Unofficial Questions and Answers (Peggy Erickson)

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Unofficial Questions

and Answers about

One Factoid, Too


Peggy Erickson

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This book is a work of fiction. People, places, events, and situations are the product of the author’s imagination. Any
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© 2007 Peggy Erickson. All rights reserved.

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First published by AuthorHouse 6/28/2007

ISBN: 978-1-4208-4528-0 (sc)

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1st Doctor:

2nd Doctor:

3rd Doctor:

4th Doctor

5th Doctor

6th Doctor:

7th Doctor:

8th and 9th Doctors:







1st Doctor:

2nd Doctor:

3rd Doctor:

4th Doctor:

5th Doctor:

6th Doctor:

7th Doctor:

8th and 9th Doctors:



About the Author

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1. Who are known as the “Father’s” of “Doctor Who”?

2. What was the name of the first “Doctor Who” radio special?

3. On what date did the BBC introduce “Doctor Who”?

4. Why was the first broadcast of “Doctor Who” postponed for ten minutes?

5. What actor is known as the “forgotten Doctor”?

6. What actor played “Doctor Who” on stage?

7. Who wrote the very first “Doctor Who” story in 1963?

8. What actor studied to be a priest before becoming an actor?

9. What actor was a monk before becoming an actor?

10. What is Peter Davison’s wife’s first name?

11. What is Bonnie Langford’s husband’s name?

12. Who wrote “Daleks – The Early Years”?

13. What is Peter Davison’s other last name?

14. What was the name of the BBC’s “scenic designer who was supposed to design the Daleks, in place of

Raymond Cusick”?

15. According to “Slipback”, what was the name of the spacecraft the TARDIS materialized on board?

16. According to “Slipback”, who was the Captain of the “Vipod Mor”?

17. What staff person thought-up the Daleks?

18. Who wrote “Doctor Who: The Time Travelers Guide”?

19. In what year was “Doctor Who: The Time Travelers Guide” written?

20. Who wrote the “Doctor Who” theme?

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21. Who made K9?

22. What was the Doctor’s favorite period in Earth’s history?

23. To what two Greek letters did the Doctor sometimes answer?

24. How many times may a Time Lord regenerate?

25. Who was the first Time Lord to have the Great Key?

26. What does the “E” stand for in E-space?

27. True or False: The Doctor has three hearts.

28. What one primary mechanism of the TARDIS malfunctioned most often?

29. What was the Doctor’s normal body temperature?

30. How many individual windows can be seen from the exterior of the TARDIS?

31. How much does the TARDIS weigh at Earth gravity?

32. What is the model of the Doctor’s TARDIS?

33. What are the circular indentations on the walls of the TARDIS called?

34. What is the “insignia” the Doctor frequently wears on his shirt lapel?

35. True or False: The Doctor has children.

36. According to all episodes of “Doctor Who,” what were all Time Lords forbidden to do?

37. What is the author’s first initial?

38. What was the Doctor’s “special subject” at the Academy?

39. According to “Inferno,” what is the normal heart rate of a Time Lord?

40. According to the entire running series of “Doctor Who,” for what city’s downfall was the Doctor

directly responsible?

41. What is “Gallaxia Kyklos”?

42. What is the fourth dimension?

43. What do the letters “CVE” stand for?

44. True or False: The “Doctor Who” theme (any version) has lyrics.

45. From whom did the Doctor say he learned medicine?

46. In what city are UNIT’s headquarters located?

47. In what country are UNIT’s headquarters located?

48. What is a SIDRAT?

49. What do the letters “APC” stand for?

50. According to “Galaxy Four,” what is the bodily fluid that “floods a Time Lord’s body during the

regeneration process”.

51. What episode comes between “The Trial of A Time Lord” and “Time and the Rani”?

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52. What was the name of the “Doctor Who” episode that Comic Relief did in 1999?

53. What was the first name of the companion in “The Curse of Fatal Death”?

54. True or False: The Doctor said an aspirin could exterminate him.

55. True or False: Rondel equals “Arc of Infinity”.

56. Who were all the actors that played the Doctor in the 1999 Comic Relief episode “The Curse of Fatal


57. What do the letters TARDIS stand for?

58. What was the bell that echoed through the TARDIS when the ship was in trouble?

59. What actor was the presenter of “Daleks—The Early Years”?

60. Who is Norman Ashby?

61. What is the pen name for Barry Letts and Robert Sloan?

62. Who is David Agnew?

63. Which Doctor invented the Sonic Screwdriver?

64. According to “More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS,” how many episodes are still missing?

65. According to “More Than 30 Years In The TARDIS,” what was the name of the store in the


66. According to “Doctor Who”, what person was known to wear Hawaiian shirts?

67. According to “Doctor Who: The TARDIS: Inside and Out”, what Doctor actor took the time to learn

most of the staff’s names?

68. In what episode did Sarah Jane meet the Master for the first time?

69. In what two stories were there two different actors that played Arak?

70. Who made the Doctor’s l-o-n-g scarf?

71. What does “RSM” stand for?

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72. Who was the antagonist in “Planet of Fire”?

73. From top to bottom, how many knobs do Daleks have?

74. Who were the antagonists in “Warriors of the Deep”?

75. Whose body did the Master take over for his thirteenth regeneration?

76. Who were the antagonists in “The Ark in Space”?

77. Who was the antagonist in “The Seeds of Doom”?

78. Who designed and controlled the Daleks race?

79. Who were the antagonists in “Earthshock”?

80. What were the first Doctor’s obstacles in “The Five Doctors”?

81. What were the second Doctor’s obstacles in “The Five Doctors”?

82. What were the third Doctor’s obstacles in “The Five Doctors”?

83. True or False: In “Planet of the Spiders,” were the Queen and the Great One the same spider?

84. Who was the antagonists in “The Claws of Axos”?

85. Who were the antagonists in “Frontios”?

86. How do Daleks indicate yes, besides saying “I obey”?

87. What is the all-time favorite “war cry” of the Daleks?

88. What planet was Morbius’ home?

89. What was the real identity of the nurse that took care of Harry in “Doctor Who and the Loch Ness


90. How many times has the Master regenerated?

91. What form did Meglos originally take in “Meglos”?

92. To what are Cybermen lethally allergic?

93. Who did the Doctor meet for the very first time in “Genesis of the Daleks”?

94. Who were the antagonists in “The Chase”?

95. Who was Magnus Greel in “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”?

96. With whom have the Rutans fought a centuries-long war?

97. In “Day of the Daleks,” who feared for their lives because of their masters?

98. What was Sutekh’s home planet?

99. In what star system was the Ogri’s home planet?

100. In “Meglos”, who was the very last “Zolfa-Thuran”?

101. Who is the actor currently playing the Master?

102. What actor played Mavic Chen?

103. What actor played the Meddling Monk?

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104. In “The Evil of the Daleks,” what number came above 2113-4 on the Dalek machine?

105. Who was the Shadow?

106. What was the first Dalek episode, according to the Daleks history?

107. What was the approximate year of “Genesis of the Daleks”?

108. In what episode was Davros put into a deep freeze?

109. What color was the creature in “The Creature from the Pit”?

110. What planet did the Cybermen originally come from?

111. What did the Doctor call Monarch, Enlightenment, and Persuasion in “Four to Doomsday”?

112. Who created the city of “Castrovalva”?

113. In “Mawdryn Undead,” who made contact with Turlough while unconscious?

114. In “Remembrance of the Daleks”, who challenged each other?

115. Who were the antagonists in “The Seeds of Death”?

116. Who identified the Doctor in “The War Games”?

117. What was unusual about the creatures that lived on Spiridon?

118. Who was really the “Great Healer” in “Revelation of the Daleks”?

119. Who were the antagonists in “Mission to the Unknown”?

120. Who were the antagonists in “Galaxy Four”?

121. According to “The Happiness Patrol,” who was known as “Chief Executioner and Confectioner


122. Who were the antagonists in “Silver Nemesis”?

123. True or False: Daleks make a weird noise when they get killed.

124. How did Daleks tell time in “Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.”?

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125. In what episode did Romana join the Doctor?

126. For what professional sport was Harry known?

127. In what episode did Perpugilliam Brown join the Doctor?

128. What was Romana’s full name?

129. In what episode did Harry join the Doctor?

130. In what episode did Harry leave the Doctor?

131. What was Turlough’s ID code?

132. How old was Melanie?

133. How long did Mel travel with the Doctor?

134. How old was Nyssa?

135. How old was Peri?

136. How old was Adric?

137. What happened to Peri at age thirteen?

138. In what episode did Sarah Jane join the Doctor?

139. In what episode did Sarah Jane leave the Doctor?

140. What was Sarah Jane’s profession?

141. In what episode did Turlough join the Doctor?

142. In what episode did Turlough leave the Doctor?

143. In what episode did Tegan join the Doctor?

144. In what episode did Tegan leave the Doctor?

145. In what episode did Adric join the Doctor?

146. What planet was Adric’s home?

147. In what episode did Nyssa join the Doctor?

148. In what episode did Nyssa leave the Doctor?

149. What series of planets was Nyssa from?

150. In what episode did Leela join the Doctor?

151. In what episode did Leela leave the Doctor?

152. In what episode did K9 Mk. 1 join the Doctor?

153. What did the Doctor threaten to call Romana in “The Ribos Operation”?

154. In what episode did Harry make a comeback appearance after leaving the Doctor?

155. How old was Ace?

156. In what episode was Harry shot?

157. What was the Brigadier’s full name?

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158. Where did the Brigadier work after retiring from UNIT?

159. What was the year of the Brigadier’s car in “Mawdryn Undead”?

160. What subject did the Brigadier teach in “Mawdryn Undead”?

161. In what episode was Tegan accidentally left behind on Earth and separated from the Doctor, Nyssa,

and the TARDIS?

162. In what episode did Romana fall off a cliff?

163. How many times had the Brigadier witnessed the Doctor’s regeneration?

164. What planet was Turlough’s home?

165. What was the all-time favorite nickname Harry gave to Sarah Jane?

166. Who found Romana on the cliffs in “The Stones of Blood”?

167. In what episode did Romana meet her double?

168. In what episode did Nyssa meet her double?

169. In what episode did Turlough become mentally unstable?

170. Where had Turlough originally met the Tractators, as explained in “Frontios”?

171. What was the positive message the Doctor gave to Tegan in many episodes of “Doctor Who”?

172. What was Harry Sullivan’s profession?

173. What was Tegan Jovanka’s profession?

174. What did Leela do for a living?

175. According to “Full Circle,” of what group did Adric want to be a part?

176. In what episode did Jo Grant leave the Doctor?

177. Why did Jo Grant leave the Doctor?

178. In what episode did Jamie McCrimmon join the Doctor?

179. Who were the Doctor’s two companions other than Jamie in “The Highlanders”?

180. In what episode did Susan Foreman join the Doctor?

181. In what episode did Susan Foreman leave the Doctor?

182. Why did Susan Foreman leave the Doctor?

183. In what episode did Vicki join the Doctor?

184. In what episode did Barbara Wright join the Doctor?

185. What subject did Barbara Wright teach?

186. In what episode did Ian Chesterton join the Doctor?

187. What subject did Ian Chesterton teach?

188. In what episode did Jamie McCrimmon leave the Doctor?

189. In what episode did Zoë Herriot leave the Doctor?

190. Who were the Doctor’s companions in “The Ark”?

191. What was Jamie McCrimmon’s middle name?

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192. In what episode did both Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton leave the Doctor?

193. Why did Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton leave the Doctor?

194. In what episode did Zoë join the Doctor?

195. Why did Tegan leave the Doctor?

196. Why did Adric leave the Doctor?

197. In what episode was Adric a stowaway on the TARDIS?

198. What color did the Doctor change Leela’s eyes from in “Horror of Fang Rock,” and what color did

they become?

199. According to “Horror of Fang Rock,” what did Leela ask the Doctor to do when she first went blind?

200. What was Dodo’s last name?

201. What was Polly’s profession?

202. What was Ben’s profession?

203. What was the name of the school at which Barbara Wright and Ian Chesterton taught?

204. What two companions had similar names, but neither used their Christian name?

205. For what airline did Tegan Jovanka work?

206. In “The Highlanders,” what side did Jamie McCrimmon oppose in the Battle of Culloden?

207. What was Zoë’s last name?

208. What was the explosive that Ace used?

209. Why did Leela leave the Doctor?

210. When was “K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend” first televised?

211. In “The Invisible Enemy,” who was immune to the virus of the title?

212. Who was the companion in “The Nightmare Fair”?

213. How old was Vicki?

214. What actor played Jamie McCrimmon when Frazer Hines was sick with the chicken pox?

215. What flight did Steven Taylor say he was from in “The Chase”?

216. What was Steven Taylor’s profession?

217. In “K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend,” what was the license plate on Sarah Jane’s car?

218. What was the telephone number at the location where Sarah Jane stayed in “K9 and Company: A

Girl’s Best Friend”?

219. What was the local newspaper in “K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend?

220. At what University was Liz Shaw a scientist/MD?

221. In what episode was Susan Foreman given a choice between marriage and death?

222. In what episode did Steven Taylor join the Doctor?

223. What kind of pet did Vicki own in “The Rescue”?

224. What was the name of Vicki’s pet?

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225. In “The Ambassadors of Death,” who did the Doctor send a few seconds into the future?

226. What happened to Nyssa at the end of “Four to Doomsday”?

227. What was the nationality of Dodo Chaplet’s grandfather?

228. What character did Romana regenerate into during “Destiny of the Daleks”?

229. In what episode did Sergeant Benton and the Brigadier first see the inside of the TARDIS?

230. What actress played Susan Foreman?

231. What actress played Sarah Jane Smith?

232. With what hand did Adric write?

233. At what mathematical skill did Adric excel?

234. What was Mike Yates’s military rank?

235. In “Four to Doomsday,” who used the Sonic Screwdriver besides the Doctor?

236. In “Castrovalva,” what did the zero room remind Nyssa of?

237. What did the zero room in “Castrovalva” smell like to Tegan Jovanka?

238. True or False: At one point in the “Doctor Who” series, K9 had laryngitis.

239. What actor played Harry Sullivan?

240. What actress played Jo Grant?

241. What actress played Romana number one?

242. What actress played Romana number two?

243. What was Sara’s last name?

244. What was Sara’s brother’s name?

245. What was Vicki’s last name?

246. What was Victoria’s last name?

247. What was Ben’s last name?

248. What was Steven’s last name?

249. What was Peri’s last name?

250. What was Bret Vyon’s profession?

251. What actor played Mike Yates?

252. In “The Aztecs,” who was Barbara mistaken for?

253. What actress played Sara Kingdom?

254. Which Romana did the Doctor say was most “noble”?

255. What color were Varsh’s shoes in “Full Circle”?

256. What actor played the Brigadier?

257. Who was the companion in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

258. Who was Ace?

259. What was Dodo’s real first name?

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260. According to “Mawdryn Undead,” what year did the Brigadier leave the Army?

261. How many aliens did the Brigadier remember in “Mawdryn Undead”?

262. In what episode did Jo Grant join the Doctor?

263. In what episode did Liz Shaw join the Doctor?

264. What was Bret’s last name?

265. Who were the companions in “Galaxy Four”?

266. What actress played Leela?

267. Who were the companions in “Shada”?

268. In “Planet of Fire,” whom did Turlough rescue from drowning?

269. In “Planet of Fire,” how was the “artifact” related to Turlough?

270. In what episode did Turlough leave the Doctor?

271. According to “The Daleks’ Master Plan,” why did Sara leave the Doctor?

272. What actor played Bret Vyon?

273. In what episode did Peri leave the Doctor?

274. Why did Peri leave the Doctor?

275. What actress played Polly?

276. What was Zoë Herriot’s profession?

277. What actress played Vicki?

278. In what episode did Katarina join the Doctor?

279. Who was the companion in “Planet of the Daleks”?

280. Who were the companions in “The Trial of a Time Lord”?

281. Who were the companions in “Anachrophobia”?

282. What is the origin of Susan Foreman’s last name?

283. What was Dr. Grace Holloway’s medical specialty in “The Enemy Within”?

284. Who was the companion in “Attack of the Cybermen”?

285. In what episode did Kamelion join the Doctor?

286. Who wrote “K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend”?

287. What actor played Brendon in “K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend”?

288. What actress played Aunt Levina in “K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend”?

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1st Doctor:

289. Who wrote “Galaxy Four”?

290. Who wrote “The Chase”?

291. What “companion” hosted “Lost In Time,” starring William Hartnell?

292. In what episode was Ian Chesterton knighted?

293. In what episode did Vicki pretend to be Victor for a while?

294. In what episode did Katarina briefly pray?

295. What actor played the bus conductor in “The Chase”?

296. What was the other race on planet Skaro in “The Daleks,” aside from the Kaleds?

297. What was the name of the Thal that Susan met in the forest in “The Daleks”?

298. In “The Web Planet,” what was the equivalent of the Animus on Earth?

299. In “The Web Planet,” what were the equivalent of the Animus’ slaves on Earth?

300. In “The Web Planet,” what was the equivalent of the Menoptera on Earth?

301. Where did the TARDIS land in “The Aztecs”?

302. What was Susan “assigned to” Barbara in “The Aztecs”?

303. What was the name of the god Barbara was supposed to be the reincarnation of in “The Aztecs”?

304. According to “The Edge of Destruction,” where was the power source of the TARDIS kept?

305. In “The Edge of Destruction,” with what weapon did Susan threaten Barbara and Ian?

306. What switch caused a major problem in “The Edge of Destruction”?

307. At what time in Earth’s history did the TARDIS take its first trip?

308. What did Susan see in the closing scene of “The Edge of Destruction”?

309. What was the problem with the fast return switch in “The Edge of Destruction”?

310. In what episode did Polly join the Doctor?

311. In what episode did Ben join the Doctor?

312. What mild ailment did Dodo have in “The Ark”?

313. On what planet did “The Web Planet” take place?

314. What did Barbara use to kill the Animus in “The Web Planet”?

315. In “The Romans,” what were Barbara and Ian sold as in ancient Rome?

316. In “The Web Planet,” what race lived below the surface?

317. What was the name of the High Priest of Sacrifice in “The Aztecs”?

318. What was the name of the person that held Susan hostage in the city of Millenus in “The Keys of


319. What actress played Kala in “The Keys of Marinus”?

320. In what galaxy was Vortis located?

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321. What did David Campbell do for a living?

322. In what country did “The Aztecs” take place?

323. In what country did “The Gunfighters” take place?

324. What was the name of the Optera leader in “The Web Planet”?

325. According to “The Daleks,” what kind of electricity did the Daleks depend on for motion?

326. What kind of poison was found in the water in “The Sensorites”?

327. What did the Sensorites do to the humans on the spaceship?

328. What was the name of the man taken aboard the spaceship whose mind was taken over by “The


329. What was the name of the woman aboard the spaceship whose mind was taken over by “The


330. What kind of fruit did Susan Foreman say the fruit on the Sense-Sphere tasted like in “The


331. According to “The Sensorites,” what had the Doctor and Susan Foreman never had until then?

332. Which of the four travelers did the Sensorites first contact?

333. Which of the three travelers that went down to the Sense-Sphere became sick in “The Sensorites”?

334. How did “The Sensorites communicate?

335. What was the name of the person who died in the “lake of mutations” in “The Daleks”?

336. What actor played Elyon in “The Daleks”?

337. In “The Keys of Marinus,” what did Susan ask the servant to make for her?

338. In “The Keys of Marinus,” what did the Doctor ask the servant to make for him?

339. In “The Web Planet,” what were the equivalents of Zarbi on Earth?

340. What was the actor’s name that played the TV announcer in “The Daleks”?

341. On what planet did Episode Five of “The Daleks’ Master Plan” partly take place?

342. What are the ONLY three remaining complete episodes of “The Daleks’ Master Plan”?

343. What was the title of “The Daleks’ Master Plan,” Part Five?

344. What was the title of “The Daleks’ Master Plan,” Part Ten?

345. Who wrote the book “Doctor Who – The Ark”?

346. What was the name of the killer in Nero’s court in “The Romans”?

347. Where did Maximus Pettulian come from to get to Rome in “The Romans”?

348. In “Marco Polo,” what did Marco Polo think the TARDIS was?

349. On what planet did “The Rescue” take place?

350. In what country did “Marco Polo” take place?

351. In “The Daleks’ Master Plan,” what beings “inhabited” Mira?

352. What was the name of the guard captain in “The Savages”?

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353. According to Barbara in “The Aztecs,” how many heavens did the Aztecs believe in?

354. What was the name of the “Christian” the Doctor met in Rome?

355. According to “An Unearthly Child,” what “tool” did Ian Chesterton introduce to the cave people?

356. According to “The Romans,” what kind of weapon did the Centurians take into battle with them?

357. What was the most precious metal found on the Sense-Sphere in “The Sensorites”?

358. In “The Celestial Toymaker,” what challenge did the Toymaker issue to the Doctor?

359. Who ruled the people of the city of Morphoton in “The Keys of Marinus”?

360. What did the Animus need in order to figure out the location of the Menoptera in “The Web Planet”?

361. Where on Aridius did the TARDIS land in “The Chase”?

362. In “The Daleks,” who became the leader of the Thals after the death of Temmosus?

363. Who were the human slaves of the Daleks in “The Dalek Invasion of Earth”?

364. In “The Chase,” where on Mechanus did the TARDIS land?

365. In ”The Sensorites,” what color did Susan Foreman say Gallifrey’s sky was?

366. What did Susan Foreman say the colors of the leaves on Gallifrey’s trees were in “The Sensorites”?

367. On what planet did the Doctor meet Dodo?

368. Who was briefly engaged to the Doctor?

369. In “The Keys of Marinus,” who was the Keeper of the Conscious of the planet Marinus?

370. On what planet did “The Space Museum” take place?

371. What was the name of the museum in “The Space Museum”?

372. In “The Space Museum,” what did the TARDIS crew see that disturbed them?

373. In what simulated year did “The Rescue” take place?

374. When the TARDIS crew arrived on “The Rescue” planet, who did they find trapped in a spaceship?

375. In what simulated year did “The Romans” take place?

376. In what country did “The Romans” take place?

377. In “The Romans,” for whom was the Doctor mistaken?

378. In what simulated time did “The Crusade” take place?

379. In what episode did King Richard the Lionheart appear?

380. According to “The Crusade,” who was Saracen?

381. When did “The Ark” take place?

382. Who were being chased in “The Chase”?

383. What was the sky made of in “The Ark”?

384. In “The Crusade”, King Richard the Lionheart opposed Saracen in what?

385. In what episode was Barbara taken in a Saracen ambush?

386. What happened to the last humans on Earth in “The Ark”?

387. What was the name of the faraway planet humans were sent to in “The Ark”?

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388. In “The Ark,” who served as the guardians of Earth?

389. What were the machines in “The War Machines”?

390. Who were the Monoids?

391. In what episode did the Doctor pose as a scientist, and Dodo as a secretary?

392. Why did the humans leave Earth for planet Refusis in “The Ark”?

393. What was the first Doctor’s last episode?

394. Where were all the deadly robots made in “The War Machines”?

395. What was “The 10th Planet”?

396. In what simulated year did “The 10th Planet” take place?

397. What was created as the tenth planet returned to the solar system in “The 10th Planet”?

398. Who created the super-computer WOTAN in “The War Machines”?

399. In “The Space Museum”, whom did the Doctor help the Xeons revolt against?

400. In what year was “The War Machines” really made?

401. Who was the double of the first Doctor?

402. Besides Susan, who went with the Doctor on a quest for the keys in “The Keys of Marinus”?

403. What was the only one-episode story of “Doctor Who,” excluding “The Five Doctors”?

404. In what actual year did “Mission to the Unknown” take place?

405. Who did Bennett pretend to be in “The Rescue”?

406. In what actual year was “The Daleks’ Master Plan” made?

407. On what planet did “Mission to the Unknown” take place?

408. In what episode was the Doctor named “Doctor Who” (excluding the two movies in the 1960s)?

409. In what episode did Vicki leave the Doctor?

410. Who were the protagonists in “Galaxy Four”?

411. In “Galaxy Four,” who planned to flee the exploding planet in the Rills spaceship?

412. Who did the Doctor help escape in “Galaxy Four”?

413. In “Galaxy Four,” the TARDIS crew escaped from the Drahvins because of one act on the part of the

Rills’ friendly robots. What were the robots called?

414. What was the number of the Earth spaceship in “The Rescue”?

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2nd Doctor:

415. Who wrote “The Moonbase”?

416. Who were the inhabitants of Dulkis?

417. Who were the antagonists in “The Web of Fear”?

418. Who were the antagonists in “The Seeds of Death”?

419. In what simulated year did “The Moonbase” take place?

420. In what country did “The Highlanders” take place?

421. In “The Macra Terror,” what was the equivalent of the Macra on Earth?

422. Who were the antagonists in “The Wheel in Space”?

423. What was the name of the English lieutenant at the Battle of Culloden in “The Highlanders”?

424. According to “The Web of Fear,” what was Lethbridge-Stewart’s rank when he met the Doctor?

425. Who was Zoë Herriot’s superior officer in “The Wheel in Space”?

426. What property did the Doctor neutralize on the moon in “The Moonbase”?

427. In what actual year was “The Evil of the Daleks” made?

428. According to “The Evil of the Daleks,” what was Theodore Maxtible’s daughter’s name?

429. Who “adopted” Victoria in “Fury from the Deep”?

430. What did Jamie think the Cyberman was in “The Moonbase”?

431. What actor played the French man in “The Moonbase”?

432. What space station did the Cybermen attack in “The Wheel in Space”?

433. What was Jamie’s father’s name?

434. Who wrote “The Seeds of Death”?

435. What was written in the elevator shaft in “The Invasion”?

436. What actor played Mr. Rutlidge in “The Invasion”?

437. What parts of “The Invasion” are missing?

438. Who was Hobson’s superior in “The Moonbase”?

439. According to “The Wheel in Space,” what did the crew think Cybermats were at first?

440. Where did the TARDIS land in “The Seeds of Death”?

441. What did the Ice Warriors plan to use to change Earth’s atmosphere in “The Seeds of Death”?

442. From what planet did “The Seeds of Death” originally come?

443. What were the followers of Bonnie Prince Charlie called in “The Highlanders”?

444. What did the Doctor use to destroy “The Krotons”?

445. What was the “most valuable mineral in the galaxy” in “The Space Pirates”?

446. Who was the antagonist in “The Enemy of the World”?

447. In what episode did Toba and Rago appear?

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448. What was the name of the enslaved student in “The Dominators”?

449. What did “HADS” stand for in “The Krotons”?

450. What kind of mountain did the TARDIS land halfway behind in “The Krotons”?

451. In “The Seeds of Death,” what was the name of the owner of the space museum/workshop?

452. What was the name of the space beacon the TARDIS landed on in “The Space Pirates”?

453. In what simulated year was the first time zone the TARDIS visited in “The War Games”?

454. In what simulated year was the second time zone visited in “The War Games”?

455. In what simulated year was the third time zone visited in “The War Games”?

456. In what simulated year did the Doctor return to Gallifrey in “The War Games”?

457. Where on Dulkis did the TARDIS land in “The Krotons”?

458. On what planet did “The Tomb of the Cybermen” take place?

459. In what simulated year did “The Power of the Daleks” take place?

460. In “The Tomb of the Cybermen,” what did the archeological team go to Telos to look for?

461. Where did the archeological team come from in “The Tomb of the Cybermen”?

462. For how long had the Cybermen seemingly disappeared in “The Tomb of the Cybermen”?

463. In “The Tomb of the Cybermen,” what did some members of the archeological team want to do?

464. What happened to the Cybermen in “The Tomb of the Cybermen”?

465. Who was Varga?

466. What was Varga’s intention in “The Ice Warriors”?

467. What other Doctor guest starred in “The Ice Warriors”?

468. Who were “The Dominators”?

469. In “The Dominators,” who were the Quarks?

470. On what planet did “The Dominators” take place?

471. In “The Invasion”, who were Tobias Vaughn’s allies?

472. What alien did “The Invasion” involve?

473. In “The Mind Robber,” what did the TARDIS have to escape?

474. In what episode did White Robots, Gulliver, Rapunzel, D’Artagnan, and Sir Lancelot appear?

475. For what did “The Dominators” want to use the radioactive material of Dulkis?

476. Who ran “International Electromatics” in “The Invasion”?

477. In “The Dominators”, to what was the Planet Dulkis doomed?

478. Who were the Gonds meant to obey?

479. What were the Cybermen’s intentions in “The Invasion”?

480. In “The Krotons,” who were the invisible rulers of the Gond people?

481. In “The Invasion”, where were the Cybermen hiding?

482. The Doctor and Zoë stopped the Gonds from turning mental power into what?

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483. Who joined with the Gonds to fight “The Krotons”?

484. What was the first UNIT story?

485. What did the Doctor learn that Kroton life was based on in “The Krotons”?

486. In “The Seeds of Death,” what came out of the seeds?

487. “The Seeds of Death” took place early in what century?

488. The T-mat was a revolutionary form of what?

489. Where was the relay station located in “The Seeds of Death”?

490. What did the fungus in “The Seeds of Death” do to the atmosphere”?

491. What were the only two things that could destroy the fungus in “The Seeds of Death”?

492. In “The Space Pirates”, who did the International Space Corps believe the pirate was?

493. Where did the Doctor and TARDIS crew hide Milo Clancey in “The Space Pirates”?

494. In what episode did the Unicorn, Minotaur, and Medusa appear?

495. Who was already living on Planet Ta in “The Space Pirates”?

496. In “The War Games,” who could capture the Doctor?

497. When the crew left the TARDIS in “The War Games”, where did they think they were?

498. What was the center of the mystery in “The War Games”?

499. True or False: In “The War Games,” the Time Lords found the Doctor guilty of interference.

500. In “The Tomb of the Cybermen,” who was Colonel Lethbridge-Stewart’s aide?

501. Who controlled the Yeti in “The Web of Fear”?

502. What was the date Patrick Troughton took over the role from William Hartnell?

503. True or False: Dominators became slaves to the Dulcians in “The Dominators.”

504. True or False: Nicholas Courtney narrated some gaps in “The Invasion.”

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3rd Doctor:

505. Who wrote “Planet of the Spiders”

506. What emperor granted the status of “Nobility of Draconia” to the third Doctor?

507. What planet did “The Daemons” come from?

508. What name did the Doctor lovingly give to his car?

509. In “Planet of the Spiders,” what was the license plate on the Whomobile?

510. Who were the antagonists in “Spearhead from Space”?

511. Where did the Doctor keep the TARDIS key in “Spearhead from Space”?

512. In what episode did Liz Shaw leave the Doctor?

513. In what episode did Jo Grant join the Doctor?

514. In what episode did Sarah Jane join the Doctor?

515. Who was the antagonist in “The Three Doctors”?

516. Who were the terrorizing inhabitants of Metebelis Three?

517. To what part of the human body did the spiders attach themselves?

518. In “Planet of the Spiders,” how did the spiders travel to and from Metebelis Three and Earth?

519. In “The Silurians,” who offered to be a “mediator” between the humans and Silurians?

520. Who controlled the Autons in “Spearhead from Space”?

521. On what planet did “The Mutants” partly take place?

522. What mineral was mined on Solos in “The Mutants”?

523. Who was the antagonist in “The Time Monster”?

524. In “The Time Monster,” whom did the TOMTIT machine turn into a baby?

525. In what episode was Gallifrey first named directly, instead of just being hinted at?

526. In what episode did the Doctor and Jo Grant visit a prison?

527. What type of transportation did the Master use in “The Mind of Evil”?

528. In “The Mind of Evil,” what fear did the machine make the Doctor see?

529. In “The Mind of Evil,” what fear did the machine make the Master see?

530. What was the name of the Queen of Atlantis in “The Time Monster”?

531. In “The Time Monster”, what was the name of Galliea’s handmaiden?

532. Who was the commander of the expedition from Earth to Exxilon in “Death to the Daleks”?

533. How did the spiders in “Planet of the Spiders” communicate with Lupton?

534. In “The Green Death,” what was Jo Grant’s fiancé’s name?

535. What was Cliff Jones’s occupation, as described in “The Green Death”?

536. Who were the antagonists in “The Green Death”?

537. What was the “wedding present” the Doctor gave Jo Grant?

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538. In “Death to the Daleks,” what was Jill’s surname?

539. In what episode did Jo Grant travel in the TARDIS for the first time?

540. What was the name of the ship caught in the Mini Scope in “Carnival of Monsters”?

541. What was the name of the owner of the Mini Scope in “Carnival of Monsters”?

542. What spider took over Sarah Jane’s mind in “Planet of the Spiders”?

543. In “Carnival of Monsters,” what was the name of the machine that trapped the Doctor and Jo Grant?

544. In “Planet of the Daleks,” what was the name of the person who wanted to take Jo Grant back to

Skaro with him?

545. Who helped the Doctor refreeze the Dalek army in “Planet of the Daleks”?

546. On what planet did “Planet of the Daleks” take place?

547. According to “Death to the Daleks,” parrinium is the antidote for what illness?

548. Who came to Exxilon to find parrinium in “Death to the Daleks?

549. What was the name of the woods where the TARDIS landed in “Spearhead from Space”?

550. What guise did the Doctor use to get inside a top-secret institution in “The Green Death”?

551. What was the name of the King of Atlantis in “The Time Monster”?

552. In what episode did the Master dethrone Dallios of Atlantis?

553. In “The Three Doctors,” what “strange phenomenon” was Doctor Tyler studying?

554. What was the name of the daemon in “The Daemons”?

555. In what episode did Sskel exist?

556. Where did the TARDIS land on the first trip to Peladon in “The Curse of Peladon”?

557. Where did the TARDIS land on the second trip to Peladon in “The Curse of Peladon”?

558. In “The Mutants,” what kind of reversal did the Doctor achieve on Skybase?

559. In what episode did the Doctor pull out a “fancy” hankie from a pocket?

560. During what time in Earth history did “The Time Warrior” take place?

561. According to “The Time Warrior,” what was Sarah Jane’s aunt’s profession?

562. Who was the antagonist in “The Curse of Peladon”?

563. On what planet did “The Doomsday Weapon” take place?

564. What beach did the Brigadier think the UNIT headquarters had landed close to in “The Three


565. In “The Three Doctors,” what did the second Doctor want to do when the Brigadier informed him

that the UNIT HQ was surrounded by sand?

566. What “infected” Cliff Jones in “The Green Death”?

567. In “Day of the Daleks,” what Earth animals resembled Ogrons?

568. Who defended the Exxilon city in “Death to the Daleks”?

569. Who did the second Doctor’s recorder kill in “The Three Doctors”?

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570. According to “The Three Doctors,” who gave Time Lords “mastery” over time travel?

571. What was the name of the spaceship sent to Mars in “The Ambassadors of Death”?

572. How many astronauts were aboard Probe Seven in “The Ambassadors of Death”?

573. What was the name of the television reporter doing the story about the astronauts’ journey in “The

Ambassadors of Death”?

574. What was the name of the director of the “British Centre,” in “The Ambassadors of Death”?

575. What kind of computer did the Doctor need to use in order to decode sounds coming from Probe

Seven in “The Ambassadors of Death”?

576. In “The Ambassadors of Death,” who did the Doctor “project” a few seconds into the future?

577. What was the name of the rocket ship that was heading for a rendezvous with Probe Seven in “The

Ambassadors of Death”?

578. What was the name of the prisoner that the Doctor questioned in “The Ambassadors of Death”?

579. What was the name of the commander of Recovery Seven in “The Ambassadors of Death”?

580. In “The Ambassadors of Death,” what was the name of the Minister of Technology and Space


581. On what mission had General Carrington served as an astronaut, according to “The Ambassadors of


582. What was the name of the vicar at Devil’s End in “The Daemons”?

583. What was the name of the local doctor at Devil’s End in “The Daemons”?

584. What episode closed with the Doctor and Jo Grant doing a May dance?

585. What was the name of the colonist leader in “Colony in Space”?

586. What did Miss Hawthorne think Azal really was in “The Daemons”?

587. What was the surname of Mary, who befriended Jo Grant in “The Doomsday Weapon”?

588. What was the real identity of the Magister in “The Daemons”?

589. On what planet did “Colony in Space” take place?

590. What was the name of the mountain the TARDIS landed on in “The Curse of Peladon”?

591. What was Professor Clegg’s first name in “Planet of the Spiders”?

592. What was the name of the monastery abbot in “Planet of the Spiders”?

593. In “Planet of the Spiders,” what did the letters “IRIS” stand for?

594. Who was killed trying to help the spiders in “Planet of the Spiders”?

595. While driving the water hovercraft on land, what did the Doctor run over in “Planet of the Spiders”?

596. What was the other name of Metebelis Three?

597. What name did the Doctor sometimes use on Earth?

598. In what episode was there an ice volcano?

599. In “Planet of the Daleks,” who was injured in a shoot-out between the Master and the Ogrons?

600. Who “piloted” the TARDIS to the Daleks’ new base in “Planet of the Daleks”?

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601. What did Jo do—without the Doctor’s help—in “Planet of the Daleks”?

602. After recovering, what did the Doctor need to stop the Daleks from doing in “Planet of the Daleks”?

603. How many Daleks were waiting to emerge on Spiridon in “Planet of the Daleks?

604. According to “Planet of the Daleks,” what episode is “only in black and white”?

605. What did “BOSS” stand for?

606. What actor performed the Boss’s voice?

607. True or False: The Doctor admitted that Gallifreans cry in “The Time Monster.”

608. What was the name of the Chinese security officer at the World Peace Conference in “The Mind of


609. What was “the specific point” within a black hole called, according to “The Three Doctors”?

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4th Doctor

610. Who wrote “The Face of Evil”?

611. What was the numerical difference disputed in the argument between the Doctor and Romana over

the Doctor’s age in “The Ribos Operation?

612. How many years did Tom Baker play the Doctor?

613. What one episode directly postdated Sarah Jane’s departure and predated Leela’s arrival?

614. On what planet did “The Pirate Planet” take place?

615. How old was the Doctor at the time of his flight from Gallifrey in “The Deadly Assassin”?

616. What were the names of the shimmering figures in “The Invasion of Time”?

617. In what episode was Sarah Jane Smith exposed to excessive radiation?

618. In what episode did Sarah Jane go blind for a while?

619. Who were the “inhabitants” of the planet Oseidan?

620. On what part of Earth did “The Seeds of Doom” begin?

621. According to “The Pirate Planet,” how long had the Doctor been operating the TARDIS?

622. Who was the antagonist in “The Sunmakers”?

623. In what episode were “air cars” involved?

624. What was the first piece of the Key to Time?

625. What was the second piece of the Key to Time?

626. What was the name of the ancient culture portrayed in “The Stones of Blood”?

627. What was the third piece of the Key to Time?

628. Who wrote “The Seeds of Doom”?

629. What was the name of the circle of stones in “The Stones of Blood”?

630. Who was the goddess that the Druids worshipped in “The Stones of Blood”?

631. What was the name of the person that brought Nyssa to the Doctor in “Logopolis”?

632. What were the creatures that resembled stones called in “The Stones of Blood”?

633. What were the names of the blinking lights found in the hyperspace ship in “The Stones of Blood”?

634. What was the fourth piece of the Key to Time?

635. What was the occupation of Amelia Rumford in “The Stones of Blood”?

636. What were the three roles performed by the Megara in “The Stones of Blood”?

637. To what planet were the Megara headed when they were “intercepted” on Earth in “The Stones of


638. What was the name of the man who knew the Doctor’s true Academy identity in “The Armageddon


639. Who was Callieach really in “The Stones of Blood”?

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640. According to “Logopolis,” where was the Watcher first seen?

641. What was the host called in “Logopolis”?

642. On what planet was the giant radio tower located, off which the Doctor fell?

643. In what episode did K9 Mk. 2 leave the Doctor?

644. In what episode did Romana leave the Doctor?

645. Who was the antagonist in “The Hand of Fear”?

646. What form did Eldrad take on in “The Hand of Fear”?

647. In “Logopolis,” how many dimensions did the Doctor say the TARDIS had?

648. What actor played Tomas in “The Face of Evil”?

649. What was the name of the Sontaran leader in “The Sontaran Experiment”?

650. Who was the leader of the group of Earth space travelers in “The Sontaran Experiment”?

651. In “The Sontaran Experiment,” the device placed on Sarah Jane’s forehead “fed” on what human


652. What was the name of the first person Sarah Jane met in “The Sontaran Experiment”?

653. What was the fifth piece of the Key to Time?

654. What did Harry use the sonic screwdriver on in “The Sontaran Experiment”?

655. What did Sontarans need to feed on?

656. How many total terrors did Sarah Jane see because of the device put on her forehead in “The

Sontaran Experiment”?

657. In “The Sontaran Experiment”, what other person used the sonic screwdriver besides the Doctor?

658. According to “The Sontaran Experiment,” how many “original space travelers” were there?

659. According to “The Ribos Operation,” how old was Romana when she graduated from the Academy?

660. What was the sixth piece of the Key to Time?

661. What was the castle really in “State of Decay”?

662. Who was the antagonist in “Horror of Fang Rock”?

663. Where did the entire episode of “Horror of Fang Rock” take place?

664. In what episode did Leela go blind for a short while?

665. Who were the antagonists in “State of Decay”?

666. Who was the antagonist in “The Face of Evil”?

667. According to “City of Death,” to which race did Count Scarlioni belong?

668. Who was Count Scarlioni really in “City of Death”?

669. Who was the antagonist in “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”?

670. On what planet did “The Brain of Morbius” take place?

671. What color were the lines on Romana’s face left by the spider bites in “Full Circle”?

672. Who was the antagonist in “Pyramids of Mars”?

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673. Who was the antagonist in “Logopolis”?

674. What was the name of the female camper in “The Stones of Blood”?

675. In “The Robots of Death,” what was the other name the Doctor gave to the mental disorder


676. Who were the antagonists in “Full Circle”?

677. In “The Horns of Nimon,” of what did the Nimon promise to establish a second version?

678. On what planet did “The Creature from the Pit” take place?

679. What was the original home of the Alzarians, according to “Full Circle”?

680. What name did the Doctor give to fear of robots in “The Robots of Death”?

681. According to “Full Circle,” who were the Alzarians’ ancestors?

682. What was the name of the expedition that went to Zeta Minor in “Planet of Evil”?

683. In what did Harry Sullivan get his foot caught in the cave of mutants in “Genesis of the Daleks”?

684. What happened to the Doctor when he attempted to sabotage a rocket in “Genesis of the Daleks”?

685. In “Genesis of the Daleks, who gave the Doctor the Time Ring?

686. What were the two people from the wasteland called in “Genesis of the Daleks”?

687. Which of the three travelers saw Davros first in “Genesis of the Daleks”?

688. What member of the High Council betrayed the other Time Lords to the Master in “The Invasion of


689. What was the name of the commander of the sand miner in “The Robots of Death”?

690. What was the name of the spacecraft that resembled a castle in “State of Decay”?

691. What was the name of Leela’s fiancé in “The Invasion of Time”?

692. In “The Nightmare of Eden,” who were the nightmares of Eden?

693. In what episode did the Doctor renounce Time Lord society?

694. Who came to Earth to look for Sutekh in “Pyramids of Mars”?

695. What did the Doctor call Leela in “The Invasion of Time”, after he went into the TARDIS?

696. What was the name of the madman in “The Seeds of Doom”?

697. What were Weng-Chiang’s talons really in “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”?

698. According to “Nightmare of Eden,” what is the most addictive drug in the universe?

699. What was the name of the person who became the core of the Fendahl in “Image of the Fendahl”?

700. What was the name of the commander of the spaceship Nerva in “Revenge of the Cybermen”?

701. What cellular process was used on the Doctor and Leela in “The Invisible Enemy”?

702. On what planet did “The Leisure Hive” take place?

703. What was the name of the “Proctor of Traken” in “The Keeper of Traken”?

704. According to the closing scene of “The Invisible Enemy,” what did Professor Marius hope that K9


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705. Who did K9 attempt to kill after being taken over by the virus in “The Invisible Enemy”?

706. In what episode did the TARDIS shrink?

707. How did the mathematicians do their computations in “Logopolis”?

708. Who was the creator and first owner of K9 Mk. 1?

709. In “Planet of Evil,” what was Professor Sorenson turned into?

710. What were the names of the servants of Xoanon in “The Face of Evil”?

711. What did Magnus Greel distil solely from his female captives in “The Talons of Weng-Chiang”?

712. What was the Krynoid able to do in “The Seeds of Doom”?

713. What was the name of the “Chief Counselor” of Voga in “Revenge of the Cybermen”?

714. In “Warriors’ Gate,” what injured K9?

715. What did K9 have to go through in order to be restored to full health in “Warriors’ Gate”?

716. What color was the Doctor’s hankie in “The Face of Evil”?

717. What was the name of the person who saved the Doctor from being the Daleks’ first victim in

“Genesis of the Daleks”?

718. What kind of bombs did the Doctor and Harry bring to Voga on the order of the Cybermen in

“Revenge of the Cybermen”?

719. What were the names of the other two people who helped the Doctor and Harry transport the bombs

to Voga in “Revenge of the Cybermen”?

720. In “Pyramids of Mars,” who was Sutekh’s brother?

721. What did Leela’s blood contain that worked against the virus in “The Invisible Enemy”?

722. Who was the antagonist in “Planet of Evil”?

723. In “Planet of Evil,” where did the “anti-matter monster” live?

724. What was Shada?

725. What was the Zygons’ primary food supply in “Terror of the Zygons”?

726. Who was deceived by the Nimon in “The Horns of Nimon”?

727. In “Planet of Evil,” what kind of surveillance device did the Morestran expedition use?

728. In “The Seeds of Doom,” who was the Brigadier’s deputy at the time of the Krynoid’s attack?

729. With whom did the “Sisterhood of Karn” agree to share the Elixir of Life in “The Brain of Morbius”?

730. What planet was Erato’s home, according to “Creature from the Pit”?

731. In “The Androids of Tara,” what two people planned to use the android to gain the throne of Tara?

732. What race of beings did the Doctor save from the Nimon?

733. In what episode was K9’s head cut off?

734. What did the Fendahl have twelve of, in “Image of the Fendahl”?

735. What was the name of the space shuttle captain who was taken over by the virus in “The Invisible


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736. What was the name of the bird that sat upon the pirate captain’s shoulder in “The Pirate Planet”?

737. On what dwarf planet did “The Sunmakers” take place?

738. On what planet did “The Hand of Fear” mostly take place?

739. According to “The Power of Kroll,” what was the equivalent of Kroll on Earth?

740. Who attempted to arrest the Doctor in “The Nightmare of Eden”?

741. What was the name of Davros’ right-hand man in “Genesis of the Daleks”?

742. According to the Doctor in “Genesis of the Daleks,” how many years would the Doctor’s

interference delay the Daleks’ progress?

743. Under what lake did the Zygons hide their spaceship in “Terror of the Zygons”?

744. What was the name of the actress that played the nurse in “The Pirate Planet”?

745. What was the nurse really in “The Pirate Planet”?

746. What was the name of Leela’s father?

747. What episode took place at the meeting of positive and negative space?

748. In “The Hand of Fear,” what was Eldrad’s body composed of?

749. What was the name of Teka’s hero in “The Horns of Nimon”?

750. According to “The Talons of Weng- Chiang,” who was known as the “Butcher of Brisbane”?

751. What was the name of the High Priest of Skonnos in “The Horns of Nimon”?

752. What was the name of the moor in “The Stones of Blood”?

753. On what planet was the dodecahedron found in “Meglos”?

754. What was the name of Romana’s double in “The Androids of Tara”?

755. In “The Creature from the Pit,” what did Adrasta have a monopoly over on her home planet?

756. According to “The Stones of Blood,” what was the Ogris’ home planet?

757. What did the Sisterhood use their psychokinetic powers to cause passing spaceships to do in “The

Brain of Morbius”?

758. In “The Stones of Blood”, how many Ogri were on Boscombe Moor?

759. What was the name of the person who summoned the Doctor and Romana to Tigella in “Meglos”?

760. According to “The Seeds of Doom,” what was Harrison Chase’s profession?

761. Who killed Thawn in “The Power of Kroll”?

762. In “The Power of Kroll,” who armed the Swampies?

763. Who was the head of the refinery on Delta Three in “The Power of Kroll”?

764. Who were the original inhabitants of the planet Delta Magna in “The Power of Kroll”?

765. What was Nyssa’s relationship to Kassia in “The Keeper of Traken”?

766. In “The Robots of Death,” what was another name given to “robot deactivation discs”?

767. What was Atrios’ sister planet in “The Armageddon Factor”?

768. Who were the people that tended the Grove of the Melkur in “The Keeper of Traken”?

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769. On what planet did “The Invisible Enemy” take place?

770. What was the name of the leader of the Swampies in “The Power of Kroll”?

771. What was Dask’s real identity in “The Robots of Death”?

772. In “The City of Death,” what was the name of Count Scarlioni’s manservant?

773. What temporarily blinded Sarah Jane in “The Brain of Morbius”?

774. What was the vehicle used in “The Robots of Death”?

775. According to “Masque of Mandragora,” who was the Duke of San Martino?

776. What small village did Mandragora visit in “Masque of Mandragora”?

777. In what country did “Masque of Mandragora” take place?

778. In “The Ribos Operation,” what did Garron try to sell to Graff Vynda Ka?

779. In what episode did Nefred, Garif, and Login appear?

780. What was the name of the captain of Tyrum’s militia in “Revenge of the Cybermen”?

781. In “The Leisure Hive,” what did the Doctor intentionally leave behind on Argolis?

782. To whom did Melkur say the first word, according to “The Keeper of Traken”?

783. In what episode did the Doctor equip the TARDIS with a randomizer?

784. Who piloted the Jagaroth spaceship in “City of Death”?

785. What two other characters did Count Scarlioni play in “City of Death”?

786. In “City of Death,” what piece of art did John Cleese’s character and a female companion admire?

787. On what planet did “City of Death” take place?

788. On what planet did “The Creature from the Pit” take place?

789. What was the “City of Death”?

790. In “The Creature from the Pit,” what was the creature to planet Chloris?

791. Who was the antagonist in “The Creature from the Pit”?

792. Why did Lady Adrasta keep “The Creature from the Pit” in the pit?

793. What was the name of Lady Adrasta’s right-hand person in “The Creature from the Pit”?

794. In “State of Decay,” what was the first name of Ivo’s son?

795. What actor played Karl in “State of Decay”?

796. What type of weapon did the hunters use in “The Face of Evil”?

797. What actual year did “Shada” take place?

798. What was missing from Gallifrey in “Shada”?

799. What was the “Amplified Panotropic Compiler (Net)”?

800. Who was the Cambridge professor and retired Time Lord in “Shada”?

801. Who came with the “thought-draining sphere” in “Shada”?

802. In “Shada,” what did Skagra devise a scheme to do?

803. What did Skagra want?

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804. Who wrote “Shada”?

805. What did the Doctor call Jackson in “Underworld”?

806. According to “Full Circle,” what was Adric’s brother’s name?

807. What was the ONLY thing that could hold Tharils in “Warriors’ Gate”?

808. How many times did Romana hit Rorvik on the back with the clipboard in “Warriors’ Gate”?

809. What color was the clipboard?

810. What color were the spider’s front eyes in “Full Circle”?

811. What was the length of the fourth Doctor’s scarves?

812. What actor played Drax in “The Armageddon Factor”?

813. In what episode were the Doctor and a friend inside K9?

814. What color were Romana’s shoes in “City of Death”?

815. Who wrote “The Armageddon Factor”?

816. What was the Professor’s name in “City of Death”?

817. How old did the Doctor claim to be in “The Armageddon Factor”?

818. How old did Romana claim to be in “The Armageddon Factor”?

819. In what episode were there Shrievenzales?

820. According to “The Ribos Operation,” how had the Doctor done at the Academy?

821. According to “The Ribos Operation,” how had Romana done at the Academy?

822. How many times did Count Scarlioni clap in “City of Death”?

823. What two times in Earth history did the Doctor visit in “City of Death”?

824. What did Drax make on planet Zeos?

825. What being, besides the Doctor and Romana, did K9 obey in “The Armageddon Factor”?

826. In what episodes were there Mentiads?

827. In “State of Decay,” how many “emergency instructions” did K9 say there were?

828. In “The Pirate Planet,” what other planet, besides Calufrax, did Zanak collect?

829. What species fought a nuclear war against Argolis?

830. In “The Stones of Blood,” what part of her body did Pat injure when she put it against the Ogri?

831. According to “The Stones of Blood,” how many years had the Megara been “encapsulated”?

832. In what episode did Romana ride a horse?

833. What actor played Andred in “The Invasion of Time”?

834. Who directed “The Stones of Blood”?

835. Who became a baby in “The Leisure Hive”?

836. What actor played the Collector in “The Sunmakers”?

837. Who did the Doctor save from committing suicide in “The Sunmakers”?

838. What actress played the nurse in “The Sunmakers”?

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839. According to “The Power of Kroll,” what is the Doctor’s lucky number?

840. True or False: K9 was not “marooned” in “The Power of Kroll.”

841. True or False: In “The Power of Kroll,” Ranquin was a “dry-foot.”

842. What actor played Dugeen in “The Power of Kroll”?

843. How old was the Doctor in “The Power of Kroll”?

844. What did Leela do to K9 at the end of “Underworld”?

845. Where did the crew go at the end of “Underworld”?

846. According to “Image of the Fendahl,” what was Stael’s first name?

847. What did K9 do at the end of “Image of the Fendahl”?

848. How did Romana get away from the Daleks in “Destiny of the Daleks”?

849. What was the name of the book the Doctor was reading in “Destiny of the Daleks”?

850. What was the name of the article Sarah Jane Smith was writing in “Terror of the Zygons”?

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5th Doctor

851. Who wrote “Castrovalva”?

852. Who wrote “Mawdryn Undead”?

853. What was the numeric name of Manussa?

854. What actor played Bigon in “Four to Doomsday”?

855. What actor played Rassilon in “The Five Doctors”?

856. What episode featured the fifth Doctor’s double?

857. In what episode did Tegan get space-sick?

858. According to “The Five Doctors,” how far did the First Doctor calculate Pi?

859. What color were Turlough’s eyes?

860. What episode took place on March 4, 1215?

861. What bird did the White Guardian wear on his head in “Enlightenment”?

862. In what episode did the Doctor perform hypnosis on Tegan?

863. In what system was Manussa located?

864. Where did the Doctor agree to go at the end of “Enlightenment”?

865. In “Kinda,” how many fathers did Karuna have?

866. What actress played Anatta in “Kinda”?

867. What was wrong with Nyssa in “Kinda”?

868. In what simulated year did “The Visitation” take place?

869. Who were the antagonists in “The Visitation”?

870. What was Mace’s first name in “The Visitation”?

871. In what episode did the Doctor lose his sonic screwdriver?

872. In what simulated year did “The King’s Demons” take place?

873. In what episode did a door fall on Tegan?

874. What actress played Norna in “Frontios”?

875. What was the name of the vagrant found in the church in “The Awakening”?

876. What planet was Mawdryn’s home?

877. In what episode did a city fall in on itself?

878. On what planet did “Kinda” take place?

879. In what episode did Enlightenment and Persuasion appear?

880. What form of treatment was used to cure the lepers on the space ship “Terminus”?

881. What were the blob-like figures called in “Time-Flight”?

882. Who was the antagonist in “The Awakening”?

883. How many Doctors made it to the side of Rassilon’s Tomb in “The Five Doctors”?

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884. What was the riddle of Rassilon’s Tomb?

885. According to “The Five Doctors,” why didn’t the Fourth Doctor make it to the Tomb’s side?

886. How long can the Doctor withstand subzero temperatures without protection, according to “Four to


887. In what actual year was “The Awakening” filmed?

888. In what episode did Tegan’s grandfather make an appearance?

889. What actor played the head of security in “Castrovalva”?

890. What actress played the child in “Castrovalva”?

891. What actor played Ibbotson in “Mawdryn Undead”?

892. What was the name of Tegan’s grandfather in “The Awakening”?

893. In what episode did a jousting match take place?

894. Who were the antagonists in “Frontios”?

895. What form did the Tractators take on in “Frontios”?

896. With what was the planet Frontios being bombarded with at the beginning of “Frontios”?

897. What purpose did the curvature of the underground walls serve in “Frontios”?

898. What did the Tractators plan to do with the planet once they supposedly took it over in “Frontios”?

899. Who was the head scientist in “Frontios”?

900. What was the gift the Doctor gave the people of “Frontios”?

901. Where was the TARDIS headed at the end of “Frontios”?

902. What actress played Captain Wrack in “Enlightenment”?

903. According to “Resurrection of the Daleks,” how many years was Davros frozen?

904. How did the Doctor and his companion’s travel to Earth in “Resurrection of the Daleks,” aside from

in the TARDIS?

905. Where on Earth did the TARDIS land in “Resurrection of the Daleks”?

906. What was the name of the vagrant found in the doorway in “Resurrection of the Daleks”?

907. What were the fifth Doctor’s obstacles in “The Five Doctors”?

908. What did the “natives” of the planet call aliens in “Kinda”?

909. According to “Planet of Fire,” what kind of person were you if you had the mark on your arm?

910. Where was the only place to get that kind of mark on your arm?

911. What was the name of the old blind woman in “Kinda”?

912. What was the girl’s name in “Kinda”?

913. What name did the old woman give to the Doctor in “Kinda”?

914. What form did the Mara assume in “Kinda”?

915. What actress played Karuna in “Kinda”?

916. What two people were taken over by the Mara in “Kinda”?

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917. What part of the human body did the Mara attach itself to in “Kinda”?

918. In what episode did the Mara make a return appearance after apparently being destroyed?

919. Why did the old woman call the Doctor “idiot” in “Kinda”?

920. In what constellation was “Castrovalva” located?

921. Who was the antagonist in “Time-Flight”?

922. Who was the main antagonist in “Four to Doomsday”?

923. Who was the principle antagonist in “Resurrection of the Daleks”?

924. According to Tegan in “Castrovalva,” what is the “most powerful word in the English language”?

925. According to “Earthshock,” what one “incarnation” of the Doctor did the Cybermen not know?

926. In what simulated year did “Black Orchid” take place?

927. According to “Black Orchid,” what did the Doctor want to do as a child?

928. What was the name of the librarian in “Castrovalva”?

929. What was the name of the officer that shot the Doctor in “Arc of Infinity”?

930. What did Adric do trying to save Earth?

931. In “Black Orchid,” what village in Surrey did Sir Robert Muir think that Traken was near?

932. What was the name of the stewardess on board Speed Bird Concorde in “Time-Flight”?

933. What actress played Panna in “Kinda”?

934. What was the first purely historical story produced since “The Highlanders”?

935. In what episode was the Master’s tissue compression eliminator used on Kamelion?

936. Who used the tissue compression eliminator on Kamelion?

937. What color was Peter Davison’s shirt in “Daleks – The Early Years”?

938. What made the Doctor sneeze in “Castrovalva”?

939. According to “Four to Doomsday,” in what star system and galaxy was Urbanka located?

940. What companion helped the Brigadier put on his top coat at Rassilon’s tomb?

941. In what part of the ship was oxygen produced in “Four to Doomsday”?

942. What did Monarch describe as the “time of illness and famine among humans” in “Four to


943. What was the biggest explosion in history, according to “Castrovalva”?

944. At what London airport did “Time-Flight” partly take place?

945. What was George Cranleigh’s profession in “Black Orchid”?

946. In “Castrovalva,” who was the Portreeve really?

947. Where did the TARDIS materialize in “Black Orchid”?

948. Next to what river did George Cranleigh find the “Black Orchid”?

949. What was the name of the Aboriginal leader on board Monarch’s ship in “Four to Doomsday”?

950. What was the name of the Chinese leader on board Monarch’s ship?

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951. In “Time-Flight,” where did Professor Hayter think he had been brought, instead of one hundred forty

million years ago?

952. What was the number of the Speed Bird Concorde in “Time-Flight”?

953. Who was the person that controlled the spaceship “Terminus”?

954. What was the name of the creature that worked in the “Forbidden Zone” in “Terminus”?

955. What “Doctor Who” episode ended without theme music?

956. In “Planet of Fire,” what planet did the signal send the TARDIS to?

957. What was the Mergrave’s profession in “Castrovalva”?

958. What part of the nervous system did the Doctor want healed before leaving the Zero Room in


959. Where was the freighter bound in “Earthshock”?

960. What did Ringway call Captain Briggs by accident in “Earthshock”?

961. According to “Castrovalva,” what was the most common cause of regeneration failure?

962. In what simulated year did “Earthshock” begin?

963. What actor played Leftenant Scott in “Earthshock”?

964. Where did the TARDIS first land in “Earthshock”?

965. What were found outside the TARDIS when it first landed in “Earthshock”?

966. Where did the TARDIS go after the underground caves in “Earthshock”?

967. Of what race were Monarch, Persuasion, and Enlightenment?

968. What did Nyssa say “recursion” was in “Castrovalva”?

969. According to “Mawdryn Undead,” when did Sergeant Benton leave the Army?

970. What did Sergeant Benton do after leaving the Army?

971. What was Turlough’s friend’s nickname in “Mawdryn Undead”?

972. What brought the TARDIS to Earth in “Planet of Fire”?

973. What was Peri holding when she was rescued in “Planet of Fire”?

974. From where did the strange signal come in “Planet of Fire”?

975. Who was Sarn’s mythical god in “Planet of Fire”?

976. On what planet did “The Caves of Androzani” take place?

977. What was the “web-like substance” found on Androzani Minor in “The Caves of Androzani”?

978. Against whom did “Sharez Jek want revenge in “The Caves of Androzani”?

979. The Doctor and Peri were arrested by the army of Androzani Major on the suspicion of being what?

980. Where was the location of Traken?

981. Why did Sharez Jek want revenge against Morgus?

982. What were Sharez Jek and Morgus fighting over in “The Caves of Androzani”?

983. What was the license plate on the Brigadier’s car in “Mawdryn Undead”?

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984. What two evil aliens were mentioned in “Castrovalva”?

985. What was the reddish seepage the Doctor saw in “Castrovalva”?

986. True or False: “The King’s Demons” opens with a fencing match.

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6th Doctor:

987. Who wrote “Attack of the Cybermen”?

988. In what episode was an acid bath used?

989. In what episode was a giant fly used for terror?

990. In “The Two Doctors,” how many times did the Santa Maria ring while the Doctors were

communicating telepathically?

991. What was directly over the Second Doctor’s head when the two Doctors said “snap” simultaneously

in “The Two Doctors”?

992. What was the make of the space station in “The Two Doctors”?

993. What actor played Oscar in “The Two Doctors”?

994. In what country did “The Two Doctors” take place?

995. What did the Doctor decide to “become” at the beginning of “The Twin Dilemma”?

996. What were the names of the twins in “The Twin Dilemma”?

997. What was broadcast over the airwaves as a form of entertainment in “Vengeance on Varos”?

998. Who killed Dastari in “The Two Doctors”?

999. What color are the lines on the TV screen during “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe”?

1000. Where did the TARDIS first land in “Attack of the Cybermen”?

1001. In what episode did the TARDIS change its shape into an organ, among other things?

1002. According to “The Two Doctors,” what did Jamie admire about the Second Doctor?

1003. What was Dastari’s first name in “The Two Doctors”?

1004. What type of fish did the Sixth Doctor consider to be the “best in the galaxy, and perhaps the

Universe” in “The Two Doctors”?

1005. What controls the TARDIS, besides “Time Lord dual control”, according to “The Two Doctors”?

1006. What animal did Oscar hunt in “The Two Doctors”?

1007. What was an Androgum’s favorite subject, according to “The Two Doctors”?

1008. According to “The Two Doctors,” what can kill a Sontaran?

1009. How many times had Dastari performed surgery on Chessene to augment her, according to “The

Two Doctors”?

1010. In “The Two Doctors,” what did Jamie call maintenance workers?

1011. What was the name of the restaurant waiter in “The Two Doctors”?

1012. What did the Sixth Doctor wear on his coat lapel in many episodes?

1013. In what episode did Vervoids appear?

1014. What was the title of the first tape in “The Trial of a Time Lord”?

1015. What was the title of the second tape in “The Trial of a Time Lord”?

1016. What were the titles of the third tape in “The Trial of a Time Lord”?

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1017. What actress played the Inquisitor in “The Trial of A Time Lord”?

1018. What were Vervoids?

1019. What actress played Professor Lasky in “The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids”?

1020. What actor played the Valeyard in “The Trial of a Time Lord”?

1021. In “The Trial of a Time Lord,” what did the Doctor “enter”?

1022. What was the stewardess’ name in “The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids”?

1023. On what planet did “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet” take place?

1024. According to “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet,” what did “Valeyard” mean?

1025. What did Balazar call the “underground living space” in “The Trial of a Time Lord: The

Mysterious Planet”?

1026. What did Balazar call the Doctor in “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet”?

1027. What was the name of the spacecraft in “The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids”?

1028. What was Professor Lasky’s profession in “The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids”?

1029. Who wrote “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet”?

1030. Who wrote “The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp”?

1031. Who wrote “The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids”?

1032. Who wrote “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe,” Part I?

1033. Who wrote “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Ultimate Foe,” Part II?

1034. In what episode did Glitz mention he had seen several prison psychiatrists?

1035. In what simulated year did “The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids” take place?

1036. What was the Immortal’s name in “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet”?

1037. Where did the TARDIS materialize in “The Twin Dilemma”?

1038. True or False: In “Attack of the Cybermen,” the TARDIS “returned to 76 Totter’s Lane”.

1039. Romulus and Remus were geniuses at what in “The Twin Dilemma”?

1040. In what two stories were there giant domes?

1041. In “The Twin Dilemma,” the Doctor was recovering from what sort of poisoning?

1042. In “Vengeance on Varos,” what planet was ruled by fear and poverty?

1043. What constituted entertainment in “Vengeance on Varos”?

1044. Where did executions take place on Varos?

1045. The ruling officers of Varos grew rich from the planet’s major export in “Vengeance on Varos.”

What was it?

1046. According to “Vengeance on Varos,” what was the only way to fix a balky TARDIS transpower


1047. In what episode did Sil want to turn Peri into a bird woman?

1048. Where did “The Mark of the Rani” take place?

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1049. In what century did “The Mark of the Rani” take place?

1050. According to “The Mark of the Rani,” what was the “Luddite rebellion”?

1051. Who disrupted a meeting between George Stephenson and Michael Faraday in “The Mark of the


1052. Who extracted chemicals from the miners’ brains in “The Mark of the Rani”?

1053. On what planet did “Timelash” take place?

1054. Who was the antagonist in “Timelash”?

1055. According to “Timelash,” what did the Borad do to those who opposed his will?

1056. Why did the Doctor need to rescue Vena in “Timelash”?

1057. Borad desired a war with which neighbor planet in “Timelash”?

1058. According to “Attack of the Cybermen,” what mineral was common on Telos?

1059. What color liquid came out of the Cybermen in “Attack of the Cybermen”?

1060. What was the license plate on Lytton’s car in “Attack of the Cybermen”?

1061. On what planet did “Revelation of the Daleks” take place?

1062. Who was the companion in “Revelation of the Daleks”?

1063. What “old friend” of the Doctor’s did he meet in “Revelation of the Daleks”?

1064. Who did Professor Stengos see in “Revelation of the Daleks”?

1065. Where did the “Great Healer” work in “Revelation of the Daleks”?

1066. Of what was the Doctor accused in “The Trial of a Time Lord”?

1067. Against what three accusations did the Doctor defend himself in “The Trial of a Time Lord”?

1068. What were “pin galaxies,” according to “The Two Doctors”?

1069. True or False: Jo Grant’s name was mentioned in “Timelash.”

1070. True or False: The Master was partly responsible for causing the miners’ violence in “The Mark of

the Rani.”

1071. True or False: In “The Two Doctors,” Chessene was an augmented androgum.

1072. What was Glitz’s home planet?

1073. What was Varl’s rank in the Sontaran military in “The Two Doctors”?

1074. What actor played the computer voice in “The Two Doctors”?

1075. Who wrote “Timelash”?

1076. Who were the original inhabitants of Telos?

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7th Doctor:

1077. Who wrote “Dragonfire”?

1078. What did Sylvester McCoy’s face do at the beginning of each episode?

1079. What actress played Mrs. Smith in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

1080. What was the name of the gravedigger mentioned in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

1081. What were the coordinates of the Dalek mother ship in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

1082. What actor played the Emperor Dalek in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

1083. What was the fictitious name of the “Hand of Omega”?

1084. What was the license plate on Sergeant Smith’s van in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

1085. According to “Remembrance of the Daleks,” what was Allison William’s profession?

1086. What actress played the Archivist in “Dragonfire”?

1087. On what planet did “The Greatest Show in the Galaxy” take place?

1088. What actor played Lanisha in “Time and the Rani”?

1089. What actress played Sarn in “Time and the Rani”?

1090. In “Time and the Rani,” what did the Tetraps call Rani?

1091. What did the Doctor say that sounded like a Biblical verse, but was not, in “Time and the Rani”?

1092. What did the Doctor do for fun in “Time and the Rani”?

1093. How old were both the Doctor and the Rani in “Time and the Rani”?

1094. In what episode did Ace join the Doctor?

1095. What actress played Stellar in “Dragonfire”?

1096. What book was the Doctor reading in “Dragonfire”?

1097. In what episode were there llamas?

1098. What was the name of Glitz’s spacecraft in “Dragonfire”?

1099. What was Glitz’s first name?

1100. In what episode did the Doctor climb onto a rocking horse?

1101. What was Ace’s grandmother’s name?

1102. What actor played the milkman in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

1103. What color flashes quickly at the beginning of Sylvester McCoy’s episodes?

1104. According to “Time of the Rani,” what were chronons?

1105. In “Dragonfire,” what was an ANT?

1106. According to “Time and the Rani,” why was the Rani banished from Gallifrey?

1107. On what planet did “Paradise Towers” take place?

1108. What were the Paradise Towers?

1109. Who was the “architect” in “Paradise Towers”?

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1110. In what episode was the TARDIS pool jettisoned because of a leak?

1111. In “Paradise Towers,” who was the self-appointed warrior who set out to restore order to the

world of the Towers?

1112. In what episode did Rezzies appear?

1113. In what episode was there a spacecraft that looked like an old-fashioned bus?

1114. Who was the antagonist in “Delta and the Bannermen”?

1115. Where did the TARDIS crew arrive in “Delta and the Bannermen”?

1116. To where did the TARDIS crew win a trip in “Delta and the Bannermen”?

1117. During the journey to Earth, what did the spacecraft collide with in “Delta and the Bannermen”?

1118. Instead of Disneyland, where does the spacecraft wind up in “Delta and the Bannermen” after being

thrown off course?

1119. On what planet did “The Happiness Patrol” take place?

1120. What was Terra Alpha?

1121. Who ruled Terra Alpha in “The Happiness Patrol”?

1122. What was Richard’s last name in “Silver Nemesis”?

1123. “The Happiness Patrol” were what?

1124. What did the death squads do to those who were not happy in “The Happiness Patrol”?

1125. On what date did “Silver Nemesis” actually take place?

1126. In “Silver Nemesis,” what two people traveled to 1988 from 1638?

1127. What was the connection between Herr de Flores, Lady Peinforte, Servant Richard, and the

Cybermen’s planned attack on Earth in “Silver Nemesis”?

1128. From what was the statue of Nemesis made in “Silver Nemesis”?

1129. What actress played the girl in “Remembrance of the Daleks”?

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8th and 9th Doctors:

1130. What actor played the Eighth Doctor?

1131. On what date was “The Doctor Who Telemovie” first broadcast?

1132. What Doctor was in “Anachrophobia”?

1133. In what episode did the Seventh Doctor regenerate into the Eighth Doctor?

1134. What actor plays the Ninth Doctor?

1135. True or False: The Doctor gets a new sonic screwdriver.

1136. What is the name of the Ninth Doctor’s first companion?

1137. What actress plays Rose Tyler?

1138. What is the name of Rose Tyler’s mother?

1139. What actress plays Jackie Tyler?

1140. What famous author did the Doctor meet in “The Unquiet Dead”?

1141. Who were the antagonists in “World War Three”?

1142. In what simulated year did “Father’s Day” take place?

1143. In what simulated year did “The Empty Child” take Place?

1144. According to “Father’s Day”, on what date did Rose Tyler’s father die?

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1145. What is the name of the arm of the Milky Way in which Earth’s solar system is located?

FYI: Did you know that Colin Baker and Tom Baker are not related.

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1. Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson

2. “Slipback”

3. November 23, 1963

4. Because of President Kennedy’s assassination announcement

5. Peter Cushing

6. Trevor Martin

7. Anthony Coburn

8. Sylvester McCoy

9. Tom Baker

10. Sandra

11. Paul Grunert

12. John Nathan-Turner

13. Moffatt

14. Ridley Scott

15. Vipod Mor

16. Orlous Mosten Slarn

17. Terry Nation

18. Peter Haining

19. 1987

20. Ron Grainer

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21. Tony Harding

22. The French Revolution

23. Theta Sigma

24. Twelve

25. Rassilon

26. Exo (space)

27. False – two

28. Steering

29. 60 degrees

30. Forty eight

31. “(Ten by ten) power five kilos”

32. Type forty

33. Roundels

34. Question mark

35. False

36. Interfere

37. P.

38. Thermodynamics

39. One-hundred seventy

40. Troy

41. The Milky Way Galaxy

42. Time

43. Charged Vacuum Emboitment

44. False, not officially

45. Joseph Lister

46. Geneva

47. Switzerland

48. An inferior TARDIS

49. Amplified Panatropic Compiler

50. Lindos

51. “Project Lazarus” – audio only

52. “The Curse of Fatal Death”

53. Emma

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54. True

55. True

56. Rowan Atkinson, Richard E. Grant, Jim Broadbent, Hugh Grant, and Joanna Lumley

57. Time and Relative Dimensions in Space

58. Cloister

59. Peter Davison

60. “The pen name of Mervyn Haisman and Henry Lincoln”

61. Guy Leopold

62. “The pen name of Graham Williams and Anthony Read”

63. Patrick Troughton

64. One-hundred ten

65. Magister and Splink

66. John Nathan-Turner

67. Number 3 (Jon Pertwee)

68. “The Five Doctors”

69. “Planet of the Spiders” and “Vengeance on Varos”

70. Madame Nostradamus

71. Regimental Sergeant Major

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72. The Master

73. Four

74. Sea Devils

75. Tremas (Nyssa’s father)

76. Wirrn

77. Krynoid

78. Davros

79. Cybermen

80. The Master, Daleks and Cybermen

81. Yeti and Cybermen

82. The Master, A Raston Warrior robot and Cybermen

83. False

84. Axos

85. Tractators

86. They nod their eyepieces

87. Exterminate!

88. Gallifrey

89. Zygon

90. Fourteen

91. Cactus

92. Gold

93. Davros

94. Daleks

95. Weng-Chiang

96. Sontarans

97. Ogrons

98. Phaester Osiris

99. Tau Ceti

100. Meglos

101. Eric Roberts

102. Kevin Stoney

103. Peter Butterworth

104. 111-968

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105. Servant to the Black Guardian

106. “Genesis of the Daleks”

107. 3,600 B.C.

108. “Destiny of the Daleks”

109. Green

110. Mondas

111. Frogs

112. The Master

113. The Black Guardian

114. Imperial Daleks and Renegade Daleks

115. Ice Warriors

116. The War Chief

117. They were invisible

118. Davros

119. Daleks

120. Women dominated Drahvins

121. The Kandy Man

122. Cybermen

123. True

124. Rels

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125. “The Ribos Operation”

126. Boxing

127. “Planet of Fire”

128. Romanadvoratrelundar

129. “Robot”

130. “Terror of the Zygons”

131. “V, T, E, C, C, 9, /, 1, 2, /, 4, 4”

132. 21

133. Three years

134. 18

135. 18

136. 15

137. Her father died

138. “The Time Warrior”

139. “The Hand of Fear”

140. Freelance journalist

141. “Mawdryn Undead”

142. “Planet of Fire”

143. “Logopolis”

144. “Resurrection of the Daleks”

145. “Full Circle”

146. Alzarius

147. “Logopolis”

148. “Terminus”

149. Traken

150. “The Face of Evil”

151. “The Invasion of Time”

152. ‘The Invisible Enemy”

153. Fred

154. “The Android Invasion”

155. 16

156. “Terror of the Zygons”

157. Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart

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158. Brendon Boys School

159. 1929

160. Mathematics

161. “Time Flight”

162. “The Stones of Blood”

163. Two

164. Trion

165. Old girl

166. K9

167. “The Androids of Tara”

168. “Black Orchid”

169. “Frontios”

170. Trion

171. Brave heart

172. Naval lieutenant/medical doctor

173. Flight attendant

174. Huntress

175. Outlers

176. “The Green Death”

177. She got engaged

178. “The Highlanders”

179. Polly and Ben

180. “An Unearthly Child”

181. “The Dalek Invasion of Earth”

182. She got engaged

183. “The Rescue”

184. “An Unearthly Child”

185. History

186. “An Unearthly Child”

187. Physics

188. “The War Games”

189. “The War Games”

190. Dodo and Steven

191. Robert

192. “The Chase”

background image

193. They became tired of traveling

194. “The Wheel in Space”

195. “She hated the senseless killing”

196. He was killed

197. “Full Circle”

198. Brown to blue

199. Slay her

200. Chaplet

201. Secretary

202. Sailor

203. Coal Hill

204. Ace was Dorothy and Dodo was Dorthea

205. Air Australia

206. Redcoats

207. Herriot

208. Nitro-nine

209. She got engaged

210. December 28, 1981

211. Leela

212. Peri

213. 18

214. Hamish Wilson

215. “Flight red Fifty”

216. Astronaut

217. OKR 591W

218. 778

219. The Standard

220. Cambridge

221. “The Aztecs”

222. “The Chase”

223. Sand beast

224. Sandy

225. Liz Shaw

226. She fainted

227. French

background image

228. Princess Astra

229. “The Three Doctors”

230. Carole Ann Ford

231. Elisabeth Sladen

232. Left

233. Block transfer

234. Captain

235. Nyssa

236. Traken

237. Roses

238. True

239. Ian Marter

240. Katy Manning

241. Mary Tamm

242. Lalla Ward

243. Kingdom

244. Bret

245. She didn’t have one

246. Waterfield

247. Jackson

248. Taylor

249. Brown

250. Space Security Service

251. Richard Franklin

252. “Reincarnation of the Aztecs high priest, Yetexa”

253. Jean Marsh

254. Two (Lalla Ward)

255. Green

256. Nicholas Courtney

257. Ace

258. Street smart adolescent from the 1980’s

259. Dorthea

260. 1976

261. Six

262. “Terror of the Autons”

background image

263. “Spearhead from Space”

264. Vyon

265. Vicki and Steven

266. Louise Jameson

267. Romana and K9

268. Peri

269. “It was the same symbol that was on his arm”

270. “Planet of Fire”

271. She aged fast and died

272. Nicholas Courtney

273. “The Trial of a Time Lord: Mindwarp”

274. “She became a Warrior Queen to King Yrcanos”

275. Anneke Wills

276. Astrophysicist

277. Maureen O’Brien

278. “The Myth Makers”

279. Jo Grant

280. Peri and Mel

281. Anji and Fitz

282. “Foreman was the name of the junkyard owner, Where the TARDIS first materialized”

283. Cardiology

284. Peri

285. “The King’s Demons”

286. Terence Dudley

287. Ian Sears

288. Mary Wimbush

background image

1st Doctor:

289. William Emms

290. Terry Nation

291. Ian Chesterton

292. “The Crusade”

293. “The Crusade”

294. “The Daleks’ Master Plan” – Part 2

295. Derek Ware

296. Thals

297. Alydon

298. Spider

299. Ants

300. Moths

301. Inside an “ancient tomb”

302. Handmaiden

303. Yetaxa

304. Underneath the console column

305. Scissors

306. Fast return

307. Prehistoric cavemen

308. A giant footprint in the snow

309. It was stuck

310. “The War Machines”

311. “The War Machines”

312. A cold

313. Vortis

314. Cell destructor

315. Slaves

316. Optera

317. Tlotoxl

318. Kala

319. Fiona Walker

320. Isop

321. Freedom fighter

background image

322. Mexico

323. The United States

324. Hetra

325. Static

326. Atropine

327. Control their minds

328. John

329. Carol

330. Peaches

331. An argument

332. Susan Foreman

333. Ian Chesterton

334. Telepathically

335. Elyon

336. Gerald Curtis

337. A Dress

338. A Laboratory

339. Ants

340. Richard Coe

341. Mira

342. Two, five, and ten

343. “Counter Plot”

344. “Escape Switch”

345. Paul Erickson

346. Locusta

347. Corinth

348. A Caravan

349. Dido

350. China

351. Visians

352. Edal

353. Thirteen

354. Tavius

355. Fire

356. Standards

background image

357. Molybdenum

358. Trilogic Game

359. Brains

360. Astral map

361. Saguaro Desert

362. Alydon

363. Robomen

364. Jungle

365. Orange

366. Silver

367. Earth

368. Cameca

369. Arbitan

370. Xeros

371. Morok

372. Future selves sight

373. 2493

374. Vicki and Bennett

375. 64 A.D.

376. Italy

377. Maximus Petullian

378. The Twelfth century

379. “The Crusade”

380. The Ruler of planet Saladin

381. 10,000,000 years in the future

382. The “TARDIS crew”

383. Steel

384. A Holy war

385. “The Crusade”

386. “They were sent to a distant planet”

387. Refusis

388. Monoids

389. WOTAN

390. “Mute, reptilian aliens”

391. “The War Machines”

background image

392. The sun would shroud the Earth in a huge blow-up

393. “The 10th Planet”

394. Covent Garden warehouses

395. Mondas

396. 1986

397. “Gravitational havoc”

398. Professor Brett

399. The Moroks

400. 1965

401. The Abbot of Amboise

402. Altos

403. “Mission to the Unknown”

404. 1965

405. Koquilion

406. November 1965 to January 1966

407. Kembel

408. “The War Machines”

409. “The Myth Makers”

410. Peace-loving Rills

411. Women dominated Drahvins

412. Rills

413. Chumblies

414. Two hundred and one

background image

2nd Doctor:

415. Kit Pedler

416. Dominators

417. Yeti

418. Ice Warriors

419. 2070

420. Scotland

421. Crab

422. Cybermen

423. Ffinch

424. Colonel

425. Leo Ryan

426. Gravity

427. 1967

428. Ruth

429. The Harrises

430. The Phantom Piper

431. Andre Maranne

432. Station W 3

433. Donald

434. Brian Hayles

435. Kilroy was here

436. Edward Dentith

437. One and four

438. Rinberg

439. Rodents

440. Space museum/workshop

441. Seedpods

442. Mars

443. Jacobites

444. Acid

445. Aragonite

446. Salamander

447. “The Dominators”

background image

448. Teel

449. Hostile Action Displacement system

450. Mica

451. Professor Daniel Eldred

452. Alpha Four

453. 1917

454. 2074

455. 8751

456. 48,063

457. Beach

458. Telos

459. 2020 A.D.

460. The “fabled” last tomb of the Cybermen

461. Earth

462. Five hundred years

463. “Revive the Cybermen”

464. They were frozen

465. A Martian warrior

466. “Conquest Earth in the name of Mars”

467. William Hartnell

468. “Self proclaimed masters of ten galaxies”

469. Robot servants

470. Dulkis

471. Cybermen

472. Cybermen

473. Molten lava

474. “The Mind Robber”

475. Fuel

476. Tobias Vaughn

477. Radioactive material

478. Teaching machines

479. “Total Earth invasion”

480. Krotons

481. London’s sewers

482. Pure energy

background image

483. Jamie McCrimmon

484. “The Invasion”

485. Tellurium

486. A Lethal Martian fungus

487. Twenty-first

488. Instant travel

489. The moon

490. Took oxygen out of it

491. “Heavy rain and warmth”

492. Milo Clancey

493. Planet Ta

494. “The Mind Robber”

495. Space criminal Caven and his captive, Madeline

496. The Time Lords

497. World war I “battleground in France”

498. “Aliens kidnapped soldiers in different periods of Earth history, and brain washed them to fight each


499. True

500. Sergeant Arnold

501. The Great Intelligence

502. October 29, 1966

503. False – other way around

504. True

background image

3rd Doctor:

505. Robert Sloman

506. Fifteenth

507. Daemos

508. Bessie

509. WVO 2M

510. Autons

511. His shoe

512. “Inferno”

513. “Terror of the Autons”

514. “The Time Warrior”

515. Omega

516. Eight legs

517. The back

518. A Transmat beam

519. The Doctor

520. Nestenes

521. Solos

522. Theasium

523. Kronos

524. Sergeant Benton

525. “The Time Warrior”

526. “The Mind of Evil”

527. Limousine

528. Fire

529. The Doctor

530. Galleia

531. Lakis

532. Stewart

533. Telepathically

534. Cliff Jones

535. Scientist

536. Maggots

537. The blue crystal from Metebelis Three

background image

538. Tarrant

539. “Colony in Space”

540. S.S. Bernice

541. Vorg

542. Queen

543. Mini Scope

544. Latep

545. Latep

546. Spiridon

547. Space plague

548. Daleks

549. Oxley

550. Milkman

551. Dallios

552. “The Time Monster”

553. Cosmic rays

554. Azal

555. “The Monster of Peladon”

556. Rock cliff

557. Tunnel

558. Particle

559. “Planet of the Daleks”

560. The Middle Ages

561. Virologist

562. Aggedor

563. Exarius

564. Cromer

565. Go swimming

566. Maggot

567. Apes

568. Zombie

569. Omega

570. Omega

571. Probe Seven

572. Three

background image

573. Wakefield

574. Cornish

575. Analogue-digital converter

576. Liz Shaw

577. Recovery Seven

578. Collinson

579. Van Lyden

580. Sir James Quinlan

581. Mars Probe Six

582. Magister

583. Reeves

584. “The Daemons”

585. Ashe

586. The evil one

587. Ashe

588. The Master

589. Agzarius

590. Megeshra

591. Herbert

592. K’Anpo

593. Image Reproduction Integration System

594. Lupton

595. The tramp

596. The Blue planet

597. John Smith

598. “Planet of the Daleks”

599. The Doctor

600. The Time Lords

601. Explored the planet

602. “Release a plague that kills organic life”

603. Twelve thousand

604. Third

605. Bimorphic Organisational Systems Supervisor

606. John Dearth

607. True

background image

608. Chin-Lee

609. Singularity

background image

4th Doctor:

610. Chris Boucher

611. 3

612. 7

613. “The Deadly Assassin”

614. Zanak

615. 750

616. Vardans

617. “The Hand of Fear”

618. “The Brain of Morbius”

619. Kraals

620. Antarctica

621. 523 years

622. Usurians

623. “The Pirate Planet”

624. Stone of blue Jethrik

625. Planet Calufrax

626. The Druids

627. Cailleach’s necklace

628. Robert Banks-Stewart

629. The Nine Travelers

630. Cailleach

631. The Watcher

632. Ogri

633. Megara

634. Taran statue

635. Archaeologist

636. “Judge, jury and executioner”

637. Diplos

638. Drax

639. Vivien Fay/Cessair

640. Across the road

641. The Monitor

642. Earth

background image

643. “Warriors’ Gate”

644. “Warriors’ Gate”

645. Eldrad

646. Fossilized hand

647. Thirty-seven

648. Brendan Price

649. Styre

650. Vural

651. Fear

652. Roth

653. Kroll

654. Sontaran ship’s Terrulian diode bypass Transformer

655. Pure energy

656. Three

657. Harry

658. Nine

659. 120

660. Princess Astra

661. Spaceship

662. Rutan

663. A Lighthouse

664. “Horror of Fang Rock”

665. Vampires

666. Xoanon

667. Jagaroth

668. Scaroth

669. Magnus Greel

670. Karn

671. Blue

672. Sutekh

673. The Master

674. Pat

675. Grimwade’s syndrome

676. Marshmen

677. A Skonnan Empire

background image

678. Chloris

679. Alzarius

680. Robophobia

681. Marshmen

682. Morestran

683. A Giant oyster

684. He was electrically shocked

685. Time Lords

686. Muto’s

687. Sarah Jane Smith

688. Chancellor Goth

689. Uvanov

690. Hydrax

691. Andred

692. Mandrels

693. “Pyramids of Mars”

694. Osirians

695. Savage

696. Harrison Chase

697. Claws

698. Vraxoin

699. Thea Ransom

700. Stevenson

701. Cloning

702. Argolis

703. Neman

704. TARDIS trained

705. Leela

706. “Logopolis”

707. Intone

708. Professor Marius

709. Anti-matter monster

710. Tesh

711. Life essence

712. Control ALL plants

background image

713. Tyrum

714. Time winds

715. Mirror

716. Blue

717. Ronson

718. Cobalt

719. Lester and Stevenson

720. Horus

721. Antidote

722. Anti-matter monster

723. A Black pool

724. Time Lord Prison planet

725. Skarasen’s milk

726. Soldeed

727. Occuloid

728. Major Beresford

729. The Time Lords

730. Tythonus

731. Reynart and Grendel

732. Skonnan

733. “Full Circle”

734. Fendahleen

735. Safran

736. Avatron

737. Pluto

738. Kastria

739. A Gigantic squid

740. Mr. Fisk

741. Mr. Nyder

742. 1,000 years

743. Loch Ness

744. Rosalind Lloyd

745. Cellular projection

746. Sole

747. “Warriors’ Gate”

background image

748. Silicon

749. Seth

750. Magnus Greel

751. Soldeed

752. Boscombe

753. Tigella

754. Princess Strella

755. Metal

756. Ogrus

757. Crash onto their planet

758. Three

759. Zastor

760. Botanist

761. Ranquin

762. Rhom- Dutt

763. Thawn

764. Swampies

765. Her Stepdaughter

766. Corpse markers

767. Zeos

768. Fosters

769. Titan

770. Ranquin

771. Capel

772. Hermann

773. Maren’s ring

774. Sand miner

775. Giuliano

776. San Martino

777. Italy

778. Planet Ribos

779. “Full Circle”

780. Sheprah

781. The Randomizer

782. Kassia

background image

783. “The Armageddon Factor”

784. Scaroth

785. Captain Scaroth and Captain Tancredi

786. The TARDIS

787. Earth

788. Chloris

789. Paris

790. An Ambassador

791. Lady Adrasta

792. “She was afraid of losing her monopoly”

793. Karela

794. Karl

795. Dean Allen

796. Janis thorns

797. 1979

798. “A dangerous artifact book”

799. “A giant computer holding every memory of all the Time Lord’s/Lady’s that have lived”

800. Professor Chronotis

801. Skagra

802. “Have one universal mind”

803. “The missing artifact book from Gallifrey”

804. Douglas Adams

805. Jason

806. Varsh

807. “Dwarf star alloy”

808. Four

809. Orange

810. Yellow

811. 7.013 meters, not including loose ends

812. Barry Jackson

813. “The Armageddon Factor”

814. Red

815. Bob Baker and Dave Martin

816. Theodore Kerensky

817. 756

background image

818. 140

819. “The Ribos Operation”

820. “Fifty-one percent at the second try”

821. Triple first

822. Ten

823. 1505 and 400,000,000 years ago

824. Mentalis

825. The Shadow

826. “The Pirate Planet”

827. Eighteen thousand three hundred forty eight

828. Bandraginis V

829. The Foamasi

830. Her hand

831. 4,000 years

832. “The Androids of Tara”

833. Chris Tranchell

834. Darrol Blake

835. Pangol

836. Henry Woolf

837. Cordo

838. Carole Hopkin

839. Seven

840. False

841. False - a Swampie

842. John Leeson

843. 760

844. Kissed him

845. Minyos 2

846. Maximillian

847. Nod his head

848. She stopped her hearts and “feigned” death

849. “The Origins of the Universe”

850. “Another Bermuda Triangle”

background image

5th Doctor:

851. Christopher Bidmead

852. Peter Grimwade

853. G139901Kb

854. Philip Locke

855. Richard Mathews

856. “Arc of Infinity”

857. “Enlightenment”

858. 3.14159265

859. Green

860. “Enlightenment”

861. Dove

862. “Snakedance”

863. “Scrampus system”

864. Turlough’s home planet, Trion

865. Seven

866. Anna Wing

867. Mild, mental disorientation

868. 1666

869. Terileptil’s

870. Richard

871. “The Visitation”

872. 1250 A.D.

873. “Warriors of the Deep”

874. Lesley Dunlop

875. Will Chandler

876. Gallifrey

877. “Castrovalva”

878. Deva Loka

879. “Four to Doomsday”

880. Massive radiation

881. Plasmatons

882. The Malice

883. Four

background image

884. “To lose is to win, and he who wins shall lose”

885. He was caught in a Time Vortex

886. Six minutes

887. 1984

888. “The Awakening”

889. Dallas Cavell

890. Souska John

891. Stephen Garlick

892. Andrew Verney

893. “The King’s Demons”

894. Tractators

895. Large insects

896. Meteorites

897. Wave-guides

898. “Drive it through space to their home”

899. Mr. Range

900. A Hat stand

901. The Center of the Universe

902. Lynda Baron

903. 90 years

904. A Time Corridor

905. Warehouse

906. Mr. Stien

907. The Master and Cybermen

908. Not-we

909. Chosen one

910. A Prison planet

911. Panna

912. Karuna

913. Idiot

914. Snake

915. Sarah Prince

916. Aris and Tegan

917. The Forearm

918. “Snakedance”

background image

919. He spoke

920. Andromeda

921. The Master

922. Monarch

923. Davros

924. If

925. Third (Jon Pertwee)

926. 1925

927. Drive a train

928. Shardovan

929. Commander Maxil

930. Died

931. Esher

932. Angela

933. Mary Morris

934. “Black Orchid”

935. “Planet of Fire”

936. The Doctor

937. Pink

938. Rosemary

939. “Solar system Inokshi and galaxy RE 1489”

940. Tegan

941. The floral chamber

942. Flesh time

943. Event one

944. Heathrow

945. Botanist

946. The Master

947. Railway station

948. Orinoco

949. Kurkutji

950. Lin Futu

951. Siberia

952. One hundred ninety-two

953. Vanir

background image

954. The Garm

955. “Earthshock”, part four

956. Sarn

957. Pharmacist

958. Dendrites

959. Earth

960. Mom

961. Ambient complexity

962. 2526

963. James Warwick

964. Underground caves

965. Dinosaur fossils

966. Sector sixteen (deep space)

967. Urbankans

968. “A Powerful mathematical concept”

969. 1979

970. “Sold used cars”

971. Hippo

972. “A strange signal”

973. Artifact

974. Artifact

975. Logar

976. Androzani Minor

977. Raw spectrox

978. Morgus

979. “Gunrunners for Sharez Jek”

980. Metulla Orionsis

981. “For disfiguring him”

982. Spectrox control

983. JA 566

984. Daleks and Ogrons

985. Tegan’s lipstick

986. False – jousting match

background image

6th Doctor:

987. Paula Moore

988. “Vengeance on Varos”

989. “Vengeance on Varos”

990. Four

991. A cross

992. Type forty-nine

993. James Saxon

994. Spain

995. Hermit

996. Romulus and Remus

997. Torture

998. Chessene

999. Purple

1000. Junkyard

1001. “Attack of the Cybermen”

1002. “His diplomatic skills”

1003. Joinson

1004. Gumble jack

1005. Symbiosis

1006. Moths

1007. Eating

1008. Coronic acid

1009. Nine

1010. Scullions

1011. Juan

1012. A cat pin

1013. “The Trial of a Time Lord: Terror of the Vervoids”

1014. “The Mysterious Planet”

1015. “Mindwarp”

1016. “Terror of the Vervoids” and “The Ultimate Foe”

1017. Lynda Bellingham

1018. Plants

1019. Honor Blackman

background image

1020. Michael Jayston

1021. The Matrix

1022. Janet

1023. Ravalox

1024. “Learned court prosecutor”

1025. U.K. Habitat

1026. Old one

1027. Hyperion III

1028. Agronomist

1029. Robert Holmes

1030. Philip Martin

1031. Pip and Jane Baker

1032. Robert Holmes

1033. Pip and Jane Baker

1034. “The Trial of a Time Lord: The Mysterious Planet”

1035. 2986

1036. Drathro

1037. Asteroid Titan Three

1038. True

1039. Mathematics

1040. “The Twin Dilemma” and “Vengeance on Varos”

1041. Toxemia

1042. Varos

1043. “Public executions”

1044. Punishment dome

1045. “Zyton seven (rare)”

1046. Zyton seven

1047. “Vengeance on Varos”

1048. “Killingworth mines, North England”

1049. Nineteenth

1050. “Workers wanting to keep their jobs, instead of machines taking them over”

1051. The Master

1052. The Rani

1053. Karfel

1054. Borad

background image

1055. “Cast them through a Time Tunnel called “Timelash”

1056. “In order to retrieve a precious amulet that Borad needed”

1057. Bandril

1058. Diamonds

1059. Green

1060. FTM 213T

1061. Necros

1062. Peri

1063. Professor Arthur Stengos/ a Dalek

1064. The Great Healer

1065. “The catacombs under Tranquil Repose”

1066. Bad “Time Lord behavior”, then genocide

1067. “a) Unbecoming behavior on the planet Ravalox b) An encounter with Lord Kiv on planet Thoras

Beta c) Unbecoming behavior on an intergalactic space liner in 2986”

1068. “Galaxies within the universe of the atom”

1069. True

1070. False – the Rani

1071. True

1072. “Salostopus”

1073. Major

1074. Laurence Payne

1075. Glen McCoy

1076. Cryons

background image

7th Doctor:

1077. Ian Briggs

1078. Winks

1079. Kathleen Bidmead

1080. Mr. Stevens

1081. “Twenty-six by zero, zero, one”

1082. Roy Tromelly

1083. “Remote Stellar Manipulator”

1084. 607 4PG

1085. Physicist

1086. Daphne Oxenford

1087. Segonax

1088. John Segal

1089. Karen Clegg

1090. Mistress

1091. “Blessed are the fire makers, for they shall make life history”

1092. Play his spoon tools

1093. 953

1094. “Dragonfire”

1095. Miranda Borman

1096. “Doctor’s Distress”

1097. “Silver Nemesis”

1098. Nosferatu

1099. Sabbalom

1100. “Ghost Light”

1101. Kathleen Dudman

1102. Richie Kennedy

1103. Orange

1104. “Discrete particles of time”

1105. “Aggressive non terrestrial”

1106. “Because of her unethical experiments with animal life”

1107. Earth

1108. “Massive housing that included small apartments and great facilities with high maintenance


background image

1109. Kroagnon

1110. “Paradise Towers”

1111. Pex

1112. “Paradise Towers”

1113. “Delta and the Bannermen”

1114. “Chimeron Queen Delta”

1115. “Galactic toll port”

1116. Disneyland

1117. “An Early American satellite”

1118. South Wales, England

1119. Terra Alpha

1120. An Earth colony

1121. Helen A

1122. Maynarde

1123. “Roving Death squads”

1124. “Kill them on site”

1125. November 23, 1988

1126. “Lady Peinforte and Servant Richard”

1127. Statue Nemesis

1128. Validium

1129. Jasmine Breaks

background image

8th and 9th Doctors:

1130. Paul McGann

1131. May 14, 1996

1132. Eight (Paul McGann)

1133. “The Enemy Within”

1134. Christopher Eccleston

1135. True

1136. Rose Tyler

1137. Billie Piper

1138. Jackie Tyler

1139. Camille Coduri

1140. Charles Dickens

1141. Slitheen

1142. 1987

1143. 1941

1144. November 7, 1987

background image


1145. Orion Arm

background image


Books and Magazines:

a) “Doctor Who Crossword Book”, by Nigel Robinson, 1982

b) “Doctor Who: The Programme Guide Volume 2: What’s What and Who’s Who”, by Jean-Marc

Lofficier, 1992

c) “Doctor Who: The Programme Guide”, by Nigel Robinson, 1989

d) “Doctor Who: The TARDIS: Inside and Out”, by John Nathan-Turner, 1985

e) “The Nightmare Fair”, by Graham Williams, 1992

f) “The Third Doctor Who Quiz Book”, by Nigel Robinson, 1985

g) Marvel Comics: October 1, 1984 issue

Brother: Paul Erickson – Copyeditor


a) “Lost In Time” starring William Hartnell

b) “Lost in Time” starring Patrick Troughton

c) “The Claws of Axos”

d) “The Power of Kroll”

Father: Theodore Erickson

Friend/Cover designer: Sylvia Bacon

Friends: Nancy and Brian Cripe

Internet: and

Mother: Marilyn Erickson

Public television

Sci-Fi channel

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Campus, Astronomy Department, confirmation by Charles



1) “An Unearthly Child”

2) “Arc of Infinity”

3) “Attack of the Cybermen”

4) “Carnival of Monsters”

5) “Castrovalva”

6) “City of Death”

7) “Comic Relief: “The Curse of Fatal Death”

8) “Dalek”

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9) “Daleks – The Early Years”

10) “Day of the Daleks”

11) “Death to the Daleks”

12) “Destiny of the Daleks”

13) “Doctor Who: Daleks’ Invasion Earth 2150 A.D.”

14) “Doctor Who and the Daleks”

15) “Dragonfire”

16) “Earthshock”

17) “Enlightenment”

18) “Father’s Day”

19) “Four to Doomsday”

20) “Full Circle”

21) “Genesis of the Daleks”

22) “Ghost Light”

23) “Inferno”

24) “K9 and Company: A Girl’s Best Friend”

25) “Kinda”

26) “More Than 30 Years in the TARDIS”

27) “Mawdryn Undead”

28) “Planet of the Spiders”

29) “Remembrance of the Daleks”

30) “Resurrection of the Daleks”

31) “Robot”

32) “Rose”

33) “Shada”

34) “Spearhead from Space”

35) “State of Decay”

36) “Survival”

37) “Terminus”

38) “Terror of the Zygons”

39) “The Ambassadors of Death”

40) “The Androids of Tara”

41) “The Ark in Space”

42) “The Armageddon Factor”

43) “The Awakening”

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44) “The Aztecs”

45) “The Caves of Androzani”

46) “The Chase”

47) “The Dalek Invasion of Earth”

48) “The End of the World”

49) “The Face of Evil”

50) “The Five Doctors”

51) “The Green Death”

52) “The Invasion”

53) “The Invisible Enemy”

54) “The Krotons”

55) “The Mark of the Rani”

56) “The Mind Robber”

57) “The Moonbase”

58) “The Pertwee Years”

59) “The Pirate Planet”

60) “The Rescue”

61) “The Ribos Operation”

62) “The Romans”

63) “The Seeds of Death”

64) “The Seeds of Doom”

65) “The Sontaran Experiment”

66) “The Stones of Blood”

67) “The Three Doctors”

68) “The Time Monster”

69) “The Time Warrior”

70) “The Tomb of the Cybermen”

71) “The Trial of a Time Lord”

72) “The Twin Dilemma”

73) “The Two Doctors”

74) “The Visitation”

75) “The War Games”

76) “The War Machines”

77) “The Web Planet”

78) “Time and the Rani”

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79) “Warriors’ Gate”

80) “Warriors of the Deep”

81) “World War Three”

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About the Author

This is my first book, although I wrote a term paper for my freshman composition. It was titled “Where and When is Who”.

Additional credentials include my love of Doctor Who, and the length of time I’ve enjoyed Doctor Who! It’s the best science-fiction I’ve

Document Outline


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