H1 like, as ANG

background image

I left things as I found

As you may know...

She'll be late, as usual.

As your father, I must
oppose to this.

The news came as a
great shock.

teams such as
Manchester United

It can be used as a

What's brown and
sounds like a bell?

It sounds like a good

What does the voice of
God sound like?

I regard them as my

Does she look like her

It's like an illness.

Like I said before...

You are nothing like us.

There's nothing like a
relaxing shower.

He seems like a really
nice guy.

Our house is like a hotel.

It looks like a robbery.

Like her father, she
became a doctor.


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337929 As You Like It by William Shakespeare(1)
William Shakespeare As You Like It
Shakespeare As You Like It (ENG)
As and Like
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