Charlie Richards Kontra's Menagerie 13 Texas Longhorn Surprise

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On the Road: To combine two lives, first one must
understand the components of each.

When Ryan Carpenter realizes the scientists he
works for are torturing sentient beings, he feels
the need for penance in the form of helping the
shifters free their comrades. To that end, Ryan
heads to Oregon to offer aide in shutting down
one of the scientist’s training facilities and freeing
any captive shifters. He’s unprepared for one of
the men, Sam Abbott, a Texas longhorn bull
shifter, to express an attraction to him.
Unfortunately, Ryan has secrets of his own, and
knows if he becomes involved with Sam, a shifter,
his own transgressions against Sam’s kind would
eventually come out, destroying anything they
might have built. Walking away—especially for
the good of everyone—should be easy, right?

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Texas Longhorn Surprise

Copyright © 2013 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-656-5

Cover art by Angela Waters

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Texas Longhorn Surprise

Kontra’s Menagerie: Book Thirteen


Charlie Richards

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To my loving partner—Your support gives me the

drive to continue.

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Chapter One

apping a thumb restlessly on his thigh, Ryan
Carpenter glanced around surreptitiously as

he waited beside the luggage carousel for his bag.
Normally, he wouldn’t have to check anything,
but he’d decided to bring his M24, and that wasn’t
something he could carry on.

He tried not to come off as twitchy as he

wondered if any of his fellow travelers were
shifters like the ones he intended to help. It
wouldn’t be surprising, and it was impossible to
tell. He sure as hell wouldn’t have known they
existed if the scientists hadn’t recruited him to
work their security.

Ten years in the military and this was how he

went out…by getting sucked into some fascist
scientist’s vendetta against another race that most
people didn’t know inhabited the planet.

Of course, at the time, he hadn’t known that

shifters were sentient in their animal form. It’d
taken watching the animals…er…shifters while
guarding them for six months, followed by a guy
also employed by the scientists and in the


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intelligence division, to get him to realize the error
of his ways. Well, it wasn’t even his ways. Outside
what he thought of as the line of duty, he’d never
harmed an animal in his life, other than the
occasional spider or scorpion. He’d been following

Not something I’m proud of.
He spotted his gun case—the camo colors

standing out against the pink, reds, and blues of
many of the other passenger’s luggage. When he
snagged it, he got a couple curious looks from
others. Ignoring them, he kept his head up and
shoulders back while making his way toward the

“Ryan? Ryan Carpenter?”
Ryan turned and spotted a tall, slender fellow

with sandy-brown hair and a slight smile.

The man stepped close and held out his hand.

“I’m Luc Laurent. Kontra sent me. He offers his
thanks for your willingness to come.”

Right. Kontra’s the leader of this pack of shifters.

He’d learned from Carson—a wolf shifter in Stone
Ridge—that shifters kept to a fairly strict hierarchy
in their groups. They had to do it to keep order,
which assisted in assuring the continued secrecy
of the race.

Ryan took the man’s hand and replied, “It’s no

problem,” all the while wondering what kind of

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shifter Luc was. He had a slight French accent and
laugh lines around his hazel eyes. Now that he’d
confirmed Ryan’s identity, he appeared to relax,
his shoulders loosening and his smile widening.

You may feel that way,” Luc replied, leading

the way up an escalator, out of the airport, and
into a parking structure. “But it means a lot to us
to get our brethren out of…such a dangerous

He just nodded, uncertain what to say and not

wanting, even inadvertently, to offend. Years in
the military had taught him when to keep his
mouth shut.

Luc stopped at a navy blue SUV. Taking in the

plates, Ryan noted it was a rental. He wondered at
that, hoping this wasn’t some elaborate set-up to
get him alone to punish him for his part in holding
shifters hostage. Declan—the big alpha wolf from
Stone Ridge—had made him plenty nervous, but
he hadn’t seemed the type to be vindictive like

Ryan opened the back door and placed his

duffle inside. Keeping his rifle case with him, he
settled in the front seat, the case resting between
his right thigh and the door. If he needed to duck
out for any reason, he wanted his weapons with

The shifter started the vehicle, but instead of

backing out of the parking space, Luc rested his

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arm on the steering wheel, turning to face him.
“You don’t trust us.”

Feeling no point in beating around the bush,

Ryan replied, “Probably about as much as you
trust me.”

“Fair point,” Luc said, nodding. Then, he

cracked a smile and stated, “Except if you were
trying to deceive us, we’d scent the lies in your

Ryan’s brows shot up. “You’re lie detectors?”
Luc shrugged. “That’s one way to put it. Unless

someone is a professional con artist, we can pretty
much tell if the average person is lying or even
omitting or stretching the truth. A person’s heart
rate will spike, their pupils often dilate, and
there’s an increase in nervous sweat. To a shifter,
the nerves are the biggest indicator because it
changes the person’s scent.”

“Wow, that’s—” Ryan frowned and shook his

head. How many times had he wished in the last
couple of weeks that he’d been able to tell how the
scientists were lying to him? Sighing, he slid his
gaze out the window, not really seeing the other
vehicles. “That’s a handy ability to have.”

A calloused hand landed on his arm, giving it a

squeeze. Ryan turned to see a sympathetic
expression on Luc’s face. “It’s not just lies we can
scent out,” he revealed. “Now, you’re feeling
guilty. That wasn’t my intention. I just wanted you

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to know that we appreciate your help and why
we’re trusting you to aide us.”

Surprised at the compassion in the man’s tone,

Ryan stared at the guy for a couple of seconds.
Finally, he nodded. “I really am happy to help.”

Luc returned his nod, released his arm, and got

the SUV moving. After a few minutes of silence,
the shifter commented, “I know you just came
from helping the Stone Ridge wolves, so I’m
hoping you don’t have a problem with gay men
expressing their affection.” Luc glanced his way,
shocking Ryan by giving him a quick once over.
“If you’re not gay, that’s fine, but our group is
made of a number of male couples and should you
say or do something derogatory, they won’t
hesitate to retaliate.”

Licking his lips nervously, Ryan searched for

the correct response. Finally, he settled on, “I’ve
swung both ways myself a time or two. I won’t
hassle anyone.” In fact, the idea of seeing a pair of
guys openly make out was starting to turn him on.

“Like that idea, do you?” Luc asked, chuckling.

“Yeah, some of them can get a little…distracting.”

Ryan fought back a flush, suddenly glad for his

tan. “Uh, I’ll try to stay out of the way,” he

Grunting, Luc glanced toward him. Ryan could

see the man sweep his gaze over him again out of
the corner of his eye, but he ignored it.

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He felt flattered, really, he did, but Luc wasn’t

his type. The couple of times he’d been with
another man, the guy had been bigger than him.
He wanted someone who could hold him down
and fuck him through the mattress. He figured,
with a shifter’s strength, Luc could do that, but it
wouldn’t be the same.

If he got horny, he’d be just fine with his right


“So, if you don’t mind my asking,” Ryan

started, needing something else to think about.
“How many different kinds of shifters are there? I
mean, I’ve seen canine and feline breeds—” He
frowned, quickly adding, “Uh, is that the right
way to say it? I don’t mean to offend.”

Luc shrugged. “We use breed or race pretty

interchangeably, so, no, that wouldn’t offend us.
Plus, there are probably most animals that you can
think of, although the canine and feline are the
most prevalent. We have a couple fowl shifters in
the group, me included, as well as a python, a
warthog, a chameleon, and a few others.”
Grinning suddenly, he winked and added,
“Kontra’s a grizzly. I don’t recommend pissing
him off.”

“Uh, no, definitely not,” Ryan muttered. His

mind reeled as he wrapped it around the new
information. So many possibilities!

“So, where exactly is this facility?”

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Grateful for the subject change, Ryan told him,

“Northeast of here, near Hogback Mountain is a
training facility. They have several shifters there at
any one time. Big, aggressive ones that they use to
teach us how to fight you all,” he admitted.

Grimacing, he remembered his own time there.

He’d learned to take down a wolf, coyote, and fox.
He’d seen some of the altered soldiers take down a
lion and tiger. He’d just started treatment to
enhance some of his own abilities—starting with
eyesight and agility—when he’d learned the truth
from Raven.

The mysterious man had set him straight about

shifters, helping him understand the truth about
the…race. Then, the guy had used shifters to save
a fox he’d become infatuated with and
disappeared. Ryan hoped he’d meet up with him
again someday, so he could thank him.

“Sounds like it’s a good thing we have a doctor

in our group,” Luc commented.

Ryan returned his focus to his shifter

companion. He nodded. “I’m sure you’ll need

Fifteen minutes of silence later, after winding

along two-lane roads dotted with more fields and
stretches of trees than homes, Luc turned the SUV
onto a gravel single track. The road disappeared
behind Ryan as the pines closed around them,
ratcheting up his tension.

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He was a hell of a long way from just about


Luc sighed. “Relax, Ryan,” he said, his tone

soothing and low. “You’re safe here.”

“Months of conditioning,” he mumbled.

Shoving the SUV door open, he grabbed his case
and slid from the vehicle. Ryan inhaled deeply as
he shut the door. Tipping his head back, he
enjoyed the sun warming his face for several

If he could just remember to keep breathing, he

should be okay. He’d really like to manage to get
through his time helping the shifters and still keep
from embarrassing himself.

The fact that shifters could scent emotions to

some degree was definitely eye opening. Ryan had
no desire to reveal that some of the bigger shifters
scared the fuck out of him.

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Chapter Two

am Abbott heard the rumble of a vehicle engine
and the crunch of tires on gravel.

Must be Luc returning with that Ryan fellow.
He wasn’t certain how he felt about Kontra

agreeing to use the human’s intel to shut down a
training facility somewhere around them in
Oregon. Oh, Sam knew they needed to shut down
the facility. He just remained skeptical about
trusting a human that had worked for the

Still, Kontra seemed sure, and Sam trusted his


Returning his focus to his crossword puzzle, he

read the next clue. Seven letters. Pensive, melancholy,
or thoughtful.
Sam cocked his head, thinking. He
knew that with that kind of clue, the answer
would be a synonym. He glanced at the space the
word should go and saw the second letter should
be an I and the last letter an L.


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“You are such a cheater!” Land hollered,

throwing a couple pieces of popcorn at his mate,

Payson—a hyena shifter with one or two screws

loose, but more loyalty than anyone could ask
for—laughed and threw popcorn right back at his
human mate. “It’s not my fault I’m better at chess
than you,” he crowed. “You’re just jealous.”

Land lifted a hand and pointed at Payson. “You

didn’t deny it! You did cheat! I knew it! What’d
you do? How’d I miss it?”

Looks like their chess game is done, Sam

thought, watching with amusement as Payson
grabbed Land’s hand and yanked him halfway
across the coffee table. Chess pieces went flying.

Yep, definitely done.
He watched for several seconds as Payson

pulled a struggling Land all the way across the
table, into his arms, and laid one on his mate.
Land immediately stopped struggling…well, to
get away anyway. Now, he wriggled over the
table the rest of the way and straddled Payson’s
lap as they took the kiss deeper and really went
after each other’s mouths.

Looking away, Sam wished he could find his

own mate. He wanted that…the all-consuming
need, affection, even the fighting. I want it all, he
thought wistfully.

Wistful! Of course.

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He wrote the word into the crossword puzzle

just as he heard the door open. He didn’t look up
until he’d double-checked his work. Yep. That
Smiling at his progress, satisfaction filled
him. He’d managed to get about half done while
Luc made the run to the airport.

Sam looked up when their guest’s scent tickled

his senses—smooth and bitter, like the finest
scotch—it made him want to take a big drink of
the man. The view of the guy was just as nice.
Maybe six foot two, strong, well-muscled limbs
and lean lines, a chiseled jaw and masculine
features, topped off with shortly buzzed dirty-
blond hair and a piercing hazel-eyed gaze that
was currently focused on Land and Payson—who
completely ignored the newcomer and Luc’s
arrival and continued to make out.

Sam really wanted the guy’s focus on him. He

rose from his chair, placing the crossword puzzle
and pencil on the end table. “You must be Ryan
Carpenter,” he said, his deep voice finally
interrupting the kissing couple.

While a still-shy Land hid his clearly flushing

face against Payson’s neck, the hyena shifter
grinned over at the new guy. “Oh, hey, man,”
Payson greeted. “Welcome.”

“Uh, yeah, thanks,” Ryan responded, then

finally turned and focused on Sam. Licking his
lips, he nodded. “And, yeah, I’m Ryan.”

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Meeting Ryan’s hazel eyes, Sam felt the blood

rush through his veins. Mate!

He opened his mouth, not certain what he

planned to say, but Luc interrupted him. “This is
Sam, Land, and Payson,” he said, pointing to each
of them in turn. “As I’m sure you can guess, Land
and Payson are fairly newly mated.” He rolled his
eyes and added dryly, “They can’t keep their
hands off of each other.”

Payson snorted while running his hands over

Land’s spine provocatively through his shirt.
“Awe, Luc, you know there’s no reason to keep
my hands off my mate while we’re in our own

Luc snorted. “Yeah.” He grinned and swept his

gaze over the pair. “At least the view is pretty.”
He put his arm around Ryan’s shoulders
companionably. “Don’t ya think?”

Sam couldn’t hear Ryan’s response over the

blood roaring through his veins. An undeniable
need to get Ryan away from Luc surged through
him. “Mine!” he snarled as he lunged forward.

Grabbing Ryan’s arm, Sam yanked his mate

away from a surprised Luc, who lifted his hands,
palms out. “Whoa, Sam. What the hell, man?”

Sam swung a clearly shocked Ryan around and

pressed him against the nearby wall. He
positioned his big body between his mate and the
rest of the group. “Get your hands off him!”

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“Zut, Sam,” Luc cussed at him. “What the hell

are ya thinkin’?”

Sam glared over his shoulder at first, Luc’s

scowl, then at an amused Payson and a shocked
Land. Sucking in a deep breath, which filled his
lungs with his mate’s heady scent, Sam moaned at
the exceptional bitter smell and lowered his nose
to the crook of Ryan’s neck.

That’s when he smelled a slight acrid scent

permeating Ryan’s aroma. It smelled suspiciously
like panic or fear, but since Sam now held his mate
safe in his arms, he couldn’t understand the cause.

Lifting his head, Sam frowned down at Ryan.

The man he held didn’t meet his gaze. Instead, his
wide hazel-colored eyes focused straight ahead,
staring at his shoulder. Ryan trembled slightly, a
sheen of sweat beading on his upper lip, and his
breaths coming in heavy pants.

Sam lifted his hands, settling one on Ryan’s

shoulder and the other he used to cup his jaw.
Ryan jerked in his grip and his eyelids slid closed.

“Hey, hey,” Sam crooned, trying to get his

instincts under control so he could reason through
what the hell was happening. He didn’t know
why the man was so upset, and his bull snorted in
the back of his mind in agitation. “Easy now.
Settle down.”

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“Release me,” Ryan hissed through clenched


Confusion flooded Sam. Why would his mate

not want him to touch him? Surely, he hadn’t
heard correctly. “What?”

Ryan swallowed hard, his Adam’s apple

bobbing. His gaze flicked to Sam’s for a split
second, but it was long enough to see the worry in
his eyes, the pupils blown wide. “Release me,

“Do as the man says, Sam.”
The throaty command from his alpha cut

through his senses. It didn’t curb his need to
figure out what the hell was going on with his
mate, but when his alpha commanded, he

Fighting his instincts, Sam eased his grip and

took a step away from Ryan. He hated putting
space between them.

“Ryan, I am Kontra Belikov,” Kontra said, his

tone sounding softer than Sam had heard it in a
long time…unless speaking with his mate, Tim.
“Why don’t you come over here, Ryan? We’ll get
you set up in a bedroom upstairs. You’ll be able to
recuperate from traveling. I know how air travel
can suck, especially with those small seats.”

Why the hell is Kontra rambling?

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Movement from his mate drew Sam’s attention.

“Y-yeah, that’d be…” Ryan shuddered a breath.
“I’d like that. Thank you.”

Kontra held out his hand and it took every

ounce of willpower Sam possessed to remain still
as his mate walked past him. He gritted his teeth
against a growl when Kontra settled his big, broad
hand on Ryan’s shoulder and guided him toward
the stairs.

“Land, Ben, I’d like you to come with me,”

Kontra ordered softly. Then, looking over his
shoulder at Sam, he stated, “Go to your room,
Sam. I’ll be there shortly to get a report regarding
this incident.”

Sam nodded, though he couldn’t stop his frown

of confusion. Something had just happened,
something important, but he couldn’t seem to
figure out what it was. All he’d wanted to do was
get his mate away from Luc’s possessive hold.
How had Ryan ended up so scared?

“Yes, sir,” he mumbled.
Tim gave him a sympathetic look as he grabbed

Ryan’s bag where he’d dropped it just inside the
door. The human still clutched a case in a white-
knuckled hold. Kontra’s mate scurried up the
stairs after the retreating group.

Once they were gone, Luc curled his lip at him,

then stalked from the room toward the back
porch. Payson walked over to him and patted him

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on the shoulder. “You fucked that up good, bull-

“I—” Damn, he didn’t know what to say. He

couldn’t wrap his mind around what had just

“Here,” Yuma murmured, handing him his

crossword puzzle and pencil.

Sam took them absently.
“Is he your mate?” Yuma asked.
“Yeah,” Sam whispered. When had all his

buddies arrived?

“That explains a lot,” Eli stated. “I believe he

had a panic attack. I’ll head up and check in on
him.” The tall, slender python shifter started up
the stairs, calling over his shoulder, “I’ll keep you

“Thanks,” Sam mumbled. He’d made his mate

panic? How? That wasn’t supposed to be how the
mate-bond worked. The pull should have caused
Ryan to relax in his grip, respond to his voice,
even his scent.

Pain and fear clouded Sam’s mind. What if

Ryan didn’t feel the same attraction the other
humans in the group felt for their mate? Did that
mean something was wrong with him?

“Come on, Sam,” Caleb urged softly, tugging

his arm.

Sam didn’t fight the chameleon shifter as he

pulled him forward. On his other side, Yuma held

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his other arm. The two shifters led him upstairs to
his room and pushed him to sit down on his
queen-sized bed.

“Hey, calm down,” Yuma soothed, running his

hands over Sam’s arms and his chest.

The petting relaxed him, especially when Caleb

climbed onto the bed behind him, rested his chin
on Sam’s shoulder, and wrapped his arms around
his waist. Sam placed one hand on Caleb’s wrist
and wrapped his other arm around Yuma.

“Thanks, guys,” he whispered.
“Congrats on finding your mate,” Caleb

offered, his chin digging into Sam’s shoulder as he

Sam gently knocked his head against Caleb’s

and whispered, “Thanks.” Sighing, he admitted, “I
freaked him out and don’t know why…or even
how. And I don’t know why I couldn’t calm him
down. Mates are supposed to be able to calm each
other down,” he finished uncertainly.

“Well, normally, yeah,” Yuma murmured,

snuggling up against him. “But maybe there’s
something in his past we don’t know about.”

“Eli said he thought it was a panic attack,”

Caleb piped in. “Don’t those have triggers?”

“I’ll have to ask him,” Sam said.
“Well, you know we’ll be there to help you just

like you helped all of us,” Yuma assured.

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Two sharp knocks on the door saved Sam from

having to think up a response. “Enter,” he called,
knowing it could only be a few people.

Into the room strode Kontra, followed closely

by Eli and Emmett, Caleb’s mate. Without a word,
Emmett sat down on the bed and placed a
possessive arm around Caleb. Sam felt grateful the
white buffalo didn’t pull his mate away from him.
After his mate rejected him, both he and his bull
needed the comfort only his pack mates could

Kontra turned a chair away from the fire to face

the bed and took a seat, sprawling in the large
chair. He heaved a sigh and ran a hand through
his thick dark hair before rubbing it over his
goatee and mouth. He waved his other hand at Eli,
indicating he should start.

Eli sat at the head of the bed, his back against

the headboard, with the only leg cocked, his foot
flat on the mattress. His other leg dangled off the
side. “Your mate will be fine,” the doctor assured.
“He’s dealt with a lot of change in the last six
months. If I had to guess, guilt plagues him for
things I won’t even speculate about, and it all
seems to be hitting him right about now.” He
leaned forward and patted Sam’s shoulder. “Give
him time.”

Sam nodded, then turned back to his alpha.

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Kontra leaned forward and rested his elbows

on his thighs, allowing his hands to dangle
between his knees. He pierced Sam with a hard
stare. “You want me to speak freely?” he asked,
looking over Sam’s shoulder at Caleb and Emmett.

Understanding the meaning behind Kontra’s

words and actions, Sam swallowed hard, trying to
control the bile that wanted to bubble up his
throat. He jerked a nod. Eli already knew. He’d
patched Sam up as best he could. The scar on his
face wasn’t the only visual reminder of those days.

He prayed what the other men were about to

hear wouldn’t change their opinion of him. He
liked that, for the most part, his pack-members
looked up to him. It felt good.

“Are you going to be able to perform, or will

we need to…assist in some way?” Kontra asked,
his tone kind.

“I-I’m not sure,” Sam admitted.
Yuma rolled his head where it rested against

his chest and peered up at him. “What does that
mean?” he asked curiously. “You know we’ll all
help in any way possible.”

Sam snorted, his face contorting as tears filled

his eyes. “I can’t have you fuck my mate for me,
though, can I?”

Caleb’s arms tightened. “Of course not,” the

chameleon said. “I’ve seen you head off to back

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rooms with people at clubs. Surely you don’t have,
well, performance problems.”

Seeing no way around it, Sam met Kontra’s

gaze. Looking into the understanding brown eyes
of his alpha, he admitted, “When I was twenty-
two, a pack of wolf shifters found out I was gay. It
took eight of them, and I killed two of them and
injured three others, but they caught me. They
chained me up in the attic of their farmhouse.” He
could hear how flat he sounded, as if reciting
something that happened to someone else, but it
was the only way he could get the words out.

“They held me for less than a week, but it felt

like an eternity,” he mumbled. He swallowed
hard, fighting nausea. “They used me. Raped me.
Fed me just enough to keep me alive. Kontra and
Eli saved me, at least, physically.” He swallowed
hard and finally finished on a whisper, “I haven’t
had anal sex since.”

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Chapter Three

yan leaned his head against the headboard
and closed his eyes, concentrating on his

breathing. He couldn’t believe the way he’d
flipped out. The man—Sam—hadn’t hurt him. In
fact, the shifter manhandling him had been damn

And that’s why I freaked out. I responded to the

man. I wanted to submit to him, be held down by him,
and feel more of his touches.

He knew humans paired up with shifters all the

time. There were several human males here, in
fact, but never had he considered doing it himself.
Of course, he hadn’t realized they were even a
sentient race until a few months ago. Still, did that
make him prejudice? He didn’t like that idea.

A soft knock sounded at the door. Ryan cracked

an eyelid and called, “Yes?”


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The door opened to reveal one of the human

mates—Ben, if he remembered correctly. “I
brought you a cup of coffee.”

Ryan didn’t drink coffee, but he didn’t want to

be rude, either. He beckoned Ben forward. “That
was thoughtful of you,” he murmured, taking the
cup. He wrapped his fingers around the mug,
enjoying the warmth even if he didn’t intend to
drink the liquid.

“How you holding up?” Ben asked, cocking his

head. “Your color’s better.”

Frowning at the steaming black liquid, Ryan

asked, “Why do you think Sam behaved the way
he did? Luc told me I’d be safe, so I don’t
understand why Sam pulled me away from him.
What was the point?”

He didn’t understand shifters and their

behavior. He assumed just about everything the
scientists had told him was a lie, so that meant
Sam had a reason for what he did. So what was it?

To his surprise, when Ryan finally focused on

the silent human sitting several feet away, he
spotted a blush heating Ben’s cheeks. “What?”

Ben shrugged. “I can tell you what I think, but

you’d have to ask Sam to know for sure.”

“Okay,” Ryan replied, drawing out the word.

“What is it you think?”

“I think Sam probably believes you’re his


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“His mate?” Ryan frowned. He’d heard the

term before, but wasn’t entirely certain what it
meant. “What does that mean?”

Nibbling his bottom lip, Ben appeared deep in

thought for several minutes. Finally, he said, “To a
shifter, a mate is…kinda like the love of their life.”

“Uh, but he doesn’t know me,” Ryan pointed


“Doesn’t matter,” Ben replied. “It’s scent that

tells them who their mate is. Sure, they can fall in
love and spend their life with someone who isn’t
their true mate, but once they meet that special
someone designed by Fate to be their other half,
claiming that person and spending the rest of their
life pleasing and taking care of them is pretty
much all they think about.”

“Uh…” Ryan’s fingers tightened on the mug

nearly to the point of pain. “Is there a choice?” He
whispered the question, almost afraid to hear the

Ben gave him an understanding smile. “There’s

always a choice. Sam would never force himself
on you. He’s too nice a guy for that.” Ben rose and
crossed to the door. Pausing, he looked over his
shoulder and said, “Bonding with a shifter is a big
decision because it completely changes your life,
but ask yourself this…what would you give up to
find someone who’d love you unconditionally?”

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The other man didn’t bother waiting for a

response. He just headed out the door.

Ryan set the coffee cup aside and rose from the

bed. He stood before the window and peered out,
staring at the trees. He’d never really thought
about love before. He’d been in one relationship—
with his high school sweetheart, Rebecca. When
he’d join the Marines, she’d tried to stand by him,
but Rebecca hadn’t been cut out to be a military

He sighed, thinking about the woman he’d left

behind. The sex had been okay, but not great. It
wasn’t until he’d taken a dare from a gay military
buddy and allowed a twink in some backwater
bar to suck him off that he’d realized he enjoyed
cock more than tits.

Laying his hand on the window, he closed his

eyes and struggled to relax. He’d come here to do
a job, and he’d do it. If he avoided Sam, the shifter
wouldn’t have the opportunity to get attached to
him, right? Then, he could go home and forget all
about men that could turn into animals.

But what do I do with myself after that?
He’d never planned to make the military his

life, but since his mother had died in a car accident
while he’d been deployed six years before, he’d
had no reason not to reenlist. After his second
tour, he’d had enough and when he could, he’d
gotten out. Doctor Marlow had recruited him, at

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first calling it security. When he’d finally learned
the truth, after undergoing rigorous background
checks and physical tests, he’d begun to feel
uneasy about the whole thing. Finding out that
shifters were sentient had been the last straw, and
he’d rebelled, helping a fellow soldier bring the
corporation’s headquarters down.

Not exactly something that shines company

loyalty on a resume, Ryan mused.

A knock interrupted him, again, and he

wondered how these guys thought he’d get any
rest if they kept popping in on him. “Yeah?”

Kontra strode into the room. His gaze focused

on him where he stood, and Ryan fought back a
shiver at the shifter’s intense scrutiny. “We need
to talk.”

“Is this about Sam?” Ryan asked uncertainly.
“Well, we will have to discuss that, too,” he

said. “But I want to talk about the facility we’re
going to shut down,” Kontra stated, crossing his
arms over his broad chest. “How large is it? How
many people normally train there at a time? What
kind of defenses does it have?”

Okay, these kinds of questions he could handle.

“Do you want me to tell just you or should we go
somewhere and gather the others?”

“You think you’re up to handling a room full of

shifters, Ryan?”

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Kontra didn’t beat around the bush, did he?

Ryan shrugged. “Don’t know until I try. As long
as no one touches me or grabs me, I think I’ll be
fine.” God, I hate admitting weakness. Where the hell
does this tension come from?
Except, he knew. He’d
nearly been killed by a wolf shifter at the very
facility he was about to lead these men to. If they
found out he’d killed the wolf, would they turn on

Ryan had no way of knowing and prayed he

wouldn’t ever need to find out.

“Come on, then,” Kontra beckoned. “I’ll have

everyone assemble in the great room downstairs.”

Nodding, Ryan slowly followed. The second he

left the safety of his room, he wanted to turn right
back around. Being in the military, in charge, this
weakness fucked with his head, and he knew it.
Ryan took a deep breath and kept walking.

When he arrived back downstairs, he noticed

the room filled with men. He spotted Payson and
his lover, Land, as well as Luc, but the others he
hadn’t met, yet. Then his gaze landed on Sam,
who sat on a couch between two smaller men.
Each had a hand on his arm. Even though each of
the smaller men were flanked by two other, larger
guys, the urge to cross to Sam and demand
answers rode him hard…or just to kiss him and
order a good fucking.

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Groaning mentally, Ryan did neither, willing

away the blood suddenly pooling in his dick,
making him half hard. Instead, he perched on the
arm of an unoccupied E-Z chair on the perimeter
of the group.

“Everyone,” Kontra called, getting the men’s

attention. “This is Ryan Carpenter. He’s going to
give us specifics on the scientist’s training facility,
then we’ll make plans.”

For the next half an hour, Ryan explained

everything he could remember about the facility.
He knew it was possible that things had
changed—things like the number of guards, the
number of shifters held, or even the number of
trainees. He told the shifters this.

Kontra said it was no problem. They’d done

this kind of thing before and knew how to
improvise on the fly.

Ryan sure as hell hoped so.
“There’s one other thing,” he said, finally.
“What’s that?” Kontra asked, tilting his head.
Payson leaned forward, his eyes narrowed. “I


Ryan’s brows shot up. “Huh?”
“I know the last thing,” the shifter—hyena, if





smirked, his dark eyes glittering. “The shifters are

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probably drugged, right? They won’t know which
way is up, let alone who’s friend or foe.”

Responses ranged from gasps to snarls to stony

and angry expressions. Everyone turned to look at
Ryan. He did his best not to cringe under the focus
of over a dozen men, but knew he’d failed when
Sam growled softly and glared at the others. If
he’d been sitting next to the shifter, Ryan just
knew the man would have placed himself
between Ryan and all his friends.

That knowledge kinda made Ryan feel…warm.
Not willing to examine that realization too

closely, Ryan tore his focus away from the big
shifter and swept his gaze over the rest of the men.
He didn’t really meet any of their eyes as he
nodded. “Yeah. That’s about right.”

He wondered how Payson knew that, but

figured it’d probably be better if he didn’t know.
Especially, if it was because of his suspicion…that
Payson had been held captive at some point.
Keeping his gaze turned to the floor, Ryan waited
for their responses.

For several seconds, no one spoke. Finally,

Kontra stated simply, “Everyone be careful. Don’t
assume a captured shifter will back down because
you’re a shifter, too.”

Everyone nodded or otherwise murmured their

agreement. Then, Kontra told them that they’d
leave at six. Taking into account the two-hour

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drive, that would put their arrival at about eight.
They’d have forty, maybe forty-five, minutes of
daylight to check out the place and get into
position. Everyone nodded and stood, pairing off
and heading either upstairs or toward the back.

Ryan couldn’t believe it. That was it? He’d just

told them that their fellow shifters could be
drugged and dangerous and all that was said was
to be careful?

A shadow fell over Ryan, yanking him from his

thoughts. He peered up and found Sam standing
over him.

Oh, shit!
Perhaps Sam scented Ryan’s trepidation, for he

lowered into a crouch before him. The man’s
fingers flexed where they rested on his knees. He
lifted one hand. Ryan tensed. Sam moved it to his
own face, running his thumb over the bit of scar
that marred his left eyebrow.

Ryan couldn’t help thinking that the scar

running down the shifter’s cheek didn’t detract at
all from the man’s sexiness. Once again, his dick
started to fill.

“I’m sorry I scared you before,” Sam

murmured, grimacing. “I wouldn’t have hurt you.
I’d never hurt you.”

Ryan opened his mouth, gaping, and for several

seconds, no sound came out. Snapping his jaw

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shut, he sucked in a sharp breath, swallowed hard,
and tried again. “Why did you grab me?”

Sure, Ben had his theory, but Ryan needed to

hear it from Sam.

“You’re my mate,” Sam stated simply, no

hiding, beating around the bush, or coy games. “I
didn’t like another man touching you. Especially
an unmated one, so I acted on instinct. I needed to
get you away from him.”

“Ben told me that might be the case,” Ryan

admitted softly. He racked his brain for something
to say. Mates were a pretty big deal to shifters. He
understood that. Except, Ryan also knew that, if
Sam found out about his past, he wouldn’t want
him anyway, so, the best thing to do would be to
keep the man at a distance, regardless of what his
ever-thickening shaft thought. Stupid cock.

Then, when he was finished here, he could

walk away, allowing Sam to find someone better.
His blood heated, this time from jealousy, at the
idea of another touching Sam. He quickly
squelched the reaction.

With his plan firmly in mind, he stated, “I’m

not gay, Sam,” which was sort of true. He’d
always considered himself bisexual. “I’m sorry.
This isn’t going to work.”

Sam blinked, his brows drawing together. The

blood leeched from his face, expressing his inner
turmoil. The man licked his lips, obviously

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struggling for some response that might change
Ryan’s mind. Finally, his whispered hoarsely, “I
know I could please you.”

Ryan managed to suppress his shudder, but

could do nothing about the way his cock pressed
insistently against his fly, clearly more than happy
to take the shifter up on his offer. He just bet this
man could please him…and then hurt him when
Ryan’s transgressions against his kind came to
light. And Ryan knew they would. Skeletons
always seemed to find the worst possible time to
pop out of their closets.

Evidently, Ryan didn’t hide his rising desire as

well as he’d hoped. Of course, all the guy had to
do was look down at his crotch. At this point,
Ryan knew—if he looked—the ridge of his
erection would be clearly displayed.

Sam leaned forward and pressed his lips to

Ryan’s, sliding his tongue along the seam. He
gasped at the surprising move, giving Sam access
to his mouth, which he took full advantage.

Feeling the slick slide of Sam’s tongue against

his own, coupled with the feel of thick, calloused
fingers cupping his jaw, massaging the tendons of
his neck, caused his cock to throb. He just about
came in his jeans when Sam moved one big hand
to cup him.

Ryan gripped the man’s wide shoulders, but

instead of shoving him away, he found himself

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clutching Sam tighter to him, his fingers digging
into hard muscle. Sam must have taken that as a
sign of participation…or, at least, permission.

Sam worked open Ryan’s fly and pulled out his

ridged dick. The first stroke of those calloused
fingers forced a strangled moan from him. Sam
released his lips, only to lower his head and,
without warning, swallow Ryan’s throbbing
erection, surrounding his cock in warm, moist

“Holy shit!” he screamed as his body bucked.
Sam rode out the movement, never releasing

him. He sucked hard, and Ryan felt as if his brains
were being drawn out through his cock. It felt
beyond amazing, and Ryan never wanted to leave
this new hot haven he’d found for his prick.

All too soon, he felt his balls pull tight against

his body. Ryan tried to warn Sam, threading his
fingers through the other man’s short dark hair
and tugging, trying to get his attention. “S-Sam.
Sam, please.”

Sam didn’t back off. Instead, he peered up at

him through his lashes, his eyes dark and intense.
The man on his knees growled softly, sending
vibrations through Ryan’s already over-sensitized

Ryan’s mouth sagged open in a silent scream as

his cock exploded. Seed pulsed up his shaft in
powerful spurts, crashing wave after wave of bliss

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through his system. He doubled over—curving his
torso around Sam’s head where he pleasured
him—as the most intense orgasm of his life sent
him reeling.

“Sam!” he finally groaned, tears threatening at

the corners of his eyes, knowing—even as ecstasy
pinged through his system—he’d never feel this
amazing again. Sam had ruined him for others
with only a blow job.

His new lover moaned around his still jerking

flesh, sending a fresh set of tingles through his
groin. “Fuck,” Ryan whimpered, spots dancing
across his vision.

Prying his eyes open—shit, when did I shut

them—Ryan peered down at the man who’d just
given him the most amazing pleasure of his life.
Sam rested his head against Ryan’s thigh, his own
breathing ragged. He had one hand gripping
Ryan’s thigh and his other arm down his pants.
From the man’s heavy-lidded, sated expression
and his soft panting breaths, it didn’t take a genius
to figure out that he’d come to.

Sam tipped his head and peered up at him,

smiling tentatively. Ryan stared down at Sam’s
mouth, the mouth that had given him so much
pleasure and that he could so easily become
addicted to.

The sobering thought hit him like a bucket of

ice water. This could never happen again. He had

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to push this amazing man away, for both their

Swallowing hard, he dropped back against the

cushions and covered his face with his arm. “Shit,
that was a mistake.”

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Chapter Four

am reared back, landing on his ass. No lover
ever wanted to hear those words right after

blowing the man of his dreams. His heart
squeezed in his chest. His mate had been into it.
Ryan had come, and from the way his entire body
had clenched, he’d come hard. Sam racked his
brain, trying to figure out how pleasing his mate
could be a mistake.

“I-I don’t understand,” he mumbled. “You

enjoyed it.”

Sitting up, Ryan quickly tucked himself away

and did up his pants. “Yeah, well, I’m a guy.
Someone sucks my dick, I’m gonna enjoy it,
right?” Ryan snapped. Glaring, he added, “Look,
maybe it’d just be better if we kept our distance,
okay? I don’t plan on sticking around when this is
said and done, so there’s no point in…” He
paused and waved his hand between their bodies,
indicating the two of them.


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“Never mind,” Ryan grumbled, jumping to his

feet. “Just stay away from me.”

Sam watched his mate run up the stairs. Rising

to his knees, he used a handkerchief he kept in his
back pocket to clean himself up, then tucked
himself away, all the while debating whether or
not to go after him. Anger slipped through him
like a slow burn. Not at Ryan, but at himself. He’d
already freaked Ryan out once, and after hearing
the human pronounce that he wasn’t gay, Sam
should have taken it slow. He should have figured
out a way to woo his mate, win his affection.
Instead, he’d practically attacked him.

Groaning, he dropped his head forward onto

the chair’s cushion and inhaled his mate’s aroma
where it still clung to the fabric. His dick made a
valiant effort to rise again, but then the scent
beneath Ryan’s base odor caught his attention.

Desire and panic.
Why? What would cause his mate to panic once

again? Was it that he desired Sam? A man? How
could that be? He was in a house surrounded by
gay men. No one would judge him, especially
since they all knew, by this point, that Ryan was
Sam’s mate.

Lifting his head, Sam found Eli staring down at

him. The python shifter’s gaze swept over him as
his eyes narrowed in concern. He glanced toward

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the stairs where Ryan had disappeared, then back
at Sam.

“Everything all right? Ryan seemed a

bit…freaked out.” Eli frowned. “Again.”

Rising to his feet, Sam sighed. “No,” he

admitted. “I don’t—” He paused and shook his
head. “Ryan says he’s not gay, but his scent was
off. So…” He drew in a breath, let it out slowly,
then admitted. “I kinda sucked him off and then
he ran away.”

Eli smirked. “Your skills that bad?”
Sam scowled. “Fuck off,” he snarled, turning


Sighing, Eli grabbed his arm. “I’m just teasing.”
Grimacing, Sam nodded. “I know.” And he did.

He also knew he was wound really tight right
now, and that none of his buddies would blame
him for that, either.

Eli cocked his head, and for several seconds

appeared lost in thought, staring at the beams
holding up the lodge’s vaulted ceiling. Sam knew
his friend was doing the same as him, trying to
understand the human’s actions. Finally, Eli
stated, “I’d normally tell you to take it slow, since
he’s human and all. However, this actually makes
me wonder if he’s not feeling, well, guilty over
something. Maybe he has a girlfriend?”

“Awe, shit,” Sam mumbled, thinking about

that. “I didn’t even ask.”

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“Well,” Eli said, his thin lips curving into a

smile. “We do have a nearly two-hour drive ahead
of us. Ben took Ryan coffee and chatted with him
before the meeting. I’m sure Mutegi can find out
what they spoke of and start a conversation with
Ryan in the van. Perhaps we can get a little more
information out of him.” Eli wrapped one arm
around Sam and gave him a sideways hug. “We’re
there for ya, buddy.”

Feeling better knowing his pack had his back,

Sam didn’t even need to force his smile. “Thanks,

Several hours later, those going to the facility

trooped out of the lodge. The human mates stayed
home, along with Yuma, Lamar, and Eli’s wolf
mate, Sam. Those men were preparing the house
for possible wounded and drugged shifters,
including bolting chains to several steel bed
frames that they’d found at Good Will.

Sam knew he wasn’t the only one who didn’t

like the idea of chaining up a fellow shifter, but
they had to think of the safety of their pack.
They’d need to figure out if the shifter was
dangerous due to drugs, fear, or even brain

During the drive, Sam sat behind the driver’s

seat, which was occupied by Kontra. Ryan sat in
the front passenger seat. Next to Sam on the short

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middle bench was Mutegi, Ben’s mate, and in the
very back sat Vail—a wolf shifter—and his mate
Draven—a vampire warlock.

Luc drove a van they’d also rented,

accompanied by Eli. The back was empty in the
anticipation of bringing home the injured. Payson
had flat-out refused to get in either vehicle and
followed on his bullet bike. Emmett and Caleb
also chose to ride their motorcycles.

“Hey, Ryan,” Mutegi started, drawing

everyone’s attention. “Ben says you did not drink
the coffee. Was there too much cream or sugar in

Ryan half turned in his seat as he addressed

Mutegi. “I, uh…I don’t actually drink coffee.
Never could learn to stand the taste,” he admitted.
“I just didn’t want to appear rude and refuse it, ya
know?” He grimaced. “Sorry about that. Hope I
didn’t offend.”

Mutegi lifted one, nearly black-skinned hand,

waving away Ryan’s apology. “No, no. It is fine.
What do you drink, then? A favorite tea?”

“My momma always made amazing sweet tea,

but it’s hard to find good sweet tea out here,”
Ryan admitted. “Otherwise just water, mostly.”

Sam filed that tidbit away, then wondered how

in the hell Mutegi planned to segue into what he
really wanted to know.

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“Ben also says he told you a little about mates

and that you are Sam’s mate, yet you do not wish
to mate with him. Why is this?”

Okay, the direct approach. Sam just bit back his

growl upon scenting Ryan’s immediate unease,
given away by the blood draining from the
human’s face and the spike of anxiety in his scent.
Ryan glanced toward Sam, then immediately
lowered his gaze.

Mutegi’s dark-eyed focus remained on Ryan,

grinning, showing off white teeth. It was the only
bit of white on the dark African. “I ask only so we
may help our friend move on when you leave. It
will be difficult for him, you understand.”

“Difficult? Why?” Ryan asked, frowning.

Pinning a confused stare on Sam, he said, “I
thought if we didn’t bond and I left, you’d be free
to mate whomever you choose.”

Sam swallowed hard and looked out the

window, struggling to figure out how to explain
that he’d be devastated when Ryan left. Depressed
and hurt that his mate, the one Fate chose for him
had rejected him. His animal would constantly
fight for control, so he could track down his mate.
How could you explain something like that to a
non-shifter and make him understand?

“It’s not that simple,” Kontra said, saving Sam

the trouble of figuring out how to answer. “Even
though we can choose to mate with someone else,

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once we’ve met that special someone, if we tried to
be with another we’d be fighting our animal every
step of the way. We are our animal, sharing some
of the basic instincts, heightening our need to
please, protect, and care for our mate.” Kontra
paused and glanced toward Ryan, who stared at
him, his mouth slightly open, the shock rolling off
of him nearly in waves.

Smiling tightly, Kontra returned his focus

forward and continued, “If our mate isn’t near, it
makes it difficult to do that, so we’re driven to
hunt him or her down, so we can fulfill not only
their needs, but our need to care for them, too.






mate…well…” Sam saw Kontra’s big shoulders
lift in a shrug, although he couldn’t see his alpha’s
expression. Finally, he murmured gruffly, “It’s
next to impossible.”

“I, uh…” Ryan obviously didn’t know how to

finish that.

Wanting his mate happy, even if that meant

letting him go, Sam softly told him, “I don’t want
to force you into anything, Ryan. You said you’re
not gay and you plan to leave. I understand that. I
might not like it, but I’ll respect your decision.”

His bull bellowed with grief in the back of his

mind, and Sam swallowed back the bile that rose
in his throat at the very idea that Ryan would
leave. He stared out the window, unwilling to see

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acknowledgement or thanks, or even pity, on his
mate’s face. It wasn’t until Kontra started slowing
the SUV and everyone began grabbing their gear
that Sam realized Ryan hadn’t ever actually
answered Mutegi’s question.

In the dim light of twilight, the eleven men

crept through the trees. They’d parked on a
service road six miles north of the place and
circled southwest. According to maps, and Ryan’s
memory, they’d come up behind the facility where
an expansive training yard backed up to a seventy
foot cliff face.

The group should have no trouble repelling

down, if they could take out security. Once they
estimated they were within a half mile of the cliff,
the men paused and Luc stripped down.

Sam struggled with his desire to place his own

bulk between the naked man and Ryan, and only
his mate’s staring pointedly in the other direction
helped him maintain control. Fortunately, Luc
didn’t stay nude long, quickly shifting to his
European Eagle owl form.

While Luc did that, Draven settled on the forest

floor and mumbled a short spell. Slowly, the
vampire warlock’s eyes glazed over, giving him a
vacant look. Vail stood over his mate, his gaze
roving over their surroundings, guarding Draven.

“And we’re connected,” Draven mumbled.

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Luc hooted softly, ruffling his feathers.
“Okay, be careful, Luc,” Kontra warned. “If

guards see you and seem suspicious, you get the
hell out of there.”

Hooting again, Luc spread his wings and took

to the sky. They watched him circle higher and
soon he disappeared from sight. Sam knew it was
ridiculous, but he actually felt relief that the only
other unmated shifter was no longer near his

Draven’s grunt pulled Sam out of his musings.

“Damn,” the warlock muttered.

“What’s wrong?” Vail asked quickly, crouching

beside him.

“Technically nothing,” Draven replied. “I just

didn’t realize I’d have a problem with the
heights.” The warlock grimaced, which looked
really odd since his eyes were still glassy. “It’s
making me a bit queasy.”

Vail rubbed Draven’s back slowly. “You gonna

be okay?” he asked, his expression one of worry as
he looked from his mate to Kontra.

“Yeah,” Draven whispered. “Just keep touching

me. It’s soothing.”

“I’m not going anywhere, love,” Vail assured.
Sam smiled at the display. For years, Vail had

claimed to never want a mate, then, once he’d met
Draven, it’d come out that Vail’s line had been
cursed by a jealous witch. Draven had been able to

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figure out the spell she’d used, including the fact
that somehow, Vail’s selfless actions helping gang-
member’s mates had, at some point, already
broken it. Sam was happy for the wolf shifter. He
was happy for all his buddies, if a little jealous. He
tried to remind himself that some of his friends
had had trouble claiming their mates, too.

Sam hoped like hell he could figure out a way

to change Ryan’s mind.

“Okay, Luc’s coming up on the facility now,”

Draven murmured. “It looks like the cliff is
seventy feet and abuts three different training
grounds. There are two large garage doors that
open into each training ground and one standard-
sized door in between each of those.”

“The large doors are where the animals would

be released from,” Ryan commented softly, then
his eyes widened and his face flushed bright red.
“Shit. The shifters. It’s where the shifters would be
released from.” He took a step away from the
group and rubbed the back of his neck uneasily.

Kontra held up his hand. “Relax. It’s an

understandable slip, considering how you learned
about us.”

“Fuck, don’t do that!” Draven snarled.


Vail growled. “What’s wrong? What’s going


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“Luc’s swooping around doing aerial

acrobatics,” Draven grumbled, gripping his
stomach and breathing deeply through his nose.

Payson snickered. “He’s a damn bird. What do

you expect?”

“Wait a minute,” Draven murmured. “Veer

back left….Yeah, get lower,” he said. His eyes
narrowed, although he didn’t actually appear to
be seeing anything. “Is that a break in the fence?
Damn, it is! Where are the closest cameras?”

Sam shifted his weight, bringing him closer to

Ryan. He didn’t like how the human stood alone,
his arms crossed over his chest, and eyed each of
them carefully. He didn’t expect the man to be
relaxed…none of them were. They were about to
go into a fight, but surely he knew he was part of
the team.

“Are you okay?” Sam couldn’t help but ask.
Ryan seemed surprised to find him so near, his

brows shooting up as he peered at him. “Oh, yeah,
fine.” He turned, summarily dismissing Sam’s
concern, and asked, “Draven, what side of the
facility is that break?”






“Approximately thirty feet or so from the corner.”

“Hmm,” Ryan mused, rubbing his thin upper

lip with one thumb. “There are three rotating
cameras near there. If they haven’t changed the
timing sequence, there’s a seven second gap on

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almost every panel. There’s twenty yards between
the fence on that side and the building. There
should be an emergency exit ten feet from the
corner of the building,” he continued, his eyes
narrowed, obviously searching his memory. “If
one of you knew how to open a door without a
handle, that’d be a good place to enter.”

“Won’t it trip an alarm?” Eli asked, frowning.
“Yup, which will bring everyone to you,” Ryan

confirmed. “There are several rooms on that
hallway, giving us plenty of cover to take out the

“I can do it,” Draven claimed.

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Chapter Five

yan stared at the guy who’d been essentially
seeing the facility through Luc’s eyes as the

owl shifter flew over the building. Owl
shifter…who’d have thought?
Of course, the warlock
could do it. He probably had some kind of spell to
open locked doors.

“You got a spell for that, babe?” Vail asked

what everyone was probably thinking.

Draven shrugged. “A good telekinetic spell

should work. Just tell me how far down the
release bar is, and if you push straight, up, or
down, and I’ll see about releasing it.”

Nodding, Ryan told them, “If we start heading

down now, we can be in position in probably forty

“Why so long?” Kontra asked even as he

motioned everyone to get ready. He turned to
Draven and murmured, “Pass the info to Luc and
have him meet us around there.”


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Ryan shouldered his rifle and unconsciously

touched the handle of the pistol strapped to his
thigh. He hadn’t been certain which he’d need, so
had no problem lugging the extra weight. “The
cliff tapers a bit to the south, but we’ll need to
travel about a half mile out of the way to get to a
location where it’s safe to climb down.” He
glanced around at the collection of men. “It’ll be
far quicker than setting up the repelling
equipment for only a forty foot climb.”

Payson snickered. “We could just jump. We’re

all pretty agile,” he stated, winking.

“Well, I’m still mostly human,” Ryan replied,


“Mostly?” Sam stepped closer…close enough

for Ryan to feel the man’s body heat, to smell his
earthy scent, distracting him…until Sam’s next

“What’s that mean?” Sam pressed.
Damn it. Ryan’s jaw tensed at his slip of the

tongue. He hadn’t planned on sharing that he’d
started the altering process. He shrugged and
started walking briskly toward the section of cliff
he planned to climb down.

“It means,” he said, deciding if he didn’t

explain, Sam would just keep asking. Shifters
seemed to be a tenacious lot. “I agreed to go
through the same, uh, enhancements that a few
others have gone through. Doc Marlow offered it

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to the top soldiers in different fields to assist their
ability to fight against…” He paused and gulped,
glancing back at the group of men following him.
“Well, you all, not to put too fine a point on it,” he
stated, fighting back a flush.

“And what’s your field?” Kontra asked.
Hearing only curiosity in the big man’s tone,

Ryan glanced over at the alpha bear shifter. The
man’s expression gave nothing away.

“Sniper,” he stated shortly.
“I thought you were a guard,” Sam


Ryan shrugged. “I pulled guard duty at that

facility in between, um, tests.”

Suddenly, Ryan’s arm was grabbed in a firm

but gentle hold, drawing him to a stop. He turned
and faced the man holding him, not surprised to
discover Sam staring at him with a concerned
expression on his face. He swept his gaze over
Ryan as if assessing for injuries.

“They did tests on you? Are you all right?” Sam

didn’t give Ryan a chance to reply before using his
free hand to cup Ryan’s jaw and tilt his head up.
Peering into Ryan’s eyes, Sam asked urgently,
“Did they injure you?”

The contact on his face and the concern evident

in the bigger man’s tone caused Sam’s blood to
heat in his veins, and his heart pounded in his
chest…and not completely from arousal. He

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felt…cherished. He swallowed hard, trying to get
moisture to his too dry throat. “I’m fine,” he
forced out, his words coming out softer than he’d
have liked, making the moment seem far too

“You sure?” Once again, Sam appeared to make

a visual inspection of Ryan—not that he could see
much considering the black jeans and black, long-
sleeved shirt Ryan wore.

Ryan fought his desire to mirror Sam’s move

and cup the other man’s jaw, to touch and soothe
the creases on his lips and brow caused by his
concerned frown. He lost. Gently, Ryan lifted a
hand and wrapped it around Sam’s nape, the
warm skin beneath his fingers causing even more
heat to bloom in his body, sending blood south to
his thickening prick.

While sifting his fingers through the short dark

hair at the back of Sam’s neck and massaging the
tense tendons underneath, Ryan stared deep into
the shifter’s dark eyes. “I’m fine. They take the
health of their human subjects very seriously. I’m
sorry I can’t say the same for their shifter
subjects.” He leaned forward, intending to kiss the
man, but caught himself just in time. With a shake
of his head, Ryan released Sam and stepped back,
pulling from the shifter’s grip. “We need to help
your people.”

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Maybe it was because Ryan mentioned the

captured shifters, but Sam let him go, nodding
once. Turning around and starting again through
the forest, Ryan found he missed the warmth of
the big shifter’s calloused palm against his cheek.

Damn it!
Clearing his mind of what ifs, Ryan picked up a

jog. The sooner they shut this facility down, the
sooner he could get the fuck out of Dodge and
away from temptation. His heart tightened in his
chest at that thought, making it difficult to breathe
for several steps.

He forced those thoughts from his head and

concentrated on the area around them. In ten
minutes, they arrived at the cliff. It took Ryan
another five to scramble down the twenty feet
without a rope. Twenty minutes after that, Ryan
crouched down behind some foliage, the shifters
around him, and peered through the brush at the
hole in the fence line.

Ryan pointed out, first one camera, then a

second. “You got two options,” he whispered.

“What are those?” Kontra asked.
“We can do what I already proposed, or…”

Ryan glanced at the two cameras again, just to
confirm what he thought. Yep. “I could shoot the
cameras out, allowing all of you to rush in at the
same time.”

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Payson grinned, his expression gleeful. “Oh,

let’s do option number two,” he stated, already
stripping off his shirt.

“I’m game,” Vail stated, doing the same just as

a buck-ass nude Luc joined them.

“Game for what?” the man said, taking his

clothes from Mutegi.

“Fast and furious,” Payson said, snickering.
Ryan turned to Kontra, knowing he’d have the

final say. The shifter’s eyes were narrowed as he
took in the structure. “How quick is the guard’s
response time?”

Ryan thought about that a second. “You’ll have

at least six military trained guards hitting this end
of the building in under five minutes.” He turned
to Draven. “If you can get that door open within
ninety seconds, we’ll have no trouble getting to
the rooms we can use as cover.”

“How is the door set up?” Draven asked.
“Your standard push-bar style at waist height,”

Ryan replied, indicating with his hand about
where the bar would be.

Draven shrugged. “Shouldn’t be a problem.”
“Let’s do it,” Kontra replied.
Ryan heard a yip and turned to find a grinning

hyena—its tongue lolling as if it were laughing—
sitting next to a large brown wolf. He took a step
back, away from the animals, before catching

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himself and stopping. Trying to cover his slip,
Ryan glanced around at the others.

“I gotta admit, I’m a little surprised more of

you aren’t shifting,” he blurted his first thought
upon seeing the guns in the men’s hands.

Kontra shrugged. “A few of us might, in the

heat of battle, but for most of us, getting through
doors or down hallways wouldn’t be easy in our
animal forms.”

Caleb snorted. “Or we wouldn’t be much good

in animal form for a frontal attack,” he pointed

Ryan didn’t know what kind of shifter Caleb

was, and his confusion must have been apparent,
for the shorter man chuckled. “I’m a chameleon. If
we’d been sneaking in, my shifting would make

“Ah,” Ryan squeaked.
“Let’s get this party started,” Emmett stated,

hefting his Glock.

“Right,” Ryan replied, refocusing. He lowered

himself to the ground and crawled through the
brush, searching for the perfect spot. It took him a
second to realize he wasn’t alone. Glancing over
his shoulder, he found Sam mimicking his
movements, staying a few feet behind him. Ryan
lifted a brow in silent question.

Sam just rolled a shoulder in a semblance of a


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Ryan got it anyway. Sam didn’t want his mate

in danger.

He did his best to dismiss the man. As long as

he didn’t cause a problem with Ryan’s shot, Sam
could stand or lie wherever he wanted. Since the
cameras were a hundred feet apart, he’d have to
sight quickly, but the shots weren’t tough. The
whole point of removing the cameras was to hide
their numbers from the guards and trainers
within. Ryan didn’t remember hearing about
hidden cameras on the exterior, so hoped the plan
would work.

Sighting down the barrel, Ryan peered through

the scope. He took his time, checking first one shot
then the other. In his element, Ryan’s lips curved
into a small smile as his pulse slowed. Time
seemed to stand still.

He let out a slow breath and squeezed the

trigger, moved his M24, and fired again. Almost
within a heartbeat, both cameras shattered. Ryan
leaped to his feet and, already on the run, slung
his rifle over his shoulder.

Two four-legged forms bounded past him and

Ryan recognized Vail and Payson. They easily
wriggled through the hole in the fence and loped
forward. He reached the broken section, and to his
surprise, Draven actually reached it right next to
him. His eyes widened in shock when he saw the

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man’s red eyes and the claws extending from his

“Holy shit,” he hissed, stumbling back a step as

he watched Draven easily slice through the metal,
creating a large enough gap for any of the men to
leap through.

He nearly jumped out of his skin when a set of

large hands landed on his shoulders, but then he
recognized Sam’s masculine, earthy scent. It
soothed him, which he found odd in and of itself.
Still, he looked over his shoulder and knew his
wide-eyed expression held a request for

Sam didn’t disappoint. “Draven is a vampire.”
“Vampires exist?” Ryan hissed. How the hell

had he missed that little tidbit?

“Come on,” Sam urged, guiding him forward.

“I’ll explain later. We have work to do.”

“Damn it,” Ryan growled when he turned and

saw everyone else had already reached the door.

Getting his ass in gear, Ryan shoved aside his

trepidation, jumped through the hole, and
sprinted toward the door. “Everything okay?”
asked Mutegi, who had paused to hold the door
open for him.

Ryan just grunted and headed inside, peering

down the long hallway. The white walls and rows
of doors were the same as he remembered. Just as
the emergency exit slammed behind him, he saw

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two guards round the corner at the end of the hall
forty feet away. Acting on instinct, Ryan ignored
the shifter’s shouts of warning, dropped to one
knee and brought up his rifle. He fired two shots
and the guards crumpled.

He stayed where he was, waiting. Another pair

of guards appeared, and he downed one with his
last shot while someone standing over his
shoulder took out the other man even as he
reached for his Glock. He took the lull as an
opportunity to reload. As he did that, another pair
of men appeared.

Before he could bring the rifle back up, the men

each snapped off several shots.

Ryan dove toward the nearest doorway,

executing a shoulder roll. The sounds of growls
and snarling reached his ears as he regained his
feet in the room. He started to peer into the
hallway, but a broad-shouldered body blocked his
view. Sam scowled at him.

For a second, Ryan thought the man would yell

at him, considering how protective shifters
seemed to behave regarding their mates. Instead,
Sam cleared his expression, gave a sharp nod, and
stated, “Nice shootin’, Tex.”

Ryan grinned, a surprised snort escaping him.


Sam turned and both of them peered out of the

room. Taking in the third pair of dead men, Ryan

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cringed. He wasn’t certain if the men had died
from the several gunshot wounds on their chests
or from having their throats torn out.

“Fuck,” he mumbled.
Sam didn’t comment. He headed down the hall.

Averting his gaze, Sam slung his rifle over his
shoulder and palmed his pistol. He followed
warily, watching for more guards. He needn’t
have worried since, at this point, almost all the
shifters were between him and the end of the hall.
Only Mutegi remained behind him, watching their

Following the African’s lead, Ryan shifted his

focus between the emergency exit—after all, if
they’d managed to open the door, surely the
guards would be able to as well—and peering into
each room they passed to make certain they hadn’t
miss anyone as they trekked deeper into the
training facility.

He heard the occasional shout of clear as well as

the pop of gunfire. At one point, Kontra ordered
Ryan to lead Sam, Mutegi, and Payson to the
control room and take control of security. Kontra
yanked a fire escape map off the wall, and Ryan
pointed out the route to the holding pens.

Ryan moved swiftly down the hallway, his

firearm at the ready, and led the small group
toward the control room. They ran into two pairs
of guards. Ryan and Sam both dropped one in the

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first group while Payson seemed to have a grand
time mauling one of the men in the second group.

While his partner dove away from the hyena,

leaving his friend, the guard popped off a shot
toward Ryan. Pain flared through Ryan’s arm as
he slammed into the wall. Grunting, he pushed
forward just as Sam’s arms wrapped around him
and tugged him sideways.

Mutegi popped off a shot and the pop-pop-pop

of the guard’s gun ceased.

“Fuck, where are you hit?” Sam snapped,

urging Ryan to the ground.

Ignoring the man’s guiding hands, Ryan moved

away. “I’m fine,” he growled. “Just a flesh wound.
Let’s keep going.” He didn’t know when the
guard had stopped screaming, but now that the
way was clear, they needed to get moving.
Gritting his teeth through the pain, Ryan strode
past the bodies and pointed to the T-junction.

“The control room is down the left corridor, the

first door on the right,” he stated. After another
couple of steps, Ryan felt a wave of dizziness hit
him. He shook his head and kept moving,
ignoring the roaring in his ears. He’d been shot
before, and knew it would pass. He just needed to
keep moving, keep his adrenaline levels high, and
he’d be fine. His sleeve would staunch the flow,
although it’d be horribly painful to remove and
clean later.

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Payson bounded past him, and he let the hyena

take point. The shifter paused, peering both ways,
then disappeared to the left. Ryan hustled after
him. Pausing at the T-junction, he frowned.

Why the hell do I still hear roaring in my ears? And

why is it getting louder?

Just as suddenly as Payson had disappeared, he

reappeared and bounded past Ryan. To Ryan’s
shock, the hyena snarled and snapped
aggressively as he stopped halfway down the
corridor, facing the other direction.

What the hell is the hyena doing?
Just as the thought passed through Ryan’s

mind, a massive gold and black tiger prowled
around the corner. Payson growled low, clearly in

The tiger focused on Payson for all of a second,

then the beast’s nostril’s flared and the shifter’s
focus fixated on Ryan. A low rumble rolled
through the creature. Ryan paled and his hand
slapped to his upper arm, sending pain spiking
through him even as he tried to staunch the flow
of blood that the animal had clearly fixated on.

“Oh, shit,” Ryan hissed. He didn’t want to kill

another shifter, so he holstered his weapon and
yanked at his shirt. If I can clean up the blood, it
won’t focus on me.
The irrational thought flitted
through his mind even as pain tore through his

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shoulder. He bit back a roar, except…he still heard

His arms still tangled in his shirt, Ryan snapped

his head up to see the tiger charge. Payson headed
the shifter off, but it was only a matter of time
before the beast reached him. A hyena was no
match for a tiger.

A warning shot thudded into the wall near the

tiger’s head, fired off by Mutegi. The animal
ignored it.

Sam roared. Fabric tore, bones cracked, and

Sam’s body contorted and changed. Payson
managed to harass the tiger long enough for Sam
to finish his shift. Ryan watched in shock and an
impressive amount of awe as Sam—now a two
thousand pound Texas longhorn bull, complete
with sharp cloven hooves and deadly, nearly four
foot horns—bellowed a challenge before charging
toward the shifter.

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Chapter Six

age—and fear—like Sam had never felt
before coursed through his veins, driving

him forward. One thought reverberated through
his brain. Protect my mate! To that end, he barreled
down the hallway toward the tiger shifter.

The slick linoleum floor made purchase

difficult, so Sam couldn’t move as swiftly as he’d
have liked, but he still managed to build up a
pretty good charge. With his head lowered, he
slammed into the big cat, who’d been
momentarily distracted by Payson snapping his
jaws at the beast’s haunch.

Twisting and leaping, the tiger managed to

avoid most of Sam’s hit. However, the splotch of
red on the shifter’s shoulder where he’d managed
to gauge the cat before he could get away left Sam
inordinately pleased.

Unfortunately, it also seemed to incense the



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Roaring, the tiger leaped toward Sam with its

paws reaching and claws extended. Sam tried to
move left, but his hooves slipped on the tile.
Realizing it’d be impossible to escape completely
unscathed, Sam lifted and tilted his head,
guaranteeing he wouldn’t be the only one injured.

The tiger landed partially on Sam’s shoulders

and partially on his horns. Blood poured over his
head and into his eyes, forcing Sam to shut them
to keep the oozing liquid from blinding him. At
the same time, he felt long, razor-sharp claws sink
into his barrel and haunch. Sam couldn’t stop his
bellow of pain.

Flipping his head, Sam sent the cat flopping

sideways even as the weight of the animal drove
Sam to the floor. The shifter’s claws tore at his skin
as he disappeared somewhere to his left, Sam’s
view of him blocked by his damaged peripheral
vision from his old injury. His body shuddered as
pain wracked his side and right leg. If he could
have spoken in animal form, he would have been
cursing up a blue streak.

A low growl echoed to his left, and Sam

struggled to get his ass under him so he could
start to rise. Except, his right leg was having none
of it. Agony coursed through the limb and he
paused, struggling for enough breath to keep the
dark spots dancing across his vision at bay.

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Rolling his head on his thick neck took effort as

a bull wasn’t really designed to move that way,
but he finally managed to get his head turned
enough to see the tiger. The shifter’s lower half
was in even worse shape than Sam’s, with blood
flowing steadily from the left haunch, the scrape
in the right shoulder, and puncture to its gut.

Still, the beast was using its intact torso and

front legs to slide across the floor toward his mate.
Sam looked around, trying to figure out where
Mutegi and Payson were. He didn’t see them. Had
they continued on to the control room to complete
their mission, thinking an armed Ryan and a bull
shifter protecting his mate were enough to take
out one crazed shifter?

It was a reasonable assumption.
Except, when Sam finally pinned his slightly

blurry gaze on Ryan, his mate wasn’t doing what
he expected. Ryan stood with his back to the wall,
his gun raised, but the man shook his head and
muttered something under his breath.

His mate appeared pale as a sheet and seemed

unable to pull the trigger.

Even though it went against his natural instinct,

Sam visualized how a horse regained its feet, front
end first, and struggled to get his limbs to perform
the unfamiliar actions. Pain streaked through his
barrel as he rolled and twisted, but he ignored it.

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Finally, he managed to regain his feet, although
his right hind leg wouldn’t hold his weight.

Hopping down the hallway, Sam had one

target in mind, get between his mate and the tiger.
The offending shifter heard him coming and tried
to roll onto its back and lift its hind legs to claw at
Sam. It didn’t work and Sam managed to hop past
the tiger.

Once Sam reached Ryan, he finally managed to

make out his mate’s mumbled words. “I can’t kill
another one. He’ll never want me if I do that.”
Ryan actually lowered his weapon and placed a
hand on Sam’s head. “Oh, shit. I can’t let him hurt
you anymore. What else can I do? Tell me what to

Sam appreciated that his mate was willing to

touch him in animal form, letting him know Ryan
didn’t fear him. Unfortunately, he couldn’t
communicate with the human while in this form
and didn’t really understand what kept Ryan from
protecting himself. It was obvious the tiger wasn’t
giving up. Since it looked like he had a reprieve
over the slower moving tiger, he initiated his shift.
A new kind of agony ripped through Sam as his
injured and broken body twisted and contorted,
resuming his human form.

A solid arm around Sam’s waist kept him from

just flopping onto the floor, and he glanced over to
see it was his mate holding him, offering support.

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“Are you okay?” Sam gasped between panting

Ryan’s bark of laughter sounded a bit

hysterical. “I should be asking you that.”

Sam smiled at the sentiment, and took the gun

from Ryan’s hand. He turned toward the shifter
still slowly crawling toward them. “Stand down,”
he commanded. “Stand down so we can help

In response, the tiger snarled, baring its fangs at


Lifting the weapon, Sam tried again. “Last

chance,” he murmured, knowing with the shifter’s
hearing, he’d be able to hear. “Let us help you.”

The tiger lifted a paw and swiped at them, just

missing as Ryan urged Sam backward. That’s
when Sam got a really good look at the shifter’s
eyes. No intelligence showed in them, instead,
only rage and pain and aggression.

Sam sighed. “I’m sorry.” He lifted the Glock

and fired.

The tiger shifter lay still.
Sam shook his head sadly. He hated taking

another’s life, regardless of species, but the tiger
had ceased to be a shifter. There had been no
spark of humanity in his eyes. Sam sighed,
knowing what he’d done had been a mercy. No
shifter would want to live like that, as only half of

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As the adrenaline left him, the pain swept in.

Sam grunted and he sagged against Ryan. He
moaned as the new position put pressure on his
side and hip. “Fuck,” he grunted as black spots
once again danced across his vision.

“Shit, Sam,” Ryan growled, wrapping his

second arm around him.

Damn, isn’t that a sexy sound?
“Now, I know you need to lie down,” Ryan

grumbled, easing him to the floor.

Well, fuck, I must have said that out loud.
“Yeah, you did,” Ryan muttered. “Now, lie still.

I’ll be right back.”

Sam’s lips twitched, and—even though he’d

prefer to have his mate by his side—he obeyed.
Sighing, he stared up at the white tiles lining the
ceiling. He concentrated on filling and emptying
his lungs with oxygen because it was a hell of a lot
better than thinking about anything else…like the
pain permeating every inch of his body.

“Just relax,” Ryan soothed, appearing again in

his field of vision. He dropped a first aid kit on the
floor next to him.

“Where’d you have that?” he slurred, watching

his mate pull supplies out of the small plastic kit.

Ryan glanced at him before focusing on

cleaning the wound on his side. “I was in the

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military. Standard procedure to carry at least a
rudimentary first aid kit in a combat zone.”

“This a combat zone?” Sam mumbled inanely

before hissing at the pain spiking through his side.

“We did just get attacked by a psychotic tiger,”

Ryan pointed out.

“Right.” Sam sighed. “Dumb question.” He

hissed again, then wanted to kick himself for
showing weakness…or maybe that was because
he’d made his mate grimace and glance toward
him, looking like he felt bad for causing him
additional pain.

“Where are Mutegi and Payson?” Sam asked,

wanting to focus on something else.

Not sparing him a glance as he applied a

butterfly bandage to a particularly deep cut, Ryan
answered, “After you gutted the tiger’s back end,
they figured we could handle it. They went to take
over the control room.”

Sam nodded, having figured as much. Red

flashing in his peripheral vision drew his attention
to his mate’s right arm and he remembered what
had caused the tiger’s focus. “How’s your arm,
babe?” he slurred, lifting a hand to catch Ryan’s

Ryan smiled and gripped his wrist, gently

dislodging his hold. “I’m fine. It just grazed me.
The force spun me around, hitting my shoulder
into the wall, so it stunned me a bit.” To Sam’s

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surprise, and pleasure, Ryan traced two fingers
along Sam’s jawline. “Thank you for pulling me
out of the way of his next shots. I owe you my
life.” His gaze focused on the dead shifter for a
second and he grimaced. “For more reasons than

Before he could say what was on the tip of his

tongue—that he always wanted to be there for
Ryan if only his mate would let him—footsteps
pounding down the hallway reached Sam’s ears.
Ryan instantly went on alert, picking up his Glock
and pointing it toward whoever approached.

Just as quickly, he lowered the weapon and

called, “Eli! Thank God. Sam’s been injured.”

Eli dropped to his knees next to them. “Mutegi

called me,” he said, sweeping his gaze over both
men, his expression assessing. “And it looks like
he’s not the only one injured.”

“I’m fine,” Ryan countered.
“No, you’re not,” Eli stated, but he did turn

back to peer at Sam. “However, you’re right in the
assessment that your injury can wait.” Eli ran his
hands over Sam’s torso and checked the bandages
already in place. Next, he moved to Sam’s right
leg and shook his head. “I need to set your leg,
Sam, and it’s going to hurt like a bitch,” he
warned. “Ready?”

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Sam had known his leg was broken, probably

in more than one place. He jerked a nod and
growled through gritted teeth. “Do it.”

“Hold his shoulders down,” Eli instructed


Ryan obeyed, moving to Sam’s head and

gripping his shoulders. Sam started to smile, but
then Eli moved his leg. Agony surged through his
body, tunneling his vision. He could hear Eli
talking, although he couldn’t actually make out
the words. He felt the heat of a body draped over
him and recognized the scent of his mate. Bringing
up his arms, he wrapped Ryan in a tight hug,
letting the man’s scent soothe him. When a fresh
wave of pain surged through him, Sam didn’t
fight the darkness.

A dull throb pulsed through Sam’s body,

pulling him from the blissful darkness he’d been
enjoying. He wished he could go back to sleep,
except he really needed to piss. Swallowing, he
tried to get moisture to his throat as he pried open
one gummy eyelid.

“Hey, you with me?”
Sam’s brows drew together, hearing the softly-

crooned words. Surely, that wasn’t his mate? He
doubled his effort, but the sleepers worked against

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“Hold on, handsome,” Ryan murmured. “Let

me help.”

He felt a warm damp cloth rub across first one

eyelid, then the second. “Okay, try again, Sam.
Let’s see those deep brown eyes of yours.”

This time, Sam didn’t have any trouble opening

his eyes. He blinked several times to clear his
vision and finally the shapes took focus. Upon
seeing Ryan’s face, Sam smiled. “Hey,” he
murmured, his voice scratchy.

“You had a lot of people worried, Sam,” Ryan

said quietly.

From the human’s scent, that included Ryan.

Although pleased that his mate cared, Sam felt
bad that he’d worried him…except… “What are
you doing here?” he blurted out, then instantly
grimaced. “Sorry. I’m still out of it.”

Ryan nodded. “That’s understandable. I’ll go

get Eli.”

“No, wait,” he called grabbing Ryan’s wrist.

“Please,” he added upon seeing the man’s frown.
Almost instantly, the expression cleared and Ryan
lifted a brow. Taking that as encouragement, Sam
murmured, “I really need to take a piss but…” He
trailed off, grimacing.

Giving him an understanding smile, Ryan

nodded. “Gotcha.” He pulled the blanket off Sam,
and slid an arm under his shoulders. “Lean on me.
We’ll getcha there.”

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Sam sat up slowly, assimilating the pain in his

abs, knowing there were a good number of
scratches and gouges hidden under the swath of
bandages wrapped around his torso. He could feel
one on his left hip under his boxers as he bent his
good leg and used it as leverage to swing around,
slowly, his broken leg. Gritting his teeth against
the pain, Sam felt a cold sweat break out on his

“Maybe I should just bring you a bottle to piss

in,” Ryan suggested.

Shaking his head, Sam grunted. “I got this,” he

hissed, pushing off the bed.

Ryan clamped his mouth shut and steadied him

as Sam leaned on him heavily. Getting to have his
arms around his mate almost made the broken leg
worth it…until he took that first jolting, hopping
step. He couldn’t stop a stilted cry from escaping
as pain jolted through him.

“Shit, Sam,” Ryan mumbled. “I’m so sorry this

happened to you. If I’d have been able to just
shoot the fucking tiger you wouldn’t have been
injured like this.”

Sucking in a deep breath, Sam took the last step

into the bathroom, grateful the attached bath
hadn’t been far from the bed. Sam leaned against
the doorframe and—deciding to take a chance—he
cupped his mate’s cheek and drew him in for a
quick press of lips.

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Ryan stiffened, but he didn’t yank away,

offering Sam a glimmer of hope. He sipped from
his mate’s lips again, then eased away. “You
weren’t the only one in that hall with a gun, my
mate,” he whispered. “If I’d controlled my fear
and rage better, I could have shot the damn
shifter, myself. Or Mutegi could have. But I didn’t,
and my animal’s pretty damn big. I got in the way
and took on a fight I shouldn’t have. It was more
my fault than anyone’s.”

Sighing, Ryan surprised Sam by nuzzling into

his palm for just a second, then seemed to catch
himself and stepped away. “I’ll get Eli while
you…” His voice trailed off and he waved toward
the bathroom.

Sam nodded and, leaning on the sink, moved

jerkily toward the toilet. He was glad Ryan was
giving him privacy, even if it was at the cost of
losing contact with him.

Ryan paused when he was halfway across the

room and turned back to him. “Sam,” he said,
drawing his attention. “Let’s just call it the tiger’s

Smiling, Sam nodded. “Works for me.”
“Be right back.”
Ryan disappeared, and Sam shut the bathroom

door and focused on relieving his aching bladder.

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Chapter Seven

yan hustled out of the room before he did
something stupid…like grab the man and lay

one on him, then cuss him out for scaring the shit
out of him. Sam had slept for a good eighteen
hours. Eli had assured Ryan that Sam’s body was
just healing, and Ryan knew it was irrational, but
he hadn’t wanted to leave the man’s side while he

Sighing, Ryan shook his head and grimaced.

“I’m in too fucking deep already and I hardly
know the man,” he mumbled.

Uncertain how to proceed and knowing he’d

have to make a decision soon, Ryan happily
shelved the decision and walked into the billiard
room. He looked for Eli and when he didn’t see
him, he asked Ben where he might be.

“He’s checking the rescued shifters upstairs,”

Ben told him.

Nodding, Ryan turned on his heel and headed

back upstairs. The group had rescued four


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shifters—two wolves, a bobcat, and a California
condor. The wolves—who’d only just arrived at
the facility a few days prior—were brothers
Richard and Crain, the bobcat—a horribly scarred,
rail thin, and traumatized shifter—introduced
himself as Chip, and the condor still hadn’t
shifted, yet.

Ryan hadn’t actually met any of them, but he

knew in general where in the house they were
being held.

Rumors already abounded about the bobcat,

who Ryan had heard only spoke in whispers if
everyone was across the room—presumably to
avoid getting hit if whatever he said upset
someone. The brothers were forthcoming about
themselves once they realized that Eli and Sam—
also a wolf shifter—were mated. They’d been
snagged while on the run from their own pack,
which took offense that the younger of the pair,
Crain, preferred the company of men. So far, the
condor had refused to shift, refused treatment,
and only responded to Kontra’s alphaness.

The rooms had been set up in the west wing of

the lodge and he headed that way. Ryan could
hear Kontra in the first room, talking to the
condor, again, trying to convince him to shift. He
tapped the door gently and Eli’s mate opened the

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“Hey, sorry to interrupt,” Ryan murmured.

“Sam woke up and I’m looking for Eli.”

The little wolf shifter pointed at the door across

the hall. “He’s with Chip.”

“Thanks,” Ryan replied, turning away. He

heard the latch click behind him right before he
lifted a hand and tapped softly on the indicated

Yuma—whom he’d learned was a penguin

shifter—opened the door and peered out at him.
“What’s up?”

“I’m looking for Eli.”
“He’s doing some follow-up with Chip,” Yuma

said. “Is Sam okay?”

Ryan nodded, figuring everyone in the house

knew he’d been sitting with the bull shifter. “He
woke up. I thought Eli’d want to know.”

“Absolutely,” Yuma responded. “I’m sure he’ll

be done here soon and over to see him shortly.
Grab Sam a bowl of soup and two of those white
pills I showed you in the drawer. Eli probably
won’t be long.”

“Got it,” Ryan replied. He gave Yuma a mock

salute then returned to the first level and strode
briskly to the kitchen. He grabbed a can of chunky
soup, just knowing a shifter would want
something with meat, even while recovering,
poured it in a bowl and shoved it in the

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Ryan grabbed a tray and placed a cup of tea, a

glass of milk, and a glass of orange juice on the
tray. He didn’t know what the man liked, but
figured he could drink any of them if Sam didn’t
want them. Once the microwave dinged, he
grabbed the soup and silverware and placed them
on the tray, too, and headed back upstairs.

When Ryan knocked lightly and didn’t get a

response, he pushed his way into the room,
thinking maybe the man had fallen back asleep.
The room appeared empty. Frowning, he called,

He heard a grunt followed by a hiss, then the

bathroom door swung open, revealing a very pale
Sam. “Here,” he grunted, hanging between his
grip on the door and sink.

“Shit,” Ryan hissed. Why hadn’t he thought of

that? Sam had needed help getting to the
bathroom. Of course, he’d need help getting back
to bed.

Quickly, he placed the tray on the nightstand,

then hustled to Sam’s side. “Sorry, Sam,” he
apologized. “I didn’t even think.”

“Thought I could get back on my own, but can’t

put any weight on my right leg,” Sam admitted.

“Come on,” Ryan urged, once again wrapping

his near arm around Sam’s waist and gripping the
guy’s upper arm with his far hand.

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Sam grunted, nodding. He grabbed Ryan’s

shoulder and together, they made their way back
to the bed. Ryan worked hard to keep from
stumbling under the man’s weight. Sam was in no
way small…anywhere, he recalled from helping
Eli dress the shifter

Knowing that wasn’t in any way appropriate,

Ryan shut those thoughts down and focused on
getting Sam back to the bed with as little jostling
as possible.

When Ryan eased the shifter’s broken leg onto

the bed, he grimaced upon hearing Sam’s hiss.
“Sorry,” he instantly apologized again.

“It’ll be healed in a couple weeks,” Sam

responded, waving a hand. Letting out a long
sigh, he settled on the bed. “But, shit, does it hurt
right now.”

“Here,” Ryan said, striding back around the

bed. “Eli says you can take a couple of these pills
for the pain. What do you want to drink?” He
opened the nightstand drawer and pulled out the
small vial of white tablets.

“The orange juice will do,” Sam mumbled after

glancing at the offerings.

Ryan nodded, tilting the vial and dropping two

pills onto his palm.

“What are they? Aspirin doesn’t really work on

shifters,” Sam commented, cracking an eyelid as
he watched.

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“No clue. Eli didn’t say,” Ryan admitted. “I’m

guessing some kind of pain killer since he forced
two down you when we first arrived and you
slept like a baby the next six hours.” Meeting
Sam’s surprised gaze, Ryan shrugged. “Some kind
of morphine that’s safe for shifters?”

Sam grunted and took the pills, swallowing

them down with a deep gulp of juice. “Hope they
work fast,” he grumbled.

“Eat,” Ryan ordered.
“Not hungry.”
Ryan’s brows shot up at Sam’s petulant tone.

He just managed to keep from grinning. The man
wasn’t handling injury well at all, which begged
the question of how he managed to get the
scar…and how hard to get along with was he
while healing?

Deciding that was a conversation for another

time—if he even stuck around, and when did
staying turn into an option in his mind?—Ryan
picked up the bowl and held it out. “You need to
eat to heal. You’re a shifter. You have a higher
metabolism,” he said, trying to appeal to his
mate—shit, not mate, Sam—with logic.

Sam frowned. “Fine. I’ll eat later.”
“Now,” he persisted.
Growling, Sam snapped, “Then you’ll have to

force feed me,” before crossing his arms over his
chest and closing his eyes.

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Ryan scowled, and just managed to keep from

replying something equally ridiculous. Deciding
to call Sam’s bluff, Ryan parked his ass on the bed,
his back against the headboard with his hip
against Sam’s shoulders. He placed the bowl on
his lap and spooned up some food, before
reaching over with his free hand and plugging
Sam’s nose.

The bigger man’s eyes shot open as he

instinctively opened his mouth to breathe. Ryan
took advantage and shoved the full spoon into
Sam’s mouth. Sam swallowed convulsively, just as
Ryan knew he would, and he pulled the spoon
free as he released the man’s nose.

Once the guy swallowed the bite of potato and

beef, he snarled, “What the fuck?”

Shrugging, completely unrepentant, Ryan

stated, “You wanted to be force-fed. I complied.”

Sam’s eyes almost appeared to bug out of his

head. “What?”

Ryan ignored the man’s incredulous tone, filled

another spoonful and held it to Sam’s lips.
“Open,” he ordered. When Sam scowled at him,
Ryan growled, “ Open, now.”

Sam’s eyes widened, then slowly, he levered

himself into a sitting position beside Ryan, and
obeyed. For the next few minutes, Ryan fed Sam.
They sat in silence and Ryan didn’t miss how
intimate the setting actually felt. Finally, Ryan

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scraped the last spoonful across the bottom of the
bowl, fed it to Sam, and started to rise.

By that time, Sam’s eyes had dilated a bit,

telling Ryan the meds had begun to kick in. Still,
the speed in which Sam’s hand snaked out and
grabbed Ryan’s thigh, stopping him from moving,
surprised him. He lifted a brow and peered at

“I know you enjoy my touch,” Sam murmured,

his brows creased as if he were trying to figure
things out. “Why won’t you give us a chance?”

Ryan sucked in a deep breath, then let it out

slowly. Could he be honest with this man? If he
told him now, when he was slightly out of it,
would Sam remember tomorrow? Would he get
an honest reaction?

There was only one way to find out…and God

he really wanted to find out. Ryan couldn’t even
blame his attraction to the man…and he was
definitely attracted. He hadn’t felt this level of
desire or gotten so hard at the drop of a hat
in…ever. Ryan also felt the need to protect Sam.
Sitting beside him for hours on end, watching his
brows crease in pain, Ryan had wanted to ease
Sam’s obvious torment. He’d cared for him,
wiping his brow with a cool cloth for hours on
end. He couldn’t ever remember wanting to care
for another the way he did for this shifter.

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Swallowing hard, Ryan gripped Sam’s hand,

sliding his fingers between the other man’s where
they were spread across his thigh. To Ryan’s
pleasure, which would have freaked him out only
a day before, Sam flipped his hand over and
entwined their fingers.

“If I explain and you don’t like it, will you

promise to let me leave peacefully?” Ryan asked
quietly. “You won’t keep me captive or injure

Sam’s eyes widened, and even drugged, he

managed to look, well, offended. “I’d never do
that to you. You’re my mate, my heart, the one I’ll
protect with my life.” His hand tightened. “And
I’d never allow my pack to harm you, even if they
were inclined.” He frowned and shook his head.
“Which I know they’re not.”

“They might be if they find out that I’ve killed

several of your kind,” Ryan blurted, eyeing Sam

From the confused—almost so what

expression on Sam’s face, Ryan knew the man
didn’t get his meaning. He sighed, realizing he’d
have to explain further. “You wonder why I
couldn’t pull the trigger on that tiger?” He didn’t
wait for an answer. “It’s because I’ve killed several
shifters. Now, I realize they were innocents at that
very same facility,” he admitted. “It’s because over
the course of the last year and a half, before

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transferring to the Utah facility, I worked with a
team of five other men tracking down and
capturing shifters. Of the six we were sent to
capture, one of them, a lion shifter, I killed.”

He shuddered at the memory, reliving the

memory, remembering the blood, the roars, and
the aggression of the shifter. “The lion had killed
three of the men with me, and injured a fourth.
The shifter was preparing to kill the last one, so I
took the shot. Doctor Marlow labeled me a brave
man and hero for at least saving two of his
soldiers, and offered me the chance to undergo
their alterations.” Scowling, Ryan added, “I’d told
him how I couldn’t get a clean shot, and he told
me there was a way to make my eyesight even
better.” Meeting Sam’s gaze, Ryan grimaced.
“They were right. My eyesight now is better than
twenty-ten. If I focus, I can see every pore on
someone’s skin when standing at twenty paces.”
Shuddering out a breath, he murmured, “If my
eyesight was as it is now when my team was
facing that lion, I could have saved another two

Ryan finally closed his mouth and turned to

gaze at Sam, the almost flat expression on the
man’s face made him wonder if he shouldn’t have
waited to explain when the shifter was, well, not

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Sam suddenly blinked twice, then frowned at

him. “Wait, you think I’d be upset that you killed
shifters…in what sounds a lot like self-defense or
in the line of duty?” He cocked his head. “Ya
know, I’ve killed shifters as well…and humans.
Are you going to attack me because I killed people
for the same reasons?”

Ryan’s brows creased. Well, looking at it that

way, it did sound kinda, well, foolish. “Uh, no,”
he admitted.

“I know the meds are hitting me hard at the

moment,” Sam said, talking slowly, obviously
struggling to articulate. “But I don’t get why
you’d think me or any of my buddies would treat
you any differently.”

Grimacing, Ryan closed his eyes in dismay.

Shit, said like that, he sounded like a bigoted
asshole. “God, I’m—”

“Sam, good to see you awake, man,” Eli

interrupted, striding into the room.

Ryan snapped his mouth shut, realizing he’d

forgotten to shut the door. He watched the doctor
stride toward the bed, shaking his head at Sam.
“What were you thinking? When the damn tiger
ignored Payson’s warning and charged, you
should have just taken him down,” Eli
admonished. His expression turned sad. “Anyone
could see the lack of recognition in his eyes. The
shifter had lost himself.”

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Sam grunted and rolled his eyes, not bothering

to answer.

Frowning, Ryan held up a hand. “Wait. Aren’t

you a doctor? I thought you were supposed to
preserve life.”

His lips curving in a sardonic smile, Eli replied,

“Sure. I’m devoted to preserving the lives of my
pack mates. That tiger obviously had lost his
mind. Madness swam in the depths of his eyes.”
He shrugged and added softly, “No shifter wants
to live like that, Ryan. Putting him down was the
best thing for him.”

Ryan nodded slowly, understanding. “Where’d

he come from? How’d he get loose?”

Eli glanced up from where he carefully

removed Sam’s bandages and checked the healing
skin. “While Kontra helped Vail calm the wolves,
Draven opened the tiger’s door. The idiot
scientists didn’t have signs indicating what breed
shifter was being held, so we didn’t know. Draven
barely escaped unscathed as it launched by us
once it realized we weren’t guards with guns and
gonna shoot it right away. Emmett and I tried to
calm him, but we weren’t successful. When we
realized the tiger had gone rogue, Emmett
hollered at Kontra. By then, it was streaking down
the corridor. We tracked it, but by the time we got
to him, the beast had already found you all.”

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The doctor returned to checking Sam’s wounds.

“Well, the slices are healing nicely. The bite on
your flank will take another day or two,” he
added as he rolled Sam’s hips slightly and pulled
down the edge of his boxers to remove and
examine the wound on the back of Sam’s hip.

Ryan swallowed hard, his fingers turning white

where he clasped them between his knees. Damn
it all. He hated Eli touching Sam like that. He knew
the necessity of it and struggled to control his
irrational desire to yank the doctor’s hands away.

Is this the mate pull at work? Would I feel this way

if we weren’t mates?

Suddenly, Ryan realized it didn’t matter. He

wanted this man, this shifter, irrational attraction
or not, and from Sam’s responses to his earlier
statements, the guy didn’t seem to mind that he’d
killed shifters…in fact, he seemed to totally
understand. Excitement actually coursed through
Ryan’s system, and he struggled not to get a boner
as he anticipated the feel of Sam’s hands on him.

“Your leg, however, is going to take

another…mmm…maybe three or four weeks to
heal,” Eli warned, grimacing sympathetically.
Shaking his head, the doctor stated, “The tiger
really did a number on it. Sorry, man.”

Sam shook his head where it rested on a pillow

and sighed. “Naw, man. Shoulda kept my head.”

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Eli patted Sam’s shoulder, then turned to Ryan.

“Well, he’s woken. What are you planning to do
now? Heading out of town? Staying?” He looked
between them. “You are mates, you know.”

It wasn’t a question, and Ryan knew it. He

glanced toward Sam, seeing the shifter’s eyelid
cracked, one dilated eye watching him. Ryan
licked his lips, uncertain how to express his
newfound discoveries, but knowing he had to be
honest. “I’m not completely sure,” he decided on.
“I, uh…I guess when Sam feels better, me and him
have a lot to talk about,” he murmured quietly.

Patting his shoulder, Eli pushed away from the

bed and headed toward the door. “Good choice,”
he commented. Looking over his shoulder, he
added, “Get some rest, Sam. It’ll help the ache in
your leg.”

Sam’s fingers brushed over Ryan’s hand,

drawing his attention. “You really gonna stick

Noting the man’s worried tone, Ryan flipped

his hand and twined their fingers, giving the other
man’s hand a squeeze. “I’ll be here when you
wake up,” he promised.

For several seconds, Sam’s muzzy gaze swept

over Ryan’s face. Finally, Sam nodded and
stopped fighting his body’s obvious desire for
sleep. His eyelids closed and his breathing evened
out, sleep claiming him almost instantly.

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Ryan traced his fingertips over Sam’s sweaty

brow, remembering all the expressions he’d seen
cross this man’s face. Concern, worry, fear, lust,
desire, even possessive rage and determination
right before he shifted to protect him.

He’d caused this man to feel all those things. A

need to see the lust and desire again rode Ryan,
erasing his guilt, and he wondered what he could
do to illicit it soon.

Settling into the chair, Ryan propped his feet on

the side of the bed and picked up the cup of now
lukewarm tea, ready to wait as long as it took to
prove his sincerity. He’d be there when Sam woke,
then they had a shitload to talk about.

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Chapter Eight

am once again woke to the surge and ebb of
pain through his system. At least, he didn’t feel

the desire to chop off his leg to stop the agony this
time. Cracking open an eyelid—thank the gods he
didn’t have them stuck shut again—Sam stared at
the ceiling. Frowning, he turned his head just
enough to see the chair where Ryan had been
sitting, but it was empty.

Disappointment stabbed through him, numbing

the pain with its intensity.

The toilet in the attached bathroom flushed.

Hope blossomed in Sam’s chest as he listened to
water splash in the sink. A few seconds later, the
door opened and Ryan appeared.

Ryan’s gaze met Sam’s, and his hazel eyes lit

up. “Hey,” he crooned, crossing quickly to the
bed. “How are you feeling?”

Relief and pleasure flooded Sam. “Hey, you’re

here.” He leaned into Ryan’s touch, nuzzling the
man’s palm with his two-day growth. There had


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been no way he’d been able to stand for a long
enough period to actually shave earlier—was that
yesterday?—but Ryan didn’t shy away from the

Instead, concern filled Ryan’s expression. “I

said I would,” he murmured. His brows drew
together. “But I understand why you’d be

“Why’d you decide to stay?” Sam asked.
For a second, Ryan stared at where he touched

Sam instead of answering. Finally, he met Sam’s
eyes. “Do you remember what we discussed last

Sam wracked his brain. After he’d taken the

pills Ryan had given him, it didn’t take long for
his memories to become a bit disjointed. Whatever
was in those tablets packed a punch…and fast.
From Ryan’s grimace, and the way he pulled his
hand away, Sam knew this was important.

He grabbed his mate’s hand and held on, not

letting the man get away. “Give me a sec, babe,”
he whispered. “I just need a sec to sort things out.”

Ryan paused, nodding. “Can I get you anything

while you do that?” he asked softly. “Maybe some
juice or toast?” A corner of his lip curved into a
semblance of a smile. “A steak?”

Sam chuckled at that. “I’m a bull. Steak doesn’t

have the same allure as it would to a wolf shifter,
but I appreciate the offer.”

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Ryan smirked. “You want a salad then?”
Liking that his mate was willing to tease him,

Sam lifted a brow and returned his smirk. “Only if
it’s Caesar and you toss some chicken on there
that I don’t have to kill.” The mention of killing
jogged his memory, and he sobered. “That’s what
we were discussing last night,” he whispered.

Ryan instantly sobered. “Yeah. Yeah, we were.”
The man settled on the side of the bed, and Sam

took the opportunity to rest his hand on Ryan’s
thigh. “You’ve killed shifters before and worried
I’d reject you because of it, but my response is still
the same, Ryan,” he assured. “I’ve seen my share
of death, and so have most of the guys in the pack.
We’d never judge you for what you had to do to

Nodding, Ryan murmured, “I appreciate you

saying that. I guess…God, I don’t know what I
was thinking.”

“You were thinking we’d judge you,” Sam

stated, keeping his tone even. “And after the lies
the scientists told you about us, it’s not surprising.
You didn’t know any better.” Taking a chance,
Sam reached up and cupped Ryan’s jaw. “I’m
hoping you’re willing to stick around to learn

Ryan shivered under his touch. The knowledge

that his mate allowed him to touch, giving him the

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chance to have this conversation with him, heated
Sam’s blood. His dick thickened under the blanket
and it suddenly struck him that he was nude. His
mate had helped his boxer-clad ass to the
bathroom, touching him and wrapping an arm
around him. Where the hell had his clothes gone?
Oh, right…Eli had removed them the last time
he’d checked his bandages.

Hope flared, just the same.
“I am,” Ryan whispered. “I, uh…kinda lied a

couple days ago.” He glanced away, his cheeks
warming under Sam’s palm, turning a faint red.

“What do you mean?” Sam asked, softly, not

wanting to lose the contact. He brushed his thumb
over Ryan’s lips, desperately wanting to pull the
man close and taste his mate again. “What did you
lie about?” He wracked his brain about when he
might have scented deceit from the man. He’d
scented just about everything except that at one
point or other.

“I said I’m not gay,” Ryan murmured, focusing

on Sam’s chest. “I consider myself bisexual. I’ve
enjoyed the attentions of both women and men.”

At his words, jealousy spiked through him. He

had a sudden desire to seek out whoever had
touched his mate and strangle them. Knowing he
couldn’t, Sam focused on what his mate had told
him, instead. “So, you’re saying you, uh, maybe
feel attracted to me?” he asked hopefully.

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Ryan snorted, finally focusing on him. “Oh, I’m

definitely attracted,” he admitted softly.

“Shifters do things awfully fast,” Sam

acknowledged. “Since we know our mate nearly

“For humans, it doesn’t happen that quickly.”
“What are you saying?” Sam frowned, trying to

understand the direction of the conversation.

Ryan shrugged and met his gaze. “I don’t

know.” Sighing, the muscles of his thigh tensed.

Sam squeezed the muscle he gripped lightly,

trying to reassure him. “So, we see if we’re
compatible. Sure, Fate seems to think we are, but
we need to figure each other out, right?”

“Yeah,” Ryan agreed, looking relieved. “Yeah.”
“So, was Eli able to find some crutches?” Sam

asked, figuring his mate needed a subject change.
“I wouldn’t mind heading to the kitchen and
gettin’ some grub.”

Ryan shook his head. “Sorry, nope.” He

winked. “Eli has a pair stashed away somewhere,
but he wouldn’t give them to me yesterday
because he says otherwise you’ll put too much
pressure on your leg. You’re on bed rest,

He couldn’t help grinning, even though he

didn’t like the news. His mate thought he was

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handsome. “Then you better head off and do a
kitchen run,” he teased. “Feed me.”

Ryan rolled his eyes and rose from the bed.

“Fine. What do you want?”

“Coffee and whatever’s easy,” he replied.
His mate took a few steps away, then turned

back to look at him. “Can I—” He paused,
obviously uncertain.

“I want to kiss you again.”
Pleasure flooded Sam and his cock twitched

under the blanket. “I’d like that.”

Ryan returned to the side of the bed and placed

one hand on the headboard by Sam’s head and
with the other, he loosely cupped Sam’s jaw. For
several seconds, Ryan just stared into his eyes.
Sam really wanted to lean up and capture Ryan’s
mouth, but he knew he had to wait for his lover.

Finally, Ryan pressed his lips over Sam’s, the

pressure light. Sam reveled in the feel of the soft
rub—rub of his mate’s lips as he brushed them
together once, twice. He fought back a moan when
Ryan nipped his bottom lip lightly. He did open
his mouth a smidge as he sucked in a surprised
breath at the move, and Ryan immediately took
advantage, thrusting his tongue into Sam’s mouth.

This time, Sam released a growling groan, the

sound rumbling up his chest and swallowed by
Ryan. Sam’s mate’s fingers dug into the tendons of

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his neck as he fed him a growl, his tongue twining
with Sam’s. He reveled in his human’s tight hold
and the man’s amazing scotch-bitter taste.

Ryan’s second hand delved into Sam’s hair and

used the hold to tilt his head as he deepened the
kiss. They twined their tongues, dueling. Sam
reached up, gripped the shoulder of Ryan’s t-shirt
and held on, tasting and clinging to the man he
hoped to make his lover.

Finally, Ryan eased back and Sam reluctantly

let him go. He sucked a much-needed breath into
his tortured lungs. He swallowed hard as he
opened his eyes and watched his mate ease a few
inches away from him.

“Wow,” Ryan whispered, peering intently at


Sam really liked the small smile playing at the

corners of his human’s lips. He grinned. “Yeah.”

Ryan licked his lips and took his time sweeping

his gaze over Sam’s chest to where the blanket
covered his waist and legs. His attention snagged
on Sam’s obvious erection where it tented the
sheet. He licked his lips again.

Sam swallowed his groan at the obvious lust

blanketing Ryan’s expression.

“I’ll, uh—” Ryan paused and cleared his throat.

“How about I take care of that after breakfast?” he
growled huskily.

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For just a second, Sam’s voice caught in his

throat. “Y-yeah.”

Ryan grinned. “Excellent. Guess I better feed

you then. I want you to have a little energy, at
least,” he teased, winking as he pulled away. “Be
right back.”

Sam watched his mate slip from the room. His

heart pounded in his chest in anticipation at what
was to come. Then he realized his soon-to-be lover
would probably expect to do just that—make love.

His heart rate shot up for an altogether different

reason and beads of sweat broke out on his
brow—and this time, not from pain, but from fear.
Would he be able to keep an erection in the face of
penetrating his mate? He’d always lost his boner
any time his hook-ups pushed for it. Would it be
different with Ryan?

He focused on his breathing, trying to decide

what to do. Remembering Ryan’s honesty, he
knew he had to give the same courtesy to his
mate. He needed to explain his hang-ups to his
soon-to-be lover.

Sam was just lifting his leg back onto the bed,

having successfully traversed a slow, painful trip
to the bathroom—when Ryan came back from the
kitchen. He returned his mate’s smile as he pulled
the sheet across his lap after getting his good leg

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“Looks like you slept through breakfast,” Ryan

stated, then waggled his eyebrows comically. “But
you’re in luck because Land was making grilled
turkey and cheese.” He set the plate on the tray on
the nightstand, then—surprising Sam—he asked,
“Do you mind if I join you on the bed, again? I’ll
be careful about your leg.”

Grinning, Sam beckoned with his hand. “I’d

like that.”

Returning the grin, Ryan settled next to him, his

back against the headboard. He reached over,
grabbed the tray, and rested it over their laps. “Eat
while it’s hot,” he ordered, pushing a plate with
two steaming sandwiches toward him.

Sam chuckled, staring at the twin sandwiches.

“Think I need that much?”

Ryan snorted. “I’ve seen you guys eat. Ya’ll are

bottomless pits.”

“Ha!” Sam snorted, unable to hide his mirth.

Ryan did have them pegged in that area. With a
shifter’s high metabolism, they often ate almost
double what a normal human would. He winked,
then grabbed a sandwich half and took a big bite.

After swallowing, Sam picked up his coffee and

took a sip, pleased to find it contained just the
right amount of cream and sugar. Taking another
large bite of grilled turkey and cheese, Sam’s
brows drew down for a second…when had he

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discussed his coffee preference with the man? He
lifted a brow at Ryan in question, lifting the mug.

Shrugging, Ryan answered his unvoiced query.

“I asked Tim how you took your coffee.”

“Huh.” Sam didn’t even realize Kontra’s mate

knew how he liked the beverage.

Go figure.
He watched Ryan bring a mug of his own to his

lips and take a sip, his smile curving blissfully as
he swallowed the black liquid. A quick inhale
verified the scent wasn’t coffee. “What is that?” he
asked curiously. He couldn’t place the scent.

“Black Dragon Tea,” Ryan replied, before

taking a larger swallow and humming happily.
Sam knew he must be showing his surprise, for
Ryan chuckled and stated, “It’s a black tea. Not as
much caffeine as coffee and tastes a hell of a lot
better. I don’t like coffee,” Ryan reminded him. He
shrugged. “I found it in the pantry.”

“You don’t like coffee?”
Ryan shook his head.
Sam held out his hand. “May I?”
Ryan hesitated for just a second, then handed

him the mug, saying, “We swapped spit, so why

Barking out a laugh, Sam almost spilled the


“Hey, watch it,” Ryan warned, although he did

it with a smile.

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Sobering, Sam brought the beverage to his lips

and took a tentative sip. Not as bitter as coffee, it
wasn’t as thick either. “Not bad,” he said, handing
the mug back. He certainly wouldn’t be requesting
it anytime soon, but he could understand the
occasional appeal…besides, if it made his mate
happy, he’d make certain to have a box of tea bags
in his saddlebags at all times.

Sam glanced at Ryan from the corner of his eye

several times over the next couple of minutes as
they ate. Finally, knowing he had to say
something before embarrassing himself, he stated,
“I got the scar from a bunch of wolf shifters
who…” He grimaced, then changed tactics.
“They’re not my only scars.”

Ryan chewed the last bite of his sandwich. He

glanced down at Sam’s body, taking in his scar-
free chest, shoulders, and arms.

Shaking his head, Sam admitted, “I have scars

across my lower back and between my thighs.”

“Ah, shit,” Ryan murmured, his eyes widening





everything…work? Are you okay?” he asked,
stumbling over his words. “What can I do

Seeing his mate’s struggle with words, Sam

rested his hand on the man’s arm and squeezed,
silencing him. “I’m fine, now, physically, but I’ve
never—” He paused, his face flushing at having to

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admit this. He felt grateful that Ryan waited
patiently. “I’ve done things with others since then,
but I’ve never done anal. After the pain and
torture those shifters put me through I…” His
words trailed off as he sucked in a couple deep
breaths, trying not to remember those few days
he’d been in the asshole’s clutches. Never would
he cease being grateful that Kontra had been in the

Ryan nodded slowly. “I kinda wondered,

because that blow job you gave me was mind-
blowing,” he admitted.

Sam chuckled, flushing, pleased his mate had

enjoyed the experience. Sobering, he finally said,
“I don’t know if I can keep it up if you want to
have sex.” He clenched his jaw, choosing his
words carefully. “Don’t get me wrong. I want to
make love to you, but I don’t want to…” He
grimaced and shrugged. “Freak out. Not please
you. Hurt you. Embarrass myself. Embarrass

Blowing out a slow breath, Ryan shook his

head. Setting the tray aside, he took Sam’s hand
and squeezed. “You would never hurt me. I’ll
admit it took me by surprise to learn that shifters
are something other than the monsters the
scientists painted them to be, but even I know
mates don’t hurt each other.”

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He brought Sam’s hand to his lips and kissed

the knuckles gently. Sam’s tension eased
somewhat at the clear conviction shining through.
It was so different than when they’d first met just
a few days before. “How do you know this?” he
whispered, unable to voice his question.

Shrugging, Ryan smiled, the move warming his

hazel eyes. “I had a lot of time to think over the
last day and a half while you were sleeping.”
Then, his cheeks flushed, maybe at some memory,
but he continued to hold Sam’s gaze. “And your
friends would stop by often to chat. It was like a
crash course in shifters. Mating one-oh-one,” he
finished, chuckling.

“Oh,” Sam murmured, pleased his friends had

given Ryan information and yet jealous all at the
same time. He’d wanted to share that info with his

“As for the other things,” Ryan continued. “As

long as we’re honest with each other, I don’t think
they will happen either.” Ryan paused for a
second, obviously in thought. He cocked his head
to the side and peered at Sam. “I heard sex is
required to claim your mate, but we haven’t
discussed it. Do you even want to claim me?”

Sam’s breath caught in his throat. Tension

caused his fingers to tighten, and he had to remind
himself to ease his grip so he didn’t hurt his
human mate. Slowly, biting his bottom lip and

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swallowing hard, Sam nodded. “I want to claim

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Chapter Nine

yan leaned over the pool table and took his
shot. The crack of ball against ball sounded

obnoxiously loud in the room, but he hardly paid
attention to the action on the table. Instead, he
thought about Sam.

It’d been over two weeks since the shifter had

admitted wanting to claim Ryan, except, the man
didn’t seem to be making any headway in that
direction. Sure, Ryan hadn’t expected it to happen
right that instant—after all, Sam was injured.
However, shouldn’t Sam have pushed for it at
some point between now and then?

Sam currently wore a walking boot—which

he’d only need for about another week—and he
moved around freely. Any action Ryan instigated
ended in mutual jerk-offs, rub offs, blow jobs, or
even sixty-nines, and even though Ryan loved
their actions, he still found his dick almost always
at half-mast and ready for action. He’d learned
from discussions with a sympathetic Caleb and


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Ben that it was because his body constantly craved
uniting completely with Sam’s.

Both men had turned out to be really great

friends and Ryan didn’t know what he would
have done without their kind support and patient
guidance…which led him to his current situation.
He sure hoped his plan to seduce Sam worked,
because he didn’t know what else to try.

He glanced at Mutegi, who he played against,

then around at the several pairs of men who’d
agreed to help him.

Yuma sat curled up in Hunter’s lap on a corner

of one sofa. Land sat between Payson’s legs on the
other end of the piece of furniture. Caleb sprawled
across Emmett’s lap in a recliner while Eli sat on a
matching chair with his mate at his feet. Each pair
already engaged in some form of foreplay—either
making out, rubbing, or rocking.

He knew the pheromones must have been off

the charts by the way sweat glistened on Mutegi’s
upper lip, even as the big man attempted to
continue their seemingly innocent game of pool.
Ryan discovered he wasn’t completely immune
either. Whether it was the view of Eli’s little wolf
kneeling at his feet, his hand under the loose leg of
Eli’s cargo shorts, and blatantly rubbing the
slender shifter’s obvious erection, or maybe the
way Caleb sucked up a mark on his mate’s neck
while Emmett fondled the slender ridge filling out

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the groin of the smaller man’s sweats. Watching
these scenes, Ryan felt like his prick pulsed against
the fly of his jeans. Of course, it could have been
the butt plug inserted in his rectum, pressing
insistently against his prostate any time he bent
over to take a shot, or stood up after his turn, or
just moved in general.

They all waited for the same thing…for Ben—

who stood at the top of the stairs shifting restlessly
from foot to foot, the palm of one hand cupping
the crotch of his shorts—to tell them Sam was on
his way. Then, the men planned to kick it up a
notch. What the hell that meant, Ryan had no idea
considering the soft porn already playing out in
front of him.

Finally, finally, Ben came sprinting down the

stairs…the signal that Sam was headed toward
them. As if the bull shifter needed any
announcement other than his roar of what the hell
is going on
that could be heard ringing through the

Ryan blanched. His mate sounded angry.
Yeah, over the last week I’ve accepted the man as my

mate. Now, if I could just get him past his hang-ups so
he could fuck me senseless.

They’d done just about everything else, but

Sam hadn’t even attempted to penetrate Ryan,
even with a finger. He was about to go out of his
mind with need.

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Ryan gripped his pool cue tightly as he

watched Ben practically climb Mutegi. Looking
up, he spotted his lover limping down the stairs,
his face flushed, his dark eyes sparking, and—
yup—his erection very nicely tenting his sweats.

He knew from experience that Sam was hung

like the bull he was. Eleven inches of thick, uncut
cock, and he wanted it plowing his
ass…desperately. When he and the other shifters
had come up with this little plan, Ryan had
special-ordered the biggest damn butt plug he
could find, which he now wore.

Licking his lips, Ryan didn’t bother responding

as Sam swiftly reached the first floor…which was
kind of impressive since the shifter still wore a
boot. Ryan had confirmed with Eli that Sam’s leg
could handle the strain of…whatever the hell the
bull shifter could do given the stimulus they were
giving him. The doc had confirmed that it’d be just

Thank God!
Ryan met Sam’s gaze, taking in the infuriated

lines of the glowering shifter’s jaw, and smirked.
Slowly, he backed away. Ryan focused on his
lover, which was actually kinda tough considering
the moans and grunts now permeating the room,
but since he wanted his mate aroused and not
incensed, he did it.

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Crooking a finger, Ryan backpedaled toward

the wet bar. Pleasure filled him when Sam didn’t
even glance at the other men in the room as he
stalked across the floor toward Ryan. When he
reached the bar, Ryan slipped behind it, all the
while holding Sam’s gaze.

Ryan backed around the corner and out of

sight. He heard a low growl and knew his lover
followed. The bar connected to the back of the
kitchen with a short, four foot hallway. Although
small, it still offered plenty of room, plus the
privacy Ryan knew Sam would want for a
claiming, while—because it was open to the rest of
the bar and the rec room beyond—Ryan figured
it’d still be permeated with the same heavy
pheromones needed to drive his lover out of his

“What the hell is going on, Ryan?” Sam

demanded gruffly, rounding the corner of the bar
and coming into sight.

Ryan leaned against the secluded counter,

resting his hands on the bar behind him, which
effectively thrust out his groin. “Just waiting for
you, Sam,” he stated. He didn’t even need to try to
get his voice to drop with lust. The sight of his
shifter’s broad shoulders and sexy features did it
for him.

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The rolling gait of the man’s lean hips drew his

gaze like a moth to a flame. “Damn, you’re
fucking sexy,” he mumbled.

A low chuckle rumbled through Sam. “I’m glad

you think so.” When Sam reached Ryan, he
wedged his body between his thighs and
bracketed him with his arms. Staring intently, he
growled, “Now, you gonna tell me what the hell is
going on? I’ve never seen the guys like that.”

Ryan shrugged. He didn’t know that, since the

guys had seemed more than happy to put on a
show, but now that he thought about it, he hadn’t
seen anyone’s skin—just heard plenty of noise and
scented plenty of arousal.

Getting his mind back on track, Ryan reached

up and rested his hands on Sam’s pecks. He
rubbed his thumbs over Sam’s nipples, pleased to
feel the nubs harden beneath the fabric of the t-
shirt. He gave his lover what he hoped Sam would
consider a sultry look. “I heard from Payson you
enjoyed listening. I figured it would, uh…” He
licked his lips, searching for the right words. Then,
he blurted his desires. “I wanted an environment
you’d enjoy, so you could claim me.”

Sam’s jaw dropped, clearly shocked, but the

look quickly morphed into a pained expression.

Okay, not the best approach.

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Ryan moved one hand up and cupped Sam’s

jaw. He pressed their mouths together in a soft
kiss, then backed just a smidge, making their lips
brush as he spoke. “Hey, hey, relax,” he
whispered. “Focus on me. Don’t think. Just feel,”
he ordered, sliding his hand down Sam’s jaw to
caress the tendons of his neck. At the same time,
he rocked his hips forward and rubbed his
erection against Sam’s groin, pleased to still find
an answering hardness behind the thin fabric of
Sam’s sweats.

To Ryan’s pleasure, Sam moaned and closed

the scant distance between their mouths. He
flicked his tongue against the seam of Ryan’s lips
and he happily opened to the man, letting the
other man thrust in his tongue.

His lover’s heady masculine flavor exploded

across Ryan’s tongue. His grip tightened on Sam’s
neck as Ryan tilted his head and gave his lover
more access. The throbbing in his jeans turned
insistent, and he scrambled for the zipper. Sam
batted his hands away and made quick work of
his fly, then shoved his pants down.

With a wiggle and a shake, which he’d deny to

his dying day, Ryan got the jeans down his legs
and kicked off past his bare feet. He fed Sam a
moan when he felt Sam’s thick cock—which Sam
must have freed from his sweats while Ryan had
removed his own jeans—press against his own.

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Yanking his mouth away, Ryan hopped up on

the counter behind him and spread his legs. He
hooked his heels around Sam’s waist and dug
them into his shifter’s naked ass. Looking down,
Ryan licked his lips upon seeing his lover’s rearing
prick, the foreskin already pulling away to reveal
a wet, ruddy head.

“God, I want that in my ass,” he mumbled, his

body vibrating with lust.

His man stiffened between his thighs, and not

in a good way.

Knowing he needed to distract the man, Ryan

grabbed both their pricks and pressed them
together. He reveled in the hot flesh pressed
against his own, and loved the sound of Sam’s
hiss. It was almost as good as the feel of his lover’s
hands digging his fingers into his hips.

Instead of stroking their cocks, Ryan rubbed his

thumb over Sam’s partially exposed slit. Then, he
gently pulled his lover’s foreskin over his own
prick’s glans, combining their pre-cum, and
rubbing their heads together.

Sam moaned, his body arching. Ryan reveled in

the power he felt as his lover gave himself over to
the sensations he caused. “Ryan,” Sam grunted,
his hips jerking.

“That’s it, baby,” Ryan crooned, trying to

control his own body’s reactions. He felt his balls
roll in their sacks, threatening to pull tight.

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Needing a distraction, Ryan grabbed Sam’s hand
and pried it from his hip. “Wanna show you
something,” he said upon seeing his mate’s
questioning look.

Even as Sam allowed Ryan to guide his hand

between his legs to his crack, his lover’s thumb
brushed his balls. Ryan moaned as spikes of
pleasure threaded through his system. When
Sam’s fingertips finally slid over the base of the
plug, jiggling the piece of silicone, making it rub
over his prostate, Ryan thought he’d lose his

Ryan gasped, his body shuddering. A bead of

sweat dripped down his temple. Seeing the
shocked expression on Sam’s face quickly turn
into one of feral delight as he gripped the toy and
jiggle it, moving it over Ryan’s prostate on
purpose, just about sent Ryan over the edge.

“S-Sam,” he hissed.
Sam pulled the toy out an inch, then released it,

allowing it to sink back into Ryan’s ass.

“Oh my God,” Ryan howled, a shiver working

up his spine.

His dick oozed another drop of pre-cum,

slicking their heads where they rubbed together
underneath Sam’s foreskin. His mate groaned,
Sam’s eyelids lowering to half-mast. His mouth
opened and he panted several breaths as Sam
locked gazes with him.

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Sam’s Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed

hard. “Ryan,” he whimpered. “I-I need—”

Relief flooded Ryan that his mate seemed to be

just as on edge as him. “Gonna give you what you
need,” he promised. Squeezing Sam’s wrist on the
hand that played with the butt plug, he ordered,
“Pull it out.” He gritted his teeth as Sam obeyed.
“Ah, fuck,” he whispered.

Freezing, Sam met his gaze, questions in his


Ryan forced a smile. “Feels good,” he assured.
Sam didn’t really look like he believed him.

Ryan massaged Sam’s foreskin where it covered
their dick’s heads, distracting his lover with the
sensual touch for a few seconds. Then, unable to
wait any longer—because if he did, Ryan knew
he’d spew—Ryan eased their cocks apart and
lowered his lover’s leaking, jerking prick to his
lubed and stretched hole.

Ryan watched his lover look down, his eyes

widening in shock. Not wanting his shifter to start
over thinking, Ryan tilted his head. “Claim me,”
he whispered.

That brought Sam’s focus to Ryan’s neck, then

his eyes, his expression questioning.

Smiling, Ryan tilted his head further and

murmured, “I need you, mate.”

Sam moaned, lowering his head and trailing his

tongue up the tendon. “You sure?” Sam asked, the

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words against Ryan’s wet flesh caused goose
bumps to dance across his skin.

“Now,” Ryan insisted.
He jacked Sam’s prick where he still held it in

his grip, the pre-cum smeared head kissing his
hole. As soon as he felt the first prick of Sam’s
teeth at his neck, he tightened his legs and rocked
his hips. The move drove Sam’s cock deep into his
rectum just as Sam’s teeth sank into his shoulder.

The dual sensations of pain and pleasure

wrapped around him to create the most intense
bliss Ryan had ever experienced. His body bowed.
His arms and legs tightened around his lover,
holding Sam close as he roared his pleasure.
Ryan’s balls exploded, pumping his seed between
them as his body spasmed and jerked.

Sam whined and hissed in his ear. His lover’s

body shuddered. “Ryan,” Sam whispered.

The strangled sound barely reached Ryan over

the roaring in his ears caused by the blissful
endorphins pinging through his system. He felt
the man in his arms shiver just as warmth jetted
into his channel. Ryan hummed, a new kind of
pleasure seeping through him as the sensation of
being connected to the man in his arms intensified.

Never had he felt so sated, so relaxed. Grinning,

Ryan sighed. “Oh, Sam,” he murmured, nuzzling
Sam’s temple since his lover still hid his head in
the crook of Ryan’s neck.

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Ryan rubbed his palms over Sam’s back. He

licked and nipped his lover’s earlobe, liking the
way it made the man shiver. Massaging his
shifter’s tense back muscles, Ryan felt the shudder
work through the man’s back. Concern flooded
Ryan, thinking maybe he’d pushed too hard too
fast in his effort to ease both their horny almost
painful states.

Finally, Sam slid his teeth from Ryan’s

neck…which was an even odder sensation than a
guy pulling his prick from his ass, but for the
pleasure it’d cause, he’d be more than happy to
feel it again and again.

“Mine,” Sam growled. He lifted his head and

glared fiercely down at Ryan. “You’re mine. I’m
not letting you go.”

Ryan hadn’t realized there’d still been a

question on that, but then it hit him like a ton of
bricks. His mate hadn’t pushed to claim him
because they’d never really finalized any decisions
on the future.

Smiling, Ryan reached up and cupped Sam’s

face. He rubbed his thumbs over the shifter’s stern
mouth and creased brows, easing the tension. “I
am yours, Sam,” he crooned, acknowledging and
putting the man’s fears to rest. “Just as you are
mine. I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with

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Sam’s lips curved into a broad smile, pleasure

filling his brown eyes. “Yeah?”

Leaning up, Ryan brushed his lips over Sam’s.

“Oh, yeah. You’ve given me everything I never
knew I wanted. You.”

Sighing, Sam’s arms tightened around him and

he returned Ryan’s butterfly kiss. “What do you
say we head upstairs and continue showing each
other how much we enjoy each other?”

Ryan chuckled. “That sounds like a perfect


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About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her
husband and furry, four-legged children. She
started writing fantasy when she was eight, and
after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age
nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now
focuses on writing erotic romance, normally of the
paranormal variety, with heroes and heroines of
all kinds. You can often find her curled up with
her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of wine,
creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys
exploring the mountains on horseback, 4-wheeler,
or motorcycle. Her favorite exercise is jumping
lessons with her Arabian gelding Apache or her
Thoroughbred mare Repo. And she can’t get
enough of sexy highlanders with their kilts and
swords. Right now, she and her muse are working
with dedication on her Wolves of Stone Ridge
series and Kontra’s Menagerie series.

She can be reached at
Or visit her at

Document Outline


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Kontra s Menagerie 13 Texas Longhorn Surprise
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 03 Hope for a Buffalo
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 01 Mutegi s Sweet One
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 02 Catlin s Appaloosa
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 12 Ruffling the Peacock s Feathers
Charlie Richards Konta s Menagerie 7 Giving Perrin Life
Charlie Richards Unwrapping the Alpha s Mate (Kontra s Menagerie #15)
Charlie Richards Wolves Of Stone Ridge 06 Goading the Enforcer
Charlie Richards Lifting Techniques
Kontra s Menagerie 6 Swimming With Penguins
Charlie Richards A Nip of Good Cheer
Charlie Richards Wolves of Stone Ridge 19 Just Lion Around
Charlie Richards A Bite of Fulfillment
Charlie Richards Wolves of Stone Ridge 1 Werewolf at the Zoo
Charlie Richards (Wolves of Stone Ridge #17) Freeing Demitri s Wolf
Charlie Richards Accepting Caladon s Scales
Charlie Richards Drawing out his Wolf
Kontra s Menagerie 11 Compromises For His Moose
Charlie Richards Catching a Bit of Irish

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