Kontra's Menagerie 16 Catting Around

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On the Road: Sometimes, learning to get past your own problems, means focusing on
someone else.

As an orphan, Chip had never really had a home or even much to call his own. After being
adopted, he’d hoped he’d found acceptance. Unfortunately, a year later, he shifted into
his bobcat for the first time and his new parents had thought him possessed. Forced to
run, Chip lived mostly as an animal for decades. Having grown up alone in foster care, it
hadn’t been much different and he hadn’t thought it too bad…until the day he’d been
captured and tortured by scientists. Rescued by Kontra and his gang, Chip finally sees the
light at the end of the long, lonely tunnel of his life. Scarred, malnourished, and suffering
from panic attacks, Chip struggles to get his body and mind back under control. When the
gang visits a pride of lion shifters, Chip meets Grimes, who claims they are mates. Can he
manage to get past his hang-ups and grab onto the happiness Grimes offers him?

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Catting Around

Copyright © 2014 Charlie Richards

ISBN: 978-1-77111-794-4

Cover art by Angela Waters

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Published by eXtasy Books

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Catting Around

Kontra’s Menagerie, Book Sixteen


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To the person who suggested a shifter teaching his mate to dance. It was a cute idea. I

hope you enjoy the result.

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Chapter One

People moved outside Chip’s room. He shivered as he listened to the stomping of booted
feet and rumbles of masculine voices. He knew all the activity meant the men consisting
of Kontra’s gang packed up their stuff so they could head east. Never in a million years
did Chip think he’d be part of a shifter biker gang, but here he was.

Hell, six months before, Chip hadn’t even known so many shifters were out there, let

alone that there were wolves and bears and…well, so many more than just cats. Now, he
was on his way to meet a whole pride of cats. Lions! Lions were a hell of a lot bigger than
Chip’s bobcat, and they were both nervous.

A soft tap on the door drew Chip’s attention.
He lifted his head from where he’d rested it on his crossed arms, which were wrapped

around his knees. From where he sat, curled up on the room’s window seat, he all but
whispered, “Come.”

Still, it was loud enough. He’d learned so much from Kontra and his new friends…like

shifters had better hearing than humans, as well as increased strength, speed, and
healing abilities. That’s also why the human scientists had kidnapped him—to run
experiments so he could integrate Chip’s abilities into humans.

He shivered at the memory of his time there. More than once, he’d wished for death.

Now, he had a new chance at life.

The door swung open and a big, broad-shouldered man with pale blond hair and warm,

chocolate eyes slipped into the room. Another man followed the first, this one several
inches shorter, leanly muscled, with sparkling blue eyes and messy auburn hair.

Chip smiled at them both. “Hey, Emmett, Caleb,” he greeted quietly. “Are we all about


Although he figured he should be out with the rest of them, offering to help, Chip

couldn’t seem to manage being around all those big, dominant shifters all at once. After
several weeks, it still intimidated him and his bobcat. He trusted them, really he did, and
if there were only two or three, he was fine. If there were more than that, Chip struggled
against waves of debilitating fear.

Emmett swept a worried gaze over him. “Yeah, how are you holding up? You ready?”
Chip pointed at the small duffle bag on the bed. “Yep.”
He didn’t have much, but what he did have, he’d gotten from the other shifters’

generosity. Kontra, the group’s alpha—a massive, grizzly bear shifter—appeared as
intimidating as hell with his towering stature, shaggy brown and silver hair, goatee,
tattoos, and thickly filled out black biker’s leathers. However, the man genuinely seemed
to care for those under his protection and quickly included Chip into those numbers.

Over the last couple of weeks, Emmett and Caleb had spent hours explaining how their

motorcycle gang was actually a pack of shifters. He’d been shocked to learn that Caleb
turned into a chameleon, but had nearly fallen out of his chair when he’d learned they
were headed to visit a pride of lion shifters.

Chip had seriously considered not going, but after much assurance and encouragement

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from his friends, plus Kontra and his mate, Tim, he’d agreed to stay with the pack. What
had truly swayed his decision, though, was the craving of his cat to remain with those
that could keep him safe from not only scientists, but also others who’d attempt to abuse
him. Hell, he’d been held and abused by the humans for almost two years. Chip sure as
shootin’ didn’t want to be among them anytime soon. Chip found that even being in the
same room as the humans mated to his fellow shifters remained difficult, and he often
found an excuse to slip away.

Thinking on his behavior, Chip remembered his conversation with Kontra the evening

before. His alpha had sat him down and warned him of the danger of his behavior. He’d
wanted to know if Chip would be able to hold it together in a restaurant or if they’d need
to leave him at a motel.

Chip hadn’t been certain how he’d react, but he remembered occasionally going to

restaurants when he could scrape up enough money. Sometimes, even he craved
interaction with others. For decades, he’d lived in the mountains as a bobcat. It was just
easier. Unfortunately, that had all ended when the scientists caught him.

Not wanting to disappoint Kontra or his new friends—they’d done so much for him

already—Chip had assured his alpha that he’d be okay. Somehow, he had to make certain
that happened, too. Besides, it wasn’t as if they could drop him off on the side of the
highway before going into town to get gas. Chip knew he needed to suck it up and grow a

“You okay?” Caleb asked this time, right before the chameleon shifter lightly touched

his shoulder.

After sucking in a deep breath, Chip smiled up at his friends. “Yeah. I’m, uh, this is an

adjustment for me, but I appreciate everything you all are doing for me. I won’t let you
down,” he tacked on, pushing to his feet.

Emmett settled a big hand on his shoulder and squeezed lightly. “We don’t think you’ll

let us down,” the large man rumbled. “We know you’ve been through a lot.” A grimace
crossed his face, then he added, “More than you’re willing to tell us, yet, I wager, but we
just want you to be happy.”

Caleb took up the speech, adding with a grin, “And safe. Maybe comfortable with your

pack mates, too. That’s always a nice thing to be.”

Chip couldn’t help but chuckle. He nodded. “I’m working on it, Caleb. Really.”
“By hiding in your room?” Emmett pointed out, his tone kind.
Sighing, Chip crossed to the bed and scooped up his backpack. “I played chess with

Dorian last night while everyone was at the going away party. Ben and Mutegi were even
in the room the whole time.” He’d been proud of himself. Sure, it had only been the four
of them, but Ben was a human. After talking with Kontra, he felt so pleased by the small

“Wow. Dorian didn’t shift last night? I woulda thought he’d have taken this last evening

to hunt,” Emmett commented. “Especially since, now, he’s going to be stuck as a human
for at least three days.”

Caleb nodded, although a smile toyed at the corner of his lips. When he spoke, Chip

understood why. “Unless he wants to flap around his hotel room,” he said with a snicker.

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Chip chuckled, unable to help himself. He knew what his buddies were talking about.

Dorian was a California condor. He hadn’t told them how long the scientists held him, but
for the first week with Kontra and the gang, he’d refused to shift. The talk of the evening
certainly was when a strange, whipcord-lean, dark-haired male had appeared at the top
of the stairs.

Kontra, and Eli, their pack doctor, had immediately risen and crossed to the man and

led him into the dining room. After a few minutes of hushed whispers, they’d returned,
introduced the shifter as Dorian. Then, they’d all refocused on the movie. Dorian had
settled on a chair near the fire, watched for maybe an hour, before heading back upstairs.

Slowly, over the course of the next few weeks, he’d come out more and more. The

condor shifter said little about himself, but he was always polite. For the most part, any
true interaction between Dorian and others involved chess. The man loved it, and his
ability at the game of strategy quickly proved unparalleled. Chip appreciated that the
other man had been willing to teach him.

In fact, now that Chip thought about it, last night when Dorian had won three chess

games in a row, it’d been the first time he could remember seeing the other shifter smile.
Evidently, Chip wasn’t the only one who needed to learn to loosen up.

“All right,” Chip murmured, getting back on track. “Let’s go. Maybe there’s still

something I can do to help.”

Emmett nodded, then headed toward the doorway.
Caleb wrapped an arm around Chip’s shoulders, and—tucked safely between his two

friends—he found himself guided out of his room and down the stairs. After they all pulled
on sweatshirts, leather jackets, and heavy boots, Chip followed them outside.

The brisk air almost instantly chilled Chip’s clean-shaven face. He quickly yanked from

his pocket a black neoprene ski mask and pulled it over his head, covering his sandy-
colored hair. He liked it covered anyway, hiding the black hairs that swirled with no
particular pattern through the lighter locks. The odd characteristic happened from time to
time with shifters—like Kontra’s silver tipped hair.

Except, while the alpha was a big, biker, bad-ass who’d had parents who loved him and

had given him a confident sense of self, Chip hadn’t had that. Instead, he’d grown up in
an orphanage. He’d been so excited to be adopted just before his twelfth birthday. For
nearly a year and a half, he’d really thought his new parents loved him. The second he’d
shifted, that had all changed.

Banishing those thoughts, those memories, Chip took in the nearly a dozen

motorcycles, some Harley’s, some not. Hell, Payson—an exuberant hyena shifter—zipped
around on a bullet bike. The shifter’s mate, Land, stood by Payson’s side. The human
rolled his eyes at something Payson said, and waved a hand, keeping the grinning male
from pulling him into an embrace.

Chip bit back a smirk. Yeah, he’d slipped out of more than one room when the pair

started going at it. They normally didn’t care who was around when they started groping
each other. Evidently, Land found the chilly morning air a deterrent.

Of course, just then, Kontra appeared on the steps behind him and roared, “We’re out

of here in twenty. Be ready!” Then, without missing a beat, the alpha strode over to Chip

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and stated, “You ride with Luc. That work for you?”

Although disappointment flooded Chip, he nodded anyway. “Yes, Alpha.”
Luc, evidently having heard his name, appeared at his side. He rested his hand on the

small of Chip’s back and leaned close to say, “Don’t worry, mon ami. You are safe with

“Thanks,” Chip replied, dutifully allowing himself to be guided to the big, dark green

Honda Goldwing that Luc drove.

Once at the bike, Luc opened the left side saddlebag, then turned to Chip. The man’s

hazel eyes softened as he peered at him. “I know I’m not your first choice to ride with.
We haven’t had a chance to get to know each other. I will do what I can to make our
travels comfortable.”

“I didn’t mean any offense,” Chip murmured, uncertainty flooding him. He hadn’t had a

shifter parent to help guide him in understanding the emotions he could often scent. It
was like being given a map without a compass.

Luc took Chip’s bag and slid it into the saddlebag. He carefully tucked the shoulder

straps inside, then latched the lid into place. Straightening, Luc reached out and cupped
Chip’s jaw in one hand. Knowing the other man wouldn’t hurt him—well, at least not right
in front of the others—Chip didn’t fight the eagle owl shifter.

“You don’t understand what my scent means, do you?”
The blunt question took Chip by surprise, but he couldn’t lie to the more dominant—

even if only by a little—shifter. “No,” he admitted.

“Your parents didn’t teach you?”
With Luc holding his jaw, Chip couldn’t manage to turn away. He had nowhere to hide.

Swallowing hard, he whispered, “I didn’t have parents.”

“Ah, Chip.” Luc’s voice lowered to a soothing croon. “Did you know Tim is my son?”
Chip did know that. His buddies had given him general information about the shifters in

their pack, letting him know who shifted into what, who was mated to who, and even a
bit about some of their friends they’d left behind.

That was how Chip knew that the big bleach-blond man he saw just on the peripheral

of his vision was Adam, a white tiger shifter. The shifter hugged his long-time friend
Yuma, a penguin shifter. Neither man bothered to hide the tears in their eyes as they
said good-bye. Adam was staying behind, having opened a mechanic’s shop so he could
stay near his mate’s family. Yuma, on the other hand, had chosen to continue to travel
with the biker pack. Fortunately, both men had mates that would be able to soothe the
sadness caused by the change in their friend’s lives.

“Yeah,” Chip replied, refocusing on Luc. “I know who you are.”
Luc grinned, his hazel eyes twinkling. “Then you must know that I taught my son to

differentiate scents. That means I can do the same for you.”

Chip’s brows crinkled in confusion. “Why would you do that?” No one ever did

something for nothing. “What do you want in return?”

Sliding one hand down to the back of his neck, Luc used the other to tug Chip into a

hug. “Come here,” he urged.

As Chip returned Luc’s loose embrace, he suddenly feared what the other shifter would

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want in return. He’d chosen to live as an animal rather than become a street rat. Would
Luc want the one thing he’d never given anyone?

“Shhh, Chip,” Luc crooned, stroking up and down his spine in a soothing caress.

“Whatever popped into that head of yours was wrong. All I want is to help you. You
getting better will be all the reward I need.”

Chip realized his body shook. Deciding he had to start trusting somewhere, he sank into

Luc’s embrace, taking the offered comfort. When he finally got himself under control—and
didn’t think his voice would come out an unmanly squeak—he finally lifted his head and
asked, “Why would you do that?”

Luc smiled down at him, a softness around his mouth that Chip didn’t understand.

“Once a father, always a father.” After those cryptic words, he shrugged and eased away.
“As we drive, I’ll have plenty of time to simulate different emotions.” He winked. “Don’t
worry. I have enough memories from the last couple of centuries that I can get close to
most of them. You’ll be able to understand in no time.”

Finding himself—for the first time—actually looking forward to the trip, Chip smiled

shyly. “Thank you.”

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Chapter Two

“They’re here.”

Grimes lifted his head and blinked at his alpha. Perrin—a tall, brawny, six-foot five

African American black lion shifter—stood on the porch in human form and peered down
the driveway. Turning to follow his alpha’s gaze, Grimes realized that the soft buzz that
had nudged him from his doze had been the approaching rumble of motorcycle engines.

If they hadn’t already expected Kontra and his biker gang, Grimes would have shifted

and put on the sweats and t-shirt folded on one of the nearby rocking chairs. Instead, he
remained in lion form, but did rise and move to sit beside his alpha.

Terence, Perrin’s mate, stood on the alpha’s opposite side, with their beta, Patrick, on

his far side. Carlton—the pride’s other enforcer—stood a bit further away, leaning against
the railing with his arms crossed.

Soon, the roar of the motorcycles drew several other shifters from the house. A glance

over Grimes’ shoulder showed him one of them was Samson Crumb, a young lion shifter
who’d gone and gotten his mate, Helena, pregnant first thing right after mating.
Evidently, Helena loved the idea of a whole passel of cubs, and Samson loved Helena, so
he’d do whatever made her happy. Unfortunately, their pride’s midwife had passed away
a couple of years before, which brought them back to asking Terence’s old alpha, Kontra,
for help. The grizzly bear shifter not only had a doctor, Eli, but Eli’s wolf shifter mate,
Sam, was a nurse.

Lucky pack.
Samson had one thick arm wrapped around Helena, holding her tucked close against

his side.

Helena peered over Grimes’ head where he sat in front of her.
At his peripheral vision, Grimes noted the appearance of a number of motorcycles,

ranging from large highway cruising models to a bullet bike, which he knew the hyena
shifter Payson rode. He mentally smiled at the memory of meeting the guy.

Payson wasn’t shy by any means. When Perrin had innocently asked what a Jacob’s

Ladder was, the hyena shifter had whipped open his pants and showed off his pierced
dick. While Perrin had paled at the sight of the metal balls embedded up the underside of
Payson’s penis, Grimes’ own cock had thickened and he’d really wanted to explore.

Too bad Grimes had never gotten the chance, and he sure as hell wouldn’t now. He’d

heard through Terence that Payson had found his mate. Grimes was happy for the
shifter…sort of. He really wished he’d run across his own mate.

Maybe I need to be more proactive. Go out and find him, as Kontra’s pack does. Maybe

it’s time for a change.

The sudden quiet yanked Grimes back to his current surroundings. Over a dozen men—

a few he recognized, most he didn’t—were lowering kick stands and swinging off their

Grimes watched Kontra cross to stand at the bottom of the stairs. The big, goateed

man grinned up at them. “Greetings, Alpha Perrin. You’re looking well. Pride life suits

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“Greetings, Alpha Kontra,” Perrin responded formally. Then, the huge African American

grinned. “Thank you. You’re looking well yourself. Mated life must agree with you.” He
winked, then added, “Make yourself at home.”

“My thanks,” Kontra replied, then bounded up the steps and wrapped Terence in a hug,

which he wisely kept extremely brief. Stepping back, he grinned at the alpha-mate. “How
are you, Terence? Keeping this big lug in line?” He jerked a thumb toward Perrin while
winking back at the lion alpha, showing he teased.

Terence chuckled, even as he wrapped his arm around Perrin, who stopped the low

rumbling he’d been emitting. “I hardly have to do anything. This guy keeps himself in line
better than anyone ever could.” He smiled fondly at his lover.

Kontra nodded. He turned and held out a hand to a slender, sandy-haired man. “This is

Tim Laurent, my mate.”

Greetings were exchanged, then Kontra waved at a tall, bronzed, dark-haired man and

a shorter African American male. “And this is Doctor Eli Raetz and his mate, Sam Bailey.
He’s a nurse.”

Turning toward Helena, Kontra smiled at the woman. “Congratulations.”
Helena blushed even as she grinned. She glanced up at Samson, then stated, “Thanks.”
The door behind them opened and Grimes scented Raven—an altered human soldier—

and his arctic fox shifter mate, Liam, step out onto the porch.

“Ah, so this is where everyone wandered to,” Raven commented idly. “Dinner’s ready.”
The pair had been living with them for months now, and they cooked once every other

week…which constituted to Liam cooking and Raven taking instruction from the cute
shifter. For the most part, meals and the occasional game of pool were the only
interaction Raven had with the group. He’d lurk in the corner of whatever room Liam was
in, since the little shifter loved playing board games with several others. Raven paid room
and board for himself and his mate, doting on the fox.

“Raven!” called a guy Grimes hadn’t been introduced to, yet. “I didn’t know you were


The dirty, blond haired stranger—who’d been standing with several others of Kontra’s

biker gang—strode toward the gathering on the porch. A tall, broad, dark-haired man

“Ryan, fancy meeting you here,” Raven responded, smiling wryly. “Roped in with them,

too, are you?”

Ryan chuckled, even as he wrapped his arm around the bigger man following him.

“Yep,” he stated, looking extremely happy about it. “This is Sam Abbott. He’s my mate.”

“Congratulations,” Raven murmured. Slowly, he turned his head and focused on Eli.

“Hello, again, Eli.” His smile turned almost creepy. “Not happy to see me?”

Grimes followed Raven’s gaze and if he’d been in human form, he knew his jaw would

have sagged open.

Eli had positioned himself in front of not only Sam, but also Helena.
Samson glanced between them in confusion, keeping his arm around her.
Eli gave a low rumble, then snarled, “You! What the fuck are you doing here?”

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Raven wrapped his arm around Liam’s shoulder, who snuggled against him while

glancing between his lover and Eli uncertainly. “Same as you, really,” Raven commented
dryly. “Living and loving. Pleasing my mate.”

“Your mate?” Eli sounded completely thrown.
“Eli, Sam, meet my mate, Liam,” Raven replied smugly. He tightened his arm a bit

before releasing. Cocking his head to the side, Raven focused on Sam. “I wouldn’t have
hurt you. I was bored and really just wanted to talk to Miach.”

Grimes wasn’t certain of what Raven spoke, but he could guess it had something to do

with his time working for the scientists. He knew Raven had been one of their men before
teaming up with a wolf pack in Colorado and bringing down most of the organization.

Terence held his hands and stepped toward Eli. “Raven is here under our protection,

Eli,” he told him, his voice quiet, soothing. “Please. I’m asking you to let the past go.”

While Terence spoke, Perrin followed, placing himself between the two antagonists.
Eli’s jaw clenched as he drew in a slow deep breath. Sam wrapped his arms around Eli,

rubbing his hands over his chest. Finally, Eli nodded once, then he turned in his mate’s
embrace and buried his face against the smaller man’s neck.

Grimes imagined the shifter needed to reassure himself that his mate was safe.
Just then, the wind kicked up, and a citrusy sweet scent made his senses sing. Arousal

warmed him, similar to the effect of good whiskey. He initiated his shift, unmindful of all
those around them. He needed to talk to his alpha, then find the source of that delicious

By the time Grimes finished returning to human form, his dick had hardened to half-

mast and he found several of the shifters around him smirking. He shrugged, unabashed,
and took the two steps to the chair where he’d left his clothes. Looking at his alpha, he
saw Perrin and Terence exchanging an amused glance.

While pulling on the sweats, Grimes revealed, “I just caught scent of something

delicious.” No sense beating around the bush. “Permission to leave you and find the

Perrin’s black brows shot up. He glanced around at the shifters crowding the deck.

Returning his focus to Grimes, he smirked. “I think we can manage for a bit.”

Grimes didn’t wait around. Ignoring the chuckles from several men, he jogged down the

stairs, pausing at the bottom. He inhaled, searching for that scent again. Humming with
appreciation, he started moving.

A niggle of suspicion formed as his steps took Grimes toward the group of men milling

around the motorcycles. Most of Kontra’s gang had stayed back, waiting and watching the

Sweeping his gaze over the men, Grimes recognized Payson. He gave the hyena shifter

a smile. “Hey, Payson, good to see you again.”

The wiry, red-haired shifter grinned largely, even as he wrapped an arm around a

slender black-haired human. “Hey, Grimes. Is it your job to show us to our rooms?”

“I can certainly do that,” he replied. “I just need to know who’s with whom?”
Payson nodded. “This is my mate, Land Zimmerman.”
After Grimes greeted the man, Payson started pointing at the others. “That’s Yuma and

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his mate, Hunter. Lamar and his mate, Rueben. That’s Vail and Draven. There’s Caleb
and Emmett. And there’s Mutegi and Ben.” Then he turned and waved at a group of four
others. “Over there is Luc, Chip, Dorian, and Diego. They’re not mated, so they can
decide who they want to pair up with or if you have enough rooms, I’m sure they’d
appreciate their own space.”

“You don’t need to give me a room,” Dorian stated. “I’ll sleep on the roof.”
That threw him. Grimes brow lifted. “The roof?”
“Or in a tree.” Dorian smirked, then started stripping, revealing a darkly tanned body

without a hint of tan lines. “I’m tired of being human. Gonna shift for a few days.”

Diego snickered. “I’ll toss your bags in my room.”
“Thanks.” Without another word, Dorian shifted.
Grimes’ second brow shot up to join the first as he watched the maybe six foot,

whipcord lean man’s body contort and change. Less than a minute later, a huge bird—
some kind of raptor, perhaps—spread foot-and-a-half-long wings and soared into the air.
Seconds later, Dorian was out of sight.

Realizing the sight of the shifter’s body didn’t interest him in the least, Grimes turned

back to the remaining unmated men. As he stepped forward, getting closer so he could
scent the strangers, he stated, “I’m Grimes Medina.”

The man in the middle, Chip, who actually stood a few feet back, gasped.
Grimes instantly focused on him. He swept his gaze over the guy, admiring the lean

legs under black chaps. The black leather jacket seemed to hang a bit on his slight frame.
As Grimes watched, a flush turned the man’s pale cheeks to a lovely shade of pink,
accentuating the odd black swirls in the man’s sandy colored hair.

Does Chip dye his hair? Or is that natural?
Wanting to find out, Grimes held Chip’s gaze as he drew several steps closer. His six

foot two inch height seemed to tower over the smaller shifter’s approximately five foot
ten frame. The cock-flooding scent intensified, telling Grimes that he was on the right

“You’re Chip, right?” Grimes crooned, his voice lowering a bit with lust.
Chip’s big blue eyes widened even more and even while he nodded, he stumbled back

a step. That put his butt against the side of a motorcycle, making him stop.

Recognizing the scent of uncertainty and confusion, even on top of the arousal, Grimes

lifted his hands, palms out. As he slowly moved closer, he soothed, “Easy there, cutie. I
got a funny feeling you’re my mate, and I just want to scent you.”

Grimes tried to school his expression into a reassuring smile, but it was tough. So close

to the shifter he knew was his mate, Grimes struggled against his urge to pounce. He
wanted to sweep the man into his arms, ravish him. Nothing would make him happier
than laying the smaller man down, stripping him naked, and exploring every inch of his
lean body. Was he pale all over? Was he a vocal lover? How would it feel to slide his cock
into the man and drive them both out of their minds?

“N-Never smelled anyone like you.”
The admission, whispered in a breathy tenor, nearly ripped a moan from Grimes’

throat. He forced it back, and instead, smiled at Chip. “That’s because I’m your mate,

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Chip,” he murmured. “Shifters know mates on scent.”

Sweeping his gaze over the man again, something clicked. He’d learned from Terence

that Kontra and his group had recently raided a facility and saved several shifters. From
the lean frame and loose-fitting jacket, Grimes suspected Chip might be one of them.

Grimes pushed back the anger he felt at whatever mistreatment had befallen his mate,

realizing Chip might need some gentle handling. He lifted his hands again, then softly
asked, “May I touch you, Chip? Just at your waist. That way it’ll be easier for me to lean
down and scent you.”

Chip licked his lips, his pink tongue flicking out. Grimes wanted nothing more than to

suck that appendage. Holding himself barely in check, he waited.

Finally, Chip nodded. “Okay.”
“Thank you,” he responded. Never had he meant his words more.
Keeping a sharp eye on Chip’s wide eyes and tense figure, Grimes lowered his hands

and settled them on the shifter’s sides. The sharp jut of hip bones surprised him, but that
didn’t stop him from slowly lowering his head. Grimes nuzzled first Chip’s shoulder,
waiting, waiting. Finally, the other shifter tilted his head.

Grimes took that as acceptance, submission, and it made his blood race in his veins.

His cock jerked in his sweats. Fucking hell, he wanted to take a bite. Sink his canines in
and taste the other shifter’s blood, bond them, so they could spend the next several
centuries pleasuring each other.

His canines tingled at the idea.
“Well, shit, Chip.”
Payson’s exuberant voice cut through Grimes’ lust-fogged brain.
“Congratulations, guys!” Payson crowed. “Hey, guys! Grimes is Chip’s mate!”
Suddenly, Chip stiffened in his arms. Grimes lifted his head and found himself

surrounded by Kontra’s shifters. Several hands patted not only him on the back, but Chip
as well. Except, instead of smelling happy, the sharp, acrid scent of panic flooded the
area…originating from his mate!

The man in his arms vibrated and shuddered.
Grimes lifted his head. His jaw sagged open as he realized Chip was shifting. And, fuck!

Chip’s shift didn’t take long. Within half a minute, a large, skinny bobcat crouched at his
feet. The cat swung his head this way and that, obviously looking for escape.

Realizing—for whatever reason—Chip felt cornered, Grimes yelled, “Back up!” Although

he wanted to hold the guy close, soothe him, something—maybe the mating instinct—
told him Chip wouldn’t take well to that right then.

Holy hell! What has he gone through to react like this?
“Easy, Chip,” Grimes crooned. “You’re okay.”
Chip peered around the group. For an instant, he looked straight at Grimes, then the

shifter turned and fled.

“Chip?” Grimes whispered, unable to imagine what had caused his cute bobcat to flee.
A hand landed on his shoulder as a strange voice stated, “He doesn’t do well with

crowds. He panicked.”

Grimes looked over his shoulder to see the shifter introduced as Caleb had spoken.

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Another man grabbed his shoulder and yanked him around. He found Luc scowling at

him. “Is he really your mate?”

Growling low in warning, Grimes jerked away from the shifter. “Fuck, yes, he’s my

mate. What the hell happened to him?”

“None of us know for sure,” Emmett responded, his deep voice gruff. “But you better go

after him. Calm him down.”

“Yeah, good idea.” Caleb gave him a sympathetic smile. “We can find our own rooms.

Just be patient with Chip. I’ve got a feeling he’s seen a hell of a lot more pain in his life
than anyone ever deserved.”

Glancing around the group, all Grimes saw was sympathy and understanding. Nodding,

his heart in his throat, Grimes kicked off his sweats and shifted. Seconds later, Grimes
bounded after his mate.

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Chapter Three

Panic flooded Chip and he could think of only one thing…getting away from all those
people. He knew it was irrational—hell, this was his pack—but he couldn’t seem to help
himself. Between the confusion from his response to Grimes—namely wanting to cuddle
up to the huge man—and having his buddies converge had just been too much.

Chip’s paws pounded the ground, digging in, propelling him forward. He ran hard,

weaving between trees. Still recovering from years of abuse in captivity, he found himself
tiring quickly. Slowly, rational thought returned, and Chip slowed.

Peering around, Chip took in the large trees. They weren’t the pines of his old mountain

home. Still, the gentle breeze that caressed his heated flesh felt nice. Chip took a minute
just to sit and enjoy, closing his eyes and tilting his head back.

A scent tickled his senses. Instantly recognizing Grimes’ earthy feline scent, Chip

snapped his eyelids back open. Ten feet in front of him sat a large, dark-maned lion. The
shifter’s dark eyes peered steadily at him, and Chip found himself pinned.

Ever so slowly, Grimes rose and prowled toward him. Chip tensed, uncertain. Grimes

rumbled softly, the sound deep in his throat. To Chip, it didn’t sound threatening, but he
knew the lion was larger and far more dominant. Chip knew, even if he’d been at full
health, if Grimes wanted to hurt him, he could. Only Grimes’ scent, coupled with his
admission that they might be mates, kept Chip from attempting to flee again.

Chip mewled and hunkered down, trying to figure out protocol. He hadn’t been with a

pack very long, and Caleb had admitted that their hierarchy was pretty informal.
Memories of running with Kontra and Diego popped into his head. Chip had watched,
Diego—an ex-alpha wolf shifter—bow his head in submission to the bear. Chip wondered
how cats did that. He rolled to his back and showed the bigger cat his throat, attempting
to express submission.

Grimes whined. Then, instead of wrapping his jaws around Chip as he’d seen Kontra do

to Diego, Grimes nuzzled his throat. Next, he swiped his big tongue over Chip’s furred
cheek. Settling next to him, Grimes placed one big paw on Chip’s shoulder and started
grooming his head.

Reveling in the other cat’s touch, Chip remained still. After a minute, he couldn’t help

but purr with appreciation. Between the male dousing him in his scent and the tender
affection, he felt his blood heat. He’d never been aroused in cat form before, but he felt
his cock thicken, sliding from his sheath.

Evidently, Grimes scented it, too, for he stepped away. At first, Chip worried he’d

offended the other shifter, but then the big cat shuddered. His skin rippled as his fur
receded and his body reshaped. Soon, a human Grimes knelt before him.

Grimes reached out and threaded his fingers through Chip’s fur, massaging behind his

ears. Running his fingers up Chip’s ears, he even tugged lightly on the slight tufts at their
tips. Chip would have been offended at the petting, except he couldn’t seem to get
enough of the man’s touch.

It felt so nice to be touched like that, almost reverently, as if he mattered.

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“You’re a beautiful cat, Chip,” Grimes crooned. “But, I’d like to talk to you. Will you shift

for me, my pretty?”

Chip hesitated. He’d never been naked with another for any length of time. Before and

after shifting didn’t really count, since it was only for a few seconds. He’d never
considered himself vain, but…his time with the scientists hadn’t been kind to his body.

“Please, pretty?”
Sighing, Chip rolled to his belly. May as well get this over with. It wasn’t like he could

hide in animal form forever. If Grimes really was his mate, he’d eventually see his scars.
If having a pretty mate were a deal breaker, it’d be better to discover that now.

Chip initiated his shift. He shivered as his limbs cracked, his tendons popped, and his

skin rippled. It didn’t take long for Chip to regain his human form. Staring at the ground,
his legs tucked under him, he tried to gather enough courage to glance up at the other

Grimes’ hissed breath didn’t surprise Chip. He knew what his back looked like. He’d

been too malnourished to heal properly and ended up with quite the criss-cross of
scarring along his back from several beatings with a whip. There’d been a guard at one of
the facilities who’d been especially fond of that form of discipline.

What he didn’t expect was the light caress of Grimes’ calloused fingertips along the skin

of his back. He shivered and bowed his head, waiting for the man to say something.
Grimes worked his way up Chip’s back, gently tracing line after line, before he finally
reached Chip’s neck. Resting one hand flat over Chip’s bony shoulders, Grimes finally
leaned close and murmured, “I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, my pretty, but I
hope you’ll allow me to help you heal.”

Chip’s eyes widened and he peered over his shoulder, stunned. Meeting Grimes’ gaze,

he whispered, “I’m not pretty.”

Grimes’ gaze softened. He lifted a hand and traced a couple fingertips along his jaw

line. “You are pretty.” He reached up and threaded his fingers through Chip’s hair,
probably fondling the black strands interspersed through his sandy locks. “These scars
don’t change that,” Grimes continued. “They just show your inner strength.”

Tightening his hold, Grimes urged, “Roll over for me, Chip. Let me love you. Let me

show you how much pleasure being with your mate can bring.”

After licking his lips, Chip swallowed hard. “There are more on my front.”
Grimes used the way he cupped Chip’s head to massage, gently, his temple with his

thumb. “Then, I’ll just have to kiss all those, too.”

“Never been kissed before,” Chip blurted out.
For an instant, Grimes’ fingers tightened in his hair. The next second, a low moan

rumbled from the man as he shivered. The scent of arousal thickened the air, igniting
Chip’s own desire. His erection thickened, bobbing beneath him.

Grimes closed his eyes and muttered, “So fucking sexy, pretty.”
Although pheromones flooded the small clearing, Chip couldn’t help but asked, “What?

Why?” That made no sense. How was he supposed to know how to please his lover if he
had no experience?

Tucking his face against the crook of Chip’s neck, Grimes gently nipped his neck. The

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bite, although light, still caused Chip to shudder. Then, the other shifter lifted his head
and crooned, “It means we’ll be able to share in exploring your every desire...together.”

Grimes rubbed his lips up and down the tendon of Chip’s neck, then mumbled against

his skin, “We’re driving each other crazy with need, Chip. Let me please you.”

Said like that, not asking for anything but to give him pleasure, Chip lost the fight—one

he wasn’t certain why he fought to begin with. Giving in to desire, Chip rolled to his back,
sprawling on his back and exposing his aching prick. His hard flesh slapped against his
abs, the tip leaking pre-cum.

Growling his pleasure, Grimes rolled forward and half covered him. To Chip’s surprise,

Grimes didn’t move in to ravish him. Instead, he once again cupped his jaw in a gentle
hold. He leaned down and lightly pressed his lips against the corner of Chip’s mouth.

“Do you admit, then, that I am your mate?”
Chip almost missed the softly spoken question. “I never knew such a thing existed until

being rescued by Kontra and his men,” he admitted.

Grimes’ dark eyes rounded, expressing his disbelief.
Scoffing faintly, Chip hurried to add, “There’s a lot I didn’t know, Grimes, but I can tell

you that I’ve never reacted to another how I react to you.” His brows drew together at
that acknowledgment and he struggled to put his feelings into words. “I’ve never kissed
anyone or lain with them as we are now. I’ve rarely even wanted to, and never with the
intensity I feel right now. I can’t seem to deny it. I don’t want to deny it. I feel like I need
to hold you tight and never let go.” Chip swallowed hard. No longer able to meet the
other man’s intense gaze, his turbulent emotions too close to the surface. “I don’t know if
that means I think you’re my mate or not.”

Sighing, Grimes lowered his head and pressed his forehead against Chip’s. Their

breaths mingled as he told him, “You just summed it up pretty damn well, my pretty.” He
kissed the opposite corner of Chip’s mouth again, then warned, “We do this, I’m not
gonna let you go, Chip. I’ve waited too long to find you.” He lifted his head and leveled a
solemn gaze on Chip. “I get the feeling there will be plenty of things to explain, and that
time will come.”

Grimes’ eyes lit up, his smile turning feral. “Just not right now.”
As he relayed that last sentence, Grimes levered up on his elbow. The promise of

pleasure glittered in his eyes. “Right now, I’m going to make your body sing.”

Chip’s breathing hitched. His pulse spiked in his veins. “A-Are you going to kiss me?”
“And more,” Grimes’ murmured.
His fingers trembling, Chip reached out with one hand. Sliding them along first Grimes’

tense forearm, then up his shoulder. He peered through his lashes at Grimes, judging his
responses as he traced up the man’s arm and over his shoulder. He almost drooled at the
feel of the hard muscle beneath smooth, silky skin.

Chip trembled. “Oh.”
A smile slowly curved Grimes’ lips. “Is that a yes?”
Knowing this decision would change his life didn’t change the fact that Chip knew there

was only one answer. “Yes.”

“Oh, Chip,” Grimes growled. “You won’t be disappointed.”

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Swallowing again, Chip forced a smile that he knew must appear tremulous. “I know.”
Grimes didn’t waste any more time. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to Chip’s,

this time fully. He licked along Chip’s lower lip, then wedged his tongue inside and thrust
in deep. Chip moaned at the taste of his lover’s tongue, heavily earthy, and opened
wider, wanting more.

The other shifter didn’t disappoint.
Grimes took control, using his hold to urge Chip to tilt his head. Doing so gladly, he

welcomed Grimes’ tongue as he thrust deeper into his mouth. Sweeping it around, Grimes
teased his taste buds, traced along his gum-line and tickled his palate.

Chip whimpered, his blood heating his veins. He wriggled his body, sidling closer, as he

opened wider. He wanted…needed more of this man’s taste, his touches, his hot, hard
body pressed close.

Grimes seemed to know all of that. Growling low, the vibration rumbling through his

chest, the big shifter pressed a knee between Chip’s knees. Chip spread his legs,
welcoming the pressure against his aching balls. Grimes didn’t stop there. With practiced
finesse, he slid his body between Chip’s thighs. He spread his own legs a bit, pushing
Chip’s legs wider as he positioned their cocks against each other’s.

Moaning at his first feel of another man’s hard cock against his own, Chip shuddered

and his balls drew tight. The fact that this was his mate—someone who’d always be there
for him—only made it that much better. Within seconds, Chip felt the tell-tale tingle at
the base of his spine. He wanted to protest, to beg for a second to compose himself, to
make this moment last, but with Grimes’ tongue down his throat, that was impossible.
Instead, all Chip could do was moan wantonly, the sound swallowed by the other man.

Grimes sucked his tongue, and the pulls transferred straight to his aching cock. His balls

rolled in their sacks. Chip couldn’t stop himself from rocking against Grimes, rubbing his
sensitive shaft against the other man’s, desperate for friction on his throbbing penis. He
reveled in the knowledge that his soon-to-be lover was just as hard as he was.

That knowledge fired through his veins, giving him that last push. Chip yanked his

mouth away from Grimes. He arched his neck. His back bowed. His testicles throbbed and
his cock spurted. Chip yowled as cum shot up his dick and coated both their stomachs.
Heady endorphins pinged through his system, wave upon wave of bliss, with each spurt.

Lifting his head just a bit, Grimes’ peered down at him, watching him through heavily

lidded, lust-glazed eyes. “So fucking sexy,” he rumbled. Chip saw Grimes’ canines
lengthen just before he lowered his head again.

Pain spiked through Chip’s shoulder, causing him to gasp. Then, the pain morphed into

tingles of pleasure and goose-bumps spread down his arms. He gripped Grimes’ upper
arms even tighter as a second orgasm bowled through him.

Grimes bucked against him, grunting. More warm seed oozed between them. Floating

in afterglow, Chip peeled his hands off Grimes’ biceps and swept his hands over his lover’s
back. When the other shifter pulled his teeth free of his shoulder, he shivered at the odd

Humming, Grimes licked Chip’s shoulder. He lifted his head and smiled down at him.

“Wow, Chip,” he murmured. “I haven’t come that hard in decades.” Keeping his weight on

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one arm, he threaded the fingers of his other hand through Chip’s hair. “Can’t wait to get
you to a bed and love you properly.”

When Grimes winked, Chip grinned back. “You mean it gets better?” He couldn’t

imagine anything feeling better than the pleasant buzz pinging through his system.

“Oh, my pretty bobcat. It does,” Grimes crooned. He pressed a soft, all-too-brief

butterfly kiss to Chip’s lips. Then, his mouth twisted wryly as he stated, “Although, at the
moment, we have an interesting problem.”

Chip cocked his head. “We do?”
Grimes lifted his body a bit and peered between them. “Yep. We’re a mess and have

nothing to clean up with except leaves.”

“Although,” Grimes added, his voice deepening. “I do love having you covered in my


Not knowing how to respond to that, Chip nibbled his bottom lip. As Grimes drew back,

Chip pushed to a sitting position. He focused on the trees around them, wondering if
there was a stream nearby.

Grimes growled, redrawing Chip’s attention. Meeting the man’s gaze, it took him a

second to realize what the other shifter focused on. Instinctively, Chip covered his groin
with one hand as he used the other to shove backward, putting space between him and
Grimes. Shame flooded him. How could he have been so stupid? He should have told the
other shifter that the scarring extended to his genitals. The ache in his shoulder—
reminding him that Grimes had started the bonding process—mocked him.

Growling again, Grimes grabbed his ankle and hauled him close.
Chip froze, his shoulders tensed, and waited, all the while praying that Grimes wasn’t a

violent man.

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Chapter Four

Grimes gritted his teeth, forcing back a snarl of frustration. Fear and panic practically
rolled off Chip in waves…again. After what they’d just shared, it blew Grimes away that
his lover, his mate, would fear him.

Reining in his frustration, Grimes reminded himself that he had no idea what Chip had

been through. He eased his grip on the other man’s ankle. Leaning over, he reached for
the smaller shifter’s hand, pulling it away from Chip’s groin. He lifted the hand and gently
kissed his lover’s fingers.

“Please calm down, Chip,” he urged. “I’m not certain what I did to freak you out. Please

talk to me.”

Grimes just managed to keep his focus on Chip’s eyes when all he wanted to do was

lean over and kiss the silver balls—and the scars—lining his mate’s cock. He’d always
loved piercings, but easily admitted his fear of needles kept him from getting any of his

“I’m sorry my body isn’t, um, pretty,” Chip mumbled, avoiding his gaze.
Shit, I made a mistake with that endearment.
Ignoring the drying, itching cum on his stomach, Grimes sprawled onto his back. He

crooked his finger and urged, “Come here, Chip.”

Although Chip still didn’t meet his gaze—instead, it seemed he focused on Grimes’

collarbone—at least he moved toward him. Grimes guided the smaller man onto his lap,
leaning him against his raised knees.

“Look at me,” Grimes demanded softly. When Chip didn’t immediately obey, he raised

one hand, cupped his lover’s jaw, and urged him to lift his gaze. Finally, once he peered
into Chip’s shuttered blue eyes, he stated, “We can’t get to know each other if we don’t
talk. How did I upset you?”

Chip opened and closed his mouth. His brows drew together. Finally, he whispered, “I

thought you were mad that I—” He paused and nibbled his lip. Grimes waited, trying to
be patient as Chip worked through whatever he was thinking. “You growled,” Chip
pointed out, rushing through his next few words. “I thought you were upset that my dick
is all scarred.”

Grimes watched a pink hue flush over Chip’s face, neck, and chest. It reminded him of

Chip’s inexperience in bed and it occurred to him that his behavior proved he was also
inexperienced—or perhaps just out of practice—in interacting with others.

Squeezing the bony hip he held once, Grimes finally lowered his gaze to Chip’s cock. He

released his lover’s jaw and moved his hand to the man’s flaccid dick. He slid his fingers
over the soft flesh, lifting it to reveal the three balls. He rubbed his finger over first one,
then another, then he reached an impressive scar that indicated where another ball had
been—mostly likely—ripped out.

He shuddered, which caused Chip to tense. He shook his head. “Awe, Chip. I growled

because I love piercings. I find your’s sexy as fuck and I can’t wait to play with them.” As
he spoke, he moved his thumb up further to the ball embedded in the sensitive wrinkled

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flesh just below the head of Chip’s dick.

Grimes watched, feeling smug, as Chip’s penis plumped. Chip shifted restlessly on his

lap, rubbing his ass over Grimes’ own stiffening prick. Grunting, he shifted his own hips a
bit, enjoying the friction.

“I-I’m new at understanding scents,” Chip mumbled. His eyelids lowered to half-mast

as his Adam’s apple bobbed. “But I’m pretty sure you were angry.”

Grimes’ brows shot up, surprised by the admission. He lowered his thumb back to the

scar. “Of course, I was angry,” he replied gruffly. “Someone hurt you. I hate that you
were hurt.”

Grimes liked how breathy Chip already sounded, especially after coming just a few

moments before. Then, the other part of what his mate said hit him. “You’re new to
understanding scents? How is that possible?”

Chip turned scarlet again, but this time for a different reason. Grimes could scent his

unease. Damn, had he been raised in captivity like Grimes’ alpha? Perrin had managed to
escape their clutches, then ran across their pride’s ex-alpha attempting to kill Terence.
Perrin had saved Terence, then the alpha’s mate had taught him about the world of
humans and shifters so Perrin could take over the pride.

“I was an orphan,” Chip admitted softly. “I don’t remember my real parents, and when I

shifted for the first time, the people that adopted me freaked out. They thought I was

Chip wrapped his arms around his torso and his erection flagged. Grimes felt bad for

asking, but he knew he’d probably need to know to understand the other male. Evidently,
Chip hadn’t had it too good, even before the scientists got a hold of him.

To Grimes’ surprise, Chip kept talking, “They locked me in my bedroom and went to get

a priest. I climbed out the window.” He shrugged and stared vacantly at Grimes’ chest. “It
was just easier to live as a bobcat after that.”

Running his hands over Chip’s torso, Grimes attempted to soothe his mate. At least,

that explained his bobcat’s inability to be around so many others. He’d lived as a recluse
for who knew how long. After a few minutes, the tension drained from Chip’s body and—
in response to Grimes’ urging—he draped over him.

Enjoying the moment, Grimes reveled in just being able to hold the man.
After a while, a scent tickled his senses. He recognized the smell of Amy Crumb,

Samson’s mother, and her friend Gina. The women took catty to a whole new level.
Grimes knew Samson’s mother hadn’t liked her son mating a human and they often found
ways to remind Helena that she was just human.

Evidently, Chip smelled the approaching shifters, too, for he stiffened in Grimes’ arms

and peered in their general direction. Grimes pressed a quick kiss to his lover’s temple.
Having no desire to run into the female shifters—and mindful that his lover had just
completed a long journey—he murmured, “Let’s shift and head in. I’m sure you’re tired.
You’ve been through a lot recently.”

Chip lifted his head and scowled at him. “I’m not weak.”

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“I didn’t say that, Chip,” Grimes scolded gently. He rubbed his hands over his lover’s

prominent ribs. “You’re recovering.”

Nodding, Chip eased away from him. “Yeah, okay.”
“Besides,” Grimes teased, bumping shoulders with his mate. “I’m ready for a shower

and I can’t wait to get you wet and soapy.”

That had Chip flushing again and Grimes fought back a moan as the heady perfume of

arousal filled the air. “Damn, sexy,” Grimes muttered. “Let’s get moving.” Without waiting
for a response, he shifted. Once in cat form, he arched and stretched, then sat down and
waited for his lover.

Chip only took a few seconds longer, impressing Grimes with his speed. As an enforcer,

he’d worked hard to have a swift, seamless shift, so that the bobcat was almost as quick
surprised—and pleased—him.

Once Chip shook out his fur, Grimes stood and began padding back toward the house.

He’d begun to skirt a wide path around the two female shifters when Amy’s shrieked
words of, “Of course, I’m serious. Dead is better than being mated to a human. How
could Fate do this to me?”

Grimes froze and cocked his head. After a glance at Chip, he padded closer, just in time

to hear Gina’s conciliatory, “You’re right, of course.” Then, she tacked on, “How are you
gonna do it?”

“I don’t know,” Amy grumbled. “But mark my words. I’ll find a way.”
Exchanging a look with Chip, Grimes noted his bobcat’s wide, shocked eyes. He

bumped his lover’s head with his own, then turned and bounded toward the manor. A
glance over his shoulder told him Chip followed.

Grimes bypassed the front and rounded the structure to the back porch. He spotted

Kontra and Perrin seated at a table, their mates next to them. Several other shifters—
from both prides—lounged on lawn chairs.

Kontra spotted them first, since they were directly in his line of sight. His gaze moved

from Grimes to Chip, back again, then lifted one dark brow.

Grimes padded between the shifters, heading toward the alpha’s table. He was halfway

across the deck when he realized Chip no longer followed. Pausing, Grimes peered over
his shoulder. He discovered Chip crouched at the edge of the deck. The much smaller
cat’s stumpy tail jerked back and forth and his claws dug into the earth underneath him.
They were ten feet apart, and Grimes could still scent the anxiety rolling off the bobcat.

Turning back, Grimes returned to Chip and nuzzled his head and neck. A shadow fell

over them, and he looked up to find Caleb and Emmett standing nearby. Seconds later,
they were joined by Perrin, Kontra, and their mates.

After shifting, Grimes noted that Chip didn’t do the same. It pleased him, because until

he claimed the little shifter, he knew he was going to be a possessive asshole. He wasn’t
too proud to say he didn’t want anyone else to see his little shifter naked until he’d
completed their bond.

He rested his hand on Chip’s neck and—giving him a quick massage to get his focus—

he gave him an appreciative smile. Chip turned his head and licked his hand. Grimes
chuckled lightly.

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Focusing on his alpha, Grimes stated, “I have good news and bad news…and I need a

private audience to relay the bad news.”

Perrin exchanged a glance with Terence, then smirked. “Let me guess. The good news

is that you’ve found your mate.” The big lion shifter smiled in understanding at Chip.
“Congratulations. After the ordeal you went through, you deserve to find a measure of
happiness.” At that, Perrin gave Terence a loving smile, as if sharing something intimate.
Then, he returned his focus to Grimes and stated, “And now you want to beg my
forgiveness while asking Kontra if you can join Chip and travel the country with him.”

Grimes’ brows shot up and he glanced at Chip, who appeared and smelled equally

stunned, to Kontra, then back to Perrin. Quickly, he lowered his head and peered at his
alpha through his lashes. “Although, it may not be such a bad idea, that isn’t what I need
to discuss with you.”

Looking down, Grimes smiled at Chip. “Traveling is something I’d considered even

before I realized you were my mate.” He winked. “Some of Terence’s tales of his old
gang’s adventures had me a bit jealous.”

Kontra gripped the back of Grimes’ neck, drawing his attention. He didn’t lift his gaze,

but he straightened, letting the other shifter know he paid attention to him. “We’ll discuss
that later.”

After nodding his thanks, Grimes returned his focus to his current alpha. “Please, Alpha

Perrin, if I may have a moment of your time?”

“Of course,” the big African American answered. He crooked a finger and motioned

toward the sliding glass doors at the back of the house. Then, he sniffed the air and
grinned, showing off even, white teeth. “My study in fifteen minutes.”

Grimes fought back his grin and nodded. “Thank you, Alpha.”
Chip bumped his head into Grimes’ hip. He looked down at his bobcat and laid his hand

on top of the cat’s head. He glanced toward the door. The route would take them
between several lion shifters as well as a few of Kontra’s people.

Returning his focus to Chip, Grimes urged, “Just focus on me. Okay?” He started

walking backward as he crooked his finger. He focused on his mate’s wide blue eyes and
held his breath, wondering if Chip would obey. After a quick glance around, Chip tucked
his tail and butt, focused on him, and started creeping forward.

“That’s the way, my sexy bobcat,” Grimes crooned. “Just follow me.”
Grimes knew it really didn’t take long, but it still felt like it did. Twice, Chip froze mid-

step and shivered. Through it all, though, his bobcat never took his gaze off of him.
Finally, Grimes crossed over the threshold and backed into a massive dining hall.
Grinning, he winked at Chip. “That’s the way, sexy. Follow me to my suite and we’ll get
cleaned up.”

Chip pressed close, glancing around warily, as Grimes led the way through the large

house. They didn’t run into anyone, for which Grimes felt grateful. Upon reaching his suite
of rooms, Grimes headed into the bathroom.

Grabbing a washcloth, Grimes ran it under warm water, all the while watching Chip

shift. Once his mate returned to human form, he reached for him. Chip came willingly,
pressing close and angling his head. Grimes didn’t disappoint the man and settled his lips

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over his lover’s. He dipped his tongue into the smaller shifter’s mouth, sweeping deep for
several seconds, tasting the citrusy sweet flavor that seemed to be all Chip’s own. His
cock instantly took interest, and Grimes groaned as he pulled away.

Chip whimpered and tried to press closer.
It took every ounce of self-control Grimes possessed to grip his lover’s hips and keep

their groins apart. His already hard cock wanted nothing more than to tug Chip close and
rut to completion.

“Wait, please, lover,” Grimes grunted. “I wanna love you right, but I gotta talk to my

alpha first.”

Huffing a breath, Chip grimaced. “Do you have to?” he asked, the hands he rested on

Grimes’ upper arms clutching tightly. “I want you.”

Grimes smiled with understanding, his own desire to complete their bond nearly

undeniable. “I’m an enforcer, Chip,” he stated. “That means the pack’s safety comes
before pleasure. I’m sorry.”

Chip smiled, although it appeared a bit strained. “I understand. I don’t mean to get in

the way of your duties.”

“You’ll never be in the way.” Grimes leaned down and pecked Chip’s lips before drawing

back and winking. “Just a bit distracting at the moment.” After a second, he added, “I’ll
make it worth the wait,” before he pointed at the shower. “Get cleaned up and
comfortable. Feel free to raid my dresser or stay naked.” He winked. “I’ll be back as soon
as I can.”

Grimes cupped Chip’s jaw and gave him a quick, hard kiss before releasing him and

stepping back. “I’ll be back soon,” he said again, even knowing he was repeating himself.

After swiping the cloth he still clutched—now cold—across his groin, chest, and abs one

more time, Grimes hustled from the bathroom. He grabbed a pair of sweats from his
dresser, yanked them on, then headed out of his room.

Just as the door shut, Grimes heard the shower start. He groaned, anticipation rolling

through him at the knowledge that his mate would be waiting for him upon his return.

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Chapter Five

Standing in the middle of the room, a towel wrapped around his hips, Chip peered around
the bedroom. He knew from following Grimes through the space that there was a large
sitting area out front, complete with a fireplace and large screen TV. The bedroom
sported a massive California king bed, but that was understandable considering Grimes’
broad-shouldered, six foot two inch frame.

Everywhere Chip looked, he saw comfort and extravagance. This shifter pride had

money. When Grimes had commented that he’d thought of asking Kontra to join the
gang, Chip had been so hopeful. Now, though, now Chip wondered how the guy would
give up all this for a life on the road.

Chip slowly crossed to the bed and settled on the mattress. Fear flooded him as he

thought about trying to fit in here. He’d found trying to walk across the back porch
impossible until Grimes had been next to him, forcing him to focus. With the man working
as an enforcer, there was no way in hell his mate would be able to hold his hand like that
all the time.

Grabbing the throw blanket off the foot of the bed with one hand, Chip tossed aside his

towel with the other. Then, he wrapped the blanket around his shoulders. He instantly
felt himself settle as Grimes’ scent surrounded him.

He curled up on the nearby window seat and, instead of dwelling on his own problems,

thought about how nice it’d felt to be held, to be touched. He couldn’t wait for Grimes to
come back. Would the other shifter want to finish the bonding process? His cock—which
had begun to plump when he’d wrapped the blanket around him—thickened to half-mast.
His asshole clenched. He’d never had anything but his own finger in his chute, but for
some reason, he couldn’t wait to feel his lover slide into him, possessing him, completing

Chip moaned in frustration and leaned his head on the window. He felt tempted to jack

off, but since he didn’t know how long it’d be until Grimes returned, he held off. Although
he didn’t consider himself a prude—hell, he’d walked in on Payson and Land going at it
more than once—but that didn’t mean he was ready to be watched, even by his mate.

Sitting on the window seat, curled up warm and comfortable, the long ride, the run in

the woods, and the great orgasm finally caught up with him. His eyelids slid closed and
he drifted off to sleep.

A jostle to Chip’s body roused him. Feeling something slide around his legs and body—

his eyes still closed—panic set in and Chip started to struggle. His movements restricted
by something, he whimpered and flung his arms, trying to get free.

“Hey, easy, easy, Chip.”
Grimes’ soft croon snapped Chip out of his panicked haze. Finally, he remembered the

events of the last few hours as well as where he was. Plus, Grimes’ scent hit him. His
heart rate calmed and he heaved a relieved sigh.

Chagrined, Chip met his lover’s gaze. “Sorry,” he whispered. Now that he could think,

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he untangled his arms from the blanket. Embarrassment flooded him. “I, uh, the
scientists used to tie me up and—”

“No need to explain,” Grimes quickly stated. Gently tracing the lines of Chip’s jaw,

Grimes smiled apologetically. “I’m the one who should apologize. I should have known
better than to grab you like that. You looked uncomfortable, so I was gonna move you to
the bed.” He leaned forward and pressed a soft butterfly kiss to Chip’s lips. “We’ll learn
each other’s quirks eventually, right?”

“Yeah,” Chip replied, more than relieved by how understanding his lover seemed. “I

look forward to that.”

Returning the smile, Grimes straightened and held out his hand. “Sorry it took me a bit

longer than planned. Samson came in while I was talking with Perrin and Terence.” His
lips curved into a wry smile. “It seems Helena’s birthday is tomorrow and he wants the
party a bit bigger than planned. He wants to dance with her, so wanted to discuss the
logistics of hiring a band.”

Chip took Grimes’ hand and allowed his mate to help him stand, letting the blanket

drop as he moved. The scent of Grimes’ arousal filled the air and his own dick responded
eagerly, quickly thickening. In the past, when he’d thought about his first time having
sex, Chip always assumed he’d feel self-conscious. Now, though, all he felt was lust and
desire, and a burning need to couple with the bigger man.

Evidently, with all his blood in his dick, nothing was left in his brain, for he mumbled

absently, “That’s nice of him. I don’t know how to dance.”

Grimes grinned. “Oh, then I think I should teach you.” He stepped away and stripped

off his sweats, then turned and pulled Chip back into his arms.

Chips brows shot up as Grimes grabbed his left hand with his right, then guided Chip’s

right hand to his shoulder before gripping his waist with his left hand. “Now?” Chip
squeaked. How the hell was he supposed to concentrate when all he could think about
was getting the other man’s hard bobbing cock into his ass.

“Of course,” Grimes stated, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Gently, he

urged Chip to move, using his hold to guide his movements.

While struggling to follow Grimes’ gentle prodding, Chip tried another tactic. “I don’t

know why I need to learn. I won’t be able to dance around a bunch of other couples
anyway,” he admitted. That fact saddened him, since he had to acknowledge that his
mate was a good dancer. “I’ll panic.” As he said the words, he felt his erection begin to
flag with his encroaching disappointment.

“No, you won’t,” Grimes instantly denied softly.
Chip’s brows shot up and he snapped his gaze to Grimes’ face. He spotted the heat in

the man’s dark eyes, and just that quickly his erection began to renew. “Why?”

Grimes’ grin turned feral. His eyes glittered. “Because you’re going to be focused on

me,” he crooned. “You’re going to be thinking about this moment, right now. While we’re
dancing in a crowd of shifters, you’re going to remember learning to dance with me.
Naked. You’re going to glance down at my covered groin and wish you were seeing what
you can see now.”

As if drawn by Grimes’ words, Chip glanced down. His throat felt suddenly dry as a

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desert, his gaze riveted to Grimes’ cock. Standing thick and long, Grimes’ erection jutted
from a thatch of dark curls to point at Chip’s belly button. Pre-cum oozed from the tip.

Licking his lips, Chip fought the urge to drop to his knees and lick the bead of moisture

from Grimes’ cock head. The need to taste his mate rode him hard.

Grimes tightened his grip and kept them moving. Chip stumbled a few steps, before

regaining the rhythm. He couldn’t seem to tear his gaze from the bobbing, swinging dick
only inches from his own suddenly hard and aching shaft. As he watched, Grimes stepped
closer and the other man’s dick slid along his own.

Groaning, Chip’s hips bucked of their own accord, his body searching for more

stimulation. His lover didn’t disappoint. As Grimes continued to lead them in a slow waltz,
he rocked and rolled his hips. Every few steps, their cocks would tap or slide against each
other, appearing like two dueling, gleaming-tipped rapiers, colliding over and over.

Sparks danced up Chip’s spine at the delicious ache the dick-sparring created on his

sensitive erection. He wanted to grab both their cocks and yank them to completion. On
the other hand, he enjoyed watching Grimes’ hard bronze penis move along his own
much paler flesh.

“Grimes,” Chip whimpered. “T-That’s…oh!”
He gasped when Grimes stepped closer, removing the distance between them. He slid

the hand on Chip’s hip around his waist. Twisting the hold he had on Chip’s fingers,
Grimes adjusted their clasped hands so they were tucked between their chests.

His eyes gleaming, he began a slow grind as he all but growled, “So, when we’re

dancing at the party, all you’re gonna be able to think about is this. Our bodies touching,
rubbing together.” He lowered his head, so he could whisper into Chip’s ear. “Soon, I’m
gonna lay you down on my bed. I’m gonna suck your cock, play with those sexy balls
imbedded in your dick until you scream. Would you like that?”

Every word out of Grimes’ mouth caused Chip’s blood to pound harder through his

veins, driving his need higher. “P-Please,” he hissed, barely able to get his mouth to
work, his anticipation so great.

Chip found himself guided backward. With his cock aching, it was all he could do just to

follow his lover’s prodding. When Chip felt the bed against the back of his thighs, he
almost tumbled backward.

Instead, Grimes held him steady. He smiled down at him. “Last chance to stop if you

need more time. Otherwise, I’m gonna claim you, Chip.”

While he appreciated the man’s willingness to give him an out, Chip wanted nothing

more than to belong to this man. He slid the hand that had been resting on Grimes’
shoulder up his neck and over his jaw. Chip used a couple of fingertips to trace Grimes’
lips, rubbing over the thin upper lip.

“I woke up in the middle of the night once and went to the kitchen to make a cup of

cocoa,” Chip told him.

Chip knew from the slight cocking of Grimes’ head, his mate wondered at the comment.

Smiling, he continued. “I heard a noise from the living room. I got curious.” He fought a
flush as he said, “The TV was on, playing some porn movie. Land was tied to a chair and
Payson was feeding him his dick.”

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Swallowing hard, Chip whispered, “I don’t want to tie you up, but I desperately want to

feel your lips wrapped around my cock head.”

A large smile curved Grimes’ lips. He opened his mouth and nipped the pad of Chip’s

fingers. Tingles vibrated over his skin at the contact, making him shudder in his lover’s

“I’d love to do that for you, sexy,” Grimes rumbled.
Wasting no time, Grimes lowered his hand and palmed Chip’s ass. He used his hold to

lift Chip, then inserted a knee between his thighs. Chip lifted his leg, hitching it over
Grimes’ hip, giving him more room. Grimes’ hairy thigh rubbed across the sensitive skin of
his balls, drawing a moan from Chip’s throat.

“Mmm, I do love that sound,” Grimes rumbled.
Pressing forward, Grimes lifted Chip and moved him backward. Grimes settled him on

the bed, positioning him in the middle. Laying one broad hand on Chip’s thigh, Grimes
urged him to spread them.

Chip obeyed the unspoken command. He watched as Grimes knelt on the bed between

his legs, pinning him with a feral gaze. Without looking away, Grimes leaned over, pulled
the nightstand drawer open and fished around for something.

Seconds later, Grimes lifted out a tube of lube. With practiced ease, he popped the cap

and drizzled some on his fingers. After he tossed the tube aside, Grimes rested his clean
hand on the comforter by Chip’s hip, leaning over his groin. His smile seemed to contain
so much wickedness. He lowered his head and—while watching for Chip’s reaction
through his lashes—Grimes swiped his tongue ever-so-slowly up the underside of his dick.

Then, Chip discovered—it wasn’t Grimes’ smile that was wicked, but his tongue. The

warm moisture left behind by his mate’s mobile appendage interacted with the cooler air
of the room. That sensation coupled with the way Grimes’ tickled and massaged the bead
embedded in the wrinkled flesh just under his cap. Chip’s dick jerked, almost dislodging
that wonderful tormentor.

Grimes somehow managed to appear to smirk, even around his tongue. Then, he slid

his tongue up and over Chip’s cock head, swirling it around his glans, and scooping up his
pre-cum. This time, when his dick twitched, Grimes responded by lowering his head and
sucking the cap into his mouth.

Warm, moist heat surrounded his head. Tingles travelled straight down his stalk and his

back bowed. He tangled his fingers in the comforter, holding on tight. He would have
bucked up, but just then, Grimes rubbed one blunt finger over his muscled entrance,
causing him to freeze.

Sucking just the cap like a lollipop, Grimes distracted Chip from his finger. With his

lover working the bead under his dick’s head, Chip barely felt it when Grimes breached his
opening and slid his finger in deep.

Chip felt the walls of his channel stretch to accommodate his lover’s fingers, first one,

then a second. Instead of hurting, all he could focus on was the hot pressure on his dick
and the tingle-pleasure of his lover’s tongue massaging first one bead, then another.
Grimes lowered his head further, taking him all the way in until his head lodged in
Grimes’ throat. Then, his lover swallowed, squeezing him. At the same time, Chip felt the

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man’s talented tongue move up and down his dick, working the Jacob’s Ladder in earnest.

“G-Grimes, oh!”
He hissed through his teeth. Sparks shot through his rectum as Grimes rubbed his

prostate. He’d heard about how much pleasure touching there caused, but had never
successfully found it. Now, though, he realized he’d been completely missing out.

Sparks teased at the base of Chip’s spine and his thighs trembled, heralding his

impending orgasm. His balls pulled tight. His entire groin warmed as he lost himself in
anticipation of the impending bliss.

Grimes’ calloused hand cupped his balls, gently gripping them and pulling them away

from his body. At the same time, he lifted up off Chip’s cock.

“N-No! Please!” he begged. “N-Need!”
“I know you do, my mate,” Grimes crooned. “Hold on just a little longer. Gonna make

you fly, sweet Chip. You’ll feel so good.”

Just then, Grimes slid a third finger into Chip’s channel, and he finally felt the stretch

and burn work through his chute. Grunting, Chip shifted restlessly.

“Easy, sexy,” Grimes murmured, easing his fingers out, then back in.
This time, Grimes pegged Chip’s gland just as he released his hold on Chip’s testicles,

rolling the orbs in their sacks, instead. Once again, he lowered his head and sucked on
the head of Chip’s dick, hard.

Chip’s released balls immediately pulled flush to his body. His cock throbbed, then

pulsed, and he screamed. Cum spurted up his dick, filling his lover’s mouth. Grimes
swallowed it down, all the while peering at Chip from beneath his lashes.

Gasping, Chip met his lover’s gaze, unable to look away from his groin. Never had he

seen anything so erotic, or felt anything so amazing. Grimes continued to suckle his dick’s
head. His lips moved just a bit over Chip’s skin as he felt his lover swipe his tongue
around and around the glans.

The man now rested his weight on one arm as he peered down at him. His other arm

moved rhythmically, and Chip felt Grimes’ fingers still massaging his interior lining,
loosening him.

With what was probably a goofy smile on his face, Chip slurred, “Your mouth is fucking


Grimes gently released his suckling of Chip’s penis, allowing the softening head to slip

from between his lips. He lifted his head and grinned ferally at him. “I’m glad you agree,
sexy. You ready for me?”

That’s when Chip noticed the lines of tension around his lover’s eyes and mouth. The

self-control the guy exhibited warmed Chip. Grimes had to be on the edge. His heart
swelled with gratitude and…something else, something too early to put a name on.

Chip offered the other shifter a wide smile, then rolled over. He fought back a hiss

when Grimes’ fingers pulled free of his chute. Getting his knees under him, Chip peered
over his shoulder at his mate. “Make me yours.”

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Chapter Six

Grimes’ lion roared in his mind, urging him to do just that. He moved behind his mate and
guided his dick to Chip’s well-stretched hole. Digging deep for the last traces of his self-
control, he resisted the need to ram into the man. Instead, Grimes pressed firmly until his
cap breached his lover’s guardian muscle, then froze.

Lying over Chip’s back, Grimes shuddered. He rested his weight on one hand while

using the other to lightly stroke over the tense muscles of Chip’s chest and abs. He gently
tweaked first one nipple, then the other, before tracing the side of his hip. Moving his
hand down, he threaded his fingers through Chip’s pubic hairs, gently massaging the
sensitive skin underneath.

Feeling the intense pressure on his cock head and the tension vibrating through his

lover, Grimes crooned, “Easy, sexy.” He’d heard Chip gasp and, knowing the pain of the
first time, he wanted, needed to do everything in his power to transform the experience
into bliss.

“Just relax, my sweet mate,” Grimes murmured. “Take deep breaths for me, okay? The

pain will ease.”

Grimes nipped and nibbled his way up and down Chip’s neck. His teeth ached, his

canines extending in preparation for biting the man, tasting—claiming—him again. He
scraped the elongated teeth over the flesh of his lover’s shoulder.

A shudder worked through the slight body beneath Grimes as he heard Chip whimper

softly. Slowly, the intense pressure on Grimes’ dick eased. That was the signal he’d been
waiting for, and he started moving his hips, thrusting forward and back in tiny increments.

Sweat beaded on Grimes’ temples, neck, and back. He felt like it took forever, but

finally he bottomed out. His balls nestled against his lover’s, hot pressure encasing his
length. Once again, he managed to pause.

“My mate,” Grimes muttered. “You feel so good, Chip. Love being buried inside you.”
Chip grunted, then—to Grimes’ surprise—glared at him over his shoulder. “Then fuck

me like you mean it,” he demanded.

First, Grimes’ brows shot up, then a grin slowly stretched his lips. Chip’s gaze flickered

over his mouth and Grimes realized he stared at his canines. “Oh, don’t you worry, sexy,”
Grimes stated, before sliding his tongue over his teeth provocatively. He liked the way
Chip’s breathing hitched and his mouth opened on a gasp.

“When we’re dancing tomorrow, this is what you’re gonna be thinking about,” he stated

gruffly as he slowly eased his cock nearly all the way out of Chip’s clenching channel.
Once his head stretched the ring, he reversed directions and pressed back in.

Continuing to slowly saw in and out of Chip’s chute, Grimes growled low in his throat at

the massage to his stalk. The hot, slicked channel encasing him felt better than anything
he’d ever felt before. He reveled in his mate’s heady citrusy-sweet scent.

Grimes moved his hand from playing with Chip’s pubes to cradling his balls. He rolled

his lover’s sensitive orbs in their sacks with his palm while massaging the base of Chip’s
erection with his thumb, tracing as much of the thick vein as he could.

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Nipping Chip’s shoulder, Grimes started to pick up his pace as he rumbled, “You’ll

remember this, me sliding in and out of you, possessing you. I’ll be holding you on that
dance floor and you’ll be too busy craving my cock to panic. You’ll be begging with those
pretty blue eyes for me to take you back to our room and mount you again.” Snapping his
hips forcefully, Grimes adjusted his angle and began pegging his lover’s prostate in

“G-Grimes!” Chip moaned. His body bucked. His back arched. Lowering his shoulders,

Chip started rocking back into Grimes’ thrusts. “M-More. Oh, God. More.”

Chip’s begging cries caused Grimes’ blood to surge through his veins. Feral need

sparked through his veins. “You’re mine, Chip. All mine!”

“O-Oh, yes,” Chip whined, shuddering and twitching beneath him. “Yours.”
Releasing his lover’s balls, Grimes gripped Chip’s shaft. He stroked once, twice and his

bobcat yowled wildly, screaming his pleasure as his body jerked. Chip’s chute clamped on
Grimes’ dick, encasing him in a stranglehold of pleasure-pain.

Grimes’ balls drew flush to his body as his orgasm bowled through him. Acting on

instinct, he snapped his head forward and sank his teeth into the flesh of Chip’s shoulder.
Blood flowed over his tongue and he moaned at the exquisite flavor bursting across his
taste-buds. Contented bliss rolled through him as he drank his lover’s life-blood down,
completing their bond. Knowing that he held his mate, had connected with the one Fate
meant for him, almost felt better than the endorphins pinging blissfully through his

Humming, Grimes carefully extracted his teeth, then laved his tongue over Chip’s bitten

flesh, sealing the mark. He released his hold on Chip’s softening prick and—ignoring the
cum covering his hand—gently traced his fingertips over his lover’s ribs, caressing his
lover’s flesh.

Grimes thought just holding Chip, his softening satisfied cock still encased in his lover’s

warmth, was almost as good as the sex itself. Keeping them connected, Grimes rolled
sideways, spooning Chip’s back to his chest. He nuzzled his shifter’s neck.

“Wow,” Chip mumbled, his words slightly slurred. “N-Never felt—”
When his lover didn’t finish his thought, Grimes grinned against Chip’s flesh. “Exactly,”

he whispered.

Holding Chip tightly, Grimes sighed. “Want you to be happy, sexy mate.”
Chip tilted his head and peered back at him. His brows were drawn down and concern

reflected in the man’s blue eyes. “Want you happy, too.”

Grimes tightened his arms in a gentle squeeze for a second, then asked, “I know you

never had a home…not like a normal one.” He felt Chip tense, which wasn’t really what
he wanted, especially after such pleasure, but he needed to know what plans he’d need
to make.

What will make my sweet bobcat happier?
Nuzzling Chip’s neck with his nose and rubbing his fingers over Chip’s lean torso, Grimes

asked, “I want you to know I’ll be happy wherever you are, Chip.”

Turning his head a bit, Chip peered back at him. “Since you know I’ve never had a

normal home life, I hope I don’t offend you when I tell you that if you’re trying to ask me

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something subtly, I’m not getting it.”

Just then, Grimes’ softened prick finally slipped from Chip’s channel. His mate’s brows

creased and he let out a hiss. “Geez, that feels weird.”

“Let me get something to clean us up, then I’ll answer your question,” Grimes stated,

easing away from Chip. He leaned down and pecked a quick kiss to his lover’s lips before
pushing off the bed and heading to the bathroom.

Grimes quickly wiped himself down, then rinsed the cloth and headed back to his lover.

Seeing the pale, lean shifter curled up on his dark blue comforter, a wave of affection
rolled through him. That little slip of a shifter was his destiny, and he’d do anything to
please him.

Knowing Chip wasn’t raised by shifters, so didn’t understand mating urges, Grimes

prayed he could find the right words. He hadn’t ever been pegged as particularly
eloquent. Still, he had to try to explain his desire to care for his mate without coming off
as him thinking Chip needed a keeper.

As Grimes approached the bed, Chip’s smile faltered a bit. That was when Grimes

realized he scowled at his thoughts. Quickly, Grimes eased his expression, suffusing as
much warmth into his eyes as he could.

“Sorry, got lost in thought for a sec there,” Grimes explained. He held up the cloth.

“Can I clean you, my mate?”

Chip didn’t look too keen on the idea, but at least he rolled to his back. As gently as he

could, Grimes wiped down Chip’s stomach, abs, groin, and hole. When Grimes rubbed the
warm, damp cloth over Chip’s balls, he liked the way his lover grunted, shifted his hips
almost restlessly, and spread his legs wider. Meeting his lover’s gaze, Grimes smiled
smugly and did it again, a bit more slowly.

The scent of renewed arousal floated to his nostrils. Like a heady perfume, Grimes felt

his own body respond, his cock plumping at his groin. “Oh, fuck, Chip,” he mumbled,
tossing the washcloth aside and climbing onto the bed. “You smell so damn good.”

An appreciative gleam entered Chip’s eyes as he watched Grimes crawl up the bed. He

spread his legs and held out his arms. Grimes—powerless to resist his mate’s obvious
invitation—settled over Chip and aligned their groins. He rested his arms on either side of
his lover’s head, holding his torso’s weight off of the other man. Although Grimes knew
his lover was a shifter, Chip still remained on the road to recovery and he didn’t want to
do anything to jeopardize that.

“Hello, mate,” Grimes whispered. With his elbows by his shifter’s head, Grimes lifted a

forearm and traced Chip’s lips with his fingertips.

Chip smiled up at him, looking way too shy for what they’d just done together. “Hi,


Moving his other hand’s fingertips to Chip’s eyebrows, Grimes traced the sandy-colored

hairs. After a second of admiration, he murmured, “When Kontra’s people rescued you,
did they explain shifter dynamics to you?”

“Mostly,” Chip replied, his voice just as soft. He kissed the fingertip tracing his lips. “I

know it’s considered a gift, the other half of your soul, and that some people wait
centuries to find that special someone.” His brows lifted. “How old are you?”

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Grimes lifted one brow at the unexpected question, but answered anyway. “I’m two

hundred and seventeen.”

Chip’s eyes widened. His jaw sagged open. “Wow!”
“Shifters live upwards of five centuries, Chip,” Grimes told him, wondering if that little

tidbit had been omitted somehow. “I’m only middle aged.” He cupped Chip’s jaw. “What
about you? How old are you?”

After nibbling his bottom lip for a moment, Chip admitted, “Thirty-nine.”
Gods above. To shifters, that was practically a cub. Still, Chip had seen and

experienced more than anyone should ever have to in the short number of years he’d
lived on this earth.

Leaning down, Grimes sipped gently at Chip’s lips. He ended by suckling his lover’s

plump bottom lip for just a second, worrying the succulent bit of flesh. Lifting his head,
Grimes murmured, “I’ve waited a long time to find you, Chip. I don’t want you to think
that I think you’re weak because I want to take care of you.” He grimaced at how
convoluted that sounded, but forced himself to continue. “Mates want to take care of
each other. That’s how we’re wired. I want you happy, so I need to know how to make
you happy.”

Not really the answer Grimes was looking for, but with such a broad statement, he’d

left it a bit open-ended. Sighing, he lowered his head and pressed his forehead to Chip’s
and stared him in the eye.

“Chip,” he began. “I saw you standing out with the rest of the shifters that arrived

today.” Gods above, had that really only been a few hours before? It felt like forever.
“You might not have been standing among them, but you appeared comfortable with
them. You couldn’t even walk on our deck.” He shrugged before finishing. “I want—” He
paused and shook his head sharply. “I need you happy and comfortable. If you want to
live here, with this pride, I’ll support you and try to help in any way to make you
comfortable. If you want to stay with Kontra’s people, I’ll petition to join his pack.” He
moved his hands from his lover’s face, wiggling his arms a bit so he could sink his finger
into Chip’s hair. He already loved the feel of his mate’s soft multicolored strands beneath
his fingers. “Whatever you want will make me happy.”

Chip’s brows furrowed. He licked his lips and swallowed, his Adam’s apple bobbing.

Finally, he asked, “W-Well, which would make you happy?”

Grimes couldn’t help but grin at that. Although Chip might not understand his instinctual

urge to make him happy, he still went along with it. Grimes knew that was why the small
bobcat had followed him across the deck and through the house. His mate had wanted to
please him.

“To be honest, I’d love to travel and see the country,” Grimes told him, wanting

honesty between them. “I’ve been with this pride for the last eighty plus years. I went
through a stretch where I couldn’t go into town, and I kinda like Kontra’s idea of always
traveling. True, no one really knows you but your gang-members, but on the other hand,
you don’t have to pretend you died or moved away. You don’t have to lie to humans you
might come to care for, either.”

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Chip’s eyes widened at that. “Oh, that’s…” He swallowed hard. “Horrible. I’m sorry.”
Shaking his head once, Grimes smile down at Chip. “I didn’t tell you that to upset you. I

just wanted to explain why I liked Kontra’s lifestyle.” He lowered his head and pecked a
kiss to Chip’s lips. “However, I’ll understand if you want to stay here.” He shrugged.
“You’ve never had a home before, and if that’s something you want, I’ll do my best to
give it to you.”

To Grimes’ surprise, Chip actually chuckled and rolled his eyes. “Uh, I don’t even know

what a family is. I lived alone as a bobcat for years. I don’t give a shit about that kind of
thing.” He smiled wryly. “I’d much rather be traveling with you and my friends than stuck
worrying about who might recognize me in thirty years.”

Grimes actually felt relief at Chip’s admittance. He nodded and smiled. “Okay. I’ll

petition Kontra to join his pack and we’ll explore together. How’s that sound?”

“Perfect,” Chip whispered.
Chip stroked his hands down Grimes’ back, down to his ass, and gripped his cheeks and

squeezed. He humped his hips, rubbing his thickening prick against Grimes’ own
hardening cock.

Grimes rumbled his pleasure and rocked his groin, grinning at his mate.
“So,” Chip murmured, his eyelids lowering to half-mast. “What do I gotta do to get your

cock back in my ass?”

Growling low in his throat, Grimes stated, “Just ask, sexy. Just ask.”
Next, Grimes captured Chip’s lips, thrusting his tongue deep, mapping his mate’s

mouth. Then, after sucking his lover’s tongue lightly, he released Chip’s appendage and
proceeded to use his mouth to explore and map Chip’s body, too.

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Chapter Seven

Chip sat curled up in a large chair situated against the wall. Emmett sat to his left, Caleb
on his lap. The chameleon shifter leaned toward Chip, grinning widely. He sniffed
exaggeratedly, then winked. “So, how you liking mated life?”

Feeling heat suffuse his cheeks and neck, Chip knew he blushed. “Mmm-hmm,” he

muttered, peering at the gathering of shifters and humans milling about the room.

“Stop teasing him, baby,” Emmett scolded gently.
Chip pushed back his embarrassment and smiled. “It’s okay.” Glancing toward his

friends, he stated, “Grimes is super sweet and loves my—” He paused, flushing harder as
he thought about the sweet and thorough loving he’d received—multiple times—
yesterday. Grimes had kissed, licked, and touched just about every inch of him. At his
friend’s expectant looks, Chip grinned—probably goofily, if the looks exchanged by his
friends were any judge. “Well, let’s just say my scars aren’t a deterrent to the man.”

“Well, of course they’re not,” Caleb replied swiftly. “Scars mean you’ve lived through

hardship.” He reached out and laid his hand on Chip’s forearm, giving it a squeeze.
“They’re proof of your inner strength.”

Nodding—remembering that Grimes had said something similar—Chip found his gaze

drawn to his mate. He watched the lion shifter chat with the people he passed as he
moved through the throngs of partiers. He carried several plates of food in one hand and
a couple cups in the other. Grimes laughed and joked, grinning and nodding, amicably
accepting the pats to his back. A few others, however, peered over at Chip with obvious
disdain in their expressions.

“Ignore them,” Luc stated, his accented words announcing his presence.
Chip looked toward the man, finding him leaning against the wall on the other side of

Caleb and Emmett. “Huh?”

The French European eagle owl shifter smiled wryly at him. “I saw that frown. I saw

who you were looking at. Ignore them,” he repeated the order.

Taking Luc’s advice was easier said than done. Grimacing, Chip mumbled, “They know

I’m not good enough for him.”

“That’s enough of that talk,” Emmett snapped, his deep voice rumbling with obvious

displeasure. “You’re a better man than most of these lions.”

Chip didn’t know about that, but he smiled at his friend’s pep talk. Before he could

respond, three women parted from the crowd and stalked toward them. All were lithe,
toned women in the five eight range—give or take an inch. They directed all their
attention on Chip and none of them looked happy. They stopped in front of him, their
arms crossed over their ample bosoms, their eyes narrowed.

The tallest, a willowy brunette, scowled down at him. “So you’re the little bitch Grimes

is leaving us for. What a waste,” she sneered.

His jaw sagging open in shock at her cruel words, Chip struggled to formulate a


Caleb had no such trouble. He flicked his fingers toward the trio, glanced between Chip

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and Emmett and stated, “I am so glad I’m gay. Can you imagine having to deal with catty
comments like that on a regular basis?” He smirked and lowered his voice to a sultry tone
while blatantly palming his crotch. “Besides, jealous much? We’ve been able to practice
on the equipment for years, so we know how to please our men better than any of you

The smaller shifter’s taunts were met with a trio of hisses. The brunette curled her lip

and looked him up and down. “As if we’d touch you with a ten foot pole, cocksucker.”

Snorting, Caleb rolled his eyes. “Honey, I wouldn’t let you touch me if you got a sex

change and were the last man on earth.”

“Why you little—”
“Something wrong here?” Grimes announced his arrival with the gruff question.
Chip couldn’t even begin to express how grateful he felt upon seeing his big lion.

Smiling with relief, he tilted his head up to see Grimes glaring at the three women. Still,
he took a second to turn toward Chip, lean down, and plant a quick peck to his lips. Chip’s
smile widened at the little display of affection.

“Grimes,” the brunette greeted, although her eyes were hard. “Nothing’s wrong. We’re

just saying hello to your mate.”

Another woman, this one a blonde, stepped close to Grimes and laid a hand on his

chest. “Won’t you introduce us?”

Growling low in his throat, Chip jumped to his feet and shoved the woman away. “Back

off. Grimes is my mate!” Realizing what he’d done, Chip flushed and glanced uncertainly
at Grimes.

Surprise flooded him when he found Grimes grinning at him, an expression that

resembled pride on his face. Wrapping his arm around Chip, Grimes confirmed Chip’s
claim, saying, “That I am, my sexy little mate.”

Chip found himself flushing, again, at the compliment and endearment. Still, he leaned

into the other shifter, loving the contact.

Once again, the blonde stepped close. Although, this time, she didn’t attempt to touch

Grimes. Instead, she focused a megawatt smile on Chip and said in a tone probably
meant to be provocative, “I understand you’re mated now, but how about a threesome?”

“Hussy,” Caleb mumbled just loud enough to hear.
The blonde shrugged and smirked over her shoulder at the chameleon shifter. “What

can I say? Cats are sluts.”

Chip frowned, shocked at her blunt, direct approach. She’d be willing to sleep with him

just to get Grimes’ cock in her? Oh, hell no!

“Not happening,” Chip snarled, glaring at the woman. “I don’t share!”
Then, it suddenly occurred to him that maybe Grimes would have liked to accept the

woman’s invitation.

Fortunately, Grimes quickly put that fear to rest by growling, “Damn it, Donna. You

wanna get yourself hurt?”

Chip looked up to see Grimes curling his lip at the woman. His body vibrated with

tension and Chip realized the scent rolling off his mate was rage. The arm around him
tightened as Grimes held him close.

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“You know mates don’t share. No one touches Chip but me!” Grimes practically roared.
Relieved his lover felt the same way, Chip rubbed the man’s chest. “It’s okay,” he

murmured. “Calm down, Grimes.”

Heaving a sigh, Grimes peered down at Chip. “The idea that anyone would touch you

makes me see red,” he admitted. He brought his free hand up and cupped Chip’s jaw.
“Can’t wait to get you upstairs again.”

Chip grinned up at his lover. “That would be rude.”
“I know,” Grimes stated.
That didn’t stop him from leaning down and capturing Chip’s mouth. He opened to his

lover, enjoying the man’s deep masculine taste with just the hint of beer. Grimes swept
his tongue into his mouth, thrusting deep. Chip sagged against his lover, enjoying the

“All right, all right,” Luc stated from beside them. “Stop making us single guys jealous.”
Grimes took his time ending the kiss, cradling Chip’s head so he couldn’t pull away—not

that he was inclined to do that anyway. Finally, after sucking Chip’s bottom lip for a few
seconds, Grimes released him.

Smirking, he stated, “Mmm, I do love how you taste, Chip.”
“I think you’ve made that quite apparent,” Chip softly replied. He glanced around

furtively, saw Luc smirking and Caleb and Emmett grinning. At some point, the women
had slinked away, although the scent of disappointment hung in the air. “To everyone,”
Chip added.

Chuckling, Grimes stated, “Good.”
Grimes released his hold on Chip’s face as his arm around his waist loosened. “You

ready for a burger? I added bacon to it.”

Chip’s stomach growled right on cue and both he and Grimes laughed. After releasing

his hold, Grimes turned toward the side table where he must have left the plates before
announcing his presence, for several were laying upon it. Two each held heaping burgers.
The third plate was piled high with some kind of potato casserole dish with a couple
carrot sticks and cherry tomatoes scattered around the edges.

After picking up his burger and chewing a bite, Chip gave into curiosity and asked,

“What is that?” He pointed at the potato casserole thing. The shredded potato slices were
swimming in some kind of cream sauce and something that appeared to be corn flake bits
scattered in there.

Grimes grinned and winked. He picked up one of the forks and scooped some of the

concoction onto it. He held it to Chip’s lips, saying, “This is Rochelle and Delila’s funeral
potatoes. Everyone loves them, so there are never any leftovers.” His lips took on a
rueful twist. “Even once when they made a quadruple batch.”

Chip felt his brows shoot up. “You’re lions and you love potatoes?”
“Don’t knock it ’til you try it,” Grimes replied, smirking. He wiggled the fork in front of

Chip’s mouth. “Come on, sexy. Open up.”

After releasing a put upon sigh, which made Grimes chuckle, Chip did as he was told

and accepted the mouthful of warm casserole. Creamy, cheesy flavors burst over Chip’s
tongue, mixing wonderfully with the natural starchiness of the potatoes, their insides

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warm and soft. For some reason, the slight crunch from the corn flakes—wow, there
really is cereal mixed in here—just seemed to tie it all together.

Chip hummed in appreciation as he chewed and swallowed. “Wow, I’m a believer,” he

muttered. Quickly, he picked up the second fork and scooped up another bite.

Grimes laughed, then took a forkful for himself. After he’d swallowed, he stated, “Told


Grabbing one of the red cups, Chip swigged the beverage. He wrinkled his nose at the

beer, but swallowed anyway. Once again, Grimes chuckled. “Not a fan? I got it from the

“Guess not,” Chip replied. “Must not be my brand.”
He grabbed his burger and took a big bite of the bacon and cheese laden patty,

attempting to get the taste out of his mouth. Luc leaned over him and picked up his cup
of beer. “I don’t mind the keg,” he quipped, winking. “And I better go get some of those
potatoes before they are gone.”

“You’d better,” Grimes returned grinning.
Luc chuckled, then looked at Chip, adding, “I’ll bring you back a new drink, oui?”
After swallowing his food, Chip answered, “I’d appreciate that.” After three days

traveling as Luc’s motorcycle companion, Chip had faith the other man would bring him
something he’d like. They’d done a hell of a lot of talking on their trip. While he’d shared
with the Frenchman that he was a virgin, Chip had learned that while Luc traveled with
Kontra’s gay motorcycle gang, he enjoyed bedding women just as much as men. There
were even rumors in the pack that he’d been with Diego’s daughter, Adriana. For the sake
of keeping the peace, Luc and Diego didn’t speak of it.

“Sorry about the beer, Chip.”
Grimes’ softly spoken apology drew Chip’s attention. His brows shot up as he took in

Grimes’ chagrined expression. Realizing he frowned at his burger, Chip eased his
expression. He set down his food and reached out to his mate. Touching the creases of
Grimes’ brows, he soothed their tension with a touch.

“Don’t worry about it,” Chip told him. “We just met yesterday. How could you know I’m

a little picky about my beer?”

That earned him a smile. “There is that.”
Chip leaned forward and tilted his head. Grimes didn’t leave him hanging. He leaned

down and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. Chip stepped back, keeping it brief, not willing to
make another spectacle.

When Grimes stepped forward, a feral gleam in his dark eyes, telling Chip what his

mate planned without words. Chip held up his hands, one holding the fork and one
holding his half eaten burger. “Can I finish my supper first?” he teased. “Gotta keep my
strength up for what you probably have planned.”

Grimes laughed and backed off. “You’re right about that.” After waggling his brows, he

returned his attention to his own food.

They stood together next to the small side table, eating in companionable silence.

From time to time people stopped by and chatted a few minutes with Grimes. They’d
congratulate them both, then move on. Chip enjoyed watching the people interact, but

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felt no real desire to join them. He looked toward Grimes, wondering what he thought of
standing off to the side instead of moving amongst the shifters.

“Look there,” Grimes murmured, leaning close and pointing to the right. “They’re

setting up for the entertainment. Gonna get to dance soon.”

Just the mention of dancing caused Chip’s heart to pick up speed and his cock to plump

as memories of yesterday’s foreplay instantly came to mind. Grimes chuckled, husky and
low. He leaned close and crooned, “And I wonder what just popped into your head, sweet
sexy mate.”

Chip turned his head and smiled, fighting back a flush—this time not caused by

embarrassment. “I bet you already know.”

“Indeed I do,” Grimes replied smugly.
Turning back, Chip watched several people he didn’t know set up some drums while

another guy tuned a guitar. A group of others cleared chairs and folding tables out of the
way, making space in the great room for dancing.

Raised voices caught Chip’s attention and he turned to see Samson glaring at a blonde

woman with blue eyes similar to the male lion shifter’s. “Don’t you talk about Helena that
way, mama,” Samson snarled, confirming Chip’s suspicion that the woman was indeed,
Amy, Samson’s mother.

“I’ve allowed this travesty to go on long enough,” Amy screeched. Suddenly, the

woman launched herself at Helena, starting to shift as she went.

Samson roared and leaped after his mother, tackling her. While they grappled, Helena

screamed as another woman tried to take up Amy’s crusade. The brunette grabbed
Helena’s arm and yanked her close.

Patrick, the pride’s beta, grabbed the woman and freed Helena.
“Damn,” Grimes muttered. “It never occurred to me that she’d try something in so open

a setting.” He tossed his plate to the table and started across the room.

Chip stared after him, hating that his lover’s pride position forced him into the fray—

even though, if asked, he knew Grimes would consider it an honor. Chip was man enough
to realize he just wasn’t that dominant.

About that time, two other women—the bitchy brunette who’d insulted Chip as well her

silent friend, a black-haired female—began to shift. They were behind Grimes, so he
didn’t see them. However, Chip saw the hatred burning in their gaze as they watched
Grimes cross the room. Shifting during a party as they did, their intent was unmistakable.

The need to help his mate couldn’t be denied.
As he called Grimes’ name, Chip yanked his shirt over his head and kicked off his shoes.

His lover peered at him over his shoulder, a question in his eyes. Except, by then, Chip
had already shoved off his jeans and began shifting. His tendons popped, muscles
contorted, and bones slid beneath his newly growing fur. His ass tingled as his short tail
sprouted and his head felt the push and pull as his skull turned feline.

Once done, Chip blinked and looked around. He spotted Grimes, who’d turned around

and started back toward him. He also saw the lioness leap at his confused and concerned

Yowling, Chip lunged, intercepting the much larger cat.

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Chapter Eight

Grimes watched in shocked horror as Chip engaged Theresa, the lioness who’d been
taunting his mate earlier. “Son of a bitch!” he snarled. As soon as he kicked off his shoes,
Grimes shifted, unmindful of the tearing of his clothes.

About halfway through his change, pain erupted through Grimes’ back. He flopped

sideway, hoping to dislodge whoever had latched onto him. Seconds later, the feline—by
scent he recognized as Tory, Theresa’s sister—toppled from his back. Grateful for the
reprieve, his shift complete, Grimes crouched and peered around the room.

Grimes snarled at what he saw. Tory swiped at Chip, her large paw connecting with his

haunch, sending him sprawling. Scratched and bloody, Chip slid and rolled across the
hardwood floor. While Chip lifted his head and shook it, the bigger cat went after him

Tuning out the snarls, roars, screams, and shouts of others, Grimes pounced the short

distance. He focused on taking down the lioness who’d dared to lay a paw on his bobcat.
Grimes landed on the lioness, wrapped his paws around Tory’s torso, and used his
momentum to flip her. She hissed in surprise—and probably a little pain—as Grimes
tossed her sideways, scraping his claws down her body as he released her.

Quickly getting back to his feet, Grimes peered around for Chip. Instead, all Grimes saw

was chaos. On the far side of the room, Carlton and Patrick fought with Amy and Gina
while Samson helped a wailing Helena to a chair. Eli and his mate clustered close to the
woman, and a sickly sweet scent suddenly hit Grimes’ senses.

Helena had gone into premature labor.
A few feet away, a massive grizzly bear that Grimes recognized as Kontra stood over…

something cream, orange, and black. A lioness—Theresa—circled the bear, her ears
pinned and her canines exposed. Kontra rumbled in clear warning. Just as she crouched
to leap, a large black lion bounded across the room and bowled into the smaller cat.

A flash of movement redirected Grimes’ attention. Seeing Chip safe beneath the paws

of his alpha—even though it rankled some that it was another who guarded his mate—
Grimes turned to face the cat’s resumed attack.

Tory stretched out a paw, aiming for his face. To many, it would appear an almost

playful move, batting at his head. However, Grimes knew as a lioness—the natural hunter
of a pride—she gauged his attitude. Would he attack, defend, or break? Grimes crouched
low and turned his head, snarling in warning as he waited for her impatience to get the
better of her.

It didn’t take long.
Lunging at him, Tory reached her claws toward him, probably intending to sink them

into Grimes’ shoulders. Grimes rolled to his back and counter-attacked, kicking out with
his powerful hind legs. He raked his claws across her belly as he used his front legs to
grip her shoulders. Using Tory’s momentum, he rolled them, finally kicking her away.

Grimes—instantly back on his feet—pressed his advantage. Pouncing swiftly, he landed

on her back and wrapped his forelegs around her shoulders. He sank his teeth into her

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neck. She yowled and twisted under him, but he hung on, using his larger mass and
greater weight to keep her pinned.

Just as Grimes tightened his jaws around the lioness’s throat, a black human hand

settled on his shoulder and the scent of his alpha wafted over his senses. Grimes paused
in his actions, waiting for his alpha to say something.

“If you wish to kill her, by all means, do so,” Perrin stated gruffly. He lowered to his

knee beside the pair, looking Grimes in the eye, his gaze hard. “Hell, if someone touched
Terence, I wouldn’t show any mercy.”

Although Grimes knew he had his alpha’s blessing, now that the heat of the battle had

passed, he couldn’t do it. Instead, his gaze sought Chip. Relief flooded him upon seeing
his mate rising slowly, aided by a couple of his friends, one of which whispered in his ear
and pushed a pair of jeans into his hands.

Smart friend.
Wanting only to get to Chip, Grimes eased his hold on the other shifter’s neck. He

loosened his claws. Slowly, Grimes backed away from the lioness. He growled low in his
throat, warning her. She lowered her gaze in deference and mewled.

Although he wanted to question her, he wanted to hold his lover more. He needed to

reassure himself that Chip was truly well. He’d watched his lover take quite the tumble.
Before long, Grimes crouched on the floor in human form.

“No, Alpha. I’ll leave her fate in your hands,” Grimes stated gruffly.
Perrin actually sighed. “Just what I need,” he replied dryly, his lips twitching.
Grimes glared at Tory. “If you ever come near my mate again, I won’t be nearly as


Turning away, Grimes peered around the room again. He noted Patrick sitting in lion

form next to Samson’s mother. The lioness lay still and from the odd angle her neck
rested at, she wouldn’t be getting back up. Next to them, back in human form, Gina sat
with her arms around her naked knees, her head bowed. With the way her shoulders
shook, Grimes guessed she wept.

Carlton—also in lion form—sat nearby watching Theresa and Tory. Perrin ordered those

two lionesses to shift. Grimes guessed the three living lionesses would be banished, but
as he was leaving the pride, too, it was no longer his concern.

Samson, Helena, Eli, and Sam were nowhere in sight. He hoped the human and the cub

would be okay, but couldn’t worry about that now.

At that moment, the only thing that mattered to Grimes was getting to Chip. He

needed to hold his mate, confirm that he was alive and well. Grimes dismissed everything
and strode past Kontra, murmuring his thanks as he did so. Kontra grunted in response,
but didn’t move from where he had one arm around his own mate while glaring at the
shifting lionesses.

As soon as Grimes stepped in range of Chip, he grabbed him. With one hand, he

cupped the back of his bobcat’s head. With the other, he circled his lover’s waist. Using
his hold, Grimes pulled Chip flush against him and tucked his mate’s head beneath his

“Damn it, Chip,” Grimes grumbled. “What the hell were you thinking?”

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Chip sank into his embrace, his arms going around him and clutching at his shoulder

blades tightly. “They were going to attack you. You didn’t see them.” Chip’s breathing
hitched, then he whispered, “I couldn’t let them hurt you.”

Grimes struggled to control his urge to demand that Chip never put himself in danger

again. He knew it’d be the mate-pull talking and would only anger Chip. His little bobcat
had been on his own for decades. Although Grimes knew that, rationally, it didn’t make it
any easier to calm his racing pulse.

Tucking his face against Chip’s sandy brown and black locks, Grimes inhaled his lover’s

scent. The faint trace of blood that hung in the air made slowing his racing pulse difficult.
After a few minutes, Grimes became aware of Chip’s hands stroking his back, soothing
the tense muscles there. He nuzzled his cheek across Chip’s hair a few times, then lifted a
bit and pressed a kiss to the top of his head.

Finally Grimes felt like he had a bit more control over his tongue. He raised his head

and used his hold on Chip’s skull to urge him to tilt his head back. Forcing a slight smile,
he told him, “You scared the shit out of me, Chip.”

A corner of Chip’s mouth twitched up. “I could say the same about you.” Then, the man

scowled and peered down Grimes’ body. “And you’re standing naked in a room full of
people.” Frowning up at him, he asked, “Why the hell am I bothered by this?”

“Because our relationship is new,” Grimes explained. He slid his hand around Chip’s

head to cup his jaw. “We’ll always be a bit protective of others seeing each other nude,
but once we’re more secure in our bond, some of that will ease.”

Chip nodded. “Okay. Can you put on some pants or something, then?”
After everything that had just happened, for his mate to seem only worried about

others seeing his naked ass, tickled something inside him. Grimes threw his head back
and laughed. Happiness suffused him and he clutched his lover tight to his chest. Once
more, he became aware of Chip petting his back.

Grimes grinned down at his shifter, reading the concern on his face. Leaning down,

Grimes pressed a soft butterfly kiss to Chip’s upturned lips. He didn’t deepen it, having no
desire to sprout a boner in the middle of his pride.

Someone tapped him on the shoulder and he turned to see Carlton standing there

holding up a pair of jeans. His friend smirked at him, and Grimes chuckled as he took the
offered clothing and pulled them on over his legs.

Unable to allow his mate out of sight—or contact, for that matter—for any length of

time, yet, Grimes swiftly zipped and buttoned the jeans. Then, he grabbed Chip’s arm and
reeled him back in so he could slide that arm around his lover’s waist and tuck him
against his side.

Chip chuckled as he wrapped his near hand around Grimes’ back and settled it on the

opposite side of his waist, gripping a belt loop there. Tilting his head, Chip grinned up at
him. “Am I close enough?”

Grimes grinned down at him. “I guess. You okay?” He nodded his head toward where

Sam bandaged a few scratches some of the others had sustained. “Do you need anything
patched up?” He swept his gaze over Chip’s chest, but didn’t see anything but a bit of red
scratches here and there. No blood.

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Shaking his head, Chip replied, “Just a few scratches on my legs from when I didn’t

move quite fast enough. Nothing a shower won’t cure.” He winked. “Maybe we should go
take care of that now.”

Although extremely tempted, Grimes shook his head. “I believe I owe you a dance, my

sexy mate.”

Chip’s eyes glowed, suddenly, the citrusy-sweet scent of arousal flooding the air around

them. His eyelids lowered to half-mast. “You just had to mention dancing,” he murmured,
a rosy glow flushing up his chest to his neck.

Now that the ruckus was over, the band had begun, although Grimes noted there were

no dancers yet. He had every intention of changing that. He turned and eased away from
Chip just a bit, then growled in frustration and pulled him close again.

Snickering, Chip welcomed his embrace as Grimes crushed their chests together,

mingling their scents. Next, he rubbed his cheek along first one side of Chip’s face, then
the other. He added a couple nips and licks along both sides of his mate’s neck for good

That earned Grimes a soft moan from Chip as he whined, “You gotta stop if you wanna


Grimes lifted his head and stared smugly at Chip. He took in his mate’s slightly opened

mouth, the way his chest rose and fell swiftly in quick pants, and his half-lidded eyes. The
sexy look was almost enough for him to change his mind about that dance…almost.

“Mmm,” Grimes hummed appreciatively. He took Chip’s slight disorientation as the

opportunity he needed to draw his lover onto the dance floor. As he loosened his arms
into the proper waltz position, he leaned a bit closer and crooned, “Now that you’re once
again covered in my scent, me and my cat will be able to settle down.”

Straightening, Grimes grinned at his man. “Dance with me.”
As he whisked his lover around the dance floor, Grimes flooded with pride. Chip focused

on him and followed him easily. He even smiled and blushed, his dilated eyes and the
occasional glance down giving away the direction of his thoughts. Happiness looked good
on Chip, and Grimes vowed to make it his goal to see that look there as often as possible.

They’d managed to get through three songs before Grimes gave in to his need to do

more than hold his man. As he led Chip from the dance floor, he leaned down and
crooned, “And you didn’t panic once.”

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About the Author

Charlie started writing fantasy when she was eight, and after stumbling onto her first
erotic romance at age nineteen, she realized her true calling. She now focuses on writing
gay erotic romance, normally of the paranormal variety, with heroes of all kinds. With the
help and support of her husband, Charlie finally fulfilled one of her life-long goals…move
to acreage with her horses. You can often find her curled up with her laptop and a cup of
tea or glass of wine, creating her next adventure. Charlie enjoys exploring the mountains
of her new Oregon home on horseback, 4-wheeler, or motorcycle.

She can be reached at ch.richards2010@yahoo.com
Or visit her at www.charlie-richards.com

Document Outline


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Kontra s Menagerie 6 Swimming With Penguins
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 03 Hope for a Buffalo
Charlie Richards Unwrapping the Alpha s Mate (Kontra s Menagerie #15)
Kontra s Menagerie 13 Texas Longhorn Surprise
Kontra s Menagerie 11 Compromises For His Moose
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 01 Mutegi s Sweet One
Catting Around Charlie Richards
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 13 Texas Longhorn Surprise
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 02 Catlin s Appaloosa
Kontra s Menagerie 5 Spider Sense
Charlie Richards Kontra s Menagerie 12 Ruffling the Peacock s Feathers
Kontra s Menagerie 4 Dominating The Wolf
Kontra s Menagerie 10 Breaking the Playboy s Curse
Kontra s Menagerie 8 SilverTipped Justice
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