patanjali bk3 55

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 3 - Sutra 55

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 3 - Union achieved and its Results

55. When the objective forms and the soul have
reached a condition of equal purity, then is At-one-ment achieved and liberation results.That which veils the
light of the soul has been rendered pure, and thus the light of God streams forth. That
which proved a hindrance and an obstacle to the full expression of divinity in
manifestation has been so dealt with that now it serves as an adequate expression and
means of service. The soul can now function freely and intelligently in the three worlds
because complete unity has been reached between the lower and the higher man.
The soul and its vehicles form a unit and are at one; complete alignment of the bodies
has been achieved and the Son of God can function freely on earth. Thus has the great
objective been reached and through a following of the eight means of yoga the soul can
manifest through the [369] lower threefold man, and in its turn form a medium of
expression for the spirit. Matter has been brought into a state where its vibration can
synchronize with that of the soul, and the result is that - for the first time - spirit
can make its presence felt, for "matter is the vehicle for the manifestation of soul
on this plane of experience and the soul is the vehicle for the manifestation of spirit on
a higher turn of the spiral. These three are a trinity synthesized by life which pervades
them all." To the man who has achieved this there is no rebirth. He is free and
liberated, and can say with full conscious realization of the significance of the words:

My life (the lower physical life) is hid with Christ (the soul life) in God (the
spirit.) (Col., III, 3)

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