Mechele Armstrong [Blood Lines 05] Bitter Love [Loose Id] (pdf)

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Mechele Armstrong

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This e-book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language and may be considered
offensive to some readers. Loose Id® e-books are for sale to adults ONLY, as defined by the
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Blood Lines: Bitter Love

Mechele Armstrong

This e-book is a work of fiction. While reference might be made to actual historical events or
existing locations, the names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the
author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or
dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

Published by
Loose Id LLC
1802 N Carson Street, Suite 212-2924
Carson City NV 89701-1215

Copyright © July 2008 by Mechele Armstrong
All rights reserved. This copy is intended for the purchaser of this e-book ONLY. No part of
this e-book may be reproduced or shared in any form, including, but not limited to printing,
photocopying, faxing, or emailing without prior written permission from Loose Id LLC.

ISBN 978-1-59632-733-7
Available in Adobe PDF, HTML, MobiPocket, and MS Reader

Printed in the United States of America

Editor: Georgia A. Woods
Cover Artist: April Martinez

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Chapter One

Bodies undulated in front of Amaretto to the loud pumping music. Tightly clothed.

Sweaty. Male. Some muscular. Some not so much. Each dancing to find their own pick-me-

up, be it drugs, another man, or something even kinkier.

Amaretto had been in the horde with them until a few minutes ago.

He settled into a chair, holding onto his drink with one hand. He lifted the glass and

slammed back a gulp. The bass of the music echoed in his chest like a drumbeat. The echo

had been harder on the dance floor.

Bodies had pressed against him, trying to get his attention. Hands had reached for him,

trying to cop a feel.

He clutched the glass tightly in his hand.

Blood lust coursed through him.

Yes, that was the reason he’d come here. To sate one lust over another.

He could hear the blood pumping with vigor through the bodies around him. Most of

the men surrounding him were young. As they moved in time with the music, the pumping

sounds sped up. The staccato rhythms of their hearts reached a deafening roar.

He closed his eyes, listening to the beating of the music and the blood.

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The sounds rushed like a river around him, grabbing him and taking him along their

rapid movements.

His nose twitched with the scents. Sweat, cologne, and jism all mingled together to

create a plethora of smells.

Someone needed to learn what deodorant was. Possibly even soap. And someone else

needed to lay off the cologne. They didn’t need to bathe in the whole bottle.

He opened his eyes and scanned the crowd.


Who would satisfy the hunger crawling around inside of him?

The insatiable thirst that no mere alcohol could sate.

A man answered the question for him by walking up to Amaretto and standing in front

of him. Putting his tight leather-bound crotch directly in Amaretto’s line of sight. He’d been

one of the gropers who Amaretto had noticed, and thankfully wore deodorant but not too

much cologne.

Amaretto discreetly sniffed to get more of a report. The man knew what a bar of soap

was. That was promising.

He wasn’t unpleasant to the eyes. Soft body but not flabby. Probably because of the

circuits he swung in. They could be unforgiving. Short dark hair and mesmerizing blue eyes.

Yes, not disagreeable at all.

“You come here often?” The man swished his hips. He had a slight drawl.

Old line. The voice sounded melodious, though. Amaretto listened. Blood pumped

along healthily. The heart on this one pumped strongly. He circulated well. Percolated the

life-giving blood throughout his body with gusto.

Mouthwatering blood.

The liquid that would appease Amaretto’s needs.

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His hunger surged through him. “Only occasionally.” Since he’d been in this faceless

city, he’d been there every Saturday. Sometimes Sundays. If not this bar, another one. They

all looked about the same. He didn’t even know their names any more, just like the cities

he’d been in lately. Like the lovers he’d taken to bed. The meals he’d taken. All left him

without a face or imprinting a memory.

“I’m Bud.”

Amaretto arched a brow. Bud? Not exactly the most complimentary name. Not that he

had room to judge. “I’m Amaretto.”

The man’s lips crept down in a puzzled frown. “Like the coffee?”

Amaretto nodded. Waited for the usual.

“Well, doesn’t that name suit you?” The man’s voice dipped into a honeyed, practiced

bass. “To a T. With that skin.”

There it was. With overdone charm. Bud wasn’t a keeper, but he’d do for a night.

“Yeah, it suits me all right. Little bitter love.” Not the exact meaning, but it worked for him.

Amaretto looked away at the crowds. Did his tone sound bitter, like his name? He couldn’t

stop it from creeping in whenever talk of his name came up. It reminded him of too much

that should stay long buried.

As if worried he would lose his catch, Bud tapped him on the arm with warm fingers.

Yes, he had good blood flow. “Little bitter love?”

“Never mind.” Amaretto shrugged to his feet. “Want to dance?” He wanted to do more

than dance. His mouth dripped with his hunger. But to secure a meal took finesse.


Bud shadowed him to the floor and danced up to him with flair in his moves that

Amaretto hadn’t anticipated. He had grace and enthusiasm.

Amaretto swiveled his hips against Bud, grinding against him, cozying up to him. The

lure of blood called him, especially from this proximity. He enjoyed the feel of the man

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against him, too. The deliberate stroking of Bud’s hard cock against him made his desire stir

up a swirl of emotion.

Maybe two hungers could be sated tonight.

Bud hadn’t seemed to speak to his lust at first, but the way he moved, the way his lips

glistened with ruby redness, maybe there was some potential. The way he danced… Not that

it ever took much to call up a man’s lust.

Bud turned to him and planted his mouth on Amaretto’s. The kiss slid against his

mouth like a sensual caress. He canted his mouth against Amaretto’s, giving no quarter,

sliding his tongue slowly into his mouth.

Yes, maybe this man could ease all his wants tonight.

Amaretto wanted to nip his tongue. Get a taste of first blood.



There would be time. There would be a place.

Probably in the man’s car. As Amaretto pumped into him from behind. He could feed

at his leisure with no one around.

He cleared his throat. “I’m into kink. Are you?” Most didn’t advertise so graphically

their wants. But Amaretto didn’t have time to couch things in euphemisms. Some didn’t

appreciate his honesty or his tastes. And that was fine. He gave them a choice up front to

walk away.

The man arched a brow. “Are you kidding? All kinds.”

“Biting? The receiving end.”

The man’s grin chilled even Amaretto. “Long as I get off I don’t care what you do to


Such a typical man.

A half hour and several drinks later, they went out to Bud’s car, which was some type

of look-alike subcompact.

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Bud panted as another kiss took them both to distraction. “I’ve got to get the door open.

We can go to Bryan Park.”

“Yes, yes, you do.” Amaretto nipped at the man’s neck. Jugular vein. He closed his eyes,

almost dizzy with the hunger that surged through him.

Get in the car. Hurry

. Not that he

could mind speak. Would come in handy about now.

“Can’t concentrate with you doing that.” Bud turned and pressed his ass against

Amaretto’s surging hips.

“Don’t need to concentrate.” Amaretto wiggled his heavy cock against the man’s

backside. He looked around. The place was deserted. He sniffed. Except for a horrible odor

like someone had overdosed on pizza or Italian food. Shit, it was strong. He shook his head to

clear the god-awful smell. But even though the place was public, no one was around.

Maybe they didn’t have to make it in the car. He could feed here as well as there.

Could do other things as well here as there. Nothing like a good fucking in the wide open to

get the adrenaline going.

He unbuttoned Bud’s pants. He reached down in front to caress the hard cock that

pulsed in his hands. Yes, the man had seriously good flow. No hardened arteries for him.

Amaretto squeezed, moving up and down his cock, roaming all around the length. His own

cock pulsed in time from inside the confines of his pants.

The man’s hips bucked, sending his ass against Amaretto’s erection, which Amaretto

pushed back with.

He wiggled against the man, letting his cock slap Bud’s ass. Needed to be inside him.

Needed that contact, the warmth, the tightness. Such need coursed through him.

“Oh yeah.” The man grunted. His hips spasmed wildly.

Amaretto took one hand and placed it against the man’s neck. Soon the time would be

right. He readied himself.

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The climax hit Bud as his come streamed out in jets against Amaretto’s hand and the

car door.

Grasping the man’s head tighter so he couldn’t move away, Amaretto sank his fangs

into his fleshy biceps. The man’s nonmuscular arms lent to the best place to feed from this


The man squirmed but continued to buck his hips, lost in the swells of his orgasm. He’d

barely notice the pain of the bite. Which was why Amaretto liked to center his attack during

a climax.

Life-giving nourishment fell into Amaretto’s mouth. His senses hummed with the

feeling of feeding. The allure of the blood.

Soon he’d be inside this guy’s ass, taking his lust out on him. His cock thickened more

in anticipation. Just as he’d taken his blood to assuage his hunger.

The smell of garlic increased.

Shit, were they near a pizzeria? Shouldn’t it be closed this time of night?

He stilled as pitter-patter sounds entered his range of hearing. Listened over the rush of

the feed. Had he heard a soft footstep? No, he would have smelled a human approaching. His

sense of smell often kept him in the know more than his sight or hearing.

Pain exploded in his back. “Gahhhh.” He let go of Bud to turn. His hands went to the

center of the pain to find an arrow.

Holy shit


Bud retched behind him. “Fuck, man. You’ve been shot.”

“No shit.” Way to state the obvious. Pain burned down Amaretto’s back.

A man stepped out of the shadows holding a crossbow. Armed with another arrow, he

aimed it at Amaretto’s chest. “Demon of destruction. I will send you back to hell where you

belong.” He motioned to Bud. “I saved you. Now get the hell out of here or face my bow.” He

wore a necklace that looked like flower bulbs. The smell of garlic increased to overpowering

as he stalked closer.

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Bud didn’t think twice about staying. “Sorry, man.” He jumped in his car and sped off

at high speed, almost running up on the curb in his haste to get away.

So much for the rest of his meal. Or a heroic lay. Would Bud call the cops to the

rescue? Unlikely, but it did mean whatever he was going to do, Amaretto better do it fast. He

yanked on the arrow, but he couldn’t remove it without some leverage. Not to mention,

right now it plugged the hole, keeping him from bleeding out. Loss of blood from this wound

wouldn’t kill him, but the blood loss would weaken him. He’d have to have a full meal or a

healing sleep at some point soon. Adrenaline would keep him going for now. Long enough to

deal with the bow wielder. “What in shit’s name are you doing?”

The man moved forward with the bow. “Slaying you.”

All he’d wanted was a meal and maybe a fuck. Now he’d been shot in the back.

Amaretto shook his head. What bad luck to come out tonight. The story of his life. “You’re

nuts.” Did the man think his name was Buffy? He sure as hell didn’t look like Sarah Michelle

Gellar. Or Kristy Swanson. And this wasn’t some script written by Joss Whedon. Amaretto

would have to teach this imbecile a lesson. Before he encountered a vampire who wasn’t as

civilized as Amaretto and considered being shot in the back fighting words.

“And you’re a vampire. That I


send back to hell. For killing my people.”

A nutjob who knew what Amaretto was.


. “I don’t kill, asshole. Will you

now…look out!” He pointed with a shaky finger and made sure horror punctuated his face.

The man turned and Amaretto tackled him. Lucky thing the man must not watch

many horror movies. What on earth did he think he was doing?

They struggled over the crossbow. Amaretto would win, but he tried not to hurt the

crazed lunatic. “You interrupted me. From a good fuck.”

And a meal, but he wouldn’t go



“From killing. You demon seed. You’d have drained him.” The lithe man moved like a

slippery eel trying to evade Amaretto.

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“Shit. I told you I don’t kill.” He never had.

He tired of the fight. Maybe a little hurt would help him put this man in his place. He

wrestled the bow away with ease and slapped the man upside the head with the weapon.

Another hit thwacked upside his head for good measure.

The man went unconscious with one final curse.

Amaretto stared as the man slumped down.

Now what was he supposed to do?

* * * * *

Amaretto rubbed his back, which ached a little, though the wound had already knitted

over. He looked at the arrow he’d pulled out. Looked like something from an old cowboy

movie. It was nothing like real arrows from history. Or at least the history Amaretto had


He’d managed to stop the bleeding from his back without too much trouble. A fresh

delivery of emergency blood from his blood bank contact had been delivered, so he should

be okay, despite the blood he’d lost.

He took another sip of blood from a coffee mug. He preferred fresh, warm blood taken

directly from the source, but he’d do what needed to be done. He always had. Should have

heated his meal up but hadn’t taken the time as he kept an ear out for his attacker to wake

up. Maybe later he’d warm some and have a feast.

Since he’d been denied much of a feed and now couldn’t go hunting.

He walked out into the living room of the spacious rental house to check on the reason

he couldn’t go hunting and hadn’t taken time to heat his meal.

Blondie’s head still hung down to his chest. He was tied to a chair.

Amaretto had plucked off the garlic strand before hauling him back to his house where

he’d promptly tied the man up. Luckily, he didn’t live too far away from the club and had no

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neighbors on either side. The rental house he lived in rested on a less traveled side street, too.

The better not to hear Blondie scream for help. Which he would, once he woke up and saw

who had secured him.

Amaretto couldn’t leave him out there in the world. Not without some cold, hard facts.

If Blondie encountered a vampire who killed for food, this Buffy wannabe would be toast.

Humans couldn’t kill vampires. The man wouldn’t have a chance and would get picked off

like a louse in someone’s hair.

What drove a man to shoot someone he thought was a vampire? Not exactly a typical

human. That in itself made the man intriguing. Most humans didn’t give a shit.

How the hell had he found Amaretto and decided he was a vampire? Not that

Amaretto took extraordinary care to conceal himself, but he did make some effort to keep his

nature secret.

He looked at the man’s face. A slight grizzle of whiskers grew on the angelic-looking

visage. He had what others called a baby face. Probably looked years younger than he was.

He was slender but his muscles were rock hard. And having carried him for several blocks,

Amaretto could say he was solid. Unruly blond curls spiked up from his head. His full lips

looked red against his pale skin. An earring glinted from one ear. A long gothic cross

necklace hung around his neck where it had been tucked behind the garlic. He dressed in all

black from his button-down shirt to his jeans to his boots.

Amaretto took another sip of blood as he continued to peruse the man who’d shot him.

His cock sprang to life. He blinked, looking down into his drink. “Oh, no.” A spike of desire

ran up his spine.

An adrenaline rush had to be causing this arousal. No way he could be attracted to

Blondie, a man who’d shot him in the back.

Only that was a crock of shit. And Amaretto knew it.

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As a man, Amaretto had swung both ways. As a vampire, he’d doubly swung even

higher with his lusts. It didn’t take much for his attraction to heighten.

Look at Bud.

He looked at Blondie again. Started to reach to caress along a cheek, but withdrew his

hand. Not the time for touching. Blew out a deep breath. The man wasn’t gorgeous, but it

was the flaws that set him apart. Those made his looks extraordinary. The divot on his chin.

The too wide nose. His rough hands that had bitten-down fingernails.

Amaretto’s beast rose up with a decidedly snappish flair to tell him to claim the man

and do it now. His heart rate tripled, as did his breathing. Desire roared like a lion along with

his beast, telling him to make this man his. To take him. To push his cock inside and make

the claim on the man’s body. On his mind. Heart. On his soul.

His first good look at the man almost brought him to his knees.

Yeah, attraction to Blondie would go over well. He’d already gotten one arrow in the

back. Try to take him and he’d probably end up with an arrow in more sensitive parts of his


The man’s eyes moved under his lids.

The man’s even breathing had become more ragged in the last few seconds. His

heartbeat had elevated. While Amaretto had been checking out the stranger, the stranger

had come to. “You can stop pretending. I know you’re awake.”

The man opened his lids slowly to reveal grayish blue eyes. His mouth curled into a

sneer, lips drawing tight. “Go to hell.”

“You already tried to send me there. It didn’t work.” Such bravado from a human. The

man had some fear. But he did well to mask his emotions. He also did well to block Amaretto

from his thoughts. He couldn’t sense anything in the man’s mind. How unusual. That had

never happened with a human before. Even when Amaretto wasn’t aware he was using it, he

usually probed humans’ minds.

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The man stared sullenly at him.

He was a brave little shit, that was for sure. “What made you think I’m a vampire?

Why shoot me?”

No answer. Only a glare.

Amaretto sighed and turned back toward the kitchen, taking a sip from his mug. That

had gone as expected. The man wouldn’t talk now. Give him a few days. Then he’d be

vocalizing whatever Amaretto wanted to hear. Maybe even the delights of the bedroom…

Who was he kidding? He resisted the urge to turn around and look down his body again.

He’s tied. Nothing he could do to stop you


He hushed his beast. He’d never do a thing like that no matter how much he wanted

someone. The hand was always better than rape.

Which begged the question: how long was he going to keep the man?

Maybe some good fucking would loosen his tongue. And pull him to your side


He chased that thought away. Not going to happen anytime soon. Though his cock

wanted otherwise.

The man let out an intake of breath.

A couple of steps away from the kitchen, Amaretto turned to face him. “What?” The

man had sounded almost flabbergasted.

The man didn’t answer but his bravado toned down. His eyes didn’t blaze as much fury

as before.

Amaretto had turned and displayed his back.

The back, which last time the man had been awake, had had an arrow sticking out of it.

“Oh, that.” Amaretto waved with his free hand. “Yes, the arrow is gone.”

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The man had suspected what Amaretto was. But seeing the reality was often different

than the perception and knocked the wind from people who thought they knew everything.

Like Blondie.

“I knew you were a vampire. I knew it.” The man’s triumph didn’t last long. Probably

because he’d realized his precarious situation, tied up and at a vampire’s mercy. It should

occur to the man that if Amaretto wanted him dead, he would be by now. But it wouldn’t.

Instead, they’d play some stupid dance of fear and hatred. A boring game. Amaretto tired of

it easily. Now ropes and capture, Amaretto could play that one all day.

“How? How did you know I was a vampire?” That was what puzzled Amaretto. Why

would Blondie single him out? Now granted, the man had sneaked up on him while he’d

been feeding, but how had he known to follow Amaretto in the first place?

The garlic had disguised Blondie’s scent, so that explained how he’d sneaked up on

him. Hmmmm, maybe that was why garlic was supposed to be bad for vampires. The smell

had overwhelmed Amaretto’s senses, letting him take in nothing but that scent, masking the

man’s own odor. Maybe that had contributed to the legends that garlic repelled vampires. If

that was all he could smell upon an encounter, Amaretto would want to avoid it from now

on, too.

The man clamped his mouth shut. His eyes went back to glaring. So much for talking

this out.

With thoughts of how the man could put his mouth to better use, Amaretto shrugged.

“You’ll eventually tell me what I want to know.”

“You can torture me all you want. I’ll never tell you anything.”

Somehow the only idea of torture that came to Amaretto’s mind was his tongue tracing

circles all over Blondie’s lithe body. All down his pale skin. Exploring every nook and

cranny. Finding every pleasure spot Blondie had. There had to be several. He swallowed.

Why did he react like this to Blondie so soon after meeting him? Even for him, this seemed

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excessive. “I don’t know.” He dipped his voice low, sending an obvious message. “I can be

very persuasive.”

A hot flush hit Blondie’s pale skin like redness creeping in on a green tomato. Amaretto

had loved tomatoes as a human. And the redness showed they’d been brought to ripeness.

Maybe this man would be ripe for his picking. How he’d love to explore down and see that

ultimate ripe cock that Blondie possessed. Bet that was red, too. How hard it would be.

Heat flamed over Amaretto’s body as another thought rolled across him.

Blondie could have reacted with outrage to the obvious flirtation, as most heterosexual

males would have done. That he hadn’t was telling.

The man liked men.

Holy shit, that made things even more dangerous. Especially reacting that way to

Amaretto’s innuendo, making Amaretto want to see how far down the flush went down.

Blondie was becoming a temptation.

Amaretto attempted to get his mind back on the subject at hand. “What’s your name?”

He couldn’t call him Blondie for the next few days. Plus, he found himself captivated by the

blond-haired man, wanting to know more about him. Didn’t happen often.

Obstinately, Blondie drew his mouth into a frown.

“Fine, Blondie.”

“What?” The man’s eyes looked puzzled.

Amaretto sat down his mug. “Blondie. Since I don’t have a name for you, I’m going to

call you Blondie.” A thought occurred to Amaretto. “Knowing your name doesn’t give me

any power over you. Isn’t that about demons anyway? Not vampires?”

Blondie snorted. “As if I’m worried about your power. And…” He shook his head. “I’m

not discussing creatures with you. Creatures like you are evil in their manifestation.”

“Considering you’re tied up and sitting in my living room, maybe you should be

worried.” Amaretto took a seat across from Blondie, taking him closer to the temptation.

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Hadn’t it always been like that with Amaretto? Give him something that he wanted and

couldn’t have, and he had to try. Had gotten him in trouble on too many occasions. “Maybe

you should watch who you’re calling evil.”

Vampires were the stuff of supernatural stories. Evil ones. And a lot of vampires were

like that. He’d know quite a few who killed indiscriminately. Who killed for pleasure. But

he’d known others who took sophistication in style and applied it to every facet of their life.

Like the human race, vampires had their golden and problem children.

“You can’t keep me here.” The man bit out every word.

“I think I can. As I’m the one who has you tied up.” He’d keep Blondie there for as long

as it took to make sure the little fool wouldn’t go back to staking. That was his primary

motive. Seduction was just a sideline. A little fun.

“I’ll scream.”

“Scream like a girl. No one will hear you.” Amaretto leaned back as the springs creaked

in the chair. Waited for the caterwauling to begin.

“Help! Help! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” The man cried out for several minutes,

his gaze shooting to the front door as if expecting someone to come breaking in.

Amaretto yawned. “Done yet?” The man had perseverance. In addition to intelligence

and bravery. In another lifetime, this man would have… Hell, even now he did intrigue

Amaretto on too many levels. If he hadn’t shot Amaretto in the back, Amaretto might have

thought them soul mates, the way his body and mind reacted to him.

The man pursed his lips together, still staring with a gloomy expression. “Why don’t

you kill me?”

There he went, back to assumptions. “I told you earlier. I don’t kill. And I’m not going

to kill you.” Amaretto didn’t point out he could have killed him earlier. It would have been

easy and smooth, with no resistance.

The man blinked twice. “Then why tie me up?”

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“Maybe it’s for my pleasure.” Amaretto purred and watched the man’s eyes widen.

More flushing.

The better to taste you

. Yeah, too much fun, but he’d better stop that before

he had the man frightened that Amaretto might take advantage of him. Not his intention.

“Seriously, you’re going to get yourself killed. Humans can’t kill vampires.”

The man gritted his teeth together. “You’re lying.”

Amaretto shook his head. “No. No, I’m not. You can’t kill anyone, and you’re going to

get taken out trying.” He moved closer. “Why would I lie to you? And you’ll notice…still

here. Even though you shot me with an arrow.” So he’d admitted he was a vampire. Of

course, he’d done that the instant he’d brought the man into his home and shown him an

arrowless back. A human wouldn’t have survived that wound. Blondie wasn’t stupid. He

knew he’d had a direct hit on Amaretto. He’d had to make a choice. And he couldn’t have

left Blondie out on the streets alone. Not to get killed.

“Then what can?”

Amaretto stared forward in a stony silence. He met the man’s gaze dead on without


“I said, what can?”

He still didn’t answer. After all, the man wouldn’t answer his questions so why should

he answer Blondie’s? Nor did he intend to give him any hope that he could kill a vampire.

There was always “Well, I could do this…” and “I could manage to kill them this way…” No,

not likely. Best he realized that humans couldn’t do the job. And move on. Before he did

wind up as dinner seasoned with garlic.

He sniffed. The man was going to need to shower at some point. That smell had sunk

into his every pore. Amaretto wouldn’t be craving Italian food for a while, even if he was

craving tasting Blondie for a romp in the sack. The floor. Hell, the chair. He wasn’t picky.

The man swallowed. He licked his lips, causing Amaretto’s eyes to droop closed. He

liked seeing that pink tongue scrape across the man’s lip a little too much. Didn’t want to

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reveal how much that had driven him to distraction. Otherwise, the man would find ways to

distract Amaretto even more.

“I’m Leif. Now tell me how vampires can be killed.”

What pluck. But at least now they were getting somewhere.

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Chapter Two

Leif glared at the man nonchalantly sitting across from him. Wait, not a man, but a

monster. A damned vampire. He’d better not forget that. He waited for the usual jokes about

his name. He’d heard them all, about exploration and what grew on trees. Kids could be

nasty, as could adults.

But no jokes came.

The thing grabbed his cup and took a sip. He swallowed before he spoke. “I’m


“Sure you are.”

The man/monster gave him a baleful glance.

“You’re kidding?” No way that name could be real.

Another stare.

Leif shook his head. He didn’t comment on the name. But he’d thought he’d had it bad.

That was nothing to being named after a coffee flavoring.

“My mother loved the flavoring. It was one of her few pleasures in life.” Amaretto

shrugged. “It’s my real name from when I was human.” His lips snapped shut as though he’d

said something he hadn’t wanted to say.

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Leif didn’t want to think about the man revealing anything. Not even that wicked cock

that Gia had said was supernatural and huge. Every time Amaretto stood, Leif tried not to

look at Amaretto’s crotch. Didn’t want to see verification of how big he was. Or remember

how Gia said he knew how to use it too, to its best ability.

He wriggled his hands in the bonds. They had been tied too tight for him to free

himself. What a predicament he’d gotten himself into. “Tell me how to kill vampires.” He

tried to sit up more, but the bonds held him in the same position.

“Why do you want to kill vampires?”

Now it was his turn to stare at Amaretto. Granted, he was a damned vampire so maybe

he had illusions of grandeur, but come on? “Because you kill people. You feed. You’re not

human…” He wound up, ready to list everything wrong with vampires.

Amaretto held up a hand. “I get the point.”

No, if he’d gotten the point, he’d have turned to ash and Leif wouldn’t be sitting here

tied to a chair. He must have missed the heart. Damn useless target practice. Much different

than shooting an actual moving object. A living, breathing vampire. He should have found a

way to practice with something that moved.

“Not all vampires kill.”

“You lie.” He’d probably lied about humans not being able to kill vampires, too. How

could Leif trust anything the monster said? Except for the fact that he’d tied Leif up and

hadn’t killed him. Yet. But why wait? Despite that, Leif continued, “You’re nothing but a

murderer. A killer.”

“Listen to me. I. Don’t. Kill. I’ve said that before, and I don’t want to repeat it again.”

Amaretto’s voice slipped with a cool fire. “How do you know about vampires anyway? And

why did you think I was one?”

Leif could clamp his mouth shut and not tell him anything. But that wouldn’t get him

anywhere. Maybe if he could distract the man/monster enough, he could escape. Or find out

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the means of killing them all. The only weapon he had available was his mouth. So he’d

better use his assets to the fullest. Honesty had always worked the best for him. “Because one

of your nonkilling kind killed my…friend.” Dammit, why not come out and say what Jack

had been to him? Wasn’t like he was in the closet. Amaretto had gauged his reactions and

knew. Just as Leif had sized him up. If only Amaretto liked women. Would make things

much easier. “My lover.”

“I never said


vampires don’t kill. Just that I don’t.” Amaretto’s eyelashes swooped

down to cover his dark eyes. “I don’t and know several others who don’t…”

“Then how do you get food then, huh?” Leif twisted his hands. If only he could get

some leverage to break free. But he couldn’t. He was stuck at this thing’s mercy. If only the

monster were a good-looking stripper. Then Leif’s tale would have a much different ending.

He should have known his life would be a horror movie as opposed to a porn film.

The man’s voice dove down several notches. “I told you before. I can be very

persuasive.” He grinned, showing even white teeth. “Acquiring food isn’t a problem.”

Leif fought the heat rising in his body. No, he wasn’t going to be attracted to

this…thing. But rise the warmth did, all over him. His cock swung up, too, for the half

dozenth time. Even tied, his cock kept poking him to remind him that Amaretto was “easy

on the eyes,” as his mama used to say. He gritted his teeth together. Tried to think of

anything boring. Golf. Watching grass grow. Calculus. “I’m sure you can.”

“People donate for me. And there are blood banks. How do you know a vampire killed

your lover?”

A knife twisted around in Leif’s gut and the erection disappeared as a reminder he

needed to remember what Amaretto was. “The Vampire Killer.”

Amaretto blinked at him. Shook his head to reinforce his look of confusion.

“You know, the one who traveled down the East Coast? Stopped killing in Richmond,

though they don’t know why?”

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Another blink.

“Come on. Where were you? The killer drained victims of blood.” Leif moved his legs

against the chair.

“I’m visiting Richmond. I don’t live here, nor did I in the past.” Amaretto took another

sip from his mug. He was careful not to coat his lips. Too careful.

What was in that cup? Leif didn’t want to know. His erection deflated more. “Well, it

was a big news story. And Jack…” He paused. Didn’t want his voice to crack. Instead it came

out stronger than ever. “…Jack was one of the victims. They found him under an abandoned

house. All his blood had been drained.” He’d been brutally murdered as well. Amazing how

the pain of loss never fully went away. Got covered with Band-Aids until it no longer hurt as

bad. But sometimes, those bandages ripped away to reveal the wound still oozing

underneath. Like now.

“I’m sorry about your loss. Sorry about your friend.” Amaretto moved forward on the

couch. “Not all vampires kill, though. Some do, and indiscriminately. So that’s why you’re

going after those you think are vampires? To avenge your friend?”

“Yes. For justice.” He’d had to do something. The police hadn’t been willing to do

anything. What was one more dead fag to them?

“Why target me?”

“Because my friend Gia said you liked to bite.”

“Ah, but Gia is alive. And well. Very well indeed.” His mouth splayed in a grin. “I

didn’t kill him.”

“But Farmer isn’t.”

The man/monster stilled, hardly seeming to breathe. “What do you mean, Farmer isn’t?

I don’t know any Farmer.”

So many screws, he couldn’t remember them all? Must be nice. Though he’d

remembered Gia right off. That had been evident in his facial expression and his speech.

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Leif’s gut clenched, thinking of Gia’s vivid descriptions of the sex. Of the stamina that

Amaretto had. Of the luxury that Amaretto had granted his lover with every action. Gia had

told it all in blinding detail. “Farmer Fisher. He’s dead. Found drained of blood, according to

his…lover. But the papers ain’t reporting that fact.” He glared at Amaretto. “So tell me again

how you don’t kill. How do you explain that, huh? Forgot one screw and a meal?”

“I don’t kill.” Amaretto put his cup down on the table with a clunk. “There must be

another vampire in town. But why haven’t I sensed them?” He looked both bothered and

puzzled at the same time.

“Please spare me. ‘It’s another one.’ What a load of crap. I don’t buy it. You killed

Farmer. Like you fed from Gia. And you were feeding from that man tonight. Were you

going to kill or feed? Or both?” Leif sneered. Farmer’s death reminded him too much of

Jack’s. Both of them had been picked up at clubs. Without their lovers in tow. “I would have

taken you out had I hit you better. One less vampire in the world.”

Amaretto leapt to his feet before Leif could blink. He got in Leif’s face with angry lines

contorting his features. “You listen and listen well. I don’t kill. Nor do I lie.” He took a

breath. “But others of my kind do. You try and shoot this vampire with your flimsy little

arrows, you’ll wind up on his smorgasbord.”

Leif simmered down. He couldn’t prove that Amaretto was the vamp who’d been with

Farmer, despite his spouting off to the contrary. In fact, Gia had said Amaretto hadn’t been

seen with Farmer, though Gia didn’t know who had. But it didn’t mean he was innocent. No

vampire was innocent. “Tell me how to kill the vampire who did kill Farmer. Tell me.” Not

that Amaretto would. Vampires probably stuck together like they were in some little club.

His hand tensed, not giving up on getting the rope off. He’d find his freedom and resume the


“You can’t.” Amaretto turned away before swinging back around again. “You’re a smart

guy. I shouldn’t have to keep repeating myself. You can’t kill a vampire. Only another

vampire can.”

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Leif shook his head. “You’re lying.” All his training in the two years past Jack’s death

couldn’t be for nothing. All his plans. They couldn’t be useless. He’d spent so much time. He

would make Jack’s death count for something. He’d organized himself in the hopes of ridding

the world of them one by one. Had his hands been free, he’d have buried his face in them.

“It’s the God’s honest truth.”

“What do you know of God? You’re a monster of the night.” He kept repeating what

Amaretto was, but mostly for himself. Somehow this man put him more at ease than he

liked. Not a good thing. He needed to keep his wits about him, not lose them over some


Amaretto chuckled, low and deep. “You’re a mess. Totally wrong on vampires. Dude,

all the garlic did was make you smell like pizza. It doesn’t hurt me.” He reached down and

picked up Leif’s cross, despite Leif’s flinching backward. “Ow…ow…ow.”

Take that

. Leif looked on eagerly to see the result of the thing messing with an object

of faith.

Amaretto snorted. “As if.” He held up his unblemished palm. “Crosses don’t hurt me.

Silver doesn’t hurt me. I don’t sleep in a coffin. I can go out in sunlight without dying.” He

plopped back down on the couch. “You’ve watched a few too many vampire movies, my

friend. They get it all wrong.”

Apparently. So much for all his research. Which had consisted of more than watching

Bela Lugosi and

Lost Boys

. All those trips to the college libraries around town. Painstaking

research into legends. And the books had it all wrong, too. How could anyone be expected to

learn enough about vampires with all this misinformation lying around?

Leif’s nose itched, and he tried to wrinkle it to drive the sensation away. Funny how

that always happened when you couldn’t use your hands. “How does a vampire kill another

vampire? Since you say they’re the only ones who can.”

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Amaretto stood up and stalked to him again. He reached out two fingers and scratched

the end of Leif’s nose. “Better?”

“Yeah.” Leif leaned his head back as much as he could from the man, who was now

way too close for comfort. Why had Amaretto done that? He’d come over to do something

for Leif that he couldn’t do himself. He’d sensed Leif’s need and accommodated him. So few

in life did that. “Thanks.”

He looked closely at his captor, which he hadn’t done before now. His skin was a light

brown and flawless. Leif wasn’t sure if he was part African or some type of Hispanic. His

lithe muscles were compact, so he wasn’t beefy, but he had a look of strength about him.

Like a dancer. Dark hair had been cut close to his head so that it curled up. His eyes were

dark, the color of pecans. He had high cheekbones and full lips.

And Leif’s stupid erection flared up again.

The man could be a model. A swimsuit model. He had the body.

Leif willed his overreaction down. He wouldn’t be attracted to this man, no matter

how good-looking or sexy he was. Sensuality oozed from Amaretto in waves. His speech

could go from angry serious to seductive in seconds. And to be on the receiving end of the

man’s intenseness would tempt anyone.

Except he wasn’t a man.

Leif threw that fact around his brain a few times. Tried to make it stick. “I asked how

does a vampire kill another vampire? If that’s the only way it can be done.” All that training.

Preparing. Gah, what a nightmare if this was true.

“Like I’d tell you.”

Leif’s head lifted. “Why not? I’m not a vampire.”

“Because you’d try and find a way to try to do it as a human. I’m not stupid.” Amaretto

looked down at him. “Heed my words: you can’t kill a vampire. And if you think you can,

you’ll wind up by Farmer at the morgue.”

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A shudder rocked Leif. He’d gone to the morgue to try to identify Jack’s things, which

had been found with the body. Cold. Sterile. Steel. Those images flooded his mind about the

experience. Jack had had no family. Leif had had to work hard to find him a place in death.

Funerals and plots weren’t cheap. There hadn’t been much left to bury either.

A hand lifted his head. “I’m sorry for the loss of your lover. I made a poor choice of

words.” Dark eyes looked into his, mesmerizing him.

How could a monster understand that, when most everyone else didn’t? “It was a long

time ago.”

“Loss always hurts. No matter how long ago.” The hand caressed his chin, warm against

his cool skin. The voice sounded wise.

Like someone who knew the pain of grief.

The man/monster touched him, yet Leif didn’t feel any disgust. In fact, what he felt

was far from that. He jerked his head away, squelching those feelings. “So the vampire gets to

live. Killing. Murdering humans. Going about his merry way without paying for what he did.

While Farmer goes to the grave. Dead. Never to experience anything again.”

Like with Jack.

No one knew what had happened to Jack’s killer. He’d stopped. But that didn’t mean

he’d died. Or been punished.

Life could be so damn unfair sometimes.

“He won’t.” Amaretto walked away and took his cup to the kitchen. The sound of

water running started and then halted before Amaretto stalked back into the living room.

“What do you mean he won’t? Who’s going to stop him?”

Amaretto stretched out his long body. “You and me.”

Leif stared at Amaretto with wide eyes. “What?”

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Amaretto met his gaze. “You heard what I said.” Whether Leif had wanted to hear it

was the question.

“You’d go against your own kind?” The man looked dumbfounded. As if he’d been told

the tooth fairy existed. Funny how he could accept that vampires were real, but he had

trouble accepting that one wouldn’t kill humans, yet would his own kind. The human mind

was an unpredictable place.

“If they’re killing so blatantly it might put vampires under the microscope, I will.”

Amaretto didn’t mention killing any vampires who killed humans. He tended to live and let

live as long as it didn’t affect him. Unlike his maker and mentor. Not anything Leif needed to

delve into right now. “And if this one is leaving bloodless victims for police to find, I’d call

that blatant.” Not to mention stupid.

Leif cocked his head to the side. “You said, ‘You and me.’ Did you mean that? Or are

you blowing smoke up my ass?”

Amaretto could think of a few things he’d like to do with Leif’s ass and blowing smoke

wasn’t one of them. Nipping. Yes. Rimming. Yes. Penetrating. Oh, yes. He cleared his throat.

“Of course I meant it.” It would make Leif feel like he was doing something, which was what

he sought.

He had to give Leif credit. He had been training and planned to do things for the good

of humans. Few got off their asses long enough to make a difference in the world. Leif had

identified a problem and sought to solve the issue. Even if he got himself killed. It was an

action to be admired and Amaretto didn’t admire much.

Another reason to let Leif in on the vampire hunt was that keeping Leif close would

allow Amaretto to keep an eye on the man. Not only because of the attraction Amaretto felt

toward him. But to keep Leif safe. That way, at least he’d know what Leif was up to.


your friends close and your enemies closer

. No more arrows in the back. Amaretto reached

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back to rub the spot. Maybe all that nasty aggression could be turned into something useful.

Like sex. Sex was always useful.

“How do I know I can trust you?” The man’s eyes narrowed as he warily assessed


“Because I give you my word.” Amaretto folded his arms in front of his chest. “It will

have to be enough.”

“It isn’t.” The man’s lips pursed into a frown. He constantly tested the bonds to see if he

could get loose by wiggling his fingers and hands. He possessed a great deal of determination,

something Amaretto had already noted. “Your word isn’t enough for me.”

“It’s all I have to offer you.” Amaretto shrugged his shoulders in a wide arc. “And

considering I have you tied up at my mercy and the only way you’ll get free is that deal, I’d

take it.” His cock stiffened more with “at my mercy.” If he were a nastier bastard, he would

push Leif sexually right now. But he couldn’t do that. Wouldn’t do that to anyone. “The

question is, how bad do you want him?” Did Leif want it enough to make a deal with the

known devil? He’d have to if he wanted freedom.

Several minutes of silence elapsed. It seemed to be a waiting game to see who’d speak

first. Considering Amaretto had been around a couple hundred years, he knew patience. So

he waited. Thought about all the things he knew about the city and where a vampire might

like to hide. How could they hide from him? Something was wrong with that, and he would

find out what. He had sensed no vampires in the city proper. The nearest ones were far

enough away; if they came closer, he should be able to tell.

Leif broke first, causing Amaretto to smile. “You promise you’ll help me kill the


Leif had transferred his feelings of helplessness about Jack’s death onto this man

Farmer and his killer. He might not be able to find Jack’s killer, but he’d try to make it up by

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finding Farmer’s. Amaretto was no psychiatrist or self-help guru, but maybe doing this

would help Leif find some closure for his loss.

However, it had to be on Amaretto’s terms to keep the idiot safe. Best to straighten that

out right now. “I promise




kill the bastard.”

The beautiful face tightened into a frown as the words sank in. Lines crinkled about his

eyes. Then he relaxed. “Fine.”

“So, I have your word that you won’t try to kill me again? You’ll work with me? And

we’ll go after this vampire together? I’m taking a leap of faith by trusting


, you know.”

Amaretto suspected the man viewed promises as Amaretto did. He’d make Leif state how

things would be. Aloud.

“Fine. Now untie me.”

“Your word.” Amaretto didn’t move.

“You have my word.”

“On everything I said before.”

“On everything you said before.” The man bit out each word through clenched teeth.

“You have my word I won’t try and kill you as long as you let me help get this vampire. I

want him at any cost.”

Not exactly what Amaretto had said, but it would do. Talk about faith. Taking the

man’s word who’d shot him with an arrow took lots of the emotion, though Leif wouldn’t

see it that way.

Now the test came.

Amaretto would untie Leif. One aggressive move or hit and he’d have to tie him back

up again. And it’d be a long time before Leif would get free again.

After bending down, Amaretto untied the knots slowly. Under different circumstances

he’d have enjoyed the untying a lot more. He did enjoy the change in Leif’s breathing. The

increase of his heartbeat. The scent of him, which, under the garlic, smelled like a man and

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not a pizza. It was a yummy smell. It was all Amaretto could do not to turn his head and taste

the skin laid before him like a bounty. As it was, he inhaled deeply, taking in Leif’s unique

scent. The garlic still burned his nose but he couldn’t resist. He managed to straighten up

before he gave in to the impulse to lick him. To explore that body in detail.

Leif struggled getting his hands free of the ropes as Amaretto untied them. He turned

to face Amaretto.

The moment of truth.

“How do we find this vampire?” Leif’s face took on a ruthless determination that

Amaretto had rarely seen in humans.

A sexy look in a lot of ways.

Few vampires or humans took anything this seriously. Amaretto never had. “We’ll

have to hunt for him.” It wouldn’t be easy. The vampire had something that blocked him

from Amaretto’s senses or he’d have known he was there. Would that dampen his abilities to

sense Amaretto? Unknown. They’d have to proceed with caution.

“Let’s do it.”

Leif’s eagerness was almost catching. Almost. Amaretto held up a hand. “Look, it’s been

a long night. And it will be daylight soon.”

“I thought you said daylight didn’t kill you.” Leif’s lips went down into a deep frown.

He could swing between happy and angry easily. That would make his moods hard for

Amaretto to predict. Well, that and the fact he couldn’t read the man as he could most


Maybe there was something wrong with him. He couldn’t sense a vamp nor could he

read Leif. He’d have to test that later. Make sure he was okay. “It doesn’t kill me or burn me.

But my skin doesn’t like it. It makes me itchy.” He shot a grin to the serious one. “Maybe

you’d like to scratch for me if I go out in the sunshine?” Not even a smile broke out. Oh well,

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he’d tried. “You see, not good to go out in daylight, though I can if badly needed. I save my

sun exposure for an emergency. Which this isn’t.”

“You need to. It is.” Leif grunted under his breath. “We need to catch the bastard

before he kills again.”

“No, I don’t need to go out in daytime


. The vampire won’t hunt in the daylight

so he’ll be holing up soon. Like me.” Another bad choice of words. That reminded Leif of

what he was. Maybe that arrow had hit Amaretto harder than he’d thought. Or it was just

Leif’s presence, which seemed to have the same effect of a mallet on a post.

A dubious look was cast his way.

This partnership wasn’t going to be easy. Amaretto blew out a breath and counted for

patience. “He won’t. It will make him itchy and grumpy. He’ll sleep now. Wait until

nighttime. Then he’ll hunt to feed.”

Leif still looked unbelieving.

Good grief, what did he have to do to get the man to trust him? Shit, not killing him

should have been a tip-off Amaretto wasn’t an average vampire. Even though he’d expected

it not to make a difference, it was still frustrating. Regardless of that or how Leif felt about

him, Amaretto did know vampire habits. After all, he was a bloodsucker. “I’m a vampire,

Leif. I do know how they operate even if I don’t kill.” A double reminder would suffice in

this case.

“Fine.” The man sounded like a surly teenager, though he didn’t look like one. He liked

the word though, enough to repeat. “Fine. What do we do now?”

“We sleep.” Amaretto waggled his brows in flirtation. “Unless you have a better way to

pass time until the evening when we go hunting.”

More stony silence.

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One day, he’d earn a smile from Leif. Maybe even a flirt back. It was a challenge and

Amaretto never shirked one. “Fine. You can have the couch.” Leif wasn’t the only one who

could say the four-letter word like a teen.

Leif’s head shook wildly in denial. “I’m not staying here.” The man moved toward the


“Leif.” One word. In a serious tone. A commanding tone. One that Leif had had yet to

hear from him.

Leif stopped. Didn’t turn back around but stilled. His whole body looked ready to take

flight. “What?”

“You stay here with me. While we are going after the vampire.” Amaretto wasn’t going

to let Leif put himself in danger. That meant a constant watch over his actions. Perseverance

could be spelled like stupid if not used properly, no matter how good a quality it was.

Leif turned with an indignant look. “That wasn’t part of the deal. We only have a deal

to hunt together. Not sleep together.”

“I want to keep an eye on you, which is part of my deal. Especially once we’re hunting,

I don’t want the vampire to find you alone.” Nor did he want Leif to face the vampire alone.

Easiest way to do that was to keep him close by. “Nothing will happen to you here that you

don’t want to happen. In fact, you can have the bed. In the bedroom. And lock your door.

Unless you want me to share the bed.” Best Leif slept there so he wouldn’t be able to sneak

away from Amaretto. The only exit from there went into the living room.

“That won’t keep you out. It’s your place. You can come and go as you please. I don’t

have to invite you in anywhere in this place.”

It took Amaretto a minute to figure out what Leif meant. “I told you before. Discard

everything movies and lore have taught you about vampires. Locks will keep me out of that

bedroom. Invitations have nothing to do with my access to any room. Or places.” He lowered

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his voice. “’Course an invitation by you won’t be refused.” It would be taken up. Would be

acted upon. Slowly. With relish.

The flush moved up Leif’s face again. And this time, Amaretto noticed the bulge in his

pants. Yeah, Leif wasn’t quite as removed from Amaretto as he’d like to be. But that worked

in Amaretto’s favor. Or did it? Did he want to have sex with Leif?

A big yes


Would it be a good idea, as entrenched in the past and grief as Leif was? Amaretto

didn’t know and only spending time with Leif would tell him.

“Fine. I’ll sleep in the bed. But I need stuff…”

“Tonight. We’ll stop by your place and retrieve your things.” Amaretto yawned. It had

been a long night. “The hunt will resume tonight. And we will get him.” Of that, Amaretto

would make sure. For Leif’s sake. No matter what else happened.

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Chapter Three

Leif rolled over in the large bed.

He’d heard of beds described as orgy-sized, but never encountered one until now. Had

there been any orgies in this one? He wouldn’t put it past the man, even as he ignored the

tightening of his balls at the thought. Amaretto hot and sweaty with a few other just as

handsome men. No, none of the men would counter Amaretto.

He was in a vampire’s house. Hell, he was in the vampire’s bed, for Christ’s sake,

though the man had kept his word and left him alone so far. The vampire said he’d work

with him and kill the vampire who’d killed Farmer. They would be a team.

When Leif had woken up that morning, he wouldn’t have believed anyone if they’d

told him by the end of the day this would happen.

He took in a deep breath as he closed his eyes to try to get some sleep. Regretted it


Because the bed reeked of the man who slept there.

His eyes opened as he groaned. Amaretto’s scent permeated the linens. Now it coated

Leif in its seductive thrall.

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Spicy. Sensual. Manly. Not overpowering, but enough to tantalize Leif’s senses with the

idea of the man who usually slept there. Probably naked. All that skin spread out for Leif’s

tongue to run across in lilting patterns. Maybe he’d have tattoos to trace. How good he

would taste.

His cock rose up against the mattress.

He wouldn’t have believed he’d be attracted to a vampire if someone had told him that

either, before meeting Amaretto. Deeply attracted. Every action the man did. Every flirt. The

tender care he’d taken when he’d untied Leif. The flare in his eyes whenever he flirted with

Leif. The fact he hadn’t killed him or taken getting shot in the back personally or seemed to

be holding out for revenge.

All that had made Leif want to explore the man’s hidden treasures. From his delectable

neck to his tight ass and everywhere in between.

When they had started talking, he’d thought of Amaretto as a thing. A monster. By the

end of the conversation, he’d thought of Amaretto as a man. He needed to be careful or he

was going to get himself into trouble.

His mama had said once that some people were made for sin.

He’d never met anyone before who he’d classified in that category. Until the moment

he’d spied Amaretto from across the dance floor a few days ago.

Everything about Amaretto, from his fancy name to his trendy clothes to his decadent

bed to his outrageous flirting to his jaded grin spoke of sin.

And yet, there was something wholly open about the man. Something that said he was

guileless. Not closed off from the world but ready to embrace it fully.

As completely opposite from Leif as could be.

When Amaretto talked, Leif believed him. He also seemed to reflect all of his feelings

on his face. Didn’t have any sort of a poker expression. Made it easy for Leif to read whatever

he thought about.

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Leif had also never expected to like a vampire.

Not after what had happened with Jack. Not that he’d been in love with Jack. That was

the kicker. He’d liked Jack and had loved him once upon a time. But at the time Jack had

been killed, they’d not been “in love” though they’d lived together and been lovers. Still, Jack

had been a part of his life. And the vampire had taken him away.

Something that Leif hadn’t been able to move past.

But this one didn’t kill. It was obvious he took donations from willing donors and

blood banks. Leif bet any number of men and women would be interested in giving

whatever he needed to the attractive man. Gia had been all too happy to say he’d donate

again. Gia had spoken of the man’s prowess and care even with a one-night stand. At the

time, Leif had dismissed it as bull and excuses. But now, he believed the man would make a

tender, thoughtful lover. Even with a one-nighter.

Leif’s nose wrinkled up. No way he’d let himself be bitten. It had been blood in the




Despite knowing what Amaretto was and knowing what he had in the mug, Leif had

had a hard time keeping in mind the man was a vampire. That he shouldn’t trust him. Nor

should he like him. That was after only one conversation. Give him a week and Leif might be

more than friendly to him.

He might be in his bed and not alone.

Bastard bloodsucker was way too charming.

Leif rubbed his aching cock on the mattress. It hadn’t been that long since his last

action, but anytime for him was too long. He needed to ease the ache that had bubbled up

inside him. Didn’t want Amaretto to see how turned on Leif was and think he had something

to do with the arousal. Even if he did.

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Leif had a while until the night, when they would hunt again. Nothing said a little

jerking off wouldn’t help ease him so that he could present a calm front to Amaretto once

they went hunting.

He reached down to unzip his pants.

Checked out the room again to make sure he was alone. He’d heard vampires could

sneak anywhere they wanted to.

Not that the lore he’d covered during his investigations seemed to account for

anything. As the garlic and the cross hadn’t worked, Leif was inclined to believe Amaretto

on that.

Who’d have thought all the stories could have gotten it so wrong? So many traditions,

and they were nothing but bunk. How long had Leif walked about smelling like garlic for

nothing? Least he’d worn crosses before he’d suspected vampires were real, so that hadn’t

been a deliberate action on his part.

His head came up to look at the doorknob. Had he locked the door before he’d crawled

into bed? Yeah, he had. He was sure he had. And even if hadn’t, why worry? The vampire

was sleeping soundly. Unlike Leif, he was used to sleeping all day. He’d probably sleep a few

more hours. Unlike Leif, who felt wide awake. He wouldn’t be thinking of Leif like Leif was

of him.

He shucked off his jeans and underwear. The satin sheets felt cool against his hot body.

Felt soft against his skin.

He rubbed his leg against the sheet and then his whole body. Enjoyed the decadent feel

of the cloth tickling him. He rubbed against them, enjoying the tantalizing feel. Amaretto’s

body would feel this good. Be this soft. Only warm. And inviting. Where the sheet was stiff

and cool, Amaretto was so much more. Why shouldn’t he think about Amaretto? After all,

he was covered in the man’s scent. Made sense Amaretto would be on his mind.

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Leif’s cock moved, too. His aching, needing to shoot a load, cock. He needed to release

or he’d never make it through the night.

He frowned. It was probably not polite to shoot jism all over your host’s bed. Not that

he’d had a choice in where he stayed. Amaretto would have tied him to the bed if he’d

objected. Somehow Amaretto had become concerned about him and was determined to keep

Leif safe. He wanted to keep an eye on Leif, hence working together. Leif had no illusions

that Amaretto thought him capable of doing anything to a vampire.

Amaretto was probably a little more concerned that Leif would go public with proof of

vampires more than he wanted Leif safe. Yeah, Leif was jaded. Amaretto would look after his

own before he thought about anyone else.

But Leif shouldn’t come all over the other man’s sheets, no matter that he was a

vampire. Not any situation that the etiquette books would address -- wouldn’t that be a

funny post -- but was a common sense situation.

He still needed to release, though.

He scrambled out of bed and went to the bathroom. There were several thick towels.

They sure beat his one ply cloths from the local discount store. The plush fiber would work

to keep his release from the sheets. He’d put the one he used into the laundry. Would save

the sheets, and Amaretto wouldn’t be the wiser.

Problem solved, he traipsed back into the bedroom.

Anticipation filled him. Though he needed a good screw, more than a jerk off. If only

he had a real lover instead of his hand. But he couldn’t be picky, not here, not now.

He needed the hell out of this.

The drapes created shadows all over the small room. He frowned. Had the living room

had darkness window treatments like this? He hadn’t thought about Amaretto needing

special accommodations to sleep. The vampire would be itchy if he’d slept in the sunshine all

day. Which could lead to an interesting predicament.

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Leif would not help him scratch. Or coat him with anti-itch medication. Though

rubbing his hands over Amaretto’s body could be a job in itself. The man was so big.

Everywhere, so Gia had opined.

He laid the towel on the bed and flipped over on his stomach with his crotch against

the towel. What a perfect solution.

His hand clasped his cock hard. Made one pass up and down its length. Lube or

something sticky would feel better, but he couldn’t go looking for anything else. And spit

was not an effective lubricant. A few more passes up his cock and even the dry hand did feel

hellaciously good. Proved how turned on he was.

Another pass down his hard cock to above his balls.

Oh yeah, felt even better than he’d anticipated.

This would not take long.

Soon he had a rhythm going. An exhilarating rhythm that had all his senses on

readiness for the orgasm to hit. Would be so good. Would release all his pent-up desires.

That he shouldn’t have but did.

His blood pumped hard in his chest.

It had been a while since he’d been this primed. This ready. Only a few more passes of

his hand, and he’d launch.

The man in the other room had made him ready. Had made him horny. Had pumped

him up with adrenaline. With a mocha body that wouldn’t quit. With eyes that probed Leif

and actually listened to his answers. With fingers willing to scratch his nose. With

acknowledgment of innermost grief. With banter that had made Leif alternate between

blushing and erections.

How long had it been since anyone had openly flirted with him like that?

A long damn time.

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When you believe in vampires, few come to call to screw with you. They came to talk

about your “state of mind.”

Amaretto had looked at him like he didn’t care about Leif’s state of mind, only about

his state of body. A refreshing change. The looks he gave should be patented.

Under come-hither.

Another pass up with his hand tightly around his cock.

“Yes.” Leif couldn’t control the outburst, but he did make it as quiet as he could. “Yes.”

Up and down, he cupped himself with quick motions. The faster and rougher the better

when it came to jerking off.

The only thing that would feel better would be Amaretto’s hand around him. Or better

yet, his mouth. The man’s mouth would open wide as he took him in and would make

delectable motions with his tongue. He’d swallow…

The orgasm spilled over onto him like a rolling wave. Took him up and down before

moving him along its wake.

He groaned as his seed sprayed onto his hand and the towel.

Panting as he came back to himself, his heart slowed down. His breathing caught up

with the demands for oxygen.

A tittering noise came from behind him.

He rolled onto his back to find hot brown eyes staring at him.

His own eyes widened. He’d never heard the door open. Dammit.

Amaretto gawked, staring at him as Leif wiped off his hand on the towel. The look in

his eyes scorched Leif with its heat. He’d thought the earlier looks should be patented. This

one was even more so a come-hither look.

Leif didn’t know what to say, what he could say. He’d been caught semen-handed with

his pants not only down but off. He managed to bluster out, “Seen enough?”

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Amaretto swallowed. His long throat moved. “Not really.” His pink tongue slipped out

to lick his full lips.

Leif was mesmerized by the action. He couldn’t tear his gaze away from Amaretto’s

mouth. Such a little flap of muscle. That could cause such pleasure. Thoughts of where else

Amaretto could put that tongue lingered. Even having come, Leif still was attracted to

Amaretto. Leif shook his head, clearing the climax cobwebs.

Vampire. Not man. Vampire


“You’ve seen all you’re going to see.” He didn’t bother pulling up the sheet. Amaretto had

already seen his dick, so why bother?

Amaretto cleared his throat and then openly grinned. “I bet I’ll see more of you one

day.” His voice deepened into that territory that sent shivers up and down Leif’s spine. “Bet


Leif sneered. “I doubt that. Now get out.” Best way to go on the defensive. Distance.

Time for Amaretto to leave.

Instead of heading back into the living room like Leif expected, instead Amaretto

walked toward the bed.

Leif drew himself up. What the hell was Amaretto doing? He’d told the man there was

nothing else to see. Why didn’t he go back to where he’d come from? Leif wouldn’t let this

vampire take him. Not now. Maybe not ever. He took a defensive stance though he didn’t

rise up in the bed. Hitting big cocks had to hurt more than small ones. That’d be the first

place Leif would aim.

Amaretto pawed in a drawer before coming up with a small bottle. He tossed it on the

bed next to Leif. “For next time.”

Leif looked down and, in the low light, could make out the object was a bottle of lube.

He glared at Amaretto’s retreating back.

Before he strolled through the door, without even looking, Amaretto said, “It’s cherry

flavored.” His lips smacked. “My favorite flavor. It tastes wild. Sweet. Just like you will.”

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And with that, he shut the door behind him.

Leif fought off the temptation to throw the lube against the door.

* * * * *

The hardest thing Amaretto had ever done was toss the lube down and walk away. No,

wait, maybe his cock had been harder. It was a toss-up.

He stretched back out on his shitty uncomfortable couch. Comfortable to sit on.

Sleeping not so much. He should have paid extra for the roll-out bed. ’Course he never

thought anyone would stay over and not be


his bed with him.

He’d been not sleeping when he’d heard moans come from the bedroom. He’d been

concerned something bad was happening to his houseguest so he’d busted in quietly in the

hopes of taking the advantage of surprise to confront an intruder.

Only to find Leif in the middle of an apparent mind-blowing orgasm and spraying

down a towel with come.

Amaretto ran a hand over his face.

It was an image that would not leave his beleaguered mind. It had burned into his

thinking and he could not get rid of the picture.

He sat up and stretched out his neck.

Might as well get up. He hadn’t been sleeping earlier and surely wasn’t going to sleep

now. Not after what he’d seen.

Maybe Leif wasn’t sleeping either. ’Course after that gusher, Leif might need some

sleep. Another orgasm would help him sleep sounder…

Amaretto corralled his desire. Now was not the time.

The man wasn’t ready for fucking or anything else. He’d not gotten over Jack…blah

blah blah. He wouldn’t accept nookie from a vampire.

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No matter how many times Amaretto told himself all that, his cock and lust didn’t

want to accept that edict. His beast reared up -- not a usual thing -- to say “mine” whenever

he looked at Leif.


The obvious answer was one he refused to consider.

A number of predators mated for life. And regardless of how much he tried to be more

than the sum of his beast, Amaretto was a predator.

But the blond man couldn’t be. It wasn’t possible.

He’d gone hundreds of years without a mate. Why find one now?

He’d never be a mate to anyone. It wasn’t in his destiny. He didn’t do forevers.

He sighed as he heated some blood in the microwave. Such wonderful technology.

Made it so much easier for him to consume what he needed the way he would most enjoy

the nourishment.

It was still better fresh from a human.

Leif’s blood would taste sweet as it ran across his tongue. It would swirl nicely in his

mouth like a good wine. Probably taste sweet. Maybe a little tangy.

And Leif’s stake would hurt as he drove it through Amaretto’s heart.

A complication.

Leif would stake him if he attempted to feed from him right now. Yet the allure of the

blood running through Leif’s veins was immeasurable.

A twist of a smile played across his lips. Amaretto liked complications. They made life

more interesting.

Except when they puzzled him. Like this vampire situation.

One reason he’d moved in was he hadn’t sensed anyone in the neighborhood.

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So what vampire had killed Farmer? And why hadn’t Amaretto sensed him? Were his

senses on the fritz? He’d tried using his psychic senses before he’d gone to sleep. Everything

seemed to check out. Still no spark that told him a vampire was in the area.

While the killings had been compared to the Vampire Killer’s from a few years ago,

there “were substantial differences in the methods. Police aren’t commenting on what those

are.” Or at least, that was according to an article that had come up when he’d searched the

Internet when Leif had first gone to bed.

He took another sip from his mug.

What differences? And what did it all mean? Could there be a vampire there he

couldn’t sense? Or something else at work?

The bedroom door opened quietly partway and then fully. A light footstep took one

foot out of the doorway.

Amaretto didn’t move nor did he speak, letting Leif pad out of the room in silence. Leif

sneaked for the kitchen.

Amaretto stepped back behind the island. Not that he needed to hide. Once the man

looked in the living room, he’d know Amaretto wasn’t sleeping on the couch anymore.

Leif rounded the corner to the kitchen. He scratched at his bare chest before casting a

glance at the couch. His head whipped back around to the kitchen with a furtive glance.

Amaretto tried not to think of what had happened earlier. But he couldn’t keep his

gaze from the front of Leif’s black pants. How much he’d like to unzip them and give Leif the

orgasm he deserved.

Leif backed up a step, looking sheepish. “I didn’t know you were in here. I didn’t want

to wake you. Sorry…”

“I was already awake.” Amaretto saluted with the mug. “You didn’t wake me. Having a

morning pick-me-up. Can I get you some breakfast?”

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“If you have anything besides blood.” Leif wrinkled his nose, which Amaretto didn’t

take personally. Once upon a time, he’d not liked the sound of ingesting blood either. Now,

it had lost the grossness factor. It became food many years ago.

Amaretto liked the look on Leif’s beautiful face a little too much. He wanted to kiss his

nose to smooth out the wrinkles. His cock poked up, again harder than the ceramic that

made up his mug. “I have orange juice. And some frozen waffles. They’re chocolate chip.

And I have syrup if you want a real sugar buzz.”

Leif raised a brow.


“Not what I expected a vampire to have to eat.” He paused. “Do you eat real food? I

mean human food…I mean…”

No sense letting the man stumble. “I know what you mean. And yes, I can eat small

amounts of real food. Any more than that and I get sick.” He swiped down his mouth with

his tongue. Bad memories. He’d taken time to adjust to how little food he could eat at a

sitting. There had been a learning curve.

“But your main food is…blood.” Leif sounded as though he was making sure.

They hadn’t discussed vampires much beyond the obvious. Amaretto nodded. “It is.”

He craved it when he didn’t have any. His body didn’t like it when he had none. His beast

liked it even less.

Leif made a face. A disgusted face as he thought of Amaretto drinking blood.

Time to make Leif think beyond the normal. Amaretto walked to the freezer and took

out the package of waffles. “Do you eat meat, my friend?”

“Yeah. So what?”

“Do you believe Mr. Cow wanders up to the butcher and says, ‘Oh, eat me. Because you

are sentient. And I’m not.’ Or the chicken donates his parts to be fried up?” He’d never

forgotten the lesson. Though it could be used to justify killing. Killing of those weaker than

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you was never right. But the taking of blood couldn’t be wrong. Not when it was what

Amaretto and others like him had to do to survive. They weren’t evil. They weren’t

demonic. They just were.

“No.” Leif sat down on one of the bar stools. “But humans are sentient. And still you all

feed from us.”

“I only take blood from willing victims.” Amaretto placed two waffles in the toaster.

He’d need his strength for hunting later so he’d have a waffle with his blood. He came back

to the bar in front of Leif. He could smell Leif’s own spicy scent. And a hint of Amaretto’s

own. Because Leif had slept in his bed. His heart pounded to full crescendo. Almost a claim

on the other man to cover him in scent. If only Leif had gotten covered in Amaretto’s smell

because their bodies had melded together. Would have been a much better way for that to

happen. His beast roared up to urge him to do that now. To bend him over the counter and

coat the rest of him in Amaretto’s smell. So there’d be no doubts. Amaretto chased down his


“But not all of you do. Some of you kill.” Leif’s voice turned toward bitterness, not a

move that Amaretto liked.

“No. Some vampires kill. Some vampires don’t. But not all humans are good and

wonderful either.” How many times had Amaretto seen humans kill their own? Too many

times to count.

Amaretto got down glasses. There was more to explain. How could he explain this in a

way that wouldn’t offend Leif? Probably no way existed, but there were things Leif needed

to know. “Some of us hunt you, unfortunately. You should know there are three basic places

where the folklore has it right.”

“What three things?” Leif sat forward as though he was intrigued. The man had a thirst

for knowledge. ’Course it was to kill vampires. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t attractive to

Amaretto to see his curiosity coming out.

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“We’re immortal. I know vampires who’ve lived for centuries. Once you’re made a

vampire, you stop aging.” He waited for the usual reaction.

Leif swallowed. “You live forever?” He sounded almost queasy. That fact sometimes

struck humans that way. Either it made them want it, or it puzzled them. Living forever

wasn’t always easy. Sometimes it was a fun way to live. Other times not so much. But

Amaretto had no illusions. It was better than dying young like he’d been about to when he’d

been made.

“Yes.” He hadn’t aged a day since he’d been created as a vampire. “This face is the same

it was on the day I died.”

“How old are you?” Leif sounded curious again. A tone that Amaretto liked to hear. But

this wasn’t something he wanted to talk about.

“A couple of centuries.” He quickly changed the subject. He didn’t want to discuss

when he’d been made or the circumstances. That was an off-limits subject. “We take blood,

as you know. That’s the second thing.”

Leif nodded. “That I do.” He frowned, probably thinking of Farmer and Jack. “That I


Another quick change of subject came due. Amaretto didn’t want Leif’s mind on the

deaths. He was now to the hardest explanation. “We also are…more powerful than you. We

have more strength. We’re faster. More physical prowess. Our senses are better…” The list

could go on and on, but Amaretto stopped. How humans saw that was not his fault, but

invariably it rankled them.

Leif predictably grumbled. “Aren’t you braggy?” He rapped his feet against the bottom

of the island as he swung on the bar seat. It was almost as if he couldn’t sit still. He must still

be nervous.

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“Not bragging. Truth.” Why was stating how things were a brag? He’d never

understood that reaction when he discussed what he was. He possessed more senses than

humans. That was a fact.

“So why didn’t you hunt us?” Leif folded his arms in front of his chest. “Why don’t you

take us for blood?”

Heat rushed across Amaretto’s ears. Yeah, he’d like to take the blond man. In a

different way than for food. In many different positions. Many different times. Eating him

out would be a fun afternoon delight. He cleared his throat to chase away the thoughts. Not

this afternoon. But one of them. “Because my maker trained me not to kill.”

“Why? If you’re so much…better than simple humans.” Leif’s feet continued to tap. He

picked up his fork and looked at his plate. A stomach rumble sounded.

How long had it been since the man had eaten anything? Probably a while with this

fruitless hunt he’d been on. “Not better. Different.” Amaretto pulled out the waffles, slapped

them on plates, and dumped syrup on his.

Leif arched a brow.

Amaretto handed over the plate and the waffle. He gave Leif the syrup to pour his own.

“Henri didn’t believe in killing humans.” And it had all made sense to Amaretto when Henri

explained how things should be. Why hunt? He could get what he wanted from donors. Not

to mention, though he wouldn’t tell Leif, there was no challenge to hunting people. He’d

always win against them. His abilities meant he’d be able to hunt all the humans he wanted.

There was no sport. It hadn’t seemed like fun. And he was all about the fun. Life had been

hard when he’d lived it. Why spend eternity in moroseness?

Not all vampires believed that hunting humans wasn’t sport. Some thought they were

the predator and took it way beyond the small amount of beast that Amaretto possessed.

Humans were the prey. Sort of like a lion and a gazelle. But the gazelle couldn’t carry on an

intense conversation over breakfast with the lion like this. Which reinforced Amaretto’s

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beliefs about him not killing when he took blood. It did take roping in his animal at times.

But like a couple others who Henri had made, Amaretto had never felt the blood rush that

came with killing. That had to aid his struggle against his beast. He couldn’t want what he’d

never experienced.


“My maker.” His mentor. His friend, who’d he’d not seen in so long. Henri had been

busy the past hundred years. Taking on new vampires to bring to full potential. He was good

at what he did. He either made you, changed you into a sensible vampire, or killed you. He’d

killed lots of animalistic vampires, making the world a better place for their kind and

humans. Animalistic vampires didn’t care who they killed, vampire or human.

You should have joined him in that


Amaretto had never felt called to take up the cause Henri had. He’d mostly drifted

these past years.

Leif picked up a piece of waffle and munched. “Why doesn’t Henri kill?” He shoveled

more into his mouth.

“You are a curious thing.” Amaretto nibbled a bite here and there. “He doesn’t believe

he should.” Something dark resided in Henri’s strong vampire. Were he to unleash himself

on humanity, it would be a bad day for all concerned. Amaretto had heard rumors of it

happening before. And they weren’t pretty things all tied up in a bow, but tales of massacres

and carnage. “I don’t believe I should either. That’s the way it is. No further explanations are


“How do we find this vampire?” Now Leif had changed the subject. Must have found

something he didn’t want to talk about.

“We’ll start by asking around tonight. Seeing who the regulars are. This will take some

time. Before we find him. But we will find him.” Hopefully during that time, he could

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convince Leif to leave the vampire to Amaretto to take care of. And not to hunt ever again.

This was real life and not a TV show. There’d be no do-overs.

“Long as you keep me with you and in the loop.” The man’s mouth set in a determined

line before he blew out a breath.

Amaretto could smell syrup on Leif’s breath as he exhaled. “I wouldn’t dream of leaving

you out. Why don’t we shake on it? My word is my bond.” He wanted to stress that he’d do

what he’d said he’d do.

Leif looked suspicious, but met Amaretto’s hand halfway. Leif’s hand was warm. Supple

and rough. He must have spent hours with his bow. He had an archer’s hand.

Felt way too good for a handshake.

Those hands would cup him with their roughness and arouse him in ways that soft

hands never could.

As Amaretto’s hand slid through Leif’s to pump it, electricity pinged, his stomach

clenched. So did his whole body. His cock engorged to full staff.

Leif’s eyelids slipped down to cover his expressive eyes. He tried to mask his desire.

Didn’t want to show his reaction to Amaretto.

But Amaretto saw the spark of passion before his lids went down. Saw the blaze of

desire ignite in Leif’s eyes. Heard the speeding up of Leif’s heartbeat. The frenzied drawing in

of Leif’s breath. Amaretto wanted to capture his breath and take it into himself in a kiss.

That much lust stirred up in both of them from a simple handshake. Hard to believe

this could be.

Knowing that Leif wanted him was like throwing a match on gasoline. His lust flared

up. He wanted the man.

Take him


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His beast reared up. Telling him to do things no matter the consequences. He quelled

his animal. Now was not the time. Would there ever be a time? Yes, he’d see to it there was.

Now hush


Despite Leif’s hatred of vampires, Amaretto had already moved him past that. Leif did

feel desire for him. He saw it in every reaction Leif had. You could desire something you

hated, but in general, there had to be something akin to like underneath attraction. Even if it

was just a glimmer.

Hell, Amaretto should have asked for a kiss. Where had his mind been? He must be

tired. He took a sip from his mug. “Maybe we should do more than shake.”

Leif’s eyes shot open. “More?”

“Yeah. Maybe we should kiss on the deal.” Amaretto waggled his brows. Leif wouldn’t

take him up on the offer. But he had to try.

“Bastard.” Leif yanked his hand from where it still rested in Amaretto’s. He clenched

and unclenched it quickly back and forth as though it tingled.

Amaretto grinned and did the same with his hand because his did tingle. Such power

from a simple touch. Who’d have thought it. “Damn right.” Leif would see a lot of that part

of him in time. Not like Amaretto could help being a bastard.

Leif pushed the empty plate away and shot down the last of the juice. “I’m going to get


Amaretto couldn’t resist calling after him, despite the pissing off it would cause. “Guess

I’m not getting my kiss tonight, huh?”

A curse was his answer.

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Chapter Four

Leif pulled on his shirt. What had he been thinking walking around without one?

Stupid move. Though the light in Amaretto’s eyes had set him on fire. The man could be so

sensual with only a look.



He closed his eyes.

Amaretto wasn’t a man. He was a vampire. But somehow that line had blurred even

further. Leif couldn’t start thinking of him as a monster again. Too much ground had been


Amaretto had been the first one to take Leif seriously. Not suggest men and white

coats. ’Course he knew what Leif suspected was real. He’d told Leif exactly what he was. No

bullshit. No excuses. With risk to himself. He didn’t like the idea of Leif hunting vampires,

but he’d never used that five-letter word that Leif had come to despise.


Even Leif’s friends and family had called him that. Talked about overextended grief

because of Jack. Well, not his parents. They knew he was gay but didn’t


he was gay. Or

at least, hadn’t accepted the fact about their youngest son. They probably would never accept

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it or know it either. They’d known Jack as a friend of his, not a lover. So while they knew

Jack’s death affected him, they didn’t understand how much.

Amaretto seemed to understand so much. Not to mention the man looked like an

underwear model. He had the body for one. His subtle and not so subtle way of flirting came

easily to him.

The shower started.

Leif hadn’t noticed Amaretto walk past him to head in there, but he must have.

Amaretto could sneak around like the best spy.

He sat on the bed with a sigh. Couldn’t stop the images from forming.

Amaretto in the shower. Naked. Water streaming down his brown body in rivulets.

Dripping from the end of his heavy cock. His lithe muscles moving as he soaped up his hair.

His own hands running across that body as he washed himself.

The images wouldn’t stop forming across his own mind like some kind of running

porno film. Ending with Leif stepping into the shower behind him. Naked. His own cock

jutting out from his body as Amaretto reached down to take him in hand…

Leif shifted on the bed, trying to take pressure away from his erection. So much for the

handjob easing his lust. It hadn’t even helped him sleep.

Leif pinched his nose, willing himself to go into the living room. To get away from the

noisy shower and get his mind off who was in there.

But he couldn’t. Couldn’t make himself walk away from the bathroom, which was so

damn close.

Toward the bathroom?

Yes, that seemed a place he could move toward. A dangerous direction.

Amaretto wouldn’t mind him looking. In fact, he’d probably pose. Let Leif clean him

with his tongue. Have shower sex.

He’s a vampire.

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So? He doesn’t kill.

Still a vampire.

You’re only looking. Not like you’re talking forever.

Leif crossed his legs. He wouldn’t go in there.

He wouldn’t. Couldn’t. Shouldn’t. His mind could give him thousands of reasons not to

go in there.

Only he didn’t have to.

The shower had cut off while he’d been having an argument with himself.

Amaretto stalked out of the bathroom. With a towel draped around his lean hips. A

white towel that offset his creamy mocha skin brilliantly.

Only a towel covered his cock. Only a towel covered his ass. One slip of fabric covered

the parts that Leif could only imagine.

Leif swallowed, mouth dry. If only the loosely hung towel would fall off. Then he

could have a view worth seeing. Would probably make him drool.

He’s a vampire.

Yeah, well, he can suck me any time

Amaretto turned that delicious body toward him. “You didn’t mention taking a

shower. I didn’t jump in front of you, did I?”

“No.” Leif managed to form the one word. Surely the man didn’t expect conversation

while he stood there, hair still dripping water down his body, in a towel. Hard enough to get

conscious thought through his head, much less get that down to his mouth. Didn’t exactly

have the blood flow to his brain that he needed. Instead, it had been diverted to his

supercharged cock.

Amaretto’s mouth curved into a half smile.

He knew


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Knew the appeal of his body for Leif. Knew how Leif had reacted to seeing him. Knew

the consternation he caused and enjoyed seeing it evident in Leif’s expressions. He had to

realize the effect he had walking around almost naked like this.



Something Amaretto hadn’t denied.

Amaretto moved toward him. “Good. I wouldn’t want to deny you anything.” His voice

purred the words instead of merely speaking them. “Anything at all.”

The double entendre made Leif groan. Especially when that warm body came close to

him. Brushed a powerful leg up against his. It was like sticking his leg in a field of electricity.

The touch burned. It ignited a firestorm in Leif’s already burgeoning desire.

“Sorry. Going to the closet.” Amaretto didn’t hurry as he stepped around Leif, keeping

his body in contact with his for as long as he could.

The closet did exist in that direction. But the leg brushing had been deliberate.

Amaretto hadn’t had to touch him to move by him.

Leif’s leg still burned from the contact. His throat spasmed. When had touch set him

off like this before? It never had. But Amaretto’s touch was addicting. Leif already wanted

another round of Amaretto’s body against him.

The man’s scent took over the room.

Something musky. Sensual. A delight to Leif’s nose. The same scent that had permeated

the bed. Had coated Leif in the friendly smell.

Damn. Had that been why he didn’t want to shower? Because Amaretto’s scent was all

over him?

No, he couldn’t want that. Couldn’t want to keep a scent on him that existed simply

because the sheets hadn’t been washed.

There were more fun ways to get covered in smells.

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Ways where bodies strained together and covered each other. Where they not only

shared space but even breathing room.

Oh yeah, there were much more fun ways to get covered in scents.

His breathing hitched. He had to get out of here. Away from this man’s body. Away

from the temptation. If he didn’t, he’d go mad. Or his cock might explode. Either way, he

had to leave. “I’ll go in the other room and let you get dressed.” He stood up, but found that

move a mistake.

Amaretto had grabbed a pair of pants and a shirt from the closet. He’d already rounded

the bed close to Leif on his way back around.

Standing up put them even closer than they had been on Amaretto’s first trip around

the bed.

Leif tried to keep his gaze from running across Amaretto’s body. Truly he did. But he

couldn’t help looking at the bounty in front of him. A wide expanse of chest, small amounts

of hair pressed down against the creamy skin. Trim hips hugged by the white towel. Flat

nipples that were just a shade darker than the skin around them. Wide shoulders that rolled

the muscles beneath the skin. Couldn’t help moving closer so that Amaretto’s heat reached

out to him like a magnet.

The pull of the man would move planets. Maybe even galaxies. So Leif shouldn’t feel

bad that it moved him.

“Don’t have to go. I’ll be dressed in a minute.” Amaretto’s voice went down a few

notches. His almond-colored eyes stared deep into Leif’s. It was like looking into a pool of

fire, so bright did they sparkle. The stars in the sky surely didn’t shine as bright as this. It had

been a long time since Leif had looked at stars. But Amaretto’s eyes reminded him of the

nighttime sky.

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Amaretto moved away, but as if in afterthought, moved back. His head dipped down,

and his lips moved toward Leif’s. Fully formed lips that invited one to touch. To taste. To feel

them on your body.

They approached slowly. Too slowly.

Amaretto gave Leif a chance to pull away by descending at such a rate. A chance to

move back. To deny the coming kiss.

A moment of truth.

Did he want this? He did. Despite any reservations he had, he wanted this one taste.

Leif swallowed and moved his head up. He met Amaretto’s lips halfway.

The slide of their mouths together made the air crackle with electricity, or at least

that’s what it felt like to Leif.

Amaretto didn’t put his arms around Leif. Nor did he push his body against him. Only

their lips met.

That was all that happened.

A small kiss. Not deep. No tongue.

A joining of mouths with a promise of more if Leif wanted to go that far. An offering of

something beyond this if he wanted to take the leap.

Yet it was the most endearing embrace he’d ever had. Created the most pull on his

libido because of its sensual nature. Leif had had kisses that went further. But this one

touched him in places he’d never known. It not only raised his cock but it lifted his soul.

Until Amaretto pulled his mouth away.

About to protest, Leif stared up into Amaretto’s beautiful face. Eyes heavy-lidded with

desire sparking in them. Proud profile. Mouth uplifting into a smile, wet from the kiss they’d


What the hell was he doing?

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Vampire. Vampire. Vampire

. The word repeated across his mind. Not to mention

they’d just met. It had been a long time since Leif had been into anonymous sex in a

bathroom stall. Or in a bedroom. He’d worked hard to get past that time in his life. He wasn’t

going back now. No matter what dick stood in front of him.

Leif took a step backward away from the situation. Couldn’t believe what he’d done.

His hand fisted by his side.

He’d kissed a vampire. He could taste the minty flavor of toothpaste, but under that an

essence of something like rust.


Leif shook his head. He’d kissed a man -- vampire -- who tasted of blood. What the hell

had he been thinking?

He hadn’t. At least not with the head above his shoulders.

Amaretto’s smile turned into something wan. Had he noticed Leif’s pulling away?

“Maybe I shouldn’t have done that.” Yeah, he had noticed and figured he’d crossed a line.

“No. It’s fine. I…should go.” Leif was a grown man and he’d participated in the kiss as

much as Amaretto had. Amaretto had no reason to feel bad. After all, Amaretto did what he

wanted. That was obvious. It was Leif who was bothered by kissing a vampire.

Why did Amaretto affect him this way? Maybe vampires had mind control powers.

He’d have to ask. But not now. The sooner he got away from the naked man, the better.

Otherwise he might jump him, reservations be damned.

Amaretto reached out to stroke a hand along Leif’s jawline, causing Leif’s skin to burn

where he touched. Leif wanted to lean into the caress and luxuriate in the touch. “Don’t have

to go. I’m going to dress in the bathroom.” Amaretto pulled his hand back.

“Do…” The words died on Leif’s lips. He reached up to run a hand nervously through

his hair. So much he wanted warred with what his mind told him wasn’t right. He’d never

imagined a vampire being this sexy, tempting him like this.

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That’s right, a vampire.

But one that didn’t kill. Has never killed.

If Amaretto was to be believed. And Leif did believe him. How odd was that? He

trusted this vampire. Something he’d never thought would happen. He was also attracted to

the creature. Another thing he never thought would happen. What was next?


No. That couldn’t happen. But yesterday morning, he’d have said none of this was


“I’ll be back in a minute.” Amaretto did move away this time, crossing away from Leif

to stalk toward the bathroom. “We’ll go out hunting. Maybe stop by your place and get some

clothes. Especially clubbing clothes.”

Leif looked down at what he wore. He’d worn them to hunt. Having no idea that the

vampire he’d hunted had been the wrong one, nor that he wasn’t a threat. Leif looked like a

cross between Buffy and goth. Yeah, he needed a different outfit for clubbing or else he’d

stand out in the circles they’d be joining. “Okay.”

Amaretto moved toward the bathroom, grabbing his clothes, which he must have

dropped. Leif hadn’t even noticed.

He hadn’t grabbed any underwear that Leif had seen.

Leif frowned. Should he ask Amaretto if he had forgotten them? Would save him a trip

back into the bedroom. Or maybe he hadn’t forgotten?

Two steps in front of the bathroom door, Amaretto dropped the towel. It fell to the

floor with a flourish.

Leif couldn’t take his gaze from Amaretto’s finely sculpted ass. Muscular globes moved

in time together, skin stretching over them, as he took the final two steps into the bathroom.

Such perfection wasn’t fair. “Son of a bitch…”

Amaretto’s chuckle followed Leif as he scrambled out of the bedroom.

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He’d be haunted by the fine vision he’d seen and by the fact the man must intend to go

commando while they hunted.

* * * * *

Amaretto watched from the shadows as Leif danced around the floor. Thumping music

drummed in his chest.

A man began dancing around Leif in a small arc of a circle. The man’s face gave no

doubts as to the cause of his actions. He wanted to fuck the blond man.

Get in line

. Amaretto took a sip of his drink and resisted the urge to pound the stranger

into the shiny floor. They were hunting a vampire, so they’d stayed away from each other for

now, so others didn’t know they were together.

Leif danced and talked to people in the scene because he’d lived here all his life, so was

known around the circuit.

Amaretto could do nothing but watch.


Not to mention he didn’t like the attention Leif garnered from other men. And the way

he was dressed, the way he looked, Leif got a lot of attention. He wore black leather pants

that fit him like a second skin, showing off his lean body. Such a distraction that Amaretto

had trouble keeping watch on other parts of the club. A mesh shirt that showed off his wiry

chest. His blond hair swung around while he danced. His boyish face looked enthusiastic as

he shimmied his hips back and forth against the other man. Amaretto ached to be that man.

The upset was stupid on Amaretto’s part. He knew that. Tried to quell the reaction. Yet

he still felt it hanging low in his belly.

After all, Leif didn’t belong to him. They hadn’t even fucked.


. If Amaretto had his

way, they would eventually. Leif remained skittish but was warming up to the idea.

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Amaretto hadn’t missed the glances Leif had cast at his ass after Amaretto had dropped the

towel. It had been done for effect and most definitely had worked.

They had kissed before the towel dropping incident. A steamy, sexy kiss that would

live in Amaretto’s memory forever. And a day. He’d wanted to plunge in. To take Leif’s

reaction and give his own back. But he’d managed to restrain himself. And it had paid off.

The look Leif had given him afterward had been worth all the holding back. Even if it had

taken everything he had not to match his tongue up against Leif’s and drive him against the


Leif caught him looking and grinned. He did a grind move against the guy who’d

danced up.

Amaretto rolled his eyes, causing Leif’s grin to widen further. The asshat knew what he

was doing.

The man better stop casting his gaze Amaretto’s way. Or someone would figure out

they were together. Might not be a bad thing. Might keep away the other asshats determined

to get their prick up Leif’s ass. But it might blow their search for the vampire.

How were they going to find this vamp? Amaretto didn’t have any vamp senses going

off at the moment. Anyone, anywhere could be the vamp for all he knew. Even the man

dancing with Leif could be the vampire.

Which was a sobering thought.

Not for himself, but for Leif and all the other humans in the room. No way to tell who

the vampire was and no way to protect them from something Amaretto couldn’t sense. He

didn’t like this situation. Not one bit. He sat up, keeping himself more on alert. Needed to

stop letting Leif distract him. ’Course the blond god made it hard, but he’d find a way. His

eyes scanned the room full of gyrating bodies.

None of the people Leif or Amaretto had spoken with had been useful with

information. This was the second club they’d hit, and they’d struck out with any leads.

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Leif talked earnestly to the man who’d danced up to him. Pumping him for

information. Then Leif’s face fell as he nodded.

He’d gotten nothing again.

“Amaretto?” A man sauntered up to him. “I thought that was you. Where you been

hiding yourself?”

A man he’d fed from right after arriving in the city. Big and brawny. Red hair. Pale

skin. And delectable blood all rolled up into a lusty package. It had been a pleasant evening

and feed. “Hello, Gustave.” He kept his gaze centered on Leif, though trying to be

inconspicuous about where he stared. Didn’t want to lose Leif by not paying attention, but

neither did he want people to see him watching.

“You know you can call me Gus. Everyone else does.” The man stepped close to him.

“Looking tonight, I see.” He glanced in the direction of where Amaretto’s gaze strayed. “You

looking at the blond?”

He must not have been as inconspicuous as he’d wanted to be. Amaretto shrugged.

“Just looking.”

“Word around is that he’s a little off his rocker. Something about vampires.” Gustave

scanned the crowd and lowered his voice. “Especially with your proclivities, be careful. I

heard he carries a stake.”

So the rumor mill worked in this circle like it did everywhere else. And Leif had been

tainted with the dash of gossip. Great. He was known as a dangerous loon.

Although that might work for them…

Amaretto blinked as the breath of an idea moved across him.

Leif wanted to be a part of what went down. He wanted to participate and do his part

to avenge Farmer and Jack. He’d made all of that clear to Amaretto. He didn’t care how, but

he wanted to be involved.

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The word had spread around that Leif had become eccentric about vampires to the

point he wanted to kill them all.

Propped up with some action, that rumor would spread even faster. Things like that

tended to move quickly in such tight circles.

And maybe, all of those actions would flush out who they sought.

What better way to eat than to take out the one human who might expose you? Who’d

be staking you if he only knew who you were? If Amaretto were the vampire, that’d be the

way he’d swing to action.

Only Amaretto would be there at the final climax to extinguish the greedy bloodsucker

and end the situation.

A perfect plan.

Gustave snapped fingers in front of him with an amused look on his handsome face.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. Yeah. Sorry. Got lost in my own thoughts.” The plan could work. And it was

better than anything else he’d hatched up.

The man’s brawny arm clasped around Amaretto’s waist. “You are enjoying blondie

dance.” His hips wiggled against Amaretto’s erection as if testing him out. “I could dance for

you. With you. Again.”

Amaretto carefully extricated himself. He didn’t want to offend Gustave, but he wasn’t

interested in what he had to offer tonight.

Why not?

It wasn’t like he was fucking Leif or committed to him. And what Gustave offered had

no strings attached. That had been established. Why not take advantage of someone who’d

already proven they could provide him with a great night and feed?

The truth was, he didn’t want Gustave. Oh, he had the night they’d fucked and

Amaretto had fed. It had been enjoyable.

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But right now, the only one he wanted…

Was coming up toward them fast. Alone without the dancing man. With a disgusted

expression on his face.

He’d seen Gustave and Amaretto together. And he wasn’t happy.

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Chapter Five

Leif frowned at Amaretto standing by a beefy, red-haired man. A minute ago, the

man’s arm had been around Amaretto’s waist.

Why did that bug Leif so much?

Wasn’t like he had any claim on the man and what he did. Who he screwed. Or maybe

Amaretto was interested in a meal. Red had enough muscle to make quite a lot of blood.

’Course Amaretto better worry about steroids.

“Hi.” Not exactly his best opening line, but now that Leif had come over, he wasn’t sure

how to approach this. They had tried to keep the fact they were together a secret. “Noticed

you watching me.” He had to grin at Amaretto’s grimace. Yeah, he’d noticed Amaretto

watching him. Even after Red had come up.

Red smirked. “I’ll let you two get acquainted. Remember what I said, Amaretto. Be

wise.” He lumbered away.

“Be wise? What the hell did that mean?” Leif didn’t watch him go, but turned his gaze

to Amaretto. He shifted closer. “What did he tell you?”

“Nothing too exciting. Have you learned anything?” Amaretto glanced over his head,

scanning the crowd.

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“Nada.” Leif made like he was flirting with a lick of his lips.

Amaretto groaned, noticing the action. “Gonna let me taste you?”

“I’m making like I’m coming on to you.” Leif moved closer. “So the room won’t get

suspicious while we talk.” Amaretto could look like he’d rebuffed the advances when they

were done, and then they could go their separate ways with no one the wiser.

Amaretto frowned. Backed away a step. Muttered words that Leif didn’t understand

under his breath. “Sorry. Gotta do this.”

Leif blinked in confusion until Amaretto’s next actions.

“Get that stick away from me! You psycho. I’m not a vampire.” Amaretto stalked away,

pointing back at Leif. “He’s got a stake on him. Fucker said he was going to stake me because

I’m the undead.” He sat down at the bar. “Didn’t know you let crazies in here.”

The whole exchange had been heard by about two dozen men nearby. And would be

repeated to the dozens more in the club within the hour.

Leif patted his the side of his leather pants. He glared at the man still milking the

situation. “Yeah. You stay over there.” So much for a witty comeback.

He walked to the other side of the club. Men gave him a wide berth. Interesting how

they parted ways around him.

What the hell had Amaretto been up to with this show? Where had that come from?

Whose benefit had it been for?

He left the club about fifteen minutes later and waited by the car. Seething. How dare

the vampire do this to him?

A little while after Leif arrived at the car, Amaretto strolled up nonchalantly like

nothing had happened. He grinned at Leif. “Miss me?”

“What was that about?” Leif kept his voice low, though he wanted to shout. “What the

hell was that about?”

“Gustave told me to watch out for you. That the rumor was you were crazy.”

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Leif stopped dead. “You’re kidding me? That’s what’s going around about me? Who’s

Gustave?” The answer hit him. “The red-haired man.” Hell, that was worse than he’d

thought. He didn’t even know Red. How many others had heard lurid tales of his descent

into madness that he didn’t even know? Well screw ’em. After all, he’d been right.

“Yeah. He knew a bit about you.” Amaretto leaned back against the car with a forced

relaxed air, scanning the area with both his gaze and his nose.

Leif blew out a breath. He should have expected this. “I said some things after Jack’s

death. At the funeral. To some of his buddies. They didn’t take it well.” But he hadn’t known

they’d gone to the social circles telling tales on him. How dare they talk trash about him so

that rumors had circulated so widely?

“I’d guess they didn’t take what you said well.”

“But why did you do what you did? Why that little play? Now everyone in there will

think I’m a damn nut.” Leif folded his arms in front of his chest. He’d be known as the crazy

man for years after this.

“Because you’re the bait.” Amaretto didn’t blink an eye.

“What?” Leif’s arms unfolded as he stared at the man. He couldn’t have said what Leif

thought he had.

“You’re the bait. The vampire will hear about you. Then come after you.


. I’ve

got him.” Amaretto did look chagrined as he continued. “Sorry I couldn’t warn you

beforehand, but it seemed like the best solution to flushing out our culprit.”

Leif didn’t answer, but turned toward the car. How could he have done this? What had

Leif gotten himself into?

“Leif, you said you wanted to help. This was the best way I could think of to smoke out

the vampire.” His voice rose. “I still can’t sense him.”

A fact which Leif could tell bothered Amaretto to no end.

But this as a solution? Come on.

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Leif banged his hand on the car. “You had no right to do that without talking to me

first.” He turned so swiftly around that Amaretto stepped back. “No right.”

“Look, I had to improvise…”

“You look. This is


life. After you’re gone away…after this vampire is killed…I still

have to live here.” He shook his head. “I still have to live here, now as the crazy, mental

one.” Bad enough before this, he’d been the cheated-on boyfriend. Everyone had known

Jack’s proclivities, including him, but once the news came out about Jack’s murder, everyone


“We’ll do something to fix your rep before I go. But this seemed to be the best way to

get him. You wanted him at any cost. That’s what you said.”

True. Leif had…did want the vampire taken care of. At any cost. And what was his rep

compared to saving lives? What the hell did he care what other people thought of him

anyway? He’d always been an oddball. So to speak. “Yeah. But these things don’t often work

out well for the bait, you know.”

“That’s because they didn’t have


protecting them.” Amaretto waggled his brows.

“I’ll take my job protecting your body seriously.” He chuckled. “Might even have to hands-

on inspect the goods.”

Out of all the reactions Leif could have to what Amaretto had said, the one he got was

most unexpected.

Leif cracked up.

His laugh was infectious, and Amaretto couldn’t resist belting out a laugh himself. Leif

had a nice chuckle to go with his tight ass and good looks.

“You never quit, do you?” Leif shook his head, smiling all the while. It added so much

youth to his face. So much vitality.

The expression made him irresistible.

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Amaretto swallowed. His cock lengthened and thickened. His skin crawled with the

desire to be against Leif’s body.

The air between them charged with something. Something that lay between them,

dormant most of the time, coming out at the most unexpected moments. It seemed to

thicken with each passing moment. Sort of like Amaretto’s cock.

“So…” Amaretto tried to break the sensually charged tension. Didn’t want to put Leif

through anything more tonight. “I am sorry about springing that whole situation on you.”

“No big.” Leif leaned back on the car, but didn’t look relaxed. His pants bulged out in

front. “I’ll deal.”

The anger had faded in Leif. The emotion had springboarded into arousal. That was

evident in the way his erection stood out even under his pants. Evident in the serious look

on his face. The way he licked his lips.

“Good. I’m glad you’ll deal.” Amaretto blew out a breath, trying not to feel that tongue

lick all the way down to his hard prick. Things had worked out. He’d been trying to help, but

Leif had been right. He should have asked before he put a plan into motion.

They looked at each other in silence for a few seconds.

Amaretto finally broke the awkward quiet. “We’d better get on home. Dawn will be

coming soon.”

“Yeah. It will be.” The sky hadn’t turned pink yet with the coming of the day, but it

would soon enough. The night would soon give way to the light. The moon to the sun and

the stars to the clouds.

Day didn’t kill him, but the aggravation sunlight caused was often not worth being out.

Sometimes Amaretto missed the sun on his face, the warmth and the light. Vampires were

truly creatures of the dark. Maybe the lore had that right, too.

Amaretto went to open the car door and Leif moved around him to go to the other side.

Their bodies brushed against each other.

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It was sort of like tossing a match into tinder. Flames spread all around the touch, soon

engulfing Amaretto in their burning passion.

Their eyes met. Amaretto could see the heat reflected in Leif’s and knew Leif could see

the same in his own gaze. Specks of green highlighted Leif’s hazel irises. His eyes must vary

color on what he wore. Showed Amaretto how much of a spitfire he could be.

Leif blew out a breath and Amaretto made a noise like a groan. Hadn’t meant for it to

escape his lips, but he couldn’t help making the sound. So much he wanted to do. To say. Yet

he remained still. Quiet.

It had to be Leif’s choice. Leif had to make the first move. Because it was Leif who had

issues about vampires. Issues about strangers doing anything beyond talking. Leif was the one

who determined where this all went.

Suddenly, Leif grabbed Amaretto’s head and pulled him down for a deep kiss. With

tongues and bodies pressed against each other.

Amaretto combusted at the feel of the man against him. Or it felt like he did. The

actions of the man choosing him reverberated all throughout his body. No part of him was

unaffected. His head swam with sensations running across him like he was on a marathon


Openmouthed, he kissed Leif back with as much fervor as he could muster. Leif’s hand

held his head in place. As if he’d try to escape. Not likely.

He wanted this. More than he’d even known, now that it was happening. Almost

wanted it more than anything else in the cosmos.

Kiss after kiss exploded between them like a bevy of fireworks. It was as if Leif wanted

to possess his breath and give it back to him.

Then he felt Leif’s fingers fumbling with his zipper. Trying to get it down, ease him out

of his pants.



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He moved closer, only to pull away and undo them himself. Make it as easy as possible

for Leif. Make the start of this moment go quickly so that Leif wouldn’t change his mind.

Amaretto took a careful look around. No one came by. The place had been deserted for

hours as other club goers had already gone home. They’d parked enough blocks away and on

a side street that where they’d parked was now deserted. They hadn’t wanted to be spotted

coming to the club together. Now, that gave them a modicum of privacy for this, for doing

what they wanted to do, what they needed to do.

Not that he cared what other people saw. But Leif would. And sometimes two men

being seen together made others do crazy stuff. He needed to protect Leif from anything like


It staggered him how much Leif’s feelings already meant to him. He tucked that away

inside to delve into later. Now, he’d focus on the body at hand. And what a body it was.

He reached over and undid the button on Leif’s pants. Eased down the zipper with sure


This was going to be good.

Only he couldn’t peel the pants down those slim hips. They were too tight. He hadn’t

minded looking at Leif’s ass in them. But trying to get them off was a bitch.

“Shit.” Amaretto tried not to get rough in his frustration. But he didn’t want this

moment to pass and lose the momentum of what was happening. Wanted to be here with

Leif a willing participant and take this forward.

Take him

. His beast snarled at him. Snapped at him to plunge in and take his fill of the

man in front of him.

He chased down the animal inside. He was more than the sum total of his psyche.

More than his beast would allow him to be.

“Let me.” Leif smacked away Amaretto’s hands. He carefully slipped down the ultra

tight pants to mid-thigh.

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Both of them stood in the streets of the city, shirts and shoes still on, pants around their

thighs with their erections poking out like they were going to duel.

Amaretto started laughing. He’d never been one to deny his emotions coming out. Was

how he’d ended up getting sexual with Leif in the first place. And this would have to look

amusing to anyone passing by.

As if in tune with him, Leif started laughing too. “Man, we look a sight. Dicks hanging

out like this.”

As the laughter faded, having broken some of the tension, Amaretto held his breath.

Would Leif try to stall the moment? Put the brakes on what was going to happen? He

reached out his hand to pull Leif tight against him again. Had to see what his reaction would


Their mouths met in a frenzied joining that pitted tongues and lips against each other.

The pent-up sexual feelings that had ebbed away resurged immediately. So the tension was

going to stay high.

Amaretto had never tasted anything as fine as Leif. He couldn’t get enough of the man’s

flavor. Couldn’t get enough of the man’s skin. Couldn’t get enough of all of him.

Wanted all that Leif could give him.

Leif’s hips bucked uncontrollably. Their cocks brushed against each other. He pulled

his mouth away to mutter, “Dammit. Take me.”

Fucking Spam on a pony. “I don’t have lube.” Amaretto waited a minute before adding,

”Or condoms.” Not that he needed them. Well, the lube he did, but not the latter. Vampires

had highly resistant immune systems. No sexually transmitted diseases were a problem for

them. Humans, on the other hand, liked safety and also could be fragile about their feelings.

He didn’t want to remind Leif how different he was. Wanted Leif to feel normal in this

fucking. So he’d tolerate the use of condoms to preserve Leif’s normalcy.

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Amaretto had not been intending for this to happen tonight. Had figured on a sexless,

feedless evening with Leif following him around. He never would have believed that Leif

would be the one he’d be doing tonight.

“Aren’t you lucky then?” Leif breathed against his mouth. “I do.”

Amaretto pulled away to cast him a look. “Aren’t you prepared?” He wouldn’t have

thought Leif would have been carrying.

“I’m a regular Boy Scout.” His mouth plundered Amaretto’s. “Now fuck me.”

Amaretto didn’t have to be told twice. He dug in Leif’s pockets to find the condom and

baby vial of lube. He sheathed himself in the condom and coated the tip with a drop of the

thick liquid. Moved toward Leif and growled. “Turn around.”

Leif did, putting his hands on the car and spreading his legs. His white ass stood out

against the dark car in the low light of a street lamp.

“Delicious.” Nothing had ever looked more fuckable. Or sweeter. Amaretto spread out

Leif’s cheeks a little and dripped lube down into their depths. His finger pressed in to make

sure the lube coated well enough.

Leif shivered. “Oh, yeah.”

Amaretto surged forward against him, rubbing his cock in the cleft between the man’s



Amaretto nipped the back of Leif’s neck. He liked the word springing from Leif’s lips.

Much better than stakes or the word no. He wiggled against the cheeks some more.

Leif moaned, the sound low and deep.

Amaretto’s tip breached Leif’s hole. A tiny entrance, only barely inside. It was all

Amaretto could do not to plunge in all the way, knowing the richness of sensation. How

tight Leif would be around him. How glorious it would be to take him.

Leif shivered from his feet to his head.

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Amaretto sucked at his shoulder, even as he pressed himself further down into Leif’s

hole. Further into the space that would bring them both to a pleasurable end. Amaretto

would see to it that Leif…

Leif stilled. He froze, stopping his thrusting and shivers of pleasure. His voice came

ragged and hoarse from deep within. “Don’t bite me.”

It was Amaretto’s turn to freeze. He clenched his teeth together. What the fuck?

Pushed on Leif’s hips and pulled himself out. It was the hardest thing he’d ever done, even

walking away from a recently jerked off Leif, even keeping himself from pushing the kiss


Leif’s ass clenched at him as if not wanting to let him go. But Amaretto made it out. He

closed his eyes, seeking a measure of control.

Down, boy


Leif turned his head. “What are you doing?”

“Stopping.” Amaretto grabbed the condom and ripped it off his cock. He tossed it to the

ground. He’d pick it up later. Once he’d gotten his pants up. He needed to get himself

clothed so he could regroup. Then he’d clean up the trash from this mess. “Don’t bite me”

kept echoing in his ears. Amaretto had done so much to be more than a vampire. Be more

than his animal. If Leif couldn’t see that, they’d never have anything together.

Not even a quick fuck.

“Why?” Leif’s voice rose as he swung around. He sounded aggravated.

No less aggravated than Amaretto himself. “Because you don’t know me well enough.”

He yanked up his zipper and hurriedly snapped his pants.

“What?” Leif leaned on the car. His prick still hung in front of him, hard and ready for

something that wouldn’t happen tonight.

So many things Amaretto wanted to do to that cock. He averted his eyes. But obviously

now wasn’t the time for anything further. “You don’t know me well enough.”

“I don’t know what the hell you mean.”

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“I mean, if you knew me well enough to fuck me, you’d know that I don’t bite without



.” Amaretto’s hands tightened into fists. “I’ve told you and told you. I only

take willing volunteers.”

Leif’s face looked stricken, then it pinched in anger. “You were sucking…I thought…

Because of one screwy little comment, you won’t…take me. Bastard.”

“You’re not ready.”

“You’re full of crap.” Leif’s voice rose even higher.

The sky started to lighten all around them, getting that dewy pink color that came with


“Am I?” Still ignoring the hard cock, Amaretto shifted closer to Leif. “You think I’d

take something from someone without their permission? That’s like rape, man. Would you

sleep with someone who you thought might rape you?”

“No.” Leif shook his head adamantly. “But you won’t rape me. I know that.” He

swallowed. “Or kill me. I believe you don’t kill.”

A little burst of trust. A definite step forward. If it had happened before the mix-up of

their sexual tryst, it would have made Amaretto feel like the king of the world. Now it only

poured salt in the wound. “I’m glad you know I don’t kill. But like I said, to take something

without asking, like blood, is like a rape. If you thought I’d take your blood without

asking…you aren’t ready to sleep with me.” Not anything he liked saying, but it was the

truth. That Leif could think that of him proved he had a bit further to go.

“That’s crap.” Leif finally began to pull up his tight pants.

“I don’t think so.” Amaretto watched as Leif got the pants up and buttoned them. If

only the fucking vampire hadn’t killed someone close to Leif. Of course then, Amaretto

would have never met Leif. What a paradox. Best to move on from this subject and get home.

No relief would happen for either of them here this night. “I will tell you one thing before

we head home.” He reached down and picked up the condom. He’d dispose of it in the car.

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“What’s that?” Leif looked pensive and pissed at the same time.

“One day, I’m going to fuck you six ways to Sunday. And you’ll never think about me

biting you.”

It was a vow that Amaretto not only made to Leif, but to himself.

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Chapter Six

Going grocery shopping with a vampire had never been on Leif’s list of things to do. He

had never even thought about them needing such mundane things like groceries. But here he

was going to the local supermarket.

Leif trailed behind Amaretto in the parking lot, still amazed at this turn of events. He

enjoyed watching Amaretto’s butt move back and forth. Yeah, he liked to pull up the rear

when they went anywhere. Had Amaretto noticed? If he ever did, Leif would have to find a

good excuse. No sense in fluffing up his arrogant head any more than it already was. ’Course

it might fluff up that other head, which would be good to see.

It had been a couple of days since they’d joined forces. So far, they’d found out nothing

more than when they’d started.

Amaretto stopped at the sidewalk and headed the opposite way from the grocery store,

in the other direction.

“Where you going?” Leif turned his body toward the market where they’d been about

to shop.

“Pocket Nine.” Amaretto pointed to a small door in the mini-mall beside the grocery.

“Let’s look around.”

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“Okay.” Maybe he’d find a new clubbing outfit. Not that Leif could afford one, but you

never know. Sometimes clearance sales at the small chain store could be excellent.

He searched through some faded jeans, and Amaretto looked at leather jackets, when

Leif noticed the saleswoman.

She’d been at the checkout with another woman when they’d come in. Now she’d

come up to the front of the store when he and Amaretto lingered. Pushing clothes along a

rack, she watched from the corner of her eye.

Amaretto held up a coat. “Like?”

“It’s okay.” Didn’t seem to be Amaretto’s flamboyant style. The traditional fleece would

hardly go around his shoulders either.

Why was the woman checking him out? Dumb question; because of the way he looked,

Amaretto probably got attention from both sexes. Leif had gotten used to other men at the

clubs, but this was the first woman he’d seen gawking. It brought up something wholly

territorial in him. Bad enough he had to share Amaretto’s looks with his own sex. Now he

had the other to contend with.

Amaretto hung the coat up and moved to the right side of the store with long, ambling

strides. Anything he touched, he made a show of putting back on the racks.

Leif put back the pair of jeans and followed him.

So did the woman.

After a moment, Leif sauntered to the back of the store where they displayed socks and

other accessories. He wanted to see what their tail would do.

The woman didn’t follow him. She stayed up near Amaretto, not close, but in

proximity to watch him.

Leif shook his head as he fingered some ugly argyle socks. Even women had it bad for


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Amaretto lifted his head from whatever he’d been looking at and put it away. He

marched to the back of the store toward Leif. “Tell me you aren’t getting those?” He made a

face. “Even for a joke.”

Leif dropped his hand. “Heck no.”

The woman had followed Amaretto and hovered a small distance away. Could she be

any more obvious? Had Amaretto even noticed, or was he ignoring her? Did this happen so

often to Amaretto that he could ignore it so well? No wonder he was such an arrogant


“Find anything you like?” Amaretto stretched out those long muscles, leaving Leif

spellbound with the flexing. Even clothed he was a spectacle. Yeah, that was why he

received attention from both sexes.

Leif watched him come back down on his heels. “Nah. Let’s get shopping over with.”

They still had club runs to make tonight. He hadn’t seen anything on sale that he could


Amaretto grabbed the jacket and paid for it. In cash, no less. Not fair. Leif had to

scrimp and pinch, and here Amaretto was buying a coat he hadn’t even liked that much.

They exited the store and headed for the market.

Once inside, Leif said, “You know that woman was totally checking you out?” Leif

couldn’t resist mentioning the situation. Amaretto hadn’t appeared to notice. That was

bothersome. A woman had been giving him attention, and Amaretto had blown her off like

she’d been a gnat.

“The white lady?” Amaretto picked up a basket and charged down an aisle. “At Pocket



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“I do get attention from women all the time. As well as men. Both sexes like me.”

Amaretto hardly looked at Leif as he pulled down a box of pancake mix. “But she wasn’t

checking me out.”

“Was too.” Leif grabbed some syrup that he liked and put it in Amaretto’s basket. “I

can’t believe you didn’t notice her.”

“Oh, I noticed her attention. But she wasn’t checking me out. Not in the way you

mean. Trust me on that.”

“Come on. I saw her.” And despite his attempts not to be, Leif found himself bothered

by the woman’s attention. He never should have brought it up. He’d revealed more than he’d

meant to by broaching the subject. “She stayed with you when I walked to the back and only

came back there when you did.”

“You saw a woman watching me. She wasn’t checking me out.” Amaretto moved on

and grabbed some sugar.

“Then what was she doing?”

“Making sure I didn’t steal anything.”

The nonchalant way Amaretto tossed the fact out was so in contrast to the words.

“What are you talking about?” Why would that woman think Amaretto would steal


“Leif, I’m a black man. I won’t say African American because my heritage isn’t that.

But I’m dark skinned. That’s enough for most people.”

Leif turned to look in the direction of the store. “You’ve got to be kidding. In this day

and age?”

“This very.” Amaretto shrugged as he picked up some cheese. “It happens a lot. White

clerks make sure they watch me while they pretend to be straightening. It’s happened for

years. Least now here in the States, I can go shopping where others do. Didn’t used to be like

that. So it’s come a long way from what it was.”

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The way Amaretto dismissed what had happened boggled Leif’s mind. He should be

upset. “You weren’t going to steal anything. That woman had no right to do that.”

Amaretto turned with a kindly smile. “Don’t let this get to you. It happens.”

“But the color of your skin shouldn’t matter.”

Amaretto shrugged again and moved on without comment.

Leif followed behind him. How much had the man gone through in the past that this

prejudiced action wasn’t a big deal? Leif had had no idea this sort of thing happened anymore

to blacks. And regardless of what Amaretto said, he didn’t have to like it or learn to live with


Pocket Nine had lost his business.

* * * * *

Leif stretched out in the bed and yawned. He looked blearily at the clock. It was five in

the afternoon. His internal clock had gotten screwed up with all the late nights that so far

had netted them nothing.

The vampire seemed to have vanished. Maybe the lore was true about them being in

the shadows. This one was in no hurry to reveal himself.

He put a hand over his head to block out what little light escaped into the room. He

took a deep breath and inhaled.

The bed didn’t smell like Amaretto any more.

Funny how disappointed he was about that.

They hadn’t done anything since the ill-fated night they’d almost screwed up against a

car. Well, Amaretto kept up the innuendo and flirting. Leif would think he was officially

dead if he ever stopped doing that. But they hadn’t kissed or anything further. Amaretto

hadn’t made any moves on him.


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Somehow the question about biting had hurt the man. Leif wasn’t sure how. Only that

it had. That hadn’t been his intention.

The question was, why did Amaretto’s withdrawal bother him?

Leif had always prided himself on being someone who wasn’t prejudiced. After all, he’d

grown up in a primarily African American area. He’d dated outside his race quite a bit. And

being gay, he’d faced prejudice before. The situation in the clothing store still rankled him on

so many levels. And had made him confront prejudice in himself.

He’d never expected to encounter a vampire. And one who’d blown away every

misconception he’d ever had about the undead. Bit by bit, even from their first conversation,

Amaretto had set aside every stumbling block Leif had. And why shouldn’t he have? For

being a bad boy vampire, Amaretto was a straight up dude.

Amaretto wanted to catch this vampire as much as Leif did. He’d been honest in every

dealing he’d had with Leif. Despite Leif’s unease about his nature, Amaretto had earned his

respect. Not anything he’d expected when he’d shot Amaretto in the back.

God, it felt like a lifetime ago that had happened.

Was saying “Don’t bite me” at the moment he had something similar to straight men

who wouldn’t touch him because they thought they might catch Leif’s gayness? Or shied

away from him in the locker room? Or white clerks who followed Amaretto around simply

because his skin was brown and not white?

Which would make Leif little better than those people.

A troubling thought.

The bedroom door opened and Amaretto tiptoed in. He paused near his closet, cocking

his head to the side. Listening.

Leif regulated his breathing. Not that it would matter.

“Good afternoon, sunshine.”

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Leif could never play sleeping with him. Amaretto always knew when he was awake

and presumably when he was asleep. Something about breathing and heart rhythms.

Amaretto had phenomenal hearing.


Amaretto didn’t cut on lights but started digging in his closet. “Sorry if I woke you.

Figured I’d get dressed even though its early. I’ve been awake a while.”

“What bar are we hitting tonight?” Leif stretched out his legs. He hesitated before

asking the next question. “Do you think the vampire has moved on?” What would that mean

for Amaretto? And Leif? And their hunts? Would Amaretto move on, too? His breath

hitched. He’d miss this vampire. Would miss living with him and Amaretto’s presence in his

life. Somehow this had become normal where his real life had been become a distant


“Whatever bar you want to go to is fine with me.” Amaretto slid onto the bed next to

Leif. He reached across his leg to grab a remote. “And no, I don’t think he’s moved on.”

Amaretto’s deep scent enticed Leif’s nose. Something spicy. Something manly. And as

usual, Leif’s cock hardened.

The bed had smelled so much better when it reeked of Amaretto. When sleeping there

had coated Leif in that scent.

Amaretto brushed his leg against Leif’s as he sat back on the mattress. He clicked on the

television. Images swirled to life as the sound caught.

The early news was on. And the lead story, which the anchor prattled about, was a

murder victim found in Bryan Park, a park in the city of Richmond.

Leif had seen images like that so many times. Jack. The other victims of the first

vampire killer. Farmer. He closed his eyes and Amaretto switched the set off. His arm

stroked up Leif’s, causing a torrent of sensations.

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“They aren’t saying all the blood was drained. Do you think it’s our vamp?” Leif opened

his eyes to stare at the black TV.

“Yeah. Yeah, I do. They won’t release anything about the blood if they’re smart.”

Amaretto pulled away. “The cops will hold that piece of evidence back. It will be something

they use at trial.”

“Unless the papers leak it.”

Amaretto turned his head in Leif’s direction.

“That’s what happened last time.” The papers had leaked that fact early on. But the

killer had worked his way down the East Coast so his MO had been known already. Unlike

this one, who seemed to have cropped up purely in Richmond.

Amaretto shifted his weight, making the bed dip. “I think this proves our boy is still

out there.”

Leif blew out a breath.

Still out the e

. He’d never imagined it taking this long to get the

vampire, especially once he’d accompanied Amaretto on hunts. He’d thought after a day or

so they’d be done. “I don’t know if we will ever catch him.” Maybe he’d have been better off

volunteering for a crime watch or something, instead of taking on this lifestyle. Another

death had happened without Leif being able to prevent it. Why did he even try anymore?

How much of his life had he put into this relentless pursuit of the vampire? And right now, it

all seemed for nothing.


He’d not been able to keep a job for long since Jack had died. He was living off the last

of his savings right now.

How many people had written him off as a loon? It was a wonder his mother hadn’t

had him committed.

How much had vengeance cost him? Killing the vampire at any cost, indeed.

It had cost him a night with Amaretto. His prejudice. His need for vengeance. For

justice. So much had been lost to him already.

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Amaretto reached over to put an arm tightly around him. His hand patted Leif’s

shoulder, creating a shower of sparks across Leif’s skin. “I told you before. We’ll get him.

Together. I promised, and I always keep my promises.”

He’d promised a lot of things to Leif.

The question was, did Leif want to collect on them all?

He did.

Starting now.

Vampire or not, something about Amaretto fascinated him. Even if he’d been human,

he would have attracted Leif’s attention. And it was time Leif stopped denying himself. He

hadn’t died when Jack had. No matter how much that hurt, it was the truth.

He needed to be with Amaretto. To further what they’d started up against a car on a

deserted street. Needed to hold the vampire’s cock in his hand and lave it with his tongue.

Needed to feel the man’s hands on his body.

Needed to feel something besides hate. And this man made him feel that.

How odd that an undead man could make him feel so much more alive than the

majority of his lovers had up until now.

There was no better time to start than here.

No better time than the present.

Seize the day

. It had been Jack’s motto. He’d lost so much due to the vampires. He’d

not give up this moment.

Leif leaned across and breached the last space between them. He met Amaretto’s

mouth in a soft kiss. Leif positioned his hand on the back of Amaretto’s neck, keeping his

head in place. Didn’t want to take the chance Amaretto would pull away.

He ravished Amaretto’s mouth under his. Kept mastery of the kiss. Kept control.

Tongues dueled until Amaretto was breathless. So was Leif.

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Amaretto leaned back on the pillows with a satisfied smirk. “Now that’s a good way to

wake up.”

“Ain’t it though?” Leif grinned at him before leaning over to kiss him once more. He

plundered Amaretto’s mouth, taking as much as he could and giving it all back.

When he pulled back, Amaretto’s hands had clenched around the blanket. As if he

wanted to put them around Leif.

He probably didn’t want to make Leif nervous. Or break the moment.

Leif scooted down in the bed. And he pulled Amaretto over against him so their bodies

touched on every level.

Amaretto arched a brow at him. “Grabby thing today.”


“Shit no.”

Leif ran his hands down the hard planes of Amaretto’s chest. Small intermittent hairs

were the thing breaking up the softness of his skin. His finger lingered over a flat nipple.

Amaretto sucked in a deep breath.

Leif continued his exploration of the man’s chest. Feeling up all the muscles. Making

Amaretto’s nipples even more pebbled. One of his hands dipped down low across Amaretto’s

flat stomach. He looked down to see the contrast of his hand against Amaretto’s colored skin.

Made him appear even paler than he was.

Amaretto evened out his breathing.

Leif paused at the top of Amaretto’s sweatpants. He fingered the waistband. Would he

be commando? How many times had they been out and Leif had wondered what he wore

under jeans or tight leather pants?

He slid his hands under the cloth. To reach bare skin. Which made his hips thrust

forward. Commando it was.

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Amaretto grabbed his arm and pushed it down further into his pants. Toward his heavy


Leif grinned. Amaretto was relaxing with him. Instead of staying tense and worrying

about Leif’s reactions. Just the way that Amaretto wanted him to act. He wanted all of

Amaretto. Anything that he was willing to give. Leif had granted himself this experience and

he’d have it all, dammit. “Impatient?”

“Shit yeah.”

Leif rolled his hand around Amaretto’s erect cock. Soft skin with a rod going through

it. And yeah, he was as big as he’d felt and looked that night by the car. “Better?”

A groan was all the answer he received. Which was all the answer he needed. He’d

enjoy making Amaretto speechless for once.

He slipped his hand up and down from tip to balls in slow motion. Wanted to feel

everything with Amaretto’s cock in his hands.

Amaretto let out another burst of noise. “Hang on.” He reached down to grasp his pants

and pulled them down around his ankles. A couple of shakes of legs and he was naked.

Utterly naked for Leif’s eyes.

That night by the car, things had been dark. They’d been quick and furious. Leif hadn’t

gotten an eyeful. So this time, he took in the look of the man lying on the bed.

And what a look it was.

Amaretto had lean muscles, mocha skin much like the coffee he was named after, and

long limbs, trim hips, a flat stomach, and wide pecs. Long lashes covered his brown eyes as

his eyelids closed. His full mouth beckoned to be kissed. And his thick, strong cock made

everything in Leif sing in anticipation of giving him some good head.

“Need a picture?” Amaretto stretched out his body. His eyes lit as Leif followed the


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“No. Just a lick.” He lowered his head and powered his tongue across Amaretto’s torso.

The man had a salty taste. Soft skin. And Leif wanted more.

He ran his tongue across Amaretto’s side to near his belly button. Amaretto had a

raised scar along his stomach.

Leif pulled up to trace it with his fingers. “I thought…”


“I thought vampires could heal stuff like this.”

“They can. I got that before I was made.” Amaretto’s lips pinched together tightly. “It

doesn’t matter.”

Whatever had happened to cause the scar, he didn’t want to talk about it.

Which was fine. They could talk later. The time had come for action. No words were


Leif lowered his head again to lick along the scar. He followed it down along

Amaretto’s pelvic bone. He reached Amaretto’s cock and traced the tip with his tongue.

Saltiness greeted his taste buds.


A drop greeted Leif’s wanting lips.

He opened his mouth and pressed Amaretto’s cock in to beyond his tip. He ran his

tongue all around, dipping into the hole in the center. Then he suckled, drawing in his

cheeks around the tip. He was careful not to use any teeth.

Amaretto’s hips bucked wildly.

Leif shifted his body down further so he’d be more comfortable. And also so Amaretto

could move as he wanted to.

He began to take Amaretto deeply in and out. He increased the pace slowly, taking in

another millimeter before picking up the speed.

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In and out he worked Amaretto’s cock, giving him head.

His hand came up to cup Amaretto’s balls firmly in his hand. He rolled them around by

the pressure of his palm.

Amaretto’s breathing whined in his throat.

That was a reaction Leif liked to see. He would make the man lose control. And have

fun driving him wild.

Amaretto seemed content to let Leif pleasure him so he continued.

Up and down, faster and faster he suckled, keeping up the pressure on Amaretto’s balls

with his hand.

Soon Amaretto’s hips bucked so wildly that they drove his cock further into Leif’s

mouth. He took the new angle and kept up with the thrusts.

Suddenly, Amaretto lifted up to a new height and jerked back and forth. Leif’s mouth

was sprayed with jets of come. He took it all and continued to milk Amaretto’s cock until the

last of the aftershocks rocked his body.

He lifted his head to peer up at Amaretto’s sated face. His body had broken out in a

sheen of sweat. His chest moved quickly up and down in pants.

Leif couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. He’d done this. He’d made

Amaretto come and swallowed his essence. He’d never felt more alive than he did at that

moment. Whatever else that life had taken from him, he’d always have this moment.

Amaretto rested a moment before shifting up on his hands and knees. His eyes glittered

in the low light. Dangerously. Wildly. His voice sounded guttural as he stared down at Leif.

“Your turn.”

Leif didn’t know whether to run or lie down. Parts of him perked up to do both. He

sounded squeaky as he said, “What?”

And Amaretto advanced upon him.

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Amaretto’s beast snapped at him. Told him to take the man now. Make him his. Sate

himself to the core of his desire. Throw Leif down and fuck him within an inch of his life.

He took a deep calming breath.

He’d never been pushed this far. Never been taken so close to having his animal snap

free of his control.

Never allowed himself to feel this deeply. To want something this much. Not in a few

centuries of living.

Leif brought this out in him.

What kind of magician was he? A damn sexy one.

Amaretto advanced up the bed.

Leif looked as though he didn’t know whether to run or stay put. His eyes possessed a

carnal desire that made Amaretto’s blood boil.

Better not run


His beast argued with him. Because if Leif ran, he would have to catch him. Take him


Take him

. The chase would be a fun game to play.

Not right now, though. Now when he was this close to breaking.

Amaretto let out a growl, whether toward his beast or to Leif, he didn’t know. His

hands clenched in fists as a ball of need wadded up in his stomach.

Leif didn’t move. He looked Amaretto directly in the face. Didn’t flinch from him, but

met him head-on.

The beast quieted for the moment. Rocked back on its heels and calmed down. Did Leif

also have the ability to charm his beast?

Regardless, the moment of peace gave Amaretto the focus he needed to pleasure Leif.

To give him all that he deserved and more. “It’s your turn.”

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“So you said.” Leif cocked his head to the side. He looked relieved, probably because of

the wildness leaving Amaretto.

What would have happened had Leif ran? Or he had not been able to face him down

like he had? Probably not so good things.

His beast concurred. Simmered. Would have done things that it would have enjoyed.

Leif was still human. And he didn’t want to be fed from. Amaretto would not do that

against his wishes.

No matter what the beast demanded.

I’m more than my animal. And my father


The beast inside gnashed his teeth but didn’t take over again. Amaretto managed to

keep himself in control.

Leif’s blood was sure to be a sweet elixir.

Amaretto claimed Leif’s mouth with a plunging kiss designed to take Leif’s breath


I’m more than the sum of my vampire


He’d never wanted anyone this badly. Why? What did the blond man have that others

never had? He refused to consider a mate, even with this reckless abandon. But somehow

over the course of looking for this vampire, he’d found a friend in Leif. He wasn’t only

attracted to the man, but he liked him. They were different enough to be interesting together

and similar enough to bond. Now was not the time to ponder their relationship, so he gave

himself over to the moment.

He closed his eyes, enjoying the feel of Leif’s mouth under his. The slippery sliding of

their tongues together. He could hear the soft pleasure noises that Leif made. Smell his sexy

scent. Hear his heartbeat continually speed up, along with his breathing.

The urge to touch compelled him in a way he couldn’t ignore. He opened his eyes. Slid

his arms down and ran his hands across Leif’s chest.

Leif sucked in, almost swallowing Amaretto’s tongue.

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Leif’s skin felt hot. Lavalike in temperature. Felt so smooth under Amaretto’s questing


He removed his mouth from Leif’s and kissed a path down his neck. He paid special

attention to the hollow in Leif’s throat. Lapped at it with his tongue. Tasted the salty

sweetness of his skin with careful ministrations. Moved down to his shoulder blades, nipped

his clavicle lightly.

Leif shivered.

Amaretto waited to see what he would say.

Leif didn’t say the words that Amaretto would have dreaded to hear. Had he heard a

plea for him not to bite, he’d have called it off again. Leif needed to trust him. And he’d settle

for nothing less.

He’d set Leif up. Had wanted to see his reaction and if it was different from last time.

Maybe they had moved forward. Only time would tell.

He frowned. Move forward in what? Wasn’t like they had a relationship. After all, they

were only together to slay a vampire. And Amaretto didn’t do forevers. Nothing ever lasted,

especially not love.

Shit no, he wasn’t in love with Leif. Lust, yeah. But he’d never be in love with anyone.

Ever. Maybe he’d better be clear. He’d always been one to be up front. “This…this is…”

“Lust,” Leif answered for him. “A onetime deal.”

Maybe a two time deal. Or even three. But Amaretto didn’t voice that. Regardless, after

they caught the vampire and Leif was safe, he’d be moving on. “Right.” They were at the

same place. There needn’t be any surprises.

He continued down Leif’s bared shoulder to his chest. Slowly, he swirled his tongue

around one flat nipple. Tongued it again and again.

His hand moved ahead of him. Caressed over Leif’s flat stomach down into his


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Leif’s hips moved wildly. He made a disjointed noise of pleasure.

Amaretto located Leif’s cock and stroked up and down its hard length. Moving forward

and backward, he lightly skittered his fingers around Leif’s cock.

Holding a man’s length like this had to be one of the greatest pleasures in the world.

Men were so vulnerable there. Leif’s cock pulsed like a heartbeat in time with his heart.

Amaretto almost felt like he held Leif’s life in his hands.

An intoxicating prospect.

Almost as enthralling as the man himself. But not quite all that.

He snaked his body around and, with his other hand, grabbed some lube from the

nightstand drawer.

Leif opened his eyes at the sound of the opening and closing. He smacked his lips

together. “Your favorite flavor?”

“You know it.” Amaretto winked at him. His cock was back at full mast having

recovered from the pleasure. He’d give Leif some due first. Then sate himself again. The

man’s ass would be so tight. Pushing in would be a pleasure to partake.

Leif moved to the side and yanked down his pants and underwear. His heavy cock

hung out, perking up hard. He came back with his own tube of lube.

Most unexpected. Dueling lubes.

Amaretto arched a brow at the mischievous look Leif gave him. “What are you up to?”

“Wouldn’t you like to know?”

A shiver raced along Amaretto’s spine. How sexy and surprising could the man be?

What was he up to? Amaretto couldn’t wait to find out. Whatever it was, it was sure to be

thrilling. His heart pounded faster and faster. Finding out would be a thrill within itself.

Leif stretched back out on the bed by Amaretto. He spread his thighs and gave

Amaretto a look that spoke so many promises.

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Not to mention he was a yummy sight. One that Amaretto intended to take full

advantage of.

Amaretto opened the lube and dumped a good sized amount in his hands. He spread it

around, warming it by rubbing his hands together. The thick liquid helped ease friction and

made his hands slippery. All the better to touch a cock with.

He lowered his hands to Leif’s cock and swirled them around him, coating him with

the lube. He lay opposite to Leif’s position with his legs up by Leif’s butt and Leif’s legs down

by him. He had plans to do a little head and figured that was the best position to hurriedly

get down to business once he’d touched.

Leif drizzled a huge amount of lube in his own hands and did the same rubbing trick.

And lowered his hands to Amaretto’s cock, a mirror of Amaretto’s own actions.

Amaretto faltered in his stroking of Leif’s cock. The man’s hands had no right to feel so

good around him. He’d had an orgasm, after all. That should have eased his arousal. The

hands shouldn’t feel that wonderful, but they did. His hips surged forward in a motion he

couldn’t control. Involuntarily, he thrust back and forth.

Gently stroking again and again down Leif’s cock, he tried to ignore the building up in

his loins of a fire that burned out of control. He bit down on his lips to try to take back some

of his calm.

His beast rose, exulting in the wildness racing through his veins.

Amaretto pushed it back down. He didn’t need the blood lust to surge up, especially

not now.

I’m more than the sum of my vampire


Took him a minute but he wrestled back his control from the beast. Eased his hands up

and down Leif’s cock again and again, feeling more like himself. The slick, slippery feel of

the tight length soared through his fingertips.

Leif matched him pace for pace.

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Amaretto sped up and so did Leif. He slowed and Leif slowed. So that was the deal.

Whatever Amaretto did to Leif, he’d get back.

His head rolled back as Leif’s finger played with a particularly sensitive part of his cock,

the part under the head.

Maybe Amaretto would get more than he gave.

Which hardly seemed fair as he’d already come. So he redoubled his efforts. Leif

needed to come. The desire to give him pleasure ran strong in Amaretto. Its strength shocked

even him.

Amaretto roughly cupped Leif’s balls and squeezed them as gently as he could with one

hand. The other hand continued to ensnare Leif’s cock in the center and slip around it over

and over again.

Not his first handjob to give or receive. But somehow, doing it to Leif felt righter than

anything else he’d ever done.

They stroked in silence for what seemed an eternity. Amaretto was determined that

Leif would come first.

Finally, Leif’s hips jerked up in the air higher than they had before. His body half

hopped into the air. Thick come covered Amaretto’s hands in spurts.

So warm. Clear white. Slippery.

Leif’s climax sent Amaretto over the fine edge. His whole body felt as though it twisted

around. His body jerked in wave after wave of pleasure. When he thought it had ended,

another round claimed him.

He swallowed, mouth dry, desire spent. It had been a while since he’d had two orgasms

back-to-back like that.

He hadn’t even gone down on Leif. He’d been too taken aback when Leif had lubed his

hands up and touched him. When Leif had seized a moment of control and done to Amaretto

everything Amaretto did to him.

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How long had it been since a lover had surprised him like that? Since a lover had made

him forget what he’d planned to do to pleasure them?

Too long. Way too long.

He couldn’t remember the last time.

He sat there, trying to slow his breathing and find some thoughts in his brain. They’d

hid from the lack of blood flow.

Leif pushed to his feet and loped for the bathroom.

Amaretto followed him. As Leif cleaned off his hands, Amaretto found a washcloth. He

warmed water in the sink and dipped in the cloth. Stalked over to wipe off Leif’s now limp


Leif leaned back with his hands on the counter, laying back his head. He groaned,

giving Amaretto other ideas.

After cleaning up, they walked back into the bedroom. Amaretto was about to go to the

living room, but Leif’s voice stopped him.

“You can sleep here for the rest of the afternoon.”

Amaretto smiled. They had come a long way.

A sharp sense of unease moved around in his stomach. What if…?

No, surely Leif knew the score. They’d talked about it before they’d handjobbed each

other. Two men looking for a fuck. Not anything lasting.

Because Amaretto had nothing more to give.

He looked over into Leif’s blissful face.

Not a good sign. Maybe he should pull away now before things got too complicated?

Before he hurt the man?

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No. He needed to sleep with Leif. Needed the time in the bed with their bodies pressed

against each other. Needed to wake up next to him in the evening. He’d do that and then

make sure Leif remembered their discussion.

Leif would be of the same mind. He had to be. He’d said he was and Amaretto would

hold him to that.

He crawled into bed with Leif and fell into a deep sleep for a few more hours.

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Chapter Seven

Leif woke up sometime in the night. He turned over and curled into the big body next

to him. Amaretto.

He turned over to look at the man’s gorgeous face. Such well-defined features. High

cheekbones. A long nose. Creamy dark skin. Full lips that pressed together as he slept.

That knew their way around a cock.

Leif’s early morning erection pulsed out in between them even though it wasn’t

morning. His need for the man pulsed as deeply inside of him.

Hard to believe he’d started out trying to stake Amaretto as a suspected vampire. Now,

he’d wound up in the man’s bed. Wound up as his lover. The irony was palpable and had Leif

been asked a month ago about these circumstances, he would have said, “No fucking way.”

Amaretto’s hand curled along his back as he let out a sleepy snore. Even at rest, the

man had infinite implied power through his body. If Leif moved around too much, he bet

he’d wake Amaretto up. He’d never been able to sneak up on him.

Leif stroked his back against the hand. The man’s touch was electric. Addictive. He

could get used to waking up like this. Get used to being cocooned in Amaretto’s body

spooning his. Get used to putting that morning erection to use.

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It’s a one-night stand. Don’t put too much into it


He’d never met anyone like Amaretto. A big sense of humor and a bigger dick to

match. And a huge heart. He might pretend to be a hard case, but no hard case would scratch

someone’s nose while they were tied up. So many things Amaretto had done for him and to

him. He couldn’t begin to name all the small things that had happened over the last few

weeks. Culminating in this huge event.

Good thing he’d gotten past his prejudices and wariness. Or this never would have

happened. And Leif would have regretted it forever.

He closed his eyes, letting the heat of Amaretto’s body infect him. Much like

Amaretto’s soul had infected him.

When had he fallen for the man?

Probably since he’d woken up, tied up, in Amaretto’s house. Interacting with Amaretto

had proven to be more dangerous than slaying.

Leif had never expected to fall for a vampire, so he hadn’t put up many walls. Even if

he had, Amaretto would have knocked them all down.

Amaretto rolled away from him and the bed dipped down. The sheets were tossed to

the side.

Leif opened his eyes as Amaretto stood up. “Good morning.” He admired the full view

of his lover. “Don’t have to get up yet.” He willed Amaretto to come back to bed. Even if

they didn’t put their stiff cocks to good use, it would be a nice, lazy time.

“Morning.” Amaretto stretched his body out with his arms over his head as he stood by

the bed. His muscles flexed and rippled. His butt clenched together, making Leif want to

plant his hands there. “Or evening, I guess.”


. Leif couldn’t keep his eyes from him. Maybe an early morning quickie was

called for. Or an evening delight. Leif was about to invite him back into the bed again when

Amaretto moved. Not toward Leif or the bed, either.

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Amaretto sauntered for the bathroom. “I’m going to shower. Be right back.” He went in

and locked the door.

Or maybe not on the subject of an evening delight.

Leif crossed his legs in disappointment at Amaretto’s dismissal. He’d not expected a

declaration of love, but the move that seemed to distance Amaretto from him hadn’t been

anticipated. Why had Amaretto locked the door behind him? The click of the lock had been

a sound of finality.

What they’d shared the night before had been primal. Something that had wrung Leif

inside out.

Maybe Amaretto hadn’t felt the same way?

No, there had been something between them since the first moment they’d met. It had

sizzled the entire time they’d been hunting the other vampire. Last night had been the


Maybe it was only lust?

Impatiently tapping a finger on the mattress, left with his own thoughts, he waited for

Amaretto to come out from his shower. Waited to get some answers. Even if he wouldn’t like

what they were, he had to know.

Amaretto didn’t even look at him as he crossed to get on some clothes, the towel

loosely draped around his waist. He’d bothered with a towel? Leif’s failing emotions dropped

even further. “Shower’s free.” Amaretto shook his body, water droplets running down him.

Leif uncrossed his legs before crossing them again. He gripped the sheet in his hands.

His cock kept its hardness, but the rest of him deflated like an old balloon. “Shower’s free”

was all Amaretto had to say? He’d expected more. More cuddling. More action this morning.

Anything more than this. Instead, Amaretto seemed to have distanced himself from Leif.

What the hell was going on? Why would Amaretto act like last night hadn’t even


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“I said the shower’s free.” Amaretto still didn’t turn to look at him. “It’s all yours. We

need to get going.”

“I heard you.” Leif sat up, trying to catch a glimpse of Amaretto’s face. Needed to get

confirmation of whatever Amaretto wanted to do about this situation. Whatever he felt

would show on his face. When Leif couldn’t catch a look, he added, “Is there something


Amaretto pulled on his pants as if nothing was out of the ordinary about this whole

experience. “No. Why would there be?” His voice came casually. He could have been

ordering Chinese food for all the emotion he put in his voice.

“I don’t know. You tell me.” Leif couldn’t keep the frustration from building. It came

through in his speech. Why was Amaretto acting so distant? Nothing made sense to him

about the reversal.

Amaretto pulled on a shirt and turned to face Leif. “Nothing’s wrong with me. Maybe

you’re the one with the problem.”

Leif’s spine stiffened. Who did Amaretto think he was? His dick wasn’t golden. Not

enough to get away with this crap. “I don’t have a problem. Except for you right now. Why

are you being such a dickhead?”

Amaretto blew out a breath. “What are you doing, man?”

“I’m not doing anything. You’re the one who’s acting like they have a pine cone up

their ass.” Maybe Leif could stuff one up there for him. “You’re the one acting like last night

never happened.”

Amaretto interjected, “It was great.”

Now they were getting somewhere. “Yeah. Yeah, it was.” Leif couldn’t fight the smile

from creeping up onto his lips. They’d combusted in a trail of fire. He’d almost expected

them to leave ashes in their wake. Regardless, there’d been a great deal of come after only

one round of oral sex.

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“You are one great fuck.” Amaretto pressed his lips together. “Phenomenal. We’ll have

to do it again sometime.”

Sometime? A great fuck? Not what he’d expected to hear. Leif’s lungs deflated again

before he laid something out on the table. Would Amaretto pick up the gauntlet? He

couldn’t let whatever had happened between them go without saying something. “How

about now?”

Amaretto’s lips curled down in a frown. “I think we’d better get hunting.” The words

dismissed any of Leif’s hopes. Amaretto moved away from the bed. “Leif, I…probably should

have made some things clear last night. But I thought I had.”

“What kind of things?” This was sounding suspiciously like a brush-off, which Leif had

had his share of. He knew the drill and the words. Couldn’t believe he was hearing them

from Amaretto. What had happened between last night and this morning? Could Leif have

read him so wrong? Leif was usually a good judge of people. He didn’t do one-night stands

often anymore and when he did, he made sure of his own safety. Both physically and

emotionally. He’d expected more than a one-night stand from Amaretto. Maybe he’d made a

mistake. His guts clenched.

“You’re a great fuck like I said.” Amaretto looked away. “I don’t do commitments. I do

one-nighters. Two-nighters. Three at most.” He looked anywhere but at Leif. “I’d do three

for you. Maybe more. But after we catch the vampire, I move on. I’m not sticking around

here. Or talking forever. I don’t do that.”

“I see.” Leif felt as though his insides had been scooped out like last year’s jack-o-

lantern. He was being discarded like one. “So, I’m a great fuck. But I shouldn’t expect

anything beyond that.”

“There you go. You’ve got it.” Amaretto’s voice perked up. “Now, let’s get going and

find that vampire.”

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“Fuck you.” Leif’s voice crept down several octaves as he got out of bed. He was good

enough for a few nights, was he? He’d encountered assholes before, but not like this. And he

had suspicions they were assholes before they showed their colors. This was different. He’d

let his guard down with Amaretto. Let him in. And now he was being discarded? Expected to

go on the way things were before the night of passion? “Ain’t gonna happen.”

“Now --”

“Don’t you ‘now baby’ me.” Leif grabbed a pair of pants from Amaretto’s floor and

shrugged them up, almost catching his dick in his zipper. Would have been just rewards for

thinking that Amaretto was anything special. Anything different than a horndog. He never

should have…done anything with a vampire. Should have kept his distance. He wouldn’t

continue that mistake.

How stupid could I be

? “You can go hunting for a vampire. I quit. I’ve

had enough.”

“I thought you wanted to help catch him?” Amaretto watched as Leif stuffed a few

things in a duffel bag and shrugged on a T-shirt, but made no move to stop Leif. Which sank

his insides that much more.

“Yeah, so did I.”

I thought a lot of things

. “But I’m done. You have fun. Have a great

life. Catch him and write me a postcard.” Did they have great fucks cards? Not likely. His

heart twisted in his chest as he grabbed up his bag and stalked for the door.

Amaretto’s hand lit on his shoulder. “Don’t go like this. I thought you knew we were

only temporary. I don’t do anything more. I can’t.”

Temporary was one thing. Distancing oneself and blowing it off were things altogether

different. “Get your hand off me.” The clipped words had their effect. Amaretto dropped his

hand. “I’m going. Don’t follow.”


“I can take care of myself fine. And I won’t try and get vampires anymore.” His eyes

closed. That’s what all this had been about. Amaretto had been protecting him. Keeping him

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from getting himself killed. And Leif had turned that into something beyond what it was.

What an idiot I am

. He had to get out of there now before he broke down or did something

to embarrass himself further. “Don’t follow me. Good luck.”

He slammed the door behind him and ran for the street.

So much for an evening delight.

* * * * *

Amaretto flopped on the bed. He put an arm over his eyes. That had gone well.


. He

kept from going after Leif only by sheer force of will. He’d wanted to wipe away that hurt

look from Leif’s face. Ease the wounded look in his eyes. But at what end?

Better it goes down like this than to hurt him later on. When he’s got more at stake.

Right now, you’re a one nighter for him. Leave it that way




Even though that was true, it didn’t mean he had to like the sentiment. “I’m a coward.”

He could have gone after Leif and eased his mind, but that wouldn’t have helped Leif. Not

from what Amaretto knew was true about himself.

How do you know Leif won’t go out and sta t hunting again?

After all, this had all started because he couldn’t let Leif go on hunting his kind. They’d

still kill him if Leif encountered them. But Leif had said he wouldn’t hunt anymore or go out

of his way to seek them out. And whatever else he felt about Leif, Leif wasn’t stupid. He’d

figured out the score early on. He wouldn’t hunt again on his own.

So, Amaretto hadn’t had to go after him to protect him, even as much as he’d wanted to

use that as an excuse. He had no excuses to go after him. Bringing him back would only hurt

Leif more, so Amaretto had watched him walk away.

You’re damaged goods.

He couldn’t argue with himself. He wasn’t right for Leif. He’d hurt him. Take him

down a road that no one had any right to take someone else.

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Amaretto would fuck up Leif’s life. Maybe not now. Maybe not in a week. But give him

a year. Short-term was the only thing that worked for him. He couldn’t be anything that Leif

wanted him to be. Not now or ever.

“I never should have messed with him. I should have left him alone.” He smacked his

hand down on a pillow. Should have known he’d mess up the sex.

Leif’s scent wafted to his nostrils. Leif’s scent was all over the bed. He’d been sleeping

there since the first night they’d met. A man who’d pierced him with an arrow had also

somehow worked his way into Amaretto’s psyche.

Leif’s wonderfully musky scent reminded Amaretto of all he could never have. The

man would never be his. Could never be his. It was why he’d had to shower first thing this

morning. To wipe Leif’s scent away. To get rid of the scent of what he could never have.

What he shouldn’t have had even for an evening.

He leaped to his feet and yanked the corner of the sheet. Viciously, he pulled the sheet

and top sheet off the bed. Tossed them in the corner with a soft plop.

Lying down on the bed again, he closed his eyes. Surely that would help him rid his

memory of the scent.

But even on the bare mattress, he could still smell Leif. His head pressed down into the

pillow even farther. The pillowcase reeked of Leif. He grabbed it by the corner and took that

off too. Threw it with the pillow across the room. They landed near the sheets.

He rubbed a weary hand over his face. Nothing helped. Nothing took the scent of Leif

away from him. Nothing took away the pain at what he could never have.

Let’s face it, Leif’s scent permeated the room, probably the entire apartment. There was

no getting away from the smell.

No getting away from Leif.

Even though the man had left in a frenzied haze caused by Amaretto’s actions, he

would remain in Amaretto’s thoughts. No matter that Amaretto had pushed him away, he’d

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stay there beside Amaretto like a specter. No matter what, Leif had somehow permeated

Amaretto’s life like the smell had taken over the room. And while the smell would

eventually go away, the impact of Leif on Amaretto’s life would continue. Forever.

He looked to the ceiling for answers. But none came.

Nothing insightful or even newsworthy came to his brain. He should call Henri. Henri

always had an opinion and an insight.

The truth was, Amaretto wasn’t supposed to fall for the man. Not supposed to fall for

anyone. He’d thought himself immune to that thing called love. But that hadn’t stopped him

from losing his heart. Even as he’d been pushing Leif away, he’d known the truth. Hell, from

the beginning, he’d known the truth, even if he’d argued against the emotion.

Leif was his mate.

That was why his beast roared every time it got close to Leif.

Not only that, but Amaretto found the man enticing, enthralling, and a whole lot of

other “e” words. There was a lot to fall in love with when it came to Leif.

You will hurt him. No matter what you do. Your name isn’t little bitter love for

nothing, you know?

Like he didn’t know all of that.

Didn’t mean he didn’t want things to be different. But slinging a pillow across the room

and rolling the sheets from the bed didn’t change the fact Amaretto was bad news. And he

didn’t want to bring that into Leif’s life.

He couldn’t bear to think that he’d hurt Leif down the road. Couldn’t bear to cause

more grief to Leif than he’d already done today.

His fist slammed down on the mattress. “Why can’t I have one moment? Where I’m

not my name?”

Stay away from him. He’s better off.

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He rolled over on the mattress and curled up with his hands and feet tucked into

himself. He must have gone to sleep, because the next thing he knew, the phone was ringing.

He reached for it, almost knocking it off the nightstand. “’ello? Leif?” He’d been

dreaming of the man. Maybe Leif would call and somehow, they could work it out. Unlikely,

but the sleep drugged state he was in made him at least consider the possibility.

“Amaretto?” The voice was familiar, but not obvious. Wasn’t Leif though. Where did

he know the voice from?

Amaretto blinked, trying to clear his mind full of the dust bunnies of sleep and the

dash of disappointment at it not being Leif. “Yeah, this is him.”

The voice rose more. “It’s Gia. We…you remember me?” The stress in the man’s voice

was palpable. Panic lay behind the terse tone.

That explained the familiarity. “Yeah. Yeah. I remember you. What’s up?” Why would

the man be calling him? With a potential problem?

“I…this guy was…with me. Bad news guy, too. I called… Leif came to try and help me.

This guy is nuts. He says he’s a vampire. A real one. And he was going to drain us both dry of


Shit. The vampire. Leif had been near the vampire. While he’d been sleeping. His

hackles rose. A growl erupted from his throat. “Calm down.” Did he tell himself or Gia? “Tell

me where you are. I’ll come get you both.” Amaretto tumbled over to get to a pen and paper.

When he went to get Leif, he would pound some sense into him. Staying away from the

vampire meant staying away from the vampire.

“It’s not me I’m worried about. I managed to get away. Leif helped me…But…” The

man broke off with a gasp.

Amaretto’s stomach went to his throat as bile rose.

Please don’t let this be

. “What about

Leif? Where is he?”

“The guy has him.”

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Chapter Eight

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Leif looked down at his bound hands. He wanted to scream in frustration. Only hard to

do with a gag.

Second time this had happened to him. Only this time, he didn’t think he was going to

get out so easily.

At least Gia had gotten away before the crazy man had brought them to this place. Gia

had run and hadn’t looked back, lucky son of a bitch.

But that sure as hell didn’t help him. So much for helping his friend out of a bad spot.

Hadn’t gone down like he’d planned.

The man in front of him readied a hook on the ceiling. A round washtub rested on the

floor underneath. They were in a small shed outside of a trailer in some rural area. Even if

Leif could get away and call for help, he had no idea where they were. It had felt like they’d

driven for hours. And Leif had been out of it for part of that time due to the injection that

the crazy man had given him. That’s why he hadn’t been able to escape with Gia.

Gia would have no idea where to send help either. He’d gotten away outside of the

club before the man had pushed him into his vehicle.

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Which now left Leif nothing but screwed.

If only he’d brought his bow with him when he’d rushed out of the house after Gia’s

call. Gia’s slurred voice had said the man had drugged Gia at the bar and was trying to force

him to leave with him. Leif had managed to get the name of the club and rushed there. He’d

thought he’d been dealing with a date rape situation. Even if he’d suspected the vampire, he

wouldn’t have taken his weapons because they wouldn’t be effective against a vampire.

Amaretto had taught him that.

Only this was no vampire.

This was a human monster. Pure and simple.

How had he figured that out?

The man had none of the abilities that Amaretto did. He didn’t have speed, strength, or

grace. Nor was his draining method a vampire’s.

The hook the man worked on was for Leif to hang on. While his blood emptied from

his body. An old-fashioned method of bloodletting. But not what a vampire would use.

A shiver ran up Leif’s spine. He wiggled his hands, trying to break the bonds that held

them, but the rope was thick. Tight. He’d fought the crazy man like a tiger but the bigger

and heavier man had ended up sitting on him to subdue him as he’d jabbed a needle into

Leif’s body. Whatever had been in there had been potent. The effects had worn off seconds

ago. Gia had gotten a smaller, earlier dose so he’d been lucid more quickly.

How long had he been there anyway?

What does it matter, I’m going to die.

Nothing had ever shaken him up more than the situation he found himself in.

He didn’t see a way out of this.

And he’d never told Amaretto how he’d felt about him. Hadn’t gotten a chance to

make things right between them.

Now, he never would.

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What a regret to have. Even if Amaretto didn’t feel the same way or hadn’t been ready,

Leif should have told him. Should have stayed and finished out their relationship instead of

running away.

He might not have long to tally his regrets.

He closed his eyes briefly to keep from seeing the man get the hook in the right spot.

Too creepy to watch the object that would help to cause his upcoming demise.

The crazy man puffed out a breath, causing Leif to open his eyes. “Now, to get you up

there.” He pulled a huge knife from his pocket and advanced on Leif.

Leif couldn’t control his trembling but he could control other reactions. He clamped

his lips together tightly. Met the man’s gaze squarely.

The man pulled down his gag. “Not gonna cry and plead for your life?” The man

grinned, showing too wide teeth and a bucktoothed gap. No vampire fangs there.

“How come you use that thing -- the knife? Aren’t you supposed to be a vampire? A

real vampire?” Leif was amazed at how steady his voice came out.

“It’s easier this way. I get every drop, good to the last.” The man slashed with the knife

in the air. “Plus, I get to slice and dice. Watch all the blood come out ’ya.”

Yeah, the man was certifiable.

“Don’t you want to know my name?” The man did a little shimmy with his feet. “It’s

Steel. Blade may be a badass but Steel will bring him down every time.” He swished the knife

again. “Steel like a knife.”

“You didn’t want to go with Fang?”

Or Bucky

. Not to mention Blade was fictional. Leif

continued to pull furtively on his bonds. Maybe if he could keep crazy man talking enough,

he could make it out of this alive. Maybe Steel wasn’t as good a knot tier as Amaretto.

The man spit. “That’s a dog’s name.” He came closer with the knife.

Leif forced himself not to cringe. He wouldn’t give this idiot the satisfaction of a

reaction. Not if he could help it. God, he didn’t want to die. Especially not like this.

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“You’ve got balls. The last ones have cried like a girl.” The man knelt down by him.

“I’m not gonna cut ya. Yet. Going to get your clothes off.”


. Farmer had experienced this. As had at least two other men. Dammit, this was

cruel. The man was human. What kind of man did this to his own kind? At least vampires

fed. Humans weren’t sustenance for Steel. Just sport. “You bastard.”

The man chuckled as he started cutting off Leif’s shirt. “I’m so glad ya aren’t like the

others. I bet your blood will make my masterpiece.”

“Masterpiece?” The knife sliced up Leif’s pants. It almost nicked him because he moved.

He made an effort to stay still. No sense getting cut before it was his time.

The man cut around the outside of the garment. “I’m an artist. A painter. Your blood

will live forever through my art.”

Leif blew out a breath as the man picked him up.


. The man had to be insane. He

tried to kick but couldn’t get any leverage.

“None of that. Don’t make me hurt ya any more than it already will. Least I’m using a

knife now. It always took the blood so long to drain before. And it wouldn’t flow right. Be

happy with that.”

A strap placed around Leif’s feet connected him to the hook. The man pulled him up

upside down into the air.

The man toyed with the knife. “Now, where to cut ya. Femoral? Carotid?”

This was it. End of the line.

Help wouldn’t come in on a white charger to save him. He wasn’t some damned damsel

in distress. Only a gay white man who was about to be killed by a loon.

Amaretto, there’s so much I should have done


Instead of a white horse, a black man dropped down between Leif and Steel, his feet

clumping on the concrete with his landing.

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A man dressed in black. A man with blazing eyes full of the fury of hell as he glanced

briefly at Leif before training his attention on the man in front of him. “Get away from him,

you bastard.”


Leif’s breathing eased up. Never had he been more ready to leave a place than this one.

Thank God for the vampire. Somehow, now that Amaretto was here, Leif knew he’d be

rescued. He rocked his body back and forth. “A little help here.” The hook swung, making

him seasick.

“Little busy.” Amaretto held up his arms in a defensive posture. He bared his teeth at


“This is my kill.” The man bared his teeth back, flashing the knife.

“Look, you vampire wannabe. This isn’t television, and this one’s mine.” Amaretto

swung a kick around so quickly, if Leif had blinked, he’d have missed it. He connected with

Steel’s knife, sending it flying.

Both the action and the words sent Leif’s heart fluttering. Or maybe it was being upside

down. He frowned and tried to free himself, but with his hands tied and his feet in the air, it

wasn’t easy. Not to mention, light-headedness took over.

The man moved to go for the knife and Amaretto blocked him. The man feinted left,

but punched at Amaretto. It connected with a sickening thud.

Leif jerked himself, trying to see better what was going on. He wanted to smack the

man for hurting Amaretto. But all he could do was swing back and forth.

Amaretto didn’t look dazed, though. He kept coming at the man. “You took what’s

mine.” He growled and launched into something that sounded like Spanish.

Steel ducked as punches rained down on him. “But he’s…my prey.”

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“Not likely.” Several blows later, Amaretto had the man on the ground. He quickly

slapped a handcuff from Steel’s toy bag on one hand and attached the other to a metal shelf

where Steel kept all his accoutrements of death.

Leif would have clapped had he been able to get his hands free. “Thank God.” He

wasn’t going to die. He would kiss Amaretto as soon as he got free. He’d thought it was over

for him. And whatever happened, he wouldn’t let this opportunity pass. He had to make the

most of life. And tell Amaretto how he felt.

Amaretto turned back toward him and advanced on him. Like the avenging angel of

death, so hard looking was his body and face. The easygoing Amaretto wasn’t playing now.

Only the hard case. “What the fuck did you think you were doing?”

Leif blinked. The anger was no longer directed at Steel, but Leif bore the brunt of

Amaretto’s displeasure.

“What the fuck did you think you were doing? Why didn’t you call me? You promised

you wouldn’t engage.”

“I thought…I could handle it. Thought it was more a date thing than a vampire thing.”

Leif ducked his head up. “Could we get me down from here? And get the hell out of here

away from Steel?” At Amaretto’s raised eyebrow, he added, “The crazy dude.”

“In a minute. We need to talk first.” Amaretto paced around him like a lion about to


“I can still listen if I’m on the ground.” Leif was tired of being up there and hanging

like this. It was a reminder of all that he’d almost lost.

“Let me say what I fucking have to say.”

“Fine. Say it.” Leif let his bound arms swing free as much as he could to speed up his

circulation because they ached.

“I want to be with you.” Amaretto’s voice deepened to a guttural bass. “I want to be

with you more than you know.”

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Now that, Leif could hang upside down for.

Leif stared back at Amaretto. He tried to lift his head up but finally let it hang. “You

want to be with me?”

“Yeah. I do.” More than anything else in the world. He’d had a lot of time to

contemplate the universe on the way to rescue Leif. A lot of time to think about what he’d

do if Leif didn’t make it. If Amaretto hadn’t gotten to him in time.

The loss would have cut him. Would have carved up his insides. Leif mattered to him,

no matter how much he tried to deny it. Somehow, he needed to find a way to make things

up to Leif. Maybe explain to him the whys of Amaretto not being able to be with him.

Explain things so Leif didn’t hate him.

“Why do I feel a ‘but’ coming on?” Leif kept his arms down and tried to halt his

swinging around.

“Because there is one. A big one.” Amaretto wouldn’t lie to him. Wouldn’t tell him

something untrue to win him over and make things easier on himself.

“Well, lay it on me.”

“I’m not good for you. If I go for long-term with you, I will hurt you.” He shoved his

hands down by his side. Hunched his back.

“How do you figure that?”

“I’m not just figuring, I know. I don’t do long-term. I never have.”

“Why not?” Leif shifted his weight. He sounded frustrated. But he didn’t ask to be cut

down, merely listened.

“I…I will upset you, Leif. If I spend any time with you beyond a few weeks.” The only

person he’d spent much time with over his lifetime and hadn’t hurt was Henri. But Henri

was a special man.

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Leif shook his head. His eyes opened wide before blinking several times. “Shouldn’t

have done that.”

Amaretto advanced. Now Leif wouldn’t balk and would stay so they could hash things

out. “I’ll get you down.”’ He carefully got the rope from the hook and helped to lower Leif to

the floor while cutting the ropes from his hands. Leif sat for a few seconds holding his head.

Amaretto sat down next to him. “I will cause you pain. I can guarantee you that.”

“You can’t be sure of hurting me.”

“I can.” It was the only thing he could be sure of in his whole unsteady life. “It’s a

matter of time before I do.”

“Amaretto, all relationships involve rough times. Hurt. Upset. Arguing. The key is that

you stick with it and celebrate the good times.” Leif reached over and grasped his hand. “The

key is not giving up. And we may not…I mean, this is the start. Shouldn’t we try it before

you decide what’s going to happen?”

Amaretto looked at the smaller hand encased in his own. The pale skin against his

darker tone. Even so different, they fit together like their hands. Like it was meant to be.

“I…” He met Leif’s gaze. “Maybe. But if we do try it, don’t…I worry…that you’ll do

something you’ll regret.”

“I wouldn’t.” Leif’s mouth cut up into a small smile as his fingers stroked across

Amaretto’s hand. “What, did someone try to kill you for being an asshole?”

Amaretto didn’t pull his hand away but turned his head in the other direction away

from Leif. “Three times.” Leif needed to know everything to understand. Amaretto had to

make him comprehend the depths to which people sank with Amaretto.

Leif’s hand stopped its touching. “What?”

“Thrice. An attempt has been made on my life three times for being the bastard that I


“You’re kidding.”

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He looked into Leif’s blazing eyes. “No. No, I’m not.” He realized his hand had gone

down to the scar on his stomach.

“Because you hurt them? Whatever you did to them, that doesn’t justify killing you.”

“The first was because I was born.” Amaretto swallowed. She’d given him a name that

suited him, so she’d said. “My mother was a slave on one of the islands that does sugar cane.

My father was the overseer. He raped her from the time he took over the job. It’s why she

named me Amaretto.” She’d liked the flavoring, but it had been the confused meaning she’d

sought more than any pleasure.

“Because it’s confused with the word for love, making it little bitter love.” Leif spoke

quietly, almost whispering.

“Yes.” Didn’t matter that it was inaccurate. She’d thought little bitter love suited him.

“She tried to kill me when I was born. But I didn’t die.” Memories overtook him. Taunts.

Beatings. The flash of the knife at the last. At her hand, it hadn’t been a pleasant childhood.

His mother hated him with a passion that she’d reserved for only the slavers and masters.

“When I was sixteen, I was…involved with a girl my own age. My mother said she wouldn’t

let me ruin another life like my father had. She knifed me with one of the knives used to

hack down cane.”

Everyone had thought he’d die. But somehow, he’d made it. Everyone had said he must

be a devil that he could survive. If Henri hadn’t come around, who knows what would have

happened to him. He might have been burned at the stake. Not anything he could have come

back from. He wouldn’t be standing there, that was for sure. “I survived, but barely.”

“Damn.” Leif squeezed his hand. “She was wrong. You don’t ruin lives.”

“Don’t I?” Amaretto chuckled, the sound as bitter as his name. “I got involved with a

man not long after I was made into a vampire. He tried to shoot me when we argued.” How

long ago had that been? Too long. But the images were still fresh in his mind. The horrified

look that Jim had given him. The gun blast. The tearing of Amaretto’s flesh.

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“That doesn’t make…”

“It does.” Amaretto pulled his hand from Leif’s. “I was a vampire, and I couldn’t die.

But he could. When I finally regained my strength, they’d hung him for my murder. Not

only did I hurt him enough to drive him to that action, like my mother, in the end, I killed

him.” Amaretto started to get to his feet. “You see? I ruin lives. My own mother couldn’t love

me.” The word scraped raw across his vocal cords.

A hand dropped on his thigh. Stopping him from arising. Leif hadn’t pulled away.

Instead, he’d come closer despite what Amaretto had told him. “She was wrong. You don’t

ruin lives.” The hand pushed him back down. Warm fingers moved up to grasp his face and

pull it around so Leif could look directly in his eyes. “You saved me.”

“Pffft. That crazy loon wasn’t a challenge.” Leif somehow would have gotten away. Gia

would have gone after him if nothing else. And Gia would have easily bested the crazy man.

Regardless, humans were never a challenge to Amaretto.

“You did save me from him.” Leif’s hands caressed his cheeks. “But I don’t mean that.”

“You don’t?”

“No. You saved me…from me.” Leif leaned his head in to put his forehead on

Amaretto’s. “I wasn’t doing so hot when you found me. You saved me from myself.”

“I didn’t…”

“You did. From my hate. Showed me that I can’t get bogged down in that. Not if I want

to live.” He pressed his lips softly against Amaretto’s. “You haven’t ruined my life. You’ve

made it better.”

Amaretto started to speak but Leif’s lips met his again.

“Shush. We take this one step at a time. You won’t ruin my life. I know that. And in

time, you’ll know it, too.” Leif ruffled a hand through Amaretto’s short hair. “Let’s get him

cleaned up and to the police. Then, we can start on the rest of that life.”

* * * * *

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Leif splashed some water on his face. Looked in the mirror. Not his best look. ’Course,

it hadn’t been his best day.

But he was still here.

He’d thought it might be over for him. If it hadn’t been for Amaretto, despite what

Amaretto said, it might have been.

Making the most of his days from now on would be his goal. Or more so, his nights. His

clock would change to be with the man who’d changed so much in his life.

He walked out of the bathroom and Amaretto lounged on the bed. An easy smile

splayed across his lips. Had Leif not known him, he’d have thought him content and back to

normal. But his body looked stiff instead of at ease. He was still tense and stressed.

Leif would spend the rest of his life making sure Amaretto knew what love was. That it

didn’t have to be bitter. That love was something Amaretto could have. How wrong

Amaretto’s mother had been.

He’d start that mission now.

He plopped on the bed by his lover.

Amaretto looked down at him. He relaxed a tiny fraction. His hand reached over to

caress Leif’s face. “You look tired.”

“A little. Nearly getting killed does it to me every time.” The joke was out of his mouth

before he thought it through. Who’d have thought he could joke about this so soon after it

had happened? How liberating.

Amaretto barked out a laugh. “I can imagine.” His hand slowed. “I could never lose

you…like that. Or any way.” He hesitated a moment. “I…We haven’t talked about it…”

Blood pounded in Leif’s ears. Leif was mortal. Amaretto was immortal. He hadn’t even

considered the possibility Amaretto would want to make him a vampire. “I…I’m not ready

for that yet.”

Amaretto nodded but his face grew impassive. “I see.”

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Leif twisted up to fully view Amaretto. He reached up to squeeze his shoulder. “I said

not yet. One day, yes.” He’d have to adjust. He’d go through with it, but it would mean a

radical change. He’d have to drink blood for the rest of his life. To be with Amaretto, a small

thing. But something he wasn’t quite ready for at this moment.

“It’s okay.” Amaretto shivered a bit as Leif’s hand went exploring.

Leif enjoyed the hard contours of Amaretto’s body. He wanted to explore more. Dig

deeper. What a way to enjoy life. No better way than to be with Amaretto. He tugged

Amaretto’s shirt from his pants.

Amaretto didn’t say anything, but blew out a soft breath. “You sure you want to?

You’ve been through a lot.”

Such a considerate lover. “I’m sure. I need to be touched.” Needed to replace the bad

memories with something better. Something more concrete. Being with Amaretto would do

that. “I need to be loved.”

Amaretto sat up and pulled off the shirt. “That I can do.” He sat up to undo his pants

and slide them down long legs. He’d gone commando again. His cock popped free of the

pants with a light bounce.

Leif scrambled to get off the pants he’d put on when they’d arrived back at Amaretto’s.

Needed to be naked. Wanted to be with Amaretto. Now. Needed to be everywhere at once.

“Do you have…lube? Condoms?”

Amaretto reached into his nightstand. “So you know, I don’t need condoms. I don’t get

diseases like humans do. My blood protects me. Because I can’t catch anything, I can’t pass it

along either.” He laid a small vial of lube and a condom packet on top of the nightstand. “But

if you want me to use one, I will.”

That he was willing, and also that he’d been willing before to use one though being a

vampire meant he didn’t have to, said so much. “It’s okay.”

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Amaretto lay back down on the bed and aligned his body against Leif’s. Skin met skin.

Amaretto was so hot. Electricity sparked along every nerve ending. Along every place where

their bodies touched.

Leif groaned. Luxuriated in the feel. In the fireworks stirred up by the skin touching.

Basked in the heat of the man next to him.

Amaretto’s hand spiraled down his body with soft touches. His mouth met Leif’s. A soft

kiss at first. Then turned it deeper and deeper still as their tongues met in frenzied tumbling.

He’d never experienced better gymnastics.

Leif lay back and let Amaretto kiss him. His hands roamed Amaretto’s wide expanse of


He’d almost lost this. Almost walked away from the man who touched him. Today,

he’d almost lost it all, including his life. Now, he’d gained that much more and never

intended to lose again.

Amaretto’s hands met Leif’s cock to stroke and pull along his length. Up and down they

slid, driving Leif insane with want and desire.

Leif ran his hands along Amaretto’s slim hips toward a similar destination. Went to

squeeze Amaretto’s balls in play. Give him head. This was going to be so good. It was made

sweeter by what they’d gone through.

Amaretto stopped him by planting an arm in his way. “No.”

“No?” What game did Amaretto play?

“You lie back. Let me. I want to…do you.” Amaretto flashed a boyish grin. A happy

grin. Not tense. Not uncertain.

It melted Leif’s heart. Yes, he could spend the next hundred years looking at that smile.

“I’m all yours.”

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Amaretto breathed deeply. “That you are. As I’m yours.” His mouth met Leif’s again as

though he tried to burrow into Leif’s soul. Into his every consciousness. Leif gladly invited

him inside.

Amaretto’s hands continued to tug and roughly caress Leif’s cock. When he thought he

might come, Amaretto released him. Amaretto took him to the edge, then stopped every

time until Leif clenched his hands in frustration. Did the man want to make him beg? He

would. “Please.”

Using his hands, Amaretto tipped him over onto his stomach. “Please what?”

“Take me.”

Leif heard the lube top snap open. Such an alluring sound. Because it meant so much

was to come. Lube dripped into his backside. “Anytime.”

Amaretto swirled it around with fingertips, dipping lightly into the hole. He moved

down to kiss Leif’s ass cheek before sliding up. He positioned himself, almost draped across

Leif’s back. His hands went to Leif’s hips. His cock knocked on Leif’s door before sliding in

ever so slightly.

A small breach. Leif tried to relax his ass muscles, but found that difficult. He wanted

this too much.

Amaretto paused.

To encourage him to move, Leif said, “Yes.” Yes, this was going to be so good. “Take

me. Make me yours.” Like he’d spent a minute since he met Amaretto not being his. From

the moment they’d met, somehow Amaretto had marked him. Owned him.

Amaretto nipped the side of his neck. His hands came around to grasp Leif’s cock even

as he pushed further inside. Deeper and deeper, his cock slipped in. Until he was fully seated

inside of Leif. How long had he been inside Leif’s mind like he was inside Leif’s body? Leif

didn’t know.

But the fact he was made this act all the more intimate.

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Hand stroking his hard cock, swirling bands of fire across him. A steamy tongue

swirling up the side of his neck, eliciting shivers from deep inside. And a cock impaling him

all drove Leif’s arousal to the sky and beyond.

Then, Amaretto hit the sweet spot. The prostate. Few lovers had ever found that on

him but Amaretto hit the bull’s-eye. Swirling rods of pleasure struck in Leif’s body from his

head to his toes.

Leif cried Amaretto’s name over and over. His come spurted into Amaretto’s hand as

his hips bucked wildly.

It wasn’t two seconds later before Amaretto stiffened and climaxed against Leif.

Panting, Amaretto pulled out and pressed a kiss against the back of Leif’s neck.

They lay in the stillness and quiet.

Leif was sticky, sweaty, and content. The big man’s body gave him more comfort than

he’d ever thought possible.

They drifted off to sleep entwined in each other.

Leif would do whatever it took over the years to help Amaretto know that love could

be sweet.

Amaretto would have no more bitter love.

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Mechele Armstrong

Have you ever wondered, "What if crayons have a kingdom?” Mechele Armstrong did

at age five. Now, turning the imagination of a wide-eyed child into intense spellbinding

stories for adults, she is winning over new fans every day.

Writing stories and poetry as a hobby, she graduated from Virginia Commonwealth

University with a degree in Religious Studies and Social Welfare. Although there were

challenges with work and family, the need to write and be published, to share her passion for

books was always there.

During a rainy weekend at the beach reading several romance novels she fell in love,

not with the hero, but with the genre again. So began a two-year adventure of doing what

she loved most, creating worlds with strong heroines and enchanting heroes that will keep

you turning pages until the end.

Using the Internet and the local Romance Writer’s Association, she learned and refined

her craft. Living in Virginia with a husband, kids, dog, and fish, she finds time to share her

vivid imagination and ability to tell stories of adventure, love, lust, and everything in


Visit Mechele on the Web at, or email her at


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