Feral Riders 2 Submit L A Brookes

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Submit (Feral Riders)


LA Brookes

Submit © copyright 2013, LA Brookes
First Electronic Printing February 2013,
The Raven Books
Cover art by Natalie Winters, ©
Copyright 2013
Published by The Raven Books
Edited by Suz Gower
Final Line Edits by Dianne B
All books copyrighted to the author
and may not be resold or given away
without written permission from the

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author, LA Brookes.

This novel is a work of fiction. Any and
all characters, events, and places are of
the author’s imagination and should not
be confused with fact. Any resemblance
to persons, living or dead, or events or
places is merely coincidence.

Published by The Raven Books



Raven Books and all affiliate sites and

projects are © Copyrighted 2004-2013

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Submit (Feral Riders)


LA Brookes

Table of Contents

Submit (Feral Riders)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Feral Riders Series
About the Author

By LA Brookes writing as

Lydia Brookes

A Hired Affair

The Raven Books’ Complementary


Let the Wild Out by Madelyn


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Trading Teon (The Beast

Masters Series)

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Paranormal Shifter Gay (MM)


Jesse Harper is a werewolf looking

for someone to tame his inner beast, or
at least sate its animalistic appetites.
Zach is just a human—sexy as sin,
willing and ready to play—so there’s no
reason he should be more than a one-
time fling. Then why can’t Jesse get the
strong-willed man out of his head?
Unwilling to let a good thing slip through
his claws, Jesse makes it his mission to
claim Zach and make him submit to their
every desire. Forever.

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Feral Riders Series






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Chapter One

“Why, hello there, Little Red

Riding Hood,” Jesse Harper said under
his breath, watching the runner as he
passed. The man wore a red hoodie
jacket and black jogging shorts. Though
the human was several yards away,
Jesse saw every sexy detail clearly. As
a werewolf, enhanced sight was only
one of his many gifts. Another showed
itself in the form of an overeager
erection pressing against his tight jeans.
The damned thing was always impatient
and ready to do business. “Mm, run as
fast as you can, but I’ll still catch you.”

“Where?” Next to him, his buddy

Parker looked up from his worn

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paperback. They’d been riding their
motorcycles all morning and had
stopped by the roadside trail to pass the
time as they waited for their friends to
catch up with them. Parker eyed the
runner and nodded in appreciation.
“Good eye. I told you it was a great
place to stop and watch nature.”

“I saw him first,” Jesse said,

leaping over the rail that separated them
from the running trail below. “Little Red
belongs to this big bad wolf.”

“Good luck with that.” Parker

turned back to his book to continue
reading. Then, as an afterthought, he
said, “No shifting. There are too many
people around and I saw the ranger
station was stocked with tranquilizer

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darts. I’m not breaking you out of a cage
again. This time, we’re leaving you in
the zoo.”

“That only happened twice,” Jesse

said, snickering.

“Detroit!” Parker yelled.
“That only happened three times,”

Jesse amended. He wasn’t really
worried. Should something happen to
him, his friends would always bail him
out of trouble. He ran with a feral pack,



looking for trouble, or fun, or fun
trouble. And if that trouble came in the
form of a tight little hottie like Red in
front of him, then so much the better.





dominating a sexy male ass. Women

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were just too soft and often couldn’t take
his wild streak—and, oh, how his wild
streak loved to come out and play. Jesse
liked muscles and hard flesh. He liked
controlling a person by sucking on their
cock. He liked the feel of a stubbled chin
scratching his thighs as he straddled a
man’s face to put his balls into a wet

Just the thought of it caused him to

quicken his pace. He could overcome
the unsuspecting runner easily. As he
caught up to him, he let his eyes zone in
on the lift of the man’s ass as he moved.
The shorts caressed the curves, teasingly
rising and falling against it.

The wolf in him detected the scent

of sweat. Damn, but this one smelled

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good, all hot and sexy. The sweat
masked a natural cologne that caused
Jesse’s dick to rise to full attention. The
predator in him kicked into action. He
ran faster, darting off into the woods to
pass the runner on the path. He listened
to the distance, hearing the faint hum of
car engines on the nearby interstate.
Otherwise, no one was around for miles.

When he made it about a half mile

past the runner, he tossed off his T-shirt
and unbuttoned the top of his pants.
Then, tousling his hair in a way that he
knew would be sexy, he let a wolfish
grin cross his features.

The sound of footfall came at him

like a slow seduction. The warm sun
shone down on the path. The man came

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over an incline, appearing like a human
god among men. His red hood had fallen
down to reveal short dark hair and bright
blue eyes. Seeing Jesse, the man slowed.
He glanced around the forest as he
pulled the ear buds from his ears. Jesse
recognized the faint sound of rock music
drifting from them.

The man’s eyes drifted down

Jesse’s body before making their way
back up to his face. “You lost?” He had
a nice tenor voice.

“No,” Jesse answered with a

playful shake of his head. “I’m right
where I need to be.”

“Are you sure? Tourists get lost out

here all the time. It’s easy to get turned
around if you don’t know the woods.”

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The man again looked down at Jesse’s
naked chest questioningly. “There’s
nothing out here for miles.”

A gentle breeze caressed him and

Jesse’s nipples hardened. “That’s not
true. You’re here. I’m here. We’re

The man glanced around, as if

considering something. When he looked
back, his eyes lingered. Yes. There was
definitely interest in his gaze. Somehow,
Jesse had instinctively known there
would be. Something about this man just
called to him, urging him to follow him
down the trail. Thankfully, he was one to
listen to his animal instincts—even if
they didn’t always make logical sense to
him at the time.

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“I’m Jesse Harper,” Jesse said.

“I’m passing through on my motorcycle
with some buddies. They’re running a bit
behind and I have some time to kill.
Thought I’d explore the local nature a
bit. See if I can find a little distraction.”

“Oh, well, it’s great out here. I love

running this path. Not too many people
come down it. They prefer the wider,
paved way,” the man said. “I’ve been
running here every morning for the last
couple of weeks.”

“You have a name, Red?” Jesse

asked. He slowly made his way
forward, well aware that his cock was
pressing against his jeans. The man
noticed it as well. A small smile lifted
the corner of the man’s mouth. It was a

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tiny gesture, but Jesse saw it. Yeah, this
guy liked the cock. The knowledge
pleased him greatly. There was nothing
worse than pursuing a man he was
attracted to, only to find out the guy was
into chicks.

“Zach,” the human answered. “I’m

a freelance photographer here on
assignment for Iowa’s Travel Bureau.
They hired me to take some new tourist
shots of the area for a catalog they’re
working on. It’s not National World
Expedition Magazine
, but it allows me
to hang outdoors all day, so I can’t

“Nice,” Jesse said, giving him a


“Yeah, it’s a pretty great gig,” Zach

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agreed. “Like I said, no complaints.”

“I meant you. Here.” Jesse edged

forward. He eyed Zach’s shorts,
watching the subtle rise of the man’s
cock. “Alone.” When Zach didn’t try to
retreat, he inched closer still. His voice
dropped. “And me. Here. Alone.”

Zach glanced around the trail. All

was quiet, except the sounds of nature. “I
do have some time to kill before I have
to meet up with the ranger for my next

Jesse loved this part of the mating

dance—the testing, the increasingly non-
subtle hints and innuendos, the long
looks. He let his hand brush forward to
the man’s cock. Zach took a deep breath
and closed his eyes. Oh yes, definitely

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“I’m not keeping your from your

workout, am I?” Jesse asked, pleased
that the man didn’t pull his hips away.
He was confident. Jesse liked that in a
man. So many humans were quick to
deny themselves pleasure. He liked
being the alpha, and when he found a
strong man, he liked making that man
submit to him. As a werewolf, it was in
his nature to control. This made fucking
other wolves more frustrating than not.
Sure, a good fight and a little bleeding
before sex could be fun, but when you
had two dominants trying to outdo each
other it became more of a battle than a

Jesse didn’t fight his desires. He

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did what he wanted, fucked who he
wanted. If he wanted his dick sucked, he
found a man to suck it—sometimes two
men at once, sometimes a woman if no
men were around. If he wanted to fuck,
he bent over a piece of fine ass and
fucked it. Such was the way of things.
Such was the way he liked things.

So, yeah, there were some of his

kind who did the whole mated-for-life
thing, but he and his friends were
considered feral. They didn’t abide by
pack law, didn’t seek marriage or
orderly lives, didn’t fight their inner
desires. They roamed free. Well, at least
that’s how it had been before Leo found
his mate—a sweet man named Jackson
from Georgia. Leo was the first from the

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feral pack to commit.

Jesse let his hand form more fully

to the guy’s dick. “Because, if you’re
interested, I have a few ideas on how
you can burn some calories.”

“I don’t have a condom,” the man

said, still not pulling away.

“Don’t worry about it. I got it

covered.” Jesse grinned. This was going
to be so good. Reaching into his back
pocket, he pulled out a strip of condoms.
“Never go anywhere without them.” He
took the man’s hand and drew it forward
to touch his hard penis. Instantly, Zach’s
fingers moved inside his jeans to get a
better feel.

“Oo, you’re a big one, aren’t you?”

Zach grinned.

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Jesse reached into the man’s shorts.

“You’re not too bad yourself.”

Zach withdrew his hand and

reached to take the condoms. He again
glanced around. Then, to Jesse’s
surprise, Zach pushed on his shoulder,
urging him to his knees. Zach pulled his
shorts down, letting them slither around
his ankles. Reaching forward, he took
Jesse by the sides of the head and drew
him forward. He angled his cock toward
his mouth.

Jesse wasn’t usually one for taking

another man’s direction, but he couldn’t
resist opening his mouth to the smooth
erection coming for his lips. Zach
pushed his cock inside, going deep.

“Ah, I can’t tell you how much I

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need this,” Zach said as he slowly
pumped his cock into Jesse’s mouth. The
sweat from his run made the man taste
salty. “I’ve been so pent up lately.”










penetrated his nostrils, urging him on.

“You’re like a dream come true,”

Zach continued. His grip tightened on the
back of Jesse’s head. Reaching down, he
grabbed the extra length of his cock to
help stroke himself as he controlled the
bob of Jesse’s head. “Mm, damn, you’re
good at this. Suck it. You like that, don’t
you. You like sucking my cock, don’t
you. Yeah, you’re bad one. You like the

The man kept talking. Jesse found

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he liked hearing the sound of his
impassioned voice. The tone had a
seductive quality to it, a natural rhythm.





grabbed him by the arms. He jerked him
up. Jesse had a naturally superior
strength and could have fought it easily,
but he was curious to see what the man
would do next. Turning Jesse around,
Zach moved him toward a nearby tree.
The branches loomed over their heads as
they walked off trail. Tall grasses
brushed their legs. Zach tugged Jesse’s
jeans from behind. The sound of a
condom wrapper ripping caught his
attention. Seconds later, the cool press
of a lubricated condom rubbed against
his ass as Zach probed him. The man

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forcibly pushed Jesse forward, making
him brace his body against the tree.

Zach thrust, filling his ass. The man

grabbed Jesse’s hips, jerking him as he
fucked him. He kept talking, reveling in
his control. “That’s it. Take it.”

Jesse had never been taken so

wildly by a human before.

“Lick your hand and grab your

dick,” Zach ordered. “I want you to
come on the ground for me.”

Jesse mindlessly obeyed, wetting

his fingers before reaching for his cock.
The man stopped talking as he became
frenzied, pumping harder. Each thrust
against him forced his cock to slide in
his palm. The hard length of Zach’s dick
filled him as the human pounded his ass.

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“There’s my little bitch,” Zach

cried. “Submit to me like the whore you
are. That’s it.”

Jesse cried out as he came, spilling

his seed on the ground. Never had his
orgasm been so surprisingly good. Zach
tensed, jerking inside his ass. When he
came down off his climax, he pulled out
and stumbled back.

“Damn.” Zach gave a little moan of

approval. “I haven’t fucked like that for
a really long time. For some reason I
keep finding guys with asses too tight to
really pound it in. Not that you’re loose
by any means, but most men can’t take
the size of my cock and keep urging me
to go gentle.” He gave a small laugh. “If
I wanted gentle and boring, I’d get

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married and join the family business
selling auto parts.”

“I like a man with a big, thick

cock.” Jesse pushed up, absently rubbing
his own dick to make it hard again.

Zach looked down and smiled. His

eyes stayed trained on Jesse’s pumping
hand. “You’re pretty well hung yourself.
I’d love to photograph you masturbating
for my private collection. You should
get a hold of me if you’re going to be in
town long. Maybe we can find a model
willing to suck you off.”

“I have no problem finding people

willing to suck me off.”

“I bet not.” Zach snapped off the

condom and tossed it aside.

“What are you doing? I think we’re

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just getting started.”

The man looked up to the sky.

“Sounds like a date, but for now I have
to head back. I can’t miss the lighting or
my appointment with the ranger.”

“Date?” Jesse glanced at his hard

cock. What about his turn at the ass?

“I’m staying at the Sunlight Hotel

just down the road. Room 317. It’s not
much to look at, but it’s got a bed.” He
pulled up his shorts, and adjusted his
clothing. “Bring something to drink,
would you? I’ll be back there about eight
o’clock.” Then, coming to the still-
stunned Jesse, he touched the exposed
wolf cock. His voice lowered as he
said, “I’ll be looking forward to fucking
you again. Don’t be late.”

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With that, Zach turned and began

running the way he’d come. He put the
ear buds back into his ears. Jesse could
detect him humming softly as he
disappeared from sight. With the man’s
absence, Jesse’s mind cleared by small

Submit to me.
Had the man really told Jesse to

submit? Werewolves didn’t submit.
They controlled!

I’ll be looking forward to fucking

you again.

“I have news for you, Zach. I’m the

one who’s going to do the fucking.”
Jesse growled under his breath. His
blood still coursed with desire. One
orgasm wasn’t enough to sate him. He

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needed more. He needed it now. He
pumped his fist over his cock in angry
jerks until he came once more on the
ground. The release made the tension in
his gut ease up, but it wasn’t nearly what
he’d wanted when he followed Red
down the forest path. “Tonight you will
submit to me!”

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Chapter Two

What should have been a fun fling

in the middle of the day turned quickly
into an obsession for Jesse. He couldn’t
get Zach out of his head. How could the
man just run off after sex? It didn’t make
sense. Jesse was always the one to sneak
out of bed, or leave the scene, or…
Fuck, he was just the one to go first.

“It barely even counts as sex,”

Jesse grumbled to himself, thinking of
how he didn’t even get a blowjob out of
the deal. He paced the hotel room at the
Sunlight Hotel, determining that he
wasn’t going to go to Zach’s room. Let
the man wonder why Jesse stood him up.

Yet, on the other hand, the man did

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owe him. It was only right that Jesse go
and collect. By staying away he was
only hurting himself. Right? It was his
turn to be the one in back and, dammit,
he was going to take it!

Fuck, he felt like an indecisive

fool. Here he was in the prime of his
adulthood and he was acting like a lust-
struck twenty-year-old. Should he?
Shouldn’t he? Should he?

“Argh!” Jesse growled.
“Can you pace outside?” Parker

asked from his place on the bed. His
eyes were closed as he stretched out
beneath the covers. Jesse knew he slept
naked. Hell, all of them did. “You
promised if we came here and rented a
room, I could get a couple hours sleep.

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Chase, Ben, and Nick will be here
around ten and I told them we’d go out
running in the forest after they got
something to eat. No one should see us
to the north if we stay to the trees. If you
decide to ditch your date, you’re
welcome to come with us. Night air.
Nothing between our paws and the

“Tempting,” Jesse answered. “But

not as tempting as my date with Red.”

“Doesn’t Red have a name?”

Parker opened his eyes and quirked a

“Since when do we get their

names?” Jesse lied with mock bravado.

Parker chuckled and closed his

eyes. “Shut that light off when you go to

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Jesse made a low noise of

frustration in the back of his throat.

“You’ve only been muttering the

name since you got back from your
rendezvous with him. Obsess much,
Jes?” Parker turned his back on the door.
“Now get going and don’t forget to take
your bottle of scotch. I’m tired of
listening to you whine like a lovesick

Jesse mumbled under his breath

about meddling friends as he snagged his
scotch and went to the door. He had
showered earlier and put on his tightest
pair of jeans for his date. Part of him
worried that Zach would stand him up
and he’d never get to live out the fantasy

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that had been playing over and over in
his head. What if he’d given him a bogus
room number? Or changed his mind?

Jesse growled low in his throat as

he stepped out of the room he’d rented
with Parker. Why in the hell was he so
preoccupied with the human? Ever since
Leo fell in love with a human, something
had changed inside Jesse. It was like his
brain had opened up to the possibility of
finding one person to commit to. Jesse
didn’t like the change. He liked the
freedom of fucking and traveling and
drinking and fucking. This preoccupation
after one meeting wasn’t good. He knew
where such things led his kind.
Werewolves weren’t like humans. Their
instincts were better, more in tune. The

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fact that he couldn’t get Zach out of his
head after one meeting spoke volumes.
This man was different.

Jesse growled louder. Fuck!
As much as his logical brain told

him to run away, and fast, his body
wouldn’t listen. His feet directed him to
room 317. Closing his eyes, he listened
past the door. It didn’t take much to
detect the telltale sound of male grunts
and moans beyond the thin wood. Jesse
tensed, instantly angry. Two men were
having sex, kinky hot sex if the sound of
a whip crack was any indication. Was
Zach test driving the model he’d wanted
to find for a dirty picture shoot? Jesse
tensed. He picked up a third voice and a
softer, breathier fourth.

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A group party?
Though in the past he’d had his

share of threesomes, foursomes, even
too-high-to-count-somes, Jesse didn’t
relish the idea of sharing his night with
Zach with other men. His body stiff with
a low simmering rage, he lifted his hand
to knock on the door. The sounds of sex
didn’t stop. The door knob turned.

Eagerly, he looked to see inside the

room. Zach’s naked body blocked his
view of the bed. The man’s cock was
full, standing tall from his hips. The
sexual moans still came from behind
him. Smiling, Zach stepped back to let
Jesse pass.

“I was hoping you’d come,” Zach

said with a lopsided grin. “At the risk of

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sounding overly eager, I haven’t been
able to get you out of my mind.”

Jesse’s eyes darted to the empty

bed and then to the television. Zach was
watching porn. He was alone in the
room. Jesse felt the tension easing out of
his shoulders.

“Whoa, that was strange. I swear

your eyes just changed.” Zach glanced
back toward the television. “Must have
been a light reflection.”

Jesse realized he had started to

shift. Luckily for him, Zach hadn’t
detected the truth. He was drawn to look
at the couple on the screen. One blond
man took his darker lover from behind.
A third watched, occasionally lashing
the blond in the ass with loud smacks of

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his whip.

Jesse stepped into the room,

shutting the door behind him. The smell
of arousal was thick on the air. The
human emitted a subtle pheromone that
stirred his desires to boiling. The beast
inside him wanted to play. He forced the
impulse down, not wanting to scare Zach
by unleashing the wolf.

“Why don’t you take off your

clothes and join me? We really didn’t
have time to get to know each other
earlier.” Zach grinned, his eyes saying
he didn’t mind the fact so much. Jesse
had a feeling the man wasn’t looking for
a deep conversation about their hopes
and dreams. That suited him just fine.
Humans put too much stock into talking

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things out. Werewolves trusted their
intuition. Besides, Jesse had been
aroused pretty much all afternoon and
evening and his dick couldn’t get much

“I brought scotch,” Jesse said,

handing the bottle forward.

Zach took it and smiled before

opening the bottle to take a drink. He set
it on the bed next to a bottle of lubricant
he’d clearly been using to masturbate
before Jesse’s arrival.

“I have the camera.” The man went

to his camera bag and took out a very
expensive-looking piece of equipment.
“Why don’t you undress so I can get a
better look?”

Jesse didn’t need to be asked again.

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He kicked off his boots and socks before
moving to strip out of his jeans and shirt.

Zach sat in front of the television.

With his feet on the floor at the end of
the bed, the man leaned back and braced
his weight on his elbows so he could
angle the camera lens toward Jesse. He
didn’t bother to look through the
viewfinder to aim. The flash went off
several times in rapid succession to take
random photographs. Zach ran his free






absentminded strokes. He glanced from
Jessie to the television and back again.
The flash went off again, creating a
strobe effect in the hotel room.

Jesse’s nostrils flared. When he

was naked, he moved to stand in front of

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the television. The soft blue light from
the set flickered behind him, casting the
shadow of his body over Zach’s strong

Zach let go of his cock to hold the

camera in both hands. The muscles of his
stomach tensed as he used them to hold
his shoulders off the mattress. Fuck, but
this human was fit. This time the man
lifted the camera before his face and

Jesse didn’t reach for his penis.

The flash went off again as the lens
pointed toward his hips. Automatically,
he pressed his cock forward to give a
good view of his proud erection. Slowly
he turned to the side. Let the man
photograph him. What did Jesse care?

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He had nothing to hide…nothing in his
human form anyway.

After a minute, Zach drew the

camera down and smiled. He set it on
the bed out of the way. “You are a
gorgeous one, aren’t you?” He reached
for the bottle, leaning to the side to take
a drink. When he finished, he held it up.
“Let me pour you one.”

Zach tilted the bottle, spilling

liquor onto his chest and stomach. It
splashed before running in rivulets over
his body to his cock. Moving the bottle
downward, he coated his penis. The
smell of liquor mixed with flesh. When
he was nice and wet, he capped the
bottle and dropped it next to him on the
bed. He again braced his weight on his

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elbow and waited. Zach was confident
as he silently ordered Jesse to pleasure

Red was still trying to dominate the

wolf. When had this fairytale changed?
When had the wolf become the hunted?
Jesse thought about denying him, of
showing him the beast.

A look of invitation shone brightly

in Zach’s eyes. Fuck, but he was
handsome. How could Jesse resist such
an offering?

Coming over him, Jess began

lapping at Zach’s stomach and chest.
Zach moaned in approval, squirming
beneath him but not touching. Jesse
pulled a tight nipple between his teeth
before moving to taste the other one. His

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teeth dragged over flesh. His mouth
sucked. His tongue licked. Only when
he’d tasted every drop of liquor on his
chest and stomach, did Jesse make his
way down to Zach’s thighs.

The liquor had dried, but Jesse

could still taste and smell it on the man’s
flesh. He knelt on the floor before him,
grabbing him by the back of the knees to
jerk him forward. Jesse licked at his
balls, pulling them deep into his mouth.
Zach pushed his hips up, gasping in
approval. He smelled of soap and liquor
and man. Jesse sucked the soft globes for
a long time, learning their texture. He bit
them playfully.

Jesse kept his eyes open, watching

the thick length of Zach’s dick dance

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before him. He saw the smooth texture
marred only by the delicate veins
straining against the surface and begging
for release. The ruddy shaft bumped his
nose and with each brush of flesh, Zach
trembled and tensed.

Releasing the balls, Jesse licked

upward, stroking the full length of the
underside of the cock with his tongue.
By the time his lips met with the tip, pre-
cum had beaded to welcome him. He
kissed the tip and then drew his tongue
back down the way it came.

“You are a teasing little bitch,

aren’t you?” Zach sighed. His hips
pushed down, and he acted like he was
trying to get his cock to slip into Jesse’s
mouth. When it didn’t work, he heard

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Zach fumble with the bottle. He
swallowed a mouthful before drizzling
more over his cock. The liquor wet
Jesse’s lips, stinging his tongue with its
heady taste. Jesse lapped his way up the
shaft, finally moving to take it in his
mouth. He sucked the cock deep, pulling
it between his teeth to the back of his
throat. Zach tasted so good.

The human rocked into his mouth.

Jesse watched Zach’s gorgeous body,
the rippling muscles, the hard flesh. He
was sure he’d never seen anything so
beautiful in all his life. He sucked
harder, wanting to drink every last drop
of his desire.

Zach groaned, jerking as he met

with release. As he felt cum explode into

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his mouth, Jesse swallowed. Fuck, but
Zach tasted good.

The man fell all the way onto his

back, breathing heavily. Jesse took
advantage of his weakened condition to
crawl over him. He worked his legs in
between Zach’s, spreading his thighs. He
reached for the lube, quickly squirting
some on his cock.

“What are you doing?” Zach asked,

as if Jesse’s intent wasn’t obvious.

The beast inside him slipped to the

surface, shining in his eyes. Zach
gasped, wide-eyed. Jesse let a low
rumble enter his words. “Now it’s your
turn to submit to me.”

Jesse pushed up Zach’s knees and

aimed his cock for the man’s ass. Facing

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him, so he could watch every nuance of
Zach’s expression, Jesse thrust forward.
Zach gave a soft cry of pleasure as Jesse
entered him.

Bracing his hands, Jesse worked

his hips, stretching Zach’s tight ass to fit
him. He tried to go easy, to hold
something back, but the wolf inside him
wanted to lay claim since the first
moment he’d seen Zach running along the
path. It was primal. It was innate. It was
meant to be.

His hands began to shift. Claws

grew from his fingertips. Jesse felt his
face tingle and knew the transformation
had started there as well. Teeth
elongated in his mouth, pushing against
his lips. He couldn’t force them to

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With a growl, he dug his claws into

the bed. Zach made a weak noise as he
stared at Jesse’s face. Jesse pushed
forward, fitting himself completely
inside Zach. The lube helped him slide
as he pumped in and out, slamming hard
into the human’s ass. Zach grabbed his
cock and began to stroke.

Zach’s body writhed beneath him.

The sight was too fucking erotic. Jesse
wished he’d thought to bring a
camcorder so he could show the guys.
Then, as he contemplated it, he knew this
was one memory he didn’t want to share.

“Oh yeah, there,” Zach cried, as he

pumped his fist over his cock. “There!”

Zach jerked. His ass tightened as

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cum exploded from his cock. The warm
liquid squirted Jesse in the chest. Jesse
growled, loud and long, as he too met
with release. He came inside the man,
buried deep as hot semen pumped out of
his dick.

Trembling, Zach kept his eyes on

Jesse’s face. “What the fuck are you,

Jesse closed his eyes, not bothering

to pull out. He liked the conquering
position too much. “Lycanthrope.”

“Lycan?” Zach reached to touch

Jesse’s face. The warm palm caressed
his face, touching his human features.
“Like a werewolf? Like in the movies?”

“Not exactly like the movies.”

Jesse gave a playful press of his hips

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forward and grinned. “I’d like to think
we’re better in real life, lover.”

“I need to get up.” Zach squirmed.
Jesse reluctantly pulled out of him

and stood next to the bed. The animal
inside him wanted to play again. The
man in him realized all that he’d
revealed a little too late. He hadn’t
meant to tell Zach what he was, let alone
let him see it. By the human’s
expression, Jesse could easily tell Zach
was torn between the aftermath of
pleasure and the naturally apprehensive





confronted with a werewolf for the first

“This can’t be happening. You had

to have drugged the scotch.” Zach

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scrambled off the bed and took several
steps back toward the bathroom door.
“What kind of sick game are you

“You broke the seal,” Jesse

reasoned. “I didn’t drug you.”

“No, I had to be seeing things.” He

glanced around the room. “Is this some
sort of prank show? You do not have my
permission to put me on television.”

“Although I think fucking you

would make for some really hot
television, this is not a prank. I’m very
real,” Jesse assured him. “I don’t need
to drug men to get them into my bed.
Your inviting me here proves my point. I
can still feel your quivering ass against
my cock.” He swiped at the drying cum

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on his stomach and rubbed his fingers
together. “And I’m not imagining this.”

“Prove it,” Zach challenged. He

arrogantly lifted his jaw. “Show me the
wolf if you really are a werewolf.”

Jesse wasn’t pleased with having

his word questioned and, without thought
to the consequences, he knelt down and
let his body ripple with a full shift. He
heard Zach gasp in fright but didn’t stop.
The man had challenged him, doubted
him. Well, if he needed to see the beast,
he would see the fucking beast. When he
finally reached a full shift, standing as a
large wolf on all four paws, he let loose
a low growl. Zach instantly backed up.
Jesse couldn’t speak in such a form, so
let his body begin the transformation

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back. When he was at what they referred
to as a half shift, he stopped. Breathing
heavily, he looked at Zach, letting the
human see him in his half shifted, naked
glory. He wrapped a clawed hand
around his cock and rubbed it, letting the
man see how excited he was.

Zach gulped visibly. “This can’t be


Passion clouded Jesse’s judgment

and he stepped forward aggressively.
The beast wanted to fuck.

Zach stumbled back. When his back

hit the door to the bathroom, he hurriedly
rushed inside. “You need to leave now!”
The door slammed behind him. Jesse hit
his hand against the door in frustration. It
took a very long minute for him to rein

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himself in. Then, as human flesh once
more replaced the wolf, he grunted in






protesting the idea of going unfulfilled.
The room smelled of sex and Zach. The
sticky trail of cum on his stomach was
almost dry.

“I’m not going to hurt you, Red,”

Jesse said, a little louder than he
intended. “Come on out and play some
more. I can fuck all night, baby.”

“This isn’t right. You need to go,”

Zach yelled.

Jesse growled angrily as he began

tugging on his pants and boots. Then,
seeing his shirt in the corner, he lifted it
off a bag of camera equipment. Without

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bothering to put it on, he reached for the
door. “I’m going, but if you change your
mind I’ll be staying in the hotel until
tomorrow night, lover.”

Jesse slammed the door behind

him. Within seconds he was fumbling
with the key to his hotel room door.
Before he could manage to unlock it,
Parker pulled the door open for him.

“Back already?” Parker sniffed,

clearly detecting the sex on Jesse’s
body. “That was fast. You didn’t tear
him apart, did you? I’m not in the mood
to play housekeeper.”

Jesse growled.
Parker continued, unhampered, “I

figured you’d be fucking Red all night.”

“Shut it!” Jesse growled louder. He

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knew Parker was only joking, but he
didn’t have to like it. And he sure as hell
wasn’t in the mood to hear it.

“Whoa, what the hell, man?” Parker

asked, though he hardly sounded angry.
In fact, he sounded more amused than

“I’m going to take a shower.” Jesse

marched into the bathroom and slammed
the door.

He heard Parker whistle under his

breath before saying from the other
room, “If that’s what finding your true
mate does to you, I’m glad to be a single
playboy on the prowl.”

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Chapter Three

True mate.
That’s what Parker had called Zach

the night before—Jesse’s true mate. And
what was even more confusing was the
sudden rush of pleasure Jesse felt when
he heard it.

True mate.
Zach was his true mate.
But weren’t true mates supposed to

know they were mated? Jesse had a fair
idea on his side of things, but Zach had
freaked when he saw the wolf. Weren’t
mates supposed to be fine with the idea?
That’s what the whole destined thing
was about, right? Knowing your mate
from the very beginning? Sure, Jesse

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might not have known the first second,
but it was close enough. And if he could
accept giving up his partying ways to be
faithful to one man, then shouldn’t that
man be all right with Jesse being a

He paced along the hallway in front

of Zach’s door, hoping to hear the man
inside so he could have a chance
encounter with him. After nearly an hour
of waiting through the mid-morning
hours, he knew it was useless. He
couldn’t detect movement inside the
room and Zach didn’t come back. It was
quite possible Zach had hightailed it out
of there. Now he’d have to track the man
down and talk to him. Sure, he liked a
little game of predator-prey, but this felt

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reached for the front of his pants and
tried to adjust his cock beneath the tight
jeans. Naturally, a woman chose that
moment to walk out of her room. Her
mouth opened in affront. Jesse snapped
at her, “Oh, get back in your room! It’s
not like I asked you to suck it.”

She gasped and slammed the door.

Jesse gave a humorless chuckle as he
heard the woman trying to explain what
just happened to a clearly disbelieving
husband. Jesse took off down the hall
and was out of sight before the husband
had a chance to open the door and prove
his wife’s story.

“Jesse, wait!”

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Jesse froze. He’d been so focused

on his own thoughts that he didn’t see the
very object of them until Zach called his
name. He turned to the sound. Zach stood
just down the hall in the small lobby.
Jesse instantly made his way there. He
felt like running, but forced himself to
play it cool.

“I was hoping you’d come by,”

Zach said as Jesse approached. “I didn’t
know which room you were in and the
moron at the front desk wouldn’t help me
out. I figured you had to come by here
sooner or later.”

“Oh?” Jesse asked, telling himself

to be calm.

“Yeah, I wanted to apologize for

last night.” Zach rubbed the back of his

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neck and shifted his weight. “Sorry I
freaked out on you. This whole, you
know, thing is all new to me. I mean, it’s
not every day you meet a werewolf.”






chuckled, unable to help himself. “That
would mean our population got way too
out of control.”

Ignoring the joke, Zach said, “I

couldn’t stop thinking about you all
night, and not just the monster you, the
other stuff too.”

“Monster?” Jesse didn’t care for

that term.

“I didn’t mean monster as in

monster, I meant… Come on, you need
to give me a break here. I’m trying to
apologize.” Zach looked him in the eye.

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Jesse could tell the man was

sincere. “You want to apologize? Then
how about you finish what you ran out on
last night?” Jesse pulled Zach’s hand to
his cock. “My dick’s been hard since
you kicked me out, and if you want any
kind of logical conversation about this,
you’re going to have to take care of my
cock first.”

Zach glanced around the empty

hotel lobby and whispered, “Here?”

Jesse, seeing a bathroom door,

jerked Zach behind him as he went in. It
was a single unit and he quickly locked
the door so they wouldn’t be interrupted.
Reaching to unzip his pants, he said,

Zach hesitated before going to his

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knees on the bathroom floor. He took
Jesse’s cock and drew it to his mouth.
Jesse gasped to feel the sweet warmth of
Zach’s mouth on his shaft. The man
sucked him, bobbing his head over the
thick length. He knew how to work his
mouth, though Jesse saw there were a
few tips he needed to teach his new
lover. The idea pleased him greatly.

“Oh yeah, that’s it, Red, right

there,” Jesse moaned. He pushed his
hips forward, shoving his cock deep into
Zach’s mouth. “Take it all in, lover. You
like that, don’t you?” Jesse grabbed
Zach’s head and began working against
the man’s mouth. He needed this so
badly. The tension had built to a fevered
pitch, and the promise of release made

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him call out in mindless pleasure.

Too soon, he came. He held Zach

onto his cock, forcing him to drink his
cum. The man did, not trying to pull

When he’d finished, Jesse let go of

him. “That’s good, lover, really good.
Now we can talk about whatever it is
you want to discuss.”

“Can we go back to my room?”

Zach asked. His voice was soft and the
dominant man he’d encountered on the
running trail was gone, replaced by the
seductively submissive man before him.
The beast in Jesse liked this version
much better.

“Lead the way, lover,” Jesse said,

zipping up his jeans.

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He followed Zach out of the

bathroom. Outside, the woman he’d
scared in the hallway was checking out
at the front desk with a man who
appeared to be her husband. She stared
at Jesse and Zach, clearly having
detected what the two men had been up
to. As Zach quickly turned the corner,
Jesse winked at her and wagged his
brows in invitation. She gasped and
quickly turned away. He laughed. Some
people were just too easy to shake up—
not that he’d wanted the woman to take
him up on his silent offer of a threesome.
There was no way in hell he was sharing
Zach with anyone.

They made their way to Zach’s

room. His human lover unlocked the

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door, leading him inside. Not much had
changed since the night before.

“I’m not sure where to start,” Zach

began. “I’ve traveled all over the world
on assignments. I have never been so
drawn to another man before. When I
saw you on the trail, I thought it was my
lucky day for a fling, but then during…
Well, I don’t know what made me ask
you to meet me. I couldn’t get you out of
my head. I fucked up half of my
photography assignment. I’m supposed
to head out again this evening to redo it.
I’m off schedule. I missed my morning
appointment. You’re a werewolf. I’m
nothing close to that. And, well, for
some reason the only thing I seemed to
care about when you were gone was

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finding a way to get you back here. I’ve
got all these feelings inside of me, stuff
that’s not like me at all. I’m usually the
dominant one in the bedroom, but with
you I found myself wanting to submit

He was off-the-charts adorable.

Jesse smiled, content for the moment to
just watch the man pace nervously
before him.

“Well?” Zach demanded.
“Well, what?” Jesse asked.
“What do you make of it? Do you

emit some sort of drugging pheromone to
make me all, you know, desperate to
please you?”

Jesse let loose a laugh. “I certainly

hope so!”

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Zach frowned in confusion.
“What you are feeling is normal for

a man who’s found his mate. Fate
doesn’t need time or reasoning to make
its decision. It saw fit to connect us and
so we are connected. Forever.” Jesse
waited for Zach’s reaction.

Zach gave a small laugh and then

froze. “You’re not joking?”

“No.” Jesse shook his head in

denial. He lowered his chin, moving
toward Zach. Reaching for Zach’s cheek,
he rubbed it softly. “Can’t you feel the
truth? You just said it yourself that you
liked submitting to me.”

Zach nodded. “I do.”
“Good,” Jesse said. He ran his

hand down the man’s chest. “Because I

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plan on making you submit to me again,
and again, and again, and…” His voice
trailed off as his hand moved down to
cup Zach’s penis. He rubbed it through
the stiff denim of his jeans.

“Will you—” Zach closed his eyes

and sighed heavily as he rolled his hips.
“—let me see it?”

“My cock?” Jesse asked, more than

willing to whip it out.

“The wolf,” Zach corrected. “I

want to see your wolf.”

Jesse let a low growl sound in the

back of his throat. “You want to play
with the beast? I’m warning you. It’s
hard to maintain control when I shift,
even only part of the way. You need to
be sure.”

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“Will you hurt me?” Zach asked.
“I’d never hurt you, Red. Never.”

Jesse reached to unbutton Zach’s jeans,
tugging them open and down.

“You’ve called me that before.

Why Red?”

Jesse gave him a wolfish grin.

“’Cause the first moment I saw you
running through the forest you were
wearing a red hoodie.”

“That would make you a big bad

wolf.” Zach’s smile widened. “Yes, I’m
sure. I want to see the wolf.”

Jesse let the beast come out to play.

His body transformed with a partial
shift. He wouldn’t shift fully into an
animal because he couldn’t have sex as a
wolf, but halfway would be a lot of fun.

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“You have no idea how big and bad

I can be, lover.” Jesse flung Zach around
so he landed on his stomach. The man
kicked off his boots and wiggled out of
his jeans. Jesse watched his tight ass.
Zach reached along the bed until his arm
hit the lube. Without having to be told,
he squirted it on his ass. He flexed his
cheeks, working the moisture into the
crack. Jesse watched. A low growl
sounded in his throat. Passion built
inside him and he was unable to speak.

He touched his shifted cock. With

the transformation it grew wider and
longer. Jesse hopped onto the bed and
grabbed Zach’s hips. He lifted him up
easily. His claws scraped along flesh.
Zach cried out in pleasure. Jesse

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rammed his cock home, giving the man
the full length of his shaft.

A feeling of complete and utter

possession came over him. Instinctively
he knew this was right. Zach belonged to

Zach took all he had. Jesse

continued to thrust wildly. He didn’t try
to hold back. It felt too good. He
couldn’t stop. He pumped in and out.
Low animalistic noises came from the
back of his throat. His balls hit hard
each time he surged forward. Zach slid
on the bed by small degrees. The sound
of their heavy breathing mingled,
punctuated by slaps of flesh and manly

Jesse came with his dick buried

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inside Zach. The release felt so right.
Tension seemed to roll out of him,
leaving him more sated than he’d ever

Though his ass quivered around

Jesse’s cock, he knew the man had yet to
come fully. He withdrew, whipping him
around so he lay on his back. Without
pause, he drew the man’s dick into his
mouth and began to suck. It didn’t take
long before Zach found his release.





behind him and drew the man into his
arms. Zach’s back molded to his chest
and stomach. Jesse smiled, sated for the
moment. Every muscle in his body was
relaxed. Never had he felt so right, so

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“I can’t believe this is happening. I

almost expect to wake up tomorrow to
discover it was all a dream,” Zach said.

“I went from a confirmed bachelor

to a mated man in a matter of hours,”
Jesse said. “And I wouldn’t change it for
anything. I can feel that you are meant for
me. I feel the love growing inside me.
That is all I need to know right now. The
details will fill in with enough time and I
look forward to learning them all. Love
at first sight can happen, Red. It’s been
happening to my kind since the beginning
of time.”

“Love?” Zach repeated. His body

moved gently as if cuddling closer. “I
thought I was in love once, a long time
ago before I dropped out of college to

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travel the world. It never felt like this.”

“Because he wasn’t your mate,

lover.” Jesse held him tighter.

“I should think about getting up so I

can go do that photo shoot.” Zach made
no move to go.

“I’m not here to ruin your job. Right

now I can’t think of anywhere I’d rather
be than with you.” Jesse kissed his

“What about your trip cross-

country? Or your job?”

“I’ve already been across the

country twenty-some times. And, well,
we lycanthropes are kind of trust
funders. We don’t really have to work,
or pay taxes, or, well, it’s a long list.
The military did secret experiments on

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my kind during the First World War. It’s
something the government still doesn’t
want getting out. So they paid us off. We
don’t want to go public, so we took their
deal. A few good investments by our
grandparents and here we are.” Jesse ran
his hand along Zach’s chest to his hip.
He traced the small punctures his claws
had made during their lovemaking. “I’m
sorry if I hurt you.”

“What?” Zach glanced down and

then settled once more. “Don’t be sorry.
You don’t hear me complaining.”

“Anyway, as I was saying. I’m free

to do whatever I want. If you want to
work, then you can work. I’m not going
anywhere. As long as you’ll have me,
I’m yours.” Jesse knew that he was

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Zach’s forever, but he didn’t want to
come on too strong, or dictate too much.

“Oh, I’ll have you,” Zach said,

pulling his arm tight to his chest to hug

“That’s good, because I love you,


Zach’s breath caught. After a

moment, he whispered, “And I love you,
too, my big bad wolf.”

The End

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Feral Riders Series






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About the Author

LA Brookes is a very good girl

by day. By night, she lets her fingers do
the talking and writes racy stories--
mostly about sexy man love.

She also writes M/F erotic

romance under the name Lydia Brookes.

Lydia Brookes on Amazon

LA Brookes on Amazon

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By LA Brookes writing as Lydia


A Hired Affair

M/F Contemporary Erotic Romance

Nicole Davis is kept busy owning

her own bar, and is too busy to find
love. But, if she can't find love, she'll
settle for sex--even if she has to pay for
it. She knows she could never love a
man like Jack, whose job requires him to
sleep with women, but that doesn't mean
she can't hire him for a few hours.

Lydia Brookes on Amazon

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Coming from LA Brookes and The

Raven Books!

Feral Riders: Whisper

Feral Riders: Wild

Feral Riders: Chase

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The Raven Books’ Complementary


The following material is free of charge.

It will never affect the price of your


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Let the Wild Out by Madelyn Porter

Paranormal Shapeshifter Erotic

Ménage Romance

Rachel Dunne thinks she's safe from

the politics of her people by keeping a
low profile in America. When she
comes face to face with one of the clan
chiefs in search of a mate, she’s stunned
yet incredibly turned on. There is a catch
—one queen to two opposing clan
chiefs. It’s hard enough fighting off the
advances of one sizzling hot piece of
alpha man-flesh, can she possibly resist

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Let the Wild Out Excerpt

Everyone should have at least two


That’s what Rachel Dunne’s crazy

aunt used to tell her anyway. Her mother
would have rolled over in her grave if
she’d known her father’s sister had been
given custody. After her parents died,
Aunt Elvie was the only family member
who could take her in. Rachel spent her
teenage years under the care of a free
lovin’, spirit séance havin’, illegal herb
growin’, occasionally under arrest,
Auntie Elvie. Luckily the sheriff was one
of Elvie’s pot customer slash on-and-
off-again lovers, and Elvie never stayed
behind bars for too long.

It wasn’t an ideal childhood. But

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what Elvie lacked in modern morals and
conventions she more than made up with
love and patience. As for an Uncle
Elvie, there wasn’t one—there were
several. Elvie rotated her lovers like
most people changed toothbrushes, and
she always kept at least two of them
around at a time. Though, for their kind,
such things were not unusual.

Oh, Aunt Elvie also happened to be

a bird shifter. Rachel always thought it
accounted for her flighty behavior and
great appetite for life. Though, how a
bird shifter could get arrested in the
middle of a forest was beyond her.
Rachel suspected her aunt liked being
put in cuffs.

For some reason, Aunt Elvie and

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her childhood had been on her mind a lot

“What kind are you?”
Rachel pretended not to hear the

man who spoke, keeping her attention on
the ebook reader she held. She had seen
him following her as she left the
bookstore where guest authors, Mandy
M. Roth and Michelle M. Pillow, had
joint book readings. She’d felt his
presence as she walked the streets and
smelled him as he came into the coffee
shop. She didn’t need to look at him to
know he had dark hair and a rock-solid
body. That much she’d seen from the
reflection in the bookstore window. But
experience taught her to stay away from
other shifters. They had a wildness about

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them, an animalistic quality and a
freedom Rachel fought hard to control in






unmistakable brogue of his Gaelic
accent seemed out of place in the small
Colorado town. That might account for
his forward behavior. The shifters she’d
met from overseas tended to have less
puritanical ways. In America, unless on
a preserve, shifters tended to mind their
own business.

Rachel glanced at the hand he

pressed flat against the table. There was
no point in denying his claim. She could
smell the shifter on him, as he could on
her. However, his fragrance was potent
and raw. He’d changed recently and, if

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the prickling sense of danger curling
through her was any indication, he was
dangerous. No wild bird here. Without
looking up, she said, “I heard you the
first two times, but my parents told me to
never talk to strangers. Just keep it
moving, buddy. I’m not in the life and
I’m not looking for friends.”

The man turned his hand over so

she could see his palm. An ancient,
circular design had been burned into the
flesh with a branding iron. It looked old,
probably given to him in childhood in an
ancient ritual. She stiffened, not needing
further introduction. Rachel didn’t move
for a long moment. She knew that mark.
Everyone with shifter blood knew that
mark. She’d never expected to see it in

background image

her lifetime, had hoped not. As far as
she’d known, the marked ones were all
living overseas, and she preferred it that
way. Slowly lifting the back of her hand
to her head in a subtle gesture of respect
Aunt Elvie had taught her, she said, “My

“For someone not in the life, you

know who I am.” He pulled his fingers
into a fist. “Now I asked you a question.
What kind are you?”





looking up at him. “My kind is a trout.
I’m diluted blood.”

She wasn’t sure it was wise to lie

to her clan chief, but if he was asking
about her kind, then being a tame
creature of the river wasn’t useful to

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anyone. It had been a long time since she
shifted, so her smell wouldn’t be potent
at all. The lie would be believable.
Hopefully he’d leave her alone now.
Rachel fought the nervousness in her
stomach. If he caught her lying to him she
wasn’t sure what he’d do. The stories
from the old country were brutal,
practically medieval.

He slid into the chair across from

her. “Trout?”

“Yes, my chief. A fish. When I

change I swim in streams and try not to
get hooked by fishermen while avoiding
other spawning creatures. You can see
why I’m not interested in the life.”
Rachel made a move to stand, refusing to
look into his eyes in case he sensed her

background image

fear. “If you would excuse me, I have to
get to—”

“Wait.” He reached for her hand.

The warmth of his touch took her by

“Yes?” Was it just her imagination,

or could she feel the scar on his palm?
Her attention focused on it, on him.
Awareness shot through her.

“Who are your family? Which


“My family is gone. My aunt, Elvie

Dunne, raised me. She passed two years
back. My father, her brother, belonged to
yours, the Duncanis clan. I don’t talk to
any others. Any other questions you have
are better directed at someone else. I
hear there are shifters living in Colorado

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Springs. Perhaps you should try there.”
Rachel withdrew her hand and he let her
go. “Excuse me, Chief, but I can’t lose
my job.”

“No reason to be so formal. Call

me Douglas.”

She nodded, not saying his name or

meeting his eyes. Grabbing her ebook
reader, she held it a little too tightly.

As she walked away, she detected

his whisper, “I’ll be seeing you, little

Rachel really hoped not.

You can visit Madelyn Porter online at


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Madelyn on Amazon

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Trading Teon (The Beast Masters


By Reagan Hawk

The Beast Masters Series, Book 1
Garon and Lorne, shapeshifting

males of the Ralenium race, are fierce
guns for hire in the universe. When a
cargo ship transporting women charged
with crimes by the Galactic Star Union
arrives on their planet, the men make the
traders an offer they can’t refuse. Planet
Ralen is sorely lacking in women, and
the males have an inborn desire to
dominate, to tame females and to
reproduce. When their inner beasts’
clocks start ticking and the burning need
to spread their seed consumes them, they

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go on the hunt for the perfect female.
Too bad both men want the same

Teon, a lady with a place in high

society, thought life as she knew it was
over when she was wrongfully charged
with a crime by her stepmother. A
prisoner en route to a barren planet to
serve her sentence, she’s presented with
an opportunity to start over again on the
planet Ralen. The catch is she has to be
willing to be claimed by two males. Not
just any males mind you, two burning
hunks who are ready to fight to the death
if need be to share her bed.

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Reagan on Amazon

For a complete, up-to-date booklist,



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Table of Contents

Submit (Feral Riders)
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Feral Riders Series
About the Author
By LA Brookes writing as Lydia


A Hired Affair
The Raven Books’ Complementary


Let the Wild Out by Madelyn Porter
Trading Teon (The Beast Masters


Document Outline


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