037 Vijeo Look catalogue

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Vijeo Look supervision software
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Vijeo Look is a SCADA (Supervision Control And Data Acquisition) software
package for stand-alone stations. It is based on open and standardized technologies.
Easy-to-implement, it offers all the standard functions of a graphic supervision tool.
Vijeo Look is supplied with a pre-configured OFS (OPC Factory Server) Data Server.
Compatible with PCs running Windows 98, Windows NT4 Workstation or Windows
2000 Professional operating systems, Vijeo Look enables the user to create
applications based on Schneider Electric PLCs of type Nano, Micro, Momentum,
Premium, Atrium PCX and Quantum, as well as TSX 7, APRIL 1000 and AEG
Compact PLCs.
Vijeo Look interfaces easily with industrial software such as MES (Manufacturing
Execution System) and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems as well as with
most office software packages.
Vijeo Look is the ideal solution for machine manufacturers and for independent
production units.
The functions of Vijeo Look supervision software can be used for:
b Acquisition of PLC tags.
b Visualization of these tags.
b Process supervision and control.
b Recording of the values of the PLC tags or internal tags of the process in a
b Embedded software processing.
The Inputs/Outputs are tags from the OPC Server and are used for visualization and
embedded processing.
Simple and innovative, Vijeo Look offers optimal solutions, while also opening the
way, after migration of the application, to the use of Monitor Pro SCADA software.
Structure of the offer
Two types of software license are available for Vijeo Look:
b  Build Time/Run Time for application development and execution.
b  Run Time for the execution of applications created with a "Build Time"/
"Run Time" license.
Three Input/Output sizes are offered for each type of license: 128, 512 or 1024
Depending on the hardware configuration and application requirements, certain
precautions of use should be taken, see  Recommendations for use page 43207/12.
Note: The variables considered in the inputs/outputs count are the ones that are displayed, used
in a VBA script and the ones that are logged. You must also note that for all licenses, internal
variables and  Alarm type variables used in the Alarm viewer for display and acknowledgement
purposes are not part of the inputs/outputs count.
In the specific case of the 1024 I/O license, the  Log type variables, therefore recorded but not
displayed, and the  Trend type varaibles, therefore recorded and only used in the Trend viewer
in a historical mode are not part of the inputs/outputs count.
The offer also includes:
b License upgrade solutions (for example, to move from 128 inputs/outputs to
1024 Inputs/Outputs).and a subscription service for software maintenance and
128, 512, or 1024 I/O licenses
1024 I/O license
Vijeo Look
to third-party
Operating system
Server Server
For third-party products
Micro Third-party automation devices
Schneider Electric
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
to automation devices
Vijeo Look supervision software can be integrated into communication architectures
for Schneider Electric automation devices as well as into third-party automation
architectures (1).
Connection to Uni-Telway/Modbus buses
Connections to a Uni-Telway or Modbus bus are made via the RS 232 serial link
interface, in point-to-point or via RS 485 in multipoint (Input/Output port built into
PC terminal).
COM port
Unitelway Modbus
Series 7 Micro
Connection to Ethernet/Modbus Plus/Fipway networks
Connections to Ethernet, Modbus Plus or Fipway networks are made by adding a
network card to the PC terminal:
b TCC ETH01, Ethernet TCP/IP 10/100baseT network module on PCI bus.
b TSX ETH PC 101M, Ethernet 10baseT network module on ISA bus.
b 416 NHM 300 30, Modbus Plus network module on PCI bus.
b AM SA85 030, Modbus Plus network module on ISA bus.
b TSX FPC 10M, Fipway network module on ISA bus.
Ethernet TCP/IP, Modbus Plus, Fipway
Micro Micro
Connection to bus X of the Premium automation platform
In order to connect to Bus X on a Premium platform you need to add an Atrium
coprocessor to the PC terminal as specified below:
b T PCX 57 203M/353M, Atrium PCX 57 coprocessor on ISA bus (this card
physically occupies 2 consecutive long slots).
Bus X
Premium I/O Premium I/O
Connection to third-party PLCs
Vijeo Look is an open supervision software package. It may establish connections
with all the main automation devices on the market over a large number of serial or
network protocols (1). Consult your Regional Sales Office.
(1) Only with 1024 Input/Output Vijeo Look software package.
Schneider Electric
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
Structure of the software
Data logging
Communication function (1)
PLC tags are acquired exclusively by connecting to PLCs via the OPC Server,
supplied with the OFS Data Server software included with Vijeo Look. As an
OPC Server, Vijeo Look enables you to create and enhance tags, then make them
Development and visualization functions
Tags can be visualized as:
b Values.
b Animated color graphics.
b Historical and real-time trend curves.
Process supervision and control are executed by the PLCs by performing:
b Updates of certain PLC data.
b Diagnostics.
b Acknowledgement of alarms.
Diagnostics function
The diagnostics function enables the visualization and acknowledgement of alarms,
whether these be alarms from the Premium platform's  Diag Buffer or alarm-type
OPC tags.
Embedded processing function
It is possible to embed processing associated with certain steps in the process by
using VBA (Visual Basic for Application) programs.
Logging and traceability functions
The values of the PLC tags selected in the databases are recorded so as to meet
process traceability requirements.
Standards built into Vijeo Look
Vijeo Look is based on the following standards:
b ActiveX controls (including the WEB browser) (2).
b Java Bean components (2).
b OPC interface and OFS Data Server software for communication and exchange of
data between PLCs and applications (3).
b Microsoft Visual Basic for Application software for data processing.
b ActiveX Data Object interface for linking to the majority of databases on the market.
b LapLink GOLD software for application transfer and maintenance.
For further details, see page 43207/9.
(1) Depending on the hardware configuration and application requirements, certain precautions
of use should be taken, see  Recommendations for use page 43207/12.
(2) These 2 technologies use an object-based approach and allow you to make optimum use of
the components on the market to perform functions as wide-ranging as sending e-mail
messages, visualization and 3D animation etc.
(3) Only the 1024 Input/Output software package supports openness to third-party OPC Servers
Automation platform
Schneider Electric
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
Communication function (1)
As a Client/Server OPC system, Vijeo Look enables local or remote transfers to
be performed in real-time for the acquisition of PLC tags, as well as enabling data
exchanges with other applications in the software package.
In runtime, the real-time data are collected via the OPC Communication Server
giving direct access to the real-time database of Vijeo Look.
Vijeo Look includes additional functions making it possible to:
b Add up to 16 parameters of the user's choice, in addition to the OPC tags
described in the standard.
b Create logical OPC tag filters making it easy for the user to select the tags to be
saved in the database.
b Associate labels and threshold values to each OPC tag.
Application development and visualization
Vijeo Look provides everything necessary for the development and visualization of
the animated synoptics of PC applications.
HMI(Human/Machine Interface)/SCADA Vijeo Look applications are made up of
several interlinked interactive windows which provide menus, process synoptics and
status pages.
On-line configuration of windows allows the user to make modifications on-the-fly
without the need for compilation and without having to restart the application.
A Vijeo Look supervision application is developed using the Configuration Explorer
tool. The link with the PLC program is easily established on the basis of:
b Symbols file, created by the PL7 or Concept development and implementation
b Choice of communication protocol.
b Choice of PLC address.
Configuration Explorer
A configuration screen, similar to Windows Explorer, provides a structured view of
the configuration used for the Vijeo Look application.
This screen gives access to the visualization of all tags and can be used to develop
the graphic interface and its associated functionalities. This easy-to-use interface
always offers default selections. Amongst other things, it can be used for:
b Enhancement of variables.
b Configuration of additional OPC Servers.
b Configuration of databases.
b Tag  typing .
b Creation of trend group numbers.
b Definition of the tag recording policy for the databases.
b Filter management.
Via the OPC browser, it is possible to select all the tags managed by the RTDS
(Real Time Data Server ) and to enhance them in order to meet the application
requirements (e.g. minimum and maximum values, scale, etc.).
Selecting a tag in the Configuration Explorer window introduces the concept of
object-oriented configuration.
All tags (whether they be internal or from the PLC) can belong to the main types of
non-exclusive tag listed below:
b Human/Machine Interface (HMI).
b Diagnostics and alarms.
b Embedded processing.
b Historical and trends.
(1) Depending on the hardware configuration and application requirements, certain precautions
of use should be taken, see  Recommendations for use page 43207/12.
Schneider Electric
Functions (continued)
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
Application development and visualization (continued)
Creation of graphic objects
Via its unified configuration interface, Vijeo Look allows the user to easily define the
behavior of each object. The functionalities are programmed by selecting from the
possible options that can be associated to each tag.
A toolset for graphic creation is supplied with the software:
b  Zoom and  Panoramic functions.
b Native Vijeo Look drawing elements.
b Graphic object library
b Embedded processing.
b ActiveX and Java Bean containers.
b Alarming, trending and browsing interfaces.
Native Vijeo Look drawing elements
Vijeo Look has its own graphic editor. The animations are accessible via a menu.
They can be used for color changes, filling of shapes, exchange, movement, rotation
and enlargement of objects. The following file formats can be used: BMP, WMF,
animated GIF, AVI or JPG.
The graphic objects created are reusable without the need for any specific tools.
The modification of an object automatically applies to all screens which use this
Configurable directories enable the user to organize and distinguish the objects
according to categories.
Graphic object libraries
Vijeo Look offers ready-to-use graphic object libraries. Approximately one hundred
animated graphic objects (gates, reactors, potentiometers, displays, etc.) are
available in 2D or 3D. These are ready-to- wire to PLC tags.
New graphic objects can be created in 2 simple steps:
b Select the object to be animated.
b Assign the tag used for the animation.
The newly created object can be used in several synoptics.
Vijeo Look shares the same Java Beans library as FactoryCast.
Using the same graphic engine, Vijeo Look and Monitor Pro generate high levels of
consistency for the end-user of the supervisor.
Schneider Electric
Functions (continued)
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
Diagnostic functions
Vijeo Look meets the various diagnostics requirements of PLC users by providing
the alarm management and advanced diagnostics functions offered on Ethernet
FactoryCast modules (Ethernet TCP/IP network modules for Micro, Momentum,
Premium and Quantum automation platforms).
These possibilities are further extended by those offered by the  Diag Viewer
function of the Premium platform. This function enables diagnostics events and
alarms generated on the basis of data stored in the  Diag Buffer to be displayed in
full transparency. The  Diag Buffer of the Premium platform is a space in data
memory managed by the diagnostics DFBs of this platform.
Management of  Diag Buffer alarms and internal alarms
Vijeo Look enables the visualization and acknowledgement of alarms, whether these
be alarms from the Premium platform's  Diag Buffer or tags defined in alarms in
Vijeo Look.
Vijeo Look features the same diagnostics components as those used in
Schneider Electric HMI or software products such as  Diag Viewer included in
PL7 Pro, Monitor Pro V7 or with Magelis and CCX 17 terminals. The  Diag Viewer
tool offers the operator a consistent and homogeneous overview of the status of the
Internal alarms are generated according to criteria specified in the Vijeo Look
Real-time Server. The alarm function has the following advantages:
b Criteria can be based on digital or analog values or messages.
b User comments can be appended to an alarm and become part of the log.
b Tag name, message, acknowledge status, time, etc., can be displayed in the alarm
b Filtering and sorting based on the user criteria.
b Alarms can be grouped by user-defined parameters, such as type, area, priority, etc.
Transparent Factory
The possibility to view Web pages in the Vijeo Look synoptics amongst other things
gives access on Micro, Momentum, Premium and Quantum platforms to the
advanced diagnostics functions of Ethernet FactoryCast modules.
A demonstration of FactoryCast is available on the following website:
http://webplc.schneiderautomation.fr or
Embedded processing function
With Vijeo Look, it is possible to assign an animation written in VBA (Visual Basic for
Application) to any graphic object. This animation can be a movement, rotation,
modification in size, link with another object etc.
Pre-programmed functions (mouse actions, external event, synoptic loading, etc.),
are available in the VBA editor, which makes it easier to use this module for making
graphic objects behave dynamically.
The VBA capability of Vijeo Look renders process control more intelligent.
Its advanced  debug functionalities allow for rapid debugging of scripts.
Schneider Electric
Functions (continued)
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
Logging and traceability functions (1)
All internal or external tags can be recorded in a database. It is possible to select:
b The type of database.
b The location of the database.
b The name of the table.
Data from one application can be recorded in different databases. This flexibility of
use means you do not have to manage data handling and transfers.
The log of all application events consists of objects defined in the form of symbols
representing all data types.
All data in the database can be identified in symbol form, that is by names of objects
such as  Valve, Pump, Flowrate, Temperature, Motor, Fault, etc. . Each change in
the state of a tag is monitored and indicated so that it can be processed by
Vijeo Look.
The viewers are configured simply by using the settings, meaning that no
programming is required.
Recording and visualization of modifications
All the data transiting via the Vijeo Look Real-time Data Server can be stored either
in one of the Jet Engine (Microsift Access) or the MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine)
database supplied with Vijeo Look, or in another market-standard database
(MS SQL Server, ORACLE, MS Access, SYBASE, etc.). There are certain
limitations which should be observed when using these databases, see
 Recommendations for use on page 43207/12.
States and measurements can be stored as trends. State transitions and alarms can
be stored as logs.
Recording and visualization of trends and trend curves
Each change in the value of a tag is recorded in the database. Trends can be viewed,
in real-time or on the basis of saved data, displayed as curves of two types:
b Real-time trending lets you chart data from any database. The frequency with
which the trend curves are updated can be configured in the parameters
b Historical trending allows the user to view changes in the value of a tag between
two determined dates.
Furthermore, the following functions can be applied to any trend curve during
b Panoramic.
b Zoom.
b Alternation between historical data and real-time data.
b Dynamic parametering.
Vijeo Look can manage up to 8 independent trend curves with their keys in its viewer
(automatic scale). The trend curves can be printed directly in BMP format from the
tool bar.
If a production problem occurs, the systematic recording of alarms and faults
provides a simple means of performing diagnostics enabling rapid troubleshooting,
thus reducing process downtime to a minimum.
The enhancement of PLC data, with parameters specific to production management
(batch number etc.), gives the manufacturer the possibility of retracing the production
chain should a problem occur which has a bearing on the components used in the
manufacturing of the product concerned.
(1) Depending on the hardware configuration and application requirements, certain precautions
of use should be taken, see  Recommendations for use page 43207/12.
Schneider Electric
Functions (continued)
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
Vijeo Look offers all the security functions necessary to allow the user to guarantee
a suitable working environment for each user profile. The Human/Machine Interface
is based on a user and profile system. The security profiles are associated with
graphic objects.
Access security is defined by:
b User identification by name and password.
b User profile.
b Object category, (access level and presentation).
Vijeo Look only authorizes a single connection and hence a single user at a time.
The user profile should be associated with the graphic objects (window, entry fields,
animation etc.) required. Each object may have a list of authorized profiles.
The objects are visible and modifiable depending on the user profile. The graphic
objects have the following security categories:
b Ergonomics, possibility of modifying the appearance of the HMI.
b Drawing, possibility of modifying the content of the HMI.
b Desktop, possibility of accessing the operating system.
b Printing.
b Exit, possibility of shutting down the application.
b Zoom.
b Calque, list of calques authorized for visualization.
b Window, possibility of opening certain windows.
b Supervisory control, possibility of forcing the value of the tag.
The system offers the user the possibility of adding additional security categories.
In the configuration of the supervision application, it is possible to choose whether to
use the security system proposed by Vijeo Look or the security management system
proposed by the station's operating system (as with Windows NT).
Standard components included in Vijeo Look
ActiveX controls
Vijeo Look enables the simple integration of ActiveX control components offered by
independent editors. ActiveX is a standard which enables software components to
interact, either on the same machine or between two remote machines connected
across a network, independent of the language used to develop them.
It is possible to link these properties to the real-time value of the tags from an
OPC Server, in particular from a Schneider Electric OFS Data Server.
Address of Internet site: www.active-x.com
Java Bean components
Vijeo Look enables the user to execute and visualize Java Bean components.
The architecture of Java Bean components makes it possible to develop solutions for
networks with heterogeneous hardware environments and operating systems.
Software components using API (Application Programmers Interface) Java Beans
are portable. The properties of these ActiveX Java Beans are accessible in Read and
in Modify.
It is possible to link these properties to the real-time values of the tags from an
OPC Server, in particular from a Schneider Electric OFS Data Server.
Address of Internet site: www.jars.com
Schneider Electric
Functions (continued)
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
Standard components included in Vijeo Look (continued)
OPC Data Server and interfaces
Vijeo Look is both an OPC Server and Client. The standardized OPC interface not
only enables the SCADA application to dialog with PLCs, but also to exchange data
with other software programs which are not linked in any way to industrial
applications but that have an OPC interface.
For further information on OFS Data Server and the OPC standard,
see pages 43105/2 and 43105/3.
Address of Internet site: www.opcfoundation.org
Visual Basic for application
Vijeo Look is supplied with Microsoft Visual Basic for Application (VBA) making it
possible to adapt generic functionalities to user-specific requirements. It is possible
to access:
b Methods.
b Events.
b ActiveX properties.
b The project environment.
b OPC variables.
b Native Vijeo Look drawing elements.
VBA is a universal tool which makes it possible to access and modify all the
properties of the set of graphic objects embedded in the synoptics.
Vijeo Look and the ActiveX Data Object interface
Vijeo Look enables the user to save all the tags (inputs, outputs or internal) transiting
via the OPC Server in the database.
Vijeo Look is based on the ADO (ActiveX Data Objects) format and includes, as
standard, an MSDE (Microsoft Data Engine) relational database that is accessible
via the front-end of MS-Access (not supplied).
Vijeo Look can record its tags in any database with an ADO Server. The ADO Server
is used to manage:
b Relational and non-relational databases.
b E-mail and file systems.
b Text and graphics.
b Custom business objects.
The main characteristics of the ADO server are as follows:
b Ease of use.
b Programmable cursor control.
b Management of complex cursors (such as cursor batches, and Server-side and
Client-side cursors).
b Capacity to return several sets of results for a single query.
b Execution of synchronous, asynchronous or event-based queries.
b Re-use of objects with or without modification of their properties.
b Advanced management of the recordset cache memory.
b Flexibility to adapt to different environments thanks to an interface which accepts
the databases of all the major suppliers on the market.
b Excellent error retrieval.
b High levels of performance.
Schneider Electric
Functions (continued)
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
 Automation journey project management
Vijeo Look offers a unique solution for the commissioning, deployment and
maintenance of applications. All types of Vijeo Look licenses are supplied with
LapLink GOLD software for application transfer and remote control.
Archiving and restoring projects
Allows the user to save the whole application (including the OPC configuration) in a
single file, in order to facilitate deployment of the application on  RunTime machines.
LapLink GOLD software
LapLink GOLD offers advanced remote maintenance services such as:
b Full control of a remote Vijeo Look station enabling the user to address diagnostics
and remote maintenance problems.
b Downloading of the latest versions of Vijeo Look.
The advantages of this solution enable the user to:
b Have a single interface independent of the media used for application transfer or
remote control.
b Generate added value for machines from box-builders, allowing them to offer
maintenance services for their machines.
b Guarantee the durability of applications with regard to developments in
Microsoft Windows operating systems.
LapLink GOLD offers the following functions:
b Transfers between real-time databases: reports, commands, summary
information, etc.
b Use of Server resources (hard disk, printer, etc.).
b PC-to-PC file transfer without having to use a Server.
b File management services (copy, delete, rename directory, type and print).
b Triggering of any real-time database element on event (alarm, time, calculation
results, etc.)
Available with any type of Vijeo Look license, LapLink Gold is simple to implement.
Two Vijeo Look stations can communicate via:
b Serial, parallel or USB port (cable to be ordered separately depending on the type
of link).
b IrDA-compatible infrared port.
b Modem, as LapLink GOLD manages Modems transparently (according to TCP/IP
or proprietary protocols).
Schneider Electric
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
d Recommendations for use
Vijeo Look is a product supplied with various third-party components (database, OPC
server, etc.). In order to ensure that Vijeo Look meets the requirements for the
intended application, you must take the limitations of these various components into
b Limitation relating to databases (observed behavior consistent with Microsoft
recommendations). Vijeo Look offers you the possibility of storing data in a Jet
Engine (MS-ACCESS engine) or MSDE (MS-SQL Server 7 engine) database:
v the Jet Engine database is recommended for applications where the volumes of
data to be saved are not large (y 200 Mb, corresponding to around 800 000 records),
v the MSDE database is to be used for applications where there is recurrent need to
consult logs, and for data volumes of up to 2 GB (corresponding to around 5 500 000
v for larger volumes of data, we recommend that you use a professional database
such as MS-SQL Server 7 (not supplied), and to have it installed by experts
b Limitation relating to the frequency of data acquisition. Vijeo Look is an
entry-level SCADA software package for a stand-alone machine, which means that
acquisition, visualization and archiving of data occur on the same machine. You must
therefore have reasonable expectations in terms of:
v data acquisition frequencies,
v the number of tags that you want to store in the database,
v the number of alarms you want the application to process.
There are a number of different solutions available allowing you to limit the size of
the database, either by using external tools or by using VBA scripts. Consult your
Regional Sales Office for further information.
As supplied, the Vijeo Look software package consists of an application CD-ROM,
an X-Way drivers CD-ROM, an manual for introduction to and installation of the
software and the user license certificate.The application CD-ROM includes:
b Vijeo Look software.
b OFS Data Server software.
b LapLink GOLD software.
b User manual in PDF format.
b A demonstration application and a multimedia self-learning tool.
In terms of the drivers necessary for the OPC Communication Server, in order to
guarantee a standard version for each driver, a set of X-Way drivers is supplied on
CD-ROM ref. TSX DRV 12M. It contains PC drivers for Fipway, Fipio, Ethway,
XlP/lSAway, Uni-Telway (V1/V2) buses and networks.
The Human/Machine (HMI) of the software and the documentation for Vijeo Look are
available in 4 languages (French, English, German and Spanish). It is possible to
select 2 of the 4 available languages on installation.
The software allows the user to switch languages at any time.
Vijeo Look includes software protection that allows the user to:
b Freely transfer the license from one PC to another.
b Perform a functional upgrade of the Vijeo Look license (e.g. increase in size from
128 to 1024 Inputs/Outputs) without having to re-install the software.
Schneider Electric
References (continued)
Automation platform 0
Vijeo Look supervision software
References (continued)
Platforms supported
Vijeo Look can be executed on various types of PC platforms, handling both their
diversity and specificities. In particular, it features:
b A software keyboard (for terminals without keyboards).
b Assignment of keyboard shortcuts (accelerator keys) for terminals without pointing
b Transparent management of Touch Screens.
Minimum PC configuration
Vijeo Look can be installed on PCs with:
b A Celeron 566 MHz processor or higher (or equivalent).
b 128 MB of RAM (minimum).
b A CD-ROM drive for installation.
b Windows 98, NT4 Workstation (Service Pack 6) or Windows 2000 Professional operating
Designation No. of References Weight
Inputs/Outputs kg
Type of Vijeo Look software license
 Build Time/Run Time 128 I/O VJL SMD BTS V10M 
1024 I/O VJL SMD BTL V10M 
 Run Time 128 I/O VJL SMD RTS V10M 
1024 I/O VJL SMD RTL V10M 
 Build Time/Run Time software 128 to 512 I/O VJL UPG BTS 2M V10M 
128 to 1024 I/O VJL UPG BTS 2L V10M 
512 to 1024 I/O VJL UPG BTM 2L V10M 
 Run Time software upgrades 128 to 512 I/O VJL UPG RTS 2M V10M 
128 to 1024 I/O VJL UPG RTS 2L V10M 
512 to 1024 I/O VJL UPG RTM 2L V10M 
Software subscriptions for one year (1)
Designation No. of References Weight
Inputs/Outputs kg
Vijeo Look  Build Time/Run Time 128 I/O VJL CSP BTS M 
Vijeo Look "Run Time" license 128 I/O VJL CSP RTS M 
Software subscriptions over one year old (expired) (2)
Designation No. of References Weight
Inputs/Outputs kg
Vijeo Look  Build Time/Run Time 128 I/O VJL CSE BTS M 
Vijeo Look "Run Time" license 128 I/O VJL CSE RTS M 
Connection cables
VJL XC Ap connection cables enable HMI/SCADA applications to be transferred between two
Vijeo Look stations using LapLink software.
Designation Description References Weight
Serial link cable (blue) 4 SUB-D-type 9 and VJL XC AS 
Compatible with Windows 98, 25-pin female
Windows NT or Windows 2000 operating connectors
systems 2 m long
Parallel link cable (yellow) 2 SUB-D-type VJL XC AP 
Compatible with Windows 98 operating 25-pin female
system connectors
2 m long
USB link cable (gold) 2 USB type VJL XC AU 
Compatible with Windows 98 or connectors
Windows 2000 operating systems 1.6 m long
(1) Subscriptions intended for new users or users who wish to renew their subscription before the
expiry date. To order, consult your Regional Sales Office.
(2) Subscriptions intended for users who hold an expired subscription. To order, consult your
Regional Sales Office.
Schneider Electric


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