patanjali bk3 19

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 3 - Sutra 19

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 3 - Union achieved and its Results

19. Through concentrated meditation, the thought
images in the minds of other people become apparent.It should be
remembered that the result of the eight means of yoga is to produce a yogi or trained
knower. He is, therefore, one who concerns himself with causes and not with effects. He
perceives that which causes the tangible to appear, that is the thoughts which start into
motion the forces of substance and eventually produce the concretion of that substance.
The use of this power to read the minds of others is only permitted to the yogi in
those cases where it is necessary for him to understand the causes, lying back of
certain events, and this only in order to work out intelligently the plans of the
Hierarchy and of evolution. The power here is analogous to that of telepathy but it is not
identical. Telepathy entails the tuning in of one mind with another, and necessitates
their being en rapport. This faculty of the trained seer is more in the nature of an
act of the will and the manipulation of certain forces whereby he can instantly see
what he wants in any aura at any time.
The subject of his investigation may be attuned to him or not; through intense
meditation and the use of the will faculty thought images stand revealed. This power is a
dangerous one to use and is only permitted to trained disciples. [280]

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