Ragged Edge Sara Brookes

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Ragged Edge

Sara Brookes

Dalton is no stranger to hitting rock bottom. He’s worked hard to

turn his life around. Now he has a quiet life, a successful business
and a no-strings-attached arrangement for sex with Kincade.
Everything is just as it should be. Then a late-night rendezvous is
interrupted by a sexy newcomer, and Dalton realizes something is

Caught up in the intense passion the men share, Erin doesn’t

know whether to run or get between their hard bodies. She’s
convinced her attraction is wrong. However, a little persuasion
from both Dalton and Cade convinces her she belongs with


between them.

Erin’s surrender becomes Dalton’s reawakening. A BDSM

master, Dalton is in his element commanding his lovers, and soon
the threesome fills their nights with mind-blowing pleasure. But
when a piece of Dalton’s past resurfaces, it threatens the very
foundation he’s built…and could put him back at the bottom.

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Ellora’s Cave Publishing


Ragged Edge

ISBN 9781419934650
Ragged Edge Copyright © 2011 Sara Brookes

Edited by Briana St. James
Cover art by Dar Albert

Electronic book publication July 2011

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Ragged Edge

Sara Brookes

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Chapter One

Dalton was damaged goods.
He’d been broken down and built up again, only to have the

world crumble around his feet. Defeated, those ruins of his life had
been ignored because he had felt no desire to deal with them. In
salvation mode, he’d shut himself away from everything.

A loner and resident bad boy, Dalton Shaw sought solace in no


The wind howled as his bike sped down the road to his shop,

his carefree attitude evident in his driving. He pushed the bike well
over the posted speed limit. This late at night, there weren’t many
schoolchildren to watch out for.

It had been an interesting evening. A local graphics designer

he’d hired to redesign the logo for his bike shop missed the
appointment. Things came up, he understood that. But he also
appreciated the value of someone’s word. If someone said they’d
be somewhere at a certain time, in Dalton’s eyes, they were there.

He’d waited around for two hours, far longer than decorum

dictated, and had given up around nine-thirty when his stomach
started to protest. Luckily Sally, the sweet elderly waitress at the
diner in town, saw herself as a mother figure. She never let him go
hungry, no matter the hour. After a hard day of work finishing off the
bike he’d spent the past month restoring, it had been a nice break
to sit and chat with her.

The late hour comforted him, as he always flourished in the dark,

but now he was growing tired and the road blurred in front of his

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eyes. He shifted gears and noticed the flashing lights bouncing off
the trees around him.

A quick glimpse in the side mirror confirmed his suspicions.


Annoyed, he pulled his motorcycle to the shoulder and pushed

his foot down on the kickstand to balance the massive bike under

Dalton’s fingers tapped out an uneven rhythm of impatience

against the gas tank as he waited. He was no stranger to the law
in this town, mostly because he spent enough time doing what he
could to skirt it. His actions never bothered anyone and no one
seemed to take issue if he chose to gamble with his life.

Well, except



The brittle crunch of rocks underfoot caused Dalton to turn to the

officer as he approached.

Sheriff Kincade Roberts hooked his thumbs over a large metal

belt buckle as he rested his weight on his back foot. Dalton nearly
snorted at the posturing. “Is there a problem, Sheriff?”

“You do know we have a helmet law, Mr. Shaw.”
Dalton couldn’t hold back and did snort at the tone of the

sheriff’s voice. “Yeah. Obviously you see how much I care. It’s the
middle of the night. Not as if there’s a highway full of cars around
that I have to worry about.”

The tall man reached up, slid off his hat and brushed a hand

over his short reddish-brown hair. “Laws don’t care about the time
of day.”

Dalton reached forward and clamped his hand over the

handlebar despite the fact it earned him a stern look. “Christ,
Roberts, give it a fucking rest. Give me the ticket, go home and

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take that stick out of your ass.”

Cade shifted again, his posture reflective of the attitude change

in his suspect. “Do we have a problem here, Mr. Shaw?”

“Yeah, we do. I’m being stopped by some prick with a badge

who thinks he can throw his weight around because he’s on the
other side of the law. That new power of yours has gone to your

“If that’s how you feel about it, shall we take this downtown?”
“There is no downtown in this God-forsaken place. Blow the

attitude out of your ass.” The motorcycle came to life under Dalton
as he pulled away in a spray of rocks. He sped through the gears
without care for the damage incurred on the bike. It could be fixed
later. Right now, he was too annoyed to care and wanted to put
distance between him and the town law.

He wasn’t surprised to see flashing lights behind him as he

accelerated. If the new sheriff wanted a high-speed chase, he’d
get one. The bike vibrated, the engine purring fast and smooth as
it sped down the narrow country road. He shifted gears and the
bike roared under him as it leapt forward. Without a helmet, the
wind whipped around him and stung his eyes so they watered.

This freedom was his element.
The engine cut off completely when he thumbed the choke and

let the speed he’d gathered carry the bike directly into the bay of
his shop, Iron Cruisers. As the sheriff pulled into the dirt lot, Dalton
smirked and tapped the control to slowly lower the heavy bay door.

The last thing he saw was Cade’s narrowed green eyes. Dalton

nearly flipped the sheriff off, but that would be pushing it a little too
far and he was already walking a very fine line. While he enjoyed
pushing the limits of the law, even he knew there was a line you

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just didn’t cross.

As he swung his leg to dismount the bike, the side door burst

open and the sheriff barreled through. The look on his face was
priceless and Dalton grinned in satisfaction.

“You have a real attitude problem, Shaw.” The soft, lazy drawl of

the South did nothing to smooth out the rigid authority of the
sheriff’s voice.

Dalton shrugged and stood, easily towering several inches over

the man in front of him. Cade was tall but lean and almost lanky in
contrast to Dalton’s bulk. “Of course I do. Remember, I live just to
piss people off. Think I’ve just raised the bar for next time though.”

“Fine, you’re under arrest for reckless driving and willful


The sheriff stepped forward, clamped his hand around Dalton’s

biceps and pulled hard to throw him off balance. Dalton
anticipated the move, however, and compensated to flip their
positions. Cade stumbled, hitting the bike hard enough to give a
grunt of protest.

Dalton moved before the sheriff could stand upright and pushed

his body firmly against the hunched man. “So, Sheriff, it seems as
if you’re proficient in issuing orders. But I wonder how versed are
you in taking them.” His hand worked between the man and the
bike so he could flip the buttons open on the crisply pressed shirt.
Cade’s breath hitched as Dalton stripped the fabric back. He let
the material gather at the elbows and brought the two halves
together to trap Cade’s arms behind him.

The sight of all those straining muscles made Dalton want to

lean forward and slide his tongue over the surface of that rock-
hard skin. He refrained, but leaned in closer and savored the feel

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of the man’s firm back against his chest, drank in the sweet
cedarwood scent of his aftershave.

“I’ve never had a sheriff before.”
“So you just want to add me to your count. Put another notch on

that belt.” There was tension in those words and Dalton’s body
sang in response.

“You know very well I don’t use a belt. My hand works just fine.”

That same hand glided over the fabric covering Cade’s ass.
“When I open tomorrow, what do you think my customers will think
when they walk in here and smell the scent of your come all over
my workbench?

“I personally like the idea. It would remind me how much the new

sheriff couldn’t control himself with a suspect. It may even give me
more ideas about finding out just how much that particular sheriff
can take. I haven’t put my skills to use in quite some time. I think I’d
like to see if I’m still as proficient as I once was.”

Cade’s voice rumbled when Dalton pushed at the front of his

pants, forcing his hand all the way down to the base of the man’s
cock. Dalton squeezed tightly, perhaps more tightly than the
situation called for. He gloated at the feel of the rock-hard state of
the sheriff’s erection. Normally Dalton liked to work for it a little
more, but tonight was special.

“Fuck.” Cade let out a shaky breath indicative of something

other than discomfort.

“Later.” Dalton moved his hand and proceeded to cross the line

to show Cade this was no longer just an amusing game. “Right
now, you’re going to put that mouth of yours to better use. On your

He flipped their positions and leaned against his bike as he

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waited for Cade to comply. When Cade continued to stand there,
Dalton decided he needed some incentive and used his free hand
to strip open his jeans. Cade’s eyes burned with need as Dalton
lifted the hard length of himself free.

That heat poured into Dalton, causing a slow burn at the base of

his spine that reflected the need to come. But not yet, it was too
soon. They were celebrating Cade’s recent election to sheriff and
Dalton wasn’t about to blow it all in a few seconds like some
hormonal teenager experimenting in his parents’ basement.

“On your knees,” Dalton repeated again, using more force this


Cade sank to the floor, leaning forward as he followed the

command. The flat of his tongue slid across the crown of Dalton’s
cock and the sheriff clearly crossed a few lines of his own.

* * * * *

Erin Corvus sighed as she worked through the gears on her

aging sports car. She didn’t expect Dalton would still be at the
shop right now, but she’d feel better if she dropped off the
sketches she’d put together. That way they would be there waiting
for him when he arrived the next morning.

She shifted again to navigate a tight turn and thought about how

Collington Creek was a virtual ghost town this late at night. The
small town was situated an hour north of Atlanta, Georgia. With a
population of less than seven thousand residents, it wasn’t the sort
of place locals had to worry about traffic jams. Of course, most of
the town’s population was tucked away in their beds watching late-
night talk shows while she sped toward the Iron Cruisers shop.

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They were the smart ones.
Long hours were part of the job. Blackbird Design, her graphic-

design company, was her livelihood and she had to do everything
in her power to ensure its success. Even if that achievement
meant she had to work into the wee hours of the morning to finish
a job. Her business was only as good as the hours she put in.

She meant to be at the appointment hours ago. Her need for

perfection with one of her designs caused her, yet again, to ensure
everything was just as it should be.

The motorcycle shop came into view faster than anticipated and

she parked in the empty slot next to the sheriff’s vehicle in front of
the bay door. Odd for a motorcycle shop to repair a car, but many
residents of the town seemed to multitask when it came time to
help each other out.

She’d even done some web designs for a local business or two

in order to make money on the side. Maybe Mr. Shaw worked out
a deal with the town government and he did all the repairs on city
vehicles. Of course, the new sheriff had already made a name for
himself with his unconventional ways to save the town money, so it
wasn’t completely out of the question.

Now that would be a sweet contract to land, she thought as she

shut the car door. She’d love to have a shot at redesigning the
town seal in an effort to reflect the history of the area and draw in
even more tourists. But if she continued to miss important client
appointments, she’d be lucky to design a logo for the historic
stockade that stood in the town square.

The shop was simple, as were most things in town, and

nondescript with its faded wood siding. Small with only one bay
instead of the row of work areas like the shops she was used to

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back home in Texas, the building before her screamed rural living.
An assortment of aging tin signs, which added to the antique air of
the business, hung in various locations on the front of the property.

In fact the owner, Dalton Shaw, specialized in restoring late-

model motorcycles. It had been one of the things he’d insisted on
when they’d spoken on the phone. Somewhere in her design there
needed to be an antique bike. She’d done just as he requested,
several times over, and hoped he liked the designs she’d come up

As she started to set the large black leather case used to

transport sketches in front of the shop’s door, she spotted a gap.
That trusting nature of locals to unlock doors and even leave keys
in ignitions had taken her a bit to get used to. Back in Austin, any
property left sitting around unguarded asked to be stolen.

Curious, she pushed open the heavy entrance door. “Hello? Is

anyone here?”

Her question was met with silence, not that she really expected

anyone to answer her—not at this time of night. But this was the
only address she had for him, and she wanted to be sure he had
something to look at when she called tomorrow morning to

However, that curiosity earned her more than she bargained for.
Her eyes went wide in surprise as she stepped closer and saw

someone leaning against the motorcycle in the center of the shop
floor. The friendly greeting died in her throat as she realized that
someone wasn’t alone. The light in the bay was low, but it was
enough for her to make out two figures.

A late-night lovers’ rendezvous.
Now she understood why the sheriff’s car was parked outside.

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He was on his knees in front of the man.

If that wasn’t enough indication of the man’s identity, she also

recognized the tan uniform shirt stripped back to his elbows. He
also still wore the matching dark brown pants and spit-shine
chloroform shoes.

Someone had been in a hurry.
Her breath quickened as she watched the officer swallow the

entire length of the man’s cock with ease. Even at this distance
she recognized the standing man as the owner of the bike shop.
The very same man she was supposed to have met with hours
ago gave a deep groan of satisfaction as the sheriff used his

Dalton’s jeans were bunched around his calves and his head

was thrown back. That chiseled face of his reflected sheer
ecstasy. His lips were slightly parted and quiet sighs escaped as
his lover’s mouth moved against his hard flesh.

The scent of their arousal hit her hard and made body parts

come alive in response. Her breathing quickened and her pussy
tightened with desire. Even as she reacted to the sight of the two
men before her, the stillness of the late September air allowed her
to hear every movement, every brush of skin. It heightened the
tightness building low in her gut.

Spying like this was wrong on so many levels because it was

rude and intrusive. Not because two men partook in such an
intimate act. No, that didn’t bother her in the least. She’d been
reared by parents who ensured she understood love came in all
forms. She certainly didn’t take issue at the image the men made
as they engaged in oral sex.

She should have turned around and left as soon as she sighted

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the men coupling, but she couldn’t help staring because it was so
blistering hot. Both men were so lost in each other it was
impossible not to be enthralled. It didn’t hurt that both men
appeared to be in prime shape and took care of themselves.

A low moan resonated through the room as Cade engulfed

Dalton completely again. From this vantage point, she watched
Cade’s body tighten and bunch so the muscles rippled under the
surface of gorgeously tanned skin. They both moved so easily
together and the sight was certainly something to be admired.

Cade pulled back slowly, sucking in his cheeks, and Dalton

hissed out in response as he threaded his fingers through Cade’s
hair. His arms flexed a little as he tilted his hips up to push Cade’s
mouth down. Her own mouth dropped open in surprise when Cade
swallowed every luscious inch of that thick cock so easily.

Right at this moment, it was obvious who controlled everything

between these two men. She didn’t need to be well versed in the
world of dominance and submission to know Cade had
surrendered completely to Dalton’s possessive hold. The total
command the man exuded was too powerful not to understand.
Even she wanted to be on her knees before him, arms bound
behind her as she followed orders.

She had never had any hands-on experience with bondage, but

the picture Cade made with his arms tightly bound behind him
while he attended Dalton hit all the right places inside her.

“Where did you learn that?” Dalton’s voice sounded strained

and pulled her attention back to the two men. He held Cade’s face
between his large hands, the kneeling man’s mouth inches away
from the cock he’d just worshipped.

“I had a good teacher.” Cade drew his tongue over the tip,

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gathering up the pearlescent drops of come that had started to
gather. His mouth closed over just the head and he sucked a few
times before letting go. “One who taught me that you like it rough.”
Lips pulled back, exposing teeth, and Erin watched with rapt
attention as Cade dragged his teeth over rock-hard skin when he
engulfed Dalton completely once more.

This caused Dalton to throw his head back again and buck his

hips as he started thrusting into the man’s mouth. The sheriff took
the movement as easily as before and even seemed fueled by the

Riveted by their passion, she discovered their need for each

other had seeped into her body. She drank it in, found herself
wondering what it would be like to be in Cade’s place. To have
Dalton’s cock in her mouth, his seed spilling on her tongue while
Cade buried his face in her core.

The command from Dalton cleared her focus again and she

noticed the control he held over himself as his eyebrows drew

Cade shook his head as he eased back, taking his time to

remove his mouth from his lover. “I’ve waited all fucking week for a
taste of you. Let me have this. Please.”

At the utter desperation saturating the last word, Erin licked her

lips and shifted her legs, pulling at the collar of her shirt when her
rapidly rising body heat flushed her skin.

“I’m going to be buried in your ass when I blow, not your mouth.”

The atmosphere of the room snapped and pulsed as the air
became saturated with aggression. Their earlier ease vanished.

There was a blur of movement as Dalton pushed away from the

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motorcycle and made the sheriff stand with him. Lips met, and the
harshness of the kiss made Erin reach out for the wall in order to
steady herself. Her knees felt weak from the raw sexuality that
rippled through the room before it slammed into her full force.

Now that she had an unencumbered view, Erin saw Dalton was

a beast of a man. Easily over six feet, he was built and stacked in
all the right places. With his thick mane of shoulder-length black
hair, he was probably the finest example of the male species
she’d ever seen. He obviously had no issue with standing in the
center of his shop stark naked. His rigid cock was standing hard
and high, straining toward the man pressed against him.

The sheriff was gorgeous to look at in his own right. Just as tall

as Dalton, his muscles were long and lean. Considering the fact
he was the law of the town, he probably kept himself in shape for
the rare occasion he’d have to chase down a suspect on foot.

Dalton tore his mouth away. “Present yourself for me and show

me why I should reward you.”

Cade turned and bent over the leather seat of the bike, arms still

bound tightly behind him. Shoulder muscles flexed forcefully
against the material, but she saw it wasn’t because he wanted to
get away. He pushed his hips back in presentation to the man
behind him.

He’d offered himself without reservation.
They were too familiar with one other and seemed to know each

other’s bodies too intimately for this to be a first-time encounter.

Erin watched as Dalton stepped away and pulled open a drawer

on his work bench. He fumbled one-handed for something as his
eyes never left Cade’s bent form. His expression changed as he
found what he sought and pulled out a foil packet and a white tube.

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Dalton stepped back to Cade and in a few proficient

movements he’d sheathed himself with the thin casing of the
condom. Her mouth went dry as he worked some of the clear
liquid over his own cock in preparation and then slid his other hand
over the roundness of the other man’s ass. The sheriff gave a
muttered groan when those fingers dipped between those
perfectly formed muscles and Erin felt the raw sexuality of it arrow
straight to her pussy.

From this angle, she couldn’t see exactly what was going on, but

she didn’t have to in order to know the basic mechanics. Fucking
was fucking, and these two men seemed to excel at it. Never
before had she had this fierce of a reaction to anyone. Of course it
wasn’t as if she frequently walked in on two men engaged in a
sexual encounter before either.

She watched as Dalton worked in and out slowly, taking his time

until he had buried himself completely inside the other man. She
bit her lip in anticipation as the tall man took his time, his
movements exact as he drew them out. Fabric still strained to near
the breaking point and the sheriff’s knuckles had started to turn
white from the tension.

“Untie me, God damn it. I need my hands.” His voice was a low

growl, each word bit off to show his frustration. She admired the
man’s control even as she willed Dalton to give in simply so she
could watch.

The strained sound didn’t seem to sway Dalton. “Since when do

you get to issue the orders?”

There was a sharp snort of amusement. “Since I can throw your

ass in jail for assaulting an officer.”

“Just my ass? Then you’ll miss your favorite part.”

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“Your ass,” the man paused to release a long and quiet moan

when Dalton thrust forward, “is certainly spectacular, but it’s not my
favorite part.”

“Then what is?” Dalton moved as he asked the question and

Cade let out a string of obscenities that made her eyes go wide. A
smug smile of satisfaction grew on Dalton’s lips. “I see. I have my
favorite parts of you too.”

Dalton thrust forward again, which caused the man beneath him

to rear up. The binding on his arms still seemed to frustrate him
because it wouldn’t let him push completely against the man who
rode him.

“Untie my fucking hands,” Cade said around clenched teeth. His

erection strained away from his body as he sought relief by any
means necessary.

A deep laugh resonated through the shop and Dalton didn’t

comply with the order. Erin guessed he actually enjoyed the cop’s
struggles based on his lazy movements. Almost as if he used the
motions to fuel his pleasure.

Finally, after another few curse-laden minutes filled with drawn-

out thrusts, Dalton slipped the knot loose on the shirt. His body
language indicated it wasn’t because the other man had ordered it
earlier. He’d done so on his terms and it clearly showed when he
jerked the other man up against his chest before the fabric even hit
the floor.

Dalton moved again, driving over and over between the taut

globes of Cade’s ass. The action allowed Cade’s hard-on to slide
over the rich, supple leather of the bike seat, smearing a trail of
pre-come against the fabric that shined despite the low lighting.

She found herself leaning forward when Dalton closed his hand

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around the other man’s cock and used the moisture leaking from
the tip to moisten his hand. Ragged breath skimmed over her dry
lips as she watch Dalton move his hand with unhurried strokes to
match the movements as his cock slid in and out of Cade.

Cade’s hands slapped down on the seat of the bike, his fingers

gripping for purchase as he gave a harsh moan and pushed back
against Dalton. Erin heard the absolute satisfaction drip from the
sound and felt scorching heat rip from her.

She wanted them to pay such lavish attention to her. See to her

every need and desire. While she wasn’t a novice when it came to
sex, she’d never had anyone take care of her the way she watched
unfold before her very eyes. It also reminded her just how long it
had been since she’d engaged in any sort of sexual activity. Work
had consumed her so thoroughly she barely remembered what it
was like to have a man’s body over hers.

The sound of the men moving together suddenly halted. Only

Dalton’s hand continued to move over and around the sheriff’s
straining erection with rough and hurried movements as he
continued to fuck the hard length with his hand. Lips closed over
the gentle curve of an earlobe, nipping at the flesh.

Erin swore she felt those teeth against her own skin. She even

yearned for it because the energy created between the two men
was something she wanted to experience as well.

“Now that you’re free, do you think I should keep fucking you

while she watches or let her join in on the fun?” Two sets of eyes
met hers and her heart leapt into her throat.

She’d been caught.
Panicked, she turned to run as fast as her legs would carry her

to the car. Her heart thundered in her ears while she gunned the

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engine and sped out of the lot.

Dear God, what did I just do?


raced through the gears, trying her best to put miles between
herself and the garage as quickly as possible.

Sweaty palms pressed against the kitschy fairy steering wheel

cover while adrenaline raced through her veins. When the car
settled into fourth gear and she shifted in the bucket seat, she
noticed the heavy throb still between her legs.

Her body sang for release and she had a sneaking suspicion it

specifically wanted two very well-endowed—and completely
unattainable—men. Growling in frustration, she prayed for the
earth to open up and swallow her.

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Chapter Two

The next afternoon, Dalton removed his sunglasses as he

stepped into the office of Blackbird Design. His eyes took a
moment to adjust to the fluorescent lighting, as it was a sharp
change from the bright sunlight outside.

The hustle and bustle of the workplace hit him full force and

wasn’t what he expected. Most of the time life in town moved at a
turtle’s pace. It was actually refreshing to find people scurrying
around the small office with such speed and competence.

He’d wanted to stop by sooner and smooth things over with

Erin. But Cade had convinced him that it was better to wait.
Probably because he knew Dalton wouldn’t leave well enough

They’d both noticed her eyes had been brightly lit with arousal

and it caused a reaction they hadn’t expected. Within minutes of
her hurried exit, they’d both come so hard it had taken a fair
amount of time before either of them had moved again. Later,
Cade had expressed concern she would bolt like a skittish rabbit
again if either one of them confronted her too soon.

Kincade Roberts, the voice of reason.
But in light of the previous night’s events, the plan was to keep

the conversation as light and painless as possible. Dalton didn’t
do painless, but for this—for her—he’d make an exception. He
and Cade both wanted to know more about the woman they’d
caught spying on them.

“Can I help you with something?” The receptionist’s eyes slowly

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raked him over as Dalton approached her desk. She was cute, but
too skinny for his taste. High maintenance too if he remembered
correctly from the time he’d seen her at the club. He seemed to
recall she had a fondness for caning, a highly painful form of
torture some people got off on. Not something that interested him,
but to each their own.

He shifted the portfolio case to his other hand and leaned over

the desk to slide his hip up so the woman’s gaze settled around
the crotch area. Some women were just too damn predictable. “I’m
looking for Erin Corvus. She available?”

“Maybe. If you’ll agree to have a drink with me when my shift


Bold. That assertiveness didn’t appeal to Dalton. He liked to

work a little. “It’s a tempting offer, but I need to return something to
her and I’d hate to think I’d gotten sidetracked.”

The blonde jutted her lip out and pouted. While he wasn’t too

discriminate in what he liked when it came to sex, he knew this
was not the type of woman who would want a quick bang. She’d
sink her claws in deep and refuse to let go. Something else he
wasn’t interested in.

At another time in his life, he would have entertained the idea of

fucking her. Right now, however, someone else held his interest
and it wasn’t the pert blonde behind the desk. “What can I offer you

She flashed a brilliant smile and continued to stare intently at his

crotch. “I’m sure we can come up with something.”

He coughed out a laugh and decided to let her down gently.

“How about a break next time you need repairs on something?”

That pout of hers appeared again, but she let out a frustrated

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breath as she rolled her eyes. “Fine. I have a clunker anyway and it
could use a good tune-up. Third door on the right down that

“Thanks. Here’s a card in case you need—”
“I know who you are, Dalton.” She shot his crotch area another

deliberate glance and picked up the phone as it rang.

Well, that certainly explained why she’d come on so strongly.

For the handful of people who took offense to his lifestyle choices,
there were fifty more who wanted a piece of it. She obviously knew
him, knew about his past and, combined with her interests, thought
to make use of that past.

Right now, Dalton only had eyes for one woman.
Dalton’s pace slowed as he approached that woman as she sat

behind an elevated desk in the corner of the room. The enhanced
lighting in here let him see the minute details he’d missed last
night. Of course, he’d been otherwise engaged last time they’d
been in each other’s presence. He couldn’t be expected to
remember every last detail when he’d been buried up to his balls
in Cade’s ass. That was asking a bit much.

There were a few pencils pushed through the messy knot she’d

tied her hair into and a pair of turquoise glasses had worked their
way down to the end of her nose. Those sharp eyes stared intently
at a flat-screen monitor that was nearly the size of his television.

She was clearly a woman who appreciated her technology,

something he didn’t have the least bit of interest in. Give him a
layer of grease under his nails from a hard day of work and he
could die a happy man.

He tapped a finger against the corner of her desk and

smoothed away an amused smile when she jumped. When their

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gazes met, her cheeks immediately flushed pink and there was no
doubt in Dalton’s mind that she recognized him.

Better not beat around the bush. “You left something.”
She blinked a few times at him as she pulled the glasses away

from her face. “What?”

He tried to tell himself that he hadn’t noticed the swirled green

and blue of the frames were the same color as her eyes. Or the
fact the South dripped from the question like a glass of sweet tea
on a hot summer day. “Your portfolio case. You left it.” The smooth
leather-like material slid across the stark white desk with barely a
whisper of sound.

Those eyes blinked at him a few more times before she

appeared to get a handle on herself again. “Oh. That was for you.”

“I know.” He’d taken the liberty of looking at what was inside the

zippered case and had been impressed with the sketches she’d
taken the time to bring directly to the shop. “I’ve seen the sketches
you made and I have to say, I like what I saw. Something tells me
you did too.”

“Pardon?” Her fingers fidgeted together.
He gestured to the portfolio between them, slid it closer to her.

“Your mockups. You must have liked them enough to drop them off
in the middle of the night.”

“Oh right.” Her eyes glazed over and he’d give anything to know

what sort of images played in her mind right now. Though he had a
good guess based on her state of agitation. “Did you like what you

It was too perfect an opportunity for him to simply let it pass

without incident. “Did you?”

That seemed to snap her out of her daze. Those bow-shaped

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lips formed a perfectly straight line. To Dalton, it only made her ten
times sexier. “In the portfolio case, Mr. Shaw.”

He’d known exactly what she meant. But the chance to tease her

while she was lost to something in her mind had been too
tempting. That glazed-over look was something he’d like to see on
her in the future, but only if he was the reason for it. “Pity. I would
have been interested in knowing. Why don’t we discuss the details
of what you have here over dinner?”

Skepticism passed through her eyes. “What’s wrong with right


He shrugged. “Nothing. But I was busy most of the day and

haven’t eaten. Little low on protein.”

And that is maybe laying it on

a little too thick, Shaw.

Her turquoise-colored eyes narrowed at the double meaning.

She played absently with a pencil on her desk and that told Dalton
she was interested despite the attitude she’d tossed up in
defense. “I don’t mix business with pleasure so I have to decline
the dinner invitation. But, as I still want your business, there’s a cart
outside in the square where we could have an impromptu

“Perfect,” he stated as he flashed a brilliant smile. “We can do

this pitch outside. Get some fresh air and blue sky. I hate office

Five minutes later, he was seated next to the large fountain that

decorated the business center at the end of Main Street. The
pastry was decent, the coffee palatable—certainly not a cup of the
house blend from the coffeehouse he preferred on the other side
of town.

The company, however, absolutely fascinated him.

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Erin Corvus was the sort of woman he wanted to bend his large

frame over and protect from the rest of the world. Petite and in
possession of yards of vivid strawberry blonde hair, everything
about her was compact and so utterly woman.

She’d pulled the pencils out of her hair when she’d agreed to

accompany him for a snack and he’d nearly embarrassed himself
when that gorgeous hair had fallen down to her shoulders. The
skirt she wore flowed around her thighs in a way that drew his eyes
directly to them as she walked. He had a moment to wonder what
those shapely legs would feel like wrapped around him before she
sat down.

“What can I do for you?” There was a bite to her words, enough

for him to read her annoyance at the interruption he’d posed to her
day. With the harshness, that Texas accent deepened and he liked
the thought of how sweet her words would sound as she lost
herself entirely when he swept his tongue over her clit.

He could point out that she’d interrupted an enjoyable moment

with Cade and had no right to feel put out. But he wasn’t interested
in irritating her further. Time to soothe away the anxiety under the
surface she didn’t want anyone to notice. “I did come to return your
sketches, but mostly I just came by to see if you were all right.”

“I don’t think I’m the one you should be asking.”
That edge to her voice touched off a blaze inside him, but it

wasn’t irritation. She had an attitude, and by God he wanted to
tame it out of her. It had been some time since anyone stirred him
so and he found it interesting this woman was the one to ignite that
fire again. “That’s my business. Besides, I wasn’t the one who
barged in somewhere uninvited.”

Those perfectly arched eyebrows of hers winged up in surprise.

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“I wasn’t aware you were going to be engaging in sexual relations
with the town sheriff when I came to deliver my sketches.”

“It was nearly the middle of the night and again, my business,”

he said with a smile and raised the cup to his mouth. The coffee
was hot against his tongue and wet his dry mouth. Damn it, he
couldn’t stop thinking about those legs of hers.

You spent years

training for strict discipline. Snap out of it.

“Yes. You’re right, it is.” Those unique-colored eyes of hers

narrowed again and the look shot straight to his groin. “I need to
get back to mine. You may want to shut your doors from now on.”

“Why? Are you planning on coming back? Because if that’s the

case…” He trailed off, swamped with the thought of how very
different he wanted things to go. Especially if she did indeed show
up again unannounced.

“I suggested that merely because some people aren’t as

forgiving about things as I am.”

Her voice was knife sharp and held an edge that made him

sorry for saying something to upset her. This one definitely held
some spunk in her and he made himself relent a little where he
normally wouldn’t otherwise.

“I didn’t mean to offend you,” he offered in apology as he relaxed

his posture.

“You didn’t.” Her expression softened and she leaned back

against her wrought iron café chair. “It’s been a stressful couple of
days. Last night, I was just…shocked. I didn’t expect…”

“To find me with a man?” It wouldn’t be the first time he’d faced

that sort of thing. Hell, fifteen years ago, he would’ve never thought
it of himself. Surprising what happens in hindsight.

She stunned him with her answer. “No. Not really. But had I

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known you were gay—”

He shifted forward in his seat, folded his arms on the table and

dropped his voice to a low whisper. That was one misconception
he was going to clear up here and now. “Erin, I’m not gay.”

Her expression shifted to one of bewilderment. “Oh God. You’re

not one of those men who says it was only experimentation, are

Those thin fingers of hers flew to her mouth and her cheeks

flushed pink with embarrassment. It did nothing to discourage the
raging hard-on pressing against the seam of his jeans.

In fact, it made it worse.

Damn it.

Dalton cleared his throat, coughing to cover his amusement at

her reaction. He did his best to completely and totally ignore the
fact his dick throbbed with need. “No. That’s not what I meant. I like
women. Very much so,” he added with a wink.

Her hands slowly lowered to the table and wrapped around her

foam coffee cup. “So you like both?”

What he liked was her. He hadn’t expected to have this

aggressive of a reaction to someone, to want them under his
expert guidance this quickly. Not since Cade came into his life had
he been this knocked for a loop. He was pleasantly surprised to
find it in this tiny woman. “I hate labels. I have sex with who I have
sex with. Man, woman, it doesn’t matter as long as everyone
agrees. Especially considering the rest.”

“There’s more?”
The idea that he’d thoroughly corrupted this woman simply with

his confession of his lifestyle delighted him. He enjoyed making
people feel uncomfortable about his choices, but he took particular

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pleasure in making her squirm. “Isn’t there always?”

She was quiet for a moment as she appeared to contemplate

his question. “Bottom line is that I’m sorry for missing our meeting
last night. I also apologize for not having the decency to walk away.
It was rude.”

He nodded and brushed a hand over his hair as he finished off

the last of his coffee. “It was, but Cade was also at fault for not
shutting the door behind him. Of course, I don’t think either of us
anticipated the interruption.”

“I didn’t mean to ruin your night.”
It would have taken a hell of a lot more than her interruption to

ruin what had happened in his garage. “You didn’t. It was quite an

Meaning dripped from the word and she grew flustered again as

comprehension bloomed in her eyes. “Oh.”

Just what else would she be open to? “Cade’s over-enthusiasm

worked out for everyone. He’ll pay for it later, of course, but
evidently we both enjoyed being watched. That was something I
hadn’t taken into consideration. Perhaps I should be thanking you

As if things weren’t bad enough in his groin, the thought of how

the atmosphere had become even more charged after this
woman’s disruption made him swell again. Combined with that
and his current reaction to her, he could very well keel over from
blood loss right here.

She shook her head and he witnessed a look of disbelief in her

eyes. He’d found something that really set her off balance even
more so than two men enjoying each other’s company.

“I’m sorry, did you say



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“I’m not sure you really, truly want to know the answer to that

question.” His brain already struggled enough without adding the
need for explanation. His brain actually superimposed what Erin
Corvus would be like added to the mix between him and Cade.
That was something he was definitely going to explore at a later
point. Besides, he liked the idea of making her wonder. “Now, let’s
get to the business at hand and pitch me your ideas.”

* * * * *

Erin blew out a breath as she tossed the marked-up sheets onto

her desk. They were covered with pencil and red marker where
she’d made corrections. Collaborating with Dalton had given her
some new ideas to sharpen up the designs. He’d paid the
required deposit and she’d agreed to have the rough design to
him by the end of the week for his approval.

Delivery would be in some public location to avoid the other

night’s gaff.

It was a lucky thing he still wanted her business in the first place.

She’d been extremely rude and even careless with her time
management because of her need for perfection.

The new design she’d worked up for him actually took the best

of each of the sketches she’d provided for him and was better than
anything she’d developed recently. It had been a pleasure to work
with him and she did her best not to think about anything beyond a
professional relationship.

That task was remarkably difficult to do considering the fact

she’d seen him naked only a short time ago. Not to mention her
body seemed to still be strung tight despite the fact she’d

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attempted to find relief by her own hand. That little debacle had
ended with her more frustrated than anything else.

It wasn’t what her body wanted. Wasn’t what she wanted.
“Erin, you have company.” Joanie’s voice snapped Erin out of

her musing.

“Again? Be nice to actually get some work done today.” She

tossed her glasses down on the desk and pushed her long bangs
to the side so she could see. Her gaze froze when she looked up
to find another pair of eyes she was familiar with. “Pardon me,
Sheriff Roberts.”

Cade Roberts stood tall and proud in her doorway, looking

exactly like a man should. He was six feet of glorious male with
pale green eyes that seemed to glare right through her.

“That’s all right.” He dipped his head in greeting and pulled off

his hat as he moved into the office. His fingers moved through his
hair to comb it into place and Erin found herself admiring the
gorgeous color most people could only achieve from a box.
Someone else’s hands had threaded through the thickness of it
just hours ago.

Her mind wanted to wander further and explore that little

memory more, but she shook her head to clear it. Now was not the
time to fawn all over a person of authority. Even if everything about
this man did make her feel as if she’d just gone down the drop hill
on a roller coaster. “What can I do for you, Sheriff?”

The officer offered her a friendly smile. “Cade, please. I’m not

here in an official capacity and it seems a bit odd to keep up the
appearance of formality.”

A few images from the late night encounter flashed in her mind

and she quickly dismissed them. After Dalton’s visit it was hard to

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keep her mind on what needed to be handled. It was almost as if
her brain now had a mind of its own and wanted to continue to
tempt her with lurid thoughts of naked bodies drenched with the
sweat of exertion as they moved together in search of relief.

That little image poked at her and suddenly the roller coaster

feel increased tenfold.

Snap out of it! You’re acting like a

hormone-riddled teenager who can’t control herself.

She cleared her throat and hoped she didn’t sound as if her

mind and her body were at war with each other. “Fair enough.
What can I do for you then?”

A loud chorus of laughter sounded from the next room and Cade

grimaced. “Do you have somewhere private we can speak?”

“Of course.” She gestured for him to follow her to the main

conference room and then to one of the high-backed chairs lined
up neatly around the long table once they arrived. He waved off her
courtesy and stood just inside the door.

Mirroring his decision to stand, she leaned against the table and

folded her arms in front of her. “I’m not going to say anything, if
that’s your concern. Besides, Dalton already came by to discuss

Cade smiled again and she nearly salivated.

How in the



two different men cause the same reaction in me?

“I know he did. I just…wanted to have my own say in the matter.”
Needing something to do with her hands, she pushed away from

the table and crossed to the water dispenser in the corner. She
stalled for a long minute in order to settle herself. What was it
about these two? They’d unknowingly punched through walls she’d
spent so many years carefully erecting. They all barely knew each
other and here she was ready to lie down and spread her legs for

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You’re an adult. You can handle this.

Feeling more secure now, she returned to the table, water in

hand. “I was rude to barge in like that. I deserved to feel

His gaze fell away from hers. “That’s what I came by to

apologize for. I never set out to make someone uncomfortable with
my lifestyle choices.”

She sought to reassure him. “I won’t say anything, like I said.”
“I’m not here for damage control, Erin.” As if he knew what kind

of thoughts spun in her head, he pushed on. “I don’t make a secret
of my sex life. Those who have the right to know, do. Those who
don’t, well, they’re just the town gossips and nothing is going to
stop them.”

She laughed with him and relaxed a little as she absently played

with the cup. “Still, I don’t want to cause any problems. Not with
your job or your boyfriend.”

There was that smile again. The one that made her gooey and

weak-kneed. “I don’t know if I’d call Dalton boyfriend material.”

“It is possible to have sex with someone and not love them.”
“Yes, I know.” But did she? What he’d just said and the emotions

she’d seen and felt at the garage painted two very different

“Dalton and I are exclusive right now because the mood suits us

both. His mood changes like the weather. Sunny one minute,
tornado sweeping through your house and dropping you on the
Wicked Witch of the East the next. Right now, it works for us.” He

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pushed away from the door and retrieved a cup of water.

“I just…” Erin trailed off, unsure of what to really say. Sex and

love weren’t mutually exclusive, but she’d seen a few glimpses of
something more than just need and desire between the two men
last night. Brief, fleeting glimpses of utter devotion that neither
obviously seemed to know were there. Or maybe they did and just
refused to acknowledge it.

Either way, it was none of her business. “Never mind. I

apologize for jumping to conclusions. I’ll make sure I knock loudly
and shout a bit before walking into a room next time.”

Cade laughed and the sound of it warmed her, causing that

roller coaster to go over another hill. “No problem. Listen, I think we
didn’t get off on the greatest footing. Can we both make it up to

Her stomach leapt into her throat and she coughed in order to

push it back. It was hard to determine if it was because of fear or
excitement. “You don’t have to do that.”

“I’d like to. I can’t speak for Dalton, but I’m sure he’d say the

same. It’s the least we can do.” He swallowed the last of the water
and dropped the cup into the small trashcan near the door as he
replaced his hat. “Dinner, tomorrow night?”

She tapped a pencil against her palm, still deep in thought. The

two men were obviously in some kind of relationship, but she just
wasn’t sure what kind it was. They were also deep in denial.

He shifted against the door and she realized he was waiting for

a response from her. The words were out of her mouth before she
had time to register her answer. “All right. I already told Dalton that
I wouldn’t as I don’t mix business and pleasure, but why the hell
not. It’s not as if I have to worry about you putting the moves on

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“Why’s that?”
“Don’t have the right equipment,” she said flippantly as she rose

and came around to stand next to him just as he lifted his hand to
hide his smile.

“You should really start dressing up that foot you keep putting in

your mouth. It’ll taste better at least.”

Her heart slammed against her ribs.

Damn it, not again. How

blind can one woman possibly be?

“You like women too, don’t


“Very much so.” As he said the very same words Dalton had

given her a short time ago, Cade’s hand lifted. The tips of those
long fingers pushed her bangs from her eyes. At the contact, she
jumped, surprised at the sudden flood of excitement that
dampened her panties.

Arousal reached out and slapped her at his look, catching her

completely off guard. In this heightened state, she scented the
undercurrent of patchouli in his aftershave and she drank in the
woodsy aroma as he blurred before her eyes when they

Cade cleared his throat, startling her enough to make her sway

as she realized she’d been staring at him. He simply smiled at her
frazzled state, tipping his head as he replaced his hat. “See you
tomorrow night, Ms. Corvus.”

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Chapter Three

The next day, Cade looked up from the paperwork scattered on

his desk as Dalton slid into a chair. The harried expression on
Cade’s face bothered Dalton. That concern had been in place
since Cade had been elected. It seemed to be even more
prevalent tonight.

“Sorry, I know I’m running a little behind. Should only be a few

more minutes.”

From a leftover habit in another time in his life, Dalton kept a

scanner on his workbench at the shop. He’d heard the call that had
the other man’s body strung tight. “Had some excitement today,
didn’t you?”

Cade pushed a hand over his head, mussing his hair. “Yeah.

Colin Foster wrapped his father’s Corvette around a tree this
morning. Waste of a damn fine ‘56 if you ask me.”

Dalton knew enough to recognize the fact Cade didn’t give a

shit about the car. “Kids racing out on 5 again? It’s a sweet stretch
of road. Hard to resist that call.” He should know, he’d heard it
himself and it was a damn seductive voice.

“I’ll pass on your concern,” Cade said dryly as he gave Dalton a

dirty look, but there was no anger behind it.

Dalton shifted in his seat, angling it up on two legs as he made

himself a little more comfortable. It seemed as if they weren’t
going to leave anytime soon.

Policing the accident put Cade in rare form and Dalton decided

to pluck on those nerves a little and help release some of that

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pent-up frustration in the other man’s body. “You’re the one who
keeps bitching about shutting that stretch of road down.”

“Believe me, it hasn’t been from lack of trying. Damn small-town

politics.” Cade shifted through a stack of paperwork and muttered
something under his breath. Dalton didn’t need to hear it to know
Cade’s aggravation.

“Ah yes, thought you could change the town in the week you’ve

been the sheriff, did you? You’ve lived around here long enough to
know better. Lower those damn high expectations of yours a little
and come down to Earth with the rest of us mere mortals.”

Green eyes blazed hot and Dalton knew he’d expressed an

unwanted opinion. By now, he would have thought Cade would be
used to it and would know Dalton would push far enough to erase
whatever guilt Cade felt about not being there to stop the
teenager’s antics.

Dalton changed the subject. “How is Colin?”
A frustrated breath ruffled the papers on the desk. “Lucky to be

alive. Not sure how, but he scraped by with a few cuts and bruises,
a broken ankle and one very wounded pride.”

Dalton’s snort echoed in the tiny jailhouse. “Trying to impress a

girl, wasn’t he?”

“Teenage hormones. To be young and stupid again.” Cade

threw his hands up in frustration and pushed away from the desk.
“You know, no one’s going to give a shit if I finish this paperwork
right now or not.”

“You will,” Dalton reminded him.
Cade’s fingers massaged the bridge of his nose as he stood.

“There is that.”

Dalton lowered the legs of the chair and glanced over to the wall

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clock. They were about fifteen minutes late and if they didn’t get
moving, they would miss their opportunity to get what they both

“Sure you’re not just anxious to get to the restaurant?”
“There is that,” Cade repeated with a slight nod as he tossed a

pen down. He snagged his hat as they walked side by side out of
the small office. The office was locked up tight a few moments
later and they stopped in front of Cade’s truck. “Want a lift?” Dalton
nodded and slid into the passenger seat.

Both were quiet as they pulled onto the road and headed for the

heart of town.

The radio belted out some annoying pseudo-country song and

Cade tapped the button to shut it off. “It’s good to see you smile
again. Seemed to be sinking for a while. Like you were lost or
something. Wasn’t sure if you were going to find whatever it was
you were searching for.”

Dalton knew what Cade meant. He’d been quiet of late, an

unusual occurrence for him. Even the surge of happiness he’d felt
for Cade and his promotion had been short-lived. Recently, it felt
as if he was just going through the daily motions of life. He’d
always done his best to keep his sour moods hidden from Cade,
but he’d apparently slipped a little.

“Sorry. It’s nothing that can’t be handled. But it’s been a while

since I’ve had this kind of physical reaction to someone. Or at
least been a while since it was a woman.”

“Same here.” Cade nodded slowly. “I think she intrigues us


Something had been on Dalton’s mind most of the day and he

figured there was no time like the present. “You know, this is

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slippery territory for you. If we continue to pursue this, are you sure
you’re up for it?”

Cade’s eyebrows lifted in surprise, but his gaze remained on

the road straight ahead. “Think maybe I would have asked that
before we started fucking a few years ago.”

It wasn’t hard to forget the first night they’d been together as it

had been a surprise to both men. They’d known each other for a
number of years because of their parents’ friendship. Dalton had
grown up not far from Collington Creek and they’d even gone to
rival high schools.

Graduation had brought about different career paths, and it

wasn’t until Dalton moved to town after his mother retired to
Florida that they’d struck up a friendship. They’d quickly
discovered a mutual interest in out-of-the-ordinary sex and things
had just taken on a life of their own from there.

However, their long-term arrangement still didn’t overshadow

the fact things could get a little dicey if they weren’t careful. And
that was without adding someone else into the mix.

Discretion was always something Dalton was insistent about

simply because people could be downright bastards at times. He
didn’t care so much about himself. He could take it. But it was
unnecessary to push what happened behind closed doors on

“You’re in a different position now. More authority. You’re the

boss, the law of an entire town. It’s going to stir an already boiling

Cade did look away from the road then. “It’s not like you to worry

about something like that, Dalton. You going soft?”

“Not anytime soon.” It had been impossible to ignore the hard-

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on he’d had since they’d found out they were being watched. Soft
hadn’t entered his mind. What it had done was dig up a specter of
his past that he’d thought he had left behind. Seems as if that
wound wasn’t as healed over as he thought.

Now wasn’t the time to think about such a dark moment in his

life and he was grateful when Cade’s laughter shattered the

Cade laughed again as his hands worked the worn leather

cover on the wheel. “I do have to say it’s a bit presumptuous of us
to think she’ll agree.”

“It could be, if I were anyone else. Hard not to take into account

she was rooted to the spot at the garage. And was still thinking
about it when I swung by her office.” Anyone could have seen how
captivated she was about what she’d seen. Dalton wasn’t that out
of the loop anymore. He knew pure, unadulterated want when he
saw it.

“She told you?” The blinker clicked quietly as Cade made a left.
“Didn’t have to. I may be out of practice, but I still remember

enough to recognize the signs. She got this glazed, faraway look. I
may not Top professionally anymore, but I can still recognize
someone who’s caught up. All the signs were there. We just have
to decide whether or not it’s advantageous to us all.”

Cade tapped his hand against the steering wheel as he waited

at the town’s single stoplight. He accelerated when it changed and
turned into a parking space a few doors down from the restaurant.
“Speaking of Topping, how is Second Circle? You know, the place
I know all about but have to pretend doesn’t exist?”

“Same as always.” Dalton sent Cade a knowing smile as he

shrugged. While this really wasn’t the time to bring up the club he

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used to run that catered to patrons with unusual tastes, Dalton did
find amusement in the question.

Cade knew all about the club because he was a former


“Which means business is booming for Diane.” He bit off his

next statement and waited for an older couple to pass on the
sidewalk as he pulled himself out of the truck. As they walked
away, he lowered his voice. “No shortage of perverts in this town
who are more than willing to fork money to a fetish club in the city
and not road repairs in their own backyard.”

Dalton lowered his voice as well when Cade came to stand next

to him on the sidewalk. “Says the man I lashed to a spanking
bench last month. Or do you not remember that I turned that firm
ass three different shades of red?” He immediately regretted the
question as that night flashed in his mind and the tightness at the
base of his cock grew.

Christ, he was going to explode if he didn’t find some kind of

relief soon.

That discomfort was made even more evident when heat

darkened the green of Cade’s eyes several shades. “Never said I
wasn’t one of them.”

Dalton grinned at the reaction. At least he wasn’t alone in his

tastes. “A fact I’m thankful for every day.”

Cade coughed, shattering the moment, and they stepped up to

the oversized window that opened the restaurant to the street.
Dalton spotted Erin at a table in the corner. Her hand shook a little
as she played with the empty wineglass in front of her.

They were now nearly a half hour late and it was a wonder she

was still here in the first place. It meant she was interested enough

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to forgive their tardiness. How interested was the question. “She’s
going to be reluctant.”

“Think we can handle it.”
“Question is—can she?”
Cade turned, facing him directly, and Dalton noted the

expression of concern had returned. “Putting on a different hat
here, have to ask this. Can you handle Topping two subs? Been a

Three years to be exact, but who was counting?

I am.

“Let’s worry about one thing at a time for now.”

* * * * *

Erin’s mouth went dry the moment she spotted the two men. She

reached for her water, anxious to have something to do with her
hands. As she sipped, her mind flooded with the last time she’d
seen them together. The way Cade had so easily engulfed
Dalton’s cock. How Dalton had held so much control with so little

The overtly explicit images she conjured surprised her, causing

her to choke.

She was still sputtering like an idiot as they arrived at the table.

Embarrassment flushed her cheeks and she hid her face behind
her napkin as they sat.

Dalton on her left, Cade on her right.
The sheriff had called earlier to ask if they could pick her up on

their way, but she’d politely declined. Never was she happier
about that choice than right now. Things were confusing enough

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with her reaction to the two men together and then separately. She
didn’t want to have to rely on them for a ride later, especially if
things went south.

She gathered her napkin, and her composure, and smiled at

them in greeting. Their waiter appeared almost at once and each
man ordered a beer while she requested another glass of water.

As soon as the waiter walked away, Cade tapped the table in

front of her. “Sorry we’re a little late. I had some paperwork that
kept me tied up longer than I would have liked.”

That was something she knew about all too well. She usually

managed to shove off anything like that on her employees
because she hated it. Evidently, Cade didn’t have anyone like that.

“That’s all right. I was a little late myself. Did you at least get the

paperwork done?”

Cade frowned as he shook his head. “No. It’s been a while

since I filled out an accident report. I’d forgotten how long it can
take to make sure everything is in order. I’ll have to go back to the
office tonight after we’re done here and finish.”

Erin immediately grew worried as she looked to each of the

men. She shifted forward in her seat as she studied their faces.
“Accident report? Is everything okay?”

Cade reached for his beer as soon as the waiter set the bottle

down on the table. He took a long sip, closing his eyes as he

When he continued to drink, Dalton answered instead. “Yes. A

few kids decided they were invincible. Cade is the one who got to
clean up the mess. Hazard of the job.”

“It’s a damn admirable job,” she stated emphatically.
Cade’s empty bottle hit the table with a thud and he wiped the

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back of his hand across his mouth. “Thank you. Can we talk about
something else, please? I’m already going to be up half the night
because I won’t be able to sleep. I don’t need to keep reliving it. I
forgot how hard is it to keep some distance when I know all the
parties involved.”

Erin purposefully kept their conversation light until their meals

were served. Once everyone was settled and fully relaxed, she
was curious to know more about the men who sat at the table with
her. “Mind if I ask how you two met?”

“We’ve actually known each other for a while through family. I

moved away after high school, joined the military and thought I
could conquer the world. Landed in Atlanta when my tour ended
and moved back to the Creek when my parents passed. This
though,” Cade gestured with his knife between him and Dalton.
“Only a couple of years, I think. Right, Dalton?”

Dalton nodded, adding in his two cents. “My route was less

glamorous than Mr. No Guts No Glory over there, but yeah, just a
few years.”

It fascinated her to hear how long they had known each other. At

least it confirmed her suspicion that what she’d seen at the shop
wasn’t a onetime occurrence. There was some solidity there and
not just a fluke. “So it wasn’t an instant attraction?”

Dalton grinned as he reached for his beer. “No. Cade took

awhile to come around. Figure out what he wanted for himself.”

“He was a damn smug bastard when I did too.”
Dalton gestured with his beer bottle to no one in particular.

“Sometimes you just have to let people figure things out on their
own. No point in rushing the situation.”

Erin agreed. She’d learned that lesson herself just a few years

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ago. Her life had been on a collision course before events had
caused her to veer off. She’d selected a new path and struck out
on her own to prove she could take care of herself. “Did he always
know about you and your preferences?”

Dalton shrugged as the waiter left. “It’s not secret what I like. It’s

their problem, not mine, if they take issue with it. But I do believe in
a little discretion even though I’m quite happy with how that aspect
of my life is run.”

“Most of the time,” Cade added.
Erin saw the glare Dalton gave Cade and felt the lively

atmosphere at the table ice over. “What? What is it?”

“Nothing.” Dalton dismissed her question with a jerk of his hand.

“It’s irrelevant. Cade is just talking about things he’s not at liberty to
discuss at the moment.”

Cade cleared his throat and stabbed the fork into the thick cut of

steak in front of him. “So you know about us. What brought you
here, Erin?”

The subject change was abrupt and did absolutely nothing to

alleviate the tension that hung over the table. Whatever they’d
alluded to was a sore subject between the men. While it was
absolutely none of her business it certainly made her curious. But
like the men, she let it drop. “I wanted to start somewhere new.
Somewhere fresh. I’d lived in Texas all my life and it was time for a
change of scenery.”

“So Georgia is nearly a foreign county to you.”
She laughed as the waiter brought them all fresh drinks and

thanked him before she answered Cade. “Almost.”

Dalton leaned forward and folded his arms as he leaned against

the table. A mischievous glint danced in his eyes. “No boyfriends

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followed you here? Begged you to come back with them so they
could lavish you with attention?”

“I’ve sworn off all dating,” she said simply without offering further

details. This was a topic she did not want to explore—at least at
this point.

Cade glanced her way and gave her a curious stare. “Why is


She struggled to maintain her own pleasant mood. Even though

she’d dealt with this dark stain on her past, it still stuck in her craw
that it had happened in the first place.

She’d always considered herself a smart woman. On top of

things in her life. But she’d missed that blip entirely. These two
men at the table with her weren’t the cause however and didn’t
deserve her vitriol about the subject.

Wearing her best smile, she began to explain. “My fiancé left

me. Found himself a new place to roost between the legs of his
crew chief. An annoyingly perfect woman who has no business in
the pit box if you want my honest opinion.”

Dalton finished off the last of his food, dabbing his napkin at the

corner of his mouth. “He was a racer?”

“Is,” she corrected. “William Fitzgerald Connelly III. Known on the

stock-car racing circuit as—”

“Fitz the Glitz,” Dalton finished for her. “I’ve seen him race. Guy’s

good. Natural behind the wheel from what I understand. But
evidently damn stupid when it comes to matters of sex and love.”

It didn’t surprise her to hear they knew of Billy. This was the

South after all. Racing was nearly a religion in the southern half of
the United States. No way to escape it. “Yes, well. Racing was
Billy’s life until


came along. He left me to explain why he

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missed the start of the Daytona 500. Diddling her in the back of
our trailer if you really want to know where he was.”

She smiled sweetly with the Southern grace she’d been taught

from years of proper etiquette training. “As you can see, it tends to
tint your rose-colored glasses a few shades darker. So, because
of that I don’t believe in love. Lust, yes. But not love. It’s just a
reason invented to sell cards and flowers to people.”

Both of their eyebrows lifted at her words, but Cade spoke first.

“Cynical. And you’re letting someone else control what you do and
say. Not what I would have expected from a strong woman such as

Funny, she hadn’t expected it of herself either and it was a

shame she still wrestled with it to this day. Billy leaving had broken
her. Gutted her so much she’d been nothing but a shell for a time.
Work had been the only cure and now she had a flourishing
business and no love life.

“I moved away from Texas so he wouldn’t have control over me.

Billy is part of Austin’s upper crust. His shit didn’t stink and I was at
fault despite the fact he was the one who cheated.


was the

reason he left. At least according to his bitch of a mother. I left to
make my life easier. Not his.”

Appetite gone, she folded her napkin and set it on her plate. The

last bite of the chicken she’d taken had left an acidic taste in her
mouth. Unfortunately, the strong taste was from the bitterness of
the memories instead of the food.

Dalton offered his own take on the moment. “But you say you

don’t date. That’s because of him.”

She disagreed. “I’m simply protecting myself from inflicting more

damage to a heart that’s already broken. It’s in enough pieces

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and, honestly, I don’t have any more to spare. I let him break me
because I surrendered everything to him, since that’s what the
good wife is supposed to do. No one’s going to have that power
again, Dalton. Ever.”

She sent them both a stern look as a silent indication she was

done with conversation. Manners kept her from demanding this
line of questioning end, but she wouldn’t hesitate to force the issue
if necessary.

It wasn’t just about the fact she’d given Billy all she had to give. It

had been her choice to do so. But he’d betrayed her and it stung
enough she still had no interest in opening herself to that kind of
pain and torment again.

She was smart enough to know that wouldn’t always happen in

every relationship she was in, but it was too much of a risk for her
to take for the moment. She could only hope the two men before
her could understand that.

“Fair enough.” Dalton nodded. “But I have to say you’re very

determined. That is certainly admirable.”

Cade shook his head and tapped his finger on the table to gain

Dalton’s attention. “That depends on how you look at it. She’s
protecting herself, yes, but she’s also denying her base needs.”

They may have not done it intentionally, but they debated her

choice without her. That had to stop. She’d had enough people tell
her how to live her life and she wasn’t about to take that route
again. “I said I don’t love, not that I don’t have sex,” she interrupted
before lifting her glass to her mouth.

“Well then, would you consider having sex with us?”
The question was offered from nowhere and Erin choked on the

water she’d just sipped. She grabbed for her napkin to catch the

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fluid that dribbled down her chin. The casualness of the tone in
which Dalton had asked startled her. Perhaps more than the actual
question itself.

Despite the fact she immediately had a thousand questions rush

to mind at once, she had to ask the most obvious first. “At the
same time?”

Dalton’s head tilted as he smiled and his black hair brushed

against the collar of his shirt. “Does the thought disturb you?”

“No,” she answered immediately with far more strength than she


Where did that come from?

She had no answer, but it

astonished her that she hadn’t even considered it for a second
before she’d answered.

“Yes it does,” Dalton stated as he slowly spun the beer bottle in

his hand. He wore a sly grin and Erin couldn’t tell if he was only
teasing her.

Wow, now she was more confused than ever. She’d thought

she’d understood what these two men were about. “Then why did
you ask me?”

That grin of his spread. “Merely an observation.”
She thought back, playing over things in her mind as she tried to

determine what she’d said or done to give him that impression.
When she couldn’t come up with an answer, she asked, “Based

His gray gaze met her squarely. “The fact you ran like a skittish

cat from the garage.”

Cade chuckled. She shot a glare in his direction before she

answered Dalton. “I interrupted a very intimate moment. Anyone
would have run.”

Dalton slid his plate out of the way and leaned closer toward

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her. There was a glint in his eyes that made her insides liquefy.
She scolded herself immediately for the reaction because she had
no right to feel that way about either of these men despite their
offer. One man complicated her life enough without an additional
one in the mix.

He leaned in so close his breath heated her face. “No, anyone

else would have simply turned and walked away as soon as they
realized what was going on. You stayed for longer than etiquette
dictated. Now you’re ashamed. Don’t be. There’s no reason
because it was a simple question.”

“With no simple answer,” she offered.
“Oh I disagree.” Dalton reached out and fit a finger under her

chin. “The answer is simple. How you arrive at it is the

She swallowed hard as he slowly sat upright to put distance

between them. Her skin burned from where he’d made contact.

Based on her reaction to the interlude she’d unknowingly walked

in on, she was undeniably drawn to both men. But if she was to
stay true to the way she lived her life after Billy, it didn’t matter if
these men were the most gorgeous creatures she’d even seen.
She couldn’t do it.

“You’re both very attractive, but I’m not sure if it’s something for


“Fair enough.” Cade set his empty bottle on the table and

signaled for the waiter to bring the check. “How about dessert?
There’s an ice cream parlor right around the corner and I could go
for a few scoops of Chocolate Fudge Supreme.”

“Wait. That’s it?” She blinked in surprise. This conversation had

actually happened, hadn’t it? This wasn’t some part of her

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imagination that decided to give her a swift kick in the ass, right?

Cade signed the bill that was put before him and leaned back in

his chair. “What did you expect, Erin? For us to tell you we feel
differently? For us to force you into some kind of seduction so you
can blame us later instead of assuming the responsibility on your
own? You say you don’t think it’s for you. Simple. Dalton and I
aren’t going to force the issue with you. That’s not something we’re

Dalton added, “If someone finds their way between us, then

they’re going to get there on their own.”

“Especially considering what that one over there likes,” Cade

pointed directly at Dalton as if she wouldn’t know who he meant.

“I’m sorry.” Erin shook her head as she tried to make sense of

everything. She still reeled from their offer and now there was
some veiled reference to things she didn’t understand to deal with.

Cade coughed and she detected a hint of laughter mixed with

the sound. “Just a little humor I’m sure I’ll pay for later.”

Dalton agreed with a firm nod. “In spades.”
Despite the superior tone of Dalton’s voice, Erin saw Cade’s

hand flinch against the table. The charged atmosphere between
the men overwhelmed her and she silently sighed at the sheer
pleasure of it. These two had so many sparks it was a wonder they
could even be in the same room with each other. She couldn’t help
but wonder how that delicious tension would feel if it was focused
on her.

But, again, she reminded herself she’d said no. These men

were too intense, too passionate for her to know how to handle.

Dalton’s words finally sank in and suddenly, the offhand

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comment coupled with what she’d seen in the garage made
sense. The control Dalton had exerted over Cade, the
temperament between the two men and their fiery relationship
snapped into focus with startling clarity. There was more involved
here than she’d first thought that night at the shop.

They just weren’t


. They were seriously hung up on one


And in complete denial about it.
She kept that thought to herself however and decided to use her

inexperience with some of what she’d seen as an excuse. “Based
on that comment and the fact I noticed some of the heavier
aspects of what you two like, I think you’re way out of my league
when it comes to sex.”

“So sex with two men intimidates you.” Cade gave her a

knowing look.

Erin tucked a stray strand of hair behind one ear and pressed

her hands into the table. “I didn’t say that. I’m saying that I don’t
think it’s something for me at this time as I don’t understand the
aspects of what goes on between you two. There’s a difference.”

Dalton’s eyes narrowed. “It’s a very fine line of difference.”
She gave him a soft smile. “I’m just in a place in my life right now

where I can’t handle anything. Love or sex, regardless of whom or
what is involved.”

“Again, fair enough,” Cade interrupted as he stood and set his

hand against his flat stomach. “Pleasure before punishment I
always say. So, let’s go get that ice cream.”

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Chapter Four

The screen in front of Erin blurred.
The past two weeks had passed in a haze, but she couldn’t

remember another time in her life when she’d had this much fun.
Since the night she’d dined with Dalton and Cade, the three of
them had become inseparable, which surprised her. It wasn’t as if
she’d never had friends that were men. Her best friend in high
school had been male.

No, the way the two men acted around each other blew her mind

and she found it intoxicating to be in their presence. Even the way
they acted toward her sometimes caught her off guard. They paid
as much attention to her as they did each other.

She’d caught lingering glances between the men. Saw the

emotion behind a gesture they may have thought she didn’t
witness. But it was hard to miss the fact it was directed toward her
on occasion as well.

With them, there was a completeness she hadn’t felt in years.

Even with Billy she’d never felt this happy and replete. As hard as
it was for her to grasp that concept, she experienced the first
pangs of serious want. Coupled with the offer no one talked about
but still hung in the air around them, she found herself
daydreaming about things she had no right to imagine.

Hard chiseled flesh pressed against her, pinning her down as

another firm body slid between her legs. Tender lips skimmed
over the valley between her thighs and awakened sensations that
had been dormant for far too long.

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Arms and legs tangled. Three bodies became one. Mouths and

tongues licked and sucked at flesh slicked from exertion. They all
sought completion together and no one seemed to be of the mind
to stop anytime soon.

A knock on her front door shattered the illicit fantasy and

crashed her back to reality.

Her body still tingling from arousal, she opened the door to find

Cade on her front stoop. He reached in for her hand and pulled her
out onto the front porch as he brushed a casual kiss over her
cheek. “We’re going to be late.”

Erin detected a hint of whine in Cade’s voice. Not much, but

enough to make her giggle and brush away the lingering
excitement. He pushed against her back, rushing her across the
front lawn and to his truck where Dalton stood in wait.

She used the running board to lift herself into the truck and slid

across the bench seat to the center. Dalton followed into the
passenger seat and Cade gunned the engine before he could
even get the door completely closed.

“In a bit of a rush, isn’t he? You guys were the ones who were


“He’s anxious to see a friend,” Dalton offered with a hint of


“No.” Cade scowled at Dalton as he checked the side mirror for

traffic behind him. “I don’t get a night off very often. Let alone a few
in a row. I’d like to take advantage of it before they call me to
come in and rescue someone’s cat that is stuck in a tree.”

“How is Ms. Hubert’s cat anyway?” Dalton interrupted.
“You’ve been out every night this week,” Erin added after Cade

snorted loudly in response to Dalton’s joke.

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“But I was still on duty. This time I handed the reins over to

Tommy for the weekend. I needed a break,” he added softly as he
merged onto the highway.

Dalton gestured to the sheriff with his hand. “Better check him

for fever. He never takes time off like this.”

The rest of the ride was quiet with only the sound of the country

station on the radio in the cabin. It didn’t make Erin uncomfortable
for there to be silence like this. There was just something about
simply being with them that brought her comfort. No need for
mindless banter around these two.

A few hours after they’d left Collington Creek, Cade slowed the

truck and navigated the slow sweeping exit ramp.

“Where are we?”
“Renaissance festival,” Cade explained as he pulled into a

gravel lot used for a parking area. “It’s their annual wine
celebration. They bring in local entertainment acts while everyone
toasts the first harvest. Wanderlust is the headliner and they’re
who we’re here to see.”

Erin eyed the assortment of costumes people wore as they

made their way from the parking lot to the front entrance. Neither of
the men allowed her to pay for her ticket, something she would
rectify later by buying a few drinks for them at the bar.

As they stepped through the tall wooden gates, the vivid colors

surrounding her were nearly too much to take in at once. Her
senses immediately went to war with one another as her lungs
filled with the tempting aroma of cooked meat and the sweet scent
of something she was unfamiliar with.

People strolled casually in outfits that were reminiscent of the

Old World and for once, in her jeans and flowy top, she was in the

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“These costumes are gorgeous.”
“For some people these aren’t costumes,” Dalton offered.
A woman laced into a corset walked by, her breasts high and

proud, covered by a thin scrap of material. Another passed
wearing a bra that seemed to be made of small metal links
painstakingly threaded together. The elaborateness of their outfits
made her feel awkward and out of place. “Wow. I can see that.
They’re braver than I am, that’s for certain.”

Both men openly watched as another woman walked by, this

one laced into a corset as well. Erin thought in some circles her
outfit would be classified as obscene, but nothing seemed out of
bounds here.

As the woman walked up to another woman who was obviously

her lover—judging by the heated kiss they gave one another—
Cade’s gaze fell to Erin. “Have you ever worn a corset?”

“No. Looks too confining. Uncomfortable even,” she added as

she examined the lacing up the back of the garment from afar.

“I’ve heard it’s actually the opposite.” Cade grinned as he

threaded his arm around her waist and pushed her along. “Come
on, let’s find out.”

It was obvious he knew his way around the faire and soon found

herself in front of a store filled to the brim with garments. He
tugged on her hand, smiling when she looked to Dalton for help
and he offered none. “Why do I have to wear a costume again?
Aren’t we here to see a band?”

Cade flipped through one of the racks filled with dresses of

every color imaginable, obviously looking for something specific.
“We are. You could stay in your street clothes, but you’re going to

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continue to feel out of place. Part of the charm of this whole faire is
dressing up. As if you leave the modern world behind as you walk
through those front gates.”

A man walked by wearing a kilt, a cell phone pressed to his ear.

“Well, most of it anyway.” She turned and found Cade offering her
a dress and tiny corset. “Um, there’s no way that’s going to fit me.”

A plump woman swept in, taking the items from Cade as she

made a noise. “He’s got an excellent eye, as he should when he’s
sleeping with the woman he’s picked this out for. These will fit you

Erin opened her mouth to correct the woman, but she had

already turned the corner and disappeared with Cade’s

Cade wore a mischievous grin. “You should let her fit you. Wear

it for a little while and see if your position on corsets changes any.”

She eyed their jeans and casual shirts. “And what about you

two? I’ll be all dressed up and that doesn’t seem fair to me.”

Dalton snorted out a laugh, pushing away from the entrance of

the store. He set his hand over Cade’s shoulder. “What he’s not
telling you is our stuff is out in the truck. Come on, slick. We’ll meet
you back here in half an hour, Erin.”

“It’s going to take that long for you to change?” she asked in


“Ah, no. But it will take you that long.” Cade winked and they

both disappeared before she could offer any more protests.

There was a hoot of laughter behind her and Erin turned to find

the proprietress with her hands on her hips. “Hard to say no to that
boy, isn’t it?”

“You know him?” Why it surprised her she wasn’t sure. Everyone

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they ran into, Cade and Dalton seemed to know in some manner.
It was unsettling and odd, yet mildly amusing.

“Know them both.” She crossed her plump arms in front of her

and wore an expression of delight. “Been coming here for years.
Nice to see them so caught up.”

“Why does everyone else see what they don’t?” Erin murmured,

confused how the shopkeeper even saw the intensity the two men
shared for each other.

“No, dear, I meant you.”
Erin’s head snapped up. “I’m sorry, what?”
The woman gave Erin a knowing smile. “Two boys like that

deserve to have a woman who fills in the gap. Looks to me like
they’re smitten and you’re the cure. Hard to fight that logic. Come
on now, let’s get you fitted up before they get back. We’ll get you
nice and pretty for them. Have a few tongues waggling.”

Erin eyed the woman warily as she stepped through the small

area cordoned off for changing. “Strip, please.”

Erin automatically wrapped her arms around herself in protest to

the idea of removing her clothes. She’d never considered herself
modest by any means, but this was a little much. “Everything?”

A wrinkled hand waved at her dismissively. “You can keep your

knickers on if you like but the rest has to come off. Don’t worry, the
girls won’t be flapping around. We’ll get them trussed up real nice.
Make their mouths water.” She winked and, speechless, Erin let
her work.

True to Cade’s word, a half hour later, Erin emerged from the

dressing area. The dark copper dress skimmed the ground as she
walked and the contrasting sea foam green corset made her
highly aware of her feminine shape.

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What she’d thought would be tight and constricting was actually

comfortable and made her feel each and every movement. Her
hips seemed to act on their own accord and swayed seductively
with each step she made.

The owner made a noise of approval. “Any man worth his salt

will appreciate that figure. Those two don’t stand a chance.”

Erin ignored the woman’s comment as she noticed movement

at the entrance to the shop. Dalton turned, his eyes flaring hot
when he spotted her. A flush crept over her skin and his intense
stare made her dip her head in embarrassment. It had been a long
time since she’d felt this way about herself, let alone have
someone openly admire her.

“It’s a…” Her fingers fluttered over her décolletage, her breasts

molded and pushed up so high she nearly spilled over the soft
cotton keeping her in. The corset narrowed her waist,
exaggerating the effect.

“It certainly is,” Dalton finished.
Cade turned then, his lust-filled expression falling on her.
Erin rejoiced in the fact she possessed the power to make a

man—make that two men—lose their train of thought. The breakup
with Billy had caused her to quell any part of her sexuality. These
men seemed to have awakened it and this outfit seemed to
exaggerate it. Force her to embrace her feminine shape.

“So, think I’ll fit in?”
“Think we’ll be beating them off with a stick.”
Dalton snorted at Cade’s statement and one of his eyebrows

lifted as he added his own opinion. “Or they’ll be beating off

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Erin finally noticed the garb the two men had changed into.

Dalton wore some kind of long coat made of a heavy material with
a wide double collar that looked as if it could be pulled up to hide
his face. It was buttoned and had three slits, two on the side and
one up the back, that allowed movement and gave her a peek at
the normal-looking pants and boots he wore underneath.

In contrast, Cade wore a tightly fitted dark navy blue coat slightly

open despite the fact there were toggle buttons down one side. He
wore a vest that matched the design on the front of the coat as well
as a shirt, pants and knee-high boots that buckled all the way up
the side and were the same color as the coat.

A warm burn flared to life inside her as she stared. They

continued to stare right back, but she found herself completely at
ease with it. She wasn’t above equal objectification. “You two
obviously come here a lot.”

“Probably more often now if you’re going to dress like that.”

Giddy as a schoolboy, Cade grabbed her hand, kissing her
knuckles with a gentle brush of his mouth.

The shop owner clucked her tongue and waved a hand at them.

“Go on with you now. I’ll hold your street clothes while you three
enjoy the concert.”

Dalton and nodded toward the door. “Come on, the show is

about to start.”

Oh it started long before now.

Despite her thought, she said nothing as the two men flanked

her on the way to the stage. Cade’s face brightened as they
entered the main area where a large crowd had gathered to hear
the band. Loud, raucous music fit to drink by filled the air and Erin
was quickly swept away by the festive atmosphere.

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Two hours later, her throat hoarse from screaming, she stood off

to the side with Dalton and waited for Cade as he talked to the
lead singer of the band.

“How long did they date?” Erin jutted her chin toward Cade as

he chatted with Duncan.

“Is it that obvious?”
She looked over to find that Dalton didn’t seem uncomfortable

with the fact Cade was deep in conversation with the other man.
She admired that confidence in him. “Their familiarity with each
other gives it away. Besides, Duncan’s lover is standing over there
waiting for him.”

Dalton shifted, turning to face her. His body blocked her view of

the stage. “You’re very observant, aren’t you?”

Erin rolled her eyes. “He kept eyeing him throughout the set. Not

to mention when he dedicated the last song to that someone
special, he wasn’t looking at the woman in the front row who
flashed her tits as him. Not hard to figure out really.”

His gaze grew intense and Erin coughed to break the tension

that suddenly filled the space between their bodies. She didn’t
know what ran through his mind, but it was something that sparked
her interest further.

“So you’re not jealous that he comes here to see Duncan?”
Dalton nodded, shifted his body away from her a little. “It wasn’t

a part of his life that I was around for. I can’t very well hold that
against him. Besides, I don’t believe in jealousy much like you
don’t believe in love.”

“Most people would think that odd. You not believing in jealousy,

I mean.”

He snorted, gestured for her to follow him to one of the benches

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in front of the stage. “Jealousy is for people who are too self-
centered with themselves. They start projecting it on their partners
and create unnecessary problems. Cade had a life before this
bloomed between us, just as I did.”

She sat, her feet aching from the lack of support in the leather

ghillies the dressmaker sold her in addition to the dress. “And
what about your life?”

“The usual.”
Now it was Erin’s turn to snort. While Cade seemed to be an

open book when it came to his past, Dalton was the opposite. “I
highly doubt there’s anything usual about your past.”

“You’d be surprised.” He joined her on the bench, his feet

moving restlessly as they sat. “The basics are, I got tired of the big
city life in Atlanta and moved to Collington Creek. I wanted to stay
close to my mother, but still needed a little distance. Opened the
shop so I’d have something to do and that’s about it.”

“But you said your mom lived in Florida.”
“That’s right, she does—now. She still lived in the house I grew

up in until about three years ago. She met Phillip and he convinced
her to retire to Florida with him. Swore up and down she’d never
leave that little shack, but love makes you do crazy things

He trailed off at the end and Erin got the impression he wanted

to say something else. She wasn’t of the mind to push him.

She was surprised to hear Dalton had chosen to live in the small

town over the hustle and bustle in Atlanta. Given his overall
attitude, that sort of atmosphere seemed to be more suited for him
over the quiet life found only in the small towns of America. “You
know, I have to say you don’t strike me as the corporate bully type.”

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“No, you’re right, I’m not. I ran a club in Atlanta.”
Now that suited his personality perfectly. “Booze, loud music. I

guess it could get tiring after a while.”

“Ah, not that kind of club.”
Dalton’s gaze darted away from hers and she wondered what

he had to hide. Just then, Cade vaulted down off the stage and
joined them. “Hey you two. Ready to get some gruel?”

“I was just telling Erin what I did when I lived in Atlanta.” Cade

gave Dalton an odd look that further added to her speculation that
something was being kept from her. Considering the fact they
were open about their sexual relationship, it was hard to imagine
what they could possibly have to hide. She knew there was
something there because they’d alluded to it enough.

“Are you going to let me in on your little secret?”
Cade’s gaze stayed on Dalton for a long while before he

responded. “Dalton ran Second Circle.”

Confused, she looked between the two men for clarification.

“I’ve never heard of it.”

“Then I did my job,” Dalton said with a faint smile.
Cade coughed and Erin detected the hint of a laugh behind it.

“Dalton opened Second Circle about six years ago, mainly as a
safe harbor. A place where people with like interests could gather.
Celebrate their differences instead of hiding them.”

Dalton’s mouth brushed against her ear as he leaned closer.

“What Cade is so delicately trying to say is that Second Circle is a
fetish club.”

“Well, that’s better than you were expecting,” Cade said to

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Dalton as he pushed up from the bench. He offered Erin his elbow
and she hooked her hand through the crook of his arm.

The three of them strolled out into the main thoroughfare and

she pointed to the fountain that stood in the center of the square.
Her feet still ached and she wondered how anyone would willingly
wear these shoes weekend after weekend.

The news Dalton used to run a sex club didn’t surprise her. What

did surprise her was the blasé reaction she had to the information.
Based on what she’d seen in the garage that first night, he knew
exactly what he wanted. Maybe that’s why it didn’t bother her to
know this slice of fascinating information.

She looked up at the men and found their gazes focused on her.

It was as if they waited to hear what she had to say. Her reaction
had been calm. Maybe they’d expected something different. “Did
you think I would react differently if I’d known sooner?”

Dalton nodded as he shifted and knelt in front of her. “Most

people don’t have as calm of a reaction. I’ve been called all sorts
of names because of my former profession. But you should know
it’s not a life that I’m a part of anymore.”

“But at the garage…” Her voice trailed off as she looked to

Cade. “Your arms were bound. You demanded he untie you. How
is that not a part of that kind of thing?”

“I didn’t keep him bound, did I?” Dalton asked in answer as he

reached up and brushed his knuckles over her cheek. “A different
time in my life I wouldn’t have untied him at all unless he said his
safe word. In fact, I would have punished him for issuing demands
in the first place.”

Safe word.


This was real, wasn’t it? They were into

things she’d only ever heard about in movies. Read in books.

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While she didn’t completely understand, she knew the
repercussion of denial. It only made you crave something even
more. “Isn’t that denying what you enjoy then?”

“Not at all,” he answered with a tilt of his head. “I enjoy my time

with Cade immensely. Stuff like that happens now as an
exception, not a rule.”

“And one of those times I witnessed.” Leave it to her to catch the

more intense moments instead of the alternative. Of course, his
answer just raised a completely different set of questions. “So
Dalton was—is—your Dom. Shit, I don’t know what I mean. Sorry,
I’m not trying to mess this up or sound like a fool, just understand.
Though I suppose it’s not my place to, is it?”

Cade’s hand settled over hers, warm and friendly, as he knelt

beside Dalton to look at her. “That’s all right. We don’t mind you
asking anything that will make you feel more comfortable. I was
once a member of the club, but I was never


Dalton at the club.

I was with someone else at the time and—”

“I actually trained Cade’s former Dom,” Dalton stated frankly as

he interrupted.

Oh she got it now. “You left the business for him?”
Dalton laughed and she knew immediately her assumption was

incorrect. “No. Cade was still with his Dom when I sold the club to
the current owner, Diane. Sometimes life throws you curveballs
that you don’t expect. Mine hit me right between the eyes and was
a wake-up call.”

He stood, tapped his hand against Cade’s shoulder. “I hate to

cut this party short, but it’s getting late. Unlike you two I have a
shop to open tomorrow.”

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Chapter Five

The ride from the faire back to town was torture for Dalton. He’d

never been uncomfortable with those long-buried parts of himself.
But talking about it again had sliced open old wounds and caused
them to bleed again when he’d spent so much time ensuring they
were carefully cauterized.

The night was supposed to have been about Erin. But she’d

turned it around and made him talk about things he hadn’t thought
of in years.

She deserved to know the whole truth about him, but he couldn’t

give it to her—not yet. There was no doubt in his mind that he
eventually would. The attraction was too strong between them all to
deny her entirely.

The way they’d both reacted to the way she looked in the garb

Cade had picked out was a clear sign something was soon going
to shift. When he’d first seen her, the blood in his body had filtered
to one singular point and his throbbing cock still sat hard in his
tight pants. Of course, it didn’t help that she sat right next to him
smelling and looking as gorgeous as ever.

The night air had added a healthy tint to her cheeks and he

wanted to kiss her to see if that pink darkened when she was
aroused. Then, of course, marry it to the image of how Cade
looked tonight in his garb and that thread of energy humming at
the base of his spine would cause him to short-circuit soon.

He wasn’t worried what Erin thought of his former profession.

He’d never been the type to concern himself with the judgments

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other people made. If she had a problem with it he knew she would
have said so immediately.

In his experience, most people made that opinion known right

from the get-go because it was so off the beaten path. Her
acceptance added another layer to his desire for her and made
him wonder if she had any type of experience with the lifestyle.

Immediately, the image of her bound and begging swamped his

brain and his eyes closed as he fought against the reaction it
caused in his dick. It’d been years since he fantasized about such
things and he was actually thrilled that someone had come along
to awaken that part of him again.

Maybe it was time he opened himself again.
He hadn’t shut it away entirely because Cade had made it clear

on several occasions he didn’t want that. But after he’d walked
away from the club it just wasn’t something he found himself
anxious to be immersed in once more.

He gave the concession to Cade because Dalton was versed

enough to know Cade needed that level of control and dominance
occasionally. Hell, he enjoyed it when it came to that between
them. It wasn’t something he’d shunned entirely as it had always
been a part of him. It just wasn’t something that lorded over his life

The ride felt much longer than it should have and Dalton was

relieved when Cade pulled the truck into his shop’s gravel lot. He
shook off the maudlin state his brain had adopted and decided to
do something to push a few boundaries.

The heated glances Erin had given both men tonight couldn’t

simply be ignored. He’d meant what he said to Cade that night at
dinner. Erin would be reluctant. But her unconscious reaction gave

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him a glimmer of hope.

Dalton would take it upon himself to see if they could eliminate

that factor and, based on his mood, tonight was just the night for it.
He tapped the dashboard. “See you two sometime over the

Erin nodded.
Cade swung out of the driver’s seat to follow Dalton. “It was a

nice night. Thanks for coming out again…” Cade’s words trailed
off as his gaze met Dalton’s intense stare. His expression of
surprise changed over to one of lust in a second and Dalton
stepped as close as he could without touching the man.

The heavy scent of malt and smoke filled his nose and it was

everything he could do not to toss Cade against the steel door and
fuck him blind. If they were alone, that’s just what he’d do. Right
now he needed to find out just how deep Erin’s interest ran.

“You sure you’re ready for this? You know I refuse to turn back

once this gets set in motion and I won’t give up easily.”

That amorous gaze of Cade’s met his. “Based on the looks I

saw tonight I think things are already in motion. Just up to us to
throw a little gasoline on the fire.”

“That’s what I thought.” It was nice to know he hadn’t been the

only one to notice. “She needs a push and you’re the one who’s
going to give it to her.”

A smile spread on Cade’s face and the sight of it caused

Dalton’s cock to jump in response. Damn how these two people
made him feel so wild and feral.

“My pleasure. What did you have in mind?”
Dalton moved Cade to that steel door a few feet away and

pushed his body firmly against the other man. “Time for a little

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show and tell.”

Erin watched as Dalton shoved Cade up against the bay door.

A voice in her mind screamed for her to look away. She had no
business watching the two lovers kiss good night. That same voice
gave a quiet sigh seconds later when Dalton’s mouth angled
against Cade’s lips.

She managed to close her eyes to the sight, but it did nothing to

erase the vivid, tender moment in front of her. In fact, it just made it
worse. Her imagination was a wicked thing and carried her back
to the night she’d first encountered them together here.

Only this time she was between them. She sat on the

motorcycle, Cade’s chest supporting her body as Dalton held her
thighs open so he could slide the thick length of his cock inside her

A deep groan made her eyes pop just in time to watch one of

Cade’s hands slide around the other man’s narrow waist. His
thumb hooked through one of the belt loops just above Dalton’s
ass and his other hand slid up, threading through Dalton’s mane of
inky black hair.

Muscles moved under that fitted shirt and though Erin couldn’t

see what Dalton was doing, Cade’s hand tightened against the
back of his lover’s jeans. A soft groan split the early morning air
and Cade’s head fell back against the aluminum door.

Oh dear God. He’s giving Cade a handjob.

Now aware of what took place just a few steps away, she turned

and forced herself to keep her eyes forward. It didn’t help. In fact, it
made it worse as it made her more acutely aware of the sounds
they made. Dalton had cracked the window during the drive back

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to town and she clearly heard the satisfied groans the two men
gave in response to each other.

Those sounds gathered and pooled in her gut, swelling with

each passing second until it was hard to think straight because the
throbbing need between her thighs overwhelmed her.

True to the dressmaker’s words, she’d let Erin keep her panties

and now they grew damper by the second. No matter how many
times she told herself they were all just friends, it was hard to
ignore her body’s reaction. She’d wanted to protect herself from
going through the pain of experiencing heartbreak similar to what
happened with Billy but at her very base, she was a woman.

One who had two very attractive and sexually charged men who

wanted her between them. They’d kept their promise and
everything had stayed strictly platonic between them, but she found
herself yearning for more.

Cade’s guttural sigh of utter surrender drifted on the night air

and her hands clenched tightly together in her lap, wrinkling the
expensive fabric of the skirt. She knew that sound. Had heard
Cade make it the first time she’d seen them together.

Ten minutes later she kept her eyes front and center as Cade

slipped behind the wheel of the truck. The scent of sex hung heavy
in the air around him and she had to cough to cover her gasp of
surprise at the potency of it.

The truck roared to life and he threw the vehicle into reverse. His

arm swung over the back of the bench seat. “I’m going to swing by
the station first if that’s all right with you?”

If he was going to play it calm, cool and collected, two could play

that game. “Fine. Actually since we’ll be right there, I can just grab
a few hours of sleep at the office. Be easier on you than making

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you drive all the way out to my house.”

“Thought you were going to take the weekend off? Are you


“Positive.” She had planned to take the time off, but if she was

around him any longer than absolutely necessary, she was going
to explode.

The cab of the truck filled with total silence as Cade made the

ten-minute drive into the heart of town. Every time she went to
open her mouth to speak, words failed her. She couldn’t form
cohesive statements that wouldn’t make her sound like an utter

It didn’t help that she was still speechless about what had just

happened between the men or the fact she’d let her imagination
get the better of her. It was completely uncharacteristic of her and
it seemed to happen more and more the longer she was around
these two.

They’d spent so much time together recently and she found

herself in need of some time alone to process her thoughts. Too
many times she’d let her body convince her she wanted more than
just a friendship with the men.

She needed space.
When Cade pulled the truck up to her office she let out a long

breath. He shifted the truck into park and smiled at her. “Here we

“Thanks. It was a lot of fun tonight,” she stated as he flipped off

the truck’s engine and pocketed the keys. Panic hit her full force.
He couldn’t follow her. Not now. “What are you doing?”

He slid out of the driver’s seat without a word and walked

around the front of the truck. The door opened beside her and she

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sat there dumbfounded. He gestured for her hand and she shook
her head in refusal. The last thing she wanted right now was to
have him touch her.

“You really don’t expect me—an officer of the law—to let a

woman walk into a dark building by herself at three in the morning,
do you?”

I didn’t expect you two to nearly strip off your pants and have

sex right in front of me a few minutes ago.

She swallowed back

the response and sought to reassure him he didn’t need to take
such drastic measures. “I’ll be fine. There’s a security system

“Even today’s sophisticated security systems won’t stop a

determined thief or rapist.”

She frowned. “This is a small town, Cade. Things like that don’t

happen here. I’m not a local and even I know that.”

“And I’d like to guarantee it stays that way.” He gestured for her

hand again and this time she took it, though she did so with
reluctance. Her reaction to his touch was immediate and her eyes
fluttered closed as she stepped out of the truck.

She swayed a little as she thought about sitting perched atop

the cycle again. Only this time her position was reversed. Dalton
stood behind her, cradling her breasts as he tenderly held them
up. Cade leaned forward to flick his tongue over one hardened

“Erin, are you all right?”

Damn it.

She’d done it again and forced the images away as she

opened her eyes and nodded. A smile brightened his features and
his hand withdrew to settle companionably against her lower back

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as they strolled up the sidewalk. Even through the heavy fabric, his
touch felt like fire on her skin. She scolded herself silently for the
reaction. For the continual images that seemed to sprout in her
mind from nowhere.

She’s just overheard the man get a handjob from his lover. She

had absolutely no right to think of how it would feel to be between

“Are you sure you’re all right? You seem a little tense.”
“Fine,” she bit off through clenched teeth as she brushed her

bangs from her face in irritation. She wasn’t mad at Cade, more
so at herself. She had no business garnering an interest in either
man. Absolutely none.

A quick step put her ahead of him as they made their way

through the vestibule, but he somehow adjusted to her pace and
kept his hand in place on her back.

Erin stayed silent on the brief elevator ride to the second floor,

as did Cade. The fluorescent overhead lights flared to life as they
stepped through the glass door of the suite. “Thanks for walking
me up.”

“My pleasure. Now I can rest easier knowing you’re safe.”
“There was a doubt?”
That hand shifted on her back, slid higher to rest between her

shoulder blades. “It soothes a man’s soul to know the woman he
cares for is safe and secure.”

She blinked in surprise at his statement. “You’ve known me for

two weeks.”

“We’ve all gotten to know each other quite a bit recently. Spent a

lot of time together. I can care about what happens to you as a
friend.” When she started to open her mouth to protest, Cade

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stepped closer and tightened his hold.

“Fine. How about ‘the woman he’d like to bed’. Or with Dalton’s

crude flair for language—I want to bury myself in your pussy so I
can find out if you’re as hot and tight as I think you are. Is that

Despite the images that had plagued her for most of the day,

she reminded Cade of her words at the restaurant. She needed
that bit of sanity. “I already said I’m not sure if I could handle two

“What about one?” Erin sucked in a breath as Cade pushed his

chiseled body against hers. She opened her mouth to voice her
concern, but his thumb skimmed over her jaw. His fingers fit under
her chin and he lifted her face to his.

His eyes burned with genuine heat.

Of course, you twit, Dalton just jerked him off.

It was a vivid

reminder she had no idea what she was getting herself into.
“Cade, I’m sorry. Dalton just…I just watched—”

The pad of his thumb caressed over her lips and caused her to

stop mid-sentence. The touch made something deep inside her
clutch and she swallowed hard. A silent chant started in her mind
about how wrong this was because she’d sworn to protect herself
and her heart. Getting involved with them was just bad form.

“We haven’t made it a secret that we want you, Erin. Unlike you,

we’re not afraid of what we feel. There’s something here and you
damn well know it. Stop being afraid and just enjoy what’s before

“I’m not afraid,” she retorted.
“You are,” he answered slowly, studying her face intently as he

did. “You’re afraid to lose your heart again.”

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She cursed his ability to know that about her in such a short

amount of time. “Don’t you realize how crazy this is? I just watched
Dalton jerk you off. Now you’re trying to seduce me. In truth, I think
we’re all a little insane here.”

“I think you’re glossing over one important fact—

you watched


You didn’t look away, you didn’t yell for us to stop. You watched
every single moment and loved the hell out of it. Didn’t you?”

His lips traced her face, pressing faint kisses to her eyelids, the

apples of her cheeks, the tip of her nose. Light flutters of kisses
against her skin that made her shiver and tugged at those
defensive walls she’d erected. He brushed his lips against hers
with the lightest of touches as they traveled down to her chin and
traced the line of her jaw all the way to her ear.

Her breath hitched. Her heart slammed painfully as his mouth

came to rest over hers once again with the barest contact. A
whisper of breath separating them. “And for the record, now I’m
seducing you.”

His tongue skimmed over the seam of her lips and as she

gasped in surprise, his mouth angled over hers. That skillful tongue
of his slid between her lips, making a careful, slow circuit in her
mouth. His hands moved to cradle her jaw, his thumbs tracing over
the very places his mouth had just mapped.

Despite her earlier protests, she responded as her body

convinced her she could do this. The only thing to stop this was her
head. These men weren’t Billy. They’d never given her any sort of
promise, but she knew they didn’t possess the types of
personalities that would turn their backs simply because a better
piece of ass came along.

Cade kissed away those worries, replacing them with blinding

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need. It gave weight to the images that seemed imprinted on her
brain and made arousal a painful throb in her veins. Her nipples
tightened, pushing against the tight fabric of the corset that kept
her breasts bound.

He broke the kiss and stepped back just as her body was about

to win the war. With several feet between them now, he grinned
and tipped his hat toward her. “Now that we’ve settled that matter,
you let me know when you want to watch again. I’m sure we’ll be
more than happy to oblige.”

She stared, stunned, as he shut the door and left.

* * * * *

The next morning, Dalton worked on the metal sheet roller in the

bay of Iron Cruisers. As he pushed and pulled the metal through
the rollers, the muscles in his shoulders, chest and arms worked
with the force necessary to shape the material.

He needed to form the specially shaped gas tank slowly for the

custom bike he was in the process of building. It was labor-
intensive, honest work that cleared his mind and helped him focus.

Just a few hours ago a phone call from Cade had confirmed his

suspicions about Erin. The kiss with her had been intentional. A
well-timed instruction given to a sub from his Dom. There had
been no doubt in Dalton’s mind that Cade would thoroughly follow
the direction.

He would have liked to have been there to see the look on Erin’s

face when Cade had kissed her so meticulously and simply left her
standing there aching for more.

Amused, he laughed to himself and turned the piece of metal

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over to add to the curve. He let himself be caught up in the work
again for another few minutes until movement in the corner of his
eye caught his attention.

Looking up, he spotted Erin on the other side of the garage bay,

her hand on the casing of the entrance. With the glazed look in her
eyes, he surmised she was lost in some little world of hers where a
lot of illicit thoughts ran rampant.

These had become more frequent of late and he thought them

absolutely delicious. They were also very telling. What may have
simply started as a fascination with her had grown to more as
they’d spent time together. There was more of her to discover.

He slid the metal from the rollers, stood back and wiped away

the perspiration gathered on his brow with his forearm.

Her eyes snapped into focus when he cleared his throat and

grinned at her like a cheshire cat.

“Sorry.” Heat tinted her cheeks pink.
The reaction fortified his thoughts they were headed in the right

direction. Still, he couldn’t pass the opportunity to tease her.
“Believe me, sweetness. Not complaining in the least. Been awhile
since I was objectified so much by one person though. Twice in
less than twelve hours has to be some kind of record.”

The thought she did thrilled him because it meant she held an


He stripped off the heavy gloves that he’d worn in order to

protect his skin from the sharp metal and dropped them on the
counter. “What brings you out here?”

“I came to apologize for making you uncomfortable yesterday at

the faire. For asking about what you used to do,” she offered.

“Nothing to apologize for. You were curious and started to put

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pieces together that you’d eventually figure out in time. My past
profession isn’t a big secret. It’s just not something I openly talk
about anymore.”

Stepping over to the workbench a few feet away, he pulled a

small hand towel from the stack and stripped off his sweat-soaked

He wiped away the past few hours of work, dropping the towel

into a hamper kept in the shop for rags. When he turned, he found
her lost again. She physically jumped and stepped away when
their gazes met.

Testing, he advanced and she took another step only to meet

the solid surface behind her. Her expression went pale white and
under different circumstances Dalton would have been concerned.
Pupils narrowed to small points. Pale skin. Ragged breath. Oh she
was more than simply interested. She was completely enamored.

The bike moved a little and she tensed as she used the seat for

balance. That body she’d admired just moments ago pushed
against hers to make it clear that he was fully and completely
aroused. He fit his hips between her legs, pressing his hard
erection against the cleft between her legs.

Based on her reluctance he expected to have more time before

he was put in this position. But this one opportunity he didn’t want
to miss. Never let it be said he wasn’t above taking advantage of
the situation.

“Tell me, Erin, did you like how he tasted?” Surprise registered

in her eyes and he leaned forward to curve his mouth against hers.
“Yes, I told Cade to kiss you. Convince you that you’re wrong and
we’re right.”

“Don’t like doing your own dirty work?”

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He noticed it had taken her a few tries to ask the question. Hot

breath skimmed over his lips. Arousal unfurled and expanded in
his belly in reaction. “Oh I like it very much. But you’ll find that I like
telling someone to carry out my instructions even more.”

“Then it seems as if you aren’t out of the game as much as you

say you are.”

He wondered what she tasted like in comparison to his lover.

Even took a moment to wonder how their tastes would feel
together on his tongue. The look he gave must have clearly shown
this as she pushed him away and turned to admire the bike she’d
backed into instead of finding out the answer to her question.

“You do all this work by yourself?”
The bike was sleek and emitted a thrum of power just sitting in

the middle of the shop floor. He’d initially wondered what it was
capable of out on the open road once he got it under him. But
more importantly right now, he wondered how Erin would purr once
she got underneath him.

The way she lovingly stroked the machine made his cock

harden even further. He watched her fondle the strong lines and
precise stitching of the seat. Those agile fingers moved over the
handlebars, caressing the fresh layer of paint he’d laid down two
days ago for the faint green ghost flames that decorated the gas
tank. The bike’s sunburst orange color was a vibrant contrast to
her skin and he couldn’t help but wonder what she’d look like
draped over it without a stitch of clothing on.

Dalton pushed against her and she tensed. He blatantly ignored

the question she’d tossed at him to change the subject. “I said I
don’t do it professionally anymore, not that I wasn’t still in.”

“A fine line of distinction for you as well it seems. There appears

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to be a lot of those cropping up lately.” She turned to face him
again, her hands sliding up as the pads of her fingers tickled the
fine hairs on his forearms.

Shifting against him, she brought herself a little closer as those

solid muscles moved under velvet skin when he lifted his hands to
slide under the weight of her hair.

“You still haven’t answered my question,” he reminded her. “How

Cade tasted.”

“Yes, I did enjoy it,” she said after a moment’s pause.


His hand came firm around the nape of her neck, but she gave

no resistance when he tugged her forward. Her legs naturally
opened when he pressed his knee against her and she straddled

The heat between her legs felt as if it scorched this skin through

the layer of his pants. Her lips were soft, just as he thought they’d
be. Nothing at all like the roughness of kissing a man. There was
no brush of an unshaven cheek against his own. It had been a
number of years since he’d kissed a woman with this much
thought and feeling behind it.

She gave a quiet sigh as his fingertips massaged the

indentation at the back of her skull and he angled his mouth to kiss
her more deeply. Her chest hitched against his arm as his tongue
slipped between those luscious lips and his other arm wrapped
around her waist to drag her closer. She gave a soft whimper in
response that made his blood boil.

He’d nearly pounced on her earlier when she’d trailed feminine

fingers against all the wild power that rumbled through the
motorcycle he built. To watch her openly admire something he’d

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constructed from scratch undid him and made him want to hear
her musky moans as she orgasmed.

His thumbs slid down her sides, easing up the hem of her shirt,

and her body hitched in response to his touch. She broke the kiss
and shifted her position a little to allow him better access. Her
hands clutched around his neck as his mouth drew a damp line
down her throat.

The flavor of her was different here. Delicate mint mixed with

vanilla. He wondered how she’d taste with her legs wrapped
around his shoulders and his tongue buried inside her wet heat.

He gave in to some of that need, taken by the desire to tell her

exactly what she did to him. “You have no idea how much I want to
bend you over this bike, fuck your cunt and show you what you do
to me. I want your legs circling my hips, your voice a high-pitched
scream as you come around my cock.”

He nipped at her skin, rejoicing when she inhaled sharply and

arched encouragingly against him. Some people took offense to
his choice of words, but there was something to be said for being
so forthright.

Pleased to learn she wasn’t one of those people, he continued,

“Most of all, I want to know how wet that pussy of yours gets when
you come.”

His hand rode higher, contacting with the underside of her

breast. Fingers automatically curled, holding the delicate weight in
his palm. Her breath quickened as her heart rate increased under
his thumb. At that sign he let his mouth travel lower, not stopping
until he felt the hard nub of her nipple against his chin. He used the
fabric to abrade it a little and was rewarded with a soft gasp of
surprise. His teeth closed over the nipple, the cotton of her bra

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dampening under his tongue.

“I need this. Need you. You need it as well, don’t you?” She

arched against him again in answer, grinding herself down against
his cock. A deep groan rumbled in his throat before he could stop
it. “If I don’t have you soon I think I’m going to lose my fucking

Needing more, he lifted her bra just enough for him to have

access to her breast and was rewarded with a delightful cry when
his mouth closed over the firm peak of her nipple. He suckled and
teased, pushing her hips down harder as he sought some kind of
relief for them both.

There was noise deep in her chest and he was proficient

enough to recognize that sound. He’d heard it countless times
from countless partners, but the only one he wanted to hear it from
right now was Erin.

He also wasn’t so far gone that he didn’t recognize the fact they

weren’t alone anymore.

Cade’s hand slid up his hip, one of his fingers dipping under the

waistband to touch hot skin. Dalton’s sex drive revved full throttle
even as he pushed away a thread of hesitation that this might be
too much for her. Too soon.

To erase it completely, his mouth captured Erin’s lips again

even as Cade’s searing touch brushed between his shoulder
blades. Tongues tangled as teeth worked along his spine, hard
ridges scraping over sensitized skin. His imaginative brain
worked and made him wonder what it would be like to kiss her
immediately after she’d kissed Cade. What their tastes would be
like mingled together after this wonderful mouth of hers swallowed
every drop of Cade’s come.

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The explicit images overwhelmed him and he was the one to

break the kiss this time to fight for air. Erin’s breath came in soft
pants against his face as he pressed their foreheads together and
fought to maintain his control of the situation.

“What is it?” Her voice was husky and full of longing. It shot

straight to the base of his dick and touched off a new set of fires.
Cade hadn’t stopped and it caused those fires to burn unchecked.

Going on pure, unadulterated instinct and the need to have both

of these people who got under his skin, he shifted his hips back
without thinking. Cade’s low moan of approval echoed in the

Her body immediately tensed and the delicate balance of the

moment shattered. Dalton released his hold on her,
disappointment rich in the air. He found no satisfaction in the fact it
was evident in all three of them.

“That was my fault.” Cade put a few feet between himself and

the couple. “I should have shouted or knocked or something. I
just…” Cade trailed off and Dalton felt comforted. It was a rare
thing to hear Cade at a loss for words.

Dalton lifted his gaze to Erin and found her biting her bottom lip.

A lip swollen and plump from the stubble of his unshaven cheek.
His hand lifted, grazing the side of her face, and that soft skin of
hers flushed a deeper shade of embarrassment. “We don’t have to
stop here.”

She swallowed and closed her eyes for a long moment before

she opened them again. “No. I think it’s best. We—I need a clearer
head about this.” Pushing away, she put the breadth of the garage
between her and the two men. “I’ll see you later.”

Both men were silent for a time. The tension in the air cooled

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rapidly enough that Dalton actually shivered.

“I spooked her. Screwed it up.” Cade stepped toward Dalton

again, banding his arms around Dalton’s chest. Caught up, Dalton
let himself be pulled back against his lover’s body, relieved to
discover he wasn’t the only one who still had an agonizing
erection. The heat emitting from Cade’s body settled him and,
oddly enough, gave him a clearer head.

“No, I don’t think you did. She’s spooked. Not for the reason

you’d think though.”

Cade released Dalton, pressing a light kiss to his shoulder as

he did. “Then you’ve read her hasty departure as something I

Dalton turned, saw the doubt in those green eyes. Surely Cade

had to have more faith in him than that.

“I used to get paid to know, remember? She’s a lot closer to that

line than she wants to admit. Very nearly crossed it without batting
an eyelash and it terrified her. Probably needs a bit of a push.
That’s on us. Subtlety isn’t going to work, but give her a bit to cool
down. Maybe a day at the most. Right now I need a shower. A cold
one preferably.”

He paused, letting his gaze skim down to the zipper of Cade’s

uniform slacks. His erection tented the thin material. “Care to join

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Chapter Six

The next evening Cade pulled his truck to the curb of First Street

and killed the engine. He blew out a heavy sigh as he shut the
driver’s side door and came around to the sidewalk. “Have any
idea how this is going to go?”

Dalton shrugged and tossed his jacket onto the front seat before

he closed his own door and joined Cade. “Not exactly. No.” He
turned, hooking his thumbs into the front pockets of his jeans as he
leaned against the truck.

Erin’s house sat in front of them, tiny and compact—much like

the woman inside. Some would even call it quaint. A wide front
porch begged for a pair of rocking chairs or a bench swing. The
paint was cracked and peeling. The shingles on the roof were
faded and the windows needed to be washed.

To him, it was just as it should be. They’d only been here a few

times in the span of time they had known her, but to him it always
felt comfortable. A place you’d want to come home to after a hard
day of work.

“She’ll have the advantage of being on her turf. That’ll help take

the edge—the pressure—off. I’m not wrong on this, you know.”

“Are you trying to convince me or yourself?” Cade continued

when Dalton didn’t answer, “You know I trust your gut. Probably
more than you do most of the time. I see the same things you do,

“Yeah, I know.” He just wished he’d stop questioning himself

because she was so hesitant. He wasn’t wrong. He knew that

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without a second thought. But admitting he couldn’t stop
wondering was a weakness he couldn’t handle right now.

The screen door squeaked as he opened it and knocked on the

front door. That door was the one thing that had a fresh coat of
paint on it. She’d painted it a garish shade of pink that
undoubtedly raised a few eyebrows from her neighbors.

Footsteps sounded behind the door and as Erin opened it, the

expression on her face reflected uncertainty. A small part of him
had anticipated her not opening the front door in the first place with
the way she’d taken off in a rush. But deep in his gut he’d known
she would want to talk to them. Explore her infatuation. Discover
things about herself she’d never even imagined.

Her face brightened with a friendly smile. “Come on in.” She

didn’t offer the usual excuses like most women did about the state
of her house. Not that it was messy, just lived in. It was just one
more thing he liked about her. There were no excuses.

“You two want something to drink?”
Cade nodded and stepped into the house in front of Dalton.

“Sure. Beer if you’ve got it.”

“Considering the fact you brought a six-pack over last time you

were here you know damn well I do.” She jerked her head toward
the glass doors that led to the small deck attached to the back of
the house. “Go on, I just started a fire in the pit. Join you boys out
there in a minute.”

She wrapped her cardigan sweater around herself as she

disappeared into the small kitchen. The fuzzy wool grazed her hips
and caused Dalton’s thoughts to go haywire. He vividly
remembered the texture of her skin under his hands, his mouth,
and could still recall the sound of need on her panting breath as his

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mouth had closed over her nipple. He even remembered the
desperate way she’d clung to him, encouraging him to drink as he
wished until he had his fill.

Waking earlier this morning beside Cade, Dalton had still

smelled the clean scent of Erin’s shampoo. The powder-fresh
scent of the soap she’d used to wash before showing up at the
garage. She’d tasted like nothing he’d ever experienced and he’d
not gotten enough. Not by half.

The frantic way he’d taken Cade during the night hadn’t erased

any of that. In fact, it just made it sharper.

Cade shoved Dalton’s shoulder, breaking him out of his stupor.

“Dare I ask what you’re thinking about right now? Or should I just
assume it’s lurid and perverted like usual?”

Dalton simply shot Cade a sinful grin as he moved toward the

door. Cade rolled his eyes and shoved Dalton as he followed him
out onto the deck. “You’re insatiable, you know that? One thing at a
time, loverboy.”

Erin joined them a few minutes later and slid an ice cold

longneck into each of their hands before taking a sip from the one
she’d grabbed for herself. The orange glow from the fire made her
hair appear redder and created interesting shadows on her face
as she curled into a chair across from them.

Staring out at the creek that ran behind her house and gave the

town its name, Dalton took a pull on his drink. He winced at
Cade’s habit of purchasing the worst beer he’d ever tasted. “What
is it with you and this beer anyway, Cade? It takes like horse piss.”

Erin smiled as she held the bottle in front of her lips. “The brand

of beer doesn’t matter to me. It just gives me something long and
solid to wrap my mouth around.”

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Cade choked and hid a smile behind his hand. Dalton shot him

a dirty look, but there wasn’t much feeling behind it. His cock was
too busy reminding him that it still wanted to be inside of her.
Damn thing seemed to have taken on a mind of its own lately.

He hadn’t been this horny in years and it delighted him.
“Double entendre aside, I’m glad you guys came by. Things got

a little…heated yesterday.”

“Think that was the general idea.” Dalton watched as she rose

and came to stand in front of them.

Carefully, she settled on the ledge of the firepit and wove her

fingers together. He longed to reach forward, take her hands in his
and ease away her worries. But she was skittish enough as it was.
No need to make it worse.

“I guess I was a little caught off guard yesterday. And the day

before, and…think I’ve gotten drawn into something I said I

“There’s nothing wrong with that.” He’d noticed the minute

changes but kept them to himself.

Her tongue peeked out between her lips. “No, there’s not. I know

that. I just wish I handled the situation a little differently that’s all. I
just wish—to be honest, I don’t know exactly what’s going on with
me. I can’t seem to get a handle on things and I’m not used to

Dalton knew exactly how she felt.
“Do you want to try to explain?” Cade asked, his ankle slung

over his knee with the utmost air of confidence.

Dalton knew it was bullshit. Under the surface Cade was just as

anxious as he was. They’d both known this would be an issue and
had been prepared for it. There was more here than simple sexual

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attraction. It was deeply layered and so complicated they both
wanted to explore it further. But they would hold to her agreement
in the end if that’s what it took to make her happy.

Friends. No more, no less.
Erin huffed out a breath and set the beer bottle next to her so

she could push her hands through her hair. “Not sure that I can.”

“May I then?” Dalton asked quietly as he gave her an out since

she seemed so unsure.

“Please.” Her expression filled with gratitude.
He needed to take this explanation slow. Break it down

meticulously so there were no unknowns. While he wanted to be
completely forthright with her, the last thing he wanted was to have
her bolt again.

“You’re still trying to heal from a bad breakup but you’re

attracted to us both. Namely, you can’t understand how that’s
possible. According to what you’ve always known you’re not
supposed to want more than one person at a time. Yet, you do.
There’s nothing wrong with it.”

“And it’s not as if we’re completely guilt free,” Cade added. “We

did plant a seed in your mind in the first place.”

Her eyes went wide as she rubbed the bridge of her nose. “Oh it

was there well before anything was said at dinner that night.”

“Does that bother you?”
“No, it doesn’t.” She shook her head, tucking a lock of hair

behind her ear when it came free of the ponytail. Her eyebrows
drew together as she slowly licked her lips again. “Maybe that’s
the issue. Shouldn’t I be unsettled by the thought of being with two
men? Even when you asked that wasn’t the reason why I said no.

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What does that say about me?”

Cade spoke up again, his foot bouncing with nervous energy.

“You’re asking two men—one who used to own a fetish club and
another who frequented said club—if wanting them at the same
time is wrong? Think you’re barking up the wrong tree there.”

Her sharp laughter echoed off the shrubs that edged the deck.

“God, this all just sounds so ridiculous. Especially when you say it
like that. I’m out of my mind for even considering this. I condemned
a man I thought I loved because he did something unconventional
and here I’m contemplating letting you two share me.”

“No. Billy was a completely different situation and you know it.”

Dalton sensed her growing frustration was more than just her
painful breakup. He’d seen it countless times in the Doms and
subs he’d trained throughout the years. Even watched helplessly
as someone walked away from what they truly wanted because of
constant questions to their state of mind.

His philosophy was simple. Do it if it feels good.

Fuck the ones who try to make you do otherwise.

“You’re not out of your mind. We’re all normal, healthy adults

here so let’s look at this for exactly what it is. Sex. A few adults
who want to have a good time and enjoy themselves.”

Cade set his beer to the side and sat forward in order to be

closer to her. “Erin, I told you, we’ve spent enough time around you
to know that you’re fiercely protective of your heart. We don’t want
you to sacrifice your integrity. In fact I’d think we both want you to
keep that as close to you as you can.”

She growled in frustration and started to stand, but Dalton put

his hand on her knee and gave her a level look. Iron scraped over
concrete as she sat down in a huff. “I don’t even understand what it

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is that I want. It’s all just a big jumble in my head. How can I even
compare to the experience—”

“Is that the problem?” Dalton interrupted as he slid forward in the

chair and pressed a hand over hers as his other hand fit over her
knee. Maybe he had missed something in his haste. He and Cade
were perfectly at ease with their past. But was she?

“The idea of what I used to do. The thought things like that still

come up between Cade and me? Are you afraid of something like
that happening with you?”

She blinked at him a few times. “With all honesty I have no idea.”
Cade slid forward in his chair, reaching forward to cup his

fingers around her elbow. “Do you have any experience with
bondage? Dominance? Submission?” When she just stared at
him, he added, “What you so lovingly referred to once as seriously
heavy shit.”

Her silence was all the answer Dalton needed. Her expression

may have been blank, but his hand on her knee allowed him feel
the subtle tightening of her thigh muscles, and the clench of her
legs when Cade asked the question that now hung over them.

“Maybe that’s the problem and I missed it. The thought of it turns

you on, doesn’t it? All of it. Being tied up and dominated. Even told
what to do so you don’t have to think. It’s not just about being with
us both.”

Her eyes closed as she nodded and bit her lip. “I shouldn’t want

to be shared but I do. With everything that I am and I don’t
understand how that’s possible. And I want to know about giving
up control. Putting trust in someone else’s hands. I have absolutely
no experience in any of this but I want to try. Though I haven’t
determined why and I have to ask for patience on that front. I’m not

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sure I can go as far as to have a relationship with either of you. I
don’t think I’m ready for that.”

Everything inside him wanted to scoop her up, hold her close

and give her comfort. Tell her that everything in her mind right at
this very moment was perfectly all right. But she felt fragile under
his hand, as if she was about to crack.

It, of course, made him want to gather her into his arms even

more. His dominant streak reared its head. A Dom’s natural
inclination was to comfort his submissive even when they had
been ordered to their knees.

You can take the Dom out of the club…

One step at a time.
Dalton held back the grin that wanted to spread because he’d

been right. Instead, he comforted her. “Of course. We don’t offer
something like that only to withdraw it when you don’t accept.
There’s a heat here that I don’t think any of us can ignore. I,
personally, want to explore it and find out more. I think Cade would
agree with me.”

“Just sex then,” she stated firmly at Cade’s nod.
“Yes. Just sex.” Dalton’s gaze slid over to Cade and saw his

focus remained entirely on Erin. Concern tightened his brow and
the corners of his mouth had turned down a little as his thumb
rubbed against Erin’s elbow. Cade held a possessive streak not
that dissimilar to Dalton’s despite the fact he favored the
submissive side of the lifestyle. They clearly both recognized the
fact Erin was confused and agitated.

Dalton wanted to eradicate it. Good sex was always good


“What if you were a little more educated? Would that help?” Erin

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opened her eyes and her gaze lifted. He saw the inner war in her
brain. Her body said yes but her brain continued to tell her no.

Playing on a hunch, he shifted, leaning forward to close the

distance between them. He fit his lips against her collar bone,
inhaling the clean scent of the fabric softener that infused her

His lips trailed a line up to her mouth where he scented the malt

from Cade’s horrible beer. Her shampoo smelled of bellflower, a
minty scent that reminded him of his mother’s carefully tended
garden. Mixed together, Dalton decided it was the most wonderful
fusion of scents he’d ever smelled.

He kept his eyes open as he brushed his lips over hers and saw

the tiny line between her brows deepen. It was time to go for
broke. “What if I ordered you to go to the club?”

The tension disappeared from her expression as her pupils

dilated. The temperature of her body spiked a little under his hand
and her breath shifted immediately to shallow, short pants
indicative of arousal.

A natural submissive.

His dominant nature nearly gloated. Thrilled gut instinct hadn’t

failed him, he pushed away and rose to tower over her. As he
looked down, surrender stared back at him and he fought the urge
to test her boundaries right here and now.

If there was one thing being in control taught him, it was to bide

his time. Everyone would win in the end if he played by the rules.

“Be ready tomorrow night at eight. Wear something

comfortable. Preferably a dress. And Erin,” he paused to wait for
her gaze to lift. “Only the dress, nothing more.”

Her lips parted slightly and he noticed her sweater had fallen

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open to reveal the hard pebbling of her nipples under her thin shirt.

Oh yeah. I’m going to enjoy her education.

“Erin?” he repeated

with a little more force behind her name. “Did I make myself


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Chapter Seven

Second Circle was a freestanding building on the outskirts of

Atlanta. Undoubtedly, the city government didn’t want this type of
club within the limits of the revitalized downtown area. It wasn’t the
type of establishment that would fit in right next to Centennial
Olympic Park.

The only sign on the building that gave away the fact it was

occupied was the discreet black plaque with the number two
circumscribed in a circle next to a pair of doors. The warehouse
certainly didn’t look like any fetish club she’d ever imagined.
Though it wasn’t as if she had the experience to know what a fetish
club would look like in the first place.

Dalton’s hand slid around her shoulders and pulled her into him.

The rich smell of his leather jacket wrapped around her and she
buried her nose in his chest without thinking.

She nodded and felt Cade step behind her. Comforted between

them, she let her body relax. Her breath hitched in surprise at how
easily she’d accommodated them and both men chuckled at her

Lately there had been a lot of surprised reactions she didn’t

understand. Back in Dalton’s garage, when he’d kissed her—
tasted her—she’d wanted nothing more than for him to continue.
Even when she realized Cade stood directly behind Dalton
something inside of her had been utterly thrilled at the idea.

But her brain thought it was wrong on so many levels.

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As soon as she’d stepped out of the garage she’d regretted the

decision and very nearly turned around and gone back to
apologize. Maybe even give in to those urges she had in regards
to both men. To do so, however, would have made her an utter

Instead, they’d shown up at her door looking as gorgeous as

ever. She’d at least had the presence of mind to be able to tell
them her doubts and fears about the whole situation. If not it would
have hung heavy in the air around them for days and weeks
afterward. As soon as Dalton had mentioned his brand of sex
however, her thoughts had gone chaotic. Her body answered to
him and she’d been helpless to stop it.

She’d never been this out of control and it completely fascinated


Now she faced the prospect of walking through the doors of a

fetish club with these two men who kept throwing her completely
off kilter. It was a wonder her heart didn’t pulverize her ribs from
the way it kept hitting against them.

She let herself be guided through the doors by the men, waiting

in wide-eyed wonderment while Dalton spoke with the doorman.
They were obviously familiar with each other despite the fact he no
longer owned the club. The tall, burly man nodded at Cade as they
passed and Erin felt even more out of place than before.

That feeling only solidified as they stepped into the main area.

Even though they were still on the edge of everything, Erin
considered herself an intruder.

I don’t belong here.

It reminded her

of the faire and how out of place she’d seemed until she’d
purchased the corset dress.

“Coats.” Dalton held out a hand to both her and Cade. This was

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the part she dreaded more than anything else. She’d followed
Dalton’s orders even though she’d changed twice before they’d
shown up at her house. Was it too much or not enough?

Dalton’s gaze met hers and the confidence in his eyes gave her

strength. Flipping the row of buttons down the front, she parted the
coat and watched those gray eyes glaze over. The change
touched off a firestorm inside her and further fortified the potency
of his gaze.

Just right evidently.

The dress left her back completely bare all the way to the swell

of her butt. It covered her from throat to knee in the front but she
may as well have been nude for the coverage it provided. The
gauzy fabric was nearly transparent despite the deep emerald

Turning over her coat, she waited with Cade while Dalton

disappeared around a corner.

“That’s some dress.”
His voice had lowered a bit, a hint something stirred inside him.

All she had done was take off her coat and both men had reacted.
What the hell was it going to be like if she agreed to have sex with
them? “I bought it on a shopping trip once with a few girlfriends.
Never thought I’d actually wear it.”

“And you wear it well. Very well.” Cade’s lips pressed against

where her shoulder met her neck. “But I have to say, as gorgeous
as you look in it I’d enjoy removing it so much more. Or better yet, I
think I’d like to see Dalton remove it.”

She swallowed around a shaky breath and lifted her gaze to find

Dalton watching them. One of his eyebrows arched in interest.
Cade smiled against her skin and trailed his finger down her

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spine. Excitement followed his touch and the gossamer fabric
scraped over her hardened nipples.

Dalton opened his mouth to say something but was distracted

when someone stepped over to greet him. “Joey, nice to see you.
Pardon me for one second.” He stepped over to Erin, lifting a
finger to trace one hard nub. She wanted to arch, push against his
touch more, but he denied her as he withdrew his finger.

“Cade, why don’t you take her in? I’ll be along in a moment.”
“No problem. Usual spot?”
Dalton nodded and moved away but Erin didn’t miss that look of

regret that crossed his face.

Letting Cade guide her, she tried to take in everything around

her at once. Deep, rich colors draped the walls and furniture.
Muted undertones calmed and soothed the mind while soft lighting
illuminated the walkway. Matching overhead pendant lights hung
from the ceiling to provide low light in order to break up the harsh
lines of the shadows.

For the most part, it resembled any dance club she’d ever been

in. The outfits of the other patrons were a little more edgy but not
enough to make her uncomfortable. In fact, with her nearly
transparent dress, she felt overdressed.

They passed a row of half-moon-shaped booths and Cade

stopped at one that wasn’t occupied. There was a small reserved
sign in the center of the round table. As she sat, she noted the
large room resembled a theater with an oversized stage at one
end. A heavy black curtain hid most of the stage and she had a
moment to wonder what she’d gotten herself into again before
Cade slid into the booth beside her.

“Doing all right?”

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She thought for a moment. This was nothing at all like her

imagination had run away with. The expected sight of bodies
writhing around on the floor like a bunch of animals in heat didn’t
appear to be the truth and she nearly laughed at her own naiveté.

Cade smiled at a woman who passed who was decked out in

soft leather from throat to ankle. She smiled in return and moved
over to the bar, ordering a drink as she chatted with the bartender.

“That’s Angie. She’s worked here the longest. Puts on a show

with her sub once a week that draws a big crowd. It’s a good
moneymaker for the club on top of the memberships because it
showcases the range of the staff. Anyone interested in a particular
Dom or sub can come watch one of their shows—if they have one
—and see if they’re a right fit.”

Erin’s gaze scanned the area and noticed nearly every table

was filled. “I take it tonight is her show?”

“Yes. She’s been with her sub for nearly ten years. Watching

them together is really quite incredible.”

Dalton appeared then and slid into the booth next to her. His

face was a contradiction of emotions and Erin grazed her fingers
over his arm to get his attention. “You okay?”

Whatever trouble had been on his mind vanished the moment

the question passed her lips. He masked it with a bright smile.
“Fine. Just some business. You?”

“Overwhelmed,” she admitted.

Useless to hide it now.

“I expected as much. They cater to two kinds of people here.

Those who merely wish to watch and not participate.”

“And those who prefer both,” Cade finished.
Another glance around the club confirmed their words.

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Everything seemed so normal. “I assume we’re here on the night
of the first of those choices.”

“Yes.” Dalton nodded. “Unless you prefer to go there…” His

voice trailed off as he pointed to the frosted glass doors on the far
side of the bar.

Explicit images filled her mind, ones that she assumed were far

worse than what was behind those mysterious doors. She was
already so far away from her comfort zone it was a wonder her
brain could function in the first place. No need to push it for the
moment. “We’re fine here.”

The lights in the seating area flickered and Dalton tapped his

hand twice on the table. “Very well then, I’m going to get something
to drink before the show starts. You two want anything?”

She nodded. “Just ice water. I’d like to keep a clear head for

this if you don’t mind.”

He pushed away from the table to stand. “No problem. They

don’t serve alcohol here anyway.”

“Really?” She looked closer at the liquid in the glasses of those

at the tables just a short distance away. “That’s interesting.”

Cade offered an explanation. “Safer if you think about it. No one

can dull their inhibitions with liquor. If someone is here, they’ve
entered willingly. Also, no one can come in and force their hand on
someone who may be teetering on the edge of indecision. Alcohol
is a powerful tool and completely off limits.”

It did make sense.
Dalton nodded to someone as they passed. “If someone is

here, they’ll damn well know it. Frankly, if a Dom is using alcohol to
relax their sub he or she has no business being in charge. The
Dom has the responsibility to soothe the sub in other ways than

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relying on alcohol.

“So, it’s mostly energy drinks, protein shakes and soda. Plenty

of bottled water too. Keeps everyone hydrated but without adding
anything extra that could be perceived as a way to ply someone to
do something out of the ordinary.”

Erin watched Dalton wind his way to the bar. Men and women

both openly stared at him, extending invitations with their heated
glances. Though he returned their looks it was more out of
courtesy than any real interest.

Cade shifted in the booth and she froze as he brushed a strand

of hair behind her ear. His lips soothed her skin and his hushed
words skated across her nerves.

“I see how you look at him and I know what you’re feeling. You

don’t understand it but there’s something that’s pulling at you.
Drawing you into him. He is raw sex and I assure you, completely

“He doesn’t even have to do anything and the power just pours

from him. They can smell it. Taste it in the air when he comes near
them. He is completely unaware of how much he controls a room
just by standing in it.”

Dalton leaned against the bar completely at ease. In fact, Erin

thought he’d looked more relaxed than she’d ever seen him. This
atmosphere was his element and it clearly showed. As he stood
there so tranquil his tight jeans outlined every inch of those
muscular legs, clinging to every sensuous curve she wanted to
sink her teeth into.

He shifted, giving her a clearer view of the hard line of his

erection under the button fly of his jeans. Curious, her gaze lifted
and met the fathomless gray eyes as he grinned at her. He’d

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positioned himself that way on purpose.

She tamped down on the immediate hot flush that sprouted

between her legs. “He knows.”

Cade’s soft chuckle sounded in her ear. “You’re right. I was

mistaken. He does.”

The house lights dimmed completely as Dalton returned with

their drinks. As he slid into his seat, she realized with a quiet
chuckle that they’d adopted their usual positions when it came to
the three of them together.

It amazed her how quickly they’d fallen into a pattern. It

comforted her, giving her a sense of peace she’d only
experienced a few times in her life.

The heavy curtain drew back to reveal the full stage. Robust iron

pipes were bolted down to the wood planking and held a woman
down in one position. A position that appeared to be awkward and
uncomfortable to Erin. However, the woman looked completely at

Her arms were over her head, her wrists held in place by one of

the pipe arches. There was another one that held her elbows and
two separate ones that fit over her thighs. Her legs were spread
and bent to the side so that her feet fit snugly under those same

“Watch Linn—she’s the one bound on the floor—when Angie

walks on the stage. You’ll learn the most from her.” Erin heard
footsteps and focused her attention completely on Linn. The
woman’s hands trembled and her breasts rose and fell in
expectation as she waited for her Domme to acknowledge her

“What is she doing? It looks painful.”

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Cade slid a finger over the back of Erin’s hand. “Does it? Look

at their faces. Is that really pain?”

She studied their faces as Angie walked a slow circle around

the bound woman. “I don’t know. I don’t have much of an idea of
what’s going on up there.”

“To the right person pain is pleasure.” He continued before she

could ask what he meant. “Let me explain what’s going on up
there. It’s known as device bondage. Full-out domination. I suspect
there will be a machine involved at some point, knowing Angie.”

Taken aback, Erin jerked in surprised. “I’m sorry, did you say a


Dalton trailed his finger over the inside of her elbow, a move that

comforted her despite her reaction to what would eventually
happen on the stage. “Yes. A fucking machine. It is designed for
only one purpose.”

Based on the name it was evident what the purpose was. “This

is really hardcore stuff,” she stated in surprise.

“Is it too much? If it is, just say so and we’ll leave.”
She thought for a moment as she watched the two women with

fascination. They both seemed comfortable with one another and
oblivious to the fact hundreds of paying customers watched them
with intense fascination. “No. I’m fine. I’d like to know more.”

“You were right, by the way, to an extent. This is hard core.

These two in particular are more about the show. The seduction of
control instead of overt humiliation. But there is pain because the
submissive has obviously made it clear to her Domme that she is
willing to accept pain. Hence holding her in one position.”

He paused for a moment, almost as if he wanted to give her

time to process what she heard. “It takes a lot of skill to remain like

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that and hurts after a time, so the Domme has to keep constant
vigil of the sub. That all being said, there are some people who do
enjoy the darker side of this sort of lifestyle and the club features
them on other nights. Nothing is out of bounds here. I made sure of

Cade sipped his drink and glanced to the stage again as Angie

moved a device onto the stage. “Dalton thought this would be a
better night for you to come here. To see this kind of thing and
take care of any misconceptions you have.”

Offended, she clenched her hands into tight fists on the table in

front of her. “You think I have misconceptions?”

“Based on our conversation last night? Yes.” Cade’s expression

dared her to protest otherwise. His fingers caressed her jaw as he
gave her a friendly smile. “That’s all right, most people do. It’s only
natural, especially if they’re uneducated about the lifestyle. That’s
why you’re here. Remember?”

He was right and she relaxed. She was uneducated and that

was why she’d agreed to come. Dalton had hit the nail on the head
when he’d surmised as much but she still sought the strength to
admit it to herself. She’d seen firsthand what was possible and her
imagination was a tricky thing.

“I just don’t know.”
Dalton’s hand shifted to press against hers and she relaxed the

tight balls they’d become. “Which is why you’re here. You’ve
expressed an interest in it.” She started to protest but was
stopped short by his hard glare. “You watched at the garage, Erin.
Twice. Your interest may be contained to simpler things than what
you see up there but you’ve shown an aptitude for things that are
out of the ordinary.”

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Dalton shifted closer, pressing against her just as tightly as

Cade. His fingers skimmed over her exposed shoulder, dipping
into the indention at her neck. Cade’s finger pushed under the hem
of her skirt, grazing over her knee. She jumped at the contact even
as she shifted to try to ignore it completely.

“Still think there’s a fine line? That we aren’t for you?” Dalton’s

voice had taken on a husky quality and she wondered if it was
what he sounded like when fully aroused.

She swallowed hard and nodded despite the fact her hormones

had gone off the scale. It was everything she could do to
completely forget how she’d reacted to Dalton’s firm command at
her house. She wanted to listen to him give her guidance on this
but she wasn’t sure if she could admit it out loud.

“I’m still not sure.”
“The sooner you stop lying to yourself, Erin, the easier this is

going to be.”

“I’m not lying.” Despite her best efforts otherwise, her defenses

flew up and locked into place. Habit was a hard thing to get rid of.
“You’ve brought me into a sexually charged atmosphere. It’s only
natural that I would react this way.”

Dalton’s chuckle flowed over her, wrapping around rattled

nerves to soothe them. “Humans aren’t wired to become sexually
attracted to something they find offensive. If it excites you, your
body will let you know. Even if you don’t know it yourself. Like how
you’re reacting right now. To us. You had a taste of each of us and
now you want to know what lies in front of you.”

She inhaled sharply in response just as Dalton’s hand moved to

fit under her jaw. He turned her face to his, capturing her mouth for
a possessive kiss she couldn’t help but respond to.

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Cade’s hand slid higher, the tips of his fingers pushing under the

thin material of her dress as he pressed his body closer to hers.
His hand closed completely around her breast as Dalton’s tongue
slipped between her lips.

Hard, throbbing music spun around them as she was swept

away by their touch and how they made her feel pressed between
their bodies.

Suddenly, she was unconcerned for the audience around them

and all hesitation melted away as they continued to touch her.
Dalton was right. She’d felt it at the garage when she realized
Cade was there with them but she’d spent the time since trying to
convince herself it wasn’t possible.

Dalton broke the kiss, turning her face to the stage again. Her

eyes fluttered closed and his voice immediately sounded in her
ear. “Keep your eyes open and on Linn, understand?” While it was
a question, something in his tone told Erin it wasn’t a request. It
mirrored the order he’d given her last night and sent a thrill through

Cade’s mouth cruised over her ear, cheek and jaw. She wanted

nothing more than to turn her face and let him kiss her just as
deeply as Dalton had. But she also wanted to follow the instruction
Dalton had given to watch the action on the stage.

The statuesque Domme knelt to straddle the briefcase-size

machine that sat on low profile wheels. Angie flipped down the
side closest to Linn as she extracted a shiny silver dildo out of the
side closest to the audience. To Erin, the cylinder was massive
and her concern for the woman held in place with the pipe caused
her to nearly protest.

“Relax.” Cade’s soothing voice washed over her as he turned

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her face away from the show. “Angie knows what she’s doing. I’ve
personally watched Linn take larger dicks than that. She’ll be fine.”

“Larger?” she asked in astonishment. “Are you kidding?”
Cade’s mouth brushed against hers as he gave a light laugh.

The power behind his kiss was more subtle than Dalton’s earlier
one, but she still felt it deep inside her.

“No, honey. Remember, female bodies are designed to birth

children. A lot of women find great pleasure in being stretched
open wide. I’ve heard it’s quite intense to be that filled. Perhaps
some of the most powerful orgasms you could ever experience in
your life.” His mouth brushed hers again, his tongue dipping
between her lips to explore a little further.

Erin decided Cade’s kiss was different but only in that his

approach was not the same. Dalton took and when she gave him
what he wanted, he took even more with brutal force. Cade pulled
it from her slowly, which gave her a false sense that she’d given it
to him freely when that wasn’t at all the case.

“Cade.”At Dalton’s stern warning, Cade broke their kiss and

she realized the blood in her veins pulsed for this man as much as
his companion. “Finish what you have to say to her now, or I’ll put
you up on the stage after Angie’s done and show the audience
exactly what happens when a sub goes against clearly stated

Cade nodded toward Dalton. “My apologies for overstepping. I

simply thought Erin should understand what she’s capable of.”

“And we’ll show her another time. Eyes to Angie and Linn, both

of you.”

The hardness to Dalton’s voice didn’t bother Erin. In fact, she

wanted to hear more of it as he gave orders because her body

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seemed to come alive when he did. But she kept her thoughts to
herself as she returned her focus to the stage just as whispers of
appreciation swept over the crowd when Angie pushed a button. It
caused the dildo to extend forward on a rigid pole that slowly and
inexorably traveled toward the submissive.

When the dildo made contact, Linn’s body hitched in response.
Erin’s hand clutched the table in front of her when the sub gave a

soft cry as she accepted the dildo into her pussy. Angie flipped a
switch on the side to stop the movement, the last few inches of the
long dildo still outside her submissive’s body. A few adjustments
were made and another switch was flipped. The dildo moved,
pulling out of Linn almost completely before thrusting back inside.

Dalton and Cade were right, Angie knew Linn well enough to

know what the woman could take. A wave of energy flowed from
the restrained woman, filtering out into the crowd, and Erin swore
she felt it wash over her.

She became just as lost under the spell of these woman as the

rest of the people assembled in the room with her. The utter
surrender of control fascinated as much as it scared her. Why
would someone give that much power to someone else? She
didn’t have an answer but knew it interested her enough to want to
learn more and discover what it was like to let Dalton and Cade
choose how she found completion.

Linn strained against the metal as Angie flipped a lever on the

remote in her hand as she stood. Linn’s body pressed against the
metal pipes and a cry from her mouth melted with the music that
suddenly dominated the air.

The Domme knelt, affixing clamps to the bound woman’s

nipples. Once in place, she slowly tugged on the red rope that

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connected them. Linn’s body tensed again and from here, Erin
saw her muscles quiver.

“You’re aroused, aren’t you? Your body language gives it away.

It’s not the thought of all of this that frightens you. The thought of
being with us that causes you to hesitate.” Dalton was so very right
and everything inside her screamed his name. He was perceptive
enough to know and she let him say the words so she wouldn’t
have to. “You’re afraid you won’t be yourself if you give up control
like Linn has.”

She swallowed and forced herself to nod in acknowledgement.
“I can assure you, you will know exactly who you are. In fact, I’ll

take the time to remind you of it quite often. How about a little taste
of just how powerful submitting can be?”

“Right now?” The idea thrilled her even as it appalled her.
“Yes. Look at me, Erin.” She drew her gaze away from the stage

and focused on Dalton. His eyes were bright with anticipation and
she fought against the thought of how it would be to kneel before
him should he ever put her on her knees.

“We’re in a sex club. What better place?” Dalton cupped her

thigh, pulling one of her legs toward him. She felt exposed despite
the fact the sitting area was tucked away and all eyes were
focused on the stage. Being seen like this was the least of her
worries. “Help me open her, Cade.”

Cade’s fingers drifted up her other thigh and before she opened

her mouth to protest he threw her leg over his. The position
automatically tilted her pelvis, raising her skirt. It completely
opened her to the two men.

“Seems as if our girl here isn’t as naive as she seems.” Erin

quietly yelped in surprise as Dalton slid gentle fingers between her

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Cade’s low groan sounded in her ear as his hand married with

Dalton’s touch. “Completely bare. You’ve got some secrets of your
own, sweetheart.”

Despite her apprehension she relaxed under their combined

touch. Fingers scraped lightly against already swollen flesh that
vibrated with need and begged for a firmer touch. Each man was
patient and slowly touched her.

With two hands there was no down time, no moment where she

wasn’t being aroused in some fashion. She couldn’t process
everything at once and her mind seemed to short-circuit.

Hands moved in conjunction to expose her completely, and the

cool air of the club touched her heated clit where their hands
spread her. Her eyes started to flutter closed but she remembered
Dalton’s command and forced them open.

The woman onstage strained against the bands as the

machine’s thrusts began to vary. Her Domme never severed
contact as she gently stroked her submissive’s clit, and Erin’s
breath hitched when a scream of pleasure from the area of the
stage tore through the air.

Cade gave a low groan of approval as his mouth pressed

against the side of her neck. His breath was hot and made her
skin tingle where it made contact.

“Are you wet, Erin?” When she didn’t respond, Dalton’s voice

dropped an octave. “Answer me. I want to hear you acknowledge

The sound of his voice slid through her like warmed molasses. It

didn’t sound as if he’d changed the tone of his voice to make any
kind of distinction between her and Cade. The idea he treated her

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as equally as Cade thrilled her.

“Yes,” she stammered out, her heart beating erratically.
“But are you wet enough for me to just slide right inside your

pussy?” Even as he asked, his finger teased her opening and the
pad of Cade’s thumb pushed hard against her clit. The sudden
pain caused her hips to buck and her vision spotted.

Without warning, Dalton slid a finger deep inside her warmth.

Her head fell back against the bench and a low moan vibrated her
throat. Despite the fact she knew how wrong it was she couldn’t
deny the reaction of her body. She hadn’t been touched like this,
had this much attention lavished on her in…well, never.

“Just as I thought, Cade. She’s dripping wet. Almost ready for


Her eyes flew open as she lifted her head. “Almost? How much

more ready can I possibly get?”

“Yes, almost. You’re not ready to surrender that level of control

yet.” He nodded to the stage where Angie forced Linn to endure a
higher setting from the machine. “It’s a matter of trust and I haven’t
earned it yet. That’s good. I don’t want you to just hand it to me. I
will have it but I want to work for it. For now just enjoy the moment.
It’s yours so let us give it to you.”

The two men worked in tandem, reading her body with an

expertise she envied. But it wasn’t enough to tip her over the edge.
Her body continued to reach for something beyond her grasp.

The realization caught up with her a second later.

Oh God, I

need more.

As if on cue, Cade’s finger joined inside her heat and Erin let

out a long sigh of pleasure. The pressure added an edge to the
moment and she suddenly didn’t care where they were or about

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the fact two men touched her.

She just



Their fingers slid in and out of her hot core rhythmically, their

timing impeccable. She’d been right. These men were filled with
skill. They read her body—its needs—even as it betrayed her.

Molten heat coiled between her legs, a new fire touching off

each time the men withdrew and pushed inside. Her entire body
felt alive, her skin stretched so tight over bone and muscles. It was
as if she would rip open at any moment and expose her very core.

They overwhelmed her.
Their fingers sure as they knew exactly what to give her to make

her mind fuzz with the potency of their sexuality. They coaxed her
higher. Pulled more from deep inside and taught her more about
herself in five minutes than she’d learned in five years.

Dalton shifted closer. “We’d very much like to make you come,


“I don’t think I can.” Her voice sounded husky, foreign. As if it

wasn’t hers.

“Oh you can. I’m fairly certain that once you start you won’t want

to stop. But maybe that’s the problem.”

Time froze as their hands withdrew and left her feeling empty

and alone. She nearly whimpered from the sudden loss. The club
fell away and nothing existed for her except the constant throb
between her legs.

Her gaze first met Dalton then Cade and she nearly came at the

sight of longing in their eyes. She needed relief and she was
certain these were the only two men to give it to her.

The men released their hold and she righted her dress as she

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sat fully upright again. She forced the tempest spiraling inside her
to calm and made herself focus on the biggest issue at hand. “We
need to set some ground rules.”

“Yes. We do,” Dalton said in agreement.
When he opened his mouth to continue, Erin used the power

coursing through her to fuel her resolve. “Let me, please. Before I
lose my nerve.” Dalton nodded and she fought for the courage she
needed. It was important to her to say this just as is it was
important for them to hear it.

“You’re together—as a couple or not—and I don’t want to be the

one to drive a spike between you. I’m not going to be responsible
for ruining something, not like that. And before you start trying to
reassure me that won’t happen you need to know there’s more.”

“Sound ominous,” Cade said with a touch of humor as his finger

skimmed over her shoulder.

Was she really going to do this? Could she be like the woman

on the stage and surrender total control to someone else? The
throb between her legs intensified despite the fact no one touched
her and her heart beat in time to the pulsing. It seemed as if her
body had made up her mind for her.

For once, she was going to take a chance and listen to it. “It

could possibly be the deal breaker.”

“And what does our sly little minx have in mind?”
Erin watched as Angie unbolted her sub from the metal and

gathered the dazed and smiling woman in her arms. The Domme
folded herself around her and someone stepped out onto the
stage to offer them both a blanket. Angie wrapped it around the
woman and cradled her lover with such devotion it contrasted with
the intensity of the scene. It somehow seemed very right and

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touched Erin in a way that she’d never experienced before but
made her understand one thing.

That’s what I want.

“If we’re going to go this, we do it all the way. No shortcuts. No

holding back. I want Dalton to come out of retirement.”

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Chapter Eight

The Iron Cruisers shop loomed through the windshield and for a

moment Erin’s nerve faltered.

Cade’s hand lifted off the steering wheel and settled on her

knee. “We can still take you home if you want.”

“No.” Erin shook her head and pushed away her doubts even as

Cade gave her the out she would have taken under normal
circumstances. She’d been surprised to hear Dalton had a room
tucked away behind his motorcycle shop that catered to his

The fact he used to own and run a club should have been an

indicator he still had some area set aside for such things. People
didn’t routinely walk away from something they had a deep interest
in. That lifestyle was written in Dalton’s blood and not something
she suspected he’d give up entirely.

That was what drove her to make her bold statement in the first

place. Interestingly enough neither man seemed surprised to hear
the words when she confessed her wishes about Dalton. They’d
taken it quite calmly and said little to her as they drove back to

The three were quiet as they walked across the shop floor and

Erin wondered how she’d missed this on previous occasions.
She’d been here enough shouldn’t she have noticed?

As they made a right turn Dalton spun on his heel in front of a

plain brown door. “I want to be very clear about something before
either of you walk through the door. Cade already knows but it

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bears repeating. This is my space. My rules. Nothing will happen
to cause you harm but I will push your limits.”

“How far you’re willing to go,” Dalton clarified. “What you’re

willing to do. Think about the point in which you feel comfortable
and I will push you past it. Believe me when I say I will never give
you more than I think you can tolerate. If you can’t handle that,
leave. I won’t think less of you. Do you have a friend you can
contact that you trust?”

Erin shook her head. “No. Not one that I trust enough to divulge

what’s going on here. Why?”

Dalton’s hand skimmed over her cheek in a tender caress. “You

need to have someone know where you are. Someone to contact
in case things get out of hand and you can’t handle it.”

Out of hand? For a second, she wondered what she’d truly

gotten herself into. Then she shook off the momentary worry and
solidified her stance. “I trust you.”

Dalton shook his head. “No, not yet. Remember, I need to earn

it. Don’t give it to me freely.” She started to object, but his glare
stopped her. “These are my rules, Erin. You need to listen to

He held out a business card and waited for her to take it. “Call

this number. Arrange for a check-in time. If you don’t call her by
then she knows what to do.”

Erin glanced down at the simple tan card and saw a name and

phone number embossed in the center. It made her a bit
uncomfortable to broadcast the choice she made, especially to a
stranger. “What if I don’t want people to know? It’s none of their
God-damned business.”

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His expression darkened and a sign this was something he

would stand fast on. “This is my business. I have clear guidelines
and you will abide by them or I will not allow you through that door.
This is what you wanted and were very clear on earlier. It’s not for
everyone, I get that.

“I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with changing your mind.

This is your chance to leave without a safe word being enacted.
You step through here and all bets are off.”

He turned without further preamble and disappeared through the

door, shutting it behind him. Nervous energy glued her to the spot.
Could she handle what she’d gotten herself into?

Cade’s hand cupped her nape, pulling her toward him. His other

hand fit to her chin, tilting her face to his. This close his firm
erection pressed against her stomach and she used that feeling to
strengthen her resolve. She was the one who’d thrown fuel on this
fire and it was time for her to own up to what she wanted.

She wanted them both.
And wanted them to show her their world together.
His gaze fell on the card in her hand and his head tilted as he

read the name. “I know Cassidy. You can trust her. In fact, she’s
probably someone you’ll want to sit down and have a cup of coffee
with one day. Discuss things.”

Erin couldn’t help but respond with a soft snort. “Coffee and

bondage. Not your typical coffeehouse conversation.”

“You’d be surprised.” His thumb skimmed softly over her chin.

“He means it, you know. He may sound tough but it’s for
everyone’s protection.”

“If I had any doubt he looks out for others he just erased it,” she


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He looked the door and then back to her. “I’ve been here on

numerous occasions and as you see, I’m perfectly fine. He will
push your limits but he won’t hurt you.”

Maybe that’s what I’m afraid of.

“What if someone wanted him


Cade seemed to think carefully about his choice of words

before he finally spoke. “Within his own limits—yes, I think he
would. But everyone has a line in the sand they won’t cross. Pain
for pain’s sake isn’t something he’ll do, believe me.”

His expression suddenly changed to one of concern. “You look

frightened. No one is going to fault you if you walk away right now. I
get it. I know what you’re going through. I was once there myself.”

She wasn’t scared, not really. It was more about facing the

unknown. It was thrilling and overwhelming at the same time. The
knowledge that Cade had once experienced the same thing she
felt right now was comforting. “I don’t think I know where my limits
are and that is what’s bothering me at the moment.”

That smile of reassurance appeared once more and his thumb

worked a slow pattern against her chin. “Then Dalton is the man to
show you.”

She gave him a sly smile. “Not you as well?”
Cade shook his head slowly, small crow’s feet appearing at the

corners of his eyes as he gave her a genuine smile. The gentle
lines made him even more handsome. “This is Dalton’s space—
as he said. Not mine. His rules. His world.

“You saw what happened last time you were here. Even at the

club just an hour ago. I’m submissive and on the very same playing
field as you are once we step through that door. He’s the Top and
he will make that very clear if you forget for even a second. Just

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know that anything that is done or said is strictly for pleasure.
Remember that before you idly toss up a red flag.”

Fear stabbed an icy sword in her gut and she suddenly

wondered what would happen if she did something wrong. “But
what do I do? Say? I don’t want to mess anything up.”

“Do what he says. If he asks you a question in there, it’s

because he already knows the answer. I can’t speak for Dalton but
I know how I feel about you and I wouldn’t let you walk through that
door unless I had complete faith in him. I don’t know what he has
planned but I do know you’ll come out of there with a whole new
perspective of yourself. Not to mention wanting more.”

Cade moved off, giving her a reassuring glance as he edged

closer to the door. “You will always want more.”

Cade vanished and she did her best to settle rough nerves as

she slid her finger over the print on the card. She pushed in
Cassidy’s number before she even had time to think otherwise.
Each sound of the ring through the earpiece seemed to calm
those rough nerves but they jumped to attention again as soon as
a soft, feminine voice answered.

“Hello?” Erin asked hesitantly.
“Yes? Who is this please?”
Erin sucked up her courage. If she didn’t, she’d never know if

this was something more than just a flash of lust. She owed it to
herself to learn more. “Erin Corvus. Dalton gave me—”

A soft laugh sounded over the phone line and stopped her.

“About damn time he came to his senses.”

The woman continued on as if Erin had never spoken. “How

much time would you like, honey?”

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She’d forgotten to ask either of the men before they’d

disappeared in the room. “I’m a little new to this so I don’t know
what’s standard.”

“There is no standard when it comes to Dalton. How about an

hour? Does that work for you?”

“Yes,” Erin agreed.
“All right then. Enjoy yourself, honey.”
Erin continued to stare at the phone for a few minutes after the

enigmatic woman hung up. This was so much different than she
expected. Everyone seemed completely at ease. Everyone except
for her.

But she was committed now and refused to turn back. She

shoved the phone into her bag and tried to ignore the fact her
fingers trembled. Steeling herself, she took that first step.

Dalton was in some kind of quiet discussion with Cade when

she stepped through the door and shut it behind her. His gaze met
hers and she detected a slight nod of approval. He gave another
nod to Cade as he stepped away and put distance between them.

“Clothes off, both of you.”
It seemed they were going to get down to the business at hand.
Cade didn’t appear to take issue with it and immediately

stripped off his shirt. The ease with which he did relaxed Erin and
made the tight knot of apprehension in her stomach loosen. She
tugged at the shoulder of her dress and played with the thin fabric
as she watched him pull open the button on his dark jeans.

Those were whisked away with seeming ease and as he stood

she finally saw this man in all his glory. She was ashamed to admit
the images she held in her imagination of that first night at the

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garage didn’t do him justice.

The flat planes of his chest. The curving grace of his shoulders

as they sloped down to his narrow waist. The faint dusting of red
hair that drew her gaze down. Her body quickened as she noticed
moisture had already gathered on the tip of his straining erection.

“Erin, remove your dress.” Dalton’s stern warning snapped her

back into focus and she jumped, filled with anxious energy. With
her nervousness, it took a few minutes to free herself from the thin
material and it was nothing more than a whisper on the air as it fell
to the floor.

As it did she fought the urge to cover herself. To hide her

imperfections—the breasts that were too small, the hips too round
—behind her hands. But she was afraid Dalton would correct her.
She didn’t want to start out on a sour note.

Instead, she lifted her chin and forced her hands to remain by

her side. The dress finally settled at her feet and she gave both
men a nervous smile. Cade was the only one to return it.

Dalton moved, pulling a chair closer. He settled it in front of

Cade and pointed for her to sit. She did as directed and shivered
as the cold, smooth surface contacted with her rapidly heating

He moved in a slow circle around them both looking for

something Erin couldn’t determine. Evidently pleased, he stopped
next to her and set a hand on her shoulder. His touch was fire and
the swollen flesh of her throbbing pussy roared to life. It was a sign
to her that things were just as they should be despite her

Dalton lowered himself to eye level with her. “Your safe word is

blackbird. For the most part I highly doubt you’ll use it. I’m very

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good at what I do.”

She swallowed back the bite that sank its teeth into her at the

sinful gleam in his gaze and made her want them even more.
“What about Cade?”

“Unnecessary. I know him well enough to know exactly how far to

push him. You and I don’t share that bond yet, so you will have a
safe word until I say otherwise.” Her silence seemed to be the
answer he needed and he leaned forward to take her mouth with
his. The kiss was sweet with just hint of wildness under the
surface. She recognized it for what it was—a means to relax her—
and felt herself sink into the moment.

His touch was gentle but persistent, not something she would

normally equate with the purpose of this room. Her mind fuzzed as
his hand swept over her shoulder, down her arm and across the
gradual curve of her breasts. Her nipples tightened and reached
for a firmer touch.

He broke away and she fought against the pull her body had to

follow him. “I have plans for you later. For right now…” Dalton’s
voice trailed off as he moved behind her. From Cade’s rapt gaze it
was obvious he knew what was going on.

Dalton’s hand moved down, closing around her wrist to guide it

behind her. She felt the rasp of the rope as it was wound against
her skin, and released a slow breath as she waited for Dalton to
secure it around the center slat of the chair.

As Dalton moved around behind her, she watched as Cade

tightly clutched the base of his very erect cock. Unless she was
mistaken, Dalton hadn’t instructed him to do so. There was no way
to know what Dalton had planned without asking, but he’d made it
very clear questions weren’t on tap tonight.

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One of his muscled arms reached over her shoulder and he

pushed his fingers against her knee. Another length of rope
wrapped around her ankle and his intent became clear when he
moved to her other leg. Apprehension seemed to melt away with
each circle the rope made around her limbs and the rough texture
of the rope abraded her delicate skin. It was only enough to remind
her it was there.

It gave her an anchor in a moment that seemed so far removed

from reality.

Despite the rope binding her, she was free.
Cade gave a strangled sound as her legs were spread and

gave him unencumbered access to view the cleft between them.
She was completely open for him to see. It caused him to draw his
hand up the length of his erection.

Dalton’s eyes narrowed as he turned his head to where Cade

stood. “Stop right now.” Cade flinched, moving his hand to replace
it around the base again but Dalton shook his head. “No. Keep
your hand right where it is. You took it upon yourself to do that.
You’re going to suffer for that since no one told you to move.”

Dalton returned his attention to Erin and finished securing her

legs to the chair before he reached over to the small table beside
her. “I’ll have you know I picked this up a few days ago. Earned
myself a few strange looks at the store since the clerk used to be a
regular at Second Circle and knows I’m not there anymore.”

He held a small pink vibrator in the shape of a butterfly between

his fingers. It had two small straps attached to it but they weren’t
like the ones she’d see in one of those adult-toy catalogues.
These looked to have been specially made, sturdy and secure.

Just like him.

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“These straps will keep this in place.” He threaded the soft

leather around her thighs and fit the toy where he wanted it. The
small device was turned on with the flip of a switch, and her breath
hitched in response to the sensation. She was no stranger to
vibrators, and even owned a few. But the feel of this one placed
directly over her clit with no means of escape was something new.

Moving behind her again, his voice was low and seductive in her

ear. “You aren’t allowed to come until I say. And don’t think
because you don’t ejaculate like a man that I won’t know. I will.”

She nodded and kept her gaze straight ahead as she had no

doubt he meant every word. The orders to Cade earlier had been
a vivid demonstration of that. “You’re going to want to come. Every
fiber of your being is going to want that release. But you don’t have
permission. Remember that.”

He moved away and Erin released a hard breath. The feel of the

rope against her skin intensified the adrenaline coursing through
her veins and made everything a hundred times more vibrant. The
vibrator steadily pressed against her clit and just as she got used
to the feel of it there, it shut off completely.

She gasped in surprise, automatically tensing against the rope.

What happened? Her body buzzed like a live wire and Dalton
stood a few feet away, arms crossed over his chest. He seemed
unsurprised by her predicament but offered a brief explanation.

“It’s designed to turn off and on by itself. Even vary speed.

You’re completely at its mercy. Which makes it all the more

The small device clicked back on and excitement slammed into

her full force as it buzzed against the tight bundle of nerves that
were already sensitive. Her eyes fluttered closed as sensations

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swamped her and she fought back as she remembered his
command not to climax.

Her gaze met his again, her resolve firmly into place now that

she knew what she faced for the moment. She didn’t want to
disappoint him.

Pleased, Dalton nodded and moved to stand next to Cade. He

pulled something out of his pocket and Cade’s chest hitched in
response. Dalton reached out, snapped the circle of leather
around Cade’s testicles and then looped it around the base of his
cock, pushing his lover’s hand away.

“I was going to make her watch while I fucked you since she

seems to have a fondness for that, but someone had to get
impatient. Now, instead, you’ll both suffer.”

Erin watched as he palmed Cade’s erection and moved his

hand in slow, steady strokes. The sight sent a thrill through her just
as the vibrator shut off. Her whimper caused Dalton to laugh a bit
but he continued to work on Cade as if nothing had happened and
moved with almost deliberate slowness.

His fingers dragged over the ridge of the head, then the thick

vein that ran just under the flare. He even caught a drop of
moisture at the very tip, smearing the come as he dragged his
hand down the shaft once again.

“Cade here has some of the best control I’ve ever encountered.

He doesn’t get a lot of chances to showcase it so this is the
perfect opportunity for him. Also doesn’t need the cock ring either,
but I couldn’t resist since he was so impatient tonight. Sometimes
the punishment is too decadent to pass up.”

Apparently satisfied with his work, Dalton let his fingers trail up

Cade’s abdomen as he reached behind him for another length of

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rope. He moved behind Cade, pulled his elbows back and wound
the rope around Cade’s wrists and forearms. The position looked
awkward to Erin but Cade took the change easily.

Done with binding both submissives, Dalton moved away. He

said nothing, looking at first to Cade, then to her. With his
commanding stance she expected to see flatness in his eyes, a
dull gleam as he admired his own work. But instead, she saw utter

They’d trusted him and he, in turn, appeared to express a silent

thanks for their surrender.

His eyes were filled with anticipation and seemed to be lit

internally to glow hot and intense. He stood between them truly
alive and very much in his element.

Erin knew then Dalton had been born to embrace this side of

this life, and he’d denied himself completely with his decision to
walk away from it all. It made her wonder why people willingly
walked away from something they found that much joy in.

He was clearly proficient based on the way he’d snapped into

sharp focus the second the trio had come closer to this part of the
shop. The way he’d given detailed instructions before anyone
crossed the threshold. Even the way he’d expertly fastened the
ropes around their wrists and her ankles.

It made her wonder what he’d been like when he’d still worked

at his club. What that magnificent body of his had been like as
he’d held court. He was obviously secure with himself and that had
to have been doubly true when he’d trained people. Surely it took
that sort of attitude to exert that level of control over someone.

She had to wonder why he gave that all up.
His voice broke through her mental questions. “Look at each

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other. You’re not allowed to look anywhere else unless I specify
otherwise.” The words sounded completely natural from Dalton
and, yet again, it was abundantly clear he knew how to handle

Her gaze found Cade’s and she saw the deep and utter longing

in the depths of those green eyes. Her heart hitched in her chest
and she had to remind herself this was all just about sex. Nothing
more. Those fleeting emotions had no place in this room at the
moment. She could handle it.

She swallowed, let the corner of her mouth lift in a slight smile

and Cade winked at her in return. That break in the scene gave
her a shot of confidence and reminded her they were in this

Dalton had positioned her far enough away from them that,

despite the fact she was to look at Cade, she still had the ability to
see his entire body as he knelt. It allowed her to watch as Dalton’s
hand slid over Cade’s skin, his fingers and blunt fingernails
scraping along the surface.

The humor in Cade’s eyes vanished. Now his gaze bored into

hers. Arousal and heat wrapped around need. That heat flooded
the space between her legs and a quiet sigh vibrated her throat.

Dalton’s calloused hand splayed over Cade’s chest and Erin

swore she felt it when he pinched one nipple. Cade’s quiet hiss
filled the room. Her own nipples peaked, seemingly reaching for
Dalton to do the same to her.

This was madness—sheer and delicious torture.
The vibrations kicked on that moment and her mind went blank.

She was free to simply feel.

Dalton pushed away from Cade, leaving them both for a

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moment to cross to the other side of the room. There was a
steadiness in Cade’s gaze as she stared at him, and she used it
as a foothold to push away the throb that increased against her
clit. It cemented her and kept her grounded despite the far away
sensations she experienced right at the moment.

It was the only way she knew how to prevent herself from


Caught up in fighting her own body, she was startled when she

saw movement out of the corner of her eye. Her gaze left Cade’s
in order to see. Dalton carried something in his hand. A few items,
she corrected when she noted the dildo and a white tube. When
she realized Dalton intended to use the object on Cade, that
control she’d thought was so firmly in place broke. It took
everything inside her to keep from going over the edge and

“I see someone else has trouble listening.” Realizing her

mistake, Erin immediately snapped her gaze back to Cade.
Dalton’s footsteps sounded as he approached and her heart

He knelt and closed his fingers around her chin to turn her gaze

to meet his. “You’re new at this, but that won’t stop me from
punishing your disobedience.”

Panic sped through her body, causing her to gasp for air as her

chest burned from the rush of adrenaline. She started to speak,
but the words of apology caught in her throat when his stern gaze
stopped her.

He pulled her face closer to his. Somehow she doubted the

gleam in his eyes was because he found her behavior amusing.
“Your inability to follow instructions is disrespectful. Of the

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equipment I’ve bound you with, and of me personally. While I don’t
normally stand for such behavior, you’ll get one concession from
me since this is new. But if you don’t do as I say again, if you don’t
keep your eyes on Cade’s, I will blindfold you. Understood?”

Embarrassment flushed her skin. She hadn’t meant to do

something to upset him. This was obviously something she was
going to have to work on. “Yes.”

Dalton rose, releasing her. He resumed his position behind

Cade and continued as if he’d never come over to reprimand her.
She couldn’t fully see because of their positioning, but watched
Cade’s body language for a signal to what was being done to him.
He returned her stare, but Erin was certain he didn’t see her sitting
there any longer.

Cade’s eyes had lost focus as he was too far gone to Dalton’s


For long moments, the only movements in the room were ones

Erin wasn’t privy to. It both frustrated and aroused her. The vibrator
pressed against her clit didn’t help matters with its intense, and
unknown, pattern.

Cade’s body tensed as both of Dalton’s hands disappeared

behind the kneeling man. His erection strained forward and visibly
hardened even more as those brilliant green eyes glazed over.

Dalton’s hushed voice filled the room. “Look at her, Cade. So

open and waiting. I want you to think about how her cunt will taste
on your tongue as she rides your mouth. Or how it will feel with her
wrapped around your dick while I take you in the ass.”

Cade broke eye contact for a split second as his eyelids

fluttered closed. Dalton’s hand came around his side to surround
Cade’s cock. Those green eyes snapped open and found her

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gaze again as control rippled under his skin.

While she’d never experienced anything like this, she could tell

that it took everything in Cade’s power to manage the situation.
She couldn’t see what Dalton was doing to Cade, but she
determined that was the point. The tense set of all those long,
magnificently built muscles strained and shook from the effort.

The sight of it was delicious and she’d never been more turned-

on in her entire life.

“Fuck,” Cade slowly groaned out. Those eyes lost focus for a

second as his control faltered once more.

The vibrator kicked on, and she quietly cursed. She wasn’t sure

how much more of this she could take.

Without warning, her vision blurred and her body tensed.

Despite her best efforts otherwise, the sight of Cade’s reactions to
Dalton’s attention, and the vibrations assaulting her body, tipped
her over. The climax slammed into her hard, catching her off
guard. It stole her breath and shook her to her very core. Her limbs
quivered from the ferocity of the crashing wave.

Her body went limp even as it trembled from the shock of the

powerful climax. The rope burned against her skin as she strained
against it. The pain added to her release and caused the orgasm
to intensify instead of lessen. She was swamped with sensations
she didn’t know how to process, and finally surrendered to it

Her body still buzzed as Dalton reached down and unsnapped

the ring of leather surrounding Cade’s iron hardness. Done with it,
he tossed the implement to the side and took his time to unwind
the rope from Cade’s wrists. He didn’t appear to be in a hurry to
provide the most deserved orgasm.

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Dalton’s gaze met hers for the first time since he’d come over to

correct her. “Amazing how thirty minutes can be so informative.
Based on the fact you didn’t listen to me again, looks like I’m
going to be punishing you a lot. We’ll get to that in a minute as I
think Cade should be given a reward for listening so well after his
correction. Then you’ll understand what a sub receives when they
please me. Though, I imagine, he’s quite enjoyed the
consequence of his disobedience despite anything he’ll tell you
otherwise later.”

Cade’s voice was a quiet sigh of relief and he leaned forward to

support himself with shaky hands. Based on everything so far she
was surprised he didn’t blow well before now. Given a strict order,
he still listened even though he’d been released from the bonds.

Dalton turned away from her, pressing against Cade, and took

his time to trace his hand from shoulder to hip. His fingers scraped
over solid muscle, drawing through the sheen of sweat on the
surface. Finally, he reached around to fist his hand around Cade’s
engorged cock, pumping from root to tip with slow, drawn-out

He didn’t seem to be in any sort of hurry as his lover strained

and fought for control. Quiet moans of utter pleasure saturated the
air, but she was too far given over to the men to care if the noise
came from her or Cade.

It didn’t matter.
“Look at her. Sitting there in that chair, tied up and watching you.

That hunger in her eyes is for you—


. I can tell she’s surprised.

She didn’t realize she was going to be this turned-on.” His hand
moved to grip the base of Cade’s cock and eyes fluttered closed
as he squeezed.

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Dalton pressed his lips to Cade’s ear but spoke loud enough for

Erin to hear. “She blew faster than I was expecting. And I bet she
just came harder than she ever has before. I’m going to enjoy
punishing her after we’re done here. She’ll find out how it feels to
be bent over and strapped down to my spanking bench while my
hand turns that pretty ass of hers red.”

Cade’s body hitched as he let out a low moan.
“I look forward to the day I can have both your asses presented

high in the air for me.” Dalton smiled, quietly laughing as he began
to rapidly move his hand, pumping Cade’s straining shaft. “You
have permission to give me your release, Cade.”

That well-toned body finally yielded to the order it had been

given. As he came, he gave a powerful roar that ripped another
climax from Erin’s body.

Seconds later, the only sound in the room was Cade fighting for


Erin’s senses returned slowly and she noticed Dalton standing

over the shattered man. His chest moved rapidly as his body
seemed to be wired tight with tension. He knelt, running a gentle
hand over still trembling skin. Cade turned his face up to smile at
the man who’d dominated him so expertly. There was so much
emotion in that smile. So much feeling and depth.

Love, Erin amended.
Reaching behind him, Dalton pulled out a deep blue blanket and

covered Cade’s body. He leaned forward, pressing a tender kiss
to sweaty forehead as Cade curled under the fleece and basked
in the afterglow. Whispered words Erin couldn’t hear were
exchanged between the men and Dalton gave him another kiss,
this time directly on the lips.

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It was slow and sweet, and made Erin’s insides clench with the

affection the men shared. Despite the fact she’d just experienced
two of the most powerful orgasms of her life, her body reached for
both men.

Dalton pushed up and away, crossing to where Erin patiently

waited. He bent on one knee to bring himself eye level with her
and his mouth captured hers. He ravaged and demanded her
response. Fresh from an equally powerful kiss with Cade, she
tasted the other man on Dalton’s tongue and found herself
enamored with the combined taste.

It caused her to buzz like a live wire filled with electricity. She

opened for him and let him drink her. Her heart slammed, hitching
as Dalton shifted and deepened the kiss even more with a harsh
snarl. She struggled against the rope, wanting to drive her hands
into that thick mane of hair and pull him closer so she could fit
herself against him.

With a growl of protest Dalton severed the kiss.
“I see we’ll need to spend some time working on someone’s

control. And before you think otherwise, I will deliver your
punishment just as I described it to Cade.” He gave her a level
look as he flipped open the buckles on the harness. He tossed it to
the side, and moved around to loosen the rope that kept her firmly
in place. Once finished he cupped his hand around her head,
cradling it with a firm hand.

His words made her flush with shame and washed away the

warm glow of orgasm and the memory of Cade’s surrender. She
should have worked harder to follow the instructions she’d been
given. But she’d gotten caught up in the moment since she’d
wanted more.

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Dalton squatted, balancing his weight on the balls of his feet.

His fingers combed through her sweat-soaked hair. “It’s all right. I
didn’t expect you to actually be able to hold off. But I needed to
gauge your tolerance level.”

The reality of his statement crashed around her, sending her into

a slump she didn’t understand. The high vanished along with her
shame. It was replaced with anger.

“You purposefully set me up to fail,” she stated emphatically. Her

jaw bloomed with pain as she clenched her teeth to keep herself
from saying more.

“Yes, I did.” He offered a reluctant smile as he stood, but it did

nothing to erase her annoyance. “And now it’s time for you to
receive that lesson in following the orders you were given. Go over
to that bench in the corner, and bend over to present yourself to

This was not what she’d signed on for. The threat of a blindfold

was one thing, but spanking was another matter entirely. She did
the only thing she could think of.

Humiliated, she pushed away from the chair so violently it

crashed to the floor with a bang. Heat still flushing her face, she
grabbed her discarded clothing and left the motorcycle shop
without a glance to either man.

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Chapter Nine

The next morning, Erin’s feet beat a steady cadence as she

jogged down Main Street. The rhythm of her shoes against the
concrete cleared her head and let her think more clearly. She
couldn’t stop contemplating the events of last night while they were
still fresh in her mind.

She was angry. Hurt. Most of all, she was confused.
Everything Dalton and Cade told her leading up to the previous

evening gave no warning to some kind of test. This wasn’t high
school. She wasn’t a toddler who needed corporal punishment to
correct behavior. Where did Dalton get off treating her in such a

She was an adult who could clearly make her own decisions.

She didn’t need some overbearing ass to tell her she needed
some kind of passing grade before she could progress further.

Dalton had never given her a reason to doubt him. Until last

night. The behavior caught her off guard and she was furious with
him. She understood the corrective steps he’d spoke of when she
hadn’t looked where she’d been instructed, and she’d done as
he’d ordered. But the threat of a spanking had pushed her limits
because she didn’t understand the necessity of it.

Fueled by anger, she sped up. Her legs pumped as the miles

ticked away under her sneakers. With those miles came clarity.
She’d done something as equally childish. After the threat of a
spanking as punishment, she’d let her emotions propel her blindly
out of the shop without asking more questions. She could have

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used her safe word to stop everything and simply say she didn’t
understand what was going on.

But she’d never been put in a situation where she’d been

purposefully set up for failure, and she let it get the best of her. It
was obvious she hadn’t followed Dalton’s instructions but her body
had acted as if she had no control of it. Especially when the
atmosphere had been charged with pure sex.

Cade had been right there getting his rocks off so what the hell

was I supposed to do?

It wasn’t as if she hadn’t given it her best effort. Last night had

been anything but simple from the very start. They’d made it clear
they wanted her to be with them but yet they’d barely touched her
once they’d entered the room.

Why hadn’t Dalton at least given her some kind of advance

warning so she knew what was expected of her? So she could
have prepared herself for what Dalton had in mind? She needed
to know if she’d done something wrong. Maybe she’d said
something to make them change their minds and do a one-eighty
from how they’d acted at the club.

The club.

She still couldn’t get the image of what had played out on the

stage out of her mind. The Domme controlling her sub had
fascinated more than appalled, which just further added to Erin’s
confusion. She’d known this kind of thing took place but to see it
with her own eyes was something of a wonder.

Worse yet, she wanted to know more despite Dalton’s little test

the previous night and the fact she was pissed at him for it. Her
pace increased again as she gave a frustrated growl.

This had been what she’d hoped to avoid and why she’d

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continually denied them. She hadn’t even given anything and she’d
still gotten hurt. Curiosity had gotten the better of her and look what
had happened. She had woken this morning and still felt as if the
ropes around her wrists and ankles were still there. As if they were
imprinted permanently on her skin.

Damn him.

However much she cursed him—them—she couldn’t get the

image of the two of them together out of her mind. Of Dalton
working his hand over Cade’s cock. Of the passionate kiss the
men shared afterward. Even the burn of Dalton’s mouth against
hers as he’d kissed her.

It had been one hell of an introduction into their world. Was it

really for her? Did she have what it took to balance two men? To
handle the consequences in this kind of lifestyle if she didn’t

It was obvious she enjoyed spending time with them while doing

the most mundane things. Despite the heartbreaking fallout with
Billy, she missed having someone by her side to share things with.
As embarrassed as she was to admit it, she even missed waking
with a warm body beside her that she could curl against.

She knew she wouldn’t stay away from the dating pool forever,

but never in a million years would have thought she’d consider two
men as her welcome back into the fray. She’d always considered
herself adventurous, but where they’d all gone was entirely off the

The question was did she want to venture that far off the norm?
Frustration burned away—and left with only questions—her

pace slowed. She kept up a brisk walk to start the cool-down
process. Despite the chilly morning air, sweat still beaded on her

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skin and she would need a shower as soon as she returned home.

As she thought about home she took in her surroundings to see

just how much further she would have to go until she reached that
shower. It was then she noticed where she had blindly jogged to.

The Collington Creek jailhouse.
Maybe a few questions to Cade would be the best course of

action instead. He knew what Dalton was like and understood the
inner workings of his mind. Perhaps he even knew why Dalton felt
the need to test her. Certain he would be the one to shed some
light on this, she moved forward.

The one-room jailhouse was modest with enough room for the

desk immediately in front of her and one near the cell at the back.

“Can I help you?” the older woman behind the front desk asked

politely, which made Erin stop in her tracks.

Steeling herself, Erin stepped closer, smiling at the kindly face

that looked more appropriate for a rocking chair on a wide front
porch. She took note of the nameplate that bore the woman’s
name before she answered.

“Yes, Betty, I’d like to see the sheriff. If he’s not too busy right

now,” she added when she looked to the other desk and saw
Cade sitting with his head bowed and fingers splayed against his

He was hunched over, and from the looks of it, appeared to

study a piece of paper in front of him. His head suddenly came up
and his lips moved as he talked to himself quietly under his breath.
Paperwork shuffled then scattered as he looked for something of

Tension drew lines on his face, aging him well beyond his years

and a signal to her that he took his job very seriously. She started

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to rethink her choice to barge in here and demand answers.

“Of course, dear.” Betty pulled off her glasses and turned.

“Sherriff, you’ve got a visitor.”

A muttered curse died as Cade lifted his head and spotted Erin.

The harried look in his eyes vanished almost immediately and his
expression softened. Despite her anger, she was touched by the
fact she could do that to him. That her presence lightened
whatever stresses his job brought him.

Erin gave a warm smile to Betty as she passed and kept it in

place as she approached Cade’s desk. Maybe she hadn’t read
things all wrong. Certainly wouldn’t be the first time she’d
completely misread a man. She’d thought she had these two
figured out and then they’d certainly shocked the hell out of her last

“Hey.” He rose from his chair, brushing a kiss to her cheek.

“What brings you by?”

She pushed her sweaty hair from her eyes as she grimaced. “I

wanted to talk. Maybe get a few answers. But if you’re busy, we
can just do it later. I need to grab a shower anyway.”

“Nope. Schedule’s clear.” He pushed the paperwork to the side

and grabbed his hat as his hand settled at the small of her back.
Excess arousal from last night still coiled in her belly and
reawakened the second he made contact. Her body reacted to his
touch before she could stop it. His fingers flinched against her shirt
and it settled her nerves a little.

She needed him to be as anxious as she was right now and it

clearly seemed to be the case.

He covered it perfectly and nodded to the dispatcher as they

passed. “Betty, you want to defer any calls if someone rings in? I’m

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going to take a stroll with Ms. Corvus here.”

They took a right as soon as they exited, which put them in the

heart of town. Though it was mid-morning, Main Street was full of
small-town bustle.

“I expected to see you a bit sooner,” Cade stated.
She waited until they were out of earshot of a few older men

sitting in front of a barbershop. This wasn’t something she wanted
to share.

“I’ll be the first to admit I didn’t expect to come here. I’m still

upset about what happened, mostly because I don’t understand. I
trusted you both and I feel as if you both dismissed me without a
second thought. Now that I really think about it, guess I should be
talking to both of you.”

Cade nodded to a man in a rocker, and Erin noticed a trend.

One that reminded her why she enjoyed this type of life over the
bright lights, big city one she’d left. “Think both of us figured you’d
have questions. We can have this conversation with Dalton
included if you like. I’m sure he’s at the shop.”

Talking to them both at the same time seemed like a good idea

—in theory at least. However, there was clearly a reason she found
herself at the jailhouse. Unconsciously, she needed to get a few
answers from Cade first. The mind-blowing orgasms certainly
made her want more. But her head told her to stop thinking with
her pussy.

Determined, she plowed ahead. “I think I’d like to talk to you

alone first, if that’s all right. I assume you know why I’m here in the
first place.”

“Yes. You undoubtedly have many of the same questions I once


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“Then I hope I can get some answers.”
He pointed to an opening between two buildings and she

turned, walking down the narrow alley. Unfamiliar with this part of
town, she hesitated, but Cade pushed against her lower back to
encourage her to continue forward.

The wall ended and opened into a garden area, complete with

lattice work and stone benches. It was one of those benches he
gestured to and she sat, fascinated with the peace and utter calm
that surrounded the area.

They were alone here with no threat of interruption from the older

locals. Based on that, she decided to speak freely. “It’s…not what I

The laughter in his eyes made her stomach do a somersault.

“Very rarely is. Did you enjoy yourself at least? It certainly looked
that way. At least until you used your safe word.”

“Yes,” she answered easily to give him that. After she’d been

allowed to watch him lose control he should know how she felt.
“But my brain is having a hard time processing it, I think. I’m
worried you both want something from me that I don’t want in

“And that is?”
She bit her lip in hesitation. It seemed ludicrous to be unwilling

to admit to her doubts after they’d both been stripped down so
thoroughly by Dalton. With a deep breath she made herself
continue. If she didn’t, she would wonder for the rest of her life. “I
don’t know. What exactly do you two want from me?”

“I thought that would be quite obvious. We want you to enjoy

yourself. Find pleasure with us as Dalton shows you exactly what
you want from him. You’re the one that asked for him to show you

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that piece of himself. Having second thoughts now because you
didn’t like the idea of facing a punishment you rightfully earned?”

She nodded and drew her hands into tight fists, looking away

because she couldn’t face the truth if that was indeed the case.
She wanted so much for it not to be though. “I don’t know if I can
give up that much, Cade.”

A gentle hand tucked under her chin, turning her face so she

saw his expression. She’d worried him even though that hadn’t
been her intention.

“Hear me out first before you decide, please. You needed to

understand, fully, what you’re up against before submitting to
Dalton. I can guarantee that is what last night was about. Showing
you exactly the kind of thing you’re going to go through if you
decide this is something for you. Let me ask you something. Did
you feel anything change once you stepped inside the room?”

She’d noticed. The dynamic had shifted as soon as she’d

crossed the threshold. “Yes. He owned that room with everything
he was. It was as if I had no choice but to do what he wanted. But I
wanted it too.”

She gathered her courage and asked the question that had

plagued her since she’d watched first the submissive at the club
and then Cade’s surrender to Dalton. “What’s it like?”

“I assumed that would be a bit obvious,” he answered smugly.
Vivid images of watching Cade come flashed in her mind,

tightening that fist in her gut. Somehow it gave her courage. She
wanted to understand. Needed to. What happened in that room
wasn’t just a flash in the pan. At least not to her. “No, I mean fully
surrendering. Giving up complete and utter control.”

He let his hand lower, took her hand up in his and traced his

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fingers over an unseen pattern at the base of her wrist. He
seemed to know exactly where the rope still felt as if it sat against
her skin. She made herself focus on what Cade had to say. On
how he’d looked completely spent under the blanket.

“But you’re mistaken. Being a submissive isn’t about giving up

control. It’s about having it.”

In a mind already filled with questions his statement didn’t make

sense. “How is something like that possible? How can someone
tied up on their knees have control? Aren’t you helpless?” She
knew that was how she’d felt secured to that chair with no choice
but to watch. “Now I think I’m more confused than ever,” she

His touch firmed and he pulled their joined hands into his lap.

The hand that had been caressing her wrist lifted to her chin and
he tugged, pulling her face toward his again.

“At any point the sub is the one who can stop the scene. That

sub can pull out the safe word, if one has been enacted, and the
understanding is the Dom stops. The Dom is also the one who
takes care of everything the sub needs. Before, during and after.
It’s more about trust than a power trip. And believe it or not it’s not
about sex.”

“Really?” she asked, startled. “That’s the last thing I would have


“Yes, as hard as that may be to believe. It’s about faith and

communication. Relying on someone to catch you when you falter.
Trusting someone else to give you what you need even when you
don’t know you need it yourself.”

She’d seen that right in front of her, twice over last night, and

she hadn’t understood until right this very moment. “How did you

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figure out you were into this sort of thing?”

“How did you?” he countered.
She blushed. “I don’t think I really have. That’s the problem.”
Evidently, he took pity on her and answered. “I think it dates

back to when I a teenager. That’s around the time I figured out that
I liked both sexes. Or it was the blowjob that Matt Stiger gave me
under the bleachers when I was fifteen. The military quelled
anything more for me while I did my time. Mostly because I didn’t
have the luxury to focus on a personal life.”

“Was your job stressful?”
Cade gave a quiet snort. “You can say that. I was a Navy SEAL.

High stress, minimal payoff and shitty family life. But I wouldn’t
trade it for the world. Once I was out, though, I realized I liked
certain things. Noticed I always wanted that little bit more.
Something I could never put my finger on. A friend pointed out
Second Circle and the first time someone locked me into a pair of
handcuffs, I was a goner.”

She knew that feeling because it was still so fresh in her mind.

She’d known the moment Dalton secured her wrists this was how
she was meant to be. Sex without this something more would
never happen for her again.

“It was the thing you’d been looking for?”
He nodded. “The start of it at least.”
“Is that why you finally became a cop?”
His bark of laughter filled her with warmth that spread down to

her toes. “No. I wanted to change the world. Still do, according to
Dalton. Being a cop has nothing to do with my proclivities for sex.”

His finger continued its pattern. “Now that you know and are a

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little more educated about this I suspect you’ll have much more
involvement. That is, if you express your intention to move forward
and clear the air with Dalton.”

As Erin sat there, everything clicked into place. Cade’s careful

explanation just moments ago suddenly made sense. She hadn’t
fully understood it, even at the club, because the terms didn’t
match the reality before her eyes. The threat of punishment had
made her angry enough to not understand. “That’s what you mean
about the sub having control.”

“Bingo.” His hand came up, cradling her jaw. “You hold the cards

to decide. That choice is strictly up to you, not Dalton. Not even
me. You simply have to say you don’t want to get involved further
and we’ll just all remain really good friends.

“But you should know you aren’t the third wheel in this, Erin. You

never will be. We’re all going into this with eyes wide open. There
aren’t any games. No behind the back deals between Dalton and
me just so we can fuck you. You fascinate us. We want to know
more about you and let you know more about us.”

She opened her mouth to respond but was brought up short as

his thumb grazed over her lips. “I will say this however. And please
don’t read this as I’m trying to sway you either. But just try. Fully,
once. Let Dalton put you in subspace and then you can decide if
you want to walk away from the experience.”

Confusion caused her anticipation to lessen even though she

was still a little foggy on what she wanted out of this arrangement.
Something told her she would get those answers when she spoke
with Dalton.

“What’s subspace?”
He smiled through a long pause before answering. “Very, very

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hard to put into words. It’s like you go into another world. That
you’re someplace where nothing can touch you. It’s a natural high
that nothing else can duplicate. Dalton is an expert at finding that
place inside you. That’s mainly what he taught at Second Circle.
Aside from how to handle subs, read them better than they know
themselves, at least.”

Even though they’d explained some of what Dalton had done at

the time he’d worked at the club, it still caught her by surprise. “He
taught classes on this kind of thing?”

“In a sense. It’s not something that can be taught easily in a

classroom setting like you’re thinking. It doesn’t even require sex
but it does help because you can use the pleasure to help the

She recalled Linn and Angie at the club. The tight lengths of

pipe. The seemingly awkward position. “Some people get off on
pain, right?”

“Yes, they do. It’s a natural high itself. Dalton is very good at

finding what your balance point is. The point at which you’ll spill
over if he exploits it,” he added when she gave him a curious
glance. “The type of punishment he offers falls in line with that. His
corrective action fits the crime, so to speak. The blindfolding, for
instance, was appropriate for not looking where he said.”

“And the spanking?”
“Again, entirely appropriate behavior correction. Some could

say you behaved childishly by not following the directions given.
Therefore, he chose spanking. Between you and me it’s not a
spanking like you think. Yes, there is humiliation and pain, but
Dalton is a master at tempering that pain.”

“This is all just so…” Cade gave her an expectant smile and she

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returned it before she finished her sentence. “Amazing.
Astounding. Confusing. I can’t seem to process it all at once. My
brain keeps short-circuiting on all this information.”

He nodded as he fit his hand under her jaw and lifted her mouth

to his. The kiss was slow and patient just like the explanation he’d
just given her. His tongue slipped between her lips, sweeping
through her mouth to gift her with a sense of comfort. But there was
still possession in the gesture and the heat of it branded her.

They parted, almost reluctantly, and she struggled to catch her

breath as he spoke. “No one’s asking you to have all the answers
at once. Least of all me. You’re the only one who can make up your
mind. Regardless of what Dalton or I tell you. But remember, the
punishments aren’t there all the time as long as you listen. And
subspace isn’t something to aspire to every single time. It’s too

“It’s also not the goal, right?”
“Correct. It’s an experience. Not a destination.”
Regardless of how tempting what Cade offered sounded, she

couldn’t give in easily despite how that kiss made her world spin
off kilter. “I think I need a few days to think this over.”

Cade nodded in response and gave her a wide smile. “I think

that’s warranted. Take all the time you need. We’ll wait for as long
as it takes.”

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Chapter Ten

A few days later, at the only bar in Collington Creek, Dalton

played with his beer glass. As his fingers ran over the surface of
the smooth container it reminded him of a toy he’d once seen at
Second Circle.

He’d watched a Dom use it on a sub who was particularly fond

of hot and cold sensation play. The smooth glass instrument could
be frozen or heated depending on the user’s wants. The sloping
curve of the shape reminded him of Erin and that in turn reminded
him of the silence she’d given recently.

It wasn’t out of the ordinary to confront this kind of wall when it

came to someone this new to the lifestyle. Given the nature of the
conversation Cade said he had with her, it was expected. But the
longer the silence from her drew out, the more concerned he
became. It also caused him to question the close friend who sat off
to his side.

“You ever share partners, Adam?”
“At the same time? No. You’re the only one to hold that honor,

man.” Adam shifted in his seat, leaning forward so he could speak
in a lower voice. His straight sandy blond hair fell over his whiskey-
colored eyes but he made no move to brush it away. “You got
something cooking?”

“I’m not sure.” Dalton stared at a point on the wall in front of him

and thought about recent events. By the way Erin responded to the
commands he’d given her she was naturally submissive. He could
order her to do more, participate instead of observing from the

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sidelines, and he had no doubt she would do it without question.
But that’s not what he wanted.

It was easy to gauge her interest based on how her body

reacted even if she wasn’t sure herself. She had let her head get
involved in the mix and it clouded things. He just didn’t know if it
was his responsibility to show her she was capable of so much
more than she thought.

“Lay it on me. I’ve got nothing but time right now.”
Dalton tilted his head and remembered he hadn’t seen Adam at

the club when they’d taken Erin there. It was unusual as Adam
once joked about spending the majority of his free time at the
establishment. At least that’s how Dalton remembered it when
they’d worked at the club together.

“Not training anyone at the club right now?”
“Nope. Latest recruit actually fell for his sub. I stood as his best

man last month.” Adam snorted as he shook his head but Dalton
saw the quick flash of a grin.

“Good for him. He deserves it. Not too often someone can find

someone else they can share their lifestyle choices with and love
them at the same time.”

Dalton wanted that. Problem was, in a very short amount of time,

he’d come to discover he didn’t want it from just one person. But
he’d been down that road before and it had ended very badly for
all parties involved. He wasn’t looking for a repeat.

“So, back to you. Still seeing the sheriff? I assume you properly

celebrated his promotion last month by putting him in his place
and reminding him who is really in charge.” Adam’s dark eyes
glinted in the low light of the bar.

“Yeah,” Dalton answered with a grin.

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Of the former employees at Second Circle, Adam was one of

the only ones who knew Dalton and Cade had been extremely
familiar with each other for some time. While he wasn’t often quiet
about whom he chose to spend time with in such a fashion,
something had made Dalton want to keep quiet about Cade.

If he was going to arrive at any conclusions however, he would

have to fully disclose his intentions to Adam. “Been seeing Erin
Corvus too.”

Adam’s expression tightened with surprise. “A woman?


Familiar with that knowing tone, Dalton rushed forward to

explain. “She owns a graphic-design studio. Asked her to work up
some new logos for the shop. Does damn good work.” Such good
work he wanted to talk to her about doing some of the artwork on
the tanks of his custom bikes when a customer requested it. The
artist he used now was two hours away and Blackbird Designs
would definitely be more convenient.

“You juggling them?”
Dalton shrugged. “Don’t think


is the right term.”

“Okay, then clarify it for me.”
“She had dinner with us. Hung out for a few weeks, just as

friends. Went to a concert at the faire.”

Adam gave Dalton a perceptive look. “Just as friends, right?”
Dalton snorted and took a sip of his beer. “At first. Then things

got a little heated. She ended up at the club with us because I
wanted her to know a little more about what she was possibly
getting herself into. Angie and Linn were there doing a scene.”

“I heard that night was an intense evening for them from Rob.

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Bet it was a sight to see. Sorry I missed it but I had some evidence
that needed to be processed and couldn’t get out of it. Anything
happen between you three there?”

Adam was a physical therapist with the Army at Fort Gillem and

it was rare for his job to interfere with his interests. There was
more to that story, but Dalton would have to ask for more details
later. He shook his head in answer to Adam’s question and trailed
a finger through the water that had beaded in front of him.

“Nothing much really. Some heavy petting, touching. She’s a

natural at submission even if she doesn’t know it yet.”

“End up behind the shop?”
“Yeah but not how you think.” He swallowed and let the images

play over in his mind about how the night had progressed. The
sight of her bound and helpless as she rode a hands-free vibe
caused a tingle at the base of his dick, and he shifted in

He made himself focus on the discussion with Adam. “Tied her

up in a chair with a clit vibe on and never touched her beyond that.
Put a ring on Cade and made her watch while I jacked him off. She
did a few things that weren’t in line with what she was supposed to
do, which I expected. Pulled her safe word and left. Expected that

Adam barked out a bit of laughter and reached over to slap

Dalton’s shoulder in a companionable gesture. “Damn, man, I think
you just became my fucking hero.”

“Just wish it was simpler,” Dalton responded with a grimace.

He’d already begun to wonder what the hell was wrong with him.
He’d never gotten this caught up in someone so quickly. Distance
had always been spread out in some form or fashion because

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that’s what he dictated.

“It’s sex,” Adam offered simply, pulling Dalton from his thoughts.

“Can’t get much more simple than that.”

Dalton remembered the story about Billy. The heartbreak had

showed on her face even as she’d shared that bit of information. It
was still a fresh wound. Not that he blamed her. She’d put herself
out there and the man had trampled all over her as if she could
simply be discarded like a child’s toy.

“She’s complicated. Doesn’t want a relationship with anyone

right now. Least of all two men. Which was one of the reasons I
didn’t touch her.”

“Sounds right. You respected her limits and boundaries.

Needed to see what she could handle. Doesn’t sound that
complicated to me. Enjoy it.”

“Problem is I think I want more.” Dalton shifted in the seat,

leaning against the high bar in front of him. “I don’t know. For the
first time in a long time, I just don’t know what I want. It’s usually
been so clear cut and now—”

“It’s scaring the hell out of you because of what happened

before, isn’t it? Have you said anything?”


It’s too fucking soon.

Adam seemed shocked. “Nothing?”
The astonished tone of Adam’s question bothered Dalton.

Mostly because he knew his friend was going to scold him for not
being more forthright. “Cade knows, obviously. Not Erin though.”

Adam frowned. “She’s going to need to know. Especially if you

let this go any further. Full disclosure, man. Those are the rules.”

Dalton knew what the rules were. He’d put most of them in place

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for the staff at Second Circle. They were regulations he believed
were necessary for the utmost pleasure for all parties involved.
Without them no one was safe. Yet, he’d given in to his heart once
and broken some of those rules.

“Yeah, I know.”
Adam leaned back and drummed his fingers on the bar as he

slung his arm over the empty chair beside him. “You know but
you’re not inclined to rush out and offer up a failure, are you?
That’s a dangerous position for a Top to be in since you’re mixing
the two.”

“Exactly.” Everything Adam said was one hundred percent spot

on. Dalton knew better than to push boundaries and step into
unknown territory. What he didn’t understand was why he wanted
more than just a simple D/s relationship. One where Erin was fully
involved and Cade was added into the mix as well.

He hadn’t wanted something of that level in a long time and the

thought of it unsettled him.

Adam was quiet as he studied Dalton for a few moments. He

finally shook his head and finished off his drink. “You really know
how to get yourself into some complicated situations, don’t you?
You could break it off with both of them.”

Dalton had already thought of that and it wasn’t something he

wanted to entertain further. “Rather not.”

Adam’s laughter told Dalton he was more than amused by the

response. “Then I think you’ve got your answer. I’ve got to head out
if I want to get to the club in time for my shift. Should I look for you
there anytime soon?” He clapped Dalton on the shoulder as he
pushed away.

Dalton finished off the last of his beer and wondered if he should

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have another. He had a bike that needed to be finished and he’d
been avoiding anything more than a simple phone call with Cade.
He wanted to get a firm handle on this whole situation first before
anything more happened.

Cade had hinted at the fact he’d noticed a subtle change in

Dalton but he’d brushed it off as nothing more than the residual
effect of pent-up sexual energy. He didn’t want to tempt that beast
again. “Probably not.”

“Shame. Would be nice to have the big man back at the helm.”
That statement worried him about the state of the club. “Is Diane

not doing a sufficient job?”

A frown pulled down the corners of Adam’s mouth. “Not what I

meant. She’s good, and knows her stuff. And she’s not afraid to be
firm when it’s needed but…”

“Not me, right?” When he’d decided to walk away, he’d signed

the club over to Diane Blankenship with every faith she could
handle the responsibility in addition to her Domme duties. Thanks
to his personality and need for control, he still quietly checked up
on her from time to time.

Recently he’d found she’d taken on less time in the club

because the business aspect of it all consumed her time. He
remembered that well and didn’t envy her for a second. “Give me a
call if things get too out of hand around there.”

“Thought that was the point of the club in the first place.” Adam

winked and Dalton turned back to his glass to find it full again. It
appeared that someone had decided about that drink for him.

The Red Oak’s owner, Brian O’Malley, stood on the other side

of the long counter with a beer in his own hand. He gestured
toward the full glass. “On the house. You look like you could use it.”

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“Thanks. Just been one of those weeks.”
“Stress?” Brian scoffed. “For the carefree, hedonistic Dalton

Shaw? Say it isn’t so.”

Dalton snorted and shook his head in response. “Piss off,


Those ruddy eyebrows of Brian’s lifted. “You’re in a right foul

mood, aren’t you?”

Dalton rubbed a hand over his face. “Damn it. I moved out here

to simplify my life and now it seems to be more complicated than

“Love does that to a man.” Dalton jerked in response and gave

Brian a wry look. At first, Brian simply grinned, but it wasn’t long
before he explained. “I’m a barkeeper. I see all manner of
problems weighing heavily on people’s shoulders from a mile
away. You, my friend, are carrying Mt. Rushmore around with you.
Weight that heavy? Gotta be love.”

It wasn’t love, Dalton assured himself, not at this point. But there

was a weight on Dalton’s shoulders that needed to go away. He
tossed a few bills up on the counter and gave Brian a nod of
thanks before he left without a word.

Later, the shrill ring of the phone in his office caused Dalton to

dash across the bay to reach it in time. His knee contacted hard
with the aluminum desk he barely used and he rubbed it as he
palmed the receiver. “Shaw.”

“I need for you to tell me why.” Erin’s accent, rich with emotion,

nearly brought him to his knees.

He forced himself to remain collected despite the fact triumph

filled him to the brim. She’d come to him, just as he’d allowed her
to. It had been in her own time and way because that’s what she

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“Well, hello to you too, sweetness.”
Her nervous laughter warmed him from the inside out and was

an indication they had just taken a step on the path to redemption.
“Sorry, I needed to do that before I lost my nerve. I’m just confused.
I think there need to be ground rules.”

Erin had said those same words at the club but Dalton equated

it to nervousness on her part. The statement was useful and meant
she wanted to get to the business of things so they weren’t
clouded with emotion. Not that he minded in the least. It
uncomplicated matters.

But not everything.

“There always are. If you hadn’t already determined, I don’t work

any other way. Thought we already covered this?”

“I know.” She paused, heaving out a sigh. “I’m new to this, sorry.

I just don’t wish for you to treat me any differently. But something
still doesn’t sit right with me and that’s why I need to know.”

Knee throbbing, he lowered himself into the office chair. “Oh

sweetness, I will treat you differently but not because this is foreign

“I just meant I don’t want you to roll out the red carpet for me or


“You’ll get star treatment. But not because you’re special.

Besides, can’t have those delicate knees of yours getting burned. I
will say this and hope it clears up your confusion. Having two subs
is a dicey situation for a Dom. Add in bondage and some D/s play
and I have some very rocky ground to navigate. You’re not the only
one with something on the line.”

“But that doesn’t explain why you felt the need to test me like you

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did. I need some kind of answer, Dalton, or this is going to stop
before it even has a chance to get to that point.”

Damn, she was fiery and tenacious. “Fine. Answer me honestly.

Did you truly try to hold back your climax? Were you trying to hold it
back because you were ordered to or because you wanted to
please me?”

There was a quiet pause before she answered. “I tried. I did.

With everything I possibly could. But…I just couldn’t. I wanted to
obey you.”

Her voice trailed off at the end and a small zing of

accomplishment raced through him. “That’s what I wanted to hear.
You can be taught control, Erin. But I can’t teach want. You have it
and I had to test you in order to see that you weren’t there because
Cade or I cajoled you into it. I didn’t do it to humiliate or disrespect
you even when I talked of punishment.”

A soft cough caught his attention and he looked over to find

Cade in the doorway. “But I have to say I see a dichotomy in this
situation I quite like. Cade has pristine control whereas you do not.
At some point, if you decide to continue, I can see the advantage.”

The silence of the line didn’t worry him. The heavy sigh she gave

before speaking did.

“Thank you for answering me.” Despite her thanks, hesitation

tainted her voice. “But I have to say I still have some reservations.”

He nodded, shifting his hold on the phone. “You wouldn’t be

human if you didn’t. I expect if you had been able to control the
release the first time out of the gate I would have questioned your
motives and your inexperience.”

“You mean you have concerns as well?” The surprise in her

voice indicated she hadn’t expected his confession.

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“Of course. I wouldn’t suggest you take up with a Dom who

didn’t. One who doesn’t worry about all the angles has absolutely
no business in this kind of lifestyle in the first place. They’re just out
to bully and intimidate. Both things that have no place in this
lifestyle. Does that help assuage your fears?”

She hesitated again, which was understandable considering the

unknowns she faced. “Somewhat. I still have some uncertainties
that I just don’t know how to deal with.”

He wanted to soothe those away, give her exactly what she

needed in order to feel as if she belonged between them. But she
was the only one who could determine that. “Expected. But I want
to be clear about something.”

“Go on.”
He pressed on, knowing they would all benefit. “I expect you to

answer when I ask a question. I’m not a Dom who needs my ego
stroked by having you call me Master. You are your own person
and I will never—


—take that away from you.

“On that same note I do expect you to abide by my rules. They

are firm and I’m unwilling to waver on them in any fashion. You are
not my slave and I will not carelessly dismiss what you say.
However, you have to let me take care of you when you’re in my

“You may get some resistance. At least at first. I’m trying to

adjust to this. I want to, really. I just need you to have patience with

“Which I fully expect. And, just so we’re clear, that resistance will

be dealt with accordingly. It’s for you to decide if you are willing to
accept both sides of this. You can’t have it one way and not the
other. Understand?”

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“Yes. I do.”
Based on her answer, he really did want to continue this

conversation in person. He needed to see her face, her body
language, in order to gauge her reaction better. “Are you working

“Is that a question or a command?”
The fact she had to ask was exactly why she needed to be here.

“More of a request.”

Her light laughter drifted through the phone line and everything

inside him wanted to hear that raspy Texas drawl of hers as he
rode her. And even as she rode Cade.

“I was planning to leave in ten minutes. So, no, I’m not working

and I’ll be at the shop shortly after I leave here.” Erin ended the call
without another word.

Dalton hung up the phone and slipped the rest of the way out of

his jacket. Cade eased his hip against the corner of the desk.
“Guess she’s still talking to us?”

“Appears so.” He settled himself into his high-backed office

chair and stared out past Cade. So much was going to ride on
what happened in the next few hours and he didn’t want to make a

“You’re quiet. Everything all right?”
Dalton turned his attention back to Cade and noticed the first

two buttons were undone on his uniform shirt. It indicated he had
the rest of the night off. His mind immediately started formulating
an idea. “Just working some things out in my head.”

“Ah, the mental preparation you always talk about.” Cade slid a

sheet of paper out of the way as he pushed back to sit. “You know I
answered what I could when she stopped by to see me. But I did

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divert the majority of it to you.”

Cade had been in the lifestyle long enough to know how the

dynamics of a D/s relationship worked. The fact he’d left some
questions open was a sign he took his submissive stance
seriously. Dalton had never doubted, but it was always nice to see
such a display of it.

“She’ll have more questions for both of us.” Deciding a reward

of some kind was in order since his submissive had pleased him,
Dalton rose to bracket his hands on either side of Cade’s body.

“I eased a few worries and alleviated some of her concerns. But

figured there would be more based on her doubts.” Cade’s mouth
lifted on one side into one of his patented carefree smiles Dalton
admired. “Did tell her about subspace.”

“Did you?” Dalton pushed closer, mirroring the position he’d had

Erin in when he’d first kissed her. The feel of Cade’s body was
different, as he expected, but somehow the similarity astounded
him. “Seems as if I’m going to be held to a higher standard now
that she knows.”

“Didn’t expect me to keep a secret, did you?”
“Certainly not.” In fact, he was glad Cade and Erin had talked. It

made one less thing he would have to worry about.
Communication was something he insisted on. It was a vital part of
this kind of lifestyle.

He leaned in, breathing in the earthy scent of Cade’s aftershave

as he took his lover’s mouth slow and easy. At the first touch of his
tongue against Cade’s, Dalton’s body betrayed him.

Relaxation morphed into arousal in a flash. Everything about

Cade made him want to consume the man. Fuck away the tension
that strained through his body. His balls were heavy with come as

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they demanded a release by any means necessary.

Here and now.
Dalton was normally a patient man. He’d been trained to have

the fortitude to see to his submissive’s needs over his own. It was
a necessity in order to handle times where his want demanded to
rule. But this was a moment where that patience broke.

Cade’s hands wrapped Dalton’s wide shoulders, giving anchor

to the chaos that devastated Dalton with its power. Tongues
tangled between gasps for air. Teeth nipped at sensitive flesh and
dragged out deep groans of pleasure from both men as they
broke away.

“Do you have any fucking clue what you do to me?” The tenor of

the question from Cade caused Dalton to growl softly. He moved
closer, pressing a savage kiss over Cade’s mouth.

His fingers worked to get between the tan shirt and over the

yards of hard, sculpted muscle. He poured all his recent frustration
into the kiss and the man took it, demanding more as he held him

What would life be without this?

The kiss grew desperate, and just as Dalton shifted his hands

around Cade’s waist to pull him closer, he became aware of
another body in the room. The roar in his head fell silent as that
minty mixture of Erin’s scent filled his nose. Kissing Cade while
that delicious scent slowly inundated the air nearly unmade him.

“You know, I seem to possess this uncanny knack for walking in

at the wrong time.” At the strained notes in her voice, Dalton broke
away and found Erin staring at them with wide eyes.

She inhaled sharply, holding her hand up to her chest as she

released a slow, calming breath. “Then again, maybe it’s not the

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wrong time after all.”

Her turquoise eyes sparkled with amusement. She shrugged out

of her jacket and laid it neatly on the long table he used for a filing

Dalton pushed himself away from Cade and shoved his hands

into his pockets in order to keep from crossing to her. Taking her
in a kiss as rough as the one he’d just shared with the man he’d
been with for years wouldn’t be right.

It was best to stall for time as he settled himself. It was

remarkably hard considering the level of fierce want roaring
through his body. Kissing her right now would mean an utter loss of
control for him and that control was something he took pride in.
He’d nearly lost it already. That kind of slip would annoy him to no

A quick glance at the clock on the wall told him something about

her. “Five minutes. In quite a bit of a rush, weren’t you?”

“And yet you two couldn’t wait,” she replied.
Cade’s laugh caused Erin to smile and amplified the illicit

thoughts that ran through Dalton’s mind. He wanted them both
naked and bound. Their bodies available to him so he could give
them the pleasure they so richly deserved.

Feeling as if they had a clean slate, he repeated the question

asked not so long ago. “So, Erin, tell me something. Have you
ever entertained the idea of taking two lovers?”

Amusement flashed in her eyes at his questioning tease and

she leaned against the door as she shrugged. “Probably in some
fantasy buried so far down I’m not even sure I’d admit to it. My
feeling is fantasies should just remain fantasies. The reality never

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“But you’re faced with the possibility to make that fantasy a

reality. It can’t hurt to try.”

Her expression fell and became serious. “That’s not true.”
“How so?” He did cross to her then as he couldn’t stand the

thought of the room separating them any longer.

“If something goes wrong, one of us falls deeper than someone

else, someone is going to get hurt.”

So that’s what was wrong and what held her back even though

he could clearly read her body language. “Is that your problem?
You’re anticipating someone getting hurt?”

Her hair shifted as she shook her head and he reached up to

skim his hand over her nape. “No, of course not. It’s just always a

Somehow, he got the impression she wasn’t being completely

honest. “You need to let go of those possibilities, Erin. Enjoy what
life is offering you.” His hand slipped away from her neck,
caressing down her shoulder to take her hand in his. “Now what’s
your answer?”

“Yes,” she said quietly without pause. “I want two lovers. I want

you both.”

A quick gesture to Cade had the man following them and, as

they walked to that secret room of his, Dalton finally spoke. “You,
sweetness, are in for one hell of a ride.”

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Chapter Eleven

“Clothes off, both of you. When you’re done, Cade, go to the


Like last time, Cade stripped off his clothes without hesitation.

The courage to take off her clothes came easier this time. She
flipped open the button on her pants as Cade made his way over
to the piece of equipment Dalton referred to. He turned once he
got there and leaned against the table.

He did nothing to hide himself and the sight of his erection gave

her the fuel she needed to remove the rest of her clothing without
pause. Now she stood before Dalton completely nude.

Her nerves were on high alert and she forced herself to relax

and enjoy. It was remarkably hard because at least behind her
clothing, she had something to hide her. This way she was totally
exposed. Confidence that Dalton would stay true to his word kept
her here. She would never know if this was something she could
handle if she didn’t commit fully.

“Come here,” Dalton said, gesturing for her to move toward him.

With each step some of her confidence faltered, but she pulled it
back into place, determined she would see this out to completion,
even if only once.

“Very good. I’m going to put you in a position where you can’t do

anything but accept what you’re given.” The words didn’t sound as
ominous as she thought they could have. “I expect you to use your
safe word if you’re uncomfortable with anything. Do you remember

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“Yes. Blackbird.”
“Good. Based on your abrupt departure last time, I expect you to

be tempted to pull that safety net far sooner than you need. Give
careful consideration before you do. Right now this is just about
finding what works and what doesn’t. For all of us.”

Erin swallowed and nodded, flicking her tongue out to lick dry

lips. Nervous anticipation made her stomach tie in knots and—


God’s sake

—her palms were sweating. How was she supposed to

be sexy when she was nervous? This was supposed to be new
and exciting.

Dalton’s mouth skimmed over her knuckles and brought her

back to the here and now. “Stay with me for right now. Your brain is
imagining so many possibilities that you can’t keep up. Am I
right?” At her nod, he continued. “For right now just go along with
this. This is the only way you’re going to know if this is really for

“I know. I just—” His fingers pressed against her lips to silence


“Cade, come back over here and show her.”
A warm body snuggled up tight against hers and the pressure in

her chest eased. In fact, a sense of utter peace washed over her
as both men surrounded her. They both alleviated her tension,
though some worries still remained. She pushed them aside,
determined to see this through now that she’d committed.

“That’s our girl.” Dalton’s soft murmur washed over her as

Cade’s mouth pressed a light kiss on the sensitive skin under her

Dalton held up a roll of something that appeared to be duct

tape. “Bondage tape. Sticks to itself and not you. I’m only

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interested in marking your skin in other ways. Both of you come
with me.”

He pulled her away and both she and Cade followed Dalton to

the long narrow table in the center of the room.

As they approached, she estimated the height to be about hip

high. “This is a bondage table, isn’t it?”

“Someone’s been researching.” Dalton ran a loving hand over

the deep brown wood. “A friend of mine makes these. This one is
specially built and reinforced underneath with a bit of my welding

“Safety first, right?” she joked halfheartedly.
Once at the table she reached out to touch it. The leather was

chilly, but quickly warmed to her body temperature within a few
seconds. It provided minimal cushioning but given the nature of the
furniture, comfort wasn’t evidently high on the priority list.

Dalton had been correct. In her curiosity to gain more familiarity

with the lifestyle, she’d done some research on the internet.
Bondage tables had been high on the search results, so she knew
exactly what they were used for.

Or at least thought she did.
Something told her she’d really find out before the night was


“Pull out the center section, Cade. We won’t need it.”
Dalton tossed the roll of bondage tape to him and pulled Erin’s

face around to his. “The tape is really just another way to bind you
and isn’t much different from the rope. I chose it to give you
another sensation and learn a different means of bondage. And I

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have to add that I think I’ll find it extremely sexy to look down and
see your forearms secured to the table.”

Erin closed her eyes, swallowed the last of her trepidation. If she

was going to do this, she would give it everything she had. As she
opened her eyes again, Dalton closed the distance between their
lips and kissed her. He was slow and patient, evoking responses
deep inside her core that soothed her doubts.

Heat bloomed between her legs and she gasped in response to

the flood from her already wet pussy. Dalton simply smiled as he
broke their kiss and maneuvered her into place, positioning her so
her back was against the leather and her feet still touched the

“Bind her for me, Cade.”
Erin let out a breath as Cade took one of her arms and began to

wind the tape around her wrist and forearm. With each pull on the
roll, each circuit the tape made around her arm as it fixed her to
the table, she found herself pulled to a place where she was
completely at ease. She was relaxed there.

“Well, well. This is certainly a surprise.” Dalton’s voice sounded

hazy and disconnected. As if she wasn’t in the room with him.
“Something tells me she’s going to slip into subspace damn easy.
Going to have to be careful with her.”

Hands skimmed over her exposed flesh and she desperately

wanted to arch up against them. But held in place as she was, it
was impossible. She could do nothing more than simply take it.

A sharp sting against her nipple drew her back to the present,

and she looked up into Dalton’s gray eyes as his mouth moved
away from her breast.

“Can’t have you too far gone yet. Where would the fun in that

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be? Makes me understand why you blew so easily that first time. I
will say this. You’re damn responsive and I’m looking forward to
taking full advantage of that.”

Fully strapped to the bondage table now, Erin couldn’t move her

arms. Dalton’s fingers brushed over her thigh and down her calf
where he gently lifted one of her legs. “Normally, I’d bind you
completely but I have a fondness for legs. Specifically yours.”

“As in he likes them wrapped around him when you’ve lost


Dalton’s eyes cut to Cade. “As in I want to see what they look

like wrapped around your shoulders while you bury your tongue in
her cunt. Speak out of turn again and that won’t happen.”

Cade’s smile faltered for a second, and lust painted those

green eyes dark. Dalton stepped forward, embracing her free leg
in his hand to pull it closer to him. The position spread her open
and a heated blush crept up her torso. It wasn’t from
embarrassment though. It was from arousal.

Dalton reached forward to spread her knees wider with a gentle

push so she was completely and utterly exposed. He made a
noise, and the sound of it cemented her in the moment. Spread
out before them, these two men worshiped her like a goddess.

More importantly, they made her want to do whatever it was they

demanded of her. She held far more of an aptitude for submission
than she would have ever guessed and she owed that knowledge
to Dalton.

Something told her this was just the tip of the iceberg.
The bindings made her feel safe and secure—comforted. The

tape eliminated the possibility of any movement in her arms so
she could center her focus elsewhere. Scents were stronger,

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sensations more fluid and rich, because all she had to do was lie
here and simply



She lifted her head, her gaze immediately focusing on Cade as

he stared at her spread out before him.

“I want her.” Uninhibited desire colored Cade’s statement and

made her shiver.

“And my sub should know he doesn’t get to speak out of turn

regardless of what he wants,” Dalton snapped out.

Cade’s gaze fell away from Erin as he lowered his head. “My

apologies. I let my need get the best of me.”

Dalton smoothed his hand over her knee, and she admired his

level of control. He appeared to be utterly at ease despite Cade’s
mistake. “I’m disappointed, Cade. You always have such
impeccable control and let it falter because Erin showed you what
she had to offer us. You let your dick speak for you. For that alone I
should deny you outright.”

Cade said nothing as Dalton continued. “Instead, punishment

will come in two parts. Half now and half when I see fit as you
obviously need another lesson in manners.” Dalton leaned closer
and lowered his voice. “Your impatience cost you the privilege of
fucking her tonight. Now take her, but take care how you touch

Cade moved forward to comply with the order but Dalton’s hand

collared around his neck to hold him in place. “Mouth only. I want
her tight and ready for



Cade nodded, his hands rolling into tight fists as his lover held

him in place. Those tightly packed muscles were strung taut as if
the simplest thing would set him off.

Still holding him tightly, Dalton reached down and cupped his

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free hand around the base of his lover’s cock. He gave it one slow,
forceful pull on the hard shaft that caused Cade to shiver visibly
and hiss out a breath.

“Kneel. Show her the devotion she deserves.”
The words were hushed but held a force that demanded to be

heard. And Cade didn’t hesitate to carry out those orders. He
made the two steps necessary to reach her and lowered himself to
his knees.

Her breath quickened as his mouth moved over her thigh,

inching closer to his goal. Everything inside her clenched into a
tight fist as his mouth moved higher and her hips started to strain

Dalton’s hand clamped over her pelvis, pushing down to hold

her in place. “Keep that up and I’ll rethink the decision to not bind
you fully.” His voice was rough and filled with a delicious tension
that thrilled her.

Cade’s closed mouth pressed against her skin and everything

inside her ached for more. He traced his lips over the tiny bundle
of nerves, appearing to relish the sensation of his lips against her
bare skin.

He returned to the center, dipping his tongue inside her opening

to tease further than his lips could reach. The touch sent a small
shockwave through her system. As if he could sense it, Dalton
shifted his hand to lift her legs and expose her even further.

She gasped as Cade took his time to savor her, and moved his

tongue in a long, purposeful slide over her throbbing clit. As quickly
as the contact came it vanished. Instead he worked his tongue
down her slit, skimming through slick flesh to circle around and up
the other side to stop next to that highly sensitive nub.

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She waited for him to touch it but instead he began another slow

circle of her most intimate parts. The pattern continued with his
pace never increasing or decreasing, slow and steady as Dalton
shifted her legs and laid them carefully around Cade’s shoulders.

“Now that is just too fucking gorgeous for words.” From the

faraway sound of Dalton’s voice Erin knew he’d stepped back a
little and now simply watched.

The drag of Cade’s tongue snapped her back into focus and

she whimpered for relief. Anything to take the edge off this hunger
gnawing at her. Dalton’s hands slipped under her knees, pressing
down to open her fully for Cade’s thorough attention once again.

In this position Cade had unencumbered access to her pussy,

and she basked in his unhurried ministrations. During the next
circuit he shifted his tongue slightly, letting it dip into her. She
bucked against his mouth.

He continued on as if nothing had changed and even slowed

down more. From the quiet sound of gratification that rumbled
from his throat he wanted to savor her.

Every muscle chanted a silent plea for a release in order to

bleed away the tension. A plea did spill from her lips when
Dalton’s calloused hand started to trace a pattern just behind
Cade’s tongue, and Dalton let out a rumble of dark laughter. He
spread her, holding her labia open so Cade could have even more
access. She lifted her head just as Dalton pushed hard against her
clit and made an excruciatingly slow circle.

“Give me the orgasm, sweetness.”
Her gaze fell to Cade and as his gaze met hers, he slid his

tongue against his Dom’s fingers, so he tasted Dalton and Erin
together. It was the final push she needed and she tumbled over

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the edge blindly with no control.

She felt as if she was soaring even though her body was still

anchored to the table. The powerful release caught her off guard,
taking over so she had choice but to accept it. Wave after wave
crested over her, breaking slow and rippling out in a never-ending
echo. The intensity blurred her sight and she fought to regain her
composure as the climax slowly faded away.

Still sliding down the other side of the high, she watched as

Dalton moved around her. He threaded his fingers through Cade’s
hair, pulling Cade’s mouth from between her legs. Dalton took
Cade’s mouth with a fierceness that stole her breath and nearly
sent her spilling over once more. She hissed in response as
Dalton’s thumb flicked hard against her oversensitive clit.

His touch firmed even as he continued to kiss Cade and the

combination finally did cause her to orgasm again. Her breath
burned in her lungs as she fought for air and tried to hold on to
some small thread of sanity.

Dalton pulled Cade up while he sustained contact with her moist

heat. “Touch her with me.”

Cade’s hand swept up her leg, and anticipation was a small

knot in her stomach as that touch married with the one already
there. She jerked against the binding that held her in place when
their joined fingers slid inside her pussy.

The men continued to kiss even as their hands worked in

conjunction to lift her higher. Slowly, inexorably, they slid in and out
to make her even wetter.

Another finger was added. Then another.
And yet, she still wanted more.
The two hands worked together so it wasn’t long before she

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squirmed under their touch, even though she was certain it wasn’t

Her body burned.
The shrill ring of a cell phone brought an abrupt halt to

everything. Dalton tore his mouth away from the other man,
withdrawing their combined touch. “What was the time limit?”

His voice was thick with need and Erin fought to get a handle on

her breathing. Find a sense of herself through the disorder of her
mind. She had to battle back the roar in her ears from the contact
that had been severed. Focus returned slowly and she
remembered the phone call she placed as she arrived at the shop.

“One hour. Just like before.”
“Shit.” Dalton pushed away, crossing the room with a few

purposeful strides to where she’d left her phone. He glanced at the
screen, frowning as he popped it open while coming to stand next
to her.

“Answer truthfully and honestly.” His fingers brushed in comfort

over her sweaty forehead and he pressed the talk button. Loud
music blared through the device, a tinny quality added to the noise
because he’d engaged the speaker function.

“Erin?” Cassidy’s voice, filled with concern, punctured through

the clamor.

“I’m fine, Cassidy.”
Dalton snapped the phone shut before anything else could be

said. “Are you comfortable with me turning it off completely?”

She nodded, looking up at him to see the concern in his eyes. It

gave her something to focus on. To calm the swirling chaos that
was so potent it was addictive.

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“Say it. No room for misunderstanding.”
Erin cleared her throat, feeling a surge of endorphins push her

as she offered another slice of surrender. “Yes. Turn it off.”

She turned her face just as Dalton lifted the ringing phone to his

ear. “Cassidy, its Dalton. Everything’s fine, and thank you for being
so thorough. I’m enacting phone silence from now on and Erin

The phone chimed when it powered down and Dalton tossed it

aside. He stalked toward her, eyes bright with a heat and
darkness she’d never seen before. She experienced a moment of
apprehension before his hands bracketed her shoulders.

His mouth crushed down on hers, stealing her breath as his

tongue plunged into her mouth. There was no room to misread
this. The kiss demanded a response. It took ownership as soon as
their tongues touched and was brutal. Her body instantly reacted
and made her want more.

He pulled away suddenly, breaking contact Erin already missed.
“Get her ready, Cade.”
Dalton’s attention returned to Erin as he leaned closer so their

lips almost touched. He kept his voice low and the strained sound
washed over her. “This will play differently than last time. I will
remind you again, you have a safe word. Think very, very hard
before you use it.

‘There is no restriction on how many times you’re allowed to

come and you will a lot. I guarantee it. I’m going to push you hard.
Even to the point of pain and where you think you can’t handle any
more. You can. Do


doubt me.”

She started to shake her head then remembered his earlier

instruction. “I don’t.”

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Cade’s tongue blazed a path over her clit and she lost all form of

coherent thought.

“Cade, come around to the side. By her hip. Hold her legs.” The

two men switched positions and she hissed as a bolt of pleasure
shot through her when Dalton’s thumb pushed firmly against her

“Has anyone caused you pain during sex, Erin? Made you come

through the pain?” She shook her head even as the word tumbled
weakly from her lips. He pinched and she pushed against Cade
for leverage. “You like that, don’t you? Surprised?”

Her entire system had gone haywire and she couldn’t answer

him. Dalton’s fingers pushed together, closing around her clit and,
as he gently pinched, he tugged. He repeated the movement,
pulling and tugging harder each time. The orgasm took her by
surprise, throwing her completely off balance. She gave a deep
moan in response.

She’d never come this much or this hard before in her life.


A familiar sound pierced through the buzzing in her head. Once

she realized it was a condom being unwrapped her system
soared at the thought. She was as close to begging as she’d ever
been her entire life. She wanted them plunging into her, pushing
her over that precipice.

“Cade, take over, but wait until I direct you to.” Dalton’s fingers

moved away, sliding down to open her even more. The first touch
of the tip of his cock was sheer nirvana, and her entire body went
tense as she waited for him to continue.

“Relax, sweetness.”
His voice washed over her, calming the blinding need that just

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seconds ago made her want to be thoroughly fucked. She
automatically fought her body, trying to force it to bend to her will
and let go.

Obviously satisfied, Dalton pushed his hips forward. Her body

was sensitive to the slightest change, and Dalton slid in and
stopped so just the widest part of the head of his cock opened her.
He held there for a moment before withdrawing almost completely,
keeping the barest contact with her.

He repeated the agonizing movement and she lost track of how

long this continued. She was only aware of the feel and wet sound
each time he teased her opening.

Time ceased to exist. The world had contracted to a bright

shining moment that hung over the three occupants of this room
like a beacon. Nothing else existed.

As Dalton shifted her hips he pushed forward enough so that he

finally seated just the crown of his cock inside her. It felt thick there,
thicker than she expected. The earlier stimulation caused her to be

He held his hard cock in place, pulsing a little but never moving

forward or withdrawing completely. His thumbs traced a path much
like Cade’s mouth had earlier, teasing the skin to add another
layer of sensation.

Her body was already strung tight, and just when she didn’t think

she could take any more, she felt Cade’s fingers close around the
hard nub of her clit.

He pinched, gently at first, then more insistently when he started

to lengthen the time before he released. He seemed to know just
when the pain increased to the point of discomfort. When it
seemed to be too much, he pushed the pad of two fingers firmly

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against her heat, creating a new feeling that added yet another

“Give me your hand, Cade.” Dalton’s voice may have been quiet

but it held as much weight as if he’d yelled a command.

Cade’s touch moved away, his knuckles grazing hot skin as he

closed his hand over Dalton’s shaft. Slicked with her juices, his
hand moved easily over the hardness of his lover’s cock. He
moved a few times, pushing Dalton’s shaft forward until it became
fully seated within her.

Erin whimpered as Dalton withdrew. He couldn’t leave her now.

Not when she felt so right with him inside her.

He stopped before he pulled out completely, positioning just the

head at her entrance again.

“Show her the pain again, Cade.”
Cade’s fingers shifted, pinching her clit and labia again. This

time he held on longer. The pain grew, morphing into pleasure
faster than she could register. He released, which allowed her to
take a breath to prepare for the next slide of pain. His fingers
came together again, this time harder, pushing with more force.

Cade’s hold tightened, and her breath hissed between clenched

teeth. She waited for him to release her. He didn’t. Instead, he held

Her hips moved uncontrollably and Dalton didn’t stop her,

except to prevent her from slamming down onto him. His thumbs
dug into her abdomen to hold her in place. “Ride the pain, Erin. Let
it grow and feed the pleasure.

Use it


Cade finally released his fingers and she gasped as sensation

painfully returned to the area. Dalton slammed his cock forward at
the same time the orgasm swept her up and away.

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Lost in some higher plane, she couldn’t count the number of

times her body screamed for more. More pain, more pleasure.
Anything that would prolong this near out-of-body experience.

Her body, not used to such overwhelming sensations, tripped

higher as she went blind, deaf and deprived of any sensation
except for where Dalton continued to thrust into her.

She flew.

Lost to oblivion, it was dark and silent. She was complete.
Here, there was freedom.
She was the universe and all its heavenly bodies rolled into one.

A simple package presented to Dalton and Cade to make them
feel like masters of this new world they’d created for her. It was as
if she could do anything. That she’d been built to provide this sliver
of time to these two men who had quickly come to mean
something to her.

The thought of those men was what began to ground her, pulling

her back from the natural high her body had adopted. She fought it
at first, wanting to go back to that borrowed heaven, because in it
there was perfection. A soft caress, the gentle brush of lips against
overheated skin, pulled away the gossamer edges of the

Blinking, she fought for sight again as she drifted back to her

body. One of the men worked to free her of the bondage tape, his
lips pressing open-mouthed kisses against where the non-
adhesive tape had been placed. Then a cool washcloth pressed
between her legs, over her hip and across her stomach. The
remnants of the good, hard fuck she’d almost begged him for were
washed away.

“Are you all right?” Cade’s voice was muted as he slid a hand

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behind her neck for support as she sat up.

“Yes,” she managed to say. The muscles in her body were loose

and though she felt tired she was also energized. The
contradiction was delicious.

Oh dear God, I get it now. I understand what Cade meant. Why

he feels the way he does about Dalton taking him to a higher

She lifted her gaze to find Cade starting intently at her. “What?”
His expression softened. “Just looking for signs of bottom drop.

You’re fine though. Did better than I did the first time, that’s for
certain.” He stepped closer and she felt a small tremor go through
her as the press of his body set off new fires. “Magnificently so, in
fact. Can’t wait to see what else he has in store for someone as
reactive as you are.”

He handed her a bottle of water and she suddenly realized her

throat was parched. “What do you mean bottom drop?”

“Submission can be very intense and consuming. When that’s

taken away, a person can be so overwhelmed with the emotion it
can be hard to deal with it.” Cade slid her hand into his and stood
with her.

His lips pressed a gentle kiss to her shoulder and her entire

body tingled from it. “But you’re doing just fine. You can use the
bathroom to wash up if you need to.”

Erin nodded, pulling the towel Cade handed her around her

body and tucking the end between her breasts. Her body rejoiced
in the pleasure she’d been given. She’d never been this aware of
herself and everything around the room. It made her want to shout
from the rooftops and let the world know what it was missing.

Her gaze scanned the room as she crossed it and she finally

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noticed Dalton was nowhere to be seen. Was that normal?

She yelped when she opened the door and found Dalton

strolling down the hall with a wet washcloth in his hand. He’d taken
the time to pull on his jeans, but they gapped at the fly, as it
appeared he hadn’t taken the time to fasten the buttons. It allowed
her to take in the fine line of dark hair that dusted his lower

Giving a regretful sigh, she tore her gaze away and, as his gaze

met hers, she saw the absolute satisfaction on his face. He
gestured her forward, pulling her into the solid wall of his chest. His
hold was firm and resolute, but something had changed.

His body was more relaxed and calmer than it had been in that

room. The rough edge he’d displayed had vanished like an
evanescent fog.

Dalton’s mouth curled up into a satisfied smile as his lips gently

pressed against hers. “Welcome to subspace, sweetness.”

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Chapter Twelve

Dalton leaned against the brick wall of the building next to

Blackbird Designs as he waited for Erin. His body still buzzed
from the energy of the previous evening. But he wasn’t here for a
repeat of the event. Years of experience told him she would have
questions and concerns about what had, and hadn’t, happened in
that room.

He was here to alleviate those fears just as a good Dom should.
She squeaked when she turned and sighted him a few feet

away. Laughter touched her eyes and, after locking the door, she
took the hand he extended toward her without reservation. He was
glad as it was pointless to be timid now.

“How was your day?”
“Good. I, uh, had some trouble concentrating.” A blush

brightened her cheeks and he felt a clench deep inside his gut at
the sight.

God, she’s beautiful—and ours.

“Just some? I’ll have to work on that next time. I actually have a

reason I came by. Well, two really,” he immediately corrected as
he stepped closer.

“So, what’s the first?”
His hand dropped to her waist, curving around to the small of

her back to pull her against his body as a mark of possession.
“Check up on you. See how you were.”

“Check out your handiwork?”
Those ocean eyes of hers flashed a little darker. A hurricane

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roaring across the open water as it barreled headlong toward the
shore. Damn, he loved to see that spark and whether or not she
was aware it just further enhanced her beauty.

“And that would be the second reason.” He dropped his mouth

to hers, overcome with the need to calm that raging tempest. A
twisted part of him wanted to see that from her as she knelt before
him. Find out what it would take to quell it.

His tongue made a slow circuit of her mouth and her body went

pliant against his. The anger filtered away, swelling into something
else, and he felt himself swept away by it. She’d been more
responsive than he could have ever dreamed.

Reluctantly, he separated from her and smiled at the pink shade

her lips had turned from the stubble on his face. “Make that three
reasons because I’ve been thinking about doing that all day.” He
jerked his chin to the curb. “Want to go for a ride?”

“With you? On your bike?”
He smirked and dragged a fingernail against the puckered

material where her nipples showed clearly through her shirt.
“Unless you’d like to ride me instead?” Unable to stop himself, he
pinched that firm peak and reveled in the gasp she gave in

She shook her head as she put a little distance between then.

“Aren’t you worried about someone seeing us?”

“Ah, yes, you’d like that, wouldn’t you?”
She laughed. “That’s not what I meant.”
Tugging on her hand, he pulled her close to him again. “How

about you spend less time wondering what other people think and
more time thinking about what happened when my instructions
weren’t followed?” He let his hand drop lower, skimming it over the

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curve of her butt.

She flinched and squirmed against his touch. “Every time I tried

to sit down today I was reminded. It doesn’t hurt, but it made me
very aware of the area and of what you did. Even now, it makes
me very conscious of what I did wrong.”

“Good, that was the point.” He’d finally delivered the punishment

for her insubordination that first night for not following his
instructions. After she’d been made to understand subspace,
they’d gone back in the room. He’d promptly marched her over to
his spanking bench, bent her over and given her what she’d
earned. His hand had created, and soothed, the burn.

His handiwork as she’d referred to it.
“Thought I’d forgotten and let you get out of it, didn’t you?”
He wouldn’t hesitate to do it again either should she did

something to disobey him. Especially since he’d learned it wasn’t
a hard limit for her as she’d indicated by using her safe word that
first night. Just as he always thought, communication was
everything. “Let it serve as a reminder of what happens when my
submissive doesn’t follow implicit instructions. Now how about that

“I’ve never been on a motorcycle before.”
“A virgin,” he joked. “It would be my honor to pop your cherry

then.” He extended a hand to her and she snorted with a shake of
her head.

“Sure, why not? Should be fun.”
The second she slid onto the bike behind him, he realized this

was a mistake.

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Nearly two hours later, that thought was firmly cemented in his

mind as her legs pressed against his butt as he navigated up Tray
Mountain. He hadn’t thought about the torture beforehand. While
he may be into different forms of pleasurable punishment, he
wasn’t a sadomasochist.

Riding with her was wonderful, aside from being thoroughly

aroused with her wrapped around him. He’d always felt a special
kind of freedom riding his motorcycle. As if it were just him and the
machine, nothing else.

This moment with Erin was wonderful. She belonged on the

back of his motorcycle, navigating the curved roads with him. Her
body flowed with each turn he executed, each dip the road made.
Another indication she was a natural at letting him have control.

As he ran on the ragged edge miles ticked away under him. The

sensation was not unlike the feeling of total control he experienced
whenever he was around both Cade and Erin at the same time. It
was raw and potent, unlike anything he’d ever dealt with before in
his entire life. A guy could get used to this, and it was the thing that
could prove dangerous for everyone.

She’d made it clear she wasn’t looking for an attachment and

things would remain purely sexual between them all.

With a flick of his thumb, he downshifted, slowing the bike to

guide it into the parking lot of the Anna Ruby Falls Visitor Center.
He liked to frequent the falls when he needed time to think.

The engine died as he cut it, rolling into a space in the empty

parking lot. She shifted and he spread his legs to widen his stance
for stability as she dismounted.

There was a sudden emptiness as she pushed away and stood

beside him. Her eyes were bright with excitement as she pulled off

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the helmet and ran a hand through her matted hair.

As much as he wanted to gather her into his arms, kiss that

excitement and heighten it, he knew they needed to talk first. She
would need the reassurance if this was going to continue between
the three of them, and the idea of it ending now was too weighty
for him to think about.

The kickstand clinked quietly against the asphalt and he leaned

the heavy machine on the stand as he dismounted.

“One of my favorite spots is just down that path. Care to see it?”
Her expression lit up and she was obviously eager to do

something that pleased him. That, in turn, made him happier and
caused a warm glow low in the pit of his stomach. It was that
feeling he tried to suppress as they moved down the well-worn

As they broke through the trees, she gasped quietly behind him.

He could sympathize with her. He’d felt much of the same thing
when he’d discovered this spot years ago. Sunset painted the sky
from horizon to horizon as the day slowly bled into night. It reflected
off the falling water, giving a dark and mysterious air to it.

She followed as he led her to a spot the tourists usually missed.

The small patch of grass was undisturbed and he was pleased to
see they were still alone. Good, he thought, the topic of
conversation will undoubtedly get a little personal.

He sat in front of an old elm tree and patted his thigh. She was

hesitant at first but she settled on his lap after a few moments. The
feel of that firm bottom of hers pressed against his thigh was
nearly as bad as when she’d been wrapped around him on the
bike. He pushed that reaction aside however and got to the heart
of the matter.

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“You are like an open book and I see those questions all over

your face. Go ahead, ask anything you want.”

She worried her lip as she worked up the courage to ask. “You

answered my questions about the whole testing mess, which I
suppose I understand as much as I ever will. Guess I’m just a little
confused about why, if you’re the Dom, Cade was the one who

Ah, so they were going to start this conversation at the hard end

of the spectrum. He admired that trait of hers to get right to the
point. It would serve her well in the future.

“It’s the Dom’s responsibility to provide all the aftercare the sub

needs. Normally, I don’t break protocol. However, sometimes the
rules skew a little when there is another submissive involved. For
me, at least. Instead, Cade was responsible for it as he and I
discussed ahead of time.”

Communication was a huge part of the Dom/sub relationship.

Even the simplest conversation could provide the most important
piece of information the Dom would need about their submissive.

She was silent for a few moments and he let her work things

over at her own pace. It was essential for her to arrive at any
conclusions on her own. Though he could help guide her if she got
too lost.

“I think I get it,” she responded carefully. “It allowed you to remain

the one with decisive control in the room. I noticed that the first

Smart woman. Just another thing on the laundry list he’d

assemble about her that he admired. She was extraordinary and
now that he had her, he wanted to ensure it stayed that way. Part
of this type of lifestyle was to be completely open and honest.

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He wasn’t about to jeopardize things for them all now even if he

wasn’t being candid about his own hesitations. That skeleton in his
closet was too much for him to deal with right now.

“Yes. I have one job inside those walls. Once you’re more

comfortable I’ll call upon you to take an active role like Cade. And
it won’t be every time. There will be times when I handle the
aftercare for you both. You’ll never know when, however. I like
keeping some surprises.”

He couldn’t stand to not touch her anymore. Especially after how

she’d reacted in front of her office building. Her eyes fluttered
closed as his hand brushed against her jaw. His fingers fanned
out, cradling her face in his palm. The thought of having both Cade
and Erin at his mercy caused his blood to boil.

Her expression didn’t change. He decided to turn the

conversation in another direction and his arms circled her waist.
“Not to change the subject, but how would you feel if I told you I
wanted to watch him fuck you?”

Those eyes finally opened and her interest in his question

showed clearly in her unfocused gaze. His libido kicked into
overdrive, and it was everything he could do to not bend her over
the rock beside them and drive his cock into her.

“I’d wonder what got into you because, based on everything to

this point, I was certain you’d never ask my opinion about what you

His deep laughter echoed off the surrounding rock formations.

Every time he thought he understood what made her mind work
she said something that threw him off balance.

“While I enjoy taking my subs out of their comfort zone there’s

only so much I will push. You’re allowed to express your thoughts

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and feelings, Erin. I would have thought the need for
communication would have been clear based on you storming out.
Things may have gone a little easier if you’d just stayed and

“I know, and I’m—”
He slid his thumb over his lips to silence her. “You already

apologized once, that’s enough for me. You don’t have to repeat
yourself. Now I asked about watching Cade fuck you because I’ve
noticed you like to watch. I wondered if that extended out to being
watched as well. I’d like to hear it from you, sweetness.”

Surprise skittered across her expression. “So you want to know

my limits?”

“Yes. I want you to be absolutely certain.”
“Thorough, aren’t you?” Silence blanketed them again as she

went somewhere in her head to find an answer. He let her have the
time she needed, knowing that it was crucial. Besides, it gave him
the time to study her face, learn her body language even more so.
It was something that could prove invaluable to him inside that
room of his.

There was a lot a person could learn just by watching someone,

and Cade always teased him about being an expert at people
watching. It was something that fascinated him.

She cleared her throat as she tucked a stray lock of hair out of

the way. “There’s very little I won’t try at least once. But aside from
yesterday I’ve never had anyone watch.”

“The thought excites you, doesn’t it?”
She sighed. “I’d be lying if I said no. But I have an opinion about

what you want, if I’m allowed to share it.”

He nodded, and held back a smile. “Of course. Tell me what you

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have working in that mind of yours.”

“Somehow I doubt you simply want to watch.”

God, how did I get so lucky with this woman?

He actually looked

forward to butting heads with her fiery personality. He wanted to
hear why she thought that instead of just giving it to her though.
“What makes you say that? I quite enjoy playing voyeur.”

“It gives up an amount of control. Which you rarely deviate from

what I’ve learned so far. You’d want to watch but you also want to
direct the action as well.”

“You’re right.” He grinned, brushing his mouth over hers. The soft

sigh she gave in response pleased him.

“We just hadn’t gotten to that part yet, right?”
The sound of those words punched him in the gut and stole his

breath. His dick went rock-hard. “Exactly. You, sweetness, are a

His mouth took hers, demanding she respond as his tongue

plunged into her mouth. She whimpered around it, melting against

He and Cade had a discussion shortly after she’d used her safe

word and stormed out the first time he’d tied her up. They’d both
agreed she was someone who was extremely receptive to touch.
A caress, the brush of a finger, any of it, seemed to cause her to
lose her head and he wanted to be right there to see if he could
drive her out of her mind.

Last night had proven how easily she fell and now he wanted her

in every way possible.

He nibbled on her lips before he pulled away. The delicate flesh

was a few shades darker than usual and practically begged him to

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kiss her again. “In case you’re wondering, I would never leave you
when you need me the most. In or out of whatever we choose to
set up for a scene. I left last night only because it was Cade’s
responsibility to handle the aftercare. I returned when it was time to
deliver on that punishment you’d banked.”

“I understand the need for the separation.” Her head tilted and

her expression morphed from one of arousal to curiosity. What
could she want now? “Which leads me to ask if you’ve ever told

“Told him what?”
“That you’re in love with him.”

She immediately second-guessed the words as soon as they

were out of her mouth.

Well, Erin, you’ve already screwed the

pooch on this one, might as well go for broke now.


tells me, despite what you say, it’s not all about fucking with you
two. In fact, I’d venture to guess you’ve been in each other’s beds.
Even spent nights making love. That is way more than just simply
finding relief through fucking.”

Dalton blinked a few times in surprise. He drew away from her

and she immediately regretted being so forward with him.
Perhaps she’d stepped over some unknown line she was unaware
of by asking something so personal.

He scraped his hair away from his face, holding it back with his

hand as he looked out at the scenery around them. As her
fingertips grazed over his arm she noticed the pained expression
on his face. She hadn’t meant to cause him uneasiness by asking
something so intimate but there was no way to take it back now.

All she could do was simply wait and see how things turned out.

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She hoped she hadn’t ruined everything with her outburst.
It was another few moments before he spoke. “I was in a

relationship once. Nearly the only time in fact. With a couple.
Needless to say things did not go well.” His voice held no hint of
humor despite the smile he gave her.

That certainly explained his reluctance to expand his

relationship with Cade. He had to know there was more there—
more between the three of them than any of them seemed inclined
to admit. She didn’t know what the training entailed for people who
chose to dominate, but they had to be well versed in matters of
love in order to recognize when things went just beyond an

“What happened? If you don’t mind me asking, I mean.”
Dalton was quiet for a few moments and she feared she’d made

a huge error in asking him for that piece of himself. Whatever it
was, he held it close to him, guarded it much as she’d protected
herself after Billy.

“No, it’s time I told you. It was fine for a while like most things. It’s

similar to the arrangement the three of us have. We were all open
about things, who was with who when. Fell into a pattern of all
three of us together a lot of the time as we found that suited us
best. No secrets. John went out of town for a few days on a
business trip, and Mara and I decided to hole up for a few days.
Have it overlap so he could join us when he returned.”

He paused, staring out over her shoulder while he seemed to

gain his bearings again. The pain on his face made her want to
soothe away those old wounds. She refused to let him beat
himself up about this any longer.

“What happened, Dalton?”

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“Something even I couldn’t control.” The sound of the despair in

his voice broke her heart and made her reach for his hand. He
started to pull away but she was determined and reached out with
her other hand, forcing him to hold hers. Their fingers wound
together. Dalton’s smoky gaze met hers and her stomach leapt
into her throat as she realized what happened a second before he
said it.

“She was pregnant. We didn’t know it at the time but the next

morning, I woke up and the sheets on the bed were soaked with
blood. She was so pale and lethargic, and I didn’t know what the
fuck to do. Got her to the hospital and the doctors had to perform
an emergency operation in order to stop the hemorrhaging. It’s the
reason there is no bed in that space behind the shop. I refuse to
have that level of intimacy there again.”

Years of pain and personal torment dripped from the words and

she finally gave in to her need. She released his hand, skimming
her fingers over his unshaven cheek. His head rested on her
shoulder as she reached up and cupped his body to bring it
closer. She held him tight when his body shivered as he relived the
painful memory.

“Dalton, you didn’t—”
“They told her when she woke up from the anesthesia that she’d

never be able to have children.” He continued on as if he hadn’t
heard her. “Ever, Erin. Never. Because of me.”

The words cut her to the core and she hitched up her shoulder in

order to lift his head to take it between her hands. She forced him
to look her directly in the eye. When he tried to turn his gaze away
she shook his head a little to get his attention.

“That’s not true. You know it’s not because there’s no way to

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know for certain. She could have easily had that miscarriage if you
hadn’t been together that night.” His expression didn’t change, but
she’d learned how to read him better each passing day. “She
blamed you, didn’t she?”

Dalton wet his lips as he nodded. “They both did. They said they

needed time and I respected that. Hell, I needed some myself.”

“Time is good. Allow everyone to heal.” Her expression softened

and she moved her hands to cradle his face in her palms. Giving in
to her earlier desire, she let her finger smooth over the worry lines
on his forehead. She leaned forward and placed tender kisses
against those worry lines in the hope she could erase them.

“I never saw them again. They made it clear they wanted nothing

to do with me after what happened. So, not only did I blame myself
they blamed me as well.”

“Oh Dalton.” Suddenly, she wanted to hold him close as he

ripped out his own heart. She snuggled in as he pulled her closer.
He needed her as much as she needed him.

His breathing slowed as he pushed his forehead against hers. “I

tuned out everything for a very long time. I couldn’t be bothered to
care about anyone else or what they wanted. I fell into a very self-
destructive pattern and did a lot of stupid shit that I will never be
able to take back.”

“You wouldn’t want to.”
Dalton gave a strangled bark of laughter. “You’re right. I learned

to utilize the skills I’d gained and opened Second Circle.”

He’d turned his personal hell into a lucrative business. It took a

special kind of man to make that happen. A strong man who knew
both his weaknesses and strengths. “You’re the man you are now
because of that. Life isn’t about our mistakes. It’s about how we

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react and pick ourselves up afterward. That’s what counts.”

The pain in his eyes appeared to subside. It meant a lot that he

trusted her enough to share something this emotional. She
surrendered her own trust to him even more so than she’d already

“I get the feeling that you didn’t count on Cade, did you?”
“No, not exactly.” Dalton shook his head and the side of his

mouth lifted a little. “He pushed through when everyone else
dismissed me. I didn’t tell anyone else, so it wasn’t as if I could
expect them to act any differently. It was easier to keep up the
charade than to admit what I was going through. Cade didn’t give
a crap.”

He took her hands in his and pressed a soft kiss to her thumb.

“He made me deal with it even when I didn’t want to. Forced me to
accept the reality that—just like you said—it would have happened
anyway. I was pissed at him for a long time about it.”

“I just bet.” She wondered about the couple who had broken this

man’s heart. How they could have possibly been foolish enough to
place blame where none was warranted. “What about them?”

He blinked a few times, which told her that she’d taken him by

surprise. “You know, no one’s ever asked me that. Not even

It warmed her heart to know she alone had taken the time to

ask. It didn’t take away from what Cade had done for Dalton at the
time. She would never try to compete with that. She recognized
this was something else he needed to get out and she was the
outlet he needed.

“You know, don’t you?”
Dalton nodded carefully and it was a few minutes before he

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cleared his throat and answered. “They got married about a year
later, and even adopted a little girl a year after that. By all
appearances their life is perfect.”

He shrugged and she smoothed her hand over his shoulder in a

gesture of comfort. “No one’s life is perfect. Ever. I don’t care how
you spin it. Shit is still shit no matter how much fairy dust you
sprinkle over it. They walked away from a damn good thing,
Dalton. It’s their loss, not yours.”

“No, in some way it is mine. But you’re right, no one has a

perfect life. I wouldn’t want one anyway.”

“Perfect’s overrated.”
Dalton tilted his head, skimming his fingers over her forehead to

brush a few strands of hair out of her eyes. “You’re perfect.”

Now it was her turn to offer a quiet bit of laughter. “I am so far

from perfect I’d have to take a vacation to find it.”

“You’re damn closer than you think, sweetness. Thank you. For

everything.” He took her mouth again and overwhelmed her. It had
obviously been his intent and caused her brain to fuzz.

One of his hands closed over her breast, and through the

material she felt the heat of him. She welcomed his touch, arching
against him to encourage more. When she did, his hand slithered
up under her shirt and her quiet moan of approval echoed off the
rocks as his fingers lightly pinched her nipple.

“Let’s go. I want to see that all of this perfection spread out

before me, bound and suppliant.”

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Chapter Thirteen

A week later, Erin pulled into the parking lot of her office

building. As it was early in the morning, she was surprised to see
a cherry-red Corvette parked in one of the slots. She was even
more surprised when she stepped out of her car, and the woman
leaning against the sports car smiled in greeting.

“Erin Corvus, right? He said you were a tiny thing and I didn’t

believe him. Then again anyone is tiny next to Dalton.”

Erin studied the warm chocolate eyes that stared at her

expectantly. “I’m sorry, who are you?”

“Sorry.” The blonde stepped forward and extended her hand in

greeting. “Cassidy Gibson.”

The familiarity of the voice, and the reason why this woman was

here, clicked into place as Erin took her hand. Cassidy’s grip was
gentle but firm. This was a woman who owned herself, who didn’t
take any bullshit from anyone at any time.

Erin liked her immediately.
“You really aren’t anything like I expected.”
Erin didn’t know whether to be offended or proud. “And what

were you expecting?”

“To be honest, I’m not sure.” Cassidy tossed her keys in her

hand and crossed her slim legs at the ankle. Erin had a moment to
envy the pencil-thin heels the woman wore before she spoke
again. “Not a little thing like you, that’s for certain.”

“Looks can be deceiving,” Erin offered.
“I don’t doubt that. I wouldn’t expect anything else for Dalton and

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Cade. Strong-willed men like that need a strong woman to get
between them. Looks like they’ve found her.”

Erin felt as if she had just been sized up, and jutted out her chin.

Despite the fact they’d talked on the phone quite a bit Erin still felt
the need to defend herself. She’d had enough doubts about letting
the men share her without someone else adding to the mix. “Is
there something I can help you with?”

Cassidy nodded and pushed away from the car. “I just thought

we could talk a little. Answer any questions you have.”

Erin blew out a breath and relaxed when she realized she was

defensive against this woman without truly knowing her. It was rude
and uncalled for. Cassidy had been nothing but polite on the
phone each and every time they’d spoken.

“I think it’s a little late for that.”
“Nonsense. It’s never too late. The main reason I came by was

because I thought you could use a friendly face—or rather voice—
to talk to. This has to be little overwhelming for someone new to all
of this.”

Where was she a few weeks ago?
“Am I that transparent?” Cassidy gave her a warm smile and

Erin continued. “It is nice to meet you finally. And you’re right, I do
have a few remaining questions because I still don’t fully
understand the phone call thing. I mean, I do and I don’t.”

Cassidy brushed her straight hair to the side, shifting her stance

to cross her arms around her midsection. “Dalton has always
insisted on having someone at hand that a sub could reach at any
time. Similar to a safety net. It’s one of his limits. Don’t ask him to
budge on it.”

“I didn’t,” Erin said in a hurry to reassure the woman. “The last

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time, when he forgot, he asked me if I trusted him enough to shut
the phone off completely.”

The blonde nodded. “I know. Despite him answering my second

phone call to give me the all clear, he and I still talked the next day.
His abruptness had me a little worried.”

“Thorough, aren’t you?” The fact Cassidy had followed up didn’t

surprise Erin. She didn’t imagine Dalton gave her the number of
someone he didn’t trust implicitly.

“I take my job very seriously. Or at least I did.”
One word stood out to Erin. “Job?”
Cassidy stood, straightening her trousers. “I used to work with

Dalton at Second Circle. I kept track of all of his security men who
in turn kept track of all the activity at the club. We were the lifeline
for whoever was there on a given night. Be it Dom or sub.”

“You don’t work at Second Circle anymore?”
Cassidy laughed quietly as she shook her head and stared at

some point over Erin’s head. “No. I discovered something about
myself that forced me to resign my position at the club. I was
uncomfortable with things and Dalton understood.”

Erin could only imagine. She was curious but didn’t want to pry.

Especially considering the fact this woman was a virtual stranger.

That brown gaze flicked back to Erin. “I can see the curiosity in

your eyes. Go ahead and ask. I’ve nothing to hide from you. In fact,
it would probably help to build up a little trust between us in case
you continue to utilize my service.”

Erin winced. “Wow, I really am that transparent.”
“Like a panoramic window, honey.”
The sound of the woman’s warm laughter relaxed Erin. “All right

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then. What happened?”

“Honestly, I thought it wouldn’t do to have a submissive work

security at a fetish club. That position is more appropriate for
someone with a different mentality.”

Cade told her she would learn a lot about herself through this

kind of journey and Cassidy’s words cemented that theory. “Then
why did you take it on in the first place?”

Cassidy shrugged. “I thought I was something I really wasn’t. I

talked a big game, but when it came time to deliver I fumbled the
winning ball. Listen, I skipped breakfast and could use a cup of
good, strong coffee. Mind if we continue this elsewhere?”

As if on cue, Erin’s stomach growled. “Sure, there’s a nice shop

around the corner.”

Fifteen minutes later, Cassidy and Erin settled in a small booth

at Page Marker, an intimate bookstore café nestled in the center
of town. The owner of the business greeted them with a smiling
face, two steaming cups of the house blend and samples of the
pastry of the day.

Erin lost herself for a few moments as she enjoyed the mini

pumpkin scone set before her. “They need to figure out a way to
market this stuff.”

Cassidy crossed her arms as Erin savored her breakfast. “I

have to say you have that glow.”

“It is a good pastry.”
The woman’s eyes rolled in exasperation. “That’s not what I


“Oh that. It’s just sex, Cassidy,” Erin scoffed.
“You keep telling yourself that. You may have the look of a

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woman who’s been well-bedded, but there’s more there than just a
couple of well-endowed men taking care of you.”

Erin giggled, surprised with the noise. When was the last time

she’d giggled in such a fashion over her sex life? Never. Billy had
been stuffy when it came to all matters of sex. Missionary position
only. In and out with such swift efficiency Erin had always been left
with frustration. His lack of sexual prowess was a surprise given
the fact he’d spent enough time gloating to his friends about how
good he was in bed.

She’d gotten proficient at completely avoiding Billy in the

months leading up to their wedding. With all the planning for the
wedding, it had been easy to use it as an excuse for her distance.
Looking back now, they’d never been a good fit from the start.
Damn thing, hindsight.

Now, Dalton and Cade were a different matter entirely.
Erin lifted her gaze to find Cassidy staring at her in expectation.

Something told Erin their earlier conversation topic had shifted.
Now Erin was the one Cassidy wanted answers from.

She didn’t mind. There was already a warm camaraderie

between her and the woman. Given what they knew about each
other, there didn’t seem to be anything off limits.

“What do you want to know?”
“Oh please. Like you don’t know.” Cassidy held up a pinkie

finger and wiggled it.

Erin nearly choked but managed to answer without a smile after

she recovered. “More than generous.”

“And the other?” At Erin’s silent stare Cassidy’s mouth dropped.

“Holy shit.”

“My thoughts exactly.”

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“I have to assume they know what they are doing. I mean, men

who are—”

“Yes, Cassidy. Proficient as they come.” Both women realized

the meaning and dissolved into a fit of giggles.

Erin tried to stifle the laughter a few minutes later when Dalton

walked through the front door of the coffeehouse and sauntered to
the front counter. The amusement that warmed her shifted to
something different as she watched him scan the other customers.

His leather jacket did nothing to hide the bulk of muscles she

wanted to sink her teeth into. In fact, Erin was sure it enhanced his
lines. Her mind instantly shifted to how he made her feel. How he
took her somewhere she’d never thought possible.

She still had some trepidation about joining in an already

established relationship, but that was her issue to work out. They’d
already both said—and done—more than enough to alleviate any
of her fears.

It wasn’t long before his intense smoky gaze met hers and her

cheeks flushed with heat. She’d been caught openly admiring him
again. Though from the smile he gave in return, it didn’t seem to
trouble him. He’d already clued her in to the fact he was a man
who appreciated a woman’s lust-filled gaze.

Cassidy poked her in the shoulder and gave Erin a knowing

look. “Reality to Erin.” The woman dissolved into a fit of giggles

“Seems like I should have an order of whatever you two are

having.” Dalton shrugged off his jacket and tossed it over the back
of the booth without waiting for an invitation to join them.

Erin smiled at him through the laughter and pressed a kiss to his

cheek as he slid into the booth beside her. “Cassidy and I are just

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comparing notes.”

One of Dalton’s dark eyebrows lifted. “So it is true what they

say. Women talk about men when we’re not around.”

“Like men are any different,” Cassidy scoffed with a wave of her

hand. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and those brown eyes
sparkled with amusement.

Dalton gave her a knowing smile as he leaned his elbows

against the table, and gestured toward Cassidy. “Nice collar.
Nelson give it to you?”

That sun-kissed skin of hers tinted a rich rosy color as she

blushed and lowered her eyes. Erin reached over and poked her
in the side. “My Dom. Not yours.”

Dalton let out a booming laugh that turned several heads.

“That’s all right. A fully trained submissive is sometimes hard to
come by. Nelson is very a lucky man to have such a prize.”

Erin looked Cassidy over but saw nothing out of the ordinary.

“Am I missing something? What collar?”

Cassidy lifted her hand, jiggling it a little to draw Erin’s attention

to the simple silver bracelet that circled her slim wrist. She’d
missed it before and gestured for Cassidy’s hand to examine the
jewelry. It was elegant and sparkled despite the low lighting in the

“How do you get it off? There’s no clasp.”
“It has a magnetically coded ring to match. Nelson wears that

and it only comes off when he wishes. He had it specially made for
us. I’ve been wearing it for about three years now.”

Three years? Erin had seen how Dalton and Cade were

together, but there weren’t any collars of this type involved. “But

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why wear it in public when you’re not together?”

“It signifies ownership.”
“Ownership?” Erin asked, taken aback by the term at first. “Oh

wait, I remember Dalton talking about this the other night. When he
told me about the different types of collars, he said they can mean
different things. It’s more than just during a scene for you two, isn’t
it? You choose to live this lifestyle all the time. 24/7 is the term,

“Yes. Nelson is my Master,” Cassidy said with a smile. “I see

Dalton is educating you well. Not that I would have expected
anything else.”

“I’ve learned a lot recently from both Dalton and Cade.” Erin

released Cassidy’s wrist and sat back as Dalton’s arm came
around her shoulder. “Most people would probably be appalled at
that term and the thought of a full-time Dominant/submissive
relationship. But I have to say, I find it completely fascinating.”

“Enough that you’d like to learn even more about it?” Dalton

leaned closer, his lips lightly pressing against her ear as he
continued. “Would you surrender all your rights and responsibilities
to me? I think you’d make a very proud and strong servant, Erin.
And I have no doubt you’d be a challenge. One I’d gladly take on if
that’s your choice.”

Heat spread between Erin’s legs. She thought about the

reaction and forced herself to question if it was because of Dalton
himself or what he’d just said to her. While she didn’t seem to have
any problem with the idea of a full-time Dominant/submissive
relationship for someone else, she didn’t think it was something
that would suit her or either of the men.

She liked the idea of relegating Dalton’s dominance over her to

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sex. She didn’t think she could surrender other aspects to him
outside of that room. It wasn’t in keeping with her wish to contain
this all simply to sex.

Deciding the reaction was to Dalton and not his offer, she

smiled. “No, I think I like things the way they are between the three
of us.”

“It’s not for everyone.” Cassidy cleared her throat and stood as

soon as her cell phone chimed. “That would be Nelson and also
my cue to exit. Erin, glad to hear that you’re okay. Dalton, take
care of this girl, she’s special.”

Dalton chuckled as Cassidy left. He pressed his lips against

Erin’s forehead and leaned back in the booth. His position
showed he was relaxed and completely at ease. “How was your

“Eye opening,” she offered. How else did someone explain

everything that she’d just learned? It seemed as if every minute,
every second, of her life was so far removed now from what she’d
known that she didn’t even recognize it anymore.

She wasn’t the scared little girl who had been left by a coward.

Being with Dalton and Cade gave her a strength she didn’t know
she possessed. They’d put her on a path of self-discovery. If
nothing else she had a better sense of herself than just one short
month ago.

Dalton’s hand against hers brought her back to the moment.

“Well then, why don’t we continue this streak of learning and have
Cade meet us at the shop? We’ll test that knowledge of yours.”

As Erin and Dalton stepped into the back room of the bike

shop, Cade looked at her in question. Unfortunately, Dalton had

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been vague on the details—meaning he’d not spoken at all—so
she could offer nothing more than a shrug.

“Cade, strip,” Dalton ordered with firm authority as he absently

tossed his coat in a chair.

Clearly still confused, Cade removed his weapon, followed by

his shirt and pants. His boxer briefs joined the small pile so he
stood before them completely naked and waited for further

Being with two men was still something Erin fought to accept.

Despite the fact her body seemed more than willing to submit
without question, her head fought the entire idea. The wars had
become less frequent of late, but they still existed. Standing in a
room with one man behind her while the other stood before her
completely naked and proud shouldn’t be the norm.

Her mother would pitch a fit if she knew. Not that Erin was about

to offer up that little piece of information in the first place. What she
did behind closed doors was strictly her own business.

Despite the fact her head told her it was wrong, she felt

completely free from anxiety standing here. It was amazing how
quickly she’d fit into this role, this place, between Dalton and
Cade. She’d been worried about coming between them but was
still surprised to find she fit like a puzzle piece.

Now she just had to keep telling herself to enforce Cassidy’s

warning about keeping her feet firmly on the ground. It wouldn’t do
to ruin the good time by falling in love with the men.

Sex was simply sex. Nothing more.
Dalton slid behind her, pulling off her jacket. He towered over

her as he leaned forward to press his mouth to her ear. “I’m
making good on our conversation at the falls. I really do want to

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see Cade fuck you.” He made quick work of her clothes and came
around to stand in front of her. He slid a finger down her torso,
between her breasts. “And I will direct what happens.”

He turned and crossed to stand beside Cade. “Take her slow in

the ass. Just remember, neither one of you is allow to come until I
say so. Is that clear?”

Erin blinked in surprise. While she expected something out of

the ordinary she hadn’t expected this. Cade’s gaze brightened
when it met hers. Everything the three of them had done had been
new and foreign to her. Just when she thought they’d explored
every possibility, Dalton surprised her with this.

Dalton whispered something to Cade before he moved to a

chair he’d placed a few feet away. It was the same chair Dalton
had strapped her to that very first night. He waited for them to
follow his instructions. With a quick glance in Dalton’s direction,
Cade stepped closer to her.

Cade dragged his knuckles over Erin’s jaw, his skin a whisper

of comfort against the unknown. The familiarity of his touch helped
ease her worries. “Have you done this before?”

She swallowed hard, shaking her head. “You?”
A smile teased up the corners of the mouth that had brought her

to orgasm many times while Dalton had watched. “Always been on
the receiving end.”

Her eyes went wide with astonishment. “But—”
Cade shrugged. “Dalton is more of a giver than a taker if you

hadn’t figured that out by now. I know what I’m doing though. I won’t
hurt you and if you relax and let me take care of you, this will be
highly enjoyable.”

“That’s enough,” Dalton ordered and Erin felt the sternness

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behind the words wash over her. “Cade, put those cuffs around her
wrists. Secure her to the table so she can’t move her arms.”

Cade smiled warmly as he lifted her onto the bondage table,

laying her down. He fastened the two heavy circles of leather in
place. The cuffs were a startling contrast against her pale skin,
and she finally understood Dalton’s fascination with any kind of
binding method. It wasn’t necessarily about the control aspect
bondage brought, it was more about the image it made.

Your lover, neatly secured and helpless to your every whim.
With encouraging words, Cade positioned her on her side,

angling them both so Dalton could clearly see everything just a few
feet away. Her breath huffed out in surprise as his thumb slid over
the tight musculature of her bottom.

“Cade, spread some lubricant to get her used to the feel of it on

her skin. She seems a little tense and I’m going to have to work
harder to relax her. That won’t make me happy.”

She tensed a bit as Cade’s thumb slipped between the cheeks

of her bottom. “Permission to speak to her.”

“Granted. But keep it to a minimum. Don’t force me remind you

two who is in charge.”

“Thank you.” Cade bent forward, pressing warm lips against the

swell of her hip. “Relax. Listen to Dalton. He’ll tell you what I’m
going to do before I do it.” Following his instructions, she let her
muscles ease.

His hands roamed her body, massaging and caressing skin.

She couldn’t help but settle herself under his expert touch and give
him what he needed to follow Dalton’s instructions.

“You’re exquisite like that, sweetness. Ready and waiting. So

prepared for Cade already and you don’t even know it. Cade, slip

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your thumb in just a little and give her a sample. Just stay relaxed,
Erin, or it will hurt.”

Caught up in his encouraging words, she followed his

instructions. His thumb slipped deeper and she was immediately
surprised by the pleasant sensation. The pressure wasn’t
uncomfortable, and she wanted more as the pleasurable burn
elevated her excitement. Instinctively, she shifted her hips.

His thumb pushed deeper, sliding easily past the tight ring of

muscles. A moan of satisfaction slipped from her throat as his
thumb became fully seated. She needed more, needed something
else and shifted her hips in indication.

“Did I give you permission to move, Erin?” The sternness of

Dalton’s question immediately made Erin freeze. “Cade, use your
other hand to keep her in place. She moves when



Following their Dom’s instructions, Cade placed his hand

against her thigh to prevent movement.

“Seems our girl is anxious, Cade.”
“Permission to give her what she wants.” Her pulse spiked at

Cade’s words and she waited for Dalton’s response.

“Denied. She’s still not relaxed enough. You have a creative

mouth. Use it to ease her worries.”

Cade immediately followed Dalton’s orders and leaned over to

flick his tongue against one of her hardened nipples. He sucked it
into his mouth, using his tongue to pay it lavish attention.

As Cade continued to suckle, Dalton spoke, “Surprised, aren’t

you, Erin? By how much you like being watched while Cade
prepares to fuck your ass. Though in order to do that, he’s going to
have to prepare you a little better.”

Cade withdrew his thumb and her voice was a quiet mewl as he

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inserted a finger. After a moment, he added another.

She felt stretched but not uncomfortably so. In fact, after the first

initial burn when he’d slipped inside, she noticed she was the on
the edge of some kind of high. The warmth relaxed her muscles,
easing away any amount of trepidation about this unusual

She wanted to go further. Most importantly, she wanted both of

the men to take her there.

His fingers began to slip in and out easily and she realized he’d

added more lubrication. He moved his hand for a time and just as
she got used to the pace he’d set, he surprised her by adding
another finger.

She took the change easily but found herself spiraling out of

control faster than she could manage. Molten heat burned through
her and caused her to panic when she realized she was about to
orgasm. Dalton’s strict instructions sung in her head. She didn’t
want to displease him. Not again.

Her muscles tensed as she tried to restrain herself, and she

hissed in protest as Cade pushed his fingers forward. The tension
caused his movement to hurt.

“She’d tightening up again, Cade. We’re losing her.” Dalton

sounded displeased and Cade’s frown reinforced the fact they
weren’t working hard enough to do what Dalton ordered.

Cade immediately stopped pushing and caressed her thigh

instead to focus her attention there. “Relax.”

“Can’t.” She fought as she breathed out the word. Her inability to

maintain control was once again going to fail her. She didn’t want
to be bent over that spanking bench again.

“Relax, Erin,” Dalton repeated. “Let the muscles pull all the

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tension away. I’m not even close to being finished with you.” She
still struggled and her voice was a quiet mewl of protest in her

“Think of the muscles releasing the tension slowly. Let it filter off

into other parts of your body and away from Cade’s touch. Focus it
elsewhere instead. Cade, show her where I taught you.” At
Dalton’s instruction, Cade touched a finger to the bottom of her

She did as he said and was surprised to find his suggestions

worked. Considering their experience in this particular area, they
would know.

“Well done, Erin. Prepare yourself, Cade. She’s just about ready

for you.”

Shifting her for easier access, Cade removed his hand only for

the short amount of time it took for him to don a condom. Chill
brushed against her skin again only to be replaced with his heat
as he pushed the tip of his cock against her anus.

His hips moved forward a little and she opened to take him with

far less effort than she would have thought. The pain bloomed,
spreading to a burn that snapped over to pleasure so fast she was
startled by the reaction.

“Erin, take it easy. Bear down and push out so you’ll take

Cade’s cock easier.” Those encouraging words gave her
something to concentrate on and, after a few minutes, Cade was
fully seated inside her.

Her body was far more pliant than she would have ever thought.

These two men were the cause of that, and no amount of gratitude
could ever repay their kind patience.

As this was her first time dealing with anal sex, she was tight.

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So much so, she felt every line and ridge in Cade’s cock. He
stretched her more, filling her even when she thought she couldn’t
take any more.

Caught up, she arched her back, thrusting her hips as she

waited for him to move again. Sensitive flesh rubbed together as
he began to withdraw and there was an explosion of light in front of
her eyes.

It was too much sensation, too much of everything. She never

expected this. Her voice was a quiet gasp of pleasure as he
pushed forward. She was stretched taut, filled to the fullest and she
wanted more.

“You’re rushing a bit, Cade. Slow down so I can enjoy watching

you two.” Following Dalton’s instructions, Cade started a slow
rhythm, easing forward and pulling out of her with precise control.

Her body came alive as pure sensation swept over her.
“Tell me how it feels, Cade. How she feels.” The quiet order

drifted on the charged air.

There were a few long moments where Cade continued to move

before he answered his lover. “She is so fucking tight it’s
unbelievable.” There was a hint of need in that hushed voice and it
drove down into Erin’s core to set her aglow.

“Virgin ass. Nothing else like it in the world. As a reward

sometime, I may let you be inside her cunt when she comes. When
she goes into subspace, it’ll kick you over the edge so fast you’ll
nearly lose your fucking mind as she milks your cock.” Dalton’s
voice was just loud enough to hear.

It sent a small thrill through her to listen to a voice so on edge.

To hear that colorful language that sounded so natural coming
from him. On anyone else, it would have seemed foolish and

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forced, out of place despite the raw sexuality saturating the

“But that’s only if I decide to share that piece of her with you,

Cade. It’s mine. Just like your ass is mine.”

She couldn’t see Dalton but didn’t need to in order to

understand the control it took to remain in that chair. She’d
experienced a small amount of that the first time she’d been here.
It was also easy to recognize something else in Dalton’s voice
because she heard it so frequently from herself.

What she didn’t understand was who he was punishing—them

or himself.

Cade was patient and sweet as he continued to push her

toward orgasm, only to pull her back. He was as attentive a lover
as Dalton. But they were different, two sides of the same coin that
wanted nothing but pleasure for her. They unabashedly showered
her with their devotion.

Just when she didn’t think she could take anymore, Dalton

issued another command. “Bring her here.”

Braced for Cade’s withdrawal, she was surprised when he

scooped her up in his arms without removing himself. He only took
a step or two and sat in a chair that Dalton had obviously provided.

The movement slid him fully inside her once again and she

arched her back in response. He felt so damn good inside her.
She never wanted him to leave. Cade’s hands came around to
bracket her hips, holding her in place while he situated himself in
the chair. As Cade settled her comfortably in his lap, Dalton
reached forward to part her legs.

“Open her. I want to see that glistening wet cunt of hers while you

fuck her ass.”

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Cade’s hands shifted at the order, joining Dalton’s touch to

spread her. Her thighs opened and Cade’s hands slid back up to
her hips to steady her. With her legs draped over Cade’s thighs,
even if she pointed her toes, she couldn’t touch the ground.

She was helpless. At their mercy and utterly exposed. She’d

never felt more vulnerable.

More alive.
Her breathing was the only sound that broke the silence of the


Cade used the leverage of one arm banded just below her

breasts to lift her. Colors exploded behind her eyes as he
withdrew. Still, it wasn’t enough to send her plummeting over the
edge. She needed something more. Something to push her even
though her body sang with new sensations it didn’t know how to

Cade slowed his movement, dragging out the feel of entering

her again. There had to be some kind of relief to this madness.
She wanted to put her hands down, and force leverage so she
could move on her own accord.

Just as she was about to, Dalton’s thumb, slicked with her juice,

brushed over her clit. “You’re close. Aren’t you, sweetness?”
Dalton’s voice was low and seductive.

“Oh God, yes.” She nearly begged for completion. The release

was there. She felt it just beyond her grasp but they held her on the
edge to deny it. They were skillfully extending out that ridge so her
world consisted only of their contact.

It was both maddening and blissful at the same time.
“You deserve a reward for pleasing me. So let’s see what we

can do to help you along a little.” The pressure increased and she

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realized Dalton had slipped a finger inside her scorching hot core.

Cade’s voice sounded in her ear in response as Dalton pushed

that finger against Cade’s cock, and his careful strokes faltered a
few times before he found his rhythm again.

The sensation of Cade taking her from behind while Dalton

finger fucked her was nearly too much to handle. She desperately
wanted to fall but their combined skill kept her from barreling over.

Dalton’s hand pushed under her chin, lifting her face up so she

saw his intense gaze. Her vision spotted as Cade thrust inside
her, pulling a long, low groan of pleasure from her. Dalton pushed
against that spot deep inside that made her nerves frazzle even

A sultry smile teased up the corners of his mouth. “What is it you

want, sweetness? Tell me.” He leaned forward without giving her
time to answer before his mouth crushed over hers. His tongue
stroked against hers as Cade slammed up into her. It drew a
muffled cry from her throat, and she ground herself down onto both
of them.

Dalton severed the mind-numbing kiss, panting for breath as his

thumb pushed at her hard clit. “I can scent those words,
sweetness. I can even taste them on your tongue. Give them to me
so I can savor them.

Beg me


Something inside her broke free at his whispered demand, and

her plea was a hoarse cry. “Please. Dear God, Dalton. Let us both
gift you this.”

Cade’s voice joined with hers as they begged their Master for

his ultimate approval.

She’d never wanted anything more in her life.
“Yes,” Dalton whispered in a quiet hiss. “That’s it. Go now. Both

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of you. Give me your releases.”

Overloaded, and finally given approval, they both tumbled

helplessly out of control. It was as if someone had fired off every
nerve ending at once and Erin was utterly powerless.

The world spun, righted on its axis for a brief second then went

chaotic as the release took her. She couldn’t do anything but let
herself be taken along for the ride. Everything seemed hazy and
she was unable to fully process what happened around her.

Lost, she was dimly aware of a warm wetness that saturated the

skin between her legs as Dalton saw to both her and Cade’s

At some point later, she realized she was cradled between the

two men and cosseted in a blanket. Both of their arms around her
held tight in the strongest of vises. Their voices hushed and quiet,
offering her words of support and encouragement as they gifted
her with their adoration.

They showered her with praise and she couldn’t get enough.
But when she lifted her head, looking into that fathomless ocean

of gray and green, that euphoric feeling evaporated. Petrified, she
knew what those twin looks of admiration meant.


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Chapter Fourteen

As Dalton rode his motorcycle the next morning, he realized

something. Sitting with Cade as they both embraced Erin after her
intense climax, he’d never felt more content.

Adam had been right. It was a dangerous position for him to be

in—both as a man and a Dom. But at that moment, with his two
lovers there, he hadn’t much cared. He only knew how whole he felt
with both Cade and Erin.

When Mara lost the baby, it was as if his heart had been hacked

out with a dull knife. The emotional scar had never healed so much
as it had been hastily stitched back together. He’d had to do it in
order to go on with his life.

This couldn’t compare, however. He was off kilter with the

current level of intensity that existed between the three of them.
Needing to talk it through, he’d closed up the shop, jumped on his
bike and headed for Atlanta.

Dalton tapped on the gleaming bar at Second Circle a few

hours later. “Adam around?”

Rich hazel eyes met him as the woman tending the bar lifted her

head. The caution in that gaze bled away when she realized who’d
asked the question. “Hey, Dalton. Adam took the day off.”

“Mariana, Adam doesn’t take a day off.”
The tall Asian woman stuffed a towel in her back pocket and

shrugged. “I don’t know. His name wasn’t on the schedule today.
I’m not his keeper. Come down for some debauchery?”

He watched as a man wearing nothing more than a metal cock

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ring walked past and headed for the pair of frosted glass doors.
“No, I’m going to head back to the shop. I should go finish up a few
things instead of chasing ghosts. Tell him I stopped by, will you?”

“Dalton Shaw.”
He froze. A curse swirled in his head as that melted chocolate

voice said his name. It had been his hope to duck in and out
before he was noticed. He, once again, scolded himself for his
stupidity for not just picking up the phone and calling ahead.

Turning, Diane gave him a speculative look. “Not trying to slip

out without saying hello, are you? At least not again. Mariana,
hand me three bottles of water and a Diet Coke.”

The woman moved away to retrieve the requested items. She

returned and set the bottles and a highball glass on the counter
before slinking away again so quietly, Dalton had to wonder if
she’d had some kind of special ninja training.

Diane waved over a man dressed only in a pair of jeans that

were covered with leather chaps. “Take these to Samuel in the
back. Tell him to ease off. His sub is too far gone to say her safe
word or realize she’s starting to dehydrate. And issue him another
warning. That’s his second in six months and he’s pushing my
patience. I did not train him to ignore his submissive’s needs.”

The man started to move off and she stopped him with a firm

hand. “Give this to Kate. Tell her I want it gone before I strap her to
the new stockcade we just got in. She needs to be shown how
much I didn’t appreciate her back talk in our earlier session.”

Dalton watched the man scurry off, set a bottle in front of a

redhead who knelt before the door and disappear through the
doors that separated the sitting area from the rest of the club. He
looked back at Diane and grunted. “Just another day in the office.”

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She nodded, her stark blonde ponytail falling over her shoulder

as she did. “I was disappointed you didn’t say hello the last time
you were here.”

“I was…preoccupied.”
“So I saw. Welcome back to the dark side.” Diane winked as

she settled on a stool next to him. She reached for the plate
Mariana left near her elbow. “Have a cookie.”

“I’m not—” He stopped at the harsh look she gave him. She

knew better, just as he did. It was useless to deny at this point in
time. They knew each other too well to bullshit anymore.

He took the proffered health cookie and rolled his eyes. “How’s


Diane sipped her Diet Coke and rested a hand against one

denim-covered hip. Her sapphire eyes scanned the quiet seating
area. “Flourishing. People will always have a need for sex no
matter how many wars we fight or how poor the economy gets.”

“Sex is free,” Dalton offered. “For the most part.”
“That it is. Fantastic stress reliever as well. Anything that takes

away your problems has to be good for you. Speaking of which,
any problems bring you here? Or maybe you’re just not here to
talk.” Her hand left her drink and wrapped around his arm. “Is that
it? Up for an afternoon scene, Dalton? I’m sure I can find a sub or
two to please you.”

Her attractive face dazzled as she smiled. “Oh relax. I saw you

with those two the last time you were here. I know better and you
know it. You used to have a sense of humor.” She sipped her drink
again and thanked Mariana when she refreshed it.

Considering the fact Adam wasn’t around and there wasn’t

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anyone else for him to talk to, Dalton decided to confess to his
former business associate. She, after all, was adept at reading
people. It was one of the reasons he’d signed over the business to

“I think I’m in over my head.”
“That’s unlike you,” she responded slowly as she examined his


He avoided her gaze, conscious of what she sought. “I know.

This isn’t the kind of life I was meant to live. I’m not sure it’s for

“Why aren’t you, Dalton?” She scowled. “Why aren’t you allowed

to be one of those fools we used to make fun of? You need to give
yourself some slack.” She also wasn’t one to pull any punches and
that was something Dalton needed right now.

“I blew it. I had my chance,” he said mildly as he finished the last

of the cookie.

“No. Not like this you haven’t.” Her fingers gently touched the

underside of his chin and she examined his face for a few minutes
before she continued. “I saw you three together. It’s nothing like
Mara and John. It doesn’t hold a candle to it, so stop muddying this
time in your life with your past.”

She tapped on the bar again and Mariana reappeared with a

bottle of water. Diane smiled in thanks and slid off the chair.
Before she moved off to attend the sub who knelt at the door
patiently waiting for her, she leaned over and pressed her lips
against Dalton’s cheek.

“You had it once. You found it again in Cade. You’d have to be a

fool to not see that woman of yours strengthens it, and makes it
more of a solid foundation upon which to build. You deserve it,

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Dalton. Enjoy it. Enjoy them. Let them love you. Most of all—let
them own you.”

Dalton watched Diane slink away and made up his mind. There

was someone he needed to talk to.

* * * * *

In the dim luminescence of twilight, Dalton rode his motorbike

down the quiet street toward Cade’s house. Tucked at the end of a
cul-de-sac, it was the typical ranch most families of the town
inhabited. Cade’s mother and father had lived there once and
Cade had taken it over when they’d passed a number of years

Dalton noted a group of children playing baseball in the street

and automatically slowed even though his speed was already well
below the posted limit. One young boy shouted and the entire
group split so Dalton could pass between them.

After he parked behind Cade’s ancient truck, he swung his leg

over the seat and turned to watch the group re-form and go about
their game as if they hadn’t been interrupted. A neighbor in an
adjacent house lifted her hand in greeting to Dalton and he
returned the wave with a friendly smile.

This was how life should really be.
Lazy evenings spent watching a group of children enjoy their


He’d wanted that once. A wife, kids, a steady nine-to-five job

and a white picket fence to come home to. The typical atomic
family. But then he’d grown up a little, and realized his tastes
weren’t something that could conform to the normalness expected

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of most people.

Though he’d nearly had some form of that not so long ago with

Mara and John. Then hell had carted in the handbasket and Dalton
realized a family with kids just wasn’t in the cards for him.

Time to stop dwelling on the past. He forced out a breath,

closing off the memories. He lifted a hand and rapped his
knuckles against the screen door.

Cade’s bright smile fell a little as he spotted him. “Everything all


“Sure. Why?” Dalton stepped over the threshold and pulled the

screen door shut behind him as he followed Cade into the kitchen.
The rich aroma of fresh spaghetti sauce hit him full force and his
stomach growled in reaction.

Other than the cookie Diane gave him, he hadn’t eaten all day.

His brain had been too caught up in what to do about the position
he’d found himself.

Cade gave the sauce a quick stir, then turned to the fridge and

pulled out two beers, one of which he handed to Dalton as he took
a swig from the other. “Just wondering about you. You’ve been
missing in action most of the day. Thought something about last
night spooked you.”

“I don’t spook easily.” At least he never had before and he was

certain nothing had changed in that arena. Images formed in his
mind of Erin as she’d been bundled between him and Cade and
he gritted his teeth at the memory of how it felt.

No, he hadn’t been spooked. Quite the opposite.
“I know,” Cade agreed. “That’s why I was surprised to not see

you around your usual haunts today. Sam Cabbot stopped by the
jail. Was a bit upset he couldn’t find you because he says you owe

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him a drive shaft for his El Camino. Wanted me to haul you in for
ripping him off.”

“I’ll call him in the morning. It’s backordered at the supplier and

he damn well knows it.” Dalton shrugged, taking a sip of his beer.

As much as he hated to admit it, it was time to get to the real

reason he was here. “I took a drive. Needed some time to think
and clear my head. Get a fresh perspective on a few things. That’s
the beauty of owning my own business. I can take off whenever I

“So I was right.” Cade’s eyebrows lifted in surprise. “There is

something bothering you.”

“Not so much bothering me, no. Just had a few things pointed

out that I realized I knew all along.”

Those green eyes narrowed as Cade gave him a hard stare,

and set the bottle down with sharp crack. “You’ve been talking to

Dalton snorted and shook his head. “How’d you guess?” Leave

it to Cade to know exactly what was going on. Oh he may not know
all the details, but Cade was intuitive enough to know something
had been off.

“You only get introspective like that when you’ve been talking to

her. If it’s what I think it is, I could have told you and saved the trip.”
Cade turned to the stove, transferred the colander full of drained
noodles back to the stove and made two plates of spaghetti. He
set them on the breakfast bar that jutted out at the end of the
counter and pulled over a stool to sit down.

As Cade dug into his pasta, Dalton blinked a few times in

astonishment. It all seemed so…normal. With a start, and a look
back on the past few months, Dalton realized he’d stopped by

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Cade’s house more frequently than usual as of late. It wasn’t an
everyday occurrence, but apparently it was enough for Cade to
prepare dinner for two.

When the hell had that happened?
Was this really what was missing in his life? He had the sex, but

had Diane really been right that it was time for him to have more

Confusion swirled in Dalton’s mind, and he realized he was tired

of asking himself questions for which he had no answers. Right
across from him sat the one person who didn’t care what kind of
mood he was in.

“Are we into something more than what we planned for?”
Cade sputtered and reached for a paper towel to wipe his

mouth. “What?”

“Me and you.” Dalton waved his hand to indicate the meal

before them. “Things didn’t start out between us with dinners
together. Hot, sweaty sex that left both of us mindless for a few
hours was what I remembered. Not that we don’t still have that.”

Cade blinked a few times and Dalton noted the surprise. At

least he wasn’t alone in the sudden revelation. “You’re right, they
didn’t. I think we both just accepted the natural progress between
us but never said anything. Or pretended it didn’t exist. To be
honest, you never seemed to be one built for a relationship.”

He stopped and was quiet long enough for Dalton to regret

saying anything. But Cade crumpled up his napkin and set it
beside his plate before speaking again. “Now that you mention it,
yeah, I think we are. I don’t think it’s just the two of us though.”

“Agreed.” Dalton plowed on and went for broke since he’d

already opened himself up. “So then how would you feel about

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something more solid between us and Erin?”

Cade smiled around his beer as he took a swig. “I’d feel fine

about it. I assumed things were heading that direction anyway,
given what I saw last night.” He paused for a moment and Dalton
shifted under his intense gaze. He’d felt the same thing, but had
wondered if he’d been alone. “Why? Do you not want that?”

“She’s got a painful past. Hard to get over that and allow

yourself to love again.”

Cade’s hand faltered as he replaced the bottle on the

countertop. It leaned to the left and he overcorrected. Beer spilled
everywhere. He swore, and reached for a wad of paper towels to
clean it up.

Once all was right again, he narrowed his gaze at Dalton and

frowned. “That’s a word I never thought would pass your lips—love.
You’re really serious about this, aren’t you?”

“Yeah, that’s what makes this all so fucked up.”
“Don’t tell me you’re worried about rejection. You’re the last

person I’d think would worry about something like that.”

Dalton dropped his fork to the plate and leaned forward on his

elbows. “Damn it. I don’t know. Diane said Erin is the foundation
we both need. I’m starting to think that’s why this all happened
without me noticing.” He massaged his temples as he referred to
the budding relationship with Cade he hadn’t seen coming.

“I always did like Diane.” Cade’s bark of laughter caused

Dalton’s stomach to clench. Both men were quiet for a few minutes
before Cade spoke again. “Do you think she’s right?”

Dalton lifted his gaze and gave him a steady glare. Cade

smirked and pushed away from the bar and his almost untouched
plate. “That’s what I thought. Didn’t expect it, did you?”

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“Didn’t expect her,” Dalton replied snidely.
“Funny, I believe you said the same thing about me.” The house

phone rang and Cade detoured to the handset that hung on the
wall next to the back door.

Dalton tuned out the conversation. How was it everyone seemed

to know what was going on and he didn’t have any idea? Things
like this rarely got past him, so why this time? Why this instance?

These two people had blindsided him and he felt himself falling

harder than he ever thought capable.

“That was Erin.” Cade’s voice broke through Dalton’s silent

musings. “She wanted to know if she could come over to talk for a

Dalton pushed away from the uneaten food and swung his leg

over the stool to stand. “I’ll head out then, let you two talk. I could
use some fresh air anyway.”

Cade’s hand closed over Dalton’s forearm and squeezed

tightly. “I have a feeling she wants to talk to us both.” His other
hand lifted and threaded through Dalton’s thick hair as he pushed
their foreheads together. “You wanted answers. Here’s your

Erin’s hand froze as she lifted it to knock on the slat of the

screen door. Through the mesh material she saw Cade and
Dalton in the kitchen, their heads bent together as they quietly
talked. She’d interrupted an intimate moment.

As she’d turned onto the street just moments ago, she’d noted

Dalton’s bike in the driveway and still fought to swallow the
nervousness that leapt in her throat. It was good he was here.
What she needed to say involved him as well and it would keep

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her from repeating herself.

No one could misconstrue her words as they were passed on.
“Knock, knock.” Both men looked over their shoulders and

flashed twin smiles in greeting. It caught her unaware and knocked
the breath right out of her, which caused her to stop mid-stride.
They both spun her for a loop and made what she had to say so

It needed to be dealt with, however, especially after yesterday.
Someone had to be the voice of reason.
She cleared her throat and mentally shook herself as she

shoved her keys into the pocket of her jeans. It was obvious that
her nervousness had started to show and she fought it back with a
hard swallow. Forcing herself to walk again, she took one step at a
time toward the men who had caused her to see a glimmer of
herself again.

It was a glimpse that scared her, and why she needed to do this.

“I’ll just say what I need to. And get out of your way, since it
appears I interrupted dinner,” she added after a quick glimpse to
the counter. Another peek into the familiarity these two men
shared with each other.

“Actually, we’d just gotten started. Care to join us?”
“No, thank you.” Both smiles faded and she pushed on. “As I

said, I’ll just say what I have to and get out of your way. Something
happened last night. Something I don’t know if I’m ready for.”

Panic flashed through Dalton’s eyes as he stepped to her. “Are

you all right? Were you hurt?”

This is what she’d hoped to avoid. Worry wasn’t something she

wanted. She felt wonderful and that was exactly the problem. “No,
Dalton, I’m fine. Physically, at least.” Her body still buzzed from the

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sensations they’d overwhelmed her with. “Emotionally, I’m a

“You aren’t the only one,” Cade added wryly.
Her gaze snapped to both men. She finally noticed their

expressions and saw beneath the façade they’d presented her
with. Something had occurred here in this very room. “If it’s
because of me, then I apologize.”

“I think we’ve all dug our own graves here. Can’t say as I’m

complaining, however,” Cade added with a smile.

“Last night I felt something I’ve never felt before. I can’t even put

it into words and I’d be a fool not to admit to the fact it scared me.”

Dalton reached out and snaked his hand around her forearm.

“So maybe anal sex is a hard limit for you.”

His touch scorched her skin, marking her and made what she

had to say all the more painful. “No. No, that was fine. Fantastic
even, which is not something I would have ever thought I’d hear
myself say. I meant there are some emotions floating around here
that I don’t think I can deal with.”

A look passed between Dalton and Cade and caused her to

bite her lip. She hesitated for a moment, clearing her throat to stall
for a few seconds longer. To gain the strength necessary to say
what needed to be acknowledged.

“I saw something from you both that I need some clarification


“Anything for you.”
The easy assurance from Dalton almost made her stop. “I need

to know what you both expect from me. It was my understanding
this was strictly about sex and exploration—”

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Cade tilted his head, smiling at her. “It is.”
“It was,” Erin corrected. “I can’t say it appears that way


Both men were quiet for a time and she thought it was the end of

the conversation. The end of everything. Dalton huffed out a heavy
breath and finally spoke. “You’re right. It’s not. You have to know it
wasn’t our intention.”

The heaviness around her heart eased. She hadn’t thought it

was done on purpose, but it helped to hear the assurance. “I know.
I’m not blaming either of you for it. I just…I know sometimes sex
and emotions can get tangled up and confused.”

“And you want to make sure we’re all on the same page,” Cade


“Exactly,” she said firmly as she tilted her chin up. “I took a

chance—correction, we all took a chance—and I don’t think there
is any room for fuzziness when it comes to what we’ve gotten
ourselves into.”

“So, let’s clear away the confusion. Cade and I want to know if

you’d like to move what’s between the three of us to another level.
We all have something, together and individually, and it’s worth

“No.” The pain on their faces was immediate, and she rushed on

to explain herself. “I have learned so much about myself in the past
few weeks, and I know there is a lot more you both have to teach
me. I have a lot to learn about myself as well because it has forced
me to examine everything I knew. That’s why I have to say no to
anything more than sex between the three of us right now. I have to
know myself. I don’t want to give you what I don’t know. I can’t.”

“Are you certain?” The men exchanged a look and Erin’s soul

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wept for the ambiguity she added into the mix.

“I asked myself if I love you both,” she stated as she lifted her

hands to each of their cheeks. The difference between Cade’s
clean-shaven jaw and Dalton’s three-day growth made her smile.
She adored that about them. The differences that made them so
unique, and special to her.

“I found that I didn’t have an honest answer and you both

deserve one. I know we have a lot of fun and find enjoyment in
what we all do together. But I still don’t know if I can be in a
relationship again. I know for certain I can’t right now because I’m
still raw from what happened with Billy. The three of us together is
a concept I’ve just gotten used to, and I’m comfortable with how
things stand for the moment. I don’t want that to stop. Is that all

Both men nodded and the knot in her stomach finally loosened

for the first time since the previous evening.

“There aren’t any guarantees. When it comes to love, at least,”

Cade offered as he pushed closer and wrapped his arms around
her waist to fit her against his body.

When Dalton joined them, holding them both with his muscular

arms, she nodded and pressed a kiss to each of their lips. First
Dalton, then Cade. “I know that. I just don’t know if I’m ready to give
that part of myself yet.”

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Chapter Fifteen

A week later, Erin knocked on the door to the back room at the

bike shop and pushed it open when Dalton answered. She felt
more secure about what the three of them shared after their talk.
Sex was something she could handle right now far more easily
than a triad relationship.

They’d yet to talk more because her work schedule this week

kept her away. So there hadn’t been an opportunity to get together
to find out if the sexual aspect had been irrevocably damaged by
that talk.

A casual greeting died on the tip of her tongue as she spotted

Cade kneeling in the center of the room without a stitch of clothing
on. Seemed as if their little arrangement would continue to hold.

“Take off your clothes.”
She obeyed, caught up in the heady way his voice made her

feel. Her bag fell to floor, forgotten as Dalton’s hushed command
sounded in her ear. His body heat flowed over her as he stood
behind her and watched each piece of clothing fall away. Hot lips
caressed her shoulder as she slowly removed her panties.

She’d long gotten accustomed to Dalton’s whims. It was one of

the things she liked most about him. Spontaneity like that was hard
to come by. It seemed as if he was in the middle of one of those
moments right now, and the idea of it thrilled her.

“As we’re both aware, Cade has a fondness for oral—both

giving and receiving. So guess what Cade won’t be getting?” A
quiet groan of protest sounded from where Cade knelt on the floor.

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It caused Dalton to smile against her skin. “I will be instead.”

Dalton took Erin’s hand and guided her to stand in front of

Cade, but maneuvered her to face the other direction.

“Why don’t you lower yourself to your knees for me, sweetness?

Give Cade a glimpse of that pussy he’s been talking about all

She complied as he stepped away. Her gaze focused on an

imaginary point in front of her as she waited. The floor was hard
and rough under her knees, and she used the pain to keep focus.

A chair scraped across the floor as it was brought closer. Once

again the very same chair she’d sat in that first night. The wood
cracked as Dalton sat and a shiver traveled down her spine as his
hand slid against the back of her neck.

The simple movement was a gesture of pure possession.
His touch was something that brought comfort to her no matter

her mood or state of mind. Her breath released in a slow sigh as
his fingers dug into her skin, threading through her hair as he
gently pulled her face up.

She saw he was nude from the waist up. His jeans were

unbuttoned and his erection peeked through the gap in the fabric.
His soft chuckle surrounded her and without thinking, her gaze
lifted to his. Those gray eyes had gone dangerous, fire rimmed
with smoke.

“You like what you see, don’t you?” Dalton’s voice was heavy

with arousal.

Swallowing him was something she’d thought about since she’d

first bore witness as Cade had sucked Dalton’s cock that first
night. She’d imagined what it would be like to have her lips
wrapped around his thickness. To feel him come in her mouth. The

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anticipation of what he would taste like made her brain lose focus.

“Answer me, Erin.” His voice broke through her mind as his

hand tightened on her nape, and she cleared her throat.

“Just yes?”
A knot of panic clenched her stomach. Had she said something

wrong? Done something she wasn’t supposed to? Unlike some
people in the lifestyle, Dalton didn’t expect either of them to call
him Master. In fact, he usually preferred they didn’t call him
anything, as he was the one who did all the talking once they were
in this room.

At a loss, she looked over to Cade and pleaded with her eyes

for some kind of guidance. Dalton chuckled again, closing his
finger over her chin and turning her face to his. His gaze met hers
and held it.

“I just want for you to tell me what you want to do. I want Cade to

hear the words.


want to hear the words,” he stressed.

It occurred to her then that this was similar to when he’d sat and

watched her and Cade together. Where he’d made Cade
describe what he felt when he’d slid inside her. Now Cade was the
one who would watch from the sidelines until Dalton decided

If he even allowed him to at all.
“I want to taste you. Feel you against my tongue and have my

lips wrapped around…” She hesitated, gnawing on her lip as the
words caught in her throat. This was the part that always tripped
her and made her feel as if she were an amateur.

“Say it, Erin. Don’t be afraid of power that exists behind the

words.” His finger lifted to run across the seam of her lips.

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She blew out a breath, fighting to remain steady. They were

simply words. But they weren’t

just words

. They held meaning and

purpose. Power, as Dalton had said. It was then she realized what
sort of power they held, and that was what gave her the strength to

Her gaze met Dalton’s eyes straight on. “I want your cock in my

mouth so I can feel you orgasm and discover what you taste like
when you come.”

The corners of Dalton’s mouth lifted in a smile. “There. Feels

good, doesn’t it? To throw off the chains that bind you?” She
nodded in agreement as the confirmation breezed past her lips.
“Now show me what that mouth of yours can do other than talk

Leaning forward, she flicked her tongue over the velvet surface

of his already rock-hard erection. His breath hissed between his
teeth, and the sound of it gave weight to the moment. Her tongue
followed the ridges and lines of veins, and his thighs hitched as
she teased the underside of the flared head of his cock with her

She remembered that Dalton liked a special brand of pain.
Teeth nipped at hard flesh as her mouth closed over the crown.

Her eyes fluttered closed at the contact with his heated flesh. His
breath sighed out over her as he relaxed under her touch.

It was everything she could have ever hoped for.
“Whoever taught you to give a blowjob should be raised up on

an altar and worshipped. Sweet fuck, Cade. She’s giving you a run
for your money.” It thrilled her to hear Dalton say such a thing, and
caused her to quicken her speed. He lengthened and hardened as
she relaxed her throat. His deep voice rumbled in utter bliss as

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she sucked, taking him as far as she could.

Dalton moved suddenly, pushing her away with a loud curse.

Based on his sudden panic, she’d done more—been more—than
he’d expected. She’d caught him off guard and rejoiced at the
idea of Dalton completely at a loss for control.

She waited as he stood, his chest quickly moving as he panted.

It was another few moments before he finally spoke, excitement
heavy in his words.

“Seems Cade is feeling a little excluded. Let’s see what we can

do to remedy that.” He shifted, making sure he had her positioned
just as before. “Spread your legs again. Show him what he may be
gifted with if he conducts himself in a manner I judge fitting.”

Erin moved, feeling a cool wisp of air against her overheated

flesh when she opened as instructed. Cade’s voice sounded
behind her, the noise of it scraping over her skin to make her feel
even more exposed. Dalton towered over her, and she looked up
to see the expectation in his eyes. She knew what he was going to
say even before the words passed his lips.

“Suck my cock again, sweetness.”
Without hesitation, she rose a little and took Dalton’s cock back

into the warmth of her mouth. Instead of letting things build again,
she acted as if he hadn’t interrupted her. She braced one hand
against his thigh for support, using the other one to aid her mouth
to surround him because he was too much for her to swallow

She pushed her tongue against hot flesh as she pulled back,

twisting her hand as it followed before plunging down over him
again. His cock grew harder in her mouth, widening again to
signal his orgasm was near. She was so close to having what it

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was that she wanted.

This knowledge fueled her and drove her to continue.
Dalton’s hand tightened against her head and she took it as

another sign he was close. It caused her to quicken the unrelenting
pace as her own arousal spread hot up her spine.

He hardened further and erupted in her mouth within minutes

with a loud snarl of release. The hot, salty fluid hit her tongue and
caused her to give a deep groan of approval as she greedily
swallowed. This is what she wanted, what she had been ready to
nearly beg him for since she admitted her need.

She drank him and swallowed every drop he gifted her with.
After a time his flesh softened in her mouth and she regretfully

withdrew as his taste still danced over her taste buds. Hot lips
crushed down over hers and, riding the high, she opened for
Dalton’s mouth. A groan rumbled from his throat as his tongue met
hers and he caught a taste of himself in her mouth.

The kiss deepened as Dalton took ownership of her.
“Stay like this.” Dalton moved away and Erin carefully controlled

her breathing, just as she’d been working on. It took everything she
had to control the storm that raged inside of her because she was
determined to overcome the inability to restrain her orgasms.

The sound of a voice, harsh and ragged, sounded over her

shoulder and she recognized the wet sound of skin on skin. She
couldn’t see clearly in her peripheral vision, but it was evident
Dalton now used his hand on Cade. Already quivering muscles
clenched at the noise and she tensed in order to hold everything
inside her.

Restraint became increasingly harder when she heard Dalton’s

voice behind her. “Do you want her wrapped around your dick,

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Cade? Want to feel what it’s like to have her spasm around it as
she loses control? Maybe even feel what it’s like as I put her into

“Yes.” Desperation saturated the word.
“Slow and gentle with her then. She’s a woman and you owe her

your tenderness. You’re not allowed to come. Erin, on the other
hand, may come as often as she likes. In fact, I want no less than
three—understood?” Dalton asked as she looked over her
shoulder at him.

She swallowed back a laugh. “Don’t think that will be a


Dalton released his hold on Cade. “Take her.”
It was hard not to squirm in anticipation as she listened to the

foil of the condom wrapper and Cade moved behind her. The
patience Cade exhibited as he slid into that wet heat within her
was commendable. Every muscle in her core tightened at once at
the feel and she released a steadying breath, determined to hold
out for as long as possible.

Cade evidently had other ideas as he pulled his hips back and

thrust forward before she could prepare. The first climax punched
through her after just a few more quick thrusts. It left her breathless
and her knees wobbled as she fought to maintain her composure.
Cade’s hands were tight on her hips for support and she leaned
against him more than she intended.

Her voice caught in her throat when Dalton reached to where

she and Cade were joined and slicked his fingers over Cade’s
cock. He wet his fingers with the lubrication from her juices and
slid his thumb over her rear passage. Relaxed from the release,
she was able to take his thumb easily as it slipped inside and he

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matched Cade’s thrusts almost immediately.

The fullness was nearly too much to stand, yet she managed to

hold on as he slipped another finger in to join his thumb. Her body
buzzed with the energy that filled the room and she used it to draw
out her pleasure.

“Stop, Cade, but stay where you are. I want this one for myself.

But she needs something else.” His fingers withdrew and she
nearly sobbed at the loss of contact with him. Dalton moved away
and she felt Cade’s deliberate breaths wrap around her while they
waited. She unintentionally shifted and Cade’s fingers dug into her
hips in order to hold her in place.

“Don’t move. Just…


.” Cade’s voice was quiet so only she

could hear, but dripped with the strain it took for him to maintain

She felt the need to apologize, tell him she hadn’t meant to

cause a problem, but Dalton’s footsteps were a signal of his
return. He hadn’t directed them not to talk, but she didn’t want to
tempt fate by speaking.

Dalton’s thigh brushed against hers as he knelt beside Cade

and smoothed a hand over her lower back. His fingers traveled
lower and the shock of something smooth against her skin caused
her to jump. Cade hissed in response to her sudden movement.

There was no doubt in her mind Dalton had done that

deliberately to see what kind of reaction he could garner. It was a
thought further cemented when Dalton’s dark laughter filled the

Cold touched her skin as he added some lubrication and her

voice was the one that filled the room now as Dalton pushed what
felt like a dildo into her ass. Relaxed, the device slipped easily

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inside her and she fought to keep from grinding back onto Cade
as Dalton pushed it deeper.

“Shame I’m intent on seeing her drive you wild with her

orgasms, Cade. She’s primed and ready to have one of us buried
in her ass.” Cade’s moan fueled the spark that flashed anew
inside her and Dalton began to thrust the toy with slow and drawn
out motions.

He varied his pace, never settling into one pattern that would let

her grab onto it.

“You came for Cade, Erin. Now you owe me one. Let me have

it.” Oversensitive, it was easy to answer his request and the
release pulled a strangled sob from somewhere deep inside of

Unable to stop herself, she did move now, pushing back against

Cade in a silent demand that he move. An obedient sub, he
stayed in place and waited for Dalton to allow him the freedom of
movement again. It made her grateful that she hadn’t been
instructed to hold back, as she didn’t think she could find the
restraint to do so.

Dalton shifted the toy, holding it fully inside her. “Move, Cade.


. Force another one out of her. Feel what it’s like to be inside

her as her world falls away.”

The climax slammed into her when the toy and Cade moved at

the same moment. She shot vertical, stripped of cognizant thought
as she was yanked up into that space she’d come to love so
much. Everything became pure and vibrant as she was carried off
to another world. Her body was alive and pulsed with an energy
that sparkled behind her eyes.

She returned to find herself sprawled on her back, her body a

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boneless mass that left her unsure if she had the energy to walk
again. A soft noise to the right caught her attention and she turned
to find Dalton kissing Cade slowly and thoroughly in some kind of

Fascinated, she unabashedly watched the two men. As much as

she wanted to rise, cross to them and find some of the desire they
possessed for each other, she found utter delight in simply being
an observer. She’d watched them together before, but it made her
wonder what it would be like to see the two men together from
beginning to end.

To simply play observer as they fucked.
Their gazes turned on her as she shifted to a sitting position in

order to watch. There was that need she’d longed for and hadn’t
even known she’d been looking for in the first place. She’d found it
with both of these men. No one ever needed her like they did and
she’d never needed anyone this wholly and completely.

“Erin, come give Cade your thanks. Show him how grateful you


Dalton’s meaning was clear without clarification and she would

happily oblige after what Cade had given her. As she rolled onto
her knees, she noticed Dalton had removed the condom despite
the fact Cade still hadn’t orgasmed yet.

One day she would have that level of control.
She prowled slowly on her knees to the men. Cade’s gaze was

unwavering as her mouth brushed against his. Her tongue scraped
over his closed lips until he gasped in reaction. Seeing her
chance, she angled her head to deeply kiss him. The flavor of
Cade exploded on her tongue, mingling with the lingering taste of
Dalton’s seed still in her mouth.

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Dalton’s deep groan of approval made Cade take a more

active role and take possession of the kiss. Hands slid through her
hair, moving her head to give Cade better access, and the
familiarity of the touch indicated Dalton hadn’t been able to remain
completely removed.

Even after the powerful releases they’d given her, arousal shot

to boiling point. Her body shook from the combination of the
orgasms and the need to have them both. She was a fool to think
she could easily keep this strictly about sex. She needed this, and
needed them just as much as they needed her.

She dropped and braced both of her hands against Cade’s

thighs as she took his cock into her mouth. As she closed over the
crown, the muscles in Cade’s thighs jerked in response.

Dalton’s voice was hushed overhead, a silent and single

command given to Cade. She felt his body tighten and a loud
growl echoed through the room as Cade finally relinquished

* * * * *

The next morning, the trio sat around a table at Mac’s Diner.

Erin fluffed a hand through her hair, making a covert gesture with
her hand in response to a smartass comment from Dalton. Cade
hid a smile behind his hand as Dalton leaned forward and folded
his hands together.

“Keep that up and I will bend you over the table, tie you down

and show you how far one of those fucking machines can take

He clearly meant it as a threat, but the glint in his eyes made her

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She was still warmed through with the fact that Dalton had

allowed her to handle Cade’s aftercare the previous evening. Lost
in the careful task, she’d nearly gone into a hazy state as she’d
spent time making sure he had what he needed. That he was
comfortable and remained hydrated.

The connection was something she understood now and was

eternally grateful to Dalton for gifting her with the privilege of
something so precious. Another sign the trio had something very

Dalton opened his mouth to say something more but abruptly

snapped it shut. His eyes darkened. She looked to Cade and
noticed his expression had shifted as well.

Before she could inquire, Dalton nodded to someone over

Erin’s shoulder. “John. Mara.”

A hollow feeling balled Erin’s stomach and she swallowed the

sudden case of nerves that flared to life once she heard those
names. She wanted to reach for Dalton’s hand, offer comfort and
reassurance, but Dalton wouldn’t want it. Not right now.

Erin turned her head a little, catching sight of the couple.
John was tall, lean and his angular face framed soft light green

eyes. Mara was equally as tall, but she wore three-inch heels to
achieve the height. Wide brown eyes were framed by a fall of soft
blonde hair that looked as if had cost a small fortune to maintain.
Her full lips were perfectly straight, worry marring her flawlessly
painted face.

“Dalton, great to see you.” John extended a hand toward the

man who was flanked by his current lovers.

Dalton didn’t rise, but shook John’s hand in what Erin saw as a

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friendly gesture made out of politeness. “Same here. What brings
you back to town?”

“We’re on vacation. Brought the kids here to see where Mara

grew up.”


Erin turned her head just in time to watch Dalton’s hand

flinch against the cheap Formica table. He covered it fluidly
enough so even the most astute observer wouldn’t notice. But the
worry that instantly clouded Cade’s eyes made it clear he’d
noticed, just as she did.

“That’s good, pass along the history. Show that it’s not always

about big city living.”

“Exactly.” John slipped his arm around his wife’s waist and met

Erin’s gaze. “I’ve been away for a while, so I don’t recognize your
friends here.”

Dalton cleared his throat. “Sorry, this is Sheriff Roberts and—”
“Erin Corvus,” Erin interrupted.
Mara offered her hand, but Erin made it appear as if she hadn’t

seen the woman reach forward. The last thing she wanted to do
was touch this woman who had caused so much damage to the
man next to her.

As the woman leaned over, Erin suddenly realized the greasy,

heavy scent of the bacon and fried potatoes wasn’t enough to
erase the potent scent of Mara’s perfume. If she ever smelled
another bushel of roses again, it would be too soon.

Mara let out a nervous laugh and smiled as she slid that rejected

hand into her husband’s grasp. “Dalton hanging out with the law.
Now there’s a change of pace. I used to remember you running
from the law, not sitting beside it.”

Cade dropped his silverware to his empty plate and the noise

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made the couple flinch. “Sometimes, events in your life cause you
to change your outlook.” His voice was loaded with contempt and
even Erin felt the coldness of it.

The sound of it seemed to kick Dalton out of his stupor and he

leaned against the back of the booth with his arms wide and long
behind both her and Cade. It was a clearly possessive move
intended to mark his territory.

“So, kids, you say? Added a few?”

Oh Dalton, please don’t go there. Don’t put yourself through


. She caught Cade’s gaze and pleaded with her eyes for him

to step in and say something to stop this train wreck.

“Yeah, they’re—”
“Listen, sorry to interrupt, but I’ve got to get into the station.”

Cade cleared his throat and pushed against Dalton’s shoulder
with a closed fist. “Dalton, you rode over with me because you left
your bike at the station. Ready to head out?”

Dalton brought his arms in and nodded despite the fact a frown

pulled at his mouth.

Erin seized the opportunity and tossed her napkin down in front

of her. “Hey, Sheriff, I need to head to my office as well. Think you
can give me a lift?” It didn’t matter that her office was two blocks
away. The couple didn’t know otherwise. She certainly didn’t want
to stay here and she was not going to leave Dalton alone right
now. He may not realize it, but he needed both her and Cade more
than ever.

The three shifted and John and Mara backed out of their way. It

wasn’t hard to miss the disappointment on both of their faces.
Their displeasure was even more evident when Mara reached
forward and brushed her hand over Dalton’s forearm.

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“Oh well, maybe we can get together for dinner later this week?”
Dalton jerked against his former lover’s touch and stepped back

in order to put space between them. The contact appeared to
have made something inside him snap and a forced smile lit up
his features.

“Actually, I have a few jobs I’m behind on. Need to get them

done by the end of the week. Have a nice time while you’re here
though.” His heavy work boots sounded quietly against the worn
linoleum as he moved away.

Erin watched a flicker of disappointment pass between the

couple. They hadn’t been truthful about their reasons for being
here and she immediately hated them for it. Hadn’t they caused
enough hatred and discontent without further adding to the

Cade tapped her shoulder, giving her a silent signal he wanted

to catch up with Dalton. “I’ll meet you outside.”

“I’ll pay the tab. You got it last time.” Erin pushed away from the

table as Cade rushed to catch up with Dalton. She threw a few
bills on the table to cover their breakfast and crossed her arms
over her stomach as she faced the couple. Mara’s gaze had
followed Dalton out the door, and she still stared as if it would
somehow make him step back through the entryway.

Erin cleared her throat to get Mara’s attention. “Dalton is happy.

In case you were wondering.”

Mara nodded. “We’re glad for him.”
Erin snorted and shook her head. “No, you’re not. You didn’t

come here for vacation. Well, you did, but not for the family
bonding time you meant for him to believe.”

Brown eyes pleaded for understanding, and under different

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circumstances, Erin would have actually felt sorry for her. The
woman was obviously emotional about Dalton’s abrupt dismissal.
“We realized our mistake and came to find him.”

Despite her moment of pity for the woman, those words caused

indignation to flow hot in Erin’s veins. Her attitude toward the
couple changed dramatically as she realized they weren’t going to
give up easily.

“Why? He wasn’t lost. He’s been in the same place he’s been

since you both walked out. I’d suggest you don’t stick around.”

If the couple seemed surprised to hear Erin knew the truth about

their relationship with Dalton, their faces gave nothing away. “You
have no business sticking your nose where it doesn’t belong,”
Mara snapped out, her pretty face distorting with anger.

Tired of the posturing, Erin reacted to the woman’s attitude and

handed it right back to her. “And you had no business leaving him
like you did. You really have no business coming here and
expecting him to just welcome you back like nothing happened.”

Cade returned just in time to hear the last of Erin’s carefully

controlled tirade and reached around the couple to take up her
elbow. “Erin, come on. Let’s get out of here.”

She started to move, but John’s hand clamped on her shoulder

to hold her in place. “If we could just talk to him. Maybe let him
know how wrong we were.”

Mara nodded, her expression pleading as if it would help the

situation. “We just—”

The tension in the air cracked and Cade lost his composure.

“What? Woke up from your stupidity and suddenly realized what a
damn good thing you let go? You don’t get to sweep back into his
life and say ‘Oops’. Deal with the choice you made and get the

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fuck out of my town.”

“You can’t abuse that badge, Sheriff.” Mara’s expression

darkened, taking on a hard edge that ruined the beauty she’d
been when they’d first entered. In this moment Mara was an ugly
woman and Erin knew she would always remember her this way.
She would have to in order to look back on this moment and laugh.

“You’re right, I can’t. But I can make your time here very, very

miserable.” His arm snaked around Erin’s waist and she let herself
be pulled into his embrace. She welcomed anything that got her
away from the slimeball’s grip on her shoulder. Cade held her as
she settled into his tight hug.

“Dear, stop it. You’re pushing too much.”
“But he needs us,” Mara insisted as she tried to shake off her

husband’s tender touch.

Erin saw his fingers clench tightly against Mara’s arm. His gaze

softened and he appeared to understand with far more clarity than
Mara did. “No, I don’t think he does. He’s obviously got people
who love him enough to stand up for him. We’re not going to ruin
that. That’s not what we came to do.”

Mara sighed heavily, slumping against her husband in defeat.

Her slender hand lifted to his chest and he cradled her to him as
her emotions got the better of her. “He belongs with us, John.”

John’s gaze met both Cade’s and Erin’s fierce stares and he

nodded his head at each of them in turn. “Not anymore, Mara.
Let’s go. We’ve caused enough trouble. He’s moved on and so
should we.”

He shifted her, putting himself physically between them. Regret

clouded his eyes. “I apologize if anything we said upset you. It
wasn’t our intention to cause trouble, and to be honest, we were a

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little overzealous. Please know that we’re not usually like this. We
just want the best for him.”

“Then the best thing you can do is leave.” Cade’s arm firmed

around Erin’s waist and they stood their ground together. She
pressed herself against him, feeling eased by his presence.

John’s words made perfect sense. She knew the draw Dalton

possessed because she’d felt it herself, even though she’d denied
it. Now that she’d embraced it, she wasn’t of the mind to let it go
easily. Without a doubt, Cade felt the same way.

Cade guided her past the heartbroken couple and out into the

bright sunlight of the morning. As they approached the truck, the
quiet was broken by Cade’s frustrated sigh.

“Damn it. He’s gone.”

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Chapter Sixteen

Later that night, as Erin stepped into The Red Oak, John’s

words still stuck with her.

He’s obviously got people who love him enough to stand up for


Yes, she was willing to step up and defend Dalton, but was it a

sign that she loved him? He had obviously been in a great amount
of pain at the sight of his former lovers. She’d wanted to do
everything she could in order to erase the hurt. Surely that wasn’t
indicative of love.

She’d been down that road and knew enough to recognize what

love felt like.

The emotions and feelings they both drew from her weren’t love.
It was so much more.
The bar was smoky and filled to capacity with locals out looking

for cheap drinks and slurred conversation. The establishment did
its fair share of business from husbands who sought to fill in the
hours between end of shift and dinner with their families.

Erin’s gaze scanned the packed room before it landed on the

owner of the bar, Brian. He jerked his chin in greeting, then
gestured with the rag in his hand toward the dark lump at the end
of the bar.

She blew out a relieved breath and smiled in thanks as she

pushed aside her inner debate about what constituted love. Her
cell phone was in her hand to dial Cade’s number before her feet
even started to propel her forward.

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“He’s here. Drunker than a skunk from the looks of it too.”
“I’ll be there in five minutes.”
She shoved the phone into her back pocket as she slid onto the

high barstool next to Dalton. His hand gripped tightly around the
half-filled mug and his shoulders were hunched. The wood bar
served as his pillow and she wrinkled her nose in disgust as she
caught the strong scent of yeast.

“You smell like you’ve been fermented.”
“All the better reason for you to get drunk on me.” The words

were slurred and nearly incoherent in his inebriated state.

Erin snorted and rubbed her nose in the hope it would help

dissipate the potent aroma. It didn’t. “Hey, Brian, can I get a glass
of ice water? See if we can’t sober this boy up. Why’d you still
serve him anyway? Thought it was against ABC laws to serve
someone already over the legal limit.”

Brian slid two tall glasses of water her way and leaned against

the counter. A smile of amusement teased up the corners of his
mouth as he gestured to Dalton. “He came in two sheets to the
wind. The alcohol in him ain’t mine. I refused him service.”

“Yet he’s got a beer.”
“That, my dear, is my special concoction for those who don’t

know when to stop with their indulgences. Apple juice mixed with a
little club soda. Been sucking it down like water. He’s so shitfaced
he doesn’t even know the difference.”

Erin beamed. “I knew there was a reason I liked you.”
“Stop hitting on my girl,” Dalton mumbled around another

swallow of his drink.

“You keep up this bullshit and the only thing you’re going to see

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of your girl is her ass as she leaves.”

“Works for me. I like her ass just fine.” He lifted his head and

Erin spotted a thin thread of red through his normally clear and
sharp eyes. There was a bawdy grin on his mouth and he used his
elbow to prop up his head. “Cade does too. Told me he wanted to
fuck it again so he could tell me—”

“Drink this.” She cut him off and shoved a glass at him in a rush

to put something in his mouth other than his usual vulgarity.

Dalton swept his hand wide, knocking the ice water away, and

he stood to push into her. The close proximity gave her a contact
high and she tried to put space between them so she could
breathe clean air. Dalton’s hand was strong and firm against her
nape as he pulled her sharply against him. Despite the fact he was
three sheets to the wind, the hardness of a stiff erection pressed
against her hip.

“I’d rather drink you. Or him. Maybe both of you at the same

time. Now there’s something we haven’t done. I’ll take you both.
Have you sit on his dick while I lick your cunt. Taste you both at the

“Erin, I suggest you get him out of here,” Brian interrupted with a

loud cough as he reached forward and pushed Dalton back on the
barstool. “Someone’s going to take offense if he keeps it up with
that mouth of his.”

Erin nodded and looked to the door in case she had missed

Cade’s arrival. She wouldn’t be able to muscle Dalton to her car,
so she would have to make do until he got here. “Hand me a rag,
I’ll wipe up this side.” Brian tossed a towel toward her and she
gave him a soft smile. “Thanks for babysitting.”

“Just don’t let it get around that I’ve gone soft. Listen, want to

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grab some extra rags out of the back? I could use a few more to
wipe the mess up on this side. I’ll keep an eye on him.”

“No problem.” She smiled at a few groups who sat near the

hallway that led to the back and avoided their curious gazes.
Dalton had been loud enough for most of the bar to hear and the
town would buzz later with gossip about the newest relationship
news. Most of the town was open-minded enough not to care who
did what behind closed doors, but that didn’t stop them from

As she stepped into the stock room, the strong aroma of

cleaner rid her nose of the assortment of scents she’d been
subjected to since her arrival. She was thankful Brian understood
and hadn’t blinked an eye when Dalton’s vulgar tirade had started.

The towels tickled her palm as she stacked a few together and

she caught herself smiling in spite of the current situation. Dalton
was someone who rarely let his emotions show. He’d gotten
thrown off his game the moment John and Mara had stepped into
the diner this morning. He’d typically taken off and it hadn’t
surprised her or Cade in the least to find him gone.

Finding him had been the biggest frustration. For as small as

Collington Creek was, it had taken most of the day to locate him.
Judging by his words, drunk or not, Dalton hadn’t let Mara and
John’s sudden reappearance sway his desire for either her or

The feel of that certainty from someone she was close to

swelled inside her. She suspected the questions she’d been
forced to ask herself lately about the men would soon find very
different answers.

Am I ready for it?

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There was a loud shout and a swell of voices out in the main

area made her toss the hand towels to the side. The urgency
behind the noise caused her to sprint up the narrow hallway just as
Dalton took a swing at another customer.

Despite the fact he was nearly filled to capacity with alcohol,

Dalton’s fist connected solidly with the man’s jaw. His head
snapped back on his neck and blood splattered another patron
immediately to his left.

“You pansy fuck,” the man shouted in response as his eyes

narrowed at Dalton.

Both men lunged for each other at the same time. A fist

slammed into Dalton’s face. With his height and build, the
mountain of a man didn’t move, didn’t even flinch. Clearly annoyed,
Dalton returned the punch with enthusiasm and suddenly the bar
was in total chaos as fights broke out everywhere.

Alcohol, unrest and emotions ran high and fueled the mob to

make for a volatile combination. She gritted her teeth and
tightened her fists at her side. Those years she’d spent breaking
up fights between her older brother and sister looked as if they
would come in handy. Just because she had a small stature didn’t
mean she couldn’t hold her own in a fight. Besides, men were far
simpler to take down to their knees when they got this unruly.

“Getting off easy with just a kick to their crotches too,” she

muttered as she stepped forward, ready to put her knee to good
use, but was brought up short when Cade suddenly threw himself
into the melee.

He ducked the thrown punch with an effortlessness and fluid

grace that couldn’t be taught at any sort of police instruction
facility. He’d clearly retained his military hand-to-hand combat

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Splitting the crowd, Cade muscled Dalton away from the

raucous group and held his arms behind him to prevent further
punches from being thrown. Brian held the other man, who
struggled in the hold and took offense to what had just happened.

“You’re all sick in the head. Think you own the world because

you’re better than the rest of us. It’s bad enough you two butt-fuck
each other. But then you go and ruin a perfectly good-lookin’
woman by convincing her to fuck you two cocksuckers.”

And now we know what started the fight.

Erin shook her head in

disgust and stepped through the crowd to stand beside her men.

“Evan, I’d think real long and hard before you open that bigoted

trap of yours again.”

Cade’s warning didn’t seem to deter the man as he continued

his rant. “Bunch of demented perverts. I hope you all burn in hell.”
Evan’s eyes flared white hot as he shook off Brian’s hold and
stepped closer to Dalton and Cade. He sneered at the men, then
turned his glare on Erin. “How about you let a real man show you
how that pussy of yours should be filled?”

Cade shoved Dalton toward Erin as his fist slammed into

Evan’s face. As she stepped in to support Dalton’s swaying form,
there was an audible snap as the cartilage in Evan’s nose

Dalton’s chest hitched and she looked up to see a slight smile

play over his lips. She had no idea what he found so amusing, but
could guess, considering how she felt about Cade stepping in and
punching the narrow-minded bastard. Undoubtedly, Cade would
be reprimanded for it since he was in uniform, but that didn’t really
seem to bother him in the least.

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Evan fell to the floor in a heap with blood darkening the front of

his crisp white shirt. His eyes rolled back and his body went limp
as he lost consciousness.

Brian crossed his arms over his chest and smiled. “Well, would

you look at that, Sheriff. Seems as if Evan here found the business
end of my floor when he fell off his stool.”

Pride swelled in Erin when no one moved to assist Evan as he

bled all over that floor. Served the jerk right after what he’d said.

Dalton’s weight suddenly shifted and Erin looked over as Cade

slid a hand around the inebriated man’s waist to support him
again. “Let’s get out of here.”

The crowd parted like the Red Sea for Moses and was silent as

the trio made their way out of the bar. Sweet night air replaced the
smoke that had filled her lungs and Erin took a few deep breaths
in order to appreciate it. While she loved The Red Oak, she was
glad to be free of the stifling atmosphere.

Cade dragged Dalton along, being none too gentle about it from

the sound of the vulgar protests that came from Dalton. There was
a scrape of metal on dirt and Erin looked over her shoulder to see
they had an audience gathering on the sidewalk.

Swearing quietly—

damn, I’ve picked up some of Dalton’s


—she turned back to face the men just as Dalton palmed

the back of Cade’s neck. He pulled and Cade’s eyes went wide in
surprise as Dalton’s mouth crushed against his. The heat and
enthusiasm behind the kiss swamped Erin where she stood more
than a foot away.

Dumbstruck, she watched as Cade’s body surrendered.
Passion swelled between the two men and something inside

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Erin clicked into place with an audible thud. This was what they’d
been missing. Cade had been right, Dalton was walking sex, but
he’d always held something of himself back. The alcohol had
caused him to drop all his shields and Dalton was as exposed as
she’d ever seen him.

The love she’d had with Billy hadn’t felt like this because it

wasn’t the same.

What she felt for both men before her couldn’t even compare.
She suddenly wanted to be between them to share this moment,

but held herself back. There were too many other people present
and would add fuel to an already raging inferno.

There was an uncomfortable cough next to her and Erin gave

the crowd a tentative smile. “Have to love alcohol and those
loosened inhibitions.” She cleared her throat and rolled her eyes
as she tapped Brian on the arm to give him a silent plea for

The bar owner turned to the gathered group and held out his

arms. “All right, everyone, back inside. Let’s give these three their
privacy. Cut the wisecracks, Jake, or when your wife gets back
from her business trip, I’ll tell her you about your three-hundred-
dollar bar tab when you tried to get her sister drunk.”

A loud hoot went up amongst the group and they all filed back

into the bar, cajoling Jake and his own illicit exploits for the night.

People in this town sure have a lot of secrets. And the three of

us are no exception.

Erin turned back to the two men just as they broke apart. Cade

made a face as he dragged his hand across his mouth. “Jesus,
it’s like kissing the inside of a keg. I think I could get drunk just by
having his tongue in my mouth.”

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“Better you than me,” Erin said with a sarcasm-laced smile even

as Cade shot her a dirty look. She knew better though. Cade may
have been disgusted by the taste of the kiss, but he hadn’t missed
the meaning behind it either.

Just as she crossed to where the men stood, Dalton’s

expression changed. “I think I’m going to be sick.”

Cade physically tossed Dalton away from the truck, perhaps

being more aggressive than was called for just to get him out of
the way. Dalton groaned loudly in protest at the movement as he
curled over and both Erin and Cade quickly stepped out of the way
in order to avoid the splatter of vomit when Dalton finally lost it.
They watched as he dumped the juice he’d unknowingly sucked

The truck shifted against Erin’s shoulder as Cade leaned

against the quarter panel. “Even when he’s an asshole and beat all
to hell, he’s still the sexiest damn bastard I’ve ever seen.”

Dalton vomited again and Erin lifted an inquisitive eyebrow as

she raised her foot to avoid it. “All ours too. How’d we get so

“I’m the one who’s lucky. Found you two and I ain’t letting go.”

The words from Dalton were slurred and nearly incoherent.

Erin skimmed a hand over her hair to smooth it back and

couldn’t contain a light chuckle. “Think he’s going to remember he
said that in the morning?”

“Nope.” Cade shot her a grin as he reached down to help Dalton

stand. Cade shoved his shoulder under Dalton’s arm for support.
He turned to her after depositing Dalton in the backseat of his
truck and lifted his hand to cradle her jaw. Cade’s mouth skimmed
lightly over hers and she tasted Dalton on his lips.

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That was something she cherished. To kiss one man and taste


Cade’s touch was light and gentle, nothing like the kiss he’d just

received from Dalton. “Sure as hell going to remind him though.”

The truck rocked a little against her arm as Dalton opened the

door and started slinging vicious, alcohol-laden insults at them
both for coming to get him. Those insults died within a few
moments and were replaced with terms of endearment neither of
them thought Dalton capable of. Those too lived a short life as his
head slumped forward when he passed out completely.

The alcohol, emotion of the entire day and late hour had finally

gotten the better of him.

Cade shook his head. “Something tells me both of us will find

great pleasure in that event too.”

“Cade, I need to tell—”
His thumb skimmed over her jaw and he leaned forward to

lightly kiss the tip of Erin’s nose. “I know. Why don’t you save it for
when he can hear it?”

* * * * *

The excruciating pain in Dalton’s head woke him. He’d never felt

anything like it and as he tried to sit up, everything swam.

The roof of his mouth tasted like the leather on the bottom of his

work boots and his whole body ached. As he tried to move, he let
out a loud, painful groan that made his head hurt even more. If he’d
been hit by a truck he’d probably feel better than he did now.

“Nice of you to join us again.”
Cade’s voice made his eyeballs pulse and he curled onto his

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side in pain. “Oh fuck, I think I’m going to die.”

“Would probably be an improvement then.”
Despite the throb stacked behind his eyes, Dalton cracked

them enough to find Erin and Cade on the other side of the bars.

Bars? What the hell is going on?

His eyes popped open, a movement he immediately regretted.

Nausea and vertigo swelled inside him and he curled into the fetal
position again. Metal clanked against metal—a sound that made
him silently curse Cade in his head with a vow to get revenge later
—and the cot shifted as someone sat down.

“I locked you up for our own good since you seemed to be of the

mind to start bar fights. Not that I blame you.” The displeasure was
evident in Cade’s voice. “Why did you take off like that, Dalton?”

My past and my future collided right in front of my eyes and I

got spooked.

But he couldn’t give them that answer. Not the two people who

looked to him to be the strong one. Even though he understood the
relationship between all parties revolved around trust, this was
something he couldn’t give them.

Not right now. It hurt too much to admit a shortcoming.
He wasn’t about to further cement his stupidity in such an

admission, let alone confess to the fact he needed them both
probably more than they needed him. In fact, he vaguely
remembered stating something similar during his drunken tirade.
He winced at the thought and cursed himself for letting it get out of

A Dom didn’t do that.
“You’re being a stubborn ass, you do know that, right?” Erin’s

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annoyance nearly caused him to wince.

Of course he knew. It was a defensive mechanism that would

protect everyone involved in this triangle. His feelings for Erin had
swelled into something he hadn’t expected and he knew that
wasn’t what she wanted.

It had been stupid to think he could have a relationship with both

Erin and Cade. He’d been down that road before and it had cost
him everything.

He gently cleared his throat when he realized his silence

bothered them.

“Just like old times,” he croaked out as he rolled out of the cot.

The world swam in front of his eyes and he took a few moments to
steady himself, using the solid concrete wall as a focal point.

Cade huffed out a frustrated breath and came to stand beside

Dalton, offering a companionable hand on his shoulder for
support. At the contact, something inside Dalton broke loose. He
suppressed it, fed on the anger instead and used it to color his
words so there was no mistaking his intent.

Turning, he stepped away from Cade’s touch. “I think it’s time I

left and I’m not wired for long goodbyes. It’s not my style.”

“Who said anything about goodbye?” Cade bit off a curse even

as Erin asked the question.

“We all know we were just fooling ourselves into thinking this

was going to be anything more than just a couple of adults
screwing their brains out. You even said so yourself, Erin. We had
fun, but I think it’s time that I moved on. You’re good subs. I have no
doubt you’ll find a new Dom in no time.”

“In fact,” he continued as if Erin hadn’t protested, “I can

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recommend someone at Second Circle who would be perfect for
you two. I’ll have him contact you.” He pushed past Cade without a
glance and avoided Erin when she rose off the cot in an effort to
block his hasty exit.

The bright sunlight burned his retinas as he stepped outside.

Cade’s truck was the only vehicle in the lot, and he debated briefly
about hot wiring it. Being a new vehicle made that remarkably
difficult since the computer pieces throughout the engine stopped
that kind of thing. Motorcycles were much less complicated.

The thought vanished when he heard the ancient door of the

jailhouse creak open behind him. He hadn’t moved quickly
enough, even though he should have known they would come after

The heavy sound of footsteps told him that it was Cade. “There’s

a better way to tell us that you need some time to think. Seeing
Mara and John had to be tough, that’s obvious. We know that.
Even though Erin and I want to help you work through it, we’re
prepared to wait for you to figure it out on your own, if that’s what it

“We’re your submissives, Dalton, but that doesn’t mean we’re

blind or stupid. We’re also your friends, your family and your
lovers. It’s all rolled into one and I refuse to think any of us are of
the mind to change any of that soon.”

“I know,” he stated tightly and clenched his jaw in frustration

without turning around.

Cade offered his own take. “You’re human and got caught

unaware by a very painful part of your past. Taking the time
doesn’t make you weak.”

Dalton swallowed and turned on his heel to face them. As soon

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as he sighted the broken expressions on their faces, the anger in
him died. He shoved his hands into his pockets and lifted his
shoulders in a protective gesture. This avoidance wasn’t like him
and he didn’t particularly care for it in the least.

They both said things he’d thought. It wasn’t unusual for a D/s

relationship to become this deep and binding. In fact, it was
usually better when it did. And here he had done his best to avoid
that very thing. Especially because Erin had expressed concern
about keeping the arrangement only about sex.

Erin started to step forward but stopped when Dalton gave her a

hard glare. Her tiny hands balled into fists at her sides and he
could nearly taste her frustration. “You’re refusing to admit that you
never dealt with what happened to cause you to close your heart
off. Even though you forced me to deal with something similar. I
was wrong, Dalton, I need more than just the sex. I thought it was
enough, but I need more…”

He wasn’t surprised to hear her statement as she trailed off.

He’d noticed the change in her the second it had occurred, even
though she hadn’t noticed herself. It’s what made the scene at
breakfast earlier today so hard to take. To have his past stand in
front of him while what he saw as his future sat on either side of

“Then I did what I set out to do.” The words were forced through

gritted teeth. “It was my job to show you that you’re capable of
things you never imagined. I did that. Even if I failed in other

“Shit, Dalton. Don’t you get it?” Cade dragged a hand over his

face. Dalton had never seen him so concerned. “This isn’t a job.
We aren’t your employees. You’re smart enough to know better

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and also know that kind of thinking is dangerous.”

“Not to mention detrimental. You’re the one who taught me that

the sub is just as equal as the Dom.” Erin set her hand on Cade’s
chest and the touch seemed to quell the frustration. His face
relaxed. His posture released and Cade pulled Erin to him as he
kissed her forehead.

“Bottom line here is that you made both of us face our

inadequacies and yet, when it comes time to face your own, you
clam up like a scared little girl.” Stunned, Dalton stood his ground
as they approached him.

“It’s not just you involved in this relationship, Dalton. You don’t

get to pick and choose what elements of your life we get to be a
part of. You want all or nothing from us? Well, damn it, we want the
same thing in return.”

There was no heat behind Cade’s words and reminded Dalton

of the last time they’d gone toe-to-toe. Cade had gotten in his face
when he couldn’t let go of blaming himself for what happened to

It had been the first time he’d realized there was something

more between them. He’d kept that information to himself before
Erin came along and she’d seen right through it despite his best
efforts. It had given him the courage to face Cade with his feelings.

Cade distorted his equilibrium and Erin was the support to

catch him and set things to rights again. She was good for both of
them and he wanted to walk away because his past had been
tossed in his face. He had exactly what he wanted and here he
wanted to chuck it carelessly to the side.


didn’t even begin to cover his behavior.

Even more ashamed now, he needed some time to get his

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head together so they could have coherent, productive arguments
instead of…whatever this was. From the set of their postures, they
waited for an answer from him. He needed to be sure that he
wouldn’t fall to pieces like this again before he could give them

“I’m going to go home. Sleep this off before I make even more

of an ass of myself. I just…” he trailed off, at a loss for words.

“We’ll be here,” Cade said with stubborn determination. “We’ll

wait for you as long as it takes.”

Dalton nodded, turned on his heel again and started the long

walk to his shop as he sought enlightenment.

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Chapter Seventeen

Later that evening, Erin sat on her deck.
She stared at the fire as it crackled quietly in the pit. She’d lost

interest in the beer she’d taken out after she’d come out here. The
past twenty-four hours had been a roller coaster ride of emotions.

Nothing had ever shaken her badly enough to make her feel as

if the world crumbled around her. Even all the trouble with Billy
hadn’t caused her this much emotional turmoil. It may have felt like
it at the time, but it couldn’t hold a candle to this.

Maybe it had been cavalier of her to become attached to the

men so quickly when she’d been the one who’d been insistent on
remaining at arm’s length. When that lack of distance had reared
its ugly head, she’d panicked. Things had been so easy between
them, so fluid and effortless, that she hadn’t even realized how
deep she was in until it was too late.

Then the proverbial carpet was pulled out from under them when

Dalton’s lovers had made their surprise visit. Then all hell had
broken loose.

It had been countless hours since Dalton had walked away from

the jailhouse. She’d talked to Cade a few hours ago and he still
hadn’t heard anything either. The longer the silence stretched out,
the more worried she became.

The world they’d opened for her wasn’t something she wanted

to see end anytime soon. And it wasn’t just the world. It was them.

Her men.

The phone rang in the house. Springing up, she upset the bottle

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perched on the edge of her chair. The glass shattered as it fell, but
it didn’t matter. She just needed to get to the phone.

“Hello?” She heard the terror in the tight exhalation of breath that

sounded over the line before Cade even spoke a word. That
silence caused her voice to catch in her throat, but alarm made her
push through it. “What is it? What happened?”

“Erin. It’s Dalton, he…”
Everything inside her went radioactive and blew like an atom

bomb as it impacted with the earth. “Cade.” His name was a
strangled sob from her lips. “Please tell me what’s going on.”

“It’s bad, honey. Real bad. Get Cassidy to drive you to the

hospital. To Grady, that’s where they’ve taken him. There’s been
an accident. It’s Dalton, he…God, I can’t even say it.”

Cade paused to clear his throat. “The medical helicopter just got

to the scene and they need to take him to a Trauma 1 facility. I’ll
meet you there as soon as I can. I promise.” He severed the
connection before she could protest.

Take him

. That had to mean he was still alive, right? The fact

they were airlifting was not a good sign and the unknown had her
rooted to the spot. A thousand scenarios raced through her mind
at once, making it impossible to concentrate enough to place the
much needed phone call for help.

Her mind spun back to something she’d heard the men talk

about once. How Cade had gotten tired of scraping teenagers off
the pavement out on old highway 5. Despite the fact the road was
in total disrepair, the straight stretch of road was routinely used as
an impromptu drag strip.

Surely Dalton hadn’t…

oh my God


Racing through the house, she barely managed to palm her

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keys as she flew through the front door. Tires spun as she
reversed her car out of the driveway and slammed the accelerator
to the floorboard.

She made the seven-minute drive in half the time and narrowly

missed the back of the fire truck parked on the shoulder. Warning
lights spun, splashing their red lights garishly against the other
emergency vehicles and the surrounding woods.

Everyone seemed too calm and orderly.
Her gaze searched for an ambulance, found none and

hollowness carved an abyss into her stomach. The fact they hadn’t
even called for ambulance, going for the air unit instead, stabbed
at her. Suppressing her dread, she spun, searching again for a
familiar face. She needed a piece of her life to latch onto.

Instead, near the base of the hundred-year-old oak that stood

proudly in the single tight turn in the road, she stared at the
shattered remains of the bike Dalton loved and cared so much for.
The one he’d built up from a rusty frame into something

The very same one he’d backed her up against as he’d kissed

her blind weeks ago. The broken machine lay in the road as a
glaring reminder of how easy dreams fractured in the blink of an

Unable to stomach the horror that formed in her mind, she tore

her eyes from the wreck with a sob and, seconds later, found

He stood hunched over the hood of his deputy’s car, his

shoulders drawn up high as tension rippled through the muscles in
his back. His head was bowed and everything in his posture
spoke of anguish.

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“Cade!” she yelled and took off at a dead run.
He spun, his gaze searching frantically for the source of the

voice. She was nearly stopped cold by the streaks of blood on his
face, the long gaudy bands of red on his arms that hadn’t quite
dried yet. But it was the tormented expression on his face that
made her launch herself into his arms. He caught her, burying his
face in her neck and like those broken remains of the custom
motorcycle their lover had crafted with his own hands, they both fell
to pieces.

This can’t be real.

After what seemed like hours, but may have only been minutes

in reality, she reined herself in and managed to latch onto a
coherent thought. “What happened?” Her throat was thick with
emotion and she did her best to clear it. “Tell me he’s all right.
Please, Cade. Damn it, please tell me.”

“I got here and there was so much blood, Erin. He was covered

in it. Didn’t have on his fucking helmet again.” Cade’s voice caught
on the words, and he inhaled slowly before continuing. “I didn’t
know what to do. Couldn’t make my cop brain function enough to
call an ambulance. Couldn’t stop thinking about how stupid he was
being. How much of a fucking dickhead he was for not listening.”

The back of her fingers stroked over his tearstained cheek,

wiping away a trail of wetness across his skin. “Cade, stop. We’ve
got to let this go for right now and be strong for him.”

He nodded and slid his hand up into hers. “I know. Just, I got

here and I saw his leg was torn up, bone sticking up through the
skin. I wanted to slap him for not being more careful. The EMT
said he may have severed his femoral artery.” His eyes went out of
focus as he slipped back into the moment he’d arrived and she

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squeezed his hand to bring him back to her.

She had to be the one who kept him talking. Help him push past

the horror he must have felt trying to deal with the urgency of
Dalton’s injuries. “Was he conscious?”

“In and out. Cussed me out when I tied the tourniquet on his

thigh. Said he’d be dammed if he’d let me give him another
blowjob again.” His laughter was forced and she shivered as he
gathered her into his arms. She needed it as much as he did and
let him cradle her close. “God, Erin, he was so cold. His skin was
like ice.”

Her hand pressed against the center of his chest. Despite the

fact he held her, she needed reassurance that while one of her
lovers fought for his life, the other was here with her. The feel of his
solid, yet fast, heart anchored her.

“Sounds like he lost a lot of blood.”
His chest hitched under her hand, moving as he took a deep,

cleansing breath. “Yeah, most of it is on me at the moment.”

The blood she’d noticed earlier suddenly glared at her and

snapped her out of her stupor. The urgency to be where Dalton
was overwhelmed her and her chest constricted in panic. “Cade,
we have to go. I can’t be here right now. I don’t think you should be
either. We need to get to the hospital to be there for him.”

“I’ll get Branson to drive us down. I don’t think either of us can

think clearly enough to drive.”

Erin curled around Cade after they’d climbed into the back of

the deputy’s cruiser. He’d stripped off his uniform shirt and left on
his undershirt, but she still caught the tang of blood on his skin. The
cloying scent of it roiled her stomach and very nearly made her
sick. As much as she hated the smell, right now it was her only

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connection to Dalton.

“We can’t lose him, Cade.”
“I know, sweetheart. We won’t.” He pressed his lips against her

forehead and pulled her closer.

The ride seemed to never end. Erin kept her focus by resting

her head against Cade’s chest and using the steady beat of his
heart to give herself some comfort. There was nothing to do but
wait as the minutes appeared to crawl by while they made their
way south.

As they entered the outskirts of Atlanta, Branson inadvertently

took them directly past Second Circle. Cade’s heart stuttered as
they sped past the building and she curled tightly into him.

Once they finally arrived at the hospital, they both spilled out

before the car had even come to a rest. Her nails imprinted rows
of half-moons in Cade’s forearm as they entered the emergency
room and he demanded to know where Dalton had been taken.

The receptionist was reluctant at first, but the flash of a badge

cleared the way for them. Having two officers of the law flanking
her certainly sped things along, and she was thankful for their

As the elevator doors of the ICU opened, Cade flashed his

badge again and despite the fact they weren’t family, they were
both admitted to the intensive care unit. She paused at the open
doorway of the room the nurse had directed them to and fought to
keep herself together. It wouldn’t do to fall apart now. She would
need whatever strength she could muster.

After finally gathering the courage to step in the room, her

fingers trembled as she lifted a hand to the privacy curtain. Cade’s
fingers threaded through the hand that hung at her side, and with

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his support, she pushed the curtain back enough to allow them to

A soft cry of horror sounded in her throat and Cade’s trembling

arm wrapped around her waist. Whatever she’d expected, this
was a thousand times more horrible.

Dalton looked to be hooked up to every machine and tube

known to man. Huge patches of gauze were taped to various
places along the left side of his body. Bruises mottled his normally
tanned skin and she stopped tallying the areas of road rash when
she reached double digits.

There was an angry-looking gash on his forehead and some of

his hair had been shaved to allow the doctors to sew his skin back
together. His left leg was elevated in a sling and encased in some
kind of air cast.

He had so many injuries, and was hooked up to so many

machines, the nurses hadn’t even bothered to try to put a hospital
gown on him. Instead, it appeared as if a sheet had been folded in
half and draped over his hips for modesty’s sake. Erin doubted
Dalton would have cared if he was covered or not.

What remained of his clothes lay in a pile on the single chair in

the small cubicle.

She pressed her face into Cade’s neck and let tears stream

unimpeded down her face. His arms came around her as he
pulled her close and fell apart with her.

She was so caught up by the fierce wash of emotion, she lost

track of how much time passed. A soft cough caught Erin’s
attention and she reluctantly broke away from Cade.

“Are you family?” a soft voice asked.
“Close enough,” Cade stated with firm authority to the doctor.

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He’d slipped back into sheriff mode and nothing would sway him
in his quest for more information. It was an abuse of his badge, but
Erin doubted he cared. “How is he doing?”

Erin lifted her head to see a tall woman in a white lab coat

standing next to the hospital bed. Her black hair was pulled into a
severe knot at the base of her neck and she wore a small pair of
reading glasses. She looked at Dalton laid out on the bed beside
her and concern touched her expression.

“It’ll be touch and go for the next twenty-four hours. He doesn’t

have any kind of concussion that I can see on the film. But he’s lost
a lot of blood from the nick to his femoral. I can’t repair his broken
leg until he’s stabilized, so he’ll be heavily sedated for a few days.
I’ll know more tomorrow morning. Right now, it’s probably best for
him not to have any visitors.”

Neither Erin or Cade moved and the doctor eyed them both

before she sighed. “I’ll have the nurses bring in another chair, as I
suspect you’ll find a way to stay without my permission. Just try to
be quiet and stay out of the way. We don’t normally allow patients
in the ICU to have overnight visitors like this, but I recently lost my
brother. I was grateful for every chance I had to be with him, even
though he probably never realized I was there.”

She dropped the wire-framed glasses into her pocket and

replaced the chart she’d picked up to sign. “It’s going to be a
battle, but I can tell he’s a fighter.”

Her practical shoes were quiet as she slipped out of the room

and Erin moved to stand next to the bed. A chair slid behind her
and she sat as Cade pressed a chaste kiss to the top of her head.
“Go ahead and sit with him for a little while. I’m going to go talk to
the nurses.”

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He disappeared and she was left alone with only the sound of

the beeping machines to keep her company. Exhaustion made her
eyes grow heavy and she leaned forward to rest her head against
the hospital bed near Dalton’s uninjured leg.

Sometime later, Erin felt something brush against her hand. Still

caught in the haze of sleep, she grunted in protest. When it
brushed against her hand again, she remembered where she was
and jolted awake.

Dalton’s hand squeezed hers and she lifted her head to find his

un-bandaged eye open and focused on her. She started to reach
for the call button for the nurse, but he squeezed again, this time
with more force.

“Please, let me have five minutes where they aren’t poking me

with some sharp object I can’t slap away.” His voice sounded as if
someone had scraped a rake over his vocal cords.

Erin gave a light laugh and nodded, winding her fingers through

his. Her lips pressed against the back of his hand and the
reassuring beat of his heart pulsed against her mouth. Tears stung
her eyes, causing the words to thicken in her throat.

“You scared us.”
“Scared myself.”
She pushed away that wetness behind her eyes, as she felt she

needed to stay strong for him. “Don’t do that again, okay?”

“Think it’ll be awhile before he rides a bike again.” Cade’s hand

smoothed over her head as he leaned down to press a kiss on the
back of Dalton’s hand right over the spot she’d kissed minutes
before. He set a cup of coffee on the table beside her and she
quietly thanked him.

“I’ll be right as rain before you know it.” The steady cadence of

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the heart monitor pressed into the corners of the room. “How bad it
is anyway?”

She finally shed those tears, her heart fluttering at the reality that

they’d nearly lost him. “Could have been worse,” Erin offered when
she could speak again. She couldn’t make herself tell him the truth.

“Probably wished it was. Wouldn’t feel so shitty.”
“Let me call the nurse and get you some pain medication.” It

was nice to know Cade shared her concern.

“In a minute. I’ve got something to say and I don’t want you two

to blame the drugs. Where are my clothes?”

Cade set his hand on Erin’s shoulder as he leaned his weight

against the bed. “They were ruined. Nurse came by awhile ago
and took them because they had to cut them off you.”

Dalton jerked, hissing in pain when he was vividly reminded of

his injuries. “Fuck. Can you find them? I need something from the
front pocket.”

Erin squeezed Dalton’s hand and reluctantly let go to rise in

order to collect what he needed. “I’ll see if I can’t find them. Or see
if someone knows.”

Minutes later, when she stepped into the room again, she

stopped to watch Dalton’s hand graze over Cade’s cheek. It was a
loving, tender gesture. One that made her feel like an interloper.

This was what she’d referred to when Dalton had taken her to

Tray Mountain. This was what she’d seen that first night and had
seen countless times since then. She moved to slide out of the
room again in order to give them some privacy, but Cade turned,
found her gaze.

They both gestured to her and she winced. “Sure you two don’t

want to be alone for a few minutes?”

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“No. You’re part of us too. Remember?”
A warm glow started in her toes and fired up through her head

like a firework on the Fourth of July. “I am, aren’t I? You know, I
remember, not long ago, stating so emphatically that I couldn’t
deal with anything even remotely close to this. Now I can’t imagine
things any other way.”

She moved into the room, stood next to the bed and admired

the men who had wiggled their way into her life. “This was all they
could find. His shirt was long gone.” She held out an opaque
plastic bag to Cade as she changed the subject, emotion
thickening her words. While she always thought of herself in
possession of heaps of courage, she didn’t think she could
stomach rifling through the contents.

Cade took the bag, setting it in his lap. “What am I looking for?”
“Right pocket. Small brown envelope. You’ll know it when you

find it. If it’s still there.” Dalton’s fingers played with hers as they

Cade dug into the bag with his usual enthusiasm and even

made a few funny faces as he picked through the ruined denim in
order to lighten the mood of the room. He smiled when he found
what he sought and Erin watched the amusement slowly bleed
away from his expression.

Panicked, she moved around the hospital bed and knelt beside

him. “Cade, are you all right?”

He pulled his hand from the bag, turned it over and slowly

uncurled the fist he’d made. There, cradled in the center of his
palm, were two circles of silver. The rings were nearly identical,
crafted to resemble rope that had been stacked three times. It
resembled the shibari rope ladder Dalton was so fond of tying

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around their wrists.

One of the rings was larger than the other and the set had clearly

been made for a male and a female. His gaze lifted and found
hers. She watched his Adam’s apple move as he swallowed hard.

“I was on my way back from Charlotte,” Dalton said quietly. “Guy

there makes these kinds of specialty items upon request. He
made the collar for Cassidy and Nelson. Guy does damn good
work. Chatted him up for a while. Longer than I intended, actually.

“Got a little high on my horse and opened up the bike to see

what she could do because I was in such a damn good mood. I
remember thinking about what I was going to say to you two after
being such an ass. Then I realized I’d taken the corner too fast and
that’s the last thing I remember until I woke up here.”

The emotion of the possibility of Dalton being taken away from

them and now this uncharacteristic display was too much and Erin
finally let herself fall apart. Cade’s hand smoothed over her hair,
tucking the strands behind her ears as he swept away the tears
with his thumb.

Her vision blurring, Erin gently set her hand over Cade’s palm

and the cold metal of the rings pressed into her skin. Her chest
constricted tightly as love swamped her, overrunning the sorrow.
“They’re perfect.”

“I was going to call you two when I got back in town. Let you

watch me make a fool of myself as I asked you each to wear my

Cade snorted, using his free hand to push away the tears that

darkened his eyelashes and rolled his eyes at Erin. “Since when
does he ask?”

Dalton gave a sharp grunt in response, which caused him to

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wince. “You’ll have to forgive me for not being in a dominant mood
right now. About the only thing that doesn’t hurt is the tip of my
pinky finger.”

“Let me call the nurse,” Erin insisted as she stood, and crossed

to the bed. She hated to see him suffer with the level of pain he
had to be dealing with.

“In a few minutes, all right? The bottom line is that I didn’t want to

have people blame me for things if something went wrong. That
wasn’t a level of responsibility I wanted. It’s stupid, I know.
Especially considering the level of responsibility I take on by
having two submissives with all the discipline that requires.

“I didn’t think I deserved it or either of you, to be honest. I hadn’t

earned what everyone else seemed to just have handed to them. I
thought the choices I’d made in my life were such that I wasn’t
meant to have what I wanted the most. A life.”

“You have one. You just didn’t open your eyes and see it,” Erin

said with a shrug.

“More like I saw it almost before it was too late. I’m who I am, all

of it. I was afraid to ask anyone—again—to accept me. This all
started out as just sex, but—”

“Stop.” Cade pushed up out of the chair, taking Erin with him so

he sat on the edge of the bed. He fit her between his leg and the
bed. “We’ve taken you, faults and all, Dalton. If I took issue with
how you did things, I wouldn’t still be here. In fact, I wouldn’t have
gotten involved in the first place. I was there for all of the shit you
dealt with, remember?”

“I know. I screwed up once and nearly did again. I can’t—”
Cade interrupted. “This thing between the three of us isn’t what

was supposed to happen. We all recognize that. We also see it’s

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so much more. We’ve been given this opportunity and I don’t want
to see it wasted.”

“I don’t either.” Erin felt the knot in her stomach swell when

Dalton opened his mouth to protest. She set a gentle finger over
his lips to silence him. “At first, this wasn’t what I wanted, you know
that. I think at first I used the sex as something to help me forget
Billy, however wrong that was. I needed to be reminded that I was
still capable of feeling something—anything—again. Even if it was
just sex. You both did that.

“But then John said something about me standing up for

someone I loved and I realized he was right. You’re both in here.”
Erin tapped the center of her chest. “I thought I knew love, but I was
so wrong. This isn’t something I thought I was capable of, but I am
and you both share my love. Just as you share me. I never want it
to be any other way. You both showed me I am worth someone’s
love and respect.”

She reached over, pulled Cade close and gestured for him to

hand her one of the rings. “Dalton, please collar us so I can call the
nurse for you.”

“Now I know what it feels like to be on the receiving end of being

ordered around.” Dalton coughed as he tried to laugh and let out
an agony-laced groan with the movement. “It’s supposed to be
more formal of a ceremony. We can wait until I’m released.”

Cade shrugged. “So we’re bucking tradition. Doubt it will be the

last time. Besides, I don’t think either of us wants to wait. Not after

Erin nodded. “Please, Dalton, you’ve taken such good care of

us. Let us take care of you.”

Moving as little as possible, Dalton pushed a ring on Erin’s right

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index finger then did the same to Cade. He brought each of their
hands to his mouth as he did, pressing a kiss full of promise and
hope where metal met skin.

The brightness in his eyes was back, even though pain still

laced inside those depths. That pain must have bloomed with all
the talking they’d done and those gray eyes closed as his brow

Erin wanted to do anything she could to take it away. He didn’t

deserve this.

Her thin hand skimmed over his head, sweeping back the

remaining hair. A tight fist of emotion clenched her chest when the
harsh hospital lighting caught on the ring. This was more than she
could have ever hoped for. More than she had been prepared for
when she moved to Collington Creek. Tears welling in her eyes
again, she leaned over and brushed a tender kiss to Dalton’s

His eyes opened and met hers. “We’ll have to celebrate later

because I’m going to take you up on that offer to call the nurse

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Chapter Eighteen

Dalton heard movement on the other end of the shop just as

Cade’s tongue slid into his mouth for a slow, drawn-out kiss.

“Damn, you boys just couldn’t wait for me, could you?” It wasn’t

hard to detect the sound of want in Erin’s question.

Time seemed to draw out, stretching thin like taffy left out too

long in the Atlanta sun. Cade’s tongue worked to slide in and out
as his jaw moved. It was a hypnotic rhythm Dalton found himself
drawn into faster than he could put a stop to it. The question he
had to ask himself—why would he want to?

Instead, within the span of a heartbeat, something held dormant

inside of him awakened. His hands lifted to cradle Cade’s jaw as
the other man sensed the shift and relinquished control. The
atmosphere in the room altered to one of raw heat and need and
Dalton greedily inhaled.

It had been six months since Dalton had wrapped his

motorcycle around the trunk of the old oak on Route 5. A time filled
with hard work, determination and an abundance of colorful
language. And that had just been on Cade’s part as he worked to
shut down portions of the road entirely.

The spot where the ancient oak still stood and the site of his

accident had been dedicated as a park earlier in the day. The
road had been rerouted and freshly paved, safer for the entire
town to use for travel.

Cade had finally won.
Dalton still bore the marks of the many surgeries he’d endured

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following the wreck to repair his shattered leg. Rough patches
showed on his skin where the road had buried fine grains of
concrete that could never be extricated. A long scar rode high on
his forehead as a vivid reminder their lives could have turned out
remarkably different.

Those were just the visible marks.
With all the metal rods now strengthening weakened bones,

Dalton would never be able to walk through an airport metal
detector without setting it off.

The doctor’s appointment earlier today had been the last he

would need for a while and evidently Cade had been intent to
celebrate his clean bill of health. Not that Dalton expected to find
Erin complaining, despite her protest they’d started without her.

Cade’s surrender was too damn perfect of an opportunity to

pass by. But he would give them both a second to cool down since
Erin had showed up. Dalton broke the passionate kiss, turning his
head to direct that intensity at his other lover.

“So much for knocking or shouting when you enter a room.”
Erin tossed her bag down and laughed as she snapped her

fingers. “Damn. Shame on me. Whatever are you going to do
about it?”

“I can think of more than a few things. This creative imagination

of mine has had plenty of time to devise a means of punishment. If
only there was someone around to appreciate it. A few someones
would be even better as I feel the need to put my dominant skills to
a quick test. Know anyone who could help me out?”

Erin and Cade shared a glance and before Dalton could say

another word, both began to strip. Their clothing was carelessly
tossed to the side and a minute later they knelt before him.

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Naked, their hands were folded over their thighs in an identical

position they knew he preferred. Their matching rings were still in
place where he’d put them when he’d been in the hospital, and
they stood out against all those yards of naked skin.

His cock pushed hard against the seam of his pants. It was

everything he could do not to pull out lengths of rope, bind them
and exploit that willingness of theirs to please him. Especially
since they had avoided substantial contact with him because of his
physical therapy schedule, physical limitations and healing time.
He’d sat watching them in this very room, issuing instructions and
guiding Cade and Erin together as their bodies had merged into

Now he had six months of forced celibacy to make up for and he

wasn’t about to blow it all in a matter of seconds. If things
continued in this fashion he’d embarrass himself. The door
slammed shut on the flare of lust as all his training came back. He
wanted them, but not like that. He would be an active participant
again whether or not his lovers liked the idea of him pushing

“No, not yet. This has its place between us, but not tonight.” He

pulled them both to their feet. The move caused him to put more
weight on his leg than he intended. An ache bloomed on his hip,
firing down his thigh. He reached out for the post beside him in
order to steady himself.

“I’m fine,” he stated to Cade’s firm gaze when he started to

reach forward with a steadying hand. “Just give me a minute.”

Even with her small size, Erin didn’t hesitate to slide over in

order to support some of Dalton’s weight. “Let’s get him into the
office, Cade.”

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“No. Better to start off where we’re all going to end up anyway.”

He pointed to the closed door down the hall. Cade stepped over,
taking the majority of Dalton’s weight so Erin didn’t have to
support him with her small frame.

As the three of them stepped through the door, Cade’s body

tensed and Erin’s hand tightened on his forearm. Nice to know he
could catch them off guard. Since he appreciated their surprise,
he made a mental note to do it more often.

Sprawled against one wall was a wide wrought iron bed. Four

posts reached for the high ceiling and intricate scrollwork looped
with a flourish that was still somehow understated. It was covered
with a comforter the same dusky shade as Dalton’s eyes.

Leaving them stunned, he pulled away and flopped down on the

edge with a heavy sigh of relief. The cushioning was like heaven.
He was glad he’d let Adam talk him into the higher-end mattress,
even though it had to be custom ordered because of the size. It
really had been worth the investment.

“What the hell is this?” Cade demanded as Dalton pulled off his

shirt and popped the first few buttons on his jeans.

Relaxed now, and amused, Dalton stretched his arms back to

put his weight on his hands to ease the pain in his leg. “I made it.”

“How the hell did you have time for this?”
Based on their questions, he decided this was far more

enjoyable than originally intended. There hadn’t been a bed in this
room since Mara had lost the baby, and based on the growth of
their triad relationship he thought it time for a change.

“Not as if I’ve not had a lot of free time on my hands recently. Or

did you forget that I was instructed to spend most of my time
lounging around? Don’t worry, Adam helped me out with the

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biggest pieces and then moved everything around when I couldn’t

Erin stepped over, skimming her fingers over the curves in the

metal. Dalton felt a swell of power inside him that had been
missing recently. It slipped so easily into place he wondered how
he’d forgotten it was there.

Fueled by enough adrenaline now that he could push the pain

away completely, he went under. “Cade, on your knees in front of
me. What do you say we put that spectacular mouth of yours to

Both of their gazes blazed with profound hunger as the tension

in the room ratcheted up a few notches. They both moved to stand
before him, Cade lowering himself to his knees as instructed.

“Don’t want you two to think I’ve gone completely soft.” Even

though he’d used words to bind them to him, it felt good to slip into
this old skin. This was where he belonged. Where they all
belonged, he corrected.

He’d missed it, missed them even though they’d both been right

beside him through every step of his healing. Sometimes it had
seemed as if they had been more determined than he was to get
him through it all.

Cade took his time to remove Dalton’s jeans before he finally

closed his mouth over the very tip of his cock. It took every ounce
of control Dalton possessed not to blow right then and there. He
watched as inch by incremental inch, Cade slid his mouth along
the thickly veined shaft.

Dalton’s hands tunneled through Cade’s hair, cradling the back

of the other’s man head. His hips shifted slightly, pulsing a bit while
Cade closed his hands around the lower half of his cock to assist.

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Lifting his face, Dalton saw Erin standing beside them. She

moved closer and as her head lowered, her lips closed against
Dalton’s mouth. She seemed to take great pleasure in swallowing
his strangled sighs as Cade continued to work him over. Her small
hand tightened against the back of Dalton’s head and she pulled a
bit to move him around as she wanted. Dalton groaned softly into
her mouth when Cade started to move faster.

He felt her shift to press that irresistibly lush body of hers against

his. His heart rate increased as her fingers wove through his
against the back of Cade’s head, joining in to move Cade’s head
as he swallowed Dalton’s erection. Overwhelmed, Dalton broke
the kiss and lay back in order to take pleasure in his lover’s
touches even more.

She moved over him, lowering to kneel beside Cade. His

contented sigh filled the room and for a few moments he simply
enjoyed the sensations swamping him as both of their tongues
played over his shaft.

Damn it feels good to be alive again.

Erin’s face appeared in his sight. He reached up to comb his

fingers through her hair as it curtained his face. Her lips glittered
wetly and Dalton desperately wanted to kiss her.

“I could watch you two all day.”
“Don’t have to just watch.” He tilted her face, angling it so he

could lift his head to take her mouth. Cade’s mouth slid over his
cock again and swallowed him completely just as Dalton slid his
tongue between Erin’s lips. He rejoiced in the moment he tasted
all three of them in the shared kiss.

Fire raced through his body and ignited that edge only the two of

them together could light within him. The kiss broke after a few

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moments, but Cade continued undeterred.


. That feels so good,” Dalton said against Erin’s mouth.

“It looks good. What do you want?” she whispered as her breath

caught on the question.

“You. Him. Together with me.” His mind drew up the drunken

words he’d spouted when he hadn’t been able to deal with his
past, but he held them back.

She shook her head, tucking her hair out of the way. “Those

injuries of yours make you afraid of your own voice? Tell me how it
feels to have Cade’s mouth on your cock. In explicit detail. You
know the words, Dalton. You’re the one with the gift of vulgarity. I
want to hear you use it. I’ve missed it and you.”

She hadn’t changed the dynamics of Dom and sub with her

words, only enhanced it, and by God, he loved her for it. “I want you
to ride him. Let him fill that magnificent cunt of yours with his cock. I
want to take you both. Let you take me because I haven’t had
either of you for so long.” Dalton trailed off, then gave a strangled
moan as Cade engulfed him completely. “

God damn it


Cade stopped sucking as he lifted his head. “There’s more

where that came from.” Those green eyes never left Dalton as that
agile tongue slipped out and drew up the bead of come that had
gathered on the tip.

Erin let out a shaky groan as she brushed her hand over

Dalton’s chest where his heart pumped in rapid succession
against her palm. “Really, really something I could watch all day.”

Cade’s nose brushed against Dalton’s abdomen as he

swallowed him again.

“Not sure I’ll last that long.” He sat up, pushing back on Cade’s

shoulder to break contact as he fought to get himself under control.

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It had gotten away from him and he wanted the balance back in his
favor again.

Sliding away from Cade, he reached into a specially designed

box that had been built into the footboard of the bed. He extracted
two lengths of rope and a tube of lubricant he’d stashed there
when he’d finished the bed earlier in the week. When he winced
as he shifted up to his knees, he caught two sets of eyes that were
filled with disappointment and concern.

They’d noticed even though he’d tried to hide it. “You two keep

that up and we’ll never get anywhere.” To their credit, neither of
them said a word. He took that as his cue they would listen to their

“The purpose of the artistic scrollwork on the headboard was

twofold. For looks, of course,” he offered as he motioned for Cade
sit on the bed. “But the second is far more enjoyable for everyone.
At least I like to think so.”

As he tied the treated rope around each of Cade’s wrists to

secure him, Dalton slipped into a haze. His intense focus
consumed him as he made the methodical loops and knots,
hearing the quiet slide of rope against skin.

Nothing else in the room mattered to him other than what

happened in this bed. After a few minutes, he resurfaced, sitting
back on his heels to admire his work. Cade sat with his arms
spread wide and securely fastened to the headboard.

It wasn’t hard to miss the fact that Cade had already slipped into

some other space as well.

Dalton gestured to Erin. With her snugly fitted beside him, he

reached down and took up Cade’s solid erection in his hand. “I
think Cade is a little dry. Why don’t you do something to change

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that?” The question wasn’t meant as a request and she willingly
bent her head, sliding the flat of her tongue over the already
straining tip.

He met Cade’s stare and arched an eyebrow at the appearance

of utter calm on the other man’s face. A muscle in Cade’s
abdomen twitched and that was the sign Dalton needed to know
that Cade barely held himself together.

Time to push the envelope.

“While she does have an impressive mouth and knows exactly

what to do with it, this is too easy. I don’t do easy.” He slid his hand
under Erin’s jaw, cradling the fine line of it as he lifted her away.
Using his hands, he moved her around between them. Admiring
the curvature of her backside, he slipped a hand between her legs,
pleased at the deep sigh of pleasure she gave when he found
what he sought.

“You are dripping wet, sweetness. But I want you wetter. I want

you screaming my name while you ride Cade.”

With a well-practiced move that would have impressed the best

of them, he’d outfitted Cade with a condom and slid Erin down
over the sheathed cock. He bracketed his hands on either side of
her hips to hold her in place, keeping her from moving as she sat
filled with Cade.

Dalton slipped his hands around to cup her breasts and pulled

her back to lean against his chest so he had even better access to
her body. The sound of their quiet whispers of pleasure, lost in the
chaos he made for them, filled and relaxed him.

Instead of using his hands, he used his pelvis to guide her. The

friction of her bottom against his erection let him join in their
pleasure. They moved in unison for a time, simply enjoying the

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sensation of movement.

This wasn’t just sex anymore, a simple means to an end. This

was real and potent. So breathtaking and soul shattering, Dalton
wondered how he’d lived so long in denial of the inevitable. He
loved them both with everything he was and they loved him in

“Dalton, please.”
Pushing hard against her, he fed off the hunger in her plea. “I’d

forgotten that I loved the sound you make when you beg. But,
sweetness, you’ll beg even more with me inside you too.”

“Yes, I will. Please let me have you.” Her quiet whisper made

him halt his movements entirely.

“Stay like this,” he urged, unwilling to shatter the velvet softness

that surrounded the three of them. This was what he—they—

He pulled away just enough to slide a condom in place and slick

a thick coating of lubricant over himself. Reaching beside him as
he tossed aside the tube, he ran his clean hand over Cade’s thigh.
Muscle hardened under skin, reaching for a firmer touch to give
that something extra. Dalton gave it to him, enjoying the minute
torture that only touch could provide.

His hand kept the contact with Cade as Dalton pushed tightly up

against Erin again. He teased her, brushing the crown of his cock
between the roundness of her bottom and against delicate flesh in
order to distribute the lubricant. Satisfied, he positioned himself in
place against her anus.

She tensed at first, then relaxed under his touch. Educated as

she was now, she released her tension even further and leaned
forward. The position opened her for him and they both jumped a

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little as the head of his cock slid past the tight ring of muscle. He
held himself in place to let her adjust again.

“Relax, sweetness. Bear down just like I told you last time.

Accept what I’m giving you.” After a few moments’ stillness her
muscles opened against him and he pushed forward again. Her
body accepted him by small increments. She whimpered quietly in
encouragement as he slipped deeper.

Once Dalton was fully inside her, Cade gave a strangled groan.

Erin echoed it as she surrendered to both men and leaned back
against Dalton’s chest once again. The three of them stayed this
way, joined as one now more than ever before.

Situated inside her, Dalton’s hands bracketed Erin’s hips and

he nearly went blind from the feel of Cade held in place by the
ropes and Erin held in place by Dalton’s grip. It allowed Dalton to
control all the movement. He controlled them before, but now he
was truly their Master.

Unable to stand the stillness any longer, he moved her so she

dragged against both of their cocks. His movements were slow
and steady as he gave her the time she would need to adjust to
the sensation of having them both penetrating her. When her
hands closed over his, her muscles contracted as she gave a
keening cry of utter surrender.

It was the sign of her complete submission he’d waited for and

increased the pace at which he moved her. She accepted the
pace for a bit, but after a time, Dalton sensed she needed
something more. Cade’s thighs trembled against his and stood as
a sign to Dalton that Cade barely hung on.

Dalton shifted a hand around Erin’s waist to hold her in place

while he continued to make sweet love to them both. His other

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hand snaked around to cup her breast, his thumb and forefinger
closing around the hardened peak of her nipple. Her quiet sigh
was all the affirmation he needed and he pinched again, tugging
harder to increase the pressure.

Dalton’s gaze met Cade’s green depths and he noticed the

unfocused quality that snapped clear the moment Dalton started to
speak. “Look at her, Cade. She’s all ours.” He lowered his voice,
brushing a hot kiss against Erin’s neck. “Go up for us, sweetness.
Take us with you.”

He felt the moment of release, felt both Cade and Erin convulse

as Dalton bucked against them. Her scream was music to his ears
as he brought them all off. Their three voices joined as one as
everything else fell away.

This moment in time was theirs to celebrate.
Joined with the two people who gave him completion, he guided

them, letting them guide him and together they soared. He sought
solace in these two tolerant souls and because of them, Dalton
Shaw was no longer damaged goods.

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About the Author

Sara Brookes is a multi-published author who has always been

fascinated by the strange, the unusual, the twisted and the lost
(tortured heroes are her personal favorite). She is an action movie
junkie, addicted to coffee and has been known to stay up until the
wee hours of the morning playing RPG video games. Despite all
this, she is a romantic at heart and is always a sucker for an
excellent love story. Born and bred in Virginia, Sara still lives there
with her husband and daughter. The entire family is owned by two
cats, Galahad and Loki, who graciously allow the family to cater to
their every desire.

Sara welcomes comments from readers. You can find her

website and email address on her

author bio page




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