patanjali bk3 27

Alice Bailey & Djwhal Khul - The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 3 - Sutra 27

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The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali - Book 3 - Union achieved and its Results

27. A knowledge of all lunar forms arises through
one-pointed meditation upon the moon.There are two
translations permissible here, the above and the following:

"A knowledge of the astral world comes to him who can meditate upon the

Either is correct and probably a true understanding of the Sanskrit is only arrived at
through combining the two. It might suffice here to give a simple English paraphrase which
will give the essence of the significance of this sutra:

"One-pointed concentration upon the mother of forms (the moon) will reveal to the
aspirant the nature and purpose of form."

If the student will remember that the moon is the symbol of matter, whereas the sun in
its aspect of light is the symbol of the soul, he will have no difficulty in ascertaining
the meaning of the two sutras we have just considered. One deals with the soul and the
various states of consciousness; the other deals with the body, the [303] vehicle of
consciousness. One concerns the body incorruptible, not made with hands, eternal in the
heavens. The other deals with the "lunar mansions" (as one translator calls it)
and with the home of the soul in the three worlds of human endeavor.
We must be careful however to remember that the moon aspect is the governing one in all
the kingdoms below the human, whilst the sun aspect should dominate in the human.
A knowledge of the lunar mansions or of forms would give an understanding of the
physical body, of the astral or desire vehicle and of the mental sheath.

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