

went to his knees. He grabbed Jackson’s
hips and thrust them hard against the
stall. He opened his mouth wide, taking
the full length of Jackson’s dick in his
mouth. He grabbed his balls, rolling
them in his hand as he aggressively
sucked the shaft in his mouth.

“Oh, shit, shit,” Jackson gasped,

grabbing hold of Leo’s wet hair. Leo
sucked hard. “Nobody’s ever—ah!”

Jackson jerked, sending a hard

stream of cum into Leo’s eager mouth.
He kept sucking, pulling the salty sweet

background image

nectar like juice from a straw. He
wanted all of it. He wanted to drain him
dry. Then, he wanted to throw his wet,
spent body down on the bed and let the
beast have at the tight ass.

When Jackson went limp, Leo

surged to his feet and picked him up into
his arms. He carried him easily from the
shower, not caring that the water still ran
behind them. Setting him down gently, he
knew he had Jackson’s full attention. “If
you want lube on that ass of yours, you
best get it on there now.”

Jackson blinked, as if he didn’t

quite comprehend the meaning. Leo let a
small shiver work over him, letting the
wolf rise to the surface. A fine sheen of
fur sprouted on his shoulders and arms.

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His teeth elongated in his mouth as his
nose and lips strained forward. He
wouldn’t shift fully, not into an animal,
but the partial shift was just as
pleasurable as his human form, if not
more. Not many men would stay to be
dominated by the wolf. He watched
Jackson, waiting to see if he’d try to
bolt. He wouldn’t get too far. Leo would
chase him. The man said he wanted the
beast, and that’s exactly what he was
going to get.

Leo breathed heavily, unable to

speak in such a form. Each breath
carried with his a soft growl. Jackson’s
cock twitched. The man stared at Leo’s
shifting cock. Leo knew his human size
was daunting, but the shifted size was

background image

downright imposing. Jackson licked his
lips, his eyes wide. Leo smelled his
excitement, heard it in the quickening of
his heartbeat.

Oh, yeah, the man wanted it.
Excitedly, Jackson reached for the

bottle of lube on the dresser and spread
his legs. He coated his cock, drizzling it
on his balls and down the crack of his
ass. It was much more than was needed,
but the gleaming look of it caught Leo’s
shifted gaze and held it. He saw every
tiny detail of it clearly. With a growl, he
reached a shifted hand forward and
grabbed Jackson’s hip. He flung him
roughly to the side, forcing him over
onto his stomach. Not stopping, he leapt
behind him on the bed and hauled his ass

background image

up in one quick movement. The animal in
him had no control and the human in him
let the animal take control.

He didn’t stop to ease his way as

he drew his hard cock to the newly
broken hole. This man was his, every
inch of him, and the wolf instinctively
knew it even as the human might not. Leo
shoved his cock inside him. Jackson let
loose a soft cry. The sound, so delicate
and sweet, drove Leo mad with lust.
This was his ass. His man. His. And he
was going to fuck him until he knew he
could never belong to another.

He pounded Jackson’s ass. The

man grabbed the covers and held on,
unable to do anything but take it. He
cried out in pleasure as Leo dominated

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“Leo, Leo,” Jackson cried, the






desperation. “Give it to me, harder!

The wolf didn’t need to be asked

twice. He jammed his cock in, sliding
into the tight hole. Fuck, it was so nice.
He held back from coming, not ready to
stop. His balls slapped forward with
each angry thrust. His hands gripped the
man’s hips, controlling his movements.

Jackson cried out and Leo could

smell that the man spilled his seed on the
mattress. He thrust several more times,
staking full claim to his territory.
Jackson was his. His. His. The
knowledge was punctuated with each

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penetrating beat of his cock. His. His.

He exploded, filling the man with

his cum. Leo’s climax hit him so hard he
roared in surprise. Never had he felt so
good, so released. For a stunned
moment, he stayed imbedded inside him.
His nails dug possessively into the
man’s flesh. When finally he could gain
enough reason to let go, he collapsed on
the bed. The beast retreated inside him,
complete sated.

Jackson cuddled next to his side,

almost shyly running his hand over Leo’s
chest to rest above his heart. “I didn’t
know sex could feel like this. It’s like
I’ve spent my whole life missing
something I didn’t know I could miss.

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Now that I’ve felt it, I’m actually scared
you’ll leave and I’ll never find it again.”

Leo’s face had returned to normal,

but it took him a minute to regain his
voice. When he did, he turned, touching
Jackson’s cheek. Damn, but this man
was sweet. The idea of any other man
conquering his sweet, receptive body
disturbed him greatly. “You’re not even
to look for it elsewhere, do you
understand me? You belong to me now
and I’m not letting you go.”

“What are you saying? You’re

going to stay here with me?”

“No, you’re coming with me. I’m

going to show you things and take you
places you’ve never dreamed of. You’re
mine now. Never has my beast felt so

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sated, so calm. Never has a human been
able to take the beast like you did. Your
sweet ass took all of me, baby, the first
time. It’s like you were carved to fit.
You’re my missing piece. I know this is
fast for a human, but werewolves don’t
need time to know the truth. You’re mine
and you will always be mine. What you
felt, what I feel, it’s real. It’s as real as
it’s ever going to be. The details will
come in time, but it will not change the
fact that we were meant for each other.”

Jackson’s lips parted, but he didn’t


“I love you, baby. You’re mine.






whispered. “So crazy.”

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“You don’t have to say it back. I

know it’ll take you time to realize it’s
true. Until then, I’ll just have to work
hard to convince you that your place is
with me.” Leo moved to take the man’s
cock in his hand. He began to rub it
gently. It stirred, but was sated and
didn’t completely lift. Leo didn’t mind.
He could wait for his human lover to





whispered, closing his eyes and moving
against Leo’s hand. “But, I think I love
you, too. I’ve never felt this way before.
I trust you. I want you. I need to feel you
again. When you changed and took me, I
felt whole. It’s like we connected.”

“That’s because we did. I claimed

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you, baby. This is your fate and there is
no escaping it.” He grinned. Leo leaned
forward. “Now, how about you take a
turn playing beast.”

Jackson looked at Leo’s ass and

smiled. He pushed up, his enthusiasm

“Fuck me good and hard, baby,”

Leo ordered. When the man would reach
for the lube, Leo reached forward to
stop his hand. “You don’t need that. I
want a rough ride.”

“Whatever you say, my love,”

Jackson said, drawing his cock along the
cleft of Leo’s ass. Nails dug into his hips
as his lover pushed forward. His cock
dragged without the lube, but it felt so
good Leo cried out in appreciation. This

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is how he wanted to spent the rest of his
days. His search was over. The
restlessness inside him calmed. He had
found his Jackson.

The End

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Feral Riders Series






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About the Author

LA Brookes is a very good girl

by day. By night, she lets her fingers do
the talking and writes racy stories--
mostly about sexy man love.

She also writes M/F erotic

romance under the name Lydia Brookes.

Lydia Brookes on Amazon

LA Brookes on Amazon

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By LA Brookes writing as Lydia


A Hired Affair

M/F Contemporary Erotic Romance

Nicole Davis is kept busy owning

her own bar, and is too busy to find
love. But, if she can't find love, she'll
settle for sex--even if she has to pay for
it. She knows she could never love a
man like Jack, whose job requires him to
sleep with women, but that doesn't mean
she can't hire him for a few hours.

Lydia Brookes on Amazon

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Coming from LA Brookes and The

Raven Books!

Feral Riders: Submit

Feral Riders: Whisper

Feral Riders: Wild

Feral Riders: Chase

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The Raven Books’ Complementary


The following material is free of charge.

It will never affect the price of your


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Let the Wild Out by Madelyn Porter

Paranormal Shapeshifter Erotic

Ménage Romance

Rachel Dunne thinks she's safe from

the politics of her people by keeping a
low profile in America. When she
comes face to face with one of the clan
chiefs in search of a mate, she’s stunned
yet incredibly turned on. There is a catch
—one queen to two opposing clan
chiefs. It’s hard enough fighting off the
advances of one sizzling hot piece of
alpha man-flesh, can she possibly resist

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Let the Wild Out Excerpt

Everyone should have at least two


That’s what Rachel Dunne’s crazy

aunt used to tell her anyway. Her mother
would have rolled over in her grave if
she’d known her father’s sister had been
given custody. After her parents died,
Aunt Elvie was the only family member
who could take her in. Rachel spent her
teenage years under the care of a free
lovin’, spirit séance havin’, illegal herb
growin’, occasionally under arrest,
Auntie Elvie. Luckily the sheriff was one
of Elvie’s pot customer slash on-and-
off-again lovers, and Elvie never stayed
behind bars for too long.

It wasn’t an ideal childhood. But

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what Elvie lacked in modern morals and
conventions she more than made up with
love and patience. As for an Uncle
Elvie, there wasn’t one—there were
several. Elvie rotated her lovers like
most people changed toothbrushes, and
she always kept at least two of them
around at a time. Though, for their kind,
such things were not unusual.

Oh, Aunt Elvie also happened to be

a bird shifter. Rachel always thought it
accounted for her flighty behavior and
great appetite for life. Though, how a
bird shifter could get arrested in the
middle of a forest was beyond her.
Rachel suspected her aunt liked being
put in cuffs.

For some reason, Aunt Elvie and

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her childhood had been on her mind a lot

“What kind are you?”
Rachel pretended not to hear the

man who spoke, keeping her attention on
the ebook reader she held. She had seen
him following her as she left the
bookstore where guest authors, Mandy
M. Roth and Michelle M. Pillow, had
joint book readings. She’d felt his
presence as she walked the streets and
smelled him as he came into the coffee
shop. She didn’t need to look at him to
know he had dark hair and a rock-solid
body. That much she’d seen from the
reflection in the bookstore window. But
experience taught her to stay away from
other shifters. They had a wildness about

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them, an animalistic quality and a
freedom Rachel fought hard to control in






unmistakable brogue of his Gaelic
accent seemed out of place in the small
Colorado town. That might account for
his forward behavior. The shifters she’d
met from overseas tended to have less
puritanical ways. In America, unless on
a preserve, shifters tended to mind their
own business.

Rachel glanced at the hand he

pressed flat against the table. There was
no point in denying his claim. She could
smell the shifter on him, as he could on
her. However, his fragrance was potent
and raw. He’d changed recently and, if

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the prickling sense of danger curling
through her was any indication, he was
dangerous. No wild bird here. Without
looking up, she said, “I heard you the
first two times, but my parents told me to
never talk to strangers. Just keep it
moving, buddy. I’m not in the life and
I’m not looking for friends.”

The man turned his hand over so

she could see his palm. An ancient,
circular design had been burned into the
flesh with a branding iron. It looked old,
probably given to him in childhood in an
ancient ritual. She stiffened, not needing
further introduction. Rachel didn’t move
for a long moment. She knew that mark.
Everyone with shifter blood knew that
mark. She’d never expected to see it in

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her lifetime, had hoped not. As far as
she’d known, the marked ones were all
living overseas, and she preferred it that
way. Slowly lifting the back of her hand
to her head in a subtle gesture of respect
Aunt Elvie had taught her, she said, “My

“For someone not in the life, you

know who I am.” He pulled his fingers
into a fist. “Now I asked you a question.
What kind are you?”





looking up at him. “My kind is a trout.
I’m diluted blood.”

She wasn’t sure it was wise to lie

to her clan chief, but if he was asking
about her kind, then being a tame
creature of the river wasn’t useful to

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anyone. It had been a long time since she
shifted, so her smell wouldn’t be potent
at all. The lie would be believable.
Hopefully he’d leave her alone now.
Rachel fought the nervousness in her
stomach. If he caught her lying to him she
wasn’t sure what he’d do. The stories
from the old country were brutal,
practically medieval.

He slid into the chair across from

her. “Trout?”

“Yes, my chief. A fish. When I

change I swim in streams and try not to
get hooked by fishermen while avoiding
other spawning creatures. You can see
why I’m not interested in the life.”
Rachel made a move to stand, refusing to
look into his eyes in case he sensed her

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fear. “If you would excuse me, I have to
get to—”

“Wait.” He reached for her hand.

The warmth of his touch took her by

“Yes?” Was it just her imagination,

or could she feel the scar on his palm?
Her attention focused on it, on him.
Awareness shot through her.

“Who are your family? Which


“My family is gone. My aunt, Elvie

Dunne, raised me. She passed two years
back. My father, her brother, belonged to
yours, the Duncanis clan. I don’t talk to
any others. Any other questions you have
are better directed at someone else. I
hear there are shifters living in Colorado

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Springs. Perhaps you should try there.”
Rachel withdrew her hand and he let her
go. “Excuse me, Chief, but I can’t lose
my job.”

“No reason to be so formal. Call

me Douglas.”

She nodded, not saying his name or

meeting his eyes. Grabbing her ebook
reader, she held it a little too tightly.

As she walked away, she detected

his whisper, “I’ll be seeing you, little

Rachel really hoped not.

You can visit Madelyn Porter online at


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Madelyn on Amazon

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Best Intentions: Dance of Souls by

Mandy M. Roth

Some dances are downright deadly.

A Ghost Cats story. M/F
Mason Blackwolf doesn’t want

much out of life. He’s easy going. He’s
alpha of his pack of werewolves, best
friends with a shape shifting cougar and
the great-grandson of a powerful Native
American Shaman. A normal day for him
consists of dealing with inter-pack
politics, seducing beautiful women and
then, if he’s lucky, relaxing and not
thinking about much beyond that. When it
becomes clear his grandfather has sent
him on a wild goose chase, Mason stops
at a roadside bar for a beer. He gets

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more than he’s bargained for when a tall,
sexy blonde enters the establishment.
She catches not only his eye but the
wolf’s attention as well. She’s also off
limits. In a big way. To Mason, it’s
simply another layer that adds to her
appeal. She’s a temptation he doesn’t
want to resist and if he has his way,
she’ll be thoroughly claimed before the
night is out.

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Mandy on Amazon

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The Unspoken by Rory Michaels

A Macon Valley Ménage Story


Back from the service, best friends

Wyatt Hews and Clay Miller are ready
to seize hold of what they want. Shy, li’l
Harley Gainer had held their hearts
since High School. She’d been so
innocent and so unassuming when they’d
shipped out. While she’s certainly
maintained her innocence, she learned to
put her foot her down and has grown into
a beautifully sassy young woman.
Neither man can resist her and they’re
hoping she can’t say no to them either.
See, she’s the woman they want to share
their bed and their lives with from here

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on out and the boys will stop at nothing
to get her. Will she agree to a night of
passion or will she cut and run out on
something that could be wonderful?





contains ménages a trios, explicit sex,
strong language and cowboys who will
melt your socks off. This short story
also has explicit, graphic sexual
content and is not for the faint of heart.

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Rory on Amazon

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Table of Contents

Slake (Feral Riders)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Feral Riders Series
About the Author
A Hired Affair
The Raven Books’ Complementary


Let the Wild Out by Madelyn Porter
Best Intentions: Dance of Souls by

Mandy M. Roth

The Unspoken by Rory Michaels

Document Outline


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