Kontra's Menagerie 6 Swimming With Penguins

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On the road: Sometimes, a leap of faith is the

only way.

Yuma Batacan didn’t mean to reveal that he

was a penguin shifter to the human, Hunter
Driscoll. But between the pain caused by a
gunshot wound, the disorientation of waking in a
strange place, and the thrilling scent that told him
the human was his mate, Yuma couldn’t find it in
him to stop the change. Now he has to convince
the abused and injured human that he isn’t some
kind of monster. And Yuma has to do it quick,
before Hunter’s attackers come back to finish him

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Swimming With Penguins

Copyright © 2012 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-345-8

Cover art by Martine Jardin

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Swimming With Penguins

Kontra’s Menagerie: Book Six


Charlie Richards

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To all those out there who have an open mind.

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Chapter One

uma had thought a swim in the icy water was
a good idea. He loved swimming and wanted

a little time away from all the guys. The lodge
they’d rented for a month on the lake in chilly
Minnesota was massive, but with over a dozen
men living in the space, Yuma just needed some
time alone to clear his head. He didn’t take into
account some asshole with a gun shooting him.

Gasping in pain from a wound in his side and a

second one in his right flipper, Yuma’s penguin
body shuddered. He’d managed to wiggle his way
to shore, but that was where his strength gave out.

Boots appeared in his line of vision, then a gun

barrel. Yuma whimpered. He just knew the end
was coming. After finding a measure of happiness
with his gang, he was going to die alone after all.

Looking away from his impending doom,

Yuma spotted red marking his right fin. Oh! That’s
my blood!
He’d never had any trouble with the
sight of blood before and had often helped their
group’s doctor, Eli, treat patients. But seeing his


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own blood was different. Bile rose in his throat
and his head swam. Seconds later, Yuma’s eyes
rolled into the back of his head and he lost

* * * *

Hunter struggled to a sitting position and opened
his left eye. His right was still swollen shut, and
probably would be for a couple more days. It took
a second to realize it was the crack of a rifle that
had roused him from a light doze. He looked
around and saw he was alone. Where had his
father gone? Then he remembered the sound of
his father’s gun going off and rolled his eyes, well,
his good eye. What the hell was his pops shooting
at now?

His dad’s panicked shout surprised him.

Hunter twisted his torso, then flinched as his
cracked ribs screamed. After taking a breath to
control the pain, he turned just his head and
called, “Yeah?”

“I need the med kit! Can you get it and take it

to the laundry room?” his dad yelled back.

Hunter’s brows shot up. Damn, had Walter hit

something he shouldn’t have? Walter had grown
up in a small town in Montana, and his mother
had made squirrel stew. The meal reminded his

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old father of those times. So, on occasion, his
father hunted squirrel and made the dish. Hunter
had to admit, it wasn’t half-bad.

He gripped one handle of his wheelchair and

heaved himself into it. At least Viktor hadn’t
broken one of his arms with the bat his ex and his
ex’s friends used on Hunter’s body. Moving
around would have been even more difficult.
Hunter snorted at his thoughts. He should have
left his ex months ago, the first time he’d caught
the bastard cheating, then he wouldn’t be in this

Instead, he’d swallowed the loser’s lies about

how it was a onetime mistake and would never
happen again, and stayed with the man. Well, fool

me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.
Hunter had left the second time it happened. A
week later, Viktor and a couple of his buddies
attacked him, leaving Hunter with a broken ulna
in his left leg, a ruptured right knee, three cracked
ribs, a concussion, and a black eye bad enough to
impair his vision when it finally healed. Now he
was hiding out with his father at his dad’s
lakeside cabin while the cops tried to find the

Shoving the bitter thoughts away, Hunter

wheeled to the kitchen. It took a few deep breaths
and some careful maneuvering to reach the first
aid kit in the cupboard under the sink. By the time

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he wheeled into the laundry room, Hunter was
sweating with exertion. Damn, he used to run six
miles a day, and now getting through the house
was hard.

Handing the box to his dad, Hunter saw the

chagrined expression on the older man’s
weathered face. “What happened, Dad?”

“I thought it was your bastard ex’s dog,” Walter

answered as he set the case down on the linen
cabinet next to a towel-wrapped bundle.

Craning his neck, Hunter saw a large, black and

white body oozing blood. Viktor had a black and
white bulldog that was as mean as he turned out
to be. It should have clued Hunter in to the man’s
true nature. But the animal on the counter was not
a bulldog. It wasn’t a dog at all.

“Is that a penguin?” Hunter asked, trying to see

better. Damn injuries!

“Yeah,” Walter answered. “I only grazed it. I

don’t know why it’s unconscious.”

Balancing carefully, he lifted his weight with

his arms so he could peer properly at the penguin.
“Damn. You hit it twice. You grazed its side and
almost took the poor thing’s flipper off!” he

His father ducked his head sheepishly. “It

moved quick.”

“Pops, you shouldn’t be carrying your gun

without your glasses,” he scolded. He dropped

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back into the wheelchair. “Set it on my lap. I’ll
check to make sure you didn’t hit anything vital,”
Hunter said, motioning for the animal with his

Walter frowned. “You sure you’re not too

drugged up for that?”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “I’ll do it better than

you. At least I have training.”

“You have a point,” his dad replied, carefully

lifting the towels the penguin nestled in and set it
on Hunter’s lap.

It was much larger than he first thought. It

covered his entire lap and his father had to hold
the animal’s head to keep it from flopping over the
side and maybe dragging its body with it. Hunter
may have never worked on a penguin before,
since he worked as a vet assistant at a large animal
clinic, but at least he knew what signs to watch for
that would indicate internal bleeding.

After instructing his father on how to clean the

gash on the animal’s side and watching him do the
job properly, he stitched it up. Hunter felt grateful
Walter hadn’t hit the poor thing any lower, or he
could have blown off the little animal’s leg. He
couldn’t confirm whether the bullet his father had
shot through the penguin’s flipper had broken any
bones, so he set it in a splint, just to be on the safe
side. He’d do some research on the internet.
Hunter wished he could take the animal to the

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vet’s, but since the police were still trying to find
his bastard of an ex, it wasn’t safe for him to reveal
his location. They’d asked Hunter if he wanted
them to hide him, but he knew Viktor didn’t know
about this place.

Once he finished working on the penguin,

Hunter stroked his fingers down the lines of the
flightless bird. He felt drawn to the little creature
in a way he didn’t understand. Hunter had always
had an affinity with animals, that was why he was
training to become a veterinarian, but it went
deeper with this one. He wanted to heal it, then
tame it and keep it.

Ignoring the bazaar urge, he let his father take

the penguin. Walter wrapped it in clean towels,
then laid it in the huge sink. After one more look
at the sleek bodied creature, Hunter headed out
and rolled up to his laptop.

He logged on to the internet and pulled up

information on treatment of injured penguins.
Hunter couldn’t find much, so spent time
verifying anatomy. He prayed the bullet that had
hit the little animal’s wing had indeed just passed
through the fleshy part of the flipper and hadn’t
hit any bones.

Hunter shut down the computer and rubbed

his palms over his face. It was then he became
aware of the steady throb radiating through both
legs. “Shit,” he muttered, letting out a breath. He

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rolled to the kitchen and pulled open the second
drawer. He pulled out a bottle of pills, then
grabbed water from the fridge.

“You okay, son?”
He nodded and forced a smile. Holding up the

ibuprofen bottle, he said, “Yeah. Just a bit of ache.
I’ll be fine.”

His father replied, “Let me make you a

sandwich to go with that. Don’t want you taking
those pills on an empty stomach.”

Hunter wasn’t hungry, but he accepted the

offer anyway. He knew his father felt guilty for
injuring the penguin, so if this made him feel
better he’d let him do it. “Can’t say no to that,” he

They ate roast beef sandwiches in silence for

several minutes. Once Walter had swallowed his
last bite, he leaned back in his seat and watched
Hunter. He paused, holding the second half of his
sandwich in his right hand. “What?”

“I got a call from Detective Calamar today,”

Walter admitted.

Dropping the last of his sandwich on the plate,

Hunter straightened. He licked his lips, then
asked, “Have they found him yet?”

Walter pressed his lips together tightly, then

shook his head. “Afraid not. The trail on him has
gone cold. He’s not with any of his friends, family
or acquaintances. Even his best friend, the co-

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owner of his business, doesn’t know where he is.”
Shaking his head, Walter let out a frustrated sigh.
“Damn cops don’t know their heads from their
asses. They couldn’t find a snake if it was crawling
up their leg!”

It was disappointing news, but Hunter didn’t

want to see his father worked up about it. He’d
end up having another heart attack or something.
Swallowing down a spike of fear, Hunter settled
his hand over his dad’s. “Relax. He’ll turn up.
He’s like a bad penny,” he muttered and

The older man chuckled dryly.
Pushing his plate away, he rubbed his hands

down his flannel-covered thighs. “I’d like a nap.
Do you want me to clean the kitchen first?”

“No, no, don’t worry about it,” Walter said,

waving his hand. “Get some rest.”

Hunter nodded. He wheeled toward the hall

and his waiting bed. His father’s voice made him
pause. “Will you ever tell me how he got the better
of you?”

Pausing in the hallway, he turned his

wheelchair around and met his father’s
questioning look. He understood Walter’s
confusion. Hunter stood six feet tall and had quite
a bit of lean muscle from working with horses and
cows every day. Viktor was a five foot nine twink.

“It’s an embarrassing story.” And one he sure

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didn’t want to tell his father. It was just a shame
Hunter hadn’t known the names or faces of the
two men with Viktor. The police knew his ex had
accomplices, just not who they were. Hunter had
no way of knowing if they were friends of the
man’s or just hired muscle. He hoped the police
would be able to convince Viktor to tell them.

After holding his gaze for several seconds,

Hunter’s father looked down at the plate he held.
“Okay. When you’re ready, son.”

That would be a cold day in hell, but Hunter

didn’t want to tell his dad that. Instead, he
nodded. “Thanks, Dad.” He paused, then added,
“For everything.”

Walter looked back at him and smiled. “You’re

my son, Hunter. I love you. Nothing you do will
change that.” He grinned, the move lighting his
faded hazel eyes. “That don’t mean I wouldn’t call
the cops myself if I thought you were messin’ in
something you shouldn’t,” he added.

Hunter smirked. “I know. No drugs, hookers,

or murder. I promise.”

When he got the desired response, his dad’s

chuckle, Hunter turned back around and headed
toward his bedroom. He could feel his body
fading fast, and really wanted to lie down for a
couple hours. He’d learned quickly it was far
better to rest for a few hours than to push it and
end up incapacitated.

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He paused when he went by the laundry room.

Hunter couldn’t resist checking on his patient, so
he wheeled into the spacious room and peeked
into the sink. The little bird trembled in its sleep.
From his research, Hunter knew penguins took
short naps several times a day, often bunched up
with other members of their rookery for added
warmth. Concerned, he reached down and
brushed a palm over the animal’s smooth skin. It
was warm and clammy to the touch.

Nibbling on his lip for a moment, Hunter came

to a decision. As carefully as possible, Hunter
lifted the large bundle and pulled it to his chest.
He bit back a curse as pain blossomed through his
middle. Once he was sure the bird was cradled on
his lap, Hunter sighed and closed his eyes to
regain his breathing.

Hunter wheeled to his bedroom with no more

stops. First, he laid the penguin on the bed,
arranging it in what appeared to be a comfortable
position. Hunter then levered himself up next to it.
He’d cuddled sick dogs in his bed plenty of times,
and hoped and prayed this wouldn’t be too much
different. He’d always had an affinity for animals,
and somehow ended up unscathed during sticky
situations when others ended up bit. He hoped
that held true for him now. He didn’t need to
wake up to an angry, injured penguin.

Manually maneuvering his legs onto the bed,

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Hunter covered himself with a throw blanket and
eased back onto his pillows. He groaned softly
and rested his hand on the penguin’s side. He
stroked its body gently, crooning nonsense until
he fell asleep.

Movement on the bed next to him pulled

Hunter from the comfortable doze he’d dropped
into. He frowned. His hand was on what felt like
flesh, firm, hard and muscular flesh. Then he
remembered he’d taken the penguin to bed with
him, wanting to use his body heat to warm the
creature. But this didn’t feel like the penguin’s

Cracking an eyelid, he peered next to him and

just about fell off the bed in shock. Staring back at
him with wide, terrified brown eyes was a man.
And not just any man. This guy had to be the most
beautiful creature Hunter had ever seen.

He had a lean, androgynous face topped with a

mop of black hair, the tips frosted blond. His eyes
were soulful, beautiful, and Hunter thought
maybe he could drown in their depths. His short,
pert nose led to pouty lips, the bottom one just a
bit plumper than the top, and the image of how
those lips would look wrapped around his dick
immediately invaded his mind, making said cock
firm in his flannels.

Trying to control his body’s reaction, he let his

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gaze wander lower, but that didn’t help his
arousal. A naked, pale chest greeted his view,
complete with two peaked, dusky brown nipples,
already firm and ready to be sucked. That was as
far as he got before his unexpected bed companion

“Please don’t hurt me,” the stranger squeaked,

trying to inch away from him.

Hunter instinctively tightened his grip, not

letting this alluring creature away from him. Hurt
you? I want to love you! Whoever in their right mind

could want to hurt you? Wait, where the hell did you
come from?

Frowning, Hunter glanced around the room.

“What happened to the penguin?”

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Chapter Two

hit! Shit! Shit!

Yuma’s brain seemed to be stuck on a

continuous loop. Where the hell was he and what
had happened? Why was he naked in this man’s
bed? All he felt was a towel wrapped around his
hips. Where were his clothes?

The hand firmly gripping his naked waist

tightened again. “The penguin? What happened to
it? Who are you? How did you get in here?”

The human’s words snapped Yuma out of his

panicked thoughts. Forcing a deep breath into his
lungs, Yuma froze anew. Oh, holy fucking shit!
“You’re my mate,” he whispered.

“Your mate? What are you talking about?” The

guy glanced around the room, his hazel-eyed gaze
roving over every inch of the room. “Oh, the

“Wait, please,” Yuma pleaded. “I can explain.

Please, don’t get upset.” The man frowned, and


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his panic rose anew. His breathing picked up and
he tried to pull away from the human again.

The hand on his hip wouldn’t let him move,

and he mewled in frustration.

“Stop,” the guy ordered.
Yuma did. His eyes wide, he blinked at the


“Now,” his mate said, his voice soft and

reassuring in a way Yuma really liked. “Let’s try
this again. Who are you?”

“Yuma,” he whispered. “I’m Yuma Batacan.”
The man nodded slowly, never taking his gaze

from him. “I’m Hunter Driscoll.” His swept a look
over Yuma’s body, and the unmistakable heat of
lust flared in those hazel depths, making the green
flecks more pronounced. “I’m pleased to meet
you, but perhaps you could tell me how you got

He really didn’t want to lie to his mate, but

Yuma didn’t know if he’d accept the truth. “I
don’t want to tell you,” he finally whispered

Hunter’s eyes narrowed. His mate finally

released Yuma’s hip, and he wanted to whimper
at the loss. Hunter shoved to a sitting position.
“Did Viktor send you? Are you scouting for him?”

Yuma frowned, confused. “I don’t know any

Viktor,” he replied, glad at least with that, he
could be honest.

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“Then how did you get in here?” Hunter


Pushing against the mattress in an attempt to

scoot away from his yelling mate, pain flared
through his thigh and arm. The memory of being
shot returned in a flash. Yuma cried out and rolled
to his back, clutching the loosened bandages on
his arm and willing the spike of pain away.

“What happened? Are you okay?” The tone of

Hunter’s voice quickly turned from irritated to

Not thinking, Yuma said the first thing that

came to mind. “I got shot,” he whimpered.

“What?” Hunter gasped. “How the hell did that

happen?” The man struggled to adjust his
position, and Yuma realized he wasn’t the only
one having trouble moving. Hunter motioned to
Yuma. “Let me see? Should we take you to the

Yuma quickly shook his head and took a long

look at the man who was his mate. It was tough to
judge height lying down, but he was maybe six
feet? He had well-muscled arms, his ribs were
bound with something, but he could make out
bruising along the edges of the wrap. When Yuma
glanced back at Hunter’s face, he saw one
concerned hazel eye while the second was sealed
closed, swollen, puffy and black-and-blue.

Anger coursed through Yuma. Someone had

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hurt his mate. Ignoring his own injuries, Yuma
reached toward the man. “What happened? Who
did this to you?” He’d hunt them down and, well,
he’d think of some way to make them pay.

Hunter caught his hand before Yuma could

make contact with his face. The jarring impact
caused the already loose bandage to slide up his
arm, revealing the blue stitches in his healing skin.
Yuma didn’t know how it happened, but anything
imbedded in a shifter’s skin, like a piercing or
stitches, would stay with them when they shifted.
Clothes, however, would not.

“What the hell?” Hunter’s grip tightened. “I-I

don’t understand,” he whispered. “These look like
the ones I put on the penguin.” The human looked
around, as if expecting to see the penguin crawl
out from behind the dresser or something. When
he didn’t, he frowned and returned his focus to
Yuma. “Where’s the penguin?”

Since he realized his mate was injured, Yuma

figured the worst that would happen was Hunter
wouldn’t believe him and would kick him out.
Taking a fortifying breath, Yuma replied, “I’m the
penguin. Someone shot me while I was in penguin
form. I thought I was going to die. I don’t know
how I got here.”






desperately wanted to reach up and smooth out
the lines, to soothe the man’s confusion and

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concern. Instead, he waited.

It took Hunter several seconds to answer.

Finally, he licked his lips and said, “Did you get a
knock on the head, too?” Hunter reached up and
combed his fingers through Yuma’s wildly
mussed hair.

He tilted his head and pressed into the contact.

Oh, he liked how his mate was touching him.
Then Yuma remembered the words Hunter had
spoken, and he knew the man wouldn’t believe
him without a demonstration. Gods, he hoped this
didn’t backfire.

Looking at his mate through his lashes, Yuma

pleaded softly, “Please don’t freak out. Please give
me a chance to explain once I’m done.”

“What do you mean?”
Yuma didn’t bother to answer. A picture was

worth a thousand words, after all. Right? He let
his shift do that for him. Closing his eyes, Yuma
willed his penguin to emerge. Over the sound of
popping tendons and cracking, realigning bones,
Yuma heard Hunter gasp. The bed moved under
him as his mate scrambled away from him.
Sadness flooded Yuma. Then he heard a thump
and a cry of pain, and concern immediately
replaced all other emotions.

He waddled to the side of the bed and peered

down at Hunter. He chittered, since he couldn’t
speak. New concerns rose upon seeing the cast on

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his mate’s left leg and the brace on his right knee.
A wheelchair waited not too far away, and Yuma
knew that if Hunter hadn’t been shocked out of
his mind, it was within easy reach for the human
to maneuver himself into it.

Hunter looked up at him and held up a hand,

as if warding him away. Yuma was about to shift
back, so he could start the explaining process, but
the door slamming open stopped him. An older
man stood in the doorway. Flannel shirt, faded
jeans, brown boots, shit! This is the guy who shot me!

Chittering wildly, Yuma fled to the other side of

the bed and dropped down to the floor with a
plop. He slipped under the bed and hid, his body
shuddering with fear.

“Son, are you okay? What happened?” Boots

thumped on the hard wood as the old man, who
was evidently his mate’s father, approached

Shit! What will my mate do? Will he turn me over

to his father, who clearly didn’t have any problem
killing animals?

“I, uh, had a bad dream,” Hunter muttered.
“How’d you end up on the floor?”
From his vantage point, Yuma watched Hunter

grimace where he lay. Hunter glanced toward
him, then returned his attention to the man
leaning over him. “I woke and, uh, the penguin
startled me.”

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“What’s it doing in your bed, son?”
An arm reached down and helped Hunter settle

into the wheelchair. Now Yuma couldn’t see the
faces of either one. He struggled to control his
breathing. He glanced around the room, looking
for an avenue of escape. Could he manage to shift
and make it to the door before the old man
stopped him?

Hunter sighed. “It was running a fever.

Penguins sleep in groups. I was hoping my body
heat would break it and bring it down. It-it
seemed to have worked,” he ended with a mutter.

“Yeah, looks like he’s movin’ good now. Want

me to trap it and take it outside?”

“No,” Hunter replied loudly. Yuma didn’t

know if that kind of reaction was good or bad. His
mate’s voice was quieter when he said again, “No.
I’m gonna try to coax it out so I can check those
stitches. Make sure he didn’t break any when he
slid under the bed.”

“Well, okay. If that’s what you want, son,”

Hunter’s father replied dubiously. “Do you need
any pain pills or anything? That fall couldn’t have
felt too good.”

Hunter sighed. “I’ll be fine, Dad,” he said

quietly. “The pain will ebb if I can just sit here for
a few minutes.”

Yuma heard the distinctive sound of someone

patting someone else on the shoulder. “Let me

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know if you need anything.”

“I will, Dad. Will you—will you shut the door

on your way out, please?”

There was a slight hesitation, then his father

said, “Sure.”

The heavy boots again scuffed across the floor,

then were out the door. Yuma breathed a sigh of
relief, which came out kind of sounding like a

“Yuma?” Hunter murmured tentatively. “Can

you come out, Yuma? I can’t really bend down. I
have a couple cracked ribs and bending over
kinda hurts.”

That admission had Yuma shimmying out from

under the bed, which he had to admit, kinda hurt,
too. Shifters healed fast, but he’d been shot twice.
He struggled to a standing position, ignoring the
burn in his side and flipper. Screwing up his
courage, Yuma moved toward his mate when the
man beckoned.

Slowly, Hunter swept his gaze over Yuma’s

penguin form. He reached out and gripped
Yuma’s damaged limb gently and inspected the
stitches. “Can you really understand me when
you’re a penguin?”

Yuma nodded once.
Hunter licked his lips, still holding onto Yuma.

“Can you change at will?”

In response, Yuma initiated his shift. To his

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surprise, when he opened his eyes in human form,
his mate still gripped his arm. “Yes,” Yuma
whispered. “I can understand you while in
penguin form. I can normally control when I want
to be human or penguin. I—” He gulped. “I’m not
sure why I changed while in bed with you.” He
frowned, thinking, then added, “Maybe it was
because I somehow unconsciously recognized you
as my mate.”

When Yuma looked at his mate, he figured he

hadn’t really been listening. Hunter’s focus was
still on his arm and the stitches in it. He lifted his
other hand as if to brush his fingertips over the
stitches, but stopped just shy of actually touching.

“This is amazing.” His focus moved to the

wound on Yuma’s thigh. “These look like they
were made days ago instead of just this morning,”
he whispered. “How is this possible?” Hunter
looked up at Yuma in awe. “How is any of this

He didn’t know how to explain, except to say,

“I’m a shifter. My kind share their spirit with that
of an animal. We can change at will, but we’re
always still us when we change. Ya know?”

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Chapter Three

unter’s mind had nearly shut down. This
was too much. A man stood before him who

could turn into an animal—an animal that could
understand and reason. It was—it was like
something straight out of a fantasy book. It was
impossible, and yet he’d seen it. He’d seen this
slender, sexy man turn into a penguin, then turn
back again.

It was then he realized the slender sexy man

was naked, completely and utterly naked.
Hunter’s cock thickened. He sucked in a breath
and his greedy gaze roved over the man in front of
him. Long lines, lean muscle, a compact body. Even his
feet are beautiful. Simply stunning.

As he boldly looked his fill, a glance down

made Hunter realize Yuma’s pale, slender shaft
was thickening. The man’s rod was perfectly
proportioned to his body, and Hunter’s own cock
hardened to full arousal in his flannel shorts. A


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look up showed the lust glowing in Yuma’s
burning brown-eyed gaze. Shifter or not, Hunter
wanted this man with an unreasonable desire. He
returned his focus to the dick not too far away
from him, and reached out to palm Yuma’s

“Hunter,” Yuma whispered, moaning softly.
Hunter grinned up at Yuma. “I want to taste

you, Yuma,” he said. “We’ll figure out the rest
later. Is that okay?”

Yuma swallowed hard. Hunter knew he was

trying to find his voice, but with his hand on the
man’s shaft, pumping slowly, testing its weight
and girth, Yuma was having a hell of time
replying. A pearl of pre-cum formed at the tip of
his soon-to-be lover’s cock. Hunter leaned forward
and licked it off. A tangy burst of flavor exploded
on his tongue and he hummed, happily wanting

He leaned down further, intending to suck the

tasty dick into his mouth, and pain bloomed
through his side. Hunter hissed and straightened.
Yuma moaned. “Damn it,” Hunter growled.

That had Yuma’s eyes widening. “Are you—

Are you okay?”

“Sit on the bed,” he ordered instead of

answering. “And spread your legs.”

For just a second, Hunter thought Yuma wasn’t

going to obey. Then Yuma slowly retreated a

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couple of steps and climbed onto the bed behind
him. Hunter rolled forward and placed his hands
on Yuma’s thighs. He met with resistance when he
asked the man to open his legs.

A glance up showed the worry on Yuma’s face.

Hunter vowed to get to the bottom of that soon,
right now, he wanted to suck the sexy man’s dick.
“Open your legs for me, Yuma,” he ordered softly.
“I promise I only want to give you pleasure.”

Yuma once more obeyed and Hunter rolled

forward. He eased one hand under Yuma’s ass
and urged him forward to the edge of the bed.
There was still a hint of resistance, but he knew it
was from fear and not because the man didn’t
want him. The erection standing tall and proud
from the man’s soft, black curls proved that.
Besides, he could even understand the fear. What
would happen to this man if the wrong person
found out about his abilities?






overwhelmed Hunter. No one will hurt this man on
my watch!
Running his hands up and down
Yuma’s thighs, he soothed the tension from him.
“Relax, cutie,” he whispered. “I may be confused
about a lot of things right now, but we will figure
everything out.” He looked down at Yuma’s
erection, then back at his lust-filled eyes. “Just,

“Yes, Gods, yes,” Yuma agreed, need flooding

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his voice and eyes.

Hunter leaned forward and swiped his tongue

up the underside of Yuma’s erection, tracing the
throbbing vein. He sure liked the way the smaller
man whimpered and jerked his hips. As he took
the cap of Yuma’s erection into his mouth and
sucked, the heady knowledge that he pleased his
new lover had his own dick jerking in his flannel
shorts. Yeah, that feels nice.

Hunter massaged the sensitive skin under the

flared cap of Yuma’s erection, eliciting a soft groan
from the other man. He sank down on the stalk,
working it with his lips and tongue. Yuma’s
erection hit the back of his throat and he
swallowed around it.

Yuma whined and bucked his hips. “Hunter,”

he gasped out. “So close.” His new lover reached
down and tugged on Hunter’s hair, as if his words
weren’t enough of a warning.

He hummed his pleasure, wanting to taste the

pretty man’s seed. His own cock leaked in his
shorts. Hunter took a few precious seconds to
wiggle his hips and work his dick free with one
hand while still sucking and stroking Yuma’s shaft
with his mouth and other hand.

He gave himself a few quick strokes and found

he was teetering precariously on the edge. But
Hunter didn’t want to go over until Yuma found
his pleasure, so he slid his thumb into his mouth

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and worked the sensitive nerves while dipping his
tongue into the man’s slit again and again. The
body under him shuddered, then salty cream
coated his tongue.

The taste was better than any other lover’s, and

he couldn’t get enough. Hunter groaned and
suckled, heightening Yuma’s pleasure. His own
cock exploded, shooting streams of seed against
the comforter.

The other man moaned as he continued to lave

his tongue over his cock. He sighed around the
dick in his mouth as his own orgasm wound
down. Finally, once Yuma’s mewls and shivers
stopped, Hunter released the head of his over-
sensitized penis. He rested his head on Yuma’s
thigh and smiled up at the other man’s satisfied

Hunter chuckled softly, and Yuma cracked an

eyelid and peered down at him. He knew he had a
cat-that-ate-the-cream expression on his face, and
that’s exactly what Hunter felt like. He didn’t
mind giving blowjobs, but he’d never come from
giving one either. “Wow,” he whispered. “You
taste amazing.”

Yuma smiled down at him. “Thanks. Um, can I

return the favor?” he asked tentatively.

Grinning up at him, Hunter shook his head.

When he saw Yuma’s crestfallen look, he hurried
to assure, “I, um, I already came, sweetie. How

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about we switch positions next time, hmm?” God,

please let there be a next time!

The radiant smile Hunter received had his

breath catching in his throat and, surprisingly, his
cock twitching. “I’d like that,” Yuma whispered.

Now that his lust had been sated, some of their

conversation returned to him. He didn’t
understand some of the things Yuma had told
him. Okay, so he didn’t really understand much of
anything that he’d seen or heard in the last thirty
minutes. Before he could even begin to formulate
how to begin questioning the man, Yuma touched
his arm tentatively and said, “My friends. I need
to call them. They’ll be worried.”

“Oh, right.” Of course, Yuma had friends,

probably family, and maybe even a boyfriend.
Shit! “Let me find you a pair of pants or
something and I’ll…”

“No, please,” Yuma whispered, interrupting

him. “I don’t…” He paused and tried again. “Your
dad shot me. I don’t want him to know I’m here.
What if he—”

This time it was Hunter’s turn to interrupt. “My

dad’s a good guy, but his eyesight is failing,” he
said, defending his father. “He thought you were
my ex’s dog.”

“He’d shoot a dog?” Yuma asked, his shoulders


Maybe Yuma was trying to make himself a

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smaller target or he was still scared. Either way,
Hunter didn’t like it. He took his lover’s hand and
kissed the palm. “My ex-lover and his friends did
this to me,” he admitted, waving a hand to
indicate his injuries. “My dad was afraid the
presence of Viktor’s dog meant my ex had found
me and I was in danger again.”

Yuma frowned. “Why would he do that to


Hunter grimaced and eased away. “We weren’t

meshing well. We fought a lot. Viktor had trouble
with fidelity, but he didn’t want to end it. I finally
just left him. He stopped by my work. I’m a vet
assistant for a large animal clinic two towns north
of here,” he explained, stalling. Damn, this is
“He offered to give me one last
blowjob as a goodbye.” Yuma’s brows shot up and
Hunter blushed. “I thought, what the hell? I went
around behind the horse barn with him. He had a
couple friends waiting.” He shook his head. “His
friends had bats.” Hunter wasn’t certain what
compelled him to admit all this, but for some
reason, he didn’t want anything hidden between
them. After all, Yuma had shared some pretty
serious shit with him already.

“It was lucky I was only supposed to be on a

fifteen minute break,” he added softly.

Yuma slipped off the bed and knelt beside him.

“Oh, Hunter,” he whispered, gently petting

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Hunter’s chest, touching the edge of the bandage.
“Will you be okay?”

Shrugging, Hunter grimaced. “Eventually,

maybe, after some rehab.”

Yuma nibbled his lip. “I could—Maybe, I could


“Are you a doctor or something?”
“Or something,” Yuma muttered. “Shifters heal

faster,” he said, pointing at his well-on-its-way-to-
being-healed thigh and arm. The wounds looked
even better than the last time Hunter had looked
at them.

“Wow,” he whispered. “How is that possible?”
“I told you,” Yuma murmured. “We heal faster.

I can share that with you.”

“You’re my mate. I could claim you, but there

are other side effects,” Yuma admitted.

“What does that mean?” Hunter asked, unable

to contain his curiosity.

Yuma glanced toward the door, his trepidation

resurfacing. “Can I call my friends, please?”

Okay, something was clearly bothering his

lover. Obviously they needed some time to get to
know each other better. He nodded. “Of course.
This is…a strange situation for both of us,” he said

The slender naked man just nodded. Grabbing

some tissues, he cleaned them both up. It didn’t

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escape his notice that Yuma didn’t seem
particularly shy or embarrassed about being buck-
ass naked, even before Hunter had sucked his
cock. He tucked himself away, then rolled to his
dresser and grabbed his cell phone.

He smiled and said, “Service is crap, but it

should do the trick.”

“Thank you,” Yuma said returning the smile.
He rolled close to the man as he dialed, for

some reason he didn’t want to be too far from him.
When he rested a hand on Yuma’s thigh,
the…shifter grinned at him.

The wary greeting coming from the speaker

kept Hunter from saying anything.

“Adam,” Yuma said. “It’s me.”
“Yuma! Baby! Where the hell have you been?”

Adam’s incredibly worried voice came clearly
through the phone. “Where the hell are you?”

Baby? Shit. Did Yuma already have a lover?
“I’m okay, Adam. Or, at least, I will be. I’m—”

Yuma paused and frowned. “Where am I?” he
asked Hunter.

Realizing he had no right to touch the man

further, Hunter removed his hand and forced it to
his lap. “Twenty-two seventy-eight Riverside
Road,” he answered softly.

Yuma nodded, then relayed the information.

“Could you bring me some clothes, please?”

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“Sure, baby, anything you need. You know

that.” Adam’s reply was softer this time, but
Hunter could still make it out and it made his
stomach roll. Fuck, how come finding out this man

isn’t available affects me so strongly?

The naked man on the bed blushed. “Um,

Adam, I don’t think you should keep calling me
that. My mate can hear you.”

There was a pregnant pause from the phone,

then a whoop, some cussing, and shouts of
congratulations. Yuma pulled the phone from his
ear and winced. Hunter frowned, still trying to
figure out the significance of those words. Yuma
had used them several times now. Finally, they
heard a promise to be there within the hour.

Once they’d hung up the phone, Yuma reached

down and grabbed Hunter’s hand. “Adam and I,
we’re not lovers. At least, not in the traditional
sense,” he told him.

“I don’t know what that means,” he whispered.

“And I don’t know what being your mate means,
either,” he added.

Yuma smiled at him. “Is it safe for me to sit on

your lap?” he asked, looking so hopeful that, even
if Hunter thought it would be terribly painful, he
still would have agreed.

“Yeah, absolutely,” he said, opening his arms.
The small, slender man climbed into his lap and

Hunter cuddled him close. “Did you just break up

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with Adam because of me? Because of what we
did?” he asked, feeling incredibly guilty. He
hadn’t meant to poach. It also arose the question
of whether Yuma would be faithful to Hunter if he
was willing to accept a blowjob while with
another man. Hunter’d had enough of cheating
boyfriends for a lifetime.

Yuma shook his head. “We’ve given each other

hand jobs, but that’s it,” Yuma admitted. “When
Adam wants sex, he goes elsewhere.”

Hunter frowned. He didn’t like hearing about

what Yuma did with others, but it was unrealistic
to think the man was a virgin. It wasn’t like
Hunter was, and Yuma hadn’t complained when
he’d talked about Viktor. “I don’t understand why
he wouldn’t want your ass, Yuma,” he said. “God
above, if I had the mobility, I’d want to fuck you
into the mattress.”

Giggling, Yuma rubbed his cheek against

Hunter’s neck, sending tendrils of pleasure
through him. “I’m sure we can find a way around
that,” he said, nuzzling close. He nipped Hunter’s
Adam’s apple, and Hunter grunted, feeling his
dick respond.

“Give me a day,” Yuma whispered. “Then I’ll

be well enough to ride you.”

Hunter groaned at that visual. “Fuck, don’t

tease, Yuma.”

Yuma sighed and cuddled close. “The reason

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me and Adam never fucked is because he’s not my
mate,” he stated.

“I still don’t know what that means,” Hunter

responded, kissing Yuma’s temple.

“Shifters are given one true mate by Fate

herself,” Yuma said. “When we scent that person,
either male or female, we want them, crave them.
We crave them like we crave the other half of our
soul. They complete us.” He suddenly grinned up
at Hunter. “Oh, don’t get me wrong, a relationship
with our soul mate is still work, but we know
deep down in our hearts that it’s worth any effort
to make it work.” Yuma bit his lip and added in a
whisper, “And we can never stray.”

That had Hunter’s head jerking back, so he

could look Yuma in the eye. “Shifters can’t cheat?”

Yuma held his gaze steadily. “Once we claim

our mate, we can’t even get it up for anyone else,”
he admitted.

“Damn, that’s…” He couldn’t stop the wry

grin. “That’s good for your partner, but does your
mate have the same problem?”

“That’s one of the drawbacks I mentioned,”

Yuma replied. “If I were to catch you cheating, I’d
kill whoever touched you.”

He said it with such a straight face, such

conviction, that Hunter blanched. “My god, you’re

Yuma nodded. “Dead serious.”

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“That’s the worst pun ever,” Hunter responded.
Yuma smiled and shrugged. “It’s true though.”
“Okay,” he said with a nod. “What are the

other drawbacks for me?”

Releasing a slow breath, he replied. “To claim

you, I’d need to top you.” A pained look entered
Yuma’s eyes. “I’m not a very good top.”

And I’m not a very good bottom. Hunter cupped

Yuma’s chin and smiled. “We’ll cross that bridge
when we come to it. What else?”

“I have to bite you.”
His brows arched. “You bite me?”
“You’ll like it,” Yuma promised. “Mate’s love it

when we bite them. It feels really good to them.”
Then he blushed. “It feels really good to us, too.”

“So far, I’m not seeing how that’s a drawback,”

Hunter admitted.

“Well, it extends your life, so you’ll outlive all

your family. If you have a child, unless they
eventually mate with a shifter, too, you’ll outlive

“I, oh,” he whispered. “I have two sisters.

They’re both married with kids.” He frowned. “I
have two nephews and a niece.”

Yuma met his gaze, a concerned look in his

eyes. “On the up side, you’ll heal twice as fast.”
Then he frowned. “Of course, that means you can
only go to doctors that know about shifters or you
could expose all of us.” He nibbled his lip. “Um,

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your thoughts?”

“Am I going to turn into a penguin, too?”
His lover snorted. “No.”
Hunter let out a breath he hadn’t even realized

he’d been holding. “Good. No offense,” he added
quickly. To his relief, Yuma giggled.

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Chapter Four

one taken,” Yuma said.

The sound of someone pounding on the

front door reached them. Yuma heard the creak of
a chair, then the thump of boots on hardwood

“Guess I better tell him I’m expecting company.

What does your, uh, not-lover look like?” Hunter

“Big and blond. You can’t miss him,” Yuma

told him.

“Right. On the bed and cover up, little sexy,”

Hunter ordered. “I’ll be right back.”

Yuma obeyed, pleased that he only felt a slight

pang in his arm and nothing in his side. I love
shifter healing.
He curled up under the throw
blanket that had been covering Hunter earlier and
waited. His shifter hearing made it reasonably
easy to listen in on the conversation going on in
the other room.


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He heard Hunter holler at his father that he was

expecting someone right before the sound of the
deadbolt being turned reached him. “Who you
expectin’, son?”

“A coworker of mine. Adam. I asked him to

give me a second opinion on the penguin,” Hunter

Oh, his mate had a quick mind. Nice.
The door hinge creaked. “Hey, Adam,” Hunter

greeted. “Thanks for coming.”

“Sure, man, anytime,” Adam’s deep voice

echoed through the house.

Yuma smiled. His friend had always been

pretty quick, too. It was a shame the big cat shifter
hadn’t turned out to be his mate, but Fate had
chosen someone different. So far, Yuma couldn’t
complain. Hunter seemed to be a really nice guy—
Understanding, too. Yuma didn’t know how the
human could be so accepting. Maybe it was the
mate-pull? He sure hoped that didn’t change.

The thump of footsteps heading his way had

him tensing, until he scented Hunter, Adam, and
Sam, a Texas longhorn bull shifter. He smiled at
the entering trio. “Hey, guys,” he greeted.

Adam sighed. “Damn it, Yuma,” he said. The

big man crossed to him quickly, cupped his chin
and kissed his forehead. Then he pulled Yuma
into a tight hug. “You sure had us worried.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” he whispered

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back. Falling back on old habits, Yuma tucked his
head under Adam’s chin. He took in the scent of
tiger and male, so familiar, so comfortable, but no
longer right. Yuma eased away from the other
man. He caught sight of a glint of sadness in
Adam’s blue eyes, but the shifter nodded and
released him.

Adam stepped back and settled on the foot of

the bed. Yuma immediately looked toward his
mate, who was glaring at the floor.

“Shit, sorry, man,” Adam muttered. “Yuma and

me, we’ve known each other a long time. We’re
just friends.”

“I know what you are,” Hunter snapped. He

glared at Yuma. “You said your kind don’t cheat.”

That was the last thing he’d expected. Yuma

opened his mouth, then shut it again and shook
his head. Obviously, this was a touchy subject for
his mate. Yuma tried again. “It’s not like that.
You’re the only one I want,” he whispered,
reaching a hand toward his mate.

“But it’s okay to be kissed by another?” Hunter


“It was just a peck on my forehead,” Yuma

replied, trying to explain. “We’ve been friends for
thirty-six years. You can’t expect that to change
overnight,” he pleaded.

Hunter froze and looked between the two.

“Thirty-six years? Just how old are you two?”

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Oh, right, they hadn’t really discussed that part.

Yuma remembered mentioning that Hunter would
age slower, but he hadn’t really been specific.
Yuma sighed. “I’m almost sixty, Hunter.”

“Holy shit,” Hunter whispered.
Yuma grimaced. “Shifters can live almost five

hundred years,” he admitted.

Sam took that moment to chuckle at Yuma’s

mate’s explicative and mutter, “That about sums it
up.” The big brunet went and stood behind Adam,
looking at Hunter. “How you holding up, human?
I understand this can be pretty overwhelming.”

Hunter nodded absently. “You can say that

again.” His mate lifted his gaze and looked
around at them. “I’m not sure where you expect
me to fit in? How does being mates even work?”

That was why Yuma wanted his friends here.

He wasn’t very good at explaining things. He
looked toward the bigger shifters. Sam said,
“From your comments, it’s pretty clear Yuma told
you a little about shifters. We can live almost five
centuries. From an early age, we know we have
one true mate supplied by Fate. Many of us spend
our entire lives looking for that person.” His smile
turned rueful. “With how many people are on
Earth, it’s not an easy task.”

Adam picked up the story. “So when we find

that person, we do everything we can to keep

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them happy.” He shrugged. “That doesn’t make
the relationship easy—it just makes it worth it.”
Leaning forward, Adam settled his hand on
Hunter’s leg. “If Yuma is the other half of your
soul, he’ll do everything to make you happy. And
no,” he added with a shake of his head, “shifters
don’t cheat on a claimed mate. Yuma and I will
adjust. We knew this day would come. You’re his

He couldn’t stay still any longer. Yuma slipped

from the bed and went to his mate. To his
surprise, Hunter growled and yanked him onto
his lap. It wasn’t until his mate grabbed the throw
blanket and wrapped it back around Yuma that he
understood. He was still naked.

Sam chuckled and set the backpack he carried

on the bed. “We can’t shift with clothes on,
Hunter. You’ll get used to it.”

Hunter glared over Yuma’s shoulder at the

other two men. “That doesn’t mean I have to like
it,” he snapped.

“Understandable,” Adam said, grinning.

“Yuma would feel the same way if you were
parading around naked.”

“I would?” Yuma piped up. He’d never had a

problem with nudity before. Most shifters didn’t.

Sam smirked. “Haven’t you seen how Mutegi

acts? Or even Caleb and Emmett? And they’re
both shifters.”

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“Oh, yeah,” Yuma mused. The men always had

to be careful to keep their bits safely hidden unless
right before or after shifting. He grinned at
Hunter. “I’ll try to be more careful,” he promised.

Hunter nodded, his frown easing. “So, all these

guys you mentioned. They’re all penguin

Yuma saw the funny look he was giving Adam

and Sam, and understood his confusion. Both of
them were big men. “No,” Yuma said, his voice
hushed. “Everyone in my group is different,” he
admitted. Looking up at Hunter, he whispered,
“Outcasts from our own pride or flock or
whatever. We banded together and now we travel
the country. For the most part, we just look like a
large biker gang, passing through.”

“I don’t understand,” Hunter said. “Why

would you be cast out?”

“Because we’re all gay,” Adam answered

bluntly. At Hunter’s surprised look, he continued.
“Shifters live a long time, so we’re a little slow to
change. At times, even worse than humans. A
hundred years ago, there weren’t a lot of shifter
groups that accepted matings between different
species, let alone gays.” Adam shrugged. “It’s
getting better now.”

“Wow, that’s—that’s—so what are you?”

Hunter asked. His brows furrowed, and Yuma
could see his mate trying to work through the

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information being dumped on him.

“I’m a tiger,” Adam said. He pointed at Sam.

“He’s a bull.” The blond winked. “With really big

“Wow. So, what does this mean for me?”

Hunter asked, eyeing the other shifters warily.

“Well.” Sam growled softly. He stepped

forward and gripped Hunter’s chin between his
thumb and forefinger. He turned Hunter’s face
this way and that, obviously taking in the damage.
“For one thing, we protect our own. Who did this
to you, Hunter?”

Hunter licked his lips after Sam let go and

looked down at Yuma. He frowned and looked
back at Sam. “Why?”

Yuma was glad he didn’t have to answer.

Adam’s grin was a bit scary, showing plenty of
teeth. “We’ll make certain he doesn’t do it to
anyone else.”

“Shit. Are you bloodthirsty because you’re a

tiger? Or is it for some other reason?”

Adam’s grin didn’t diminish. “Thanks,” he

preened. “And it’s because you’re Yuma’s mate,
and I love Yuma.” He sobered a bit, but still
winked, “Just not the way you will.”

Yuma giggled. He rubbed his cheek against

Hunter’s collarbone and batted his eyelashes at
the surprised man. “I sure hope not.” His animal
squawked angrily in his mind at even the thought,

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shocking him with the intensity of the jealous
spike. His eyes widened in surprise. “Oh,” he

Sam chuckled. “What? You didn’t believe us?”

Before Yuma could reply, Sam returned his focus
to Hunter. “Now, who did this to you?”

A scarlet hue worked its way up Hunter’s neck

to his cheeks. He shook his head. “Look, I had a
misunderstanding with my ex. Don’t worry about
it,” he muttered.

Sam and Adam exchanged a glance while

Hunter wasn’t looking. “Well, just tell us what he
looks like, so we’ll know, just in case,” Sam

Hunter rolled his eyes, but answered the

question. “His name is Viktor. He has sandy blond
hair, stands about five foot nine, and he’s a

“A twink did this to you?” Adam asked


Shaking his head, Hunter replied bitterly, “No,

that would be the twink’s bat and the bats of his
asshole friends.” He blushed harder, but powered
through his discomfort, saying, “He said he
wanted to give me one last blowjob, so I followed
him out behind the horse barn. He had a couple of
friends waiting.”

Yuma nuzzled his mate’s throat, crooning

nonsense, letting him know it didn’t matter to him

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what had happened in the past. Of course, he had
to ignore his penguin’s indignant snort to do so.

“A free blowjob?” Sam muttered. “I would

have followed him, too,” he admitted.

Adam chuckled and nodded.
Hunter cleared his throat. “Anyway, he had

two friends waiting. They worked me over pretty

“Hmm, well at least now, once Yuma claims

you, your healing will speed up,” Sam

Hunter nodded. “That will be nice.” He looked

down at Yuma and smiled. “Is that something you
want to do, baby?”

His dick thickened under the blanket at the

very idea, but he still worried. “If I claim you, I
won’t let you leave me. This isn’t something you
can do and then change your mind,” Yuma

“I know, sweetie. I’m sure the shock will hit me

like a ton of bricks soon, but right now, I see more
up sides than down.” Hunter cupped Yuma’s jaw
and pressed their lips together in a slow, sweet
kiss. “Make love to me,” he whispered once they
broke apart.

Hunter’s erection pressed against his ass. He

smelled his mate’s arousal. His cock throbbed
between his legs, and he wanted to fulfill his
mate’s request with an intensity that scared him.

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“I guess that’s our cue to leave,” Sam said,


Sam moved toward the door, Adam following.
“We’ll just make certain your pops doesn’t

interrupt,” Adam said with a wink.

Yuma knew it was rude to ignore his friends.

He had called them, had asked them to come, but
right now all he could focus on was his mate.
Crawling off the human’s lap, he swallowed his
fear and moved to the bed. “We don’t want
pressure on your injured legs, so let’s get you on
the bed on your back,” he whispered.

Carefully, Yuma helped Hunter onto the bed

and maneuvered the flannel shorts down his legs.
He swallowed hard. Even with all the bruising,
bound ribs, the cast and brace on his legs, his mate
was still stunning. Muscle definition peeked out of
the areas he could see. He couldn’t resist petting
the man’s firm pecks, but then he drew his hand
back and nibbled his lip.

“What’s the matter, sweetie?” Hunter asked


“I don’t want to hurt you.”

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Chapter Five

ith his one good eye, Hunter enjoyed the
ravenous look of lust on Yuma’s face. The

smaller man knelt between his knees and stared
hungrily at him for several seconds. The soft,
clearly appreciative touches Yuma placed on his
chest had Hunter nearly vibrating with need.
Hunter admitted he was impressed by the
surprising strength Yuma displayed when he
gently helped him onto the bed. Still, Hunter’s gut
told him this man would never purposefully hurt

“Why do you think you’d hurt me, sweetie?” he

asked. Hunter needed to discover the source of
Yuma’s discomfort so they could get to the good

“I’m not a very good top.”
Hunter remembered Yuma saying that before.

“And I’m not a good bottom,” he whispered,
sharing his earlier thoughts. Yuma’s eyes widened


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at his words, but Hunter spoke again before his
new lover could say anything. “But to be with
you, I’ll do what you need. Tell me why you think
you’ll hurt me,” he ordered gently.

Yuma frowned. “I hurt my first lover,” he

admitted. “H-he cried after I entered him.”
Yuma’s brows furrowed and Hunter really
wanted to smooth out the crease with his fingers,
but he resisted, waiting for the shifter to continue.
“I thought I stretched him enough,” he whispered.

“Oh, sweetie,” Hunter crooned. “I’m sorry that

happened,” he said, when it became apparent
Yuma needed some encouragement.

“We were in the woods. Someone heard us,”

Yuma whispered. His face flushed and his
erection wilted. “They thought I was attacking
him. I ran away. When I called my parents, they
told me our rookery enforcers were searching for
me. They told me never to come back,” he finally

Ignoring the stitch of pain in his ribs, Hunter sat

up and grabbed his mate, pulling him down on
top of him. He cupped Yuma’s jaw and kissed him
deeply, putting all the comfort he couldn’t express
with words in his actions. Yuma sighed into his
mouth and clung to him, easily letting Hunter take
the lead. He mapped the smaller man’s mouth,
enjoying his masculine taste and the strong grip
on his shoulders. Once breathing became

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necessary, Hunter eased the kiss to an end,
nipping Yuma’s bottom lip as he pulled away.

“I can promise you that I will not cry,” he

whispered. “And no one will ever think you
forced me.”

Yuma tucked his face against Hunter’s neck

and his body shuddered in his arms. Something
dripped down his neck, and Hunter realized the
poor man was crying silently. Hunter crooned
nonsense and rubbed his back, trying to soothe
him, all the while wondering how long Yuma had
held these emotions inside.

“Easy, sweetie,” he murmured. “I’m right here.

We’ll work this out.”

“How?” Yuma whispered. He lifted his head.

“I’m afraid to touch you,” he admitted.

“I have an idea,” Hunter said, his mind


Levering up on his elbow, Yuma stared down

at him. “What?”

Smiling seductively, Hunter winked. “Do you

enjoy being fucked, sweetie?”

After a second, Yuma shrugged.
That had Hunter’s brows lifting. The shifter had

mentioned riding him, which gave Hunter the
impression that he did, indeed, like to bottom.
Then he remembered the trepidation Yuma had
displayed when asked to splay his legs. Hunter
cocked his head. “Have you ever been fucked,

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Yuma?” he asked bluntly.

Yuma nodded slowly.
“Did you enjoy it?”
Yuma’s face flamed. “Sometimes.”
That was an odd response. “Why only


Sighing, Yuma tried to roll away, but Hunter

held him tight. “Because some lovers don’t care if
you get off, too. They just care about themselves,”
he explained.

“Ah, then I guess I’ll have to show you what it’s

like when a lover wants to take care of you,” he
murmured. He grinned. “It would be better if I
weren’t injured, but we can make this work,” he
said and winked, trying to calm his stressed out
lover. He’d want to learn about his lover’s past
bad experiences, just so he could show that he
wasn’t like that, but not right now. He knew from
his talks with Yuma’s friends and the way the
penguin shifter was trying so hard to get past his
fears that he desperately wanted to claim him.
And, damn it all, Hunter wanted to be claimed.

Rolling over, he reached into his nightstand and

pulled out a tube of lube and a couple of condoms.
Hunter tossed the condoms on the bed, opened
the lube and squirted a generous amount onto the
first couple of fingers.

“What are you doing?” Yuma asked when

Hunter spread his legs and rubbed one finger over

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his own taint.

Hunter grinned. “I’m getting myself ready to

take your cock, Yuma. I know you’re going to fill
me up so good, sweetie,” he replied, pitching his
tone as seductively as possible.

“Oh,” Yuma breathed out the word, his gaze

riveted to where Hunter slowly slipped his first
finger into his rectum.

Grunting, Hunter worked his finger in and out,

relaxing the muscles. He hadn’t bottomed in a
number of years, but it only took him a moment to
begin enjoying the sensations. Hunter moaned
softly and gazed up at Yuma through his lashes.
“Take the lube and stroke yourself, sweetie,” he
ordered. “Get yourself nice and hard for me.”







“Good,” he crooned, watching Yuma pour a

dollop of fluid onto his shaking palm. Yuma
gripped his quickly re-hardening shaft and
pumped. The moans and whimpers coming from
the shifter’s mouth were so sweet, so sexy, and
Hunter felt a desire to suck that pretty dick into
his mouth again. Later, he promised himself.

“That’s it, Yuma,” he encouraged while

slipping a third finger into his hole. He knew he’d
be stretched enough to take Yuma’s slender rod as
soon as he adjusted to the new thickness. “Now
get a condom on that pretty prick and fuck me.”

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To his surprise, Yuma shook his head and

moved toward him. “No condom. Can’t wear a
condom when I claim you.”

Damn, he hadn’t thought of that. He’d never

barebacked before. Even with Viktor, he’d always
been careful. Hunter swallowed, realizing he had
to give Yuma his complete trust, not just his ass. If
what these shifters said were true, he’d never have
another lover as long as Yuma lived. And from the
way the sexy, slender man vibrated with
excitement, Hunter knew that was what Yuma
wanted, too.

He nodded once and reached behind him for a

pillow. After tucking it under his hips, Hunter
held out his hand, bidding his lover to come to

Yuma crawled between his legs and stared

down at him, still palming his weeping erection.
“Ho-how do you want me to do this? I don’t want
to hurt you.”

Hunter smiled. “You won’t. Just go slow.”
He couldn’t help the hitch in his breath as

Yuma leaned over him and guided his dick to
Hunter’s waiting hole. Yuma nibbled his bottom
lip and stared down at him. “Ready?” he
whispered the word.

Giving his lover a reassuring smile, Hunter

nodded. He gripped Yuma’s shoulders and held
him tight. “Now,” Hunter ordered. “Make love to

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His words earned him a moan from Yuma, and

the man pushed insistently at Hunter’s body.
Yuma’s dick popped past his tight ring of muscle
and Yuma shuddered above him.

“Easy,” Hunter growled through gritted teeth.

Yuma froze and stared down at him. He started to
move away, but Hunter’s grip tightened, holding
him in place. Three fingers should have been
enough to stretch him, but that initial entry still
shocked him. “Stay still.”

Yuma obeyed.
He let out a slow breath and willed his body to

accept the invasion of his lover’s dick. The initial
burn eased and Hunter nodded. “Okay. Now
push,” he ordered, not missing the irony that he
was topping from the bottom.

As Yuma slowly thrust forward, Hunter sighed

and relaxed. The hot flesh of Yuma’s erection
pushed deeper inside, heating him from the inside
out. When Yuma’s groin was finally flush to his
ass, Hunter marveled at the intimacy of the
moment. He felt the heat of his lover, inside and

“Oh, hell, yeah,” he said, groaning. “Move,


With a low moan, Yuma drew his cock halfway

out and thrust forward. That one move seemed to
trigger every dominant instinct in Hunter’s

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slender lover. Yuma’s brown eyes glowed with
feral possession. His hand tightened on Hunter’s
shoulder, the other clutched his hip. Holding
Hunter’s gaze, Yuma pounded into him in
mindless pursuit to dominate and claim. Hunter
could hear Yuma chanting, “Mine, mine, mine,”
under his breath with each thrust.

Hunter grunted as spikes of pleasure coursed

through his system when Yuma found his prostate
and pegged it with each stroke. He wrapped his
arms around Yuma’s body, gripping the man’s
back in a tight hold. Lifting his head, Hunter
captured Yuma’s lips and plunged his tongue

He swallowed Yuma’s sexy cries. His dick

throbbed between them, rubbing against Yuma’s
washboard stomach. Feeling his lover take his ass,
lose himself in pleasure, did something to
Hunter’s insides. Instinctively, he knew he’d do
anything for this little man, even accept shifters as
a reality and rearrange his life.

Breaking the kiss, Hunter tilted his head. “I am


Yuma’s eyes met his for just a second, his body

frozen with his cock halfway in and out of
Hunter’s ass. A feral smile curved Yuma’s lips and
he opened his mouth, showing off the inch and a
half long canines that hadn’t been there a few
seconds before and didn’t belong in any human’s

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His lover resumed his punishing pace and

reached between them to grab Hunter’s dick.
Hunter’s breath caught in his throat. Grunting, an
orgasm hit Hunter hard, spilling his seed and
coating both their chests and stomachs.

Delight shone on Yuma’s features and he

snapped his head forward. For the space of a
heartbeat, pain shot through Hunter’s shoulder.
Then pleasure unlike anything he’d felt before
swamped Hunter’s system, and a second orgasm
unexpectedly bowled through his system. Hunter
roared. More seed filled the space between them.
An answering warmth filled his rectum. Coupled
with the growls escaping Yuma’s throat, and the
shudders racking his body, Hunter knew his sexy
lover had found his own release.

Holding Yuma, rubbing his back as they both

came down from their endorphin highs, filled
Hunter with a sense of peace greater than
anything he’d ever felt. It was the most incredible
experience of his life.

Hunter smiled and nuzzled his lover’s temple.

“Ah, my sweet Yuma. How is it that I feel so
strongly for you after less than a day?” The depth
of his emotions completely blew Hunter’s mind.

Yuma licked his shoulder, over the bite wound,

and a shiver of sensation danced through Hunter’s
veins. To his surprise, his cock twitched where it

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lay against his stomach. Yuma must have felt it,
for he giggled. And wasn’t it interesting that
Hunter wanted to hear that sound from his lover
again, often, in fact.

Yuma lifted his head and beamed down at him.

“It’s easy to develop feelings for your mate.
Especially when they’re such a good person,” he
said before pecking a kiss to Hunter’s lips.

What Hunter wanted to do was roll them over

and explore every inch of Yuma’s body, rousing
his passion slowly, before quenching the fire that
burned so hot between them. Unfortunately, his
battered body could not handle those actions yet.

He slid one palm up Yuma’s back, enjoying the

feeling of firm flesh under his fingers. Running his
fingers through his hair, Hunter smiled up at the
man. “I’m definitely developing feelings for you,
Yuma. Where exactly do you see this going?”

Immediately, Yuma’s gaze slid sideways. The

move told Hunter that his lover was nervous to
tell him the truth.

His grip tightened on Yuma’s skull and he

forced Yuma to turn back and look at him. “We
can’t have much of a relationship if we don’t
communicate. Please, sweetie, tell me what you

“I want,” Yuma paused, swallowed hard, and

tried again. “I want to continue traveling with my
friends,” he admitted. “I want you to go with me.”

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“You want me to travel with you?” That hadn’t

quite been what Hunter had been expecting, but
with the insecurities he’d already noted in Yuma,
he couldn’t say it surprised him.

Yuma nodded.
“I’m not certain how I’d support you like that,”

he admitted.

Yuma rolled to his side, careful to keep any

pressure away from his legs. Hunter grunted as
Yuma’s cock slid free. Part of him bemoaned the
loss and wanted to be filled by his lover again,
another part felt relief. One thing Hunter could
admit with certainty, although he planned to top
Yuma often, if his mate ever wanted his ass, he’d
be happy to give it to him.

He turned his head to the side, keeping Yuma

in view. Hunter waited for the slender man’s

Yuma levered onto his elbow and looked down

at him. “I’m rich. You don’t need to support me,”
he stated bluntly.






“Good unexpected, I hope,” Yuma whispered.
Hunter smiled, twisting a bit so he could cup

Yuma’s jaw. “Yeah. I suppose you all could use a
vet’s services, since you turn into animals, hmm?”

It had been meant in jest, but Yuma’s eyes lit

up. “Absolutely!”

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Pressing a kiss to Yuma’s lips, lips that Hunter

couldn’t seem to resist, he nodded. “I guess it’s
time to introduce you to my father, huh?”

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Chapter Six

he father. Right. Yuma’s cheeks heated as he
realized how loud they’d been. He didn’t care

that his friends might have heard. He’d heard
them on more than one occasion, but to have his
lover’s father listen in…

“Hey, what’s wrong?” Hunter asked, regaining

Yuma’s attention. His lover frowned at him.
“Don’t you want to meet my father?”

Yuma quickly shook his head. His eyes

widened as he leaned close and whispered, “Do
you think he heard us?”

Hunter chuckled. “I doubt it. He’s kinda deaf as

well as being kinda blind.”

Relief flooded Yuma. “Oh good.” It was short-

lived. “Do you think he’ll be okay with, um, us?”
he asked, waving a hand between them.

“Sure,” Hunter replied. Yuma watched him

ease to the side of the bed and grip the arm of his
chair. “He knows I’m gay, sweetie,” Hunter said


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over his shoulder. “Don’t worry so much,” he
admonished gently. After levering himself into the
wheelchair, Hunter winked at him. “How about
you help me clean up in the bathroom?”

Pleased that his mate wanted his help, Yuma

beamed. He slipped off the bed, grabbed the
backpack from the floor where it had fallen, and
hurried to the door. Peeking into the hall to make
certain no one was lurking about, he was already
surprised at the possessiveness he felt for Hunter’s
bits. Seeing no one, he moved out of the way and
let Hunter pass, then helped his mate clean up.

Clean and dressed, Yuma followed Hunter as

he wheeled into the living area. An old but large
big-screen TV sat on the floor along the west wall.
A couch and two la-z-boys faced it. Along the back
wall were sliding glass doors, closed to the cool
evening air. The snow beckoned to his penguin,
but he turned away.

He caught the grins on Adam and Sam’s faces.

Adam sniffed the air and gave him a
conspiratorial wink. Yuma flushed, knowing the
other shifters could smell the change in his scent.
They were happy for him. To his complete relief,
he saw that Hunter’s father was sleeping in one of
the lounge chairs.

“Pops,” Hunter said, tapping his father’s arm.

“I’m gonna order pizza for me and the guys. You

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“What?” the old man huffed. He looked around

as if just noticing the men in the room. “Oh, sorry.
Didn’t realize…” Hunter’s father squinted at
Yuma. “Did you come in with Hunter’s friends?”

“Uh, no,” Yuma murmured. He’d never been

real good at lying.

Hunter smiled. “He came a few minutes ago,

Pops. He caught a ride with another guy who took
the penguin to the vet, just to double check what
we’d done.” At the old man’s alarmed look,
Hunter patted his father’s arm. “Don’t worry. It’s
all under the radar,” he added with a wink.

The old man flushed. “Good,” he muttered.
“So, pizza?” Hunter prodded.
“Oh, yeah, yeah, I’ll eat,” his mate’s father

replied. “Whatever.”

Hunter pointed at the counter. “Grab the phone

there, would you please, sweetie?”

Yuma nodded and hurried to obey. Getting the

phone, he handed it to Hunter. He didn’t miss
Hunter’s father’s questioning look. Hunter
grinned. “I know it’s only been a few months since
I broke up with Viktor, but something about
Yuma drew me.” He waved toward his father.
“Yuma, this is my father, Walter Driscoll. Pops,
this is Yuma Batacan.”

Walter’s brows creased, but he reached out and

took Yuma’s hand. “Nice to meet you, son. Are

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you going to take better care of my boy than the
last one?”

“Absolutely.” Yuma nodded quickly. “I’d do

anything for him, sir.”

“Hmm, we’ll see,” Walter replied.
“Dad, knock it off,” Hunter chided before

lifting the phone to his ear and ordering four

His dad didn’t respond, but he continued to eye

Yuma dubiously. That was fine with him. He’d
prove his worth to the father in time. What he’d
said was true. He’d do anything for his mate,
including tolerate a little disbelief from a
protective father.

They watched TV for half an hour, waiting for

the pizza to arrive. When the doorbell rang, Adam
jumped from the couch like his ass was on fire. A
big grin on his face, he hustled to the door, calling
over his shoulder, “I got this!”

Yuma snickered, drawing the attention of his

mate. He smirked. “Adam thinks with his
stomach,” he explained.

“Got that right,” Sam agreed. “That man’s two

favorite things are old cars and food, in that

“Hey, I like surfing and sex, too!” Adam

grumbled, coming back with the pizza. He
stopped at the kitchen counter. Between the open

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floor plan of the main rooms in the cabin and his
friend’s shifter hearing, it wasn’t hard for the guy
to listen in on their conversation.

“Yeah,” Yuma teased, “but if you had the

choice between tinkering with a classic car or
getting it on with some cute twink, you’d take the
car every time.”

Adam shrugged. “What can I say? If it’s not my

mate, I can take or leave it. My right hand works
just fine.”

Yuma was used to Adam speaking so frankly,

but he should have known better than to tease like
that in front of his mate and Walter. Hunter’s
choked gasp and Walter’s snort had all eyes on
father and son. He opened his mouth, but nothing
came out. There was a reason he didn’t socialize
with anyone but his fellow gang members. Having
grown up in a rookery of penguin shifters, then
living on the streets at times as a prostitute, Yuma
just didn’t know how to relate to the standard

Fortunately, Sam helped him out. “You’re

missin’ out, dude.” Sam stood. “Where are your

After a couple of seconds, Walter replied, “In

the cupboard over the microwave.”

Just like that, the awkward moment was

smoothed over. Letting out a mental sigh, Yuma
touched a blushing Hunter’s arm and murmured,

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“Do you want some?”

“Yeah, sweetie. Thanks,” Hunter replied. He

smiled up at him and grabbed his wrist.

Yuma cocked his head, waiting for the man to

voice the question in his eyes.

Instead, he tugged his wrist and murmured,

“Come here.”

Realizing his mate wanted a kiss before he

walked away filled Yuma with pleasure. He
leaned down and pressed his lips to Hunter’s,
feeling the other man’s smile. Yuma pulled away
and grinned. “Any time.”

With just the tips of his forefingers, he traced

around the dark green of Hunter’s swollen eye.
“What happened to Viktor?” he asked suddenly.

“We don’t know and the cops haven’t found

him,” Walter replied darkly, anger filling his voice
as he sat back down on the chair.

“Oh,” Yuma responded. He turned and

exchanged a glance with Adam and Sam. From
the tightness of his friend’s jaws, he knew they
were thinking the exact same thing he was. No
way in hell would Viktor get to his lover again.

Evidently Walter took Yuma’s silence a

different way. “That gonna make you run, boy?”
he asked.

Yuma wouldn’t quite call the man’s tone

belligerent, but it was damn close. He saw
Hunter’s brows furrow, but Yuma knew he

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needed to prove himself to Walter. Family was
important, and just the fact that Hunter’s father
accepted his sexuality was not a gift to be

He gave Hunter’s hand a reassuring squeeze,

then squared his shoulders and faced Walter.
“There is nothing that will make me walk away
from your son, sir. I care about him, and that’s not
going to change just because of some asshole ex-

He had to hold Walter’s attention for a good

thirty seconds, but finally the man smiled. “Good.
That’s good.”

Yuma nodded at Walter, giving him a slight

smile, then lowered his gaze to his lover and
pressed a quick kiss to his lips. “Be right back.” He
hurried to the kitchen and opened the pizza box.
The smell of cheese, pepperoni, sausage, and ham
assaulted his nostrils. “Oh, nice,” he muttered. He
grabbed two plates and dropped a couple slices on

Taking one in each hand, he headed back to the

living room. Without thinking, he handed one
plate to Hunter, then carefully crawled onto his
lap to curl up with his lover. It wasn’t until he
noticed Adam’s smile that he realized what he’d
done. Looking at the surprised pleasure filling his
human’s eyes, Yuma blushed. “This okay?” he
asked softly.

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“More than,” Hunter immediately responded.
After one more butterfly kiss, Yuma settled his

back into the crook of Hunter’s arm and started
eating. He didn’t really listen to the TV. He was
much more interested in enjoying the scent and
feel of being with his mate.

Yuma still felt mildly overwhelmed that Hunter

had let him take his ass and claim him. He’d
always worried about what would happen if he
met the man Fate destined for him. Adam had
comforted him after a nightmare more than once.
Hunter had made it so easy for him. He smiled.
Fate really knew what she was doing.

“What are you doing with those pumpkins?”

Sam asked.

“Pumpkins?” Hunter asked, looking from Sam

to Walter.

Walter shrugged. After swallowing a bite of

pizza, he said, “I bought them last week, but then
Hunter was injured, so I didn’t do anything with

“We should carve them,” Sam stated.
“That’d be fun,” Yuma said.
Hunter shrugged. “It is Halloween tomorrow.”
“Oh,” Yuma couldn’t hide his excitement. He

turned at the waist, mindful of keeping his legs
still so he didn’t hurt his mate, and looked up at
Hunter. “Could we?”





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immediately. Then he glanced over at his dad and
smirked. “If that’s okay with you, Pops.”

Walter smiled indulgently. Waving a hand, he

said, “Sure. That’s what I bought ‘em for, but we
ran out of time.”

“Nice!” Sam jumped up, showing more

enthusiasm for something than Yuma normally
saw in the man. In fact, as Yuma watched Sam
disappear down into the foyer, he realized Sam
was offering more communication than he’d ever
seen when amidst all their friends. Did Sam just
do better in small groups?

Yuma had always counted the man as a friend,

but he didn’t know a whole hell of a lot about the
longhorn bull shifter except Kontra trusted him.
He’d seen his leader ask Sam to do favors for him.
Yuma couldn’t remember seeing Kontra do that to
anyone else, except Payson, but requests given to
the hyena shifter normally involved tracking and

A thump drew Yuma out of his thoughts. His

eyes widened. “Well, shit, those are huge!”

Sam had set two pumpkins on the counter, both

well over twenty-five pounds. Hunter laughed.
Yuma grabbed the wheelchair’s handle and
squeaked as Hunter swung his chair around so he
could look at his dad. Hunter chuckled and Yuma
giggled. “Sorry, sweetie. Should have warned

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“It’s okay,” Yuma replied, grinning up at him.
Hunter gave him a quick kiss, then looked at

his father. “What were you going to carve on
them?” He glanced around the others and said,
“My dad has a way with tools. When we were
growing up, his pumpkins were the pride of the
neighborhood. He’d open his garage, set up a
haunted house, and offer a bobbing for apples
game. My friends loved it.”

Yuma liked the way his lover smiled fondly at

his father, the memories obviously giving him
pleasure. Love and pride shone from Walter’s
expression as he grinned at his son. It was really
refreshing to see the great relationship obviously
evident between father and son. A sobering
thought hit him. What would Walter think of him
if he knew he was a shifter? Was it fair to ask his
lover to hide something so big from his father?
Damn, he had no experience with this!

“Hey, you okay?” Hunter murmured, catching

his attention.

Yuma exhaled. He glanced around and realized

he’d completely missed Walter leaving. Where
had he gone? “I-I just feel bad making you hide
information from your dad,” he admitted.

“Don’t worry, sweetie,” Hunter murmured.

“We’ll tell him soon.”

“Tell me what?”

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Yuma turned and found Walter once more in

the house. He stood just inside a door on the far
side of the kitchen, holding a roll of cloth that he
set on the counter near the pumpkins. Walter
paused when Hunter didn’t answer right away.

Hunter sighed. “As soon as I’m healed, I’m

going on the road with Yuma,” he said, shocking
just about everyone in the room. Sure, they’d
talked about it, but damn!

“What?” His father froze.
“And there’s more,” Hunter told Walter. “That

penguin, well, Yuma is that penguin. He’s a shape

Sam and Adam’s eyes widened. Yuma knew his

own expression must mirror the look of near
disbelief. His mate had just outed them, without
warning, to his father.

Walter frowned, his brows creasing and a look

of concern filling his eyes. “Did you take
something, son? Or did you hit your head when
you fell out of bed earlier?”

Hunter shook his head. “No, Dad. I have my

own rich little sugar baby.” He said the words
lightly, clearly teasing, as he squeezed Yuma’s hip
to get his lover to look at him. Yuma met his fond
look and his unease settled a bit. “Yuma and I will
take care of each other.” He threaded his fingers
through Yuma’s hair and used the hold to tilt

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Yuma’s head back and take his mouth in a slow

An aggravated sigh cut thought Yuma’s lust

induced pleasure, but that didn’t stop Hunter
from continuing to explore his mouth, slowly and
thoroughly. Either Hunter couldn’t get enough of
him, or he was proving to his father that he had
every intention of following through with his
words. Either option worked for Yuma.

When Walter cleared his throat pointedly, and

one of the other men snickered, Hunter finally
brought the kiss to an end. Both men were
panting. Yuma licked his lips and forced his eyes
open to see Hunter’s flushed face and warm

“I don’t think I’ll ever get enough of kissing

you,” Hunter whispered.

Yuma grinned. “That works for me.”
Hunter chuckled and looked over Yuma’s

shoulder. Something he saw caused the look of
relaxed pleasure to fade just a bit. Yuma turned
and saw Walter’s concerned frown. Yuma sighed
and carefully slipped from Hunter’s lap. He
handed his lover his empty plate, turned to look
Walter in the eye, and squared his shoulders.

“Do you need proof? I can prove that me and

your son aren’t crazy.” In for a penny in for a pound,
This was his mate he was talking about.
He’d back him until the day they died. “I am the

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Adam snickered, Sam smirked, and Walter’s

brows shot up. Yuma wondered at their reaction
for all of ten seconds. That was when the image of
a short, squat, pointy-nosed man with flipper
hands wearing ugly red pajamas entered his mind.

Yuma rolled his eyes and glared at his friends

before saying, “And not the creepy penguin man
from Batman. I really can turn into a penguin.” He
rolled up his sleeve to reveal the stitches on his
arm, which really needed to come out at this

Walter crossed his arms over his chest. “This I

gotta see.”

“Pops, maybe you should sit down,” Hunter


After pulling off his shirt, Yuma glanced over

his shoulder and saw Hunter eyeing his father
with concern.

Scoffing, Walter crossed to the small, round

dining room table and eased onto a chair. Yuma
kicked off his sneakers and opened his pants.
Instead of getting completely naked in front of his
lover’s father, he started his shift still wearing
them loosely around his hips. As a penguin, he
was one of the few shifters who could do that
without destroying his clothes, since he was
smaller and shorter as an Emperor Penguin than
as a human.

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Less than a minute later, a minute filled with

popping muscle, cracking bone, and the stretch
and compress of skin and skeleton, Yuma stood in
penguin form.

“Holy shit!” Walter leaped to his feet. “How is

this possible?” Shaking his head, Walter pointed at
Hunter and said, “You said your friend took the
penguin to the center! How can it be here?”

“We told you,” Adam cut in. “He’s a shifter.

Yuma shares his spirit with a penguin. It’s not out
of the realm of possibility, you know?” Adam
turned to Sam and muttered, “What is it with
humans thinking they’re the only sentient beings
on the planet?”

Sam shrugged. “Many don’t want to believe in

things outside their understanding.”

“Imagine if I started telling them about

vampires and witches,” Adam murmured.

Yuma had had enough. He shifted back.

Grabbing his jeans as soon as he had usable
fingers, he pulled them back into place. “Stop
freaking the humans out, Adam.” He turned and
regarded a still gaping Walter. “Look. I’m not
really any different than you. I just happen to be
able to change into a different form. No big deal.”

“No big deal…” Walter whispered, his hazel

eyes were huge. It occurred to Yuma that Hunter
and his father’s expressions were remarkably

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“Well, all right,” Adam called, getting

everyone’s attention. “Now that we have that all
straightened out, let’s carve some pumpkins!”

Sam helped Walter from his chair and led him

to kitchen counter where they’d laid out
newspaper under the pumpkins and pulled out a
couple of kitchen knives and spoons to scoop out
guts. As Yuma watched, Walter seemed to relax
more and more. He even joked around with the
bigger men as they got to work carving the
pumpkins, though he did glance at Yuma from
time to time, an inscrutable look on his face.

The wheel of Hunter’s chair bumped into his

side, and Yuma smiled at his lover. Hunter leaned
close and whispered, “Are there really vampires?”

Grinning, Yuma nodded. “Yup.”

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Chapter Seven

unter stretched, feeling more relaxed than he
had since getting attacked a week ago. His

ribs didn’t ache and he could actually open his
right eye, although the vision in that eye remained
slightly hazy. Yuma wasn’t kidding when he said
being claimed by him would speed up healing.

The small slender man curled up next to him

stirred. The head on his chest rubbed across his
peck, scratching him with Yuma’s light peach
fuzz. When he’d commented on it last night,
Yuma had explained that he only needed to shave
once a week. Something to do with sharing his
DNA with a penguin.

“Morning,” Yuma muttered. He lifted his head

and smiled up at Hunter. “Oh, that looks so much

His lover gently fingered the greatly reduced

swelling around his eye. Hunter turned his head
and kissed Yuma’s palm. “Thanks to you.”


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Yuma beamed up at him and snuggled closer.

The shifter’s morning wood rubbed against
Hunter’s hip. Hunter’s own stiffie thickened even
more in response. He grunted and rotated his hips
so their cocks aligned. His lover was quick to put a
hand on his hip and rut against him.

“Shit, Yuma,” he hissed through clenched teeth.

His balls tightened against his body. There was so
much he wanted to do to this man, for this man, so
much pleasure he wanted to give him, but knew it
wasn’t going to happen until he could use his legs.

A slender-fingered hand slipped between their

bodies and wrapped around both their cocks.
“You’re thinking too much,” Yuma whispered.
“Look at me.”

He didn’t know when he’d closed his eyes, but

Hunter obeyed and found himself staring into
liquid pools of dark brown need. His cock
hardened nearly to the point of pain as he
watched his lover’s mouth open slightly as he
panted softly. Yuma’s cheeks flushed, his nipples
hard points of flesh, and his breath came in harsh

When Yuma’s tongue darted out and swiped

over his bottom lip, Hunter could resist no longer.
He leaned forward and captured Yuma’s mouth,
sliding his tongue inside the warm wet heat. The
taste of his lover, the feel of Yuma’s hand around
his shaft, and the sweet sound of his mewls of

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pleasure were enough to finish the job. Hunter
grunted and came.

As soon as his warm seed hit Yuma’s fingers,

his lover jerked and followed him over the edge.
Hunter’s grip on Yuma’s side tightened and he
growled, swallowing down his sexy lover’s
sounds. After their cocks stopped pulsing, Hunter
broke the kiss and flopped onto his back, gasping
for breath.

“Wow,” he muttered.
Yuma giggled and snuggled against him.

Hunter wrapped an arm under the smaller man
and pulled him close. He pressed a kiss to the top
of Yuma’s head and sighed.

“Now, it’s a good morning,” Hunter


His lover levered up on his elbow and looked

down at him, grinning. “I’m hungry. Can I bring
you breakfast in bed?”

Hunter chuckled. “I don’t think I know a man

who’d say no to that.”

“Cool.” After giving him one more kiss, Yuma

bounced from the bed. He tossed the t-shirt
Hunter had been wearing the day before to him
with a wink, and Hunter used it to clean himself
up. Yuma did the same, then pulled on jeans but
no shirt or shoes. Yuma blew him a kiss and
slipped from the room.

With just the sheet covering him to the waist,

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Hunter must have dozed. The next thing he knew,
Yuma returned, humming under his breath, and
carrying a tray filled with scrambled eggs, bacon,
toast, and hash browns. He pushed himself into a
sitting position, shoving a pillow behind his back
so he could comfortably lean against the

“I wasn’t certain how you like your eggs, so I

hope this is okay,” Yuma said, setting the tray on
the nightstand. “Most people like them scrambled,
and those that don’t just douse them in ketchup.”

Hunter smirked. “Is that right?”
Yuma shrugged, settled on the bed next to him

and rested the tray across both their legs. “How’s
your leg and knee feeling? Do you need any pain

He thought about that for a second, then shook

his head. “You know,” Hunter commented,
picking up a slice of bacon, “I feel pretty good,


The doorbell rang, and Hunter frowned. It was

a bit early for trick-or-treaters. Hunter wheeled his
chair to the door and pulled it open. “Trick or
treat!” Hunter grinned at Yuma’s friends. Backing
up his chair, he beckoned them to enter.

“Get in here. It’s freezing outside.”
Sam and Adam laughed, but both men strode

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inside. A bag was strung over Adam’s shoulder
and he carried a case of beer in the opposite hand.
The big blond grinned and said, “Yuma says you
have a hot tub.”

Hunter laughed. His little penguin shifter sure

had been excited when he told him about the hot
tub on the back porch. He pointed toward the
sliding doors. “Go. Enjoy. I’ll come out and visit
after Pops wakes from his nap.”

“Sweet. Thanks, man. That is the one thing our

lodge is missing.” Adam strode through the hall,
Hunter following. Adam looked over his shoulder
at him and added, “The next time the gang rents a
place, I’m totally going to insist on that.”

“You know my dad will always welcome us

when we’re in the area,” he commented.

It was funny how easily Hunter had acclimated

to the idea of traveling on the road with Yuma.
Even though he’d only just met Adam and Sam,
somehow he knew he’d be safe. Of course, the
description of Kontra, the group’s de-facto leader,
had him nervous. What if the guy didn’t like him?
Or didn’t approve of his mating with Yuma?
These gang members were Yuma’s family. He’d
cross that bridge when he came to it, he decided.
He knew the gang wasn’t going anywhere for a
month, which would give him time to heal, meet
everyone and get comfortable with them.

He shoved the thoughts aside and watched

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Adam and Sam strip down and pull on their
bathing suits, green trunks for Sam and a red
speedo for Adam. He shook his head, somehow
not surprised.

“Hey! I heard the door. Are trick-or-treaters

starting already?” Yuma asked, stopping to stand
next to Hunter’s chair.

Hunter shook his head. “No. It was Adam and

Sam. It seems, they were just as excited by the idea
of a hot tub as you.”

Yuma nibbled his lip, his gaze slipping away.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Hunter asked. Surely

they weren’t keeping secrets from each other

“Well, I don’t think it’ll be just Adam and Sam

tonight,” Yuma admitted. “I hope you don’t mind,
but some of the other guys really thought it’d be
cool to check it out, too.” He shrugged. “And since
it’s Halloween and all, it could turn a bit, um,

Hunter threw his head back and laughed. “Oh,

this will be fun,” he said, and he actually meant it.
At seeing Yuma’s dubious expression, he took his
lover’s hand in his. “I mean it. It’ll give me a
chance to meet your gang while still in a
comfortable space.” He paused and frowned.
“Will I get to meet Kontra?”

Yuma shrugged. “I’m not sure. He was still in

Kansas last week. He’s helping Haben settle down

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with his mate.”

Nodding, Hunter was relieved that he’d have

more time. It wasn’t every day your lover told you
his pack leader could turn into a bear…literally. A
fucking grizzly bear! Hunter prayed the man was
okay with him.

“Hey, relax,” Yuma crooned. “Everything will

be fine. Kontra knows how important finding a
mate is to a shifter. He’d never refuse one of his
people’s mates,” he assured.

“Even though I’m a human?” Hunter asked,

voicing his biggest concern.

Yuma grinned. “Mutegi’s mate, Ben, is a

human, and Kontra welcomed him with open
arms. He’s even happy for the shifters who leave
his care and stay with their human mates.”
Yuma’s smile turned nostalgic. “We’ve left friends
behind along the way, but they know if they ever
needed us, we’d be there in a heartbeat.”

Some of Hunter’s tension eased at this news. He

squeezed Yuma’s hand. “Okay. I don’t mean to
worry for nothing. This is all new to me,” he
reminded Yuma.

Yuma leaned down and pecked his lips. “I


The splash of someone jumping into water

caught Hunter’s attention. Hunter turned and
frowned out the sliding glass door. “Adam knows
that’s a hot tub and not a pool, right?”

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Yuma giggled. “Yeah. He’ll settle down in a


Seeing his lover’s fond expression as he stared

at the tiger shifter, Hunter realized it would have
made him jealous just twenty-four hours ago.
Now he knew Yuma was his—all his—and Hunter
never had to fear him straying. It was a heady
feeling. Trust.

Something in his expression must have alerted

Yuma to his thoughts, for heat flared in his lover’s
chocolate brown eyes. He dipped his head and
took Hunter’s mouth in a hungry kiss. Hunter let
the other man lead, opening to Yuma’s questing
tongue, dueling with the appendage.

“All right, all right. Break it up, you two.”
Yuma pulled away at Walter’s teasing voice,

and Hunter grinned at his lover’s blush. It was
cute, and sexy, and Hunter wanted to see if it went
all the way down his chest. He resisted the urge to

Walter stopped next to the pair and chuckled as

he watched Sam and Adam splashing in the hot
tub. “You all are playful things,” he muttered.
“Never seen thirty year olds act like that.”

Hunter bit his tongue and glanced at Yuma. He

knew from the way his lover looked at him that
those men out there weren’t thirty, or even
anywhere near that old. Hunter knew Yuma was
sixty, which meant the other guys could be

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anywhere in that range, too. Hell, they could be
well over a hundred. Hunter didn’t have any way
of knowing, and he sure wasn’t going to ask.

“Adam used to live on the coast,” Yuma offered

by way of explanation. “He misses the warm

“Huh,” Walter grunted.
The ringing of the doorbell caught their

attention. It was accompanied by a number of men
yelling, “Trick or treat!”

Yuma snickered. “That’ll be a couple of my

friends.” He stared hopefully at Walter. “I really
hope you don’t mind us invading your home this
evening. We can get noisy and a little crude, but
none of us do drugs or anything like that.” His
brow crinkled as he frowned, “Although, Ben’s a
light-weight, so he can get pretty silly.”

Walter waved his concerns away with a gnarled

hand. “Don’t sweat it,” he said, already moving
toward the door. “Why, back in my day, we had
some pretty crazy bonfires. Dancing, booze, and
the women. Whoo-wee! Nothing like a curvy
redhead in cut-off shorts to get a man’s blood
pumping.” Glancing over his shoulder at them,
Walter grinned. “Or not.”

Hunter tried to control his blush as his father

disappeared into the foyer. He knew his father
had loved his mother, but she was gone, ten years
now, and his dad still clung to her memory. It was

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nice to know his father had been happy for so
many years, even if his stories could embarrass
him worse than when he was a kid.

His lover grinned down at him. “I like your

dad,” he whispered.

“Yeah,” he murmured back. “Me, too.”
Hunter’s father led a group of men into the

living room. All but two would be the same height
as Hunter, about six feet, or taller once he healed
and could stand on his own two feet again. It
kinda made him feel like he’d fit in. He was
introduced to couples Eli and Sam, Mutegi and
Ben, Caleb and Emmett, as well as Lamar and
Vail. Lamar stiffened and quickly stated that he
and Vail were not mates.

Hunter would have laughed, but then Eli

approached him and held out a hand. “I figured
I’d introduce myself separately,” he said with a
wry twist to his lips. “I’m Doctor Eli Raetz.
Congratulations, I’ll be your new doctor for a

That had Hunter’s brows shooting up to his

hairline. “I can’t keep the same doctor?”

Eli shook his head. “Afraid not.”
The others filed passed, joining Sam and Adam

on the back deck. There was no way they’d all fit
into the hot tub, which was designed for eight, but
Hunter had a funny feeling they’d try. He
refocused on the tall, slender brunet in front of

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him. “Why’s that?” Hunter asked.

The doorbell rang again, and Walter headed

toward the front.

Eli watched him, remaining silent until he was

out of earshot. Then he turned back to Hunter and
stated, “Your DNA will have been altered slightly
due to Yuma claiming you. That’s why you’re
healing faster. If you went back to your regular
doctor and he ran additional blood tests, he’d find
anomalies. Anomalies make people ask questions.
Questions are dangerous for shifters.”

Hunter nodded his understanding. “Okay. You

gonna check me over at some point?”

“Not tonight.” Eli’s dark-eyed gaze flickered to

the activities going on out on the porch. “There
seems to be quite a party brewing.” He smiled
slightly and turned toward the short African
American who stood behind him. “Tonight, we

He realized Eli was no longer talking to him,

and smirked at Yuma when Eli leaned down to
kiss his mate, Sam, if Hunter remembered

A thud sounded from the entryway, drawing

Hunter’s attention. He wheeled his chair forward
a few feet. “Dad?” he called. “Everything all

To his shock, into the room leaped The Riddler,

or at least, a Riddler look-a-like. The man’s hair

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was bright orange-ish red. He had on a green
mask and the question mark leotard Jim Carrey
had worn in Batman Forever. In the guy’s hand was
a question mark cane. “Trick!” the guy stated with
a huge grin.

Hunter’s eyes widened. He knew that voice.


“Hello, baby,” Viktor said, strutting into the

room. He leered at Hunter, sweeping his gaze
over his crippled form. “I’ve come to…crash the
party.” Before Hunter could even fathom a
response, a group of men entered the room. One
man was dressed up like Two-Face. Three others
were dressed like skeleton henchmen. If it weren’t
for the fact that Hunter knew these guys were
only here to cause trouble, he would have been
impressed by their costumes.

Instead, fear sliced through his veins, but not

for himself. “Pops!” he yelled. He tried to wheel
forward, but Yuma’s hands gripped the chair’s
handles behind him with surprising strength,
stopping him.

“No,” Yuma whispered.
Viktor snickered maliciously. “Don’t worry.

He’ll be fine. Just a bump on the ol’ noggin.”
Shrugging, his eyes narrowed as he looked at
Yuma. “Is this your new boy toy? Not bad. Maybe
once you’re gone, me and Donny will take him for
a spin.”

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Rage swept through Hunter. “You’ll do no such

thing,” he snarled.

Sneering, Viktor turned an icy gaze on Hunter.

“What are you going to do about it? I was willing
to give you everything, and you tossed it all away
just because you didn’t know how to share. Well, I
think I’ll make you share,” Viktor growled. He
looked over his shoulder at Two-Face. “Donny, tie
him to the chair. He’ll make a fantastic voyeur.”

“No!” Hunter screamed.
To his shock, Yuma stepped to the side and

shoved the chair backward. It had nowhere to go,
and slammed into the sliding glass doors. His
chair bounced off the glass and tilted wildly,
crashing to the floor. Pain raced up both legs, but
he fought back his howl of agony when a loud
roar sounded from nearby and all hell broke loose.

Breaking glass forced Hunter to cover his head

with his arms. A massive form leaped over him.
Shapes in front of him melted and reformed.
Yuma crouched next to him and tried to help him
right the chair, but Hunter was too busy taking in
the scene before him. His living room contained
two wolves, a massive python, a white tiger and a
warthog. A glance over his shoulder revealed a
long-horned bull standing over him.

All the animals were fighting his uninvited

guests, who wielded chains and bats. The humans
were no match for the animals, who could think,

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reason and strategize. And, from the way they
worked together, it was easy to see they’d fought
together before.

The two wolves and the warthog danced

around the three skeletons, forcing them into a
group at the center of the room. The animals easily
kept beyond the reach of the men’s weapons.
Adam circled the room, leaping this way and that
and herding Viktor and Donny out of the living
room and into the dining area. Hunter’s jaw
dropped when the massive python struck from
where he hung from the antler chandelier. Eli
coiled around Viktor, wrapping him up tightly.

“Donny!” Viktor screamed.
“Holy shit! I didn’t sign up for this!” Donny

cried. The guy dove sideways, then sprinted
toward the front of the house. Adam lunged,
knocking the man down and pinning him to the
floor. Donny screamed, but Adam just held him

The wolves and warthog gave the three

skeletons an opening, and with shrieks of fear, the
three men rushed right past Hunter’s prone figure
and out through the broken sliding glass doors.
Just like that, the fight was over.

Tears threatened at the back of Hunter’s eyes

now that the action was over and he felt the pain
of his fall, combined with the stings from glass
shards falling on him.

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“We need—” He sucked in a breath. “Shit.” He

yanked his hand back from where he’d reached
out in an attempt to move away from his chair.

Yuma grabbed his hand and picked out a shard

of glass. “I’m so sorry,” his lover whispered. “I
couldn’t think of another way to alert my friends
that we needed them. And I didn’t want you
anywhere near that asshole.”

Yuma’s pained expression broke Hunter’s

heart. He reached up with his free hand and
cupped the man’s cheek. “I understand, sweetie,”
he murmured. “Let’s get this glass out of the way
and get me to the couch. Then we need to call the

“The cops?” Yuma squeaked.
Hunter nodded. “Yeah, sweetie. Detective

Calamar. He’s the one in charge of finding Viktor
and his friends. We can’t let them go.”

“He’s right, Yuma,” Adam said over his lover’s

shoulder. “We need to turn these guys over to the

Looking around the room, he spotted a massive

snake holding Viktor captive, two wolves keeping
a terrified Donny on the ground and several
naked men. “What the hell would we even tell
them?” Hunter whispered.

Adam grinned. “You leave that to us. We’ve

had to deal with these kinds of things before.”

After a sigh, Hunter nodded. Adam lifted

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Hunter into his arms and took him out the back
door. He settled him on a deck chair, and Yuma
tucked a blanket around him. They set his
wheelchair by his side. A moment later, a couple
of the other guys wandered out and climbed into
the hot tub. Hunter grabbed Yuma’s hand before
he could go back inside for a beer for him. “Please,
check on my father.”

Yuma nodded and slipped into the house again.

Not five minutes later, he returned with a beer for
Hunter and assurances that Walter was fine with
only a bump on his head. “We put him in his
bedroom. Doc Eli checked him. He’s fine,
honestly.” He nibbled his lip, cocked his head, and
said, “The cops are on their way. Pretty much, you
need to listen to Adam and corroborate his story.
These guys were duped by Viktor, didn’t expect a
group of guys here. They must have been hopped
up on something, because they’re spinning some
pretty ridiculous tales.”

Hunter nodded. “I can do that.” As he listened

to Adam spin a tale while he used his beach-bum
good looks and charm to convince the cops not to
question him, Hunter realized he could think of
only one thing. Hunter wanted to get his mate
alone so he could please him and thank him for
defending him, and perhaps saving his life.

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Chapter Eight

need you,” Yuma stated, crawling into bed
beside Hunter.

His mate welcomed him with open arms,

pulling him close, and nibbling Yuma’s neck. His
human’s warm lips and tongue pressed wet kisses
along his skin. “Everything okay there, Yuma?”
Hunter whispered against his flesh.

“Yeah, just need to feel you,” Yuma admitted.
His mate had been so great, letting him and his

friends take care of everything. Walter had been
groggy and hadn’t been able to be questioned
much. Hunter had agreed with the tale Adam,
Sam, and Eli had woven, telling the cops how the
five men had pretended to be trick-or-treaters,
knocked Walter out, and broken into the home.
Hunter’s ex-boyfriend just hadn’t taken into
account that there would be a group of friends
enjoying a few beers on the back porch. The fact
that Viktor was already a wanted man went a long


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way with the police not asking questions.

Now Yuma just needed to feel his mate,

reconnect with him and assure himself that he was

Yuma found himself being rolled and Hunter

settled between his thighs. “Hey,” Hunter
crooned. “Stay with me, love.”

“Love?” Yuma moaned. His body vibrated as

Hunter skimmed his fingers over his ribcage.
When his lover’s hand gripped his hips and
rubbed his calloused thumbs in the dips above his
hipbones, he just about bowed off the bed.

“Yeah, sweetie,” Hunter crooned. “How could I

not love you? You’re an amazing, sweet, caring

He had one hell of a time concentrating on

Hunter’s words, especially when Hunter’s five
o’clock shadow scraped across his nipple.
“Oh…by the gods!” he hissed. “Love you, too,” he
managed to force out.

Hunter chuckled. “Good.”
Then his lover’s lips wrapped around Yuma’s

already peaked bud and sucked. The wonderful,
warm, wet pull transferred straight to his cock.
His dick twitched and jerked, leaking copiously.
He bucked his hips, desperately searching for
friction. Yuma groaned when a big hand moved
from his hip and wrapped around his slender

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To his utter shock, the other hand slipped

between his legs and spread cool lube over his
hole. Yuma gasped, his eyes snapping open as one
finger slipped inside him. His body tensed

“Easy, sweetie,” Hunter crooned. His warm

breath ghosted over his chest and stomach as he
nibbled and kissed his way down Yuma’s body.
“Let me make you feel good.”

Yuma relaxed just a bit. This was his mate, his

love—it would be okay. Hunter would take good
care of him. “Where—” He had to swallow before
he could finish. “Where’d you get the lube?”

Hunter chuckled. “Hid it under the pillow,” his

lover admitted.





“Confident much?”

A soft kiss to the head of Yuma’s dick made

him groan, almost making him miss Hunter’s
response. “Just wanted to be prepared. Wanted

“You have me.” Yuma breathed out and he

knew it was true. He wanted this man to fill him,
connect with him, complete him.

Hunter moaned softly. His lover rubbed his

scruffy cheek over his hip, his outer thigh, his
inner thigh, then the sensitive skin of his prick felt
the scrape of those whiskers. Yuma gasped and
jerked, pre-cum oozed from his slit and warmth

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flooded his veins. Hunter swallowed his shaft, and
Yuma hardly felt the mild burn as his lover
slipped a second finger into his rectum.

Yuma rocked his hips, loving the way the burn

morphed into pleasant warmth that spread
through his anus and up his spine. He realized
he’d missed this, so much, but at the same time,
couldn’t think of anyone better to finally give his
ass to after so many years.

“I want to feel you,” Yuma groaned. “I want

you in my ass when I come.”

Hunter continued to work his dick, sucking his

cap, massaging his vein with his tongue and
dipping the tip of his tongue into Yuma’s slit.
Yuma’s testicles pulled tighter, telling Hunter his
orgasm approached. Sure, he wanted to feel his
mate deep in his ass, but if Hunter didn’t stop,
there wasn’t any way he could hold back. Yuma
clutched tightly to the sheets beneath him. His
hips jerked as he struggled to control himself.

Hunter growled, sending vibrations through

Yuma’s shaft, but just before he could come, his
lover popped off his cock and gripped the base
tightly. “Not yet,” Hunter growled.

Yuma mewled. His hips jerked. Hunter

carefully pulled his fingers from Yuma’s ass, and
he moaned at the loss. “Easy, lover,” Hunter
muttered. “Just gotta shift up a bit. Lift your hips,”
he ordered, tapping Yuma’s side. Yuma obeyed

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and felt a pillow stuffed under his ass.

Then Hunter gripped his thighs and pushed his

legs up and out, giving his human lover even
more access to his ass. As his mate manhandled
him, a thought forced its way into Yuma’s
sluggish brain. “Are you okay like this?”

Hunter chuckled. “Never better.” Hunter’s cock

head bumped Yuma’s stretched hole, and his lover
pressed forward. “Breathe out, mate,” Hunter
crooned. “Let me in.”

Yuma moaned, loving his mate’s words. He

struggled to control himself enough to push out.
He gasped when Hunter’s cock head popped past
his ring of muscle. Hunter didn’t stop there. He
pressed forward, and in one smooth glide, buried
his dick in Yuma’s ass, stretching him wide, filling
him so good.

“Oh,” Yuma whispered, his eyes going wide.

He stared up into his human’s hazel eyes. The
intensity of his lover’s gaze, combined with the
hot, thick dick stretching him, took his breath

Hunter looked down at him with so much

affection, so much love, Yuma struggled to breath.
Hunter smiled. “Breathe for me, sweetie,” he

Yuma obeyed sucking in a breath, then a

second one. He managed to remember how to do
that without having to remind himself to inhale

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Charlie Richards


each lungful of air and smiled up at his lover.
“Wow,” he whispered.

“You ain’t felt nothin’ yet,” Hunter growled.
His lover moved. He pulled out halfway, then

thrust back in, nailing Yuma’s prostate. Hunter
grinned. Yuma could see his mate’s satisfaction
that he’d found his lover’s gland on the first
stroke. Hunter found a swift rhythm, pegging his
gland, massaging his inner muscles. Just the
knowledge that the hot, thick cock filling him was
his mate’s made everything better.

He forced his eyes to remain open. Yuma took

in the feral pleasure etched on Hunter’s features.
So sexy, so hot, so…ugh! Hunter somehow
managed to slip his hand between them and
stroked Yuma’s dick in time with his thrusts.

“Come for me, Yuma. Come on my cock,”

Hunter ordered.

Yuma couldn’t resist. It all felt too good.

Hunter’s cock in his ass, his hand on his dick and
the lust and possessive desire filling his expression
as he stared down at Yuma all combined to bring
him off in record time. Yuma’s balls tightened
nearly to the point of pain, then his orgasm
bowled through him. He struggled to keep from
howling his joy at the pleasure his mate brought
him. Bliss had spots dancing behind his eyes as he
coated his abs and stomach with his semen.

Hunter groaned above him. His hips twitched.

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Swimming With Penguins


A low moan rolled through his chest and the
muscles of his jaw clenched. The dick in Yuma’s
ass shot, filling his ass with Hunter’s fluids.
Hunter rested his head against Yuma’s shoulder.
His panting breaths sent warm air dancing
through his hair. Yuma petted his lover’s back,
massaging his tense muscles.

Finally, Hunter shifted and dropped to his side.

He didn’t go far, and Yuma found himself pulled
tight to Hunter’s chest. Yuma let out a soft sigh,
and snuggled back into his lover.

“You know,” Hunter crooned into Yuma’s ear.

“I love swimming, too.”

Yuma rolled his head so he could grin up at his

lover. “Oh, yeah?”

“Yeah,” Hunter eased forward and kissed his

lover. “I can’t wait to go swimming with my

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About the Author

Charlie lives on a mini ranchette in Utah with her
husband and furry, four-legged children. She
started writing fantasy when she was eight, and
after stumbling onto her first erotic romance at age
nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now
focuses on writing erotic romance, normally of the
paranormal variety, with heroes and heroines of
all kinds. You can often find her curled up with
her laptop and a cup of tea or glass of wine,
creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys
exploring the mountains on horseback, 4-wheeler,
or motorcycle. Her favorite exercise is jumping
lessons with her Arabian gelding Apache or her
Thoroughbred mare Repo. And she can’t get
enough of sexy highlanders with their kilts and
swords. Right now, she and her muse are working
with dedication on her Wolves of Stone Ridge
series and Kontra’s Menagerie series.







Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com


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