Syllabus British American HISTORY

dr Tomasz Skirecki
Historia Anglii i Stanów Zjednoczonych
History of England
I. Ancient Britain. The earliest human settlements in the British Isles. Celtic migrations
and civilization. Roman conquest and rule. Beginnings of Christianity.
II. Anglo-Saxon England. Germanic invasions. Christianization. Anglo-Saxon
Heptarchy. Viking raids and Danish rule. Social structure of the country.
III. The Age of Normans. Norman conquest and its consequences. Social and cultural
IV. The Anjou-Plantagenet dynasty. Magna Carta Libertatum. Beginnings of
Parliament. Relationships with Wales and Scotland.
V. Hundred Years' War. Characteristics of the conflict. Social situation of England.
The Wars of the Roses.
VI. The Tudors. Social developments. Henry VIII and the Church of England.
Elizabethan Age. Defeat of Spanish Armada and beginning of English expansion
overseas. Renaissance in England.
VII. The first Stuarts and English Revolution. Foundation of American colonies.
Religious conflicts. English Civil War. The Commonwealth and the Protectorate.
VIII. Glorious Revolution and the House of Hanover. Restoration of Stuarts. Habeas
Corpus Act. Reign of William III Orange and Mary. Bill of Rights. The Act of Union.
The role of Parliament, Prime Minister and political parties. Beginnings of the British
Empire. Social developments. The Enlightenment. Agrarian Revolution
IX. The Napoleonic Wars and Industrial Revolution. Social and economic
developments. British involvement in the European conflict. Imperial gains and
X. Victorian Era. Cultural developments. Chartist movement and reforms. Imperial
wars. Political and economic developments.
XI. From World War One to World War Two. The Irish question. Imperial
developments. Labour movement. WWI and its consequences. The British
Commonwealth. Britain and World War Two.
XII. Post-War Britain 1945-1979. Labour reforms after WWII. Harold MacMillan and
Harold Wilson. Decolonization and the Commonwealth. The Suez Crisis. Immigration
to the UK. Age of Consensus. Britain and the EEC. Britain during the Cold War. The
Troubles in Northern Ireland. Social and cultural developments.
dr Tomasz Skirecki
Historia Anglii i Stanów Zjednoczonych
XIII. Thatcherism and New Labour. Key features of Thatcherism. The Falklands War.
The Troubles in Northern Ireland  developments and Good Friday Agreement.
Britain and the EU. The Gulf War. New Labour. Devolution. Social and cultural
XIV. Britain in the 21st century. Britain and the War on terror. Credit crunch and
international recession. Conservative and Lib-Dem coalition government. Social and
cultural developments.
History of the United States
I. Pre-Columbian North America  diversity of cultures and civilizations
II. Colonial America. The Vikings in America. 16th-century discoveries. New Spain and
New France. First English settlements. Foundation of English colonies. New England,
Middle Atlantic, the South: regional characteristics. The religious situation. Social and
economic developments in the 17th and 18th centuries. Setting up slavery. The Great
Awakening. Conflicts with the American Indians. Anglo-French Wars.
III. The Independence. Relationships between Britain and the colonies. The American
Revolution. The Articles of Confederation. The US Constitution.
IV. Development of the United States and territorial expansion. Northwest Ordinance.
Federalists vs. Republicans. Foreign policy of the new nation. Louisiana Purchase.
War of 1812. Monroe's Doctrine. Pioneers and westward expansion. Missouri
Compromise. Indian confrontation. Jacksonian Democracy. Texas Republic. Manifest
Destiny. Mexican War. The question of slavery and abolitionism. Social and cultural
V. Civil War and the Age of Progress. Secession and conflict. Consequences of the
American Civil War and Reconstruction. The Western Frontier. Indian wars. Industrial
growth and social transformations. The Gilded Age. Mass immigration. The capitalist
VI. United States up to WWI. Progressivism. Imperial policy of the USA. America in
World War One.
VII. The inter-war period. The Jazz Age and the Prohibition. Great Depression and the
New Deal. Social and cultural developments.
VIII. World War Two. The USA at war with Germany and Japan.
dr Tomasz Skirecki
Historia Anglii i Stanów Zjednoczonych
IX. The Cold War. Confronting communism. Korean War. American culture and society
in the 1950s.
X. The 1960s and 1970s. Kennedy s Presidency. Civil Rights Movement. The Vietnam
War. Nixon s Presidency and the Watergate. Social and cultural developments.
XI. The Reagan Era. Reaganomics. The end of the Cold War. Social and cultural
XII. The Clinton Years: Post-Cold war reality. The Gulf War. Domestic terrorism. The
Clinton boom. Social and cultural developments.
XIII. The USA after 9/11: the Bush Administration. 9/11. The War on Terror. The Iraq
war. The Obama Administration. Social and cultural developments.


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